int64 1
| input
stringclasses 10
values | response
stringclasses 10
values |
19,801 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,802 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,803 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,804 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,805 | What's your favorite type of music? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,806 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
19,807 | Do you follow any sports teams? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,808 | What's your favorite type of music? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,809 | What's your favorite type of music? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,810 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,811 | What's your favorite type of music? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,812 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,813 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,814 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,815 | What do you think about the weather lately? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,816 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,817 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,818 | What do you think about the weather lately? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,819 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,820 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,821 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,822 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,823 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,824 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
19,825 | What's your favorite type of music? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,826 | What are your plans for the weekend? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,827 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
19,828 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,829 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,830 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,831 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,832 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,833 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,834 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,835 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,836 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,837 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,838 | How do you stay productive during the day? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,839 | How was your day at work today? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,840 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,841 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,842 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
19,843 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,844 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,845 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,846 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,847 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,848 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,849 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,850 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,851 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,852 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,853 | Do you follow any sports teams? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,854 | How was your day at work today? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,855 | What's your favorite type of music? | I'm planning to relax and watch some movies, Raga. |
19,856 | How was your day at work today? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,857 | How was your day at work today? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,858 | What are your plans for the weekend? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,859 | How was your day at work today? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,860 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,861 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |
19,862 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,863 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,864 | What are your plans for the weekend? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,865 | How was your day at work today? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,866 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,867 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,868 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,869 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,870 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,871 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,872 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,873 | What's your favorite type of music? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,874 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,875 | How was your day at work today? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,876 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,877 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,878 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,879 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,880 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,881 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I love listening to jazz music, Raga. |
19,882 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | Work was productive today, thanks for asking, Raga. |
19,883 | How was your day at work today? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,884 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,885 | Can you tell me more about yourself? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,886 | Do you follow any sports teams? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,887 | What do you think about the weather lately? | The weather has been quite unpredictable, Raga. |
19,888 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Yes, I follow the local football team, Raga. |
19,889 | How was your day at work today? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,890 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I enjoy painting and hiking, Raga. |
19,891 | What's your favorite type of music? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,892 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,893 | Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,894 | What do you think about the weather lately? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,895 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,896 | Can you recommend a good book to read? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,897 | What's your go-to meal when cooking at home? | I make a to-do list every morning, Raga. |
19,898 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I would recommend reading 'The Alchemist', Raga. |
19,899 | How do you stay productive during the day? | Sure! I work in tech and enjoy solving problems, Raga. |
19,900 | How do you stay productive during the day? | I usually make pasta when cooking at home, Raga. |