int64 1
| input
stringclasses 10
values | response
stringclasses 10
values |
19,035 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
18,509 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
17,206 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
15,039 | How was your day at work today? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
9,002 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
17,673 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
11,792 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
772 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
7,042 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
7,997 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
17,454 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
7,112 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
6,625 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
13,338 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
11,435 | What are your plans for the weekend? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
4,269 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
15,775 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
15,499 | What's your favorite type of music? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
6,378 | What's your favorite type of music? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
15,120 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
12,773 | How was your day at work today? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
8,743 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
15,040 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
4,006 | What's your favorite type of music? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
5,625 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
6,639 | What do you think about the weather lately? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
9,659 | What's your favorite type of music? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
18,514 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
2,132 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
9,089 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
11,553 | What do you think about the weather lately? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
18,292 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
18,663 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,854 | How was your day at work today? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
9,963 | What's your favorite type of music? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
15,363 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
8,121 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
2,381 | What's your favorite type of music? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
6,109 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
11,844 | What's your favorite type of music? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
12,503 | How was your day at work today? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
16,145 | Do you follow any sports teams? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
12,088 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
4,254 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
1,576 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
6,967 | Do you follow any sports teams? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
4,261 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
12,907 | What do you think about the weather lately? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
966 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
5,169 | How was your day at work today? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
2,502 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
12,082 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
12,070 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
17,332 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
12,370 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
17,917 | How was your day at work today? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
1,912 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
17,224 | Do you follow any sports teams? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
16,869 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
8,625 | What's your favorite type of music? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
2,997 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
10,309 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
11,697 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
8,190 | What's your favorite type of music? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
15,257 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
350 | How was your day at work today? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
15,316 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
7,197 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
295 | How was your day at work today? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
17,217 | Do you follow any sports teams? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
18,436 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
6,672 | What's your favorite type of music? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
11,287 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,418 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
710 | How was your day at work today? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
15,855 | What's your favorite type of music? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
13,601 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
15,462 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
4,637 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
4,885 | What do you think about the weather lately? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
14,851 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
7,714 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
18,251 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
44 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
17,946 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
16,424 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
11,092 | What do you think about the weather lately? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
8,128 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
13,253 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
10,726 | How was your day at work today? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
3,316 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
7,777 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
16,545 | How was your day at work today? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
12,955 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
7,575 | Do you follow any sports teams? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
1,992 | How was your day at work today? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
16,715 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
15,886 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
14,604 | Do you follow any sports teams? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
10,969 | Do you follow any sports teams? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |