Yoo-hoo int. Used to attract a person's attention. [natural exclamation]
Yore n.  of yore a long time ago. [old english, = long ago]
York v. Cricket bowl out with a yorker. [back-formation from *yorker]
Yorker n. Cricket ball that pitches immediately under the bat. [probably with ref. To the practice of yorkshire cricketers]
Yorkist 鈥攏. Hist. Follower of the house of york, esp. In the wars of the roses. 鈥攁dj. Of the house of york.
Yorkshire pudding n. Baked batter eaten with roast beef.
Yorkshire terrier n. Small long-haired blue and tan kind of terrier.
You pron. (obj. You; poss. Your, yours) 1 the person or persons addressed. 2 (as int. With a noun) in an exclamatory statement (you fools!). 3 (in general statements) one, a person, people (you get used to it).  you and yours you and your family, property, etc. [old english, originally objective case of *ye1]
You'd contr. 1 you had. 2 you would.
You'll contr. You will; you shall.
Young 鈥攁dj. (younger; youngest) 1 not far advanced in life, development, or existence; not yet old. 2 a immature, inexperienced. B youthful. 3 of or characteristic of youth (young love). 4 representing young people (young farmers). 5 a distinguishing a son from his father (young george). B as a familiar or condescending form of address (listen, young lady). 6 (younger) distinguishing one person from another of the same name (the younger pitt). 鈥攏. (collect.) Offspring, esp. Of animals.  youngish adj. [old english]
Young person n. Law person aged between 14 and 17 years.
Youngster n. Child, young person.
Your poss. Pron. 1 of or belonging to you. 2 colloq. Often derog. Much talked of; well known (your typical professor). [old english]
You're contr. You are.
Yours poss. Pron. 1 the one or ones belonging to you (it is yours; yours are over there). 2 your letter (yours of the 10th). 3 introducing a formula ending a letter (yours ever; yours truly).  of yours of or belonging to you (friend of yours).
Yourself pron. (pl. Yourselves) 1 a emphat. Form of *you. B refl. Form of *you. 2 in your normal state of body or mind (are quite yourself again).  be yourself see *oneself.
Youth n. (pl. -s) 1 being young; period between childhood and adult age. 2 vigour, enthusiasm, inexperience, or other characteristic of this period. 3 young man. 4 (as pl.) Young people collectively (the youth of the country). [old english: related to *young]
Youth club n. Place for young people's leisure activities.
Youthful adj. Young or still having the characteristics of youth.  youthfully adv. Youthfulness n.
Youth hostel n. Any of a chain of cheap lodgings for holiday-makers, esp. Walkers and cyclists.
You've contr. You have.
Yowl 鈥攏. Loud wailing cry of or as of a cat or dog in distress. 鈥攙. Utter a yowl. [imitative]
Yo-yo n. (pl. Yo-yos) 1 toy consisting of a pair of discs with a deep groove between them in which string is attached and wound, and which can be made to fall and rise. 2 thing that repeatedly falls and rises. [origin unknown]
Yr. Abbr. 1 year(s). 2 younger. 3 your.
Yrs. Abbr. 1 years. 2 yours.
Yts abbr. Youth training scheme.
Ytterbium n. Metallic element of the lanthanide series. [ytterby in sweden]
Yttrium n. Metallic element resembling the lanthanides. [related to *ytterbium]
Yuan n. (pl. Same) chief monetary unit of china. [chinese]
Yucca n. Subtropical white-flowered plant with swordlike leaves, often grown as a house-plant. [carib]
Yuck int. (also yuk) slang expression of strong distaste. [imitative]
Yucky adj. (also yukky) (-ier, -iest) slang 1 messy, repellent. 2 sickly, sentimental.
Yugoslav (also jugoslav) 鈥攏. 1 native or national of yugoslavia. 2 person of yugoslav descent. 鈥攁dj. Of yugoslavia.  yugoslavian adj. & n. [serbo-croat jug south: related to *slav]
Yuk var. Of *yuck.
Yukky var. Of *yucky.
Yule n. (in full yule-tide) archaic the christmas festival. [old english]
Yule-log n. 1 large log traditionally burnt on christmas eve. 2 log-shaped chocolate cake eaten at christmas.
Yummy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Tasty, delicious. [from *yum-yum]
Yum-yum int. Expressing pleasure from eating or the prospect of eating. [natural exclamation]
Yup var. Of *yep.
Yuppie n. (also yuppy) (pl. -ies) (often attrib.) Colloq., usu. Derog. Young ambitious professional person working in a city. [from young urban professional]
Ywca abbr. Young women's christian association.
Z n. (also z) (pl. Zs or z's) 1 twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet. 2 (usu. Z) algebra third unknown quantity.
Zabaglione n. Italian dessert of whipped and heated egg-yolks, sugar, and wine. [italian]
Zany adj. (-ier, -iest) comically idiotic; crazily ridiculous. [french or italian]
Zap slang 鈥攙. (-pp-) 1 a kill or destroy; attack. B hit hard (zapped the ball over the net). 2 move quickly. 3 overwhelm emotionally. 鈥攊nt. Expressing the sound or impact of a bullet, ray gun, etc., or any sudden event. [imitative]
Zappy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Lively, energetic.