1 class
IMPORTANT MESSEGE This story is copyrighted by LonelyLostWolf1 and Nicker (R) We reserve all the rights to rewriting, changing and modifying it to us. Neighhh... Nicker (R) here. This it the first story I've made together with other story writer. I should thank my best friend LonelyLostWolf1 for letting me write that story with him, so thanks Lonely. I hope you'll enjoy our story. The main idea and details about the story: LonelyLostWolf1 Writing, ideas, correction and final creation: Nicker (R) Nicker: LonelyLostWolf1: "The Way Of The Lost And Lonely" Chapter 01: When The Search Begins- It all started one day in the hills of Lunaria, a beautiful, green island somewhere at The Furryterranean Sea. Many furries know this island, because it is the only place in the world where you can find an old and mysterious race of wolves; Lunar Wolves. Lunars are anthropomorphic so that means they look like human mixed with a wolf. Their name came from that when the full-moon comes their white and gold furs start to shine like diamonds. This makes them look really beautiful and if you take a better look at them you'll say that they look just like real stars in the sky. They wear ornamental and ceremonial robes looking nearly like monks. The next mystical thing about them is that they have some healing powers and they can heal themselves and others form almost all hurts an diseases. They take their power from the moonlight and nature. What is more they can summon guardian spirits and creatures to protect themselves, for instance Leviathan The Sea Creature when they are on the open sea. As because Lunar Wolves live in peace with nature they are very gentle and kind. Anyone who has the opportunity to meet one of them was charmed how friendly they are and how kindly they can welcome you on their island. The life on Lunaria is passing really slowly and peacefully. There are no fights, no enemies and no evil. Because of that you may call that island a heaven on earth. But today was going to be different; today everything was about to change and never be the same again. It was a beautiful and pretty bright night when Lonely woke up from his deep and beautiful dream. He stood up from his bed and approached the wardrobe to dress his ceremonial robes. When he put them on he turned around and looked at his still sleeping mate, so he came closer to him and kissed his forehead gently to softly wake him up. - Wake up Lonewolf - Then he stood up and head to the dining room to eat something. His mate joined him after some time. - You know... you look really handsome and sexy in these new robes. I knew that after becoming the leader of the tribe you will look like that. * Thank you. Were you sleeping good? - Lonely asked. * Yes. - he stretched himself. - After yesterday, my sleep was very deep. * I'm happy to hear that. - with that he stood up. - Ok. I'll go outside to look at the moon. Will you join me, my love? * Yes, as soon as I finish eating. - and Lonewolf began to eat. With that Lonely nodded to him and walked outside the house. The moon was shining brightly tonight. The stars were accompanying him and the air was nicely cool. Several wolves were passing Lonely, lowering their heads and greeting him and when they did he was smiling warmly at them. After taking one or maybe two deep breaths of night's air he walked in the direction of the beach. When he came to it he saw that the sea is really calm. He felt the cool breeze stroking his face gently. Suddenly he felt somehow strange; something wasn't right. He looked around, but nothing seemed different. In the next moment a loud and simultaneous howl of all Lunar Wolves came to his hears. This sound wasn't telling nothing good, so he ran to the village, to see all the wolves sitting in a circle, looking up at the sky. As he looked up too he noticed something that in Lunar Wolves culture was foretelling the death and destruction; The Lunar Eclipse. What he saw knocked him off his feet. - No. The prophecy... All the other wolves started to howl again. He ran to find his family and loved ones, knowing that the elder prophecies were always true. Suddenly he noticed a big meteor approaching his island. - Lonewolf! Where are you?! - and at the same time the ground shook with the meteor hit. With that he saw many wolves from his tribe flying high, some of them were already dead. - NOOoo! - Then he looked around and finally noticed his mate that was also looking for him. - Lonewolf! - and when the other wolf saw him they run to each other. When they were about to fall in their arms the second meteor hit the island. The last thing that Lonely saw before passing out was has mate reaching out for him. * Oooo...! Where am I? What happened? Ohhh... my head. - when I woke up grabbed my head feeling how it hurts. - Lonewolf? Lonewolf!? - I looked around recalling what happened on Lunaria, but that place... - Hey, that isn't Lunaria. Where am I? - I started to feel the immense fear. I stood up and looked around. - Lonewolf! Where are you!? - I began to cry feeling alone in an unknown place -Lonewolf... - I lowered my head crying. After some time I looked around again and noticed some buildings behind the trees, but what kind of trees were they? Medium sized, looking more like bushes than trees. Some of them were like oaks, some were looking like pines, but all were like the miniatures of the real ones. This island seemed so strange to me. I began to walk in the direction of the town, but first I had to walk trough the forest. Although it wasn't deep it was giving and impression that it was very old. I rose my ears when I've heard the melody of the birds that was flowing between the trees. It filled my heart with a bit of happiness. I looked up at the crowns and between the leaves I saw the beautiful, blue sky. The fresh air and the smell of the forest made me feel somehow better. When I was passing the laying spruce-looking tree suddenly something big has fallen right before me onto the ground. I run away and hidden behind the closest pine. After seconds I move my head from behind it and noticed that the thing that has fallen from up above was bird-looking creature. I walked out from behind my shield to take a better look at it and what I saw was just amazing. I saw a fully shaped anthropomorphic eagle. His feathers were brown and his head was white. His beak was yellow and curved down. A real eagle! Wow! I never thought that I'll saw one in my life. He was so charming and handsome! * Ouch! Damn! My wing! - he started to curse. Then he moved his left wing trying to fly... - Aaa! Ouuu! That hurts! I noticed a tear in his eye, and I slowly approached him. - Excuse me? The eagle stood up as fast as he could and moved back a bit in fear. - Who are you? What do you want? Ouch! - he jelled when he felt the pain of the broken wing. * I can help you with the wing. My name is Lonely. - I said while slowly approaching him. The eagle looked at me with curiosity. His eyes were measuring me from my feet to my head. Finally he got an eye contact with me. - How? * I can heal you. - I came closer. The eagle was bigger than me. I looked up. He was one head taller than me. I felt so small. While looking straight into his eyes I moved my arms forward to take his broken wing. - Don't worry, it won't hurt. - I gently grabbed his wing and pulled my tongue to lick it. In the same time the eagle took it away. - Hey! Ouch! You wanted to bit me. * No. I told you, I won't hurt you. Trust me. - and with that the eagle gave me his wing again. I started caressing it gently, squeezing it from time to time trying to find where it is broken. Then I pulled my tongue out of my mouth and began to lick his wing gently. The grimace on eagle's face slowly turned in to a shocked face. - Hey, what are you doing? Mmmm... that feels amazing. I was still licking him in the broken bone place and finally I felt that his wing started to heal. After two or maybe three more licks I let him go. - Ok. Now try to move. With that the eagle moved his wing. - Hey! It doesn't hurt. How did you do that? * I'm a Lunar Wolf, I can heal others. He looked kindly at me. - Thank you. - and he knelt before me. - With that broken wing I would die here. My name is Sharpeye. I'm pleased to meet you... emmm... Lonely? * Please, stand up. Yes, Lonely. * May I ask what are you doing here all by yourself? I thought that Lunar Wolves live only on Lunaria. I lowered my head. - I'm looking for my mate, Lonewolf. A meteor hit in our island and then I woke up on this island. I think that maybe he landed here too. * Oh... I see... - Sharpeye looked at me and moved his hand behind him. - Here. - he took one feather from his tail. - I would love to help you looking for him, but I can't, so here is my feather. If you'll need any help just touch it with your lips and say my name trough it. * Ok. Thank you Sharpeye. * I'm sorry but I have to leave now. Good luck in your journey. - and then he approached me and hugged me. * Thank you. Good bye. - I said and then the eagle flew up, looked again at me and flew away. I finally came out of the forest. What I saw was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Everywhere were high, glass buildings. I looked up with amazement. While I was walking forward I saw a sing: 'Welcome to Yiffington'. Suddenly when I was looking at it I heard a loud howl behind me, so I quickly turned around and noticed that a giant, long furry is coming fast in my direction. I jumped right and the furry passed me. I landed in a trench feeling my heart beating like a hammer. With that I heard someone calling 'Moron!'. I crawled up from that ditch with tail curled under me. - What was that? - I thought and looked left and right. There were more those kind of huge, metal furries and what was strange to me, was that some other furries were coming out of them. I went into the town. There were hundreds of furries walking in unknown direction. I turned right and entered a calmer town-quarter. It wasn't looking so rich. Some furries were standing next to the buildings, some were playing with some strange orange ball and throwing it to something that looked like a high-placed basket. All furries were dressed differently; some had black shining jackets, some had short trousers and shirts with a sign 'Furdidas'. I was just walking slowly looking at everything. (Whistle( - Hey hey! Look at him. I didn't know that Halloween is earlier this year. Ha ha ha! - some raptors in black jackets were looking and laughing at me. I blushed feeling ashamed, but I didn't stop. Those raptors were looking scary, so I started to walk a bit faster. Suddenly I noticed that two of them were following me, so I started to walk even faster, but they were getting slowly closer. I felt the immense fear so I started to run. With that they started to chase me. After the first building I turned right and that was my worst mistake. I was in trap; that was a dead end. I turned around and noticed that the only escape way was blocked by those two green raptors. They were showing me their teeth in devilish grins. * What do you want from me? - I said basing myself on the opposite wall. I felt that my heart is going to burst out of my chest. * Give us all your money! - the taller raptor said. * I don't gave no... money. - I said while looking for an escape way. The raptors grinned wider. - Even better. - and they jumped to me and started to rip my robes. * No! What are you doing?! Leave me alone! Help! - I started to shout. * If you don't have any money we'll take your body. - and with the smaller raptor words I noticed that their members start to come out from their sheaths. * NO! - I started to fight them, but they were holding me tight. - No, leave me alone, please! Help! - suddenly the bigger one pushed his member into my mouth simultaneously shutting me up and start thrusting. The second one was still ripping my robes with his talons trying to get to my tailhole. I felt the raptor's member in my mouth and in the same time I recalled that I'm a wolf so I drove my fangs into his member. With that I felt his blood on my tongue. The raptor yelled with pain trying to pull his member out from my mouth. I held him some more and then I let him go. When he collapsed on the ground I took out the feather, touched it with my lips and shouted - Sharpeye! Help! The smaller raptor seeing that I bit his companion, became very angry and was about to kill me. I covered my face with my arms and in the same time I heard a loud squeal. I looked up and saw the well know eagle flying down like a rocket. His talons were already aimed at the raptor. Seconds later Sharpeye grabbed the aggressor and took him high into the sky. Then he made a circle and threw him away. I was looking at him still shivering with fear. He flew down to me. - Are you ok? What have they done to you? - and seeing my ripped robes and half naked body he approached me and embraced me with his wings. I cuddled into him with tears flowing from my eyes. - Thank you. - I said. * Are you hurt? They've destroyed your robes. I didn't say nothing. I was just cuddling into him feeling safe now. * We need to find you some new clothes. - Sharpeye took his coat off and put on me. * No, thank you. I'll be ok... I'll repair them. Just thank you. You saved my life. The eagle looked at the unconscious, green raptor laying in a puddle of his own blood. - You did that? I nodded. - He was trying to... - and I started to cry. * It's ok... calm down. This part of Yiffington is very dangerous, and with those clothes you were begging to be raped or killed. I think I'll take you my friend. He'll give you the proper clothes. Maybe he saw your mate too. * Thank you. - and I've lost my consciousness. * It was destroyed? * Yes. I saw it in the news. I woke up hearing a well know voice of the eagle that saved my life. I also heard some unknown voice. They were talking about something. I opened my eyes and noticed that I lay in some bed, covered with a blanket. The room was empty; only one wardrobe was standing near the opposite was and a stool on which I noticed my ripped robes. I opened my eyes wider and looked under the blanket that was covering me; God! I was totally naked. I saw my sheath and balls, and what was more I saw the bloody cut wounds made by the two reptiles. * But when? * Some about two weeks ago. I heard the voices coming out from outside the room. I looked outside the window and noticed some high building far away, and near me some low roofs. The closer houses were made of red bricks. I sat on the bed uncovering my chest and basing my back on the wall. While I was still looking outside my eyes became wet of tears. - Nightrunner, where are you? - I whispered. * Oh you are already awake? - Sharpeye entered the room. - How do you feel? You were sleeping for 5 hours. * I'm ok. - I answered while wiping my tears away and then I looked at him. - Why did you undress me? * Your robes are nothing better than regs now. Even if you'll try you won't repair them, and I had to take them off of you to lay you to bed. By the way your body is very sexy and nicely golden. - The eagle blushed while looking at my uncovered chest. In the same time I blushed too. Suddenly Sharpeye approached the wardrobe and took out a pair of blue trousers, some black underwear and a black shirt. - Here, put these on. I think they will suit you. - then he approached the stool and picked up that what sometime ago was called my robes - I'll get rid of those. When you'll be ready come to the main room. You'll meet my friend. - and the eagle left the room, closing the door behind him. I uncovered my naked body, looking at all the cut marks. My legs and my chest were red. I took the pants from the bed and put them on. They were fitting just perfect. Suddenly I felt my member coming out from my sheath, for the first time feeling those between my legs. I had to control my self, so I stretched and it hid. Next I put the shirt on. It was a bit short, but it also fit perfectly. At last I put the jeans on. When I was ready I came out of the room. My eyes rose seeing the strange furniture. I entered the main room and noticed Sharpeye and some other furries sitting on the couch looking at a small box with another furries in it. - Sharpeye? - I said feeling uncertainly. Suddenly all eyes in the room were pointed at me. I saw a gray wolf sitting next to Sharpeye. Next to the wolf I oticed a bull, a horse, and a griffin. The eagle stood up and approached me. - Guys, let me introduce Lonely. He healed my wing. - and he embraced my with it. I smiled uncertainly, knowing not what to do. Sharpeye looked down at me, smiled and then looked at the wolf that was already standing in front of us. - Lonely, I want you to meet Grazer. I looked at the gray wolf. His body were perfectly shaped. I couldn't see even a bit of fat; only great looking muscles. His arms were looking like they were made of steel. He had some scars on his fur; even a cut mark going straight from his forehead to his cheek, through his right eye. He reached out his paw to shake it with me. I was a bit scared of him and because I didn't want no trouble I shook his paw. * I'm pleased to meet a friend of my friend. I blushed looking at him. And when he took his hand back I looked at the eagle standing like a guardian next to me. - I'm sorry. May I have something to eat? I'm a bit hungry. Sharpeye smiled at me and in the same time the gray wolf laughed. - Sure! Come with me. - and the wolf led me to a bizarre, tall, high box that earlier he called 'fridge'. - Open and take what ever you want. With that I approached the fridge and when I opened it I felt awfully cold. I yelped. * What is it? - the wolf approached me. - Don't you know how to use the fridge? I shook my head. - No sir. It is cold. * First, I'm no sir. Call me Grazer. Second, it has to be cold, because the beer has to be cold. * Beer? - and when I asked that Grazer took out a brown can with a sign 'Furry-beer', then he opened it and gave me. - Here, try it... I took the can and began to drink. -Yuck! - and I split the beer on the floor. - Oh, I'm sorry. - I quickly took a rag and started cleaning the mess with lowered ears and curled tail, being afraid that the wolf will hurt me. But to my surprise he started to laugh. - He he he... well not everyfur likes beer. - With that he took out some meat from the fridge and put it into another box, that began to shine and buzz in the same time. * So Lonely, what brings you to Yiffington? I stood up and put the wet rag to the bucket that was standing in the corner. - I'm looking for my mate Nightrunner. Yesterday a meteor hit in out island and then I woke up on this island. Maybe Nightrunner is here somewhere too. * You mean Lunaria? * Yes. I'm a lu... * A Lunar Wolf, I know. - he interrupted me. - I know how Loon's look like, but I think that there is a little problem that you need to know. * Huh? - I looked at Grazer a bit confuzed. * The meteor haven't hit Lunaria yesterday, but some about two weeks ago. I felt week, basing my self on the fridge. My jaw went a bit down. * What is more I don't know if your mate survived, because Lunaria was totally destroyed. Lonely, Lunaria doesn't exist anymore. My eyes were wide opened. My heart was beating like hammer. - That's a lie. - I whispered. - You are lying. - I said a bit louder, feeling that my eyes are becoming full of tears. - That is a lie! * I'm sorry Lonely. * Nooo! - I started to cry. - Lonewolf! Nooo! - I collapsed on the ground, feeling weak. I was in shock. I the same time Sharpeye entered the room. - What happened? * Now he knows... - and Grazer left the room called 'kitchen'. I was still crying, all curled in the corner. - That is not true. That can't be truth. * I'm sorry, Lonely. I wish I could do something. - the eagle said sadly. * Help me find my mate. - I looked up at him with wet eyes. - Just help me find my mate. - I wiped my tears. - Maybe Lunaria doesn't exist, but he might still be living. * Maybe, but what am I suppose to do? * I will still be looking for my mate. You've saved my life can you just be with me, you can also fly, so that might be some more help. (Ding!( I looked at the white box that wasn't shining and buzzing no more. * I think that's yours. - the eagle approached the box, that he called 'a microwave'. When he opened it a dreamy aroma of warm meat came to my nose and filled my every muscle; my every nerve and thought. Suddenly I felt more hungry than I was a moment ago. The eagle put the plate with the meat at the table before me. I couldn't believe that it was for me; I was looking at him with begging and thankful eyes, but I didn't know may I really eat it. * What? You don't like beef? * No, I love it. It is just... It is really for me? - I asked uncertainly? * Yes. Bon apatite. - and the eagle left the kitchen. I looked at the dreamy looking and smelling piece of red meat and began to eat. I finished my meal and looked outside the window. I approached it and saw how many furries are on the streets. - Nightrunner. How will I ever find you in that crowd? - and suddenly I heard some strange noises coming out from the main room; yells, moans, laughter. I slowly opened the kitchen door and silently come to the main room. I moved my head from behind the wall and what I saw was a total amazement for me. I saw Sharpeye, Grazer and three other furries totally naked, having an orgy: Grazer was standing in front of the brown horse letting him suck his member. In the same time the horse was mounted by the bull. On the right I noticed the eagle fucking the griffin. The griffin was sitting on the eagle's member, moving up and down. His head was directed at the ceiling. I noticed a smile of pleasure on his face. The laying anthro-bird was laying on the ground with wings caressing griffin's sides and helping him move up and down. With the other wing Sharpeye began to stroke and massage his partner's member. His talons were strongly driven in the carpet. I looked at the gray wolf again. He was standing naked, looking down at the horse that was fondling his member. Grazer's body was really sexy and I felt that my own member is slowly coming out of the sheath. Grazer was moving forward and backward acting like he wanted to fuck the horse's mouth. His legs were looking just like his arms; they were perfectly shaped with no sigh of fat. His chest was also looking very strong. He was looking just like a gladiator and not only because of the beauty of his body, but also because his fur was covered by seldom cut wounds. * Lonely? You want to join us? I jumped when I heard my name and I looked at the eagle. He was smiling at me with a little grimace because of the griffin that was riding him hardly. * I... I... don't... - I blushed feeling that no matter what will happen, my member was already hard. * Come one Lonely. You should have some fun right now. - Grazer said with a grin. * Emmm... ok. * Come to me. - the gray wolf demanded. I slowly approached him from behind and started caressing his strong chest. Grazer was just the same size as I so it was not a problem for me to start kissing his neck. I was touching his back with my shirt and his firm buttocks with my jeans. I cuddled into him feeling his warmth. I moved my paw lower to stroke his but and tail. With the other paw I took my shirt off and then I felt out furs rubbing on each other. I drove my paw under his tail and began to slowly caress his warm tailhole. He moved his head back and kissed me. I returned his kiss feeling that with every second my member is getting harder and harder; almost pulsating and willing to get inside the wolf. I unbuttoned my jeans and as fast as I did that my fully erected cock came out. Then I moved my legs to let the jeans slip down. The same thing I did with the underwear. Now I was totally naked like the others, rubbing my golden fur on the wolf's gray fur. My paws were stroking his chest and nipples. With one hand he was holding the horse's head. The second hand moved back and began stroking my buttock. Then he moved his head back and whispered - Take me. I was still rubbing myself onto him stroking my member on his buttocks and between them and his tail. When I heard the magical command I moved a bit back and with one paw I moved his tail aside and pointed my arrow-looking member right before his willing hole, touching him with my top. Then I looked at him. He looked back and nodded with grin. With that I nodded too and slowly entered his warm tailhole. - Uhhh... - I moaned feeling how tight in fact he was. He moaned too, breathing hardly. When I entered him fully I gave him some time to let him relax feeling my member inside him. When he nodded again, giving me the sign that he is ready I started to move backward slowly and then forward again, still caressing his chest with my paws. Suddenly the horse let go Grazer's member. - Hey, Graz. Is it me or your member just grew? The wolf looked at his member with curiosity, smiled and looked back at me. - Are you doing this? I nodded, blushing deeply red and moving rhythmically inside his ass. With that the wolf took my muzzle with his paw and kissed me deeply. Suddenly I heard how the bull is growling with ecstasy filling the horse's ass with his cum. - Yeah. I'm done. - and he sat in the sofa looking at the rest of us. I noticed that Sharpeye and the griffin were also done, but for real I didn't care that they were finished. There was only me and the gray wolf. The whole world around me disappeared. I was caressing him, cuddling into his back and slowly moving forward and backward inside him with pure emotion and love. I was in a love trance and he... He was moving against me letting me feel his ass from the inside and kissing me tenderly. I started to stroke the bottom of his tail bringing him to the new heights of sexual experience that only Lunar Wolves know. When I did that the wolf moaned with pleasure ejaculating into the horse's mouth. With that the horse stood up and left us alone. Now there were really only me and Grazer. I felt that I want to cum inside him, but I forced my every muscle to hold the magical feeling and let it grow even bigger. I was cuddling into him, stroking my muzzle on his neck. He moved his paws back and began to stroke my rump. With that I felt that I can't hold on any longer and I let the sweet Lunar essence flow inside the wolf. Feeling the incredible ecstasy I hugged the wolf with all my love. He moaned feeling that I'm gently filling him with my seed. After I was done I slowly pulled my member out and in the same time Grazer turned around grabbed my sides gently and kissed me like a real lover. - Thank you, Lonely. * My, my... Grazer. That was one fine show. - Sharpeye said and looked at me. - If all Lunars can make love like this, that I wish I was born a Lunar Wolf. I blushed and began to dress myself. - I'm sorry guys, but I'm really tired. I'll go and get some rest. - then I looked at the gray wolf. - Grazer, thank you. That was wonderful. I hope that sometime you'll do the same to me. The wolf grinned. - You can be sure of that. Now good night to you. You know where your room is. I nodded and went in its direction, saying 'bye' to everyfur. When I entered the room I sat on the bed, took off the jeans and laid, covering myself with the quilt. The dream came very fast.
The Way Of The Lost And Lonely (ch.01) by Lunarwolf Fluffy
[ "Love", "M/M", "Orgy", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 70, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 580, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 38 }
"Master?" "Master Baku? Please, you must wake up now." The dragon's servant said in an urgent tone. Baku opened his eyes and groaned, still so early in the morning. He had barely gotten any sleep the night before, and nightmares about the power his son had displayed had plagued him all night. Baku looked down, seeing the young human child looking up toward him. This had better be good... "Do you realize what time it is child? You had better have a damn good explanation for waking me before dawn." He growled through clenched teeth as he struggled to stand. Even though it had been near a month since Ryuu had left him with an injured paw, the welts and singe marks had refused to leave; it caused him great pain to even put slight weight on his front right paw now. Holding a grudge didn't even begin to describe his hatred toward his son right now. Baku stretched out his back, spreading his massive wings and arching his spine as he heard the sickening crack of each and every vertebrae from his tail tip to the base of his neck. "Well, now that I'm awake, I might as well hear what you have to say." Baku said tiredly. The servant child nodded, and motioned for him master to follow him to the mouth of his cavern home. "I think you should see this." The child said, as he pointed to the spiraling thunderclouds in the distance. Baku limped toward the maw of his home and stared with renewed fury and fear as he heard the oh so familiar thunderous roar that only Serpentaurious was capable of. Ryuu held out his hand, watching as small sparks of electricity jumped between his fingers. Unknowingly, he had unlocked the power of lightning when he opened the gate to the Abyss and released Ciel. Ryuu smiled, concentrating the energy into a small orb floating in his palm. Three elements obtained, only three left. "Tonight is a full moon Styx. Are you sure you just want to sleep? We could go on a killing spree." Ryuu said, hoping to entice his mate. Styx' ears perked when she heard Ryuu's suggestion, he very seldom offered to let her kill wantonly, so she tried to discover the reason for her master's offer. "That depends on the occasion, my love. Why would you let me kill tonight, instead of any other?" She asked, suspicion evident in her voice. Ryuu shifted into his draconian form, and pointed to a rather large town at the base of the mountain the were camping atop of. "This village is one that my mother told me about when I was a child. A village of dragon slayers, your kin perhaps?" Ryuu asked taunted, referring to her profession. Styx now understood Ryuu's reasoning, he held very little mercy for those who would harm his own race, she vividly remembered the beating she received when she revealed to Ryuu that she used to be a dragon slayer herself. That thought in itself made her shiver, both in excitement and fear. Styx nodded to Ryuu silently, and after calling upon her own Shadow Flare, she reached out to take hold of Thenos. Just as she was about to draw the demonic weapon, Ryuu stopped her, telling her that these would be slaughtered by their hands alone. The two guards standing watch outside the village stood vigilantly, conversing as they scanned the area for threats or visitors. The sound of soft footsteps alerted them to their presence. Both guards looked in the direction of the sound, smiling in hopes of a worthwhile hunt on the way to their village. Glowing red eyes made them think otherwise quickly though. The last thing the two guards saw was a tongue of black fire enshrouding them, death took them quickly. "That was no fun, they were to easy to kill Ryuu. I knew I should have brought Thenos, then at least I could have hacked them to pieces." Styx began to pout. "Oh, quit your whining Styx, you know there are many more victims inside these walls, just waiting for our talons, and flames to take their souls." Ryuu said, relishing his own words as he stared at the gate that was supposed to keep the like of him out. Styx and Ryuu both looked at the gate, had it been any others attempting to enter, they would most likely have trouble. "Styx, my love, would you like the honors?" Ryuu offered, gesturing towards the gate. Styx blushed, and nodded slowly. Reaching out her open palm, Styx began to focus a torrent of power into her hand before unleashing it as a strong blast of energy. As Styx' energy blast hit the frail wooden gate, the force and the heat of the blast caused the wood to explode almost immediately; within moments, a hail of splinters had begun to fall. "Let us kill, Styx, let us kill." Ryuu said as he traced a talon over his mates throat. Styx moaned in delight at Ryuu's touch, and nodded slowly. They both charged into the fray of slayers, slashing throats, severing limbs, and bathing in sprays of blood. In a matter of minutes, over two hundred were dead, leaving only the most skilled warriors alive by shear luck. Ryuu and Styx both noticed quickly that these particular dragon slayers had a habit of taking prisoners, as was obvious by the many Wyvern chicks locked up in cages throughout the village. Styx had disarmed, as well as disembody the guards that stood watch near the cages that housed several of the young Wyverns. As she stared at the young ones, Ryuu walked up behind her, and tugged gently on one of her tails to get her attention. "Ryuu, what should we do about them?" Styx asked, pointing toward the hatchlings. Three of the Wyverns in the cage before them stood as sentinels in front of its brothers and sisters, hoping to protect the others in case Ryuu and Styx turned out to be a threat. Ryuu smiled, admiring the children's courage. With a gentle sweep of his arm, Ryuu pushed Styx behind him, and knelt before the child sentinels. "You can calm down now, I have no intention of harming you or your kin." Ryuu said in a series of hisses and chirps, the natural language of Wyverns. The children lowered their wings, and walked toward Ryuu, taking in the scent of human blood on the back of his hand as well as its owners. Another dragon, a friendly one at that. The child dropped its guardian persona, and called out for its kin to relax, that they were in the presence of friends. "Hey! Get away from those dragon chicks, we found them, so we will use them as we see fit." One of the villages last remaining warriors yelled from across the town square. Ryuu sighed, and turning to Styx, who was licking her lips in blood lust, motioned for her to kill the surviving humans. Styx eagerly complied, and dashed off to slaughter any that lay in her wake. "I must remember to reward her tonight. Alright now, do you think you can fly to safety if I open your cages?" Ryuu asked the hatchlings. One of the hatchlings nodded swiftly after examining its wings, the others soon followed and began chirping in earnest, nudging the door with their heads as if to open it themselves. Ryuu smiled, and after extending a talon, picked the locks open. He knew it would be much easier to open if he used his wrist blades, but doing so held the chance of harming the hatchlings. A price too risky for Ryuu to take, considering how few of his kind still lived. As the tumblers in the lock finally clicked into place, Ryuu slowly opened the door and reached into the cage. He held his arm out to each Wyvern in turn, allowing each one to rest on his arm as he moved them from the dirty innards of their cage to the branches of a tree that stood nearby. "I doubt I will be able to find you should you be captured again, so be careful you five." Ryuu said in a dismissive tone. With that, he turned his back to them, and began to walk over to Styx. As Styx finished her task, she met Ryuu half-way in in a kiss, smearing a few drops of blood onto his lips after she had ripped out several humans throats, making her mate lick his lips appreciatively. They both walked throughout the village, releasing the rest of the different breeds of draconic heritage that lay trapped all around town. "Don't let me forget Styx." Ryuu said offhandedly. "I still need to give you your reward tonight." He said with a grin. Styx pressed herself against him, resting her head on his shoulder, and stroking over his back with her claws. "I don't need one, you letting me kill these humans was reward enough." Styx whispered in his ear, as she nibbled lightly on his neck. A thought crept into his mind, making Ryuu smile. Without delay, Ryuu exposed his throat to Styx fangs and brought up a claw to begin scratching his neck scales. Such an unfair temptation. "Oh my, and I was just thinking of what I could give you. But now that you said that... Oh well, guess I'll have to keep it to myself." He taunted, lightening his scales until his jugular became clearly visible to the naked eye. Styx couldn't take her eyes from the pulsing artery before her, her species' survival called for the blood of those that she kills, but that of her mate was so much sweeter and filling. Styx' trembling fingers rose to caress her mate's clear scales, as she licked her lips. She knew then that she should never have said that shew wanted no reward, considering how rarely he let her drink of his blood. "Styx, would you just drink already." Styx said as he rested his hand against the back of her head, urging her to take his throat into her maw. Styx quickly complied, easing her mate's jugular under her fangs and bit down hard, drawing Ryuu's blood down her throat, and enjoying not only the flavor, but her mate's devotion to her. She took in nearly a pint of Ryuu's blood before she finally eased her fangs from his neck, gently brushing her tongue over the wound she had left on his neck before stepping away slightly. Ryuu sighed, and rubbed a hand over the quickly healing mark his mate had made over his throat; in truth, Ryuu enjoyed the feeling of Styx' fangs digging into his neck, the sensation of his blood leaving his body made him shiver in delight. Yet very seldom could he allow Styx to enjoy such an act, as he knew that the more she drank of him, the more powerful she would become. Under most circumstances, that would be very good, but considering that the Shadow Flare was not born to her, it would eventually corrupt her mind to the point of death if she became too powerful too quickly. "Thanks Ryuu, I always enjoy the taste of your neck. Are you going to drink from me now?" Styx asked, brushing a hand over her throat, and parting the fur. Ryuu smirked, exposing his slightly curved canines. He took a few steps closer to Styx, wrapped his lower wings around her waist, and coiled his tail around her thigh. The two met in a passionate kiss, their lips meeting for the briefest of fleeting moments, before Ryuu trailed a line of gossamer kisses down to the hollow of her throat. "I think I'll indulge myself, if only for your peace of mind, my love." Ryuu whispered in a voice just loud enough for her to hear. Styx moaned at the feeling of Ryuu's taloned fingers tracing over her shoulders, through the valley of her breasts, and ending his caress with a loose embrace which she returned wantonly, even as she felt Ryuu's fangs pierce her flesh. A gasp of slight pain escaped her while several beads of blood leaked from her wound, and trailed its way down her chest, staining her silver fur with a moist line of crimson. Styx' arms went limp in Ryuu's embrace, so consumed in the pleasure of her master's gentle grip and dominant clenching of his fangs. The pace of Styx' breathing seemed to double as her knees went slack, forcing her to rely solely on Ryuu's arms for support. Truthfully, her mate hadn't taken much as of yet, yet the sensation of fangs at her neck was something she had grown to love since the first time he had tasted her, back when they had first met face to face, or rather, blade to blade. Abruptly, Styx' world came crashing back to her when Ryuu released her, allowing her to fall to the ground in a dazed heap. As she came to, Styx looked up to her mate, only to to be surprised by the fact that someone had attacked him, having thrust a spear through his windpipe while he was feeding on her. Styx sat there, watching as Ryuu fell to his knees, coughing up blood, and seeming to be in great pain. Amusing, she was probably one of the only people to know that such an attack would only serve to piss her mate off. "It couldn't be that easy." Someone said as a group of odd warriors walked toward them. Styx sat there, pulled out a damp rag, and began to dab at the stain on her fur. She knew that there was no way that a wound as minor as that could seriously hurt Ryuu. Ryuu gripped the spear handle and pulled it out, causing a fair amount of blood to leak down his ebony scales. He stood, shaking slightly, as he focused his power to stop the bleeding, but not to heal the wound. "Do you have any idea how much a weapon like that hurts?" Ryuu asked his opponents; his wrist blades flexing instinctively. The warriors each smiled in turn, drawing their weapons and taunting Ryuu to jump into the battle that was sure to ensue. Styx looked at their weapons, recognizing the emblem that was chiseled into the blade of each one; these people were dragon slayers, familiar ones at that, and it seemed that they had their sights set on Ryuu. "Ryuu, you might want to look out. Your attackers are dragon slayers, one that I used to work with no less." Styx said with a heavy sigh. Ryuu's ears perked at the mention of more prey, and a twisted smile crossed his lips. Just before Ryuu started to turn toward the three that had attacked him, he felt Styx hand resting on his shoulder, stopping him. "What are you doing Styx? Don't interfere with my hunting." Ryuu said in a tone tainted with malice. "Ryuu, these are the humans I worked with as a slayer. They are my prey." Styx corrected her mate, a slightly challenging glint in her eyes, as if daring him to contradict her. Almost without thinking, Ryuu stepped back and bowed his head to his mate, acquiescence for her to do as she pleased. Styx sighed, she was sure that she would be punished severely for defying her master when this was over, but this was something she had to do. At the very least, to truly break free of old habits. Styx calmed her nerves and began the slow process of shifting her form to that of the young woman that worked with her soon-to-be opponents. Unlike the human form that Ryuu had seen his mate use on many occasions, this one was that of a fully grown and busty woman in the prime of her life. Long braids of blond cascaded from Styx' scalp, each one ending in a metal spade near her ankles. Her right forearm was encased in a silver gauntlet with each knuckle encrusted with sapphires and amethysts, and her right encased in a red leather vambrace. The rest of Styx' outfit wasn't nearly as enthralled in the art of battle as her arms looked though, as was obvious by the red velvet corset concealing her chest, and the slanting skirt about her waist, each of which was tied together with a set of chains in the shape of skulls and claws. The last change about her was the long halberd strapped to her back and the plain looking tiara set on the crest of her forehead. Instant recognition lit the faces of her adversaries, some happy, some not so much. "It been a long time Karen, I was rather hoping that I wouldn't have to fight you, but..." Styx started before she she unclasped her weapon and held it in a ready fashion. Styx' former comrades frowned at her, their disapproval in her choice obvious. The one that Styx identified as 'Karen' stepped forward, her hand cautiously resting on the hilt of another spear. With an air of defiance, Styx' met Karen's challenge, stepping forward, face to face with her enemy. "Is there any reason in particular, that you are protecting a dragon? Over three years we hunted together, and now you would raise your halberd against us? For the sake of a fucking drake!?" Karen asked in a dangerous tone. Styx nodded solemnly, and looked over her back toward Ryuu, her love reflected in his eyes. Ryuu smiled at her as their eyes met, he knew that Styx would not betray him, and that this would be an amusing slaughter. "The dragon behind me is my mate, Karen." Styx said with pride flooding her tone. This news came as quite a shock for Karen and the other slayers, the youngest one though, merely held a slight blush on her face. Styx nodded to herself, closing her eyes as she remembered the time they fought again, he had held so much of his strength back, and still beat her so easily. Even after she had followed her tribe's code, and submitted herself to him as his slave, he still let her live the way she wanted. The slaughter of those who held the desire to kill, their blood tasted the best when she licked it from her blade. "I'll kill anyone who tries to harm my mate, my beloved master Ryuu." Styx whispered, as she plunged her weapon through Karen's chest. With a quick twist, she severed the spinal chord, and watched as Karen's limp form slid to the ground with fear and pain writ in her eyes. "Rest in peace bitch, your friends will soon join you." Styx said as Karen's eyes closed and her breathing stopped; never before had Styx killed a once friend with such pleasure. The other two dragon slayers that had accompanied Karen rushed toward Styx, blades at the ready, intent on killing Ryuu's mate. Before Styx could counter their charge, she felt the blades of a rapier and a broadsword piercing her heart and stomach; effectively shredding her heart as it beat within her chest. Styx didn't move for a moment, simply standing with her halberd's blade resting in the severed spinal column of the fallen warrior she had known for so long. "Stop playing coy Styx. Annihilate them, slaughter those two until there is nothing left. Rape their souls and resurrect them in their home towns, and set them on their families and friends. I know you have never created another of your own race, so let these break your virginity as a Nogitsune." Ryuu said in a chanting monologue. Styx smiled then, raising her weapon and kicking the limp body from its silver blade, and turned her ruby slitted eyes on the two before her. With a simple nod, Styx stepped forward and went about following her master's order, lustily enjoying the pain and tortured screams of her victims. Ryuu as well sat back, watching with a twisted pleasure as he looked over the blade that Styx had dropped at his feet, Thenos. Even as, in the background, shrieks of pained pleasure tore through the landscape, Ryuu grasped his mate's sword by the bone grip, admiring the smooth shift between pulsating flesh and razor sharp steel. The sharp fangs that lined the blade flexed back and forth as he ran his talon across the blood groove, as though his touch was an affectionate caress. Ryuu smiled at this, quickly appreciating how Styx could love using such a weapon. Ryuu raised the blade, and gave it an experimental swing, mildly surprised by the sounds that accompanied it, as the wind was cut seamlessly by the fanged sword. "Your master was wise in having you crafted." Ryuu said under his breath, not expecting the sword to respond to his praise with a quiet rumbling purr. Ryuu then noticed a thin groove that seemed to be cut into the Thenos' handle, he traced his talon across this as well, and flinched slightly, from surprise really, as the weapon's handle doubled in length before separating the ax-like pommel from its katana-like counterbalance. Ryuu took both halves of the weapon in hand, marveling at Thenos' adaptability, as he stretched the chain that connected the two, new links seemed to add themselves out of nowhere, exponentially increasing Thenos' range and power. "I see you've come to appreciate my sword almost as much as I..." Styx said, bringing Ryuu out of his curious state of mind. Ryuu looked up, back toward his mate, her face was sheeted in blood, it even trickled down her chest, running like a stream through the valley between her breasts, once again, staining her silver fur a deep exciting crimson. This sight made Ryuu smile. "What did I tell you about keeping your fur clean?" He said questioningly. "You above any other should know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get blood out of your fur." Ryuu stated in a matterf-fact tone as he walked toward Styx and gently embraced her. Styx rested her head in the crook of her mate's neck, sighing in pleasure at his simple, yet loving gestures. Despite the dark, bloodthirsty , and overall evil nature that many knew her by, Styx enjoyed the calm compassionate moments that she could spend with Ryuu, despite his similar persona. "You know Ryuu, I really don't care. I feel so good right now, its almost unbearable." Styx said, after a gentle kiss to the hollow of Ryuu's throat. "Tell me Ryuu. Is there something you forgot to finish? Before we were interrupted perhaps?" She said lustily, blowing gently across Ryuu's scales. Ryuu smiled, revealing one of his many sharp fangs, and met her gaze, as he pulled her closer and leaned down to kiss her neck. "Yes, I think so." He said before sinking his fangs deep into her flesh, roughly, quickly. Styx sighed in contentment again, though she kept her ears alert encase any others attempted to interrupt them. Ryuu growled in a loving manner, sending pleasant vibrations coursing through Styx' body as he held her tighter to stop her from collapsing. Without a sound, Ryuu slid his fangs out of her jugular and began a suckling rhythm on the slowly closing wound. Just as Styx' breathing started to become labored from lack of blood, Ryuu released her neck from his jaws and steadied her as she regained her balance. The two stated silently into each others eyes, crimson slitted gaze matched that of an emerald tinted glare; slight traces of blood lust clearly evident as Styx and Ryuu leaned in for a quick kiss. "I think we've wasted enough time here. Remember, we have a deadline to reach Sedukyria before the end of the month." Ryuu said, impatience at such a long trip seemed to be grating on his nerves dangerously. Styx nodded at his suggestion, and, after strapping Thenos back onto her waist, she and Ryuu left the village. They stopped at a small four-way intersection on the dirt road she and Ryuu walked along, and read over several signs, trying to decide what would be the fastest direction to go. In the end, they just decided to follow the moon as it hung in the eastern skies. End of Chapter VII
Draconian Peril Ch.7 by Loup Garou
[ "Dark", "Death", "Dragon", "Kitsune", "Magic", "Plot Development", "Story Progression" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 61, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 235, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 94 }
Well,where to start? This is my first submission on here. I felt compelled to write it because it was such a mind-blowing experience for me that I wanted to document it. It's all pretty much exactly how it happened. Some small details may have become a little mixed up in the erotic fog but I've tried to recall it all as accurately as possible. Tanya is 36 . We've been married for nine years now and she seems to get hotter every year. I'm 50 but I've managed to keep in pretty good shape at 6'2" and 200lbs. Tanya is 5'11" with an athletic but curvy build. She is beautiful, very striking features. Big green eyes. Shoulder length red hair. Always a beaming smile on her full lips. Big tits. A 36GG or even a HH at times. Long, long legs. A lovely big, round bottom. I get a hardn just looking at her. The thing is though, she's not just lovely and sexy but she's intelligent, funny, perceptive and probably the kindest and most warm-hearted person you could ever hope to meet. Why she'd marry a bozo like me - who knows? I'm a lucky guy. We've had a couple of kids in the last 4 years. Tanya has put on a little bit of weight but she's just as sexy. Breasts are a bit fuller, a bit of a little belly and a rounder arse. Our sex life has taken a bit of a nosedive. It's not through want of trying but more because of lack of time and tiredness. I'm sure other couples go through the same when they have kids. Tanya might come over as a bit of a prude sometimes but that impression evaporates in the bedroom. She loves sucking me off and swallowing all the cum. She's happy to be penetrated in multiple positions or let me blast spunk all over her face. She'll also lick up cum if I ask her to - which always excites me. She has very loud orgasms when I go down on her. Really loud! She's never been worried about anal play. I used to rub her or insert a finger gently into her bum when I was licking her out and usually she responded well to it. Pushing against my finger or moaning for me "put it in more". Sometimes she'd ask me not to. Likewise when we did anal. Tanya would often lie on her side and grab my cock and guide it between her buttocks and gasp softly as I gently thrust my rock hard cock into her ass. My cock isn't huge but it's fairly big so I'm careful not to be too rough with her little hole. We would do other positions. Sometimes Tanya would sit astride me and lower her bum onto my cock. Other times she would lie on her back on top of me, also lying on my back, and then gradually impale herself on to me. She would then begin playing with her clit and buck up and down as I began to thrust upwards into her arse and grabbed at her great big titties from behind, kneading and squeezing them. Tanya would scream and yell with excitement as she came and I pumped her bum full of cum. Another position she was fond of was lying on her back with her long legs raised straight up over my shoulders so I could fuck her arse while she played with her clit. She would happily do ass to mouth too. Taking my cock out of her bum and putting it straight into her mouth and sucking me off. Either Tanya didn't worry about it or simply didn't think about it but either way, it always turned me on. I've rimmed her as well. She's responded differently to that. Sometimes she's asked "How can you do that?" or just asked me not to do it. Other times she's really got into it, writhing around and playing with her clit as I stick my tongue as far in as it'll go. Usually Tanya would be very wet before we ever did anal and the juices from her vagina would help lube her bum and my cock. I'd always try and halt proceedings to add lube of some sort but Tanya would often want to get on and do it without any. To this end, I bought some "Golden Girl Anal Jelly" off Ebay to make sure we had some proper stuff handy. Tanya, however, saw it in my purchase list and asked me about it. "I suppose we'll be doing more anal then?" she said, with a smile that caused a bulge in my boxers. So, anal continued to be on the menu but as the frequency of our sex decreased, obviously the amount of anal did too. I begun to fantasize about anal a lot more than other kinds of sex. We still did it quite a bit. Just not as much as I wished. Tanya often liked to have a back massage, lying face down on the bed whilst I rubbed her with plenty of oil. Often, this would turn into sex. Frequently that would be anal. On the night in question, that's how it began. We'd gone to bed early and Tanya had asked for a rub. She lay face down on the bed, with just panties on. Her large tits, squashed beneath her, flopping out to the sides. I poured copious amounts of massage oil on to my hands and began rubbing her lovely, golden brown, back. She relaxed as I worked her tired muscles and ran my hands up and down, working my thumbs into her silky skin. I always get turned on massaging Tanya and she knows it. I normally try and stay on task for as long as possible before getting diverted. I was just wearing boxers and by now, as I was straddling her to get in a good position to rub her, I was beginning to get a serious hard on. I pulled down her panties and applied some oil to her buttocks, massaging each cheek in turn. Tanya went "Mmmmmmnn" in a whisper as I kneaded. Then, without warning, she reached round and grabbed my cock. Very firmly. Tanya guided my cock to the small, puckered hole between her buttocks and began to rub the head against it . Needless to say, my cock was rock hard and dripping with cum. Tanya rubbed it back and forward against her tight opening and then began to guide it in. She didn't say a word, just moaned quietly. Despite being insanely turned on, I pulled my cock away and mumbled something about getting my "special stuff". I hastily grabbed the anal jelly and rubbed a big load over my cock. Tanya just murmured "Mmmmmnn" again and then did something I'd never seen before. She reached round and grabbed both her bum cheeks, pulling them apart as far as possible, exposing her ass hole wide open for me and thrusting her backside upwards. Waiting. I didn't need a second invitation. I straddled Tanya again and slowly tried to insert my slippery cock into her waiting arsehole. Usually I find this quite tricky but because Tanya was pulling her bottom so far apart and her anus was gaping wide open it was much easier. The swollen purple head popped into the tight little entrance and Tanya grunted as I penetrated her. Easing in a little further with each thrust. I really thought I was going to blow it all by coming immediately but I managed to avert that possible disaster, thankfully. As I've mentioned, my cock is quite big so I try to go gently and not ram it right up Tanya's arse in case it's sore for her. This was different though. Tanya was moaning quietly with each stroke but then she reached round with both hands and grabbed each of my buttocks. She began pulling me deep into her with each thrust. Each time she forced me deeper into her arse, she moaned more loudly. Eventually, I was fully inside her tight bum - sliding my cock in and out. I was still trying be gentle but Tanya kept pulling me harder into her with each stroke. She thrust her bottom firmly backwards against me as I pushed and the pace increased until I was ramming my cock in and out of her like a piston. Her moans increased in their intensity and also in their frequency as she matched the faster pace. Her head was turned to the side and her hair was falling over her face a little but I could see a happy, dreamy expression without a hint of any grimace. I'd often thought about her pulling me into her while my cock was right up her arse but it had never happened before. I couldn't believe she was doing it so strongly, really forcing me in. She really must have wanted my cock right up her arse as far as possible. "Oh yes!" She moaned. "Mmmmnn!" "Oh... Oh... Oh!" Tanya carried on with each powerful thrust as I fucked her up the arse. She continued groaning with pleasure as she pulled me into her. I was fucking her up the arse a lot harder and faster than I'd ever thought possible. She was squeezing my buttocks incredibly hard. Pulling my cock into her bum. Willing me to fuck her harder. The moans and groans were becoming shouts of pleasure. Tanya has a very sexy voice. Very full with a nice, throaty, timbre. When she moans in pleasure her voice alone could probably make me come. Tanya let go of my bottom. I was almost disappointed as I was enjoying it so much but then I realised that she must have managed to slide a hand up under herself and was rubbing her clit. Now Tanya's yells started getting louder. I was fucking her arse really hard. Like normal intercourse. Really thrusting my hips as strongly as possible and ramming my massively swollen cock in and out of her as deeply as I could. My hips were slapping against her bum with every stroke. I could tell Tanya was getting more and more excited as she frigged her clit harder in time with my vigorous thrusting. The thought of her clit getting a good rub and all her juices flowing out just served to make me thrust ever more vigorously into her nicely tight arsehole. Unfortunately, we had started off near the edge of the bed and my left knee had begun to slip off the side. I had tried to keep it on but eventually could do so no longer and I had to ask Tanya to move over a bit. She simply lifted her hips and flicked herself over to the right, with my cock still deep in her ass and carried on moaning and rubbing herself. I got back into the rhythm and carried on hammering my cock into her as hard as I could. It was blowing my mind. I couldn't believe we were doing anal like this! Tanya was now no longer simply moaning. She was screaming. "OOOH! AAAAH! OH! OH!" "YES! YES! AAAH! AAAAAAARGH!" "AAAAH! AAAAH! UGH!" "I'm gonna come! AAARGH!" "OH! OH! OH!" "AAAAAAAAAARGH! AARGH! A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-R-G-H!" She finally came, pushing her bottom back against me as hard as she could and screaming into the mattress. Luckily, we have a very large, detached house and no nearby neighbours to disturb. If this was a made-up story I'd have come at this point but I didn't. I think I'd been trying so hard not to come - thinking about tyre pressures and sparkplugs and things - that I didn't come right then. I carried on thrusting deep into Tanya's arse. I'd been enjoying the freedom to ram it so hard up her bum so much that I didn't want to stop now. Tanya was quieter but still moaning gently with each stroke. I shifted position slightly and grabbed a big, squishy breast in each hand. I felt for her big, hard nipples and tweaked them between thumb and forefinger as I carried on fucking her up the arse. It seemed to go on for ages. I was in a total dream, ramming my cock up Tanya's lovely backside as hard as I could for as long as I wanted. Eventually Tanya said "You haven't come yet." It wasn't a question, just a statement. "No, but I'm going to. Don't worry." I grunted. Tanya just smiled and said, "Good." I carried on fucking her bum. Establishing a powerful rhythm. Tanya was still moaning softly with every thrust. I put my hands on top of hers, pinning her forcefully to bed and gradually felt the spunk rising in my balls. I was thrusting wildly now, really hammering into her poor little arsehole. I pushed deeply into her, finally coming as my hips began jerking uncontrollably and I felt the flow of semen rushing through my throbbing cock and gushing out, filling her rectum. The sensation was made almost unbearably pleasant by the way the tight walls of her passage squeezed my cock so hard. I grunted loudly. The release was so intense. After the initial explosion, my cock jerked several more times as the last of the cum spurted out. Tanya let out a long, slow "Ooooooh!" as she felt me fill her bum with thick spunk. "That's nice." She sighed. I lay on Tanya for what seemed like an age. Totally spent. She didn't move and seemed completely content. Absolutely satisfied. After a long while, my cock gradually softened and eventually slid out of her dripping bum. I rolled off her and cuddled her from behind her as she turned on to her side. I cupped her big, heavy, breasts and pushed my soft cock against her backside. I could feel the spunk leaking out of her crack as she pushed back against me and sighed contentedly. After several minutes, Tanya got up and went to the en suite. She sat on the loo and I could hear a kind of wet, farting noise as presumably she expelled a lot of the spunk from her bottom. It did kinda turn me on a bit. Considering the severe pounding her ass had just endured, I asked her if she was OK but she said was fine and we cuddled and went to sleep. My mind was still doing somersaults about what we'd just been doing though! We slept soundly but woke up really early - as you do when you have kids. My cock was erect again as I thought about what we'd done. It was still greasy from the lube and being deep inside Tanya's bum. She began playing with it, making it bigger then she moved down the bed on all fours and began to lick the end, tasting the cum. I mumbled something about going to wash my cock but Tanya responded by simply taking it straight in her mouth and sucking it. She sucked it gently for a while and then grasped the base of the shaft firmly in her right hand and began forcibly wanking me into her mouth as she sucked. Tanya's lovely great big GG cup tits dangled over my right leg as her head bobbed up and down so I reached down and cupped them both eagerly, tweaking her big nipples. She moaned slightly as I caressed them and she carried on working my cock hard and sucking it furiously. I idn't think I couldn't hold out much longer, especially with the thought that she was happily sucking the cock that had been pounding her in the arse a few hours before. "I'm gonna come in your mouth!" I said. Tanya moaned in pleasure and sucked even harder as I blasted a load of hot spunk into her mouth. She paused for a moment as my cum filled her mouth and then she swallowed it all. Well most of it anyway because as she released my cock and grinned at me, some semen dribbled out down her chin.Then I kissed her, tasting my salty cum in her mouth and on her tongue. The kids woke up soon after that so I didn't get to enjoy any more of Tanya that morning. Luckily she had a day off so I left her to sleep whilst I got up to deal with everything. I was happy in the knowledge that my wife was sleeping soundly having been buggered senseless and having her arse filled with cum then having swallowed a load more cum. Well, that was a night to remember. I still think about it and jerk off to the memory several months later. We've done anal quite a few times since. Never with quite the same wild abandon but still great nonetheless. Tanya has come quite a few times while I've fucked her arse, which is always a turn on. Hopefully we'll replicate the experience sometime...
Best Anal Sex Ever Ch. 01
[ "big tits", "ass to mouth", "anal", "redhead", "wife", "cum swallowing", "anal sex" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 37, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 232, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 28 }
Hey thar everyone! After a weekend of frenzied writing and editing, here is Chapter 2 of "Tales of an Injured Soul." If you didn't catch chapter 1, I would highly recommend reading that first ;P As always, the following contains explicit content, etc etc, X-rated, etc. you get the drill. Enjoy! Ryan snorted and squirmed quietly as his eyes fluttered open. For a moment he had no idea where he was, or what he had been doing before drifting off. Vague memories of a passion and fire skirted through his memory, but his mind was still struggling to sift through the cobwebs of sleep. Slowly, more vivid imagery came back to him; he saw the small body of the fox squirming in agonized pleasure, heard their unrestrained cries of pleasure filling the room, smelt the rich scent of their shared arousal. With a start, he registered the body curled up against his, and he looked down to see Zack still sleeping quietly against his side. They were also both still fully clothed, and save for a spot of pre seeping through Ryan's shorts, there was no evidence of his vivid memories. It had all seemed so real, so vivid and inescapable, but there was no denying the inevitable conclusion. It had all been a dream. Ryan sighed, a pall descending on his heart as he came to that conclusion. His heart had wanted this so badly; it had needed to pour out its affection for the little fox. But this was still not the time. There was no denying, as Zack slept peacefully on Ryan's slowly rising chest, that they had finally found in each other much-needed support. But there was even less denying that their lives were still haunted by demons of the past. They still had storms to weather. Ryan let Zack sleep peacefully for a while before waking him. He took the time to run his hands gently through the other's fur, smiling as the small body reacted unconsciously to the long-forgotten feel of another animal's touch. Occasionally, the fox would mutter something under his breath and shift in the wolf's lap, but otherwise he remained blissfully asleep. Finally, after drifting aimlessly for what seemed like hours, he gently shook the fox awake. "Hey there, foxy," he said with a tender smile as Zack's eyes slowly split. For his part, the vulpine didn't seem to be fighting the same mental battle as Ryan. He simply yawned and smiled broadly as he looked up into those amber eyes. "Morning, wolfy," he replied with a groggy but playful tone, taking another deep yawn and slowly stretching out from his long-held fetal position. He felt a few joints pop, and he groaned happily as his head settled back into the lupine's lap. "What time is it?" He asked innocently, still staring up at the wolf. "Oh, about 6 in the morning." He replied with a laugh. "You slept like a log." Ryan's bubbly smile, however, hid a frightened mind. He could recognize the look on the fox's face; he could read the shy smile that curled those lips gently towards his ears. The fox was falling for him, and as much as the wolf wanted it, he knew deep in his heart that this love was tainted. Zack wasn't ready to feel this way again, and he knew that in his heart. It was not truly love that played across the fox's face; it was the desperate need to connect, to *be* loved. The fox may not have known it, but he remained too empty to truly feel such passion again. The wolf, however, had seen it before. He had seen the pitiable begging written on otherwise expressionless faces, the cruel and insidious scar of an uncaring world. He had even been fooled by it before. And he wasn't going to make that mistake again. Zack closed his eyes contentedly as he heard the wolf's voice, breathing in the subtle and delicate scent of the other fur. For the first time in months, he felt truly and utterly secure, as if the weight of a thousand worlds had been lifted mercifully from his shoulder. He was, for a moment, at peace. "You haven't slept well in a while." The wolf's voice interrupted the vulpine's thoughtless meditation. It was not a question, however, but a statement of fact, and its confident tone brought a glaze of confusion to Zack's eyes. "No," he responded absently, "I haven't. I...I haven't felt his way in...a long time." Although pleasantly amused, the fox's voice was hesitant, as if he were fighting to recover words from a long-lost vocabulary. "I'm...happy." The final word had an almost-questioning tone to it, as if he hadn't expected the phrase to issue forth from his lips. He even blinked in mild confusion as he spoke, surprised more than anything else at the fact that this wolf could draw such confessions so easily from a mere acquaintance. Ryan, for his part, simply sighed; he had worried that this would happen. "I've...always been good at making people happy, it seems." The wolf's voice was distant, and it was clear that his mind was lost in another place and time. "It's been a blessing sometimes..." He let the phrase trail off, the implied bitter end diffusing silently into the otherwise warm room. His heart wanted so desperately to open up again, to bleed out his silent tortures onto another soul. But he couldn't bring himself to do this to someone whose own heart was so wounded. He would be content to continue his suffering, content to lend his strength to those who needed it more. His heart would remain his for now. Maybe, just maybe he could bring himself to see past Zack's pour, injured soul. Perhaps, given time, there was still a way for him to love the little fox with his mind just as much as with his heart. It just might be possible, even after gazing into the void of his emotions, that he could once again be the infatuated wolf sitting in the corner, gazing across the room at the vulpine enigma. And the shred of hope brought a smile once more to his face. "You know," Zack said aimlessly into the thick silence, "you're the first one to really understand me. I..." "Shhh," the wolf interrupted him; he knew what was supposed to follow that hesitation. "Truth be told, Zack, it's my job." Saying those sterile words drove daggers into his heart, but he knew it was necessary. The fox may be hurt at the revelation, but it was for the better. Plus, the wolf consoled himself, feeling *anything* was improvement for the small animal. Sure enough, Zack's eyes lost some of their sparkle as the statement sunk in, but his playful smile remained. "Don't lie," he said with a wry grin tugging at his lips. "I remember what you said about being fond of me." Ryan opened his mouth to reply, but held his tongue for a moment. He had indeed said this in a moment of weakness, and he now cursed himself for his lack of restraint. Getting so close so fast never worked in the end, let alone in these situations. Had his training not taught him never to get involved with clients?! But then, he reminded himself, Zack wasn't really a client, was he? "I did," the wolf finally said with utmost caution, "and I am." He sighed. "As one wretched soul reaching out to another. But...you're not in love with me. And...I..." He looked away, fighting back the tears which threatened to wet his eyes. "I can't love you...not now...not like this." The fox's brows furrowed, and Ryan could see a misty covering forming in his eyes. With a sorrowed gasp, Zack sat upright, his lips quivering in a mixture of fright and sadness. "What? But...what you said in the coffee shop...the way..." Ryan placed a gentle finger on his lips, and Zack stopped obediently. "That was before I knew, foxy." Tears were streaming down the fox's face now, and the sight sent a plummeting feeling into Ryan's stomach. He should have expected this; he had seen it so many times before. "Why should that make any difference?!" he sobbed, his voice almost begging for the wolf's words to be taken back. "We've connected! You saved me on that bridge!" Ryan put up a hand in protest, but the anguished fox continued unabated. "You cared for me then, why can't you care for me now, Michael?!" He stopped when that name left his lips, and he realized with a gasping moan what he had said. Then, and only then, did it register in his stress-torn brain what had happened to him. For a fleeting moment, reason tore through the veil of grief. "I'm sorry," the fox said with downturned eyes. "I...just haven't felt like this since..." "Since it happened," Ryan interceded, mercifully preventing the fox from having to say it himself. "Believe it or not, I understand," he added, placing a warm paw on the fox's shoulder. "I...used to be a counselor. You can trust me." Zack raised his eyes to look back at the wolf, a teary smile breaking across his face. "You...are?" he asked hesitantly, part of him knowing that he had somehow found exactly what he needed in the lupine figure. "Was," Ryan corrected him. "I was. I...I had to give that up." Zack nodded, but resisted the urge to ask the obvious question. He could tell this was an unpleasant subject for the other fur. Silence descended once more on the room, and Ryan let his paw slip slowly away from the smaller animal's shoulder. "But I'm not about to refuse someone in need," Ryan finally said in reassuring tones, "and foxy, you need it." His tone was ever so slightly playful, almost in an attempt to soften the stark nature of what he said. "Now, I'm not going to let you be alone right now. So I want you to stay here today and tonight, ok?" Zack slowly nodded at the suggestion. He felt entirely awkward accepting the offer, but he knew deep down that he needed it. The simple presence of another fur was itself relaxing. "Yeah, ok," he answered in a weakly trembling voice. The wolf smiled. "Good. Now I'm gonna go make us some breakfast." The rest of the day was uneventful, though the patrons at the coffee shop did indeed notice the absence of both Ryan and Zack. Raya, for her part, wore a smirk the entire day, her naive mind immediately assuming the two had "bonded" in more than one way. Back at the wolf's apartment, however, Zack spent most of the day curled up on the couch or engaged in whatever activity Ryan used to keep his mind occupied. Thankfully, it was soon night, and after saying their good-nights, the lupine settled Zack onto the spare bed before retiring to his own room. "God," he sighed quietly as he closed the door, "I forgot how exhausting this could be." Despite his words, he didn't begrudge the fox the attention; indeed he relished the chance to spend so much time close to a fox whom - against his will - he still found very attractive. And as much as his mind retained the barest necessary distance, his body still ached for the small vulpine. He had still noticed the way the fox's body rippled and shivered at every touch, and the intoxicating scent of submission had left him aroused for the past few hours. By some cruel twist of fate, his boxers were soaked with his own slick pre by the time he shed his clothes and slipped onto the bed. He sighed happily as he felt the air of the room wrap around his erection; he had been blue-balled for too long to simply ignore it. With a shuddering gasp, he placed one paw on his slick shaft, his back arcing a little as the cock trembled in his grasp. This wasn't going to take long. Trying his best to prevent the images of the dream from returning, he slowly began stroking himself gently, cupping and massaging his balls with his free hand. He moaned quietly, his body quivering as a spurt of pre oozed out over his hand. As close as he already was, though, he was determined to enjoy this release. He gradually slowed his rubbing and began to stroke the underside of the shaft with a single finger. "Oooh..." he breathed into the silent room as he felt himself teeter on the edge. His body began to shake, and he felt his hair rise as his cock twitched. At the last moment, he pulled even the solitary finger away, letting the member shake in midair, its movements in time with his pulse. The approaching climax receded, leaving his legs twitching in unrelenting anticipation. A smile etched across his face as he felt another bit of pre land on his belly fur, begging him to return attention to his throbbing wolfhood. He moaned aloud as his paw returned once more to its work, his lips working back in a silent snarl as his orgasm threatened again to overthrow him. His conscious mind was slowly relaxing, swimming in the sea of pleasure flowing from his crotch. Suddenly, his mind jumped to an image of Zack, and his cock quivered once more against his will. With a groan, he picked up his pace, a corner of his rationality feeling guilty that he was pawing off to the fox sleeping only a few feet away. His vision began to go white, and he growled quietly as he felt his climax tear through his system. With another guttural moan, he let his animal instincts take over. He stroked once more, then let go again, snarling as his shaft glistened eagerly. He was close. Without warning, a sound came from his doorway, barely managing to catch the wolf's attention. With a gasp, he looked over to see Zack, completely naked and entirely immersed in his own pleasurable session of pawing. How long had he been there?! "Zack, what the hell?!" the wolf asked half-angrily and half in shock. He rushed to cover himself, fighting to tear his eyes away from the fox's own pulsing cock. The fox, however, wore an expression of animal lust. With whimpering groans, he walked slowly to the bed, his eyes glazed over with desire. "Zack, you can't...muh...mhhr..." Without warning, the fox leapt onto the bed, his arms landing on the wolf's and pushing them against the bed. At the same time, his muzzle landed roughly on Ryan's, his tongue aggressively forcing its way into the wolf's mouth. For a moment, the lupine struggled against the fox's surprising strength, but he had been too far consumed by his own pleasure. With a throaty moan, his own tongue lapped at Zack's, tasting for the first time the rich, salty saliva of the fox. His paws broke free, taking instead a spot behind the fox's back as he pulled both of them close together. Zack yipped happily at the wolf's assertiveness, his tongue departing Ryan's muzzle to journey over the wolf's bare chest. He nibbled a bit at the hard nipples, eliciting a lusty growl and a series of desperately ground claw marks. Still half-fighting to regain control, Ryan suddenly pushed gently against the fox, but his efforts were in vain. The vulpine paws wrapped around the wolf, pulling them together and grinding their rock-hard erections against each other. Both animals moaned in sync as the motion sent shivers of pleasure across their body, and Ryan gave up all semblance of control. With a moan, he pulled their mouths back together, savoring the fox's scent as he panted roughly. Zack responded by digging his claws into the wolf's back, earning a stifled moan as their tongues intertwined in wet motions. They were both panting when they finally pulled apart. The sharp smell of musk hung heavy on the room, utterly silencing any concerns the animals might have for their actions. "Mmmm..." Zack moaned, grinding his crotch once more against Ryan's and sending a shiver across their writhing bodies. His claws dug deep into the wolf's fur, his grip pulsing with every motion of their now-thrusting hips. "Take me," he panted roughly, the pre coating their fur as evidence that he wasn't joking. "Zack, I don't," Ryan tried to protest, but he was interrupted as Zack placed a paw on their members. The wolf's head fell back against the pillow as the fox began to stroke them both, a quiet moan escaping his lips as splinters of bliss shivered down his spine. "On me or in me," the fox said in an uncharacteristically rough voice, accentuating his demand with a squeeze that made the wolf groan loudly. There wasn't going to be much time to make this decision at this rate. After a brief moment's thought, Ryan grabbed the fox roughly, flipping him onto his back with a growl. The vulpine yipped happily at the rough treatment, letting his head fall back in eager anticipation. With another dominant growl, Ryan lined up his cock quickly, letting the copious pre slick up the waiting hole. With one swift motion, he slid his head in and leaned down to kiss Zack once more. The smaller fur groaned and writhed as he felt the shaft enter him, but his amorous protests were stifled by the embrace. His arms snaked around the wolf's body as the lupine's limbs took a hold on his shoulders. With a shuddering moan, Ryan slid the rest of his member in, hilting the squirming body beneath him in one rough motion. Zack's arms tightened around him in response to the brief pain, but he quickly nodded in encouragement. For his part, the wolf was too far gone to see the sign. With the barest amount of lingering control, he pulled out quickly before thrusting roughly. "Ooh...mmmmnnnnn" Zack moaned, breaking the kiss to gasp in pleasure as Ryan thrust into him once more. "Oh gawd." The sound drove Ryan's hips to an even faster speed, and as the kiss broke, his jaws clasped gently around the fox's neck. The vulpine writhed and whimpered in response to the mating bite, his claws now digging into the wolf's back with each thrust. Ryan's balls were tensing, and he could feel his body starting to shake once more as his orgasm approached for a third time. His knot slapped noisily against the fox's hole, and each movement of his thrusting hips was met with a loud moan from the fox's gaping mouth. "Oh gawd...tie...me...OH YESSSS!" Zack yelled as he felt the knot slip into him with a loud pop. Ryan's hips moved roughly and at a frantic pace, and he chewed at the vulpine's neck with unrestrained and animalistic passion. His ears pulled back against his head, and his tail went straight out as the first wave of his orgasm swept over his body. His vision started to blur, and he released the fox's neck to howl as a string of hot cum spewed into Zack's body. His entire body shook in pleasure, and Zack moaned below him as the shaft quivered, coating his gut with sticky seed. "Mnnn...mmnnn...ungh..." Zack moaned and whimpered as the cock spasmed within him, nearly shaking his body with its force. The long-unfelt heat drove him quickly to the edge, and he squirmed and whimpered loudly as his own climax flooded his senses with euphoria. His foxhood spasmed heavily, shooting his own cum across their fur. One, two, three strings coated their bellies, the warmth soaking quickly into the panting bodies. With a thump, Ryan's spent body fell onto Zack, rolling the still-tied couple onto their sides. Their moans and yips filled the room, their bodies' control lost entirely to the white-hot pleasure coursing through their veins. With a lick, Zack pulled up tight to the dominant wolf, breathing in the rich scents as both animals slowly drifted to sleep. The wolf groaned as he returned to the waking world, clasping his eyes tightly shut against the incriminating sunlight. With a quiet moan, he raised his arms above his head, having once more forgotten the fox's presence. Zack, however, stirred at the motion, and Ryan's memory came crashing back with a sickening jolt. With a startled yip, he surveyed their naked, cum-stained bodies, remembering all at once the wild, unrestrained passion of the night before. But this time, it was real. There was no dream, and Zack's warm, unclothed body pressed against his, a stark reminder that the wolf has once more failed to restrain himself. With a whimper, Ryan slid out of the bed, wrapping a blanket around his form as he stared back at the fox with a mixture of terror and disgust. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. The sudden departure of the warm body managed to stir Zack from his sleep, and he yawned loudly as his own body stretched out the kinks of their awkward sleeping position. He licked his lips a few times, his hands seeking in vain for the wolf's soft fur. When he didn't find it, he finally opened his eyes, whimpering quizzically when he saw Ryan panting nervously in the corner. "What's wrong? Was it that bad?" he asked jokingly, his mind still not registering the pain upon the wolf's face. "You...you..." Ryan panted, panic entering his voice with tense urgency, "...what the hell, Zack?!" It was all he could muster out of his screaming mind. He almost felt violated now; the fox had taken advantage of his raw pleasure. Worse, he still couldn't sort out his feelings; there was no denying how wonderful the night had been, but at what cost? "What the hell?!" he repeated, a little more calmly, but with fresh anger in his voice. The fox whimpered in response to the outburst, his ears pressing flat against his head in sadness, and tears threatening his eyes once more. "I...I thought you wanted it. You didn't seem so unwilling last night..." Ryan closed his eyes at the undeniably true assertion. He had gone along with it, and now he cursed himself for his weakness. It was all happening again. "I...just...it..." he stammered, struggling to force his train of thoughts into intelligible words. "It wasn't supposed to be like this!" he finally yelled, struggling to fight back his own tears. He had once more brought this calamity on himself. Once again, he had let his own animal desires rule his actions. "But...I thought you loved me..." Zack's voice was pitifully weak, sobs threatening to break through the fragile surface. Already, his lips were quivering, and it was clear that his broken mind was on the brink of shattering. His entire body shook, and the sight managed to force all anger out of Ryan's mind. He could not make the fox suffer for his own weakness. "Zack," the wolf's voice came with sudden calm. His tone was warm and gentle, once more the quiet timbre of the caring counselor. "Zack, I like you. I want this." He sighed. "But we've known each other a day. Love can't happen like that." Zack looked back with a pouting expression, blissfully unaware that Ryan was speaking with experience. "I know what I feel," he asserted confidently, his stern gaze saying quite plainly that he was not about to change his mind. "No," the wolf shot back, "you don't. You think you do. But I'm not Michael." The fox reeled back at the comment, a deathly silence suddenly filling the room. His eyes were wet with hot, angry tears, and his lips pulled back in a snarl. Ryan, for his part, stared back passively, saddened that he had had to rebuff him this way. "You son of a bitch," Zack spat, nearly leaping out of the bed and squaring off angrily, "don't even *think* you know how I feel." He stormed out of the room, turning to hide the stream of wetness matting the fur on his face. "Zack, I didn't mean..." "Shut up," the fox yelled behind him, "you know perfectly well what you meant. I never meant anything to you!" Part of him knew the lie in what he said, but his anger was too consuming to allow for any reason right now. As quickly as he could, the fox dressed himself, ignoring the wolf, who now stood in his boxers in the hallway. Ryan wore an expression of utter desolation on his face, and he opened his mouth a few times to try and console the smaller animal. But he had nothing to say to soften the words they had already exchanged. A venom hung in the air, and shadows of their tragic pasts lurked in the corners. "Zack, please don't go yet," he finally said pleadingly, his eyes shining with earnest concern. "Go to hell," the fox spat in reply, taking one last angry look at the wolf before storming out of the apartment. For once, Ryan's rational mind took hold, and he simply sighed. Zack would need to sort through these emotions on his own; there was nothing else to be done now. In the meantime, though, Ryan had an old friend he needed to see. His demon called. The drive to the mental ward was a short one for the wolf, though the weight of what he was about to do seemed to stretch it into an eternity. He sighed heavily as he stepped out of the car and looked up at the sordid building. This conversation had been too long in happening. With heavy footsteps, he walked into the lobby and to the front desk. His face was still familiar from long ago, and the nurse smiled up at him in recognition. "Hi," he began, "is Luke seeing visitors right now?" Storm clouds were gathering as Zack plodded along the familiar sidewalk. He no longer bothered to hide the sobs, and he ignored as best he could the concerned stares coming as he walked. Distantly, he could feel slow, mournful drips leave his face, and he took an occasional moment to wipe his wet nose with the inside of his sleeve. He didn't need to look up as he walked; although he had long ago forgone this part of his life, he could never forget the tree-lined streets or the familiar feel of the pavement on his paws. So much had happened here, so many emotions had soaked into the unfeeling sidewalk. Long ago, it seemed, laughs and whispers of sweet nothings had echoed off the unspeaking buildings. But, like all things, they had passed by the wayside. Silent tears had replaced them, hidden though they were behind happy smiles and gleaming eyes. Then stoic silence had come, the unyielding refusal to allow grief a home; but even the strongest can have only so much power. Silence had given way to heart-wrenching tears, anthems of a forgotten happiness. Now, the barren streets echoed once more with sobs as the fox walked paths he had sworn long ago to abandon. How had it come to this? What had he done wrong? Where now was the mirthful joy of childhood, the hopes that had long ago been dashed upon the rocks of hard reality? His innocence was lost in this place, yet he found a bizarre sort of peace here where his heart had once dwelt. Here he felt at one with existence, somehow able to sort through the maddening sea of emotions coursing through his veins. His eyes surveyed the ground as he walked, his head hung in shame at what he had done. He had betrayed himself, betrayed his love. But how could he? Michael was gone, even though he still held Zack's heart. It was that part that still lived with him, he told himself, and it was that kernel of life that kept the grief-torn fox walking towards his inevitable destination. The time had come for the past to die; Zack had lived in a forgotten memory for too long, and it was slowly killing him. It had taken Ryan to show him that. A new wave of sobs shook him as his thoughts dwelled on the wolf. What was it that they had? Had he simply clasped onto the first soul to show him pity, or was it something deeper? Could this be love, when Zack's love still rested in a dead memory? He could not deny that he had felt a spark when he was in that apartment, but he still couldn't fight the feeling that this was not the spark of love. It didn't feel the same; it was as if he had merely felt a beam of sunlight as he crawled slowly from the darkness. But could that beam be what he needed? His thoughts were interrupted as he came to a gate, and his eyes traveled upwards for the first time to read the sign. A sigh issued from his lips as he read once more those terrible words. *New Haven Cemetery* He didn't want to be here; he needed to be here. He had for too long refused to let the past rest in peace. He had been selfish long enough. He walked slowly through the rows of unfeeling headstones, his eyes not bothering to dart to the pathway guides. He knew where to go, and it was not long before his feet ground to a stop at that wretched place. With a deep breath, and with his body shaking in fear and sadness, he looked up to read the simple marble stone. Michael David Abstrom 1985-2008 He fell to his knees on the soft grass, salty tears falling despondently onto the lush green. His hand slowly traced the stone letters, lingering ever so slightly on his love's name. The time for peace was here. "Oh Michael, can you forgive me?" he asked quietly, stifling his sobs to force the question out. His head dropped against his chest, and he closed his eyes to shut out the unwelcome world. In spite of his despair, he felt an energy here, the undying pulse of an eternal flame. Suddenly, a wind began to blow gently, ruffling his fur with the cool breeze. He looked up, confusion furrowing his brow. There was a scent on that breeze, one he had not smelled in ages. Perhaps it was all in his mind, but it was in that mind that the struggle was playing itself out. "Michael?" he asked the wind plaintively, and almost in response, it picked up in strength. He closed his eyes as the air wrapped around him, almost caressing his fur as his love once had. It seemed to wrap around and through him, lifting his soul as it slowly worked its way to the heavens. A wet smile was written on his face when he finally opened his eyes once more. When he looked down, he saw simply a stone. It was nothing more. "Thank you," he said in broken words, leaning down to place one final kiss on the cold marker. The wind died slowly down, and he breathed in deeply. He was a free fox once more. "You know," a voice said from behind him, "he would want you to have that." Zack turned slowly to see Ryan standing a few feet away, a gentle smile on his caring face. Something had changed about him; he no longer carried himself with the agony of someone still haunted by their actions. He too had somehow found some fleeting resolution. For the time, their demons slept. The fox laughed in reply, but it lacked the bitter tone it had once held. It was free and happy, a true laugh of joy. "I know...somehow..." he paused. "Somehow, I've always known. But I wouldn't have it." The wolf nodded slowly. "You will always love him. I don't begrudge you the fact. It's how he will stay alive." He sighed, but it was not a sound of resignation. It was a breath of strength. He knew now what would lie ahead of them. "But you will learn to love again. And...I will be there when you do," he added as he stepped towards the fox. "Now, what do you say we do this the right way?" he asked playfully as he extended a paw. "Join me for coffee?" His eyes twinkled with affection and genuine concern. This may not be love, but it was something. And that was a damned good start. Zack's smile broadened, and he nodded as he took the outstretched paw. With a gentle tug, the wolf pulled him to his feet, and they began slowly walking back to the gate. No words were exchanged, and more was said in that silence that could have been said in a thousand speeches. They had found each other in the darkness. For a moment, they had found peace. The storms rested, and the earth was still.
Chapter 2: Hesitation by Nachtwolf413
[ "Anal", "Drama", "Fox", "Love", "M/M", "Story Progression", "Story Series", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 44, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 380, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 54 }
Text: I was attending college out of state. Away from home for the first time, just a little bird stretching her wings. Of course the down side to that was that I was away from my family and friends. I was alone in a strange place, without any familiar faces. So I was glad when I was befriended by Leslie and Cindy. We just seemed to click. Before too long we were thick as thieves, always together whenever our schedules allowed. One day they told me they had a shared interest in ballooning, and asked me if I would like to go with them on a balloon ride. College is all about new experiences, isn't it? So I readily agreed. I met up with them out in a rural area. The place looked like an abandoned old farm. We walked over to a rickety old barn. Behind it was indeed a large wicker basket, just like hot air balloonists use. "Cindy, can you go get a helium tank out of the barn? I have to make sure Leslie is all good to go." "Okie-dokie," chirped Cindy as she flounced into the barn. Debra bent over into the basket and came back up with four ropes. Each one had a loop at the end. "Okay, now I just need to slip these over your wrists and ankles," she said. I smirked. "You're afraid I might fall out or something?" "Something like that, yeah," she responded vaguely as she placed one loop over my left hand. With a firm tug on the rope, the loop closed firmly around my wrist. She repeated the procedure with my other wrist and both ankles. "I may never have flown in a balloon before, but don't you think four tethers is going a little overboard on safety? I'm not that clumsy." Debra grinned as she cinched down the last loop. "Trust me. Four is definitely the way to go." Cindy returned pushing a helium bottle on a hand truck as Debra made sure the ropes were secure. A long hose was hooked up to the bottle, which Cindy had wrapped around her shoulder. With a shrug, she let it fall to the ground. "Boy, its tough moving these things! Next time I get the easy job," Cindy pouted. "Bitch, bitch, bitch..." Debra mumbled as she grabbed the free end of the hose and then moved to turn the tap on the helium tank. "So, um, where's the balloon?" I asked. Debra walked over to me. I could hear the helium hissing out of the hose she was carrying. She smiled and cupped my chin with her free hand. "Why, you're going to be the balloon, silly!" she said brightly. "What do...umph!" My question was choked off as Debra rammed the hose into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat. I could feel the cool helium rushing into me. I was momentarily stunned at this bizarre turn. When I regained my wits a few seconds later, I went to pull the hose out of my mouth. Debra had anticipated this and held on tightly to the ropes on my wrists to prevent me from moving my arms. "Now, now. No backing out now. We can't go on a balloon ride without our balloon can we?" Debra cooed sweetly. I felt stiff all over. Pressure was building in my chest. I glanced down and was dumbfounded to see my boobs start to grow. My bra was growing uncomfortably tight. Debra had noticed this too. "Ah, there we go! You're inflating nicely. Don't have to hold on to these anymore," she said and let go of the ropes. Seizing this opportunity, I tried to grab the hose, but my arms starfished out from my sides like they had a mind of their own. I couldn't bend them anymore. I couldn't even flex my fingers, either. This couldn't be happening! My rapidly swelling breasts overgrew my bra. I could feel boobflesh spilling out over and underneath. Compressed cleavage was being pushed up into my face. The pain was unbearable! "Oh, gee, maybe we should have told her to remove her bra first," Cindy said. "And ruin the surprise? Not on your life!" laughed Debra. My breasts were by now truly enormous. Easily the size of beachballs. The only thing my bra was covering were my aerolas. A slow ripping sound of tearing elastic told me relief was on the way. With a final loud pop, by brazzier failed completely. My massive boobs proudly burst forth with such force that they popped all of the buttons off my blouse at once. "Awesome!" gaped Cindy. "This is so much better than getting undressed first! Next time I'm going to inflate with my clothes on!" "That'll get real expensive real quick," opined Debra. Free of their fabric prison, my boobs seemed content to stop their rediculous expansion. But a rubbery, squeeking noise from my rear told me things weren't done yet. "Booty time!" squealed Cindy. My buttcheeks were inflating. My already tight shorts wouldn't hold this expanding mass for long. In no time the button on the waistband popped off, and the zipper zipped down on its own. That didn't provide enough relief, and soon I felt my shorts ripping and shredding, unable to contain my expanding ass. The strips of fabric fell off of me. Just my overly stretched panties covered me, but I could tell it wouldn't last long. It was slowly turning into a thong as my butt grew and grew. As if feeling left out on the fun, now my belly started to inflate. My taut skin stretched and groaned to accomodate the building helium pressure within me. I grew light on my feet, and then suddenly I was floating. "And we have liftoff!" chortled Debra. I kept on expanding, growing more spherical each second. My overtaxed panties were giving me the mother of all wedgies. They simultaneously ripped apart at the crotch and the waist, and fell off of me. I rose higher in the air. My inflating torso merged with my gigantic ass. My circumference consumed my limbs up to the elbows and knees. A tug on my limbs let me know I had reached the limit of the ropes. I was pretty sure I was facing up, but my ballooning cleavage blocked my view. "Oh, she's almost ready," said Cindy. "No she's not," Debra said. "Go get another tank." "But why?" asked Cindy. "Because this time we're both going to be in the basket," explained Debra. "Twice the weight, so we'll need twice the lift. Thus, we need another helium tank." "But...can she hold that much?" "We'll find out. Go on, this tank is pretty much played out." Debra was right. The helium flow was starting to slacken. I wasn't growing as fast. Soon though, I heard another helium tank being wheeled underneath me. I felt the flow into me stop. After a brief pause, the sound of a tap squeaking open told me they weren't done inflating me yet. Helium roared into me with a renewed vengeance. "Wow, she looks so beautiful," gushed Cindy. "Do I look like that when you inflate me?" "Pretty much," replied Debra. "Although I don't think your boobs get quite as big." "I've got awesome tits!" "Oh, quit pouting. I'm only teasing. Get in the basket, we don't want her floating away without us." The rubbery squeaking sound of my skin stretching grew markedly louder as I inflated faster with the new tank. My expanding body consumed my limbs and neck. Then, impossibly, I kept growing. My hands and feet were enveloped by flesh. I was a giant pink orb with two outrageous breasts, each one a quarter the size of my inflated body. Only four dimples where the ropes attached marred my perfectly smooth surface. My skin was stretched tighter than a snare drum. I could hear it creaking and groaning, desperately trying to contain the massive pressure inside me. I didn't think I could hold it anymore...was I...was I going to explode? "Oh...my...Gawwwd! She's enormous!" Cindy exclaimed. "Debs, you simply must blow me up that large next time!" "I really don't think you're a two-tank kind of girl. Untie that ballast, will you? I think she's big enough." The hose slowly pulled out of my mouth. Just in time, I thought, before I popped. I felt myself start to rise again. A gentle, cool breeze washed over my taught skin, propelling me to who-knows-where. I tried to scream some invective at Cindy and Debra, but all that came out was a helium-induced high pitched *squeak*. "Oh, be quiet Leslie," Debra shushed. "We don't want you deflating just yet. This ride is just getting started." From far below me, I heard a voice shout: "Hey, you two! Who're you flying today?" "Leslie!" Cindy yelled back. "Isn't she gorgeous?" "Amazing! I didn't think she had that much volume in her! Wait...is she changing colors?" I could hear Cindy giggling. "I think she's blushing! Isn't it cute?" It was true; I was so embarassed. The whole county was going to see me naked...and inflated.
[ "Full Body Inflation", "Female Inflation", "blimp", "floating", "helium" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 3, "longest_sentence": 29, "num_participle_phrases": 1, "num_sentences": 165, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 11 }
*(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I've tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn't it strange how life never lets that happen.) My thanks to Linda 62953 for her editing of this chapter.* I sat in my chair and drank my coffee. Frankie sat at her desk and pretended to look busy. Neither one of us was fooling the other. In the end, she heard me say 'fuck it' as I got out of my chair and went to see Mrs Gillins. Damned if I knew how but she was expecting me, her assistant was already down in the basement filing and coffee was still warm on the side of her desk. "I expected you twenty minutes ago." "Kinda figured you would, that's why I held out this long, we have to talk and clear the air a bit." Mrs Gillins leaned back in her chair and waited; I topped up her coffee and sat for a moment, took a sip and put the cup down on her desk. "This isn't about my life anymore. It concerns others. The thing is, in some way you fit into this. I need to know how much." Other than take a sip from her own cup, I got nothing from her. "You know everything that goes on here. I'm not going to waste time on this. I have little enough time as it is. You know about Rebecca and Niamh?" I got one nod out of her while reaching for her coffee again. It also told me I wasn't getting anything else out of her. "I promised her a week to figure out her life and what she plans to do with it. If she walks away from Niamh, then so be it. If they both decide that they are the one and plan to live together, then so be it. I had to give Thomas a reason for her being here for a week. That will mean Marlon and I getting involved with the research, something we promised not to do. Your involvement with Thomas may prove a problem as well. If he finds out, he will want to know why you didn't tell him." She looked into her cup as I spoke. The contents must have been interesting because she never looked up when she spoke. "Rebecca is a nice girl, a little lost but she is slowly finding her way. Thomas is the kindest man I have known since my late husband. He doesn't know it yet but I do plan to say yes, when he gets around to asking me to marry him. I have some leave due; it's also time to see if we... fit. My plane leaves in six hours, I won't be back for a week." I got up and headed for the door. "Jack." My hand was on the door handle, I didn't look back. "I admire what you're doing, just remember that when Thomas asks me to marry him, I will leave you Jodie. She's good and getting better. She's smart enough to see what goes on and just as smart to know who to talk to, about it. Let her take over from me when I leave." This time I looked at her, the defiance already in her eyes. "She's as young as Francine. The other department heads will push her around." Mrs Gillins used my own argument against me when she pointed out that Francine had held her own in this company for months now. The fact that she was my PA was irrelevant; she has had some stand up, drawn out arguments with most of the senior research managers and department heads in the building and never backed down once. Jodie took that to heart and her own confidence grew off the back of it. We both knew this was a negotiation. This wasn't about her silence. I had known her long enough to take that for granted, she may well marry Thomas Montrose but her time here would be locked in her head. Even her marriage vows precluded her ever talking about it. This was about Jodie, her successor. "When she gets your backing, that'll be all she'll need Jack. She has the confidence to stare down anyone in this building if she thinks she is right." I nodded my head and told her I would think on it, she smiled at my lie. We both knew that the only thing left to do was put pen to paper and shake on it, when Mrs Gillins finally leaves. Marlon took one look at me and stood up from his desk, turned and wiped the boards behind him clean. I leaned over his desk and picked up the phone dialing the internal number for Gerry's desk. Five minutes later, he was in Marlon's lab drinking coffee with us. "Ok, why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this conversation?" Even poor Marlon shrugged his shoulders not sure about anything that was going on so far. At first, I was tentative until I remembered I simply did not have time to be. Marlon sat back in his chair as Gerry and I talked about the Montrose research and how it was progressing. Trying to get Gerry on board was harder and more diplomatic than even I thought. Thomas and I had given him staff, a lab and free reign on this project and now it looked to him like I was taking it away. Although the big stick method would work in the short term, I would end up losing Gerry at the end of it and that wasn't an option. I did have some leverage, and that was Marlon and I used us, to his advantage. Gerry would give Marlon and I access to the one project that was giving his team the most headaches and between us both, we would work our way through it, feeding the results back through Gerry's computer, so he could then pass on the progress himself. We wouldn't stick our nose into his lab and credits would go to his team. It was a hard sell, but he agreed in principle. An hour later, Marlon's computer beeped and we got busy. Frankie phoned down mid afternoon to tell me Mrs. Gillins was now on holiday and Jodie was in our office. I told her to look on Jodie as Mrs. Gillins while she was away and work out between the both of them the order of business for the rest of the week. Neither Marlon nor I knew anything else until Frankie came into the lab with my coat over her arm. I never saw my office for the next three days. Frankie kept me up to date as we traveled back and forth from home. The second the car entered the valley all talk of work ceased and this was our time. Tonight, we were going to see Red. Frankie drove while the pizzas warmed my lap. It was Red who gave us a rundown on her sister and Rebecca, as she saw them often and was a good sounding board for both of them. Red's hair had once again started to grow, she had a good inch on her head now and although I refused to say it out load, she looked a little boyish with her hair that short. "Both the girls are talking to Father Stevens tonight." Even Frankie looked at Red the same way I did, she was also expecting us to, as well and smiled when she got our full attention. "You gave them a week Jack. They knew dancing around this and courtship was out of the question. They have been sleeping together ever since that first day, is it love? I'm not sure. But they wanted Father Stevens view on this as well. Niamh reminded you that she isn't me Jack. Her morals have kept her lesbian tendencies at bay for years. Rebecca broke through that with a single look and now she has to face what she had kept hidden for years." I pondered what Red had said for awhile before shrugging my shoulders and going back to eating my pizza. My opinion on the girls held no weight so I chose not to give it, although I sure seem to be keeping the good father busy. Red's treatment was progressing; her skin grafts were taking so well her medication was slowly being reduced. It seemed it would only be a matter of a few weeks now, before she was truly home for good. Now came the conversation, I knew needed to be aired. Why isn't there ever an arrow saying 'insert awkward conversation here'? We always say, 'I was waiting for the right time'. There is never a right or a good time, yet we all try to temper what needs to be said to the needs of others or those it's directed at in the first place. Now I'm looking directly at the person this is directed at and she was in the middle of girlie talk with Frankie, smiling and swapping stories. How could I bring this up, yet I had to. "Red. We have discussed you leaving Hollywood and coming home. You wish for the agreement we have that you will have babies when you do, this is not an order but a request. Delay your need for children for one year; you have the case with the studio to fight yet. Your body still needs to heal and you have yet to find a studio for your fitness business. All this cannot be on top of you being pregnant." Frankie sat back and waited. "Ok. I agree." This time Frankie's eyes narrowed as she watched Red very carefully. Unfortunately Red noticed. "Stay out of my head my sister, you're not invited. Keep your own council or get out of my room." Her words stung Frankie; the redness around her neck highlighted her embarrassment that she had done something to upset her own sister. Frankie bit down on her lower lip, her apology was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it. Red's hand rested on top of Frankie's and she gave it a gentle squeeze, this time she looked back toward me. "You are my Master. All that I am inside and outside this body is yours, I have spent many hours thinking of my future and I had reached the same conclusions. You could have ordered me, I would've been sad, but you are my Master, I would have obeyed. Instead, you requested me to think about it and I've leaked on the towel I'm sitting on. You are my Master and I thank you for thinking of my wellbeing. So yes, I agree because I wish for babies that do not carry the stress I have with me at the moment. I want happy babies and for that, I am willing to wait." I just wished every conversation I had with this woman went this well. But, that's life and I'm just grateful that we're so much alike. But Red wasn't done yet, she looked towards Frankie and she in turn flinched at her stare. "We are sisters and sisters don't do what you were about to do. I know of your abilities, Shannon had them. Tell me now that this is the first time you have tried to do that to me and I will believe you, tell me that you will never do it again and I will believe you." Frankie tried to remove her hand from Red's. She held it tighter forcing Frankie to look at her. Once there eyes locked neither moved. "Once, back at the hospital, the first time I walked in and saw you face down and motionless on the bed. The air was thick with the smell of the medication they placed on your back, the tubes in your arm and thigh. As I walked up to you, your thoughts were so powerful I had to sit down. I came to comfort you. Your face showed me so much pain it broke my heart to see you like that." Red relaxed her pressure on Frankie's hand, but both still held on to each other although Frankie knew that retribution was coming. "We are sisters. I understand you are good at your job, but know your limits. We are sisters you stay out of my head and Samantha's. Tell me that you will never do it again and I will believe you." Frankie nodded her head, both of us remained silent. Her own senses screamed that retribution was coming and she shuddered, holding on to Red's hand when she did. "It doesn't come with an off on switch, but I will try, I understand I have offended you and I apologize for it." Perhaps I had allowed Frankie too much, her gift of insight had served me well and her opinions off the back of that gift were always sound. Nevertheless, I agreed with Red, what she had done was too much and far too personal. Especially, when you took into consideration the girls phoned each other every day, I suspected more than that on occasions. "Frankie you're an adult, this is our family and what you did was wrong. I understand the answer you gave for the only time you have done this to Red and that's excusable. However, thinking that it was ok to continue doing it is inexcusable. When Red returns, she gets to play with you in the play room for a whole evening, while I take Samantha out to dinner." Red smiled, Frankie showed no emotion at all. Perhaps her insight told her what was coming, either way she finally nodded her head. "I will obey" fell from her lips as Red moved in her bed and hugged her sister before she told her she was forgiven. It took Marlon and I five days to figure out why this damn program wouldn't work and half a day to set it right. I even dragged Marlon over to the coffee machine and bought him a coffee to celebrate. The ungrateful shit did mention that since the machine was on free vend that didn't count, so I phoned Frankie and asked nicely to send out for pizza for all three of us and to bring it down when it was lunch break. Watching him squirm while we all sat and ate pizza was fun, and a reminder to Marlon not to talk back to the boss. We sat on the program for an hour just watching a screen and smiling a lot, and I even told Marlon that he could transfer over the results to Gerry an hour before the end of the day. It would give him enough time to get his own team leaders up to speed and itching to get to work in the morning to complete the first of the five programs that Montrose Industries had given us. Rebecca now had justification for her weeks stay. I held up my end of the bargain, there was nothing else I could do. She would get the information on the program on Monday. Although still in its very early stages of development, after all not three months before this was nothing more than and idea, born of a need and a gap in the market, that this program would have both the major computer companies banging on Montrose's door to steal from him. This one program could well corner the market and in a year or two, the patents off the back of it, if wisely re-invested. would keep Montrose Industries well into the black for some years to come. I was sure by Tuesday, her father would be here and it will all be down to Rebecca from then on. Mrs. Gillins came back to work on Tuesday, Thomas turned up on Wednesday. Like that fooled anyone. Rebecca met him at the door and showed him to the lab. Gerry and the team took full credit. Marlon and I hid in his lab for a few hours, I did remind him that we had some systems to update and modify for Harper Industries and that me taking him away from that work now put him a week behind. Marlon did what he does best. Wiped the white boards and got to work, ignoring me until we met in the middle of the four white boards he has on his wall. He set to work on the equations before working on a proto-type. Frankie called me up to a meeting with everyone in one of the meeting rooms and light refreshments were served. I commented on the chunk of ice that Mrs. Gillins had on her finger and gave her a hug when she admitted that they both 'fit together' rather well. Rebecca asked her father and his fiancé to dinner and left us to return to looking busy. I'm told that dinner went better than she expected and I did wonder if Mrs. Gillins had laid the groundwork. Thomas admitted that he had known for sometime about her being bi-sexual and although it now looked like that tended towards her new girlfriend he was happy for her. Thomas, Rebecca and Niamh left the next morning and for the next two weeks, peace settled in my life. "Samantha just called. Her father is sending her here to check on the progress of the work they have with us and his given her permission to take a weeks holiday after she reports back on the progress." Well, at least Frankie let me sit down before she told me. I pulled open my lap top and checked the program that held Samantha's necklace, between five and six times a day her necklace recorded a time date stamp. I phoned Dr. Hartman and got an update on Reds medical progress. He was also happy to let her out of the clinic for a week and as long as he was happy with her on her return, then the time spent at the clinic would lessen over the next two months. Frankie and I went to see Red that evening and told her of Dr. Hartman's opinion. The squeal made my ears ring. The next day we took Red home with us and the day after Samantha came home. The girls went into a huddle and didn't come up for air for another hour. All three found me in my den working. Samantha sat on my lap and kissed me, when she got my full attention she even let me explore, her legs automatically opened even further than they were for me and the groan that left her vocal cords never made it passed our joined lips. "This girl is wet, this girl thanks you for making her wet. This girl loves you to bits and wakes every morning happy in the knowledge that you love all three of us. Nevertheless, my sisters miss your company and dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. Does this girl respectfully get to stay with you here until dinner is ready?" Her hand came into focus holding a jar of KY, a smile already getting up to that thousand watt smile threshold. We were slow, after all we both had twenty minutes and Samantha took some of those minutes taking pleasure from lowering her ass onto my hardness while she faced me. "Thank you my master, this girl loves this position and I'm grateful you allow it. This girl loves to kiss you when you're in my ass." The look in her eyes told me she was thinking about that very thought and another smile burst forth. "This girl told a lie and I apologize and will correct it now. This girl not only loves it when you kiss her when you're in her ass, but she loves it when you kiss her at anytime." Her eyes widened a little when she felt even more blood push itself into my erection. That smile of hers sure challenges Frankie's now. After all those months and challenges Red, Frankie and I had faced sorting out the mess that was Samantha, this very moment made it all worthwhile. Both Samantha and her inner slave had finally come to accept each other and thrived on that partnership. The anguish and bitter internal fight she had with herself was finally over, no winners no losers, just peace and a willingness to accept who she was and to build on that from now on. Red stuck her head around the door and said. "Master, sister, dinner is almost ready, you were supposed to rape the bitch and then let her come help us in the kitchen. Instead, you made us do all the work. Do you wish us to turn dinner down until you have finished or are you both done now?" Spontaneous laughter tore through the cabin, my laughter acted as a form of vibrator in Samantha's ass and the laughter in her eyes quickly turned to lust, then panic. She didn't even get the chance to ask if she could cum, instead her face showed panic for a second before she leaned forward and held me tight. That set me off again and that slow sensual build up we were both headed for, ended with Samantha's ass tightening and her shudder as her own orgasm took over. It was made worse by me emptying myself into her. "Oh goodie, he's done, now we can serve dinner and eat. I'm starving." The sound of Red's last comment and her padding feet back towards the kitchen made us both giggle for a second. "I'm sorry, I will try harder." The slight plop as my cock shrank enough to fall out of Samantha's ass acted as that 'you could hear a pin drop' moment. Holding her shoulders and pulling her away from me so I could look directly at her, met with Samantha looking down at my chest until I gently shook her shoulders to get her attention. "You are Samantha, Red is Red and Frankie is Frankie. If you change in anyway other than what I know and see of you now and I'll be angry with you. You are Samantha. Learn from Red and Frankie. If you wish, they will always be open to you. But never try harder. I intend to punish you now, do you understand?" Her eyes moistened as she nodded her head, her shoulders even slumped slightly in defeat and then confusion creased her brow, before she hid it from me. After all, how could I punish her, seconds after telling her she had done nothing wrong? Yet, she wasn't about to argue with me. "After work tomorrow, we will be here for a couple of hours and then I'm taking you out to dinner. That is your punishment, to be stuck with me while we eat." The moistness in her right eye allowed a small tear to slowly descend, down her cheek. The smile that grew on her lips never allowed another to follow. We kissed once more before I let Samantha get up and we walked to the dining table, a towel already on the seat that Samantha would occupy. The conversation was easy and fun. Red stood at one point so we could all see her skin grafts. It was also over the course of that evening that she was open to us all over what happened that afternoon at the studio. I suppose she was waiting to come to terms with it herself and be able to tell us all, at the same time. Even I understood that to tell as much as she had, must have taken a great deal out of her. It's also, why I had no compunction to push her for details. Mathew Bowden knew everything because he had to, so his team could fight Red's case. The emotional and mental withdrawal that followed caused me some concern. That day was still raw to Red and had been for some time. Other than wanting to know why she had not agreed to meet with Caroline Atkins, I had not broached the subject. Red called them her battle scars. We all picked up, on the double meaning she had attached to that comment. Red had been assigned to Caroline Atkins by the studio as her personal fitness trainer. They grew close and at the completion of the first film, Caroline had asked Red if she was willing to stay on for the second film. Although uncertain as to why, she felt that her decision would make up Caroline's mind whether to sign up or not. Since the conversation we had with Red was positive, they both signed up that same day and that bond of friendship grew between them. The day of the accident, they both went over the stunt with the stunt coordinator several times until both knew it by heart. With the word 'action' still ringing in everyone's ears, Caroline performed every action with perfection, right up until the very last stunt. That's when Red knew that Caroline was three paces behind where she was supposed to be at that moment. Regrettably, no one could see that, other than someone in the position that Red was standing. With the final stunt about to go off she could not afford the time to scream at either Caroline or the stunt coordinator, instead opting for what we knew happened next. In covering Caroline and pulling her away from her intended path and fatal end, Red caught the beginning of the last stunt across the top half of her back, before she could force both herself and her charge to the ground and safety. It was plain to see both girls wanted to know more. We still respected Red's need to mentally, place their questions behind her. She answered them as best she could and finally drawing a tight line under us ever asking again. I slept with Red that night, curled up onto a ball and silently crying to herself and allowing me to see that child within her again. Although she knew her sisters understood, to Red this was submission on a deeper level for her. This was showing something that she still felt difficult to both show and, for her sisters to understand. It was well into the night before she came up for air and hugged me tightly to her before the dam burst for the final time. I'm sure the girls heard everything and I freely admit to not being sure if it was their training or respect for Red's privacy and vulnerability that kept them away. Samantha went all business suit on us when we got the office. Marlon did the presentation and like Rebecca before her, Samantha took loads of notes, even though she knew she would get a summery afterwards. We set up a conference call with her father and for
Frankie's Story Ch. 08
[ "lesbian", "pregnant", "anal", "skin-grafts", "burns", "cocktail dress", "sun bath", "melt down", "fitness centre" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 56, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 281, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 87 }
the next hour went into detail of two of the projects that his company wished us to concentrate on. Between Marlon and I, we set a tentative target time and allowed ourselves a light margin for error. Mitch Harper was no fool and set out financial restrictions if we defaulted on our agreed timescale. Samantha produced a contract from her briefcase and once again I signed my life away thinking that I really did need to get Frankie and myself back on the road again real soon. "That's all for now Jack. Sam, enjoy your holiday and I will see you in a week. Take care, baby girl." "Thank you daddy, see you all in a week." Even as the picture went blank, she was still Samantha the hard nose asking Frankie for a UPS envelope so she could send the contracts onward as soon as she could. The envelope would go with the others, down to security later that day ready for pick-up. She then followed Marlon down to his lab and I never saw either of them for the rest of the day. By the time she appeared at my office, Frankie and I had our coats on and were heading down the corridor. Samantha walked on past her own car and piled into the back of mine, before I realized what she had done. Frankie did her usual and spoke of inconsequential things, sometimes bringing Samantha into the conversation and sometimes it was Samantha that started one. Both girls stripped as they entered the cabin. Red already had a light meal ready for us, so all three of us showered together and joined her as she placed everything on the table. I got to the table via the play room. "Frankie, remove your collar." Instantly she knelt and removed her collar placing it on her lap for now as I put the leather collar on her and snapped it shut. Her hand came up, her own collar in full view; I took it and placed it next to the lamp in the day room. Samantha watched but said nothing. "State to your sisters why you are being punished." "I am to be punished for being foolish and allowing my ability to read people, to seep into our lives. It is wrong to allow this ability to interfere with our lives. I should be punished, to remind me to speak to my sisters rather than seek that information from their heads." I nodded my head. "Good, now tell me who is to punish you?" "My sister shall punish me, it was her, I foolishly used my ability on and in doing so, invaded her thoughts and angered her so I could find answers to questions rather than ask her." This time I turned my attention to Red. "You are to punish this slave as you see fit, until Samantha and I return later this evening. Should you wish to use anything outside of the play room, you have my permission to do so." Frankie felt the leash attach itself to her leather collar a second before she heard Red say "Yes Master." We all watched Frankie shudder in anticipation. We ate our meal at the table, Frankie ate hers on the floor in front of us. Samantha came out of the spare room in a cocktail dress and looked like a million dollars. I came out in a suit and looked like I may have to rethink my wardrobe real soon. That girl looked hot. Opera then dinner was the order of the evening. Samantha got all the looks, I got a glowing companion for the evening, although it was clear she wanted more information on what was going on, back at the cabin. All I did was remind her that we were out for the evening and that was all she needed to think about. She nodded her head, but it was clear to both of us that this was new to her. I explained that we would talk about it on the way home, not now. This time that thousand-watt smile resurfaced and lit up the room once again. I asked to see the chef and thanked him for a great meal. Samantha, not to be outdone leaned over and kissed his sweaty cheek. I have never seen this man blush so much since I started coming here. The journey home was a little tense when I explained what Frankie had done at Reds bedside. Samantha never asked anything after that, just sat hugging my arm as we drove back home. She dozed for a while, the travel and what happened the night before were finally catching up to her. Just as the car pulled up outside the cabin her eyes instantly opened. I held the door open for her and smiled to myself at how she already looked like she wanted to rush into the cabin and see what Red had done to Frankie. We found them; Frankie was in the hot tub while Red sat on the edge with her feet in the tub a glass of something clear in both of their hands. "Fucking doctor told me I can't use the hot tub in case my skin fell off, so I'm making her sit there and suffer instead." All three girls burst out laughing. Frankie got out and I wrapped her in a towel before she once again knelt on the cabin floor. The leather collar came off and I put hers back on her. The four welts across her ass did not escape anyone's notice. I equated them to the four words she would have used when she delivered them. Don't do it again. With the weekend now upon us, all four of us ended up at the lake the next day. Although the duty of placing lotion on all three fell to me, it was a valiant effort on my part to make sure every piece of skin was covered in the stuff, several times. Frankie and Samantha took up positions on the float while Red stayed with me. "If I suddenly start having a hairy back, I need you to tell me so you can book me in to get it lasered, promise me this please." Her comment made me laugh so much, the girls sunbathing out on the float looked up to see if I wanted them to return. We all took Red back to the clinic after our weekend together. Niamh was waiting on our arrival. I kept away from her and the girls seemed to act cold around her as well. With a hug and a goodbye, we left both sisters to talk although even I couldn't see that lasting long. Dr. Kellerman was already getting Red wired into everything. A full spectrum of tests were already being written onto her notes. If everything was favorable then the trips away from the clinic would increase. Red was so close to closure now. That chapter in her life was almost over and she had so far survived. The action, being dealt with by Mathew was next, they talked on the phone almost daily and although Red kept me up to date, it was clear all Red wanted was for this all to go away. She most definitely wanted her life back. The second film was due to be released shortly and the studio, in their arrogance had even invited Red to the première. She waited until we got home before she came storming into my den and griped, "I CANNOT believe those bastards!" She tossed the letter she received onto my desk. I scanned over the invitation the studio sent for the premier of the sequel that Red was working on when the accident had happened. "Okay, Red calm down. This will just give Mathew ammunition for his negotiations. We'll call him up and have him take over from here." "When will this thing end? How long has it been since this started? I just want this over with so I can leave that hell-hole once and for all! I'm tired of me, my company and my ... our future, being put on hold, while those assholes dick around." I quipped, "Is this what you're like when you're out of my sight? I may have to send Frankie to you to monitor you better." She crossed her arms and pouted but I could see she was trying hard not to smile. "You're actually pouting? What are you, ten?" "Oh, stop it. Can't I feel sorry for myself for half an hour?" "No, absolutely not. You've got five minutes to get your shit together, then we're going to talk to Mathew. Do me a favor and call your sisters in here." I started dialing the phone as Red got the other two girls. I said when the receptionist answered the phone, "Is Mr. Bowden available? This is ..." The receptionist responded before I could continue, "Of course, Mr. McManus. I'll patch you right through." "Mr. McManus, how are you today?" My initial words faded when all three girls appeared at the door. "Mathew, hold one second. I'm putting you on speaker phone. I have Red, Samantha and Francine here with me. I'm good Mathew. Please call me Jack. Your office knows my voice? I must call back WAY too often." We all laughed and I suppose it was true, between Red and I, we seemed to talk a lot with his firm and gather updates as to time scales and updates of Red's medical status and her needs as they occured. "Anyway, the reason we called is that the studio had sent an invitation to Red, requesting her to attend the premier of that movie. She's quite upset about the whole thing. Can you also give us any news on the progress of the negotiations?" We could hear Mathew blow out a breath, "They are still stalling. They're hoping that they can weaken our position by stalling. They want us to get desperate enough to settle for a lot less than you deserve, Red. I know it's hard, but stick this out a little longer. This mistake they just made will help a lot." Both the girls and I sat and watched Red as she sat and stewed, this wasn't what she wanted to hear. "Okay, please fax us a copy of the letter then release custody of the letter to the local branch of our office. We'll send a formal letter of complaint to their lawyers. We'll let them know that this little stunt will cost them and, also, use this letter as a catalyst to force their hand to close this whole business out." "Thanks Mathew. I'll get that faxed to you in a few minutes and courier the letter over ASAP." I hung up. Sam turned to Red, "Have you thought about what you're going do now?" "Other than getting this thing settled and selling the business, no I haven't." Red looked at me then at Frankie. Frankie smiled and nodded at Red. Red looked down at her folded hands and heaved a big sigh. It was clear she was thinking about it, I think the shudder her body gave before she once again turned to me confirmed ahead of time that it wasn't going to happen. "My Master we rarely discuss money since we have never needed to, but without the sale of either the business or my apartment how much is this slave worth?" I unlocked a drawer to one side of my desk and pulled out a file, flipped a couple of pages and looked at the total. "I have yet to update your account; it's almost a week since I did, so forgive the odd few dollars until I do." My finger traveled along the list of numbers until I found the one I was looking for. "Your worth, without the business and apartment included comes to four point seven million dollars. Like I said, give or take a few dollars." "Holy shit." I had a smile on my face when I looked towards Frankie, her face was a picture, Samantha's wasn't that far behind. "Red was a nightmare at college, her finances were in such a mess that I took them over and handed them to my accountant he in turn had split her personal income in half and Red lives on one half while he deals with the other as well as her business account. With investments, the selling of her last company and the profits from this one she has over the last eighteen years only spent a very small percentage of her personal wealth. Add to that she spends nothing when she's here which is as often as she can, means her balance simply keeps growing." It wasn't difficult to see what all three were thinking. A naked slave doesn't need a clothes allowance and when I did insist on things like fitness clothes, I ended up handing one of them my plastic anyway. It also led Frankie to insist on me doing the same with her wages, I simply shrugged my shoulders and pulled another file out of the same drawer, pulled a sheet out of a file and told her to sign on the bottom. Samantha watched and smiled as Frankie sailed across the room and signed at the bottom of the page without even reading the small print. I also found out that Red was keeping secrets. She was going out from the clinic from time to time on her own. At first, I was going to raise this with her, until I figured out what she was up to and quickly moved away from confrontation so she could surprise us all. The next time Frankie and I came to pick her up for a long weekend, she directed us towards another part of town finally parking us at the front of a building. Frankie was still confused until she noticed the sign above the door. 'Connell's Fitness and Gym'. She took a picture with her phone and forwarded it to Samantha. Samantha called Red directly and screamed congratulation over the phone. Both girls wanted membership immediately, if not sooner. Red explained that her membership was already on its way to her as she stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out Frankie's. We got the tour of the gym and fitness studio and were introduced to Anthony. My first thought, as I looked at him was 'steroids' and then I recognized the name. Anthony (don't call me Tony) was one of Reds employees back in Hollywood. He obviously didn't wish to be part of any new company when Red sold it and her apartment. Anthony was built as if he needed to twist sideways before going through a door. It was also wise never to assume anything about him. He was Reds right hand, back in Hollywood and a list of qualifications longer than his arm, meant that you assumed at your peril. He and five others would work the gym. Reds expertise was the fitness classes. It seems Doc Kellerman still wanted Red to take it easy for another month, so the gym would open on Monday and then the fitness studio would start taking names for classes. The good doctor told me that Red was back in training with a vengeance, apart from a couple of post examinations booked in at three and six months there was little if anything left to do. The grafts had taken and held becoming living tissue once again and although he had suggested some cosmetic surgery, Red had flatly refused. To her, the scars were from a time in her life that was now the past. Although she chose not to return to it, she was plainly reluctant to erase all reminders of it. Her sight was now set on the fitness center business. Mathew Bowden and his people were left to talk to the studio. At the moment, it all looked like it was finally coming together. Then the opening of the fitness classes happened. Both the girls had gone to the opening. I had stayed at the office to catch up on some work. My phone rang and a terrified Frankie screamed into the phone that she needed help. I heard Red in the background screaming and cursing up a storm. I made it to the studio in half the time it was supposed to take and I was just grateful the police in our town were busy somewhere else. Anthony stood to one side of the door and I almost ran through it. Red was beyond help, poor Frankie held her down but only just, and that was with the aid of one of the other fitness instructors, who looked as terrified as Frankie did. I tossed my phone to Frankie, grabbed Red and held her screaming form in my arms as I told Frankie to get Doctor Kellerman. Between her screams, her punches and kicking, all I could do was hold her. Her own years of submissive training counted for nothing as I held her tight to me and waited for the good Doctor. He looked just as shocked by Reds appearance as everyone else that evening. He immediately sedated her and between us, got her back to the clinic. The nurse strapped her to the bed. My first thought was to object, the bruises over my face and body meant I would have been stupid to do so. It took close to an hour to get the story out of Frankie. With Doctor Kellerman's help, we slowly coaxed it out of her. They had got to the fitness center early, even though all the groundwork was completed. They drank water to hydrate and twenty-five students came in. Red was twenty minutes into her fitness program when she spotted something and screamed at the woman in the front row. The woman ran out, but the damage had already been done. Red dismissed the class and left, by the time Frankie had her stuff together, her downward spiral continued. She kept pacing the room wouldn't settle or talk to Frankie. Her own agitation grew and there was nothing either Frankie or Anthony could do. She called me, but Reds anger was slowly getting out of control. Red was lashing out at anything, causing both Frankie and Reds assistant to hold her down and hope she calmed down. Frankie once again burst into tears as she came to the end of that evening's tragic story. "Frankie, Frankie listen to me. Think long and hard, who was the woman that Red screamed at?" It took all of her own will power to stop her body from shaking with fear. Her mind reached back amongst those memories. "She called her Karen, the last name sounded like Winston but she was already screaming and swearing at the woman by then, so I may be wrong. Doc Kellerman held onto Frankie's hand. She instantly pulled it away. Her eyes bored deep into him. "I belong to one man. You are my doctor, I understand that, but my master owns me not you." The doc and I looked at each other, although he was a little confused by her sudden change, I knew that the memories of Charles Winston and the seminar in Atlanta were still around to haunt her. This time we tried something different. It was clear he had a reason for touching Frankie. I held one hand and the doctor then held her other hand. Frankie instantly relaxed. "Francine please think hard, was it Winston or Wilson?" This time Frankie looked at me for direction, I held her hand tighter and nodded my head. Frankie closed her eyes and by her eye movement I could tell she was re-enacting the whole evening. Suddenly her eyes opened and she once again looked towards the doctor. "Wilson. It was definitely Wilson." Doctor Kellerman thanked her and let go of her hand, tilting his head towards the door as he got up. I made Frankie more comfortable on the couch in his office and went to find him. Joseph Kellerman was standing by the coffee machine. He handed me mine and sat across from me when the machine gave his out. "I hope this is nothing more than a blip in her recovery Jack. I understand you need to do something, so I will help you there without breaking any confidentiality. For weeks now, the clinic has been screening all of Reds calls at her request. She gave us two names that were never to be given access to her, one was Caroline Atkins, the other was Karen Wilson. Caroline and Karen are, one and the same person." The urge to kill doesn't come often to me. Right at this moment I would have easily placed my hands around that woman's throat and squeezed. People like Mathew Bowden aren't very emotional; it was partly why I was happy to have him on my side. When I told him what had happened and asked if Caroline was still contracted to the studio, I actually heard him swear. He then told me he would be on the next available flight. At ten the next morning, Mathew and two of his assistants came into Joseph Kellerman's office. He took statements from Frankie, Anthony and the other fitness instructor that helped hold Red down. They found three other women from that class willing to testify over what had happened and who the woman in the front row was. Joseph had to refuse Mathew access to Red as she was still heavily sedated. "That event was last night. The sedation should have worn off by now. Why is Ms. O'Connell still being sedated?" Joseph felt his abilities as Reds doctor were being questioned. He stood to face Mathew, it was then I interceded. "Mathew, we tried to bring her out of it earlier. No sooner had she woke, than she screamed in pain. She was so strong and so driven she broke one of the restraints holding her to the bed. Joseph had no choice but to sedate her again." For such a proud and broad man he seemed to deflate to the point he had to sit down, shaking his head as he did so. It seems Mathew was human after all. "My God, what have these people done to this woman?" "It's why she left Hollywood so quickly and why she heaped everything onto you. She trusted you to keep them at bay Mathew, the more times she spoke to you she believed in her mind that her past would finally remain just that. I'm sure that Caroline Atkins had no intention of turning Red into a basket case last night. But as the book says 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'." Mathew's mind seemed to be elsewhere and I paused. It took him a moment before he once again looked at me. "When Red comes out of this I'll call you and get you or one of your assistants back here, but to be honest Mathew, none of us know when that's going to be." Once he had composed himself, he stood and held out his hand towards Joseph Kellerman. They shook and he thanked him for his assistance and apologized for any distress he felt he had caused him. An hour later Frankie returned to Doctor Kellerman's office, placing the leather collar into my hands. Joseph went white and then shook his head. "That's not going to work Jack." I smiled before replying. "Red is drifting Joseph and I'm not about to let her continue to do so. Find us a room where she can't hurt herself and lock us both in there." "And if she beats you to a bloody pulp?" "Then with my last 'gasp' effort, I'll write 'ooops' with my last drops of blood." Joseph Kellerman laughed, his laughter stopped when Samantha was shown into his office by Frankie, who ignored the look I gave both of them. "Please tell me you're here to talk some sense into him." "Doc I think you and I have been out maneuvered by these two." I don't often get to see Joseph at a loss for words, when it dawned on him what I had just said. The silence was very quickly replaced, by him telling the girls it would be a cold day in hell, that what they wanted was what they were getting. Frankie said nothing, just smiled and took a pace back toward the door, and opened it. Mathew Bowden stepped back into the office. I figured now was about the time I had best defuse the situation. "Doc, I've been around sub-missives since I was eighteen and if there is one logic that defies everything, even the laws of physics, is that when they talked about an unstoppable force hitting an immovable object they clearly never considered a slave on a mission. Samantha, recite your vow that you gave to your sisters." Samantha paused for a moment as her mind went back to the many conversations they all had together, smiled and then said, "This is my gift to all of you. Should any of you ring me I will answer, regardless of what I'm doing, should you need me I will be but a plane ride away." "What did Frankie say when she phoned you?" "That my sister is in trouble and that it will take us all to help her. She also said that one of us could get hurt in doing so." "Yet you still came to help your sister, knowing one of us will be hurt. Even if it's you she hurts." This time Samantha shrugged her shoulders. "Should my sister harm me then you will be there to protect me, I will not see that hurt since it's not my sister harming me but the demons inside her head. Please Master, my sister is in pain. It is up to us, to stand with her and for her to know she is not alone in her fight." Joseph continued to shake his head as he listened to what was being said. Mathew again sat down, only this time he sat and watched. Once again Doctor Kellerman thought about what had been said before he shook his head in the negative. "I can't allow this Jack. You know Reds history, we both know she's stronger than she looks and the self defense classes she took, hell she even became an instructor in those same courses eventually. That woman could take each of you apart before I could get the door unlocked." Everyone was silent, deep in his or her own thoughts. Joseph Kellerman had a patient and a career to look after. I had three girls that placed in my hands, their own welfare. I w
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 62, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 298, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 104 }
as wondering if we now had our own unstoppable force, verses immovable object moment, but of course, there was Frankie. "Mr. Bowden. You sit and say nothing. It's now you have to say what is clearly on your mind." Mathew Bowden looked at Frankie, we all looked at Mathew. After a pause, he then looked towards Joseph and as he spoke, we all realized that once again he was human after all. "I've read every witness statement of what happened that night and going on what the good Doctor has told me, what I understand he isn't willing to tell me, Ms O'Connell is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder." For a few moments Mathew said nothing, we watched him fidget in his chair making himself more comfortable. For a moment I expected him to reel off statistics, instead he clasped his hands together and spoke very eloquently about how to this day many people believe that stress disorder would only afflict combat troops. Over the last few months, he had gotten to know Red through their conversations on the phone. She told him of her growing dislike of Hollywood and the decision they had made that she would sell the business as well as her apartment and move back home. How this film was to be the final farewell and close that chapter in her life. Yet the accident at the studio was now an anchor, holding her to a place she no longer wanted anything to do with. To Red, it seemed that every time she tried to move on, something pulled her back. To hold her in a place she no longer wished to be. The invitation to the premiere was one such reminder, just as she knows deep down in her soul; the film was going to be a huge success. Partly because it really was a good film, but also because it's the film where 'that woman' saved Caroline Atkins life, that the severing of her past was becoming more difficult at every turn. At the moment Red carried the pain and constant reminders of that past on her back while Quantum Studio's did nothing more than reap the profits. Last night was a classic example. She now has her own business. The gym is growing in membership by the day and the list of names down for fitness classes far exceeded those of the projected forecasts. She knew some came to stare, but those would soon leave and the hard core of people who wanted to be there would make the place a success. The first day she was there, in her capacity of fitness instructor, and guess, who stood center stage? Caroline Atkins aka Karen Wilson. The evening that was to be Reds start to a new life and there was her past, standing slap-bang in the middle of the front row. Mathew looked up from his hands and saw us all transfixed at his words. "That anchor holding her to a place she now loathes with a vengeance and the woman she believes betrayed her trust and friendship while she was still in the hospital was standing there. Her mind had nowhere to go; the fitness room was her place, her comfort blanket if you wish and her past stood in the middle of the front row, poisoning her own space for her." For such an agonizingly long time, no one said a word. It was clear Mathew spoke the truth, as he knew it. After all, Red did speak to him almost daily. However, Joseph held the final decision here and going by the look of great sadness that he tried and failed to hide, we knew he would do as we asked. It still took us two hours to find what we needed. Mathew wanted to go get it, I thought it best to send Frankie and even that, took another two hours. Joseph needed to keep Red sedated and knew that if we didn't act quickly, then he would have to keep her sedated for longer. We were all reluctant to allow that. That poor girl had enough drugs washing around in her body; she did not need anymore if we could avoid it. I had to warn both girls that Joseph needed to turn the cameras on. My main concern was Samantha and my promise to her, she didn't even flinch. Mathew carried Red into the room and left. Joseph waited until we undressed and took all of our clothes away. The sound as I placed the leather collar around Reds neck and clicked it shut had a certain finality about it. Frankie knelt by her head, we all knew that her gift was needed now more than ever and I gave her permission to use it. Samantha knelt at her feet, Red would no doubt see her first, I simply sat on my ass and wished for a time machine that would take me to a time where I could refuse Red permission to do that last film. We just sat and watched this woman who was clearly fighting her own battles in her head. If nothing else, each and every one of us both in here and outside watching the screens wasn't going to give Red up without a full on fight. She gave a slow moan and slowly turned onto her side, and then with speed that I had seen only rarely from her, she was on her feet and pulling at the door. None of us moved. Red stopped pulling at the door and started to pace either side of the door. She slowly increased the length of her pacing until she paced from corner to corner. The girls just sat and watched the space that Red had just vacated, I watched Red. She paused in her pacing and pulled at her collar, she even turned it around and tried the catch only to find a small padlock preventing her from opening it. "Get this fucking thing off me. I'm not one of your sheep, anymore." "Die first." I noticed the look of shock from both the girls in my peripheral vision. "What?" "I said you have to die first and then I will take it off. Or, are your promises worth nothing? You promised that you were mine until you die, so die first and fulfill your promise." "Promises are worthless words that people use, to get what they want. I got what I wanted from a pencil dick like you and now, I'm moving on. TAKE THIS FUCKING THING OFF ME." It was time to change positions, so I stood and sat the other side of the room passing Red as I did. She watched me, even took a pace to the side so I didn't come close to her. "Tell me something, once I take that off of you, who owns you?" "No one. I will finally be free. Do you know what that word means, pencil dick? Let me help you, free to do what I want, when I want. To be beholden to no one and have a voice." "But you have a voice; you have always had a voice." The color around Reds neck started to change, her hands grasped and then released. "You gave me nothing. Every time I came to you and asked for my freedom, you heaped more pressure on me to stay. Well, you have two new bitches so you no longer need me. Let me go." "Yes, I see your point. Tell me something. That thing you want me to remove from around your neck, what is it?" For the first time Red looked confused, as if I had just asked the most stupid of all questions. Her eyes narrowed slightly looking for a trap. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was that hard of a question." This time I pointed to Samantha and urged her to stand. Her actions were slow and calculated, not to spook Red in any way. "Let's try an even easier question for you. Who is that person standing there, name her for me, and I will remove the thing around your neck." Again Red looked confused. She looked at Samantha really closely and after a moment took another step back, keeping Samantha and I in her field of vision. It was also time to move again, so I stood and moved to another part of the room and sat back down. "I'm sorry I got bored of waiting for an answer to my question. Which reminds me," This time I gestured to Frankie to stand, she followed Samantha's example and stood slowly, with Red watching her every movement. "Shall we try for three out of three? Name the person who just stood up." She seemed to look longer at Samantha, her eyes narrowed slightly as though something about her sister struck a cord deep in the recesses of her mind. Soon she shook her head as though frustrated that some answer to a question would not yield itself to her. Her anger once again took control. "This is sick, you're all sick. JUST TAKE THIS FUCKING CHAIN OFF MY NECK." Frankie's face remained a mask. Samantha looked at Red and smiled. I was just grateful she didn't notice. I stood again and Red looked directly at me. Frankie took the opportunity to quickly shake her head at Samantha. I was just relieved that she understood and her face quickly became a mask, as I passed in front of her heading for another part of the room. "Tell me something, is your word any good. I mean, if you lost a bet would you hold up your end of the bet even if you lost?" Anger flashed across her face and her hands once again clenched and un-clenched. "My word's worth a lot more than yours is any day pencil dick." "I'm pleased to hear it. So, do you want to accept a bet? It's not difficult. All you have to do is stand against that wall and do nothing. Accept that bet and I will take that thing off of you. BUT, if you lose, I get to ask you one question and you answer it honestly." Her eyes zeroed in on me for a moment, trying to figure out my angle. After a while, she slowly paced backwards until her back was against the wall. I turned and walked between both girls and in a whisper said one word as I passed between them and took up my position against the far wall, folding my arms as I rested against it. Frankie walked towards Samantha and she in turn met her half way. There embrace was as gentle and as loving as I have always seen between them. Frankie raised her head, Samantha lowered hers and they kissed. Gently at first, a moan emanated from somewhere deep inside Frankie which only seemed to spur Samantha onwards. Red was transfixed. Her mouth was open as she stared at both girls, in the middle of the room clearly enjoying a kiss. Although she noticed me walk towards her, her attention was still on both girls in the middle of the room. Even when I stood directly in front of her to remove the collar she moved slightly so she could still see what the girl were doing. I'm almost sure she didn't hear the click of the now released padlock on the collar, but the girls did and instantly stopped and took a step apart as I walked between them once again and thanked them. "See you won your bet and got your wish." Red seemed not to hear me, her hand came away from her side and she took a half step towards the girls before she stopped and lowered her hand once again. I moved to another wall. Frankie gave me a quick nod of the head as I did, we all saw Red in there, she was just below the surface. "Figured it out yet?" It took a moment for Red to take her eyes off the girls and look towards me. Both the girls could see just as I could, we all knew Reds body just as she knew ours, we could tell that she was getting aroused. Her mind may be trapped but her body gave her away. "That your two bitches have the 'hots' for each other you mean? Isn't that expected with a pencil dick like you around?" Samantha's face was a give away and Frankie moved across her to give her a moment to calm and mask her emotions once again. I moved from the wall to once again keep Red looking at me and not let her get under Samantha's skin. Red watched until I sat with my back against the door, Samantha mouthed the words 'sorry' and her mask came back to her. "Are you going to open the door now? I won my bet." "The winning of your bet, is by your feet. You stood against the wall and I undid the thing you can't seem to remember the name of." It was only when she looked down and saw the collar by her feet that her hand came up and checked her neck. She frowned and she fought so hard to remember me taking it off of her. "But... I mean how... What the fuck are you doing to me pencil dick? You're creeping me out." Although the anger in her eyes was clear to see from all three of us, her state of arousal was still clear to see by everyone, but her. "Ok, answer me this without wrapping everything in riddles like you've been doing. What's it going to take to get that door open and me out of this shit hole?" I smiled and that pissed her off even more. "Well..." I said and stopped just as quickly. Once again I stood and walked across the room passing between the girls as I did so and whispered one word as I did, then sat against the far wall watched the door for a moment before looking towards Red. "I suppose that would be another bet, I know you're good at them since you won the last one." Her anger got to me faster that her words did. "You and your fucking bets, what is it with you? You spend ten years fucking with my life and now I have to pay to get out of this shit hole. Well I've had enough. Just tell me what I have to do and LET ME GO." I thought it may take longer, my heart wanted to believe that Red was in there fighting along with the girls and I. She kept slipping up; the chain around her neck was Hollywood holding her back, the fact that she couldn't name both girls showed me her damaged mind looked on each of them as Caroline Atkins and Karen Wilson. Those last words that left her lips, gave away her biggest clue. I had known Red for nearly twenty years, and she had been in Hollywood for the last ten of those. Now was perhaps the point of no return. I knew Red better than anyone, even with her mind in such turmoil, I had to hope and pray that I knew her well enough to know what she would do next. We needed to distract Red and we needed to do it now. Frankie walked towards one side of the door and Samantha followed and stood the other side. I took that distraction of Red watching them, to look at one of the cameras and nodded my head as I stood. Red pushed herself tighter to the wall and turned her gaze back to me, she didn't hear the click of the door because I was already walking towards her. A woman's voice pierced the silence in the room. "I'm so sorry Red; please find it in your heart to forgive me." Red's head turned towards the door, a naked Caroline Atkins stood between both the girls. I paused and that was damn near fatal. When we had tracked Caroline down to one of the motels outside town, it was plain to see she was in almost as bad a state as Red was. Once Frankie had gotten her back to the clinic, it took all my persuasive skills to keep Mathew from doing her bodily harm. I took her to a quiet room and told her all I knew and a great deal of what I suspected. Red had asked if she could take a female lover to tide her over the last year of Hollywood. I agreed and my only condition was that I never knew her name. Looking at Caroline as we talked, I did know now. She agreed to help us and even though I told her we would all be naked, she had agreed that she would enter the room in a swim suit. Somewhere along the line, she had lost even that. The second it took for me to realize she was naked was the second Red took to launch herself across the room and try to attack Caroline. Our paths met in the middle of the room and I pinned her to the floor, both the girls knelt and for some reason Caroline followed suit. "You fucking back-stabbing bitch. You're a Judas, you hear me Caroline, YOU'RE A FUCKING JUDAS." "Yes. I could lie, but there seems little point, the pressure the studio and my management team placed me under to do that interview was enormous. It wasn't until I had done it, I realized the extent of the damage I had done. I see them like you do now. I just hope I didn't loose my best friend, before I finally saw them for what they are." Red still pulled and twisted, but the venom had gone from her as she listened to Caroline. I needed to gamble now and nodded to Frankie. She quickly stood and disappeared outside, coming back with a small bag. Although Caroline stayed where she was, Samantha joined Frankie by Red. Caroline was still talking and although I heard a word or two, I needed to concentrate on my girls and not the tentative peace that was growing between them. Frankie pulled two bottles of massage oil from the bag and tossed one to Samantha; both girls must have poured a good third of a bottle over Red's body and had already started to massage it into her before she realized what her sisters were doing. The first moan that escaped her gave her away, when I looked back, Samantha had half her hand buried into Reds, pussy. The wriggling stopped, well the wriggling against me holding her down had stopped, her hips had already started to rise to allow Samantha better access, it was then I knew I had my Red back. The therapy was still going to happen, but the girls had brought our Red back. I released Red and stood. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled that cute smile of hers. The flush of her cheeks grew and she held out a hand toward me, causing me to kneel by her side. Frankie moved closer and her oiled hands surrounded one of Reds breasts, the moan was longer this time. Her hand went behind my neck and pulled me closer and we kissed, the kiss would have been longer but her hips arched and another moan passed between us. Samantha must been doing a great job back there. "I should have talked to you about all this, I'm sorry. Please help me get my life back, please hold me as often as you can and forgive the insults this slave gave you. I love you so much and each insult hurt me so, yet I couldn't stop, my pain wouldn't let me." Even as those words came to me, I had to pull air into my lungs to hold my own emotions in check. I smiled and we kissed once more, before I stood to fully see the sight in front of me. Red's legs were wide, Samantha was between them. The fingers of her hand now finding her sisters pleasure spot. Frankie was both kneading and pulling hard on her sisters nipples, forcing both pleasure and massage oils into them. Red had closed her eyes once again, her hips trembled and her orgasm was fast approaching. It was time for me to leave. I knelt by Caroline. "What you did took courage; you have a choice, join them or leave with me." As she looked at me, her eyes gave her away and I smiled. I'm sure none of the girls noticed I was gone. I joined Mathew and Joseph next door. "Pencil dick huh, I may have to check my notes regarding your last physical and see if I need glasses." I blushed. "I need you to turn the cameras off now Joseph. Red won't do any harm now and I think they could all do with some privacy. She will still need help and I'll accept your recommendations on that, but Red is back. Now, it's a case of keeping her here." This time I looked towards Mathew. "I believe all this comes under client confidentiality. Red is mine, Mathew. Don't get attached to her, she is your client. Do the best for her and go after the studio and Red will thank you, when you can finally sever the last links she has with Hollywood. I like you Mathew, but you're becoming too attached to my slave and I won't allow you to interfere on a personal level. Do I make myself clear?" Joseph looked towards Mathew. It looked for a moment, as if he was going to protest, instead he nodded his head. "One more thing Mathew, you will assign one of your assistants to Red. If asked, you will tell people that your attention is on dealing with the studio and your assistant will deal with any communication with Red. The daily conversations with you will cease, if you don't stop them, I will order my slave to stop them. She is mine, Mathew and has been since college. If you want to take her away, then go into that room now and take her." Mathew looked at the screen in front of Joseph. The conversation happened so fast and his own attention held that the good doctor hadn't got around to switching the camera off yet. The heap of arms and legs as all four women were attached to parts of each other looked like a human form of a 3D jigsaw puzzle. Joseph noticed and switched the camera off, the screen wet dark and he returned his attention to Mathew. For a moment, Mathew continued to stare at the screen. We both watched him nod his head once again. He shook Joseph's hand then stood in front of me. "You're right and I'm sorry. If I could take her from you and I doubt that very much, where could I take her? I live in the one place she's spending so much time trying to run away from. I will assign one of my people to Red. The studio will be releasing the film in two days and my team is almost ready to put our case to the studio. She is going to be a very rich woman when we are done with them." For some reason Joseph switched the camera back on. Red was in the process of pulling Samantha's legs apart and sliding her own body between them as she set about pussy fucking Samantha. Joseph once again switched the camera off. The good doctor's voice pushed Mathew and I apart and nailed Mathew forever out of Reds life. "Judging by that, I'd say she already is the richest woman on this planet wouldn't you? What you will give her is monitory compensation for placing her own life in the spotlight, a place she never wanted to be. The studio wants to keep her in the spotlight for the mileage they can get from her to bolster the films success. Fight them Mathew. Bind them to a legal contract that they can't get out of and give her back her anonymity." We were sitting in Joseph's office when all four clothed woman came in, the cold pizza boxes sat on the table in the corner. Frankie set about re-heating them. I have never seen grown women devour pizza like they were starved animals. The burps and snickers as they looked and laughed at each other simply made Joseph and I shake our heads. "Caroline, I went back to the hotel and checked you out. Your clothes are in the trunk of my car. You're staying as our guest tonight and I assume you have to be at the opening of the film the day after." "Thank you. Yes, I'm contracted to be there so I have to attend." Her cheeks flushed. It was clear she thought Red would react to her statement. Red just smiled and placed her hand over Caroline's in acknowledgement that she had no choice. "That's settled then, Red you're coming back with us but you know you're back here as soon as Joseph can get you a therapist?" The pause was longer this time, I think she picked up on my mood. "Yes, Master." Caroline quickly turned to Red, her mouth open. "Red, come here please." The tears had already started their journey down her cheeks. She stood and slowly walked toward my chair coming to a stop two feet from me. Her eyes locked to my chest. She knew, it was reinforced in her mind and didn't resist when I grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her over Joseph's desk. Holding her in that position I pulled down her tracksuit bottoms and slapped her ass ten times, so hard my hand hurt. Poor Joseph was stunned by what was happening across his desk. We hadn't talked about it and I had intended to fix this when we got back to the cabin, but Red knew and I had no choice. Still holding her I turned to the other three. "Frankie, take your sister and our guest home. We will follow shortly." My command was met with silence, Frankie simply knelt. Samantha followed her lead, still unsure why. Caroline went to say something, but was met by Joseph pulling at her arm and telling her that we needed a moment. No sooner had the door closed than I pulled my pants down and buried my cock into Red pussy. She was still wet from their time in the room so once my cock was lubricated enough I pulled out and pushed it into her ass. She went to cry out and I slapped her ass once again, instantly she bit down on her lip and lay there as I pounded into her. She clenched her ass once, her body giving her away, that was also met by me slapping her ass even harder this time. She grunted and winced but remained motionless across the table until I had finished. As my cock slid out of her, I pulled her off Joseph's desk and left her on the floor, silently crying to herself. "Tell them. Tell them now." *End of Chapter eight.*
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 49, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 306, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 93 }
This submission is a continuation of "First Time Exploring my bi-side" https://literotica.com/s/first-time-exploring-my-bi-side Well it has been a few months since Jason and I first started fooling around. It has been great swapping hand jobs and blow jobs whenever we feel the need. It usually happens when we are watching the game in his basement. A few beers in we usually start with stroking then taking turns blowing each other. When I was curious, I had a feeling I would really love having a cock in my mouth, but to actually have one is one hundred times better. One of my favorite things to do is getting started before Jason's cock is hard. I love taking his soft cock in my mouth, using only my mouth getting him hard. The feeling of him growing in my mouth is in-explainable. Jason and I have similar cocks, both are cut, I am 6.5/7" hard, fairly thick, trimmed and shaved. Jason is closer to 7.5" but not as thick, and has many more thicker vains than mine. This particular day I was very horny, as soon as Erica (Jason's wife) left the house I was on my knees pulling down his shorts. He really has a beautiful cock. I took it in my hand and gave it a few quick strokes just to feel its length. His cock from soft to hard does not change drastically, where as mine soft to hard is more significant. After giving it a few strokes I lean in taking just the head between my lips, rolling my tongue around his head, licking on the underside where its very sensitive. I start taking more and more of his cock. It was not long before is cock was growing in my mouth, I love knowing he is enjoying what I am doing. Soon his cock as at full hardness, running my tongue up and down his shaft, then taking him in, feeling his head hitting the back of my throat before swallowing. It wasn't long before I had the familiar feeling of his cock twitching, I knew he was getting close to cumming. I slid my mouth up and down his entire shaft, tip to base over and over. Stroking him a few times, I love to feel his cock in my hand, how hard it is and how long it feels. Then back to using only my mouth and cupping and massaging his smooth balls. Knowing this will put him over the edge, I suck harder waiting for his cum. Then I feel him start to cum as he screams "I'm cumming". Sucking harder, feeling his hot liquid flood my mouth is amazing, swallowing...tastes so good. I was shocked how much I love tasting his cum. Its like I can't get enough. After sucking every last drop from Jason's cock I sit back on the couch and open a beer. Jason reached over, grabbing my cock trough my shorts and said, "that was amazing". He reached in my shorts and started stroking my already hard cock. Squeezing from base to tip, working out some pre-cum then massaging the under side of my head. I lift my hips of the couch and push my shorts down, freeing my cock and giving him unrestricted access. Jason moves to his knees between my legs, stroking my cock, leaning in and licking my balls. I always keep them shaved smooth, his tongue feels amazing. Then licking up my shaft taking my head between his lips, licking all around my head, then dropping down taking more and more. When we first started he was not able to get me all the way in, with all the practice he is now able take me all the way. I sit back watching Jason slide his mouth up and down my shaft, I never would have imagined a blow job from a guy would feel so amazing. A few minutes later I notice movement out of the corner of my eye, I look over towards the stairs, Erica is standing there with her finger over her lips signaling me to be quiet. She is standing there watching her husband sucking my cock, she does not seem upset in the least. Complete opposite actually, she is watching very intently, her hands rubbing over her clothed breasts and between her legs. Her watching is turning me on even more, I say I am getting close to cumming, Jason sucking harder, then Erica says "no, not yet". Jason immediately stops and lets my cock slip from his mouth, looking at his wife in shock. Erica says, "don't stop baby, that is rude" as she is walking closer then kneeling along side her husband. He is still shocked, hasn't moved at all. Erica grabs my cock at the base, stroking up and down its length. Offering it to her husband, "come on honey, help me here" with that Erica leans in taking my cock in her mouth. Her mouth is so soft and warm, she works up and down my length a few times, then grabs Jason by the head pulling him closer to my cock. She slips my cock out of her mouth and again encourages Jason, this time he obliges and takes me back in his mouth he and Erica lock eyes. I am sitting in total amazement as I watch this attractive couple taking turns sucking my cock. As Jason is sucking my cock, Erica is encouraging him, telling him to suck that cock. Erica begins to undress, removing her t-shirt and bra, exposing her perfect tits, I would say a B cup, very perky, topped with hard nipples. She cups each one, pinching and pulling her nipples. She then shimmies out of her shorts, leaving her thong on and kneels on the couch, leaning in and placing her nipple in my mouth. As I alternate from one breast to the other, she has her hand on the back of her husbands head guiding him up and down. I announce I am about to cum again, Erica kneels back along side her husband, telling him suck that cock and make me cum. Jason sucks harder, I tell them again I am about to cum. Erica tells him, not swallow all of my cum and to save some for her. I release into his mouth, after a few seconds Jason releases my cock and Erica immediately takes me in, sucking out the last of my seed. She then grabs Jason and they begin to make out, sharing my cum with each other. I'm sitting back, thinking that was the most intense orgasm of my life. Erica takes a spot on the couch next to me, Jason brings over beers for all of us and sits on the other side of Erica. For the next 15 or 20 minutes we sit there recovering, Erica obviously has a few questions so we tell her the truth of how it all started. We tell her about watching the game, the commercial, my comment on the actress and Jason pointing out how it looked like her. Erica asked if I really thought she looked like an actress, I nodded my head and said "yes, but you are naturally pretty, not all made up and fake" she blushes then leans in and kisses me. I can still taste my cum on her tongue as we kiss. We continue kissing and soon Jason is rubbing her bare thigh watching us as we kiss. Erica's legs part, her husband is soon rubbing her pussy through her panties, my hand on her breasts. Soon, all three of us are touching and stroking. Jason and I are mainly concentrating on his wife. Every once in a while he reaches over stroking my cock and I do the same to him. I wanted to see Erica's pussy badly, I knelt between her legs, hook my fingers in her thong and pull them down off her long legs, exposing a perfectly smooth pussy. Her slit is tight with her inner lips exposed just a little, I can clearly see she is very wet and glistening. I pull her to the edge of the couch, pushing her legs apart I kiss up her thighs, Jason watching me as I begin to lick his wife's pussy. I use the tip of my tongue to part her lips, tasting her delicious juice. I spend the next several minutes teasing Erica's lips and clit. I continue licking her from her pussy hole along her lips and up to her clit. Each stroke of my tongue I add a little pressure, separating her lips a little further each time, slipping my tongue into her hole a little deeper. Jason is watching intently as I devour his wife's sweet pussy. Her juice dripping down the crack of her ass, so I begin to lick her from her asshole to her clit, this drives her a little crazy, moaning loudly. I pull her further down so I can have better access to her ass. I continue to lick both her pussy and asshole, bringing her to her first orgasm. I keep licking her, cleaning up every last drop of her sweet secretions. As I do this she grabs my hand, brings it up to Jason's cock, having me stroke him. He is already very hard, I begin to alternate between licking her and sucking his cock. She is encouraging me as she did him earlier. Her dirty talk is very encouraging and very much a turn on. She continues talking about how hot it is watching two guys sucking cock. She then gets on her knees alongside me ad we take turns sucking Jason as they both did to me earlier. Jason then says "kiss him baby, I want to watch you two kiss". Erica and I begin to make out as Jason strokes his cock. We continue for several minutes, then Jason begins directing us again, telling me to suck her tits and play with her nipples. He is clearly enjoying directing our actions. I have to admit it was a huge turn on to be having him watching me with his wife and directing. Next he tells me to lie down and directs Erica to straddle my cock, she does as directed and we begin to kiss again, she is leaning forward rubbing herself along the length of my cock. From his view point he can clearly see this. Then I feel his hand wrap around my cock, he tells Erica to sit back as he lines my head up against her beautiful hole. He keeps hold of my shaft as she begins to lower herself onto me. Her moans are getting louder as I fill her hole. She moans, telling Jason how thick I am and she keeps lowering. Once I am fully buried inside her I feel Jason's hand drop to my balls and begin to massage them as he tells Erica to ride my cock and to fuck me. Erica begins to rock back and forth on my cock, her dripping pussy feels amazing gliding along the length of my cock. Then she gets her feet under her and begins to raise and lower herself on my cock. I love feeling her ride my whole cock, from my head all the way to the base, over and over and over again. I grab her hips pulling her onto my cock with each down stroke and I thrust up and into her body. Jason is still playing with my balls and reaching around and massaging her clit. After several minutes Erica is moaning and screaming that she is going to cum. My thrusts get harder, pulling her onto me with more force. Jason telling me to fuck her harder. He then tells Erica to cum, he keeps talking her through her orgasm, her body going into spasm as she releases and cums. Next, Jason turns his attention to me, telling me to cum inside his wife. It doesn't take long of him telling me to fuck and cum in his wife before my own orgasm begins to erupt deep with in his wife's pussy. I pull her hard onto my cock, getting as deep as I possibly can before releasing spurt after spurt deep into her body. Once we both come down off our orgasms, Erica rolls off my cock and lays next to me, we look at each other and begin to kiss again. While we are kissing I feel Jason's mouth on my cock, cleaning mine and his wife's cum from me. I motion for Erica to look down, she says "that's a good boy Jason, clean his cock and my pussy is next". After Jason finishes cleaning my cock, Erica has him lay down and she straddles his face. She tells him this way more of my cum will drip into his mouth. She hovers above his face, not letting him lick her just yet. She tells him to be patient for his treat. A few seconds later my cum begins to drip from her freshly fucked hole, one of the hottest things I have ever seen. Jason is lying in wait his mouth open as my cum drips into his mouth, then Erica lowers herself onto his mouth, allowing him to clean her hole completely. I loved watching him clean her hole, can't wait to do that myself. As Erica rides his lips and tongue, I move down and begin to bring Jason's semi hard cock to full life. Once Erica is cleaned, Jason's cock is at full staff. I tell Erica its my turn to taste my cum from her pussy as I lay down and pull her onto my face. I tongue her hole for a few minutes then tell Jason to fuck her from behind. I continue licking her clit as he enters from behind, sliding easily into her used pussy. I would let my tongue slide along Jason's cock as he slides in and out of his wife's pussy, every once in a while he would slide out and into my mouth. I loved tasting her straight off his cock. I was massaging is balls as they began to tighten up, knowing he was going to cum very soon, it wasn't long before he began to shoot into his wife, her second load for the day. He pushed into her, filling her hole from behind. I swung around so Erica was just above my face, her facing my feet. As Jason pulled out a rope of his cum followed and I immediately licked up his cum. Grabbing his cock, cleaning him as he did me, Erica tasted delicious mixed with him. She lowered onto my lips and tongue as I continued to clean her pussy hole. She leaned forward taking my cock in her mouth as I finished cleaning her. Once we were all back to normal, we all sat back on the couch, opening more beer and coming down from our highs. We continue touching, Erica and I kissing, Jason watching. He makes a comment saying he knew I wanted to fuck his wife. I just smiled and said he was correct and I could hardly wait to fuck her again. With that Erica looks at Jason for approval, he nods yes, she turns and kisses me again giving her approval.
Me, My Neighbor and His Wife
[ "mmf", "threesome", "threeway", "group", "group sex" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 43, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 143, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 80 }
*Interlude 1 – The Touch of Divinity* "Imagine a world without divinity. Can you? Can you honestly look yourself in the eye and say that humanity is ready or even* capable *of taming the world without divine help? How long have they been waring amongst themselves for a slice of hellish landscape that can't even decide whether or not its solid at any given time? They cannot claim sovereignty over the world, they don't know what the world beyond the so-called God's Realm even looks like, how can they say they have it 'figured out'?* *With that image in your mind, I ask you now: what if there was no choice?* *You will not like what you read in these pages, but you will understand them to be true given time." Sien "The Truth You Wish to Know: Memoirs of a Sphinx" *The Cherub* Yamma was beginning to loathe arguing with her charge. Moreso than any other activity, the grating and unnecessary trill of Amaranth's voice when she was crying or screaming pulled some primal fiber in Yamma's physical body. When she wasn't physical, she lingered out of sight and quietly resented the new cleric's variety of ways she embarrassed both herself and her goddess– however the variety and creativity with which the mortal cursed without actually using profane language was rather amusing in some twisted way. It would have been a silver lining if not for the fact that every time Amaranth started building up some kind of amiability, she immediately threw it out by asking ridiculous and unnecessary questions about the dead. Or, worse still, wasting time that she should have been using to escape the forest and get back to her home city of Beson and start gathering men at arms to her banner. But not like this. She was a wreck; splattered with dried blood, caked on mud and layer upon layer of exhaustion. She needed a bath and yet bathing in this living forest of werewolves and other horrors was a guaranteed death sentence, so Yamma did the only thing she could do: she needled Amaranth down the correct path towards the city, she pushed and pushed and when the mortal got tired, she protected her while she slept. If *any* of the Collective knew what she was doing with her charge, she would've been reabsorbed and a new Cherub assigned to the half-elf, yet she still found it in her to do these things, she even helped her mortal charge hunt when it was apparent the activity was too hard for the city-going elf blood. It was because of Isira, because a goddess had made her curious, had *infected* her with the notion that there was more for Amaranth than sitting in some dingy temple getting fat and bored. Isira had sparked something in the young Cherub, something fundamental to her function and then She'd used it against the Holy Elisandra in such a simple yet masterfully executed way that, if Yamma really thought about it, made all the sense in the world: Amaranth's skills and her character were needed for something more pressing. She was needed to prosecute some higher function on the behalf of the gods, even if that was marginally counter to what the Holy Elisandra (or the Collective) had wished for her. She couldn't tell Amaranth this, of course, she'd have been even more confused and fearful....yet something in the Cherub stirred with pride: she was helping a god directly, she was helping Isira sharpen the pedals of Her lotus and in so doing she was executing her own goddess's will. The Holy Elisandra was *the* goddess of guidance and tutelage, that a lowly Cherub could teach another goddess of the ways of war and conflict- of protecting ones own interests directly or indirectly was a gift and a primal honor that had been bestowed exclusively on Yamma. Yes, it was uncommon, but it was a layered and beautiful exchange. Yamma wasn't just happy to participate, she was *proud* of it. In time Amaranth would understand, as would the rest of the Collective, that these steps were necessary– it wasn't just the temptation of Isira's whiles but the divinely inspired purpose that she was born to serve. Yamma had already confirmed this well before Amaranth finally made her way to the main road out of the forest. She was stumbling, dragging her bloodied and battered form along the dirt road, muttering a litany of meaningless words between tears like some forlorn entreaty that her soul would be spared or something. Truthfully, Yamma had stopped listening to her drivel some days ago except when it became necessary to interact with her charge. She had to, the lethargy of mortal speech had a particular kind of drain on her attention and willpower and while she didn't exactly relish the idea of shunning the bloodied woman, she likewise needed time to think. To plan. To exercise skills she only knew existed *because* of her link with the half-elf woman. Cherubs were supposed to be semi-autonomous and bound by their purpose to obey the Collective and their god in that order, yet somehow Yamma had allowed Isira to convince her to try new things. And it was wonderful. Her curiosity endangered her position, but it wasn't just *hers*. It was Amaranth's and Isira's *and* hers that gave her the courage to try these things and to act on her new instinctual leanings. It was a freedom she was still testing the boundaries of, but was quickly becoming enamored with– it irritated her that she couldn't share her insights with anyone but even as they came she was beginning to understand the appeal of mortality. Or at the very least, the novelty of it. Amaranth lead them for a league until she felt safe enough to prop herself against a rock to rest. She'd stopped crying, but the weakness and unwillingness to get on with things still puzzled Yamma. The paladin-turned-cleric quietly undid her dented cuirass and tossed all her now worthless armor into a heap. She scrubbed her face tiredly and looked around as though she might see something in the undulating shadows that criss crossed the trees. The sun was crawling over the horizon into what promised to be a balmy day. Yamma transitioned into the physical smoothly taking a step along the road several feet from the tired looking woman. They stared at one another until Amaranth blinked and looked away. Her voice was as soft as the wind and nearly as fleeting. "I have to tell the council***" There was a deep resignation in her voice that unsettled Yamma a bit. "That is the idea, yes. But after that obligation is fulfilled, we need to look for people; those who fight and those who will not be afraid of what's to come." She straightened out her gloves, righted her suit and once more re-accustomed herself to being in a material form. Amaranth hefted herself up. "Why me–" "Not again. We've much to much to do–" "That's–" "Your purpose. An imperative....a command." She was beginning to understand the reluctance of cherubs to deal too deeply with mortals. Amaranth stared at her and Yamma gave it right back to her until she eventually wore down the woman's resistance. "What am I supposed to do? You want the impossible–" Yamma waved her off. "If you were incapable we'd not be having this conversation, now let's focus on the future." In a momentary flash of brilliance she opened the link between them, picked through the slough of memories in the new cleric's mind and she found something. Oh, yes, this would work well: The Cherub spread her hands. "The people need a leader, they *need* that bridge between your ancestral races and now your city-state *needs* to prepare itself for the future that's to come*** "You've been looking all your life for a chance to do some good, your *goddess* needs your help, you've lost a great deal and in time that will cease to hurt but for the moment you're needed. The fate of your Duke– of Richard's kingdom, of his legacy and yours. It rests on your shoulders." Yamma spread her hands again to illustrate her point. "I let you keep your memory because it's valued." She lied. "Normally a cleric is Chosen and shepherded off to their duty....if you were a *common* cleric without the divine looking out for you we wouldn't be having this conversation." Amaranth licked her lips, looking at her bloodied hands. There was no point in either of them lying to the other, it was the chance she'd been secretly pining for since she was a child, the chance to be more. To help. To change the world. To be the beacon she needed to be to bring her own purpose and the Holy Elisandra's in line. "Once we're back to the city, you may take your place***" "But, I can't–" She'd had enough of that word. "We'll do it my way, then." Yamma pressed herself into the woman, felt around until she found what she was looking for and compelled her into motion down the path. There was a tide of resistance and fear but her training had prepared her for such imperfections. She fought with Amaranth's will to assert herself once more and pushed the cleric down from the fringes of her physical body to take control of it. Yamma wrapped around Amarnath's core being, bound it tightly within her internal organs and coated her protectively before turning to the woman's flesh and moved the limbs awkwardly. One finger. A hand. Balance– She managed to catch herself before she face planted on the road. Her training hadn't really covered *this* kind of movement, but slowly Yamma began figuring out the mechanics of holding up a body in three dimensional space. It was sluggish and awkward, so *slow* compared to her own body. Still, she persisted. She hauled Amaranth up and took a careful step forward. Then another. In moments they were off, through woods, through fields, down forgotten paths. During the trip Yamma rifled through her charge's memory for likely candidates who'd join her crusade and people who'd *fund* such a thing. She'd stopped paying attention to Amaranth's being even if occasionally she did feel a heavy thing slam into her inner being like a battering ram. Amaranth was persistent. Then it occurred to her that she was probably missing something important. Food. Water. "Oh, right." Yamma said absently, though it didn't pass through Amaranth's mouth. This necessitated learning how to eat and drink, a new adventure on its own– demeaning, really. But pragmatism had to overrule personal feelings sometimes. She drank from puddles along the road- including something she found particularly bitter and disgusting and managed to scavenge some mushrooms and grass that, while not particularly good tasting, seemed to stop the flesh from complaining. She walked the body for twelve long days, the rest of the world saw jerky trundling mess of a humanoid who was incapable of speech, but to Yamma it was a perfection. At least insofar as guiding a person against their will could be considered 'perfection'. She had to stop periodically when the muscles absolutely failed but for the most part she was able to keep a handle on their movements; so much so that by the time they arrived in the swampy outskirts of the city she'd actually mastered something of a normal gait in the sluggish and unwieldy body. She fit in amongst the locals, if a little drunken looking. Perfection came with practice it seemed. When they were several hundred feet from the main gate she relinquished her hold on the mortal and stepped back as if she'd been extruded from the half-elf's body. Despite the hateful, terrified glare she got she took her time fixing her suit to ensure it hung properly upon her and when she was done she *then* relegated control of the woman's speech centers back to her. What came out was a torrent of words in a language Yamma didn't understand– despite being synchronous with Amaranth, Yamma hadn't actually been given any of her language abilities and by some irritating twist of proxy, she wasn't able to pluck their meaning from the woman's mind. It seemed that the Holy Elisandra wanted Her agents to have to learn something too. It was only right, all things considered. From what she could gather from the expressions and angry tone, she was probably railing about the way Yamma had intruded on her space and taken her body for her own. She broke into the woman's ranting with a calm voice. "You weren't doing anything productive, I had to ensure you moved on to get our work done....we've much to do–" "I was getting ready to go! I was leaving!" "You were stalling. You have doubts, that's to be expected, but we've more important things ahead of us than dealing with your doubts." The blonde woman recoiled, gaping at her handler for a moment. "I- did you- You're a servant of Elisandra, how can you say that?!" Yamma hesitated for a moment and briefly she wondered whether or not she was wrong– surely not, but it was her duty, her *privilege* to serve her goddess, had she somehow maligned that? A quick run through her priorities didn't turn up any glaring problems, but somehow something felt a little off about the whole thing. She would have to work on it when she wasn't dealing with a panicking child. The Cherub idly straightened her suit jacket, admitting nothing. Though her tone was much softer and more careful than before. "If you have spent all this time well, you needn't fear what comes; you are Her servant. Sometimes a cold splash of water is what is necessary to keep you moving forward. You are not alone." Amaranth took several seconds to process what she'd said and started to pace back and forth, mumbling in that strange language Yamma couldn't identify. Eventually the cleric looked to her, tone cold. "I have to appear before the council and tell them what happened." "Yes? And then we will figure out how to build an army–" "You keep saying that, why would *She* need an army?" Yamma briefly considered picking through her mind for something to dangle in front of her but instead of risking breaching what she was meant for, the Cherub answered truthfully. Sort of. "It is required to deal with threats beyond your comprehension at the moment. I'm not going to wear heavy on your mind right now, but we will need to get started soon***" "I just lost my best friend, my lovers– my–" "There will be many more lost along the way, *Dame.* You have to understand that. Once your business is concluded here, we can seek out***" She picked through Amaranth's memories. "That tavern you like so much." "Th- Wh-" She sighed dejectedly, that flare of anger was overcome by a heavy resignation. A certain sadness. "You really aren't good with people, are you?" The Cherub didn't answer immediately, she didn't feel the need to dignify it with a response and secretly, deep down inside, she knew the answer for what it was. "We've a meeting to call." "Right***" Amaranth wiped her face, smearing blood and grime across it. She didn't seem to notice as she attempted to fix her newly straightened hair only to find it shorter than before, shorter and much more manageable. Yamma smiled inwardly at the reaction she'd earned from the woman; the confusion and bemusement; the subtle twinge of wariness that told her the soldier inside was reasserting itself. They were going to be just fine. \# The council chambers were lavish and arrayed around a massive slab of a table formed from the rough hewn rock that made up the stone work on which the entire city had been built. Each of the six cities of the council had been built on the same corner stone, cut so precisely that every one could have been interchanged and while it might have been a purely symbolic act, even Yamma had to appreciate their dedication to ensuring some form of symmetry. It was a redemptive act in an otherwise chaotic and unforgiving world, a light against the darkness. Unfortunately for her it was also such a bright 'light' that she had trouble finding a place to observe the participants arrayed around the table to receive the news their champion had brought with her. The magical signature was thick in the air, actually diffusing Yamma's perception. Though fortunately her anchor to her charge made it impossible for her to be completely diffused. For her part in it, Amaranth's newly blonde hair was swept between her ears dampened with water she'd drawn from a well en-route; never one to be disheveled in front of her superiors. To Yamma the arrangement of humans was predictable and boring: a fat noble from Seafalls who'd made his fortune on scallops sold to the Free States was flanked on either side by his wives and child. While Resinbra's representative was a creased faced balding man who claimed to be a minister of some kind, though Amaranth– and by extension, Yamma– had no idea what exactly that meant. Frost Grove had sent the most interesting individual, a burly pale skinned man with a massive overbite and a tendency to guffaw at the slightest lapse in decorum. He was sat beside the old man with a bowl of some kind of green slurry Yamma was fairly sure was the reason she smelled rotting plant matter. No one could see the little Cherub, of course, that would've constituted a major breach of protocol. She was the proverbial fly on the wall, just without the body or annoying buzzing that came with it. She took her place behind Amaranth and waited an agonizingly long time for the procession of Councilors and their aides to file in. The final of which caught Yamma rather by surprise. In any ordinary circumstance Yamma would've been able to pick out the subtle twists and turns of his essence, but in this chamber *meant* to disrupt magic, his power was heavier than anything she'd encountered in her relatively short existence. There should have been something to pick up, some thread that would have wound back to a god if one had the time to follow it, but his was something solid and pervasive, as hard as stone and as unforgiving. His magic didn't diffuse like hers did, if anything it grew stronger to the point of being unidentifiable as anything but a force of nature. His physical form was rather unimposing, an old elven man with a flowing robe the color of pig iron threaded with swirling colors that not even she could perceive in their entirety. Who the hell was this man? When he spoke, his voice was soft and concerned, directed towards Amaranth with a kindly lilt Yamma found irritating. "My child, what has happened? It's been weeks and we've not heard from you or your Duke." "Elder," Amaranth sunk to a knee, lowering her head. "I fear I bear ill news***" Curious, Yamma poked around in Amaranth's memories. She found his face among her childhood thoughts along with those of Richard; the elven man had been their steward when Richard's parents were killed, a mentor, a father figure. He was beyond names at his age, but to the majority of the Western Council he was simply known as Elder or Ambassador. The representative of the Elven Vale and the one man that had it within him to override anyone on the council. Yamma felt a sudden pensiveness radiate from her charge. The Elder must have sensed it too, he laid his hand on her shoulder and bid her to rise. Amaranth turned to the council, swallowed, and let flow the truth. "We were attacked by lycans in the forest eighteen days into our trek, the Duke was able to negotiate some form of safe passage near the end, after we had taken many casualties***" A wariness filled the room. Even the northerner had stopped eating to look on. Ammy continued, "We encountered a woman– a powerful creature unlike anything we'd ever met with." The northerner snorted lightly, muttering. "A woman overpowering a man? Feh." "We–" She sighed softly, ran a trembling hand through her hair. The lack of food was beginning to weaken her, Yamma noticed. "We were ambushed attempting to flee to the Vale, Councilors. A pack of lycans tore into us in an attempt to keep us from leaving, from the woods came the creature I speak of. She joined us in fighting the pack only to turn on us thereafter. Markus and I challenged her in a bid to allow the Duke time to escape***" "As well you should have," said the fat man. "How *is* my favorite soldier?" Amaranth winced. Her hands clenched into white knuckled fists and through barely restrained tears, she said. "He's dead, my lord. W- We were cut down to the last***" That settled a much deeper wariness over the entire room, Yamma could *feel* the hesitation and doubt in the Councilors. Through it all the Elder simply watched and listened, surveying the blonde woman with calm detachment befitting his position. The knight shifted her weight uneasily. "All of us....we were all killed." The Northerner opened his mouth but Ammy cut him off. "I was- I was Chosen....b- By the Holy Elisandra." Her facade cracked and a single tear rolled down her sharp cheek. She turned to the full blooded elf. "I am sorry, Elder– I– I failed." He drew in a slow breath. "Was Richard's body found?" Yamma turned over an image of the mess she'd found of the werewolf and the broken pieces of plate she found beside his corpse. The wreckage of the forest around him spoke of a titanic battle he'd waged with the dragon's daughter, including the broken hand and a half sword, battered shield and several pulverized rocks that'd been powdered in their fight. For all of his effort and strength, though, his adversary hadn't left him in a fully recognizable state– Yamma almost gave it all to Ammy but she withheld the most important parts, suppling her with the tangential moments instead. Surprisingly the knight reached for the memory, she dug around for it and tried to find the undeniable proof of Richard's fate. Was she insane or just masochistic? Yamma held it back tighter than before and pushed what she'd seen until the woman stopped asking about it. The battle of wills took place at the speed of thought but to Yamma it was agonizingly slow; she was in so many places in the half-elf's memory at once she could have supplied the woman with every possible outcome of what she was going to say. She almost did, just to see what would happen. Amaranth nodded quietly, "Yes, Elder. He escaped along the trail– I found the–....the-" "Go on, child." "The pieces, Elder." The northerner guffawed. "I've seen that man wrestle bears! No chance he'd be brought low by some woman. Not even a lycan–" "She wasn't a lycan!" Amaranth snapped. "She was something else, something *much* worse. He broke her sword, her shield, even parts of her armor and she kept coming. She *overpowered* him." The Elder considered her for a moment and Yamma felt something; a twinge in his magic, a change. The magic snaked out around the table, engulfing it as he began to walk a slow loop around the table. "Tell me of this woman, child." His voice held no warmth. "She was short, perhaps up to my chest, and- and***" Yamma filled in the details for her addled memory. "Brown hair, p- purple eyes. War plate....she was in the woods, hunting someone. Some pack." Amaranth frowned. "She was looking for the Corengi pack." After a moment the Elder motioned for her to continue, though there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "She was well trained, but she was a monster; very confident in herself, a- and those eyes. Elder, those eyes weren't *human*. They– *she* was something else." At that moment the council members looked to one another as if they'd find some new insight on what had happened. When nothing came they turned their attention back to the knight. But it was the Elder who spoke, his voice clear and reasoning. "You understand that with your failure to help the Vale, we may be forced to resign from the Council, our war with the Lycans is a tenuous and ongoing project, if some of your *best men* couldn't handle a feral pack–" "It wasn't the wolves that killed us, Elder–" "Young, young *child*." He said fatherly. "I was not finished." "My apologies, Elder." He smiled lightly, "It was your patron that wished to bring our races closer together, child. When no others stepped up to lend aid, he offered it quickly and without reservation, and yet when we persecute our fight against the lycans we come to realize that our would be allies are incapable of handling them....I am forced to wonder if this alliance would benefit anyone but your– human kind. Your kin. "Regrettably that seems well to be the case, which means I fear we will have to withdraw from this council and continue our war on our own terms." At the murmurs of disapproval and outright fear– likely over the magical support the city-states would be losing– from the councilors he raised his hand. "Fear not, we will maintain our current trade agreements but future agreements will be handled on a case by case basis. We've more work to do now that we truly understand the face of our enemy***" For some reason that struck Yamma as odd. She shifted herself nearer the old man to survey his magic once more. Almost instantly every sense she had was beset by heat and a powerful sense of emptiness, as though everything around and within him existed in a vacuum. It wasn't that he was there but that something else *wasn't*. Just as this flicker of understanding came to her a tendril from the void lashed out directly at her presence the moment he walked towards her– she shifted aside and it tried again. In the next instant she was beside Amaranth flitting through everything she knew about the strange magic. She reached out to the Collective but found no answers there, only curiosity. Meanwhile Amaranth made quiet assurances that they could handle anything the elven delegate needed. Some of the other councilors were offering their own assurances but none of that mattered to Yamma. She felt the inky finger of nothingness claw out for her once more from within the folds of the elf's body, forcing her to retreat to the back of the room. Amaranth didn't react. She started blathering her nonsensical language and the old man replied in kind even as the tendrils reaching out for her grew longer and longer. They crept across the table, *from* the table and out for Yamma. "Very well," Amaranth said abruptly. Firm, commanding. "We can reconvene in the morning, Elder. I will see you off***" At the dismissal the elf turned away, taking his tendrils with him from the chamber into the main receiving area. Almost instantly the hard, hot void dissolved with his absence leaving no trace it'd ever been there at all. Yamma shifted towards her charge, watching the old man disappear into the throngs of courtiers milling about the castle. Who in the name of hell was that man*** Amaranth held her own through the questions and accusations that followed. Yamma pitched in where she could if only to occupy herself momentarily between fact checking and querying the Collective, cross referencing others' experiences with similar magic and the like. By the time Amaranth was done with her political business, the sun was setting and neither of them had learned anything new. The elf-blood took it better than the Cherub did– she bawled for hours when she was in a quiet space while Yamma flit about the city looking for leads on where the elven councilor had gotten to. He was a phantom. It occurred to her then that if her own network didn't know anything about him, she *had* other options. She shifted herself back to Amaranth's side only to find her in her bed curled up around an old coat– one of Markus's. The room had been ransacked and several clay pots lay in pieces amongst a flourish of books and paperwork from years past. A bottle of wine sat beside the bed dripping into a growing stain on the carpet. "Well you're no help***" Yamma mused as she disconnected herself from the Collective. She manifested physical and dipped a gloved finger into the pool of wine, dabbing it on her tongue. It was remarkably sweet and warm, a subtle body and a melody of flavors. Like the curry Isira had given her. The little Cherub glanced back to the door and, sensing no one, she took a sip from the bottle and set it on the nightstand. She'd give Amaranth a couple of days to sort herself out, then they'd focus on the task before them. For the moment, though, she needed some information and she had an idea who might be able to provide it. \# She found Isira in a semi-specific place where no light shone and only the faintest glimmer of the goddess's natural warmth dared to take hold. But it *did* take hold, and it filled the cavernous room with life. Her life. It took Yamma some time to get an idea of where she was, but after some consideration she recognized it as the place she'd been 'requested' to meet with the goddess shortly after her creation. The tall pillars of glass and steel jutting from between broken segments of stone loomed over them in the absence of a sky, like fingers reaching for a light that would never come to them again. The smashed metal carriages and debris that lined the streets looked forlorn, unwanted but somehow mournful in some way Yamma couldn't quite identify. Isira watched her calmly, waiting for her to speak apparently. She was straddling some kind of metal contraption with two wheels, her hands clasping a cross bar over the front wheel as she tweaked the pedal her sandaled foot was resting upon. She'd eschewed her usual flowing gown for short pants and a blouse that just barely covered her generous bust. "Goddess–" "Isira." "Isira***" Yamma tensed. "I believe– I hope you don't mind my coming?" She smiled. "The invitation was always open to you, dear. Now what can I do for you?" "I had an encounter that I can't discern the nature of. I met a man who's magic was powerful. *Incredibly* powerful, like nothing the Collective or myself have ever seen, I was hoping you might be able to tell me of it." "Hmmmmm I suppooseeee I could. But first, I want to show you something***" She patted her lap. "Hop on." "I– I beg your pardon Go– Isira. I don't think that would be a good idea." The goddess rolled Her eyes. "The time for questioning me is well past, don't you think?" Yamma looked away. "I am sorry, Isira, I didn't mean to–" "Tut, tut, tut. Come along." Without another word She pushed on the pedal and the two wheeled vehicle started off at a lazy pace. Yamma followed along with no effort though as they snaked their way through the ruins of whatever place they'd come to. She wondered why Isira didn't do the same. It was infinitely easier and more sensible to travel as they could rather than by physical means. She was just about to mention it when Isira rounded a corner and bypassed a rather large boxy carriage clearly meant for a couple dozen or more people. The goddess stopped in front of a pair of metal carriages, big angular things with sloped fronts, broad sides and a strange dome-like cylinder on top of them. She casually parked her vehicle against them and strode forward, leading Yamma through the mangled remains into a building with a set of double doors. She shifted Herself through them rather than opening them and started down winding corridor of crinkled flooring and dusty walls that terminated in front of a metal door with a wheel on it and heavy bars slotted into the wall on either side. "I don't understand–" "You don't have to." Isira said lightly as they shifted together into the opposite room. It was large, wide and strewn with desks, chairs and all manner of writing implements– many of which Yamma couldn't readily identify. But the embossed plaque that took up the majority of the forward wall stood in stark relief to the rest of the room, like it was some kind of holy artifact to gods long past. It looked like a map of some kind but the language it was written in was utterly incomprehensible to her. Isira strode over to a small group of desks arrayed around a central pillar. "Do you have any memories of Elisandra?" "We're not given them at creation, no***" "Mm***" Isira glanced around the room before heading to a small squarish panel recessed in the wall and pressing her hand against it. When She did a small platform the size of two tomes wide uncoupled from the wall and fell to create a new desk, only it wasn't a desk. There was a device built into the platform with rows and rows of buttons on it in that same odd language. "When I knew her She was a soldier– this was long before your time. Time." She laughed merrily. Or was that a bitter tone? "Time***" Yamma took physical form beside Her, looking to the goddess. "She has always been the Guide, Isira." "That she has! That she has, but there was a time***" The goddess pushed a few buttons on the device. The panel sparked to life casting a piercing blue glow about the room, displaying a tiny box with a few symbols and a blinking dash. Yamma stared in wonder at this form of magic, trying to pick up on its signature, looking for the familiar touch of divinity. And yet there was none. Isira gave her a sidelong smile, pressed a few more buttons. The panel's image changed into a sphere, slowly expanding until it filled the entire panel. "What you're describing," Isira said as the panel displayed some more images. "You're describing the kind of magic that follows a dragon's child." Yamma stared at the goddess openly. "Yes, I'm afraid so***" "But– Amaranth has known him since she was a child." "You doubt me?" "N- N–" "You do." Isira prodded her. The finger connected surprisingly. "It's all right***" She pressed some more keys, sliding her finger along a tiny square on the panel, then in one fell swoop the plaque on the wall fluttered to life displaying ugly red outlines, slicing up the map into constituent parts and drawing a grid across it. Isira turned to the map, pressed something on the device behind Her and a blue circle blinked into existence over one of the land masses. "But let me tell you a secret....we *created* the dragons." Yamma frowned at that. "Should I know that, Goddess?" "Yes, I think the time for secrets is over." The goddess looked to her. She was hesitant, uncertain. Careful. It was almost as if She didn't believe the words as they left her mouth– "We're going to need a lot of help, little one." She nodded towards the map on the wall. "This is our battle plan....We're going to war." The blue circle winked in the darkness.
Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 56
[ "story progression", "character progression", "ongoing", "dungeons and dragons", "fantasy", "half-elf", "divinity", "clean", "no sex" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 86, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 376, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 116 }
Freebies are short stories written live during a stream. People are chosen at random to get a story based on their ideas and characters. Freebies Vol. 54: Chemicality Edition! Chemicals, the wonderful plot points of many a TF scene, are a great way to turn some unsuspecting (or suspecting!) character into all sorts of naughty, hilariously hypersexed beings. Round 3: Shakal "...and just one more initial here. Okay! We're finished with the paperwork." Shakal leaned back in his high-backed leather executive chair. Across the broad oak desk sat Vincent, an attractive cheetah with the typical yellow and black markings of a cheetah. He was young looking, but in great shape. While chatting earlier, Shakal learned Vincent was heavily involved in track and field as a long-distance runner, which lent itself to his lean, powerful legs and skinny upper body. Cheetahs didn't normally go for long distance, preferring sprints instead, but Vincent expressed his love of cross country several times. Shakal, a broad-shouldered black panther, smiled as he listened to the cheetah talk. His purple eyes sparkled as he eyed the lithe male, already imagining all the dirty things he'd soon be coercing Vincent into doing. Normally they would do the injection for the study in a lab, but Shakal had other plans for this attractive male. "Now, the last thing," the sleek panther said, standing and brushing down the fur on the back of his neck. "You'll receive one injection a week for two months, but you'll remain on the campus here for three in total so that we can monitor its effects. Any questions?" Vincent shook his head. "Nope, seems straightforward." "Great. You'll be paid at the end of the study for your time and... I forget, have you been shown around the facility?" "Yeah, I know where the cafeteria is and my room." "Great. Stand up over here, please." The panther smiled beguilingly as he rolled up Vincent's shirt sleeve. He sprayed a small area of the cheetah's upper arm with a disinfectant spray before opening a small black case on his desk. A gleaming syringe and a small bottle of clear fluid rested inside. After filling the syringe, he held the tip near the cheetah's shoulder. "You may feel a little prick..." A moment later and the deed was done. Vincent rubbed his arm after Shakal withdrew the needle and nodded his head. The panther grinned and leaned back against his desk. He couldn't stop his tail tip from twitching rapidly, but he kept it behind the desk, out of the cheetah's view. "How do you feel?" "I dunno... okay, I guess. I mean... well... oh..." Shakal lowered his eyes, glancing at the slim feline's hips. A mighty boner pushed out against his tight jeans. Vincent looked down as well and, realizing what Shakal was seeing, turned away. "Oh! Sorry, I don't know... what's... come over me... I feel so... so..." The cheetah's words trailed off and he turned back towards Shakal. He was breathing hard and panting. The panther's fiendish grin spread. The drug was working faster than he'd anticipated. All Vincent was told was that they were testing a libido-controlling drug on him. What he hadn't been told was that the drug would make him unable to function without regular sex. As the cheetah moved closer, paws trembling, Shakal thought about modern science and what a wonderful thing it was. "How do you feel now?" Shakal asked, keeping his arms to his sides for the moment. "I feel... hot... like I need something," Vincent gasped. His trembling paws lifted, going to Shakal's suit coat, gripping the lapels. "What... what's happening?" "Perfectly normal, just perfect," Shakal said soothingly, carefully disengaging the cheetah's claws from his jacket. He took it off and hung it on a coat rack near the door before turning the lock. Turning back towards Vincent, he saw the panther's eyes were already glazing over and one paw rubbed furiously along his erection inside his jeans. "Would you feel better with those off?" Shakal suggested. The black panther slunk back across the room, thick legs carrying him easily, until he was mere inches from the cheetah. "Ye... yeah..." "Here, let me help," Shakal said, a deep purr underlying his voice. A few minutes later, Vincent was trembling, naked, hard as could be. Shakal licked his lips, seeing how firm the cheetah's erection was, and dragged a single claw up his belly, through his white chest fur, over his neck, and tipped the smaller male's chin up. "Do you want me?" the panther asked, purple eyes blazing. The cheetah groaned and nodded, unable to stop the words forming on his lips. "Yeessss..." "Just perfect," Shakal repeated. His shirt and tied flew off, followed by his pants. He grasped his sheath, already thickening, and a moment later his long pink shaft dropped free, rising rapidly into the air. Vincent stared, eyes wide, as the meaty appendage poked his skinny belly to the side of his own pulsing, shiny black shaft. "Why don't you turn around?" Shakal suggested. The cheetah did, lifting his tail like any good submissive would, and Shakal spit into his paw, working the saliva over his cock as he stared hungrily at the lithe feline's ass. Vincent's palms spread over the smooth wood of the desk as Shakal stepped in close behind him, using a paw to rub his cock along the fuzzy white ass cheeks. "You want it bad, don't you?" he whispered. "Unnghhh... yes... please!" Vincent moaned, pitching higher as his desperation grew. "Good boy." Shakal grunted as he fitted his tip to the cheetah's tight tail hole. He was excited for this - the feline was so damn hot. The black panther pushed forward slowly and twisted his ears forward when Vincent let out a deliciously dirty moan of approval. He pushed in sharply, grunting when he felt the cheetah's tight walls clench around his slick length. Vincent's legs trembled and he nearly fell onto the desk as Shakal pushed in deeper, taking him one long, deep thrust. He leaned into the cheetah's backside, muzzle resting over the smaller male's shoulder. He could feel the cat's heart beating like a drum and he spread his hands out, covering Vincent's, holding them onto the table. "Oh, yes, you are so tight!" Shakal growled, drawing his hips back for another deep thrust. Vincent mewled helplessly, hips grinding back onto the fat feline erection spearing under his tail. "Ha... harder!" Shakal closed his eyes, purring with delight as the submissive bottom pushed back against him. He lifted his paws, stroking up Vincent's flat, hard stomach and chest, using his claws to tease through the thick fur. His hips pumped steadily, heavily, dragging his hard shaft in and out of the cheetah's tight ass. The black panther wanted even more. He gripped the back of Vincent's neck and twisted, locking the cat into place. Vincent managed a strangled yelp as Shakal forced him down over the desk, chest on the smooth wood. Papers flew off, the keyboard clattered to the floor, and a small snow globe - a present from the company for ten years of service - broke on the rug as the muscular feline leaned over Vincent, slamming his hips deeper, harder. The cheetah twitched, pushed back, and yowled when Shakal released his neck. His ass clenched tight around the thick length probing his guts and his own shaft throbbed against the side of the desk, pointing almost straight down as Shakal humped him. Shakal, for his part, kicked Vincent's legs farther apart and bent over, opening his muzzle and biting down on the cheetah's shoulder, claiming him as only an alpha feline could. For several long minutes, the only noise in the room came from the pounding of Vincent's hips against the desk. Shakal fucked him mercilessly, pounding his ass heavier and harder by the moment. He leaned back, claws raking down the cheetah's backside as the smaller male squeezed even harder, tight and hot around his aching cock. This was even better than he'd planned - the cheetah couldn't stop from slutting it up and grinding on his pole. "Mmmph... gonna... cum!" Shakal gasped. His grip tightened on Vincent's hips and he bounced his broad pink cock in and out rapidly, withdrawing nearly completely with each sloppy, wet thrust. One final time, though, he shoved in and held himself there, one leg lifting, knee on the desk, both paws gripping Vincent's hips, palms nearly touching in the center of his skinny backside. Shakal grunted, bit his lower lip, and exploded deep within the feline. Vincent cried out, tongue curling, eyes shut. His cock shot sticky loads of cum against the side of the desk as he climaxed automatically with the other male. The heavy body pressed down on him, pinning him, holding him tight. His small chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as the never-ending climax continued. Eventually he came down from his unnatural high and collapsed onto the desk, exhausted and spent. Shakal growled and rubbed the center of his back as his hips jerked back and forth a few times, grinding his seed deep into the male's body. "Mmmfff... fuck, Vincent... you are so tight," he growled. "I'm really going to enjoy the next few months..." "What... what happened?" Vincent asked, slurring his words slightly. "The libido controlling drug is working exactly as planned," Shakal purred, leaning over to nip at Vincent's ears. "You're going to feel a growing need, stronger by the minute, until you can think of nothing but getting fucked." Shakal grinned and pumped his hips a few more times, grinding his half-hard length in and out of Vincent's messy hole before continuing. "Your body is craving male sperm, essentially. You're an addict now, and you can only be satisfied by fucking and sucking any male you can get your hands on," Shakal said, a villainous note underscoring his words. "Fortunately, we have a solution for your problem." Vincent tried to speak, ears back, eyes wide, but Shakal interrupted. "You see, we have drugs that also work in a different way. They can make you hard and ready to go within minutes of release," the black panther explained. He leaned over the panting cheetah and reached into the desk drawer, pulling out a small case. It flipped open and the black cat showed Vincent a half-empty bottle of light purple fluid. "As you can see, I injected myself just before you signed the final release forms." Shakal's voice dropped a note as his cock throbbed, stiffening into total hardness once more inside the moaning, squirming cheetah. "For the next three months, I'm going to fuck your brains out every hour, on the hour... for science." The End
For Science!: Freebies Vol. 54: Chemicality Edition! by danath
[ "Cheetah", "Chemical Use", "Drugs", "Feline", "Gay", "M/M", "Male", "Panther", "Rough Sex" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 48, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 137, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 17 }
Valmeero staggered in not fifteen seconds later, and locked the door behind him. "Fuck me sideways!"he exclaimed."What sort of right thinking individual set that thing loose?" "This right thinking individual." I replied, waving a hand. "Oh, that right thinking individual. We can't go out there now, you know that." "That's the point.It's got everyone where it wants it." Valmeero collapsed on the bunk beside me, breathing deeply in exhaustion. "Puffed?"I asked, nodding to Javid. Valmeero sighed. "Alduin, I just had to avoid several tentacles lunging at me, what do you think?" he said, stretching his legs out.As he did, Javid sat on the bunk.I was by Val's head, and as he closed his eyes, gently slipped the detachable leash around his neck.Then the end I tied to the bunk post. Thus still unaware, I spoke. "Still, Javid'll do what you requested." "What did I request?"Javid looked at me, and then realised what Valmeero had said, and rolled Valmeero on his side, lifting up a leg, and fucking his anus.Valmeero tried to sit up, and as he did, he met resistance as the leash halted him. I took advantage of his surprise to cuff his hands behind his back, although underneath his wings. "What the..." he said. I looked completely cute, to make it look as though I had done what he asked. "You wanted to be fucked sideways." "Alduin, you do not look cute, don't bother trying."I slipped over his cock, and he moved his wings, embracing both of us in his leathery wings.He had a lot of strength in his wings, and tightened around me, like a cocoon. Thus trapped, he fucked me gently while I made out with him. This took another five minutes, and after we had both finished, we agreed to not have any more sex.The sounds from outside were like a battle, and we decided that we should do a little bit of evening enjoyment. Valmeero stayed in the room while me and Javid teleported to my planet. I grabbed a couple of DVD's, while Javid started microwaving some popcorn, and getting some happy food for us to consume while watching said movies. Then we teleported back, Valmeero had very thoughtfully set up a scanner, and we sat down as I set the DVD on the projector. I do remember we watched Pirates of the Caribbean first, the theme song was stuck in my head for ages afterwards.The noise outside died down, and we stopped halfway through the movie for five minutes, while I checked up on those outside. The tentacle creature had left, and the collective scouts were in varying states of tiredness. Dev, Draco, Time Dancer, and a few others came in, and we watched the movie together to the end.The second movie was the original Star Wars movie, and this brought frequent comments on human imagination from my alien friends. "It would have been so much easier with a translator." Draco commented about Chewbacca," and as for the androids, they look somewhat, well they aren't our technology, are they?" "No, how far have you got with mechanical beings?" I asked. "Close enough that relatives can tell the difference, and friends. We built one modelled on Simba once, only self, Devlin and Silverine could tell any difference.This was a few years ago, so don't bother asking.The problem with mechanoids is that you have to use so much power to kept them going. Sure, they're practically identical, but the amount needed to sustain one in fluent motion and conversation for five minutes could power the food store for about nine months." Draco said. These movies finished, I was made aware of the time, as was everyone else, so went to bed. No one bothered to go back to their own quarters, so it ended with three in the bottom bunk ( me, Devlin and Valmeero), two in the top, neither the owner. Salbar would have wondered why his bed smelt of tiger, had he been in here, because Blake and Time Dancer slept up there. Javid's single bed, on the other hand, was this far from collapsing, having Javid, Alecto, Thomas and Brendan under the covers, and all sleeping gently. Of course in that space, Brendan had Alecto in his arms, Alecto had fallen asleep with Brendan's cock still in his ass. Likewise in my bed, I was in the middle of Devlin's great bear hug, his wings folded around the pair of us as he slept. His radiating body sent heat through me like an electric blanket, if said electric blanket had arms. Valmeero was sleeping beside me, but in the middle of the night he must have rolled, because he ended up on the floor, curled up in blissful sleep. I woke the first in the morning, so I could see all this with a rational eye compared to last night's hazy glimpses. Now I looked, we were all covered in semen, Time Dancer looked the worst, but was sleeping with a seraphic smile on her face.I myself was scored by lines of cum, and I very quickly shuffled outside. It was a mess. Half the floor was coated with white, and I'm not joking either. Those who were outside were sleeping in various angles and directions. Gareth was asleep with two cocks in his ass, one being Alex, the other being Silverine. Iris looked fairly totalled too, the tentacle creature had kept fucking her again and again, enjoying this elf. It had gone back to it's lair, and the panel had been reset. Doran was in the bathroom by himself, he was sleeping against the sink. I came in, and shut the door, locking it. I threw the shower onto a very warm setting, and waited for it to heat up, not even Central had perfected the art of having instantly hot water at their disposal. Doran woke fast, hearing the noise of the shower, but he was alone.He focussed blearily at me, and smiled. "Early riser, aren't you?" "It's nine o'clock, I thought I might as well get up and dressed, which means having a shower. Do you want one too, you're covered in semen?" This was true. "The tentacle creature decided to pull me into it's lair, I lost count how many fucked me, but in there, if two let go, they all did. Two fucked my ass continuous." "That explains why you're skin is as white as Thomas Nagoya's." I nodded. "But I don't like having showers."Doran admitted. "Ah, same as Logan, you feel so heavy coming out?" "Indeed Alduin, as though I'm pulled by weights." he acknowledged. "Can't you enjoy it while you're in there?"I said, opening the door, and grabbing the shower extension, aiming it on the tiled floor. There was a small grate in one corner, and I washed the semen on the floor away down the drain.Doran shook his head. "I would, but I wouldn't like getting out." I finished the floor, and started on the lower sections of walls. "I see. Well, I'm having one now." "Do you want me to get out?" Doran asked. "No." I said, turning the shower extension on him. Water struck Doran's chest, and fell off him. He shivered, repulsed by the sudden cold and then warmth, and looked wounded at me. "Don't worry, mate, I'll dry you off afterwards."I kept the water on him while he resignedly got into the shower, and I got in after him. I took up the liquid soap, and while he held the shower extension on himself, aiming at his legs and lower chest, I thoroughly applied soap to his arms, chest and neck. He rinsed all the foam off, which left his top half smelling like jasmine or some exotic smell, which was invigorating. I did the same for his lower half as he hung up the shower extension, pointing it away from us, and after he was done he will his usual brilliant black, with his stripes of purple. He also smelled delicious, like cologne, so I went over my options, and started sucking his cock. He was most surprised, but was so weighted by water and my desire to suck him that he merely leaned against the wall of the shower. I got him off again, and then he started cleaning me down.He soaped me from the top down, making sure no water touched me, until I was covered in foam, and then came behind me, and fucked my ass, while using his hands to rub my chest gently in small circles.He fucked me til he went again, and then cleaned me down with the shower.I pulled him out of the shower, and lay him spread eagled on the ground, leaving the shower running. I found a towel, and rubbed him vigorously with the towel, til he was dry. As I looked at the stretched out wolf, I was about to fuck him, when there was a quiet knock at the door. I opened it, and Time Dancer was there. "Ah, you wish a shower, my lady?" "Do I look as though I need one?" she replied, with a smile on her face. "Veritably so, my lady.You have me at your disposal, I have already been cleaning Doran up." Doran sat aside while Time got into the shower, and I started cleaning her.This was most amusing. I began with her legs, seductively rubbing her legs with liquid soap to a foam, and then hosing it down with the extension. It could travel three metres away on a flexible hose attachment, made of metal, and it's head could be removed to act like a hose instead of a spray, which gave me my next idea. As I soaked Time's upper half, I removed the spray head, and thrust it firmly up Time's vagina. She gave a cry as the warm water flooded up inside her, and when her pussy was filled, the water came out in gushes. She looked at me.I smiled. "Keep it there, just so it's doing something." I came around behind her, while she held the extension up her vagina.She quivered in enjoyment, the water stroking her interior with bliss. I changed into my bionic form, and covered my hands and cock in the liquid soap.In a quick move, I grabbed her around her chest, while forcing my lubricated cock up her ass. She gave a cry of sexual relief, and I began to massage her chest with my slippery hands.She paced her one remaining hand to her breast, and coated her hand in soap as well.She orgasmed not two minutes after I began, the water and my cock working very well to get her off.I have no doubt her howls could be heard outside, but no one knocked on the door.Now her entire upper half was foamed up, but I refrained from cleaning her down until both of us had let go one more time. She orgasmed again, and immediately whispered to me. "Alduin, please stop me!" she said.She didn't want to stop, she was enjoying it that much.So was I.But I let go a minute later, as she had her third orgasm.I debated on continuing, but decided not to, so I hosed Time down, and I turned the shower off as we got out.I dried Time like I had to Doran, and then did myself.The whole room smelled of jasmine.There were clothes in the compartment underneath the sink, so all dressed in black, we walked out. Everyone was still asleep. "Oh well." Doran said cheerfully."What shall we do now?" There was nothing to do, except wake them up.But I decided against it, so we walked down to the Great Hall, where the entire place looked even more overgrown that last night. An elf was sitting there, on a bench, and she looked up as the three of us came up. "Morning, Time, hi guys." "Morning Felicia, you're up early." we replied. "So are you. Where's Silverine got to?" "He's in my quarters."I replied,"A good twenty plus had it off in there last night." "Really?" Felicia smiled," Sounds like you guys had a good time." "Yeah, you could say that." Time grinned. I looked around, Silverine was just entering, yawning and covering his outstretched mouth with a clawed hand. This is the Lupogriff when he isn't trying to be offensively menacing, or laughing his head off. Reminds me sort of like my boss. So as he came up, we spoke about the Hunt. "Are the Hunters allowed to watch the Hunted videos?" "Of course, providing the Hunted don't mind." "I know, I'll show them mine, a lot of them were asking about me, being the one who everyone chased last year.Then I can watch theirs."Bright idea. Abigail turned up with the eight cubes, and I teleported to Earth to get my own. It was in my magpie drawer, along with all my off world things I had received picked it up, and teleported back. Silverine had thoughtfully placed a scanner, so I landed beside him. None of the Hunted were here, so I waited. Billy Carlson was the first, slotting various weapons systematically into his belt and hidden pouches. He had not gotten so involved in sex last night, and was first to get here by about ten minutes. One by one, the Hunted filed in. All those who had been in my room were clean, no doubt they had had a shower before arriving for this.As the last one arrived, Salbar, Silverine stood, and the Hunted formed a line. "Abigail here has thoughtfully downloaded all your tapes onto separate cubes, so you have a record of your efforts. We will leave you here to watch them together, comparison. By the way, Alduin wishes to watch your videos, and will in return show you his." Landon clapped his hands together."Excellent, we can see his multi layered escape plan." "It was no plan, Landon." I replied, smiling, while everyone collected their cubes,"It was a spur of the moment panic." "The best plan of all."Alex laughed."So are you going first?" "Yes, why not?" I smiled, as Silverine and the others left. I placed my cube on the projector, and turned it on. Instant disbelief. "Draco barred the door last year?" Landon shivered to think what would have happened last night if the same trick had been played. "I would have used C4, or one of my special breaching charges.What, oh, AP round?" Ryan asked as he saw what I had done. "Indeed,"I replied, nodding at him," Draco had calibrated it to withstand one of my .303 shells, but he didn't know about my AP rounds.What do you carry?" "It's sort of like the F2000 you use on BF2, with grenade launcher attachment, fully auto or semi auto settings, and fifty in the magazine.If you put it on semi, you can attach a silencer, so it's only a quiet noise, as loud as clicking your fingers." he replied, hefting it up. My single shot was an antique compared to that. Then we watched as Tufty gave chase to me. "Hmm, I seem to have forgotten the rules about littering, oh well." I chuckled. Alex commented Tufty's face was absolute perfection. Then my ankle tap with Winslo and the unicorn, and finally the waltz with Time Dancer. This last one got a huge laugh. I set it to slow motion on the replay. My face was a mixture of emotion as I whirled, Time Dancer looked somewhat terrified, but the change of facial expressions for the four Hunters kept me warm on nights ever since. I showed them my talk with Valmeero, and then jumped to the sequence showing Draco chasing me. "Going up." Landon laughed, as I was catapulted into the grate. Then we got the tedious comments as they saw me surrounded by all three. "As I was saying Blake, they were all chasing me." "I thought you meant they were chasing you at different times.That was clever." Blake replied, seeing me bounce off my rifle. After that, we watched Takori Tano's. His video was like Brendan's from last year, he never got a chance to take a breather, and he was sideswiped from a side passage while being chased. Time fucked herself on his cock while the two foxes took his mouth and ass. "You should have seen Valmeero's from last year, he ended up with Tufty, and Val got to fuck him, instead of the other way round." I commented, as we skipped the endless position changes. Then I got to see Javid's. He had a fairly quiet time until he met Thomas, and then there was a ten minute run through the corridors. He spotted me. "Ah, the cameo appearance." Alex laughed. Javid on the projector made to step one way, but then dived into the room, slamming it open with his shoulder. He dived directly into the bathroom, failing to close it, and then rubbed the panel. The tentacle creature came out, and Javid took one of the tentacles gently just as self and Thomas appeared.Now I saw it, my reaction was also priceless. "I was like,"Javid's talking to it, it's not going to be good.", so I ran for it." I smiled, as the tentacles went for Thomas, and I ran for the door, slamming it. Javid rushed past a very surprised snow leopard, and tried the door. "I should have used my sniper rifle." "I was waiting out there just in case you did." I replied tactfully, watching the argument on the door. Javid was so busy trying to break down the door the tentacle creature grabbed one of his limbs each at the same time, and thrust three cocks into the startled wolf. Two into the ass, one into the mouth. They were fucked for about half an hour, and then as Thomas was let go, he rushed to the door, and brought out a skeleton key. With incredible speed he played with the door, and it swung open. Javid got his way free, and ran for the door, and Thomas shut it behind him. Then Thomas grabbed Javid, and started fucking the colonel's ass in retribution. Salbar had led people a merry route. I had never seen him, but I certainly saw him pull off some clever moves. At one point, he had Silverine chasing him, and Draco came around the corner in front of him. As they came in from either side, Salbar didn't bother with dodging, but simply leapt at one wall, somehow gained purchase, and then leapt clear over the dragon's head. We were then treated to a rare shot of Silverine crashing full length into a very surprised dragon. "I wish I could have managed that."I commented, watching the pair fall to the ground. Unfortunately for the lizard he hadn't come up with a way to dodge Grant, the panther completely recovered from Dul'Ihanri, and as the panther leapt after the lizard, Valmeero was lying in wait, and gently pushed out a foot. Salbar crashed into it, and Grant was on him, and very soon after that, in him, as both Val and Grant fucked the lizard's ass. "I was wondering how he did that." Salbar said, looking at a slow motion of Valmeero pushing out his foot. Salbar spotted it, but couldn't quite clear it. Blake Hybridmarine went next. He had had a reasonably quiet round until I appeared, in my F1 car. "Incoming lunatic!" Alex called, seeing my F1 power towards Blake, who had stopped briefly in surprise. He dived just in time as I changed into my human form, not so much leaping as sliding towards him. I went a good ten metres down the passage, and I lost the foot race. "Why didn't you change back into the F1?" Salbar asked. "No idea, now you came to mention it." I smiled, watching me on the screen take a breather. After a while, an elf gave chase to the tiger/ dragon hybrid, and as he was dodging her spells, he came charging around a corner, and found Winslo standing there, his arm turning to ice. A spell can be prepared, and in doing so, the spell has slight effects on the caster. A person casting lightning bolt will crackle with electricity, although it will not harm him, ditto the fireball and the spell Winslo was casting, cone of cold. Blake was hit by it, and shivered into a ball, the intense cold hitting him hard. The elf came around the corner. "Owch, that looked painful." Javid looked sympathetically at Blake. "I have a weakness against cold, I cannot stand it at all.I am resistant against fire though, so it balances out." the tiger replied, watching himself being screwed by the bunny magician and the elf. Speaking of bunnies, the bounty hunter went next. His pursuers were numerous, I was about the fourth, but my arrival was greeted by Alex. "Here he comes again!" Laughter. Billy Carlson threw the grenade, and oil exploded everywhere. "Gosh, how did... HOLY!" Landon ducked as the oil combusted, and a hologram Lightning came flying around the corner directly at him.Quite a few flinched as I took the corner at over two hundred kilometres an hour. "I came this close to impacting against the wall, actually." I said, looking at my undercarriage looming increasingly near to the wall. Billy ran past where I had come from, and leapt over the burning oil. Then after some more varied pursuits, he was captured, and none of us were expecting it. Billy was shifting down a corridor, looking left and right at an intersection, when there was a thump from above, and Devlin Dreadwood dropped into frame. Billy went down, while the drome looked at the broken grate to the ventilation. Devlin had either hidden there, or had been creeping along the air vents until he spotted a Hunted. Devlin tore Billy's clothes on landing, and not wishing to lose a happy advantage, fucked the bunny anally. "Did any of us see that coming?" Alex asked. "Certainly not. I had the most fun in the vents last Hunted, I didn't think a dragon could get in there without difficulty." I replied, thinking how Devlin planned it. Ryan went next, and boy did he pull off some classic moves. At one point, early on, Draco and a wolf had him in a corridor, when he changed into the CCX, and drove through Draco's legs. He actually encountered Draco twice, and Draco was spitting fire as Ryan merrily drove off the second time. Then came my arrival. "Oh, look who's back." Alex said, teasing me. I merely grinned, watching as Ryan ran, but I ran slightly faster. The tiger turned a corner, and hit the button on his remote, changing into the CCX, and then the drome saw me change into the F1. It was having trouble keeping up with us, but boy were we moving through the corridors. Whenever there was a ninety degree turn, Ryan would drift mentally sideways through it, practically driving through the side window. The F1, on the opposite side, gripped and went. At one point, I went up on two wheels, taking a corner a little too fast. Then, at an intersection, Ryan hit brakes, and handbrake, and executed a stunning handbrake turn. The F1 shot past, decelerating rapidly. As I turned, he drove off, and the camera watched as I transformed into Lightning. "There's something you don't want to see in your rear view mirror." Javid said, watching as I ascended, quickly closing the gap. Ryan hit the handbrake again, disappearing briefly in a cloud of tyre smoke, before changing into his tiger form, and running off down the corridor, while I twisted my craft, losing a bit of height, and began chasing again. Ryan looked back to see me, and suddenly a Lupogriff's arm and wing shot out from a side passage, wrapping bodily around the tiger. "Daylight robbery!" my Dopplered scream echoed as I rocketed past, causing outbursts of laughter from the Hunted in the room. "Nice." Salbar chuckled. "I think Alduin got a little annoyed." Landon corrected. "Would you blame him?" Ryan replied," He spent ten minutes chasing me, only to have me snatched by Silverine." "I was fuming, which was why I got so evil when I came across Alex. Can we see his next?" "Oh dear, this can only be bad." Landon theatrically put his paw against his head, smiling." Alduin in an evil mood, this can only be terrible." I joined the laughter. Alex didn't use his cam cloak much to start, concentrating on putting distance between us. He had a lot of talent, and out ran a few wolves, and used his cloak once or twice. It was only when he came across the elf that he pulled the big moves. He held his pendant in one hand, and his other was pointing at the elf. "I'm not here, go chase someone else." he commanded, and the elf turned and ran. Alex put his hands on his knees, exhausting himself by this magic, and then I came screaming around the corner.He vanished, running invisibly down the corner. I came screaming around after him, shouting to Doran that I couldn't see him, and tore past where he was.There was some laughter. "Hmm, one to Alex." Landon smiled."Oh, where's he gone!" priceless." "I'm working on it." I replied. From then on, Alex spent most of his time underneath his cloak. It was only at about the one hour and one half period when he stopped at an intersection, and I was propelled around a corner, my Lightning aimed directly at the intersection. "Release transformer grenade." they heard me speak, and the bomb detached, landing squarely beside the invisible Alex. There was an explosion, and Alex reappeared in the visible spectrum. He reacted well, turning to run, but I had already banked around in a square, slipping into hover mode and holding another bomb ready to drop. "Don't you try to run, otherwise I'll drop this."I said. "You found me." "With a bit of luck, and a bit of Doran." "Ha, I knew it had to be something.So what are your plans?" "Well, I'd prefer to catch Landon," "I feel flattered." the fox interrupted briefly. "Doran says he's not far from here. So I'll give you a small chance. Catch." I dropped the bomb, and Alex caught it about three inches from the ground. "Well held. Now if you've ever seen a mine, you will be aware that by gently removing your foot from it will not make it go off. That bomb, on the other hand, will not. If you disturb the air too much, or if you let go of it, it will detonate." I was smiling as the Hunted looked at me, and then back at the drama on projection. "You're kidding me, aren't you Alduin?" Alex looked slightly nervous from the ground. I changed into my bionic form, and had a smile the length of the Nile. "No I am not. You move too fast, it will explode.You let go, it will explode.But should you get to two hours, it will defuse itself, so you had better pray."I said, grinning. "Why are you doing this?"Alex asked, and I looked amused. "Would you like to get to two hours?" "Of course." "Well there's my chance. I could capture you now, but I'll let you get away. Enjoy." "You evil, evil human!" Landon burst out laughing, as I issued a little wave of farewell, and went off down the corridor at speed.Alex got to his feet, and very slowly moved down the corridor, looking left and right frequently. After three minutes of projection time, we had in on slight fast forward, I told everyone the conversation between me and Brendan. "Aha ha ha." Alex said sarcastically,"Very funny." At one hour forty seven, Brendan appeared behind Alex, and sprinted at the human. Alex turned, and his face went pale. "No, Brendan, don't come any closer!" he shouted, but Brendan grabbed the human's arm. Alex in turn let go of the bomb, and a small light went red for a second. "Boom." I said. There was an explosion of blue gas, and it was translucent enough that we could see Alex and Brendan sink to the ground. "Well, it was a half chance, damn dragon." Alex sighed, watching his unconscious avatar land on the ground. "Covington thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen." I replied innocently. Alex made a face, as we moved on to Landon's video. Landon, for the first half an hour, was pursued no less than six times, and he lost them each time. He even had to deal with the teleporting tiger, Abigail, and several times Landon had to react fast as a taser prong would zip over him. He was pursued even more for the next hour afterwards, ducking spells from elves, a couple of wolves, Draco, although how he escaped then was in fact by charging directly at a wall, and then as Draco came after him, ran up the wall and back flipping over the dragon's head. Draco impacted against the wall, cursing, and Landon got away. Then it was me again, and I watched myself, smiling grimly, as I jinked in several directions. Landon would run the opposite way, and I lost ten yards each time. "What was that all about?" Alex asked. Collision. Doran appeared from nowhere and was run into by a full flight fox. Both were knocked to the ground, but Doran was prepared for it, and completely pinned the fox.The drome light winked off, and they watched as I jumped into the air, punching a fist triumphantly. "Someone's happy." Billy laughed. "I had chased all but one person at some point, gad was I glad to catch one." I retaliated as we escorted the fox firmly to the food store. We heard the bomb over the projection too, in the middle of fucking Landon between us, there was a muffled bang, and I spoke for Alecto. "That's Alex gone." I translated, and watched as my avatar replied. "Thanks for that, I kind of guessed.Did Brendan get hit by it, or was it someone else?" "No, it was Brendan, they're both out cold.The drome light winked off at one hour, forty eight minutes,and twenty seven seconds exactly." The Hunted laughed. "Yeah, I wonder what else that boom could have been." Blake said, smiling. After this, the Hunted left. I walked with Billy, steering him towards our bunks without either of us noticing. "That was superb thinking, dropping oil on the corridor. If I had hit that, I would have skidded half way to the food store." "I didn't have much time, I was just praying it would work." "Well, you got away, I think it did." I flashed a winning smile. We arrived at the empty quarters. The floor was immaculate, every item in place. "Ah, the glowers have been here." I said, looking at the tidy space, as both of us walked into my bedroom. "So what did you do after the Hunt, Billy?" "Went to bed, why, what did everyone else do?" "Most of us had it off in here.Did you want to join in?" The bunny sighed, looked pained."If I'd known, I'd have jumped at the chance." I started stripping down. Billy was looking away, until I spoke. "Well, I'm quite keen to see the bounty hunter in action." he turned, and laughed, following my lead with enthusiasm."And besides, we can't have you going without sex after a Hunt." I stripped first, and lay on my bed, legs spread wide but bending at the knees, so my feet were against one another. The bunny got out of his pants, and jumped on top of me, putting his weight against my chest, and forcing his cock into me. Again, read comment for everyone else, his technique was superb, his cock was large, and he enjoyed it a lot. He fucked me at a pretty good speed, as if making up for not being there last night. I lay hard against the mattress, sighing as Billy fucked my ass. He stroked my cock, but he was the one to go first.His semen rushed into my ass, filling it completely. He straight away went at it again, and I felt his dominance being set against mine. I instantly became submissive, and he rolled me over, fucking me from behind. He pulled me back, and I ended up sitting on him as he thrust.He ejaculated again, and this time his cum went everywhere, on him, on my legs, and on the bed.After he finished milking himself this second time, I threw myself forwards, rolling and grabbing his arm. He fell on me, his head against my chest, and I grabbed his ears, making him suck me off.The battle of sexual dominance went on, and it became a fair scrap. We both fucked the other about six or seven times, but eventually I got the upper hand, pinning him to the bed and fucking his ass twice. He accepted defeat, although very graciously, and we retired to the shower. We stepped under the steamy water, and I stepped behind Billy.Then I changed into my bionic form, and forced my now steel cock into him. He struggled, but with one robotic arm I pinned both of his and his chest. My other hand I used to work Billy's cock. I would see how many times I could get him off with my hand job. I fucked him at a very sedate speed, concentrating more on his cock than his ass, and he sighed constantly under the warm water and my sexual enthusiasm. With yet another cry of delight, he ejaculated, and semen ran around my fingers, only to be washed away by the water. I kept going, and the bunny struggled helpless in my grip, unsure what my intentions were.I still had not ejaculated,and at the speed I was going probably wouldn't until Christmas, which was still a good month away.In fact to further confuse him, I stopped fucking him altogether, just holding my cock all the way inside him, deftly stroking and teasing his cock under my grasp. He let go again, and now began to struggle a lot more. "Alduin, damn it, stop this, you over sexed maniac."he said, futilely. "What I am, I am because of Draco." I chuckled, and he managed a weak laugh.I got him off a third time, and he really began to fight to get out. "What is this?" he asked the world. "Well, if you had been here last night, what I'm doing to you is small change.Iris thinks she was fucked by at least twenty people, and the tentacle creature took her several times too." "So you're trying to make up for twenty people?" he said, the orgasms now coming closer and harder each time. I did him a few more times, and then let go.He seemed to have enjoyed himself, although now he looked a bit exhausted.Thus serviced, and clean, I teleported as I got myself dressed, and landed on Earth. It was Saturday, hmm, what to do, what to do. Ah, yes, I think some sleep would be in order. I promptly crashed on my bed, and slept.
Central New Year 2 Pt 4 Aftermath by TheNovelist
[ "Bisexual", "Bunny", "Dragon", "Human", "Hybrid", "Tiger", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 59, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 493, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 51 }
*Chapter 5 -- On Wings of Granite* "Fifty five hundred marks white oak (shaved/treated).* *One thousand and fifty marks tool steel.* *One hundred marks cotton caulking.* *Fifty marks streaked copper, tin and a-ston 176.* *Fifty marks iron.* *Twenty marks seam sealant.* *Twelve and three quarters marks sunless steel.* *One day.* *Three lives.* *Never the same." -Unsigned* *Note left in Kettar Tower under a plate.* *Sarah* Awe and horror washed over her like a physical wave. Choking the air with the smell of cedar. Tight in her throat air ceased to flow. She couldn't swallow. She couldn't breathe. Sarah pushed against the back wall of the barn trying to shuffle herself back out the way she'd come. But it wasn't there. The door was gone. She was here. This was a tomb. A shrine. She didn't *belong* here. No. No. No. *No.* *No.* *Please.* *No.* Sarah clutched her chest. Her throat. Trying to breathe. It wouldn't come! Fuck! Where was the door! Why was she still *here*?! The wall creaked. Groaned at her back. Her boots scuffled in the sawdust but she couldn't turn away. Her body refused to respond. Harder and harder she pushed against the wall and still it held. No matter how hard she pushed. The walls tight. The ship. Looming. Sarah whimpered as her heart slammed harder and faster. She clawed at the wall, started to turn. A presence appeared next to her, it's-- her voice was flat and disinterested. "What is the problem-- Oh." Haras, her cherub. Sarah tried to push away but the cherub turned on her and grabbed her shoulders. She fixed Sarah with white, soulless eyes. "This is an opportunity." *N- No. No, no, no." "Let me in. I can *help* you." The cherub said firmly. Demanding. She was trying to take advantage. Sarah whimpered again. "Let. Me. Help. You." She repeated firmly. "Give me access, I can help you get through--" Sarah screamed. Haras tried to grab her, icy fingers reaching into her skin. Sarah punched the creature, shoved her aside and bolted for the front door. She burst into the open air. Ran right past the carriage and dove behind it, bracing herself against the side. Panting and whimpering, the usually proud cleric held herself shaking. Alone but for the pounding of her heart. Moments passed with her panting and whimpering, cowering against the heavy carriage trying to get her breath. Haras made another appearance in her finely tailored suit with her hands clasped behind her back and the eerily patient manner she reserved for when she wanted to be *particularly* self righteous. "D- Did you know?" Sarah took off her glasses, drinking deep gulps of air. She scrubbed her face a few times before she found a thread of normality hiding her mask. She reached for it, digging deeper and deeper to find herself. Meanwhile the cherub took a spot in front of her charge. Her shoes crunched the dirt like a gunshot between them. "Did I know? How could I *know* anything? You've blocked me since you took the pact-- I *should* take what belongs to The Great Engineer, I *should* have unrestricted access to your senses and be able to *help* you when you need it. You use His gifts without paying your dues, how would I be able to--" "Spare me," Sarah took a deep breath to steady herself. She reached for that string that she knew was her and pulled on it. She dragged herself along that lifeline for everything she was worth, reaching ever more for what she wanted the world to see and away from who she really was. That person needed to go away, she couldn't show herself this way. She *needed* to be who the world thought she was right now. With a heaving sigh she hefted herself to her feet, dusted herself down and eyed her cherub. The divine creature stared right back at her, impassive and stony as ever. "It's an opportunity." "I--" "You could find out what happened," Haras unbuttoned her jacket and, as though she was at a merchant's meeting, slid her hand into her pants pocket, thumb extended beyond the entry to show beyond any doubt that she was being deferential. It was the first sign of neutrality that Sarah had ever seen from her handler. Not that she believed it for a second, but the implication was fairly clear; 'We're on the same side'. Sarah wiped at her eyes and took a steadying breath. "I know what happened. They crashed because--" "The design," Haras cut her off. "Was flawless. You tested it for everything, the wood was solid. The reactor worked. The vectoring worked! You *did nothing wrong*!" "I killed--" "Stop that." "But***" They stared at one another for nearly a full heartbeat. Sarah had no words. She wasn't allowed to speak the ones on her mind because of her pact but she could bloody well articulate it in other ways. Many ways. Usually involving sharp things and discrete parts upon her body. Harash apparently sensed her shift in tone and, in another first, her expression softened. She spoke in a low, consoling tone that *almost* sounded genuine. "You continue to deny the gifts given you by your *patron,* Maybe just this one you could consider embracing them, let me *help* you and then I'll withdraw once more....we can explore the problem together." "You must think me quite foolish." Sarah straightened herself out, fluffed out her blouse and resettled her glasses. Once more in control, mask firmly back in place, she squared her shoulders. "My life is not a technical problem to be solved any more than theirs was. I'll not hear of it." "All right," The cherub relented. A convoluted mercy if ever there was one. "But consider this, if nothing else, how long do you plan to be able to run from the dragon's agents? Your companions, one of them a dragon's kin himself, are going to ask questions and eventually they will fail you." Sarah glanced away as she rubbed at her arms. "They always do, Sarah. There will be a time when running isn't going to be an option, and you will look around you and there will be no one." Once more she buttoned her jacket, straightened out the pressed collar and stood firmly. They'd both subconsciously slid back into their roles as enemies of convenience, eying one another dubiously. "You will need tools and equipment to get away....what better way than a ship?" "I'll have you know, I am *fully* capable--" "Look around you, Sarah." The cherub swept her arm out to encompass the farm. "Does *this* look like you're acting at your capacity? Are you fulfilling your potential here? You've not done so for two decades, and now? You're going to run away from the one *chance* you have at closing this chapter on your life. If not for Him, don't you think you *owe* it to yourself?" Once again Sarah looked away. "You can't honestly believe that this happened by mistake, can you? An *airship* doesn't spring into the mind of a farmer, aren't you curious? Don't you *care?!" The older half-elf tensed. "I think it best you leave." "Not until you admit you're curious." There was more than one way to skin this particular cat. Sarah turned away, peeking in the carriage to find it empty. It figured; cherubs never appeared in the physical unless there was little to no chance they'd be seen. In lieu of finding someone to drive her off, Sarah climbed aboard. "Very mature, Sarah." Haras was sitting in the cabin across from her. "It was worth a try." "I can't believe you punched me***" The divine woman clucked her tongue. "You need to remember your place in this arrangement." Sarah blew it off and climbed out through the opposite door, slamming it hard. "I'm quite through listening to voices in my head, thank you!" "If only it were that easy, but here we are." Haras was once more beside her even as she walked towards left side of the house looking for her companions. "The question is whether or not I let you waste *another* chance to redeem yourself, *Engineer*." "Not listening!" "You should be." The cherub's voice went cold like steel. "You *designed* it. You *built* it. Then you destroyed the plans and your research so no one could follow it." She stalked after her charge, prowling until she was almost touching Sarah. She cant her head slightly. "This is how you redeem yourself before your god....you *finish* it." Sarah backpedaled. "I'm sure the person who made this can more than make up for anything they haven't figured out yet! Let's not be hasty." "Sarah!" A voice called out from the opposite side of the building. She opened her mouth to reply but Haras clamped it tight with an icy grip. They locked eyes and the cherub wagged her finger a definite, undeniable 'no'. "Mph!" "No. Listen; listen well. This will be good for you and the world as a whole, I won't let you throw this opportunity away. Do what you do best, allow me to *help* you and I will respect your decision to stay removed from the Collective***" "Mph, nhghhmhmph." Sarah tried to bat the hand away but it was like smacking iron. Briefly she considered using her gift of atrophy to free herself but she relented. Looking every part a sullen teenager with her arms crossed, she stared back at the immortal creature. The cherub's pupil-less eyes roamed Sarah, a muscle clenched in her jaw. "I am your case worker, not your enemy. You don't *have* to use your gifts, you built it once without them....do it again. That's all I ask." With that she let go. There were a million things racing through Sarah's mind as she opened her mouth to tell her handler about all the reasons it was *wrong* to even try, how it was insane to think it would've worked. How it was *sick* to demand it of her, but none of it came to her lips. Since they'd been 'reduced' to verbal communication by her divesting herself from her divine chain, there was no easy way to explain her thoughts, some of them she was forbidden of speaking of by the very nature of her pact. Sullen, tired and angry, Sarah did the only thing she could do in such a predicament; she defied her best interests for the sake of satisfying her own petty feelings. "Why, had I thought of it in such magnanimous terms I certainly would've jumped at the chance earlier! Forsooth, I have been blinded by the light of a conscience much too dim to separate technical ability from *human cost*." She spat the last part out. "Surely, I should have prostrated myself earlier and--" She inched closer. "uttered the words that first should have crossed my lips when we met! How did it go? Oh yes, fu--" "Sarah?" Caldion said. From behind. She wheeled. The three of her companions were standing there looking at her as surely as though she had a second head. "Who're you talking to? We heard a scream***" Tess looked around, wary and alert. "I-- Yes!" Sarah faltered her words and fought to calm her voice once more. "Yes, quite fine in fact! I....must have stepped on a rat or something." She cleared her throat and flashed a quick smile at the dubious glances. "Be so kind as to bring the carriage around back so we don't attract attention from the road, yes?" Caldion glanced up the path to the road, "Yeah. I thought about it but we don't know who owns the place--" "And we'll never find out if we're arrested now, will we?" "She has a point," Keiter pitched in. "I would not want to scare the owner, but if we don't move, we might not have the chance later." Tess fidgeted with her new dress. "Y- Yes, maybe that's for the best. But something's not right here, there's magic but it's *off* some how." She looked at Sarah oddly. "You feel it too, don't you?" "Not as such, no." It had to be her cherub. The little bitch was going to make things difficult for Sarah even if she wasn't visible! Because why should life be easy....Sarah clapped her hands once. "Let's move the wagon, then we can narrow down the cause of any malformed magic remnants! I dare say I should like to find such a thing if it's a threat, but once and only *after* our transportation has been seen to. Caldion started to object and, surprisingly, shook his head and strode over to the carriage, mounted it and began maneuvering the horses around the side of the barn. "Get someone to close the door there *queen Sarah*, we wouldn't want to attract attention." He flicked his head towards the front of the barn. Sarah ignored his prodding and set Tess to the job while she took a few seconds to get herself righted and centered. Keiter silently watched her the entire time, all the while holding a quiet vigil over his claimed spot. He sniffed the air, drew in deep and let it out as a sigh. "What?" Sarah hugged her arms over her chest. "You're never going to change....what was it about this time?" "I surely have no idea what you're talking about." Keiter turned his muzzle up to her and, in the most brotherly voice she'd ever heard from the dragon-kin, he said softly: "Isira told me about many things in our time together. About how--" he paused. "Ah, cherubs. She called them cherubs. You have one, don't you?" Sarah tried to agree but her voice died in her throat, stopped by her pact. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Let's say for the sake of it that there are many things that even the gods seem to find amusing, and that may well be one of them." "She doesn't. She hurts for you--" "Keiter. Please. Stop. I'm in no mood--" "You never are." "Nor will I ever be!" Sarah fidgeted as a wash of shame swept over her. She owed her friend more respect than that. "There's a boat in there, Keiter." She exhaled deeply. "A boat....my boat. I designed it. It's not complete, I doubt it's anywhere near it, but someone *made* it from my design!" "That should be flattering, shouldn't it? You like having people impersonate you--" "Inspire. I like to *inspire* people. This is different....very different." Caldion and Tess emerged from the barn a few moments later looking as confused and vaguely curious as she herself should have been. As they approached Caldion looked over the group and seemed to form his own conclusion about things, he started to throw his thoughts into the mix. "I think--" Sarah was having none of it, "Now that that's out of the way. Perhaps we should wait out back for the owner to return or night to fall so we might move on, hm?" To her surprise, though, Caldion nodded. "I was going to suggest the same thing. Maybe we can forage something to eat from the woods in the back, I think I saw some fox tracks so there's bound to be game back here." Anything that allowed her to keep distance between herself and the ship in the barn she was more than willing to play along. Sarah beamed a smile she didn't have any faith in and, as though they had been friends all along, she threw her arm around the young man's back and started towards the back yard. He brushed her off before he took even the first step. That was fine with her. Except it wasn't*** She wanted to feel contact. She wanted someone to hug her and tell her it was going to be okay. The only people, the only *family* that could have done such a thing and have it mean anything though were gone. And Sarah stood not one hundred paces from their memorial. It killed her inside, but it also sparked something; a question, a wonder. A hope? What if she *could* get the boat to fly?
Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 47
[ "ongoing", "no sex", "sci-fi", "clean" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 53, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 287, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 48 }
"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the Thursday morning edition of Fox and Guests. This morning's edition will be split into three parts; one will follow immediately after this one is concluded. The third will be aired tonight on "Fox and Guests Extreme"; it will be a wild episode. My Name is Martha MacCallum and I'll be hosting this wild edition." "I'll give you an overview of what to expect and if you shock easily, you may want to skip today's show, but if you don't I tell you, I think it's one you'll never forget. If any of you watch our Cable broadcast shows you most likely saw advertisements for Jenny Greg, Waist Watchers and Nutra-system. Well today on our show we'll be hosting the spokeswomen and living-proof examples of how well their products work. The spin about our shows today, these women now are very, very proud of their weight loss and want to show off their new found bodies. The first show is rather limited because of their limited spokeswomen and exposure. So without further ado, for Jenny Greg let me introduce Kristie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli. Come on out her Valerie and Kristie." They came out and both looked amazing with their new gorgeous bodies and Valerie smiled broadly at the camera; "I'm proud of my thirty-five pound weight loss and couldn't have done it without Jenny Greg. I promised myself when I lost my excess weight, I would film my fantasy. I hope you enjoy watching it half as much I enjoyed making it!" Kristie stepped forward; "Hello everyone, I just like Valerie could not have dropped my ninety-five pounds without the help of Jenny Greg. I had promised myself, just like Valerie did; I wanted to showcase my new slimmed down body. My fantasy, to put it lightly is a little fucked up, but if any of you know me, so am I!" I believe my video will be shown after Valerie's. Like I said it's a little more risqué and wanted you to enjoy her video too." Martha came back into the camera and was blushing from Kristie's off colored speech, but seeing what was about to be shown, it was appropriate. "Okay just a little background on what you are about to see. Valerie's fantasy was to pay back her ex-husband Eddie Van Halen's extra-marital affairs while they were married and on the other hand satisfy her craving for some strange cock. She's good friends with Jennifer Lopez and after contacting her; she was assured she could get Keith Urban to hook up with her, especially seeing they were on the road for so long doing the preliminary auditions for American Idol." "While they were on location in Salt Lake City and seeing Keith's wife, Nicole Kidman was in Europe, shooting on location, Jennifer told me he was crawling up the walls and was flirting more and more with the contestants. She knew he was ripe for a hot one night stand. So without further ado, here is the weight loss prize Valerie Bertinelli requested!" The screen came to light and standing in a Salt Lake City hotel was Valerie. She was looking out a huge picture window, gazing at the snowcapped mountains surrounding the city. The door opened and in walked Keith. He had a huge smile plastered on his handsome face. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt he moved over to the apprehensive Valerie, who looked amazing with her dramatic weight-loss and recently toned body. Valerie was dressed in a slinky, off the shoulder dress. The dress had a huge vee in it, her ample breasts threatened to burst free and with a slight shove on either shoulder, the dress would surely fall from her new slim body. The dress showed her now, tiny waist and womanly hips. Her new tight ass showed prominently in the slinky dress. It flowed freely around her legs and ended at her tiny feet. Her dark, chocolate brown hair was ratted and hung down past her shoulders and danced about her trim body. She bit her lower lip as she stared into the blue eyes taking in her lush body. "Good afternoon Valerie, how are you doing?" She smiled as she stepped forward and placed her hands on his chest; "I'll let you know once you kiss me!" Keith's hands came up and cupping her gorgeous face, he locked his fingers in her silky hair and tilting his head, his lips parted slightly and closed over hers. They were remarkably soft and as the kiss grew, his tongue slipped into her mouth and the kiss grew hotter and suddenly more urgent. Valerie's body leaned into the kiss and her body was glued to Keith's firm toned body. She moaned onto his mouth when she felt him gathering her flowing dress up in his hands and a rush of cool air surrounded her bare legs. She let out a louder groan when she felt his calloused fingers slid across her bare upper thighs and cupped her tight, nearly bare ass cheeks. She thrust her hips involuntarily against his growing cock as she felt his fingers squeeze her ass even harder. There was a knock on the door and Keith broke the kiss and moved over to the door, opened it and giving the man outside a rolled up bill, took the tray and kicked the door shut; "I thought you may like a glass of champagne to celebrate your achievements!" He popped open the bottle and poured two flutes, handing one to Valerie, he clinked glasses; "To you Valerie, congratulations and to a night, hopefully neither of us will not soon forget!" She smiled and looked over the rim of the glass and sipped the light amber colored liquid. Licking her lips responded; "Mmmm, very nice Keith, I wonder if it tastes better licking it off your bare skin!" She sucked in her breath when he crossed his arms and removed his shirt. Tipping the glass, he trickled the champagne from his shoulder, down across his tight pecs and down to his belly. Placing the glass on the tiny table, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his glistening body and smiled; "Why not give it try and let me know? If it is good, maybe I can try some on you too!" She didn't have to be asked twice and her brightly colored lips descended onto his shoulder. Her tiny tongue darted out and began flicking at the amber liquid that wet his body. She moved lower and her tongue flicked out and twirled his stiffened nipple. Closing her lips around it, she drew it between them and sucking hard, she once again brought her tongue into the action. She paused briefly and gazed up into his dazzling blue eyes with her smoky dark brown eyes. Lust was smoldering behind them and letting out a deep groan, she let go of his nipple and kneeling before him traced a wet line down from his nipple, across his ribcage and down to his belly where his jeans were wet from the champagne. Her hands deftly ripped open his pants and lowered his zipper. She tugged hard on his jeans and he kicked them away. While he was doing that, Valerie picked up the bottle of champagne behind her and tipping the bottle at his belly button, the bubbly flowed out, collected in his belly button and flowed down past his dark hairline that led to his straining cock. It splashed across his cock and balls and ran down his leg. Placing the bottle on the floor, Valerie let out a deep guttural moan and buried her face in his toned body. Her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. Her hands ran around and cupped his tight ass and as her mouth approached his cock, she heard Keith let out a loud gasp. Keith mustered up all his strength and pulled away from Valerie and she looked very disappointed. He kicked off his shoes and removed his socks and moved over to the bed. Sitting on it he crooked his finger in a fashion to direct her to him. Her face lit up when she saw this and moved over to him and stopped when he motioned for her to do so. "Okay Valerie, I think you want this nearly as bad as I do. I want you to do exactly as I say, can you do that?" She nodded! He shook his head; "Oh no Valerie, I want to hear you say it!" She nodded and in a very deep whisper replied; "Yes Keith, I understand and will do whatever you ask, just don't make me wait too long, please!" He smiled; "Okay Valerie, go and bring the bottle of champagne over to me, along with the two half full glasses!" She turned and did as instructed. She handed him the bottle and he placed it on the end table. "Okay Valerie, please turn around and face the window. I want you to lean back slightly and shake your head a little allowing your hair to swipe back and forth across your naked back." She twirled around and did as he instructed and she heard him let out another tiny moan, looking back she watched him slowly stroke his stiff cock. It wasn't overly large, she estimated around six or seven inches, not the biggest she's swallowed, yet larger that a lot she's experienced, just big enough to pleasure her mouth and pussy without tearing her apart. "Okay Valerie, please slip your dress off your shoulders, but leave it around your waist!" She slipped the material off her upper arms and catching it in the crook of both arms she slid out of it and stood there with her back to him, bare to the waist. "Mmmm, very nice Valerie; I love how your wild hair dances around your bare shoulders and back. Now please lean over, push that gorgeous ass out towards me and slowly slip the dress off your ass and down to the floor." Valerie took a deep breath and leaning over, Keith got his first glance of her full and firm breasts as they hung down from her trim body. She wiggled her hips from side to side as she worked the dress off her hips. She drew it down across her tight ass and Keith's eyes darted from her tits to the incredibly tight, firm tiny ass. The dress fluttered to the floor and she kicked it aside and was just about to stand upright when she heard Keith speak again; "No, no don't Valerie, just stay like that for a few moments. I just want to take in the gorgeous sight before me." His eyes darted from her tight ass, to her shapely legs. At 5'5" her legs were just long enough to wrap around his body. Her feet were still trapped in 4" fuck me heels and looking back up her noticed her ample hips and her new tiny waist; "Okay Valerie, please straighten up and slowly turn around." He held his breath as she did just that! She turned a couple shades of red as she blushed, but did little to hide her gorgeous figure. Her smoldering dark eyes darted from his eyes down to his cock where Keith just continued to stroke it slowly. She licked her lips; she was so close to sucking it earlier and was determined to do that soon enough. She watched him let go of his cock and it stood high and stiff before him. She looked up and he once again wiggled his finger at her to approach him, she did just that and stopped directly in front of him. She let out a squeal when he reached out, gripping her by the waist and pulled her onto the bed, planting her flat on her back as he hovered over her. Valerie squirmed on the bed, her long, chocolate brown hair surrounded her face and made her look angelic, but looking lower, anyone could see, she was anything but angelic. She licked her full red lips and sucked in her breath as she felt Keith's body slowly closing over her tiny, yet lush, receptive body. She closed her eyes and groaned even louder when she felt the hair on his chest scrape across her stiff and pliable nipples. Keith's lips closed over hers and his tongue was met with her active tongue. They danced back and forth and as his lips locked tightly on hers, he rammed his tongue deep into her mouth. His hands were running up and down her squirming body and as he cradled one thigh in the palm of his hand, he felt her thrust her hips upward trying to make greater contact between her pussy and his stiff cock. Keith pulled back and attacked her neck and ear. He moved to the other side and sweeping her hair to one side, exposed her other ear and sucked and nibbled at it as his lips moved to the nape of her neck. Sliding lower he began planting wet kisses on the upper slopes of her full C cup breasts. Skipping around her nipples, he paid homage to the sides and undersides of each straining tit. Valerie was moving her head all around and tried to direct his mouth to her aching nipples. Her eyes rolled back in her head when he finally relented and drew one stiff nub between his lips. He flicked his tongue out and rolled around and around the stiff tip. She was going insane as he worried the puckered tip to the point she let out a loud scream and thrust her tits upward, harder against his active mouth. Keith let go of the one nipple and immediately went after the other one. He took as much time with the second one, even more and his hands were sliding all over her quaking body. When his hand palmed her dripping cunt, he wormed first one and then a second finger deep into her pussy. When his thumb, covered in her vaginal fluids, found her clit and began flicking it back and forth, she shot off like a rocket and letting out a loud groan started cumming all over his long calloused fingers. She fisted his long unruly dirty blonde hair in her fingers. She tore his face off her tits and pulled him up to her mouth. She kissed him violently, stuffing her tongue deep into his mouth. She was still shaking from the intense fingering and sucking he had administered on her body. She reached down and wrapping her slim fingers around his stiff cock, she guided it to her weeping pussy and she let out a long sigh as she felt him slide into her pussy. Inch by inch he sent his cock onto her relieved pussy. She wrapped her slender legs around his thighs and beating her heels against his ass cheeks. The two of them began meeting each other's thrusts with gusto and with each passing moment, their urgency to make the other cum increased and the pace grew more frantic. Soon the sound of sweaty hot skin slapping against each other filled the room as they both raced towards an explosive orgasm. Suddenly Keith slowed his pace and placing his hands in her hips, made her squirm in his hands and making her still herself, he quickly gripped her by the ass cheeks and rolled her over and in a moment, she was above him, and not missing a beat she planted her hands on his glistening chest and steadying herself, she began riding him. She started slow and picked up the pace. Her long wild hair was whipping all around her bucking figure. She pounded up and down and then stopped and ground her pussy back and forth, grinding her cunt forward and backward, side to side as she raced towards an explosive orgasm. She stopped short when she felt Keith's cock expand and she knew he was going to cum soon. It was her turn to torture him. She planted her hands on his arms and pushed off. Her cunt made a slurping sound as the suction surrounding his cock was broken. She quickly slid down and before he could react, her mouth opened and enveloped his slime covered cock. Inch by inch her mouth swallowed his cock and she twisted her mouth about as her nose was tickled by the hairs on his belly. Her tongue flicked out and began to whip around and around his shaft. Her fingers fondled his balls and when she slipped one finger up her puckered hole, she heard him let out a loud growl and began emptying his swollen nuts down her throat. Spurt after spurt filled her oral cavity and like a pro, she swallowed each and every drop he could expel from his cock. When he was totally spent she pulled her lips off his cock and smacking her lips, licked whatever remained on them and swallowed them down. Keith gripped her by the arms and drew her up to his sweat covered body and before long the two of them fell fast asleep. In the middle of the night Valerie was awaken from a sex-filled dream only to find a real sex act being performed on her. She sucked in her breath as she felt Keith's expert tongue dipping in and out of her already wet pussy. She felt him slip two fingers into her pussy and another tickling her asshole and slowly enter her ass. She felt herself on the verge of an orgasm and just then he stopped and like earlier in the evening, he climbed up between her thighs and slipped deep into her pussy. He plowed into her like a man possessed and she came hard and as he continued to pound her merciless, she raced towards yet another, even stronger orgasm. As she stiffened and started to cum, she felt him let out a loud grown and filled her tight cunt with his potent cum. They drifted off to sleep with Keith still buried deep I her pussy. Keith woke to the sound of the shower running and the smell of coffee. He poured himself a cup, took one sip and he noticed he had a raging hardn and his cock was covered in a mixture of both of their cums. Putting the coffee cup down, he slipped into the bathroom and slid into the shower where a soap covered Valerie let out a squeal when she felt his body slide back and forth against her sexy backside. Valerie's dark brown hair looked black when it was wet and slicked back. She had her head resting on Keith's shoulder, her eyes were closed and she was biting down on her lip as Keith's hands were sliding up and down her flat belly and sliding upward, he cupped her full firm tits and his thumbs flicked back and forth over her now really stiff and aching nipples. Keith urged her to lean over and when she did, he shoved his stiff cock into her pussy. The air rushed out of her lungs and she planted her hands on the shower wall and began pushing back against his invading cock. Her head was whipping around and her drenched locks flew around and arching her back she tensed up and exploded all over his cock. Keith loved feeling her hot juices bathing his cock as he pumped harder and deeper into her receptive pussy. He gripped her mounds roughly and pulling her tight against his toned body, he blew his load deep in her spasming cunt. Valerie slumped against Keith as she felt the glow of Keith's cum filling her slender, now toned body. She turned her head and locked her mouth over his and shoved her tongue deep into his mouth. After a few minutes they struggled out of the shower and picking up two of the heated fluffy towels, Keith gently dried the lush glowing body before him. With the two of them satisfied for the time being, they slipped into two of the robes supplied by the hotel and sat at the table and began devouring the bagels, cream cheese and steamy coffee Valerie had ordered before heading into the bathroom. They ate all of the food seeing they had skipped dinner last night. As Valerie stuffed the last piece of bagel into her mouth, a dollop of cream cheese was stuck at the corner of her sexy mouth. Keith leaned in and wiped the cream from her mouth and fed it to Valerie. She let out a tiny moan and licked the cream from her finger. She sucked the finger long after it was clean and she sucked on it as if it was a tiny cock. Keith's robe began to tent up as she sucked on his finger and he leaned forward and his tongue slipped out and licked what cream his finger didn't clean up. He continued to lick and now his lips closed over hers and he let out a loud moan when he felt Valerie's hand slid up his bare thigh and closed around his cock. Valerie began pumping his stiff cock and cupped his heavy balls. She broke the kiss and slipped to her knees and began sending hot puffs of air all along his cock. Her tongue followed and began licking up and down his cock and when she sucked one of his swollen nuts into her mouth, Keith ran his hands through her damp hair and fisted it in his fingers. Keith leaned back in his chair as he guided her head up and down on his cock. He watched in awe as all of his cock disappeared down her throat and when she slowly pulled it out and gazed up at him, he let out a shiver and smiled down at her. He urged her mouth back onto his cock and she went willingly. Valerie began bobbing up and down and as she picked up the pace, her hands came into the action too. She stroked his cock and balls and as she took him deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat, her saliva covered hand slipped to his ass and when he arched his back, thrusting his cock even deeper into her throat; Valerie slipped a finger into his puckered hole. Keith let out a loud growl and pulling her off his cock, he picked her up and planted her on the bed. He tore open her robe and as she struggled out of it, he dove between her outstretched legs and immediately began licking and sucking at her pretty pussy. Valerie shook and rolled her head from side to side, her nearly dry hair was a tangled mess about her upper body and when she arched her back, trying to feed Keith even more of her pussy, she stiffened when she heard the door open. She was beyond caring as she stared down at Keith. Keith had his tongue stuffed deep into her weeping pussy; his blue eyes were staring up at her. He pulled back as his hands were cradling her tight ass in his hands; "My god Valerie, I wish I had enough time, if I did I'd be fucking this gorgeous ass of yours!" She giggled and licked her lips; "I sure as hell aren't stopping you, be my guest!" She felt the bed creak and looking to the side she let out a gasp as Jennifer Lopez planted her gorgeous bubble butt on the bed beside her. Jennifer smiled down at her; "I was wondering where the fuck Keith was. He's supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago for the auditions!" Valerie giggled; "Well as you can see Jennifer, Keith is a little busy. How about joining us so we both can finish sooner?" She giggled again and gave Jennifer a sassy smile. Jennifer was wearing a skin tight clinging, dark purple turtleneck dress. It was super short covering about eight inches of her sexy thighs. Her shoes were matching purple with fuck me heels. Her long dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her flawless face was beaming back at Valerie. Jennifer gripped the bottom of her dress and crossing her arms, drew them up and peeled the dress off her lush body as if she was peeling a grape. Her huge DD tits rolled high on her chest and she watched Valerie's eyes light up. She reached up and pulled the ponytail holder off and shaking her head, her long gorgeous hair cascaded all over her chest and down her back nearly to her tight gorgeous ass. She immediately spread her body over Valerie's in a classic sixty-nine. Jennifer let out a whoop when Valerie rolled the two of them over; "Sorry Jen, but I promised Keith my ass, what better way than to have you eating my pussy while he fucks my ass. You may want to suck it a little and get it nice and wet. I'd hate to have him shove that gorgeous cock of his in my ass dry!" Jennifer let out a moan and although Valerie couldn't see what she was doing, by the sounds coming from between her thighs, Jennifer had to be sucking on Keith's cock. Valerie lowered Jennifer's tiny thong and gripping her gorgeous ass, she drew her down to her waiting mouth. As soon as Valerie's tongue penetrated Jen's pussy lips, she heard Jen let out a loud groan and the sucking sound got even louder. Jennifer's mouth was stuffed full of Keith's cock and the angle Jennifer had her head, Keith being on his knees was fucking her face as if it was Valerie's pussy. Keith pulled his cock from her mouth and she moaned out. She was disappointed, but when she looked up and saw the tiny gorgeous pussy swaying above her she let out squeal and gripping Valerie by the hips drew her pussy down to her mouth. Keith's hands were beside Jennifer's and spreading her tiny tight cheeks, he spread them, he lined his saliva coated cock up with her puckered hole and shoving forward, he watched the hole spread and suck his cock into her puckered hole. He pushed steadily and he bit his lip as her tight ring squeezed his cock so hard, he had to think of anything but what he was doing or he'd cum way too soon. Keith closed his eyes and held still, it was difficult as Valerie continued to push back; she tried to slip more of his cock into her ass. Valerie was panting wildly as Jennifer ground her pussy hard against her mouth as her tongue stabbed at her hole and flicked her huge clit back and forth. At the same time she tried to concentrate, she didn't want to tighten her ass muscles as Keith shoved his cock deeper and deeper into her ass. Jennifer was running her hands up and down Valerie's torso; she loved how slim her body was and just how firm her tits were as they swayed above her own lush body. She sucked harder when she felt an orgasm building in her belly. She was racing towards a crashing orgasm, Jennifer stabbed at her clit, she slapped Valerie on the ass and when she jumped, it sent Keith's cock deeper into her ass. Valerie couldn't control herself any longer and slipping a finger into Jennifer's tight asshole she exploded all over Jennifer's face beneath her. She locked her lips over Jennifer's cunt and sucked as hard as she could. She grew a copious amount of cream from Jen's cunt, but Jennifer was producing it faster than Valerie could swallow it. She shoved two fingers into Jennifer's pussy and scraping the sensitive inner flesh, she found her G stop and Jennifer shot off like a geyser. Keith unable to hold off any longer, he started cumming in Valerie's ass. Valerie screamed into Jennifer's cunt and collapsed against Jennifer. When she did that, Keith's cock popped out of her ass. He continues to cum, shooting the remainder of his all over Jennifer's face, neck and chest. The screen went black and Martha MacCallum was standing before the camera; "Now that is what I call a fantasy. I wish I was overweight so I could participate in a fantasy like that. Tell me Valerie, what happened after that?" Valerie had a smile from ear to ear; "Well Jennifer and Keith quickly got cleaned up and headed down to the Idol audition. I took a nice long nap, afterwards I took a nice long shower and when Keith and Jennifer finished their auditions, they headed back to the room, we ordered in room service and continued where we left off, if you get my drift?" Martha smiled at Valerie; "Mmmmm sounds yummy, now it's time to view Kristie's fantasy. Would you like to give us a little background on your video?" Kristie smiled like the cat that ate the canary; "Well here it goes! I've always had this thing about black men, but not just one or two, but three or four. I guess what you would call it is a gang bang, but with black men. I don't want to give it all away, but I would like to thank Martha here to arrange the black men from her profession to help with my fantasy, that's all Martha, back to you!" Martha smiled at her; "Well with that said, enjoy her fantasy!" Kristie was standing before four black men. They were all seated on an oversized sofa. Surprisingly they were only dressed in tightie whities or boxers. Standing before them, Kristie was dressed in a very tight, slinky black dress. It had two tiny straps holding it up and between her very, very large breasts was a silver zipper. It was part-way open and her huge breasts were threatening to burst free. The zipper went all the way down to the hem and when she turned and walked back and forth in front of the four black men, their eyes were plastered to her chest, her large tight ass and her now trim hips. Her very long dish-water blonde hair hung down past her breasts and halfway down her back. Charles Payne from Fox Business spoke up; "My god Kristie, you look fantastic! If I may, how much weight did you lose?" She gave him a sly smile; "Sure Charles, just short of 95 pounds! Not only that, but I would have lost a lot more, but with all of the exercises, a lot was turned to muscle and as you know, muscles weight more than fat. In a few minutes you'll get to see just how firm everything is, yes Michael, even my huge tits are firm and I want your big cock between them first." Michael Strahan stood and pulled his shorts off and stood there with a cock that made Kristie's mouth water, it still wasn't stiff and it had to be at least ten inches long. She imagined it at least twelve inches stiff; "I'm ready Kristie, let's get started!" "Just hold on a minute Michael, I'd like each of you to stand and tell me your name and where you come from. Seeing you're already standing, you can start Michael!" He looked at the camera and stroked his growing cock; "I'm Michael Strahan, I'm the co-host of Kelly and Michael on syndicated television and I can't wait to tit fuck Kristie." Up next was Charles, standing, he lowered his shorts and his sizable fat cock, not as large as Michael's sprung out; "Hello everyone, I'm Charles Payne and I am a contributor on Fox Business and I can't wait to have Kristie straddle me and ride this!" He gripped his cock and pointed it at her. The guy next to him stood and dropped his shorts, he was very similar to Charles and was as stiff as a board; "Hello everyone, my name is Paul Goodloe and I'm on The Weather Channel and will be happy to feel my cock into that gorgeous mouth of Kristie's!" The last guy stood and dropped his shorts. He was between the sizes of Paul and Michael, but was a little slimmer; "Hi everyone, I'm Keyshawn Johnson, former NFL player and now an analyst in ESPN and I'd love to slip my big black cock in and out of Kristie's gorgeous ass!" The four of them surrounded Kristie; Keyshawn was behind her, his hands reached out and placing them on her hips. He slowly slid them downward and gently caressed her gorgeous ass cheeks. Michael stood before her and leaning forward he planted a soft kiss on her full red lips. His hands came up and slowly began to lower the zipper on her dress. Paul and Charles standing on either side of Kristie reached up and slipped the dress from her shoulders and as Michael finished unzipping the dress, they removed her dress and she stood there in her high heels and a tiny thong. Things started getting very busy suddenly. They guys guided Kristie over to the large bed and she willingly reclined and they followed. Like a moth to a light bulb, all four black men attacked Kristie and she welcomed them with open arms. Michael hovered over her and planted surprisingly soft gentle kisses on her belly and slowly worked his way upward. He rained kisses all over her lower ribcage and the undersides of her breasts. He was making Kristie moan and groan as she tried to make him suck on the most sensitive area of both huge swaying breasts, her nipples. Paul was positioned at her head that was rolling from side to side and when he captured her head in his hands, he fisted her thick long hair in his large black hands and when she opened her eyes, she focused on the large black cock poised just an inch or two from her swollen lips. She licked them and opening her mouth, she craned her neck and caught the large head between her lips. She licked at the head and opening wider she drew more and more of his cock into her mouth. She let out a yelp around Paul's cock as she felt a tongue sliding up and down the fat slimy cuntlips. She groaned even louder and sucked more of Paul's cock into her mouth when she felt the tongue licking her pussy, part her lips and slip deeper into her pussy. She screamed out around Paul's cock when she started cumming. The tongue between her thighs captured her clit and worked it over, back and forth, up and down and drawing it in-between his big fat lips, Charles was rewarded with a large amount of cum being released and oozed into his mouth. Michael had both huge tits completely covered in his saliva and he had her nipples so stiff, she could hardly bare it. Slipping his lips to her neck, he drew back when he felt Paul's swollen balls graze his cheek. Kneeling up he straddled her upper body and when he planted his stiff black cock between the saliva coated pillows of flesh, he squeezed them together and began to slowly rock forwards and backwards, his cock began to fuck her tits, a dream come true for Michael Strahan. Alongside of Paul, on the other side of Kristie, she had Keyshawn's cock in her large hand. She had it wet from her mouth and she was now stroking it in rhythm with the sucking she was performing on Paul and the tit fucking Michael was giving her. Kristie was racing towards another orgasm as Charles tongue fucked her and played with her clit like an expert cunt-lapper. She tore her mouth off of Paul's cock and whipped her head around and began sucking wildly at Keyshawn's slimmer cock, it went down her throat and she lost it and started cumming all over Charles' face. Charles came up for air and Keyshawn was ready to fuck her. Lying down on the bed, he pushed Michael off her chest and pulled her over his prone body. Kristy was eager to do this, she knew her long-awaited fantasy was about to come true. She was poised over his thick muscled, but slim black body. She reached back and gripping his slim long black cock. She lodged the head between her large bubble butt cheeks and lowering her body, she felt the head part her puckered hole and slowly slip into her ass. The air was drawn out of her lungs as she sank closer and closer to his groin. When her ass settled on his flat toned body, she knew she had his entire cock buried deep in her ass. She leaned back, her long dirty blonde hair flowed over his firm black body and she began to ride his cock. Her movements were slowed when Paul slid around between her out-stretched thighs and gripping his cock he planted it in-between her swollen cuntlips that Charles had made extremely wet from his mouth and making her cum twice. He shoved forward and it made a vulgar sucking sound as he slid deep into her spasming cunt. He gripped her legs and Keyshawn and Paul began fucking her two holes in unison. Charles stood beside her and as her lush, sweat covered body rode up and down on the two cocks he guided her mouth on his cock. Like a welliled machine, she was now air-tight; all three of her holes were stuffed with stiff black cock. Topping it off Michael climbed between Paul and Kristie. His cock was stiff as a board as he watched her suck on Charles and watched Paul and Keyshawn fuck her two lower holes. He slid his cock once again between her sweat covered tits and squeezing them together, he began tit-fucking her even fast than before. Kristie was fucking by instinct as she lost all sense of reasoning. She sucked wildly on Charles cock; his fingers were fisting her gorgeous thick hair. She held her lower body still as she allowed Paul and Keyshawn to pound relentlessly in her ass and cunt. She screamed out loud around Charles cock as she started cumming. She shook and tore her mouth from Charles cock ass he felt it swell in her mouth. Charles lost it and started shooting his heavy load all over her face. At almost the exact same time, Michael lost it and started cumming too. He shot stream after hot stream all over her tits, neck and onto her face. Kristie's orgasm grew and she went directly into yet another, even strong orgasm as she felt the two black cocks shoot their creamy cum all over her face and chest. Charles and Michael stumbled away and took a seat on the edge of the bed and they watched Paul and Keyshawn pound away at her quaking body. Paul lost it first, shoving deep; he held it there and began shooting his heavy load into her pussy. He came so much that it began to squirt out around his cock. He held her steady when he saw Keyshawn nod and he knew what was coming next. Kristie's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt Keyshawn's cock expand and instantly felt his filling her bowels with his hot load. He came buckets and she slumped back against his as she wiggled her ass as she tried to capture every drop of his cum he had to give. Paul slowly pulled back and his cum ran out of her pussy and when she rolled off of Keyshawn, she tried desperately to keep his cum in her ass, but with the intense fucking she had received, her muscles were too worn out to hold it in place. After about five minutes, Kristie stumbled out of the bed and went to clean up. When she returned it began all over again and the four black studs fucked her over and over again and Kristie took all they had to give and when they finally crawled out of the bedroom, Kristie was well-fucked and fell asleep with a smile on her face. The screen went black and standing in the studio were Valerie Bertinelli, Kristie Alley and Martha MacCallum. "My god Kristie that was hot, don't you think Valerie?" "You're right Martha! Kristie how was it fucking all of those gorgeous black studs at once?" Kristie had a smile on her face! "What do you think Valerie? I got all of their numbers and they all agreed to meet again, either together or separate and I was looking out for you sister. They all would love to meet with you and me together, that is if you'd like to!" Valerie took her by the hand and led her off the stage and as they left Valerie said; "Get your phone out and let's get them here tonight!" The camera came back to Martha, she was laughing hysterically; "Now that is what I call unscripted TV ladies and gentlemen. We hope you enjoyed our special edition of Fox & Guests! Now we turn up the heat another notch and if you follow me, we're heading up to the Fox penthouse where the ladies from "Waist Watchers" are set to experience what Valerie and Kristie just did. So without giving away what's in store, let's go!" Martha headed to the elevator, the doors closed and the cameras followed her up to the penthouse. To find out what happens, check out Fox and Guests immediately following this show! *As always, please vote and your comments are welcomed!*
Fox and Guests Pt. 04A
[ "celebrity", "celebrities" ]
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All I could think as I panted hard was my boss’s enormous cock shoved so tightly up my ass. I bounced on top of him as he reclined in his chair, all the blinds to his windows securely closed as we fucked hard during my Friday night shift. I leaned back, arching my back, thinking how sexy it was to know all the other girls sat right outside doing what they always do, taking calls, scheduling appointments, working out computer problems, taking orders, while I sat on a nice fat cock. I played with my clit as he rammed in and out of me, all his screams buried in the nape of my neck. I could feel his teeth clamp down on the soft skin there as he restrained crying out, loving the feel of my tight ass around his impressive rod. His strong fingers were wrapped nearly completely around my waist as he guided me through our anal fuck fest. I knew I was going to cum soon so I began rubbing faster, whispering to him, bouncing up and down on his dick, my titties jiggling from the force of our union. What a sight it would have been if someone would have come in the front door at that moment. The mere thought of it sent me over the edge. I thrashed around on top of him, a scream stifled in my throat. One of his hands cupped the side of my neck, forcing me down as he stroked faster and harder into me. I could hear him grunt, I knew he wanted to yell out but he was afraid of us being caught. I grinned evilly as I reached back to kiss his neck, nibble at his ear and whisper, “You want to cum in that tight ass don’t you, Mr. Fisher?” He made an affirmative moan, but that wasn’t what I wanted. “What?” Again he moaned louder. “Come on, Mr. Fisher. Tell your baby girl how much you want to cum in her ass.” He growled as he pumped in harder. I wiggled my ass against him, nudging him in even further. I thought his head was going to explode off his shoulders. He grunted and groaned and finally whispered, “I’m gonna cum.” “You’re going to what?” “I’m going to cum,” he said louder. “I still didn’t hear you,” I teased mercilessly. “I’m cumming!” he yelled, shoving himself deep inside of me for one final thrust. I could feel his cock twitch and jerk as he spent himself dry inside of my ass. I have to say, I really like that. There was a knock at the door. “Is everything okay in there, Mr. Fisher?” He nearly knocked me right off his lap. “I said I’m coming!” he yelled, a bit firmer than normal. I guess this scared the girl away because she said nothing further, and she certainly didn’t try to come in. As I swung away from him he slapped me hard on my backside. “You’re a naughty girl, Cassie,” he said, trying his best to be menacing. But how menacing can you be when you have a bare, half erect cock between your legs and a very satisfied grin on your face? “That’s Cassie the Super Slut to you, Mr. Fisher,” I giggled as I pranced away. As I started to dress and he tucked away his little friend, he turned a mischievous glance my way. “Does Cassie the Super Slut like surprises?” I leaned across his desk, giving him a full view of my cleavage now packed tightly away in my halter top. “That depends. Is it an outey or an inney?” “I can’t give too much away, then it wouldn’t be a surprise. Needless to say it’ll be something you haven’t had before.” “You can’t be too sure. I’ve been a busy girl this last month.” And it was true. Between Mr. Fisher, Deb and my Daddy, I’d been fucked, sucked and twisted every which way. I couldn’t wait to see what the next month held. “You forget, Cassie. I know everything there is to know about you. And I have a big surprise for you on Monday.” I begged and I pleaded for him to tell me but he gently pushed me off of his desk and out the door. I guess I was just going to have to wait. One thing Friday nights had come to mean since I began my promiscuous lifestyle was a weekly prowl to find my Long Haired Stranger who ate me out and left me hanging several weeks back. Deb and I had a ritual. We’d go straight to the club, try to find him and then we’d go fuck our brains out after getting so excited with all the teasing we managed to pull of while we were there. Since Dad was out of town on business this weekend, I knew that tonight could possibly mean bringing someone else home, and the thought got me wet. I hadn’t had new dick since Mr. Fisher, and even though I wanted to hold out for my mystery man I knew I was long overdue for a good fucking from a total stranger. Just a nameless fuck you can jot down in your diaries as a hot anonymous encounter. Deb and I had thought it all out and decided this weekend was the one. I passed her desk on the way back to my cubicle, and she gave me a knowing grin. Although she hadn’t yet asked, I knew that eventually she wanted to be included in my workplace affair. At the moment, Mr. Fisher only wanted to deal with me. I felt bad for her, because I knew she’d worship his cock just like I did. I could wear him down, but it was going to take time. As the night wore on, I logged into my dating website. I hadn’t gone there right after I got together with Daddy, just simply because he had filled everything I was looking for. But I also realized that there was a wealth of untapped potential out there, and I had an itching for something new. Namely, something dark. It all happened when I went to change my profile from hot virgin to my new Super Slut status. I browsed the new member gallery and I found an enormous black dick that had my name written all over it. And the guy’s gallery had nothing but him and white women, tiny pink pussies that could barely cover that immense erection. I started looking at interracial porn and I got so hot to find a black guy so I could watch his big dark meat slide in and out of my pretty pink hole. I wanted to watch big black fingers cup my breasts and tweak my nipples. I wanted to run my hands down that glossy, ebony skin, etched out of mahogany. I wrote him immediately, and he had responded. He wasn’t local but he was job hunting in the area, and had wanted to find some playmates to hook up with while he was interviewing for jobs. He was waiting a callback on one of his resumes, and I couldn’t wait to hear when he was coming to town. It was a shame it wasn’t this weekend. The more I thought about that monster rod, the more I wanted to fuck it ASAP. I glanced through his photos again, itching to play with myself but unable to get away with it. I squirmed in my chair and counted the minutes. Deb and I made a beeline for the club the second after the shift ended. We didn’t even talk to each other, we both were women on a mission. The minute we plowed through the doors, each of us scanned the room for Mr. (or Miss) Right. She patted me on my arm and pointed toward a hot guy on the dance floor. “You get the drinks. I’ll get him.” I laughed and patted her ass as she glided away. I made my way through the wall of bodies that stood between me and the bar, paying special attention to grind suggestively against anyone that looked enticing. I also made a point of “innocently” brushing my hand against men’s crotches – trying to find the diamond in the rough. It was a fruitless journey on the way to the bar. I screamed my order at the bartender over the pulsating music, and then turned to face the crowd. I had both elbows on the bar, and my already low-cut shirt dipped lower. I nearly swallowed my tongue as I caught glimpse of long dark hair slicked back into a sleek ponytail. Completely forgetting the drinks I wove through the crowd, following what I hoped would be my mystery man. Would fate really smile upon me to take HIM home? I nearly swooned at the thought. Bodies kept jumping into my line of vision, but I kept forging on. I could see that hair, I knew it was him. I just knew it. Finally as if on cue the crowd parted and I saw him leaning up against the far end of the bar, flanked by two exotic beautiful women. One was Asian, wearing a slip of a top that managed to cover up areolas but showing the rest of her skin. Her tight leather pants clung to her petite frame, and wearing those heels she managed not to disappear next to him. Her hair was long, black and gleaned like silk. Her almond eyes were painted with dark colors like black and green, and her heart shaped lips were bright red. The other woman was an African Goddess. Her body was deliciously curved, her hips full, her breasts heavy and her skin the color of melted chocolate. I loved the way the curls from her genie pony tail cascaded down her back, a mixture of red, black and streaks of gold. Her dress came just below her ass, made up of gold sequins that molded to each liquid curve of her body. I froze in my tracks, unable to move toward them even though they were all staring at me. He had an arm around each of them, but that erection he sported in his trousers belonged to me, and we all knew it. He bent to whisper something to each of them and they nodded in unison before heading my way. I stayed rooted to the spot as they took either side of me, their long fingernails traveling up my body. I glanced one more time at the mystery man, whose eyes were so intense I nearly came on the spot. I could almost feel his thundering heartbeat as both girls pressed against my sides, grinding against me suggestively to the music. My head fell back as I got lost in their movements. I could feel their breasts pressed against me, their erect nipples giving away how hot they were for me. I groaned a bit as they turned me around, and I was facing the Asian Beauty. I felt the curves of the African Goddess against my back as the Asian Beauty danced so close I could feel her breath on my skin. I could sense the other dancers around us had stopped dancing, forming a circle around us. The African Goddess lifted my arms high, her knees bending mine in rhythm of the dance. The Asian Beauty drew close enough to kiss me, and even though her tongue licked her own luscious lips she never touched me. I was as turned on as if she had. The Asian Beauty began to run her fingers down either side of my torso, pressing in closer to me and wiggling herself in where there was bare skin on my chest. I could feel her nipples against mine as her hands rested on either side of my hips. I moaned as she finally closed the gap and her tongue ran around my open lips. I tried to kiss her back but she withdrew and swung me around to the Black Goddess. She moved back a bit to start a very slow and sexy shimmy that waved that magnificent bosom just within reach. I loved the way her hips moved in her dance, I could tell she was a tigress in the bedroom. I would have loved to find out. From behind me the Asian Beauty’s hands dipped down between my legs, rubbing the skin at the hem of my short skin. Her mouth was against my ear, her tongue dancing around the rim. Her fingers were just inches from my dripping wet pussy, and crowd be damned I wanted to feel her inside me more than anything. Well almost. My African Goddess danced closer, her body enticing me to explore it with my moist tongue. She went in for a kiss but before our lips could meet she withdrew and swirled me around to face the Asian Beauty. They both pressed up against me, and my African Goddess slipped a hand in between I’m not sure if anyone saw. As my Asian Beauty and I ground against each other, the African goddess began rubbing against our crotches, magically finding an eager clit on both sides. Our movements grew frenzied as we all rubbed together. My head fell back on my African Goddess’s shoulders as the Asian Beauty began to explore my neck with her tongue. Before I knew it I was cumming hard, right there on the dance floor. There was so much movement and so much noise, I had to wonder if anyone but my two dance partners were even aware. As the music ended and my two lovelies returned to the mystery man, I knew at least one did. Like a torrent, bodies filled in the gap between me and them again, and when I finally pushed through I realized that they were nowhere to be found. I went to where they had been and found a napkin under one of their drinks. Upon closer examination I realized it read “Luscious”, and had an address. I had to wonder if my mystery man had just been careless, or if he indeed left me a clue that would bring me one step closer to tasting that gorgeous cock. A hand fell upon my shoulder, but it wasn’t the mystery man as I hoped it would be. It was someone who was probably not your movie star handsome, but he had a great smile and very kind eyes. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said and he extended his hand. “My name’s Michael.” “Cassie,” I smiled, returning the favor. “Can I buy you a drink?” I hesitated, looking out onto the floor. “They left,” he supplied. My eyes shot to his. “You know who they are?” “You don’t?” I shook my head. He looked incredulous. “They only come once in a while to find new talent. Looks like he has it bad for you.” “New talent?” Michael nodded, and accepted his drink from the bartender. “You sure you don’t want a drink?” I turned more toward him then. “A cosmo.” “How very Sex in the City,” he teased and I couldn’t help but laugh. A bit shorter than most guys I’d been after, he did have a fun attitude. And he knew stuff about my mystery man that could help me get the prize of all. “So who are they?” Just then Deb broke in and sized up my companion. She’d missed the dance completely, and she looked like she’d come up dry on the dance floor. “I struck out. He’s engaged and he’s faithful.” I gave her a wink. “The worst kind.” She glanced back at Michael. “So who’s your friend?” “This is Michael,” I offered. “He bought my drink.” Michael was still ogling Deb in her super tight pantsuit. “Would you like a cosmo too?” “That’s too sweet,” she purred as she leaned across him to reach for his glass of straight whiskey. She downed it in one gulp and returned it to its spot, making sure to brush and tease as she did. Michael held up his hand to indicate two more just like that one to the bartender. I couldn’t help but laugh. Deb had clearly made her choice. And he looked like just the kind of guy to appreciate two hot girls taking him home for a good double header. Little did I know we were the lucky ones. We actually sat together and talked, sometimes sexy, sometimes not, but it was always fun and entertaining. He grew cuter by the minute. He had us in stitches by the time I was on my fourth cosmo, and before I could grab it he snatched it from me so he could pluck the maraschino cherry from the ice. He popped the cherry off the stem and fed that to Deb, who put her full lips around it just like she couldn’t wait to do to his cock. Then he slipped the stem in his mouth. In no time flat he returned it, tied neatly into a knot. I could see Deb inch ever closer to him. She was a sucker for oral and I knew she was about two seconds from asking him to leave. “That’s a neat trick,” she murmured, gazing longingly at his lips. “When you have a tongue like this,” he said and opened his mouth to unfurl quite possibly the longest tongue I’d ever seen in my life – one that might even put Gene Simmons to shame, “you get to learn all kinds of neat tricks.” My hand went up as quick as a shot. “Bartender. Check please!” We all tumbled through the hotel door, a bit tipsy and a lot horny. He had his hands on both of us and we were undressing him as quick as we could. We learned quickly that not only was his tongue impressive, but Mr. Happy was a big boy too. It was all Deb could stand. She dropped to her knees to unveil that sexy meat, and Michael grabbed me for a scorching kiss. It literally felt like he was fucking my mouth and I groaned deep in my throat. Deb heard me and mimicked my moan against his hard shaft. He sat at the edge of the bed, and laid on his back. I watched Deb as she leaned over that impressive cock. Michael caressed my leg where I stood. “You know what you want to do,” he murmured. I crawled over the bed to straddle his face with both knees. I felt both his hands cup my ass cheeks as he dove that incredible tongue in between my slippery folds, flicking across the hard little nubbin nestled therein. I shuddered against him, and watched Deb lick the expanse of his enormous erection. I began to grind against him when I watched her mouth slide around the cock head and then slip all the way to his balls. My girl Deb could deep throat like nobody I knew. And it turned me on to watch her work her magic on Michael’s dick. I could see his hips rise to thrust further into her mouth, and as his thick tongue slipped inside my hungry pussy to the rhythm to Deb’s blowjob, I thought I was going to cum right there. I cried out as the passion overtook me, cumming hard in his mouth as I watched them beneath me. It was so forceful that I collapsed against his stomach, looking eye to eye with Deb. She lifted up slowly and then ran her tongue down one side of his cock. I obliged the other. Both of our tongues bathed his straining cock, pausing only to kiss around the cock head. He groaned into my pussy before delivering a full assault on my clit with his tongue. He flicked it this way and that, making me crazy. I helped blow him as long as I could, but before long all I could think about was his mouth on my hot cunt. When he sucked my clit full into his mouth I began to scream. Deb began to jack Michael off as I came again and again. She aimed that cock toward my open mouth and pumped his meat faster and faster until it spewed white love juice all over my mouth. I slipped over to the other side of him so he could watch her lick and kiss away his spunk from my mouth. His hand went to his cock, slowly massaging it as he watched us. We kissed and fondled for a moment more before I pushed her gently back onto the bed. Michael understood and immediately took his place between her legs. Her eyes widened as his snake of a tongue worked in and around her ready pussy. For a double assault I began to suck her hard nipples, with one eye toward Michael to watch what he was doing. It was almost, but not quite, as sexy to watch him work his magic as it was to feel it. My hand went to my pussy to play while I sucked away at her tit and watched him fuck her with his tongue. He kept his eyes on me as he did it, which made me hotter. He slipped his tongue around her hard clit quicker and quicker until she was cumming hard underneath me. Not missing a beat he shoved his tongue inside her bringing her to a second, explosive orgasm. Then it was his fingers, inside her fucking her fast while his mouth covered her clit and he sucked her off powerfully. Deb was incoherent by the time he was done, and as he reached up I could see his dick had grown stiff once again. I knew what he could do about that. I turned over onto my knees, baring my ass for him. He positioned himself behind me and began to tease me with the head of his cock. He rubbed it against me, dipping in just an inch but never all the way in. I was whimpering I wanted him so much, but he was the one in control of this game. No matter how much I ground back against him, no matter how wet he could tell I was he was going to fuck me when he was good and ready. I felt him move away, although his hands stayed on my ass. Next thing I knew that tongue was flicking away at my clit again and I was so hot I shuddered. He began to do with his tongue what he’d done with his cock. I was going insane. “Fuck me,” I begged. He clamped his mouth over my clit, sucking me hard until I almost came, and then he withdrew. What was it with the teases tonight? I felt his fingers dip in just a bit, gently rimming my hole, and I could feel an ache deep inside my pussy. “I have to feel you inside me,” I groaned. He used his tongue again to replace his fingers, and when he drew his attention back to my clit again I thought I’d pass out. This time there was no teasing, he worked his tongue across my clit so fast and hard I was cumming before either of us knew it, and right in the middle of my climax I felt him shift and suddenly his cock filled me up. He shoved in so hard and so deep that went immediately from one orgasm to the next. He thrust in and out of me so fast I knew that his teasing had tortured not only me. He wanted to cum just as bad as I wanted to. And he fucked me like a man possessed – just the way I like it. Deb positioned herself under me to watch him fuck the shit out of me, and I roughly shoved her legs apart and dived in for a taste of that sweet pussy. I mimicked everything I saw Michael do, and she responded by rubbing my clit as he rode me harder. She had me cumming again, screaming out in her cunt as she exploded all around my tongue. Just then Michael delivered a ferocious roar and buried himself balls deep. I gripped his cock with my pussy muscles, milking him of all his cum. He staggered as he stepped off the bed, and then fell in a heap next to us. He turned to drape an arm around both of us. “That was fucking fantastic.” “Or fantastic fucking,” I shot back. He laughed. And to think. I wasn’t even going to consider taking him home. I was so glad Deb had enough sense for both of us. All I had hoped for was information on my mystery man. What I got instead was a new fuck buddy who would unlock yet another door to my libido I had no idea was there. And best yet, he was affectionate too. Both Deb and I responded to his gentle caresses by responding in kind. We all lay there touching, kissing and talking softly. After a respectable moment had passed I managed to pose the question about the mystery man. “So think I have enough talent for your mysterious friend?” He propped up on one elbow and smiled at me. “Depends on how much you like to dance naked.” My eyes widened. “Luscious is a strip club?” “Not only A strip club,” Deb interjected. “THE strip club. The cream of the crop – the highest paid dancers, the most exclusive clientele.” I laid back in Michael’s and Deb’s arms, listening to them talk about what people talk about after a marathon orgasm fest we’d just had. All I could think about was the mystery man. And now I knew how to get him. I’d play his game.
Friday Night w/ Cassie & Deb
[ "beauty began", "super slut", "watch big", "asian beauty", "watch work", "mystery man", "work magic", "taking home", "knew turned", "man knew" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 54, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 305, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 75 }
*Author's Notes: Love the comments and e-mails. And I'm very surprised so many people remember the original Medusa series I put up on Literotica long ago!* Darian Darian growled, louder than he wanted to, and when he glanced at Medusa, she was looking at him with a confused expression. No luck there, she'd heard them, and she lowered her human half down next to him. She kept looking at him through the corner of her eye, but the monsters before them weren't the sort you took your eyes off of. "It's Darian now. Fuck off," he said. The three winged women glared at him, exposed their shark teeth, and scowled. But they said nothing; the masks that dangled from thread did all the talking. "You try our patience, Bellerophontes. And we have been patient with you." "Yeah, thanks for that." Worthless god-things. "So if it wasn't you or the gods trying to shit down my throat, who was it? Who attacked that ship?" "That is what we wish for you to discover." "... you don't know. The Fates don't know?" he said, and Medusa gasped behind him. Her whole body started to shake when she realized who they were. He gave Medusa's worried hand a small pat, stepped toward the three creatures, their masters, and glared at each mask in close proximity. He even snickered. "You're pathetic." That was too much for the she-demons. One of the winged bitches reached out with their free hand, fast enough he couldn't react, and grabbed his shoulder. Their grip was absolute, like a titan with a hangover, and they scowled at him while they screeched and forced him to his knees. "D-Darian!" Medusa slithered his way and readied to pounce, but Darian held up his hand. "They won't kill me. They won't even injure me. Wouldn't want to hurt their precious merchandise." The Erinyes growled inhuman noises and shoved him away, hard enough to knock him on his ass. "Stubborn child. Our need is for both of our sake's, not ours alone," one of the masks said. He got up, dusted off his naked butt, and folded his arms across his chest. "I can take care of myself. I don't need you." "They will come for you again, once they learn you are still alive, child. And your new friend will suffer for your stubbornness." He tightened his fists, but looked back at Medusa behind him. She looked worried, even petrified, but her worry was pointed at him. He really didn't want to drag her into this shit show. "That... that will be up to her. I won't endanger her, but it's her choice. I'll leave if she asks it of me." Medusa tilted her head to the side, maybe a little shocked at his words. Perhaps she thought he'd give some speech about how he wouldn't risk her life, and he'd run away at the first sign of danger so she'd come to no harm. He was far too selfish for that. He didn't want her out of his life, and he knew it. "Bellerophontes, someone has stolen one of the Moirai masks." Their blend of anger and frustration in their inhuman voices earned more laughter from Darian than he'd hoped for. If he kept pushing it though, one of those winged demons was liable to hurt him just for the sport of shutting him up, no matter what their masters said. "And what does this have to do with me?" he said once the laughter had passed. "Whoever this person is, they are using the mask to hunt down all the children, including you, Bellerophontes. It is they who attacked you." "Of course they are." He gripped his head and ran his fingers through his hair, complete with groans of frustration. "And what—" "Enough questions!" One of the masks said, and the creature holding it stepped closer to aim the speaking slab of metal and glowing white at his face. "As we said, this is for both our sake's, but if that is not enough to convince a stubborn fool like yourself, know that this enemy has captured your beloved Pegasus." Darian froze. They had Pegasus? "How... how do you know that, if you don't know who stole the mask?" "And we have not come to reveal all our secrets to you, fool." The Erinyes started to circle him in a slow walk, each pointing their thread-bound masks at him. Medusa wanted to jump in, in fact his new friend seemed anxious to battle for him, but he shook his head when they made eye contact. "... so... I help you, and I get to save Pegasus..." He watched the demons circle him in the corner of his eye, but he didn't turn with them. His exposed back was no worry; they needed him. He gritted his teeth and took a moment to think. Pegasus was alive. That was good. Very good. Memories of his old friend carrying him through the sky earned a slow sigh from Darian. He could remember the cold rain, the blowing wind, the exhilaration as they flew skyward. He could remember the lightning that sent them both plummeting. Pegasus would never betray him. A thought, like a spark in the dark, hit the back of his eyes when he glanced Medusa's way. And then a slight grin. "Alright, on one condition." The Erinyes stopped circling him, and glared with more rage on their face. He really did enjoy pissing them off. "You have nerve, child," one of the masks said. "Speak," said another. "I... I help you, I kill whoever it is that stole one of your masks, return it to you, and in return, you help her." He motioned to Medusa with a nod of his head. The gorgon blinked at him, shock blatant on her face, and she brought her hands up to her lips to bite on a nail. The Erinyes looked at her, and if Darian didn't know better, he'd think they were jealous. "... Athena's curse is not ours to undo." "You're not going to undo the curse, you're going to arrange a meeting. Myself and Athena. Medusa too if she wishes to be there." The masks had no facial expressions, they were just solid slabs of metal with glowing white mist dripping from their eyes and mouths. But the silence carried more than enough weight to make up for their expressionless faces. Medusa slithered a little closer, and the Erinyes did not stop her. "Darian, you..." He cracked a smile her way, a quick one, and gave her a sneaky wink to go with it before he donned his stern glare again for the masks. They stared at him, still and lifeless, and he stared right back, arms across his chest and his bare foot tapping the stone beneath them. "... we cannot guarantee your life, or hers, young Bellerophontes." Ooh, so courteous now that he was willing to help them. Predictable. "I know." The winged demons looked at each other, and slurred more of their inhuman growls. The noises rose to a roar of anger, and they shoved at each other with their free hands, like squabbling birds. "Enough!" one of the masks said. The winged creatures stopped bickering, and stood beside each other wing to wing, their harsh glares on Darian and their masters held out at arm's length in front of them. Apparently, even their attack dogs weren't always so perfectly obedient. "It is a deal, Bellerophontes. We have your aid then?" "You do." He had to bite his tongue to keep the bile in his throat down. "Excellent. We will send a ship for you in seven days time. You will know its approach by the death's hands and the step of hooves." Death's hands, step of hooves? He squinted and tried to hide his confusion. "It's a deal then. Now go away." The monsters gritted their teeth the same way he did, and they growled at him between clenched jaws. The masks weren't done though. "You will need help, Bellerophontes, to find this devious entity." "And I suppose you have one lined up for me." "In a manner of speaking. You know this person well, and you know where they have gone." He raised a brow. "I do?" "Indeed. You crushed their face with a rock." He took a step back. "... he's alive?" It was the Erinyes' turn to laugh. They flapped their wings, kicked up dirt and water with their huge wingspans, and lifted into the air, all the while cackling. The masks did not answer him. In fact, they went deathly silent, and the white mist that glowed in their orifices faded away. The skulls that the masks were strapped to fell to dust caught in the wind of wings, leaving the masks to dangle from thread with no voice. And they left. As quickly as they came, the wicked monsters were gone, high into the sky and nothing but a blur against the sun. The silence that followed was painful. He looked down at the stones beneath him for a while, and listened to the little stream that flowed from the mountain into the large rock basin beside him. He looked to the sky, to the water, to anywhere but Medusa. The gorgon didn't move either, he'd have heard it. She stood there, still as a snake, and watched him. When he glanced her way in the corner of his eye, he could see she was still holding her hands up to her lips, and was biting a knuckle. Her eyes were wide, shocked. And why wouldn't they be? Shit just showed up and dumped itself all over the two of them. He might as well talk first. It was his fault. "I... I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry?" She took his voice as a queue, and slithered over to him. She'd even brought his loincloth, and he chuckled half-heartedly when she handed it to him. "For this," he said, and gestured to the sky where the demons were dots on the blue. "For... not telling you my real name." He tied on the loincloth, and did his best to avoid eye contact as he did so. He didn't need her to see the guilt he was sure he was radiating. "For—" She picked him up, and hugged him. He knew he was a light guy, but the gorgon literally picked him up and raised him several feet in the air, just so she could hug him while slithering about with her human half hovering high above the ground. Damn she was strong when she wanted to be. "You have nothing to be sorry for," she said, and she slithered around in a circle like a dance. After a few minutes of holding him like a doll, she set him down, but she kept one of his hands in hers, and she squeezed it while smiling at him. It was one of those smiles, the confident and happy kind he was the one usually wielding. "I don't?" "No." "I thought for sure I did." "No." She giggled, and tugged on his hand like a young, excited girl. "I knew you had secretsss, Darian, I just didn't know they'd be so huge. The Fatess?" "Uh, yeah, it's... it's a long story, but the short of it? I'm just a pawn in their game." "Game?" "Yeah, they like to... they..." They like to ruin lives. "They orchestrate events, big things, anything that could get spun into a tale, and throw someone like me into it." "Oh... oh! Your eyes, they glowed white like... those masks..." The reality was starting to hit her, he could see it on her face. The last thing he wanted was for her to look at him differently. She tugged on his hand again, closer, until she was able to lean down and put her forehead to his. "And you gave me a choice... to stay by your side. And even more, you said you... you'd do this to help me." He nodded, and let her snake hair poke at his shoulders. "Yeah, I... I didn't want you involved if you didn't want to be. And I saw a chance to help you. I couldn't waste it, right?" A tinge of guilt crept up his back. He wanted to help her, he did. But he also saw an opportunity. Him, Athena, and a host of ways he could take advantage of that. A step closer to revenge. But not until Medusa's curse was fixed. Control yourself Darian, even if you get the chance, control yourself. Medusa came first. "You couldn't waste it." Medusa chuckled, and she started to slither around him again. This time though, she kept close to him, very close, so close he couldn't raise his arms. Bit by bit, she coiled around him until he couldn't move, and she held him like a meal ready to be devoured. He really didn't mind. It was even comforting, trapped in her embrace, her smooth snake skin along his human skin. And when she smiled at him, he couldn't help but smile back. "So... you're leaving soon," she said. He nodded, head heavy. "Yeah. I know who they were talking about, and where he's gone. It's South of Sparta." "That is far... I wonder if the journey will be hard on my scales." She reached down, and patted the belly of some of her snake length. Wait, hard on her scales? "You're coming?" "... did... you not wish for me to?" Arg, she had that sad, worried look on her face again that broke his will like puppy eyes. "Of course I do. We... it's..." He tried to raise his arms to express his concern. No good, trapped at his side. "It's dangerous! You could get hurt." She shook her head, and squeezed him with her snake coils. He couldn't move at all anymore. "Ssso could you! I won't... no, I won't let that happen." She put her hands on his shoulders and shook him, but he didn't shake much trapped as he was. "You want to help me. I want to help you! And... you gave me the choice." "I did, I just thought... I figured I'd be a real jackass if I made those choices for you." She leaned over his trapped body, and put her forehead to his again. Those perfect yellow snake eyes gazed into him, and her snake hair nuzzled up against his neck and jaw when she smiled. "I heard, in Sparta, women can exercise with the men, wear chiton robes like men, read and write, even earn money," she said. "Is that still true?" He nodded. "Last I was there, the women were walking around with the men, doing those things, yeah." He really liked his visit, much as it had taken some convincing to let him in the city. Spartans were a defensive bunch. "And you said the one who can help you is near Sparta?" "I did." "Then... I would like to see that. With you," she said. She was nice, so damn nice. So perfectly and completely nice, nicer than anyone he'd ever known. It was going to get her killed, and it was the reason he didn't want her to go. It was also the reason he didn't want her out of his life. She was so close to him, with her forehead on his, her snake hair coiling around his ears and shoulders. He pushed his jaw forward, found her lips, and gave her a kiss. She pulled back, surprised. Had he crossed a line? Last night had been a very sexual experience, and right then, it wasn't sexual. It was different. "You kissed me," she said. Her voice had gone quiet again, and she put her fingers on her lips to touch where he'd kissed them. "Sorry, just... I couldn't help it. Y—" She kissed him back. Her hands found his head and neck, held onto him, and pulled him into her kiss. Her eyes were closed, her expression was blissful, and she wasn't stopping. Her coils loosened with time, until Darian could get his arms out, but Medusa was pushing herself forward and onto him, until he was sitting on the stone and blinking up at the gorgon. "Do... all the women... throw themselves at you, like this?" she said, and she laid her human body atop him in the center of a large ring of her snake length. "Many do," he said. When she raised her head and frowned at him, he snickered like a child. "But, I always said no." That got her smiling again. "No? Why would you say no?" She reached for his hands and netted her fingers into his while her weight pinned him to the earth. Her snake length beneath the hips rested between his legs, and her stomach was flat on his. From there, she put her lips onto his again, and moaned, just barely, into his lips. "None of them were... kind." He put his arms on her hips, and held on while the deadly gorgon bathed him in kisses. Not a single one of those women had been as kind as the monster in his arms. "That is a sad story." Satisfied, she sat up, and laid her body out across her snake length. "Now I see images of Darian -- Bellerophontes -- pursued by women, but always alone." "It wasn't... yeah, I guess I was pretty lonely." "Then I hope to keep you company on your journey," she said. "That journey is going to be a hard one, Medusa." "I can imagine." He shook his head. "People could die." "Probably." "People are going to see this," he said, and pointed to his forehead where he carried his slave mark. "If not, they'll definitely see you." "We will deal with it if it happens." "And it will be a long journey." "The better for us to get to know each other? Not even ten days and you've shared my bed. I feel like a harlot." He laughed. She may have said that, but she was grinning like a guilty cat. "You... really want to help me on this, don't you? You don't even know who Pegasus is, and you barely know me." And you don't know what I'm capable of. "I know you are also doing this to help me... and that you are the first to ever look at me with those eyes." Again she reached out and tugged on his hand. "Am... am I to give a speech for you? Like a poem for Aphrodite, stroking your ego with talk of infatuation and attraction?" She joked, but her finger caressed his knuckle, the same as he had done for her the night before. "I am a man. Best way to make me happy is to inflate my ego." "Oh, I see." She tugged his hand again and brought him closer. "Then, you are the first to make me laugh, and smile, and feel safe in a very, very long time, Darian. Not even when I was human did I ever enjoy someone's company as much. And... and I know there is a lot about you that I don't know, but... I am hoping you'll tell me." "I know." He winced at the thought of dredging up old, ugly stories. "And I will tell you, if you give me time?" She nodded. "I will. It's a good thing it's a long journey then." Damn she was a treasure, and way too forgiving. How had a century of solitude and warriors come for her head -- warriors she'd killed -- not hardened her? He'd hate to be the one responsible for destroying her beautiful personality. But he'd hate it more if he was responsible for her getting killed. "Alright. If we're going to sail and trek across Greece, I'm going to need to teach you to fight." Medusa It did not take much time for Medusa to realize, she was a horrible fighter. Darian, or was it Bellerophontes now? He had found them both some sticks to use as swords and spears, and he was trying to teach her some forms. From the dead, he'd removed their shields, one for him and one for her. Dead men's shields. She frowned each time she looked at the thing on her arm. "Onenne combat is a different beast, compared to phalanx combat. In a phalanx, you'd be against a wall of larger shields and spears. But when it's a duel, or maybe two on one, you need to be able to move and block." He demonstrated by quick stepping side to side, but also keeping his sword and shield up. Apollo's light cast down on them in the midday, and the murmurs of the sea were behind her. Out on the dock, she could stare up at the two sisters she never wanted, Sthenno and Euryale from the names carved at their feet, and wish she could lay under the shade they cast, but Darian would have none of it. Instead, he kept them out along the dock where there was little room to move, unless she wanted to fall into the sea. She considered slithering down into the water, just to help alleviate the heat. Her human half could sweat, but her snake half could not; staying cool in the sun was a problem. She tried to emulate his quick movements. There was no chance, not with her snake body. The best she could do was hover her torso in the air from side to side. Her torso had a few bruises too; Darian took his training seriously, and had thwaped her more than thrice. "But... I have no legs, and..." "Yeah. I know, and — yeah." He scratched at the back of his neck, just as confused as her. "And it could all very well be a moot point. If you try dodge me, I'll just—" he leaped in with disturbing speed, a blur, and when she tried to move her human half out of the way, she succeeded. But it didn't matter, Darian just went past her torso and attacked her snake half. He was kind enough to not smack the scales hard enough to bruise that flesh, but the point was clear nonetheless. "I can't move the length of me with a jump or hop. Anyone with a sword has an advantage." "If you let them engage like that, yeah. You'll have to kill them first to prevent that scenario." "I..." She lowered her stick sword and looked down at the water beside her. He said the word 'kill' like it was weightless. "Do... I have to?" He blinked at her. "Have to what?" "Kill them first?" "If you don't want them to kill you." She opened her mouth to respond, but stopped herself. Darian was the first one she had ever seen, ever, who didn't want her dead. It was a fool's hope to think others might do the same. And if she was going to come on this journey, she would be the one drawing people's ire. But drawing the ire of people was better than letting Darian run off on some insane quest without her aid. Maybe. "Are you still squeamish about it?" Darian said. "About killing? Of course!" With a frustrated groan, she threw the stick into the water and turned her back to the man. The whole conversation was turning sour, and she slithered off toward the temple stairway. Darian jogged after her. "But you've killed many." "Always in self defense! And always after I asked them to leave." Slithering up the stairway was never a fun experience. There were still many dead, worn with a century but still standing and taunting her with their horrified faces. Athena's curse had turned everyone on the island to stone when it happened, and that she did not blame on herself. It was the few warriors on the stairway that she felt guilty for, sorrowful for. Warriors that had come to the island, and she had killed herself. She was careful not to touch any of the dead statues she slithered past, new or old. "I don't like fighting." I don't like hearing people's final gasps. "Then are you sure you want to come with me?" He got out in front of her on the stairway and blocked her path with arms out to his sides. "I'm going to be fighting people. It always happens when I work with the Fates, and it's always worse than I can predict." "I am sure. It's just... must we default to violence?" "I don't think—" "I'm not saying we won't fight, and I'm not saying I won't kill. It's just... can we try and avoid it first?" Darian winced, looked to the ground, and leaned his weight onto the stick in his hand. "You think I'll just kill anyone we run across?" "No! No, no I..." She lowered her torso until it was eye to eye with Darian, and she reached out to put a hand on his chest. "Please, I meant no offense. I just... when you saved me, that night we met, you were... very brutal." "That was—" "I know. And I do not regret that it happened, just... I think people would surprise you, if you showed a little mercy." He winced again, when she said mercy, like it were salt in a wound. "I..." He shook his head, took a deep breath, and took her hand into his. "Alright. I'll try. I hope you're there to remind me?" She almost glowed with his response. "I will!" "And if push comes to shove, can I remind you that sometimes, violence is the only answer?" With that, Darian pointed at one of the statues on the stairway, a warrior. While the other statues on the stairway were running from the temple, a few warriors upon it were heading up to the temple. The one Darian motioned to was worn with time, like the others near it. Battles from long ago, when Medusa had been caught unawares and was forced to defend herself outside the temple, on the stairway. Despite how weather had smoothed many of the sharp edges on the dead man, the look of hate and anger on his face was unmistakable. "... you can." She leaned forward onto Darian, and put her forehead against his. Darian sighed like an annoyed parent, but relented, and nudged his forehead to hers. Her snake hair, a bit distraught and weak from the sun, slithered out to rest along his shoulders and hair. Darian rolled his eyes, but when one of the little critters drifted around his cheek and along his jawline, he turned his head just enough to give it a small kiss. How quickly the two of them had grown so comfortable with each other. Not even a full day since she had first pulled him to her bed -- pile of blankets -- and already they were holding each other like some sort of silly young girl's fantasy. She tried not to let it go to her head, but the handsome, lean little man before her was just so delicious, and beautiful, and warm. So she returned his kiss, with her lips and not those of her snake hair, and rubbed her thumb along his knuckles. "Ok, if I can't use a sssword and shield, what do you ssssssuggest?" she said. "If they're close enough? Use the stone sight Athena gave you." It was her turn to wince again. "And if that isn't an option? Perhaps you are nearby and it'd put you at risk?" "You still have your transformation. I saw what you did to that boar." She frowned and pulled away a few feet. "Use the... that thing?" He nodded, and when she tried to pull further away, he didn't let go of her hand. "Last resort! Honest. And besides, I think I have a better idea. Have you ever used a bow?" Digging through the dead for their things a second time put Medusa in a foul mood. She hated touching the dead, and that included the statues; rooting through their things was far worse. But it was a necessary evil, and when you're trapped on an island, you make do with what you have. The two of them had moved back up to her little home behind the temple, and this time instead of sticks and shields, Darian had found a bow for her, with a quiver and arrows. And they fired it for two hours. When the arrows became useless, Darian routed through the dead warriors to find more. One of the large trees nearby was riddled with scratches and holes by the end of the grueling session. "My arms are tired," she said. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm pushing you way too hard." Darian walked over to the tree and retrieved several more arrows. "We can stop, do a bit tomorrow, and every day. You are a very good shot though." "Thank you." She beamed with pride. A sword or spear were such visceral and brutal things, but a bow and arrow had a certain elegance that she preferred. Maybe she just liked being far away from the violence? But she had to admit, lining up the shot and hitting the target, even a tree, was immensely satisfying. And she was good at it, she could tell each time Darian's mouth opened she landed an arrow. Again, and again, and again. "Must be a snake's aim," he said, and walked up to her with the arrows. She handed him the bow and quiver, and stretched out her arms, complete with a blissful sigh of release from the tension in her muscles. "Maybe. I am much preferring the bow. I can use it from positions others cannot as well, high and low." She raised her torso ten feet into the air, and then to the ground to demonstrate. "But..." "But?" He walked into their little home, bow in hand. "My breasts prevent me from aligning things as simply as you would. I have to hold the bow away for a couple inches." Being buxom was nothing more than a pain. Darian reemerged from the home, laughing in that soft way he did when he teased her. She wanted to give him a bruise or two for teasing her then, but at the same time, she loved the sound of his voice when it was warm. "The Amazons are rumored to cut off one of their breasts to deal with that, but it's nonsense. They do wear clothing that keeps their breasts tighter to their bodies though." He walked, almost skipped up to her, and pointed up -- she was hovering a few feet higher than him -- at her breasts. "Those wraps you love. I know they're soft and feel nice on the skin, but maybe you could tie another one underneath around your bust, nice and tight?" Medusa groaned. "A breast bind? I guess. It sounds uncomfortable. Will I need to wear it all the time?" "Only when we're moving." More groans. Darian reached up, took one of her hands, and pulled her down to him. "If it's any consolation, I'd be much happier if you kept them out too." Medusa brought her hands up to her cheeks and shook her head side to side when the blushing started. "Darian!" Just when she thought the man was going to take her into their little home, he let go of her hand. She opened her eyes to find Darian was squirming a little, and looking to the side. She tried to read his expression, but all she could tell was that he was conflicted. Her snake hair pointed down at where their fingers had been touching earlier, and how empty it felt now without his hand in hers. "Sorry," he said, "always thinking with my dick." Again, the man was apologizing for his sexual behavior. Why? Last night had been amazing! Just the thought of it, of him inside her, her folds spread around him, it all sent tingles from her fingertips, up into her chest and down through her snake length. And he'd said she was a seductive woman, that he'd really enjoyed it, and... and all the things that should make him want to do it again. Why did he stop? She reached out and took his hand back. To her relief, his eyes drifted back to hers, and his smile returned. And when she started to pull him back to the pile of blankets, his smile brightened. That smile, a beautiful thing on his trimmed beard and youthful face, must have contained some strong desires. The closer they got to the blankets, the more joyful and excited he appeared. And once he was standing in the middle of her bed, his eyes looked like they would explode with passion. Even his fingers in her hand were buzzing, and his other hand fidgeted with his tunic at his side. He looked so happy, but refused to touch her? He... oh. Oh! The man would not touch her because of how last night had gone. She had asked him to hold still for her, for her to be the one in control. The man looked like he wanted to ravage her, but still he kept himself under control. For her. She smiled, released his hand, and lowered both of hers to his waist. With slow hands, she undid the belt of his chiton garb, so that the loose and flowing white of the fabric hung free. Then she reached for his shoulders, undid the buttons upon its shoulders, and let the garment fall. Darian didn't move an inch. He smiled at her, warm, delighted, and watched her working hands. When she placed her hands on his chest though, he made a tiny sound as he inhaled sharply, and looked down to her fingers. She kneaded the hard muscle of his body, and slid her hands down further, teasing the indentations of his musculature down his sides, his abs, the Apollo's belt of his hips, and where it disappeared into his loincloth. Licking her lips, she slid her hands into those as well, slipped her fingers behind him, and kneaded her fingers into the hardness of the warrior's ass. And still he did not move. With how close she had to be to reach behind him, her face was only inches from his, and she grinned like a young girl again when Darian's breath quickened. Her heart was getting faster, and her body was starting to shiver with its own anticipation. How many times had she cum on the man she was currently undressing, last night? Three, four times? The blur of memories already had her body growing hotter, and she could feel her nipples harden under the wrap she wore. When she finally sneaked her hands behind him and found the loop of his loincloth, she felt her cheeks turn red and her breath stop while she slowly undid the knot. The fabric fell free, and Darian was left to stand in the nude. Still he did not move. She backed away a little, and looked at him, his array of lean muscles, and the perfect definition that almost seemed a little out of place on his smaller frame. Not a bulky man, but a slim and powerful one. She remembered some of the massive warriors that had come for her, tall and broad and brimming with bulging muscles; Darian was not that. If they were a bull, Darian was the fox. He was certainly a confident fox! He smiled at her, that deliciously confident but also warm and gentle smile. Basking in her gaze, no doubt, by the way he almost posed for her. And as she watched him, her body shivering with growing desire, she stared down at his member, growing longer and taller as Darian's arousal grew right along with hers. "I have not even touched it," she said, "and you're already hard." Darian grinned, but she could see a hint of embarrassment when he looked down. "Well you keep staring at me. I can't help it." Her eyes were enough to bring the man to arousal? She hugged herself and giggled a little, but also slipped her hands higher, up behind her neck to find the knot of her wrap, and she undid it with practiced swiftness. She didn't let it fall though, she caught it along her forearms instead, and pressed the collapsing fabric over the bottom of her breasts and over her swollen, large nipples. Darian's erection twitched several times, and the man groaned at the sight. She was teasing him. Again! It hadn't even occurred to her to do it, it just came to her like fire to oil. The way he stood there, gazing at her with eyes glazed in hunger made her whole body tingle, and she could not help but indulge in those eyes by slowly letting the fabric fall from her skin. When finally her heavy breasts were exposed, pulling down against her body without the wrap to keep them supported, Darian groaned. The poor man kept his hands at his sides, but she could see his fingertips caressing the air, as if caressing her. She undid the wrap on her hips with the same taunting slowness, and when she slid it free to expose her pink folds to Darian, his cock raised with more twitches. He wanted to be inside her, she could see it in his eyes, locked onto her body like a ravenous animal. Still he did not move. She slithered a little closer, and made sure to lean forward so her teardrop breasts could sway with their weight. Once again only a foot from him, and still he did not move. There was still an hour of sunlight left, and it filled the little home with enough light for her to see everything clearly, far more clearly than the night before. Looking down, she could see his shaft straining against its own tightness, lined with subtle veins. His pubic hair was trim, but the dark hair was a huge contrast to her hairless skin. She wanted touch him. With a shy smile, she eased herself down further and further. With her body low to the ground, she found a height similar to a woman on her knees, and reached up with bold hands to take Darian's hips and align him with her. He blinked at her, and the surprise on his face was delicious. He even tried to take a small step back, but her hands would not let him. "Medusa? You su—" "I want to." No doubt the man was still worried for her, given her past. But looking up at him, catching his hungry eyes from below? She was getting wet. "I want to explore! And... touch and... see everything." Darian gulped, but nodded, and his mouth parted with quiet pants when she put her lips only inches from his raised length. She gulped too. Last night, the member in front of her had been well below her, and the whole process of sex had hidden much of what was going on, despite her attempts to see everything. Staring at his cock from only inches away though? It made her nervous. She could smell his musk. She could see his muscles tighten when he flexed his pelvic floor and caused his length to stand straight up. She could see the soft parts of it that ran underneath it, from his scrotum to the swollen tip. With quivering fingers, she touched the softness underneath his member, and ran their tips up and down in a slow, loving caress. The reaction was instant, his cock springing upward with another flex of Darian's muscle, accompanied by a gentle moan from the man. "You'll, um... you'll have to tell me... what feelssss good," she said. "I've never done... thissss." "You seemed quite skilled last night." She frowned at him. "Hey! I'm... it..." Her head lowered, and she looked to the side as more blush radiated across her face and body. "I know what I like. A hundred yearsss alone, and..." Confessing to a masturbation habit was not what she had in mind! "Ssssso I... did what I liked. And you ssseemed to like what I liked." "I did, very much." Darian sighed, one of those deep and relaxing sighs, and he reached down with his hands to graze his fingers along her snake hair. "Here, let me lie down." Medusa slid a little furt
Medusa: Fate's Game Ch. 02
[ "fantasy", "large breasts", "lamia", "greek mythology", "fantasy romance", "squirting", "nonhuman romance", "monster romance", "monster girl" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 47, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 600, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 58 }
her away and spread her snake self about. She coiled around the pile of blankets with her long body, left enough room for Darian to lay on his back, head propped up on some of her scaled side. She lowered her torso to put her herself on her belly between his legs, elbows on the blankets and her chin in her palms with her face a few inches from the phallus beneath it. Just a young girl studying something intriguing. Very, very intriguing. He reached down with one of his hands, and wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock. Seeing his fingers circle his girth made Medusa's heart rate double, until she started to pant to keep air in her lungs. "Around the base here, you can squeeze and massage it however you want. But..." He reached out with his other hand, and pulled down his foreskin. The head of his shaft was swollen, ripe, tinted red, and it looked very soft. And with how Darian grew extremely gentle when he touched it, it must have been. "This is... very sensitive. I don't like to touch it unless it's something soft, and wet." Wet. She leaned in a little closer, let out her long snake tongue, and ran its forked tip up the underside of his glans. Darian trembled under the sensation, and let out the tiniest moan. The look of pleasure on his face, and the little noises he made when she touched the head of his member, sent more tingles down her spine. She could feel herself getting wetter already, and her silky flesh between her hips was certainly soft enough for his cock. But her lips and tongue were also wet, and soft. She was not as sweet as Darian as sometimes thought she was. She worshiped Aphrodite and Eros. She remembered what the young men and women did in the temple garden after dark! With a gulp, she lowered one of her hands to his thigh, and the other to his member. Darian removed his hands for her, and she slipped one of hers about his girth. Warm, and the texture of his soft skin wrapped tight against the hardness of his arousal was such a pleasant contrast. She squeezed him, lightly of course, and she grinned up at the man laying down before her when he squirmed a little under her touch. She stroked him, and eased her hand up and down his skin with a light grip. The hand on his thigh grazed along his skin before finding his balls, and she caressed them with curious digits. Such a strange sensation, the soft skin, the things it held within. She'd seen a man get kicked in the crotch once, and then him vomiting in pain after; testicles were meant to be treated gently! Weight on her elbows between his legs, one hand caressing his soft flesh beneath his shaft, the other massaging the hard girth of his cock, she leaned forward, and placed a sweet kiss on the swollen tip. Darian trembled a little under her touch, his face was starting to blush, and his confident smile he always wore started to fade. Instead, his eyebrows relaxed upward, and his mouth hung open enough so she could see a bit of his tongue. He was enjoying her touch. He was enjoying her touch! She kissed the tip of his member again, and this time, bolstered by a swelling pride and joy, she did more than kiss. She knew sensitive places on her own body, and she knew what she wanted — what she thought she'd never get — from someone. Soft, warm, and massaging touches. Slow, but powerful. Grinning, she slid her lips down over his ripe glans, and made sure to bury it in her soft, warm, massaging touch. She kept him there, and with her lips wrapped suckling on the edge of the head of his cock, she pushed her tongue against it, along its sides and underneath it. Darian groaned, and reached one hand out to find her hair. She thought maybe he was going to stop her, maybe she was doing it wrong? But he slid his fingers into her air, let the snakes intertwine with his digits, and rested his hand on her head. "Slower," he said. She almost didn't hear him, with how his voice had become nothing but a soft whisper. Hearing him struggle in what she was doing to him was making her whole body shiver. Heat poured through her, made her eyes half-close in the haze of need, and she could feel her juices wetting the blanket where she was laying her hips down. She tried to focus, but seeing Darian getting closer and closer to climax from her touch, and feeling his fingers cuddling her hair before gliding along her scalp, it was making it very, very hard to not start grinding her hips down to rub her swollen clit against the blankets. Anything to relieve the growing ache inside her. But she didn't give in. Focusing on Darian was too good. She experimented, toyed with him, squeezed his shaft harder before easing her grip, and suckled on his glans hard enough to make him gasp before she let up on the pressure. Darian didn't need to tell her what to do; everything she was doing, she did on her own, and she could see the pleasure on the man's face. "I'm going to cum soon." She smiled around his cock and started to stroke him faster. Her lips remained around his glans, suckling, kissing in slow, sensuous motions up and down the supple skin of the tip. Her hand on his balls held onto his thigh instead to balance herself while she started to stroke him faster, and faster, all while she gazed down across his body to watch the man struggle to not climax. Darian's cock flexed hard in her mouth, and his hips squirmed. She loosened the grip on his girth and lightened her kiss, but Darian didn't remove his hand from her head. He wanted her to continue. "G-gently..." A warm fluid squirted up into her mouth, and she blinked up at Darian. But his face was absolute rapture. She tested him, gave him a slow, gentle lick of her forked tongue on his swollen cock head, and earned a groan from the man, along with another twitch of his length. More cum gushed into her mouth, and she let the thick liquid escape her lips while she coddled his cock with her tongue. Soon, the white fluid was flowing down his cock and onto her fingers; she barely noticed. She watched Darian's face, bathed in his groans of bliss when another gush of his liquids rose up from his length, only for her to squeeze at the base of his length to try and milk more. Her tongue found his cum, licked it away as it came out, and massaged it into his cock with her gentlest caresses. After the last drops of his fluid rose up, only to be kissed away by Medusa's lips, Darian relaxed back against the blankets and let go of her head. He looked up at the ceiling, both hands flopped backward over her snake body, and he breathed deep. His drenched member twitched in her hand, and she gave its pulsing body more kisses. His cum tasted a little salty, and a touch bitter, but it didn't matter, she was drinking him. She was seeing stars and heat waves and all she could think about was the exhausted man before her, and that she was drinking him. After a couple more kisses, she licked her lips clean, and slithered over to Darian to lay her human half on the blankets beside him. "Did you like it?" she said. She put her hand on his chest, and felt his heart beat against it; so fast. The small warrior turned to look at her, lowered his hands down from behind him to find her hand with one, and draped the other over his forehead. "You really are a natural at this." She smiled, then frowned, then grinned, then sulked. "I'm no prossstitute!" "I wasn't thinking prostitute, more like a sexual goddess. Aphrodite and Eros, you said?" He winked, grinning his happy grin like he always did. He had the best smile in the world, and it made her melt to see it. Before she knew what she was doing, she had both hands on him, and she was rubbing his chest, pressing her thumbs into his muscles, and feeling his heart beat once again. Feeling it thud against her touch made her head spin. "... my turn? Please?" She gulped, rolled onto her back, and turned her head to watch Darian. The man lit up like a bonfire. He rolled over to her, cozied up his chest against her side, hooked her nearest arm behind him on his back, and leaned toward her face. Before she knew it, he was kissing her with enough ravenous need to take her breath away. She almost squealed in surprise into his mouth. All she had to do was ask, and this was his response? She should ask more often. Finally he broke away, and nudged his nose against hers. "So, you tell me what you like. But let me see if I can find it." Ooh, a game. She managed a sheepish grin, but the crawling ice of fear crept up her back. He was going to explore her body. Him, and not her controlling him. She gulped again. Darian leaned over her, and her snake hair reached out to meet him with prodding kisses and tiny licks. He moved further down though, until he was leaning over her breasts. They were so heavy, and they weighed down against her ribs laying down as she was, until they pulled down to either side of her body a bit under their weight. Darian slipped a hand underneath where it drifted off the side of her chest, nudged it back up toward her sternum with one hand, and brought his lips over her nipple. Just when she thought he was going to bite her, he stopped an inch from it, and let his warm breath spread over her puffy, pink areola. Sparks of bliss worked through her breasts, just small ones, tiny tingling waves that drifted up and down her breast. She mewled. Darian's other hand reached for her breast as well, and caressed the underside of her breast with his fingertips in slow, sensual waves. As he did, he leaned in closer for her nipple, and while looking across her body to her, enveloped it into his lips, and suckled. She met his gaze, and whimpered. "I... like that... a lot." Her hand on his back rubbed his spine with encouragement, and her other struggled to not intervene. She used her other arm to push against her other breast with her bicep, and guided it up onto her chest for him. Darian smiled into her nipple, and raised his kiss from it. It was swollen even more than before, upright, hard. He leaned a little further to her other breast where she held it closer for him, and did the same. He cupped its underside in his hand, teased the tender, sensitive skin underneath it, grazed her pink areola with gentle fingers, before wrapping his lips around her nipple yet again. This time, he suckled a little harder, and she made a tiny whining sound with the feel of her body being bathed in the warm, wet kiss of lips and tongue. Her body felt like it was on fire. Darian groaned into her breast, closed his eyes, pressed his face down into it, and opened his mouth wider to suck more of her nipple in his mouth. His tongue roamed out, licked around it, teased along its edge and out to the mound of her puffy, swollen, aching areola where he did the same. Medusa's whimpers only grew, and she had to force herself to keep her hands from moving. When he removed his lips, her second nipple had become more swollen than the first. "Your breasts are so soft," he said. "They sag." She frowned, unhooked her arm from Darian's back, and hugged both arms under her breasts to keep them as pert as possible. But Darian rolled his eyes, took her hand nearest him, and hooked it back behind his neck. He leaned in again, found her breast with his hand, and let its weight overflow the cup of his fingers and palm. "Heavy, and huge. Look at this." His lips found her nipple again, and suckled while he pulled his head up. Medusa squeaked like a mouse at the powerful sensation, and squeaked again when his lips managed to pull much of her breast into the air a few inches before he let go. The supple flesh of her breast squashed to her body, and jiggled. She bopped Darian's head with her hand on his neck. "Darian! I am not a toy!" "No, you're an unbelievably beautiful woman." She blushed and squirmed and wriggled, but Darian smiled, and leaned back down to start suckling and kissing her breasts yet again. She could do nothing but lay there, and with each passing moment, whimper. His other hand found her other breast, and found a gentle rhythm to tease and caress its contours while his thumb grazed against the swollen nub. Each line his fingers traced, each lick of his tongue, each tender massage made her body hotter, and wetter, and the waves of bliss only grew the longer he went on. Her fingers found his hair, and she ran her fingertips through it while her moans grew along with her bliss. Then she came. She mewled, held Darian's head still with both hands, and started to spasm with jolts of pleasure she hadn't expected. The waves coursed through her breasts and into her chest, sucking the air out of her and forcing her breath into useless panting. She shuddered, clenched on her pussy, and felt the tremors work up through her body before coursing down into her hips. More of her juices started to soak her folds, until it dripped down her side and onto Darian's leg. Darian, thank the gods, had stopped suckling and licking while she came. After the sharp sparks of euphoria in her engorged breasts started to fade, she managed to raise her head to look up at Darian when he lifted his head and leaned over her. He looked shocked. "You came from your breasts?" She brought both of her hands up to her face and hid herself from him. It wouldn't stop her raging blush from showing through everywhere else though. "You are an extremely sexual woman!" he said. He sounded amazed, but she dared not look. She couldn't let him see how embarrassed she was! She shook her head. "No no no no." "Medusa." She cracked her fingers apart to take a peek between them at the man leaning over her. He'd drifted down further, placed his hands on both sides of her hips on the blankets, and was inching his face closer and closer to her swollen sex. She was drenched, she knew it, and now Darian was only six inches above her dripping lips; she could feel his breath on them. "You're soaked." "No no no no no." She shook her head more, and re-hid her face completely. Her snake hair had collapsed against her scalp with the bliss of orgasm, but Medusa was glowing red and squirming under Darian's gaze. Squirms turned into wriggling mess when Darian's lips found her swollen clit. She reached out with her hands to find his shoulders, and gripped him tight when the tiny, sensitive nub sent overwhelming sparks into her thighs and up into her chest. She squealed when he licked it. "Gentle! Gentle... please... I'm ssso sssssensitive..." Because I just came from having my breasts played with. The thought alone redoubled her blushing. Darian smiled over her clit, met her gaze with his fevered, hungry eyes, and did as she asked. His kiss became gentle, his tongue as well, and he closed his eyes as he bathed her bud in a tender rhythm. He was careful to not graze her with his whiskers, and instead brought one of his hands up her hip, onto her labia, and began to massage the wet warmth into her in a perfect back and forth of loving fingers. She melted into the blankets. Royal embarrassment from how easily she surrendered to sexual bliss faded again, replaced with the haze of rising pleasure. The building waves of sparks, like sweet torture, grew and spread out from her center into her body, earning more whimpers and shudders from her. It was not long before another orgasm took her, her clitoris sending almost painful shocks through her system. Darian knew women, she could tell, because each time she came, he eased his kiss into the gentlest thing, and let her ride out the waves that made her body give off light spasms, and more juices. Darian raised his face and smiled at her, but she could barely see it. Everything was blurry with orgasm aftershocks making her tremble, covered her eyes in a light glaze of tears, and robbed her of breath. She did manage to see Darian wipe away some of her overflowing juices from his lips though. She couldn't get anymore embarrassed than she already was. "I have never met a woman as sexual as you." "Don't say that!" She raised one of her hands to her lips, covering her mouth, but Darian kept the other in his hand, and he kissed her knuckles. Damn him, he was too smooth, too confident. He smiled at her and she gave up, like a young girl just swept off her feet. She was supposed to be older than him, damn it. He gave her knuckle another kiss, but his other hand found her folds, and with his palm upturned, he eased his second and third finger into her aching muscles. She groaned, loudly, and squeezed his hand when he curled his fingers upward against the curves of her insides. Her body was shaped a little differently than human women, she was sure. Her opening faced outward, instead of between legs, and curved upward into her body. That didn't stop the beautiful, lean creature leaning over her waist though. He gave the spot inside her a couple more gentle caresses, and then started to press up on it, pressuring it, pushing it outward from her body. She twisted, mewled, and pushed her hips up to meet his hand, but Darian forced herself to lay her scaly butt back down with his other hand on her belly. Darian chuckled at her, and resumed pumping her g-spot in a rough-but-not-too-rough rhythm. "D-D-D-Darian!" She reached out and grabbed his wrists, and tried to say something. He started pumping her pussy harder, faster, and she couldn't breathe. When she opened her mouth, all that came out was rapid fire panting filled with weak mewls and moans. And then the orgasm started to work through her. Powerful, deep, it flowed out from her center and filled her chest, sparked into her breasts, before coursing down through her snake body. Her mouth hung open, her long forked tongue fell out between her lips, and her eyes welled with tears. Again she tried to speak, to tell Darian to stop, but no words came out. She could only hold on, and stare at the man with begging eyes; he was too focused on his hand to see them though. He pumped her harder, made her bounce against the blankets, and forced her juices from her trembling flesh. She soaked him all the more. Her cum splashed against his fingers and her pink, swollen muscles, only to be renewed with more juices when her muscles squeezed down, and forced more of her fluids out of her. "Sss... ssstop." She couldn't get her voice to work; the best she could manage was a tiny whisper. She was seeing stars, her pussy's muscles were trembling in painful pleasure, and her grip on his wrists loosened as she found the last bits of her strength robbed. Darian stopped the moment she said the word. He blinked down at her pink flesh, the copious amount of fluids it had produced under his assault, and then looked up the valley of her body to her. She was a shaking, quivering mess, hyperventilating and convulsing in small, random spasms while the orgasms moved up and down her body in waves. "T-too much," she said. Her hands found his wrists again, and she held onto him with her trembling digits while the sparks of tingling bliss in her tender insides started to settle. "Sorry! Sorry, just... wow. You're so sexual, I couldn't help myself." Darian slid back up beside her, and laid down on the blankets. He held one of her hands in front of him, his body nestled up against her side, and stroked her knuckles. He watched her twitch in her orgasm aftershocks, and when she managed to turn to face him, he smiled. He leaned in too, and put a kiss on her cheek. "It'ssss ok." She tried to smile, but it didn't last, she had to keep breathing to keep the white spots out of her eyes. She raised her free hand to her eyes, and wiped away the tears that had formed. "I've never... climaxed... sssso hard before." Masturbating had never lead to blankets drenched in her juices. "I'll be gentler in the future. I shouldn't have done that so hard, but... the sounds you make, seeing you cum so quickly, it's just..." He lowered his head, and kissed her knuckle, but he didn't meet her gaze anymore. He looked guilty. She turned onto her hip to face him, and kissed his knuckle in return. Her snake hair did the same, bumping its many noses into the grooves of his fingers and drawing his eyes. "I sssaid it's ok. It felt amazing." She slid a little closer until her breasts were against his chest, and she put her forehead to his again. "But, yesss, gentler next time please." She shuddered a little, blissful shivers working up through her long snake body and into her chest. "... and rough again the time after that." A small grin sneaked onto her lips, and she kissed the man in front of her. He hooked his hand around her waist, and kissed her back. Darian The two of them sat the by the dock, and watched the sun go down. The past week had been a constant blur of sex, practice, sex, practice, until Darian was sure the gorgon had some sort of special gift of stamina. One moment, she'd be shooting arrows, and the next she'd be coiling around him and draining him dry. He never asked her for sex, still a bit afraid he might offend her, but even when he wanted to, Medusa was already on him. Best time of his life. His back was leaned against some of her snake body, his butt on the dock, and a piece of grass between his lips. He watched the sun tip over the horizon, until Apollo's light was just an orange blur of clouds and sparkling water. He wore a simple white chiton, left over from long ago and stored away by Medusa, and even some sandals. All the time in the quarry, and the thing he may have missed most was sandals. Then he looked back up at Medusa, who was gazing at the sunset with the same quiet he was, and coiled into the smallest rings of length she could fit. Less than three weeks ago he was trying to not drown. Now he was neck deep back in the Fates' games, and bringing with him another innocent. Old habits die very hard. "The Erinyes, they said we would know their approach by... hooves? And death's hands?" Medusa said. "Yeah. I don't understand either, but that's typical with those cryptic assholes." "I thought they were mostly sstraight with you, considering what few words they've ever muttered to mere mortals." He laughed. "That is true." "You said they'd provide supplies for usss as well?" He nodded, and leaned back a little further to put his head against Medusa's scales. Stars were starting to shine above. "They wouldn't want their prize fighters to run the gauntlet naked. They're expecting a show. It's what they want." "I... I know I'm not... I shouldn't..." He sat up and turned to face her, a hand on her scales. "Yes?" "I know I shouldn't ask, but..." Gods, he felt like such shit, denying her answers. But it was for the better. Just the memories of memories, dancing on the edge of his mind, was enough to summon bile in his throat and get his bloodlust rising. No, this was definitely for the better. But he could at least answer one question for now. "We're tracking down something I was sent to kill." She almost gasped. "Something? Not someone?" He offered a shrug, turned around again to put his head back up on her scales, and stared up at the sky. The stars were really starting to shine. Calming. So he breathed deep, and started the story. "Proetus, a king of Tiryns, wasn't very happy with me. But I was a guest at the time, so he wouldn't risk killing me himself; wouldn't want to piss off the Erinyes, killing a guest. Superstitious fool." As if the Erinyes really cared about who killed who, for whatever reason. "So, he sent me to his wife's father, King Iobates in Lycia, with instructions to kill me. But"—and this was the funny part—"the message was a secret, written in a note to be given to Iobates. Again, a king treated me as a guest, and it wasn't until I'd been a guest there for some time that he bothered to read the note. "So now he's in the same boat as his son-in-law, can't kill me himself." An edge was starting to rise in his voice. Sweet, delicious images of murder and bloodshed filled his mind, and he had to refocus on the stars above to ignore them. "Instead, he sends me to kill something, something he is sure will kill me, so he can avoid getting his hands bloody." He leaned his head back further with a twist, just enough to see the shocked look on Medusa's face. "Worst of all, me being both ignorant of the situation, and more than willing to show off my skills like an idiot, I agree to his request like a great gift. "So I accept his quest, and go gallivanting across Greece with Pegasus, until I'm in the deadliest fight of my life." He sat back down again, folded his arms across his chest, and waited for the inevitable question. "W-what did he send you to kill?" "The Chimera." She did gasp this time, and brought her hands up to her mouth. She knew of the Chimera, he was sure. Who didn't? That was the reason he accepted the quest, after all. What a glorious opportunity it was to show off how strong he was, how fast, dexterous, and smart. The irony was like poison on his tongue. "Y-you live though! Ssssso it couldn't have gone... too badly?" Medusa said. She reached out for him, her torso in the middle of her coils, and she laid her body across rows of her snake length so she could dangle her arms over his shoulders from behind. He could feel her snake hair nuzzle against his neck and ears, and even hug around his throat. "Yeah, I lived. Barely." It was not a battle he wished to repeat. "And kings... I... you sssurprise me, Darian." "Bellerophontes," he said, and he couldn't avoid the sour note in his voice. But Medusa shrugged it off and hugged him from behind. "You said you are Darian now, and I believe you." He chuckled and nuzzled his head back into her neck, eyes still pointed at the sky. "Thank you for that." Maybe telling her all the dark, stupid shit from his past wouldn't be so bad. "You said the Chimera. But from what the Fates said, it sounded like this thing we are to get help from is a person? I thought the Chimera was a massive beast, with the body of a lion, a goat head atop its back, and a snake for a tail!" "Yeah. You'll see." No fun to ruin the surprise now. The wind picked up. The cool breeze of the sea overtook the land warmth, and earned a chill from Darian and Medusa when it crept up the shore onto the dock. Heavy clouds loomed overhead, filled the sky, and like a blanket, the clouds covered the stars. It grew dark, very dark, so dark Darian couldn't even see the end of the dock anymore. The moon was buried, and the last traces of dusk were long gone. "It... perhaps... maybe the aid the Fates spoke of will arrive tomorrow morning?" Medusa said. Darian got up and stared out into the black water. The Fates, make a mistake? Not a chance. He walked further out onto the dock, each step growing a little more cautious as he lost the ability to see. But his ears demanded he go. He strained his hearing against the wind. Something was out there. The stirred water was hitting something, and something was hitting the water. The telltale back and forth of rowing started to rise over the howl of the air, and the splashing of water against hull became clear. But he still couldn't see anything. Medusa slithered out across the dock to join him, and they both came to the edge. She must have heard it too, it was loud by then. The water was hitting something right in front of them, and the sound of oars hitting water didn't stop either. Both of them almost screamed when some rope landed on the dock. "Hey, boy! Pull her in would you?" Darian and Medusa looked at each other, then the rope on the dock, and then back out into the blackness. "S-show yourself!" the gorgon said. "Of course! Of course of course. Sorry about, just had to make sure it was the right stop after all." A warm chuckle, bright and full carried across the waves. Whoever was talking had the voice of a singer. A green light ten feet off the in the water appeared. A lantern, dangling from the bow of what looked to be a small boat, big enough for maybe ten or twenty men to sit comfortably. Someone was on it, and they had horns. "... you can't be serious," Darian said. "A satyr?" "Problem with satyrs?" the crewman said, and grinned a sly grin at Darian. Darian rolled his eyes and started to pull the vessel closer by the rope. The green lantern was both subtle, and yet it provided enough light for him to work by. Soon, the boat was nested against the dock, and Darian stepped past Medusa to keep himself between the stranger and her. "Not exactly, but I've never known a satyr to be able to focus on a single job without his dick running away with him." He gestured to the vessel. "Much less work as a servant of the Fates." "Yes well, my dick is well taken care of." The Satyr chuckled, hopped out of the boat with the enthusiasm of a child, and chuckled again. Darian was already starting to hate him. "The name's Gallea." Gallea looked like most satyrs, standing a bit shorter than the average man -- he was as tall as Darian -- and he had small horns protruding from the sides of his head that curled backward around pointy ears. He looked a bit older than Darian had ever seen in a satyr, maybe in his mid-forties, long brown hair pulled back between his horns, and he boasted a jolly smile with mischievous eyes. Darian could already see a bit of himself in the satyr; probably why he didn't like him. The satyr was human from the waist up except for the horns, and goat from the waist down. While a leather vest of some kind covered his chest, a brown sash dangled between the front and back of his legs against the fur of his body that reached his hooves. Hooves, of course. Darian smacked his own forehead. Now all that was left was the death's hands, whatever those would be. "So you're the mighty Bellerophontes, mmm?" The satyr approached him, eyed him up and down like a sculpture on display, and snickered at him. "Small thing aren't yeah?" "You're one to talk." "Yes but I'm no fighter. You won't see me fighting the Chimera, not in Tartarus or Elysium." He chuckled all the more, reached out to put a hand on Darian's shoulder, and walked past him. "Now, I heard I was also escorting a woman? Strange to be taking a lady on — whoa!" Gallea jumped back so far he almost landed in the water, but his hooves slid on the wet wood right from under him. He landed on his ass, and then rolled backward into the black abyss with a splash. Darian tried to help him, he really did, but the laughter stopped him like a punch to the gut. Medusa wasn't so amused. She frowned at him, slithered past him along the dock, and reached down over the edge. "I'm sorry!" she said. "I... um..." She lifted the shocked Satyr into the air like he weighed nothing, and put his soaked body back onto the dock. "I'll be damned. Medusa the gorgon? That's who we're taking?" He held up a finger, coughed to the side, wiped some water from his face to the other side, and took Medusa's hand into his. Darian tensed, but Gallea started shaking her hand like a devoted fan. "Medusa! I must say, you are quite famous among us half beasts of the wood." "I... I am?" "Yes! Gods, such a horrible fate, and yet you still live after all these years, despite all those damned heroes like him" —he gestured Darian's way— "coming to kill you." Darian stepped up to them, with every intention of getting between them and putting a fist into the satyr's face, but Medusa slid a part of her tail to block the path. On purpose or because she was bathing in the worship, he couldn't tell. "Oh, I... well..." "No need to be shy! Come on, Pinna will be so excited to meet you." Gallea kept one hand on hers, and guided her to the edge of the dock where the vessel remained. "Pinna?" "Shipmate, and my wife. She hasn't talked with another woman in ages. The ship really isn't much for company." Gallea jumped into the vessel, splashing water everywhere with his soaked clothes and fur, but he didn't seem to care anymore. Excited like a child, he turned around again and held out a hand for Medusa. "There should be enough room for you. Just pay no mind to the mindless oafs rowing the ship." So this wasn't the main ship, good. Darian followed after Medusa, and wondered what sort of vessel they'd be on after this hopefully short trip with the smaller vessel. And who was rowing it? Mindless oafs? Medusa screamed. Darian jumped into the vessel after her. "What have — what in Tartarus." Jumping onto the ship was like passing through an invisible barrier. Once on the ship, the green glow of the lantern, only a subtle shimmer in the black from outside, was quite bright, more than strong enough to light up the length of the vessel. And while the ship was long enough for Medusa's body, it had half-a-dozen men on each side of the ship, oar shafts in hand. Skeletons. Their eyes glowed with the same green of the lantern — how could he not see them when not on the ship? — and their mouths leaked green mist that glowed with the same light. Their wore tattered rags that weren't even enough to hide their arrays of ribs, and the grime of sea had built up on their bodies like rocks left in the water. They didn't move. "Sorry about that. Charon's servants don't make for much chatter. But they're harmless." To prove his point, the satyr hopped down from the bow of the vessel, and punched one of the skeletons in the skull so hard, the skull fell off. The skeleton, with a slow and casual movement, twisted around, picked its skull up off the boards, and put it back on. "See? Dumb as clay." Medusa stared at the dozen undead like a nightmare had come along and pricked her tongue with a needle. "Charon," Darian said, and he groaned under his breath. "The Fates are working with Hades now?" "The Fates have their hands in many jars, Bellero—" "Darian." "... Darian is it now? Alright, Darian, the Fates weave more threads than our simple mortal lives. You think a Fate's Child is their only concern?" Medusa, pulled away from the horror by the conversation, looked at Darian and mouthed the word 'Fate's Child,' confused. He sighed, surrendered, and nodded to her, before looking back to Gallea. "I was hoping they'd leave me be. I'd been left alone for some time." "To rot in a quarry, from what I hear." The satyr pointed at Darian's forehead. "Was it worth it?" He almost started yelling, maybe throw a fist or two, but a little voice in his head stopped him. He looked Medusa's way too, and she slithered closer to the bow of the ship to coil around him, what little she could with the room available. "It was," he said, and he took Medusa's hand into his. She was shivering, and she kept glancing back over her shoulder at the undead. Worse, he could see her scaled length trying to find a way to grip the boat's boards and seats enough to settle, but without touching the legs of the skeletons, or letting the back and forth of waves unsettle her. "Oh, a couple now are we, the gorgon and the hero?" Gallea said. Medusa blinked, looked at Darian, back at Gallea, and back at Darian. Darian supposed he could have said nothing. Hilarious thoughts ran through his mind. Were they a couple? Were they together? What would their parents think? What would their friends think? Or something equally as idiotic as saying 'no, it's too dangerous for us to be together.' For just a moment, he imagined the long, drawn out romantic tragedy that was the two of them trying to get over their personal fears and accept that they wanted to be together; it would of course end in the death of both of them, as such moronic stories did. He entertained the idea of such stupid responses for half a second. "We are." Medusa tilted her head at him, and her eyes opened wide, wider, and a little wider, until he was sure he could see around whole of the yellow in them. She squeezed his hand tighter, and leaned in against him to rest her forehead against his so her snake hair could nuzzle into his neck. Her smile was so huge, Darian couldn't help but smile back and nudge back against her. Gallea chuckled. "Maybe I said something too soon? Ah, no matter. All's well that ends well. Boys! Back to Charon's ship!" The undead all sat up straight in perfect synchronization, and just like a cog in some weird, Athenian invention, turned the ship. One side rowed forward, the other pushed against the dock with their oars, and then rowed backward. Once they were pointed out into the black nothingness, they went forward. "H-how do you ssssssee?" Medusa said. "The light works much better for showing what's on the ship, doesn't it?" Gallea raised the green lantern from the ship bow and waved it through the air in slow motions. "If you're not on the ship, this is barely more
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than a firefly. Still, it doesn't help me see me off the ship. For that, I have to trust these fools." Again the satyr punched one of the skeletons in the skull, but the skull only pulled back a ways before settling onto the undead thing's shoulders. Its rowing went uninterrupted. "Scary," she said. "Death's hands." Gallea chuckled. "Bah, death's hands? Sounds like Fates talk to me. These are just bones." "Moving bones! Glowing, moving bones!" She pointed to the glowing eyes. "They're Charon's leftovers, no soul, just mindless drones scooped up from the river Styx." Gallea stepped up closer to the bow, and held the lantern out over the water. Darian could see Medusa was torn, afraid and excited. She was looking over the boat's side to look into the black; it was the first time she'd ever been on a boat since her curse. But, she had a youthful curiosity to her that made Darian jealous. She'd come so damn far in the small time he'd known her. Her slithering body reached out a little, just enough so she could lean up and over to gaze in the direction they were moving, and her eyes were wide with a happy grin on her parted lips. And she also kept looking his way. The gorgon lowered her torso down to him again, and nudged her head into his before putting her lips right to his ear. "A couple?" "Sorry, just sort of came out." "No, no... I like that." She squeezed around him with her coils in a slow and tender caress. "I like that a lot." He breathed deep, relaxed, and nudged his head back into hers. "Good. Because I like you a lot." And this journey has me petrified you'll get hurt. He tried to hide the thought with another cocky smile, but Medusa put a hand on his face and held his jaw with her fingers. "It'll be ok," she said. "I sssurvived a century alone, hero. I defended myself against the best Greece had to throw at me. I'm sstill here." He blinked, looked down, and back up into her yellow eyes. That was true, wasn't it? She didn't know how to use a sword or a bow, and yet she'd taken down dozens of warriors in her life time. Hell, despite her almost childish enthusiasm, she was much older than he was. He was the youngster in this relationship. He really needed to get his head out of his ass and stop thinking she needed his protection. "You're right, you're right. I—" A loud splash stopped him, before a spray of cold sea water hit them. "Ag, sorry about that. Bitch woman threw the ladder down without warning. Pinna! What in Tartarus crawled up your ass and died?" "Your dick!" A woman's voice, with the same bright and full tone of a singer as Gallea. "I wish," Gallea said to no one. Medusa uncoiled from Darian, careful of her small space on the boat, and moved her human half toward the bow of the ship and Gallea. "Um... oh!" Darian followed her, careful with his steps on the creaking boat, and looked out over the edge. A ladder was in front of them, just barely lit up by the green lantern. Solid wood ladder, floating in the air. No, not the air. Darian leaned in closer, and strained his eyes against the black; he could see wood. A wall of wood rose high over them, the same color as the night sky, and with the same smell of the ancient sea. This was a ship. A massive ship. "Up you go, good woman. Pinna will help you," Gallea said. "And just who am I helping?" "You'll see when she's up there!" The darkness whined with annoyance. "Course I will!" Medusa looked back at Darian, anxiety on her face, but he shrugged at her and nodded. It was safe, the Fates wouldn't arrange this madness just to kill Medusa or himself there. There'd be no climax there, no story. Medusa put her hands onto the ladder, and stopped. "I... uh... not sure if this will support me." "Charon's goods are not of this world, my good woman. If he can drag a cyclops by a tooth across all the rivers of Greece with a splinter, this ladder will hold you." Gallea hopped closer, stood on the boat's side, hands braced against the larger ship — it looked like he was leaning against the night air — and helped motion Medusa up the ladder. "Just squeeze it on the way up." Even in the night, Darian could see the woman blush. Monster or no monster, she was not happy about trying to heft her weight. But that didn't stop her. She took a breath, spent a few moments wrapping her long snake length around and in between rungs of the ladder, and started to climb up. Darian watched after her, a bit panicked at the idea of her falling into the sea; he had no idea if she could swim with that body. A few moments later, she was gone into the darkness above. Darian approached the ladder, reached for it, but when Gallea moved up behind him, Darian snapped his hand out and grabbed the satyr's throat. "Ack... wha..." "Sshhh." Darian picked the satyr up, put his back against the black wood before him, and pinned him there. His grip tightened, enough to block the creature's breathing, and ride close to the edge of damaging flesh. "Listen closely." Darian leaned in further, and he let the anger in him build until bloodlust was on his tongue and his eyes started to blur white at the edges once more. The look in Gallea's face told him he recognized the white glow in Darian's eyes, the same as the Fates'. "If this is a plot to betray me, I will crush your nuts with clay bricks and feed you the pulp." Gallea's eyes widened all the more as he struggled with his grip around Darian's immovable forearm. "And if any harm comes to Medusa, I'll not only crush your bits, I'll kill your wife and feed you her entrails. Understood?" Gallea nodded, eyes watering. "Good." He let Gallea go, and tried his best to ignore the man's pained coughing. He didn't want to do that, but he couldn't trust this man, and the tough-guy routine was usually enough to put people in line. Maybe not this time though, with the Fates as this guy's master. The worry ate at him. The Fates wouldn't betray him, at least not yet. They'd want a grand spectacle after all, with spectators and a true battle. Darian climbed the ladder, hopped over the edge, and gasped. The ship was gargantuan, but the shocking part was how empty it was. There was no mast, no crew, no anything. It was just a big, flat deck, and a very long one. A couple hundred men could have fit on the deck with no issue for space. A few lanterns and their deathly green flames hung from posts that lined the sides of the ship, invisible to anyone not on the ship itself. Charon's magic was frightening. He took a step forward, and looked down. The vast, empty deck had many windows built into it that looked downward, all lined with wooden bars. When he looked down, he could see nothing except tiny green, glowing lights. More eyes of undead. The ship's interior was filled with them, a mountain of bones fit for a tribute to Ares or Hades himself. In the center of the empty deck, Medusa was staring down through one of the square holes, her hands on the bars and her face and snake hair pressed to it. "So many!" "I thought those undead scared you?" Darian said. "They do, but... there's so many. They look like an army." She had better eyes than him if she could see details. He could only see green lights and shadowy movements. He recognized the movement at least: rowing. "Charon is most generous." Another satyr walked up to them, a woman, dressed in the same leather vest and waist sash as her husband. "You must be Bellerophontes. I've heard much about you." Darian winced. "Call me Darian now, please. The less people that know who I am, the better." "Darian then? Alright." She shrugged, and hopped over to Medusa. "And you're going on this journey with the mighty Medusa? You know she's going to be hunted everywhere she goes!" This Pinna was a handsome woman, someone with some strength in her face and a bite to her eyes. She seemed about the same age as Gallea, long blond hair combed behind smaller horns, and tanned skin. "Where's Gall—" "Here, here." Gallea climbed up over the side of the boat and rubbed at his throat, but otherwise gave no signs of what Darian did to him. He waved lightly Darian's way, and walked up to his fellow satyr. "What happens to the smaller boat?" Medusa said. "Back under the water. It'll come when we need it. Same for this here ship." Gallea tapped his hoof on the deck a couple times. "Right from the bowls of the underworld." Medusa looked terrified at the prospect. Even Darian shuddered. If it wasn't for the happy-go-lucky attitude of the two satyrs, the whole trip would have seemed like a horrible nightmare into Tartarus. Pinna walked over to Darian. "We have instructions to take you to the coast of Laconia. It will take some days to travel that far, but we will settle on shorelines when we can." "T-thank you," Medusa said. "I... I'm already... feeling nauseous." Darian smiled at her, and reached up to pat the small of her back. After a hundred years on land, she had no sea legs. Or legs. He tried not to chuckle. "What if we're seen in the day? This ship isn't exactly normal," Darian said. Pinna shook her head. "In the day, we'll be nothing but an unusual fog to outside eyes. In the meantime, there are cabins you can sleep in. I... don't know if they'll work for you, Medusa, but I'm sure we can work something out." The woman held out a hand for gorgon. Medusa looked at Pinna, then Darian, then back and forth a few times. It wasn't until Darian gave her a nod that she took Pinna's hand, and let the satyr escort her to the back of the ship. While the ship's deck was vast and empty, there was a raised section in the back with a door. At least they'd have a place to sleep. Once they were out of earshot, Gallea wandered up to him, and he had a frown on his face. So the happy man was capable of anger. Good to know. "You have some nerve to accuse me, Fate's Child." It was Darian's turn to frown. "You telling me you wouldn't be suspicious in my circumstances?" "I would, but I wouldn't attack everyone and anything at the drop of a hat because of that suspicion." Darian stepped toward the satyr. Gallea took a small step back. That slight hint of fear in his movements was all Darian needed to see, so he dismissed the man with a tiny wave of his fingers, and walked toward the bow of the ship. Gallea was not so easily dismissed though. "From what the messengers told me, we would be taking you, a companion, and probably others across much of Greece, Bellerophontes." Now he was sure the satyr was testing his patience on purpose. "Charon lent us one of his great ships. The Fates have personally requested your aid. Aid! Something horrible must have happened to cause such a ruckus." Oh, the satyr didn't know? Darian nodded, and leaned over the front of the ship with his hands on the railing. He could barely see a thing, with the weird barrier the ship kept between his eyes and outside, but he could feel the ship had started moving, guided by the whim of the undead. He shivered. "One of the Moirai masks has been stolen." "Ah, that." Gallea nodded and pulled himself to sit up on the railing. Despite his slip on the dock, the satyr had good balance. Darian was sure he probably played as a performer for crowds in the past. "I knew that was bad, but I didn't expect it to cause this trouble." "Do you know what those masks are capable of?" Darian said. Gallea shrugged. "We're not all as privileged to be the Fates' favorite, 'Darian.'" Darian rolled his eyes. Favorite? Cast aside like food scraps when they were done with him? Not exactly how you treat a favorite. "There is power in those masks. The Fates wield the thread of people's lives, but the masks give them that power. If someone has one of the masks, then they've gained a dangerous—" "Weapon. Then why would they trust you to fetch it?" Darian squinted at him. Perhaps the satyr didn't know about Pegasus then, or the deal Darian made with the Fates to meet with Athena. "Ask them," he said. "And for that matter, why do the Fates trust you to aid me?" "Because my wife and I are aedos of course. We're going to record and sing this tale! The Fates would accept nothing less than a grand epic." Darian glared at the satyr with eyes hard enough to kill. "Fuck you." "You are a hard man to deal with, Bellerophontes," Gallea said, and hopped back down off the railing. Darian chuckled again, and looked back into the black water. "Wait until you meet the next recruit." Medusa Medusa slithered around in the cabin. No room, no room at all. The vast ship had plenty of deck space, but the cabin rooms — which she admitted were an amazing luxury to have on a ship — were small. She could only just barely fit into one when she coiled on the floor of the room. She kept herself off the bed, since Darian would need a place to sleep. A bed on a boat. The idea made her laugh, and also nauseous. The sea did not treat her stomach kindly. Pinna poked her head in through the doorway. "I know I know. Tiny. I'm sorry, I had no idea the famous Medusa would be a guest on Charon's ship." "Gallea said that too. Famousss? I don't understand... Athena cursed me." "That she did." Pinna stepped into the cabin enough to lean against the door frame, and pulled some of her long blond hair in front of her to twist its length around her fingers. "But we both know the gods are fickle things. You'll find no ire toward you from beast folk." Medusa nodded, and made another attempt at settling into a coil she could find comfortable. "I had thought maybe... if you serve the Fates, or Charon, or Hades, or... if you serve the gods, then maybe you would be bound by their rulings." She danced on the subject with as graceful words she could find, but there was no getting around it; she was afraid to be in the presence of those who served the gods. It wouldn't take much for someone to come into her room at night and chop off her head. "We serve the Fates, Medusa, not Athena or Poseidon. And besides, I think you'll find the gods do not agree on much, and where you may offend one, you befriend another." "Oh?" "Indeed. I've seen much, traveling the world under the eye of the Fates. I've seen kingdoms squabble over women, and gods squabble over kingdoms. And Athena, in all her so-called wisdom, is just as fickle as any woman." Medusa laughed. "That does make me feel better." She slithered further along the edge of the walls around the room, and looked out a porthole into the endless black. The sea was out there, cold waves, a cool breeze, salt on the air. Never, ever had she considered she'd be here, on a ship, setting sail and going on an adventure. Adventure. If she kept thinking of it like an adventure, she was going to get killed, or get Darian killed. "You and Bellerophontes. You seem awfully close." "We are!" Finally, a woman to gossip with! Forgive me the indulgence, Darian. "He showed up on the island, and I was fighting off some warriors from Athens. He saved my life, for no reason at all." Pinna swooned. "That is terribly romantic." Medusa nodded, big smile on her face. But, the memory of the fight crept on the edges of her mind, images of Darian brutalizing those two warriors like they were nothing. Like they were sacks of meat. It chilled her. "Bellerophontes is a dangerous man, Medusa." Medusa blinked at the satyr. The other woman could read either read her mind, or Medusa was just too damn easy to read. The snake hair, now drooping at the thought of Darian's brutality, didn't help. "He is." She nodded. No use denying it. "If we ever travel to Tiryns or Lycia, we'll have to be extra careful." Opportunity knocked. Medusa looked Pinna's way, then slithered her top half closer to the satyr, and peeked out the doorway. The hallway ended in a door that lead out onto the deck, and with the door closed, they had some privacy. She leaned in closer to Pinna, and spoke in a whisper. "Darian doesn't like to talk about what happened to him." "I can imagine he doesn't." "He told me about what King Iobates and Proetus did to him, sending him away to be killed." "... did he tell you why?" "No, no he didn't." Pinna nodded. "I imagine he doesn't want to talk about it." Medusa could already feel the guilt working up her tail like needles, but she just had to know. "Can you tell me a little?" Pinna snickered and leaned in closer. "No one knows this except the wind and the Fates, so don't tell a soul." Medusa nodded, but could not hide her massive grin. This was fun. "Proetus's wife tried to seduce Bellerophontes — Darian. He turned her down." Medusa gasped. "Is she an attractive woman?" "Oh yes, very. Beautiful as the sun, and just as searing. When Darian declined her, she told Proetus that he'd tried to rape her." Medusa gasped again. Her poor Darian; the hapless man suffered betrayal at every turn! No wonder he had such an angry soul. Pinna continued. "But he'd treated Darian as a guest before then, so he couldn't kill him himself, lest those damn Erinyes come to haunt him. You know the rest of the story if Darian already talked to you." "I do," Medusa said. She could feel the grin on her lips, but she couldn't push it away. Darian had denied a queen, a beautiful one at that, but had bathed in Medusa for a week. Pride and joy flowed out into her snake hair until the infuriating limbs were dancing on her head. But why was Darian in Tiryns in the first place? How did he know the king? The questions itched inside her skull, but she pushed them down. She had to respect his privacy, and he said he'd tell her sooner or later. "And you, Medusa? Where did you hail from before those horrible things happened to you?" Gods, her life before? So long ago, a century, the memories were hazy and blurred with imagination; she could barely tell what was a memory anymore and what was just her self-told stories. "It's hard to remember. I was just a woman. I lived in Athens. I served the gods. Athena, Aphrodite, and Eleos were my idols. I had a normal father, a normal mother... I think my mother was a baker, and my father worked with trade goods. I..." She frowned and lowered her torso onto some of her coiled snake length. Her snake hair drooped down along her shoulders, nuzzled into her neck and jaw, before coming to a stop between her shoulders. "I was no one." "Beller — Darian doesn't seem to think so. I saw the look in his eye. That man cares a lot for you." A grin forced its way onto her cheeks again. "I care a lot for him too." "Then I hope this journey goes well for you, Medusa. We're sailing to Peloponnese, and a century has not wained their god-fearing ways. People know your name, and they know Athena is the one who cursed you." "I know. But I won't let Darian do this journey alone, for me." "For you?" Pinna said, and tilted her head to the side. "I... I should not speak of it. Darian may explain if you ask him, but it is private." Pinna nodded, and patted the air with both her hands. "I understand. I—" Creaking wood turned Pinna's head. "Ah, Darian. Your companion is settling in... or trying. Sorry, there's only the two rooms, and neither are large." She gestured to the door behind her across the hall, where her own bed must have been. "Thanks. I — oh." When Darian came into view, he snickered at the sight of Medusa and how she took up the whole room. "Comfy?" "No." She frowned at him, but reached out, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the center of the room. He was light enough she could drag him across her snake length to no worry, and plop him down in the center of her coils to sit against her snake body. "You have a bed though," she said, and gestured to the bed in the side of the room. "Hmmm. Help me with this." Darian climbed across her coils, grabbed one end of the bed, and lifted. "Um, ok." She took the other side of the bed, and helped him lift it. The whole situation was a horrible mess of awkward body movements, but eventually Darian got the bed out the door and tossed the furniture frame out onto the deck. Once the bed was gone, Medusa had enough room to coil comfortably. "This will be fine," he said when he came back. He climbed over her coils again, got back into the center spot where she had put him, and sat down. He leaned back against her scales, rested his head against her, netted his fingers on his stomach, and closed his eyes. She giggled, laid her torso along the scaled length behind him, and put a hand on his chest. The others could be scared of Darian if they wanted, she knew he had a soft side. "As you wish," Pinna said. Medusa could see a bit of surprise on her face though. "We'll be stop near Hydra in a couple days for supplies, and then it'll be a short trip to Laconia. The Fates said you would need the help of someone in Laconia, near Sparta?" Darian nodded I will. "It seems I will, to track down whoever stole from the Fates. He's the only one who can find something the Fates can't." Pinna tapped her fingers on her chin and quirked a brow. "How's he going to do that?" "No idea." Pinna frowned, then shrugged and bowed. "Rest easy. No one will find this ship, night or day." With that, the satyr left. The cabin room had no door to close, but she closed to door to the deck behind her, leaving Darian and Medusa alone. "You should be nicer to them," Medusa said, and she slipped her fingers into Darian's hair. With him sitting against her snake body and relaxed, he was like her little doll she could play with. There was something satisfying about running her fingers through his hair, something she had not done in a century; snake hair was not the same. Darian sighed, relaxed under her touch. "They work for the Fates." "Did you not, in the past?" "I was tricked. I didn't know I was working for them, I..." He shook his head, but when she thought he was about to get up, he eased back into her fingers and relaxed once more. "You're right. I'll try and be nicer." "Good. When they landed on Hydra, they kept to the shore in secret, and only stayed long enough to gather provisions. Medusa could feel the pull of the unknown demand she explore — how much she had changed in so little time — but it wasn't worth the danger. She wanted to explore, to genuinely slither across those new and unknown cliffs and fields, but she made herself stay by the mist-hidden ship, where it was safe. It was a different story when they finally arrived on the shores of Laconia, part of the mainland of Greece. This time, they didn't land to get provisions, they landed to set out on a journey. A real, honest to gods journey. Her enthusiasm had her slithering on the beach in circles, but every time she looked further out toward the mainland, she froze. "It's... been so long, since I've seen different trees," she said. Darian had stepped further up the shore, and Medusa watched him from the distance. He was no longer wearing robes, but instead was dressed in the armor of a hoplite, a rich one who could afford only the best; a gift from the Fates Darian was loath to accept. He looked dashing though, she admitted, with his tall sandals that connected into obsidian greaves. His armor was a beautiful breastplate, ebony, with many black straps hanging from its waist to protect his thighs. It contrasted nicely against the white tunic he wore underneath it all, and the silver engravings along his armor that highlighted muscle with embellishment. He carried a sword on his left hip, sheathed in its black scabbard, and round shield of ebony on his back. The shield had a drawing of silver on its face as well: a circle of thread. In his left hand he carried a spear, and under his right arm he carried his helmet, a Corinthian ebony helmet with all the same embellishments as the rest of his new equipment. The helmet was even topped with a crest of beautiful white horse hair. "The Fates are going to get me killed," he called out to her from his perch up the beach, "wearing this garbage. Fancy, silver and black? I look like a... a..." "A hero sent from the Fates?" she said, and slithered up to join him. Slow, Medusa, go slow. The feel of new rocks, new sand, new dirt underneath her bronze belly scales was making her shake with excitement and anxiety. "Yes! Wearing this, I might as well be wearing a sign that says 'notice me.' We'll never get anywhere without being noticed in this garbage." "Did you expect to get anywhere with me and not get noticed?" A little further, a little further. With a deep breath, she pulled herself up the small cliff face, off the shore, and onto a new land. Before her, rolling plains of green grass went as far as the eye could see, disappearing into forests and mountains that rolled and rolled on to the horizon. It was all so much bigger than her island. Breathe, Medusa, breathe. While Darian was dressed in obsidian and silver armor, Medusa received no such gifts. She wore the same wraps around her hips and chest as before — now wrapped in an extra band to her annoyance — and she also carried a quiver and bow from her island. The Fates did not care about her, and that was to be expected. Still, she felt naked compared to her companion. Darian groaned, look at her, and after taking a moment to look her up and down, managed a chuckle. "No, I guess I didn't." "You both take care of yourselves." Gallea jumped up the beach with a goat's hopping grace, and leapt up onto the low cliff edge to join them. "Pinna and I will be here on the shore. Come find us, we'll summon the ship, and we'll be off to our next destination in no time. Wherever that is." "Thanks for everything Gallea, Pinna," Medusa said, and she reached down to shake Gallea's hand, and Pinna's too when the other satyr jumped up to join them. Pinna put down two large carrying sacks, and shook Medusa's hand with both of hers. "Here, this should be enough food and water for a few day's journey at least. I trust you both to fend for yourselves, what with living on that island for so long." Medusa nodded. "We can. Again, thank you." She flicked the tip of her tail at Darian's back. "Ah, I... thanks." Darian made no effort to hide his loud sigh, but even he reached out to shake their hands. And they returned it too, though Medusa could see Gallea and Darian eying each other like angry dogs. "And if we come running needing a quick escape?" "Ah well then you're fucked," Gallea said, and he put an arm around Pinna with a smile. "You saw the boneheads. Slow as balls. So either come in secret or don't come at all." Darian rolled his eyes. "Right right. Well, cya." With that, her companion put his helmet onto the top of one of the bags, picked it up, and started to walk off without a look back. Medusa frowned after him, but before doing the same, she turned, and gave Pinna a tight hug. "Thank you," she said, again. "By the gods girl, you'll be back soon I'm sure," the satyr said, but she patted Medusa on the back all the same. "We can wait here for weeks if need be." "You're the first woman I've talked with in a century, and as much as I love talking with Darian, it's not the same as talking with another woman." She'd even learned to control her S's with all the practice. No more unwanted hisses. "Then I hope we can gossip more when you come back." Medusa nodded, shook off the anxiety with another deep breathe, picked up the last bag, and slithered off. She made sure to turn around as she did though, and wave again. And again. And then again, for good measure, before the two satyrs disappeared behind the twist and turns of the rolling hills. "Did you really hate them that much?" Medusa said, slithering along beside Darian, her long, thick snake body following behind them almost thirty feet. "No." "You seemed to. You're usually a warm person, but any time Pinna or Gallea were near, you turned cold." He nodded. So he noticed it too, at least. "I... yeah, I'm sorry. I know I said I'd be nice, but I couldn't trust them." "They seemed like perfectly nice people — satyrs, to me." "They did. People usually do." He adjusted the strap of the sack on his shoulder, and looked up to her while they walked. "It's a mask though, it's not them. Just like the Fates, people are masks, and the person underneath is not someone you know, or often, would want to know." "D... do you think that way about me?" "No," he said, and he smiled at her, that warm smile that he'd been hiding since the arrival of Charon's ship. "Why do you think I like you so much?" Damn it. Every time she tried to get angry with Darian, he said something that wisped away her frustration and replaced it with joy. She could already feel her snake hair dancing on her head with delight. "Is that why you denied King Proetus's wife?" "Ah, so Pinna told you about that?" "Yes. We gossiped about you and Gallea quite a bit." Medusa giggled a little at some stories Pinna had said that stuck with her. "She didn't tell me much about you though, except about the queen, and what lead to your quest to defeat the Chimera." "I should thank her for respecting my privacy then," he said with a nod. "But, yes, partially. She was a queen and she was a manipulator, like they all are in royalty. She said a lot of things, but really she just wanted to control me." Control Darian? Why? "... you said partially?" "Yeah. I also didn't bed her cause I know better than to stick my dick where it doesn't belong." Medusa snorted on a laugh, and put a hand up to her face to cover her lips and nose in dismay. But Darian snickered at her horribly unfeminine display, and reached out to touch her hip with his spear-wielding hand. "So, excited?" he said, and he motioned to the open land before them with the spear. "To the West is Sparta, but thankfully we're heading South West. We should be able to avoid most traffic. Hunters roam these lands though; we'll need to be careful." The idea of someone finding her was a scary one, but Darian was there to help her if needed. And, though she knew she shouldn't, a small part of her entertained the thought of meeting a human who didn't want her dead. "I am excited, and terrified." She looked down at her hands, and frowned at how her fingertips still shook with the rush of it all. "You said South West. What's that way?" "I fought the Chimera in Lycia, but in the battle, he mentioned his home in Laconia, South of Sparta. If he survived his battle with me, I'm sure he managed to find a way across the sea to get back here." "He mentioned his home?" "Sort of randomly? He's a... he's weird. Speaks like 'I am from the land of blah, and I will blah' sort of stuff." She giggled again. "You like to laugh in the face of danger." "Laugh? No. But it never hurt to crack a smile." Night time. The clouds of Charon's ship were gone, the moon and stars were out, and the breeze was cool but pleasant. "We're going to ssssleep... outside? On the grass?" she said. "Yeap." "But, what about animals?" Darian shrugged. "Even if animals were a threat, they'd only be a threat to humans. They'll avoid you, you're much deadlier." That made her smile, but it faded when Darian started unrolling his bedroll, and threw it out onto the grass near a large tree. They were so exposed! On her island, she was closed off from everything else, but out here in the Peloponnese open land, the unknown hills and unknown trees were hiding eyes, starring at her. "Come on," he said, "you'll get used to it. Here, coil up near me and I'll keep you safe." He said 'safe' with a big, teasing grin on his face. He took off his breastplate and set it down by the tree, before laying down on his bedroll. She frowned at him, but did exactly exactly as he said. She coiled around his sleeping spot, and laid her human half across her snake body right next to above him. From there, she could look down at him, and reach down to stroke his hair some more. "Do you plan to comfort me until I sleep?" he said, and nudged his head upward into her touch. "This is for me! It's relaxing." She stuck her long tongue out at him. "Come on, put your bedroll right here next to me. I know it's meant for a human, but you can still put that bit of you on it and lay next to me?" She nodded, that was true. And in fact, she reached over to her bag and did just that. She unattached the bedroll, laid it down on the grass beside Darian, and adjusted her snake half so she could lay her torso down onto the blanket. On her side, she was facing Darian, and she could reach out and touch him with her hands while she got comfortable. He took her hand in his and held it to his chest. He was still wearing his white tunic, and she fidgeted with the fabric in her fingers. "Better?" he said. "Yes." She slithered her human half a little closer until they were almost touching, and leaned in to nudge her forehead against his. It was a joy to see her snake hair nuzzle into his jaw and neck, and for Darian to nuzzle her hair right back. It calmed her. "People don't travel the roads by night, and there aren't any roads for miles. We're safe." He nudged his nose into hers, and gave her upper lip a small tug with his lips. "Still sea sick?" "No." She patted her bare stomach with a hand. "I'll need to eat something in a few days though." Pinna's small meals would not satisfy the hunger of her gorgon body. "I'm sure we'll find something." He let go of her hand, reached over, and caressed her arm. He didn't say anything though, he just smiled and looked at her. "We're really doing it," she said. "Do you think you can convince Athena to undo the curse?" He shook his head. "No... no but I can try." She sighed, but it faded into a gentle thing when Darian slipped his hand past her arm to find her back. So close, he was basically hugging her, and his fingertips drifted up and down her back between her shoulder blades. She melted into him, pushed herself closer, and hooked her free arm around his waist. He was so gentle with her, so loving and tender. Always with her, and never anyone else. This Darian, a kind and warm man, was her secret. "I feel like a child," she said, "clinging to you wherever you go." "Oh? I thought I was the child, whiny and loud, getting into fights with the other kids. And the only person who can make me grow up and play nice is my mother." She giggled and gave him a quick kiss. "I am not your mother." "Definitely not my mother." He pulled her tighter to him, squeezed her, and kissed her. A real kiss, a deep one that stopped her breathing, made her close her eyes, and pull on his body as much as he pulled on hers. His hand drifted to her breasts, but stopped just shy of them. "What's wrong?" she said. "Nothing, just—" "You can be the one to sssstart. You don't have to wait for me every time." Darian had been so patient with her. Every time they had sex, she had been the one to initiate. And she could understand Darian's hesitation. Even now he still treated her like a fragile vase, but it wasn't fair to him. "If you want sex," she said, "then ask." She pulled away a little, just enough to put a few inches between them so they could move freely. "Maybe not ask, that's not romantic, but... touch me. Touch me here." She took his hand and guided it to her hip. "Or... here." She slid his hand up her stomach. "Or... here, whenever you like." She guided his hand under the wrap that held her breasts, and placed her nipple within his palm. "Whenever I like?" he said. She blinked at him. He looked surprised, as if her offering was absurd. "It's not fair that it's always me. And I feel like a whore, hounding you for sex every night." "Trust me, I'm not complaining. I just... you know." "I know, I know. But... but now you can... touch me... whenever you want." She tried to sound kind about it, like she was giving him a gift, but her words were starting to come out a little deeper, a little softer, and her breathing was only getting faster. It was a completely selfish request, she knew, and with how her snake hair was flicking its tongues at Darian's lips, he no doubt knew it too. "You sure you want to give a man that right?" He kissed one of her snake hair's heads, making her bite her lips to silence her swooning. "I do." Darian smiled, that damn perfect smile, and pulled her close. *Hope you readers don't mind while I do some world building and plot setup. :3*
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 42, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 620, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 47 }
This is a commissioned story for Segremores. Segremores belongs to himself Brokenwing belongs to himself Mark is mine, so yeah. This is a very adult story, with hyperphallic and vorish themes. Mark sighed softly, staring at his drink. He hadn't taken a single sip, since someone down the bar seemed to think that he liked Whiskey Sours enough to send him one. The brown otter had never thought himself attractive, but time and again he was proved wrong by how others treated him. He sighed, and felt a familiar aching emptiness inside starting to grow. He knew only two things could fulfill it. Food, or Cock. Since he already ate that evening, he decided it must be time for the other. He raised his long tail up slowly, to show off his round soft rump to the rest of the room. He whispered to himself, "Three... Two... One..." And on cue a voice asked from behind, "Careful hon. If you keep your rump like that someone will just fly right in..." "Like you?" Mark asked as his tail slowly folded down. He felt a scaled paw on his tail and shivered, blushing softly as he let out an involuntary moan. "Maybe... Have I found a sensitive spot for my little otter?" The other male spoke. Mark turned to look at who had his tail in his paws, rubbing over it gently. He blushed deeper when he saw that it was a large gray dragon holding his tail. The dragon had earfins and large membranous wings, each with a rich red on the underside. He had four black horns around his head arcing back, balanced two on each side of his skull. The flesh between the horns was bare, save for the grey scales that covered most of his form. The dragon wore a loose button up shirt, left open, and a pair of pants that had quite the bulge in its front. Mark blushed, feeling dwarfed by the dragon. His own feet dangled about a foot above the ground from his stool, and the dragon's horns were nearly a foot above his head. The otter realized he was staring and averted his eyes. The dragon chuckled and tugged a little on the tail, "Don't be ashamed of looking..." His paws ad claws worked along and caressed the thick rudder tail, "It's a good thing if you like my body..." He took the tip of the tail and nibbled on it gently. The otter gasped and grasped the bar, panting softly at that strong sensation. He eeped as he found himself pulled off the stool by the big dragon. He looked up and back, only to find a kiss being planted on his forehead. "Such a cute lil otter I've caught..." As he spoke, the dragon carried Mark through the crowd towards the back, where there were a series of private rooms for when the patrons got a bit more intimate. Mark wriggled a little, but not to get away from the dragon, rather to feel that bulge in the dragon's pants against his tail and hips. "Careful, sweetie. Don't want it getting too excited before it's free of its bonds..." The dragon chuckled, reaching with one paw to open the door to one of the free rooms. He carried Mark into the small room that had a bed, a chest of drawers, and a couch. Setting the otter down onto the bed, the dragon grinned and shut the door, locking it so that "Occupied" appeared on the outside. When he turned back around he saw that Mark had discarded his clothing fully. The dragon chuckled at this sight and shrugged his shirt off his body. His claws deftly moved to his straining fly, revealing black fabric behind the zipper as it was undone, before he unbuttoned his pants and let them fall off. Mark gasped. The dragon was wearing a black jockstrap that barely contained his endowments, the fabric straining firmly. On top of that, the otter estimated that the jockstrap was three times too large for the dragon's frame. He blushed as he realized his own arousal had grown to its full just from looking over that bulging jock. With a sway of his hips that made the massive package bob and bounce, the dragon grinned and teasingly spoke, "What are you waiting for, little otter? Unleash the beast." He winked. Mark shivered, and crawled on the bed over to the throbbing bobbing black bulge. He reached carefully up to grasp the waistband with his webbed paws, and pulled it away from and down the dragon's body. He gasped as a strong waved of musk hit him, panting softly and closing his eyes as he pulled the jockstrap all the way down. He grunted as something hit him in the chest and he fell onto his back. A heavy but soft warm weight pressed down onto his chest. When he opened his eyes he saw a massive uncut cock staring him in the face, and it wasn't even erect. He tilted his head to one side and saw that the dragon's sac was stretched out over his torso, keeping him in place. "Sorry about that, sweetie." The dragon reached down to rub the back of Mark's head softly, "He just wanted to say hi. I think he likes you a lot. Why don't you give him a kiss?" Mark blushed deeply, staring at the head of the shaft, wrapped in a thick wrinkled foreskin. The exposed cumslit flexed a bit, a bead of pre about the size of a small marble emerging and dripping down, releasing potent musk into the air, adding to the already overpowering odors. He closed his eyes and tilted his head, puckering his lips. There was a loud sluck sound. He opened his eyes and found the cumslit stretched over his whole blunt muzzle. He blushed deeply, and tried to reach a paw to rub the side of the shaft, before he realized that the dragon's sac was very effectively pinning his arms to the bed, along with his torso. He whined in confusion, looking up at the owner of the massive shaft. The dragon just grinned, "Oh he really likes you. I don't think he wants to let you go." He flexed his shaft, and the whole thing pulsed, and the slit creeped up to just below Mark's eyes, "In fact, I think he wants to keep you..." Another flex and the otter's whole face was wrapped in the cock's head. Mark moaned muffledly, writhing, but he couldn't move. Even his legs and tail were wrapped in the dragon's tail as the heat of the drooling cock gradually engulfed his whole head. He squirmed as best he could, but he could only feel his neck sliding into the heat, and hear the sluck sluck sound of the cock working over him along with a low moan from the dragon. When the head of the cock pressed to his shoulders, hope shone in the back of his mind. The cock couldn't go any further! But then he felt the slit yaaaaaaawn open around him and whimpered softly. Within moments his shoulders were inside the cumslit, and his torso was on its way as well. Now that Mark's arms were pinned to his sides, the dragon didn't have to pin him any longer and dragged the heavy sac backwards, over the otter's still fully aroused loins, and onto his legs, the tension from the cock around his upper body forcing him to sit up. The dragon chuckled, and wrapped a paw around that arousal, stroking it firmly but tenderly. Mark groaned aloud, his head nearly to the base of the dragon's shaft as the cock's head worked its way to his navel, his lower arms weakly pushing about while they still could. The stimulation on his cock distracted him, made him feel weaker than the low air high musk environment inside the cock alone could. He groaned, shuddering as he felt his orgasm nigh. The dragon gently pressed the otter's cock into his own cumslit, before the ravenous member worked down its smaller cousin, pausing every few moments to spurt more precum over the furry form it was taking in. Before long the uncut head had rounded the corner that was the otter rump and was working on the three remaining limbs. At this point the otter felt his world shift, his legs moving on the bedspread, before leaving it entirely, and he realized the dragon was standing, the cock strong enough to keep swallowing him down and inwards while he dangled above the ground. This realization, or possibly the stronger rippling gulps around his hips, caused him to go over the edge, and he went rigid, his whole body spasming as his cock unloaded its seed against the inside of the massive phallus devouring him. The dragon groaned and rubbed over his shaft as he felt his otter orgasm, "Mmm... good boy... almost in..." His scaley paws worked over the flesh of his stretched out arousal, feeling the shape of the male inside, "Soon you'll be all mine..." Mark grunted, barely able to hear the dragon now, his head pressing through something very tight, and then out into a larger space. He oofed as his face presses against the other side, and he writhed weakly, confused, as the warmth was working down to his ankles. A scaled paw stroked over the latrine face bulging from his left teste gently as the dragon rumbled pleasantly, "Mmmm... Welcome home, my little otter." With a long slow slurp, he watched the pair of webbed feet and the wiggling tail tip vanish between the drooling "lips" of his cock. He reached down and hefted his shaft upright, groaning as he felt the otter emptying out and down into his left nut, swelling it out even as the shaft contracted in the absence of the form inside. Mark murmured weakly as he felt himself curling up in the tight chamber, hot musk all around him as his hips, then his legs started to fold in atop him. Finally his tail flopped in between his legs. He pushed with his feet but he couldn't find the way he came in. The walls started to flex and grow slick and hot, making the temperature go from sauna to oven in a few moments. Mark couldn't take it any longer and he passed out. The dragon chuckled, his sac hanging nearly to the ground now. He sat down on the edge of the bed carefully as he felt his sac working over the form inside it, watching the otter lose his shape gradually from around his throbbing erection. As he watched his erection grew thicker and longer, gaining inches in both fields. When his left nut was fully round again, it started to shrink, while the right nut started to swell, the seed remaining from his catch balancing out between his nuts so that it was a bit less unwieldy. Carefully he pulled his jock strap up, and groaned, "Oooh... Gonna need a new jock strap. Thanks little otter..." His chest rumbled with his pleasure as he kissed his hard cock, before willing it to grow soft, so it too would fit into the jock strap that looked about to burst from his nuts alone. Once his shaft was tucked away, he tightened the jock strap with a few well placed tugs so that his package could fit back into his pants, and put his pants back on, the straining fabric hiding where the massive loins tried to spill out of the jock. With a flick of his tail he grabbed his shirt and put it back on, heading out the door and into the club. Working past the thinning throngs of dancers, he spotted another, larger dragon. The other dragon was mostly green in scales, and was pleasantly round in body. He was wearing a spandex leotard, which left nothing to the imagination about his frame, and showed he too was quite well endowed. Small wings came out of the back of the leotard, only reaching about six inches on either side of his shoulders. The grey dragon came up behind the green dragon and ground his now larger bulge under the tail there, against the doughy rump. He angled his muzzle to tenderly nibble the green dragon's blue headfin. "Mmm... Got a few more inches for you..." The green dragon blushed, then slowly grinned, "Maybe you won't get it in in one thrust this time." "We can only hope. Let's go test that out." The grey dragon grinned, and started to drag the bigger dragon back towards the room he just used.
Bar Quickie by Tristan Hawthorne
[ "Club", "Cock Growth", "Cock Vore", "Dragon", "Gay", "Hyperphallic", "M/M", "Otter", "Teasing" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 120, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 42 }
*Hi guys thanks for stopping by my story,* *this is a kind of opener, so its a light introduction to the life of the main character and the world around him.* *The majority of action throughout this story is going to be BDSM, M/M, fembois, slaves, and high society parties amongst a variety of kinks.* *I'd be happy to hear and constructive critism and comments on the story, HELL If you have ideas feel free to shoot them my way, I LUV to talk about ideas and sexyness. And to top it off if you want more please support an insecure writer in his kinky endeavors.* *So thankyou and enjoy.* *UPDATE:I've edited and improved in attempt to hone me writing skillz thanks to the kindly and harsh critique of those I trust respect and thank hardily* The pools of the courtyard are so pretty this time of day, crystal blue and ever so still. It's almost a shame to be so close to see it but it's a better view than some are privileged to, Master is always so strict but he loves his games. Even as I tug hard against the leather straps I'm thankful for the warm sun on my fur and the cool ocean breeze. The sharp clean walkways of granite outlined the gardens and the pools; they were very organized, like Master. The gardens tended to daily by the staff, shrubs neatly trimmed into...familiar shapes, ones to make us boi's squirm as we enjoy the view. The whole villa was littered with stone and copper, red carpets and throw rugs, breaking up the cold stone floors, except on the way to the basement...so cold on bare paws but the basement isn't supposed to be 'comfortable'. My brothers...well my fellows were bathing in the second and central of three pools, teasing me, openly flaunting the fact. I try not to look but sometimes I can't help it. The devilish hum making it all the worse, while watching those taut frames soaping silky fur and brushing clean their shining manes. A barely heard whine trapped behind wet rubber locked between my teeth, gods I wanted to join them. Maybe I could entice Pepper to trot over here and finish the job he started. Such an adorable pony and so well bred but skittish. Hard to believe he used to be so unruly. Master wouldn't like that, not one bit. His punishments were designed meticulously so undermining them was frowned upon. My hands bundled into tight fists zipped up and locked around my wrist with leather mitts...I've been known to escape...even the stocks. Giggling at the thought of the last time I had. I picked the lock with one of my hairpins and then I snuck up to his office and waited under his desk...to apologize 'vigorously'. The stocks were very comfortable, despite the annoying additions. Lined with the same padding as a massage table, the board that sat beneath was so soft and comfy with a convenient little hole cut at hip level. A belt strapped over my back preventing retreat letting me enjoy the cool breeze Master's ring keeping me painfully hard while letting my entire length dangle exposed. I wanted so bad for someone to come over and give a little attention even a slight tug or two. My legs too dangled thanks to a pair of twenty pound ankle weights, proving that gravity is more effective than chains. That end of the table narrowed between my thighs and rose at the slightest of angles my rump up and available with none to 'capitalize'. And with the furry wisp of my tail acting like topping atop a sugary treat, with that kind of bait...C'MON! On top of it all was 'my carrot'. Master found it very amusing. At its widest point it was three inches in diameter and a measly one-half at the thinnest; believe me I measured it. IT was vibrating at a cruel low and making Pepper's deposit slosh a bit. Living on the sea with Master and my brothers is quite the treat for those of us that behave; a bit of mischief is a common thing and so are the lessons that follow...like mine. Ask before playing with Master's toys. Namely Vixen...but he's so cute why can't I lock him in with the cook for some fun? The ring gag and handcuffs were just for extra spice. Vix was such a mess afterward but Cook was awfully happy to see him though. From time to time Master holds parties and we get to play with the guests. Some of my brothers get to go home with some...its sad to see them go but a new lively young sweet-heart often shows up, they're a little vulgar at first but I have a thick skin for insults. Speaking of guests sometimes 'they' spend the week, want to live with the 'boys' that's when we have most of our fun since Master suspends a few of the more 'boring' rules. ...I think there's a party tonight, but maybe Master will leave me in the garden as a 'party' favour; I wouldn't mind. The boys would be serving food among other menu items, those still on 'lessons' get to entertain, and the...bad ones are left in the basement some of the guests... Mr. Serval would likely make a private show of my brothers for the adulation of the guests...not the fun kind either. But all'n'all it's a good life, a roof overhead, food and...salty goodness filling our stomachs; among other areas. A warm place to sleep and never being alone can't be all that bad. Hi, My name is Bunni and I'm the head-slave of Sapphire Villa.
Hi, I'm Bunni Ver 2.0 by Snoe72
[ "Adult Content", "Bunny", "Bunny Boi", "Buttplug", "Captivity", "Character Development", "Chastity Play", "Clydesdale", "Domination/Submission", "Exhibitionism", "Femboi", "Femboy", "First Person", "Fox", "Gag", "Girly", "Leather", "Light Bondage", "M/solo", "Master/Pet", "Master/Slave", "Mild Bondage", "Naked", "Never Seen Sex Act", "Novel", "Nude", "Nudity", "Ownership", "Punishment", "Restrain", "Rules", "Sexy", "Slavery", "Story Series", "Tailhole", "Teasing", "Training", "Vibrator" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 53, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 53, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 18 }
AN: Next chapter. Not as long as I originally wanted, but whatever. Chapter 4 was originally going to be Chpater 3, but then this roadside blowjob idea popped into my head and demanded a place here. So that's what happened. Enjoy! Dad and I ate our breakfast at the motel after checking out. Just a quick little continental, and then it was back in the car. It was 11:20 as we pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the interstate. Dad said that it would take us about another 4 or 5 hours to make it to the campsite, and crossing over to Eastern Time would set us forward another hour, so it'd be early evening by the time we got there. "And," my dad said as we started driving. "I've got a surprise for you once we get there. I know you'll love it." "What is it?" "Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you." "If you don't, I'll bug you about it for the next 4 hours," I teased. He expected that. "Go ahead. If you bug me, I won't let you suck my cock for the next 4 hours. Or tonight. Or tomorrow." My brow furrowed. "Oh, fine. Jerk." He stuck out his tongue. "Ah, it's nice to have more leverage as a dad." I rolled my eyes and put in my headphones, blasting metal into my head while my dad started flipping through the radio stations. After about an hour, I took out my headphones. My dad was listening to Journey, and I grinned. He mouthed the lyrics along with the song, glancing over at me as he drove. The scenery was becoming more mountainous and green, and the roads were starting to get more wavy. But we still had a ways to go. "What's up?" I looked over at Dad. He had turned off the radio for the moment. "Nothing, I guess. Just thinking." "Don't think too hard. You'll hurt yourself." "Har har," I said. "You're a regular riot." "Yeah, well, I try." He made a move to turn the radio back up, but I reached out and touched his paw, stopping him. "Dad, I think we should talk a little more...about us." I saw him swallow. "Sure, Lucas. What's up?" I took a breath. "You don't have any...resignations about what we did?" "None at all. Why...do you?" "No! No...I loved every second of it..." He smiled. "So did I." "But...I'm a teenager. I'm *supposed* to be the uncontrollable horndog." "And what am I supposed to be?" "I don't know...the dad. The responsible one." He glanced at me again. "Are you regretting what we did?" I shook my head. "No, I'm just trying to figure it out." "Shall I give my best explanation?" "Sure, I guess." "I already told you that things have been kind of dry between your mom and I for a while. I was probably just as horny as you were. I just never expected you to...do what you did. I woke up in the middle of the night to find my dick in your muzzle. My first reaction was 'oh fuck, that feels nice.' Then I tried to get mad and be 'the responsible one.' You know, stop the inappropriate behavior, yaddah yaddah yaddah. But before I could, I saw how much you loved what you were doing, and my head went right back into horny mode." "So...that's why you didn't explode at me?" He grinned. "Oh, but I did explode, remember?" I pushed him. "You know what I meant, you pervert." "Oh, this coming from the kid you mouthrapes his dad in his sleep." "Shut up, you loved it." "You're right, I did. And that's my point. I don't think there's anything wrong with what we're doing. So we're related, so what? It feels good. *Really* good. The fact is, it's hard for me to look at you and not get a boner now. I love our new relationship. Don't you?" "Hell yeah, I love it. It's been my dream since I was, like, 9." He chuckled. "Aww, I'm flattered. Now I know you'll love that surprise I told you about." I knew better than to pry for more information about that. "Well...what about mom?" "What about her?" "Dad. Are...are we going to tell her?" He shook his head fast. "No! Jesus, never tell her, Lucas! She'd murder us both!" "But...aren't you technically cheating on her? I don't think she'll be happy to find out that you're committing adultery with your own son." "No, she wouldn't be happy with that. So don't tell her. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Or us, for that matter." "Well...I know I personally don't feel all that guilty. I know that sounds awful, but I'm not married to her. But...what about you? You *are* married to her." A pause. He sighed heavily. "Lucas...there are a lot of things that make up a relationship. A lot of things that we depend on each other for. Sex...sex was one of them. But not anymore, you know? There are still a lot of things that I need from your mother, and there are a lot of things that she needs from me. But the sex...I need that from you now." I blushed. "Really?" He smiled again. "Yeah. It feels kinda weird saying it, but yeah. What we've done has been some of the greatest sex I've ever had. And I know you enjoy it, so why not just keep going, you know?" I nodded. "Yeah, okay. I think I get it." He gently pet the top of my head, keeping one paw on the wheel. "We're still father and son. Just...with benefits. How's that?" "I think it sounds hot." He nodded his head in agreement. "Good. Now put your headphones back in so I can try to focus on driving - I have to get rid of this erection somehow." I instantly looked towards his crotch. True to his word, I could see his cock, clearly outlined in his jeans, angled down his right pant leg. I didn't put my headphones back in. "Pull over." His grin became enormous. "Now? I don't know...maybe we should wait until--" "Dad, pull over. Now." "Alright, you talked me into it." He slowed down, pulling the car over a few feet off the road. Once we were safely stopped and parked, he unbuckled his seat belt. "What are you going to do to me, hmm?" "You know exactly what I'm going to do," I said. I grabbed the enormous member in his pants and shuddered as I felt it flex powerfully. "I know. I just want to hear you say it." I looked into his eyes. "Daddy, I'm going to suck your fucking cock." "Fuck yeah, you are, boy," he growled at me. I fumbled with my seatbelt as he nimbly maneuvered his way between the front seats and into the back. He sat in the middle of the back seat, his legs spread. "Come on. You want it, come get it. We only got a week left." I sighed happily at his words, imagining for a split second everything we would do for the next week. But for now, I had work to do. I followed his lead, getting into the back as well. I knelt on the car floor, between his knees. There was just barely enough room for my legs, but plenty of room for me to dive into his crotch. His chest gave a hearty rumble as I licked at the denim covering his sex. He put his hands behind his head, clearly enjoying himself. "Unzip me. Pull my cock out and worship it, you fucking little whore." I blushed deeply. Hearing my dad talk to me like that was still taking some getting used to. But it still made me hard as a rock in my jeans. "Yes, Daddy." I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down his legs a bit. This left his underwear. He grinned down at me as I dived again, shoving my nose into his sweaty crotch. I inhaled deeply, his musk hanging over his ballsac like a fog. The smell of his arousal was so powerful, I almost came in my pants. "Fuck..." I whispered. And I hadn't even gotten to his cock yet. "Hurry up, son." His dick flexed again, threatening to tear his boxer briefs. My own erection was begging for attention. "Just a sec, Dad." I reached down to unzip my own jeans, but Dad protested. "Don't you dare touch yourself. It's my cock that you should be worried about. You wanted this, remember? Now do as you're told and suck your father's fucking dick." I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry..." He just leaned back into the seat, waiting for me to continue. He was really enjoying this. I made a mental note to ask him later if he was this dominating with mom, but now wasn't the time. I had bigger things to worry about. I took a hold of my dad's waistband and slowly pulled them down, loving the fact that I was undressing my father. Like before, as soon as his cock was free, it whipped out and slapped his stomach. A big drop of precum dripped from his slit and onto his six pack. "Fucking Christ..." I muttered. "Yeah, I know how much you love it," Dad grinned. I very lightly brushed the throbbing shaft with the tips of my fingers, making him shiver in delight. "Daddy, how big are you?" He smiled. "Take a guess." I gazed lustfully at the beautiful cock in front of me. "9 inches, maybe?" "Close. A little over 10." "10 inches...and it's all mine," I whispered. "Well, go on then," he encouraged. "Why don't you taste it?" I happily obliged, dragging my tongue up the length of the underside of his cock. He groaned approvingly. "That's it...use your tongue..." I licked all over the glorious cock, twirling my tongue from the base to the tip. I covered it in my saliva, tasting every inch of my dad's member. I tried to remember every vein, dip, and bump that my tongue slid over. "Shit, son, stop teasing me. Suck me, now," he commanded. I immediately took his cock into my paws and stroked. I held it to my face, and then, after a good breath, plunged onto it. I fit a good 5 inches in on my first mouthful, and Dad moaned as I slid my muzzle lower down his shaft. After I got about a third of his dick in my mouth, I started sucking. I acted like I was trying to suck the cum out of his balls, bobbing my head up and down as I did so. I took the groans that he produced as signs that I was doing a good job, so I just kept going, taking in just a bit more cock with each downward thrust. Dad put a paw on the back of my head, the way I loved it. "Twist your head as you suck, son." I obeyed, twisting like a corkscrew while I bobbed my head on his dick. He gave a quick little buck into my mouth. "Fuck yeah, just like that. Oh, you're such a good little cocksucker..." I just kept up the pace I was going, trying as hard as I could to get him to cum. My jaw was very quickly becoming tired, but I refused to stop until we were both satisfied. I reached up to fondle his balls while I worked, juggling the large furry orbs on my palm. My saliva slid down the length of his cock, making the entire shaft slick. I put a paw at the base of his cock and started pumping it as I sucked. Dad suddenly started squirming in the seat. "Fuck, boy...that's it...I'm really close...just keep going..." I had no intention of stopping. I sucked as hard as I could, jerking what I couldn't fit with my paw. I cupped his cock in my tongue, pressing hard just under the head, where I knew it's the most sensitive. This brought him over the edge. He took both paws and held my head in place, pushing as much cock as he could into my mouth without choking me. "FUCK!" he shouted. He started flooding my mouth with his cum. I couldn't count how many times he spurted into my muzzle, but he very quickly filled it completely. His paws kept my head from moving away, so I couldn't do anything to stop his seed from leaking out the sides of my mouth. His cum was hot and strong. It was incredibly salty and bitter, the most masculine taste I could imagine. And I fucking loved it. As soon as his orgasm died down, he let go of my head and slid out of my mouth. "Now swallow it," he panted. He didn't have to tell me. I guzzled what I could, lapping up the cum that leaked out with my tongue. He bent down and kissed me, shoving his tongue into my mouth. I moaned for him, wanting more. When he pulled away, he licked at my muzzle, cleaning his spunk from my lips. After he was done, he just leaned back into the seat and panted, tired after his orgasm. I leaned forward and took his limp cock back into my muzzle. He put a paw on my head again. I suckled lightly on his soft dick, cleaning it of his cum. Once it was completely soft, I could fit the entire thing into my mouth. He let out a heavy sigh as I completely engulfed his spent cock into my muzzle. "Good boy..." he whispered, petting me. "That's nice..." I pulled off, but I still wanted more. I kissed his cock, pushing my lips onto the head. Then I licked it, and started French kissing it, smothering it in my tongue. It didn't take long until I was just sucking it all over again. Dad chuckled. "Jesus, boy...you really are a little cockslut, aren't you?" I sucked until his dick came out of my mouth with an audible pop. "Yeah...sorry..." I said sheepishly. "No, don't be. I already told you how much I love that you love it." He took his wet dick and started rubbing it on my face as he spoke. "You're such fucking little whore, you know that?" I grinned. "Only for you." "Good. That's how I like it." He pulled up his underwear and pants, pushing his dick back into them before zipping himself up. "That was great, son. Thanks. You're getting really good at that." "No problem, Daddy," I gushed. I leaned forward and kissed him again, lovingly bathing his tongue with mine. He picked me up and held my body in his lap, making out with me as though I were a secret lover. I guess I was. It didn't take long before he pulled away. "We gotta get going." I nodded. "Alright. Let's go." I didn't even worry about my own erection. I knew I would get what was coming to me tonight. Dad got out, opened the driver side, and got back in. I followed him to the front seat. After he put the car in drive, we pulled back onto the interstate. We still had a couple of hours to go. "I love you, Daddy," I said to him. "I love you too, Lucas." He took my paw and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly.
The Camping Trip - The Detour by Vorinclex
[ "Blowjob", "Hyena", "Incest", "M/M", "Messy", "dirty talk", "father/son" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 47, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 277, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 24 }
"Kathy, will you marry me?" Chad was down on one knee holding up an open box with a diamond ring nestled inside. Dene had kept me upstairs on the pretense of helping her with her hair. That was pretty lame, so I knew something was afoot. I suspected Chad was setting up a way to "pop the question" but I didn't let on. We rounded the corner of the dining room to see both of our families standing around an overflowing table, grinning hugely as they watched us. Chad had been hidden by the wall until we stepped into the room "YES!" I squealed, and jumped into his arms to kiss him as he stood back up. The families erupted in applause. It was a ruse, of course, since I had already popped the question once and Chad had popped it twice. I grinned remembering the last time I'd said yes--arms wrapped around Chad's neck and legs around his ass with his dick in my pussy. Still, he had surprised me with the ring, and our families were delighted. My folks loved Chad, his folks loved me and (although the parents weren't wise to it) our siblings were also our lovers. It was the best Thanksgiving dinner in the history of either family, I think. Our parents had been next-door neighbors for years in Corpus Christi. They had worked together at ARADMAC (short for Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center.) Now, late in 1971, there had been a big personnel shuffle sending Dene and Chad's folks to work at AVSCOM--the Army's aviation command center in St Louis, and my folks to Sharp Army Depot in California. Having both families together again, especially with Chad and me getting engaged, put everyone in inexhaustible good spirits. Even Mom and Jan were hugging and laughing together. Finally the leftovers were all put away, dishes washed, and walks around the neighborhood completed. Jan and my parents had said goodnight and left for their hotel. Things were winding down. In the den, I sat in Chad's lap as another football game dragged on. Chad and his father were really into it, but if the team names hadn't flashed on the screen regularly, I wouldn't have remembered who was playing. Pretty soon, I kissed Chad goodnight as Dene and I excused ourselves to get ready for bed. We were sharing the double bed in Dene's room--the same bed we'd first made love on in Corpus Christi. Her mom kept apologizing that they couldn't offer me my own room. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying how much I was looking forward to spending the night in Dene's bed, or more to the point, in Dene! I suspected the strapn dildo she and Jan had been exercising was close at hand! I kept my night gown and robe close to the bed in case I had to become "public" at some point, but we hopped into bed completely naked and kissed hungrily. "So give--what's the deal with you and the paddle?" I said. "Don't you remember?" "I'm guessing a lot of things, but no--I'm clueless. Remember what?" "Did I not tell you? I was sure I did." "Well, tell me again and maybe it'll shake loose a memory." "It was my first orgasm!" "Whaaaat?" "My first orgasm, while Dad was paddling me." "Dene, I'd have remembered THAT! You never said a word!" "Damn. OK--here's the deal. We were 11, and I'd stayed at your house like an hour and a half after bedtime. (Not the first time, of course.) They finally had to call your folks to send me home. Dad was waiting at the door with that damned biff bat in his hand and I tried to run down to my room. He caught me by the arm and said trying to escape had just made it worse. I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could, which, as it turned out, wasn't one of my brightest ideas. The standard routine with the biff bat was five licks. If he was really mad, or we'd really done something bad, it was on the panties. He said: "Keep it up--we're at 5 for staying out late, five more for trying to run and five more for kicking me. You want more? Or shall we get going?" I told him I hated him and said 'just go ahead you son of a bitch' and he did. And of course he added 5 more for calling him a son of a bitch. He really laid into it, too, slowly, like he was winding up for each stroke. He usually gave all five whacks in less than 5 seconds, but now he was waiting at least five seconds between each one. It took forever! I was screaming and bawling and thrashing around. I was wearing those "nearly nude" panties, and they did absolutely nothing--I might as well not have had any on. Anyway, about lick 10 I felt my pussy getting wet, and about 15 I started cumming. I couldn't sit down for days, but damn! It was worth it!" "Chad said there was a time when you screwed up on purpose 'almost like you were asking for it' was what he said." "Yep! I'd do anything I could to piss them off just to get the paddle. I pushed it too far one time when I didn't wear panties. Dad pulled up my skirt, pulled it right back down and went for Mom. I had to tell her I'd crapped myself and threw them away. They must have caught on, or at least guessed, because after Mom paddled me they started grounding me instead of the paddle. Not nearly as much fun. Mom only gave five and didn't really lay it on." "I'll be damned! I didn't have a clue." "Sorry. I must have thought about telling you so often I fooled myself into thinking I really did." "So when Jan was paddling you, did you have to piss her off to get her to do it?" "Nah--Jan understood right away. She made me say how many and how hard--but she wouldn't even pretend to be mad at me. Usually, I'd have her stop just short of cumming and we'd really get it on." "How about us? Am I going to have to start beating your ass?" "Would you?" I dunno, Dene. I don't really like the idea of hitting you. And I really don't like the idea of marking up your gorgeous ass! Maybe sometime without family ears close by. What I'm more interested in right now is on the other side!" And with that, I pulled back the covers and slid down her belly and dived eagerly into her moist pussy. God--it hadn't even been a week since I ate her the last time, but it felt like I was coming home after being away a year! I heard her sigh contentedly and she spread her legs a little wider for me. Before long she rolled onto her side and we settled into a leisurely 69. The room echoed softly with the sounds of very wet lovemaking. Dene came first, burying her face in her pillow to muffle her orgasmic moans. She lay panting. I let her rest a bit, then patted her ass and said: "Hey! Quit your slacking!" Dene went straight for my clit and I went straight to the moon! That girl had my number! She could string me along for an hour right on the edge of an orgasm or blast me off in 30 seconds flat. I buried my face in the mattress and let out my own muffled screams as I clamped Dene's head between my thighs and bucked wildly. "Mmph! Kafeee--gib by heah bag!" (Which is how one says "Kathy--give me my head back!" when her face is clamped into a wet pussy by a runner's well-muscled thighs.) "Sorry" "Kath, one of these days you're gonna break my neck! Or smother me" "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I just have no control when you eat me like that, but please don't stop doing it. I'll try really hard to ease up." "No worries, lover." We both lay back, panting, until we recovered from the first round. "Dene, did you bring the strapn?" "Oh, HELL yes! You want to wear it and use it on me? Or have me give it to you?" "I think maybe I'd like you to fuck me with it. How does it go on, anyway?" Dene retrieved the strapn from a shoe bag her suitcase. Actually, the plastic dick was IN one of the tennis shoes in the shoe bag--the harness was wrapped tightly and stuffed into a shoe sack. I didn't realize they could be separated. Dene reassembled the dick into its leather holder and stepped into the harness. It took a little adjusting, but pretty soon Dene had a penis bobbing in front of her! It looked about the same size as Chad. I reached out and felt it. It was definitely bigger than the vibe I'd been using pre-Chad. We decided that since her springs squeaked, I'd bend over the footboard and take it doggy-style. "Hang on," Dene said, "I'll get some lube." "I'm still pretty wet, hon, don't think we'll need it." "Doesn't hurt to have some close by" she said, and retrieved a little tube of K-Y from her cosmetic case. "Ready?" "Pop it in, sweetie!" Dene eased the faux dick into my snatch. First sensation: Cold! Not frigid, but certainly not the same as Chad's nice warm dick. And it certainly wasn't skin! I had Dene keep it pressed all the way in while my body warmed it up. Second sensation: A little bigger and pokier. The plastic didn't give like Chad's dick did so if the angle didn't just exactly match my vagina, it wasn't very comfortable. We worked on that briefly--Dene knew just what I was talking about--and began some gently stroking. Third sensation: I loved Dene's thighs and abdomen bumping my ass and legs as she stroked in and out! I could feel her bush on my ass cheeks and felt my usual response--a very wet pussy! The strap on began to make slurpy gurgles. Dene's thighs make unmistakable slaps against my ass, too, and she had to ease off for fear of broadcasting our lovemaking through the house. I was hovering on another orgasm, but in spite of feeing her bush, I wasn't getting any closer from the strap on. "Dene, can you reach my clit?" I begged. "I think so, but let me add one more thing too." There was a pause, then I felt something warm on my asshole, followed by the tip of Dene's finger slipping in. She didn't run it in very far, just slid her finger in and out about to the first knuckle. At first, I lost ground on the orgasm—it slipped farther into the distance. But as I was about to ask her to stop, I felt my pussy clamp briefly on the dick and my belly quivered. Dene felt the signs. She used her opposite hand and reached my clit. That changed the angle of the strap on again, and not for the better, but BANG! As soon as her fingers found my love button I came anyway! It was all I could do to keep from making noise--nothing at hand to bury my face in this time! I felt my asshole rhythmically clamping on her finger while my pussy squeezed the shaft of the strap on. "Holy shit, Dene! My asshole?" I panted, as quietly as I could. "Was it OK? I'd never have guessed I'd go for that, but Jan gave me the same kind of surprise, and I liked it. I thought I'd risk it with you. If you didn't like it, I promise never to go there again." "I think I DID like it--I've just gotta work through feeling disgusted with myself now." "Well, I won't do it again unless you ask me to. Feel free to try it on me, but only if you want--that can be a challenge too. Listen, I've gotta hit the bathroom." Dene put on a robe and left the room. I lay back down on the bed and stretched out on my back--legs spread, arms over my head and my mind racing. I wanted two things at once--I wanted to spoon with Dene, feeling her tits and bush pressing into my back as we drifted off to sleep, and I wanted Chad in bed with me. I rolled onto my side. I heard the door open as Dene came back in and got into bed behind me. At least that's what I thought until Chad's arm came over my side and he kissed me on my cheek. "Dene and I swapped places in the bathroom," he whispered, "she's in my room for a while." "Ummm--good!" I murmurred. "Can you just spoon me for a while? Dene wore me out." "What were you guys up to? Or should I ask." "Our usual--at least for the first round. We made out and then had a great 69. Then she fucked me with that strapn, though. And get this--she stuck her finger up my ass while I was about to cum! The strapn was kind of fun, but we had to work at it to keep the angle right, and we couldn't really get into it because we were making noise. When the angle was wrong and it went crooked, it hurt. You didn't you hear anything, did you?" "I thought I heard the two of you going at it! But I was listening for it and my headboard is right on the other side of the wall. It wasn't very loud. I could hear your voices, but I couldn't hear what you were saying. I don't think it would have carried across the hall to Mom and Dad's room. How'd you like Dene probing your butthole?" "I'm still not sure. I mean, I started losing my mood for a while, but then my body decided it liked it, I guess, because I got hot again in a hurry. Dene probably felt it too, because it was right then she reached around and flicked my clit with her other hand and made me cum. I kind of like how my asshole squeezed her finger while my pussy was clamping down on that plastic dick." "I know the plastic dick liked it!" Chad teased. "It was a poor substitute, I'll tell you that. I'd have much rather had you in there." "Finger too?" "Well, maybe. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it again, especially after hearing Jan say she liked it up the ass. What do you think about it now? You want me to probe your prostate sometime?" "All that can be arranged! I'm at your service!" "Honestly, how about we just have a nice 69 for now, OK?" And we did! I took it slow on Chad, licking his glans, gently playing with his balls, rubbing the pre-cum around on my lips when it began flowing. I made a mental note to get my lips really well-coated and kiss him that way sometime. He went slowly with me too, with lots of gentle stroking and caresses. After about 15 miutes we accelerated and brought each other off within seconds of the same moment. As I felt his orgasm building, I ran a playful finger up his ass. He stiffened and paused just a beat, then buried his finger up my ass too and came in buckets. I swallowed a huge load of Chad's cum! After we panted our way back to normalcy, Chad came up behind me and we fell asleep spooning. "Kath! Chad! Kath! KATH! Wake up!" I opened one eye to find Dene leaning over us, tits swinging gently. "It's 4AM--better swap bedmates again! And Kath, probably better slip your nightgown on too." I barely recall pulling the gown on. I felt Chad leave the bed and Dene take his place. The next thing I knew, Dene's mom was tapping on the door, then opening it to call us for breakfast. Glad I had my gown on! Dene and I pulled on our robes and headed down to breakfast. "Hey, sleepyheads!" Chad greeted us. He had on his sweats and WAS sweating! "You missed a great run! Got in about 5 miles this morning!" "Ooof! That's just plain nuts!" Dene growled. "This is a holiday--you shouldn't be doing that crazy stuff!" "Breakfast is served!" Dene's mom called from the kitchen. We went in to a spread only a little less impressive than Thanksgiving dinner. She had made a breakfast casserole, fried up a bunch of bacon, had pitchers of milk, OJ, grape and V-8 juice out, coffee steaming in mugs at our places, English muffins, biscuits (the Bisquick kind, not the cardboard tube kind) a bowl of sausage gravy, homemade strawberry jam, and was taking a tray of cinnamon rolls out of the oven! "Mom, this is amazing! You must have been up all night!" Chad crowed. "Oh, only about 5 to get things started. I've snacked some already--you three dig in!" "Where's Dad?" Dene asked. "He ran down to the motel to pick up Jan and your folks, Kathy. They should be back soon. We'll eat in shifts, so go ahead and get started! (?!? Dad had a rental. How comeoh well.) We ate until we were as full as last night! Then, right on cue, Jan and my parents arrived with Dene's dad and took our places at the kitchen table. After breakfast, Chad's dad came into the den where I was chatting casually with Chad and Dene--remembering childhood adventures and misadventures. "So, kids, Kathy's dad was telling me about Eddie Vu teaching Chad Vietnamese. Eddie said Chad is pretty amazing. Chad, would you and Kathy want to run down to AVSCOM with me this afternoon? There's a guy I think you might enjoy meeting." So that afternoon found us on the 13th floor of the Mart building in downtown St. Louis, talking to yet another Army guy with Vietnamese heritage. Chad and the Vietnamese guy went into an office, and Chad's dad took me down to the 10th floor where he worked. It was pretty empty--most people had taken the Friday after Thanksgiving off. There really wasn't much to see--rows of grey metal government desks, rows of egg-crate florescent lights dropped from the ceiling. Small offices appeared periodically up against outside walls, one of which was his as Section Chief. He introduced me to his staff as "my future daughter-in-law" which brought a lot of smiles--mine included. We sat in his office and closed the door. "So have you two talked about a date?" "We're still talking, but even if he really is deployed to Vietnam, we'll probably wait until he comes back. It's a hard question." "Well, you know that Mom and I will support anything the two of you decide--your folks too." "I know--I'm really lucky. I already know my in-laws will be fabulous. (He smiled.) So what's going on upstairs? Who is that guy with Chad?" "He's Army Intelligence, but don't ever, and I do mean EVER, repeat that. As for what's going on, I'm not sure. I'm guessing that Chad will be told in no uncertain terms not to repeat anything they let him in on, and that they won't actually tell him anything sensitive. I'm also guessing that they're checking out what Eddie Vu said about his ability with languages to see if they want to shift his AIT to some spook kind of deal." "Kathy, if they suck him into intelligence, it may be smart what you said about waiting until he's out. A wife can be a dangerous leverage in that line of work. And you should probably work out a way to communicate past censors." "Chad said the same thing about censors--but not about Army Intelligence, just in general. We haven't done it yet, but it needs to be pretty foolproof to accommodate Chad's spelling." This visit was beginning to worry me. I had pushed Chad ahead on the languages, and now I worried that I might have launched him into something even more dangerous than the infantry. My imagination was running full speed. Would he be skulking around behind enemy lines, spying on conversations? Would I be able to get messages to him at all? Would his dyslexia get in the way and get him or someone else killed? Chad's dad watched me quietly for a while, then reached out and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Honey, don't let your imagination run away with you." (How'd he know it was! Guess I'm pretty transparent.) "My guess is that they'll groom Chad to be a 'verifier'. That's a guy who's not supposed to be skilled in language but can listen in on official translations and blow the whistle on a translator that hides or distorts what was being said. It's not usually something that happens on the front lines. It happens in interrogation centers or in meetings with South Vietnamese army guys. Anyway, we don't even know yet if they're going to steer him in that direction. We just need to wait and see." Eventually, Chad was brought to his dad's office and we headed home. Chad said they had him talk with a Cambodian woman and a Vietnamese guy, but they didn't give any clue about why they did that, or what they planned to do. Friday afternoon. The three of us had two nights left before another long separation. We decided to leave the families and head out on our own for dinner and a movie, warning them not to wait up for us. Dinner we had! The movie--well, we skipped the movie. There was a motel on Lindbergh near the airport that advertised waterbeds. Waterbeds were all the rage in Playboy, and we decided to give it a whirl. Between the 3 of us, we had enough cash, and Chad's military ID even got us a discount! We had fun bouncing around and riding each other's waves for a bit before we got down to being horny. Chad discovered a deck of cards in the bedside table and we decided to warm up with some strip poker. We might as well have played "high card" because we decided no one could fold, but dealing 5 card draw let the suspense build. I suggested that the winner of each hand would remove one article of clothing from the lowest hand, then give them a kiss to thank them for being a gracious loser. "Are you two still OK with playing naked together?" I asked. They looked at each other. "We don't want to fuck anymore, Kath. We liked it while we were hot and turned on, but after we came, it just felt too weird." Dene said. "I don't mind giving you a kiss, though, Bebe, or seeing you stripped naked when Petey and I get all the good hands!" "I'm going to thoroughly enjoy taking your panties, Sis, and watching you two hot babes frolic in the nude while I still have all my clothes!" "OK! Game's on then!" I declared. "Deuces wild, 3 card limit on the draw." I dealt myself two pairs, jacks and kings, with a 3 on the side. I pitched the trey and drew one card--a deuce! Full house! It didn't seem quite like poker without the betting, but it was fun none-the-less, especially holding a full house! When we laid down the cards, though, I had the low hand!! Crap! Dene had a flush and Chad had a full house with aces over. Dene smiled and made her way across the wavy bed to remove my crocheted vest and give me a kiss. Chad's deal--after the draw, I had the low hand AGAIN! No one had anything spectacular this time. Dene won with a pair of 8s and Chad's high card 10 beat my miserable collection of nothing. Dene took a shoe and gave me another kiss, longer and deeper this time. I lost 4 more hands in a row and was down to my panties before things turned around. Chad had claimed my bra on the most recent hand and planted his kiss on my tits instead of my lips which was just FINE with me. I could still feel the wetness on my puckered nipples. It was my deal again and I decided wild cards had been doing me in. Each time I thought I might win, one of the sex sibs came up with enough wild cards to beat the crap of a good hand. I called "NO DAMN TRUMPS" this time, and dealt out the cards. I dealt myself a king-high flush and stood pat. Chad and Dene each drew three. THIS time, my hand stood up! I claimed Chad's slacks, pulling them off over his shoes, and cupped his balls in my hand as I collected my kiss. Dene dealt next and I won that one too! Two pairs, 9s and 7s, but it beat Chad's pair of queens and Dene's jack-high. Dene's slacks came off first too, and I slid my hand in her panties as I laid her back on the waterbed to kiss her deeply. I shuddered as my hand and forearm nestled in her bush. I felt her pussy get wet. Mine too. Hot and fully horny now, I proposed a change in the rules: Winner collects two articles from EACH low hand. If there aren't enough pieces of clothing, then 30-second favors named by the winner. To my surprise, they went for it! I'd half-expected to see them throw the cards away and just strip off! I won again!! I collected boxers, panties, a shirt and a blouse. That left Dene in her bra, socks and shoes, and Chad in his undershirt, socks, shoes and a great hardon. Dene won the next one and collected my panties and Chad's shoes. "And I believe I get to name a 'favor' from you, Kath, right?" Dene purred. "Your wish is my command, oh master," I replied. "Then spank my ass, one smack every 5 seconds, as hard as you can." My eyes widened. "No shit, Dene?" "No, I won't shit," she teased, "At least I don't think you can smack me that hard with just your hand!" "You're sure?" "I'm sure! Lay on, McPetey!" and Dene leaned over the edge of the bed with her ass in the air. I stood beside the bed and have her ass a loud smack. "That can't be your best effort. Try again. Start over." I gave it everything I had and it knocked her forward a few inches. "THERE you go hon. Five more of those. And if I cum don't stop. Just keep going until I get them all!" I alternated cheeks and gave her the best I had in me. My hand was stinging! I couldn't quite see why she liked this, but clearly she did. She drew a sharp breath and trembled with each blow. She didn't cum, but she was as horny as I've ever seen Dene. That, by the way, is saying something! "Fuck the rest of the poker game! C'mere, Petey, eat me! Chad--fuck her like you did at the beach--slam her so hard you knock her face into my pussy!" Dene rolled to her back and I dived in. My pussy had already gotten moist from sticking my hand down Dene's panties, and when my face hit her bush I got sopping wet in a hurry. I felt a drop of pussy juice roll down my inner thigh before Chad could even get his fingers to me. "Wow! You're ready to go!" Chad exclaimed as his fingers found my slit. The fingers were immediately replaced by his dick and he rammed it home with authority. The water bed, as it turned out, was wildly different from the beach. In some ways, it was more work. This was before the days when water beds had channels and compartments and wave-damping fillers. It was hard for Chad to get good purchase on the mattress to fuck me as hard as he did on the beach. On the other hand, Dene and I were riding rolling waves that alternately pushed my face deeper in her snatch and pulled us apart. It didn't take long for Dene to cum, but I showed no mercy. I kept tonguing her hole, sucking her clit, biting her vulva, fingering her vag and in a moment of abandon when I could tell she was on her way to another orgasm, I ran a pussy-slicked finger up her ass. That brought a loud moan, a "YESSSS" through gritted teeth and an orgasm that nearly pinched my finger off! That must have done it for Chad too, because while Dene was grunting through her orgasm, Chad began echoing her behind me! "Ngh," BAM! "Ngh," BAM, "Ngh," BAM! Somewhere he found leverage and each orgasmic thrust rocked me forward hard into Dene's crotch. Finally, Chad slowed and pulled out, patting my ass. I felt hot wet juices sliding down both thighs. "Did you cum, hon?" Chad asked. "I couldn't tell." "Not yet, lover. You two rest a minute, then draw a card to see who finishes me off." Dene responded: "I say fuck the cards. In fact, I already said that, so I repeat: Fuck the cards! We'll tag team you. Just as soon as I'm not panting." "Good plan, Sis. Two minutes," said Chad. I rolled off Dene's cunt and onto my back, arms and legs spread. My right arm ended up across Dene's chest and I grabbed a tit. "What do you think, brother, 1 minute shifts at her pussy, and sucking her tits in the off moments?" "I'm going in!" Chad said gleefully. "Hey, save some of your load for me!" Dene cried as she bounced over to my chest and began playing. "Oooo--Chad. That's niiiice. If you can, though, try not to rub my clit with your nose--I'm afraid Dene won't get a turn before I cum!" Chad's response was to move up and suck my clit into his lips and flick it with the tip of his tongue. I screamed and came like a ton of fireworks! "Who said you only get one orgasm?" Chad said as he scraped me off the ceiling. "Your turn, Sis!" "Oh, Hell yes!" said Dene as they traded places. It took longer for my next one. They gave up on shifts and Dene worked me over for a half-hour, bringing me almost to an orgasm, then backing off dozens of times. Finally, I pulled Chad's hungry lips off my chest and panted: "Gimme your dick!" I rolled his balls in my hand and milked his cock until a little, clear drop of pre-cum appeared. The sight of it brought me right up to the peak. As that silky drop hung on the end of his dick, I slowly raised my lips to it and licked. The instant my tongue collected that beautiful, shimmering drop, I came again. I lost track of time while my entire body bucked and twisted. As I gradually became aware of my surroundings again, I heard a muffled cry coming from between my legs. Oops. I released Dene's head. "Dammit, lover! You're gonna kill me one of these days!" "I would just HATE that! Who'd I train to eat me even half as good as you!" "Hey!" Chad complained. "You sayin' my sister eats your pussy better than me?" "Of course I do!" Dene grinned. "Nobody can eat pussy like a girl does, and I'm better than most girls!" "I'll need to collect more data!" I teased, "I'd hate to rush into a decision for fear of being incorrect! You both better eat me some more. I think I'll be ready to decide after, oh, 50 more times each." "Don't get greedy, now," said Dene, "or I'll have to punish you!" "I don't think so, Dene, and don't even start down that road. I might let you smack my ass, LIGHTLY, to see what you're going on about, but let's not get into wacky role-play. I'm not going to "punish" you and don't think even for a minute you're going to turn me on with discipline. I didn't have the same introduction you did and I guarantee 'punishment' will be a turnff." "Uhh. That was just a tease, lover. I'm hoping that if you try it you'll like the ass-smacking as much as I do, but I was only trying to joke our way into giving it a shot. I don't ever want to dominate you, and that wasn't what it was about when I had you spank me just now. There's just something about the way my ass stings that sends me to the moon! Jan says it's not all that uncommon. If you want to try it sometime, say the word. I promise, you'll be in control of how many and how hard." "I've gotta admit, I liked watching," Chad added. "There's something satisfying about seeing your pest of a little sister get her butt lit up--I guess I'm not done being a brother--but there was something really erotic about it too. You were clearly into it, Dene. And I'm way past feeling weird about seeing you naked, so watching those spectacular tits hanging down and swinging around when Petey laid into you was a huge turnn." "Okay, okay! Spank my ass!" I said with an air of resignation, certain that it would do nothing but wipe out the nice underlying horniness I was feeling. In fact, I could feel it slipping away already. "Start light and get harder gradually. I'll tell you when to stop with the force, and when to stop with the smacks." "There you go hon! Just give it a chance. If this doesn't do anything for you, we'll stop and never look back, but at least we'll know." "I don't think my tits are going to give you the same show as Dene's, BeeBe. Sorry." "Hey, don't do that! I *love* your tits! Don't ever apologize for perfection!" I just raised an eyebrow. He was probably being sincere, but I've nursed an inferiority complex over my itty-bittys for so long it's never far from my thinking. "Where do you want me?" I asked. "Let's have you over Chad's lap," Dene suggested. "In fact, let's have him do the spanking." "I dunno, Sis. Hurting Kath is the very last thing in the world I want to do." "Me too, but let's let Kathy be the judge of that, OK? What we're after here is to turn her on, and if we discover a new way to do that it's gonna be good for all three of us, right?" "You OK with this?" Chad asked me. "Lying across your naked thighs with your dick poking my ribs while you play with my ass? Now let me think--well YES! In fact I *am* OK with *that*!" I pushed him into a sitting position on the edge of the bed and plopped down across his lap. "I have one more suggestion," Dene said. "Let Chad start patting your ass lightly. Not spanks yet, just pats. We'll have him keep up a nice steady rhythm until you ask for more intensity. Then just a little bit harder. Keep up a steady rhythm--you call for firmer strokes if you want them." "Or just say stop," she added, stooping to look directly in my eyes. "OK?" I drew a breath. "Lay on, McBeBe," I said, a little tentatively. Chad didn't start with the pats right away. He stroked up and down my back, down my ass to my thighs and then back up. He lightly squeezed my butt cheeks and tickled my ass cleavage. When he started the pats, he used both hands-softly playing my butt like a set of bongos. I had to admit it felt pretty good. "Kick it up a little, honey." The pats began to sting just a little. With the stinging, I felt my pussy tingle. Damn! Maybe Dene was onto something. I squirmed a little and Chad stopped, alarmed. "Just getting comfortable, baby. Keep on going." The strokes resumed. "Your ass is turning red, babe," Chad said. "I can believe it! And damned if my pussy isn't getting juicy again!" The stinging began to feel kind of normal. "Ramp it up a little more, Babe," I said to Chad. The next swat was serious and I yelped. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" Chad stopped and gently stroked my ass. "Grrrrr," I growled,"--give me about a dozen more just like that! Slowly." "Are you sure?" "Absolutely!" Dene came around in front of me and stepped in close. Her furry belly was at face level. I rubbed my cheek against it and hugged her around her hips as Chad began the last dozen. Dene's bush has always been a fetish for me. The sight and feel of it never fails to get me wet from a standing start, or add height and intensity to my orgasms if we're already going at it. I grabbed her ass with both hands as Chad laid on number six. My orgasm started with number 7 and lasted until he was done. I probably had a bunch of them, but they rolled in one after the other and it was impossible to tell if it was one long one or multiples strung together. Oddly, I was only vaguely aware of the stinging swats as they landed after my orgasm(s) began! I rolled over and curled up in Chad's arms, still panting. There was a loud knock on the door. What the Hell?!? "Get in the bathroom," Chad hissed, grabbing his pants. "Yes?" he said through the closed door. "We're getting complaints about noise. I'm going to have to ask you to leave, or I'll call the police." "I'm so sorry--we were, um, well it's just that we were just married and, um, well--you know?" "Swell for you. But you've got 15 minutes to pack up and leave," shouted the coarse voice behind the door. "Damned kids!" I could tell Chad was pissed and about to argue. "Honey--it's OK! We need to leave anyway. Let's just gather up our stuff and head back." "If we're gonna fight, let's pick a different one, BeBe," Dene added, "take a breath." Chad wasn't happy with the motel asshole, and he wasn't thrilled with Dene and me either, but he stomped back into the room and started gathering his clothes. Dene and I were back into ours in under a minute and we headed out the door together. Asshole was standing out in the parking lot, arms folded, but from our left, applause started! We looked and the next two rooms down had their doors open and 4 young couples were standing outside in their robes cheering us and giving us a thumbs-up. The guys all looked military, and not like new recruits. Looking at Chad's haircut, one guy called: "Give 'em hell, soldier!" We glanced right and saw a wrinkled face disappear as the curtain whisked shut. The complainer. Asshole stepped forward to say something to us, but our neighbor yelled at him, striding forward until he was inches from Asshole--"Hey you fucking douche bag! There's a whole fucking wing of fucking jarheads camped out here--you fuck with this soldier anymore and you'll be pulling pieces of your goddammed sleazebag motel out your asshole till you die! The only good news will be that you won't last till morning!" And then to us, gently: "Hey soldier--here's a refund. You stay safe. We'll get reimbursed from asshole here after you're gone." He shoved a $50 in Chad's hand and clasped his shoulder. "Fuck 'em all while you're here, son, cuz there ain't nothing worth sticking your dick in where you're headed." Asshole reconsidered whatever it was he was about to say to us. Chad faced the Marine. "From an Army puke you know this is hard to say, but Semper Fi, friend, and thanks." "Semper Fi," came the reply, "Good luck and Godspeed buddy." Their girlfriends came to give Dene and me hugs. "You two keep on fuckin' him till he leaves, honey, OK? Every chance you get till he leaves. It'll be a long stretch after that till he gets R&R." As we drove away, we saw 4 very large, grizzled Marines gathered around Asshole. I suspected they were discussing the finer points of military service in hostile territory. We rolled in at Chad and Dene's house about 2AM. *To be continued--*
Beebe and Petey Ch. 08
[ "spankings", "romance", "lesbian", "anal" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 74, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 590, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 95 }
Fragile Unbroken 6 "Slickery" I had a conversation recently which has reawakened one of my wildest fetishes and rekindled memories of one of my wildest erotic rides. It's not one I will be able to experience much in my life, at least, not too this degree because it took my Master a long time to arrange it in a way that was safe and comfortable (to the degree that comfort is a priority.) It's an extreme cum fetish, so if that isn't your thing you may want to move on to another story. My Master and I have had more adventures than I can count, and my need for love and attention is regularly met. but there is one desire that has been innate. It is the natural me. I absolutely love cum. It is like a treasure to me. It is lust at its most concentrated. I want it to touch me. I want to taste it. I want it from both men and women. One of my constant standing commands from Master is that I clean him, or any other lover he may choose, of cum after sex, but that command exists because he learned how much I love it. It came as a reward for good behavior because I always asked him to do it anyway. I began to love it the first time I ever sucked a cock, years before I met Master. I love tasty, slippery, hot cum in quantities that make our older Mexican cleaning lady think we are crazy. That only happens because some of it goes to waste on sheets or pillows. I have to assume that some hits the ceiling but I can't confirm it. Yeah, I know it sounds obsessive. That's because it is, just a little bit. Master learned this about me early in our relationship. As we've grown together, and through my training, he recognized it as an avenue for reward. He asked me a lot of questions, and over time he developed a strategy that he thought might accommodate this fantasy of mine. He spent months preparing. One night he asked me how many men I thought it would take to fulfill my desire to be drenched in cum. I had never thought It through that far. I asked him how many he would let me have. I think he expected an answer that was a little more tame. He replied that safety was his first concern, and he felt like it should be men whom he would trust enough to be alone with me, which in truth was very few, if any at all. Even so, I told him that I would not want the experience if he were not a participant. At that point I don't think the idea of seeing a bunch of men naked over me appealed to him at all. It took time to develop mutual comfort and understanding, but in the end Master saw his way clear to make it happen. He told me that he thought he could come up with six men who would be willing. That was more than I ever expected him to give me, but he had a plan that would incorporate safety and his comfort. We spent the next two months having some private encounters with a few gentlemen, one of which my Master tossed right out of the mix. By the time that was complete Master had allowed me to meet 4 other men who he knew enough of to be confident that they were clean. He had some agreements with them, and he said he made them test for std's before they ever met me. One of them was a close friend Mike who he had known most of his life. I had been intimate with him before, and we had no worries about him. Often in the weeks leading up to the night it happened, I would think about it until my thighs were slick with my bodies natural lubrication. It was finally prepared. I don't know exactly what Master had to do to make it work, but he worked hard, knowing that this was something I wanted and he told me I deserved it. The day came. I was cleaned and adorned with a new pearl necklace master had given me for this occasion. It was not an accident. He thought the symbolism of the pearls would remind me of the event in the future. I wore it all that day. It looked a little awkward wearing my necklace with my collar but there was no way I wanted to go through this without my Masters collar. I prepared myself. Master had given me instruction and we both set hard and soft limits which gave me even more freedom because I knew where Master would draw he line. I had been fantasizing about multiple penetrations as time led up to this, and Master agreed that if I was comfortable with it, he would go along too. I knew he meant it. I had watched a man suck his cock before, and he had taken one anally on a night where I had been chained and forced, (allowed) to watch Master with another dominant friend who both tested and punished her male sub by having him suck Master to completion. I knew he wouldn't be bothered by the idea of another cock in my ass. One limit I added to our arrangement was that only Master would be allowed in my pussy. He appreciated that. I think it built trust as well. It was comforting and intoxicating to know I could guide the evening according to my comfort level. I was nervous to near shaking but I couldn't stop thinking about 5 men cumming. I wanted it badly. I was wet all day to the point that it was embarrassing and inconvenient as I spent the majority of that day naked and my wetness was noticeable. Master just laughed when I told him that. He said that half of the time he didn't have to work to deprive me. I was so sex focused that I kept myself on the edge. I didn't think it was funny. It was his fault anyway for being so damn sexy and loving. The hour arrived. I had my hair braided so it would not interfere. I had the beautiful pearl necklace on arranged so that it didn't conflict t too badly with my golden collar. The necklace hung down to drape across my cleavage. It looked hot. Master suggested I wear a robe and nothing else to make the whole thing easier, so I wore a black silk robe which barely covered my ass. So I knelt, waiting on a pillow with my legs closed to keep my wetness from showing, on my perch in the corner of the great room. Master had decided the event would take place here. He had given me permission to speak freely but he put soft, black, leather shackles on my ankles and wrists. I think he was marking his territory. He had removed his card table from the room and replaced it with a soft, thick rug. You could tell that the room was set up for something and all the men knew what they were getting into, so as the first one arrived the sexual tension was already hot. Master offered him a drink. He did not introduce us. Part of my fantasy was to be treated like a whore. Master said that nobody needs to know a whores name to get off. It set my mood quite readily. I had met the men but their names had never come up. I already felt like a whorish fuck doll and only two of the men who would take me were here. Master and he chatted. He was tall and muscular. He wore tight blue jeans and I could see his erection forming early as he glanced at me and I just smiled back at him, kneeling quietly. Three more men showed up within the next few minutes. They were all talking, they all had a drink or two. They were acting macho and all I knew was that those cocks over there would touch me soon. I did know Mike and he came over to talk to me, but we talked about none of the normal things we might have discussed. It was all about the weather and other frivolous topics. I could tell he was nervous. I told him he ought to go join the others and get ready. I didn't want to wait any longer. Master had instructed me how to approach this. My heart was beating like a drum as I stood up and walked to the large, soft rug. My black robe flowed easily over my hips, contrasting with my pale white skin. Every one of the men stopped talking and turned to look at me. It was real now. I was insanely nervous but I breathed deeply and tried to calm myself as I untied my sash and tossed the robe to the side. I looked at each man in the eye. My nipples were aching hard. My shaved pussy was dripping down my highs. This was it. My dream. I knelt down on the rug and looked at one of them. I have no idea who he was. I beckoned him over with my finger. He swallowed so hard that I could hear it. Suddenly in my lust I felt like a queen with 5 men at my whim. I was the whore queen and these were my subjects. As the first man approached, my fears melted away. I focused on making these men want me. I was going to please them all. They were going to feed me their cum. I stroked his cock through his pants and then unzipped them. His pants slid down enough for me to pull his cock out of his boxers and I wrapped my hand around it, stroking it. I looked at the others. "You men really ought to get undressed," I said with inherent seduction dripping from my words. That did it. Everyone but Master took their cloths off with a clatter. It was like they had all forgotten they were in a room full of other men. All eyes were on the slut on the floor. The first man seemed stuck, as if he didn't want to lose the advantage of me kneeling in front of him and stroking his cock but he didn't want to be the only one with cloths on either. I offered him no consolation, instead I made it worse by sucking his cock into my mouth. Mike was nearby and I reached for him, pulling him closer. When he was close enough I leaned over and took his cock deep in my mouth and sucked hard as I stroked the other guy using my saliva like a lube. They were all undressed and gathered around me as the last man took his cloths off too. Master had instructed them that they were not to initiate anything unless I started it. I knew the others were hoping for a little action. I looked at one who was stroking his cock and that sent me over the edge. I wanted every one of hose cocks touching me. Master had given me control of what happened. It was up to me what I wanted. I had free reign. My problem was, I had 5 cocks, but only one mouth, two hands and one pussy. It left only one thing if I really wanted five cocks fucking me. Master was slowly disrobing as he watched. I had a fear that he wouldn't like this, but as I watched him while I sucked one cock, and was trying to stroke two others, his pants dropped and his cock was rigid and hard. He was into it at least that much. I let the cock out of my mouth and called to him., "Master, please, I need you here." I heard confidence in my own voice and that bolstered my confidence further. He came over and I spoke to him. "Master, will you please fuck your little slave while she pleasures these men?" Three of them were stroking their cocks and one was apparently still recovering from the fact that I had stopped sucking him. Master nodded and laid down on the rug as we had discussed. I straddled him and I reached for the two nearest men, but I called to Mike. "Mike, please fuck my ass, I need your hard cock in me." I pointed to lube sitting on a nearby end table. He wasted no time in drizzling it over his dick and rubbing it all over as he stroked his thickness. I grabbed Masters cock and guided it into my dripping cunt. He plunged in deep. I leaned forward supporting myself with one hand and reached for another cock. I dragged that thick cock to position nearly in front of me and asked him to stand next to Master. I sucked his cock into my mouth and held it there, sucking as hard as my limited concentration would let me. By this time Mike was kneeling behind me between Masters legs. I rocked my hips down over Masters cock until it was wedged deep inside me and filling my pussy. and then I poised my ass and prepared to be entered by Mike. I had been double penetrated before, which is part of what led to this fantasy, but Masters cock was big, and Mikes was the biggest of all the others. I felt the pressure of his cock but I was as ready as I could be and he eased into me. It hurt but I pushed back pulling him in as the sensation of three cocks in me overwhelmed me. I was fucking Master. Mike's cock slowly went deep into my ass. I felt so full and it felt so good that I almost started cumming right there. A man whose name I didn't even know was fucking my face and two men were jacking off over me. I was so fucking intense I couldn't control myself. I stayed like that for a while, completely overwhelmed. I concentrated on the cock in my mouth until I had it down my throat. That man started fucking my face. Then I realized I could get my hands on two more. I reached for one more cock as the man stood next to me. The other man took the example and I latched onto that one too. Grabbing those cocks hard I pulled them closer to me. I had three cocks near my face now and I couldn't concentrate on any one of them. Instead I tried to rotate my concentration, fucking Master a little, then poising my ass and tightening for the man victimizing it, whose balls I could feel against my pussy where they must have rested against Masters massive balls. That thought sent me over the edge. I sucked one, grabbed another, then turned and sucked another and grabbed the other one then went back to getting a few strokes in for Master. It took so much concentration that I forgot all about my own pussy for a little while. The man in my ass sounded like he was getting close to cumming and that reminded me why I was here. I realized I was in no position to stop him. He grunted out loud and shoved deep into me, explodedijg in my ass. The first drops of cum had landed. I went back to sucking cock and jacking off cocks while while I fucked my Master. Mike pumped his cock into me until his cock was getting limp and he couldn't. I felt his dick slide out of me and I knew cum was drizzling down onto my pussy. I slid myself up Masters cock and began to fuck him in the longest strokes I could manage. I was so wet, I could hear my sloppy pussy. Other men were getting close as I focused on Master. I leaned back, dropping the cock from my mouth. "Master," I begged. "Please cum on my face" I pulled up off of him and Master was right on time. He stood up over me and I knelt on the rug. Master stroked his dick over me and I reached for another one with my mouth. As they all stroked their cocks I sucked one mans into my mouth as he looked ready to cum. I sucked until his cock exploded. I let his first load slide out of my mouth onto my tits, swallowing only a little as he pulled out and his cum fell onto my shoulders and tits. My skin felt hot where the little splatters hit me. I was in sheer ecstasy as I shoved a hand between my legs and rubbed my clit. Another man was moaning. I grabbed his ass and pulled him to me, then held my tits up so he could cum on them. His cum shot me in the face before the rest of his load spewed all over my tits. That man came forever. His load was huge and it drizzled off of my tits onto my thighs. I don't think I had ever seen so much cum from one man. I turned to be next stranger and grabbed his cock and stroked it with him. I stroked hard and as my arm was getting tired he started saying he was going to cum. I grabbed his ass and pulled him close and held my face under his cock as his cum shot out in huge spurts all over my face. I felt like a good and proper cum slut but there was one person left. I looked up at my beautiful Master, his cock in his hand and I was overcome by lust and love for him. I wanted him inside me. I begged him again. "Oh Master, fuck your slave." As I lay back in the rug, spreading my legs wide. He knelt between them and pushed his cock back into my pussy. He fucked hard and it wasn't long. I began rubbing warm jizz all over my tits and pinching my own nipples while he too started shooting his load into my steaming pussy. As he did he pulled out and shot most of his load onto my pussy lips. I reached down to rub his cum into my clit and it was then that I started cumming myself. I writhed on the floor for these gentlemen, almost screaming in pleasure. "Oh fuck yes." I saw two of them rubbing their cocks again and I wanted more. "Fuck yes, stroke your cocks and give me more. All of them but Master grabbed there cocks and started trying to bring them back to life while I rubbed their cum all over my body and finger fucked myself. I rubbed my clit and came twice more in the long timespan before each mans cock eventually released on me again. I had four men standing over me with dicks in their hands, dropping splashes of cum on me one by one and I bathed in it, moaning like a drunk street whore. Men were falling away. I felt like a warrior whore queen who had just vanquished an army. I lay there on the rug as they all faded away. I vaguely remember seeing Master with his pants on, and I heard men talking but I didn't care at all what they said. I could feel their cool cum all over my face, my tits, my stomach, my pussy, my ass, my thighs. I was completely used. I was completely overcome and I didn't want to move. I don't know how long it was but after a good while Master was standing over me speaking. "Lay there slave and enjoy your conquest for the rest of the night. He brought me pillows from my perch and I crawled half way onto one. Before sleep took me I remember hearing a voice saying."You've got yourself one hell of a slave there, Jon" I heard him reply, "Yes, I do." I woke up to a quiet house with that memory in my head. I was sticky with dry cum all over me. It was the oddest feeling as I moved and felt it pulling at my skin. Yes, today I was a good and proper whore princess, loved and adored enough to be used and taken at the whim of a powerful, secure man. No man could have whipped the smile from this little cumsluts face that day. Later that evening Master pulled three guns from hidden spots around the room. It startled me until I realized what it really meant. I was very, very safe. I also realized that the man who owned me was the most honorable, strong and safe man I had ever met.
Fragile Unbroken Ch. 06
[ "multiple", "cumslut", "double penetration", "oral", "cum fetish", "cock", "slave", "dominant", "submissive" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 53, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 251, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 63 }
*First chapter on my profile. No, seriously, you won't know who the hell this "Emilia" is if you don't read the first chapter.* *This story might have some plot holes or factual errors. This is a fictional story after all. If you want to nit-pick on it, fine, do so. All characters are over 18 years of age.* 'Will you be my girlfriend?' Emilia's brows scrunched, her emotions confused as she ran the question through her head a few times. 'I need to think about it.' A tone of uncertainty loomed over the sentence, which Emma and I picked up. 'Emilia,' Emma advised. 'if there are any doubts on your mind...' 'Of course I have my doubts!' Emilia burst out. 'Sis, you're the real celebrity here, and I'm sure that given the chance, Tim would try to get into your pants.' I felt my face reddening as Emma glanced over at me. 'He prefers you. Who doesn't want to be the famous Emma Watson's boyfriend? I'm just a substitute for you, sis.' 'Now come on, did I ask Emma to be my girlfriend?' I spoke up. 'No, I asked you. Yes, I admit your sister is quite beautiful, but did you forget? You're twins! Your beauty equals that of your sister's, in fact, I love you for your personality. You're so... vibrant and colourful and I want you.' She got up from her seat as I did the same, my arms held onto her tightly, our heads rested on each other's shoulders. My shoulder was damp. She was crying softly, I only hoped they were tears of joy. 'I've never felt more important in my life.' Emilia whispered into my ear, and I softly held her in my grasp. My vision focused on Emma, who, unbeknownst to Emilia, stared daggers into her twin's back. It was a look of envy, of... jealousy? A month together with two women can be... hard, subjectively. A month together with a pair of twins, both smokin' hot, but only one of which you're dating? A dilemma. A month together with the Em Watsons, and yes, that is how I refer to the pair, one of which you're dating but the public sees you as dating the one and only Emma Watson, who is a secret agent for the British government, but now reassigned to work for Americans, when you're in fact dating her twin sister, but both wants you in their panties? Classic comedy. You would think dating the twin of Emma Watson would be totally awesome or something or the other, but in reality, it's kind of complicated. Whenever Emilia is seen in public, she is recognised as Emma. On one casual date in America, someone took a picture of me and Emilia together, starting a big gossip about Emma's new boyfriend. I couldn't exactly deny the rumours, as they were half-true. I couldn't risk exposing Emilia, the twins' lives will be turned upside down. This created a problem for me. Emma was enjoying the rumours, even teasing me about it. Truth to be told, I still hadn't seen Emma in her birthday suit, but Emma and Emilia are twins. If their identical looks continued underneath the clothes... you get the idea. 'Whatcha dreaming about, hon?' Emilia rolled from her side of bed to mine, her face lying on my chest. Her hand drifted down to my cock, which was slowly resurrecting from previous thoughts. 'Just... work.' I lied. 'Em, tonight was great, we should definitely try that out some other time, but the holidays are running out. I have to start working tomorrow.' 'Where are you two off to?' She inquired. 'Chicago, gonna be at that hotel I told you about a few days ago. Do you still remember?' 'Yeah. I don't have Alzheimer's yet.' The night was dark, but from her hesitation to speak, I could tell she was upset, if not only slightly. 'You're staying with my sister, right?' 'Yes, with your sister.' My cock twitched slightly at the thought of her. 'My sister, who has the same smoking hot body as me?' It was at this moment that I realized she might have had ulterior motives. My friend wasn't the perfect liar, and her soft hand was the perfect lie detector. 'No, babe, you're hotteaaah.' Her hand got ahold of my balls. 'Have you ever imagined what would it feel like to fuck her?' Where was this going? Knowing my friend would give me away regardless of my answer, I decided to respond truthfully. 'Yes.' I sighed. For someone with no interrogation experience, unlike her twin sister, she was surprisingly good at finding the truth from me. 'Good to know.' She said coldly, and rolled off my chest. Was she happy with the answers she got from me? Left confused and unsatisfied, I drifted off to sleep, resting for the big day coming up. Emilia didn't appear to be upset by last night's events, maybe she was only sleepwalking. Or sleep-interrogating. Maybe she inherited that off her twin. I kissed her goodbye, walked out of her house, only to be greeted by Emma. 'We're late! Come on!' Emma shouted, motioning me towards the black SUV. We were hoping to catch the flight designated for us. Supposedly agents can only travel on specific flights which are screened and deemed "safe" for the agents without "terrorist threats". If we missed this one... ah, hell, we missed it, alright? Now we had to drive, since the next "safe" flight to Illinois won't be available for another week. The sun had just disappeared behind the mountains as Emma pulled into a small town somewhere in the middle of America. The gas-guzzling V8 of the Suburban was thirsty for more fuel, and Emma needed her stomach refuelled as well. Emma went to eat while I volunteered to refuel the vehicle. I drove around the town, and found a small locally owned gas station. The price seemed cheap, at least cheaper than it was in London, and I pulled in and started refuelling. The nozzle clicked after a few minutes, indicating the fuel tank was full. I turned the engine over, the V8 roaring, but not as mighty as Eric's Hemi. Driving around the town again, I found the diner which Emma said she was visiting. A whiff of coffee caught my nose as I entered the diner. I wasn't all too familiar with American restaurants, but I heard there were free refills for any drinks you ordered. My eyes dashed around in search of Emma. There she was, her dirty blonde hair sticking out from the rows of booths. Not like it was hard to spot her, as the diner was empty at this time. I walked over to her booth. I could've sat opposite of her, but it felt right to sit next to her for a change. Emma's smile turned to me as I sat down next to her, as if she planned on it. She already had a plate of half-eaten pancakes in front of her. The lone, brunette waitress in the empty diner walked slowly over to our booth. I made some mental measurements of her. She looked young, had an athletic build, her white and pink checkered dress stretching from her shoulders to just above her knees, covered by a navy blue apron. I stopped once I saw the ring on her right hand, indicating she was taken. She seemed overly ecstatic, brimming with unspent energy, as if we were the first customers she had for that day. 'Howdy!' She said. 'What would you like to order today, sir?' 'I'll have what the lady's having.' I said, pointing at Emma's pancakes. As the dish came, I regretted my decision. The stories about everything being double the proportion of what they serve in England were wrong. It was close to triple. Emma had no trouble finishing her plate. and even offered to help finish mine. I gave up halfway, and asked her to finish the last few. Her puffed cheeks looked cute with a mouthful of pancakes. How she keeps her body in killer shape is still a mystery to me. We arrived in big bloody Chicago after a few days of non-stop driving, with Emma driving through the last night. When we got to the hotel, she was barely walking upright. The receptionist couldn't help but giggle a little as we walked by. She passed out immediately on the freshly made bed as we entered our room. Luckily there were two beds. Without those, I might be forced to sleep with her. Hell, I might even get cooties. Once I made sure she was tucked in well, I returned to the lobby. 'Any mail for 1087?' I asked the receptionist. 'Yes, sir!' He looked overly cheerful. Which meant he was doing his job well. An envelope was handed to me, addressed for Mr Watson. Subtle. I opened the door to our room as quiet as I could, hoping not to disturb Emma in her slumber. 'C'mon! Harder!' Emma's voice screamed. That sounded familiar somehow, but I knew it wasn't Emma's own voice. I stepped further into the doorway, still obscured from Emma's view, but able to see what's on the television. 'I'm cumming! Oh God!' The tinny Emma voice moaned again. All became clear as I saw what was on the television. Emma was watching a recording of that night when I thought I was having sex with her. How did she acquire it? I don't remember making a recording of it. I peeked my head around the corner, towards the bed. There was Emma, sitting up straight leaning against the backboard, facing the television. Most of her was undercover, except for her right hand holding a TV remote. But from the slight bobbing of the sheets, I could tell what she was doing with her left hand. She hasn't noticed the man staring at her creepily from around the corner. Emma, the real one, moaned under her breath as she closed her eyes in pleasure. She licked her lips and sighed. I couldn't stand it anymore. Round the corner I went. I moved swiftly to Emma's bedside. I could smell her arousal from there, the heat radiating from her body warmed my core. Closing my eyes, I bent over and crouched to give her a quick peck on her plush, warm lips. I opened my eyes, finding Emma's eyes a bit to my left, staring down at me. Her irises were a reddish brown, like her sister's. 'Em-' Her lips moved towards mine. I wasn't sure about how I was supposed to react, but naturally I kissed her back. I would die for those lips. There was something arousing with the taboo of messing with the twin of whomever you're dating. Either that, or I'm a cheating bastard. Your call. My hand went around her back as my lips melted into hers, pulling her deeper into me. My mind was still debating whether this was ethical or not, my girlfriend was just a thousand miles away, but my body had no trouble identifying a potential mating partner. My cock rose from the sheer intensity of the kiss. Radcliffe should've done it on the film set and called it an accident. 'Not now.' Emma said breathlessly as she pulled away a little. 'But I liked that, if, uh, if that means anything.' She paused for a breather. Of course it meant something, but I just didn't know what. 'Yeah...' I paused to think. 'Work relationships and all. Gotta keep it professional, eh.' I said with false assurance. 'Right.' She replied, her voice dying off near the end. After a few seconds of us staring at each other, I broke the silence by handing her the envelope from the receptionist. She seemed relieved when the distraction appeared. 'From the CIA, presumably.' I said. 'Did you rent this room under Mr Watson?' 'No, but whoever did was thinking ahead. Mr. Watson rents a room? Oh, just an English gentleman. Emma Watson rents a room? Well bloody hell, call the paparazzis! Free publicity for the hotel! Do you get me?' Emma waved her hand around for exaggeration around the paparazzi part. Even off camera she still maintains a little bit of a stage persona. 'Alright, alright, I get it. Take the envelope now.' She took it, and tore the top open. Inside was a photo of Emma, sleeping quite peacefully. She looks beautiful from any angle. 'I don't remember taking this photo.' She said, then realising how potentially dumb that statement was. She held the photo near my face. 'Did you take this?' 'Nah.' I shrugged. Interestingly, in spending some time with Emilia, who was American, I seemed to have lost a little of my British accent. 'What, that's it? Nothing else?' I asked. She seems to be asking that as well, as she shook the envelope upside down, hoping for more than just a picture. 'Clerical error or something, these American systems don't work at all. Hey, someone's getting fired at the CIA.' She shrugged, mimicking my reaction. 'Now I want some sleep. Shoo.' She motioned me away. As I slept last night during the road trip, I couldn't immediately fall asleep. I looked around the room, only to find a freeze frame of Emilia riding on top of me displaying on the TV. High definition as well. 'We've come so far.' I silently thought to myself. Guilt came back to me as I replayed the recent memories. How would Emilia react if she saw what happened just then? Emma is not Emilia. Stop it. A fundamental thing to remember about dating twins is that your penis can't tell personality. It sees, it wants. I closed my eyes, hoping for an escape. *'Em... come with me.'* *'No.' She replied, tears forming in her voice. She walked away.* *'Emilia.' I yelled after her.* *She split into two, both turning back, mirroring each other's movements.* *'Who?' Both figures whispered back.* *Their voices were soft, clear. One figure disappeared into thin air.* *'Am I yours?' The remaining figure questioned. She walked closer.* *She wanted answers.* *I had no answers.* My body shot up perpendicular to the bed. It was still dark. Another confusing dream. Or a nightmare. Lying down again, I looked to my right, where Emma's bed was. Even in the blinding darkness, I could sense her. I imagined her lying in her bed, perhaps having a pleasant dream about puppies or something. My phone on the bedside table was flashing. I rolled right, hoping to reach my phone. Oof. Something was in the way. I tried to move it, thinking it was a bundle of sheets or similar. 'Stop...' The object spoke weakly. I switched a light on. It was Emma. She seemed to have snuggled into my sheets after I fell unconscious. I didn't exactly see her off to sleep. Emma turned her head towards me. 'Well, it was supposed to be a surprise...' She spoke groggily, having just been awoken from slumber. 'You know, for the morning.' 'What surprise?' Emma threw the sheets off herself. 'Oh, you're... naked.' I muttered, the shock of her display of boldness being numbed by my weariness. 'Yes, I am naked.' She said, restating the obvious. 'I have this... this feeling, or this urge that's inside me...' Her breath was shallow, interrupting her sentence as she spoke. 'Emma, it's the middle of the night. Besides, you know I can't do anything without a proper breakfast.' I half-protested. I imagined she tried her hardest to hide it, but Emma's lips formed the tiniest of grins. 'Do you want to have... a proper English muffin in bed?' She enquired. 'Please?' 'Hey, as I said, I could use some breakfast.' 'Proper, as well.' She reaffirmed. 'Yeah.' I shrugged. I moved down to her hips. A familiar scent of arousal caught my attention. She lifted her legs, and I rolled in between them. I wasn't wrong about the identical bodies. From the dim light next to her head, her body looked absolutely fantastic, almost a perfect match of Emilia's body. Her curvatures and bumps in her body rose and fell as she waited patiently for my move. Her breath quickened as I dove into her sex. She put up little resistance as my tongue slithered into her warm crevice. My nose nuzzled her clitoris gently, the little spot of pleasure yet to be exploited by me. I looked up to see her eyes closed, her hands clutching at the bedsheets. 'Was she enjoying this?' I asked myself. She seemed quiet. But how her body was reacting suggested that whatever I was doing, I was doing it right. I lapped at her pussy hungrily, letting her juices flow into my mouth, savouring the sweet nectar. Emma's hand started flicking at her clitoris. Too soon. I grabbed ahold of her hand and forcefully lifted it away. I looked up at her, shaking my head sideways, my tongue still working at her opening. 'Please.' Emma said, with her eyes begging for me to touch her. Looking into her eyes, I let go of her hand. I paid more attention to her clit, my tongue flicking over the nub every few seconds. She started rubbing her taut nipples, working for a release. Although Emma was very quiet, a few moans still escaped her. I climbed up the bed, our faces now aligned. The few seconds that passed by seemed to calm her down. My cock entered her slowly, our eyes never leaving each other's. Her brows furrowed, her eyes closed as my cock reached the furthest it could. My hips pumped slowly, both of us relishing the quiet, but pleasurable, lovemaking. She never said more than a word, instead, her body spoke in how it responded to my touch. I thrusted with more intensity, my eyes still locked onto hers. She glanced down occasionally, taking in the sights and getting further aroused from it. My lips dropped down onto hers for a deep kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth, tasting herself. Dirty girl. Emma drove her nails into my back, the pain oddly increasing the intensity of the pleasure I was receiving. She nodded, panting quicker as she neared her climax. I wasn't going to last long either, her muscles gripped at my cock, as if begging for my seed. She desired for a release as well, I could tell. She closed her eyes, her breath stopping for a quick second. My cock felt her secretions, a new, warm flow of her juices coating my cock as I stopped and felt her muscles contracting, milking my cock. Her body shook passionately in ecstasy as her orgasm coursed through her. She came. Emma opened her eyes, some of her hair splayed on the pillow. Her body was covered in a reflective layer of sweat, and so was I. Her orgasm seemed to have passed, however, I hadn't had mine. Emma knew this as well, I hoped. 'Get off.' She wiggled a bit, and moved out from under me. I stood up next to the bed, my cock still hard as diamonds. 'Fancy to finish off in my throat?' Emma asked with a smile in her orgasmic glow. She laid on her back, her head hanging at the edge of the bed, her mouth awaiting just below my cock. She seemed to have some expertise in this. She positioned herself so that my cock could sink as deep as possible into her throat. 'How could I turn down such an irresistible invitation?' I responded. 'Just do not poke my eyes out with that.' She warned. My cock lowered into her mouth, the head exploring deeper and deeper into her tight throat. I took care as to not choke Emma dead as I pumped in and out, giving time in between for her to catch a breath or two. Emma tried to swallow my whole, tempting me to push deeper. Hell, I could even feel it on my cock if I touched her throat. The sensations were overwhelming, the sight of my cock travelling down her neck pushing me over the edge. 'Emma, I'm cumming.' I notified her. She couldn't speak, obviously. Pulling out, I gave her one last chance to breathe before I come. I rammed my cock into her mouth, and released the pressure I had been holding in for too long. My seed sprayed down her throat, coupled with even more arousing thoughts of her not needing to swallow. It was a non-stop express to her stomach. She gasped for air as I pulled out. A string of the concoction of semen and saliva landed on her face. I panted heavily, my knees soft from the pleasure. I looked down at Emma. She had a frown on her face. She was upside down. It was a smile. 'Now that we both came at least once, and we are sweaty, and dirty,' Emma swallowed some more of the leftover saliva. 'how about we take a nice, long shower to clean off?' Emma washed my cock in the shower. It was pleasurable, but I had enough of it for that night. Plus, it was still too early in the morning, and the warm pattering of the shower only made me realise how tired I was. Emma and I slept naked together after the shower. I woke up early, earlier than Emma, at least. It was nearly noon. I could've done something mutually pleasurable to Emma with my morning wood, but as soon as my mind started working again, it was the afternoon, and the morning wood was no more. I got up, and freshened myself up in the bathroom. My brain reminded me that the woman I bedded last night was not my girlfriend. Guilt rushed to my head as the realisation became a panic. I stared at myself blankly in the mirror. What if this was some elaborate sister-sister agreement, and somehow Emma got permission to mess around with me? That would be a best case scenario, but wasn't a likely one. Emilia didn't seem too thrilled with the idea of me even going on an assignment with Emma. Maybe she predicted something like this would happen. She would've been right. "In this situation, who shall assume responsibility?" I remembered back to a question from some ethical test I did while I was in training, except that question applied to death due to an accidental firearm discharge. Damn, I was still an agent. And I just fraternised with my partner, quite hot and heavily. Walking over to the bedside table, I looked at Emma. She lay on her side, sleeping peacefully. A contrast to my state of mind right now. I picked up my phone from the table. It was still flashing, and I checked the notification. It was a message sent by Emilia, the timestamp sometime during last night, before Emma... seduced me. I chuckled silently at her name in my contacts list. She set the name herself after I accidentally sent Emma a rather inappropriate picture originally meant for Emilia.Then my smile dropped as I went through the messages. *From "not Emma": "asleep yet babe?" - Sent 00:03* *From "not Emma": "ok I'm really horny w.o u babe" - Sent 00:03* *From "not Emma": "please talk dirty to me babe" - Sent 00:06* Then she sent no messages for the next few hours, until... *From "not Emma": "I'm comin over, can't wait 2c u" - Sent 08:12* "comin over"? The drive takes at least two days, as Emma and I found out. But if she caught a flight out this morning... It only takes a few hours. Oh, dear, god. But god can't save me now. There were two knocks on the door. Ah, shit. *I've been working at this story on and off for the past year, and you may notice changes in my mood as the year went on. The first chapter, including the first section of this chapter (up to about the diner and pancakes part), was to fulfill the teenage fantasies I had of an incredibly attractive celebrity, the reality didn't matter then. It was a fantasy. Once that ran out of puff and ideas, I drew on my life during the year. Young love not meant to be, mistrust in relationships, the lot of them.* *However I don't write well enough yet to create emotional, relatable character attachment, so you may not have felt for the fictional twin sister. Originally I wrote Emilia as the persona's girlfriend with deeper attachments, but then I realised that if the persona did have such a deep connection with Emilia then he probably wouldn't cave into pressure with the cheesy situation I created in order to write a sex scene. I felt like cheating the readers, posting the story in the celebrities category but not actually writing about Emma Watson.* *I've pumped out B-grade stories (all two of them!) for the time I have been on literotica, but I'm hoping for the best next year, do some research, take notes from the elders of the community. May the happiness I find in the future be ingrained and reflected in my writing.* *Thank you for reading. Merry Christmas, everyone.* *And yes, next chapter will be coming... But the "when" is anybody's guess. I haven't started yet. I'm hoping the next installment will come before next Christmas.*
Double Agent Watson Ch. 02
[ "emma", "watson", "agent", "bond burger", "british", "cheating", "twins" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 77, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 444, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 29 }
*(Note: This is a continuation of the story commencing with Double Vision 1 in which the main characters are introduced. The installations are meant to be read in order.(* Daniella invited me to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her family who lived outside LA in Simi Valley. She explained that her older brother who lived in New York wouldn't be there and that there would be an empty room for me. She also explained that her parents had built an addition to their bungalow home containing the bedrooms for their four children at the opposite end of the house from their own master suite. It would be easy for her to slip into bed with me without being caught. This sounded good to me and the whole meeting the parents thing was only mildly stressful. I felt good that she wanted me to meet them. "Of course Dee will be there too," she smiled. "And you can fuck her with equal discretion but remember that I'm the official girlfriend." "Aye, aye, captain," I saluted. Those were orders I could gladly follow. As Daniella, Darolyn and I drove out for our weekend away, we listened to music and debriefed regarding our midterms. Daniella sat up front with me—it was my car—while Darolyn sat in back. Halfway through the trip we made a pit stop. Daniella said she felt like taking cat nap and asked Darolyn to trade seats. Her twin agreed. We got back in the car and Daniella lay back on a pillow and closed her eyes. Darolyn and I talked for a while then just looked at the passing scenery. When I looked toward Darolyn, she was leaning against the door with her legs stretched toward me. Her skirt was riding up, showing a lot of thigh. She gave me a Mona Lisa kind of smile that I couldn't decipher and looked out the window again. I returned my attention to the road when I felt a foot touch my thigh. I looked down at the sexy foot rubbing against me and followed it up Darolyn's gorgeous legs to the top of her thighs. As I glanced her way, Darolyn parted her legs, showing me her naked pussy. This was definitely distracting. Now Darolyn had both of her small, pedicured feet caressing my crotch. I was wearing loose shorts and she worked a foot up inside one of the legs until she was massaging my balls with her toes. Of course my cock was straining against my shorts and Darolyn spent a good twenty minutes tormenting me as she rubbed her own clit until she quietly came. I saw the sign that our exit was approaching and pointed it out to Darolyn. She pulled her skirt down then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Sorry to leave you like that but unless Dee gets you first, tonight I'll suck your cock down my throat and swallow all your cum." Composing herself, Darolyn began to explain the route to her family home and tell me about growing up there. Daniella roused herself and joined in playing tour guide for me with her sister. When we arrived, the sisters hugged their parents and introduced me to them. They were very welcoming and insisted on feeding us immediately. The younger sister, Aqualina, an eighteen yearld freshman at the local junior college was at basketball practice and wouldn't be home until late. The parents asked the three of us general questions about school but entirely avoided grilling me on the boyfriend hot seat. By the end of the meal we were all relaxed and retreated to the living room to watch a movie. Daniella sat next to me on the couch farthest from the TV while her parents took the one closer in. Her dad fiddled with the remotes until the complicated home theater system roared to life. With the lights out and the TV loud, we settled in for the opening credits and Darolyn joined Daniella and I on the couch with me in the middle. The way we were arranged, unless they turned their heads around, the parents couldn't see us, and the room was pretty dark anyway, except during the explosions (in the movie, that is). Daniella snuggled against me and lightly placed her hand on my chest. I put my arm around her and caressed her bare arm. Daniella kissed my neck and settled back down. The movie quickly became suspenseful and both sisters grabbed and squeezed my arms. Once the pace of the film became calmer, they both continued to hold on to me. At this point, Darolyn began to touch and rub my chest. Daniella noticed this and hissed at her to stop. Darolyn ignored her so Daniella took my face in her hands and kissed me. Darolyn upped the ante by rubbing my hardening cock through my pants, then a surprise development in the movie made their dad yell, "wow!" and they both pulled away from me in alarm. For the rest of the film, the twins leaned against me but didn't tease me anymore. When it ended, the parents yawned and said good night to us. We heard them pass through the kitchen and then close the door leading though the laundry room down to the master suite. I was a little apprehensive about the competition between the twins and thought I'd excuse myself to take a shower and get ready for bed. Just as I was making this announcement, we heard the front door open and in walked Aqualina. She looked a lot like her sisters but was slightly thinner and taller and had more of a tom boy look, at least in her basketball gear. After a quick introduction and promise to talk more the next day, Aqualina headed for the shower. I figured I would now have to wait and went to sit back down. "There's two showers," Daniella told me. Taking me by the arm, she showed me that there were two bathrooms next to each other at the end of the hall and told me to take the one on the right since Aqualina would be using the other, which opened into her room. I went to my room to get my bathroom gear and a bathrobe and then returned, looking forward to a hot shower. After undressing, I was reaching for the shower door when the door between the bathrooms opened revealing a naked Aqualina. Her body was really athletic and trim, with pert dark nipples just like the twins and a hairless pussy below her flat stomach. We goggled at each other before reacting. "Sorry!" she called out, pulling the door shut again, then opening it a crack to say, "I ran out of shampoo. Could you just hand me a bottle from the cupboard?" "Okay, no problem," I replied. I found the shampoo and handed it through the doorway, I felt Aqualina's slender fingers slide over mine for a moment as she got a grip on the bottle. "Thanks!" she said, "and sorry again for barging in on you. I've gotten used to having this end of the house to myself." "No problem, see you in the morning," I returned. Finally, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and headed back to my room. I tried to put the image of Aqualina and the feel of the touch of her hand out of my mind, but another part of me couldn't stop thinking of her. I lay down in the bed and pulled out a novel. I could hear the sounds of doors and dresser drawers being opened and closed as the sisters went about their bedtime preparation. Then a gentle knock on the door. "Come in," I said. Still dressed in the tight T-shirt and sweats she was wearing earlier. Darolyn came in, closed the door and sat next to me on the bed, saying: "I spoke to Dee. She said she doesn't mind if I help you relieve some tension while she showers and that she'll be in later." With that, she pulled off her shirt, showing off a lacey black push-up bra. She ran her hands up my legs, parting my bathrobe to get access to my cock. "I wanted to suck your cock in the car but didn't think it was such a good idea in broad daylight," she told me. "Besides, if Dee had woken up, she might not have appreciated it," I put in. "Come on, she told me how she makes her roommate blow you while she cooks dinner," she laughed. "You were right when you told me that people change." My cock was hard from Darolyn's hands on my cock and the sight of her cleavage before me. After winking at me, she got right to work, kneeling between my legs and swallowing my cock into her mouth. She worked me over rapidly with her hands, lips and tongue, then started sucking me deep and fast. It wasn't long before I was spewing down her throat. Darolyn swallowed it all and smacked her lips. "Delicious," she said. "I think Dee is right about the pineapple juice. I'll tell mom to buy more tomorrow." With that, Darolyn pulled her shirt back on and waltzed out. After about ten minutes there was another gentle knock. "Come in," I said and Daniella flowed into the room, her silk robe clinging to the curves of her damp body. "Sorry I took so long," she said, "I shaved my pussy so you could lick it for me." I gave Daniella a good, long licking, loving the taste of her tender pussy. The lips were pale pink on the inside and gradually morphed to a plum purple at the outer edges. Her cunt shone with a combination of her juices and my saliva as I pleasured her. As she ran her hands through my hair and over my back, I reached for her nipples and tweaked them as I flicked her clit with my tongue, bringing her to a shuddering orgasm. We talked for a while and then went to sleep. While it was still dark I awoke to the sensation of a wet mouth on my hard cock. Once I was fully awake, Daniella climbed on top of me and quietly fucked me until I pumped her pussy full of cum. After giving me a kiss, she slipped on her robe and silently left the room. The next day was Thanksgiving so there was bustle around the house all day. We all lent a hand to produce the big dinner that included all of the traditional American fare with the invariable Pilipino addition of rice. The family was joined not only by me, but also by some old friends of the family who the girls had known since childhood. I only spoke to Aqualina briefly but it seemed that she was brushing up against me more than coincidence might allow. Perhaps I was imagining it. In any case, I sure wasn't going to put the moves on my girlfriend's younger sister but I couldn't deny that I had a certain level of attraction to her, sparked by our accidental encounter in the bathroom. The festive dinner finally came to an end, the friends departed, the leftovers were put away and everyone collapsed in front of the TV for another movie. Wiped out by Turkey-induced narcosis, everyone turned in on the early side, except the girls' mom, who I could hear fussing about in the kitchen until I fell asleep. I awoke to feel a naked female body sliding into bed next to me and hands running across my chest. I heard Daniella's voice in my ear, "hey sleepy head, are you too tired to fuck me?" This got my attention and in no time I had Daniella on all fours as I fucked her doggy style until we both came with stifled moans. "I'm going back to my room to be on the safe side," she told me, and soon I was once again in dreamland. I dreamt that I was at the beach and suddenly realized that my swim suit was missing. I was naked on a beach full of people. I looked around frantically for my suit or something to cover up with but no one had even noticed me. A young woman in an obscenely tiny black bikini who looked sort of like Jennifer and sort of like Aqualina walked up to me, staring at my naked body. She reached out and touched my cock, and in spite of my embarrassment, I could feel my cock becoming erect, with a rising sense of panic, I woke up and realized that not only was my cock in fact hard, it was being licked and sucked by someone in my bed. "Jeez, Dee, you scared me," I said, assuming that Darolyn had paid me a nocturnal visit. "But don't stop, it feels great." Darolyn continued to suck my cock as it rose to full mast, throbbing as she licked and swirled her tongue around the head, then sucking down the length of my shaft with her wet lips. Once she had me super hard and dripping wet, Darolyn climbed up and impaled her tight pussy on my cock and began moving up and down on it, squeezing me with her inner muscles. I reached down to hold her hips so that I could better thrust up into her, meeting her moves with my own. She whimpered a little and breathed out heavily. As Darolyn pulsed her tight pussy up and down my cock I slowly ran my hand up her sides to her breasts. As my hands closed over them, something seemed different. Her breasts might have felt slightly smaller. But the room was pitch black and I thought that perhaps my senses were playing tricks on me. At the same time, she intensified her pulsing and came with a stifled cry. "Dee?" I prompted. "I'm not Dee," came the response. It was Aqualina. "We can't do this," I protested in a frantic whisper, my mind racing to the consequences. "You're already fucking both my sisters," she said matterf-factly, "I caught Dee One leaving your room last night and she told me the whole story." My heart was pounding but my damn cock was still rock hard and inside Aqualina's pussy. She clenched her pussy around my cock and said, "don't tell me that doesn't feel good." I groaned, "it feels great but I love Dee Two and I don't want to hurt her." "I'm confused," she retorted sarcastically, "you can fuck Dee One, you can fuck Dee Two's room mate, but you can't fuck me? I'm eighteen you know. You're not breaking any law or any rule that I can figure out." "It's about permission, and trust," I tried to clarify as I reached to turn on the bedside lamp. The sight of the hot, wanton teenager impaled on my cock almost made me spurt. "Oh, so if Dee Two says it's okay, you'll fuck me without freaking out?" I sighed. I was nervous, this was their parent's house and they would hardly approve of this. But I was also excited. I did want to fuck Aqualina, but not unless Daniella approved. I may not have been exclusive but I was loyal. And I wasn't about the screw up the good thing I had for short term pleasure, however enticing. "Okay," I finally, consented. Aqualina began pumping my cock again. I groaned, "but not until she say's it's okay." "Fine. I already came anyway," Aqualina said in an irritated voice, hoping off my cock and putting on her robe. Before she left she turned to me with a kinder expression on her face. "You know," she said, "you're right about permission. I'm sorry I assumed that anything goes. I'm glad you respect my sister. But if she says yes, are you actually interested adding me to your harem?" "Yes," I told her. She smiled, blew me a kiss, and silently left the room. In the morning I slept in late, to be awoken by Daniella opening the curtains and putting a glass of pineapple juice in my hands. "Thanks. Where is everyone? I asked. "My parents and Aqualina went to the mall to hit the sales early," she replied. Continuing to update me on the plans for the day she said, "Dee and I have appointments with our regular hairdresser this afternoon but it's a nice day so you can hang out by the pool while we're out. And after you're up and showered, Dee and I would like an appointment with you." "That sounds great," I said with a smile. "I'll make sure to finish all my juice." "Dio," she began, "Aqualina told me about last night." I gulped. "At first I was freaked out," she continued, "I mean, my little sister became an adult while I was away at college but I was still thinking of her as an innocent girl." Daniella absent-mindedly stroked my arm as she went on. "But when I thought about it I realized that I'm already sharing you with Dee and Jennifer. So after making the mental adjustment to see Aqualina as a sexually active adult, I couldn't think of a reason why not." I was amazed by the way Daniella was able to think outside of our cultural and religious habitual ways of thinking. Maybe the anthropology classes she loved so much gave her a different perspective on her own cultural assumptions. She went on: "What really moved me is that you respected me so much that you made that horny little vixen stop when I'm sure that every part of your body wanted to go on. Especially this part," she said, grabbing my cock. "I think I would have come to terms with it even if you hadn't done that. But now I just want to reward you. One of your rewards is Aqualina. Be discreet, but give her a good fucking whenever you want." At that, Daniella leaned in to kiss me and I held her close to me, giving thanks for my incredible good fortune. After a shower and some breakfast with the twins (during which I was given more pineapple juice to drink) they sent me to wait for them, naked, in my room. After about five minutes, the door opened and in walked both twins, completely nude, both with their hair in ponytails. Without clothes, jewelry, or make up, I couldn't tell which was which. I looked for toe nail polish, but they had removed that as well. I thought I would be able to tell their voices apart. Despite having identical tones, their manner of speaking differed, but they kept their mouths closed. "So you want to see if I can tell you apart?" I asked. They nodded. "And you're here to have sex with me," I clarified. They nodded again. With the rest of the family out of the house and the situation with Aqualina resolved, I was ready to plunge into this new scenario with gusto. "Let me start by comparing the taste of those two pussies," I said. The twins laid side-by-side on the bed with their legs spread. Of course both pussies were freshly shaved with identical tiny wedges of hair at the top. I licked and sucked their sweet pussies that looked, felt and tasted exactly the same and brought them to identical whimpering orgasms. Sitting back on the bed with a twin on each side, they rubbed my feet and massaged my legs until they converged on my cock. Taking turns, each twin sucked my cock, closely observed by the other who repeated the same ministrations to my throbbing member. They were both able to take my cock to the root and I was no closer to guessing which sister was which. Looking into their faces I thought I recognized some essential, inner difference, like Daniella's tenderness or Darolyn's wild side, but a moment later I'd seem to recognize those qualities in the opposite twin. The game was intriguing but I realized that it really didn't matter. I was having sex with identically gorgeous twin sisters under their parents' roof. As the twins continued to pass my cock back and forth between their luscious mouths I had a thought. "If I guess correctly, do I win something?" I asked. They shook their heads no. Then I had another thought. "Will one of you win something, depending on my guess?" They nodded their heads with big smiles. "Alright then, let's get on to some fucking," I said. First, the twins took turns riding me cowgirl style as I squeezed their tits and asses. Next, they got down on knees and elbows, side-by-side. This was an incredible sight: two brown, tight round asses with glistening pussies shining beneath them and slender arching backs and narrow waists. As I fucked one, I fingered the other, switching back and forth several times. I tapped one twin on the back, "turn around and suck my cock," I told her. Pulling my cock out of one twin's pussy, I presented it to the lips of the other who sucked it without hesitation. Since Daniella had done this after I had fucked Jennifer, I thought this could be an indication that it was her. But then again, this was her sister's pussy juice which might bring about a different reaction. In any case I was groaning with pleasure from whichever sister it was. I then gave the other sister the same test. Pulling my cock from the pussy of the one who had last sucked my cock, I presented it to other, who also plunged right down my cock eagerly. This was impossibly sexy. I thought about fucking their asses but they had both already done that with me so I wouldn't really wouldn't learn anything by it. Except what if felt like to fuck two asses. But by now, one of the twins was pointing to the clock. Apparently we were running short on time. I told them to suck me until I came and I stood by the side of the bed as they leaned over to share me. Now they were going for broke and while one had my cock in her mouth, the other licked my balls. This was a first for me and the sensation of two mouths plus the sight of two identical pretty faces working over my cock sent me over the edge. The twin sucking my cock pulled off and they both knelt with mouths open and tongues extended as I pumped my come between both their lips, spilling a bit on their bodies as I switched between them. Each of them made a show of licking up and swallowing the cum that had landed on their lips and then looked at me defiantly. I was just going to have to guess. Pointing at each in turn I pronounced, "you're Dee One and you're Dee Two." "Yeah!" cheered one of them, clapping. "He just guessed," said the other, whose voice revealed her as Darolyn. "So what did you win, Dee?" I asked Daniella. "Let's just say that you're going to be my date for a special event," she responded, then asked, "so did you really know or was it a lucky guess?" "You don't think I'd give up my secrets that easily do you?" I teased. The twins groaned and then headed off to get cleaned up for their hair appointments. I made myself a turkey sandwich and was just sitting down to devour it when the twins came down the hall wearing identical tight jeans, platform sandals, gauzy white tops and orange bangles and lipstick. I guessed they were planning to defy other attempts to identify them today. "See you later, honey," said Daniella as she swooped by to give me a kiss. Darolyn also swooped in for a kiss and mimicked, "See you later, honey." Or maybe it was the other way around. I put on my board shorts, got my novel, some sunglasses and towel and went out to the pool. It was just under 80 degrees, not too hot, and I kicked back in a lounge chair with my book. After finishing a chapter, I got up and jumped in the pool to swim a few laps. Dripping wet, I returned to my chair and closed my eyes as I soaked in the warm sun. I was in that half-way point between sleep and waking when I heard the front door slam inside the house. My reverie broken, I prepared to socialize with the parents, but realized they might not even know I was home and wouldn't be able see me unless they opened the door to the patio. Everything was quiet for a while and I resumed my relaxation while it lasted. I heard the sliding door swoosh and opened my eyes. There stood Aqualina in a white bikini of tiny triangles that I couldn't imagine her parent's approved of. "Hi," I said. "Hi yourself," she replied, then dove into the pool. Aqualina came out dripping and stood in front of me. Now that it was wet, her suit was transparent, showing her pert nipples, dark and pointed, and a very explicit camel toe as what little fabric there was sucked into the cleft of her pussy. Nervous, I asked, "are your parents home?" Aqualina laughed, "I couldn't wear this if they were. They dropped me off to go visit their friends. I bought this suit when then weren't with me. Wanna swim?" she tugged my arm. I got up, realizing my cock was already hardening, and jumped in. We swam and splashed each other playfully, then Aqualina dove under the water and the next thing I knew she was pulling my trunks off. Coming up for air, she flopped the wet suit onto the patio then pulled off her own tiny suit. Looking sexy as a jungle snake, the dripping eighteen-yearld pushed her body against mine and kissed me fiercely. I ran my hands up and down her slim back and palmed her firm little ass as my hard cock jabbed her in the stomach. "Now that you have permission, and nobody's here, you can fuck me the way you want to," she told me with surprising directness. I pulled her up and stuffed my cock into her little pussy, fucking her in the water as I gripped her ass until she came with a satisfied moan. She was so tight I could have cum right there but Aqualina had other plans. "I'm on the pill and I want you to cum in my pussy before you go back to LA, but Dee told me that your cum is delicious and I want to taste it. Let's get out of the pool." Telling me to lie back on the lounge, Aqualina knelt next to me, using her flip flops as knee pads. Caressing my cock and balls with her slender fingers, damp curls tickling my thighs, she licked my cock with enthusiasm, then began to suck the head energetically while her small hand rapidly pumped my shaft. She didn't seem concerned with making this blow job last, as I might have liked, but it felt so good, and the sight of this horny nymph sucking my cock on her parent's patio sent me over the edge. I pumped cum up into her mouth and Aqualina continued to stroke and suck me until my orgasm subsided. She swallowed and then crawled on top of me, laying her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her slim brown body. I held her like this for a while as the sun beat down on us. "Dee was right," Aqualina said, "you taste sweet." "Out of curiosity, which Dee?" I asked. "Both of them," she laughed. "Well, I think I'm ready to taste you," I told her. Aqualina kissed me sweetly and then climbed off my body. We traded places and I began by sucking on her long, delicate toes while I ran my hands up her slender legs. Aqualina let out a sound like a pony whinnying that seemed to express both that I was tickling her and that it was very pleasurable. Licking my way up her legs, I nibbled and kissed her all the way up to her pussy lips, spread apart in the sunlight revealing the rosy pink within. I dabbed at her lips a few times, eliciting more pony sounds from the coltish teenager. Aqualina was pulling on her own nipples as I lightly licked her pussy up and down. I had just flicked her clit when we heard the front door slam. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed and grabbed for her bikini and towel. "You stay here, but get your suit on. I'll go to my room and change. If my parents ask, you haven't seen me." And with that she dashed into the house. I quickly put my suit back on and sat back with my book as if I'd done nothing more than get some reading in. A few minutes later, a newly coifed Daniella joined me on the patio. "We're back," she announced the obvious. "Have fun with your twin act?" I inquired. "We got the regular questions: which one is older, do we work for Doublemint Gum," Daniella laughed. "How about you? Did you enjoy yourself?" "Aqualina came home," I informed her. "And did anything happen?" she asked. "Yeah. In fact things were still happening when we heard the front door slam," I said. Daniella looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well you better get in there and finish what you started," she told me. "Dee and I will stand guard although my parent's called and said they won't be home until about five." With that, I gathered my things and knocked on Aqualina's door. "Come in," she chimed. Aqualina was wearing sweats and was brushing out her hair in the mirror. I explained the situation and she shot me a mischievous smile, "well, I would like you to lick me a little more. And you still haven't cum in my pussy." As she quickly pulled off her sweats and I, my trunks, we embraced and fell onto her bed together, mashing our lips and groping each other intensely. I moved down to resume licking her delicate pussy and flicked at her little bud until she came with a loud moan. "I hope you can visit for Christmas," she enthused. I lifted her slender legs up until her pretty feet were at my shoulders and drove my cock inside her tight twat. Holding her legs and nibbling on her little toes, I plunged into Aqualina's wet pussy as she verbally encouraged me. "Yeah, your cock is so hard, you're really filling me up." Her pussy was tight and silky. It seemed to suck my cock as her glistening pussy lips pulsed like a beautiful sea anemone. "Do you want me to cum in your pussy?" I asked her between heavy breaths. "Yeah, I want a pussy full of cum, I want it to drip down my legs," she panted, her black curls sticking to her flushed face. "Squirt your cum deep inside my pussy. I want your cum. Fuck me!" Aqualina demanded. Plunging into her, my balls slapping against her ass, I fired off inside her as she moaned in pleasure. "That was so cool," she said after a while. "I just went on the pill two months ago and you're the first guy to cum in my pussy. I want to do it again." "I need a little while to recuperate," I replied, "and won't your parents be home soon?" "You're right," Aqualina assented, "but I just want to do one more thing. Let me lick the juices off your cock. I've never done that before either." Of course, I agreed. Aqualina's eagerness to try new things—with me—was an incredible turn on and I actually started to regain my erection as her lips encased my cock when there was a tap on the door followed by the sound of Darolyn's voice. "Mom and dad just called from the grocery store. They'll be home in fifteen minutes." Aqualina gave me a passionate kiss, then we headed for separate bathrooms to clean up before dinner. During the family dinner I tried not to think about what the parents would say if they found out about the debauchery going on under the roof. That night, Daniella was my only nocturnal visitor and I was glad to have some time with just the two of us. On the next day, Saturday, we went on a hike to get out of the house. The parents packed us a huge picnic of thanksgiving leftovers and the four young people got a fairly early start to drive out to the oak woodlands side of the Santa Susana Mountains. It was a nice day, not too smoggy, and everyone was in good spirits and enjoying the exercise. At the end of a two-hour slog up the hills through the oaks, we emerged onto an open hillside at the top of whatever peak we were on. At the top was a rocky outpost from where we could see into three counties. Aqualina pointed out that we'd be able to see anyone coming from a long way off. "You know what would be really cool?" she asked. "I think so, but why don't you tell us," responded Darolyn with amusement. "I think it would be cool if Dio fucked all three of us as we looked out over the mountains." Darolyn and Daniella cracked up and started to unzip their shorts and push them to their ankles. Bare from the waist down, and bending over to hold onto a massive rock, the three sisters presented their fantastic sexy asses to me amid giggles and wiggles. Daniella turned around to suck me into her mouth to get my cock hard and wet. I returned the favor by fucking her first but Darolyn and Aqualina were impatient for their turns. As I fucked each sister for a few minutes before moving to the next, I was struck by the surreal nature of this experience. Here were three Catholic-raised sisters, sharing a guy like a tube of lipstick, and laughing and chatting about it as we looked out from the top of the world over the canopy of California oaks before us. A breeze came up, blowing the three heads of hair, so carefully arranged the day before, into wild mops. We were all laughing and I was fucking them harder. As it came to Aqualina's turn again she called out, "I want his cum in my pussy, okay?" The twins readily agreed and I saw them exchange a look that seemed to say: "fine, she's the one who'll have a dripping pussy the rest of the way home." As I concentrated on fucking Aqualina, the twins turned to watch and started to encourage me: "fuck my little sister," Darolyn said with a wicked grin. "Give her your cum," added Daniella. I erupted once again inside Aqualina. In joy, she yelled out into the wind as her pussy clenched my cock in her own orgasm. The four of us put our shorts back on and ate our lunch. On the hike back down, a stream of cum visibly dripped down the inside Aqualina's lean thighs and Darolyn teased her about it. "I don't care. It was worth it," said Aqualina defiantly, "I'd do it again and again. I love it." "Next thing, she'll be wanting an ass full of cum too," Darolyn said. Aqualina was silent. I could see she was doubtful about this. "You haven't done that, have you?" Darolyn persisted. "You, umm, I mean, have you?" Aqualina asked uncertainly. Darolyn paused a moment then said, "sure I have. I've had Dio fuck my ass." Aqualina took this in thoughtfully then asked, "is that because Dee Two doesn't do that?" Daniella laughed, "No, it's new to me but I do it too. It hurts a bit a first but it's really intensely pleasurable. You might try it some day." We stopped a moment while Darolyn retied her shoes. Aqualina looked thoughtful then quietly asked, "but is it...I don't know, messy, you know?" "I would have thought so too," Daniella replied. "But if you wash your ass really well, at least one guy will even lick it before he fucks it. And I haven't heard any complaints." "Wow," Aqualina exclaimed, her mind apparently focused on the possibility of getting her ass licked. No more was said about anal sex and our conversation turned to other topics as we wended our way back through the oaks to the trail head where we had begun. The rest of the day and evening was uneventful. It was our last night and the parents took us out to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant where I devoured a huge bowl of pho. We all watched the news together, then the parents headed for bed leaving the sisters and I to ourselves. We were all tired but not sleepy so we put on a movie and hunkered down in the couches: me and Daniella took the back couch while Darolyn and Aqualina took the forward couch. As she leaned against me, Daniella began nodding off halfway through the movie. She sat up an announced she was going to sleep. Darolyn decided to turn in as well, leaving me with Aqualina who joined me on the other couch. After kissing the twins goodnight, I put my arm around Aqualina. She took my other hand in hers and placed it on her breasts. She wore no bra and I could feel her nipples under a T-shirt as she rested her head on my chest. We watched the movie like this for about twenty minutes, then Aqualina slid a hand down to my crotch. My cock hardened in my jeans as she rubbed it. I slipped a hand inside her T-shirt to caress her firm little tits. Her nipples were already hard as pebbles. After another ten minutes, Aqualina unzipped me and pulled my cock out and ran her tongue up and down it before taking the head between her lips. "That feels wonderful," I said. "But I think we should take this to my room, just in case." Aqualina sat up and turned off the TV and said, "okay, but I want you in my room this time." Hand-in-hand we walked down the hall and entered her bedroom where she turned on, of all things, a lava lamp, which barely illuminated her room with a mutant glow. Naked on her bed, we kissed and touched each other's bodies. Aqualina sighed. "I want to suck your cock some more, but I've also been thinking," she said. "About what?" I prompted. "Well you've cum in my mouth and in my pussy and I'm really curious, actually excited, to see if maybe you could also cum in my ass. I know it might hurt but it would just be so cool." "I'd love to cum in your ass," I told her. "I've got some lubricant in my room which will make it easier," and I quickly left and returned with the lube. "How do you want me?" Aqualina asked. "I think the easiest way is if you're on your hands and knees," I told her. Aqualina eagerly got in position, looking back at me expectantly. "I washed it really well," she said. Taking the hint, I knelt behind her and took her perfect little ass cheeks in my hands, caressing and squeezing them, then pulling them gently apart as I lowered my tongue to her puckered ass hole. As Aqualina moaned girlish sighs, I gave her ass the best tonguing I could muster. She was really excited and I decided to escalate to a finger. Telling her what I was doing, I squirted some lube on my finger, then blew on in to warm it before placing a dollop on her tiny opening. Popping my finger inside, she sighed, "it doesn't hurt. It feels so good." I slowly worked my finger all the way in and began to move it in and out while twisting it left and right. Aqualina moaned quietly. "Are you ready for another finger?" I asked. "Mmm, mmm" she assented. Adding more lube and a second finger, I gently finger-fucked Aqualina's tight ass as she moved her body back and forth to meet my intrusions. "I really want your cock in there now," she said, and placed her head down on the pillow, causing her ass to point upwards, ready to be invaded. I lubed my cock and placed the head at her opening, gently pushing it downwards until it popped inside. Aqualina gasped and I held still while she grew accustomed to the new sensation. She took a few deep breaths then said, "okay, you can put in more." I slowly pushed my cock into Aqualina's lovely ass as she gripped the sheets and uttered a series of sharp exhalations. Soon, she was pushing her ass back at me as I slowly fucked her ass, pushing my cock all the way down. "This...is...so...good," Aqualina panted. By now I was fluidly fucking her ass, not too forcefully, but not holding back either. Aqualina continued to quietly moan and sigh as I squeezed her ass with my hands and plundered her tight hole for several minutes. "Hey, is this the only position for this?" she asked. "We can try anything you like," I responded. I hadn't used any other position for anal sex but didn't see any reason not to try. "I want to be on top," Aqualina told me so I lay down as she squatted over my cock. It took us several tries but we got my cock back in her ass and she slowly sat down until my cock was all the way in. "Fuck," Aqualina said with a grimace. "I can't believe how intense this is." I had to agree. With her legs spread to either side, I could see the eighteen-yearld's pussy open before me and my cock buried in her little ass. Placing her hands on my chest she began to pump up and down, tightening her muscles around my cock. Aqualina was biting her lip while she fucked me with her ass. I reached up to tug on her nipples, causing her to moan appreciatively. I lowered one hand to her clit and flicked it with a finger as she continued to pulse up and down. "This is so hot," I told her. "You are so sexy. Your ass is so tight." By now Aqualina was whimpering and I could see a sheen of perspiration on her body. "I want you to cum in my ass," she whispered. "I want your cum to drip down my thighs from my ass." "I want to explode in your ass," I whispered back. At this Aqualina groaned in orgasm and I blew my load too, spraying cum deep in her ass hole as she squeezed her cheeks together. She collapsed on my chest, my cock still inside her. As our breathing slowly returned to normal, Aqualina kissed me tenderly on the lips. "I'm not in love with you," she said, "but I love you for showing me how great sex can be." "The feeling is mutual," I told her, kissing her lips gently. "You know I'm planning to transfer out of junior college," she said. "Maybe I should come check out UCLA. Do you think you could show me around?" "Of course," I said. We drifted into sleep with Aqualina splayed on top of me and soon woke up again as this position was intimate but not very comfortable in the long run. "I should probably get back to my own room," I yawned. "Take a shower with me first?" Aqualina proposed. We entered the bathroom from her bedroom and soon hopped into the steamy shower stall. We soaped each other's body and kissed as the water ran down our faces. Aqualina washed my cock, balls and ass really thoroughly and asked me to do the same with her pussy and ass. Once we had rinsed clean we got out and dried off with her fluffy towels. "This has been so great. I'm sad you're leaving tomorrow," Aqualina said as she applied lotion to her lithe body. "Well, I guess we can look forward to the next time," I said. "Before you go to bed, can I suck your cock one more time?" she asked winsomely. "I can't turn that down," I replied. Aqualina folded the bathmat as a pad for her knees and got down to inhaling my cock which responded quickly with a new erection. I gripped onto the edge of the shower as I watched her lovingly suck my cock, looking up at me from time to time with eyes expressive of love and lust. Pulling off for a moment, she asked, "can you cum again? I really want to swallow your cum. All week I want to think about your cum inside me: in my pussy, in my belly and in my ass." I hadn't been too sure about being able to shoot again but Aqualina's words added to the sexy image of her on her knees in the bathroom, the steamed up mirror had cleared by then and I could watch her sucking my cock from the side, as a voyeur to my own sexual act. Aqualina palmed by balls and pressed a saliva wet fingertip into my ass as she rhythmically sucked my shaft between her lips. As I came, Aqualina swallowed my cum, whimpering enthusiastically. After a moment, she stood up and opened her mouth, showing me that she had swallowed it all. "You know," she said, "I could drink your cum everyday. When you go back to LA I want you to think about filling my body with your cum whenever, wherever and as much as you want." "That's definitely an image I'll keep in mind," I told her. We held each other a long time, then finally reluctantly pulled away to go to our separate beds. After lunch on Sunday, the twins and I drove back to LA. They looked so pretty wearing sandals and sundresses. Then again, they looked beautiful no matter what they wore. Or didn't wear. Once we were about half-an-hour down the road, Darolyn told me: "we made a bet." "About what," I asked her, looking back to see her mischievous grin. "I bet that you wouldn't do Aqualina in the ass," Daniella replied. "And I bet that you would," put in Darolyn. I didn't say anything but just smiled. "So who won?" prodded Darolyn, impatiently. "This time Darolyn wins the bet," I told them. "Can't win 'em all," said Daniella with playful resignation while Darolyn just looked smug. "Are you going to tell me what the bet was?" I asked. "Eventually," Darolyn said, enigmatically. After a pause, Daniella asked me, "so was it good?" "Yep," I said, and left it at that. I could be enigmatic too.
Double Vision Ch. 05
[ "filipina", "oral", "anal", "petite" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 59, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 548, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 107 }
Lee rolled Marshall so they were face to face. Marshall's breath quickened at the sight of Lee's hard body poised above him. Although Lee presented a tough façade to the world, Marshall could read him like a book. His own personal, private edition. He could read the emotions that flashed through Lee's eyes, mirrors to his soul, and he loved them all. But most of all, he loved how Lee loved him. A slow, lazy smile spread across Lee's face. Marshall's heart lurched at the sight. Lee reached between them, his fingers circling Marshall's length, pressing his palm against Marshall's flesh. "Don't come until I tell you," he warned. "Understood." Marshall shivered at Lee's touch. He'd promise anything if it meant he got to have Lee inside him, reconnecting at their most basic level. There was a fire inside of him that perpetually burned for Lee, a flame that could never be quenched. "Think maybe we should go up to San Antone soon. There's a few things I'd like to get." Marshall knew Lee had more than computer parts on his mind. They'd been looking at various toys online. Lee wanted to try the wireless remote butt plug on Marshall. According to the website they read, it vibrated. "Sounds like a good idea," Marshall agreed. He tried not to let his excitement show, but he knew Lee felt it anyway. "I can plug you while you work, keep your hot ass on simmer all day, and watch you squirm until you beg me to take you." His hand pumped Marshall's cock. Marshall thrust into his tight grip eagerly. Just thinking about that plug threatened to send Marshall over. He had to get a grip on himself or he'd come. "I like that idea," he moaned. Lee reached behind Marshall. "Raise up," he directed. Marshall lifted his hips, and Lee slid a pillow beneath them. The pillow wasn't the softest, but it wasn't exactly hard either, and the added elevation allowed Lee better access to Marshall's hole. It also meant he could bury himself deeper inside of Marshall. Marshall was certainly all for that. "Then you better work extra hard, next couple of weeks. And watch that smart mouth." Marshall knew better. He knew Lee encouraged his sass. He also knew Lee was proud of him, and the work he did for their company. He just liked to give Marshall a hard time. And Marshall loved that he did. "Maybe I should use that smart mouth on you," Marshall retorted. Lee grinned. "Not tonight you won't." He leaned down, slanting his mouth over Marshall's, effectively ending that particular discussion. For now. Their tongues tangled in silent communion, in a mutual give and take, exploration of familiar territory. Marshall's need for Lee was only growing greater and hotter. He had to focus hard to keep from exploding into Lee's hand. Lee drew back and slid two fingers inside Marshall's mouth. He sucked at them eagerly. At last, things were moving forward, and he was closer to getting what he wanted. When Lee felt the digits were wet enough, he removed them, releasing his hold on Marshall's weeping cock to grab his legs, raising them to his shoulders. A familiar giddiness coiled inside Marshall's stomach, the kind you get when you're sitting on a roller coaster, about to take the big plunge. Lee eased his wet fingers inside of Marshall, stretching his tight muscles. He would never enter Marshall without prepping him first, and he'd never do it dry, either. He reached inside of Marshall and pressed on his prostate. Marshall released an involuntary yip, arching his back. "Like that, boy?" "Sir, yes, Sir," Marshall moaned. He started to reach for his cock, without thinking, but his hand was swatted away. "Did I say you could?" "No, Sir, you did not." "Then remember that." Lee pulled his fingers out of Marshall's ass with a wet pop. Marshall knew his actions wouldn't cost him what he wanted most—Lee wanted it as badly as he did. He felt the head of Lee's cock nudge his opening, and he resisted the urge to reach for it and guide it inside of him. Then Lee plunged into him in one strong move, filling Marshall completely. He gasped at the feeling of fullness that suffused him, the completeness of their union. Neither moved, simply enjoying the moment. Then Lee lowered Marshall's legs to the level of his waist, and Marshall locked his ankles behind Lee's back, pressing against the dip just above Lee's ass. He leaned up a little and Lee leaned down, and their mouths met in the middle in a passionate kiss. Lips joined, Lee began to move, quickly establishing a steady rhythm. The bedsprings creaked beneath them, in sync with Lee's movements, echoed by similar creaks from nearby rooms—the symphony of Partners, the music from the bar an audible backdrop to the private activities. Marshall moved his hips to meet Lee's thrusts, urging Lee to fuck him harder, his moans becoming lost inside Lee's mouth. Just when he thought he'd have to risk taking himself in hand, Lee took hold of Marshall's cock and pumped. Lee released Marshall's lips long enough to whisper hoarsely, "Come now, boy." And Marshall did, his orgasm the crescendo to their love song. Lee continued to thrust as Marshall's cock released in hard spurts between them, covering Lee's hand, and spattering both their chests. Marshall squeezed his muscles harder, and felt Lee's response. A few more pushes and Lee released, filling Marshall with wet warmth. They lay together afterward, after wiping off as best they could. Just for a moment before heading back to their friends. Marshall stared up into Lee's gorgeous eyes, unable to speak, filled with love for this beautiful man he could not live without. As if sensing his mood, Lee murmured softly, "No matter where you are, I'll be there. I love you, Marshall." "Love you too, Lee." Life was perfect.
Don't Look Back Ch. 15
[ "m/m erotica", "marshall and lee", "taboo", "incest", "father/son", "m/m romance" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 40, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 86, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 21 }
Morning found the ship already docked in Miami and we were able to disembark with a minimum of fuss. Anna & Adam exchanged emails with Trent & me before we lost each other in the masses and we had several hours until the flight back home, so we hit the nearest mall. I still had over fifteen hundred dollars from my winnings the first night on the ship and we spent a most of our time window shopping. The flight home was comfortable, and I got to sit with Mom. Trent and his parents were on a different flight and I figured it was time to talk to Mom about the college thing. "Mom, I've got a problem." "You're pregnant." Mom said deadpan. I froze for a split second and then sighed, "Nothing gets by you, does it. What am I going to do?" She laughed and said, "what is it baby?" "College." "What about it? You submitted everything before the deadline, I am sure that there is a letter of acceptance waiting for you at home right now." "No, there is probably a letter of rejection and an order to see a shrink about the dark and dismal pictures I took." "Why would you think that?" Mom asked. "You saw the final disk I put together for submission." I said stiffly. "Not one nice picture in the lot, and it certainly wasn't what they asked me to put together." "Well," she said, drawing out the word, "I wouldn't worry about that too much." "How can I not worry, I have just blown my shot at college because I was being a stupid mopey schoolgirl." "I think it will be fine." She said firmly. "Try not to worry about it, and if they turn you down, then it was not the school for you. Now get some rest dear, it is a long flight back and you only have one day to recover before school starts." Mom tilted her seat back and left me staring at her in shock. How could she be so cavalier about my future? I was going thru hell, and normally she was so supportive. I sat back in my seat and stared at nothing for the rest of the flight. We made it home just before dinner and Mom ordered out for a pizza. We were all too tired to try and cook, plus all the rich food on the cruise made us want normal food for a while. I was in my room, sorting out my clothes when Mom came in and flipped a large thick envelope at my head. I ducked and it landed face up on my bed. I stared at the return address, the registrar's office at UCLA. I couldn't move. I knew it had to be an acceptance letter, they don't send big envelopes to tell people they didn't get in, but I still couldn't move. "Either you open it, or I will." Susan's voice came from behind me. I picked up the envelope like it was a dead rat and carefully tore it open. A large folder was inside and a letter stapled to the front. I held my breath as I read it. Ms. Janie Holcomb: Congratulations in being accepted for the fall semester... That was far as I got before the scream of delight came from my throat. I looked at Mom and saw a smug little smile on her face. "Don't say it." I said sternly. "Say what," she responded, the very picture of innocence. "That I told you so, I would never dream of it." She had to duck the pillow I threw at her. I finished reading the letter in a state of shock. I had been accepted at UCLA for photography and a minor in computer sciences. We had the money, thanks to Dad, but still I was worried. This was going to be a big change for me. I put the folder on my desk and went to throw out the envelope when a smaller envelope fell out. It was a standard letter size and had the return address of a modeling company. I knew it had to be a mistake, but it was addressed to me. I opened the envelope and the letter it contained was even more surprising that the acceptance letter. Ms. Janie Holcomb; I represent a small internet modeling client for our firm. They are very interested in new faces to model their swimwear and lingerie line. One of the members of the applications board is related to me and was kind enough to forward me a copy of your disk with your fashion show. I think you might be perfect for my client. Please contact me as soon as possible so that we can discuss your future. Sincerely J.D. Timerson. I read the letter twice and then headed downstairs. I had a feeling I knew what had happened, but I wanted to confirm my theory. I found Mom and Susan in the kitchen opening the pizza box. "Oh good, you're here. I was about to call you." Mom said with a smile. "Mom, did you submit my fashion show disk to UCLA?" I demanded without preamble. "Yes dear, I did." She said without pause. "Why?" "What do you mean 'WHY'?" I retorted. "You knew I didn't want to send that disk. How could you?" "Simple, I slipped it in before you asked me to mail it. I was not about all that hard work you did on the first show to go unnoticed." "MMMMOOOOMMMMM." I wailed. "Enough," Mom said sternly. "It isn't that I didn't think your second disk would have got you in. It is just that I wanted the admissions board to see both sides of you. Now come and eat." I stared at her in shock. She had totally betrayed my trust and now she just wanted me to sit down and eat with her. I opened my mouth to say something when Susan spoke up. "How did you know?" She asked. "What?" I asked still in shock. "How did you find out about the second disk?" Susan said again. "It was labeled second submission; they shouldn't even have viewed it." I handed her the letter from the modeling agency and sat down. Susan read the letter and handed it to Mom with a smile. "Looks like our little girl is going to get more attention than we thought." Susan said to Mom with a wry smile. "This is..." "An excellent opportunity." Mom interrupted. "After dinner we can look this company up on the internet and see what they do. Also, I will contact a few friends to see if they have heard of them. Now eat." "No," Susan said sternly, snatching my plate away. "If she is going to be a model, she is only allowed to eat salad." "Gimme that." I demanded, pulling on the plate. Dinner passed with more laughter now that the cat was out of the bag and I had accepted that Mom and Susan had put one over on me for my own good. We hit the net and did a search and found that the modeling company was a small private company with a very exclusive clientele. They dealt only with small clothing companies but were very well placed. Mom called a few friends and they promised to get back to us in a couple of days with a report on the company. We also contacted the Better Business Bureau and they had a clean rating there. Monday found us all back in our routines. I got to school on time for my workout in the pool and ran into Candy. She was taking a more leisurely swim than I was and was a golden brown. She had obviously spent her break on the beach, or in a tanning salon. "How you doing?" She asked me. "You look a lot better." "Fine, nice tan." I said smiling at her. "Yeah, spring break in Florida. It is a wonder I survived. How was the cruise?" "Great, the accommodations were spectacular, the food was too good, I think I put on about fifty pounds. We made some good friends and I tried a few new..." "We." Candy pounced on the word. "Yes, WE." I said emphasizing the word. "As in Trent and I. We sorted out a lot of things on the cruise and are back together." 'YES." She hollered. I didn't know how was happier, her or me. "He is my boyfriend you know." I said with a dark look at her. "I know, and I am glad the two of you finally got your heads out of your respective asses and sorted this out." Her smile gave way to a sudden frown. "You didn't give in to him did you?" "If you mean go all the way, no, I am still a virgin, and he respects that I am going to remain one for a while yet." "Good," she said fiercely. "You can't let him bully you into anything." We stepped out of the pool and headed for the showers. "But how are you going to keep him interested if you want to stay a virgin?" "There is more than one hole down there you know." "You mean you let him..." "Yes," I said with a smile. "And I love it." "You slut." Candy whispered. "Not really, I can't be a slut if I am still a virgin." I said with a wicked smile, and then yelped when she flicked my ass with her towel. "Cheeky bitch." She said with a laugh. "Have you heard from any colleges yet?" I asked her. "Yeah, I got into USC. You?" "UCLA for photography and computer sciences." "Cool, we can live together in LA." She cried cheerfully. I just smiled and laughed at that. I had not thought about that. I could not keep my secret from her if we lived together. "We'll see, I have to find out what Trent is doing first." "You don't want to share an apartment with me?" Candy said looking hurt. "I think that would be cool, but I would much rather share a bed with Trent." "I'll say it again, SLUT." She giggled and we finished getting dressed. Lunch found us at our usual table, the whole crowd comparing Spring Break stories and discussing college acceptance letters. Trent was beside me and we snuggled. He had already told me that he had been accepted at USC and West Point. He was torn between where to go and I was trying very hard not to pressure him into anything, but the thought of him going into the army scared me. Kevin was sitting with Candy and he told us that he had been accepted at UCLA for the same computer sciences class I was in, but he was majoring in it. He said that after class he needed to talk to me about a new computer program he had come up with and need someone to look it over and beta test it for him. I was flattered. Half way through lunch Mom texted me with the results of the search on the modeling agency. They had checked out and a couple of her friends had worked for them before. They were very picky and extremely exclusive. Candy looked over my shoulder and read my text at the same time I did. "What modeling agency?" She asked. I gave her the name and she looked confused. "Why are you worried about them?" "I got a letter with my admissions letter that they want to meet with me." All conversation at the table stopped and everyone turned to look at me. "What?" "You got offered a modeling contract? Chelsea asked shocked. "No, they just want to meet with me to talk about some pictures for a small client they have. Nothing special." "Why didn't you tell me?" Trent asked. "Because I wasn't sure it was real or what I was going to do about it." I said firmly, upset that it had come out this way. I wanted to tell him privately after I found out what I could about the company but that plan was toasted now. "Give me the name." Trent demanded, pulling out his phone and punching a speed dial number. I gave him the name softly certain that he was mad at me again. Just what we needed after we got back together on the cruise. Trent nodded and got up from the table and walked away talking as quietly as possible in the chaos of the cafeteria. He returned a few minutes later and pulled me back into his arms and kissed me gently. "What was that all about?" I demanded. "You will see later." He said shiftily, and changed the subject back to break stories, discussing the SNUBAing we had done on the cruise. I was still concerned but his smile and arm around me was very comforting. After last class my phone rang and I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyway, it was Jason. "Hi beautiful." He said as soon as I said hello. "You are on a conference call with me and Trent." "What's up?" I asked now completely confused, I was meeting Trent in about an hour after practice. "I wanted to explain this to both of you since Trent asked. I checked out this J.D. Timerson. She is a very good advertising executive. She deals only with small companies but has built herself a very profitable niche. She is definitely above board. You can trust her not to take advantage of you. She made her way up the ladder from a model to a photographer, to advertising then started her own company. Well thought of in the business. Tough as nails in negotiations, but takes good care of her people. That help?" "Terrific, thanks Dad." Trent's voice came over the line. "I just wanted to be sure that this wasn't some fly by night company that takes advantage of people for nothing." "No, definitely not. J.D. is good people." Jason said firmly. "But Janie, when the time comes to meet with her, take your mother with you, or I can assign someone from our LA office to represent you." "I..." "Maybe it best if it was either your mom or how about Heather?" "Yes, I think I like it better if it was someone I know." I said still bewildered at the speed of which things were happening. "I thought so." Jason said. "That way no one else will need to know about..." "That is what I was thinking too." I said. "Thanks Jason. I will talk to Mom and we will let you know." "No problem sweetheart." Jason said, and I could hear his smile. "Thanks Dad." Trent cut in. "Janie I will see you after practice. Bye Dad." Jason chuckled as he said goodbye and he cut the connection. My phone rang again a second later and it was Trent. "Honestly, you'd think you were his girlfriend." "Well he was very charming on the cruise, and at the Christmas party, and Thanksgiving, the fall dance at the club..." "Enough." Trent said with a huff and then laughed. "Mom would kill him if he tried anything with another women." "Not to mention what she would do to the other woman." I said with a laugh. "Gotta go. Practice." "Me too. Love you." And he hung up. Practice was not too bad. I was glad that I had done the yoga on the cruise. It was obvious which of the girls had not done too much over the break. Candy was sweating and cursing by the end of the workout and Chelsea collapsed on the mat when Coach Jacobs finally called it quits. "I will never drink that much again." Chelsea said panting for breath. "Serves you right." Barb said, only slightly winded. "Look at Janie. No practice in months and she barely broke a sweat. I heard all about the rich food she ate on the cruise too. So off your ass and get to work." "Leave me out of this." I said. "I was working out before the cruise, just not cheering." Chelsea shot Barb a dirty look and rolled to her feet. Candy stormed out of the gym with Chelsea right on her heels. We found them both in the showers, sitting on the floor letting the water rain down upon them. "You okay?" I asked Candy. "Just sore." She responded tiredly. "And mad at myself. I am the captain and I should know better than party for a week without working out." "You will be fine in a few days. Take it easy. You okay Chelsea?" I called across the shower room, getting only a grunt in reply. "She will be." Candy said, smiling faintly. "She partied even harder than I did and she only got home last night at about one. She is just tired." I cleaned up, changed and headed out my car to find Trent waiting for me. He swept me up in his arms and kissed me soundly. His tongue worked into my mouth and ran over my teeth. I moaned into his mouth and wrapped my body around his. My hands held his head and I was on one leg as the other hooked behind his and pulled us tight together. I ground my crotch against him and could feel him harden even through the fake vagina I wore. He finally broke the kiss and looked down at me smiling. "What was that for?" I asked breathlessly. "I missed you." He said simply. "You spoke to me an hour ago." "I meant last night. I got used to sleeping with you last week and I found my bed a very lonely place last night." I snuggled into his arms and murmured my agreement. A horn honked and we both turned to see Candy pull up and scream at us to get a room. I flipped her off and pulled Trent's face down to mine for another searing kiss. I heard her laugh as she pulled out of the lot and headed for work. We broke it up after a few more minutes and several cars honking as they left. I hopped into my car and drove home. I needed to talk to Mom. She was cooking dinner when I got there and saw that the table was only set for two. "Where's Susan?" "She has a lab tonight and won't be home till about ten. Just you and me," Mom told me as she slid the pie into the over. "Come make the salad." "Just let me drop my stuff and change Mom. Right back," I tore up the stairs and flung my bag on my bed and changed into white tights and loose t-shirt. I started the salad as soon as I got into the kitchen and we sat down to eat shortly after that. The meat pie was great and Mom had ice cream for dessert for us. "Mom, I wanted to talk to you about this modeling thing." "I thought you might." She said with a grin. "Jason called right after he called you and gave me the run down. I think it might be a great opportunity for you." "I think I want to try it, but I am a little worried about my clit." "Don't be." She said firmly. "You can wear the vagina for the photo shoots. If you can wear that monokini that Heather bought you at Thanksgiving you will be fine." "It is not just that. I am worried about this Timerson lady finding out and saying that I did something dishonest." "Don't' worry about that either. We can make that a part of the contract if you wish." "Do we have too?" "I think we should at least let J.D. know about it, if only to keep up our end of the bargain." "I am not sure..." "Trust me." Mom said confidently. "Heather will make sure that you are well taken care of." "Heather." I said with surprise. "Yes, she has agreed to represent you. If that is what you want." "Yes it is, I just didn't know how to phrase it so that you didn't think I didn't want you involved." "I know you want to keep me involved." Mom said with a smile. "I also know that you want to get out on your own and try different things. But I still want you to be represented by someone who knows what to look for, and Heather would be a better choice than I would, and it would make sure that we don't have to have any more people that know about you than necessary." "Thanks Mom, you are the greatest." I said hugging her. "I know." Mom said smugly. "But I still intend to be a very visible presence while you are doing this modeling thing. So be ready for it." "Kay." "Now, get to your homework young lady. You are not a model superstar yet." "Yes Ma'am." I replied meekly and scampered from the kitchen before she could do more than shake a fist at me. The rest of the school year passed with a minimum of drama. A few more fights and break ups, more homework than any sane person should have assigned to us. The swim team placed second in the state finals. Heather got me a great deal with J.D. We flew down to LA over a weekend and met with her. She was a very beautiful woman in her mid forties. I recognized her from several ad campaigns that I had seen when I was younger. Jason was right, she was tough as nails, but she had more than met her match with Heather, who did some of Jason's corporate negotiations. She got me a great deal, top dollar, a private dressing room, and private shoots. J.D. wasn't too fond of the idea, but after Heather made her sign a non disclosure agreement and told her about me J.D. gave in on everything. I even found out that the member of the admissions board at UCLA was her husband. He would pass photos of girls that he thought would be good for J.D.'s business on to her and then drop the letter into their admissions or sometimes even rejection letters. Most of the girls tried it and gave up, but many stayed the course and put themselves through school on the money that J.D. paid. My first shoot was scheduled for a week after graduation and I was put on a strict diet when I signed the contract. I wouldn't see any money till after the shoot, but Heather had told me that was normal. They had to see if I could do what they needed in front of people I didn't know before they put a lot of money into my career. There was still enough drama to embarrass me before graduation. Trent and I had held out as long as we could but by the third weekend after the cruise before it happened. That night we had gone to his house, Jason and Heather were at some charity ball and after more than two hours of sex Trent and I had fallen asleep in his bed. We had started with a pizza for dinner and ate while we watched a movie in the media room and then started to get intimate. I had sat on his lap and we had made out for most of the film. I felt him harden beneath me and wiggled on his rod. Finally I was ready for him, but wanted to have a little fun. I climbed off him and ran out of the room with him right behind me. I led him into the pool room and let him catch me right at the edge of the pool, but I still had enough momentum to pull him into the pool with me. He came up sputtering and glared at me. "Now that wasn't very bright." He accused. "What are you going to do about clothes to go home in?" I swam to the shallow end and stood long enough to strip and tossed my clothes onto the deck. Standing naked in the pool I looked innocently at him and said. "It is your fault for chasing me in here. I guess we will have to dry the clothes before I go home. In the mean time, since we are in here, we might as well enjoy a nice swim." I dove cleanly back into the water and surfaced on my back. My tits pushing up the water and my clit standing as hard as was possible, considering the hormones I was on. Trent wasted no time and shucked he clothes off and chased me around the pool. I shrieked in mock terror and tried to escape him, but not very hard. He caught me at the steps in the shallow end and pushed me down onto my hands and knees. I felt him pull my cheeks apart and felt him slid the large head of his cock against my rosebud. "You have teased me long enough, now you are going to get what is coming to you." He snarled. "Good, fuck me hard you bastard." I screamed and then his dick plunged into my pussy. "OOOHHHHH GGGGGOOOOODDDDDDDD. " I hollowed. "I have missed that." "Well you aren't going to miss it tonight." He grunted as he drove all the way into me. "By the time I am done with you, you won't be able to walk for a week." "God I hope so." I said, pushing back against him, joining his rhythm as he fucked me. The slap of our bodies echoed in the pool room, the water splashed as he pounded into me and I drove back against him. His hands reached around and grabbed my nipples, pulling them sharply. I groaned in delight and reached back with one hand and rubbed my clit with my wrist as my fingers played with his swaying balls. Trent shuddered at each touch of my hand and he pulled harder on my tits. I could feel my pre-cum dripping on my arm and his lubing my channel as he worked into me. We were both panting in a matter of seconds. The sexual tension had been building all week and this was our first chance at releasing it. Neither of us was going to last long, but that was okay, we had hours yet. "I am gonna cum baby." Trent cried. "Do it, fire it into me." I screamed back. "I need it to put the fire out. Cum for me now." I squeezed his balls and felt him shudder and drive as deep as possible into me. His cock flexed and began spitting ropes of cream deep into me. That triggered my own orgasm and I screamed in delight as I came at the same time. My load dribbled out of my clit into the pool and Trent held me close as he emptied his balls into me. He lay on top of me and panted for breath as he finished cumming in me and then stood and fell backwards into the pool. I slid bonelessly down the stairs and submerged myself in the clear warm water with him. I broke the surface and Trent was right beside me, still trying to catch his breath and I snuggled into his arms. "I missed that." I told him gently. "Me too, I love you Janie" and he kissed me tenderly before he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom for a repeat performance. The morning light awoke me and I snuggled deeper into his arms before I opened my eyes and saw his bedroom. I sat up with a start and Trent grunted in his sleep. "Wake up lazy. It's morning." I told him sharply. Trent sat up just as quickly. "It can't be." "Well it is." I told him pointing at the clock and it read eight fifteen. "We are so busted." He said looking at me. "Tell me about it. I am going to be grounded for life. Where are my clothes, maybe I can sneak out of here without seeing your parents." "Not gonna happen." He said morosely. "We left them down at the pool last night. And Mom and Dad always have a swim before seven each day." "Oh shit." I said softly. "It is not like they don't know we have been sleeping together. They bought the cruise tickets remember?" "Yes, but is different than doing it under their own roof." I said. "Yeah, you have a point." He agreed. "In that case, we might as well just face the music." "But what am I gonna wear?" I demanded. Trent sat in thought for a minute and then got out of bed and tossed me one of his dress shirts. It was far too big for me but it covered me. He helped me roll up the sleeves so I could at least see my hands but that was all we could do. We opened the bedroom door and hanging there was small bag. I peeked in and there were a fresh pair of panties. I showed Trent and we both winced, so much for hiding from Heather and Jason. I slipped them on and we headed downstairs. Jason and Heather were seated at the kitchen table drinking coffee, the remains of breakfast before each of them. They looked up and smiled brightly as we came into the kitchen. "Good morning you two," Jason said cheerfully and he pointed to the other side of the table. "Breakfast?" "Yes please." Trent said looking down at the table. "Did you sleep well sweetie?" Heather asked me politely. "Yes thank you." I said softly. "Is something wrong?" Heather asked and Jason stopped puttering around the kitchen to look concerned at us. "I'm sorry." I said, still looking at the table. "Whatever for dear?" Heather replied. "For spending the night..." "Darling," Heather laughed. "We have been expecting this. I was surprised that you two were able to wait so long. I was expecting to find you here about two weeks ago. I am sure that Karen was thinking the same thing. Now don't worry about it. Your clothes will be dry about the same time you finish breakfast." "Western omelets okay?" Jason asked like this was a perfectly normal scene. "Yes, thank you." Trent said looking somewhat more relaxed. "I love that just tumbled out of bed look on you dear, but you will need something a little nicer for breakfast," Heather said smiling and taking my hand. "Come with me and we will see if we can fix you up." She led me back up the stairs and into the bedroom across from Trent's room. She walked over to the closet and pulled it open to revel what looked like a complete wardrobe for me. 'Here you go dear, the clothes are your size, you will find lingerie in the dresser and the bathroom is prepared for you. Why don't you get cleaned up and changed and then we can have breakfast." "Heather, you..." "I set this up when we got back from the cruise. Unlike my son and husband, I have been expecting to see you at breakfast, and long before this. You are welcome to spend the night anytime you and Trent chose. If he brings you over and you don't have your car here, just hang that little bag you found on the door back on the handle and I will know." She stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving my standing there open mouthed at her generosity. I stripped off Trent's shirt, and hopped into the shower. The bathroom was indeed completely stocked with everything I needed and in a matter of moments I was completely refreshed and ready to dress. The closet held dresses, skirts, blouses, slacks, shoes, and coats of every possible. The dresser had more lingerie than I would ever need, and one look at them told me that they were all top quality and pure silk. I had not noticed when I dressed in Trent's room, but the pair of panties that Heather left for me were also silk. The feeling of silk sliding up my legs and settling around my hips, cradling my clit was electric. I picked out a white silk blouse and a gray skirt but stayed barefoot and headed back down to breakfast. That set tone for the rest of the year. I didn't spend every weekend sleeping in his bed, but having sex there or at home was a lot more comfortable than in the car. Graduation was the usual pomp and circumstance. I graduated with honors and my gown had the gold sash to show it. Trent had decided to go to USC for business and I breathed a great sigh of relief knowing that he was safe. My dress for the occasion was a simple white summer dress and two inch heels. I was not going to wear too much under that gown. Graduation was held in the stadium of the school on a crystal clear sunny day. We filed up the stage alphabetically and each person was announced, along with their choice of school, if they had one and whether they had graduated with honors. Kevin was the valedictorian for the occasion and he gave a wonderful speech about hope for the future and the wonderful memories of our time at school, the sadness of leaving and the eagerness of taking on new challenges. Afterwards caps thrown in the air, gowns open and ties removed we made our way out front for the traditional graduation gifts. Mom and Susan were waiting for me out front and led me over to a new red Volkswagen Passat convertible. I screamed in delight and flung my arms around Mom and hugged her tight. "You earned it." Mom said hugging me back. "And you will need something a little nicer in LA." Trent slipped up behind me with his parents and looked at the car. "Nice ride." He said putting his arm around me. "But mine is still nicer." He oofed as I elbowed him in the ribs. "Be nice, or I won't take you for a ride in it." "Yes you will, or I won't share my present with you." He said loftily. "And what might that be?" Jason laughed behind him and handed me an envelope. "Don't worry Janie, he has to share, your name is on it too." I looked at him confused and he just pointed to the envelope. I opened and a piece of paper slid out into my hand with a key attached. I turned it over and read an address on it in LA. "Jason..." I started to say. "Now, it isn't what you think." Heather said with grin. "We have leased a house for you while you are in school. We were going to do this for Trent anyway and since you two seemed to have developed an affinity for sleeping together, it just made sense give you your own key now to save time." I blushed and looked at the ground for a second as I remembered the first weekend we got caught. "You got us a house?" I stammered. "Just for the next fifty years or so." Jason laughed. Heather slapped his arm. "Only for while you two are in school." She corrected. "It is fully furnished and we have possession now. I know that you will want to make it your own, but you can move in any time. I thought it might be a nice place for you to stay during your photo shoot next week." "I don't know what to say." I said. "Thank you so much." "You are more than welcome sweetheart." Jason said hugging me. "I'm just sorry that Trent has to go with me on a business trip that week or he would be with you at the shoot." "Actually, it is probably better that he is going with you Jason." Mom put in. "I don't think he would like to see his girlfriend being photographed for the rest of the world to drool over." I looked at Trent and saw the concern in his eyes as it hit him. I was not just going to belong to him anymore. Millions of other guys were going to see me and probably want me. I got a thrill of excitement along with my concern for him. This was going to be an interesting week.
How I Became a Cheerleader Ch. 13
[ "transgender", "crossdressing" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 56, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 566, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 52 }
"STUPID BOBBY!" Christine stamped through the woods, completely frustrated. Yet again had her boyfriend ignored her advances. He had left her alone to go fishing with a friend, also leaving her with quite the interminable itch in her groin. What was the point in going camping as a couple, hoping to be alone and do it like the animals all weekend long, only to turn around and invite a buddy to go fishing? What was the point in having a boyfriend who was less horny than you were?! "Whatever...," she grumbled to herself. If her boyfriend wouldn't satisfy her, she'd just have to do it herself. Being up on a mountain was fairly private to begin with, but Christine wanted just a tad bit more, especially to avoid Bobby and his friend. She had heard rumors that there was a hidden waterfall somewhere up here, one that wasn't located on any maps. What better place to masturbate than somewhere people couldn't even find normally? Plus, she could sit at the top with her legs wide open, pretending that the waterfall was caused by her intense arousal... Christine rubbed the moistening crotch of the khaki shorts. She was already on her way to making that waterfall as it was. Her nipples shone through her tube-top, perking up and wanting some attention as well. Not yet, though. If she got too heated up beforehand, she'd never make it to her destination. Quickly thinking of Bobby's lameness, she managed to subdue her body a bit and plod on. Swish, swish "Huh?" Christine stopped, becoming alert. She shrugged. "Bah, probably just a squirrel in the brush. Shoo you stupid nut-guzzler." She blushed a little at how her naughty thoughts seeped into her speech a little Swish, swish, swish Rather than running away, the sound was actually come closer through the ferns and trees. "H-Hello?" Christine was getting a little worried now. ... "OW!" Christine hopped up and down on one foot, the calf of the other throbbing from a sudden sting. "What-Wha-wuh...wuh...-" Crash Her vision turned hazy and her head began swimming until she lost all balance and fell to the ground. Fortunately, something caught her so she wasn't injured. Everything was blurry, but she could barely make out a couple of dark, round shapes hovering over her. Some clicking noises echoed between them. Yet, before she could say anything, her world went black. Christine was unconscious. Christine blinked awake. "What happened?...," her thought finally finished some time later. She still couldn't see too well, it seemed. There was a faint glow off in the distance, but she couldn't make anything out. It was either nighttime or she was in some building, considering there was no sunlight. Wait, no... She must be in a building. There was no sort of breeze or wind whatsoever. Actually, the air was kind of stuffy and a little hard to breath... "Click, click, cli-ti-ti-ti-kachick." Christine recognized the clicking sound from earlier. "Wh-Who's there?!" There was some movement in the room. She could barely make out the shapes again. However, she wasn't too frightened. The things weren't all that large, maybe about the size of a dog. She could definitely handle something that small, if she needed to. She just listened to their clicking and chittering. It reminded her of the ambient noise you normally hear in a forest, with all the insects and stuff. Maybe she was still in the woods? "Chick chick!" The sounds came to an abrupt halt. The things darted towards her and grabbed her arms and legs. "Hey! Let me go! AHH!" Christine thrashed and screamed, but to no avail. The hard, smooth things that grappled her felt like vice grips. Despite how she had gauged their size, the things were surprisingly strong. Though, as her heart pumped the adrenaline from her body, the toxins were swept from her mind and her vision began to clear. "EEK!" Christine's screams rose an octave or two at what she saw. Bugs! Giant bugs! Their dark brown and red patterned chitinous shells resembled that of ants, except that their heads were nearly as big as hers! They held her with their giant mandibles, digging into her as she fought back, but their legs easily anchored themselves to the soft floor. The whole floor was extremely fluffy and light, some interwoven organic fibers that curled about to round the walls and ceiling. She was in a nest! "Chick cliki-tik!" One of the insects looked down into the hall, the only entrance to this room. Christine caught a glimpse of something skitter past the orange-glowing things that pulsated on the walls. It quickly closed the gap, much smaller and much faster than the ant-like creatures. It stood on six spindly legs with a heart-shaped body bobbing up and down in between them. It kind of looked like a Daddy-long-legs. "Cli-ti-katit!" The bigger bug waggled its antennae towards Christine. "Voot voot-voo!" A little foot came up and the tiny thing gave a cheerful salute. Christine's screams and shouts amplified as the mandibles pushed her down, forcing her to lay on her back. She could barely see out of from the corner of her eye as the small insect squatted down, out of her vision. The next moment, it sprung back into view, flying through the air. "AHHH-mmmph!" The insect landed over her mouth, muffling her cries. The pointed end of the heart shape fit perfectly over her nose while the rest conformed over her mouth. Christine shivered in fear as she felt the spidery appendages slide over her cheeks and pick about in her hair. She shuddered as she felt a slight pinch as the three legs on one side met the three from the other, with the top of her spine in between. Her lungs instantly stopped exhaling, silencing her altogether. A second later, her breathing resumed. However, it was at an average pace, no longer affected by the adrenaline and fear that shocked her system. Her nose filled with a sweet aroma, the air fresh and pleasant compared to what she had inhaled before. It was so nice, her eyes started to slow in their frantic observations of the horrid surroundings. The many jaws let go, releasing her. Christine could feel her wrists and ankles ache from the former grip. In a desperate attempt, she took advantage of her freedom and flailed at her captors! ... *'Swing! Swing, dammit!,'* she thought to herself. *'Move you fucking limbs!!'* There was no response. Her heart had also slowed its beating, despite how much she urged herself to fight back. She didn't even feel herself move a finger in her willingness to do something. She could only watch as most of the large ants turned away and exited the room, leaving only one. "Chititick!" *'Wait, I'm moving! Yes, yes, get out of here! RUN!,'* Christine could feel her legs and arms begin to swing around, picking herself up from the ground. The process was so slow though... Like her body had become dead weight or something. *'What?! NO! MOVE!!,'* Her mind despaired as her body stopped responding again. As she came to a rise, she just stood there like some stupid oaf. Christine's inner-monologue erupted into a torrent of curses and cussing as the lone ant began to walk away. Yes, her body did begin to move towards the exit. Much to her rabid anger, however, it walked at a casual pace, remaining slow such that her captor was always a few steps ahead of her. The damned bug was leading and she was following like some lamb to the slaughter! The tunnel ahead was slighter darker. Her sneakers had been removed at some point, leaving her sock-covered feet to sink into the fluffy nest material. The stuff was all around, lining everything possible. Even the wormy things that lit the rooms with a soothing orange hue were slightly buried underneath the it, making the light that much softer. Further and further they went. Christine could only roll her eyes about inside her head, watching as other tunnels broke off from the one they ventured through. Other ant-like creatures skittered about. Many of them carried junk within their mandibles, such as bushels of leaves, fruits, wood, and even rocks. She never got to see where the others went, but she soon grew terrified as their own destination came into view. The room had a brighter glow, illuminating the surrounding tunnels with dancing shadows. She recognized other large ants from their silhouettes. However, one was particularly large. Just from its shadow, she could tell it took up most of the seemingly huge room. Slurping and clicking echoed from within, synchronized with the wiggling on the walls. *'What the...'* Christine stared in disgust. If she could move on her own, she would have been shivering in fear. Suspended from the ceiling, entwined in the nest-stuff, was a massive, bulbous, pulsating beast of a bug. Not only was its primary, ant-like body, head, and torso as large as herself, but its butt, its abdomen, was a giant fleshy bag. It gurgled and squirmed; its skin a pale color and nearly translucent, with little round objects churning about within. The whole thing was obviously the Queen. But why was it hanging? Her curiosity and repulsion was immediately shoved aside as her hands began to do something especially shocking. They began to unbutton her khaki shorts. Then they slid to her hips, wedging their fingers into her panties. In one smooth motion, both shorts and underwear were pulled down and her legs stepped out, tossing her decency aside without a second thought. To make matters worse, she was slowly stepping towards the foul Queen. Christine shut her eyes, not wanting to watch what happened next. Her body crouched down and walked on all fours. Even with her eyes shut she could hear the gestation above as she crawled underneath the hanging Queen. At a certain point she turned, facing towards its head. And the her own head sunk into the soft bedding, raising her rump into the air. Christine could imagine what was about to happen as her hands reached past her thighs and pulled her labia wide, but she didn't want to. In her head she cried and screamed and tried to remember other things from her past, desperate to escape the mental world she had been trapped in and the reality she was experiencing. Why oh why was her body allowing all of this to happen?! Her mind went numb as something poked about her butt. The Queen was moving, shifting about above her as the prodding appendage sought out her sex. Her body did manage to flinch, if only a little, when the thing finally found her vagina, gently wiggling in. Passing thoughts through her head would have left her vomiting, if only her body would have let her. But it didn't matter. She was soon filled by the stiff rod. It delved deeper until it bumped against her cervix. Her muscles flexed at the intrusion, but, surprisingly, it wasn't as painful as it would normally have been. The needle-like tip slowly opened her cervix, letting the rod slide in smoothly, only an inch or two in diameter. A few seconds later and she jerked. A round shape passed through the clenching barrier, suddenly forcing her a bit wider. Her cervix snapped shut once it passed. She could feel the small ball roll around within her womb, settling in the cramped space. She blinked in discomfort as another was injected, joining the former. Followed by another. And another... Christine felt like she was being stuffed. Her hips twitched a bit at the strange sensations. Her belly began to protrude, getting heavier with each sphere. About a dozen in all, they piled up within her. The rod pulled out, eliciting a shudder, and that was all. It seemed that the worst was over. She wasn't even left in pain, just feeling a little... bloated. She almost considered the sensation of the orbs within moving about as she crawled out somewhat intriguing. Though, her heart quickly sank as her body simply rolled over once it was no longer underneath the Queen, lying upon her back. She ventured a peek through her eyelids. *'Ugh...,'* her mind was tired of disgust, looking upon the thing that shuffled into the room in a rather neutral way. Why couldn't she just end it all and die... Another blubbery creature wobbled into the room from a different tunnel. It looked like a caterpillar; giant like all the other bugs. Its many feet rolled like waves across the floor, heading right for her. In preparation, her body spread her legs for its advance. She could easily see her belly poke up from under her shirt, the balls inside shifting with her every movement. Yet, she closed her eyes once more, unable to withstand the vile events. The caterpillar was nearly as large as Christina and definitely fatter. Its head wandered about between her legs, testing her with its antennae. The tickling almost made her giggle inside, but the wet snout pushing against her mound plummeted her back to her unfortunate reality. She could feel its hot breath sniff her sex, nudging at her clit. Her mind was repulsed by her body, feeling it react in an inappropriate way. Her heart fluttered as a blush entered her cheeks. The thing nuzzled her more and more, making the clit grow erect and throb. Some slime drooled down and over her ass. The lubricant wasn't from the thing that assaulted her either... The feeling wasn't coming from whatever controlled her and she spited that small voice in her mind that relished the sensations. The blubbery body soon engulfed most of her own as it felt she was ready. Its snout stopped at her chest, rubbing into the small mounds. The stimulation only aroused her further and, in turn, diverted more of Christine's curses towards herself. However, the mind wasn't fully connected to the body now, and the body had desires of its own. A small squeak escaped from her mouth. A likewise fatty member plowed into her loins. The phallic girth was very soft, warm, and wet. It was also so large that it quickly filled every inch of her vaginal passage, like some jelly being pumped into her. A similar sensation enveloped her clitoris, sending pleasant thrills up her spine. The pulsing flesh within her own quickly withdrew, only to plunge back in a moment later. The caterpillar huffed against her bust as it humped her compliant body. It wiggled and bounced, sucking her entire lower half all at once. The creature was so warm and comfortable, it almost felt as though the thing was cuddling with her while it gleefully raped her. Though, it was hard to consider it rape when only her inner monologue was the defiant one, and it no longer had a voice in the matter... A greater heat started to encompass her body. Her belly shivered erotically as a hot goop splashed within. The creature shook slightly as well, its penis erupting with gouts of cum. Christine's mind turned to fuzz within moments. The sensation of the stuff spewing back out over her thighs recoiled throughout her body. Her muscles tensed and her nerves sparked. Even her breathing stuttered a bit, despite the steadiness it had throughout the whole ordeal. As the creature squirmed off of her body, separating from her with thick strands of gunk following behind, Christine loathed herself. *'Did I just come?...'* Her mind shut down with fatigue, sending her into a dreamless sleep. ... ... Christine slowly returned to consciousness. She blinked lazily, remaining unfocused. *'Was that all a just a bad dream?...'* She felt her belly growl with hunger. She should really get something to eat. Something on her face jiggled a little and her mouth opened wide. It began to push something else over her tongue. Her mind cleared and she found herself lying down in the room she had originally awoken to, or one very similar. *'FUCK! NO!'* The thing on her face abruptly halted, jerking the other thing out of her mouth. *'Did it just respond?!'* A sudden elation of hope overcame her. *'C-Can you hear me?'* "Voo?," The something cooed gently. *'You can hear me! Please, help me get out of here!'* "Voo?" *'Damn...'* It didn't understand her. Like someone who only spoke a foreign language, it could only understand the basic intentions behind her thoughts. Her stomach groaned again, even louder than before. *'And I feel sooo hungry...'* With that, the something on her face tried to shove the other thing into her mouth again. *'No!'* Christine recognized the thing inside her mouth. She had given plenty of blowjobs before. *'EW! DON'T!'* Again, it pulled back, heeding her rejection. "Voo?" It sounded slightly confused. *'Oh god... You don't mean?'* It made sense, in a way, but it was so... wrong! On the other hand, her hunger was far more painful... She gave herself a few moments to meditate on the situation. *'...Alright. Go ahead. Give it to me.'* "Voot voo!" The appendage stretched into her mouth, growing hard with its own blood. Her immobile tongue could feel its distinctively phallic shape. It wasn't as gross as she had expected though. Like a smooth, supple penis, it didn't have any stray hairs or veins. If anything, it was better than any cock she had ever had the pleasure of sucking off before. The phallic appendage also began acting like an actual penis, pumping in and out over her tongue. *'And?'* Christine knew it wouldn't last long at the rate it was going. Sure enough, from the tip of the phallus spurted a thick fluid. It came in absurd amounts, sending ounces upon ounces of gooey juice down her gulping throat. The stuff was rather quite tasty and, in her hunger, Christine savored it all as it splashed down into her empty stomach. Minutes of constant gushing passed and she was starting to feel full. It slowed to a slight drizzle before tapping off against her tongue and receding back into the creature that hugged her face. *'Thanks...'* She actually felt much better as her stomach finally had something to digest and it was actually a quite pleasant something as well. *'Umm... Can I ask you a question?'* "Voo-hoo?" The thing was a little out of breath. *'Are you... Are you the thing that's controlling me?'* "Voo?" Christine didn't really expect an answer, especially since she had figured it out for the most part. She thoughtfully sighed to herself. She couldn't get mad at the creature that seemed so innocent and caring. It had kindly fed her and had been supplying her with fresh air, which had a small touch of soothing incense. And what if it hadn't controlled her movements? Would the bugs have had to be more forceful to do what they did? And what they did... *'Can you let me sit up? I want to look at myself...'* "Voot!" Her body gradually gripped into the soft floor, which felt quite comfortable now that she thought about it. She slid up against a wall, taking the sitting position she had wanted. Her rear sunk deeper into the fluff with significantly more weight than before. And she could see why. *'Ugh...'* Beyond her tube-top, she could see her belly protrude, taut with her belly-button having popped outward. She looked as though she were a few months pregnant already... There was even some green goop spread across the fibers she had moved over; the trail disappearing between her legs. She didn't need to guess what it was. *'I feel so dirty...'* "Voo voot vootoo!" *'Huh? What? I wasn't asking anything!'* Whatever the thing meant, Christine could hear clicking approaching from the tunnel several seconds later. Two more ants approached. However, whereas all the others had been dark in color, these were purely white. Their chitinous heads were also larger and their bodies smaller, looking rather disproportionate. Christine wasn't all that fearful of them. She found some respite in thinking that her feeder, her... friend, had called them over. As they approached, she found her hands working to slip out of her shirt and remove her socks, leaving her completely nude. She noted that her breasts seemed somewhat swollen, her nipples looking especially puffy. Her attention was drawn away, back to the white ants walking towards her body. One walked up the wall beside her and drooped down over her shoulder. The other started at her feet. Both of them opened up their large mandibles and closed them about her skin. *'Hehe!'* Christine actually giggled within her head as their mouths tickled her. Tediously and thoroughly, the ants scoured her body, sanitizing every nook and cranny. The one on the wall brushed through her hair several times, removing all the dirt and grime. Christine couldn't remember how long it had been since her last shower, but their efforts were totally making up for it. Every patch of skin that was covered came out practically glistening, the cleanest she had ever seen herself. *'Ungh!'* She quivered as the one at her feet made its way to her crotch. It didn't occur to her until now how warm and tingly she had felt down there. As the white ant explored her nethers, the tingle was quickly growing into an erotic itch. "Voooo" The friend on her face softly coaxed her on. With all the care in the world, the ant licked into Christine's sex with some sort of proboscis. The hard shell of its head rubbed against her stiffening clit. Her hand lifted and rested upon the mound, massaging herself in tune to the cleaner's attention. The other ant stepped gently down her body and did the same for her nipples, easily turning them erect and sensitive. Waves of pleasure washed over Christine. The heaviness of her belly only seemed to amplify the effect, feeling so warm and full. Her lower lips were becoming slathered in her own appreciation, only to be nibbled fresh and dry the next second. Christine didn't hesitate, letting herself come to climax. Her muscles twitched and tensed again, but this time she enjoyed it. She also enjoyed it the second time orgasm came. And the third... And the... *'This isn't so bad...'* She would have grinned if she could. "Voo?" *'Hey, c-can I give you a name?'* "Voooo!" The thing sounded happy by her intentions. *'Alright. You're name will be... Scuba. Self-Contained Underground Breathing Apparatus. Hehe,'* she chuckled to herself. *'Or, if you don't mind, how about "Blowjob" Apparatus?'* "Voot" It understood her allusion and started to insert its penis back into her mouth. *'But I'll just call you Scu, for short'* A week slowly passed. Every day, multiple times a day, Christine was visited by Liz and Belle, the names she had given the pair of white ants. She could tell they were the same each time, not only by some very subtle differences in their mannerisms and looks, but by the streak of her own slime that one of them had neglected to clean from their head in between a couple sessions. She actually looked forward to their visits. Every day, her sexual lust grew stronger and stronger. Whenever she sat down in the fluffy stuff or even stood, it became more and more apparent that her labia was swelling. They feelt plump between her legs and ached to be pleasured, which Liz and Belle always succeeded in satiating. Her lust was proportional to the size of her belly, it seemed. Every day, even every few hours, there was a distinct increase in size. It was quickly growing along with whatever it was that developed within. There was no kicking or squirming, so she concluded that whatever it was wouldn't be a live birth. Or she hoped as much, as her belly soon grew beyond what was natural for a pregnancy that had gone into its tenth month... Yet, Christine felt strong and healthy. Her arms cradled her great heaviness between her sessions with the two white ants, as Scu took her exploring through the many labyrinthine tunnels. They saw almost all of the inner-workings of the insects' hive. They visited the Queen, this time just to check her out. From this perspective, Christine found the Queen to be much more docile and submissive. Scu even had Christine pet the Queen's face, letting the Queen click back happily. And there was so much more to be seen. There were bugs stockpiling food, bugs digging more tunnels, bugs guiding other bugs, and bugs caring for younger bugs. Most of them didn't have the red patterns that the soldiers that captured her did, and some were pure black in color. They passed by hundreds of bugs and they were only a fraction of the population. It was a massive city and she would have been completely lost if it hadn't been for Scu controlling her body, taking her down the right paths. Scu would sing to her with his whirring voice as they went on their walks, giving her plenty of exercise. As per Christine's request to accomodate her increasing libido, Scu would constantly thrust his phallic appendage deep into her throat, letting her contently suck it like a child would with a pacifier, though with a bit more naughty intent. Scu even granted her control of her mouth and tongue back. She never threatened to bite him, it wasn't something one would do to a friend. Scu even gave her back control of other parts of her body whenever it was relevant, such as letting her hands explore herself when Liz and Belle attended to her. But, the day soon came. Christine moaned into Scu's body as she woke up, her sleep having been interrupted by an intense throbbing in her groin. Her belly was gigantic, like everything else down here, though its contents had come to their limit. *'UNGH!'* Christine felt some labor pains kick in. Her loins kicked in at the opposite side of the spectrum, clouding her mind with nothing but heat. "Voooo! Voooo!" Scu called out. Liz and Belle quickly appeared. Christine had already taken up a squatting position, barely balancing her weight over the cushioned nest. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, her breasts heaving to either side of her gut. The nipples were perk and tender, dribbling with some milk. And her hands ground into her sex, which had swollen to greater than both her hands combined, nearly glowing red with the pumping of her blood. Liz and Belle clicked at each other. Liz stood under Christine's butt while Belle started licking at Christine's throbbing vulva. Within seconds Christine was shuddering with the first of many climaxes. *'AUUUNNGHH!'* Christine's vaginal passage dilated immensely, a green sphere already beginning to crown. She continued to cry out in her mind and Scu even had to shift to let her lungs exhale a gust of wind. Her labia flooded with lubricant, her increased libido having strengthened enough to be ready for this moment. *'AUUUGH!'* Liz guided the egg as it popped out of Christine, laying it gently into the fibrous bedding. It was slightly larger than a softball, nowhere near large enough to give her the current girth she had. Of course, Belle continued to pleasure the birthing mother and Liz prepared herself for another. One. Two. Three... ...Nine. Ten. Eleven. All the eggs that had been implanted came out without a hitch, and with countless orgasms. Christine's body quivered and twitched as she collapsed into the fluff, absolutely numb from her belly down and her mind swimming in a sea of bliss. Her nerves nearly shot, her body turned off to let her recuperate... Upon waking up this time, Christine was quite eager. Her body felt alive, a large weight having been lifted from her. One by one, her limbs were tested for movement, gradually standing up. It was Scu seeing if she was ready. Christine saw her belly had gone missing. It was hidden beneath her engorged breasts. Scu let her feel it with one of her hands. Perfectly smooth and toned, even better than before she was pregnant. And then Scu started walking her towards the tunnels. *'What now, Scu? Time to do it again or something?'* "Voo..." Scu didn't sound terribly happy. Anticipation grew within Christine. They were taking tunnels she had never seen. Her ears popped from the pressure differential as they went further and further up. There was even a bright light coming into view, with one of the brown and red soldier ants standing at the end. She had to squint at first, the light being so much brighter than the glow-worms that burrowed through the walls of the cave could provide. *'Where are we...'* Christine trailed off as her vision adjusted and a constant crashing sound filled her ears. She gawked with amazement. This tunnel led outside, overlooking a wondrous waterfall. The very same waterfall that had led to this whole predicament. This whole time she had been within the mountain she had camped upon. Her neck tickled strangely. Scu let go for the first time since he had first latched on. He hopped down from her face, giving her full reign of her body. Christine grunted and coughed a little before speaking, having been silent for so long. "Wh-What?" "Clit-ti-chick," the soldier ant motioned down the mountain. "I... You're setting me free?" "Cli-chick." Scu skittered upon its six legs, wobbling a little as his disproportionably large penis withdrew back up into his body, no longer being sucked upon. "Voot voo-too..." It sounded rather lonely. Christine gazed down the mountain. She could go home now. Was anyone even looking for her? Probably not... That prick Bobby had probably forgotten about her and went home with his friend. He wouldn't even notice she was missing until he found himself actually getting horny without her there to keep the both of them satisfied... Which reminded her; why was she here to begin with? Hadn't she come in search of this very waterfall in hopes of masturbating in a frenzy? She looked down at herself. Her body was the cleanest it had been in a long time, the healthiest it had been in a long time, and, quite frankly, the horniest it had been in a long time. In fact, her slit throbbed just thinking about what she had gone through the past week. And she had only begun to play with her milky tits... Christine looked back longingly down the tunnel. "Voo!" Scu yelped in surprise as hands snatched it up from the ground. Christine giggled and greeted Scu "I think I can stay another few weeks at your wonderful spa!" She shoved its heart shaped body back over her mouth and nose. "Voot voo!" Scu cheered. He wrapped his legs about her face. But, this time, he didn't bother to control her body. He merely returned to filtering her air and giving her a little something to suck on. The soldier ant nodded and motioned for her to follow back into the tunnels. Christine joyfully complied. They walked for quite a while, her ears popping again as they went even deeper into the tunnels than Scu had ever taken her. Christine patted Liz and Belle on their heads as they skittered up to join her, her own personal servants. They entered a large room, lit up even brighter than the rest for its occupants. Ecstatic moans echoed about, mixed with the calming songs of other Scus. More white ants attended to the many girls that sunk into their soft nests, attending to them as Liz and Belle had attended to Christine. And some of those girls were absolutely huge! With more clutches, they had been injected with more eggs. And with more eggs, well... Christine was starting to drip just thinking about it. *'Make that another few* months...' "Voo!"
The Ant Hill by Xadera
[ "Captivity", "Impregnation", "Insect", "Mind Control", "Oral", "Other/Herm", "Oviposition", "Pregnancy" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 49, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 458, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 51 }
*Opening note – If you have not read chapters 1 & 2, you may wish to. Just to understand how we got here.* The days that followed were a bitch. They weren't bad, but thoughts of Jane perpetually interrupted my usual routines and my productivity plummeted. Like I'd be sitting ay my desk trying to write out some checks to pay the bills and then find myself staring into space wondering how her nipples would feel on my tongue or fretting that as much as I think I wanted it to happen, I'd get cold feet. Or even worse, that I'd misread Jane. George wasn't helping either. Instead of oral being part of what we might do, he seemed insistent of giving me a tongue bath daily. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it did synergize with my musings, and I was just a bundle of nerves by the time I saw Jane again. Of course, I was further agonized by waiting for us to be alone. And the guilt trip I suffered for wishing my mother and her friends would just leave didn't help either. Nor did the furtive glances Jane was giving me. With Jane's birthday so close, I'd decided we'd have a little celebration and had served some wine with lunch, followed by cake and coffee. The wine helped my nerves a bit, but just as I was loading the dishwasher and feeling that would be the cue for the others to leave, Jane's cell phone rang. "It's probably Bill," she said reaching for her purse. "He's in LA doing an installation." "Hello," she said cheerfully, "Hi honey, how are you?" Of course, the rest of us fell silent. "What?" she suddenly exclaimed, "But you were supposed to come home tomorrow!...When?...Tuesday or Wednesday of next week! But George and Lyn are supposed to come for dinner on Saturday!...I know you can't help it….. Look, I'm at her house right now. Could you call me later tonight?...Okay….Love you too. Bye." Disgusted, Jan threw the phone back into her purse that she then flung to the floor. "Sorry," she said with a discernable quiver to her voice, "but Bill's installation is a cluster fuck and he won't be back in time for my birthday." Tears welled in her eyes as a chorus rose to express how sorry we were about it and rivulets left mascara laden streaks on her cheeks. I quickly fetched a box of tissues for her. Pulling several from the box and wiping her face, she looked to me and said, "I guess we'll have to postpone the party." Trying to be conciliatory, I said, "That's okay, there'll be another time." "No, it's not OKAY!" she shouted in an outburst that reverberated through the room, followed by an awkward silence. *Woops, I guess that was the wrong thing to say.* "It's not the first fucking time he's been held up. Last year he was away for our anniversary. And this will be the second time he's missed my goddamned birthday! Sometimes I really hate his fucking job!" Jane paused to wipe her eyes again, but she couldn't stem their flow. My mom and her friends' ears were probably burning and they quickly took advantage of momentary lull to excuse themselves from the tense atmosphere. It was probably just as well. I'm sure Jane didn't want them around at this point anyway. Truthfully, I was relieved that they left too. But I was more concerned about what Jane might blurt out in her agitated state. While I escorted the others out the door, I could hear Jane's sobs subsiding a bit and closed the door behind them. *Thank goodness. Well at least they're gone, but so's my opportunity to talk to Jane. What I wanted to talk about anyway.* I sat next to Jane on the sofa. *But not too close, the time's not right.* "Sorry," she said sadly, "I didn't mean to scare everyone away." "That's alright," I replied, trying to sooth her. "I certainly understand." "I know you do, but it still seems so unfair. I mean, Bill told fucking Scott that it was my thirtieth birthday this weekend and that we had special plans and he HAD to be home." "I never liked him when George worked for him either. To him, everything was about business. Just one cold S.O.B." "You got that right. But in spite of what Bill had told him, Scott said he had to stay and get the job done and there was no way he would pay for another trip. And now, well all my plans for this weekend are r-r-ruined!" The tears started flowing again and her torso shook with uncontrollable sobbing. My heart ached for her, so I leaned over and gave her a hug. Without warning, her arms reached out and clung to me desperately, her face pressed against shoulder. Feeling strangely maternal, I stroked her hair and cooed reassurances that everything would be alright. Finally, she stopped crying, sat up and dabbed away the last of her tears. *God she looks a fright. What would my mom do now?* "How about if I make us some tea?" I asked. "That'd be nice," came a weak reply. But just as I started to get up, the door opened and in walked George. Briefly, time stood still as his eyes flitted between Jane and me. *Oh shit. I'm not sure what he's thinking, but he looks like the doc just told him the only cure would be castration.* "I guess I came home at a bad time," he said sheepishly. "Sorry I didn't call first." "No, I'm the one who's sorry," sniffled Jane, while George just looked more perplexed. *Come on, girl, Jane's in no condition to explain all this.* "Well, I'm glad you're home, honey," I started and then walked over to give him a quick hug and a kiss. "You're just in time to help me make tea." I led him to the stove. While I put the water on, fixed the pot, and got out some cups, I gave George the details of what had happened since Bill's call. By time I had finished, the kettle had boiled, so I put the pot and cups on a tray and brought them to the coffee table. "That really sucks," said George after contemplating all I'd said, and from his measured reply, I knew his mind was already at work. "Not the tea, but what that prick did to Bill." Jane had moved on to sulking and sort of grunted her agreement with his assessment, but obviously wasn't feeling talkative, just a melancholy "Thank you," as I passed her a cup. George sat in one of the chairs opposite the sofa, and although he accepted a cup, he just set it down, leaned forward, looking directly at Jane. "So I take it you're fed up with Bill's job?" he asked. Jane merely nodded. "Have you told him that?" "More than once," she replied, softly, but bitterly. "Has he looked for something new?" "A little." "And?" "He's tried, but it's not easy. I mean there just aren't that many jobs around that have the same pay and wouldn't require us to move. We really like where we live and the friends we have," Jane said as she looked at me with a sad smile. *Well, at least she smiled.* "What if I told you that I know of a recent opening," George continued, "that wouldn't require you to move? I don't know exactly how much Bill makes, but I can guess, and I think the pay would be in the ballpark." "Oh god, we'd loved to know about it!" Jane blurted, her eyes brightening. "Where is it?" "It's with me. You know, at my company." "Are you sure?" Jane asked somewhat dubiously. *Time for some back-up.* "He's serious, Jane," I interrupted. "George has mentioned several times that he needs some help, maybe even a partner." "I don't know what to say," she replied, but by the way suddenly sat up and looked at George, I knew she was very interested. "Then just listen," said George. "As Lyn said, I need someone. Things are going real well and it's getting to be too much for me to manage. I've got a lot of new jobs and hired some new people. But if I don't get some help running it, I'll be living at work, and that's something I swore I'd never do again. I've been putting off doing something about it because I don't want to hire just anyone. Bill's one of my best friends and I know what I'd be getting. I wish I'd thought of it sooner." *I'm sure Jane does too, judging by the way she's hanging on every word.* "So," he asked, "do you think Bill would be interested?" "Well, I know that I am," she replied, "and I'm sure he would be too!" "Great. The next time you talk to him, let him know and if he wants, send me an e-mail or better yet, call me." "I'll talk to him later today and I bet you hear from him very soon," Jane proclaimed her mood vastly better. "Okay, but that still leaves one problem. What to do about your birthday." "I guess we'll just have to postpone it," said Jane, although her disappointment was obvious. *She's not the only one who's disappointed.* "Yeah," I said, "but I hate to think of you sitting home all alone on your birthday." "She doesn't have to." he said. Jane and I both looked hopefully at George. "I know it won't be quite the same, but you could come over on Saturday, Jane. We'll have dinner here instead." "Really?" she asked, feigning innocence. "I don't want to put you guys out. You've already made my day." *You never did do modesty well.* "Oh, cut the shit, Jane," I blurted out. "Sorry, you're right. You know I'd love to." "Tell you what," said George. "Why don't you come up after lunch and go out with Lyn for a while. Go shopping. Get your nails done, you know, girl stuff. I'll take care of dinner and everything for a proper celebration. Spend the night if you want….You know, so you don't have to worry about what you drink." *Proper celebration indeed! I know where your mind is…and I'm right behind you. Looks like Jane is too. Funny how we all know what he means, but no one will really come out and say it.* "A girls' day out, I don't have to cook and I can have whatever I want….to drink. Sign me up!" said Jane enthusiastically. *Whatever she wants. Mmmm.* "Okay, why don't you pick me up around one? It's been a long time since we went shopping together," I suggested. *And if you remember, Jane, the last time we did, I was still Marion the librarian and you bought that trashy lingerie.* "I know just the place to go," she replied, an evil grin gracing her face. Not surprisingly, Bill called George that night. *Jane didn't waste any time on that one! But there's something more, isn't there George? I mean, I heard you two talking. At first it was business, but then Saturday obviously came up. Don't try to tell me you were discussing the dinner menu and what he would ‘serve' Jane. I can see the wheels turning in your head. But if you're not gonna tell me, what can I do? Just one more butterfly in my stomach. Don't I already have enough anxiety?* Finally, Saturday arrived. I tried to stick with our usual routine of a leisurely breakfast and reading the paper over a couple of cups of coffee. *Jesus, George, how can you be so calm? And no, I don't want more coffee. I've got enough nervous energy to power a small town. I'll just straighten up the house a bit. Yeah, right! I'm acting like the fucking Queen of England's coming over. Come on you stupid sheets. Get on the bed will you. Never had this much trouble changing them before! And why are you spending so much time on the guest room? Still some doubts, eh? Lunch? How can you think of eating at a time like this? Okay, you're right. Don't need to get a headache. I don't remember tasting it though. Thank god! Jane's finally here. Just throw your stuff in the guest room. Let's go. Ahh, shopping. We'll both get a new dress for tonight. George won't be the only one with a surprise up his sleeve! Ohh, that'll be cool. The same style, but yours in red and mine in black. I can see why you'd pick this one, but I suppose I can live with your superior cleavage. And some new lingerie, yum. I'm gonna have to get one of those I can't believe they're mine bras from Victoria's Secret to do the dress justice. Hot damn, I cant' wait to see the look on his face. Where'd the time go? We'd better get back home. I wanna shower before dinner and I'm sure you do too. I'll shoo George downstairs while we get dressed so we can make our entrances together.* Well, George's eyes just about popped out of his head and, if I do say so myself, we looked great. George wasn't so bad either, simple but elegant: a crisp white shirt and black wool gabardine pants. We sat at one end of the dining table with George at the head, flanked by Jane and me. And wow! Dinner was excellent. Obviously he's put a lot of thought into it – everything went well together, and nothing too heavy. To toast Jane's birthday, we started with some Proseco, accompanied by a smoked salmon starter. The main course of just grilled fish and a salad was washed down with some Pinot Griggio, which I knew was one of Jane's favorites. But for dessert, he surprised us by serving crème brulee instead of any kind of birthday cake and somehow managed to stick a candle in the crystallized caramel for Jane. "My, that was fantastic! This has been a really wonderful day. Thanks to both of you," said Jane as she raised her glass. "Cheers!" Glasses clinked and we all drank up. I reached for Jane's present that I left wrapped at the other end of the table. "Happy Birthday!" I said and handed it to her. "This day just keeps getting better," she said as she pulled off the ribbons and paper. "Oh my god it's lovely!" "The moment I saw it, I knew you'd like it." "It'll be a perfect addition to the collection of angels I put on the mantle every Christmas. Where'd you get it? I've never seen anything like it." "We got it down at Wheaton Village, you know, at the artist's enclave in the glass works." "Thank you," Jane said as she stood and sort of trotted around the table to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was a bit awkward with me seated and her leaning over and wrapping her arms around from the side. *Just like the last hug you gave me, only now your nipple's poking my bare arm, while yours is wrapped across my breasts. Do I feel that way to you?* "Hey, I drove!" joked George. *Were we that obvious? How long had she held me?* "I'm sorry," said Jane as she released me and gave him a quick kiss. On the lips. As she seated herself again, a nervous silence fell around the table. Jane and I both fidgeted in our chairs, totally aware of the sexual tension between us, alluded to all day, and now hovering over the table. Neither of us could muster the courage to take such a fateful step. I looked at George with pleading eyes. *Help me. Help Jane. You're the one in control…. Oh, now I get it. You're enjoying our anxiety. You're a wicked one, George.* He smiled and then, to my surprise, he said, "I've got a present for Jane too. It's upstairs, but I'll need Lyn to give me a hand. You won't mind if we disappear for a bit, would you Jane?" *Present? What present? He hadn't told me about that!* "You're too kind, George," Jane replied. "I've got a little more wine left and how could I mind waiting for another gift?" With that he stood, took my hand and led me through the kitchen and up the stairs. Upon reaching the bedroom, he closed the door behind us. "I didn't know you got Jane a present. What is it?" George didn't answer me immediately. Rather, he seized my upper arms, pulled me to him and sternly locked his eyes on mine. "You," he said sternly, "Now, take off your clothes." "But…are you sure?" "Trust me," he said in soothing reassurance as he released me. "Don't worry. I know more than you think. Thanks to Bill." *Somehow, that's not a surprise.* I slid my dress past my shoulders, over my tits and gravity did the rest. "Very nice. Did you get those today?" "Yes, sir." He kissed me deeply while his hands slid down my back and cupped my ass, sneaking his hands inside the black lace. Breaking off, he continued forward over my cunt and up to my breasts, flicking my nubs through the silky black fabric. My knees nearly buckled as a tingling followed his fingers and then lingered maddeningly between my hips as he stepped back, his gaze now caressing me. "I must say that both of you looked ravishing tonight…..So ravished you will be." I tried to embrace him once more, but was rebuffed by hands firmly placed on my shoulders. "Patience." The authoritative tone returned. "Lose the underwear." As I reached for the clasp of my bra, George moved beside the bed, flung back the covers past its foot and pulled out the restraints from underneath it. *He's going to tie me down! He wasn't kidding when he said, "Patience." Unhook, damn it! Mmmm…* "Stop that!" he barked. Charging behind me, he pulled the bra down my arms and yanked my panties to my knees, swatting each cheek. "I didn't say you could touch yourself." "Sorry, sir." "Now take of those panties and get on the bed, face up." *Okay, okay. But the sting is only making the ache in my cunt worse…Shit! I wonder if Jane heard any of this…Stop trembling girl, it'll be alright, but I haven't been this nervous since Thatday.* "You are beautiful," George said reassuringly as his fingertips teasingly caressed my nipples with the faintest touch. "I know Jane will like it too." "I hope so," I replied in a tremble. God, I hope so. *He's getting undressed too? Aren't you going a bit fast? Oh, your cock's swelling already. That explains a lot.* He pulled the black silk robe from the closet. The one I had given him for his birthday and had ‘Sir' embroidered in blood red script at the left side of the chest and was generally reserved for my spankings. *Damn, I guess we're in it now, Jane!* As he tied the robe, walked back towards the bed and sat next to me, he must have read the anxiety on my face. "Don't be afraid, my love. Trust me. You do trust me, don't you?" "Yes, sir," I squeaked. *I know I do, but it's still not stopping the thumping in my chest…nor the desperate longing that's flittering inside me… Oh, a blindfold too?* I tried to speak, but a finger delicately sealed my lips in the darkness. "Shhh." And then a soft whisper, "Patience. All will be revealed soon enough. For now, be silent." *Okay, I'll go along, but I've got a nagging suspicion you'll torture me with anticipation. Won't be the first time for that, now will it?* I felt him rise from the bed. *What the…? Clickety, clickety… A keyboard? I'd seen his laptop in its customary place on the small desk on the far side of the room when we'd entered, but hadn't given it much thought. What the hell is he up to?* "George?" "I will not repeat myself again. Silence!" *More clicks… Now so quiet…Is he still here? George? Where are you damn it?* I'm jolted by a whisper, so proximate I could feel his breath on my ear. Flinching, my limbs jerked on the bonds. "Enjoy the show," he said and, pausing slightly, "Don't go anywhere." *Oh, ha-ha, George. Enjoy the show? What show? I can't see a blessed thing! But, I'm certain he's left the room – there's that one spot in the hallway that creaks when you step on it. Waiting…waiting.* Suddenly, I heard Jane gasp. *That's funny. I didn't hear anyone come back upstairs.* "Surprised?" said George, but he sounded a little strange "You shouldn't be." *There is no one here! The voices are all coming from the lap top. That fucking bit-head has wired the dining room so I can hear what's going on! Oh, you're a wicked one, George.* "You know that Bill told me the instructions he gave you," he continued. "I know, but I…you…where's Lyn?" "Upstairs, but she's kinda tied up at the moment, and there are a few, umm, preliminaries. I have my instructions too, but just so we're clear, what did he tell you?" *Very funny, George. Preliminaries? What did she just say?* "Speak up!" commanded George. *Thank you.* "If I'm a good girl," Jane submissively replied, "I'll get what I want for my birthday." *Me?* "That's right," said George, "so are you going to be a good?" "Yes." "Excellent. Now, come here and stand before me." *I know that tone. Soft, but strong, almost evil, yet irresistible.* "Raise your dress….such lovely panties…but you don't need them. Take them off…Spread your legs more!...Yes, I would say you're ready." Jane sighed. "Very wet and you're clit's begging for attention. Isn't it?" "Yesss," Jane replied in a high pitched plea. *And so is mine.* "But you'll have to wait. Bill asked me to administer your birthday spanking. So, get yourself over my knees." "No, no," he continued, "Raise your dress…..That's a good girl….Such a lovely soft ass." *Come on George, stop teasing. Can't you hear her whimpers, begging you?* Smack! *Finally!* My butt cheeks clenched empathetically with each blow that George administered in an agonizingly slow and erratic pace, each strike summoning a sharp squealing whimper from Jane that landed as teasing pinpricks on my clit. *What I wouldn't give for a free hand right now!* "Ohh!" Jane suddenly exclaimed. "You like being fingered when you're spanked, don't you?" hissed George. *This is so unfair! Why do I have to be the one left here alone?* "Yes. Don't stop!" "You-won't-tell-me-what-to-do!" he countered, as a harsh slap accompanied each word. *Yes! Get her ass red! Make the bitch squeal.* "Please, please, make me come!" she begged. "Not now, you've got something else to do." *That's right, if I can't, neither should she.* "Anything." "And you will," he replied diabolically, "but you've made my cock hard and I understand you've got incredible oral skills. On your knees, slut!" *No, no, no! Come upstairs.* "And to make sure you do it right, let's tie your hands behind your back. My sash should do nicely." *Really playing it up for me, aren't you?* "Oh my god," she gasped, "Look how big you are." "You made it that way, now suck it! And, if you do a good job I'll play with your tits." *But what about me? I'd gladly suck your cock, if it meant someone would touch me! From her slurping and their joint moaning, she must be pleasing him. That's it, live it up you two. Bitch. Bastard.* Unexpectedly, I heard Jane pleading, "Please touch my tits some more." "Not until you take all of my cock." "I can't. You're bigger than Bill." *George? Big? How was I to know? Jane had much more…umm…varied experience than me. There had only ever been Tom before, and I just figured he was small. So, Miss I-Can-Deepthroat-and-You-Can't has met her match!* "Well you're gonna try!" The sounds of sloppy sucking and gagging were perversely intoxicating as I wondered if Jane experienced the same thrill I did from the power George was exerting, certain that he was firmly grasping her hair and roughly probing her limits. His familiar grunts left no doubt that he was enjoying himself. "Do you want my cum?" he roared. Between gasps of air, Jane shouted, "Yes….goddammit…choke me with your cum!" *Greedy little bitch…not that I blame her.* His growls of release and Jane's hawking made me jealous and as my pelvis pointlessly gyrated in search of relief, my essence trickled down to my ass, only to emphasize the longing emptiness that echoed deeply within my hips. *Come on Jane, stop slurping on him and get your ass up here! He's not gonna get hard again that fast!* Following a wet ‘pop,' I heard Jane sigh and all George could muster was "Wow!" "Can we go see Lyn now?" she asked. "I bet she's wondering what we've been up to." "No doubt," he replied through a weakly disguised chuckle. "What's so fucking funny?" "Nothing for you to worry about. Don't you want your present?" "Oh yes! But can you untie me first?" "Not quite yet. Let's go." *Finally…The creak in the hallway…they're here! I hope she likes what she sees. Damn! I wish I could see her face.* "Isn't she beautiful?" George asked. "More than that," she said, "She looks de-li-cious." "Wait here," he said and then suddenly my eyes were blinded by the incredibly bright room, as a whisper instructed me to remain silent. *Why the fuck have you got every light in the room on? No matter.* A few blinks later, my eyes had adjusted. I spied Jane, still flushed from her tryst downstairs, standing at the foot of the bed, breasts thrust out provocatively by her bound arms, eyeing me lustfully, scanning my body, but lingering on my hairless cunt, while George, barely still in his robe, leered in unison over her shoulder. *Yes, look at me! Do you see how wet I am? Here, let me raise my hips to you. Is it just me or are my lips opening for you?* The spell was broken when George said, "Seems you're overdressed, Jane," as he slid her dress down her shoulders, slowly exposing her large breasts, barely contained in the lacy red bra. *Magnificent, but I want to see more.* Her eyes fluttered as he cupped each breast, slid his hands together to release the clasp and gradually exposed them to me. "Aren't they beautiful?" asked George as his fingers lightly flicked her luscious pink nipples that swelled in response. I could only swallow dryly and nod in response, mesmerized by Jane's wanton exhibition, her eyes proudly encouraging my lustful inspection. Jane swooned into him as his fingers tauntingly pulled her large nipples towards me, her head tipping back while another short, squealing whimper escaped her lips. *Such a divinely submissive sound!* Upon his sudden release, Jane staggered slightly, backing into him to maintain her balance. George's hands slid in from view momentarily. *A flash of gold? A nipple chain! Ooo, lovely, and, my god, can they get any more swollen? I would think that hurts, but she's loving it! Especially when he's pulling on it, slowly moving her tits in circles. Yes, finally, he's releasing her arms and stripping her. What did he whisper in her ear?* Bracing himself and leaning Jane backwards, he circled her wrists in his hands. Jane's eyes locked on mine and guided them down to her neatly trimmed golden brown pubes as four hands crept in, spreading her to reveal the pink, shining core. *Damn, I don't know who's wetter, her or me? And when did my hips start their circular dance again? Watch out! Her legs are shaking so badly she'll fall!* Sensing her predicament, he gently pushed her forward so she could catch herself on the foot of the bed with a shuddering sigh, tits swaying with the gold adornment glimmering between them, hypnotically staring at the junction of my thighs. George then knelt on the bed, straddling my shin. *Getting hard again already, I see. Had Jane felt that between her cheeks? No doubt. Nor any of what he must have been thinking.* Using the chain as a leash, George brought Jane crawling up to me, halting with her knees to the left of my waist, one hand just above each shoulder. My chest heaved upwards and I raggedly gasped as he briefly teased my left nipple with the slackened chain. *It's only cool, but so long deprived, it's like ice. So good it almost hurts. Yes George, bring her face closer… your essence still on her breath…lips tentatively parting…eyes closing…so soft…tongues timidly introduce themselves…growing bolder…now aggressively entwined…I want… No! Don't go! He's retaken the chain, guiding her downwards. Tongue flicking…nipple hardening…taking more…now sucking…harder, pleeease…ahhh…a second tongue…licking…biting…sliding across…joining…embracing around and over me… dancing with the other. Too soon, the number ends.* I feel Jane repositioning herself on my left; my eyes open to see she turning around, her broad ass facing me and I follow its cleft past the brown crinkle to the her prominent tumescent lips, framed by matted curls, darkened by her moisture. I tried to reach for her, only to be cruelly reminded that I could not. Turning my head, I find George kneeling, raptly watching Jane's southward progress. *No help there! Tee-hee, the chain tickles a bit, but, oh, her tits are so warm, the metal a sharp contrast to her softness. Tender hands slide under my thighs…fingernails claw for purchase on my lips…spreading me…her breath, at first warm, then chilling…at last, a tongue lovingly traces my slit repeatedly…infuriatingly…do I taste good to you?* The answer was sharp and sudden as her mouth sucked in my lips and her tongue attacked my clit. "Yes! Oh god, yes! Eat me Jane!" *Aieeah! Not literally! Your pinching!* "Tooo much," I wailed in painful ecstasy, as all my muscles seemed to constrict at once and my hips tried to turn away from her furious onslaught. "No more….. pleeeease!" *They're not listening. She's just sinking her claws into my ass and pressing tighter…No, George, not my nipples. I can't take anyMOOOORE!* After that, I kinda lost track. I just remember thrashing helplessly against my bonds with my eyes slammed shut. *And wailing something incomprehensible about Jane, or ‘profanely speaking in tongues' as George later described it.* Whatever. I finally did open my eyes to find George and Jane kneeling on either side of me. And although I was panting with sporadic twitches tormenting my body, they were obviously not sated. With him, the need was obvious. With Jane it was only subtly revealed in her lust filled eyes, as the sheen on her lips, chin and nose reminded me of the excruciating pleasure she'd just given. *And as soon as I get my strength back, you'll get yours.* "It doesn't look like she'll attack, so I believe we can release her now," deadpanned George. *Very funny, mister.* But, desperate for freedom, I didn't to rise to the bait, merely flexed my limbs as each was removed from its bonds. They even took momentary pity on me, messaging my weary muscles. But once my breathing was normal, he said, "You know Jane hasn't cum yet," as he guided her to kneel over my tummy, "and she's waited long enough." As he removed the chain, the familiar whimpering returned while the rocking of her hips rubbed her sodden cunt on my tummy. *That kinda tickles, but also reminded of her earlier exhibitionism. And those tits. Come here…Feed me…Hmm, a little salty rubbery nub on my tongue…give me more…I can even feel the tiny bumps on her areola…just made for sucking…no wonder guys love tits…yes, whimper for me, Jane. What're you doing with my hands Jane? Mmm, your ass feels so smooth…soft…squeezable…and your cunt is so wet…there's your little nub…gotta taste it. Help me…that's it…lemme slide under you…Hmmm…not that different than when I've tasted myself on George, but wha?t… stronger?… muskier? Definitely not unpleasant …now I understand why he likes me bald…but no biggie… just get yourself off on my tongue. And play with your tits too? Gladly. Pinch them. Sure, whatever you want…anything to hear you squeal a little more. What the..? Sit back on my face Jane! You're so close.* "No!" said Jane crying in supplication. I'd been so engrossed with Jane's cunt, I hadn't noticed that George had risen up on his knees, and looking up I saw that his left hand was full of hair at the crown of her head, her face pointed to the ceiling. She'd had to follow. Smack. She flinched as the hard blow landed on her ass. I was equally shocked. *What game is this, George? He glanced quickly at me and mouthed, ‘Trust me.' Okay, I won't interfere…for now.* "You're not cumming without me!" he hissed as her turned her head to face him, her hair still tightly clenched in his fist. "Please?" "Please what?" "Please, George, let me cum. I'll be a good slut. I'll suck you or fuck you. Just let me cum!" she pleaded. *I suspect that's not the first time you've said that, Jane.* She moaned as I saw his free hand disappear behind her ass. Fingers reached up to her clit and through her sopping slit, and as it disappeared from my view, her legs tensed further. "And you know where I'm going to fuck you, don't you, Jane?" "My ass? But you're too big." "Nonsense!" he countered, forcing her to look at me. "You know full well that Lyn's taken it many times. Haven't you, Lyn.?" I was enjoying the play so much that his words didn't register immediately, but eventually I filled my role, "Yes, sir." His fingers returned to her cunt. "So do you want to come, Jane?" She hesitated. Pleading eyes met mine, but her hips had already made the decision. "It will be all right, Jane….I'll help," I reassured her, although I didn't really have a clue how I could. George smiled approvingly; then jerked her head to face him again. "Do you? It's you last chance, and there'll be no backing down," he asked once more, as he roughly fingered her clit in unison to her gyrations. "Y-yes," she replied, in a stammering moan. George leapt off the bed and Jane sank back down on my face, sighing as my tongue immediately went back to work. He wheeled at the sound. "If Jane cums, I'll turn both your asses red!" *I could take that as a challenge…almost.* I heard the nightstand drawer open. *At least he's getting the lube.* "Jane, get your ass over here!" Slowly, she rose, my mouth following as far as my neck would allow, and then knelt at the edge of the bed before him, head bowed. *Damn, she really is submissive! I guess he knows what he's doing.* It was only then that I saw he held not only the lube, but also our vibe. "Sit on the edge of the bed," he instructed Jane, then pushed, forcing her to lie back, her legs dangling from the edge and switching the vibe on low, teased her nipples. "Lyn, bind her arms." It took a few moments to lengthen the straps, but Jane willingly surrendered her wrists to the tethers. *Such a good girl, you deserve a kiss.* As out tongues played, Janes squealed into my mouth and I turned to find he had pressed the vibe directly on her clit. "I thought that would get your attention," he said, grinning, and summarily pulled the vibe away. "Take this," he said to me, extending the hand holding the vibe, "but remember, she's not to cum until I do." He lifted Jane's ankles and pushed her knees to her chest. Laying beside her, I cooed in her ear, "Relax, Jane. I've done this, so can you." To that end, I suckled on the nipple nearest me. She sighed and exhaled deeply, followed by a sharp intake, as a slick finger penetrated her ass. I brought the vibe to her cunt, letting is rest between her slick petals. Another moan, and he pressed deeper, but Jane didn't tense nearly as much. Realizing I needed to coordinate my efforts with George, I got to my knees at her hips, rubbing the vibe on her, coaxing a motion to her hips. *More lube, a second finger. So far so good. That's it! Concentrate on the vibe. At least he's letting her adjust slowly…but the moment has come. Be as gentle as you can, George.* And he was. At first just resting the head of his cock against her asshole, then slowly moving it in unison to Jane's riding of the vibe. Gradually his pressure increased. "Eeeeee!" she squealed as his head popped in. Jane pulled on the restraints in a useless effort to escape, and, seizing a thigh in each hand, he refused to retreat, but at least stopped his advance, while I briefly stroked her hair and cooed reassurances. *That's it Jane. I know you've done this before. The worst is over. Breathe…relax…Shit, why do I feel like some kind of demented midwife?…But…it's working…she's responding to the vibe again.* George took advantage of her slow reciprocation, patiently worming in deeper. As Jane's contrasting sentiments were evidenced by a series of sighs and gasps, he finally penetrated her completely and once again let her adjust. Jane loosed a long sigh of accomplishment as she felt his hips against her ass, and shortly, the tempo of her motion increased. Passion replaced her previously contorted countenance, and I synchronized the vibe's movement with hers. Much to my surprise, she raised her head long enough to look directly at him and challenged, "So are you gonna fuck me or what?" Well, you didn't need to hit him over the head twice to get his attention. Initially, he slowly pumped her ass with long deliberate strokes. *Damn, I know how intense that is, but I can't just sit here and watch. Ahh..that's better* "Oh, god!" she wailed. "You like my cock in your ass, don't you Jane?" She'd obviously adjusted to him and launched into a tirade, "Yes! Fuck me, George! Fuck my ass with that big cock!" He gave of all pretence of tenderness and pounded into her, while the deep rumble emanating from his chest signaled his approaching climax. "Come with me Jane!" I cried, as I pressed and held the vibe directly on her clit and vigorously fingered my own. The room filled with the vocalizations of our orgasms – a bizarre cacophony of grunts, sighs and high pitched squeals, which gradually subsided into chorus of contented deep breathing that slowly dissipated. "Wow!" George said, as he collapsed along Jane's opposite side. "Wow, indeed," I agreed, mirroring his position. Jane wiggled and said, "Wow or not, could you untie me?" "Sure," he replied. "Sorry, I was in another world." "Thanks," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and massaging her shoulders. "For everything." George resumed his position next to her, "Believe me, you're very welcome. Was your birthday everything you wanted?" "Yeah." She said softly, with just a hint of reservation. "You're sure?" I asked, somewhat perplexed by her tone. "Well, almost." "Oh?" I asked. *What else could you possibly want?* "Well, you know, Bill should have been with us. I mean, that was my original plan." "Oh, but I was!" What the fuck? That was definitely Bill's voice, but it came from George's laptop. Jane and I looked at each other in total disbelief, then at George, grinning stupidly and a bit red-faced. "You mean, I….we…" I spluttered, unsure of whether I was embarrassed or pissed off. *But somebody's got a lot of explaining to do.* "Don't get mad at George," said Bill. "It was as much my idea as his. I didn't want Jane's birthday to pass without a celebration, but I couldn't let it happen without me, either. George and I conspired a little and we decided he could rig some microphones and web cams so I could be there, so to speak. And it looked to me like you all had a good time. So, did you have a happy birthday Jane?" *Oh, so this never would have happened without…and that ‘enjoy the show' comment wasn't just for me, was it?* "As if you didn't know already!" said Jane, smiling. *She's certainly happy. And me? Well, no one ever died of embarrassment, so I guess I'll live.* "How about you, honey?" she asked. "Well, let's just say I needed some tissues," Bill replied, barely audible. *Good. Someone else's turn to be embarrassed.* "But next time, I ain't watchin'" *Author's Note: I hope you have enjoyed this series, which I may continue, if there's still interest. As always, you comments, votes and feedback are greatly appreciated.*
Beneficially HIS Ch. 03
[ "heard jane", "find george", "hear jane", "george jane", "jane george", "raise dress", "girl jane", "george good", "pulled restraints", "slid dress" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 10, "longest_sentence": 60, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 697, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (10) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 118 }
While getting settled into my new office, the man from Human Resources came over to congratulate me on the promotion, along with offering me a friendly handshake. It was the moment my life changed forever. "It's nice to see some fresh faces in charge," the man said. "I've heard great things about you. And I also saw that Sandra was recently hired back and will work for you. What a treat." There was a sly grin on the man's face and I didn't know how to respond. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought this asshole made a suggestive remark about my mother, not knowing that I'm Sandra's son. Let me explain: My mother spent her entire adult life working as a paralegal for different firms and companies. She paid for my education and pulled a lot of strings to get me this job. After a few years of working here, I got promoted to a managerial position. Mom had been working in a different department, until sadly, that department was closed a few months ago. As fate should have it, they rehired her in my department. And she'd be working under me. We agreed to keep our mother/son relationship a secret. The last thing we needed was to be on the receiving end of jokes because I've become my mother's boss. Only now, it seemed like I was getting a little too much information. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I've heard that Sandra is a hard worker." He kept grinning, "Oh yeah. She's a hard worker. She's also smart, funny, and a great cocksucker." "Very funny," I replied. "Are you trying to get me to flirt with her?" He smiled and turned to walk away. "That's up to you. But when she's under your desk, sucking you off, just remember this conversation." "Wait," I replied, stopping him. "Are you serious? I mean, that still goes on in the workplace these days?" "It's not against the rules if no one knows. Catch my drift?" "And you've seen this happen with her? Or is it something you've heard?" "Both, actually," he said. "I'm friends with her previous boss. Once in a while, I've caught glimpses of Sandra on her knees. I've heard positive things. Who knows, maybe if you play your cards right, she'll be your office slut, too." "Yeah, I guess so." If only he knew... My head was spinning the next morning as my mother prepared for the first day as my paralegal. All I could think about was the man from Human resources, was he serious, or making a joke? Did my prim and proper mother do that in the office? Worst of all, was she doing that while previously married to dad? "How exciting," mom said, striking different poses for me. "What do you think of my new outfit?" She kept modeling different poses while standing in front of her bedroom mirror. As usual, her outfit was both classy and sexy at the same time. It hugged her body and showed off her curves where they needed to be shown. "You look amazing," I replied. "I know. I'm warming up to the idea of us working together. A lot of my friends say their kids move out and they rarely hear from them again. So I think it's great that we can spend so much time together." "Yeah, well it's going to be an interesting day," I replied with a forced smile. "It hasn't fully sunk in yet, to be honest." She winked. "Give it time. And you better not abuse your powers, either. Believe me, you might be my new boss in the workplace, but I'll always be the boss at home." "You're right." "What's the matter?" she asked, seeing through my discomfort. "Are you having second thoughts about this?" "No, it's not that. It's just, never mind, it's nothing." She put her hands on her hips. "Tell me, what is it?" I took a deep breath. "Fine, do you know a guy named Dave from Human Resources?" "Sure I do. Why?" "He doesn't know that I'm your son, so he started telling me personal things. You know, about you and the previous boss." Mom froze for a few seconds. There was no mistaking it, she knew what I was talking about. She could tell from the tone of my voice that it was serious. "Oh my god," she gasped. "That fucking jerk. I can't believe this." "So it's true then?" She paused for a moment. "I'm not a whore. Please don't think of me as one." "I never said you were." "No, but you're thinking it. I'm a grown woman. What I do in private is nobody's business. As far as I'm concerned, you have no right to judge me." I took a few steps forward and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "I'm not judging you, mom. It caught me off guard and I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's all." "Fair enough," she replied, calming herself down. "I'm a hardworking woman and I've earned everything I have in life. I didn't sleep my way to career advancement." "Of course," I replied. "But I have to ask, did the relationship you had with your previous boss happen while you were with dad?" A look of shock came over her face. "God, no. I've never cheated on your father, and this has nothing to do with the divorce. It was a short fling while I was single." "I'm glad. That bothered me more than anything." She nodded. "Sorry I overreacted. We should clear the air, since we'll be working together. Are you okay with that?" "Sure." "The relationship with my ex-boss began when I was single. I was busy with my personal life and career. I worked long hours and we developed a mutual attraction. I have a thing for authoritarian figures. It's my only weakness. There, now you can stop wondering what that was all about." Her tone suggested the conversation was over. Although she tried to be a proud mother, holding her head high and fighting off any sense of embarrassment, I saw her cheeks blush. There was shame on her part. A few hours later, I was sitting behind the desk of my office. I was getting the hang of my new job and things settled with mom. Deep down, I knew it wasn't over. Mom was a prideful woman and she needed to be seen in a positive light. There was a knock on my door. In typical mom-fashion, she opened the door before I could answer, and she entered with a smile. "Hi boss," she said, walking towards me. "Can I get you coffee or something? I can't stand the thought of you being overworked sitting behind that cozy desk of yours." "Your sarcasm is much appreciated. Don't you know it's bad practice to be condescending to your workplace superior?" She sat on my desk, facing me. "I guess not. I'm having lunch with a few of my old colleagues from other departments. My lunch break will be a little longer than it should. It won't happen again; I promise." "I knew you'd take advantage." "Oh, relax. It's only an extra thirty minutes. Besides, I'm one of the most experienced paralegals around here, so I can get things done fast." "I'm sure you can, but you should expect to be treated like a typical employee." I realized my bad choice of words, given all that she had confessed. Her eyebrows raised. "That's quite a revelation." "You know what I meant. All I'm saying is that..." She interjected, "Did you want to be treated like my old boss? Because that's what your comment sounded like." "Has anyone seen Sandra?" a voice said in the background. "Your friend is looking for you," I said. "Go ahead and take a longer lunch break. When you come back, I expect your work to be finished by the end of the day." She smiled and turned to leave. "I knew you'd see things my way." After an awkward car ride home, my mother and I had dinner together that evening. None of us mentioned the innuendo filled discussion we had early in the day, but it was still in the air. "Picking up pizza was a great choice," she said, breaking the silence at the dinner table. "I know, right?" She licked her lips. "We should make this our weekly thing. How about every Friday?" "That's a plan. I'll pay." "A generous manager," she said. "Speaking of which, I'm sorry for getting too playful with you earlier. I got carried away in your office." "Don't worry about it. To be honest, it was kind of funny hearing you talk like that." "You liked it then?" she teased. "Not this again." "I'm partly serious. I wondered if you like mom-play because you're my boss now. There's no shame in liking certain things." "Was that a vibe you got today?" "Yes." "No comment," I replied with a smile. She shrugged. "I've been extremely honest with you lately, so you can be honest with me. Have you thought about it? The mom/son aspect of our office relationship." "I'll answer your question on one condition," I said. Her eyebrow rose. "And what condition would that be?" "Tell me how submissive you were with your previous boss." She kept a straight face. "Very." "Any examples? You don't have to answer." "Sometimes I went pantyless to work. He would call me into his office, have me sit on his desk, then lift my skirt to see how I felt. That usually ended with me having to wipe his desk clean. In addition to giving him oral sex, he would sometimes screw me in the supply room. And finally, if we worked overtime together, he'd insist that I strip down and do my paralegal duties naked. There have been several instances where the custodian got a nice show." "That was more than I was expecting to hear," I replied, stunned by my mom's admissions. She shrugged, "You asked for it. Now it's your turn. Have you thought about mom-play since becoming my boss?" "Yeah, I have, kind of. I mean, it's a common thing people look at nowadays." "Meaning online porn?" she asked, eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I guess." "What's your favorite category of incest?" Hearing my mother use the word 'incest' during a dinner conversation was unnerving, but it's a new chapter in our relationship. She put her elbows on the table and leaned forward, showing her interest. "Do we really need to go there?" I asked. "After everything I've told you? I think it's fair." "I've always thought that father/daughter stuff was kinda hot, where the daughter teases her dad and he feels helpless because of his natural urges. I also think mother/son stuff is kind of fun." "Mother/son stuff?" she said with a grin. "Oh my. I had no idea you felt that way. Have you ever thought about me?" "I should have known this was a trap. This is your way of embarrassing me for being your boss, isn't it? I knew it." She laughed, "Relax. Believe it or not, I like that you're my new boss. We get to spend more time together. And thinking about your mother is nothing to be ashamed of. Like you said, this kind of thing is more common than people realize." It was late the next afternoon when my mother knocked on my office door, carrying some documents in a folder. She looked gorgeous as always. Her hair and makeup were done to perfection, and so was her professional attire. But unlike yesterday, instead of wearing pants, she wore a knee-length office skirt with stockings on her legs which could grab any man's attention. "Good afternoon," she said with grace. "I have the briefing you wanted, complete with detailed information and research I added on my own." "And that's why you're the most dedicated and valuable person in this division. I'll be sure to recommend a pay raise once evaluations come." "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. And speaking of dedication, you look exhausted. Don't let the pressure of a new job get to you. It's always good to have a break. Trust me on that." "Thank you, I appreciate the advice." She walked over to me and leaned her butt against my desk. Her face showed a touch of excitement and her skirt rode up. I was in anticipation of where this was headed. "You glanced at my legs this morning," she said. "I don't think that's ever happened before. Did you see anything you like? Or did you remember what I said about wearing a skirt for my ex-boss?" I gulped and replied, "Both maybe. What you did for your previous boss crossed my mind when I saw you were wearing a skirt. You have great legs." She reached down to pinch the hem of her skirt and she raised them, revealing the flesh of her thighs and the top of her garter. "I'm glad you think so. When I got dressed this morning, I realized that I never answered your question about if I had any incest fantasies of my own. Maybe this will give you an idea." She pulled her skirt further to reveal the bottom end of her bare vagina. No panties. My heart pounded at the sight of my mother's brown labia. She pulled even further to expose her clean shaven crotch. If things weren't hot enough, she sat on my desk and spread her legs apart, putting her dripping wet pink flesh on full display for my viewing pleasure. "Oh..." I gasped with my eyes glued to her womanly parts. "I'm guessing you like mother/son fantasies. You're soaking wet." She nodded. "Yes, among other things, I enjoy a good mother/son story every now and then. And if you're wondering why I'm doing this, it's because I can't stand the thought of my son being overworked and overstressed. Have a good day, boss." I was snapped out of my trance when my mother yanked her skirt down and walked away. Just as she was about to leave my office, she gave me a wink and another reminder not to stress out. A few hours later, my mother and I were in the car, heading home. To say things were more awkward than yesterday was an understatement. I had a close encounter with my mother's pussy, and to make matters worse, her skirt was hiked as I drove. "You're tense," she said. "I'm sure you know why." "Men always lose their minds at the sight of a woman's vagina, even if it's the one they came from." I tried not to, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Very funny," I replied. "But seriously, that was the best part of my week. All the stress I had from this promotion left my body and I felt like a new man." "In other words, you went to the bathroom and masturbated, didn't you?" "No comment on that." "I don't mind you getting off to my private area. You being happy is all that matters. Just don't expect that to be a common occurrence. Like I've said before, you may be the boss at work, but don't forget who calls the shots at home." "Actually, that might not be the case anymore," I replied. "If I'm not mistaken, I'll be bringing home a bigger check than you. That makes me the man of the house now. You can't argue with that." I kept my eyes on the road as I heard her giggle. "This new take-charge attitude of yours is impressive," she said. "You're grown. I suppose you're right. You're the man of the house now." I pulled into our driveway, and once we got home, we headed to our respective rooms to unwind after a long and unusual day. The sexual tension between us continued that night. She cooked a nice dinner. And it was special considering she rarely takes the time on a weekday to make some of her best dishes with a gourmet presentation. "Do you like it?" she asked, which could have been a reference to the small outfit she had decided to wear. I nodded while cleaning my plate. "Delicious. As always." "Thank you," she said. "You deserve it. After all, you're the man of the house now, right? That means I'll have to treat you accordingly." "If you want extra breaks at work, you're doing the right things." She smiled, "There's no catch. It's a pleasure to see you becoming a man. As a single mother, it's rewarding." I reached over and patted my mother's hand. "Thanks, mom. I love you." "Love you, too. In the meantime, these dishes won't clean themselves. Come on, help me bring this to the kitchen counter." "You deserve the night off. I'll handle the dishes." She smiled, "I appreciate that. You're too sweet." My mother gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading up the stairs. For the next several minutes, I washed the dishes and reflected on how crazy things have gotten. I couldn't believe that my mother and I had talked about such intimate things. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she showed me her vagina up close. I heard footsteps behind me just as I was finishing up, and I turned around to say 'goodnight' to my mother. "Thanks again for the..." My jaw dropped. I stood in disbelief at the sight of my mother walking into the kitchen naked. She looked stunning. Her hair was down and her face was makeup free, giving her a natural look. Her curvy body reflected her middle-age. Her breasts were medium sized and sagged a little. And the hardness of her large pink nipples showed that she was either cold or aroused. "Don't give me that look," she said with a wave of a hand, as she grabbed a cup from the counter and headed to the fridge for some juice. "What's the matter, you've never seen a naked woman before?" I stammered, "Of... of course I have. It's just that...you're my..." "Your mother?" she said, finishing my sentence. "But since you want to be regarded as 'the man of the house,' then it's only fitting that I be your housewife. And before you were born, your father and I were practically nudists at home. It's only fair that you get the same treatment, right?" "I think I'd agree." She poured her juice, and before leaving, she came over to me and touched the growing erection through my shorts. "It feels like you agree." Her butt swayed with each step as she walked away. I sat in my office the next morning and thought about the revealing outfit my mother was wearing. Earlier in the day, as we rode in the car together, my mother made it clear that the previous night wasn't some fluke; that she would be more than willing to be my *naked housewife.* There was a knock on my door. Mom entered with a bright smile. It was 11:54 so I assumed it was the same situation as yesterday. "Hey there," I said. "Need another extension for your lunch break?" "Actually, no. I told them I'd be skipping today's lunch meeting with them." "Why?" She sat on top of my desk, but kept her legs closed. "Because we still have things to clear up, and I couldn't wait until this evening. Besides, I like this office setting. It's fitting." I nodded, "You're right. I haven't been able to focus on work all morning, especially after seeing you... you know... naked last night." "That's a good thing, I hope," she replied with an eyebrow raised. "Because I think there's something else you might like to hear. Remember when I told you yesterday that I enjoyed mother/son fantasies?" "How could I forget?" "Well, you never asked me anything beyond that. Because if you had, you would have discovered that I used to spy on my brother having sex with our mom growing up. It happened on his 18th birthday, and since then, I developed a rather strong oedipal fantasy that would rival most male authors of incest stories." A small shiver went down my spine, the good kind, but I tried not to show my mother how aroused hearing that made me. I tried to say as calm as possible, but regardless, she could tell I was enthused. "Oh," I gasped. "You mean Uncle Joseph and Grandma have been..." "Screwing," she said. "Hard. I don't get to see it anymore because we obviously don't live together. But I still fantasize about their secret relationship. They never knew that I spied on them. And more recently, I've developed another strong incest fantasy; care to guess with who?" I paused for a moment to be sure what she was implying. "At this point, I'd say it's your current boss, the guy you're talking to right now, and who's office you're in." "Smart guy." "What happens next? I mean, we obviously can't be open about this, but it's not like anyone is going to find out either." "I'm already going to be your *naked housewife* at home," she stated. "So as your workplace subordinate, why not add another title for me?" "I'm not sure where this is going, but I love the possibilities. What do you have in mind?" "Would you be interested in having an *office slut*?" she asked. "I'll give you the same benefits as my previous boss. What do you think?" I was taken aback by what my mother offered. "Sounds too good to be true. Are you serious?" "I'm serious. It's a win/win situation, both in the office, and at home." I took a deep breath. "How would this start? If I was your previous boss, what would be happening right now?" She got down on her knees, between my legs. "Well, with my previous boss, the talking would be kept to a bare minimum and my mouth would already be filled with cock. Any objection to that?" I shook my head 'no.' "Good," she said. "Let's get started. Would you like a blowjob, sir?" I nodded. Her hands headed toward my crotch as if she had done this a million times, and she went to work undoing my belt buckle and zipper. Once undone, she pulled my ever-growing cock out of my underwear and began to stroke up and down. "Very nice," she commented. "It's been a while since I've handled one of these. But don't worry, it's like riding a bike. You're a busy man and your time is important. We don't have a second to waste." She swooped down and took my cock in her mouth and started sucking. Her vacuum-like suction and wet saliva were more than enough to get my cock fully engorged. And being orally served by my mother in the office only added to how intense this feeling was. The phone rang in the middle of my mother's newfound oral servitude. I checked the screen. It was my boss. "Don't mind me," she said, spitting my cock out. "You have important responsibilities around here. Go right ahead." She was right. I answered the phone while my mother continued sucking me off. "Hello," I answered. "Good afternoon, it's nice to hear from you... Yes, everything is going well, thanks for asking... My breathing? Oh, I was just about to leave and I ran back to answer the phone... Lunch? Now?" My mother looked me straight in the eyes with a 'Don't You Dare' type of expression and continued to suck, slurp, and bob her head with even more tenacity. "I'm sorry, but I've got something going on with an employee. It's an oral communication exercise to build a more cohesive work environment along with trust in the workplace... Thank you... I'm glad you agree on the importance of that... Then tomorrow it is." The call ended and I focused on my mother's oral attention. She plopped my cock out of her mouth for the second time. "What did he say?" "He was thrilled that I'm such a team player and he wished there were more people like me around here. He also loved my emphasis on teamwork and bonding with my employees. Now where were we?" "Oral communication, right?" "Exactly." She gave me a playful wink and went back to sucking me off. This time, she used her hand to stroke me, enhancing the sexual pleasure. I laid back and listened to her slurping noises filling the room, and having oral sex performed by my mother's expert mouth couldn't have felt better. "Oh god," I moaned. "This feels fantastic. I'm going to explode pretty soon if you keep this up." To my surprise, and brief disappointment, she put my raging hard cock back inside my pants and zipped me up. "This is our first time together and I want it to be memorable," she said. "It would be a real shame if it was only an office blowjob. Come on boss, everyone is on their lunch break right now, let's go to the supply room." We adjusted our clothes to look like our proper selves, as if nothing was out of the ordinary, as if she hadn't just sucked my cock, and we headed towards the supply room. We made sure that no one saw us enter together, and once we shut the door, she grabbed me and planted a big kiss on my lips. "Mmmm... I could really get used to being your *office slut." I gave her a few more kisses and replied, "So can I. And if I'm not mistaken, the supply room is where you used to have sex, right?" She gave a seductive grin and undressed. It was as if my mother was transforming before my very eyes in more ways than one. She had always prided herself on being so proper and elegant, along with being a fashionably dressed professional woman. And here she was, taking off her expensive clothes and tossing them to the floor like worthless accessories. "That's exactly what we did in these places. Now be a good boss and fuck me until I can't take it anymore." The last article of clothing was gone from her body and she was naked except for the stockings on her legs and the heels on her feet. She turned around and spread her legs apart, placing her hands on the table as she bent down. I freed my rock hard erection. My heart pounded as the realization that I was about to fuck my own mother sunk in. She reached down with one hand to spread her labia apart, and I could tell that she was having the same incestuous thoughts based on her dripping wet pussy. The head of my cock slid inside her womanhood, so did the rest of my shaft. Her body trembled when I went all the way in and I gripped her hips tightly and proceeded to fuck her, once her vaginal canal adjusted. And soon, the tiny room was filled with the sounds of wet rhythmic slappings from pounding the flesh of her ass, along with the faint sounds of her moaning. "Oh god..." she panted. "Fuck me... that's it... fuck me... fuck your little *office slut*... fuck your own mother where it counts." We tried our best to muffle our voices and moans to make sure that no one heard us. It was already a big enough risk and we couldn't get caught. If anyone found out about this, we'd likely be fired. Our reputations would be ruined forever and we'd be the subject of endless gossip, all throughout the city. But the fact that we were having wild sex in the office place was an added thrill to the already taboo act of incest. Her legs trembled at a ferocious pace and her body started shaking. My hands were on her hips and thighs while fucking. I felt her muscles flexing and contracting, and she was on the verge of a powerful orgasm. "Oh goodness..." she whimpered. "Oh... rub my clit... rub it for me... this is how you make your mother cum... your *office slut* of a mother... make me cum. This is how I need to be fucked in the office... oh god... this is how you treat your mother." I reached down and rubbed her engorged clitoris. The fluids seeping from her wet pussy coated my hand like a leaking faucet. "I'm almost there... don't stop... keep screwing your mother... Be a good son... be a good boss. Give your office slut the best orgasm ever... It's what your mother demands." Hearing my proper and respectable mother's dirty mouth added to the sexual situation. We were sweating profusely and I could see some of the glass in the small room start to fog. Her breathing became labored. Her skin felt warm. I didn't have time to think about my own pleasure, as my mother's back arched violently, and a strong gush of fluids rushed through my fingers rubbing her clitoris, as I fucked her pussy as hard as I could. She was making a mess all over the place, squirt running down my hand, down her legs, and making a pool on the floor. It took every ounce of strength she had to keep from thrashing her body around and screaming at the top of her lungs for the entire office building to hear. And it took every ounce of strength that I had to keep pleasuring her the way that she needed to be pleasured. A true office slut. Once her orgasm subsided, her body nearly collapsed as she bent down with her hands on the table to hold herself up. Soon, it was my turn to orgasm. "I'm going to cum, " I whispered. I was unsure of where I'd finish, but my mother knew. She had plans, or maybe it was a snap decision. She was re-energized, dropping to her knees, looking up at me, and jerked me off until I exploded all over her mouth, coating her lips and tongue with my orgasm. She didn't stop until I was drained and she finished by continuing to look me in the eyes while she swallowed. "That was fucking amazing," I said. She continued licking the tip of my penis. "Now I'm claimed. I'm your mother, but I'm also your office slut. Do as you'd like." "You're my housewife, too," I reminded. She smiled and nibbled on the head of my cock. "And I'm your housewife." "You've left a pile of squirt on the floor. We're messy." "I'll clean it right away, boss." After a few more licks on my shaft, devouring all my cum, she kissed the head of my cock and put my penis back inside my pants. While still naked, she grabbed several sheets of paper towels and used them to wipe the floor clean. I watched my mother get dressed, then she took the wet paper towels. It was such an erotic sight seeing her go from an *office slut*, back to being the prim and proper woman everyone knows her as. The awkwardness that lingered between us disappeared and everything felt normal. Everything felt the way that it should. By the time we left the supply room, a group of people from the same floor, but different department, had just returned from their lunch break. It was obvious that they knew we had sex. Especially by looking at my mother's *'I just got fucked'* hairdo and her slightly crinkled outfit. She tossed out the handful of squirt-soaked paper towels in the hallway garbage, but of course, no one knew the wetness was mom's orgasm. As for the orgasmic glow and smile which radiated from my mother? It was much too obvious. Any sexually experienced woman could spot it a mile away. My mother didn't care though. She walked right past them with her chin held high and a proud smile on her face. I could even hear some of the women in the background gossip about us with their whispering voices. "Well those two clearly had sex." "Couldn't they have gotten a hotel room?" "I've heard they're related. Can you believe it?" This job turned out to be more than just a significant pay raise. It was a unique bonding experience. Not only was she my mother, but she had also become my naked housewife, and in her words, my office slut. And that's the way it was meant to be. *The End* vote / comment / follow
Housewife, Mother & Slut
[ "mother son sex", "mother son incest", "mother", "son", "office", "slut", "squirt", "stockings", "blowjob", "mature" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 526, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 53 }
18+ Dirty Stuff The young, cream colored stallion with a light blond mane smiled like a fool at the muscular wolf sitting in front of him, the big guy having bought him coffee at the late night shop. He was surprised to find out how cool the older male really was. At first he had found the guy really intimidating because Kyle wasn't really muscular at all. He was only one hundred and sixty pounds and that wasn't really much for his species. But as the horse fondled the small rose tattoo on his left wrist, the big black wolf reached out and touched it. "Are you alright?" he asked, a big grin on his face. Kyle starred at the table with a blank look on his face, "I'm feeling a little weird...fuzzy." The wolf gave a false look of concern, "Maybe I should take you home, bud?" the wolf suggested, slipping his tainted canteen back into his sleeve. Making sure the counter girl wasn't looking, he got up and slipped his big arm around the horse's waist and picked him up like he was nothing, walking him out the front door. For all the girl knew, the two had simply walked out together. As the wolf carried Kyle outside, the horse scuffed his hooves against the payment as he stumbled, the wolf holding him up by a loop on his jeans. When they reached the older male's hummer, he popped the door and helped him up into the leather seats, "There we go..." Once he got in the truck, the wolf didn't even look back to see the young horse curled up in the leather material. Pulling out of the parking lot, he just kept driving and driving until bright street lamp lit highways turned into dark back roads where the trees toward over everything. Finally making the final turn, they had arrived at a small, two story wooden house that looked like it had seen some recent remodeling. Popping the door again, the wolf lifted the small stallion over into both of his arms, the young lads limbs completely limp and hanging because he was really out of it. His boots left a deep imprint in the wild looking yard as he stomped towards the front door. Keying in the code with Kyle over his left shoulder, the door buzzed and swung open. They were already half way up the stairs when it mechanically shut behind them. Kyle groaned as his horse snout was being tapped against the wolf's rock hard ass. It was almost natural to the wolf when he laid his catch on the bed in his room. Despite his dirty life style, Burter Cole actually kept a clean room. He had sleek black sheets on his strong metal bed frame, a fire place, secured windows and blinds, and pictures of males in hardcore situations. Never concerned about anyone seeing them, they were just there, out in the open. But his mind was focused on his new pet. Stripping the stallion with no problem at all, he peeled off the small male's clothes, revealing his slim frame and his average package. He moved towards the closet, but was suddenly tempted by his own pleasures. Turning Kyle to his side, the big bad wolf lifted the stallion's right leg by its ankle and pressed his muzzle into the area between the horse's ass crack and his sac. Inhaling deep, he always did enjoy that thick leathery odor most horse's had. Grunting and snarling in frustration, the wolf felt his dark nipples harden, sniffing wildly as he brushed his head up along the stallion's leg, taking in his scent. He had to tear himself away to stop, wanting to toy with his prey when it was awake. With Kyle still heavily into his drug induced state, the wolf strapped him to the railing at the foot of his bed, the stallion's legs crossed as his wrists were bound to the bed by brown leather. The male didn't even twitch as Burter took a thick metal collar and placed it around the horse's thick neck, adjusting it so that it was snug, the metal prods on the inside pressing against his flesh. When it was all done, he made himself comfortable at the other end of the bed, crossing his arms behind his head and resting his big, heavy foot paws over Kyle's shoulders. Sort of setting his internal clock while starring at the one by his bed, the wolf slowly closed his eyes, planning on an early morning... More to Come.
Taking Home Kyle part 1 by the roo
[ "Bondage", "Drugging", "Drugs", "Gay", "Horse", "Kidnapping", "M/M", "Stallion", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 42, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 37, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 16 }
*Note to the reader: Thank you for your patience and feedback. This is the first time I've ever written something for someone else to read (much less erotic literature) and I'm very pleased it's been so well received. This is (probably) the last part. I hope it's been is as fun for you to read as it has been for me to write. If you have any suggestions or observations, please feel free to send them, I've read all comments thus far. I'm just learning how to write and can use all of the insights and criticism I can get. Enjoy, and I'll be writing something new soon.* "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting beside her. She handed him the glass and he drained it, then set it on the nightstand. She leaned forward, hands on knees, and stretched, tossing her hair out of her face. "Ben." Uh oh. "Um, yes?" She peered at him with narrowed eyes, leaned in close. "Where did you learn to do that?" "I... didn't? I just sorta... figured it out." He shrugged nervously. "Was it okay?" She grinned, cocked an eyebrow and tackled him. He couldn't see through the cascade of hair, but that was fine. He followed the curves of her hips around to her ass, which rested at his navel. The farther down his fingertips stretched, the wetter she was to the touch. His cock felt like it would rip through his jeans and it didn't take much to interpret the same urgency through her every kiss, moan and caress. She kissed her way down his neck to his chest, nibbling on his nipples in turn. Her fingernails weren't sharp but he felt her exploring the hair she found with them, much the way he'd done between her thighs. He hissed, surprised at how intense the sensations were and he felt her respond immediately with even more of the same. He felt her fingers on his zipper. He tried and failed to swallow the lump in his throat and looked down. All he could see was her back, her sweet, round ass and the waves of white-gold hair tumbling down his torso, but when her fingers closed around the shaft of his cock through his boxer briefs, he involuntarily bucked his hips off the bed and her entire body with them. "Nat," he said breathlessly. "Shhh," she responded, tossing her hair to the side. She pushed down his underwear and his erection jumped up as if spring-loaded. "You took care of me. Now... let me take care of you." Well there was no arguing with that, and as he watched, she kissed the underside of the tip. He shuddered from toenails to eyebrows and pressed his palms against his forehead and eyes. Her tongue trailed up from the base of his shaft to the very tip. "I didn't expect it to be so wet," she said, mostly to herself. "I had no idea guys did that." "The more... turned on we are... the more comes out," he breathed. "Works the same way for us as it does for you, I guess." "Cool," she said, and he felt the puffs of breath against the hyper-sensitive skin on the head of his cock. "I don't think... it doesn't look like I can... hmm." He felt her lips spread around the head, pushing against the skin of it so that it popped between them. Once the entire head was in her mouth, she left it there for a moment and then withdrew. "I can't. I know guys like -" "Nat," he interrupted shakily, propping himself up on his elbows. "It doesn't matter, sweetheart. Really really. I just want you, and the sooner the better." She frowned down at his cock, shrugged, and grinned. "Oh. Okay. I haven't been able to stop thinking about this for hours." She stroked her thighs with her palms apprehensively and tucked her hair behind her ears. "So what now?" He pushed off his jeans and underwear and she helped him just like he'd helped her before. She leaned across his chest, propped up on an elbow near his nipple, and smiled down at him. She'd tucked her legs up near his pillows and he carefully pushed one of his hands between her thighs. She made a happy little sound deep in her chest and it resonated through his. He explored higher, pressing the edge of his forefinger along her lips. Her thighs tightened around his hand immediately and her face disappeared against his chest again. The more relaxed he became, the bolder his hand became, and while he petted her hair with the other, he spread her thighs by turning his palm and gently found the place his cock would soon be. People had always marveled at how big his hands were. He'd never found a pair of gloves that fit, no matter how 'one-size-fits-all' or 'extra large' they were. He watched all four inches of his middle finger disappear inside her very slowly and she bit his nipple, suppressing a cry. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her, and she knew that perfectly well. Once his palm was completely covering that soft, silky patch of honey colored hair, he withdrew it even slower than it went in. The foot of her top leg was resting on his pillow and her hips were tilted toward him, and the smell... oh fuck me, the smell was driving him bonkers. She was so warm and soft! Everywhere, inside and out! It was too much to experience and continue to think at the same time. "Again," she whispered in a feral little growl he'd never heard from her before. He went in again, just as slow and just as deep. When his palm was flat against her pubic hair and his middle finger was as far inside her as it would go, he clenched his hand, pulling his middle finger toward his palm. She whimpered (praying again) and he felt fresh droplets of pre-cum hit his belly, cooled from the air and practically sizzling at the contact, and he knew it was time. They knew each other so well, he found he didn't have to say a word. She shifted up, kissed him with all of her love and lust and spread her thighs over him. He was too tall for her to reach and still kiss him like they both wanted, so he propped his feet almost under his butt and tilted his cock toward her. "Maybe you'd better, um... " she started nervously, and lifted herself up on one knee. Her breasts were full, swollen and tantalizing, and he stroked one lovingly as his hand went down, down. Their eyes met, his the dark, faded blue of old ice, and hers the deep green of a forest in the spring, just as the head of his cock found its home. No more than an inch apart, they moaned together, kissed briefly, and he felt the head pass between her those heavenly dark pink lips. She adjusted her hips, eyes half-lidded, lowered herself and buried her face in his neck, not far from where he'd wiped the smudge away earlier that evening. Her fingers spread under his shoulders and he felt her pussy spread around his cock, like a hand into that perfect glove he'd never been able to find. She went so slow, concentrating with all of her might, and breathed short, sharp and fast, but she was determined and he was patient. Once, twice, three times she readjusted, and he knew that it was hurting her but she wanted it more than the pain could dissuade her. He waited for her, not thrusting and barely even breathing, until finally, hips rested against the base of his cock. Shaking, she cried happy tears and he hugged her tight. The muscles cradling his cock clenched, relaxed, clenched even harder, and he knew that their first lovemaking session would not be a long one. "I can't... I can't do any more," she said unhappily. He rolled them both to his left until he was on top of her and even managed to stay inside. She stroked his cheek and nodded. Slowly he backed himself out and he felt her body moving around to find the perfect angle. There's time, we have all of our lives, he thought, and just as his head was nearing the end of its arc, he stopped. "Ready?" She nodded again, closing her eyes and exhaling. He supported himself on his palms just outside her shoulders and felt her warm little fingers against his sides. "God you're beautiful," he said. She beamed and he slid back into her. Her mouth and eyes opened wide and she cried out in a high, helpless voice. He could only imagine how it felt for her, but for him, the sensation was like licking off a finger that had something delicious on it, like chocolate or honey. He eased back out, asked her if she was okay, and when she nodded furiously, clawing at his sides, he added a little more force to his thrust. She cried out louder this time, but with less surprise and shock, and he knew he didn't have long, especially when she was so very tight down there, and he'd been turned so far on he felt like he was thrumming all over like a guitar string. "Nat... it won't be long," he said through gritted teeth, his body aching from the strain of moving so slowly and deliberately. She nodded again, mouthed an "okay" and clawed at as far up his back as she could reach. Another thrust, and another, each with a little more force, and then he made the mistake of looking down from her face to her breasts, which bounced with his movement, and that was it. He could only manage two more thrusts before his entire groin erupted in liquid napalm. He pulled out of her just in time, roaring at the ceiling. All of his weight was on his arms, and finally they could take no more. He fell on her and buried his face in that heavenly hair, her smell. She stroked the back of his head, shushing and cooing, and held him tight as he quivered and gasped. "Wow, you were loud," she said. "Fucking hot as hell." She curled her ankles behind his knees and his cock was bent at an uncomfortable angle, but he didn't care. Actually, he was pretty sure he was paralyzed. What a way to go. He ruptured his dick, and had an aneurysm, he thought, but that didn't sound so bad. He'd die a happy young man. He muttered something in Swahili and snuggled in tighter, kissed what he could reach with his lips, her earlobe? She purred. Yep. "How about a shower?" She asked. "The one in their bathroom is big enough, we could take one together." "Oh yeah," he managed. "You read my mind, sweetheart." (Actually, it sounded more like yoorenn m'mnn suhherrt but she got it because she's cool like that.) He lifted himself up on his elbows and reached over the side of the bed to get one of the shirts he'd pushed off earlier. He wiped them both down as best he could and then collapsed next to her, massive chest heaving. "Well well," she said, laying a hand on his thigh. "Somebody's not tired yet." You can say that again, he thought. His cock was pestering him more with every passing moment. "Shower?" He said. "Shower," she said, and kissed him.
Ben & Nat: Love at Home Alone Pt. 04
[ "teen", "romantic", "step", "sister", "brother", "hot", "incest", "eighteen", "home" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 1, "num_sentences": 146, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 23 }
She sat nervously in a chair at the airport terminal. She had been waiting and dreaming of this day for months, but now that it was here, she was full of mixed emotions—fear and excitement, desire and anxiety. Her fingers absently twisted at her short blonde hair while she waited. He had called four hours before saying that he was at the airport and he would see her soon. After that she had quickly showered, shaved, and gotten ready to leave. She wore a black ribbed tank top, her favorite dark blue jeans, and her high heeled black sandals Underneath her clothes she wore a black thong and matching push-up bra. She scrutinized every aspect of her appearance while she put on makeup and fixed her hair. She applied thick black eyeliner, brown shadow, and mascara to accentuate her bright green eyes and bronze blush on her high, pale cheekbones. Seven years of marriage and having a baby had taken its toll on her once almost-perfect body, and now she was a little overweight and her D-cup breasts sagged more. But she knew that he liked her anyway, and with that she should be content. Finally, she got in her car and drove two hours to the airport to await his arrival. An announcement came over the loudspeaker. "Flight 547 from Raleigh-Durham International has landed at gate 42." She smiled. Only a few more minutes. She stood up, put on her chocolate flavored lip gloss, ran her fingers through her golden ringlets, and picked up the hand-written sign that read, "Billy Bob Johnson." That, of course, was not his real name, but his nickname on Yahoo Messenger, where they had spent so many hours talking in the past few months. She held the sign as people started exiting the plane, and her stomach tightened nervously. Would she recognize him? Would he like her after meeting her in person? Would he be disappointed in her looks? They had exchanged many pictures, but she knew that pictures aren't always an accurate representation of the person. After a minute she started wondering if he even got on the plane or if he backed out at the last second. After all, it took several beers and a lot of coaxing to get him to even talk to her on the phone at first. Then, she saw him. Oh, he was even better looking than the pictures made him seem. He had dark curly hair and huge brown eyes. His skin was smooth and tan over his subtle muscles. He wore a green t-shirt, blue jeans and black skater shoes. He was neither chubby or skinny or muscular, but a perfect combination of the three. He scanned the crowd as he stepped into the terminal and finally his eyes landed on her. Smiling, he walked toward her. Her pulse quickened and she fiddled with her silly sign as he approached. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. She had envisioned running toward him and jumping on him the moment he stepped into the terminal, but suddenly that seemed to be the wrong thing to do. Instead, she smiled at him and stood still, her stomach full of butterflies. "Lindsay?" he said to her. "Brett?" she said back. They stood for a moment just looking at each other. Then she dropped the sign at her feet and reached up to touch his face. Electricity shot through her body with their first contact. "Hi," he said, and put his hand on her waist. He pulled her to him and their lips met for the first time. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his responded by encircling her waist, his hands exploring her back. Their tongues lightly mingled and their breath became heavier. They pressed closer against each other, lost in the bliss of their long-awaited connection. She realized that second that it would be impossible to wait two hours to feel the rest of his body. She needed to touch his chest, his stomach, his legs... and of course she wanted so badly to have his cock inside of her in every imaginable position. She pulled away, awestruck and breathless. They stood quietly for a while, holding each other and basking in the passion that they already had for each other. Then she grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go get your suitcase." They walked hand in hand toward the baggage claim area. Once there, Lindsay turned to Brett again and they put their arms around each other. "You smell incredible," he said to her as his fingers grasped her hair, "and your lips taste like chocolate." She nuzzled against his neck and held him tightly. "I am so glad you're here," she said. "Me too. You have no idea," he responded. Giggling, she replied, "Yeah, I have some idea." She looked into his eyes and once again they kissed passionately. She couldn't wait to get out of the airport. She had so many things she wanted to do. Finally his suitcase came around and he grabbed it. They walked out of the airport together to the back of the parking garage where her blue Jeep Wrangler sat. She opened the back door and lifted his worn black suitcase into the back of the Jeep. Then she sat down and motioned for him to follow her. As soon as he sat down she locked the doors and straddled him. They kissed, more hungrily this time, sucking on each others lips and tongues, their hands exploring one another more feverishly. His hands went up the back of her shirt and he felt the soft skin of her back. With one quick motion, Brett pulled her shirt over her head. They resumed their kiss, and her fingers danced over his smooth chest and stomach. She tugged at his shirt and he leaned forward so she could remove it. She could feel the bulge growing through his jeans, and her pussy instantly became moist. He deftly unsnapped her bra in the back and took it off her body, tossing it aside. Her breasts hung firmly, crowned with large brown areolas and long, stiff nipples. He noticed a birthmark on her right breast just before his mouth engulfed her nipple. She moaned and arched her back as pleasure washed through her body. His hand toyed with her other breast as he continued sucking and nibbling at the right one. She moaned louder, her hands grabbing his hair and pulling him closer. The bulge in his pants was growing harder and she wanted desperately to be fucked by him. She scooted back and began unbuckling his belt. Brett's hands continued to knead her breasts as she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She rubbed his cock through his jeans and looked him in the eye. "Are you ready?" she almost whispered. "Yes, yes," he replied. "Thank God for tinted windows." He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and then they realized she would have to dismount him in order for them both to take their pants off. She climbed off and they quickly disrobed so that they were totally naked. His stiff cock quivered and she wanted to taste it right that second. Her head descended toward his lap and her tongue licked at the tip. He gasped when her soft lips wrapped around his solid erection and slid up and down the shaft. Her hands worked the base of his cock and fondled his balls as her tongue swirled around the swollen head. She could taste the salty precum when the tip of her tongue danced over his slit. Then she plunged her mouth back down, taking all eight inches into her mouth and throat. "Oh, yes, yes, suck my cock," he whispered to her. "God you feel so good." He moaned and scooted down in the seat so she had more access. Lindsay used the tips of her fingers to lightly stroke his stomach below his navel which made him gasp and lift his ass off the seat, forcing more of his cock into her throat. It was getting more swollen and she knew he was close. She released his cock from her mouth and whispered, "I want to taste your cum." Those words coming from her made him erupt into her ravenous mouth. He groaned as his cum hit the back of her throat and she greedily swallowed every drop. Her hand pumped and squeezed his cock until she had gulped down all of his cum. Brett was in complete ecstasy as she continued to lap at his softening cock, and he longed to taste her cum just as she had tasted his. "Lay down," he said, and she complied as best she could in the cramped space. Then she sat up and jumped in the back of the Jeep and motioned for him to follow her. She pushed a button and the back seat folded forward, giving them the entire back of the Jeep to continue their adventure. Lindsay laid with her head near the back of the Jeep, her knees bent with her legs spread, and Brett knelt facing her. Her shaved pussy was glistening wet and he was so hungry to taste it, but he wanted to prolong their experience as much as he could. After all, there would never be another first meeting. He moved higher and kissed her deeply, his tongue mingling with hers, tasting a hint of his salty cum in her mouth. He moved down and kissed her neck while stroking her body with his fingertips, up to the edge of her nipples down to her hips. Her body shuddered with anticipation. She wanted him to fuck her, hard, deep, NOW, but he had other plans. He inched down her body, trailing kisses as he went toward her breasts again, but stopped just above her nipples, exhaling his hot breath across it, and moving on to the valley between her peaks, kissing her soft skin. He moved above her other nipple and again his warm breath teased her and he moved on down her body. He kissed her stomach, circled her navel with his tongue, and kissed down her skin stopping short of her swollen clit. Again he exhaled and moved away. She was in agony, wanting to feel his tongue, his fingers, his cock, anything inside of her aching pussy. "Oh, God, stop teasing me, I want you so bad," she moaned, lifting her hips toward his face. Instead he returned and kissed her eager mouth, his hands wandering down her body. This time his hands came back up to her throbbing nipples and squeezed them hard. The painful yet pleasurable sensation caused her to cry out loudly through their kiss. "Please, please..." she whimpered. Brett could stand it no longer. He moved all the way down, put his face right in between her legs and sucked hard on her clit. She cried out again, momentarily forgetting they were in a semi-public place and that people might hear her. She writhed beneath him and her hands pinched and tugged at her erect nipples. His tongue swirled around her clit and then dipped down lower into her pussy, tasting her sweet honey. "Oh Brett, Jesus Christ that's amazing," she muttered, and he continued forcing his tongue into her slit. He moved back up to her clit and inserted two fingers into her soaking pussy, immediately finding her g-spot and rubbing it forcefully. Insane with ecstasy, Lindsay cried out a string of nonsensical words, "Oh! fuck! yes! Jesus! God! fuck! damn! oh! fuck! oh! yes!" She was close to cumming and he wanted to make sure he was able to drink from her gushing pussy that he had so longed to taste. His tongue massaged her clit and he thrust his fingers hard against her g-spot. She wildly tossed her head back and forth and beat her fist on the seat, her eyes closed tightly and mouth biting at her lower lip. He removed his fingers and moved his mouth down to drink her juices as she came, waves of pleasure radiating from her clit through the rest of her body. Her pussy spasmed against his tongue and she exclaimed another series of nonsense words, her mind too wrapped up in desire to form conscious sounds. His cock was hard again from watching her thrash during her orgasm and he could no longer control his lust for this sexy woman. Before she had fully recovered, he mounted her and drove his cock into her dripping pussy. She yelled out in surprise, opening her eyes to see his gorgeous face above hers. He bent down to kiss her as he thrust into her again vigorously. Her nails dug hard into his back and the pain was so unexpected it forced him to drive into her even harder. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she lifted her ass off the floor to allow him to penetrate her even more deeply. Plunge after plunge sent them both reeling to a state of ecstasy that neither had experienced before. He grabbed her firm breasts and held them as he thrust, then moved his hands down to her lush hips. Holding her tightly, he pounded his cock into her harder and harder. "Yes, fuck me, fuck me," she said breathily, and moaned loudly. Once again his balls tensed and he knew he was going to cum. He thrust one last time, and at the moment he came, she arched her back in her second wave of orgasmic bliss. Her pussy contracted around his throbbing cock as his load shot into her, her muscles milking and draining his sperm. They held that position for a few moments, lost in the sheer pleasure they had finally experienced with one another. "Oh, oh, oh God, oh my Christ," Lindsay panted as she relaxed onto the floor. Brett pulled his wilting cock from her pussy and laid on his back next to her. "Wow," was all he could manage to say. "Yeah," she replied. They lay together for a few minutes as their breath returned to its normal rate. She realized that their mixed fluids were dripping from her vagina onto the back of the seat and she should probably get cleaned up. She had lost her mind momentarily while experiencing the most incredible pleasure she had ever felt in her life, but now reality was slowly settling back in and she didn't want to soil her brand new car. She reached down in the floorboard and emerged with a box of baby wipes which she always kept on hand. Brett looked at her with a mixture of adoration and comic puzzlement on his face. She giggled and said, "I don't want love stains on my new car. Is that wrong?" They cleaned themselves and dressed again. Still not ready to be even arms length apart, they cuddled up together in the back of the Jeep, holding and kissing each other and whispering into each others' ears. "Do you think anyone heard us?" Brett asked, genuinely concerned. "Who gives a fuck?" Lindsay replied. "I mean, this is an airport. People seeing people who they've been apart from. I expect that there's a lot of fucking going on in this parking garage on any given day." "Really? In public?" "I bet you ten bucks. Maybe we should ask the parking security. They would know." "You're on," he replied, and they shook hands. After another few minutes in each other's arms, Lindsay looked at the clock in her dash and realized that it had been an hour and a half since they had gotten to the car. "I wanna get home so I can fuck you properly," she insisted. "What, that wasn't a proper fucking?" he asked teasingly. "You know what I mean." They reluctantly climbed into the front seats and drove out of the garage. Before leaving, however, Lindsay stopped at the security booth and rolled down her window. "Excuse me, sir?" The middle-aged man looked up at her through the glass. "Yes?" "I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. See, my friend and I were discussing whether or not a lot of... well... nookie takes place in the parking garages. I personally think that since it's a place where people are reuniting, that sometimes they can't wait to get home. My friend here doesn't know if people would actually do that in a public place. So, what is your experience with this subject?" The security guard looked at her in shock, then realizing that she was serious, he cleared his throat and said, "Well, ma'am, I see a lot of vehicles... uh... rocking on a daily basis. Too many for it to be just someone who may be searching for something in their car, if you know what I mean. But I don't go inspect or anything." Lindsay smiled and looked at her lover. "You owe me ten bucks." "As a matter of fact," the guard continued, "I'm almost positive I saw this here blue Jeep rocking back and forth not too long ago." The man grinned knowingly. "I lost my lip gloss," she replied with a wink, and drove out of the garage toward the airport exit.
Meeting Brett Ch. 01
[ "first meeting", "online lovers" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 211, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 26 }
"Breakfast!" the cell keeper called, throwing a piece of rotting meat in my cell. I stared at the disgusting scrap of meat, and spit a blast of fire to get rid of the smell in my evil hell hole. I laid my head on top of my claws and sighed, sadly. I've been in this hell hole for three months, it feels longer though. I wonder if Syor is alright? I looked at an old skeleton and thought of the possibilities of what could have happen. Syor could have died by those creatures. They could have hanged her, slit her throat, burned her alive, they could have tortured her. I shook my head and put my claws over my eyes. I have to think about the good things. Syor could be at home waiting for me, she could still be alive. I just pray to Quinmeartha she's alright. The sound of metal opening rung through out the cell, I listened as the keeper jingled the keys against my cell door and open it slowly. A boy with midnight black hair to his back with bangs the color of blood. His eyes were different from his people, one was topaz and the other was sapphire, both holding gentleness that was strangely comforting. Who was this elf though? I growled, telling him to go away like all the other visitors. "Now that isn't the way to treat someone who is trying to help you, Memory." He said with a smug smirk on his face. "How do you know my name you heartless creature!?" I growled. The man chuckled and walked closer to me. I tried to move, but the chains kept me down. "That human you protect ever so loyalty is very trusting. I'm sorry I couldn't stay and protect her for you." He said and bowed. "I'm Xalphor, 2nd in command of the army you fought." "You're that elf that tried to help Syor." "Bingo! Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" he laughed standing back up. I looked at him, my dragon brow raised at his sudden outburst. He was a strange one, that was for sure. "So, why are you here elf?" I question, trying to relax myself. "My name is Xalphor and as I said before, I'm here to help you." He said, checking to see what the guard was doing. The guard gave a loud cough still looking around, obviously not listening to the conversation. I stared at the elf for a few seconds than snorted, putting my head back on my claws. "Why should I trust you? I may be grateful you saved Lady Syor, but I still don't trust your kind." I snapped, now ignoring him. "Look here you stubborn dragon! I may not be your precious Lady Syor but I still want to help you. I don't approve of my people doing this to others and seeing creatures like you suffer. I'm going to help you like it or not." Xalphor said, loud enough for me to hear, but quiet enough not to let the guard hear. "I'll believe it, when I see it." I muttered, closing my eyes. He snorted and left the cell, to leave me alone in my solitude yet again. I sighed. Could that elf really help me escape from here? The day soon ended and I still laid in my cell thinking about the possibilities of escaping with my life. The guards stood watch at every corner of the castle and not one missed a person who passed by. No light was in my cell, it was all pitch black. Not even the moon shone into my cell to give me hope of escaping. Darkness welcomed me with open arms. The sound of clanking metal caught my attention as a guard left his post to check out the noise. "Xalphor, sir? What are you doing here in this time of day?" He asked. I continued to listen also wondering why the elf returned. A weak cough escaped from the guard's throat before more silence filled the cell. I snorted. I knew that elf couldn't be trusted. I heard keys jangle against the door and it squeaked open. Footsteps closed in on me. I looked up to see a dark, familiar face. "Told you, I'd help." He said, smirking and dangling the keys to my chains. "Now let's get out." He began to remove the chains from my legs and body. I watched his every move as he lifted the chains off. "Why are you helping me? You'll be rejected by your own people." I muttered. "I've always been rejected. I was never like them. I could never take a life for the joy of killing. My people may be one with nature but they'll never be able to control nature." I heard another pair of foot steps walk in on us and Xalphor quickly turned to them. "I knew you'd disappoint us. You always do." The man said, holding his eagle like helmet at his side. He wore blood red armor and seemed to have many experiences in the way of the sword. The man drew his sword, holding no emotion in his eyes. Xalphor stood up and stared at the man. "Come now son, you wouldn't want to disappoint me and your mother now?" The man said walking closer and dragging his sword across the ground. "I could never impress you father and mother never acknowledges my existence. Ya'll never cared about me." Xalphor snapped. "Die than!" His father yelled and charged. I stepped in front of the two NightElfs and roared at Xalphor's father. He stopped dead in his tracks, looking at me as if he was studying my next move. He was trying to read me. I snorted, flames shooting out of my nostrils. "It seems you have befriended that beast. Hn...you'll got to hell for helping out one of these servants of the devil." "I'm not a servant of the devil you godforsaken monster! What makes you think all these pointless killings are the way that nature wants it?!" I roared, trying to hold myself back from attacking the NightElf before me. "It is the will of god that drives my people! It is god's wish for every single one of my people to purify this land he created for us. To send those, that have defied the laws he created, to the place where they rightfully belong!" He yelled. "I am the right hand man of god and I will do as god wishes, for I am the lord and savior's servant!" "How can you believe in such foolishness?! How is this the will of good!? What makes you think god wants all this blood spilled in his name!?" I snapped. "You'll never understand, foul beast. You are a servant of hell and will always will be." "If this is really the will of god than never count on me to be a follower of him or any other higher power. I shall find my own way through life rather than relying on a higher power." "Hn...Than burn in hell!" Xalphor's father charged at me, fire burning in his eyes. I got in position to burn the foul creature to a crisp. I took in a deep breath and blew, but before I knew it, Xalphor stood in front of the green flames his sword sucking in its power. He stood there now with a sword shrouded in green flames. His and his father's sword clashed and now the fight was of pure strength. "You will die with you hell driven pet, Xalphor!" His father yelled. "I will show you father, that there is more to life than god." Xalphor said and pushed hard against his sword. His father flinched from the intensity of the flames and was left to bind to his knee. Xalphor finally pushed with all his strength, knocking his father back and slicing through his armor. The fire dispersed from the sword making it shined more of blood red than it ever did. He stared at his father's knocked out body, knowing he wasn't dead. He put his sword back in his sheath and looked back at me. "Get out of here, Memory. I must pay for my crimes." He said as if he was about ready to break down. "Tell your Lady Syor that I will meet her again some day." I chuckled and shook my head, grabbing a hold of the elf and placing him upon my back. "Tell her yourself." I said and took flight, breaking through my once stone cell. Xalphor held on for dear life not thinking twice of letting go. The people below began to scatter, scared that there was no order in their once peaceful home. Xalphor stared down at his people and sighed. He began to mess with the bracelet on his left wrist and quickly looked away. "Look, I know you don't want to leave but sooner or later you were going to have to. I knew I would never be by Syor's side, but I promised her I'd return. Maybe one day you can return to your people and make a change for the better than what your father is doing." I said trying to comfort him. "I guess so...Thank you, Memory, I shall pay your kindness back some how." Xalphor said, actually putting on a smile. Hopefully I can learn from this being, probably we can become...friends. But one thing is for sure I must learn of another way than flying every where. Sooner or later someone will strike us while we sleep. I must learn a new ability.
From Our Eyes Chapter 4 My Attempt to Freedom by Sada of the Dawn
[ "Dragon", "Human", "No-Yiff", "Non-Anthro" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 39, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 154, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 13 }
Walk a Mile: Covert Ops: Cora Cora leaned into Morgoth's caress, the black and red dragon's clawed hand stroking the soft fur of her cheek. She clung tightly to his large, powerful frame, her head resting on his chest, her plentiful breasts and udder resting against his flank. "You know what I have to do, my pet." he said softly, his voice rumbling pleasantly, sending a thrill through Cora as it always did, as she had been designed to. She nodded her head, "Yes, Master. I know the penalty for a whore's disobedience. I am willing to accept that fate. You have no choice; you have to use me as an example to the rest. I know, Master. I know all too well." the bovine said softly. "It was stupid of you to come back, Cora." the dragon rumbled, "You could've ran." "I'm just a whore, Master, I couldn't get away. I had to make sure that my child would be well taken care of. I didn't want her to grow up with..." she shook her head, "All this. All the sex, all the violence, the kidnapping, the Companions." "I understand." Morgoth purred. "Who was her father?" Cora shrugged, "I don't know, Master. She looked part feline. Triangular ears, retractable claws, black and white, spotted." The dragon crime lord looked into Cora's eyes, and found no falsehood there. He sighed softly. "A shame; I had hoped that she would've been mine. We could've done so much with her. Kriegan could've made her perfect. I'll have to try again. This is quite an inconvenience, you realize." "I am still able to serve in the capacity you require, Master Morgoth. You have the opportunity to improve me as you see fit, and will be able to birth all the offspring you require. The baby wasn't yours, and I didn't want her to have to go through what I did." the bovine said softly, eyes filling with tears. "Shh, shh, shh, Cora." Morgoth rumbled, "You have no need to fear. It will be all over soon." The dragon stood, picking the bovine up in his arms, carrying her from his 'business' bedroom into the adjacent lab. - Cora closed her eyes as she was placed into the transformation chamber. She sighed happily and relaxed, sliding down the smooth inner wall to a sitting position. Her legs were forced open by the size and weight of her udder. She slowly ran a hand over her body, as if trying to put each contour into her memory. There had always been warnings about this. Well, not this, but being involved with the illegal brothels. The legal ones, the Leiaou ones, didn't take just anybody. They had a two year training school before you were allowed in. That had always amused her; that someone had to pay for schooling to be a whore. She'd needed the money, at first. It had been an immigration scam that left her needing the cash. A young human from the one of the Outer Point systems, she had left home to look for something more glamorous and exciting in the more populous worlds than the mining, farming, and foresting that was what the outer worlds were generally used for. Cora smiled and ran her three fingered hands over her smooth hooves. She had long since forgotten what it was like to have human feet. She had gone to the brothels, gotten herself hired, and had quickly made herself enough money to continue on her trip further inward towards the galactic core. But she found that she rather liked her job. It was fun, and it paid well. Her one problem was her addiction. It wasn't drugs or VR stims like most of the other girls. She'd gotten addicted to genetic enhancements. Her changes made her a better and more popular lover, which had gotten her more money, which had lead to more changes. It had been an accidental side effect from her second breast enhancement that had made her start lactating, and she had never stopped. She loved milking herself, and being milked. She had slowly transformed herself from a human to an anthropomorphic cow. She had taken everything slow, getting used to each small change before getting the next, allowing her clients to get used to them as well. She had been traded around the various brothels like an up and coming linebacker around the GFL. A few years ago she had wound up at Morgoth's brothel. She had been one of the few employees who had been dubbed 'Companion' without having any of the modifications that came with it. With her obsession, it had been inevitable. She had been one of the few willing ladies who had undergone the Companion genetic enhancements, and she had never looked back. That soft, sweet, scared little catgirl had done wonders. Just taking a breath in her Companion body had been on par to the pleasure she had felt as an unaltered human when a cock had been thrust into her. The dragon had become fascinated with Cora. She hadn't been sold into the job, she had made sure that her client base were all individuals that would see to her pleasure and well as their own, she legitimately enjoyed coming into work. She had grown incredibly skilled in her fifteen years working the back rooms and escorting wealthy businessmen, women, and herms. Morgoth had grown fond of the pleasures she could offer, and he indulged the many changes and tweaks she had gotten to her form over the years with open access to Kriegan. She had talked for hours with the Leiaou, browsed the modifications that she kept in her database. Such a browsing session resulted in her getting her udder enhanced. So big, so large, so perfect, so full of milk; she loved it. It was around then she had playfully begun referring to Morgoth as "Master," like the programmed Companions did. She was very good at finding what gave her clients pleasure, and her willingly referring to him with that title made him feel happy, and it enhanced his pleasure. He felt comfortable with her like no other. It seemed to Cora that Morgoth couldn't afford to have many real friends, or lovers. She was the only one she knew of that had willingly shared a bed with the dragon. The others were either terrified of Morgoth, or were programmed Companions, caring for Morgoth simply because they felt they were supposed to. Cora believed that the dragon loved her, in his own way. It was why she had been chosen for his special project. She wasn't supposed to know about what he had planned. Her body had been further tweaked and enhanced, small genetic changes meant to be imparted certain effects onto any children she conceived. Which was usually impossible, the first alteration Cora had done was to prevent any pregnancies. Morgoth had that bit removed without Cora's knowledge, or so he'd thought. She'd had Kriegan write a change monitoring program for her cyberlink, so Cora could monitor interactions between her many genetic modifications. Going through her mental logs of the prospective changes in Kriegan's database, she'd discovered what Morgoth was planning. A newborn was far, far more genetically enhance able than an adult. So much more could be done, especially with Kriegan, and a recent acquisition of military class modifications. The problem was, all that prospective genetic firepower couldn't be applied to a fully grown adult. Cora had heard about such things happening, but the biomods needed were incredibly expensive. Essentially a biological brain backup that was essentially indestructible. The brainpod was a combination of genetic re-engineering and cyber ware that served, originally, as a secondary brain. Over time personality and memories were added to the brainpod during sleep, until it was, in effect, a duplicate of the host's original brain. And beyond. There were improvements that could be used for the mind, but due to the slow rate of cell turnover, and the delicate structure of the brain, they had to be added before the brain grew too developed, within the first year of life. Or within a secondary brain inside the host. As the host used the brainpod more and more, the original brain would degrade somewhat. In effect this created a continuity of consciousness to where the host's mind and essence resided in a surgically removal container that was self supporting for several weeks, and could be implanted in a 'blank' body that had been created with the proper mods to accept an outside brainpod. And judging from the mods that had been applied to her, Cora could tell that any pregnancy would result in a child with that particular feature. Morgoth, paranoid as ever, was planning to transfer his mind into the child's body, a body that would be far more powerful than the one he currently occupied. Her belly had begun to grow with pregnancy soon after, Kriegan's mods ensuring a quick and easy pregnancy. It was why she had fled. As much as she cared for Morgoth, she would not let him destroy the consciousness of her baby in order to obtain a near-indestructible body with an increased intellect. He would hunt her to the ends of the universe to acquire their child, and from the moment Cora knew she could become pregnant, she had done her best to assure that she and Morgoth would not conceive a child. She had tried her best to have herself fertilized by a client, or one of the herm companions. In the end? She had no idea if she had succeeded or failed. Little Aya had draconic features, but she also had fur. But there were the triangular ears, which neither she nor Morgoth had. The fur Aya could have gotten from Cora, but the black and white spotted pattern wasn't something Cora or Morgoth had. Wait... Cora had taken on the typical moo cow look once to see if she liked it, and Kriegan had said that sometimes deactivated mods sometimes appeared in the offspring of gene-modded individuals. So it could have come from Cora. But the retractable claws on Aya's hands and feet, those were something that didn't fit Cora's history of cow-based enhancements, or something that Morgoth had. The towering dragon's claws, all three inches of them, were kept on his fingertips, an obvious display of force. The blue transformation fluid began to fill the tank, and Cora smiled as its familiar warmth swept over her. Aya was safe; she couldn't possibly be Morgoth's. Even if the dragon managed to find her. A small display flashed in the corner of Cora's eye, a subconscious search through her mod database. Retractable claws. Her eyes widened, she had completely forgotten about them. It had been a modification she had gotten on the advice of her co-workers, back when she was still mostly human. Concealed defenses if a client got a little too hands on. They wouldn't expect claws on a human. Aya could've gotten the claws from Cora! But her ears! Cora closed her eyes, recalling the hours she had spent with her baby before giving her to the care of the Sisters of Perpetual Aggression, one of the Leiaou orders set up to take children whose mercenary and military grade modifications might make things a bit difficult for other orphanages to rear such a child. Small points on the ears, almost like... oh gods. Like Morgoth's ear fins. Aya's ears were a fusion between Cora's and Morgoth's. The captive bovine began to panic within the cell, the thick goo reaching her ample chest. She splashed and trashed within her cylindrical prison. Then she laughed, floating calmly in the goo as the liquid metal of the breathing mask slipped over her muzzle. Her memories were going to be sealed off. She was going to begin life anew as a programmed companion. It didn't matter if she knew or not anymore. Aya's secret was safe with her. Morgoth would never know Cora felt the cyber link attachment slip into place. The sleep-inducing chemicals hit her system, lulling her into unconsciousness. The last thing that filled Cora's mind was the image of her daughter, snuggled up against her breast, purring softly with contentment. - Several years later... The instructor blew her whistle, putting an end to the virtual mauling that was occurring in the middle of the sparring circle. "By Dessarra's left tit, Drake, you are an embarrassment to the entire vulpine race! Here you are not only getting kicked ass over teakettle by a girl, but a SIX YEAR OLD girl at that!" The fox sighed softly; a mistake as his opponent only squeezed him tighter, driving the breath from his lungs, and not allowing him to breathe in any deeper. "You have gone and humiliated your entire unit here today, Cadet Drake! A grown man trounced soundly by a youngling whose testicles haven't descended yet! Break it up, you two. Hit the medbay and come back here at 18:00, this time I'm bringing the holocamera." The Leiaou sergeant turned, a grin on her face, her tufted tail swaying back and forth in amusement as she walked away. The pressure on Drake's lungs eased and the fox was able to finally draw in a breath. The crushing weight on his back was also removed, replaced by a large hand with six inch biosteel claws. He took the hand and found himself yanked back to his feet. "Sorry about her." Rumbled a deep, but quiet voice, "She thinks it's funny to have the most bio-accelerated recruit pound on all the newbies and mock them for it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, really, I've got so many hand to hand combat mods built into me that are like second nature to me." Drake rubbed feeling back into his aching arms and nodded, "Yeah, and being seven and a half feet tall and half a ton of hard scaled dragon really helps." He said with a wince. Aya chuckled, "If you know what to do, size and armored scales are not much of an advantage; especially as quick as you are. If you'd like, I can teach you some dragon fighting techniques." Drake grinned, "Combat instruction from a six year old?" The huge dragon herm shrugged her well-muscled shoulders, "Only chronologically. My mental enhancement mods have me on par with a twenty five year old dragon." She looked down at her flat chest, "Now if only my hormones would catch up with what's inside my tail." "Inside your tail?" Drake asked, blinking. "Yeah, it's some sort of weird mod, I actually have most of my long term memory and body systems control features in the top bit of my tail rather than up in my head. Weird huh?" "Yeah, I'll say." The fox said with a nod. The dragoness looked up at the stars and sighed, "I wonder which of my parents I got that particular mod from." "You're lucky you don't know your parents." Drake said, placing a hand that had only just recently regained feeling on Aya's shoulder, "I got put into foster care because mine were stim addicts. It's why I signed onto the mercenary system. There's a chain of command, and if I'm treated terribly, there's always someone to report to. Aya nodded. Drake stretched and winced, "And at least the beatings are scheduled." The dragoness laughed and grinned at Drake, "I think I like you, Cadet Drake." The fox grinned sheepishly, "Does that mean you'll go easy on me in the rematch?" "Not on your life!" "Well, I had to ask." The fox said with a sigh, pondering the future of his poor, abused ribs.
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 59, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 184, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 39 }
Graduation at the university was the culmination of a week long series of events designed for students and alumni. York had a lot of responsibility that week both formally and informally. He had meals, receptions to attend for his department as well as for senior leadership at the school. He had to spend more time than he wanted to with trustees, alums, colleagues and not as much time as he wanted with his cohort of young women. For some this would be the last time on campus and York wanted to make sure he got in quality time. For the seniors it was a week of last hurrahs filled with parties, field trips, formals and fun activities on campus. Nicole and the girls of the sorority were having a lot of fun but they knew they would have more fun if York was with them. Nicole, Daphne and Hunter did their best to create opportunities that required faculty presence in ways that didn't arouse suspicion if York was around. As student leaders in the school they were able to get the student government board to organize an evening mixer for seniors and faculty on the first night of senior week. The event would have the usual leadership giving their usual speeches but it would be an excuse for them to all dress up and be with York. Nicole, Taylor/Red, Daphne and Hunter volunteered to be in charge of finding the venue. They picked the city's historical athletic club. Back in the day it was a private men's club but functioned more now as an elite catering venue. It maintained the early 20th century feel of deep dark wood paneling, leather furniture but most importantly lots of small private rooms in addition to the larger rooms for the event they were planning. The small room were where historically the businessmen would broker their deals. Nicole, Daphne and Hunter had deals they planned to broker with York for sure. On Monday night, after a long boring day of brunches, lunches and meetings York was ready for the mixer. York put on his best James Bond tux and bow tie and headed to the event. He was a little late though because Maddie, Sophia and Diane needed some attention because they weren't seniors and unable to participate in the weeks events. When they saw him leaving in his tux they blocked the doorway until they got some sucking, fucking and cumming action. Leaving them with cum covered faces York was finally able to head to the mixer. Upon arrival York was greeted by his three favorite seniors who were responsible for checking in guests and handing out name tags. Nicole was wearing a beautiful canary yellow cotton dress. Long slits on both legs gave him ample views of her thighs. The top portion was held up by one thick strap tied with a bow behind her neck. The material clung to her body revealing every perfect curve. Her ass cupped beautifully and given the 6 inch stilletoes that were barely shoes at all. It gave her the appearance of standing on her toes. She had one leg positioned in front of her so the material fell away to reveal her leg and adorned foot. Her tits tucked daintily in the soft yellow fabric begging to be sucked. She never stopped taking his breath away. "Good evening Dr. York." Said Nicole greeting him with a warm smile. "Good evening Dr. York. Welcome." Said Taylor. She was wearing a burgundy dress with gold trim. It was an off the shoulder dress with a matching diagonal cut along the front that went from her left hip to her right ankle. The whole left side were just a few straps. Exposing her entire side for viewing. It also exposed the entire side of her left tit. "Good evening to you all." "Let me get you your name tag." Nicole said as she perused the long table filled with name tags for the guests. "Hmmmm. I don't seem to see one for you Dr. York. But it's not a big deal. If you follow Hunter here she will take you to another room where we have a printer and get you all fixed up." York turned to face Hunter. Her brown and blonde streaked hair styled into loose ringlets. She was wearing a classic black gown. Long but extremely form fitting. It was strapless and backless. Hunter slipped her arm through York's and led him away down a hallway behind the registration table. "Come with me Dr. York. Let's get you that new name tag." She said loud enough for arriving faculty to hear so as to defer suspicion. As soon as the rounded a corner York slipped his hand to cup Hunters perfect round ass. Squeezing her ass good he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. His hands roaming all over her exposed back and slipping down into the gown to get a handful of her bare ass. He was pleasantly happy to find that she was not wearing any underwear. "Mmmm Dr. York mmmm if you follow me to the private room we can really take care of your problem." She moaned into his ear. "And by problem you mean my extreme undeniable need to fuck you?!" "Absolutely unnggh yesss. I ahhhhh can take of that mmmmm personally." Hunter really wanted him to fuck her in the hallway around the corner from the registration table so all the arriving faculty could hear York fucking her cunt hard. But she knew better. She led York into a private room filled with a few leather sofas and chairs. And an old stone fireplace. She wished it was winter and the fire was blazing so York could fuck her by the fire. She pushed York down onto the sofa and stood before him. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to her feet. Her body was amazing. Long. Muscular and lean. Yes still curvaceous. Her round plump ass and full hips getting York aroused. She left on her 5 inch heeled red pumps. She leaned down and freed York's cock from his pants. Gave it a quick suck and then whispered to him. "We don't have a lot of time so we're gonna have to go straight to fucking if that's ok with you." "Whatever you wish my dear Hunter." Hunter stepped up onto the sofa and squatted over his dick. Holding onto the back of the sofa she thrust down forcefully and enveloped York's cock in one motion burying it to the hilt. They both groaned loudly. The thick wooden door and walls muffling their sounds. Hunter began pumping up and down on York's cock hard and fast. She looked down on him hungrily. "Pleae don't hold back! Mmmmmm! I want your cum now! Ohhhhh! Pleeeease give it tooooo meeee!" She pleaded. York had never seen her so eager to have him cum. But he was not going to disobey. Instead of focusing on containing his cum he did the opposite. He allowed himself to be taken in by her beauty. Her wonderful tits. Her ass slapping against him. Her smell. Her eyes. It didn't take long. She was too beautiful to not cum right away for. "Fuuuck. I'm cumming!" He groaned. "Yes yes yes fill me up with your cum!" She squealed in delight. York emptied his balls into her. She sunk her hips down onto him. Wrapping her arms around him and kissing him passionately. They held each other for a few minutes before heading back to the reception. "Thank you Dr. York. You have no idea what an amazing gift you have given me. But don't worry we will have many longer sessions before the week is over!" She hugged him and led him out of the room. When they returned Nicole handed York his name tag apologizing for not seeing it the first time around. She winked at him as he entered to main dining hall. Most of the evening was uneventful. Mindless chatter. Towards the end of the evening Daphne approached him with a special request. "Dr. York. I hate to ask you to do some work at this event but would you mind helping me with something. We have a problem with the caterers and the contract and I need a university official to help." "Of course Daphne. Lead the way." York was glad to be saved from the boring conversation he was in. York followed Daphne out of the dining hall and up the main staircase. She was wearing an all white tight fitting dress. It stopped just below her ass and the front was open all the way to her belly button barely containing her tits. Her blonde hair a little longer than usual. Slightly curly it framed her face nicely. As York followed her up the stairs her beautifully long legs glided up ahead of him. The stair climb caused her dress to ride up enough to get some butt cheek viewing. When they got to the top of the stairs out of view of the reception York slipped his hand up her dress between her legs. No underwear either. Daphne led him into a room that only had a large oak desk and a chair. She turned to face him as he closed the door behind him. Raising her dress above her hips to reveal her freshly shaved pussy. She pulled the front of her dress off her shoulders freeing her tits. She sat back onto the desk and spread her legs wide. "Come get what has always been yours to have." She invited him hungrily. York unzipped his pants as he walked to her and freed his cock. He slid into her pussy as she wrapped her legs around him. Pulling him completely into her cunt. He reached around and grabbed her ass with both hands to aide his forward thrusts. "We don't have a lot of time Dr. York. Mmmmm. I can't wait unnngghh for your cum mmmmm any ohhhhhh longerrrrr ahhhhh!" "Why issss everyone in ahhhhhh rush tonight?" His hips pumping furiously into Daphne's eager cunt. "Shhhh just ahhhhhhhh mmmmm fuck meeeee.' She whined. York learned to stop asking questions. He fucked her as she wished. Sucking on her tits as he pumped his orgasm came hard. He pushed as deep into her as she could. She squeezed her legs tight around him to pull him in even deeper. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered as his last spurts of cum entered her. "Thank you Dr. York you have no idea what an amazing gift you have given me." And she kissed him deeply. It took York a second to realize that Daphne had said what Hunter had also said to him. "Don't worry Dr. York we will have many longer sessions before the end of the week. She said after they had gotten dressed and she led him out of the room. They returned to the reception. At the end of the evening Nicole approached him with a young lady he recognized from the sorority but didn't know well. She was short. Maybe 5ft even. But her six inch heels put her close to York's height. She wore a bright red super short and tight dress. Her tits were enormous. DDs. And ready to burst out the strapless top. Her wavy sandy brown hair complemented her sandy brown eyes. Her voluptuous shape had York's cock growing instantly. Nicole introduced her as Devin. She was on the university dance squad and a graduating senior. "Dr. York can you give Devin and I a ride home. Our driver had one too many and we'd rather be safe than sorry." "Of course. Follow me." When they got to the car. Nicole insisted that she drive and he and Devin get in the back seat together. York was happy to oblige. As soon as they were away from the reception Devin was all over York. She climbed onto his lap as Nicole drove and rubbed her voluptuous body all over York. Freeing her enormous tits she smashed them into York's face. Smothering him. He happily sucked on her giant globes. Biting and sucking her nipples. She quickly hiked up her dress and freed his cock. She slipped her tiny body onto his cock and ground her hips into him. "It's a short ride to campus Dr. York so I suggest you ahhhhh don't waste mmmmm any time ohhhhh yesss!" "Seems like that mmmmm is the ohhhh theme of ahhhhh the night." York groaned as he thrust his cock upwards. Squeezing her huge ass and then returning to sucking her tits. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!!" Devin chanted. "Yesssss ohhhhhh mmmmm I'm cuummmmmming!" York emptied his seed into Devin. She contracted her pussy coaxing all of the cum out of his balls. "Thank you Dr. York. You've given me the most amazing gift." Devin said as she got out of the car. York hadn't realized they were already parked in front of the sorority house while he was cumming. She left him in the back seat with his dick out of his pants and wondering why she was the third one to say that same phrase. Nicole began to drive back to his apartment. Before he could ask she began to answer his question. "Yes all three girls knew they were saying the same thing to you. The gift you have given them is life. None of them are on birth control. You have cum into unprotected cunts. You will continue to fuck them all week to make sure you have fertilizerd them. They will have your babies. As will many others in years to come. As will I eventually. Hopefully I will have many of your babies. This will be your true legacy." York was speechless. He didn't say anything on the car ride home. Not when he got in the apartment. Not when Sophia, Maddie, Diane and Taylor fucked him all night long. He came in all of their willing cunts wondering if they too were unprotected. Then he fucked them some more. Were they also trying to have his babies? He fucked Nicole. Deep. Hard. Fast. Intensely. Came in her. And fucked them all again. He had been studded out. And he couldn't be happier. He woke to the smell of food. Maddie and Diane asleep on either side of him. Their heads resting on his chest. Legs draped over his body. He looked up and saw Nicole standing in the doorway smiling at him. She walked to the bed and gently woke the two sleeping girls and told them to go get their breakfast. They sleepily obeyed and walked out of the room naked. Nicole removed her clothes and slid into the bed with York. Immediately she got on top of him and put his cock inside of her. Laying still and flat on him she kissed him passionately. He broke her kiss to finally talk. "Are you..?" He began. "No. I am still on the pill as are all the girls here. Red and I are waiting till school is over. The others aren't seniors yet. This is strictly a graduation gift." She interrupted him. "But why?" "Why? Because we all wanted it. We've all talked about this since the first night at the sorority. We have it all planned. Only girls that want to will ask. They have to be graduating seniors with good jobs to be able to take care of a child on their own. Daphne got a job in Denmark for a major fashion designer. She has enough money to pay for a nanny. Hunter got a job in San Francisco with an computer software engineering company. She's going to make more money than god. Devin will be working as a financial analyst for an investment bank in Montreal." "So why wasn't I a part of the decision?" "We knew you would resist even though I know right now you are happier than you have ever been. We knew you deserved a real legacy. You will have so many children. Something you thought you'd never have. Also so many girls won't see you ever again after graduation and this was their way of taking you with them. Daphne and Hunter will of course but girls like Devin who aren't part of the inner circle need some of you to take with them. We won't surprise you anymore. They will tell you up front if they want the gift. This year it's just a few of them. But we have a graduating class of about 15 next year. Not to mention anyone that graduates in December. Diane of course was ready to drop out of school immediately and have your babies now but we talked her out of that." York was both stunned and elated. How had all of this happened. "Fuck me now and I'll pretend I'm not on birth control. I wish I could give you babies now." Nicole said sultrily. York looked at her deeply as he started to pump his cock into her. "Trust me, when I am ready we will have non stop babies for as long as possible. And here is another sort of surprise. Red and I aren't going to medical school. We've decided on law school. Here. It's three years instead of ten and no debt. And we will live together the whole time. No split custody." "How were you able to get admitted so late and how no debt?" He asked puzzled. "Well you have to thank the Mackenzies. I sent them to the dean of the law school to bargain on our behalf. One blow job and ass lick and he promised automatic admission to anyone in the sorority along with a full scholarship. Stupid man. They would have fucked him but he offered up everything before he even came on Mackenzie's tits. And now that we have him he won't refuse us or we go to the university president and get him fired." "Well I guess I will have to thank the Mackenzies personally." "Wellllll I already promised them that you will take them on a trip for a weekend just the three of you. I hope that's ok." "Do I ever lose with you and your plans?" "Nope. Now just fuck me and give me a baby!" So York fucked her. The whole time Nicole begged him for a baby. Begging him to make her belly swell with life. Begging him to give some of him to her forever. She begged and begged until he came. Filling her up. They lay there imagining what her belly would look like filled with life. The other girls came in with breakfast and they ate. And then of course fucked some more. Diane doing her best to convince York to let her have a baby now. He promised her one day but she needed to graduate first. She unhappily agreed. He made it up to her by fucking her ass extra good. That always put her in a good mood. And it did. She stopped begging for a baby and started begging for an ass fucking. This was how they all spent the rest of the morning. There was another event that evening that was just for students but the girls had finagled a way to get York involved without anyone knowing. The sorority had pitched the idea of a costume party as a senior week event. The theme would be superheroes/heroines and of course villains. Everyone was required to wear a costume to enter the party. This was their way of getting York in. York could attend the party in disguise. Flirt and grope the girls and no one would be the wiser. York decided to go with his all time favorite. Spider-Man. He found a replica of one from the movies. Good thing he had been under Diane's workout tutelage. It was super tight and fit him perfectly. Every muscle in his body showed. But it also meant that hIs dick showed. When he tried it on for the girls in the apartment Maddie immediately rubbed her ass against his crotch. Causing his dick to grown immediately. Every nuance of his cock was outlined in the suit. Thankfully it had a fold in the costume that was originally designed to allow the wearer to go to the bathroom without having to take off the suit completely. Maddie took full advantage and sucked his cock until he emptied his load down her throat. She was a fan of spider-man too. Nicole decided to go with Catwoman. Though it was more of an S&M suit. It consisted of a leather bikini top. Leather pants that were shredded so more of her skin showed than was covered. Leather studded belt. Long black gloves. And of course a whip. Sophia decided she had to take advantage of her favorite villain. She peeled Nicole's tits out of her top and pulled her pants down enough so that she could suck on Nicole's tits while finger fucking her to orgasm. Red decided to as Harely Quinn. Her long luscious red hair in two loose linty tails. Her thin white t-shirt barely covered her tits. At least half of the bottom of her tits were exposed. Which meant no bra. Her nipples impossible to miss in the almost sheer white T-shirt. The T-shirt read 'teacher's pet'. Her bottoms were bright blue leather bikini bottoms. A good chunk of her ass cheek spilling out the bottom. Fishnet stockings completed the outfit. She even carried a baseball bat. Diane and Sophia, not the be left out, devoured Red's tits each slipping one hand into the front of her shorts to finger fuck Red. The other hand into the back to slide a finger into her asshole. It didn't take long for Red to cum. Her pussy juices dripping down her leg and coating her fishnets. Nicole made them all leave or they would never get to the party. They left Maddie, Sophia and Diane curled up in bed together doing their best to make each other cum. It was hard for the three of them too leave that scene. But they did and went to the party. When York, Red and Nicole arrived the party was in full swing. A dj was playing popular songs so Red and Nicole dragged York out onto the dance floor and sandwiched him between them. Nicole with her back to him grinding her ass into his dick to make it grow. Red behind him pressing her tits into him and pinching his nipples. Nicole reached behind her and slipped his dick out of his suit and began to stroke it. It was so densely packed that no one could see what she was doing. York was at her mercy. He came all over her cat suit. His white cum standing out against her black leather suit. She turned to face him and slipped his cock back into his suit. She whispered in his ear. "I might not get a chance to do that again tonight so I had to take a chance Spidey." He answered by grabbing a handful of her ass and ground his crotch into her. Then Red demanded her turn. She turned York to face her. Nicole now rubbing and squeezing his ass through his suit. Red brushed up against him so that her shirt rode up and her naked breasts rubbed directly on him. His suit was so tight he could feel her nipples hardening under the pressure. He slipped a hand into her pants and rubbed her clit. She ground her hips harder into him. Her orgasm came with a sudden rush and she quivered under his touch. A few people noticed Harely Quinn squeal and shudder but they thought it was part of her role play. No one noticed the cum dripping down her legs. It was only after their initial flurry of passion did they take notice of everyone at the party. They found an empty sofa near the dance floor and did a little people watching. Nicole and Red absentmindedly rubbing York's cock the whole time. Every superhero, heroine and villain seemed to be represented around the room. Marvel and DC. York only paid attention to the female attendees. Super Girls, Wonder Women, Catwomen, Batgirl, Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, Wasp, Black Canary, Jessica Jones, Felicity Smokes, Poison Ivy's , Scarlett Witches and some York couldn't name. But every single version was a slutty, sexy, naughty version of each character. Some barely counted as outfits as asses and tits were almost completely exposed. A few outfits turned out to be only body paint. The girls were actually completely naked. Unbelievable. It was senior week so they had no reason to hold back. York was happy for it. And so were Nicole and Red as they almost made him come in his suit if he hadn't interrupted their stroking. Wonder Woman walked up to them and asked if she could dance with Spider-Man. Which York agreed and followed her onto the dance floor. Her star spangled bottoms barely covered her ass. Her top was a short bustier that left her whole mid section bare and made her tits almost spill out of it. Her knee high red boots were a nice touch. Her blonde hair was a dead give away. It was Daphne. No one better to play an Amazon. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in close so his face was smashed into her tits. York reached around and got a handful of each cheek. "Hello Daphne. Or should I say princess Diana?" York whispered. "Hello Spider-Man!" Knowing she couldn't say his real name. "Glad to see two universes coming together like this. I travelled all this way because I was told you had a gift for me." She said as she slid her hands down to grab his ass. Liking that he wasn't wearing any underwear. "I do. But we need a more private place for me to give it to you." Daphne led York away from the dance floor to the opposite side of the room from where he was sitting with Nicole and Red. The party was on the second floor of one of the larger historic buildings on campus. It had stone balconies all around it. It was here that Daphne took him. Leading him through large double glass and iron double doors. She closed the door behind them muffling the music from the party. Alone on the balcony and hidden from view in a corner with some large potted plants York was free to remove his mask. The balcony had a wide ledge running along the top that was about four feet high. Perfect for Daphne to sit on and York to enter her. She dropped her star spangled panties and beckoned York to her. He pulled his cock out and slid right into her already wet pussy. "Oh Dr. York. I'm so fucking wet for you! I've been waiting for you cock since we last fucked. Your dick feels so much better now that it's going to be gettIng me pregnant. Fill me with your seed!" She begged him. Wrapping her long legs around him. "I will give you all of my cum my sweet Daphne. But we don't have to rush this time. I want to fuck you good and long!" He groaned at her as he stroked deep and methodically in and out of her pussy. York wanted to make this fuck memorable for both of them. He alternated between long and short strokes. A method he learned that would prolong his orgasm but not hers. After about ten minutes of solid fucking Daphne came all over his dick. "Ohhhhh shiiiiit!! Pleeeeeease cuuuuummmm in me nowwwwww! She purred as her orgasm spread throughout her body. Her pussy convulsing trying to get York to cum. "No not yet. Not till you've cum again. Not till I've pistoned that cunt into ecstasy." And with that York began pumping into Daphne wildly. Fucking her with everything he had. Daphne begging for more but also begging for his cum. "Fuuuuuck yesssss!! Give meeeeee more diiiiick!! Fillllll meeeeee with cummmmmm! Ohhhhhh!! Ahhhhhh! Mmmmmmm. Ooooohhhhhh shiiiiiitt I'mmmmmmmmmm cuuuuummmmmiing!!" York didn't slow down. He pumped furiously into her cunt while she orgasmed. Sending Daphne over the edge. She stopped begging and started ordering. "FUCKIN GIVE ME YOUR CUM!! SHIIIITTT! FILL MY CUNT!! GIVE ME YOUR BLACK SEED!! York knew she was ready for his gift now. He let himself relax so that he no longer ignored that growing sensation in his balls. It still took another five minutes though. Daphne hurling curse words at him. "FUCKING GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKER!! GONNA FUCKING DESTROY MY CUNT!! GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT TO ME!!" And York finally did. He unleashed a tsunami of cum into her unprotected womb. Wave after wave of cum filled her. Daphne was beyond elated. Coming down from her wild state. "Yes. Thank you Dr. York. Thank for the greatest gift. I will protect and treasure it always. I will always have you with me. Keep cumming for me!" They stayed still for a while embracing each other York's dick twitching all of the cum into her pussy. Kissing each other deeply. "You know we will need to do this every day until graduation just to be sure." York stated. "But of course. But can you fuck me in the ass now before we go back. I do miss your cock in my ass." York's cock responded before he could say anything. Daphne jumped off the ledge and turned around and spread her ass cheeks. York slid his lubricated cock into her ass easily. He fucked her ass deep. Daphne begging for his cum again. They had been fucking for about ten minutes when Nicole came onto the balcony. "You know that's not going to work that way don't you?" She said. Daphne and York giggled. Daphne reached under her and grabbed York's balls. Nicole walked up behind York and slid her finger between his cheeks through the material and rubbed his asshole. The dual sensation sending York over the edge. He came hard and deep in Daphne's ass. She was still dripping cum out of her ass and pussy when she put her star spangled panties back on. The new white stains mixing with the stars. "Poison Ivy has been waiting patiently for you Spidey. I think you need to go inside. I'll clean up out here for you. I think you need to drop those panties again Wonder Woman. You're not fnished yet." York turned to look back to see Nicole burying her face in Daphne's pussy as he went back inside. Wonder Woman and Catwoman. How has no one made that porno before?! York stepped back inside and closed the door behind him just as he heard Daphne's first squeals of delight. Another time he thought. As he looked into the crowd of people on the dance floor bodies gyrating, rubbing up against one another Poison Ivy stepped out of the crowd towards him. Completely green. Head to toe. Green hair. Green eyes. Green leather boots. He could tell from her walk it was Hunter. But it wasn't until she almost to him did he realize that her costume was all paint. She was not wearing any clothes unless you counted the boots and green wig. God bless Hunter! She had shaved her pussy as well. Leaves were painted to cover her tits and vines wrapped around her arms and legs. York was stunned. She was absolutely magnificent. His cock growing inside his suit. "I've been waiting to get fertilized all night Spidey! Do you have any of that special webbing to help my poor wilting plants." Hunter begged giving him with a super pouty sad face. "Fully stocked." He replied hungrily. Hunter led him to the dance floor. York reached around to get a good hold of her ass. His other hand slipped down her front massaging her clit. She pressed her green leafed tits into his suit. Forgetting that they were in the middle of a party surrounded by over a hundred people. Finally Hunter broke th embrace. "Lets go outside and fertilize these plants shall we." She said as she led York off the dance floor downstairs and out the back patio onto the perfectly manicured lawns. They property had a English garden designed as a maze with 10 foot hedges. There were secluded corners meant for intellectual reflection during the day. At night it was a famous spot for hooking up amongst the university students. As Hunter led him through the maze they passed other couples in various array of combinations. Oral sex. Ass fucking. Regular fucking. There were a few threesomes and even a couple of foursomes. The moans, groans and squeals of passion filled the night air. From above on the second floor Nicole and Daphne watched York and Hunter make their way through the maze. They had been about to return to the party but the Spidey costume caught their eye so they decided to stay for what obviously would be a good show. Meanwhile York and Hunter found what they thought was a secluded dead end in the maze. Unbeknownst to them they were right under the balcony Nicole and Daphne were on and were already rubbing each others pussies as they waited for the show to start. Hunter made York sit on the bench and straddled him pulling his mask off halfway to reveal his mouth. She kissed him passionately. Grinding her naked cunt into his lap. She enjoyed the combination of the feel of the spandex and his rock hard cock rubbing against her clit. York reaching around and squeezing her ass and slipping his hand into her ass crack. Searching for her anus. She reached back and spread her ass cheeks to give him easier access. Finding her asshole he finger fucked her ass as her moans of delight reached up to Nicole and Daphne. They followed suit slipping a finger into each other's asshole and finger fucking while kissing. "Oh fuuuck yesssss fuck my ass pleasssssse!!" Hunter groaned. "You are so fucking delicious Hunter!" York whispered back to her. "I want you to fuck every hole that I have. My ass. My mouth. My cunt. I want you to cum in all three tonight. Can you do that for me?" She begged him. "I am yours right now. Whatever you want I will give you. What hole do you want filled first?" York asked. "My cunt!!" She squealed. York slipped his cock out of his suit and held it upright for her to mount him. Hunter raised her green painted pussy and lowered herself onto York's waiting cock. She groaned in delight as his cock filled her up. Daphne had taken up a different position. She needed to fuck her friend. Standing at Nicole's side she slid one finger into her ass with her right hand. With her left she slipped in two fingers into her pussy with her thumb rubbing her clit. She fucked her ass deep as her fingers would allow. Fast and hard. Nicole was lost in rapture watching York and Hunter fucking below her. Their moans filling her ears. Daphne's hands working magic on her body. She pulled and tugged at her own nipples. Her body craving only to cum. She ground her hips hard onto Daphne's hands practically begging her to make her orgasm. Below them York and Hunter had picked up their pace. Hunter bouncing up and down on York's cock as fast as she could. York thrusting upwards to match her downward motion he penetrated the deepest parts of her cunt. Both moaning and groaning into each other's mouths as they kissed deeply. "Oooohhhhhh fuuuuck yesss!! Give me all of your dick!! Unnghhh," Hunter moaned. "Your cunt is soooo fucking sweeeet.!!" York groaned back at her. "Fucking give me your seeeeeed nowwwwwww! I can't wait any morrrrrre! Aiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Hunter's orgasm took over her sensibilities. She didn't care who heard her. Her screams of passion as her orgasm hit were heard by everyone in the maze. Bringing many to a stop so they could marvel at the heights of pleasure someone else was having. It pushed Nicole over the edge. Her cries of passion due to Daphne almost matched Hunters. It caused York and Hunter to look up. They saw Catwoman and Wonder Woman staring back down at them smiling. "Well ahhhhh it ohhhhhh looks mmmmm like mmmmm we have annnnn audience." Hunter moaned to York. "Letssssssss give them the biiiiiiig mmmmmm finaleeeeeeeee!" She squealed as York pistoned into her pussy taking her breath away. "Your cunt is mine now Ivy!!" He growled at her. Hunter loved that he called her Ivy. Maybe that would be her new name. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up and turned to put her on the bench. He straddled the bench and pushed her knees up to her head. York fucked her cunt with wild abandon. Deep and fast his cock penetrated Hunter's cunt. She begged him for all he had. Begged him for his precious seed. Begged him to make her belly swell. Begged him to call her Ivy. Begged him to never stop. And it seemed like he wouldn't stop. York fucked be so hard and deep Hunter's incessant begging drew a crowd into their corner of the maze. Partygoers needed to see what has making this woman call out in such delight. Since they were in costume York didn't care that students were watching him fuck Ivy's brains out. It only made him fuck her harder and faster and deeper. Partygoers fondled each other and themselves as they watched the Amazing Spider-Man do his thing. Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me Spidey! Shoot your webs into me!!" Ivy was in full role play mode. "Fuck Poison Ivy! Fertilize me with your fucking cummmmmm! Ohhhhh shiiiiiit aieeeeee!!" Hunter came again under York's piston fucking. The onlookers amazed at the intensity Spider-Man could maintain. All wondered who it was. Many of the girls in attendance just wanted their turn with Spidey not caring about thier dates. For all they cared he could keep the damn mask on. In fact they would prefer it. After at least another five minutes of mind blowing fucking Spidey finally came with an intensely loud grunt. Emptying his seed into the very greatdful Ivy. All the onlookers applauding at what they thought of as the most memorable moment of their college careers. Years in the future at alumni weekends they would recall the Amazing Spider-Man and Poison Ivy. As York helped Hunter to her feet and walked out of the maze he got a lot
Dr. York and Nicki Pt. 09 - Graduation
[ "blowjob", "boat", "coed", "costume", "cumshot", "group", "oral", "outdoors", "professor" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 40, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 679, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 34 }
of high fives from the guys and hugs from the ladies. Many of them groping his cock. Some whispering in his ear their promise to come find him before the party was over. "Well aren't you the most beloved super hero at the party." Nicole teased him when he returned. "Harley is impatiently waiting her turn. She's waiting for you at the main staircase down the hall." Poor Red he thought. She must feel so neglected with all of the attention the gift receivers were getting from him this week. York kissed Nicole and got up and went to Red. He got a lot of pats on the back and gropes as he made his way across the dance floor to Red. There she was. Gorgeous as ever. That little T-shirt barely covering her tits. Damn right she was teacher'pet! To round out the role she was blowing bubbles with bubblegum. Perfect York thought. No character suited her more. This was her inner being. The being she only showed him and his inner circle. York was glad she could be her full self tonight. "Hello there Harely. You look like you could use some company." "Depends. Do you want to be a good Spider or a naughty Spider?" She said sultrily in between pops of gum. Her tits heaving under her shirt. She looked down at York's growing cock and she had her answer. "Well Spidey looks like to me you want to be a naughty spider-boy. Follow me." And with that she walked up the stairs. The baseball bat slung across her shoulders. She over emphasized her hip sway so as to mesmerize her little spider. She looked over her shoulder giving him the most devilish smile. York knew she would ruin him tonight. He wouldn't have it any other way. Up the stairs they went and then down a long hallway. Harley opening the large wooden double doors into a small private library. The room was filled floor to ceiling with books. There were a few large oak tables around the room. Several plush leather chairs. In the middle of the room was a white fur skin rug. Probably from some polar bear an alum shot back in the early 1900s. Harely went straight to the rug and lay down on it. Sticking her ass up in the air creating a deep bend in her back as she laid her face on the carpet. She looked at York as if she were the one about to devour him. "I want you to fuck my ass into oblivion! Do you understand me motherfucker! Fuck it hard. Fuck it deep. Fuck it long! Don't you fucking stop until I goddamn tell you." "Can I call you Harley?" York asked as he walked to her removing his cock from his suit. "Motherfucker you had better call me Harley or I will literally rip your dick off with my ass!" She growled at him. It was all York needed. When Red was in this kind of mood she didn't need pleasantries. She didn't need talk. She didn't need foreplay. She just needed good hard fucking. Period. And he would give it to her. York slammed his cock into her asshole and buried it all the way into her ass. She growled in delight. She was definitely in a mood tonight. The only way to get her out of it was intense fucking. York went straight into piston fucking mode. Grabbing her hips to pull her into him as he slammed his cock into her hungry ass hole. "GODDAMN BLACK MOTHERFUCKER!! FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!! York did. He jack hammered her ass over and over again. He peeled off his mask as it was getting hard to breath. His suit filling with sweat. But he didn't stop. Not until he was told to. So he fucked. Fucked her ass and made it gape. He plunged into her each time harder and faster. She became a wild banshee. Screaming and yelling obscenities at him. York himself going into his piston fucking trance state. They were wild spirits meeting as one. No longer York and Taylor. No longer Red. No longer Spidey and Harley. Just flesh and passion. A cock and an asshole to be penetrated. Just an overwhelming desire trying to be quenched. York must have kept it up for about 30 minutes. Harley came at least twice. Her bellows echoing in the room. "FUCK YES FUCK YES MAKE ME CUM YOU BLACK BUCK MOTHERFUCKER!!" She sneered at him. "HARLEY HARLEY HARLEY!!" Was all York chanted back amidst deep groans. "FUCK ME HARDER YOU BLACK MOTHERFUCKER!! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT!! She reached up and slapped York in the face. York didn't disappoint. He found a level of intensity only this devil of a woman could bring out of him. Nicole and the others didn't even try. Only her. She knew it. And he knew it. Only she could accept him in this raw state. Only he could accept her in as raw a state. It had its rewards. They came harder than any other time. Often blinding them. All sound ceasing as if they had been put in a vacuum. Their bodies completely transformed by their orgasm. It was worth it every time. And if you saw them moments afterwards their sweetness and tenderness towards one another gave no evidence of their raunchy filthy talk minutes beforehand. But that hadn't happened yet. There was still more fucking to do. Harley demanded it. York obeyed. They went back and forth trading words. "BLACK BUCK!" "CUM WHORE!!" "MOTHERFUCKER!" "COCK SLUT!!" "BLACK DEVIL!" "WHITE DEVIL!" York slapped her ass hard. Triggering an orgasm in Harley that was already on the verge of explosion. This is what she was waiting for. Her body succumbed to all the intensity of pleasure. Her head shaking wildly. She was on all fours at this point. Her huge tits slapping against one another. Her body covered in sweat. Her T-shirt soaked through clinging to her body as if she was in a wet T-shirt contest. She couldn't stop the saliva from dripping out of her mouth. She had little control left. This was where she loved being. Just a raw fucking animal. Only York and that magnificent black dick could get her there. " BLACK COCK BLACK COCK BLACK COCK BLACKCOCKBLACKCOCKBLACKCOCK!!" It all became one long word. York knew that was his cue to cum. Harley had little left in her. He pumped her ass hole with deep long strokes. Slowing down just a little. Coming out of his trance. Then the burst of electricity from his balls unleashed through his whole cock to the very tip where his cum burst forth into Taylor's ass. It overwhelmed him so much he couldn't see for a few moments. "Ssweet cum swwweett cummm swweeet cummmm sweeet cummm!!" Her voice raspy and low. She was completely spent. Satisfied in only the way York could satisfy. They collapsed together onto the rug. York's dick still in her ass. They fell asleep. They had nothing left. York wasn't sure for how long but it was Nicole, Hunter and Daphne who came to wake them up. "Well that rug is ruined for sure." Teased Nicole. "And the party is over. Everyone has left. Well except Felicity Smoke. She's waiting for you downstairs Spidey. She's been waiting for an hour. She needs her gift." Hunter and Daphne helped York to his feet. Slid his cock back into his suit. Not before giving it a quick oral cleaning. And led him downstairs. Nicole went to lay with Red on the rug. Snuggling her up. "I take it this was a big one for you Red?" Nicole asked. "Biggest. Baddest. And best!" She happily replied. "And the name is Harley!" At the bottom of the stairs stood the most amazing Felicity Smoke look alike. This girl didn't need a costume. York wished he'd had a Green Arrow costume to match. There she stood. 5'6 but with 4 inch pumps. Her dress and her shoes a bright pink. Long blonde hair with some brown highlights. Glasses. Her dress a form fitting elastic dress that clung to all the right spots. Wide hips. Round ass. B cup tits. Flat stomach. Sleeveless. Her toned arms exposed. And just enough cleavage. Her legs muscled and shapely. Her pumps accentuating her nice calf muscles. She was pink perfection. "Well hello Ms. Smoke I certainly hope Mr. Arrow is not waiting for you." York said as Hunter and Daphne turned to head back updairs to join Nicole and Red. York walked up to Felicity and wrapped her in his arms. She remained silent. Only smiling at him. Her body snug up against his. "Tell me what I can do for you!" He requested. "I only want one thing from you Dr. York and that's your seed growing in my belly. And the name is Cassidy. No need to pretend any more." Cassidy peeled his mask off and kissed him deeply. York's bands exploring all over her body. York had been so caught up in the Felicity Smoke role play that he didn't recognize it was Cassidy from the women's basketball team. He had watched her play all four years. She had taken only one class with him but she left a permanent impression. They held each other tightly. Locked in embrace. Finally Cassidy pull back a little and lead York down the hall to the main lounge area. York admiring her wonderful ass as he trailed behind her. She took him to the large leather sofa in the middle of the room. She peeled of her dress. Stunningly beautiful. Her long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. There were no imperfections anywhere to be seen. York peeled off his Spidey suit. Finally free. His chiseled body everything Cassidy had hoped for. She went to him offering up her body. "I'm yours to fill Dr. York. Let me be your vessel. I will carry your seed with me." York sat down on the sofa and Cassidy sat on top of him. His dick sliding into her pussy. She ground her hips slowly lowering her body over him so he could suck her tits. She held his head to her chest. Not quite believing that her four year dream of being with York was finally coming true. "I've dreamt of being with you all four years Dr. York. I never thought it would have come true." She whispered in his ear. "Had I known I would have brought you into the fold sooner. I would have made you mine a long time ago." He whispered back. She kissed him deeply. His hands all over her body. His sweet black cock pumping slowly into her cunt. No cock had ever felt so good. It was thick and warm. She could feel it pulsating inside of her. She wanted to stay like this forever. She wanted to worship this amazing black cock. They fucked slowly and deliberately for a while. Neither of them in a rush. It was their first time together and each wanted to hold onto that memory. "Fuck me! God yesss! Your cock is so great!" She moaned. "Your pussy is pure heaven. I could die in it." He replied thrusting deeper into her. "Please fuck me like I know you fuck your girls. Fuck me like you own me!" York didn't say anything. He just started giving her what she asked for. Cassidy was shocked at the amazing change of pace and force. York fucked her cunt deep, hard and fast. She held on tightly. Letting York have his way. She groaned and moaned her approvals. He responded in the only way he knew how he fucked her harder. He picked her up without stopping. He switched their positions. Making her sit on the sofa. Her back against the sofa. Her legs raised above her head. Her cunt fully open to York. The new position gave him more depth than Cassidy knew she had. She was unprepared. She had not grasped fully what she had asked of him. She did not know such passion, such intensity was possible. Such pure joy at being fucked. She gave herself fully to him. York pistoned into her cunt over and over again. He pulled her tightly to him. Their bodies smashed against one another. She wrapped her legs around him. She couldn't believe anyone could fuck like this. All the rumors circulating around campus by female students she knew now to be true. York really was a fuck god. And she became his devotee. York's cock deepening her pussy. Her cunt swallowing his cock. His deep penetration along with his girth hit her g-spot with every inward and outward thrust. Cassidy's mind couldn't keep up with what her body was experiencing. She gave up trying to be rational. This kind of passion was not logical. If was purity and rawness in its most perfect state. She gave her body and mind over to it. She let go of everything. This is what it meant to give oneself fully to York. York could tell the change in the body when a woman gave herself to him. They became part of his body. Not two bodies. Perfect synchronization. They stopped thinking and started feeling. With every nerve of their body. This was the recalibration. There was no going back for Cassidy. When a woman gave herself to him so completely York became as devoted to them as they were to him. It was the purest form of trust. A trust he admired. Respected. He would never take it or them for granted. Cassidy was now part of the group. She would have his full self as well. York gave all of his energy to her. "I'mmmmmm yours!! Allllllll of meeeeeee!! Yourrrrrrrs!!" Cassidy yelled in pure exctasy. She was more pleading with him than declaring. York's fucking and the new position sent her over the edge. Her orgasm was like nothing she had ever experienced. Cassidy had thought before tonight she knew what pleasure was. She didn't realize that York's dick would recalibrate her whole sense of the universe. It was as if she had reached a new plane of existence. A new evolutionary step. She would be different. Nothing and no one would be the same anymore to her. She didn't care. All she cared about was this man inside of her. Devoting her life to him. If this is what she got in return she felt like she was cheating him. That he was giving her more than she to him. Well she would find a way. She mustered her last ounce of rationality to get through to him. "Don't cum inside me. Don't cum inside me. Don't cum inside me. Don't cum inside." She begged. She whispered and chanted in his ear. Independent of the furious fucking his dick was unleashing on her cunt. It took all of her concentration to keep chanting. It took a few minutes but it broke through York's trance. He blinked and looked at her with newfound clarity. He didn't stop fucking her he just wasn't as relentless. It became somewhat normal. At least for York. For Cassidy it was still an onslaught that brought wave after wave of orgasms. She prayed that her message had gotten through to him. But when she thought that she had failed he pulled out as her last orgasm ended. He hovered above her. His dick pointing at her cunt. Waiting for orders. "Why?" Was all York said flatly despite the heavy breathing. "Because I am not ready to leave your side. I just found you and I can't leave you now. I couldn't exist. Make me a part of you. Whatever I have to be. Whatever I have to do. I will do. I want your seed. But I want you more. Right now. When you think I am ready to grow your force within me I will do it. I am yours always and completely." "And I will be yours always and completely. That is how this works." She smiled the biggest smile she thought possible. This was the new path. The new direction. The new step. York leaned in to kiss her deeply. His dick resting on her stomach. Cassidy reached between them. One had grabbing his cock and the other his balls. She didn't waste time stroking him hard and fast. He looked at her more hungrily with each stroke. "Give me your cum. Cover me in your seed. Let me taste it. Let me swallow your life force. Let me fill my belly with it. Let it satisfy my hunger." York simply grunted and groaned. Staring into the bluest eyes he had ever gazed upon. "I want you. All of you. I am yours. Give me all of you. I am yours." She continued. York's orgasm hit hard. His hot warm streams of cum hitting her belly. Her tits. A few made it to her face. Stream after stream. Cassidy didn't know so much cum could come out of one person. York never broke his gaze. Didn't say anything right away. Cassidy pumped his cock till she was sure it was empty. She was about to eat all when York kissed her passionately. When he broke the kiss he said. "I am so very glad you changed your mind. I too was not going to be satisfied if this was it." Unexpectedly a voice from behind them startled both of them. It was Nicole. And she wasn't alone. Daphne, Hunter and Harley/Red/Taylor were by her side. York and Cassidy didn't realize they had been standing there for quite some time. They had witnessed York change Cassidy into one of them. "Welcome to the cohort then Cassidy." Nicole greeted her newest York devotee. "Dr. York if you don't mind sitting off to the side. Your mess is ours to clean up." All four girls pounced on Cassidy. Each desperately trying to get all of his cum. But they were not greedy. Each mouthful they shared with Cassidy. Kissing her deeply. Spilling some of York's cum into her waiting mouth. Having shared with Cassidy Nicole slid over to the quielty waiting York. She swallowed his cock. Tasting Cassidy's sweetness all over his dick. She sucked him clean. With Cassidy all cleaned up they helped her and York get dressed. Nicole had brought extra clothes for York just in case. They all went back to the condo to introduce Cassidy to the rest of the group. Sophia, Maddie and Diane welcomed her in the only way they knew how. They fucked her brains out. Cassidy fell asleep that night amongst a tangle of naked bodies. Wednesday was a relatively quiet day for York. Relatively. He didn't participate in any of the official activities that day or night. He did make Nicole, Hunter, Daphne, Cassidy and Harley to attend though. He didn't want to deprive them of their senior week. But he made sure to fuck each one of them before they left. And promised to fuck them that night when they returned. Daphne and Hunter were still on the gift path. And they wouldn't have left without it. So filled with cum in their pussies they finally left. That day's activity was out on the lake. The senior class rented several boats for the students to turn the lake into a nightclub. They blared music. Drank. Danced. Swam. The girls made sure to send him and the others plenty of photos and videos of their asses and tits and pussies. They wanted York to know what he was missing. But they knew he wouldn't be able to be at that event without getting a lot of attention. York stayed in with Sophia, Maddie and Diane. They had gone many days without his attention so he indulged their every wish. Which mainly consisted of him laying in bed naked all day. He was only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. Otherwise his only responsibility was to fill them with cum. Which he did. Every hole. They made it easy. The first session consisted of him on all fours. Diane underneath him his cock buried in her cunt. Sophia's face buried in his ass licking his anus. Maddie standing above Diane pushing York's face into her cunt. York eating her as he was eaten and fucking Diane. When Maddie came her juices fell onto Diane's face for York and Sophia to lap up. Diane's orgasm followed close behind. Her quivering body held tightly by York. She slid out from underneath him to be replaced by Sophia. York burying his dick in her pussy and his face in her big tits. He fucked her intensely to the sounds of Maddie eating his cum out of Diane and brsinging her to orgasm. Sophia's orgasm triggered his and he filled her pussy as well. They collapsed on the bed. Diane and Maddie intertwining their bodies among them. They took a little nap. The girls getting up to make some lunch which they brought back to feed York. York had forgotten what it was liken have a meal at home without getting his dick sucked or stroked at the same time. Diane devoured his cock while Sophia and Maddie fed him. The girls decided that the second session was going to be all double penetration. Maddie took out the strapns. Diane begged to be first. As she always did. Her only request was that York fuck her ass. Maddie laid down on the bed. Diane climbed on top of her sliding the lubricated dildo into her pussy. Sophia shoved her strapn into Diane's waiting mouth. York took her ass. Diane groaned her pleasure and her desire for a solid fuck. Diane became wild under York and Maddie's fucking. She bucked. Ground her hips. Making every attempt to get both dicks as deep into her as possible. They continued to fuck her well past her second orgasm. Her squeals and cries loud even with Sophia's dildo down her throat. They knew this was exactly what she wanted. York finally came. Filling her ass. Which was quickly emptied by both Maddie and Sophia. Each girl got a turn. Maddie wanting York in her cunt. Sophia in her ass. All were filled with cum and all were emptied by the other two girls. Again they took a nap. And again York woke to the smell of food and a mouth on his dick. Maddie this time. The final session was more like three final sessions as each girl wanted alone time with him. York understood how important this was for the entire cohort. Not one of them had a jealous steak amongst them but it didn't mean they always wanted to share. Each of them needed one on one time with York. Since they all knew it they never begrudged anyone for requesting special time. But it also meant that no one took advantage of it either. York's individual time with Maddie, Sophia and Diane that day was less about fucking. Even though a lot of fucking happened. It was more about connection. They only wanted reminders of how special each of them was to York. Only York could give them that. And he could give it just by holding them and looking into their eyes. But of course they also wanted his cock. He fucked then each deeply and passionately. It was not piston fucking. This was deep and intense. York didn't want to slip away into a trance. He wanted to remain present for each of them. Cum with them. York needed it as much as they did. He cared about all of them so deeply that even if one of the girls was not around he missed them terribly. Maddie was his last fuck of the trio and they had been asleep no more than 30 minutes when Nicole, Daphne, Hunter, Harley and Cassidy returned home. They were barely in the door before they started stripping off their bikinis and diving into bed with York and Maddie. Sophia and Diane quickly joined them. Everyone happy to be together. Kissing. Squeezing. Caressing. Sucking. Licking. No one left out. No one alone. York lay happily amongst the sea of flesh. But before he drifted off to sleep he had to keep his promise to Daphne and Hunter. York lay on his back as each girl mounted him. The other girls at his and their sides. Collectively caring for them as York worked towards orgasm. All of the girls begging him to fill first Daphne and then Hunter's pussies with his seed. Hearing all of them pleading for his life force was overwhelming. He came hard and in immense amounts. It was only then that they were all content to go to sleep. Thursday started in a flurry. York vaguely heard a knock on the door and then was awoken with a pussy sliding onto his dick. He opened his eyes to see Devin on top of him. "Good morning my sweet Dr. York. I missed you yesterday at the lake. I have some catching up to do. So I figured I'd get started early. The other girls are in the kitchen making breakfast. So how about you give me some of that deliciousness you call cum!" Devin rode York's cock hard. She did all the work. She pressed her hands down on his chest to keep him under her control. She ground her hips onto him furiously. All the while begging him for his cum. York looked up at this beautiful young woman begging to be filled with his seed. Begging to be impregnated by him. He couldn't resist her requests. His cock emptied into her. She thanked him with kisses. Got up and went to go join the other girls for breakfast. Daphne and Hunter came into the room with pancakes and coffee. Nothing like cumming in a woman while she feeds you pancakes. Twice. There was only one event that day and it was not till the evening. Until then York spent the day mostly filling Hunter, Daphne and Devin. They rode him all day. The other girls occasionally coming in to participate but all of his sperm was deposited in one of the three. He would furiosly be fucking someone like Cassidy and about to cum when they would slip off of him and either Daphne, Hunter or Devin would took their place just as his cum left his cock. And so most of the day went. York wondered if there was anything wrong if studding became his new occupation. He quite liked the idea of women coming to him for his seed. He wondered how much they would pay. He wouldn't just be a sperm bank but also would give them the fuck of their lives to remember him by. But for now he was satisfied to fill the cunts of these beautiful coeds. So he fucked all day and came all day. To be honest he would do it for free. York spent the day embedded in pussy. As soon as he was done with one girl another would be on his dick. Rubbing or sucking on his frenulum to bring his cock back to life. The only interruptions was to eat, drink or go to the bathroom. He lay on his back as beautiful girl after beautiful girl climaxed on him. Today he was told he only had to lay there. It was his "day off" so to speak. They did allow him a two hour nap before the evenings event. He would need his energy to keep up with the six seniors he would be accompanying. The event was a moonlight cruise on the waterfront downtown. There would be live music, cocktails and dancing. It was another black tie affair. York wore his newest tuxedo. Red velvet jacket with black trim and black tuxedo pants. His red velvet bow tie with fleur de lis print highlighted his overall look. The ladies were stunning as usual. Nicole wore an all white gown. Backless, it dropped to reveal the top of her ass. This was a no underwear night. Even for York. Nicole's white gown clung to her so tightly it could have been skin. Every curve and nuance of her perfect body accentuated. The plunging neckline down to her belly button exposed a good portion of her tits. She barely made it out of the apartment without York fuckin her out of that dress. The same was true for all of the girls that night. York did his best to convince them to stay in to fuck but they said they all wanted to fuck on the boat. Daphne, Hunter, Cassidy, Harley and Devin went a different route. Nicole went glamourous. They went the opposite end of the spectrum. Additionally they all wore the same outfit just in different colors. Daphne was emerald green. Hunter hot pink. Cassidy a bright blue. Harley bright red. Devin deep purple. The dress was hardly a dress. It was more like a lace slip on. Sheer. See through. It was obvious no under was worn. A few well placed concentrations of lace covered up their nipples and the crack of their ass. Everything else was visible. Super short. Barely covering their asses. Strapless with plunging neckline. Barely holding in their tits. York couldn't help himself. His fingers roamed each girls cunt as they went downstairs in the elevator. They didn't resist. It was what they hoped he would do all night. But eventually they would want his cock to roam not just his hands. The hardest part of the night was that York had to arrive separately to the docks. His raging hard on his only company on the drive. The girls however rented a suv limo. They clearly were having fun based on the pics he was getting as he drove. Flashes of tits, asses and pussies. Several of Hunter's tongue in each pussy. Damn them! They knew he would be ravenous by the time he got to the boat. And he was. Somehow York was able to board the boat without incident. He got there before the girls so he was able to watch them from the deck as they exited the limo and the chaos they created with their appearance. A few male faculty almost fell overboard. The undergrad males had no chance. They were speechless. A few female faculty accidentally came out of the closet that evening. There was no way anyone could deny their stunning beauty. And they worked their entrance. Daphne, Hunter, Cassidy, Harley and Devin came out first. Formed a row and then Nicole last standing behind them. Her stark white dress in contrast to their brilliant color. Then they did their best red carpet walk. Slow. Deliberate. As if they were professional models. Everyone stared. Then it was one by one up the gang way plank. Every eye was on them. York didn't have to hide his gaze. No one was paying attention to him. It took everyone a few minutes to regain their composure after the girls were finally on the boat. Despite being distracted the crew pulled away from the dock without hitting anything and set sail. It was a perfect night. An occasional cool breeze which meant all of the girls nipples would be erect. York took up his viewing spot inside on the upper floor that looked down on the dance floor. The band situated on one end started off with some jazz standards for the grown ups. It didn't deter the students from dancing though. From York's perch from above he had an unobstructed view down the tops of all the strapless dresses. So much cleavage. His girls made a point of dancing right underneath him. Then York felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Provost Talia Esperanza. She was about ten years older than York. She was originally from Mexico. Her indigenous features gave her a most alluring look. York had a lot of respect for her. She ran the university better than anyone he had ever seen. Her long dark hair normally in a professional bun was out and draped around her shoulders. She wore a classic black dinner gown. No cleavage but form fitting. She very much had a body to be proud of. "Malik, good evening. Glad to see you here enjoying the festivities with our students." She smiled at him. "Good evening Provost Esperanza. Happy to be here. They deserve to be celebrated." He replied. "Please call me Talia. We are off the clock. I do seem to remember you once mentioning that you did ballroom dancing? Would you care to dance?" York had spent a few years learning to dance for fun when he had some extra time on his hands just after getting tenure. He had gotten pretty good. "I would be honored." He replied. He bowed elegantly and held his arm out for her to take. They descended the staircase to the dance floor. They made a stunning pair. Just as they got to the last step the previous song ended. When the students realized York and Provost Esperanza were going to dance all of the students cleared the center of the floor. York led her onto to floor. Looked at the band and requested a waltz. The drummer gave him the nod and turned to the band and counted out the song. York dramatically twirled Provost Esperanza into starting position. The students cheered in anticipation. As the first note hit she spun back to him. One hand on her back and the other outstretched holding the other. York and Talia glided around the dance floor as if they were professional dance partners. The students cheered and cheered. York made a show of it. Being as dramatic as possible. As he glided past his girls the stunned open mouthed looks of astonishment were priceless. None of them knew York could dance. Only Nicole gave him a slightly angry look. It registered as a 'why the hell haven't you ever danced with me like that' look. He would be in a little bit of trouble but her reaction was worth it. York and Talia finished the song to great applause from everyone. They bowed graciously. York making sure his partner enjoyed most of the limelight. "Thank you for a wonderful dance Provo... I mean Talia. You are a remarkable dancer. By the looks of the young men lining up behind you I venture your dance card will be full all night." "As will yours Malik." York turned and sure enough a long line of ladies were standing behind him waiting to be danced with. Nicole was first in line. He wondered if she was actually first or had just made herself first. York turned back to the band and gestured for more classics they could dance to. The band had his back. He reached a hand out to Nicole and led her onto the floor as the next song began. Talia was across from him with her new partner. York recognized him from the soccer team. Hmmmm? Good looking kid from Puerto Rico. Could he have a doppelgänger in Talia? Good for her if she was. York turned his attention back to Nicole. Who seemed to be fuming. It all melted away when he held her tightly against him and began to glide across the room with her. His hand on her back pressing her into him. She could feel his cock bulge against her tight dress. She now looked at him sensually. "Why have you kept this secret from me?" Feigning anger. York didn't buy it. She was butter in his hands as they danced. "It's good to keep surprises. You seem to surprise me all the time. So I think it's only fair I get to surprise you once in a while." He teased her. "Fine." She reluctantly grumbled. But it was short lived. Dancing with York openly in front of everyone was intoxicating. She could feel the jealousy amongst the waiting girls. This song would be theirs. They danced as if they were alone in the room. But eventually the song ended and York had to entertain the other ladies waiting in line. Nicole went upstairs so she could take up a lookout on York. After Nicole it was the two of his cohort. Daphne and Devin. They each made a point of pressing into him as deeply as possible. Their tits smashed against his chest. They were even bold enough to pull his hand from their upper back down low so it rested on the top of their ass. It was risky but no one could begrudge him. York danced with a few more girls after them but eventually the novelty wore off and thd band went back to playing popular music for everyone to dance to. York thanked his last partner. She had tried her best to get him fully grab her ass. He excused himself and went to look for a bathroom. On the way he passed Hunter and Harley. They followed in pursuit. Since the bathroom was in a less used part of the boat no one noticed them follow York into the bathroom. Hunter was on him quickly as Harley locked the door behind them. She quickly joined Hunter helping her undo York's pants and freeing his cock. "We don't dance York. We suck dick. We fuck dick." Hunter purred in his ear as she stroked his cock. "We don't want to be a Disney princess either. We want to be your cum sluts." Harley moaned in his other ear. Her hands fondling his balls with one hand. The other sid into the back of his pants searching for his anus to finger fuck. York groaned out loud when she found it. They knew him well. Hunter dropped to her knees and swallowed his cock. She pulled his foreskin down freeing the bulbous head of his cock she went to work on his frenulum while also sucking him. Harley slid his pants down to his ankles and took up position behind him and buried her face in his ass shoving her tongue into his anus. Fucking it with her tongue. York stood motionless letting the girls do what they did best. They wanted him to cum. And he would. Soon. No one could resist Hunter and Harley together. "I'm going to cum soooon." He moaned. Hunter released her mouth from his cock. Stood up and raised her dress above her waist. She turned her back to him and rested her arms on the sink. Facing the mirror. "Fill me up motherfucker! Give me your cum! Fuck me hard! Make me your cock slut!" She ordered him. Harley stood as well and led him to Hunter's waiting pussy. She guided his cock into her. And then she became the one in charge. Sliding her finger into his ass she told York what to do. "Fill her cunt you black stud! Give her all of your sweet black cock!" She growled at him. York pumped into Hunter's pussy. Making her moan and squeal in delight. But she took her cue from Harley. "You are our fucking black stud. Now do your job and give me you black seed motherfucke
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 43, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 816, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 16 }
r!! York fucked her hard. Her pussy tightening around his dick. Trying to extract his cum. York felt his orgasm growing. He knew they couldn't take a long time. Someone else might come to use the bathroom. York grabbed onto Hunter's tits and pulled her hard onto his dick. Harley slapped his ass. Then she bit it. York looked at her intensely. Letting her know she would need to do that again when they were in safer settings "Fill her you black stud! Fill her cunt with your black cream." She grabbed York's balls as she said this. Sending him over the edge. He emptied his cum deep into Hunter. She moaned in exctasy as York's seed filled her. Harley continued to squeeze his balls making sure he was fully empty. When he was she dropped to her knees and sucked him clean. Pulled his pants back up and pushed him out the bathroom and locked the door. She needed to devour Hunter. As York walked away he could hear their moans of passion starting. Waiting outside the bathroom was Daphne. Her tits practically spilling out of her dress. She looked at him hungrily. She held out her hand and led him to a set of stairs down to the lower levels of the boat. "Where are you taking me? We might get caught by a crew member." York warned. "One of the crew has a crush on one of my sorority sisters. She has him occupied and guarding our little venture into the bowels of the boat. I asked him for a private spot where we didn't have to worry about being seen or heard." Daphne turned to kiss him. York's hands finding their way up her dress into her pussy and ass. She groaned in delight but led him down a long hallway. Much to her satisfaction York kept a finger in her ass as she walked. She pulled him into a utility room. It was dark and smelled of fumes. "I want you to fuck me like a dirty whore with your black fucking cock. I want you to fill my dirty fucking cunt!" She dared him as she bunched her dress around her waist. Revealing her amazing tits and pussy. York crossed the room in one step and was on his knees in front of her. He swung one of her legs over his shoulder and dove into her pussy. His hands searching and finding her asshole. She ground her hips into his face. Pulling his head tight against her cunt. "That's it you black stud. Eat my dirty cunt!" York obeyed and tongue fucked her into orgasm really quickly. His mouth filling with her pussy juices. He stood up and bent her over a metal work table. The cold table making her nipples rock hard. She shivered from the cold. "Fuck me goddamnit!! Fuck me you black motherfucker! Give me all of your black dick!!" She yelled at him. Unafraid that she would be heard given where they were. "I will fuck your dirty little cunt into oblivion!" He growled back at her. York fucked her fast and hard. Daphne screaming out loud her pleasure. "FUCK YES!! JUST LIKE THAT YOU BLACK MOTHERFUCKER!! GODDAMN YOUR BLACK DICK IS AMAZING!!" She bellowed. York fucked her like an animal. She begged for more. He showed her cunt no mercy. She eventually devolved into a moaning and screaming animal. She came on his dick and he continued his fucking. She began begging him for his cum. Barely able to get out and words coherntly. But York understood what she wanted. So he gave her what she wished for. He came deep in her pussy. Daphne thanking him as his cock emptied into her cunt. She leaned back to kiss him with his cock still embedded in her. They held each other for a while until York's cock slipped out of her cunt. She fixed her dress. Scooped the cum leaking down her legs onto her fingers and hungrily ate it all. "God your cum really is the best Dr. York." She slipped her arm through his and they made their way back down the long hallway to the stairs. York behind her going up the stairs couldn't help but finger fuck her anus. She stopped half way up and ground her hips down onto his finger. Rubbing her clit as he continued to fuck her ass. She came in a hot steam of cum pouring out of her pussy. "You are absolutely the best. How am I ever going to leave you!" She said as she kissed him again. They went all the up this time and returned to the party. York didn't have much of a chance. As soon as he appeared near the dance floor multiple coeds started making their way over to him. Thankfully Cassidy got to him first. Her tits jiggling as she rushed to him in her 6 inch matching blue pumps. Her long blonde hair styled up on top of her head revealing her luscious neck. Her face flush with anticipation of dancing with York. He reached out to her and grasped her hand. Tucking it under his arm he led her onto the floor. The band had just started a slow jazz number. No need for fancy footwork. He could hold her close and slow dance the whole song. York recognized the song. If they played it fully it would be more than ten minutes long. He'd have to tip the band well at the end of the night. He held Cassidy tightly. His hand resting at the small of her back. His pinky finger resting on the top of her ass. She clearly felt his bulge. Thankfully the dance floor was crowded and they were in the center of it. Cassidy could grind her hips a little more than was appropriate for a student dancing with a faculty member. Pressing her hips into his growing cock. York slipped his hand a little lower. Fully resting on the top of her amazing ass. She stared at him with those piercing blue eyes. Without words from her he understood her message. He looked back at her equally intensely. A few girls nearby noticed his gaze and simply wished they had gotten to him first instead of Cassidy. The band stretched out the song. It was late in the evening and the students were taking advantage of their last time together. The bodies around him and Cassidy were groping and squeezing their desire to hold onto their last moments of the bliss of college life. York took advantage of their own preoccupations with themselves. He grabbed a good handful of Cassidy's ass. His hand slipping underneath to her naked ass and slid a finger into her pussy. She buried her head in his chest. Focused only on his hand inside her. She ground her hips harder. "You need to hurry this song is almost over." York whispered. She looked up at him. She wanted more time. She needed more time. More time for him to devour her. But she obeyed. She stopped holding back. She pressed herself against him as her orgasm hit. York wondered if anyone heard her whimper and or saw her go limp in his arms. Or heard her sudden heavy breathing. He slid his hand back up to her back and pushed her dress back down just as the song ended. "Thank you for a wonderful dance Ms. Cassidy. Would you like to get some air? It's gotten awfully warm in here." York held his hand out to her. She gratefully took it. They left the dance floor to the dismay of many. They went outside and went up to the highest observation deck. It was above the control room and one had a 360 degree view of the harbor and the city. No one else was there. York and Cassidy didn't waste any time. "I need you in me now Dr. York!" She begged him as she raised her skirt up above her waist. And turned her back to him. York unzipped his pants and took his cock out and was in her cunt in one motion. He pumped into her cunt hard and fast. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as he fucked her deeply. Pulling the top of her dress down freeing her tits. She turned to kiss him as he fucked her and squeezed her tits. High above the deck York fucked her for all the city to see. She felt like a offering. She was. To him. They fucked hard and deep but quietly. People were walking around below them. Any sound and they would have looked up and seen a naked girl getting fucked. York's black dick would have been all they would have seen of him. As hot as that would have been they couldn't take any chances. Cassidy reached one hand around his head to pull him close. She wanted to hear every grunt and groan. Her other hand rubbing her clit. It didn't take her long to cum. She let out the faintest squeal that York attempted to cover with a kiss. He followed her quickly not wanting to risk getting caught. His groans muffled by their continued kissing. They held each other briefly before separately making their way back downstairs and back inside. Cassidy walking back into the party a little wobbly. It took him a about ten minutes but York found Nicole standing by the railing overlooking the dance floor. He stood next to her and since no one was too close he could talk openly with her. "You are absolutely ravishing in that dress my dearest Nicole. I cannot wait till we get back home." York whispered without making eye contact. "I can't wait that long. I need your cock in me now. Though I suspect it was just in Cassidy. She looked a little wobbly when she went back out on the dance floor." A smile on her face. "Wait ten minutes and then come find me out on the back deck. It will be secluded. Everyone will be in here for a speech by the Provost. I planned it." And with that she walked away. York stealing a quick glance to watch her ass glide away from view. Magnificent. Perfection. He started counting down the minutes. With about one minute to go the band stopped and one of the students took the mic to introduce Provost Esperanza. That was York's cue. He went out the way Nicole had gone. In search of his most precious gift. He found her standing in the moonlight at the back of the boat. There was a large overhang and a partial wall that protected them from view but they would have a clear view of the moon and the city skyline. York sat on a bench as Nicole stepped out of the moonlight like a goodness sent to him from the heavens. Her white dress glistening under the moon light. York undid his pants and freed his cock. She pulled the zipper on her side and slipped completely out of her dress. Handing it to York who carefully placed it on the bench near him. She was completely naked except her silver stiletoes. Her body glowing from the night light. She was definitely a goddess of the moon. And he would worship her for all time. She squatted over him and sunk her hips down swallowing his dick with her cunt. "Please fuck me!" She pleaded. "Anything for you my moon goddess." Moon goddess. It took her breath away. She kissed him passionately. York fucked her sensually. Deep and methodical. He didn't want a wild fuck session. He wanted intimate. Deep. Connected. They fucked while all of the speeches went on. No one missed them. They missed no one. They filled each other. Bathed in moonlight. Kissing. Caressing. Holding. It was sheer beauty between them. It was a good fifteen minutes of solid fucking before she begged him to cum. She needed to feel his seed within her. He answered her wishes. Filling her to the brim with cum. Cum was still dripping down her leg after she put on her dress and went back inside. She scooped some up and licked it from her finger. They returned to the main cabin through separate entrances. The boat was already almost back to shore wrapping up the night. There was a lot of hugging goodnight by everyone. York got his fair share of tight hugs from many coeds he did not know. They took advantage of the opportunity to smash their tits into his chest. When York returned to his car he found that it wouldn't start. The suv limo pulled up next to him as he was looking under the hood. The window rolled down and Nicole's face appeared. "Are you having car trouble Dr. York? We can give you a ride. There's plenty of room in here." Nicole offered. A twinkle in her eye. "That would be wonderful ladies. I will owe you a debt of gratitude." York played along. And then got in the limo. It was huge. A barrier blocked the driver from seeing in the back. Instead of individual seats it was one large sofa. It was practically a bed. The girls were strewn about laying around. Their clothes completely removed. Piled in a corner. "I had Diane come by while the boat was out and unplug your battery." Nicole confessed. "But now you owe Devin. She was unable to get to you on the boat. Her sea legs were not all that steady. But first we need to get you undressed." All the girls were on him. Pulling, unzipping and unbuttoning his clothes. York relinquished to them. He was naked in no time. Mouths and hands all over him. Cassidy had one ball sack in her mouth, Hunter the other, Harley had his dick in her mouth. Daphne had one nipple. Devin the other. Nicole straddled his face so he ate her pussy joyously. They switched places every few minutes. Everyone getting a taste of all of him. When Devin made it around to his cock she sank her pussy down on to his cock. York groaned into Hunter's pussy as she was the lucky one straddling him at the time. Devin rode him hard and fast. Begging him for his cum. "Please Dr. York give me your cum!! Please!l York reached to grab her ass and help her grind down on his cock. There were still mouths on his balls and nipples. He had truly become a fuck toy and stud. Life couldn't be better. Devin bounced up and down on his dick furiously. Her urgency for his seed growing with each thrust into her cunt. She pinched his nipples hard hoping it would make him cum. It didn't. It just made his cock harder. Cassidy slipped her finger into Devin's ass as she fucked York. Harley rubbed Devin's clit at the same time. It drove Devin wild. She bucked and swayed with her whole body losing control. "FUCK! GODDAMN!! SHIT!! YES!! DON'T STOP!! UNGHHHHHH OHHHHHHH AIEEEEEE!!" And with that Devin came all over York. She collapsed on top of him. It stop York from fucking her nor did it stop the finger in her ass not the finger rubbing her clit. She became an incoherent shaking, quivering, convulsing naked body. Devin gave up trying to be in control. She succumbed to all of the stimulation. She just moaned and squealed over and over. Nicole and Hunter moved behind her to slap her ass. Each taking a cheek. Daphne planted her pussy on York's face and rode his face to her own orgasm. Poor Devin could hardly contain herself. All she could manage to do was slap the sofa wildly as she lay prostrate on York. She lost all ability to keep coherent thoughts. She came in waves. One orgasm following another. She'd never experienced anything like that before. After what seemed like the fifth consecutive orgasm she only moved involuntarily as her body could not resist the physical stimulation. It almost looked like she was having a seizure. York took pity on her. Poor girl. She had no stamina for this. This was too much too soon. He signaled for the other girls to back off. They wrapped themselves up in each other and turned all of the attention on one another. Fingers and tongues penetrating every hole available. "Oh go oh god oh god oh god oh god!" Devin could barely whisper. York took that as his cue to cum. He grunted and groaned as he emptied his balls into Devin. Devin mumbling thank yous before she drifted off to sleep. York held her tightly as they completed the ride back to apartment. All the girls tipped the driver with either tit or ass flashing. Harley flashed it all. York gave him $50. The driver told York he was his hero and drove off. York went straight to bed. The girls crashing in the other apartment. Totally spent. He was joined by Maddie and Diane. Who were not spent. Who immediately undressed him and fondled his balls and dick. "I have to be honest ladies. I'm pretty tired. So if I fall asleep don't feel like you have to stop." "We've never stopped before. We like fucking you in your sleep." Diane smiled mischievously at him. And swallowed his dick and started to hum. The vibration putting York to sleep almost immediately. The girls always marveled at his ability to keep an erection while he slept. They took turns fucking York for the next hour. He emptied his load into Maddie's pussy which Diane and Sophia then ate They snuggled up next to him and went to sleep. York woke up Friday morning prepared for the last day of senior week before Saturday's graduation. The only day's event was a brunch at the local golf club. The seniors decided on a high tea theme. The attire was meant to be a mix of British royalty and Kentucky Derby. York pulled out his blue and white stripped seat sucker suit and pink bow tie that matched his shirt. He barely got it on before Maddie, Sophia and Diane had his pants around his ankles their faces buried in his ass, sucking his balls and swallowing his cock. It was only fair since they didn't get to go to all of these events. York didn't argue. He emptied his load into Diane's mouth. Then they allowed him to leave. The rest of the girls went with their own theme of polka dot summer dresses. Nicole wore a pink dress with white polka dots. Daphne a yellow dress with black polka dots. Cassidy a baby blue dress with pink polka dots. Harley a black dress with red polka dots. Hunter in a mint green dress with white polka dots. All the dresses were sleeveless with a scoop front to give ample view of each girls cleavage. As usual no one wore underwear. Despite York's warning of a good breeze that could reveal things. York took good advantage of the lack of underwear on the elevator ride. The girls piled into Nicole's car and York in his. Devin had to miss out on the event. She had other obligations. Though she promised to get her daily deposit from York before the day was over. York arrived at the country club. It had hosted LPGA. and PGA tournaments over the years. The course was obviously world class. York had played on it a couple of times as a guest of the president of the university. The club consisted of a main building, where the brunch was to be held, that had three floors. It held the main dining and reception rooms. Along with several smaller rooms for private and small group meetings. It also housed the administrative offices. There was a set of tennis courts, a pool with a sauna and jacuzzi, an excerise room, golf pro shop, basketball courts and a few smaller buildings that were rentals for visitors during tournaments. Along with the actual golf course there were walking trails throughout the property that led one through flower gardens of various themes and stocked koi ponds. The invitation came with a map of the facility along with encouragement to explore the grounds. York entered the main building. Inside he was greeted by students checking in arriving guests. "Hello Dr. York! Great to see you at another event. I love your suit! Absolutely beautiful. You were amazing on dance floor last night. I only wished I had gotten a chance to dance with you. My name is Blanche by the way." Blanche smiled and held her hand out for York which she held while locking eyes with York. Blanche was about 5'3. Voluptuous. C cup tits. Brunette. Thick curly hair. Green eyes. She wore a stark white dress that hugged her body tight. Accentuating every curve. Her nipples at full attention giving evidence of a lack of a bra. York smiled back. "Well maybe there will be an opportunity to dance at brunch." York replied. "Well please save me a spot on your dance card. Here is your name tag and you are at table number 12. We've mixed students with faculty. Enjoy the brunch!" York walked into the grand hall. Three of its walls were all French doors giving everyone a beautiful view of the sprawling property. There was a band setting up in one corner. And the middle of the room was open. Looked like he would be dancing with Blanche later. With the help of staff York found his table but he was the first to arrive. His table was off to the side of the room but gave him an unobstructed view out the French doors onto the grounds. He took a seat and accepted the mimosa that was offered to him. He sat and looked out on the property. He was lost in thought so he didn't hear people arriving behind him unt L her heard someone clear their throat. "Ahem." York turned around to a sea of polka dots. Nicole, Daphne, Hunter, Cassidy and Harley were standing smiling at him. He stood up to greet his ladies. "Good morning ladies. You all look absolutely gorgeous. I can't say I've never seen a prettier collection of polka dots. Am I to gather that you are my brunch dates?" York said cheerfully. "Yes we are!" They all said in unison. "Well then. Let's do this proper shall we. As the gentleman of the table it is my honor and responsibility to help get you all seated. A lady never pulls out her own chair." All the girls giggled as York made a show of standing and coming around and holding their chair as they sat. York able to look over their shoulders down their tops to get great views of all their tits. With all of his cohort seated York finally sat. A server came around and offered all of the ladies a mimosa. Poor young man. He tried to flirt but the girls barely knew he was there. "Well what shall we toast to ladies?" York inquired. "Your sweet black cock!" Harley whispered loud enough for just those at the table to hear. York almost spit out his mimosa. Flashing Harley a pretend angry look. She stuck out her tongue at him playfully. "How about to the best professor at the university?" Nicole offered. "Cheers to that!" The other girls replied "Well then let me add to that with a toast to the best students a professor could ever wish for!" They all took a sip of their drink. As they did the president of the alumni association welcomed everyone to the brunch and encouraged them to all enjoy themselves and to make sure they got to know each at their respective tables. Cassidy slipped her hand onto York's cock in response to that directive. Not to be outdone Harley on the other side of York slipped her hand there as well. With no tables behind them and only the glass doors they were free to stroke York's cock through his pants. They would reluctantly only stop when a server came by. York had a raging hard on before the first course was served. The rest of brunch was uneventful. Minus the hands on his dick the whole time. The girls made a point of switching seats so each girl got a chance to fondle York during the meal. Several speeches were made but York could hardly focus. Thankfully his jacket covered up his hard on when he had to go to the bathroom. He excused himself from the table. York walked out the main hallway and towards the reception desk. There was Blanche. "Hello Blanche. Aren't you going to come in and join us? "A little later. I'm actually only a junior. But I've been on the planning committee for all of the weeks events." "Well you've done an excellent job. The week has been phenomenal. But could you direct me to the men's room please." "Staight down the hall behind me. Last door on your right." She replied. Her tits begging him for attention. At least that's what her nipples indicated. York thanked her and went down the hallway. It was a single use bathroom. York went in an relieved himself. All of the stroking made him have to pee. He finished up and cleaned up. He opened the door and the his surprise Blanche was standing blocking his exit. She put one hand to her lips to tell him to be quiet and the other on his chest pushing him back into the bathroom. Blanche closed and locked the door behind her. York attempted to protest but then she pulled her top down and revealed her perfect gravity defying tits. "I'd like to have that dance now Dr. York." She said as she pressed herself against him. Her tits smashing into his chest. She grabbed his hands and wrapped it around her ass making York get handfuls of her ass. He pulled up her dress to get full access. He leaned down to kiss her deeply. She fumbled at his pants trying to unzip him. She freed his cock and stroked it as York found his way to her pussy and rubbed her clit. "You are a delicious little thing!" York whispered in her ear. Rubbing her clit faster and harder. She squealed in delight and squeezed his dick harder. York got her to orgasm quickly. She practically melted in his arms. Her body shaking and quivering. He picked her up. His arms under her knees and lowered her onto his rock hard cock. He fucked her fast and hard. She bounced up and down on his dick moaning and groaning in his ear. "Ohhhh gooddddd Dr. York. You are amazing!! Ahhhhhh shit! Your cock is heaven!! Fuck me hard!! Please!!" York pumped hard into her for the next ten minutes. But had to finish. They were both gone too long already. "I'm going to cum!" He whispered. Blanche hopped off of him and dropped to her knees. Swallowing all of his dick. He emptied his load down her throat. She sucked it all down. Licking her lips. She fixed her dress. Said thank you and just walked out of the bathroom. Leaving York to regain his composure. York made it back to his table. Food had been cleared and the band was playing. Some folks were dancing but most were milling around the room socializing. York found his cohort. "Well I know what that look on your face means." Nicole teased him. "What look!?" York replied with as innocent of a face as he could muster. "The 'I've just had some pussy!' grin you got goin on!" Harley said. Smiling devilishly at him. That look she gave York said she wanted to suck his dick so she could taste the pussy he had just been in. "I plead the fifth." York said flatly. "Well we will get the truth out of you!" Cassidy said as she squeezed his arm. "Dr. York see we're thinking of exploring the walking trails. Would you care to join us?" Daphne asked. "Sounds like a great idea. Shall we ladies." He half bowed and gestured for them lead the way out of the room. As York and the ladies passed the table with Blanche she called out. "Thank you for the impromptu dance lesson Dr. York! Hope to see you in the fall!" She practically sang it out. Nicole and Cassidy pinched his arms. "Oww!" "You're gonna pay for that mister!" "Maybe we should invite her?" Harley suggested. "No!" Was the resounding reply from the other girls. They were not in a sharing mood. They all headed ouside for their walk. They saw a sign that read 'GOLF COURSE CLOSED DUE TO RESODDING. NO PLAYING ALLOWED' York and his cohort saw this as a new walking route since anyone at the brunch would be taking the regular walking trails no one would be on the actual course. "Well I say if there are 18 holes to visit then we make sure Dr. York has 18 opportunities to sink his ball into a hole 18 times. And don't forget the last nine are referred to as the 'back' nine." Harley declared. "This may be the greatest round of golf ever played!" York said as his dick grew in his pants. All the girls agreed. They decided they would wait till they were at the first putting green given that the tee off was right near the main building and in view of all the other guests. So they set off on their inaugural Dick Golf Tournament. They decided they would go two at a time. The first hole they kept simple. Blowjob. The first two were Nicole and Hunter. As soon as they got to the green the two girls dropped to their knees as York dropped his pants and they went back and forth sucking his dick. Daphne, Harley and Cassidy kept watch. With two mouths on his dick It didn't take York long to cum. Nicole took it all but shared with . Then it was a leisurely walk to the second green. Enough time for York to recover. Though there was a lot of ass grabbing along the way. York taking advantage of the lack of underwear and easy access with their dresses. "We might be out here a while." York said. "I hope there's a food station at the turn back to the clubhouse." Daphne and Harley were up on the second hole. They wanted York's cock in their pussies. They wanted to do it standing. He fucked Daphne first. Supported by Harley in front. York fucked her from behind. He pumped her for a few minutes and then Harley took her turn. Daphne went around behind York and fondled his balls to help him reach orgasm. Behind them Nicole rubbed Hunter to orgasm. Her moans echoing around them. Cassidy kept watch. York came in Harley's cunt. Daphne squeezing his balls to empty. On they walked. Arm in arm. Holding hands. Kissing. Caressing. The third hole belonged to Cassidy since she was the last one left to get her first hole in. Cassidy displayed a surprising flexibility. She threw one leg on York's shoulder and he fucked her standing up while she did a standing split. All the other girls clapped in appreciation. York slammed her hips into him as he pumped her cunt. They almost toppled over when they both came at the same time but they other girls caught them. As they gathered themselves Harley took it upon herself to abandon all clothing. She carried her dress in one hand and her shoes in the other. She claimed she didn't want any tan lines. All the other girls decided that was a great idea. So York became the only clothed person in the group. On they walked. What a sight they were. Five beautiful coeds completely naked walking the golf course. Hole four they decided was doggystyle. Each girl got on all fours and York made his way around the group. Pumping into each about ten times before moving on. Hunter was the winner of that round. York filling her pussy. Hole five was a modified version of four. Hunter got on all fours but she was there for support only since she won the previous round. Each girl lay on their back on Hunter as York stroked into them. Holding their legs apart to give him full access. When they weren't getting fucked they stuck their asses in Hunters face for additional stimulation. Harley won hole five. Begging York for all of his cum. Hole six they made York take off his clothes and he lay on the ground as each girl took a turn straddling his dick and bouncing up and down. Daphne was the winner. York squeezing her tits hard as he came in her pussy. Listening to the others girls masturbating to orgasm as well. Off they walked. Now the whole group was naked. Hole 7 they went back to oral. While York stood Nicole sucked his dick. Cassidy took one nut. Hunter the other. Harley took his ass. Daphne kissing him. He came in Nicole's mouth and shared with the other girls. Hole eight York did a standing 69 with Daphne. His face buried in her cunt. Hole nine York got in a seated position. Cassidy reversed cowgirled him while Hunter straddled his face. Then it was a long walk to ten. At ten thankfull there was a vending machine with snacks and drinks. York had money in his suit so they were all able to replenish themselves. "Back nine means I want it in back mine!" Harley declared as she got on all fours and spread her ass cheeks to reveal her winking butt hole. York didn't waste any time. He slid into Harley's ass and fucked her hard. She growled at him for more. He obeyed and pumped her ass good. He came with a large grunt and filled her asshole. "Next year we start on the back nine!" Harley declared happily. Hole ten York fucked Nicole and Hunter in the ass. Each girl getting their pussy rubbed to bring them to climax as York fucked them. Just as York was about to cum in Hunter she reminded him of her gift so he quickly switched holes and came in pussy. Hole eleven was Cassidy and Daphne's turn. Nicole and Hunter returned the favor and made them cum as York fucked them. York managing to cum in both of their asses. He pulled out of Daphne's ass after a couple of spurts. One shot streamed between the two of them as he made his way to Cassidy's ass and finished his spurts in her ass. Hole twelve was anal doggystyle. Harley got on all fours and York mounted her. All the other girls took up positions. Nicole and Daphne slapping York's ass. Cassidy licking his butthole. Hunter under Harley licking her clit. Harley and York came together and collapsed onto the green. Hole 13 and 14 was musical pussies. York lay on his back as each girl squatted in him. Each getting five up and downs each until York came. Hunter won hole 13 and Nicole won 14. Hole 15 they went back to anal. Harley couldn't get enough. Since it was her idea York let her win that hole. Hole 16 was the prone bone position. Each girl lay flat on their stomachs and York entered them from behind. They arched their backs slightly to give York more access. York moved across them pumping into each of them a few times before moving on to the next cunt. Cassidy won that hole. Hole 17 they had a bench to work with. York sat down and each girl took a turn squatting on his dick. Their strokes counted out so as not to monopolize his time. Daphne won. She ground her hips into him as he emptied his seed into her while he sucked her luscious tits. The girls saved the best position for the last hole. This they did on the tee and not on the green. Each girl got their stomachs but had their legs out like splayed frogs. This had their asses thrust into the air. York went from girl to girl each getting multiple strokes each in their ass and their cunt. Understandabley Nicole was the winner. York giving her a lot more time. He fucked her hard. The other girls lay near them fondling each other to orgasm. York rode Nicole's cunt deep and hard. Her beautiful soft round ass pressing into his stomach with each thrust. He came deep into her and collapsed. They all lay there on the 18 hole amazed they had made it all the way. And more amazing they didn't get caught. Dick golf was a success. They all got dressed and walked the last hole back to the club house. Everyone was gone. Only a few staff were around. They all got in their respective cars and left without a word. They had not been this exhausted before. The long week finally catching up with them. They all went to sleep as soon as they got home. Sophia, Diane and Maddie once again not caring York was asleep. They were joined by Devin who came in quickly to get her cum shot and then had to leave. She would see them all tomorrow for graduation. The next morning they explained Dick Golf to Sophia, Maddie and Diane. They agreed it was the best way to play golf. Everyone got ready for graduation. York pulled out his formal regalia. It wasn't the plain black robe. He has a dark blue velvet robe with a deep red trim. The girls wore the traditional plain black robes. When Daphne, Hunter, Nicole, Cassidy and Harley came out in their robes and mortar board hats York could not have been more proud. "Let's see your outfits!" Diane begged. All five girls giggled. Unzipping their robes to reveal naked flesh. None of them were wearing anything underneath. They all looked at York. "I have clothes on. Sorry to disappoint. But we need to get going." York of left in his own car and all the girls left in Diane's and Nicole's cars. The ceremony was at the big arena the basketball team played. York was part of the faculty procession. The ceremony went as usual. Speeches. Names called. Pictures taken. York left the soon after the ceremony to allow the girls time with their family and friends. He also needed the rest. He didn't have much rest this week. Hunter, Daphne and Devin would be leaving for good in the morning. He knew they would stop by for one more late night visit so he planned to get some sleep before then so as to be well rested for them. He would miss them. Monday would be the official beginning of the summer and a new era for York. Nicole, Taylor and Cassidy were officially no longer his students. What would that mean. They along with Diane, Maddie and Sophia would be living next door. The future looked promising.
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 39, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 762, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 32 }
Maybe... She was driving to see him, her bag of toys sitting in the car seat beside her. She never knew what the night had in store for her. However, she knew one thing...he would be inside her, deep inside her, more than once before the morning came. The toys stimulated her imagination..knowing they were there..to be used on her. He was masterful with them, his insistence, his coaching, and his lust all fed her growing need and interest in all that might be possible. What could be possible? What might happen? Maybe she'd get there...walk in the house and find him waiting for her in the bedroom. Each corner of the bed would have a silk tie...long enough to entwine her limbs and secure her to the bed. His command would echo from the back of the house...Here! Now! The sound of her high heels on the tile, coming down the hall, would make him hard. She knew what he would like, so before getting to the door of the bedroom she would peal of her sweater and skirt, leaving her only in thigh high stockings, high heels, and nothing else. Pausing at the door, she would wait to hear his voice...Now! Here! Face down! Entering the room, she'd hear his breath catch as he looked at her from across the bed. Their eyes would meet, fiery and direct. She'd crawl across the bed on all fours, her ass shifting from side to side, until she was right in front of him, his naked cock large and red. She'd look at him, waiting for permission to take him in her mouth. "Come closer", he would say. "Suck me now ...now! Her lips would reach for the tip of his cock, sucking so it would slide into her wet soft mouth. "More! Deeper! Suck it into your throat – all the way" Opening her throat, she willing takes him deep..longing to satisfy her own need to have him inside her. She moans with her ache for him. The evening just beginning. "On your back! Let me have those wrists"... Slowly she pulls her lips away from his full cock..sorry to be doing so, but excited to respond to his command, excited to be his slave. She rolls back across her round cheeks, her knees in the air so he can catch a glimpse of her wet, slick pussy. She may be responding to his commands, but she knows exactly how to move to drive him crazy. He can hardly keep himself from throwing her back against the pillows and spreading her wide so he can dive into her with his cock..but wait he will, wanting to get her positioned so he can have complete control, just as she wants. She finally lays back, spreading her legs as her hands reach down to gently pull at her lush pussy lips. She wants his mouth there, more than anything. His large hands reach out and grab her wrists. Taking one he pulls it over her head, her small breasts lifting with the tug. The other as well, gets tied securely to the bed, her breasts and mouth completely at his disposal, all of her in fact, as her hands are now captured in the silk ties, He leaves her legs free for now, knowing she won't kick or fight him. She wants him too much. He wraps his large hands around her two wrists and slides them down her shapely arms, engulfing her breasts, squeezing them, His fingers find her brown, prominent nipples and he begins pulling on them, slowly at first, turning them as he pulls, Her nipples are highly sensitive...the button-like nubs love to be sucked and squeezed. Each caress sends currents of excitement right to her clit, He hears her moan with each touch of his tongue as his mouth surrounds her nipples one at a time. Can he make her wait? It doesn't feel like it. His full cock begins to ache to be inside her. His face comes close to hers.."Kiss me hard", he says. Kissing him is a wild ride of lips and tongue, wet and full...licking and sucking at her, melding her lips and tongue into his own. There is a desperation in their kiss as they each can feel the building force of their desire...their need, He straddles her then...sitting on her hips..his big cock pointing right at her face, He begins to touch himself. "I'm going to come all over your face", he said. "Would you like that?" Her small voice says, "Yes, Michael."
[ "cock", "knees", "slave" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 9, "longest_sentence": 67, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 54, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 20 }
Well here's my disclaimer thing. You must be 18 or older to read this. Even if you are 18 you may not want to but I hope you do any ways. This is one of my first stories that I like, and I hope you like it to. Enjoy Backwolf11. Also I had some one fix this up for you guys hope you like it more now that its fixed. Brotherly Love Chapter .1 It is was 7:30 when James, a young wolf looking seventeen, returned home from a friends house. He looked around to see the house empty. "Where is everyone?" He queried as he looked around the house before ascending the stairs to his bedroom. "Well I guess mom and dad are still at their conference, but where is Zack?" He walked in to his room and took off his shirt. Hearing a sound he looked into the hall, but no one was there. "What on Earth was that?" Going back in to his room he turned on the stereo, and sat on his bed. He looked at the clock to see that it almost 8, and since he was planning on watching a movie when he got home, he got up and went in to the hall way. Just then a young otter also about seventeen jumped out from along the wall and yelled "HI JAMES!" "Ahhh! What the hell was that for!?" he asked, looking at the otter standing 5'7 with brown fur and icy blue eyes. "Sorry I didn't think you would be so scared". laughing at the wolf which had, light gray fur and deep green eyes. "Okay Zack now your going to get it!" he yelled running at the otter. He tryed to grab him but only getting his shirt but only for a second. Zack trying to get away runs down the hall into the TV room. James finally caght up to Zack in a corner of the room. When he raised his hand to hit him seeing his brother almost crying in fear. He puts his hand down walks over and sat down on the futon. "Thanks for not hitting me James. How was your day?" He asked, looking at the wolf before sitting next to him on the futon. "My day? Well it was ok I guess, but I didn't do much over Jades. Most of the time we just sat there watching TV. That's why I came home early." He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. "Oh right, how was your day?" Smiling "My day was pretty fun I went for a walk and then met up with some of my friends..." Zoning out Zack's boring story about his friends and how they had such an awesome day, James just sat and watched the TV waiting for his movie to come on. Then a rather annoying commercial came on the screen, so he looked at the wall to see a few pictures of him and his family. "I just realized that I'm adopted," he said, looking at Zack with a surprised face. "Mom and Dad told you this on you twelfth birthday James." James was in faceted adopted when he was still a baby. Zack's mom and dad wanted some one Zack could grow up with they just didn't expect to leave the orphanage with a baby wolf. "I know that, but I think it just hit me. Which means, I don't think this is wrong to do," James said as he leaned over and kissed Zack on the lips for a long passionate kiss. Very surprised Zack resisted momentarily before giving in to the kiss. After a minute or so Zack broke off the kiss. "What was that for? I thought we weren't going to do this any more." "If you want me to stop I will." James stated, the dissapointment in his voice clear. "I didn't say stop, or that I didn't want you to. I was just a bit surprised, that's all." he said, grabbing James and spinning him around on the futon so he landed on top of him. "Oh, someone seems dominate today!" looking up at Zack. "Shut up and kiss me smart ass!" he teased, kissing James for a few seconds to shut him up. Holding the kiss while starting to take off Zack's shirt, he broke it only long enough to get his shirt over his head. "So how do you want to do this?" James asked, looking to Zack with a mischievous glance. "Well we should start by folding out the..." he began, suddenly stopped by his brother. "Shhh, don't make every thing so dam, planed out!" James whispered, putting his finger to his brother's lips. "Okay, but..." "No buts. Just relax, okay." Kissing Zack for a few seconds, before starting to unzip his pants. "Could you get up for a second? Its kind of hard to get undressed with some one on top of you." "And here I was thinking you were trying to get me undressed" James said, getting up and finishing James' work by taking off his pants. Unzipping, and taking off his own pants, Zack says softly, "Well if I did that, you would start to think you're special or something." Walking over to the futon, James folds it down to the bed. ... I bet you thought I was going to get to the sex in the first chapter didn't you, well not yet. To be honest I want to see if you guys like it before I post any more. Well even if you don't like it I may just post the next part for anyone who might like it after that. Well I hope you liked Chapter One of Brotherly Love.
Brotherly Love Chapter 1 (Fixed) by backwolf11
[ "Character Development", "Kissing", "M/M", "Otter", "Semi-Incest", "Story Series", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 37, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 81, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 20 }
Six months have passed since I came to this familiar and yet strange new world. Another two months later I underwent a strange transformation from human to an anthro wolf. Sadly I still haven't gotten used to my new form and the strange gifts that it came with. Enhanced senses sight, smell, hearing, strength and intuitive perception. Though surprisingly enough I still feel like an outcast but, my employer has been a big help. With his help and training I've come a long way though, I'm still shy around members of the opposite sex. Though one on one I don't have a lot of trouble, it's when there's small group. My friend and coworker, Derrick says that when I'm nervous my heart rate increases. Therefore my body produces pheromones which interests women to take a closer look. So the more I behave as such the worse things will become. So instead of learning how to control it, I kept myself cooped up in my work. When at home I'd lounge around, read a book, listen to the radio, or go to bed early. Sadly one day, Bruce caught wind of my lack of going out and finding a steady girlfriend. He told me that he'd like to talk me about something after my shift. Naturally at the end of the day, Bruce called me up to the house for our little chat. As I entered the house I said hello to Bruce's wife and three pups. They were getting the table ready for dinner while we entered the living room. "Have a seat, Nick." Bruce said sitting down on his recliner. I took a seat on the couch and turned to face him. "What's on your mind, Bruce?" I wondered as he leaned forward in his chair. Judging from the look on his face I knew this wasn't good. "Nick, I've noticed a patterned with you, now correct me if I'm wrong. You've been avoiding going out and socializing with others, might I ask why?" He said. "I'm just really nervous around groups of women I tend to draw them in like a magnet." I replied. "Still having musk problems I gather, here's a tip that helped me. Stay loose and carefree the less you worry over it the better off you'll be. Just kept your mind focused what you do here and act like one in the crowd there." He suggested. "Do you honestly think that'll help me out around women?" I wondered tilting my head. "It couldn't hurt to try it anyway, now could it?" He countered extending his arm as emphasis. "No, I guess not." I remarked thinking about what he said. "Derrick, told me about a new night club that opened up nearby that's strictly for singles. He's willing to show you where it is and help you avoid trouble." Bruce stated. I continued to think things over including the information about the new night club. "Sounds, like fun there's really no harm in going to check the place out. If things get out of hand, Derrick would lend a paw to keep things in order." I said after thinking everything through. "Alright, Derrick should be still around, go let him know. You want to go with him there whenever he's planning to." He pointed out. "Sounds, like a plan to me boss, I'm heading there tonight so, meet me back here in an hour, Nick. So we both can go home get cleaned up and put some fresh clothes on. No need to smell like work if we don't have to besides, we need to set a good example." Derrick said leaning in the doorway nearby. "Alright, sounds like a good idea to me, Derrick see you in about an hour." I said getting up from my seat. I said goodbye to everyone before walking outside to my car. With that we went to our apartments, I made a quick meal then jumped into the shower. After about thirty minutes I stepped out and put on some decent clothes. Before heading back out to my car then drove back to work to meet with Derrick. When I got there sure enough Derrick was sitting on the front porch waiting for me. As I cut the ignition, he got up and walked over to my car. He waited for me to get out before going over anything with me. "So we all set to go?" He asked as I closed the door. "About as I'll ever be, Derrick. So are we riding together or am I following you?" I replied. "You'll be riding with me buddy gotta make a good first impression. Also you'll need to keep me updated on how many drinks you have, okay. This way if I think you've had one to many, I can get you home in one piece." He stated. "I'll more than likely have something light and just hide out in the back. So I won't be a bother to you or anyone else in the place." I said following him to his car. I had to admit his car was a lot classier than the medium size sedan I owned. He owned a 2003 Mercedes Benz SL500, two door hard top convertible. It was painted a nice blue and had a tan leather interior with a lot of options. Once he unlocked the doors, we hopped in and Derrick fired up the engine. The German V8 roared to life, once in gear we drove off towards town. I've been in a lot of cars but, never something as luxurious as this make and model. We arrived in front of the night club about twenty minutes later. There was a short line of people waiting off to the left side of the double doors. "Well, doesn't look like we'll be waiting too long, besides I know the guy out front." Derrick said. With that he drove around the nearest corner and parked his car in an empty parking lot. After we stepped out of the car he locked the doors once they closed. We walked back towards the club and the security guard standing outside. Sure enough the guard let us inside with no trouble at all. Once inside the place was busy full of activity, great music was playing, people dancing and drinks everywhere. Derrick helped me get to the large bar in the center of the building. He ordered me something easy on the system and got a steady drink for himself. We looked for an empty table some where out of sight but, easy to find. Derrick told me if anything goes on he'd be near the bar across from the nearest restrooms. So I sat there at the table taking a sip from my drink every so often watching everyone. Little did I know I had drawn the attention of two lovely ladies, sitting directly across the dance floor. "Hey, Brianne take a look at the table sitting across the way." A fox/coyote mix said pointing at me. "Hmm? Oh Why Hello There Cutie." A jackal female stated looking in my general direction. "How's it a handsome, straight guy with looks like that is sitting all by him self? Shall, we go liven up his evening Brianne, dear before someone else jumps at the chance?" The canine mix wondered arching her eyebrow at her friend. "Sounds, like a fun idea to me, Melody let's go." Bri replied as they stood up. Grabbing their drinks and coats both ladies, walked towards me. While I watched the people on the dance floor a soft tapping drew my attention. "Hey, there mind if we join you or would like your privacy?" The soft blue colored jackal asked. As I look at her and her friend I was awestruck by their beauty. With a gentle nod and friendly gesture both ladies sat across from me. "So, what brings you lovely ladies here this evening?" I wondered smiling kindly at them. "Well, we're looking for a good hearted and cute looking soul to spoil tonight. Until we spotted you we were just about to call it a night and head on home." The fox mix informed leaning forward a bit. She gave me a soft preview of her chest while her friend smiled and leaned back. "Ah, so may I inquire about your names, so I know whom I'm hanging out with?" I wondered moving my eyes away from her chest. "I'm, Melody and this is my close friend, Brianne and you are handsome?" Mel replied with a playful smirk. "Nick, you ladies aren't from around here are you?" I said looking at them. "Not really we're traveling together to visit some old friends of ours. We needed a place to rest and stretch our legs for a couple of days." Bri pointed out. "Ah, this is a pretty good place to catch a break and recharge the old batteries." I stated with a chuckle. "No, offense but, you're not from around here either, so where abouts are you from?" Bri stated crossing her arms under her chest. I had a strange feeling she was lifting up her breasts on purpose. So I just played along and kindly glanced at her chest then her soft blue eyes. "Yeah, you could say I'm not from around here and I'd like to leave things at that." I said honestly. Melody looked at me and understood where I was coming from with that comment. "That's fine so how long have you been here?" Mel wondered stretching a bit. "You two ladies can stop teasing me, I'm well aware you're gifted and feeling quite frisky." I stated as Mel stopped. Strange I felt completely in control of myself around these two ladies. Normally by now I'm stuttering, acting very shy, and trying to avoid being pounced on. "Nick, you seem concerned about something care to share?" Bri asked looking curiously at me. "Well, it's kinda silly really and I feel embarrassed talking about it." I said looking away. Bri looked at me funny before she came to a conclusion and share it with us. "You're having self control issues aren't you?" Bri asked. A strong nod yes gave them all the info they needed, Mel stood up a second later. "Come, on handsome I'll give you a fun crash course on self control." Mel replied grabbing my arm. "Mel, No not in a crowded place like this, not a very wise idea. It'd be like throwing a virgin into a room filled with hyper horny females at the peak of their heat. Let's take him back our hotel room for the night. This way we can help him in a more controllable environment." Bri stated standing up swiftly. "Yeah, dumb question are you by yourself or with a buddy?" Mel wondered. "My co-worker, Derrick brought me here, since I've been kinda isolating myself lately." I pointed out. Both women looked at me then each other and of course back at me. The look on both their faces said more than words could ever state. It was the look of shock and disbelief though somehow it was plausible. "Looks, like you're one very lucky male, Nick you're coming with us." Bri said. "Let, your buddy know you've got a ride home and don't give him any more info." Mel instructed poking my chest. With that I swiftly located Derrick and made my way towards him. He was lounging at a table near the restrooms talking to an attractive wolfess. "Excuse, me Derrick I'm leaving managed to get a ride also. I'll seeya tomorrow morning alright, enjoy the rest of your night." I said. "Alrighty, take it easy, Nick have good one." He smiled as I walked away. I met the two girls at the front door, once they had their coats, we left the club. The three of us walked a short distance around to the back of the building. Where Mel's 76 Jeep Comanche pickup was parked, the truck look to be in great shape. Someone certainly spent plenty of time and money fixing it up. "Admiring my rig there, Nick?" Mel wondered walking past me to unlock the door. "Yeah, it looks like it just rolled fresh off the assembly line. Your mechanic certainly did a fantastic job of fully restoring this truck back to brand new condition." I said opening the door. "Well, I'm glad to see my hard work paid off, not bad for three years worth of work." Mel smiled unlocking the door on her side. That very comment left me shocked and speechless at the very fact she did all the work. Once inside the cab, Mel fired up the engine, pulled out of the parking space a second later. A minute later we pulled onto the road and drove towards the hotel district of the city. It was a quiet drive all the way, the radio played calm, steady music. While I chatted with Bri some more while Mel focused solely on driving. At the last stop light before their hotel, instead of grabbing the gear shifter. Mel had reached over and gave my crotch a good, firm squeeze. "Umm..., Mel that's not the shifter for your truck, you've got a hold of." I stated as my facial flushed red. Bri looked down and could not stop herself from laughing hysterically. So, Mel flicked on the cab light, looked over and saw where her hand had ended up. "Well, at least I grabbed a gear shift, though not of the actual mechanical kind. Forgive me for this but, Beep, Beep." She smirked playfully honking my crotch a couple times. That sent, Bri right over the edge as she laughed even harder than before. Feeling embarrassed I just hid my face in my hands, then Bri moved my hand. "Hey, shit happens, hun besides it's not like that body part is going untouched tonight. I'm sure Mel is going to make things right and let you do something of equal value." Bri replied rubbing my chin slightly. Mel gave my shoulder a soft nudge in reassurance. About ten minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of their hotel. Once Mel found an open spot, she pulled in, cut the engine and we got out. A short walk, one elevator ride and a long corridor later we stood in front of their room. With a sturdy turn of the key and the lock released then, Mel opened the door. I let the ladies walk in first before following after them, once the door closed. Both ladies grabbed my elbows and kindly escorted me to the couch. Where we all sat down and the leaned up against me, resting their heads on my shoulders. I took my hands, placed them softly against their sides and held them close. The girls snuggled a little closer to me while, Bri turned on the TV. My right hand move forward across Bri's stomach and felt a soft rough patch of fur. So being the curious type I looked down at her stomach, only to see an odd marking. "Bri, is this mark painted, dye or tattooed on?" I asked. "Hmm, oh, that no believe it or not that's my birthmark. Looks otherwise I know but, trust me it 100% untampered with fur. Though I can't say the same for Mel, that isn't her natural hair color." She replied. "Nope, that's something I keep to myself, so don't ask about my natural hair color." Mel remarked. So naturally I didn't bother to ask or comment on either matter. As we snuggled warmly on the couch it felt like I was living the dream in a way. Cuddled warmly against two very beautiful and kind women, if I were to tell someone. They'd more than likely wouldn't believe me, unless I got some sort of proof to back up my story. The only problem I faced was would they get mad or go along with my request. "Umm, Mel, Bri mind if I ask for a strange favor." I said. "Hmm?, Sure hun what's up?" Bri replied. "Could, I get a photo of the three of us sitting together like this?" I asked. "Hoping to impress some friends or to back up what went on after you left your friend at the club." Mel remarked leaning back to look at me. "UH!, a bit of both actually." I replied causing Bri to giggle. "Sure, it's not every day you get to be in the company of a pair of rare beauties like us." She said getting up off the couch. She fished around for a few minutes, until she found the object she was after. When she came back she set the camera up and set the timer, before returning to her spot on the couch. It took us two minutes to get comfy and ready for the picture. Another three minutes later the camera clicked then a flash of light the picture was taken. Ten minutes later the camera spat out the developed photo. Bri got up once more to get the photo and to put the camera away. Once she returned then handed me the photo, she sat back down next to me. Sadly Mel had other ideas in mind for the remainder of the night as she got up and faced me. With a single arm she hoisted me up to my feet, in one swift motion then held me tight against her. "Tomorrow you're going to have something to really talk about. For now you're cute country ass is ours and we don't feel like sharing." Mel cooed playfully as Bri stood up also. Either woman wasted no time dragging me to the bedroom to undress me and them selves. With a playful push, Bri knocked me onto the bed, while Mel crawled on top of me. She reached behind my head and buried my muzzle directly between her ample breasts. I gently started to nibble along the white stripe that was there. Earning a soft moan from Mel's muzzle, as Bri stood there patiently watching. At that moment I felt like, Bri was waiting for the right moment to pounce. Sure enough much to my shock and pleasure that's exactly what she did. Taking my erection into her hands she kindly wedged it between her own lovely pair of breasts. Starting slowly she began to rub them up and down my length in a steady pace. Every so often, Mel would buck her hips backwards as Bri tickled her sex with her tongue. I couldn't help but, knead and fondle Mel's large bust. Toy with her erect nipples at the same time, Mel moaned even louder. This told us she was nearing her first climax of the night, sure enough she came seconds later. As she rolled off to the side of me Bri climbed up, as Mel moved to where she had been. Presenting her ankh birth mark and wet crotch to me. I wasted no time nibbling that mark and sliding two fingers into her awaiting sex. Causing, Bri to arch back and moan as the pleasure I provided coursed through her. Mel carefully took my cock in to her maw and began to suck and fondle my balls softly. I hoped Mel knew to take it easy on me or I wouldn't be able to satisfy them both completely. Bri could almost sense the small dilemma I was thinking about. As I fingered her pussy vigorously so, she batted at Mel with her tail. When Mel looked up to see the look on Bri's face, she knew to take it slow and easy on me. After a few more minutes at fingering away at Bri's hot wet pussy, she came hard. Mel stopped blowing me and crawled up on the bed then licked Bri's juices from my hand. "If you want a taste, use that tongue of yours and while you're at it, eat me out to." Mel said hugging Bri. As she wedged my muzzle between both their legs. Not wanting to go against her orders, I took a deep, long, lick against both their sexes. Causing both women to shudder as the pleasure worked its way through their bodies. They each had their own unique scent and taste but, I enjoyed the combination of both. Lapping hungrily away at both of them, both women began to kiss and fondle each other. Sure enough my careful attention to detail was going to pay off. As both women held each other tight and soaked my muzzle with a torrent of sexual juices. Before cleaning up I crawled out from underneath both ladies. Taking my time enjoyed licking the sexual nectar they released off my muzzle. While I did that they swarmed my cock, cupping my balls and running their tongues along my throbbing shaft. Nearly sending me right over the orgasmic ledge, luckily I was able to fight the urge. "G..., Gir..., Girls, EA...SY." I moaned out. Both women stopped and looked up at me to see the strained expression on my face. They kindly backed off to allow me and my body a few moments to cool off before continuing. They were nice enough to get off my stomach and legs to give me a chance to move. That's when I pounced, grabbing Bri by the hips and thrusting my shaft deep into her sex. Causing her to bark in surprise and pleasure as, I began to thrust in and out of her. Driving my cock hard into her, pressing my tip firmly against her cervix. Earning moan upon moan from her muzzle as the pleasure coursed through us. Mel stood there watching this and teased her sex until, it was her turn with me. Thrusting vigorously in and out of her sex driving us both ecstatic with euphoria. By cupping Bri's lovely breasts firmly in my hands and toying with her erect nipples. Drove Bri to a heavy second orgasm in seconds, as I buried myself deep into her sex. She leaned up while fully hilted with and shared a deep passionate kiss with me. While we slowly rode out the afterglow of our mutual climaxes. "OH, Nick, Don't, Forget, About, Me, Now." Mel cooed splaying herself on the bed behind us. Waiting a few minutes to recover and pull my shaft free from Bri's clenching treasure. I looked behind me to watch, Mel teasing and toying with her pussy and large firm breasts. By watching her I also knew I wasn't going to pop free of Bri's sex anytime soon. That would've been the case if, Bri hadn't done this in one strong motion. She bent down and literally rolled off my erect cock with ease. While being able to remain standing as she moved away before I went to move. She returned kneeling before me and slowly licked my cock clean. It felt amazing as her soft tongue caressed every inch of my cock, helping me stay rock hard. With a slap of my ass she told me to go give, Mel a good hard screwing for her. Not wanting to disobey a direct order I walked over to the bed. Crawled over to, Mel who was eagerly awaiting me, leaning down I gave her sex a few deep licks. Earning a heavy moan from her before moving up her torso with a trail of soft kisses. Driving Mel mad as the pleasure flowed throughout her body like a river. Stopping directly inbetween the center of her breasts I began to nip and kiss along her white stripe. Arching up into my muzzle, Mel let out a long erotic howl. Trying to focus my attention in two places, one being between her legs and second between her breasts. So far I was able to keep a good handle on things. Until I felt Bri's body snuggling up against my back and feeling her nibble softly along my shoulder. She whispered softly into my ear making it flick. "Don't stop until you pop, Nick I want to hear you howl in unison with her." Bri said to me. At that moment Mel's body convulsed harder with each thrust I made. Telling me her orgasm was coming closer to reaching its peak, much like my own. So slowly throwing caution to the wind I picked up the pace of my actions. Hammering away at her sex driving us both mental with lust and animalistic desire to tie. Mel's howls and pants spurred me on even more to reach our mutual climaxes. Bri decided we were taking to long, she reached over grasped Mel's sensitive and perky nipples. Swirling her thumb and index fingers around the sensitive flesh. Sure enough her sex relaxed, thrusting inside knot and all, then her folds clamped down hard. Locking the two of us together, once the pleasure rocketed through us. The sounds of two canines howling in sexual release echoed throughout the bedroom. As we came down from our intense high, I shared a passionate kiss with both women. Before sleep swiftly found its way to me, Bri, and Mel. During the night the three of us snuggled tightly together, until the sun shone through the window. As the sun rose in the sky the beam of soft yellow light. Moved up along the floor, onto the bed, the hit my eye waking me. Carefully stretching out inbetween both women, trying not to wake them in the process. Sadly, the urge to relieve my bladder prove to be the straw to break the camel's back. As I went to crawl out of bed Bri woke up and watched me trying to sneak out. "Busted, Mister Leaving before saying goodbye how rude." She remarked. "I'm only going to use the bathroom then I was hoping to make breakfast for you two." I replied honestly. "Oh, well then I'll pretend I didn't catch you and go back to sleep." She smiled rolling over facing away from me. I couldn't help but, smile as I entered the bathroom to relieve myself before getting side tracked. A few minutes later I got dressed and headed into the kitchen to cook a hardy meal. First got the coffee pot going then got started making eggs, fruit salad, and English muffins. Sure enough when the coffee pot finished brewing, Mel and Bri joined me in the kitchen. Though much to my shock both ladies sat down at the table nude. We just enjoyed the warm meal and each other's company. Before we could indulge ourselves in another round of wonderful fornication. My cell phone starts ringing, so I walked over and an answered it. Bruce sent me a text message wondering, where I was and that he needed me at the farm. So I had to say my goodbyes to both ladies and gave them my thanks. For a night I'll never forget, with one final passionate kiss each, I left their hotel room. Not before sharing contact information so we could hook up again in the future. Grabbed a taxi on the way out and arrived at work a short time later. After paying for my fare the taxi drove off and I walked towards the barn. Where Bruce and Derrick were waiting for me and from the looks on their faces they weren't happy. "So, what kept you man?, you're normally the first one here." Derrick asked. I pulled the picture from my back pocket and handed it to him as I walked by. "Ask, those lovely ladies when they come back to town." I remarked sly grin. Bruce and Derrick looked at the photo I handed them and their jaws just dropped. Before they could regain themselves to ask me questions I went straight to work. As I worked something occurred to me, Bruce was right in a way my shell needed breaking. Of course I had to thank Melody and Brianne for helping me overcome such a hurdle. The End.
Breaking the Shell by deltroon1986
[ "Blowjob", "Breast Play", "Club", "Fondling", "Foreplay", "M/F/F", "Oral", "Party", "Pent-Up", "Story Request", "Threesome", "Tit Fuck", "Vaginal" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 34, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 375, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 32 }
*This is the sixth and final chapter of a story, which mainly took place in the "Mind Control" category. I recommend reading the other chapters -- but for those who do not want to do so, here is a short summary of what has happened so far: A strange locket has been influencing the fate of the small town of Leskow and especially of Laura, a young woman from this town, for several years now. At first, Laura was enslaved due to the influence of that locket, whose bearer can force anyone or anything to do his bidding, but eventually she managed to take possession of the locket. She crowned herself queen of Leskow and reached ever higher power, until an unexpected visitor appears in Leskow...* Everything is calm on the small clearing in the forest, near the shores of Lake Leskow. The town of Leskow, situated on the opposite shore of the lake, is quiet as well. The cobble stone streets empty, the windows dark. All people of Leskow have fallen asleep, most of them lying cuddled closely together on the big festival site right next to the lake. They are tired, but it is a relaxed and happy tiredness. The summer festival, organized for them by their queen, has worn them out. In their deep sleep, they do not know what is happening around them. They do not know, that this night their future will be decided. The lake, on the other hand, is unmoved, unchanged. Its waters splash against the shore in little waves, uncaring of what the future might bring. The light of the moon is reflected by the water, as it has been throughout the ages. The lake continues its quiet existence; there might be people diving into its depths or islands rising out of them, those are minor changes. The lake has been here since ancient times, before this era and the one before. Its dark waters will continue to lie next to the forest, no matter what era comes next. The goingns of this night don't concern the forest either. It doesn't care what is happening in the human world -- even if those same humans cut down its trees, the forest remains uncaring. It does not know of future or past. The wind is rushing through the tops of the trees, rustling their leaves. The trees stand tall and unmoved, why should it be their concern that this very clearing is going to be the site of a battle? Not just any battle, but the battle of the century: A battle that is going to decide not just the future of Leskow and its people, but the fate of the whole world. No, the forest and the lake and the wind do not know of such things, nor do the people of Leskow. They are asleep on the meadow, or in their houses, if they still made it home, and do not know of this battle, though it is most of all their own fate that is going to be decided here, this very night. "It's nice to see you again." Daniel was smiling. "And it is good to be back. I can see that a lot of things have changed around here." Laura stared at him in disbelief. How could he talk like... like everything was normal? "Aren't you happy to see me?" he asked, apparently drawing his own conclusions about her silence. "What do you want?" Her voice sounded more nervous than she had planned, betraying the fast beat of her heart, rather than exuding the self-confidence that would befit a queen. "What kind of welcome is that? Don't I deserve a hello, at least? But good," Daniel took a deep breath. "I am here to tell you that you have spent enough time playing queen now. It's time you let the town and its people be free again. And it's time you remembered who you are, Laura." The queen felt anger rise up inside her. How dared he address her like that? Gritting her teeth, she tried to concentrate on remaining calm, on giving her face a lofty expression. Daniel's looked at her, his face open, friendly. His eyes gazed at her with the same fondness as so many years ago... How could he, after everything that had happened? For a moment, the memory of blood on the floor and a pale arm sticking out from behind a sofa flashed through Laura's mind -- and as if he could see the same picture, Daniel's expression grew darker. However, he continued looking at her expectantly, waiting for an answer. If she'd just ... No! She would have none of this. He had disappeared out of her life, just like that. He had been gone for all those years, leaving her to suffer alone, and now he came back to tell her what she could or could not do? Was he trying to give her orders? Her! The queen! "Laura does not exist anymore". Again, her voice did not fully obey her; it echoed shrilly through the forest. "Laura was weak, and stupid. *They* did whatever they wanted with Laura." She almost spit out her own name, and only now realized how much she hated it. This name, this word, did not seem to have any connection to her anymore. It did not belong to her, it wasn't her. "Laura is gone, she won't return, and you of all people can definitely not bring her back." Daniel's eyes grew sad, though other than that, his face remained unmoved. "Well," he said after a long pause. "If that's the way you want it... I wish you would find reason. I really wish we could do this in a sensible way. But if that's the way you want it..." Without another word and without giving the queen a chance to ask what he wanted to say, Daniel turned around and left. For a brief moment, the queen considered sending some of her guards after him. Then she wondered if that would be of any use at all, or if it would just give him a chance to prove his own powers. She was almost sure that this was not the way to defeat him. No, before she decided on anything, she would have to think. Leskow had changed. All the cheerfulness had been drawn from the little town. The sky was dark and cloudy; in the mornings, mist lay over the lake, the forest and the surrounding meadows. There was a tension in the air, no matter where you went, you could feel that something was about to happen. Nothing was as it used to be. Of course, the people of Leskow went on about their daily business as always. They did it without a smile, however. Without as much as a word to each other, they did their work simply because they had to. The area around the festival site had been cleaned up within a few hours. The meadow itself, however, had been turned into a field of mud by the heavy rain: And it stayed so for several days, as a reminder of the great celebration. Other than that, no mud or dirt was seen on the streets, despite the constant drizzle of rain. Leskow continued being the pretty town it had become since the coronation of its queen -- and yet, everything was different now. A few more times, the queen tried to push the heavy clouds away from the sky. She intended to let the sun shine through again, onto Leskow, and onto her island, hoping the bright warmth might give her the courage and happiness she was longing for -- but to no avail. She wasn't sure if Daniel's resistance was to be blamed -- after all she did not even know what kind of power he had -- or whether it was her own gloomy mood that was reflected in the weather. The queen spent hours of each day, standing at the window in her room on top of one of the castle's towers, staring out into the rain. Under the heavy clouds, the forest seemed as dark as her thoughts. The queen thought about the future, she tried to think of strategies, of her own strengths and powers. Most of all, however, she thought of her opponent. Daniel. Before seeing him by the lake, she hadn't thought of him in so long that she almost forgot he ever existed. And still, somehow, he had always been on her mind. Like a hidden thought, buried deep in her subconscious. A vague memory of times, when she was nothing but plain old Laura from twelfth grade, a nice girl, but quiet and not particularly noticeable -- and yet, somehow, she had been happier. Happier? No, how could she have ever been happier than now, that she had brought a golden age to Leskow? It was only his presence that upset her, that made her have these strange thoughts. Daniel was a danger. He had to be stopped, if need be, he had to be destroyed -- with every minute she thought about him, the queen grew surer of that. However, this was not as easy as it sounded. Her power seemed not big enough to confront him. She had to grow stronger, had to learn to use the power of the locket even more precisely, so he would not be able to resist her. Somewhere, deep inside the queen's mind, a small voice protested. The voice of a girl -- of the girl she had once been. This voice told her that she still missed Daniel. The voice of the girl wondered if Daniel might not be right in what he said. The queen, however, pushed those thoughts deeper into her subconscious. She was not that girl anymore; she would not listen to her voice. Maybe Daniel's sudden appearance even had its advantages, she pondered. Once she defeated him, she might be free from all that remained of *Laura* inside her. Maybe she could vanquish the last bit of weakness inside her mind. *When* she won the fight against him, she could finally be only the queen of Leskow, nothing else. She could make her old self disappear forever. "Your majesty, one of your subjects has come to speak to you." The queen turned around, surprise on her face. Once again she was standing by the window, staring out towards the dark sky and the churning waters of Lake Leskow, trying to ban all the unpleasant thoughts of the last days from her mind. A few ducks had appeared. Ignoring the horrible weather, they swam their rounds on the lake, and the queen had been watching them from her tower. The interruption, the voice of the servant tearing her from her observations, angered her -- and it took her a moment to fully comprehend the strangeness of this request. Someone wanted to speak to her? One of her subjects? Her subjects were not able to want anything. They could not even think by themselves, unless she ordered them to want or think something. So why would any of them want to talk to her, when she, their queen, had no such plans for any of them? With a mixture of rage and curiosity, she nodded towards the servant girl, who stood in the door frame motionlessly, waiting for her queen's orders. The girl in question had been her favorite servant for more than a few weeks by now, during daytime as well as at night. She was half a head taller than the queen, with long blonde hair she always wore down, on the queen's orders, and eyes, that most likely once sparkled each time the girl smiled. These days, of course, no one's smile reached their eyes anymore -- still, this young woman was surprisingly beautiful. When the queen found her, on the main street of Leskow, where she worked in a little shop, she had been surprised to not have noticed this girl before. Now, however, as the weeks with this girl serving her were turning into months, she realized she was starting to grow bored with her. Well, replacing her servant was no big issue; she could attend to that later; first she had to see what it was about the person who apparently wanted to speak to her. "Tell him to come in", she ordered. Shortly after, the girl led a young man through the door into the small tower room. The queen, still standing at the window, once again turned around to look at her visitor. To her surprise, he looked vaguely familiar. Hadn't there been one night, many months ago, a particularly satisfying night...? However, there had been many nights and many men, so the queen could not be sure. She rarely bothered to remember the faces of the men and women she shared her royal bed with. For a moment, the man just stood in front of the queen, silent, looking at her with what Laura believed to be scrutinizing eyes. Indeed, his whole expression was changed; he did not look as impassive as all the other people in Leskow did -- though the queen could still tell that he was not fully awake: He did not seem to find his surroundings strange, and he did not look scared. He just looked like he was being controlled by a different, somewhat more lenient power. "What do you want?" the queen asked harshly. "My master has sent me..." "Your master?" Laura interrupted him -- though she already knew, who the man was referring to. "My master has sent me", the man repeated, his voice steady, "to tell your majesty that she is requested today at midnight on the clearing in front of the hut. My master wants to speak to you. Alone." After uttering these words, the man turned around, and before the queen could hold him back, he had left the castle, walking swiftly and full of confidence, his head raised high. The queen tried to search for his mind, make contact with him and get him under her own control, so she could force him to return. It seemed, however, that he was not part of her world anymore. She had not the slightest influence on this man. Nervously, Laura glanced around. The trees stood motionless, the clearing was empty, and the little house at its edge looked dark and abandoned. It appeared that no human being, other than herself, had entered the forest of Leskow this night. A sigh of relief escaped the queen. Her subjects had hidden well, the police men as well as her personal guards. Daniel would not be able to see them until it was too late. Still, even knowing that they were there, invisible in their hiding places, the nightly forest was somewhat creepy. It was quieter than it had ever been, reminiscent of an ancient time before the arrival of humans in this area. No, it was quieter than that: Even the animals seemed to have hidden away; no stir betrayed the presence of anything alive. It occurred to the queen that even the wind had calmed down. As if the whole world was holding its breath. As the queen was standing on the clearing, waiting, a small cloud wandered slowly in front of the moon, and the night grew yet darker. Forest and clearing were barely visible anymore. Only when the cloud had moved on, and silvery light was reaching down towards her again, Laura could see him: Daniel was standing next to a tree, at the far end of the clearing. He seemed to be one with the darkness behind him. The queen could not remember any sound that might have hinted at his approach. "You are here." His voice was quiet, and yet it carried clearly across the clearing, reaching the queen like a whisper that was uttered directly into her ear. She shook her head slightly, to rid herself of the strange emotions this nightly encounter awoke in her. Before speaking, she had to clear her throat. When she addressed her enemy, she managed to do so in the imperious tone she intended. "What is that important that I have to come to the forest in the middle of the night -- for you?" "The past", Daniel replied calmly. "Your past, Laura. Try to remember who you were. Who you are. Try and be yourself again." Again the queen felt rage rise up inside her, but the rage was mingled with a vague fear. She had to swallow hard a few times to push those feelings back down. Then she lifted up her chin defiantly and looked Daniel up and down. He was wearing old jeans and a torn shirt. As dark as it was, she could tell that his clothes were dirty and his hair unwashed. How could someone like him, scruffy and of no importance whatsoever -- how could he dare to give orders to the queen? "I am myself", she answered in a cold voice. "I am the person I have always wanted to be. I don't know what past you are speaking about. I have no past that would be worthwhile remembering." Daniel took another step towards her. The moon was still shining bright, no new cloud had come to cover it up again, and thus his face was now, that he left the shadows of the trees, bathed in its pale light. He had grown older, the queen realized, more mature, more serious. There was a deep sadness in his eyes that caused an unexpected sting in Laura's chest. She clenched the muscles in her chin, to shake off the sensation. "Laura", his voice was pleading. "Don't you remember me at all anymore? Don't you remember *us*?" The queen could no longer suppress her rage. She was shaking, as she turned around, facing the forest behind her and addressed her guard, whom she knew well hidden between the shrubs and bushes. "Arrest him!" She had meant to shout, but her voice came out strangely hoarse. It didn't matter, however. The moment she uttered the words, guards and policemen sprinted over the clearing, past their queen, towards Daniel. The silence of the nightly forest was torn by the sounds of their heavy boots, and a devilish smile crossed the queen's face. This was more like it. Then, unexpectedly, it was silent again. Her men had reached a spot on the clearing that lay just in the middle between her and her adversary -- and there, they stopped dead in their tracks, apparently unable to move one step further towards him. Like bizarre sculptures, they had frozen in whatever position their bodies had been in, when they reached that spot. More than one stood in a somewhat precarious position, as if they were about to fall over, but so far, they were not even swaying. "What's going on? Didn't you hear me? Arrest him!" The queen's voice was louder now, not hoarse anymore, but shrill. She shouted at her guards -- though she knew that it wasn't her *voice* they obeyed. At first, the men did not move at all. They remained frozen in place, many of them with just one leg on the ground, as if they had turned into stone in the middle of running. Then, however, very slowly, one took a step backwards, another followed, until all of them walked backwards, their motion growing fast. They were walking away from Daniel, back towards Laura, though they hadn't turned around as yet. The queen believed to feel her heart do a little jump of fear. What was happening? How could they manage to do something directly contrary to her orders? Looking over the meadow, she could see concentration painted onto her enemy's face. A very familiar expression of focus. He was controlling them! He was taking them away from her, robbing their minds from her circle of influence! It looked like he was planning to send her own subjects after her, their queen! The queen took another deep breath, controlling her anger and her fear. She had to concentrate as well -- if she wanted to stand a chance, she had stay focused on the issue at hand. And for the first time in months, she was fully conscious of her power, using it willingly to bring across her orders, rather than just relying on the fact that using the pendant had become second nature to her. Sure, every now and then there had been occasions during which she was more aware of the pendant's power, for example when she was searching for someone's mind. Establishing a mental connection to people she had already found, however, urging them to do her bidding at every moment, had become natural. She didn't have to think anymore to do this. As her power had grown, this process had moved more and more into the background. People usually followed her orders without her even realizing she had given them. To the queen, controlling every inhabitant of Leskow was not any more complicated than breathing or seeing. Now, however, she had to use all her inner strength to push against whatever made those men move back toward her. Little pearls of sweat appeared on her brow and she was shaking slightly, when finally they stopped walking backwards, and then, slowly, one by one, took a few steps forward again, toward Daniel. His expression grew darker. His brow furrowed in concentration. Apparently he, too, had to use more of his strength now. He had to concentrate. The men stopped again, some of them took a few tentative steps backwards. Most of them, however, stood motionless on their spot, right in the middle between Daniel and the queen. Only the slightest trembling of their arms and legs indicated that they were still flesh and blood, rather than stone, and that they were exposed to an unyielding power. The queen wondered if the men might not get crushed by the onslaught on their minds, by the strength exuding from both her and Daniel. How much of this could a human brain take, without suffering some kind of damage? Daniel seemed to wonder about the same thing. The queen and her enemy looked at each other, and then, at the very same moment, they stopped sending the group of men against each other. For a short moment, the guards remained on their spots, as if hesitating, unsure what to do at the sudden loss of orders to follow. Then they started swaying until they sank to the ground, unconscious. In the meantime, the queen and Daniel turned around on their heels at the same time, and each left the clearing into a different direction. The streets of Leskow were empty, the town seemed abandoned. The queen was not quite sure how such a thing could be happening, but her subjects were disappearing one by one. Some remained, of course. Especially those men and women who were closest to the queen, her most trusted servants, did not attempt to abandon their hometown. Even they, however, sometimes stood near the shore of the lake, remaining motionless while looking out over the water towards the forest, as if they were listening to a voice calling them to the other side. As soon as their queen passed them, they trembled for a moment and then went on with their daily business, ignoring whatever was trying to draw them away from their hometown. Too many others, however, had followed the call. Standing at the window in her room in the highest tower of the castle, the queen could sometimes see them. She watched them bathing in the lake, or walking along the shore under the trees, or wasting their time with other endeavors whose sense she did not understand. A few times the queen tried to call out to them -- with her voice and with her mind -- but to no avail. Things couldn't go on like this. She could not allow her enemy to destroy everything she had built. She had to do something. Yet, the queen waited, she could not make up her mind. The truth was that she was afraid, though she kept telling herself that she, as queen, had no reason for fear. As she watched the number of people on her side dwindle, however, Laura finally took up all her courage and went to face her enemy. She left her castle one evening, alone, without her guard. Somehow, it felt appropriate to be leaving the town at this late hour, alone, without anyone taking notice. She was the queen. She would solve this problem without their help: When the people of Leskow woke up the next morning, everything would be back to normal, as if *he* had never been there. She didn't really know where to look for *him*, yet she was sure she would find him. Considering the large number of her subjects that had deserted their queen in his favor, she was sure her e
A Battle of Minds Ch. 06
[ "power", "love", "first time", "virgin", "kiss", "oral sex", "cunnilingus", "forest", "nature", "battle" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 62, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 276, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 70 }
nemy would not even be hard to find him. He had to be hiding somewhere, after all, and the people he had called away from Leskow all were in the forest now, so the queen turned her steps there. He would not be far from those other people, she suspected. The queen's heartbeat increased, as she entered the forest. It felt different there; something had changed since her last visit. The trees towered tall above her, swaying in a wind she had not sent over the area. Their branches and leafs blocked out what little evening light there was, and a cold breeze let her shiver in her silken dress. The forest seemed hostile, and the queen realized it didn't want her to be inside it. Laura felt lost; in fact, she did not feel like a queen here. She was a stranger, was entering someone else's areal without permission. Silent and ancient as it was, the queen felt like the forest defied her with every bit of its being. Behind each bush she suspected eyes that were watching her. The smallest sound made her jump. Still, she was alone. Neither human being, nor even an animal crossed her path, as she made her way through the forest. Yet, the forest was not completely abandoned: Daniel was expecting her. The queen did not see him until she stood almost in front of him. Maybe it was the darkness, but the queen was sure she had not seen him even a moment before. As if he appeared suddenly, just in front of her eyes. He was sitting on a tree trunk next to the path she was walking on, smiling at her. His smile made anger rise up inside the queen again -- he dared to smile like that, as if they were friends, as if there was something between them and he was glad to finally see her again? He should bow to her, trembling in fear! "There you are, finally", he said. It sounded like her visit was an event they had been planning for a long time, not a sudden decision of her own. Like he was expecting her just there and then, and had been waiting for a little while, because she was a bit late. He looked at her and kept smiling. "I am here to suggest something to you. A treaty of sorts", the queen said. Her voice sounded steady and resolute, for once it did not betray the strange knots forming in her stomach, or the fact that her knees were suddenly trembling without obvious reason. Again, she pushed out her chin, to show her resolve even more clearly. Daniel's expression grew weary, and he looked disappointed, somehow. "What kind of treaty?" "Well", the queen started slowly. She regained control over her shaking knees and thus managed to take a few more steps towards him, until she towered high over him, looking down on Daniel and the low tree trunk he was sitting on. Daniel did not flinch or stand up to show his true height, nor did he even look up at the queen. "I think we should work together", she continued, as he was still staring down the forest path, in the direction she had come from. "Together we could soon be ruling the whole world. It seems your power is quite similar to my own." Daniel sighed. "You don't get it, do you?" he asked her sadly. "What am I supposed to get?" Despite herself, Laura was curious now. What was it that he wanted? She had wondered about this before -- with powers like his and her own, what was there to want? He could get anything, if he just used them right. Yet, he did not seem content with that idea. "You have to get rid of the locket", Daniel's voice had grown beseeching. "You have to remember who you really are. It might help to remember me, remember *us*. Or, if that's not what you want, remember your parents, your friends. Just remember." For a few short moments pictures flashed in front of the queen's inner eye, memories, and longing. Faces that were strangely familiar, smiling at her. Her parents. A childhood friend. Her and Daniel, together, walking through the forest hand in hand. Her eighteenth birthday. Then the familiar rage returned. The queen felt her face grow red. Her fists clenched, her teeth gritted, she fought to gain control over herself. When she finally answered, her voice ran shrill through the forest. "Remember *me*? Remember the Nobody -- the Nothing -- that I used to be? Why would I want to go back to being someone everyone can take advantage of, someone who just does whatever she is told? I was born to be queen. I was born to change this town, once and for all. Why would I want to go back to being just plain old Laura?" "Because that Laura is the person I love more than I could love anyone else", Daniel said quietly. "More than I could love even the most powerful queen in the world." Laura felt a strange sting in her heart. For a moment, she was overwhelmed by the desire to sit down next to him, have him take her into his arms, hold her. But no! She was stronger than those desires. Those feelings were not worthy of a queen. She did not need someone else's arms; she did not need to be comforted. And what was supposed to be so special about this man? Why should she feel any preference for someone who did not want to serve the queen as he ought to, when she had so many loyal servants? The queen stood unmoved, her arms crossed, her chin tense, her whole posture defiant. When she spoke, only a slight tremble of her voice betrayed the struggle that was raging inside her. "If you really had loved me when I was still Laura, then you should be feeling the same for me now. You would have to love me as my people do, and you would not want to take away my locket. You would be happy for me, proud of me." "I do still love you, Laura, even as you are now. And that is exactly why I have to destroy that horrible locket: Because I love you. If the thing is not destroyed soon, it will end up destroying you." This time it was rage -- a much more familiar and comfortable feeling -- that made the queen's voice tremble. She stood as straight and tall as she could. "You dare to ... You ... You will never get the locket. Only over my dead body. I will fight for it." With another sigh, Daniel stood up. Unwillingly, Laura took a step back. He was about a head taller than her, and there was an unnerving confidence about the way he stood there, towering over her. Not defiant and angry, as she was. He was just... there. His voice, however, sounded even sadder than before. "I had really hoped it wouldn't have to come this far, Laura", he said. Then he lifted his right hand. The queen's eyes followed this movement, and she discovered a bracelet, sparkling on his wrist. With a start, she recognized the piece of jewelry: It was the same bracelet he had wanted to give to her -- no, to Laura, she corrected -- as a present. The bracelet he had offered her on her 18th birthday, on that fateful day so many years ago, in a different life. The bracelet that had caused their fight and subsequent break-up. She had seen it again on his wrist after that, during the diving contest Martin had won -- but she had never gotten a clear look at the thing. It was simple -- narrow and not adorned with any gemstones, just a plain bracelet, but giving a soft silver glow that drew the eye. And -- the queen could feel it clearly now -- a strange power emanated from the thing. Not a soothing and warm force like the one her locket gave forth. No, this power was cold. Not overwhelming and ensnaring, there was something rational to it -- it seemed calculating and even brutal to the queen. The proximity of this power caused her to shiver, to tremble in fear. Despite its simplicity, there was something breathtakingly beautiful about the bracelet; that much was true. Something, however, told the queen that this bracelet was the enemy of her locket, just as the man wearing it, Daniel, was her own enemy. She turned her gaze from the thing and looked up, right into her enemy's eyes. Daniel's face had now become dark and hard. "Give me the locket", he demanded. His voice rang clearly through the forest; he spoke slowly, like a father addressing a disobedient child. For a moment, the queen stared at him, her mouth open. Then she shook her head, pulled herself back to reality -- and realized that her hand had grasped for the chain on its own accord. For the chain that was hanging around her neck, the chain that carried the locket. She had already started to pull it over her head. The queen froze, stopped the motion, struggling to regain control over her own limbs. What was she doing? What kind of trickery was he using against her? "Never!" Before she could stop herself, the queen stomped her foot onto the ground like an angry five year old. "Give me your bracelet, rather", she added in a demanding tone, letting all the power she could find in her mind flow through the locket, towards him, willing him to obey her order. And to her surprise, she reached him: Daniel's hand trembled, and for the shortest fraction of a second, his expression mellowed. But apparently he had expected her attack. Within seconds, he managed to defy the queen's order and resist the power she was sending against him. What was more: He returned the attack, sending an amount of mental force through his bracelet that almost knocked the queen off her feet, and took her breath away. She, too, however, was better prepared this time. Had she not been, she would be in his hands now. The thought sent a strange shiver down her spine -- quite different to the ones, the same thought would have caused her with anyone else, Martin or Mr. Seger. She shook off the sensation. She had to be on her feet, brace herself: Else his next attempt to gain control over her would be too strong to resist. She managed to reflect his power, throw it back towards him. In her mind, the queen pictured him bowing in front of her, recognizing her superiority, and she put all her strength into making him do just that. Daniel did not comply. He sent his own orders towards her. For what seemed like an eternity, the two struggled soundlessly, without moving an inch, without that either was stronger than the other. Had someone seen them from afar, he would not have noticed anything other than two silent people, glaring at each other full of anger, but unwilling to attack. The effort, each of them was putting forth, was betrayed only by the pearls of sweat on their brow, only their wrinkled foreheads and thin-lipped mouths showed their deep concentration. Suddenly, the queen's eyes widened, and a second later she jumped backwards. She managed to escape at the last moment: Without warning, a wide gash opened in the earth just at the spot where she had been standing, threatening to swallow her into its depth. In a mixture of shock and accusation she looked back up at Daniel. His face was blank, hard, without even the trace of an apology. So he wanted to fight dirty. She could do that. The queen felt the all familiar rage well up inside her, and this time it was welcome -- it gave her the strength she needed. Her fury let heavy clouds gather on the night sky, obscuring the last bit of light that had reached the forest. Daniel was now nothing more than an outline in front of her. Not so much a person as a shadow, a vague and dark threat. And still he stood there motionless. A low grumble announced the approaching thunder storm, heavy wind made the tree tops bow down. As the first bolt of lightning flashed down from the clouds, followed by deafening thunder, the queen could see her enemy's face clearly once more. It was pale, and no trace of his smile was left on it, only determination. Another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, and another. Yet, as much as the queen willed them to race down from the dark clouds, towards her enemy, none of them got anywhere close to him. Somehow, Daniel managed to stop them all, divert them or change them into nothing but a flash of light. They just lit up the forest and with it his face, so that for the fraction of a second Laura could see him staring back at her, again and again. His face looked strange, and yet familiar in an unsettling way. Some of the lightning struck trees at the edges of the clearing, causing them to burst up in flames, or to be split in two, with each half falling noisily to the ground in a different direction. The wind picked up, turning into a storm. It blew up dirt and leafs, letting them tumble through the air. As it increased in strength, it pulled out grass and smaller bushes. Finally, a wall of dust and leafs and destroyed tree branches obscured the queen's view of her enemy. Yet she knew he struggled to remain on his feet just as much as she did. The wind also carried the flames and smoke of the burning trees towards them. It made Laura cough and let her eyes sting. Blinking through the tears, the queen looked around. Only a few trees remained near her. She could barely recognize the forest anymore, and she only remained on her feet with the greatest effort. The wind was pushing against her, trying to make her fall. The queen gritted her teeth, searching for yet another reserve of strength inside her. Her hair flew wildly in the wind, the golden clasps she had been wearing were long ripped out of it. Even her dress, her pale blue silken dress, began showing small tears as the wind relentlessly tried to rip it off her body. Clenching her fists, the queen fought back. Struggling, yet without moving an inch from her place. This was her kingdom, this was her specialty -- she would not let her enemy defeat her with her own weapons. Yet she had to draw forth every bit of concentration she could find in her mind, before she finally managed to calm down the wind. Finally, it turned into a softer breeze, and finally disappeared. With it, the fires died down. The forest was silent now, that the roaring of wind and fire had gone. As the smoke dissipated, the queen could see more clearly again. The night had passed, the first rays of the morning sun appeared at the horizon, shedding their red light on the image of destruction that surrounded the two enemies. The sun's color reminisced of coals glowing on the ground, the sole remains of what once had been proud tall trees surrounding the clearing. The fight had lasted many hours. The queen, however, felt as exhausted as if she had been fighting for centuries. She could barely remember the details of the battle, and she had trouble staying on her feet. Her head hurt, and in this short moment of rest, she felt thirst burn in her throat. She could not go on much longer, it was too much. Yet, giving up, giving in to her enemy was out of the question. He wanted to destroy her, destroy everything she stood for, and take from her the very essence of her power. No, the queen thought. She had to find a way to end all this on *her* terms. She knew she could not get Daniel under her control. Each time she wanted to get him under the locket's influence he just seemed to be getting stronger. There had to be a different way. The queen looked around at the remains of the forest. Some of the strongest trees of the area were still standing; they had resisted the onslaught of their battle. And a few of them towered right behind her enemy. Neither the storm nor the relentless flames had managed to harm those trees -- even though the flying ashes blackened their few remaining leafs. Their roots, however, held on to the ground, digging deep enough into the earth to resist the strongest wind. And their branches and twigs remained unbroken. This could work... Daniel stood a bit far from those trees, unfortunately, but if she could manage to distract him somehow... "And why in the world, do you think, should I give you my locket -- to you of all people? Do you even realize how much you hurt me back when you just dumped me? On my birthday no less?" The queen's voice rang through the silent forest. When Daniel heard her speak, his expression changed. He looked almost glad. Apparently this was a topic he wanted to discuss -- or maybe he was just as tired of fighting as she, the queen, was. He answered eagerly, and while he spoke, the queen took great care to keep her eyes locked with his, to make him think she was fully immersed in their conversation. Only her mind, unnoticeable for any outside observer, was concentrated on something else. She focused it on the trees at the far end of the clearing. Despite the queen's interested expression, Daniel's words barely registered in her brain. Only after several moments had passed did she understand what he said -- and then, it was already too late. "You are the one who broke up with me, don't you remember?" he asked her. "You were mad at me for no reason. But it wasn't really you, you weren't being yourself. Remember when I found the bracelet? And I wanted to give it to you? You didn't want it; you wanted me to throw it away, to destroy it. I think the locket made you do that. It was already here then, hidden somewhere. I believe it was because..." Bang! The sound of the large tree's branch colliding with the back of Daniel's head echoed through the forest. On the orders of the queen, the tree had bowed over the clearing and knocked the young man over with a sudden strong blow. For a short moment, Daniel's eyes met hers. They were wide open, surprised -- and hurt, not only by physical pain. Then he sank to the ground slowly and remained there motionless. Silence returned to the forest. The battle was over. The animals that had fled the fire, however, did not return. Even the wind had calmed down completely. If there had been a breeze, however, most trees did not carry leafs it could have rustled. The highway, whose distant roar could usually be heard on quiet days, seemed devoid of cars. The queen stood quietly at her place, looking down on her enemy's body. There was no reason for her to speak, there was no reason for any sound to be heard, there was no one there, other than her and her enemy's lifeless body -- yet in the silence, it seemed, there was a lingering memory of Daniel's voice. The queen believed to still hear his words echoing between the fallen trees and the shredded grass and bushes. And this echo just made the silence stronger, more acute. The queen stepped closer to her enemy. Still, he did not move, did not react to her proximity. The position in which he lay on the ground seemed strangely twisted and uncomfortable. As she looked down onto his motionless body, a satisfied smile curled her royal lips. The sweet taste of victory let her momentarily forget the destruction around her, her own exhaustion, the violence of the battle. As the seconds turned into minutes, however, and the silence in the forest and Daniel's immobility prevailed, the smile froze on her face. The longer she stood there, the less Laura felt like the victor. Her heart started beating faster, as she took in the scene with different eyes: Like awakening from a bad dream, just to realize that the dream had become reality. As much as she stared down at Daniel, there was not the tiniest twitch of any of his muscles, or even a sign of a shallow breath. Did that mean he was ...? That was not what she had wanted! Laura fell down to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks -- the moisture felt strange in her face, the sting unfamiliar in her eyes. She could not remember when she had last cried. Still, the pain was familiar. It wasn't the pain a queen would feel, but the pain of 18 year old Laura. The pain of a young girl who, an eternity ago, was sitting on her usual chair at school at that first day of the school year, trying to come to terms with having lost the person who mattered most in her world... No -- this was not like that horrible day so many years ago, after she had broken up with Daniel. This was a thousand times worse. Back then, at least, he had continued existing. Back then, not all was yet lost. A loud wailing sound broke through Laura's lips, sharing her pain with anyone who might be near enough to hear. She knew, however, that there was no one there to hear. She was alone. Suddenly, without knowing why, Laura thought of her mother. Thought of her worried face when her own behavior started changing. Thought of waking up in the hospital and learning that ... This new pain let yet more tears stream down her face. Tears she had held back for too long. Soon, she was not sure anymore what exactly she was crying for -- too many memories, and all of them painful, flooded her mind. Shaking, and unable to hold herself upright any longer, Laura fell forward, covering Daniel's lifeless body. His face was only a blur to her eyes, as tears obscured her view. Still, she believed to make out that his lips looked as warm and inviting as they had looked so many years ago. Or was it just the memory of his kisses that made her see them so clearly? Her heart was gripped by a longing that seemed to tear her apart. There was only one hope at a remedy: Slowly, carefully, yet unable to resist the temptation, she approached her face to his, covering his mouth with her own. Then, however, a golden glow distracted her: The locket, hanging down from the chain around her neck, swung back and forth right above Daniel's face. For a few moments, Laura stared at it. Reflecting the light of the rising sun, the little piece of jewelry emitted a mesmerizing sparkle. It seemed to call out to her, taunting her, tempting her. This stupid thing was at fault for all her misery! It had destroyed her life! With one firm movement Laura grabbed the necklace and pulled it over her head. Then she hesitated. What to do with it? On Daniel's wrist, the shining bracelet seemed to reflect the locket's glow. That bracelet was part of it too, she realized. And again, just as on her 18th birthday, so many years ago, Laura felt rage at the sight of the thing. A different rage, however -- a rage against herself and against the locket as much as against the bracelet. Rage against the magic that had intruded into the completely ordinary life of her hometown. Evil magic that had destroyed her life and taken the people she loved most from her. There was only one option, only one path she could take now. Her hand shaking, Laura took the bracelet from Daniel's limp arm. For a moment she looked down at the two shining objects inside her hand -- one pulsating hot, the other very cold -- then she closed her fist around them and stood up. Standing next to Daniel's lifeless body, Laura looked around in surprise: Only now she discovered that she was standing quite close to the shore of Lake Leskow. She did not remember them moving during their fight, leaving the narrow forest trail they had met on. But then -- who could know with a battle as violent as theirs, with a storm as strong as the one surrounding them? And now that she thought about it, they had been at the forest clearing at some point too. There were so many parts of the past night that Laura barely remembered; that were nothing more than a blur of wind and blazing fire and blinding fury. The bracelet and the locket still clutched tightly in her hand, which was tingling slightly from the contrasting sensat
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 54, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 301, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 63 }
ion of heat and cold, she walked slowly but unhesitatingly towards the water. Once she reached the shore, Laura pulled back her arm to gain leverage and throw the two wretched things as far into the lake as she could... With a quiet "plop", both pieces of jewelry submerged into the water at quite a distance from Laura and quickly sank down into the dark depths of Lake Leskow. Laura stared at the wide circles the lake formed at the place where they had hit the water. She never wanted to see either of those two things again. For a few moments, she stood still at the edge of the lake, looking out over the water that was sparkling in the light of the early morning. Then she turned around and went back to Daniel. She lay down on the forest floor, barely registering that the grass was moist from the morning dew, she cuddled closer to his lifeless body and closed her eyes. He was still warm; it was easy to imagine he was still alive. Laura almost believed to feel him breathe, to hear the slow beating of his heart. And then, causing her own heartbeat to increase, his leg twitched. And then his fingers, his arm. This was real! He was moving, stirring. Laura did not dare to open her eyes to look at him, as his arm slowly lifted and placed itself around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his chest. If this was just a dream after all, she did not want to risk waking up. His other arm moved now too: As he held her close, his hand stroked up her back tenderly, until it reached her head. There, he took a strand of her hair and twirled it around his finger. He started caressing her head gently, while she remained still, her head resting on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. They remained lying on the forest floor for a long time; for hours, it seemed to Laura. But time was of no importance. Nothing mattered, as long as she was lying here, in Daniel's arms. She kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the rise and fall of his chest in the slow rhythm of his breath, and on his fingers playing with strands of her hair. Steadily, the sun rose higher into the sky, warming the little clearing in the forest. Small waves splashed against the lake's shore, their sounds forming a peaceful song together with the slight breeze stirring the tree tops. Life had returned to the forest, now that the battle was over and forgotten. Laura could hear birds singing nearby -- and suddenly she wondered whether she had heard their song at all during the last months. She could not remember, but she was almost sure that they had been silent for a long time. Daniel uttered a little sigh -- not a sigh of sadness or worry, but the kind of sigh a person might make when they are completely happy and do not want the moment to pass. His voice sounded as warm as the sunshine, as soft as the grass they were lying on. Then, finally, before she could stop herself, Laura opened her eyes and lifted her head, so she could look at Daniel. Holding her breath, half expecting to find herself awoken from a wonderful dream and back to the cruel reality of a half-destroyed forest and a motionless corpse. But there he was, his eyes open and meeting hers. His hand had followed her movement; his fingers were still stroking her hair. Slowly, his lips formed a smile. He looked younger, less tired and less weary. All the sadness had gone from his eyes. "Laura", he said. Just her name, nothing else. The sound of her name reminded Laura of something, of a different day, when he said her name in the same tone -- but her brain refused to draw the connection. His voice was slightly hoarse, probably from lying there silently for such a long time. He lifted his head too, and suddenly his face was right in front of hers. Laura felt his breath, his warmth, felt her own heartbeat increase. A thousand questions formed in her mind, but the touch of his soft lips on hers made her forget them all. She only wanted to be with him now, here, in this moment. She just wanted to be happy he was here with her, without questioning it. If this really was nothing more than a dream, she never wanted to wake up again. Their kiss grew more hungry, their tongues searching for each other, at first playing with each other teasingly, then more fervently, trying to hold on to each other. Laura could taste him, smell him, she felt his teeth occasionally scraping her lips as passion overtook him, she heard another one of his sighs -- and this time it was one of pleasure. At the same time, Daniel's hands started exploring the curves of Laura's body. His touch was tender, almost careful at first, but like his kiss it grew more and more demanding. Despite this, however, his hands remained above her clothes; his fingers did not touch her skin directly, though Laura could feel the hunger with which he pulled her body against his own. It was her then, who first dared to grab a little corner of his shirt and pull it out of where it was tucked into his jeans. Carefully, almost shyly, she then explored his soft skin with her fingertips. This innocent touch seemed enough to make Daniel's breath go faster. His own fingers now also searched entry under Laura's shirt, though he only dared to stroke softly up and down her back -- Laura had the impression that he did not want to overwhelm her; that he wanted to give her the time to progress as slowly as she wanted. After a little while, however, Daniel broke their kiss, so he could sit up and take off his shirt completely. She marveled at the sight of his strangely youthful body and his smooth, healthy skin -- he did not look like someone who had spent months hiding out in the forest. And he looked more like the 19 year old boy he had once been than like the man the past years had made of him. Daniel smiled at her expression of amazement, and she returned the smile. When Daniel gave Laura a questioning look, she understood and nodded: She would let him help her out of her T-shirt as well -- for a moment it occurred to Laura that at sunrise she had still been wearing the expensive garment of a queen; that, indeed, she had not dressed with jeans and a T-shirt in years -- but this was just a fleeting thought. This was not the time and place to wonder about such details. Instead, the girl turned to the side, to give him better access to the clasp of her bra. As the small piece of fabric fell to the ground, Laura turned back to him. He contemplated her bare upper body, an expression of rapt amazement on his face. To her surprise, Laura felt that this made her blush, and at the same time she enjoyed feeling his eyes on her and the marvel with which he contemplated her more than all admiration the queen's subjects had ever expressed. No one had ever looked at her quite like that. Like he could barely believe she was really there. Slowly, almost hesitatingly and yet unable to stop himself, Daniel raised his hand to run his fingertips over her tender flesh. Laura put her arms around his neck, pulled him closer, back into a tight embrace. As they started kissing again, they sank back down to the ground, Daniel on top of Laura. She felt the touch of his skin against her own. She wanted to be as close to him as she could, feel his warmth as best she could, the reassuring beat of his heart, the weight of his body. Her hands moved up and down his back; hugging him and pulling him against her. Automatically, her legs opened, inviting him to lie between them. Through the fabric of their jeans, she could feel his manhood against her sex. A strange feeling swept through her body: Joy, excitement, and also fear -- she was as anxious as eighteen year old Laura had once been, so many years ago, during a pick nick that had taken place on this very same spot in the forest. She felt as giddy as a young girl knowing that soon she would make love for the first time, with the boy who had been her first love, and with whom she planned to spend her life... She felt like that Laura again. Like the young girl, who had been naive but also full of hope -- and not anymore like the other, the grown up Laura, the queen. That queen, who believed to have passed through all life could offer her, who had seen the deepest and darkest sides of humankind, had disappeared. Her enemy, full of sadness and willing to fight for the freedom of the world, was gone as well. They were nothing more than two young people in love, lying on a small clearing in the forest, near the lake: They were only Laura and Daniel. Daniel was lying on top of Laura, and she felt the weight of his body on hers. Not heavy and uncaring, like Martin. Daniel took great care not to hurt her, propping his body up on one of his arms. Feeling the warmth of his body was comforting, reassuring. After a while he turned to his side, loosening the tight connection between their bodies, to be able to run his hands along her smooth skin. Growing more daring, he took advantage of the better access his hand had now to her breasts. He let his fingers explore the firm flesh, though his touch remained tender and the expression of adoration remained on his face -- just to crush his lips against Laura's again the next moment, overtaken by desire, rolling back on top of her body and instinctively rotating his crotch against hers. Once or twice, his hands approached that same area. With shaking fingers he fumbled a bit on the fly of her jeans without much success. Then he let go again, running his hands back up her body, as if he was unsure of whether she would allow him to proceed. In a way, this surprised Laura: Hours ago, when she was still the queen, and he was still her enemy, she would never have thought of him as a shy person. Now, however, it was not only Laura who seemed to be a different person from the one she had become in the last years -- Daniel, as well, behaved more like an excited and somewhat shy nineteen year old. It was difficult to see the weary and disillusioned man in him that he had been when the two of them met at the clearing mere hours ago. In the end, it was Laura who made up her mind and reached for the fly of his jeans -- had he really been wearing those earlier? Those same old, worn out jeans that were so familiar to her, the ones he had liked best years ago, in their old life? She opened the top button with trembling fingers, before pulling down the zipper. Daniel helped her as she pushed the jeans down. Laura used her hands for this task as long as she could reach without getting up from the forest ground, then she went on using her feet to help him get rid of the superfluous piece of clothing. When that did not work anymore either, he sat up to take them off completely, and Laura got a good view of him, wearing only his underwear, which showed a very visible bulge. After a moment's hesitation, Daniel took off that last piece of clothing as well, and his manhood sprang proudly into freedom. Laura had seen many of those during the last years, yet to her surprise the sight of Daniel's manhood made her blush again, made heat rise in her body. Now, that she saw him naked, that she knew what they were going to do, she felt excited and giddy -- and also a little nervous. Daniel leaned back over her and kissed her. Then he helped Laura out of her own jeans. When she finally was lying completely naked in front of him, on the forest floor, shivering slightly despite the warmth of the morning sun, he remained sitting up: He could not help but stay like that for a little while, savoring that moment of looking down at her and admiring the perfect curves of her body, taking in the view he had been longing for, for so many years. Even though her expensive gowns, her jewelry and everything else was gone, the way he looked at her made Laura feel like she was the most beautiful woman on earth. After a little while, he lay down again next to her and their lips met once more. After a fervent kiss, his mouth left hers to find its way along her neck -- feeling the vibrations of her throat as she moaned under the touch of his tongue -- and further down to her breasts. There, he stayed for a while, letting the tip of his tongue circle her nipples, finally taking each between his lips in turn, sucking on them, letting his tongue flick against the hardening buds, while Laura's moans of pleasure filled the clearing. Then his tongue continued its journey downward, and Daniel moved around to settle between her legs. For another moment he sat up, and took his time to gaze at the object of all his desires, on his face an expression of adoration. Then Daniel settled down as comfortably as he could, and slowly approached her pussy with his face. Laura could feel his breath, before she felt his tongue, exploring the area, parting her labia until it reached her most sensitive spot, tracing around it in circles that grew smaller and smaller. Then, finally, he flicked his tongue right over the little nub and Laura drew in breath sharply, while pushing up her pelvis, to make herself more accessible to his attentions. And Daniel definitely appreciated this -- he delved into his task even more eagerly. This was different to anything Laura had felt in her entire life -- Daniel wasn't following her orders, he wasn't reacting to any little thought she had, but acting out of his own accord. Yet he was not turning her into his toy either -- he wanted to pleasure *her*, and not because he had to, but because this was truly his wish. This alone was more than Laura had dreamt to be ever possible in her life, and the knowledge that Daniel *wanted* to make her happy was more exhilarating than anything she had ever experienced. The men and women with whom Laura had spent the nights in her royal bed in the castle had always done exactly what she wanted. Any motion of their tongues had been perfectly tuned to what Laura thought she needed at that moment. Direct touch or indirect, little or much pressure, slow, savoring motions or a fast flicking of the tongue... In a way, it had not been much different from pleasuring herself. Daniel, on the other hand, had to experiment. He had to read Laura's reactions, the quickening of her breath, her moans, the involuntary movements of her hips, to figure out what she liked most -- and he was very eager to learn. Sure, it had never taken Laura long to come when one of her subjects was giving her this kind of attention. Now it took her a lot longer to reach that highest point of her lust. In fact, every now and then, Daniel would pause at a moment when she just felt she was close; to shift his body a bit, to find a more comfortable position. Then again, Laura was not quite sure whether he might not be doing so on purpose, to keep her on the edge. More than once a certain frustration mixed into the lust of her moans -- and yet, she wanted this never to stop. And then, when she finally came, her orgasm swept through her body with a force she had not been able to even imagine before. The explosion that shook her, seemed to wipe out all memories, all awareness, and when it finally ebbed away, only small waves making her tremble every now and then, Laura still needed minutes to open her eyes and remember where or who she was. Daniel gave her the time she needed to catch her breath again, holding her tightly in his arms. Then he leaned over her to kiss her. Laura could taste her own juices on his lips, and as he crushed his body against hers, she felt the proof of his arousal hard and erect like an exclamation mark, pressing against the entrance of her sex. The desire to feel him inside of her, to take in his full length and become one with him, suddenly grew overwhelming, and again Laura lifted her hips involuntarily, as if to offer herself to him, to urge him to enter her already. But Daniel took his time. For quite a while he kissed her, his kiss growing more fervent at times, then again becoming tender and careful. The tip of his manhood was in constant touch with Laura's expectant sex, but never quite in reach, teasing her, but not entering her. Then, finally, when she thought she could not take this any longer, he started to carefully push. Her pussy took him in eagerly, letting him slide into the wet cave. As soon as the head of his penis was engulfed inside her, he paused again, as if he had met some invisible resistance. Laura rotated her hips, trying to get him to continue. But Daniel first kissed her one more time, before he entered her completely with one strong thrust -- and for a short moment a stinging pain cursed through Laura's body. She opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. Daniel kissed her again. He held still now, waiting for the pain to retreat, and for her to get used to the feeling of having him inside her. Only when he was sure that she was ready, he started to move inside her, in slow, careful thrusts. Never in her life had Laura felt so close to someone, so vulnerable and yet so safe. And never had she been as much just in the moment, without worrying about the past or the future. The world around her, the forest, her memories of the past years, her fears and her pride -- all seemed to disappear. The whole world consisted only of Daniel and of herself, nothing else mattered anymore. When Laura awoke, she was still lying on the soft forest floor, Daniel's arms around her. He was asleep; his breath was steady and calming. Laura felt as if she had become years younger. She felt strong and happier than she had imagined possible. Everything was perfect. Well, not quite, she corrected after a moment: A few ants had found their way just to the place the two of them were resting. They were the reason she had woken up in the first place. Yet, this was such a small thing, and no reason to be any less happy. After all, there was no problem in waking up: No fear of the coming day, only the certitude that it would be another day spent with Daniel. The feeling of happiness seemed to fill out every last corner of Laura's mind as she lay there with him, and it did not subside when they finally got up and got dressed, or when they left the forest, walking hand in hand, back towards Leskow. The afternoon sun shone down on them from a bright blue summer sky. Some birds sang in the trees, and the smell of warm sand and slightly dry grass filled the air. So how could they not be happy, approaching an idyllic little town such as Leskow? Walking along a quiet road on the slightly crooked pavement, passing the neat little houses of the suburbs, wandering underneath trees that carried the green and cool shade of the forest into town. In the well-kept little gardens flowers were blossoming brightly, and people sat on their terraces with coffee and cake, enjoying the Sunday afternoon. The happy laughter of children climbing trees or sitting on swings competed with the chirping of birds. True, the closer they got the centre of the little town, the more these idyllic scenes were disturbed by the noise of some cars, the sound of broken glass creaking under their shoes, or the view of graffiti on a wall here or there. But these things did not truly destroy the atmosphere. Rather, they added to it, made it real, made it tangible, Laura thought. This was not the perfect fantasy of a queen who had quenched all life out of the small town. This was what Leskow was like. At some point, as they were walking along one of the busier streets in Leskow's suburbs, they passed a wall full of little posters. It was covered in several layers of bright pieces of paper that seemed to be sticking to all available spaces at this time of year. All the festivals and fairs and big shopping events had to be announced, after all. On this particular wall, one colorful poster dominated. Laura had seen similar posters before, during the years of her youth: It announced the Leskow Castle Festival in September, the diving contest and everything else that was part of the big spectacle. An elderly couple stood in front of that poster, in deep discussion about the upcoming celebrations. Walking by, Laura caught a few words that made her stop and listen. Daniel had caught on too, and they both stood there and listened, pretending to be interested in the text of a different poster that was announcing a big concert in the town's main church. "Yes, my grandma always told me that legend, when I was little", the old woman was just saying. "Today barely anyone knows about it anymore, they don't even have anything about it in the museum of local history. I asked and I kept telling them that this is part of our heritage, but of course they won't listen to me..." "So the legend says a wizard let the castle sink down into the lake?" the man interrupted her. "Well, not just any wizard. As the story goes, he was a powerful man in this area, but his people were the queen's enemies. Yet, the legend says they had fallen in love with each other. Except, he still didn't agree with her reign. She wasn't exactly cruel, but she gave the people too little freedom. And when he could not get her to see reason in any way, he finally saw no other solution than to let her and her whole court and castle sink down into the lake. The legend says he disappeared on the same day, maybe because he could not go on living without her. But," the woman's voice grew excited, this seemed to be her favorite part of the story, "my grandma was convinced that they returned once every one hundred years, and that during their time back in Leskow the queen would always try to regain her old power, while the wizard would try once again to make her see reason. And their struggle can only be resolved when they recognize their love for each other." The man laughed. "That is a great story! Though I wouldn't put it past your grandma to have invented it herself. As far as I remember her, she had quite an imagination, didn't she?" The woman nodded in agreement, as the man continued. "And as far as I know, they never found any indication whatsoever that there used to be a castle here. Neither archaeological finds, nor any mention in old documents. I would suppose the festival has just been named after the legend, if your grandma hasn't come up with all of that by herself. Or they just needed a nice title for the celebration. Sounds much more likely than there being a real castle." His wife nodded again. "You are right, I suppose. But I still like the legend. What's life without stories?" Laughing, the two old people turned away from the poster and walked on, down the street. Laura and Daniel remained alone in front of the little garage wall. Laura took Daniel's hand and smiled up at him. He returned her smile, as they started walking on in the opposite direction of that the old couple had taken. They continued their way towards town, where they knew that Laura's parents were waiting for them, probably preparing a nice meal for dinner -- it was their daughter's eighteenth birthday after all. And they still had a few days of summer vacation left before school started again. They were planning to enjoy those days as best as they could.
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 77, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 218, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 97 }
*A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter. All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead. Incidentally, Literotica calls the Prologue, Chapter 1. So, the Epilogue you see here will be listed as Chapter 20.* *Epilogue* The four sat on the patio of the lodge, reliving the events of twenty-nine years before; events which took place only a mile up the lake in the little cottage, now long gone and replaced by modern condominiums. Sue continued relating the tale of what had taken place that weekend, a subject not discussed by any of them for nearly thirty years. "Remember, after we decided we needed to catch up on things rather than play bridge, Sally and I sat out on the swing on the little porch, talking and finishing off the daiquiris. We started reminiscing about how we used to fool people as to which one of us was which, and wondered if we could still pull it off. Besides Frank, ever since I had heard Sally brag about you, I had fantasized about you." She failed to mention the short peek she snuck of Frank's equipment she had managed in the back seat of the car so long ago, fearing it might upset her husband. "I must admit to having been curious about you too, Ernest", Sally broke in. In the darkness, they didn't observe Ernest's countenance redden, as it was inclined to do years before. But, he could feel the blood rushing to his face. "So," Sue continued. "We decided we'd play a little joke on both of you, and satisfy our fantasies and curiosities at the same time. We were both still on the pill, so we concluded there would be no consequences." "Let's just come out and say it", Sally broke in. "We switched bedrooms on you two that night." Both Frank and Ernest gasped in unison. "It was dark in the bedrooms, and neither of you ever knew the difference" Sally added. "How did you manage that?, Frank asked, still breathless. "You weren't dressed alike. How did you get through the living room, without us noticing?" "We would have noticed you going into the wrong rooms," Ernest added, forming his words with difficulty. "Besides we kissed goodnight!" "As drunk as we were, we thought of that," Sue replied. "We changed clothes out beside the cottage, before we came inside. Then we came inside, kissed the appropriate husband, and went into each other's bedroom. Then, we got undressed, turned out the light and got into bed." "And waited", Sally added, with a giggle. "I must say, I got my money's worth. Frank, you were superb, just as I had always fantasized you'd be," Sue injected. "Sally's a lucky girl - not that I'm complaining." "After all these years, I can say the same thing about you, Ernest. I told Sue the next morning she was a lucky girl indeed." "We're both lucky girls", Sue added. "Although I don't think the term 'girls' describes us any longer. After all, I *am* a grandmother. And, I'm sure it won't be long before Sally is too. But completing the story, the next morning, we talked it over and swore to never do it again." "We also decided we'd never mention it to you guys," Sally added, which we didn't for all these years. But now, after twenty-nine years, and in the spirit of getting together and talking over old times, we've finally broken our oath of silence." "I guess you could say we're finally coming clean," Sue concluded. Frank and Ernest exchanged looks, which, to both sisters seemed odd in the light of the information they had just imparted. They might have expected looks of shock, disbelief or even disgust. But, what they saw was more like relief, even mirth. Frank's reaction didn't seem like him at all. And, the two twin sisters were particularly surprised Ernest would take such news in the manner he was. Moments later, both brothers erupted into uproarious laughter. "What's so damn funny?", Sue inquired as their laughter began to subside. "Yeah, we thought you would be shocked or angry or something, not rolling in the isles," Sally added. "Well," Frank said, finally composing himself. "The joke's on *all* of us." "Whatda mean by that?" Sally asked. "What're you talking about?" Ernest just sat stunned, but Frank pressed on to explain. But first, looking straight at his brother's wife, "I gotta ask. Did you have sex in that bedroom that night?" "Why would you even ask such a question, Frank?" Sue responded. "You know very well we did. And, as I said before, your were superb. Don't tell me, you found me so un-memorable that you have to ask such a question. That's what we set out to do - to sample each other's mate." "And we both did", Sally broke in. "You were delightful, Ernest," she added with a snicker. Frank and Ernest shot each other more looks that the two wives could not interpret. "Frank, you never said anything happened," Ernest said in an almost pleading tone. "I'll remind you that you didn't either, little brother." "You merely said we should never discuss the matter again," Ernest quickly responded. "I was happy to agree." "What are you guys talking about?" Sue asked, showing increasing interest in this developing conversation. "What I'm saying," Frank finally said, "is that Ern and I played the same trick on you, that you played on us that night. We decided you had gotten away with confusing people too many times and the time had come to give you a dose of your own medicine. But, unlike your nefarious plans, we didn't plan to *do* anything - merely sleep. Then, we were going to tell you the next morning that you had slept with the other's husband and didn't even know it." "But when I went into the other bedroom," Ernest broke in, I tried to get into bed very quietly, but I was practically raped. In spite of myself, I couldn't resist. During that past year, after meeting and marrying Sue, all my normal male reactions, I had repressed for a long time, had finally come to the fore. So, in spite of myself, I couldn't help but go along with what was happening, though I knew it was wrong. I thought I was with Sally and I didn't want to admit to Frank the next morning, that I'd had sex with his wife. The memory of that night has haunted me for past twenty-nine years!" Ernest concluded. "I had exactly the same experience," Frank injected. "I wasn't about to tell Ern that Sue and I had actually done anything. I merely said I had changed my mind about telling you two of our little joke the next day. Instead, I advised him that we never speak of it again. I was a little surprised when Ern agreed so readily. But, now I know why. Or maybe, I wasn't surprised. I had to talk him into the whole thing. Shy little brother here, almost backed out at the last minute." "Now, I'm glad I didn't," Ernest broke in. "That means, we're not 'swingers' after all", Sue said. "I've always felt a little guilty about that night too, and now I find I was swinging with my own husband, and sister Sally was doing likewise with hers." "But, think what would have happened if Ern *had* backed out. We *would've* been swingers." "I still can't believe it," Sally responded. "Through all those years, I've always been a little ashamed we did anything like that." I would think about it a little, every time Frank and I made love." "I've thought about it a lot," Ernest said. "I was really upset with myself for actually doing anything like that. But, as I said, I couldn't resist, and I was afraid to say anything. I concluded that I'd never be able to explain why I was in the wrong bedroom. I've been ashamed of myself ever since." "Well, no harm done," Sue said, "except for the varying degrees of guilt all of us have carried all these years. "But, we seemed to have lived through it," added Sally. Between us, there are seven lovely children to prove it" "Say," Sue exclaimed. Since we didn't succeed the first time, want to try again?" "Not a chance," was the chorus of three that met her suggestion. "I didn't think so," she said. "Just kidding. I guess all of us are long past any such antics." Frank and Sally exchanged looks, and started to get up from their chairs. "See you in the morning," Sally announced. "I think Frank and I will head for bed," she added taking her husband by the hand. I don't know what you two are going to do once you get there, sister and brother-in-law dear, but I'm going to take my sexy husband up to our room and fuck his brains out. "Come on, Ernie dear." As he rose from his seat, Ernest blushed.
Double Switch Ch. 19
[ "love story" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 130, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 25 }
Beep... Beep... Beep... The console in front a young humanoid male wolf keep making that sound, he yawned and leaned forward to get a better view the screen. Four screens showed him basically anything that might hit the ship or the ship might encounter. That was a problem with flying in space, there is more than one direction to worry about. Most things that drift through space is just small rock or things that the shields on a ship can deal with, but the thing that tripped the scanners off was something bigger than a rock and was giving off some kind of old distress single. "Michael, please tell me it's not another big metal rock again?" Called a middle man from the captain's chair. Alexander Flint was second in command of the ship. Him, Michael and few others made up the second shift *'Hermes'*. It was an odd name for a ship, but the captain felt that it was more than fitting for a ship like theirs. The crew called themselves privateers, but everyone else called them pirates. "Afraid not sir. It's giving off some sort of distress single." "Do we know who they might be?" "No, sir. It's nothing like what's on file." Michael turn to look over at Alexander waiting to see what they should do. Alexander let out a long sigh and got up to stand next to Michael. His trained eye give the screens a quick glance before tapping his comm badge. "Bridge to transport room 2. Is anyone alive down there?" There was a few seconds before com beep and a rough voice came through. "Oh, yeah. We all died in a horrible explosion." "It's nice to hear you too, James." "What'd be need en?" "I need you transport in an object that is just a little ways in front of the ship. Think you can handled it or do I need to send wolfy down to help you?" Alexander grinned over at Michael as James yelled over the com. "I don't need that mutt down here making a muck of things. Jeez, it be in cargo bay one waiting for ya to take a look." Alexander and James took Michael into their little group as a way to keep the only new guy ever to join the crew in ages safe. They would every now and again give him a hard time, but when it came to the transport. James doesn't even let the captain touch it. Alexander tapped Michael on the shoulder and motion for him to follow. Michael followed behind as they walked down the many hallways and lefts to the cargo hold. It doesn't take long, the ship wasn't the biggest out there. James was standing by the door waiting for him. He was broad shouldered cat morph with a few scars across his face. His hair was a sold shade of gray, he told everyone who asked how old he was that he always had gray hair because his body already knew of the stress he would face ahead of him. The ship records said that he was nearing sixty. He greeted them as the door open for them to walk in. Michael never really like the cargo holds, saying that they always felt like they were thirty degrees colder than the rest of the ship. Everyone else would told him to shut up and that he had a fur coat. The cargo hold was a massive room and right dead middle of the room was a metal object that Michael had found on the scanner. "Is that what I was picking up on?" Michael rush over to the object to look it over. The other two chatted between themselves as they joined him. The object looked like it could hold someone on the inside. It was a kind of round tube with a glass window that was in crusted with ice. As Michael started to study it, there was a steady beeping coming from it before there was a loud hiss and the face that was toward him slowly open up. Inside was a human girl, barely clothed just enough to cover. She had long blond hair that was just past her shoulders, which nicely framed her face. One thing that drew his eyes was a tattoo on her right arm, it was a barcode. He was to focus on that to notice that she was slowly waking up. Michael was wondering if that tattoo might be helpful for something. There was a scream before he found an arm being pressed into his larynx and his back being slammed into a nearby create. "Who and what are you?" Came a sweet and yet mad voice. Michael was kind of taken aback as he realized that it was coming from the girl. "I'm Michael Blackfoot and I'm a wolf." The words were a little muffled due to his air pipe being pressed on. The girl keep her eyes focused on his before she give a little cough and blood landed on his shirt and her sky blue eyes rolled to the back of her head. The weight she had on his larynx was gone as she fell to the floor. Michael eyes grew wide and his fingers tapped at his comm badge. "Michael to Med bay. Need two to beam their directly. Now!" Before Alexander and James could get to him, Michael and the girl were gone in the sparkly light of being transported. They didn't linger in the cargo hold, they turn tail and rush the many decks to get to the medical bay. Michael and the girl reappeared in the middle of med bay. The only doctor on the ship rushed over to them and wasted no time getting the girl on med table. Something came out the side of the table and started to shine a light down on her and the doctor was looking at the screen that was beside the bed. Michael just stood back, knowing better than to be in the way. Last time he was in the way the doctor yelled at him and even after everything was done, the doctor want back to yelling about how it was not safe for him or the patient. The table made a few beeps and the light thing want back into the table. "Is she going to be alright?" Michael made to move closer before the doctor held up a hand to stop him as he grabbed something from the table and jabbed it into the girls arm. The doctor turn around to face Michael. The doctor was about the same age as Alexander, but without the full head of hair. "I assure you. She will be fine, just be glad you got her here when you did." "What do you mean, Doc?" "I will keep it simple for you. She had something we haven't seen in over three hundred years and was in the last stages of the illness. I would say she may have had another thirty minutes before it would have stopped all culler functions. But it was nothing to cure." Doc smiled, happy that he was able to something besides making sure crew didn't lose a limb. Michael was about to ask him something, but Doc cut him off. "It was cured little over a hundred years ago." Michael just nodded his head and looked over to the girl. The tattoo was still bugging him. Why did this girl have one of a barcode? "Doc, do you think you could get me a image of that tattoo on her right arm for me?" Doc glared at him and shocked his head. "Sorry, but I can't do that. If you really need to know more about the girl, just come back when she wakes up." Doc's words were firm and Michael knew there was no way of getting the doctor to change his mind on the matter. Doc said it was something about rights of the patient and that he had to keep any information between them till otherwise give permission from the patient. Without another word, Michael left the Med bay and want back to the cargo bay. On his way he passed Alexander and James. They stopped him and questioned him about what is going on with the girl, he told them the same thing Doc did. They seemed pleased that the girl was doing okay and asked him what he was going to do now that his stiff was over. In fact his stiff was over with about fifteen minutes ago. Michael told him that he was going to give the thing that the girl was in another look over before he took a nap. The rest of the trip to the cargo bay was uneventful. He was kind of glad that there wasn't anyone else there to bug him while he tried to find out more. The tube thing was still standing in the middle of the room with the door open. At a closer look there was what looked like writing on the sides, but they were too faded to read. The inside where the girl had been, it had a look of what some of the really older cryo tubes just with a few things that didn't match up. Michael had a few ideas of what this is, but he really wouldn't know for sure till the girl woke back up. The tube she was in was kind of banged up and with everything he had looked at, there wasn't much to look at now. A yawn escaped his snot and with nothing better to do, he made his way back to his room for a quick little nap. &- Michael's ears twitched a bit as there was a light beeping sound. He let out a loud groan and tapped his comm badge that was on his night stand. "Michael here." There was a few seconds of silence before the steady voice of Doc came. "Hello, Michael. I hope your nap was a restful one." "It was till you called Doc. What's the news on the girl?" "I'm happy to inform you that she is awake." "I'll be there in a few. Thanks for the update." Michael jumped out of bed and as he rushed out his room he grabbed his ship jacket. Getting back to the Med bay took a little longer due to the number of the crew that was busy doing their own jobs on the ship. The doc turned around as Michael walked in. The girl was seated at a table with a cup of water in front of her. She looked a little better from few hours ago and she one of the spare cloths Doc keep for anyone. She looked up and her eyes grew wide and fall out of her seat trying to back away from Michael. "Get away from me!" There was fear in her voice. This caused Michael to blink a few times. The girl who have him pinned to a create not that long ago, was not backing away from him in fear. Before Michael could try to calm the girl down, Doc has started to push him out of the room. "I believe it would be best if you step outside for a bit." Doc give one last shove and the door slammed shut before Michael could even protest. He stood outside the door for what felt like a lifetime. Michael had taken a seated position by the door and fallen asleep. The door whooshed open and Doc looked down at the sleeping wolf. "Michael, may we have a moment before you enter?" Doc asked, but Michael knew better than to take it as one. When Doc asked for a moment to talk, he was telling you. So he just nodded his head to Doc as he got back to his feet. "I had a talk with our captain and his second about what should be done with the girl." "And what did they say?" "They would like you to question the girl and be guide till she is accustomed to the ship and her new life." Doc smiled and moved out of the way for Michael to walk in. Michael give a sigh and walked in. He guessed this was his chance to learn something about the girl and maybe why she had that tattoo on her arm for. The girl was still at the table she was at before. She looked kind of paler than before, Doc must have told her about what the year was and informed her about the current standings of things. If just judging off the cryo pod. That girl missed out on a lot more than what Doc can tell her about. Michael took the seat on the other side of the table, he really didn't want to get pinned to a wall this time. The girl looked up at him, this time her eyes didn't have fear in them like the last time, but shock. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked in hope of breaking the ice and to show her that someone besides Doc was worried about her. "Yeah and thank you for asking." She give him a weak smile. "That is good to hear. I'm guessing that Doc filled you in on few things?" Michael would have tried to smile, but thing about having a snot is that when you smile, all your time are shown. And he thought that might be a little much for her to deal with. "That he did. Is it really the year three thousand four hundred eighty-six?" "Afraid so. Can I asked you something real fast?" He asked and she just nodded. "What year were you frozen in?" There was a long pause before she could answer his question. "It was sometime late twentyne twentyne. They told me it would keep me alive till a cure could be found. No one told of sending the dang thing into space." She kind of looked to the side of the room and glared at someone who wasn't there. "Wow that was way back before the first official cryo tubes want into use for long space travel." His face showed a little sign of pain as he mentally slapped himself as he never asked the girl her name. The girl let out a little giggle and smiled at him, it was one of those 'it's okay, you just forget one important thing first' smiles. "You know my name, but I never got your name." "Maire Dawn, Mr. Blackfoot." She held out her hand and wait for him to shake it. He gently grabbed her hand and give it a light shake. "It's pleasure to meet you under better conditions." "It is. So the captain of the ship and his first officer has asked me to a few question to understand how you came to be on our ship. And I have been also tasked me with being your guide. I hope that is okay with you." Michael tried to sit up straight in the chair and have his jacket look decent. He wanted have a look that the captain would be proud of, but at the same time something else made him to look nice for the girl. "I didn't think that a wolf would be this well shy or I guess I shouldn't have guessed anything at all. Cause I never knew a talking wolf till today. But back to your question. I'm fine with you asking me stuff and being my guild." Her face turned a little red as she felt like she was rambling a little too much. She was in the same boat as Michael. Something in the back of her mind told her to just keep talking. The silence was going from 'this happens from time to time' to 'someone needs to talk right now'. Michael was the first one to talk, he started to ask her basic questions from what kind of job she had to where she lived before getting frozen. He found out that she was a college dropout, lived alone in some place called Florida, back on Earth. He did his best not to ask questions about friends or family, to him it was still kind of soon for her to deal with realizing that everyone she had loved is gone and have been so for a very long time. Maire started to go into detail about how her family started traveling across the country before she was frozen. After what felt like her life's story, Michael could see tears slowly run down her cheeks. He moved a hand to wipe the tears away from her face. She give a little sniff and smiled up at him. "Thank you. I really mean it." "Think nothing of it. You just woke up not that long ago in a world you have no clue what is going on." Michael jumps out of his seat and holds out a hand. "Let's go for a walk. Sitting and talking is too formal for my liking." She took his hand and got up from her seat. "And walking just might do you some good." Their little walk around the ship a good idea. It give Maire a chance to start using her legs again and to see the place she will living on for a while. There were spots where he would point to something and explain what it was and what it did for the ship. The conversation started out her asking him questions about the ship to them talking about more personal things. Once things to tell each other was over, Michael tried a few jokes and Maire did laugh at them. He never thought that he would have this nice of time with some girl found floating in space for years behind what Michael felt like counting. He chalked it up to life just being random. Maire let out a yawn and Michael checked his watch. It was getting late and he still needed to find out where Maire was going to sleeping. Giving his comm quick little tap. "Michael to Captain Whitetip or Alexander. I have Miss. Dawn here needing a room. Where can I guide her to sleep for the night?" There was a little static as he waited for either of them to respond. "This is Captain Whitetip. I been thinking this over and talked it over with Alexander. And we agreed that you are a grown puppy and would be fined for her to sleep in your cabin till we can find a more permanent room for her." The amused tone of the captain caused Michael's eyes twitched and let out a sigh. "Okay, Captain. I will get her settled in before I come on for my shi..." He was cut off as Captain cleared his throat. "Your shift started a few hours ago. I don't think it would be fair for Miss. Higgs to leave after taking over your shift. So take the day off and help Miss. Dawn feel more at home. Have a nice day, puppy." There was a chuckle before the comm cut out. Next to him Maire was tried to hide a giggle, but it wasn't really working out for her. "Puppy?" "They call me that cause of my youthful appearance?" He tried to say with a straight face. Maire giggled and leaned on him. "I guess I should take you to our room." Michael started to lead the way to his or now their room. He kind of understand why the captain told him to share a room with her. Their walk to his room was cut short as the ship give a violent shake that caused Michael and Maire to lose their balance. The lights in the corridor dim and the red warning lights started to flash. The ship shacked again and what sounded like an explosion happen somewhere. The warning system started to inform crew to make their way to a nearby safety seats. Michael grabbed Maire and started to pull her hard down the corridor as fast as he could. His head turned left and right in attempt to find safety seats for them. The world around him become a blur as his heart started to race. Space was a wonderful place to be, but it has drawbacks like anything. With chance of flying through some rocks ranging in size from peas to things a little smaller than a moon. As they round into a new corridor, there was one safety seat and Michael almost throw Maire into the seat. Once he was sure that she secured into the seat, his worst fears started to come true. The captain's voice came over the ship wide comm. "We have had brush with a large asteroid field and have suffered heavy damage and need to make an emergency landing on the nearby class M planet. Please find a safety seat and get ready for a rough landing." As the message ended the ship started to shudder and Michael could feel the temperature slowly rise. Maire looked up at Michael as he pulled down what she thought was an air breather like what was on planes. The new air that came to her was cold and crisp to her lungs. The look she seen on Michael's face was something she would never forget. His eyes shown fear, but the rest of him was calm and collect. She guessed that he was putting on a brave face for her. She knew that she was scared and didn't know if she was going to die. Tears started to roll down her face, but before they could make it halfway down her face, something warm lightly touched and removed the tears. Maire looked up and seen Michael smiling at her. That smile told her so much, it told her that everything is going to be alright. There was a loud bang and the sound of metal being ripped off. The last thing she remembered before the world went black, the wall behind Michael was ripped open to the blue sky. The wind in the corridor became so strong that it started to sting parts of her face. Not having anything to really hold on to, Michael was stuck out the hole, Maire could still his face as he was pulled out, it had that smile. As she screamed for him, something came down the corridor and bashed her in the side of the head. The last thought she had was, *'Why? Was I not meant to be saved? Did he pay the price for me to live?" A single tear ran down her face as her body was tossed around in the safety seat.
A short Time by Kyanite Skydiamond
[ "Canine", "Female", "Human", "Humanoid", "Male", "Near Future", "Sci-Fi", "Space", "Trouble", "Wolf" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 48, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 275, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 51 }
Coyote and Rabbit part 2 copyright by me, DBJ Use for commercial use is prohibited. Coyote soon walked off, after getting off with Rabbit. He was looking for a female now. He thought of some of the creatures he saw earlier, and decided to try to see if he could trick one of them into sleeping with him. He soon came upon the beach, and was looking for the female rabbit he saw earlier. He soon spotted her, with another and approached her. "Hi. Great day today isn't it?" Coyote asked. "Yes it is," the rabbit replied, looking up at Coyote's buff body, thinking "Holy cow, what a hunk!!". "So, are you with anyone? Want to go for a swim?" Coyote asked. "My aren't we bold. If you must know, I am single, and I would love to go swimming with you" she replied. "My name is Patricia. What's yours?" "You can call me Fred." "Okay, Fred. Nice to meet you. Let's go." Patricia responded. They soon went into the water, and started swimming around, boasting who was the better swimmer. "I bet you can't swim all away towards those woods," Coyote pointed. "Ha. I can swim there and back before you know it. What do you wager?" Patricia replied. "At last," Coyote thought. "Now's my chance to see if she'll go for it." "How about the loser gets to perform whatever sexual act they desire." "My, feeling horny are we? Well, I don't know, my Mother wouldn't approve of this. She's old fashioned. But what she doesn't know won't kill her, especially if you use a condom." Pat said. "Okay you're on. Let's go." She started to swim off towards the woods, before Coyote had a chance to react. He quickly caught up with her, and then stroked harder to get ahead of her. She cursed as Coyote went by, trying to catch up. She reached the shore, just as Coyote turned around to go back to their starting point. They quickly were head to head, but Coyote had an inch or so ahead of her. "Damn, you're fast. Guess I lost, and I'll have to live up to my end of the bargain." Pat said. "Okay, when do you want to do it?" Coyote asked. "How about now? My mother won't be back for some time, as she's visiting some friends of hers at a camp site down the road.," she says, thinking "I can't wait to see what he looks like down there, if what I heard about Coyote's are true, then I'm in for a treat." "Well, let's go some where we'll have privacy." They soon left to go towards a small cottage deep in the woods. As they neared, they saw some other "couple" leave the cottage, a male bear and a male human. "Well. It looks like we're not the only ones who know about this place," Pat said. "hmm..." Coyote murmured. "Oh well, at least we'll have it to our selves now." They soon entered, and Coyote noticed Pat began to undress from her bikini. Coyote stood still, stunned by the beauty that he saw. Her breasts were pretty big, and she had a cunt that was one to die for. He howled softly as she turned around so he could see her tight ass. "What a bod." Coyote said. "Thanks. Now it's your turn to show me yours." Pat said. "Allright, but don't forget who's in charge here," Coyote said as he dropped his pants to reveal his 10" dick. "Woah! I hope that doesn't impale me in half," said Pat. "Heh. Don't worry. I'll try not to hurt you too much." "Shall we get started?" Coyote asked. "I want you to simply lay down on your back, while I explore your body, and then get on all fours when I tell you." She soon laid back, as Coyote began to suck on her nipples. He then moved his tongue down to her belly, and soon her pussy. He licked it and parted the lips to send his tongue in deep. Pat gasped with pleasure as Coyote explored her clit. "Ohhh. That feels so good. Don't stop," she moaned. Coyote then told her to get on all fours, and he lifted her tail up to sniff her ass. He then started to lick it as well, while stroking his throbing member to hardness. He soon couldn't stand it, and started to hump her. He soon positioned himself over her puckered hole, and started to push himself past her anal ring. Pat soon groaned as she felt Coyote pushing his dick up her ass. He soon panted and grunted as he temped up his thrusts in and out of her ass. He soon growled as he spurted his seed into her ass, and as she felt him cumming, she climazed as well all over his paw as he played with her clit. They soon cuddled in the afterglow, and Pat said, "Now it's my turn." She pushed Coyote back onto his back, and started to suck his dick, which soon became hard again. She then started to mount him, placing his dick into her pussy. She started to clench her cervix tight, and moved up and down on his pole. Both soon gasped and panted with sweat as both started to cum again. Afterwards, they cuddled again, thanking each other for the "quickie" they gave each other. They got dressed and left the cottage, to return to the beach. "Well, that was amazing," Coyote said. "Yes. We'll have to get together again sometime," Pat replied. They soon parted their own ways, before giving each other a quick kiss and exchanging phone numbers and e-mail addresses. The End...
coyote and pat by dbj_rab
[ "Coyote", "M/F", "Rabbit", "Straight" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 38, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 97, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 18 }
Henry, or Pop as he liked everyone to call him, sat down at the breakfast table to enjoy one of life's few pleasures left, a fresh cup of Joe and the morning paper. He was already pissed because the state took away his drivers license, and his freedom. Now he had to take the god-damned train to come visit his son and daughter in law. A scowl crossed his face. A few seconds later young yawning Jennifer Bracken padded into the kitchen. Pop always liked her. Bright, pretty, and energetic. She often reminded him of his late wife when they were first married. Even dressed in a pair of old flannel pajamas and half-closed eyes she radiated youthful beauty. His frown quickly changed to a smile as she shot him a quick 'Morning Pop!' and headed directly to the coffee maker. She poured herself a cup and they chatted for a few minutes about the weather and other mundane issues. When she asked him if he needed a refill he nodded. Then something happened that turned his life upside down. When she leaned over to pour his coffee the neckline of her pajamas hung very low. Now, only inches away from his eye hung Jennifer's creamy white breasts. Not just cleavage, but everything including her puffy pink nipples. For the five or so seconds the vision lasted he couldn't pull his eyes away. When she stood up he knew she must have caught him staring and started turning red faced. But Jennifer just rubbed her eyes, put back the pot and headed out of the kitchen saying how she had to shower and dress for work. For the first time in many months, Pop's cock started to get hard. At 67, Pop had long lost his sex drive. He hadn't had sex since his wife past 10 years earlier. In his only opportunity since then he had failed, losing his erection the moment he saw his 65 yearld girlfriend's wrinkled old body. But now he suddenly felt hard as a rock. Jennifer closed her bedroom door and started the shower. She stripped off her pj's and lay naked on the bed. She was so wet she just had to rub her clit for just a few minutes. For 8 years she had been the devoted girlfriend and then wife to Mark, sharing her thoughts and body only with him. Now, in the span of a week she had allowed a teenager to voyeur, drug and rape her while his older brother showered her face with cum and fucked her in the ass. And just minutes ago she let her elderly father-in-law get a close up look at her titties. Did he like what he saw? Would he want to see more? Would he have dirty thoughts about her? She came hard, suppressing her moans as best she could. Fifteen minutes after Jennifer drove off to work Pop was already stroking himself. The image of Jennifer's hanging breasts were entrenched in his mind. She never even realized the free show she had given him. For the first time since Mark brought home the budding 18 yearld Jennifer he tried to picture her completely naked. Shortly a thick stream of white cum began to flow slowly out of his rejuvenated cock. At work, Jennifer again fought against her fantasy. Again she would lose. Other than work, her only distraction was to watch her manager Lou trying to grab peeks at any nearby female. She discovered one of his favorite tricks. He would often go to the desk of a female employee and stand behind her while pointing out work on the desk. His eye always, without fail, would be focused on looking down her shirt. He spoke with her often but couldn't remember if he had ever tried with her. She knew he would be around again soon. When she thought of how unexpectantly successful he would be she smiled. Later that day she received a call from Mark. It looked like he would finally be moving back to days again. He would, however, have to go out of town until next Monday for final training. He apologized for leaving her stuck with his dad. He also asked if she could drop him at the train station on Friday as he had to meet with his estate lawyers and just maybe pick him up again Saturday. Noting his apologetic tone she eased his mind with an agreeable response. After hanging up her thoughts returned to Pop. She almost laughed out loud when she thought of his beat red face. Mark was already gone when Jennifer got home, but Pop greeted her with a smile and dinner already made. Jennifer smiled back and replied that she had a tough day and wanted to take a long steaming hot shower and get changed. She had already planned to leave the door open a crack. Even with only one inch open you could still get a nice view of the shower. She had also set the video camera under some clothes pointed at the door. She had to know if he was watching. As she showered she imagined him watching her and had to fight the urge to slide her fingers inside herself. Since masturbating that morning Pop felt regret and shame. He decided to make dinner for her and shake off the dirty images that he had conjured. His orgasm took a lot out of him and he hadn't had a sexual thought all day since. That is until Jennifer had to mention a 'steaming hot shower'. The images returned. A few minutes later he decided he 'needed' to get something from his room. As he slowly made his way up the steps he could hear the shower running. When he got to the top he couldn't help but glance left towards Jennifer's slightly open bedroom door. He stared at the crack for a moment. He hoped the shower would turn off and erase what he was thinking. It didn't. Pop found himself shuffling slowly towards the door. When he reached the door he carefully peered through the crack. He could see the bathroom and then the shower. Young Jennifer was inside sudsing herself up. Although the shower door was slightly opaque he could certainly make out all her naked parts. His cock grew hard for the second time that day. Pop stood transfixed watching his own daughter in law naked in the shower. He wished the glass was clearer. He wished he was in there with her. Ten minutes later, behind a closed and locked door Jennifer brought herself to another silent orgasm. There he was, captured on video peeking through the door getting an eyeful of her. When she thought of the thrill he must have gotten she came again. She couldn't help but wonder if he would fuck her if he got the chance. She began to wonder how she might give him that chance. She dressed in a pair of short cutffs and a tight tee shirt and spent the rest of the evening playing the naive tease. The next morning as Jennifer got downstairs Pop quickly finished his coffee. She yawned and politely asked him if he needed a refill. She poured herself one and came over to refill Pop, giving him his free show at the same time. She then went on to explain how bad she slept with Mark out of the house. Pop suggested some sleepeeze or something. She shook her head no, then with a laugh added "I don't know, maybe. Its just that they knock me out like a light. I'll stop by the drug store on the way home." She didn't have to put the video camera out when she showered, she knew he was watching. When Jennifer got to work she was disappointed that Lou was not in today. She had found a shirt that would gap nicely. "Lou missed a good show today" she sighed to herself. The day wasn't a total loss as she managed to give the UPS boy a nice view when she leaned over to sign for a package. Her thoughts turned to Pop. She had his attention all right. She thought about the tree fort and him looking in the window but knew in his frail state he would never be able to climb it. She looked at the package of Sleepeeze she bought on lunch break. If Pop wanted to get any better look at her, it was going to be up close. Jennifer thought something else. From now on she was only going to pretend to be asleep. She knew she could pull it off. She only wished she could have been awake when Jake had fucked her. Her panties were soaking wet now. She wondered how someday she could get him to fuck her without him knowing who she was, perhaps Halloween. Jennifer decided to leave work early as it was a gorgeous hot summer day outside. She also figured to throw on her new tiny bikini and soak up some sun. Maybe she could get Pop worked up enough to do a little night visiting. Pop couldn't believe his eyes when Jennifer came out onto the deck wearing a very revealing bikini. He tried to act casual as she plopped in the lounge chair and began to oil herself up. He chatted idly about various things and pretended to be engrossed in his magazine. He knew with his dark sunglasses that she wouldn't be able to tell he was staring at her. When she mentioned about getting a sleep aide his mind began turn. Would she really be out like a light? He watched sweat begin to bead on her body. It trickled down between her breasts. "Not too big", he thought, "not too small, just perfect little peaches". He already knew she had puffy little nipples. He loved that. He loved her petite little hands too, they would feel so good wrapped around his cock. Jennifer knew he was watching her intensely. She wished she knew what he was thinking. Closing her eyes she began to think of what outfit she could wear for work tomorrow. Big Lou might just see a side of 'Ms Ivory Snow' he never saw before. Lou was a large black man who seemed to be interested only in young white girls. She wondered if Lou had ever managed to nail any of the seemingly endless parade pretty young interns. She thought of his large black body on top of an innocent beauty. She thought of Lou on top of her. Jennifer felt like such a slut and she loved it. Evening rolled around and when Jennifer took her shower she closed the door so Pop couldn't watch. "All part of the big tease" she thought. She put on a pair of baggie but cute pjshorts and a tank top and went downstairs. Together Pop and Jennifer watched a few lame sitcoms before Jennifer announced she was headed to bed. She walked over to the kitchen counter and got her purse. Pulling out some things she announced, "Okay, I got my pills and my nightmask. Now I'm ready for some serious Z's". Pop laughed. She pretended to swallow some pills with a drink. Her hand was shaking with nervousness. Before heading up she snuck herself a glass of wine to take off the edge. Jennifer slipped into bed and tried to find the perfect seductively innocent pose. She lay on her back her left hand off the side of the bed, her tanktop pulled up slightly revealing her belly. She pulled up the sheet so it only covered one leg, the other exposed with the shorts hiked up a bit. She then pulled on her sleep mask and waited. Would the gentle old man really come visit? Perhaps he would just look through the door. She closed her eyes and waited for the creaking of the top step. About forty five minutes later she heard it. She had almost fallen asleep. Laying motionless she listened intently. She knew he must be looking by now. The wine had given her a nice warm buzz and was the only thing keeping her from jumping up when he knocked on the door. He called her name a few times in an innocent fashion. She then heard the door creak ever so slightly is he opened it. Jennifer's mind raced "Oh my god, here we go". A rush of blood streaked through her body. "What the hell am I doing?" Pop thought to himself as he entered the room. He already had a pertinent question lined for Jennifer if she woke up. He walked up to the bed and called her name again. He waited for her to wake up and respond. She didn't. He couldn't believe how gorgeous she looked on the bed, her belly exposed, one magnificent leg uncovered. His son was so lucky to be able to climb on that body whenever he wanted. He shook her shoulder gently. Nothing. His cock had been hard since he decided to come up twenty minutes ago. Jennifer's head just lulled to one side as he shook her shoulder a little harder. He called her name louder. Five minutes of name calling and soft shaking provoked no response. He shook her shoulder one last time but this time he left his hand there. Pretending to be out seemed to be quite easy. Jennifer only hoped he wouldn't tickle her. He didn't. She wondered why he left his hand on her shoulder. She didn't wonder long as she felt it slowly slide down her chest until he was gently cupping her breast. The old man was copping a feel of his daughter in laws titty. She now knew that he would never forget this night. When Pop felt her breast he almost came in his pants. He knew how oh so wrong this was but it felt so goddamn good. He felt her nipple stiffen under the thin material. His hand slid to her other breast and he fondled it until its nipple became stiff as well. Then with two hands her carefully grabbed the bottom edge of her shirt and slowly pulled it upwards. Unconsciously his crotch pressed against her hand. Now, bathed in the light from the hallway her bare breasts glistened. Jennifer heard the unmistakable sound of pants unbuttoning and falling to the ground. His warm hand then returned to her bare breast and began kneading it. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. Then, his hand gripped her breast firm but gentle and she could feel a rocking motion to his body. He let out a low moan and she knew he was stroking himself. Suddenly, without realizing it, she moved her right hand down to her crotch grabbing the bottom of her shorts. She hadn't meant to do that but she had instinctively wanted to rub herself. Pop stopped stone cold. He stood frozen, his left hand still clutching her breast his right clutching his cock. Was she waking up? He stood still for a full two minutes until he felt that it was just an unconscious movement. While he stood he did notice how her hand had hiked up her shorts even more. Slowly he let go of her breast, reached down her body and delicately lifted the loose pant leg. When he saw her neatly trimmed bush he let out a whispered "Wow!". If he hadn't have jacked off early that morning he would have blow his load right then and there. Jennifer felt Pop expose her pussy and then start to stroke himself again. She wanted to see so bad but was glad she had on the mask as she surely would have peeked. She also knew that seeing his wrinkled old body would turn her off so she relaxed and waited for whatever came next. Pop couldn't imagine what would happen if his son were to walk in right now and see him leaning over his unconscious wife. Just a few more minutes and he would shoot his load on the floor and he would be out of there with a great memory. Perhaps tomorrow when he went home he would bring back a camera. Slowly he lowered his left hand onto her bush, his right hand returning to her tits. He inched in closer to the bed so that his cock rested in her open hand. He closed his eyes as he cupped her warm cunt, massaged her puffy nipples and rubbed his cock on her petite little hand. Maybe he would cum on her arm. Jennifer moved again, spreading her legs slightly. Pop could now feel her lips part and he felt a wetness he never knew before. He slipped his finger in her. His finger felt so good inside her. She moaned slightly and whispered "Oh Marky". At the same time she let her fingers wrap around Pop's cock. It was short and stiff. She knew where Mark had inherited his 4 and half inches from. Pop was even smaller. She didn't care. Pop was scared now. Jennifer was in a state of semi-consciousness and she thought he was Mark. He almost decided to leave but her hand had a grip on his cock. He didn't move except that his finger kept moving slowly in and out of her pussy. He watched as she began to breath a little heavier. He began to hump her hand. Jennifer knew he was about to shoot his load on her arm. She wanted to give him a greater thrill than that. If he was going to get away with molesting his daughter in law he should have the royal treatment. She licked her lips. Pop heard "So good Marky" come from her lips as her hand clasped over his. She pushed his fingers further inside her. Then he watched transfixed as she shifted her body towards him and took his cock into her mouth. Never in all his 67 years had a woman suck him. Ss the warmth of her mouth surrounded his cock he knew what he had been missing. He felt her tongue swirl around the head of his cock and an intense orgasm began to well up within. Jennifer forced his clumsy fingers onto her clit and began to cum. She sucked hard on his small cock, her tongue masturbating him with a steady rhythmic motion. She felt Pop spasm and let out a loud grunt. A small amount of warm cum flowed into her mouth. Pop felt his knees buckle as he began to cum. It felt as though she was sucking it right out of him. He was surprised by his own loud grunt but Jennifer seemed oblivious to it. One last shiver sent his last drop into her mouth. Slowly he pulled his already deflating cock from her lips. She had stopped moving, laying her head back down and releasing her grip on his hand. Pop stood and watched her for a few minutes as she seemed to be in a deep relaxing sleep. He carefully pulled the sheet up over her. Shortly after Pop closed the bedroom door Jennifer slid her fingers deep inside. She knew Pop would have his little cock in her cunt before the weekend was out. She imagined him pounding her with a monster cock, dumping loads of cum within her. She could still taste his cumm. An intense orgasm ripped through her body. She wanted to scream. In the morning Jennifer took her time getting dressed. It was Friday dress-down day at work. She finally settled on a white tennis shirt and some cute shorts. For the first time she thought about going braless. In the mirror she decided the thick white material pretty well hid that fact. That is, unless you were looking down from above. Pop was way too nervous to face Jennifer in the morning. He avoided the morning coffee and only spoke when it was time to leave. He was incredibly relieved by Jennifer's jovial mood. She was totally oblivious to what had happened last night. As they drove to the train station he watched her lips as she spoke. He tried not to picture how they looked as they were wrapped around his cock. Although the vision would never leave him, he would bring back a camera as he knew he would have to have her again. Jennifer settled into work and tried to get stuff done despite all the thoughts roaming through her head. She could now add 'sucking off a senior citizen' to her bad girl list and wondered if soon she could add 'letting a black man gawk at her titties' to it. Lou would be in shortly and hopefully she would have her answer. Lou came in around ten. He loved dress down day as it usually meant the young interns would wear tight tee-shirts or something similar to entice his imagination. He scanned the room as he made his way to the office. He knew his smiling greetings easily covered his lecherous thoughts. As he entered his office he noticed Jennifer's legs out of the corner of his eye. She was engrossed in some work so didn't realize he was looking at her. He sat at his desk and thought of Ms Jennifer 'Ivory Snow' Bracken. He couldn't remember her ever wearing shorts before. He would definitely have to get a closer look. Although he liked them under twenty years old he loved her innocent naive quality she had. She was always proper and never gave peeps of what was underneath. He peeked around the corner at her again, this time noting the open buttons on her shirt. He searched his desk for a reason to stop at her desk. Jennifer had a feeling that Lou was watching her but was still shocked that it was only five minutes after his arrival that he was heading towards her desk. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. She smiled and meekly greeted him. Lou returned her greeting and set some papers on her desk. As her gaze turned to the papers his turned to her tanned legs. He admired them for a moment before pointing out some questionable numbers from another employee on the pages. He watched her nose crinkle as she thought about the problem. He adjusted himself behind her slightly and leaning over her shoulder suggested looking at the other papers. As she scribbled some numbers Lou looked down. It was more than he could have hoped for. Not only wasn't Jennifer wearing a bra but he could see most of her creamy white breast. Leaning over a bit further he watched as her puffy pink nipple came into view. Jennifer finished her corrections and handed the papers back to him. She apologized for her fellow employee and asked Lou to not be too hard on them. She smiled sweetly and Lou agreed. He thanked her for her keen eye and asked if he could come back later with some other questionable work. Five times during the day Lou returned to Jennifer's desk and five times did he get more than an eyeful of her pert little titties. Jennifer couldn't wait to get home to rub herself off. Something better came up. Around four o'clock talk of going to El Coyote for marguerites went around. When the girls came around to her desk Jennifer thought it was a great idea after all she'd have all night to think about Pop jamming his little cock inside her. Jennifer had a great time at El Coyotes with most of the work crowd arriving. She had a few drinks but knew her limits. She also noticed that Lou had joined the party at some point but was a few tables away. After an hour or so to crowd peetered out with most leaving to go home to their families. Lou had ended up not only at her table, but right next to her. He even made it a point to praise her on her work that day making her blush. Lou kept an eye on Jennifer as they continued to drink. His interest peaked when someone asked if her hubby had gotten his new job and she replied that he was still away on training until Monday. He thought of her naked, all alone in her bed. How he would love to suck on her titties. He knew, however that she was totally faithful to her hubby and never showed the least bit of interest in any of the male co-workers, least of all him. Still, he wished for one last look down her shirt. Jennifer note the attention Lou was giving her but played it off in her own naive way. She wasn't sure where this was leading but it was getting interesting. She already knew how easy it would be to get Lou to fuck her but just bringing him home and 'cheating' just wouldn't do. She'd have to pull it off in her own 'special' way. She started to act drunker than she really was. One of the men ordered a round of tequila shots for everyone. Jennifer managed to secretly spit that one back into her own drink. She was already partly wasted and knew a shot or two would take out her of control. She managed to fake many a drink. By six o'clock the party had whittled down to four people, Lou, Jennifer and a married couple. They were all laughing, especially at Jennifer's slurred words and drink spilling. Lou ordered a last round of shots for the road. He was amazed at how much the young wife could drink. When Lou went to the bathroom the couple suggested that Jennifer should call a cab but Jennifer, showing new signs of sobriety talked them out of it. Lou joined them again and they all headed out the door. The couples car was right out front and they said their good-byes. As Jennifer and Lou headed around the corner to the back lot Jennifer again became 'unstable' on her feet. When they reached Jennifer's car she had a laughing fit when she couldn't get her keys in the door lock. When Lou sternly told her that he would give her a lift home she agreed. It was working out perfectly. Although her house was less than ten minutes away Jennifer pretended to fall asleep in Lou's car. Lou looked at Jennifer asleep in the seat next to him. He thought of how easily it would be to reach over and grab her tit. He would give anything right now to fuck her. His cock began to grow hard in his pants. Evil thoughts ran rampant though his mind. When they arrived at her home Jennifer 'allowed' herself to wake up just enough to have Lou help her inside the house. She plopped down on the couch and asked him if he could get her a glass of ice water. As he went into the kitchen she lay back on the couch and closed her eyes. She had drank far more than she intended to and could have easily fallen asleep. So far none of her 'men' had failed to take advantage of her. She hoped Lou would be just as sleazy. Lou wasn't surprised to find Jennifer snoozing on the couch when he got back to the room. He knew how totally wasted she was. He set the glass down and called her name but got no response. He stood over her and shook her shoulders. Her eyes opened briefly in an unfocused gaze. Lou stood back and took the whole situation in. There on the couch was a pretty petite white gal who was lost to the world. She had kicked off her sandals and he got a good look at her tanned bare legs. Lou recalled the creamy whiteness of her breasts and longed to see the same contrast of her tan outlining her pussy. Regaining composure for just a moment and decided to go about the house to lock the doors and make sure no one was home. He was back at the couch in less than two minutes. "Okay Ivory Snow your time has come." The words hit Jennifer hard and she felt herself get instantly wet. A moment later she felt his two hands roughly groping her tits. She knew this wasn't going to be slow motion like it was with Pop. Lou kneeled next to the couch to get better access to the beauty. It took only a moment more before he had her shirt pulled up over her tits. He sighed approval and began to massage them. His cock began to grow uncomfortable in his pants so while his hands went to his zipper to release his 'beast', his mouth went to her chest. He savored the taste of her puffy nipples and grinned when they started to get hard. He gently bit on one of them and heard her whimper in her sleep. Jennifer was amazed at how little time Lou wasted. Still with her eyes closed she swooned when he sucked on her nipples. She felt him kiss down her belly to her shorts. She knew what was coming next. Lou stood up and took off his pants and his shirt and stood naked in front of her. He stroked his cock a few times and then leaned over and unzipped her shorts. He then got down on the couch at her feet and slowly worked off her shorts. He stood up again, tossed her shorts on the floor and admired her. He loved what he saw. Young Jennifer lie totally exposed, her one foot on the floor, her other on the arm of the couch, legs spread nicely. Kneeling down in front of her he headed hungrily to her pussy, diving in tongue first. Jennifer's hips began to move uncontrollably as the long tongue invaded her. She felt orgasms begin to build and almost decided to 'wake up' but thought better of it. She heard his mumblings of how sweet her pussy was along with other assorted four letter words. She was just about to cum when she felt his tongue lick and probe her ass. As he entered her virgin ass she began to buck and cum on his face. Lou laughed. "You're so fucking drunk you have no idea you're about to be raped." But she knew, and her body quivered at the thought. She wanted so bad to open her eyes and look at the cock that was about to pummel her. Lou kneeled on the couch between her legs. He stroked his cock as he stared at the sleeping beauty. He leaned in and placed the head of his large black cock against her white pussy. He smiled at Jennifer's breathless gasp as it slowly disappeared within her. There was nothing Lou liked better than the snug wetness of a tiny white girl. His cock now deeply embedded inside he gently grabbed her tiny ankles and lifted them to his shoulders. His powerful arms moved to her sides as her legs were bent back and spread. He began pumping. Jennifer had never ever felt anything like that before. She could barely keep from screaming when he entered stretching her as none before. When he spread her legs and began pumping it felt like a dream. "If only your husband could see you now", Lou whispered between breaths. His sweat now dripping down on her chest as he continued pumping. For a time the only sound to be heard was Jennifer's gasps, Lou's grunts and the loud rhythmic slapping of flesh. The pace suddenly quickened. Lou leaned over her completely now pressing his face into the cushion beside her head. His hands slid down under her ass and began to pull her up as he rammed down into her. "Time to fill you up girl". He fucked harder and faster. With his head next to her in the cushion Jennifer allowed herself to peek. Leaning her head to the side she could see the reflection in the glass of the stereo. She saw the large black body that enveloped her, her seemingly tiny legs that shook with each pounding. She began to come again. So did he. Grunting loudly he grabbed her ass hard he pulled himself deep inside as his cum flowed in to her. He slowed. He felt her cunt tighten around him and his body quivered, his twitching cock spurting out its last drops. Jennifer felt his heavy body lift off of her as he pulled out. She hung her head to the side and she continued to feign a drunken stupor. As his cock left her she felt an emptiness. Again she considered waking and having him fuck her all night long. She could feel his cum begin to run out of her. She wondered what he would do next, perhaps even carry her up to her bed. Lou stood next to the couch and stared down at her. Cute innocent white girl, so prim and proper laying there legs spread wide as a thick white stream of cum drip out of her gapping pussy and onto the couch. He whispered a single word, "Priceless." He looked at his watch and sighed. "Damn bitch 'ill be wondering about me, best be gettin home now." He got dressed and then clumsily dressed Jennifer best he could. She couldn't help but giggle sleepily from his touch as he took a blanket from the rocking chair and covered her up. She snuggled into a comfortable position. In the kitchen he scribbled a brief note apologizing for letting her get so drunk and offered to pick her up the next day to get her car. Later, in his car he chided himself for not sticking his cock in her mouth. Then he laughed to himself as he knew she'd be taking 'dicktation' from his sooner or later. Jennifer sat up as she heard Lou's car drive off. Her head was swooning from the alcohol she did drink and her body was swooning from being ravaged. All she could do was to slowly climb the stairs and into bed. Her last thought before drifting off was that most of Lou's load was still deep inside her. The next day brought many thoughts to young Jennifer. She was amazed at the lack of guilt she had, perhaps it was that she was wanted, no, craved more sex. She didn't know how long it was going to last, but it was there and it was controlling her. She knew she had to pick up Pop today and maybe somehow she'd let him fuck her tonight but she didn't want to pretend to be sleeping, she just wanted to be fucked hard and long by a stranger...or strangers. Somewhere where no one knew her. *more in part 4...*
Bedroom Windows Ch. 03
[ "pop felt", "knew totally", "morning jennifer", "jennifer allowed", "pop cock", "young jennifer", "shook shoulder", "lou looked", "closed bedroom", "minutes jennifer" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 38, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 458, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 58 }
"So how was the hand-job?" Gail asked her sister as they spoke on the phone. "You mean hand-jobs?" Michelle answered. "You got him off more than once?" Gail asked. "I got him off twice in the shower, twice in bed last night, once this morning and twice on the car right home. I believe that makes seven if I'm not mistaken." Michelle said proudly. "Holy fuck, Michelle. Seven orgasms? Are you serious?" Gail exclaimed. "He's like the energizer bunny. He just keep going and going and going." Michelle giggled. "Oh my God, Sis, I want him." Gail said. "Well, funny you should say that. Guess where his next match is?" Michelle asked. "Get the fuck out." Gail said. "Yep, Coleville High. Right down the street from you." Michelle said. "Oh my God, that's so cool, Michelle. You guy's have to stay at the house." Gail exclaimed. "I don't know, Gail...if he wins we're gonna need some privacy. Maybe it would just be better if we got a room again." Michelle said. "Don't be insane. I'll get rid of Steven and the girls for the night. It'll be just the three of us." Gail said. "Fine, but remember, he can't fuck either one of us. Not yet. This time it's blow-jobs only." Michelle explained. "Can he ride my rump?" Gail asked. "Blow-jobs only, Gail. Remember, you're the one who's been preaching to me about setting limits and as hard as it's been I think I've done a pretty damn good job not letting things get out of control." Michelle said. Jacob arrived home from school and found his mom in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Hey, mom." He said. "Hey, handsome. How was practice?" She asked. "Good. Coach taught us a few new moves. Can I try one on you?" Jacob asked. "Sure, why not." Michelle said, turning to face her son. Jacob moved slowly towards her and threw one of his arms around her waist. "You move towards your opponent and get an arm around them like this." He said. "Uh-huh." Michelle said, playing along. "Then, you pull them against you, like this." He said, tugging his mom forward until her big tits bounced against his chest. "Okay, then what?" Michelle asked teasingly, sliding one of her bare feet up the back of Jacob's calf. "Then I give them a big kiss on the lips." Jacob said. "Well...I guess you better make your move then." Michelle said, gazing into his eyes. Jacob gave his mom a slow sensual kiss on the lips. Their lips parted and there tongues flailed together for a few seconds before Michelle broke it off. "You're getting good at that." She smiled. "I had a good teacher." He said. "You better be careful. Mom may have a few moves of her own." Michelle said seductively. "Will you show me one." Jacob smiled. "Well, first...I'll wrap my arms around my opponent's neck, like this." Michelle said, throwing her arms around Jacob's neck. "Then, once my big mommy-boobs are squashed against his chest..." she started, then, jumped up off the floor, wrapping her legs around Jacob's waist. "...I'll wrap my long matronly legs around his waist trapping him between them." She said. Jacob's hands went to his mom's thighs to help support her weight. Michelle had on a three-quarter length sundress, which had now ridden up, exposing most of her long silky-smooth legs as they coiled around Jacob's waist. "Wow, that's a pretty good move, mom." He said, now looking slightly up at her. "I'm not finished." She smiled. "You're not." He smiled. "Now that I have my opponent right where I want him, I move in slowly and whisper sweet nothings into his ear." She said, moving her lips to his ear. "Win this week so I can suck on you." She whispered. Michelle's words made Jacob's knees go weak and he stepped backwards. When the back of his legs hit the chair, he quickly sat. Michelle let out a playful yelp as she went down with him, the swell of his boner now crushed against her nest. "Well now, Jacob Little, I believe your mom just got the take-down." She joked, gazing down at him. "Yeah, but haven't pinned me yet." He said. "Oh I haven't huh." She said, grabbing his arms. Michelle slowly tucked Jacob's arms behind his back, thrusting her breasts against him, Jacob marveled at the way her boobs were now pancaked against his chest, her face now hovering over his. "I do believe, dear son of mine, that your mom has this match won." She said. "I think you're right." Jacob muttered. "So what do I get for winning a match?" She smiled naughtily. "What do you want?" He asked. "I wanna sit on your face." She said in a serious tone. "You do?" Jacob gulped. "Yeah, I do. All those orgasms I've given you the past few weeks, I think I deserve at least one. So what about it, handsome, wanna smooch with the pooch?" She asked. "Okay." Jacob muttered, his heart pounding in his chest. Michelle slid off her son and held her hand out. "Come on." She said. Jacob took her hand and Michelle led him into the living room. Jacob couldn't take his eyes off her big bubbly ass is it swayed invitingly beneath her skirt. Michelle stopped in front of the sofa and faced her son, taking both his hands in hers. "As you get older you're going to learn that the entrance to a girl's heart is between her legs. A lot of young princess may knock at the door, but only a few come with that glass slipper." She explained. "What do you mean?" He asked. "What I mean is most boys grow into adulthood without knowing the slightest thing about a woman's vagina. You're not going to be one of those boys, which, my dear, is going to give you the advantage." She said. Michelle reached under her skirt and peeled off her panties. Jacob watched them fall down her legs and one of his mom's cute little bare feet kick them aside. Michelle sat on the center cushion of the couch. "Come over here and kneel down in from of me." She said. Jacob did as his mom asked and Michelle sat back on the sofa, with her ass still resting on the edge of the cushion. "Are you ready? I want you to watch this." She said. "Okay." Jacob said. Michelle brought her knees together then lifted her feet from the floor and didn't stop until her knees rested just under her chin. The skirt fell loosely at her midsection revealing everything from the waist down. Jacob gawked at his mom's bulging clam-shell. It was slightly swollen and as bald as a baby's ass. Her big brown butt-hole winked at Jacob, as if to say "someday you'll stuff me with your meaty pecker." Michelle extended her legs upward so that her toes pointed at the ceiling, then, slowly, she lets her long legs part and the gates of heaven opened before her son's eyes. Jacob was amazed at how limber his mom was. Her legs were spread completely apart, slightly thrown back into an almost impossible position. Her cute little toes were pointed in completely opposite dirctions. "Do you like that, sweetie. When a woman does this it's called 'spread eagle.' She said. Jacob eye's traveled down one of his mom's bare legs, which seemed to go on forever. When his eyes met her snatch he literally gasped. "Wow." He muttered. Michelle's outer clamshell had now parted, revealing the thick fleshy peddles of her inner labial meat. Jacob could also see the protruding nub of her clitoris. "Those things that look like lips, those are called the labia. Your Aunt Gail and I call them our 'meat curtains.' When you peel them apart..." Michelle said, parting her curtains with two fingers. "You can see the vagina. Come up close to it so you can see down inside. It's not gonna bite, sweetie," she giggled. Jacob came close so he could peer down the first few inches of his mom's creamy fuck-hole. "Keep in mind that if you win state, that's where you're gonna put your penis, right down deep inside that little hole." She whispered, smiling down at him warmly. Michelle pinched her clit between her fingers, making it balloon with blood. "This is a woman's clitoris. It's very sensitive. If the vagina is the door to a woman's heart, this little thing is her door-knob. Turn it just the right way and you're in." She smiled. "That's so cool." Jacob said. "Now that you've met the pooch...ready to learn how to smooch?" She asked. "Yeah." Jacob said. "Do you remember what my tongue was doing to yours when it was in your mouth?" She asked. "That's what your tongue needs to do with my clitoris, okay. Go ahead, mom will guide you along." She said. Jacob brought his face against Michelle's vulva and began to work his tongue clumsily across her clitoris. The pungent aroma was making his head spin. "There you go, sweetie. That's it, roll your tongue across the clit." She said. Jacob's chin sunk into Michelle's steamy groove as he lapped at her cunt. "Right under my clitoris, where the labia meet, there's a little hood. Work your tongue down underneath it." She said. Jacob found the spot his mom was talking about and he felt her body react instantly by giving out a little shiver. "That's it. Right there. Ohhhh you found momma's hot spot. Let your tongue flail against it." She panted. Jacob found that he had the ability to flutter his tongue really fast. He soon felt right at home working his mom's little love-button. He gasped for a second, coming up for air, but like a wild animal feasting on fresh meat, he went quickly back to work. "Remember what I taught you when we were making out. Breath through your nose, love." She sighed. Jacob followed her instructions and his tongue flailed wildly against her magic spot. Michelle legs began to convulse a little. "Oh G-God, baby. You are a quick learner." She exclaimed. "Put my meat curtains into your mouth and suck on them." She said. Jacob did as he was told sucking his mom big fleshy peddles into his mouth and nursing like a baby. "Now while you do that, let your tongue snake between the lips so you can lap at my hole." She said. Jacob was a natural, He kept his mom's labia tucked next to his cheeks as he dug his tongue along Michelle's vaginal opening. She ran her fingers through his hair. "Oh, sweetheart, you're doing so good. Keep working that tongue. Don't let up." She said. Jacob lapped at his mom's honey-pot relentlessly, savoring its sweet taste. After a minute of this he heard his next direction. "Oh God, lick my butt-hole, Jacob." Michelle moaned. Without hesitation Jacab fluttered his pink snake across Michelle's puckered anus, digging at the hole with the tip. "Clit." Michelle squealed. Jacob responded immediately going directly back to her secret spot. As he ate the pussy of his dreams Jacob peered up and saw that his mom had her head tilted. Her eyes were rolling back in her head and her mouth hung wide open, panting desperately. "M-Meat curtains." She said. Jacob responded in a flash, sucking her fleshy lips into his mouth, his tongue already diving for her heavenly hole. After a minute or so of this his mom made her next request. "Butt-hole." Her voice whined. Jacob's tongue began to lash sloppily at his mom's shit-lips. It wasn't long before he noticed how her body began a little quiver. "Oh God, sweetie you're gonna make me cum." Michelle groaned. "OH GOD, CLIT...HARD AND FAST!" She yelled. Jacob's tongue went right to her sweet spot and went into overdrive. He peered up one of his mom's legs and saw her clinching her toes. "Holy shit, I'm making my mom's toes curl." He thought. Michelle's head caught Jacob's attention as it rolled forward. His mom's beautiful face was now red and contorted wildly. She grunted, her legs quivering as she was struck with a massive orgasm. "OH FUCK, I'M CUMMING!" She screamed, her cunt bucking against Jacob's face. She wrapped her legs around her son's head, trapping his face against her sex. Jacob couldn't breathe at all now, his mouth and nose buried in pussy meat. His tongue never stopped. He kept it flailing like a madman, his mom's body reacting as it beat against her clit. Jacob had no idea how long she kept going. It seemed like forever. His mom finally released her grip and Jacob fell onto the couch beside her, gasping for air. "That was awesome." Jacob said as he finally caught his breath. "You're a quick learner, sweetheart. I do believe my son is a natural pooch smoocher." Michelle said as she sat up on the couch. "Hell yeah, I could do that all day." Jacob said excitedly. "Oh God, I've created a little sex hound. Like mother, like son I guess. " She giggled. "So you're a sex hound too?" Jacob asked. "Haven't you figured that out yet? There's only one person I know of that's as sex crazy as your mother and that's your Aunt Gail." Michelle smiled. "She's pretty like you too." Jacob said. "Well, I'm glad you think so, because if you win this week you'll probably have her lips wrapped around your penis too." Michelle said. "Really?" Jacob's face lit up, his bone-hard cock flexed in his shorts. "She's gonna get rid of your Uncle Paul and the girls and we can stay at her place after the match. Think you can handle being smothered by two big breasted sisters all night?" She smiled. "Hell yeah." Jacob muttered, his heart fluttering with excitement. Michelle noticed her son's raging bulge. She ran her long nails along the top of it sending an electric jolt to Jacob's balls. "Oh, does my baby have a big boner? It wants to snuggle somewhere wet and warm, doesn't it." Michelle asked in a cute little girl voice. "Yeah." His voice quivered. "It wants to worm into momma's throat and squirt all sorts of baby-syrup into her tummy doesn't it, sweetheart." She asked. "Mom, are you sure it's not too big to go all the way into your mouth." He asked. "Oh, baby, don't you worry. You don't have anything your mom can't handle." She smiled. "Yeah, but won't it choke you...I mean, if it goes all the way into your mouth?" He asked. "You really don't believe me, do you?" She said, giving him a naughty smile. "Well, I don't know. I just..." Jacob muttered. "Pull down your shorts." Michelle said. Jacob didn't have to be asked twice. It one motion he pulled his shorts and boxers down to his knees. His cock was big and meaty. A spider-web of bulging veins ran along his lengthy shaft as it stuck straight up like a flagpole. Michelle brought her legs onto the couch and knelt beside her son. He watched as she tied her hair back into a pony-tail and then lowered her face to his lap. Jacob watched in awe as his mom opened her mouth and lowered it down over the head of his cock. The first two inches disappeared before he felt the side of his pecker sliding along the top of her tongue. He felt his bell-shaped head kiss her soft palate, worming right past it. Michelle let out a quick gagging sound as her son's cock popped into her trachea. Jacob's watched the final three inches of meat disappear between his mom's big pouty lips. He felt her bottom lip rest against his scrotum, creating a tight vacuum seal around his teenaged cock. Michelle tilted her head a little so she could peek up at her son. She looked into his bewildered eyes and winked, as if to say "I told you so." She brought her hands up, letting her full weight come down on Jacob's dick which caused her to swallow another meaty inch. Jacob could hear her gagging on his dick as her lips stretched over the root, kissing his pubic bone. Jacob's cock-head ballooned as the skin on his shaft was pulled tight, stretching it to its maximum length. Pre-cum trickled from his piss-hole. Suddenly, Jacob heard the garage door open. He knew it was his father, but his mom didn't seem to budge. "Mom, dad's home." He sighed. Michelle still didn't move. She kept her son buried to the balls and began to hum softly. The vibrations it caused on Jacob's cock was absolutely amazing. "Oh God." He muttered. He heard his dad's car door close in the garage and began to panic. "Mom, dad's in the garage." He said. Still Michelle didn't budge. She kept her son's manhood trapped in her throat and continued humming. Jacob's felt like his cock was encased in warm vibrating butter. He heard the door in the kitchen open. "Hello, I'm home." He heard his father announce. For a few seconds, Michelle didn't move as if savoring every cock-gobbling moment, then, suddenly, she rose from her son's lap, making a regurgitating sound as his knob slid from her gullet. Her lips rose from his dong and a stream of cum ran from her mouth, She broke the oozing spunk-sting with her lips and swallowed what was left. In a flash, Michelle gave Jacob a peck on the cheek and rushed across the room. "Anyone home?" His dad asked as he walked through the kitchen. Jacob quickly pulled up his shorts as he heard his mother greet his father just as she had every other day. He just sat there, afraid to get up because of his still bone-hard erection. "Hey, son...how was practice?" His dad said as he walked by. "Good dad." Jacob said. "I'm gonna head up and get a shower." Jacob's dad said. "There's clean towels on the bed, dear." Michelle said as she stopped behind the couch and watched her husband climb the stairs. As soon as Jacob's father disappeared he felt his mom's hands slide across his chest as she bent over the couch behind him. She brought her lips to her son's ear. "So, do you still question whether you're mom capable of handling that big monster of yours?" She whispered. "No way." Jacob muttered. Michelle whispered softly into her son's ear as she stroked his chest. "I want you to go upstairs to your room and lye down on your bed. And while you lye there I want you to stroke your penis up and down. While you masturbate I want you to think about what it's going to be like after you win that match this week." She said. Jacob was already rubbing his cock through his shorts. His mom's seductive voice was sending shivers through his entire body. "I want you to think about what it's going to be like to be alone and naked with two big breasted women. Think about what it's going to be like to have them fighting for position on you, their tongues wrestling with your cock and balls." She continued. "Oh yeah." Jacob sighed, fisting his rod through his shorts. "Can you see us, sweetie. Can you see our big titties flopping all around while we suck you, while we drain those big beautiful balls." She whispered seductively. "Y-yeaaah." Jacob muttered. "Can you see our pussies, baby? Can you see our big fat mommy-pussies drooling over that big monster, begging it to be state champ." She said. It was all Jacob could take. He felt the surge of cum rocket up his shaft. "Oh yeah, mom. I'm gonna cum." He groaned. He felt his mom's tongue begin to flail at his ear. Michelle let out sexy little moans as she kissed the side of her son's face sloppily. "Oh, come on. That's my baby. Cum hard for me, sweetie." She said. A dozen blasts of hot cum erupted from Jacob's cock, soaking his shorts. When it finally subsided he heard his mom giggling. "So much for making it upstairs. You better go get cleaned up, sweetheart. " She said, giving him a final peck on the cheek. Michelle went into the kitchen and Jacob got up and moved towards the stairway. "Jacob." He heard his mom say softly from the kitchen doorway. He looked and found his mom leaning against the doorway in a sexy little pose. One foot rested flat on the floor and the other rested on her toes, with her knee slightly bent. She slowly pulled her skirt up to her hips exposing those long gorgeous legs and neatly trimmed snatch. Jacob could clearly see her meat curtains and her engorged clitoris. "Be my state champ." She said pleadingly. Jacob nodded and watched as his mom turned around to go into the kitchen. She held the skirt up long enough for him to get a good look at her big bubbly ass. "Holy shit...I'm gonna be state champ and then I'm gonna fuck my mom." He thought with a smile.
How Mom Made Him State Champ Ch. 03
[ "mother", "son", "milf", "older woman", "younger man" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 42, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 427, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 31 }
James was in town for business meetings for a few days, which normally meant an uneventful couple of dinners with co-workers and a flight back home. He knew this trip would be different though. His wife's older sister Amy lived in the same city, and had recently gone through a divorce. She needed some help moving things around, and he suspected a shoulder to cry on. Not that James really minded, he and Amy had always got along well and had a flirtatious manner when around each other. James called Amy when his flight landed to let her know he would stop over the following evening. Amy seemed excited, and offered to make dinner which was happily accepted. Tuesday morning came, and James found his mind drifting throughout the day to his sister in law. Most of the thoughts were sympathetic to her recent problems, and some were of happier times like family functions. Some of those thoughts were a bit risque too. Remembering a few low-cut dresses, those times at the lake house with Amy in a modest swimsuit that still managed to show her petite body. As the day wore on, his imagination grew lustier as he remembered the soft curve of her ass and her slightly hardened nipples. There were more than a few times he found himself aroused and growing erect at the thought of her. By the end of the day, James was a little too eager to leave work to get over to Amy's condo. He called her to see if she needed anything, and at first she said no, but after a pause suggested a bottle of wine. He thought that was odd, because he didn't think Amy drank at all, but he agreed, and headed out to find a liquor store on his way. Shortly before 6:00 pm, he arrived at her place and rang the doorbell. Amy had taken the day off work to get some things accomplished before James came over later. Shopping for a few dinner items, she realized she was happy to actually be cooking for someone other than herself for a change. Her ex husband stopped after work most days for drinks with his friends, so she had spent more time than she could remember eating alone and putting a plate in the microwave for whenever he dragged himself home. At first he had only done that now and then, but over time it became several times a week, and on those days he wasn't out, he would come and flip on whatever game was on tv and drink at home. Amy was largely ignored, except for those increasingly rare occasions when he'd come to bed and paw at her until she gave in and let him fuck her for a few minutes before he came and fell asleep, leaving her just getting warmed up but not satisfied in any way. On those occasions she would sometimes be turned on enough to masturbate, but normally she'd just fall asleep too. She finally had had enough of the neglect and asked him for a divorce, and he happily agreed. She found out later that he'd been sleeping with his office assistant for quite some time which only made the whole situation worse. Needless to say, she had spent a lot of time miserable and unsatisfied, and this little dinner was a welcome change. She heard the doorbell and almost ran to answer it, finding James still wearing a tie and carrying two bottles of wine. "Hi stranger!" she said, giving him a big hug and a quick kiss on the lips. "Two bottles of wine, are you going to get me drunk?" "Hi yourself Amy, and that wasn't the idea, but I didn't know what you liked so I brought a couple of different things. What are you making for dinner? It smells wonderful!" "Oh, just a little Italian and garlic bread. Nothing too fancy." That really wasn't true however. She knew he loved her fettucini and had made it special for him. Amy took the two bottles and turned toward the kitchen to collect an opener and glasses. James threw his jacket on the chair by the door, and walked to the kitchen in time to find her reaching for the wine glasses. He paused, seeing her blouse had pulled up and exposed her lower back slightly, and admired her slight hips and the lovely curve of her ass. He stepped behind her and placed one hand on her side, startling her as he reached over her shoulder for the glasses. She stepped back slightly and bumped into his lower half. "Oops, sorry James". "No problem" he laughed, thankful for the dress pants hiding his bulge. "Opener?" he asked. "In the drawer next to the fridge." James opened the white wine, and poured them each a half glass, then settled on the couch and started catching up. He was surprised, but Amy didn't want to talk much about her divorce, only saying that she was glad it was over, and thought she'd rather just stay single. Dinner was about ready, so they moved to the dining room table and ate. Amy was a wonderful cook, and just as she'd hoped, James was delighted that she had prepared one of his favorite meals. They finished the bottle of wine during the meal and he helped clean up the dishes before opening the second bottle and pouring himself a glass. "Would you like another?" he asked. Amy was already feeling a little tipsy, but said "yes please, I'll be right back." and disappeared down the hall to the bathroom. James took the bottle and went back to the couch, sitting on one side and setting the bottle on the coffee table along with her filled glass. Amy returned wearing sleep pants and a t-shirt. "Sorry" she said, "those blue jeans were cutting me in half!" James laughed and thought to himself they seemed just about right to him. To his surprise, she sat down on the couch next to him and picked up her wine taking a big drink. She leaned back and sighed, and he noticed her eyes welling up. "I'm sorry" she said, wiping away a tear. "It's just so different having someone to talk to, and who appreciates a nice meal." "Things must have been pretty rough for a while?" "Yes, you guys didn't know the half of it. He didn't pay any attention to me at all, just went out drinking all the time. I ate alone most of the time." She gave a half grunt, half laugh. "Hell, we weren't even intimate any more, unless 3 or 4 minutes of fumbling around and falling asleep counts!" That wasn't a topic of conversation that James expected, and wasn't sure what to say. "That doesn't sound very nice," and he wanted to say "but I understand." His own marriage had suffered a lack of intimacy too the past several years. He was still attracted, but his wife had lost interest, so only on a rare occasion would he push the issue until she relented. He tried to please his wife, but she really just wanted him to get it over with. James's sex life was literally left in his own hands. Amy, perhaps driven by her tipsiness, continued on. "Do you know, I don't think he was even attracted to me any more." she lamented. "That can't be possible. Why would you think that?" "Well, for starters he was screwing his stupid assistant. And whenever I wanted any attention from him, it didn't matter what I did, he just didn't seem interested. You know, I caught him masturbating once and started giving him oral sex. He let me for a while, then pushed me away and went to watch baseball on tv. That isn't normal is it?" James was stunned. And a little uncomfortable, both emotionally and in his trousers. He leaned forward and retrieved the wine bottle for a refill and an attempt to adjust the half erection that thinking about Amy's lips wrapped tightly around a cock had given him. "Me too" Amy said when he filled his glass. He poured the remainder into her glass and set the bottle back on the coffee table, then leaned back. Thank goodness, the adjustment worked he thought. He leaned back into the couch, and sighed loudly. Amy had sat on his left side, and turned leaning back against his shoulder. He pulled his left arm free and laid it across the back of the couch. "Anyway, this is nice" Amy said, taking his arm and pulling it down across her belly. James gave her a little squeeze, which resulted in his forearm raising up slightly and settling just below her breasts. As she breathed, he found their weight pressing against him, sending an instant jolt to his groin. Amy took a big drink of her wine and set the glass on the table beside them. "So IS that normal?" she asked. "Is what normal?" "I thought guys liked oral sex" Amy said. James coughed in surprise, then laughed a little. "Well, I don't know any guy who doesn't," he said chuckling. Amy laughed too and said "maybe I just did it wrong." They both laughed at that, James giving her another squeeze and Amy's giggling causing her breasts to fold across his arm slightly. He took the last drink, and sat up slightly to set his glass down, pulling her with him before settling back into the couch. They say quietly for a few minutes before Amy looked up at him and asked "so what are you thinking?" James looked down at her. Between the conversation, his uncomfortable half-erection, and the wine, his inhibitions were growing weaker and weaker. He looked into her eyes, and curled his left hand to slightly cup a breast. "I'm trying not to think, because when I do, it's nothing worth repeating." Amy gazed at him for a moment, then raised her head planting her lips firmly on his. He felt her tongue immediately exploring and met it with his own, squeezing her right tit firmly at the same time. They kissed and he groped for several seconds before she broke the kiss, breathless and slightly flushed. Amy didn't say a word as she stood up and walked to the door. Locking it, she looked at James for a moment, and started walking toward the bedrooms. Along the way, she lifted her blouse over her head and dropped it on the floor. Watching this, and staring lustily at her beautiful ass as she walked away, James rubbed his erection through his trousers. He stood up, and followed her down the hall, turning into the master bedroom. Amy was standing near the bed facing away from the door in her bra and sleep pants. Walking up behind her, James laid his hands on her shoulders and let them lower slowly down her arms before reaching around her slight belly. She pushed back against his crotch, feeling the bulge against her buttock, and leaning her head back turned to kiss him. Again her tongue shot into his mouth, and she pulled his hands up to her breasts, whimpering softly as he squeezed. It was a front clasp bra and he opened it easily, reaching up to pull the straps down her shoulders, her apple-sized globes sagged slightly back into his hands. Their tongues entwined, he squeezed, taking her stiffening nipples between his thumb and fingers and tugging at them softly, lifting the weight of them upward. Amy moaned, grinding her soft ass into James' crotch. She broke away from the kiss and turned to face him. "Are you sure?" she asked. He didn't answer. The truth was he wasn't sure, but had reached the point of no longer able to stop himself either. Instead, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it up over his head. James was tall, over six feet, and had the slight belly that seems to haunt men of a certain age. He kept himself active and fit though. Amy ran her hands down his firm chest until she found his belt, unclasped the buckle, and unbuttoned his trousers. He stepped out of them and reached down to remove his socks. She pushed her sleep pants down at the same time and stepped out, leaving both of them standing in their underwear, James in boxers with a very clear tent, and Amy in a bikini panty that showed her puffed out mound beautifully. They paused. "No other man has seen me nude for years" she said. "Me too" he replied, then laughed. "I mean woman." She giggled, and stepped forward reaching for his hard cock and caressing it through his boxers. "Is that for me?" Amy didn't wait for his answer, instead, she dropped to her knees in front of him, and leaned forward kissing the shaft through his boxers. She hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled slowly, kissing along his length before catching the waistband on the tip. She pulled the boxers free and pulled them down and off, then grasped his ass and pulled him close, his thick cock pressed against her soft cheek. Pulling her head back, Amy looked up at James and wrapped her small hand around him. "This is lovely" she said, and with that leaned forward, taking three quarters of his length deep into her mouth. James grasped the back of her head softly, feeling the flat of her tongue pulsing against the underside of his painfully hard cock before she pulled her head back, cradling his purple head between her lips before pushing down again quickly, taking him even deeper. Neither his wife, or any past girlfriends had ever sucked him so deeply, and James couldn't believe how incredible it felt. He looked down at down at this beautiful woman, her lips wrapped tightly around the heavy veined shaft thrusting softly into the back of her throat, and moaned. She pulled her lips away with a light pop and smiled up at him. "Am I doing it right?" she asked, then pulled the edges of his head and poked her tongue into the little opening at the tip, flicking back and forth. "God, I've never felt anything like this before" James groaned. Amy opened her mouth, and swallowed almost his entire length, bobbing her head several times before pulling back again. "Phew" she said giggling. "The truth is, I love giving blowjobs", she pressed the flat of her tongue against the base, and licked slowly up until she reached the frenulum, licking it firmly while looking innocently up at him. "And I haven't been able to give a proper one for years. My dimwit of an ex didn't like me doing this. He thought if I did, he might have to return the favor." She took his heavy balls in her hand, and sucked one into her mouth as she stroked the thick, veiny cock with her other one. James reached down and grasped one her breasts, squeezing it and then gently grasping her hard nipple, rolling it softly as she steadily sucked him until his swollen head pressed into the back of her throat. He released her and reached to the other nipple. Amy pulled away as he started rolling it between his fingers. "You don't have to be so gentle" she said, "I like them pinched a little harder, it turns me on." James happily obliged, pinching and pulling her nipple upward before letting it go, watching her heavy tit drop back down. He did the same to the other breast, with Amy trying to say "yes!" with her mouth filled with his throbbing erection. Upright again, he watched as she hungrily fucked him with her mouth, now and then looking up at him and watching his face as he moaned out his pleasure. He jumped slightly as she wet a finger, and slid it under his balls, rubbing it along the underside of his shaft between his asshole and perineum. Amy felt his head swell even larger in her mouth, and she sucked him harder. James pulled back, his cock popping out of her sweet mouth. "If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum." Amy smiled sweetly. "That's what I want you to do James!" "Are you sure it's ok? I've never done that from a blowjob before, but I'm so close now." "Oh please, yes! I love sucking cock, and yours is so hard and thick, it fills my whole mouth. It's been so long since I've tasted cum, and I'm getting so wet and turned on. I need you to feel you swell up and shoot your cum in my mouth. I want you to feed it to me James. Make me eat your cum!" He watched, stunned by her admission as Amy took him deep into her mouth again, and started sucking in and out quickly, squeezing his swollen balls with one hand. She heard his breath catch, and felt him swell and thrust into her mouth. She took him as deep into her throat as she could and started rubbing his asshole, sending him over the top. He came hard, shooting the first thick rope of semen down the back of her throat. She quickly swallowed and pulled back, licking under the head of his jerking cock as several more shots coated her tongue, upper lip and cheek before she took him in her mouth again, milking the liquid from the base of his shaft, and swallowing it wantonly. He began to soften slightly, and she released him from her softly suckling lips, and he helped her stand up. She looked at him smiling, using a finger to pull the cum from her upper lip to her tongue, licking the thick liquid and swallowing it. James took the hint, and used his own finger to wipe his cum from her cheek and brought it to her lips where she licked and sucked the spunk off his finger. "That was amazing" he said, and kissed her deeply, their tongues entwined.
Mature Sister in Law Pt. 01
[ "incest", "taboo", "mature" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 54, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 188, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 49 }
Text: The merciless desert sun beat down on the three archeologists, causing their clothes to be drenched in sweat. Although this made the two males, Greg and Ian, look rather like slobs, it had a very different effect on their busty student associate, Stephanie: The sweat merely made her tan skin glisten, her wet clothes clinging tightly to her svelt, shapely body, making her top almost transparent, while her shorts ran up her crotch, showing off her rounded behind. It was the only thing that Greg and Ian had to look at, as their weeks-long search turned up little except beer cans from the 1970's. So it was a welcome distraction from both the tedium and their unrelenting libidos when Greg finally unearthed a metal object. "Ian! Stephanie! I found something!" The other two raced over to see that Greg had dug up what appeared to be an old oil lamp. "Big deal," said Ian. "Maybe we can trade that for, what, half a goat?" "Let's clean it up a little," said Greg, wiping off the layers of centuriesld dirt. To the astonishment of all concerned, the lamp shone preternaturally bright, with a red beam shooting from its spout. Moments later, a cloud burst forth, which, in a dazzling display too unnecessary to the plot to describe here, eventually formed into a smokin'-hot babe of Arabian descent, wearing a skirt too short to fully cover her backside and an unbuttoned vest that barely covered her nipples. "Greetings, masters, I am Isis, and I am a jini!" "A genie?!" Ian exclaimed. "No, a jini, you Western troglodyte," said Isis. "Nevertheless, for releasing me from my lamp, I grant you three wishes!" "Three wishes each?" Stephanie asked Isis. "No, just three wishes." "Can we wish for three wishes each?" asked Greg. "Don't be a camel's ass," said Isis. "You get three wishes, total. And no wishing for world peace. It'd destroy the world's military-based economies." "I wish for--!" Greg began. "Hey, wait a minute!" said Stephanie. "We get one wish apiece, right?" Greg looked at Ian and Stephanie and decided not to argue the point. "Okay, fine. But I get the first wish cuz I found it." "Ladies first!" said Stephanie. Greg looked at Stephanie's wet breasts and decided not to argue the point. "All right, Stephanie, go ahead." Stephanie took in a deep breath, sticking out her chest slightly more to do so, and then told Isis: "I wish I had the other guys' wishes." "WHAT?!" Greg and Ian shouted simultaneously. "So be it," said Isis. "You have two wishes left, and only the female can make them!" "You bitch! You total, total bitch!" screamed Greg. "That was a tad rude, Steph," said Ian. "I thought you'd feel that way," said Stephanie. "So my second wish is: I wish that these two guys would blow up like balloons!" "WHAT?!" the two men shouted, having perfected sychronized screaming. But they didn't have long to complain. With a loud hissing sound, their bodies immediately billowed out, their middles swelling, their chests expanding, breaking through their flimsy T-shirts in moments. Their midsections were completely round, and they continued to grow, taking only moments until the two men now looked like oversized beach balls with hands and feet, their plumping faces showing shock and fear. They surged in growth for several more seconds, doubling in size, tripling in size, in mere minutes. "Who's a bitch now, Greg?" Stephanie asked. "N-not you, th-that's for sure!" he stuttered. "Now how do we stop?!" "I guess you don't," Stephanie mused. "I never told her when to stop inflating you." "WHAT?!" Again the syncronicity. "I'm not going to waste my third wish making you stop growing," Stephanie sneered. She turned to Isis. "But don't worry: I'm sure you'll stop blowing up soon enough. You'll stop when you POP!!" "Hey, wait a minute!" said Ian. "I never called you a bitch!" "So in other words," said Stephanie, "you weren't going to wish for a harem of sex slaves that included me and Isis?" "Uh, ..." "Let's have a contest!" said Stephanie. "Let's see who bursts first!" "NO!" It was beginning to get old, so the two simply stopped screaming. They looked helplessly at each other, each seeming to mirror the other's size, as they increased at the same speed, each blowing up the size of a hot air balloon, and still growing larger and larger... "Come on!" shouted Stephanie. "Someone pop for me! Blow, Greg! Burst, Ian!" "St-stop thiiiiiiiiisssss!" Ian said, as the hissing from his body reached a higher and higher pitch, as a sqeaking noise from his balloon body got louder and louder. His growing slowed ever so slightly, allowing Greg to overshadow him, becoming blimp size and beyond. Ian looked up at the surgin balloon in front of him, and it was the last thing he saw before... BOOOOOOMMMMM! Ian burst into nothingness. Greg looked down at the empty space in front of him where Ian had been, and he braced himself for the same fate. "Yay!" Stephanie shouted, clapping and jumping. "You win, Greg! I knew you could do it!" Then she stopped, craning her neck up at him and watching with anticipation. "Now it's your turn, big boy! My big, blimping, bloating balloon boy! Get ready to POP!" Even as he grew farther and farther into the sky, Stephanie's gloating was still as clear as the hot sweltering day. He heard her shout even as the squeaking from his body grew ominously louder... "Here it comes, Greg! Are you ready?! Are you ready to BURST?! I love it! I absolutely love it!!" The squeaking reached a fever pitch and Greg went... BOOOOOOOOMMMMM! The explosion was so great, it echoed in the desert canyons miles away. "Yay! That was a good one!" Stephanie cheered, clapping. Then she stopped and sighed contentedly. "You still have one wish, Master," Isis reminded her. "Ah, yes," said Stephanie. "I wish I could inflate anyone, anytime with no negative without ever being punished for it!" "So be it," said Isis. "Now don't bug me for another few centuries, will you?" She turned into a puff of smoke that flew back into the lamp's spout. Stephanie tucked the lamp under her arm and headed toward camp, remembering that she wasn't all that crazy about the rest of her crew...
[ "Full Body Inflation", "Male Inflation", "Clean Popping", "genie", "magic", "wish" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 9, "longest_sentence": 71, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 99, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 37 }
Of course, coming out, that's an awfully big step, and one that requires months to perfect it. To plan it just right. But by now, my darlings, you have most of your accessories and have had enough time to feel comfortable with them. The suit fits you perfectly. The painted claws have become you. You feel naked without them. Not complete. The art of the smoke? Perfected, both alone and with your wife, your girlfriend. The painful roar of the bitch inside, over time, becomes a purr. Controlled. Sexy. All of you. As you have forgotten the man you once were. Not even a memory anymore. As the bitch started to date your wife, your girlfriend. You are in control now, my darlings. Comfortable and no longer content to hide. That is your moment, my darlings. Once you have accepted what you are becoming, what you have become over the past weeks and months. When you wish that your wife, your girlfriend come home to see what you are. The whore you have put so much work into. When you are no longer afraid, nor frenzied with lust, not ashamed nor embarrassed. When your body has caught up with your soul to shape a new person. A boi. Wait for that moment, my darlings. And cherish it. For it will change your life, forever. (10) TO BE A BITCH IS TO COME OUT IN STYLE And once you have arrived at that moment, it is time to act. To plan. To scheme. Like only a bitch can. To look forward to all the days to come. Like only a whore can. Make-up, of course, is important. But difficult to describe. Of all the bitch's attributes, it is the most difficult to master. There are, however, many web sites that will help you. On how to apply eye shadow, how to fill your lips in the most exquisite ways. How to shape them like a heart, make them fuller, make them smaller. Perfect them to fit your features. One wrong touch, and you'll look like you fell into a paint jar. And make no mistakes... you will make those mistakes. I did. It took me weeks of practice to perfect my look. Hours of frustration in front of a make-up mirror. Trying out. Experimenting with shapes and colours. And again, it will take patience, my darlings. Patience does make the bitch. Skin colour. Shades. Eye shapes. All of which are you. All of which can be perfected. Be patient and work on it, just as you work on your body and work your lover. Because you want it to be perfect, and so do I. And once you have achieved all that, and I am so very proud of you, my darlings, that you have, here is what you will do. How you will prepare. To come out in style. How many cocks have you collected so far? When i was at your point, I had four. And two inflatable anal plugs, one with a remote control. And with each one, it was easier for me to go into the store. To look the sales girl in the eyes. To shop for them the way I sued to shop for mundane, male things. have you talked to your sales girl? Flirted with her, a little? Listened to her advice as she has shown you all those delights? Did you talk about the fuck? How to prolong it? I have. A sales girl in an erotic shop is a boi's angel. She may not be called Clarence, but there sure is a little bell that chimes whenever you enter the store, isn't there? And that alone makes it heaven. And that is why you have returned there. Again and again. Because it is heaven, and thank god for cute bois! Return there again. You will need a few more things for your coming out. And not all of them will be for you, my darlings. The first thing, the one thing I have withheld from you for so long? That you only deserve now? Your first pair of panties, my darlings! And isn't that thought enough to make your bitch cock shudder and twitch? At the thought it will finally be wrapped by black lace? Being barely covered up by it as the string bites deep between your cheeks? Haven't you wondered? How much better it will feel around you? So much better than your boxers? Your briefs? Tucking your bitch cock between your legs, even as it hardens? Oh, my darlings. Once you have experienced that, you will never go back! I have not worn a single piece of those ugly underwear abortions the fashion industry throws at men since I have come out. A bitch wears panties, all the time! Yes, that first pair of panties, only days, maybe even just hours way from being soiled, that is your gift to yourself. But there needs to be a little bit of punishment, too, wouldn't you agree? After all, you and me, we've been keeping a secret. From your wife. Your girlfriend. Your lover. An she should punish you, shouldn't she? she has that right. And you want her, too. As long as the punishment comes with pleasure. And it will. Darlings, it will. For this is the second item you will buy. An anal plug that is inflatable and comes with a wireless remote control. And you know who will control it, right? Hmmmm. Yes. She will punish you. And you will want her to. I know you have been craving it ever since we started this journey together, you and me. Ever since I have gifted you your cunt. Twitching. Opening for her. Her fingers. And her cock. That's right, my darlings. I will gift her a cock. Or rather, I will have you gift her one. We must be equal in all things, wouldn't you agree? Men and women. Bois and girls. Fluidity in motion as she will take you on the floor, the way you have taken her. Bodies that will melt together in frenzied fucking. A thrust that will finally open you up all the way. You are almost ready now, my darling cock whores. Ready to come out. Get ready. For this will be your final test. Your final assignment. Ask for it. For your wife's cock, for your girlfriend's dick that will make both of you cock whores, made for each other. Choose carefully, my darlings. Not only will you know where it's going (and doesn't that make your spine tingle?), you will also give the greatest gift a boi can give to a girl. So while you are still in the store, get a grip, feel them, slide your fingers around them. Do it openly. Do it proudly. And ask your confidant, your personal shop girl to help you find the right weight, the right size. Have her wrap it up as a present. because it is. But one of the many you and your lover will share from now on. Are you ready now? Are you at home? While she is at work? Ready to get dressed? Ready to celebrate? Because this will the day, my darlings, that you and I have been working towards all these months. Cherish every moment. Sit down with me. Smoke with me. I'm here with you. I'm your best friend. Already dressed with you. Hush, my darlings. Whatever adventures you and I have shared already, they are nothing compared to those you will share with her. Let me light you. Let me cover you up. In smoke and delight. Stand up now. Yes, that's a good posture for you. Let me slide that plug into your cunt. Wetting it with spit. You are relaxed now, aren't you? At peace. With me. With yourself. With what will come next. Offer yourself up. We'll need you to prepare for your lover. That cunt needs to be wide open for her. And wet. My spit on it as I slide the plug into you. It feels so small, doesn't it? We are used to so much bigger by now, aren't we? We want it much bigger. And soon, we will get it. The tubing coming out of your cunt looks like a beautiful tail, doesn't it? Perfectly capped with a rubber ball, just waiting to be squeezed. Swirl around, my darlings. Play with your tail. Let it rush through the air before you catch it with your palm. Squeeze it. Fill the air rushing through the tube. Into your plug. Larger now. Not large enough. Squeeze it more. Pressure pressing against you, from the inside. Pushing it against all the sweet spots, until you feel you can't take anymore. And your bitch cock hardens. Slipping out of your panties. Another reason why I love them so much. They can never truly contain a bitch's cock. Now sit down with me. Put your entire weight on your ass. It hurts doesn't it? Hurts so good. I'm sure you want to touch yourself now. But you won't. I'm still in control of you. And what you are about to experience, my darlings, is going to push you beyond it. beyond any and every control. Is your gift package to your wife in front of you? All wrapped up? There is still something missing, is there? A yes. A note. We will write one for her, won't we? A note. No. A letter. She deserves a letter. To explain to her what a whore you are. What a whore you want her to be with you. While all you want to do is cum. But I won't let you. And you won't touch yourself. Not now. Write it with me, my darlings. Tell her. *My dearest love-- my name is Boi. And I am your friend. I am here to bring you pleasure. Just as for the past months I have brought pleasure to your husband, to your boyfriend. I am here to change you. Just as I have changed him. Have no fear. You liked how I changed him, haven't you? How much more attentive he has become? How more ferocious he is as your lover? How much more understanding he is? I have changed him, because he wants to gift himself to you, again. Because he asked me to. And how could I say no? We have not been lovers, him and me. I have been his teacher. I taught him those things about himself that you already knew, didn't you? I taught him to smoke, for you, so you can share it. I taught him to take care of himself and his body, for you. I have wrapped him up in his fantasies and yours, for you. I have gifted him a cunt, for you. I believe in full equality, my sweet and loving girl. And I want you to open this gift, just as you will open him. He has told me about your filthy mind, and I love you for it. So does he. He has told me about your dream of other cocks. he is not afraid. For he loves you. And he wants to be more, for you. Your husband, your boyfriend, your best girlfriend, your confidant and your slut. When you look at a gorgeous man and tell your girlfriend about how you wish that man's cock was in you... that girlfriend will be him. We all have secrets, my loving girl. Things we don't share, especially with the ones we love. We are afraid of them, our desires and our lusts, for we have been taught so many times that they are wrong, they are nasty, they make you a freak. And how would our loved ones look at us? When all we secretly want to be is free? And still loved? I will gift you that freedom. For know that he loves you. And I will gift you power. Take this present with you. Yes, here at work. the others already looking at you, aren't they. As you are flushing. You know what is inside it, don't you? Something you sometimes wished, you sometimes dreamed and hoped you could have. Take it to the rest room, my sweet girl. Let me transform you. Like I have transformed him. Sit on the toilet seat and open it. It feels heavy, doesn't it? That's good. It is powerful. And it's yours. From this moment on. Unwrap it. And see it come to you. This is your cock. He chose it for you. He chose it, because it will fit you. It will be part of you. Take it in your hand. Stroke it a few times. It's a good feeling, isn't it? Although it is rubber and latex, given shape, given form, giving you all kinds of tempting thoughts. While your colleagues outside the booth, their lives have suddenly become so... mundane. Chats about co-workers and bills and accounts. While you have a cock. It changes things, doesn't it? If you strapped it on, you could walk out there and bend one of them over the basin. Thrusting into her. Like you would have never been able before. But now you could. Isn't it wonderful? For that is freedom, my darling girl. That is the freedom of the whore. Slide into the harness now. Underneath your working pants, your business suit, this is what I want you to feel. Its length as it slaps against your thigh. The weight. Slide it into your pants leg. In the knowledge you are more than everybody else here. And know it was your lover who gave it to you. Who wants to share his power with you as you share yours with him. He is waiting for you. P.S. Look at the bottom of the box, my darling girl. You will find a remote. Once you meet what has become of your man, the glorious boi he has become, you will know what to do with it.*
How To Be A Boi Bitch Lesson 09
[ "glamor", "bisexual male", "boi", "smoking", "crossdressing", "wife", "how to" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 37, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 314, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 15 }
Disclaimer: This story involves sexual activity between a female human and male panther. This is a pure work of fiction. The events I describe here didn't happen. No resemblance between the characters involved and any person, living or dead, is intended. This story may be distributed freely but may not be sold, or changed, or used in any commercial way. Finally, if you try to do this for real, get turned into fresh tasty kitty food and eaten for breakfast or get yourself complete addicted to big cats, don't blame me! I deny any responsibility for the actions your take after reading my erotic fiction :-) Caught in the act Just the other day when I was relaxing quietly in the bright spring sun, taking a little private time off from my daily work in a wooden deck chair and wrapped into a thick soft and warm blanket, Baggy, my most beloved black panther, came lazily strolling by like he always did. He rubbed his smooth muscular body along my legs, which were resting on a small stool, while he walked by (sort of) and he clearly wished for some attention from my side. "Hey Baggy, my cute lovely black beauty, how you are doing on such a great sunny day in spring?" I asked him in a very polite manner while I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust better to that dazzling bright light of the day. He turned himself towards me, faced me and yawned like he wanted to make clear that he was very bored at the moment, bright sunny day or not. "Why don't you lay yourself down besides me then and start enjoying the warm and bright springtime sun together with me for a while?" I asked him and winked at him with a broad grin. He looked back, directly into my face, blinked a few times with his wonderful emerald eyes and shook himself a tiny bit while he made his fur on the back standing up straight. This was just one of that particular times when he did really funny things that made me laugh. I broadly grinned. He clearly told me in body language that this springtime sun maybe was foreboding a blazing hot summer but nevertheless was too darn cold to feel comfortable laying around on the ground, even with his thicker winter fur still on him. "OK Baggy, I can understand this..." I giggled "...why don't you go back into our trailer then where it's warm and comfy. I'll stay here some more time just enjoying the bright sunny day, the blue sky and the wonderful fresh air. I'll join up with you inside the trailer later my kitty..." I told Baggy and closed my eyes again because I held the whole thing for settled now. My error. Baggy suddenly pushed hard from below against my knee joints and forced his sleek head through the gap he created in doing so. I couldn't see him doing it because of my very thick blanket but I felt him pushing and squeezing. "Oh come on Baggy, just allow me a little rest here in the wonderful sun. What do you want?" I asked him a little bit annoyed. He squeezed his sleek body all the way through my now partly opened legs in a way only a cat can do and shove himself between me and the thick blanket, ending up with his feline body right on top of me. He slowly pushed his furry head through the space between the covering blanket and my chest and made himself very comfortable there, rubbing his face sideways on my chest in an "I feel comfy too now! That's very nice of you..." meaning. "Baaagie! Sometimes you are a real hassle! You are no small kitten anymore that has a weight not worth mentioning. Get off me for heavens sake you heavy big lazy kitty..." I grumbled at him but he just made himself more comfortable by rubbing his fur covered forehead against my chin and by shifting his whole weight around a bit to get himself into a better resting position pretty much like if I was his very own soft cushion to have a comfortable rest on. "Baggy! Darn it, can't you just once act like a normal cat and sleep in front of the heater and not always on top of me. Why do I have to be that cursed with such a demanding kitty..." I mumbled in played anger but couldn't restrain a silent giggle. In truth I pretty much liked him there because his warm and most elegant feline body felt like a heavy cushion itself placed nicely on top of me that one could squeeze softly and cuddle himself very nicely into... I sight: "OK cute one, if you have to stay try to be a little bit less heavy if that's somehow possible for you ..." Baggy shifted his body around again and the weight on top of my chest suddenly really lessened a good deal. "We reached an accord my love..." I told him and rubbed him softly along his flanks in gratitude. The temperature below the thick blanket increased noticeable and Baggy clearly enjoyed his little nap in the sun together with me. I sleepily closed my eyes again and crawled him very gentle below his soft fur covered chin for a while. I really loved him and to be near him always made me glad and completely satisfied with my wonderful life. We lay together silently for some minutes, enjoyed the sun, the cold spring breeze on our uncovered faces and the beloved comradeship we shared when I suddenly noticed a tiny but well known poking sensation down there between my two legs. I sprung open my eyes and needed some seconds to readjust to that dazzling bright sunlight in a world outside the silent dreamy blackness I had enjoyed walking in. When I was finally able to see focused again I gazed directly into a most innocent looking cat face. Baggy had his eyes entirely closed and clearly enjoyed this sunny day on top of me with a very glad smile on his beautiful looking feline face. I closed my eyes and giggled softly into myself because I took this little "accidental poking" down there for a very erotic feline dream he surely was enjoying right now. Maybe even I was involved for a good deal in that sensual dream of him! This stunning idea made me somehow feel very proud of myself. Unfortunately Baggy obviously enjoyed a very realistic sensual dream. Slowly, gently, absolutely smooth in any possible way thinkable -- so that I nearly failed to notice it first -- he bit by bit worked his warm feline member through the two overlapping leather stripes that were secretly built into my trousers crotch. I accidentally wore my specially prepared trainer outfit for my little sun bathing because I had planned for a wonderful long lesson with Rajah on the divan that very evening. The warm, moisture and very smooth sensation that started slowly spreading throughout my whole slit was very alarming and at the same time uttermost delightful. It felt like a slick ring finger, bathed in cream and covered all over with it, entering me gently, straight and with unbelievable accuracy to hit the perfect angle. I opened my eyes again to communicate somehow with beloved Baggy but he still looked absolutely confident in his dreamy slumber. Did I maybe imagine that whole slick penetration thing with my body senses because I physically remembered stuff we already had done and very much enjoyed doing together? To be sure of that once and for all I reached carefully -- to not disturb cute Baggy in his slumber if possible -- down with my hands to my crotch. And like I already had expected Baggy really was resting not only very comfortable on top of me but with one well known particular part of him also a good pleasant way inside me. How he could manage to keep calm and dreamy while he very easy melted deep into me I really couldn't imagine. Nevertheless, a warm, wet, wonderful feeling kept slowly moving up my engulfing love tunnel and I rapidly became very lustful, felt myself getting wet just by that very arousing idea of cute Baggy deep inside me... "Baggy, my love, what are you doing?" I asked him in quiet whisper and brushed up and down along his whole flank with my both hands to wake him softly out of his erotic slumber. "Do you try to sneak into me for a change?" I spoke softly to him and couldn't manage to hold back a very soft laughter. This whole thing was so bizarre that suddenly the old wisdom of not waking up a sleeping tiger sprang into my mind. Well, Baggy wasn't exactly a tiger and I had woken up Rajah for some private play a few times by now and he always was more than willing to interrupt his beauty slumber for that particular reason! This saying sounded plain stupid for me and that realization amused me so very much... Baggy seemed not to hear my silent questions but suddenly shifted his whole weight together with his sleek muscular body in a rolling over motion to the left. I gasped because his completely hard and deep inside me member more or less pulled me over with him like a lever. That sudden and quite hard twisting sensation inside me really gave me a whole thrill of lusty shudder. I rolled myself around together with him as good as possible without a real choice. We both ended up sharing my wooden deck chair side by side facing each other. He had his emerald cat eyes fully opened and all sleep was gone. And if that darn funny innocent face he made wasn't a very big grin I'm a silly little kitten. "Baggy, just stop it, please! We are in the public, we can't play this wonderful game right now even if I would love to do it with you so very much..." I told him in a concerned whisper only he could possibly hear "...please wait till later and we can play our sweet game as long as you like to do it with me. I promiiiieeee..." Just that very moment he started his lightning quick strokes with his most wonderfully hard member deep inside me. This quick push and pulling sensations were completely different to anything I already knew from him. He more or less made his whole length inside me vibrate with speedy quick motions and this really made me sweat very hard in an instant because it felt sooooooo darn good! "Baggy, pleeease, we shouldn't dooo...oh god..." I plead into his face for a bit of reason, for an immediate stop of this madness that overtook me, that I welcomed instead of denied. I disliked him very much for getting me deliberately in that very special physical state but at the same time I loved him so hard that it really did hurt me, not physically but spiritual. I loved him with all my heart and soul, with all my being. He hit the jackpot that very moment because he suddenly rubbed his rapidly pulsing and fully hardened member in unbelievable quick little strokes over my blazing clit. And to make everything perfect he started at the same time to lick the emerging sweat pearls from my face with his rough tongue and the most unbelievable innocent look spread all over his whole face like he did nothing at all. My clit exploded in burning hot waves of sweet pain mingled inseparable with the hardest kick of lust I ever had to endure. "Baggy, you are such a perv...Ohmygod...Ohmygood...Ohhmygoooood!" I whimpered softly with sudden tears of joy in my eyes. I really tried hard but simply couldn't manage to hold back a wonderfully long stretched and pretty slow developing orgasm that blossomed inside me like a spring flower just that very instant. Baggy was close too because his strokes got slower and much harder. I couldn't resist the burning hot urge any longer because nothing really mattered anymore for me except my wonderful sexual climax. I grabbed him with my both hands behind his hip, dug my fingers hard into him and pulled his whole body with force into mine. He continued to lick my face, absolutely pleased with what he had achieved, where he had brought me once again. He came in many tiny wet shots of semen inside my vagina and his whole body shook softly in his own wonderful relief. His penis made throbbing motions inside me and he for sure loved that slow deep melting with me so completely like I did. I have never felt such a very pleasing long period of perfect harmony before. All my cats most of the time like to do it the quick and rough way but they love to do it over and over again. This time Baggy gave the long shot a try and you can take that literally. He delivered for an astonishing long time inside me and it felt godly. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed my face against his in loving joys, pretty much like if he was a soft plush I could cuddle as hard and as long into as I liked. But this plush was breathing, licking my face and best of all: he had his stiff wet toy placed deep inside me and leaked his warm semen like he would never ever stop again. Little vibrations ran up and down my whole love tunnel and they made me sigh hard a few times in disbelieve. His very hot member inside me moved back and forth in soft pulses, up and down by his muscular contractions and every time it did this motion it filled me up with one more spurt of his warm feline seed. I bit hard into my lower lip just to keep myself from moaning out too loud in pleasures beyond believe. I pretty soon tasted my own blood on my lips but I didn't care. This side ways fuck with him was worth it because it was just indescribable intense and wonderful... Baggy suddenly pushed himself with his two front paws a little bit away from my chest and I didn't understand why he suddenly did this. Had I angered him in some way? Just a moment later I did understand. "Ah, two love birds taking a nap together. How cute..." a male voice suddenly sounded out near us. I was so very shocked that I nearly pissed myself all over and poor Baggy with me. I turned my red head quite fast around and saw Mike, one of our stunt riders, standing near the fence door. "Is it safe to come in or are your other big cats roaming the ground?" he asked me and now I really feared the worst and got pretty pale instead. "I... I think...they are all in their cages...uhhhh..." I replied and nearly got a heart attack when Baggy suddenly flexed his stiff penis deep inside me a few times and for sure released another sticky load of his cum into me, exactly when I tried to answer that guy looking as innocently as possible in that absolutly awkward situation. He made a skeptical face but nodded. "May I come in then and get our money from the storage van to pay the new hay delivery?" I looked blank into his face for some seconds, not understanding a single word he was talking about. Baggy had a lot of fun licking my left ear from behind my shoulder while he still fired shot after shot of his feline cum everywhere inside my vagina. I quickly nodded and turned my head around to face Baggy. I was so very angry at him but at the same time I had an inhuman mental struggle in suppressing a knocking me out for sure second orgasm and a hard fit of naughty laughter about this whole absurd scene I was captured in. This god darn pervert cat really really enjoyed all this! It clearly turned him on big time to know a human male near us, observing us while he came inside me so hard that his seed slowly seeped out of my vagina and down my crack all into my trouser. I already felt sticky everywhere with his feline cum. He did things inside me with his penis that made me breath hard and sweat all over in pretty no time at all and that kept me constantly on the very edge of another orgasm that would have revealed everything! Everything! Mike opened the door very careful, looked left and right like if he had to cross a heavily used speedway. I had turned my face slowly back to watch him enter our inner fence and tried hard to keep mental distance to fucking Baggy. Mike clearly looked very scared and still feared an ambush of my three other beauties. Mike slowly moved over to our wooden deck chair and now that whole absurd scene focused into one single moment in time. "It's pretty hot below that thick blanket even if it's only springtime sun, huh?" he asked me and I nearly fell into a hard to explain outburst of uncontrollable silly laughter. "You have no idea..." I answered and smiled weakly. Baggy licked my face clean of all that salty sweat pearls, very much like if he had understood every single word said in our short conversation. "Wonderful black cat you have there. He seems to like you very much. All your big cats obviously do like you. Great big cat show by the way..." Mike said when he walked by and kept his eyes fixed on Baggy in much respect. "Thanks. Baggy is a real cute one..." I answered in a much more controlled way than before. The peak of my long orgasm had finally left me together with that strong fear of falling suddenly into another one because of some stupid thing Baggy could do with me just for the pure fun he got out of this all. Baggy was very pleased and absolutely satisfied. Not only had he enjoyed a wonderful fuck with me inside the chair, he also had done it in front of another male, a human male! He still leaked tiny amounts of his feline cream inside me and when Mike finally entered our storage trailer to get the money from the safe I couldn't restrain myself any moment longer. The storage van door closed behind Mile and I licked Baggy all over his nose pad with my tongue and squeezed him hard between my legs and arms. "You are such a naughty pervert cat you know! Fucking me right in front of him! I still can't believe you really did this! I told you to stop it but you didn't. I'll have to punish you for your disobedience and you know what - I'll think about something special to do that. And this time you will plea for mercy but I won't hear you either. And that's a promise my lovely sex maniac..." I told him, licked him all over his muzzle with my soft tongue and squeezed him so hard that he meowed softly in played protest. I released him from my grasp just in time because I heard Mike opening the van's door from inside. He reappeared in the doorway of the storage van. "Did you get the money from the safe?" I asked him very relaxed and Mike just nodded. Secretly I shivered all over below the thick blanket while I pretended to be calm. Baggy had decided to pull his hard member slowly out of me and his remarkable hot tool scratched over my very sensitive clit with it's whole length while leaving. I believe that Baggy enjoyed the best time of his life together with me on my wooden deck chair. We have enjoyed doing it in hundreds of different ways but this one clearly thrilled him the absolute most. His hard tool still twitched softly and lost drops of fluid when it finally came free from my completely soaked place with a very loud smack that I hoped Mike couldn't link to us. I took his stiff tool secretly in my hand and gave him a decent hand job below the blanket. Now Baggy widened this eyes in astonishment and this time I grinned into his face. His tool was covered all over with our mixed fluids and this made the hand-job very easy for me and absolute enjoyable wet for him. I pleased him with very soft, slow and squeezing strokes and he came again inside my engulfing hand after just a few milking squeezes. He started a soft growling while he clearly enjoyed his continuing relief with closed eyes. "Mike, do you want to pet cute Baggy before you leave?" I asked him while he walked by on his quick way out of the fence and this time Baggy widened his eyes in quiet protest and gave me a really annoyed look. "Nah, thanks, maybe some other time. He doesn't seem too pleased at the moment 'caus he's growling..." Mike said and closed the door of the fence behind him with a clang, clearly pretty releaved to be outside the huge cage and in safety again. "And I've to give the money to the hay delivery service at once or we'll get no more hay this year. Your big cats don't need hay but our horses do. See you around..." he shouted and waved his hand in a hurry while he walked away very quick. "I think he's a bit afraid of your kind and doesn't understand your lusty growling..." I laughed heartily towards Baggy. I got my filled hand up to my face and opened it in front of Baggy like a small bowl. I gave Baggy's seed a tasteful lick with my tongue. He joined in and licked the rest of his creamy remains from my hand bowl with absolute delight. "I really have no idea what makes Mike think that such a most lovely kitty -- I squeezed Baggy again like a soft pillow on top of me after he had finished his cleaning of my hand and licked his nose instead -- may do him harm in any way. The only thing you really would love to do is fucking me crazy directly in front of him for hours, wouldn't you?" I asked him a rhetorical question. I really laughed hard when Baggy showed me his complete agreement by rubbing his forehead onto mine in a clear provocative manner, stating that I should pretty please check that particular theory out as soon as anyhow possible. "Yeah, I can imagine pretty well that you would love to prove me right. Sometimes you are a really strange cat you know. But I love you the way you are my sweet lovely big kitten..." I kissed him again softly on his black nose pad and relaxed back into my chair. "Are I'm finally allowed now to enjoy the sun for just a few more minutes? I hope that you are no longer that much bored..." I asked him and laughed heartily. He sneaked back under the blanket and managed himself out of the deck chair in some miraculous way. How he could do so is another mystery of cat physics. It sometimes really looks like they are able to bend nature's laws with their feline bodies. Nevertheless, Baggy suddenly stood in front of the deck chair and shook himself softly to let his thick winter fur fall back into an ordered look. He meowed a short "thanks maam for all the great fun!" in my direction and strolled away most elegant like he always did. I shook my head and the only words I could find to express my current feelings was a heartily spoken 'Those god darn sexoholic cats really need another hobby!' with many soft giggles. I rested inside the warm sun for round about half an hour and finally decided that I had enjoyed quite enough sun for today. With some trouble I unfolded myself out of the deck chair after that long period of rest without much movement. The joints of my legs felt stiff and so did my softly aching shoulders. I stood up and begun to fold my thick blanket neatly together. While I did that I became aware that cute Baggy had really enjoyed an outstanding good time. He had made very good use of his stay inside me because a sheer river of his feline seed suddenly issued out of my vagina and right into my trouser. It felt like if I enjoyed a pee and my own warm stream kept running down the insides of my closed legs. But this stream was white... Another hot shiver of sexual fury raged through my whole body because of that physical stimuli that felt so wonderful naughty. Standing here and sensing Baggy's cum oozing slowly down the whole length of my legs and into my leather boots really kicked me big time in an arousing manner. I absolutely loved that feeling! My mind made wild jumps from one pornographic memory into the next and I was nearly losing the grip on myself. I slowly closed my legs further together to keep the steady stream of Baggy's cum at bay and let it drip by drip seep out of me. "I'll make him pay for this! Oh yes! I'll pay that black kitty back big time..." I mumbled into myself and tried hard to focus on folding the blanket together in a neatly way while my mind nearly went bye bye with hundreds of most thrilling pay back ideas. It had to be something very special, something very extreme. Suddenly a most brilliant plan flashed into my mind. I grinned devilish. Oh yeah, he will absolutly love this...
Caught in the act by Zakanfien
[ "Ejaculation", "Feline", "Handjob", "Human", "Other/Herm", "Panther", "Public", "Vaginal", "Zoophilia" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 62, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 234, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 60 }
Text: It had all come down to the final round. After the swimsuit competition, a new Ms. Halestead High would be chosen. Unlike the normal run of the mill fame, fortune and the choice of any guy that the winner cared to go out with, there was something a bit more personal this time. The two leading contenders had a grudge match going. "Well, Veronica. How do you feel?" Chad asked, looking nervously at the time. "It's still quite a while before the finals and the swimsuit competition. Think you can make it?" "Of course, I'm fine!" Veronica flashed him the smile as she turned and winked. Once again he felt his knees shiver. Amazingly enough, even though she could cause such detestation with a mere look, she seemed unaware of it. A tall girl with black hair that descended in soft curls to her shoulders, she showed a great deal of toned, fit and desirable skin underneath her low cut one piece bathing suit. A lifestyle of exercise and health showed in every movement. "I just wish I knew how Sherri caught up so easily," a frown puckered her near perfect face. "I had a ten point lead until the cooking competition, then suddenly she came up with the perfect pizza and my pie chashed in the making. Oh well, everyone knows I have the last event in the bag. After all, Sherri's pretty cute, but I don't think she can compete with this." Chad had to agree. Sherri was petite with amazingly piled up blonde hair as well as an interesting figure, but she just couldn't compete with Veronica's aerobicised appearance. It would be close, but in the end Veronica was almost sure to win. If nothing strange happened. "Howsabout I go and scope out the situation? Y'know, see if they're planning anything?" "That would be unethical, Chad." Veronica frowned again. "Then again, you never know with Sherri. You better go check. I think she's with her friend Newmann." "I can't believe I'm losing to that bimbo!" Sherri ranted as she stomped about in the confined spaces of a cluttered lab. "Here I spend all that money and effort to buy the judges off for the talent show and not only do I lose to Erica, Veronica comes out of no where and passes me up with that juggling act too. Good thing I was able to get Erica's crab cakes before she got my pizza and I can outcook Veronica any day of the week." "Stop moving around," Newmann muttered, scribbling away furiously in a notebook. "I have to get the skin composition exactly right for this to work." "Are you sure this'll do the trick?" "Sure I'm sure," he replied indignantly. "I... well, my dad's been working on this for years. Basically all I'm doing is giving you a second layer of false skin from your neck to your ankles and wrists. It'll conform to your body shape exactly, but since it stretches..." "I'll be able to strategically augment it in order to beat out that beach bunny Veronica! I still wonder where she gets all the time to exercise and still get those grades... I mean it's not like she can afford to pay off the teachers for better grades like I can. Is the suit ready?" "Yup." Newmann held up what looked like a unitard with a short zipper along the back. "Good thing you decided to wear that swimsuit with the high collar and the belt. That'll cover the collar of the skinsuit. Everything else I can blend in well enough to be almost invisible." "What about this?" Sherri asked, pointing at a small nozzle, much like that of a bike tire where the pump is attached. It stuck out the back of the suit, just below where the zipper started. "That? Don't worry, it'll match right in with your belt. Ok, strip down and climb in." Sherri was quickly out of her clothing and carefully pulling the suit on almost before he finished the sentence. "Oh, don't be so careful with it. It's incredibly resilient stuff. I think it would take a pretty sharp knife to cut it." After sliding into the outfit and having Newmann zip it up, Sherri resembled a barbi doll. No private parts showed whatsoever, but only close examination would reveal that she was wearing anything. The suit blended nearly perfectly with her skin. "How does it feel?" "Not bad. Really comfortable, almost like smooth satin. Or maybe rubber. Yeah, that's it, like smooth and warm rubber. Now what?" "Here's your swimsuit." It wasn't really what could be termed a swimsuit. Something this expensive would never be worn where water could mar it. The neckpiece started just below the chin, dropping to evenly hemmed legs. The wide black sash was the only thing to mar the spandex white of the outfit, adding a mark of distinction. "Alright, the valve blends in right with the sash. No one'll notice it," Newmann grinned. "Now let's try this out." "This is so cool!" Sherri squealed. "I'm so glad my dad hired yours to be head of research. You get to play with all his new stuff!" Newmann connected a small hand pump to the valve, then started squeezing away. Holding her breath, Sherri watched in the mirror. Slowly, muscle tone seemed to improve before her eyes, arms thickening slightly. Her bustline lifted outward slowly while her waist remained perfectly the same. Hips flared ever so slightly and her legs assumed curves that she'd thought she'd never see exept through expensive pants. "Oh, that's just perfect." Running her hands down her front, Sherri sighed. Reaching for the hand pump, she tried to disconnect it, but couldn't until Newmann twisted it off the valve. "Sorry 'bout that. It's a cheap valve and if you don't twist it off right, it'll jam." "Never mind." Sherri grinned happily. "This paegant is in the can. There's no way anyone could find Veronica better'n me!" She could very well be right. Originally having an intrinsic cuteness, now Sherri's appearance could only be described as outstanding. With a pair of high heels with wrap around laces to hide the leg cuffs, she was ready and prepared to face all comers. "She did what?!?" Aghast, Veronica sat down in stunned amazement. "That, that's cheating!" Chad nodded solemnly. "I saw the whole thing through the vent." Veronica eyed him suspiciously. "What is this, information you picked up back when you were still spying into the women's showers? Nevermind! I can't believe Sherri would sink so low... I don't wanna lose to someone who's cheating." Chad smiled as he lightly punched Veronica in the shoulder. "C'mon, that's not the Veronica I know. You'll think of something. See, you already have that look in your eye!" "Chad, you said the valve was kinda sticky?" "Yeah..." "C'mon, I've got an idea. I need you to go down to the supply office and pick up some equipment. Lets see if we can turn Sherri's new assets against her." Sherri was already in the stage antiroom, admiring herself in a wall mirror, when Veronica shuffled in. Turning with a happy smile, she greeted her opponent, pretending to be friends when all the while she was flaunting her new outline to the dismayed Veronica. Chad was right, she realized. Sherri now had an incredible body. But if a few curves were enough to win, Veronica was determined to give Sherri more than she could handle. "Why don't we sit down and wait? It's still twenty minutes or so before we go on," Veronica suggested, sitting down on the only chair available. The only other furniture was a few tables and an open backed stool nearby. Aquiesing, Sherri sat down with ill grace, but was soon absorbed in reading a magazine. "What's that on your sash there?" Veronica pointed to Sherri's back. "It looks as though you have some lint on there." "Really?" Sherri tried to glance over her shoulder, but couldn't get the area in question into view. "Could you pick it off for me?" "Certainly!" Veronica smirked. "Hold still." Reaching forward, she brought forth what she had been hiding carefully behind herself the entire time. An air hose, clamp formost with the end of the hose going out the door. Brushing and tugging on the sash, she carefully clipped on the fitting sticking a bit out of the back of Sherri's suit. "Pardon me. Veronica, may I speak with you for a moment?" Chad waved from the door. "Be right back!" Veronica walked over, her high heels clicking on the hardwood floor. "Did you get the tanks?" she whispered to Chad. "All they had were some nearly full ones of helium from last weeks Halloween party. I already hooked one up in the hallway." "Fire it up!" Veronica turned and went back to her seat with a smile for Sherri. Watching the air line, Veronica could tell when it turned on as the pressure made it squiggle a bit. A gentle hissing, barely audible, started. The effect on Sherri was almost as if it were a roar. She sat bolt upright, glancing around nervously before staring down at her arms and legs, checking for leaks. The fact that there were no leaks took a bit to catch on, and there was already a noticeable increase in the size of her calves to Veronica before Sherri got up. Flashing a nervous smile to Veronica, she slowly stepped towards the corner mirror. Supressing a grin, Veronica watched out of the corner of her eye. The first thing Sherri noticed was that when she looked down, she could no longer see her feet. The suit hadn't made her that big, she knew for certain. Glancing down, she stifled a gasp as she realized her bustline was slowly moving outward, almost as if more gas were coming in from somewhere. Staring into the mirror, she realized she had already increased a cup size or two. Her figure had gone from trim and athletic to full figured and voluptuous. As she watched in horrified amazement, she became even more topheavy, her legs puffing up a bit in nice curves leading down to well rounded calves. "Oh no!" Sherri blurted out, spying the air hose for the first time in the mirror. A quick exploration by her fingers revealed its attachment to the valve on her back. Tugging hard, she realized she was only jamming it on tighter. She tried to tug on her sleeve to peel it back, but her chest was already large enough to get in the way, straining at her swimsuit. Putting her hands over her chest, Sherri tried to squeeze it all back in. All that happened was that it puffed up and down squooshing into her face. A definite sensation of pressure was starting to be felt. Glancing up into the mirror, Sherri blinked in astonishment. Her once trim figure was now swollen to massive size. Twin beach balls stretched her suit to the limit while her shoulders had started to bulk up, adding to a sudden feeling of claustrophobia. Her arms had started to swell as well, looking for all the world like she had begun to develop giant muscles. Below, her waist was still somewhat normal, although it was puffing outward as well and her legs billowed out from the leg openings of the suit. As Sherri watched with stunned horror, the suit swelled larger and larger. She became more and more pumped with gas, a feeling of increasing pressure spreading over her body. Helpless, Sherri could only tell what was going on lower down by the mirror as her now beanbag sized breasts ballooned ever outward. Trying to move, she realized that she could no longer do more than a light shuffle as the suit gripped her with a growing strength. Slowly her arms straightened out and her shoulders, swollen enormously, touched up against her neck. With a ripping pop, the sash gave, letting her waist bulge outward. Sherri began to pant, trying to draw breath against the tension of the suit. More and more she began to resemble a vaguely female shaped ball, ballooning, inflating, swelling, expanding larger and larger and larger. A peal of laughter broke her out of her shock. "Oh, this is great!" Veronica laughed again, coming over to stand next to Sherri. "You're huge!" "Veronica!" Sherri panted. "Stop it! Please, you've got to help me! I can't move..." Veronica's next statement was cut off as Sherri let out a loud yelp. Slowly and ponderously, like a blimp rising from the ground, she started to drift upward. "Wow, I didn't think you'd get big enough to do that." Veronica snickered again as Sherri's swimsuit gave up the ghost and popped off, dropping to the floor. "Help meee! Ouch!" Sherri winced as her head hit the ceiling, then started caterwauling again. Veronica reached up and gave the hose a good tug, separating the nozzle from the valve with a pop. Reaching up and grasping Sherri's high heel with one hand, she pulled her down far enough to tie a short rope from one of the tables around her ankle. "Oh, you'll make such an adorable balloon. Now I think I'll go out and show you around a bit!" "No, wait! I admit I cheated, but that doesn't deserve this!" Sherri had turned rather red from all of her puffing. "Sure it does." Veronica let go of the rope. Sherri shot up and bonked her head into the ceiling again, yelping loudly. "Let's go see some judges."
[ "Inflatable Clothing", "Female Inflation", "floating", "helium" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 43, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 200, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 30 }
(WARNING: I can't even begin to state how much sexual things are in this story. I mean seriously. Mostly to do with a lot of rape and a tad bit of beastality. Also hints of very mild abuse. All rape and abuse however is non-violent and actually quite erotic. If you find this kind of sexual incounters not to your liking then this story is not for you. However, for the rest of us, including myself when i was writing it...Engoy and mind your aim and your keyboard. Almoryk( Cursed Females: The Story of Rhola Ever since Rhola was young she loved animals. However her parents would never buy her a pet for her to keep. They told her if she wanted a pet she had to earn the money to buy one and also have enough to take care of it. For only being an eight year old she took it rather well and eventually she did end up having a decent sum of money. However she could never afford a real pet so her room was full of stuffed animals instead. When Rhola got older her obsession for animals only increased since she could never ever get a real pet. Her thoughts had shifted from just wanting an animal to wanting to be in love with an animal. Many of her plush animals had to be washed constantly or even thrown away only to be replaced by a new one as there soft muzzles would either be torn or too soaked with her juices to ever come out. No matter how much she played with her toys or how many sites she browsed on the internet her obsession could never be satisfied. She loved the internet the most, all these stories about females much like her self giving themselves to their pets or making love to a plushy only to have them come alive and make love to them. She shivered just from thinking about it finding her hand subconsciously stroking her already wet slit. She would only sigh though as these stories could never happen to her. Rhola was 16 now doing well in school and living a normal life. No one knew of her obsession and it was only getting worse. A new store had opened up a few months ago and she had been there every day purchasing more plush animals and now even costumes and make-up. She loved to dress up and role play on different sights. Her only problem is that she could never decide what animal she would like to be. She would mostly do anything cute ranging from kitty cats to puppies and anything in between. She hated getting old fearing she would loose her taste for finding enjoyment in wearing cat ears with a bunny tail while putting on a mix of different animal costumes. She loved them all. However it still wasn't enough and she never had money for a full complete costume, she had to combine things making herself look rather odd but still satisfying her obsession for a little bit. The bell echoed through out the store as the old man fixated his glasses to see the familiar sight of Rhola returning to his store. He shook his head as he returned to his sweeping fixating a few items here and their as he called out. "Evening again Rhola, anything in particular you're looking for or just browsing as usual?" "Browsing" Rhola said innocently as she had fallen into a routine with the old man. She looked over the various costumes all locked up in plastic wrapping and looking too fake for her. There were some rather cute stuffed animals but her parents had forbidden her to perches anymore as her closet at home was already about to burst open. She sighed deeply as she continued to walk back and forth through the store nothing seeming to catch her interest. She found herself at the back of the store a door marked employees only in front of her. She was about to turn around when she saw a source of light emitting through the slightly ajar door. Her curiosity got the better of her and the old man was too far away to here her as she slipped in. Her heart pounded just from the excitement she might find that the old man had been holding out on her. But as she surveyed the room there was almost nothing. Almost, her eyes fell on a most beautiful sight that made her loins twitch in anticipation. There in front of her was two of the most perfect fursuits she had ever seen. They were amazing in detail. She walked over to them running her hands through the plush fur as it felt so real. She even inspected the inside as it was only a fine thin sheet of foam separating the fur from the body. If one were to but them on they would be able to feel everything. They were both so cute too, one being a rabbit, the other a mouse, both female and anthro. They were by no means cartoony in any way. She inspected the head of both of them the eyes being the right size for her or anyone to fit perfectly. The mouth would open when the wearer would open his mouth. Even the tails could wag if one were to wiggle her rump. She gasped in joy as she had to have them. She quickly took the suits off their hooks and made her way to the door. As soon as she approached it she eeped as she found she couldn't move. She was frozen her hand just about to push the door open as the folded up fursuits were tucked under her arm. She fond herself dropping the fursuits and her arms were forced to raise above her head her legs spreading out wide. Rhola had no idea what was happening until the old man came through the door picking up the fursuits and hanging them back up seeming to ignore the suspended Rhola. "Oh Rhola I'm so disappointed in you." The old man said as he walked around he walked around her tracing his finger this way and that as lines appeared through her clothing and they quickly fell off. Rhola couldn't even make a noise of whimpering as the man undressed her. "You've been such a good customer and now you had to go about snooping around and stealing some of my best work." He sighed as Rhola noticed he no longer had hands but large paws of some feline that she felt trace over her nude form. "Oh I know your sorry now my dear, but you have gone too far. You simply must be punished." Rhola found herself laid out on a bed that seemed to appear from no where. She felt eyes were upon her as shadows began to move towards her prone body the old man now having finished his shifting resembling a half lion with a mix of wolf. She could only stare at the creature as he was now only wearing black baggy jeans his chest colored gray while everything else was the normal fur of a male lion. His piercing yellow eyes stared at her as he lowly growled in amusement as Rhola eeped to a nuzzle to her side. She couldn't turn her head too much but she didn't need to as she recognized one of her favorite stuffed animals now sitting upon her chest. She blinked in confusion before the tinny wolf began to nip and bite at her breast making her wiggle as it tickled. Soon more shadows came forth all of them being of her favorite animals only they were all toys and all of them hers. Some of them even from beyond the trash now torn still covered in her juices. They all moved to her lapping their velvet tongues across her body and rubbing themselves against her in lewd ways. She couldn't tell how many of them there were as her eyes were fixated on a much larger form approaching her. She would yip in surprise having found her voice again as a male dog hopped onto the bed and began to lick its wet tongue across her spread slit. Rhola could only pant and moan gently in pleasure as she looked back to the lion/wolf hybrid yipping even louder as he saw his paw stroking his large shaft. The male dog began to lightly buck his small cock against her slit missing horribly but only adding to the horrible teasing her body was suffering. The stuffed animals nipped harder at her skin as she felt a tingling sensation all through out her body. Her slit became more willing to take the dog's cock but the animal was only teasing her making her prepared. Rhola could only yip and moan making other cute noises as she felt her body began to become softer. The forms began to disperse from her as she was so close to orgasm yet when the stuffed animals stopped licking her and the dog stopped teasing her she was just hanging on the edge. She looked over her body as her skin looked and felt different. As the lion wolf slowly approached her the suits she adored moving close to her side suspended above her as the lion soon overshadowed her tiny from posing himself over her. His large cock flopped onto her waist the hard flesh sinking into her now softer form. She recognized the material she seemed to be made out of now. As she looks to the suits she realizes that her skin was now the same material as the insides of those perfect suits. The lion gripped her hips tightly his paws simply sinking into her as she could feel it but it was pleasurable even thought his paws literally touched each other when he squeezed her hard. Rhola gasped in pleasure as his cock quickly penetrated her soft mound it easily filling her as she was nothing but a strange kind of foam being. She tried to scream out but all that came out of her foam mouth was just tiny squeaks and murrs of pleasure. She then saw parts of the suits float up out of the corner of her eyes and began to attach itself to her body moving around the thrusting lion so it wouldn't disturb him as he continued to pound her mound as hard as he could as she could only feel pleasure. The lion licked his lips as he looked down to the frighten girl the suit combining as it fused to her legs making cute pink feet and moved up her body covering her legs with the white fur of the rabbit suit. Rhola could feel a tingling sensation as the suit merged with her foam body becoming one with it as her sex was soon covered as well as she was much firmer now able to feel the full thrust of the lion wolf hybrid. The lion licked his lips as more of her body was joined with the suit her stomach turning gray as some of the mouse suit began to cover her body. She had a bunny tail her back mostly white with a few gray spots as soon her breast was covered being gray in color with a white tuff in between her cleavage. The Lion thrust faster into her body as the final piece of the suit came over Rhola's head. She closed her eyes and gave out a screech of pleasure as she cummed hard, her first orgasm as a bunny mouse hybrid. She opened her small muzzle and panted hard her pink eyes blinking as she felt her raised arms brush against her now long and slightly roundish ears. The lion kept up his pace going even harder now as he wasn't finished with his naughty bunny. Rhola heard the deep rumble of his voice in her head. A tingling sensation coursed through her body as she began to shrink. She gasped as she felt her ears and tail constantly shift from being rabbit, to being that of a mouse, and then back again as the Lion continued to change her emitting thoughts into her head. "You are to always to be submissive young one." The deep voice would growl as he only pounded into her tender mound harder as she squeaked and made other cute bunny and mouse noises. His cock began to bulge making an outline in her body as she became shorter and shorter. "You will be willed into any male or females fantasy. Your body will change in appearance and mind to fulfill even the darkest desires. This is what you always wanted and loved young one." As she shrank down to three feet in height the Lion roared and howled loudly as his cock jumped and sprayed her insides with globs of thick ropey seed. Rhola screeched in pleasure as all the tingling sensations of her new body as well as the lion fucking her made her pass out into a deep sleep. Rhola awoken to find herself in a strange bed as furry arms were wrapped around her tightly pressing her small frame into a strong muscled chest. At first she thought it was the lion but upon further examination it was a canine, a pretty handsome one at that. She gave a slight eep though as he felt his cock begin to lightly stir pressing against her lower inner thigh. The canine's blue eyes opened and looked to her as he smiled. "Well little one, are you ready to please your daddy?" Rhola couldn't find any words as she was slightly confused. She didn't even have time to recognize that she was in fact a real antro rabbit/mouse morph and that experience with the lion wolf was not a dream. "What if daddy told you to enlarge your breast and suck my cock off?" Rhola was about to say something before she yipped finding her body responding to the canine's request. Her breast would bounce as they shot up a few cup sizing filling up her small chest and weighing her down a bit as she found her paws struggling with the pants of this canine before her. "Please stop..." she pleaded as the canines pants would drop. "Now why would my daughter not want to please her father?" Rhola found herself crawling towards him as his canine paws gripped and messaged her large breast as she reluctantly found herself opening her maw and engulfing his cock into her mouth. She suckled and nibbled teasingly with her blunt teeth as she felt that strange tingling again as the canine wrapped a paw around the back of her head and pushed his cock fully down her throat. "Mmmm yes... so tight and young...and mine." The canine began to thrust in and out of her willing maw. Rhola's body would shiver and tingle more bringing her immense pleasure. Her fur would shorten as she found herself becoming younger, being changed into the daughter this canine had imagined. She even found fond memories of being fucked by her daddy and being raised to be the perfect little girl. Oh how she loved to suckle down his cum. She couldn't fight the images in her head as she gave out a pleasured squeak her father having cummed way too soon for her as she suckled down on his cock and drank his seed. Her father pulled away from her and gave a good spurt on her face coated her small muzzle with his sperm. The canine then slapped her for no particular reason. Rhola began to cry out, "Why daddy?" She was only slapped again and picked up roughly by the ears and carried out of the locked room. She then was tossed to a strong looking guard who carried her to a portion on a stone wall were chains hung ominously. She was locked securely and left to cry for her lost daddy. Eventually Rhola had snapped out of it regaining her old memories and finding time to survey her surroundings. She was in what appeared to be a slave chamber. Other various anthro morphs were looking among the slaves or talking lowly her bunny ears twitching to the sounds. Her body had regained its normal 19 year old look but she was still only three feet in height and had rather plump breast. This would be her life now. Wasting away in chains till someone picked her out only to use her for their own pleasure and toss her back to the rather cruel guards. She only felt pleasure though the tingling sensation her body would feel anytime someone would change her made her quite aroused. She couldn't help herself. Rhola sighed her eyes closing as she rested in the chains only to open as a shadow loomed over her. She gave a slight nod the only thing she could do as a large black and gray dragon leaned over and looked into her eyes, "Why hello there cutie." Rhola blushed deeply her bunny tail wagging at the complement as she was happy that not all were cruel in this place. Yet she sighed in her mind as she figured it would be a while before she could possibly try to get rid of this curse as the tingling sensation began to course through her body as the dragon began to unchain her. (Took me a while to get through this one. This will be it for Cursed Females for a while. If you would like to know what happens to Rhola become part of the story. (http://www.furcadia.com/download/((http://www.furcadia.com/download/) More information on the site. Thank you for reading and perhaps ill see you around Almoryk(
The Story of Rhola by Almoryk Kane
[ "Bestiality", "Forcedshifting", "Fursuit", "Human", "M/F", "Mind Control", "Plushophilia", "Rape", "Slavery", "Transformation" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 54, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 151, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence" ], "score": 80 }
Text: It wasn't easy for a girl like me to find a suitable vehicle to drive about, especially in my condition that sometimes seemed to afflict me at the oddest moments. I needed a new car to tote my little balloon body around in. I needed something roomy and economical, partly so I would have money to continue buying my custom-made wardrobe. One Saturday afternoon I slipped into a slinky yellow outfit and headed to the car dealerships that littered the town's major shopping district. My junky old rust bucket carted my big buttocks across town, where I found the first of the dealerships I wanted to investigate. The dealership was said to have the best prices and vehicles around. "Roomy and affordable," they claimed in their advertisements. I pulled into the dealership and parked. Aa young rather handsome salesman said seeming to appear out of nowhere. "Good afternoon, young lady. I'm Mark. May I help you? Are you looking for something specific?" His gaze rested on the low cut front of my yellow outfit. "I'm looking for something that will accommodate my, um...body," I told him directly. I always believed in being up-front with everyone--especially if my "up front" could expand at a moment's notice. "How about this little number?" Mark smiled, all teeth, as he pointed out a little red Volkswagen. He opened the door and gestured me in to take a seat behind the wheel. I slipped in and squirmed my way into the seat, my yellow dress riding up a bit. "Feels good?" he questioned watching me squirm and my breasts shimmy in the yellow top. "Feels great. But will it hold me?" I smiled up at the cute guy. "Will it hold you? It seems to hold you just fine," he said then he blinked and I giggled as his eyes locked onto my chest. I sat back in the seat and inhaled deeply, feeling the warm afternoon air fill my lungs and push my chest upwards. The air wasn't only filling my lungs, though--and poor Mark could attest to that as he watched my bust swell up bigger, rounder, fatter than any girl's chest he had ever seen. I cranked the seat back as my inflating boobs touched the steering wheel. "Gosh, the car sure does seem big enough," I said as the yellow dress filled out snug with my beachball-sized breasts. My nipples had popped up and were swelling against the taut fabric. "But what about my boobs? Are they big enough?" I added, awkwardly moving around so I was sitting just within the door frame of the car. My billowing ballooning breasts were rounding out gently nudging my lap. I smiled cutely at the salesman as I inhaled deeply through my nose. My yellow top bulged out further and further. My fattening bosoms surpassed beachball status as they wedged me in the door frame and pushed out bigger. The yellow top stretched and stretched as two huge mounds of inflating bust line bulged up in the neck line of the dress. I giggled as the huge warm expanding breasts nudged my chin. I kissed both swelling globes, leaving lipstick marks on the pink upsurging flesh. Finally I stopped the inflation and sat there. I was wedged in the door frame of the car with my huge boobs almost hiding my head. "What do you think?" I asked Mark the car salesman. He stood there staring, mouth agape. "You won't need air bags," he stammered.
[ "Breast Inflation", "Female Inflation", "first person" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 40, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 48, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 9 }
Friends in the Booth From the time I told Melissa about my adventure at the adult bookstore, which led to being blackmailed by a coworker, she had been relentless in trying to get me go with her to check out the store. "But Kirsten...I can't go alone!" Melissa whined. I leaned back against the sink as I dried some dishes. "Get Jordan to take you." She stuck her lips out in a mock pout, "He'll go, but...I don't want to be the only girl there...come on..." For those of you not following along with my sexual journey, I'm Kirsten. I'm twenty-five years old, a true ginger - not flaming red, but still. I stand about 5'2"/5'3", and I weigh between 130 and 135. I've been working hard to drop a few pounds, and I am finally seeing some results. Attractiveness is hard to judge for yourself, but I've been told I'm sort of girl next door cute. Critically cute as someone told me once. Melissa. Now she's super cute. Natural blonde, a little taller and a little thinner than I am, perky breasts, and a killer smile. "Melissa...you know what happened last time..." I sighed. My last adult bookstore encounter resulted in being discovered by a co-worker who happened to be among the group of men who had fucked me. A co-worker that had blackmailed me into having sex with him and a friend. I was trying to avoid a repeat of that experience. She moved over next to me, running her hand along my side and over my hip. Her lips brushed against my neck as I sighed, "...come on...we can find some other place where things would be cool.." I moaned as I turned to kiss her. When she was through with me, as we cuddled naked in bed, our limbs intwined, I gave in. The text from Melissa came just a few days later: Free this weekend? After quickly figuring out that I could put off most of what I needed to do I replied: Sure. What's up. A few minutes later, she responded: Found our place - got a room for the night so we don't have to drive back. I grinned as it finally dawned on me what she was referring to: U sure about this? :Yep :Jordon's in? :He's been hard the last two days just thinking about it! Laughing I sent back my reply: Then I'm in. Time slowed down, making Thursday and Friday torture at work. Finally, quitting time rolled around, and I rushed home to get ready before my friends came by to pick me up. All week I had been trying to decide what to wear. As usual, I wanted to give off an innocent, but not unapproachable, vibe, and I wanted to stay away from anything that looked too slutty. I settled on a nice fitting pair of black jeans over a black thong. I pulled on a plain white "boyfriend tee" from Victoria Secrets, topping that off with a short, cropped jacket. As I checked myself out, I thought I looked rather sassy with my new shorter haircut. By the time I was throwing a few last minute items in my overnight duffle (my Rabbit made the final last minute cut), the doorbell was chiming. I grabbed my bag, and opened the door. Melissa was grinning ear to ear. "Ready?" "Let's go!" I followed her down the stairs admiring her look. A black knit dress, scoop neck, and flats. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that was really very cute. She turned to look back at me and giggled, "Jordan's hard as a fucking rock! BEGGED me to blow him on the drive over!" "..and...?" "He's still suffering!" "You are such a bitch!" I laughed as I opened the back passenger door, tossing my bag across the seat. "Hey Jordan!" Jordan looked back at me with a pained look on his face, "Don't you want to ride shotgun?" I pouted at him, "But Jordan, if I did that, your raging hard on might tempt me to do something unsafe..." Melissa laughed and jumped into the front seat. "Don't worry baby. We'll take very good care of you later." She squeezed the obvious bulge in his jeans as Jordan groaned. For the next hour and half, Jordan was a good sport as Melissa and I teased him without mercy. His only response was, "You girls just wait...what goes around..." We pulled up to our hotel, and checked into the room around 8:00 pm. Melissa was eager to go, but Jordan and I argued for drinks at the bar to help us relax. It was her turn to groan in frustration, "Come on guys! I'm ready now!" I sided with Jordan, and we hit the bar. After a couple glasses of wine, I was feeling good. Melissa was obviously horny and beyond ready to go. Jordan pulled out his phone, looked up directions to the bookstore, and paid our tab. Melissa crawled into the back seat with me much to Jordan's dismay, and we made out as our driver made his way to our destination. Melissa moaned as I slid my hand under her dress, lightly running my fingers up her thighs. My fingertips circled her clit, then trailed down along her slit. She gasped as I inserted a finger slowly into her wet pussy. "Jordan..." I teased, looking at him as he caught quick glances at us in the rearview mirror. "She's so fucking wet..." I whispered, as Melissa slowly ground her pussy against my hand. "...You guys suck..." He muttered under his breath. In about 20 minutes, he announced that we had arrived, and Melissa and I pulled ourselves apart. Almost a dozen cars were scattered throughout the parking lot that surrounded the one story building. A simple neon sign hung over the door. Jordan parked and turned to look back at us, "So how do you want to do this? All go in together? Or maybe separate?" I just shrugged, looking toward Melissa. Her forehead wrinkled as she gave it some thought, "Why don't you go in first Jordan. You can check it out just to see what it's like. If it's cool, text me. Then Kirsten and I can play 'two girls checking out the dirty bookstore'." She looked from me to Jordan, "What do you think." I smiled, "Sounds good to me." Jordan was grinning like the village idiot, "Ok. Sounds like plan." He stepped out of the car, but before closing the door, he poked his head back in, "And keep your fingers out of my wife's pussy for just a LITTLE while, ok?" We laughed as we watched Jordan walk across the asphalt and enter the building. "Nervous?" Melissa just nodded. About the time we were thinking that something might be wrong, the text came through: Cool place. Number of guys creeping around. Think you'll like it. I slipped off my jacket, leaving it on the seat as we both took a deep breath and headed toward the door. The outer door opened into a fairly large room that was similar to the other bookstore I had visited. Display counters to the right, and what I would call an S&M wall to the left. The center of the room was row after row of DVD displays, toys, and racks of clothing. Toward the back, on the left wall, was an entrance to the private booths with a change machine and a bathroom next to the doorway. Straight ahead of us was another door with a sign over it that read simply: Theatre. A number of guys were milling around looking at the merchandise. Melissa's eyes were wide as she took it all in. I nudged her to get her moving into the room as the clerk behind the counter looked over at us, "Good evening ladies." I smiled at him shyly and bit at my lower lip as Melissa managed a hoarse, "...hi..." He was checking us out as we moved down the row right in front of us, "Let me know if you need any help." I glanced over at him, brushed my hair back, and nodded. By this time, the half dozen guys in the room had noticed us. I looked around, spotting Jordan in the back of the store next to a display of blow up dolls. He gave a slight nod, and pretended to check us out as like the others. Melissa looked somewhat flush as she stopped and looked at the video titles. Her nipples were pressing against the fabric of her dress clearly indicating her state of mind. I stopped next to her, letting my right hand drift over to her ass. We were drawing stares now as my hand dropped lower and stroked the upper part of her leg just below the hem of her dress. Slowly, I moved my hand up under the fabric to caress her bare ass. In the process her dress rode up to reveal more skin. Melissa moved her feet a little further apart, trembling as I ran a finger up between her legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jordan whisper something to a couple guys standing close to him. They grinned, and the three of them moved around to stand in the row just behind us. I started to finger my friend slowly as she arched her back sticking her ass out. Melissa held onto the shelf in front of her as she slowly rotated her hips taking my finger deeper into her pussy. A guy appeared on the end of our row, pretending to check out the videos as he snuck quick peeks at us. Two other guys stood on the other side of the display rack, not directly in front of us, but just off to either side. I grinned at them as I slipped a second finger into Melissa's pussy causing her to moan out loud. I worked my fingers slowly in and out of her pussy a couple more times before pulling them out and rubbing the juices all over her bare ass. The expressions on the faces around us was priceless as I let the dress fall back over Melissa's hips. "Come on...!" I walked to the end of the aisle, past the guy still pretending to look at the DVDs, and made my way over to the S&M wall. Melissa followed with a dazed look on her face that I knew from past experience was a great indicator of her level of arousal. Every eye in the place was on us. I picked up a pair of handcuffs, playfully wagging them in front of my friend. She laughed as she held her hands out in front of her pretending to submit to being cuffed. We checked out the various cuffs, and whips, and blindfolds. We took our time, picking up and inspecting the various items as we giggled to ourselves. I looked over my shoulder to see Jordan engaged in a discussion with several of the other guys. He caught my eye and tilted his head toward the entrance to the video booths. I bit my lip and gave a brief nod. "...Jordan thinks we should hit the booths..." I whispered into my friend's ear. Melissa glanced at the doorway then back at me. "...ok..." "But first, follow me..." I led her on a brief tour around the store. I made sure that the guys were watching as we stopped to look at the array of toys. I teased them by looking at some of the clothes, holding the skimpy dresses and fantasy costumes up to Melissa and myself to see how they looked against our bodies. Finally, I clearly let them see that we were very interested in the DVD section on gang bangs, group sex, and "forced" sex. Finally, when I could tell that the sexual tension in the room was reaching a boiling point, we walked over the counter. I pulled a $20 bill out of my pocket, handing it to the clerk. I brushing my hair back as I blushed, "Can I get dollars for the booths?" He looked us over like a wolf studies a wounded sheep. Handing over a wad of singles, his fingers brushed against the inside of my wrist causing goosebumps to pop up along my arm, "...have a good times ladies..." Both of us were blushing now as we headed over the entrance to the back hallway. Jordan was nowhere to be seen, and I assumed he had gone on ahead of us. I looked around, as it slowly dawned on me that only a couple guys were still in the main room. Probably through Jordan's efforts the others had anticipated our move to the back booths when we approached the counter for change. We stepped through a heavy black curtain, and into a short darkened hallway. As our eyes adjusted to the dimness, I could see that several video booths lined the wall on each side. I saw Jordan peeking around the corner from the intersecting hallway just a little bit in front of us. I sensed Melissa hesitate, so I took charge. "Come on..." I opened the second door on the right. Lights above the doors of the first few booths were dark, so I knew they were empty. I pulled Melissa into the room. "...You ok?..." She let out a deep breath, "Yeah...nervous...horny..." She giggled anxiously, giving me a nervous smile, "...yeah...I'm good..." I threaded a couple dollars into the machine, and the video immediately started. A girl was bent over a park bench as a big white guy plowed her from behind. I unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled my tee shirt over my head. I sat down on the bench, and slid one hand into the front of my jeans as my other hand caressed my tits through the fabric of my lace bra. We heard doors on either side of us open and then slam closed. I nodded to the holes on either side of the booth. I knew we were being watched. I sat back on the bench and spread my legs. As I stared at Melissa, I started to rub my pussy. My fingers circled my clit, and I moaned as I slid my middle finger into my wet cunt. "...Join me..." I whispered. Melissa lifted her dress over her hips, and leaned back against the door. Little wisps of hair had escaped her pony tail and framed her face. Along with the color rising in her cheeks, Melissa looked very vulnerable and erotic. As she ran her hand down her belly to her pussy, one of the guys watching us stuck his cock through the hole to her left. Melissa stroked her pussy with her right hand as she reached over to wrap her left hand around his stiff cock. We heard a loud groan from the other side of the wall as she started to slowly stroke the thick shaft. I watched Melissa slowly stroking the rigid tool as I continued to finger myself. One the other side of the booth, a second cock pressed through the other glory hole. Reluctantly ceasing my self stimulation, I got up and knelt on the floor. I licked the thick head, then took the rigid cock in my mouth as I stared into my friend's eyes. I slowly licked the thick shaft, running my tongue along the sensitive underside of the stranger's prick. A muffled moan came through the thin wall as he tried to press his cock further through the hole. On the video, the girl screamed out as her partner's thick cock now slammed into her ass. I was intently sucking on the cock in my mouth as Melissa dropped to the floor next to me. She gave me a sly grin, and she slowly licked the underside of the cock she had been stroking from the base to the head. She nibbled on the tip as the guy in the booth gasped. He was groaning with pleasure as Melissa teased his cock with her lips before suddenly taking it deep into her mouth. We watched each other sucking on the strangers' cocks. From the other side of wall I heard an "Oh fuck!" as the cock in my mouth twitched and started to empty its load. I took the first spurt in my mouth, then pulled back, jerking the shaft rapidly as second spurt sprayed on my chest. Melissa's wide eyes got even wider as the other guy hissed, "I'm going to cum...!" Before she could pull back, the look on her face told me that Melissa had taken the load in her mouth. She kept sucking, trying to swallow it all, but a string of cum trickled down her chin. Finally, the guy pulled back, and gasped, "...oh fuck...!" as his cock slipped out of Melissa's warm, wet mouth. The cock in my hand deflated, and I let it go as it slipped back through the glory hole. I leaned over and kissed Melissa, licking the cum off her chin. "...God that was hot..." She whispered. I just grinned and bit my lip. We heard the doors open and the guys stumble out. We could just make out the rustling of other people in the hall outside our booth, and it wasn't long before we could hear two people in the booths next to us. Melissa put her fist to mouth to suppress a laugh as a small cock pushed through the hole next to me. "...Bet you could deep throat that..." She whispered before breaking out into barely suppressed giggles. I fought back my own laugher as I looked at her in mock anger. I took the cock between my thumb and first two fingers of my right hand. "...Oh god..." Melissa was in tears as she fell back on the floor her body racked with silent laughter. The guy groaned as I licked the head of his cock. I didn't want to waste any time, so I took him into my mouth, pressing my lips as close as possible to the wall. I just held my head in place, my lips snuggly around his dick, as he pumped his cock in and out of my mouth. He did not last long at all before I felt the spasms that indicated he was going to cum. I took his cum in my mouth, easily swallowing his meager load. I pulled back and licked my lips as another cock push through the hole close to Melissa. Seeing the stiff cock, she got her giggles under control. She took the new cock firmly in hand and began stroking and licking the tip of the guy's dick. I could tell the guy with the small dick had not left the booth, and I assumed he was watching the show. I moved to the side so he would have a better view of Melissa, and I lifted her dress over her hips to expose her bare ass. She was sitting back on her heels, her ass perfectly displayed. Looking back at the guy I knew was watching us through the glory hole, I seductively licked a couple fingers, then rubbed them up between her legs. Melissa groaned around the cock lodged in her mouth as I started to finger her pussy. She was rocking back on my hand, sucking hard on the guy poking through the wall. I pulled my fingers out, licked them, and slowly inserted them into her pussy again two knuckles deep. Melissa moaned and the cock sunk deeper into her mouth. I could hear the guy groaning as Melissa worked on his dick, and I knew from the sounds he was making that he was close. Melissa pulled back, furiously pumping the guy's shaft. I moved up beside her, pulling her dress up over her tits. Her nipples were rock hard. I heard a muffled scream as he sprayed his cum all over Melissa's tits. She turned him loose and let him pull his cock back into his booth as he muttered, "...thanks..." I stared at the guy watching the show through the other hole as I slowly licked the cum off my friends breasts. Melissa moaned as I licked her tits clean and sucked gently on her nipples. The door to one of the rooms opened, then slammed shut. "Come on..." I pulled Melissa to her feet as she gave me with a puzzled look. I grabbed my shirt and unlocked the door. Opening the door, we stepped out into the hallway. Several guys were hanging around outside the booth we had recently occupied. Nearly running into a couple of them, I smiled at them as I walked down to the intersecting hall. To the left, the hall extended down about ten feet then turned right. To the right, the hallway extended the same distance then turned left. Directly in front of us was a door to a janitors closet. I looked both ways, then turned right. At the end of that short hallway, we turned left down another corridor that was a bit darker, longer than the entrance hall, and lined with video booths all down the left side. A number guys were loitering about, and I saw Jordan talking to someone at the end of the hall. Lights were on over a number of booths. As we walked down the hall, guys were staring at my tits barely covered by my thin bra. I had left my jeans unbuttoned, and the lace top of my black panties was barely visual in the dim light. We were drawing a crowd. I glanced over my shoulder to see the guys that had been hanging out in front of the previous booth had followed us deeper into the building. A couple guys leaned back against the wall to our right, and we excused ourselves as we walked past. In front of us, at the end of the hall, Jordan was standing with several guys blocking our passage. I smiled nervously at the guys leaning against the wall as I pulled open the door to a booth right in front of them. We ducked quickly inside. "...Fuck..." Melissa hissed. She was clearly very turned on. "...Yeah..." I was almost crawling out of my skin I was so aroused by this point. The door started to creep open, but Melissa grabbed the handle and pulled it closed. We could hear the guys shuffling around outside along with their muffled voices. I slipped a few dollars into the video machine, and the movie started. A white woman was being stripped by a group of black guys while pretending to protest. Melissa brushed the wisps of hair back behind her ear. Her face was pale, and her breathing was shallow. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I reached up and unhooked my bra. I tossed my bra and shirt onto the bench, and slid my jeans and panties over my hips. They joined my shirt on the bench. I kicked off my shoes, and I stood there totally naked looking intently at my friend. Melissa reached down and grabbed the bottom her her dress. She pulled it over her head in one swift motion, and tossed it onto the pile. She kicked off her shoes, and she was also totally naked. The door started to slowly push open again, and this time neither one of us moved to close it. A cock appeared through the hole next to me as the door swung completely open. Jordan stood in the front of a crowd of guys trying to get a look into the booth. I bit my lip as I dropped to my knees, wrapping my hand around the anonymous cock. Looking straight at the guys pressing in the doorway, I took the cock in my mouth and starting sucking. "...Damn...!" "...What a bitch..." "...Suck it slut..." The comments coming from the hall increased my arousal, and I attacked the cock with vigor. Melissa squatted down next to me. I felt her hand on my inner thigh, and I trembled as her fingers found my wet pussy. Moaning, I pushed back as she inserted a couple fingers easily into my wet hole. Jordan stepped into the booth unzipping his pants. He grabbed his wife's ponytail with one hand, pulling out his raging hard on with the other. He slammed his cock into her willing mouth as she relentlessly finger fucked me. Another guy pushed into the small room, kneeling down in front of me. He reached between my legs with one hand and began rubbing my clit. I shivered and groaned around the cock fucking my mouth. His other hand cupped my tit, massaging the soft flesh. The rough skin of his hand rubbing against my stiff nipple sent little jolts of pleasure through my body. Without warning, the cock in my mouth exploded. Warm cum hit the back of my throat as I tried not to gag. The cock pulled out of my mouth as I gasped, trying to catch my breath, my own orgasm building. Melissa's fingers in my cunt along with the fingers teasing my clit sent me spinning over the edge. "...I'm cumming..." I hissed as my pussy clenched around my friend's fingers. The guy in front of me grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling my head back as I came. "...Ahhhhhh...fuck..." I groaned as intense jolts of pure pleasure slammed through my body. I heard Jordan grunt, and he jammed his cock deep into his wife's mouth as he came. Melissa's mouth overflowed as cum ran down her chin. Jordan held her head in place as his cock jerked and he shot another load into her mouth. He finally released his grip and pulled his cock out of her mouth, wiping it on her face. "Let's fuck em..." He growled as he pulled Melissa to her feet. He spun her around to face the bench, forcing her to bend over as he kicked her feet further apart. "Who's first?" Jordan looked back at the guys crowding in the door. I was still quivering from the impact of my orgasm as the guy in front of me pulled me out of the booth into the hallway. I was surrounded by guys freeing rigid cocks from the confines of their pants. Pressed to my hands and knees, I looked to my left in time to see someone bury a thick cock in my friends dripping pussy. Someone's cock pushed against my lips. I opened my mouth as one of the other guys ran his rock hard dick up and down my wet slit making me jump when he bumped it up against my swollen clit. I could hear Melissa panting as she neared her own climax. A couple guys wedged themselves in the booth next to her, and she yelped as they roughly grabbed at her tits and pinched her rock hard nipples. I jumped again as someone slapped my ass, and I let out a muffled yelp as a hard cock slammed into me without warning. I rocked back and forth on the cocks fucking me front and back as more hands caressed, slapped, pinched, and kneaded every inch of my bare flesh. I heard Melissa yell out as she came. "...Ooooo...oooo.ohh god...yessss...ahhhhhhhhh!!" Out of the corner of my eye I could see her legs twitch as her orgasm swept through her body. The guy fucking her stepped away, leaving a streak of cum gleaming across her ass. Someone else took his place, and Melissa tried to stifle a scream as he plowed into her balls deep. "Ahhhh...fuck...god...its so big...!" Her voice now had a rough, ragged edge, dripping with lust. My mouth was suddenly empty as the cock was ripped away. Hot streams of cum hit my face, then the cock was jammed back between my lips. I sucked until it deflated, and I gasped for air as he withdrew again. My hips were held in an iron grip as my pussy was plowed over and over. I grunted with each thrust, biting my lip to keep from screaming out loud. Finally, I felt the cock swell, and suddenly my pussy was empty as cum sprayed half way up my back. Melissa was whimpering as she was fucked hard and fast. I could see the guy's ass clench as he came in her cunt. He moved aside as Jordan grabbed Melissa's arm, and pulled her out of the booth. At the same time, several guys pulled me to my feet. Once in the hall Melissa was slammed against the wall. Someone stepped in front of her and raised her left leg to his hip. She clung to his neck as he fumbled between her legs trying to stick his cock in her pussy. The guy found his mark, and Melissa grunted as he filled her up. She slammed against the wall with each thrust as she was fucked without mercy. I was spun around to face the wall, and another cock slid easily into my pussy as hands reached around to painfully kneed my tits. I almost panicked when I looked around and didn't see Jordan anymore among the pack of wolves that surrounded us. I braced myself against the wall as I was fucked fast and rough. Melissa was panting and moaning as the assault on her pussy intensified. We came as just about the same time. I suppressed a scream as I was slammed with wave after wave of almost painful pleasure. Melissa's eyes were screwed tightly closed as she grunted her way through her own climax. My legs were wobbly as warm cum flooded my pussy. Melissa's eyes flew open as the guy fucking her slammed into her balls deep shooting his sperm deep into her cunt. Jordan suddenly reappeared, tossing my shirt at me. He tossed Melissa's dress at her, and he told us to clean ourselves up. We stood naked in the middle of the still good sized crowd as we tried to wipe the cum from our still sensitive skin. "Come on..." Jordan grinned, "Lets check out the theatre." Melissa and I were barely able to stand as we were hustled through the hallway. The whole way hands were all over our naked bodies. Jordan escorted the posse out into the main room, the lights causing us to blink with the sudden brightness as we pushed through the heavy curtain. He nodded at the clerk who nodded back as we headed toward the door marked "Theatre". Being totally naked and so thoroughly exposed in such a public place, my level of arousal was off the charts. Being naked in the dark back hallway was one thing, but here under the bright lights was another head rush altogether. In addition to the guys who were part of our group, at least five other guys were browsing the store merchandise. One by one they looked up, then did a double take as they realize that two cute, obviously freshly fucked women were naked in the store. I shivered involuntarily as I glanced over at my friend. Melissa looked like a cornered rabbit. Her eyes darted around the room as she raised an arm instinctively to cover her breasts. Someone behind her, caught her wrist and twisted her arm up behind her back. "...No you don't slut..." I heard him hiss as her propelled her forward. Jordan's look was harder to read, but I assumed that he was cool with everything so far as he had not stepped in to stop anything that had happened to his wife. I tried to catch her eye, but Melissa was just staring straight ahead with a dazed look. I briefly wondered if we had gone to far. She was not the exhibitionist I was, and she had never been so exposed in public before, although she did flash Jordan at times to tease him when they were out. This was also her first gang bang. And, if I was finding it to be pretty intense, I was sure she was a bit overwhelmed. Jordan stopped before the door. He turned and grabbed Melissa's ponytail. Roughly pulling her head back, he whispered something into her ear. She gave a terse nod. Jordan let go of her hair and opened the door. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall to our right as we entered the room. On the screen two women were licking a huge cock as the man laid back on the floor. A cheap armchairs along with a number of other, even cheaper chairs were arranged in the theatre along with several couches. A ragged looking shag carpet covered the space between the chairs and the wall where the TV hung. Three of the chairs were taken, and the guys that occupied them were trying to steal peeks at a couple sitting on one of the couches toward the back. The couple looked a bit older, older than I was anyway, and the guy had his arm around the woman's shoulder. His hand reached into her partially unbuttoned blouse obviously playing with her tits. Her skirt was pushed up to the top of her thighs showing off her panties. She looked nervous, but clearly aroused. They both stared at at us as we moved into room. Jordan sat down on a couch in the middle of the room, and he pulled Melissa down next to him. One of the guys who had followed us sat on her other side. A hand stroked my neck sending shivers down my spine. Another hand reached around my waist to caress my belly, and I trembled as goose bumps broke out all over my body. I was gently pulled back to sit in someones lap on one of the chairs. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass as he ran his hand lightly up my torso and cupped my tit. The other guys pulled some chairs close, sitting down to watch the movie along with the developing live action in the room. I glanced quickly over at Melissa. Her legs were spread wide, resting on thighs of the two guys next to her. Her head was resting back on the couch, her eyes were closed, and she had a cock in each hand slowly stroking the rock hard shafts. The door to the theatre opened, and a couple more guys wandered in. I craned my neck to look back at the other couple as the guy underneath me shifted to undo his pants. I could not see the couple all that well, but I could see that her skirt was now pushed up to her hips, and she appeared to be slipping off her panties. The bare cock pressing against my ass focused my attention. I lifted my hips to allow his cock to slide into my aching pussy. I sighed as he sank deep into me, and I started to slowly grind on his cock. I was leaning back against his chest, my arms reaching back over my shoulders to grip the back of the chair. I spread my legs apart providing a great view to anyone who wanted to watch. My nipples were painfully hard; my whole body needing release. Melissa groaned, and I glance over to see that she was surrounded. Jordan was torturing her clit while the other guy was jamming at least three fingers in and out of her cunt. A couple guys stood behind her, their cocks out, rubbing them against her face as she turned her head from side to side to lick their dicks. One guy knelt on the floor in front of her, stroking his cock furiously. My partner started to rub my clit in agonizing circles as I bucked and thrashed on top of him. Someone pulled my head to one side and pushed his cock into my mouth. Someone else roughly played with my tits, and I suddenly tipped over the edge. My scream was muffled by the cock in my mouth as a massive orgasm slammed through every fiber of my being. I tried to pull away to catch my breath, but my head was held tightly in place as I tried to keep sucking on the cock in my mouth. My nostrils flared as I tried to take in enough air to keep from passing out. As a second wave caused me to shudder, the cock I was servicing went into spasms and cum flooded my mouth. I coughed and gagged as I tried to swallow the heavy load. Finally, he let go of my head. I gasped as I sucked air cum dripping down my chin. "...oh fuckkkk...fuckkkkk...!!" Melissa was writhing and moaning as her own orgasm hit. Her back arched, thrusting her tits out, her chest heaving with the intensity of the climax that swept through her body. I slammed my pussy down on the cock buried inside me. The guy groaned and held me in place as he drained his balls in my cunt. "Get her up!" I heard Jordan hiss. Melissa was pulled up and spun around so she was kneeling on the sofa. She looked dazed, her forehead beaded with sweat. She braced herself on the back of the couch as her legs were spread apart. She yelped as someone buried his cock balls deep in her pussy in one rough thrust. "...Oh fuck...oh god...please...easy...oh fuck..." She moaned until someone rammed a cock into her mouth. Men gathered around to watch Melissa get fucked front and rear. I stumbled into Jordan as he yanked me to my feet. "What's your name slut?" He growled at me. I blushed, playing my role perfectly, "...Kirsten..." I mumbled loud enough to be heard by the guys gathered around me. He smirked, "You ever been fucked in the ass Kirsten?" I pretended to pull away, but he held my wrist tight. "...Wait...no...I don't think..." I stammered, looking frantically around, trying my best to appear nervous and afraid. It really wasn't much of a stretch, but I tried to look more scared than I truly was at that point. I was really incredibly turned on and horny, and I WANTED to feel a nice hard cock in my ass! Not one guy spoke up. Eyes and minds overflowing with animal lust, they were beyond caring about anything but sticking their hard cocks in whatever hole the cute redhead had available. I heard Melissa start to gag. She gasped for air as the cock was pulled from her mouth trailing a long string of sticky cum. Before she recovered, her head was roughly jerked to the side and another cock was immediately jammed between her lips. I stumbled after Jordan as he pulled me to the front of the room. To my left I could see the other couple. A couple guys were playing were her now fully exposed tits, and her legs were spread wide open. I saw the guy she was with shake his head as someone tried to put a cock in the woman's mouth. Jordan twisted my arm behind my back forcing me to kneel on the floor. He pulled my arm up higher, and I fell forward on the carpet. My ass was in the air with my chest pressed into the floor. Someone's hand roughly spread my thighs further apart. "...wait...nooooo..." I moaned as I felt a finger circling my puckered anus. Someone knelt next to my head on the carpet. I turned my head so that I was looking into the room as a stiff cock was rubbed roughly against my lips. Without warning, cum erupted all over the side of my face and trickled down my cheek onto my lips. The guy smeared his warm cum on my skin with his dick then pressed the head of his cock to my lips. Opening my mouth, I sucked on the head of his cock until he pulled out and faded into the room. Something wet dribbled onto my asshole, and I jumped as someone inserted a finger into my tight hole. "...Oh god...guys...hold on a minute..." I pleaded, playing my role to the hilt. I pretended to struggle as more hands held me in place. "I got first boys." Jordan crowed as he placed the head of his cock to my sphincter. "Hold her tight!" I whimpered in pain and pleasure as the head of his cock insistently pressed into my ass, and I gasped as it popped through the outer ring. Someone pulled one of the cheaper chairs onto the carpet, and sat down facing the room. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his dick. I stared at his cock in amazement as he started to slowly stroke it. He was huge. I mean HUGE. Very thick and long with a massive mushroom head. "Bring that one over here." He commanded, gesturing toward Melissa. She was pulled off the couch and dragged toward the front of the room. Melissa took one look at his cock, and she looked like she was going to freak out. Melissa started to struggle as the guys picked her up and carried her over toward the guy on the chair. "No...noon...its too big...guys...I can't...noon..." She begged and whimpered. I was really starting to get worried until she quickly glanced over at me with a wicked gleam in her eye. I smiled to myself as I understood then that Melissa knew how to play "the reluctant game" with the best of them. I looked over my shoulder at Jordan who was still pushing his cock into my ass. His face a picture of total lust as he watched his beautiful blonde scream when she was lowered onto the massive cock. I felt Jordan slowly pull his cock back. As he watched Melissa slowly taking the monster deeper into her pussy, Jordan slammed his cock full force into my ass, and my screams joined those of my friend. I clung desperately to the carpet to keep from being pushed forward with every rough thrust of Jordan's cock in my ass. I grunted and whimpered with each stroke, and I jumped and twitched as other guys slapped my bare ass and roughy grabbed at my tits. From the noises Melissa was making I knew she was also riding that fine line between pleasure and pain also. Jordan slammed in and out of my ass, as Melissa buried her face into her partner's neck. She wrapped her arms tightly around her partner, holding on as a series of violent convulsions began to wrack her body. She was babbling incoherently as she slammed herself up and down on the massive cock ravaging her pussy. Her body shuddered as the aftershocks of her orgasm tore through her body. Simultaneously, Jordan's cock jerked several times as he emptied himself deep in my ass, and I howled as another orgasm swept through me. Melissa finally slumped against her partner's body, and for a second I thought she had passed out. Before I could call to my friend, Jordan pulled out of my ass with a loud pop, and a bigger, thicker cock rammed into my used anal passage. "OH FUCK!" I yelled as I was subjected to another anal assault. Melissa was allowed only a brief respite before the guy buried in her cunt slapped her bare ass, "Not over yet bitch...get that ass moving!" Melissa moaned as she started to grind her pussy again on the huge shaft. Jordan stood back watching the action, shifting his gaze from his slutty wife to his slutty friend. I saw him gesture to another guy and nod. Moving behind Melissa, the guy positioned his cock between her ass cheeks causing her to jump. "...No...I can't...please...not there...noooooo...wait...wait...wait..." Melissa panted, pleaded and whimpered as her asshole was slowly forced open. I was shaking uncontrollably as my ass was pounded over and over. The guy didn't last long, and in short order I felt another load of cum coat the inside of my ass. I looked up at my friend, her eyes wide as the thick cock slowly buried itself deeper into her ass. She howled as the guy started to really ass fuck her. The two guys quickly established a steady rhythm, and she buried her face again into the neck of the guy who was buried in her pussy. She trembled, shivered, and shuddered as she simply held on. I was rolled over onto my back. My legs were pushed back to my shoulders, and the next guy buried his cock into my recently neglected pussy. Guys knelt on either side of my head, stroking on their cocks. First one, then the other, shot thick strings of cum onto my face and tits. I was rocking my ass up to meet the cock hammering my pussy without mercy. Another orgasm ripped through me without any warning. I tried to keep pace with the jackhammer in my pussy, but I was too drained. So I lay just back exhausted and let the stranger use my cunt. Meanwhile, Melissa screamed again as the double team slammed into her again and again. Pinned between them, she could only endure the assault. Another series of convulsions hammered her already battered body as she came again and again. The guy fucking her ass tensed and jammed his cock into her balls deep. He held himself into her for a minute then pulled out with a pop, trailing a ribbon of cum from her ass to the head of his cock. The guy below her grunted and rammed his hips forcefully up against my friend. He twitched and a shudder ran through him. He roughly threw her off his lap and onto the floor. She rose to her knees as he grabbed her head and thrust the head of his cock into her mouth. She could only fit the massive head into her mouth, and he held her in place as he came. His body jerked as a second and third load sprayed into her mouth. Cum leaked out around his cock and dribbled down her chin. He finally pulled out and wiped his sticky cock on Melissa's face. He tucked his cock back into his pants as he walked away. Melissa was on her knees, leaning forward, bracing herself on her hands, her head hanging down, breathing heavily. The guy fucking me pulled out, spraying his load all over my belly. My chest was heaving as I lay flat on my back on the cheap carpet. The other couple was gone, and only a few other guys remained in the theatre room. I rolled over and tried to stand, but my legs were too weak. I just sat there with my back against one of the couches. Melissa was still on her knees, head down, strands of hair pulled free of her pony tail hanging over her face. On the TV, a young woman was riding a black guy reverse cowgirl, moaning as she came. Jordan knelt by his wife, and whispered in her ear. She nodded slightly, taking a deep breath. He kissed the top of her head glancing over at me. He gave me an "Are you ok?" look. I grinned weakly and nodded. As Jordan gathered our clothes, Melissa turned her head toward me and reached up to brush her hair back. She looked worn out and used, but a big grinned spread across her face. I struggled to my feet as Jordan helped Melissa to stand. She slipped her dress over her head, and I pulled on my jeans and tee shirt. Jordan led the way as we exited the theatre room. A few guys still hung around in the main room, but I couldn't tell if they had been part of our adventure or not. They stared at us as we walked through the store. The clerk gave us a knowing nod as we stepped out into the night.
Friends in the Booth
[ "gang bang", "adult bookstore", "public sex", "adult book store", "anal", "oral", "reluctance" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 569, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 79 }
*Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved* Sarah Bell was wondering how she had gotten to this point in her life. How could she be so miserable? And worse, she knew it was all her own fault. Sarah had made her own bed, so to speak, and now she was sleeping in it. Alone. And THAT was a large part of her problem. She shivered from the cold — standing outside on the pier at night in Malibu was cold in February. Even for California! "Brenda," she asked her friend from work who had dragged her out for the evening, "Remind me why we are standing here in a line, waiting on this freezing pier?" Brenda could barely understand Sarah, whose teeth were chattering. A gust of wind came by at just that second, and even through her pants Sarah could feel the cold ocean air. Thank god she'd opted to wear pants, and not a skirt, for the evening. "We are waiting in line, because that is what you have to do if you want to eat at L.A.'s hottest new restaurant, and it happens that they don't take reservations!" Brenda replied. "Anyway, it's been months since you've been out, Sarah. Not since your boyfriend Mark left you, anyway." Sarah was slightly annoyed at Brenda's remark about Mark, but not for the reason one might expect. "He didn't 'leave' me, Brenda; I drove him out by being a first class b-i-t-c-h..." Brenda quickly interrupted Sarah, before the tears could start. "Don't go getting all upset and beating yourself up again, Sarah. We're here to have a good time, and eat a meal to die for. I've been told..." Brenda continued on, not noticing that Sarah was lost in her own world. Sarah could still see the picture in her mind of Mark lying there in their bed, the sheets only partially covering his lean, masculine body. She looked down on his sleeping form, his wavy black hair ruffled, his face peaceful and his eyelids closed concealing dark eyes that burned with passion when they made love. Mark never exercised as such, but his work involved lifting and moving heavy boxes every day, and it showed in his muscular arms and shoulders. He didn't have the highly defined abs that the body builders who displayed themselves on Venice Beach exhibited, but his torso was nevertheless well muscled, and, in Sarah's opinion, very sexy. And the line of hair that descended from his chest down his abdomen like an arrow pointing to his organ, concealed at that moment under the sheets, made Sarah wish she had time to crawl back into the bed to kiss and caress him awake. Alas, she had to get to work. Damn! She looked at the clock next to the bed and realized she was running late as it was. She turned and walked out of the bedroom and out of the apartment. She and Mark had been living together for just a little over eighteen months, and for most of that time, it had been bliss. Sarah Bell worked in the financial industry, having gotten her undergraduate degree from a top-50 mid-western university. Following graduation, Sarah had fulfilled her dream of getting a job in Southern California, in the Wealth Management department of UBL — United Bank of Liechtenstein, in Santa Monica. Actually, her dream wasn't so much that of working in Southern California — Florida would have served as well — as it was escaping from the bitter cold winters of her native Chicago! She had first met Mark while getting lunch with a couple of her friends at the restaurant across the street from her office. They had often dined there before, but that day as they ordered their usual meals, there were two changes. First, which only Sarah seemed to notice, was that instead of their waiter, another man, with wavy black hair, an olive complexion and deep-set dark eyes, served them their food. Sarah looked at the attractive young man, and found herself staring directly into his eyes — which were looking directly back at hers! She froze like a deer in the headlights for a moment, until he smiled showing his white teeth against his tanned skin, and showing even more cheek, winked at her! The second difference, although not a bad one, was the food. The five women who had come to lunch that day had all ordered the same meals that they regularly ate at the restaurant. But this time, and there was no other way to say it, the food was simply better. Each of them noticed small changes in the preparation of their meals that enhanced the flavor. Changes had been made to the spice combinations; a sprinkling of cheese and garlic butter was added to the vegetables. The beef was slightly more tender; the fish was delicate and flaky to the fork. Little things, but which in total made the meal memorable. As Sarah left to return to work, she asked the waiter, "Who was the man who served us out food? Don't you normally do that?" The waiter grinned, "Yeah, I do. But for some reason, today the cook wanted to take care of your table himself. Very odd, but who am I to argue; I get to keep the tip." Sarah, intrigued, began eating at the little bistro on a regular basis, and when the black-haired cook was working, he always seemed to find an excuse to serve her. She finally learned that his name was Mark, and she began plotting how she could engage him in conversation. Mark had been entranced by the slim redhead with the pale skin and sky-blue eyes from the moment he'd seen her come into the restaurant. When she wore a skirt and heels, he could see her long, shapely legs, and just watching the motion of her derriere as she walked across the room could give him a hardn. Sarah finally decided to take the bull by the horns, and use the direct approach. "Do you have time to sit down with me for a minute, please," Sarah finally requested, as he was arranging plates of food on the table in front of her. Mark thought about it — nothing was cooking that he had to supervise for a couple of minutes, so he took a seat across the small table from his dream woman. She extended her hand, "I'm Sarah, and I work for UBL across the street." "I'm Mark, Mark Flore," he replied, taking her hand, but just gently holding it between his dry, warm hands. "I'm the chef here, sometimes server, and your fervent admirer!" He said that with a twinkle in his eyes and his generous smile, which revealed dimples in his cheeks. Mark was anything but shy and retiring. Sarah could feel a blush that started in her neck and quickly rose to her hairline. It took her a minute before she remembered to pull her hand back away from Mark's. There was definitely chemistry between the two of them. "Mark, you know, instead of waiting until I come for lunch and serving me, you could just ask me out on a date!" Sarah told him flat out. It had taken her days to get her courage up to make her approach, but she wasn't going to take a chance that Mark wouldn't ask her out or that some other woman would get her claws into him. Mark was gob smacked! He sat there looking as guilty as a little boy caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. Sarah thought he was even cuter, if it was possible, at that moment. It took Mark only a second to recover. Before he responded, he took a deep breath, released it, and then took another. Then his smile returned and Sarah could almost see his heart melting. "That sounds like the best idea I've heard all day; in fact it's the best idea I've heard all week — no, all month. Maybe the best idea I've ever heard in my life!" That was the beginning, for of course, he did ask her out. In fact, from that moment on, they spent every spare minute that they could together. After dating for a couple of months, Mark and Sarah, fairly certain that they had found their soul mates and life partners, moved into an apartment together, not far from the beach. In many ways, theirs was a match made in heaven. Sarah and Mark enjoyed the same music; they watched the same classic movies, and laughed at the same jokes. They were both relatively neat, not a Felix and Oscar odd couple. They compromised with each other, each willing to give a little on their position if by doing so they would make the other happy. And when it came to making love, they were a perfect fit. Neither one of them had been virgins when they met, but they were such an incredible match that when they made love, it was like they had never known any other lovers. They were attuned to each other's needs and desires. They both had the attitude that the other's pleasure was more important and came first before their own. There was always one, actually two, flies in the ointment for Sarah. The first was Mark's work. His job demanded an immense dedication — he worked long hours, sometimes starting so early in the day, that Sarah would awaken to find him missing from their bed, even from the apartment. Other times, he would be working late long after Sarah had gone to bed. Mark would slip in so quietly that he wouldn't even wake Sarah (who admittedly slept like a log!), but he would still be asleep the next morning long after Sarah had left for work. She would bend down and kiss his cheek or forehead, and the edges of his mouth would turn up in an unconscious smile, and he would mutter a few words in his sleep. Of course, Mark also had to work most weekends when Sarah was off, and while she intellectually understood why he wasn't available to her, at an emotional level it bothered her anyway. The other aspect of Mark's chosen field that bothered her was that as hard as he worked, and as many hours as he put in, he wasn't paid what Sarah thought he should be. Not that Mark didn't contribute his share of expenses; he did. But he had to watch his spending, which limited what they could do as a couple, and how often. Not that spending money was a problem, getting back to the fact that so much of the time he was either working or sleeping, recovering for his next shift. Even Sarah, though, had to admit that she had never eaten so well in her entire life as since she'd lived with Mark! There was never a real reason to go out for dinner, because Mark could prepare a better meal at home in their own kitchen than one could buy at any but the most exclusive and expensive restaurants. In short — several aspects of Mark's work caused Sarah a certain level of heartburn. The second 'fly in the ointment' for Sarah was subtler, and if anyone had pointed it out to her, she would have dismissed it as utter nonsense. Looking back, while Sarah had been away taking classes at her university, Mark was traveling the world learning to cook. Sarah, in addition to her Finance and business classes, had a general education that included history and political science classes, English literature and psychology classes, and a host of classes in other subjects as well. Many of those were classes that on her own Sarah would have never taken, but they were required. Which of course is the point of a Liberal Arts education — a broad field of knowledge introducing students to subjects that left to their own devices they would otherwise ignore. With her degree in hand, Sarah was something of a snob regarding formal education, which Mark didn't have. Mark had traveled through Asia, learning to cook Chinese, Indian, and other Asian ethnic cuisines. Mark had worked in Latin America cooking everything from tamales in Mexico, to delicate fish dishes in Lima. He had spent time in Germany and Central Europe making sauerbraten and goulash. In France he had worked in bakeries, and even attended culinary school in Paris. His true culinary love, though, was Italian food; cooking and eating the dishes of his ancestors. And in the end, his most important teacher was his mother, who passed to him the knowledge that generations of his family before him had perfected in the art of food preparation. Mark's lack of what passed in Sarah's mind as 'formal education' hadn't been a huge issue for the first fifteen months that they had lived together. While Mark hadn't taken classes at a university, he was interested in current events and history, especially European Renaissance history. He was also knowledgeable about classical music and painting — another knowledge set that he had learned from his mother. The upshot was, that on those few occasions when Mark had been able to attend social events held by Sarah's employer, he was perfectly capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation on a variety of subjects, and no one thought about whether he had a college degree one way or the other. That was until Mark and Sarah had been living together for about sixteen months. That was when, like in every Garden of Eden, the serpent appeared. In this case, it was a serpent by the name of J. Phillip Woodword. Phillip (never 'Phil') was transferred into the Santa Monica branch of UBL as part of a program intended to groom him for upper management (at least that was what he made sure all of his co-workers were informed). He had gone to one of the snooty east-coast schools and came from an 'old money' family. Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of the money left by the time Phillip arrived on the scene, but it didn't prevent him from looking down on almost everyone, especially these west coast upstarts. While Phillip might have been an insufferable snob, he wasn't blind and his reaction to watching Sarah's divinely proportioned ass in motion as she walked down the hallways of UBL was about the same as Marks. He wanted to tap some of that! And he tried. Unsuccessfully! He could hardly believe that Sarah would turn him down when he asked her out, but she politely let him know that she already had a boyfriend and that although she and Phillip could be friends and colleagues, they would never be more than that. Phillip, to all outward appearances, took the rebuff well. On the inside, he was seething. Phillip decided rather than giving up on Sarah, to redouble his effort to get into her pants. He just had to figure out how to split her away from her damn boyfriend. His attack started with a casual conversation over a cup of coffee in Sarah's office. "So Sarah, what does your boyfriend do?" was Phillip's first foray of gathering intelligence. "Oh, he's a cook. He works at 'Bistro Parisian' across the street," she replied, not knowing that she had just given Phillip his line of attack. "A cook? That's really interesting," is what he said, but what he was thinking was, "What the hell is a stone fox like her doing hooking up with a cook?" "Does he have a degree? Or is he, you know, one of those English Lit majors who couldn't find a job, or something?" "Oh no. He never went to college. Actually, he spent about six years traveling around the world working as a cook. He saw a lot of interesting places and met a lot of different people," Sarah explained. "But he never pursued any formal education?" Phillip pressed the issue. "Well, he did go to a cooking school in France, I think," Sarah told him, trying to remember something that Mark had mentioned in passing one time. "Yeah, I think it was called 'Gordon Blues' cooking school, or something." "Wow, that's, ah..." Phillip started, but just trailed off. "What?" "Well, it seems pretty unusual for someone as educated as you who went to a highly ranked university, to be together with someone who doesn't share the same kind of educational background. But hey, I'm sure that you two have worked it out just fine." Phillip didn't want to be too obvious about his approach. Sarah just nodded her head, taking in what Phillip had said. "Oh, we do really well together, and Mark is very intelligent even if he didn't go to school. He reads a lot too, when he isn't working." Not long after that, Phillip returned to his own office. But the seed had been sown in Sarah's mind. That evening after dinner, when she and Mark were sitting together in the living room talking, she raised the issue of education herself. "Mark, honey? You know, I was thinking: if you wanted to go to college, I make enough money now that you could quit your cooking job and go back to school." Mark looked at her incredulously. "Why would I want to do that?" he asked - his attention now fully focused on Sarah. "I don't know; you might find all sorts of subjects that interest you at college. I know I did. When I started at the university, I thought that I was going to major in biology and go to medical school; instead, I discovered that what I really enjoyed was business and finance, and ended up getting my degree in that. And look at the job I got as a result." Mark didn't answer immediately, but Sarah could see that he was literally getting 'hot under the collar'. "Sarah, how would going to college help me to be a better chef? Or are you saying that cooking is a profession that is somehow less important than working in finance. Or are you suggesting that I'm not educated enough or smart enough for you?" Sarah became somewhat defensive herself, "No, I'm not saying any of those things; I was just offering to support you if you were to decide to go to school." Now she was getting wound up too, "And I think you're very smart; so smart that I think you could be working a regular work week, and making more money if you were to get a degree and find something else to do!" "I don't think that you understand me very well," Mark hotly replied, "Cooking is all I've ever wanted to do, and I'm happy doing what I'm doing. It is hard work, and demands long hours, I know, but it's what I'm good at, and what I love." Sarah backed off a bit, "OK Mark, I didn't mean to get you upset, but I wanted to offer just in case. And if you were to ever change your mind, the offer stands." That was the end of their first spat, although a couple of hours later as they lay next to each other in bed, they were each thinking their own thoughts and for the first time in their relationship, they were unwilling to communicate them. So it went for the next two months; Phillip always 'as a friend' would make observations about Mark's job or his inferior level of education compared with Sarah's, or even implying that Sarah should be with someone on a higher intellectual plain. From that night forward, there was always an edge to Mark and Sarah's conversations. Mark had become sensitive, perhaps too sensitive to Sarah's words, seeing more in them than she meant. He began to interpret what she would say as subtle criticisms. He in turn would become short with her. Soon their interactions became an exercise in verbal sniping at each other. In other words, they were hurting each other on a daily basis, both of them acting out of the fear that they were losing the other, and it was becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. The final crisis came about two months after their first little argument. Given Mark's long hours, sometimes into the evenings, it was not unusual for Sarah to go out for a drink or two with the girls after work. Mark had never objected to her having time with her friends. But that night, he began to wonder about the 'girl's nights out' as well. That evening, Phillip joined the other Wealth Management group employees at the bar. In truth, Phillip could be a charming man, and quite a conversationalist when he wanted to be, and that evening he dominated Sarah's time. Indeed, they spent almost the entire evening talking with each other to the exclusion of any of the other members of the group. Even after the others had called it a night and left, Phillip and Sarah continued to chitchat. Finally, almost two hours later than was her normal habit, Sarah arrived home to find that Mark had actually gotten there ahead of her. Mark was somewhat disappointed that Sarah wasn't there when he arrived. He'd been able to take off early from work, and had hoped to have some time to spend with Sarah, to try and address the problems that had been developing in their relationship. Plus, he had some exciting news that he had hoped to share with her — news that would change his future career. Instead, Sarah got home late and had obviously had a few more drinks than her usual. When he tried to talk to her, she began to go on and on about the wonderful time she'd had that evening with Phillip, her new co-worker. "Phillip?" Mark asked, "I don't recall meeting him." "I guess not, he's only been with us for a couple of months," the slightly inebriated Sarah admitted. "But you'd like him. He's really smart and went to one of the top schools on the East Coast. He's pretty funny too, once you get to know him." A light went off in Marks brain the second that Sarah laid that little tidbit on him. The change in Sarah's attitude had begun just about the same time that this Phillip character had come to her office. He wasn't at all persuaded that he would like Phillip; in fact he suspected quite the opposite. "Ah. Did his wife join you at the bar?" he inquired. "Don't be silly," Sarah said with a laugh, "He's not married!" "Really? My, what a surprise," Mark remarked with a grimace that went unnoticed by Sarah. "Was it Phillip who suggested to you that I might one day rise to the level of a wage slave, if only I went to college?" Sarah frowned thinking about Mark's remark. "Oh no. I thought of that myself. But we had been talking about your job and how you hadn't gone to school. You know..." her sentence just trailing off. "Has it ever occurred to you that Phillip might be trying to split us up, and that he is doing it by convincing you that I'm not good enough for you?" "No, no, no. Phillip is just a friend. He's not interested in splitting us up," Sarah insisted. "So he's never tried to ask you out, or put moves on you?" Mark pressed the point home. "Well, when he first arrived he asked me out once, but I told him that you were my boyfriend, and that I couldn't go out with him." "Sarah, I think that he does want to go out with you, and probably figures that if your boyfriend wasn't around, he would have a shot at getting into your pants!" Mark explained, becoming rather upset. "And one way to get in between us is to try and poison your mind against me." "Mark," Sarah got loud right back in Mark's face, "You're being unfair to Phillip. He's done nothing to try and 'get in my pants' since I told him no. You're just jealous because Phillip is an investment banker with a degree, and you're just a..." Sarah stopped, and she instantly become sober, because she knew that she had gone too far. She could see the look on Mark's face that combined the pain of what she had implied about him, with disgust that she had finally exposed her true assessment in a moment of candor. "Mark, no, no... I'm sorry; I didn't mean what I said. I was just angry and saying the most vicious thing that came into my head..." she said, her entire being filled with a sense of shame. Mark, shocked and hurt, put an end to it. "I think I'm going to go to bed. I have an early day tomorrow," he said in a quiet voice, his strength having drained out of him. "Let's talk after we've both had a chance to calm down. That way maybe we won't say anything more that we will regret." And with that, Mark turned and walked back to the bedroom. By the time that Sarah joined him, Mark had turned and faced away from her side of the bed. She climbed under the covers and moved over to spoon with her beloved, but he was still and unresponsive to the warmth of her body for the first time since they started living together. "Mark," she whispered into his ear, "I love you. I love you the way you are. I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you." Eventually, they both fell asleep. The next morning by the time that Sarah woke up, Mark was already gone. She was disappointed that he hadn't even bothered to wake her, and had (she figured) gone off to work kind of pissed off. But she felt more optimistic in the daylight — she would make it up to Mark this evening. In the meantime, she needed to get to work too. Mark had started off his morning in the opposite kind of mood. So far as he was concerned, he had been putting up with Sarah's complete lack of respect, her dwindling affections, and a growing ration of nagging for the past two months. And worse, now he knew that the sudden rift in their relationship could be attributed to one Phillip Woodword. Mark was not a believer in coincidence, and the arrival of this man on the scene was just too convenient. But as he sat and had his first cup of coffee for the day, Mark shook his head to clear his mind, because he couldn't let his deteriorating relationship with Sarah interfere with business today. Mark had to put his shit together, because in a couple of hours, he had a meeting this afternoon with Luci Vandenhousen, known in L.A. food circles as 'Luci V.' Luci was a well-known 'angel' in the L.A. restaurant scene. She found great chefs, usually just as their reputations were growing, and she would enter into partnerships with them — they supplied the cooking and the recipes, she supplied the financing, and publicity and voila! A hot new restaurant would be born. And Mark was her next project. The downside for Mark was, Luci was an attractive blond in her early forties, and a well-known 'cougar' with a particular taste for young chefs. She was said to have sampled the wares of every chef whose restaurants she had funded. One of the dirty little secrets of the industry was, that like rock-and-roll musicians, celebrities, and politicians, the top chefs also had 'groupies' — one of the reasons why so many of them were divorced. "At least," Mark thought to himself, "if I have to service Luci, I won't have to worry about two-timing Sarah anymore." As he'd sat, he made his decision. That afternoon he was going to move out of the apartment that Sarah and he had shared. After Mark had prepared the lunch meals, he left them for his assistant to finish, and took one of those rare afternoons off. He returned to the apartment, and packed his bags. A sad and depressing thing for him, because he truly loved Sarah, but felt it was his only choice. He didn't need a mother telling him what to do, nor a condescending virago, harping day and night trying to 'improve' him. At this time of his life, taking advantage of the opportunity to open his own restaurant was simply too good to pass up. Before he returned to the restaurant, he wrote out a note and left it for Sarah to find on their dining room table. The day dragged on slowly for Sarah. Even though she thought she had repaired the damage she'd done with Mark, their fight the night before — and she had to admit to herself that it was a fight not just a spat or disagreement — it had left her afraid that it would leave a permanent stain on their relationship. She realized that she was desperately in love with Mark, regardless of his job, his working hours, or his lack of a degree. And finally, she was feeling terribly guilty at the fact she had been such a bitch to her lover and partner for the past couple of months. One of the first things she concluded was that she was going to stop allowing Phillip to have the influence on her opinions that she'd ceded to him since he arrived on the scene. Her opportunity came that morning when he dropped by her office. "Hey Sarah! How's it going this morning?" "Not all that well, Phillip. Could you sit down for a minute?" she asked. He took a seat in the chair across the desk from her.
Don't Diss the Chef
[ "drama" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 284, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence" ], "score": 113 }
"Sure. By the way, I had a great time with you last night. You're really a lot of fun to be around." "That's one of the things I want to talk to you about. "After I got home last night, my boyfriend and I had a big fight. You know that I appreciate your trying to help me out and give me advice, but I'm afraid that some of the ideas that I've been picking up from you are hurting, not helping. I know that wasn't your intention, but that's what the result has been. So, if you don't mind, I would prefer if we didn't discuss my boyfriend or our relationship anymore." Phillip tried to look abashed on the outside, but inside he was jumping for joy that his strategy had been so successful. So now he would just have to make an adjustment to his method. "Oh Sarah! I'm so sorry. I certainly didn't mean to cause you any trouble. All I was doing was being a sounding board for your frustrations, and giving you whatever guidance I could. "But I will absolutely stay away from the subject of your boyfriend, if that's what you think is best. I hope that we can remain friends, though." Sarah nodded, "Absolutely — after all we still work together, and see each other every day, so I wouldn't want it any other way. But I think from now on, we need to keep things on a more professional basis." "Absolutely," Phillip agreed, assuming that Sarah's stance wouldn't last long after she broke up with her current boyfriend. Sarah couldn't see the grin on his face as he walked back to his office. The hours passed with agonizing slowness, until lunchtime finally arrived. Sarah was out the door right at noon, which was earlier than she regularly took her lunch, and across the street to Bistro Parisian to talk to Mark. "Alas no, Miss Sarah," replied Pierre, the maître d' of Bistro, "Mark said he had some business to attend to, and left. I expect that he will return later this afternoon, if that would help?" "Thank you, Pierre. I guess that I can come back later." Pierre looked at Sarah and could see that she was agitated and unhappy not to find Mark at work. Perhaps she was worried that Mark was seeing another woman, he though briefly, before dismissing the thought. No. Not Mark, that wasn't his style. Something else, he decided. "Miss Sarah — you look, how you say it? Unhappy and disturbed. Can I bring you something to eat? You know life's difficulties are always easier to face on a full stomach." Sarah had to smile at Pierre's concern as well as his attitude towards food. Like Mark, he lived a life centered around food and the Bistro. "Thank you, Pierre, but I don't think so. I'm not really very hungry." "Oh Miss Sarah, Mark made Lobster Bisque for the soup d'jour — can't I get you at least a bowl of bisque and some fresh bread still hot from the oven..." Sarah could feel her resolve melting at Pierre's description of the soup, so she allowed herself to be convinced. Pierre sat her at a table that was in the kitchen and served her there himself. While she ate, Mark's coworkers came by, one after another, and each sat with her for a minute or two, talking and passing the time in pleasant companionship until they had to get back to work. They all had words of praise for Mark: he is a great chef, he is a pleasure to work with, an all around nice man. Sarah actually had a great time and enjoyed just being in the hot, steamy, bustling kitchen, filled with dedicated hard working but pleasant people. These were Mark's friends, and this was his world. And Pierre was right — the troubles between her and Mark seemed less ominous and more solvable to her on a full stomach. The only worrisome thing was that Mark didn't get back to the Bistro in time for Sarah to see him. She had to return to work. Luci was right on time for the meeting at 4:30 that afternoon. There wasn't really much left to do as far as the partnership was concerned. Over the last two months they had gone over the details a hundred times — the menus, the décor of the dining room, the kitchen requirements, the staffing, the location, and the financing. All that was left now were the signatures on the papers. The lawyers had reviewed the documents and everyone all around conceded that the contract accurately reflected the desires of both parties. As Mark looked across the table at Luci, he couldn't help but think to himself that she was a work of art — the art of the cosmetic surgeon! He knew she was at least forty-years old, but she looked ten years younger, at least if you didn't look too closely. Her nose had been straightened, her cheekbones enhanced. Her breasts weren't that large, but they stood out like bullets from her chest, firmer than would look natural even on a younger woman. Her ass was so perfectly rounded, that it screamed of liposuction and surgical shaping. She was thin, almost to the point of anorexia, which surprised most people when they discovered that she was the part owner of half-a-dozen of L.A.'s top restaurants. But it was easily explained by the hours each day she spent with her expensive trainers in her home gym, who kept her fit and thin. She was, though, a natural blond, a fact to which her lovers could attest. She did not go in for 'brazilians', leaving a thin blond landing strip for their delight. "I can't tell you how excited I am, Mark," she exclaimed, an obvious glow lighting her face. For Luci, starting a new restaurant was comparable to being pregnant and giving birth for most women. They had just finished signing the paperwork and were finishing off their celebratory glasses of Champaign before Mark had to get back to the kitchen to prepare for the dinner seating. Even Mark was feeling better, despite the situation between him and Sarah. With his own restaurant, he was sure that he could hit the big time. Mark was so pleased, in fact, that he didn't object when Luci reached across the table and took both of his hands in hers. Luci was ecstatic, and could hardly stop talking. "We should be able to open in about six weeks — thank god that the kitchen was already set up, and is fairly new. So we get the decorators in there and let them go to town. "In the meantime, I'll start talking up 'Trattoria Veni Vidi' with my contacts at the Times, and Channel 7. Once they are on to it, everyone else will follow. Oh, I guess L.A. Magazine too. They will all be completely blown away by the food." As she finished speaking, Luci looked up to see a young woman with red hair standing at the doorway of the Bistro staring directly at their table with a horrified look on her face. Feeling more than a little mischievous, Luci raised her voice. "Mark, the two of us are going to be SO good together; it's a marriage made in heaven!" Then she looked back at the redhead with a smug look, and smiled. Sarah's face fell when she heard the blond bimbo sitting with Mark say those ugly words. Whatever pain she had caused Mark, she had just received back ten-fold. Tears began to run from her eyes, even before she could take a breath, which was followed by a sobbing gasp. Then she turned and ran out the door into the evening. Hearing her sudden gasp, Mark disentangled his hands from Luci's grasp. He turned, just in time to recognize Sarah fleeing from the Bistro. "Sarah, Sarah! Wait!" he called at the fleeing figure. He stood up from the table so quickly that he knocked the chair he was sitting on over. He ran to the door, but it was too late. By the time he made it out onto the street, Sarah could not be seen. He looked one way and then the other, but it was made more difficult because it was right at closing time for all of the surrounding businesses, and the sidewalks were at their most congested of the day. Mark slowly walked back into the Bistro. Luci, having done her damage, kissed him on the cheek as she walked out. "OK Mark. We'll talk tomorrow, and get YOUR new restaurant started. By the way, who was the woman?" Luci asked, already having a fairly good notion. "She's my girlfriend — I mean... I guess my ex-girlfriend." "Oh no! I hope I didn't frighten her off!" Luci replied, with a sincere tone that bespoke of her acting abilities. "No, I don't think so. I didn't expect her for a while. She told Pierre that she was coming by this evening to talk to me. I guess she wasn't that keen on the idea. She was probably going to bitch at me for one thing or another," Mark said, trying to make light of what had just happened. But Luci could tell how badly the break-up was affecting him just by the dispirited tone of his voice. She reached over and caressed the side of Mark's face. "Don't worry, darling. You are going to be so busy for the next couple of months, you won't have a second to worry about women. And after 'Veni Vidi' is open, your main problem will be keeping the women at bay!' she laughed, not saying what she was thinking — that one of those women stalking the lithe young chef would be her. Strangely enough, she was right. For the next six weeks, he was too busy to worry about anything except getting the restaurant opened in time. When Sarah arrived back at the apartment that she and Mark had shared, it didn't take long for her to discover that he'd left her. His clothes were gone from the closet, his toiletries were missing from the bathroom, none of his personal effects remained, just the photos of the two of them together still hanging on the walls. She found the note on the table. Dearest Sarah, Sarah, I love you more than anything else in this world — yes, even more than my other love, cooking. I can't conceive that I will ever 'not love' you. You were my perfect other half. You completed me; you filled my soul with joy. You were a perfect lover, and a perfect love. I'm mystified how I will be able to live without you, but I can promise you, it will be with less happiness in my life. But I cannot go on living with you the way things have been recently. Your lack of respect for what I do, and the goals that motivate me in MY life, hurts me beyond my capacity to explain. And I will not accept living with someone who has recently begun to criticize everything that I do, and everything that I am. So perhaps it is time that we part. Perhaps you have already left me in spirit, leaving me for Phillip, or some other man who will better match your needs. I hope you find the right man, the man with whom you can live a fulfilling life, have the children that we talked about having one day, and who can love you as much as I do. I truly wish you happiness and love. One last thing: I left you a dish of Coq au Vin in the refrigerator. Bake it at 275 degrees for about two-and-a-half hours. Remember not to cook it any higher than 275 (the oven cooks a little hot), and don't forget to take it out on time — set the timer. You'll have leftovers for a couple of nights out of that; just reheat until it's warm enough to eat. Love forever, Mark Ps: I also put some tamales that I made in the freezer. The cooking instructions are on a piece of paper in the bag. Pps: Don't use the damn microwave to reheat the Coq au Vin; use the oven at a low temperature. Sarah read the note and sat at the table most of the rest of the night bawling her eyes out. Even on his way out the door, Mark wanted to make sure she didn't go hungry. "What kind of bitch am I," she asked herself, "to drive off a man like Mark! And how could he possible imagine that I had anything, anything at ALL, going with Phillip." She was having a difficult time reconciling what Mark wrote in his farewell letter with what Sarah had seen in the Bistro. She simply could NOT believe that Mark was involved with that skanky old bimbo who reeked of plastic surgery, regardless of what she heard. An old cougar like that was just 'so not Mark!' Not that it really mattered. Mark had left her, and that was the only important fact. Sarah didn't go into work the following day because she was felt so miserable, but the day afterwards she knew that she couldn't keep acting as if the world had ended, and that she had to continue living, so it was back to the old grind. There was a shocking surprise awaiting her at work that day. Sarah was sitting in her office when her friend, Brenda, knocked on her door. "Come on in Brenda. What's going on?" Brenda looked rather uncomfortable. "Sarah, do know who R. Bradley Leonard is?" "Oh course. He is the Vice-President for UBL's west coast Wealth Management operations. My boss's boss. Why do you ask?" Brenda tilted her head a little and smiled a pseudo-smile that implied bad, evil, even earth shaking events. "Well, Mr. R Bradley Leonard is in Phillip's office, and he would like to see you. Next." Sarah looked puzzled, "Next? And what is Mr. Leonard doing here? I didn't see any emails to the effect that he was coming?" "'Next' means everyone else in the department has already been in to see him. As for why he's here — I'll let him explain." To say that Sarah walked down the hall to Phillip's office with a certain amount of trepidation would be an understatement. She was scared stiff that she was going to be fired for some reason, although in truth, she couldn't remember doing anything worse than maybe 'borrowing' a pencil or pen from the office to take home. Just to write shopping lists. "Please, Sarah, come in," boomed the voice of R. Bradley Leonard, "I think that we've met before at the regional meetings, but I've never had the pleasure of speaking to you onenne. Oh, and please call me 'Brad'. I don't stand much on formalities." "Yes sir, I mean 'Brad," Sarah replied, while entering the office and sitting as instructed. She looked around at the office; something seemed a little odd. "Excuse me Sir, I mean, Brad. Where is Phillip?" "Ahem. Well that is the reason for our little meeting here today. "Tell me, how well did you know Phillip?" he asked. "Not terribly well. We spoke here at the office on occasion, and once recently Phillip joined us after work for drinks," Sarah replied, her curiosity evident. "Did he ever ask you about your work, or about the procedures that the Wealth Management Group used?" Formality or not, Brad seemed to be very serious about this line of questioning. "No Sir. Actually, he and I only ever spoke about personal things — he was giving me advice in how to deal with my boyfriend, you know, from a man's point of view," Sarah said, blushing as she admitted to the fact. "And in fact, his advice wasn't very good, because it only made things worse. May I ask why you are interested?" "In short," Brad explained, "The man we knew as Phillip, it turns out, was not Phillip Woodword. He is some sort of imposter, who managed to get the real Phillip Woodword's information, and acquired or manufactured documentation that convinced our corporate HR people that he was Phillip Woodword. "At this point, it's not clear who he actually was, and he seems to have cottoned on to the fact that we were on to him, and he has disappeared into the woodwork. And now we have to figure out what, if anything, he took or did during his tenure with UBL. "Thank you for coming in and answering our questions, Sarah. I hope that we meet again in more positive circumstances. And if you hear from him, or have any relevant information that might come to mind — anything that he might have told you that you don't remember at this moment, here is a card for my office; call me and let us know." Sarah walked quietly back to her office. "How stupid could I have been? Some complete fraud convinced me he was so educated and smart and I believed him. And he shook my faith in a man who I knew was smart, and who was educated, just in a different way." She made it back to her office before she started weeping again. Sarah wanted to, no, she needed to talk to Mark, to explain, to apologize, even to grovel a little. But she couldn't find him. It was like he'd dropped off the face of the earth. His phone was no longer in service; no one from Bistro knew where he'd moved, but he wasn't working there anymore. Even his Facebook page had been shut down. It seemed ironic to Sarah that Mark Flore had disappeared as completely as the phony Phillip Woodword. WARNING! Dear readers — in the remainder of the story, some of the dialog is in 'dialect'. This is not intended to offend anyone. I was in Italy last year and I've tried to recreate the wonderful English with an Italian accent that I heard there. There are a lot of words to which an 'ah' sound is added. Some words lose letters — 'g's at the end of words, and 'h's at the beginnings. 'The' sounds like 'dee'. So be prepared. Put on your best Italian accent, and read the dialog out loud phonetically. And to add a real Italian flavor, with your hands, put your thumb touching the first and second fingers, and turn your hand so it's pointing up, then go back and forth moving your hands at the wrist. Now'a thats'a real Italiano! So it was that months later, Sarah and her friend Brenda found themselves waiting in a line to get into L.A.'s newest, hottest restaurant — 'Trattoria Veni Vidi' on the Malibu pier. Mark and the new maître d' of Veni Vidi, Antonio Fiumi, an Italian immigrant, known universally as 'Tony', were looking through a small window in the kitchen at the line of people waiting to get into the restaurant. Although they didn't take reservations, if they spotted Goldie Hawn or Pamela Anderson, or one of the other famous Malibu residents waiting, Tony would sneak them in and seat them at Mark's special 'reserved' table. "Oh shit," Mark said under his breath. "Wha's that'a, boss?" Tony asked, thinking that perhaps a food critic or some other vile reprobate was in line. "There towards the back of the line. See the redhead?" "Oh, si. D' one wi' the nice apair?" Tony noted when he spotted her, his hands making the universal 'big tits' motion. "Yeah, she's the one. Her name is Sarah Bell, and she's my ex-girlfriend." Tony thought that one over, and considered for a moment how he would respond to one of his old girlfriends showing up. "You want I should'a tell her to butts off, an' forget'a 'bout eatin' here?" Mark just shook his head, and looked at Tony. "First Tony, it's 'buzz off' not 'butts off'. Lord, you will get us in to trouble if you confuse those two words. And no, I don't want you to get rid of her. Why don't you bring her around and put her at my table, and I'll put together dinner for her and her friend." "Ok'a boss'a man. I jus' 'ope that'a Barbara not'a show up tonight. You know 'ow upset'a she get, when you'a no seat 'er at your'a table!" "Tony, you know as well as I do that Miss Streisand was here last night, so it is very unlikely that she will be here again tonight..." The upshot was, that Tony ventured into the night, and found himself face-to-face with Sarah and Brenda. " 'eya, you two nice'a ladies, I'm'a Tony d' maître d' of'a Veni Vidi. Could'a you please'a come with'a me, aroun' d' side?" A suspicious Brenda looked askance at the stranger. "If we follow you, we'll lose our place in line." Tony was nonplussed by her response. "But I'm'a take'n you in'a d' restaurant by d' side door!" he stated. "How do I know you're really the maître d', and not some imposter who suckers people out their place in line?" "Lady," Tony said in a firm, no nonsense tone, "You see'a how I am dress? You think'a d' phony-baloney maître d' go outta and buy d' tuxedo suit to'a fool you?" Sarah intervened, "Brenda, just follow the man. If we lose our place, we'll just scream bloody murder until they give us our place back." Tony beamed. "You see! Do'a wha' d' lady she say." And with that, Tony led them around to the side door, into the dining room and seated them at the special 'Chef's Reserved' table. Tony seated them himself, pulling out their chairs for them, presenting them with napkins, and generally treating them like royalty. As soon as they had been seated, Tony turned and snapped his fingers, and a waiter instantly came to the table and dropped off a champaign style glass filled with a clear sparkling liquid for each of them. Tony stood by, as they picked up their glasses, and made a little 'toast' to themselves and took a sip. "This'a drink'a she is called in Venezia, d' 'Spritz', and she is'a made from..." Sarah closed her eyes and sighed, and interrupted Tony. "From Prosecco, sparkling water and Aperol! And it's perfect. Brenda, this tastes exactly like the ones that Mark used to make for me." Tony smiled, bowed and excused himself to return to his other duties. While Sarah and Brenda sat enjoying their 'Spritz's and wondering when someone would arrive with their menus, other people in the room were wondering who these two lovely ladies were who had been put to the head of the line, so to speak, and seated at what the connoisseurs knew was the table reserved for VIPs. Models? Movie stars? They had become ladies of mystery who'd taken the chef's fancy. Back in the kitchen, Mark was getting ready to leave for a while. "OK Tony. Everything is set — serve them the dishes I've set out, and make sure that they have a really great time. No bill! They are on the house tonight." "Boss'a, where'a you goin'?" Tony asked, looking at Mark as he donned his leather jacket. "I'm going for a ride up the coast. I...well; I just can't stay here right now." And with that, Mark walked out of the restaurant, and over to the parking area where his Porsche was parked. He started up his new toy, pulled out, and headed up PCH towards Oxnard. He figured he could stop at Paradise Cove, or find a bar in Oxnard to hang in for a little while. Back at the table, the girls were on their second Spritz, and had been served a basket full of sliced whole wheat Nicosia olive bread, made with olives, onions and thyme, accompanied by a small dish of garlic butter and an olive bruschetta in a second dish. Brenda was eating slices of bread, alternating between spreading butter and the bruschetta on the robust loaf. "I think I've died and gone to heaven!" she said between pieces. Sarah, on the other hand, had a strange, quizzical look on her face. "You know, Brenda, this bread and the bruschetta taste just like what Mark used to make for us, when he was doing his 'Italian' thing." "Really? And you dumped a man who could cook for you like this?" was the ever practical Brenda's response. Before Sarah could go any further with her thought, the waiter brought a bottle of red wine to the table. Sarah noticed that it was Chianti Reserve 2007 from the Verrazzano winery in Tuscany — a wine that Mark had told her was one of his favorite wines, from one of the best wineries in the Tuscan region. "Excuse me," Sarah said to the waiter to get his attention, "but we didn't order this. In fact, we haven't actually ordered anything yet — but we keep getting served!" "But Miss, it's all on the meal ticket. I saw it back in the kitchen." Sarah persisted, "But if we aren't ordering all of this, how can you expect us to pay for it?" Sarah was actually becoming a little worried, since she'd heard about the prices at the restaurant, and meals costing several hundred dollars per person were not unusual. The waiter looked at Sarah blankly, "The meal ticket is marked 'paid', so you aren't paying for it." Brenda perked right up when she heard that! "Sarah, we've won the lottery! Don't say another thing, because I, for one, am really enjoying this meal. Do not question this. It is a sign from God." Sarah shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, but stopped complaining. Plus the wine was excellent. The main course was no surprise in an Italian restaurant. A pizza, but what a pizza it was. The dough was thick, with a slightly sweet bread-like consistency, covered by a pizza sauce and pieces of cooked tomatoes and topped with mushrooms, sausage and cheese. But when Sarah tasted her first bite of the pizza, she motioned Tony to come over to their table. "Tony, this pizza — can you tell me about it?" asked a now rather stern looking Sarah. "Well, d' boss'a, he make'a d' dough ever' day. We make'a the sauce d' couple times a week. We use'a only d' mozzarella bufala cheese, and d' sausage, she'a come from'a fellow in Pear Blossom who'a he's makin' it especial for d' boss. We only use'a tomatoes that are'a kept until they are'a red on'a d' vine, and d' fungi..." Sarah interrupted again, "are rare, and they use pigs to find them?" Once again, Tony beamed, as he nodded in the affirmative. "You'a got it. All'a of d' things together make'a this d' best'a pizza in'a Los Angeles, maybe in'a California, maybe in'a d' world!" As Tony walked back to his station, Sarah turned to Brenda. "Brenda, this pizza is exactly like the ones Mark used to make; this was my favorite pizza combination. And only Mark made them like this!" Brenda shrugged her shoulders, and took another bite from the pie. "It's great. I love it. Eat. We can talk later," she concluded, getting back to the serious business of devouring this unique and extraordinary pizza. Sarah did as Brenda suggested, and joined her friend as they drank their Chianti and ate their pizza. Sarah though, still had her suspicions. It was the dessert that tipped Sarah from suspicion to out-andut paranoia. It was a triple-berry pie filling, in a tort style crust, topped with a hand-made lavender-infused whip cream and fresh berries. It was delicious, with its fragrant lavender smell, combined with the mixture of blueberries, black berries and raspberries, and it was the final outrage for Sarah. "Brenda, I swear: this dessert recipe is identical to the one that Mark makes. There is something funny going on here!" And with that, she motioned Tony over again. "She's a good'a dessert, si?" he said, as he approached the table. "Yes, it was a delicious dessert Tony. But could we possibly speak to the chef?" Sarah asked, on the trail of a mystery. "Im'a sorry, lady, but'a d' boss'a, 'e a left just'a about'a d' same time'a you are arriving," Tony explained, apologetically. "Ah," Sarah said, not sure if she really believed Tony's story of the missing chef. "Then may I ask: what is the chef's name?" "Oh sure'a — his'a name is'a Marko d'Fiorenze," Tony revealed. "Is there'a anythin' else you ladies would'a like? A digestif? D' glass of'a sherry, perhaps'a d' port? And 'ow are you'a liking d' pizza? She is'a d' 'Bella Sara', our'a mos' popular'a pizza." Hearing the name of the pizza, the 'Bella Sara', Sarah and Brenda looked at each other. Sarah was about to start making a fuss, when Brenda stopped her again. "Don't you dare say a word. If you do, they'll decide that they made a mistake and that we're really supposed to pay for this meal. And I don't want to be washing the dishes here for the next week!" Sarah glared at Brenda for her unwillingness to stand up and defend Mark's honor, but decided that now was not the time or the place. Even though they had assured Tony that they were completely sated, a small glass of icy cold Limoncello was presented to complete the meal. Shortly afterwards, the two women left Veni Vidi; one happy as a lark to be stuffed to the gills with exquisite Italian food, the other equally filled,
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 62, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 356, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 87 }
but indignant at what she suspected was a great miscarriage of justice. Sarah feared that this chef Marko d'Fiorenze was making his reputation by stealing her boyfriend's (well, she conceded, ex-boyfriend's) culinary masterpieces. He would NOT succeed! Sarah was determined she was going to come back and have it out with this ruthless food pirate! The next day things had returned to normal at Veni Vidi. Tony and Mark were quietly eating an early lunch before the restaurant opened for the day, going over the specials for the dinner sitting, and reviewing the surprise visit from the night before. "Boss'a, now I am'a understand why you have'a d' Botticelli paintings in d' dining room — you 'ave you' own Simonetta!" exclaimed Tony. "Simonetta?" Mark asked, obviously missing Tony's meaning. "Sure — she is'a Sandro Botticelli's redhead'a model who is a d' Venus who is a rising from'a d' 'alf-shell! That was 'er'a name: Simonetta Vespucci. You ex look'a jus' alike her." Mark thought about it, "You know, I never thought about that but I guess you're right. Sarah does look a lot like the redhead in the paintings." Then, joking, he turned back to Tony, "But Tony, you better not turn on the Italian charm. I'm still not completely over her," he touched his heart, "and I'd never forgive you if you were to steal off with her!" "Not to worry, boss. My wife'a, Fabiola, she'sa Italiano too, and she 'ave'a d' 'Christmas' attitude'a about'a d' other women." "Don't you mean a 'Christian' attitude, Tony?" asked Mark. "No, no! A 'Christmas' attitude'a: I touch'a d' other woman, Fabiola she a have'a my'a chestnuts roastin' on d' open fire!" he answered, laughing uproariously at his own joke. There are several places that have been widely recognized for the fact that they provide no real privacy — the Captain's stateroom on an old sailing ship, and anywhere at all in a restaurant. The proof of the latter was that the entire conversation that passed between Mark and Tony was overheard in its entirety by Mark's business partner, Luci, who was sitting in the adjacent dining room area going over the books with her accountant. Luci was very, very satisfied with the way that 'Trattoria Veni Vidi' had developed. She had gotten the word around to key members of the food press in L.A., who in turn had spoken and written with great anticipation of the opening of a new 'Luci V.' restaurant. The first couple of nights the restaurant served meals limited to a small group of invited friends, to allow the staff of Veni Vidi to work out any kinks in the operation, but after that when the 'official' opening night rolled around, the lines were long and the diners were hungry. And fortunately, the food that Veni Vidi served was so good, that they kept coming back for more. On the other hand, Luci was not happy that thus far she had not been able to consummate her erotic desires with Mark. Luci was a wealthy woman. She had been born with the proverbial 'silver spoon' in her mouth. She, with her combined skill at spotting great chefs and her business acumen in the restaurant industry, had actually multiplied the wealth she started with several times over. Luci was a smart, savvy businesswoman. And she was used to getting her way, but this time her target was not cooperating. Mark just wasn't responding. Her hints, he ignored; the flirting seemed to bounce off of him like water off a duck. When she would give him a widepen shot of her boobs, or open her legs to invite him to consider dining at the 'Y', he just turned his eyes away. It was really irritating. Overhearing Mark and Tony's candid conversation, though, gave her an idea. Sarah had gone in to work the day after her dinner at Veni Vidi, but she had been close to useless. Her body was sitting at the desk, but her mind was in a quandary, wondering what her best approach would be to stop this... this... culinary interloper who was poaching Mark's recipes. "You don't really know that, Sarah," Brenda had insisted that morning. "Maybe Mark 'sold' him the right to use the recipes, or something." "Never!" Sarah replied, with firm conviction. "Those were HIS recipes that he'd worked on, and he always told me that the only way that he would part with them was if he became really famous, he might put one or two of them in a cookbook. "If I could only find him, I would let him know — but there still aren't any new listings for Mark Flore. I think he must have moved completely out of the area. If I told him, though, he would be raising hell about it. Mark was such a nice guy, but he was pretty tough too. I wouldn't want to be in the guy's shoes at Veni Vidi when Mark shows up." Brenda reflected for a moment, "Well, the only way for you to really know what is going on is for you to talk to that chef and confront him. See what he says, and if he doesn't have a good explanation, then you contact the food critic guys who write for the papers and accuse him publicly." That made sense to Sarah. Now all she had to do was summon the courage to make a call to the chef. It was time for her to throw down the gauntlet to protect her man, even if he would never know. "No, no — I'm'a sorry lady, but'a d' chef he is really no here right'a now. I'm'a criss-a-cross my'a heart!' Tony explained. "Well he can't be gone all of the time. He is stealing the recipes that he is using from my boyfriend, and I will not let him get away with it. I'll write a letter to the newspaper. I'll get in touch with the television stations. I'll go to the State Department of Consumer Affairs!" Sarah threatened. Tony blinked, "d' Departmento of'a Consumer Affairs?" "Yes. I'll charge Veni Vidi with food fraud!" There was a long silent pause at the other end of the phone, as Tony silently prayed for patience. "OK'a lady, I talk'a to d' boss'a when he get in and letta 'im know what'a you say. Here, lemme get'a d' piece a paper and I take'a you phone number..." A couple of hours later, Tony was repeating the conversation to Mark. "The Department of Consumer Affairs? She wants to charge us with food fraud? I don't think that they care about someone stealing a recipe," Mark observed. Tony nodded in agreement, "They are'a never'a showin' up'a d' restaurants where'a I'm'a workin'. Public Health, si, but not'a Consumer Affair'a peoples." "Not to mention that I could hardly steal my own recipes. I think this is some sort of karma thing — I must have done a lot of really stupid things in a previous life that I'm paying for now," Mark said, sighing. "OK, Tony. Call Sarah back and tell her to come out here Monday for lunch. I'll meet with her and straighten this whole thing out." "But'a boss!" "Yeah, I know Tony — it's Valentine's Day. But we aren't open for lunch on Monday, and the staff won't be coming in until 2:00 to prepare for our special Valentine's dinner. That should give me a little time alone with her." "You know'a, boss, I'm'a thinkin' she'sa still in'a love wit' you," Tony interjected, because as a man, as a lover, and as an Italian, he was a big believer in the power of love! "I'm still in love with her too, Tony. But she was never able to respect what I do, and I can't face living a life together with someone who doesn't understand and support my art," and saying that, Mark shrugged his shoulders and turned to go back to the kitchen. After overhearing Tony and Mark talking about Mark's taste for Botticelli's model, Simonette Vespucci, Luci first spent some time looking at the reproduction of 'The Birth of Venus' in the dining room; then she acquired a book that also contained a copy of the famous painting. If a Simonette was what Mark wanted, then a Simonette was what she would give him. From one of the workers in the kitchen, Luci had also learned that Mark was coming in early on Monday, when no one else would be around the restaurant. It was her chance, her opportunity to ambush Mark. Over the weekend Luci's hairdresser spent hours and hours getting Luci's hair just the right shade of red. And that meant coloring her 'landing strip' as well. Luci already had blue-gray eyes, so that wasn't a problem. But there was no way that Luci, who had always prided herself on her complete tan, as in 'no pale areas from bathing suits' and the like, could manage to get her complexion to mimic the very pale ivory color of Venus in the painting. She would just have to make do. Luci's highest hurdle to overcome was finding extensions for her hair that were the right color, and long enough. In the painting, Simonette's hair was so long it extended below her butt, for heavens sake! They promised her at the salon that they would have them by Monday morning, and she would just have to hope that they could come through for her. Sarah wasn't happy at being put off until Monday, but it was what she could get. She would meet with this Chef d'Fiorenze and give him a piece of her mind. Maybe she hadn't supported Mark the way she should have before when they were together, but she was going to stand up for him now, when he wasn't there to defend himself. For both women, it was a long slow weekend, as they waited for their respective plans to come to fruition. Mark worked at Veni Vidi the whole weekend, and didn't have a moment to spare thinking about either woman. On Monday morning, Luci was at the hairdresser by 10:00 getting her extensions put on, and having a few last minute touch ups done to match her hair and the extensions. By 11:00, she was getting in her car to drive from her West Side luxury condo up to Malibu, to Veni Vidi. She estimated about a 45-minute drive, given traffic conditions. Sarah, on the other hand, had gone to work in the morning, but had claimed to have a doctor's appointment. She figured that if she left work at 11:30, she could make it up the coast to the pier in Malibu in about a half-an-hour. That would be perfect to make sure that she was on time for her appointment to see Chef d'Fiorenze. Mark had slept in late for once, after working both days of the weekend. Normally Veni Vidi was closed on Mondays, but because this was Valentine's Day, they had a special 'by invitation only' dinner planned. Mark was excited about the dinner that night, for it was not about the VIPs, the big-money people, or the entertainment industry mavens. Tonight's dinner was for the people who had supported Mark's efforts and appreciated his cooking for years, and who had loyally followed him from restaurant to restaurant. The people invited tonight were patrons of Trattoria Veni Vidi today, but had eaten Marks cooking at the Bistro Parisian before that. Some had been his customers, co-workers and friends from the three other eateries in L.A. where he'd worked before Bistro. Heck, there was a customer who was coming who'd first met Mark when he was working as a baker in France, and another from his short time working as the dessert chef in a famous hotel in Monaco. This was his chance to pay them back a little, by sharing his now more developed and mature cuisine. Tonight, these were his guests. They weren't paying money tonight, but they were paying homage to a wonderful cook, and he was saying to all of them, "Thank you, my friends." As much as Mark was looking forward to the dinner, he had to take care of a few business matters first, including dealing with his ex-girlfriend Sarah. Sarah — who still came to him in his dreams, and who tore his heart apart when he awoke, only to find the bed empty next to him. Sarah, who was his love, but with whom he could no longer live. So it was that by 11:30 Monday, the morning of Valentine's Day, Mark parked in his space on the pier, unlocked and entered Veni Vidi's door, leaving it unlocked behind him. By 11:45, Mark was already completely involved in reviewing purchase orders for ingredients, looking over time cards, and checking the feedback from customers on their comment cards. So intent was he that he never heard as Luci entered into the dining room at Veni Vidi, and it was only when she poked her head into the kitchen area and spoke to him that he was aware of her presence. "Oh Mark?" Luci called, trying to sound as sweet and enticing as she could. "Do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you." A little irritated, Mark looked at his watch. "Yeah, Luci. Come on in." Her voice came back, sounding a little breathless, "Could we talk out in the dining area?" The distracted chef swore under his breath, but she was his business partner after all. "Sure," he called out, "Just give me a minute to finish what I'm working on here and I'll be right out." "OK Mark. I'll wait out here," Luci answered. The timing would be perfect. So while she was waiting for Mark, Luci stripped down completely, folding her clothes and placing them on one of the tables. Then she walked over to stand in front of the painting of Venus by Botticelli. She posed just like Simonette was posed in the painting, and waited for Mark to come into the dining area and discover her. How could he resist! Sarah had arrived just on time, although she had to park a little further away than either Mark or Luci, so she was a couple of minutes behind Luci. Long enough that she didn't see Luci enter the restaurant before her. She walked up to the restaurant door, and even though the sign said 'CLOSED', it opened when she pulled on the handle. She entered into the dark building, first into the little foyer, and passing through that into the dining area where she expected to find Chef d'Fiorenze. A couple more steps into the dining room, and then, Sarah froze in place, as her eyes came into contact with... A woman, standing there completely nude! Sarah, shocked, raised her hand to her mouth, unable to make a sound. Luci, on the other hand, saw Sarah walk into the room and, SCREAMED!! "AHHHHHH, WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Luci's screams had broken Sarah's paralysis, so that she too was screaming. "AHHHHHH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU'RE NAKED!" "THIS IS MY RESTAURANT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY RESTAURANT?" "I"M SUPPOSED TO BE MEETING THE CHEF HERE, NOT SOME CRAZY NAKED WOMAN!" This little and remarkably uncivil exchange might have gone on for some time, except that Mark, having heard the sounds of two clearly deranged women, hurried out from the kitchen into the dining room. He looked across the room from one to the other and then back again, before he too shouted: "STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!" There was a quiet pause as both of the women shifted their eyes from each other to Mark. "Luci?" "Mark!" "Sarah?" "Mark?" Luci finally had the presence of mind to grab a tablecloth from the nearest table and wrapped it around herself. Sarah, in shock, had rather slowly sunk down into a chair, trying to avoid fainting away, where she sat staring at Mark. In the meantime, Mark was trying to figure out where to start the conversation. "What, pray tell, is going on out here?" he finally asked, after which both woman began to talk again, each trying to get her story out first. "Well, I was waiting for..." "And there was this crazy woman..." "I don't understand what she's doing here..." "So I was..." "HOLD ON," he shouted again, and a silence descended on the room. "That's better; let's do this one at a time." "Ah, Luci, first. May I ask you a question?" he asked looking at Luci. She nodded her head in the affirmative. "Why are you, or at least, were you, standing naked in the dining area?" By this time, Luci was crying and sobbing, and as she answered, her nose was running, and — need one describe it in more detail? "Well, (sniff) I overheard you and Tony talking (rapid ragged breath) about how you were attracted to women who looked (sniff, sniff) like some model (sob) in this painting, (ragged breath) and I thought (sniff) that if I looked more (little delicate snort) like her, then you might (sniff, sniff) notice me. (Out and out crying for a moment) (Deep breath) So I was going to (sniff) let you see me nude like the woman (sob) in the painting, so you would know (another little snort) that I could look just like her, (small wail) if that's what you wanted!" at which point she just sat there softly crying with a defeated look on her face. Mark looked at his business partner, who had helped him so much, and of whom, he was very fond. But he had no real desire for her, and frankly was not especially attracted to older women — although he had to admit that Luci was a very attractive woman regardless of her age. Mark gathered Luci in his arms, still wrapped in nothing expect a tablecloth, and sat her on his lap. He picked up a handy napkin from the adjacent table and carefully wiped her face of its tears and other effluvia. Then he kissed her gently on her forehead. "Oh Luci. I like you just the way you are — you don't need to change for me. And I'm flattered that you would do this for me. What man wouldn't be? If the situation was different, well, who knows? You've always impressed me, with your mind, you are one smart cookie; you're hard working and determined, and no one is better at getting a restaurant up and running than you." Mark paused for a second before adding, "And you've got a great looking body and are very pretty too, by the way." "But Luci, you are also my business partner, and I don't think that it is ever a good idea for business partners to mix their business and private lives together. What would happen if we got together for a while, but then split up? Could you run the restaurant without me?" Mark looked at Luci, and she shook her head 'no'. "No you couldn't. And could I find the money and get the publicity for the restaurant that you do?" He looked back at her, and again she shook her head 'no'. "See, we each have to do our part. But if either one of us got angry and left, Veni Vidi would fall apart. So it's best if we are not physically involved with each other. "And there is another problem. I'm not in love with you. I just had my heart broken," Mark said, glancing at Sarah sitting in the chair not ten feet away, "and I'm not ready for any other woman right now." Mark helped Luci back up to her feet, and gave her a gentle pat on her rear end. "So why don't you go and get dressed, and get yourself ready to do some hostess duty for the dinner tonight. Will you do that for me?" Luci nodded, gathered her clothes, and went back through the kitchen doors to the staff bathroom. Luci taken care of, Mark turned his attention to Sarah. "So what is this about turning us in to the Department of Consumer Affairs? Calling the critics and the television stations? What were you thinking?" he asked. Sarah was looking rather abashed. "What are you doing here Mark? Do you work for Chef d'Fiorenze? I ate dinner here last week, and I was sure he was stealing your recipes and taking the credit for himself. I wasn't going to let him get away with it..."at which point Sarah's tears started in earnest, and she was crying and sobbing and her nose was running, and — need one describe it in more detail? "Because (sniff,) I love you so much, (rapid ragged breath,) and I couldn't find you, and I couldn't let you know (sniff, sniff,) that they were serving your (sob) recipes, that you spent so much time (ragged breath) creating, so I had to protect you myself (sniff) but it's so hard without you. (little delicate snort) I was so stupid, not appreciating (sniff, sniff) that you were a really great chef. (Out and out crying for a moment) (Deep breath) And I still love you (sniff) and I'm so lonely and miss you so much (sob) and now I don't understand (another little snort) what's going on, but it's too late (small wail) for me to get you back!" at which point she just sat there softly crying with a defeated look on her face. Mark thought about what Sarah had said and decided to start from the beginning. "First, Sarah, I'm Chef d'Fiorenze." She gasped, "But you're Mark Flore!" Mark smiled a little, "Yeah, I'm Mark Flore too. "You have to understand that when my parents came to the U.S., they decided to simplify their name and make it sound more 'American.' In Italy, our name was d'Fiorenze — which means, roughly, 'from Florence.' So my folks took the English name for Fiorenze, and then they shortened it to 'Flore.' "And that's what I've gone by for all of my life. But when Luci approached me about opening my own restaurant, we got talking and I told her the story. She thought that it would be great for me to go back to my Italian family name, especially for an Italian restaurant like Veni Vidi. It sounds more exotic and authentic —'Chef Marko d'Fiorenze'. Sarah pulled her chair over closer to Mark's to where they were almost touching. Mark looked at her, and picking up another clean napkin from the table, gently wiped the tears (yes, and the other effluvia as well) from her face. "I was going to tell you about our plan for opening the new restaurant, but we never had a chance to talk. And then you and I had the big fight, and I didn't feel like sharing the good news anymore. It was kind of small potatoes compared to our breaking up," Mark explained. Sarah then explained how her eyes were opened by the discovery that Phillip was a fraud and a con artist, who had not only been taking her company, but her as well, for a ride. "You were right about him, and I fell into his trap, and I became a real bitch towards you. I pushed you out of my life; a man filled with love and kindness, who had always put me on a pedestal, and who I still love and miss every day. "But I guess you've had the last laugh, Mark. While I was nagging you about going to college as the path to success, you were becoming a famous chef and proving me wrong," Sarah said, as she started to cry again. As the tear ran down her face, she looked up into Marks eyes. "I want you to know how happy I am for you. You've achieved your dream, and I'm glad. I just wish that I could have been there, standing beside you and supporting you while did it. I'm so sorry Mark, because I know that it's too late now." The art of cooking is in some ways the art of making one mistake after the next until you get the dish just right. If the yeast isn't fresh enough, or if you don't use high-gluten flour, the bread doesn't rise enough. If you don't cook the Thanksgiving turkey at a high enough temperature, and for a long enough time, it comes out underdone; if you cook it at too high a temperature, or for too long, it comes out dry and overdone. And good cooks learn from their mistakes. Mark was a great chef, and understood that we all make mistakes. As he looked over at Sarah, her makeup a disaster, tears staining her cheeks, but her eyes filled with love, it occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, he'd made a mistake. Perhaps he'd been too hasty in making his judgment. But perhaps this was a mistake that could be corrected. After all, without knowing that Mark was in fact Chef d'Fiorenze, Sarah had been willing to enter the dragon's den to defend Mark's cooking legacy. That was a proof of loyalty that meant a great deal to Mark. "Sarah?" he asked aloud. "Yes, Mark?" "Would you be my Valentine? I love you too, you know; and I've been so lonely without you." Sarah practically leapt from her chair and into Mark's arms, throwing her arms around his neck, and kissing his face. As he returned Sarah's kisses, he remembered how much he missed being close to this woman. She was his friend, his love, and his one-andnly. After a couple minutes, when Mark and Sarah had calmed down a little, Mark went into the kitchen briefly, before returning with a platter. It had slices of toasted bread, and a bowl of a spread. "In all of the excitement, I almost forgot. I'd made us something to eat for our meeting. The toast is a bread that you make without kneading, so it is very light and airy, but it takes over 24 hours to rise; and I made the spread that you always liked so much, with the Swiss cheese, Portobello mushrooms and grilled sweet onion..." "Oh Mark," Sarah exclaimed with a laugh, "Always thinking about food!" He smiled, "It's who I am!" The Valentine's Day dinner at Trattoria Veni Vidi was a huge success. This was one occasion that no one who was invited was going to miss. Prior to being seated, everyone partook from the open bar, and mingled. The attendees, most being members of the L.A. restaurant royalty, knew each other, and if they didn't know each other personally, they had heard of each other. And, to be honest, they were all delighted knowing that the meal that they would eat, they didn't have to fix themselves! Even chefs enjoy an evening out. Luci was in her element, as she flitted from one group to another. Almost everyone remarked at how beautiful she was looking in her light green floor-length gown, with her hair so long and in that wonderful shade of red. Quite a number noticed that she could almost pass for the woman in the painting on the wall. She would smile and say thank you. She was seriously considering of changing her name from Luci to Simonette. Sarah, who was dressed in a red silk mid-calf creation (and yes, there are some redheads who are so beautiful that they can get away with dressing in red!), was also having a wonderful time. She was worried that she might feel out of place; but in fact she knew a number of people at the dinner from Bistro Parisian, who all came by and spent time talking with her. Mark and Tony, of course were dressed in tuxedos, which Sarah thought made them both so handsome. When she told them, Mark smiled, showing his dimples. Tony actually winked at her, but then he looked over at his wife, Fabiola, who gave him a mild 'stink eye', which Mark whispered in her ear, meant 'I kill or maim you later.' Tony shrugged his shoulders, as he and Fabiola walked off together arm-in-arm, laughing. Finally the announcement was made to please take your seats. At his special reserved table, Mark sat with Luci in the chair to his left, and Sarah in the place of honor to his right. Tony and his wife Fabiola, and several other friends filled out the remaining places. After everyone had found his or her seats, Mark started the show, tapping his spoon on a glass until he had everyone's attention. "My dear friends and colleagues; I want to thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate our first Valentines Day at Trattoria Veni Vidi. I cannot tell you how much I've appreciated your encouragement and support over the years, and this is my way of saying 'Thank you' to all of you." Then he raised his glass of Prosecco and toasted his guests. As Mark sat, Tony stood up before the room could get noisy again. "Ladies, an'a Gentlemen; I would'a like to propose another'a toast as'a well'a: To my'a boss, Chef Marko, an'a to his'a ex'a girlfrien', Sarah, who'a now is'a d' new again girlfrien'," and with that he raised his glass, "To Amore!" And the restaurant filled with the sound, as the guests repeated the toast: "To Amore!" Would it surprise anyone to find out that they lived happily ever after? *Dear Readers: Although this is a romance story, and part of it takes place on Valentine's Day, it is NOT part of the contest. It is just for your reading pleasure!*
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 78, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 308, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 87 }
*Prowlers - Birthday Boy* Ken was busy hammering his girlfriend Mai from behind. The 16 year old German Sheppard boy panted heavily as he felt his climax approaching and his knot swell up outside her wet pussy. The 16 year old Bengal tiger girl moaned as she was being filled and begged him to do her harder. He then made a final thrust forward, lodging his knot inside her vagina and filling her womb with his seed. She squealed with delight as he filled her with his seed and climaxed herself. They both panted in the afterglow and then rolled onto their side still stuck together. Mai: "So have you planned anything special for your brother tomorrow. Ken:" Sure, I have a great present for him." Mai: "So what have you planned for him tomorrow? Is his dad coming home?" Ken: "No I'm afraid not. Dad said he had to work. He always has to work." He said the last thing with a snort. Mai: "Too bad. I can entertain him all day to make him forget about it if you want?" Ken:"That's sweet of you, but I have already something planned for him. But I think he would be glad if you woke him up with a BJ since you are already here." Mai: "I would be delighted to. Just say if there is any more I can do for you my love." Ken:" Just go to sleep my dear and have pleasant dreams, tomorrow will be a busy day." He kissed her, then pulled out of her and spooned her as they drifted off to sleep. Ken and Mai woke up early the next day. Ken put on pajamas while Mai just went nude. They got to Jon's bedroom and went inside. Mai approached the sleeping now 13 year old spotted hyena pup while Ken stood in the background. She removed his covers and his pajama bottom to find his morning wood. She put the black member in her maw and began sucking it. *Jon had a wonderful dream. He was playing hide and seek with his biological mother. They were in a garden and Jon hid in some bushed while observing the beautiful woman scout for him. The spotted hyena female found him and began tickling him. She then pulled down his pants and began to blow him. He moaned and said "I love you mommy." Slowly she became more yellow and her spots were replaced by stripes. He saw Mai bobbing her head along his shaft and his brother leaning against a wall. Ken: "Good morning Jon, Happy Birthday!" Mai: "Morning birthday boy." She quickly said before returning to her task. Jon: "Good morning Ken. Good morning Mai." He said before shooting his first load of the day into the eager mouth of his brother's girlfriend. Jon put his bottom back on while Mai remained naked. They then went into a living room where a pile of gifts awaited. There was a bunch of checks with thousands of dollars from relatives and a gold watch and a gift card for a fashion store from his father and stepmother. Jon: "Isn't dad and Jennifer going to be here?" Jon looked saddened and knew the answer. Ken: "Sorry Jon, I really tried making dad come. I even went to his office, but he said he was going on a business trip. And Jennifer of cause is on a trip with some of her friends blowing dad's money. Mai: "Cheer up Jon; we will make this day count." Ken: "Yes cheer up, dad has only been to three of my birthdays and I had fun anyway." Jon tried to ignore the tragic statement and opened some of his friends' packages. Frank got him a new gaming console and some games Jon liked to go with it. Colin got him season first row seats to see his favorite football team. Mai gave him a gift card for an online sex shop. Jon: "What about Karri?" Mai: "Don't worry my sister hasn't forgotten you. On Saturday after your classmates have left your birthday party she will give you a special presents she has worked hard on." Jon smiled. Jon: "Where is your present Ken?" Ken: "Oh it should be here when you leave school and should be delivered in a black car, remember that. And remember Jennifer is a nitwit who thinks the world wars were between Mars and earth, remember that. Jon found his remarks curious but knew he was smart and he probably meant something with them. He watched a movie on their flat screen while eating a delicious unhealthy birthday breakfast. Mai got down in front of her boyfriend and began to blow him. Jon left for school as she straddled him and began riding him. Jon sighed and knew they were going to be late for school again. Jon had a good day at school; his classmates congratulated him and his teacher made the classes pleasurable with games. In the recess the other boys let him decide the games they played while the girls giggled and wave at him. His relationship with Karri had really changed him; he no longer just sought older people's attention but also began to have interests in equal aged furs. He wouldn't mind having sex with any of the girls, or boys. He was beginning to contemplate who he could get into bed with. But not today since Ken had probably planned something and not on Saturday since Karri was planning something, but after that who knows. The school day was over and he said his goodbyes to his mates who said that they looked forward to his party. He exited the school and his name was yelled out. Jon turned around and saw a spotted hyena male around thirty standing at a black car. Jacob Noel: "Hallo Jon, Ken sent me to pick you up." Jon saw the car and recognized it as one belonging to his father; he thought this could be a part of Ken's plan. But still he knew not to go with a stranger. Jacob: "He also said that some girl named Jennifer is a nitwit who thinks the world wars were between Mars and earth." Jon understood and got in the car with the fur who seemed glad that Jon knew what the sentence meant. Jon: "So what is your name and what do you have to do with Ken?" Jacob: "Well son I'm your father and Ken is your brother." Jon: "Father?" Jacob: "Yes I'm your father and now we are going home to spent some time together as a family and celebrate your birthday." They drove home to Jon's resident while Jon still wondered what Ken had planned. They got inside the home and Jon could smell freshly baked homemade cookies. He entered the kitchen and found a beautiful female hyena smiling and holding a tray of cookies. Marlene Noel: "Welcome home my son I hope you had a good day at school. Now take a cookie and let's celebrate your birthday." "Mom?" Jon said looking at the woman who was dressed like his mom and had hair like his mom, but was definitely not his mom. Marlene: "Yes son now take a cookie while they are hot and tell me what you want to do today." "Okay, well first I have to some homework." Jon said before taking a cookie. Jacob: "Excellent Ill help you out Son." Jon: "Thanks daddy and call me Jon." They then went to Jon'room Jon sat down at a desk in his bedroom and his "dad" pulled up a chair next to him. It was a little strange to Jon who had never experienced his own dad helping him with his homework. He had either been helped by a tutor or his brother. Jon: "Okay 507350" he wrote down "Right" Jacob said and he gave Jon's face a long lick. Jon:" *Oh,* ahem, 618108" he said taking a bit by surprise by the lick" "Right" Jacob said again and stroked the boy's chest through his silk shirt." Jon: " *Moan,* okay 41452" Jacob stopped his caressing and Jon quickly redid the math. "56" he said and Jacob continued to caress. "5010500" Jacob opened Jon's shirt and kissed and licked his nipples. "631186" Jacob lowered Jon's pants and groped his groin while still licked his nipples. "41664" Jacob lowered Jon's undies and began licking the emerging penis. "125 *Groan" Jacob licked the balls before he began to suck the small pecker. " *Moan* 105 *Groan" Jacob sped up his sucking as Jon was approaching his climax. Jon unloaded in the adult fur's maw after given the result to 327. Jacob swallowed all the cum the cub gave him and Jon quickly did the remaining questions. Jacob: "So have you done all your homework? Jon: "Well, I had to write a story for tomorrow but I did it yesterday so I wouldn't have to do it today. But you could read it to see if it's okay." Jon turned on his computer and found the document. Jacob sat down and began reading through it. Jon then slit under the desk, pulled out Jacobs cock from his pants and began sucking it." Jacob: " *Yes,* you are such a talented and smart boy I can tell by your work." Giving Jon compliments on both his paper and his oral skills. Jon sucked the older man while he corrected his paper. The adult finished correcting the paper, then held the pup's head still and began thrusting into the muzzle. It didn't take long before he felt his climax nearing. Jon obediently held his head still as the adult shoved his member into his maw and shot his load. Jacob: "I think I can cum again if you want to be fucked." Jon got up from beneath the table, stripped of all his clothes and got on the bed on all fours as a respond. Jacob smiled and disrobed himself, got down behind the boy and began licking his puckered hole while stoking his boy penis. Jon moaned and told his "dad" to do it more. Jacob complied and shoved his tongue inside the boy's tight anus. Jon moaned and wiggled his ass. After a while the hole was lubricated enough and Jacob got ready to fuck his "son". He aliened his cock with the boy cunt and slowly began inserting himself into the moaning cub. Jon held his breath as he was being filled by the big cock. He felt it go in deep, redraw a bit and then went in deeper. Soon it was all the way in and Jon found pleasure as he felt the adult's balls hit his. Both males groaned as the mating continued. Jacob leaned forward and began licking the boy's neck. He then reached under the pup and began stocking his little shaft. Jon moaned and Jacob was happy, since that day was all about making Jon happy. The two males continued for awhile until Jon moaned "I'm cumming". Jacob made sharp thrusts into the pre-teen's body and began feverously stroking his pecker. He soon felt his hand being coated by the boy seed as Jon came. Jon's arms and knees buckled and he landed on his stomach on the bed. Jacob fell with him, still imbedded in him and landed on top of him. He had not yet cum so he continued thrusting himself into the lying youngster who only willingly took it. He humped him for another two minutes before he himself came and collapsed panting on top of the kid. Jacob: "I think we should take a shower before we continue with your birthday." Jon: "I think you are right, but there is only room for one in my shower. I think you can use Ken's, it's down the hall to the left." They separated and Jon went to his shower while Jacob went out the door. Jon made sure to clean the cum stains out his fur and covering the scent with perfumes. He exited his bathroom naked and drying himself off with a towel, to find his "mother" holding some clean cloth. Marlene: "Sorry son, eh Jon I didn't mean to intrude, I have seem fresh clothes for you." Jon casually walked over to her, hugged, her and said "I love you mommy." Marlene petted his head affectionately. She was then stunned when he pushed back onto his bed. She looked questioningly at him, he smiled and she knew what would come next. Jon got down on his knees on took hold of her left foot then began kissing and sucking the toes. He then began kissing his way from her feet to her knee and repeated it on the other leg. Marlene sighed at the gentle stimulation. He then raised her dress and lowered her panties to reveal her naked sex. He kissed along both thighs and kissed around the mound before diving in. Marlene squealed as he began licking her slit and begged him to continue. She began bucking her hips as she climaxed and sprayed his face with her juices. Her pussy didn't get much time to rest before Jon got up in inserted himself into her. She moaned and climaxed again as he began bucking her in an increasing speed. He then took hold of the top of her dress and pulled it down to reveal her breasts. He quickly lashed on to them, sucking, licking and gently biting them. Marlene moaned and held his head close to her chest for him to continue. The sensation soon caused her to cum yet again. The contracting of her vagina caused Jon to cum as well and he shot his load into her womb. He collapsed on top of her and the two hyenas panted in the afterglow. Marlene: "I think I better clean up before dinner. It will be ready in ten minutes; I have made my husband look after it while I'm gone in case that you wanted to be frisky. Jon redressed himself in the new cloth while Marlene left the room. He then walked downstairs to the kitchen to find Jon and his "dad" talking. Jon sat down with them and they were soon joined by Marlene who had taken a quick shower and found a new dress. Dinner was then ready and they four furs sat in the dining room to eat. Ken then opened the inevitable discussion. Ken: "So why don't the two of you tell about yourselves, your real selves and why you both named Noel while not being married to each other." The two hyenas blushed as they looked at each other. Jacob: "Well we are both named Noel because we are brother and sister. My name is Jacob Noel and is thirty years old and this is my sister Marlene who is 28." Marlene: "We fell in love when we were teens and have been together ever since. We were kicked out of our home when our parents had found out and have been drifting around ever since. Then you Mr. Goldstein found us and gave us a contract we couldn't refuse." Ken: "I have made a contract with them with a great pay that runs out when you turn 18. If they choose to stay with you they can get another contract, if they don't then they will have earned a nice sum of money to start somewhere new with new identities." Jon: "So I get to play with them every day?" Ken: "You can, but don't forget there are other tails to chase. You should also know they have some kids of their own. As far as I understand you can also sleep with them." Jacob: "Well we don't mind incest, obviously, so we chose to include them in our family fun. Though we had an agreement in our contract that if they don't want to join this game they don't have to." Ken: "No, they are not forced to do anything, but if they are willing to play the role of brothers and sisters, then you can't stop them. Now tell Jon about them. Marlene: "There is Ruby age 9, she does oral and her father has taking her cherry so if she is willing you can fuck her as well. There is Peter age 7 who is willing to do blow jobs. There is Sarah age 6 who willing to do oral as well. And then there is Belle who is 4 and we haven't introduced her to anything yet other than playing with the private parts." Ken: "Well now you know what's in stall for you in the future but let's focus on tonight. When we are done eating do you wanna go to the bedroom Jon?" Jon:"Yes that sounds like a good idea." They finished up dinner, cleaned up and headed for the master bedroom. Jon and Ken weren't allowed to go in there so that added to the excitement. Once inside the three oldest furs turned their attention to the birthday boy. Jacob kissed him and caressed his chest. Marlene undid his pants and began teasing his sheath with her tongue. Ken stayed a bit in the background, took off his clothes and helped the adults take off theirs and Jon's. They moved to the bed, Jon lay down on his back; Marlene then straddled his hips and inserted his cock into her wet hole. Jacob waited a few moments then got behind his sister and inserted himself into her rear. Ken went in front and made Marlene suck him off. Jon liked the feeling of his "father" and his penis sliding side by side inside his "mother", only separated by a thin layer of flesh. He also liked when the older hyena's balls touched his penis as he banged the female hyena's ass. Jon also liked the height difference which meant that his mother's breast dangled right in his face, ready to be sucked. He also reached out and cupped his brother's balls as he was being blown by Marlene. Ken looked down and saw his brother's hand but chose to ignore it since it was his birthday. Jon then said he wanted to fuck his mom's ass and they all shuffled around. Ken lay on his back and Marlene straddled his pelvis. Then Jon inserted himself into her ass from behind. Once again he felt the close sliding of cocks but this time with his brother. Jacob came up front and fed his prick to Jon and his sister, who would take turns sucking it The group began to huff and puff as they all neared their climax. Marlene came first and clenched her tunnels tight around the rods inside her. Jon came next and filled his substitute mother's rear with his spunk. Jacob came next and gave both Marlene and Jon a facial of sperm that they both appreciated. When Ken had to come he pulled out and jacked himself off so the evening wouldn't be delayed by him being stuck in a female. They all lay panting after the exercise. Then Marlene rolled around and took Ken's meat in her maw, Jacob did the same with Jon and they began sucking them both hard for the next game. Once hard they waited for Jon's instructions. Marlene was left out this time and she casually sat in the background, stroking her vagina and waiting for her to be needed again. This time Jacob got on all fours and began blowing Ken, while waiting for Jon to take him from behind. Jon entered his warm behind and said "I'm going to fuck you so hard daddy as a punishment for never being here." Jacob: "Yes punish me, I'm sorry I was never here but I am going to be in the future, please fuck me harder son." Jon complied and slammed his hips harder against the older hyena's buttocks. Ken was amused that Jon was so far into the game, especially since their real father was a German Sheppard. Maybe he could find a German Sheppard actor one day to play their father. Jon continued for a while until he also filled his "dad's" rectum with his seed. For the final shuffle of the evening Jon got down on all fours and Jacob entered him from behind. Marlene crept under the hyena cub from the side and began suckling on his tender meat. Ken got between her legs and inserted his hard member into her hot snatch. They group began to grunt in union again and the air was filled with the smell of sex. Ken came first this time and shoved his entire length into the female. He felt his knot enter her and filling her with seed. Jacob announced he would come next and Jon said he wanted him to come in his mouth. Jacob pulled out, stood up and Jon got on his knees in front of him. Jacob then stroked his cock feverously until he came and shot a healthy dose of sperm all over the cub's face. Jacob then collapsed panting on the bed, while Jon used his hands to scope the cum into his mouth. He then lay next to the panting others and began to rest. They all lay resting for a while, almost falling asleep. Then Ken looked at an alarm clock and decided he better put Jon in his own bed. He pulled out of Marlene and began carrying his half-asleep brother to his bedroom. Before he went he told his servants to clean up the room and they began. Ken carried his brother onto his bed and kissed his forehead. Ken: "Happy birthday Jon. I love you and will do anything for you." Jon: "I love you too. There is one more thing you can do for me today." He reached out and stroked his brother's thigh. "You know I'm not into that." Ken said and looked skeptically onto his little brother. Jon: "Come on one last wish, please, there is still twenty minutes left on my birthday. If you want you can pretend I'm Mai." Ken: "Okay if that's your last wish so be it." Ken shifted angle to make it easier for his brother to reach and Jon began to tease his sheath with his tongue until his red cock came into view. Jon put the rod in his mouth and began letting his tongue swirl around it. "Goddamn it Jon you have really become a good cocksucker" The German Sheppard moaned. Ken was now hard and slick and Jon prepared to the next phase by getting on his hands and knees on the bed. Ken got behind him and with a "Happy birthday Jon" he inserted himself in his brother's well fucked ass.
Prowlers - Birthday Boy by Tsari
[ "Anal", "Anthro", "Birthday", "Bisexual", "Cub", "German Shepherd", "Hyena", "Incest", "M/F", "M/M", "M/M/F", "Oral", "Orgy", "Roleplaying", "Teenagers", "Vaginal" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 40, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 266, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 33 }
The husky looked up at the horse, his eyes showing exactly what he was thinking. Their blueness was turning from happyness to a slight show of fear. Looking off to the side for a moment, he lifted an eyebrow at the horse. His friend stared at the fur behind him, unsure of what exactly was going to happen as he tightened his grip on the poolstickin in his paw when he saw the husky take his paw from the table down to the large knife he always carried with him. After a few tense moments the paw left the shoulder of the husky resulting in James turning around. He looked directly into the furs eyes, the handle of the blade in his paw as it rested in it's sheath, ready for anything that might happen. The huskys face showed his anger as he stared, muzzle to muzzle with the fur, into the blue eyes that looked back at him. His face instntly changed from anger to a look of confusion as his eyes went wide, his pupils growing once he remembered the eyes. They were soothingand comforting. They were ones he had seen somewere before. The deep blueness of these pools called to his soul making him go limp in the innermost parts of his soul. They were soft and yet they had a fire of passion that he had seen burning that night some time ago. Smiling as he moved back a few inches backing into the table blushing a little from his embarrasing action he looked the fur up and down. His grin widened as he looked up the somewhat tight shirt murring softly at the muscles in his chest as he finished at his face. "Sean! What are you doing here?" Thesheperd smiled as he had gotten the reaction he figured he would get and looked over the husky. Murring softly in his innermost depths as he nodded in approval of the huskys body. Blushing softlyashesaw the husky give him that look that showed confusion but sly knowingness at the same time as he lifted an eyebrow at the sheperd. "Well...James I told you I was moving didn't I?" Shrugging as he placed a paw against the pool table, leaning up against it, his rump resting on the top of the bumper as he crossed his legs. "Well we were and my dad got stationed in Washington and since we didn't want to live in the city we actually decided to move to the eastern shore. I think the town is millstone? It's a really small town." The huskys eyes went wide when he heard the towns name remembering the moving truck he saw earlier today. Shaking his head he thought himself stupid for not making the connections. "Hey James!!" the horse said loud enough to wake the husky fromhisdaydreamingstate. "Ya?" "I gotta get home before to late so I will see ya later." the horse made his way out of the small room waving goodbye to the husky. Shrugging he kept his position on the pool table as the sheperd moved towards the door. Shutting the door and locking it, he moved so close to the husky that there muzzles were barely touching. Looking into his deep blue eyes the sheperd lightly placed his paw on the chest of the husky. Murring softly as he softly traced up and down the chest. Looking down at his paw he slowly parted his muzzle and began to speak. "James... I um think I am..." he stammered trying to find the words to say that would express his feeleings the way he wanted. The husky waited a few minutes, his arms by his side as he waited to hear what his friend had to say, but somehow in his heart he knew what was going to be said before it was said. He just wanted to make the male say the words, not take an easy way out. "I.. I think I am falling for you." The husky smiled and put a finger on the other males chin, lifting his muzzle up so that there blue eyes met in a passionate look. Smiling at the sheperd, he looked deep into his blue eyes. The sheperd smiled cutely at the husky, his cheeks blushing under his fur. "I know how you feel, I feel that way too." James immediatly grabbed the sheperds shirt with both his paws as he finished talking, pulling him towards himself smashing their muzzles together, his eyes closing from the emmense passion he was putting into this kiss. He leaned back as he wrapped his arms around the shederds back, causing the other to do the same. Sean murred softly as he melted into the kiss. He held the husky close as he broke the kiss breathing deeply for air. Looking deeply into the now opening eyes of the husky and smiled a few strands of thier canine saliva still connected their lips, glistening in the light. The husky gave a look of shear bliss as he looked into the sheperds eyes. He was blushing even harder under his fur as he took the huskys paw in his, lacing his fingers with hopefully his new mate. "Sean does this mean we are going out?" The sheperd smiled and nodded as he swung the huskys arm slightly. "I think so James." A tear started to develop on the huskys eyelid as he reached up with his other paw and wiped his eye. Looking up at the small round clock on the wall he cursed the time. "Shit!! Look Sean I need to get home." A small whimper left Seans maw as he heard the news. "Okay well thanfully tomorrows saturday. Hopefully we can meet up for some fun." he winked slightly at the word fun causing the husky to chuckle. Giving Sean a kiss on his cheek, the husky left the room and walked through the bowling alley, his tail swaying quickly behind him. As he left and headed out the building. Stopping to put his keys in the lock of his truck door, he heard a familier voice call out to him causing him to turn around just in time to see the sheperd right at his muzzle, putting his paw behind the huskys head and pulling him into a deep kiss before he could ever move. The husky murred deeply as he looked into the sheperds eyes, his own sparkling with love, happyness, content, and acceptance. He smiled as he softly broke the kiss. "Well Sean. That's the best goodbye I have ever had." he said smiling. The sheperd just chuckled and smiled. "Yup. Goodbye sexy." James chuckled and entered his truck and drove home. The twenty minute drive seemed to fly by cussing him to come home sooner than he felt he would be home. Deciding to test a theory. The husky parked in his driveway and got out his truck. Looking over at his neighboors house, he saw that the moving truck was gone and there were two cars in it's place. Walking to the side he put a boot on the tire and hoisted himself up into the trucks bed laying down on the cool bed liner. Looking up into the night sky he stared up into each of the thousands of glistening stars that seemed to be looking back down at him. He couldn't help but wonder if this rationship or even this friendship would last in the long run. He had been let down and had his heart broken so many times that he wasn't sure if he wanted to open his heart up once again and risk having his heart broke again. But there was something that told him as he looked into those stars that made him actually want to make that leap. James sighed as he looked into the twinkling sky, the stars trying to comfort him it seems. They seemed to say that everything would be okay and that he shouldn't worry. The husky just layed there as his eyelids started to slowly shut, before he quickly shook himself back to his reality. The sound of a car pulling into a gravel driveway. He rolled over and peeked over the side of his truck bed. Smiling he saw the same vehicle that the sheperd had drove when he say him in when they had met in Ohio. Smiling happily, he watched as Sean stepped out of the car and walked up to his door. His tail was wagging the entire way up to the door. Chuckling he waited until the sheperd was inside his house before hopping out of his truckbed and walked into his home. He was met by his father, looking up at the taller wolf he forced a smile. "Hey dad. I got a question." The slightly taller wolf looked down on his son as he frowned. "What?" "I have a friend and I was wandering if he could come to the ocean next week with us." "Ya sure. Just have him ready Sunday." The husky smiled, his tail wagging happily as he walked throughr the hall and into his room. The dark room was welcoming to him. It gave him a place to relax and let everything go. He shut his door behind him and layed down on his bed. Smiling he pulled his shirt up over his head and flung it in a corner. Placing his paw on his chest, he murred softly. This was the closest thing he really had up till know in the way of having someone to lovingly hold him. Sighing, he placed his thumbs on each side of his jeans and shimmyed off the garmet. Murring softly he layed naked on his bed, his paw running up and down his chest. Slowly he drifted off to sleep were his life was perfect and he had no worries.
The surprise of his life. by Uniden
[ "Character Development", "German Shepherd", "Husky", "Plot Development", "Story Progression", "Young Love" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 60, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 111, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 50 }
I have never had much luck in chat rooms. I mostly just lurk, hoping to see some sexy exchanges. The few times I've tried to be witty, I have gotten shot down by quit-witted snarks or dissed by the ladies, most of whom are probably men. I've tried sending private messages to ladies who had promising screen names like "SexyNymph" or "WildnWilling", but rarely get a reply and when I do they are generally one-word answers spaced ten minutes apart. So it was with little optimism that I decided to kill a few minutes in the "Big Breast" chatroom the other day. The alternative was to beat off to some big breast porn. You can tell I like big breasts, huh? I watched some "clever" in-room banter, mostly bad puns. It seemed, as always, like the guys were trying not to sound horny and desperate and the girls or "girls" were sniping at the noobies and leading on the regulars. I was ready to click over to my favorite porn site when a name in the list of room occupants caught my eye. It was "RetiredPornStar". I checked out her profile. It said she was female, mid-thirties, who had done big breast and BBW porn but had quit to raise her family. She wouldn't give her "porn name" and claimed to just want "friendly chat". Yeah, I thought, as if! I couldn't imagine that any woman who had been in porn would waste a second trolling for sex chat like I was. After all, such a woman would have lived the life that most of us chatroom jerks have wet dreams about. After a lifetime of three-ways, double penetrations and facials, what possible interest could a chatroom full of people who can't get dates possibly hold? So, in my guise as "HornyNerdStud" (HNS), I private messaged "RetiredPornStar" (RPS). HNS: Hey, were you really in porn? RPS: Yes, years ago, late 80s to mid 90s. Probably before your time. HNS: I actually watch a lot of older porn. It was realer and sexier. RPS: Why do you say that? HNS: Fewer fake tits, more real bodies, and better production values. RPS: Wow, you are right! Today's stuff is shot on video with poor lighting and dead-eyed actors. HNS: Yeah, and the "amateur" stuff is so boring. No story or dialog. Like watching robots fuck. RPS: You're funny. HNS: So, who did you work with? I figured she would name the big stars that everyone would know because I wasn't buying that she had done porn. She gave several names I had never heard before. I quickly opened another browser, went to my porn site and searched. Each one came up! And each one looked to be a late-80s to mid-90s big breast / BBW actress! HNS: You worked with these girls? RPS: Oh yes. I still keep in touch with some of them. HNS: What about the guys? She mentioned more names I wasn't familiar with. Again I searched and again the guys came up. I asked her about the guys and compared her answers to the pictures of the guys on the clip thumbnails. She was right on! HNS: How is it I don't know these people? RPS: I worked in England and Europe mostly. BBW was very big over there. I strained my brain to think of European porn stars. I threw out some names. She said she had worked with one or two that I named, then she named several others that I had heard of including a famous huge-breasted model. HNS: What was it like working with her? RPS: She was so sweet. She never did hard core. We did a few scenes together. We have very similar bodies. HNS: You are a similar body to her? RPS: Yes, I may be a bit heavier than her, but our boobs were about the same. I had jerked off to clips of that famous big breast model many times. I could picture her big jugs bouncing and swaying as she moved before the camera and played with other female models. One of my favorites was her oiling her mams with baby oil and then massaging them. How I longed to do that to her! HNS: That model is one of my favorites. RPS: What exactly do you like about her? HNS: I loved the way her tits moved. And one scene she did she oiled them up. RPS: Yes, she loved to do that! She always smelled so nice from the creams and oils she used. HNS: Really? RPS: Yes, and her skin was so soft and smooth. It was great to work with her. I'd go home and my husband would comment on how good I smelled. I decided to get a little more raunchy. HNS: How about the men? Did you like the ones with the big cocks? RPS: Some of them. Once they got bigger than eight inches, I had to watch which positions we did or I'd get sore and have to cut a scene short. Directors don't like that. HNS: Did you like gang bangs? RPS: I didn't do more than three guys at a time. But my agent once booked a triple penetration for me. That made me angry. I fired him after that. HNS: Why? RPS: lol It might look sexy, but it stretched and tore some delicate areas. I had to heal and didn't work for a while. And I needed the money. I was becoming convinced she was the real deal. We chatted for an hour more about every aspect of porn I had always wondered about. It was a job to her when she needed money and she had a figure that was a distraction in lots of other job situations, so it worked out for her. When she had to sign off, she thanked me for my interest and being polite to her. I thanked her for sharing her experiences with me. All the while, as I became more sure she was what she said she was, I was getting excited. I pictured the girls she worked with and brought them up on my browser. As I stroked my cock, I imagined each one was my new chat friend. It only took a few minutes before my cock was spurting a much bigger than usual load all over my hand and belly. I noted the time and vowed to look for her the next day. Over the next week, we chatted several times. Each time I got more sure that she was a former porn star. She just knew so much about the business and was very nonchalant about it. And while she mentioned being a wife and mother, she also revealed her sexual side more and more. I thought she might be put off as I got more sexual and direct, but she surprised me. Instead of a line of chat, a link to a picture popped up. RPS: Tell me what you think of my breasts. Tell me what you would do with them. HNS: OMG. I can't believe you are sharing this with me. It was a picture of her right breast being held in her husband's hand. It was enormous. His hand was underneath the huge, fleshy orb lifting it slightly. It overflowed his hand on both sides. I could see the breast was hanging under its great weight, but it was also full and round. Its outer curve extended beyond her body's frame. And the photo showed just the edge of her left breast but displayed the deep, long chasm of incredible cleavage. I could not take my eyes from the picture. I kept typing "OMG" to her. My eyes locked onto her coral pink aureole and nipple in the center of the frame. The aureole was large and very distinct. It was dotted with little bumps that I knew would feel incredible to my lips. And the nipple was very large, round and standing out from the breast a good half inch or more. My mouth puckered instinctively. I so wanted to dive, mouth first, onto this dream come true. I began typing like a madman. I told her how huge and gorgeous her breasts were. I told her how I wanted to touch, hold, massage, knead, lift and mold her huge jugs. I told her I could only imagine the feeling of burying my face between them, of inhaling her aroma and feeling the warmth of her expansive tits. I told her how I wanted to suck on her huge nipples like a baby and squeeze her tits as if I was trying to express milk from them. I told her that the deep valley between her tits was made for tit-fucking and how I wanted to slide my now-rock-hard cock into the abyss and mash her huge jugs together and pump them like a pussy. I went on and on. Then I paused. Had I gone too far? I had called her breasts "tits" and "jugs" and gotten very sexual all at once. RPS: Go on, please. I love how much you are into this. What else would you do? HNS: Does it excite you that my cock is so hard right now that it aches? RPS: Yes. Stroke it for me. My cunt is dripping as I read this. Should I touch my tits like you describe wanting to. HNS: Yes! I'm staring at your picture jacking my cock. I can't believe I'm getting a porn star excited. RPS: Tell me how you would fuck me. I loved how unself-conscious she was. She had no problem with my language or my interest or my excitement. I didn't have to pretend to be cool and unimpressed. I described kissing her mouth and romantically caressing her body as I might on a first date. But the imagined encounter quickly heated up. And I found myself on top of her rubbing my stiff cock against her pussylips. Then I pushed my cock deep into her wet pussy and began pumping her in long, slow strokes. I imagined her moaning and whispering in my ear to fuck harder and to grab her asscheeks. I could sense her pleasure building as was my own. Even in my fantasy I fought to keep from coming too soon. I want to feel her explode on my cock. I imagined lifting myself up so I could see her face and those gigantic tits as I pounded her pussy non-stop. Those huge mounds rolled and bounced with each thrust. Her eyelids fluttered and she began to growl. She told me not to stop. Her body tensed and she closed her eyes tightly as her orgasm hit. She threw her head back, eyes now wide. Again she tensed and gritted her teeth moaning loudly. I could just about understand her saying she was coming through the gasps and moans. I felt her pussy flooding my cock with her juices. For a fantasy fuck, this was very real to me. HNS: How was that? RPS: You have quite a way with words. I have to tell you that I came as I was reading all that. HNS: What made you come? What part exactly? RPS: Your description of how my tits moved. I can tell you really love huge tits like mine. That really excites me. HNS: Doesn't every man love big tits? RPS: Not every man likes fat women with very big breasts. And I was made to feel ugly when I was young. That's why I got into adult films. I love my body now. But seeing how much you love it makes me feel so good. HNS: Do you wish you were thinner? You called yourself fat. RPS: I find using the word 'fat' empowering. I love the size I am. I have a big belly and a big round ass and huge hanging tits. I love that some men find that sexy and I don't care about those who don't. Now it's your turn. You haven't come yet, have you? HNS: Not yet. Then she started typing to me. I only responded with one-word answers like "yes" and "more". She described rolling on top of me and taking over the action. She kissed my mouth deeply, shoving her tongue into my mouth and then sucking mine into hers. Her hands caressed my face and chest. She sat up and began to rock on my cock. She told me how deeply she could feel my cock and how much it was filling her up. She twisted and squeezed her inner muscles and I felt her pussy tighten. She was in complete control. She could make me cum any time she wanted with a word or a movement. I was in ecstasy. RPS: Look at my big tits. See the way they swing and bounce? These big tits are all yours to suck and bite and smother in. Let me feed you. Watch how I squeeze this one and force it into your mouth. Suck on it hard. Like a hungry baby. Can you get my milk flowing? Let me bury your face in my massive jugs, stud. I feel your cock throbbing inside my wet cunt. I'm going to lean back. Watch me suck my own tits. See how I can lift each one up to my lips. How does that make you feel? This is your own private porn. I'm a private fuck toy for your cock. Look at me trying to hold both of my big tits for you. There just too fucking big to control. Cum for me now. Blow you wad into my pussy. Fill me up with your cum. I had been stroking my cock as I read. The pre-cum had seeped from the tip of my cockhead and lubed my jacking. When she told me to cum I imagined her lowering one huge tit into my face while she lifted the other to her lips and sucked and bit it as I did the other. And my cum exploded from my cock as it hadn't in years. Thick, white jets spurted and arced again and again. I only wished she could have seen it. I really wished it could have been on her pussy or on her face or tits. I wanted to cum all over her. I told her that I had cum. RPS: Was it good, baby? HNS: It was better than most of the sex I have had with women. Honestly. RPS: That is so sweet of you to say. I really enjoyed it. I knew you were wild with lust for me. HNS: I was. I am. I don't want to sound crazed, but you are amazing. RPS: You don't sound crazed. You appreciate my body and my skills. It's flattering. HNS: Thank you so much. RPS: Did you say you were near New York City? HNS: Yes, why? RPS: No reason. Will you be online this time tomorrow? HNS: Absolutely. RPS: Chat you then. Bye for now, dear. HNS: Bye. kiss I thought of little else for the rest of the day. My mind raced from one possibility to the next. I couldn't let myself think this internet chat could ever be more than that. I was lucky that a real, live porn star would cyber with me. That was way more than I ever dreamed would happen. I knew she was happily married and had a child. I needed to calm down and take a cold shower. But I couldn't stop my imagination. And the memory of that picture of her breast was burned into my mind. I'd dated some busty gals in college, but nothing like this. The next morning I was online early and was thrilled to see her screen name in the list of room occupants. I sent her private message. HNS: Hello? RPS: Hey, you. I was hoping to find you here. HNS: Ditto! RPS: What are you doing Tuesday? HNS: This Tuesday? Nothing. I work from home, so I am free. RPS: How much trouble is it for you to get to mid-town Manhattan? HNS: Not too much. Why? RPS: I have a meeting with my lawyers. They monitor the porn sites for unauthorized use of my clips. They send out threatening letters and the web sites settle for a payment. That's how I earn a living. I have to be at their offices to sign some papers. I'll have most of the day and the night free. HNS: Just you and your husband? RPS: Just me. He's home with our child. HNS: And you want to meet me? RPS: I think I'd like to do more than meet you, but that will depend. HNS: Wow. I can't believe this. Depend on what? RPS: Honestly, I am very curious about someone who is such a fan. If we meet at my lawyer's office, I can get a look at you. Make sure you are as nice in real life as you are in chat. I am someone who trusts her gut. And there has to be an attraction. I haven't seen you at all. You haven't seen my face or my whole body. We both get the chance to bail. Would you be willing to do that? HNS: I really can't believe you are suggesting this. This is moving pretty fast. RPS: I've known about the meeting for a while, but I wasn't sure about you. I'm taking a chance, but I'll be in a safe place. HNS: What about your husband? RPS: We have an open marriage. He knows about our chats and he says he's giving me a "hall pass". There is one catch. HNS: And that is...? RPS: After we meet, if we both want to move ahead, we'll both do STD tests. There is a doctor right there next to my lawyer. He handles a lot of adult performers and they can have the results before we finish coffee. HNS: Wow. I don't know what to say. RPS: Well, think about it. I'm going to be there. If you want to meet me, this is your chance. I don't get to New York often. This is a one-time thing. HNS: I mean, I want to. But now that it's presented to me like this. I guess I am afraid I won't "measure up", you know? RPS: lol, Yes, I know. I'm not a "size queen". You told me you had six inches. That's plenty to work with. Hey, you might think too fat or that I'm ugly. We're both taking a chance. Think about it. I have to run. My baby's fussing. I should be around later. Bye for now. I guess this is what it feels like when someone calls your bluff. Suddenly I was struck by every kind of doubt. What if I couldn't perform? I was so nervous it was a possibility. And what if she didn't find me attractive. Or what if she wasn't attractive? I mean, she had big breasts, but she might have two heads for all I know. She had directed me to clips of some of the girls she had worked with. She had told me that her body was like this one and her face kind of looked like that one a little. And I had jerked off to each of those clips imagining they were her. But this was different. Tuesday was just a few days away. That night, I went online again. I didn't see her screen name in the list. I hung around and watched the idle chit-chat in the "Big Breast" room. She had told me she had chatted with a few guys in there and, of course, been bombarded with questions about her identity, rude remarks about the porn business, and such. She had told me the reason she kept chatting with me is that my questions were respectful and interested and that I was a fan. I had a gut feeling she was a nice person, but I was still scared. Suddenly, I had a private message from her. I clicked on it. RPS: Well, have you been thinking? HNS: I haven't been doing much else. RPS: So...? HNS: When and where? The day came. My GPS took me to the building where lawyer's office was located and I parked in the underground lot. I was right on time. The elevator took me up to the tenth floor. The receptionist directed me to a small conference room. I had barely sat down when the door opened and in walked a woman. When I say I was thunderstruck, it doesn't begin to cover it. Here was a woman in her early 40s with a smile that lit up the room and a curvy body that I couldn't stop staring at. She greeted me warmly with a hug, kissing me on the cheek. She seemed very happy to meet me. She sat opposite me and leaned toward me. "I can't believe you are the one with all those sexy thoughts in your head!" she said. "What did you expect?" I asked. "I wasn't expecting a handsome businessman-looking guy! And you weren't lying about being in good shape." "Well, you are more gorgeous than I imagined. You are way prettier than the girls you said you looked like." "You don't think I'm too fat?" "Oh my goodness, no! You have an amazing body! I love the way that dress clings to your curves!" "Oh, this old thing?" And we chatted like that for a few minutes. She completely put me at ease and I sensed she liked me. There was a lull in the chat. She said, "I've already signed the things my lawyers needed. So, shall we get tested?" "Sure," I said. They really were set up for this. We went to an office two doors down and a nurse gave us each a quick exam and took a few " biological samples" for testing. A few minutes later we were back in the conference room. We had just finished a coffee over more small talk when her phone buzzed. "They have the results. There bringing them over." She smiled. There was a knock on the conference room door and the nurse who took the samples handed us each an envelope. I opened mine. There was a list of a dozen or so tests under my name and the word "negative" next to each. At the bottom of the page, there was a statement in big letters that said "approved for work". I laid the paper on the desk as she did the same. Her paper looked identical to mine except with her name at the top. She was "approved for work" also. "Shall we go to work?" she joked. "I am staying a block from here. The lawyers are paying for the room and the tests. There's an insurance thing that they apply to it. They have some deal with the hotel in exchange for legal advice. The whole trip costs me almost nothing." We walked the block to her hotel. In the room, she excused herself and took a small bag with her into the bathroom. I tried not to be nervous, but who was I kidding? I have been watching porn since the mid-80s. I can identify by name hundreds of adult performers. I've jerked off literally thousands of times while watching these women and wishing I could be with them. And now I'm in a hotel room with a real, live adult film star who is a gorgeous woman with huge tits and a body made for pleasure. She has experience and skills light-years beyond mine. I've been with a total of six women in my life. I was so nervous I was shaking. The bathroom door swung open and there she was in a purple bustier with garters holding up fishnet stockings and "fuck me" high heels. She looked like she was ready to shoot a scene. I almost came in my pants. "Ready, lover?" she asked. She sounded relaxed and happy. All she knew about me was what I had told her, which was true, thank goodness, but now I had to live up to it. "You look amazing. I've never seen a woman look so good in person. I just hope that..." She silenced me with a finger to my lips. "Get out of those clothes and come to bed, lover." She turned off the lights and pulled back the covers on the king-sized bed. She moved over and patted the space next to her. I stripped off my clothes and moved next to her. We kissed deeply. And we kept kissing and holding each other for a long time. Her mouth was so soft and warm and she seemed to read my mind, knowing what I wanting to feel and do. My hands roamed her body, trying to memorize every curve. I found the little buttons running down the back of the bustier and began undoing them. When the last one was released, she looked up at me as I lifted the garment away from her. Her body was stunning. Her breasts were huge, larger than I had imagined them. They were full and heavy, hanging to the side as she leaned up for a kiss. "Well, lover, like what you see?" My answer was to plunge my face down into the huge mass of warm, perfumed breast flesh. I just wanted to feel all that expanse of full, firm boob against my skin. She reached under her massive breasts and hefted them up to fully smother me in the endless bounty. I pushed closer to her, snaking one of my legs between her two. She reacted immediately grinding her mound against it, emitting a low moan as she did. I finally came up for air. Every view of her was spectacular. Her face was so beautiful and as she was grinding against my leg, she had a look of lust in her eyes like I had never seen. It was raw, sexual hunger. I took one of her big breasts in two hands and began sucking on her huge nipple. I massaged and kneaded the giant tit while my mouth suckled like a hungry baby. "That's my big baby. Suck on Mommy's huge titty. Suck all that milk out, baby. It's all for you." My cock leapt to full attention and strained against its skin. She knew exactly what I wanted to hear and she said it with such a raw sexual edge to her voice. Her breasts were so massive it was hard to take them in. There were the palest blue veins criss-crossing the expanse of white flesh. I moved to the other mammoth mammary and seized it in two hands and gave it the same treatment. She backed away from me and maneuvered me across her lap. She was holding me like she would a baby for feeding. She grasped one huge tit and forced the nipple into my mouth. With that hand she worked the breast as if pushing her milk toward the nipple. I sucked and licked and bit her nipple lightly. She shuddered at the sensation and reached her other hand to grasp my cock and stroke it lazily. I was officially in heaven. I moaned into her huge breast. I wanted to touch her pussy and give her pleasure, but the position I was in did not allow that, so I just relaxed and let her please me. She moaned and whispered to me to suck harder. And she kept referring to her breasts as "Mommy's massive jugs", "my huge milkers", "my giant tits" and each time she did, it drove me crazier and crazier. She knew she was my walking fantasy and she was playing the part all the way. I don't know how long that went on. I was floating. She stroked my cock and kept it rock-hard without driving me over the edge. She hummed and moaned sweetly as I suckled. At some point, I decided to take the next step. "I want to eat your pussy now. Let's 69. You on top, like we chatted about in fantasy," I said, managing to keep my voice from sounding as nervous as I was. We shifted into a 69 with her on top. She gradually lowered her pussy onto my mouth. It had wisps of dark hair at the top but was otherwise hairless. Her pussylips, as she had described them to me, were the same shade of coral pink as her aureole and nipples. They were big and meaty and hung down from her pussy. I devoured them, gently at first. As I was thrilling to the first taste of her most intimate area, I felt the weight of her huge breasts on my stomach and her hand at the base of my cock. I felt her rub my cockhead against her lips and then push down to take it in. Her mouth was warm, wet, soft and hungry. I felt her twisting her head from side to side. Her shoulder-length brown hair tickled my thighs. She began to work her magic. I have never felt anything like her mouth. She had the ability to control every sensation. She took my cock down to the base, deep in her throat without any strain. Then she moaned around it and I felt her tongue swirl as she lifted up off it. This woman loved to suck cock, knew how to do it and was knocking me out with her passion and skill. I could have focused solely on what she was doing to my cock and cum in ten seconds, but I directed my attention to the warm, wet pussy being presented to me. I sucked and pulled on her pussylips and ran my tongue between them. They opened like the petals of a flower and I slurped the wetness that seemed to be in endless supply. I plunged my tongue as deeply as I could into her pussy. She arched her back and moaned, even though her mouth was full of my meat. I pumped my head to tonguefuck her tight little pussyhole as deeply and as forcefully as I could. She was grinding her pussy into my mouth, fucking back at my tongue. She shuddered and relaxed. I gently moved my tongue up between her big cuntlips and up to her clitoris. It was a tiny bud, nestled in its hood at the top of her lips. I brushed my tongue over it and encircled it. I flicked my tongue lightly over it. Then I moved my lips directly onto it. I tried to push its hood and the surrounding flesh back so I could suck the little nub directly. She bucked her hips and almost made a muffled shout, her mouth stuffed full of cock. I repeated my tongue and lip actions on her clit and then moved back down to her pussy shoving my tongue in deeply again. She was moaning constantly now. It made her blowjob a true "hummer". I felt her hand cup my balls and her fingers manipulate each sensitive orb. She cupped them both and squeezed as she slurped around my cock and took it deeply down, pumping her mouth the full length of my cock repeatedly. She seemed to know exactly how much I could take before my orgasm began to build and would back off a little to let the rush of passion fade, but just a little. Then she would be back to it. It seemed she could "edge" me like this indefinitely. I moved back up to her clit and attacked it in earnest. My tongue and lips battered and suckled the tiny bud. I felt her breathing deeply and her moans became growling groans. I continued working her clit and she suddenly erupted in spasms of convulsive jerking and grinding on my face. She was cumming like a freight train and fucking my face hard, grinding and twisting, smearing her juices all over my face. I kept my tongue extended and she moved her hips so she could grind on it however it felt best to her. Again she convulsed and shrieked, her mouth lifting off my cock for the first time since she took it in. I felt a gush of wetness squirt on my face and I moved my mouth toward its source. She squirted again directly into my mouth. A sweet, salty, bitter, delicious taste and smell filled my senses. She sat upright and shuddered several more times. Her thighs and pussy and lower belly were smothering me and I didn't care. If I had to die, this is the way I wanted to go. But then she lifted one leg and rolled over onto her back. "Fuck me right now. Shove that big cock in me and fuck me like a bitch in heat!" she ordered. She didn't have to ask twice. I sat up, spun around and barely took a moment to look at the incredible sight. Her legs were spread wide, her knees bent slightly. Her pussylips were sopping wet and swollen with her arousal. Her big belly heaved and rolled. Her massive jugs hung to each side, their massive weight stretching the pale flesh. Her beautiful face was a mask of lust. Her lips were parted and she almost snarled at me. She needed a cock in her now! I lay on top of her and directed my cock to her pussy. I rubbed my head along her lips and she bucked her hips and her pussy consumed my full length. It was the tightest, wettest, warmest sensation of total pleasure I could ever have imagined. It gripped my whole length and twisted and pumped and controlled it totally. I was on top, but she was doing the fucking. I held on for dear life! Our mouths mashed together and her tongue filled my mouth, swirling and plunging deeply. My hands gripped her big asscheeks and I held her close and ground my cock against her mound. She was moaning constantly. "Oh, yes, fuck me! Fuck your whore! Fuck my pussy! Pump my cunt harder! Make it cum again! Pump me just like that! Don't you fucking think about stopping!" She was in another world, consumed with lust and I was right there with her. "Take it all! Your fucking cunt feels so good! Squeeze that cock, bitch! Fuck back at me! Use your pussy on me. Fuck it good!" My voice was an animal growl. I was spitting the words into her ear. Not that she needed any encouragement. She was fully in charge and we both knew it. I felt her body shudder and quake and her hands took a death-grip on my asscheeks holding me tightly against herself. My hands found her huge tits and pushed them together between us. I was squeezing the kneading them roughly, hoping I wasn't hurting her, but not really caring. I raised myself up so I could plunge my mouth on one nipple sucking it hard and biting it. then I moved to the other. As my teeth plunged into her nipple, she bucked and shook, letting out a long, low, stuttering sigh. I felt her pussy spasm and quiver and a flood of her juices was unleashed. I slowed my pussy-pounding pace and looked up to see her gorgeous face looking at me. Her eyes were glazed and she had a euphoric look of satisfaction. "You fuck like a stud. I haven't come like that in a very long time. I lost count after eight. You fucked the shit out of me," she said, as if in a fog. She kissed my mouth deeply and lovingly. Her hands held my face close to hers. "Now I need you to fuck me doggie-style. Really fuck me like an animal and I want you to blow your cumload all over my big tits, ok stud?" She had told me that she came hardest when fucked from behind and I had told her that I wanted to see her huge udders hanging from her chest swinging and swaying and bouncing as I fucked her doggie-style. And so now was the time. She rose up and got on her hands and knees. I moved behind her. Her big ass was wide open to me. I gripped her cheeks and kneaded them for a moment. Then I pushed up close and rammed my cock deep in her sopping wet cunt. She arched her back and tossed her head wildly. I looked up and she was facing a mirror on the hotel room wall. Her huge jugs hung down swinging to the rhythm of our fucking. I looked to the side and saw the mirror on the dresser reflecting the side view of the same. This was what I had dreamed of all my life. She coached and encouraged me with every dirty word she knew I loved. I pumped her pussy long and deep with my hands on her hips and felt her breathing building again. I reached one hand around her and rubbed her clit. She moaned loudly. It was coming. I leaned on her and reached around her body to cup, as well as I could, those two bouncing kitties, each nearly the size of my head. I squeezed their massive softness. I pinched her nipples and drove my cock in to the balls. I twisted her nipples cruelly, not caring if it hurt. She exploded again. Only this time she was bringing me with her. Even as she was coming, she pulled away, spun around and lay in front of me. She took my whole cock into her mouth and deep-throated it. Her mouth and hand took two or three strokes before she released it and I blew a huge load on her expensive chest. I reached down and jacked my cock as she cheered me on. Thick ropes of cum spurted out in arcs painting her huge tits in stripes. As the flood subsided, I collapsed beside my lover, spent. When I looked up, she was up on one elbow. With her other hand, she lifted each great tit to her mouth and licked and sucked my cum from her giant tits and swallowed in down with a gulp. She smiled at me and, once she had cleaned and eaten every drop, she cozied up next to me. "We'll wait a little while before 'round two'", she whispered to me with a giggle.
Meeting a Chatroom Pornstar
[ "big breasts", "bbw", "sex", "oral", "lactation" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 645, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence" ], "score": 53 }
*Prologue: The following is an edited version of a previously published narrative. It's one of a number of stories I'm editing and reposting as time permits. And although the editing might not be perfect, it will be an improvement over the original. As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you.* — Introduction: I've been getting a regular massage for as long as I can remember. Well, maybe not quite that long, but for a good fifteen years. And every other week at the end of the day on Friday unless something interferes, which isn't often. My current masseuse is Paula, who was recommended to me by my dear friend Lois about eight years ago, and I've been going to her ever since. When I first started going to Paula, she was working at a hair salon where she plied her trade in a back room. She then decided to open her own business and relocated to a strip mall where she rented some retail space. Over time business boomed so she added another masseuse and then a masseur, along with a receptionist. Paula is an attractive woman in her mid 60's now. She's been a masseuse for years, or a massage therapist as she likes to be called, and is very good at it. The two people working for her are both mature in age also. Bill is in his early 60's and Rita late 50's. As a result most of the clientele are older people. While I've never had a massage from Bill, I have with Rita when Paula isn't available. She's as good as Paula, and is the masseuse my husband Walter will request when he schedules a massage, which isn't often. Only when he's in the mood, or stressed out from work. Rita is a very attractive woman, more so than Paula, which I assume has a lot to do with his preference for her. As a side note, Bill and Rita have an ongoing relationship outside the business. Bill is divorced, while Rita lost her husband to cancer a few years ago. They make a nice couple and seem very devoted to each other, but aren't cohabitating as living together at a single residence. They split staying with each other between Rita's townhouse in town during the week, and Bill's house outside of town on weekends. My husband and I are friendly with both of them, although we've never "socialized" with them. I find Bill attractive more than in a friendly way, and he seems to feel the same way about me as we often flirt with each other. Not that I would consider any of it over the line, and it never seemed to bother Rita if she happened to be around. If anything, she seemed to encourage it, and at times would join in with Bill. Her doing so might have something to do with a mutual attraction we seem to have for each other. Maybe more so on her part, as she always massages me in ways Paula never did. — When I arrived one Friday for my regularly scheduled massage, Edna the receptionist informed me that Paula had to leave for an emergency, and wasn't expected back. Edna said she called me, but my phone went right to the mail box so I must have had it off. When I checked it, she was right. She then informed me Rita was busy with another client, but Bill could take me since he was free until closing. Since I was already there and looking forward to a massage, I told Edna, Bill would be fine. Edna let Bill know, whereupon he came to greet me and escorted me back to his room. Each of them has their own massage room and all the rooms are identical. Small, with a large and very comfy massage table in the center. Each room also has a small alcove where you can undress and dress in privacy. The massage rooms have very little lighting by design. The available light is a combination of indirect lighting and scented candles. Each room also has a sound system with soothing music playing at a very low volume. Between the low lighting, scented candles and music, it makes for a very relaxing atmosphere. The intent is to put you in an entirely different world for the hour or so a massage takes. Once Bill welcomed me and showed me to his room I used the alcove to undress. With Paula, I always remove all my clothes. Undergarments included. The only covering during the massage is a small towel, which I use to cover my pubic area when on my back. When on my stomach I'm completely exposed. No towel to cover my bum since l like having it massaged. With Bill giving me a massage for the first time I hesitated about taking my bra off. Even my panties, but decided why not. It didn't make sense at my age since I'm not a shy person, or ashamed of my body. I always do with Rita when she fills in for Paula, and it wasn't as though Bill was a complete stranger, or someone I didn't feel comfortable with. Once undressed I laid down on the massage table on my back and covered my pubic area with the towel. Just as I did, Bill knocked on the door and entered the room. Once inside he informed me he retrieved my client card from Paula's files, which they all apparently have detailing what their regular customers like and dislike as far as a massage. The information is helpful for situations like today where Bill was substituting for Paula and giving me a massage for the first time. Bill started reading from the card to me..."Says here Lacey, that what you like best is your lower back, bum cheeks, legs and thighs, and feet massaged. What you like least is your neck, shoulders and upper back done. It also states you like your massage while completely nude. Is that correct?" "Yes it is Bill. And what a good idea to keep detailed information on your regular customers for each other." Little did Bill know how happy I was I decided not to keep my panties and bra on. He probably would have thought it strange if I did. Maybe even felt slighted or offended. For once I made the right decision. Bill then oiled up his hands with warm massage oil and began by massaging my feet first, which I love, then my lower legs and thighs. It didn't take long to realize he was very good. Like Paula, he knew all the places to apply just the right amount of pressure to give you a truly relaxing massage. While doing my inner thighs, Bill would come within a whisper of touching my pussy under the towel, but never did. But close enough to cause it to tingle ever so slightly. I wasn't sure if it was from fear that he might, or wishing he would. Either way, the feeling was nice and not completely unlike when Paula, or especially Rita, massages my thighs. So you'll know, this is the first time I ever had a massage by a masseur. Definitely a first. Not sure why I always get a massage from a masseuse, but I do. My guess is I simply feel more comfortable and relaxed with it being another woman. My husband Walter is just the opposite. He only prefers masseuses. Claims he wouldn't feel comfortable with another man's hands all over him. Once Bill was done with my legs and feet he moved to the upper front part of my body. First my arms and hands, and then my stomach, chest, and finally my breasts. I wasn't sure how he would massage them compared to Paula or Rita, but hoped for the best. I'd be lying if I didn't say his hands on my breasts didn't excite me, but I often get the same way when Paula and Rita do them. More so with Rita. While massaging someone's breasts versus fondling them is different, both can have the same effect. In my case my areola puckered and little bumps formed from the Montgomery glands swelling, while my nipples became hard and erect. And in my case, erect means nearly a half inch long. When they did, I apologized about it..."Sorry Bill, but I react the same way with Paula or Rita. It's kind of embarrassing, but there's not much I can do about it. My breasts are very sensitive and always react that way to the slightest bit of stimulation." "No reason to apologize, or to be embarrassed. You're not the only person it happens to. Even with some men. It's not uncommon at all." Unfortunately the close brushes of Bill's hands near my pussy, and now the feeling of someone I'm attracted to massaging my breasts was having "unintended" consequences. In addition to relaxing me, I was beginning to get horny. Finally Bill finished with the front part of my body and I rolled over while being careful not to expose my pussy. With Paula or Rita, I'm never concerned about it, but was with Bill. More so for him thinking I was "flashing" my pussy at him. While laying on my stomach now minus the towel, Bill began massaging my neck, shoulders and the upper part of my back first. But since my file card noted they were my least favorite areas to be massaged, he didn't put much effort or time into it. Bill then moved down to my lower back, which he manipulated very nicely, before moving to my bum. And it's when the fun started. As is the norm when getting a massage, your legs are slightly spread apart for better access to them and your inner thighs. That being the case, there's no way when lying on your stomach with them spread that your anus might not be somewhat exposed. But there's not much you can do about it if you want your bum and the inside of your thighs massaged. Bill was massaging one bum cheek when one of his fingers lightly brushed along my anus. A few seconds later it happened again. Then a third time. Each time it did, I would break out in goosebumps from it, which he couldn't help but notice. Bill then switched to my other bum cheek and once again his fingers kept brushing my anus and I kept breaking out in goosebumps. Finally Bill apologized..."Sorry if I keep touching your anus, Lacey. It's totally unintentional, but sometimes it can't be helped." Although I wasn't buying it was totally unintentional..."I suppose it can't be. Even Paula and Rita do occasionally, but when they do, it doesn't have the same effect on me as with the goosebumps. Sorry about that." Which was entirely truthful as it has happened with Rita. "Once again Lacey, there's no reason to apologize. Besides, it's not unusual for someone to enjoy their anus being touched." "I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Very much so as hard as I tried to ignore it when you did." "Hopefully you won't be offended, but with it being the case, it would be my pleasure to massage it for your enjoyment." Which caused me to pause before responding..."I'm not offended. But while it's nice of you to offer, I'm not sure it would be appropriate." "It's not a case of being appropriate or not, but what you enjoy. My goal is for you to be totally relaxed and to have experienced a truly enjoyable massage when I'm done." After giving it some thought..."Since you put it that way, it will be a new experience getting my anus massaged. The worst that can happen is I'll be uncomfortable with it. If I am, I'll be sure to ask you to stop." "Fair enough, I can assure you I won't be offended if you do." With that said, Bill spread my legs further apart before applying more massage oil to his hands. Then I felt a couple of drops drip onto my anus. Slowly and very nicely he massaged it with the soft pads of the tip of his fingers, as well as all along my anal valley. He even massaged my perineum. It wasn't long before it was having a very "unintended" effect on me, but not an unexpected one. I had all I could do from showing how it was, although I couldn't stop pussy juice from oozing out my cunt. All I could hope was, he couldn't see it with me on my stomach. In spite of my best efforts, Bill couldn't help but sense the effect it was having on me..."I hope you don't mind me being frank with you Lacey, but I've always admired you and knew you'd have a lovely anus. And being an old "butt hound" like I am, I know a pretty one when I see it. It's one of the reasons I love Rita so much. Yours reminds me a lot of hers, although hers is somewhat hairy. Not yours, which makes it all the more attractive. And so you'll know, Rita also loves her's massaged." "Maybe it's an age thing then. I know the older I get, the more I enjoy it. And in more ways than one." As he continued to massage it, he seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. Being the "butt hound" he called himself, maybe even more. Then while I wasn't expecting it, I felt the tip of a his finger ever so cautiously probing the entrance to my now very oily anal orifice. Not probing it as though he was about to insert it, but as if to see what my reaction would be. Loving my asshole fingered as much as I do, without thinking I instinctively raised my ass ever so slightly when I felt his finger probing it. I might have even moaned without realizing it in anticipation of it sliding in. He continued to probe it ever so carefully as though waiting for some kind of reaction or response on my part. Since he was, and I couldn't resist the thought of him fingering my asshole any longer..."If you're wanting to do what I think you are Bill, please do." It's all he needed to hear before easing in an oily finger up to the first knuckle before pausing. Since I didn't yelp or ask him to stop, he slowly inserted it as far as it would go. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure once it was. After which he swirled it around in my rectum before he began to finger-fuck it ever so slowly. I couldn't help but moan again when he first did..."I hate to say it, but, I can't tell you how good your finger feels." "It's nice of you to be honest. Now just relax and enjoy it." It felt so good I couldn't help but squirm and even hump his finger as he fingered my ass. Seeing how much I was enjoying it, he added a second finger, which made me groan with pleasure when he inserted both of them. Once they were, he resumed finger-fucking me. I had to laugh at myself as he did. Just a few short minutes ago I was worried about him seeing my pussy, and now here he was fingering my most intimate hole. It wasn't long from how good it felt before I raised myself up on my knees slightly to give him better access to my asshole. Soon as I did, he began fingering me more rapidly. To say it felt good would have been an understatement. It felt simply awesome and I told him so in no uncertain terms. Not that he wouldn't have been able to tell by the way love juice was now oozing out my cunt. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better..."Would you be interested in something a bit larger in your ass Lacey?" While I once again hesitated, I couldn't help but ask..."What are you proposing?" "I keep an anal dildo on-hand for when Rita and I are alone in the shop." When he asked, I assumed he was referring to his cock and was relieved to hear it was a dildo. As much as I would have loved a cock in my ass at that point, I would have graciously declined. And since it was a dildo and not his cock, it gave me the impression he was sincere about experiencing a truly enjoyable massage as he put it, versus wanting to fuck me in the ass. "Really?"...I asked "Really." I wasn't buying he kept one on-hand just for Rita, and had to wonder how many other women's assholes he did with it. Even though I was somewhat skeptical..."With it being the case, why not. But let me see what the dildo looks like first." After he withdrew his fingers from my ass, I heard him rummaging around in a small cabinet where he keeps his massage oils. He then showed me the anal dildo. It was shaped like a cock, but with a very small cockhead for easy penetration initially. It increased in diameter from the head to the base as many anal dildoes do. About three quarters of an inch in diameter at the tip and a good inch and a half at the base. It was at least ten inches long with a flange at the base so it couldn't be fully inserted. Although it's hard to believe anyone could take it all in their ass. All I could think of is how "convenient" it was to have an anal dildo handy as he did. And while I didn't know whether to believe him, the thought of it having only been used in Rita's ass kind of excited me for some reason. Since I already gave him the okay, and I was hot to trot from him fingering me, I told him to feel free to do me with it. After he applied some massage oil to it, he first inserted just the small faux cockhead. Then after pausing for a second, he ever so slowly inserted what felt like a good six to seven inches straight into my asshole. Then after pausing again, he slowly began fucking me with it. Being a silicone dildo, and oily as it was, it glided in and out easily. Too easily, and felt heavenly. Then suddenly the unexpected happened. It began to vibrate. When it first did it was as though an electrical shock hit me. Between my husband and I, we've used a number of different anal dildos in my ass, but never a vibrating one. I almost screeched when he first turned it on, but thankfully didn't. The last thing I needed was for Rita or Edna to come racing into the room. "Jesus Bill, why didn't you tell me it was a vibrating dildo? Or at least warn me before you switched it on? I nearly screamed when you did." "Sorry about that Lacey. I should have, but didn't think to. But if it's any consolation, Rita and Edna have probably left for the day by now." "Thank God for that. Now continue with what you were doing." He did, and as he pumped the now vibrating dildo in and out of my ass it felt simply fucking awesome. So good, it wasn't long before I felt an orgasm about to hit me and made sure to let Bill know not to stop until it did. About thirty seconds later the first wave swept over me. And once again I had all I could do not to scream. But the one thing I couldn't control was my cunt, which let loose with one cunt fart after another. And each one was accompanied by a gush of pussy juice. After the longest anal orgasm I ever had, which hit me in multiple waves and seemed like it would never stop, Bill finally withdrew the still vibrating dildo from my ass. I almost wished he hadn't. Even though my orgasm essentially ended, it felt like I was going to have another one. The vibrating dildo felt that good. Once the dildo was out of my ass I simply laid flat on the massage table to fully regain my composure. Bill quietly left me alone as I did, but not before telling me after I got dressed to meet him in the reception area. When I did there was no one else there but Bill. No Edna, and no Rita. Both had left for the day since it was after 5:00PM. I even noticed Bill had the open sign in the window turned off. While I was somewhat embarrassed to face Bill after he just dildoed my asshole and orgasmed like I did, I couldn't but thank him..."It's not often someone goes for a basic massage and gets their asshole pleasured so nicely. Thank you." "It was my pleasure, Lacey. And I'm glad you enjoyed it so much." "I did, but I need to ask if you were being truthful about the only reason you have the anal dildo is to use on Rita? And I won't be upset if it's not the case." "I can well imagine you thinking I use it on other customers, but I don't, and never have. It's Rita's, and up till now has only seen the inside of her ass." "It's nice to know it's only been in hers and mine." Bill then changed the subject and mentioned that he and Rita occasionally provide massage services at couples homes since they have portable massage tables. "Interesting"...I said. "And please don't be offended, but do you both provide similar 'services' like you just did, or just a massage?" "I'm not offended, and was hoping you'd ask. While we never have, and always kept things on the up and up, even when asked, we'd be very interested with the right couple." "Meaning?" "If you're asking if you and Walter are the right couple. Most definitely. Rita has this thing for Walter. She's mentioned more than once how she gets the urge to put her hand under the towel covering his pubic area. According to her, she's come close more than once." "Knowing Walter, and what he thinks of Rita, it wouldn't have made him angry. He's mentioned more than once how attractive she is, and finds her to be sexy as hell. Plus some other things, which I'll leave unsaid. Based on what you just told me about Rita, I'm sure he'll jump at the chance for you two to provide some in-home 'massage services'. I'll be sure to talk to him about it, but make sure Rita is amicable to the idea too." "She already is. I wouldn't suggest it if she wasn't. It's something we've talked about more than once. That being a foursome with another couple. Problem was finding the right couple. Then as if reading each other's minds we both thought of you and Walter. It was kind of fortunate that Paula had to leave today as suddenly as she did. Until today I wasn't sure how to approach you or Walter, to see if you'd be interested. I probably should have broached it with Walter first, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to discuss it with you since it conveniently presented itself." "I'm glad you did. I know Walter will be too, and won't be offended you didn't talk to him first. In my mind it's pretty much a done deal so we can count on it. After I talk with Walter, one of us will get back to you with some proposed dates to see what works best for you and Rita." "I need to ask you something, Lacey. Since you didn't seem to hesitate about it without having to talk to Walter first, is it something you two have done before?" "Yes, but only once. Like you and Rita we fantasized about it often and when an opportunity recently presented itself we jumped at it, and didn't regret it. Quite the opposite, and have wanted to explore it further. Does it bother you knowing we have?" "Not at all. At least one of us will have experience with things." "I wouldn't say participating in a single foursome makes us experienced swingers. Far from it, but I can assure you from our one time you and Rita will enjoy it. That's if you keep an open mind about things." While we were talking, I couldn't help but notice the bulge in Bill's pants. Finally while staring at his crotch..."You you seem to have a problem that needs attending to." After he looked down at his crotch..."Sorry about that, but fucking you with the dildo was quite a turnn for me. I almost ejaculated when you orgasmed." "Shame you didn't, but since you didn't, why don't you let me take care of things for you. Be my way of thanking you for the terrific ass dildoing you gave me." "What do you have in mind?" "I would like nothing more than to fulfill one of my fantasies. So if you don't mind, let's go back to your room, after which I want you to get naked on your massage table." We quickly returned to his massage room, after which Bill got on the table naked with his cock sticking straight up like a flag pole. And what a nice cock it was. So much so, I was tempted to suck it instead of the hand job I planned to give him. His cock was a good six inches, maybe a tad longer. Circumcised with a cockhead that made my mouth water since there's nothing I like better than to suck a big cockhead. Diameter wise his cock was a good inch and half in diameter. His pubic hair was neatly shaved around the base of his cock and when I asked him about it I already had a good idea what the answer would be. "Rita asked me to shave there since it bothers her nose when she deepthroats me. Plus she hates it when she gets hair in her mouth while sucking my cock." "I figured as much. Walter shaves his too at the base for me, although big as his cock is, I have a hard time deep-throating him." "If you don't mind me asking, how big?" "A good eight inches." "Rita will be thrilled when she finally gets to see it. No doubt she's going to want to take it in all her holes, including her mouth. And no doubt because of how talented she is, she'll be able to deepthroat his eight inches." "That I've got to see. And after you share about Walter's long cock with her, it should give her something to look forward to. I'm already excited myself, and I know Walter will be too. Enough said for now as it's time for me to relieve Bill junior so you won't go home with a bad case of blue-balls." I then grabbed a bottle of massage lotion and poured a liberal amount on his cock. After spreading it all over it, I grabbed it with both hands and slowly began masturbating him. First with long slow strokes with both hands wrapped around it. Then I grabbed the base of this cock firmly with one hand and stroked the exposed part with the other. Felt awesome stroking a cock as soaked in massage oil as it was, and it had my pussy all but gushing love juice. It didn't take long before Bill was gripping the sides of the massage table tightly with both hands while making soft moaning noises as his head rocked back and forth. I picked up the tempo as I jacked him off, and the faster I went the more he moaned and groaned. Just when I sensed he was about to cum I concentrated on the last three inches or so of his now very swollen dick with rapid strokes of my hand. No sooner than I did, Bill arched his back and after letting loose with a loud groan a long stream of cum shot straight up a good three feet in the air. After it landed on his stomach, another cum stream shot out, but only about a foot high before coming straight down on his cock and my hand. The rest of his creamy cumload was in the form of about four big globs, which pulsated out his pee hole one after the other. All of which ran down onto my hands as I continued to milk his cock of every last drop. Once Bill was completely drained, and his cock slowly began to shrink, I cleaned my hands and him with one of the towels he keeps in the alcove for his customers to wipe excess massage oil off them before getting dressed. "Damn that was good. Thank you Lacey. I can't tell you how much better I feel. You really know how to stroke a cock. I can't imagine what else you can do with one." "Thank YOU. I always wanted to know what it would be like being a masseuse and to stroke someone's cock like they do at 'adult' massage parlors. Now I know. It would be an entertaining way to make a living. And before I forget, that was quite the cumload, and you're quite the 'shooter'." "They're not always as big. Nor do I always cum with that much force. Only when everything couldn't be better and this was one of those times." "As for you imagining what else I can do with a cock, hopefully you'll find out soon enough." Which put a big smile on his face. With that said, Bill got dressed and as we headed for the front door I told him I was looking forward to our foursome with him and Rita..."More likely on a Sunday...and soon." Just as I left, I gave him a warm hug and kiss before saying with a big wink..."Until then, don't get any ideas about using Rita's, and now my anal dildo on any of your other customers."
Mature's First Anal Massage Pt. 01
[ "anal", "mature", "massage", "ass", "asshole", "butthole", "cum", "dildo", "hand-job" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 52, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 339, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 95 }
There's no place like home: Today I'm recovering from a big day yesterday, I certainly managed to be a good Hostess! I'm currently wearing comfy joggers, soon I'll have to get ready. I'm off out to a restaurant on Hove Street for lunch with the girls for our monthly catch up as we do. There will be some gossip obviously, if only they knew yesterday I had been gang banged and taken multiple loads down my throat. Mmmm, yum! There was no need for breakfast today! Whilst I rest I'll continue to recount my journey and pet my sore pussy. After Paula had left the cafe I headed in to town, as she had said to dress up I felt the need to impress and had recently walked past a very interesting little boutique by a wine bar on Duke Street, opposite Ship Street in Brighton so headed there. The garments were amazing and after a short amount of time I bought two beautiful outfits along with some new toys to try. I managed not to play with myself, just, whilst changing, quite an achievement considering I was still quite turned on and the woman working in the shop was so sexy, however unsure how to chat up another woman I left with my new purchases, more than a little frustrated with myself. Once I got home I rushed upstairs and tried my new outfits on. I checked myself in the mirror, wow I thought, looking good, though I do say so myself. I spent the next half hour toying my pussy whilst I relived my recent experiences and lost myself in the thought of what was to follow, I had an amazing orgasm and after a little rest I changed back into some comfy clothes and stashed my new things in a box I had cleared in the bottom of my wardrobe with a cheeky grin to myself. Oh god how was I supposed to sleep tonight! That night I got dinner ready for Bill and I as he was off for a big meeting the following day we had an early night. In bed Bill and I made love, after a few minutes of missionary I asked if I could go on top. I rode him hard slamming my pussy down on him, I wanted his cock, he had hold if my breasts, I asked him to pinch my nipples and as he did I came. As I recovered I looked in his eyes, he seemed surprised, I lent down and kissed him, I slid off him turned around straddled him and took him in my mouth, despite everything I was still very much in love with him and I wanted to please him. I worked up and down slowly, I cupped his balls and began to increase the intensity, soon I was at full pace, trying to take all of it into my mouth. He didn't last long and soon was Cumming in my mouth. We cuddled after for a few minutes but he seemed a little thoughtful, kind of distant. After half an hour or so he fell asleep, but my mind was racing with thoughts of the following day. With a mix of wild excitement, fear and guilt my thoughts were turning over and over. I got up and was going to get a drink from the kitchen when I saw his mobile flash with a message. I leaned over out of curiosity and was shocked, even though his phone was locked I could see enough for a few seconds before if faded away, it was a picture from his assistant Ellie, it appeared to be a nude pic of her with the word tomorrow across the middle! The image may have gone from the phone but was stuck in my mind. She was a pretty brunette about twenty-five years old and very perky! My head spinning, unsure what to do, I went down to the kitchen. I got a drink, and soon reasoned as I was happy with the things developing for myself I could hardly criticise. I'd let him have his fun for now though we would need to work out what was going to happen. I also noted that I'd quite like a piece of her myself! My god what was happening to me? I sent him off with a hug in the morning having emptied his balls into my mouth. I thought I wouldn't make it easy to forget me today. My language was getting dirtier too it seemed, I'd asked if he wanted to come on my face, it exited him so much he shot his load there and then! Hehe, although I didn't get my face cream! Once alone, I readied myself for the events ahead, I had hours but was so excited I needed to fill time, I cleaned up and rearranged furniture in the living room to be a bit closer together, more intimate. I put some Champagne in the cooler. I went upstairs to prepare myself at about 10:30. I checked myself over, nice and smooth hairless pussy - check. Nicely done hair - check. Stockings and sexy basque -check. More make up than I'd ever normally wear -check again! Giddy as a school girl I slipped on a nice light robe and near skipped downstairs at 11:30. Just a final check around when I got a text from Paula. It said she was at the door and said to let her in. My heart started to pound a little, my breath was short as I made my way to the door. In near heart failure with excitement I opened it and in walked Paula, she told me to put on a long coat and get in the car! I looked a little surprised. "Do you really want a bunch of strangers to come to your home?" She said. Realizing this was a good thing and how silly I was to think of them using my house, I found Bill's old raincoat, it was a beige mac and covered me although seeing the sun shine outside I felt a bit silly! I hurried to the car and got into the open rear door to be greeted by Hilary. We shortly arrived at some flats on the seafront in Brighton, (gotta love Airbnb) after leaving the car we headed for the lift followed by Hilary carrying a large hold-all she had retrieved from the car boot. The flat was on the second floor. On arrival we had a little walk around to familiarize ourselves. Paula walked over to me and put her arm around me pulling me in tight and kissed me hard, "you feel ready" she asked. I nodded suddenly realizing this was going to happen! She smiled and kissed me again. Paula put on some music, (she seemed to know where everything was strangely) nodded to Hilary who took the holdall over to the sofa. She started to empty an amazing range of things out of the bag. I stared, unsure what you could possibly do with some of the items! Paula removed my coat, she ran her hands over my body, it felt electric, I could barely breath. I looked over at Hilary, she was now only wearing a pair of stockings, reclined on a chaise-lounge near the window slowly rubbing a small vibrator up and down her herself. "Do you trust me?" Paula asked, standing behind me kissing my neck. I said yes, though I was feeling incredibly nervous. She softly smacked my bum and then stepped over to the array of items on the sofa and picked up a blindfold, she moved back over to me, with a cheeky grin she slipped the blindfold over my head. Not yet covering my eyes, more of a headband currently she then moved me over to the middle of the room. A large blanket was laying on the carpet and we stood in its centre. She moved over to the sofa, removed her coat and my jaw dropped. She was wearing what looked to be a black rubber cat suit with a cut out piece from where her shaved pussy was glistening at me. Hilary joined her at the sofa. They kissed and then turned away, both then picked up something from the sofa. Hilary donned the strap on keeping her eye's firmly on me, Paula had something small and shiny in her hand but I couldn't make it out as she walked back over to me. "Tell me, have you ever had anything up your bum?" she asked. I blushed (surprisingly given the circumstances) and replied "Yes, but not often" trying to not sound too slutty. Paula moved beside me and held the item out. It was silver with a jewel on one end, the other was thin, then flared out to a swollen bullet shape. I was looking at my first butt plug! (bet that's not available in early learning!) "Chloe, I'm going to pop this up your bum for two reasons. One, well, I want to put something up your bum! But two, when it's in no one else will try to put anything else up there, I'm saving that for me" Paula whispered into my ear. Then I felt wet on by bum as she applied some lube, followed by the cold of the metal. She let it just rest for a minute then I felt a little pressure followed by some pain. Though not long it was wide and as she pushed it did feel like it popped inside when the it was all in. Ouch it was a bit painful but I felt so rude I soon didn't care. I wanted to be a naughty girl. Paula said to get on my hands and knees and once there the thought of the jewel on the plug shining in the sunlight coming through the window almost made me laugh. Paula stood back and admired her handiwork. She said "Hilary, warm her up, they'll begin arriving in a minute or two." Quickly I felt her get behind me, she started to slide her strap on up and down my slippery lips and then slowly into me. With the dildo and plug both in me I was getting close to climax almost immediately, it felt so naughty. She then reached up and gripped my shoulders increasing her pace really powering into me, my head jerked back as she gripped my hair and pulled. Paula appeared in front of me, she leaned down and kissed, then pulled back, winked and slid the blindfold down covering my eyes. In the darkness I felt every feeling intensify. All my thoughts were focused on Hilary slamming away! Every feeling was intensified. God it was good. After another minute or two, off to the side somewhere I became aware of other voices. There were greetings and laughs from both men and women and the unmistakable sound of a champagne bottle pop! My god, I though there all just sitting drinking watching me getting fucked! Soon Hilary pulled out of me and with a smack on my bum cheek moved away. "She's up for anything except anal" I heard Paula announce. I was about to say something when instead a very hard cock was pushed into my mouth. As I started to get used to it (it was a nice size!) another was sliding between my thighs behind me. I felt the tip against my dripping pussy and then it pushed in to me. I believe the term is spit roasted! Something or someone gripped my nipples hard and started to maul my tits. The fucking intensified with both getting into a rhythm pumping me from both ends. The Feeling was incredible, not being able to see my senses were in overdrive and my imagination was going crazy as to what was happening in the room! I felt a hand on the back of my head and then the man in my mouth came, and boy did he cum a lot! I couldn't keep it in my mouth or swallow fast enough, as he pushed in one last time cum overflowed from my mouth. I desperately tried to gulp it down but as I failed and it dribbled down my chin I heard some laughing. Feeling embarrassed I wanted to clean up but I was unable to wipe myself or do anything as the man behind me had roughly grabbed my arms by the elbow and pulled them back lifting me nearly upright. I heard a female voice say "fuck that slut baby!" He started to pound me quickly, each thrust tapping the plug in my bum just to remind me it was still there! I was shaking back and forth with the force of his fucking. Then I was pushed back to my hands and knees so the spit roasting could resume, for the next while several people took turns. I took multiple loads of hot spunk, some in my mouth but several over my face, god what must I have looked like! There was a time when two women had me, I was licking a pussy whilst an unknown female voice was talking to me about how she was using my cunt whilst pounding me with a strap on. I started to feel a bit sore in my fanny. Though I was very wet the constant attention of cock and dildo's fucking me was taking its toll. When they were finished a single male replaced them, he again mounted me on my hands and knees but soon stopped and pulled me to my feet, then walked me round to the front of the sofa. Feeling dizzy being up right and walking I was pushed down on my back and he put something cold and wet on my pussy lips. It made them tingle like tea tree oil I guess it was another type of lube, then he put his cock back in me. It was a nice sized cock not too big, not too small (gotta love Goldilocks Huh!), he was sliding in and out quite fast, it felt like he was almost all the way out then straight in up to the hilt. I started to orgasm, panting in the darkness. I felt a hand grip the back of my head and pull it forward, a soft, wet and fragrant pussy covered my mouth. "Now eat me bitch while my man fucks your used cunt!" a female voice said quite aggressively. I could tell she was clearly very turned on by the wetness covering my mouth. I used my tongue as quickly as I could as she grinded up and down my face. She gripped my nipples twisting them and mauling my tits. "Spunk all over her baby, spunk on those old tits!" she suddenly said. He pulled out and I felt hot splashes on my boobs "now make me cum" she shouted at me. I worked as fast as I could and eventually she said "that's it, FUCK, I'm coming, taste my cum bitch" and pushed deeply down onto me. As she got off me the blindfold had ridden up. I got a glimpse of the room, there seemed to be three couples along with Paula, Steve, Hillary and Carl. Obviously most if not all had had a go on me so far, I wasn't sure what was to happen next but I was so turned on I didn't care. The woman who had now let go of my head was a tall slim elegant woman with jet black hair styled immaculately and dressed in a black leather basque, probably mid-20s. She looked stunning and laughed at the state of me as she moved off. Humiliatingly under her breath I heard her call me a filthy cunt. Paula walked over, I was a sticky mess, spunk on my tits and pussy juice on my face! She smiled and pulled the blindfold off. The was a sense of relief- at least I'd be aware now. Paula handed me a glass of champagne, I sipped whilst taking in the debauched scene around me! Several couples were engaged in various dirty acts. Hilary was getting fucked on another sofa by a woman who was passionately kissing her. They were moving slow and sensual. I watched still feeling incredibly turned on, I wanted more, more cock, more pussy, more everything. This I now knew was what I desired totally! "Well, no rest for the wicked, whose next?" I said louder than intended, suddenly confident and feeling in total control, Paula nearly spat out her drink! A younger couple dressed nicely across the room moved slowly toward Paula and myself. They introduced themselves as Andrew and Jude. Then stutteringly said "My wife has never, well you know tasted a woman". She was a pretty thing, blushing and clearly exited. "well, how about she gets down and eats her now then" Paula replied having recovered from my outburst. Pretty little Jude with cheeks flushing slowly lowered to her knees. Decadently I sat on the sofa arm, spread my legs a bit, and started to sip my champagne whilst Jude started to lick me out. GOD it felt good. I felt powerful. I ran my fingers through her hair, I looked at her husband, he was staring mouth open. "Andrew, I think she likes it" I could see the obvious bulge in his pants! "Why don't you fuck her while she eats me out?" Like an excited boy he dropped his trousers (he was in such a hurry he nearly fell over!) and my oh my, what a whopper! He lined up behind her and entered her slowly, she made a grunting noise as he started stroking that massive cock into her, taking some time to work it in to her obviously stretchy fanny! It was the biggest cock I'd ever seen! Taking pity on Jude's rear assault I, again ran my free hand through her hair. Softly caressing her head, she was now working her tongue right up inside me. She looked up, our eyes met, I held her gaze for a minute then realized - I wanted that monster cock stretching me! I pulled her head away and said "lay down Jude, lay down on the sofa" she did as instructed, her face looking flushed, wet and shiny (so that's what it looks like) and I got on top in the sixty-nine position "time for you to fuck me now big boy" A grin crossed his face and he moved round behind and started to fill me with that beast of a cock whilst she sucked on my clit. It was divine, having already been well fucked I was able to accommodate him without too much effort but only just! After only a minute I came. Oh my, he stretched me and filled me. Carl had been watching, he now sidled over and with a grin held his cock in front of my face slowly stroking it back and forth. Then he moved forward and I eagerly took it in my mouth, he matched the pace of Andrew behind me and I was in heaven! Stretched pussy, full mouth and a tongue licking my clit. Carl pulled out of my mouth disappointingly and lowered himself to the sofa, he spread Jude's legs and eased into her soaking wet pussy. I felt her pause momentarily but then continued. I now had a ringside view of his cock sliding in and out of her puffy swollen pussy. I started to rub her clit as he fucked her. Mmmm, what a view. I felt my next orgasm building and steadied myself for it. As I came I tensed and that must have squeezed Andrew's monster pole! He pulled out and announced he was coming. I span around and put my head with Jude's, he came over both our faces, I looked into her eyes and smiled. I was unaware that Carl had moved beside me, we stayed together while Carl added to Andrews spunky mess. I kissed her passionately whilst we took our second load on our faces. We all moved and sat on the Sofa, As I sat I was again aware of the plug in my bum! Both Jude and I still covered in cum. I rested my hand on her pussy and slowly circling her clit we again took in the action around the room. The other couples were in the middle now, both women on their hands and knees being fucked doggy style Paula was in the middle turning occasionally so the ladies could each have a lick of her pussy. I knew the outcome of that sexy version of Russian roulette- a massive face full of lady cum! God I hoped it would be the arrogant black haired bitch! To the left Hilary was riding Steve on a wing back chair with a look of absolute pleasure on her face. Just as I was beginning to feel high on the sexual vibe in the room Paula stiffened and let out a yell. YES!! She sprayed her fabulous hot pussy juice straight into the face of black basque bitch! Her perfectly coiffured hair was soon a bedraggled wet mess and her face all wet and glossy with lady cum. I couldn't resist laughing. She stared at me going a crimson colour. I got up and walked over. I kissed Paula, and I looked down at the mess Paula had made of the once elegant young lady. I moved toward her, her husband was still fucking her from behind but now in a near frenzy he hammered into her. I rubbed my hand over my chest collecting some of the cum that was still covering me and leaned down pushing my fingers into her mouth. A little surprised, after a few seconds she sucked them clean. The other couple finished with a grunt as he came in his wife's pussy, she looked spent, about my age and quite pretty in a plain way, I helped her up. Seeing what I had just done this woman, obviously had felt inferior to the other now pushed her own fingers into her spunky pussy, withdrew them and then pushed them into the other woman's mouth, again she started to suck them clean. At the same time her husband pulled out of her and came over her bum cheeks. Clearly not used to being the subject of others entertainment she got up quickly having turned crimson and moved off to the side grabbing a glass of champagne trying to re compose herself. The other woman and I laughed! She said her name was Jane, she kissed me lightly and then walked back over to her husband. But I wasn't finished with the raven haired bitch yet. I wanted a little revenge for what she called me. I moved over to the other sofa where the toys were, I picked up the biggest strap on I could see and after a quick look realized how it worked. Once I got it on I walked toward the black haired woman who was talking to her husband, he could see me moving in behind her. I moved close behind, put my arms around and cupped her dam near perfect tits. I kissed her neck and then leaned her forward. I had already put some lube on the shaft so the tip slipped in quite easily. I started to fuck her in a steady rhythm working more and more into her. It took a while, my, it was big and she was mewling and grunting with the force I was using. "who's getting used now?" I said as I upped the pace to a frantic speed in and out of her, she let out a loud guttural sound as she came on my plastic prick. I pulled it out of her and she slumped down to the floor. Her husband met my gaze and smiled. I walked back to Paula with a spring in my step. "Look at you girl, baby's all grown up" she said as she put an arm round me, the other had dropped and stroked the shiny, still slick pole dangling between my legs. "how about you give me a bit of that action" she said, then moved over to the chair in the corner. She bent over the arm, her shiny cat suit straining to keep everything tucked in and reached around, very rudely she looked over her shoulder, winked and her hands gripped her bum cheeks and pulled herself open. Well, I thought, it would be rude not to, so I moved in, she was nice and wet and my plastic fantastic cock was still slick, I started to fuck her slowly. My, my I'm not in Kansas anymore I thought to myself. I gripped her hips and started to fuck away. Things started to wind down over the next little while and soon there was only Paula, Hilary, Carl and myself left. Paula took me in her arms and with a grin asked if I had had a good time. "Oh my god yes" I said beaming. We all sat on the sofa, and toasted ourselves and the fun we had all had. "I'm a well and truly converted sex slut now," I said raising my glass with a smile to Paula. "God I loved today!" "Wait till you see what I've got planed next then," she replied with the most wicked of wicked grins imaginable... Join me in chapter 4 for an absolutely decadent and debauched day along with a confrontation to resolve my future home life. Oh, and Paula becomes a right pain in the arse... Literally!
Hove Housewife's Awakening Ch. 03
[ "milf", "groupsex", "spitroast", "strap on", "squirt", "mff", "mmf", "mature" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 69, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 260, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 104 }
Looks at comments on Bayleef Party story "Okay, this is becoming embarrassing." "No, sir, it's been embarrassing for quite some time, now." So, yeah, deleted that one. It was just a mistake. I'll just store that away in the private collection of dumb shorts that'll never see the light of day. Here's the next installment of FtSoP, to make up for it. If you notice any spelling errors or missing tags, let me know and I'll see about fixing them. :P *This story contains descriptions of Pokemon engaged in sexual activity.* If that sort of thing offends you, then stomp your whole self in. Then stomp your whole self out. Stomp your whole self in and stomp it all about. You do the Pony-Pokey and give a little shout! That's what I'm talkin' about. o3o Disclaimer: *I do not own Pokemon* or anything related to that franchise, though the individual characters depicted are mine. *Pokemon Island, River Region...* Sear climbed out from his home and stretched. The Pikachu lived in a hollowed out pile of logs on the banks of the river that ran through the forested part of the island. As usual, all was fairly quiet by the river. A few Butterfree fluttered among the canopy, just over their free-hanging Metapod cousins. Sear inhaled through his nose, taking in the scent of late morning trees and water. The flowing river created a pleasant, constant sound that seemed to invite him to go back inside, curl up, and sleep. Sear would have none of that. Filled with the energy of one still in his relative youth, the Pikachu padded quickly to the river and took a quick drink. Wiping his muzzle, Sear looked around for anything unusual about the day. Seeing nothing strange to distract him, the mouse pokemon went into his usual routine. He *ran*. Sear was fast. Perhaps one of the fastest pokemon on the island. He had heard of Rapidash and Dodrio on the island who may be faster, but he had never seen them. It didn't matter, really; the Pikachu didn't run competitively, he just loved the feeling of moving quickly. As he ran, his fur caught the late morning dew and caused small sparkles to fall behind him, like a trail of stardust. Other pokemon often found it impressive, though Sear tried not be a showoff. After a minute of running, the yellow blur approached a well-known spot by the river. It was the home of a revered and wise Vileplume who lived in the shadow of a rock formation that many said resembled a strange pokemon. As he approached, Sear found that his senses confused somewhat. Normally, the Pikachu would see a pillar of Vileplume's strange, thick smoke curling up through the trees, smell her odd, alluring scent as he drew closer. Now, it was not Sear's eyes or nose that percieved activity, but his ears. There was a commotion near the Cubone Rock. Changing course, Sear angled his dash toward the river. To get to the scene, he would have to cross the river. With his velocity, it ws a fairly simple task; just run, aim for a narrower section of river, and jump. The mouse pokemon fairly flew over the slow-running water to the opposite bank, drawing the attention of a few Poliwag beneath him in the water. Sear quickly came to a stop at the outskirts of a slowly growing crowd of assorted pokemon. Poliwag, Psyduck, Slowpoke, and Slowbro gathered around the spot where Vileplume could often be found rooted, as Magikarp and Shellder peered up at the scene from the water and Butterfree fluttered overhead, chattering in their high-pitched voices. Over the crowd, Sear could see the strangely-shaped Cubone Rock. He had never met a Cubone, and couldn't really see the pokemon in the stone formation, but he never really stopped long enough to ponder it. It was only now that the Pikachu stopped to look around the area. All of the pokemon gathered around were shouting and talking excitedly. Sear could only hear small snippets of sentances through the cacophony. "-terrible! She's-" "-could have happened to her? Did-" "-was the last to see her-" The small, yellow rodent tried to push his way through the crowd, to little success. Sear was unused to finding this much resistance when trying to get somewhere, and decided to back off and find another way around. As he started padding around the crowd, Sear noticed a familiar face. Standing at the back of the crowd was a Bulbasaur, one of the relatively few of their kind that made their home here by the river. This Bulbasaur, named Sal, was Sear's long-time friend. The Pikachu called to the plant pokemon, who turned on his four short legs to face him. Sal nodded for Sear to come over. As soon as he was close enough to be heard over the ambient voices, Sear asked his friend, "What's all the commotion? Did something happen with Vileplume?" Sal gazed at Sear with his large, red eyes. "Something happened, all right: She's disappeared!" Sear blinked incredulously. He had never heard of Vileplume going anywhere! She always just stayed in her accustomed place by Cubone Rock. The Bulbasaur sighed. "Yup. Completely gone without a trace. They found she was missing earlier this morning, when someone had come to ask her advice. So far, nobody knows what coud have happened..." Just then, the air was split by a loud, keening sound. All the pokemon nearby flinched and fell silent. They all turned toward the culprit. A trio of Porygon sat nearby, looking out over the crowd. The one in front, a large specimen who called itself Prime-Zero, lowered his head after unleashing its Screech. It then addressed the crowd in a voice that seemed strange, artificial somehow. It unnerved Sear somewhat, but he listened nonetheless. "Individual forms of the River Region of Pokemon Island," it began in its formal way, "this one understands your confusion. The Vileplume-form has been abducted by assailants sometime in the recent nocturnal cycle." A murmur ran through the crowd. Some pokemon (mostly Slowpoke) had trouble grasping the Porygon's strange way of talking, and had to turn to their companions for help understanding. Prime-Zero continued, unaware or uncaring if it was understood. "At approximately midnight of this last nocturnal cycle, this one detected a rise in the ambient electromagnetic energy in the vecinity of the river. This leads this one to believe that the most viable culprits in this abduction are forms of the electrical element." The other Porygon nodded their strange, angular heads, voicing their agreement. "Concurred." "Well-stated." The pokemon started talking excitedly to each other. "What did he say?" "He said some electric types took Vileplume!" "Where did they take her, though?" A few suspicious glances were cast at Sear, but he just held up his paws defensively. Prime-Zero spoke again, causing the assembly to quiet down again, lest the normal-type release another deafening Screech. "The Sear-form is not to be blamed for this misdeed. That one was unconcious in that one's residence down the river at the time of the spike in energy. This one surmises that the culprits originated from the direction of the Tunnel Region, and the power plant therein." This brought up a whole new wave of excited and now angry chattering. Many of the pokemon wanted to launch an immediate invasion of the tunnels, but others argued that the pokemon there were mostly ground and other electric types; an invasion would not be easy. Besides, what if the Porygon was wrong? Finally, a Poliwag jumped up onto a moss-covered rock and shouted out to the assembly, "We need leadership for this, everyone! We need to ask the strongest one on the river! We need Nardu!" There was a sudden rush of agreement. "But, who's gonna talk to him?" asked a Psyduck, who sat waist-deep in the shallows of the river. This calmed the pokemon a bit. It was true, Nardu the Venusaur was the most powerful pokemon in the region, but he was also the scariest, as well as the least likely to help others without a good reason. After casting about for a minute, eyes began to fall on Sal, the only grass-type in attendance. The Bulbasaur blinked and started to shuffle backward. "I-I can't talk to him! You don't know what he's like! He would..." Sal trailed off, apparently not wanting to discuss out loud the reprocussions of disturbing Nardu unbidden. The other pokemon started a mixture of pleading and scolding. Sal felt a touch to his side. He looked over and saw Sear. The Pikachu looked his friend in the eye and said, "Sal, the river needs Vileplume. You gotta talk to Nardu for us. You're the only one he might listen to." The grass-type drew in a deep breath, then sighed, nodding. "All right. I'll... I'll go and see Nardu..." The other pokemon cheered as Sal turned on his stumpy legs and walked off toward the home of the powerful Venusaur that nearly ruled the river. Sear watched him go with a slight pang of guilt. Surely Nardu wasn't *that* scary...was he? *In the Tunnel Region...* Rade watched as Pikachu began to fill the room. Aside from himself and Letta, who stood next to him, there were some twenty Pikachu in the chamber. In the center of the room sat the egg, bright yellow with black markings adorning it. Behind Rade floated Haunter, and behind him was the cage. There sat Vileplume, looking almost regal as she watched the proceedings in stoic silence. As the last of the Pikachu filed into the room, many of them male, but a neccessary few female, the doors closed, and Rade held out his paws, addressing the crowd. "My people! Finally, the time has come! The day has arrived when we will rise up out of these murky dwellings and take control of this wretched island!" Many of the Pikachu cheered. Some cheers were more subdued from others, these from those who secretly did not share Rade's vision of conquest. Rade was in high enough spirits that he decided that this insolence could be overlooked. "That's right," he continued, "We will finally assume our rightful place as rulers of Pokemon Island with the help of our new 'tool'..." He gestured toward the egg, drawing attention to it. Few dared guess what was inside. Some knew, or thought they knew but hoped they were wrong. Rade swept out his paws again. "And so, let there be no further hesitation! We have awaited our reward long enough! Commence the ceremony!" Here, he nodded to Haunter, who drifted around to where Vileplume rested within the cage. Haunters semisolid body passed easily through the cage bars, and he was in with her. He drifted close enough that only she could hear his whispered words. "Your part in this little party is easy, flower. You just start pumping out that Sweet Scent of yours, and everything will go smoothly." Vileplume did not look at Haunter. She sat in her spot on the floor of the cage and spoke softly. "I will not take any part in your mad rituals. I know what is in that egg, and I will not be responsible for its release." Haunter chuckled at this. "Heheh, fine. You want to do this the hard way, we can do it the hard way..." He then floated around her large, blue body, his own form shaded by the plant pokemon's huge petals. Using trickery known only to ghost pokemon, Haunter became one with Vileplume's shadow, in physical body becoming incorporeal. In this new state, he reached out with his disembodied hands and began to caress Vileplume's body. She didn't move or make any indication that she knew she was being touched, but Haunter knew she was very aware. His hands slid all over her small arms and down, across her hips. Then, when one hand reached across, tracing its feeling of movement toward the grass-type's sex, at that moment did Vileplume move. She attempted to swat his hand away, but in his shadow-melded form, Haunter could not be touched. However, he could certainly touch *her*. His finger came into contact with Vileplume's lips and traced around them delicately. She again tried to push him away, but only succeeded in flailing slightly at the air. Haunter's questing digit entered her then, sliding into her folds with ghostly ease. Vileplume inhaled sharply as her nether region was violated. A small whisp of pinkish powder coughed up from the center of her blossom. Haunter's mouth twisted into a wicked smile as he began to work first one, then another finger into Vileplume's body. As he stimulated her sex, Vileplume moaned as her flower began to expel more of the powder into the air. It soon reached where Rade and Letta stood. Letta wrinkled her nose slightly at the strange smell. It was incredibly sweet-smelling, andshe guessed that Rade had found a way to force a grass-type to unleash its Sweet Scent technique. Rade grinned devilishly as the powder began to pour across the floor, slowly filling up the room. As she watched, Letta could see the effect it was having; Pikachu started to get glazed looks in their eyes, started to touch themselves or their companions. As she observed a male lean over and give a female a long, lusty lick to her neck, Letta realized with a slight start that her own paw had wandered to her nether lips, which were growing increasingly moist. *So this is what Sweet Scent does to pokemon who get locked in a room with it,* she thought. Suddenly, Rade grabbed Letta by the paw and swung her to face him. His face was a vision of lust and greed. Letta glanced down and quickly confirmed what he had in store for her. She didn't resist; she had taken too many beatings trying to resist the Raichu in the past. She knew it was best to just let him have his way. Besides, with the Vileplume's powder filling her head and fogging up her senses, part of Letta actually *wanted* it to happen. That part of her quivered and dripped as Rade's paw touched it. As the more evolved pokemon guided Letta to the floor, she looked over and saw that many of the other Pikachu in the room had taken similar notions. Because there were fewer females than males, the ladies soon found themselves being caressed, groped, and licked by two or three males at a time. A few females found themselves pinned to the ground by the more impatient males, who wasted no time in forcing their erect members roughly into the most convenient orifice. The room began to fill with moans of pleasure and gasps of lust as the whole chamber started to degrade into a massive orgy. Haunter continued to use his fingers to pry at Vileplume's folds, eliciting sharp gasps and groans from the grass-type, who continued to reflexively spew Sweet Scent into the air. Letta, meanwhile, was now on all fours, bracing herself on her paws as Rade positioned his large cock at her entrance. The Raichu leaned over the smaller pokemon, his body weight pressing on her. Through the Sweet Scent, she could smell his masculine arousal, a scent she had become very familiar with. Rade whispered into Letta's ear, clear enough that she could understand him through the fog of arousal created by the powder. "Say it, my love. Tell me the words you know I love to hear..." Letta knew what he meant. In times gone by, she would never have dreamed of saying such things to the runty little Pikachu that constantly fawned over her. Now, however, after having been forced to it so many times, and with the heavy, horny male on top of her, and with the Sweet Scent filling her lungs and overriding her brain, Letta had little problem bringing herself to tell the lie. "I want you, Rade. Please take me. Mate me hard in that glorious way that only you can." This response was all Rade needed to join the party, and soon Letta was grunting and pushing back with her legs into the Raichu's heavy thrusts. The entire room had become a collective orgy of drug-fueled sex. Pikachu were thrusting and moaning and groping with wild abandon, and Haunter was still performing his best with Vileplume. Part of the ghost-type's brain made him resent his lack of a libido or even olfactroy senses at this moment, but it didn't matter. He was having fun simply tesing this flowery female. With his clear senses, however, Haunter was able to notice something interesting. He had long been aware that many electric-type pokemon gathering in one place could cause electrical surges, but had never actually experienced such an event firsthand. Now, as the collective arousal of the Pikachu filling the room built toward a crescendo, he began to notice that the room was building up with a different kind of energy. *Electrical* energy, he realized. The sex-crazed Pikachu were emitting a steady flow of electrical energy from their bodies mid-coitus. As their passion grew, so too did the energy surge. The energy crackled visibly in some places as electrical sparks. Many of these sparks flowed over the egg at the center of the chamber. It was another minute before Haunter noticed the other connection. As he worked his fingers into Vileplume's depths again, she realeased another wave of Sweet Scent, and with that wave, the Pikachu redoubled their efforts. Haunter realized with a grin that Vileplume's pleasure was linked directly to the pleasure of everyone else in the room. He knew then how he was to complete his job. Haunter shoved a third finger into Vileplume's passageway and started thrusting the digits in and out of her at a rapid pace. Vileplume groaned. More Sweet Scent flowed. Pikachu moaned in bliss. Finally, the ghost-type sensed a fast-building tension in the plant pokemon. He shifted his hand so that his fingers were penetrating at maximum depth. Vileplume cried out in ecstacy as her orgasm crashed upon her. As this happened, she unleashed a final, heavy wave of powder unto the Pikachu. As the orgasmic Sweet Scent washed over them, the Pikachu found their own climaxes. Moans turned to cries of passion and semen flowed freely into the waiting vaginas, tailholes, and mouths of the females. Rade himself gave a triumphant cry. "Yes...*yes*... *YES!" He thrust once more into the female beneath him and released his load. Letta could do nothing but lay still and tremble as her own orgasm flowed through her body, clenching her pussy around the Raichu's large shaft. As the collective orgasm was carried out, the Pikachu colony and single Raichu let out a wave of renewed electrical energy. This energy was repulsed by the polarized walls and reflected through the room. As wave after wave of electricity washed over the center of the chamber, the egg seemed to draw it in, absorbing the power into its shell. Then, as the last of the final surge was absorbed and most of the pokemon were left to enjoy their shared afterglow, Rade looked up expectantly at the ovoid shape that had absorbed the power of twenty or so Pikachu orgasming in synch. The egg began to glow with a bright yellow-white light as electrical sparks began to shoot across the floor from where it rested. Rade raised his paws and laughed in triumph as the egg started to rise into the air on its own power, cracks forming in its shell. Then, with a flash and a sound like a crack of thunder, the egg burst, sending sparking, electrified shell fragments scattering throughout the room. From within the shell had burst forth the ultimate instrument of destruction and conquest, the tools that would spread Rade's power across the whole of Pokemon Island. Zapdos, the Titan of Lightning, was reborn.
For the Sake of Peace Part 3-The Storm Breaks by Solario the Visored
[ "Bulbasaur", "Fingering", "M/F", "M/F/M", "Orgy", "Pikachu", "Pokemon", "Raichu", "Vaginal", "Vileplume", "haunter" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 50, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 243, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 30 }
Text: "Dementia! Come here! I want to show you something!" "What do you want? I'm busy!" "I just wanted to show you a project I've been working on." "What are you up to this time?" "You won't believe me if I tell you. Here, let me demonstrate." "What's this? It looks like an ordinary locket." "Go ahead. Put it on." "I don't have time for this. You know I'm still getting ready for the Halloween party tonight." Dementia had been working on a devil costume and was wearing bright red long-underwear and a thick black belt. "It'll just take a few minutes...I promise." Ordinarily, Dementia wasn't interested in her sister's hobby, but for the first time in months her sister was genuinely enthused about something. Besides, she had an awful earache and was looking for an excuse to take a break. "Okay okay." "Wear the locket next to your skin." Dementia put the chain on over her head and let the locket slide down the front of her costume. Her sister began to tap away at one of her many computer terminals. Various pieces of strange looking equipment made whirring noises as they powered up. Dementia crossed her arms and stood impatiently tapping her right foot. For the next two minutes her sister did nothing but look back and forth at her and the computer screen. She wore a large grin that widened every time she turned back to look at Dementia. Finally, Dementia had had enough. "Well...are you going to do something or not?" Her sister couldn't help herself any longer and burst out laughing, "Bahahaha...Oooh!...I'm sorry Dee Dee. Just one more thing. Could you please have a seat on that stool over there?" Dementia was upset. She desperately needed to get her costume done in time for her party later that night. Some friends from college were coming over, and she was trying to think of something that would make this party special, so that no one would ever forget it. Not only was her sister delaying her progress with this nonsense, but that obscene snickering was driving her nuts. Dementia angrily stomped over to the stool and flopped down on top of it, but something wasn't right. She felt the hard wood of the stool hit her ass much sooner than it should have. "What the..." Before she could begin to ponder why her seat wasn't feeling right, she realized that for some reason her butt didn't even want to stay put where she placed it on the stool. Her rear slid off the edge and she hit the floor, where the situation became even more bizarre - for when she landed, instead of a THUD, she heard a hollow sound as if she had landed on top of a rubber ball. In fact, she even bounced several inches above the floor after impact and continued into a series of small diminishing bounces until her body finally settled down. "What the hell is going on here?!" Dementia thought maybe someone had stuck something underneath her as she was about to sit down, but looking back she saw that whatever she sat on was actually INSIDE her costume. It appeared that two buttock-shaped 12 inch party balloons had spontaneously inflated inside her outfit. "But how?" she thought. Then, reaching back to grab hold of the balloons she realized, "Oh my God!" Dementia quickly rose to her feet and began pushing and pulling and kneading the balloons with her hands, trying to work them out of her long-johns, but they were firmly attached. There was no denying what they were. "My butt! What have you done to me?!" "Isn't it great?!" She seemed totally oblivious to her sister's panic as Dementia gripped at her swollen rear, apparently trying to squeeze out whatever was in them. Since she was using her good thermal underwear as a costume, she had neglected to wear anything underneath it, and her swollen buttocks were bulging out of the backflap, threatening to pop the two buttons holding it up. "Using this equipment, I can control the shape of your body! For example, I can make your legs match your bottom." Before Dementia could shout "No!" her hips widened so that her bulbous butt didn't look quite so outlandish in comparison as both her legs ballooned to matching proportions, audibly hissing as they were pumped full of...something. Her thighs each were at least 30" around. Even standing with her feet far apart, her inner thighs still touched each other. "You see, it makes you pull various gases out of the air and into your body. So basically, you can have any shape you want by inflating yourself like a balloon!" Dementia's sister watched as she, still slightly panic stricken, moved her hands from the thick belt where her still narrow waist was. Not really looking, or wanting to look, her hands explored her inflated lower body. Her sister had gone too far this time. "I'd better kill her now before any more damage is done." She found walking difficult, however, as she attempted to approach and strangle her sister. Being full of air, it seemed her legs did not want to bend at the knees, and she was forced to pivot her hips to move one leg forward and then the other. "With my invention, I can inflate any part of your body..." In the middle of her sentence, she noticed Dementia teetering on one leg, and paused for a second. As with her butt, Dementia felt the ground a lot sooner than she should have as she fell forward, only this time she actually saw her breasts rapidly inflate to the size of basketballs - like her legs, audibly hissing - just in time to break her fall. Her hands instinctively grabbed at them. They squeaked loudly in protest as they rubbed together. The sound startled Dementia and her hands instantly shot away. Her bust held her at an acute angle with the floor, her wide hips stopping her from rolling over onto one side or the other. "I can still kill her if I can make it over there," thought Dementia, and with new determination she began clawing at the carpet, dragging her inflated body inches closer to her sister, who was still totally oblivious to her escalating rage. It was difficult going for Dementia since her breasts held her almost too high to reach the floor. But she made steady progress, her breasts squeaking all the while. Her sister continued "...In fact, I can even inflate all of your body at once." The going got even rougher as Dementia realized her arms would no longer bend at her elbows. In a few seconds she could do little more than stiffly hold her arms straight out at her sides. Her torso inflated slightly as well, her large belt restricting her waist. She was beginning to look like some sort of overly voluptuous parade balloon. This apparently gave her sister an idea. To Dementia's horror, the hissing continued. Within a couple of minutes her arms, legs, and hips expanded about an extra foot in circumference and her breasts grew to the size of large beach balls. "Stop! Stop! Whoa! What's happening?!" Dementia cried as her body slowly rose and came to settle, hovering about five feet above the floor. Her body had somehow absorbed light gases from the air. The sight of Dementia all puffed up and floating several feet above the ground was impressive enough to finally make her sister realize how bizarre this scene was. She walked around the balloon girl, poking her here and there - her finger sinking into her sisters puffy breasts and then her puffy legs. At every touch, her sister would groan, "Stop that! Let me down!" and kick her swollen legs a little. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled underneath Dementia. Rolling over onto her back, she got an amazing view. She imagined that she was a tiny parade watcher looking up at her gigantic inflated sister. Appropriately, the air-conditioner clicked on at this moment, blowing Dementia slowly across the room. Meanwhile, Dementia's eyes darted back and forth searching for her sister. She was still whimpering and squeaking, "Get me down!" every once in a while. Her arms waved as much as she could move them, her hands grasping at air. "It only takes one hand to choke someone," she thought, "if only she'd walk past my arm she'd be a dead woman." Unfortunately, Dementia's arm waving had the effect of turning her torso a couple of inches, which invited her left breast to seek a higher altitude. Eventually its upward lift was enough to flip her over so that she was looking up at the ceiling. This development startled her and she somehow found the strength to kick her legs and wave her arms wildly. "Let me down from here! Make me normal again! Get the air out!" Her sister was still in a trance, feeling the wonder of what her invention could do. That trance was broken by uncontrollable laughter, however, since Dementia's over-enthusiastic kicking caused her over-inflated ass to burst out of the back flap of her over-stretched long underwear. The sight of Dementia's enormous buttocks bulging out at her was so hilarious that tears came to her eyes and she pounded the floor and kicked her feet as she laughed. But at last, Dementia got her revenge after all. For some reason, at that moment, she spontaneously deflated - hovering in mid air for a second like a cartoon character before the inevitable fall. Her sister's laughter ceased abruptly as the bare ass she had found so amusing a moment ago came crashing down on top of her along with its owner. As her sister lay on the ground coughing, Dementia sprang to her feet - her hands exploring her body to make sure that she was back to normal. "What the hell did you do to me?!" "Cough cough...I told you already...cough...I used this equipment to inflate you." "But how?" "You see the locket I gave you?" Dementia lifted the locket up and looked at it. She watched as her sister lifted the chain around her own neck, revealing a locket identical to hers. "That," pointing at Dementia's locket, "is the receiver and this," pointing at her own locket, "is the transmitter." As her sister continued, Dementia quickly removed the cause of all her trouble. "This locket reads my thoughts. I just imagine what I want your body to do, and it sends a signal to..." "The other locket?" Dementia interrupted. "No, to the equipment. The equipment then sends a signal to the locket that you are wearing, which in turn, tells your body what to do." "That's amazing! But you could've warned me before testing the thing out on me!" "Well, I originally planned to test it on myself, but I figured, hey, why should I embarrass and humiliate myself when I have you to pick on," she said with a sly grin. Dementia wasn't amused. "You're the essence of evil, Demoniaca!" Her sister's sly grin slowly faded into sputtering and slobbering. Dementia wished she could take back her words. Her sister looked as if she was about to do a scene from the exorcist - head spinning, projectile vomiting, all while spewing obscenities. None of this happened, but the display that followed was equally menacing, if not more so. Demoniaca clenched her fists so tightly her fingernails drew blood from her palms. Her whole body trembled, a breeze from nowhere whipping her thin black hair around as if it had a life of its own. Her teeth were clenched so tightly it looked as if they might crack. She seemed to be straining when her mouth finally did open and she managed to bellow in deep piercing tones, "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!!" Demoniaca reached her bloody hands toward her sister's neck, but then withdrew them and placed them against her temples as if she was trying to stop horns from sprouting. "I've got to get out of here before I do something you will regret!" She rushed past Dementia grabbing her coat. She turned as she opened the front door, "...and if you touch my equipment it'll be HELL to pay!" "I...I..." SLAM! "I'm sorry, Grimaldi." Dementia was genuinely concerned. It wasn't good to be on Grimaldi's bad side. She had learned that on a number of occasions. And calling her by her first name could mean a fate worse than death. But still, she wished she could teach her a lesson - teach her that she can't always have her way. Then she thought about the machine. "I know! I could smash this thing to bits! This'll be the last time she turns me into a balloon!" She grabbed the first handy blunt object - a steam iron - and raised it high above her head. Just as she was about to bring it down, a sparkle caught her eye. It was Grimaldi's locket. She then looked down at her own locket and thought for a second, "I wonder what would happen if I wore both lockets?" She set the iron aside and slid the chain of the transmitter locket over her head. DING DONG! "Shit! They're here!" She felt a chill and realized her butt was still out, and there were no buttons to close her back flap. "What am I gonna do?" She went through her sister's closet and found a shiny red catsuit, apparently made of some sort of stretchy lycra material. She couldn't find a zipper on it, so she tried to yank it off the hanger. She kept pulling at the thing, stretching it all the way across the room until finally it slid off the hanger and smacked her in the face. "Ow!" she said rubbing her nose, "This must be some sort of prototype outfit for victims of that inflation machine." DING DONG! Well, at least it's the right color. Dementia slipped it on with little problem and it fit as if it was molded for her body. She then put on her devil horns and her black belt and went to greet her guests. "Hi!" "Took ya long enough. Where's the beer?" "Hi Cindy...Muffy...Spud...the rest of you." Cindy, Muffy, and Spud were really the only people she had invited from her school, Podunk College in West Bejeezus. Cindy was dressed as the Toxic Avenger. Muffy was dressed as Sgt. Kabukiman, NYPD. Spud was dressed like an Amway representative. The rest of the people didn't really matter to Dementia. "Please come in. The kegs are on the balcony." The four friends were nearly trampled as the crowd stampeded to the balcony. "You guys come with me. I have something to show you." They went back to Grimaldi's room. "What the hell is all of this?" "This is one hell of a party game, that's what this is." "What does it do?" "Well, if I can get it to work I'll show you." Dementia sat at the terminal and switched it on. Various pieces of equipment began to power up one by one. Finally the machine spoke. "Give name for voice-print analysis." "Uh oh...Um...Grimaldi Decant." "Analyzing..." the computer suddenly took a more friendly tone, "Hello Grimaldi...your Shaper program is now ready." "Whew!" "Hey how did you do that? I mean, fake your sister's voice?" "I didn't fake it. It IS my sister's voice. We're identical in every way, remember? Besides, it's a really crappy security program. I could've cracked it if it hadn't let me in." She would rather not have, however. No telling what booby traps Grimaldi had put in the system. "So now what?" Dementia thought for a while, trying to come up with a suitable demonstration. Surely wearing both lockets would give her control of her own body, but what would she do with that power -- more importantly, how could she spice up her party with it. She then got an idea. But would it work in the next room? "I wonder what the range on this thing is?" She thought to herself. "Maximum range: a radius of 66.338 miles." "Wow," she thought, "this thing really does read minds." "Let's all go to the next room. I'll demonstrate there." When they walked over there, they found a group of people bobbing for apples. She approached the tub and waved everyone aside. She then unbuckled her belt, got down on her hands and knees and plunged her head deep into the water. Slowly, a hush fell over the crowd as they watched her belly begin to bulge. Soon the only sounds in the room were the loud gulps from Dementia as gallons of water poured into her stomach. It hung beneath her, audibly sloshing as she shifted positions to follow the rapidly falling surface of the water in the tub. At first, it looked like she was going through a rapid pregnancy, her bloated belly passing through all the stages within seconds - but soon it far surpassed the gut of a woman nine months pregnant. Because of the position she was in, her stomach quickly reached the floor and began to spread in all directions. As she neared the bottom of the tub she simply flopped down on top if it, bouncing and wobbling as waves passed through her. When she reached the bottom there was an enormous slurping, and then a sound like a vacuum cleaner choking as she sucked down the apples that were left over. After some effort, she managed to push herself back to a sitting position, with her enormous stomach resting on the floor between her widespread legs. Dementia had drunk 30 gallons of water. She scanned the shocked expressions of the crowd, and held her throat as a loud gurgling sound came through her bulging abdomen. She silently picked out a few targets and proceeded to projectile belch whole apples at them. "Ow!" "Ouch!" "Ow! Hey!" "Sorry, Cindy." Everyone still seemed to be astonished and completely at a loss for words. Before them was a little red devil with an enormous belly full of water. Dementia squeezed at the sides of her stomach and started some enormous waves going back and forth as she thought about her situation. "This is a disaster. I didn't want them all to go blank like this. I've got to do something. And how am I gonna get this water out of me?" She thought for a while more, then it hit her. She concentrated her thoughts, and felt the water begin to leave her stomach. Gasps came from the crowd once again as suddenly, her breasts began to swell. Slowly, her stomach shrank as her bust siphoned the water from it. Dementia moved her hands from her stomach to her breasts. They were now as big as the balloons she'd put out for the party, and they were steadily growing. She put her hands underneath them. Her belly supported her bust for a while, but as it diminished, the new weight on her chest was slowly dragging her upper body downward. Her hands sunk deeply into them, trying to support the weight of her bloated bosom as her breasts grew larger than basketballs. As her stomach faded away, she closed her legs together and brought her knees up to support her breasts. When she felt the last few drops of water trickle into them, they were each almost as large as bean-bag chairs. In fact, aside from the sloshing sound and the occasional wave that went through them, the bright red outfit made them look very much like bean-bag chairs. Dementia then carefully planned her next move. With her breasts propped up on her thighs, she reached forward and aimed each of her nipples at a couple members of her audience. Then she thought to herself, "Okay...Purge!" To their amazement, two small streams of water shot through the fabric over Dementia's nipples and began to soak various unsuspecting party goers. "Wow, I feel like a human squirt gun!" thought Dementia as she proceeded to drench various people in the crowd. Eventually, the crowd decided to take the nearest exit as an escape route, the glass doors leading to her patio. "Trying to get away eh?" When Dementia had drained her breasts enough that she could stand up again, she proceeded to chase various guests around her house, giggling as she drenched them and their costumes. She stopped laughing, however, when she realized that she could no longer find anyone. "What the hell? They all LEFT? I can't believe it! This is awful! My party is ruined!" She pouted, moping around her living room as the last few drops of water trickled from her breasts. She noticed that one of her breasts was bigger than the other, so she pounded on her chest, coughed up an apple, and then proceeded to cry. "Dementia?" Dementia looked up. It was Cindy, Muffy, and Spud. "Bitchin' party, Dee Dee!" "Huh?" "Your sister's invention rocks! Don't worry, we didn't even really know those other people anyway. Hey, what else can you do with that thing? Can we give it a try?" Maybe her party hadn't been such a disaster after all. "I'm afraid I'm the only one that can use it. It's designed for my sister. The only reason it works on me is 'cause we're twins." "Well, the night is still young. Let's go out and see what this thing can really do!" Dementia's outfit was completely soaked, so she tried to grab a coat as her three friends dragged her outside, but all she managed to get hold of was her thick black belt. The first place they visited was a bar. Spud was a bartender there, so she talked the bartender on duty into taking a couple of hours off. They called everyone over to watch as Dementia stood behind the bar, guzzling beer from a hose. At first the people were simply amazed that she could drink so much without taking a breath, but many dropped their glasses in shock when they saw where all that beer was going. As beer poured from the tap, through the hose, and down her throat, Dementia's breasts began to fill up. "This is so much fun!" thought Dementia, as she held her breasts up with her hands and began to dance seductively. When they became as large as volleyballs, she alternately raised and lowered them as if she were juggling. The crowd cheered her on. Their eyes focused on the jiggling breasts of the bright red devil. Spud turned up the tap, and a minute later her breasts were large enough to set on the counter in front of her, each of them larger than beach balls. Spud took this opportunity to move around to counter to the front and held a mug underneath one of Dementia's breasts and tweaked a nipple. "Hey!" She soon got the idea and released the beer from inside her until Spud let go of the nipple. "Attention everyone! Come and try our Red Devil beer! Milked fresh from our own naughty demon! Just remember to fill your mugs from both tits!" Dementia's breasts sloshed violently as a dozen men rushed to her nipples, all of them stealing a grope as they filled their mugs. "I'm a human beer cow!" thought Dementia. Her breasts continued to fill slowly, even though hoards of thirsty perverts were draining gallons from her within minutes. Several men tried to hit on her, but she couldn't speak with all the swallowing she was doing. Eventually the crowd settled, and Spud turned the tap off. By then, her breasts were each slightly larger than bean-bag chairs. She tried to hug them, but they were wider than her armspan. Since her bust was resting on the counter, the huge red mass filled her entire view. She imagined that her nipples reached well beyond the opposite side of the countertop. The only way she knew to release beer was the sensation of someone grabbing her nipples on the other side. For 45 minutes, she simply sat leaning against her immense bosom, giving beer whenever someone gave her a squeeze. Apparently she wasn't immune to the alcohol's effects, however. Whenever a man would hit on her from the other side of the counter, she'd take a deep breath, shout "Moo!" and squirt whoever happened to be standing there. After an hour, she heard the police come in, mumbling something about an ordinance, and that alcohol can't be served in the presence of nudity. She heard Spud say something about there being no nudity, just huge tits. Then the police said something about being thirsty, and that they were now off duty. A few seconds later she felt a tug at her nipples and gave a good squirt. Halfway through the second hour, Dementia was beginning to get bored. Her boobs had been drained down to the size of beach balls, so she decided to go around serving people at the tables. Her already damp outfit now stunk of beer, but she was having fun playing a waitress/human keg. Her breasts sloshed violently with every step, and she had to support them with her arms just so she didn't topple over. Everything was going fine, however, until a small earthquake hit. She managed to stay on her feet, staggering back and forth, making several men happy by clobbering them with her huge bust. She seemed okay after the tremors stopped, but then she noticed a fizzing sound coming from inside her. As her arms began to move apart she realized the carbonation in the beer was inflating her breasts. They continued inflating until they were the same size they had been when they were sitting on the bar. Thankfully, they weren't as heavy, but she had two enormous red balloons looming in front of her. Since they were just full of foam and no beer, her friends let the other bar tender go back on duty and squeezed Dementia out of the double doors and drained her outside in the parking lot. Then Muffy had an idea. The three girls took their balloon buddy to the mall, which always had various activities for children on Halloween. They talked Dementia into playing a joke on a friendly clown who was blowing up helium balloons for children. Dementia removed her belt and then the four girls approached the clown. "Excuse me, Miss! What happens if something gets stuck in there?" "In where?" The clown asked confused. "In here!" Dementia stuck her finger into the nozzle of the clown's helium tank. "Oh no! I'm stuck! Get me out!" The clown tugged. "It won't budge!" "Well maybe it'll pop out if you turn the air on." The clown did as Muffy suggested, then the three girls backed away, giggling. A crowd of children began to gather around, watching as Dementia's arm filled with air. The helium spread across her chest to her other arm and then into her hips, butt and legs. Dementia looked terrified, but she was doing her best not to burst out laughing. Her body puffed up the way it had when her sister inflated her, but soon her waist began to bulge out as well. As her feet left the ground, her torso continued to inflate until it was as round as a ball, engulfing her arms out to her elbows and her legs down to her knees. The clown simply watched in shock, her mouth gaping open. Muffy then turned off the helium. With her spherical torso and her puffy arms and legs stiffly sticking out, Dementia looked sort of like a big inflated four-fingered glove. She maintained her look of terror as Cindy tied a ribbon around her foot and the trio carried her out of the mall. The clown still stood in the same position, mouth gaping. Kids were tugging at her sleeves, begging for a balloon like the one she gave to those girls. They took Dementia into the parking lot and she deflated herself. They rolled on the ground laughing hysterically - the women were still drunk from the scene at the bar. Cindy came up with a new plan for mischief, so they piled into her car and went back to Dementia's neighborhood. The four of them decided to go trickr-treating. They stopped at the first house and yelled, "Trick or treat!" The old lady opened the door and gave them a nice large amount of candy which, to her surprise, Dementia gulped down right in front of her, wrappers and all. "More please!" The confused old woman went back inside her house and slammed the door. They did a similar performance at several houses - each time Dementia's gut was a little bit bigger. Eventually, her stomach was as large as it had been at the party, and she could no longer stand up. Her friends were having too much fun to stop, however, and rolled her to a couple more houses before loading her into the car and driving back to her house. Her friends went inside, trying to figure out a way to get her through the door. As Dementia lay on her back in the middle of her lawn, she heard small footsteps approaching. "Hey lady, you have a big belly." She looked up at the trickr-treater, "Yes, I do." "I bet you can't eat all this candy though." The child held up a large sack. She'd made an impressive haul for the night. "Yep, I can eat it all." "Na'uh!" "Can too." "Let me see then!" She proceeded to dump her bag of candy into Dementia's mouth. She easily gulped down the entire bag, adding a few more pounds to the contents of her stuffed stomach. "Wow! How'd you do that?" Dementia couldn't answer. She was feeling the full effects of the alcohol she'd consumed earlier, and had passed out completely. She didn't even notice when a group of kids gathered around her - and she didn't feel the garden hose being shoved into her mouth. Spud came out and was puzzled by what she saw. Several children had gathered around what appeared to be a bright red Volkswagen parked on the lawn. As she chased the children away, she saw what they had been watching. "Dee Dee! What did they do to you?" She yanked the end of the hose out of Dementia's mouth and then began pushing against her enormous belly, which completely covered her body except for her head. Pushing on her stomach turned out not to be such a good idea as she spewed wet candy all over the front yard. They put her belt back on and dragged her to the back of her house. In an attempt to revive Dementia, her friends threw her into her backyard pool. It worked. "What the hell? Are you guys trying to drown me?" "Hey, you're awake aren't you? Now get out of the pool so we can think of another way to have fun with your sister's invention." Dementia was nearly to the edge of the pool when she suddenly stopped. Her breasts were trying to float to the surface. In fact, when she stopped swimming, they did just that. She didn't even need to tread water to stay afloat. "Dementia! Stop playing around and get over here!" "I'm not playing around! My breasts just inflated by themselves!" As she spoke she heard a faint hissing, and they inflated a little more, now bigger than melons and easily holding her afloat. She swam to the edge and pulled herself out. "Muffy! Go get the notebook computer out of the other room. It's linked with my sister's system." Muffy did as she was told, but when she got back, Dementia's breasts were bigger than volleyballs. Her friends looked over her shoulder as she tapped away at the keyboard. "Oh no!" she shouted, slamming the notebook computer shut. Just then, as she explored the program, her breasts had another growth spurt and inflated to the size of beach balls - startling her friends and making them back up. "What?! What's wrong?" They were on the verge of panic. "It's the lockets! I shouldn't have gotten them wet! They're malfunctioning!" They inflated again until they were bigger than bean bag chairs, forcing her friends to back away even more. Their bottoms were level with her knees and she could barely see over the top of her air-filled bust. "OOWW! There's something wrong!" "No kidding!" "No! I mean...it feels different. It's like my breasts are inflating, but the skin isn't stretching enough. I think...I think I'm going to explode!" Her breasts rapidly inflated again, only this time, it didn't seem that they were going to stop. "Ow! It hurts! Help me!" Dementia's body disappeared behind her breasts as the enormous balloons swelled toward the three women. They were backed against the wall with the enormous breasts rapidly approaching them. They imagined what the scene would look like - Dementia exploding, blood and gore flying everywhere. Her pals decided it was time to make a hasty retreat. They ran around the house and piled into their car, listening for an explosion as they drove away. Meanwhile, Dementia's breasts had stopped. "Suckers!" They quickly deflated back to normal. "I never thought I'd get rid of those three!" They had caused enough trouble for one night, so she had decided to scare them away. "I guess I'd better clean up everything before Grimmy gets back," said Dementia as she turned to go into the house. "I'd be in deep shit if she found out that I had...GASP!" As Dementia opened the door, she saw her sister standing there, hands bandaged, arms folded, tapping her foot. "Grimaldi! I...uh...I can explain!" Her sister stepped outside. Dementia backed away. "No need to explain. In fact, I'm happy with what you've done. You've tested my invention in ways that I would never have thought of. I must say, the thing you did to that poor clown was very rude - although you probably boosted her business." "You..." "That's right. I saw everything. You see, there's some details about my invention that I forgot to tell you." Grimaldi pulled out a small pocket computer. Dementia looked at it, and realized that the images from her own eyes were somehow projected onto the little screen. "But how..." "You see, Dementia, one night when you had taken sleeping pills, I came into your room and surgically inserted an implant behind your right ear." Dementia tugged at her earlobe. It felt sore. "It allows my computer to see everything you see. It also acts as a receiver for this," said Grimaldi, punching some buttons on the pocket computer. Slowly, Dementia's breasts began to inflate once again. In fact, she could feel her entire body swelling very gradually. She snatched off the receiver locket but it had no effect. "That won't do you any good. It's just an ordinary locket. So is the other one. The real receiver is inside your head, and the real transmitter is this little control unit. Up until now, you've been able to control your body using your implant, but I've just switched off that particular function." Dementia thought about making a lunging grab for the minicomputer, but instantly her bust, arms, hips, butt, and legs swelled an extra 10 inches in circumference. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you. It'll only make you inflate faster." "What are you going to do with me?" "Hmm..." Grimaldi tried to think of a fitting punishment for her sister. "I think grounding you for a day should be sufficient." "Whew!" thought Dementia, "that's not bad at all." "You are not permitted to leave this house for 24 hours. If you do, each of your breasts will inflate to a circumference equal to the distance you are from the house." "That's horrible!" "Yes it is. Especially since you happen to be standing thirteen feet away from the door right now." "What? Oh no!" With a loud hissing sound, each of Dementia's breasts each bulged out to a diameter of four feet. They tugged upward on her body with tremendous force, making her lose her balance and stumble even farther away from the house. "This isn't fair! Make it stop, Grimmy! Help!" Soon Dementia's feet left the ground and she rose higher and higher into the sky. Her breasts growing larger and larger until, finally, she disappeared into the night sky. A minute later the torn remains of a red outfit fluttered to the ground at Grimaldi's feet. "I wonder where she'll end up," thought Grimaldi. "The range on this control is 200 feet, and beyond that she will stay the size she is until her chip burns out...Oh well. I never liked her anyway." She tossed the minicomputer into the pool. "No point keeping up this hobby now that my guinea pig is gone. Maybe I can find another toy to play with."
[ "Belly Inflation", "Breast Inflation", "Full Body Inflation", "Female Inflation", "floating", "helium", "water" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 52, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 488, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 96 }
Toons from Space! Amanda Molly crept into the bedroom on all fours, her lanky, feline form easily adapting to the altered gait. It was so easy to move like an animal, and it made her feel even more predatory. She was a sneaky sexual predator with a particular prey in mind. Her experience in the woods had lasted for hours, her brother and his girlfriend having long since headed to bed. They'd left a few slices of pizza on the counter, which tasted like sawdust until Molly had held them long enough to make them real, then they had become absolutely delicious, and fun. She'd heated them up in the microwave, and played with all the melty cheese for awhile. She didn't know why, but it was something instinctual, and it had been fun. Even though she'd somehow managed to tie herself up with the cheese from one slice and had to eat her way free. The lioness had let a bit of air out of herself, as she kept hitting her head against the tops of doorframes, light fixtures, and in one case the ceiling. She'd staggered around, seeing stars circle her head before she shook them away. She missed being big, but once the entire house was made real; it would be easily molded in order to fit her at whatever scale she wished to be. The low ache in her loins had developed into an almost growling sexual hunger. Molly closed the door behind her with her tail, creeping slowly towards Amanda's bed. Molly had to stifle a giggle as she slithered across the floor like a snake, another one of those weird, instinctual things that made her feel good. She slipped up into the covers at the base of the bed, the scent of the sleeping woman strong, but still dull to her keen feline nose. She would soon change that. Amanda slept in nothing more than a pair of panties and one of Jeremy's t-shirts. With two quick motions with one of her retractable claws (that oddly didn't damage her gloves at all), the woman's nethers were no longer guarded. Molly paused for a moment, thinking. Amanda was more like a girl in her mind than a woman, she was immature, snobbish, prone to fits of temper, and compared to Molly somewhat underdeveloped. The lioness's physical development was that of a young woman a few years older than Amanda. The thought brought a fanged grin to her face, as she rather liked the turn of events. Her sex had begun to leak, small droplets dripping onto the bedsheets, beginning to spread rapidly, giving the sheets the proper color and texture. All the excesses were stripped away until nothing was left but the essence of what they were supposed to be. Amanda made a soft noise in her sleep, detecting the altered texture of her bedclothes. Molly purred softly as she ran her hands over the girl's smooth legs, Amanda being fastidious about having a complete lack of hair everywhere save for her head. She recalled the smooth feeling of her skin before she was given fur, and wondered if she should make Amanda's skin perfectly smooth forever more, or go the other way and grant her fur like Molly herself sported. The girl let out a soft gasp, Molly's touch inspiring her to spread her legs. Even in slumber she behaved in the manner of a slattern whore. It didn't bother Molly as much as it once had. Amanda was a slut, and once Molly had stripped away the disguise and revealed the real woman underneath, everyone would know that. The lioness licked her lips, lowering her head slowly towards the human's sex. Amanda was so full of potential; it left Molly conflicted as to what to do. Should she coax out the inner reptile in Amanda? Making her cold, sleek, sinuous, and sexy, or perhaps something of the mammalian sort in nature? Hot-blooded, covered in soft fur, and prone to periods of intense, needful, lustful heat. Yes, that seemed more akin to her nature. But how to advertise her slick and smooth nature? Amanda seemed a sort of con artist, trying to worm her way into Jeremy's life in order to pad her own nest. Or actually perhaps, to provide her with such a nest from which she could go out and continue her slattern ways. As Molly began to lick a wicked thought appeared in her mind; the perfect way to advertise Amanda as exactly what she was. The lioness ran her rough tongue over the human's netherlips, feeling them already growing slick with moisture. She wrapped her paws around the girl's rump, pulling her closer to Molly's mouth; Amanda began to moan in her sleep, her dreams taking on an erotic tone. The lioness's tail twitched as she drove her tongue deeper, lapping at the human's inner walls. Amanda was growing more awake and conscious with each passing second. But it was too late for her to do anything, the altered color that denoted Molly's new reality had begun to creep across her body. Her tanned skin became a uniform mocha in color; its well cared for smoothness becoming an inherent quality. Molly could see this with her feline eyes, ideally adapted for sight in dark places. She ran her paws over Amanda's brown belly, coaxing the changes onward. She wanted Amanda to be made completely a part of her world before she awoke. The lioness licked forcefully at Amanda's cunny, feeling the girl's hands moving beneath the covers, settling upon her head. Amanda half consciously was coaxing her on, wanting more and wanting it more intensely. The cartoon lioness was only happy to deliver, shifting her focus from Amanda's sex to the sensitive nub of her clitoris. The act made the girl cry out with pleasure, her fingers gripping Molly's mane, pulling the lioness even closer against her. Molly could feel Amanda's body opening itself for opportunity; the opportunity to be shaped into whatever Molly desired. "Slut," Molly whispered, "You're a slut, you're going to be a slut, a whore, a harlot, a lustful, brazen beast of a woman that lives for sex. Men, women, or anything in between you'll crave them, long for them, need them." And with that she planted a kiss upon Amanda's netherlips and exhaled a deep breath from her lungs. Much as Molly had earlier, Amanda's form began to inflate with the lioness's breath. This act pulled her fully into the realm of the awake and she tore the covers off the bed, exposing the cartoon lioness that was lapping at her sex. The first change was her skin, the mocha tone darkening even further to a rich, deep chocolate in some places, in others it remained the same coffee cream shade, especially on her belly and breasts. Her nipples grew, and thickening and elongating as they grew erect; the cool night air upon them making her gasp with delight. She tried to pull Molly from her groin but the lioness was too strong and insistent. Molly merely extended her claws, lightly pricking Amanda skin. From the pinpoints spots of near-black formed, matching spots spreading down the upside of her legs and appearing on her rump. Another exhalation from Molly made Amanda arch her back in bliss and pull her hands from the feline's head, instead gripping the bed covers. Molly pulled Amanda up as she exhaled to allow for the former human's tail to emerge. It was a very long breath, Molly going so far as to reduce her size and shape in order to assure the perfect form. It was long, it was thick, and it was soft and squishy; more like a pool toy filled with foam than an actual appendage. Soon though Amanda would have feeling inside it as well as control. The transforming human fell back onto her squishy new appendage and it made her gasp as she felt it. Molly pulled back for a moment, taking in deep breaths to put her back at her proper size for she continued to inflate Amanda. The sexualization came next, the girl's lips, bust, hips, and rear puffed out further even then Molly had given herself. The lioness wanted her new toy to advertise her gender and sexuality. She wanted to make sure people would see Amanda as a whore and a harlot from a mile away. Amanda threw back her head and howled with bliss, Molly's desired changes now taking root in her mind as well as in her body. Her body also continued to alter to suit her new role and identity. Her nails darkened and lengthened, reshaping into short, blunt, black claws, her ears growing larger and moving higher up upon her head as they took on a smoother, more rounded shape. Her skin as a whole seemed to grow even smoother to the point where it began to reflect the moonlight that shown into the room. She panted and wrapped her legs around Molly's neck, grinding her sex against the feline's snout. She was still confused, not understanding exactly what was happening to her, but it felt so good and anything but felt as this did in her increasingly sexual mind meant that it was something she should be doing. "More, I want more!" Amanda cried. Molly was only too happy to oblige, sending another breath into the new toon-animal. This one made Amanda moan and growl with sheer animal delight. Her legs let out a series of soft little pops as they reshaped themselves into a more bestial form. Her feet puffed up to become thick, heavy cartoon paws with even larger claws. Her face puffed outward as well, extending into a short muzzle. Amanda looked down at her lover, her gaze half lidded with lust as her transformation completed. She let out a soft, satisfied moan as the final touches were added to her form. Her artificially bleached blonde hair became her natural color with mocha streaks running through it to match the brown and tan pattern upon the toon skunk's body. "Don't you just love this, Amanda?" Molly asked, "Isn't this just the most beautiful you that you could ever imagine?" The new skunkette licked her lips and looked over her lovely latex form, "No, we can do little bit better." She said with a grin. "And by better I mean bigger." "Oh yes, we can do bigger," Molly said with an answering grin, "Much, much bigger. But only if you promise me something." "Anything!" Amanda cried, "Whatever it is you want, I'll agree to it eagerly, just make me bigger and more beautiful." Molly laughed, "Then you'll be mine, won't you? Be my sweet, slutty, little whore of a skunk?" The lioness ran her tongue over the near-black nub, making Amanda just about scream with pleasure. "I'm yours," Amanda cried, "Your sweet little slut of a skunk, ever and always, please make me huge!" Molly was only happy to oblige. - The lioness lay on the floor, panting, her body completely and utterly deflated, having put a great deal of effort into giving Amanda the huge curves she desired. Though it wasn't quite the effort that had made the lioness weary but the complaining. "Mmm," Amanda hummed, a bit of a whining lilt in her voice, "It doesn't feel right." She said, giving her half-again-the-sizef-beachballs boobs a squeeze. Molly had been gasping and trying to regain her breath, but the comment had just deflated her emotionally as well as physically. Even as her sextoy Amanda could still be annoying. "Oops!" the skunkette said, kneeling beside her mistress, "Let's see here..." she reached into the pockets of the lioness' labcoat, removing a string of handkerchiefs, a dust bunny (which scampered off under the nearby bed), a wallet out of which several moths flew, a steamer trunk (which she'd thrown across the room, which had opened upon contact with the wall and revealed a load of skimpy clothes), a bowling ball, a stethoscope, a brass urn emblazoned with the word "HOFFA," and then finally the bicycle pump that the skunk had been searching for. With a giggle she stuck the nozzle into her mistress' mouth and gave a few rapid pumps, getting Molly back up to her fighting form. "Sorry, mistress." The brown and cream skunk said, a bit of red creeping across her features, "I know you've done so much for me, and this feels SOOO good..." a long, licentious tongue slithered from her muzzle and giving a huge lick over one of her massive breasts, the sound of an inflated balloon being rubbed came to mind. "These feel so good, and they're SOOO sensitive," Amanda moaned, her clawtips tweaking her chocolate toned nipples, "But it's only part of the way. They don't FEEL big when you grope them." She said, grabbing Molly's gloves handpaws and forcibly pressing them against her chest. The skunkette moaned happily and pressed hard against Molly's hands, nearly bucking her hips at the erotic sensation. It made the lioness grin; she loved the way Amanda was showing her true colors. The skunkette openly sought sexual pleasure and found no shame in getting off any way she could. Molly pinched her pet's nipples, Amanda letting her pleasure be known as the additional air rushed out of her. Her knees went wobbly and she collapsed into Molly's arms. She grinned and wrapped an arm around her mistress' neck, pulling her into a kiss. "Oh mistress, I think I just had an air-gasm." She said with a lustful giggle. Molly purred and helped her pet back to her feet. The lioness sat on the bed, trying to figure out how to get Amanda the bountiful beautiful balloon-y breasts she desired, but without the balloon aspect. Couldn't fill her with air. So then maybe... The lioness grunted and swatted Amanda's thick tail out of the way as the skunk bent down to pick up some of the clothing debris that caught her fancy. Amanda giggled and rubbed her rump against the lioness' knees, earning her a playful growl and a swat. The skunkette donned a pair of opera length leather gloves with red laces, slipping on a similarly colored choker, a sports-bra type top of the same coloration going on last. Once more Molly found her train of thought derailing, with accompanying sounds, as Amanda squeezed her ample bosom into the garment, with the use of a shoehorn and a crowbar. A black leather microskirt completed the outfit. The clothes did nothing to hide Amanda's features, the outline of her constantly erect nipples could easily be seen through the top, and the slightest movement would expose Amanda's crotch. And if she bent over? All bets were off, her tail kept the skirt chronically lifted, and due to her whorishness Amanda's tail was also chronically lifted. There were a few bits of makeup in the trunk as well, which Amanda put to work, adding lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara. Molly found herself just about drooling at the sight of the sexy skunkette as she found a pair of hooker heels designed to fit her large, toonish paws. She sighed happily as the last bit of her 'uniform' was slipped into place. "Oh that feels so much better..." she purred, admiring herself in the mirror, cupping her full breasts and giving her skirt-clad rump (the top half at least) a slap. "Fuck, I bet if I walk down the street I'll be making all the boys jack off right there." She said, a delighted gleam in her eye showing that she would love to do just that. Molly began to giggle, but then paused, "Jacking! That's it!" she said with a grin, leaping from the bed and dancing with Amanda for a few moments before taking her pet by the hand and running from the room, the toon skunk flapping in the breeze behind her. "The same hand motion you make for a jack, you make for an old fashioned water pump. And we have an old water pump in the stables! I bet I have a fire hose in one of my labcoat pockets somewhere." Molly said with a giggle, "And then we can get those tits of yours as big as you want!" Amanda cried out in pleasure at the thought, "Oh that is going to feel so wonderful, that cold metal nozzle in my pussy, and then all that nice, cool water. Flowing up my hot, horny cunt, into my womb, and then with a little squish, making it go just where I want it." Molly stopped, her high speed dashing having taken them just outside the empty stables. She turned to glare at her skunk-toy, "I wasn't planning on stuffing it in your pussy, Amanda." The skunkette looked like someone had eaten her puppy, but Molly smiled and ran a gloved hand through Amanda's hair, "But now that you mention it, I think that'll be more fun for the both of us." The skunk giggled with glee and slipped her hands beneath her mistress' lab coat, caressing her breasts as she sought out the inner pockets, "Mmm... let's see if I can find that firehose..." she said, slowly lowering herself down. Molly began to purr as the skunk began to lap at her netherlips, "Oh dear, it appears that there's a bit too much heat here. I better put this out before this nasty fire spreads." The lioness leaned back against the stable wall to prevent herself from falling over; her plaything was so enthusiastic and wonderfully skilled. Getting her properly inflated and fully into her 'true' form could wait a few minutes. There was always time for a little fun. "Amanda, it's three in the morning," said a sleepy voice, accompanied by the sound of sandaled feet being dragged across the lawn, "I don't mind if you and Amy have a little fun, but the two of you sounded like a friggin' freight train right next door and..." The beam of a flashlight outlined the lioness and the skunkette, Amanda didn't stop her licking for a moment at the disturbance. Molly purred, her black lips pulled apart to reveal a fanged grin. "Hello, big brother," she purred, sexy and sultry, "Is that a fire hose in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 10, "longest_sentence": 117, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 164, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (10) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 70 }
*A Wolf's Breakdown* *By: Nall Wolf* Nall sat in his room with his knees pulled to his chest and ears down, thinking back to the past. He wondered why the shadow wolf had hurt him as he rubbed the invisible scar over his heart. A single tear rolls down his cheek as "Will this pain ever go away?" drifts through his mind. "I truly loved him with all my heart..." he said, hiding his face and wrapping his tail around his ankles. Nall missed the feeling of truly loving someone and feeling loved back, he wants to feel it again, that deep desire to be close to someone and never wanting to be apart. Yes, there are others that could fill this void in his life, but none are able or willing to. He starts to wonder, as he's done many times, if he's going to be forever without a mate to hold close and love. Nall breaks down and starts to cry for what seems like the millionth time, the tears seemed to burn as they streamed out of his eyes and ran down his cheeks. He thinks about his friends and how they always find a way to pick him up and keep him going. He also thinks about those even closer to him, the ones that could fill the void created by the shadow wolf. He deeply cares about each one and hopes the time will come that he can be with one of them. They give him the strength to get through this pain. He starts to calm down as he dwells on how lucky he really is in life, things could be so much worse. Nall may be depressed, but he has his friends to support him, that's why he keeps going.
A Wolf's Breakdown by nallwolf
[ "Friendship", "Wolf", "crying" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 36, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 15, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 10 }
*Waking Up* Jennifer was suddenly awoken. The day (or perhaps night, she could not tell) before was all a sort of blur to her. She awoke to find the Male anthropomorphic fox on top of her, still very much passed out. As her senses began to return to her, she suddenly realized that his member was still very much inside of her, droplets of cum leaking from her delicate opening. Her first thought was to immediately panic and throw the someway heavy male to the side, but it occurred to her with some amount of speed that she was still stuck in this cell. Her mind swirled over and over again about what had happened in the past 24 hours. Just the day before she had been a happy teenager working a regular job, going home, and generally enjoying life. Now, she was here, locked up in this cell, a strange man had taken her chastity and was still atop her body. She wasn't even a teenage girl anymore; she was some kind of Fox / Human hybrid. Her mind wasn't even sure how to handle itself in this situation trying desperately to pull all of the clues together. As she stirred, so too did the male fox atop her, so she shifted to the side as she felt him starting to pull out of her now much furrier pussy. He opened his eyes and looked down at her "Well, that was quite the experience for a first timer eh? They dragged you all the way down here, shot you full of a morphogenic serum, and then they let me mate with you. I'm sure you've got all manner of questions, but let's get those answered later eh?" "Later? I think we need to get those answered right now!" Jennifer snapped coldly, trying feebly to shove the now awaked Fox off of her. "No" he said, taking a large sniff of the air "I think we can get to those questions much later, right now you're still very much in heat, and I would feel as if I'm not doing my job if I just let that slide." Jennifer could only pull back for a number of seconds, her brain trying to take in what he had just said to her. And then, like a wall of bricks, the burning sensation in her insides returned. It was as if someone had turned off whatever was dimming her senses, and a sudden rush of pheromones and feelings rushed through her head. She felt as her mound began to get wet again, a mix of dried cum and fluids starting to seep from her entrance. "Yes, I think I'm going to very much enjoy getting you pregnant my dear. I haven't met many a vixen in my time, but I must admit that you are the first whose smell alone could intoxicate me. I'm curious how many kits that little womb of yours can carry, though I guess there is really only one way to find out." Jennifer's mind began to fog over, as the Male left the bed, stretched, and turned back to her. She felt as if she wanted to leave the bed, follow him wherever he intended to go, but her mind seemed to try and snap back to reality. "This is wrong!" She cried out "I'm a human girl, a human girl! I'm not some play thing for you to come in and fuck whenever you please." The male fox looked at here with a mixture of bemusement and sympathy. "Listen, I know this is going to be hard to take in right now, but for both our sakes, why don't you just ride with the flow. Let those instincts tell you that you want my member back inside your depths rule the day right now; because, once your bred and filled with kits the Lab won't be so open to letting you just have sex." Jennifer simply looked confused "Here, let me make it a bit clearer. I'm going to take you a few more times today, until the point that you won't be able to sigh without a bit of my seed leaking out of you. Please do try and enjoy yourself during this whole thing, I don't want your first times to go to waste." With that, he began to stroke his sheath, playing a bit with his furry balls and looking directly into her eyes. She felt a sudden compulsion, though she did not know why, to wrap her muzzle around his quickly growing member. With very little said between the two, he approached her while she sat on the bed. As he brought his member to her face, she began to lick her lips, wanting to learn what he tasted like. He wrapped his paws around the back of her head, guiding her muzzle to his Throbbing cock. As he pushed past the vixen's lips, a mixture of her saliva and tongue quickly greeted him. "It will be nice to have a partner, if only for a while," He remarked "Besides, I only want to do what is best for the future mother of my kits." Slowly he guided her head back and forth along his rigid shaft, causing Jennifer to gag a little as he pushed deeper into her mouth. "Don't worry little one, I won't be using this mouth of yours for long, I just want to give you some time to get a bit wetter downstairs before we go through round 2." She could not help but keep her eyes closed, as her mouth was used as little more than a way of getting him erect. His paws gracefully played with her ears and the fur around the back of her head, making sure to try and pet and comfort her. She felt as one his paws slowly wandered off the back of her head, and along her neck and chest. "You have such perfect little breast. It will almost be a shame to see them swell when I do finally get you good and bred... almost" His hand, reached down her shoulder, to cup one of her breast, quickly flipping her nipple back and forth. The sudden feeling sent spikes of electricity through her body, causing her heart to begin to beat faster, her cheeks to blush, and her folds to release even more of her intoxicating smell and juices. His hand began to massage and rub at her chest, quickly alerting her to the fact that she now had not 2 but 8 nipples going down a line on her chest. Than almost as suddenly as she had found herself wrapping her muzzle around his member, he stopped. "I think I'm going to take you the old fashioned way, like the wild animal you are." He took her paw in his, and pulled her into a standing position in the somewhat cramped cell. His smell and musk were overwhelming, she wanted more of him. "Take me" she slowly moaned, surprised by her own exclamation. "Oh, finally getting into this I see, well I'm glad that the rest of this won't be so very one sided." He slowly grabbed at her sides, and turned her in such a way that she faced the wall. He then pushed down on her shoulders, causing her hands to touch the floor with her feet, and her ass and tail presented to her mate and his member. She saw him approach her backside, pushing her tail to the side. His hands wrapped around her waist, bringing his ripped and muscular body against her rump. She quickly stole a glance between her legs to see his member dangling just below her now sopping wet entrance. She watched as he took a paw from her waist and wrapped it around his member, slowly guiding it to her prominently displayed flower. He quickly pushed into her, her juices coating him as he entered. He brought his face and muzzle to her backside, clenching around her small waist as he thrust in and out of her. It was like a pure bliss, the fire between her legs being doused little by little each time he pushed further into her. She could feel her tunnel wrapping around his member, as she pushed herself back into him. His white, furry balls bounced off the entrance to her nether lips making an interesting squishy sound. His member penetrated deeper and deeper into her wet folds, causing her to emit a small canid yelp with each thrust. She could hear him slowly moaning over her shoulder, as she looked between her arms and legs to see his pink member sliding in and out of her. She watched as his knot began to slowly inflate at the base of his penis. She could feel as it slowly started to pound at her entrance. "Yes please, mate me!" she cried in ecstasy. The Knot began to swell even more, quickly becoming larger than her entrance could handle, and she began to experience her first orgasm. It hit her like an electrical storm, causing her tunnel to contract and tighten around the penis inside. As she did, she felt and watched as the now ballooning knot slipped through her nearly virgin entrance. The two were now tied together, and she felt as the male above her began to drool on her shoulder. And as if the drool and his seed were working on a clock, she felt jets of hot and sticky semen began shooting into her womb, quickly filling her passageway. The workout, in addition to the weight of the male on top of her caused her roll on to her side, her newly found mate rolling right along with her, into a more comfortable position on the floor. As the endorphins and ecstasy of the whole situation began to wear off, the more human and logical side of her brain seemed to make a return appearance. "Alright, you're not going anywhere for a while big boy, so how bout we start to answer some of those questions?" "Why not?" He yawned. "At the very least I think I deserve to know a name. I figure if I am going to be the mother to your children than at a minimum I deserve a name." "It's Darien" he said, stretching around in order to get into a more comfortable position. "So Darien, do you have any idea why you and I are right here right now?" "That's a loaded question isn't it?" his tail wagging back and forth playfully. "You know what I mean" Jennifer sighed. "Well, if you're wondering why you're in this prison cell, I can only imagine it's because you didn't reach the 'performance requirements' up above. You see it all the time, folks who don't pay their bills on time, folks who don't meet the minimum requirements, you name it they'll find a reason to throw them down here. As for why you're spotting such a lovely fur coat," his hand wandering across her body, rubbing it along her belly and chest "That's a bit more complicated. As far as they've been willing to tell me, it's all got to do with population control. You're aware of the breeding policy?" "Yes, that in order to be allowed to breed, a couple must submit a request to the council to have children or even sex. It is to help keep the population in check with such limited resources." She responded in an almost academic tone. "Yeah, about that, it would seem that as a surprise to everyone on the council that people don't often listen to those request about telling the council what they are up to. As a result, the council thought of this clever way to not only restore the local wild life populations, but keep the overall population of the Domes in check. The result is what has happened to your right now. The 'Lower Performing' workers are pulled away and turned into things that are no longer human. They are used to breed for wildlife and food for the rest of the population. You appear to be one of the lucky ones who gets to breed for the rest of your days." Jennifer's brain reeled at the thought that not only was she now stuck like this, but that the people she had come to know and trust did it with such little care and consideration. "What about my family? What about my Dad, will I ever get to see him again?" "Afraid not" Darien said in a cold manner "Once people are inducted into this little breeding program, they are forbidden from ever seeing any previous contact that they may have had. This is the systems way of keeping this whole project under wraps, to make everyone believe that the Domes above are in perfect working order with a completely disciplined society." "That's sick..." "Yeah, I'm not exactly the one who gets to make all the rules or call all the shots, so don't worry about me disagreeing with that position. What I do know is that there is very little that can be done about the whole arrangement. Doctor Siricoff, the tall kind of anti social guy, can explain what's going on in more detail." "I don't think I want to have any conversation with that man." She said, her nose tilting a bit upwards. "He really does mean well, he's just not good at the whole social interaction thing. He figured the best way to treat you would be as a number, that way it never gets to personal. Speaking of which, what is your name? I feel like it would be terribly impersonal of me to call you 56687." "It's Jennifer, but my friends call me Jenny." "Well Jenny, I wouldn't worry too much about what's going on, it's a pretty care free life for most breeders. You get all of your food brought to you; you don't have to do much work, complete medical care, the works. Once they trust you enough, they'll probably let you out of this cramped cage." "How long have you been here Darien?" "This would make my 5th year here in the underground; they found me trying to give rations to the RadioHeads on the outside of the dome and figured it best to lock me up for it." "Radioheads!? I thought they were just an urbane legend to keep kids from going outside the Dome?" "Oh no, Radioheads are real people, the poor folks have almost no food, no shelter, nothing. They just hang around the dome in hopes that some of the garbage or waste is useable. Some friends and I used to bring them part of our ration supply every month, it seemed like the most human thing to do," He said with a sad sort of chuckle. "Is it true what they say about their skin? Is it really all flaky and nasty?" "I must admit, that quite a few of them were in less than pretty shape. You have to understand though; they have been living out in the harsh conditions outside the dome for upwards of 3 centuries now. You'd be pretty nasty if you lived out there like that too." The two fox's conversation continued for some time, exchanging stories of where they had grown up, their friends, family, everything. Jennifer finally began to feel as Darien's Knot began to soften up a bit, as he pulled himself out of her. "Hey Look, Jenny, I'm going to go get some food and have Dr. Siricott check on you. I'll probably be back later once he's done doing whatever it is he's going to do." Jennifer nodded politely, hopping back up on the bed, and staring the ceiling of the cell. "In the mean time, read this to keep yourself from getting to bored." He said, as he threw a small book onto the bed. Jennifer quickly grabbed the piece of literature, examining the title. "Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith? Isn't that banned?" "Well of course it's banned in the Dome, but you can get your hands on all kind of literature down here that you wouldn't have a chance of finding on the surface. If you get a chance to check out the Library later, you should get yourself a copy of a few books by a guy named Orwell, great reads!" He said, quickly trotting off down the hall. Jennifer cracked open the new book, if nothing else it would keep her distracted from the fact that all she had was a small cell and a bed. She began to flip through a few of the pages, simply skimming along the surface before her reading session was interrupted by someone knocking on the cage bars. It was Dr. Siricott, in his hands was a small clipboard. "Hello #56687, according to our schedule, it is time for you to report for a complete examination." (To Be Continued(
Desperate Times and Desperate Measures 2 by naturescall
[ "Breeding", "Fox", "Heat", "Semi NC", "Tie", "Transformation", "Vixen" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 54, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 146, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 95 }
Jen was a good looking teen, and fairly popular for how timid she was. Unfortunately she was just becoming accustomed to being flat chested, when suddenly she started to grow. Apparently she was a very late bloomer. It was not like she had not wondered what big breasts would be like...being a timid person she also wasn't a fan of the attention it would likely bring. She also was not particularly flirty. She was adopted so she had no blood relatives to go off of to determine just how big she might get, and she went from totally flat to a C cup in only a few months. The average being a cup size a year...that was a pretty steep growth curve, so she was understandably a little nervous. She normally took a city bus home but one day she completely missed it by falling asleep on the bench! Sure the other people there probably should have woken her up- but they didn't. It was in the middle of a heat wave so she had been having a really hard time getting to sleep in the muggy heat, so when she sat down on the shaded bench to wait for the bus she completely fell asleep right away. By the time she woke up the bus was already gone by almost a half hour. Jen took out her phone and tried to call her father but for some reason there was zero reception there. That was weird...it was a very busy populated area, how could there be no signal here? It wasn't just a bad signal, it was zero signal, as if something was actively locking her phone. She grumbled at the moisture under her arms, the sun shifted and took away the shade which was actually what woke her up- she was starting to cook again. She started to wander toward her house...it would be a very long walk but she couldn't think of a better plan at the moment. At least till her phone picked up a signal again. Jen took a band she was wearing around her wrist and used it to bind her wavy dark brown hair up, trying to get it off her back to alleviate some heat. Her cyan eyes quickly spotted a mini arcade as she walked by fixing her hair. That was something you did not see these days. It had a few arcade cabinets and several crane machines and capsule machines as well. The place was tiny and had an open front, it almost looked like someone converted a storage garage into an arcade. Jen hesitated a bit, sort of tempted to look a bit closer but not while she was in this situation. When she glanced in though, she noticed something else bizarre. The owner sat with one leg on and one hanging off, of one of the arcade cabinets. Everyone else there seemed to glance at her every chance they got, because what a sight she was. Wearing pink shades and a tanuki hoodie with the hood left loose and the front open, her thin black top under that was stretched to the point it would probably explode if something pointy even touched it. There was no way those were real, absolutely no way. It looked like she jammed two small beach balls in her shirt! Each boob was bigger than her head twice over! The stretched collar of her shirt revealed enough cleavage that her drink was nestled firmly in it, and she was drinking from the straw out of her own cleavage without using her hands at all. She seemed like some freak-show hanging out at the arcade, but she occasionally asked people if they were having fun or not, and even gave a free quarter to some people- she is the owner of the place. Like a shark smelling blood in the water, the woman immediately spotted the stunned Jen and struck quickly. Jen tried to look away and leave but the woman was too quick- introducing herself as Jess. When Jen mentioned she was in a bit of trouble and didn't have time Jess only told her that was the best time to game! Play something to get her mind off her troubles so she can look at it from a better perspective. Jen just brushed off the suggestion quickly, stating it was 2018- no one carried physical money on them anymore, she didn't have any quarters and thus couldn't play any of the games anyway. Jess grinned, reaching into her long cleavage with a hand to pull out a shiny quarter and hand it to Jen. One game, on the house. Jen was again a bit stunned, having glimpsed the cleavage and it certainly all looked like skin...gigantic implants then? The quarter was hot to the touch from being in there, which made Jen stutter on her words and blush as Jess practically slid her across the floor into the shade of the arcade. Jen blushed anew when she seen the title of the cabinet was 'Ushi Samurai', and given the owners figure, Jen could make pretty accurate assumptions on the nature of the game, or at least its protagonist. Jen really wanted to just get out of there, finding the gigantic assets of the owner oddly intimidating. Jess was quite tall as well, so if she turned quickly she could potentially smash Jen right in the face with her tits and knock her out. Jen just looked around quickly for the fastest game to play and pointed to it right away. Only one quarter so once she played she could just leave. She pointed to the capsule machine. Put the quarter in, get a capsule and leave- wasn't anything quicker and easier than that. It was in the opposite corner as Ushi Samurai and the least lit area, so it had up till now received very little attention and was almost completely full of prizes still. It was weird- there must have been something odd with the glass because Jen could not focus enough on any of the capsules seen within to properly tell what they contained. Jess stood back a bit, with arms crossed and a smile on her face eager to see what Jen wins. Because there was so little room on her torso, crossing her arms heaved her tits even higher and tilted her drink at a dangerous angle- and was probably the reason she was turned to the side to watch Jen. Looking forward, her breasts were literally blocking her view. Jen turned the crank and after a few moments a star lit up over the prize slot, then another and then another. Once all three gold stars lit up ranking her prize, the capsule appeared. It was...a tiny boob? Jen lowered her brows and blushed again. Was everything here secretly breast themed? Jess looked surprised and a bit nervous. Jen popped it open to look it over, realizing it must be a stress ball from the feel of it. Maybe she could use this little trinket after all. She gave the small boob a squeeze, smiling just a little and then squeezed it hard. When she felt skin on skin though, she quickly opened her hand to see it vanished! She...somehow squeezed it out of existence. Again, Jen hushed up and looked puzzled as Jess took her by the shoulders and sort of just slid her across the floor and into a back door practically hidden behind arcade machines. Jess sat behind a desk and Jen in front of it. Jess explained that a lot of the prizes in that machine were magical, knowing so few people would use it anyway. The same magic that gave Jess her huge boobs would also be given to Jen! Jen wanted to pass it off as the rantings of a lunatic shop owner, but her body was feeling really weird, making her afraid the woman had drugged her maybe...somehow. Her chest was feeling hot and she panted from the heat, also feeling light headed. Jess could taste the uncertainty in her words, leaning forward causing her breasts to already rest their weight on the desk. She slipped her stretchy top up and over them before Jen could say a thing, revealing the giant masses in full! Without the top to hold them up and together they squished out a bit from their weight and softness but did still remain quite round. Even her nipples and areola were big! There was no scar, even as she leaned back a bit and Jen could see the lower curves there was no visible markings for implants, and implants would also not be able to squish and wobble like these do. Somehow they were real! The stress ball thing did vanish into her hand...oh gods, maybe she isn't a lunatic! But that also meant Jen would get overinflated fat bags too! And she was still growing her own breasts and becoming big herself. What if the two somehow overlapped to make her into a complete freak?! Jen jumped a bit when she noticed the huge mountains rotating and realized Jess was moving around the table to her and held her shoulders again, incidentally preventing her from bolting out of the building. Jess had a comforting smile, telling Jen it would be fine. She had nothing to worry about, breasts were pleasurable and fun. Sure they were hard work dealing with, especially when they are large, but it was worth the trouble. Jess's exposed breasts started to consume Jen into the cleavage as her face heated up in embarrassment and tried to move away, but was stuck between desk and breasts. Doing it just to get her literally off Jen's back, Jen turned in her seat as much as she could manage and touched the breasts lightly with her hands. Jess hummed in pleasure from the touch. Jen was sort of mesmerized, poking them a bit with her fingers to see how soft they were- trying to find some hint they were actually fake, but again could not find anything. They were very soft and wobbled like soft rubber. The thick stubby nipples hardened from the touches. Jen started to gently rub her open hands on them, feeling the smoothness of the skin unintentionally, as if she was being hypnotized by the prodigious masses. Jess continued to smile, restraining her actions knowing Jen was a bit skittish about all this and not wanting to frighten her. Because of this, she did not say anything when she felt Jen's clothed breasts touch her own from below- having grown out into Ds. Jen squirmed a bit as her breasts became DDs and her bra started to pinch. She quickly snapped out of her trance of hefting the giant masses before her and looked down at her own with a sharp gasp! Jess told her it was ok. Jen tried to get up and flee but stumbled over the chair and just fell over onto the floor. Jess was quick to try to help her up but moaned in pleasure when her bare nipples touched the cool floor tiles of the office, and only half knowingly paused there, pinning Jen down with her giant boobs! Jess' breasts reached her long before her arms could. Jess told her to at least look at her breasts and feel them before forming any opinions. Confused, worried and a bit horny Jen did remove her top and bra. The bra was starting to hurt her more than help anyway so she was glad to get that off. Her breasts were really big now! Not Jess kind of big, but big for a normal human. Her dark nipples stood prominently out, forced to full erection from the pressure of growth inside. Jess grinned and shoved her breasts down onto Jen's and the two soft masses created an impossibly pillowy feeling between them and Jen unintentionally let out a moan of her own. Jess started to roll her huge breasts around on top of hers and felt tiny little surges of growth as the smaller set started to grow to compete. Her breasts swelled larger and larger, slow but steady. Even if she escaped being pinned by breasts, she couldn't fit her top back on without forcibly stretching it out completely. Jess had to lean back more and more as the formerly small breasts pushed back, smushing out against the equally soft resisting surface. Jen was having a hard time breathing now from under all the weight, squirming around and managed to pop her breasts out from under Jess, since both were slick now from sweat from internal heat. She swung them back down to swat Jess' breasts and then squirmed out from under. When she stood she had to use the corner of the desk as help and almost staggered forward, yanked by her boobs. They were almost as big as Jess' already! She could not stand up straight now, the corner of the desk was now eclipsed by breasts bigger than Jess'. The growth seemed to stop, though the breasts wobbled quite a bit as if fighting back. Jen wobbled a bit on her footing as well, her breasts were as heavy as the entire rest of her body each so when they swayed they forced the rest of her to sway with them instead of the other way around. Jess could tell she was concentrating, trying to fight the growth and pleasure. Beads of sweat formed and traced the curve of her face and breasts alike. As soon as the desk gave out, so did Jen's resolve from the shock and her breasts filled the gap of concentration with a huge surge of growth. Jess had to back herself into a corner to give the girl room as the desk completely exploded apart entirely from the breasts that now matched it in size, still growing. Jen was yanked forward by the growing weight and then bounced a step back off the soft rubbery surface as they were running out of space to grow in! The office was very small to begin with, and she now filled the vast majority of it. Her panties dripped below the short veil of her skirt as the pleasure rippled through her. She could not form words, trapped between moans and gasps for air. The entire room was heated against the air conditioning by the warmth radiating off all the tit flesh. Jess' breasts pressed into hers as their nipples jousted each other simply because there was not enough room to avoid it. The breasts pressed harder and harder into each other and Jen was forced into the opposite corner. She couldn't fit through the doorway to leave even if she could lift her tits off the floor, but worse still- they were so large no one else could open the door either because the breast flesh formed a wall across the door completely blocking it. Her moans became higher pitched with worry and ever increasing arousal as the entire room was filled with her bloating form. She was pinned against the wall by soft flesh, completely immobilizing her, and then starting to crush her. It was hard to breath! Her breasts were crushing both women in the room! Jess knew how to deal though, and listened to her moans to time it right, before heaving herself up dragging her rigid nipples and fat flesh across the huge breasts, forcing an even sharper surge of pleasure through them and causing Jen to orgasm violently. Once she stopped shaking like a leaf from the orgasm she realized the growth stopped. Having an orgasm cleared her thoughts and dulled the pleasure enough for the growing to be stopped. After a few long moments of trying and failing to catch her breath with her boobs squeezing the life out of her torso, there was an odd electronic fizzling sound and in an instant her breasts seemed to glitch out of existence, revealing her old breasts in their place! Both Jen and Jess collapsed onto their hands and knees finally catching their breath, and surveying the damage. The desk was smashed into several pieces and smushed up against the wall, a fake plant that was pressed flat against another wall, and a filing cabinet Jess was forced to stand on top of that was now quite deformed- the inward facing corner crushed flat. Jen was going to tell her she didn't want any growth at all, but before she said anything she appeared back on her doorstep at home. Well...at least Jess fixed the problem of getting home. As long as her grades remained decent, Jen's parents did not ask many questions, so they did not even ask where she had been when she came home just after dinner. Jen was a bit spaced out, having a hard time thinking about anything other than what had happened. She did not know what to think of Jess, she seemed off the rails but her smile seemed so...genuine. She seemed friendly and kind but good lord her breasts were insane. And she nearly crushed Jen to death under the pressure of her own gigantic mutant tits! Did Jess actually think Jen wanted to have boobs so big they filled entire rooms?! How on earth would anyone even live like that, she couldn't move a muscle! Under normal situations, Jen would think an arcade is pretty cool and probably would have liked to look around in it. Not only was she already agitated from her predicament, Jess' figure was intimidating and the whole situation that followed was crazy. When Jen was brushing her teeth before going to sleep, she couldn't help but imagine Jess' mile-long cleavage as if it were on Jen's own reflection. She blushed a bit, rolling onto her heels and then back again causing her breasts to bounce in her night shirt. She thought she was growing big really quickly already- it certainly did not seem like anything compared to earlier today. But that was crazy...that was not normal, she couldn't let that influence her judgment. This was the normal, real world, she had to judge them according to that. She gasped softly as she realized how hard her nipples had become, and her heart jumped in fear of what Jess said. The spell that grew her before was still active right now- if she let her mind wander too much she might actually start growing. Jen shook her head trying to get her thoughts out of the gutter. No. These were fine. Earlier she was a bit worried about her growing boobs already, but they were fine, she was perfect as she is. With a nod to herself she finished brushing and went to sleep. As usual she woke very slowly in the morning, moaning at the sensation of her erect nipples jabbing into the cool bed sheets of the air-conditioned bedroom. She arched her back dragging them along the sheet, bending the rigid flesh of the stiff nubs felt so good. Her own sharp cry of pleasure snapped her fully awake and her face lit up bright red as she sat up and gawked at herself. Her nipples were not going down any time soon, and her breasts looked a bit puffier than normal...that was close, she almost started to bloat up. She ate breakfast and hurried off to school, meeting up with her friend Becca. In class, Jen kept finding her mind wandering back to the day before. It felt so good and so crazy! It was cheating! Of coarse she was going to think about that, how could she not? That didn't mean she could live with tits like that, they were too damn big. Becca even caught her glancing her way, though Jen looked away quickly back to her books. Jen blushed as she realized she had been drawing circles with her pencil without realizing, which looked like boobs. Becca had such big breasts herself. Almost G cups. She was already pretty big when they first met years ago, and they grew along with the rest of her body so the growth seemed a lot less extreme. Jen wondered how she felt about her big boobs? She used to make fun of Jen and call her washboard- till she realized Jen was actually a bit irritated by it. Then when Jen started to grow her own rapidly she suddenly did not mind being 'washboard'. Now she didn't know what to think! She looked down in shock as she felt the fabric of her shirt shifting against her nipples! Still erect, her nipples dragged on the inside of her shirt because her breasts were swelling up! She quickly caught it and stopped but they were already a full cup size larger. She wasn't wearing a bra thanks to leaving hers discarded at the arcade yesterday, she was in a hurry to get ready in the morning and forgot she left it- so she bolted with no bra at all. It wasn't really that big of an issue normally unless she planned on doing a lot of running, but now that she has grown her nipples were very obvious against her shirt! She glanced around subtly to see if anyone else noticed, and most people hadn't- except for the two most important people. Becca had seen, and it looks like Dan did as well. Jen had a crush on Dan for a while and had been using Becca to low-key spy on him for her. He sat two seats over on her left while Becca was in the seat immediately to her right. In an attempt to evade questioning, Jen bolted quickly from the class as soon as it ended and straight to the bathroom. There was only one other person and they were in a stall at the time, so Jen examined herself in the mirror, tenderly prodding a breast with her index to confirm she wasn't just hallucinating. Yup, definitely bigger. More pleasure too...even before the growth spawned more pleasure sensor nerves, the existing nerves got stretched and became more receptive. She pushed in on her rigid nipples trying to force the blood out of them, but only moaned quietly from the feeling. Without consciously thinking she grabbed them between index and thumb through her shirt and rolled them, sending sharp pleasure rippling through her chest- masking the fact they were growing again. Because of the movement and pleasure she did not notice them filling out more and more till the bottom of her shirt started to move up her torso from lack of room in it! Her boobs were holding her shirt so far off her it looked two sizes too small for her! She let go suddenly and stepped back in shock, causing them to bounce and wobble to a stop. And from her position a bit back from the mirror, she caught Becca in her peripheral vision! She seen all that! Jen sighed and told Becca all about what happened at the arcade the other day, even after the bell rang for classes to begin again they remained in the bathroom talking. Becca moved close, pressing her own breasts into Jen's lightly to compare their sizes out of curiosity, unaware of the effect it would have. A small wave of lightheadedness came over Jen as she had flashbacks from the day before as soon as she felt boob on boob again. She gasped as her breasts jostled a bit without being touched, and then ever so slightly fattened a bit before she was able to restrain it again. Jen told her the growth was making her a little crazy, and it was probably best she bail on school entirely today. Jess said it was only for one day and she would make the size permanent at the end of the day- so Jen just needed to keep as small as she could for one day. School was too boring- it practically forced her mind to wander elsewhere and right now that immediately put it in the gutter. Becca was fine with that and said she would help her slip out- they could chill out at her place till it was time to go to the arcade. As soon as they stepped out into the hall though, there was Dan. They both turned at the sound of Jen moaning, just in time to see her swell another cup size right there! Oh no, she was glad Dan was talking to her but Becca associating him paying attention to her because of her boobs caused her to subconsciously grow them again to keep him hooked. Dan offered to help her sneak out as well. Becca was against it but Jen was very happy to have him with her. Even if he only liked her for the big tits, she could enjoy having him strung along for now at least. Even when he looked forward she could tell he was struggling to not stare at her, and that turned her on. She sweat from struggling against the growth trying to push her larger. Her breasts would jostle around on their own every so often from abruptly stopped growth. They were heading down a barely used wing of the school to on of the back doors, since leaving through the front was way too risky. Jen glanced down and seen the bulge in Dan's pants and was dizzy and lightheaded a moment causing her to pause. Her breasts suddenly surged in size causing her to fall forward from the sudden weight and both Dan and Becca caught her arm on either side to keep her up, but were nearly dragged down with her! Becca was about to yank her shirt off to save her from being crushed in it but then glared at Dan and hesitated. Jen knew it was pointless either way- it was stretched so tight the only way she could get it off was being cut out of it. The huge weight now posed a very big problem as well...how could they sneak out of school when she could barely walk. Dan asked her if she was ok, clearly quite concerned and asked if he could help in any way, but Jen didn't know how she could be saved at this point. She was just glad Dan was there. His concern and concealed arousal was so hot! And her close big boobed friend on her other side to comfort her. How could she be so worried when she was in such good company? Her shirt groaned as a few more threads snapped. Stupid little shirt. It could not contain her breasts. Most shirts couldn't by now probably. Her boobs were bigger, stronger than any shirts! Still more threads snapped, the edges squeezed into the soft masses of her breasts so tightly even the bumps on her areola were visible through the fabric, and her flesh spilled over the gaps like a baking muffin- threatening to consume the top if it did not break. Her heart raced and she was completely lost in the moment, temporarily forgetting she was trying to resist the growth and instead encouraged her breasts to show this shirt who was boss! Another snapped thread caused the fabric to shift across her nipples which fired sharp pleasure through her soft masses, causing her to gasp and arch her back. That was more than enough for the shirt- as soon as she moved the shirt absolutely exploded into several shredded segments each fired in a different direction by the elastic flesh. Without any clothes to contain them they flopped down low enough to land in her lap as she stumbled to her knees- even her two friends unable to support her added weight now. On her knees her breasts covered her lap completely and she could feel the coolness of the floor on their hot undersides. Her cleavage was so sweaty from the built up heat, making the flesh slick and shiny. Her face was bright red, there was two friends staring at her! Her tits were out in the open! Anyone at all could enter the hallway and see her at any moment! She should be so embarrassed, so afraid. So why wasn't she? Her heart raced, but she wanted Dan to grab them and squeeze her fat flesh between his fingers! She wanted Becca to mash her tits into hers! With what little concentration she had left, she realized maybe that was actually what the solution was. To stop the growth yesterday Jess forced her to orgasm. Becca stood up straight again, ready to leave but Jen silently grabbed her by the wrist. Becca was acting rather aggressively to Dan, even though she is well aware Jen likes him. Jealously? Jen gasped as her breasts surged a bit larger when she noticed Becca's nipples were erect too! It wasn't about sharing attention with someone, Becca secretly had a crush on Jen! She was subconsciously trying to sabotage Dan's chances with her because she wanted Jen herself. This whole thing was even more insane than yesterday! Dan was taking his dick out for her and she was growing toward the same size as yesterday only now she was in the middle of a hallway in school in the middle of the day! If someone went to the bathroom she was done for. And what if an orgasm only stopped the growth? If it didn't undo the changes she was still immobilized in the hallway by giga tits! As soon as class was let out she would be spotted immediately. Very few people used this particular hall but still...this was hard to miss. Still holding Becca still by her wrist, Jen placed her hand against her giant left boob and released her. Becca wasn't sure about this at all- though if Dan was not present she probably would have nosedived into the cleavage without a second thought and never be seen again. The nipples and areola were giant by now too, so Becca got down onto her own knees and grabbed either nipple with her arms held out and started to rotate them with a firm grip, rolling the entire fronts of the breasts around causing Jen to moan as Dan got into position behind her. At this point everything was to far disconnected from what reality normally was Dan didn't even care that his dick was out in school. Who could blame him from taking this chance? She literally unzipped him herself- Jen wanted this, and she was a nice person, and currently had the biggest tits in the world. At least for the moment, this seemed more than worth a few years in jail for indecent exposure. As soon as he slid in Jen's moans got a lot louder and sharper. He thrust powerfully into her and her breasts surged in size with the pleasure! It was starting to look like having sex was a bad idea...but felt too much like a good idea. Her boobs rocked forward and back with their thrusts. Becca couldn't even see Dan over the huge boobs as she got the huge fat nipple into her mouth and started sucking. The nipples were too far apart for her to tend to both of them now. The breasts were each a bit bigger than Jen's entire body now and smooshed out across the floor to fill almost the entire width of the hall! Was she as big as yesterday? It was hard to tell because yesterday she was in a significantly smaller space. Jen was forced to rest into her cleavage as her sweat slick breasts rose higher and rounder. Becca had to squirm back and part of the nipple popped out of her mouth, now too large to keep fully inside, and the wall of flesh advanced toward her still. The breasts became too big for Jen to be down like that and she was forced to stand and bend over into her cleavage again from a much higher angle as Dan continued to thrust into her. The ripples of pleasure shot through her body in jolts, but once they reached her breasts the pleasure seemed to explode outward in large, slow waves, dragging small surges of pressure along with them that bloated her huge spheres bigger. Fully standing her breasts both sat fully on the floor, and exceeded her in height! The sides were pressed firmly into either wall and both Jen and Becca had to step back several times as the flesh ballooned forward and backward in the hall! There was so much heat radiating off the ever growing bust that it triggered the sprinkler system on the roof! The fire alarm went off nearly giving the three of them heart attacks! No one came out of the rooms though, oddly. The cool water came down like a heavy rain from the sprinklers in the roof and cooled the giant hot masses, pooling in her cleavage and then cascading off in a river. Now soaked and horny as hell Becca disregarded any caution she still had and shoved a hand down her skirt and panties to dig into her meaty pussy aggressively as she worked the huge tit. The areola was wider than her entire head now! She grabbed the flesh firmly and dug her fingers in so deep her hand almost vanished into the soft bloated skin. The flesh was so smooth and slick from the water it bounced back out of her grip and she fell forward into a wall of flesh. The water wasn't even spraying outwards anymore because the breasts touched the roof now! As Becca tried to stand up off the breast again the rigid nipple brushed her stomach. Her eyes flashed wide a moment with inspiration and she yanked her skirt completely off along with her panties and laid on the floor, thrusting her hip up into the nipple! When Dan thrust his cock into Jen, she rolled forward, causing her breasts to roll forward and the nipple to slam into Becca's pussy, nipple-fucking her! Jen's breathing was becoming dangerously rapid as she continued to have to back up farther down the hall. She was completely filling it! The cheap roofing started to crack and break up and even the much sturdier walls were starting to bend outward slightly from the pressure! She was right about her breasts not being able to be contained- but that went farther than just a shirt. She was outgrowing the building as well! Nothing could contain these breasts! Whenever she was thrust forward or pulled back she groaned in pleasure as the walls, roof, and floor all tugged on her fat bloated flesh- unable to actually move because of pressure. The water still escaped from her cleavage on either side of the breasts upper curve, cascading cool refreshing water over her to try to quell the heat within. Because of the angle Becca was going at, the flesh started to roll over her as it expanded, pushing her legs farther apart and pressing the nipple into her pussy even harder. She thrust and ground her cunt on her friends gargantuan breast even though her legs hurt and tingled from being spread so wide- the circulation being cut off. The flesh started to roll completely over her, beginning to trap her under the gigantic mounds as if the breasts were trying to consume her. They were surprised by a metallic bang and the lights suddenly flickering out in that section of the hall. Her boobs were growing through the roof which destroyed the wiring in it. Two doors covered by flesh ripped off their hinges as the fat bloated into the room through the doorways and the walls started to crack and break! She was actually outgrowing it! Her heart raced in excitement even as she told herself mentally that she should be very worried. Both sides of the hall exploded outward into the rooms on either side that were for some reason empty. The breasts sprung out sideways from the pressure release, exposing Becca long enough for her to slide back a bit on the water slick floor and take a breath before the flesh wobbled back forward and covered her again. The roof groaned and started to break as swollen tender flesh started to bubble up through the breaks in the floor above. When would this stop?! Dan staggered back exhausted from his own orgasm, but Jen only had several mini orgasms! She never had one powerful full orgasm like Jess gave her! It wasn't stopping, and Dan was now out of steam! The floor started to groan and sink now as well! She was outgrowing the entire building! She was going to destroy the entire school with her tits! It was so bad, so wrong but it felt so good! It felt great breaking things under her weight. Smashing things aside and breaking restraints with her boobs alone! Overgrowing everything completely containable! Her boobs would destroy them all at this rate! Suddenly everything seemed to distort like a digital image that did not load properly. In a flicker Jen found herself once again perfectly normal- in the office of the arcade! Jess was blushing as she waved a hand in front of Jen to see if she was fully conscious. Jen remained stunned stiff, gasping for breath there for several moments on the floor. A year later, and two full cup sizes lager, Jen jumped up and down as she beat another stage in Ushi Samurai. Her jumps caused her G cup breasts to bounce and wobble within her cow print hoodie. The main character in Ushi Samurai was a cowgirl in...sparse samurai armour, using a naginata as a weapon. As she attacked a bar filled and every quarter the bar was filled she would wince and grow her already big boobs larger- once the bar was full she could empty it to return to her base size and fire two streams of milk across the screen dealing heavy damage repeatedly for the duration. It was a pretty well animated sidescroller. Jen used to think Jess was a perv for having this sort of boob related stuff subtly all over her arcade but...she understood now. When you experience breasts like that...it sort of sticks with you. Fond memories and a crazy experience.
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 352, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence" ], "score": 128 }
*This is a lesbian version of the story Accidents Will Happen -- The Great Art Gallery Robbery As always, your constructive comments are welcome.* *Accidents Will Happen, "How The Butterfly Tamed The Wildcat" "TURN IT OFF! Jerri, TURN IT OFF!" Mandy said as the butterfly vibrator went into maximum vibration mode sending jolt after jolt of pleasure to her clit. Jerri and Mandy had known each other since college. To split their expenses, they had shared an apartment together while they were in college but their relationship had always been platonic. After college, it just seemed financially convenient to continue to share the apartment while they both worked various jobs trying to pay off their considerable student loan debt. Despite the fact that they had been living together five years after they graduated, their relationship was still platonic and they were close but good friends. Each had dated other people never seeming to find anyone they liked enough for more than a one-night stand. Neither wanted to jeopardize their friendship by becoming intimate, not that each had not thought about it. Mandy, whose face was average in appearance, had long blond hair, a very shapely ass and nice firm breasts that would have made a Playboy Bunny envious. They definitely got Jerri's attention whenever she was not wearing a bra. Which was usually most of the time she was not working. Jerri had a slightly better than average face, but the average body of a woman who worked in an office all the time and never seemed to have enough time to work out. Jerri was not overweight; she was just too unremarkable in any way except one; she had the most beautiful brown eyes that when a woman noticed them she became lost in them. They had both come to value the other's friendship too much to jeopardize it. Each was afraid that if they became intimate it would be the end of their relationship. As time progressed, both Jerri and Mandy were silently aware that it was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain their ever growing attraction to each other. One day, after an especially bad day at work, Jerri walked into the apartment and flopped down on her favorite chair. Her face was fuming with anger. Mandy, who had the day off from her job as a software programmer for a local bank, was sitting on the couch reading a book. She looked up at Jerri worried. Mandy had never seen the usually calm Jerri this angry before so she asked, "What's the matter, Jerri?" "Those sonf-a-bitchs are outsourcing the Database Team, and after that the Desktop Support Team. It wont be long before someone figures out how to outsource Network Administration." Being a well-paid Network Administrator, the last part was sure to leave Jerri without a job. Mandy thought about it for a minute and then, putting down the book she had been reading, said to Jerri, "Look Jerri, why don't we go into business together? I'm tired of working for other people and watching them get rich off of my hard work. I'll bet we've got enough money between the two of us. What do you think?" Both of them had finished paying off their student loan debts about two years ago and they had been banking every spare penny they made in anticipation of settling down someday. Jerri thought about it for a couple of seconds; then said, "Sure, why not!" Between the two of them, they had accumulated quite a sum of money. And so, for a couple of weeks each independently searched the Internet looking for a business model that they could both afford but would have a good chance of succeeding. Finally, one afternoon, they sat down together to discuss what they had discovered. They looked at each other hesitantly; then, almost in unison they both said, "Let's go into the sex toy business." They laughed at having come up with the same idea. They were both pleasantly surprised and happy that neither was shocked at the other's idea. But after all, how could either of them be shocked? They both had the same idea. And so they decided to become entrepreneurs in the sex toy business. They spent the next two months occupied with the tasks of finding a store to rent, buying advertisements, setting up a website, and ordering stock, plus a myriad of other tasks that starting a new business requires. It was a Friday night and they were working late unpacking, stocking and placing on displays a huge selection of assorted dildos, vibrators, adult DVD's and other items to numerous to mention. While neither said anything to the other, they were each intrigued by the sheer variety and potential uses for the erotic merchandise they were handling. Being surrounded by all that erotic material only served to remind them that it had been quite some time since they had shared the intimacy of another person. And so, as the night progressed, they were each becoming very horny. Jerri had just finished stocking one of the DVD racks and was hoping Mandy would not notice how erect her nipples had been for the past several hours when Jerri heard a truck pull up in the alley leading to the back door of their store. She turned to Mandy and said, "Nobody delivers this late." Mandy, placed another DVD on a shelf, turned to Jerri and said, "Maybe it's the garbage pickup, they run about this time don't they?" "Damn, you're right! I completely forgot. Help me get these empty boxes out back before they pull off or the damn things will be in our way all weekend, will you?" Jerri exclaimed. She put down a rabbit vibrator, grabbed a hand full of the flattened boxes, and followed Jerri into the back of the store. When they got there, they did not find a garbage truck as they had expected. Instead, parked, its rolling back door open was what appeared to be a medium sized rental truck. "Turn around slowly and don't do anything stupid!" They heard a man's voice say from behind them. When they did, they saw a man and woman standing in the corner of the alley near the door through which they had just come. The strangers were both dressed in white overalls similar to those used by a local moving company. Each stranger also was wearing a cheap plastic Lone Ranger masks on their faces. The masks were similar to those you might buy for Halloween. But most importantly, the strangers were holding pistols aimed directly at Jerri and Mandy. The woman was holding a canvas bag similar to that used by carpenters to carry their tools. "Walk inside, both of you and don't say a word." the man told them pointing his pistol in the direction of the door. After they were all inside the man closed the door behind them. "OK, here's the way its going to be, we are going to help ourselves to some of the paintings that the art store next door has been kind enough to collect for us so we are going to be here for a couple of hours. Behave yourselves and nobody will get hurt; don't, and well, I think you get the picture." he said aiming her pistol directly at Jerri's head. His companion had set the canvas bag down and was walking around the store while the male robber was talking to them. "Over here Mr. Black! This will do fine." the voluptious felon said and then she walked over to cover them while her companion walked into the storage room. He looked around the store room, then said to her, "Yup, Mrs. White, this is perfect. OK, bring them in here." Somehow, Jerri suspected the Mr. Black and Mrs. White were not their real names. Mrs. White picked up her bang, pointed in the direction of the store room with her pistol, said "Move it!" and then followed Jerri and Mandy as they walked into the closet. She then opened the bag and lay several links of chain and several combination locks onto the carpeted floor. Then she turned to Mandy and Jerri and said, "The art gallery next door has kindly collected some rather kinky paintings for us. Wasn't that so kind of them? " Mr. Black chuckled. She continued, "We can't have you nice people calling the police while we are next door helping removing their excess inventory; it would just spoil our night. And, we are going to be too busy to watch you." Mandy looked at Jerri with terror on her face as the female stranger continued, "Don't worry, play nice and we won't hurt you. We are just going to leave you here tied up while we work." "When we leave we will give you the keys to the locks, but it will take you a while to get free. Now, just so you wont be in a big hurry to escape and run to the nearest phone, strip!" she said to them. Mandy looked at the busty felon and said indignantly, "No fucking way BITCH!" Mifted, the the woman simply looked Mandy straight in the eyes and said, "You've got quite a mouth on you haven't you? Especially for someone looking at the business end of a weapon. We'll, I guess I'll just have to come up with a way to keep you busy while we are next door. Now I'm only going to say this one more time," she paused, then continued, "Strip! PLEASE!" And with that she aimed her weapon directly at Mandy's face. "Oh, yeah, take everything off." Jerri and Mandy stood there in shock. "Of course, if you wish, I am sure Mr. Black will be glad to help you." She said smiling. Mandy had taken off everything hoping no one would notice how wet the crotch of her baby-blue panties were. Jerri was down to her panties when she paused, hesitating. Mrs. White looked down at the large wet spot in the front of Jerri's panties and said, "Go ahead, as soaked as your girlfriend's panties are, I thing she's going to enjoy seeing it." Reluctantly, Jerri pulled down her pink panties exposing her glistening wet pussy to Mandy. Mandy stared at it for a few seconds and then turned away. "Cover them, all these nice toys have given me an idea." Mrs. White said to her partner in crime and left the room. She returned about a minute later with a package containing one of those strapn butterfly vibrators that have wireless remote controls, a couple of double " A " batteries and a roll of packing tape. Upon seeing what the full figured felon had in her hands, Mr. Black snickered and said to her companion, "Playing Matchmaker again?" "What can I say? I can't help myself Besides, I really don't like being called bitch." and with that, she put the batteries in the remote and pushed the power button causing it to make a humming sound as it vibrated in her hands. Apparently satisfied it worked she turned it off. Then she pulled off a piece of packing tape from the roll and folded it into a loop sticky side out. She took the piece of tape and stuck it to the back of the remote and then used the tape to secure the remote to the outside of the vibrator. After that, she handed it to Mandy and said to her, "Put it on!" "What the hell for?" Mandy asked her shocked. With a wicked grin on her face the female robber replied, "Maybe the experience of having this little butterfly on your pussy will teach you some manners; besides, I figure if you try too hard to wiggle out of your chains this will keep you busy. Now, PUT IT ON!" Reluctantly, Mandy slipped her legs through the elastic straps of the harness and pulled it up. Seeing that the butterfly vibrator was hanging inches too low, the female robber handed her pistol to her partner, and said to him "Hold this." She then grabbed the ends of the elastic straps and tugged hard on them tightening them which caused the vibrator to move upward. As it went up, the hook shaped soft rubber clit stimulator at the bottom of the vibrator slid right through Mandy's wet pussy lips lodging itself firmly between them and came to rest on the bottom of her clit. Mandy jerked in suprise as it made contact with her sensitive clit. "Comfy?" asked the female robber but received no response. Taking her pistol back from her partner she said to Jerri, "Now Honey, get down there on your back and keep your arms at your side." Jerri lay down on the six-foot long pieces of chain. There were five of them. Two pieces of chain were under the small of her back, one under her ankles, one just below her buttocks, and one was under her neck. The female robber took the chain under Jerri's ankles and wrapped it around them and secured it with a lock. Looking at Mandy, she said, "It's your turn Honey now, get face down on your girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend." Mandy said and started turning to lay on Jerri face first when she felt a pistol poking her in the ribs. "Oh no you don't, the other way!" she heard Mrs. White say. "You've got to be kidding!" Mandy said shocked and turned slightly to look at the female robber. "Do I look like I am kidding?", she responded this time poking Mandy's left nipple with her pistol. Mandy got on her hands and knees on top of Jerri with her pelvis over Jerri's stomach. "Nice try Honey! STOP WAISTING TIME AND DO IT RIGHT! YOU KNOW THE POSITION! NOW GET YOUR PUSSY OVER HER FACE!" she said impatiently. And so, Mandy found herself looking down at Jerri's soaking wet pussy with a butterfly vibrator strapped to her own clit and her wet pussy just inches away from Jerri's mouth. Pushing Mandy's back down until Mandy's tits were pressed against Jerri's stomach, Mrs. White secured the chains under the small of Jerri's back around both of them with one of the locks while leaving no more than an half of an inch of slack in the chain. She turned the chain so Jerri could reach the lock. Mrs. White then wrapped the chain under Jerri's neck around one of Mandy's ankles. Then she wrapped the other end around Mandy's other ankle, brought the end back under Jerri's neck, and locked the two ends together with one of the unused locks. After that, she wrapped one end of the remaining chain around Mandy's thigh just above the knee and locked it, then did the same thing to Mandy's other knee with the other end of the chain. Finally, she used the last chain, the one under Jerri's buttocks, to secure Mandy's wrists in a similar manner. While none of the chains were tight enough to cut off the flow of blood, they left almost no room for movement. She stood to admire her work. The whole time she had been binding them she kept the pistol in her hand, so both Jerri and Mandy were actually relieved when she was finished. Grabbing Jerri's pants and shirt, she rolled them up and placed them under Jerri's head pushing her face so close to Mandy's pussy that her nose almost touched it. She looked at Jerri and said, "Now isn't that a beautiful view of your girlfriend's warm wet pussy, Honey? Wouldn't you like to just lick it until she comes all over your face?" Mandy noticed Jerri's pelvis twitch toward her and Jerri's pussy became visibably wetter in response to the woman's words. Mandy couldn't resist saying, "I told you, she's not my girlfriend you bitch!" Once again angered, the sexy robber said, "One more word out of you and I will turn the vibrator on and leave it running.", and to emphasize her point, she reached under Mandy's pussy and pushed the power button on the vibrator. Instantly it started vibrating Mandy's clit sending jolt after jolt of pleasure to it. "OH GOD! STOP IT, TURN IT OFF!" Mandy pleaded. Mrs. White waited a few more seconds until Mandy's pussy started undulating involuntarily causing pussy juice to run down her thighs to turn it off. "Now not a peep out of either of you." said the female robber and then the two felons closed and exited the storage room. Mandy panted a few minutes and finally said angrily, "Damn it! I don't care what she says. I'm not going to just lay here like this." "I'm not sure that's a good idea Mandy; these chains are pretty tight." Jerri warned her. "Well, you're not the one whose got a fucking vibrator strapped to your pussy are you?" and with that she started trying to wiggle the chains loose. She tried rolling her hips but that didn't help. Next she decided to try to wiggle her ankles free by moving them in and out but that didn't work either. Then Mandy decided to try moving them up and down but when she pulled up with her ankles, she pulled Jerri's face right into her pussy. This resulted in Jerri's chin hitting the power button on the remote turning it on. "OHHHH GODDDD! TURN IT OFF! Jerri, TURN IT OFF!" and once again the machine started vibrating and sent jolt after jolt to her already swollen clit. "HOW?" Jerri asked her. "I DON'T CARE HOW! DO WHAT EVER YOU HAVE TO!" and then Mandy's pelvis began moving up and down and she said, "OHHH SHITTT!" Jerri tried to use her nose to hit the power button again but Mandy ground her pelvis once again downward. This caused Jerri's face to be buried right into Mandy's pussy. Suddenly Mandy jerked her pelvis up again running Jerri's nose right through the furrow of her pussy. "AHHHH! OHHHH! IT'S TOO MUCH!" Mandy said loudly. "Mandy, you got to be quiet!" Jerri said fearing the robbers would return in anger. "AHHHH! OHHHH GODDD! OHHH SHITTT!" Mandy cried again followed by, "I CAN'T HELP IT! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!" Jerri was going to try again to turn off the vibrator. But, this time as she tried to move her face under Mandy's pelvis to get a better angle at the button, Mandy rotated her pelvis down and then upward causing the slider on the remote to slide upwards all the way. The machine started to vibrate at its maximum level. Almost totally out of control now, Mandy began rubbing her pussy erotically across Jerri's face and mouth. "OHHH MY GODDD!" Mandy said even louder than before and started trying to ride Jerri's face. Jerri told her urgently, "YOU CAN'T SCREAM BABY, YOU CAN'T! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, YOU CAN'T SCREAM!" With her last ounce of reason, Mandy could think of only one way to muffle the scream that was sure to happen. And so, as she felt herself about to explode in an unstoppable orgasm, she dropped her head down, buried her face between Jerri's legs, placed her mouth onto Jerri's pussy and moaned loudly into it. Her lips started rubbing slightly on Jerri's clit from the motion of her undulating body as wave after way of glorious orgasm rocked Mandy's body. It was too much for Jerri and she grabbed Mandy around the waist and buried her face into Mandy's pussy. Jerri's mouth began devouring it's warm wetness as she ran her tongue in and around Mandy's pussy. Mandy's orgasm seemed to go on forever as the combination of the vibrator on her clit and Jerri's now probing tongue in her pussy sent jolt upon jolt of pleasure through her. Mandy had been holding her mouth onto Jerri's pussy when Jerri's stuck her tongue deeply into her spasming pussy. As Jerri's tongue probed deeper, Mandy started moaning as she began licking frantically around Jerri's inner pussy lips. The largest wave of orgasm hit her. Mandy muffled a scream onto Jerri's clit sending Jerri over the edge. Just then, Jerri's pussy to erupted in Mandy's mouth filling it with her juices. Mandy licked and swallowed it as fast as she could. Mandy's last spasm had caused the remote to side across Jerri's chin pushing the slider back to the low setting and the vibration on her clit eased a bit. Mandy was coming down from the euphoria of orgasm but was feeling the slow building of another being quickened by Jerri's mouth on her pussy. Jerri's tongue was still slowly exploring the inside of Mandy's pussy. "UMMPH!" Mandy said while teasing Jerri's clit with her tongue. "UMMPH!" she said again as Jerri's tongue danced around Mandy's pussy lips. And as Mandy's pussy started gently rocking back and forth on Jerri's mouth, her tongue began to gently lick into the furrow of Jerri's pussy. "UMMMPH! UMMMPH!" and Mandy's pelvis jerked violently across Jerri's face once more causing the slider on the remote control to move again, this time to the medium setting. Jerri moaned into Mandy's pussy as Mandy began lovingly licking around her clit. Totally consumed by lust Jerri began devouring Mandy's pussy more frantically than ever. In response, Mandy's pelvis began undulating more on Jerri's mouth than before. "UMMMPH!" Mandy said as Jerri's tongue again entered her pussy. Mandy once again jerked her pelvis hard on to Jerri's face causing the slider on the remote to go to maximum sending Mandy over the edge. Mandy's pussy spasmed and quivered on Jerri's mouth filling it with her juices. Once again, Mandy's tongue ran down the furrow of Jerri's pussy and into her cunt sending Jerri over the edge. Jerri devowered Mandy's pussy as her own love juice flowed all over Mandy's face. With the last violent spasm of Mandy's orgasm the power button on the remote hit Jerri's chin turning the pleasure machine off. Jerri continued to lick gently around and around Mandy's pussy as they both rode the last few waves of pleasure. When they subsided, Mandy removed her mouth from Jerri's pussy and lay her head on her leg panting. Spent, Jerri let Mandy's waist go and lay there. After several minutes rest, Mandy said to Jerri, "Why the hell didn't we do this before?" but she already knew the answer. After a minute Jerri said to her softly, "You know I love you don't you?" Then she added, "I'm sorry it took this for me to realize it." After a moment, Mandy said to Jerri, "I know, I love you too. But I'm not sorry a bit." Mandy looked at the stock on the shelves and said, "One other thing that I have learned from this, we have an obligation to our customers to know as much about our product as possible. I think we owe it to them to test every unique item ourselves." "Darling, I whole heartedly agree." Jerri said and started kissing the inside of her left leg. Just then the door opened and in walked Mrs. White and said whimsically, "Have fun while we were gone?" Then noticed the still wet love juice on Jerri's face and said, "Guess you did." She then reached down and placed one set of keys in one of Jerri's hands and another in one of Mandy's. "Even with the keys it will take you a while to get free. Ta Ta Lovers." and left them. After they heard the truck pull of, Jerri said to Mandy, "Well I guess we should get out of this contraption." "Not quite yet." said Mandy, and then placed her mouth onto Jerry's pussy and began gently rolling her tongue through Jerri's love nest and onto Jerri's clit. In response, Jerri grabbed Mandy once more about the waste, pushed her face to Mandy's pussy and bumped the remote power button with her chin turning it on. Then, she started devouring Mandy's still swollen clit with her mouth. Several hours later the police were called. When they arrived, the police found that the captives were unable to give an accurate description of the robbers that had gotten away with quite a few of the paintings belonging to the gallery next-door. What the report failed to mention was that during their search, they found a rather large assortment of unpackaged sex toys laying about on the floor. Aint love grand?
How The Butterfly Tamed The Wildcat
[ "sex toys", "lesbian masturbation", "lesbian dildo" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 8, "longest_sentence": 53, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 266, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (8) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 79 }
Fred couldn't remember how he got into the city the next morning. In fact when he realised he was in the city he couldn't remember waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast and getting into the car. He even glanced down guiltily to make sure he was dressed. He had gone to the city, he decided, because it was about the time he usually went there. He tried to remember what he usually bought in the hypermarket and in this way he slowly managed to work his way around to the checkout. He noticed that he had remembered to buy more Cava to replace yesterday's consumption. He was standing in line at the checkout when he felt a smooth palm stroke over his buttock. He whirled around to see Hilary standing behind him. After the initial shock he grinned at her and she moved close to him and slid her hand on to his naked thigh tight against his crack. "Hi Fred," she laughed, "are you any closer to selling yet?" "After the shock you've just given me I think I am," he smiled. "I nearly had a fatal heart attack." Hilary didn't move her hand as they neared the head of the queue. Soon it was Fred's turn and the checkout girl noticed his best feature in his shorts and smiled at him. He paid and waited for Hilary as she paid for her few items. "Can I buy you a coffee?" he asked, looking at her fully for the first time. Hilary was carefully made up for business but was still provocatively dressed in a blue top today which was a twin of the lemon one of a few days ago. Today her shorts were cream with lots of pockets. High-heeled white sandals completed her dress. "Best offer I've had today", she laughed and looked directly down at his full shorts. They retired to the coffee shop and quietly watched the people passing by. Truth to tell Fred spent more time watching Hilary's body as it moved beneath her minimal outfit; he bet she wasn't wearing a bra again. "Do you like it Fred," she laughed. "I must say I like you looking at me." "Yeah," growled Fred. "I was just wondering if you are wearing a bra today. I want to suck your nipples." "I almost never wear a bra Fred. I'll have to come and see you again soon and prove it. I have to go; are you parked underground here?" "Yes, I've got to go too. I'll come with you. By the way, is there a Mr. Van thingy?" Hilary laughed out loud as they walked down the escalator together. She took his hand and rubbed it between her legs, over her pussy. "I'm divorced Fred so there's no angry husband watching me." "Just lots of salivating boyfriends, I expect. God, you're hot Hilary. To put it bluntly, I would love to fuck you. Could you fancy a cock that's thirty years older than you are?" "Of course I could. Don't forget I've already seen what it can do. There's nothing wrong with your penis Fred. I want it to fuck me soon. There, how's that?" They had reached her car. Fred took her key and as he bent down to insert it into the lock Hilary inserted her long fingers into the hem of his shorts and unerringly grasped his prick. Fred turned slowly and in the middle of a busy car park raised Hilary's top to reveal her juicy breasts. She didn't flinch; just gazed into his eyes and squeezed his cock some more. "I'll be over as soon as I can get another appointment near to you. I definitely want that fuck now. OK?" "Oh fuckin' Kay," said Fred as he restored Hilary's modesty. They kissed firmly, tongues playing, and then separated. Fred drove home thinking of Hilary, relishing the feel of his erection in his shorts. As he neared home his thoughts returned to Jessica and his cock hardened up even more. As he opened his gates and parked his Jeep he thought that she hadn't come and he felt acute disappointment. Then he saw Prince sitting outside the washhouse loo and knew that he had a visitor. Then he saw her! Jessica! She came through the poolside door and waved to him. She was naked! 'Christ she is so beautiful' he thought and quickened to meet her. She flung herself into his arms and kissed him full on the lips. "Oh Fred, I've been waiting ages for you. I walked here so I was hot when I arrived. I stripped off straight away to cool off. I wasn't wearing anything underneath today 'cos I left my bikini here didn't I? Did you see it? How do I look?" "Oh Christ Jessica, you are the most beautiful creature on this earth. If my cock could possibly grow another centimetre at the sight of you it would. Please stay all day and let me feast my eyes on your beauty!" Jessica's arms had remained around Fred's neck and now she kissed him again. "Let's get you out of these clothes and let's have a nice cool drink," she smiled. "I've just been for a pee. I wanted to do it in front of you like yesterday but I couldn't wait. I went to the loo 'cos it seemed a bit pointless doing it outside if there was no one else to see it. I'll have a few drinks then I'll be able to do it for you. Will you like that?" "I'll like everything and anything you do, you beautiful nymph you. Come on, help me carry these groceries into the casa and then we'll get that drink." Fred was thirsty so he grabbed a bottle of cold water out of the fridge as they were carrying the goods indoors. When they had finished he went down to the bedroom and discarded his shopping clothes and put on a clean pair of swimming shorts. He returned to the naya and picked up his water. "Hey, that's not fair," complained Jessica. "I'm naked for you. Why have you got shorts on? I'm going to take them off you!" She was surprised that Fred didn't try to stop her. All he did was pour cold water all over her breasts as she dropped his shorts to reveal his semi hard prick. She stood up and grabbed his arms and then collapsed against him as he began to drink the spilt water off her generous breasts. He licked her long warm slopes with the hard nub at the top. Every time he reached a nipple he sucked on it and nipped it with his teeth. Jessica rubbed herself against Fred, pressing her beautiful body to his more than mature one. He kissed her again and released her. "Now Jessica darling," he said. "I want you to go over to your sun bed again. I'm going to get my coffee and then I'll open us a bottle of Cava. I'll come over to you and put your sun cream on all over you. I'm going to indulge myself by just looking at you. We'll have a few drinks and a nice time. OK?" "Sounds fantastic as far as it goes," Jessica answered. "But Fred, you know that I want to touch your cock, don't you? I only had a quick grope of it in the pool yesterday afternoon. I want to make it come all over me again and then I want you to make me orgasm again like you did yesterday. Can we do that?" "We'll see how it goes," said Fred. "Now go and get ready for me." Jessica happily skipped off to the pool and Fred went into the kitchen. He prepared the drinks and took a deep breath before venturing outside again. His cock was ramrod stiff. Jessica was lying on her front when he got to the pool. Her fantastic back and gorgeous buttocks were spread for him to admire and he did just that. Jessica heard him approach, bare feet or not. "Please oil my back and bum now Fred. Then I can turn over and you can do my front while I drink my Cava." Fred picked up the bottle of oil. He tipped it up and squeezed. A thin stream of oil left the neck of the bottle and Fred guided it across Jessica's shoulders, down her spine and then into circles over her glorious buttocks. Fred breathed deeply and applied his palms to her skin, gently but firmly stroking the oil into her body. Her shoulder blades rippled under his touch. He was firm with the thinner flesh covering her spine. She squirmed a little as he tickled her waist and sighed loudly as he firmly stroked circles around her buttocks. "Don't forget the sides of my breasts and my bum crack," Jessica murmured sleepily." Fred breathed deeply again. This time he poured the oil into his palm. He rubbed both palms together and then touched Jessica's breasts for the first time. His cock shot up ramrod stiff and he had to take care to keep it from touching Jessica's skin. Then he touched the crack of her arse. Jessica moaned and spread her thighs to give him ease of access. He gazed in awe at her little puckered arsehole and the wet juicy crack of her pussy. He groaned audibly and smacked her bottom quite hard. "Turn over Missy," Fred groaned again. "If I don't stop looking at your beautiful arse I'll come all over it." Jessica rolled over. "Ohhhh my God, I think I'll come all over your breasts and cunt anyway." "Now that is proper grown up talk Fred," giggled Jessica happily. "I decided while I was lying in bed last night playing with my pussy that I wanted you to be my next lover so it doesn't matter how many times you come on me. Make it before Mummy comes though 'cos I want to have you on my own for a while." Jessica reached for and passed Fred his Cava and then picked up her own. "Cheers," they toasted each other. Fred couldn't help himself. He began to wank his cock again and Jessica open her eyes wide to watch. She spilled some of her wine on to her breasts and they both watched as the excess trickled down to her bejewelled belly button. "Don't waste that drop," whispered Jessica. "Drink it off me!" Fred threw his leg over her thighs and sat on them. He stuck his tongue into her belly button and licked. Jessica bucked and pulled his head down to her. Fred headed upwards, licking Cava from the valley between her breasts. When he had removed it all he rested his head on her breasts and licked gently. "My nipples please Fred, suck my nipples and play with my titties. They are aching for your tongue and your hands. Ohhhh yess my darling, that's soooo goooood!" Fred's cock and balls were now resting on Jessica's shaved pussy; her juice was evident to him as he pressed down gently. He groaned and begged to her. "Now you can touch my cock Jessica darling. It's ready to burst all over you. I'm going to come all over your body again." Jessica carefully took his cock in her hands, her long slender fingers around his shaft. She just naturally started frigging him slowly. Fred groaned again. "Oh Fred, your cock feels beautiful. No wonder Mummy loves it inside her. I want it too. You're so hot and I can fell it throbbing. Are you coming soon?" "Yes Jessie darling, right this fucking second! Ohhh my God, here it comes!" Jessica's hands on Fred's cock froze as she felt his spunk shoot through it. He ejaculated on to her breasts, splashing both with his first blast. Jessica recovered and tossed him again, this time directing his spurts on to her belly then back on to her breasts again with a final one reaching her mouth. Fred stopped spurting but Jessica didn't let go of his cock, looking at the little eyehole in the end with a sense of wonderment. Then she pulled him nearer, opened her mouth and sucked his knob in, licking and sucking until it was clean. Only then did she release him and begin to collect his spunk from her belly and breasts, sucking it from her fingers as she worked. As she finished she pulled his head to her and they kissed, sharing the last of his spunk. Jessica refilled their glasses, no mean feat as Fred was still sitting on her very hot pussy. She handed his glass to him and smiled. "I saw a porno film once at a party and one of the girls in that film sucked the man's cock after he'd shot his load all over her. I thought at the time that it was really horny and promised myself that I would do it to a favourite lover of mine. You are that lover, Fred my darling. Now, when do I get my orgasm?" "Right now my angel," replied Fred as he changed position so that he could comfortably get to Jessica's pussy. He opened her thighs wider and plunged his tongue on to her pussy. He pushed his tongue into her crack as far as he could and sucked hard. He moved along the crack, sucking and nipping until he reached her clitoris. He had seen yesterday that her clitty was quite long when allowed to protrude from her crack so he now pulled it out with his lips, sucking firmly. Jessica went off like a firecracker and thrashed and screamed into an orgasm the likes of which Fred had rarely seen. Coupled with her spasms came a veritable flood of cum juice. Fred set to, trying to drink as much as he could catch but quite a lot leaked through Jessica's legs and on to the lounger. Jessica held his head to her mound and moaned and moaned, slowly relaxing and pulling her thighs together. Finally she lifted his head and smiled down at him. "Fucking Hell, wasn't that something," she said. "I'm sorry Fred darling, but I think I've ruined your lounger cushion." "We'll turn it over until I can get another," he laughed. "It was worth every cent. Time for our pre lunch swim now my angel." They were still in the pool when Mary arrived. They didn't hear her drive up and didn't see her walk across the forecourt. Prince didn't bark at one of his favourite people of course. They had forgotten to turn the lounger cushion over. Mary took a long look at that and walked to the edge of the pool, stripping off her top and shorts. She wore no bra or panties again so she stood and let her long hard stream of pee arc out before diving neatly into the pool and surfacing near Fred, grasping his cock. "You need a new lounger cushion Fred," she said. "My daughter seems to have ruined it!" "Get me a supply of cushions my darling," said Fred. "I think I'm going to need them!" Mary stood in the pool and pressed her naked cunt against Fred's flaccid cock. Flaccid or not, Fred loved the feeling and ground his crotch against his Mary's cunt. He felt himself begin to grow; so did Mary. "Jessica darling," she said, "please go to the kitchen and find something to eat for lunch. Fred and I have to sort something out." Jessica climbed the steps out of the pool, both Fred and Mary watching the sight of her beautiful rear view as she ascended the steps. Fred grasped Mary's bum and she in turn squeezed his cock. Jessica turned. "I've found some, Fred darling," she called. "Watch!" After a few seconds her pee squirted out of her cunny, adding to her mothers drying puddle from a few minutes ago. Then she swayed across the forecourt, climbed the naya steps and disappeared into the villa. "Ohhh Fred darling, you can't resist her, can you?" sighed Mary. "Have you made love to her yet?" "No, not yet, Mary my love," he said. "She tossed me off or I would have about twenty minutes ago. She is just so beautiful and such a nice person too. Just like her mother!" Fred pulled Mary to him and fondled her buttocks deep down into her crack with one hand and grasped her breasts and nipples with the other. Then he pulled her to the steps and they climbed out into the warm sun. He pushed Mary under the poolside shower and turned on the tap. As the water descended he pointed his cock at her body and let fly. Then they embraced under the shower before he turned off the tap. "Is it too soon after Jessica to get you hard again my darling?" asked Mary as she took his tool in hand again. Fred began to grow in her warm clasp. "I want you Mary," gasped Fred. "I always want you. I used to want you when I saw you in the street or out and about with Graham. Oh God, that feels lovely; let me touch your pussy and lick your tits!" Fred and Mary played with each other's bodies, oblivious to the fact that they were visible to the outside world, even though it was unlikely as Fred's villa was almost at the end of the road. Jessica watched from the naya as she brought out lunch from the kitchen. Her hand drifted between her thighs again. Fred sat Mary on the balustrade and parted her thighs. Mary pulled his cock to her cunt entrance and watched as her lovers' knob end slid between her lips on its way to heaven. They then both took a firm grip on each other's buttocks and pulled hard into their bodies. Mary wrapped her legs around Fred's waist. Soon Fred's balls were slapping against Mary's thighs and her pussy was making wet squelching noises. God I'm going to come darling," panted Fred. "Where do you want my spunk?" "All the way up my cunny," gasped Mary. "Show me you love me by filling me with your spunk; all the way up my passage." "Yes now darling, I'm coming nowww, nowwww, nowwwww! Fucking Hell, that's a lot!" "Ohhh yes my sweet, I can feel it. I can feel your lovely hot spunk shooting all the way up my cunt to the top! It's making me come on you! Yesss, yessss, yesssss! Arghhhhhhhh!" Gradually they stopped thrusting at one another. They smiled into each other's eyes and then kissed, deeply and lovingly. "Here you are, you guys," said Jessica, handing them a glass of Cava each. "You've earned these. That was a beautiful and erotic sight. I love you both." Despite the fact that Fred was still deeply embedded in her mother's pussy, Jessica kissed them both opened mouthed on the lips. "Come and see what I found for lunch," she laughed. "I'm hoping that it will give us energy for some more lovemaking afterwards." They all repaired to the naya but not before Mary had sucked their excess juices off Fred's cock. There was plenty of salad and smoked salmon, with fruit and ice cream too. They soon drank the rest of the Cava and started on another bottle. Fred was beginning to feel pleasantly drowsy when a soft hand aroused him by touching his soft cock. He opened his eyes to see Jessica kneeling before him, her magnificent breasts covered in cream and ice cream. "I'm afraid I've made a bit of a mess Fred darling," she said softly. "Could you help me by cleaning me up with your tongue." She sat on his knees and pushed her breasts towards his eager lips. Fred started licking the creamy substance off her breasts in long firm strokes, ending at a nipple each time. He gave each nipple a firm suck and a hard nip as he reached it. Jessica held his head in her hands and kept him tight against her, moaning with pleasure all the time. Small drips of the nectar had dripped from her breasts and fallen on her newly shaved pussy lips. As Fred completed the breast-cleaning task Jessica stood and pulled his head to her pussy for him to finish the job. As soon as his tongue touched her crack she sobbed into a climax, grinding her soft warm pussy into Fred's face. "Fred darling, don't forget me," came Mary's voice. "I need cleaning up too!" Fred released himself from Jessica's grasp and turned to Mary. She sat in her chair with her thighs wide apart. She had liberally spread cream and ice cream all over her naked snatch, her crack completely covered. Fred bounded across the space between them and started work. "I've got a lovely mixture for you darling," she purred. "Cream, ice cream and mixed love juices from before lunch. Go on, lick me out and make me come again!" Having found the crack at last Fred stuck his tongue in and scooped out the loving mixture. He then pulled Mary towards him and kissed her, mixing all the tastes together. He returned to the task in hand several times until she was clean of creams and empty of juices. Mary was thrashing and moaning as he licked deep into her vagina. "Oh God yes Fred you horny bastard, I'm coming again. I love you, you fucker you. Ohhhh yes, I'm coming all over your lovely tongue. Ohhhhhhh!" Fred cleared the table; he had to stand anyway after servicing Mary! The girls, mother and daughter, lay back in their chairs with satisfied smiles on their faces. Fred returned to the naya and whispered into Jessica's ear. "Off you go to your sunbathing now sweet darling. You're neglecting your tan." Jessica uncoiled her splendid body out of the armchair, kissed Fred full on the lips, and sauntered across to the pool. Fred ran his fingers over Mary's breasts to arouse her and then beckoned her to follow him indoors. He guided her to his bed. He kissed Mary all over her breasts, belly and juicy crack. He rolled her over on to her front and kissed her bum cheeks, using long wet strokes from his tongue. He spread her thighs and dropped saliva down into her bum crack, watching it fill the small crater of her arsehole. Then he kissed it and Mary spasmed. "Oh my God Fred, that felt fantastic. I'm making juice again for you. I must be insatiable. Are you going to fuck my arse again? Please do, I like your cock in my bum!" "Present your hole for a rogering my darling," Fred commanded. "I don't know how my cock's got hard again, but hard it certainly is. I'm going to slide it into your arse and then I'm going to fuck it!" Mary lifted her bum high into the air. Fred felt around and into her pussy, siphoning her juice back into her arsehole. He pushed his cock into her pussy, right to the hilt. He then thrust in and out of her for a few times before withdrawing and pushing his cock at Mary's rear entrance. He pulled her cheeks wide open, gazing at her widening arsehole. Because of the lubrication and possibly because of the familiarity he met little or no resistance and slid smoothly into her. He stopped, deeply embedded into his love. "Oh God Fred that's lovely," said Mary as she squirmed on his tool. "You feel so hard and thick and so long too. Now we've done it this way a few times I really do like it. Start your fucking motion now. I'll soon come, especially if you reach around me and feel me all over." Fred pulled almost out of her and then firmly thrust back in. Mary gave a little squeal and then thrust back on to him. This started a fucking duel between them. Fred reached around to Mary's cunt and started playing with her clit and pushing two fingers deep into her. He could feel his own cock thrusting in her other hole. That set him off and before long he was gasping a warning of his impending gusher. Mary was at the apogee of feelings by this time and encouraged him on. "Yes Fred yes, fill my hole. Let me feel your hot seed squirting into my bum. I want; I need it. Shoot it now darling. Yes, that's it, ohhhh yesss, that's wonderful, all hot and sticky!" Fred was completely drained. He had never shot so much spunk for years. In fact, he couldn't ever remember such a day. Fred and Mary dozed off into a little sleep and out by the pool Jessica did too. She felt so happy here and she was sure Fred would make love to her tomorrow or the next day. Before sleeping she had closely examined her shaved pussy and then had softly rubbed her fingers all over the area. Juice had started flowing freely from her crack even though she was nowhere near achieving an orgasm. She sipped at the remains of her Cava and daydreamed about feeding Fred's lovely prick all the way up her cunny. She made more juice. Suddenly Jessica was awakened by her mother calling to her. She had fallen asleep after all. "Come on darling, it's time to go. Gather your things together. I know we don't have much between us but we had better look at least half decent as we go up the road. You can drive, here's the keys." Mary retrieved her top and shorts from where she had dropped them by the pool; Jessica picked hers up from beside her lounger. She noticed that her pussy hadn't stained the cushion too much and said so. Mary laughed. "We'll pick some more up from the pool shop tomorrow while we are out shopping. I've told Fred that neither of us will be here tomorrow morning, as you need some clothes to take back with you. It's a fact that you don't need them here." "Can I come here tomorrow afternoon mummy? I...I, still want to work on my tan." "And on Fred too, no doubt," said her mother. "Jessica, of course you can come here tomorrow. Fred won't say no, will he? As long as you're sure that you know what you're doing and what you want I will accept it. I won't be here tomorrow so that you can have time alone with Fred. You've decided that's what you want, haven't you?" "Oh yes mummy, that is definitely what I want. I won't spoil it for you and Fred though. When I come back for Christmas I'll bring a boyfriend and I'll let you know in advance whether I want one room or two. Oh hi Fred, we're just off." Fred had come out of the house and Prince bounded towards him. He had put his shorts on and there was no bulge at the moment. "Goodbye my darlings, I love you both," he said as he kissed them both goodbye. "I'll see you on Wednesday then?" he asked. "Yes," said Mary as she got in the car. "No, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon after we get back from shopping," whispered Jessica as she got into the driving seat. "You just have your cock ready!" Fred and Prince watched and waved as his beauties drove away. OoooOOOoooo An insistent ringing in his head awakened Fred. It took him a few seconds to realise that it was his gate bell ringing. He also could now hear that Prince was barking outside. He had dropped the window shutter last night and that was why the bedroom was still dark. He hopped out of bed and raised the shutter and looked towards the gate. Christ! He had forgotten that Maria Elena had said that she was coming around. There she was at the gate, Prince jumping up and down in excitement. Holá Maria Elena," he shouted, "wait there. I'm coming!" He grabbed the nearest pair of shorts and quickly trotted up the corridor to the naya and across the forecourt to the gate, having managed to grab the key as he went. Maria Elena waited patiently as he opened the gate and let her in. Prince now stopped barking but did his party trick of pushing his nose into her crotch. She pushed him away and giggled. "Senor Armstrong, good morning! I'm so sorry if I am too early and I'm also sorry that I have woken you. I did not realise the time." Fred gently took hold of her wrist and looked at her watch. It was showing a few minutes after ten o'clock. "Oh my, Maria, I did not realise it was so late. I had a very busy day yesterday and was very tired last night. Come and have some breakfast with me and we can talk. It is lovely to see you again." Fred guided Maria Elena across the forecourt and admired her body as he did so. She was wearing a tiny white top, one of those that had no back, only strings. It stopped beneath her beautiful small but round breasts, their nipples clearly showing through the thin cotton. The only other item of clothing she wore, apart from her high-heeled sandals, was a pair of brushed denim shorts that once again clung precariously to her prominent hip bones. Fred told her to make herself comfortable on the naya while he made coffee. A few minutes later he took her coffee and offered her a plate of sliced melon. As soon as he spotted the melon Prince sat before her with saliva beginning to drip from his jowls. Maria laughed. "As I was saying, Maria Elena, it is lovely to see you again. You are looking so much happier than when I last saw you. Have you solved the problem of your over amorous boyfriend?" Maria carefully fed Prince a piece of melon from the slice she was eating. Fred observed with interest as the melon juice dripped from the slice on to her breast, close to a nipple. His prick stirred. "Oh yes thank you, Senor er, Fred," she smiled at him and another drip of melon juice fell to her breast, this time scoring a bulls-eye on her nipple. She flicked at it in reflex and her nipple began to erect. Fred's prick lengthened in his shorts. "I'm sorry I was such a baby the other day," she smiled at him again, noticing the swelling in his shorts. "I have definitely finished with Enrique. In fact, I am not going to see any more young boys for a while. I have a new admirer now. He is a widower of thirty five years, very handsome and very charming." "I am very pleased that you are happy again Maria but I am not so pleased that you have discarded my appreciation of you so soon. I had hoped that we might develop a close friendship. Please drink your coffee." Maria looked at Fred with concern on her face. "Oh please Fred, I do want us to be friends. I like you very much. Jose and I are just starting to be friends. He knows of my disappointment with Enrique and says he will respect my wishes. You were so nice to me last week and I feel that we can be such good friends. My friend Mary tells me that you are very good for her and says to me that I should try older men." "I think that you might find that I am much too old for you to consider a close friend, my dear. I will be delighted if you would visit me and let me admire your beauty every so often." "Do you think that I am beautiful Fred?" asked Maria. "I look at myself in the mirror and see all different things that are wrong with my body. Do you think that I could have a little brandy in my coffee? I think I need a little courage this morning." Fred handed her a small glass of brandy and took a larger measure for himself, thinking that it was a little early for drinking. "Courage Maria, why would you need courage to visit and talk with me?" "Because er Fred, I am alone with you for the first time and I can see that you like me to be here." Maria looked down at the bulge in Fred's shorts and smiled at him nervously. "Just because I'm a horny old man doesn't mean that I'm going to jump all over you my darling Maria. I admire you too much to do that. It just means that due to my age I don't have any inhibitions about my body or who sees it. Anyway, what's all this about faults with your body? I can't see any. Come and look at yourself in my mirror and show me all your blemishes." Maria finished her brandy and coffee and walked into Fred's house. "Where is the mirror Fred?" she asked. "In the bathroom," he answered. "Let me show you." Fred walked down the corridor, into his bedroom with the crumpled sheets and on into the bathroom with the full-length mirror. Maria followed him a little tentatively, looking at the bed a little nervously. Then she saw the mirror. "Oh my gosh," she gasped. "What a huge mirror, I've never seen one so big before. Isn't it fantastic! I can see all of me." Fred gently took her by the shoulders and turned her full on to the mirror. She looked into the mirror at his eyes as he admired her beautiful slender body. "There," he said, "I said that you were beautiful and the proof is before you. There is not a fault or a blemish in sight." "I don't like my stomach and I think that my breasts are too small," Maria complained. "Oh look, I've spilt melon juice on to my little top. You can see the stain." They both looked at the mark over her right nipple. Then Maria looked at Fred looking at her breasts. Neither of them said a word. Then she felt Fred touch the tie at her back and pull gently. "Shall I get that mark out for you," he said quietly, still tugging at her tie string. She looked at him in the mirror and nodded. He pulled hard on the string and there were her lovely rounded breasts reflected in the glass. They were perfect and he softly said so. "Stay there and search for your blemishes," he whispered. "I'll put your top in soak and you can show them to me when I return." He was back in less than thirty seconds to find that she hadn't moved. He was hard as he gently put his hands on her shoulders. Maria trembled slightly and leant back onto his naked hairy chest. "So, show me your blemishes," said Fred as he softly kissed her right ear. "To me you are just beautiful." Maria gave a little sob and turned around, flinging her arms around Fred and hugging him to her. She stayed silently like that for a while, stroking her little hands up and down his back. Then ... "Fred?" "Yes." "Can I touch you? Can I please feel your penis? I want to see one that is not threatening me, do you understand?" "Of course you can, little one. I was desperate for you to ask. My cock is so hard because you are in my arms but you are quite safe. We will only play how you wish. Let us go back to the sunshine." Back to the naya they went, Maria beginning to enjoy her partial nakedness. Fred poured more coffee and brandy. As Maria raised her glass to her lips Fred dropped his shorts and stepped out of them. His rock hard cock bounced before her and Maria put her spare hand to her lips. "Oh my gosh," she gasped, "oh my gosh, that's wonderful. I've never seen anything like that! Enrique's was so small compared to yours Fred. Can I touch it now?" "That's the only reason I showed it to you. Come on, you come and sit here on my knee." So Maria sat on Fred's knee and took a firm hold on to Fred's ramrod, stroking it and squeezing it. Fred leaned back with his eyes tight shut, touching and pulling on her lovely little round breasts with the hard nipples. Maria started to toss him off quite firmly. She had obviously done this before! "Maria, if you keep that up you'll make me come," he groaned. "Then I'll have to wash your shorts too!" Maria stood quickly and Fred watched as she dropped her shorts and panties to the floor. Her black pubic patch was neatly trimmed. Fred suddenly remembered his camera and picked it up from the shelf beside him. Maria Elena soon agreed to pose for him, Fred saying that he wanted to prove to her that she had no imperfections. He used a whole card of memory, taking several extreme close ups of her open pussy lips, her nipples and finally her arsehole. Maria then remounted him by straddling his knees. She reclaimed her grip on his cock and resumed tossing. Fred gazed mesmerised. "You've done this before, you little minx," he groaned as his passion mounted. "It is the only way to stop boys making you fuck with them," she panted. "This or sucking them! Would you like me to suck you? You have a lovely penis, so hard and long." "You just do what you want, my darling. I love what you're doing right now. I'm going to come all over your gorgeous flat tummy any minute now." "I think I will suck you next time Fred when I have more time. I am very tempted to try and put your er, cock, in my hole but I have to think about if I want to lose my virginity to you. Ohhh, Fred, I'm getting very wet! Please play with my clitoris." Fred slid his hand between Maria's thighs and rubbed her vagina gently before rubbing his thumb over the hard nub of her clit. Maria reacted by jumping up and down as he explored her. This made her frig him more firmly and that took him over the limit. He groaned out loud several times as a warning and then shot a great spurt of spunk all over Maria's breasts and belly, followed by a second and then a third. Others followed until she was coated. He continued to stimulate her clitty and was rewarded with a stream of juice all over his thighs as she reached a high climax. "Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhh," Maria screamed as she came over and over again. "Ahhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh, I can't stop." But stop she did eventually and collapsed against Fred, coating his spunk and her juice all over them. They kissed for the first time, enjoying the taste of each other. They held each other and kissed many times until Maria sat up and said that she had to go. "We had better have a shower before you go," laughed Fred. "I don't want your mother getting suspicious about what you've been up to." "I'm not on my way to meet mother," giggled Maria. "I'm on my way to meet Jose. He definitely won't want your cum all over me. I think he might want to show me his penis today so I'm pleased that I had a practice with you." Fred smacked her bottom with a resounding thwack as he followed her back to his bathroom and the shower. He retrieved her top on the way and popped it into the dryer. They had a loving shower together, soaping each other all over; Fred spent a lot of time washing Maria's crotch and she played likewise with his cock. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As he dried her she asked him a question. "Fred?" "Mnnn." "Next time that I'm naked for you will you please smack me hard again? I think I quite liked it. If you put me over your knee I can play with your cock as you smack me." Fred agreed and kissed her again. Maria's top was clean and dry so she dressed and then Fred dressed too. He and Prince got the car out and drove Maria into town where she was to meet her new flame. He parked where she told him and he kissed her goodbye with his hand feeling up her shorts with two fingers resting on her wet crack. Maria groped his cock as she jumped out on to the pavement. "Goodbye my lover until the next time," she said gaily. "Don't let Jessica Martin wear you out this afternoon!" Christ, women talking together again. Girls do it too! As Fred drove up the main street he saw Becky coming out of a women's wear shop. He tooted the horn and she looked up and saw him and waved. He pulled to a stop, double-parking in the street. Becky jumped in beside him and kissed him as he drove off. "Hi lover," she laughed as she placed a hand into his crotch, "how's my friend today?" "All the bigger for your touch," grinned Fred as he looked across at her. "My jeep's just around to the left outside the doctor's," said Becky. "You can drop me off there please. No visitors today?" "Oh yes," grinned Fred again, "I've just dropped Maria Elena off in town and I'm expecting Jessica this afternoon!" "You horny old fucker," laughed Becky as Fred stopped alongside her jeep. "When am I going to get some more?" "I'll call you," said Fred as he leaned over and kissed her, firmly grasping both of her upper charms as he did so. "I need to pee on these again soon!" "Ohhhh yesss please Fred. Make it soon! Jack said he was going away for a couple of days soon but I don't know when yet. I'll call you as soon as I know." Becky transferred vehicles and waved as Fred drove off, his hard cock tenting his shorts. As soon as he arrived home Fred did a few chores, like tidying up a little and cleaning up after Prince. He swept the pool area and changed the lounger cushions. He changed the film in the camera. He tried to keep busy to keep his mind off Jessica's promise to visit this afternoon. He knew that if she hadn't changed her mind that today would be the day! Soon he couldn't think of anything else to do so he made himself some lunch and sat down with a tuna bocadillo, coffee and a glass of rosé wine. One glass became two then three and he then fell into a beautiful dreamy sleep. Maria Elena had just told him that she had decided to put his cock into her pussy and Becky was begging her to hurry up because she wanted it up her arse when Fred was awakened by a voice. Jessica's! "Fred darling, I'm here," she was calling. She was too; it was real! Fred started up, instantly realising that he was still naked and had a huge hard on. Two pairs of deep brown eyes were gazing at him, Jessica's and Prince's. Jessica was holding his thick hard cock. Fred pulled her to him and kissed her. She was still wearing her little white top and her jean shorts. She moaned quietly as his tongue entered her mouth and she slid carefully on to his lap. "Hello, you gorgeous creature you," Fred whispered as they pulled back and looked at one another. He put his left arm around her and pulled her close. His right hand gave Prince a quick ear fondle and then started to fondle Jessica's magnificent breasts. Jessica moaned again and commenced to kiss and bite Fred's neck. Then. "Fred?" "Yes darling?" "Can we go to bed now? I want you to make love to me and I want it to be on your bed. I want to feel your body on top of me and I want to feel your cock all the way up my hole. I want to see it go in and I want to watch it pump in and out of me. I've seen you shoot your spunk out of your cock twice now and this time I want to feel your hot seed shoot deep into my body. This time I want to see and feel everything. Can we do that now?" Fred answered her by first kissing her again. Then he said firmly to her. "Stand up Jessica and drop your clothes. I want feast my eyes on your body, the body that I'm going to worship by making love to it. Later I shall photograph you in your naked state, for my enjoyment only of course." Jessica stood and lifted her top over her head, shaking her hair wildly and making her tremendous globes ripple before him, her nipples erecting instantly. She slid down the zip on her shorts, letting them fall to the ground. She wore no panties and displayed her gorgeous body to him proudly before taking a large soft breast in each hand and pulling on her hard nipples. Then she stroked her hands down her body until they reached her pussy, opening the lips wide so that he could see into her and gently flicking at her clitty with her thumbs. "Well sir, will I do?" she whispered, holding out her hands. Fred took her hands and stood. "Most certainly you will do! I've never seen anything so beautiful and sexy in all my life." "Then let's away to your bed," cried Jessica. "I want you to make love to me and then you can really start educating me. I want you to fuck me lots of times before I have to go back to school." Jessica led him into the house and down the corridor to his bedroom. She jumped straight on to the bed and held out her arms to Fred. He lay down beside her and pulled her into his arms, relishing the touch of her tremendous body from her lips to her thighs. Her breasts were squashed against his chest and his throbbing cock was digging into her belly. They kissed long and hard. "Fred?" gasped Jessica as their lips separated. "Yes my angel," he panted in reply. "Do me now, don't let's delay it any longer. Make love to me! Put your lovely big prick right into me and let me feel it pushing in and out." Fred rolled Jessica on to her back. She parted her thighs and smiled up at him as he knelt between her legs. He lowered his cock towards her waiting pussy. "That's it," said Jessica. "I can see it coming to me. Not like that bastard Gary. Rammed it in, shot his load and then put it away! Bastard! Ooooo yes Fred, I can feel your prick knocking on my door. Let me open up for you." Jessica reached down and parted her pussy lips. Fred groaned and pushed his knob end into the pink folds of Jessica's cunt. His end disappeared! "Ohhhh yes Fred, that feels so goooood! Push it in further. Ohhhh yes that is sooo beautiful. Your prick is sooo hot! Now push him all the way into me!" Fred discovered he was holding his breath. He pushed his cock all the way in to his balls and expelled the air from his lungs. Jessica held him tightly in her arms. "Lovely!" she exclaimed. "Just fucking lovely. I'm full of your cock now Fred. Give me some fucking now. Do it hard and fill my cunt with your cum. I'm on the pill so don't hold back. Fill me up soon and then we can do it again!" Fred pulled back and then rammed his tool home again. It was bliss. He did it again and straightaway felt Jessica make juice. She became very slippery all the way along his cock. Not only did it make it easy for him to thrust into her but also there was less friction so he would last longer. He quickened his pace and heard Jessica react. "Ohhhh it's wonderful, so wonderful. I can feel you all the way up my pussy. God! I'm so wet I'm gonna come soon. I just know I am!" Fred was now pumping his cock hard and long into Jessica. She was making so much juice that they made a wet slapping noise at the top of each thrust. Jessica pushed her cunt back at Fred as he pounded into her. "Oh my God, I'm gonna cum!" she squealed. "You're making me come, you bastard! I'm gonna come all over your prick. Here it comes! Now! Nowww! Nowwwwww! Arghhhhhhhhh!" Fred gritted his teeth and managed to hold on to his spunk. He desperately wanted to shoot his load but he wanted his darling Jessica to have more than one orgasm this afternoon if it was within his power. Jessica was now beginning to regain control of her body. Jessica kept her arms tightly around Fred, stroking her hands up and down his back, gripping his buttocks hard as she did so. At the same time she relaxed and played with his cock, squeezing her cunt muscles around his tool. "Ohhhh Fred darling, that was fantastic! I had such a giant orgasm. Did you feel it? It felt wonderful making all that juice and squirting it all over your prick. You're still hard, aren't you? I can feel you deep in my tummy. Are you going to make love to me again?" "Do you want me to do it to you again sweetheart?" asked Fred as he flexed his cock against Jessica's passage walls. "Oh yes please Fred darling. Come on, do your worst!" "Let me up a little darling. That's it! Now let's just adjust our position a little. No, I don't have to take him out yet." Fred reached back and took a hold of Jessica's right ankle. He folded her leg at the knee and then pushed her thigh up high until it rested on her right breast. He did the same with her left leg and then put both legs over his shoulders. Jessica had remained motionless as he manipulated her body, except for her cunny walls gripping at his cock. "How does that feel," asked Fred as he pushed a little deeper into her hot cunny. "Are you ready for another shafting?" "Ooooo yes Fred, you feel even deeper now. Your cock feels huge. I bet I never get a bigger one all through my sex life. Go on; start fucking into me again. I bet I come soon again, I can feel it starting already." Once again Fred pulled back until his cock was almost out of Jessica's cunt and then he rammed it back in again to the hilt. Jessica squelched and squealed. "Ohhhh myyy Goooood!" she squealed. "That's fucking fantastic! Such a length of cock in me! I can feel you all the way up to my stomach. That's it Fred darling, pump your prick into me. I'm gonna come again any second now." Fred gazed down at his lover in rapture. Her pussy was slit wide open and his cock was sliding in and out of her at a great rate. He could see himself fucking this beautiful young girl. It was a fine erotic sight. She may be coming again but he suddenly felt in full control and just wanted to watch her next orgasm. He reached down and took both breasts in his hands. He squeezed them hard as he rammed his tool home. That did it for Jessica. "Fuckinnnnng Hell," she screamed. "Fuckinnnnng Hell, I'm cominnnng!" She was too! He hips thrashed as she tried to climb further up Fred's pole. Liquid cum ran from her hole as she howled into her release. Fred hung on to her legs, making sure that his cock stayed buried inside her. Eventually Jessica subsided back on to her back, her legs slipping off his shoulders and hitting the sheets with a 'thwack'. Fred slowly eased his cock from Jessica's molten cunt and lay down beside her. She turned to him and he nuzzled and nibbled her breasts and nipples. "Thank you so much Fred. That was fantastic. From now on I'm going to say that you were my first lover. That other boy just doesn't count any more. See, I've forgotten his name already." They kissed and Fred reached for her bottom and pulled her to him, his still stiff cock pressing into her belly. Jessica reached for him. "God, you're still hard, aren't you?" she said wonderingly. "Aren't you going to come in me Fred darling? I wanted to have your spunk in me today. Are you going to love me again?" "Jessica my darling, we are going to make love again; I'm going to fire my spunk deep into your vagina all the way up to your womb entrance. Then we will go and have a nice hot shower together and we can pee on each other. Then, if you can get me hard again, we will continue with your education by showing you how to suck me off and I will lick you out until you come all over my mouth. How does all that lot grab you?" "Sounds fucking great to me," giggled Jessica, kissing him again. "Can I start practising for the suck off now Fred? Your cock is still sticky from my cum." Without waiting for an answer Jessica scooted down Fred's body and fed his cock into her mouth. She reached up to his mouth with her sticky fingers and he grabbed her hand and licked her fingers, one by one. Jessica licked up and down his cock lasciviously, wiping off her cum juice. After a couple of minutes he felt definite stirrings in his balls so he gently pulled her head from his tool. "Sorry darling but it's time to fill you with my cream. Get up on your hands and knees with your head on the pillow and your bum in the air." Jessica complied quickly to his request. "Are you going to fuck my bum Fred?" she asked. "No darling, that's for another day," Fred replied. "This time I'm going to pump your pussy full of my cum." Fred positioned himself behind Jessica's rump and pulled open her buttocks. Her pussy still gaped open from its previous action so he had no difficulty in sighting and pushing his cock into her hole. He sighed with deep emotion as he watched his cock disappear into her cavern. Jessica also sighed deeply. "That seems even deeper Fred darling. Do you want me to move?" "Not yet Jessica darling. Just keep firm while I fuck you. When I'm ready to come I'll tell you what to do." Fred started to pound his cock deep into Jessica. He gripped her hips, holding her buttocks apart so that he could see his cock at work and also her little puckered anus pulsing in time with his thrusts. Very soon he was receiving a message from his balls that a consignment was being despatched. He, with difficulty, stopped his thrusting. "Now Jessica darling, start tossing me off with your cunny. Rock backwards and forwards and squeeze my cock hard with your cunt. I'm nearly there. I want to cream you now!" Jessica was more than ready. She gripped the bed with her hands and gripped his cock with her cunt. She pistoned back and forth on his cock and got very very hot again. Fred felt his rushing seed. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" he grunted as each bolt of spunk shot out of his cock and jetted deep into Jessica's belly. "Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh." Jessica squealed as she felt his first shot. "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!" she shouted. "I can feel it, all hot and sticky. I'm coming on it. Fill me; give me your cream. That's it! I'm cominnnng, I'm cominnnng, I'm cominnnng!" Fred gasped as his cock began to shrink and he fell to the mattress beside Jessica. She slid down from her position on to her belly. She put her arm across Fred's chest and began to rub his body slowly, making circles and then rubbing his nipples. She lifted her head. "Your cock's gone down at last," she grinned. "I am all squidgy inside my cunny now and it's not from me playing with myself this time. I wonder if I'll ever do that again?" "You can't expect to have sex on tap, you know," laughed Fred. "There will still be a place for the old masturbation. Do you often play with yourself?" "All the time. Gerry and I share a room and we have competitions to see who can come the fastest. She's more experienced than me though. She's three months older than me and she's been having sex with some boys since last April. I'm not sure 'cos she won't say but I think that one of the boys that she's had is her brother!" "What makes you think that? That's incest, you know?" "I know but she's always going on about what a fantastic body he's got and how much she loves him. About the only thing on his body she hasn't described to me is his penis so it just makes me wonder, you know." They lay silently together for a few minutes, just touching and relaxing. Then Jessica continued. "Gerry's great fun. I like her a lot. She's the one that told me how to suck a cock. She does it all the time. She says she can have a great night out with a guy and only have to suck him off at the end of it. She's not on the pill so she has to be careful. That's all going to change though 'cos she's just started taking the pill so by the time she gets here she'll be ready to experiment. I'll give you a good recommendation Fred so maybe she'll fuck you too!" "What makes you think that I can cope with two of you," laughed Fred. "Don't forget, I'm so much older than you girls." "It doesn't matter so long as you can get it up," giggled Jessica as she reached out for Fred's cock. "If you can get it up you can get it in. Anyway, Mummy says she's not the only one; there's Mrs Thompson, Becky to you, someone called Hilary van whatshername, and what about little Maria Elena? I haven't seen her since her visit this morning. Did you fuck Maria Fred?" "No I didn't," said Fred, smacking Jessica's bottom quite hard. "Come on, it's shower time. I'll tell you though just so that we are honest with each other. Maria Elena was naked here this morning. She was telling me about her new old boyfriend, he's a thirty five year old widower, and that she was expecting to see his cock this afternoon but she said that she hadn't decided if she would let him make love to her or not." "Great, she'll have lots to tell me down at the bar tonight," said Jessica as she got into the shower cabinet. "Fred, you know you said we could have a pee in here? "Yes." "I want to do it for you but I'd love it if you'd smack my bum while I'm doing it. I think it will make me do more. Will you do that for me?" "Of course," replied Fred as he smacked her hard again. "I really need to piss now so I'll go first. Take a hold of my cock!" Jessica managed to take hold of Fred's cock just as his piss started. Like most girls, she loved to feel his piss coursing through his prick. She was soon hosing his stream in all directions, over her body, up the walls and up on to his chest. As he finished he turned her and smacked her. She squealed but she was ready. Fred pulled her to him and smacked her repeatedly as she squirted her pee all over his cock and balls. As she finished he fondled her pussy and was rewarded with a little orgasm. "That was lovely Fred. I'll finish you off with a blowjob outside. Can I have a Breezer as well please?" "I'll get me a brandy and a beer," grinned Fred. "After you've sucked me off I'll anoint you with beer and then lick it off you." So that is what they did. Jessica soon got Fred hard again and set to work, firmly stroking and sucking him to the point where he had to warn her of his impending ejaculation. She gave him a sort of grin and continued jacking and sucking. Fred gave a loud groan as his cream shot up his tube and into her mouth. He then grunted rhythmically as each shot hit the back of her throat. Jessica swallowed the lot. "Mummy told me how to suck off as well as Gerry," she said a few minutes later as Fred was licking beer of her tits and belly before heading south to her cunny. "It was only theory, of course, Graham wouldn't let her do anything like that to him. I think she really likes sucking you Fred. It gives her confidence with her lovemaking. Oh yes, that's lovely. Suck on my clitty and lick me hard. Make me come again. Fred was a good licker and Jessica soon made cum juice for him to drink. Then he got the camera out again. Jessica was a little worried about nude photos but when Fred said that he did all his own processing and editing on the computer she agreed to the photo session. Jessica soon got into the modelling mood and posed erotically for him, showing off her cunt to the camera along with her bottom. Fred got some great shots of her bum, her pussy and her breasts, along with nipple close ups. He exposed two cards of memory with Jessica taking a few of his stiff cock to complete the second card. He sat deep in his armchair sipping his brandy as she slipped on her things and kissed him goodbye. "I will walk home darling," she said. "I promised Mummy I wouldn't monopolise you so I may not come tomorrow. If Mummy doesn't come can I come?" "Of course you can," said Fred. "I can't promise such a top performance every day though." "That's OK," said Jessica as she waved him goodbye from the gate, giving Prince a stroke and a pat as she went. "I'd come just for the sunbathing anyway." Fred lay back and closed his eyes, resting after his extremely energetic afternoon. Then the phone rang. It was Becky. "Hello Fred darling," she trilled, "has she gone?" "Yes and I'm totally knackered." Becky laughed. "Only the reason I'm calling is that Jack has just phoned to say that he's not coming home tonight. He'll be shagging that accountant woman that he met. I've rung the private detective and told him where they'll be and to get the dirt on him this time. I'm not going to divorce him or anything like that. I just want to have him in the palm of my hand for future leverage." "So you're on your own," said Fred. "Yes, do you want to come round here or shall I come to you?" "I won't leave Prince all night," answered Fred. "You come round here!" oooo—
Fred, Mary & Jessica again
[ "mature man/young girl", "sex", "fucking", "sucking", "pissing/peeing", "sucking", "licking" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 925, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 98 }
say nothing. Eyes fixed on the task. Their breaths become deep. Long. Kelly's face is so close. Her mother's vagina a handful of inches away. She can see the glimmer of moistness shine across her lips as they begin to slowly part with each heartbeat. It's as if it is calling to her, welcoming her inside. Kelly stares transfixed, inching closer and closer. Mom's scent washes over her, growing stronger with each passing moment. Kelly's mouth grows dry as her breath grows hotter, billowing across our mother's most private skin, funneling up to her moist, sensitive vagina and blowing across her shimmering clitoris. Deep and dark waves of pleasure bring goosebumps to their skin. Slowly, Kelly's tongue snakes out from between her dry lips and pushes forward, begging to taste the salty flesh... "Hey Jason! Are you asleep?" Kelly called out. My mind suddenly flashed back to the present. What the hell was that? "Shit! Sorry," I said shaking my head. "All done?" Kelly was walking up to me with Mom's towel draped over her arm. "Yes Sir!" she chimed with a wide grin. Her cheeks and skin were bright red. "That was so wild. I've never studied a vagina that close for so long. Got to say, Moms got a nice little cunt." If I were drinking anything, I would have choked. "Jesus, Kelly!" I exclaimed. "What? She does." "I'm gonna add that to the list of weird shit I didn't expect to hear today." Kelly shook off the towel, obviously proud of herself. "I'm just saying, I'm impressed." With a big flick, she let it catch the breeze and gently laid it on the sand. "I don't think it's a big deal but I didn't give her a complete clean-cut. I left a little race track right here because I think that's a little hotter." She traced her finger up and down her pelvis. "How'd you do that without scissors... you know what? Never mind. I don't want to know." Kelly chuckled taking great enjoyment out of my discomfort as she laid herself down on the towel. I slung the camera around my neck. "Where is she now?" She lifted her hand gesturing to the rocks. "Moisturizing her lady bits." She tilted her head to look. "And... there she is." I turned to see our Mother walking up in a tight dark red suit. If she had gone for joyful radiance before, she looked mischievously tantalizing now. She looked firm; her skin had a slight tan from the day's actions. Her hair now tied up in a bun with a few loose strands falling free elongating her neck and enhancing her collar. Her breasts pressed tight against her body appearing larger than I recalled. They were held firm in two half cups suspended by a thick strap wrapped up and around her long neck. Her arms brushed against her sides with each step of her long, sultry legs. I could see her hips swing ever so slightly as she tried to maintain her better balance as she walked barefoot through the sand. I could feel my mouth going dry as I stared. She walked right up to me, halting with a tiny jump as if coming to attention; her back straight and chest sticking out proudly. She knew she looked good. "Awaiting orders, Sir," she said with a mini salute of her hand. I raised an eyebrow and took her in. "Dear God, you look absolutely stunning!" I said. I could see her blush ever so slightly. "What a charmer." My mind suddenly flashed back to the daydream from only moments before. I had to shake my head, clearing my thoughts. "So, how you feeling? All set and ready?" She nodded as she fidgeted with her bikini bottoms. Her hand reached down as she rubbed her crotch in the most nonchalant manner. It didn't stop the knot from forming in my stomach or stop my blood from heating up. She scrunched her nose. "Sorry, this feels kinda weird. I'm a little tingly." I tried to clear my throat. "Rest assured the feeling is mutual. Shall we?" "Put me where you want me," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. I nodded, attempting to chase away taboo thoughts. "Kelly, I'm gonna need your help." I said. "You see that silver thing over there," I pointed to my duffle bag. "I need you to grab it for me. You're gonna be my Bounce for these photos." She got up, dusting the sand from her arms. "Okay... What does that mean?" she asked as she picked up the object, a folded up disc. "You'll see. Hold one side and give it a firm shake." I said and watched as she did exactly that. Instantly the tension released and it unfolded creating a large, flat disc one yard in diameter. One side was a soft white fabric, the other a highly reflective crumbled aluminum. I continued. "Your job will be to use the sun to bounce light back into our models face. Kinda like a soft spot light." Kelly flipped the disc around in her hands with a smile. "This is pretty cool." I chuckled. "Glad you like." I surveyed the area. "Alright, so..." looking around. "Mom, let's start with you in standing in the surf. Kelly, I'll need you behind me, crouching low over here. Sound good?" They both nodded and assumed their positions. Mom, shifting her weight between one foot and the other as waves washed up behind her. Kelly, squatting down, the reflector in front of her illuminating our mother. The sun was my last fear, as it had just begun to set. "Okay, we are going to have to do these real fast with quick changes. We have about an hour light left." I said. They both nodded. "Alright, Mom, look right here. Remember how we made the last looks more fun and flirty? Well these need to be more flirty than fun. You good with that?" She smirked, placed one hand on the small of her arched back, pushed her ass and chest out as she leaned forward. "Like that?" she asked. I could hear Kelly giggling behind me. "Our Mom's the best." I shook my head in disbelief. "Perfect," I said and started snapping away. The hour blew by in a heartbeat, though I had begged for each second to remain longer. I couldn't determine what was more enthralling; watching our mother through my view finder, or catching her between shots with my own eyes. She was like a different person, as if something she had caged up had been released. She began to sway in place, rocking her hips to songs that only she could hear. Her eyes fixed to the lens, beckoning for the viewer to come closer. Her lips would purse, or part to allow a deep breath, or even feel the momentary caress of her tongue if she felt inclined. She toyed with the camera, toyed with me, even Kelly who never said a word except during changes which were not that frequent. But, true to their promises, were quick and expedited. Perhaps due to the sparsity of covering, but it felt like only a second would pass from when she went in to when she came out wearing another suit always slightly more suggestive then the previous. She had been wearing the last suit, a light blue string bikini when we moved to the boulders. She leaned against a rock, looking at us over her shoulder. The fabric framed her ass perfectly. Tight, and curvaceous. A string from the tie hung low and brushed against the shelf of her buttocks as it blew in the breeze. I couldn't help but grow jealous. *CLICK* "Beautiful," I said rotating to portrait. *CLICK* "Lift your chin up a little." *CLICK* "Nice. Hold it." *CLICK* "Now shift your weight and lower your right arm a little." *CLICK* "Good. Now a little more." *CLICK* "There you go. Perfect" *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* "Perfect," I whispered. *CLICK* She was certainly a sight to behold. Tempting. Alluring. Captivating and so much more, yet at the same time, in the back of my head, I kept having to remind myself that this was our mother. The woman who birthed us, raised us, and supported us all our lives. I had to keep reminding myself over and over because it was in those moments when I stopped, that my mind began to wonder what her skin tasted like. How it would feel to run my fingers through her hair. To nibble on her neck or feel the weight of her ass cheek in my palm. *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* Kelly's voice suddenly broke the sounds of the shutter. "Mom, can we try something?" she asked. *CLICK* "What is it baby?" *CLICK* Kelly shifted her weight, keeping the remaining light from the setting sun upon our mother. "While you face that rock, could you maybe reach back and untie the top?" Shit Kelly, you are not helping my situation. *CLICK* She continued, "Don't worry, we won't see anything." *CLICK* I couldn't believe my sister would ask that, but I was even more shocked to see Mom's fingers slowly sneak back and latch on to a strand, and then gently, slowly, pull it free. With a soft snap, the knot came undone leaving Mom's bare back exposed. "How's that?" she asked her daughter while looking at me. "That's hot, Mom. Very sexy," Kelly said. I couldn't help but take in her form. Though she was not completely topless, save only a strand wrapped around her neck, her open back was incredibly sexy. I feared I was losing a battle within myself. I almost forgot to continue. *CLICK* *CLICK* I heard Kelly's voice again. "Now take a step back, Mom." She did. "Now one more." She did again. *CLICK* "Now lean forward, keeping your legs straight." Our mother reached her hands out and slowly walked her palms down the boulder, pushing her ass out to us. The fabric tightened around her waist pressing deep into her crotch. It clung so tight, so snug against her that I could just begin to make out the shape of her woman hood. The edges of the fabric shimmered, more so on the moisturized skin deep within her inner thigh. The logical part of me blamed the mist of the waves that hammered the rocks, or even the lotion she had applied earlier. But then again, I couldn't help but wonder if this glimmering skin, this moisture was dripping from excited lips beneath the bottoms. A soft breeze brought something new to my attention. Her top swung low leaving her chest hidden in the shadows. Her breasts were hanging free, the undersides softly illuminated by Kelly's light. My eyes strained, searching deep in the dark for the rest of her. Perhaps it was that desire, that carnal and taboo lust that convinced me, but for the briefest of moments, that I saw her nipples, hard and dark and prickled with the same goosebumps that rippled across her skin. *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* Slowly, to the beat of the crashing waves, she stood back up, her top falling into place covering her chest. She rotated, facing us and retreated to the rock, arching her back against the surface. Her hips rocked back and forth as her hands rubbed against her skin. "How am I doing, Jason?" she asked. *CLICK* My blood pumped as I watched her hips sway. "Perfect." *CLICK* Her hand snaked up across her stomach, fingers trailing across her skin. *CLICK* "Raise your hands higher," I said. Slowly they rose. *CLICK* "Cup your breasts," I said. Her hands went over the top. "No," I said. "Go under." *CLICK* Her eyes fixed on mine as if seeing me through the lens. Slowly she snaked her hands beneath the top, caressing each tit with her hands. She squeezed, and began breathing harder. *CLICK* She raised an eyebrow. "Still think I'm reserved?" *CLICK* "Fuck no," I breathed, perhaps a bit too loud. *CLICK* Her breath caught short, as if she had tweaked her own nipples. I paused and looked at her over the camera. She winked at me. "Anything else?" *CLICK* My mind went a mile a minute as I began to feel my stomach tighten again. "Bring your hands to your hips," I said, and she did. *CLICK* "Hook your thumbs into the straps on each hip." She slipped her right thumb into the waistband. *CLICK* "Both hands." She hooked the left side. *CLICK* "Good. Now pull them out just tad." She did, lifting the waistband away from the skin. *CLICK* "Perfect. You're such a natural, Mom," I said. "Same to you," she replied. *CLICK* "Now, without going too far, pull them down just half an inch. Make it look like you were taking them off." I said as I squatted down. Mom hesitated for a moment, and then peeled back the waist just one tantalizing inch, revealing an extra strip of skin I had never seen before. The band had resealed just below her hip, showcasing the slope of her pelvis before it disappeared under the covering. "How's that?" she breathed. *CLICK* "Perfect. Absolutely perfect." *CLICK* "Now," I smiled, "Go ahead and pull them off," I joked. Mom stopped, looked at me a moment. Then, before I could apologize, her hands moved lower, taking the bathing suit with it. Kelly's breath caught in her throat as we both stood transfixed, watching our gorgeous mother slipping her panties off. I began snapping away, photo after photo; I didn't want to miss a fraction of a second. It was intoxicating, watching the fabric peel off her skin, rolling backwards like peeled fruit, which in many ways it was. Lower and lower she went until suddenly a thin line of hair appeared; Kelly's masterpiece. It was almost like a beacon lining up my vision and letting me know what was to come, and based on the sudden throbbing in my shorts, my cock was begging to know as well. And there it was, the final moment where I knew in one second's time, I would be seeing the loins from whence I came, and the most anticipated region I had ever wished to see. Just one second more. It was then that she stopped, and in one fluid motion, pulled the suit back up in place. "There you go," she said with a wicked smile. "All done." I sat there dumbfounded. This must be the visual equivalent to blue balls. "You're such a tease, Mom," Kelly laughed behind me. I had honestly forgotten she was there. Mom walked toward us, retying her suit behind her back. She was so very proud of herself. She stood over me with the biggest shit eating grin, leaned down and kissed my head. "That was so much fun," she said. "Thanks for talking me into this." She rubbed my head, the same way she would when I was five. I chuckled to myself, shaking my head as I stood. "Hey, it's what I do." "And you do it well." She stood up straight, hand on hips. "Now, who's hungry?" *Chapter 3.0* Over an hour later we found ourselves at a crowded bar... or perhaps it was more of a pub? Regardless, it was much closer to home. The walls were paneled in what appeared to be a deep cherry wood dimly lit by small rectangular wall sconces. There were no booths, only tables of thick oak, where not a one had gone unscathed by carved vandalism. We sat at one of these tables along the wall, each with hamburger, a full pint and a single pitcher of ale in the middle. I raised my glass. "Here's to your first shoot as a designer, and yours as a model!" I cheered over the ever constant murmur of the crowd. They both smiled wide, holding up their glasses as we clinked them together and took a deep swig. "Wow!" Mom exclaimed, "That's strong! What is it?" She indicated to the beer. "It's an IPA, Mom," Kelly stated wiping her lips of suds. "It's a strong beer so go easy." Mom seemed to scoff. "Oh please, I've been drinking since before you were born." "Okay... Just warning you," Kelly backed down. We turned our eyes back to the bar. Though it was Friday, it seemed pretty active for this early in the evening. The other two must have been having the same thought. "It seems a bit packed for a dive bar to you?" Kelly asked. Mom looked around, holding with two hands a monster sized hamburger. "I'm not sure. Never been here before," she said before taking a monster sized bite. I was about to say the same when I spotted a slightly overweight bearded man in a plaid shirt grab a microphone. He held in his other hand a well used notebook, corners bent and darkened. "Ladies and Gentlemen it is that time of the week!" The announcer's voice reverberated throughout the pub to scattered hoots, hollers and applauds. "Oh shit, is it karaoke?" Kelly groaned. I shook my head. "I don't think so..." Mom and Kelly looked at me quizzically. "Trivia Night." I said as I pulled out a pen and pad of paper from our condiment stand. "It's Friday night Trivia!" our bearded friend confirmed. He sounded like he was announcing a boxing match. "Make sure each team has a pen and paper. Four members per team. No cell phones, tablets, laptops, or any item that takes batteries. Twenty questions in all. Tie breaker goes to the best team name by applause." "We doing this?" Kelly asked as I flipped to a blank page. "Sure," I said. "Why not? It'll be fun. You down, Mom?" "Mm-hmmm" she said while finishing off her meaty sandwich. "Jesus, Mom!" Kelly exclaimed in disbelief. "You destroyed that thing." "Momma was hungry," she said licking the sauce off her fingers. "You don't say..." I mumbled in slight disbelief. "Question number one," he bellowed. "What famous..." I'd like to say we decimated the competition, but to be honest with you, I have yet to go to a trivia night at any bar and say "Wow, that was easy." Luckily, between the three of us, we at least played to our strengths. We felt pretty solid on thirteen out of twenty, and were shooting for the moon on the rest. "So we feel good on this?" I asked handing the sheet to Kelly for her review. She glanced over the answers. "As good as we'll ever be. Mom?" She handed it to her. She just smiled and held up her hand signaling 'okay'. "Okay then... Shit! We need a team name!" I exclaimed. "Just put 'Team Awesome' or something," said Kelly. "Wow, seriously?" I looked at her. "I'm trying not to be an asshole and all here but that is probably the lamest team name I've ever heard." "What's it supposed to be then?" she asked. "Anything. Best ones are witty in some way. It's a bar, play to the audience." "Something dirty then," Mom chimed in. Kelly and I shared another look. "Well this can get awkward real fast," I said. "Quit being so uptight," Mom said with a slap. "How about... Friday Night Threesome." We shrugged. "It's okay. Miles closer than 'Team Awesome'," I joked. Kelly retaliated by throwing a french fry at me. I tapped the pencil against the table. "Hmmm... Periodic Table Dancers?" They chuckled and shook their heads. "Ass is the New Vag?" Kelly threw in. Mom raised an eyebrow. "I like it, but..." I said to which both Mom and Kelly laughed. "Cunning Linguists?" Mom threw out. I laughed out loud. "I missed something here," Kelly said. "It sounds like cunnilingus," I informed my sister. Her furrowed brow remained. Mom sighed. "When a guy eats you out, honey." "Mom!" Kelly said, cheeks blushing. Mom just shrugged. "You're the one who likes the ass." Our announcer was rounding the tables collecting the answers. He was one away from ours. "He's almost here, just give me something." Kelly shrugged. "I don't know, 'Fuck Condoms'. Just put that." "I am learning so much today about you two," Mom joked. "Here he comes," I said as he approached. "Fuck it. Just do the ass," Mom said. "I really wish I heard the beginning of this conversation," the announcer stated as he approached our table. I wrote down our team name and handed him the pad. He read it over, chuckled and couldn't help but eye my two companions. He walked away with an approving nod to me. "What'd you put down?" Kelly asked. "I went with yours. 'Ass is the New Vag'." Mom seamed to sulk as she poured another glass. "I really liked Cunning Linguist." "I feel like we are learning so much about you two," I said. Seriously, oddest day of my life. "Mom," Kelly said, "Your phone." Mom's arm was illuminated by a soft glow coming from the screen of her smartphone. "Oh shit. It's a voicemail. I didn't even hear it ring." She grabbed her device and left the table. Kelly and I were left alone. "Well Sis. It's been a long day. I hope it turned out the way you wanted." She shrugged, holding her beer with two hands. "We shall see. It was a lot of fun though." She smiled. "How long until the photos are ready?" "I was hoping to do some tomorrow and the next day if need be. I don't really have anything else on my plate that's as time sensitive." I poured myself another pint. "Actually, with the way the night's going, I might as well stay at the house. I left my computer there so I can stick around." I leaned back in my chair. "That would be awesome!" Her eyes shimmered brightly. "Thanks again," she said, "I mean it; you are a life savor. I would be so screwed without you. And, it was soooo much fun." She raised her glass. "Here's to a wonderful day." "My pleasure," I said as I clinked my glass to hers. Her fingers drew shapes in the condensation of the glass. "Jason, can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "You're not dating anyone, are you?" she asked, though it felt like more of a statement. I took a deep breath. "Not really. I tend to stay really busy. Especially as of late." Unfortunately, it was true. "Why do you ask?" She shrugged. "I don't know. Curiosity, I guess... I found your condoms in your overnight bag. Did you know they have an expiration date?" "I did, but I don't think-" "They expired last November." I raised an eyebrow. "No shit?" Well that's embarrassing. She nodded, smirking. "So I take that to mean Big Brother hasn't been getting any?" I rolled my eyes, sighing, "Nope." "Not even from the models?" "Mm-mm," I replied. "I mean don't get me wrong, I've tried, but I don't know what it is. Kinda in a slump but at least my work keeps me distracted." Kelly nodded. "I hear ya there." "Really?" "Yup," she said. "Been focusing on school so much that I haven't had the chance to go out and meet some boys." She chuckled, "It's funny, because sometimes I'll watch a movie or read a story or stumble upon something dirty online and I'm like BAM, instantly horny. So I'll either go downstairs and work, or work on my downstairs," she said with a wink. "Some of the stuff mom wore today was created in a fiery urge to fuck." If I had been drinking something, I would have spit it out right then and there... for the second time today. Kelly didn't seem fazed. "I'm surprised Dad hasn't wondered why we go through so many batteries these days." Her eyes focused on nothing as she picked up her dill pickle and took a crisp bite. "So Big Bro, how long has it been?" she said, turning her attention to me. I tilted my head. "Since my last..." "Bonin'," she smiled. I took a deep breath, eyes looking to the ceiling as I traced back my memory. "Probably over a year." I brought my gaze back to her. "You?" "Close to the same, give or take a week. I stopped counting after six months." I laughed. "What a sad bunch we both are." "I know, right?" she responded. "I guess it's good that you don't shoot nudes or you'd probably have a heart attack. Been a while since you saw a vah-jay-jay," she teased. Then her eyes narrowed as she scrunched her nose and smiled. "It's too bad." "What?" A mischievous sparkle twinkled in her eye. "It's too bad you didn't get to see my handy work with Mom. Would have fixed that problem right away." I set my glass down. "Man, Kelly, what is your obsession with getting me to see Mom's... business?" "I'm not obsessed!" she said. "I've barely even brought it up." "The fact that you've brought it up is bizarre enough on its own." I laughed. "And, you've brought it up *twice* now." I said raising two fingers. "Have I?" She leaned back in her chair. "You're probably right. I don't know why it's on my mind still," she said with a shrug. "It was just so cool. I've never studied another vagina besides my own before. I mean it was different, but also very similar to my own." Her hand unconsciously traveled to her crotch, giving it a light squeeze. "Oh my gosh it sounds so dirty!" she giggled, "I'm so bad." I raised an eyebrow. "Sounds to me like you are thinking of pitching for the other team." "Fuck no, I love the cock," she blurted out, and I rolled my eyes. "But, can you keep a secret?" I looked in her eyes; a fire seemed to be slowly burning. I nodded. She took a final swig of her drink. "I touched her pussy." "What?" I asked, leaning in. She did the same. "I did! I touched her pussy when I was shaving her. It was so wild. I never thought I'd be in that position, but there I was, kneeling between Mom's spread legs with my face inches from her cunt." She put emphasis on the final word, as if enjoying the feel of it as it came of her mouth. My heart began pounding as visions of my day dream came sweeping back. She continued. "She didn't seem to be too concerned about how close I was, or maybe she was, I don't know. She just joked about how maybe she should get me some glasses. I laughed, but to be honest with you, I was captivated by the moment and it felt kinda like instinct or something that brought me so close." "Oh Jason, I could smell her," Kelly said in a deep voice, her hands gripping the edges of the table. "It had that deep and heavy and sweet scent all at once. Kinda like sweat and honey, it's tough to explain. I don't know why, I felt my mouth water." This was getting deep. I could feel my neck pulse, with each beat of my heart as I leaned against the table with crossed arms. "And you touched her?" I asked. Kelly blinked slowly and nodded. "It wasn't really intentional. I mean I didn't mean to but it was the final pass, and I was swiping the blade over the hump of her mound. I was using my other hand to hold her tight so that it was as close a shave as possible. When I let go, my hand slipped down, right between her thighs and my fingertips slipped across her lips." Kelly's chest was heaving. "Mom's breath caught in her mouth, as did mine. Her lips had parted for me; my middle finger had actually been inside her! It was only for a second, maybe even half of that, but it was enough time for both of us to know." My mouth felt dry. "So what did you do?" I asked. She laughed. "Nothing. We both started mumbling, she said 'Thank you', I think, and I let her finish up the rest. I mean, part of me wasn't really sure that it really happened. It wasn't until I was walking away that I notices a tiny little strand of liquid clinging to my middle finger." She was looking at me now. Waiting for me to ask the next question. "So, did you... what did you do?" She smiled, eyes fixed on my own. "Are you asking if I licked it?" I nodded. She shook her head. "Mm-mm." she said, and then her eyes sparkled with a mischievous twinkle. "It was pussy juice," she said in a whisper. "I put it in my pussy." I stared at her, speechless, dumbfounded. Kelly started laughing. I shook my head. "You little..." "God you are so easy sometimes," she chuckled. I couldn't recall the last time I had seen her so pleased with herself. She managed to compose herself. "That was fun," she said, then shivered and started fanning herself with her hand. "Kinda got myself worked up there too. I mean look!" she said raising her arm, showing me the tiny bumps that prickled their way up and down her arm. She made no mention of the two little bumps now protruding from her breasts. "You kids behaving yourselves?" Mom asked, startling the both of us as she took a seat. "Welcome back, Mom." Kelly said as she munched on her fries. She began wiggling in her seat. "We were just talking about y-" "Everything okay?" I interrupted. Mom looked up to me and put on her smile. "Yeah. It was just your father." "You were gone a while." "I know. We were trying to work something out." It was tough to tell in the low light, but her cheeks appeared a little flushed. "His meeting went well and they are out celebrating." "Well that's great, right?" I said. "Mm-hmm," she nodded and finished off her beer. She seemed somewhat distracted. Then, suddenly, she sat up straight. "So have they announced the results?" I blinked. "Not yet," Kelly replied looking around the room. "I don't see the guy anymore. Maybe there's a couple more tables somewhere." "Goodie," Mom said as she poured the last of the pitcher in the glass. "So what were you kids talking about while I was gone?" "Not much," I said with a shrug. "Yeah," Kelly said. "Oh, except I was just telling Jason about how I helped sh-" "Ladies and Gentlemen, the results are in," the announcers' voice bellowed across the tiny pub. He read off the answers, and we followed along to the best of our ability. Our responses were pretty much what we expected, though we were pleased with a two impulse answers that much to our surprise turned out correct. In the end, we were sitting pretty with fourteen correct. "And now, the winners!" he called out. One by one he listed the teams and announced their scores. I was a little surprised to hear the points start off so low. The teams were pretty amazing and ranged in creativity. There was 'The Trivia Trollops', 'Kings of Kegels', 'Win or Lose, We Still Booze', and many more, some being rowdier than others. Yet as he announced, we were getting more and more excited because our team name had yet to be called. And then he said it. "And with fourteen points, we have a three-way tie for second place!" he called, leading to murmurs in the crowd. "When I call your team name, please stand up." Mom, Kelly and I all shared a look. It may have to be read to others like 'Oh shit.' "First up; My Couch Pulls out, but I don't!" He called, leading a group of four large frat boys to stand up and cheer. I kinda liked their name. "Next; Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver!" the crowd burst out laughing as a mixed group of four stood, clapping and throwing each other high fives. "Finally; Ass is the New Vag!" he said as the room erupted in laughter and cheers. We looked at each other with wide, shocked grins and slowly stood. I could feel the eyes of the crowd turn to face us. What a sight it must have been to see me beside my sister and mother, though I had a sneaking suspicion, no one knew our relations. As a matter of fact, we should be proud! I mean why not for there I stood, a young man with two incredibly gorgeous women who, according to our team name, like to keep it adventurous. We looked at each other, cheeks flushed and border-lining embarrassed when it seemed that all at once, we shared the same thought. 'You know what... Fuck it!'. We turned around, facing our audience and stood there, filled with pride and righteousness. It was our decision, and we're gonna own it. Kelly had her fist in the air, nodding sternly as if to say, 'Fuck yeah! Ass IS the new vag, bitches!' Even our mother got behind it yelling out 'Damn right!' It was a sight to see. "Alright everyone, by a show of applause, who takes home second?" Our announcer spoke. "Let's hear it for 'My Couch Pulls out but I don't!'" The crowd cheered, jeered and yelled. We too applauded, though softly. "How about 'Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver!'" The sound of clapping grew the cheers intensifying. Our announcer chuckled, turning his hand to us. "And last, 'Ass is the New Vag!'" he said, but was cut off abruptly by the roar crowd. A dozen or so were on their feet, including the party of Frat Boys who cheered louder than the rest. "There you have it! The tie and second place go to 'Ass is the New Vag!'" He cheered causing us to laugh and high five each other. Our emotions were high, adrenaline kicked in. "That was fucking awesome!" Kelly shouted leaning across the table as the crowd still applauded. Mom and I were nothing but smiles. "And finally, in first place; 'What's Trivia Night?'" He called out turning his hand to a seated group of wide-eyed elderly individuals, mouths agape and staring at the bar in disgust, shock, and disbelief. The announcer brought over a fresh pitcher of beer, the rewards for second place, then walked away laughing, though not before giving me a knowing slap on the back. We were only able to finish half of it, before we decided to call it quits for the night. We paid our tab, filed into the car with Kelly getting behind the wheel. Mom and I fell into the back, me on the far right and her in the middle. She brought her feet up to rest on the seat as she leaned into me, closing her eyes and thanking me for a wonderful day I leaned against the door and wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her close. I could feel Kelly's eyes from the rear view mirror staring back at us for a moment before I caught her gaze. She smiled, winked, and pulled out of the parking lot. As we drove down the road, my eyes couldn't help but travel down our mother's body. Her dress had ridden up her thighs, and though I had seen more of her only a few hours ago, I found my vision fixed to the pale orange beams from the street lights as they traveled up her exposed flesh. I closed my eyes, feeling her weight as she snuggled closer, the scent of sea salt lightly drifting from her hair. This day was over, our first photo shoot done. And though my thoughts turned to hungered anticipation for my day of editing, I would later find out my scheming sister had already been planning our next shoot. *Chapter 4.0* I awoke to a quiet house with a pounding headache and the feeling like all the water that was in my body had been sucked out in the middle of the night. My tongue felt thick, my skin dry, and my thoughts felt like they had to wade through a dense fog to become actions. Somehow, I was at least able to sit up and put my feet on the floor. I was in my room, well what used to be my room at least. It had been converted to a guest room or sorts. All the furniture had remained the same; the bed, dresser, shelves, all those had been mine all through high school. Everything else in the room that had given it personality was gone. No posters or photos; all had been replaced with generic books and oddities you might find at a Home & Garden store. Though it looked different now, it still had the same feel I remembered. Perhaps that's why I was able to navigate it so well in my drunken stupor last night. But, who knows? My eyes continued around the room, settling on my nightstand. A full glass of water sat beside my charging phone. Well, that settles it; I at least had help. I was in no state to plan ahead with any sort of morning hydration, let alone charge my phone. I grabbed the glass and downed the contents. It was absolute bliss. Hands down, the best water in the world. So refreshing and thick and blessed by every god that was ever conceived. It tasted pure, fresh, and heavenly, like liquid ambrosia. I felt like a sponge made wet, finally become useful as my senses slowly started to return. Though I may have had help up into the room, I definitely did not have help changing. I sat there still in my jeans, shoes beside the bed. My shirt for the most part was off; only one sleeve still remained on. So, for a brief moment I felt like an idiot. How drunk was I that I couldn't successfully remove my own shirt? I put it back on and meandered straight to the restroom. It was only 8am but I was already wide awake and there was no going back. Kelly and Mom were still out like a light, my sister proving this by slow heavy breathing accompanied by the occasional snore as I passed her cracked door, silent and barefoot. Mom's door on the other hand, was wide open. She had been just a tad more successful in prepping for bed for she had been laying face down on the covers, resting on her arms in nothing but her panties. For the second time in two days, her naked back was presented to me, but this time, it felt different, more intimate. Her head was turned away from me, and perhaps that was why I lingered in her doorway allowing my eyes to travel up and down her body without fear of reprimand. Her legs were so smooth, now with a slight tan thanks to our time in the sun. Toned, and shapely. My pulse quickened as I gazed higher up, falling int
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o the tiny shadows of her inner thighs. Her panties were black briefs that seemed to be pulled up a little tighter than they should be. They framed her cheeks perfectly, showcasing the perfect round globes of her buttocks. The curve of each cheek running out and around; forcing the eye to travel inwards to her loins. Her breath suddenly caught in her throat, shaking me from my lecherous stare. She stirred, mumbled something inaudible to herself and readjusted her arms. A moment later, her heavy, even breathing continued once more as she drifted back into a deep sleep. I backed away from the doorway, my senses suddenly on high alert. What the hell was wrong with me? I was just checking out my mother... again! I shook my head, and immediately regretted doing so as the hallway spun. Bracing myself on a wall, I slowly made my way downstairs, being ever so thankful for the coffee I knew awaited me. Within ten minutes, I was pouring a cup when I heard the sounds of footsteps coming downstairs. "Hey, look who's up," chimed the voice of my sister behind me. "I would love a cup, thank you." I turned my head and smiled. "Good morning to you too," I said, seeing her there in a pink tank top and polkadot pajama pants that hung low, hugging her hips. Her hair was as disheveled as my own. I grabbed a second mug from the drying rack. Filling it up, I handed the steaming liquid to my sister. She grabbed the mug with two hands smiling through heavy eyelids. She pursed her lips and blew across the surface. "Thanks," she said and took a loud sip. "Oh my God that's amazing... How'd you sleep?" I took a seat at the counter of the island in our kitchen. "I was out like a light. I don't even remember getting in the room." She laughed and sat down opposite me. "I'm not surprised; you were a pain in the ass to get up there anyway." "So it was you." She nodded. "Yep. Both you and mom passed out in the backseat, all snuggled up like prom dates." I raised an eyebrow. "Prom dates, huh? Is that a thing?" "It is now." "Well thanks for the help," I said as I stretched my back. I could hear vertebrae crack. "You help Mom too?" "Yes sir. She was easier but was much further gone than you." She stretched her arms up, arching her back as well. Her breasts pressed hard against the tank top, threatening to rip their way out. I diverted my gaze back to my mug. "You might want to close the door next time when you leave," I said. "Awe now, why would I do that?" she said, settling back down. "I wanted to make sure you had something nice to see when you woke up." I looked up to find her smirking. "First off, gross," I said. "Second, there's nothing to see that I didn't see yesterday." Kelly squinted. "She didn't go completely topless at the beach." "Well she was facedown when I walked by." I said with one final sip of coffee. She smiled broadly. "Ah ha! So you did look!" "I never said I didn't look, I'm just saying you should close the door!" I said as I rose from the counter. "What's with you trying to get me to see mom naked anyway? It's kind of weird." Kelly looked at her coffee, lost in the steam that curled from the dark roast. She shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I myself love to look. You got to be honest, in the last couple days she's looked fucking hot. Like, not just model hot, but naturally. It's probably always been there, but maybe I'm just noticing it now. I don't know what it is but maybe seeing her open up is kind of making me open up too." She took a deep breath, eyes now focusing on me. "I mean remember? Right there at the end of the shoot, I mean holy shit it was crazy. She almost took off her panties in front of us both! It was so crazy! Not to mention getting to actually shave her down there." She shook her head, her voice growing husky. "I never knew mom could be such a tease." I nodded, noting her nipples hardening. "Yeah, that caught me a little off guard too." She took a sip of her coffee, returning to the present. "And so," she continued, "After last night, and *seeing* moms amazing tits up close, I kinda had another wild idea. I figured the least I could do was give you a chance to see them too. Kinda like a 'Thank you' of sorts." She smiled up at me. I tilted my head. "So as a way to say thank you for yesterday, you were going to have me see somebody else's tits?" I immediately knew the folly of my question the moment I asked. She squinted, leaning back in her stool. "Are you saying you want me to show you my tits?" she asked. Shit. "No-no-no-no-no! That's... That's not what I mean." I stammered. Her smile widened. "Are you sure, cause it just sounds like you wanted to see my tits." "No Kelly, Seriously, I don't want to see your breasts." "Don't call them breasts, call them tits. It sounds dirtier." "Fuck no; I'm not calling them anything. Just keep those..." I said pointing "...to yourself." I turned, rinsing my mug in the sink, trying to find a distraction to get out of this conversation. "Jesus, this whole weekend's been so fucking weird." Creeping up behind me, Kelly continued. "Well, I guess if you want to see them, then yes, I should show them to you." Oh shit. I put the cup in the dishwasher and turned to my sister. "Kelly, no means no. I don't want to see your tits. I don't want to see Mom's tits. You're my sister and she's our mother. And this... this is way outside of the norm." Her eyes shined with mischief. "Who gives a fuck about the norm? This is more fun." Her wicked grin faded to soft pouting lips with soft eyes. "You know what that Big Brother? This top feels a little loose. These straps for some reason just keep falling down." Her hands played at the thin straps. I pointed my finger at her. "Nope! Kelly, stop that!" She blinked her big, puppy dog eyes at me. "Stop what?" she asked letting one strap fall off her shoulder. "Oh there, you see? They're doing it again." "Kelly..." She continued. "I guess it's kind of good that it is it's getting really warm in here. Do you feel a little warm?" She let the second strand fall, leaving her shoulders bare. The fabric clung to her top as she gripped the seat of the stool between her legs, pushing her breasts together. "You know what, Kelly, I'm gonna' go to the other room." I said gesturing, "You do whatever you want with your breasts, tits, melons, whatever... I don't give a shit. I'll just be in there and you stay here." Her smile returned as she leaned back and grabbed her chest. "Really? You think they're like melons?" She hoisted them up, one in each hand. I rolled my eyes. "Fuck it. Have fun!" She winked, "I will." But before I could leave, her eyes quickly flew to my crotch, suddenly growing wide. "Oh why hey there little guy!" she said, "Are you trying to come out to play? I have a couple friends you may enjoy." She jiggled her breasts. I looked down, instantly shocked and embarrassed to find my jeans tenting out in front of me. Though my mind had been in discomfort, my cock was crying for joy at the prospect my sister was offering. Few things are worse than your body betraying you to your family. "God damnit Kelly!" I exclaimed as I left the kitchen, face flushed red and dignity long gone. "I don't have time for this. I got your project to work on." "Oh shit!" she said quickly changing demeanor as she chased after me, fixing her straps as she ran. "Please let me help!" "No, you got your boobs to worry about." I said as I picked up my computer bag and camera. My cock still cried out to me, begging to bury itself between what I'm sure were her spectacular tits. "I'm sorry Jason, I was just teasing. I really want to see them!" I turned to her, seeing honesty in her pleading eyes. "Alright," I said, and then pointed at her chest, "but those say inside." "No promises," she said. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Shaking my head, I set the laptop up on the dining table. It took a few minutes to plug everything in and boot up the machine, and longer still for all of the photos to transfer over. Finally, we were ready to go. The photos were imported and the application was live. We scooted our chairs in tight working side-by-side, the lights in the room dimmed so as not to cast a glare on our screen. "Here we go," I said more to myself. "Okay, there are... just over 2,500 photos in total so this may take some time." Kelly whistled. "Wow, that many?" I nodded, my focus locked on the screen. "Yup. You had a lot of looks." I scrolled up to the first. "What I normally do is quickly scan through the images and flag those that look promising. That way we can thin out what we want to work with. Sound good?" I looked at her. The side of her face was illuminated with a soft pale glow, enhancing her soft pale skin. She looked to me, biting her lower lip with excitement and nodded. "All-righty then... here we go." We scoured through the photos, reading one after the other with the most incredible scrutiny. Kelly blew me away, tackling the project with intense professionalism. She was proud of her work, and it showed. We worked like a team devouring each and every one. Approving one out of every ten. It wasn't that the other nine were horrible, even though some of them mom would find infinitely embarrassing, it's just that the other ones were nowhere near as good as those that we kept, the ones that looked like they had fallen right off a magazine page. And though the clothing was the event, the main attraction was without a doubt, our model. She looked so natural, so playful, provocative and alluring. Never would I have guessed this was her first go around. She looked like a puppet freed from strings, opening up in ways I hadn't seen since childhood, if ever at all. We landed on a picture of her standing in the surf sporting a yellow sun dress with the skirt cut just below mid thigh. It was flapper inspired with a low cut in the back, but that was hidden from camera. A breeze had kicked up and she had bent to stop the dress from blowing up. Eyes sparkling like the water behind her, with a large smile as she laughed. "She wears those clothes well." I thought, and then suddenly realized I had said it out loud. "Yes she does," Kelly almost whispered. Her mind seemed to be taking her elsewhere, just like my own. "To be honest with you, most of those are made with her in mind." "I can tell." I flagged it and moved on. "Alright, first batch done. Now, onto the swimsuits." "About damn time," Kelly said. I couldn't help but look at her. "...What?" she asked. Shaking my head, I clicked the next photo. For the most part, the emotions these shots elicited remained the same as those previous. However, there was a slight and subtle shift in the atmosphere. Her smiles were still there, yet it was almost as if their meaning had methodically changed. From joy to seduction. I had not been aware of the time how well she was obeying my suggestions, for though there was still the element of flirtatiousness, what first appeared to be someone out at the beach, turn now to the feeling of prey who lures you in. I'd like to say we were more forgiving on these photos, but that's not the case. If anything our intent was to be more scrupulous, straining and searching for flaws. But the further in we got, the more distracted we became. After a short period time, we were so enthralled by the images; we forgot to flag them and continued clicking from one to another. Before we knew it, we stumbled across her leaning over in the light blue bikini for our hungry eyes. Our eyes lingered on the screen, held captive by the sultry nature of the image. Her ass was presented to us in glorious detail, separated only by a thin blue sheet of fabric that did little to hide the shape of her sex. My breathing had deepened as I took her in, stared into her eyes that stared back at me. I felt like I had been wrapped in a blanket of lust. My pulse quickened and senses peaked as I felt a rush of blood travel to my groin. "Jason are you sure you've never done boudoir before?" Kelly asked her voice heavy. I nodded slowly. "Yes, I'm absolutely positive." She swallowed. "I think you need to give it a shot." I could feel her breath as she leaned in closer. "Jesus, just look at her," she whispered. "If I was a dude, I'd be all over that." "She would still be your mother." "I don't know if that would stop me," she replied. I shook my head, trying to snap out of this arousal that had taken over me. I prayed that Kelly's focus would remain fixed to the screen so she would not grow aware of the twitching in my pants. Each breath felt more labored as my muscles tightened. My cock strained against the confines of my jeans begging for attention. Kelly laughed. "She's such a tease." "Am I now?" Mom's voice suddenly echoed behind us. We both jumped, startled by the sudden intrusion. She stood behind us with her arms crossed leaning against the entryway in a white cotton bathrobe. Her hair shimmered as if slightly wet while her skin had that glow like she just emerged from the shower. Her eyes were fixed to the computer where there, in full screen, she saw herself being lewd and mischievous. "So that's them, huh?" she asked, never taking her eyes from the photo. "I think I look fat." I almost fell out of my chair while Kelly burst out laughing. "You look fine, Mom," I said. What the hell is wrong with my family? She shrugged and walked over behind us, placing a hand on my chair and one on the table, leaning in to see the image better. Instantly, her scent washed over me. It was like vanilla and lavender, mixed into one. I strained to keep my eyes focused, but I didn't know where I could safely look. In front of me our mother appeared to be moments away from exposing her privates, while directly beside me, I could see the fold of her robe opening causing the swell of her cleavage to spill into view. A tiny droplet of water ran from a wet strand of hair, tracing the curve of her collar bone before plummeting between the valley of her breasts. "May I?" she asked looking down at me. I jumped in my seat, startled again from my sinful surroundings. "W-what?" I stammered. She smiled, pointed to the trackpad I was using. "Oh, it's all yours," I said standing up to allow her a seat. She said her thanks as she sat. I stood now directly above her, hand on her chair and trying not to stare down her chest; it was one of the greatest challenges of my life. "I'm surprised you two didn't wait for me," she said as she zoomed into the photo, focusing on the small of her back. "I would have, but I had intended on doing a grand showing after they were all edited. Some of them aren't too flattering." "Really?" Mom said as she panned around the image. "What about this one? Do you think this one is?" She turned around, raising an eyebrow to me. "You're kidding right?" Kelly asked. "Mom, look at you. You're friggin' hot!" She turned to Kelly, smiled, then back to me. "You think so too?" I turned back to the image, but I didn't need to. "Absolutely." Mom's smile widened and she turned back to the computer, clicking to the next image. "What can I say? You are a great photographer." I shook my head. "I wasn't the one who made you look good. That was all you. I just capture the moment." "You do that well," she said as four more photos flashed by on the screen, slowly growing more and more sensual. "I can't believe I did some of these," she said, covering her mouth. "What kind of mother am I?" "The best as far as I'm concerned, Mom," Kelly said. "I don't think I can say I'm the best. Certainly not after this one," she said clicking on the photo of her untying her top "I'd think they'd take my 'Mother of the Year' title away for that." "I'm sure some people would actually offer it to you," I joked, though I have no idea where it came from. "Besides, we are the only ones who know you are our mother. No one else knows." That seemed to take a weight off her shoulders. "You do have a point," she continued to click. "Kinda makes you wonder though, doesn't it?" Kelly and I shared a look. "What's that?" my sister asked. Mom continued. "Makes you wonder if we've ever seen photos like ours." "You mean like a mom modeling?" I asked. "Maybe," she continued clicking through. "Maybe the photographer's the model's son, or daughter, or father, or mother. Maybe the subjects in the photo are related and nobody knows. It sure would change the context though, wouldn't it?" Her eyes were glued to the screen, fixed on the final image I had taken. There she was with her thumbs hooked to the bikini bottoms, slipping them down over her hips. A light sheen glowed across her skin, catching the light that trailed down her body. But our eyes stayed focused on her thin strip of hair teasing us to what lay below. The photo oozed of pure unadulterated lust. Mom suddenly shook as if rippled by goosebumps. Her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth. "What am I saying? Sorry, that sounded really bad. I don't know what's come over me." "It's fine, Mom," I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder and my finger touched the bare skin of her neck. It felt like electricity. "We're not judging". She smiled, shook her head and looked at us. "Thanks." Kelly beamed her playful smile. "Aren't they cool?" she pointed to the photos. Mom nodded. "I'm blown away." "Me too!" Kelly replied. "When do you think you'll be done?" she asked me. I looked at the time; it was almost noon. "Let me take another look through to see which are keepers, but... I'll probably have the best done by the end of today." "Good, then you're staying for dinner," Mom stated. "Um, I'm not sure-" "It's lasagna." "I'm staying." This should require no explanation other than she makes it from scratch. Kelly stood up, stretching once more beside me. "Dad gonna be here?" Mom shrugged lips tight. "We'll see." She headed off to the kitchen. "I'm gonna make lunch in the mean time." Kelly shook her head as she watched Mom leave. "Hey Bro," she whispered, "After they're all done, can I still get copies of all of them?" I shrugged. "I don't see why not. I'll put them in two separate folders for you." "Me too," Mom called from the kitchen. I swear her hearing only got better over time. "You got it," I called back taking a seat in front of the computer. It was gonna be a long day. *Chapter 5.0* Over a week had passed and I was once again between gigs. A new sushi bar was opening and needed a photographer for promo shots and menu items. I had done a few before, but I always tend to forget how sometimes, you don't really want to see the sausage being made, so to speak. But hey, the waitresses were cute and since my 'Day at the Beach', my shots have started to lean a bit more toward provocative. It was slightly strange to find yourself inspired by your mother's lewd actions and then ask the same from others. There were no underwear shots, mind you, but somehow I was able to coax the impression of desire, all with innocent smiles. The shoot went well and the owner was ecstatic all throughout, loving my ideas and giving me free reign. The girls were great too; one in particular caught my eye. Perhaps it was how she teasingly batted her eyes, or her quirky banter, I wasn't sure. What I do know is that for the last week, I have been hungrier than ever and felt like I had been in a constant state of desire. Had I been working myself too much? I hadn't dated, let alone messed around with a woman for over a year. My hormones seemed to have suddenly kicked back into gear as if I had been reliving puberty. My cock would spring to attention at the slightest hint of sexual nature, leading me to jerk off two, sometimes three times a day. I needed to get back out there. I needed to find a girl, figure out a way to make it work or at the very least, sow some oats by plowing her field. And this little dark haired beauty; my new playful model, oh how I'd love for it to be you. It was the perfect motivation, and it looked like I already had an in. She was laughing at my jokes, and smiling when I caught her eye. This should be a cake walk, right? Well the problem is, I don't know why, but at the end of the shoot, as soon as I turned the camera off, it's like my confidence went right out the fucking window. All the words, all the sayings I practiced in my head just minutes before, vanished. I mean I had imagined the best lines in the world, perfect scenarios that all I had to do was walk right up and say them and she'd instantly beg me to fuck her right there on the counter, regardless of who was watching. Of course I didn't really expect that to happen, but there seemed to be a part of me that felt it was within the realm of possibility. So there I stood; my face as blank as my mind before her, and this lovely goddess is waiting for me to speak. You want to talk about awkward; this could be a case study. Nothing was said; she just smiled, waiting as I struggled to even think of what her name was. It's embarrassing but I still can't recall. And so, to save myself, I thanked her, grabbed my gear and took off. As soon as I was in my car and done yelling at myself in the rearview mirror, I heard my phone chime with a new text. It was from Kelly. *K: Hey Big B. I submitted my portfolio and they LOVED the photos! I can't thank you enough! Thank you thank you thank you!* Well that at least brought a smile to my face. I typed out my response. *ME: No prob sis. Glad you liked.* I tapped on 'Send' and couldn't even put the phone away before she responded. *K: I didn't like them... I LOVED them. Everyone was impressed.* *K: Can't wait til we do it again!* I chuckled. We'd never talked about another shoot, but why the hell not? *ME: Sure thing. Let me know when you got more to show. It was fun.* I was about to put the phone away when she replied back. *K: Will do.* Then... *K: I'm bored. What you doin?* *ME: Just got in my car. Had a session at that new place on Pine St.* *K: What new place?* *ME: Its a sushi bar. The food's good.* *K: That's cool. How'd it go?* *ME: Fine.* *ME: Actually better than fine. It went great but I'm a little out of it.* *K: What's up?* I stared at the screen in the muted silence of my car. Fuck it. *ME: Nothing really. I just choked in front of this girl.* *K: Like on the sushi?* *ME: No not on the sushi.* *ME: I wanted to ask her out and couldn't for some reason. I think I panicked.* *K: LOL!* *K: You're kidding!* *K: Oh man shouldn't you have that down at your age?* My eyes were spitting darts at the screen. *ME: Wow. Thank you for your support.* *K: awwwwwwwwwwe come on. I'm just joking.* *K: Was she cute?* *ME: Yeah. She was one of the main girls I worked with.* *K: one of the models huh? look at you mr photographer.* *ME: You're forgetting I bombed miserably.* *K: Yeah, but you were trying for it. What was she like? Why her?* I shrugged to myself then typed my response. *ME: She was cute and fun. Took a little bit for her to open up to the camera though.* *K: Go on.* *ME: I don't know. She was funny and kinda sassy. She kinda teased me at times which I thought was a good sign.* *ME: Pretty eyes. It was like she'd look straight at me through the lens.* *K: Kinda like Mom did?* *ME: I don't know, maybe. She wasn't as crazy as Mom, that's for sure.* *K: So why now? I thought you didn't have time for the ladies? ;)* *ME: Not sure really. It's just been a crazy week.* *K: ...* *K: Been thinking about the photo shoot with Mom, huh?* *ME: ... yeah, sure. A little bit. Why?* *K: Nothin. I've kinda been a bit worked up this whole week myself.* *K: Mom too, I think.* *ME: why do you say that?* *K: ... promise not to freak out?* *ME: No, but tell me anyway.* There was a pause... and then: *K: I caught her getting herself off.* My eyes went wide and I brought the phone to my chest, suddenly concerned for prying eyes in the solitude of my car. I chided myself and responded. *ME: What? When?!* *K: yesterday morning. I got up early and went downstairs and she was on the computer with her back to me.* *K: I thought she was just shopping or something but she suddenly let out this MOOOOOAAAAN.* *ME: She was looking at porn?!?* *K: Yup!* *ME: LOL Holy shit!* The image suddenly filed my head of me standing in Kelly's shoes, creeping around the corner to find that sight. Just the idea brought with it the familiar sensation of my cock beginning to stiffen. *ME: What did you do?* *K: Nothing. I just stood there. It looked like she had one hand feeling her tit she used the other to click her mouse ;).* *K: She had her legs spread wide. It was so hot!* My cock was crying from my pants, begging to be released. *ME: You're so bad. Getting turned on by Mom.* *K: I know! It's so nasty! But god it got me wet. Shit I still am just thinking about it!* My blood began to burn through my body as if it were pure fire. *ME: whoa there TMI.* I said, though only half meant it. *K: oh come on. You can't tell me that it's not a sexy image. You'd have been hard as a fucking flag pole if you saw her.* *K: I bet you're hard right now. Are you*? *ME: That's a little personal.* *K: Why? you already know I'm wet.* *K: Just tell me about your cock. It's hard, isn't it.* *K: Come on Big Brother ;). Don't be shy now.* This was insane. My fingers trembled as I typed my one word response. *ME: ... maybe.* *K: I FUCKING KNEW IT!* *K: Is it wrong that this is turning me on more?* *ME: YES!* *K: Too bad. You're still in the car huh?* *ME: yeah. Why?* *K: I was just thinking that it's too bad. I'm at home so I can at least take care of my business.* *K: you get to sit there in public with a boner and do nothing about it.* *ME: first off, TMI. Second, that's mean.* *K: What? I'm just saying it kinda sucks for you.* *K: Me, I get to play with my kitty right away.* *K: Its so nice.* *ME: Please tell me you're not doing it right now.* *K: ... maybe.* *K: ;)* *ME: Okay, this is getting too to be a bit too much.* *K: Awe come on and play a little.* *ME: No, I need to go anyway. Don't get me wrong, the thought of texting with my little sister while she fingers herself is tough to pass up.* *ME: that was sarcasm by the way.* *K: I don't think it was.* *K: But fine.* *K: Oh, were you coming by for family dinner this weekend?* *ME: I'll be there.* *K: Good.* *K: See you then!* *ME: Take care sis.* *K: Will do. I got a kitty to feed. Go easy on your trouser snake!* I rolled my eyes as I tossed my phone in the passenger seat. My cock was hard as a rock and throbbing so hard I almost thought my heart had relocated. The car was started and in a flash, I was home, pants around my ankles and cock in hand. And as I squeezed my flesh, coaxing out my sweet release, I kept telling myself to imagine the waitress; stripping off her clothes with pouting lips and begging for my cum. Yet no matter how hard I tried, each time I closed my eyes my imagination was corrupted with thoughts of my sister's wet and hungry pussy, and the more it happened, the crippling sense of shame slowly began to fade. *Chapter 6.0* The next two days stumbled by on my calendar, drawing me closer and closer to our Family Dinner night. The time itself passing felt like an eternity. My senses were dulled, yet heightened at the same time. It was like I had been stumbling around my flat like a zombie in puberty. My libido had never felt like this, not even in high school. All thoughts had continually drifted to the opposite sex and two of these members in particular; as my conscience stayed with its losing battle to keep me cool like the last iceberg in heated waters; slowly but surely melting away until there was nothing. What was I going to say when I faced them? How can I look my own mother and sister in the eye when they had been the root of my carnal fantasies for the last few days? What could I do, or should I do for that matter? This is my blood, relations, relatives. There are laws both written and moral that state that acting on these desires is the most forbidden of acts. And yet, the more my mind pondered the morality of these unions, the more I found myself craving to know what it would feel like. Imagine how intense it would be to experience the darker side of love making for that's exactly what it was; making love, but in such a way that it instantly became my deepest and darkest fantasy. So where then is the transition from fantasy to reality? What would it take and would I dare take the risk? Any action would require reciprocation from either party, and what if it was not met in likeness? I would expose myself then and be completely vulnerable. I would be humiliated, possibly shunned, and if made public, well, that would be the end of everything. Though that is the extreme, and I doubt very much it would lead in that direction. As a matter of fact, there was an ever growing possibility that we may all be in the same boat. But if that were the case, and this ever growing powder keg were to finally blow, we would need some sort of catalyst to be the final touch... And leave it to my father to provide. "Check out my new gadget!" he said as I walked in the house that Sunday night. He stood over the dining room table with piles of cardboard and plastic while cradling a new Digital SLR. His fingers adjusted the dials with giddy excitement. "Wow, Pops! That's awesome!" I said as I eyed the familiar device. "I didn't know you needed a new one." "Neither did I, but your mother picked it up for me. I think it is the same model as yours." It was. "Timing couldn't be better," he continued as he squinted his eyes and looked through the viewfinder. "Why's that?" "Got an early flight to China tomorrow morning. I have to audit one of the manufacturing facilities." He powered off the camera and placed it in a red camera bag. At no point in time did he make eye contact with me. "Last minute notice." "Yeah, I'd say so. How long you gonna be gone?" "Just the week. Be back on Saturday, jet-lagged as all hell, I'm sure." "Probably," I said. "Where is Mom anyway?" He nodded over to the kitchen. "She just picked up Chinese and is in there with Kelly." "Chinese food before China?" I asked, noting the irony. "Yup." His tone lacked any sense of enthusiasm, and then in a hushed voice, "She's kinda' in a mood." "Thanks for the heads up," I said as I turned to leave, and then stopped in the doorway. "Are you not coming?" He shook his head. "I've got to finish packing up then hit the sack. We'll chat next week, I promise." I turned to leave again but he stopped me this time. "Oh, and can you tell your mom I'll be sleeping downstairs on the futon in Kelly's workspace." He could sense my confusion. "She's such a light sleeper that I don't want to wake her when I leave. You know how it is." With that, he went back to his work with his back to me leaving me with nothing to do but finally leave the room. As I entered the kitchen I found Kelly and Mom sitting at the kitchen counter eating Chinese food out of To-Go boxes. Both girls dressed casually, Kelly in a green spaghetti-strap tank top and black yoga pants and Mom in a cute gray summer dress. "If it isn't my two favorite ladies," I said as I approached from behind. They both turned and smiled up at me, Kelly while slurping up a long noodle. "Hi Baby," Mom said standing up and kissing me on the cheek. Kelly remained seated as she stretched her arms high asking for a hug with chow mein and chopsticks still in hand. I reached down and squeezed her tight. Mom motioned to the surplus of white boxes. "Help yourself. I think Beef with Broccoli is that one over there," she said pointing to a box. "I may have splurged a bit too much." "Mom, you always get too much," said Kelly. "I second that," I said as I picked up some food and a box of my own. "At least you kids never went hungry." I smiled. "You got us there," I said as I took a large bite. "So Dad's going to Ch..." I started to say between chews but stopped the moment I saw Kelly's eyes go wide and she shook her head. Mom sighed. "Yes, flights tomorrow at 5AM" she said as she moved the contents of her box around without reason. "He's packing up now." "Sorry," I said. "Is this a thing right now?" A tension seemed to fill the air. She relaxed a bit. "No, it's fine. It is what it is." She shrugged as she set her food down before taking a deep sip of her wine. "The camera was nice. What's the occasion?" This time she shook her head. "No occasion," she said looking at me. "Just wanted to do something nice." She smiled, though I couldn't tell if it was sincere. Regardless, I returned the grin. "Well it was," I said then felt the immediate need to change the subject. "Kelly tell you the good new yet?" Mom laughed then rolled her eyes; this was genuine. "About the shoot? That's all I've been hearing about for the last week." "Uh-uh. We've talked about other things," Kelly defended, though she began to grow uncertain. "I'm sure we have. We've talked about Jason a bunch." "What?" I asked, mouth full of food once more. "What about me?" Kelly deflated a bit. "I told her about your cold feet at the sushi place." "You did what?" My eyes were wide. "Why would you-" "It's not her fault, Jason," Mom said calmly. "I might have coaxed it out of her." "I don't... Why did..." I stammered, too many questions coming at me at once. "It doesn't matter," Mom said. "To be honest with you, we were more confused than anything else. I mean two weeks ago, at the shoot, you were so confident and driven. Very..." Her eyes were without focus as she searched for words. "... very masculine. Basically I did almost everything you asked. You were totally in charge. You knew what you wanted and what you needed and you took it. You were in your element. So, naturally, we were confused because it didn't seem like you." My eyes went back and forth from my mother and sister. "Thank you ladies. Now I'm thoroughly embarrassed." "Oh hush, you're fine," Mom said as she threw a napkin at me. Kelly just giggled as she slipped a glistening mushroom into her mouth and winked. "Well that's nice." I said, setting down a now empty box. "It's good to know that my dating life or lack thereof, is a great conversation topic for my family. Really reassuring." Mom raised an eyebrow. "I sense sarcasm," she said sarcastically. Kelly started giggling again. I then noticed the near empty bottle of red beside them. "Jason, it's cool. If you can't talk about it with us, then who with?" my dear sister asked. "I've already told you all of my... most of my secrets." Her eyes had that same glimmer than I had started to become familiar with over the last few weeks. Reluctantly, I said "Okay, fine. Suggestions?" They shared a look, and then Mom spoke. "We just think you should start in your comfort zone. From what I hear, you were not shy behind the camera. It was when you stepped in front of it that you lost your nerve. You want something from a girl; ask her when you feel in control." Kelly nodded. "I'm with Mom on that." I looked between these two ladies once more and shrugged my shoulders. "Alright," I said. "I'll give it a shot sometime." Smiles crossed their faces and for a moment, they looked like twins. "Good," our mother said as her eyes darted to the microwave clock. "Now, the night is young and we don't have to be up at the butt crack of dawn so you guys up for a movie?" "Sounds like fun," Kelly said. "I'm down," I replied in turn. "Great! I'll just clean all this up real quick while you kids go choose one from the cabinet." She began to rise, but I stopped her. "I got this, Mom. You and Kelly pick something out and I'll join you in a second."
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"You don't have to-" "I know, but I insist." I held my ground. "Go, and grab and open the bottle I brought. You two galls killed the last one, I see." Her eyes looked up at me, sparkling and bright. "Thank you, Jason." She leaned in and kissed my cheek again. I could still feel the warmth of her lips as she pulled away. The girls left the kitchen, leaving me to my duties. It wasn't too bad. Just like we said, there was more left over than eaten, so most went in the fridge. I quickly cleared the counter, wiped the surface and brought the empty containers and trash over to the can. I opened the lid then stopped, my eyes settling on something within. Resting on a crushed, empty cereal box was a small pink shopping bag with letters printed with glitter. It too was crushed and empty, but a small piece of paper was sticking out the top. Curiosity got the best of me as I reached into the bin and withdrew the paper. I held in my hands a receipt, barely faded but printed with today's date. It was from a lingerie boutique found in our mall. My eyes scanned the receipt made to a Lucy Jones, my mother, and on it she had purchased a black garter belt set with bra and panties. Instantly my imagination took over as I pictured my mother in a wide of poses all equally undressed, sporting her new night wear in all her glory. My dark and forbidden desire was coming back as my pulse began to quicken just picturing it. And then, a realization hit me. The day after the photo shoot, mom requested a copy of the photos. Not just the photos that would be used for the portfolio, but *all* of them, knowing very well that it would include the more sultry moments of our shoot. According to Kelly, Mom has been acting different for the last week, so sexually wound up that she was caught masturbating to online pornography with Kelly in the house. Dad just received a new digital camera, the exact same model as mine and mom just purchased a seductive set of lingerie. Looks like none of us walked away from that photo shoot unscarred. Mom was so turned on by being the focus of the attention that she is trying to re-live the experience through a more provocative means. And based on Dad's response to the camera, Mom probably didn't even get the chance to tell him about the lingerie before he dropped the China bomb on her. And just like that, the solution for our puzzle started to come together. They want me to be more assertive, and I can't argue with that. Mom needs to be the center of attention, yet directed into action. But what about Kelly? My shadow during the shoot. The one who has been getting off on taunting and teasing me for the past week. My sister who soaked her panties by watching our mother pleasure herself. I had a suspicion, but needed to test the waters. I discarded the trash into the bin, throwing with it the receipt that I had been holding and closed the lid. I washed my hands, catching my own darkened reflection in our window over the sink. It was like looking at a shady version of myself, but still an image of what I was, or was becoming. I stood straighter and my focus was determined. It was like staring into my subconscious and witnessing the beginning of a new path being trekked. This was going to be something new and I now felt ready. Our father was nowhere to be seen when I joined the girls in the living room. Kelly was sprawled across the love seat clicking through our movie channels while mom relaxed beside her on the sofa. Three glasses of wine were waiting on the coffee table, only one of them was still full. "We were wondering when you were gonna show up," Kelly exclaimed as she continued her search. "Sorry," I replied, taking a seat on the floor, "Kinda got caught up in something. Anything yet?" "Nooo," her voice was filled with disappointment. "Nothing to get too excited over." I reached down and grabbed my glass, eyeing Dad's red camera bag sitting all by itself on the table in the adjacent room. I took a big sip, feeling my concerns and hesitations begin to melt away. I took a deep breath. "So Mom, I never heard what you thought of Kelly's photos. You got your copies, right?" "Oh absolutely," she began. "Kelly gave them to me last Monday. They were so amazing. I am so proud of you." Her smile lit up the room, as she settled into the couch with her legs crossed tightly and holding her glass with two hands. I beamed in response, my own cheeks reddening. "Thanks, it really means a lot to me. I had probably the best model ever." I took a seat on the other end of her couch, leaning back into the corner. "Oh stop it." This time her cheeks blushed. "I was just having fun." "We could tell," Kelly chimed in, leaving the television on some late night comedy channel which was ignored by us all. "It was fun, wasn't it?" I said taking another sip. "Actually, I'm kinda' curious... Would you be interested in doing another shoot sometime? I feel like it's great practice for me." She smiled and shifted in her seat. "Of course I would. Any way I could support you I will." Kelly tilted her head. "I don't have anything that is ready right now though. I put all my work into the one we just did." I nodded. "That's true, but I was thinking it didn't have to be a fashion shoot but maybe something different. Something that might be new and fun and would help me out a little." My sister's eyes narrowed as Mom asked the question. "What were you thinking?" "So, both of you were just talking about how I am very comfortable behind the camera, like, that's my zone. And when it comes to relationships, there needs to be away that I can merge the two together. To somehow bring more intimacy into my photography." I swallowed and continued. "And so, because I trust you both implicitly, I figured you would be an incredible resource for me to stretch my legs and try something more... provocative." Mom took sip as Kelly now asked her question. "More provocative? Like what?" "I would say kinda like what you asked in the car a while back. I think I should start dabbling in boudoir." "Seriously?" Kelly's eyes narrowed. I nodded. Silence filled the room as the two leaned back, their faces reflected no emotion. "So you want our input?" Mom asked. "I was actually hoping for your participation... as my model." She took a deep breath, leaning back as she recrossed her legs. "Jason, I don't think-" "Before you say anything," I interrupted, "Let at least tell you why." "... Okay," she said slowly nodding. "Go ahead." "Thanks Mom," I said as I leaned forward. "For the past couple weeks, I've been continually reflecting on our shoot. I know we all had a great time, because it was just that: a great time! We trusted each other, it was fun, and we got great shots out of it too." Their eyes were fixed to me listening to each word with intense fixation. "Now I know we are all aware it started taking an interesting turn in the end, but the more I have thought about it, I feel I was starting to tap into something else, something that's obviously a bit more risky. I mean..." I was struggling to find the right words. "What I'm trying to say is that I want to explore a different avenue or direction here. Something that can elicit new emotions, cause hey, that's what photos do. So I know this sounds weird, and probably inappropriate, but the way I see it, it isn't that different from the photo shoot we just did. It just has different... subtext, so to speak. And to do that, well, I need a model and an assistant and I can't imagine anyone better than the two of you." The air was thick with tense silence as they pondered the words. Kelly's eyes turned back and forth from Mom to me, eager to hear her thoughts. Our mother swirled her glass and took a deep sip. "Before I say yes or no... What did you have in mind?" She settled her eyes on me as she leaned back into the couch. I could feel my cheeks flush. "Something simple. Something that would appear intimate." "You're being awfully vague," she said, "I know you have a specific idea of what you want." She knows me well. I felt a sheepish grin cross my face. "I do. I was thinking underwear or lingerie." "Lingerie? That could be pretty bold." Her eyebrow raised but her even tone remained the same. "I guess. It really depends on the kind." She looked back to her glass deep in thought watching the wine spinning around the crystal bowl. Her cheeks still red and growing deeper in color. Her chest rose as she took a breath. "I don't know... I don't think it would be appropriate." "I know, it sounds weird and I totally understand how you feel. Thing is, it's not like you are going to be exposing yourself or anything. I'm not looking for nudie pics. Just... it'd be kinda like the bikini shots. Same thing; just different story." She didn't look up. Her face was unreadable. "It would mean a lot to me, Mom," I continued. "I can't think of anyone better who I trust and who could capture what I'm looking for. I need your free spirit. I need your expressions along with your willingness to experiment, your drive, your understanding, and your patience. You're my perfect model. I need you, Mom." This was my last leg, and I still wasn't sure what I was doing. The tension in the air was thick, hanging heavy like a curtain as Kelly and I looked at our mother with rich anticipation. She shook her head then finished the remainder of her glass. "Fuck it," She shrugged. "I better get Mother of the year for this." She leaned forward, setting her glass on the coffee table. Her breasts threatened to spill out of the top of her dress. "So when and where, stud?" Kelly's smile was bigger than I had ever seen it as I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Honestly, I was thinking it would be best if it was in a bedroom; perhaps a large one with a kingsize bed and a large vanity mirror." It only took a moment to realize what I was describing. "My room?" I nodded. "I guess saying it might be a bit too personal would be out... When?" Another deep breath and stood up. "How about now?" "Right now?" She was taken aback. "But your father-" "He's downstairs fast asleep. Early flight, remember?" Her mood seemed to change as she shifted in her seat. "I do." Her clothes somehow seemed to grow tighter. "Do you have your camera?" she asked looking up at me with her large almond eyes. "No," I said, sensing suddenly their collective disappointment. "But I do have *a* camera." Confusion showed upon their faces up until my eyes settled on Dad's red camera bag sitting just in the other room. "You want to use Dad's camera?" Kelly asked bewildered. "What a way to break it in." "It's the same as mine, and I'll just load the photos on my laptop which is in the car. Plus, I want to take advantage of this opportunity." "And what opportunity is that, son?" Mom asked, her voice seemed rich with honey. I smiled. "You said yes." She smiled, her lips stained red by wine. "Okay then," she said, standing slowly and picked up her glass. She walked to the wine cabinet with a natural sway from her hips, grabbed a bottle and turned. "Come up in ten minutes," she said before leaving me and my stunned sister. Kelly's eyes were bright and her mouth agape. "Oh my god I can't believe you asked her to do that! I can't believe she said yes!" she whispered as our mother's footsteps trailed up the stairs. "I can't believe you did that! What's gotten into you Big Brother?" "Just going with my gut now," I said hearing the door close upstairs and turned my attention to my dear, dear sister. "Are you in?" I asked. She shook her head, uncertain. "In for what?" "I want your help with this. You are part of the reason I'm in this mess so I think it is only natural for you to be my bounce again." She stood, bringing her face close to mine so her voice could turn to husky whisper. "I know you have something up your sleeve and I am all in." I could sense heat coming off her body as she laid her hand lightly on my forearm. "... and if this goes anything like last time... I might need you to be as well." She pulled back, still looking up at me with lust filled baby doll eyes as she bit her lower lip. *Chapter 7.0* Mother was still in the bathroom as Kelly and I began to set up, my eyes already scanning the room. It had a perfect balance of modern and antique. It was large and well lit with a soft white light pouring out of two large paper lamps on both sides of the king size bed. Kelly began unpacking the bounce leaving the bags beside a brown wingtip chair opposite the bed. "Why don't you go check on Mom?" I asked of Kelly as I began prepping the settings on the camera, my eye now fixed in the view finder as I knelt, focused the camera and began snapping at different corners of the room. "Sure thing," she said, standing up and walking to the bathroom. Her ass passed right into my field of view, framed brilliantly in those glorious yoga pants. I couldn't resist taking a picture. Kelly didn't miss a stride as she looked over her shoulder with a smirk and then disappeared in the bathroom. What the hell was I doing? It was so certain surreal; setting up a photo shoot, a boudoir photo shoot, to which my mother would be in the main subject while my sister assisted. As far as lines go, this would certainly be crossing it already, but the baser side of me, my carnal and twisted id was begging for me to push the limits to find where my desires would be satiated. Yet I could not ponder long for within moments Kelly returned, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. "Whoa," she said, "She is totally ready." Kelly grabbed the reflector and stood next to me. "Are you?" I held her gaze in my eyes, already my pulse was thundering through my veins as I nodded. Kelly smiled, taking a deep breath then passed behind me as I looked to the bathroom door. "Ready when you are, Mom," I called. My breath caught in my throat as she rounded the corner. She stood in the doorway backlit from the light that oozed out of the bathroom. She wore the very same outfit that I could tell she purchased earlier. It was a black bra and thong with a silky black garter belt and stockings finishing it off with a set of high heel pumps. She was sexier than I could've ever hoped for, blowing away any of my expectations. Though still, I could see behind her eyes lay uncertainty. "You okay?" I asked. She hesitated, fighting the urge to cover herself. "I feel a little exposed," she said holding the doorframe. "This is nothing like with the swim suits." I looked back to Kelly as a new thought came to me. "What if we were to even out the playing field a little?" I asked. Both girls looked at me in confusion. I continued, "If it would help, I could strip down a little, and maybe even Kelly too if she's willing." I nodded toward my sister who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow. Mom's uncertainty was growing. "I don't know. Maybe this is a little too much..." "No Mom, it's fine," Kelly said as she dropped the bounce. Before either I or our mother could respond, she had already peeled off her pants leaving herself in pink bikini panties and the halter top. She shucked the pants to the side. "Sorry, no bra so that's as far as I can go," she said while juggling her breasts in the most nonchalant manner. This was some kind of night. "You're up Bro," Kelly said. I looked over and saw Mom smiling, her eyebrows raised, as if now daring me to do the same. I rolled my eyes and said "Fuck it." Off came my shirt, shoes and socks leaving me in just my jeans in front of my scantily clad family. I couldn't help but blush as I heard Mom whistle from the doorway. "Thanks," I joked, this time I was the one to roll their eyes. "I'll take that to mean you are feeling better." She smiled and raised her arms higher up the doorframe, stretching her body out as if she were already being shot. "Now remember, if you are uncomfortable, let me know. This is just to be an exercise." She nodded. "And I believe it goes without saying that *none* of this ever gets back to your father." Kelly and I both nodded. She smiled. "Well then Mr. Photographer... Where would you like me?" she asked leaning against the frame once more, this time sliding one of her legs against the other. I swallowed, struggling to find my voice. It came. "Let's start on the bed." She sat on the end atop the white comforter, facing us. I turned to Kelly as she smiled, crouching down and positioning the bounce to catch the light the way I had shown her. Her nipples pressed with fury against her top threatening to rip through. My own cock again stirring as the gravity of what was about to happen begin to sink in. Show time. I brought the camera up to my eye. "Let's start with you sitting up straight. Legs together but your feet apart." "Like this?" She did just that, staring straight at me, posed as if the embodiment of every man's desire. "Perfect!" "Now bring your hands to your knees keeping your arms straight... That's it. Amazing, absolutely stunning." My fingers worked their magic clicking away and changing settings. "Now give me a pout. Nice. Now tease me a little..." and she did. At first by blowing a kiss, then running her tongue across her lips. "Now spread your legs, but just a tad. Remember you are teasing the camera. Tease the viewer." And she did, pouting, licking, blowing kisses, all while letting our eyes run up her thighs to her panties. "Beautiful. Now spread them a little wider." Her knees where now a foot apart. "Wider," I instructed. She spread them now two feet, then three. Her hands began to rub up and down her thighs as her chest began to rise and fall in deep breaths, yet at all times, keeping her focus fixed on the camera lens. My eyes darted over her body, displayed yet hidden in such an erotic tease. Her hands softly moving up and down her glorious thighs; sliding against her tight skin leaving a trail of goosebumps rippling up her body. The fabric of her panties holding tight against her mound with just a hint of transparency, though not enough to show what was beneath. Yet still, my eyes would linger, captivated by the area where the soft skin of her inner thighs meet the curve of her pelvis. Her breasts would heave with deep breaths; the kind that drew her taught stomach in and out. Each one appeared to threaten to cause her cleavage to spill out of the brassiere, aided by the fact she would occasionally roll her shoulders, thrusting her chest out further still. It was surreal to say the least, this forbidden show in front of me while hearing only the sound of heavy breathing and the click, click, click of my shutter with every picture captured. I could see her fingers beginning to knead her skin as she bit her bottom lip looking at us. "How you doin' Mom?" I asked, still shooting away. "I'm good, baby." She said. "How's it looking?" "Amazing," Kelly replied, her voice crackled as if coming out of a dry throat. I smiled. "Couldn't agree more." I rotated to portrait. "You look incredible. Sexiest woman I've ever shot." "Really?" she asked, though it didn't sound like a question. She took her hands off her thigh and placed them both between her legs on the bed, her arms now squeezing her breasts together. I couldn't click fast enough. "Absolutely." My fingers were a blur. "That's hot! Hold that pose for a moment. Excellent. Now open your mouth a little like you are letting out a moan." And she did; only she really did moan. A soothing, and sensual sound that had my cock throbbing. It was like we were watching another woman, or at least the one she was meant to be now breaking free once more. Her inhibitions sliding away, subsiding to this primal creature that has been longing for release. "Perfect," I said softly. "Now slide one hand up your stomach then cup your breast." I could hardly believe the words came from my mouth, but they did and she obliged without a second thought. What I didn't expect was for her to place the other right over her pussy with her middle finger pressing into the cleft. "Damn," I breathed, now at full mast and straining against the seams of my jeans. "That's so fucking hot, Mom." I said as I caught her eyes shifting to my condition. Her hand squeezed her tit. "Does that bra clasp in the front or the back?" I asked. "Front," She said. "Undo the clasp but hold the cups to your breasts." God I wanted to see her. Her hands moved to between her tits, clapping at a hook and then snapping free. My heart skipped a beat as I watched her slowly bare the skin between her breasts. She held the cups against her skin, waiting for direction. "Show me," I commanded. And just like that, she pulled the bra away revealing the most flawless breasts I had ever seen. The nipples were hard and brown against her pale skin. They were firm yet had that perfect amount of sag. I was speechless as she shrugged her shoulders and bra fall behind her. My mouth felt dry as I finally remembered to take a breath. "Now I want you to stand up," I commanded. "I want you against the wall with your back to us and lean from the hips." She smiled and rose and with a purposeful sway to her hips, crossed the room to a nearly bare wall. She leaned forward, placing her hands against the way and presenting her marvelous ass to us. She looked at me over her shoulder, awaiting instructions as she rolled her hips from side to side. "Perfect." I continued, snapping away. "How you feeling?" She closed her eyes and purred. "Slutty." "Good, now put a foot on that stool and unclasp the garter." And she did, slowly. First the left, then the right. "Now slide the garter down bending at the hips." She crossed her legs, and bent over, her eyes never leaving mine. She pushed her perfect ass to us as she slid the garter over her hips and down her long legs. Once gravity could take over, they fell the remainder of the way, letting her step out of the tiny shards of fabric; leaving her in only her panties and stockings. I continued to shoot. "Turn around," I said. She did. Her back pressed to the wall and her hands began to explore her body. "Grab your hair," I told her. "Now with your other hand, grab your breast. Good. Now pinch your nipple." A low moan through gritted teeth escaped her mouth as she did just that. Her legs pressed together, rubbing back and forth against each other. "Now look at me and cup your breasts with both hands as if you are offering them to me." "Like this?" She pressed her tits together with one finger on each nipple, circling the nub and stimulating her like an electric shock. Tiny beads of sweat began to drip down between her mounds. "Is this exciting you?" I asked knowing very well the answer. "Mm-hmmm," She cooed, her eyes shut as she continued to toy with her nipples. "It reminds me of something I long forgot." "What's that?" I asked. She opened her eyes and released her tits. "It reminds me how much I love having a man's cock right here," she said running her middle finger down her chest, between her heaving globes. "You like that, huh?" I asked. "Oh god yes," she breathed. "I really do. I love making a man hard and feeling it pressing against me." Her eyes once more darted down to my concealed erection, pulsating and begging for release. It was getting harder and harder to maintain control. Time to move forward. "Put your hands on your hips and loop your thumbs in the waistband of your panties." She tilted her head, concealing a smirk and followed my directions. "Now pull them down an inch like you're teasing us." She did just that only pulling them away from her side as she swayed back and forth; first the left then the right. Each time hinting like she was about to show us more than we had asked. Then they lowered, stopping just as we saw a wisp of hair. And now the gamble. "Take them off," I commanded and heard Kelly's breath catch in anticipation. Without a missing a beat, our mother pushed her wet panties down unveiling her pussy to me for the first time, glistening and gaping with a small patch of hair. She stood there naked, displaying her body to both of her horny children clad in nothing but stockings, pumps, and a look of pure carnal hunger. I had played my hand, but had not called the game. "Come back to the bed," I told her. She did just that, sitting on the edge and immediately spreading her legs wide. I got closer, standing now between her legs and shooting down. My clad hardon now right in front of her, but she never broke my gaze. "What now?" She asked, biting her lip and playing her role well. "I want you to reach down and touch yourself, but keep looking at me," I said. She shivered as one hand snaked down her body and her breath catching as her fingers trailed over her clit. I could smell her. The scent was intoxicating to say the least. I felt like I could taste her in the air, that tangy yet sweet flavor of a woman. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she gasped. "It's so, sooo nasty." Her hips were now gyrating as she began to pleasure herself. "I think you like being nasty," I said, now kneeling down and getting a close up view of the action. "Maybe," she moaned as her finger circled her gaping folds. Her lower lips were swollen and parted, oozing with a hunger to be filled. "Show me your pussy," I said to her. Her eyes were closed. "You can already see it." "I know I can see it," I said, now my voice growing stern as I set the camera to the side. "I want you to spread the lips with one hand and really show it to me." There was a brief moment of hesitation. Perhaps I had gone too far, pushed her out of her comfort zone altogether. But then her hand reached down and with her middle and index finger, she pulled the edges of her womanhood wide open, allowing me to gaze into her pink, moist depths. I could see her pulsating, feel her eyes on me watching her expose herself so intimately. It looked so warm, so inviting. So much so that I had to take it one step further. "Stay here," I told my mother as I stood up between her legs. I turned from her, a look of confusion on her face as I handed the camera to Kelly. "You know how to work this?" I asked, her own expression matching our mother's. "Yeah, kinda." Her eyes now narrowing. "Just keep it on Auto then and stay focused on her," I said pointing to Mom who had begun to grow conscious of her nudity. "I will tell you where to shoot from. This is still my project." "Okay?" she replied. I could see she would need minor direction. "Start over there, and get level with Mom. Remember, keep her in focus." "Jason," Mom called out, "What's going on?" She began to cover herself. I turned back to her, free from the camera and now standing between her legs again as she looked up to me. "I want to try something different now." I looked in her eyes. "I want to try a couple's shoot." Her skin flushed and I could see her poorly covered nipples stiffen again at the thoughts that coursed through her mind. "With me?" She asked. "You want to shoot this with me? Jason, I really don't think that I can do this anymore-." I interrupted "You can. It will be fine. We won't do anything weird. Nothing overtly sexual, just simulation. Just pretend. It's all a big tease for the camera." My voice was stern, calming. I could see her arms lowering slightly. "But with you?" She asked. "...Why?" "... Because I want to," I said. "I trust you and I love you and right now, I want nothing more than to be with you in this, or more for you to be with me." "But I'm your mother..." her chest was beginning to rise and fall with each breath as her eyes began focusing once more on the bulge in my pants. "The camera won't know." "But I'll know." Her eyes were locked on my clad member. "As will I, and so will Kelly. But I don't care about that right now." "You don't." She looked up at me. I shook my head. "Are you still my model?" I asked her. She nodded, her eyes burning with lust. "Do you trust me?" She nodded again, this time biting her lip gently. "Good. Then unbuckle my pants." The words seemed to hang in the air, echoing in my own ears as I waited for her to act. And then, just like that, I watched her arms fall from her chest as her hands reached out for my waist. Her fingers grabbed onto my belt pulling me closer, the tips sliding between my jeans and skin causing the hairs of my navel to brush against her skin. She undid the clasp, and then began to pull the belt all the way out and tossed it to the side. Her hands reached forward again, this time undoing my button then grasping the zipper and slowly pulling down, easing the pressure that had been building in my pants. "Oh Baby," she purred seeing now my member still sheathed behind my boxer shorts but now being able to see the shape of my manhood up close. My pants were pulled down to my knees before her hands dashed back up to the hem of my boxers. But before she did anything, she looked up again. "May I?" She asked, batting her eyes at me sweetly. "Please do," I said. With a smirk, she pulled the hem forward, slipping the waistband over the crown of my engorged cock, and then gently slid them lower, the elastic squeezing the underside of my shaft the entire way. Pre-cum had begun to seep its way from my tip, beading up into a small pearl that shimmered in the light. My mother sat, naked in front of me, mouth agape and staring at my cock in all of its glory as my sister was snapping away; capturing each passing moment of this taboo scene. "Oh my god, Jason," Mother whispered as she took in the sight. I don't know if I've ever been this hard. The skin on my cock felt like it was being pulled tight, the crown red and throbbing and pointing straight at my mother. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab her hair and shove my cock between her panting lips... But not yet. "Kelly," I called to her, "I want you to get behind me for this next bit. Mom, I want you to reach your hand up and dig your nails into the small of my back. Bring your head close to my groin. It will look very suggestive from Kelly's view." "What do you mean?" Mom asked, her fingertips already tickling my skin as they moved near my spine. "It will look like you are sucking him, Mom," my all knowing sister replied taking her position. Her eyes widened, but she did not move away. "Sucking him?" She looked up to me, digging her nails into the muscles of my back. "How?" "Just open your mouth a little and breathe on my cock," I instructed. "It's just pretend, but it will look real for Kelly." I could see dark twinkle in her eye but couldn't tell if it was of hunger or mischief... Perhaps both. She licked her lips, wetting them and then opened wide, easing herself closer and closer, until she stopped a mere inch from my swollen member. Her breath though, my god, it was electric. I could feel the humid heat push past her lips and wrap around until dissipating into the air. It was amazing. Insane and so very, very wicked, multiplied by the sounds of the ever constant shutter as my sister fired away capturing every second she could. And while I thought this was solid, my mother decided to be the one to spice it up first. At first I felt her hands begin to lower, the nails kneading trails in my skin on their downward journey until she cupped my ass cheeks, one in each hand. What's more, her eyes stayed locked on mine, watching my reactions as she teased me, now with a naughty little smile. "Scoot back," she said to me, and I did allowing her to now slip down to the floor on her knees, never letting go of me. Her hands squeezed and released, massaging the muscled in my buttocks, as she now kneeled with her head below my cock. "This is so very bad," she said, blowing air through her now pursed lips against my inner thighs. "It is," I said, "But it's just pretend..." I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling her warm air course now over my testicles. God this was intense. "Is it?" she asked as she brushed her nosed against the underside of my shaft, causing my eyes to snap open with a groan. Our eyes locked as I reached out and grabbed her by the hair. Thoughts of mischievous actions danced behind her eyes and she bared her teeth in a surprised smile. She laughed, and snapped at my head, threatening to bite the end, but I held firm. She was right though; the pretense of pretending was fading fast. "Kelly," I said still holding our mother. "Shoot now from the side over here." My sister took her position crouching down beside us, rosy cheeked and in panties so moist they shimmered. "Now Mom, stick out your tongue," and she did. "We're gonna pretend now that you are licking my shaft." Her pulse quickened as her eyes locked on my cock once more. "But," I continued. "To make this look really good, I'm gonna need you to hold me." Her chest was heaving. "You want me to touch your cock?" I nodded. "Yes Mom. I want you to hold the base and pretend like you are giving it a big, long lick from the bottom to the top. Get as close as you can but try not to touch." She released my ass and I her hair, allowing her to setting beneath me. I took this moment and shed the pants and underwear completely. With a step, I was back over her and watched mesmerized as my mother reached out and grasped the base of my hard cock. "Ohhh Baby," She purred, unconsciously toying with her nipple. The sight was so erotic it is now burned deep in my memory. How I didn't cum right then and there I will never know. "Now lean forward," I said. Our mother eased forward and she ducked her head down, tongue extended. I couldn't believe what I was seeing as slowly, she moved her head up, the tip of her tongue tracing an invisible line just a millimeter from my skin; until suddenly, as she neared the ridge of my crown, I felt her soft wet tongue lick the top of my penis. "Oh shit," I gasped, unprepared for the contact but basking in the instant jolt of pleasure. "Oops," she said, covering her mouth. "Sorry. It was a little hard." She giggled at the pun. "Let me try again," she said as she went back down. Who was I to stop her as she tried a second time. I watched again, though this time she made it only half way before the warm muscle of her tongue pushed up against my skin, now deliberately sliding up to the tip, taking a tiny drop of my pre-cum with it in one curling scoop. "Sorry Honey," she said, wetting her lips again and dove down placing her tongue against me from the very start. She did away now with any act of licking and lapped back and forth across my cock, coating it in trails of saliva. My legs where growing weak to this assault and I had to sit down, but didn't want it to end. "Hold on Mom," I barely managed watching instantly a look of disappointment cross her face. "Let's try something else." I turned to my sister, catching her as she pulled her hand out from her tank top. "Hop on the bed, Sis and get way up at the top." As she got in position, I turned to our mother. "Okay now Mom, this may seem a little much, but we are gonna simulate me going down on you." I watched her shudder as her nipples seemed to grow harder, but no words passed her lips. "I want you to lie back on the bed and I will crawl between your legs. Now I will be touching your skin, but I will try not to get too personal, okay?" Her lip quivered. "Are... are you sure they will look good?" "Oh hell yes, if they are of you," I said, causing her to smile and roll her eyes though I could tell the thought of what was about to happen excited her greatly. "Besides, if Kelly's in the right angle, though I won't be licking you directly, no one would know any different." She bit her lip as if pondering, then, kicking off her pumps she said, "Okay... Now lie where?" I directed her to the
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bed, having her lean back against the pillows propped on her elbows. Her legs she kept together as I crawled up from the foot of the bed. My hand first caressed her stocking covered ankle and then slid up her calf, feeling the contours of her toned leg beneath the fabric until rotating to her knee and then higher still. My fingers brushed the hemline of the stockings, examining the change from fiber to flesh. She squirmed beneath my touch. "We're being very bad, you know?" She said as she rubbed her legs together, her eyes locked on my hand. "Probably," I replied, my hand now rubbing up and down her outer thigh. She lifted her hand and brushed a loose lock of hair behind her ear. Her breath appearing steady while my heart beat with a fury in my chest. "I *should* stop you." I watched her eyes rise up higher, taking in my chest, then arms, and then my eyes. "It would be the right thing to do." It was probably true, but we were far beyond that moment. We should have stopped way long ago. Perhaps even some time at the beach. We had our chance, but we chose not to heed it. With purpose, I reached out and lifted her leg up, opening her thighs and baring her wet and hungry vagina to my lecherous gaze. "Oh my god," she said, though offered no resistance or retreat. "I can't believe I'm showing my pussy to my kids," she said with a partial laugh. I smiled. "Hey, we're adults now," I said lowering my face to a foot away from her womanhood, her hips rocked up granting me access. "Besides, this Mom... is a beautiful pussy." If her cheeks weren't already red, they would have blushed some more... amplified now by the fact my head was lowering closer to her slit. My face stopped mere inches from her groove; my eyes darting up the dripping slit now gently parting as if asking to be kissed. This was the same hole I had come out of so very long ago. And here I was, a grown man, knocking at its door once more. It was like a beautiful present, a box if you will, complete with a tiny little bow of her dark red pubic hair, neatly puffed in a tiny little patch. "Oh Mom, if you weren't my mother..." I said followed by a sigh, my breath now tickling her, teasing her. She flinched and rocked her hips with light moan. Both her hands were back on her breasts as she shut her eyes, feeling my breath upon her. A wicked smile crossed my lips as I puckered my lips and blew, sending a warm column of air out of my mouth and across her gaping pussy. "Oh Jason," she shuddered, running a hand through her hair. I blew again, this time directing the current up her slit, lashing her with my wind. She moaned and her muscles flexed tickled and pleasured mixed into one intense wave of feelings. And I went again, and again, shuddering and twisting my blows, forcing them to dance and pierce her wet slit as she writhed before me. I would focus on her pelvis, her lips, and then finally the tiny hooded clit nestled like the cherry on top. The effects were beyond evident as my mother moaned and groaned in tortured bliss, rocking and scooting and convulsing as the tease continued. She was a woman on fire begging for release. She was the personification of eroticism, and though it was looking good, I knew we could make it better. I motioned to Kelly, having her come closer and I repositioned my face between her thighs. "Great Mom, now this next bit will be tricky. I'm gonna extend my tongue, kinda like what you were doing, but this time I want you to grab my hair and hold me just in front of your pussy. Sound good?" "Sure Babe," she quickly replied. She reached down and grabbed me by my head, positioning my face in front of her box. Though as soon and my tongue parted my lips, she pulled my face the rest of the distance, right into her willing pussy. "Oh Jason, I'm so sorry," She feigned though she kept my head pinned against her. Instantly I felt the tender lips of her vagina part as the tip of my tongue pierced her folds. Her taste, a sweet saltiness instantly traversed my senses. Contact had been made and there was no going back. It was I who smiled this time as I let my tongue now swipe up, licking between her folds bringing her juices into my mouth. "Oh yes, that's it baby," she purred, her eyes squeezed shut. God she tasted good: Somewhere between a warm peach on a summer day and that saltiness of skin after a dip in the ocean. I wanted more; much, much more. Well fuck it then, I thought as I reached both hands under her hide and dove in. I was like a madman; licking, flicking and twirling against her and within. I would kiss and nibble and fuck her with my tongue all while she would cry out in startled bliss. I could get enough. Her juices rolled down my chin while my nose tickled her tiny bush. She'd spread her legs wider, trying to get me deeper. Then pulling my head higher forcing me to focus on her clit, and I did. I could feel the tiny pearl with the very tip of my tongue and I traced the edges in such fine detail I felt I could map it later. "OH SHIT!" She cried, now clamping her thighs against my head as I lifted her ass higher off the bed. Her whole body was shaking, quivering from wave after wave of pleasure that would course through her with every brush of my tongue and kiss from my lips. If this kept up, I just knew she would cum, and god did I want that. I wanted it so fucking bad. To give this woman, my model, my *mother,* an earth shattering orgasm would leave me beyond happy. And I would, just not quite yet. I needed more... My pace slowed down as I lowered her back to the bed her legs easing their grip. I stood up straight, my cock now standing straight out between her legs. "How'd that look, Sis?" I breathed heavy as I wiped our mother's wetness off my mouth. "So fucking good," she said smiling as she adjusted her underwear. I took a deep breath. "Awesome." "I'm ah... I'm gonna need a second," Mom panted staring at my cock. I could almost see her pulse beat throughout her body as she sprawled out below me slowly catching her breath. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah... This is just a little more... intense then I was expecting." "I'll say," chimed Kelly. Mom rolled her eyes and chuckled as she sat up. "Okay Mr. Photographer... What next?" "Okay, now... we're gonna switch. I'm gonna lay down and you will be doing the same thing you were doing earlier, but just to the head." "You mean it's okay for me to lick you?" "Fair's fair." A devilish smile crossed her lips as I flopped down onto my back. Her eyes locked onto my rigid member and she slithered down to my feet. Suddenly, I felt like prey as she grasped by cock, bringing her mouth to it and pursing her lips. Looking me dead in the eye, she gave it a big, wet kiss right on the crown. "Oh fuck," I gasped. "Watch your mouth, young man," she said with a quick lick against the tip like it was an ice cream cone. "I can't help it," I chuckled. "I'm watching yours." She smiled again, extending her tongue and began to trace the edge of my cock once more, focusing on the tip. "Mmmm." She was like sex on fire. "And how does it look." Her tongue flicked rapidly, causing me to gasped and shudder. "So good," I somehow managed. "I bet it does." Her hand began to slide up the base. "And how does it feel?" She squeezed her hand and pushed it back down, now slowly jacking me off. "Sooo fucking good." "Mmmm," She purred again. "Good, Baby. I want this to turn out good." She continued her assault, kissing and licking my sensitive cock, all while her hand firmly pumped my tool. It was becoming too much, beyond what I had hoped or expected. And then suddenly, I felt her lips part and my cock slipped into her wet and willing mouth. "Holy Shit!" I moaned and she quickly pulled off, gasping. "Oh fuck Baby!" she breathed. "Sorry. Instincts took over for a moment there." Her hand continued to slowly move along my shaft as she looked back to me. I laughed. "It's fine... it's fine. No worries," I managed, short on breath. "Yeah Mom," Kelly chimed. "It looked so fucking hot." She hid her face with her hand again, giggling, though making no effort in releasing my dick. "It's just... I haven't had a man's penis in my mouth for a while and I guess I... I kinda missed it." She took another slow, sensual lick up my cock, swirling her tongue around the head as she finished. "I can tell." Though I had hoped for something like this, the reality was far beyond that which I expected. She licked again. "So you don't mind then?" "Mind what?" I asked. "You know..." She traced her tongue, back and forth against the ridge of the crown. "That my Mom's licking my cock?" How I could manage coherent sentences is beyond me. She shrugged. "Well that... But I was wondering if I could put you back in my mouth." As if to emphasize the point, she leaned forward biting the tip of my cock like a playful succubus. "Please do," I managed, and no sooner had the words left my mouth when her lips closed over my pole once more. I couldn't believe it. She was sucking my dick. My own mother, stark naked lying across my legs bobbing her head up and down in my lap. To say it was intense would not do it justice; I felt more like I could generate electricity. The skill this woman possessed I would have never guessed. She would suck on the uptake like a vacuum of pleasure, keeping her tongue massaging the shaft with each blissful stroke. Each moan from her mouth would reverberate through the skin, accentuated by her hand pulling the skin tight from the base of my cock. She would twist and pull and suck and nibble, all while keeping her eyes locked on my face watching the utter torment she put me through. She was milking me hard; pulling drop after drop of pre-cum from my shaft into her warm and pleasurable mouth. This was too much, too out of control. My balls were aching, churning; prepping themselves to release their load down my mother's throat. I couldn't believe this was happening. It felt so good and wrong and everything in between... and to top it all off, there was always Kelly right beside me, capturing each sinful moment. "Jesus, Jason," she said with a staggered breath. "I can't believe she's sucking you off." I shifted my gaze to my sister, on her knees a mere foot from me. Her panties were absolutely drenched, so much so that her inner thighs had begun to glisten. Looking higher I could see she had pulled one of her breasts out from confinement and was pulling on the nipple in between pictures. Her nipples were smaller than our mothers, lighter too, but by no means any less sexy. Kelly looked down, watching me as she pinched her titties once more. "This is so fucking hot, Bro." She cooed with her own sexy smirk. "Mmmm..." I managed now closing my eyes and my knob was tickling Mom's tonsils. "Tell me about it..." I was getting close. Fuck did I want to cum; the pressure was growing and nearing that moment of no return. But I wasn't ready... Not yet. I bared my teeth and opened my eyes. "Okay, okay, wait a sec..." I panted. "What baby, are you close?" She asked, rubbing my cock against her cheek before sucking it back down her throat. "Oh Shit!... No Mom," I managed. "I want to try one more thing." Fuck this was feeling so good... but I wanted to continue our game. She slowed down, looking up at me but keeping the head just behind her lips. Then, with an audible 'POP', she let it snap out. "Alright... What's left?" Her hand still slowly milked my cock. I took a deep breath. "The shot's not complete. We need to... simulate... sex." She studied my face and raised an eyebrow. "Do we?" I watched as one of her hands began to snake between her legs as she stroked me. "And how do you suppose we do that?" I swallowed. "I have some ideas, but they all start the same... We first need to make it look like I'm about to enter you." Her expression was nearly unreadable. "Really?" She licked my cock again. I nodded. "You don't think we've have enough photos yet?" She ran her lips around the edges, of the crown once more; teasing me, taunting me. I shook my head. Silence filled the room, but I could see something dancing in her eyes. She smiled, kissed my cock, and then asked, "Okay then. Where do you want me?" My cock lurched in response, and I'm sure she felt it. "I need you to scoot off the bed for a second." She did as commanded as I maneuvered to the edge; sitting down and facing the same way this all began. "Okay, now Kelly... Get down low in front of us, about bed level. Great. Now Mom, I want you to face Kelly but straddle my hips, but stay standing." She didn't even flinch a muscle as she did exactly as I asked, lifting her leg and placing it over me, our sexes now lined up perfectly. I leaned forward wrapping my arms around her and slid them up her body. My hands were mirror images as they coursed their way to her chest until I enveloped her breasts in my palms. "Is this okay?" I asked. She just purred and pushed her ass against my chest, the small of her back now against the side of my face. Embolden by this response, I squeezed, feeling not just her nipples but the tiny bumps around her areolas. I toyed with them, teasing them, mimicking the same motions I had seen her perform moments earlier. And with each pinch and pull, I could feel her taut muscles flexing and releasing through my cheek as she rolled her hips in response. "Okay Mom," I panted against her back. "Now I'm gonna hold your hips, but I want you to sink down a tad and hold yourself open as if I was about to enter you." She nodded between shallow breaths as my hands landed on the curve of her hips. Her stance widened and I felt her lower herself down. As soon as she had, suddenly I was able to see around her and much to my surprise, her large vanity mirror stared right back at us. There, as if life size, I could see my panting mother hovering an inch over my hard and throbbing cock. The image was so exciting, so sinful and taboo. I couldn't believe what I was seeing until a mere moment later a feeling tore me away from the image. For just a moment, my mother's pussy had kissed the head of my cock. Both of us jolted, releasing a moan of surprise. It had only been a second, more like a fraction of a second, but we both knew what had happened and it was just so perfectly performed too. There was no prodding, not searching for the right spot. No, the lips of her vagina had pecked the head of my penis like a couple's first kiss, longing for more. This was beginning to become too much and not just for me. I could tell I was pushing Mom to her own limits. This was a woman in need. Her body writhing on top of me was begging for release from this hour long torment which is the culmination of years upon years of sexual oppression. Her walls were shattering, dams bursting, and though I felt as if my own were in equal state of distress, I could not be the one to force it. She needed to make the leap, but not without a little help. Leaning forward, I pursed my lips, planting a kiss between her shoulder blades and then reached down between my legs. I grasped the base of my cock and held it upright. My mother looked down; down between her heaving breasts, down between her soaking thighs to my engorged member now presented and ready for her. She knew that I was willing and what I wanted. The choice was now hers to make. And then I felt it again, only this time, the feeling didn't leave. She had lowered herself down, the folds of her pussy caressing the head of my dick, trapping just the tip inside. Her eyes shut, embracing the sensations that traversed her body as she left herself suspended on my pole, the gates of her womb massaging my crown. "Baby..." she panted. I could hardly manage to speak at all. "... Yes?" She was breathing harder, straining to hold herself up. "Please don't be mad." "Why?" I asked, embracing the sensations I too was feeling. She looked at me over her shoulder. "Because I'm through with playing..." she said biting her lip. "... I want to fuck." And with that she lowered herself, squeezing my naked cock into the tightness of her wet vagina. She made the drop in one motion, slipping down as Kelly gasped in surprise. Each blissful inch now wrapped in her body as she bottomed out, her groin atop my own as we both moaned deeply in unison. It was incredible, warm, wet and tighter than I had dreamed. The swollen lips of her womanhood rubbed against my pubic hairs as she rolled her hips, circulating her motions as I was buried deep inside her. I have had sex before, and I have felt my fair share of women, but this was on a whole other planet. "Oh God Jason!" She moaned grabbing my hands and pulling them up to cup her breasts. She leaned back against me, her spine arching perfectly to the shape of my chest as she flexed her hips and spread her legs wider. "My god you feel so good inside me," she breathed, her head resting on my shoulder. I groped her breasts with my hands, her nipples trapped between my fingers. "Oh Fuck, Mom..." I said. She turned her head to me. "Mmmm... You already are, Baby..." Her voice purred in my ear as she nibbled on my lobe, I in turn ran my lips at her stretched neck and collar before me. My teeth extended and I bit her skin softly. I could taste her sweat. She started to raise her hips now, my cock sliding in and out, piercing her depths in slow sensual strokes. I slid a hand down, over the toned muscles in her skin, my fingertips pressing over and in her bellybutton, until finding the groove of her pelvis and finally the small, trimmed cropping of hair above her pussy. A gasp left her mouth as my fingers made contact with her clitoris. The slick hood retreated exposing the tiny nub as I pressed down, rubbing her pussy as I fucked it. "Shit baby!... Oh your fingers feel so good!" she moaned. I leaned into her neck, now closer to her ear. "So does your pussy, Mom. You feel so fucking tight around my cock." Her muscles flexed around me, hearing my words. I flicked her pussy again, now focusing solely on the clit. "Mmmm, you like it do you?" She asked knowing very well the answer. "I can't believe you're inside me. Fucking me, in front of your sister... In front of my daughter." I heard a moan again, only this time in front of us. Risking a peek, I looked from the corner of my eye and found Kelly now sitting in the wingtip chair. One leg was thrown over the armrest and the other on the floor as she stared at us intently. Her right hand snaked its way into her panties where she was furiously rubbing herself without any sign of embarrassment. So much for the photos. I grabbed moms head, turning her face towards me and kissed her, hard, my tongue instantly darting into her mouth and being greeted with the same. It felt so good. Feeling her stretched across my body as we kissed and fucked, her hand now replacing mine on her breasts while the other grabbed my hair hand held me to her. This woman was pure sensuality, freed now to express any and all desires, and they were many. I felt her bite my tongue, scraping her teeth now along my lips as she pulled away and brought her lips to my ear. "This is so bad," she purred while rocking her hips. "Oh baby this is so fucking nasty. AH! This is incest," her pussy flexed at the word. "This is so dirty but I'm so fucking wet." She pulled back, holding my head in her hands and breathed "Can you fuck me doggystyle?" I was surprised she even felt she had to ask. "Get on the floor," I said and her face lit up. She rose off my body and sank to the ground getting on all fours. She flipped her hair, looking back at me and wiggled her perfect ass in my direction, asking for my glistening cock. "Come on, Young Man." She sure did love to tease. "Get over here and fuck your mother!" Who was I to keep a good woman waiting. With a lecherous smile, I knelt down, grasping one hand on her ass and the other on my cock. I searched low, finding her lips and pierced her once again in one deep, solid thrust. Damn it felt good, this woman, my mother, shoving her ass back against me, plunging my rod into her like a devious piston. Each time her ass slapped against my thighs it was met with a vocal and high pitch "Ah! Ah! Ah!" as she pounded back again and again and again. I grabbed her hips now, meeting her thrusts with my own, hammering her mound without restraint. I couldn't help but look up at Kelly, her face flushed and her panties pulled to mid thigh as she plunged two fingers in and out of her sopping cunt. Her hand was mauling her freed breast as she bit her lip. "Oh god Jason, I love your cock! Keep fucking Mommy, Baby! Ah! Just like that!" Never did I expect her to have a voice like this. I kept my eyes locked on my sister, winking at her as I fucked our mother. "You like talking dirty, Momma?" "Yes baby, I do. I fucking love it! I love your big cock in my cunt." I slammed her hard. "AH! Yes Jason!" She lowered her head but kept her ass in the air as my cock pistoned in and out of her. "You are so fucking deep. Oh my god it feels so good." "You feel good too, Mom. Your pussy is so tight, so fucking wet. Ugh!" I moaned and I drove in deep, holding my cock as deep as I could manage feeling the deep recesses of her body. I did it again, and again, now taking deep long strokes, savoring every inch that entered then left her steaming body. My speed picking back up, now feeling like a locomotive building pressure; In and out, in and out, in and out. Each breath she drew was going deeper, drawing out each moment until I was now up to speed. It was rough, hard, just the way she wanted it. "Oh my god! Oh baby I'm getting close! Momma's gonna come! I'm gonna come on my son's cock!" She cried out, her eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape. I continued my rhythm, desperately trying to hold off my own climax as she suddenly clamped down on me. Her body shook, spasms came in wave after wave. Her mouth was opened but was biting down on her fist stifling screams of ecstasy. I could see tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. It was one of the more incredible and erotic things I have ever witnessed. I slowed my pace, feeling her shudders subside as I still remained sheathed in her now overly stimulated box. She opened her eyes, looked back at me with a smile. Her expression said so much all at once. Slowly she pulled forward and sat up, slipping my still raging cock out of her pussy. "Holy shit, Jason." She was trying to catch her breath. "That was... that was the best orgasm I think I've ever had..." Her eyes fell to my state and a twinkle hit her eye. "Oh baby!" she cooed reaching out and wrapping her hand around my penis. "You still haven't come." I shook my head. "No, but I'm damn close." To be honest, I was surprised I had held out this long. She smirked and faced me completely. She leaned back, spreading her legs. "Would you mind doing it inside me? I want to feel you again so bad." Her pussy was swollen, and wet, and so very inviting. Smiling, I crawled up her body as she lay down beneath me. She grabbed each leg and held them open from the knees while I positioned my cock at her entrance once more. "Be gentle," she said. "I'm a little sensitive." I nodded, looked down and slowly pushed inside her. Her breath caught and body tensed as once more, I was inside my mother. It felt different this time, passionate as I looked down into her eyes and saw her looking back up at me with the same feelings. She was such an exotic beauty and I was entranced just watching her. The way her skin was flushed, the way her hair fell around her head, the small movements against the carpet as we rocked our bodies against the floor; all culminating to this erotic scene. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to hers in a deep, sensual kiss. Our tongues danced together once more as our bodies moved in unison. So soft and so very delicious. She broke away now, pulling my ear close to her sultry lips and whispered gently... "Come inside me." My arms swept under her body, locking her legs open and spread as I pushed in deep once more, feeling her clench her vaginal muscles against my cock trying to milk out every drop she could. I knew now I was nearing the end as I felt a familiar churning deep in my loins. I pushed inside and pulled out, watching my cock enter her over and over. Her pussy enveloping me with each stroke. "I want you to come, Baby." She panted. "come for mommy..." Her hips were now rocking too, our pace was increasing. It was too much, too intense and the pressure began to build. "Mom," I said. "I'm gonna come..." I said thrusting hard within her. Her hands snaked around, grabbing my ass, pulling me inside her with each thrust of my hips. "Fill my pussy, Jason. Give it to me, please!" "Oh shit! I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come inside you!" Her eyes lit up. "Do it baby!" she cried. "Come inside me!" "Ah Fuck!" was all I could manage as I felt the first wave of hot semen rip through my cock and fired deep within her triggering her own taboo climax. Wave after wave of pure bliss washed through me matched by each spurt of my seed. "Oh Jason!" she cried as she bucked her hips, thrusting herself against me. "Oh baby I can feel it! You're coming in me... my baby's coming in me." My mother's legs wrapped around me, pinning me inside her as we shuddered together, entwined inside and out. It seemed to last an eternity, but slowly, the world began to settle back into place. Watery eyes looked back up to me as my mother's hand reached out and caressed my face. "Thank you," she said. "I can't tell you how long I've needed that." I held her hand against my face, kissed it and smiled. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded, brushing the tears away. "It was really intense." She looked at me deeply. "We gonna be okay?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't see why not. I don't think I'll need to visit a shrink if that's what you're suggesting." She chuckled. "Don't start jumping to conclusions." This little minx, I thought. I flexed my cock still inside her, and watched her gasp. She smirked and slapped my arm before scooting out from under me. "Holy shit you two," Kelly's voice called our attention. Her panties were on the floor, one leg still on the armchair as she looked at us. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen!" "Thanks?" Mom said with a laugh. I stood up, chuckling myself. Kelly's eyes never left my groin as her fingers traced her exposed nipple. "You know... I felt a little left out while you two were having all the fun." I could feel a tension beginning to return to the room. "Looks to me that you had yourself a good time despite that fact, young lady," our mother said sitting up. "I did..." she said, "... but I think I may need a little more." She pinched her nipple, hard. "I want to be dirty." Her eyes locked on Jason. "Honey I don't think..." Mom began. "You just fucked your son, Mother." Kelly said sternly. "Now I want to be bad too." Kelly reached down and spread the lips to her shaven pussy, my cock stirred. "I want to be really bad. I want to be really dirty." She looked up at me as she slipped two fingers into her tight little snatch. "Don't you want to too Jason." "I..." What the fuck was happening. I hadn't planned this at all. I looked over at our mother for support but she had a smirk on her face. That same devilish smirk that told me she was up to no good. She stood and walked over to beside the chair and picked up the discarded camera. "Well Mr. Photographer," she said with a grin. "I think it's high time you became the subject." I looked between the two of them, dumbfounded and so incredible turned on. Kelly leaned forward, grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of the chair. "How 'bout it, Bro?" She reached out and grabbed my semi-flaccid dick. "Wanna get a little dirty?" She leaned forward and gave the head a nice lick. I stood there speechless, but my cock began to swell in her hand. "Ohhh!" She said smiling, feeling the growth she created. "I see someone is interested." She leaned forward again, this time she placed the whole of my cock in her mouth. "Oh fuck!" I said my hands instantly going to her head for support. She looked up at me, smiled and began to suck. Her skill was unique, not like our mother's but talented none-the-less. In no time at all, she had my cock up to a full throbbing erection. She pulled herself off and jacked my member, smiling up at me the whole time while I heard the clicking of shutters as my mother captured the whole event. "I bet you want to fuck me now, don't you?" she said scrunching her nose. She leaned back, showing me her sopping cunt as she began to finger herself again, all while stroking my cock. "You don't know how horny you two made me. How fucking hot it was watching the two of you. And you know what? You taught me something about myself. I like to be naughty. I like dirty, nasty things. I like watching a mother fuck her son. I *want* to fuck my brother. I might even fuck Daddy someday. But what I really want to do right now... Is be dirty. Really, really dirty." She leaned forward again, licking the tip my cock. "So now, I want you to fuck me... but not in my pussy." She lifted both legs on the armrest rotating her hips up. "I want our first time to be in my ass." It took a few moments for what my sister said to register in my mind. I looked to our mother for support, but she was too busy snapping away at the camera offering no means of advice. "Come here brother," she said, pulling me down by my cock. I felt horny and helpless, all rolled into one as she positioned me at her tight little rosebud. She let go of my tool and then reached behind me grabbing my ass and pulled forward, urging me into her. My dick was lubed with her spit and ready for entry into the tight crevice of her asshole. She clenched her teeth as her sphincter opened allowing the head of my cock to pop inside. I have never had anal sex before, every girlfriend or one night stand was repulsed or never even showed any hint of interest. Yet here I was slowly easing inch after inch of my shaft into that taboo of taboos; and she was begging me for more. "Oh My God, I can't believe my brother's in my ass." Her teeth remained clenched as she began to rub her pussy with her free hand. "Oh fuck, keep pushing Jason." Slowly, I obliged. "Come on Big Brother, I want you balls deep. Give me all of it!" She was tight, tighter than anything I had experienced. It was so different, and so unbelievably naughty. I never expected her to be so kinky... and yet, though it was my first time, it slipped in easier than I would have thought. Slower, but easier. I believe she sensed my confusion. "Bet my ass feels good around your hard dick. I lubed up my little hole while you and mommy were going at it. Now stop teasing me and-" Her eyes went wide with a long, primal groan I pushed hard into her in one determined thrust. I felt my pelvic muscles pressing against her pussy, my hairs tickling her lips. "Fuck! I'm so full! Jesus you are big," She said smiling in surprise as she breathed out her mouth in deep gasps. "Mmmm. Now fuck me Big Brother. Fuck my tiny asshole." This new level of kink began to light a fire with me and I slowly began to move my hips. She grunted and groaned and bit her lip in carnal pleasure as my tempo increased. "You like my ass, don't you Brother?" she cooed. "Fuck yes I do," I said now slamming harder in her than I should. "Ah! I bet you would love to fuck Mommy's tight ass too!" Her eyes darted to our photographer who moaned at the thought. "Oh god yes! I'd have sex with you two any way I can!" "I bet you would. I bet you'd like to fuck her while you eat my pussy, wouldn't you?" I grunted approval and grabbed her hips. "Or maybe even fuck me from behind while I eat her out?" She was watching our mother now who risked her own hand to rub her pussy as she watched her children fuck. Kelly's hand had become a blur, rubbing against her pussy as I pumped in and out of her. Her eyes began to open wide as she grunted and bared her teeth. "Fuck! Jason you're gonna make me cum!" She cried now tightening her ass; my time was running short as well. "Oh God! Oh Shit!" Her voice was rising in pitch until: "I'm... I'm coming!" Her body tensed and stretched, convulsing around my cock as she writhed in beautiful agony. Her hands gripping the armrests, threatening to pull the fabric off as her orgasm pulsated through her body, all while I continued to thrust within her constricting hole, and it had finally become too much. "Oh fuck Sis, I'm gonna come again!" Her eyes opened wide. "Come on us! Come on both of us Jason!" She cried hoping off my dick and moving to the floor, tossing her tank top to the side. Without being asked, Mom quickly joined her setting the camera on the bed. Both women knelt below me, naked and sweaty, their bodies pressed together and leaning against the bed. I stood over them, my muses, my partners in crimes of the most perverse, and grabbed my cock, ready to release my seed on their heaving breasts. They both toyed with their pussies, pinching their nipples, so very alike mother and daughter. I couldn't keep them waiting. My hand wrapped around my abused cock and squeeze. I could feel the torrent coming the moment I began to jack my hand along its length. They sat below me in lustful anticipation, until suddenly, my dam burst. I felt the first gush fire and splash across my sister chest, the second across my mother's. Round after round left me, more than I thought was possible until finally, my legs felt weak and I collapsed in the wingtip chair, spent and drained. Both Mom and Kelly tasted my sperm, swallowing tiny droplets from their fingertips. Just then, an idea hit me. With unknown energy, I sprang from the chair and grabbed the camera off the bed. I looked at both women, now kneeling below me skin flushed, sweaty, and speckled with ropes of my sperm. Both sets of eyes looking up at me with a satisfied wanton look. I took one final photo. "You two are incredible," I said, turning the camera off for the night. "Without a doubt, this was the best shoot I've ever had." They both laughed, and I hate to admit, I too chuckled at my own joke as I grabbed my pants. "Thanks for asking me to help," Kelly said, stretching out with her hands over her head. "You bet," I replied, pulling my pants up, forgoing any underwear. "I can't wait for the reshoots." Both girls stopped and turned to each other. "Reshoots?" Mom asked. "Mmm-hmmm." I picked up my shirt and slipped it on. "Missed a lot of pictures in the end there, so we will have to make them up to finish the set. How's next weekend sound?" Kelly's eyes went wide and her nipples began to harden at the thought of it. Mom in the mean time sighed deeply, shaking her head. "I don't think that's a good idea," she said, draining the color from Kelly's face. "Your father will be back by then... How about tomorrow?" My grin must have been ear-to-ear. "That's perfect for me." "Me too!" Kelly chimed in. "Good." She rose and started to cross to the restroom, pausing at the doorway. "Oh, and Jason?" I looked up. "The pictures?" "Yeah?" "Make sure to copy them all to your computer tonight and delete them off the camera. Wouldn't want your father taking them to China now would we?" I smiled. "You got it, Mom." She turned to leave but stopped, her hand tapping on the doorframe. "Actually," she began "Leave the last one on the camera. He is gonna have a long week, after all," she said with a devilish smirk before closing the door behind her. The End. *Thank you for reading my story. As always, all feedback is welcome and please remember to vote.* *Scribbleskillz*
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 44, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 630, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 79 }
*Odd Mates* *This is a Crossover with Alpha and Omega and Lion King* *While also a kinda of a crossover with my Falling for a Lioness.* *Kind of a A/U version of my Falling for a Lioness series that im rewriting.* *This story is set after then end of Falling for a Lioness,were news is founded out about me living with Lions. To help raise money to use as protection for the Pride lands ,I agreed with Nala to go to raise money in chat shows about my life with the pride.* *But in the air above Canada, the Aeroplane crashed into Jasper park. Were we found by Humphrey and co. What will happen to me and Nala with the Wolfs of Jasper park.* *Aplha and Omega and all the charters are own by Lion Gate.* *Nala and Lion king and charters are own by Disney.* *Stuart any Oc and Falling for a Lioness is own by me.* *Chapter 2 Warming Up* It had token a while for the 4 Wolfs,to carry me and Nala up the hills to their home in the caves. So the could ask Winston, Tony and Eve on what they should do with us. " Damn this Cat heavy." Humphrey said while gasping for breath,from carrying Nala over the rough ground. " Oh be quite ,Humphrey we are nearly there." Garth said to the Omega wolf,annoyed at his whining voice. "Ok Barth." Humphrey said in teasing way,knowing he hated that name with a passion. "It Garth" Garth replied back snaring, at Humphrey at the stupid nickname. "Boys." Both Lilly and Kate said in a annoyed tone,not wanting to have a headache from their yelling. After few more moments of yelling from the girls to the boys. Telling them to stop it or they both would be sleeping out of the den for a while. Causing the both of them to shut up,but still sending death glares at each other. Soon they got to the cave home of Kate and Lilly parents. Winston and Eve themselves were standing outside chatting to Tony, as they then spotted their kids walking up to them. " Kate ,Lilly how did,the hunt go wait?. Why did your bring a HUMAN and a Cat here?" Winston asked his daughters with confusement and anger,that they would bring certain threats into their home. Causing the 4 younger Wolfs to flinch a bit in fear,to the ex leader words. As they carefully put my and Nala body's on to the floor to speak to them. "Well ad you see we were having a brake before the hunt,when we then heard a loud noise." Kate said, as she started of the story off. " We then look up and found out that the sound, came from a large flying thing falling out the sky."Garth said ,as he carried on the story from Kate. " It then crashed into the forest, an then we went to check what it was. To see the thing destroyed with a lot of dead Humans around it." Lilly said in a sad tone, remembering the amount of lost life. Even though they were Humans, it still was never nice to see something like that. " I then found these 2 in the mess, so we decide to help them out." Humphrey add in his two bits. " So Mum and Dad, we decide to take them home with us. So you can chose, what to do with them." Kate explained as she then finished off the ,story to her parents. The 3 ex leaders all look at each other, before coming to a decision . As Winston spoke for the 3 to,their family members. " We will wait for them to wake up and then chat to them. To see if they are a danger to the pack or not." Winston said to them. *1 Hour later* Nala gasp in pain as she woke up,groaning in pain as she tried to work out what had happen. " My head. " Nala moaned deeply in pain,as she then open her eyes. Only for her to look in shock,at the new environment around her. She was in a cave ,how did she get hear? Wait were Stuart was he ok?. Nala thought in a worried tone,she then turn her head to see what she believed were a type of Hyenas. As she tried to stand up,while snaring darkly at the Wolfs. " Wooo easy their Miss,we mean no harm." Winston said calmly, trying to keep the peace between them. " Who are you,were am I . Wait what did you do to my MATE?" Nala asked in angrily tone,as she then spotted me out cold . Causing her temper to grow with hatred for them,thinking they had hurt me. As she put her injured body over me,as protection for me. " Woo wait their Miss,we done nothing to him. Our children found you and your uhhhh mate out cold. " Winston said to Nala a bit offend at her outburst. "Sorry im very protective of him." Nala said to Winston, while filling a bit guilty for her outburst. " That ok, but if you don't mind me asking what are you. An why did you and your mate end up in my clan territory." Winston asked Nala,trying to work out is she and I was a danger to them. " Well my name is Nala and im a Lioness of the Pride Lands Pride. An this Human is Stuart is my mate and we were heading to a place called New York. To go on a chat show,what I believe Humans call it." Nala said explaining her story, on what had happen before the Aeroplane went boom. While nuzzling my face,glad to see that I was alive. Do to seeing my chest going up and down. " Well my name is Winston and this Eve my mate and we are Wolfs." Winston explained to Nala before telling her everyone els name. As they all gave a quick speech about themselves,with Nala replying to them all. Soon Nala was getting tired as she let out a small yawn,while looking for a place for us to rest. "Well Nala you can use the spare cave,for you and your mate. We will then introduced you and your mate to the pack tomorrow." Winston said to Nala in a kind tone Nala gave him a quick thank you as they help her,take me to the cave. Before leaving us alone,as Nala warp her body around me to keep me warm. " Sleep tight my love" Nala sad to me before,falling a sleep with me. *End of Chapter 2* *Review and Rate * *No Flamers*
Odd Mates Redone part 2 by Sindragon
[ "Crossover", "Eve", "Falling for a lioness", "Human", "Kate", "Lilly", "Lion King", "Lioness", "Nala", "No-Yiff", "Winston", "Wolf", "alpha and omega", "garth", "humphrey", "tony" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 34, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 91, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 15 }
Inside the fortress of the superhero team known as the Loonatics, Tech walks down the corridor, thinking to himself. "My new invention should work this time. The last misconception really made it difficult to find the problem. But I think I got it..." He stops to a mechanical door before rubbing his chin "I'll just need some DNA samples from a few of the guys." He grinned and knocked on the youngest and shortest of the members; Duck. "Uh...Duck? Are you busy?" the fowl was admiring himself at a mirror with a green cape tied along his neck "Are you kidding? I'm trying to come up with a name here!" Tech rolled his eyes and smirked, walking closer to him, "Dancing Duck? Super Duck! Manful Duck! Daf-!" Just at that moment, Tech grabbed Duck and kissed him forcefully. Duck's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he witnessed what was happening, Tech pulled away and grinned as he held the other by the shoulders. "Instead of coming up with a name, why don't you help me with something?" Duck was in a state of trance before he shook his head rapidly, returning to reality. He blinked "Wha-who what!? Oh...sure I don't mind at a- WHAT THE HELLWAS THAT ABOUT!?" Tech blinked and grinned sheepishly "Ah... well I had to do something to shut you up. Now uh... how do I put it...For my Molecular Degeneration Cloning Device. I need a DNA sample from each of you in order for it to work but the type of DNA I need is...well..." Tech pointed downwards to Duck's groin in which Duck took several seconds just to figure out what he meant. He gasped as a light blush appeared on his beak "Y-y-you mean...m..my my...?" Tech nodded and took out a small clear vial. "That's right, your semen. It's the only way it will work. Blood doesn't seem to be the requirement if you know what I mean."Tech pointed downwards to Duck's groin in which Duck took several seconds just to figure out what he meant. He gasped as a light blush appeared on his beak "Y-y-you mean...m..my my...?" Tech nodded and took out a small clear vial. "That's right, your semen. It's the only way it will work. Blood doesn't seem to be the requirement if you know what I mean." Duck backed up against his mirror as he tried to put the conversation to another subject, he grabbed one of his pictures (with him on it) and held out a pen "Heheh...do you want an...autograph instead? It can last forever...!" Tech tilted his head "Mmm...No. Id rather take your cum." Tech smirked and used his Acme Clothes Disintergrator on Duck that made his latex suit and cape disappear! (only his underwear was left) He closed his legs with a deep blush "Aren't you the pushy type..!?" Tech smirked and stripped down to his bare self as Duck's eyes tried not look down, he averted by trying to look at Tech's face yet his eyes slowly wandered down to his groin he stopped and stared with a gulp. Tech crossed his arms "Lookin at something? I can't help but notice somethings attracted you." Duck shook his head rapidly then looked back to Tech "What?! Uh...no why w-would you think that?" Tech grinned then gripped Ducks groin firmly "Well... because this looks like it's happy to see me..." Duck blushed even deeper as Tech slowly peeled down Duck's underwear, exposing his avian cock right in front of Tech. He grinned and slowly lapped along its head before gulping it down his throat. Duck nearly jumped as his eyes widened, he panted and laid his hand on Tech's head "Ooh...y'know I always...said you had a big mouth...!" Tech looked up and smirked as he pulled off, a bit of the others pre came on his nose "Your lucky, we coyotes don't just eat road runners..." He continued to suckle of Duck as he thought a bit to the statement and shivered. Tech pulled away with a growl as he laid on the bed, he spread his legs, his fully erected cock throbbed. "Why don't you put that cock of yours to good use?" Duck grinned and teleported to Tech as he held his legs "You don't need to tell me twice!" with that, Duck slipped his cock inside Tech's hole slowly as Tech yipped and groaned as it slid in deeper. Duck grinned and slowly began to thrust in and out of the coyote's hole, coating his inner tunnels in sticky pre cum before he pulled out "Heey...how bout we...try different positions?" Tech blinked and licked his lips "Took you long enough to ask..." He grinned. Afterwards, Tech and Duck begin experimenting different positions, until Tech is flat against the bed while Duck thrusts inside him, Tech groans and gasps "D...Duck..! im gonna...!" The fowl slowed down his pace before he shoved his entire length inside Tech's warm hole, Tech's eyes widened as he knew that signal "No! If he cums inside of me I wont get the sample I need!" He quickly pulled away before grabbing Duck's cock and slipping the tip of the vial to the slit of his cock, Duck clenched and arched his back as he shot his load inside the glass container. Tech grinned as his own throbbing cock spurted pre, he pulled the vial away as Duck continued to spurt, he licked his lips and closed his eyes as cum shot along his face and neck, he stood up and took his suit onto the hook of his arm. Duck fell backwards, panting hard as he looked up to Tech "Well now. Thanks for the sample! Catch you later Duck." Duck blinked and looked around before crawling "W-wait a second! Tech! What about my clothes?!" He was too late, the door mechanically shut. "Oh well...Gotta improvise." Duck grabbed his cape and covered himself with it.
Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part I: Duck by RikuHeartfire
[ "Duck", "Experiments", "Gay", "Loonatics", "M/M", "Slam", "ace", "rev", "tech" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 52, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 80, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence" ], "score": 25 }
Buster grins as a small Pomeranian identical to her mother Angel down to the very last detail walks out into the backyard. All of her features resemble her mother in every way which makes Buster lick his chops, his eyes looking over the young pup. The pup was confused as to why she had to live with him but Tramp had told her that she belongs to the Doberman now as she walks over to the large breed and sits next to him nervously. Angel looks on sadly as she had merely put on a show of wanting Buster and to be filled by him in hopes he would be happy with his bitch but now realizes one of her own daughters, of which Scamp was the father of, was going to be his new bitch. She wanted to pull away but Tramp had her fully convinced that this was the best option; otherwise she would have to go live with Buster again and be his bitch once more. Seeing the Pomeranian milf distracted, the greyish mutt took it upon himself to pick her up by the scruff of her neck before dropping her in front of the Doberman, his shaft poking out from his sheathe in arousal. "Angel is going to be your bitch as well but only temporarily till her daughter is old enough to handle and breed, you got it?!" he then growls at Buster. The Doberman looked at Tramp, a bit stunned before grinning down at Angel who caused her to whimper and try to get away. Tramp manages to stop her, looking down at the confused Pomeranian. "This wasn't part of the deal Tramp!" She cries out as the mutt drags her back to Buster. Both males were now aroused as Buster wraps his paw around her, slipping her collar off and tossing it onto the grass. "Sorry Angel, but I'm your dad here and I make the rules." Tramp replies as he notices Buster's member emerging from his sheathe and smirks. Buster grins as he holds the Pomeranian milf's neck in his jaws, his tip glistening with pre and prods at her spade. Angel whimpers and squirms, knowing Buster was going to rape her all over again but this time was at the mercy of his powerful jaws. Tramp scoots Angel's daughter back into the house, grinning to himself all the while. "Run along inside and get ready to leave, my dear. Buster and your mother have some catching up to do right now." The mutt mutters to her softly. Angel's daughter nods and runs inside, leaving her mother to be raped by the large Doberman that she was going to be living with. Tramp smirks as he watches Buster mount Angel and thrust into her abused spade, hearing her whine and whimper. Buster lets out a growl as he jabs his thick rod inside his bitch, hearing her yelp each time his tip jabs into her cervix and spurts hot pre inside her. Angel closes her eyes as Buster continues to breed her, hearing her daughter walking back out into the yard and ready to live with Buster. She immediately opens her eyes in shock as her daughter watches Buster breeding her with innocent eyes. "Why is Buster on top of my mother, Tramp?" She asks innocently. Tramp looks down and gently pats her on the head. "You'll understand in time, sweetie." The mutt replies, knowing what awaits her in that time. Angel whimpers more in sheer horror as her daughter was now witnessing her own mother being dominated by a larger canine and isn't able to do anything to help. Buster starts panting heavily as his swollen knot pops inside Angel, locking himself inside her while he gives sharp thrusts as his large black orbs begin to churn. Angel shakes her head, not wanting her daughter to see her being filled by a male she does not want inside her but knows once he was knotted inside her, it was inevitable. She cries out as Buster gives one final, violent thrust and feels his hot viral seed flooding her tunnel and into her fertile womb, feeling her belly starting to expand form the sheer amount being poured into her. Her daughter just watched as Buster fully claimed her mother as his bitch and wonders how much more her mother could take from the looks of her expanding belly. She then watched as Buster's knot shrunk and slipped out of her mother's used sex, still trying to understand what she witnessed. Buster then grabs Angel who swung from his muzzle and preceded out of the yard, his other Pomeranian bitch following behind. Angel's daughter, Luna was trying to figure out what was going on and why her mother was whimpering, crying like how she was before the both disappear out of the yard and down the block. Meanwhile, Scamp wandered about the house feeling a bit in need of some mating. As he wandered, he found his mother sleeping and decided he wanted her again and wasn't going to take no for an answer. He grabs her by the collar with his teeth, making sure not to wake her just yet as he drags her into the room where he had fist mated with her and Angel. After dragging his mother into the center of the room, he walks back towards the door and shuts it with both his front paws and stuffing a small but thick pillow underneath to act as a sturdy doorstop in case his mother tried to open the door herself. He taps his mother's head, waking her up. Lady groans as her eyes slowly opened to her son looking at her like he had before when he trapped Angel and herself inside this very room. She slowly circles around her son, watching him circle as well and mimicking her every step. She turns and makes a break for the door, trying her best to open it but was unable to due to the makeshift doorstop impeding her. Frightened, she turns back around to see Scamp inching closer to her. "You belong to me now, Mother. You're my bitch till Angel gets back" He grumbles, only have agreed with his father after having been promised he could breed his mother whenever and however he wanted, even getting her pregnant. Lady tries to run only to be against the jammed door. She looks around and remembered there was a doggy door installed within that door and quickly dashes thru it, kicking away the pillow. As she ran, she could not believe how Scamp was turning into father. Scamp finally was able to pin her down, jabbing his throbbing dog meat into her spade and thrusts rather roughly which causes Lady to whimper and squirm with discomfort. "Ow! Scamp! Please stop! You're hurting me!" She whimpers pleadingly. Scamp just utters a growl as he bites her neck, hearing her yelp in a mix of pain and a hint of pleasure. "Quiet, bitch! You will learn to like it!" he replies after letting go of his mother's neck. He continues to thrust inside his mother and being true to his word, she began to lose the fight and couldn't fight any longer. She began to moan like slut like she did with Jock and Trusty, pleading her son to breed her harder and faster. Scamp not only obliged his whoring mother but he also flipped her over onto her back, thrusting like his life depended on it. He leaned down and licked over his mother's perked teats, causing her to moan louder in pleasure while he stood over her. All the while, Tramp watched from a nearby window with a hard on that could be seen as his three daughters worked it over, their tongues covering every throbbing inch of his member as their snatches twitched in arousal. Tramp shudders as one of his daughters takes his tip into her muzzle and begins to bob her head slightly while her sisters licked his swelling knot and fuzzy grey orbs. Angel's other two daughters watched on as Tramp's hips start to thrust slightly before filling his middle daughter's muzzle with his seed. The two watched their aunts licking the other clean and then look towards them, seeing the whole display as a game. Tramp reveals a sly grin as he admires their innocence, knowing what they saw was how they were to properly act. Back at the junkyard, Buster releases Angel only to pin her down with his large member prodding at her spade. She yelps as he forcibly enters her, growling and grunting with a mix of moans as he thrusts painfully into his whimpering and crying bitch. She pleads with him to stop as she was so very tired and very sore form the all-day breeding session she had been forced to endure; all the while wondering when Scamp would come to her rescue, not believing that he'd allow this to happen. Truth be told, Scamp did not want this to happen, but he had already agreed with his father in exchange to breed his mother as much as he wants while his mate Angel is gone her tight walls making him moan out his mother's name, his knot spreading her sex and hearing her howl in pleasure as a response while her hips buck wildly against his thrusts while moaning out his name as well. He begins to whimper and pant loudly as his puppy orbs begin to churn, slowly ascending before he howls in sheer bliss, flooding his horny mother's sex and into her fertile womb. He felt his mother shudder as she climaxes as well, her ribbed walls gripping and massaging his throbbing meat, drawing every bit of viral seed into her inner sanctum. Both lovers pant as the passionately kiss each other, their tongues exploring each other's mouths; Scamp had completely forgotten about his own mate as he was lost in the moment of passion with his own mother. Buster lets out a low murr as he leans over Angel. "I'm going to breed you till you're too bloated to walk and then I'm going to mark you and your daughter as my bitches!" As he feels his climax upon him, he motions his other bitch, Luna to come over before he pulls out of Angel's snatch. He lets out a howl as he cums hard all over Luna, soaking and drenching her in his seed. "Ahhh much better. Now to mark you in another way." He chuckles. Angel whimpers, "Please don't do that to her!! Just do it to me!" She pleads to him as he stood over her daughter, hind leg raised. Buster didn't listen and instead begins to mark Luna as his bitch in urine and then turns his attention to Angel, his yellow stream trailing and hitting Angel. Buster lets out a sigh as he finishes and walks to his resting place, leaving both his bitches drenched in his seed and urine. To be continued...? How many of you want to see me continue this series? Why? What have you liked about this series so far? What have you hated//disliked about it?
Lady and the Tramp II: Buster Gets His New Bitch by SHIPPO
[ "Age Difference", "Anal", "Angel", "Blowjob", "Buster", "Canine", "Cocker Spaniel", "Cub", "Cum", "Cum Bath", "Disney", "Doberman", "Domination submission", "Domination/Submission", "Forced", "Impregnation", "Incest", "Knot", "Lady and the Tramp", "M/F", "N/C", "Oral", "Pup", "Rape", "Scamp", "Semi NC", "Sex", "Tie", "Tramp", "Vaginal", "Watersports", "lady", "pomeranian" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 9, "longest_sentence": 79, "num_participle_phrases": 5, "num_sentences": 94, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 89 }
Deserea looked out the car window feeling slightly dazed. She sat very still trying to keep the tiny gold bells that hung from her necklace, bracelets, anklets and earrings still. Every time she shifted the slight "ching" reminded her of the other bells on the belt that circled her slender hips just above her mons and those that dangled unseen from the silk loops around her erect nipples. These, in turn, would remind her of the narrow oxblood silk band that ran down over her sex, up between her buttocks and down front and back over the metal-lace. With her full, kissable lips painted to match her breechcloth and the rest of her professionally made up face, Deserea would have felt very sexily turned out under the concealing caftan if only she wasn't sitting in the back seat of her parents' Jaguar. They were going to a party, a party of her parents' friends, a party of middle-aged professional people and she was dressed like a fantasy harem girl! Unable to remain perfectly motionless, each small squirm or shift she made rubbed the rough silk against her newly bare pussy or pulled on the captured nipples of her C-cup breasts. The arousing sensations fought with her embarrassment and left her feeling oddly conflicted about the coming evening. She was repelled, yet increasingly excited by the thought that her parents, of all people, regularly attended "that" kind of party and that they were compelling their only daughter to accompany them. Who would have thought that dropping out of college could have such an unsettling result? Deserea had dreaded breaking the news to her mother at Winter Break that there was no returning to the prized university she'd attended the previous fall. Still, her mother had almost always been patient and understanding with the angst Deserea had managed to display in excessive amounts all of her life and so she'd hoped that the plea of "personal, really personal, reasons" would be sufficient. It wasn't. At rare times the patient and understanding mother she was used to would suddenly be replaced with a figure that seemed more like an avatar of Gaia or the Mother Goddess herself. Victoria Smyth-Jefferson would lift her chin, raise one eyebrow and drive a lightning glance from her golden eyes into Deserea's dark brown ones and suck truth out of the girl. And so she'd been forced to explain that she'd fallen with "the wrong crowd". Not a bad crowd, mind, just... the wrong one. It was a crowd where the girls spent all their waking hours either trying to hook up with boys or telling, usually in the most unflattering terms possible, about the boys they'd hooked up with the previous night or weekend. And those unflattering terms they used on the boys were, Deserea had to admit, perfectly apt! The entire bunch seemed to consist of losers and users and not much else and Des simply could not return. It wasn't her lost virginity that mattered so much but that it had happened so trivially. That hurt. "You do know that one of the reasons you were sent to a Catholic girls' high school was the hope that you would get enough theoretical knowledge of sex from the older students to protect yourself from this sort of thing?" Victoria queried. "Uh, I guess I never thought of it that way, Mother," came the trembling reply. Deserea pushed out a full, lush lower lip in hopes of sympathy but began to suspect that she wasn't going to get any. It was the way her mother's impressive cleavage rose and fell along with the tapping of the elegant long nails on the onyx desktop that made the girl's stomach start to butterfly. "But at least I haven't caught anything or gotten pregnant!" Victoria's face softened just a bit. "I suppose that is something in your favor but I am disappointed that you chose to play with boys rather than meeting men. We shall have to correct your view of the opposite sex, child, before you reach womanhood." Her mother reached out and gently took Deserea's dark jaw in her caramel-colored hand and lifted the girl's eyes back to her own. "And just what kind of woman will my little girl become, hmmm? We will have to give that some thought, your father and I." The next morning Deserea was sitting in one of their Maloof rockers sipping a morning espresso as her father prepared to leave for the law firm where he was a senior partner. Charles Smyth-Jefferson wore his tailored three-piece suit and Borsolino hat the way a lesser man might wear an ermine-trimmed robe and crown. It was, in addition to a world-class intellect, the almost overwhelming confidence he radiated that had sent him sky-rocketing to the pinnacle of his profession and of the city's social order. Why he had no ambition for political office baffled many but in the face of the man's sometimes withering glance, none had dared to ask. Now he turned his gaze onto his youngest child. "You and your mother are going out today," he rumbled with crisp diction, "and whatever she decides to do, you will not question nor will you argue. Understood?" "Yes, Daddy!" Deserea adored her tall, dark, broad-shouldered sire and from infancy had simply accepted as natural law anything he said. Whatever he and her mother had in mind for their daughter was now going to happen and she would simply have to endure it, no matter how unpleasant it might be. Deserea felt that she had screwed up badly and was going to have to pay for her errors. She was surprised to discover, when her mother came downstairs that punishment didn't seem to be in the offing. "There will be a Gathering tomorrow evening and you will accompany us," Victoria announced between bites of fresh croissant. "Therefore you and I will spend the day in preparation. A visit to Mario & Gina's is in order and then we will go shopping." Mario & Gina's? The most exclusive day spa in the southern half of the state? Deserea knew her father was very wellff but had no idea that her mother could loll away the hours is so decadent a manner. And apparently Victoria was a regular at the spa because they were welcomed warmly and by name upon arrival. Deserea, especially, was the center of comment and compliment by the attentive staff. She was beginning to feel that perhaps nothing "terrible" was going to happen to her, after all. The visit began with a sit in the sauna where the heat and steam began to relax the girl from her earlier anxiety; though sharing the hot room and cedar benches with her naked mother was a little disturbing, at first. Where Deserea was sylph-like and slender, her mother was deep bosomed and broad hipped, a perfect and perfectly luscious size 16. Other women might have wanted to reduce that size but Victoria, once nude, swayed like an ancient Hindu temple dancer, her DD breasts bouncing liquidly and her flexed thighs seeming always about to break into the most lascivious dance imaginable. After the sauna came a facial, a manicure and pedicure, the hair relaxation and installation of a long braid so that her locks now came clear down to the dimples above her ass. This was followed by a whole body Brazilian waxing! The sharp sensation of every hair below her eyebrows being pulled both hurt and stimulated the girl. So did the amazing thought that her mother; her mother, was smooth "down there" and apparently had been for years. Victoria then announced that for the finale, a long massage was in order. The attendant's fingers worked magic up and down Deserea's spine sending her into a languid sense of relaxation. The little Vietnamese masseuse then rolled the girl onto her back and worked her magic on the front side for a while until, when it seemed that she was finished, she casually reached down and gave Deserea's large, dark nipple a slow, twisting pull. "No, no! I don't go that way!" protested the girl, but her mother's voice cut her complaint off in mid-stream. "Des, Jasmine is the best there is and worth whatever tip she wants. Today it seems she wants you... so lie back and enjoy!" Remembering her father's orders to neither question nor argue, the girl apprehensively did as directed. To her astonishment, Jasmine unzipped her crisp, white uniform and, letting it drop to the floor, stood completely nude. Climbing up onto the massage table she lay full length on Deserea's body, pressed her lips against Des' and forced her tongue between them. Between fierce kisses she took the girl's breasts in both oily, slippery hands and began to twist, tug and knead her nipples until they stood straight up. As Jasmine writhed atop her, an electrifying warmth spread down Deserea's body to the joining of her thighs until she clawed at the small woman's back and her juices began to flow. The moisture combined with the massage oil and the masseuse's own fluids to make an exquisitely slippery blend that only added to the girl's heat. Blood rushed into her nether regions and out of her brain as she let go of all thought and released herself to glorious sensation, panting and moaning with desire. After squeezing, pulling and slapping the mahogany globes back and forth, Jasmine next sat up, spread Deserea's unresisting thighs wide, lifted one over her shoulder and slid between them. Scooting forward and displaying remarkable flexibility, the panting masseuse managed to seize an erect nipple in her mouth (and bite down hard enough to make the girl cry out) thrust her hips up and down, pounding Deserea in a frenzy of frottage. "Oh! Oh! Oh, God! Oh! Ahhhhhhh...!" they screamed in duet as the orgasm swept over them and subsided into whimpers of relief. "My little chocolate bar, you really are the most delicious thing," Jasmine purred when they both regained their breath. She pulled a light blanket over Deserea and let her slip into happy slumber. Just as the girl drifted off, she heard Jasmine leer and quietly announce, "Now I'm going to have your mother!" Over lunch, both women regarded each other with satisfied smiles as Victoria explained, "You see, dear, this nonsense of gay vs. straight is unnatural. The terms 'homosexual' and 'heterosexual' didn't even exist until the late 19th Century and the prejudice against same-sex contact didn't exist until the 14th. No one even knows how it came about. Other mammals and many birds swing both ways and there is no reason why people shouldn't as well. I love your father dearly but wouldn't want to give up Jasmine for all the tea in China... or Vietnam, as the case may be." "Does Jasmine understand all this?" queried her daughter. "She seems to be kind of... single-minded?" "Theoretically she does," responded Victoria "but not personally, not yet. I'm just waiting for the proper moment to turn your father loose on her. That will convince her, let me tell you! He is the most delightfully virile man... And now, let's go shopping!" The shopping, it turned out, was to be done in the local Little India part of town in a shop that looked like many others, full of brass tables, carved elephants and gewgaws of many sorts. Ms. Smyth-Jefferson hardly slowed down upon arrival, as a cell phone call from the Jaguar had the proprietor waiting for them at the door. He bowed them into a cool, dark inner room and brought out black, velvet lined boxes of what looked superficially like the brass belly-dance jewelry in the front but which gleamed with that unmistakable quality of real, high-carat gold. "These are just what I want, Rajeev," Victoria murmured, "Visually, that is. However, the sound must be right as well. They will be no good for dancing if they only rattle and tinkle a bit. We must be able to hear them ring!" "Ah, Ms. Smyth-Jefferson that is a problem I knew you would be concerned about and which I have, after some investigation, solved." Mr. Singh smiled through his black, curly mustache and beard. He opened another box. "Here," the man offered, "We have bells that are of true instrument quality bronze but which have been plated with 22 carat in just the correct amount to make them gleam but not with so much as to dampen the sound. Listen!" Rajeev took out a string of the little bells and holding them up near his turban, shook them gently. Deserea felt that somehow a band of fairies had wandered into the shop just after them. Ching-a-ching! The sound was brilliant, nearly intoxicating. "For a most reasonable fee, we can substitute all the original little tinklers with these real bells and the effect should be electrifying." "Rajeev, you are a complete scoundrel and the greatest salesman on the planet! Fortunately, you are unique, as well. If there were many more like you Charles would take away all my credit cards and I would have to work for my money!" Victoria smiled. "Please do as you suggest but make sure they are delivered tomorrow morning, eh? We will want the necklace, a 34" belt, two different sets of earrings and matching bracelets and anklets. And just put it on the house tab. Charles knows what I'm doing today so it won't come as any surprise when the bill hits the bank." "Madam," the jeweler intoned as he bowed, "Your wish is our command. Expect a currier no later than 9:00 am. That should give you plenty of time for tomorrow evening." Deserea sat quietly in the car as they returned home. Deciding that a comment was neither a question nor an argument she blurted out, "Mommy, you just dropped over $130,000 in hand-wrought gold!" The answer came as a sigh. "Deserea, my love, it simply has never sunk into your lovely little head just how good a lawyer you father really is, has it? He can easily take off for weeks to fly-fish with his friends and the retainers fees from people and businesses who want to make sure he's on their side can support us in luxury. Remember the York Financial collapse and settlement, the one with that horrifying number of zeros in the total value? Your father's fee for managing to salvage the company and satisfy the creditors, (without hurting anyone's pension fund, may I add) came to 1%. If he handed over the firm to McAllister and retired this afternoon we could continue to live the same way we do now and still be richer next year than we are today. Yes, I know exactly how much I spent and so will Daddy. We also know exactly what we're doing. What did he tell you this morning, neither question nor argue?" "Yes, mother," replied her daughter and that was the last word. As the memories faded, the Jaguar pulled up and parked in an almost painfully respectable neighborhood. The Smyth-Jefferson's disembarked and strolled casually to a house that was distinguished for its subtle Japanese landscaping and for its forecourt that completely obscured the front door. When the door was opened, the reason became obvious as before them; laughing with delight and clad in not one stitch more than Deserea had on under her caftan was Elizabeth Oppenheimer, her Advanced Placement English teacher. Ms. Oppenheimer was notorious for her insistence on proper deportment in the classroom and the sight of her near-naked body almost made Deserea faint. Not that there was anything wrong with the body. It seemed that under her severe blouses and skirts, Ms. Oppenheimer kept herself fit and trim, but still... her teacher? "Darlings, you've arrived at last! We're so very glad to see you!" With a ringing flurry of her own bells, Ms. Oppenheimer launched herself into Charles' arms and planted a long, hard kiss on his mouth while running her hands down his neck and across his shoulders. Deserea remembered her mother's admonition, "At the Gathering you will be greeted by every member with a kiss and a caress. It will be neither a clumsy grope nor an impassioned fondling, it will be an affectionate caress and you will either respond in kind or with a little flirting. I normally use the former on the women and the latter on the men but the choice is yours." Charles' obviously shared his wife's preferences, for he returned Ms. Oppenheimer's touch by running his hands slowly down her ribs to her waist and bare hips, lingering there until the hostess turned her attention to Victoria. The women embraced warmly, stroking the undersides of each other's left breasts to more tinkling and then her previously fierce and stern teacher turned her attention to Deserea. "Dearest little Deserea! It's wonderful to see you here. Now quick, out of that cover and let me see your body." Stunned, the girl unzipped the caftan with shaking hands and handed it to her mother who was already out of hers. Now all three women stood regarding each other wearing nothing but makeup, jewelry and a silk band between their thighs. "Lovely, just lovely," murmured Ms. Oppenheimer, "you are obviously your mother's daughter. Where else could you have gotten such elegant breasts and thighs? Turn around and let me see your bottom... delightful!" she exclaimed, giving the bare ass a pinch; "My dear, you will be the hit of the evening. Oh, Victoria, did I let you know that Sonya McAllister has brought Justin? She says that he has made good progress in his muscle control and will need a surrogate to complete his training. Perhaps the two of you have already discussed...?" Justin McAllister? Oh, God, no! Her father's major partner's son was the shy, gawky and prodigiously talented captain of their high school's swimming and water polo teams and had been since his sophomore year. All expectations were that the rippling McAllister muscles would be representing the US at the next summer Olympics but for unstated reasons, Justin had shrugged off the multiple offers of athletic scholarships and stayed at home to attend Junior College. And now he was here at the Gathering and there was no way Deserea could avoid being seen by him, nearly naked, in public. Given the probable course of the evening she might even be expected to... Ms. Oppenheimer was still speaking to Deserea, "First, dearest, my name is Elizabeth and that is how you address me. All the women address each other by first name and the men formally. So your mother is Victoria and your father Mr. Smyth-Jefferson. The only exception will be Justin, whom you will mostly keep away from until his training is complete, and Master Harold, our senior adept. Now take your luscious little self outside where the food is and meet everyone else." A gentle push on her butt propelled the girl out into the huge, tree-sheltered yard. She didn't notice that the conversation behind her had dropped in volume but doubled in intensity as the adults conferred. And as (bad) luck would have it the first people she met under the gas heaters and between the fireplaces were the McAllisters. Sonya was a tiny, birdlike woman whose pixie-ish little breasts still stood high and proud on her ribcage. She was a couple of years older than Deserea's mother and it was almost impossible to believe that this animated sprite was the mother of four strapping sons, of whom Justin was the last. She trilled a happy, Hungarian-accented greeting and kissed the girl soundly, cuddling her face as she did so. Deserea responded in like manner then turned to Angus McAllister. It was obvious where Justin got both his height and his shoulders but where the boy was lean and six-packed, his father was massive. Angus had been a near professional quality rugby player in the UK before coming to the States to attend law school and to end up as senior partner to Mr. Smyth-Jefferson. He still looked as though he could still run over anyone unlucky enough to get between him and the goal. He, too, kissed Dezzie soundly and warmly while running his huge hands down her back and over her buttocks. The girl decided that perhaps a little flirting was in order so she winked and stuck out the tip of her tongue at him before turning with sinking heart to their son. It was in that moment Deserea realized that just perhaps she wasn't the most put-upon person there. If anything, Justin was more embarrassed and unsure of himself than she was. He tried to kiss her on the mouth but missed, hitting her left eye instead. His attempt at a caress consisted of taking one of her hands in both of his and holding it while gawking at her helplessly. Suddenly her heart went out to him and her loins melted. The poor boy was well known to be very shy outside of a pool and now he stood, flaming with embarrassment, in a backyard of nearly naked women. Worst of all, one of them was his mother! Deciding that firm action was needed here, Deserea took both of Justin's hands and placed one solidly on each of her ass cheeks. Then, throwing her arms around his neck, she pressed her bejeweled body against his and kissed him long and soundly rubbing her gold-adorned nipples across his bare chest. She felt his manhood rise through the baggy pants that all the men seemed to be wearing that night and responded by grinding her pelvis against it. As moisture began to dampen the silk between Deserea's thighs, Sonya gently placed her hands between the young people and pushed them apart. "None of that, yet, you two," she smiled. "We have a long evening ahead and you two are too important a part of it to be wearing yourselves out so early. I know you are young and vigorous but stamina is what is called for tonight, not enthusiasm!" She took her son's elbow and pulled him off in the direction of a tall, blond Amazon and her even taller red-headed husband while Mr. McAllister, palming Deserea's entire left ass-cheek in one hand, directed her towards a slim, white-haired gentleman sitting in a full lotus position off to one side. "Master-r-r Har-r-rold," Angus' lowland burr rolled like a well-tuned motorcycle, "May Ah pr-r-sent t' ya Deser-rea Smythe-Jeffer-r-rson." Master Harold opened his eyes and smiled up at Des. In an incredible, but unconscious demonstration of strength, he smoothly rose to a standing position by merely pushing up from his ankles then stepped forward and took her in his arms. "Sweet Deserea," he murmured, "the stories of your beauty are completely understated. I don't think any of us had the slightest idea of just how utterly gorgeous you really are. Joining with you will be an honor we will cherish for a long time to come." With that, he put one hand behind her head and one on her bottom and pulled her into the warmest and longest kiss so far. When the clinch finally ended, she was left gasping for breath and the heat that had begun with Justin was like a furnace. She felt the silk between her thighs go from slightly moist to nearly sopping. Her parents' friends, it was turning out, were really hot! From Master Harold she was handed off to the diminutive Nguyen's, who kissed her together while running their hands over her belly and butt simultaneously. Deserea, feeling both bolder and now quite turned on, squeezed Chelsea's backside in response and slipped her fingers just inside the front of Mark's trousers. That brought a belly laugh from the bespectacled mathematician and an appreciative giggle from his wife. "Our Novice is really getting into the swing of things, Mark" teased Chelsea, shaking her shoulders to make her jewelry ring, "You'd better get into her early before she's completely worn out!" "Hush, woman, you've had too much champagne!" Mark chided his elfin wife and turned to Deserea, "Pay her no mind, dear, at a Gathering you only do what you want with whomever you want. This is a sharing, not some crude gangbang." Deserea blushed. "I began to figure out at the spa that I was being brought here to get laid. Mom was upset with my choice of males at school and I have to admit that I was, too. Now I find out how vast her experience really is. Given how happy she always seems to be, I guess what's good for the goose should be good for the gosling. I was told that Justin was off-limits for some reason but I guess the rest of you are going to do me up properly, except for Daddy, of course." Chelsea reached up and took each of Deserea's dark breasts in a hand and began to stroke them. "Except for Daddy? Maybe for your first Gathering, dear, but your father's amatory skills are not to be missed, even by his offspring. Eventually you will do just like all the rest of us. You'll walk up to him and purr 'I'm yours' and he will respond 'You're mine' and, believe me, you will be! Just like you will be for every other man here, even Justin in time. And in time you will belong to the women, too, just like you did to Jasmine and just like we all belong to each other. Tonight, though, only the men will sample your abundant delights. Start with Master Harold. He will bring you into the fold the way he has for all of us. Now just one question... have you ever been sodomized?" "Uh, no, I've never had anyone ask me to take it back there," came the reply, "but if someone took it slow... " "No!" Both the Nguyen's were emphatic. "At a proper time, with a proper person you will submit but tonight you will remain a virgin there. We'll pass the word. Now go get some more to eat and meet everyone else. Try it on your own. You know how it's done now." Between nibbling samosas, slices of rare beef with horseradish, delicate egg rolls, and the crispest and sweetest of baby vegetables in vinaigrette, Deserea exchanged kisses and increasingly intimate caresses with the towering Andersons and the smoldering Ramirez's. She thought that if Sven's phallus matched the rest of his 6'4" Viking build, her pussy was in for a serious workout tonight. As for Raul Ramirez, the Argentine looked ready to tango as well horizontally as he could on his feet. She imagined that neat mustache rubbing her left and right labia while his tongue cha-cha'd up and down the cleft between. By now the champagne and the atmosphere had done their work well. The silk between her thighs was completely wet and she was sure that if anyone had looked, they'd have seen the dark area of damp expanding with each step she took. If only she could get some time alone with Justin... Throbbing, exotic music started from somewhere and Maria Ramirez stepped out into the center of the patio. Flashing her eyes around the group, she began to sway to the beat and to roll her hips while running her hands slowly and sensuously over her torso. Deserea saw that Justin, who had just been told by Victoria to go refill their champagne, was transfixed. Maria saw it too and cocked her head to one side, stuck out just the tip of her tongue and licked her lips at him. Her bells rang louder as her hip rolls grew more lascivious. Justin took a deep breath and drew on deeper layers of duty to refill his and Victoria's flutes. He turned to walk back to her... and froze. While the boy was watching the erotic Cuban, Ms. Smythe-Jefferson had unfastened her belt, removed the only piece of cloth she still wore and refastened the belt around her. Utterly naked except for her jewelry, she dropped her chin and raised a predatory eyebrow. Taking her glass from Justin's right hand she pushed him gently down onto a comfortable bench and settled herself across his lap. "Left hand for the alcohol, my darling," she murmured, "and right hand for the lady. You're mine!" She pulled the youth's right hand over to her waiting breast, squeezed it to start him fondling, and took the boy's face in both hands. She opened her mouth and kissed him with such fervor that Deserea thought steam might erupt from his ears. Her voyeurism was interrupted by a strong pair of hands that firmly grasped the cheeks of her butt then rose to her belt. She felt the clasp being opened and the silk pulled away before her accoster refastened the belt. Master Harold reached around Deserea and pinned her arms to her sides while grabbing a breast in each hand. Her jewelry jingled as he bounced and squeezed the mahogany globes, while rubbing the underside of the darker nipples. The girl slid her hands behind her and fondled his member through the loose trousers. Then, as she felt his right hand descend from her chest to the folds between her thighs, she tugged down on the older man's waistband and thrust her hand inside it to catch hold of his manhood. She leaned against him with arched back and turned her head to look up through half-closed eyes murmuring, "I'm yours." "Yes, Deserea, you're mine for now. Fortunately the night is young because you have much to learn." His finger slid into her slit and delicately stroked the swollen labia and the clitoris between to bring bell-ringing shudders from her. Squatting down he lifted her in his arms and carried her across the yard to a large cushion near a heater. He put her down and taking her back in his arms kissed her long and hard. He sucked her lips and licked the inside of her mouth until she could hardly stand and hung from him whimpering softly. Again his fingers entered her. "Yes, you are ready," he smiled, "come." Slipping his trousers off, Master Harold sat with his legs again crossed in the open lotus. His cock stuck up, hard and glistening. The adept reached over to one of the many dispensers scattered around the yard, removed a packaged condom and handed it to Deserea. "No one here uses birth control pills, Deserea, as we find they reduce desire. Instead a large supply of these provides sufficient safety. Put it on me, please. Then sit on my lap facing me. We will ride the Wave." Doing as instructed, the girl spread her nether lips with eager fingers to accept him and in a single movement dropped onto him. "Ooooooh... ", she moaned, and closed her eyes. All her suspicions were confirmed. She had been brought to the Gathering for sex and would be "laying a train" as her cruder friends put it. It seemed a lot better idea now than it had at first. "Open your eyes, Deserea", instructed Master Harold. "Put your arms around my neck and focus on my right eye. Do not let your mind wander, but concentrate on my eye. This is very important. Now rock your hips up and down. You will be rubbing your clitoris against my pubic bone. As you do, breathe very deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose; exhale through your mouth." Ching! Ching! Ching! Ching! Every time she pushed down on his wonderful penis the bells rang on the jewelry. Now she understood why her mother had been so particular. Their music added an ethereal note to the sensations flooding up from her pussy. Locking her eyes on her instructor/lover's, she saw that he was matching her breathing. Wetter and wetter she got as she moved faster and faster. "When you feel yourself close, lover, start to pant." Close? She was almost there, already! "Uh, uh, uh, uh..." Harold's eye and member became her complete world as she rocked faster and faster until she screamed and stars flew through her head. Again and again the climax roared over her until she sat sobbing with her head on Master Harold's chest. "That was very good, dear," her mother's voice came from behind her, "Now do it again. Only this time, when the orgasm hits let yourself relax completely. Master Harold will hold you up so you won't fall off. Get it right and eventually you will cum and keep cumming for a long time." "Yes, do it again," instructed Master Harold, "and remember, keep looking at my right eye." Do it again? And maybe again? All evening long? The obedient girl rocked, breathed and stared at her Master's eye until just as the first tremors hit, went completely limp. The sensations were like nothing she'd ever even heard of. Lights seemed to flash around her, tears flowed down her cheeks and more than anything else in the world, she loved Master Harold. "I love you, I love you," she blubbered, covering his face with kisses. "I love you, too," came the soothing reply and Master Harold cradled her in his arms, stroking her hair and kissing her face. Victoria's voice came warm over her shoulder. "Which is, beloved, exactly the idea. Of course you love him. It is the Wave of Bliss, the most intimate thing two people can to with each other. You were not brought here for sex, but for love. By the end of the night you will have a harem of men who absolutely adore you just as all of them have a complete set of wives who worship the ground they walk on. Now up you get. Professor Nguyen is next and he is positively drooling in anticipation. Besides, it's my turn with Master Harold, now." Reluctantly Deserea pulled herself up and off the adept's still solid manhood and out of his embrace. Irrational as she knew it to be, she felt abandoned and more than a little jealous that that gorgeous cock would soon be buried in her mother's love canal instead of her own. Victoria hopped over onto her hands and knees, arching her back and thrusting swollen, glistening, wet labia back at Master Harold while her daughter turned into the waiting arms of Mark Nguyen. "You're mine" came the now familiar phrase as he bent her backwards lifting her up onto her toes. His mouth was hot and his tongue seemed hard as oak as it thrust down her throat before she could even respond. Amazed that she could be so wanton with a new man when she had just fallen in love with another, Deserea sucked eagerly and flattened her belly against his. His fingers dug into her buttocks and he pulled her free of the ground grinding his hips into her. Finally, her relaxed his grip and lowered her body back to earth, her head still swimming with the passion of the kiss. "I'm yours," Deserea gasped, "God, am I yours! Let me onto you, make me love you. And you wife was right, get into me quick!" She pushed him down onto the bench then dropped to her knees. Grabbing his erection she shoved it into her mouth and sucked. The helmet felt like velvet to her tongue and she ran it around the entire head paying especial attention to the frenulum, flicking her it back and forth with the tip. She was not stranger to oral sex from the late, unlamented first semester at college but the blowjobs her hookups insisted on had no comparison with this. "*** not for sex, but for love," her mother had told her and she believed it now, oh did she believe. Just as it seemed time to slip on the fresh condom and ride her new lover into ecstasy, a sound broke through her blissful concentration. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Ching-a-ling, Ching! Master Harold was plunging into Victoria's vagina in a rhythm, making her jewelry ring. He was playing her like a musical instrument! Deserea's vision swept past her mother's glazed eyes to find all the women on hands and knees in a circle around her with men behind them joining in the beat. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Elizabeth was managing both Charles in her mouth and the horse-hung Sven behind, spit-roasted fore and aft, the only one who didn't seem to be watching her. Before the girl could wonder what had happened to Justin, Professor Nguyen pulled her to her feet and commanded "Dance for us, Deserea. Dance, girl!" Elizabeth had said she would be the hit of the evening, Des recalled, and now seemed the time to show what she could do. Raising her hands above her head and shaking her shoulders in time to make her bells join the others she slapped her feet on the pavement and swung her hips. Ching-a-ling, Ching! With bent knees she spread her thighs to show off the swollen labia and protruding clitoris, a promise to all the men what delights they would soon be enjoying. Turning slowly she arched her back and pushed her butt backwards as though to say, "It may be virgin tonight, but soon, guys, soon it will be yours!" Orgasmic cries erupted from the impaled women again and again as she danced and spasms shook the men's bodies in response but still they kept the rhythm. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Ching-a-ling, Ching! At last, with sweat pouring off her skin and lubrication flowing from her pussy, she stepped over the bench and buried the mathematician's phallus into her dripping womanhood. Staring deeply into his right eye and breathing deeply, she began to rock until the Wave broke over her again and again. "I love you, I love you..." Midnight had passed and most of the Gathering had gone home. The Oppenheimer's were riding the Wave on an ottoman beside the fireplace, reinforcing their marriage. Deserea sat across Angus McAllister's lap with her legs across Sonya's while the big Scot stroked her back with his left hand and quietly fondled tiny wife's backside with his right. Justin held Victoria Smyth-Jefferson's voluptuous figure tightly across his thighs, a stunnedx expression on his face, while Charles looked on proudly and massaged his wife's feet. "So now you know the secret, kids," he rumbled "Mac and I are too fond of our polyamorous life-style to risk having it exposed all over town. That's why neither of us has ever run for office and why neither of us ever will." "And now you know the other secret, as well," Sonya McAllister chirped, "men are just a capable of multiple orgasms as we are. When they learn how to have them, they can make love for hours, either driving us to heights of ecstasy few women ever experience or enjoying woman after woman in series." "Women, in tur-r-rn, can have or-r-rgasms that last half an hour-r or-r mor-re," responded Alex, "so y'might say it all evens oot in th'end. It just takes instr-ruction, pr-ractice and lots o' muscle contr-rol." Victoria stopped happily rubbing her face across Justin's forehead and raised that fateful eyebrow, again. "The next Gathering is in six weeks, by luck of the calendar, and that is plenty of time. Tonight you and dear Justin will trade bedrooms and for the next month and a half both of you will get daily instruction in the Tantric arts. He will learn to be multirgasmic and to hold himself on the very edge of coming for hours, if necessary. You, in turn, will learn to relax and extend your climaxes out, and to control your vaginal muscles until you can stroke a man to orgasm without moving another muscle in your body." There was an edge in Sonya's voice as she added "After this evening's performance, she will also perfect her dance until it matches yours, Victoria Smyth-Jefferson! If anyone had any doubts just who Deserea's mother is, they were erased tonight. Poor Elizabeth could hardly finish Charles off, she was so distracted." Charles dark chocolate chuckle came back "Given that she now has Victoria's coach, it shouldn't take long. And it wasn't only Elizabeth that was distracted, my daughter; I was having very un-paternal thoughts myself! Now, back into the caftan and into that pretentious Rolls your new 'parent's' drive while we pour Justin into the Jag. We're looking forward to seeing both your transformed selves in six weeks." Deserea watched the Jaguar drive away. She settled into the back seat of the Silver Cloud for the short ride to her new home/training ground. Sonya had been quite clear that there would be no need for her to worry about clothes, for the next six weeks she wouldn't wear any. "After rising, you will practice yoga for two hours. You will then breakfast and spend time exercising your vaginal muscles. I have several bio-feedback devices for that purpose that will make your mastery of them easier. You will swim for an hour, then lunch. After a nap, you will go upstairs into the studio and practice dancing. We have a good selection of videos of your mother to project life-size next to your image on the wide-screen. Again, this is a bio-feedback technique. In six weeks, you will, like your mother, be able to arouse the entire Gathering to a fever pitch without any of us even touching each other. It is a gift, a true gift. After cooling off and showering, you will have sex in the evening with either me or with Angus, practicing relaxed orgasms. Then a light supper and off to bed. Be assured that you will sleep soundly." Four hours earlier, such instructions would have outraged the nineteen-yearld. Now they seemed perfectly fine. Now, she was in love.
[ "interracial sex", "tantra" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 65, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 414, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 83 }
It was indeed something that any man could desire in his wildest dreams, I thought while I drove back to my apartment. Though I had been enjoying with them in Pakistan as well, but now knowing that they both were party to it made their stay a bit hassle free. Only Rida remained the stumbling block, who apparently has been sent by my mom to keep an eye on all of us. The good thing about my apartment, in the current crisis, was the common washroom for both the bedrooms. Perhaps the one who designed these apartments had my current predicament in mind. I had this in my mind when I heard about their visit but getting one lady isolated from the other two was indeed a difficult ask. Now, with the knowledge that my younger sis and sis in law were both very 'friendly', I could now bank upon them for keeping the third party committed while we could use the toilet for our quickies. The kids and ladies were chirping in my SUV, apparently making plans for themselves in this new place. Ladies, beside other things, were concerned about shopping while the kids were mainly concerned about visiting famous Playlands that they have been hearing about from their friends. I drove on, thinking how I would be able to keep secrets in a house so full of people. Their visit was finalized at the last moment and I had only a day to clean up my house from the objectionable material. All the bottles of liquor went inside my bedroom locker and with them went all the pornographic material; CDs, DVDs and magazine that somehow found their place in my apartment. Beside me, the apartment was frequented by many of my friends who use it for their trysts. Cleaning it was indeed an uphill task. Despite all my efforts, I got a severe scolding from Rida when she arrived, some six hours earlier then Nadia and Zainab. According to her, my house stunk like a shithouse and she scrubbed and cleaned the house again. All the time she was busy in doing it, her tongue remained involved in lashing out all the things related to the demerits of untidiness and casualness. It was a relief when I left again for the airport to pick up the other contingent of guests. Ever since she had arrived, Rida had been behaving peculiarly. Her temper flared frequently and she was not her normal self. I despite all my effort had not been able to understand the underlying reasons for her behavior. She had taken me to task for various things in my apartment, including cleanliness etc. Now as we neared our house, I was wondering what mood our elder sis would be in. I looked at Zainab who sat beside me; her dress was now ok and showed no signs of our earlier romp in the car. Nadia, who was at the backseat, was looking good enough. But were they acceptable to Rida in their attires? The answer was quite certain; she would again scold us like an angry old woman. - Rida, as anticipated, was furious when we reached back, she knew that we had taken too long for getting to the house from air port. Her already fragile temper further skyrocketed when she saw her sis and sis in law in attires, which were more suited, as per Pakistani customs, for models, or for high society call girls. "Arey, tum dono ko kuch sharam haya hey key nahi, ghar sey bahir nikalney ka ghalat faida utha rahey ho (Hey, don't you two have any modesty left in you, taking wrong advantage of getting out of our home)." She shouted as we entered my apartment. Her kids had made sure that they treated my apartment as if it was theirs. I, after having a quality time with two beautiful and raunchy ladies, was in no mood to make fuss over it. After all they were my nephews and niece and they had the right. Plus, Rida was there to clean it again. "Rida Baji, you are behaving like ammi. Come on, this is not Pakistan and let us enjoy as we want to." Zainab replied as if she was confronting mom. "We will change, bhabi, atleast let us catch our breath." Nadia behaved more appropriately as she straight away landed on a sofa in the little lounge that my apartment had. On the other hand, Zainab headed straight for the washroom, she was not wearing panties and traces of our love-juices could have been sighted by our nosy elder sis, which Zainab was in no mood to reveal now, despite all her boldness and bravado. Rida, despite her temper, was a very fine cook and she had used all her culinary skills while cooking a meal for us. Zainab emerged from shower in a modest white shalwar kamiz (Pakistani attire). Nadia went to the shower, vacated by Zainab while I headed for my room to clean up. When I got back, I found a very well laid out table and all ladies had occupied their chairs. Kids were having a meal of French Fries while sitting in front of TV, watching cartoons. Moreover, Nadia had now changed into a normal dress, acceptable to Rida. Now on the dinner table; me, the two sisters and our sis in law gossiped non stop. Rida filled them about the gossip from Lahore, where she lived with her hubby. She recently; some five months back, had a baby girl, and this raised her 'production figure' to three in five years of her marriage. The other two ladies teased her about it. "Baji, jis rafter sey tum bachey paida kar rahi ho, us sey to Pakistan key tamam family planning key program dharey ke dharey reh jaen gey (Sis, the speed with which you are producing kids would make ruin of all family planning programs of Pakistan Government)." Zainab teased Rida. Nadia was not the one to stay behind as she added, "Rida, don't you and your hubby have anything else to do?" "I don't know about her, but Tariq bhai does have many other things to do." Zainab added meaningfully and I smiled. "Kia matlab hey tumhara?" Rida fumed at her double meaning sentence. "I mean, he has to ride - or fly, planes." Zainab still maintained her teasing tantrums. The only person who was silently consuming the delicacies prepared by Rida was me. I sat there, eating as much as I can of the fine food prepared by my elder sis. Meanwhile, I also looked at them, assessing them. Zainab, in her modest white dress looked pretty and now there were no signs of her vivaciousness that were so prominently visible in the dress that she wore on arrival. Now she could have been taken as a simple and innocent college girl from a middle class neighborhood of Pakistan. Nadia, my sis in law had changed from the figure hugging jeans that she wore to a loosely fit Shalwar Kamiz and looked a decent housewife. Seeing her now could give no indication of her randiness when she asked me take her ass in the SUV and had given me her nether hole with gusto while we were coming back from the air port. The loose dress that she wore now did conceal her curves to some extent. Rida, my elder sis, who had come earlier, was again wearing a shalwar kamiz, which had gone stained, mostly due to cooking that she had done and also because of the spillover food of my five month old niece, Nazish. She was twenty eight years old and looked a couple of years younger. Her physique, after her marriage did change; but the change was good. From a skinny teenager, as I remembered her from my pre Dubai days, she has transformed into a very well endowed lady. Her tall frame was now full of ample curves that looked good even when she wore loose fitting clothes. I also thought about the afternoon that I had; first fucking my younger sis and filling her up with my seed. Then, without much of a gap, having violated my sis in law's ass; I was pretty drained. The 'beauty' of the situation was that both knew about everything. The question that now haunted me, that how would we be able to continue with our desires in presence of a hawkish Rida. The dinner was over and we were sitting on the table, when Rida's daughter shrieked from the bedroom where she was sleeping. So, she had to leave us; me, Nadia and Zainab, how thankful we were to the baby as we started cleaning up the lounge without presence of our elder sis. We moved to the kitchen after filling our hands with the used dishes and plates. Rida went in the room to attend to her daughter who was now crying very loudly. In the kitchen, we all shared the duty of doing the dishes and at the same time engaged in small talk. The comparatively older kids of Rida and Nadia were glued to the TV and were busy in exploring new channels. Thank God, I had earlier blocked all the adult channels; otherwise the consequences would not have been pleasent. "So how have you liked Dubai?" I asked the ladies while they placed the washed dishes at their respective places. "We have yet to see it properly. Up until now, we have not seen anything that we have not seen before." Zainab smirked. I let her remark go unnoticed and continued, "It's a nice place; not only for shopping, but also for the other aspects. People come here from all over the world and it's a global metropolis." "Yes, but the place seems uninhibited as compared to Karachi." Nadia said. "The population difference is great but I tell you the place is real good. People keep to themselves and there is lot of tolerance." I replied. "I think me and Nadia both realize this as no one disturbed us in the car park. I think we would enjoy our stay here." Zainab said, again referring to the incident in the restaurant's parking. "Yes, we would, but what about Rida?" I asked. "That's why I was reluctant to have her accompany me. Nadia knew everything and she is a good sport, but Rida; she is a real fun spoiler." Said Zainab. "I was quite surprised that you shared such a secret with Nadia." I remarked to Zainab. "Oh! Come on bhai, since you were having her regularly beside Beena in Karachi and when you live under one roof, things become obvious when they become more of a routine." Zainab Said while Nadia smiled. "And when did you think that what's right for your bro is right for you too?" I asked. "Well, Nadia looked hot to me since she joined our family; however, I never thought that we could get going sexually as well until she showed me that we can enjoy ourselves." Zainab said. "And when she came back from a spoilt date one night; real distraught and angry, I thought it was right time to strike." Nadia added. "The first time; I was too angry upon males in general that I just went with on to things she was telling me to do. There onwards, I found how much fun I could have with girls as well. Then there was no turning back." Zainab said. "And when did you both revealed to each other about your involvement with me?" I asked. "She knew about us but I knew about you people just before she became so insistent about leaving Rida behind for this trip to Dubai. Initially she wouldn't tell, but one night, when I had her while she slept, she started murmuring your name. I asked later and she came out." Nadia replied. "I was afraid that she would be shocked, rather repelled, by this. On the contrary, she took it as it was just normal." Zainab said. "Zainab, don't be so prude. The attraction between men and women is just normal and between bro and sis, the tabooness multiply the aspect of fun to a great degree. Moreover, your looks could entrap anyone, despite relations." Nadia said. "Nadia, you are talking as if you had hots for your bro; did you fuck him too?" I asked. "I would have; but he was quite a coward. When we were growing up, I dropped lot of hints, even dressed provocatively, but he was a real prude." She replied. We got back to our dishes and while discussing such, and other things, we soon finished with all the stuff. Rida was still in the room feeding the baby, whom we heard crying intermittently. May be the child had yet to adjust to the new place. Zainab and Nadia both started inspecting my kitchen and were looking at new things. Though Karachi was an advanced enough city, still many things that they saw in the kitchen were new to them. The different types of cooking oils used in Pakistan were not used here in my kitchen as I only used Olive Oil for my requirements, that too, scrupulously. Although, it's not uncommon in Pakistan now, but only the affluent people in some cities use it. So, for both my sis and sis in law, the bottle of Olive Oil was something of a novelty. "Look, he uses Olive Oil for cooking. In Karachi, only few of my friends like it." Zainab said. "But it's a very good thing for your health and beside; price is not an issue here." I replied. "Is it good for health only?" Asked Nadia, with a veiled twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, it is healthy for heart as far as its consumption is concerned. I agree in Pakistan, its use is limited. I remember, getting Olive Oil massages when I was a baby." I replied. "But it is good for other things as well." Nadia said, while sporting a big grin. "Bhabi, why are you talking in riddles?" Zainab was starting to get irritated. "Well, it's an excellent lubricant; it allows big things to enter into small places." Nadia replied naughtily. "Bhabi, why not you go and check Rida and allow me to demonstrate the goodness of Olive Oil to my darling sister?" I said, somewhat pleadingly. "What will I get in return?" Nadia asked while she got moving towards us. "Bhabi, I will do the same when you would want time with my bro." Said Zainab, undoing her Shalwar's cord (Shalwar is the loose baggy trouser worn in Pakistan with shirts and is tied with a cord, called naarra). "And I would also do the same, plus you get a bonus in shopping." I offered. "Ok, Ok, but I will initiate the honors." Nadia picked the bottle of Olive Oil and moved towards Zainab, who was now bending against the kitchen counter, all waiting for her 'share'. Nadia went to her, Olive Oil bottle in her hand, and kissed her sis in law who turned her neck sideways to facilitate her. Zainab's shalwar was now lying crumpled at her feet. Nadia bent down and picked the shirttail of her sis in law to bring her well rounded, shapely and lovely ass to our view. Tilting the uncapped bottle of Olive Oil she dropped a generous amount of the thick liquid in the ass crack of my sis. Her hand followed the oil and she made sure that my sister was lubricated properly for the assault she would be taking at her backdoor. I heard Zainab moan "oh Bhabi!" as Nadia inserted, first one and then another finger up her asshole. Nadia left her sis in law after oiling her inner passage and turned toward me. I had already released my cock out of my shorts and she came to me with her palm still glistening with the leftover Olive Oil. Sitting down, she first took my cock deep in her mouth and kept it there for some time; she looked up at me with eyes full of mischief and love. Her saliva and my oozing precum mingled to make my shaft wet. She slowly withdrew her lips, wrapping them around my shaft all the way back until the top came out with a pop. She then went on to massage the oil on my cock with great love and care. It was as if she was massaging her baby and had she done it for a bit longer, I would have cum in her hand. "Chalo, mazey karo, aur haan, ziada shor na machana (Ok enjoy, but don't be too noisy). I will make sure you enjoy without any interruption." She whispered into my ears before she kissed me on my mouth and left; bottle of Olive Oil in her hand. She obviously had a definite plan to hold back Rida. I looked at Zainab; my sister whom I had taken quite a few times but it was always as if I was doing it afresh. The taboo of fucking your sis can be an ever hanging one upon you; it gives you shivers both for pleasure and guilt. I had not much of guilt but was impatient for the pleasure that lay ahead. No words were spoken and I moved towards her, getting hold of her I just opened her ass crack with my hands. I knew the answers would all be affirmative. I saw her brownie and placed my cock over it and pushed lightly. It did not budge, she was still tight there. I waited and again pushed; slowly I moved in, bit by bit and I heard her whimper. I knew I had to be slow; may be her ass had only been used by me. My cock head slipped into her anus in one slow but single motion. I waited for her to relax and get used to my invading dick. It rested with the cap inside her sphincter and I held it there. She turned her neck and looked at me. I bent forward and kissed her and then she clenched her palms, her body went tense. She pushed back against me; very slowly, but firmly she pushed herself back and I saw my cock, thanks to the lubrication provided by Olive Oil, slide into her rectum like a sword getting into a body. It all happened in slow motion. She took it all soon and my pubic hairs touched her bums. She was like that; my sis, intense, uncaring for herself and reckless. I moved my hands and got hold of her tits and pinched her nipples. I kept my cock buried to the hilt in her nether hole as it allowed me to get used to the feeling of her tightness and also to get her relaxed with a huge insertion into her most private hole. I bent forward and kissed the back of her neck and felt her asshole quiver over my cock. "Bhai, my asshole is only yours, no one else took it." Whispered my sis as I kept kissing the nape of her neck. "I know, it's tight and I love you for keeping something exclusive for me despite the fact that I do not deserve it." I said in a low voice while straightening up. "Bhai, jaldi karo, humarey pass time kum hey (Bro, hurry it up, we do not have much time)." Zainab hissed in a low voice that was full of pain and pleasure. "You are so tight that if I hurry, not only it will be painful for you but also make me cum in seconds; do you want that?" I whispered to my sis who was now impaled upon my cock. "Bhai, this pain is nothing in comparison to the agony that I was bearing while waiting for exactly this sort of situation. I had been fucking my brains off since you left; I cared hoots about the person who was banging me, nor did I care whether it's a guy or a girl. Now, don't care about my pain or your cum, just fuck my ass." Zainab said in a voice that rose above the tones of a whisper. I withdrew my cock till the point that even half the tip of my cock was out of her anus, which gripped my cock so tightly that it turned outwards with my withdrawing cock. Despite the tightness and resistance, I pushed hard back into her and I felt her body tighten. The sensations were great and I was beyond caring; she had also wanted it to be quick, rough and wild. The second stroke into her cunt met lesser resistance compared to the initial insertion and the lubrication provided by Olive Oil helped. My pace of strokes increased and my sis started emanating low moans, she was definitely in a mixed state of pain and pleasure, the ratio of which was known only to her. I, however, kept pounding her ass with an ever increasing pace and soon saw her taking hold of her tit that she played with. I helped her by taking my hand to her cunt and manipulating her clit; she was wet and my touch made her shudder. "Bhai, I love the sensation of being filled by your cock and that's the only reason I remained a spinster, as far as my ass is concerned, for so long. All my other holes were used and will be used, but this is exclusively for you." My younger sister managed say with lot of interruptions of her 'Ohs' and 'Ahs'. "Tell me who is the person you are getting married to and why have you accepted a man who is double your age?" I asked her as I drove my cock deep into her bowels. "Do you remember the Judge Uncle, father of my friend, whom I told you about?" She replied as she mauled her own breast. "He has a cousin, a rich lawyer, who is interested in me." She said, hardly maintaining her balance against the kitchen counter with her one free hand. "Is money everything? Would the money be able to fuck you as you want to be fucked?" I whispered in a harsh tone as I punished her butt hole with ever fastening jabs with my highly engorged cock. "Money could buy me everything, including lovers and fuckers." She replied while pushing her ass against me, matching my ferociousness. "Would your hubby allow you to spend his money on buying lovers?" I asked while taking my other hand to her hanging breast and pinching her nipple roughly. "He has promised to keep me happy and content. Now shut up and keep fucking my ass; you should not be bothered, I will keep letting you to fuck me forever." She replied and her voice rose to a near dangerous level. "And would you keep your ass exclusive for me even after you get married to him?" I said thrusting my cock so hard into her that her whole body bumped forward. Her tits getting out of our hand and getting flattened over the counter's top. "Haan, teri behen ki gaand sirf terey liye ho gi jub tuk tu khud is mein kisi aur ka lund na dalwana chahey (Yes bro, your sister's ass would only be for your cock, unless you yourself allow it to be taken by someone else as well)." She said and left her breast while thrusting her fingers into her vagina. My pleasure was rising, both due to the sensation of having a tight asshole enveloping my cock tightly and also due to the dirty discussion we had about her marriage, so I concentrated fully upon fucking her. I brought my hands to her butt cheeks and spread them open. It was a sight to behold; her anal ring was stretched to the near limits and my cock pistonned in and out of it. The excess Olive Oil had formed a ring around the base of my cock and its color had turned a bit darker now. My pace was now very much indicative of my impending climax and she had to struggle avoid being pushed too forward to the wall adjacent to the kitchen-counter top. Her tits were dangling and moving violently each time she pushed herself back from the slab of counter's top. It was pure animalistic lust with which I ravaged the near virgin asshole of my darling sister. I tightened my grip over the firm buttocks of Zainab and hammered my cock in and out of her. She was moaning now and her fingers were manipulating her clit. Her inner thighs were glistening with juices seeping out of her cunt and apparently she was thoroughly this roughish session of wild sex between us. My balls were near their bursting point and had I delayed myself a bit more, I think my nuts would have exploded there and then. It was a deep animal grunt that came out of my throat as I pushed my aching cock deep into the rectal passage of my sis and as I went to the hilt, I came. It was like a torrent out of a broken dam. My cock twitched and pulsed in Zainab's ass, the sphincter of it was milking me of my juices. The gushing jets of my semen induced a simultaneous orgasm and my sister's whole body shuddered with the climax of her own. My orgasm subsided and I kept my deflating cock buried inside her but remembering the hazardous circumstances, I pulled out my member. It came out with an audible sound of 'plop'. Alongwith it, her asshole, gaping for a moment, spewed out some of my semen on the floor. My sister was also coming down from the highs of her orgasmic bliss and stayed bent over the kitchen counter. Her back rose and fell as she tried to get her breathing back to normal and her tormented asshole gaped and twitched, whitish traces of my cum still seeped out and traveled down to her vagina. "Zainab, get up and correct your dress. We may have to hurry." I said, moving forward and helping her to straighten up. I then bent on my knees and pulled her shalwar up after kissing her pubes. "Bhai, it was great. I hope you enjoyed it too and I also hope that you now know that I was not at all promiscuous as far as my backdoor is concerned." Zainab said as I got up. "It was great, just like the first time. I am also sorry; I was rough with you." I told her before pasting a kiss over her mouth. "Bhaiya, mujhe to buhut maza aaya (Bro I enjoyed it a lot), don't feel sorry for anything. I wanted it this way." My sis spoke with her mouth touching my lips before our tongues met in deep kiss that lasted without any apprehension of getting caught. *(To be continued)*
Friends and Family - Continuation Ch. 02
[ "*(Author's note: In this story I have tried to rectify the follies pointed out by the readers of the first part. It has been deliberately kept short with promise of more parts.)* " ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 56, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 292, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 52 }
LIONPRIEST.TXT - M/M - September 20, 2003 A Priest's tail By SwampRat (cl) 2003 - Gay Furry Association Another inn, another strange town. He lay on the bed, armor hanging beside him, the holy symbol visible on the chestplate. Turning, he caressed it, wondering again, why he was a Paladin.. He didn't Feel holy. He didn't Act all that holy. Sandy stroked his mane with one hand and his nuts with the other. He even preferred other males to bed with.. If he could ever get the courage up to Ask another into his bed. He sighed as he used both hands to excite himself, fingers caressing his balls softly, then Squeezing them roughly, making him groan from the pain/pleasure. His lion-cock sprang from it's holder, randy and red in moments. He felt a momentary twang of guilt as he looked at his armor, and drew a cloth over it, hiding it from what he was doing. Squeezing his balls again, he arched up, biting his lip to keep the moan in. Gods he lusted after some of the knights he went to war with.. Even the Mounts were sexy as hell - and much to big for him to take under his tail - At least until he trained himself. His muzzle was another matter.. Gripping his dripping erection, he thumbed the 'spines' shuddering. Bent to lick the pre from his cock. Every day he fought with himself.. Every night he went to bed and jerked off. The Gods were silent on the matters of sex, And the Priests were closed-mouthed about the rituals. He was drugged so he only remembered entering the temple, giving his oath to the Statue. Leaving with scars that showed him to be a Paladin. And nothing More... His hand stroked his long cock smoothly, scratching at the head. He grunted, twisting his nuts, smacking them. It was So Wrong.. But It felt So Right! He arched, wishing with every fiber he had a male mounting him. Stuffing his ass with a cock - Any Cock. Big, small, long, short.. Preferably Fat, but Any cock would do. The image of him under a horse, it's Huge dick buried halfway in his painfully stretched anus, cumming in buckets, washing his insides.. And the Knights watching, commenting, stroking their cock around him.. Cumming On him... He bit his fist to keep from roaring as his cum splattered his chest, pooled on his belly.. Again and again he arched up in his fist, panting, squeezing his abused nuts. Lay gasping for air, the smell of rut heavy in the room. Licked his nipples, rasping them.. Cleaned up his seed, then lay shaking his head. Why Him? Why not someone with more will. He knew he had to sleep, to wake tomorrow and fight temptation again - The desire for other males. The want to caress them as they told their sins, their desires.. They though him immune to what he heard. Gods, he wished he was! More than one of them had professed a desire to be in his tent, sleeping with him. Taking him in a barn or behind some hedges.. Especially after watching him bathe in the streams, wanting to bite his So sexy ass. He laughed with them, telling them they were not evil to think such things. It was natural they were curious.. Many were barely old enough to carry a sword, let alone use it. Found himself getting erect again, thinking about spanking his nuts again. A knock on the door made him stop. "You are Needed, Priest." He cleaned himself up hastily. Opened the window to air out the room. Got his robe on. "Coming.." The innkeeper twitched his nose and grinned. 'Smells like you already have.' So many males trudged in, jerked off alone, afraid to speak of what they desired. But some got drunk enough to let a skunk with a big, black cock take them. Show them the pleasures of male/male sex. Sometimes they 'forgot' what had happened. Sometimes they embraced the new Fur they had become. Most felt guilt, fear.. Killed themselves in Valorous combat.. What a waste. The Lion emerged, and blinked at the lantern. "We need you to talk to a wounded male - His lover was killed last night." He nodded, not noticing the grin on the Innkeeper's muzzle. The lion tied his robe too loosely in his haste and his still hard cock bounced from his crotch for all to see. Jumped when a dark-furred hand caressed it. Shivered and re-did the cloth. "If you need Me, I will be close by." The lion nodded, shivering, smelling the mingling scents of him and the skunk.. Who sniffed his palm, licked it.. Patted the priest's butt to get him moving. After the male was comforted, the Priest would kneel and pray to his Gods.. That would be the time to seduce him. The others would not approve.. Let them. They were guests. When the fighting was over they would leave. The Old Ways would remain. Perhaps with a couple of Converts? He tasted the lion-cock on his hand again and held the lamp out for the male as they made their way to the needy one's room. Waited while the priest held the male in his strong arms, listened to his confession, kissed the male. One of his fellow soldiers would stay the night with him, in case he needed anything. Returned to his own room, sighing.. Such a Hunk of a Wolf! With a Big sheath that promised a bigger cock. He should kneel and pray for the male who dies, the Wolf who loved him.. And himself for wanting that big male to fuck him. He tossed his robe on his armor, and growled. Temptation was ever present.. And easy to give into. Did that make it Wrong? Nothing said the Gods cared either way.. Juts do your duties, and never break your oath. A knock brought him from his thoughts. "Priest - I have brought water for you to wash in." The Innkeeper appeared with a towel, a jug of water, a wash-basin.. and nothing else - As in Naked! Put the bowl on the stand, put the jug and towel beside it. Sandy started at the furry ass, his cock snapping out of it's sheath. The male turned and walked to him, putting a black hand on his nose. "Are you Well Priest? You feel a little warm." The lion groaned and lay back, nostrils full of the skunks scent - The odor of Hot male-flesh searing into his brain. A finger teased his nipples... "You are Tense. Perhaps a back-rub would help you sleep." Perhaps.. It had been a very long time. He nodded and rolled onto his belly, glad he could hide his erection on the sheets. he felt the male straddle his legs, but instead of grabbing his shoulders the fingers dug into his ass! "Very, Very Tense.. Will have to pound your muscles to get them loose." He felt the cock, push against his opening.. But could say nothing as it forced him open, pushing past his ring of muscle, sliding slowly in. He bit the pillow, moaning, Jerking as his hips were pulled up, a hand on his dick, making his butt wriggle and push back. Then both hands were on his shoulders, gripping them, kneading them as the male Thrust into his tight ass. He screamed, the pleasure/pain jolting his body. His muscles Were tight and the skunk pounded on them with strong hands to loosen the knots. At the same time he fucked the male with slow but rough strokes, sliding in until his balls rubbed the furry cheeks. Back to hold just the head in, feeling it grip him. Worked his hands lower while pumping his cock in and out a little faster.. When they got to the tawny ass-cheeks they dug in again, hard and rough, stuffing his hot cock as deep as it would go. Blasting the tight hole with jet after jet of cum. Holding the lion tightly, stroking his sides, his back, feeling the tension release as the male did too. Grinning the skunk pulled out and turned to lay on his back. "Naughty Priest.. Messing up my sheets like that." Smack Went the hand on the sexy butt, making the lion moan and shiver.. Then teeth were on his balls. The sack sucked into the hot mouth to be bit and licked on and murred over.. Sandy Moaned again, wriggling his hips.. He screamed into the pillow again as teeth raked his nuts, pressed into them Hard, while a hand stroked his cock tip. Made him blast his seed out on long sticky strands.. "Are you not supposed to be kneeling, Priest?" With a gasp, he was pushed off the bed, head pulled to the still-throbbing maleness. He kissed it, licked the mingled juices off the tip. Prayed as his legs were shoved apart with a foot, abused balls slapped and scratched at by toe-claws. A hand held his head in place while the black hips pumped the fat cock into his muzzle.. Amazingly he didn't choke once as the head, was thrust down his throat.. Pulled up and rasped the tip, tasting the cum flowing over his tongue. Blessed it, for the Seeds of Life were sacred to the Gods. Bobbed his head, then swallowed it to the roots, holding it in his muzzle until it went soft. Kissed the head as it lay over the strong thigh. "Will.. Will you stay with me this night?" Got his head lifted. Pulled up into a deep, hungry kiss. "How can I say No to a Priest?" Got his butt slapped and shoved onto the sticky sheets. Panted as his cheeks were pulled apart and the still hot cock was pushed between them. Slept clenching the dick he lusted for. Woke alone. Except for the scent of sex and rut all, over him he would have thought it a dream. Are you at Peace Now? The lion jerked his head up.. Then looked at his armor. Gasped and scrambled off the bed, kneeling. Felt a hand touch his ears, slide along his back, slap his butt. He gasped.. We made the rules vague for a reason, Chosen. Do you think us Celibate? Above Desire? We are glad you have decided to find Love with another Male. Perhaps you will think better of yourself now. We hear Everything, you know - From the faintest whisper to the loudest shout. Stunned the lion found himself unable to move.. Even when hands lifted his hips and a familiar cock was Thrust into him. Fucked him roughly, balls slapping his ass, a hand gripping his dick. He arched and came with a half snarl, half whine, fear being blasted by lust. Panted as he has held, his tail twining with the bushy one. "Who.. Who Are you?" "An innkeeper who likes other males.." The lion lay his head on the bed, holding on as the skunk started thrusting again, already making his nuts ache with desire.. He pushed back hard, grinding his butt into his lover's crotch, letting the moans come freely as he felt the hot spunk splatter inside him. 'Yes.. I am at Peace. Thank You for putting my feet on this path.' Heard a soft laugh and felt the male lay over him, holding him as the last spurts from the throbbing cock dribbled into his guts. Next time a male confessed a desire for his body he was going take the lad up on his offer. The End - For Now
LionPriest by SwampRat
[ "Gay", "Lion", "M/M", "Skunk" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 45, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 175, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 33 }
Thank you Jacky for your support and editing. Thirty minutes later and midnight was approaching. Mary watched Maria Carey perform 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' on the TV and thought about her son. A banner flashed on the screen: 'Happy Christmas everyone' and she looked over at Glyn. Glyn smiled as Mary rose from her chair and stood in front of him. She turned with her back to him and slowly slipped her gown off her shoulders as she danced to the music. Glyn watched her hips sway to the beat and felt his cock harden. When Mary dropped her gown to reveal she was naked, his cock sprang to a full erection. "See anything you like?" Asked Mary, looking over her shoulder and gently wiggling her ass at him. "Mary, you have the most perfect ass and legs." She turned, moved closer, put her hands on his knees and leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Happy Christmas, Glyn", she said as she broke the kiss and sat down beside him. Glyn's cock throbbed as Mary placed a hand on his thigh. "Happy Christmas, Mary," he replied. Mary took hold of the tie of his robe and pulled. "Looks like you are ready for your next lesson," she said, as the robe fell open exposing his cock. "Have you ever played with Sandy's pussy?" "No." He whispered. "She'll need to be warmed up before you can have sex with her." Mary lifted his hand, took his index finger and traced it down one side of her pussy and up the other side. As she repeated this move, her hips rose and Glyn could see her exposed pussy. Mary moved his hand to her mouth, sucked on his finger then returned it to her pussy. This time he stroked down one side of her labia and up the other side, before moving towards her clit. "Have you ever seen a lady's clit?" She quietly asked. "Only in porn," he answered. "Then that's where the lesson will begin. Get down between my legs." Even though he had had sex with her less than an hour ago, Glyn still couldn't believe what was happening. Mary opened her legs wide apart and Glyn got down on his knees for a closer look. Mary looked at him staring at her pussy and somehow resisted the urge to grab his head and pull him to her. Instead she opened her pussy lips with one hand and began stroking her pussy with the other. With a husky voice, she asked "Can you see how wet I'm getting?" Glyn nodded, not taking his eyes off such a magnificent sight. Mary eased two fingers inside her pussy and moved them in and out. Then she gently moved her glistening fingers to the top of her pussy and revealed her clit. Her body convulsed, her legs closed together and she emitted a low groan "Mmmmm". Slowly, she moved her legs apart and exposed her clit to him again. Softly she spoke: "This little bud is my clit. It's the most sensitive part of a woman's body. Don't press too hard, but rub it gently in a circular motion. Give me your hand." Glyn moved his hand towards her pussy, staring, as if in a hypnotic state. Mary took his index finger and slid it inside her. He felt the heat and moisture and looked up when Mary moaned with pleasure. Her eyes were closed and her head gently rolled backwards onto the sofa. She moved his finger up to her clit and began to rub it. Glyn could feel the heat from her body on his face and the scent of her sex was intoxicating. She released his hand and he continued rubbing her clit. Using his other hand, she moaned and gasped for air when he slid two fingers inside her. "That's it." She uttered. "Right there. Keep doing that. Mmmmm," she groaned. The moist evidence of her arousal coated his fingers. Glyn was mesmerized. He continued massaging her clit and gently moving his fingers in and out of her pussy. Watching her head sway from side to side and her breasts move up and down in time with her pussy contractions, was more than he believed possible. Mary moaned; he looked up to see her pinch a nipple and let out a little squeal. Her breathing shortened and she arched her back off the sofa. Her legs snapped together and clamped his hand to her pussy. "Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come. Ahhhhhhh." She moaned, then her body went limp After a few deep breaths to return some oxygen to her brain, Mary opened her eyes and looked at Glyn with his hand still inside her pussy. His face was red, his eyes wide open and his mouth ajar. A look of complete astonishment. "Christ." She thought. "If he can do that with his fingers, what's he gonna do with that cock?" Mary opened her legs and John removed his hand. "Sorry." She said. "I was taking care of my needs before yours." Glyn laughed. "Sorry! You've got nothing to be sorry for. You just let me make you come." She sat up and reached out for his hand, pulled him towards her and kissed his lips. "Did you like that?" She whispered into his ear. "That was the most exciting thing I have ever seen." "Good. I think I'm ready for you now." She said, looking at his cock bouncing against his firm stomach. "This next part, you will have to teach Sandy what to do, so it's important you remember it." Glyn laughed again. "I don't think there's any danger of me not remembering this, Mom. Sorry, Mary." Mary laughed. "Me neither," she said, as she positioned her hips over the edge of the sofa. "Put your hand around your cock and just insert your crown into my pussy, then stop." Glyn knelt between her legs, looked down at her red lips and pushed the head of his cock into her pussy. The heat sensation caused a shockwave of lust to ripple through his body. "Now gently ease the next four inches in and wait for my signal." He pushed and felt the resistance of her tight pussy walls stop him from sliding in. She flinched and Glyn looked up. "Are you okay?" "It's just big. Give me a moment." She said, panting for air. "Now move forward until you reach the top of my cunt." His cock throbbed at the mention of 'cunt' and Mary gasped out loud. "Ooh, careful, big boy. Easy does it." Glyn looked down at his cock sliding into her pussy. He fought with all his willpower against his desire to push his cock all the way inside. Beads of sweat formed on his brow. Mary raised a hand to his chest to stop him and the heat from her touch caused him to spasm. "Argh," he gasped. "Hold it there, Glyn." She commanded, "and let me breath." The heat from her moist pussy and the touch of her hand, made a cloud of fog take over his brain and his eyes closed. "Glyn!" Mary shouted, and Glyn snapped out of his delirium. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Just lost it for a second. Jesus, Mom, you're so hot!" "This, you will have to show Sandy." She said, as she took the rest of his cock between her hands. "Look at my hands. See how they will stop you pushing any further into me." His cock throbbed and Mary oohed. "I love it when a man's cock throbs inside my pussy." "Oh, Mary, I love it when you talk like that. It really turns me on." Glyn's made his cock throb, Mary gasped and lay back on the sofa. He placed his hands by her arms and raised himself above her. He looked down at his cock as it gently slid through her hands and into her pussy. He knew if he wasn't careful he'd lose control. Thoughts flew through his mind: "Keep it steady. Make it last. Don't think about coming. God, she's fucking hot. Should I be wearing a condom? Look at those tits. She'll have birth control. Fuck, she's hot. Is she enjoying it? That face says yes. Oh, fuck, man, this is fucking amazing." Every time Glyn pushed his cock into her, Mary took a deep breath and her breasts heaved upwards. She looked up at his face. "I know this is wrong," she thought, "but why does it feel so good. Look at his face - he loves it. He loves fucking my pussy. Christ, he's big. Not just his cock, look at those shoulders. This beautiful man is fucking me. Make me come. Urghhhh," she moaned. "I'm coming, Glyn. I'm... Glyn watched her close her eyes and shake her head from side to side as her hips rode up and down his cock. She clamped her legs together, pulling him deep inside her. Her hands squeezed his cock and she came with a guttural moan. Images of porn flashed in Glyn's mind. "Shit, this better than porn," he thought. "I'm a fucking porn star. She just came on my cock. God, she looks beautiful. Fuck, she's horny." His mind went into overdrive when he felt his semen building up in his cock. He threw his head back, closed his eyes and marvelled at the hot, moist pussy slurping at his cock. His pace quickened. He was about to lose control. An image of a facial shot through his brain and he pulled out and masturbated furiously. "I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come." Mary opened her eyes and saw the first jet of come erupt from his cock and hit her on the cheek. Instinctively, her hand wiped it from her face and fed it to her mouth. The next stream hit her on the chin and she whelped. The final two ropes of come landed on her tits and she massaged the semen into her nipples. Suddenly, they were both aware of what just happened and stopped moving. They stared at each other, both registering the shock on the others face. "Sorry, Mom. I don't know what came over me." Glyn said apologetically. "It's alright, Son, I know who came over me." She smiled and laughed. Glyn couldn't believe her reply and laughed as he lay down beside her. "Mary, you are amazing. That was even better than the first time." She turned her head to face him and sheepishly said: "I don't think it would be a good idea for you to come over Sandy's face like that." "No, I won't..." he trailed off. "It was... For a second I thought I was in a porno and..." Mary squeezed his hand. "It's lucky for you I like the taste of come, but some girls don't." She kissed him on the cheek, then rose from the sofa and looked down at him. His cock was semi-erect and she thought about fucking him again. "Happy Christmas, Son. I need some sleep after all that exertion. See you in the morning." She said as she made her way to the door. Glyn watched her ass cheeks bounce as she walked. "Good night, Mom." Mary lay in bed unable to sleep, thinking about what had happened. "It's for Glyn and Sandy," she thought, trying to convince herself it was okay. "We had sex twice tonight. He came on my face and God it felt good. Should I tell him in college I was a come slut? No. That's for me to know, not him. How many times can I pretend...? If he walks in here now he can fuck me again. Should I call for him? How do I want him to fuck me? I can't make love with him, he's my son. It's just fucking. It's for him and Sandy. Fuck I feel horny." She fell asleep formulating her plan for his education. When Glyn woke in the morning his first thought was about last night. "Did I really fuck her twice last night?" He stroked his cock and brought his hand to his nose, the scent of her sex made his cock twitch. "Will she let me fuck her again?" It didn't take long for him to find out. The smell of bacon cooking made him rise from his bed and head downstairs. When he entered the kitchen he stopped dead at the sight of Mary. She wore black stilettoes, black stockings and suspenders, and black lace panties and bra. "Morning, Glyn," she said as she placed a plate of bacon and eggs on the table. "After you've had your breakfast we'll begin lesson three." She turned and walked away with a wiggle in her stride. "How much will he like this outfit?" She wondered. Glyn couldn't take his eyes off her as he sat down. "What's lesson..." He stopped as she bent over at the waist to get the orange juice from the fridge. She turned to look at him stare at her and winked. "His cock is hard already. He likes the outfit." She said to herself. "Jesus, Mary, calm down. You've got cooking to do today. Yes, but not until after he fucks my brains out. I am sooo wet. Let's have some fun." She placed the juice on the table, bent down with her elbows on the table and held her head in her hands. "Do you like my outfit?" She asked seductively, already knowing the answer. Glyn just nodded. "Lesson three is when you take me doggie style. Would you like that?" "Fuck, yes, Mom." He spluttered. "It's Mary while you're having lessons, remember?" "Sorry, it's just the sight of you is enough for me to forget my own name." Mary smiled at him and playfully pinched his cheek. "Eat up and we'll begin." She said as she turned and walked out of the kitchen with an extra wiggle in her step. Two minutes later when she returned Glyn had finished his meal. "That was quick," she stated as she leaned down and felt for his cock. "I think you're ready for your next lesson." She turned and bent over, wiggling her ass in his face. "Do you want it?" Glyn sprang to his feet and his chair toppled over onto the floor. A second later his shorts and T-shirt were off and his erection was bouncing against his stomach. Mary raised a hand to stop him pouncing on her. "Slow down, Tiger. For this lesson to work you must be in control of that cock of yours. Now get down on your knees behind me and take my panties down." Glyn's brain was swimming. "Look at that ass, it's so fucking sexy. I'm going to fuck her in the ass. No, doggie. Don't come too quickly. Make it last." He placed his hands on either side of her hips and slowly pulled the lace material down to reveal her ass cheeks. Her pussy lips protruded between her legs and leant closer to give each ass cheek a kiss. "Ooh, that feels nice." Mary whimpered. A thought struck her, "He better not want to fuck my ass. There's no way it would fit in. But it would be fun trying." He gently pulled the panties further down, but the crotch seemed stuck between her legs. Puzzled, he looked closer and breathed in the aroma from her pussy. He snaked a finger between her panties and pussy, and pulled them down. A length of pussy juice dripped from her pussy down onto his hand. Mary leant forward and spread herself across the kitchen table. "Wow!" He said as he pushed a finger into her pussy and felt her warmth. "Just like before," Mary said turning her head to see him. "Push your cock in slowly and stop when you reach the top of my pussy." Glyn stood behind her and aimed his cock at her pussy. He pushed forward and his cock slid between her legs. He repositioned and tried again. "Let me," she said reaching down and guiding his cock between her moist petals and into her pussy. Mary spread her legs wide apart and Glyn watched his cock slide into her pussy. He marvelled at her pert butt cheeks and was surprised when she let out a long, deep, audible moan. "Are you okay?" He asked as he felt his cock reach the top of her pussy. Mary shivered and shook her ass cheeks before replying: "That feels fucking marvellous. God, I love this position." She turned her head and smiled a wicked, sexy grin. "Put your hand around your cock to stop you from thrusting in any further. Oh, Jesus, Glyn, do it quick. I really need fucking now." She turned her head forward and lay down on the table. "Fuck me, Glyn. Fuck me now." Glyn was equally startled and excited hearing his mom speak like that. He grabbed his cock and looked down as he pulled back, making sure he didn't take it out of her pussy. "Wow." He thought, looking at his cock glistening with her pussy juice. "She's really turned on. She wants my cock. Not too fast, now fuck her." He pushed back inside her and stopped when his hand hit her ass cheeks. He pulled back and pushed into her again. "Am I doing it right, Mom? Mary." "Oh, fuck yes, sweetheart. Just a bit faster and I'm gonna come real quick." Glyn thrust his cock in and out of her pussy and was into a rhythm in no time. Every time Mary oohed and ah'd his cock throbbed, which lead to more ooh's and ahh's from Mary. Blood was pumping into Mary's brain and she could feel her pulse beating in her temple. "Oh, God," she thought. "Why does he have to be my son. His cock is... I'm going to fucking burst if... Oh, Jesus, fuck me this feels so good. He's got a rhythm. Oh, my boy is a man. A big strong powerful man who is fucking me. Go on, make me come." Glyn watched as Mary's arms were moving all over the table. Suddenly she began slapping her hand against the table. "That's it, Glyn. Right there. Keep going, I'm gonna come." Her body spasmed and she clenched her butt cheeks together, clamping his cock inside her pussy. She pushed her body upwards, arching her back and squealed. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She screamed as an orgasm rippled through her body. Glyn stopped moving and just watched his mother orgasm on his cock. Her ass cheeks clenched against his hand. "Fuck me, this woman is amazing," he thought. "Wow, wow, wow." She said as she finished coming. Glyn withdrew his cock and took a step back to admire her quivering body. He watched, mesmerised as a string of pussy juice dripped to the floor. "More! More! Make me come again." She begged huskily. Holding his cock, he bent his legs and re-entered her. With his free hand he reached under her waist and pulled her towards him. "Oh my, God. What's he going to do to me." She thought as she leant back against his chest. She reached an arm around his neck as he lifted her off the ground. "Wow, he's strong. Oh, Sandy, you are going to be one lucky girl." The heat from his body caused her to gasp out loud. She closed her eyes and submitted herself to be consumed by pleasure. Glyn was surprised how light Mary was. He rocked her back and forth on his cock while keeping his hand in place on his cock. "Don't let go," he thought. "Make it last. Just rock her up and down. Up and down. Make her come again." He felt her pussy muscles tighten on his cock. "Fuck in hell, Mom, you are so fucking hot." He said out loud, his brain no longer in charge of his thoughts. That was it for Mary, she felt her orgasm build. "Lay me back on the table." She whispered, and Glyn placed her back down. "Now fuck my brains out." She ordered. Glyn looked down at his cock. His hand was covered in her cream and her pussy lips were puffy and dark red. He thrust his cock in as far as he could and she screamed with delight "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She cried. She'd only felt like this once before and a minute later she knew what was about to happen. "Pull out," she commanded. "Pull out." Glyn pulled out and looked at her pussy. She squealed and squirted a stream of pussy juice against his leg. He instinctively reached out and the second squirt splashed against his hand. "Fucking wow!" He thought, as he raised his hand to his mouth. Tasting her cream gave him a feeling of euphoria, a feeling he wanted to last forever. "I'm going to do this. I'm going to do it." Mary thought as she spun around, knelt before him and grabbed his cock with both hands. "Give it to me, Glyn. Give it all to me now." She licked the head of his bulbous cock as her hands rapidly moved up and down. "I want it, Glyn. Paint my face with your come." She said before licking his head and staring up into his eyes. "Oh, Jesus, Mom, I'm gonna come." "Give it to me, Baby. Give it to me." As she opened her mouth to receive his seed, Glyn couldn't wait any more. The first jet of come spurted from his cock and hit her on her nose and forehead. The second stream she aimed straight into her mouth and she swallowed hungrily. The third eruption splashed against her cheek as she gasped for air, then she took his cock in her mouth for the final rope of semen. Memories of her college times sprang to mind. "You dirty fucking come slut. Swallow it all. It tastes so good." Glyn struggled for breath, but couldn't take his eyes off her as she wiped his cock across her face. "She's possessed." He thought. "She's a come slut. Fuck me, my mom's a come slut." She licked his cock from its base to the tip and he wondered if he could come again. His cock throbbed and the last of his sperm trickled out onto Mary's tongue. She looked him in the eye, closed her mouth and swallowed. This was more than he could take and he eased himself down onto the floor beside her. They sat in silence for a while to regain their breath. "Wow! What just happened there, Mom?" Mary raised her hands to cover her face as she turned away. "I'm sorry, Son. You were not meant to see me like that." Glyn pulled her against his body and kissed her neck. "Will you stop apologising for giving me the most amazing experiences of my life." He squeezed her against him and took one of her hands in his. "Mom, you are incredible." "But, Glyn, that was meant to be a lesson for... I wasn't meant to..." "Mom, it was so hot seeing you enjoy yourself like that. You did enjoy it, didn't you? "Enjoy?" She said rhetorically looking up at him. "That was the best sex I've had in... Ever." Glyn leant his head down and kissed her on the lips. "I think we need to take a shower." He said as he raised himself from the floor and helped Mary to her feet. Over the next eleven days Glyn and Mary had sex in the living room, the kitchen, the shower, and Glyn's bedroom. Mary kept her bed to herself, knowing if she allowed him in, she might never let him go. On the twelfth day of Christmas after a particularly vigorous session, Glyn rolled off Mary and lay, panting, beside her on the sofa. "You're ready for Sandy now." She said quietly. "What?" He replied, wondering if this meant the end to their sex sessions. "Didn't you notice I didn't need to use my hands to keep you from hurting me. You know your body and you know how to make love to a woman. You're ready for Sandy."
Best Christmas Present Ever Ch. 03
[ "mother", "son", "incest", "taboo" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 5, "longest_sentence": 38, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 443, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 26 }
"Are you hard?" Wendy asked, sitting between my legs, both of us sitting on her dorm room bed. Outside, college students were on their way to and from classes. I froze, my hands still holding her shoulders. Her plump ass was against my crotch, my erection pressing eagerly against her backside. Would she believe I was just holding onto a roll of quarters? "Oh, uh, sorry about that." I pulled myself back slightly, but she followed, keeping her body pressed against mine. "Oh, it's okay. I don't mind. It's kind of flattering," she admitted, wiggling her butt, briefly grinding it against me. I raised my eyebrows. That wasn't the response I had expected... What should I say? What *could* I say? I elected to keep quiet and continued to massage her shoulders. A moan escaped her lips as she fell against my chest. Her hands rested on my upper thighs. She slowly began to graze her fingernails up and down, her hand coming within inches of the bulge in my jeans. I slid forward, hoping that she would come into contact with it. "That feels good," I said, stifling my own moan. Her shirt was thin. I could feel the contours of her body through the fabric, the unique geography of her body, the artistry of her form. "Have you started that Judge Dee book yet? What do you think of it?" "I love it! It reminds me a lot of Sherlock Holmes, but I like how all the different threads weave together," she explained, her hands curving around each other as she spoke. "I'm almost done with it, and then we can have a real discussion." "Sounds great." I moved my hands to her bare neck, kneading knots out of her muscles and caressing her collarbone. From my position, her low-cut top hid little. Her full breasts lay exposed below me, her cleavage open, inviting my hands to reach down and grab her breasts, only her scarlet bra denying me a better view. My cock rose, pushing against her. She giggled. I bit my lip. "So...Eric..." she started, hesitating. My heart pounded as she waited to continue. "How big are you?" she finally asked. "Big?" I asked. She wasn't asking what I thought she was asking...was she? "Yeah, you know...*this*," she said, reaching back to poke my hardness. So, she was... "About...six and a half inches, I guess" I answered, my hands moving on to her temples, my thumbs pressed against the base of her skull, hoping my tone had enough doubt that she wouldn't suspect I had actually measured it. "Hmm..." She held up her hands, her palms flat, in front of her face, adjusting the difference between them until she was satisfied. "So like...this big?" she asked. I reached around her and took her hands in mine, slightly adjusting them to be closer together. "Like this." "Ohh..." She studied the gap between her hands momentarily, before asking innocently, "Can I see it?" My eyelids fluttered. Had I heard her right? "You want to *see* it?" She turned around and faced me, resting on her knees, her cheeks pink. Her eyes dropped down to my lap. "I mean, if you don't mind... Can I?" she asked, raising her eyes to mine, brushing her dark hair away from her face. A beautiful young woman was asking to see my dick. What else could I say? "Sure." She beamed and hugged me tightly, her bust weighing against me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, savoring the pressure. "Oh, thank you, Eric!" She pulled back and smiled expectantly, her hands folded in her lap, her stare locked onto my lap. "So?" My cheeks burned. I reached down. I was really going to do this... Wendy waited patiently, her gaze and grin unwavering. "Let me just, uh, get ready," I said. I cupped my shaft and stroked it while she watched, making sure I was as large as possible before my debut. I bit my lip and averted my eyes, trying to minimize the awkwardness inherent in jerking off in front of a friend. "Does this help?" she asked. I turned to her. Her shirt was off. She reached behind her back and undid her bra. The cups fell onto the bed, exposing her firm, round breasts, jiggling as she sat upright, her pink nipples hard. "Y-yeah..." She smiled proudly. I stared at her chest while stroking. My cock strained against my pants, eager to escape. If I kept going, pretty soon I was going to need a change of clothes... I stopped. This was it. I pulled down my zipper. Wendy's eyes widened. She leaned forward, her breasts hanging. I reached in and grasped my cock. I pulled it out. Wendy gasped softly, her hand at her mouth. "Wow," she whispered. She reached towards it, and stopped. She looked up at me. "Can I touch it?" I nodded and swallowed, watching as her trembling hand came closer. Her hand closed around my shaft, delicately, as though she were afraid she might break it. I shuddered. Her hand was so soft. She gave me a gentle squeeze, then a harder one. My cock twitched, and her mouth broke into a wide smile as she giggled. She pinched the head, studying it, examining it with a careful eye. "I can't believe I'm holding your cock," she suddenly blurted out. "This is kind of crazy, isn't it?" "Kind of," I agreed with a laugh, the tension sublimating away in a moment of ludicrousness. "I've never seen one up close before," she confessed. I was her first? I was glad I had taken the time to make the best first impression... I could scarcely believe that a college freshman as beautiful as her was so inexperienced. "What this?" "It's a circumcision scar." "Oh, so you're circumcised?" "Yeah." "I like it..." She circled her fingers around my ruddy head, lowering it down my shaft, the sensation electric. She squeezed. My cock was throbbing in her hand. She closed her eyes. "Whoa, I can feel your pulse... Lub-dub, lub-dub... So cool... It's thick. Is the head always that big?" "Not always. Not from what I've seen in porn or anything. It's not like I get in a circle with my friends and compare." "Why not?! If I had a dick I'd totally do that all the time!" "Well I'd let you borrow mine, but I'm kind of attached to it..." She looked up at me, my cock almost touching her face, her hand possessively wrapped around it. "You'll let me check it out whenever I want, though, right? We'll be like, penis pals!" "Wouldn't that disqualify you?" "No," she explained patiently, "Because I'm sharing yours. Like a time-share." "That means you're responsible for taking care of it, too. You can't just be a squatter." She cast her eyes down, only slowly raising them back to me. She mumbled something I couldn't hear. Her cheeks looked as red as her bra had been. "What did you say?" "Can I?" she repeated, barely audible. "Of course you can! Whenever you want!' I said, more eagerly than I had intended. She looked from the newly-won prize in her hand back to me, waving it in front of her mouth. "So it feels good when someone sucks on it, right?" "Really good," I replied, hoping her question wasn't just idle curiosity. She pouted, apparently not entirely convinced. Her deep brown eyes bore into mine as she kissed my cock. She kissed it again, more deeply, her lips barely parting. Once more she kissed me, her mouth opening, taking my head between her plump, red lips. I watched, transfixed, as she engulfed my cock, my shaft slowly vanishing into her warm, tight, wet mouth. A hiss escaped my gritted teeth as I clenched her sheets tightly. Her tongue swirled and slathered around my manhood. My hips bucked. I wanted to be deeper inside her, deeper inside of her heavenly mouth. She gripped my hips, her nostrils flared, her eyes narrowed as she forced all of my inside of her, until her lips met my crotch, and every last inch of my cock was in her mouth. I brushed my hand against her cheek. She was amazing. She released me with a wet gasp and breathed deeply. She wrapped her hand around my moist cock and stroked it up and down furiously. Panting, she asked, "How is it so far?" "You're amazing. And you've never done this before?" "Nope!' she grinned. "Guess I'm a natural, huh?" "I'll say..." "Well, I can't take all the credit," she said, punctuating her sentence with a kiss. "I have a pretty good partner to work with, too. Do you want me to keep going?" "God* yes," I sighed. She simpered and licked her lips before taking my cock back into her mouth. I reached down and rubbed her shoulders as her head bobbed up and down, and was rewarded with a muffled moan of appreciation. Her breasts pushed rhythmically against my thighs, her pebble-hard nipples rubbing against my skin. She held the base of my shaft firmly as she pulled me out of her mouth and began to lick the length of my manhood with the same desperate eagerness that she would a melting ice cream cone. My body clenched. Pleasure swelled within me, bubbling to the surface, impossible to contain much longer. "I'm gonna cum," I warned her. But she didn't stop. All the while making eye contact with me, she consumed my cock and firmly sucked, licking the underside of my shaft, her cheeks sunken. I was done for. I couldn't last any longer. I thrust inside of her, my cock spasming between her lips, pulsating, throbbing, as my cum gushed inside of her. She adeptly swallowed every last drop, never once breaking her stride. Finally, I was empty. She released me and squeezed my shaft gently, immediately licking up the last pearl of semen that dripped out of me. "Wow, that was lot!," she said. "It tastes...*strange*... But good! Like a salty dessert... I like it..." "Thanks," I gasped, panting on her bed. She crawled into bed and snuggled up to me, my arm between her pert breasts, my hand resting against her warm, moist crotch. She traced a circle against my chest. "Can I do that again?" she asked. "Anytime, Wendy," I answered, as I undid the button on her pants. "But first, there's something *I* want to try..."
How Big Are You?
[ "oral sex", "fellatio", "blowjob", "exhibitionism", "showing off", "massage", "first penis", "first time", "large breasts", "innocent" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 57, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 194, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 20 }
*YEAR OF THE RABBIT - PROLOGUE* The year is 2311, considered to be an honoured year. Not for any specific reasons. No one famous was born this year - yet at least. No major scientific breakthroughs have been made, AIDS was cured ages ago, and homosexuality has stopped being frowned upon for quite some time. I'm not entirely certain of that last bit, as I'm only 17. I still see discrimination, but it's apparently not nearly as prevalent. But what's the state of humanity? Well, technological advances have been made. Lasers have nearly replaced caliber ammunition - I say nearly because they're still working out some kinks with that. We've found traces of life beyond out galaxy with our probes. As mentioned earlier, diseases such as AIDs and Cancer are a thing for the history books. Racial discrimination still exists, unfortunately, but not quite how you might think. Oh, and the most widely imported and exported vegetable of the world is the carrot. Still with me? Good, then let me elaborate a bit farther. Maybe you remember the big uproar about 2012 being the 'end of the world' because of the whole Mayan calendar thing. Well, what if I told you that, in a sense, they had a point? Sure, at the end of 2012, there wasn't a massive asteroid, the polar ice caps didn't melt, and we weren't covered by a massive sheet of magma or sunk into the world from earthquakes. Near the end of 2011, there was a massive breakthrough in gene splicing, as well as cloning technology. Wouldn't you know it - it was the Chinese that made these discoveries. How did they use it though? Well, they did have wonderful intentions, but with the proximity of 2012, they had a different plan. They created the world's first 'Furry' as the Internet called them. Using their knowledge, as well as having access to several zoos across China, they spliced the genes of a Komodo Dragon with that of a human, and used that to fertilize a cloned human egg. Doing this, they managed to exploit a loophole when it came to human rights - what they were doing wasn't wrong, as the clone had no official parents, and therefore, no hereditary genes or behavior - or preferences. Several specimens 'failed' to produce the desired effect, but they managed to not only give 'birth' to a successful human/reptile hybrid, but managed to accelerate its growth to that of a mature adult in only a couple of months. The being - simply named 'Zodiac' - was revealed on the 23rd of January, 2012 - The day of the Chinese New Year, and the start of the Year of the Dragon. At first, the world was shocked by this reveal. These scientists had accomplished what had only been done in comic books and video games - They had made an anthropomorphic human/animal hybrid. Naturally, PETA had a field day with the whole affair, but nobody really paid them any mind anyways. Rather, this caught the attention of several human rights activists, who were up in arms about the whole thing. Seems the Chinese had made one mistake - they gave the creature a name, and therefore, through some more political jargon and loopholes, this meant that this creature had every right to a normal human life, which had been stripped away by not officially being human. And since she (yes, she) was - apart from the whole 'part Komodo Dragon thing'- was perfectly healthy, euthanizing her would lead to murder charges being pressed. So, with no other options, Zodiac was given rights to a normal human life, and was even educated as anyone else would be. It seemed simple enough. The only hitch? To prevent further 'damning of humanity,' as several people called it, Zodiac had undergone a hysterectomy. Crisis averted, right? But, naturally, the scientists that made her wanted more. They saw potential in human gene splicing, as well as cloning. The following year, they revealed that they had made another human-animal hybrid. This one was a radically different being than Zodiac though. With 2013 being the Year of the Snake, their new creation was simply named Naga, and for good reason - This new creation had no legs, but rather, had the lower half of a snake. Once again, the press exploded. Some of it was backlash from before, some more of it was trying to basically make the whole thing out to be some radical form of self-promotion. Who knows really. In the end, they finally proposed one main argument: "We know that what we are doing is strange. We know that what we are doing is not looked upon very favourably by many. But we are not doing this for that. We are doing this because we know that we can help the world. We can take the world leagues beyond its potential with this. With these advances, we may be able to cure the currently incurable, and even enhance life as we know it. We showed Zodiac and Naga off so that the world would know of our existence - so that we could potentially gain some favourable attention for our cause. Zodiac and Naga are our presents to the world, and you look at them with disdain. With an attitude like that, it is no wonder the world remains at a standstill. "We will continue this work, and yes, we will continue to make our anthropomorphized humans to release on the Chinese New Year. All we ask is for the knowledge that we can trust you with the fruits of our labour - that you will not turn them away like a leper. If we do this... We can - and will make the world a better place!" The crazy thing was the fact that that hokey speech worked. After delivering that speech, the organizations speaking against them calmed down. It didn't take long for the group to even start receiving funding for their work after a time. Before too much longer, they had grown - several people joining their cause for a 'better' tomorrow. Succeeding where others failed, they expanded rapidly - within just a year, they had grown to become the world's largest facility in genetic sciences. I find that last statement hard to believe as well - trust me. And, true to their word, despite people still being a tad iffy towards the thing, they continued releasing their 'presents' to the world on the chinese new year, each one being a mix between human and animal - the animal having to do with whatever the Chinese Zodiac had planned. Actually, let me touch on these creations for just a moment. It seems that, in their growing techniques, these guys had overlooked something. Because they managed to make these creations from embryo to adult in mere months... they continued to age rapidly. In fact, their life span wasn't really that much more than a few months after release - Zodiac lived the longest of the group, actually getting to meet Naga before she passed away a month later. The others ended up passing away around the time Spring was in full bloom. My guess is that it had something to do with the komodo dragon genes, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I do have a point to this all. I wouldn't bore you with a history lesson if I didn't have a good reason behind it, so bear with me for just a little bit longer. Well, after a time, these guys managed to prove their second statement. They managed to, with their advanced knowledge and techniques, they managed to provide cures to various obscure diseases at first, but then, within a few years, they made their first major breakthrough in medical science - They cured the common cold. Yes. I am not shitting you, these guys cured the common cold. They then managed to move on to cure the next big things - several persistent STIs were covered, including the HIV virus. In the same year they moved on to cure AIDS. The year after that, they cured cancer. It seemed that these men could do no wrong. Or... so we thought. These men continued their expansion like clockwork, until 2023. The Year of the Rabbit. To celebrate their 12th year of working, the company bred two subjects - anthropomorphic rabbits, one male, one female. They named them Carl and Laura, rather than a more enigmatic name such as their predecessors. Some of us have an alternate set of nicknames for these two though, but I'll get to that later. These two though were... different. In the short time they knew each other, they became attracted to each other very strongly. So strong in fact... that merely a few days after their reveal, one day before their scheduled hysterectomy, they escaped. The corporation was in a state of panic, but told no one. These two escaped, and from that point... they did what nature intended. They began to breed. And breed... and breed. Before long, some of the children were being spotted in the cities, and there were even reports that they were proceeding to breed further. Unfortunately... there was very little we could do about it. These children were stronger, faster, and, thanks to how their bodies worked, they aged quicker, being capable of breeding in merely a few weeks. And so, they multiplied... and then came the first incident - a woman had taken to one of the offspring, and together, they fathered a child. Of course, the media had a field day with this - the first human-anthro couple and their child. With the human DNA stronger, the child aged a tad slower. Once the first pairing had come out into the open... others began to follow suit. I seriously wish I was kidding. Humankind and the anthro-people, known as Homo Cuniculus - though most prefer to simply call them the Lapine - were beginning to coincide with one another. they proved to be intelligent, on par with normal human intelligence even. It was several years later that the population eventually evened out, an equal mix of humans and the Lapine. It is for this reason that Carl and Luna have their alternate nicknames - Adam and Eve. Then, the trouble started. Yeah, that whole 'Humans and Lapine mixing' wasn't the bad news. The trouble began with mutations being noticed around the ages of puberty in several of the Lapine. This gave rise to the 'Mixes' - a slur used for those whose genes had shifted a bit, not being a 50/50 match between human and rabbit. The technical, less 'offensive' term, is 'Hybrid.' These Hybrids are frowned upon, not only by Lapine culture, but even by human culture. They don't belong in either, technically, when it's thought about. But, thankfully, humanity as a whole being at least partially civil, the Hybrids are not deliberately hunted down, or hung at birth, or whatever. No, instead, they get to deal with oh-so-glorious racism. Or I guess you could call it speciesism. Either way, while according to the law, Hybrids, Lapines and Humans are all equal, in the eyes of society, things work a little differently. Returning to almost primal instincts, an unwritten caste system has been in place since the Lapines first became at peace with the human race. At the top of the system, we have the Lapines. Some flaunt this fact, acting as if they are some form of ascended and enlightened human being. Thankfully, this only accounts for the asshole population - at most, a measly 0.1%. Still a fair amount, but hey, nobody said it'd be perfect. This being said, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that most of the aristocrats in the world are Lapines. Next in line though, we have the humans themselves. They're alright though. Not many assholes there. Much less than the Lapines at least. Oftentimes, a Human could easily get work under a Lapine with ease - from simply working in an office to (again, mostly the aristocrats) being a personal manservant - butlers, maids, the works. Next in line is rabbits. No, I am not kidding you. Cats, dogs, mice, birds - if you have one of those as a pet, it's nothing much to glance at unless it's a rather nice breed. Conversation pieces, or they're there for those that love animals. If you own a rabbit though... that's a whole other story. Kinda like how having an exotic pet way back when would turn heads in an instant. You hear about those people who had things like Tigers, Ocelots, Peacocks, et cetera, who basically got one to brag about it, or to show they had money. Now, Rabbits have fallen into this category. Sorta makes sense, what with the whole 'Their DNA made this new race' and all that. Yeah. Despicably common, and yet they cost a fortune in pet stores. Some people try and pass themselves off as sophisticated by catching one in the wild - save for the fact that it was made a felony in 2085 - need a license to catch one, and even then, it's only if you're going to sell them as a pet store owner. Lastly, on the bottom of this system, is the Hybrids. They're not sold or bought as pets of course. Well, mostly. There's still some places in the world where Hybrids are sold as servants. It's mostly stopped, but still done in some places in the world. Mostly Africa, and even then that's a longshot. There's a funny thing about Hybrids though - namely, how can you tell that someone's a Hybrid? Well, in the early years, you can't really. A Hybrid will look just like a normal Lapine, least until puberty. Afterwards, depending on how they're genes balance, their body will naturally even itself out. Got more rabbit in you? Well, then expect to be a bit more primal in your years as they go by, get some slightly longer feet, and hell, maybe even sprout coarser and thicker fur. Got more human? Well, these ones are easier to spot - they lose their fur more and more, and sometimes their ears even get shorter. The tail though has never left. I dunno why, maybe it's hard-coded into Lapine DNA to always have a tail. Either way, the rabbit are clearly the trickier ones to spot, as it's mostly behavioural stuff that changes for them. Spot what looks like a human with rabbit ears? You've found yourself a Hybrid. To make a long story short...er... Day to day life has been radically altered with the introduction of Lapines. Their breeding and aging has, thankfully, calmed down to a much more natural pace. Yeah, it's still a little accelerated, but hey, that's Rabbits for yah. Oh, right, the whole year thing. Earlier, I made some big fuss about how this year, 2311, was important. Well, this year, on the Chinese Zodiac, marks the Year of the Rabbit.
Year Of The Rabbit by SerenadeDS
[ "Caste System", "Future", "Lapine", "Naga", "Other", "Rabbit" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 58, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 172, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 24 }
*Airship Down* *Part 2* By Puma Concolor A Fan ship work for a very talented writer Femmpaws *Karen is copyrighted by* Femmpaws and used with express permission. Editing done by a very good friend Dasher Cheetah We had turned North out of Mt Vernon where I had left my fellow drivers with a brief and cryptic explanation and had taken several back roads to bring us just to our destination. "Karen, you need to wake up hun." I said to the very pretty Courgress setting in the passenger seat of my old Freightliner. This was the lady pilot we had picked up earlier that day along with her precious cargo and agreed to help get home. "Mmmm. What time is if Puma?" She asked with a yawn and a very sexy stretch. "Around 2:30." "2:30? We should have been on the island hours ago. You promised! Where are we Puma!" Shi demanded glaring at me. "Go easy hun, We're ok. I got a call shortly after you dozed off. It was from your crew. They rerouted us here for the transfer. We're about two miles from the coast, in a little wooded area just about 200 yards on the US side of the boarder?" "But how did they know I went down and how did they know I was with you? It's got to be some kind of a double cross!" "No no. It seems some of my contacts knows your contacts and my one contact always seems to know where I all the times." I grinned sheepishly. "Are you sure? I mean, it seems awful fishy. I'm really not up to a fire fight but if that what it takes..." "Calm down Karen. I trust my contact with me life. Gods know how many times she has saved it." "She?" Yea. I hope I get a chance to introduce her to you some time." "Ok... but this had better not be some kind of a trap." "It's not.." I assured hir as I pulled over at the designated abandoned parking area. "Isn't that what Custer told his troupes at the Little Big Horn?" As we got out of the truck leaving only the parking lights lit and walked around to the front together I could sense the presence of several others nearby. I guess Karen could sense them as well as I could feel her tense up through her light flight jacket. "How was the flight over Wichita?" Came a voice from the gloom. "Cloudy, Ceiling at 3500 feet!" Karen replied, relaxing a bit. "What?" I whispered to Karen. "Password."She whispered back. There was a bit of mumbling before a new but very familiar voice echoed from the night, "Who's the Sexiest fur you know?" A smile crossed my muzzle as I shouted back, "You already know the answer to that question *Coyote!* " I leaned over and whispered to Karen, "Remember that contact I told you about? You are about to meet her." Several lights came on and out of the glair approached an absolutely beautiful coyote anthro. She came up to us with a rather insatiable grin and sexy sway as she walked up to us and offered Karen her paw. "Hi. You must be Karen. I'm Coyote. Big Kitty's protégé and partner in debauchery, the one who he was going to introduce you to." She snickered. "Aaaa..." Karen looked at me utterly baffled while gingerly taking Coyote's paw. "Trust me. The answer to your next question will only leave you more confused. Just go with it." Several humans and anthros stepped up with Flashlights and lanterns. A couple were even wearing US and Canadian border patrol uniforms. All seemed very happy to see us. "Karen?" Asked a very petite Border Collie. "Yes?" "We're here to escort the cubs over the border to a safe house. You're more than welcome to come if you wish?" "What's going to happen to the cubs?" Karen demanded "They will be paced with families inside our colonies. There they will be processed as Canadian Citizens where they will be protected under Canadian law. Once this is done even if they should ever return to the US, neither the center nor anybody else would dare touch them." "You sure?" "If I wasn't I wouldn't have had this done." she said with a smile lifting her ear and shinning her flash light in showing evidence of having a tattoo laser removed long ago. Anyone acquainted with the center would know having the tags removed would be labeled an act of treason under US law and that person would be imprisoned for a very long time. After several minutes of questioning and Karen repeatedly declining to go over the boarder, the cubs made good their goodbyes and with lots of hugs were taken north to a new life of freedom. Karen, Coyote and I stood watching as everyone disappeared into the night. Karen had absentmindedly wrapped her arms around me from behind as shi stood very relaxed for almost two minutes. A calmness seemed to wash over me and feeling of contentment filled my mind as images first of the cubs and them Karen. Each etched themselves into my memories. I crossed my arms over hers hugging them purring softly. "You do care!" She whispered. "Huh?" I asked looking up at Karen. "You do care about me. I can feel it. You don't care if I am a...a.." "Go ahead and say it love. Herm. And yes he feels very deeply for you." Coyote stated. "But, Isn't he your mate? I can feel that too?" "Well... sorta. What we have is special. I don't place any collar on him other than the one of his heart but he put that there and handed me the leash. He has more love in him than I ever deserve and I want him to share. To touch and teach others how to unconditionally except those around them." Coyote said stepping up to me and hugging me trapping both my and Karen's arms against her chest as she kissed me. After almost a full minute she broke the kiss and looked up at Karen. Coyote's eyes seemed to sparkle as if captured by the Courgeress's very soul, they stared at each other for several minutes. "Come here and do it, you want to so bad. Come to me Karen. Allow yourself to do what your Heart desires" As if captured in some spell shi leaned over pressing hir lips to coyote's. Their lips opened as I knew their tongues were caressing and dancing together. Again a feeling of peace and love washed over me. I realized this was more than just my feelings but were being projected by Karen. It was a combination of all three of us and I knew Coyote could feel it as well. As my senses began to refocus I realized the kiss had ended and yet I was still embraced between the two ladies. It was Karen who first spoke as Coyote was still under the spell of the kiss, standing there with her eyes closed and her tongue hanging slightly out. "Ammm, we should get back inside. It's getting a little chilly out here. Ok?" " Mmm I'm not sure about the chilly part but that sleeper sounds like a great idea to me..." Coyote murred." As the embrace broke Karen took one of my paws and Coyote with the other and led us back around to the passenger's side door. As I opened it Karen scampered in, barley using the steps before dissipating into my double sleeper. Coyote was next but I stopped her with a paw on her shoulder. She turned and looked at me with a very puzzled look. "I'm not sure how far this is going but if you've spelled her just to have some fun...If this is not of her free choice, I'll not have any part of it Coyote!" "Spell her? Puma, can't you feel it? She is the strongest empath I've ever encountered. When we kissed, shi read me. Shi read my soul all the way down to every last hair on my pelt! Shi knows everything about me, every emotion, every feeling I have. And I know what she wants, what she needs. No, I didn't spell her as you call it, if anything *Shi* spelled me..." "Hay you two! You coming? I'm getting lonely up here so get your tails in here before I have to come drag you both in here, kicking and screaming if necessary!" Karen was now looking out at us from the sleeper with it very apparent that both hir jacket and shirt were now missing. Coyote and I looked at each other, slowly grinning before turning and nearly running over each other scrambling into the truck to join this alluring temptress. Coyote made a grab at the crotch of my pants distracting me and causing me to stumble a bit. She then used this advantage to bound up over me into the cab. As I fallowed her in I was greeted by her jeans and shirt in my chest, and as I rounded the corner, her damp panties made a perfect ringer on the end of my muzzle. As I cleared my line of vision I saw that Karen sat on the end of my bunk wearing only simple white panties and a sports bra. Coyote, now naked as the day I first met her set tucked up under Karen's arm her tail wagging happily, both staring at me hungrily. "Is, is anything, w,,,wrong?" I stammered feeling much less the predator and more the prey. "Yes, you still have cloths on.. " Karen purred. "I can fix that." Coyote said as she reached out snapping her fingers and pointing at the floor. My clothing first loosened then clung to me for a moment before falling off like laundry from a broken close line leaving me standing in nothing but my cap. "Better?" Coyote asked still staring at me. "Mmmm Much..." Karen answered licking hir lips. I stood dazed only for a moment debating if I should try to cover up, instead opted to just turn off the bright overhead lighting leaving the softer more intimatelight over the bunk. I set down on my legs on the other side of Karen, trying to add a bit more height as shi was so much taller than I. She wrapped her arm around me drawing me closer. She looked at me with dreamy eye for several moments with intense longing before looking back at Coyote as if asking for silent permission. Coyote smiled broadened and while looking deep into hir eyes gave a nod of approval. As Karen brought hir attention back to me, shi leaned down a bit as your lips meet for the first time. It only took a moment before I felt her tongue teasing my lips as if seeking a way in. I parted mine allowing her passage as she licked over my teeth. I opened wider and she rushed in finding my tongue as they twisted and danced together. Then it came... At first as a little nudge, like something small checking to see if it was safe and welcome. It grew a little as I mentally embraced it. It was probing yet gentle as if still cautious and ready to flee at the first sign of displeasure. I opened myself to it fully and it came rushing in. It washed over me like warm water. It looked into every hope and fear in me. It felt my love, my hate my pain and my pleasure. This was not just a taking of my emotions but also a feeding. I could feel her as well. I felt hir want for love, hir need for closeness and desire for acceptance. Yes she knew me now and I now knew hir, and I was damn well doing to give her everything I had. As the kiss broke Shi was left panting for breath but I was unwilling to stop. I kissed down hir chin and neck leaving small wet spots everywhere I stopped and nibbled. Karen moaned softly as I ran my paws down her back stopping at the bra strap. There I felt Coyot's paw just starting to curl under, I joined her in her effort to rid this beautiful creature of the restrictive garment. We paused only long enough to rise hir arms and bra over her head and off her arms before she even had a chance to protest, although she was much too far enticed to even care. I resumed my voyage leaving a trail of little wet kisses. As I worked myself lower over her chest I could feel coyote was doing much the same. I cupped her soft but firm breast in my paw as I gently pinched and rolled her pert nipple in between my fingers extracting a low moan. I took a moment to reposition then used both paws to cup and admire hir beautiful breast. The dusty rose colored areola was not too large just slightly larger than a quarter but the nipple stood erect and pebbled. I leaned in and drew my tongue over the sensitive nib making sure the avoid the rough center, exciting hir without discomfort. She shuddered and moaned as I captured it in my lips and started to suckle. I felt Coyotes cheek brush mine knowing she was treating the other breast to the same pleasure. Karen's paws had not remained idol as she was now running her fingers through our hair and pressing us gently into her breasts. I too was not content to just nurse from her as I slipped my paw between her legs and teased the fur high on the inside of her thigh. Karen's moans and purr was growing steadily louder. Several moments had passed before I broke my suction and got up to repositioned myself kneeling before hir. As I reached up her legs and hooked the edge of her now very wet panties Coyote stopped and was now watching what I was doing. Karen looked at me for a moment and with a soft smile lifted her weight so that I may remove them. I pulled them slowly down her legs, once free taking them gently to my nose to inhale her scent deep into my lungs. "You need more Puma? As if this room isn't situated enough with our heat?" questioned Coyote with a soft smerk. "The scent of a lady is to be savored my M'Love. You should know as many times as I have woken you with my nose refreshing my memory in the mornings." "Honey, Most of those mornings,,, It was more than just your nose ." Coyote murred lustfully. "I think it's sexy and hot, myself" Karen giggled. "You wait tell morning lady, it's more than hot, It's mind blowing..." I didn't say another thing but only leaned in and kissed the courgerss's knees then looked up into hir lust laden eyes. Shi opened her legs a bit as I placed my paws on her knees and place two kisses on the inside of her lower thighs. With each kiss and nip I spread her legs just a bit wider. As I reached my goal with the last two kisses I backed away to admire the treasure that lay only inches away. Hir petals swelled, opening for me like a red rose to the morning sun, hir clitoris peeking from under it hood as hir juices dripped like the morning dew. I leaned forward and drew my tongue over hir sensitive lips savoring hir taste like a fine wine. Shi gasped, shuddered, and moaned very loudly. I was lapping at hir. Driving my tongue ever deeper into hir each time. I curled my tongue up and probed the top of hir vagina looking for that one special spot. I found it, a little pocket of nerves gathered in a spongy place just a little ways in. my reward was a flood of hir delicious sweet nectar. " OH GODS! THAT'S SOOO GOOD!" She screamed as hir whole body shuddered. I felt Coyotes paw on the back of my head as she leaned down to my ear and whispered, " It's time to take this to the next step Love. I know this won't be your cup of tea but I want you to go with this. I need you to find her clit and suck it. Suck it no matter what it does. Just remember she is female and male. I need you to do this, she needs you to do it. Please..." I didn't answer but wondered what Coyote had in mind but suckling hir little nub didn't bother me in the least. I found it peaking from under it's hiding place. I nuzzled it taking it in my lips and flicked it with my tongue getting another loud moan from hir. As I suckled it slowly increasing pressure it swelled with more and more blood. "Ok Love, I'm going to turn your clocks forward a bit. Don't worry, I'll turn them back after we're done if you want. I may just teach you how to do it, that way you can be who you want, when you want..." All I heard was a soft moan from Karan. I first noticed hir clit squirmed a bit in my lips then grew a bit more. I glanced up at Coyote who was rubbing Karen's tummy with both paws. She rubbed down lower brushing my nose. It felt like static building on her paws every time she got close.. The clit grew another inch or two. It had to be almost 5 or sex inches when I looked up at Coyote with a worried expression. "It's ok big Kitty, you're doing great. You know I won't let anything bad happen to you so keep going, don't quit on me. Please.. Ok?" Coyote looked at me with a sweet pleading expression. What could I do? I was committed. I just blinked at her and bobbed my head and increasing the suction in the clit. I should have been gagging as the thing was well into the back of my muzzle, the only way I was getting any air was when I pilled back. Coyote had placed her paw on the back of my head and was cooing in my ear to calm me. I was trying to do what she wanted but it was getting increasingly hard to take the full length. "Take a deep breath and swallow hard Puma.. here comes the last bit.." Coyote warned as I took a quick and deep breath. As I started to swallow she pressed hard on my head. It drove my nose into Karen's tummy and hir clit deep into my throat. It sprung at least another three inches completely blocking my airway. I wasn't gagging or feeling lack of air but the barbs were very very uncomfortable.. Wait, barbs?? BARBS! This wasn't a clit, it was a COCK!! A CAT"S COCK! I stared to struggle but it was much too late. The barbs latched into my throat and locked us together. I started to struggle more but stopped when I felt teeth, canine teeth gripping the back of my neck. Instinct kept me frozen as the teeth keep me from fighting anymore.. Several long moments ticked by as the thick long cock throbbed. I never did feel strangled; I guess Coyote was doing something feeding me air perhaps, keeping me from passing out. Soon the barbs softened and Coyote slowly pulled me off of it. Once she released me I sat down and stared at her. I couldn't believe it. My Coyote had forced me to do something I didn't want to do. True to her word she didn't let anything happen to me, as a matter of fact I didn't even feel so much as a sore throat despite knowing I had tried to pull from the barbed cock and it had cut into me. But still, I was... raped! Coyote stared at me with a saddened and apologetic look on her face.. She glanced down a moment and returned her eyes to me. I fallowed her gaze, there between Karen's spread legs was the monster that had just moments ago been down my throat. It was ... huge. At least 9 inches long with a girth of what must have been 3 inches. It stood pulsing and steel hard as a steady stream of pree emerged from the tip and ran down it's length. Just below where the scrotumwould have been on an ordinary male was perfect pussy. Deep red and glistening with juices. It lay open and inviting, begging me to come to it. I looked back at Coyote, I now understood why she had done what she had. She needed me to stimulate the male in hir to guide hir body toward its male half as she worked the catalyst of time to make the change possible. If I had known before hand I may have not have participated. It may not have been what I wanted to do, but it was necessary. "...sorry..." Coyote whimpered. "You owe me..." I softly growled. "A debit I will pay a thousand times over... Please just forgive me?" She said with a pouty face she knew would melt my heart. "You , at my side, not poofing out for years at a time.. We'll discuss how many decades later..." "Sounds like a deal... M'Lord" A sly sexy smile crossing her muzzle. The type that made me think I may have just made a deal I might regret.. "...oh gods.. I... I n...need to cum... Please, let me cum..." I lustful moan came from the creature laying in sexual torment. "Come Love, We can't leave her like this.." Coyote looked back at me hopefully. "No... We can't..." I said as I crawled back up between her legs and gently sniffed her feminine folds. I tentatively licked up her wetness to find her ever a even sweeter taste. Perhaps a mixture of hir nectar and pree, it was intoxicating. I drove into her lapping her deeply . I glanced up at Coyote as she busied herself with the new cock that had been created just moments ago. "Aaaaa! I need more! Please! I need it!!" Karen pleaded. Coyote looked down ar me as I looked back up into her eyes. She smiles and winked at me and dropped her muzzles down to the base of the hard shaft. Pressing her tongue to the top side and waited. I knew what she had in mind. Well, what could it hurt, not that I hadn't been there just moments before. This was a female and a male, a person. More over this was Karen, someone I valued and desired. This was my friend. I started low, on the perineum and with slow deliverance dragging my tongue up over her feminine lips and continued up. As I reached hir shaft and curled my tongue around the underside to meet Coyote's we traveled up slowly sandwiching hir between us as we savored each other, completing the union of mind and soul of this wonderful creature and us. We paused only for a moment to reposition. I placed the tip of my cock to Hir dripping feminine folds as Coyote still facing me straddled Karen taking the tip of her shaft into hers. As she slowly sank on the shaft I pressed myself in, Our courgeress trembled and moaned inecstasy. As we meet, crotch to crotch, wetness to wetness, the union between us both in body had mind became one. I pulled back as Coyote did the same, as if on cue we drive ourselves back crashing into each other, Karen arching her back to meet us. WE pounded at each other for what seemed like hours. I was fighting to maintain control of myself but was quickly losing the battle to my lust and animal instinct. We were all close, so close. I felt Karen tense as did Coyote, it hit like fireworks. Karen griped me like a vice as Coyote her tongue hanging out to one side threw her head back and howled. My cock exploded filling Karen's womb with my hot life giving seed as my testacies drew up forcing everything they had into this orgasm. I threw my head back as my voice joined the others in our primal song.. *We had gone several rounds, each sharing each other until we latterly could not move any longer.. Something woke me. Perhaps a movement, or the lack of a presence. I opened my eyes to look into the peaceful slumbering face of our courgress. But when I lifted my head Coyote was missing from her other side. A quick glance around and I found her setting on the end of the bunk seemingly deep in thought. I swung my legs over and came up to set next to her.* "What's wrong Love?" "Nothing, just thinking..." Coyote said in a whisper as to not disturb Karen.* "About?" "You remember when you once asked if I had ever given birth to a cub?" "Yes, several times as a matter of fact. Each time you avoided the answer." "Well,,, the answer is no... I never have." "Oh? With everything you have to do I can see there might not be time..." "Time? Oh come on... I can live a thousand years in a day or make a day last a thousand years. Time is no excuse."She said toying with some cum oozing from her well used pussy.* "What would you say if I decided to have one? A cub that is..." She said as I reached in and with two fingers scooped some of the cum from her folds.* "Who would be the father?" I asked as I took a gentle sniff and lick at our combined juices. Between Karen and I she must have been filled to the bursting point with our seed.* *Coyote took my paw and before taking my fingers into her muzzle to suckle what remained, looked me in the eyes and asked, "Would it matter?" *I looked at her for a moment, then over my shoulder at the courgeress sleeping with a soft smile. Looking back at my Coyote, pulling my fingers from her muzzle and pulling her even closer. Just before our lips meet, I whispered, "Not to me my mate, not to me..."
Airship Down Part 2 by Puma Concolor
[ "Cougar", "Cougaress", "Coyote", "Hermaphrodite", "M/F/F", "Transformation" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 47, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 352, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 82 }
Text: I needed the money. Normally I wouldn't work for an advertising company, but there were two things about the listing that caught my eye: The first was the lack of any prior work history in the field - "absolutely no experience required," that was the wording. The second was performance-based pay, which is normally a turnff, but the amount they were proposing was an extraordinary sum. So I went in for an interview to see what the job was. The company was hired to promote Duratex, a producer of so-called "miracle materials." Duratex wanted to show off the durability and elasticity one of their products, so they proposed the creation of a balloon made of it. The advertisers shot this down, saying that a mere balloon wouldn't gain enough interest. They needed something unique that hadn't been done before, but more than that, the advertising needed a human element. After they told me this, I asked what the "human element" they had in mind was. Their reply? "We want to make you the balloon." Now you're probably thinking that this is absurd, and you're absolutely right. I balked at the idea, but the interviewer said that the performance-based pay was based on the size of the advertisement, which was to say, me. The larger I got, the bigger the pay. So now I'm standing nervously in an old airfield outside of town in a skin-tight bodysuit with the Duratex logo across my stomach and a hose firmly wedged in my backside, trailing off to a massive tanker truck. It's not the strangest thing I've had up my butt, and like I said, I needed the money. ...that doesn't really sound any better even with context, does it? The company had graciously provided me with a headset to communicate with the ground crew, and through the earpiece I heard someone say, "ready when you are." "Go for it," I replied. Soon after I heard a hissing and felt the rush of gas enter me, cold but warming quickly in my body. Remarkably, inexplicably, I began to swell all over, hips widening, belly and breasts bulging, arms and legs thickening. Both the fabric and my skin stretched as I grew, my torso first becoming rotund, then round, taking up more and more of my shape. My limbs raised up and spread apart, pulled into me as they were reduced to wide, round bumps. Within seconds I had gone from normal to a helium-filled ball with two high domes on front, stretching further as I grew until finally the flow of gas stopped, and I began to lift upward, tethered to the ground by a cord around my ankle. It was remarkable. There was a feeling of fullness and tension all throughout me, and despite that, a sense of weightlessness. I was concerned about the loss of mobility at first, but after a while it started feeling kind of nice being able to relax. "You doin' okay?" the crew member asked. I waved my hands and feet, feeling a little disoriented as they brushed against my arms and legs. Looking out over the curve of my front I tried to judge my size based on the length of the rope and how high I was, figuring I had to have been around ten feet or so. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Fine" was a bit of an understatement, though. "We can go bigger if you feel up to it." Bigger. The word stuck in my mind like a splinter. As far as demonstrations for products went I proved a point, with the material stretching several times what you'd expect, and me with it. You could have put me out in front of a store and drawn plenty of attention, but at the same time I felt... well. I was certainly large, but I wasn't -large-, if you understand my meaning. Plus I needed the money. "I'd l-" I cut myself short, realizing I was about to say "I'd love that." Which wasn't a lie, but I didn't want them to know it. After a second to choose the right words I said, "I can go bigger," hoping I didn't sound too enthusiastic. "Roger that." With that the gas began again, and I could hear a low, sibilant hiss coming from inside of me. My body couldn't get rounder, so it just got larger, but as it did it started to feel different. It was like stretching when you get up, that sense of stiffness being worked out, only never going away and happening on its own without you having to move. I watched my chest spread out in front of me as the ground grew more distant, obscured by -me- as I grew larger. The suit stretched along with me, though as it did there was an -interesting- amount of friction which made my experience more enjoyable, enough so that I was forced to stifle my breathing lest the crew catch on. To be honest, I almost didn't need it; the thought of how full and large I was becoming was intoxicating in itself, and I had lost track of time when the ground crew radioed in again. "You're a good size," he said. I was glad he noticed. "We could probably put you on show in a hot air balloon festival." "Turn it up," I said, almost without thinking. "Wha?" "The bigger I get the bigger the pay, right? I want that entire tanker truck in me." In reality it was just an excuse; I needed the money, but I -wanted- the gas, and as it rushed into me full force I got it. My body heaved outward and my mind went fuzzy as every inch of my skin was bombarded with stimulation from outside, across, and beneath it all at once. My body creaked and squeaked deeply, a testament to how large and how fast I was growing. I had since lost sight of the ground, but above me I could see the clouds rapidly approaching. Despite the massive, growing volume inside of me I began panting, no longer caring about what others might think. All I wanted was more, rounder, -bigger-. Suddenly I felt the tension around my ankle give, somewhere far below, and there was a burst of garbled, panicked shouting coming from my headset. The cord had broken, and as I felt the end of the hose tug me downward I realized that it was the only thing keeping me tethered to the ground. Then that, too, slipped free, a token puff of gas escaping before I drifted up into the misty clouds, the largest balloon anyone had ever seen. I was almost sad, in a way, that I couldn't keep growing. Though a moment later I began creaking again, and as my hands, feet, and head began to sink into my body I remembered that air pressure was lower the higher you went, and that had dramatic consequences for balloons... That was several hours ago, and probably several hundred yards smaller, if not more. I can't really see where I am, but judging from how quiet it is I might be in low orbit. I guess breathing isn't a problem because the gas was partially oxygenated, and the sun's been keeping me warm, not to mention heating the gas up in me and causing me to swell even further. Despite this I can feel myself very gradually deflating. Every so often I can feel something small bump into me, sending vibrations through my body along with the sound of crunching metal; I must be running into satellites. The headset is mostly static, but sometimes I can hear bits of what people are saying, and I guess I'm big enough that people on Earth can see the Duratex logo from space. I'm not sure when or where I'm going to land. All I know is that the first thing I'm going to do when I cash that check from the advertising agency is to buy a tanker truck full of gas and another one of these suits.
[ "Full Body Inflation", "Female Inflation", "bodysuit", "floating", "helium", "huge" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 52, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 76, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence" ], "score": 35 }
Text: The one thing Jimmy wanted more than anything else this Christmas was snow, it never snowed in Tinton, never had the local children been out building snowmen and never had the town had that picture postcard, Christmas morning look. On Christmas Eve, a dark cloud hung over the town and Jimmy stood at his window gazing forlornly in the hope of snow, he hoped if it snowed he could ring Juliet, from college and he would ask her out, and she would say yes and they would go out in the snow and it would be like a the scene from a Christmas card; he needed somewhere special he could ask Juliet to and Tinton didn't really offer much in that respect, a snowfall would be the perfect opportunity. So Jimmy wasn't particularly religious but he decided that this one time he would look for a little divine inspiration. He was about to get down on one knee and pray to God when the room was filled with a cold icy wind, Jimmy felt a chilling hand on his right shoulder and spun round with a shiver to see a tall figure behind him. It was a tall man with white icy hair; sharp, angular features and a bluish complexion, Jimmy watched open mouthed as the mysterious figure spoke. 'I don't know why you pray to him, he won't answer you' Jimmy only stammered nervously unable to speak 'Where are my manners?' the man said holding out his hand for Jimmy, 'I'm Jack Frost, you may have heard of me before' Jimmy tentatively reached out for Jack Frost's hand; as he made contact he felt an icy chill run through him. Jack shook his hand vigorously. 'Now the thing is' Jack said 'I'm the one who makes the snow happen, so if you ask the big guy upstairs all he'll do is ask me, you may as well just cut out the middle man and me yourself' Jimmy released his grip on Jack's hand and stared awestruck at Jack's deep blue eyes, swirling with energy like a blizzard, before he managed to speak. 'So can you make it snow in Tinton tomorrow?' Jimmy asked 'Can I?' Jack replied, and then, with a sinister chuckle, 'of course I can, you'll get yours Jimmy, you'll get yours.' Jack Frost disappeared right in front of Jimmy's eyes in a flurry of snow and ice and then, apart from a cold breeze coming in through the window which was mysteriously open. Jimmy felt a cold shiver as he wondered whether he had done the right thing. Half an hour later, on Tinton high street Juliet, a pretty winter chick with fair skin, dark lustrous hair and a fashionable sheepskin winter wardrobe, was doing the last of her Christmas shopping. She had been out round a few shops looking for something for Jimmy, a boy from college who she had decided she would ask out. Jimmy was quite shy and hadn't asked Juliet so she had decided she would do it herself. She was carrying two bags full of shopping and was about to head home; as she walked down the middle of the street she failed to notice the tall figure standing on top of a building watching her as she walked through the strong wind. Jack Frost watched Juliet for a while before he decided to fulfill Jimmy's wish, he raised his arms into the air to summon up a snow storm. He smirked as he used his powers to concentrate on where he wanted the blizzard to materialise, he pictured somewhere very important to Jimmy, and as the incantation reached it's climax, a swirling, frosty wind picked up around Jack, eddying and blowing his white hair around before suddenly dissipating in a flash of icy blue light. Jack smiled to himself, the stage was set, and he looked back down to Juliet, who hadn't noticed anything yet. Juliet was nearing the end of the high street, when suddenly she felt a shiver deep inside, and what felt like trapped wind. She felt a swirling tickling feeling inside her which caused her to cough, and when she coughed she was surprised to see a small cloud of snow come from her mouth. Meanwhile, the feeling of wind began building up and for the first time she noticed her stomach was rather bloated. Confused, she stopped walking and stood looking down at her distended belly. As the chilly swirling feeling built up inside her she was surprised to see that her stomach was becoming even more swollen, bulging up underneath her thick fluffy top until she was the size of a nine months pregnant woman and her full tummy poked out from under her top up to the level of her belly button, pulling the material of the top tight around her. She knotted her eyebrows in puzzlement as she continued to blow up beyond even this size. Her ballooning midriff expanded to force down the tops of her trousers too, feeling tight between her legs. With a little gasp Juliet rubbed her right hand, still carrying her carrier bag, over her inflating abdomen, feeling her belt digging in as she puffed up above and below it. Her bulging stomach strained at the belt and as she tentatively rubbed her hands over it, with a clinking sound her belt burst open and her belly expanded into the new room with increased gusto, and a deep groan. Under Juliet's hands it felt exactly like an inflating balloon and she watched in utter horror as the round bulge of her blimping stomach wasn't the only thing inflating. She felt her trousers tighten behind her, and quickly grasped her behind with both hands to feel it too inflate like two balloons underneath her jeans. As she stood there she heard a grumble from inside her voluminous body as the wind rushed round inside her, blowing her up and causing her to fill out like a sail in a high wind. She felt the spinning of the wind starting to push against her and stumbled as it tried to spin her round. Juliet's belly still pumped up, containing the pressure and forcing her jeans to unzip with the top button bursting off and pinging off a bollard. By this point the other shoppers had noticed Juliet's predicament and watched with a combination of confusion and shock as the swelling spread to Juliet's breasts which perked up beneath her jumper, the cold wind inside her caused her nipples to become erect enough to be visible between the thick outer garment and she could only watch, eyes wide and mouth agape as they both rose up to her chin, stretching her jumper between them in a tightly pulled band. Her midriff was still blowing outwards, in all directions now, so while her stomach remained ball shaped, the rest of her abdomen took on the shape of a doughnut widening around her. Juliet looked up from her expanding body and with her eyes as wide as dinner plates she made eye-contact with her horrified audience, with a look of sorrow at what was happening to her, and all the meanwhile her body beneath steadily increased in volume with a low whooshing, grumbling sound. Juliet swallowed as though something were caught in her throat and coughed out another small cloud of mist and snow. Juliet's body was becoming egg shaped, round and swollen like a balloon being blown up and stretching her clothes; her breasts were the size of large melons and pushing up against her chin, nipples sticking out like the knots at the end of two huge balloons beneath her straining jumper. Her legs and arms, which up until this point had remained their normal size began to widen and push outwards as she bloated; she struggled to keep her arms down by her side but as they fattened they were pushed out at right angles. Juliet looked panicked to her left and right, watching her arms rising up against her will, as the rest of her body continued pumping up like a blimp. Her legs also plumped up like overinflated inner tubes making it difficult for her to stay standing. As she stood in the street, too pumped up to move properly, she felt the spinning feeling again and staggered a few steps to her right, turning slightly as the wind rushed around inside her. As Juliet's body continued to widen she staggered again to the left and coughed out some more mist. She managed to steady herself of sorts and stood still for a few seconds feeling her whole body bulging outwards, shivering through a combination of the cold wind inside her and fear at how fast she was inflating. As Juliet tottered uncertainly on her feet, blowing up like a parade balloon and starting to burst out of her clothes she and all the onlookers heard a strained creaking noise coming from her. Juliet closed her eyes tightly, trying to contain the pressure and coughed again, the creaking built to a crescendo as her tightly pumped body slowed down in its inflation, struggling to hold in the increasing surging violence of the wind inside her. She coughed again, one last time, casting a shower of snow out in front of her, and then PHOOMPH! Juliet exploded into a cloud of mist and snow which burst from her when she couldn't take any more. All the shoppers who had been stood around felt an icy, swirling gust of wind, and Juliet's sheepskin coat hat and shopping bags fell to the ground. Her jeans were ripped to shreds by the force of her explosion and tatters of them came down with the snow. The wind picked up around where she had stood, blowing snow over the street, and over the whole of Tinton. The shoppers stood, horrified as the snow fell from the sky and settled, blanketing everything. In the middle of the street stood Juliet's boots in a small pile of snow, her shopping bags laying either side, with her coat and scarf behind and her hat on top. In neighbouring streets, unaware of the cause, people marveled as snow fell over Tinton for the first time in living memory, and back in Jimmy's room, he smiled as he looked out of the window at the snow falling down, rendering the rooftops a vivid white, and wondered when he should call Juliet.
[ "Full Body Inflation", "Female Inflation", "Clean Popping" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 9, "longest_sentence": 98, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 56, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 74 }
Text: "And that, class, is how you measure the orbital motion of a planet around it's sun using Kepler's laws. Any...questions?" Greeted by vacant stares from her astronomy class, Dr. Gina Valentine sighed heavily. Only a handful of students enrolled in her advanced course, and this particular lesson offered reasoning for that. One of her students seemed on the brink of tears, another was practically snoring, and the rest hastily scribbled down the equations their professor had written on the chalkboard. Wiping the board clean, Ms. Valentine began to rewrite the equations one by one. "Okay, class...this is Kepler's first law. Pay attention, I'm not going to do this a third..time...oh, NOW you want to concentrate." The young instructor crossed her arms and faced her class. She was used to stares from her previous employment at a co-ed community college, but Turgidia University boasted an all female student body. She was young for a college instructor, early thirties in age. Her dark brown hair was done up in a conservative bun, and her green eyes peered from behind spectacles that rested on her dainty nose"What?" Gina queried. "Um, are we covering lunar physics today?" One student chimed. "Similar equations could be used in regards to lunar orbi-" "How about eclipses?" "All of that will be covered in due time...my, my, I've never had such an inquisitive class!" Dr. Valentine exclaimed, resuming her inscription. Her star pupil raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Katie?" "Um, with all due respect Professor...I think they were joking." The girl sheepishly muttered, her classmates snickering. Gina furled her eyebrows. "What makes you say that?" She asked sternly. "Cuz...your booty's getting bigger." "...What." Gina scowled as her entire class burst into laughter. "That's not very funny. Huhn?" clasping her hands over her rear protectively, it felt as if there was more butt than usual. Looking back at her posterior, the professor cried in dismay as her skirt was pulled tightly across her undeniably larger asscheeks. The volume of her student's boisterous cackling only increased as she squeezed herself in disbelief, but Gina knew precisely what was happening as pressure built in her midsection. Her eyes frantically scanned the room, falling on the air vent in the corner near the door. Pink vapors spilled out of the duct. "C-class..hnf...get out of the school..." she ordered...and received little response beyond more humiliating stares. "She's blowing up like a balloon!" "Hope she doesn't pop." "You idiots! Get out of here before..." Gina pleaded with her students, but it was too late. A pronounced hissing noise filled the room. The attitude of her class was altered instantaneously as all of the girls started to scream and expand. One of the buttons on Gina's blouse burst off as her now titanic chestrbs sought freedom, richocheting off of one of her student's swollen belly resulting in a shrill yelp. Chaos erupted. Some of the would-be scholars dashed for the door while others could not even free their billowing bodies from their desks. One lucky student reached the door, succeeding only in wedging herself into the doorway and cutting off the only escape route for her friends. The professor winched as her skirt ripped in half, exposing her panties. "It's her...it has to be her..." Gina thought, waddling over toward their only hope; the fire alarm. She slid across the floor precariously, her body become increasingly buoyant. A cacophony of fabric tearing reached her ears. Her entire midsection had become spherical, her limbs slowly being enveloped. "So close...g-got it!" The stalwart instructor exclaimed, managing to reach the alarm lever just as she began to rise. As she did, the handle was pulled out and upward, the shrieking siren sounding across the entire building as the heroic woman became a balloon-girl. Immediately, the main academic building on campus inacted evacuation procedures. Many of the classrooms were similarly afflicted with the pink-fwoomping gas, but dozens of students who were in the hallways managed to evade being afflicted and poured out of the main exit. The tide of escapees was almost stymied when several multi-colored beams hit the frontrunners, and the girls started to swell up like blimps. "Going somewhere, ladies?" The sultry voice could barely be heard above the desperate screams of inflating women. Enormous battery pack strapped to her back, The Inflatrix indiscriminately fired her powered-up Inflat-ray into the frightened crowd. Targetting an exotic looking cow girl out of the herd, she pulled the trigger and uttered a sinister laugh as the ray splashed, affecting multiple girls around its intended victim. The blond dominatrix smirked as the she-cow stopped in her tracks, her body surging out into a sphere rapidly. "Dee!" One of her friends cried out, suddenly gasping as her breasts deployed like airbags, bursting through her shirt and bowling over a fleeing professor. "H-help!" "I've got you Kate!" Yet another girl, this one with a hugely distended belly, leaped up and grabbed the blimp-boobed Kate. Dee, by this time, was rising above the roof of the main building already. A purple haired girl with a sizable rump clung to clumps of grass while her bloating derriere threatened to send her skyward as well. "Somebody call the police!" " No! I don't wanna be seen like this on the news!Hang on Saki-nyeep!" Kate squeaked, her breasts starting to pull her upward. Despite the additional weight of the girls grabbing her, the lift generated by her titanic helium filled tits proved to be too much, and she too drifted away. Women rose into the air in various shapes all over the school grounds. One balloon huffed angrily within feet of the assailant, casting a threatening glare at the villainess. "What are you looking at, blimp? Why don't you be a good balloon and float away?" Anette sneered and delivered a swift upward kick to the balloon's underside, knocking her higher into the air. Glass shattered, and the Inflatrix's attention turned to the school. Windows blew out and bulges of balloony flesh poked out, the building practically groaning with strain. "Hot damn! Look at all those cutie-balloonies..." she gleefully admitted, nonchalantly zapping one of the few uninflated students that remained. The sky was full of girl-balloons. It was like a dream come true. "Better call the lab to come pick those balloons up before the whole school floats off." as she reached for her communicator, her hair was blown forward by an unexpectedly powerful gust of wind. "You fiend! Didn't you learn anything last time, balloontrix?" A new voice reached the villainess' ears and she happily turned to greet it. "Well, if it isn't...Zeffie...Zoofi...Zoophile...oh, blast it...what's your name again, future-balloon?" Anette played coy, tapping a finger against her chin. Zephyr, slightly rotund with air, glowered at her arch-enemy. A light crimson blush came to her face as the reality of the scene set in. There were helplessly ballooned girls all around her, some having faded into nothing but barely noticeably flesh-colored dots against the blue sky. "Zephyr, balloontrix. It's Zephyr. You're gonna pay for what you've done to these poor women!" Pointing an accusing finger at the black-clad blond, Zephyr clenched her fists and sucked air into her belly through her iconic belt...eliciting little reaction from the other woman. "Hey...you're supposed to be runnin', or...you know...shooting me?" "Oh, don't mind me...you go ahead and do what you do, girlie." The Inflatrix replied, setting her battery pack down and stretching. She was bemused by the puzzled look that appeared on the heroine's face, Zephyr's middle becoming increasingly spherical. "So, you-nnnff- give up then? It'll make blowing you away even easier than last time!" She boasted triumphantly. She groaned as her body emitted a soft creak, releasing the buttons in her gloves and cutting off the intake. Unfazed, Anette reached into her cleavage and procured a small remote control. Zephyr groaned, "I'm sure those...hnnff...girls would love to see you up there with them!" Zephyr depressed the buttons in either palm with her fingertips, expecting to blow Anette head over heals with a blast of air. To her chagrin, nothing happened at all and the heroine was left fruitlessly pressing the buttons over and over again with a repeated clicking. "Oh, did your little toys break?" The Inflatrix chimed in, rolling the minute remote in her palm. Zephyr desperately tried to activate her belt, but her glove-based controls refused to respond. Noticing the villain sauntering towards her, she paled and waddled backwards. "Did you really think you could beat me, The Inflatrix, at my own game twice?" her voice was seductive, causing Stephanie to feel hot in the face. "Poor, deluded balloon...I recognize that prototype lense in your belt. Disrupting the radio frequency between it and your gloves was a trivial task." "T-that's not fair! You're not even gonna give me a fighting chance?!" Zephyr's voice trembled. "Girlie, did it ever occur to you that I'm...how can I put this delicately..." Anette pushed her plaything over onto her back. "EVIL? When somebody says the word 'fair', I assume they're talking about my skin. That's the only definition I give a damn about." Sternly stated, she placed a heel atop Zephyr's swollen gut and put pressure on it. "Nnnggfff! OFF!" The heroine flailed her limbs like a turtle attempting to right itself. "You wish! You're going to PAY for what you did to me...what you made me...do...goddamn you!" The Inflatrix's face reddened from a mixture of anger and arousal. Delivering a swift kick, she sent Zephyr rolling like a kickball. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll bow down to me like all the others..." Anette seethed, straddling the now belly-down Stephanie. Squeezing her thighs around the bloated girl, the villainess took hold of Zephyr's shoulders. "W-what are you gonna-EEP! WHAT THE-OOF!" Stephanie shrieked. She was being riden like a bouncy-ball! Her belly sounded like dodgeball each time he collided with the ground, the girl's face flushed with indignation. "Y-you can't-UUNF- do this to me! It's sick-OW!" "Shut up!" Anette intentionally made the final bounce a hard landing, getting off of her toy. "Why don't we go back to my place for some more...fun...?" "You'll...never get away with this..." Zephyr's voice was weak, her body spent from being bounced so thoroughly. "I'll...fight every step of the way..." "Who said anything about 'stepping'?" The Inflatrix retorted, collecting her inflat-ray and its battery pack. Then, she walked next to a large tree. "Let's see if you can figure out where I'm...I mean, you, are going with this?" She clucked her tongue, dragging a basket and rope from behind the tree. "...Y-you've got to be kidding me..." Stephanie muttered in disbelief. "I'm not one to kid around..." The villainess smiled and adjusted the Inflat-ray. "I've been dying to test this on some poor, helpless girl...and look at what we have here!" she grinned and pointed the device at the bouncy heroine. Pulling the trigger, the gun-barrel did not emit a beam, but instead pulled energy into itself. Her hands shook violently as the entire ray-gun glowed and quaked violently. Zephyr squealed. "Nnngh! W-wait!" It was too late. The Inflat-ray issued forth a crimson beam that enveloped the heroine's entire figure. The device in the villainess' hand smoldered and beeped frantically as it's entire battery supply had been expended in one spectacular blast. "Oh god-Mmmph?!" Zephyr's rounded torso exploded outward, immediately swallowing up her limbs up to the ends. Her cheeks bulged comically, and the belt that served as her heroing trademark now cinched her middle painfully. "Oh, my! Ahahahaha! This is fantastic!" Anette exclaimed and clapped her hands together. Casting the battery pack off of her back, there was a glint of mayhem in the Inflatrix's eyes as she moved swiftly to tie the basket's ropes to each of Zephyr's rapidly dissapearing extremities. Stephanie was inflating by several feet a second as the overcharged beam worked its magic. The balloon rocketted into the air, coming to an abrupt stop as the ropes pulled tight and the basket anchored her down. With an ear-raping snap, Zephyr's belt finally lost its fight against the pressure building within the heroine and fell to the ground. "Uh oh...I think it's almost time for liftoff, blimp!" The Inflatrix ran her fingers across the teal balloon's underside, eliciting several muffled whimpers. Practically skipping with glee, the Inflatrix approached and knelt before the heroine's girdle and snatched it up, unceremoniously casting it into the basket along with her battery pack. "Mmmmmm..." Zephyr's high pitched wail tapered off into a pitiful squeak as her head dissapeared into the enormous sphere her body had become. Her hands and feet were sucked into her body, only the ropes tied to them sticking out from where they used to be. The Inflatrix crawled into the basket slung underneath her new method of transportion and prodded the orb roughly. "Up, up, and away we go, girlie!" The Inflatrix cheered as the enormous sphere that was Stephanie began lifting the basket and its contents off of the ground. Higher and higher they went, carried onward and upward by the winds. Several of the students-turned-balloons drifted past them, squealing curses and cries for help as the hot air balloon floated in the direction of the Inflatrix's lair. "Mmmm...if you think this was bad..." the villainess cooed."...you have no idea what's in store for you. I'm going to break you, Zephyr...Hahahaha!" Anette's malevolent laughter trailed off as the ball-shaped Zephyr vanished over the horizon. The wrath of the Inflatrix is not easily avoided, as the heroic young woman would soon find out...
[ "Breast Inflation", "Butt Inflation", "Full Body Inflation", "Female Inflation", "floating", "Inflatrix", "superhero", "Zephyr" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 4, "longest_sentence": 40, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 195, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 18 }
It was weird to watch him as an adult. Neville had convinced himself that Brion hadn't changed much in the near decade since they'd last spoken but he had clearly been wrong. With a whistle between his teeth, Breeze ran the kids, the youngest 5 and the oldest 9, through the drills he himself hated and complained about all their lives. He embodied all the qualities they had appreciated in their coaches without losing his own comedic personality. Brion was never one to take himself too seriously. When he made varsity as a freshman, he shrugged it off to good luck. And when he made all-state as a sophomore he joked that his father probably paid some people off. Even when he made all-American his last two years of high school and had recruiters from all over the country coming to watch him play, he made it clear to Neville that he wasn't going anywhere without him. He was getting the same kind of attention but there was very little overlap for the two to enjoy success on the hardwood and the gridiron. They ended up staying local at a relatively small division-1 school that was happy to add two homegrown stars to their ranks. At least until Neville's fuck up, but he never faulted the administration or his coaches for his unceremonious booting. Brion stayed and graduated with a degree in Sports Management. He had no illusions of NBA success and used his talents to travel the world, playing professionally in two countries while he earned another degree in Sports Medicine. From a very early age Brion knew that he wanted to open a gym for kids like them, well like Neville, who didn't have much support with their athletic endeavors. Neville had always admired that about him, his drive and self assurance to see to his goals. Sure they partied as much as any other campus celebrity but Brion never missed a class and graduated with a very respectable 3.6 GPA. Neville watched from the bleachers with a few parents as Brion lived his dream, directing the 20 or so kids and his three high school aged assistants through layup lines and ball handling drills. He even ran the kills at the end of the session with them, backwards, shouting words of encouragement to all the kids by name. At the end every kid got a sports drink, a high-five, and an attaboy before they went to change back into their street clothes. He chatted with the adults while they waited for the little guys to return, occasionally glancing over in Neville's direction. Unfortunately he couldn't tell if the red in Brion's face was from blush or exertion, but he was fine with either. When all the kids were gone Brion, with the help of his assistants, returned the gym back to it's pre-practice emaculance. Neville would have helped but he was enjoying watching too much, and listening to Breeze be Breeze. He teased the lone girl among them about her prom date prospects, telling her, "It might be hard for you to find a date who ain't intimidated by that mean cross of yours. But if you gotta let a man win to get him to notice you, he ain't worth your time babygirl." Neville noticed one of the boys' quick glances at her and smiled thinking, she might not have to look as far as she thought. When they were done Brion followed them out and locked the door behind them. With a cocky smirk on his face, he sauntered over to Neville and pulled off his shirt. "We got time for you to get ya ass kicked if you want," he said as he grabbed a stray ball and dribbled a little, lazily putting it through his legs a couple times before he turned and shot a fadeaway jumper from well beyond the three-point line. "Naw bud this ya world," Neville said as he climbed down from the bleachers to retrieve the rebound and send the ball back to Breeze with a bounce pass. "This is a pretty nice set up you got here though. I'm proud of you man." "Oh stop it," he said as he took another shot from just beyond the top of the key. Another swish and Neville again rebounded and sent it back. This time he made a pass that Brion had to run to catch but he made it and the turnaround jumper that followed. "I'm just doing what I feel like I was put here to do. Nothing really noble about that." "You kill me with that shit yo," Neville said as he took a shot of his own, which of course didn't go in but Brion tossed the ball back to him and nodded for him to take the shot again. "Can't a brotha just be impressed by his boy doing his thing." The ball came through the net with a swish. Brion caught the rebound, put it on the floor twice, and two hand dunked it. He did a little dance when he landed and Neville shook his head. "Always a show off," he said with a chuckle and Brion shrugged his shoulders. "What? You know I'm kinda a nice wit it," he said as he tucked the ball under his arm. "Lemme go grab my stuff before Pop start calling and shit." A few minutes later, Brion returned in sweats and a t-shirt, smelling like body wash and cocoa butter. Neville wanted to lick him but he settled for a playful shove instead which Brion returned. As they cruised through the city, Neville thought he might be nervous about the possibility of bumping into a relative but Brion's presence in the passenger seat eased his anxiety. It wasn't that he didn't want to see anybody but the probability of confrontation was pretty high with some of his more zealous family members. He avoided his old neighborhood where he knew his father still lived and he noticed Brion almost comment on his detour. Instead he patted Neville's thigh and turned up the radio, keeping his mouth shut. Eventually they pulled up in front of Brion's childhood home and found his father puffing a cigar on the front porch. It wasn't much, a typical inner city row home but some of Neville's greatest childhood memories happened under that roof. He was excited as he found a parking spot a few doors down. Brion's dad watched them park from the porch. He had been seated until they got out of the car, but when he saw Neville he jumped up and tossed the cigar away before he made his way gingerly down the steps. "Hey Pop look who I found," Breeze said as they walked up to the older version of himself. He opened his arms to hug his father but was shoved aside by the man responsible for his handsome smile and light eyes. "So you listened to me for once in your life. Only took you 28 fuckin' years," he barked but there was a huge grin on his face as he took Neville into a bearhug. "I told his punk ass to go see you but he ain't listen." "They wouldn't let me on the list Pop..." "Fuck a list boy. You should have found a way," came quickly from his father with a hard slap to the back of his head. "It's cool Mac I wasn't in no shape to see nobody no way. Him coming to see me the other night was enough." "You out clean...no PO visits?" "Yes sir," Neville said with a smirk, knowing full well where this visit was going. "Did every day minus eight months of good time. I ain't want no tether." "That's what I'm talking bout," Mac said with a hard pat to his back before he pulled him into another hug. This one was less intense but Neville still appreciated the love. "Well shit lets get in the house before Margie come looking for me." At the mention of Mac's new girlfriend, a frown came to Neville's face and both men noticed. Brion's mother passed away from a stroke during the first year of his incarceration and it weighed on him that he wasn't there to see his best friend through it or to pay his respects to the woman who was like his mother. He even called her momma, unlike his stepmother who he unaffectionately called Ms. Pru. "It's cool young fella, Margie takes pretty good care of me these days. She a good woman..." "Gotta be to put up with ya old ornery ass," Brion said with a laugh even after he received another cuff from his father. "Now don ya two be startin' that nonsense ya hear me," came from the kitchen in a slight island twang and the MacIntosh men laughed. "Sorry Margie," came from them both in unison as an older dark skinned woman came through the open kitchen door. Brion went to her and kissed both her cheeks. He had to stoop a little, she couldn't have been more than 5'3" and she reached up and hugged him tight. "And who dis big handsome man who come we you...He face look familiar," she said as she looked at Neville with squinted eyes. "Put your glasses on baby you might be able to see him," Mac said and Margie swatted him away. "This here's my other boy, Neville. He ain't come from me but he damn sure spent enough time here for me to claim I raised him." Neville laughed at that as the little woman reached up and greeted him as she had Brion. She held his face in his hands and smiled up at him. "Got a little island blood in ya too don't ya baybe?" "My mother was from Trinidad," Neville said of the woman who birthed him but never had the pleasure of meeting. She died shortly after his birth. His father didn't talk much about her when he was growing up and now that he was an adult Neville wanted nothing more than to find his relatives that remained on the island. With a pat to his cheek she said, "She be proud of the man you become. Don't let no one tell you different baybe." Margie kissed his forehead and hugged him tight, when she released him Neville's eyes were wet. "Go now hang with the men, I'll call when the curry done." It was Mac who pulled him away, with a hand to the back of his neck and laughed a little. "Margie got a little bit of the sight. I learned a long time ago if she tell you something heed it. Right, son?" "If I did, I could have saved myself some paper on divorce lawyers," was his simple response as he led the way down to the basement. It warmed Neville's heart to see it didn't look any different than when he was a kid, except there were now two recliners. They were in much better condition than the tattered plaid one that he remembered and he laughed as the MacIntosh men eased into them with long sighs. Brion leaned his all the way back and turned on the massage feature. A smile crept across his lips and turned his head to Neville on the couch. With his eyes closed he said, "Don't worry bruh I'mma let you have next. All that work you been putting in I'm sure you a little sore." "Yeah Paris told me you been working construction," Mac said and Neville tried his best to avoid his eyes as Brion smirked. "Good crew?" "Yeah, Garrett Restoration," Neville answered, deliberately avoiding Brion's gaze as he told his father of his new job. "It's just a few guys but they work hard. Pays well, good benefits. Boss is a good guy, invited me to stay up at his place when Paris had the baby a day before I got out..." "And he ain't never moving out," Brion added with a smirk. "What he got a daughter or something?" "Naw, nothing like that," Neville said to Mac though his eyes shot daggers at Brion who only laughed. "Its out in the sticks, real quiet you know. Me and his nephew have gotten to be pretty close. It's no bullshit over there. If I stayed with Paris, it wouldn't have been coming from her but I'm sure there would have been something, and with the baby, I ain't want to put that on her. Plus it's cool to be in a different environment. Less tense," Neville said finally and looked up to find both men smiling at him. It was Brion's gaze that made him look away, luckily the sports news was on the television, providing the perfect distraction. "I hear that young fella," Mac said as he reached under the side table between the two recliners. He came away with a cigar box and sat it in his lap. "That must be why you seem relaxed. I ain't never seen a mufucka been out couple months so collected. That in itself is an accomplishment. I got to admit I wasn't so sure what to expect, I mean you ain't no street cat..." "Really Pop," Brion said in Neville's defense. "He know I don't mean no disrespect," was Mac's response as deftly rolled a joint. Neville laughed at that. He knew what he meant and it wasn't the first Neville heard such a thing. His entire life had been a prison that his incarceration freed him from, once his bid was up, Neville was more free than he'd ever been in his life. "I'm just saying I know guys did half as much time and come out all fucked up and shell shocked. I'm just happy you made it through, son." "Thanks a lot Mac," Neville said, of the sentiment and the joint that came his way. He hadn't smoked in years and never with Brion's father. Neville knew from their early teens that Mac enjoyed a little chronic every now and then but he wasn't the type of parent that shared his questionable habits with his children. Neville remembered very vividly the dressing down they received when Mac caught them smoking cigarettes in seventh grade, a habit that he developed when he was about their age. "Nobody gave enough a shit about me to tell me I was a moron. I love you two too much to allow you the privilege of stupidity." Of course they did it anyway but they stopped stealing his to enjoy the taboo. All the talk seemed to be done as the joint moved from man to man. True to his word Brion switched seats with Neville, even set the massager to a setting he thought he might like before he stretched out on the couch. He got up occasionally to change the channel at his father's request without making too much noise, other than a heavily drawn breath or rolled eyes. Being in this house with them was the one thing he missed from his old life. He could feel himself getting emotional again and pushed it away with a hard sniff, but when he felt Brion's hand on his there was no holding it back. Neville let the tears flow and Mac grabbed the back of his neck. "I wasn't bullshiting up there with Margie," Mac said as he squeezed his neck. "You as much my boy as that one over there. I talked to your father not to long after your trial and let him know just how much a jackass he was for not showing up for you. Sure you pissed away your talent and deserved to know just how disappointed you made all of us but that don't mean you deserved to go it alone. Now I'm not usually the type to judge or talk about about folks but we just as much family as your own blood..." "More," Neville said quietly and wiped his face. It was then Mac noticed their hands, fingers laced tightly together but he didn't say anything about it. "I'm sorry I never wrote back." "You never told me you did that Pop." "I ain't gotta tell you shit boy," was Mac's playful reply and Brion smirked. "And I wasn't looking for a response. I just wanted you to know that you had somebody that's all. I've heard brothas say you can't worry about the outside while you in there but those the same ones who come out and can't live out in the world again. I ain't want that to be you son. You made a mistake. You paid for it. Now it's time you move on from it." "That you ain't gotta worry bout Mac. I'm in a much better place now than I ever was," Neville said having collected himself. He took a deep breath and squeezed Breeze's hand before he let it go. He hadn't even realized they were holding hands until he let go. Neville looked at Mac but the older man showed no signs of even recognizing the contact and he breathed a sigh of relief. "I got good people around me now. Lots of support. Yall ain't got to worry about me losing my mind again. I'm out and plan to stay that way." "Well that's the best news I heard all week son," Mac said with a smile. "I saw Paris the other day at the market with that big ole baby boy of hers. She told me you were doing well, said you were a little reluctant to come back around but I'm glad you did son." "She meant my peoples and it's more than reluctant," Neville added with a laugh. He didn't want to say he was flat out not going anywhere near them, figuring that might be a little much. "Well it's their loss. You always welcome here son, no matter what, and don't you forget it." Almost on cue, Margie yelled down from the top of the stairs for them to "Come on, get it," and they all jumped up. It had been years since Neville smoked and the three little tokes he took had his head swimming a little bit. He was the last up the stairs and he took the opportunity to give Brion's ass a grope. "Quit playin," he said over his shoulder with a smirk as he swatted Neville's hand away. Neville had assumed Brion would hide their affection from his father. Granted it wasn't overt but the subtle touches and quick glances weren't hidden as they sat beside each other at the dining room table. They didn't go unnoticed from the older couple either. Mac and Margie shared a few glances of their own as Brion moved his chair closer to Neville's and when Neville dropped a piece of coco bread on Brion's plate before he deposited one on his own. There was something going on between them, it was obvious, but like his son, Mac would let them tell it if it needed to be said. Aside from the absence of the matriarch and Brion's sisters, dinner at the with the MacIntoshes wasn't any different than it had been in his childhood. Mac teased Brion about all aspects of his life and the son returned the favor as usual. Margie filled in well enough as the mother figure, telling them both to leave the other alone in turn and Neville laughed so hard at times that he choked. Breeze was there to pat his back but he didn't pull his hand away once Neville recovered, keeping his arm draped around the back of his chair. They had come to the end of the meal by then and Margie excused herself to clean up the dishes and pack up some of the leftovers for the boys to take home. Neville tried to decline but she wouldn't hear of it and came back with two paper bags full of curry goat, rice and peas, cabbage, and plantains for each of them. "This is their way of telling us it's time to go. It was a cialis in that fistful of pills Pop just took," Brion laughed as he got up from the table, taking both bags with him. And Mac didn't deny it. "Once you get my age you gotta do what you gotta to keep the one you with happy," he said with a smirk. The wording wasn't lost on either of the boys but Neville was the only one who thought to explain. He opened his mouth to do so and Mac held up his hand. "I might be old but I'm not old school. I had my suspicions about you two for a long time. His reaction to your departure from his life only confirmed what I already knew. He was heart broken and not from him thinking you might have put the moves on his girl. I asked him and he tried to deny it but a father knows his son, even if he ain't know himself yet." "But he's not gay," Neville said with a smirk and Brion rolled his eyes. "But you are," Mac said and Neville nodded, his eyes dropped to the floor but Mac grabbed his chin and made him hold his head up. "Ain't nothing wrong with who you are son. Church folk like to shout about God not making no mistakes but they twist it all around to fit they own closed minds. He don't make no mistakes, that's true, and I'm sure He could give a damn about who you taking to bed so long as they go willingly. If yall together, I'm happy for you. If not, have fun. But you make me have to come pick him up off the floor again like I did then I'll forget how much I love you boy." The last he added with hard eyes on Neville before he patted his shoulder and laughed. He grabbed them both around the shoulders and led them to the door. "Now I don't know about yall but curry makes me sleepy if you know what I mean," he said as he opened the door for them. "Aight Pop that's enough sharing for tonight." "I'm just telling it how it is boy," was his quick reply as he shoved Brion through the door. Neville got a more civilized farewell, another warm hug before he said, "I meant what I said son. You always welcome here, with or without him. This better not be the last time I see you." "No sir, it won't," Neville said as he pull away. "Tell Margie I said thank you for dinner." "Tell her yourself next Sunday," he said and slammed the door. Neville stood on the porch until he heard all the latches and laughed, looking at Brion. "I ever tell you how much I love your Pops." "All the time bruh, all the time."
Fresh Out Ch. 06
[ "best friends", "nonsexual", "gay for you", "black men", "black love", "coming out", "basketball" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 56, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 233, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 93 }
*CHAPTER 1—Recover Yourself First* Swirls of dust welcomed her footfalls, the motes of years dancing in the emptiness of abandonment. *Haunted houses are scary, but condemned structures outdo even the psychological danger posed by restless spirits*. Tala Bienvenido repeated her grandmother's advice as if it were a verbal talisman, a recited *anting-anting*, that would keep her safe from rotted floorboards and crumbling ceiling plaster. Her grandmother, bless her departed soul, had warned her against coming to this old building time and again. The decrepit old house on Leveriza Street last saw better days in the late 1990s, when she was still a pre-school student at St. Scholastica's College in the city next door, Manila. It was once a grand structure that boasted of a well-appointed great room, an ornate formal *sala* and a huge dining room that could easily seat 12. it was in these once-magnificent rooms that important guests were received and entertained in style. The house had six bedrooms with their own indoor *batalan* and chamber pots from the outset—plumbing facilities that were later upgraded to more modern fixtures. There was a *silong*, a semi-basement that opened up to a backyard with fruit trees, a gazebo and swings that had once sloped gracefully down from the streetside wrought-iron fencing and gate to a burbling fountain that had become a trash bin full of rusting tin cans, slashed tires and whatnot. The fountain's fat little cherubs had turned black from the soot of the city and crusty layers of pigeon crap. Now they looked sinister in their unwashed state, as if they were hunting prey. She'd had to use a heavy, old-fashioned key on the rusted gate lock, as well as more modern (but no less weighty) keys for the sturdy Yale padlocks holding the inch-thick chains binding the gate closed. The house had once been the jewel in the clan crown, the Manila seat of a sugar-baron family that had been blessed with wealth, good looks from their mixed Spanish-Chinese heritage and a surfeit of talent and brains that enabled them to shine from boardroom to ballroom. Like almost everyone in the capital, however, the Bienvenido family had suffered much during World War II and four years of Japanese occupation. Their holdings in the islands of Guimaras and Bacolod dwindled and, post-war, had to be sold off parcel by parcel so each generation of the genteel family's survivors could continue studying at the prestigious Catholic schools that were their birthright. The years of occupation had drained all life from their once-thriving businesses. Land reform took the rest. The last holdout was this house on Leveriza St., in what used to be an enclave of the rich and reclusive. By the early years of the new millennium, it, too, had to be let go as the neighborhood went to seed and the family fortunes shrank to the point that Tala's parents were pitted against her father's kin over what remained. The ancestral home was one such disputed property, held in escrow by the courts as the case wended its slow way to resolution. Tala's black jeans of heavy denim, long-sleeved black shirt and knee-high black boots would take care of the rest. Or so she hoped—she was in the tropics, after all, where such clothing was already considered too heavy for the late summer evening. Tala swept her powerful LED flashlight beam steadily across the great room just off the old mansion's foyer in a systematic pattern, searching for the stairwell that would take her to her goal: The storage crates made of now-brittle *palo china* wood left in the old attic at the mansion's fifth level. The scritch-scratching of rats and roaches made a creepy accompaniment to her tentative steps across the cushion of dust and dust-bunnies on the planks of the hardwood floor and she shivered, praying that she and those creatures would not meet. Up the creaky steps she went, testing each stair before putting her full weight on each one. Her ascent was slow, and the late afternoon sun began to fade to twilight as she reached the fifth level of the careworn structure, the light coming in diluted bursts through the grimy, beveled glass of the lead-lined windows of the stairwell. It has got to be here, Tala thought to herself when she got to the attic, it just has to. The book she wanted had been left with many other things too heavy or complicated to move—cheval glass mirrors, floor to ceiling window shutters made of delicate *capiz* shells and hardwood, ironwood trunks cladded in brass and inlaid with mother of pearl and *carabao* horn, old plantation chairs with wicker weave for seats. She picked through the junk of the ages—literally from the early 19th century, at least, that lined the ruined old attic. Darkness had fallen completely by the time she'd picked through the musty old photo albums with their faded pictures, old wedding dresses gnawed by rats and several steamer trunks packed with the detritus of a family torn asunder. Then she found it. The book she'd remembered sneaking up to the attic to read. The one her *Abuela* Selo had once spanked her soundly for reading. The memory washed over her like the Manila Bay breakers over breakwater rocks at high tide. She could be stalwart and not give in to the rush of emotion as she picked the book up out of its swaddling of red Chinese silk, but she'd be lying if she thought she wouldn't remember the only time her *abuela* whipped her ass sore with the rawhide belt that had belonged to her grandfather, the one cinching a dressmaker's dummy's waist with a silver buckle upon which the word "Texas" was embossed. "Ay, que ver!* No, child! That is not for your eyes," her grandmother had uttered in that stern tone that portended punishment most severe as she undid the belt and looped it in her hands so she gripped end and buckle all at once. "You will not come up here again. You will not read that again. I locked it away because that book made my mother-in-law crazy. The book will not do the same thing to you." It was right there, in that musty attic, up against a dressmaker's dummy, that Tala's grandmother first took a belt to her buttocks, muttering "lo siento" over, and over again through Tala's wails and tears. "I do this for love of you. Now, be quiet and take your whipping so we can be done here." "But, *Abuela*, it glows..." That was all Tala got to say before the belt connected with the flesh between buttock and thigh, erasing all that she would say as she got the belting of her young life. Through the pain, Tala saw the gilt edges of the book glow unnaturally bright in the midmorning light streaming through a high window, illuminating what should have been shadow. For a moment, in that fleeting flash between epiphany and discovery, Tala had felt the rush of power thrum through her fingertips as she traced the book title, an intaglio in gold leaf against cordovan leather: "Bestiario de Criaturas Mágicas en las Islas Filipinas*." Then before she could identify the dormant emotion that began to rouse as she touched the book, grandmother had taken it from her hands and punished her. The bestiary glowed the same way now, as Tala picked it up. Its cracked leather binding warmed to her hand in the way it had all those years ago. For a moment she could imagine it recognized her. Shaking away the dust of memories, Tala picked up the book and made as quick a getaway as she could. She didn't even bother to secure the gate again. *Let the courts eat that. Let Uncle Mariano and his maligno of a wife eat that, too.* *I dare not linger on this path. All I know now is to put one foot in front of the other and walk away as quickly as I can from the old mansion falling into the silence of shadow as the sun sets behind me.* The narrow streets of Pasay are swathed in the patchwork of evening shade and dim, grubby streetlight as Tala's swift strides take her from the enclave of houses belonging to the elite oligarch families, their Art Deco and Rococo engravings in bas relief are thrown into melding light and shadow by a full moon. This is the Sin City of the live sex shows full of kink and of transvestite strippers who put Thai ladyboys to shame. It is the same city where the miraculous Redemptorist parish still floods with pilgrims and supplicants each Wednesday. Her boot heels snicked sharply on pavement that was cracked and, in places, broken through enough for the sewer stink to rise on the humid air. She nimbly avoided these cracks and holes without even looking down. She grew up on these streets, after all, some of those years spent in that aged house she'd just left. Tala carefully stuffed the leatherbound tome into a black messenger bag as the rising beat of Pasay's red-light district clubs reached a crescendo. She exited a shortcut straight into the verboten zone where sex is as cheap as beer and ladies' drinks, and just as swiftly consumed by the bright fires of disinterested lust. Satisfied that the strange glow of the old book was stowed safely into the black leather of the pouch bouncing on her hip, Tala slowed her stride to a saunter casually, throwing back her shoulder-length cap of dark curls as she put a smile on her face. I am almost there. I will be home, safe, and none will be the wiser. She did not see the shadow that followed her steps stealthily, doggedly, and with dark intent. Smiling to herself and humming Bamboo's song "Noypi" under her breath, Tala reached her apartment building and gave a smile to the security guard at the entrance who tipped his hat and held the door open for her. Almost there. She rode the elevator to the 15th floor and, once in her apartment, turned on the light, let out a long breath and sank onto her overstuffed couch, inhaling the lavender scent of her potpourri sticks. With shaky hands, she drew out the thick leatherbound book she'd taken from the condemned recesses of her ancestral home and began leafing through the brittle brown pages with a small sigh. The book's gilt-edged pages still felt warm to her fingertips, the handwriting at once complex and very inviting, very comprehensible. Like its title, the text was in Spanish, with some text in old Tagalog. It was written in a flowing, elaborate script that indicated a feminine hand—Beatriz de la Lopa Bienvenido's verdant script. Tala scanned through the pages as quickly as she dared until she came to the middle of the book, where the entry she sought sat under the date, 22 Abril 1898. "The Tikbalang can be tamed. Wild as it is, due to the animal spirit that imbues it, this magical creature can be broken to civilized ways in the same way a natural horse can be broken to bridle and saddle—with care and a gentle but unyielding hand. Otherwise, this maligno will assault and kill whoever attempts its taming. If the person who makes this attempt is female, she will pay an even more terrible price for her failure: Death by repeated and brutal rape of every orifice. The rapine of the tikbalang, it is also said, includes the beast's feasting upon the still living flesh of such a female should she fail to tame him. I have not failed. But I am baylan, and more powerful now for my victory, which I set down here for the descendant whose power will one day equal mine." A strong shudder wracked Tala's body—a shudder that was mostly fear and something dark that she did not dare identify as she read on. The prim little Catholic school girl in her would not face that feeling: *No sipuedes*. Not now, Tala. *Cuidado*. "The Tikbalang is often called an earth spirit, a melding of all the strongest, but not the always the best, qualities of man and horse. It can be malevolent, as I have said earlier. It can also, once tamed, be the most loyal of allies, immortal and powerful as it is. "Taming a Tikbalang, the lore I have collected from across the islands says, will bring power and fortune to the soul so fortunate as to achieve this goal. "Joyful is the woman who tames herself a Tikbalang, it is said, for she will also have an immortal lover of unearthly carnal skill and a strong sire for her sons. The fortune she reaps is but the added blessing to the miracles she will harvest along with the three golden hairs hidden in the beast's mane, tail and genital hair." A soft, insistent ringing began to swell in the living room and Tala carefully shut the bestiary with a sigh. It was her smartphone ringing out the alarm she'd set for eight o'clock. Her shift at the contact center would start soon and she needed to prepare. The team leader, after all, should not be late, Tala thought wryly in that clipped British accent they'd trained her to use when speaking in Queen's English for her inbound callers. Stripping off her boots and clothes as she went, Tala made her way to the cold tile of her bathroom, exposing her lush curves and nipped-in waist, her wealth of mestiza skin and long, graceful limbs to the sizable peeping tom peering through the sliding glass doors of her small balcony as her rounded, high ass swayed with unconscious grace. The Tikbalang's black pelt blended into the balcony's shadows. His fiery eyes followed Tala's body with a greed that burned through the double-glazed thickness of the tempered glass his breath was fogging with each heavy exhale from his velvety horse's snout. His ears flicked back against his head, signaling a sexual tension visible in every defined and straining muscle of his heavily-furred human torso and his equine hindquarters. His long black tail whipped back and forth swiftly, impatiently. He looked over her light skin noting the hint of gold that marked the Malay genes that blended with the Spanish-caucasian rosy-white and light Chinese yellow into an exotic golden glow. His eyes of flame skimmed over the graceful curve of her shoulder, followed the indentation of her spine down to the top of her proudly plump, rounded rump and on down slim thighs between which peeked the pinkness of woman—glistening, aroused woman—as she stepped into a doorway she shut between his gaze and her nakedness. He licked his hand with a long red tongue and gripped his turgid member, his almost foot-long *tarugo*, thicker around than her forearm. His hand would have held Tala's whole head in a secure grip, easily so, for he was large even for his race. Princes, after all, are often bigger than the commoners they were destined to rule. He hunched over as his lust for this petite taga-lupa sent shockwaves coursing like electric ripples through his body and he pumped that length of maleness hard, squeezing tightly as he pushed his hips forward and back until his pendulous testicles drew up to his groin and he erupted in an orgasm that rattled the glass doors. Straining every muscle, he drained his balls of semen in curling swirls against the glass, almost feeling the heat of her wet cunt milking him instead of his hand. Leaning against the concrete and steel of the balcony's edge, the Tikbalang smiled and tossed his head back before climbing silently down the fire escape to the right of the fencing. He had his quarry marked after years of staking that old house out. The question that remained was whether she would be a meal or a mate. *We will see if you will win me, human, or if you will become a sacrifice to forgotten gods.* Tala couldn't shake that eerie feeling one sometimes gets that one is being watched intently, with an intense gaze that may or may not be a threat. She'd locked the bathroom door, something she did not usually do because she lived alone and had the run of her small studio apartment. *You're making your own ghosts, Tala,* she admonished herself. *You just had to get yourself psyched up over the old book. You don't even know why you want it. You just do. Enough of this kalokohan. Get ready for work because you have bills to pay.* With her skin tingling—and not just from a thorough scrubbing with a pumice stone—Tala dressed, applied a bit of eyeliner and lip gloss, ran a comb through her unruly mane of damp curls and made her way out the door and off to work. "Thank you for calling Isles Tech Services Ltd. support. This is Tala. How may I help you?" Tala spoke crisply into her headset as she kept a keen eye on the rest of her team. The calls were coming in hard and heavy, as per the usual for their market. They were here to deal with first-world problems, like smartphone services that did not function as they should. A quick look at her PC's clock showed she had another few minutes before she could take a breakfast break. She helped the woman on her line resolve a problem of app conflicts and headed to the nearest 24-hour coffeeshop for a much needed shot of java. Especially since she was pulling a double shift this day and had to stay in the zone that much longer. Tala waited for the barista to finish making her large double chocolate latte when she turned to seek an available table. She was badly startled to find herself staring at a chest—a very large chest—clad in a white dress shirt with the top three buttons open to show a peek of deeply tanned and (quite possibly) well-muscled chest. "Oh my God! Big person, don't eat me!" "You wouldn't be more than a light snack, my dear," the Big Person said, adroitly catching hold of her left elbow as she stumbled back and nearly hit the barista's counter. Just then, the barista sang out her order and the round buzzer in Tala's hand went off. "Double chocolate latte for Tala!" "Thank you, *po*. I just need to get my coffee and we can forget how stupid I just sounded," Tala said. "Can you please let go of my elbow?" She looked up to find the man smiling down at her with intense, dark eyes and dimples to die for and fought a very 1800s swoon. I can't be weak in the knees now. I need coffee! "I'm sorry if I scared you, miss," spoke a deep, mellifluous voice above Tala's head. The large hand encompassing her elbow and upper arm released its grip. "Go ahead and get your coffee." Tala took a deep breath and smiled as sweetly as she could at the stranger who caught her stumble. She turned to the barista to claim her cup of badly-needed joe and the blueberry muffin she'd lost all appetite for, picked up the tray and headed for the table at the furthest corner of the coffee shop. She was just taking a bite of the muffin when a shadow fell across her face and she looked up, her mouth full of pastry and berry filling. "You make a full mouth look so good," the stranger said, setting his paper cup of coffee down on the table beside hers. "My name is Buhawi Batumbakal." Tala choked down her mouthful of muffin, gagged on it and swigged her still hot latte to ease the choking—burning her tongue in the process. *Susmarya, you aren't just scaring me. You're making me melt in all the right places and go all stand-upper in other feminine bits. Not to mention making me choke on my breakfast.* Once she could draw breath again, she pushed back that combination of fear and attraction that was soaking her undies and pinned on a wry smile. It figures that someone named after a whirlwind and iron ore would disrupt my morning, eh? "Tala Bienvenido. I'm sorry I reacted so badly. I just find it scary to suddenly be confronted by someone so large. It's not easy being short." She held out her hand and it was engulfed in his hot, large hand. She felt like she'd plunged her hand into a pool of plasma—with the current running up and down all the nerves in her arm from her fingertips to her armpits and on, and on around her body. They chatted about the weather, her job at the call center, his job at a nearby bank. What Buhawi did not tell Tala was that his family owned the bank, had owned it from the very beginning, over a century ago. What Buhawi gleaned was that Tala was beautiful to him, her face a blend of east and west that was rare, even for these isles where everyone is a mongrel of mixed breeds. He barely heard what she said, wouldn't have been able to answer a quiz on it if his life depended on it. He focused on the fire-lights in her dark hair, the tips of gold on her long, curling eyelashes, the way her eyes slanted up just slightly and how the sun brought out the clear amber lights in her otherwise chocolate eyes. Tala's red lips were full, moist, hypnotic—and he wanted to kiss them, delve his tongue in and drink her deep. The scent of ylang-ylang and tuberose in her hair and on her skin wafted up to him and made him grow hard enough to drill a hole in the table, up from under. There was this feline quality to her movements, an almost supernatural and innate grace that was at once familiar and unsettling. His warning bells were ringing, but Buhawi was in no mood to heed them so he kept up his ocular vigil of Tala. Buhawi ogled the soft curve of Tala's throat as she tipped her head and knocked back her double chocolate latte the way a thirsty lush would knock back a solid shot of scotch. That led to him looking down the open vee of her button-down shirt to trace the soft Spanish swell of bosoms thrust out by her arched back as she swallowed and sighed because the caffeine was finally, finally taking effect. It wasn't as if Tala was doing much better, really. She focused on taking ladylike bites of her breakfast and swigging her coffee quick as she could because this gorgeous, big specimen of maleness was too hot to look at directly. His black hair was shot with streaks of sunlight—perhaps he'd had it done at one of those fancy barbershops, but, fake or not, they suited him so very well indeed. His face was droolworthy in a way only the matinee idols of the 1950s were. He spoke in a voice that reminded her of the hot chocolate shot through with cognac her *abuelo* used to let her sip on the sly. He was the embodiment of a forbidden pleasure stolen in the middle of a straitlaced day, with his muscled physique and that sudden boyishness presented by the dimples coaxed out by his smile. Even good girls get wet panties, after all, when faced with such male sublimeness. "Oh, my goodness, is it that time already? I need to get back to work." Tala picked up her mobile phone and smoothed the sides of her jeans down, skimming her hands over fidgety hips. "It was nice meeting you, Buhawi. Thank you for not eating me." Tala's words were sincere, with just a hint of Catholic schoolgirl flirt in it, as she held out her hand to him. "It was my pleasure. Though I do think you would make a very nice snack, Tala," Buhawi flirted measure for measure without rising from his seat (there was a VERY big reason for that besides his desire to set her at ease). He took her hand and bowed over it. With a smile and nervous a wave because of Buhawi's strange gesture, Tala exited the coffee shop, her hips swaying and her scent trailing behind her.
How to Tame Your Tikbalang Ch. 01
[ "*May agimat ang dugo ko* (My talisman is in my blood). *Bamboo", "Noypi* " ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 86, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 199, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 80 }
*The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series. The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1. Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.* *Part 1 - Prologue* "Hap-ppy Birth-day... tooooo... yooooo...* As the singing died down, I leaned over and blew out the 31 candles on my cake. It was October 26th, and it was my birthday. The cake was a large, rectangular red velvet cake with that delicious white cream-cheese frosting, one of my very favorites. On top, written in red, were the words "Happy Birthday Iron Crowbar!" and a long red crowbar in red frosting beneath the words. We were in the back room of The Steakhouse. The party was being hosted by John "Jack" Colby, and was not that large. I'd been given a birthday cake at Headquarters, and all the Detectives and many Patrol Officers streamed through, consuming the six(!) large birthday cakes that had been brought in. So tonight it was just me, Laura, our babies Carole and Jim, my mom Phyllis, Cindy Ross and Jenna Stiles, Tanya Perlman and Baby Pete and Barry Oliver (they're sure spending a lot of time together, I thought to myself), Martin Nash and Sandra Speer, Jack Muscone, Paulina Patterson and her husband, Melina and Daniel Allgood, Chief Griswold and his wife, and Molly Evans, who was now looking very heavily pregnant, as she indeed was. Teresa Croyle had been invited but had sent regrets, saying she had a previously scheduled mission that she couldn't get out of. Todd and Jeanine Burke had also sent regrets. I wondered if they weren't coming because Melina and Daniel were here. Daniel was somewhat breaking the protocol of not associating with Police while running for Sheriff. I had told them to get their asses to the party: if anyone objected, just tell them Melina came to her sister's husband's birthday party and that was that, so be it. Melina looked very happy, and I was happy to see that. Molly had been put on 'restricted duty' with the Midtown Police Force, so she was going to stay up here, and at The Cabin, and deliver my baby at University Hospital. Jack Muscone had broken up with his girlfriend, and so I suggested he spend time talking to my mom. I might have mentioned to him that my mom was a Cougar, and a lot of college guys seemed to hang around her. He got the hint, and was sitting next to her and talking to her all through the party. Some humor came when Chief Griswold was holding Carole. She became inquisitive of that strange feature upon his face, his large handlebar mustaches. The Chief was very patient with her, and as she felt them she emitted a piercing laughter. The Chief could be a very good grandfatherly type when he wanted to be, I noted. Meanwhile, Carole was thoroughly entertained in discovering and exploring strange new things... "Here, take this." my wife said, handing me a 'gray viagra' pill, then added "Why don't you put Carole to bed, and I'll get changed." I knew what that meant: she was finally medically cleared to have sex, and she was going to put on something hot and sexy for me. In addition, she had not let me into our marital bedroom all day, so I knew she had a big surprise for me. Once Carole was in her crib and sleeping, I headed back to the bedroom. A lovely sight awaited me. Laura was wearing a filmy silver-white see-thru teddy, and my God! did she look hot in it. She was also wearing very high heel silver slides with a clear strap over the toes and a nearly invisible clear strap around the back of her heels to keep them in place. I felt myself growing throbbing hard. "Now let me show you your birthday present." Laura said as I came into the bedroom and closed the door. The bed's headboard was against the wall to my right. On the wall to the left, facing the bed, was a huge flat TV screen mounted to the wall. Playing on the screen were images of people fucking; my wife had put what looked like a porn tape on the DVD. "Think that'll help us in our fucking?" Laura asked seductively, whispering into my ear. "Yeah..." I said, "though the way you look tonight is all I need to get fired up." I took my wife into my arms and kissed her mouth deeply. "Thanks, baby." "Does the actress in this next scene look familiar?" Laura asked. I looked at the TV. It was my wife, and she and the college stud Nick Eastwood were making out, hotly kissing in her little bedroom near her office. I felt my wife's hands undoing my shirt buttons and undressing me as I watched. My cock throbbed at the sight of a handsome young stud making out with my wife. It made me want to do the same with her, and my tongue twined with my wife's as we deeply kissed again, my cock throbbing, my whole body on fire. "Mmmm, now I want to eat some pussy." I said, once I was stripped naked, my thick cock standing straight out, taut and iron hard, due to Laura's soft hand gently jacking the shaft. My wife allowed me to walk her backwards to the edge of the bed. Once she fell upon it, she arranged herself with her head on the pillows and her long, luscious legs spread wantonly. Her pubic bush was growing back, but she was keeping it very trimmed and above her labes. Still, the contrast of the dark patch of hair, her white skin, and the brown and pink pussy below was just more stimulation adding to my heated arousal. I slid down onto the bed and eased myself between my wife's spread legs. Normally I'd start at her elegant feet and kiss and lick my way up her magnificent legs, but tonight we were both too horny and aroused. I did kiss Laura's inner thighs, working my way towards her sopping wet slit, her cuntlips engorged and begging for my oral attention. I pushed Laura's legs up and back until her knees were next to her big, milk-filled breasts and her feet in her high heels pointing straight up into the air. Then, famished with sexual hunger, I dove in. "Ohhhhhh!" my wife moaned as I made first contact with her slit. I licked from the bottom of her pussy near her 'taint' and up to her clit in one long, luxurious lick. It had been weeks since I'd tasted this wonderful pussy, and it was heaven for me as well as for her. I immediately began eating her more deeply, sucking her cuntlips until they were distended and wide open, letting my tongue harshly lash her clit to make her groan, then sliding my tongue as deep into her cunthole as I could get it, orally exploring her cunt-cave, knowing how good it was going to feel to sink my cock balls-deep into her depths. "Okay honey, it's time. Fuck me, fuck me with that big hard cock of yours!" my wife gasped. Laura had come hard twice, her juices gushing into my mouth as I greedily lapped them up. I mounted her, trapping her legs beneath my arms as her hand reached down to guide me into her. I had generously lubed her cunt and my cock as my tongue strummed her clit, using my fingers to get the slippery lube deep into her pussy. We knew the lube was needed for the long, hard fuck we were anticipating. "Oh, yes! Oh *God* yes!" Laura gasped out as I thrust into her, sinking almost all of my meat into her pussy with one hard stroke. I pulled back until I was nearly outside of her, then shoved my iron hard rod back into her until our pelvises smacked together. "Oh God, darling, it's so wonderful having you back inside me!" Laura gasped, joy and pleasure in her ragged voice. "Fuck me with that beautiful cock!" I suited my deed to her words as I began pumping into her with a smooth, steady rhythm. I didn't want to fuck her too roughly, but it was hard holding back. I wanted to be inside this woman, I wanted to pump my cock in and out of her forever! "Oh geez, Laura, it's so good to be back inside you!" I moaned. "Oh God, I love you so much!" I bent over and kissed her mouth, not a deep kiss but a gentle french-kiss with our tongues battling right at our touching lips. "Mmmmm, I love you so much, too!" Laura replied, her voice barely a whisper. "How does it feel inside me? Looser?" "It feels great." I said. "Not really looser, but I feel like I'm going deeper than I ever have before." "Keep fucking me, darling, keep sinking that big hard thing balls-deep!" Laura said. With her legs trapped under my arms, she couldn't really respond to my thrusts, but I felt her clutching her cuntwalls at me as I would pull out, as if trying to keep me inside. The added pleasure, as well as the sight, smells and sounds of mating with my beautiful wife, had me reaching the crest far faster than I wanted. "You might as well pull out and come in my mouth." Laura said. "Your sperm won't do any good down there, anymore." I could sense that my wife still felt some pangs at not being able to have more of my children, but I wasn't worrying about that at the moment. "Whose birthday is it, baby?" I grunted. "It's mind, and I'm going to come inside your hot cunt. Do you know how good it feels for me to shoot my load deep inside you, baby? It's the best feeling in the world, and I'm going to feel it right now..." I began pumping harder and faster. Then I lowered myself until my full weight was on Laura's chest and abs, and slid my hands down to clutch her luscious asscheeks, pulling her hard into me. "Oh yeah, here it comes... oh yeah, oh God, OH GOD DAMN!! UHHH!!" Blast after blast of hot semen shot out of my cock and deep into my wife's eagerly receptive pussy. Swirls of gray and red-hot mists blinded me as I let my mind go fully into the ecstasy of my release into the incredible woman beneath me. When it finally was over, I was gasping for breath as I nuzzled Laura's neck. I released her legs, still lying fully on her, and we kissed deeply and lovingly for long minutes... I was lying on my back, Laura kneeling by my right side, her mouth deeply sucking my cock. The 'gray viagra' had been productive, and I'd gotten hard and ready again very quickly. I was idly watching the sex scenes playing out on the large TV screen. Laura had strung together a long sequence of various recordings, including some of her and myself making love. "I think you'll be interested in the one coming up." Laura said. As her mouth descended upon my shaft again, I looked up at the screen. To my surprise, it was a tape of Trish Donolan and other Hedonists being fucked hard and deep by two young studs, including Trish's friend Catherine 'Cat' Clausen. The one fucking Cat was unknown to me, but I recognized the boy fucking Trish as my nephew Todd's buddy Teddy Franklin. The action on the screen was hot, and watching it as my beautiful wife deeply sucked my throbbing cock was very intense... It was some time later. Laura was riding me, enjoying undulating her luscious body as she ground her cunt against my cock that was impaling her to the hilt. I was not responding hard, letting my wife do the work, knowing that she really enjoyed doing this and had come twice already. I did suck her big breasts as they hung over my face, swallowing the milk that flowed from her nipples. Only the eerie light of the TV screen bathed the room in a bluish glow, as the lamps had been turned off. Laura's body was blocking my view of the screen, but I'd rather watch her anyway. Then I felt a strange sensation wash over me, something between sleepy dreaming and unearthly clarity of vision. I was seeing and feeling Dr. Gloria Searles, the gorgeous black-haired woman with the fantastic legs, riding me, fucking me. I let myself revel in the dream, wanting to feel myself inside Gloria, wanting to fuck her, mate with her, wondering if I could induce the cold bitch in her to melt and take me inside her in sinfully adulterous passion. I was sure going to try to seduce her, I thought dreamily... "Guys, what *are* you doing?" Cindy asked as Molly and Jenna walked around The Cabin. Molly was staying in The Cabin as she awaited the impending birth of my baby in two to three weeks. Cindy and Jenna had come over after the birthday party to shoot the bull and have a few drinks. Much girl-talk ensued. "I heard that Old Man Bonniker built secret passages into this house." Jenna said. "It was rumored he had a secret wine cellar, too, which was a safe room he could hide inside of." "Oooooh, let's go look for it." Molly had said. That had prompted Cindy's question as she watched her lover and her sister knocking on wall panels. "Guys, this is Don's house!" Cindy said. "Yes, it is." Molly said. "And I want to know what secrets he's hiding from us, don't you? Like where all the other crowbars are kept." "C'mon, you're intruding on his privacy." Cindy said, feeling uncomfortable. "Well, come help us, then." Jenna said. "Hmmm, if there were a secret cellar, I think Mr. Bonniker would've had it dug into the mountain itself. Let's look in the front bedroom and the TV room." Jenna explored the small downstairs bedroom, which was actually more my study, while Molly tapped on the walls of the TV room that adjoined the greatroom with its huge wall of windows. They explored the upstairs, unerringly finding the closet behind the wall in the master bedroom. They looked around downstairs again, going through the nearly-empty closets. But they did not find the secret panel that led to the cave dug into the mountain, the front part which was a wine cellar, and behind another secret panel was my little room where my electronic eavesdropping devices fed into and my ultra-secure computers were. However, if they'd found the rooms, they'd have found nothing... I'd removed all the equipment from the secret room a couple of months before. The stuff was in storage behind a secret wall panel in my mother's basement apartment, waiting for me to find a new location to set the stuff up. And I had no way of knowing how fortunate my actions would be... After giving up their search, Molly headed off to bed, dreaming of being deeply fucked by my cock, feeding off the energy I was sending into the Universe as I fucked Laura. Cindy and Jenna fell asleep on the sofas downstairs... "So how was your work today?" Tanya asked as she put her sleeping baby son in his crib. "Pretty good." said Barry Oliver, who was climbing into bed after undressing, admiring Tanya's hot body in the nightgown as she turned and stepped over to the bed. "We're getting the process CNC machines in place, and Todd has secured more financing for us. I don't know how he does it, but he charms them all and they can't wait to throw money at him." "That's good." Tanya said, slipping into bed and snuggling up with Barry. "How are the new hires doing?" "That's been pretty hard." Barry said. "We've found three that once worked under what I call suspicious circumstances... a couple that were once at DynaCorp, Seth caught them rather quickly, and we suspect they'd be moles. But then I caught another couple that had been in places like Langley, Virginia, and at a couple of Universities where 'certain' projects were going on." "It's good you're catching on to them. Don has been worried about that." said Tanya. "He's trying to put the pieces together of what he thinks is an industrial espionage ring operating here in the County, as well as other places. The FBI asked him to work with them on it." "Yeah, he's right that there are people out there who love to steal industrial secrets..." said Barry, "... and some of them are working on behalf of that same Federal Government. They're really trying to penetrate us. "Speaking of 'penetrating'," Tanya said sexily, letting her hands and lips explore Barry's young body, "let's put the company aside and concentrate on you penetrating me." "Sounds like a good plan." Barry said as he rolled on top of the sexy policewoman. His penis, throbbing hard and just under seven inches in length, easily found Tanya's sopping wet slit, and he indeed penetrated her- balls deep, burying his meat to the hilt in her womanly heat. He began a smooth, steady rhythm of fucking, and Tanya began moaning as pleasure coursed through her body. Barry's scientific precision and skill translated well to the bedroom, and he fucked her with skillful pistoning action, his ass bouncing up and down as he thrust deep into her again and again... *Part 2 - Undercover(s) Operations* "This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" yelled the lovely redhead reporter from outside the Hyatt Hotel north of Town. It was 7:00am, Oct. 30th. "Channel Two News is following the big Board meeting of BigPharmaCorp today! CEO and Chairman of the Board, multi-millionaire Donovan Donolan, is expected to make remarks on BigPharmaCorp's earnings today, which are expected to show tremendous, record profits for wealthy shareholders. There is plenty of security for the Board and Shareholders here at the Hyatt Hotel, as the possibility of protests from environmentalist groups, as well as Occupy groups protesting the widening gap between the haves and have-nots, is always an issue." "In other news," continued Bettina, "while the BigPharmaCorp Board elections are expected to be easy and not challenging, the same cannot be said of the political elections in the State and in our own Town and County. In the Coroner's race, Dr. John Quincy Kelly has taken a lead over incumbent Coroner Steven Lester Haines, after Coroner Haines was formally reprimanded by the Town & County Council for releasing a photo of the murdered Diane Lang before Police had notified her nextf-kin of her death. "But all eyes are on the extremely important State Senate race, between Democrat Katherine Woodburn, former owner of KXTC, and TEA Party Extremist Republican John Cummings. The race is a dead heat, and State and Federal dollars are pouring into the County in campaign advertising. SBI Director Jack Lewis has told Channel Two News that this race may be the most important in State history in determining the future of the SBI and the safety of the Citizens of the State. This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" I'm not sure what was more interesting... Bettina and her microphone, or watching the beautiful Detective (J.G.) Joanne Cummings sputter with anger at the negative aspirations assigned to her cousin John Cummings by the deeply biased Press. Have I mentioned that I am not alone in my hatred of the Press? "Can I talk to you in your office?" Lieutenant Teresa Croyle said to me as KXTC was showing a taped Sports report by Chuck Pringle. "Sure." I said, looking towards Cindy as I said with emphasis: "Let's go now. I don't need Chuck Pringle to tell me what my Wildcats are going to do to the Bulldogs on the football field this weekend." Cindy looked daggers at me as Teresa and I headed out the door towards my office. "Better set up a lunch date with your wife." said Lt. Teresa 'Cunt' Croyle once we were in my office and seating ourselves. "The photos from our undercover surveillance are in File 10-30-C." In the early morning hours of this same day, Oct. 30th, Vice Detective John 'Grubby' Paul had made contact with two black men, and they'd gone to a house on the border between the Industrial/Warehouse and the Southwest Ghetto districts of Town. Grubby had worn a tiny camera that looked like one of his shirt buttons, and Teresa, wearing all black, had snuck onto the property with a high-powered camera, taking pictures. They were hoping to see a drug exchange and could get photos. Obviously with Teresa trespassing, we could not use these particular photos for full evidence, but we hoped to get probable cause for a larger sting operation. "Instead, it was a sex party." Teresa said, as I brought up the file on my desk computer. "But the women are interesting... for criminal observation purposes that is." I opened the file, which was password-protected. The photos were taken from both inside and outside. Some showed a large, muscular, athletic black man in his late 20s or early 30s, having sexual intercourse with Trish Donolan, wife of BigPharmaCorp CEO Donovan Donolan. Trish and her husband were swingers with the Hedonists, and also had formed their own smaller swinging group. "If Law Enforcement doesn't work out for you, Teresa," I said, "you have a career in porn photography." The pictures Teresa taken were extremely clear and graphic, showing the huge black snake penetrating Trish's white snatch. "No doubt." Teresa said with a straight face as I continued to peruse the pictures. The second woman was Gloria Cagle, the white girlfriend of a black man named 'T-Mac', who was the lieutenant of the rapper 'T-Square'. T-Square controlled most of the black crime in the southern part of Town. I could see in several pics that Grubby Paul was sitting in a chair getting his seven inch root wet, as Gloria was riding his cock hard. Grubby was a lucky man, I thought, as some of the photos showed him sucking Gloria's magnificent breasts. I truly had rarely seen better breasts than Gloria's: all natural, big teardrop shape, large brown nipples that begged to be sucked... "Poor Grubby." I said. "Undercover work is so tough on him." "It will be if he gets caught up." Teresa said. "Which I *am* concerned about." The third woman was older, with a head full of curly, almost frazzled, black hair with some gray mixed in. She looked to be in her 50s, but was very attractive, and her body was in shape and very hot. She was wearing sheer black stockings and a garter belt, and what appeared to be high heel suede black pumps. Her legs were long and shapely, and as she lay on the second bed in the bedroom, getting pumped by powerful black man, who was younger and slimmer than the first, those long shapely legs looked really good pulled back and spread wide to accommodate her stud's powerful fucking. The pictures were explicit, and hot. The black men were fucking the white mature beauties with their extremely large cocks. My sex-professor wife had told me that the myth of black penis size was just that, a myth... but just as there were some white men blessed with huge penises, like my nephew Todd, there were likewise black men who were exceptionally well-hung. These two men were hung, and they were fucking the hell out of these lovely white women with their big black snakes. Teresa had been right: the photos were arousing me, but it was not my wife I was thinking about; I was lusting for some sweet ebony pussy. "Okay, Teresa," I said, putting my lewd thoughts aside as I tried to control the hardening of my cock in my pants, "I agree with you about Grubby Paul... he was 'made' by the local black gangsters. Why is he on this mission?" "Because these are outf-towners." Teresa said. "They came in from the City, and we don't think they know who Grubby is. Also, sir, Grubby wanted to do it. We wanted to find out if they were making contact with local drug pushers. Last but not least, Grubby thought that if anyone who knew who he was came in, they'd lose trust in those City guys, maybe not do business with them. And I had Davis and Kirkpatrick close by, just in case Grubby got into any trouble, warrants be damned." "We do need to be more careful about Grubby exposing himself like that." I said. "So who are these guys from the City?" "The first guy, the one fucking Trish Donolan," said Teresa, "is known as 'Black Magic'. He was rumored to have been a semi-pro football player, but other than a tryout with an NFL team, from which he was cut, we can't find a record for that. He's got money, which has attracted Drug Enforcement at every level of law enforcement, but we've found nothing on him so far- until last night, possibly. The second guy, we're not sure about yet. I'm inquiring with Detective Ventura in the City to see if he is on their radar screens. "Well, as I'm sure you know," I said, "Gloria Cagle is T-Mac's main squeeze, so she is either stepping out on him or she is the go-between contact." "That was one of the two things I wanted to get your input on, Commander." Teresa said. "Is Cagle a contact, or is just part of a sex party? We're not sure we didn't stumble onto some decadent but relatively innocent fun. And then there's Trish Donolan... is she involved with the black drug trade, or is she just into black men sexually? Remember, she was one of the bitches that led Margo Bailey straight to the drug pushers, in that particular case your nephew Ned was involved with. So I really wonder what her presence is about." "Trish is a swinger, that much we know." I said. "She may just get off on interracial sex. I've heard Janet Riordan is also addicted to black men. Must be something in the water." Teresa laughed, such as a laugh from 'Teresa Cunt' was. "So, who's the other woman?" I asked. "The older one with the great pair of legs." "You *would* notice that." Teresa said. "But that's the second thing I need to ask you about: her name is Susan Wexler. She's a Captain in the City Police Force's Drug Squad. Supposedly one of their very best, and has been for years. I'm afraid we might have stumbled onto her doing an undercover mission." "She's undercover... or under covers, all right." I said. "No wonder she gets the results she does. So what's the issue?" "If she's undercover, I don't want to 'out' her and expose her to the criminals." said Teresa. "But it also occurred to me that she might not be undercover, she might be dirty. If we contact her unit and they don't know about her mission, a mole might expose her r- a snitch might tip her off. If we go to their I.A., we might be doing her an injustice, and again- a mole might tip her off, or tip the bad guys off. I can tell you that when I was working with Midtown I.A., the guys there did not trust the City's I.A." I was very proud of Teresa Croyle: she had really thought about the possibilities and made no assumptions either way. "That's excellent thinking, Lieutenant Croyle. Excellent." I complimented her. "So the question is how to discreetly determine if she's on a mission; and if not, if she's dirty or just having some good sexual fun." "Yes, sir." Teresa said, her eyes showing no emotion at all; no gleam of amusement nor sexual interest, nor hardly any professional police interest. In some ways, that was good. But we still had not gotten her completely away from being 'Teresa Cunt'. "Hmmmm," I said, thinking. "We can't use Robin Ventura or 'Sapper' Warren, or even let them know. They'd be in deep *kim-chi* if they were investigating a superior officer and she's not guilty of anything. And like you said, I'm not fully trusting of their I.A. Department, either. Tell you what, I'll think about it, and we'll resolve it soon. I glanced at Teresa, seeing the obvious signs of fatigue. I said "Meanwhile, Lieutenant, you and Detective Paul are to go home and get some sleep. If I see you in this Headquarters before noon, I'll fire your asses... or better yet, I'll let Lieutenant Ross fire you." I was kidding about firing them, but not about them getting some sleep. "Oh sir, not Lieutenant Ross, anything but *tha-at*!" Teresa said, pretending to beg, teasing me back for the 'Ross' reference. She'd definitely come a long way from the way she was night Margo Bailey had died. And of course she and Cindy would take bullets for each other... "You bitch." Trish Donolan woke up out of a deep sleep. It was her husband, dressed fully in his $5000 suit for the Board meeting, standing next to the bed. In his hand was a manila envelope with photographs that had been inside. "Huh, wha?" she asked sleepily. "What the fuck are these?" Donovan said, his voice low and menacing. As Trish fully woke up, Donovan threw the photos into his wife's face and upper chest. "Tell me what the fuck these are, bitch!" Trish sat up, looking accusingly at her husband, as she picked up the photos. A shock ran through her as she saw that they were of her being deeply fucked by that black stud 'Black Magic' the night before. "I told you I was going to a party. What's the fucking problem?" Trish said. "You didn't tell me you were going to be fucking *niggers* at that party." Donovan said. "I trusted you, and you betray me and our marriage by fucking a nigger? And you let him shoot his filthy nigger seed inside you?" "What's your problem with that?" Trish said. "We've been swinging for years. And I've been taking black pipe for longer than I've known you! You know what they say: 'Once you go black, you never go back.'." "God damn it, bitch!" Donovan said, furious anger on his face. "If I'd known you were a nigger-lover like this, I never would've married you. I'd have let you stay on the streets, you God-damned whore. And *this* is why we didn't make it into the Libertines... because you're a fucking slut for nigger cock! Going around and hanging out with those drug pushers-" "Get the fuck over it, asshole!" Trish yelled back, whipped to anger herself. "You needed me and my daddy's money, or you'd be mopping the floors at BigPharmaCorp instead of running the place! And if you don't like it that I fuck big black cocks and like them better than your little tool, then tough shit! *You* were the Libertines' problem, not me! And I'll hang around who I damn well please!" "Like Margo Bailey?" Donovan shot back. "Yeah, you had her hang around, and look what happened to her. You and that Cat Clausen bitch took her to visit your nigger lovers, and she ended up dead. You better watch out the same thing doesn't happen to you!" "I'll take my chances." Trish said. "And those black studs sure fuck me better than you do, you puny little shit eater!" "Why you-" Donolan said, then caught himself. He exhaled. "I... I don't have time to deal with this now, not today of all days. I'll deal with your cheating, nigger-loving ass when I get back home." "Yeah, right." said Trish, menace in her voice. "Go play like you're a big-shot, which we both know you aren't. Be the coward you are and run away." His face red and his vision near blinded with furious anger, Donolan stopped himself from doing what he ached to do. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. Having heard the shouting within the house, neighbors were watching as the wealthy industrialist got into his expensive Mercedes car, slammed the door shut with the tight finality of sealed metal, and scratched off, the loud noise getting the attention of anyone who wasn't already watching... *Part 3 - The Hot Wives Investment Club* (*Author's disclaimer: the following is fictional and does not represent nor should be construed as stock market trading or investing advice. Investing in the stock market carries risk, and investors should not trade based upon the fictionalized information below. The author assumes no responsibility for the trading success or failure of others.*) "The meeting will come to order." intoned Myrtle L. James at precisely 7:30pm on October 30th. The meeting of the County Ladies Investment Club was being held in the so-called 'boardroom' meeting room of the River Valley Country Club, the same room that Anthony Warner had convened some of the DynaCorp Board on the night he was murdered in the parking lot. All of the sixteen women in attendance at the meeting had their cars parked in the covered parking lot, denoting their wealth and status. It was obvious from looking at most of the beautiful trophy wives why it was nicknamed the 'Hot Wives Investment Club'. Their ages ranged from the 30s to the 70s (maybe more, no one was sure how old Myrtle L. James was), and the majority of them were married to some of the County's wealthiest men. A few were independently wealthy. After the attendance report and last meeting minutes were read by the secretary, Dr. Carolyn Muncey, and the financial report was read by the Treasurer, Ms. Barbara Langram, University Trustee Myrtle L. James led the meeting through the Club's existing stock equity holdings. Covered calls were to be sold upon their Microsoft (MSFT), Union Pacific (UNP), and Chevron (CVX) holdings. Stop loss prices were determined for several other stocks that the Club membership feared might drop. Then came the call to discuss what new equities to purchase, as there was cash for only one major acquisition at the time. And that's when the fight began. After several members made suggestions for other stocks, it became apparent that there were only two stocks in real consideration: Apple (AAPL) and Netflix (NFLX). The members were evenly divided between the two. Over the next hour, the discussion became a little bit heated and was on the verge of getting ugly. "Why don't we buy some of both." suggested Helena French, a lovely woman in her early 40s, who was also a member of the Libertines Swing Club with her husband. "Oh no, there is no way we should buy AAPL." said Trish Donolan, leading the fight for the NFLX side. The debate went on for several minutes, and appeared to be a standoff. At precisely 8:30, Myrtle L. James suggested that the group take a break and have some of the dessert that was available on the side table. The women talked in small groups, some going out the side door where the kitchenette and restrooms were, some in back of the main meeting room, some at the speaker's table talking to Myrtle L. James. At precisely 8:45, the meeting was called back into order. But not everyone was back. "Where's Trish?" asked Joan Knightley, a magnificent hot blonde in her 30s who was married to the very wealthy CEO of Crown Chemicals, and was also Dr. Bonnie Karpathian's assistant in the University Psychology Department. "I don't know." said Catherine 'Cat' Clausen, who was Trish's best friend. Her name 'Cat' partially came from the fact that she and Trish were two of the cattiest, meanest women in the County. "I think she just went to the bathroom. I'll go check." Catherine was relatively short, cute and voluptuous, with a mane of black, heavily curly hair like Dr. Bonnie Karpathian's; in fact, the two women could be confused for each other at a distance. She got up and went to and through the kitchenette door, which opened into the main room, prohibiting the members from being able to see inside the kitchenette. It was also a self-closing door, and all eyes were on it as it shut behind Catherine. "YAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" The piercing scream was Cat's voice, and had come from the kitchenette, and all of the women rushed to the door... then screamed themselves when they saw the sight behind the door: the bathroom doors opened outward into the kitchenette, and when Caroline had opened the one on the right... ... the body of Trish Donolan, which had been leaning against it, fell out into the kitchenette. Myrtle L. James rushed up and felt for a pulse, but it was too late. Trish Donolan was dead. *To be continued.*
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 01
[ "hot wife", "big cock", "mystery", "police drama", "crime drama", "blowjob", "pussy eating", "interracial", "adultery" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 11, "longest_sentence": 115, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 416, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (11) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (9) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 106 }
*I'm working on a sequel to At Last, but here's something in the meantime. Much less character- and plot-driven, short, sharp and to the point, but hopefully good in its own way.* "Shhhh." The light pressure of my finger against your lips is enough to stop you mid-sentence, not through force, but through the knowledge that it's what I'm asking of you. My other hand is wrapped around your wrist, pulling you away from the buzzing crowd, through a halfpen door and into a room where the sounds of other people fade and cease to matter. When I shut the door behind us, quietly so as not to be heard by anyone other than you, I trace my finger from your lips, down your chin and neck, until it reaches the top button of your blouse. My eyes lock on to yours as I flick the button undone. "People are going to hear us," you say softly, but the smile playing at the edges of your lips says that you might not care too much. "No, they won't." As I continue to unfasten your buttons, I lean in until my lips almost graze your ear. "Not if you can keep quiet." I punctuate my sentence by pressing a kiss against your earlobe, and then taking it between my lips and my teeth. Your gasp hits me in my core. "What did I just tell you?" I ask, pulling my lips away from your ear. "S-sorry..." you whisper, your eyes downcast. "I'll be good." "Good." The final button of your blouse finally undone, I slide my hands underneath the fabric and around your waist, and your face tilts up towards mine. It never ceases to amaze me how your gentle lips can kiss so fiercely. When our kiss breaks, the shine in your eyes and the flush of your cheeks and lips tell me all I need to know about how you're feeling right now, and when I lead you to the bed, you can't hold the smile back from your face. Your hands find their place in mine, surrendering their control to me. You're facing me, sitting down on the bed. "Lie down," I whisper, and I watch your gaze flicker up from my lips to my eyes. You stretch out onto your back, and I move your hands until they're behind your head. "You're going to stay still, aren't you?" "Yes," you murmur, and I cup your cheek with my hand. You're not restrained by anything except your desire to please, and a shiver ripples through me as I realise once more how lucky I am. My lips find that spot where your neck becomes your shoulder, and when I take the skin between my teeth, I can feel your jaw move as you try and hold back the sound that this act usually draws from within you. I can't hold back a smile. When your neck and your shoulders are scattered with red marks in the shape of my mouth, and your efforts at holding back your usual little squeals have left you breathless, I let my fingers wander from your shoulder down your chest. The tips of my fingers brush across the soft fabric of your bra, and even the lightest touch elicits a gasp. "Shhhh," I remind you, and you squeeze your eyes closed. My fingers play across your breasts, the sensation blunted by your bra, but enough to inflame you. When I unfasten your bra, and give you permission to move your arms just long enough to remove it, you open you eyes again and fix them onto mine. Without breaking eye contact, I press one finger to your lips, and drag the fingernails of my other hand down your rib cage. When my nails bite into your skin, leaving hot red trails behind them, you bite your lip so hard I worry you'll draw blood. But your eyes stay locked onto mine, and the only sound you make is a hitching in your breath. I lower my face to yours, and murmur the words "good girl", so close that you can feel them against your lips. My fingers play across your body, finding every spot that I know can drive you wild - your collarbone, the ridge of your hip bones, the back of your neck where smooth hair gives way to warm skin. Your breath is shaky, punctuated by tiny whimpers. I run my fingers up your thigh, feeling it tense under my touch, and smirk as I brush against the damp fabric of your underwear. "I've barely even touched you..." I murmur in your ear. "You call that barely even touching me?" you grin right back, and I place another kiss on your earlobe. "I haven't even been doing this," I tell you as I let the pad of my thumb roll across your taut nipple. I can feel your body jerk. "You so don't play fair," you complain in a whisper, but the smile hasn't left your face, and I know it's mirrored on mine. "Of course I don't." With that, I lowered my head to flick my tongue across your nipple, my hands still wandering across your body and up and down the inside of your thighs. "Remember, keep it down." When you're squirming under my touch, I slip my hand into the waistband of your underwear, sliding it just far enough down your thighs. Your eyes are wide, and your body totally still, tense with desire. When I slide a finger between your lips, it comes out wet. My fingertip works little circles around your clit as I kiss you again, swallowing what would probably have been a moan. I know the signs that you're getting close, and I know that with this kind of buildup, you're not going to last long. When I break our kiss, and move to place another bite on your collarbone, I can tell you're not going to hold out much longer - your hips are starting to rock and push up against my hand, and you're making little, intoxicating noises from the back of your throat. And you're so wet that it's easy to ease a finger inside you. The sound you make this time is loud, loud enough that it might be audible through the door. Instantly your eyes widen as you realise your momentary loss of control, and I slowly pull my hand away and look you in the eye. "I'm sorry," you blurt out, back at the soft volume I've been keeping us at. I run my fingers up the nail marks running down your side. "You only get to come if you've been good. When I tell you to keep it down, you keep it down - got it? Can you be good?" You nod. "I'm not sure. I think you need to wait a little longer." Moving away from you just slightly, I pull my shirt over my head, unfastening my bra and let it drop. I watch your eyes lower their focus, staring at my breasts almost hungrily. "May I..." you begin, and I press a finger to your lips once more. "What did I say about waiting?" My hands go back to your body, but again, in places that inflame but don't bring relief. My lips and my teeth on your earlobes, your collarbones; my hands caress you, but not where you're silently begging to be touched. But your pleading is still done with your eyes, not with sounds; eventually, I lower my head to place kisses on your hip bones, one and then the other. I look up at you, your flushed face and shining eyes. "Let's try this again," I whisper, running my hand back up your thighs, which are damp. "Remember what I told you." I watch your face, the expressions flickering over it, a combination of determination and desire. As my fingertip teases, you bite your lip; as one finger works its way inside you, then two, your eyes close tightly. My thumb finds your clit, and your breath catches. You're tight around my fingers, hot, almost unbelievably wet; the little bud of your clit hard under my thumb. You're right on the edge already, and it takes little more than a few strokes of my thumb and thrusts of my fingers to bring you to the point of no return. The tension I've been building up within you reaches shattering point, too much for you to contain any longer. You're trying so hard to hold back noise that your body is responding unrestrained; your hips bucking towards my hand, back arching, toes literally curling. "Good girl," I whisper again, my hand still moving slowly as you ride out what looks like an incredibly intense orgasm. Your response is a shaking moan, but a quiet one. When your body finally relaxes, you fall back against the mattress, trying to catch your breath. I lower myself to lie beside you, taking your hands in mine, removing the restraints that weren't there. Your kiss is less fierce than before, but no less passionate. "Was that quiet enough for you?" you ask me, the ghost of your cheeky grin pulling at your lips. "I think so." I scatter kisses on the marks I left across your shoulders. "May I touch you now?" you ask, a note of desire still colouring your voice. "You may."
Behind Closed Doors
[ "lesbian sex", "light bondage", "orgasm denial", "kink" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 57, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 97, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 29 }
Silverfox: Argent Bitch This work was inspired by art copyright Dynotaku. The Foxforce Four are his creation and intellectual property. This is the totally unexpected third volume in the Foxforce series, after Firefox and Technofox. It should be possible to follow this story without reading the predecessors, but I suggest reading Firefox first, and then Technofox, as Silverfox will contain spoilers. Also, the first two stories help establish the characters. -- Nathan Cowan, 2008 Dynotaku, thanks for the icon! Silverfox 01 The moon was in the east, behind her as she looked out over the rippled water of Puget Sound. Silverfox was crouched down, on her knees and left knuckles, behind a mass of bushes which were just starting to bloom. She was too close to the bushes for them to obstruct her vision. The combat armor suit she wore under her long coat supposedly broke up and distorted the heat her body radiated, making it hard to pick out her form; Silverfox wasn't sure if she trusted it. Hopefully the bad guys were not using infrared. She waited, still and patient as any other predator, careful not to exert herself and heat up more than absolutely necessary. Jansen had found the armor she wore under her long overcoat amusing. Desk cops usually did. Jansen sighed loudly and lit another cigarette. The sound of his lighter made Silverfox's ears twitch backwards for a moment, her movement compromising her position. She frowned. "At night, you can see a lighter for miles," she said softly. It would also flare in infrared. The flash would draw the attention of anyone seeing it. He chuckled. "Sure, darling. We're not playing Cowboys and Indians." She suspected Jansen was not exactly the finest of Seattle's Finest. "That's my point." "See anything?" he asked in a normal conversational tone. She gritted her teeth. It was the third time he had asked. "Just that van," she replied softly. "Are you sure that we're the only law here?" He laughed, loudly. "Since when did you become law?" "Since your boss hired us," Silverfox said. Some silly-assed judge in Washington State had decided that police couldn't use night vision equipment -- something about a "reasonable expectation of privacy." However, it was hardly the cops' fault if the North American Biotechnology Mark 10-F "Reynard" -- the Dix-Vix -- could see in the dark like cats. It was two weeks of scut work for Foxforce, but Silverfox's cut would pay her mortgage this month. Jansen laughed. "Bullshit. Your bosses are just drumming up some business." The Inter Corporate Operative Network had told the Washington State Police that they believed a load of endangered animal pelts was coming into Puget Sound. Then the Seattle Police turned around and hired some ICON chimerae who could see in the dark to beef up the shore patrol. Okay, that did sound a little suspicious. Silverfox had thought there was something to that, until she found out that David Torrance had been the original source. Two months ago, in Atlanta, Silverfox's team, Foxforce, had worked briefly with the outf-shape chat room jockey. ICON called him a "Virtual Investigator." David wasn't omniscient, but Silverfox knew he was honest. And if ICON was bullshitting the police, he'd at least tell Shadowfox. "Fine," Silverfox said. "Go take a nap, then. Somewhere away from me." The moment she said it she knew he'd misread it. Not as "You're making noise that will attract attention to both of us" but "I can't stand being around you." She considered correcting the impression. Ah, to hell with it. The suspicious van was about thirty meters off, downhill, closer to the water, facing the Sound. It was parked near a place that sold and rented fishing gear and small boats; now closed. There was a dock jutting ten meters or so out. There was someone standing at the end of the dock, staring out with a pair of binoculars. That and the van made Silverfox about 40% convinced the landing would take place here. The light aircraft and old DC-3s that used to carry contraband across US borders had been virtually replaced by flush-deck cargo boats. Air defenses were actually very good, now that the Federal courts were letting them take the gloves off. The flush-desk boats were too low in the water to be picked up on radar, and used electric motors too quiet to pick up on passive sonar. Active sonar would spot them, but there were whales in these waters and the US Navy was supposed to avoid bothering them. Coastal defenses in this part of the world were pretty weak. The nearest naval base was over the border on Vancouver Island. Ever since the European War had ground to its inconclusive cease-fire in 1948, the Royal Canadian Navy -- third biggest in the world -- had been focused on German U-Boats in the Atlantic. Ever since Japan lost the Pacific War in 1944, that ocean was pretty much a US Navy pond. And they defended Seattle by positioning nuclear attack boats in enemy harbors. "The van's just flashed its headlights," Silverfox whispered. That meant there had to be someone in the van, unless the guy with binoculars was using a remote. "Where?" Jensen said, scrambling up behind her. He peered out, resting a hand on her shoulder to support his weight. Silverfox was speechless. She had met birdwatchers who were better stalkers. She actually considered sending him behind the rise so he couldn't see what was going on -- or, more properly, so he wouldn't give away her position. The problem was that technically, he was in charge. "Long, short, long, short." Silverfox muttered. "C" in Morse. It was April second. She looked at the time display from her brain implant. No, it was after midnight -- 0100 hours, April third, flash on the hour... was the recognition code that simple? Maybe... it probably wasn't too sophisticated. There was a Yagi antenna built into her mandible; it wasn't picking up any radio, which meant they were either complete idiots or very good. "I didn't see anything," he complained. "They stopped," Silverfox said, thinking but not saying "...You idiot." She jerked her shoulder to get his hand off her. "Damnit, could you settle down? You're waking up the Hitler Youth camps in the Urals." "You work for me, fur job," he said warningly. Silverfox was about to respond when she saw something more important. "There's the boat," she said. "Coming into the dock from the right." "You sure?" He shuffled about, peering helplessly into the night. It wasn't his fault that he didn't have a reflective layer in his eyes, but why didn't he seem to realize it? She sighed. "I suppose it could be Jesus Christ walking across Puget Sound, but it's probably a guy standing on the back of a flush deck boat." That was about the only way a flush deck could see to navigate. The lookout had a cane or something and tapped out a code to signal the helmsman. Silverfox counted: one was the guy on the shore with binoculars, two the one on the back of the boat. Three was the driver of the van, four the helmsman of the boat. Two to one already, at best. No, she really didn't want a piece of this. Good thing she was just there to watch. Bad thing that Jansen couldn't shut up. "I can't see a damn thing," he said, his voice tense. Silverfox gasped with asperity. "No shit. Why do you think they hired us?" "Rented," he said. "Shut up." Ignoring him, Silverfox tapped her earphone. "Silverfox. Fish in the water. There's a van by the dock, looks like this year's Ford Intrepid --" "I make the call for reinforcements," Jansen said. "This is Officer Jansen. Cancel that." "Will you shut the fuck up?" Silverfox said, starting to lose it. She returned to Technofox. "The van is blue or black, can't see the plates." It was one thing to have problems taking advice from a fur job, Silverfox thought, but Jansen wasn't even following his own boss' briefing. "Roger, Silverfox," Technofox's voice came, calmly. "Is someone behind you? I'm not getting his signal." That had to be a lie. "The cutter's on its way. Ground units are on alert. Do you want Foxforce with you?" The plan was to let the contraband land, and the flush deck return to sea. Then a Coast Guard cutter would pounce on the boat, while the police followed the van to delivery. Silverfox and Jansen were supposed to avoid contact with the smugglers. In fact, at this point they could disengage. There was no need for Foxforce to reinforce them. Maybe Technofox wasn't sure Silverfox could handle Jansen. "Negative," Silverfox said. "We're good here." She'd show her. "Damnit," Jansen said. "Who are you to --" "Will you sit down and be quiet?" Silverfox snapped, furious. "That way you could just be useless instead of a pain in my ass." "Fucking bitch," he said petulantly. "Like I haven't heard that one," she snorted. "Screw this," he said. He didn't kick her, not exactly -- it was more like he kicked at some dirt near her. "We don't need all this fucking drama. Who's going to put up a fight over some fucking furs?" Apparently, he now agreed that there was a boat in the water. Silverfox realized she had overestimated Jansen, incredible though that seemed. Jansen wasn't merely an bigot, she realized, he was an idiot. The pelts weren't important to these people -- but the money they'd bring in was. Smuggling was smuggling, and if there was enough to be made it didn't matter if the product was heroin or wolf pelts. She shifted her gaze back down to the landing. The lookouts were tying off. The one on the boat stood with a line and flicked it with his wrist, making the other end wrap around the cleat on the dock. He knew his way around boats. The one from shore was a bit more awkward. It was turning into a miniature version of the container ships unloading to the south, but with an armed overwatch. The boat was tied to the end of a ten-meter pier. The crew seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get out -- she understood when four of them stood side by side and peed into the water. So they had probably been in the boat for a few hours, which made sense if they were from Canada. Two targets (she mentally tagged them as #1 and #2) were unloading the boat, pulling out a trunk. They set it on end on the dock. Another man (#3) from the boat zipped his fly and started walking up the dock to the shore. He wore a long duster and his hands were in his pockets. #3 took up a position with his back to the rental shop, while #1 and #2 unloaded a total of four trunks, each a bit over two meters long. One more guy came out of the boat, with a hand cart. #4 -- Silverfox thought he had been the boat lookout before, but she wasn't sure -- #4 held the cart while #5 tilted one of the trunks and helped #4 get it on the hand cart. #1, #4, and #5 started coming down the dock, the three of them walking together, #4 pushing the cart. #6 turned around. He wore a long coat that he opened up -- he had a carbine, with a pistol grip, looked like a relative of the M-16. She looked at the trunks, standing on end. Four trunks of that size would probably be a full load for the van. Four trunks unloaded, six people visible, unknown number in the van (at least one), only two carrying cargo. The other four were there for a reason, and she didn't think they were trying for a glimpse of Mount Rainier. Crap. The cluster of three was responding to something. #4, the guy with a trunk, had night vision goggles down on his face, glowing green, because he was looking up in their direction. She froze. Jansen, the idiot, was standing up in clear sight. #5 was looking up towards them; she wasn't sure if he could see Jansen or not. #5 hesitated, and started walking up the slope. He carried a shotgun under one arm. #1 stayed behind, watching after him. #4 turned around and kept pushing his trunk, a little more urgently. "They heard you. They spotted you. They're armed. They're coming up," Silverfox whispered, "pull out." "What?" Jansen asked. Well, she didn't want to be anywhere near him. She started to pick her way back and around the back of the rise. She opened her dark coat. Under it, she wore black armor. It was easy to bang knees and elbows in a room to room fight, so she wore padding and braces on her joints. And a Velcroed sign, SECURITY. The word was subdued, dark grey on black. POLICE would carry more mojo, but that was illegal. She shrugged out of the coat, leaving it on the ground. "Where are you going?" Jansen asked. He wasn't following, and she had no intention of talking loud enough for him to hear. Silverfox went off at an angle before circling back, breaking contact and re-acquiring it from the flank. She scanned the situation. \#3 near the store was against the wall, in the shadows. He had a submachine gun in one hand; posing with it like he was in an action movie in his mind. #5 with the shotgun was moving up the slope, where she used to be and Jansen still was. And #1 was just standing there. Then he drew a pistol, which was sort of a relief. At least it wasn't an automatic rifle with night scope. #4 kept heading to the van. What the hell? If a fight were going to break out, the guy with the night vision gear should spot for the others. Submachine Gun Guy lowered his weapon and aimed it at the top of the hill, in the general direction of Jansen. Silverfox stole a glance at the Carbine Guy at the boat. He wasn't aiming it. Good. They probably didn't have night vision all around or a good combat net. Still, three hostiles -- Pistol, Shotgun, and Submachine Gun -- were focused on Jansen. She drew her pistols, matched Glock 20 10mm autoloaders, and hoped Jansen would have the sense to play civilian, or get out -- "FREEZE!" Jansen yelled. "POLICE!" Jansen had a flashlight. Or it was a tactical light on his sidearm. It stabbed about until it lit Shotgun Guy. Submachine Gun Guy adjusted his aim. Pistol Guy froze. Nobody yelled anything. That meant they had a plan for this. Oh, shit. Silverfox used her implant to send a canned alert: "Converge on Silverfox." She backed that up with a vocal message: "Engaging multiple, five or more." "On Silverfox, go," she heard Technofox say. Four armed targets. Carbine Guy didn't seem to be alerted. Pistol Guy wasn't making a hostile move. Jansen had spotted Shotgun Guy. Jansen's light framed him. That meant Submachine Gun Guy was hers. She aimed her pistols, and as her fingers squeezed the triggers she closed her eyes to preserve her night vision, fired two rounds from each to his chest, and immediately opened her eyes again an instant after the report. Hocpacem rounds had a frangible case with a tungsten dart for a core. The core would usually penetrate anything short of a ceramic insert; the pellets would barely penetrate flesh, but they dumped energy fast. A few hits with Hocpacem would take down pretty much anyone. Submachine Gun Guy probably had armor, maybe ceramic on the chest, but at worst the impacts would stagger him and ruin his shot. As he tottered, she aimed, closed her eyes, and put one bullet from each gun into his head. After his head jerked back, she identified the sound of cracking brick: the four darts had gone through his chest and smacked the wall behind him, so the two head shots were overkill. Oh well -- overkill beat the alternative. His hand clenched in the submachine gun; a burst spat out at random. She looked away quickly to avoid being dazzled. The shotgun roared, in the direction of Jansen, not an aimed shot; a reflex. Before Submachine Gun Guy hit the ground, she turned to her left. Pistol Guy looked bewildered. Shotgun Guy spun in her direction. He said something, an inarticulate grunt. He didn't drop his weapon, which meant she was clear to engage. She fired three rounds from her left hand, two center of mass, third to the head, before he could acquire her. She started moving slowly to her left, to make it harder for them to focus on her muzzle flashes. Instead of aiming at her, Pistol Guy started to sprint towards cover. Maybe he didn't know she could see him. She fired twice from her right hand, center of mass to the chest. He staggered, and his gun flipped out of his hand. She considered following that up with a third to his head, but he went down and she decided it was probably unnecessary. The guys with the trunks hadn't been talking, or even making words; they had been gabbling out monkey sounds laced with obscenities. Humans had trouble keeping calm in these situations; the wave of body chemicals that Silverfox rode like a surfer engulfed them and sent them tumbling. They were panicked, she was soaring; they were in an explosion of frenzied activity, she was enhanced. Deer and wolf. They settled down an moved with a purpose. The guy from shore ran for cover, moving for the boat; the one with night vision was heading to his dead buddy with the SMG. Silverfox hesitated. He might be rendering aid, he might be going for the weapon; she considered shooting for his legs. But there was a crack from the boat. Carbine Guy was opening up, maybe trying to cover his buddies as they ran for the boat. He was shooting to Silver's right, far to her right -- he couldn't tell her from his buddies. But he might get lucky, or figure out that she was between the two flashes. She scrambled to her left, knelt, rested her right wrist on her left forearm, aimed and half-pulled the trigger. After a programmed delay, the tiny video camera slung under the barrel of the pistol streamed data to her implant. She zoomed the image. In low light, the image quality was pretty bad, but she could see him well enough. She closed her eyes, and her point of view jumped slightly, vision from her eyes replaced by the narrow-field gun camera. She saw him, digital zoom, aliased as hell but she could place the crosshairs. He was down low, on his knees, but not taking cover. the number 58.7m appeared under the crosshairs. She sent six rounds quickly downrange, center of mass, too far for anything fancy, and rolled to her right for a new firing position. When she set the gun to check her aim, he was flying upwards, arms and legs spread, and without crying out went backwards, over the boat, and into the water behind it with a terrific splash. She opened her eyes and released the trigger, and the tunnel vision of the gun camera went away. The two bearers had dropped their containers and were running for the boat. #2 was halfway down the dock, almost back to the boat, panic making him run faster than anything at a track meet. She placed four rounds carefully from her left hand pistol, aiming low. She heard him shriek and he went flying with his knee shot away. His scream was cut off when he hit the dock and bounced into the water. She heard the splash and wondered how deep it was. Flush deck boats drew a lot of water. And were there sharks this far north? She'd worry about that later. The other guy stopped short, seeing that he was cut off. The van's headlights came on, and it jerked into motion. Yes, by now she was in the parking lot. She could jump but the driver might turn. The lights were dazzling; she tried not to look directly at them, hoped it was a left-hand drive and aimed both hands, started firing, intentionally placing them in a wide pattern instead of grouping her shots. She could hear the windshield cave over the pistol fire. The Hocpacem rounds would fragment going through the window, and hopefully fill the driver's compartment with a spray of shrapnel from her bullets and safety glass. Four shots from each gun. She was about to jump to one side when the van suddenly slewed violently to her right and slowed down as the driver's foot came off the accelerator. Either he was out of it or had thrown himself along the seat; it was all good. It had been about twenty seconds since her first shot. That left one confirmed contact, Night Vision Guy. Incredibly, instead of looking for someone to surrender to or running for the boat, he was fumbling for his pistol. What. The. Hell. Didn't he even realize all his buddies had been cut down? Silverfox covered him. He had his gun out, panicked, his hand shaking, when his goggled eyes fell on Silverfox while aiming somewhere else, beginner's mistake. He froze. Silverfox adjusted the position of her hands, right aiming for his forehead, left to his chest. Their glowing eyes touched one another. "I know what you're thinking," Silverfox said. "Did she fire thirty shots, or twenty nine? Do you --" He threw up his hands before she could ask if he "felt lucky, punk." "I give," he assured her. "Your friends. How many?" she said. "I came on the boat. Four others with me." he replied, shaking. He was too scared, she thought, to lie. "We were supposed to meet two," he added. Five on the boat, two on shore, all had been accounted for. Jansen came down in a mini-avalanche of stone and loose dirt. "What the fuck?" he asked, pleading and bewildered as a child. "What did you do?" He couldn't figure it out? "Saved your ass," Silverfox said. She pointed to her prisoner, who was on his knees with his hands behind his head. "He's yours. I'm busy." She dropped her right magazine. She kept two magazines in braces in the small of her back; she slapped the butt of the gun over one brace, and a spring drove the magazine into the pistol. Now that she had a full load in one gun, she dropped her left magazine, ejected the remaining round, holstered the pistol, took a loaded magazine from her web gear, and snapped it in. She'd need a hand free anyway. She took a chemical light stick and flexed it into life with her left hand. She didn't like holding a light source at night; she felt conspicuous. She opened the van's passenger side door. The smell of blood came out, lots of it. One guy up front, head near her. She tossed the light stick into the rear compartment; it bounced and skittered before coming to a stop, casting a white glow. No movement, and even with the extra light of the stick, she didn't see anyone there. She looked back at the front. She could hear blood literally running off the passenger's seat and puddling on the rug. His face was torn up from the fragments and the core of one of her bullets had drilled a hole through his mandible, but the worst injury was a gash in the throat. The blood was pulsing, not flowing, so his heart was still beating and he might make it if she applied first aid right away. But she still had to secure the boat, and she barely trusted Jansen to keep the prisoner. But the driver probably knew where he was making the delivery ... he had high value knowledge. She applied her field dressing. It wouldn't be enough, but she didn't have time. Silverfox sighed. She walked over to Jansen. The prisoner was handcuffed, and he didn't resist as Silverfox dragged him partway to his feet. He looked at her in stunned disbelief as she swung her pistol down onto his head. She let him drop, roughly, and the way he bounced satisfied her that he was unconscious. "What the --" Jansen began to say. "Driver," she interrupted, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. "You can still save him." Turning her back on Jansen, she went up the slope to check on Pistol Guy. She was disappointed to see that he was dead -- no armor, and one of her shots had hit his heart. Shotgun Guy was also dead; but since she had gone for a headshot that was less of a surprise. She looked down the dock dubiously. She started down the dock. She didn't want to do this; she felt hideously exposed. The boat was almost underwater, and it certainly didn't come equipped with vertical-launch grenade launchers, so she doubted she would face fire from there. Still, she'd be vulnerable to a sniper in the hills. They had aimed at a cop, and if there were a sniper he would have opened fire by now. She was betting the opposition were idiots, and she hated doing that. Still, the boat had to be secured quickly. It was there, so she doubted there was anyone aboard. She paused to look down at a pale face barely holding on to the edge. "C'mon," she said amiably, kneeling and offering a hand. "Fuck you," he gasped. "Suit yourself," she replied, turning toward the boat. "I've got things to do." "Hey," he said, surprised. She kept walking. The boat was about ten meters long, barely breaking the surface, water lapping over a closed hatch. Dim red lights inside, so their eyes would adjust. Right beyond, still clutching his carbine, a body floated face down. She hesitated, reached down into the icy water, pulled him out and flipped him onto the dock. No armor. M4 carbine, on a strap. Who the hell waved guns at cops without wearing armor? There was a thick smell of amateurism about the whole thing. She looked at the carbine again -- she was wrong; it was a C8, the version used by Canadians and Brit SAS. She opened the hatch wide and dropped in lightly, both guns drawn. She landed in a kneeling position, and quickly looked over her shoulder. She was alone. The only movement was the hull, and, incongruously, a little yellow bird in a cage, hanging from the ceiling. Cargo space amidships, four trunks on their ends. She guessed there was enough room for twelve trunks in all. Was this the second stop of three? Five seats up front. Aft, a battery of micro capacitor packs, the sort they used in cars. The boat had a crude, unfinished look to it: no paint, no padding, cold as hell. Oxygen tanks tied to the hull, with bungee cords. There was something hanging from the ceiling; at first she thought it was a periscope, then she saw it was a retractable snorkel. A cot. She knelt and sniffed at the pillow; she smelled two men, at least. Under the cot was a box with fifteen plastic bags, five of trash; ten with packed sandwiches, cold chicken, and some thermoses of coffee standing next to them. So, they had figured on three meals for each of them. One day, give or take. What came in had to go out; there was a chemical toilet; unused. Probably just for emergencies. Had they taken piss breaks along the way? Probably. She looked at the instrumentation: whiskey compass, depth-finding sonar from a fishing catalog, GPS you could buy from a camping supply shop. She paused, and downloaded the preset waypoints into her cell phone. She glanced back at the canary. Was that their air quality instrumentation? Talk about low tech... "Silverfox," she
Silverfox 01 by Nathan Cowan
[ "Bisexual", "Lesbian", "Violence (Not In Yiff)", "Vixen" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 44, "num_participle_phrases": 2, "num_sentences": 419, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence" ], "score": 34 }
said, finally, into the mike. "I'm on the boat. So far so good. I'd appreciate a hand but don't break your neck getting here. No hostile contacts, but I'm not secure." "We'll be careful," Firefox said dryly. "Shadowfox on the scene," Shadowfox said. "I see Jansen." "Be careful approaching him," Silverfox said. "He's jittery." "Thanks. I've linked up," she said. Good, Silverfox thought. Jansen was worthless, and Silverfox wanted someone backing her. "Silver, any probables?" Technofox asked. "No probables, no contacts," Silverfox replied. She shied away from saying Clear. 'Clear' would mean she was confident nobody else was there, and she couldn't shake the feeling she had missed something. "Assume the area's still hot. So far, seven hostiles, four down hard, three down. Maybe five and two if I don't get to the guy in the water." "Do that," Firefox said, probably upset at the body count. Then immediately, "Correction. You make the call, but I want that guy if you can get to him safely." "Roger that," Silverfox said formally. "What happened? Why did you engage them?" Firefox asked, her voice irritated. "No choice, Fire," Silverfox said apologetically. "Can it wait for a face-to-face?" It didn't seem a good idea to say a Seattle cop had screwed up everything over a signal that could be intercepted and decrypted. Never say anything over the line you wouldn't want to hear sitting in the witness stand. "Roger," Firefox replied, with just a touch of exasperation in her voice. Silverfox didn't blame her. Silverfox had probably kept Jansen from getting kacked, but the operation had been completely blown in the process. Silverfox didn't say it, but at this point she wasn't even sure they could bring charges against the guys on shore. Pistol Guy hadn't fired, and Van Guy could claim he wasn't trying to run her down. Worse, they hadn't actually accepted the cargo, so they might not even get smuggling charges to stick. If Jansen had just stayed low... "Silverfox here. I am leaving the boat." That was for Shadow's benefit -- Silverfox didn't want Jansen to open up on her. Silverfox went up the ladder and pushed the hatch open. A wave came up and splashed in; she looked away to spare her eyes. She hoisted herself out, made sure the ropes to the dock were secure, and started walking non-chalantly back to shore. "I see you," Shadowfox assured her. "Likewise," Silverfox replied. "Help," a voice croaked from the water. Silverfox feigned surprise. "You talking to me?" she asked. "Please," he gasped. He was shivering, his bravado gone, dashed against the fear that he might actually be left there. He could easily die in the next few minutes in the water, and he suddenly realized that might save the trouble of a trial. She faked an indulgent sigh, and put her hand down and pulled him out. A wind kicked up, making him shake uncontrollably. His leg wasn't bleeding as badly as she thought it would be; the cold and water might have helped. "Can you hop?" she asked. There was no way she was going to carry him, not alone. His teeth were chattering too hard for him to talk. She rolled him face down and handcuffed him there, then used a plastic tie to hold his good leg to one of the cleats. It would have to do. Then she tied off the leg, put her finger in the blood and put a T on his forehead to alert the medics. "Tech, relay this to the police. We have seven suspects," Silverfox said into the mike on her jaw. "Two with gunshot wounds, one with an impact injury to the head, four more down with gunshot wounds." She couldn't actually say they were dead because she wasn't a coroner, but the police would fill in the blanks. "An ambulance or three would be nice." Shadowfox was tending to the van driver, while Jansen stood by her and vomited out an incomprehensible string of disconnected words in which the phrase "crazy goddamned bitch" appeared as a chorus. Shadowfox nodded and made sympathetic exclamations as Jansen babbled himself dry. Shadowfox was a little smaller than Silverfox, black-furred, and Silver had always been envious of her elegant beauty; Shadowfox made Silverfox think of a high-end model in Penthouse. In fact, Shadowfox posed as a nude model / stripper under the name Ebony; it was a useful cover, and the "Ebony" cover identity actually ran a profit, which most cover identities didn't. Shadow had a way with people. The black vixen gave Silverfox a warning glance. Silverfox nodded and did not approach Jansen. "Firefox on the scene." Silverfox heard a motorcycle come softly to a stop, in the blind spot near Jansen's car. That would be Firefox, avoiding a direct approach and choosing the same one Silverfox had. "Careful," Silverfox said. "There's another van load in the boat." "So there might be another van?" Technofox asked. "Maybe." Silverfox couldn't see one, but after the gunplay she wouldn't have hung around either. Firefox came around the base of the hill, carrying her scoped M1A rifle at port arms. Her armor had a slight bulge for her breasts, and it took an impressive rack to make that expedient practical. She was a big girl, busty, if Shadowfox looked like a model from Penthouse, then Firefox was more the corn-fed Midwestern Playboy type. Silverfox had a mental image of Firefox zooming through the streets of Seattle on a motorcycle, rifle on her back ... she couldn't help but grin. "You said seven?" Firefox asked. "I see five." "Two more on the dock," Silverfox explained. "One alive when I left him." "Oh, I see them now," Firefox nodded. Sirens were getting nearer. Firefox pulled off her phone plug. "Do we need to set up a story?" she asked quietly. Silverfox shook her head firmly. "Ah, good," Firefox said with a relieved nod. That couldn't always be said. Firefox looked at her quizzically for a moment, as though doubting her judgment. A police helicopter showed up, searchlight stabbing about. "No contacts," Firefox said. "But there may be another van around. Keep your eyes open." Then the police cars started showing up, and the emergency vehicles. A grey delivery truck pulled up; on the side was painted "Center Street Laundries -- Let Us Clean Up Your Mess!" That would be Technofox in a sensor van. Silverfox looked through the bulletproof glass. The little vixen was sitting in the driver's seat; she stopped the van and went through a hatch to the back, where she presumably fired up a battery of tactical sensors typically deployed on battlefields. Silverfox continued her list. Shadowfox? Penthouse. Firefox? Playboy. Technofox? Barely Legal. Silverfox? Guns and Ammo. If they had a centerfold, which she decided to write to them about. Inspector Nishinobu came out of one of the police cruisers. He had a prematurely gray beard and a raincoat, and from his expression he had earned more than a few grey hairs in the last few minutes. Working lights were being set up around the injured, making the area look like a partly-illuminated Civil War battlefield. His imagination probably filled in the darkness, turning every bush into a corpse. "What happened?" he asked nobody in particular. "Sir," Silverfox said formally. "Officer Jansen and I were on that ridge. The suspects' van arrived first, and then the boat. Suspects carrying weapons began moving toward us. I moved off the hill and around in this direction to flank them. Jansen identified himself as a police officer. The suspects pointed their weapons at Jansen in a threatening manner, and I engaged them." "You engaged them," Nishinobu said. "Yes, sir." He looked back over the scene. "With a minigun?" he asked. Firefox gritted her teeth. ICON had a good reputation in minimum-force situations, and she was probably imagining it being whittled away on her watch. Two cops in armor and helmets peeked over the shoulder of the medic confirming Shotgun Guy was dead. One of them looked at Silverfox and shook his head in amazement. Silverfox felt a warm glow of accomplishment and fought to keep from smiling. Nishinobu was probably being sarcastic, but Silverfox decided to take his question at face value. "No sir. Pistols." "You engaged seven apparently armed suspects with pistols," he said, as though having trouble grasping it. "Yes, sir." "Seven?" he repeated. She cocked an eyebrow. "They were here, sir." "How did they see you?" he asked her accusingly. "Sir, in my opinion Officer Jansen did not follow proper silence drill," she said firmly. She pointed to the ridge. "One of them had night vision goggles, and Jansen was standing against the sky. He also lit a cigarette or two." Nishinobu looked up. "And you're sure they were going to fire?" he asked. "Sir," Silverfox repeated. "Officer Jansen identified himself as a police officer and they aimed their weapons in his direction." Nishinobu considered for a moment. A sergeant with white hair and more stripes on his arm than a tiger coughed. He was standing close to Firefox. "Inspector Nishinobu," he said, "so far we've found a 9mm Colt pistol, 12-gauge shotgun, Sten submachine gun, and a 5.56 assault carbine. All were fired except the pistol." "That's swell," Nishinobu said dourly. Well, he probably had the press to worry about. Silverfox suspected this probably would make the papers. "Jansen identified himself as a police officer and they tried to shoot their way out. Like a couple of dead cops on their records wasn't a big deal," Firefox said. "Yes," Silverfox agreed. "Yes, exactly like that." "Why did Jansen try to arrest them?" Nishinobu asked. To show the outf-town synthetic rent-a-cop how big his balls were, Silverfox thought. "I don't understand how he reconciled that decision with our orders, sir," Silverfox said politely. You never cut down someone's man in front of either of them. That triggered tribal reflexes. There was a moment of stillness, as Nishinobu considered the implications. He nodded, and Silverfox got the sense he was resigned to it. Firefox cocked an interrogating eyebrow at the sergeant. "My asset suggests the suspects spotted Jansen," she said. Firefox was a beautiful woman and people did tend to say more to her than they should, or at least the heterosexual males did. "Well," he said, hesitating, "this won't be the first time Jansen's made the papers." Nishinobu gave him a baleful glance, but it wasn't like ICON wouldn't find out. Technofox left the van. Nishinobu was about to open up the trunk that had been landed, and the little vixen stood next to him. She held a camera. Firefox and Silverfox went over as well, and were joined by Shadowfox. Nishinobu glanced at them with a wry smile. Silverfox felt better; four corpses was never a good situation but it seemed The Nish didn't blame her for it. "Want to see what the fuss was over?" he asked. "If you don't mind," Firefox said. "Well, why not," Nishinobu said. He hesitated, and looked at Silverfox. "There's going to be a hearing, but they fired on you, and that's going to be in the report." Silverfox nodded. "Thank you, sir." Nishinobu opened the trunk. It was packed with pelts, mostly grey. On top, incongruously, there was a folded tiger pelt, orange and black and white colors looking unnaturally saturated in the bright light. "The hell?" Nishinobu asked, bemused. "Smuggling tiger pelts from Canada?" He unfolded it. It was from a small tiger -- it had to be a juvenile. Claws and head removed. Silverfox frowned. It didn't look like the tiger pelts she had seen before. Technofox gasped. "Inspector," she said. "...That's not a tiger pelt." "You're saying it's artificial?" he asked. Silverfox realized what was wrong. The legs were too long, proportional to the body. Not legs; legs and arms. She felt her hackles rise. "No," Technofox said softly. "It's not artificial." Nishinobu slowly understood. Instead of folding it up, he tossed it back into the trunk, and took a few steps back in revulsion. They were in adjoining hotel rooms, each with twin queen beds, which they had made a suite by opening a connecting door. It was two thirty in the morning. They had cracked open the minibar and had split the vodka, even though it was ridiculously overpriced. No sugary mixers; they'd be busy the next day and needed to sleep. "Just curious," Shadowfox asked. She was sitting on the edge of one of the beds. "Why didn't you let the smugglers kill Jansen? No big loss from what I saw." She sipped vodka straight from a paper cup, the edge crimped to form a spout. "I know, I know," Silverfox said, tired. She sipped from the straw in the her plastic glass. Vodka on the rocks, straight; she was coming down off the fight and felt the buzz. "You can't just stand by and let a man be murdered like that," Technofox said, frowning. She was at the writing desk, at her laptop. She had barely taken a mouthful; she didn't like to drink and compute. Shadowfox shrugged. "More to the point, he was a police officer," Firefox said. "Cop and an operative go out, cop dies -- not good in the long run." She was the first to take a refill, and it barely seemed to affect her. "I suppose," Shadowfox admitted. She grinned. "I might have done the same as Silverfox, if I had a chance to pull it off alive." Silverfox smiled at the compliment. "So what have we got?" she asked. "A chimera pelt mixed in with a shipment of wolf pelts?" "We don't have anything," Technofox said. "Our contract's fulfilled. Once the paperwork's finished." "I want these guys," Firefox said. She started pacing, looking moody. Maybe the vodka was affecting her more than it looked; she was getting broody and angry. Technofox nodded, without hesitating. Shadowfox looked dubious. Silverfox shrugged. "I'm good with that," Silverfox said lazily. "You mean on our own?" Shadowfox asked. Firefox paused. "As a last resort," she said. "We can't afford to hire us," Silverfox objected. "I mean, damn, our time's valuable." "And the obvious place to start is Canada," Shadowfox said. "That could be tricky." "That's cool," Silverfox said. "I bought a Canadian language chip the other day. Real cheap, too." Firefox smiled briefly. "I was going to say," Firefox said, "I'd like to, but I don't see how we can. Even if we decided to take a vacation and do this on our own time, we'd effectively be making an armed incursion into a foreign country." "That's only, what, two and a half provinces each? We're tough," Silverfox said. Still, the point remained: operations in the United States with ICON support were dicey enough, operating in a foreign country without ICON would be almost impossible. "Armed?" Shadowfox asked briefly. Firefox snorted. "Yes, armed. To me, a chimera pelt says bring a gun. In fact, it says bring every gun you own, and borrow some from a friend." "Wait," Silverfox said. "What exactly does our present contract cover?" Technofox shifted uncomfortably. "That's the problem," she said. "We're not investigating the smuggling ring. The contract's explicit. Foxforce is here to reinforce the Seattle Police and assist with shore patrol." "Crap," Silverfox said. "Exactly," Firefox said. "We've fulfilled out contract, but that won't put these guys in jail. ICON doesn't fight crime as a public service; ICON fulfills security contracts. We've got a crime but no client." "We might, if we can identify the tiger," Technofox said. "A tiger chimera with friends enough to hire us," Shadowfox said. She didn't need to point out how unlikely that was. "I'm going to push ICON to let us poke around," Firefox said. "If they say no, then all I've got is, let's keep our eyes open, be aware that something nasty's happening in Canada, and without faking anything, look for opportunities to push investigations in that direction." She put her vodka mug down. She had emptied it again. "Do you want to tell ICON to renegotiate the contract?" Shadowfox asked. "I'd like to," Firefox said. She rubbed her jaw. "We don't want to seem too eager, though..." Silverfox shrugged. "Look, let's get real here. As long as we don't go into debt, I want to help nail these guys. Drug running I don't give two shits about. Chimera pelts are different. So don't say no on my account." A smile flicked over Firefox's face as the others nodded agreement. "I hate to say it," Technofox said, "but I don't see the Seattle police giving us a ringing endorsement. They can blame us for the shootout. And they probably --" On cue, the four of them looked at the door to the hotel corridor. They all heard the footfall, a familiar one. Shadowfox sighed, closed her eyes, and walked to the door. Opening it, she raised her tail and her eyes widened and became bright. David Torrance was out there, about to knock. He looked faintly perturbed, but he was getting used to this particular chimera trick. "Hi, David," Shadowfox said, with a swish of her tail. She was wearing a short robe and no panties, and Silverfox watched the muscles in her butt move. God, she was something else. "Hi, Shadow," he said. "Sorry if --" She took his arm and pulled him in. "Don't be silly. Come in. We were just wondering when you'd drop by." Technofox leveled her eyes at Shadowfox for a moment before looking at David. "How's your case going?" she asked. David rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, to tell you the truth, it's set back, if not blown," he admitted. "Not blaming anyone," he said, looking at Silverfox. "But I was after the salesman for the merchandise being delivered last night. No delivery, no merchandise. No merchandise, no sale, no sale, no case." "Did you expect chimera pelts?" Firefox asked bluntly. "No," he replied. "Believe me, I would have warned you." Firefox hesitated a moment, then smiled and nodded, as though apologizing for implying otherwise. Technofox was about to say something. "I'm so sorry," Shadowfox said, staring deeply into his eyes with brown eyes that glowed with sympathy. Tech frowned and looked away. David shrugged. "I heard a rumor you saved a cop's life?" "Yeah," Silverfox said. "We all make mistakes." "Don't say things like that," Shadowfox said, frowning at her while holding David's arm. David sat on the easy chair, and Shadow wedged herself next to him, sort of halfway on his lap and half not on the chair. She melted against him, and he put his arm around her waist. He looked at her; she smiled and kissed him, lightly, briefly, her eyes holding the promise of more. Silverfox felt her spirits sink. She had counted on sleeping with Shadowfox that night. "Have you heard anything about these mooks yet?" Silverfox asked. He looked around at her, blinked as though he couldn't remember what she was talking about. "Strictly speaking," he said, "and no offense, but I thought you were just supplementing the coastal patrols?" "You're right," Firefox said. "Officially, it's nothing to do with us. But Silverfox was shot at, and we're all a little curious." "Uhm," he said, obviously a bit uncomfortable. ICON was pretty strict about confidentiality, and they didn't like agents to gossip with one another. "Please?" Shadowfox asked, and touched her tongue lightly to his hand. His reluctance vanished. "Well, remember that I'm working the supplier side, not the shipping side, so I'm not getting all the details either." "Understood," Firefox said easily. He scratched his nose. "The thing that really jumped out at me was that of the five in the boat, four were Canadian deserters." "Canadian army?" Silverfox asked, surprised. "Three Army, one Navy," David corrected. "Huh. I didn't expect that," Silverfox said. "They didn't strike me as trained infantry. One had a Canadian Army carbine but I figured he had bought the thing on the black market." "So they didn't feel like trained troops?" Firefox asked Silverfox. "Yeah..." Silverfox considered. "I'm not expecting Canadian Army deserters to be Princess Pats or SAS or anything, but I wouldn't expect them to outright suck, either." "So you expected better?" Firefox asked, thoughtfully. "From the Canadian Army? Sure. Even from a deserter with just basic training," Silverfox said firmly. "They screwed up all over the place. They've got just three elements, and lousy cohesion between them. Night landing, one set of night vision goggles, and they give it to a guy pushing a trunk. Lousy tactics and the wrong equipment. That's not 'make do with what we've got', that's 'we're idiots, and we suck.'" She smiled, rather proud of her way of phrasing it. "Or maybe they didn't have flash suppressors?" Technofox suggested. Firing guns with night vision equipment was a bad idea, unless the muzzle was shrouded to keep the flash from blinding the shooter. "Still makes them stupid," Silverfox said. "Either equip for a night environment, or leave the toys on the boat." "And they're probably guilty of capital crimes on top of that," Technofox said. She shook her head. "A cop identifies himself, and they point guns at him. Sure, they were seven on two and a good chance of fighting their way out of trouble, but there's no way they knew that." "They didn't," Silverfox said. "I caught them flatfooted. They had no idea where I was until I opened up." Firefox raised her ears warningly and glanced at David. Technically, Silverfox was supposed to identify herself as private security and order them to surrender. Only the immediate threat to Jansen was keeping her out of jail. David didn't seem concerned. "None of them tried to give up?" David asked. "Except the one I pulled out of the water," Silverfox said. "Maybe a nice warm cell looks better when you're bleeding out into the Pacific Ocean." "It would to me," David agreed. "I'm surprised they didn't give, even while Silverfox was rolling them up." Maybe they didn't have time, Silverfox thought. "Were they split into groups?" Shadowfox asked. "It was dark. Maybe they didn't know how bad off they were." "Maybe," Silverfox said. "You get high casualties in that situation... you know what smells like army to me? Their instincts were to fight their way out. Maybe they were trying a rear-guard action." "It seems to me that seven on one isn't exactly a minimum force situation," David said, delicately. Silverfox grinned. David was a pretty cool guy. "So I'd guess -- just guessing here -- that maybe you tore into them without giving them time to find you and shoot back. That makes sense, but it's not giving them time to surrender, either." "Could be," Silverfox admitted. "Heck, the guy with the shotgun opened fire when his buddy did. A soldier might do that, even if he doesn't have a target." Recon by fire worked. "Contagious fire? Maybe," Technofox said. "But Jansen identified himself and gave them a chance. They decided to engage him instead." Silverfox nodded. The little vixen was right. A maritime map of Vancouver Island was on the TV, with numbered waypoints. The first was south of Victoria's Inner Harbor, and the last was almost twenty kilometers north and east of that, in Haro Strait. Technofox pointed to it. "Here's what I don't get," she said. "It's off the screen, landfall in Seattle was marked by a waypoint. But landfall back on Vancouver Island wasn't." "What's a waypoint?" David asked. "I've never used a GPS," he said apologetically. "A waypoint is where heading changes as you follow a course," Technofox said. "If you ask where the library is," Shadowfox translated, "and I say 'straight down this road, and hang left at the gas station,' the gas station is a waypoint." "Ah." David nodded. "Thanks," Technofox said. She moved a cursor around Waypoint #01 on the TV screen. "This is the first waypoint. We don't know where they started from, but it could be anywhere along the shore where you can draw a straight line to the first waypoint. Probably somewhere along here, to the west, because otherwise you'd be going southwest, hit this waypoint, and then have to turn southeast to reach Seattle." "Which is stupid, unless you're trying to fool someone who gets his hands on your GPS," Silverfox reminded her. "Yes," Technofox agreed thoughtfully. "Let's leave that aside for now. You then scoot down to Seattle, follow the GPS to the landing ..." "You also get a recognition signal from shore," Silverfox reminded them. "Flashing van headlights. Morse code Charlie. Today is the third." Technofox nodded, drawing the obvious inference. "Better. Then you turn back, painstakingly follow this meticulously plotted course back ... and you wind up sitting in the middle of Haro Strait, right between San Juan Island and Beaver Lake." She scratched her head. "Why isn't the landfall marked?" "How long is the trip?" Silverfox asked. "Time, I mean." Technofox blinked. "A boat like that might pull, oh ... ten knots. I'd guess ten hours, one way." She held out a hand and waggled it back and forth. "Give or take. I don't know what the currents are like." Silverfox nodded. "I had guessed one or two pee breaks along the way," she said, satisfied. "By the time you got back up there, it's daylight," Firefox said. "They probably know the landing by sight. Or," she said thoughtfully, "if I were doing it, I'd memorize the position of the landing, and I wouldn't program it into the GPS until I was safely underway." "You're smart, though," Silverfox reminded her. "These guys aren't." "Either way," Technofox said, "they launched from somewhere within sight of Victoria, and they landed somewhere within sight of Haro Strait." "Two bases," David frowned. He was holding Shadowfox's hand, and brought it to his lips. She smiled shyly. "That's funny. Why have two bases?" "Maybe not," Firefox said. "Not if the base is somewhere within sight of both waypoints." She immediately shot herself down. "But it doesn't look like that's possible... see, they're around a point. I don't see how they could overlap..." "Well, I think it's getting too late to talk about this," Shadowfox said brightly. She held David's hand, and considered. "Uhm, Silver?" she asked, her voice a little shaky and embarrassed. "I don't mind," Silverfox replied. "I'll use the spare bed in here. Just let me grab my toothbrush." Technofox's ears flattened momentarily and flipped back up. David and Shadowfox followed her into the other bedroom, but not out. Shadowfox looked after Silverfox as she left the room and wished them a good night, exactly as though she was shy in front of her, as though the two vixens had been
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using both beds. Silverfox smiled to herself. If David were a chimera, he'd realize that Silverfox and Shadowfox had been sleeping in the same bed within a few minutes. She closed the door behind her. "Can we all fit in one bed?" Silverfox asked Technofox and Firefox brightly. "Are we going to try?" Technofox asked, cross. "Tech," Firefox said, slightly exasperated. "What's the problem?" Silverfox asked with a frown. Technofox rolled her eyes in that exasperating "if you don't know I'm not going to tell you" way she sometimes adopted when her feelings got all hurty. "Geeze," Silverfox snorted. "Say the word and I'll hang out with a friend." "What friend?" Firefox asked. Silverfox posed. "I haven't met him yet," she said, raising an eyebrow. Firefox rubbed her sinuses. Technofox pursed her lips. "I'm sorry," Technofox sighed. "Silver, it's not you. It's just that..." she gestured helplessly while Silverfox took off her shoes and socks. "Tech, just tell her you're not in the mood," Firefox said. She took off her shirt, folded it and put it into a drawer. "But I am," Technofox muttered to herself. She looked over at Firefox, who was taking her bra off. Firefox taking her bra off generally did lighten the atmosphere. The little vixen stared, and looked away when Firefox turned back towards them, as though Firefox didn't like Technofox to stare at her. "Your shirt's off," Technofox said. "Of course I'm in the mood." Silverfox smiled; Technofox had started expressing that sort of thing more recently; Silverfox thought it was because she and Firefox had sort of hooked up. Silverfox looked at Firefox frankly, and not just at her face. Silverfox liked looking at Firefox naked. Firefox looked back and couldn't resist a smile. Remember the first time we made love, Fire? Silverfox found herself thinking. She was glad for Firefox and Technofox, but she couldn't quite suppress the melancholy which came with knowing a lover preferred to spend her time with someone else. Remember that lesbian porn video I downloaded for ideas? Remember how awkward we were with one another, remember learning how hard to bite, the first taste and feel of a woman against the tip of your tongue, how exciting it was to feel a kiss between your legs? Oh, they had both learned, of course, and found other lovers; Firefox had gone to other women and men; but for Silverfox there had only been other women. Sometimes she wondered why they had each made different choices. Maybe Firefox had been so overwhelming an experience that she turned to other women to recapture it as closely as possible. No, "choice" was the wrong word. Looking back, she couldn't think of a moment where she had "made that decision." Women had always attracted her; Silverfox couldn't look at another woman without imagining, however briefly, having sex with them. Sometimes, the thought was humorous, or off-putting, or nice enough to pursue: but whenever she had forced herself to think of it with a guy something inside her had recoiled away from the image. It had been repugnant. It was odd that she had liked to imagine women wearing a strapn when a real penis seemed as attractive as something extruding itself through a crack between two rocks in an aquarium. She could remember feeling that indifference and discomfort, but she couldn't imagine it any more. Now when she saw a dick or thought of one, she wanted to feel it go off. Technofox grabbed Firefox, who pretended to squeal as Technofox pulled her down on the bed. Somehow, Technofox ended up on top, and was gently stroking the side of Firefox's face. Firefox's smile turned serious for a moment, and her lips parted slightly. Technofox lowered herself onto Firefox; their mouths clung. Technofox sat up, and looking down at Firefox stroked her breasts. Firefox gasped as a blunt claw found her nipple. The tip of Technofox's tongue flicked onto her lip. "Mind if I play with myself while I watch?" Silverfox asked amiably. Firefox suppressed a grin; Technofox didn't suppress hers. "You goof," Technofox said playfully, tossing her shirt at Silverfox. Silverfox caught it, and tossed it onto the other bed. She stripped, throwing her clothes into a pile with Silverfox's shirt, hanging her weapon harness carefully on the head of the bed. She gritted her teeth, annoyed: she had lost a magazine at the crime scene and she didn't think she had any spares. Oh well. She climbed on behind Technofox, kneeling to keep her weight off Firefox's legs. Technofox turned her head, startled, but Silverfox pressed her head over the smaller fox's shoulders and used her snout to make her look back at Firefox. Firefox raised her hands to Technofox's breasts, stroking them as Silverfox's weight pushed Technofox against Firefox's hands. Silverfox put a hand between Technofox's legs; the little fox was already wet. Technofox had four hands on her: Firefox caressed her breasts while Silverfox worked her between her legs and stroked her belly. Silverfox bit her shoulder lightly. She wasn't able to see her face, but Silverfox could gauge Tech's reaction by the way her little body moved, the way she breathed, the cries she choked back. Technofox was close to the edge, she knew; moving her hips back away from Silver's fingers to prolong it. Silverfox kept the pressure up, quickened the movement of her finger, and bit harder, making it more intense instead of slackening off. Silverfox was rewarded almost immediately; Technofox gasped and fell forward, embracing Firefox tightly as she climaxed, squeezing Firefox in the afterglow. "Thanks for the show," Silverfox said. "I'd pay to see you do that again." A shy smile flicked over Technofox's face. Silverfox always liked making her feel happy. Technofox didn't always respond well to teasing. Firefox hugged Technofox, and turned to kiss Silverfox. "I owe you one," Technofox said. "Nah," Silverfox replied. "I think we're even." She put her arm over the two of them. "Thanks," Technofox said. "Sorry, but I'm really tired." Silverfox kissed her lightly, and looked at Firefox. "Tech sandwich," she suggested. "Good idea," Firefox agreed. Technofox emitted a muffled squeak as the two bigger foxes converged on her. Silverfox woke last. Firefox was gone, Technofox was dressed and reading a newspaper. The headline was "MASSACRE ON THE COAST!" "Hey," Silverfox said, surprised. "Where did that happen?" Technofox lowered the paper and stared at Silverfox inscrutably for several seconds before wordlessly raising it up again. Silverfox shrugged. Sometimes Tech got into funny moods. Firefox came to the door; she opened it and stepped in: the smell of the coffee she was carrying wafted gently across. "The reporters are jumping on anyone who looks remotely like a Vix-Dix," she complained. "I practically had to pistol-whip my way past them." "So what else is new?" Silverfox asked. "That's the price of being impossibly hot." Firefox sighed and rolled her eyes. "Get dressed," she said. Instead, Silverfox took a cup from her. She tossed away the plastic top and breathed deeply. She could feel the caffeine vapors flooding her sinuses. The infrared pit sensor in her nose told her it was still too hot to drink, but it was still possible to have fun with coffee. "I suppose a relaxing breakfast in the restaurant is out of the question?" Technofox asked. "Afraid so," Firefox said. "Looks like we'll have to spring for room service." "Or we could send David for takeout," Silverfox said. "I'll ask after you get dressed," Firefox said. "We should all get naked," Silverfox suggested. "Then he'd pay for breakfast." "Silverfox," Firefox said flatly. Silverfox snorted and pulled on a long T-Shirt. "You're still worried about staying professional with him? If you listen, you can hear his balls slapping against Shadow." Technofox threw her paper onto the bed and stormed into the bathroom. Silverfox lifted her eyebrows at Firefox. "She likes him, you know," Firefox said in low tones. Silverfox snorted. "There's a relationship with potential." "Chimera / Human relationships can work out," Firefox said flatly. "You're seeing Jerry, right?" "I'm not talking about the dating - outside - your - species thing," Silverfox said quietly. "I'm talking about a boy looking for a nice bit of serial monogamy. And you're the girl's girlfriend." Firefox stiffened. At that moment, Shadowfox slipped through the door. She was wearing a towel, clutched modestly to keep it from opening up. When the door closed, Shadow relaxed her grip and allowed it to gap. She opened her mouth to speak. "Does David know we fuck?" Silverfox asked casually, in low tones. Shadowfox blinked. "Uhm, what?" "Sorry, I should be more clear. Does David know that you have sex with the three of us and Andrew?" "And half of the Mafia," Technofox called out from the bathroom. Shadowfox glared at the bathroom door. "That's professional," she said. "And so is David," the bathroom door said. "Yes. So?" Shadowfox asked, frowning. "David knows what you do for the job," Silverfox said. "Does he know what you do for fun?" "Uh, no," Shadowfox answered, obviously puzzled. "He thinks we're exclusive," she said, her expression wondering why Silverfox was bringing this up. "Professional stuff aside, of course. It's like the towel. He's seen me naked on stage, but for him I'm a little body shy." "So that's what he likes?" Silverfox asked. "...Of course," Shadowfox said, bewildered. "I'm being the girl he wants." Silverfox turned to Firefox, satisfied. "There you go. See my point?" Technofox opened the bathroom door and leaned out. "No." "David wants a faithful lover he can take home to mother," Silverfox told her. "Not a woman in love with another woman." Technofox froze. Shadowfox nodded. "That's right," she agreed. "He understands my work but we don't talk about it. He wouldn't be okay with my sleeping with you guys, so I don't let him know about that. But why are we talking about what David wants in a relationship? What does that have to do with anything?" "Shadow," Firefox asked before Silver could answer the question, "You have something to bring up?" "Huh? Oh, right," Shadowfox said, trying to remember. "David and I are getting room service together, so you guys can have breakfast without us." Technofox closed the bathroom door. "What's with Technofox?" Shadowfox asked, exasperated. "By Washington State law, chimerae models which meet certain thresholds are legally human," Nishinobu said. "So we're keeping the ... remains in the morgue." "I knew I liked the Northwest," Silverfox said. Nishinobu grinned briefly. "How long till all the pelts are tested?" Firefox asked. "At least a month," Nishinobu said. "That long?" Silverfox complained. Technofox nodded. "There's two hundred pelts. This will swamp every certified forensics lab between here and the Smithsonian." "That's right," Nishinobu said. He looked at Silverfox squarely. "I assure you that this is being treated as a human murder case by the Washington State Police, with coperation from the FBI and the RCMP." He turned and Silverfox rolled her eyes, which got her an elbow jab from Shadowfox. He pressed the buzzer next to a bulky, environmentally sealed door. A light flashed green and the door shivered as bolts slid to the unlocked position. He turned a handle and cool, dry air flowed out past the jamb. "I'm told that we may not be able to identify the individual," he said, stepping through. "The tanning process destroys most DNA," Technofox said. "Which means we can't identify individual chimerae from these pelts. That's tricky anyway, because most chimerae have clone-siblings. However, mitochondrial DNA can be extracted from a tanned hide. Since chimerae are cloned using human ova, it should be possible to trace the chimera to a specific ova batch. From there it's a process of elimination." "Made more complicated because with a chimera, vanished doesn't usually mean dead." Firefox said. "It means run away." All of the foxes had runaway friends; Firefox was speaking for Nishinobu's benefit. Nishinobu smiled. "Exactly. Investigating this is not a job for a human cop." The room was chrome and white, the smell of formaldehyde so heavy in the air that the air itself was probably preserved. There were three examination tables; the tiger pelt was laid out on the largest, two jaguar pelts were on a second, arranged as though the examiners were trying to match the patterns, and on the third were the bones of a human leg, laid out in an anatomical pattern. They were very clean. Silverfox recognized the drawers: they were not only refrigerated, but maintained a pure nitrogen atmosphere. Similar technology had figured in Atlanta. "So the chimerae don't get a drawer?" Silverfox asked, getting a second elbow jab from Shadowfox. Nishinobu glared at her and pointed. "We're sort of cramped for space. We've got only six drawers and some guests from the north." He pointed over at the leg bones. "We had to move him to a table. It's not about species. It's a question of which remains need preservation more." Silverfox was dubious, but silent. "Do you want to see your work?" he asked icily. "Yeah, thanks," Silverfox said brightly. "Especially the guy with the assault carbine. Did I hit him six for six?" she asked. "...We found three holes." Nishinobu said slowly. "He was a tough target," Silverfox said apologetically. "How was my grouping?" "Not too good. Left leg, right arm, and head." "Crud," Silverfox said, crestfallen. "You'll have to excuse Silverfox," Shadowfox said. "She didn't get much sleep last night because she was very upset and remorseful over --" "I'm sure she was," Nishinobu said dryly. "Mention that in the interviews." "We'll see to that," Firefox said. "Speaking of which," Nishinobu said, "for the moment, we're not releasing the fact chimerae pelts were found. The DNA tests haven't confirmed it yet." Firefox looked at him sharply. "So you're telling me that all the reporters think an ICON operative killed four people who were smuggling illegal pelts? They don't know it's a murder investigation?" "The press release," Nishinobu said firmly, "states that a police officer and ICON operative were in a gun battle in which four criminals were killed, with weapons fired on both sides. Believe me, we're making it damned clear that they opened fire." Firefox set her jaw and nodded reluctantly. "Does this mean I don't get to check my grouping?" Silverfox asked, disappointed. "It costs around a hundred bucks every time they break the seal on one of those drawers," Technofox said. "Nitrogen atmosphere." "Really?" Silverfox asked, surprised. Firefox leaned down close to the two jaguar pelts. "Do they think these pieces might be from the same ... individual?" Firefox asked. "We suspect it," Nishinobu said. He knelt down next to her. Silverfox noticed he moved to put Firefox's rack in view. Well, she didn't blame him. "The problem is that a jaguar pelt doesn't have a continuous pattern. With a tiger you can match up stripes, but with spots you're never sure. Frankly, at the moment we're not even certain those are from chimerae." He looked up. "We've found four different pelts which seem to ... match a bipedal body type. Tiger, a lion, and two canids. That's not conclusive, and it doesn't rule out that there might be more. These might be from a chimera, or it might be from a jaguar, or they might be from two individuals." "It does beg the question of how a jaguar pelt got to Canada," Firefox said. "Or rather, why it was smuggled from Mexico and then back. Just be careful the pelts don't touch and cross-contaminate." He sighed. "Yeah, that's a problem. But the thing is they were all packed up in trunks, so we're finding wolf fur in with the tiger's pelt. The samples we've sent off are scrapings from inside the dermal layer. Unfortunately, that means we had to pull a visible strip away. from the other side of the pelt." He gestured as though flipping the pelt over. "I don't like doing that, especially not when this might be a foreign citizen." "I think we're talking about a closed-coffin ceremony anyway," Firefox joked. Nishinobu's professional reserve flickered just slightly. "I'd recommend that." Technofox was staring at the human leg, and frowning. "I'm not an expert," she said, "but this looks like a badly set break." Nishinobu looked over briefly. "Good eye," he said. "Yes, those were found by a hiker last week. We think they belonged to a Native American who broke his leg in the forest. He tried to set it himself, but it got infected and he died." Technofox looked up. "Does that happen often?" she asked. "This happened three hundred years ago." "Oh," Technofox looked down and shook her head. "Awful way to go, still." "So," Firefox said, "I assume we're still on the case? Otherwise you wouldn't be showing this to us." "I think you have a right to this," Nishinobu replied. "I appreciate that." Nishinobu looked over at her. "If the tiger was a highrder chimera, this is a transnational incident with a joint investigation carried out by the FBI and RCMP," he said. "However, there's obviously a component involving the non-human community, possibly chimerae who are moving about illegally." "Why would they do that?" Silverfox stage whispered. "I want ICON and your team involved in this investigation. But there's budgets, and questions of who will pay." "Thank you for recommending us, sir," Firefox said, keeping relief out of her voice. "Under one condition," he added. He jerked a thumb at Silverfox. "We talk to a judge in half an hour, and then there's a press conference. Your gun bunny needs to look convincingly upset about the dead Canadians in my city." "Well, naturally," Silverfox said softly, "taking someone's life is always the hardest decision that a private security operative can ever make." She swallowed. "But Officer Jansen was under fire." Electronic flashes popped. Given how good cameras were nowadays in low light, it was extraordinary that people still used electronic flashes. Silverfox looked away as though shy of the attention: actually, Technofox in the audience was pulling faces at her and Silverfox was afraid she'd start laughing. The judge nodded sympathetically. According to the medical testimony, the prisoner running down the dock had only been hit twice. Silverfox pursed her lips: she had fired four rounds at him. It wasn't clear how many shots had hit the driver of the van. That didn't bother her, since she had been using a pistol for area fire. Still, her hit ratio was higher than anyone else in the team. "You did well," Firefox said, thumping Silverfox affectionately on the shoulder. It was deliberately ambiguous. Someone listening might think she was being congratulated for not crying on the stand. "Yes," Shadowfox agreed. She glanced around and continued, in low tones. "Still, I think you spread it just a little too thick. No offense." "None taken. That's like me giving you pointers on the range," Silverfox said. Shadowfox grinned. "Ms. Silverfox?" a man asked. Silverfox looked over. He was a bit taller than she was, with hair that was too long, a goatee and a badge that said PRESS. "Yes?" Silverfox asked, thinking, Yeah, I'd do him. "I'm with Seattle NewsNet," he explained. "I was wondering if you'd be available for an interview after the press conference." Technofox looked up, blinked, and at Firefox. Firefox shrugged. "Well, certainly," Silverfox said. "And your name is...?" "Devon. Clark Devon." "Fine, Mister Devon," Silverfox beamed, nodding energetically. "Could we do it over lunch?" "Uhm, certainly, Ms. Silverfox." "Just Silverfox, thank you." "Thanks -- please call me Clark." "Oh, I will," she assured him. It was barely eleven hundred hours. The timing, she thought, might be a little tricky -- she'd need to keep him talking for the rest of the day and through dinner, probably. He smiled and went off. "Tech," Silverfox said, "when is our flight back to Boston? Tomorrow at sixteen hundred?" "Tomorrow at sixteen hundred," Technofox affirmed. "Rally time in the hotel is thirteen hundred. NewsNet -- isn't Victoria's father involved with them?" "Wow," Silverfox said. "That means I had sex with Clark's boss' daughter? And I'm pretty sure I've got evidence of that on my hard drive..." "I wouldn't bring that up," Shadowfox said gently. "It can be intimidating." "I might be busy tonight," Silverfox said. "Getting lucky?" Technofox asked. "Luck's got nothing to do with it," Silverfox told her. After lunch, she had asked Clark to show her around the city. The view from the Space Needle would have been nice if the slight drizzle didn't blot out the view to the horizon, but to her that hardly justified the enormous array of Space - Needle - Themed paraphernalia offered for sale at the base of the tower. In fact, so vast was the human lust for Space Needles on hats, shot glasses, shirts, ceramics, playing cards, postcards, and salmon that they could not be contained in a single store, and had spilled into a number of shops all about the tower. It would be possible to live one's life using only artifacts which were associated in some way with the Space Needle, from brushing one's teeth with a Space Needle toothbrush in the morning, to eating meals of Space Needle-shaped pasta with Space Needle flatware from Space Needle dishes, to drying one's self off with a Space Needle bath towel before donning pajamas emblazoned with little Space Needles, matching those on the pillow case. She saw a postcard with a hole in the middle of a what looked like a pattern of tight concentric circles embossed into the surface; she was assured that this postcard was a duplicate of one sold on that wonderful day when the Space Needle had first been erected, and had a song encoded somehow into the ridges. She wondered if the hardware needed to read the data existed anywhere on North America outside of a museum. But she did send Technofox an email about the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, which had props they had used in some films she had seen. They didn't allow pictures, unfortunately, and Silverfox hoped Tech could find the time to swing by. After that, they went to a burger joint nearby. The burgers were upscale and really quite tasty. "If you don't mind my asking," Clark said, "were you trained for combat?" Silverfox considered and stirred her drink wordlessly. Why, no, she imagined herself saying. I'm a secretary. Anyone grabbing a pistol for the first time is totally capable of taking out six armed opponents. Shit -- she had a gun sight wired into her brain. She was quiet because she was dumbfounded. How could someone be that clueless? And she was a little offended. She spent a lot of time on the range and in simulations; she worked hard at her skills and was proud of them. She had friends who didn't know field of fire from recon by fire; but at least they respected her craft. She doubted that she and Clark would ever really connect on any conversational level. She couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed. He did, however, have a nice butt, and she realized that it might be possible to salvage something out of the time she had already invested. "Yes," she said, trying to keep a straight face. "Most law enforcement and security personnel get through their careers without ever drawing their weapons off the range, but I suppose my number was up." He looked upset. "And you didn't volunteer for that?" She sighed to herself. "I'm selfwning, which means I can change my job if I want to." "But not originally," he said. "Who is? Human minors have fewer rights than prisoners." "Children aren't property." "There's that. I was grown and trained to the law-enforcement specification," she said. "Don't you think that's wrong?" he asked. "I'm an artifact. We're created for a purpose," Silverfox said. "Otherwise, why would anyone bother?" She shrugged. "I'm a product, in the same way you're a chimpanzee." Honesty, she decided, was probably a mistake. She needed to stop conversing with him, and instead, play him like a dating simulation. She should review possible responses and pick the option which was most likely to get her an invitation home. He seemed baffled for a moment, as though he had never considered why artificials even existed in the first place. He drummed his fingers nervously, uncomfortably, and seemed to be trying to think of a way to change the subject. "Well, I don't know," he admitted. "I mean, I'm not arguing that you -- artificial intelligences -- shouldn't exist, but it seems to me that most of your problems come from people -- humans, I mean, not all people, -- treating you like you're products." He laughed. "And it's been a bad year for chimerae, hasn't it? I mean, Doctor Walton being assassinated in Atlanta, and they pin the killing on a chimera --" Silverfox wanted to take a red-hot poker and ream the next human who expressed sympathy over Walton's death. Grudgingly, she had to admit that Lilith's life hadn't been a total waste -- although she didn't understand why Lilith had attacked Shadowfox after killing Walton. Ah well -- she didn't spend a lot of time fretting over such things. Technofox and Firefox would point their fingers, and she'd pull the trigger. Which, she realized, was exactly the wrong thing to say if she wanted to get into bed with this guy. "They outlawed indenture contracts in Washington State..." Silverfox said with a nod. "On the other hand, there's that," Clark said with a laugh and a smile. Silverfox didn't answer. Technofox had been furious about that. Indenture contracts were still one of the best ways out of slavery. Their friend Morgan had been purchased from the Federal government and now was working as an indenture in Illinois: in a few years he'd be selfwning. Without indenture contracts to guarantee a return, it made more economic sense to keep slaves in slave states. The ban on indentures in Washington State was a classic example of well-meaning people screwing things up. But Silverfox didn't say that. Shadowfox was sleeping with David, and Firefox and Technofox would rather be alone, and Silverfox knew that if she didn't sleep with someone real, she would dream someone in bed with her... And Silverfox was afraid of who might show up.
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 7, "longest_sentence": 84, "num_participle_phrases": 4, "num_sentences": 430, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (7) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence" ], "score": 65 }
Following the party on the Saturday, I felt very nervous going to work on the Monday. Or course none of the other works knew, but our boss - Margaret Bryant did - she was the one who had set me up for the evening, and taken me to places I had never dreamt of. And I knew it was only the start... The reality was, she simply ignored what had happened, treated me exactly as if nothing had happened. Again there were anxious moments as Tony, Margaret's husband, came into the office on the Wednesday, but again, after 10 minutes stilted conversation we silently entered a mutual conspiracy to pretend nothing had happened, that we were friends just as before the party. Life at the office continued as if nothing had happened. It continued through the next two parties, where again it was very similar - we served dressed as waitresses, we held hands when not busy. At the first party this time Tony sucked me off as I had to hold the eyes of my former primary school head teacher who was part of the "club." At the second party we both had to kneel on hands and knees as the other rubbed themselves off from behind, although there was no hint of anal penetration required. I wondered if one day we would have to... Meanwhile at work things continued as normal. Margaret Bryant continued as if nothing had happened, and Tony and I kept our conspiracy of silence with each other. The other people in the office weren't even aware I had been to their parties. It was as I arrived at the fourth party that things felt a bit different... On the Wednesday before the party Margaret was having coffee with Jean. Both liked the other, and even in the few minutes together they had developed a respect for each other. Margaret was explaining. "Barbara suggested you might be a good person to join our club, and has, I believe, at my suggestion, told you a little about our parties. Are you still interested? We would love you to join us." Margaret smiled naturally. Jean was rather nervous. Since her divorce when her swine of a husband drank too much, beat her up and told her he was leaving for another woman (he was still doing probation for the incident, was with the girl friend and was history) Jean had been rather nervous of any deep or personal relationships. Barbara had thought that joining the "club" would be good for her. Jean was quiet, her mind still churning everything around. Margaret talked further about the friendship, about the fun, chatter, entertainment. At last she asked Jean if there were things she wanted to ask. Jean was hesitant. "Yes, I think I, might, perhaps, um... want to join, please?" Margaret smile. "Let's make sure you know what we are about," she paused. "The group is erotic. Sexual. We do exploit men - in a nice way so they enjoy it as well. And we are not inhibited with each other, although there is no pressure to make any relationships physical..." Again she paused, before speaking gently: "You know what I am saying?" "Yes" said Jean, quietly. "There is one further thing." Margaret again spoke gently. She really liked this lady in front of her. She really wanted her as a friend. "We do have an initiation. It's very difficult, and very easy. It makes you one of us. It allows us to be sure you will be un-inhibited with us. And it also, I hope, allows you to walk out if it is not for you. But it is very embarrassing. And asks you to be...well, not sure how to put it..." Jean looked uncertain again, and spoke hesitatingly. "What do I have to do?" Margaret spoke very slowly, so as not to frighten Jean. "We have a couple of men who serve us. Tony - my husband, and another who is good friend of ours." Jean jumped at the mention of men, so Margaret continued reassuringly. "Don't worry, they are good men, and they will not do anything to harm us. They serve us at the parties." Margaret paused. "Towards the end of the evening I will ask you if you want to go through with the initiation. You are free to say no and leave. If you stay we will turn all the lights out before we bring our friend in. It will be your task to, um, bring him off. Using just your mouth. Let him cum all over you. We will know by the sound whether, whether..." she paused, "Whether anything is happening..." Jean looked startled. "Why? Why do that? Don't we control the men?" Margaret smiled. "Of course we do. But this only happens once, at the beginning. It's a sort of sign that you want to be part, that you are prepared to be uninhibited. It's a sort of gesture that you want to give yourself to our group and our, um, our ethos. " After a pause, Margaret continued. "Afterwards we will get someone to give you a lift home, and when you get home you are free to clean up..." You may as well do it at home because a lot of your clothes as well as your face may be covered with..., well, you know..." Margaret concluded, hesitatingly. After a pause she finished her thoughts. "After that, you will be part of the club, and free to get involved as much or as little as you want." Jean left the coffee shop very impressed by Margaret Bryant, wanting to be part of this club, yet, to do something erotic like this - it was beyond her experience - so far beyond her experience she didn't know if she could go through with it. Yes, she would go to the party, but she was sure she would, or should, or might, leave before the initiation. But they did seem very nice people. And yes, she would like to order a man around, perhaps a deep seated response to her treatment by her husband. For Ben, Saturday evening came around as it had done previously. At six o-clock he found himself knocking on the door of the Bryants' home. Tony welcomed him inside. They chatted until Margaret appeared. Margaret explained what was expected of them that evening. Ben was surprised to hear about the initiation, and his part in it. Equally surprised to hear that he had to stay in the kitchen until the initiation. He was also surprised to hear it was his task to drive the new member home. Ben agreed willingly - it was his job to agree! There was one thing that puzzled Ben - about 9.00pm one of the ladies came into the kitchen and spoke to him, telling him he might get a special bonus after tonight... For Jean, she arrived about eight, very nervous, although she was warmly welcomed and invited to sit by her friend Barbara. In a pause, Jean pondered - it was the best night she had had since being on her own. The women were friendly. The conversation was fun. The food was good. She had arrived certain she would leave before the initiation, but now not so sure. Suddenly at 10.30 she was faced with her choice. Barbara had moved to another part of the room, and Margaret sat beside her. She spoke kindly to her. "Jean, we would love you to be part of our club. We would love you to join. Will you do the initiation?" Jean thought for a few moments, her reserve fighting desperately with her desire for friendship. At last the desire won. She whispered her answer. "Yes." Margaret had to be convinced. "Jean, you are free to leave and we will think nothing the less of you. You sure you want to stay?" Jean answered nervously, but with more conviction. "Yes, I want to stay." Margaret stood to her feet and spoke to everyone in the room. "Ladies, our friend Jean has agreed to undertake the initiation." The rest clapped. Margaret turned to her: "Jean, you will need to kneel here on the floor, then we will turn the lights out." Jean knelt, very nervously. Suddenly the light was out. It wasn't totally dark but was possible to see only the silhouettes of people, impossible to make out who people were. Jean heard a door open, saw a man being led over to where she was kneeling. He was definitely naked. She felt his warmth, then, felt him push against her - she was suddenly paralysed as she felt his already stiff cock gently pushed to her mouth. Margaret whispered gently and encouraging. "It's time, Jean, you know what to do." Tentatively Jean pushed out her tongue and let it touch the cock. She had only done this a couple of times before, and each time she moved away before the man - her former husband - came. This time she knew there was to be no pulling away. Suddenly Jean took her confidence in her own hands, and with her tongue began to run it up and down the front of the cock. She ran her tongue around, up and down, around the tip, even tasting the pre-cum. She knew she was having an effect as she felt the cock twitch against her face. Suddenly, for Jean, the other people weren't there. She started becoming aware of what this man - whoever he was, liked, and did it again. She became aware of what made his cock twitch, what made him moan, and was suddenly proud that she could make him respond to her. Gradually she felt him trembling, and even took his balls gently in her hand. She heard him breathing heavily, then suddenly heard him cry out, felt his body shake, then felt warm liquid on her face, in her hair, dripping down onto her dress. She was stunned how much he produced - the cum seemed to cover her but she was determined. She did want this. She did want to be part of the "club." She did want the eroticism. With determination she didn't turn her head away, she allowed him to cover her. After a few moments she was aware that the man was coming down from his orgasm. She heard Margaret tell him to go and get ready... Jean felt Margaret put her hand under her arm and gently and affectionately lift her to her feet, and lead her out of the room. Margaret spoke to her. "I'll take you out to the car. It's a warm evening. We have someone to drive you home, and we will leave you there to get cleaned up. I'll call you tomorrow. Take care." Margaret led her to the car and sat her in the passenger seat, to wait, she thought, for one of the women from the "club," perhaps her friend Barbara, to drive her home. After leaving the room Ben quickly cleaned up, got dressed and knew it was his task to drive the newly initiated member home. He walk out to the car, opened to door, sat in the drivers seat and looked towards his passenger. "MUM?!?!?!?!" Both were stunned. There in front of him sat his mother Jean, a striking looking woman of 45, her face, hair and blouse covered with Ben's cum! "Ben." Jean gasped. "Ben, what are you doing..." Their minds gathered, and it was Jean who spoke first. "Please take me home." They drove the fifteen minute journey in silence. For Ben it was a confusing mix of feelings. Amazed at his mother being part of the group. Horror at what he had done to her. Disgrace at being caught serving these women. But there was just an inkling occasionally in his mind - he wished he had put his cum inside her... She was an attractive woman - slim, shoulder length dark hair, nice figure, well kept from cycling and walking. He had never thought of her in a sexual way before, thoughts that grew over the length of the journey... For Jean the mix of feelings were similar. Horror that her son had found out. Shame that she had allowed him to cum all over her. Total and utter embarrassment at the events of the evening. Yet somehow she wanted to continue in the club - it had opened up parts of her she never knew existed. There was even a dark corner of her that wondered whether she could make love to her best friend Barbara from the club. But this - this was confusion. Unexpected. Embarrassing. So embarrassing she couldn't speak. At last they reached the house. They went inside. It was Ben who had pulled himself together most. He was the first to break the ice. "Mum, perhaps you should go and clean up. Come back when you have and I'll have a mug of cocoa ready for you." Jean didn't take long in the shower, then put on her nightdress and dressing gown and steeled herself to get the cocoa. They had to start talking soon, or the gulf between them would get bigger and bigger. She went back to the sitting room and Ben handed her the cup of cocoa. It was Ben who started chatting first, hesitating as he began. "Mum, I'm really really sorry about this evening. I didn't know it was you." "Sorry? But you would have done it to anyone joining? How can you be sorry?" Jean retorted. Ben replied gently. "I'm sorry at the embarrassment I've caused you, the hurt I've caused you." Ben began to talk - telling his mother about how he became involved with the club, and with honesty about how he enjoyed the parties. He told her how it had made his relationship with girls - sex - generally much more intense, much better. He told her some of the things he had done at the parties. Told her how much he and Tony were friends, and no, he wasn't gay, but yes he found "making love to Tony," while the women watched, so hot. Then told her about the run-up to the party Jean had just been at... At last Jean felt confident to speak. She told him about her loneliness since her husband had left; told him about how much she wanted friendship, but found men difficult to cope with for what her husband had done. She told him how much she enjoyed the club, and cried as she told Ben how she knew she would now have to leave the club. How she found the initiation so hard, but desperately wanted to do it, and do it well. Ben smiled - the first smile between them, as he said in response "Mum, you did it very well, very well indeed..." Jean went bright red, but deep somewhere there was a sense of pride that she could do it. At last there was a silence between them. After a couple of minutes she looked up from her lap straight into the eyes of her son looking hard at her. At last Ben spoke. "Come with me." Ben reached out a hand, which Jean instinctively took. He led her unquestioningly to her bedroom, then faced her, stepped towards her - within seconds his mouth was pressed hard against her lips in a passionate kiss, as he pulled her body hard to him. He thrust his tongue between her lips, fenced with hers, and Jean found herself responding. Put her arms around her son, pulled him to her. After a few minutes they parted the kiss. Ben stepped back, then reached out and undid his mother's dressing gown and she let it fall to the ground. He caught the hem of her nightie and pulled it over her head. She allowed him...Ben was staring at his mother naked, beautiful in front of him. Ben stepped forward, lifted Jean in his arms, carried her to the bed and placed her on it. With his tongue he began to explore her body. His tongue flicked her nipples which went instantly hard. His tongue encircled her beautiful breasts, he ran his tongue down her body and made her giggle as he tickled her belly button. He let his fingers tickle in her pubic hair, then whispered softly to her - "Mum, open your legs for me." Jean hesitated, still nervous, but then slowly allowed her legs to open, revealing her pussy to him. His tongue renewed it's wanderings, gently running along the lips of her pussy, tasting her, then gently pushing between them, Ben noting how wet and delicious she was. He allowed his tongue to thrust deep inside her, and heard her moan in pleasure. For several minutes he let his tongue plunge into her pussy, caress the lips of her pussy till she was squirming in pleasure, moaning uninhibitedly. At last he moved his tongue to her clitoris, caressing softly and rapidly. Within seconds her body was shaking, squirming: she screamed out over and over as her orgasm took over her body. Her orgasm never seemed to end, but eventually she did come down from her high. After she had relaxed, Ben quickly removed his clothes, and had his by now stiff cock pointing at her pussy, the tip touching the lips. He whispered to her "invite me in." Jean responded instantly - "please take me." "More" demanded Ben. Suddenly inside Jean a dam burst. The dam of inhibition broke, years of pent up repressed feelings exploded. She spoke loudly and forcibly: "Please take me. Fuck me. Put your cock in my cunt. I want my son fucking me..." As she spoke Ben responded, he thrust his cock deep inside her wet pussy, Jean gasping as he entered her. Jean wrapped her legs around him, holding him tight. Ben spoke again: "you are my slut. What are you?" The dam had well and truly burst. "I am you slut. Your whore. Your fucktoy. Your cunt. Your..." Ben didn't hear any more, he began to slide his cock in and out of her pussy, faster and faster until they both screamed in orgasm together, Ben filling her with his cum... Ben and Jean lay in each other's arms, Ben thinking his mother was a fantastic fuck; Jean wishing she had discovered this before. As they lay together, sleep took them over... As Ben woke the next morning he looked at the clock. 9.00am. His mother lay next to him still fast asleep. Naked. It hadn't been a dream. Ben quietly left the bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast - he often gave his mother breakfast in bed on a Sunday in any case. Just as the toaster popped the toast there was a ring on the doorbell. Ben went to answer it. Ben opened the door, there stood Barbara, looking a bit sheepish, a bit nervous. Barbara spoke first. "Is it okay to come in?" Ben looked severe - he put the act on very quickly. "Why would you want to come in?" he asked in a severe voice. Barbara's confidence seeped away instantly. She stumbled over her words. "About last night..." Ben gave her a severe look, then said - "you had better come in." As they reached the kitchen, Ben spoke again. "It's not me you have the frightened of, it's mum. It's her you need to apologise to." Barbara's confidence had disappeared completely. Ben continued in a harsh tone. "Tell you what. I will go and wake mum and tell her you are here. Bring the breakfast up in 10 minutes. It might be okay as a peace offering..." Ten minutes later Barbara tentatively pushed open the bedroom door. Tentatively walked in. She heard Jean's voice speak. "Come in Barbara. Put the tray on the table. Come in and wait until we are ready." Barbara walked in. Her eyes popped as she saw Jean on her back, Ben on top fucking her! Both were clearly well aroused. Jean's voice came out in gasps. "Don't move, Barbara." Barbara stood transfixed as she watched Ben fuck his mother, something Jean was clearly enjoying. Transfixed as they both cried out together, reaching orgasm, Ben shooting inside her... As they parted, they beckoned Barbara further in. It was Jean who spoke. "There never was an initiation ceremony, was there, Barbara?" She paused. "You did this - with Margaret Bryant, deliberately. We were set up." Jean paused, then continued. "Barbara - it was the best thing anyone has ever done for me. Thankyou." Suddenly everyone was laughing. Ben was the first to speak. "So is my mum a member of the club?" Barbara's reply was instant. "Oh yes. Mum and son - we'll have to see how it goes, but she certainly is a member." "Okay Barbara," Ben spoke with a twinkle in his eye. "You did trick us, and a price has to be paid." Barbara was quiet again, a worried look on her face. "Simple - lick me clean," Ben pointed to his cock. Barbara was stunned. Then took a tentative step forward. Then leant forward. Then slowly put her tongue to Ben's cock. Within seconds she was cleaning the mixture of his cum and his mother's juices from his cock. "And when you've finished," Ben continued, "You can lick my mum clean as well. I think her clit needs extra care and attention..." "Yes," said Jean and Barbara together...
Ben's Party Ch. 02
[ "party", "m/m", "oral", "fun", "domme/sub" ]
{ "has_passive_voice": true, "max_nested_clauses": 6, "longest_sentence": 51, "num_participle_phrases": 3, "num_sentences": 315, "is_complex": true, "reasons": [ "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Contains passive voice", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (6) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Too many participle phrases (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (3) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (4) in one sentence", "Deeply nested clauses (5) in one sentence" ], "score": 71 }
*This story is part of an ongoing series.* *The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography, which is currently not updating. Stories after Music Box Dancer are:* Return To Apple Grove, Media Matters. Feedback and constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.* *Part 7 - Winners and (Media) Losers* "And it's a photo finish!" shouted the radio announcer into the ears of the County. "Todd Burke has won by less than one yard over Tom Usagi! An amazing end to an amazing race!" Todd had not stopped, and his momentum carried him through the Fairgrounds and almost to the River before he circled back. Tom Usagi didn't get as far, and went to the ground. Medics hurried over with oxygen. Todd stopped next to him and extended his hand, and Usagi allowed himself to be helped back to his feet. They congratulated each other as they both took in oxygen. I went with others up to them and congratulated Tom first. "Outstanding race, kid." I said. "Next year, Wildcats will rule, *neh?" "Yes sir." said Tom with a grin. "Good grief, Uncle Don," said Todd with his brilliant grin, "don't give him any incentive. Ten more yards and I was beat." "You can thank the much-better-looking half of your team for that." I said as Teresa came up to us. "She opened up that lead like someone left the gate open." "Great race, Tom." Teresa said, shaking Tom's hand. "I'll have to get this guy in better shape for next year." She patted Todd's tummy with the back of her hand. Todd grinned and hugged his wife. Meanwhile, I went back to the finish line. The Takaki Clan team had come in 11th place, which was not bad at all. They bowed to me as I came up. "Very good race, guys." I said, bowing back. "A very honorable finish." "I could not agree more, Don-san." said Takaki Misaki, coming up behind me, with the FBI former DepDirector next to him. As his children bowed to him, it suddenly occurred to me that not only was Misaki-san exposing himself in Public, standing next to the DepDirector like this was an intolerable security situation. I then noticed the young Japanese men in suits and ties, wearing sunglasses, situated all around. Still... "Gentlemen," I said quietly, "I think we need to find you two a more secure place to be if you're going to stand together like this." Your Iron Crowbar exhibited no fear in telling two of the most powerful men in the world those, for their own safety's sake. "Ah so, Don-san." said Misaki. "Yes, my children, let us move along." He and Nagamasa and Mariko moved towards the Fairgrounds, escorted by the entourage of Japanese men in suits. "I'll wait with you for Laura and Melina." said the DepDirector. "How were they doing?" He would soon find out. Laura was waiting for Melina near the finish line, and we went up to her. "How was it? I asked. "Harder than I thought it would be." Laura replied, still recovering and drinking Powerade. "Melina was in great shape, though. I really let her down." "You're almost fifteen years older than she is." I said. " I think you hung in there very well." Are you calling me 'old', mister?" Laura asked, causing the DepDirector to laugh. "It's going to be the couch with Bowser for you tonight." "No way. Carole will never allow Bowser to be punished in that fashion." I said. "Oh, here comes Melina." Melina and Laura finished in 37th place. Not bad for an 'old' lady, I thought to myself... but did not say out loud. As they say, when you're in a hole, the first thing to do is 'stop digging'. The Mayor presided over the awarding of medals. First came the wheelchair racers. After giving out gold, silver, and bronze metals, the Mayor then said "And on behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary, we have a special citation for Tanya Perlman, who worked hard to organized the wheelchair division and add it to our day of races. It's been a huge success, and we'll be doing it again in coming years." The crowd applauded loudly as the Mayor gave Tanya (who was now in her normal wheelchair) a framed citation. Then came the regular race medals. And then things went to shit. And if you guessed that the reason for that was because of the rabidly corrupt Media, you guessed right. The winners weren't even off the podium when the Press began surging towards Teresa and Todd. Police began moving in to push them back when Brian Jennings shouted "Captain Croyle, what do you think of your boss having a child out of wedlock with Paulina Patterson?" People in the audience gasped. Mrs. Myrtle L. Lames was scandalized... at the Media's bad manners. But Teresa handled it with her usual aplomb... well, more like her old 'Teresa Cunt' aplomb: "Okay, everyone come in real close, so I only have to say this once." she said. Microphones were pushed into her face as the Press quietened down in eager anticipation of what she was going to say. "I just need to know," Teresa said loudly, "which one of you reporters is going to try to murder Tasha Troy-Patterson. Your colleague John Hardwood tried to murder Commander Troy's other daughter Carole, so I'm wondering which one of you is going to try to kill Tasha. Please let me know now, so I can bust your ass before I have to get hurt rescuing Commander Troy's daughter... again." The Press fell silent, and fell back, totally stunned by Teresa's association of them with Hardwood, as well as her implication of the nature of their attacks. Unappeasable hatred was written all over their collective face. Tom Usagi was loving it. He'd burst out laughing, then he said "That's awesome!" He fist bumped Teresa as he said "Good one, ma'am." Teresa's eyes glinted as she turned back to the Press, silently challenging them to try to fuck with her again. And citizens in the area began heckling the Press... and worse. The Mood of the Electorate was beginning to get ugly, as some people began chanting "SNN sucks! SNN sucks!" and others yelled "Go home Bettina! Go home Bettina!" Police, who had come forward to protect Teresa, now had to protect the Press and get them out of potential danger. Strangely enough... the Press did not try to speak to me at all... *Part 8 - Pushback* "This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the redheaded reporterette, anger in her voice, at 7:00am, Friday, July 6th. "Fox Two News has learned that Judge Anthony Howell has denied KCTY's motion to dismiss Commander Donald Troy's specious libel lawsuit!" Bettina: "KCTY issued a retraction of their report that Commander Troy had been making illegal campaign contributions to District Attorney candidate Paulina Patterson, but the judge disregarded that entirely. He stated that the retraction only came after Commander Troy had filed the lawsuit, and that a retraction was not enough to undo the damage that KCTY was apparently intentionally trying to do to Commander Troy." "KCTY also asked for a new judge in the case, saying that Judge Howell was biased," continued Bettina, "but Judge Howell denied the motion and set a date of July 11th for making opening motions. KXTC joins with many other Media outlets in condemning Judge Howell's rulings, which we believe are nothing short of an attack upon the First Amendment freedoms of the Press." Of course, I thought to myself, the Media will always say they're never at fault. It has to be the judge's fault, or my fault. See what the Media does, there? "In other news," said Bettina, "Paulina Patterson made her first appearance yesterday since the story broke that her child Tasha was fathered by Commander Donald Troy. She was flanked by Sheriff candidate Antonio Griswold and legendary singer and rapper T-Square. Patterson stated that she had no regrets, and that attacks on her through her child were malicious and politically motivated." Actually, I thought to myself, Paulina had said the attacks *by the Press* were malicious and politically motivated, but Bettina had left that out. See what Bettina did there? Bettina went on: "And Commander Donald Troy is once again stymied by a crime, as there are no new leads nor information on the case of the murder of BigAgraFoods CEO Lloyd Feingold. In a related story, BigAgraFoods's Board of Directors is meeting today in the City, and they are expected to name company president Mitt Bain Willis as Interim CEO as they initiate a search for a permanent CEO. Mr. Willis declined to take the CEO role permanently, as he has not made a secret of his desire to defeat U.S. Senator Richard Nunn for the Senate seat in just over two years." "Think the 'drive-by' Media is going to drop this crap attacking your daughter, Commander?" asked Theo Washington, fulfilling his role as Rudistan's successor for starting trouble at the coffee klatch. "I don't know." I said. "As long as the story is driving ratings, they won't drop it. If their goal is to harm Paulina's chances to win the D.A. race, they'll stop only after achieving that goal." "I know it's folly to disagree with the Iron Crowbar," Cindy Ross bravely said, "but I'm not seeing it that way. After the way Teresa ripped them yesterday, I could see that they're taking this one personally. This one is about *you*, Don, and to them it's personal." "Man stood up and not only acknowledged his child, he embraced her." Jerome Davis said sourly. "Gonna be hard to keep attacking Commander Troy -OR- his child when it's obvious they can't induce guilt in him." "We'll see." I said. "I heard a rumor that T-Square is going to have something to say about it..." "This is Priya Ajmani with SNN!" shouted the lovely Indian reporterette from in front of the Courthouse complex at 8:00am, Friday July 6th. "There is a growing backlash against the attacks upon Commander Donald Troy and Paulina Patterson for having a child together out of wedlock!" "Public Policy Polling over the last three days has revealed that Commander Troy's popularity ratings have actually gone *up*!" Priya said. "We have Karl Frazier of Public Policy Polling here. Karl, how can it be that a man cheats on his wife and has a baby out of wedlock actually sees his ratings go up?" "Priya," said Karl, "in the first place, Commander Troy is the only person who is not running for any office that we actually do polling upon, and that is because of constant Media requests for the information. Second, what we've found is that most people seeing him not deny his daughter but embracing her as his child was a very strong positive factor for him." "As to the adultery part of it," continued Frazier, "his wife has been the Professor of Sexual Psychology at the University for years, and she told everyone she and her husband have an open relationship. Women's Groups have very strongly associated that with a woman's right to choose and a woman's right to decide freely for herself, and see the attacks on this situation as an attempt to impose moralism on women and suppress women's rights." "Are any groups upset with this at all?" Priya asked. "The Christian Far Right was strongly negative about the adultery portion, but even they were mixed when it came to Commander Troy acknowledging his parentage of his child and financially taking care of her." said Frazier. "What are the D.A. race poll numbers?" asked Priya. "Paulina Patterson has taken a hit." said Frazier. "Our early spot polling, with a margin of error of five points, is Miriam Walters at 36%, Patterson at 30%, Stiles at 24%, Krasney at 5%, and 5% undecided..." The women of the talk show 'Point Taken' filed into the studio: Rosie Berkmar, Donna Roselle, Ruby Russell, Zara Zeigler, and Connie Chen. Zara was a pretty woman, white with very long, very straight, light brown hair. Connie was Asian, and married to a high level executive at KSB. Only Ruby Russell, daughter of U.S. Senator Samuel Russell, was not outright leftist, and she was a very moderate, pro-Establishment Republican that hated Val Jared and Commander Troy (like her father, U.S. Senator Samuel Russell). "Weeee arrrrrre LIVE!" shouted out Rosie Berkmar over the applause of the all-female audience in the City. "Today, we have a very special and surprise guest, a true superstar and a blockbuster figure nationwide; ergo, this is not taped, this is a live show!" Applause from the audience. "Okay, the big news story is once again in the northwest corner of our State," said Connie, acting as moderator. "Candidate for the District Attorney position, Paulina Patterson, has a two year old daughter, Tasha. It broke that Tasha was fathered by Commander Donald Troy of the Town & County Police Force." Connie went on: "There are so many stories wound through this that it's like a Gordian knot. Ms. Patterson is black, and Commander Troy is white. Ms. Patterson has been accused of treason against her race by being an Assistant D.A. and prosecuting blacks, which some say were arrested by the TCPD for racial reasons rather than actual criminal reasons. Commander Troy is under investigation by the Independent State Counsel for helping Governor Val Jared harass two women who brought *very credible* claims of sexual harassment against the Governor, and now he's fathered a child out of wedlock. So... let's go around the horn on some of these things." "First of all," said Zara Zeigler, "I want to put the part about Commander Troy's wife and the outf-wedlock child to bed, pun not intended." The audience laughed, then Zara went on: "His wife is Dr. Laura Fredricson, who has appeared on this show several times. She's head of the Department of Psychology at the University, she's known and celebrated nationwide as the 'sex professor'." "We've talked a ton of times," said Zara calmly, "about a woman's right to choose, about women's choices and women's freedoms, women's relationships and privacy, and women's sexual choices. Dr. Fredricson and her husband have chosen to have an open relationship. She came out and said she can't have any more children due to a hysterectomy, that she was aware of her husband's liaison with Ms. Patterson, and that she loves her husband's child as she loves her own. So the 'outf-wedlock' narrative, while technically true, isn't going to fly with me." "My problem with that," said Ruby Russell, "is that Commander Troy is a Police Officer and should have a higher moral standard. He's put himself on a pedestal of sanctimonious, holier-than-thou morality, then shows he's not up to that standard himself." "By *whose* moral standard?" said Zara with some fierceness in her voice. "That is the problem. I am so sick of sanctimonious Republicans and far right Christians whining about moral standards! It's not their place to dictate to Dr. Fredricson what kind of relationship she has with her husband!" Loud applause broke out at that. Connie moved on to Rosie Berkmar, not giving Ruby Russell any chance to reply. Rosie said "I do hope that Dr. Fredricson did know about her husband's relationship with Paulina Patterson, and that Dr. Fredricson is not having to stand by her husband as he humiliates her, as many politicians have done to their wives." This was Rosie's shot at Ruby, whose father had humiliated her mother by being caught consorting with prostitutes. (*Author's note: 'Pink Panther', Ch. 04.*) Ruby didn't flinch, nor did she respond at the moment. Rosie continued: "But I think there are other, far more important issues, such as Commander Troy's integrity and his treatment of women." Connie said "Donna, don't even try to call Commander Troy a racist, here. But what I want to know is how Paulina expects to win anything now that this sordid secret is out." "Oh, come on!" interjected Zara. "Baby Tasha is not a 'sordid secret'. She's a child, a human being." Applause burst out. Zara was 'winning' today. Connie said "Point taken, Zara. What I meant to ask was how the sordid affair is going to affect Paulina Patterson's chances in her District Attorney race." "She's lost the White Christian vote." said Ruby Russell. "She's lost the Black vote, too." said Donna Roselle. "If she ever had it to begin with." "We have a special guest today," said Connie, "a resident of the Town & County, but an international superstar. Would you please welcome the legendary rapper, T-Square!" There was strong applause as T-Square came out, wearing a suit with a light purple shirt and a more pure purple tie, and his trademark sunglasses (which he needed because of the bright studio lights). He sat down in the middle, flanked by the women of 'Point Taken'. "I'll just ask this, T-Square: how's it going to go down?" asked Connie. "Ladies, I'm going to shock you with my answer," said T-Square, "but this has to be said. It is time for all men, black men and white men, to step up and take responsibility for their children. Donald Troy stepped up." The audience gave a big "Whoaaaaa!" and then T-Square continued: "He took care of his child financially. He did not flinch and deny his child, but took responsibility for her, and proudly claimed her as his own. He has set an example that I would like to see all men, Black, White, Latino, and everything else, do more of. Gentlemen, take responsibility for your kids." Some in the audience applauded, and strongly. Some of the women of 'Point Taken' were stunned. "But T-Square..." gasped Ruby Russell, groping for words, "what about the adultery? What about Commander Troy cheating on his wife?" "Did you not hear his wife's own words?" replied T-Square. "How is it 'cheating', if she not only knew, but accepted what was going on? And it's her business, not ours. Why are you even talking about Dr. Fredricson? She's a college professor, not a candidate for D.A." "Speaking of that," said Donna Roselle, "Commander Troy's racist actions, such as shooting up a Park with a helicopter, cannot be excused. And Chief Griswold approves of what Troy has done, and wants to be Sheriff to cover for Troy. Doesn't Troy's actions in fathering a child out of wedlock not show how untrustworthy he is, and how dangerous it would be to elect Griswold Sheriff?" There was a smattering of brief applause in the audience. "Of course Police brutality against People of Color is a huge issue in America today." said T-Square, which generated more applause. "No one has seen and been subject to that abuse more than me. And Jasmine Nix died as she was releasing an album addressing just that very issue of Police power and brutality." "But on the other side..." T-Square went on, " when I find Police Officers standing up for Justice, when I find men working hard to be fair to people of all races, I must give them credit where due. Commander Troy is no racist. He has cleaned that Police Force up, and has made sure his Police Force is now very fair to persons of all ethnicities in his Town & County. He has done more than you know to wipe out racial hatred against People of Color. And Chief Griswold is no racist, either." "Do you really believe Donald Troy is not a racist?" exploded Donna Roselle. "He's harassed women on behalf of Governor Val Jared, who is the most racist Governor in the history of this Nation!" The audience applauded very strongly at that one. "We should call out racism when we see it," said T-Square, "but only when it is truly there. And I say unto you all that we need more men like Commander Donald Troy, and fewer men like Val Jared." This is not what the women had expected to hear from the famous rapper T-Square, and it showed on their faces. They were in a huge dilemma: attack this man, who was black, and whose rap songs preached resistance to Police brutality... or let his words stand and allow the praise of Commander Troy to go unchallenged. Fortunately for them, the show went to a hard break. "Wow. Just wow." said Reed Hudson in the third hour of his radio show. "Rapper T-Square might as well have lit the fuse to a stick of dynamite and thrown it at the Press Corps. They're already in a frenzy over his words, telling men to take responsibility for their children, telling the world that Commander Donald Troy is *not* a racist." "Media executives are already attacking the 'Point Taken' show for being live instead of pre-taped for that interview." said Hudson. "You won't see or hear T-Square's words... very good, powerful words that people need to hear... on the Mainstream Media newscasts, which is why you *will* hear me replaying those words again and again. The Media is already hard at work trying to bury what is for them a total disaster." "I really find it amusing," continued Hudson, "that the Media doesn't know what to say about something like this. When two of their ideological tenets come into conflict, they don't know what to say or do. A black man, a rapper who speaks out about Police brutality often, today defended a white Police Officer, and for not denying his child, of all things. T-Square was a brave man to have said those words; there will be those who will try to end his career over what he said, because his words were not in *jackbooted lockstep* with the Left's ideological views and their agenda to destroy Commander Troy and Governor Jared. But how will the Press react? Will they denounce T-Square, and risk being called racists themselves?" *Part 9 - Liaisons* The young stud mounted the beautiful woman beneath him and slid the condom-sheathed head of his ten inch cock through her thick, raven-black pubic bush and over her swollen cuntlips. His cockhead found her opening and he pushed it in, stretching her vaginal walls apart and making her gasp. "Easy, baby..." she whispered, "you are so *big!" She spread her legs wider, pulling them up and back to accommodate his incredible size as he sank it further into her, gently rocking his hips up and down, resisting the urge to slam the full length of his weapon of lust down into her. He felt the resistance of her body melting away as they shared a deep, tongue-twining kiss. As her hands gripped his muscular asscheeks, urging him on, he pushed his cock balls deep into her. They both groaned as his skin, shaved bare, was tickled by the hairs of her bush. He could not believe that this woman was taking him nuts deep as he began a smooth rhythm, stroking in and out of her with longer and increasingly more powerful thrusts. He began to piston his ass with a languid motion that was very familiar to her, though in some ways uniquely his. She wrapped her long, luscious legs high around his back, locking her elegant, shapely feet over the small of his back in a warm but inescapable embrace. The young stud increased the speed and power of his thrusts, making her groan and gasp into his ear as sparks of pleasure rocketed through her body. The fucking brought back memories to Melina's mind. She was remembering how she would lie on her back, her legs spread for her first lover, Jack Burke, as he lay on top of her and fucked her with his incredibly huge cock. Melina had felt so deliciously full when Jack went balls deep into her, and her body rocked with ecstasy as she used it to give Jack pleasure. Now she was fucking Benny Black, who was Jack and Todd's younger brother. Jack had been so much better that Todd, partially because Melina had been in love with Jack. But Benny was handsome like Jack, fucked like Jack, and Melina was loving the pleasure of being fucked by so young a stud. Melina let her memories flow. Those matings with Jack, the feelings of pleasure as she felt him come inside her, unfortunately never getting pregnant by Jack. She had never accepted fully the reasons for Jack's death, of how he'd been caught in bed with Marie Arruzio and murdered by a shotgun blast. She'd 'settled' for Don Troy. Nice guy, but his cock was nowhere near as large as Jack's, and his technique was fair to middlin' at best. She'd made him wear condoms for the duration of their marriage. She had never understood what her sister, a true sensualist and sex expert had seen in Don, and why Laura loved fucking Don so much. It didn't matter, she thought, as she felt her orgasm building. Benny was a great fuck, a hot young stud who knew how to pleasure a woman in bed. Maybe I'll let him have me bare and come inside me, after he gets tested, she thought to herself. She thought of Jack again, and her orgasm crashed into her loins and her mind... For his part, Benny was feeling incredible pleasure in spite of having to wear the restricting condom. The heat of her pussy, the taste of her tongue as hers twined with his, made this one of the hottest fucks the young stud had ever been blessed to have. He could understand why Jack had fallen in love with this woman. He heard the cry torn from her as he felt her cunt try to clamp down on his huge invading cock. Unable to hold back, he felt his body release, and felt the jets of jism fire out of his cockhead, only to be intercepted by the sheath covering his cock and protecting Melina's eggs from his potent, virile sperm. He dreamed of having her bare, of coming inside her, of impregnating her... maybe on his brother Jack's behalf, or maybe his own... Diane Williams of KCTY had standing offers to the staffs of all the hotels in the City, that if they gave her a juicy lead, she'd pay them well. It was now potentially paying off. "We got a tip from the Marriott Grande Hotel." said a cub
Media Matters Ch. 02
[ "hot wife", "big cock", "mystery", "drama", "police drama", "crime drama", "iron crowbar" ]
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reporter to her over the phone. "They spotted Benny Black from the 'Days of Promise' daytime TV show coming out of the hotel. A woman also went to that room." "Great!" said Diane. "Tell our Entertainment Division. Find out who the woman is, and let's rock the story. Pay what you need for the security tapes. The tapes showed Benny Black's goings as he went in and out of the hotel. But when the woman went through the lobby, rode the elevator, and walked up and down the hall, a strange thing happened: the cameras developed static, as if the Slender Man himself was on the scene... *something* had killed the cameras. One wonders what technology could cause that... and what powerful Federal agency had such technology... *Part 10 - Doubling Down* "This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette from in front of City Hall at 7:00am, Monday, July 9th. "Fox Two News has learned that Independent State Counsel Robert Mullen has subpoenaed the financial records of Commander Donald Troy pertaining to the trust fund from which he is making child support payments to Paulina Patterson, with whom Donald Troy sired a child!" Bettina started up: "Mr. Robert Mullen acted after confirmation came out that Commander Troy was making *secret* child support payments. However, Paulina Patterson filed a lawsuit against the Independent State Counsel, asking the Court to enjoin Mr. Mullen from obtaining the data. She stated that her personal finances are beyond the scope of the Independent State Counsel's investigation. Judge Rodney K. Watts is expected to make a ruling this morning." "We have with us Dr. Adam S. Keller of the City University Rodham Foundation for Political and Social Change." said Bettina as the camera panned out to show Keller. "Dr. Keller, does Ms. Patterson have a point, that her records are off limits to the Independent State Counsel, especially after the recent State Supreme Court rulings limiting the scope of Mr. Mullen's investigations?" "Let me ask this." said Keller. "What does Paulina Patterson have to hide? She's running for District Attorney, yet she is refusing to cooperate with other law enforcement authorities? If she has nothing to hide, and if she wants to be elected District Attorney, then the Independent State Counsel should be allowed to see these documents, to ascertain whether or not Commander Donald Troy has committed any financial or campaign finance crimes." "But isn't this the same issue of scope of the ISE's investigation that Captain Teresa Croyle successfully sued Mr. Mullen over?" asked Bettina. The Press likes to take the 'other side' against their victim... er, guest... and ask antagonistic questions, no matter what the agenda of the interview is. "Anything* about Commander Troy is well within the Independent State Counsel's scope." replied Keller. "Especially his potential violations of campaign finance laws. It should be obvious that Paulina Patterson, who wants to be District Attorney, is now covering for her *lover* Donald Troy by filing this lawsuit, and any reasonable judge will strike it down hard." "Thank you, Dr. Keller." Bettina said. The camera zoomed back to the hot redhead reporterette, who said "The Independent State Counsel announced on Friday that Commander Donald Troy will be subpoenaed to appear some time this week, possibly as early as tomorrow..." "Where's Commander Troy?" asked Joanne Warner as the Detectives drank coffee in MCD. "In his office." said Cindy Ross. "I think he's going through the applications for Detective positions... but you did *not* hear me say that." "Hear what, ma'am?" Joanne asked. Cindy gave her a thumbs-up. "Ma'am," asked Theo Washington, "what are y'all going to do about these Press attacks on Commander Troy and his family?" "Not much we *can* do, really." Cindy replied. "Commander Troy has sued KCTY for libel, the Courts are letting it go forward, but the Media doesn't seem to care. They just keep going with their smears." "And worse," said Joanne Warner astutely, "it's what they *don't* report that's so insidious. They're burying the T-Square comments. Not one Mainstream Media outlet in the State, much less the Nation, reported what he said on 'Point Taken'. They don't say one word about the rapes and murders Illegal Immigrants are committing, but they'll call Governor Jared a racist for working with ICE to arrest and deport Illegals." Teresa Croyle had come in and joined in: "The BigAgraFoods CEO was murdered, and they won't even say it was murder. They're burying the story of the California 'Taco Box' food contamination, as well as the herbicide poisoning in Fillmore County and this County. You're absolutely right, Joanne: with the Media, it's the sins of *O*-mission that are killing us..." "All right," Cindy said, "I'm going to my office. As Commander Troy would say, let's keep the political talk down, and let's do our jobs. And my next job is to put some people in for medals for the Independence Day Triathlon race." "Captain Croyle, kicking ass again." said Detective Theo Washington, in a good imitation of the voice of Lt. Micah Rudistan. "Ma'am," said Detective Teddy Parker to Teresa, "that was frickin' *awesome* what you said to the Press after the race." There was strong agreement. "It did not get me any puppy points with the Chief" said Teresa. "Captain Croyle!" said a male voice. Everyone looked at the door to the back hallway, which was filled with the imposing figure of a tall, broad-shouldered, redheaded man, his gray eyes blazing brightly. "Come to my office." I said in my authoritarian voice, connoting that it was not a request. "Yes sir." Teresa said. As she walked by Cindy, Cindy grabbed her arm. "He's pissed about something." Cindy whispered. "Be careful in there." Teresa nodded and hurried out. "How do you know he's pissed, ma'am?" asked Jerome Davis. "His face is darker red than his hair." Cindy said. She did not mention the overpowering vibe she'd gotten, as well... Teresa came into my office, seeing me turned sideways to my desk in my chair, looking intently at my computer monitor, which was on the credenza between the wall and my desk. "Sir?" she asked. "I want you to look at this." I said. "When I put out the call for applications for the Detective position, I specifically mentioned to Patrol Officer Julia Rodriguez to send in an application. This morning, I began looking specifically for that application amongst the many that have come in, and I did not find it." "I did a bit of research." I said, my voice beginning to get a bit acidic. "Rodriguez sent the application... but it was blocked from getting to the inbox. And it was blocked by Precinct Captain Goodwin and Precinct Lieutenant Irwin. Would you care to explain that to me, Captain?" "I'm sorry, sir, I don't have that information." Teresa replied. "I need to check that out and get an answer for you." "Do it today, Captain, do it today." I replied, which Teresa knew meant 'immediately'. I continued: "I called Rodriguez and told her to re-send her application, and directly to my Commander inbox. Check up on that behind me and make sure she sends it ASAP. Okay, take care of this instead of being at the Angels meeting. You are dismissed." As Teresa went for the door, I said "Captain!" When she turned around, I looked *through* her eyes as I said "I am reserving Irwin and Goodwin's punishment." That meant I would personally administer it, rather than delegate it to her. Teresa paled. She knew that meant that it was formal, very serious, and that I was one very pissed off Police Commander... and that jobs were on the line. She nodded and scurried out the door. "This is Priya Ajmani with SNN, bringing you all the news you have a right to know!" said the lovely Indian reporterette at 8:00am, Monday, July 9th, from in front of the State Office Building. "Robert Mullen has subpoenaed Commander Troy's personal financial records, including those of the payments Commander Troy *claims* are child support payments. Mr. Mullen believes the payments may be campaign finance violations, and Troy and Paulina Patterson are using the child support excuse as a dodge to skirt their illegal actions. Ms. Patterson filed a lawsuit against the Independent State Counsel, stating that her personal finances are beyond the scope of Mr. Mullen's investigation." Priya went on: "And the Social Justice group 'Black Voices Raised' denounced rapper T-Square, calling him a 'traitor to his race' and a 'sellout to The Man' for T-Square's statements calling for men of all ethnicities to stand up and take responsibility for their children like Commander Donald Troy did. State Senator Maxine Watts issued a vicious statement accusing T-Square of complicity in the assassination of superstar singer Jasmine Nix. T-Square's publicist made a statement that T-Square was considering his legal options against State Senator Watts." More Priya: "And new polling over the weekend shows that Paulina Patterson's campaign for District Attorney has taken a huge hit. She is now at 20%, down from 32% before the news of her adulterous affair with Commander Troy broke. Solicitor Miriam Walters is at 36% and State Attorney Jenna Stiles is at 24%, with Gil Krasney at 4% and a whopping 16% now saying they're undecided. Political *experts* believe that Ms. Patterson's campaign cannot recover from this *scandal*, and that she will continue to lose the trust and support of the voters..." "This..." drawled the Chief, "... is getting to be a praaaahhhh-blmmmmm." We were in the Chief's Conference Room for the Command Group meeting. Chief Moynahan was at the end of the table, with me to his left and Cindy to his right. The Chief was not happy about the situation with the Press. "It's getting out of hand." said the Chief. "It's becoming a distraction for the Police Force, and for getting our jobs done. And... I'm not sure what to do about it. My first inclination would be to tell you, Don, to not speak to the Press any more, and for Captain Thompson to say we'll take no more questions on this paternity issue." "But..." he added, seeing me about to respond, "I can't muzzle you from responding to the Media's viciously false attacks; that would not be fair to you. So... what do we doooo?" "Chief," said the Deputy Chief, "I agree that the TCPD's official position should be to say no more about the paternity issue, and I would go farther: I'd say that we are not going to respond to Press inquiries about the Mullen investigation, that we shall remain silent while that process plays out." "If the Media keeps up with their crap," I said, "I have a few ideas that might show them our lack of appreciation." I gave my ideas. "That would be pouring gasoline on the fire, Don." Cindy said, of one of my ideas. "The other, I think might work well. But knowing the Press, they would then start attacking Teresa again." "And speaking of Captain Croyle," said the Chief, changing the subject with a brilliant segue, "exactly what is going on in 1st Precinct?" "Yes, you looked pretty upset this morning when you got her out of the coffee klatch," said Cindy, "and she wasn't at the Angels meeting." "That's right." I said. "What happened is that Julia Rodriguez's application for a Detective position had holds put on it, by Precinct Captain Goodwin and Lieutenant Irwin. But worse, they actually blocked the email from going forward, and *that* is entirely unacceptable." "Yezzzz, it most certainly izzz." said the Chief. "And when you're done with them, if they still work here, I want to have a few words with them myself. But it's your situation to handle, Don." "Why did they do that?" Cindy asked. "I suspect they feel she's indispensable to them." I said. "But It doesn't matter. Holding up an Officer from being promoted or making progress without a really good reason is unacceptable. It'd be like if I'd tried to stop your promotion, Cindy, just because it would inconvenience me to not have you as Captain of Detectives and I'd have to do work to get a replacement. My convenience, if it's not in the best interest of this Police Force, does not matter. And Irwin and Goodwin are about to find that out..." Meanwhile... Robert Mullen was sitting in the office of A.G. Karl Handel. With them were U.S. Senator Samuel Russell, Lt. Governor Graham(nesty) Collins, and State House Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Wilson Hammonds (R - Pottsville). "We were destroyed by Croyle." said Handel. "Her lawsuits, as well as her taping and exposing what the Independent State Counsel was doing, was absolutely devastating. Especially the State Supreme Court limiting the scope of the investigation." "I'm going to ignore that ruling." said Mullen. "I'll force them to keep going back to Court, over and over and over again. They have to spend thousands in legal fees, while we have the backing and the purse of the State... not to mention my guys are paid a salary, so our costs don't go up like Troy's will." "So," said Handel, "our attempt to force Croyle to give us something on Troy didn't work." "That's because you and Mullen did a very poor job with that." said Russell. "You had no fucking clue about Croyle's contract with the County, and you didn't properly assess the Kearns lawsuit against Dean Allen when you sent him to do the job you failed to do." "In fairness, Senator," said Handel, "it wasn't us that sent Dean Allen to do that. Not that I objected to the try. But by then we no longer had the legal leverage on Croyle." "Okay, so now what?" asked Wilson Hammonds. "We've got to act pretty fast, too." said Samuel Russell. "Troy is all over BigAgraFoods. I mean *all* over them. If Mitt Willis falls, it will be totally devastating to us Republicans at the national level." "Hell, we've got problems at the State level, too." said Graham Collins. "The Governor is helping ICE crack down hard on undocumented workers in our State. If we don't get him out of the Governor's Mansion, and very, very soon, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will begin giving their campaign dollars to... other candidates. They want results, and they don't like Val Jared standing in their way. They want him removed." "Let's just bust Troy first." said Mullen. "And to answer Mr. Hammonds's question, here's what my office is going to do: the Press is doing an excellent job hammering Troy over the Patterson baby. Everything has gone well with that, except we didn't anticipate Troy's wife standing by him and admitting to their open relationship. It's also hurting Patterson, which is good. Between her and Judge Rodney K. Watts, we've got too many ni-... er, blacks being zealots about the law." "The Press is going to begin chanting about Commander Troy's wife." continued Mullen. "And we're going to follow up by investigating *her* as we move in on *him*. And maybe we'll find some scurrilous finances on her part, or his through hers what?" U.S. Senator Samuel Russell had stood up, and was now headed for the door. "You're an idiot, Mullen." he said. He then turned around to face Mullen, and said "You know, you told us he'd break if you went after Croyle. Willis even agreed to help you out with that. And now he's Troy's target, and the FBI's target, while Croyle is still in her office at Police Headquarters, eating doughnuts, and Troy as intransigent as ever." "Yes, Senator," said A.G. Handel, "but this is Troy's wife we're concentrating on next." "Thou fool." said Russell, in the voice and form of a Biblical quotation. "You have no idea what you're getting into. I want no part of this." With that, he turned and left the office. "What, does he have a crush on that bitch?" snarled Mullen. No one else in the room said anything. "This is Amber Harris at the KXTC Fox Two News Desk!" said the lovely athletic blonde at 12:00noon, Monday, July 9th. "We go to Bettina Wurtzburg with breaking news! Bettina!" "Thank you, Amber!" Bettina said. "Fox Two News has just learned that Superior Court Judge Rodney K. Watts has issued a ruling squashing the Independent State Counsel's subpoena of Paulina Patterson's finances, as well as *all* financial data related to Police Commander Donald Troy's child support payments for Tasha Troy-Patterson!" Bettina continued: "In the ruling, Judge Watts cited the recent State Supreme Court ruling that limits the scope of the Independent State Counsel's investigation. He said that Robert Mullen had not met the standard to show why Ms. Patterson's financial records are relevant to the investigation of Governor Jared. Judge Watts also said his examination of the child support documents show nothing that could be related to the ISE's investigation of Governor Jared, and that the documents and the child support payments are legal and proper in every way." "Judge Watts further said he considered Mr. Mullen's subpoena of Ms. Patterson's financial records to be an 'improper intrusion' upon Paulina Patterson's political campaign, with no probable cause, and, once again, well outside the scope of the ISE's investigation." said Bettina. "Judge Watts again cited a State Supreme Court ruling: those against Commander Troy's attempts to investigate the finances of Citizens For Police Accountability. If Commander Troy's subpoenas were invalid, Watts ruled, then Mullen's subpoenas of Ms. Patterson are equally invalid, and for the same reasons." *Part 11 - Going Righteous* Meanwhile, as Robert Mullen was meeting with the State's corrupt Republican leadership, Captain Teresa Croyle was at 1st Precinct Headquarters and County Jail. And anyone who knew her, knew from the look on her face that 'Teresa Cunt' was in the House. She came up to the Duty Desk. Behind the young rookie Patrol Officer, a fresh-faced boy that looked stunned to see a Police Captain coming up, was a desk loaded with files of paperwork. At the desk was Patrol Officer Julia Rodriguez. Teresa went behind the desk to Julia's desk. "Ma'am!" Julia said, startled. She quickly rose to her feet, having been in the military and instinctively acting. "At ease. Relax." Teresa said. "My goodness, Rodriguez, they're literally burying you in paperwork. What is *up* with this?" "Captain Goodwin said they need this by the end of the month, ma'am." said Julia. "So I'm trying to get it done now, before new headlines hit." Teresa shook her head in empathy, then said "Officer Rodriguez, did Commander Troy send you an email?" "Yes ma'am." said Julia. "I sent him a copy of the application to his direct inbox like he requested, and also copies to the Chief and Captain Perlman, as he requested." "Good." said Teresa. "Forward me a copy, too. Also, call Captain Goodwin and Lieutenant Irwin, and tell them I want to see them in the Conference Room immediately." "They're already in there, ma'am." said Rodriguez. "They're meeting with the Sergeants." "Good." said Teresa. "Don't call. I'll go see them now." With that, Teresa stalked out and down the hallway. Teresa rapped her knuckles on the door of the conference room three times in quick succession, then opened the door. "What the oh." said Precinct Captain Goodwin. "Ma'am?" "Everyone except Goodwin and Irwin, get out of here." Teresa ordered. "Uh ma'am, we're meeting about-" said Goodwin. That was what the Iron Crowbar would call 'an error in judgement'. "Did you not hear what I said?" Teresa snarled. When no one moved, she went off: "GET THE FUCK OUT! ALL OF YOU! NOW!" Fire had been lit under asses, and there was a huge scramble and race to the door. They left the door open, and Teresa took the opportunity to go to the door and *SLAM!* it shut as hard as she could. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" Irwin asked, a question acknowledging the obvious. "You damn straight, there is." Teresa said angrily. "I want to know why you not only put holds on Rodriquez's application for a Detective position, but actually blocked her email from going through." "Why is that a problem, ma'am?" asked Goodwin. "We don't think she's ready to be a Detective." "And she's too indispensable in her current position, ma'am." said Irwin. "That's right, ma'am." said Goodwin. "We've had turnover, and I'm new here, also." "In the first place," Teresa growled, "neither of you will ever make Detective yourselves. Have you not figured out why I'm here right now? And how I know about your blocking the emails?" They both just stared at her, so she said "It is to your grave if not *terminal* misfortune that Commander Troy himself was *specifically* looking for her email application, and couldn't find it. Being the best Detective any of us will ever meet, he began investigating... and found the email to him had been blocked. An email *to the Police Commander*, of all people!" Irwin groaned and looked down, his face showing the pain he was feeling. Goodwin was either not understanding, or was more defiant. Teresa made it clear: "The holds are one thing," she said, "but blocking the email is a violation of Police Department policy. Blocking an email meant for Commander Troy is a violation of common sense. In addition, it could be grieved with the Union as an unlawful attempt to suppress Patrol Officer Rodriguez's opportunities for advancement under Federal EEO regulations." "I'm sorry, ma'am." said Irwin. "You're right, I was wrong. What can I do to correct it?" "Hold on." said Precinct Captain Goodwin. "With all due respect, ma'am, this is still my Precinct. Why can't I put a hold on one of my Officers if I think it's in the Precinct's best interest to do so?" "And blocking the email?" Teresa asked. "I admit that was a mistake on my part, ma'am." said PCpt. Goodwin. "Yes it was." said Teresa. "And so serious a violation that it's a formal issue. As to Rodriguez's readiness to be a Detective, you can explain to Commander Troy himself why you think your judgement is better than his... when you receive your formal punishment from him personally, unless the Chief himself does it." Irwin groaned again, understanding. Teresa said "In the meantime, I'd suggest you find a replacement for Patrol Officer Rodriguez. If there is one thing I have learned from six years of working with Commander Troy, it is that when he has made up his mind about something, it is a 'done deal'. I'll bet two months pay that Rodriguez will be a Detective on August 1st. So get your collective act together." With that, she turned towards the door. "Gentlemen," she said, "I think you're lucky that you haven't been suspended without pay yet. I would strive very hard to keep 1st Precinct off Commander Troy's radar screen right now, if I were you." She opened the door and left, closing it hard behind her. "Oh, geez." Irwin groaned, trying to remember how to breathe again. "Is it that bad?" asked Goodwin. Irwin just glanced over at him. "Worse." said Irwin. "Captain Croyle took it easy on us. Commander Troy... won't." "They are not giving up." said Captain Thompson. "They are demanding you appear at a press conference." He was talking to me, and the Media's demands were of me. We were in my office, and Cindy was in the room, also. "Who do those people think they are?" Cindy said angrily, a scowl on her ruggedly pretty face. "Any idea what they want from me?" I asked Thompson. "I tried to find out, sir." he said. "Some of them are saying they want to ask about your upcoming appearance before the Independent State Counsel. Others say they want to ask about your effect on the Patterson and Griswold political campaigns. I clasped my hands behind my head as I thought about it. "They are up to something." I said. "They are up to something. There's nothing really new out there... that *we* know of..." I was halfway in a reverie. "Uh oh." Cindy said as she watched me, and I could feel her mental power reaching into my mind. I mentally swatted her probe away. "Yes, Commander Ross," I said, "I'm going to walk into the trap." "I *knew* it!" Cindy said, with a measure of disgust in her voice. "But on my terms." I said. "Captain Thompson, I'm sure I heard Commander Ross suggest to you that Commander Troy has agreed to a press conference... but ONLY if it is broadcast live. We will be watching, and if it's not live or if they cut it off at any time, it's game over." "I thought I heard myself say that, too, Damien." Cindy said agreeably. Thompson chuckled. "Y'all go put that out there." I said. "I've got a couple of phone calls to make." The Press were arguing over chairs as their cameramen set up in the back of the Press Room at Police Headquarters. It was almost 2:00pm, still Monday, July 9th. Tanya and Myron Milton were in Captain Thompson's office, which along with the Press Interview Room was off a hallway adjoining the Press Room. They were monitoring the various State channels. They saw them all go live to the press conference as 2:00pm struck. "Thank you for coming." said Captain Thompson. "Commander Troy has agreed to give this live press conference, provided you are respectful and stay live on the air. He will make an opening statement, and then take questions, provided they are asked respectfully and one at a time. Ladies and gentlemen, the Police Commander... *and the Chief Emeritus." Your Iron Crowbar walked into the room from the entrance at back, carrying Tasha. Behind me was the big surprise: Chief Griswold came in behind me, carrying Carole. The Media quietened down, not sure what to make of this. We put the girls down on the floor of the podium, where they began playing with the do
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