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a blood drop fall the black heaven the three or four following poems are in a lighter and fight two or three days it is a of combat at the dove eyed eagle quietly we never end were it not better that we became brethren i have my the beautiful with white arms her i will it well cried and now let us drink for the affair was hot and thus it was that the lovely is an account of one of and of fortune which in rude ages fo often exalted the adventurous of one day into the peer and captain of the next the good emperor in for and the fall of his nephew and the twelve to take the fort of to wipe away the and to encourage his army his tried captains before the danger of that dreadful attack le that he can take the fort the laughter of the the reaches the king s ears he the s o la legends name i am as poor as any poor i am twenty years old i have neither hay nor i can read latin and i am a bachelor that is it fortune to forget me when was hereditary two would cover all wherein i have a part but all the great blue heaven could never fill my heart i enter into and be i afterwards who ridicule me if any remain and charles more radiant than one of the heavenly exclaimed for this high thou be of and count and people of thee go my the next morning took the town brings out at once the pride the filial obedience and the poverty of the but le des is a longer and more poem it opens with one of which the creator of delights to draw it is that of a beggar on a bridge in the year between two in the horror of his rag � fo that man and woman and joy by him without touching him love murder battle know not this mock them at this suddenly fire in every quarter of the horizon on a given day the kings down from the mountains wrap the country in flame and it with blood the very daughters of the are not des the return of the with their is a wonderful one them winding away along the mountains with the � drunken bloody hell hounds � trailing their while the burns like blood before them but how does the poem not with the deep of men and the of women but with fierce and withering contempt from the hideous beggar the bridge with blood is the his towards the and cries out in the of night � and own o mountain beautiful o rags o o driven compare beneath the winds of heaven which them as they blow thou thy black clouds o mountain o beggar thou thy rags hide thou thy in and thou thy kings in the fifth is headed les the general of chivalry the point where the meets with the power of poetical m brings out the points of chivalry its and fo to exceptional agency in a age it is as bacon of revenge a wild kind of it is as calls it with a of the an arm forth out of the with this cry to the evil thou this thought at once and true is carried out in s apparition to deliver the boy king and in the hideous of and io la legends the in the work begins with a of crime by to � ce et ont the of the aged knight is admirable it the author s profound appreciation of the ideal of the people fore d by kings he doth with a where in their horrid the princes and violence and fiery and horror tin and blood his grand was the of god woe to the evil that feel the hand of him the champion clad in and death falls from him in the battle as water from the the old of is a piece m s genius appears to be peculiarly at home in buildings he to have the architecture by heart and to have watched and in fuel places till every grim figure in and every of ivy the very on the walls like on a has told him its there is a of that the of its a night in the tower the is a fair young girl � without the gift of beauty a queen is not a queen what boots to have a kingdom if be not and as rain and the rainbow fair and as the young plays between the tiger and the bear so s dark emperor and kin is the weak and beautiful the pure and thing des and having of the emperor and the king be it known that two � a german and a pole and � have lately arrived and made agreeable to the fo much fo indeed that when the time comes for the and for the of the accompany her to the thus the proceeds with a of the hall where the is � but that which makes that ancient hall more like and more tis not the or the or the tables with cheer but in the lines of arches far beyond the lights two long rows of with their two long rows of knights each his pillar and holds his lance in the right arm in they fit there to with and down and below and a in a at every bow the and the are on with each full with to the heel with battle axe and dagger and at each with foot in hand on rein and d they ride tis terrible to fee them all with nodding and for no one i and no one in all that awful room beneath their loom the huge and if satan kept black cattle this were a | 8 |
her she wants to speak to you aside i shall have him on my hands next junior � � half lighted dining room isn t there any doctor � you little fool junior � let me do my work stop a minute edges after g doctor � wait till she sends for you at least � least man alive he ll kill you if you go in there i what are you him for junior � coming into given him a stiff brandy he wants it you ve forgotten him for the last ten hours and � forgotten yourself too g enters bedroom which is lit by one night lamp on the floor pretending to be asleep the valley of the shadow voice � j rom the bed all down the street � such go and put them out how can i sleep with an of the c i � in my room no � not c i e something else what was it g � trying to control his voice i m here bending over bed don t you know me it s me � it s � it s your husband voice � mechanically it s me � it s � it s your husband g � she doesn t know me it s your own husband darling voice � your own husband darling � with am understanding all saying g � make her understand me then � quick � hand on mrs g s forehead captain voice � do i know i m not fit to be seen � aside to g say same as at breakfast g � good morning little woman how are we today voice � that s poor old you fool i can t see you come nearer g it s me � you know me voice � of course i do who does not know the man who was so cruel to his wife � almost the only one he ever had g yes dear of course of course but won t you speak to him he wants to speak to you so much voice � they d never let him in the doctor would give if he were house he ll never come oh g � putting out his arms they have let him in the valley of the shadow and he always was in the house oh my love � don t you know me voice � in a half chant and it came to pass at the hour that this poor soul repented it knocked at the gates but they were shut � tight as a plaster � a great burning plaster they had our marriage all across the door and it was made of red hot iron � people really ought to be more careful you know g � what am i to do takes her in his arms speak to me � to voice � what shall i say oh tell me what to say before it s too late they are all going away and i can t say anything g � say you know me only say you know me doctor � who has entered quietly for pity s sake don t take it too much to heart it s this way sometimes they won t recognize they say all sorts of queer things � don t you see f g � all right all right go away now she u recognize me you re her she must � mustn t she doctor � she will before have i your leave to try � g � anything you please so long as she ll know me it s only a question of � hours isn t it doctor � while there s life there s hope y know but don t build on it g � i don t pull her together if it s possible what have i done to deserve this doctor � bending over bed now mrs we shall be all right to morrow you must take it or i sha n t let see you it isn t nasty is it voice � always more can t you leave me alone g � oh leave her in peace doctor � stepping back � aside may i be forgiven if the valley of the shadow i ve done wrong aloud in a few minutes she ought to be sensible but i t tell you to look for anything it s only g � what man doctor � in a whisper forcing the last rally g � then leave us alone doctor don t mind what she says at first if you can they they they turn against those they love most sometimes in this it s hard but g � am i her husband or are you leave us alone for whatever time we have together voice � and we were engaged suddenly i assure you that i never thought of it for a moment hut o my little me � i don t know i should have done if he l proposed g � she thinks of that girl before she thinks of me aloud voice � not from the shops dear you can get the real leaves from and laughing weakly never mind about the blossoms dead white silk is only fit for and i won t wear it it s as bad as a winding sheet a long pause g � i never asked a favor yet if there is anybody to to me let her know me � even if i die too voice � very faintly dear g � i m here darling voice � what has happened they ve been me so with and things and they wouldn t let you come and see me i was never ill before am i ill now g � you � you aren t quite well voice � how funny have i been ill long g � some days | 39 |
she said with the tears running down her cheeks souls souls their rail way carriage had been full when the train left but at the first station beyond their only remaining companion a person ate out of a carpet bag � had left hia strewn seat with a bow s eye followed the shiny of his retreating back till it lost itself in the cloud of and cab drivers hanging about the station then she glanced at and caught the some regret in his look they were both sorry to be alone par shouted the guard the train to a sudden of doors a waiter ran along the platform with a tt y of a porter flung a bundle of and band boxes into a third class carriage the guard snapped out a brief i which ted the purely ornamental nature of his first shout and the train swung out of the station the direction of the road had changed and a shaft of sunlight struck across the dusty red velvet seats into s corner did not notice it he had i returned to his de paris and she bad to rise i lower the shade of the farther window against s souls the vast horizon of their leisure such incidents stood out sharply having lowered the shade sat down leaving the length of the carriage between herself and at length he missed her and looked up i moved out of the sun she hastily explained he looked at her curiously the sun was beating on her through the shade very well he said pleasantly adding you don t mind as he drew a case from his pocket it was a refreshing touch the of her spirit with the suggestion that after all if he could � the relief was only momentary her experience of was limited her husband had of the use of tobacco but she knew from that men sometimes smoked to get away from things that a cigar might be the masculine equivalent of darkened windows and a headache after a puff or two returned to his review it was just as she had foreseen he feared to speak as much as she did it was one of the misfortunes of their situation that they were never busy enough to or even to justify the of unpleasant if they avoided a question it was obviously because the question was disagreeable they had unlimited leisure and an of mental energy to devote to any subject si i souls thai presented itself new topics were in fact at a sometimes had of a famine stricken period when there would ba nothing left to talk about and she had already herself out what in the first of their confidences she would have flung to him in a breath their silence therefore might simply mean that they had nothing to say but it was another disadvantage of their position that it allowed infinite opportunity for the of minute had learned to distinguish between real and and under s she now detected a hum of speech to which her own thoughts made breathless answer how could it be otherwise with that thing between them she glanced up at the rack overhead the thing was there in her dressing bag suspended over her head and his he was thinking of it now just as she was they had been thinking of it in ever since they had entered the train while the carriage had held other travellers they had her from his thoughts but now that he and she were alone she knew exactly what was passing through his mind she could almost hear him asking himself what he should say to her the thing had come that morning brought up to her n an innocent looking envelope with the rest of their souls letters as they were leaving the hotel at as she tore it open she and were laughing over some of the local guide they had been driven of late to make the most of such of travel even when she had unfolded the document she took it for some business paper sent abroad for her signature and her eye travelled over the curly ft in of the until a word arrested her � divorce there it stood an barrier between her name and hers she had been prepared for it of course as healthy people are said to be prepared for death in the sense f knowing it must come without in the least expecting that it will she had known from the first that meant to divorce her � but what did it matter nothing mattered in those first days of supreme but the fact that she was free and not bo much she had begun to be aware that freedom had released her from as that it had given her to this discovery had not been agreeable to her self esteem she had preferred to think that had himself embodied all her reasons for leaving him and those he represented had seemed enough to stand in no need of yet she had not left him till she met it was her love for that had made life with i souls so poor and a business if she had never from the regarded her aa a full of her claims upon life she had at least for a number of years accepted it as a compensation � she had made it do existence in the mansion in fifth avenue � with mrs senior commanding the approaches from the second story front windows � had been reduced to a series of purely acts the moral atmosphere of the interior was as carefully and as the house itself mrs senior dreaded ideas as much as a draught in her back prudent people liked an even temperature and to do anything unexpected was as foolish as going out in the rain one of the chief advantages of being rich was that | 10 |
silver the of a lily her piled hair like black glass she had the and ness of a and her eyes were intense he was stirred to rise from the table and to hold the chair for her and all through supper he ate his bread dry because he felt that she would think him common if he said you hand me the butter iv she had reached the calmness of not caring whether her guests liked the party or not and a state of satisfied suspense in regard to s in serving before cried from the bay window in the living room here comes somebody and mr and mrs faltered in at a quarter to eight then in a shy arrived the entire aristocracy of all persons engaged in a profession or earning more than twenty five hundred dollars a year or possessed of bom in america even while they were removing their they were peeping at the new saw turn over the gold pillows to find a price and heard mr the attorney gasp hi be as he viewed the print hanging against the she was amused but her high spirits as she beheld them form in dress parade in a long silent uneasy circle clear round the living room she felt that she had been back to her first party at sam s have i got to lift them like so many pigs of iron i d m t know that i can make them happy but make them a silver flame in the circle she whirled around drew them with her smile and sang i want my party to be noisy and this is the of my house and i want you to help me have a bad influence on it so that it will be a giddy house for me won t you all join in an old fashioned square dance and mr will call she had a record on the was in the of the floor loose lean rusty headed pointed of nose clapping his hands and shouting swing y � even the and and professor george danced looking only slightly fo and by rushing about the room and being and to all persons over forty five got them into a main street and a virginia but when she left them to themselves in their own way harry put a record on the the younger people took the floor and all the elders back to their chairs with smiles which meant don t believe try this one myself but i do enjoy watching the dance half of them were silent half resumed the of that afternoon in the store hunted for something to say hid a and offered to the owner of the flour mill how d you folks like the new furnace so oh let them alone don t them they must like it or they wouldn t do it warned herself but they gazed at her so when she past that she was that in their of respectability they had lost the power of play as well as the power of thought even the dancers were gradually crushed by the invisible force of fifty perfectly pure and behaved and negative minds and they sat down two by two in twenty minutes the party was again elevated to the decorum of a prayer meeting we re going to do something exciting exclaimed to her new she saw that in the growing quiet her voice had carried across the room and were abstracted fingers and lips slightly moving she knew with a cold certainty that was his about the catching the hen running over the first lines of an old sweetheart of mine and thinking of his popular on mark s but i will not have anybody use the word in my house she whispered to miss that s good i tell you why not have sing why my dear he s the most sentimental in see here your opinions on house are sound but your opinions of people are does wag his tail but the poor dear longing for what he calls self expression and no training in anything except selling shoes but he can sing and some day when he gets away from harry s patronage and ridicule hell do something fine for her she urged and warned the of we all want you to sing mr you re the only famous actor i m going to let appear on the stage t while blushed and admitted oh they want to hear me he was clearing his throat pulling ms clean handkerchief farther out of his breast pocket and thrusting his fingers between the buttons of his in her affection for s in her desire to discover artistic talent prepared to be delighted by the recital sang fly as a bird thou art my dove and when the little swallow leaves its nest all in a reasonably bad tenor was shuddering with the shame which sensitive people feel when they listen to an being humorous or to a child publicly doing badly what no child should do at all she wanted to laugh at the gratified importance in s half shut eyes she wanted to weep over the meek which clouded like an his pale face ears and sandy she tried to look admiring for the benefit of miss that trusting admirer of all that was or could be the good the true and the beautiful at the end of the third miss roused from her attitude of inspired vision and breathed to my i that was sweet of course hasn t an good voice but don t you think he puts such a lot of feeling can lied and but without originality oh yes i do think he has so much she saw that after the strain of listening in a manner the audience had had given up their last hope of being amused she cried now we re going to | 42 |
consider the most brilliant of her novels was the first finished if not the first begun she began it in october before she was twenty one years old and completed it in about ten months in august the title then intended for it was first impressions sense and sensibility was begun in its present form immediately after the completion of the former in november but something similar in story and character had been written earlier under the title of and and if as is probable a good deal of this earlier production was retained it must form the earliest specimen of her writing that has been given to the world abbey though not prepared for the press till was certainly first composed in amongst the most valuable neighbors of the were mr and mrs and their family he was of the adjoining parish of she was sister to sir to whom we are indebted for the earliest notice of jane that exists in his a of jane of his visits at he writes the nearest neighbors of the were the of i remember jane the as a little child she was mate with mrs and much encouraged by her her mother was a miss whose grandmother waa sister to the first duke of mr was of a family of which several branches have been settled in the of and some are still remaining there when i knew jane i never suspected that she was an but my eyes told me that she was fair and handsome slight and elegant but with cheeks a little too full one may wish that sir had dwelt rather longer on the subject of these instead of being drawn away by his extreme love for to her and ancestors that great grandmother however lives in the family records as mary a daughter of lord married in westminster abbey to of in when a girl she had received a curious letter of advice and reproof written by her mother from mary or was remaining in england with her grandmother lady who seems to have been wealthy and inclined to be too indulgent to her this letter is given any such document two hundred years old dealing with domestic details must possess some interest this is remarkable not only as a specimen of the homely language in which ladies of rank then a of jane but bom the sound sense which it contains forms of expression vary but good sense and right principles are the same in the nineteenth that they were in the century my � y letters by cousin arrived here not before the of were they to us bringing y joyful news which a great while we had longed for of my most dear mother all other relations friends good health which i god continue to you all as i observe in y to y sister y extraordinary kindness of as i may truly say the best in the world in herself to make you fine so i cannot but admire her great good in affording you so very an allowance to increase her stock at the rate i find she hath done think i can never sufficiently mind you how very much it is y duty on all occasions to pay her y gratitude in all humble submission obedience to all her commands long as you live i must tell you h is to her care in y greatest measure you are like to owe y well living in this world as you cannot be very sensible you are an extraordinary charge to her so it you to take particular heed th in y whole course of y life you render her a comfort especially since t is y best way you can ever hope to make her such amends as god requires of y hands but it me a little y i am forced to take notice of you for some expressions in y to y sister a of jane � you say concerning y allowance you to bring y bread cheese even in this i do not you for a shame indeed it would be should you out run the having a provision made you for y maintenance � but y reason you give for y resolution i cannot at all approve for you say to spend more you can t because you have it not to spend otherwise it seems you would so y t is y discretion not yours th keeps you from which plainly appears in y close of y sentence saying y you think it simple to save out of y but t is my opinion if you lay all on y back h is ten a greater sin shame th to save some what out of large an allowance in y purse to help you at a dead lift child we all know our beginning but who knows his end best use th can be made of fair is to provide against t is great discretion of small for a young woman to herself house y mother neither nor wife ever bestowed forty pounds a on herself if you never fall und a worse reputation in y world th she i thank god for it hath hitherto done you need not at it you cannot be ignorant of y difference th was between my fortune what you are to expect you ought likewise to consider th you have seven brothers sisters you are all one man s children therefore it is very unreasonable that one should expect to be preferred in finery much above all y rest for tis impossible you should much mistake a of jane j s condition as to fancy lie is able to allow every one of you forty pounds a a piece for such an allowance with the charge of their over and above will amount to at least five hundred pounds a a sum y poor feather can ill spare | 26 |
the refrain was repeated he got to and sort of half sobbing and went to wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his he was so conspicuous that he embarrassed a little and also had an ill effect upon the audience with the next repetition he broke quite down and began to cry like a calf which ruined all the effect and started many in the audience to laughing then he went on from bad to worse i never saw such a spectacle for he fetched out a from under his and began to his eyes with it and let go the most infernal mixed up with and and and and and and and � and he twisted himself about on his heels and this way and that still pouring out that brutal and flourishing his in the air and again and wringing it out hear you couldn t hear yourself think was wholly drowned out and silenced and those people were laughing the very lungs out of themselves it was the most degrading sight that ever was now i heard the that plate makes when the man that is in it is running and then alongside my head there burst out the most explosion of laughter that ever rent the drum of a person s ear and i looked and it was la hire and he stood there with his on his and his head back and his jaws spread to that degree to let out his and his that it amounted to in i � mark twain decent exposure for you see everything that was in him only one thing more and worse could happen and it happened at the other door i saw the and bustle and and of officials and which means that some great personage is coming � then of arc stepped in and the house rose yes and tried to shut its mouth and make itself grave and proper but when it saw the maid herself go to laughing it thanked god for this mercy and the earthquake followed such things make life a bitterness and i do not wish to dwell upon them the effect of the poem was spoiled chapter xvi this episode with me and i was not able to leave my bed the next day the others were in the same condition but for this one or another of us might have had the good luck that fell to the s share that day but it is that god in his compassion sends the good luck to such as are ill equipped with gifts as compensation for their defect but requires such as are more fortunately endowed to get by labor and talent what those others get by chance it was who said this and it seemed to me to be well and justly thought the going about the town all the day in order to be followed and admired and the people say in an awed voice � look it is the standard bearer of of arc had speech with all sc ts and conditions of folk and he learned from some that there was a stir of some kind going on in the on the other side of the river and in the evening seeking further he found a from the fortress called the who said that the english were going to send men over to strengthen the on our side during the darkness of the night and were greatly for they meant to spring upon and the army mark twain when it was passing the and destroy it a thing quite easy to do since the witch would not be there and without her presence the army would do like the french armies of these many years past � drop their weapons and run when they saw an english face it was ten at night when the brought this news and asked leave to speak to and i was up and on duty then it was a bitter stroke to me to see what a chance i had lost made searching inquiries and satisfied herself that the word was true then she made this remark you have done well and you have my thanks it may be that you have prevented a disaster your name and service shall receive official mention then he bowed low and when he rose he was eleven feet high as he swelled out past me he pulled down the comer of his eye with his finger and muttered part of that refrain oh tears ah tears oh sad sweet tears � name in general orders � personal mention to the king you see i wished could have seen his conduct but she was busy thinking what she do then she had me fetch the knight de and in a minute he was off for la hire s quarters with orders for him and the lord de and d to report to her at five o clock next morning with five hundred picked men well mounted the histories say half past four but it is not true i heard the order given we were on our way at five to the minute and the head of the arriving between x recollections op op arc six and seven a couple of from the was pleased for the army had to get and show uneasiness now that it was getting so near to the dreaded but that all disappeared now as the word ran down the line with a that swept along the length of it like a wave that the maid was come asked her to halt and let the column pass in review so that the men could be sure that the report of her presence was not a to revive their courage so she took position at the side of the road with her staff and the swung by with a martial stride was armed except her head she was wearing the | 34 |
against the of christianity with any class xiv preface of persons who in the words of swift have just enough religion to make them hate and not enough to make them love one another i have found it curious and interesting looking over the sheets of this to mark what important social improvements have taken place about us almost even since they were originally written the license of counsel and the degree to which are bewildered are yet susceptible of moderation while an improvement in the mode of conducting especially for is still within the bounds of possibility but legal have the claws of messrs and a spirit of self respect mutual forbearance education and for such good ends has diffused itself among their clerks places far apart are brought together to the present convenience and advantage of the public and to the certain destruction in time of a host of petty and prejudices by which the public alone have always been the the laws relating to imprisonment for debt are altered and the fleet prison is pulled down with such a within so short a period who knows but it may be discovered within this century that there are even in town and country who should be taught to shake hands every day with common sense and justice that even poor laws may have mercy on the weak the aged and unfortunate that schools on the broad principles of preface xv christianity are the best for the length and breadth of this civilized land that prison doors should be barred on the outside no less heavily and carefully than they are barred within that the universal of common means of decency and health is as much the right of the poorest of the poor as it is indispensable to the safety of the rich and of the state that a few petty boards and bodies � less than drops in the great ocean of humanity which around them � are not to let loose fever and consumption on god s creatures at their will or always to keep their little going for a dance of death j contents of volume i � chapter i the chapter n the first day s journey and the first evening s adventures with their consequences chapter hi a new acquaintance the s tale a disagreeable interruption and an unpleasant chapter iv a field day and more new friends and an invitation to the country chapter v a short one � showing among other matters how mr undertook to drive and mr to ride and how they both did it chapter vi an old fashioned card party the clergyman s verses the story of the s return chapter vii how mr instead of shooting at the pigeon and killing the crow shot at the crow and wounded the pigeon how xviii contents page the club played all and how all dined at the expense with other interesting and instructive matters chapter viii strongly of the position that the course of true love is not a railway chapter ix a discovery and a chase chapter x clearing up all doubts if any existed of the of mr s character chapter xi another journey and an discovery mr s determination to be present at an election and containing a manuscript of the old clergyman s chapter descriptive of a very important proceeding on the part of mr no less an epoch in his life than in this history chapter some account of of the state of parties therein and of the election of a member to serve in parliament for that ancient loyal and patriotic chapter xiv a brief description of the company at the assembled and a tale told by a papers the club chapter i the the first ray of light which the gloom and into a dazzling brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlier history of the public career of the immortal would appear to be involved is derived from the perusal of the following entry in the transactions of the club which the editor of these papers feels the highest pleasure in laying before his readers as a proof of the careful attention and nice with which his search among the documents confided to him has been conducted may joseph esq p v p m p c the following resolutions agreed to that this association has heard read with feelings of satisfaction and approval the paper communicated by samuel esq g c m p c t entitled speculations on the source of the perpetual vice president � member club f general � member club vol i papers of with some observations on the theory of and that this association does return its warmest thanks to the said samuel esq g c m p c for the same that while this association is deeply sensible of the advantages which must to the cause of science from the production to which they have just no less than from the of samuel esq g c m p c in and they cannot but entertain a lively sense of the benefits which must inevitably result from carrying the speculations of that learned man into a wider field from extending his travels and consequently his sphere of observation to the advancement of knowledge and the of learning that with the view just mentioned this association has taken into its serious consideration a proposal from the samuel esq g c m p c and three other named for forming a new branch of united under the title of the corresponding society of the club that the said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this association that the corresponding society of the club is therefore constituted and that samuel esq g c m p c esq m p c esq m p c and esq m p c are and appointed members of the same and that they be requested to forward from time to time accounts | 8 |
all your life as woman who stole your lover from you she said with bitter on the contrary i replied i shall think of yon all my life as the girl who gave me what i wanted most � my freedom your freedom she repeated during this time never said a word i fancy he understood everything in a single flash of comprehension i dare say you will think me a fool i went on perhaps i shall think so myself ten years hence but i am not and never have been in love with mind i am very fond of him but been very very unhappy at the prospect of marrying him and in making him care for you you have done me the very greatest service imaginable because you have released me of course so long as i thought he cared for me i should have felt bound to keep my promise are you sure this is true she asked poor girl she could hardly believe the good news i laughed out loud in my joyous freedom by a mere accident d i can hardly it myself i cried why don t yoa say something is it he be an no no no i cried never mind who or why or how it is not therefore be satisfied i shall not give yon back your ring but give lady another for it and i will wear yours always in tc en of my love for you both i should like to keep bob too he is so fond of me and lady gave him to me long before we were engaged not lady she said gently i should like to kiss you if you will let me oh you have made me so happy why don t you say us i asked and then i freed myself from her and turned to dear dear i cried i will love you both so much all my life oh i do ho you will be happy very very happy why don t you thank heaven the explanation did not come too late i do he said solemnly then what about the money i said presently i don t want the money interrupted well i won t have it i said quietly but i am afraid i cannot give it back to you until i am of age if you will trust me with it until then i will trust y m of course i will trust you cried quite hotly that if all right i replied well now i am going to tell lady de of the little change in our plans if i b � he will soon spread it abroad like the little the whole lump they d at this and having given them both a vigorous i literally back along the so it it tt cherry s child into the drawing room where i found lady de still alone is that you dear she asked as i entered i danced right up to her she looked rather surprised but was indulgent lady de i began kneeling down at her feet you said this afternoon you would like a daughter if you like you can be with a son at once what do you mean she cried i mean that and i have found out a wonderful thing to day we thought we loved each other and all the time we were making a mistake and now tells me that he and were breaking their poor hearts and oh lady de i am so happy i am so happy and then i hid my face upon her lap and wept for very joy they say that joy never perhaps it is true but i know from experience that it sometimes very nearly makes people crazy i was almost crazy myself i believe s mother thought me quite so and little wonder for i danced about the room laughing and crying at the same time in which plight lord came in and found me what now he said stopping short he has turned me off i cried dancing up to him i could not walk my feet were incapable of movement he said yes it has all been a mistake and it is he cares for so he is going to marry and i am free oh dear can t you understand it i have got my freedom st by a mere accident but child don t you care he asked care don t i tell you that i have got my freedom i answered just think of it how each of us has been making a sacrifice for the other i thought poor dear us was in love with me and so i suppose he was � until he met again and thought i cared for him and so we went on all three of us perfectly miserable until by accident i overheard enough to set it all to rights what will say he said lady de had gone in the direction of the long since i don t know i answered suddenly i dare say he will be vexed that he will not be rid of me quite so soon as he expected i must go up to town to morrow and tell him he said unless cares to go himself that is my dear child i can hardly believe it all are you sure you are not me i am going to give his money and estate back as soon as i am of age i explained without noticing his question and oh lord i never was so utterly thoroughly happy in my whole life as i am tonight i wonder said he what she would say to all this i think she would be glad i answered just at the last you know she was sorry about it she tried to tell that she did it for the best i think she found out then | 30 |
to day he is a most non however to continue in this position he must be prepared at a moment s notice to go again and he is prepared whenever a by the arises mr changes about from giving least for most and gives most for least with such a vengeance as to drive the out of existence the against a by refusing him trade advantages and by against him in most fashion the against a in more primitive fashion with a club are no more merciless than the mr tells of a new york who withdrew from the sugar union several years ago and became a he was worth something like twenty millions of dollars but the sugar union standing shoulder to shoulder with the railroad union and several other by the beat him to his knees till he cried enough so did they beat him that he was obliged to turn over to his his home his chickens and his gold watch in point of fact he was as thoroughly by the of as ever workman was by a labor union the intent in either case is the same � to destroy the s producing power the labor with of the brain is put out of business and so is the who has lost all his dollars down to his chickens and his watch but the r le of passes beyond the individual just as individuals on other individuals so do groups on other groups and the principle involved by the is precisely the same as in the case of the simple labor a group in the nature of its organization is often compelled to give most for least and so doing to strike at the life of another group at the present moment all europe is appalled by that colossal the united states and europe is with agitation for a of national to protect her from the united states it may be remarked in passing that in its prime this agitation in no wise from the agitation among workmen in any industry the trouble is caused by the who is giving most for least the result of the american s actions will be to strike at the food and shelter of europe the way for europe by the to protect herself is to quit among her parts and to form a union against the and if the union is formed armies and may be expected to be brought into play in fashion similar to the bricks and clubs in ordinary labor struggles in this connection and as one of many walking for the nations m the noted french may well be quoted in a letter to the he an alliance among the continental nations for the purpose of out american goods an alliance in his own language which may possibly and develop into a alliance it will be noted in the of the by the continental walking that one and all they leave england out of the proposed union and in england herself the feeling is growing that her days are numbered if she cannot unite for and defence with the great american as said some time ago the only course for great britain seems to be with her or sure decline to a secondary place and then to comparative in the future annals of the race speaking of what would have obtained but for the pig of george iii and of what will obtain when england and the united states are united said no cannon would be fired on either but by by the of the english race it would seem that england by the hostile continental union and by the great american has nothing left but to join with the and play the historic labor of armed the words of the united states would be enabled to without let or on europe while england as professional strike and policeman destroyed the and kept order all this may appear fantastic and but there is in it a soul of truth vastly more significant than it may seem civilization may be expressed to day in terms of trade individual struggles have largely passed away but increase and the by the things for which the groups struggle are the same as of old of all and the chief struggle of men and of groups of men is for food and shelter and as of old they struggled with tooth and nail so to day they struggle with teeth and nails into armies and machines and advantages y under the definition that a is one who gives more value for the same price han another it would seem that society can be generally divided into the two classes of the and the non but on closer investigation however it will be seen that the non is a vanishing quantity in the social everybody is upon everybody else as in the case of mr he who by the i t was a yesterday is a non today and to morrow may be a again the woman or who receives forty dollars per month where a man was receiving seventy five is a so is the woman who does a man s work at a and the child who goes into the mill or factory and the father who is out of work by the wives and children of other men sends his own wife and children to in order to save himself when a an author better than other have been paying him he is on those other the on a newspaper who feels he should be receiving a larger salary for his work by the says so and is shown the door is replaced by a who is a whereupon when the belly need presses the goes to another paper and himself the minister who his heart to a call and waits for a certain congregation to offer him say a year more often finds himself upon by another | 21 |
in several invariable it may follow with equal any one of several or of so that i where in every single a multitude an multitude of are and what security have we that in our a we have taken all these into one reckoning how many must we not generally be ignorant of among those we know how probable that some have been overlooked and even were all included how vain the pretence of up the effects of many causes unless we know accurately the law of each � a condition in most cases not to be fulfilled and even when fulfilled to the calculation in any but very simple cases the utmost power of science with its most modem improvements these difficulties mr mill confined to certain of hut os remarked on a former occasion allowing this the trouble is that we can never be sure whether or not any given case belongs to one of those classes this therefore must extend to all our results as a remedy for these of mr mill the march the i the of investigation wliich from the proved of direct methods of observation and experiment remains to us as the main source of the knowledge we possess of tho more com ia called method and consists of three operations the first one of direct the second of and the third of the problem of the method is to find the law of an effect from tho laws of the tendencies of which it is tho joint result the first requisite therefore is to know the laws of these tendencies the law of each of the causes and this a previous process of observation or upon each cause separately or else a previous wliich also must depend for its ultimate upon observation or experiment this being accomplished the second part follows that of from the laws of the causes effect any given combination of tho e causes will produce thus far there is nothing peculiar in tho method its essential characteristic is the third process whereby the general conclusions formed by are compared with the results of direct observation without it is acknowledged l that all the results of the method have little other value than that of g ie s work it is n therefore that the of all scientific results must at last depend tliat e advances henceforth to be expected even in physical and still more in mental and social science will be chiefly the result of is evident from the general considerations already but it is not a sufficient that the supposed cause accounts for all the known since this is a condition often fulfilled well by two conflicting it is sufficient only provided the case bo such that a false law cannot lead to a time result � provided no law except tho very one we have assumed can lead to the same conclusions which that leads to here the whole difficulty is provided for in advance in a summary manner the uncertainty whether our investigation had been sufficiently ample to all possibility of influence from causes is disposed of but by a for the of which we can see no grounds previously to we have no means of obtaining such knowledge the law in question except through w m the system and founded unless some to on account of its forming part of the process we see no chance tiiat the can ever be complied witli mr mill however is of a opinion he it often be realized and gives as an instance s demonstration that the law governing the motion of the is but in all as our author himself remarks i j the result is already implied in the and the ii g derived from simple that the can ever be complied with in cases other than he does not snow and he is obliged to admit that in order that shall be proof it is necessary that the supposed cause should not only bo a real but should be already known to some influence on the supposed effect the precise degree and manner of the influence being the only that what is an at the beginning of the inquiry becomes a proved law of nature before its close can only when the has for its object not to detect an unknown cause hut to determine the precise law of a cause already ascertained ii therefore is a subordinate matter and does not help us at all in tbe main d ii namely the discovery of cause for this we arc referred back to observation and experiment ii furnish the independent evidence on which depends the by suggesting observations and experiments puts upon the road to that independent evidence if it be really and until it be attained the ought not to count for more than a suspicion in this account of it may be observed we have throughout assumed that the preliminary is in all cases an since from what has already been shown it must always answer to mr mill s definition of an h namely a supposition made upon insufficient evidence if it is not an there is no need of if it is is no more possible than before is thus only an � with which it ends being nothing more than e with which begins it results therefore that the connecting link of phenomena be discovered the j from the particular to the s march the and inexplicable we must with and not only this but also � a the particular only of itself and not of other we must be content with a partial or knowledge ei usually give the name of to those which ob or experiment has shown to but upon which they to in cases those which have actually for want of any reason u ay a law should exist it is implied therefore in the of an law that it is not an ultimate law | 37 |
her carriage and was driving to that her consciousness of it died in the importance of her interview with her father in comparing her present attitude of mind with that of last thursday she was glad to notice that to day she could not think that her father would not forgive her her talk on the subject with had reassured her he would not have been so if he had not been sure that her would forgive her in the end but there would be and at the very thought of them she felt her courage sink and she asked herself why he should make her miserable if he was going to forgive her in the end her plans were to talk to him about his choir and if that did not succeed to throw herself on her knees she remembered how she had thrown herself on her knees on the morning of the afternoon she had gone away and since then she had thrown herself at his feet many every time she sang in the the scene in which all his troubles and to had never been different from the long talks she and her father used to drop into in the dim evenings in she had cheered him when he came home depressed after a talk with the impossible father as she had since cheered in his deep brooding over the doom of the gods predicted hj when the dusky foe of love should a son in hate had always been her father and the stupid what were they she had often tried to work out the it never came out quite right but she always felt sure in setting down father as the scene in the third act when she throws herself at s feet and his forgiveness the music and the words together upon her brain was the scene that now awaited her she had at last come to this long scene and the scene she had acted as she was now going to act the real scene true that forgave after putting her to sleep on the rock where she should remain till a pure hero should come to release her a nervous smile curled her lip for a moment she trembled in her very and as they passed down the long mean streets of her thoughts out in all sorts of trivial observation and reflection she wondered if the mother who called down the narrow alley had ever been in love if she had ever deceived her husband if her father had her about the young man she kept company with the presented to her strained mind some sort of problem and the sight of the railway told her she was then she saw the at the top of the whither she had once walked to meet now it was london nearly all the way to but when they entered the familiar village street she was surprised at her dislike of it even the chestnut trees beautiful with white bloom were distasteful to her and life seemed contemptible beneath them in there was no surprise � e there was a phantom it a hundred dead and she felt she would live in any ghostly than in her very knowledge of the place was an irritation to her and she was pleased when she saw a house which had been built since she had been away but every one of the fields she knew well and the sight of every tree recalled a dead day a dead event that road to the right led to the picture gallery and at the cross road she had been nearly run over by a while a but hardly helped her in she had only to think to see it the of a certain house told her that another minute would bring her to her father s door and before the carriage turned the corner she foresaw the patch of black garden but if her father were at home he might refuse to see her and she was not certain if she should force her way past the servant or return home quietly the entire dialogue of the scene between her and margaret passed through her mind and the very of their voices but it was not margaret who opened the door to her this way miss please no i ll wait in the music room mr won t have no one wait there in his absence will you come into the parlour no i think i ll wait in the music room i m miss mr is my father what miss are you the g eat singer i suppose i am do you know miss something told me that you was the moment i saw the carriage i said here she is this is her for certain will you come this way miss i ll run and get the key and who was it said that told you i was a singer r lor miss didn t half go to hear you sing at the opera did you no i didn t go miss but i heard mr dean and your father talking of yon i ve read about yon in the papers only this morning there was a long piece if father talks of me hell forgive me thought the girl s made her smile and she said � but you ve not told me your name my name is miss have you been long with my father when i left margaret ah t she s dead miss i came to your father the day after the funeral walked up the room overcome by the eternal absence of something which had hitherto been part of her life for margaret took her back to the time her mother was alive farther back still � to the very beginning of her life she had always reckoned on margaret so margaret was dead margaret would never know of this meeting | 15 |
which possesses neither form nor colour in itself and which no eye is capable of beholding i never saw the want of atmosphere more striking than in a picture full of it was intended to illustrate the fable of the adorned in borrowed but the was only to be found upon examination for there were three nearly as large as life crowded into a moderate sized painting and two of them having tails expanded the was literally covered with feathers these it is true were beautifully executed and had the piece been called a picture of s feathers it might have been admired but there was a total absence of some of the most essential parts of a and the eye turned away with weariness or disgust while the mind the poetry of painting formed as to the meaning of the painter with a single idea in describing this picture my mind very naturally to one in the same exhibition almost immediately opposed to it in but still more so in character it was if i recollect right by one of the and represented a sunset upon a level beach the sky was still glowing with all the gorgeous tints of evening but the sun was not visible and there was neither nor wave nor to reflect his light all was a complete flat gilded with his beams and the sea and the shore were alike but the artist acquainted with the principles of mind as well as matter had not forth this mere flat to brave the consequent contempt of mankind he had wisely given to his picture a of interest without wliich it must have been a complete blank we have before observed that whatever is beautiful or sublime does not create intense sensations of pleasure without some link of human fellowship either real or imaginary so the painter of this picture had placed in the middle distance or rather in the of his piece two human beings whose tall shadows fell behind them on uie ground they might be consulting about the tides or travellers resting by the way or poets gazing on the golden sky their dress and appearance revealed nothing nor was it of consequence that they should they were human and that was enough imagination could supply the rest and people that glowing scene with all the images familiar or fantastic that wait upon the sun s decline it was the perfect harmony of this picture which made tht charm so irresistible � the illusion so complete and whenever the delight or the beauty of landscape painting is considered harmony must be acknowledged to be the basis upon which both are founded it ib that the external aspect of nature perpetual contrast both in form and but this very contrast is in harmony with the whole for our ideas of beauty are chiefly derived from the principles which the external world and amongst these we may reckon it not the least important that there can be no brilliant light deep shadow in speaking of the pleasure derived from painting i have found in necessary to make frequent use of the word a word which might unquestionably be to many other sources of human gratification but in reference to the illusion to which we willingly and necessarily submit ourselves in order to find greater pleasure in the productions of the pencil it may not be to offer a few remarks in this place those who have never studied the art of painting are not aware how much we are indebted for the pleasure we receive from it to a natural process which takes place in the mind of the the painter who has no brighter materials than red and yellow clay to work with can ro dispose them as to represent the splendour and of a summer sunset upon which we gaze till our eyes are almost dazzled with the of those burning beams in the centre of his piece he places the glowing of day smiling his brightest before he sinks to rest upon his couch of crimson clouds on either side are trees whose foliage is bathed in the same golden hues and if managed they will form a vista in excess of light while the whole is by a group of panting cattle some of them holding down their heads as if in the very of patient endurance while their tails are curled about in every possible variety of posture to show with what they are ofi the of insects whose busy and hum is almost loud enough to be heard on first asking why the little spot of yellow paint which represents the sun looks so much more brilliant in the picture than on the we are told it is the of the different of light which thus the brightness of the centre but let the same colours be placed without any regard to form in the same order on the and we behold nothing but a heap of paint upon we might gaze till without being dazzled it is because we know that that particular appearance of the sun the sky the earth the trees and the cattle is in reality the invariable accompaniment of intense heat bo on perceiving the same appearance in a picture we persuade ourselves that it i the poetry of life is there if in the same scene and with precisely the same colours the artist should represent the violence of a gale of wind or � of the cattle hut in the same situation and with the same colours he should place a tree a cottage with its roof covered with snow and a miserable half starved man vainly endeavouring to fold a blanket round his shivering limbs there is no eye that would feel the same difficulty in gazing on the picture no mind either of man or woman that would be able while contemplating such a scene to undergo the process of | 41 |
sun strikes like a burning glass or turns through dripping dark forests where the tree dress the trunks from head to heel and the calls to his mate and he met with their dogs and flocks of sheep each sheep with a little bag of on his back and wandering wood and and from coming into india on pilgrimage and of little solitary hill states furiously on ring and or the of a paying a visit or else for a long clear day he would see nothing more than a black bear and below in the valley when he first started the roar of the world he had left still rang in his ears as the roar of a rings long after the train has passed through but when he had put the pass behind him that was all done and was alone with himself walking wondering and thinking his eyes on the ground and his thoughts with the clouds one evening he crossed the highest pass he had met till then � it had been a two days climb the second book � and came out on a line of snow peaks that all the horizon � mountains from fifteen to twenty thousand feet high looking almost near enough to hit with a stone though they were fifty or sixty miles away the pass was crowned with dense dark forest � wild cherry wild olive and wild but mostly which is the and under the shadow of the stood a deserted shrine to � who is who is who is sometimes against the swept the stone floor clean smiled at the grinning statue made himself a little mud fireplace at the back of the shrine spread his skin on a bed of fresh pine needles tucked his � his brass handled � under his and sat down to rest immediately below him the fell away clean and cleared for fifteen hundred feet where a little village of stone walled houses with roofs of beaten earth clung to the steep all round it the tiny fields lay out like of on the knees of the mountain and cows no bigger than between the smooth stone circles of the floors looking across the valley the eye was deceived by the size of things and could not at first realize that the miracle of what seemed to be low on the opposite mountain flank was in truth a forest of pines saw an eagle across the gigantic hollow but the great bird to a dot ere it was half way over a few bands of scattered clouds strung up and down the valley catching on a shoulder of the hills or rising up and dying out when they were level with the head of the pass and here shall i find peace said now a hill man makes nothing of a few hundred feet up or down and as soon as the villagers saw the smoke in the deserted shrine the village priest climbed up the to welcome the stranger when he met s eyes � the eyes of a man used to control thousands � he bowed to the earth took the begging bowl without a word and returned to the village saying we have at last a holy man never have i seen such a man he is of the plains � but pale colored � a of the then all the of the village said think you he will stay with us and each did her best to cook the most meal for the hill food is very simple but with and indian corn and rice and red and little fish out the second book of the stream in the valley and honey from the like built in the stone walls and dried and and wild and of flour a devout woman can make good things and it was a full bowl that the priest carried to the was he going to stay asked the priest would he need a � a � to beg for him had he a blanket against the cold weather was the food good ate and thanked the it was in his mind to stay that was sufficient said the priest let the begging bowl be placed outside the shrine in the hollow made by those two twisted roots and daily should the be fed for the village felt honored that such a man � he looked timidly into the face � should among them that day saw the end of s wanderings he had come to the place appointed for him � the silence and the space after this time stopped and he sitting at the mouth of the shrine could not tell whether he were alive or dead a man with control of his limbs or a part of the hills and the clouds and the shifting rain and sunlight he would repeat a name softly to himself a hundred hundred times till at each repetition he seemed to move more and more out of his body sweeping up to the doors of some the miracle of tremendous discovery but just as the door was opening his body would drag him back and with grief he felt he was locked up again in the flesh and bones of every morning the filled begging bowl was laid silently in the of the roots outside the shrine sometimes the priest brought it sometimes a lodging in the village and anxious to get merit up the path but more often it was the woman who had cooked the meal and she would murmur hardly above her breath speak for me before the gods speak for such a one the wife of so and so now and then some bold child would be allowed the honor and would hear him drop the bowl and run as fast as his little legs could carry him but the never came down to the village it was laid out | 39 |
into a cab at the entrance to the court and drove straight to the mr was there and was busy but on hearing that it was miss who wished to see him he sent a message that he would be free in five minutes and in a little more than that time was shown into the room in which he had first received her well he said in kind abrupt tones well are they going to take the piece off not that i have heard of she replied oh really i made sure that you were coming to tell me that you were released no said i came to tell you something else mr � yes and that is well the is i am going to be married are you indeed oh that is s heart and sword not exactly sudden said but the fact is mr objects to go to india without me and and you are going no i cannot give up my work so i have promised to marry him instead and stay behind yes it him and he thinks it would be better for me and in some senses said philip he is right in some senses i think you are beginning your married life under a mistake but why she faltered well it is a separating life at the best of times that is the worst thing that can be laid to the charge of the dramatic profession it does tend to bring in other interests because even when both husband and wife are of the same profession it is not always possible for them to be together and it is impossible to enter the marriage state and keep quite as one when interests are divided all your interests are naturally in a totally different life all yours will be here when you meet again you will not be the same as you are the day that you part why not because you are human beings said philip very gravely because human nature is only human nature and it is easier to keep unchanged in a life than in an active one i know he went on that there are people who think that there is a good deal of between the army and the stage they are mistaken i know it of my own experience the woman who is accustomed to an army life can never herself really with the interests of the stage the woman who is accustomed to a dramatic life finds herself and checked on all hands by the social which seem to be essentially a part of a mrs s life it may seem to the that both are more or less that both are what we are accustomed to call devil may care states of existence but it is not so i have never yet he went on known the soldier who was absolutely free from the of and i have never yet known the actor who could cheerfully it is curious but such is my experience have you thought carefully over the matter oh yes and it is too late to draw back now even if i wished to do so and you do not wish well well let us hope that time will be merciful to you that you will find in a few years that if philip understood how to run a theatre he was hopelessly out of it in his matrimonial and you will come to my wedding mr said yes yes i will come do s people consent oh yes his father is going to marry us and they are all coming sir john is going to give me away then said he i will come in the guise of the ornamental guest you have asked miss i didn t uke to do so said oh you should ask her she takes a great interest in you you should ask her it will give her great pleasure if you do so he rose as he spoke and taking the hint rose also and as he took her hand to say farewell he looked down upon her with eyes full of pity i hope you will be happy he said i hope it will all turn out for the best you have been very fortunate so far but not more so than you deserve for some things i wish that you had waited until you were a little s heart and sword further along your journey � a little more firmly fixed in your mind but there there go away and don t think that i was a or that i will come to your wedding and be a skeleton at the feast the only other guests whom invited were her manager harry and walter and the day following she was surprised by a visit fa m lady who came to suggest that as sir john was going to act the part of father to her she should be allowed to take the place of her mother and receive the party in place after the ceremony but the trouble lady not a trouble at all but a very great pleasure said lady decidedly it will please sir john and it will be good for you and as your husband is so soon to leave you it is better that you should be married to a certain extent with a flourish of trumpets and another thing it will do you no harm with your future husband s family that you had other friends able and willing to help you besides themselves so shall we look upon it as a settled thing so it came about that and were married by the and that was given away by sir john the eminent q c whose wife entertained the whole party to luncheon afterwards it was a most gay and merry the great actor philip proposed the health of the bride and groom and returned thanks in the | 30 |
the world with eyes � eyes which not merely inquire and pierce but challenge accuse also happily was the prophet of old named a for he who rightly and deeply sees thence your is a very empty and harmless ge � a voice aud nothing more but a silent though uttering only the most obvious and truths sets the social furiously and think not that i am come to send peace on says tlie prince of peace i am not come to send peace but a sword all the of that turbulent age were not half so formidable to roman as the sermon on the mount and so in our day a genuine earnest i no matter in what in what garb invested sets all things and around him � the true turns his eyes first inward himself liis habits purposes asking what this and and wherein is its justification this daily provision of meat and drink � is its end nourishment and its incident enjoyment or are the poles reversed and do i eat and drink for the gratification of appetite hoping or trusting or blindly that since it my desires it must satisfy also my needs is it that all the and should be to and to that of a beast of prey above all why should i fire my blood and my brain with which give a temporary to the spirits at the cost of permanent and disorder to the whole physical frame in short why should i live for and in my if these were created to serve and sustain not master and the spirit to which this earthly frame is but a a tent a halting place in an exalted career if the life be indeed more than meat why shall not the meat recognize and that fact and thus the sincere in the very outset of his course becomes a tee total represented by the and regarded by the vulgar as a foe to all enjoyment and cheer that mankind shall to his and live on bread and blue cold water turning his eyes away from himself he the relations of man with man under which labor is performed and service secured and finds not absolute justice much less love but necessity on the one hand advantage on the other over the general of good offices mankind in the market on the exchange we meet no recognition of the brotherhood of the human race a famine in one country is a to the gi ain and flour of another an excess of the cost of food while the wages of labor adding in both ways to the wealth of the who their only in the increased burdens of thus the mansion and the rise side by side and where are abundant is hanging most frequent one man s necessity being s opportunity we have no right to be surprised or indignant that the general system by an logical process in the existence and stubborn maintenance of human slavery yes i insist that slavery is a logical from principle generally accepted and almost universally accounted sound and for once admit the premises that i have a ri lit to seek profit from my neighbor s and tiiat i have a right to in idleness the or of half a dozen workers if my income will justify the and tliat it is better to live oil from the proceeds of my own � and tlie of slavery is a logical us as that two and two make four hence the the the for gain to others vices is always i o ery or is only withheld from that side fear of being himself you would not on three find a or house bully who would not gladly five miles on a dark stormy night to help an and thus liave all if if ill relationship but tlie of i are united by a free et potent and com i the negro of or new would ah help to mob a even though he did not drink for he hated and tlie of to practical life this j did not with his pursuits or liis gains but he felt all other were just it � that wi j over its and that providence had made him heir of a fortune so that he might have and lived idly might just as well sigh outright for john s plantation and fat whether it shall ever he found practicable to substitute a more and beneficent social order for that which now the are fully justified in doubting so many experiments � fairly tried so far as can see � have resulted in so many failures that they quite conclude that the family is the only or at least the highest social organization whereof poor human nature is capable it is all very well they fairly say to talk of the great of some social system � how much could be saved in fences and fuel and lights production and distribution by five hundred families in one household on a common domain than scattering them over twice as many acres or twenty score farms but since it is proved that families cannot or will not live and labor in tliis way what use in it you might as well talk of tlie superior pavement of the new seen in st john s vision to that of or chestnut street and insist that our cities shall henceforth use the former there is much force in this view but there is more force in one higher and nobler it is true that men and women educated in the selfish and of our current are not qualified � at least the great mass of them are not � for any better form of society it is that this knowledge has been attained through years of patient exertion and sacrifice � attained by earnest ardent self denying men and women who would have given | 19 |
curled ladies and children carefully but shaved gentlemen easily still it was a highly genteel establishment � quite first rate in fact � and there were displayed in the window besides other of a light lady and a dark gentleman which were the admiration of the whole neighbourhood indeed some ladies had gone so far as to assert that the dark gentleman was actually a portrait of the spirited young proprietor and the great between their head dresses � both wore very glossy with a narrow walk straight down the middle and a profusion of flat circular curls on both sides � encouraged the idea the better informed among the sex however made light of this assertion for however willing they were and they were very willing to do full justice to the handsome face and figure of the proprietor they held the countenance of the dark gentleman in the window to be an exquisite and abstract idea of masculine beauty sometimes perhaps among angels and military men but very rarely embodied to the eyes of mortals it was to this establishment that led miss in safely the proprietor knowing that miss ken life and of sisters each with two tails and all good for sixpence a piece once a month at least promptly deserted an old gentleman whom he had just for and handing him over to the who was not popular among the ladies by reason of his and middle age waited on the yoimg lady himself just as tliis change had been effected there presented himself for a big good humoured er with a pipe in his mouth who drawing his hand across his chin requested to know when a would be disengaged the to whom this question was put looked doubtfully at the young proprietor and the young proprietor looked scornfully at the coal observing at the same time � you won t get shaved here my man not said the coal we don t gentlemen in your line remarked the young proprietor i see you a of a baker when i was a through the last week said the coal it s necessary to draw the line my fine replied the principal we draw the line there we can t go beyond k we was to get any lower than our customers would desert us and we might shut up shop you must try some other establishment sir we couldn t do it here the stared grinned at who appeared highly entertained looked slightly round the shop as if in of the pots and other articles of stock took his pipe out of his mouth and gave a very loud whistle and then put it in again and walked out the old gentleman who had just been and who was sitting in a melancholy manner with his face turned towards the wall appeared quite unconscious of this incident and to be insensible to everything around him in the depth of a reverie � a very mournful one to judge from the sighs he occasionally � in which he was absorbed affected by this example the proprietor began to miss the to scrape the old gentleman and to read last sunday s paper ae three in silence when miss uttered a httle scream and raising his eyes saw that it had been by the circumstance of the old turning his head and the features of mr the the features of mr they were but strangely altered if ever an old gentleman had made a point of appearing in public shaved close and clean that old gentleman was mr if ever a had borne himself like a and assumed before all men a solemn and dignity as if he had the world on his books and it was all two quarters in that was mr and now there he sat with the remains of a beard at least a week old his chin a soiled and crouching as it were upon his breast instead of standing boldly out a so abashed and drooping so and expressive of such humiliation grief and shame that if the souls of forty all of whom had had their water cut off for non payment of the rate could have been ted in one body that one body could hardly have expressed such mortification and defeat as were now expressed in the person of mr the uttered his name and mr groaned then to hide it but the groan was a groan and the cough was but a is the matter said matter sir cried mr the of life is dry sir and but the mud is left this speech � the style of which attributed to mr s recent association with theatrical characters � not being quite looked as if he were about to ask another question when mr prevented him by shaking his hand mournfully and then waving his own let me be shaved said mr it shall be done before � it is isn t it yes said have got a boy haven t they inquired the again said yes is it a nice boy demanded the it ain t a very nasty one returned rather embarrassed by the question used to say observed the that if ever she had another boy she hoped it might be like me is this one like me mr life and adventures op this was a inquiry but it by replying to mr that lie thought the baby might possibly come like him in time i be to have somebody like me somehow said mr before i die you don t mean to do that yet awhile said unto which mr replied in a solemn voice let me be shaved and again himself to the hands of the said no more i this was remarkable behaviour so remarkable did it seem to miss that that young lady at the imminent hazard of having her ear off had not been able to forbear looking | 8 |
gone starts back before him does likewise a so give us thy blessing let us hear now thy yes � in schemes for our joy and joining in our happiness turns his hack to chorus she loves him with passionate has sworn that she wed him ere dawn he s promised to guard her and with satan is gone yes give them thy blessing grant both thy caress � in schemes for their joy and joining in their happiness places his hands on the heads of and and the chorus is repeated curtain act iii z gate of on summit of the if and in devils chorus ha ha the of we ha ha of most high degree � ha ha and when you see our family tree then you agree our of every taint is free ho ho whence comes our glee ho ho and glad tee ha ha ha ha ha ha tee dance a red devils ha ha we are the in red ha ha who by the are fed ha ha we go for him who s in the swim with ideas slim and morals dim and tear him limb from limb � ho ho a shouting loud with glee ho ho our glad tee ha ha ha ha ha ha tee green devils ha ha wc are those monsters green � ha ha who when a mortal s seen � ha ha to love a maid his brains he s afraid the girl s a and strongly doth � ho ho all with jealousy ho ho and then tee ha ha ha ha ha ha tee pink ha ha when through a lack of � ha ha a man is on the brink � ha ha of grim despair his flowing hair made white by care beware beware for devils pink are there ho ho just watch them and you ii see ho ho them laugh with glee ha ha ha ha ha ha tee dance a blue devils ha ha and should you ever seem ha ha to realize a dream ha ha of happiness we must confess that dire distress we shall impress upon your ho ho for devils blue you see ho ho must have their glee ha ha ha ha ha ha tee enter of oh stop this most outrageous noise you re worse than a gang of college boys if you made this when the is here his speech would be profane i fear � and swearing here s considered very rude and by the most select o � you ne er heard aught in cursed by one of our four hundred first so kindly as they say in france in england shut up stop the dance oh by the way this letter came to night r takes letter from his pocket turn of the gas i read by ire light tears it open well i declare from old man himself ye he s wed i m laid upon the shelf if he s a wife to run things here t is plain i have to start upon the road again and o t is sad when one is old and gray to leave a berth like this for a flat i ve heard these modem are wondrous things their parlor s suited to the needs of kings � with lots of space for folks and friends to dine and bed rooms nice and � four by nine a i a sinner vile who lately came to us was greatly pleased in fact raised quite a fuss over bis cell which he called � we gave it him because t was gloomy said i to now what do you think of that said he s lived in a modem flat hi the master s wed a from of the upper class at midnight sharp he says he reach the gates toils tis midnight now how time when one is managing like these trumpets without make room for the king draw up in line trumpets smoke issues from gate red light as and appear on summit above is still veiled and clad in s cloak they descend song when the pine tree groans and the bull dog when the in the stair case cracks when your pictures slide way off to one side with their faces turned round to their backs when the are with nobody around and your heart beats loud as a drum then is the devil out on � when you sit in a rage three rows from the stage and can t see a thing that is on it when you madly swear that the fair before you should wear such a bonnet when the man on your right your hat out of sight as he goes out to see mr then is the devil out on � when you go on the street in a manner discreet a an a tion and put all your cash on a when you lose what you ve got then what you have not and come out a and wreck when you get on the cars � thus escaping the bars � and in canada your thumb then is the devil out on � when you start down town in a new silk gown with the sun shining bright in the sky and when in an hour the storm clouds lower and a big blooming by when you get soaked through your nose turns blue when your nerves by degrees then is the devil out on � when your roof blows off and you get a bad cough when your landlord your rent when your horse do n t win in a two mile spin � that you ve backed to a very great extent � should the joy of your heart most suddenly depart or your wife run away with your then is the devil out on � welcome home my lord and master time will now go by | 27 |
the sharp shrill of the woods into one delightful tlie universal voice of nature if anything can be added to render this more perfect � if the of art may so mingle with the of nature as to our enjoyment of both it is when sweet music is heard upon the water for music is the great master key which the feelings and pa of mankind bringing to light more hidden things than ever were called forth or revealed by the direct language of words when plaintive it itself to that have long been or never were awakened before softening the heart and with the warm tribute of genuine tenderness eyes that had forgotten to weep when light and joyous it touches as with electric power the springs of animal motion and and in an instant the dark brow becomes the old resume their youth tlie weary step is quickened and the shadows of life are trampled down in the light and playful dance when wild and free and national in its associations it strikes the soul of the and the chains of the are burst asunder while planting himself on i i the poetry of life his native hills with a step as firm as the rock a heart as invincible as the storm and a front as as the mountain s brow he the might of the foe and nerves himself to defend j his or die or when slow and solemn and majestic in its strains it falls upon the spirit like the mantle of deep thought soothing down the idle flutter of joy the fruitless of ambition the selfish and sordid cares that desolate the mind and a holy calm which if not religion itself brings with it one of religion s best and sweetest attributes � the of peace the evil purposes to which music is capable of being applied might afford a fertile subject for the pen of the its power over the human mind is all that is attempted to be established here upon by this power how many thousands of human beings have been led on to do and to dare what they would never have dreamed of attempting but for the influence of this potent spell � potent in its immediate upon the feelings and affections but oh how much more potent in the recollections it music is the grand vehicle of memory the key which the treasure of the soul words may define and place before our mental as in a map all that has been but music the active energies of the mind addresses itself directly to the soul in a voice that makes itself be heard amongst the tumult and excitement of present things � the voice of the past we listen as to a curious specimen of art to the national music of some distant country about which we interest ourselves no farther than as it a place upon the globe we listen we we remark upon the peculiarity of the air and then turn away but there may be one in the crowd of � a heart stricken exile from that very country � a wanderer without a home � driven about from one shore to another and with the very extremity of his � he hears that strain and in an instant into the very centre of his early and the warm comforts of his home he sees again the stately woods that bounded his hereditary domain and hears the rush of the torrent that guarded and defined its limits he stands again upon his father s hearth and feels himself a free bom man proud to maintain and strong to defend his and rights the music ceases a shadow like the pall of death falls upon the ideal picture and again he stands upon a foreign land an desolate and alone we have au known some blessed season of our before the wheels of time had grown heavy with an a of cares when the morning was bright upon our path and the evening fell around us calm and serene as the repose of our own souls when the friends we loved loved us and the smiles that betrayed our were answered by smiles that told of gladness in return when the fields and the woods the mountains and the sky were parts and pillars of that great temple where we met to worship all that was sublime eternal and holy when the moon was the centre of love and beauty and the sun of life and light when the rivers and wandering streams were a perpetual refreshment and delight and the ocean was a flood of glory when the and the flowers and the stars of night blended their sweet influences together and the song of the birds the murmuring of tlie and the whispering of the gentle rose in a of gratitude and joy and when music heard as it was heard then told in its sweetest tones of all that we of the past all that we enjoyed of the present and all that we hoped of the future we have gone forth since then upon the pilgrimage of life and the morning may have risen without brightness upon our path and the evening may have come without repose we may have missed the warm welcome of the eyes we loved and the smile that was wont to answer to our own we may have stood alone in tlie temple of nature without reverence and without worship we may have looked up to the queen of night without beholding her beauty and to the sun blessing his light we may have wandered where the rippling flow of the crystal stream brought no gladness and turned away from the ocean as from a desert to tho may have fallen i ff the poetry of sound the flowers may have and the stars of night may have shone and the grateful and harmonious | 41 |
there are worse things than death he said simply smiled kindly and there are worse things than life he said life holds a good many harmless which i am afraid you are putting away from you in your prime for the sake of a mere but � after all what does it matter one must have a some men like horse racing others book collecting � others pictures � and so forth � you like the religious question well no doubt it affords you a great many opportunities of studying character i shall be very happy � here he extended his hand cordially to show you anything that may be of interest to you in rome and to present you to any of our brethren that may assist you in your i can give you a letter to declined the offered introduction with a decided negative shake of his head no he said i know cardinal that is enough but there is a great difference between and said with twinkling eyes is scarcely ever in rome he lives a life apart � and has for a long while been considered as a kind of saint from the privacy and of his life but he has his arrival in the eternal city triumphantly � by the performance of a miracle what do you say to this � you who would do away with things miraculous i say nothing till i hear answered i must know what the nature of the so called miracle is i am a in soul forces and in the of spiritual qualities affecting or others but in this there is no miracle it is simply natural law well you must interview the cardinal yourself said and tell me afterwards what you think about it if indeed you but you will the master christian not find him at home this morning he is summoned to the on account of the miracle � or the scandal the asked both matters are under discussion i believe replied but they are not in my province now can i be of any further service to you mr no i am sorry to have taken up so much of your time said but i think i understand your views i hope you do interrupted and that you will by and by grasp the fact that my views are shared by almost holding any church authority but you must go about in rome and make for yourself now let me do you know the d no oh you must know her � she is a great friend of s and a witty and brilliant personage in herself she is rather of your way of thinking and so is out of favour with the church but that will not matter to you and you will meet all the dissatisfied and enthusiastic of the earth in her i i will tell her to send you a card said something by way of formal acknowledgment and then took his leave he was singularly depressed and his face always quick to show traces of thought had somewhat lost its former expression of eager animation the had for the time so influenced his sensitive mind as to set it almost to the tune of the most despairing of s two voices a life of nothing worth from that nothing ere his birth to that last nothing under earth what was the use of trying to a truth if the majority preferred a lie will one bright beam be less intense when thy peculiar is in the world of sense and noted the touch of the slight of the shoulders and a t oi mv io the master christian to the otherwise straight slim figure as it passed from his presence � and smiled he had succeeded in putting a check on unselfish and had thrown a doubt into the pure intention of enthusiastic toil that was enough for the present and scarcely had crossed the threshold � scarcely had the echo of his departing footsteps died away � when a heavy velvet curtain in the apartment was cautiously thrust aside and stepped out of a recess behind it with a dignity and composure which would have been impossible to any but an italian priest convicted of playing the spy faced him confidently well he said with a more expressed in his look than in the simple well i echoed as he slowly advanced into the centre of the room you have not done as much as i expected you would your arguments were clever but not � to a man of his obstinacy convincing and sitting down he turned his dark face and gleaming eyes full on his who with a shrug of his massive shoulders expressed in his attitude a of the whole business you have not pursued deliberately grasped anything like the extent of this man s determination and indifference to results please mark that last � indifference to results he is apparently alone in the world � he seems to have nothing to lose and no one to care whether he or fails � a most dangerous form of independence and in his and eloquence he is actually stopping � yes i repeat it � stopping and putting a serious on the advancement of the roman catholic party and of course any check just now means to us a serious financial loss both in england and america � in which will very gravely certain necessary measures now under the consideration of his i expected you to grasp the man and hold him � not by but by flattery you think he is to be caught by so common a bait said he would see through it at once i maybe replied but perhaps not if it were administered in the way i mean you seem to have forgotten the chief oi cm i brought the master christian to bear upon the heart and mind of a | 33 |
and as he looked at the fine countenance of the e as it did enthusiasm and his lighted with a gleam of indignation it was not against the poor scholar no gentle reader bat against his own o said he whit do yon think and this noble lo the son of a belongs to a class of h i am by heaven we are i fear a d by the scholar is ot all sir replied the are noble exceptions among them their faults are more the faults of than well no matter come i will draw ap the against this man afterwards i to to yon mj boy he addressing that will not i trust he unpleasant he drew np the as strongly as he could word them after which to their truth and accuracy and the colonel rubbing his hands again said � i will have the fellow secured when you go into town mr o i ll thank you to on and hand him these he will lodge the in this very night then thanked him and was about to withdraw when the colonel desired him to remain a little longer now said he your father has been treats i believe but no matter that is not the question your sentiments and conduct and affection for your parents are noble my boy at present i say the d by the poor scholar is not whether the of your father s wrongs he true or false at least believe it to be true from this forward � but by tlie by i forgot how could your becoming a poor scholar i intended to become a priest sir and then to help them ay so i thought and provided your father were restored to his farm would you be still disposed to become a priest i would sir next to helping my father that is what i wish to be o what would it cost to prepare liim for the � i mean to ay his expenses he his preparatory education in the first place and afterwards during bis residence in i think two hundred pounds sir would do it easily and i do not think it would however do yon send but first let me ask what progress he has already made he has read � in fact he is nearly prepared to enter his has been very rapid d by put liim to some respectable boarding school for a year then liim and i will bear the expense but remember i do not adopt this coarse in of his er s i by i do it on his own account he is a boy and full of fine qualities if tliey be not by neglect and poverty i loved my father myself and fought a on his account and i honor the son who spirit to defend his absent parent this is a most surprising turn in the boy s fortunes colonel he deserves it a soldier mr o is not without his enthusiasm nor can he help admiring it in others when nobly and directed to see a boy in the midst of poverty the hardships and difficulties of life with the hope of raising up his parents from distress to independence has a touch of in it ireland colonel with instances of similar virtue brought out probably into fuller life and vigor by the sad changes and which are weighing down the people in her on her bleak sides and in d by lier remotest plains such examples of pure affection energy and humble heroism are to be seen but unfortunately few persons of rank or observation mingle with the irish people and their many admirable pass away without being recorded in the literature of their country they are certainly a strange people colonel almost an in the history of the human race they are the only who can out from the very virtues of private life to the of crimes at which we shudder there is to be sure an about their oppression bat that is wrong their and ignorance are rather the result of neglect � of neglect sir from the government of the country � from the earl to the they have been taught little that is suitable to their stations and duties in life as tenants who cultivate our lands or as members of moral or christian society well well i believe what you say is too bnt touching the records of virtue in humble life pray who record it when nothing goes down now a days but what is monstrous or fashionable d by the poor veiy true colonel yet in my humble opinion a irish peasant is far from being so low a character as a man of rank well well well come o we will drop the subject in the meantime touching this boy as i said he must be looked to for he has that in him which ought not to be neglected we shall now see that this d� d be punished for his cruelty the worthy colonel in a short time dismissed poor with an heart not until he had placed a sum in the s hands for him to make a respectable appearance medical advice was also for h m by ch he sooner o e came tl e ff of his master s ty ou the way home ny related to h nd the on h he d had th i b hop a th shed and the k n ut rest tl at gentle had taken h s t at on d ts mr br en told h m that th b wa an excellent man jo se g m n t on and ce a ic tie p nt � ho on pan c n th y h ve gone a no � � the d by the pi people this heavy of and and r them from those which thej | 50 |
looks only expressed his extreme surprise and vexation and he walked to the gate and stood there without seeming to know what to do they desired me to stay � my cousin maria charged me to say that you would find them at that or i do not believe i shall go any farther said he sullenly i see nothing of them by the time i get to the they may be gone somewhere else i have had walking enough and he sat down with a most gloomy countenance by i am very sorry said she it is very unlucky and she longed to be able to say something more to the purpose after an interval of silence i think they might as well have stayed for me said he miss thought you would follow her i should not have had to follow her if she had stayed this could not be denied and was silenced after another pause he went on pray miss price are you such a great admirer of this mr as some people are for my part i can see nothing in him park i do not think him at all handsome handsome can call such an man handsome he is not five foot nine i should not wonder if he was not more than five foot eight i think he is an ill looking fellow in my opinion these are no addition at all we did very well without them a small sigh escaped here and she did not know how to contradict him if i had made any difficulty about the key there might have been some excuse but i went the very moment she said she wanted it nothing could be more obliging than your manner i am sure and i dare say you walked as fast as you could but still it is some distance you know from this spot to the house quite into the house and when people are waiting they are bad judges of time and every half minute seems like five he got up and walked to the gate again and wished he had had the key about him at the time thought she discerned in his standing there an indication of which encouraged her to another attempt and she said therefore it is a pity you should not join them they expected to have a better view of the house that part of the park and will be thinking how it may be improved and nothing of that sort you know can be settled without you she found herself more successful in sending away than in retaining a companion mr was worked on well said he if you really think i had better go it would be park foolish to bring the key for nothing and letting himself out he walked off without further ceremony s thoughts were now all engrossed by the two who had left her so long ago and getting quite impatient she resolved to go in search of them she followed their steps along the bottom walk and had just turned up into another when the voice and the laugh of miss once more caught her ear the sound approached and a few more brought them before her they were just returned into the wilderness from the park to which a side gate not fastened had tempted them very soon after their leaving her and they had been across a portion of the park into the very avenue which had been hoping the whole morning to reach at last and had been sitting down under one of the trees this was their history it was evident that they had been spending their time pleasantly and were not aware of the length of their absence s best consolation was in being assured that had wished for her very much and that he should certainly have come back for her had she not been tired already but this was not quite sufficient to do away the pain of having been left a whole hour when he had talked of only a few minutes nor to banish the sort of curiosity she felt to know what they had been conversing about all that time and the result of the whole was to her disappointment and depression as they prepared by general agreement to return to the house on reaching the bottom of the steps to the ter park race mrs and mrs presented themselves at the top just ready for the wilderness at the end of an hour and a half from their leaving the house mrs had been too well employed to move faster whatever cross accidents had occurred to the pleasures of her she had found a morning of complete enjoyment � for the housekeeper after a great many on the subject of had taken her to the told her all about their cows and given her the receipt for a famous cream cheese and since s leaving them they had been met by the gardener with whom she had made a most satisfactory acquaintance for she had set him right as to his s illness convinced him it was an and promised him a charm for it and he in return had showed her all his nursery of plants and actually presented her with a very curious specimen of heath on this they all returned to the house together there to away the time as they could with and chat and till the return of the others and the arrival of dinner it was late before the miss and the two gentlemen came in and their did not appear to have been more than partially agreeable or at all productive of anything useful with regard to the object of the day by their own accounts they had been all walking after each other and the which had taken place at last seemed to s observation to have been as much too late for | 26 |
birth iii the man of high or humble birth whose life with virtue s laws � the righteous modest man is worth a hundred merely high born lords he xii the man who nature knows with all the changing growth that from her springs and all the of living things � that man the gods a call ht he whose sole presence fills a place whose absence makes a void in halls where thousands throng the ample space that man the gods a call makes a a m xii iii a spirit asks what is it makes a birth deep study sacred lore or worth king answers nor study sacred lore nor birth the makes tis only worth all men � a most of all � should virtue guard with care and pains who virtue all but all is gone with virtue s fall the men in books who take delight all of learning s schools are nothing more than zealous fools the learn d are those who act aright more vile than one of race that deem whose learned store embraces all the lore if evil deeds his life disgrace that man deserves the s name who throws on s flame and knows his senses how to tame no better than a deem the wise in sin the slave of low degrading vice the who fain a holy man would seem from writers but rank with men of birth the ti self restrained by constant in virtue trained a twice born man ia he by worth to x xii the pious man who � drinks from all base deeds with calm tender mild kind patient just in a child � deserves alone the s name which no bad man can ever claim ihe f nor learning deep nor store of legends or of lore nor birth to save the priest who lives to vice a slave the man who much has read and his brain with copious learning who yet what he knows on men throws � by such base arts shall surely in future worlds enduring bliss the of the plant as part of a religious um xiii f some the world around and loudly virtue s praises sound yet fail to practise what they preach nay vice by vicious living teach to honour such let no one think who gives them gifts to hell shall sink to xiii to own too ample stores of wealth a s health the man who no misfortune knows whose life in bliss unbroken flows and who by fortune long is deemed by all of such success the price must pay � by vain conceit be led astray but when the filled with pride no longer others wisely guide abandoned by its then must virtue cease to govern men ii f xii f compare a should from honour shrink as he would poison dread to drink the original here has which may mean caste and rules and speaks of the conduct of the persons in question as leading to a confusion of and so is written from a point of view from writers aud love contempt as if be j a celestial though scorned the wise man sweetly sleeps though scorned he ever calmly wakes and scorned this course he calmly keeps but woe the s t � al iii f ff the high men who never sin in thought or word or action � they they are the true pray what virtue s in a skin he than mm in the xii g from every vicious taint though pure a s virtue cannot with theirs who ne er from trials fly but face and conquer every the not � w control xii v why pray to forests wild repair there war against thy senses t dwells the self s e the wood the s cell is there of xii ff when old and grey when strength by foes when crushed in evil days from fortune s heights when downward hurled � yes then let men the world but not in days of youth and health when crowned with glory with wealth those scripture which praise as best a life lone dragged sadly on in gloomy woods and dreary are in schools by fools which look like truth but proved are found to rest on no substantial ground to savage beasts it is not given by forest life to merit heaven yet this same life by led their future bliss tis said when men no pleasure feel nor pain a state of stupid gain they then have reached perfection rise to heaven so say the would be wise but should not trees � if this be � and gain perfection too for they are calm and feel nor pain nor pleasure woe nor they dread no want they seek no ease like self abandon then thy vain design by virtues seek to shine from see how by acts all strive their to through effort ne er perfection brings from deeds alone it springs the of tis from the soul the man within that actions all their value win no outward state er it be affects on action s quality would he not sin a sage who within a gifts no fruit er unless bestowed by a rf mi v no varied store of sacred has power to save the man in and fraud expert his lore him in his final hour as birds full their native nests desert s the triple staff long hair a garb of skins or bark a vow of silence meagre fare all signs the that mark and all the round of rites are vain unless the soul be pure from stain ci than i ff ff by weighing truth and sacrifice a thousand sacrifices truth xiii ff in one scale truth in the other lay a thousand try i doubt if all that pile so high even half as much as truth would weigh cm l ot | 28 |
gray the that lived in a hole near the well and especially the whose tail he pulled and screamed till and arrived in black and white o villain i child of strength i this to thy brother on the house top but i know a charm to make him wise as and solomon and now look said she drew from an embroidered bag a handful of see we count seven in the name of god she placed very angry and on the top of his cage and herself between the babe and the bird she cracked and an less white than her teeth this is a true charm my life and do not laugh see i give the one half and the other with careful took his share from between s lips and she kissed the other half into the mouth of the child who ate it slowly with wondering eyes this i will do each day of seven and without doubt he who is ours will be a bold speaker and wise eh what wilt thou be when thou art a man and i am gray headed tucked his fat legs into he could crawl but he was not going to waste the spring of his youth in idle speech he wanted s tail to when he was advanced to the dignity of a silver belt � which with a magic square engraved on silver and hung round his neck made up the greater part of his clothing � he staggered on a perilous journey down the garden to without benefit of clergy and proffered him all his jewels in exchange for one little ride on s horse having seen his mother s mother with in the wept and set the feet on his own gray head in sign of and brought the bold adventurer to his mother s arms that would be a leader of men ere his beard was grown one hot evening while he sat on the roof between his father and mother watching the of the that the city boys flew he demanded a of his own with to fly it because he had a fear of dealing with anything larger than himself and when called him a spark he rose to his feet and answered slowly in defence of his new found individuality hum park hum i am no spark but a man the protest made choke and devote himself very seriously to a consideration of future he need hardly have taken the trouble the delight of that life was too perfect to endure therefore it was taken away as many things are taken away in india � suddenly and without warning the little lord of the house as called him grew sorrowful and complained of pains who had never known the meaning of pain wild with terror watched him through the night and in the dawning of the second day in black and white the life was shaken out of him by fever � the autumn fever it seemed altogether impossible that he could die and neither nor at first believed the evidence of the little body on the then beat her head against the wall and would have flung herself down the well in the garden had not restrained her by main force one mercy only was granted to he rode to his office in broad daylight and found waiting him an unusually heavy mail that de concentrated attention and hard work he was not however alive to this kindness of the gods ill the first shock of a bullet is no more than a brisk pinch the wrecked body does not send in its protest to the soul till ten or fifteen seconds later his pain slowly exactly as he had his happiness and with the same imperious necessity for hiding all trace of it in the beginning he only felt that there had been a loss and that needed comforting where she sat with her head on her knees shivering as from the house top called later all his world and the daily life of it rose up to hurt him it was an outrage that any one of without benefit of clergy the children at the band stand in the evening should be alive and when his own child lay dead it was more than mere pain when one of them touched him and stories told by over fond fathers of their children s latest performances cut him to the quick he could not declare his pain he had neither help comfort nor sympathy and at the end of each weary day would lead him through the hell of self questioning reproach which is reserved for those who have lost a child and believe that with a little � just a little � more care it might have been saved perhaps would say i did not take sufficient heed did i or did i not the sun on the roof that day when he played so long alone and i was � my hair � it may be that the sun then bred the fever if i had warned him from the sun he might have lived but oh my life say that i am thou that i loved him as i love thee say that there is no blame on me or i shall die � i shall die there is no blame � before god none it was written and how could we do aught to save what has been has been let it go beloved he was all my heart to me how can i let the thought go when my arm tells me every night that he is not here o come back to me � come back again and let us be all together as it was before in black and white peace peace for thine own sake and for mine also if thou me � rest by this i know thou dost not | 39 |
slight how � conveyed this was in fact the origin of our acting said tom after a moment s thought my friend brought the from and it spread � as those things always spread you know sir the faster probably from four having so often encouraged the sort of in us for it was like treading old ground again mr took the from his friend as soon as possible and immediately gave sir thomas an account of what they had done and were doing told him of the increase of th views the happy conclusion of first difficulties and present promising state of re every with so blind an interest as made him not only totally unconscious of the uneasy movements of many of his friends as they sat the change of je the the hem of but prevented him even from seeing the expression of the face on which his own eyes were fixed � n seeing thomas s dark brow con tract as he looked with earnestness at his and dwelling particularly on the latter and speaking a language a remonstrance a reproof which felt at his heart not less was it felt by who had edged back her chair behind her aunt s end of the sofa and from notice herself saw all that was passing before her such a look of reproach at from his father e could never haye expected to witness and to feel that it was in any degree deserved was an ag sir thomas s look implied on your judgment i depended what have you been about � she knelt in spirit to her and her bosom to utter oh not to him i look so to all the others but not to him mr was still talking to own the truth sir thomas we were in the middle of a when you arrived this evening we were going through the three first acts and not upon the whole our company is now so dispersed from the being gone home that nothing be done t si � k l i park will na the honour of your company to ing i should not he of the we indulgence you understand as young we be your indulgence my indulgence shall be given sir replied sir gravely hut without any other and with t smile he added i come home to be happy and indulgent then turning away towards any or au of the rest he said mr and miss were mentioned in my last letters from do you find them agreeable acquaintance tom was the only one at all ready with an answer hot he being entirely without particular regard for either with out jealousy either in love or could speak yery handsomely of both mr was a most pleasant gentleman like man his a pretty girl mr could be silent no longer i do not say he is not gentleman like considering but you should tell your father he is not above five feet eighty or he wiu be expecting a well looking man sir thomas did not quite understand this and some surprise at the speaker if x must say what i think continued mr in my opinion it is very disagreeable to be always it is having too much of a good thing i am not so fond of acting as i was at first i think we a great deal better employed sitting comfortably here among ourselves and doing nothing sir thomas looked again and then replied with an smile i am happy to find our sentiments on subject so much the same it gives me sincere satisfaction that i should be cautious and quick sighted and feel many scruples which my children do not is perfectly natural and equally so that my value for domestic tranquillity for a home whidi out noisy pleasures should much exceed theirs but at your time of life to feel all this is a most favourable circumstance for yourself and for every body connected with you and i am sensible of the importance of having an pf such weight ir thomas meant to be giving mr s opinion in better words than he could find himself he was aware he must not expect a genius in mr but as a well judging steady young man with better notions than his would do justice to he intended to value turn very highly it was impossible for many of the others not to smile mr hardly knew what to do vith so much meaning l but by looking as he really felt most exceedingly pleased with sir thomas s good opinion and saying scarcely any thing he did his best towards serving that good opinion a little longer chapter ii s first object die next morning was to see his � id give him a fair statement of the whole acting defending his own share in it as far only as he then in a moment feel his motives to deserve acknowledging with perfect that his � had been attended with such partial good as to make his judgment in it very doubtful he was anxious while himself to say nothing unkind of the but there was only one amongst them whose he could mention without some necessity of defence or we have all been more or less to blame � aid he every one of us excepting is the only one who has judged rightly throughout who has been consistent her feelings have been steadily against it from t to last she never ceased to think of what was due to you will find every thing you could wish sir thomas saw all the of such a scheme among such a party and at such a time as strongly as hia ion had ever supposed he must he felt it too much indeed for many words and having shaken hands with � meant to try to lose the disagreeable been forgotten a � � | 26 |
is my card by the way you will of course arrange it so that we shall not be interrupted during our conference it anything of that kind to have people coming in and out we want to be entirely alone so as to give our full attention to the work in hand miss saying that it was exactly what she would wish and do you think there may be hope for it yet that poor little manuscript she asked as she stood by the door ready to take her departure that is a question i can hardly answer he replied i shall be better able to tell you in a week or two i trust she lingered with her hand on the door my father is willing to take all the financial risks she said that ought to make a difference don t you think so it would with many houses he admitted i am glad to know these things thursday then miss miss he wanted to call her for he had read the name on the he still held in his hand but on the whole he concluded that this would be a little premature chapter iii her feet were pink when miss entered the office of as detailed in the preceding chapter it will be remembered that she found that gentleman and his friend with their hats in their hands the fact was that mr had but just entered the room and that mr had accepted an invitation to take lunch with him an arrangement that was by no means an one between them the entrance of miss and t he subsequent proceedings compelled the literary critic to go out alone as has been seen when he returned he found mr still there haven t you been to lunch yet exclaimed mr i have not been out of this office was the reply and all appetite for anything to eat has left me that is one of the most interesting girls i ever met mr up his lips and uttered an impatient he then remarked that mr had a habit of finding such a quality in the latest women of his acquaintance what does she amount to he asked an overgrown who did not half learn her lessons read that she left here and get in short order why she doesn t a black even know how to spell and her periods and are in a hopeless his companion eyed him are periods and even a correct of the english language the only things you can see in a bright handsome girl he demanded for shame you are up old your senses are a lively wind will come in at the some day and blow you out of that chimney mr heaved a sigh as if to say that discussion with such a fellow was useless and took his seat at his desk where an unfinished pile of awaited his reading she s given me leave to take her story home said mr with a mischievous expression the critic stared at his friend given it to you he repeated how did that happen i asked her for it naturally you were so severe on the poor child that i couldn t help putting in a cheering word we talked of the whole business and she was willing i should see if my opinion agreed with yours your opinion echoed what is that worth but take the stuff if you want it and when you are done send it to her it will make less rubbish in this confounded hole one thing i ll tell you though in advance you ll never be able to make sense of it unless you get some one to it out that s all right replied the other after i feet pink have read it through i am going to miss s house where she will read it to me mr started from his chair you don t mean that he exclaimed but i do she asked me and i m going i understand that it s a rather bold tale and i can conceive nothing more entertaining than to hear that kind of thing from the red lips of such a pretty piece of flesh and blood as has just left here there was an uneasy expression on the face of the critic as he heard these words he liked although they were as different in their natures as two men could well be he wanted to please him but the aspect of this affair was not agreeable look here he said earnestly there are some things that i can t permit you know my office must not be made a starting place for one of your lawless adventures you met miss here now i protest against your going to her house pretending that you are interested in that novel when your real purpose is of a much more questionable kind mr put on the air of one whose feelings are by an unjust suspicion my dear he began that s all right growled the critic i may or may not be your dear but i know you like like a book he added by accident on a very you are an old dog that is not likely to learn new tricks i shall send this back to miss myself a letter warning her to have nothing to do with you a buck a laugh escaped the lips of at this proposition if you knew the feminine mind half as well as you do modern literature he answered you would see how little that would avail i have met miss and made a distinctly favorable impression her address is in my pocket and i have received a pressing invitation to call if you choose to send the by another messenger you will relieve me of the task of carrying a bundle but you will accomplish nothing more mr s mouth opened in | 1 |
profitable thankful pupil was her s explanations and remarks were a most important addition to every essay or every chapter of history what told her of former times dwelt more on her mind than the pages of and she paid her sister the compliment of preferring her style to that of any printed author the early habit of reading was wanting park their however were not always on subjects ao high as history or others had their hour and of lesser matters none returned often or remained so long between them as park a of the people the manners the amusements the ways of park who had an innate taste for the genteel and well appointed was eager to hear and could not but indulge herself in dwelling on so beloved a theme she hoped it was wrong though after a time s very great admiration of everything said or done in her uncle s house and earnest longing to go into seemed almost to blame her for exciting feelings which not be gratified poor was very little better fitted for home than her elder sister and as grew to understand this she began to feel that when her own release from came her happiness would have a material in leaving behind that a girl so capable of being made everything good should be left in such hands distressed her more and more were she likely to have a home to invite her to what a blessing it would be and had it been possible for her to return mr s regard the probability of his being very far from to such a measure would have been the greatest increase of all her comforts she thought he was really good tempered and could fancy his entering into a plan of that sort most p chapter xx weeks of the two months were very nearly when the one letter the letter from long expected was put into s hands as she opened and saw its length she prepared herself for a minute detail of happiness and a profusion of love and praise towards the fortunate creature who was now mistress of his fate these were the contents � park mt dear � excuse me that i have not written before told me that yon were wishing to hear from me bat i found it impossible to write from london and persuaded myself that you would understand my silence could i have sent a few happy lines they should not have been wanting but nothing of that nature was ever in my power i am returned to in a less assured state than when i left it my hopes are much weaker you are probably aware of this already so very fond of you as miss is it is most natural that she should tell you enough of her own feelings to furnish a tolerable guess at mine i will not be prevented however from making my own communication our confidences in you need not clash i ask no questions there is something soothing in the idea that we have the same friend and that whatever unhappy differences of may exist between us we are united in our love of you it will be a comfort to me to tell you how things now are and what are my park present plans if plane i can be said to have been since i was three weeks in london and ber for very often i had ever attention from the tliat could be expected i dare i was not in carrying with me hopes of an at all that of it was her manner however r than any of had the n different when i did her i should have made no complaint but from the very first she was my first reception so unlike what i had hoped that i had resolved on leaving london again directly i need you know the weak side of her character and may imagine the sentiments and expressions which were tne she was in high spirits and surrounded by those who were giving all the support of their own bad sense to her too lively mind i do not like mrs she is a hearted vain woman who married entirely from convenience and though evidently unhappy in her marriage places her disappointment not to faults of judgment or temper or of age but to her being after all less than many of her a� especially than her sister lady and is the of everything and ambitious provided it be only and ambitious enough i look upon her intimacy with those too sisters as the greatest misfortune of her life and mine have been leading her for years she he detached from them i � and sometimes i do not despair of it for the affection appears to be principally on their they are v ry fond of her hut i am sure she does not love them as she loves you when i think of her great attachment to you indeed and the whole of her judicious upright conduct as a sister she appears a very creature capable of everything noble and i am ready to blame myself for a too harsh of a playful manner i cannot give her up she park is the only woman in the world whom i could think of as a wife if i did not believe that she had some regard for me of coarse i should not say this but i do believe it i am convinced that she is not without a decided preference i have no jealousy of any individual it is the influence of the fashionable world altogether that i am jealous of it is the habits of wealth that i fear her ideas are not higher than her own fortune may warrant but they are beyond what our united could there is comfort however even here i could better bear to lose her because | 26 |
clergyman and not directly interested i might be more calm than she could be and give a little less pain that s all stuff if she is afraid to come herself she knows it s an abominable falsehood bring her here with whatever evidence she has got that this walter is my son and then we will go into this matter seriously was equal to the occasion you are quite right sir said he and what business has she to put me forward as evidence of a transaction i never witnessed i shall tell her you expect to see her and that it is her duty to clear up the affair in person suppose it should be another mr after all when shall i bring her supposing i have sufficient influence bring her to morrow as early as you can well you know ladies are not early will twelve o clock do twelve o clock to morrow sir said the colonel the sham parson took his leave and drove away in a well appointed carriage and pair for we must inform the reader that he had written to mr for another � not much expecting to get it and that it had come down by return of post in a � on a bank in stout colonel was now a very unhappy man the soul of honor himself he could not fully believe that his own son had been guilty of and crime but how could he escape and very grave doubts too the communication was made by a gentleman who did not seem really to know more about it than he had been told but then he was a clergyman with no appearance of heat or partiality he had been easily convinced that the lady herself ought to have come and said more about it and had left an copy of the in his colonel s hands with a sort of simplicity that looked like one gentleman dealing with another one thing however puzzled him sore in this � the witness being william hope william hope was not a very name but still somehow that one and the same document should contain the names of walter and william hope roused a suspicion in his mind that this witness was the william hope lying in his own house so weak and ill that he did not like to go to him and enter upon such a terrible discussion as this he sent for mrs milton and asked her if mrs walter was quite recovered mrs milton reported she was quite well and reading to her father the by a perilous secret colonel went upstairs and beckoned her out my child said he i am sorry to renew an subject but you are a good girl and a brave girl and you mean to confide in me sooner or later can you pity the agitation and distress of a father who for the first time is compelled to doubt his son s honor i can said grace ah something has happened since we parted somebody has told you that man with a what h hen said the colonel is it really true did he really show you that he did and warned you not to marry walter he did and told me walter would be put into prison if i did and would die in prison for a gentleman can not live there nowadays ob sir don t let anybody know but you and me and my father he won t hurt him for my sake he has wronged me cruelly but i ll be torn to pieces before i ll own my marriage and throw him into a come to my arms you pearl of goodness and nobility and unselfish love cried colonel how can i ever part with you now i know you there don t let us despair let s fight to the last i have one question to submit to you of course you examined the very carefully i saw enough to break my heart i saw that on a certain day many years ago one had married walter and who witnessed the marriage asked the colonel her keenly oh i don t know that said grace when i came to walter everything swam before my eyes it was all i could do to keep from fainting away i into my father s study and as soon as i came to myself what had i to do why to creep out again with my broken heart and face such � ah it is a wonder i did not fall dead at their feet my poor girl i said colonel then he reflected a moment have you the courage to read that document again and to observe in particular who witnessed it i have said she he handed it to her she took it and held it in both hands though they trembled who is the witness the witness said grace is william hope is that your father it s my father s name said grace beginning to turn her eyes inward and think very hard but is it your father do you think no sir it is not was he in that part of the world at the time did he know the clergyman who brought me this � the clergyman yes my dear it was a clergyman apparently a and he told are you sure he was a clergyman quite sure he had a white tie a broad hat a clergyman all over don t go off on that did your father and my son know each other in that they did you are right said grace this witness was my father see that now but if don t speak to me don t touch me let me think � there is something hidden here and mrs walter showed her father in law that which we have seen in her more than once but it was | 9 |
us a most sermon the rites and ceremonies of christmas and propriety of it not merely as a day of but of rejoicing supporting of his opinions by the earliest of the and them by the authorities of of st st t and a cloud more of saints christmas day aad fathers from whom he made copious i was a little at a loss to perceive the of such a mighty array of forces to maintain a point which no one present seemed inclined to dispute but i soon found that the good man had a of ideal to contend with having in the course of his on the subject of christmas got completely in the of the revolution the made such a fierce assault upon the of the church and poor old christmas was driven out of the land by of ment the worthy parson lived but with times past and knew but a little of the present shut up among worm in the retirement of his little study the pages of old times were to him as the of the day while th from the flying eagle a small published december th � the house spent much tone day about the of the navy for settling the lit nod mate they rose were presented with a terrible remonstrance ag christmas day upon divine v xv and in honour of the lord s day upon these john xx rev i xvi a in which is called s and those and who observe it c in consequence of which parliament spent some time in consultation about the of christmas day passed orders to that effect and resolved to sit on the following day which was commonly called christmas day christmas day q era of the revolution was mere modem he foi ot that nearly two centuries had elapsed since the fiery persecution of poor pie throughout the land when was as mere and roast beef as and that christmas had been brought in again triumphantly the merry court of king charles at the restoration he kindled into warmth the of his contest and the host of imaginary foes with whom he had to combat had a stubborn conflict with old and two or three other forgotten of the round heads the subject of christmas and concluded by urging his hearers in the most solemn and af manner to stand to the customs of their fathers and feast and make merry on this joyful of the church i have seldom known a sermon attended apparently with more immediate for on leaving the church the congregation seemed one and all with the of spirit so earnestly by their the elder folks gathered in knots in the church yard greeting and shaking hands and the children ran about crying and repeating some uncouth � three in a crack nuts and cry christmas day the parson who had joined us informed me had been handed down from days of the villagers their hats to the squire as he passed giving him the good wishes of the with every appearance of sincerity and were invited by him to the hall to take something to keep out the cold of the weather and i heard blessings uttered by several of the poor which con me that in the midst of his the worthy old had not forgotten the true christmas virtue of charity on our way homeward his heart seemed overflowing with generous and happy feelings as we passed over a rising ground which commanded something of a prospect the sounds of rustic merriment no v and then reached our ears the squire paused for a few moments and looked around with an air of the beauty of the day was of itself sufficient to inspire notwithstanding the of the morning the sun in his journey had ac sufficient power to melt away the thin covering of snow from every and to bring out the living green which an english landscape even in mid winter large tracts of smiling contrasted with the dazzling whiteness of the sha ed slopes and hollows every bank on which the broad rays rested i its silver of cold and through the dripping grass and sent up slight to contribute to the thin that hung just above the surface of the earth there something truly cheering in this triumph of warmth and over the frosty of winter it was as the squire observed an of christmas hospitality breaking through the of ceremony and selfishness and every heart into a flow he pointed with to the indications of good cheer from the of the houses and low cottages i love said he to see this day well kept by rich and poor it is a great thing to have one day in the year at least when you are sure of being welcome wherever you go and of having as it were the all thrown open to you and i am almost disposed to join with robin in his on every enemy to this honest festival � those at christmas do and would hence him may they with old duke dine or else may squire catch m the squire went on to lament the deplorable decay of the games and amusements which were once at this season among the lower christmas bay orders and bj the higher when the old halls of castles and houses were thrown open at daylight when the tables were covered with and beef and humming ale when the harp and the all day long and when rich and poor were alike welcome to enter and make merry our old games and local customs said he had a great effect in making the peasant fond of his home and the promotion of them by the gentry made him fond of his lord they made the times and kinder and better and i can truly say with one of our old poets i like them well � the curious | 48 |
she was quite grieved to ii of an hour sod now at the and now at the door this i the two toned indies was on im mrs � her eyes toward ii who for time � � line happy again now ain indeed replied the other with a stately be some in looking on aud i think it n they should ha re obliged to young should be with i wonder my did not propose it bay he did ma am mr is a strict sense of propriety so much si one seldom meets with now a mrs i� that wish of avoiding dear ain on f this a how different from what it w indeed look happy her eyes were raw and she was with great for partner mr were close to her they were t together how she had looked could il ta she had been dancing with herself said � � about her it is quite ma am to me properly happy go well suited and so much tbe cannot but think of dear sir s delight and ma am to the of another match mr l t example and inch are and mr e u liis property f now ma m i i i was quite at � � no m what have a year is a pretty and a very genteel young man so i hope be very happy it is not a ma am yet we of it among but i have little doubt it ie he it particular in could listen no farther wondering all suspended for a time mr b� n in the room and though feeling it would be a great honour to be by l � he thought it must happen he came towards their little but asking her to e drew a chair near her and her an of the state of a bone and tiie on of the groom from he had just parted found thai it was not tu be and in the modesty of her nature immediately felt that she had been m in it of his he took a newspaper from the table and looking in a languid way if you want to stand up with you with more thou equal civility the r declined she did not wish to am glad of it said he la h much tone and throwing down the newspaper again for i am tired to death only wonder how the good people can keep it up so long tliey need be all in love to any amusement in such and ao they ore i fancy if you look at them you may see they are ea many couple of lover � all but and mrs grant � and between ourselves she poor want a lover as much as any one of them a desperate dull ufe hers must be with the doctor making a sly face as towards the chair of the latter who however to he cl me ua made a change of expression � necessary as in spite of everything could laughing at in america br what is your opinion f come to you to know j an to think of public matters � my dear tom cried hia aunt soon afterwards as you arc i dare say you will have no objection to join us in a shall you leaving her and coming to him to enforce the proposal in a whisper we want to make table for mrs j ou know your mother is anxious about it but cannot very well spare time to ber self of her you and and dr grant just do and though a e play but half crowns you know you ow bet half guineas with aim i should be moat happy replied he aloud and ii i with alacrity it would give mo the greatest pleasure but that i am this moment going to dance con � � � hand do not ba any longer was led off though it was much gratitude towards her cousin or between the ot u they walked to to to a � � � st hours with and dr grant who ing old who knows no a of i m r good aunt be a me in such a way tool without bo aa to leave me no of most it raises my more tho pretence of being asked of being g time in such a as to oblige it it i liad nut luckily iii up with you i could not have got one of it it i i had but when has got a in chapter xiii i eh john this new friend had not him beyond and and being son of h lord with a tolerable independence and sir have introduction at tan desirable mr s with him had where tbey had t ten days in the aod the if friendship it might he proved and by mr s b g invited to take in bis way whenever he could und by his il he did come earlier had been in ca of ttie breaking up of a large party al the house of another which lie had left he came on the wings of and head full of acting for it had a party and play in which had home a part was within two days oi when the sudden death of of the q of the family had destroyed the scheme and k tn to be so near happiness so near fame so near tha in praise of the private at tlie � eat lord in would of the whole party for at least a and to lose it all was an injury tu be keenly tell und mr could talk of nothing else and its theatre its and dresses and jokes � b� i ts subject and to boast of the past only i ii i a love of the theatre is so general an young | 26 |
been for it was marked with many folds and he had a green upon his head which marked him as a pilgrim in one hand he carried a small brown carpet and in the other a copy of the laying his carpet upon the ground he to his side and then gave a circular sweep of his arm to signify that the prisoners should gather round him and a downward wave which meant that they should be seated so they themselves round him sitting on the short green under the palm tree these seven forlorn representatives of an alien creed and in the midst of them sat the fat little preacher his one eye dancing from face to face as he the principles of his and more earnest faith they listened attentively and nodded their heads as translated the and with each sign of their acquiescence the became more amiable in a desert drama his manner and more affectionate in his speech for why should you die my sweet when all that is asked of you is that you should set aside that which will carry you to everlasting and accept the law of as written by his prophet which will assuredly bring you joys as is promised in the book of the for what says the chosen one � and he broke away into one of those which pass in every creed as an argument besides is it not clear that god is with us since from the beginning when we had but sticks against the of the victory has always been with us have we not taken el and taken and destroyed and slain and prevailed against every one who has come against us how then can it be said that the blessing of does not rest upon us the colonel had been looking about him during the long of the and he had observed that the were a desert drama cleaning their guns counting their and making all the preparations of men who expected that they might soon be called upon to fight the two were together with grave faces and the leader of the pointed as he spoke to them in the direction of egypt it was evident that there was at least a chance of a rescue if they could only keep things going for a few more hours the were not recovered yet from their long march and the if they were indeed close behind were almost certain to overtake them for god s sake try and keep him in play said he i believe we have a chance if we can only keep the ball rolling for another hour or so but a frenchman s wounded dignity is not so easily appeased sat with his back against the and his black brows drawn down he said nothing but he still pulled at his thick strong moustache come on we depend upon you said a desert drama let colonel do it the frenchman answered he takes too much upon himself this colonel there there said soothingly as if he were speaking to a child i am quite sure that the colonel will express his regret at what has happened and will acknowledge that he was in the wrong do nothing of the sort snapped the colonel besides that is merely a personal quarrel continued hastily it is for the good of the whole party that we wish you to speak with the because we all feel that you are the best man for the job but the frenchman only shrugged his shoulders and into a deeper gloom the looked from one to the other and the kindly expression began to fade away from his large face his mouth drew down at the corners and became hard and severe have these been playing with a desert drama us then said he to the why is it that they talk among themselves and have nothing to say to me � he is getting impatient about it said perhaps i had better do what i can since this damned fellow has left us in the but the ready wit of a woman saved the situation i am sure said mrs that you who are a frenchman and therefore a man of gallantry and honour would not permit your own wounded feelings to interfere with the fulfilment of your promise and your duty towards three helpless ladies was on his feet in an instant with his hand over his heart you understand my nature madame he cried i am incapable of a lady i will do all that i can in this matter now you may tell the holy man that i am ready to discuss through you the high matters of his faith with him and he did it with an ingenuity which a desert drama amazed his companions he took the tone of a man who is strongly attracted and yet has one single remaining of doubt to hold him back yet as that one was torn away by the there was always some other stubborn little point which prevented his absolute acceptance of the faith of and his questions were all so mixed up with personal compliments to the priest and self congratulations that they should have come under the of so wise a man and so profound a that the hanging under the s eyes quivered with his satisfaction and he was led happily and from explanation to explanation while the blue overhead turned into violet and the green leaves into black until the great serene stars shone out once more between the crowns of the palm trees as to the learning of which you speak my lamb said the in answer to some argument of s i have myself studied at the university of el at and i know that to which you allude a desert drama but the learning of the faithful is not as the learning of the and it is | 4 |
had rendered her progress a noiseless one so far and she made for instant retreat then that her hearing might have deceived her she turned anew to the door and softly tried the handle the was out of order but a piece of furniture had been moved forward on the inside which prevented her opening the more than an inch or two a stream of morning light through the fell upon the faces of the pair wrapped in profound slumber s lips being parted like a half opened flower near his cheek tlie was so struck with their appearance and with the novelty of s gown hanging across a chair her silk stockings beside it the pretty and the other habits in which she had arrived because she had none else that her first indignation at the of and gave way to a momentary over this genteel as it seemed she closed the door and withdrew as softly as she had to go and consult with her neighbours on the odd discovery not more than a minute had elapsed after her when woke and then both had a sense that something had disturbed them though they could not say what and the uneasy feeling whidi it grew stronger as soon as he was dressed he narrowly the lawn through the two or three inches of i think we will leave at once said he it is a fine day and i cannot help somebody is about the house at any rate the woman will be sure to come to day she assented and putting the room in order they took up the few articles that belonged to them and departed noiselessly when they had got into the forest she turned to take a last look at the house by op the d ah happy good bye she said my life can only he a question of a few weeks why should we not have stayed there don t say it we shall soon get out of this district altogether we ll continue our course as we ve begun it and keep t north nobody will think of looking for us there we shall be looked for at the ports if we are sought at all when we are in the north we will get to a port and away having thus persuaded her the plan was pursued and they kept a bee line their long repose at the house lent them walking power now and towards mid day they found that they were approaching the of which lay in their way he decided to rest her in a of trees the afternoon and push onward under cover of ess at dusk food as usual and their night b an the boundary between upper and mid being crossed about eight o dock to walk across country without much r ard to roads was not new to and she showed her old in the performance the they were obliged to pass through in order to take advantage of the town bridge for crossing a large river that them it was about midnight when they went along the deserted streets lighted by the few lamps keeping off the pavement that it might not echo their footsteps the graceful pile of cathedral rose on their left hand but it was lost upon them now once out of the town they followed the road which after a few miles across an open plain though the sky was dense with a diffused light from some fragment of a moon had hitherto them a little but the moon had now sunk the seemed to settle almost on their heads and the night grew as dark as a cave however they found their way along keeping as on the turf as by fulfilment possible that their tread might not which it was easy to do there being no hedge or fence of any kind all was open loneliness and black solitude over which a stiff breeze blew they had proceeded thus two or three miles further when on a sudden became conscious of some vast dose in his front rising sheer from the grass they had almost themselves against it what monstrous place is this said angel it said she he listened the wind playing upon the edifice produced a tune like the note of some gigantic one harp no other sound came from it and lifting his hand and advancing a step or two felt the surface of the structure it seemed to be of solid stone without joint or carrying his fingers onward he found that what he had come in contact with was a colossal pillar by stretching out his left hand he could fed a similar one adjoining at an indefinite overhead something made the black sky which had the semblance of a vast the pillars they carefully entered beneath and between the their soft rustle but they seemed to be still out of doors the place was drew her breath fearfully and perplexed said � what can it be sideways they encountered another pillar square and as the first beyond it another and another the place was all doors and pillars some connected above by continuous a very temple of the winds he said the next pillar was isolated others composed a others were prostrate their forming a wide enough for a carriage and it was soon obvious that they made up a forest of by op the d upon the grassy expanse of the plain the couple advanced further into this of the ta t till they stood in its midst it is said the heathen temple you mean yes older than the centuries older than the d well what shall we do darling we may find shelter on but really tired by this time herself upon an that lay dose at hand and was sheltered from the wind by a pillar owing to the action of the sun during the preceding | 45 |
said that he didn t remember where he had got it mrs implied that had given it to him herself insisted that he had stolen it from a farmer s overcoat � which mrs raged was obviously a lie he had become drunk had driven him home deposited him and on the porch never before had her boy been shrieked mrs when she owned well maybe once or twice i ve on his breath she also with an air of being only too exact granted that sometimes he did not come home till morning but he couldn t ever have been for he always had the best excuses the other boys had tempted him to go down the lake by or he had been out in a machine that ran out of gas anyway never before had her boy fallen into the hands of a woman what do you suppose miss could design to do with him insisted mrs was puzzled gave it up went on this morning when she had faced both of them had confessed that all of the blame was on because the teacher � his own teacher � had dared him to take a drink had tried to deny it then mrs then that woman had the to say to me what purpose could i have in wanting the filthy to get drunk that s just what she called him � i ll have no such nasty language in my house i says and you pretending and pulling the wool over people s eyes and making them think you re educated and fit to be a teacher and look out for young people s morals � you re w� o main street n any street i i says i let her have it good i wa n t going to from my duty and let her think that decent folks had to stand for her vile talk purpose i says purpose ill tell you what purpose you had ain t i seen you making up to everything in that d waste time and pay attention to your impertinence ain t i seen you showing off your legs with them short skirts of yours trying to make out like you was so girlish and la de da running along the street was very sick at this version of s youth but she was as mrs hinted that no one could tell what had happened between and before the drive home without exactly describing the scene by her power of imagination the woman suggested dark country places apart from the and rude and dance steps in the barn then madness and hateful conquest was too sick to interrupt it was who cried oh for god s sake quit it i you haven t any idea what happened you haven t given us a single proof yet that is anything but a rattle i haven t well what do you say to this i come straight out and i says to her did you or did you not taste the had and she says i think i did take one made me she said she owned up to that much so you can imagine does that prove her a asked don t you never use a word like that again the outraged well does it prove her to be a bad woman that she took a taste of i ve done it myself that s different not that i approve your doing it what do the tell us strong drink is a but that s entirely different from a drinking with one of her own pupils yes it does bad was silly but as a matter of fact she s only a year or two older than and probably a good many years younger in experience of vice that s � not � true she is plenty old enough to corrupt him the job of was done by town five years ago main street mrs did not rage in return suddenly she was hopeless her head drooped she patted her black kid gloves at a thread of her faded brown skirt and sighed he s a good boy and awful affectionate if you treat him right some thinks he s terrible wild but that s because he s young and he s so brave and truthful � why he was one of the first in town that wanted to for the war and i had to speak real sharp to him to keep him from running away i didn t want him to get into no bad influences round these � and then mrs rose from her recovered her pace then i go and bring into my own house a woman that s worse when all s said and done than any bad woman he could have met you say this woman is too young and inexperienced to corrupt well then she s too young and inexperienced to teach him too one or t other you can t have your cake and eat it so it don t make no difference which reason they fire her for and that s practically almost what i said to the school board have you been this story to the members of the school board i certainly every one of em and their wives i says to them tain t my affair to decide what you should or should not do with teachers i says and i ain t to dictate in any way shape manner or form i just want to know i says whether you re going to go on record as keeping here in schools among a lot of innocent boys and girls a woman that drinks curses uses bad language and does such dreadful things as i wouldn t lay tongue to but you know what i mean i says and if so i ll just see to it that the town about it and that s what i | 42 |
relief to her to be spared the communication of what would give such affliction to them and to be saved likewise from hearing that condemnation of edward which would probably flow from the excess of partial for herself and which was more than she felt equal to support from l or their conversation he t r she could receive no assistance their tenderness and sorrow add to her distress while her self command would encouragement from their example nor from their praise she was stronger alone and own good sense so well supported her that her firmness was as her appearance of cheerfulness as invariable as with regrets so and so fresh it was for them to be much as she had suffered from her first conversation with on the subject she soon felt an earnest of it and this for more reasons than one she wanted to hear many particulars of their engagement repeated again she wanted more clearly to understand what really felt for edward whether there were any sincerity in her declaration of tender regard for him and she particularly wanted to convince by her readiness to enter on the matter again and her calmness in conversing on it that she was no otherwise interested in it than as a friend which she very much feared her involuntary agitation in their discourse must have left at least doubtful that was disposed to be jealous of her appeared very probable it was plain that edward had always highly in her praise not merely from s assertion but from her venturing to trust her on so short a personal acquaintance with a secret so and evidently important and even sir john s joking intelligence must sense and sensibility have had some weight but indeed while remained so well assured within herself of being really beloved by edward it required no other consideration of to make it natural that should be and that she was so her very confidence was a proof what other reason for the disclosure of the there be but that might be informed by it of s superior claims on edward and be taught to avoid him in future f she had in understanding thus much of her rival s intentions and while she was firmly resolved to act by her as every principle of honour and honesty directed to combat her own for edward and to see him as as possible she could not deny herself the comfort of endeavouring to convince that her heart and as she could now have nothing more to hear on the subject than had already been told she did net her own ability of going through a repetition of particulars with composure but it was not immediately that an opportunity of doing so could be commanded though was as well disposed as herself to take advantage of any that occurred for the weather was not often fine enough to allow of their joining in a walk where they mi t most easily separate themselves from die o rs and though they met at least every other evening either at the park or cottage and chiefly at the former they could not be supposed to meet for the sake of conversation such a thought would never enter either sir john or lady s head and therefore very little leisure was ever given for general chat and none at all for particular discourse they met for the sake of eating drinking and laughing together playing at cards or consequences or any other game that was sufficiently noisy one or two meetings of this kind had taken place i sense and without affording any chance of engaging in private when sir john called at the cottage one to beg in the name of charity that they would all dine with lady that day as he was obliged to attend the club at and she would otherwise be quite alone except her mother and the two miss who foresaw a fairer opening for the point she had in view in such a party as this was likely to be more at liberty among themselves under the tranquil and well bred direction of lady than when her husband united them together in one noisy purpose immediately accepted the invitation margaret with her mother s permission was equally and though always unwilling to join any of their parties was persuaded by her mother who could not bear to have her herself firom any chance of amusement to go likewise the young ladies went and lady was happily preserved from the frightful solitude which had threatened her the of the meeting was exactly such as had expected it produced not one novelty of thought or expression and nothing could be less interesting than the whole of their discourse both in the dining parlour and drawing room to the latter the children accompanied them and while they remained there she was too well convinced of the impossibility of g s attention to attempt it they quitted it only with the removal of the tea things the was then placed and began to wonder at herself for having ever entertained a hope of finding time for conversation at the park they all rose up in preparation for a round game i am glad said lady to you are not going to finish poor s basket this evening for i am sure it must hurt your eyes to work by and we will make the sense and sensibility i dear little love some amends for her disappointment tomorrow and then i hope she will not much mind it this hint was enough recollected herself instantly and replied indeed you are very much mistaken lady i am only waiting to know whether you can make your party without me or i should have been at my already i would not disappoint the little angel for all the world and if you want me at the card table now am resolved | 26 |
sins but a must he be in one shape or in all otherwise he is no minister leading inspiring but only a priest a poor miserable priest � not singing his own out of his own throat but grinding away at the barrel organ of his � grating forth tones wliich he did not make and cannot understand the minister is to labor for mankind for the noblest end in one of the highest modes of labor and its fairest form he does not ask to rule but to serve not praise but perfection he seeks power over men not for sake but theirs he is to take the lead in all works of education of moral and social reform k need is he must be willing to alone the qualities wliich bind him to mankind for all eternity are qualities which may him from his class and his yes from his own brothers and that for his mortal life the distinctions amongst men must be no distinctions to him he must honor all men become a brother to all � most to the he must see the man in the beggar in the in the outcast of society and labor to separate that william diamond from the rubbish that its light in a great city the lowest ranks of the public should be familiar to his thoughts and present in his prayers he b to seek tion from men that can give it � and impart of himself to all that need and as they need he must keep an unbroken sympathy with man above all he must dwell intimate with god it b hb duty to master the greatest subjects of human thought to know the nature of his � hb animal nature his human nature and hb divine man in his ideal state of wisdom abundance loveliness and religion man b hb actual state of ignorance want and sin he b to to man s highest wants to bring high counsel to low men and to more the aspirations of the he must be a living rebuke to proud men and the a man so full of heart and hope that drooping souls shall take courage and thank god cheered by his conquering to do and to be all tliis he must know men not with the half which comes from reading books but by seeing feeling doing and being he must know history philosophy poetry � and life he must know by heart ho must understand the laws of god be filled with god s thought animated with his feeling � be filled with truth and love expecting much of himself he will look for much also from other men ho asks men to lend him their ears if he have any thing to teach knowing that then he shall win their hearts but if he has nothing to offer ho bids men go off where they can be fed and leave the naked walls and cold to tell him sir you have nothing to say you had better be done but he expects men that take his ideas for truth to turn hb words to life he looks for com as proof tliat he good seed m the field he trust men will become better by his words � more full of faith he hopes to see them him till he can serve them no more and they come no longer to his well to draw but have found the fountain of immortal life hard by their own door � so the good father who has watched and prayed over hb children to have them set up for themselves and live out their own manly and independent life he does not ask honor nor riches nor ease only to see good men and good works as the result of toil result comes of a long life then he knows either that he has his calling or failed of his duty we have always looked on the lot of a in a try town as our of a and life not poor not idly he ia every man s equal and man s master he is welcome everywhere if worthy and may have the satisfaction that he ia helping men to wisdom to virtue to piety to the dearest joys of this life and the next ho can easily know all of his flock be familiar with their thoughts and help them out of their difficulties by his superiority of nature or cultivation or religious growth the great work of education � intellectual and spiritual � falls under his charge he can ve due culture to all but the and more delicate plants that require the eye and hand � these ai e peculiarly his care in small societies eloquence is not to be looked for as ia the great of a city where the listening looks of hundreds or thousands would win eloquence almost out of the stones the ocean is always sublime in its movements but the smallest spring under oak has beauty in its still and sends its waters to the sea in cities the lot of the minister is far less grateful � his connection less intimate less domestic here in addition to the common subjects of the minister s discourse everywhere the same the great of society require to be discussed and peace and war freedom and slavery the public policy of states and the character of their leaders come up to the of a great city to be looked on in the light of and so judged with a few hearers we see not how a man can fail to speak simply and with speech before many speaking on such a theme as religion which has provoked such of art out of the poet painter � we wonder that every man is not eloquent some will pass by the little spring nor heed its loveliness � all turn with wonder | 37 |
to me interrupted quickly and after all you have watched her for the last few days without seeing anything suspicious mrs is a sly creature who will not give herself away easily returned the i shall continue to watch her there s ten o clock he added as the mellow tones of the church bell floated through the warm night we must not keep miss from her beauty sleep did not suggest that they should remain although she would have liked to speak privately with her lover but while was at his elbow that was impossible and she did not wish to talk freely in the presence of a man she the two young men said good night to their hostess and went away leaving in anything but a happy frame of mind what had been suggested about her the lost father trading with the housekeeper worried her considerably there might or might not be some truth in the idea she tried to dismiss it from her mind but it would not be dismissed and troubled her far into the small hours of the morning meanwhile and his friends sauntered leisurely homeward it was so hot that they did not wear coats over their evening suit and so dry that they walked to and from the cottage in shoes the sky was radiant with innumerable stars and although there was no moon there was ample light in which to see surrounding objects through the shadowy world warm and peaceful the young men wandered taking their way across the fields as the high road was so dusty and hard for a time neither spoke for each was busy with his own thoughts which had to do with the case finally broke the silence and spoke soft as though he feared listeners i did not press my point he remarked significantly as the little i did say rather offended miss you were rather about her father you know if the saying that the greater the truth the greater the is true i certainly was retorted the for what i said i hold to that mrs is the guilty person yes and that she is trading with to give him what he wants the will of course i am as certain of that fact as i am that i live she has the will and she to deliver it to him � if she hasn t done so on on the track condition that he gives her the two hundred a year which she told her son comes from a aunt well said after a pause since was willing to come to terms with me i see no reason why he should not come to terms with mrs always provided that she is guilty she is insisted it is no use my giving you my reasons again i think if things are as you say i don t see how mrs s part of the business can be concealed the will is of no use to unless he makes it public and if he does he will have to explain how he became possessed of it i suppose his confession of the deal with mrs would bring him into trouble as an af ter the f act it would and i am wondering how to make himself safe on that score there is only one thing to be done we must wait until produces the will then we can move it s an infernal business altogether growled the big man and i wish we were all well out of it i don t want to get into any trouble for s sake i think you can be pretty certain that will look after his own precious skin said the and if � hush � not a word he dropped his voice to a whisper who s that what looked round as caught his arm and pulled him off the into a of don t speak whispered with his mouth close to s ear and button your coat as well as you can over your shirt front the white the lost may betray us he acted on his own advice and kept well behind the shelter of the leafy trees now watch did so with all his eyes straining his sight through the shadowy night and by this time had seen the reason of s action and caution the two men had reached the red brick wall which ran round the park and saw that the gate through which they intended to pass was open a tall dark figure in flowing robes was slipping out and when pulled his friend into shelter behind the the woman � for such it was � closed the stealthily after a glance to right and left she walked swiftly along the going in the direction whence the had as she swept past the nearly uttered an exclamation for in spite of the black silk hood pulled well over her head and face he was absolutely certain that this night was none other than his respectable housekeeper what she was doing outside the house at this time of night and whither she was going he could not conjecture but could and when the woman passed away into the shadows he whispered an explanation it s mrs she s going to look for the will quick let us follow but take care she doesn t see us the will breathed cautiously as they stole out on the trail what do you mean she has hidden the will somewhere i am sure and now is going to get it we will catch her if we are careful what luck but it s impossible and don t talk interrupted in a savage on the track s whisper do you want to give the show away it s a wonderful chance of learning the truth come silently agreed with his companion although he found it hard to believe that mrs was such a | 12 |
� the � gave him a chair before all the why do you howl these things fell as i have said was it not so and said � that is truth i was there and there was a red cushion in the chair and ram said � great shame has come upon the because of this judgment and fearing his anger ram and all his house have gone back to ram told us that you also had gone first the enmity being healed between you to open a shop in indeed it were well for you that you go even now for the has sworn that if he catch any one of your house he will hang him by the heels from the well beam and swinging him to and fro will beat him with till the blood runs from his ears what i have said in respect to the case is true as these men here can testify � even to the five hundred i said � was it five hundred and ram the said � five hundred for i bore witness also and i groaned for it had been in my heart to have said two hundred only then a new fear came upon me and my turned to water and running swiftly to the house of ram i sought for my books and my money in the great wooden chest under my there remained nothing not even a s value all had been taken by the devil who said he was brother i went to my own house also and opened the boards of the shutters but there also was nothing save the rats among the grain baskets in that hour my senses left me and tearing my clothes i ran to the well place crying out for the justice of the english on my brother ram and in my madness telling all that the books were lost when men saw that i would have jumped down the well they believed the truth of my talk more especially because upon my back and bosom were still the marks of the of the the carpenter me and turning me in his hands � for he is a very strong man � showed the upon my body and bowed down with laughter upon the well he cried aloud so that all heard him from the well square to the of the � the have quarrelled and the gray one has been caught in the trap in truth this has been beaten and his brother has taken the money which the court oh this shall be told for years against you the have quarrelled and moreover the books are burned o people indebted to � and i know that ye be many the books are burned then all took up the cry that the books were burned � i that in my folly i had let that escape my mouth � and they throughout the city they gave me the abuse of the which is a terrible abuse and very me also with sticks and cow till i fell down and cried for mercy ram the letter writer bade the people cease for fear that the news should get into and the might come down to inquire he said using many bad words � this much mercy will i do to you though there was no mercy in your dealings with my sister s son over the matter of the has any man a pony on which he sets no store that this fellow may escape if the hears that one of the twain and god knows whether he beat one or both but this man is certainly beaten be in the city there will be a murder done and then will come the police making into each man s house and eating the sweet s stuff all day long ram said � i have a pony very sick but with beating he can be made to walk for two miles if he dies the hide will have the body then the hide said � i will pay three for the body and will walk by this man s side till such time as the pony dies if it be more than two miles i will pay two only ram said � be it so men brought out the pony and i asked leave to draw a little water from the well because i was dried up with fear then ram said � here be four god has brought you very low and i would not send you away empty even though the matter of my sister s son s be an open sore between us it is a long way to your own country go and if it be so willed live but above all do not take the pony s bridle for that is mine and i went out of amid the laughing of the and the hide walked by my side waiting for the pony to fall dead in one mile it died and being full of fear of the i ran till i could run no more and came to this place but i swear by the cow i swear by all things whereon and and even the swear that i and not my brother was beaten by the but the case is ni shut and the doors of the law courts are shut and god knows where the � the mother s milk is not dry upon his lip � is gone am i have no witnesses and the will heal and i am a poor man but on my father s soul on the oath of a from i and not my brother was beaten by the what can i do the justice of the english is as a great river having gone forward it does not return do you take a pen and write clearly what i have said that the may see | 39 |
sea while the boat was in the direction of cape charles and thence proceeded to the eastern shore of the bay the party along the coast searching for and and now and then seeing small parties of indians until presently observing some islands lying to tlie westward of them they sailed out toward them but on the way they encountered permanent establishment a terrible thunder gust in which they narrowly the islands were the islands here they were in great distress for want of water they searched all the islands for or springs but could not find any and so they went back to the eastern shore of the bay and followed the coast to the northward looking every where for water till at last they entered bay here they landed and after looking about for a long time they a small pool of water just in time to save them from in about after this they got among a group of islands now called s islands but just before they reached them they encountered another by which their sail was torn to pieces and the mast carried away the water at the same time came in over the of the boat in such quantities that they were obliged to incessantly for a long while to prevent the boat from sinking they were compelled to remain two days in these islands to they used their shirts as material for mending the sail where it had been torn by the wind op the after finding that the eastern shore of the bay of the colony above this point was everywhere with islands sand bars and shallow water and that no good were to be found there the party across to the western shore which they fell in with at a place just above the mouth of the and thence they followed the coast along for one hundred and fifty miles they found the shores were high and well wooded they saw a great many wolves bears deer and other wild animals but no natives at length the company began to be worn out by exposure and fatigue they had lain twelve or fourteen days in the open boat and they were well nigh exhausted with the labor of and of out the boat and with their insufficient and food for their provisions were all soaked and rotten with the rain they were very urgent to return but smith who bore his full share with the men of every species of and toil persuaded them to go on a little farther until at length two or three of the number fell sick and their piteous complaints and induced him to return discovery op the in coming down the coast on their return the see map permanent establishment party discovered the mouth of the and the men being now better and the weather g improved their spirits � moreover in some degree revived by their approach toward home smith succeeded in to consent to his ascending it a little way they went up the river for thirty without finding any inhabitants at length they came upon a large of who showed a disposition to attack them but smith frightened them away by a of � in such a manner that they could see and hear the bullets over the r without however being themselves struck by any in fact they were so impressed by this exhibition that they laid down their and smith soon in establishing very friendly relations with them the party went up the as � r as the boat could go finding plenty of food now for the indians being friendly procured them � abundant supply besides the river with fish many of which lay tame and quiet in the shallow water as the boat went by the having no net undertook fo catch the fish with their pan they found however that the fish though very tame were not quite enough to be taken so easily as that of the colony captain smith poisoned by a after descending the to the bay again the party came on down the coast as far as to the mouth of the but in attempting to enter this river the boat ran among the and they were obliged to wait there for some time until the tide rose and floated them oflf while lying thus motionless in the water they saw a great many fish lurking among the and as the pan experiment had not succeeded captain smith tried the plan of them with his sword in this he succeeded perfectly well and the men following his example they caught a very supply but among the fish thus taken there was one which had a poisoned sting in its tail like the sharp in the of the perch or thorn back this fish while captain smith was taking him oflf from the point of his sword struck him with this sting the external wound was very trifling but it produced most pain and the hand and arm and shoulder of the were so swollen in the course of a few hours that every one concluded that he must inevitably die indeed so confident were they all in this expectation that as the boat was they all went on shore upon a certain island near permanent establishment by and there according to smith s directions they prepared a grave ready to bury him in as soon as he should be dead the sufferer seems to have thought that the men would be extremely impatient to make the best of their way home as soon as he was no more and that consequently unless a proper grave were dug under his own directions while he was alive there was very little probability that it would be done at all he however did not die one of the party in the boat was surgeon of the colony and by his care and attention and by the | 22 |
with nature for her close imitation of art but in another hundred yards nature glorious is herself again raising one s thoughts reverently upwards to her creator and ours grandeur and not softness are the features of park the which begin so softly are soon lost in the dark forests with their peaks of rosy granite and their stretches of granite blocks piled and poised by nature in some mood of fury the streams are lost in nearly or quite inaccessible awful in their blackness and darkness every valley ends in mystery seven mountain raise their frowning between us and the plains and at the south end of the park long s peak rises to a height of feet with his bare head with eternal snow the lowest of the park is feet high and though the sun is hot during the day the near the point every night of the summer an immense quantity of snow falls but partly owing to the tremendous winds which drift it the deep valleys and partly to the bright warm sun of the winter months the park is never a lady s life in toil up and a number of cattle and horses are out of doors on its sun cured of which the grass is the most valuable the soil here as elsewhere in the neighbourhood is nearly everywhere coarse grey dust produced probably by the of the surrounding mountains it does not hold water and is never wet in any weather there are no here the snow mysteriously by rapid grow but do not and when well advanced are cut and for winter potatoes yield abundantly and though not very large are of the best quality throughout has not attempted anything else and probably the more vegetables would require the wild flowers are gorgeous and innumerable though their beauty which in july and august was over before i arrived and the recent snow have finished them the time between winter and winter is very short and the growth and blossom of a whole year are compressed into two months here are roses blue painter s brush and fifty others blue and yellow and though their blossoms are by the cold every morning they are the grass and drooping over the brook long before noon making the most of their brief lives in the sunshine of letter viii the rocky mountains after many a long hunt i have only found the and the but i hear that the is also found and do not appear to be known here coming almost direct from the one is dissatisfied with the of the foliage indeed foliage can hardly be written of as the trees properly so called at this height are exclusively and bear needles instead of leaves in places there are patches of which have turned a and along the streams bear vines and roses the with their crimson leaves the pines are not imposing either from their or height their colouring is and though they are effective singly or in groups they are sombre and almost when as here along the mountain sides the timber line is at a height of about feet and is singularly well defined the most attractive tree i have seen is the silver near of kin to what is often called the fir its shape and colour are both beautiful my heart towards it and i frequent all the places where i can find it it looks as if a soft blue silver powder had fallen on its deep green needles or as if a frost which must melt at noon were resting upon it anyhow one can hardly believe that the beauty is permanent and the summer heat a lady s life ut and the winter cold the universal tree here is the but it never any very considerable size and there is nothing to compare with the red woods of the far less w th the of as i have written before park is thirty miles from the nearest settlement and it can be reached on horseback only by the steep and track by which i came passing through a narrow in the top of a ridge feet high called the devil s gate takes a lumber with four horses over the mountains and a engineer would have no difficulty in making a road in several of the over which the track hangs there are the remains of which have come to grief in the attempt to s feat which without evidence i should have supposed to be impossible it is an awful road the only in the park are and a married man a mile higher up mountain jim s cabin is in the entrance four miles off and there is not another cabin for eighteen miles towards the plains the park is and the huge tract of country beyond is almost altogether hunters occasionally come up and camp out here but the two who however are only for various reasons are not disposed to encourage such visitors when who letter viii the mountains is a very successful hunter came here he came on foot and for some time after settling here he carried the flour and necessaries required by his family on his back over the mountains as i intend to make park my until the winter sets in i must make you acquainted with my surroundings and mode of living the queen anne mansion is represented by a log cabin made of big logs the should be filled with mud and lime but these are wanting the is formed of young then a of hay and an outer of mud all nearly flat the floors are roughly the living room is about sixteen feet square and has a rough stone chimney in which pine logs are always burning at one end there is a door into a small bedroom and at the other a door into a small eating room at the | 20 |
so far as this particular set of folk are concerned � it is less by the one can be more free you know i you may take a little walk into old and turning a corner you may catch glimpses of what mark twain calls oriental simplicity namely composed groups of dear delightful whose clothing is no more than primitive custom makes strictly necessary these kind of or art studies give quite a thrill of novelty to english society � a touch of � a of peculiarity which is entirely lacking to fashionable london then it must i be remembered that the children of the j desert have been led by gentle degrees to understand that tor the strange imported into their land by cook and the still stranger specimens of insect called upper ten which itself they will receive is a certain source of comfort to all nations and itself with sweetest into all languages and the desert born tribes have justice on their side when they demand as much of it as they can get or they deserve to gain some sort of advantage out of the of western who them by their dress and them by their manners therefore has become the perpetual cry of the desert born � it is the only means of offence and defence left to them and very naturally they cling to it with and resolution and who shall blame them the tall majestic meditative � superb as mere man and standing naked footed on his sandy native soil with his one rough garment flung round his and his great black eyes eagle like the sun � merits something considerable for to act as guide and servant to the western who clothes his lower limbs in straight like cloth shaped to the strict resemblance of an elephant s legs and the graceful design by the rest of his body in a stiff shirt wherein he can scarcely move and a square cut coat which him neatly in twain by a line immediately above the knee with the effect of his height by several inches the desert born him gravely and in civil compassion sometimes with a muttered prayer against the of him but on the whole with patience and � influenced by considerations of and the english season lightly and like blown over the mystic land of the old gods � the terrible land filled with dark secrets as yet � the land with wings as the bible hath it � the land in is which are buried tremendous histories as yet � profound of the supernatural � of wonder terror and mystery � all of which remain to the giddy dancing dining throng of the fashionable travelling of the day � the people who never think because it is too much trouble people whose one idea is to journey from hotel to hotel and compare notes with their acquaintances afterwards as to which house provided them with the food for it is a noticeable fact that with most visitors to the show places of europe and the east food and selfish personal comfort are the first considerations � the scenery and the associations come last formerly the position was reversed in the days when there were no and the immortal wrote his it was customary to rate personal inconvenience lightly the beautiful or historic scene was the attraction for the traveller and not the arrangements made for his special form of � apparatus could sleep on the deck of a sailing vessel wrapped in his cloak and feel none the worse for it his well mind and spirit above all bodily his thoughts were engrossed with the mighty of time he was able to lose himself in glorious on the lessons of the past and the possibilities of the future the attitude of the inspired as well as poet was his and a crust of bread and cheese served him as sufficiently on his among the then valleys and mountains of as the warm greasy fare of the elaborate table d at and serve us now but we in our superior condition the spirit of to events and scorn of trifles � we say it is completely forgetting that our attitude towards ourselves and things in general is one of most pitiable we cannot write but we can at both bed and board in every hotel under the sun we can discover in the air and questionable insects in the rooms and we can discuss each bill presented to us with an industrious which nearly drives frantic and ourselves as well in these kind of important matters we are indeed superior to and other of his type but we produce no and we have come to the strange pass of pretending that don is improper while we pore over with to such a pitch has our culture brought us and like the in the testament we thank god we are not as others are we are glad we are not as the as the african as the we are proud of our elephant legs and our dividing coat line these things show we are and that god of us more than any other type of creature ever created we take possession of nations not by thunder of war but by clatter of we do not raise armies we build hotels and we settle ourselves in egypt as we do at to dress and dine and sleep and contempt on all things but ourselves to such an extent that we have actually got into the habit of calling the natives of the places we foreigners we are the foreigners but somehow we never can see it wherever we condescend to build hotels that spot we consider ours we are surprised at the impertinence of people who presume to visit while we are having our season there we wonder how they dare do it and of a truth they seem amazed at their | 33 |
to sermons in churches and on fine summer days this morning moreover he had gone out to see if the damage to the hay by the flood was considerable or not on his walk he observed the girls from a long distance though they had been so occupied with their difficulties of passage as not to notice him he knew that the water had risen at that spot and that it would quite check their progress so he had hastened on with a dim the rally idea of how he could help them � one of them in the rosy bright eyed looked so charming in their light attire clinging to the roadside bank like on a roof slope that he stopped a moment to r ard them before coming dose their skirts had brushed up from the grass flies and which unable to escape remained in the transparent as in an angel s eye at last fell upon the of the four die being full of suppressed laughter at their could not help meeting his glance he came beneath them in the water which did not rise over his long boots and stood looking at the flies and are you trying to get to church he said to who was in front including the next two in his remark but avoiding yes sir and tis getting late and my colour do come up so i ll carry you through the pool � every of you the whole four flushed as if one heart beat through them i think you can t sir said it is the only way for you to get past stand still nonsense � you are not too heavy i d carry you all four together now attend he continued and put your arms round my shoulders so now hold on that s well done had lowered herself upon his arm and shoulder as directed and angel strode off with her his slim figure as viewed from behind looking like the mere stem to the great suggested by hers they disappeared round the curve of the road and only his footsteps and the top ribbon of s bonnet told where they were in a few minutes he reappeared was the next in order upon the bank op the d here he comes she murmured and they could hear that her lips were dry with emotion and i have to put my arms round his neck and look into his face as did there s nothing in that said quickly there s a time for everything continued a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing the first is now going to be mine � it is scripture yes said i ve rs a ear at church for pretty verses angel to whom three quarters of this performance was a commonplace act of kindness now approached she quietly and lowered herself into his arms and angel marched off with her when he was heard returning for the third time s throbbing heart could be almost seen to shake her he went up to the red haired girl and while he was seizing her he glanced at his lips could not have pronounced more plainly it will soon be you and i her comprehension appeared in her face she could not help it there was an understanding between them poor little though by far the weight was the most troublesome of s burdens had been like a sack of meal a dead weight of which he had literally staggered had ridden sensibly and calmly was a bunch of however he got through with the creature deposited her and returned could see over the hedge the distant three in a group standing as he had placed them on the next rising it was now her she was l to discover that excitement at the of mr s breath and eyes which she had in her companions was in herself and as if fearful of her secret she with him at the last moment i may be able to dim along the bank perhaps � i the rally can dim better than they you must be so tired mr no no said he quickly and almost before she was aware she was seated in his arms and resting against his shoulder three to get one he whispered they are better women than i she replied sticking to her resolve not to me said angel he saw her grow warm at this and they went some steps in silence i hope i am not too heavy she said timidly o no you should lift such a you are like an warmed by the sun and all this of muslin about you is the it is very pretty � if i seem like that to you do you know that i have undergone three quarters of this labour entirely for the sake of the quarter no i did not expect such an event to day nor i the water came up so sudden that the rise in the water was what she understood him to refer to the state of her breathing stood still and inclined his face towards hers o he exclaimed the girl s cheeks burned to the breeze and she could not look into his eyes for her emotion it reminded angel that he was somewhat taking advantage of an accidental position and he went no with it no definite words of love had crossed their lips as yet and at this point was desirable now however he walked slowly to make the remainder of the distance as long as possible but at last they came to the bend and the rest of their progress was in full view of the other three the dry land was reached and he set her down her friends were looking with round thoughtful eyes at her and him and she could see that they had of the d been talking | 45 |
to marry him she bowed firmly after knowing you less than two weeks yes what kind of a fellow is he � a rough mill i suppose he is a christian she answered simply by which you mean a roman catholic it is the only true church said she he would make fun of religion as you do he was growing very uneasy but � you do not love him tell me that you do not i do not love him she repeated aad he caught in his arms and you do love me tou a � aiid i do love you he could hardly contain himself for joy b� it why do you say such disagreeable things v she laughed and seemed quite contented again it is you who are cross she said you looked as if you were going to bite me when i said the ceiling was low in my bedroom do you think i am to blame for it i have done exactly as you told me i surely did not tell you to sleep with miss he smiled nor to with her brother she laughed again i had to sleep with somebody and i couldn t take my choice there are rats in the house so i wouldn t sleep alone anyway one jumped out of my shoe this morning as i was going to put it on as for i didn t with him at all i couldn t help him asking me though it was rather sudden then he got her to talking about and she told him again what a wonderful woman she was and how everybody obeyed her as if she were a queen she spoke of also and of converse the when he spoke of you as a he almost frightened me she said i could not bear to think of you as one of those men who get rich by the poor you ll never do that will you if you do i could never love you again and now what do you say about the strike he asked will they hold out long do you think the question seemed to her of course they will she cried they will never up � i heard them say so over and over in the great meeting last night the mill owners will have to pay the old wages or keep their mills closed speaking of what makes your friend do their dirty for them i thought him a nice sort of man here was news worth having from undoubtedly honest sources what do they say about he they don t say very much about him � won t let them she likes him and that is what nobody seems to understand he is the agent who has locked us all out but tries to stop all talk against him i think that will make trouble before we get through converse is the worst about it it was when he was talking on that subject that he used your name what did he say he was standing on the with a big crowd and he said something like this i ain t going to have a woman s love affair spoil this strike without a protest then the people around him said hush and looked frightened i don t care he went on he s brought a young with him too that s you and got him up at the big house along with a lady who has got a fortune made out of poor like us but he can do anything he likes of course and w mustn t say a word because he s s lover ther some of the men offered to strike him � they were mad � and do you know came up just in time when they told what converse had said he looked as black as any of them for a minute but finally he told us to go off as quietly as we could and not say a � about it to any one we all promised and � there � i ve been and told you another secret s face which had grown rather at the ir allusion to himself grew brighter as it encountered the look on hers it will no though the girl continued von a t you are on our side against the even if you do live in the house with the agent i you would join our society they couldn t say any more against you after that what society the sons and daughters of toil she replied with absolute sincerity i fear i am hardly eligible he replied his smile i have never labored very much you know they took m said she i joined a week ago and t know they would be glad to have you let me take your name in i would be delighted if i might had the greatest difficulty to preserve his at all not quite yet he said i want to look into the matter a little before i apply for admission but tell me what said to you you didn t tell her about � of course grew serious i told her there was � somebody she said couldn t help it she got it out of me before i knew it you can t keep anything from supposing she should ask you if you were in on false the girl s color deepened if i came here that way she said it is over now am with as fully as any of them not a will hold out longer than i i have never been happier than since i began to earn an honest living his face grew very long again and where does all this leave me oh she cried i wish you were � very poor � that you had to work and that we speaking of like these people i see about me i | 1 |
he had promised that and the end of it was i found that he did not mean to come i suppose he was afraid of finding it dull but upon ray word i should have thought we were lively enough at the cottage for such a man as captain charles laughed again and said now mary you know very well how it really was it was all your doing turning to anne he fancied that if he went with he should find you close by he fancied to be living in and when he discovered that lady lived three miles off his heart faded him and he had not courage to come that is the fact upon my honour knows it is but mary did not give into it very graciously whether from not considering captain entitled by birth with an or from not want persuasion ng to believe anne a greater attraction to than herself must be left to be guessed anne s however was not to be lessened by what she heard she boldly acknowledged herself flattered and continued her oh he talks of you cried charles in such terms mary interrupted him i declare charles i never heard him mention anne twice all the time i was there i declare anne he never talks of you at all no admitted charles i do not know that he ever does in a general way but however it is a very clear thing that he you exceedingly his head is full of some books that he is reading upon your recommendation and he wants to talk to you about them he has found out something or other in one of them which he thinks � oh i cannot pretend to remember it but it was something very fine � i overheard him telling all about it and then miss was spoken of in the highest terms now mary i declare it was so i heard it myself and you were in the other room elegance sweetness beauty oh there was no end of miss s charms and i am sure cried mary warmly it was very little to his if he did miss only died last june such a heart is very little worth having is it lady i am sure you will agree with me i must see captain before i decide said lady smiling and that you are very likely to do very soon i can tell you ma am said charles though he had not nerves for coming away with us and setting off again afterwards to pay a formal visit here he will make his way over to one day by himself you may depend on it t told him the distance and the road persuasion and i told him of the church s being so very well worth seeing for as he has a taste for those sort of things i thought that would be a good excuse and he listened with all his understanding and soul and i am sure from his manner that you will have him calling here soon so i give you notice lady any acquaintance of anne s will be always welcome to me was lady s kind answer oh as to being anne s acquaintance said mary i think he is rather my acquaintance for i have been seeing him every day this last fortnight well as your joint acquaintance then i shall be very happy to see captain ben you will not find anything very agreeable in him i assure you ma am he is one of the young men that ever lived he has walked with me sometimes from one end of the sands to the other without saying a word he is not at all a well bred young man i am sure you will not like him there we differ mary said anne i think lady would like him i think she would be so much pleased with his mind that she would very soon see no deficiency in his manner so do i anne said charles i am sure lady would like him he is just lady s sort give him a book and he will read all day long that he will exclaimed mary he will sit over his book and not know when a person speaks to him or when one drops one s or anything that happens do you think lady would like that lady could not help laughing upon my word said she i should not have supposed that my opinion of any one could have admitted of such difference of conjecture steady and matter of fact as i may persuasion call myself i have really a curiosity to see the person who can give occasion to such directly opposite notions i wish he may be induced to call here and when he does mary you may depend upon hearing my opinion but i am determined not to judge him beforehand you will not like him i will answer for it lady began talking of something else mary spoke with animation of their meeting with or rather missing mr so he is a man said lady whom i have no wish to see his declining to be on cordial terms with the head of his family has left a very strong impression in his with me this decision checked mary s eagerness and stopped her short in the midst of the countenance with regard to captain though anne no there was voluntary communication sufficient his spirits had been greatly recovering lately as might be expected as improved he had improved and he was now quite a creature from what he had been the week he had not seen and was so extremely fearful of any ill consequence to her from an interview that he did not press for it at all and on the contrary seemed to have a plan of going away for a week or ten days | 26 |
in a contradictory fashion that is no reason that he should shut her in that and set a to keep his eye on her the sealed message n � o his eye on the you say that this girl is like charity the very image of her that is partly why i fell in love so rapidly before you came along i did love charity in a way admired her beauty and all that but somehow she never made my heart beat now is just as lovely as charity and more so no no no growled striking the desk yes yes yes insisted besides there is something in her personality which charity i feel my heart beat and my thrill and my whole being raised to heaven when looks at me so do i when i look at charity retorted the lawyer but for heaven s sake don t let us pit the girls against one another suits you and charity suits me there s no more to be said save that the girls might be i never heard that charity had a twin nor did i but then we don t know charity s history do in part said quickly when mrs was with her own comedy company in india fifteen or sixteen years ago she found charity at the child was then five years of age and belonged to a native woman of the caste native do you mean to say that charity has blood no snapped sharply i don t you have only to look at her to see that she is purely european the native woman confessed to mrs that she had picked up the child from an at for a few the had perhaps stolen the child from some english people or perhaps the mother was dead at any rate the native woman bought the child and the sealed message � taught her to dance in the show she and her husband went round with mrs took a fancy to the child s beauty and bought her from this native woman and adopted her as her daughter in a way she called her charity because of the way in which she was found and bird because of her silvery voice ha started another point of resemblance has a voice like a i must learn s past life these two girls must be connected in some way the resemblance is too wonderful there are chance hinted slowly i but nature doesn t turn out two girls line for line the same unless she sends them into the world as was brought to the s house when she was five years of age but she doesn t remember where she lived before that she is twenty one in ten months by hoisted himself up with a curious look that s odd for charity told me that she would be twenty one next year and then could run away with me perhaps there is something in what you say after all what s to be done pinched his chin let us leave the question of the resemblance alone for the moment what i want you to do is to go to house and look up the wills the wills whose will what will look up any will made by anyone called go back fifteen or twenty years of course said it is only my fancy based upon the few words let drop by mrs but i feel somehow � in my bones as the old women say � that is being kept a prisoner on account of money it s such a wild idea he protested the sealed message wild or not it is six and in your greedy legal pocket might not like my into his private affairs i don t see that need know anything about it said impatiently in fact i want to keep my doings dark in the direction for if there is anything in my belief the major will do his best to queer my pitch if you look up the will of a man or of a woman called cannot say anything as neither you nor i are supposed to know anything about the s house business well nodded and made a note i ll search he assented any will by called man or woman and dated some fifteen or twenty years ago suppose i find nothing and suppose you do retorted his friend rising we are searching for a needle in a remember and must about in every direction we ll look into the money business first and then we can question mrs and as to the possibility of there being any relationship between these two girls see here remarked slowly all this talk is first rate if you were writing a story and knew the end but it seems to me that as we have to deal with real life you are making circumstances to fit in with your theories perhaps i am replied with a shrug but i am so much in love with that i shall move heaven and earth to get her why not be bold and ask straight out then he could tell you the story of the girl s birth and perhaps may explain why she is so like charity if the sealed message this so much that he her up he won t mind your taking her off his hands oh yes he will if money goes with her said grimly i don t want to make think that i am in love the whole business is shady do you mean your love making asked no you my love making is as straight as s ways are crooked do what i say and when we learn if there is a will well we ll know how to move next meanwhile i intend to tell the story that i have told you to mrs but i say she ll go straight and tell no said | 12 |
s face with a the satin head and said his will you give me a kiss she put up her little bud of a month and then a little and glancing down at her said � i put � yon � hush hush little must be seen and not heard said mrs while and looking radiant with li ht at a e of set her up on high by the side of you who lost no time in the beauties of the new with a now mr said mr in a very serious tone when tea had been distributed let me how you re a goin on about the when i was i the town iy i as there was schemes a bein laid again you i fear me those u things very to yon i ve no doubt they will attempt it indeed i t there will be a r mob got up on sunday evening as there was when the returned on purpose to annoy me and the congregation on our way to church ah they re o anything such men as an an backs em wi money though he can t wi brains s lost one by his wicked an i m deceived if he won t lose more nor one i little thought mr when i put my into his hands twenty ear ago thia as he was to turn out a o religion i lighted on a young man nor he was then they talked of his bein fond of a glass now an but like what lie s to since an it s head s you may look for in a lawyer r it s head piece his wife too was al an uncommon favorite o mine � poor thing i hear sad stories about her now but she s to it she s to it mr a tender hearted woman to the poor is as lived an as spoken a woman as yon need wish to talk to yes i i d al a for an his wife o but as soon as i o that te business i says says i that man shall no more to do wi mv it may put me t inconvenience but i ll encourage man as s re he is evidently the brain and or life hand of the on m there may lie a feeling against in iv number of � it be so from the things in this place but i fancy i there would have been no formal opposition to the lecture if not planned it i am not the least at anything he can do he will und i am not to be or driven away by insult or personal danger god has sent me to this place ami by his blessing i il not shrink from anything i may have to in doing his work among the people but feel it right co call on all who know gospel to by me publicly think � and mr with me � that it will be well for my friends to proceed with body to the church on sunday evening you know has pretended that almost all the respectable visibly contradicted what do you of the plan i have today been to see several of m friends who will make a point of being there to accompany me and ni l communicate with others on the i ll make one mr i ll make one you shall not be in any support as i can give before come to it sir was a dead an dark place you are the man i the to my knowledge as has brought the word o god home to the people an i ll b tan by yon sir i ll i m a mr i ve been a ever sin i was fifteen ear old me good i the church an i m n too when was a boy i lived at you n c know the place the heat pan o tlie land there belonged to squire he d a club had squire s � lost a deal o money by canal shares sir aa i was i lived at an the there was a terrible fox man you never see d such a parish i time fur wickedness s to it well sir my father was a man an could n t afford to gi mc so i went to a night school as was by a one jacob an it was from that man sir as i got my little an my c o religion went lo chapel wi jacob � he was a good man was jacob � an to chapel i ve been since but i m no o the church sir when the church s light to the ignorant and ihe sinful an that s what you re a mr yes sir i by you i ll go to church wi yon o sunday you d far better stay at borne mr if i may give opinion interposed mrs it s not i mr good by his ore not at all looked on i an be l come back as ill as ill an let me a wink o sleep all night mrs been frightened at the mention of a mob and her regard for he religious of her youth by no means inspired her with the temper of a martyr her husband looked at her with an expression of tender and grieved which might have been thai of the patient on the memorable occasion when he his wife let mo beg on not to oppose me and put i the way o what s right i can t give up my conscience let me give np what else i may perhaps s mr slightly since you are not very strong my dear sir it will be well as mrs su that you should not run the risk of any | 14 |
is with a sword in his hand � the weary bodies lay senseless under the palm trees he took a large shining date out of the s beard io illustrations face stand up cried stand up don t fret john cried his wife the colonel was the of this terrible good bye little on this stood a solitary motionless figure � the colonel leaned forward with his pistol you haven t got such a thing as a cigar asked the colonel not a word not a word i he cried the were caught between two fires c he delivered them from their distress a desert drama � � chapter i he public may possibly wonder why it is that they have never heard in the papers of the fate of the passengers of the in these days of universal press to the slightest it may well seem incredible that an incident of such importance should remain so long suffice it that there were very reasons both of a personal and political nature for holding it back the facts were well known to a good number of people at the time and some version of them did actually appear in a provincial paper but was generally they have now been thrown into hi a desert drama narrative form the incidents having been from the sworn statements of colonel of the army and navy club and from the letters of miss of boston mass these have been by the evidence of captain of the egyptian corps as given before the secret government inquiry at mr james has refused to put his version of the matter into writing but as these proofs have been submitted to him and no or has been made in them it may be supposed that he has not succeeded in any grave of fact and that any objection which he may have to their publication depends rather upon private and personal scruples the a stem with a inch draught and the lines of a flat iron started upon the th of february in the year from at the head of the first bound for i have a passenger card for the trip which i produce a desert drama s w � � february i th passengers colonel � � london mr brown london john h boston u s a miss boston u s a miss s mass u s a paris mr and mrs james rev john mrs nurse and child this was the party as it started from with the intention of travelling up the two hundred miles of which lie between the first and the second it is a singular country this varying in breadth from a few miles to as many yards for the name is only applied to the narrow portion which is capable of cultivation it extends in a thin green palm fringed strip upon either side of the broad river beyond it there stretches on the bank a savage and desert extending to the whole breadth of africa on the other side an equally a desert drama late wilderness is bounded only by the distant red sea between these two huge and barren like a green sand worm along the course of the river here and there it altogether and the runs between black and sun cracked hills with the orange drift sand lying like in their valleys everywhere one sees traces of vanished races and grotesque graves dot the hills or stand up against the sky line graves graves rock graves � everywhere graves and occasionally as the boat rounds a rocky point one sees a deserted city up above � houses walls with the sun shining through the empty window squares sometimes you learn that it has been roman sometimes egyptian sometimes all record of its name or origin has been absolutely lost you ask yourself in amazement why any race should build in so uncouth a solitude and you find it difficult to accept the theory that this has only been of value as a guard house to the richer country down below and that these a desert drama frequent cities have been so many to hold off the wild and men of the south but whatever be their explanation be it a fierce neighbour or be it a change there they stand these grim and silent cities and up on the hills you can see the graves of their people like the port holes of a man of war it is through this weird dead country that the smoke and gossip and as they pass up to the egyptian frontier the passengers of the formed a merry party for most of them had travelled up together from to and even saxon ice rapidly upon the they were fortunate in being without the single disagreeable person who in these small boats is sufficient to mar the enjoyment of the whole party on a vessel which is little more than a large steam the bore the or the holds the company at his mercy but the was free from anything of the kind colonel was one of those officers whom the british government act a desert drama ing upon a large system of declares at a certain age to be incapable of further service and who the worth of such a system by spending their declining years in exploring or shooting lions in he was a dark straight man with a courteously manner but a steady questioning eye very neat in his dress and precise in his habits a gentleman to the tips of his trim finger nails in his saxon dislike to he had cultivated a self contained manner which was apt at first acquaintance to be and he seemed to those who really knew him to be at some pains to conceal the kind heart and human emotions which influenced his actions it was respect rather than affection which he inspired among his fellow travellers for they felt | 4 |
to be tossed up and down on the water and to the boys of the young america the effect was grand if not terrific the deck w as constantly with water additional life lines had been stretched across from rail to rail and every precaution taken to the safety of the crew study and were impossible and nothing was attempted of this kind the storm was now what could justly be called a heavy gale and it was no longer practicable to lay a course before eight bells in the watch the royal and top gallant yards had been sent down and the ship was laid to under a close main which the gentlemen on board regarded as the best for the peculiar conditions which the young america presented when a ship is laying to no attention is paid to anything but tlie safety of tlie vessel the only object being to keep her head up to the sea in the gale the young america lay with her port bow to the wind her being at an angle of forty five degrees with a line indicating the direction of the wind her yard was so that it pointed directly to the north east � the quarter from which the gale blew the was put a lee just enough to keep her in the position indicated she made little or no but rather drifted with the waves the young had a hard s work and what was done was accomplished with triple the labor required in an ordinary sea all hands were on duty young afloat during the first part of the day though there were intervals of rest such as they were while the boys had to hold on with both hands and there was no stable abiding place for the body the ship rolled so fiercely that no cooking could be done and the only were coffee and hard tack this is a regular said in the afternoon as they were holding on at the in the waist that s a fact and i ve got about enough of this thing there isn t much fun in it replied who had been watching for this to advance the interests of the chain no not a bit it s better for you officers who don t have to lay out on the yards when they jump under you like a mad horse than for us i suppose i shall have a chance to try it next term why so i lost twenty marks last night i got mad lighted the lamp and smoked a cigar in my state room will the loss of the twenty marks throw you over yes i m a i added with a smile what made you mad the captain me then came the magnificent over me a single slip throws a fellow here a single slip in the great world throws a man or woman and young men and young women should be outward bound or taught that single slips are not to be more children are spoiled by weak indulgence than by over severe discipline but a boy had a better chance to recover from the effects of his errors in the young america than men and women have in the community by gradual approaches informed the fourth lieutenant of the object of the chain which promptly agreed to join declaring that it was just the thing to suit his case he was in a rebellious frame of mind and though he could not feel that the enterprise would be a complete success it would afford him an opportunity to annoy and punish the principal for his degrading and as the officer chose to regard it by the exercise of some tact the found a convenient place under the top gallant to consider the project was duly and offered no objection to the penalty indeed he only laughed at it suppose we get possession of the ship � what then asked we will go on a i understand that she has provisions for a six months voyage on board i m in favor of going round cape horn and having a good time among the islands of the south sea laughed outright at this splendid scheme round cape horn exclaimed he yes why not we should be up with the cape by the first of june rather a bad time i know but this ship would make good weather of it and i don t believe we should see anything worse than this young america afloat i what will you do with the principal and the professors asked lightly we can run up within ten or fifteen miles of cape give them one of the boats and let them go on shore perhaps they won t go we have ten fellows already in the chain who are seventeen years old if we get half the crew we can handle the other half and the professors with them all right i m with you whether you succeed or not fm not going to be ground under s feet and be by such fellows as if i want to smoke a cigar fm going to do it or take a glass of wine suggested if there is any on board there is plenty of it i ll make you a present of a bottle if you wish it thank you suppose we get the ship who are to be the officers asked we shall have good fellows for officers you will be one of course i suppose lam higher in rank now than any fellow who has joined the chain yes that s a fact but we are not going to mind who are officers now or who have been before we intend to take the best fellows � those who have done the most work in making the chain whether they are competent or not added all the fellows know how to work a ship | 36 |
own father � is this axe your n brother yes it s mine said in the same sullen manner as before it might have hurt you if you liad come in its way or twice last night put it down might have hurt me said mr still keeping it in his hand and feeling the edge tin air of abstraction might have hurt me and me myself all the time to the best advantage here s a world and you re not a going to ask me to take a sup out of that ere eh passed it towards him as he raised it to his lips jumped up and them to be silent looked e out what s the matter said glancing at and dropping the but still holding the axe in his hand hush he answered softly what do i see glittering behind the hedge what cried the raising his voice to its highest pitch and laying hold of him and not � not soldiers surely that moment the shed was filled with armed men and a body of horse galloping into the field drew up before it there said who remained untouched among them when they had seized their prisoners it s them two young ones gentlemen that the puts a price on this other s an escaped � i m sorry for it brother he added in a tone of resignation addressing himself to but you ve brought it on yourself you forced me to do it you t respect the principles you know you went and the of i had sooner have given away a trifle in than done this t would upon my soul � if you u keep fast hold on em gentlemen i think i can make a shift to tie em better than you can but this operation was postponed for a few moments by a new occurrence the blind man whose ears were quicker than most people s sight had been alarmed before by a in the bushes imder cover of which the soldiers had advanced he retreated instantly � had hidden somewhere for a minute � and probably in his confusion th point at which he had emerged was now seen running across the open an officer cried directly that lie liad helped to plunder a house last night he was loudly called on to surrender he ran the harder and in a few seconds would have been out of gun shot the word was given and the men fired there was a breathless pause and a profound silence during which all eyes were fixed upon him he had been seen to start at the discharge as if the report had frightened him but he neither stopped nor his pace in the least and ran on full for yards further then without one or or sign of or quivering of any limb he dropped some of them hurried up to where he lay � the with them everything had passed so quickly that the smoke was not yet scattered but curled slowly off in a little which seemed like the dead man s spirit moving solemnly away there were a few drops of blood upon the grass � more when they turned him over � that was all look here look here said the stooping one knee beside the body and gazing up with a face at the officer and men here s a pretty sight stand out of the way replied the officer see what he had about the man turned his pockets out upon the grass and counted besides some foreign and two rings five guineas in gold these were up in a handkerchief and carried away the body remained there for the present but six men and the were left to take it to the nearest public house now then if you re going said the clapping on the back and pointing after the officer who was walking towards the shed to which mr only don t talk to me and then repeated what he had said before namely here s a pretty sight it s not one that you care for much i should think observed the coolly why who said mr rising should care for it if i don t oh i didn t know you was so tender hearted said the that s all tender hearted echoed tender hearted look at this man do you call this do you see him shot through and through instead of being worked off like a if i know which to side with you re as bad as the other what s to become of the country if the military power s to go a the in this way where s this poor fellow s rights as a citizen that he didn t have me in his last moments i was here i was i was ready these are nice times brother to have the dead crying out against in this way and sleep comfortably in our beds nice whether he derived any material consolation from binding the prisoners is most probably he did at all events his being summoned to that work diverted him for the time from these painful reflections and gave his thoughts a more congenial occupation they were not all three carried off together but in two parties and his father going by one road in the centre of a body of foot and fast bound upon a horse and strongly guarded by a troop of cavalry being taken by another they had no for the least communication in the short interval which preceded their departure being kept strictly apart only observed that walked with a drooping head among his guard and without raising his eyes that he tried to wave his hand when he passed for himself he up his courage as he rode along with the assurance that the mob would force his jail wherever it might be and set him | 8 |
made me tell him i was once married william my wife � it was just such a case as yours she did not get better sir no after a pause he said thank you sir meaning for the sympathy that made me tell him that but it must have been the wine that little girl comes here with a message from your wife yes if she three times it means my wife is a httle better she nodded thrice to day but she is told to do that to relieve me and maybe those don t tell the truth is she your girl no we have none but the baby she is a neighbour s she comes twice a day it is heartless of her parents not to send her every hour but she is six years old he said and has a house and two sisters to look after in the and a dinner to cook don t understand i suppose you live in some low part william the waiter off lane he answered flushing but � but it is n t low you see we were never used to anything better and i mind when i let her see the house before we were married she � she a sort of cried because she was so proud of it that was eight years ago and now � she s she die when i m away at my work did she tell you that never she always says she is feeling a little stronger then how can you know she is afraid of that i don t know how i know sir but when i am leaving the house in the morning i look at her from the door and she looks at me and then i � i know a green william i tried to forget william s vulgar story in but he had spoiled my game my opponent to whom i can give twenty ran out when i was sixty seven and i put aside my cue that in itself was bad form but what would they have thought had they known that a waiter s impertinence caused it i grew with william as the night wore on and next day i punished him by giving my orders through another waiter as i had my window seat i could not but see that the girl was late again somehow i over my coffee i had an evening paper before me but there was so little in it that my eyes found the waiter more of interest in the street it did not matter to me whether william s wife died but when that girl had promised to come why did she not come these lower classes only give their word to break it the coffee was at last i saw her william was at another window pretending to do something with the curtains i stood up pressing closer to the window the coffee had been so bad that i felt she nodded three times and smiled she is a little better william whispered to me almost gaily whom are you speaking of i asked coldly and immediately retired to the room where i played a capital game the coffee was much better there than in the dining room several days passed and i took care to show william that i had forgotten his i chanced to see the little girl though i never looked for her every evening and she always nodded three times save once when she shook her head and then william s face grew white as a i remember this incident because that night i could not get into a pocket so badly did i play that the thought of it kept me awake in bed and that again made me wonder how william s wife was next day i went to the club early which was not my custom to see the new books being in the club at any rate i looked into the dining room to ask william if i had left my gloves there and the sight of him reminded me of his wife so i asked the waiter for her he shook his head mournfully and i went off in a rage so accustomed am i to the club that when i dine elsewhere i feel uncomfortable next morning as if i had missed a dinner william knew this yet here he was me out of the club that evening i dined as the saying is at a where no was served with the as if that were not triumph enough for william his face came between me and every dish and i seemed to see his wife dying to annoy me i dined next day at the club for self preservation taking however a table in the middle of the room and engaging a waiter who had once nearly poisoned me by not interfering when i put two of sugar into my coffee instead of one which is my allowance but no william came to me to acknowledge his humiliation and by and by i became aware that he was not in the room suddenly the thought struck me that his wife must be dead and i � it was the worst cooked and the worst served dinner i ever had in the club i tried the smoking room usually the talk there is entertaining but on that occasion it was so frivolous that i did not remain five minutes in the card room a member told me excitedly that a policeman had spoken rudely to him and my strange comment was after all it is a small matter in the library where i had not been for years the waiter i found two members asleep and to my surprise william on a ladder books you have not heard sir he said in answer to my raised eyebrows descending the ladder he whispered it was last evening sir | 39 |
help it but t get back what he had already issued as fast as he could by working for it and thus he could issue it again so he went to work at once on mary s he first drew a plan of it under mary s direction at his desk at the window called the morning window in the sitting room i think every boy ought to have a desk or something of the kind in some convenient place in the sitting room where it is always and comfortable and have it provided with everything necessary for writing and drawing and doing other such work � that is i mean every boy that has intelligence and enough to take care of such a place and to keep it in order he might call it his office that was the name that john gave to his corner by the morning window by having such the for the execution of any literary work that he may have to do a boy will often employ himself in this way when without them he would do nothing of the kind and by thus himself he will make great improvement and acquire a facility in managing a pencil or a pen which will be of great service to him in his studies and in his general progress at school when john began to talk with mary about the the first thing he said was come to my and we will make a drawing of it so mary went with john to his office � and there john took out a pencil and a ruler and also his book of plans the ruler was a foot long and it had the inches and tenth of inches marked upon it john called it a scale i don t see what you it a scale for said who was standing by you can t weigh anything with it no said john it does not mean a scale for weighing it comes from the latin word which means ladder i don t think it is a ladder either said a john s in summer you can t climb up on anything by it no said john but don t you see all those little divisions along the edge they look something like the rounds of a long ladder that is the reason why they call it by a name that means ladder john asked mary how large her was to be she could not tell very well in feet and inches but she reached her hand up as high as she could and said she would like to have it as high as that or higher my climbing rose said she is already almost as high as my head and i am sure it would grow a great deal higher if it had a good it has not anything now but some old sticks and the rose is so heavy upon them that they are all ready to tumble down after as well as he could the dimensions that mary indicated john decided on making the six feet high and four feet wide he would have it formed he thought of two upright pieces for the sides and a number of cross bars to be nailed across � the bars to project a the few inches beyond the on each side he thought it would be sufficient to have the bars two inches wide and about six inches apart and to have the lowest one two feet from the ground as the was to be six feet high above the ground and as the side pieces ought to be driven down about one foot that would require them to be seven feet long john made his drawing in accordance with these first he drew the forms of the side pieces arranging them up and down the page and making them seven feet long and pointed at the lower ends and about three inches wide he placed them too three feet apart from inside to inside then he drew the cross bars he made them four feet long of course they projected three inches beyond the side pieces he placed the first cross piece four inches below the top of the side pieces and the next one six inches below that and the rest at the same distances from each other till he came within about three feet of the bottom of the side pieces which would john gay s work in summer make the lowest cross piece come two feet from the he made a little dot at each crossing of the cross pieces and the side pieces to represent the nail by which they were to be nailed together john drew his plan on what he called the scale of half an inch to a foot and he took so much pains to measure every part exactly and to rule hb lines neatly that the drawing when it was done presented a very and scientific appearance what a pretty it will be said mary � if you make it like that john began the work that day and worked upon the job an hour out the there was of course a great deal of to be done to get out so many pieces john proceeded with the work however very first selecting a smooth and straight board and it to the length of the cross pieces � four feet � and then dividing it by chalk lines into the requisite number of parts two inches wide each and finally working steadily with his saw until they were all cut out he made the the end pieces id the same way this was all he could do the first day the second day he bored the holes and then nailed the parts together he first softened the however by them red hot on a in the this was not taking the temper out as you might at first | 22 |
considerably shocked god mess me when did this happen three weeks ago was the reply he died of of this occurred i should state ui yes he was very attended throughout his sufferings which were protracted and severe by the � � the life policy dr a highly respectable and skilled as you doubtless sir are aware i could not comprehend the man this dry business sort of was not the language of a parent and one too who had lost a considerable by his son s death what could it mean i was in truth fairly puzzled after a considerable interval of silence which mr whose eyes continued to wander in every direction except that of mine showed no inclination to break i said � it will be necessary for me to write immediately to your cousin mr i trust for your sake the wiu be continued but of course till i hear from him the must be suspended certainly certainly i naturally expected that would be the case said still in the same quick hurried tone quite so you have nothing to say i suppose i remarked after another dead pause during which it was very apparent that he was laboring with something to which he nervously hesitated to give utterance no � yes � that is i wished to consult you upon a matter of connected with � with a life assurance office a life assurance office yes the man s pale face flushed crimson and his speech became more and more hurried as he went on yes fearing mr sharp that should die we might be left without resource i resolved after mature deliberation to effect an on his life for four thousand pounds four thousand pounds yes all necessary were gone through the the life policy medical gentleman � since dead of the by the way � examined the boy of course and the was effected for four thousand pounds at his death i did not speak a suspicion too horrible to be hinted at held me dumb unfortunately continued this was only effected about a � before poor s death and the refuses payment although as i have told you the lad was attended to the very hour of his death by dr a highly respectable most gentleman very much indeed i quite agree in that i answered after a while dr is a highly respectable and eminent man what reason i added do the company for non payment the very recent completion of the policy nonsense how can that fact standing affect your claim p i do not know replied and all this time i had not been able to look fairly in his face but they do refuse and i am anxious that your firm should take the matter in hand and sue them for the amount i must first see dr i answered and convince myself that there is no legitimate reason for the policy certainly certainly he replied i will write to you to morrow i said to the conference after i have seen dr and state whether we will or not take proceedings against the company on your behalf he thanked me and hurried off dr confirmed mr in every par j t he had attended the boy a fine light haired lad of eleven or twelve years of age from not long after his till his death he suffered dreadfully and died of and of nothing else of which same disease a servant and a female in the same house had died just previously it is of course dr remarked in conclusion as unfortunate for the company as it is strangely lucky for but there is no reason for payment upon this representation we wrote the next day to the assurance people threatening proceedings on behalf of mr early on the morrow one of the managing called on us to state the reasons which induced the company to hesitate at the claim in addition to the doubts suggested by the brief time which had elapsed from the date of the policy to the death of the child there were several other slight circumstances of suspicion the chief of these was that a neighbor had declared he heard the indulging in mirth in a room adjoining that in which the corpse lay only about two hours after his son had expired this scandalous of her husband the wife appeared to faintly against the had consequently resolved non dr s declaration who might they argued have been deceived to have the body in order to a post examination as to the true cause of death k the parents voluntarily agreed to this course a application to enforce it would be unnecessary and all doubts on the matter could be quietly set at rest i thought the proposal under the circumstances reasonable and called on mr and mrs to obtain their mrs was i found absent in the but her husband was at home and he on hearing the proposal was i thought a good deal startled � shocked rather � a natural emotion perhaps who he said after a few moments silent reflection � who is to conduct this inquiry dr will be present with mr the surgeon and dr the newly appointed physician to the assurance office in place of dr who died as you are aware a short time since of true ah well then he answered almost with alacrity be it as they wish dr will see fair play the examination was e� and the result was a beyond doubt or that death as dr had declared had been solely occasioned by the assurance company still hesitated but as this conduct could now only be looked upon as perverse obstinacy we served them with a writ at once they gave in and the money was handed over to mr whose joy at his sudden riches did not i was forced to admit appear to be in the | 8 |
as he had himself experienced from lady she had been graciously pleased to approve of both the which he had already had the honour of preaching before her she had also asked him twice to dine at and had sent for him only the saturday before to make up her pool of in the evening lady was reckoned proud by many people he knew but he had never seen any thing but in her she had always spoken to him as she would to any other gentleman i e made not the smallest objection to his joining in the society of the neighbourhood nor to bis leaving his parish occasionally for a week or two to visit his relations she had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could provided he chose with discretion and had once paid him a visit in his humble where she had perfectly approved all the alterations he had been making and had even vouchsafed to suggest some � some shelves in the up stairs that is all very proper and civil i am sure said mrs and i dare say she is a very agreeable woman it is a pity that great ladies in general are not more like her does she live near you sir the garden in which stands my humble abode is separated only by a lane from park her lady ship s residence i think you said she was a widow sir has she any family she has one only daughter the of and of very extensive property ah cried mrs shaking her head then she is better off than many girls and what sort of lady is she is she handsome she is a charming young lady indeed lady herself says that in point of true beauty miss de is far superior to the of her sex because there is that in her w v xv b j woman of distinguished birth v i e and constitution which has prevented her making thai progress in many accomplishments which she could otherwise have failed of as i am informed by the lady who her education and who still with them but she is perfectly amiable and often con to drive by my humble abode in her little and has she been presented i do not remember her name among the ladies at court her indifferent state of health unhappily prevents her being in town and by that means as i told lady myself one day has deprived the british court of its bright est ornament her seemed pleased with the idea and you may imagine that i am happy on every occasion to o r those little delicate compliments which are always acceptable to ladies i have more than once observed to lady that her charming daughter seemed bom to be a and that the most elevated rank instead of giving her consequence would be adorned by her these are the kind of little things which please her ship and it is a sort of attention which i conceive myself peculiarly bound to pay you judge very properly said mr and il is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy may i ask whether these pleasing tions proceed from the impulse of the moment or are the result of previous study they arise chiefly from what is passing at the time and though i sometimes amuse myself with suggesting and arranging such little elegant compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions i always wish to give them as an air as possible mr s expectations were fully answered his cousin was as absurd as he had hoped and he listened to him with the keenest enjoyment maintaining at the same time the most resolute composure of countenance and except in an occasional glance at elizabeth requiring no partner in his pleasure by however the dose had mr was glad to take his w� v pride and prejudice room again and when tea was over glad to invite him to read aloud to the ladies mr readily assented and book was produced but on beholding it for every thing announced it to be from a library he started back and begging pardon protested that he never read novels stared at him and exclaimed other books were produced and after some deliberation he chose s sermons as he opened the volume and before he had with very monotonous solemnity read three pages she interrupted him with � do you know mamma that my uncle talks of turning away richard and if he does colonel will hire him my aunt told me so herself on saturday i shall walk to to morrow to hear more about it and to ask when mr comes back from town was bid by her two eldest sisters to hold her tongue but mr much offended laid aside his book and said � i have often observed how little young ladies are in by books of a serious stamp though written solely for their benefit it me i confess for certainly there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction but i will no longer my young cousin then turning to mr he offered himself as his at mr accepted the challenge observing that he acted very wisely in leaving the girls to their own trifling amusements mrs and her daughters most for s interruption and promised that it should not occur again if he would resume his book but mr after assuring them that he bore his young cousin no and should never resent her behaviour as any seated himself at another table with mr ai d prepared for pride and prejudice chapter xv mr was not a sensible and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society the greatest part of his life having been spent under the of an and father and though he belonged to one of the | 26 |
of such men that it s the most stable the greatest of our cities new york also has its thousands of real folks but new york is cursed with foreigners so are and san oh we have a golden of cities � and with their renowned with its great and soap and with steel city and and that open their gates on the bosom of the ocean like and other magnificent sister cities for by the last there were no less than sixty eight glorious american with a population of over one hundred and all these cities stand together for power and purity and against i foreign ideas and � with with with los with with a good live wire from or or is the of every like fellow from or fort worth or but it s here in the home for manly men and womanly women and bright that you find the largest proportion of these regular and that s what sets it in a class by itself that s why will be remembered in history as having set the pace for a civilization that shall endure when the old time killing ways are gone forever and the day of earnest efficient shall have dawned all round the world i some time i hope folks will quit handing all the credit to a lot of eaten out of date old european and give proper credit to the famous that dean fighting determination to win success that has made the little old city celebrated in every land and wherever milk and are believe me the world has fallen too long for these worn out countries that aren t producing anything but and scenery and that haven t got one per hundred people and that don t know a loose leaf from a slip over and it s just about time for some to get his back up and for a show down i i tell you and her sister cities are producing a new type of there are many between and these other and i m glad of iti the extraordinary and sane of stores offices streets hotels clothes and new throughout the united states shows how strong and enduring a type is ours i always like to remember a piece that wrote for the newspapers about his lecture it is doubtless familiar to many of you but if you will permit me take a chance and read it it s one of the classic poems like if by or s the man worth while and i always carry this of it in my note book when i am out upon the road a poet with a s load i mostly sing a hearty song and take a and along a handing out my fine of brand of sweet sunshine and and stable lines of and jokes to and other folks to and feel i ain t like other and then old major satan a who s always he gives his tail a lively and gets in quick his dirty work he fills me up with my hair the backward way he he makes me than a hound on sunday when the folks ain t round and then b i would prefer to never be a a round in cars and smoking fifty cent cigars and never more i want to i simply want to be back home a and ham with folks who whom i am but when i get that lonely spell i simply seek the best hold no matter in what town i be � st paul or k c in washington in or and at that inn it my dome that i again am right at home if i should stand a spell in front of that first class hotel that to the loves to across from some big if i should look around and and wonder in what town i was i swear that i could never tell for the crowd be so swell in just the same fine sort of they wear at home and all the queens with on their beans and all the fellows standing round a always i ll be bound the same good jolly kind of bout politics and stuff and players of renown that nice talk in my home then i entered thai hotel i d look around and say well for there would be the tame news stand same v i and grand same of famous brand i d find at home i ll and when t saw the jolly bunch come in for eats at lunch and up in to large of french why then i d stand right up and i ve never left my home at and all i d sit me down beside some in brown upon a chair of and murmur to him in a rush bill tell me good how is your stock a out then we d be two solid a like giddy of weather home and wives lodge brothers then for all our lives so when sam satan makes you blue good friend that s what i d up and do for in these states you you never leave your home sweet home yes sir these other are our true s in the great game of vital living but let s not have any mistake about this i claim that is the best partner and the growing partner of the whole i trust i may be if i ve a few to back up my claims if they are old stuff to any of you yet the tidings of like the good news of the bible never become tedious to the ears of a real no matter how oft the sweet story is told i every intelligent person knows that more milk and cream more paper boxes and more lighting than any other city in the united states if not in the world but it is not so universally known | 42 |
really have got an appointment at the bank with that he fairly ran away and to the best of my knowledge it was three days be fore be showed himself in the again being very anxious to leave no stone i waited until mr came in and then described what had passed giving him to understand that i was not hopeless of his being able to the if he would undertake the task returned mr with a gracious smile you have not known my partner mr as long as i have nothing is farther from mj thoughts than to attribute any degree of to mr but mr has a way of stating his objections which often people no shaking his head mr is not to be moved believe me i was completely bewildered between mr and mr as to which of them really was the partner but i saw with clearness that there was somewhere in the firm and that the recovery of my aunt s thousand pounds was out of the question in a state of despondency which i re member with anything but satisfaction for i know it still had too much reference to myself though always of with i left the office and went homeward i was trying to my mind with the worst and to present to myself the arrangements we should hare to make the in their aspect when a chariot coming after me and stopping at my very feet occasioned me to look up a fair hand was stretched forth to me from the window and the face i had never seen without a of serenity and happiness from the moment when it first tamed back on the old oak staircase with the great broad and when i associated its softened beauty with the stained glass window in the church was smiling on me i joyfully exclaimed oh my dear of all people in the world what a pleasure to see you is it indeed she said in her cordial voice i want to talk to yon so much said l it s such a of my heart only to look at you if i had bad a s cap there is no one i should have wished for but you i what returned well perhaps first i admitted with a blush certainly first i hope said laughing but you next said l where are you going she was going to my rooms to see my aunt the day being very fine she was glad to come out of the chariot which smelt i had my head in it all this time like a stable put under a frame i dismissed the coachman and she took my arm and we walked the personal history and experience on together she was like hope embodied to me how different i felt in one short minute having at my side my aunt had written her one of the odd abrupt notes � very little longer than a bank note � to her efforts were usually limited she bad stated therein that she had fallen into and was leaving for good but had quite made up her mind to it and was so well that nobody need be uncomfortable about her had come to london to see my aunt between whom and herself there had been a mutual liking these many years indeed it dated from the time of my taking up my residence in mr s she was not alone she said her papa was with her � and and now they are partners said l confound him yes said they have some business here and i took advantage of their coming to come too you must not think my visit all friendly and disinterested for � i am afraid i may be cruelly prejudiced � i do not like to let papa go away alone with him does he exercise tbe same influence over mr still shook her head there is such a change at home said she that you would scarcely know the dear old house they live with us now � they said i mr and bis mother he sleeps in your old room said looking up into my face i wish i bad tbe ordering of bis dreams said l he wouldn t sleep long of ill i keep my own little room said where i used to learn my lessons how the time yon remember the little room that opens from tiie drawing room remember when i saw you for the first time coming out at the door with your quaint little basket of keys hanging at your side it is just the same said smiling i am glad you think of it so pleasantly we were very happy we were indeed said i i keep that room to myself still but i cannot always desert mrs you know and so said quietly i feel obliged to bear her company when i might prefer to be alone but i have no other reason to complain of her if she me sometimes by her praises of her son it is only natural in a mother he is a very good son to her i looked at when she said these words without in her any consciousness of s design her mild but earnest eyes met mine with their own beautiful frankness and there was no change in her gentle face the chief evil of their presence in the house said is that i cannot be as near papa as i could wish � being so much between us � and cannot watch over him if that is not too bold a thing to say as closely as i would but if any fraud or treachery is against him i hope that simple love and truth will be stronger in the end i hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world a certain | 8 |
senses well matters soon grew worse and worse in and the people loudly complained because they had no king at last the declared that all their misfortunes had befallen them because of the anger of concerning the fate of and and they said that the mighty one could never be appeased until the golden himself had been offered as a sacrifice on his altar then the people loudly demanded that this thing should be done for what is the life of a mad king said they compared with the lives of our children but when the went to fetch poor to the sacrifice behold he had fled into the forest he wandered long through the great woods moaning and weeping and praying the mighty ones to remove the curse of madness from him at length took pity on him and declared that whenever the wild beasts should feed him his senses would be restored even though the curse against his family might not be removed now as was passing through a lone and savage place he saw some wolves devouring the body of a deer he ran toward them shouting and the beasts fled leaving the half eaten behind being almost with hunger knelt down and the flesh from the bones and lo his senses returned to him � the wild beasts had fed him nevertheless the curse that was laid upon his house remained for it was that no one of his race should sit upon his throne and that all who claimed to be descended from him should be the perilous quest � � � � � upon the altar of the father of the gods but this curse may be removed and the family of forgiven if only some hero shall bring back to greece the golden that hangs in the treasure house of king in the distant land of when had ended this story he looked straight into the eyes of to read if possible the thoughts that were stirring in his mind but seemed unmoved and carelessly asked whether it was known to a certainty that the was still in among the treasures of the king there is no doubt about it answered for not three months ago a man came to who said that he was the son of i questioned him with much care and found that he spoke the truth his name is and he was then on his way to to claim the kingdom of his grandfather he it was who told me all about the life of in it seems that old king took a great fancy to him and gave him his eldest daughter to be his wife as the king s son in law he won great renown and bore the standard of the folk in many a battle with the savage people of the neighboring hills at last as he lay on his bed of death he bade this same his son to come to greece the golden and claim his from the folk of old now i doubt if can make good his claim for the curse of rests on him also but he is a truthful man and he told me all about the wondrous a treasure more precious than all the riches of greece he told me how it still where old placed it in the inner chamber of his treasure house there it is guarded day and night by a fierce that never sleeps and now when looked into the eyes of the young hero he saw that strange thoughts were moving him and that a heroic purpose was being formed within his mind if i were a young man strong and ambitious as i once was went on i would gather the young heroes of greece together and lead them to distant a and i would bring home the golden thus i would remove the curse from the house of and at the same time win great wealth and never dying fame but i am old and they say that the race of heroes is dying out and that young men no longer to make themselves a name then arose his face all and his heart beating fast because of the resolve which had suddenly taken hold of him silent he strode up the perilous quest and down through the length of the spacious hall while the brightly and the maidens danced merrily and the music swelled into a mighty chorus thrice he strode to and fro as though forgetful of everything save the mighty thought that had come into his mind then he seated himself again by the false king s side and said � you are right to go in quest of the golden and to bring it in triumph back to greece is a deed the of any that i know i the son of son will undertake that quest and if only ten brave men will aid me we shall win glory thereby and everlasting fame the false king leaped to his feet and seized his nephew s hand he said may father bless your undertaking and bring you safe again to your kingdom and your friends surely great honor shall be yours and power such as no king before you has ever known to morrow your father shall take my place on the throne to rule over in his own right till your return nay uncle said warmly my father has no joy in ruling men it is you who must still govern and hold my kingdom in trust for me while i make this perilous quest perhaps i shall die in a foreign land perhaps the waves of some unknown sea shall roll above my head but golden � i the golden never until i return with the precious will i require my at your hand had gained all that he desired his face beamed with pleasure and his words were and kind as he hung | 23 |
t go after all he said i be by accidents any more he picked up his bundle and and his steps towards mill knocking down the and as he went with gloomy and indifferent blows when he got within sight of the house he beheld david in the road all right � all right again captain shouted that a wedding after all ah � she s back again cried bob seizing david and dancing round with him no � but it s all the same it is of no consequence at all and no harm will be done and mrs have made up a match and mean to marry at once that the wedding may not be wasted they felt be a thousand to let such good things get blue for want of a ceremony to use em upon and at last they have thought of this � i don t care for the bitterly cried bob in a tone of far higher thought how you disappoint me and he went slowly towards the house his father appeared in the opening of the looking more cheerful than when they had parted what robert you ve been after her he said faith then i wouldn t have followed her if the trumpet major i had been as sure as you were that she went away in scorn of us since you told me that i have not looked for her at all i was wrong father bob replied gravely throwing down his bundle and stick i find has not gone away in scorn of us she has gone away for other reasons i followed her some way but i have come back again she may go why is she gone said the astonished miller bob had intended for s sake to give no reason to a living soul for her departure but he could not treat his father thus and he told she has made great fools of us said the miller deliberately and she might have made us greater ones bob i thought th more sense well don t say anything against her father implored bob twas a sorry haul and there s an end on t let her down quietly and keep the secret you promise that i do the elder remained thinking awhile and then went on � well what i was going to say is this i ve hit upon a plan to get out of the awkward comer she has put us in what you ll think of it i can t say david has just given me the heads the trumpet major and do it hurt your feelings my son at such a time no � bring myself to bear it anyhow why should i object to other people s happiness because i have lost my own said bob with in his air well said answered the miller heartily but you may be sure that there will be no rejoicing to disturb ye in your present frame of mind all the morning i felt more ashamed than i cared to own at the thought of how the neighbours great and small would laugh at what they would call your folly when they knew what had happened so i resolved to take this step to it off if so be twas possible and when i saw mrs i knew i had done right she pitied me so much for having had the house cleaned in vain and laid in provisions to waste that it put her into the humour to agree we mean to do it right off at once afore the and cakes get and the stale twas a good thought of mine and hers and i am glad tis settled he concluded cheerfully poor murmured bob there � i was afraid hurt thy feelings said the miller with self reproach making preparations for thy wedding and using them for my own r e trumpet major no said bob it shall not it will be a great comfort in my sorrow to feel that the splendid and the ale and your new suit of clothes and the great table youve bought will be just as useful now as if i had married myself poor but you won t expect me to join in � you hardly can i can sheer off that day very easily you know nonsense bob said the miller i couldn t stand it � i should break down deuce take me if i would have asked her then if i had known twas going to drive thee out of the house now come bob i ll find a way of arranging it and it down so that it shall be as melancholy as you can require � in short just like a funeral if thou lt promise to stay very well said the young man on that condition i ll stay trumpet major the trumpet major chapter xxi upon the hill he turned having entered into this solemn compact with his son the elder s next action was to go to mrs and ask her how the down of the wedding had best be done it is plain enough that to make just now would be bob s feelings as if we didn t care who was not married so long as we were he said but then what s to be done about the give a dinner to the poor folk she suggested we can get ever used up that way that s true said the miller there s enough of em in these times to carry off ny whatsoever and it will save bob s wonderfully and they won t know that the dinner was got for another sort of wedding and another sort of guests so you ll have their good will for nothing the miller smiled at the of the view that can hardly be called fair he said still i did mean some of it for | 45 |
you returned the child kissing her cheek you are always kind to me and it is a pleasure to talk to you i � an speak to no one else about him but poor i am very happy still i ought to feel happier perhaps than i do but you cannot think how it me sometimes to see him alter so he alter again said mrs and be what he was before oh if god would only let that come about said the child with streaming eyes but it is a long time now since he first began to � i thought i saw that door moving it s the wind said mrs began to� to be so thoughts and dejected and to forget our old way of spending the time in the long evenings said the child i used to read to him by the fireside and he sat listening and when i stopped and we began to talk he told me about my mother and how she once looked and spoke just like me when she was a little child then he used to take me on hi knee and try to make me understand that she was not her grave but had flown to a country beyond ike sky where nothing died or ever grew old � we were very happy once � said the poor woman i can t bear to see one as yoimg as you so sorrowful pray don t cry i do so very seldom said but i have kept this to myself a long time and i am not quite well i think for the tears come into my eyes and i cannot keep them back i don t mind telling you my grief for i know you will not teu it to any one again thb old shop mrs turned away her and made no answer then said the child we often walked in the fields and among the green trees and when we came home at night we liked it better for being tired and said what a happy place it was and if it was dark and rather we used to say what did it matter to us for it only made us remember our last walk with greater pleasure and look forward to our next one but now we never have these walks and though it is the same house it is darker and much more gloomy than it used to be indeed she paused here but though the door more than once mrs said nothing mind you don t suppose said the child earnestly that grandfather is less kind to me than he was i think he loves me better every day and is kinder and more than he was the day before you do not know how fond he is of me i m sure he loves you dearly said mrs indeed indeed he does cried as dearly as i love him but i have not told you the greatest change of all and this you must never breathe again to any one he has no sleep or rest but that which he takes by day in his easy chair for every night and nearly all night long he is away from home said the child laying her finger on her lip and looking round when he comes home in the morning which is generally just before day i let him in last night he was very late and it was quite light i saw that his face was deadly pale that his eyes were and that his legs trembled as he walked when i had gone to bed again i heard him groan i got up and ran back to him and heard � say before he knew that i was there that he could not bear his life much longer and if it was not for the child would wish to die what shall i do oh what shall i do the fountains of her heart were opened the child overpowered by the weight of her sorrows and anxieties by the first confidence she had ever shown and the sympathy with which her little tale had been received hid her face in the arms of her helpless friend and burst into a passion of tears the old shop in a few moments mr returned and expressed the utmost surprise to find her in this condition which he did very naturally and with admirable effect for that kind of acting had been rendered familiar to him by long practice and he was quite at home in it she s tired you see mrs said the dwarf in a hideous manner to imply that his wife was to follow his lead it s a long way from her home to the wharf and then she was alarmed to see a couple of young fighting and was on the water besides all this together has been too much for her poor mr adopted the very best means he have devised for the recovery of his young visitor by patting her on the head such an application from any other hand might not have produced a remarkable effect but the child shrunk so quickly � rom his touch and felt such an instinctive desire to get out of his reach that she rose directly and herself ready to return but you d better wait and dine with mrs and me said the dwarf i have been away too long sir already returned drying her eyes well said mr if you will go you will here s the note it s only to say that i shall see him tomorrow or maybe next day and that i couldn t do that little business for him this morning good bye here you sir take care of her d ye hear eat who appeared at the summons to make no reply to so needless an and after staring at in a | 8 |
of course we could not tell how his struck him personally they were nothing very or above the average he might be crippled for life and want a little nursing still the memory of his performances would away in one hot weather and the would help him to tide over the money troubles but he must have taken an plain tales from the hills � he made that pony fly a do nearly anything at a pinch we covered the thirty miles in under three hours but the poor brute was nearly dead once i said what s the blazing hurry he said quietly the boy has been by himself for � two five � fourteen hours now i tell you i don t feel easy this uneasiness spread itself to me and i helped to beat the pony when we came to the canal engineer s rest house the called for the boy s servant but there was no answer then we went up to the house calling for the boy by name but there was no answer oh he s out shooting said i just then i saw through one of the windows a little lamp burning this was at in the afternoon we both stopped dead in the holding our breath to catch every sound and we heard inside the room the � � of a multitude of flies the major said � but he took off his and we entered very softly the boy was dead on the bed in the centre o� die bare lime washed room he had shot his bead nearly to pieces with his revolver the gun cases were still so was the and on die table lay the boy s writing case with thrown away photographs he had gone away to die like a poisoned rat the major said to himself softly poor boy poor poor devil then he turned away from the bed and said i want your help in this business knowing the boy was dead by his own hand i saw exactly what that help would be so i passed over to the table took a chair lit a and began to go through the writing case the major looking over my shoulder and repeating to himself we came too late � like a rat in a hole � poor poor devil the boy must have spent half the night in writing to his people to his colonel and to a girl at home and as soon as he had finished must have shot himself for he had been dead a long time when we came in i read all that he had written and passed over each sheet to the major as i finished it we saw from his accounts how very seriously he had taken everything he wrote about disgrace which he was unable to bear � shame � criminal folly � wasted life and so on besides a lot of private things to his ther and mother much too sacred to put into print the letter to the girl at home was the most pitiful of all and i choked as i read it the major made no attempt to keep dry eyed i respected bim for that he read and rocked himself to and plain tales from the hills fro and simply cried like a woman without caring to hide it the letters were so dreary and hopeless and touching we forgot all about the boy s follies and only thought of the poor thing on the bed and the sheets in our hands it was utterly impossible to let the letters go home they would have broken his either s heart and killed his mother after killing her belief in her son at last the major dried his eyes openly and said nice sort of thing to spring on an english � what shall we do i said knowing what the major had brought me out for � � the boy died of we were with him at the time we can t commit ourselves to half measures come along then began one of the most grimly comic scenes i have ever taken part in � the of a big written lie with evidence to soothe the boy s people at home i began the rough of the letter the major throwing in hints here and there while he gathered up all the stuff that the boy had written and burnt it in the fireplace it was a hot still evening when we began and the lamp burned very badly in due course i made the to my satisfaction setting forth how the boy was the pattern of all virtues loved by his regiment with every promise of a great career before him and so on how we had thrown away helped him through the sickness � it was no time for little lies you will understand � and how he had died without pain i choked while i was putting down these things and thinking of the poor people who would read them then i laughed at the of the affair and the laughter mixed itself up with the choke � and the major said that we both wanted drinks i am afraid to say how much we drank before the letter was finished it had not the least effect on us then we took off the boy s watch and rings lastly the major said we must send a lock of hair too a woman that but there were reasons why we could not find a lock fit to send the boy was black haired and so was the major luckily i cut off a piece of the major s hair above the temple with a knife and put it into the packet we were making the laughing fit and the got hold of me again and i had to stop the major was nearly as bad and we both knew | 39 |
k young america in ireland and scotland had made several ineffectual attempts to stretch his from one point to another regarding tliis spider as a type of himself he watched it with interest and when the insect succeeded in his purpose interpreted it as a favorable and continued his efforts which were at last as successful as those of the spider had been though the war was continued for fourteen years longer the independence of scotland was finally acknowledged during the next century the crown was worn by three of robert ii was the son of the steward of scotland which fact gave a name to the house of of which he was the first king the son of robert iii became james i of land who was succeeded by five more kings of the same name which brings this history down to james vi the last of the kings mary commonly called mary queen of was the daughter of james v of her history we shall have more to say at and james iv of scotland married margaret daughter of henry vii of england henry viii three children edward mary and elizabeth and when the last died without children james vi of scotland directly descended through queen of from henry vii became james i of england and here ends the separate history of scotland the two countries were united by a common but it was not till one hundred years later that they were joined together by law the government is essentially the same now as that of england and the people are represented in the two houses of parliament io and or this is all i have to say at present young but i shall have frequent occasion to allude to the history of scotland as we visit various scenes of historic interest you haven t said a word about rob added a student when the lecture was finished i do not consider rob a person of sufficient consequence to occupy a place in a brief history of scotland the scene of his exploits was the region around and he was simply a rob in plain english was robert tiie red his true name was robert he was a cattle dealer before the of in scotland george i was the first sovereign of the family and some of the people of scotland wished to have the succession continued in the line of the james ii who left his throne and went to france was succeeded by his daughter mary and her husband of orange james made several attempts to recover his crown as i told you on the battle field by the in ireland he had an only son whom the people of scotland wished to call to the throne he is known in history as the he went to scotland and the pie there rallied under his banner among them was rob the cattle dealer his lands were seized and he commenced a war of his daring exploits and a certain nobility of character made him a hero and his name is a household word in land rob stock was rather at a even with those who had read sir walter scott s l young america in and scotland after the professor s rather contemptuous allusion to that worthy the students devoted themselves to the studies of the and at two o clock in the afternoon they heard the welcome pipe of the which called together the crew for an excursion on shore the boats were lowered and all hands em what is there here asked paul of his constant friend the surgeon when they landed at nothing of especial interest but the place is a commercial town and noted for its replied dr did you ever read s poems paul � a little sir then of course you have heard of mary she was buried in tliis town i never read much of s poetry for the that i could not understand the scotch it contains added paul there are plenty of his poems which contain no scotch though i think that is tlie charm of his his native humor and are best expressed in the dialect in which he used to think and speak you will find many of burns and perhaps you will have a deeper interest in him when you have seen them certainly he was a wonderful poet and in spite of his and the of his life the people of scotland almost worship his memory i have often heard of but i can t think what it is noted for said paul i know it is aa ai and or important but it is famous for something else that i have heard about it is the of a very celebrated man one who had added more to the wealth of great britain than any other man one who has increased the value of its productive industry more than a hundred fold i know who he is now exclaimed paul it is the man who invented the steam engine you are right he is generally called the of the steam engine though he did not discover the principle upon which the machine is constructed but he made it to the purposes for which tlie engine is now used and he is justly entitled to all the honor which is to him the party visited the memorial in union street which is a structure erected by the son of the great and contains a beautiful statue of by sir francis purchased by after a walk through the town the party took seats in the train for on this railroad the boys saw fourth class cars in which the passengers paying less fare than the third class are huddled in seats � cheap but not comfortable exclaimed paul and the train stopped at a village with tliis name i have heard of the place before probably you have heard of baron who recently visited | 36 |
worthy reader is doubtless like the great and good peter himself with the idea that his feelings will no longer be by details of stolen horses broken heads and all the other catalogue of heart that dis these border wars but if he should indulge in such expectations it is a proof that he is but little in the ways of to convince him of which i his serious attention to my next chapter wherein i will show that peter has already committed a great error in politics and by a peace has materially the tranquillity of the province chap iii containing various speculations on war and � showing that a treaty of peace is a great national evil it was the opinion of that poetical philosopher that war was the original state of man whom he described as being a savage beast of prey engaged in a constant state of hostility with his own species and that this ferocious spirit was tamed and by society the same opinion has been by the learned nor have there been wanting many other philosophers to admit and defend it for my part though fond of these valuable speculations so complimentary to human nature yet in this instance i am inclined to take the proposition by part i chap history of believing with that though war may hare been originally the favourite amusement and industrious employment of our yet like many other excellent habits so far from being it has been cultivated and confirmed by refinement and civilization and in exact proportion as we approach towards that state of perfection which is the ne of modern philosophy the first conflict between man and man was the mere exertion of physical force by weapons � his arm was his his fist was his and a broken head the catastrophe of his the battle of strength was succeeded by the more rugged one of stones and clubs and war assumed a aspect as man advanced in refinement as his faculties expanded and his became more exquisite he grew rapidly more ingenious and experienced in the art of his fellow beings he invented a thousand devices to defend and to assault � the the and the the sword the dart and the prepared him to the wound as well as to the blow still urging on in the brilliant and career of invention he and his powers of defence and injury � the the the and the give a horror and to war and its glory by increasing its desolation still though armed with machinery that seemed to reach the limits of destructive invention and to yield a power of injury even with the desires of revenge � still deeper must be made in the with furious zeal he into the ac et post hot sat l i s new york of the earth he toils midst poisonous and deadly � the sublime discovery of the world � and finally the dreadful art of fighting by seems to the demon of war and this indeed is grand � this indeed marks the powers of mind and that divine of reason which us from the animals our the brutes content themselves the native force which providence has assigned them the angry bull with his horns as did his before him � the lion the and the tiger seek only with their and their to gratify their fury and even the subtle serpent the same and uses the same as did his before the flood man alone blessed with the mind goes on from discovery to discovery � and his powers of destruction the tremendous weapons of deity itself and tasks creation to assist him in his brother worm in proportion as the art of war has increased in has the art of preserving peace advanced in equal and as we have discovered in this age of wonders and inventions that is the most formidable engine in war so have we discovered the no less ingenious mode of maintaining peace by perpetual a treaty or to speak more correctly a therefore according to the of experienced learned in these matters is no longer an attempt to accommodate differences to ascertain rights and to establish an exchange of kind offices but a contest of skill between two powers which shall and take in the other it is a cunning endeavour to obtain by peaceful and the of those advantages which a nation would otherwise have v history of by force of arms in the manner that a conscientious and becomes an excellent and praise worthy citizen himself with his neighbour out of that property he would formerly have seized with open violence in fact the only time when two nations can be said to be in a state of perfect is a is open and a treaty then as there are no entered into no bonds to restrain the will no specific limits to awaken that jealousy of right in our nature as each party has some advantage to hope and expect from the other � then it is that the two nations are so gracious and friendly to each other their ministers the highest mutual regard exchanging making fine speeches and indulging in all those little and that do so the good humour of the respective nations thus it may be said that there is never so good an understanding between two nations as when there is a little misunderstanding and that so long as they are on no terms they are on the best terms in the world i do not by any means pretend to claim the merit of having made the above political discovery it has in fact long been secretly acted upon by certain enlightened and is together with divers other notable theories privately copied out of the commonplace book of an illustrious gentleman who has been member of and enjoyed the unlimited confidence of heads of department to this principle may be ascribed | 48 |
of them each one about eighteen inches distant from the next and each to the in four places we think you will have a certain amount of trouble in that and thousands and thousands of the little that held everything together whispered you will you will stop quivering and be quiet hold on brethren hold on hot what s that have no teeth so they cannot chatter with fright but they did their best as a fluttering jar swept along the ship from stern to bow and she shook like a rat in a s mouth an unusually severe pitch for the sea was rising had lifted the big throbbing screw nearly to the surface and it was spinning round in a kind of sea and half going much faster than was proper because there was no deep water for it to work the ship that found herself in as it sank again the and they were triple three in a through all their three was that a joke you fellow outside it s an uncommonly poor one how are we to do our work if you fly off the handle that way i did n t fly off the handle said the screw at the end of the screw shaft if i had you d have been scrap iron by this time the sea dropped away from imder me and i had nothing to catch on to that sail that s all d you call it said the thrust block business it is to take the push of the screw for if a screw had nothing to hold it back it would crawl right into the engine room it is the holding back of the action that gives the drive to a ship i know i do my work deep down and out of sight but i you i expect justice all i ask for is bare justice why can t you push steadily and instead of like a and making me hot imder all my the thrust block had six each faced with brass and he did not wish to get them heated all the bearings that supported the fifty feet of as it ran to the stem whispered give us justice i can only give you what i can get the screw answered it s coming again i he rose with a roar as the plunged and went the engines furiously for they had httle to check them i m the noblest of human mr says so the high pressure the ship that pound herself der this is simply ridiculous the went up savagely and choked for half the steam behind it was mixed with dirty water help i m choking it gasped never in the history of invention has such a calamity overtaken one so yoimg and strong and if i go who s to drive the ship hush oh hush whispered the steam who of course had been to sea many times before he used to spend his leisure ashore in a cloud or a or a flower pot or a storm or anywhere else where water was needed that s only a little a little carrying over as they call it it happen all night on and off i don t say it s nice but it s the best we can do imder the what difference can circumstances make i m here to do my on clean dry steam blow circumstances the roared the circumstances will attend to the blowing i ve worked on the north atlantic run a good many times � it s going to be rough before morning it is n t calm now said the they were called web in the engine room there s an upward thrust that we don t and there s a twist that is very bad for and diamond plates and there s a sort of west pull that follows the twist which seriously us we mention this because we happened to cost a good deal of money and we feel sure that the owner would not approve of our being treated in this frivolous way the ship that pound herself i m afraid the matter is out of owner s hands for the present said the steam slipping into the you re left to own devices till the weather i would n t mind the weather said a flat bass voice below it s this cargo that s breaking my heart i m the and i m twice as thick as most of the others and i ought to know something the is the lowest plate in the bottom of a ship and the a was nearly three quarters of an inch mild steel the sea me up in a way i should never have expected the and the cargo me down and between the two i don t know what i m supposed to do when in doubt hold on the steam making head in the yes but there s only dark and cold and hurry down here and how do i know whether the other plates are doing their duty those plates up above i ve heard ain t more than five of an inch scandalous i call it i agree with you said a huge web frame by the main cargo he was deeper and thicker than all the others and curved half way across the ship in the e of half an arch to support the deck where would have been in the way of cargo coming up and down i work entirely and i observe that i am the sole strength of this vessel so far as my vision extends the responsibility assure you is the ship that pound herself enormous i believe the money value of the cargo is over one hundred and fifty thousand pounds think of that and every of it is dependent on my personal exertions here spoke a sea that communicated directly with | 39 |
his than is customary with young lovers and exhibited a of spirits which was quite oppressive he did not improve at all when tom and he were in the streets but sighed so that it was dreadful to hear him as a means of cheering him up tom told him that he wished him joy joy cried ha ha wliat an extraordinary young man thought the has not set his seal upon you you care what becomes of you said tom admitted that it was a subject in which he certainly felt some interest i don t said mr the elements may have me when they please i m ready tom inferred from these and other expressions of the same nature that he was jealous therefore he allowed him to vol n m life and adventures of take his own coarse which was such a gloomy one that he felt a load removed from his mind when they parted company at the gate of inn it was now a couple of hours past john s and he was walking up and down the room quite anxious for tom s safety the table was spread the wine was carefully and the dinner smelt delicious why tom old boy where on earth have you been your box is here get your boots off instantly and sit down i am sorry to say i can t stay john replied tom pinch who was breathless with the haste he had made in running up the stairs can t stay if you go on with your dinner said tom i tell you my reason the while i mustn t eat myself or i shall have no appetite for the there are no here my good fellow no but there are at said tom john was perfectly confounded by this reply and vowed he would not touch a morsel until tom had explained himself fully so tom sat down and told him all to which he listened with the greatest interest he knew tom too well and respected his delicacy too much to ask him why he had taken these measures without communicating with him first he quite in the of tom s immediately returning to his sister as he knew so little of the place in which he had left her and good proposed to ride back with him in a cab in which he might convey his box tom s proposition that he should sup with them that night he rejected but made an appointment with him for the morrow and now tom he said as they rode along i have a question to ask you to which i expect a manly and straightforward answer do you want any money i am pretty sure you do i don t indeed said tom i believe you are deceiving me no with many thanks to you i am quite in earnest tom replied my sister has some money and so have i if i had nothing else john i have a five pound note which that good creature mrs of the handed up to me outside the coach in a letter begging me to borrow it and then drove off as hard as she could go and a blessing on every in her handsome face say i cried john though why you should give her the preference over me i don t know never mind i bide my time tom and i hope you continue to bide it returned tom gaily for i owe you more already in a hundred other ways than i can ever hope to pay they parted at the door of tom s new residence john sitting in the cab and catching a glimpse of a blooming little busy creature darting out to kiss tom and to help him with his box would not have had the least objection to change places with him well she was a cheerful little thing and had a quaint bright about her that was infinitely pleasant surely she was the best for ever invented the potatoes seemed to take a pleasure in sending up their grateful steam before her the upon the pint of porter to attract her notice but it was all in vain she saw nothing but tom tom was the first and last thing in the world as she sat opposite to tom at supper one of tom s pet tunes upon the table cloth and smiling in his face he had never been so happy in his life � � � and t y chapter secret service in walking from the city with his sentimental friend tom pinch had looked into the face and brushed against the sleeve of mr man of mystery to the disinterested loan and life company mr naturally passed away from tom s remembrance as he passed out of s view for he didn t know him and had never heard his name as there are a vast number of people in the huge metropolis of england who rise up every morning not knowing where their heads will rest at night so there are a multitude who shooting arrows over houses as their daily business never know on whom they fall mr might have passed tom pinch ten thousand times might even have been quite familiar with his face his name pursuits and character yet never once have dreamed that tom had any interest in any act or mystery of his tom might have done the like by him of course but the same private man out of the men alive was in the mind of each at the same moment was connected though in a different manner with the day s adventures of both and formed when they passed each other in the street the one absorbing topic of their thoughts why tom had in his mind requires no explanation why mr should have had in his is quite another thing but somehow or other that amiable | 8 |
had a very dense head for figures that possessed with a general idea of the globe she took the smallest conceivable interest in its exact that she was extremely slow in the acquisition of dates unless some pitiful incident happened to be connected that she would into tears on being required by the mental process immediately to name the cost of two hundred and forty seven muslin caps at that she was as low down in the as low could be that after eight weeks of into the elements of political economy she had only yesterday been set right by a three feet high for returning to the question what is the first principle of this science the absurd answer to do unto others as i would that they should do unto me mr observed t� x ij h ed times very bad that it showed the necessity of infinite grinding at the mill of knowledge as per system blue book report and statements a to z and that must be kept to it so was kept to it and became very low spirited but no wiser it would be a fine thing to be you miss she said one night when had endeavored to make her for next day something clearer to her do you think so i should know so much miss all that is difficult to me now would be so easy then you might not be the better for it submitted a little hesitation i should not be the worse miss to which miss answered i don t know that there had been so little communication between these both because life at stone lodge went round like a piece of machinery which discouraged human interference and because of the relative to s past career � that they were still almost strangers with her dark eyes directed to s face was uncertain whether to say more or to remain silent you are more useful to my mother and more pleasant with her than i can ever be resumed you are pleasanter to yourself than i am to but if you please miss pleaded i am � so stupid with a brighter laugh than usual told her she would be wiser by and by you don t know said half crying what a stupid girl i am all through school hours i make mistakes mr and mrs m call me up over and over again regularly to make mistakes i can t help them they seem to come natural to me mr and mrs m never make any mistakes themselves i suppose � no she eagerly returned they know every thing tell me some of your mistakes am almost ashamed said t � x hard � s to day for instance mr m was explaining to iu about natural prosperity national i think it must have been yes it was � but isn t it the same she timidly asked i you had better say national as he said bo with her dry reserve national prosperity and ho said now this is a nation and in this nation there are fifty millions of money isn t this a prosperous nation girl number twenty isn t this a prosperous nation and a n t you in a state what did you say v asked miss i said i didn t know i thought i couldn t whether it was a prosperous nation or not and whether i was in a state or not unless i knew who had got the and whether any of it was mine but that had nothing to do with it it was not in the figures at all said wiping ha eyes that was a great mistake of yours observed yes miss i know it was now then mr m said he would try me again and he said this is an immense town and in it there are a million of inhabitants and only five and twenty are starved to death in the streets in the course of a year what is your remark on that proportion and my remark was � for i couldn t think of a better one � that i thought it must be just as hard upon those who were starved whether the others were a million or a million million and that was wrong too of course it was then mr m said he would try me once and he said here are the � said yes miss � they always remind me of and that s another of my k f accidents upon the sea and i find mr m said that in a given time a hundred thousand persons went to sea on long voyages and only five of them were drowned or burned to death what is the and i said miss here fairly sobbed as with extreme to her greatest error i said it was nothing i� ha d times nothing nothing miss � to the relations and friends of the people who were killed i shall never learn said and the worst of all is that although my poor father wished me so much to learn and although i am so anxious to learn because he wished me to i am afraid i don t like it stood looking at the pretty modest head as it drooped abashed before her until it was raised again to glance at her face then she asked did your father know so much himself that he wished you to be well taught too hesitated before replying and so plainly showed her sense that they were entering on forbidden ground that added no one hears us and if any one did i am sure no harm could be found in such an innocent question no miss answered upon this encouragement shaking her head father knows very little indeed it s as much as he can do to write and it s more than people in general can | 8 |
tell which was the sea and which the river side the wind too seemed to shift and blow from all points of the compass then softly i said to myself be calm you are confused by terror be a man and pride came to my rescue i closed my eyes for a moment and whispered oh lord save me then with an calmer as though i had down something i opened my eyes stood up in my and peered into the darkness as far as i could see were patches of water eating up the dry bits of sand as far as i could hear a rushing tide was on all sides four times in directions i pushed on and stopped when i found the water rising over the shoulders of my horse i drew up on a sort of island of sand which was every minute growing less and gathering all the strength of my lungs shouted again and again and then listened but there c no answering shout suddenly a sound of music came floating past me i could the air it was the military band p ay ng home sweet home i tried to gather from what quarter the sound came but each time the wind instruments out loudly the sounds seemed to come to me from at once ah i shall see home no more i could have wept but i had no time my eyes were staring through the darkness and my home plunging and gave me no rest for weeping i gave him his head once having heard that horses from ships sunk at sea have reached land distant ten miles by instinct but the of land and shallow and deep water confused his senses and destroyed the calm power which might have been developed in the mere act of swimming at length after a series of vain efforts i grew calm and resigned i made up my mind to die i took my handkerchief from my u ei words conducted by you have iu england but a vague idea what this is how absolutely essential it is at present only a life in the hills for some months could show you i will describe to you what i have seen picture yourself on the top of a hill in a pine the of trees lying round a wide row of log and huts on the slopes of the hill forming the town on the hill top a crowd of rough looking men in felt hats red tt shirts and long boots they a president by and one of the crowd getting on a stump that the object of the meeting is to try certain men for stealing a purse of gold dust out of a store in the town he says the prisoners are at present in the hands of the and their to the prison at has been made out here a laugh and a growl but is it the will of the meeting that men suspected of such crimes be let loose c alluding to the distance and the notorious in matters of this kind at guided always by their president the americans are peculiarly apt in the conduct of public meetings they elect a pro and a committee of safety and out steps a splendid of the and is followed by his committee they are ordered by the crowd to take the p out of legal and to produce them i presently they return with the the authorities had resisted says the in progress and did their duty as they were sworn but were overpowered by which act the said legal authorities lose nothing of their popularity the then a ring and the prisoners sit down on the ground in the midst of their guards and counsel are appointed by the meeting and are paid one hundred dollars for their services the prisoners plead poverty a jury of six is sworn several named object their are put to the vote and accepted or refused the people s is ordered to bring up the witnesses pro and con and a judge is appointed not however without some trouble for those named who have held in the states protest against the of the proceeding and say they are sworn to defend the constitution in the present instance a grey headed old man stands up hat in hand and tells the meeting plainly that they are doing wrong so from being he is listened to at last the president is made judge and the court opens the trial of the three gold takes two days and they are eventually found guilty of the prisoners the ex officer i spoke of gets up from the ground and owns his guilt e had lost every of the gold he had acquired by gambling and then had drunk to drown thought while drunk he was by that man pointing to a fellow prisoner to rob a box which his knew of this the person pointed at stoutly but while awaiting the execution of the sentence thirty nine lashes offers to tell where his share of the money is to be found if they will only part of his sentence the jury re and reduce tim sentence accordingly as regards the first and second criminal next morning in rain and wind the leads out his victims they are tied hand and foot to a tree and till cast loose they lie half fainting curled up sick and moaning they are hardly allowed to stay in the town till their wounds heal and one dies the others creep off and go know not where i was not let me add present at the execution the last words of summer i breathes a parting whisper through the instinct with love and with solemn meaning a f fitful harvest for our mental needs richer than which s hand is it was a summer match d by none before it rose | 8 |
us that thou art said ned how did thy foolish find that out didn t i hear you last night when you were so that could hardly stand into s ear that you would neither take rest nor food until you restored her favorite te her fist did i say that exclaimed ned was l ridiculous � i can t pretend to do justice to your on the occasion it would require higher poetical powers than i boast of to imitate even in a small degree the of your speech the common of the dictionary would make but poor for my use if i attempted it � i you now said hazard is not this deplorable that i i knight e a man should hare a who hates a fool all worldly and yet be so by his evil genius that he may never appear any thing else to her i am not a miserable merry by nature and yet by wherever is i am ever the v y crown piece of folly and do you think said i that this little girl so instinct as she is with the animal impulses � a laughing � is such a in as to be noting down your nonsense in her for rebuke why sir that is the very point upon which you must hope to win her i am afraid i wasn t respectful said ned i assure you i replied that so far from not being respectful you were the most observant and ass � considering that you were in your cups � i ever saw was i so exclaimed ned then i am content for on that score is as great a fool as i am or any other now if i can only bring her back her bird he said � and i have some that i shall get tidings of him � i shall rise to the very top of her saying this ned forward to a gallop and flourished his whip in the air as he called to me to follow at the same speed mark watch every thing that flies he cried out you may see the harness about his legs and listen for the bells for the can t move without � i live in my lady s grace � remember the motto now by our lady � i mean our lady said i for henceforth i will swear by none but her � i am as keen upon this quest as yourself i vow not to sleep until i hear something of this ungrateful bird my reader would perhaps deem it a hopeless venture to at the recovery of a bird under the of this ease but it will occur to him if he be read in romance that it was not an to regain a stray hawk as he might at first imagine a bird will seldom wander far from his accustomed haunt and being alien to the wild habits of hi species will almost invariably resort to the dwellings of man having been known to direct his flight up the river we had good reason to hope that the inhabitants of this quarter might put our search upon a successful track for a good half mile therefore we rode at speed the highway leading to the the of our motion with the extravagant nature of the enterprise and the agreeable temperature of the morning and cool had raised our spirits to a high pitch in this mood we soon arrived at sandy s little inn upon the river all that we could learn here was that the hawk had been seen in the neighborhood the day before and had probably continued his flight further up the river with this intimation we proceeded rapidly upon our pursuit it was near noon when through many paths visiting every habitation that fell in our way we had gained a point about five miles distant from swallow barn some doubtful tidings of were obtained at one or two houses on the road for the last hour our journey had been without encouragement and we began to feel oppressed with the mid day of the season it was therefore somewhat that we halted to hold a consultation whether or not we should push our expedition farther not far distant from the road we could perceive the ridge pole of a log cabin showing itself above a patch of luxuriant indian corn this little dwelling stood upon the bank of the river and as a last essay we resolved to visit it and its inmates knight e in the of our enterprise it was with some we made our way through a breach in the high worm fence that bounded the road and after struggling along a path beset with and we at length found ourselves by the corn immediately around the hut at this moment wilful sprang from the path and ran eagerly towards the yard in the rear of the dwelling he did not halt until he arrived at an apple tree where hung a rude cage under this he continued to bark with quick and earnestness until ned called him back with a threat that brought him crouching beneath the feet of our horses where he remained restless and every now and then making a short bound in the direction of the tree and looking up wistfully in hazard s face in the mean time an old negro woman had come to the door and as ned engaged her in conversation wilful stole off unobserved a second time to the tree where he fell to jumping up against the trunk uttering at the same time a short half subdued howl is something in the branches above the cage i exclaimed as i followed the movements of the dog with my eye it is himself i see the silver rings upon his legs glittering through the leaves i for heaven s sake mark keep quiet | 29 |
some message which i should have thought of great importance if i had known it had been for you replied he i would have paid more attention to her certainly but i thought she had merely been giving me some to prevent my starving on the road has always so many last words when i am on the point of setting out on a ride either a charge to the woman at the library for not sending her the last volume of some novel or a message to the or a note to drop at aunt margaret s that i now only hear her mechanically and cry ay ay depend upon me without being quite clear whether i am to go to the aunt s the s or the s you do not deserve such a sister as i am afraid said mr � nobody deserves her i replied he with energy nobody in you mean i hope she is not of your way of thinking pretty nearly so i believe � she is used to describe you and your sister as nearly said so we are still when i am at home replied he my father says that and seem always connected with like and said not exactly said � their resemblance was more of person than mind is more of mind than person had now hastily the contents of her letter i village a few towards the conclusion made her blush rosy red and washing to appear she said as she folded it up you seem to have had a very gay spring at such gaiety as a country town always affords answered � a regular succession of parties beginning with the and ending with the repeated mrs � there were no such names in the town when i left park place and yet count them among our old established set now oh there are many among us compared with whom the and are quite antique i dare say mrs you would hardly know again � four or five years in these stirring times make an immense difference i myself can recollect when we had neither library music shop nor bank when cotton row was not built when there was only one s one linen s and one s now we have two handsome two a physician and a does not that speak for the growing importance of but you would see no alteration in park place it stands aloof from the town with the same dignity as ever and the stately old trees have not as yet become the prey of a heir young james perhaps may make the axe play amongst them freely some of these days i hope riot said mrs so do i said for i have lain so often under their shade that i look upon them in some measure as my own property if such a claim as that could be made good in a court of law said � i should have as pretty an estate as any man in the kingdom is nine points of the law said and there is many a nook in the woods of park place which i and the have hitherto had to ourselves � a certain bank in particular that will always be associated in my mind with ah how often have i wished to read exclaimed i think you would be disappointed in him said disappointed in i exclaimed i can only say that devoured his pages with the keenest delight and that his chronicle appeared to me the most vivid and entertaining picture of the times that could well be imagined and what times were they rejoined times when every public and private duty was and the most crimes committed without exciting surprise times full of romantic incident however said yes the incidents were romantic but has a dry uninteresting way of telling them how much more he might have made of some of his stories by some particulars and many others you are difficult to please sir to me i must confess his style has something quaint and delightful he tells you the whole affair from beginning to end so that it seems to rise before your eyes � how that sir john sat at meat when young earl s page after a night of peril brought him the ring � how he washed his hands and sat before he resolved to forget old and go to the earl s assistance all this gives a great deal of spirit and life � but does not argue much more genius for than that possessed by every old nurse � he makes no selection a modern writer would select and leave nothing but the bare skeleton said i like dead heroes to stand before me in all the reality of flesh and blood how i over the exploits of that old sir john and how i loved the pleasant stories of sir de as he and rode at a bridle pace beside some fair river how i enjoyed the of the gallant and pages as they sat round the fire at the court of beam each man telling his tale of war or love how my blood at the murder of little de do you find any thing more poetical in ah a man must be fastidious who cannot relish how say you to tell you the truth replied mr i never read the tea being now removed brought her mother s work bag and her own from the parlour and accepted s offer of holding the of silk she was about to wind on looking round when his task was half finished perceived that mr was helping to water her flowers and he immediately began to wish himself at liberty as soon as he was he walked towards the flower border and seeing a pretty rose be stopped to gather it village ob cried in terror part real and part � you | 2 |
period of his life that instead of spending his whole income he had laid by an annual sum for the better provision of his children and of his wife if she survived him he now wished it more than ever had he done his duty in that respect need not have been indebted to her for whatever of honour or credit could now be purchased for her the satisfaction of prevailing on one of the s pride and prejudice worthless young men in great britain to be her husband might then have rested in its proper place he was seriously concerned that a cause of so little ad to any one should be forwarded at the sole expense of his brother in law and he was determined if possible to find out the extent of his assistance and to discharge the obligation as soon as he could when first mr had married economy was held to be perfectly useless for of course they were to have a son this son was to join in cutting off the as soon as he should be of age and the widow and younger children would by that means be provided for five daughters entered the world but yet the son was to come and mrs for many years after s birth had been certain that he would this event had at last been of but it was then too late to be saving mrs had no turn for economy and her husband s love of independence had alone prevented their exceeding their income five thousand pounds was settled by marriage articles on mrs and the children but in what proportions it should be divided amongst the latter depended on the will of the parents this was one point with to at least which was now to be settled and mr could have no hesitation in to the proposal before him in terms of grateful acknowledgment for the kindness of his brother though expressed most he then on paper his perfect approbation of all that was done and his to fulfil the engagements that had been made for him he had never before supposed that could be prevailed on to marry his daughter it would be done with so uttle inconvenience to himself as by the present arrangement he would scarcely be ten pounds a year the by the that was to be paid them for what with her board and pocket allowance and the continual presents in money which passed to her through her mother s hands s expenses had been very uttle within that sum that it would be done with such trifling exertion on hit side too was another very welcome surprise for his chief pride and prejudice wish at present was to have as little trouble in the ness as possible when the first of rage which had produced his activity in seeking her were over he naturally returned to all his former his letter was soon despatched for though in undertaking business he was quick in its he begged to know further particulars of what he was indebted to his brother but was too angry with to send any sage to her the good news quickly spread through the house and with speed through the neighbourhood it was borne in the latter witli decent philosophy to be sure it would have been more for the advantage of conversation had miss come upon the town or as the happiest alternative been secluded from the world in some distant farm house but there was much to be talked of in marrying her and the good natured wishes for her well doing which had proceeded before from all the old ladies in lost but little of their spirit in this change of circumstances because with such a husband her misery was considered certain it was a fortnight since mrs had been down stairs but on this happy day she again took her seat at the head of her table and in spirits high no sentiment of shame gave a damp to her triumph the marriage of a daughter which had been the first object of her wishes since jane was sixteen was now on the point of accomplishment and her thoughts and her words ran wholly on those attendants of elegant fine new carriages and servants she was busily searching through the neighbourhood for a proper situation for her daughter and without knowing or considering what their income might be rejected many as deficient in size and importance haye park might do said she if the would quit it or the great house at if the were larger but is too far off i could not bear to have her ten miles from me and as for lodge the are dreadful pride and her allowed her to talk on without while the servants remained but when they had withdrawn he said to her mrs before you tale any or all of these houses for your son and daughter let us to a right understanding into one house in this neighbourhood they shall never have i will not encourage the of either by receiving them at a long dispute followed this declaration but mr was firm it soon led to another and mrs found with amazement and horror that her husband would not advance a guinea to buy clothes for his daughter he protested that she should receive from him no mark of affection whatever on the occasion mrs could hardly comprehend it that his anger could he carried to such a point of inconceivable resentment as to refuse his daughter a privilege without which her marriage would scarcely seem exceeded all that she could believe possible she was more alive to the disgrace which her want of new clothes must reflect on her ter s than to any sense of shame at her and living with a fortnight before they took place elizabeth was now most heartily sorry that she had from | 26 |
was the dread of being alone the acquisition of two to the number of inhabitants in london was something even lady took the trouble of being delighted which was putting herself rather out of her way and as for the miss especially they had never been so happy in their lives as this intelligence made them submitted to the arrangement which her wishes with less reluctance than she had expected to feel with regard to herself it was now a matter of whether she went to town or not and when she saw her mother so thoroughly pleased with the plan and her sister by it in look voice and manner restored to all her i animation and elevated to more than her usual she could not be dissatisfied with the cause and would hardly allow herself to distrust the consequence s joy was almost a degree beyond happiness so great was the of her spirits and her impatience to be gone her to quit her mother was her only to calmness and at the moment of parting her grief on that score was excessive her sense and mother s affliction was less and was the only one of the three who seemed to con the separation as anything short of eternal their departure took place in the first week in january the were to follow in a week the miss kept their station at the park and were to quit it only with the rest of the family chapter xxvi could not find herself in the carriage with mrs and beginning a journey to london under her protection and as her guest without wondering at her own situation so short had their acquaintance with that lady been so wholly were they in age and disposition and so many had been her objections against such a measure only a few days before but these objections had all with that happy of youth which and her mother equally shared been overcome or overlooked and in spite of every occasional doubt of s constancy could not witness the rapture of delightful expectation which filled the whole soul and beamed in the eyes of without feeling how blank was her own prospect how cheerless her own state of mind in the comparison and how gladly she would engage in the solicitude of s situation to have the same object in view the same possibility of hope a short a very short time however must now decide what s intentions were in all probability he was already in town s eagerness to sense and sensibility be declared dependence on finding him there and was resolved not only upon gaining every new light as to his character which her own observation or the intelligence of others could give her but likewise upon watching his behavior to her sister with such zealous attention as to ascertain what he was and what he meant before many meetings had taken place should the result of her observations be she was determined at all events to open the eyes of her sister should it be otherwise her exertions would be of a different nature � she must then learn to avoid every selfish comparison and banish every regret which might lessen her satisfaction in the happiness of they were three days on their journey and s behavior as they travelled was a happy specimen of what her future and to mrs might be expected to be she sat in silence almost all the way wrapped in her own meditations and scarcely ever voluntarily speaking except when any object of picturesque beauty within their view drew from her an exclamation of delight exclusively addressed to her sister to for this conduct therefore took immediate possession of the post of civility which she had assigned herself with the greatest attention to mrs talked with her laughed with her and listened to sense and her whenever she could and mrs on her side treated them both with all possible kindness was on eveiy occasion for their ease and enjoyment and only disturbed that she could not make them choose their own dinners at the inn nor a confession of their preferring salmon to or boiled fowls to real they reached town by three o clock the third day glad to be released after such a journey from the confinement of a carriage and ready to enjoy all the luxury of a good fire the house was handsome and handsomely fitted up and the young ladies were immediately put in possession of a very comfortable apartment it had formerly been s and over the still hung a landscape in colored of her performance in proof of her having spent seven years at a great school in town to some effect as dinner was not to be ready in less than two hours from their arrival determined to employ the interval in writing to her mother and sat down for that purpose in a few moments did the same am writing home said had not you better your letter for a day or two i am not going to write to my mother replied hastily and as if wishing to avoid any further inquiry said no more it im sense and sensibility struck her that she must then be writing to and the conclusion which as instantly followed was that however mysteriously they might wish to conduct the affair they must be engaged this conviction though not entirely satisfactory gave her pleasure and she continued her letter with greater alacrity s was finished in a very few minutes in length it could be no more than a note it was then folded up sealed and directed with eager rapidity thought she could distinguish a large w in the direction and no sooner was it complete than ringing the bell requested the footman who answered it to get that letter conveyed for her to the two penny post this decided the matter at once her | 26 |
her after the performance as in former days at he had not always been quite kind to her poor dear fat good natured silly soul he could not fail her now � and then he went back to a of the south pacific again only he could not see it plainly but saw instead of it the great of copper plate lying on the broad window seat of the eastern bay of the long gallery at home he was sitting there to watch for the coming back from exercise tom along beside them on his handsome and the long ago boyish desperation of longing for for freedom brought a to his eyes and a lump into his throat and all uie while the coal dust drifted in at each smallest and and the air was with uproar and with the stale heavy of the city and the port and steadily the descending rain upon the overhead at length a stupor took him his head sank upon his arms folded upon those while the noise of all the rude surrounding him transformed itself into that of a great and above this superior to yet nobly supported by it s voice rose in the and passionate phrases of the glorious � � � � yes her voice was as good as ever richard drew a long breath of relief here at least was something true to itself and amid so much of change so much of still � he raised his head and listened for something must have happened something of serious moment the for some unaccountable reason had suddenly broken down yes it must be the which disaster had overtaken for a voice very certainly continued no not a voice but voices � those of the captain and price the first mate and old the � loud imperative violently but swept under and at moments by cries and of from hoarse throats and that abruptly silenced � richard came back to himself came back to of and fact an infinitely despair seized him for the sound that had reached so sudden a termination was not that of musical instruments but the long drawn chattering rush of the coal pitched from the baskets down the echoing iron shoots the cabin door opened and of s s richard ths r e z � i y � w f ml � s his v � � r z ic his i have � � � a iv a the c f t richard s t r� i r c should ar y person of j � v r d be � z ke w v v r mr uncertain v v � r v ri re c sir the � x v x ci j iy he this to her but v c i j th ui h know sir that after v � v hi h r� announced she should not � v i � he le about f ve o clock her maid w v a v h ill the iu i r manner was decidedly dis a i further must a least be intimated ix n i h p no address to mr for the v ho cabin sl by was s x a d tb at with none of the calm and discretion by in question a long perspective of s progress deck behind him his shiny from the wet with trim black beard square made bold eyed hot tempered alert humorous � typical west as his gentle dreamy cousin the second mate though of a very different type � stood captain his easily ruffled temper suffered from the after effects of what is commonly known as a jolly row and his speech was in consequence thereof sorry to disturb you sir richard he said and still more sorry to disappoint you but it can t be helped turned upon him so strangely drawn and haggard a countenance that with repressed an exclamation he looked in quick inquiry at the who so far departed from his usual decorum as to nod his head in assent to the silent questioning what s wrong now richard said why these have knocked off price offered them a higher scale of pay i had him to do so but they won t the rain s washed the heart out of them we ve tried persuasion and we ve tried threats � it s no earthly use not a basket more coal will they put on board before five to morrow morning can t we sail with what we have got not enough to carry us to port said what will be the extent of the delay this time richard asked his tone had an edge to it again captain glanced at the with luck we may get off to morrow about midnight he stepped back shook himself like a big dog scattering the water off his in a shower upon the slippery deck then he came inside the cabin and stood near richard his expression was very kindly tender almost you must excuse me sir he said i know it doesn t come within my province to give you advice but you do look pretty ill sir richard s remarking that and you are ill sir � you know it and i know it and mr here knows it you ought to see a doctor sir � and if you ll pardon plain language this pit of a harbour is no fit place for you to sleep in and poor after an instant of sharp annoyance touched by the man s honest humanity smiled upon him � a smile of utter weariness utter perfectly true get me out to sea then i shall be better there than else he said i sir richard whereupon the kindly sailor man turned away swearing gently into his trim black beard but the remained in anxious at heart have you any orders for the carriage sir he asked | 32 |
and prepared to the general as some sort of satisfaction but when the general had thoroughly grasped the story and knew who was he began to puff and blow in the saddle and nearly rolled off with laughing he said deserved a v c if it were only for putting on a s blanket then he called himself names and vowed that he deserved a but he was too old to lake it from then he miss on her lover the scandal of the business never struck him for he was a nice old man with a weakness for then he laughed again and said that old was a fool let go of the s head and suggested that the general had better help them if that was his opinion knew s weakness for men with titles and letters after their names and high ofl position rather like a forty minute farce said the general but i will help if it s only to escape that tremendous i deserved go along to your home my and change into decent and i ll attack mr miss may i ask you to home and wait about seven minutes later there was a wild at the club a with blanket and head rope was asking all the men he knew for heaven s sake lend me decent clothes i as the men did not recognize him there jo j ss were some peculiar scenes before could get a hot bath with in it in one room a shirt here a collar there a pair of trousers elsewhere and so on he galloped off with half the club wardrobe on his back and an utter stranger s pony under him to the house of old the general arrayed in purple and fine linen was before him what the general had said never knew but received with moderate civility and mrs touched by the devotion of the transformed was almost kind the general beamed and chuckled and miss came in and almost before old knew where he was the parental consent had been out and had departed with miss to the telegraph office to wire for his the final embarrassment was when an utter stranger attacked him on the and asked for the stolen pony so in the end and miss were married on the strict understanding that should drop his old ways and stick to routine which pays best and leads to was far too fond of his wife just then to break his word but it was a sore trial to him for the streets and the and the sounds in them were full of meaning to and these called to him to come back and take up his wanderings and his discoveries some day i will tell you how he broke his promise to help a friend that was long since and he has by this time been nearly spoilt for what he would call he is forgetting the and the beggar s cant and the marks and the signs and the drift of the which if a man would master he must always continue to learn but he fills in his returns beautifully � � an with an n i am dying for and you are dying for another proverb when the tender left the p o steamer for and went back to catch the train to town there were many people in it crying but the one who wept most and most openly was miss she had reason to cry because the only man she ever or ever could love so she said � was going out to india and india as every one knows is divided equally between and leaning over the side of the steamer in the rain felt very unhappy too but he did not cry he was sent out to tea what tea meant he had not the idea but fancied that he would have to ride on a horse over hills covered with and draw a salary for doing so and he was very grateful to his uncle for getting him the berth he was really going to reform all his slack ways save a large proportion of his magnificent salary yearly and in a very short time return to marry had been lying loose on his friends hands for three years and as he had nothing to do he naturally fell in love he was very nice but he was not strong in his views and opinions and principles and though he never came to actual grief his friends were thankful when he said good bye and went out to this mysterious tea business near � � with an they said � god bless you dear let us never see your face again � or at least that was what was given to understand when he sailed he was very full of a great plan to prove himself several hundred times better than any one had given him credit for � to work like a horse and triumphantly marry lai ten he had many good points besides his good looks his only fault being that he was weak the least little bit in the world weak he had as much notion of economy as the morning sun and yet you could not lay your hand on any one item and say � is extravagant or reckless nor could you point out any particular vice in his character but he was unsatisfactory and as as went about her duties at home � her family objected to the engagement � with red eyes while was sailing to � a port on the ocean as his mother used to tell her friends he was popular enough on board ship made many acquaintances and a large liquor bill and sent off huge letters to at each port then he fell to work on this plantation somewhere between and and though the salary and the horse and the work | 39 |
were enveloped in the dense dust of the descending mass though not a stone touched them where is says the excited lady she has her � she won t let her go for a time � has her but she s mine � she s mine cries lady then her quick and tender eyes perceived that her husband had almost forgotten her existence in contemplating the of s the s and his own he was in a dream of exaltation which recognized nothing lady necessary to his well being outside that circle of three lives was at length brought home she was much fascinated by the and saw nothing tragic but rather all that was truly delightful in what had happened in the evening when the excitement was over and was put to bed sir said she has saved and i have been asking myself what i can do for her as a slight acknowledgment of her heroism surely we ought to let her have to bring up since she still desires to do it it would be so much to s advantage we ought to look at it in that light and not seized his hand you don t mean it � that i must lose my pretty darling � the only one i have she met his gaze with her piteous mouth and wet eyes so painfully strained that he turned away his face the next morning before was awake lady stole to the girl s bedside and sat regarding her when opened her eyes she fixed them for a long time upon s features mamma you are not so pretty as the are you she said at length i am not why are you not mamma where would you rather live always � with me or with her the little girl looked troubled i am sorry a b up of noble mamma i don t mean to be unkind but i would rather live with her � i mean if i might without trouble and you did not mind and it could be just the same to us all you know has she ever asked you the same question never mamma there lay the sting of it the seemed the soul of honor and in this matter test her as she might that afternoon lady went to her husband with singular firmness upon her gentle face we have been married nearly five years and i have never you with what i know perfectly well � the of never have you dear though i have seen that you knew from the first from the first as to her father not as to her mother her i did not know for some time but i know now ah you have discovered that too says he without much surprise could i help it very well that being so i have thought it over and i have spoken to i agree to her going i can do no less than grant to the her wish after her kindness to my � your � her � child then this self sacrificing woman went hastily away that he might not see that her heart was bursting and thereupon before they left the city changed her mother and her home lady after this the went away to london for a while taking with her and the and his wife returned to their lonely place at park without her to in the bustle of bath was a different thing from living without her in this quiet home one evening sir missed his wife from the supper table her manner had been so pensive and of late that he immediately became alarmed he said nothing but looked about outside the house narrowly and discerned her form in the park where recently she had been accustomed to walk alone in its lower there was a pool fed by a brook and he reached this spot in time to hear a splash running forward he dimly perceived her light gown floating in the water to pull her out was the work of a few and bearing her in doors to her room he her nobody in the house knowing of the incident but himself she had not been long enough to lose her senses and soon recovered she owned that she had done it because the had taken away her child as she persisted in calling her husband spoke sternly to her and impressed upon her the weakness of giving way thus when all that had happened was for the best she took his reproof meekly and admitted her fault � after that she became more resigned but he often caught her in tears over some doll shoe or ribbon of s and decided to take her to a group of noble the north of england for change of air and scene this was not without its effect no less than mentally as later events showed but she still evinced a of ear at the most casual mention of the child when they reached home the and were still absent from the neighboring hall but in a month or two they returned and a little later sir came into his wife s room full of news well would you think it after being so desperate too about getting to be with her what our neighbor the is going to be married again it is to somebody she has met in london lady was much surprised she had never dreamed of such an event the conflict for the possession of s person had obscured the possibility of it yet what more likely the being still under thirty and so what is of still more interest to us or to you continued her husband is a kind offer she has made she is willing that you should have back again seeing what a grief the loss of her has been to you she will try to do without her it | 45 |
of into whose hands the english are fast falling � a set of shallow who being greater and greater than four men out of every six that pass you in fleet street or at any hour think themselves wiser than nature and her author suffered body and spirit without the result was that his flesh withered on his bones his eyes were dim and seemed to lie at the bottom of two he crawled stiffly and slowly instead of walking he was not sixteen years of age yet had extinguished his youth and blotted out all its signs but one had you met this figure in the street you would have said � what an old man and no beard one day as robinson happened to be washing the with his up what he took for a small but aged man passed him stiffly with joints by perpetual and that had ensued from perpetually being through this figure had his down at sight of robinson he started and instantly went down on his knee and both then while tying them again slowly he whispered � robinson i am don t look towards me robinson the wall with more vigor than before whispered how are they using you now boy hush don t speak so loud robinson they are killing me the they are trying all they know to kill me too coming said robinson as crept away and having scraped off a grain of with his nail he made a little white mark on his c above his calf for to w him by should they meet next time with both down gave a slight and rapid signal of intelligence as he disappeared two days after this they met on the staircase the boy who now looked at every prisoner s trousers for the white mark recognized robinson at some distance and began to speak before they met i can t go on much longer like this no more can i i shall go to father why where is he he is dead i don t care how soon i go either but not till i have sent on before � not for all the world pass me and then come back they met again keep up your heart boy till his reverence gets well or goes to heaven if he lives he will save us somehow if he dies � i tell you a secret i know where there is a brick i think i can i mean to that beast s skull with it and then you will be all right and my heart will feel like a prince oh i don t do that said better for us he should murder us than we him murder cried robinson contemptuously and there was no time to say any more after this many days passed before these two could get a syllable together but one day after chapel as the men were being told off to their several tasks robinson recognized the boy by his figure and his elbow withdrew a little apart followed him and this time robinson was the first speaker we shall never see mr alive again boy said he in a faltering voice then in a low gloomy tone he muttered i have loosened the brick the day i lose all hope that day i send home and the thief pointed towards the cellar the day you have no more hope robinson that day has come to me this fortnight and more he tells mo it is never too late to mend every day he will make my life hell to me and i am sure it has been nothing else ever since i came here keep up your heart boy he has n t long to live he will live too long for me i can t stay here any longer you and i sha n t often chat together again perhaps never don t talk so keep up your heart � for my sake one bitter tearing sob was all the reply and so these two parted this was just after breakfast at dinner time not having performed an impossible task was robbed of his dinner a little bread and water was served out to him in the yard and he was set on the again with fearful in particular mr repeated his favorite threat � i make your life hell to you but what could a boy of do over and for a month past and now for a hospital than for hard labor of any sort at three o clock his progress on the was so slow that mr ordered him to be on the spot his obedient for the time seized the lad and crushed him in the jacket him in the collar and pinned him to the wall and this time the first time for a long while the prisoner remonstrated loudly why not kill me at once and put me out of my misery hold your tongue you know i can t do the task you set me you know it as well as i do hold tongue you insolent young villain him no no no don t go to me or you will cut me in half � don t mr i will hold my tongue sir then he turned his hollow mournful eyes on and said gently it can t last much longer you know it shall last till i break you you obstinate dog you are hardly used are yon wait till tomorrow i show you that i have only been playing with you as yet but i have got a punishment in store for you that will make you wish you were in hell stood over the martyr fiercely threatening him the martyr shut his eyes it seemed as though the enraged would end hy striking mm he with his eyes he could not with any other part of bis body so tight was | 9 |
smile and a manner wholly natural see succeeded in making a most favorable impression she explained to her guests that she had been living on the north side until recently that her husband mr had long wanted to have a home in park that her father and daughter were living here and that l z i c was the child s she said she hoped to repay all these nice attentions and to be a good neighbor heard about these calls in the evening for be did not care to meet these people came to enjoy it in a mild way she liked making new friends and she was hoping that something definite could be worked out here which would make look upon her as a good wife and an ideal companion perhaps some day he might really want to many her first impressions are not always permanent as was soon to discover the neighborhood had accepted her perhaps a little too hastily and now began to fly about a mrs calling on mrs one of s near neighbors intimated that she knew who was � oh yes indeed you know my dear she went on his reputation is just a little � she raised her eyebrows and her hand at the same time you don t say commented her friend curiously he looks like such a staid person oh no doubt in a way he is went on mrs his family is of the very best there was some young woman he went with � so my husband tells me i don t know whether this is the one or not but she was introduced as a miss or some such name as that when they were living together as husband and wife on the north side mrs with her tongue at this astonishing news you don t tell me come to think of it it must be the same woman her father s name is exclaimed mrs yes that s the name it seems to me that there was some earlier scandal in connection with her � at least there was a child whether he married her afterward or not i don t know anyhow i understand his family will not have anything to do with her how very interesting exclaimed mrs and to think he should have married her afterward if he really did i m sure you can t tell with whom you re coming in contact these days can you it s so true life does get badly mixed at times she appears to be a charming woman delightful exclaimed mrs quite i was really taken with her well it may be went on her guest that this isn t the same woman after all i may be mistaken oh i hardly think so she told me they had been living on the north side then i m sure it s the same person how curious that you should speak of her it is indeed went on mrs who was as to what her attitude toward should be in the future other came from other sources there were people who had seen and out driving on the north side who had been introduced to her as miss who knew what the family thought of course her present position the handsome house the wealth of the beauty of � all these things helped to soften the situation she was apparently too too much the good wife and mother too really nice to be angry with but she had a past and that had to be taken into consideration an opening bolt of the coming storm fell upon one day when returning from school suddenly asked mamma who was my papa his name was dear replied her mother struck at once by the thought that there might have been some criticism � that some one must have been saying something why do you ask where was i continued the last inquiry and interested in clearing up her own identity in pet why said i didn t have any papa and that you weren t ever married when you had me she said i wasn t a really truly girl at all � just a nobody she made me so mad i her s face grew rigid she sat staring straight before her mrs had called and had thought her gracious and in her of assistance and now her little daughter had said this to where did the child hear it you mustn t pay any attention to her said at last she doesn t know your papa was mr and you were bom in you mustn t fight other little girls of course they say nasty things when they fight � sometimes things they don t really mean just let her alone and don t go near her any more then she won t say anything to you it was a lame explanation but it satisfied for the time being i ll slap her if she tries to slap me she persisted you mustn t go near her pet do you hear then she can t try to slap you returned her mother just go about your studies and don t mind her she can t quarrel with you if you don t let her went away leaving brooding over her words the neighbors were talking her history was becoming common gossip how had they found out it is one thing to nurse a single thrust another to have the wound opened from time to time by additional one day having gone to call on mrs field who was her immediate neighbor met a mrs baker who was there taking tea mrs baker knew of the of s history on the north side and of the attitude of the family she was a thin vigorous intellectual woman somewhat on the order of mrs and very careful of her social connections she had always considered mrs field a | 43 |
you john weu i m engaged with this lamp see the oil is rising give me a match and lamps are but next year i shall devise some system of illumination next year but to day i heard and on the fullest authority that you re thinking of leaving us who has been in the library this afternoon i wasn t in the library this afternoon so it must have been yesterday that i overheard some conversation as it passed through the but you aren t thinking of leaving us m asked not to morrow nor the day after nor next year i can t leave till the end of my lease and by then you ll have had enough of me don t you think so you re not really thinking of leaving us the only foundation for the rumour is that i mentioned to a lady the other day that i didn t look s� hail and farewell ireland as the end of my earthly adventure and she most have told one of her neighbours twenty four hours are all that is required for news to reach the national library john s darkened the national library should not be spoken of as a house of gossip even in joke but you ll never find elsewhere a house as suitable to your pictures as beautiful a garden to walk in or friends as of your conversation you ll not find a finer intelligence than in london or john s i quite agree with you m that i shall never chance on a more agreeable circle of friends and all of you are so necessary to me that i am when i think that the day will come sooner or later when i should like to hear what m stands for in your mind can you tell us he makes me feel at times that the thither side is not dark but dusk and that an invisible hand a thread of destiny through the uniform of life he makes me feel that our friendship was begun in some existence and will be continued perhaps m how conscious he is of his own eternity i said turning to john yet you are leaving us how he is john and yet for all we know he may be the first to leave us he has certain knowledge of the first was in india the second in his third of which he keeps a distinct memory happened b g about i am not so sure but m especially a light treatment of his ideas and i did not dare to add that in heaven he is known as but asked him instead if he were from the task of earning his daily bread would he retire to and spend the rest of his life the sacred books of the east his answer to this interesting question we shall never know for yielding to the impulse of a sudden conviction john if ie leaves it will not be for but for s point formerly haunted by and the and now the of an interesting known as at the end of our laughter m said now will you tell us what idea john stands for he and you are opposite poles i answered you stand for belief john for on one side of me sits the great everything and on the other the great nothing and which would you prefer that death should reveal to you john asked nothing or everything you don t answer admit that you would just as that death discovered nothing it is easy to imagine a return to the darkness out of which we out of which i came and difficult to imagine my life in the grey dusk that m b eyes have revealed to me but since you deny the worth of this life i do not deny john answered yes by your from your prose you deny the value of your life he doubts everything x s � hail and farewell je � the future of ireland the value of literature even the value of his own beautiful prose watch the frown coming into his face i am forgetting � we mustn t speak of a collected edition of his works lest we spoil for him the taste of that who else is coming to dinner john asked g said he would come and he will turn up probably in the middle of dinner pleading that he missed his train let us hear what idea stands for said john an invisible hand a special thread into the which we must follow or perish and as we stand with a peal of laughter often causes us to hesitate laughter behind the veil said john and he spoke to me of a poem that he had received from for publication in he had it in his pocket and would be glad if i would say how it struck me only two hardly longer than a but the poem could not be found among the bundle papers he drew from his pocket and when he gave up the search definitely i m going to write the of your appearance and from the legend of a who appeared some years ago and the young people crowded about him and he them in the fires of fierce and them with tales of and anybody who from the heat the from and anybody who was he e in twain and flung aside as of no use and at last only four stood the test because he was an artist and was enchanted with the performances of the also remained because he was of a disposition and was only happy when or and the gave him the time of his life there was who was naturally more than the and had nothing to learn in from him but undertook to complete his and there was who practised law and could not be brow beat | 15 |
s my love says lady compose yourself well bring him in and lady really does work and work the horses too for she about town all day calling upon everybody she knows and showing her entertaining powers and green to immense advantage by rattling on with my dear soul what do you think what do you suppose me to be never guess i m pretending to be an agent and for what place of all places pocket and wh because our mutual the dearest friend i in the world has bought it and who is the dearest friend i have in the world a man of the name of not his wife who is the other dearest friend i have in the world and i positively declare i forgot their baby who is the other and we are carrying on this little to keep up appearances and isn t it refreshing then my precious the fun of it is that nobody knows who these are and that they know nobody and that they have a house out of the tales of the and give dinners out of the nights curious to see em my dear say know em come and dine with cm they shan t bore you say who meet you we ll make up a party of our own and i ll engage that they shall not interfere with you for one single moment you really ought to see gold and silver i call their dinner table the do come and dine with my my own my exclusive property the dearest friends i have in the world and above all my dear be sure you promise me your vote and interest and au sorts of reaches for we couldn t think of spending sixpence on it my love and can only consent to be brought m by the spontaneous of the now the point of view by the that this same working and round is to keep up appearances may have something in it but not all the truth more is done or considered to be done � which does as well � by taking and going about than the fair knew ci many vast vague have been made solely by taking and going about particularly in all whether the business in hand be to get a man in or get a man out or get a man over or promote a railway or a railway or what else nothing is to be so effectual as nowhere in a violent hurry � in short as taking and going about probably because this reason is in the air from being singular in his persuasion that he works like a is by who in his turn is by boots and at eight o clock when all these hard workers to dine at s it is understood that the of boots and mustn t leave the door but that of water must be brought from the nearest place and cast over the horses l s on the very spot lest boots and should have instant occasion to mount and away those fleet messengers require the to see that their hats are deposited where they can be laid hold of at an instant s notice and they dine remarkably well though with the air of in charge of an expecting intelligence of some tremendous mrs remarks as dinner opens that many such days would be too much for her many such would be too much for all of us says � but well bring him in well bring him in says lady waving her green for ever another dinner them on their to the halls and lady them and boots and await them there is a modest assertion on everybody s part that single handed brought him in but in the main it is by all that that stroke of business on s part in going down to the house that night to see how things looked was the master stroke a touching little incident is related by mrs in the course of the evening mrs is habitually disposed to bo tearful and has an extra disposition that way after her late excitement previous to withdrawing from the dinner table with lady she says in a and physically weak manner you will au think it foolish of me i know but i must mention it as i sat by baby s on the night before the election baby was very uneasy in her sleep the who gloomily looking on has impulses to suggest wind and throw up his situation but them after an interval almost baby curled her little hands in one another and smiled mrs stopping here mr it incumbent on him to say i wonder why i could it be i asked myself says mrs looking about her for her pocket that the were baby that her papa would shortly be an m p so overcome by the sentiment is mrs that they all get up to make a clear stage for who goes round the table to the rescue and bears her out backward with her feet the carpet after remarking that her work has been too for her strength whether the made any mention of the five thousand pounds and it with baby is not upon poor little quite done up is touched and still continues touched after he is safely over the yard in duke street saint james s but there upon his a a tremendous consideration breaks in upon the mild gentleman putting all softer considerations to the gracious heavens i now i have time to think of it he never saw one of his in all his days until we saw them together after paced the room in distress of mind with his hand to his forehead the innocent returns to his sofa and i shall either go distracted or die of this man he comes upon me too late in life i am not | 8 |
rather as it afterward proved you would have ruined me he said sternly so why should you not be done by as you intended to be done by others there s scripture authority fur that old ark grinning now at bay looked round and saw that was against him so that there was no hope of mercy he covered his face with his hands and staggered against the wall near the door for a moment there was silence for although neither nor pitied the scoundrel having an unusually tender heart did so perhaps the feeling that the man was his old school fellow induced him to give a chance of escape but be this as it may when the sobbing near the door suddenly opened it and dashed out made no immediate effort to stop him did stop thief stop liar stop murderer he and followed was thus compelled to pursue the although he did so reluctantly the two came to the door to see down the avenue and dashed after him the flew like the wind and speedily his but he was not to escape after all for as he reached the open gates of the avenue s car containing swept round the comer running blindly tripped and fell under the machine the wheels passed over him breaking his back he was picked up stone dead chapter xxi a final surprise at the held on the body of the unfortunate e whole story of the events connected with the will of john was related in detail this was done by the advice of so as to further trouble as the wisely pointed out it was necessary that the characters of all those in the affair should be cleared once and for all this could only be done by the truth being made public and this course of greatly recommended itself to who was tired of doings he was of a frank nature and the idea of hiding this and concealing that annoyed him exceedingly he therefore made a clean breast of the matter when called upon to give evidence regarding s death and insisted that else should do the same consequently the whole amazing story appeared in print and read like a romance was inclined to hold back from giving evidence as of course he should have with the police the moment he became that a murder had been committed but both his cousin and insisted that he should come forward to state what he knew and notwithstanding his reluctance he was compelled to do so he escaped better than he deserved as it was seen how difficult his the lost position had been and the majority of people argued that the man could scarcely have been expected to himself by drawing attention to the crime at the time when he discovered it mrs also contrived to reproof as she cleverly stated that when in possession of the will she had intended to hand it over to the squire of course knew that she had never meant to do this but for the sake of he did not contradict her statement and because of s feelings he was glad to think that had got off so lightly the two themselves were much relieved that their characters had not suffered to an extent and retired into the grateful shade of obscurity as speedily as possible things had turned out better than they had expected s conduct of course was condemned since he had behaved so but not so severely as it would have been had he been alive having met with a violent death it was felt that he had paid for his and as little as possible was said about him of course was with regard to the accident as proved that the young man had sounded his horn when turning into the park but anxious only to escape before the could take him in charge had either not heard the warning of the horn or had not attended to it but be this as it may there was no doubt that he had ran on blindly and thus had fallen under the cruel wheels of the car remembering s two about walking over his grave in the avenue thought it quite that he should have met his fate on the very spot but he only remarked on the matter to a final surprise who was wise enough to hold her tongue enough had been said about and his doings in the newspapers so there was no need to say more mr did not appear at the as he lay dying in a comfortable bed under the hospitable roof of the big house but he signed a written statement the events of the night when he had been struck down and this satisfied both and jury after all evidence had been a verdict of death by was brought in and the matter ended in the only way it could end s sole relative a clerk in the war office came down to take charge of the body but expressed little surprise at the reputation of the dead man had always been a black sheep and his relative grimly said to that he was glad things had turned out as they had he observed would sooner or later have come to prison or the gallows had he lived being one of those unfortunate creatures who could not run straight so that was the end of the squire s old school friend who had chosen evil instead of good and bad as he had been was kind hearted enough to regret the man s miserable end afterward he always tried to remember as he had been at rather than as the of his more ma � ture years with the departure of the s body in charge of his relative from departed all mystery it is now known who had struck down the and why the blow had been delivered that | 12 |
your kindness is not to be accepted and that the happiness your company has hitherto given us is to be repaid by but i must not trust myself with words my dear we are to part my father has recollected an engagement that takes our whole family away on monday we are going to lord s near l abbey for a fortnight explanation and apology are equally impossible i cannot attempt either my dear cried her feelings as well as she could do not be so distressed a second engagement must give way to a first i am very very sorry we are to part so soon and so suddenly too but i am not offended indeed i am not i can finish my visit here you know at any time or i hope you will come to me can you when you return from this lord s come to it will not be in my power come when you can then made no answer and s thoughts to something more directly interesting she added thinking aloud monday so soon as monday and you off go well i am certain of i shall be able to take leave however i need not go till just before you do you know do not be distressed i can go on monday very well my father and mother s having no notice of it is of very little consequence the general will send a servant with me i dare say half the way and then i shall soon be at and then i am only nine miles from home ah were it settled so it would be somewhat less intolerable though in such common attentions you would have received but half what you ought but how can i tell you to morrow morning is fixed for your leaving us and not even the hour is left to your choice the very carriage is ordered and will be here at seven o clock and no servant will be offered you sat down breathless and speechless i could hardly believe my senses when i heard it and no displeasure no resentment that you can feel at this moment however justly great can be more than i myself � but i must not talk of what i felt oh that i abbey x could suggest anything in good god what will your father and mother say after you from the protection of real friends to this almost double distance from your home to have you driven out of the house without the considerations even of decent civility dear dear in being the bearer of such a message i seem guilty myself of all its insult yet i trust you will me for you must have been long enough in this house to see that i am but a mistress of it that my real power is nothing have i offended the general said in a faltering voice alas for my feelings as a daughter all that i know all that i answer for is that you can have given him no just cause of he certainly is greatly very greatly i have seldom seen him more so his temper is not happy and something has now occurred to it in an uncommon degree some disappointment some vexation which just at this moment seems important but which i can hardly suppose you to have any concern in for how is it possible it was with pain that could speak at all and it was only for s sake that she attempted it i am sure said she i am very sorry if i have offended him it was the last thing i would willingly have done but do not be unhappy an engagement you know must be kept i am only sorry it was not recollected sooner that i might have written home but it is of very little consequence i hope i earnestly hope that to your real safety it will be of none but to everything else it is of the greatest consequence to comfort appearance propriety to your family to the world were your friends the still in bath you might go to with comparative ease a few hours would take you p l abbey there but a journey of seventy miles to be taken post by you at your age alone oh die journey is nothing do not think about that and if we are to part a few hours sooner or later you know makes no difference i can be ready by seven let me be called in time saw that she wished to be alone and believing it better for each that they should avoid any further conversation now left her with i shall see you in the morning s swelling heart needed relief in s presence friendship and pride had equally restrained her tears but no sooner was she gone than they burst forth in torrents turned from the house and in such a way without any reason that could justify any apology that could for the the nay the insolence of it henry at a distance not able even to bid him farewell every hope every expectation from him suspended at least and who could say how long who could say when they might meet again and all this by such a man as general so polite so well bred and heretofore so particularly fond of her it was as incomprehensible as it was and grievous from what it could arise and where it would end were considerations of equal perplexity and alarm the manner in which it was done so hurrying her away without any reference to her own convenience or allowing her even the appearance of choice as to the time or mode of her travelling of two days the earliest fixed on and of that almost the earliest hour as if resolved to have her gone before he was stirring in the morning that he might | 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story you told me about a plan that you had to win the treasures of this people are you a liar i have said that all i told you was true she answered sullenly very well then i have come a good many hundred miles to put it to the proof nor am i going to turn back now you can leave me one and all if you like but i shall go on i will not be made a fool of in this way none of us have any wish to be made fools of mr said gently and speaking for myself i would far rather die at once than attempt a return journey just at present so now perhaps you will stop and tell us definitely what we must do to these charming countrymen of yours whom we have come so far to spoil remember she added with a flash of her grey eyes i am not to be played with by you in this matter the s interests are my interests and his ends my ends together we stand or fall together we live or die and that shall be an unhappy hour for you when you attempt to desert or betray us it is well she answered your will is my will for i love you alone in the world and all the rest i hate and she glared at and you are my father my mother and my child and where you are in or in life there is my home let us go then f the people of the mist among this people of mine there to perish miserably bo that the may seek to himself with wealth listen this is the law of my people or this was law when i left them forty years ago that every stranger who passes through their gates should he offered as a sacrifice to the mother if the time of his coming should be in summer and to the son if the time of his coming be in winter for the do not love strangers but there is a prophecy among my people which tells when many generations have gone by that the mother and x the son shall return to the land which once they ruled clothed in the flesh of men and the shape of shall be such a shape as yours and the shape of js shall be as is the shape of this black dog of a dwarf whom when first i saw him in my folly i deemed immortal and divine then the mother and the son shall rule in the land and its kings shall cease from and the priests of the snake shall be their servants and with them shall come peace and prosperity that do not pass away you know the tongue of the people of the mist for when you were little i taught it to you because to me it is the most beautiful of tongues you know the song also the holy song of ee arising that shall be on the lips of when she comes again and which i being the daughter of the high priest learned with many another secret before i was doomed to be a bride to the snake and fled fearing my doom now come apart with me and you black one come also that i may teach you your lesson of what you shall do when we meet the of the people of the mist rose to obey her followed by grumbling for he hated the old woman as much as she hated him and moreover he did not take kindly to this notion of as a god or indeed to the prospect of a lengthened amongst his but from all accounts somewhat before they went however spoke i have heard you he said and i do not like your words for they show me that your heart is fierce and evil yes you love the your heart is evil hear me should you dare to play us false whatever may befall us be sure of this that moment you die go i spare your threats answered shows her teeth i shall not betray you because to do so would be to betray the but are you then a fool that you think i should fear death at your hands who to morrow with a word could give you all to torment pray that the hour may not be near when you shall rejoice to die by the bullet with which you threaten me so that you may escape worse things and she turned and went i am not nervous said to but that she devil me if it were not for she would cause us to be murdered on the first possible opportunity and if only she can secure her safety i believe that she will do it yet and i believe that she is a witch answered the priest with a servant of the evil one such as are written of in the last night i saw her praying to her gods she did not know that i was near for the place was lonely but i saw her and i never wish to see anything so horrible again i will tell you why she hates us all so much she is jealous because the � does not hate us that woman s heart is wicked wickedness was born in her yet as none are altogether evil she has one virtue her love of the she is and for even among the black people as i have learnt from the settlement men all have feared her and shrunk from her notwithstanding her good looks therefore everything that is best in her has gone to this love for the woman whom she nursed from a babe it was because of her that the who is dead chose her for his daughter s nurse when he found that her | 18 |
desire of my soul to me how shall i depart when i know that if evil befall thee by the breadth of so much as my finger nail � is that not small � i should be aware of it though i l s life s were in paradise and here this summer thou die � die and in d they might call to tend thee a white woman and she would rob me in the last of thy love but love is not bom in a moment or on a death bed what dost thou know of love she would take thy thanks at least and by and the prophet and the mother of thy prophet that i will never endure my lord and my love let there be no more foolish talk of going away where thou art i am it is enough she put an arm round his neck and a hand on his mouth there are not many so complete as those that are snatched under the shadow of the sword they sat together and laughed calling each other openly by every pet name that could move the wrath of the gods the city below them was locked up in its own fires blazed in the streets the in the temples screamed and for the gods were in those days there was a service in the great shrine and the call to prayer from the was almost they heard the wailing in the houses of the dead and once the shriek of a mother who had lost a child and was calling for its return in the gray dawn they saw the dead borne out through the city gates each litter with its own little knot of wherefore they kissed each other and shivered it was a red and heavy for the land was very sick and needed a little breathing space ere the torrent of cheap life should flood it anew the children of fathers and mothers made no resistance they were and sat still waiting till the sword should be in november if it were without benefit of clergy so willed there were among the english but the were filled the work of sheds medicine distribution and what little was possible went forward because it was so ordered had been told to keep himself in readiness to move to replace the next man who should fall there were twelve hours in each day when he could not see and she might die in three he was considering what his pain would be if he could not see her for three months or if she died out of his sight he was absolutely that her death would be demanded � so certain that when he looked up from the and saw breathless in the doorway he laughed aloud and said he when there is a cry in the night and the spirit into the throat who has a charm that will restore come swiftly heaven bom it is the black galloped to his home the sky was heavy with clouds for the long deferred rains were near and the heat was stifling s mother met him in the she is dying she is nursing herself into death she is all but dead what shall i do was lying in the room in which had been born she made no sign when entered because the human soul is a very lonely thing and when it is getting ready to go away hides itself in a misty where the living may not follow the black does its work quietly and without explanation � was being thrust out of life as though the angel � of death had himself put his hand upon her the quick i breathing seemed to show that she was either afraid or in i pain but neither eyes nor mouth gave any answer ta life s s kisses there was nothing to be said or done could only wait and suffer the first drops of the rain began to fall on the roof and he could hear shouts of joy in the the soul came back a little and the lips moved bent down to listen keep nothing of mine said take no hair from my head site would make thee bum it later on that flame i should feel lower stoop lower remember only that i was thine and bore thee a son though thou wed a white woman to morrow the pleasure of receiving in thy arms thy first son is taken from thee for ever remember me when thy son is bom � the one that shall carry name before all men his misfortunes be on my head i bear witness � i bear witness � the were forming the words on his ear � that there is no god but � thee beloved then she died sat and all thought was taken from him � till he heard s mother lift the curtain is she dead she is dead then i will mourn and afterwards take an of the furniture in this house for that will be mine the does not mean to resume it it is so little so very little and i am an old woman i would like to lie softly for the mercy of god be silent a while go out and mourn where i cannot hear she be buried in four hours i know the custom i shall go ere she is taken away that matter is in thy hands look to it that the bed on which � on which she lies � that beautiful red bed i have long benefit of clergy u that the bed is left here untouched for my disposal all else in the house is thine hire a cart take everything go hence and before sunrise let there be nothing in this house but that which i have ordered thee to respect i am an old woman i | 39 |
in the second year tom salary was raised but all except the price of his dinner and clothes went home into the tin box and he lest it should lead him into expenses in spite of himself not that tom was on the type of the industrious he had a very strong appetite for pleasure � would have liked to be a of horses and to make a distinguished figure in all neighboring eyes treats and benefits to others with well judged and being pronounced one of the finest young fellows of those parts nay he determined to achieve f these things sooner or later but his practical told r him that the means to such achievements could only lie for him in present and self denial there were certain mile stones to be passed and one of the first was the payment of his father s debts having made up his mind on that point he strode along without some rather h nine as a young man is likely to do who has a ture call upon him for self reliance tom felt intensely common cause with his which springs from family pride and was bent on being as a son but his growing experience caused him to pass much silent criticism on the and of his father s past conduct their dispositions were not in sympathy and tom s face showed little radiance during his few home hours had an awe of him against which she struggled as something to her consciousness of wider thoughts and deeper motives but it was of no use to struggle a character at unity with that what it every impulse and has no visions beyond the distinctly possible � is strong by its very you may imagine that tom s more and more obvious to his was well fitted to the maternal and and mr s favorable reports and to mr concerning tom s for business began to be discussed amongst them with various acceptance he was likely it appeared to do the family credit without causing it any expense and trouble mrs always thought it strange if tom s excellent complexion so entirely that of the did not argue a certainty that he would turn out well his errors of running down the and general to his only indicating a tinge of blood which he had doubtless mr who had contracted a cautious l thb mill ok the liking for ever since his spirited and sensible behavior when the execution was in the was now warming into a resolution to further his prospects � some an opportunity offered of doing so in a prudent manner without ultimate loss but mrs observed that she was not given to speak without book as some people were that those who said least were most likely to find their words made good and when the right moment came it would be seen who could do something better than talk uncle after silent meditation for a period of several came distinctly to the conclusion that when a young man was likely to do well it was better not to with him tom meanwhile had shown no disposition to rely on any one but himself though with a natural towards all indication of opinion he was glad to see his look in on him sometimes in a friendly way during business hours and glad to be invited to dine at his house though he usually preferred declining on the ground that he was not sure of punctual but about a year ago something had occurred which induced tom to test his uncle s friendly disposition bob who rarely returned from one of his rounds without seeing tom and awaited him on the bridge as he was coming home from st s one evening that they might have a little private talk he took the liberty of asking if mr tom had ever thought of making money by trading a bit on his own account trading how tom wished to know why by sending out a bit of a cargo to foreign ports because bob had a particular friend who had offered to do a little business for him in that way in goods and would be glad to serve mr tom on the same footing tom was interested at once and begged for full explanation wondering he had not thought of this plan before he was so well pleased with the prospect of a speculation that might change the slow process of addition into that he at once determined to mention the matter to his father and et his consent to appropriate some of the in the tm box to the purchase of a small cargo he would rather not have consulted his father but he had just paid his last quarter s money into the tin box and there was no other resource all the were there for mr would not consent to put the money out at interest lest he should lose it since he had in the purchase of some com and had lost by it he could not be easy without the money under ms eye tom approached the subject carefully as h was seated on the mill on the the hearth with his father that evening and mr listened leaning forward in his arm chair and looking np in tom s face with a glance his first impulse was to give a positive refusal but he was in some awe of tom s wishes and since he had had the sense of being an unlucky ther he had lost some of his old and determination to be master he took the key of the from his pocket got out the key of the large chest and fetched down the tin box � slowly as if he were trying to the moment of a painful parting then he seated himself against the table and opened the box with that little key which he | 14 |
of them that they could have talked to her for hours and never wearied tongue or ear but the information that she had brought aunt jane with her had caused to their s o o dear to their the secret visitor to feel that she was at home with all at the look out was their first thought never since dear s time nor possibly even then � for he had been more given to than sentiment � had little mrs been made so much of i really almost began to think my dear she said afterwards to that i must have done something either in a dream or in some other state of existence to deserve it though they spoke of persons she had never seen � mrs and the squire � she had heard so much of them from her niece that she had not that feeling of and sense of being out of it that is generally experienced under similar circumstances while at the same time it gratified her to be thus treated as one of the family nervous as she always was in the presence of mere acquaintances it did not even alarm her very much when a wrinkled httle man suddenly appeared in the centre of the group and after wringing s hand as though he would it off proceeded to shake her own as heartily of course you are aunt jane he said who having repented of taking this young lady from her natural home has brought her back to us and to what used to be the dear old place however looks very much as it used to do said laughing it won t do that for long my dear sighed the old gentleman we are going to be as and span as on sea or any other fashionable town that flames out of an advertisement we shall have an with a brass band playing on it from two to four before we are many months older his will stick at nothing the wretch has actually offered battle hill for sale with a hideous suggestion about its being adapted for building purposes but nobody has bought it nor even bid for it has he not s yet but it is only a question of time they will buy it and they will build villa upon it what do they care for the relics of the dead and the of their forefathers what if in digging the foundations of the they should come upon the buried treasure observed don t speak of it exclaimed the old man vehemently if such an event should happen it l i me and i tell you it may ha en a l the op the ages becoming possessed of the spoil of the has something about it every time i go to that hill i seem to feel it will be my last visit there is a board up already with beware i upon it but that i take no notice of i suppose it in my own mind to refer to any wretches who may want to build there think of terrace or and that grand old hill i but any one who chooses to go into john martin s yonder with z in his pocket can begin that infamous work to morrow and nobody can stop him however i have no right to talk about a misfortune which affects no one after all but a poor like myself let us speak of a much pleasanter subject � your own affairs we poor savages at always ventured you know to think you were a marvel and that the idol of our barbarous little tribe should have become an object of worship in the world of london is immensely to the credit of our it would be without doubt if the circumstance you mention had taken place replied laughing unhappily however there have been no at the shrine there has been incense enough at all events put in i never open a newspaper my dear miss dart without reading something about you of laying siege to fame in the usual fashion by approaches and you seem to have carried her by a de main they must be very old newspapers i fear in which you read anything about my poor production said it is quite true indeed that what i have contributed to the has been praised much beyond my expectations and their worth but even three don t make a my dear mat murmured mary i am afraid you must have made a mistake not a bit of it he answered under his breath don t you know a when you see one look at that wicked blush there was certainly a flush in elizabeth dart s cheek which might have been taken in an accused person by a hostile judge as an evidence of guilt you are more in the dark miss dart than we are observed gravely would you mind coming into the light here and letting me have a good long look at face it will be a great t a� to me even if i don t and in it what i expect to see the secret you have already told my fortune sir by she answered lightly so there is no excuse for farther investigation very good then we will tell mrs s fortune for her he spoke so gently and with such a tender respect in his tone that aunt jane was not one whit alarmed by this alarming proposition there are plenty of lines to guide you she answered smiling but i am a aid they lead to nothing or at least to a very poor fortune i am not sure of that said the in solemn tones and her attentively you are to begin with very happy in your domestic relations and people get fond of you at first sight he is right so far cried clapping his hands | 25 |
side pocket and then as he turned his eyes slowly on felt in his waistcoat pocket for his pencil case i don t approve it at all said j who hated s calculated and conceit in his own be good enough to put a stop to it will you mr i know is an excellent liberal said just his head to and then alternately looking at and his bills but he is perhaps too inexperienced to be aware that no � a � can be conducted without the action of able men who must � a � be trusted and not with and as to any possibility of promising to put a stop � a � to any � a � that depends if he had ever held the coachman s ribbons in his hands as i have in my younger days � a � he would know that stopping is not always easy i know very little about holding ribbons said but i saw clearly enough at once that more mischief had been done than could be well mended though i believe if it were heartily tried the treating might be reduced and something might be done to hinder the men from turning out in a body to make a noise which might end in worse they might be from making a noise on our side said smiling that is perfectly true but if they made a noise on the other � would your purpose be answered better sir was moving about in an irritated manner while and were speaking he preferred leaving the talk to the attorney of whose talk he himself liked to keep as clear as possible i can only say answered that if you make use of those heavy fellows when the drink is in them i shouldn t like your responsibility you might as well drive to roar on our side as bribe a set of and to shout and groan the radical a lawyer may well envy your command of language mr said hi bills again and shutting up his pencil but he would not ba satisfied with the accuracy � a � of your terms you must permit me to check your use of the word the essence of is that it should be proved there is not such a thing � a � in � a � as there has been no such thing as at i ll answer for it the presence of a body of fellows oa � a � the liberal side will tend to order for we know that the benefit clubs from the district will show for indeed the gentleman who has conducted the at is experienced in and would not exceed � a � the necessary measures that a rational judgment would dictate what you mean the man who calls himself johnson said in a tone of disgust before chose to answer broke in saying quickly and the long and the short of it is this mr i shall desire and insist that whatever can be done by way of remedy shall be done will that satisfy you you see now some of a candidate s difficulties said breaking into his most agreeable smile i hope you will have some pity for me i suppose i must be content said not thoroughly i bid you gentlemen when he was gone out and had closed th� door behind him turning round and flashing in spite of himself an angry look at said and who is johnson an i suppose it seems you are fond of the name turned paler but of this sort between himself and had been too much in his of late for him to be taken by surprise he turned quietly round and just touched the shoulder of the person seated at the who now rose n the contrary answered the johnson in question is this gentleman whom i have the pleasure of to you as one of my most active in mr johnson of row london i am comparatively a � a � in these matters but he was engaged with james in two hardly and there could scarcely be a better is one of the first men of the country as an agent � a � on the liberal side � a � eh johnson i think is � a � not altogether a match for him not quite of the same � a � � a � in � a � and experience is a wonderful man and so is said the johnson too vain not to be pleased with an opportunity of speaking even when the situation was rather awkward for but for management knows men sir he went on turning to it s a thousand that you have not had his talents employed in your service he s beyond any man for saving a candidate s money � does half the work with his tongue he ll talk of any thing from the and that sort of thing down to the joke about where are you going � you know what i mean sir back again says � an excellent joke understands these things he has said to me johnson bear in mind there are two ways of speaking au audience will always like one is to tell them what they don t understand and the other is to tell them what they re used to i shall never be the man to deny that i owe a great deal to i always say it was a most thing in the election last year that was not on the tory side he managed the women and if you ll believe me sir one fourth of the men would never if their wives hadn t driven them to it for the good of their families and as for speaking � it s reported in our london circles that writes regularly for the times he has that kind of language | 14 |
send more it the woman and her attention i cannot abide but country washing but i should be vastly sorry to have to live there what can a man find to do you don t hunt george when i do it s a woman but surely you don t go to hounds charles i was out with the last winter the did you hear how i smoked the story has been in the clubs this month past i bet him that my bag would weigh more than his he got three and a half brace but i shot his liver coloured so he had to pay but as to hunting what amusement can there be in flying about among a s crowd of greasy galloping farmers every man to his own taste but s window by day and a snug comer of the table at s by night give me all i want for mind and body you heard how i plucked the i i have been out of town i had eight thousand from him at a sitting i shall drink your beer in mr said i every in london does said he it was monstrous of him but some people cannot lose with grace well i am going down to street to pay jew king a little of my interest are you bound that way well good bye then i ll see you and your young friend at the club or in the no doubt and he sauntered off upon his way that young man is destined to take my place said my gravely when had departed he is quite young and of no descent but he has made his way by his cool his natural taste and his extravagance of speech there is no man who can be in so polished a fashion he has a half smile and a way of raising his eyebrows for which he will be shot one of these mornings already his opinion is quoted in the clubs as a rival to my own well every man has his day and when i am convinced that mine is passed st james s street shall know me no more for it is not in stone my nature to be second to any man but now nephew in that and suit you may pass anywhere so if you please we will step into my m d m and i will show you something of the town how can i describe all that we saw and all that we did upon that lovely spring day to me it was as if i had been to a fairy and my uncle might have been some benevolent in a high long coat who was guiding me about in it he showed me the west end streets with the bright carriages and the gaily dressed ladies and men all crossing and hurrying and like an nest when you turn it over with a stick never had i formed a conception of such endless banks of houses and such a ceaseless stream of life flowing between then we passed down the strand where the crowd was thicker than ever and even penetrated beyond temple bar and into the city though my uncle begged me not to mention it for he would not wish it to be generally known there i saw the exchange and the bank and s coffee house with the brown sharp faced merchants and the hurrying clerks the huge horses and the busy it was a very different world this from that which we had left in the west � a world of energy and of strength where s there was no place for the and the idle young as i was i knew that it was here in the forest of merchant shipping in the which swung up to the windows in the loaded which roared over the that the power of britain lay here in the city of london was the from which empire and wealth and so many other fine leaves had fashion and speech and manners may change but the spirit of enterprise within that square mile or two of land must not change for when it all that has grown from it must also we at s the fashionable inn in bond street where i saw a line of and saddle horses which stretched from the door to the further end of the street and thence we went to the in st james s park and thence to s the great club and thence again to s where the men of fashion used to everywhere i met the same sort of men with their stiff figures and small all showing the utmost deference to my uncle and for his sake an easy of me the talk was always such as i had already heard at the talk of politics talk of the king s health talk of the prince s extravagance of the expected renewal of war of horse racing and of the ring i saw too that was as stone my uncle had told me the fashion and if the folk upon the continent look upon us even to this day as being a nation of it is no doubt a tradition handed down from the time when the only travellers whom they were likely to see were drawn from the class which i was now meeting it was an age of heroism and of folly on the one hand soldiers sailors and of the quality of and afterwards had been forced to the front by the imminent menace of we were great in arms and were soon also to be great in literature for scott and were in their day the strongest forces in europe on the other hand a touch of madness real or assumed was a through doors which were closed to wisdom and to virtue the man who could enter a walking upon his hands the | 4 |
l of their prolonged sordid as they sailed they knew not whither on their last he held but a twinkling and belief in any future state the thought of one of punishment he yet for him as for all there dwelt a horror about the end of the man sickness fell upon him at the image thus called up and when he compared it with the scene in which himself was acting and considered the doom that seemed to brood upon the a horror that was almost superstitious fell upon him and yet the strange thing was he did not he who had proved his in so many fields being now placed amid duties which he did not understand without help and it might be said without countenance had hitherto surpassed expectation and even the shameful and shocking of that night served but to nerve and strengthen him he had sold his honor he vowed it should not be in vain it shall be no fault of mine if this he repeated and in his heart he wondered at himself living rage no doubt supported him no doubt also the sense of the last cast of the ships burned of all doors closed but one which is so strong a to the merely weak and so deadly a to the merely cowardly for some time the voyage went otherwise well they with one board and the wind holding well to the southward and blowing fresh they passed between and the ebb tide and ran some days by east half east under the lee of and neither of which they made in about fourteen south and between one hundred and thirty four and one hundred and thirty five west it fell a dead calm with rather a heavy sea the captain refused to take in sail the was lashed no watch was set and the rolled and for three days according to observation in almost the same place the fourth morning a little before day a breeze sprang up and rapidly the captain had drunk hard the night before he was far from sober when he was roused and when he came on deck for the first time at half past eight it was plain he had already drunk deep again at breakfast avoided his eye and resigned the deck with indignation to a man more than half seas over by the loud commands of the captain and the singing out of fellows at the ropes he could judge from the house that sail was being crowded on the ship his breakfast and came on deck again to find the main and the set and both watches and the cook turned out to hand the stay sail the lay already far over the sky was obscured with misty and from the an ominous came up and as it rose fear thrilled in s he saw death hard by and if not death sure ruin for if the lived through the coming she the cargo of champagne must surely be with that their enterprise was at an end and they themselves bound prisoners to the very evidence of their crime the greatness of the peril and his own alarm to silence him pride wrath and shame raged without issue in his mind and he shut his teeth and folded his arms close the captain sat in the boat to orders and his eyes glazed his face deeply a bottle set between his knees a glass in his hand half empty his back was to the and he was at first intent upon the setting of the sail when that was done and the great of canvas had begun to draw and to trail the lee rail of the level with the foam he laughed out an empty laugh drained his glass back among the lumber in the boat and fetched out a novel watched him and his indignation glowed red hot he glanced to where the already the near sea and already its coming with a singular and dismal sound he glanced at the and saw him clinging to the with a face of a sickly blue he saw the crew were to their stations without orders and it seemed as if something broke in his brain and the passion of anger so long restrained so long eaten in secret burst suddenly loose and filled and shook him like a sail he stepped across to the captain and smote his hand heavily on the s shoulder the ebb tide you brute he said in a voice that look behind you s that cried bounding in the boat and the champagne you lost the sea because you were a drunken said now you re going to lose the you re going to drown here the same way as you drowned others and be damned and your daughter shall walk the streets and your sons be thieves like their father for the moment the words struck the captain white and foolish my god he cried looking at as upon a ghost my god look behind you then the the wretched man already partly did as he was told and in the same breath of time leaped to his feet down he the hands were thrilling for the order and the great sail came with a run and fell half overboard among the racing foam let the stays l be he said again but before it was well uttered the shouted aloud and fell in a solid mass of wind and rain on the and she stooped under the blow and lay like a thing dead from the mind of reason fled he clung in the weather he was done with life and he in the release he in the wild noises of the wind and the choking of the rain he to die so and now amid the cargo of champagne this of the elements and meanwhile in the waist up to his knees | 38 |
whichever way the pointed she felt only a dull despair she believed no more than dr in the chance of recovery � that conviction seemed to her a of s imagination of his boyish ambition to achieve the impossible � and every hopeful symptom pointed in her mind only to a longer period of useless suffering her hours at s side deepened her revolt against the energy spent in the fight w h death since had learned that her husband was returning she had never by sign or word to the fact for a gleam of tenderness now and then when � the fruit of the tree was brought to her she seemed to have sunk back into herself as though her poor little of consciousness were wholly in the contemplation of its pain it was not that her mind was clouded � only that it was absorbed in that dread mystery of anguish which a capricious fate had laid on it and what if she recovered as they called it if the flood tide of pain should ebb leaving her a helpless wreck on the desert shores of what would life be to without movement thought would never set her blood flowing � in her could only take the form of the physical processes her love for was � ven if it into life again it could but put the to and and would her one sentiment � her for � suffice to reconcile her to the desolate half life which was the utmost that science could hold out here again s experience answered no she did not believe in s powers of moral � her body seemed less near death than her spirit life had been poured out to her in generous measure and she had the precious draught � the few drops remaining in the cup could no longer renew her strength pity not condemnation � profound from this conclusion of s to a compassionate heart there could be no instance of the of the tree the of life than this struggle of the small half formed soul with a destiny too heavy for its strength if had had any moral hope to fight for every pang of suffering would have been worth enduring but it was intolerable to witness the of her useless pain incessant commerce with such thou ts made as the days passed any escape from solitude any contact with other ideas even the re of bringing a breath of place conventional grief into the haunted of the house was a from her if it was hard to talk to him to answer his to assent to his it was harder a thousand times to go on talking to herself mr s coming was a distinct his was like to her wound mr undoubtedly grieved for but his grief struck inward only now and then the of his hard manner in a touch of extra solemnity the more of a period yet on the whole it was to his feeling that her own to be most akin if his acceptance of the inevitable proceeded from the resolve to spare himself pain that at least was a form of strength an indication of character she had never cared for the of sentiment the fruit of the tree now on tlie evening of the day after her talk with � it was more than ever a solace to escape from the torment of her thoughts into the air of mr ar s presence the day had been a bad one for the patient and s distress had been increased by the receipt of a cable from mr announcing that owing to delay in reaching he had missed the fast steamer from and would not arrive till four or five later than he had expected mr in response to her report had announced his intention of coming down by a late train and now he and and dr after dining together were seated before the fire in the room i take it then mr ar said turning to that the chances of her living io sec her father are very slight the young u raised his head eagerly not in my opinion sir unless arise i can almost to keep her alive for another month � i m not afraid to call it six weeks h m � doesn t so no dr from precedent and you mr s thin li s were by the ghost of a smile oh i don t argue � i just feel my way said is the fruit of the tree and yet you don t hesitate to no i don t sir because the case as i see it� presents certain definite indications he began to them cleverly avoiding the use of and trying to make his point clear by the use of simple illustration and it to listen to his passionate � she had heard it so often she believed in it so little mr turned a glance on him as he ended then today even you believe not only in the possibility of life but of ultimate recovery hesitated i won t call it recovery � today say � life prolonged and the it might disappear � after a few months � or a few years such an would be unusual exceptional but there are exceptions and i m straining ever nerve to make this one and the � such as today s for instance is unhappily and bound to increase � as the lose their effect there was a tap on the door and one of the nurses entered to report to he went out with and was left with mr � � � � � the fruit of the tree he turned to her thoughtfully that young fellow seems sure of himself you believe in him hesitated not in his expectation of recovery � no one does but you think they can keep the poor child | 10 |
of and honesty party lines were everywhere being broken through by men who found conviction stronger than party and tom himself felt his heart burn within him at the consciousness that the support he was to give his cousin was a direct of his sincere belief to be honest he must have who was set aside almost solely because the large interest which tom represented was supporting the latter there had been a good deal of by richard but tom s influence and tom s millions had everywhere been his card had an inherited place in the boston political world and in this particular matter no other man s word was of so much weight as his so that he felt to o in the bundle of time the full the responsibility of the he was to make which although would practically settle the matter richard had taken his seat opposite his cousin and with sparkling of lights of and of laughter the dinner went on tom could not eat and with gloomy eyes he looked down the table from his seat on the right of the eminent who presided his money paid for this feast at which he sat so unwillingly and to which he was brought to offer up his political honor as one more sacrifice to the of his tyrant his was almost it seemed to him that he must break out in some desperate deed he replied mechanically to what was said to him his face like a mask assuming a smile at the numerous which flew faster and faster he thought of and how she would despise him if she knew he had never dared tell her the truth but with painfully wrought excuses had explained the delay of their marriage until even her perfect faith was strained to wonder sitting at the feast to night tom ground his teeth and cursed the fate which made him wrong the heart that trusted him he looked across at his a political dinner cousin whose sallow cheek was flushed with triumph and a bitter leaped to his lips at the bondage in which he was held � an old purpose long cherished took new shape in his mind suppose he should rise in his place and lay bare all his whole wretched story to the honorable gentlemen dining here after all the ordeal seemed less dreadful than to stand up before them as for his cousin whatever was noble in his soul asserted itself and he sat more erect as his determination took form he might lose all that was dearest to him he shivered and set his teeth together at the thought of going out from this brilliant company a disgraced and man the impossibility of making them believe in the innocence of his intentions in writing that check came over him like a blast of icy air that these men who had all his life given to him the honor which belonged to a member of the proud old family into which he had been born should to morrow ever and ever after look when he encountered them seemed to him a punishment too terrible for human nature to endure the friends of his fine old father the companions of his college days the men he knew and in the bundle of time liked at the club all seemed to come in review before him passing his mental self as he sat there in the gay over the wine with averted faces and mien to confess seemed to him to mean the of all honor and all happiness he could not explain � could he even persuade he could only rise in his place and confess what he had done and that he had borne the burden of it so long that it was intolerable to bear it longer he would not even richard he thought with a of contempt behind which perhaps lay some subtle self if those who heard could and did read between the lines of his story that was not his concern he would not even mention his cousin s name but he almost groaned aloud as he thought of her to tell the truth meant giving her up and he reflected bitterly that not even the fact that he had never been so worthy of her as this confession would make him could not change the fact that he could not ask her to unite her with those of a man disgraced he would be worthy of her he said to himself even if he lost her he would not add to his the crime of being false in this public act it a political dinner was in no small degree a sense that to night he was acting in a sort of public capacity which gave him the firmness to hold to the resolution to speak the vital force which despite all corruption all and all selfishness does still live in our free institutions for every honest man strengthened him to go forward he might perhaps have lacked resolution to make this supreme sacrifice of himself had private issues been at stake but in his mind a throb of that patriotism which is the hope of the country woke all the nobility and fire of his soul whatever may have been the weakness or wickedness of his previous hfe he was at this moment truly and nobly a hero he set his teeth together and waited what he had to say in his mind and mingling it with the words in which he meant to tell the whole naked truth to at last the dinner meanwhile wore on and almost before tom realized it the air was full of cigar smoke and the for the evening was on his feet what he said poor tom could not have told had his life depended upon it he smiled to himself with dry lips as he fancied what would be the | 3 |
used to say tapping his stick against the when i was a young man i was one of twenty thousand who came out of the city and rode round the plain here i was the leader of a hundred then of a thousand then of five thousand and now � he pointed to his two servants but from the beginning to to day i would cut the throats of all the in the land if i could hold me fast lest i get away and return to those who would follow me i forgot them when i was in but now that i am in my own country again i remember everything do you remember that you have given me your honour not to make your a hard matter said the yes to you only to you said to you because you are of a pleasant countenance if my turn comes again i will not hang you nor cut your throat thank you said the gravely as he looked along the line of guns that could pound the city to powder in half an hour let us go into our own quarters come and talk with me after dinner on the city wall would sit on his own cushion at the s feet drinking heavy scented brandy in great and telling strange stories of fort which had been a palace in the old days of and tortured to death � ay in the very chamber that now served as a mess room would tell stories of that made the s cheeks flush and with pride of race and of the rising from which so much was expected and the of which was shared by a hundred thousand souls but he never told tales of because as he said he was the s guest and is a year that no man black or white cares to speak of once only when the seed brandy had slightly affected his head he said speaking now of a matter which lay between and the affair of the it was ever a wonder to us that you stayed your hand at all and that having stayed it you did not make the land one prison now i hear from without that you do great honour to all men of our country and by your own hands are destroying the terror of your name which is your strong rock and defence this is a foolish thing will oil and water mix now in � i was not born then said the and to his quarters the would tell me of these conversations at the club and my desire to see increased but sitting in the of the house on the city wall said that it would be a cruel thing to do and pretended that y on the city wall i preferred the society of a old to hers here is tobacco here is talk here are many friends and all the news of the city and above all here is myself i will tell you stories and sing you songs and will talk his english nonsense in your ears is that worse than watching the animal yonder go to morrow then if you must but to day such and such an one will be here and he will speak of wonderful things it happened that to morrow never came and the warm heat of the latter rains gave place to the chill of early october almost before i was aware of the flight of the year the captain commanding the fort returned from leave and took over charge of according to the laws of the captain was not a nice man he called all natives which besides being extreme bad form shows gross ignorance what s the use of telling off two to watch that old said he i fancy it his vanity said the the men are ordered to keep well out of his way but he takes them as a tribute to his importance poor old wretch i won t have line men taken off regular guards in this way put on a couple of native said the lifting his eyebrows � they re all alike these black and the captain talked to in a manner which hurt that old gentleman s feelings fifteen years before when he had been caught for the second time every one looked upon on the city wall him as a sort of tiger he liked being regarded in this light but he forgot that the world goes forward in fifteen years and many are promoted to the captain pig is in charge of the fort said to his native guard every morning and the native guard said yes in deference to his age and his air of distinction but they did not know who he was in those days the gathering in s little white room was always large and talked more than before the said who had been my books the inhabitants of the city of where they were always hearing and telling some new thing secluded their women � who were fools hence the glorious institution of the women � is it not � who were amusing and not fools all the greek philosophers delighted in their company tell me my friend how it goes now in greece and the other places upon the continent of europe are your also fools i said you never speak to us about your women folk and we never speak about ours to you that is the bar between us yes said it is curious to think that our common meeting place should be here in the house of a common � how do you call her he pointed with the pipe mouth to is nothing but i said and that was perfectly true but if you took your place in the world and gave up dreaming dreams � on the city wall i might wear an english coat | 39 |
his innumerable horse power worked away not what any body said and presently turned out young thomas a foot taller than when his father had last taken particular notice of him thomas is becoming said mr almost a young man time passed thomas on in the mill while his father was thinking about it and there he stood in a long tail coat and a stiff really said mr the period has arrived when thomas ought to go to time sticking to him passed him on into s bank him an of s house the chase of his first and exercised him diligently in his calculations relative to number one the same great always with an immense variety of work on hand in every stage of development passed onward in his mill and worked her up into a very pretty article indeed i fear said mr that your continuance at the school any longer would be useless i am afraid it would sir answered with a courtesy i can not disguise from you said mr knitting his brow that the result of your there has hard times disappointed me has greatly disappointed me you have not acquired under mr and mrs m any thing hke that amount of exact which i looked for you are extremely deficient in your facts your acquaintance with figures is very limited you are altogether backward and below the mark i am sorry sir she returned but i know it is quite true yet i have tried hard sir yes said mr yes i believe you have tried hard i have observed you and i can find no fault in that respect thank you sir i have thought sometimes very timid here that perhaps i tried to learn too much and that if i had asked to be allowed to try a httle less i might have � no no said mr shaking his head in his and most eminently practical way no the course you pursued you pursued according to the system � the system � and there is no more to be said about it i can only suppose that the circumstances of your early life were too to the development of your reasoning powers and that we began too late still as i have said already i am disappointed i wish i could have made a better acknowledgment sir of your kindness to a poor forlorn girl who had no claim upon you and of your protection of her don t shed tears said mr don t shed tears i don t complain of you you are an affectionate earnest good young woman and � and we must make that do thank you sir very much said with a grateful courtesy you are useful to mrs and in a generally way you are serviceable in the family also so i understand from miss and indeed so i have observed myself i therefore hope said mr that you can make yourself happy in those relations i should have nothing to wish sir if � i understand you said mr you still refer to your father i have heard from miss that you still preserve that bottle well if your training in the science of arriving at exact results had been more successful you would have been wiser on these points i will say no more hard times he really liked too well to have a t far her otherwise he held her calculating powers in such very slight estimation that he must have upon that conclusion some i how or other he had become possessed by an idea that there was i in this girl which could hardly be set forth in a form her capacity of definition might be easily stated at a low figure her knowledge at nothing yet he was not sure that if he had been required for example to her off into columns in a return he would have quite known how to divide her in some stages of his manufacture of the human the processes of time are very rapid young thomas and being both at such a stage of their working up these changes were effected in a year or two while mr himself seemed stationary in his course and no alteration except one which was apart from his necessary progress the mill time him into a httle noisy and rather dirty machinery in a by comer and made him member of parliament for one of the respected members for and measures one of the representatives of the table one of the deaf honorable gentlemen dumb honorable gentlemen blind honorable gentlemen lame honorable gentlemen dead honorable gentlemen to every other consideration else wherefore we in a christian land eighteen hundred and odd years after our master all this while had been passing on quiet and reserved and so much given to watching the bright ashes at twilight as they fell into the grate and became extinct that from the period when her father had said she was almost a young woman � which seemed but yesterday � she had scarcely attracted his notice again when he found her quite a young woman a young woman said mr musing � dear me i soon after this discovery he became more thoughtful than usual for several days and seemed much engrossed by one subject on a certain night when he was going out and came to bid him good by before his as he was not to be home until late and she would not see him again until the morning � he held in his aims looking at in ua hard times my dear you are a woman she answered with the old quick searching look of the night when she was found at the then cast down her eyes yes father my dear said mr i speak with you alone and seriously come to me in my room after breakfast to morrow will you yes father | 8 |
the year the whole atlantic coast of the northern continent had been brought to the knowledge of by the voyages of it was not however until after that any permanent were made in any portion of this vast territory thus more than a century between the discovery of the continent and the first establishment of european colonies upon it it must not be supposed however that the new world was neglected or forgotten during all this time by the nations of europe on the contrary it was an object of great interest during the whole first attempts at period and a great many of were made and many were sent out with means and preparation for establishing but all these attempts failed thus before any actual and successful was effected more than one years were spent in i causes op these failures � � � � tbe cause of these failures was mainly that the � � and people of europe in making them were advancing altogether upon the wrong track they were acting on mistaken principles instead of regarding the new continent in its true light as a vast domain of fertile land the value of which consisted in its to produce fruits and grain and to feed herds of sheep and oxen by which of men might maintain themselves in comfort and gradually rise to through profit derived from agricultural labor from commerce and the arts � the only ideas which possessed them in the which they were continually fitting out were the two wholly ideas of finding mines of gold or silver or else of discovering a passage to india which they thought would be almost equally a source of wealth by them to bring to first attempts at europe in their ships rich of gems pearls and other precious so long as these were the objects which thej had in view they could not but be disappointed and in all their attempts for there were no mines of gold or silver existing in any part of the continent accessible to them nor were there any through the american shores by which it was possible to find a route by sea to india de there were however some exceptions to the rule in respect to the motives which led to the first attempts to establish colonies in america and it is remarkable that the first actual settlement of a community of on these shores was a religious enterprise de was a french prince who lived in the time of charles ix during whose reign a terrible conflict between the and the took place which terminated finally in the almost complete of the by the of st himself in the end was murdered by a mob and afterward hanged upon a it was during the time that was in the height of his power as one of the great leaders first attempts at that he conceived the idea of a colony of � or as they were then called upon some portion of the american continent s attempt the first experiment that was made under the of de to establish a colony in the new world was committed to the charge of a certain adventurer named indeed it seems to have been himself who proposed the plan while furnished the means of carrying it into execution his design was he said to found a kingdom in the new world where the could be free from the cruel which they in europe and live in peace accordingly furnished him with ships and with a considerable company of men and he set sail from the port now called his was overtaken by a storm very soon after leaving port and was driven back up the channel and in the end forced to take refuge in here quite a number of the men satisfied with the hardships and which they had already endured deserted with the rest put to sea again and finally reached the south coast of first attempts at where he undertook to found a settlement but he proved to be wholly unfit to have the charge of such an undertaking he chose a place for his settlement where no water was to be obtained he quarrelled with his men and quarrelled with the natives he allowed his little community to become distracted with religious in regard to the questions in dispute between and the other leaders and so important were these points of in their view that they actually made arrangements for sending a of their number to europe to refer their to the german churches for settlement while remained in south america his colony received one strong which was sent out to him from france by with this new arrival there came six children who were sent out to learn the indian language and two ministers there were also five young women in the party who came out under the charge of a matron and there were two or three hundred men was much pleased at the arrival of this he received the ministers with an appearance of very devout satisfaction and made arrangements for divine service on the very day of the landing and i � i first attempts at ment of the lord s supper himself with great solemnity but his conduct in dealing with his men did not correspond very well with these outward professions of piety he treated them with great and cruelty and on the whole his affairs so seriously that before long the community became completely and the colony was in the end entirely broken up portions of the company escaped at different times and in ways but in the end all that survived made their way back to france john the next attempt which was made by the prince de to establish a colony in america interests us more directly as on this occasion it was a point on the coast of the united states which was selected as the | 22 |
and recognise her his sleep having been broken he was disposed to be ever bin by train afore he asked no no eh that s mighty cur ous a most goes somewhere by train nowadays � there s such a sight o cheap i know a man got up i the middle o night e did an more fool e � innocent an off e goes by train down to for tiie day � never seen the sea before an it im such a scare as e ain t got over it yet e said there was such a sight o water that e it ud off altogether an wash away all the land and im with it ay ay e was main scared is cheap i ve never seen the sea said innocent then in a low clear tone � but i ve read about it � and i think i know what it is like it is always changing � it is full of beautiful colours blue and green and grey and violet � and it has great waves edged with white foam � oh yes � the poets write about it and i have often seen it in my dreams the dawning light in the sky deepened � and the turned his head to look more closely at his girl companion ye talks mighty strange he said � a most as if ye d been up to it i ain t been an i ve no notions above my but ye may be right about the sea � if ye ve read about it though the papers is mostly lies if ye asks me telling ye one thing one day an another to morrow i don t read the papers � and innocent smiled a little as in the light she began to see the stolid stupid but good natured face of the man � i don t understand them i ve read about the sea in books � books of poetry he uttered a sound a whistle and a books of poetry an ye re goin to seek service in take my word for t my they won t want any folks there wi sort o like that in their � they re all on the make there an they don t care for money an ow to it i ain t bin there but i ve a good deal you may have heard wrong said innocent gathering more age as she that the light was her fancy and his fact now quite clear enough for him to see her features distinctly and that it was evident he did not know her � london is such a large place that there must be all sorts in it � good as well as bad � they can t all be greedy for money there must be people who think beautiful things and do beautiful work oh there s plenty o work done there � and the his long whip against the sturdy of his horses � i t that an you ll ave to work my � you you ll ave to wash down steps an sweep a good while afore you into the way of it why not take a service in the country i m a little tired of the country she answered � i d like a change an a change ye re likely to he retorted somewhat � lor bless yer art there ain t like the country all the trees a an the flowers a an the birds a ave ye ever of a place called farm she controlled the nervous start of her body and replied quietly � i think i have a very old place ah old twas old in the tune o good queen � an the same ly as ad it these years � a ly o the name o ay if ye could a got service wi farmer ye d a bin in luck s way but e s dead an gone last week � more s the pity � an is nephew s got the place now e ain t a she was silent affecting not to be interested the went on � that s the sort o place to seek service in safe an clean an as the sunshine � good work an good pay � a deal better than a place in innocent an country air my � country air � like it a sudden blaze of gold lit up the trees � the sun was rising � full day was disclosed and the last curtains of the night were withdrawn showing a heavenly blue sky lightly with wandering of white cloud like he pointed eastward with his long whip look at that he said � fine isn t it no roofs and chimneys � just the woods and fields like it anywhere innocent drew a long breath � the air was indeed sweet and keen � new life seemed given to the world with its freshness but she made no reply to the enthusiastic comments of her companion thoughts were in her brain too deep for speech not here not here in this quiet pastoral scene could she learn the way to the golden of fame from the hands of the silent � it must be in the turmoil and rush of endeavour � the swift pursuit of the flying i and � the slow along � she felt herself drawn as it were by a � on � on � on � on towards a veiled mystery which waited for her � a mystery which she alone could solve presently they came within sight of several rows of ugly wooden sheds with iron roofs and short black chimneys a most there now said the � ere s a bit o already � dirt an and where man do make a mess o things e makes a mess all round spoils everything e | 33 |
which he always insisted on giving that evening i saw him being dragged along by loi the gray jacket of no three and he was cursing like a demon in the course of time he got so low that he spent much more than half his time in jail he became a perfect vagabond and with his clothes ragged and dirty might be seen about or standing around the street comers near bars waiting for a chance drink or sitting asleep in of buildings his companions would be one or two like himself with red noses faces dry hair and filthy clothes sometimes i would see him hurrying along with one of these as if they had a piece of the most important business in the world an idea had struck their brains that by some means they could manage to secure a drink yet in some way he still held himself above these creatures and once or twice i heard of him being under arrest for what he deemed an impertinence from them once he came very near being drowned there was a flood in the river and a large crowd was watching it from the bridge suddenly a little girl s dog fell in it was pushed in by a the child cried out and there was a commotion when it subsided a man was seen swimming for life after the little white head go k the gray jacket of no ing own the stream it was no he had the fellow in the face and then had sprung in after the dog he caught it and got out himself though in too exhausted a state to stand up when he was praised for it he said a member of old joe s company who would not have done that could not have ridden behind old joe i had this story from eye witnesses and it was used shortly after with good effect for he was arrested for breaking into a man s house one night it looked at first like a serious case for some money had been taken out of a drawer but when the case was it turned out that the house was a bar room over which the man lived � he was the same man who had pitched the dog into the water � and that no after being given enough to make him a madman had been put out of the place had broken into the bar during the night to get more and was found fast asleep in a chair with an empty bottle beside him i think the jury became satisfied that if any money had been taken the to make out a case against no had taken it himself but there was a breaking and it had to be got around so his counsel appealed to the jury telling them what he knew of no together with the story the gray jacket of no of the child s dog and no reply there were one or two soldiers on the jury and they him on which he somehow managed to get enough to land him back in jail in twenty four hours in may there was a monument in it was a great occasion and not only all virginia but the whole south in it with great much enthusiasm and many tears it was an occasion for sacred memories the newspapers talked about it for a good while beforehand preparations were made for it as for the of a great and general ceremony in which the whole south was interested it was interested because it was not only the of a monument for the old commander the greatest and and as the south holds man of his time it was an occasion consecrated to the whole south it was the in precious memories and laying away in the tomb of the southern the of the southern people as such all were interested in it and all prepared for it it was known that all that remained of the southern armies would be there of the armies that fought at and bull run and fort � the gray jacket of no republic at seven pines s mill and cold harbor at and at and the wilderness and and the whole south union as it is now and ready to fight the nation s battles gathered to lee the old commander and to see and the of those and other bloody fields in which the soldiers of the south had held the world at bay and added to the glorious history of their race men came all the way from and to be present old one legged soldiers it from west virginia even no though in the caught the and shaped up and became sober he got a good suit of clothes somewhere � not new � and appeared quite respectable he even got something to do and in token of what he had been was put on one of the many having a hand in the entertainment arrangements i never saw a greater change in anyone it looked as if there was hope for him yet he stopped me on the street a day or two before the and told me he had a piece of good news the remnant of his old company was to be here he had got hold of the last one � there were the gray jacket of no nine of them left � and he had his old jacket that he had worn in the war and he was going to wear it on the march it s worn of course he said but my mother put some patches over the holes and except for the stain on it it s in good order i believe i am the only one of the boys that has his jacket still my mother kept this for me i have never got so hard up as to | 46 |
dust cried a and they all looked with wonder at the rejected mr took the dust and poured it out from one hand to the r he separated the and them by some mighty instinct brass � or � gilt to give it weight this is from not m m nor nature such as it is it cost me thirty pounds cried keep it i shall find him my shall never go into the earth again till i m with this one that is right roared the men bring him to us and the captain shall sit in judgment again and the men s countenances were gloomy for this was a new and struck at the very root of gold digging i ii put it down mr said robinson after the others gone to their work here is a new planted on us so far from home i will pull it down with a cord but i ll end it crash went tea thousand it is never too late to mend the mine had i wish i could give the european reader an idea of the magnitude of this sound whose cause was so humble i must draw on nature for a comparison � did you ever stand upon a rocky shore at evening when a great storm has suddenly gone down leaving the waves as as they were while it raged then there is no roaring wind to dull the of the tremendous sea as it lashes the long re shore such was the sound of ten thousand yet the sound of each one was insignificant hence an observation and a reflection � the latter i to the lovers of antiquity � that sound it in a way science has not yet accounted for and that though men are all napoleon included man is a giant the works of man are so prodigious they contradict all we see of any individual s powers and even so when you had seen and heard one man rock one cradle it was all the harder to believe that a few thousand of them could rival thunder and the angry sea the long re echoing shore at night these miserable wooden lost their real character when combined in one mighty human effort it seemed as if giant labor had stretched forth an arm as an arm of the sea and rocked one enormous engine whose sides were these great rocks and its mouth a thundering sea crash from meal to meal the more was robinson surprised when full an hour before dinner time this mighty noise all of a sudden became and and presently human cries of a strange character made their to his ear through the wooden thunder what on earth is up now thought he � an earthquake presently he saw at about half a mile off a vast crowd of making towards him in tremendous excitement they came on swelled every moment by fresh and cries of vengeance and excitement were now heard which the wild and savage aspect of the men rendered truly terrible at last he saw and comprehended all at a glance there were and two others dragging a man along whose white � ice and knocking knees betrayed his guilt and his terror robinson knew him directly it was who had been the duck the night his tent was robbed here is the captain i i ve got him captain this is the beggar that the hole for mo and now we will him a fierce burst of exultation from the crowd they for revenge had caught the man at the other end of the camp and his offence was known by this time to half the mine proceed regularly said robinson don t condemn the man unheard no he shall be tried and you shall be the judge i consent said robinson somewhat then arose a cry that made him reflect a seat for judge and in a moment a seat was built with and he was set on high with six faces round him for one of his own he determined to back out of the whole thing no no i cried he that is impossible i cannot be a judge in such a serious matter why not roared several voices why not because i am not a regular because i have not got authority from the crown there was a howl of derision we give you authority we order you to be judge we are king lords and do what we bid you or added a stranger we will hang you and the prisoner with one rope grim assent of the surrounding faces sat down on the ss n js too late to mend not a now then remonstrated one what are you waiting for name the jury me me i i and there was a rush for the office keep cool replied another law goes it goes by rule judge name the jury robinson a man whose wits seldom deserted him at once determined to lead since he could not resist he said with dignity i shall choose one from each of the different countries that are working in this mine that no nation may seem to be for this gold to all the world well done judge three cheers for judge when i call a give me a name which i will on my report of the proceedings i want a lad first here is one william pass over france present germany here holland here van der spain and italy were called bnt no reply asleep i take it united states here here robinson casting his eyes round m and being minded to the severity of his jury he cried out scotland m you shall represent her no answer m cried several voices where are ye don t you hear judge speak to yon come m come over you are a respectable man mr m intimated briefly in his native dialect | 9 |
at length forcing herself to speak and to speak cautiously she said with calmness of manner which tolerably well concealed her surprise and solicitude � may i ask if your engagement is of long standing we have been engaged these four years four years yes though greatly shocked still felt unable to believe it i did not know said she that you were even acquainted till the other day our acquaintance however is of many years date he was under my uncle s care you know a considerable while your uncle sense and yes mr did you never hear him talk of mr i think i have replied with an exertion of spirits which increased with her increase of emotion he was four years with my uncle who lives at near it was there our begun for my sister and me was often staying with my uncle and it was there our engagement was formed though not till a year after he had quitted as a pupil but he was almost always with us afterwards i was very unwilling to enter into it as you may imagine without the knowledge and approbation of his mother but i was too young and loved him too well to be so prudent as i ought have been though you do not know so well as me miss you must have seen enough of him to be sensible he is very capable of making a woman sincerely attached to him certainly answered without knowing what she said but after a moment s reflection she added with revived security of edward s honour and love and her companion s falsehood � engaged to mr edward � i confess so totally surprised at what you tell me that really � i beg your pardon but surely there must be some mistake of person or name we cannot mean the same mr we can mean no other cried smiling mr edward the eldest son of mrs of park street and brother of your sister in law mrs john is the person i mean you must allow that am not likely to be deceived as to the name of the man on whom all my happiness depends it is strange replied in a most painful perplexity that i should never have heard him even mention your name no considering our situation it was not strange our first care has been to keep the matter secret you knew nothing of me or my family and therefore there could be no occasion for ever mentioning my name to you and as he was always particularly afraid of his sister s suspecting any thing that was reason enough for his not mentioning it she was silent s security sunk but her self did not sink with it four years you have been engaged said she with a firm voice sense and yes and heaven knows how much longer we may have to wait poor edward it puts him quite out of heart then taking a small miniature from her pocket she added to prevent the possibility of mistake be so good as to look at this face it does not do him justice to be sure but yet i think you cannot be deceived as to the person it was drew for i have had it above these three years she put it into her hands as she spoke and when saw the painting whatever other doubts her fear of a too hasty decision or her wish of falsehood might suffer to linger in her mind she could none of its being edward s face she returned it almost instantly acknowledging the likeness i have never been able continued to give him my picture in return which i am very much vexed at for he has been always so anxious to get it but i am determined to sit for it the very first opportunity you are quite in the right replied calmly they then proceeded a few paces in silence spoke first i am sure said she i have no doubt in the world of your faithfully keeping this secret because you must know of what importance it is to us not to have it reach his mother for she would never approve of it i dare say i shall h ve no fortune and i fancy she is an exceeding proud woman v i certainly did not seek your confidence said but you do me no more than justice in imagining that i may be depended on your secret is safe with me but pardon me if i express some surprise at so unnecessary a communication you must at least have felt that my being acquainted with it could not add to its safety as she said this she looked earnestly at hoping to discover something in her countenance perhaps the falsehood of the greatest part of what she had been saying but s countenance suffered no change i was afraid you would think i was taking a great liberty with you said she in telling you all this i have not known you long to be sure personally at least but i have known you and all your family by description a great while and as soon as i saw you i felt almost as if you was an old acquaintance besides in the present case i really thought and sensibility some explanation was due to you after my making such particular about edward s mother and i am so unfortunate that i have not a creature whose advice i can ask anne is the only person that knows of it and she has no judgment at all indeed she does me a great deal more harm than good for i am in constant fear of her betraying me she does not know how to hold her tongue as you must perceive and i am sure i was in the greatest fright in the world t other day | 26 |
used the with sugar and very little � the sugar and eggs should be beaten together or is good for the pie require a very hot oven pie � boil or irish potatoes until they are quite soft when and strain them to a quarter of a pound of potatoes put a of milk three table of melted butter four beaten eggs a wine glass of add sugar and to the taste pie � take mellow � wash and put them in a deep pie plate lined with pie crust a of sugar on each la er of put in about a table of water and a little flour over the it m thick t� and the pie from fifty to sixty i minutes i pie � cut off the brown part of the grate die white part and mix it with milk and set it on the fire and let it boil slowly eight or ten minutes to a pound of the allow a of milk ei ht eggs four table of white sugar a glass of a small fine two of melted butter and half a the eggs and sugar should be beaten to to a then the wine stirred in put them into the milk and which should be first allowed to get quite cool � add the and � the whole into deep pie plates with a and rim of puff them as soon as turned into the plates a plain � a of milk with half a dozen leaves or the of a when they have the milk strain it and set it where it will boil mix a table of � with a couple of table of milk and stir it into tne boiling milk let it boil a minute stirring it constantly take it from the fire and when cool put in three beaten eggs � it to the taste turn it into deep pie plates and the directly in a quick oven and out the core of six large apples put part of a and a little of each and them in pieces of puff them in for the purpose or bits of linen for an hour before serving cut off a small bit from the top of each and put in a tea of sugar and a bit of fresh butter replace the bit of and over them loaf sugar � into a and a half of flour stir gradually so that it may not oe a of beat seven eggs and put in together with a couple of table of melted butter and a couple of tea of salt grate in half of a � add if you want the very rich h a pound of they not be put into a baked till it has been cooking long enough to so that the will not sink to the bottom of it a made in this manner is good either baked or boiled it takes two hours to boil and an hour and a quarter to it when boiled the bag should not he more than two thirds full as flour much it should be put into boiling water and kept boiling constantly if the water away so as to leave any part of the bag uncovered more boiling water should be when the has boiled ei t or nine the bag be over the will be heavy flour should be as soon as cooked they fall directly serve them up with rich a rice � pick and wash a pint of rice and boil it then drain off the water and let the rice dry and get cold afterwards mix with it two of butter and four of sugar and stir it into a rich milk beat four oi five eggs very light and add them gradually to the stir in a or according to taste it an hour in a deep dish rice mile � pick and wash half a pint of rice and boil it a of water till it is quite soft then drain it and mix it with of rich milk you may add half a pound of w hole set it over hot coals and stir it frequently till it when it hard stir in two beaten eggs and four large table of brown sugar let it continue boiling five longer then lake it off and send it to table hot if you put in you must let it boil till they are quite soft the best meat � take a large fresh tongue it with a in equal proportions of salt brown sugar and powdered cover it and let it lie two days or at least twenty four hours then boil it two hours and when it is cold skin it and it very fine chop also three six pounds of and six pounds of the best apples that have been previously and add three pounds of picked washed dried two large the of four large one pound of sweet one of bitter and in a mortar with half a pint of rose water also four powdered two dozen beaten and a dozen blades of powdered add a pound of powdered white and a pound of cut into slips together and it with a of and a pint of brandy put it up closely in a stone with brandy paper and when you take any out add some more brandy this meat in puff you may reserve the to put in when you make the do cut the slips too or the taste will be almost � three quarters of a pound of in two of they should be broken in small pieces when they bare soaked soft put b a quarter of a pound of melted butter the same weight of rolled sugar half a pint at wheat floor a wine glass of wine and a nut pa beat ten eggs to a and stir them into the milk add half a | 41 |
would be made later on they were at a table which was only used when they were alone it was a round table set near to the open window on occasions when they had a large party they and dined at the long table which occupied the whole centre of the room and this smaller one was used as a side table by the servants the arrangement of plants margaret s face from and as she was not at any time a very great her escaped bis notice just as they finished lunch asked her carelessly if she had been through the rooms oh yes said margaret you thought they looked all right said carelessly very nice indeed said margaret more especially the one which was with the lilies a woman now as a matter of fact was not sure what lilies were of she had chosen those particular flowers because they happened to be in great beauty so she did not farther continue the subject and margaret went to dress for her drive without any further allusion to the work of the morning the first of guests did not reach until time for a late supper they had all travelled together from london mrs mr and mrs and my dear margaret said mrs as soon as she stepped over the threshold i never felt such a short way from london in my life before what a wonderful thing it is to have good company we have had the journey up and the dinner on the road and i have won nineteen shillings at all the same t am afraid prince that it was you who lost it but i was the said in his most manner then bowed very low indeed to margaret madame he said i am charmed to see you again welcome to said margaret holding out her hand yes a thousand to added approaching them at that moment i am glad to see you here my dear fellow you are heartily welcome and i hope that you didn t dine so well in the train that you are not able to eat some supper now you have got here oh my dear we are all ready to eat three we are all ready to eat you out of house and home we are ready for anything i feel as if i could almost eat you well i hope nobody else feels like that said looking round with a smile not you perhaps said with an emphasis upon the but others laughed ah that is very good that is very good said nothing he did not even smile but he looked at and margaret made haste to say that supper would be ready in a quarter of an hour and to beg them all to go and brush off a little of the dust of the journey you will not change or anything of that kind she said well if you will excuse us said mrs take care for one certainly will not my usual room margaret my dear yes your usual room but they are waiting to show you all which are your quarters and don t be longer than a quarter of an hour please they all made such good haste that by the time a quarter of an hour had gone by they were seated round a supper table in the place of honour on margaret s right hand as was quite on the other side of the table and out of hearing he presently spoke to her in german he said have i to thank you for the welcome which i found upstairs or shall i put it for the remembrance not at all said margaret very stiffly i don t arrange the flowers does that whether her choice was or accidental i cannot say but you will have to be very careful during the next fortnight for more than something of the past oh nonsense said he how could she possibly know anything about it i wish you had not come said margaret i did my best to prevent asking you but it was no use however for my sake i you to be very careful in every word that you utter in every look that you give me if the past came out my life would be over i will be discretion itself said earnestly now from that moment it must be confessed that had a very busy and somewhat anxious time in the place she had to perform regularly those small duties which had fallen to her share when she became a permanent member of the household then she had to occupy a good deal of time in making herself appear to the best advantage she had naturally to enjoy herself as much as she could which was a good deal and to keep an eager and anxious eye upon the movements of her cousin s wife and prince at first there seemed to be very little to find out and margaret were guarded in the extreme he paid her the attentions which he would have paid to any hostess but neither by word nor look did he let slip any hint of that dark story of the past it happened when they had been three days at a woman house that during breakfast remarked on the fact that the post was late they were indeed half the meal before wood brought in the post bag with the information that there had been a break down on the line which was the reason of the being behind time a serious accident wood asked t think not sir only a break down nobody killed or hurt i am glad of that said and the others at the table also gave a murmur of satisfaction mrs � mrs � mrs went on rapidly turning over the contents of the bag mrs � mrs � nineteen for you margaret oh not really nineteen | 30 |
trouble taken nor � � � � � � � � � � � � temper and if my plain � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i i m fer l cost me any of the friends that i still count i shall be sorry but i need not be ashamed in one particular the of words has been altered and the characteristic n of the language written throughout ng instead of g thus i put instead of the sound being that of soft ng in english as in singer not as in finger xv l s contents preface v chapter i elements of discord native i chapter n elements of discord foreign chapter hi the sorrows of i j to september chapter iv september i y to august chapter v the battle of september � � � � � viii contents chapter vi last of september ber chapter the november � i s chapter affairs of and november december chapter ix december to march i g chapter x the f march i g chapter xi and i g i g map op a part or the north coast of � a inch to x eight years of trouble in chapter i the elements of discord native the story i have to tell is still going on as i write the characters are alive and active it is a piece of contemporary history in the most exact sense and yet for all its and the part played in it by and and iron war ships the ideas and the manners of the native actors date back before the roman empire they are christians singers of hymns at family worship hardy their books are printed in london by or the tract society but in most other points they are the of our ancestors who drove their on the wrong side of the roman wall we have passed the eight years of trouble in they are not yet clear of the we are in the thick of the age of they are in a period of and this makes them hard to understand to us with our ideas has the first appearance of a land of an elaborate marks the race alone among terms of ceremony fly thick as oaths on board a ship each other when they meet � and as they play and for the real noble a whole private dialect is set apart e common names for an axe for blood for a knife a pig food and an oven are in his presence as the common names for a and for many offices and members of the body are in the drawing rooms of english ladies special words are set apart for his leg bis face his hair his belly his eyelids his son his daughter his wife his wife s his wife s with his wife his dwelling his spear his comb his sleep his dreams his anger the mutual anger of several chiefs his food his pleasure in eating the food and eating of his his his elements of discord native cough his sickness his recovery his death his being carried on a the of his bones and his skull after death to address these is quite a branch of knowledge and he who goes to visit a high chief does well to make sure of the of his to complete the picture the same word the watching of a virgin and the of a chief and the same word means to cherish a chief and to a favourite child men like us full of memories of hear of a man so addressed so flattered and we leap at once to the conclusion that he is hereditary and absolute hereditary he is bom of a great family he must always be a man of mark but yet his office is and in a weak sense is held on good behaviour compare the case of a chief bom one of the great ones of his he was sometimes appointed its chief officer and conventional father was loved and respected and served and fed and died for if he gave loyalty a chance and yet if he sufficiently outraged sentiment was liable to as to eight years of trouble in authority the parallel is not so close doubtless the chief if he be popular a great influence but it is limited important matters are in a f or native parliament with its and parade its endless speeches and polite allusions i say � not decided for even a small will often strike a or a province impotent in the midst of these the chief sits usually silent a kind of a audience for village and the of the seems for the moment to be final the absolute chiefs of and were addressed as plain john and thomas the chiefs of are with but the seat and extent of their actual authority is hard to find it is so in the members of the state and worse in the belly the idea of a sovereign the air the name we have the thing we are not so sure of and the process of election to the chief power is a mystery certain provinces have in their gift certain high titles or names as they are called these can only be attributed to the descendants of elements of discord native lar lines once granted each name at once the whatever that be worth of the province which it and counts as one towards the general of to be king they say � or some of them say i find few in perfect harmony � a man should resume five of these names in his own person but the case is purely local jealousy its occurrence there are rival provinces far more concerned in the of their than in the choice of a right man for king if one of these | 38 |
and till them both and divided the morsel between them but at last glancing at the clock checked the play and said o yon re wanting to go into le to smoke your pipe clear away tint so as y i make � l e had to a pipe daily during tbe last two years having been strongly urged lo it by the u es of as a practice good for the fits and this by dr on the ground that it was as well to try what could do no harm � a pie which was made to answer for a great deal of work in that s medical practice did highly smoking and often wondered how his could be so fond of it but a humble sort of acquiescence jn what was held lo be good had become a of that new self which had been developed in him since he had found on his hearth it had been the only dew his bewildered mind could hold bv in this young life that had been to him out of the darkness into which his gold had departed by seeking what was needful for by sharing the effect that everything produced on her he had himself come to appropriate the forms of custom and l which were the mould of life and as with memory also he had begun to over the elements of his old faith and them with his new impressions till he recovered a consciousness of unity between hia past and present je of goodness and hum t all pure peace and joy had given him a dim impression here had been some error some mistake which had thrown that dark shadow over the days of his best years and as it grew more and more easy to him to open hia mind to he gradually communicated to her all he could describe of his early life the communication was necessarily a slow and difficult process for s gave her no key to and made every novelty a of wonder that arrested at every step of the it was only by fragments and at intervals which left time to what she had beard till it acquired some for her that at last arrived at the climax of the sad story � the drawing of lots and its false testimony concerning bim and this had to be repeated in several under new questions on her part as to the nature of this plan for the guilty and clearing the innocent and s the bible re sure o that master � the as you brought wi you from that country � it s he same as what ihey ve got at church and what s a learning to read tes said every bit the same and there s drawing o lots in the bible mind you he added in a o dear dear said in a grieved voice aa if she were hearing an report of a sick man s case she was silent for some there s wise folks happen as know how it all is the parson knows i be bound but it lakes big ds to tell them things and as poor folks can t make much out on i can never rightly know the meaning o what i bear at church only a bit here and there bat i know it s good words � i do lies your mind � it s this master mar ner as if them above had done the right thing by jou they d never ha let be turned out for a wicked thief when you was ah said who had now come to understand that was what fell if it had been red hot iron because j see there was as ow and bim as d gone out i in wi for en year and since � wh we wm i� es � y mine own friend in whom i trusted had d heel again me and worked to ruin me eh but he was a bad un � i can t us s such but i m o master i m like as if i d and did n t know whether waa night or i feel how as sure do when i ve up i can t justly put my hand on it as there was rights in what happened to you if on could hut make it out and d n call to lo heart as yon did but w talk on it again for things come my head when i i or or such as could never on when i was to have many of illumination of the kind alluded to and she was not long before she re to the subject master she said one day that she came to bring home s washing i ve been sore puzzled a good bit wi that trouble o and the drawing o lots anti it got twisted back and for os i did n c know which end to lay hold on but it come to me au clear like that night when i was si ting up wi poor as is dead and her children behind god help em � it come lo me as clear as daylight but whether i ve got hold on it now or can lo my tongue s that i don t know ear i re often a deal inside me as ii come out and for what yon o your folks in your old country saying prayers by heart nor saying em out of a book they must be wonderful for if i did n t know our and little bits o good words as i can carry out o church wi me i might down o my knees every night but nothing could j but you can mostly say something as i can make sense on mrs said well then master it make nothing o be | 14 |
the roads and the best x pro way i can serve him is by drawing his attention to the which till now he has accepted as a that there is one standard of conduct for all men and all women but the difficulty of writing a sufficient letter on a subject so large and so intricate me and i sat smiling for an odd thought had dropped suddenly into my mind my correspondent was a bible reader no doubt and it would be amusing to refer him to the chapter in where god is angry with our first parents because they had eaten of the tree of good and evil this passage i said to myself has never been properly understood why was god angry for no other reason except that they had set up a moral standard and could be happy no longer even in paradise according to this chapter the moral standard is the origin of all our woe god himself summoned our first parents before him and in what plight did they appear we know how ridiculous the fig leaf makes a statue seem in our think of the poor man and woman attired in fig leaves just plucked from the trees i experienced a thrill of satisfaction that i should have been the first to understand a text that men have been studying for of years turning each word over and over worrying over it all in vain yet through no fault of the who certainly his intention could he have done it better than by exhibiting our first parents covering themselves with fig leaves and telling how after getting a severe talking to from the almighty they escaped from paradise pursued by an angel the story can have no other meaning and that i am the first to it is due to no superiority of intelligence but because my mind is free but i must not appear to my correspondent as an turning to his letter again i read xi m� of my dead life i mm is your life all of a ave a i can t the yon seem and frank to the ve of or over bat is standard of is there a � id a is open to any man can yon refer me now to any other book of yours in yon view life steadily and it whole from our point my intrusion see i don t set n self aa a but you � y all my standards and you take your reader so quietly aad closely into your confidence tiiat you tempt a response i see your many points but your of is not and i do want to as a matter of enormous human what are i cannot ov express myself with literary point as you do hot may see what i aim at it is a bigger question to me than value or force of your book it goes right to the core of the big things and i you as one man of limited outlook to another of wider range the reader will not suspect me of vanity for in these he will see readily that my is to let the young man paint his own portrait and i hope he will catch as i seem to do of an earnest spirit a sort of father hesitating on the brink of his lake there is a lake in every man s but i most not quote my own writings if i him the reader will be able to judge having the letter before him but if my view of him is right my task is a more subtle one than merely to point out he seek in vain for a moral standard whether he seeks it in the book of nature or in she book of god i should not move him by pointing out that in the old t � we xii pro told an eye for � i eye is onr and in tiie new the is to turn tiie left cheek after a blow cm the tight nor he be by referring him to ae history oi mankind to the wait for or tiie daily in everybody knows more or less the history of mankind and to know it at all is to know that every has at some time or been a but man by and to my correspondent over to onr side it might be to tell him that if there be no moral he will find a idea if he looks for it in i reflected how i would tell him that he most not be the idea and to and ns for long intervals if he would make progress he learn to that the world only we onr standards of what is right and wrongs just as the became a thousand times and beautiful when tiiat tiie earth moved had before the he would have been a great but he would not have w r i the celebrated passage two things fill tlie soul and ever admiration ihe ni t with its heaven of stars above us and in onr hearts the moral the only fault i find with passage is i read the word law where i to read the word idea for the word law seems to imply a standard and knew there is none is the fault with the or with who did not pick words the spent ten years thinking out the of pure reason and only six writing it no doubt his text t be with advantage if there was n moral xiii of my dead life standard the world within us would be as insignificant as die was when the earth was the of the universe and all the stars were little candles and sat above them a god who changed his mind and repented a fanciful god who ordered the waters to rise so that his creatures might be overwhelmed in | 15 |
put you out i m sure i don t know she retorted don t ask me who said i was put out at all i never did mr gave up the perusal of his newspaper as a bad job and taking a slow walk across the room with his hands behind him and his shoulders raised � his gait according perfectly with the resignation of his manner � addressed to his two eldest offspring your supper will be ready in a minute said mr your mother has been out in the wet to the cook s shop to buy it it was very good of your mother so to do you shall get some supper too very soon your mother s pleased with you my man for being so attentive to your precious sister mrs without any remark but with a decided of her towards ther table finished her preparations and took firom her ample basket a substantial of hot wrapped in paper and a basin covered with a which on being uncovered sent forth an so agreeable that the three pair of eyes in the two beds opened wide and fixed themselves upon the banquet mr without regarding this invitation to be seated stood repeating slowly yes yes your supper wiu be ready in a minute � your mother went out in the wet to the cook s shop to buy it it was very good of your mother so to do � until mrs who had been exhibiting sundry tokens of behind him caught him round the neck and wept the man oh said mrs how could i go and behave so this reconciliation affected the and to that degree that they both as with one accord raised a dismal cry which had the effect of immediately shutting up the round eyes in the beds and utterly the two remaining little just then stealing in from the adjoining closet to see what was going on in the eating way i am sure sobbed mrs coming home i had no more idea than a child mr seemed to this figure of speech and observed say than the baby my dear � had no more idea than the baby said mrs � don t look at me but look at her or she u out of your lap and be killed and then you u die in agonies of a broken heart and serve you right � no more idea i hadn t than that darling of being cross when i came home but somehow mrs paused and again turned her wedding ring round and round upon her finger i see said mr i understand my httle woman was put out hard times and hard weather and hard work make it trying now and then i see bless your soul no wonder my man continued mr exploring the basin with a fork here s your mother been and bought at the cook s shop besides a whole of a lovely roast leg of pork with lots of left upon it and with and quite unlimited hand in your plate my boy and begin while it s master no second summons received his portion with eyes rendered moist by appetite and withdrawing to his particular stool fell upon his supper tooth and nail was not forgotten but received his on bread lest he should in a of any on the baby he was required for similar reasons to keep his when not on active service in his pocket there might have been more pork on the � which the at the cook s shop had assuredly not forgotten in carving for previous customers � but there was no of and that is an suggesting pork and pleasantly the sense of taste the too the and like the the man u eastern rose in of tlie if they were not absolutely pork had lived near it so upon the whole was the of a middle sized pig it was irresistible to the ia hei who though to slumber crawled out when unseen l their and silently appealed to their brothers for any token of affection they not hard of heart presenting scraps in return it resulted that a party of light in night gowns were about the parlor au supper which harassed mr exceedingly and once or twice imposed upon him the necessity of a before which these troops retired in all directions and in great confusion mrs did not enjoy her supper there seemed to be something on mrs s mind at one lime she laughed without reason and at another time she cried without reason and at last she laughed and cried tc in a manner very unreasonable that her husband was confounded my little woman said mr if the world goes that way it appears to go the wrong way and to choke you give me a drop of water said mis with herself and don t speak to me for the present or take any notice of me don t do it mr having administered the water turned suddenly on the unlucky who was full of sympathy and demanded why he was there in idleness instead of coming forward with the baby that the sight of her might revive his mother immediately approached borne down by its weight but mrs holding out her hand to that she was not in a condition to bear that trying appeal to her feelings he was from advancing another on pain of perpetual hatred om du his dearest connections and accordingly stool ain and crushed himself as before after a pause mrs said she was better i began to laugh my little woman said her husband quite sure you re better or are you about out in a fresh direction f no no replied his wife i m quite with that settling her hair and pressing the palm hands upon her eyes she laughed again thb man what a wicked fool i | 8 |
with becoming dignity took her place by the fireside soon two other laden women came in seemingly enjoying the rain like the bushes and trees they put on little clothing so that they may be the more easily dried and as for the children a thin shirt of is the most they themselves with and get wet and half dry without seeming to notice it while we shiver with two or three dry coats they seem to prefer being naked the men also wear but little in wet weather when they go out for all day they put on a single blanket but in around camp getting cooking or looking after their precious canvas they seldom wear anything wind and rain in utter to avoid the bother of drying clothes it is a rare sight to see the children bringing in big of on their shoulders in crossing with firmly set and back muscles we gave hood oo the old chief some i bay tobacco and rice and coffee and pitched our tent near his hut among tall grass soon after our arrival the bay sub chief came in from the opposite direction from ours telling us that he came through a cut off passage not on our as stated above we took pains to him and soothe his hurt feelings our words and gifts he said had warmed his sore heart and made him glad and comfortable the view down the bay among the islands was i thought the finest of this kind of scenery that i had yet observed the weather continued cold and rainy nevertheless mr young and i and our crew together with one of the an old man who acted as guide left camp to explore one of the upper arms of the bay where we were told there was a large we managed to push the several miles up the stream that the to a point where the swift current was divided among rocks and the banks were with and i left the and pushed up the right bank past a magnificent some twelve hundred feet high and over the shoulder of a mountain until i secured a good view of the lower part of the it is probably a of the bay or on our return to camp thoroughly and cold the old chief came to visit us apparently as wet and cold as ourselves i have been thinking of you all day he said and pitying you knowing how miserable you were and as soon as i saw your coming back i was travels in ashamed to think that i had been sitting warm and dry at my fire while you were out in the storm therefore i made haste to strip off my dry clothing and put on these wet rags to share your misery and show how much i love you i had another long talk with hood oo the next day i am not able he said to tell you how much good your words have done me your words are good and they are strong words some of my people are foolish and when they make their salmon traps they do not take care to tie the poles firmly together and when the big rain floods come the traps break and are washed away because the people who made them are foolish people but your words are strong words and when storms come to try them they will stand the storms there was much hand shaking as we took our leave and assurances of eternal friendship the grand old man stood on the shore watching us and waving farewell until we were out of sight we now for the and arrived at the front on the east side the evening of the third and on the end of the where there was a small stream captain was inclined to keep at a safe distance from the tremendous threatening cliffs of the wall after a good deal of urging he ventured within half a mile of them on the east side of the where with mr young i went ashore to seek a camp ground on the leaving the indians in the in a few minutes bay after we landed a huge sprung aloft with awful commotion and the frightened indians fled down the their with admirable energy in the tossing waves until a safe harbor was reached around the south end of the i found a good place for a camp in a slight hollow where a few afforded but all efforts to get out of his harbor failed nobody knew he said how far the angry ice mountain could throw waves to break his therefore i had my and some provisions carried to my stump camp where i could watch the as they were discharged and get night views of the brow of the and its sheer jagged face all the way across from side to side of the channel one night the water was luminous and the from the water into silver fire a glorious sight in the darkness i also went back up the east side of the five or six miles and ascended a mountain between its first two eastern which though covered with grass near the top was exceedingly steep and difficult a ridge near the top i discovered was formed of ice a remnant of the when it stood at this elevation which had been preserved by material and later by a of dwarf bushes and grass next morning at daybreak i pushed eagerly back over the comparatively smooth eastern margin of the to see as much as possible of the upper fountain region about five miles back from the front i climbed a mountain twenty five hundred feet high u i travels in from the summit of which the day being clear the vast and its principal branches were displayed in one magnificent view instead of a stream of ice winding | 28 |
� e of n w i m a common t ns t t in j and more on he s d n � to the of its ta i r on h r � render it one of the im a i vi � iv i m e wiu � � � i t i i � reaching thi s high l at lit � i i � � op steamer in the accompanying this volume showing the bird mentioned they are found on the grassy which cover the spit making out at the mouth of the bay and are very if my single example is to be taken as typical it was close to the huts and lighted upon a stone as i drew near allowing me to approach very closely i thus obtained the prize without the slightest difficulty mr states that he observed one of these birds on the island of the of the in the spring of s and one of the most remarkable facts in connection with the history of this species is the fact that a specimen has lately been received at the national museum obtained by mr l in southern where it was obtained in the early winter of thus introducing it as a member of the of north america it is a common and pretty well known bird in from eastern its life history however still remains to be worked out the accompanying plate represents it in the act of darting at an insect in the characteristic manner of this and allied birds the specimen of this bird which i obtained june at bay is an male in spring of which the following is a description back nearly uniform changing on upper tail to with an wash on edges of feathers all but two outer tail feathers black the two outer feathers white each having a band of black from base along the edge of inner web which runs out towards the end of the feathers an inch from tip of first and close to tip of second a black line extends along near the shaft of outer web of the next to outer feather breaking and disappearing near the middle of the feather wing light brown much darker and edged with white the greater and lesser are so edged with white as to and conceal the dark brown the two thus forming a large uniform white patch on the upper surface of wing a broad patch of white extending from bill back on crown to a line drawn across the edge of and continuing back nearly to the as a a nearly black line extends from back through eye the neck with the nearly square black patch which the crown and region and extends partly down on sides of neck from the base of lower on each side a of white extends back under the eye and down the side of neck separating the black crown patch from the large black patch which extends m the base of lower down over the throat and breast the rest of under surface white tinged with a wash of on sides and bill and feet black dark dimensions wing tail middle toe and inches american say the this is quite a common breeding bird of the interior of northern during each summer but does not usually appear along the sea coast until its young are and are on their way south this takes place during the first half of august at which time these birds are quite numerous for one or two weeks especially along the shore of sound they are not known to occur on the adjoining shore of nor on any of the islands in s sea i the yellow a common summer resident in every and willow patch along the american and more numerous on the shores of and sounds than elsewhere owing mainly to the abundance of its favorite shelter on these shores its familiar notes and bright render it one of the most attractive summer it is one of the few species of this group extending its range within the circle and has perhaps the prettiest of its kind reaching this high latitude in america op in the gray the yellow occurs as an occasional bat not rare along the american shore perhaps most numerous along the shores of sound it is however a species and makes but very short stops along the coast bat to more congenial in the interior where it its young in the it hastily seeks its more southern haunts and rarely along the bare coast of the north as do some of its relatives the black like the yellow this is a rather scarce bird and is found along the shore of sound merely as a spring and fall it also occurs upon the shores of sound at the same season like other small birds it the vicinity of houses during its passage where it apparently finds the best grounds the small garden spot close to the kitchen at saint michael s seems to be the great and point of attraction for such of these small species as pass that way in spring and fall like some of the other small birds mentioned this is a common interior species it is unknown on the islands and shore of the sea n the small common about the shores of sound during the fall which continues during the month of august although not numerous every season yet from three to a may be taken about the muddy spots in the immediate vicinity of the houses at saint michael s it has not been taken on any of the islands in sea these birds breed in the islands of the lower in great abundance as well as in some of the more favorable along the coast of sound as high up at least as sound their clear rich notes rise from the dense of or in their | 28 |
Subsets and Splits