Banque populaire Images 7 - BPI 7 06935 1 2005121206935.pdf 2005121206935.htm Exonhit Therapeutics 06953 2 2005121206953.pdf 2005121206953.htm Ipsen 06954 1 2005121206954.pdf 2005121206954.htm Communautés urbaines de France 06949 10 2005121206949.pdf 2005121206949.htm HSBC France 06948 2 2005121206948.pdf 2005121206948.htm Veolia Environnement 06941 2 2005121206941.pdf 2005121206941.htm Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland A G et Co. KGaA~ 06894 2 2005121206894.pdf 2005121206894.htm Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland A G et Co. KGaA~ 06895 1 2005121206895.pdf 2005121206895.htm Unicredito Italiano S.p.A. 06793 1 2005121206793.pdf 2005121206793.htm Actions Protection Sicav 06942 2 2005121206942.pdf 2005121206942.htm B.F.T. Monétaire 06964 1 2005121206964.pdf 2005121206964.htm B.F.T. Sécurité 2 06970 1 2005121206970.pdf 2005121206970.htm Iéna Performance 3 06961 1 2005121206961.pdf 2005121206961.htm Objectif Second marché 06938 2 2005121206938.pdf 2005121206938.htm Regina Rubens 06972 1 2005121206972.pdf 2005121206972.htm R Unibel 06993 1 2005121206993.pdf 2005121206993.htm BNP Mone Sécurité 06911 1 2005121206911.pdf 2005121206911.htm Ecureuil Expansionplus 06974 2 2005121206974.pdf 2005121206974.htm Equilibre Monde 06973 1 2005121206973.pdf 2005121206973.htm Objectif Actions Euro 06939 1 2005121206939.pdf 2005121206939.htm R Objectif France 06940 1 2005121206940.pdf 2005121206940.htm R Objectif Second marché 06937 2 2005121206937.pdf 2005121206937.htm Agta Record 06921 10 2005121206921.pdf 2005121206921.htm Banque Aig 06967 1 2005121206967.pdf 2005121206967.htm Banque Hervet 06933 2 2005121206933.pdf 2005121206933.htm Banque S.B.A. 06965 1 2005121206965.pdf 2005121206965.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Basse Normandie 06932 1 2005121206932.pdf 2005121206932.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France Ouest 06946 2 2005121206946.pdf 2005121206946.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 06931 1 2005121206931.pdf 2005121206931.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Val de France-Orléanais 06947 1 2005121206947.pdf 2005121206947.htm R Crédit immobilier de France Développement 06885 16 2005121206885.pdf 2005121206885.htm Etudes et de réalisations pour les industries du bois "Seribo" (Société d') 06924 9 2005121206924.pdf 2005121206924.htm Euro Ressources S.A. 06969 1 2005121206969.pdf 2005121206969.htm Pernod Ricard 06963 1 2005121206963.pdf 2005121206963.htm Sapar Finance 06951 1 2005121206951.pdf 2005121206951.htm Bonduelle 06955 1 2005121206955.pdf 2005121206955.htm Vivendi Universal 06958 1 2005121206958.pdf 2005121206958.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 03000 2 2005121203000.pdf 2005121203000.htm Décisions et informations 01148 8 2005121201148.pdf 2005121201148.htm
Penauille Polyservices 85508 6 2005041185508.pdf 2005041185508.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 85421 2 2005041185421.pdf 2005041185421.htm Acanthe Développement 85478 1 2005041185478.pdf 2005041185478.htm Atlas Valeuro 85491 2 2005041185491.pdf 2005041185491.htm Atlas Valeurope 85493 1 2005041185493.pdf 2005041185493.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse - APS 85490 2 2005041185490.pdf 2005041185490.htm Balzac Obligations Euro 85409 1 2005041185409.pdf 2005041185409.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) 85502 2 2005041185502.pdf 2005041185502.htm Banque de la Réunion 85201 2 2005041185201.pdf 2005041185201.htm Boizel, Chanoine, Champagne 85186 1 2005041185186.pdf 2005041185186.htm Cap Gemini SA 85488 2 2005041185488.pdf 2005041185488.htm Cetelem 85518 2 2005041185518.pdf 2005041185518.htm Dexia Banque privée France 85481 1 2005041185481.pdf 2005041185481.htm Dynafond 85531 2 2005041185531.pdf 2005041185531.htm Michelin, Michelin et Cie (Compagnie générale des Etablissements ) 85485 1 2005041185485.pdf 2005041185485.htm Morgan Stanley Sicav 85584 1 2005041185584.pdf 2005041185584.htm Oseo BDPME 85500 2 2005041185500.pdf 2005041185500.htm Protection One Europe Holding 85499 2 2005041185499.pdf 2005041185499.htm Sagem SA 85497 5 2005041185497.pdf 2005041185497.htm Saint-Honoré France 85343 1 2005041185343.pdf 2005041185343.htm Saint-Honoré International Bonds 85345 1 2005041185345.pdf 2005041185345.htm Séché Environnement 85512 4 2005041185512.pdf 2005041185512.htm Société générale 85505 1 2005041185505.pdf 2005041185505.htm Total SA 85358 4 2005041185358.pdf 2005041185358.htm Tour Eiffel (Société de la) 85515 6 2005041185515.pdf 2005041185515.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) 85498 1 2005041185498.pdf 2005041185498.htm Dexia Banque privée France 85480 1 2005041185480.pdf 2005041185480.htm Atlas Valeuro 85492 1 2005041185492.pdf 2005041185492.htm Atlas Valeurope 85494 1 2005041185494.pdf 2005041185494.htm CA-AM Trésorerie Plus 85528 1 2005041185528.pdf 2005041185528.htm Crédit-bail pour l'énergie « Enerbail » (Société de) Oseo BDPME 85496 1 2005041185496.pdf 2005041185496.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines « Sofibus » (Société financière pour le) 85486 1 2005041185486.pdf 2005041185486.htm Affine 85513 26 2005041185513.pdf 2005041185513.htm April Group 85035 14 2005041185035.pdf 2005041185035.htm Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône (Société) 85479 23 2005041185479.pdf 2005041185479.htm Banque de La Réunion 85258 16 2005041185258.pdf 2005041185258.htm Boizel, Chanoine, Champagne 85165 8 2005041185165.pdf 2005041185165.htm Cegedim 85301 21 2005041185301.pdf 2005041185301.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 85489 1 2005041185489.pdf 2005041185489.htm Dexia Banque privée France 85482 17 2005041185482.pdf 2005041185482.htm MLPC International 85514 1 2005041185514.pdf 2005041185514.htm Neurones 85520 13 2005041185520.pdf 2005041185520.htm Saveurs de France - Brossard 85509 1 2005041185509.pdf 2005041185509.htm Thermador Groupe 85495 1 2005041185495.pdf 2005041185495.htm Décisions et Informations 01043 8 2005041101043.pdf 2005041101043.htm
Hi-Media 06629 1 2005120506629.pdf 2005120506629.htm Multihabitation 2 (rectificatif) 06640 1 2005120506640.pdf 2005120506640.htm R Optilia Pythagore Europe 06441 1 2005120506441.pdf 2005120506441.htm Banque fédérale des banques populaires (additif) 06571 1 2005120506571.pdf 2005120506571.htm A Aurel Leven Obligations 06612 1 2005120506612.pdf 2005120506612.htm Aurel Leven Trésorerie 06613 1 2005120506613.pdf 2005120506613.htm MG International 06643 1 2005120506643.pdf 2005120506643.htm Soie (La) 06632 1 2005120506632.pdf 2005120506632.htm Soie (La) 06636 2 2005120506636.pdf 2005120506636.htm Bull 06635 1 2005120506635.pdf 2005120506635.htm Carrefour Atout Europe Carrefour Atout Europe 06576 2 2005120506576.pdf 2005120506576.htm Alstom 06280 35 2005120506280.pdf 2005120506280.htm Banque PSA Finance 06631 2 2005120506631.pdf 2005120506631.htm CPR Online 06637 1 2005120506637.pdf 2005120506637.htm Ermo 06350 12 2005120506350.pdf 2005120506350.htm Finuchem 06396 20 2005120506396.pdf 2005120506396.htm 06610 15 2005120506610.pdf 2005120506610.htm 200512050661001.gif Malteries franco-belges 06622 2 2005120506622.pdf 2005120506622.htm Natexis Banques populaires 06535 1 2005120506535.pdf 2005120506535.htm Scor 06565 9 2005120506565.pdf 2005120506565.htm 200512050656501.gif 200512050656502.gif Vet'affaires 06623 8 2005120506623.pdf 2005120506623.htm SQLI 06615 1 2005120506615.pdf 2005120506615.htm Trigano 06609 1 2005120506609.pdf 2005120506609.htm Décisions et informations 01145 7 2005120501145.pdf 2005120501145.htm
Banque de La Réunion 98882 1 2005102498882.pdf 2005102498882.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 98542 2 2005102498542.pdf 2005102498542.htm Société générale 98864 2 2005102498864.pdf 2005102498864.htm Atlantic Intelligence 98901 1 2005102498901.pdf 2005102498901.htm R Carmignac Portfolio 98845 1 2005102498845.pdf 2005102498845.htm LaCie Group S.A. 98862 2 2005102498862.pdf 2005102498862.htm Locamex Holding 98920 2 2005102498920.pdf 2005102498920.htm Mont Blanc (Compagnie du) 98889 2 2005102498889.pdf 2005102498889.htm Unisécurité 98904 1 2005102498904.pdf 2005102498904.htm Morin-Pons Court terme Unisécurité 98905 1 2005102498905.pdf 2005102498905.htm Multigest Amérique Dollar 98922 2 2005102498922.pdf 2005102498922.htm Aubay 98849 8 2005102498849.pdf 2005102498849.htm Ausy 98764 7 2005102498764.pdf 2005102498764.htm Banco popular France 98892 1 2005102498892.pdf 2005102498892.htm Bank of China (Succursale de Paris) 98894 1 2005102498894.pdf 2005102498894.htm Bic (Société) 98854 1 2005102498854.pdf 2005102498854.htm Boiron 98911 2 2005102498911.pdf 2005102498911.htm Bourbon 98737 7 2005102498737.pdf 2005102498737.htm Bouygues 98601 22 2005102498601.pdf 2005102498601.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Alpes Provence 98929 1 2005102498929.pdf 2005102498929.htm CIT France SA 98899 1 2005102498899.pdf 2005102498899.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 98895 2 2005102498895.pdf 2005102498895.htm Delachaux S.A. 98842 3 2005102498842.pdf 2005102498842.htm Développement des hotels économiques (Société de) 98910 1 2005102498910.pdf 2005102498910.htm Docks lyonnais (Société anonyme des) 98841 7 2005102498841.pdf 2005102498841.htm Ecotel 98912 1 2005102498912.pdf 2005102498912.htm Fleury Michon 98926 1 2005102498926.pdf 2005102498926.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 98755 18 2005102498755.pdf 2005102498755.htm Graines Voltz 98877 1 2005102498877.pdf 2005102498877.htm Hotelière de Cayenne (Société) 98908 1 2005102498908.pdf 2005102498908.htm Icom Informatique 98751 6 2005102498751.pdf 2005102498751.htm Lagardère Active Broadcast 98417 11 2005102498417.pdf 2005102498417.htm M.A.C.C. 98795 1 2005102498795.pdf 2005102498795.htm M.A.C.C. 98796 7 2005102498796.pdf 2005102498796.htm Medidep 98714 21 2005102498714.pdf 2005102498714.htm Mer et Montagne 98907 1 2005102498907.pdf 2005102498907.htm Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd (Succursale de Paris) 98893 1 2005102498893.pdf 2005102498893.htm NextRadioTV 98909 2 2005102498909.pdf 2005102498909.htm Qatar national bank S.A.Q. (Succursale de Paris) 98896 1 2005102498896.pdf 2005102498896.htm Sanef 98872 2 2005102498872.pdf 2005102498872.htm Setforge 98898 1 2005102498898.pdf 2005102498898.htm Stallergènes S.A. 98866 1 2005102498866.pdf 2005102498866.htm Synergie 98928 1 2005102498928.pdf 2005102498928.htm Telpart 98861 1 2005102498861.pdf 2005102498861.htm R Total EetP Holdings 98846 1 2005102498846.pdf 2005102498846.htm Total Holdings Europe 98844 1 2005102498844.pdf 2005102498844.htm Total Treasury 98850 1 2005102498850.pdf 2005102498850.htm Valbotel 98913 1 2005102498913.pdf 2005102498913.htm Buffalo Grill 98843 1 2005102498843.pdf 2005102498843.htm Mercialys 98867 1 2005102498867.pdf 2005102498867.htm Décisions et informations 01127 8 2005102401127.pdf 2005102401127.htm
Groupe Danone 87889 1 2005051187889.pdf 2005051187889.htm Lyxor ETF Euromts Inflation Linked 87337 2 2005051187337.pdf 2005051187337.htm Société générale 87836 2 2005051187836.pdf 2005051187836.htm Affine 87814 1 2005051187814.pdf 2005051187814.htm Agricole de la Crau (Compagnie) 87596 2 2005051187596.pdf 2005051187596.htm Aigle 87159 2 2005051187159.pdf 2005051187159.htm Argos S.C.A. 87716 2 2005051187716.pdf 2005051187716.htm Atlantic Intelligence 87210 1 2005051187210.pdf 2005051187210.htm BD Multimédia 87330 3 2005051187330.pdf 2005051187330.htm BICS Monétaire 87894 1 2005051187894.pdf 2005051187894.htm Buroboutic 87555 2 2005051187555.pdf 2005051187555.htm Cider Santé 87930 2 2005051187930.pdf 2005051187930.htm Clarins 87036 3 2005051187036.pdf 2005051187036.htm Cofimage 10 87517 1 2005051187517.pdf 2005051187517.htm Cofimage 11 87518 2 2005051187518.pdf 2005051187518.htm Cofimage 12 87519 2 2005051187519.pdf 2005051187519.htm Cofimage 13 87520 2 2005051187520.pdf 2005051187520.htm Cofimage 14 87521 1 2005051187521.pdf 2005051187521.htm Cofimage 15 87523 1 2005051187523.pdf 2005051187523.htm Cofimage 16 87524 2 2005051187524.pdf 2005051187524.htm Cofimage 9 87516 2 2005051187516.pdf 2005051187516.htm Cottage (Le) 87936 1 2005051187936.pdf 2005051187936.htm Crédit mutuel Immobilier 1 87737 2 2005051187737.pdf 2005051187737.htm Deveaux S.A. 87923 1 2005051187923.pdf 2005051187923.htm Devoteam 87823 5 2005051187823.pdf 2005051187823.htm Didot-Bottin 87928 2 2005051187928.pdf 2005051187928.htm E.F.E. 87276 2 2005051187276.pdf 2005051187276.htm Elf Aquitaine 87625 2 2005051187625.pdf 2005051187625.htm Fauvet-Girel (Etablissements) 87845 1 2005051187845.pdf 2005051187845.htm Gayplanet (Rectificatif) 87844 1 2005051187844.pdf 2005051187844.htm Groupe Open 87759 1 2005051187759.pdf 2005051187759.htm Groupecyber 87551 2 2005051187551.pdf 2005051187551.htm Idi 87826 1 2005051187826.pdf 2005051187826.htm Installux S.A. 87942 1 2005051187942.pdf 2005051187942.htm International Textiles Associés « Intexa » 87822 2 2005051187822.pdf 2005051187822.htm IPBM 87824 2 2005051187824.pdf 2005051187824.htm La Breuille Croissance 87938 1 2005051187938.pdf 2005051187938.htm Lagtoo 87937 1 2005051187937.pdf 2005051187937.htm Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Invest 87755 1 2005051187755.pdf 2005051187755.htm Maisons France Confort (Rectificatif) 87879 2 2005051187879.pdf 2005051187879.htm Nexans 87107 6 2005051187107.pdf 2005051187107.htm Oméga 87935 1 2005051187935.pdf 2005051187935.htm Produits Marnier Lapostolle (Société des) 87808 3 2005051187808.pdf 2005051187808.htm Prosodie 87699 7 2005051187699.pdf 2005051187699.htm Robertet S.A. 87914 3 2005051187914.pdf 2005051187914.htm Sabeton 87579 2 2005051187579.pdf 2005051187579.htm Sicosnay 87934 1 2005051187934.pdf 2005051187934.htm Simo International 87885 2 2005051187885.pdf 2005051187885.htm Sofica Europacorp 87817 1 2005051187817.pdf 2005051187817.htm Solving International 87825 1 2005051187825.pdf 2005051187825.htm Stema 87933 2 2005051187933.pdf 2005051187933.htm UBS (F) Emerging Valor 87932 1 2005051187932.pdf 2005051187932.htm UBS (F) Trésorerie-EUR 87931 1 2005051187931.pdf 2005051187931.htm Univers Sons 87773 2 2005051187773.pdf 2005051187773.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations « Salvepar » (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 87858 2 2005051187858.pdf 2005051187858.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 87943 5 2005051187943.pdf 2005051187943.htm Natexis Banques populaires 87918 1 2005051187918.pdf 2005051187918.htm BICS Monétaire 87893 1 2005051187893.pdf 2005051187893.htm Cardif Palmarès Audace 87807 1 2005051187807.pdf 2005051187807.htm Aareal Bank France SA 87812 1 2005051187812.pdf 2005051187812.htm Aareal Bank France SA 87924 1 2005051187924.pdf 2005051187924.htm Actéos 87743 1 2005051187743.pdf 2005051187743.htm Actielec Technologies 87781 1 2005051187781.pdf 2005051187781.htm Agta Record 87778 1 2005051187778.pdf 2005051187778.htm Akka Technologies 87877 1 2005051187877.pdf 2005051187877.htm Alcatel 87945 1 2005051187945.pdf 2005051187945.htm American Express Carte - France 87912 2 2005051187912.pdf 2005051187912.htm Arab Bank Plc Arab Bank Plc (Succursale de Paris) 87545 1 2005051187545.pdf 2005051187545.htm Archos 87804 1 2005051187804.pdf 2005051187804.htm Auxifip 87771 2 2005051187771.pdf 2005051187771.htm Bail Investissement foncière 87770 1 2005051187770.pdf 2005051187770.htm Bank Audi Saradar France S.A. 87846 1 2005051187846.pdf 2005051187846.htm Banque de La Réunion 87915 2 2005051187915.pdf 2005051187915.htm Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier (BPI) 87839 1 2005051187839.pdf 2005051187839.htm Banque populaire du Sud-Ouest 87835 10 2005051187835.pdf 2005051187835.htm Banque PSA Finance 87644 16 2005051187644.pdf 2005051187644.htm Bastide, Le confort médical 87865 1 2005051187865.pdf 2005051187865.htm Billon 87827 1 2005051187827.pdf 2005051187827.htm Billon 87829 2 2005051187829.pdf 2005051187829.htm bioMérieux 87794 1 2005051187794.pdf 2005051187794.htm Bogart S.A. (Jacques) 87842 1 2005051187842.pdf 2005051187842.htm Bourgeois S.A. 87754 1 2005051187754.pdf 2005051187754.htm Bricorama 87687 1 2005051187687.pdf 2005051187687.htm Brizard et Roger International (Marie) 87719 22 2005051187719.pdf 2005051187719.htm Brizard et Roger International (Marie) 87863 2 2005051187863.pdf 2005051187863.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Alsace 87779 10 2005051187779.pdf 2005051187779.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France Ouest 87780 10 2005051187780.pdf 2005051187780.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bourgogne 87784 1 2005051187784.pdf 2005051187784.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Flandre 87791 10 2005051187791.pdf 2005051187791.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Val de France-Orléanais 87787 1 2005051187787.pdf 2005051187787.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Ile-de-France Paris 87785 1 2005051187785.pdf 2005051187785.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre France 87909 34 2005051187909.pdf 2005051187909.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre-Est (Rectificatif) 87788 1 2005051187788.pdf 2005051187788.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de l'Anjou et du Maine 86865 19 2005051186865.pdf 2005051186865.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Martinique 87908 24 2005051187908.pdf 2005051187908.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Gard 87723 17 2005051187723.pdf 2005051187723.htm Caisse régionale de crédit maritime mutuel du Morbihan et de la Loire-Atlantique 87789 1 2005051187789.pdf 2005051187789.htm Cetelem 87840 1 2005051187840.pdf 2005051187840.htm Cibox Inter@ctive 87766 3 2005051187766.pdf 2005051187766.htm Ciments français 87896 2 2005051187896.pdf 2005051187896.htm Clayeux S.A. 87772 6 2005051187772.pdf 2005051187772.htm Colas Ile-de-France - Normandie 87925 1 2005051187925.pdf 2005051187925.htm Crédit à l'industrie française "Calif" (Société anonyme de) 87920 1 2005051187920.pdf 2005051187920.htm Crédit agricole investor services bank 87815 1 2005051187815.pdf 2005051187815.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 87761 1 2005051187761.pdf 2005051187761.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Société de crédit foncier 87762 2 2005051187762.pdf 2005051187762.htm Crédit immobilier de France Bretagne Atlantique 87790 8 2005051187790.pdf 2005051187790.htm Delachaux S.A. 87810 11 2005051187810.pdf 2005051187810.htm Dexia CLF Banque 87802 2 2005051187802.pdf 2005051187802.htm Direkt Anlage Bank « DAB Bank » 87765 8 2005051187765.pdf 2005051187765.htm ECA 87899 1 2005051187899.pdf 2005051187899.htm Eiffage 87782 1 2005051187782.pdf 2005051187782.htm Esker 87796 1 2005051187796.pdf 2005051187796.htm Finance FI 87801 1 2005051187801.pdf 2005051187801.htm Financière immobilière et mobilière « Sofimo » (Société) 87913 1 2005051187913.pdf 2005051187913.htm Foncière des régions « GFR » 87880 2 2005051187880.pdf 2005051187880.htm Foncière Massena 87758 1 2005051187758.pdf 2005051187758.htm France Télécom 87793 1 2005051187793.pdf 2005051187793.htm France Télécom 87795 2 2005051187795.pdf 2005051187795.htm Franco-belges Participations 87750 1 2005051187750.pdf 2005051187750.htm Groupe Médiagérance 87640 11 2005051187640.pdf 2005051187640.htm Guerbet 87848 1 2005051187848.pdf 2005051187848.htm Hermès International 87783 1 2005051187783.pdf 2005051187783.htm Hôtels de Paris (S.A. Les) 87777 1 2005051187777.pdf 2005051187777.htm HSBC MuLtimanager (Europe) 87078 1 2005051187078.pdf 2005051187078.htm Immeubles de France (Société des) 87745 1 2005051187745.pdf 2005051187745.htm Immobilière Dassault 87916 1 2005051187916.pdf 2005051187916.htm IMV Technologies 87878 1 2005051187878.pdf 2005051187878.htm Inter Parfums 87897 2 2005051187897.pdf 2005051187897.htm International Textiles Associés « Intexa » 87558 1 2005051187558.pdf 2005051187558.htm International Textiles Associés « Intexa » 87792 3 2005051187792.pdf 2005051187792.htm Ioltech 87768 1 2005051187768.pdf 2005051187768.htm IT Link 87887 1 2005051187887.pdf 2005051187887.htm Jet Multimédia 87870 1 2005051187870.pdf 2005051187870.htm Kepler Equities 87847 1 2005051187847.pdf 2005051187847.htm Lafarge 87838 1 2005051187838.pdf 2005051187838.htm Lagardère Active Broadcast 87399 1 2005051187399.pdf 2005051187399.htm Lazard Frères Banque 87881 2 2005051187881.pdf 2005051187881.htm Le Grand Livre du Mois 87891 1 2005051187891.pdf 2005051187891.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 87900 15 2005051187900.pdf 2005051187900.htm Mecelec 87903 1 2005051187903.pdf 2005051187903.htm Medasys 87906 9 2005051187906.pdf 2005051187906.htm Mines de la Lucette 87940 1 2005051187940.pdf 2005051187940.htm Orgasynth 87741 1 2005051187741.pdf 2005051187741.htm Orosdi-Back (Etablissements) 87939 1 2005051187939.pdf 2005051187939.htm Oxbow S.A. 87902 1 2005051187902.pdf 2005051187902.htm Parel 87769 1 2005051187769.pdf 2005051187769.htm Passat 87888 1 2005051187888.pdf 2005051187888.htm Perrier Industrie (Gérard) 87907 13 2005051187907.pdf 2005051187907.htm Phone Systems & Network 87843 1 2005051187843.pdf 2005051187843.htm Prismaflex International 87919 1 2005051187919.pdf 2005051187919.htm Riber 87740 1 2005051187740.pdf 2005051187740.htm Rougier S.A. 87774 1 2005051187774.pdf 2005051187774.htm Rubis 87818 2 2005051187818.pdf 2005051187818.htm S.O.I.Tec - Silicon On Insulator Technologies 87927 1 2005051187927.pdf 2005051187927.htm S.T.Dupont SA 87752 1 2005051187752.pdf 2005051187752.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 87830 2 2005051187830.pdf 2005051187830.htm Sicavonline 86953 1 2005051186953.pdf 2005051186953.htm Smoby 87905 1 2005051187905.pdf 2005051187905.htm Société générale 87883 1 2005051187883.pdf 2005051187883.htm Sofco 87832 9 2005051187832.pdf 2005051187832.htm Sogefimur 87849 2 2005051187849.pdf 2005051187849.htm Suez 87764 3 2005051187764.pdf 2005051187764.htm Tayninh (Société de) 87775 1 2005051187775.pdf 2005051187775.htm Thomson 87892 1 2005051187892.pdf 2005051187892.htm UBS (Monaco).S.A. 87921 2 2005051187921.pdf 2005051187921.htm Ugigrip 87798 1 2005051187798.pdf 2005051187798.htm Universal multimédia 87884 1 2005051187884.pdf 2005051187884.htm Vilmorin Clause & Cie 87831 2 2005051187831.pdf 2005051187831.htm W Management 87800 1 2005051187800.pdf 2005051187800.htm W-HA 87805 1 2005051187805.pdf 2005051187805.htm ABN Amro Funds 87901 1 2005051187901.pdf 2005051187901.htm Affine 87904 1 2005051187904.pdf 2005051187904.htm Foncière lyonnaise (Société) 87760 1 2005051187760.pdf 2005051187760.htm Groupe Danone (Rectificatif) 87868 1 2005051187868.pdf 2005051187868.htm Imerys 87811 1 2005051187811.pdf 2005051187811.htm Inter Parfums 87813 1 2005051187813.pdf 2005051187813.htm Kaufman & Broad SA 87851 1 2005051187851.pdf 2005051187851.htm Sword Group 87965 1 2005051187965.pdf 2005051187965.htm Technip 87763 1 2005051187763.pdf 2005051187763.htm Technip 87806 1 2005051187806.pdf 2005051187806.htm Umanis SA 87926 1 2005051187926.pdf 2005051187926.htm Décisions et Informations 01056 11 2005051101056.pdf 2005051101056.htm
Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 00002 3 2005072900002.pdf 2005072900002.htm Foncaixa Eurostoxx Dinamico 00009 1 2005072900009.pdf 2005072900009.htm Universal multimédia 00014 2 2005072900014.pdf 2005072900014.htm Argentre (SAS) 00016 1 2005072900016.pdf 2005072900016.htm Attijariwafa Bank (Succursale de Paris) 00011 1 2005072900011.pdf 2005072900011.htm Bagneux (SAS) 00017 1 2005072900017.pdf 2005072900017.htm Banque du groupe Casino 00004 11 2005072900004.pdf 2005072900004.htm Banque OBC-Odier, Bungener Courvoisier 00005 1 2005072900005.pdf 2005072900005.htm Banque de Polynesie 00006 8 2005072900006.pdf 2005072900006.htm Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale 00023 16 2005072900023.pdf 2005072900023.htm Caisse d'ôpargne et de prôvoyance de Champagne Ardenne 00003 17 2005072900003.pdf 2005072900003.htm Cerep 00008 2 2005072900008.pdf 2005072900008.htm Chatellerault Brelandiere 00020 1 2005072900020.pdf 2005072900020.htm Club Med Amérique du Sud 00015 1 2005072900015.pdf 2005072900015.htm Club Med Amôrique du Nord 00021 1 2005072900021.pdf 2005072900021.htm Etudes, d'évaluations et de restauration immobilières (SAS d') 00012 1 2005072900012.pdf 2005072900012.htm Naturex 00019 1 2005072900019.pdf 2005072900019.htm Régie Networks Leman 00022 1 2005072900022.pdf 2005072900022.htm Sartrou (SAS) 00018 1 2005072900018.pdf 2005072900018.htm Société générale Asset Managment Finance "SGAM Finance" 00007 6 2005072900007.pdf 2005072900007.htm SoluCom 00001 14 2005072900001.pdf 2005072900001.htm Vallourec 00013 1 2005072900013.pdf 2005072900013.htm VP Finance Gestion 00010 1 2005072900010.pdf 2005072900010.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 00026 3 2005072900026.pdf 2005072900026.htm Décisions et informations 00024 12 2005072900024.pdf 2005072900024.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 00025 12 2005072900025.pdf 2005072900025.htm
Citigroup Inc. 95893 2 2005081595893.pdf 2005081595893.htm Infogrames Entertainment 95928 2 2005081595928.pdf 2005081595928.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 95950 1 2005081595950.pdf 2005081595950.htm DNCA Finance 95890 1 2005081595890.pdf 2005081595890.htm CDC euro Maturité 5-7 95910 1 2005081595910.pdf 2005081595910.htm Lion trimestriel N°4 95908 1 2005081595908.pdf 2005081595908.htm Lion trimestriel N°5 95896 1 2005081595896.pdf 2005081595896.htm Phone Marketing 95921 1 2005081595921.pdf 2005081595921.htm Abbey National France 95918 1 2005081595918.pdf 2005081595918.htm Acanthe Développement 95964 1 2005081595964.pdf 2005081595964.htm ADT S.I.I.C 95963 1 2005081595963.pdf 2005081595963.htm Afone 95884 1 2005081595884.pdf 2005081595884.htm Air France - KLM 95936 1 2005081595936.pdf 2005081595936.htm Air liquide (L') 95933 2 2005081595933.pdf 2005081595933.htm Alliance Développement Capital SIIC 95962 1 2005081595962.pdf 2005081595962.htm American Express Carte - France 95895 3 2005081595895.pdf 2005081595895.htm André Trigano (Compagnie internationale) 95943 1 2005081595943.pdf 2005081595943.htm Bac Majestic 95904 1 2005081595904.pdf 2005081595904.htm Banque du bâtiment et des travaux publics "BTP Banque" 95900 2 2005081595900.pdf 2005081595900.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bourgogne 95898 1 2005081595898.pdf 2005081595898.htm Carrere Group (Rectificatif) 96010 1 2005081596010.pdf 2005081596010.htm Caterpillar Finance France 95892 1 2005081595892.pdf 2005081595892.htm CMP-Banque 95862 1 2005081595862.pdf 2005081595862.htm CNP Assurances 95931 1 2005081595931.pdf 2005081595931.htm Crédit agricole SA 95901 2 2005081595901.pdf 2005081595901.htm Crédit immobilier de France Centre-Ouest 95916 1 2005081595916.pdf 2005081595916.htm Crédit mutuel de Maine-Anjou et Basse-Normandie 95912 1 2005081595912.pdf 2005081595912.htm Cross Systems Company 95914 1 2005081595914.pdf 2005081595914.htm Du Pareil au Même 95946 1 2005081595946.pdf 2005081595946.htm Etudes et de gestion de patrimoines immobiliers (Société d') 95929 1 2005081595929.pdf 2005081595929.htm Euler Hermès 95881 1 2005081595881.pdf 2005081595881.htm Exacompta-Clairefontaine 95911 1 2005081595911.pdf 2005081595911.htm Financière des sociétés de développement régional "Finansder" (Société) 95879 2 2005081595879.pdf 2005081595879.htm Financière Jean Goujon 95897 1 2005081595897.pdf 2005081595897.htm Financière Oceor 95949 1 2005081595949.pdf 2005081595949.htm France Examen 95894 1 2005081595894.pdf 2005081595894.htm Garantie financière "Sogafi" (Société de) 95906 1 2005081595906.pdf 2005081595906.htm Huis Clos 95942 1 2005081595942.pdf 2005081595942.htm Huis Clos 95944 2 2005081595944.pdf 2005081595944.htm Icade Foncière des Pimonts 95937 1 2005081595937.pdf 2005081595937.htm Immobilière Capucines (Société civile) 95889 1 2005081595889.pdf 2005081595889.htm Immobilière Les Fontaines 95871 1 2005081595871.pdf 2005081595871.htm Immobilière Saint-Augustin-Marsollier 95891 1 2005081595891.pdf 2005081595891.htm Inter Europe Conseil 95948 4 2005081595948.pdf 2005081595948.htm Inter Parfums Trademark 95870 1 2005081595870.pdf 2005081595870.htm Ka Services 95920 1 2005081595920.pdf 2005081595920.htm Lacroix S.A. 95947 1 2005081595947.pdf 2005081595947.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 95865 1 2005081595865.pdf 2005081595865.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 95875 2 2005081595875.pdf 2005081595875.htm Lucia 95876 1 2005081595876.pdf 2005081595876.htm Millimages 95902 1 2005081595902.pdf 2005081595902.htm Mines de la Lucette 95932 1 2005081595932.pdf 2005081595932.htm Neovia Electronics 94723 1 2005081594723.pdf 2005081594723.htm Neovia Electronics 94724 7 2005081594724.pdf 2005081594724.htm NSC Groupe 95778 1 2005081595778.pdf 2005081595778.htm Oeneo 95012 1 2005081595012.pdf 2005081595012.htm Otor 95922 1 2005081595922.pdf 2005081595922.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extrême-Orient (Société d') 95935 2 2005081595935.pdf 2005081595935.htm Papiers peints (Société française des) 95938 1 2005081595938.pdf 2005081595938.htm Pasquier et Cie (France) (Du) 95945 1 2005081595945.pdf 2005081595945.htm Perfect Technologies S.A. 95880 1 2005081595880.pdf 2005081595880.htm Pochet S.A. 95924 1 2005081595924.pdf 2005081595924.htm Prédault (Paul) 95909 1 2005081595909.pdf 2005081595909.htm Previposte 95863 1 2005081595863.pdf 2005081595863.htm Prologue Software 95883 1 2005081595883.pdf 2005081595883.htm Rhodianyl 95915 1 2005081595915.pdf 2005081595915.htm Risc Group 95940 1 2005081595940.pdf 2005081595940.htm S.T.Dupont SA 95951 1 2005081595951.pdf 2005081595951.htm Sadifa 95888 1 2005081595888.pdf 2005081595888.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 95934 1 2005081595934.pdf 2005081595934.htm Sefi 95919 1 2005081595919.pdf 2005081595919.htm Siraga SA 95866 1 2005081595866.pdf 2005081595866.htm Sofu 95882 1 2005081595882.pdf 2005081595882.htm Sopra Group 95941 1 2005081595941.pdf 2005081595941.htm Thalès 95873 1 2005081595873.pdf 2005081595873.htm Thalès Air Defence 95905 1 2005081595905.pdf 2005081595905.htm Thermocompact 95939 1 2005081595939.pdf 2005081595939.htm Tonna Electronique 95930 1 2005081595930.pdf 2005081595930.htm Touax SA 95864 1 2005081595864.pdf 2005081595864.htm Valeo Service 95927 1 2005081595927.pdf 2005081595927.htm Euroflex 95907 1 2005081595907.pdf 2005081595907.htm Décisions et Informations 01097 6 2005081501097.pdf 2005081501097.htm
AV Habitat 2 07339 1 2005122107339.pdf 2005122107339.htm Electricité de France 07297 1 2005122107297.pdf 2005122107297.htm Multicommerce 07351 1 2005122107351.pdf 2005122107351.htm Pierre Privilège 07352 2 2005122107352.pdf 2005122107352.htm Sélectinvest 1 07353 1 2005122107353.pdf 2005122107353.htm Sofidom Ruz 06925 2 2005122106925.pdf 2005122106925.htm Sophia GE 07348 1 2005122107348.pdf 2005122107348.htm Cafom 07333 4 2005122107333.pdf 2005122107333.htm CRH çN Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 07310 3 2005122107310.pdf 2005122107310.htm HSBC France 07114 2 2005122107114.pdf 2005122107114.htm iShares Public limited Company 07359 2 2005122107359.pdf 2005122107359.htm Morgan Stanley Sicav 07324 1 2005122107324.pdf 2005122107324.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 07344 3 2005122107344.pdf 2005122107344.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 07345 2 2005122107345.pdf 2005122107345.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 07327 2 2005122107327.pdf 2005122107327.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 07346 1 2005122107346.pdf 2005122107346.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 07291 1 2005122107291.pdf 2005122107291.htm Alfa Long terme 07355 1 2005122107355.pdf 2005122107355.htm Atlantic Intelligence 07336 3 2005122107336.pdf 2005122107336.htm Barclays Pierre 07370 1 2005122107370.pdf 2005122107370.htm CL Earth Fund 07362 1 2005122107362.pdf 2005122107362.htm Euro Disney S.C.A. 07368 5 2005122107368.pdf 2005122107368.htm Protection One Europe Holding 07377 2 2005122107377.pdf 2005122107377.htm Select Défensif 07298 1 2005122107298.pdf 2005122107298.htm Mont Mont 07166 1 2005122107166.pdf 2005122107166.htm Alain Afflelou SA 07281 1 2005122107281.pdf 2005122107281.htm BNP Paribas Lease Group 07381 1 2005122107381.pdf 2005122107381.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 07290 2 2005122107290.pdf 2005122107290.htm Cointreau S.A. 07387 1 2005122107387.pdf 2005122107387.htm Couach 07347 1 2005122107347.pdf 2005122107347.htm Courtois S.A. (additif) 07314 2 2005122107314.pdf 2005122107314.htm A Espace Production International "Epi" 07382 9 2005122107382.pdf 2005122107382.htm E.S.R. 07300 1 2005122107300.pdf 2005122107300.htm Faiveley S.A. 07301 1 2005122107301.pdf 2005122107301.htm Financière Rémy Cointreau 07391 1 2005122107391.pdf 2005122107391.htm Générale de santé (additif) 07287 4 2005122107287.pdf 2005122107287.htm A Hotel Regina Paris (additif) 07376 1 2005122107376.pdf 2005122107376.htm A Imerys (additif) 07375 4 2005122107375.pdf 2005122107375.htm A IMS International metal service 07361 2 2005122107361.pdf 2005122107361.htm Infogrames Entertainment 07354 1 2005122107354.pdf 2005122107354.htm JPMorgan Chase Bank (Succursale de Paris) 07299 1 2005122107299.pdf 2005122107299.htm Piper Heidsieck 07386 1 2005122107386.pdf 2005122107386.htm Radiall (additif) 07293 1 2005122107293.pdf 2005122107293.htm A RC One 07390 1 2005122107390.pdf 2005122107390.htm Rémy Martin et Co (E.) 07385 1 2005122107385.pdf 2005122107385.htm Saft Groupe 07289 2 2005122107289.pdf 2005122107289.htm Sanef (additif) 07337 1 2005122107337.pdf 2005122107337.htm A Seguin et Cie 07389 1 2005122107389.pdf 2005122107389.htm Sodexho Alliance 07383 22 2005122107383.pdf 2005122107383.htm Sport-Elec S.A. (additif) 07268 1 2005122107268.pdf 2005122107268.htm A Téléverbier 07335 1 2005122107335.pdf 2005122107335.htm Utilisation scientifique et industrielle du froid "Usifroid" (Société d') 07331 1 2005122107331.pdf 2005122107331.htm Vilmorin Clause et Cie 07384 1 2005122107384.pdf 2005122107384.htm Zodiac 07320 1 2005122107320.pdf 2005122107320.htm Axa 07367 1 2005122107367.pdf 2005122107367.htm Foncière des Murs 07371 1 2005122107371.pdf 2005122107371.htm Infogrames Entertainment 07343 1 2005122107343.pdf 2005122107343.htm Rhodia 07378 1 2005122107378.pdf 2005122107378.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 02005 3 2005122102005.pdf 2005122102005.htm Décisions et informations 01152 7 2005122101152.pdf 2005122101152.htm
Unidelta 81592 1 2005013181592.pdf 2005013181592.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 81156 2 2005013181156.pdf 2005013181156.htm Société générale 81578 2 2005013181578.pdf 2005013181578.htm Cardif Actions France 81200 1 2005013181200.pdf 2005013181200.htm Mercure Actions France 81584 2 2005013181584.pdf 2005013181584.htm Musée Grévin (Rectificatif) 81626 1 2005013181626.pdf 2005013181626.htm Oblilion Euro Court terme (Rectificatif) 81593 1 2005013181593.pdf 2005013181593.htm Infogrames Entertainment 81318 1 2005013181318.pdf 2005013181318.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance CDC Finance-CDC Ixis 81587 1 2005013181587.pdf 2005013181587.htm Cardif Actions France 81134 1 2005013181134.pdf 2005013181134.htm Immobilière Acofi (Compagnie) 81513 1 2005013181513.pdf 2005013181513.htm Affacturage (Compagnie générale d') 81547 1 2005013181547.pdf 2005013181547.htm Algoriel 81579 7 2005013181579.pdf 2005013181579.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud Rhône Alpes 81559 1 2005013181559.pdf 2005013181559.htm CFF Recycling 81564 15 2005013181564.pdf 2005013181564.htm Chemunex 81534 5 2005013181534.pdf 2005013181534.htm Développement et d'expansion "Sade" (Société alsacienne de) 81523 1 2005013181523.pdf 2005013181523.htm Edition Multi média électroniques 81590 9 2005013181590.pdf 2005013181590.htm Empain Graham Développement 81526 1 2005013181526.pdf 2005013181526.htm Fipp 81514 1 2005013181514.pdf 2005013181514.htm Floreane Médical Implants 81560 4 2005013181560.pdf 2005013181560.htm GE Factofrance 81528 2 2005013181528.pdf 2005013181528.htm Geci International 81577 3 2005013181577.pdf 2005013181577.htm HBS Technologie SA 81537 1 2005013181537.pdf 2005013181537.htm Ilog 81548 1 2005013181548.pdf 2005013181548.htm IMS International metal service 81580 1 2005013181580.pdf 2005013181580.htm Innelec Multimédia 81414 7 2005013181414.pdf 2005013181414.htm LaCie Group S.A. 81515 1 2005013181515.pdf 2005013181515.htm LDLC.Com 81573 6 2005013181573.pdf 2005013181573.htm LVL Médical Groupe 81596 20 2005013181596.pdf 2005013181596.htm LVL Médical Groupe 81595 1 2005013181595.pdf 2005013181595.htm Pierre et Vacances 81444 30 2005013181444.pdf 2005013181444.htm Risc Group 81576 11 2005013181576.pdf 2005013181576.htm Sasa Industrie 81522 1 2005013181522.pdf 2005013181522.htm Seevia Consulting 81539 5 2005013181539.pdf 2005013181539.htm Vet'affaires 81533 1 2005013181533.pdf 2005013181533.htm HBS Technologie SA 81536 1 2005013181536.pdf 2005013181536.htm Lafuma 81581 1 2005013181581.pdf 2005013181581.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 81549 1 2005013181549.pdf 2005013181549.htm Teisseire-France 81571 1 2005013181571.pdf 2005013181571.htm Approbation de règles d'entreprises de marché et de chambres de compensation 02000 6 2005013102000.pdf 2005013102000.htm Décisions et informations 01013 8 2005013101013.pdf 2005013101013.htm
Rénovalor 1 06850 1 2005120906850.pdf 2005120906850.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 06774 3 2005120906774.pdf 2005120906774.htm Dalet 06818 4 2005120906818.pdf 2005120906818.htm Société générale 06864 1 2005120906864.pdf 2005120906864.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 06697 2 2005120906697.pdf 2005120906697.htm Calyon Financial Products (Guernsey) Limited 06934 2 2005120906934.pdf 2005120906934.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 06884 2 2005120906884.pdf 2005120906884.htm A Novo 06777 2 2005120906777.pdf 2005120906777.htm B.F.T. Court terme 06055 2 2005120906055.pdf 2005120906055.htm DWS Obligations Internationales 06772 1 2005120906772.pdf 2005120906772.htm France Futur 06181 1 2005120906181.pdf 2005120906181.htm Integral Multi Fund 06849 2 2005120906849.pdf 2005120906849.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce "Silic" (Société immobilière de) 06917 2 2005120906917.pdf 2005120906917.htm Marianne Ouverture Euro 06154 2 2005120906154.pdf 2005120906154.htm Marianne Ouverture Euro 06155 1 2005120906155.pdf 2005120906155.htm Saint-Honoré Diversifiée 06910 2 2005120906910.pdf 2005120906910.htm Sogeactions France 06871 1 2005120906871.pdf 2005120906871.htm Sogeactions Opportunités Europe 06798 2 2005120906798.pdf 2005120906798.htm Sogeoblig Euro MT 06747 2 2005120906747.pdf 2005120906747.htm Trigano 06922 2 2005120906922.pdf 2005120906922.htm UBS ETF 06053 1 2005120906053.pdf 2005120906053.htm Vanguard Investment Series Plc 06881 1 2005120906881.pdf 2005120906881.htm Eiffage Eiffage 2000 06842 1 2005120906842.pdf 2005120906842.htm R Robeco Hommes Terre Expansion 06829 1 2005120906829.pdf 2005120906829.htm Sogeactions Opportunités Europe 06797 2 2005120906797.pdf 2005120906797.htm Afone 06817 14 2005120906817.pdf 2005120906817.htm Axa Banque 06835 2 2005120906835.pdf 2005120906835.htm Bail Actea 06806 1 2005120906806.pdf 2005120906806.htm Bains de mer et du Cercle des étrangers à Monaco "SBM" (Société anonyme des) 06879 11 2005120906879.pdf 2005120906879.htm Banque d'Orsay 06837 2 2005120906837.pdf 2005120906837.htm Banque Palatine 06564 1 2005120906564.pdf 2005120906564.htm BNP Paribas 06820 1 2005120906820.pdf 2005120906820.htm BNP Paribas Factor 06819 1 2005120906819.pdf 2005120906819.htm BNP Paribas Invest Immo 06880 1 2005120906880.pdf 2005120906880.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Atlantique Vendée 06860 2 2005120906860.pdf 2005120906860.htm Club Développement PPR 06799 1 2005120906799.pdf 2005120906799.htm Crédit agricole Cheuvreux 06794 1 2005120906794.pdf 2005120906794.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 06836 1 2005120906836.pdf 2005120906836.htm Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited 06808 1 2005120906808.pdf 2005120906808.htm Cross Systems Company 06913 1 2005120906913.pdf 2005120906913.htm Dexia Crédit local 06878 1 2005120906878.pdf 2005120906878.htm Dexia Flobail 06890 1 2005120906890.pdf 2005120906890.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 06883 1 2005120906883.pdf 2005120906883.htm Financement foncier (Compagnie de) 06900 2 2005120906900.pdf 2005120906900.htm Financière Oceor 06830 1 2005120906830.pdf 2005120906830.htm Franfinance 06873 1 2005120906873.pdf 2005120906873.htm Genesis 1 06865 1 2005120906865.pdf 2005120906865.htm Gestion et Location Holding 06824 1 2005120906824.pdf 2005120906824.htm Goldman Sachs Paris Inc et Cie 06792 1 2005120906792.pdf 2005120906792.htm ING Bank (France) S.A. 06834 1 2005120906834.pdf 2005120906834.htm ING Securities Bank (France) 06851 2 2005120906851.pdf 2005120906851.htm Investissement et d'expansion touristique (Société d') 06896 1 2005120906896.pdf 2005120906896.htm LCL 06652 1 2005120906652.pdf 2005120906652.htm Mondiale (La) 06912 2 2005120906912.pdf 2005120906912.htm Otor 06902 18 2005120906902.pdf 2005120906902.htm Sogefinancement 06874 1 2005120906874.pdf 2005120906874.htm Sogelease France 06872 1 2005120906872.pdf 2005120906872.htm Sport-Elec S.A. 06870 1 2005120906870.pdf 2005120906870.htm Total Gaz Electricité Holdings France 06866 1 2005120906866.pdf 2005120906866.htm UCB Entreprises 06889 1 2005120906889.pdf 2005120906889.htm Union de crédit pour le batiment 06898 2 2005120906898.pdf 2005120906898.htm Vet'affaires 06821 1 2005120906821.pdf 2005120906821.htm Wavecom 06758 7 2005120906758.pdf 2005120906758.htm Western Telecom 06867 2 2005120906867.pdf 2005120906867.htm Finuchem 06809 1 2005120906809.pdf 2005120906809.htm Siparex Croissance 06875 1 2005120906875.pdf 2005120906875.htm Systar 06823 1 2005120906823.pdf 2005120906823.htm Toshiba Corporation 06904 1 2005120906904.pdf 2005120906904.htm Décisions et informations 01147 8 2005120901147.pdf 2005120901147.htm
Ocei 98274 1 2005101098274.pdf 2005101098274.htm A CIC Trésorerie Plus 98188 1 2005101098188.pdf 2005101098188.htm Gestilion Euro 98184 2 2005101098184.pdf 2005101098184.htm Lionplus 98185 1 2005101098185.pdf 2005101098185.htm Oblilion Euro Court terme 98187 1 2005101098187.pdf 2005101098187.htm Oblilion Monde 98183 2 2005101098183.pdf 2005101098183.htm Risc Group 98178 1 2005101098178.pdf 2005101098178.htm Sicav 5000 98182 2 2005101098182.pdf 2005101098182.htm Union Obli Court terme 98192 1 2005101098192.pdf 2005101098192.htm Genesys Télécommunications Laboratories S.A.S. 98179 1 2005101098179.pdf 2005101098179.htm CIC Trésorerie Plus 98190 1 2005101098190.pdf 2005101098190.htm Union Obli Court terme 98191 2 2005101098191.pdf 2005101098191.htm Atelier Siccardi 98139 1 2005101098139.pdf 2005101098139.htm Audika 98116 11 2005101098116.pdf 2005101098116.htm Bank Saderat Iran Bank Saderat Iran (Succursale de Paris) 98213 5 2005101098213.pdf 2005101098213.htm Bank of Scotland Group Plc (The royal) 98117 9 2005101098117.pdf 2005101098117.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Midi 98120 23 2005101098120.pdf 2005101098120.htm Cerep 98199 2 2005101098199.pdf 2005101098199.htm R CNP Caution 98205 1 2005101098205.pdf 2005101098205.htm GeneriX 98216 7 2005101098216.pdf 2005101098216.htm Grandry Sable (Fonderie) 98140 1 2005101098140.pdf 2005101098140.htm Havas 98193 11 2005101098193.pdf 2005101098193.htm Hologram.Industries 98177 10 2005101098177.pdf 2005101098177.htm Ilog 98176 13 2005101098176.pdf 2005101098176.htm Kle 66 98195 1 2005101098195.pdf 2005101098195.htm LaCie Group S.A. 98127 17 2005101098127.pdf 2005101098127.htm Oddo Options 98196 1 2005101098196.pdf 2005101098196.htm Saveurs de France-Brossard 98208 1 2005101098208.pdf 2005101098208.htm Segespar 98175 1 2005101098175.pdf 2005101098175.htm Sequana Capital 98092 13 2005101098092.pdf 2005101098092.htm Siparex Croissance 98210 10 2005101098210.pdf 2005101098210.htm Suez 98110 44 2005101098110.pdf 2005101098110.htm Sword Group 98142 5 2005101098142.pdf 2005101098142.htm Tunnel Prado-Carenage (Société marseillaise du) 98204 1 2005101098204.pdf 2005101098204.htm Vinci 98165 27 2005101098165.pdf 2005101098165.htm Aedian 98171 1 2005101098171.pdf 2005101098171.htm Floreane Médical Implants 98169 1 2005101098169.pdf 2005101098169.htm Décisions et informations 01121 7 2005101001121.pdf 2005101001121.htm
Domivalor 2 91318 1 2005061791318.pdf 2005061791318.htm Produits chimiques auxiliaires et de synthèse 91400 6 2005061791400.pdf 2005061791400.htm Saft Groupe 91390 2 2005061791390.pdf 2005061791390.htm Transgene 91377 5 2005061791377.pdf 2005061791377.htm Vallourec 91385 3 2005061791385.pdf 2005061791385.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 91350 2 2005061791350.pdf 2005061791350.htm Société générale (Rectificatif) 91351 1 2005061791351.pdf 2005061791351.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 91349 2 2005061791349.pdf 2005061791349.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 91382 1 2005061791382.pdf 2005061791382.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. (Rectificatif) 91383 1 2005061791383.pdf 2005061791383.htm Carrimages 91295 1 2005061791295.pdf 2005061791295.htm Châteaudun Obligations 91302 3 2005061791302.pdf 2005061791302.htm Coil SA 91225 2 2005061791225.pdf 2005061791225.htm CPR Horizon Long terme 91292 2 2005061791292.pdf 2005061791292.htm CPR Mobidiv 91303 3 2005061791303.pdf 2005061791303.htm CPR Monétaire 91286 2 2005061791286.pdf 2005061791286.htm CPR Oblig-Europe 91373 3 2005061791373.pdf 2005061791373.htm CPR Référence Europe 91287 3 2005061791287.pdf 2005061791287.htm Desquenne et Giral 91304 2 2005061791304.pdf 2005061791304.htm Dexia Invest 91387 2 2005061791387.pdf 2005061791387.htm Dexia Invest 91389 1 2005061791389.pdf 2005061791389.htm Dexia Sustainable 91384 3 2005061791384.pdf 2005061791384.htm Fidelity Funds 91046 3 2005061791046.pdf 2005061791046.htm Fidelity Funds II 91045 3 2005061791045.pdf 2005061791045.htm Fininpierre 91369 1 2005061791369.pdf 2005061791369.htm Genesys S.A. 91347 2 2005061791347.pdf 2005061791347.htm ING Dynamique Opportunité 91363 1 2005061791363.pdf 2005061791363.htm Millifin 91294 2 2005061791294.pdf 2005061791294.htm Rhône-Alpes Immo (Rectificatif) 91269 1 2005061791269.pdf 2005061791269.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 1 91365 1 2005061791365.pdf 2005061791365.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 2 91364 1 2005061791364.pdf 2005061791364.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 4 91362 2 2005061791362.pdf 2005061791362.htm Sofica Réunion Animation 2 91227 1 2005061791227.pdf 2005061791227.htm Topcash 91288 3 2005061791288.pdf 2005061791288.htm Topoblig 91293 3 2005061791293.pdf 2005061791293.htm Unidomo 7 90162 2 2005061790162.pdf 2005061790162.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 91378 1 2005061791378.pdf 2005061791378.htm 21 La Perouse 91353 1 2005061791353.pdf 2005061791353.htm 43 Kleber (SAS) 91253 1 2005061791253.pdf 2005061791253.htm 5 Turin (SAS) 91354 1 2005061791354.pdf 2005061791354.htm ABN Amro France 91277 17 2005061791277.pdf 2005061791277.htm Agri Finance SNC 91315 1 2005061791315.pdf 2005061791315.htm Auxifip 91312 10 2005061791312.pdf 2005061791312.htm Axa Banque 91279 1 2005061791279.pdf 2005061791279.htm Baccarat 91372 1 2005061791372.pdf 2005061791372.htm Banca Intesa SPA 91276 4 2005061791276.pdf 2005061791276.htm Banque d'Orsay 91280 1 2005061791280.pdf 2005061791280.htm Banque fédérative du crédit mutuel 91274 17 2005061791274.pdf 2005061791274.htm Banque populaire Rives de Paris 91305 10 2005061791305.pdf 2005061791305.htm Banque Rhône-Alpes 91310 3 2005061791310.pdf 2005061791310.htm Banque Scalbert-Dupont 91407 19 2005061791407.pdf 2005061791407.htm Biscuits Gardeil 91403 13 2005061791403.pdf 2005061791403.htm BNP Paribas 91226 1 2005061791226.pdf 2005061791226.htm Bolloré Médias Investissements 91255 1 2005061791255.pdf 2005061791255.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Côte-d'Azur 91309 9 2005061791309.pdf 2005061791309.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Lorraine 91306 10 2005061791306.pdf 2005061791306.htm Caisse de crédit agricole mutuel de Nouvelle-Calédonie 91345 1 2005061791345.pdf 2005061791345.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Toulon 91272 1 2005061791272.pdf 2005061791272.htm Caisse de crédit municipal du Havre 91368 1 2005061791368.pdf 2005061791368.htm Calyon Financial SNC 91411 7 2005061791411.pdf 2005061791411.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Roussillon (Société de) 91271 1 2005061791271.pdf 2005061791271.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière du Sud-Ouest (Société de) 91273 1 2005061791273.pdf 2005061791273.htm CNP Assurances 91240 1 2005061791240.pdf 2005061791240.htm Crédit agricole Cheuvreux 91322 14 2005061791322.pdf 2005061791322.htm Crédit coopératif 91367 20 2005061791367.pdf 2005061791367.htm Crédit immobilier de France Habitat Groupe 36 91307 1 2005061791307.pdf 2005061791307.htm Crédit immobilier des Bouches-du-Rhône (Société anonyme de) 91246 1 2005061791246.pdf 2005061791246.htm Crédit immobilier du Calvados (Société anonyme de) 91308 1 2005061791308.pdf 2005061791308.htm Crédit immobilier du Var (Société anonyme de) 91333 1 2005061791333.pdf 2005061791333.htm Crédit immobilier Limousin Vézère (Société de) 91371 1 2005061791371.pdf 2005061791371.htm Crédit immobilier Midi Méditerranée 91245 1 2005061791245.pdf 2005061791245.htm Crédit industriel de Normandie 91405 19 2005061791405.pdf 2005061791405.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 91278 1 2005061791278.pdf 2005061791278.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 91328 2 2005061791328.pdf 2005061791328.htm Crédit maritime mutuel (Société centrale de) 91376 1 2005061791376.pdf 2005061791376.htm Crédit suisse (France) 91357 1 2005061791357.pdf 2005061791357.htm Efiposte 91289 14 2005061791289.pdf 2005061791289.htm Espace Kléber 91258 1 2005061791258.pdf 2005061791258.htm Europay France 91340 1 2005061791340.pdf 2005061791340.htm Europe Finance et industrie 91358 1 2005061791358.pdf 2005061791358.htm F.D.I. Société anonyme de crédit immobilier 91402 1 2005061791402.pdf 2005061791402.htm Financière de Sainte-Marine 91256 1 2005061791256.pdf 2005061791256.htm Finatis 91250 2 2005061791250.pdf 2005061791250.htm Foncier Bail 91399 1 2005061791399.pdf 2005061791399.htm Foncière Euris 91248 1 2005061791248.pdf 2005061791248.htm Fonds régional de garantie du Nord-Pas-de-Calais 91285 1 2005061791285.pdf 2005061791285.htm Fortis Lease Immobilier France 91152 11 2005061791152.pdf 2005061791152.htm France Télécom Encaissements 91404 1 2005061791404.pdf 2005061791404.htm Franfinance 91299 1 2005061791299.pdf 2005061791299.htm General Electric Financement Pacific S.A.S. 91282 6 2005061791282.pdf 2005061791282.htm General Electric Financement Polynésie 91281 6 2005061791281.pdf 2005061791281.htm Groupe Sofemo 91275 1 2005061791275.pdf 2005061791275.htm Intercall 91388 1 2005061791388.pdf 2005061791388.htm International Textiles Associés « Intexa » 91267 1 2005061791267.pdf 2005061791267.htm Ixis Midcaps 91398 1 2005061791398.pdf 2005061791398.htm Kle 1 91356 1 2005061791356.pdf 2005061791356.htm Kleber Levallois 91352 1 2005061791352.pdf 2005061791352.htm Laurent-Perrier 90081 12 2005061790081.pdf 2005061790081.htm Liberty Surf Group S.A. 91232 1 2005061791232.pdf 2005061791232.htm Line Bourse 91391 1 2005061791391.pdf 2005061791391.htm Loca-Din 91259 1 2005061791259.pdf 2005061791259.htm Location de véhicules-CLV (Compagnie pour la) 91260 1 2005061791260.pdf 2005061791260.htm Marseille le Merlan 91254 1 2005061791254.pdf 2005061791254.htm Natexis Factorem 91261 6 2005061791261.pdf 2005061791261.htm Nexgen Financial Solutions Limited 91343 2 2005061791343.pdf 2005061791343.htm Norbail Sofergie 91401 1 2005061791401.pdf 2005061791401.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 91247 1 2005061791247.pdf 2005061791247.htm Pont-l'Abbé (Compagnie de) 91257 1 2005061791257.pdf 2005061791257.htm Prodef 91251 1 2005061791251.pdf 2005061791251.htm Screg Est 91440 1 2005061791440.pdf 2005061791440.htm Seb (S.A.) 91341 1 2005061791341.pdf 2005061791341.htm Slibail Energie 91392 1 2005061791392.pdf 2005061791392.htm SNECMA Moteurs 91291 1 2005061791291.pdf 2005061791291.htm Soderbanque 91397 1 2005061791397.pdf 2005061791397.htm Sogefinancement 91298 1 2005061791298.pdf 2005061791298.htm Sogelease France 91301 2 2005061791301.pdf 2005061791301.htm Star Lease 91270 1 2005061791270.pdf 2005061791270.htm Suffren Paris 15 91355 1 2005061791355.pdf 2005061791355.htm Téfal S.A. 91342 1 2005061791342.pdf 2005061791342.htm TEMpro 91319 6 2005061791319.pdf 2005061791319.htm Ugigrip 91348 2 2005061791348.pdf 2005061791348.htm Union de banques arabes et françaises « Ubaf » (Additif) 91179 1 2005061791179.pdf 2005061791179.htm Agri Finance SNC 91316 1 2005061791316.pdf 2005061791316.htm Augros Cosmetic Packaging 91238 1 2005061791238.pdf 2005061791238.htm Avenir Finance 91283 1 2005061791283.pdf 2005061791283.htm Carrefour 91244 1 2005061791244.pdf 2005061791244.htm CNP Assurances 91239 1 2005061791239.pdf 2005061791239.htm Groupe Gascogne 91375 1 2005061791375.pdf 2005061791375.htm Havas 91410 1 2005061791410.pdf 2005061791410.htm International Textiles Associés « Intexa » 91264 1 2005061791264.pdf 2005061791264.htm Moria 91393 1 2005061791393.pdf 2005061791393.htm PN Electronics 91394 1 2005061791394.pdf 2005061791394.htm Prodef 91252 1 2005061791252.pdf 2005061791252.htm Saveurs de France-Brossard 91268 1 2005061791268.pdf 2005061791268.htm Tessi 91314 1 2005061791314.pdf 2005061791314.htm Décisions et Informations 01072 7 2005061701072.pdf 2005061701072.htm
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Quantel 88948 4 2005052088948.pdf 2005052088948.htm Renovapierre 1 88764 1 2005052088764.pdf 2005052088764.htm Réponse 88871 2 2005052088871.pdf 2005052088871.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 88930 1 2005052088930.pdf 2005052088930.htm Sairp Composites 88889 1 2005052088889.pdf 2005052088889.htm Sécurinfor 88731 2 2005052088731.pdf 2005052088731.htm Select Habitat 88651 1 2005052088651.pdf 2005052088651.htm Sélectinvest 1 88763 2 2005052088763.pdf 2005052088763.htm Selsi 88760 2 2005052088760.pdf 2005052088760.htm Sequin 88749 1 2005052088749.pdf 2005052088749.htm Sequin 88752 1 2005052088752.pdf 2005052088752.htm Services et d'équipements « Sophese » (Société pharmaceutique européenne de) 88796 2 2005052088796.pdf 2005052088796.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 1 88899 2 2005052088899.pdf 2005052088899.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 2 88897 1 2005052088897.pdf 2005052088897.htm Sofi Bretagne Atlantique 4 88898 1 2005052088898.pdf 2005052088898.htm Sogeoblig Monde Devises 88891 2 2005052088891.pdf 2005052088891.htm Sogesector Immobilier Europe 88767 1 2005052088767.pdf 2005052088767.htm SR. Téléperformance 88467 2 2005052088467.pdf 2005052088467.htm Stratège 88724 1 2005052088724.pdf 2005052088724.htm Supra 88962 3 2005052088962.pdf 2005052088962.htm Systran S.A. 87580 2 2005052087580.pdf 2005052087580.htm Tayninh (Société de) 88692 2 2005052088692.pdf 2005052088692.htm Tharreau Industries 88909 2 2005052088909.pdf 2005052088909.htm UFG Pierre 88791 2 2005052088791.pdf 2005052088791.htm Valoripierre 1 88762 1 2005052088762.pdf 2005052088762.htm Viel & Compagnie 88772 5 2005052088772.pdf 2005052088772.htm Visiodent 88852 2 2005052088852.pdf 2005052088852.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 88903 1 2005052088903.pdf 2005052088903.htm Boiron Laboratoires Dolisos 88956 1 2005052088956.pdf 2005052088956.htm Bois & chiffons International SA 88538 1 2005052088538.pdf 2005052088538.htm Cardif Euro Opportunités (Rectificatif) 88881 1 2005052088881.pdf 2005052088881.htm Etoile Croissance 88768 1 2005052088768.pdf 2005052088768.htm Criolen 88886 1 2005052088886.pdf 2005052088886.htm Eurofin Placements 88887 1 2005052088887.pdf 2005052088887.htm Acces Industrie 88799 1 2005052088799.pdf 2005052088799.htm Affine 88919 1 2005052088919.pdf 2005052088919.htm Agence française de développement 88558 22 2005052088558.pdf 2005052088558.htm Appia 88954 1 2005052088954.pdf 2005052088954.htm Assurances générales de France 88730 5 2005052088730.pdf 2005052088730.htm Ausy 88879 1 2005052088879.pdf 2005052088879.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) (Rectificatif) 88816 2 2005052088816.pdf 2005052088816.htm Banque populaire Atlantique 88819 9 2005052088819.pdf 2005052088819.htm Banque populaire Lorraine Champagne 88828 3 2005052088828.pdf 2005052088828.htm Banque Scalbert-Dupont 88814 2 2005052088814.pdf 2005052088814.htm BCI Navigation 88901 9 2005052088901.pdf 2005052088901.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Côte-d'Azur 88820 2 2005052088820.pdf 2005052088820.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Alsace 88834 2 2005052088834.pdf 2005052088834.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bretagne 88836 1 2005052088836.pdf 2005052088836.htm Caisse interfédérale de crédit mutuel 88824 1 2005052088824.pdf 2005052088824.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Réunion 88140 33 2005052088140.pdf 2005052088140.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Normandie Seine 88830 1 2005052088830.pdf 2005052088830.htm Caisse régionale de crédit maritime mutuel « La Méditerranée » 88757 1 2005052088757.pdf 2005052088757.htm Chaîne et Trame 88779 1 2005052088779.pdf 2005052088779.htm Cofinoga 88528 16 2005052088528.pdf 2005052088528.htm Constructions mécaniques Panhard et Levassor (Société de) 88827 1 2005052088827.pdf 2005052088827.htm Crédit foncier de France 88797 1 2005052088797.pdf 2005052088797.htm Crédit industriel et commercial (Société bordelaise de) 88811 2 2005052088811.pdf 2005052088811.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 88829 5 2005052088829.pdf 2005052088829.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen 88822 1 2005052088822.pdf 2005052088822.htm Crédit touristique - C2T (Le) 88740 1 2005052088740.pdf 2005052088740.htm Diffuco 88844 1 2005052088844.pdf 2005052088844.htm Distribution Casino France 88837 1 2005052088837.pdf 2005052088837.htm 88851 1 2005052088851.pdf 2005052088851.htm Edition Multi média électroniques 88957 1 2005052088957.pdf 2005052088957.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 88928 11 2005052088928.pdf 2005052088928.htm Eramet 88719 1 2005052088719.pdf 2005052088719.htm Esprit de France 88804 1 2005052088804.pdf 2005052088804.htm Etudes d'informatique et de gestion « Speig » (Société parisienne d') 88805 1 2005052088805.pdf 2005052088805.htm Exane 86822 12 2005052086822.pdf 2005052086822.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines « Sofibus » (Société financière pour le) 88745 2 2005052088745.pdf 2005052088745.htm Finuchem 88623 18 2005052088623.pdf 2005052088623.htm Geci International 88845 1 2005052088845.pdf 2005052088845.htm Genecomi 88826 1 2005052088826.pdf 2005052088826.htm Groupama Banque 88904 2 2005052088904.pdf 2005052088904.htm Groupama Banque 88907 1 2005052088907.pdf 2005052088907.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 88855 1 2005052088855.pdf 2005052088855.htm Groupe Open 88923 2 2005052088923.pdf 2005052088923.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 88823 1 2005052088823.pdf 2005052088823.htm Innelec Multimédia 88880 1 2005052088880.pdf 2005052088880.htm Jeanjean 88773 1 2005052088773.pdf 2005052088773.htm JPMorgan Chase Bank (Succursale de Paris) 88812 2 2005052088812.pdf 2005052088812.htm Klépierre 88913 1 2005052088913.pdf 2005052088913.htm LISI 88761 1 2005052088761.pdf 2005052088761.htm Locindus S.A. 88821 2 2005052088821.pdf 2005052088821.htm Marocaine (Compagnie) 88722 1 2005052088722.pdf 2005052088722.htm Matériel routier « Somaro » (Société de) 88806 1 2005052088806.pdf 2005052088806.htm Millimages 88783 1 2005052088783.pdf 2005052088783.htm Montupet S.A. 88771 1 2005052088771.pdf 2005052088771.htm Morgan & Cie S.A. (J.P.) 88813 1 2005052088813.pdf 2005052088813.htm National Bank of Pakistan (Succursale de Paris) 88964 1 2005052088964.pdf 2005052088964.htm Orange 88739 1 2005052088739.pdf 2005052088739.htm Plantureux (SA) 88963 1 2005052088963.pdf 2005052088963.htm Seco-Rail 88803 1 2005052088803.pdf 2005052088803.htm SQLI 88807 1 2005052088807.pdf 2005052088807.htm Tanneries de France 88817 1 2005052088817.pdf 2005052088817.htm Telecom Réseaux Services 88802 1 2005052088802.pdf 2005052088802.htm Tonna Electronique 88736 1 2005052088736.pdf 2005052088736.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 88877 1 2005052088877.pdf 2005052088877.htm Umanis SA 88906 1 2005052088906.pdf 2005052088906.htm Unilog S.A. 88936 17 2005052088936.pdf 2005052088936.htm VCON 88808 1 2005052088808.pdf 2005052088808.htm Accor 88737 1 2005052088737.pdf 2005052088737.htm Boursorama 88748 1 2005052088748.pdf 2005052088748.htm Dexia Banque internationale à Luxembourg 88888 1 2005052088888.pdf 2005052088888.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines « Sofibus » (Société financière pour le) 88728 1 2005052088728.pdf 2005052088728.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 88843 1 2005052088843.pdf 2005052088843.htm Groupe Partouche 88742 1 2005052088742.pdf 2005052088742.htm Jet Multimédia 88940 1 2005052088940.pdf 2005052088940.htm Pechiney 88933 1 2005052088933.pdf 2005052088933.htm Plateaux indochinois (Compagnie des Hauts) 88916 1 2005052088916.pdf 2005052088916.htm Pochet S.A. 88815 1 2005052088815.pdf 2005052088815.htm Seb S.A. 88918 1 2005052088918.pdf 2005052088918.htm Société générale 88738 1 2005052088738.pdf 2005052088738.htm Suez 88818 1 2005052088818.pdf 2005052088818.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 88883 1 2005052088883.pdf 2005052088883.htm Décisions et Informations 01060 5 2005052001060.pdf 2005052001060.htm
CBO Territoria 88705 2 2005051888705.pdf 2005051888705.htm Société générale 88473 1 2005051888473.pdf 2005051888473.htm Société générale 88475 2 2005051888475.pdf 2005051888475.htm European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. 88319 2 2005051888319.pdf 2005051888319.htm HSBC Holdings Plc 88484 2 2005051888484.pdf 2005051888484.htm Acanthe Développement 88250 1 2005051888250.pdf 2005051888250.htm Ada 88706 3 2005051888706.pdf 2005051888706.htm Alten 88388 4 2005051888388.pdf 2005051888388.htm Archos 88682 2 2005051888682.pdf 2005051888682.htm Atout Pierre Diversification 88201 2 2005051888201.pdf 2005051888201.htm Auteuil 88694 1 2005051888694.pdf 2005051888694.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Val de France 88584 1 2005051888584.pdf 2005051888584.htm CDC Euro Maturité 1-3 88615 2 2005051888615.pdf 2005051888615.htm CDC Euro Maturité 7-10 88755 1 2005051888755.pdf 2005051888755.htm Cibox Inter@ctive 88631 3 2005051888631.pdf 2005051888631.htm Cider Santé (Rectificatif) 88594 1 2005051888594.pdf 2005051888594.htm Créanet 88720 2 2005051888720.pdf 2005051888720.htm Crédit foncier de France 88666 2 2005051888666.pdf 2005051888666.htm Dauphi-Pierre 88655 1 2005051888655.pdf 2005051888655.htm Delachaux S.A. 88604 3 2005051888604.pdf 2005051888604.htm Delta Plus Group SA 88662 2 2005051888662.pdf 2005051888662.htm Elysées Résidence 4 88460 2 2005051888460.pdf 2005051888460.htm Etam Développement (Rectificatif) 88582 5 2005051888582.pdf 2005051888582.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 88592 2 2005051888592.pdf 2005051888592.htm GeneriX (Rectificatif) 88679 1 2005051888679.pdf 2005051888679.htm GFI Informatique (Rectificatif) 88574 1 2005051888574.pdf 2005051888574.htm GIAC 88620 2 2005051888620.pdf 2005051888620.htm Gifi 88689 1 2005051888689.pdf 2005051888689.htm Groupe Gascogne 88505 1 2005051888505.pdf 2005051888505.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe « Ginger » (Rectificatif) 88691 2 2005051888691.pdf 2005051888691.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 87917 1 2005051887917.pdf 2005051887917.htm IDS S.A. (Rectificatif) 88676 1 2005051888676.pdf 2005051888676.htm Immo'Poste 88199 1 2005051888199.pdf 2005051888199.htm Ixis Convergence 88630 2 2005051888630.pdf 2005051888630.htm Ixis Euractive 88629 2 2005051888629.pdf 2005051888629.htm Ixis Euro Souverains 88593 1 2005051888593.pdf 2005051888593.htm Ixis Euro Souverains 88595 2 2005051888595.pdf 2005051888595.htm Ixis Indice Japon 88603 1 2005051888603.pdf 2005051888603.htm Ixis Indice Japon 88613 2 2005051888613.pdf 2005051888613.htm Ixis Planète Performance 88599 2 2005051888599.pdf 2005051888599.htm Ixis Planète Performance 88600 1 2005051888600.pdf 2005051888600.htm JPM Court terme 88641 2 2005051888641.pdf 2005051888641.htm Locindus S.A. (Rectificatif) 88687 1 2005051888687.pdf 2005051888687.htm Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Invest 87756 1 2005051887756.pdf 2005051887756.htm Medidep 88335 6 2005051888335.pdf 2005051888335.htm Objectif Patrimoine 88701 1 2005051888701.pdf 2005051888701.htm Objectif Valeurs européennes 88703 2 2005051888703.pdf 2005051888703.htm Orage 88681 1 2005051888681.pdf 2005051888681.htm Pernod Ricard 88696 2 2005051888696.pdf 2005051888696.htm Pierre Plus 88204 2 2005051888204.pdf 2005051888204.htm Pierrevenus 87861 2 2005051887861.pdf 2005051887861.htm Public Système (Le) 88635 5 2005051888635.pdf 2005051888635.htm Sical 88537 2 2005051888537.pdf 2005051888537.htm Socopi 88134 2 2005051888134.pdf 2005051888134.htm SPIR Communication (Rectificatif) 88665 1 2005051888665.pdf 2005051888665.htm Studio Images 4 88697 2 2005051888697.pdf 2005051888697.htm Téléflex Lionel-Dupont 88297 2 2005051888297.pdf 2005051888297.htm Telemedia group 88714 2 2005051888714.pdf 2005051888714.htm Theolia 88648 3 2005051888648.pdf 2005051888648.htm Ulric de Varens 88605 1 2005051888605.pdf 2005051888605.htm Union Obli Moyen terme 88716 2 2005051888716.pdf 2005051888716.htm Ixis Planète Performance Ixis Planète Rendement 88832 1 2005051888832.pdf 2005051888832.htm Provence Asie Provence Helvetia 88663 2 2005051888663.pdf 2005051888663.htm Vetinvest 88415 1 2005051888415.pdf 2005051888415.htm A Novo 88638 1 2005051888638.pdf 2005051888638.htm Affine 88554 2 2005051888554.pdf 2005051888554.htm Agence française de développement 88514 1 2005051888514.pdf 2005051888514.htm Air liquide (L') 88640 1 2005051888640.pdf 2005051888640.htm April Group 88461 1 2005051888461.pdf 2005051888461.htm AST Promotion 88664 1 2005051888664.pdf 2005051888664.htm Aubay 88542 2 2005051888542.pdf 2005051888542.htm Aurel Money Market 88693 1 2005051888693.pdf 2005051888693.htm Automobiles motocyclettes pièces détachées « SFAM France » (Société française d') 88618 1 2005051888618.pdf 2005051888618.htm Avenir Telecom 88675 1 2005051888675.pdf 2005051888675.htm Babylone (SAS) 88612 1 2005051888612.pdf 2005051888612.htm Bac Majestic 88539 1 2005051888539.pdf 2005051888539.htm Bacou-Dalloz 88650 1 2005051888650.pdf 2005051888650.htm Banque calédonienne d'investissement 88718 11 2005051888718.pdf 2005051888718.htm Banque commerciale pour l'Europe du Nord « Eurobank » 88456 15 2005051888456.pdf 2005051888456.htm Banque du bâtiment et des travaux publics « BTP Banque » 88565 1 2005051888565.pdf 2005051888565.htm Banque Edel SNC 88564 1 2005051888564.pdf 2005051888564.htm Banque privée européenne 88653 10 2005051888653.pdf 2005051888653.htm Banque Socredo 88038 1 2005051888038.pdf 2005051888038.htm Batinorest 88551 1 2005051888551.pdf 2005051888551.htm BCI Navigation 88502 2 2005051888502.pdf 2005051888502.htm Bongrain SA 88530 1 2005051888530.pdf 2005051888530.htm Brioche Pasquier 88488 1 2005051888488.pdf 2005051888488.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France - Nord 88657 9 2005051888657.pdf 2005051888657.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays de l'Adour 88659 20 2005051888659.pdf 2005051888659.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Rouen 88510 1 2005051888510.pdf 2005051888510.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Atlantique Vendée 88656 1 2005051888656.pdf 2005051888656.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de l'Oise 88672 1 2005051888672.pdf 2005051888672.htm Calyon 88674 3 2005051888674.pdf 2005051888674.htm Carrere Group 88529 1 2005051888529.pdf 2005051888529.htm Cegedim 88709 2 2005051888709.pdf 2005051888709.htm Client Center Alliance 88678 1 2005051888678.pdf 2005051888678.htm Colas Centre-Ouest 88525 1 2005051888525.pdf 2005051888525.htm Conflandey S.A. 88481 1 2005051888481.pdf 2005051888481.htm Crédit immobilier de Bretagne (Financière régionale de) 88654 1 2005051888654.pdf 2005051888654.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Est 88646 1 2005051888646.pdf 2005051888646.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud 88721 5 2005051888721.pdf 2005051888721.htm Crédit immobilier familial de Nantes (Le) 88580 1 2005051888580.pdf 2005051888580.htm Desquenne et Giral 88540 1 2005051888540.pdf 2005051888540.htm Développement Infrastructures 88588 1 2005051888588.pdf 2005051888588.htm Duran 88503 7 2005051888503.pdf 2005051888503.htm Eliance 88649 1 2005051888649.pdf 2005051888649.htm Entreprise générale des transports du Nord (EGTN) 88577 1 2005051888577.pdf 2005051888577.htm Ester Finance Titrisation 88533 1 2005051888533.pdf 2005051888533.htm Financière Géo « Cofigeo » (Compagnie) 88658 1 2005051888658.pdf 2005051888658.htm Fininfo 88560 1 2005051888560.pdf 2005051888560.htm Gaîté Bureaux 88622 1 2005051888622.pdf 2005051888622.htm Gaîté Parkings 88611 1 2005051888611.pdf 2005051888611.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 88515 1 2005051888515.pdf 2005051888515.htm Gaumont 88624 18 2005051888624.pdf 2005051888624.htm Genefimmo (Rectificatif) 88601 1 2005051888601.pdf 2005051888601.htm Générale de santé 88535 1 2005051888535.pdf 2005051888535.htm GeneriX 88543 9 2005051888543.pdf 2005051888543.htm Genesys S.A. 88585 4 2005051888585.pdf 2005051888585.htm Groupe Bourbon 88493 20 2005051888493.pdf 2005051888493.htm Guyanor Ressources SA 88501 1 2005051888501.pdf 2005051888501.htm Hispano-Suiza 88627 1 2005051888627.pdf 2005051888627.htm HSBC CCF Financial Products (France) 88521 8 2005051888521.pdf 2005051888521.htm Idia Agricapital 88688 1 2005051888688.pdf 2005051888688.htm Idsud 88489 1 2005051888489.pdf 2005051888489.htm Immobilière 125 Wilson 88606 1 2005051888606.pdf 2005051888606.htm Immobilière Bingen 86778 1 2005051886778.pdf 2005051886778.htm Immobilière Château Garnier 88617 1 2005051888617.pdf 2005051888617.htm Immobilière Tolbiac Massena (S.A.S.) 88636 1 2005051888636.pdf 2005051888636.htm Intercall 88684 1 2005051888684.pdf 2005051888684.htm Jeanjean 88491 14 2005051888491.pdf 2005051888491.htm Legendre Holding 5 86880 1 2005051886880.pdf 2005051886880.htm Liberty 88614 1 2005051888614.pdf 2005051888614.htm Liberty Surf Group S.A. 88685 1 2005051888685.pdf 2005051888685.htm Lucia 88628 1 2005051888628.pdf 2005051888628.htm Malesherbes 189 à 193 88608 1 2005051888608.pdf 2005051888608.htm Murray (SAS) 88616 1 2005051888616.pdf 2005051888616.htm Natexis Coficine 88660 1 2005051888660.pdf 2005051888660.htm Neovia Electronics 88690 1 2005051888690.pdf 2005051888690.htm Nergeco 88569 1 2005051888569.pdf 2005051888569.htm Noria (SAS) 88621 1 2005051888621.pdf 2005051888621.htm Odyssée Holding 88555 1 2005051888555.pdf 2005051888555.htm Odyssée Holding 88556 1 2005051888556.pdf 2005051888556.htm Otor 88619 1 2005051888619.pdf 2005051888619.htm Oxymétal S.A. 88578 1 2005051888578.pdf 2005051888578.htm Petit forestier 88563 1 2005051888563.pdf 2005051888563.htm Pier Import Europe 88626 1 2005051888626.pdf 2005051888626.htm Piscines Desjoyaux S.A. 88669 3 2005051888669.pdf 2005051888669.htm Prédault (Paul) 88536 1 2005051888536.pdf 2005051888536.htm Prosodie 88667 1 2005051888667.pdf 2005051888667.htm Ray France 86780 1 2005051886780.pdf 2005051886780.htm Risc Group 88550 1 2005051888550.pdf 2005051888550.htm Rothschild et Cie Banque 88548 15 2005051888548.pdf 2005051888548.htm Sacer Paris-Nord-Est 88587 1 2005051888587.pdf 2005051888587.htm Sacer Sud Est 88586 1 2005051888586.pdf 2005051888586.htm Samse 88717 24 2005051888717.pdf 2005051888717.htm Sanofi-Aventis 88695 1 2005051888695.pdf 2005051888695.htm Sérénité Investissements 88711 1 2005051888711.pdf 2005051888711.htm Sirmione 88610 1 2005051888610.pdf 2005051888610.htm Skis Rossignol 88644 1 2005051888644.pdf 2005051888644.htm Sofax Banque 88557 2 2005051888557.pdf 2005051888557.htm Stef-TFE 88625 1 2005051888625.pdf 2005051888625.htm Valtech SA 88596 1 2005051888596.pdf 2005051888596.htm Vega (S.A.S) 88609 1 2005051888609.pdf 2005051888609.htm Vet'affaires 88490 1 2005051888490.pdf 2005051888490.htm Air liquide (L') 88639 1 2005051888639.pdf 2005051888639.htm ANF 88597 1 2005051888597.pdf 2005051888597.htm Aubay 88527 1 2005051888527.pdf 2005051888527.htm Bongrain SA 88575 1 2005051888575.pdf 2005051888575.htm Brioche Pasquier 88487 1 2005051888487.pdf 2005051888487.htm Eramet 88708 1 2005051888708.pdf 2005051888708.htm Europe Finance et industrie 88517 1 2005051888517.pdf 2005051888517.htm Global Graphics 88583 1 2005051888583.pdf 2005051888583.htm Infogrames Entertainment 88712 2 2005051888712.pdf 2005051888712.htm Oxymétal S.A. 88579 1 2005051888579.pdf 2005051888579.htm Pictet Fixed Income Fund 85981 1 2005051885981.pdf 2005051885981.htm Studio Images 3 88478 1 2005051888478.pdf 2005051888478.htm Valeo 88568 1 2005051888568.pdf 2005051888568.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 02034 7 2005051802034.pdf 2005051802034.htm Décisions et Informations 01059 5 2005051801059.pdf 2005051801059.htm
Lacroix S.A. 89850 2 2005053089850.pdf 2005053089850.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel d'Aquitaine 89727 3 2005053089727.pdf 2005053089727.htm Banque fédérale des banques populaires 89770 3 2005053089770.pdf 2005053089770.htm Natexis Banques populaires 89666 2 2005053089666.pdf 2005053089666.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 89554 1 2005053089554.pdf 2005053089554.htm Admea 89778 1 2005053089778.pdf 2005053089778.htm ADT S.I.I.C 89803 3 2005053089803.pdf 2005053089803.htm Afibel 89444 2 2005053089444.pdf 2005053089444.htm Aldeta 89878 2 2005053089878.pdf 2005053089878.htm Alliance Développement Capital 89806 4 2005053089806.pdf 2005053089806.htm Artprice.Com 89781 3 2005053089781.pdf 2005053089781.htm Avenir Numeric's 89821 1 2005053089821.pdf 2005053089821.htm B.T.P. Immobilier 89045 1 2005053089045.pdf 2005053089045.htm Bac Majestic 89869 3 2005053089869.pdf 2005053089869.htm Barbara Bui 89874 1 2005053089874.pdf 2005053089874.htm Bois & chiffons International SA 89546 2 2005053089546.pdf 2005053089546.htm BP Trésorerie J 89818 2 2005053089818.pdf 2005053089818.htm C M 2 Investissements, Innovations-C M 2I 89831 1 2005053089831.pdf 2005053089831.htm CAAM Value USA (Rectificatif) 89845 1 2005053089845.pdf 2005053089845.htm Carrere Group (Rectificatif) 89771 1 2005053089771.pdf 2005053089771.htm Cifocoma 3 89042 1 2005053089042.pdf 2005053089042.htm Cifocoma 4 89041 2 2005053089041.pdf 2005053089041.htm CNP Assur-Pierre 89465 1 2005053089465.pdf 2005053089465.htm CNP Assur-Valeurs 89455 1 2005053089455.pdf 2005053089455.htm Cofipierre 1 89823 2 2005053089823.pdf 2005053089823.htm Cofipierre 2 89825 1 2005053089825.pdf 2005053089825.htm Cofipierre 3 89827 2 2005053089827.pdf 2005053089827.htm Cofipierre 4 89828 1 2005053089828.pdf 2005053089828.htm Coletica 89764 3 2005053089764.pdf 2005053089764.htm CST France 89780 1 2005053089780.pdf 2005053089780.htm CTM 89805 2 2005053089805.pdf 2005053089805.htm Dalet 89820 2 2005053089820.pdf 2005053089820.htm Décennie Croissance Japon 89815 1 2005053089815.pdf 2005053089815.htm Dexia Index SA 88890 1 2005053088890.pdf 2005053088890.htm Dexia Sustainable 89822 2 2005053089822.pdf 2005053089822.htm Diagnostic Médical Systems (DMS) 89772 2 2005053089772.pdf 2005053089772.htm Distripierre 1 89259 2 2005053089259.pdf 2005053089259.htm Du Pareil au Même 89852 2 2005053089852.pdf 2005053089852.htm Dynaction 89765 4 2005053089765.pdf 2005053089765.htm Elysées Pierre 89630 2 2005053089630.pdf 2005053089630.htm Entreprendre 89843 1 2005053089843.pdf 2005053089843.htm Epargne Foncière 89863 2 2005053089863.pdf 2005053089863.htm Europlasma 89779 2 2005053089779.pdf 2005053089779.htm Ficoma 89049 2 2005053089049.pdf 2005053089049.htm Flip Technology 89784 2 2005053089784.pdf 2005053089784.htm Groupe Focal 89826 7 2005053089826.pdf 2005053089826.htm Groupe Open 89782 1 2005053089782.pdf 2005053089782.htm Groupe Philippe Bosc 89984 2 2005053089984.pdf 2005053089984.htm Habitapierre 89253 1 2005053089253.pdf 2005053089253.htm HF Company 89819 3 2005053089819.pdf 2005053089819.htm Hologram.Industries (Rectificatif) 89773 1 2005053089773.pdf 2005053089773.htm Linedata Services 89777 9 2005053089777.pdf 2005053089777.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 89830 5 2005053089830.pdf 2005053089830.htm Metaphora 89817 2 2005053089817.pdf 2005053089817.htm Micropole-Univers 89834 4 2005053089834.pdf 2005053089834.htm Millimages 89870 2 2005053089870.pdf 2005053089870.htm Net2s SA 89862 6 2005053089862.pdf 2005053089862.htm Newtech Interactive 89853 3 2005053089853.pdf 2005053089853.htm Nexo 89802 3 2005053089802.pdf 2005053089802.htm Rocher Finance 3 89785 2 2005053089785.pdf 2005053089785.htm Skinethic 89720 2 2005053089720.pdf 2005053089720.htm Telecom Design 89840 1 2005053089840.pdf 2005053089840.htm Touax SA 89846 3 2005053089846.pdf 2005053089846.htm Trader Classified Media N.V. 89829 2 2005053089829.pdf 2005053089829.htm TSA 89835 2 2005053089835.pdf 2005053089835.htm Uni étoile 89808 2 2005053089808.pdf 2005053089808.htm Uni Etoile 2 89809 1 2005053089809.pdf 2005053089809.htm TSA 89849 1 2005053089849.pdf 2005053089849.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines « Sofibus » (Société financière pour le) 89807 1 2005053089807.pdf 2005053089807.htm Afone 89786 1 2005053089786.pdf 2005053089786.htm Altamir & Cie 89790 1 2005053089790.pdf 2005053089790.htm Antalis international 89796 1 2005053089796.pdf 2005053089796.htm Banque Gallière 89794 1 2005053089794.pdf 2005053089794.htm Banque populaire occitane 89789 6 2005053089789.pdf 2005053089789.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France Ouest 89797 2 2005053089797.pdf 2005053089797.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays du Hainaut 89858 10 2005053089858.pdf 2005053089858.htm Caisse de garantie immobilière de la fédération française du bâtiment 89810 1 2005053089810.pdf 2005053089810.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 89861 2 2005053089861.pdf 2005053089861.htm Cast 89854 1 2005053089854.pdf 2005053089854.htm CIF Euromortgage 89763 3 2005053089763.pdf 2005053089763.htm Colas 89814 1 2005053089814.pdf 2005053089814.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Est 89848 6 2005053089848.pdf 2005053089848.htm Crédit immobilier de France Normandie 89860 1 2005053089860.pdf 2005053089860.htm Crédit lyonnais 89732 1 2005053089732.pdf 2005053089732.htm DaimlerChrysler Services France SA 89799 1 2005053089799.pdf 2005053089799.htm Dane-Elec Memory SA 89769 2 2005053089769.pdf 2005053089769.htm Développement du financement « Sedef » (Société européenne de) 89859 6 2005053089859.pdf 2005053089859.htm Développement régional de l'Ouest « Sodéro » (Société de) 89743 1 2005053089743.pdf 2005053089743.htm Esi Group 89768 16 2005053089768.pdf 2005053089768.htm Fimalac Investissements 89793 1 2005053089793.pdf 2005053089793.htm Financière du forum 89792 1 2005053089792.pdf 2005053089792.htm GE Capital Equipement Finance 89812 1 2005053089812.pdf 2005053089812.htm GMAC Banque 89757 2 2005053089757.pdf 2005053089757.htm Guyenne et Gascogne 89813 1 2005053089813.pdf 2005053089813.htm Hyparlo SA 89801 2 2005053089801.pdf 2005053089801.htm Icom Informatique 89776 1 2005053089776.pdf 2005053089776.htm IMS International metal service 89762 1 2005053089762.pdf 2005053089762.htm KfW 89686 3 2005053089686.pdf 2005053089686.htm LixxBail 89759 1 2005053089759.pdf 2005053089759.htm LixxCrédit 89761 1 2005053089761.pdf 2005053089761.htm Pier Import Europe 89739 7 2005053089739.pdf 2005053089739.htm Sud-Ouest Bail 89791 6 2005053089791.pdf 2005053089791.htm Total France 89795 1 2005053089795.pdf 2005053089795.htm Ucabail 89844 1 2005053089844.pdf 2005053089844.htm Unibel 89774 16 2005053089774.pdf 2005053089774.htm Union financière de location de matériel « Unimat » 89760 1 2005053089760.pdf 2005053089760.htm Verneuil Participations 89798 12 2005053089798.pdf 2005053089798.htm Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône (Société) 89775 1 2005053089775.pdf 2005053089775.htm Banque de La Réunion 89783 1 2005053089783.pdf 2005053089783.htm Cape Holding 89767 1 2005053089767.pdf 2005053089767.htm Développement et d'expansion « Sade » (Société alsacienne de) 89746 1 2005053089746.pdf 2005053089746.htm Guyenne et Gascogne 89811 1 2005053089811.pdf 2005053089811.htm Hyparlo SA 89800 1 2005053089800.pdf 2005053089800.htm Décisions et Informations 01064 6 2005053001064.pdf 2005053001064.htm
Ilog 83936 1 2005031183936.pdf 2005031183936.htm Multimmobilier 1 83943 2 2005031183943.pdf 2005031183943.htm Sanef 83847 2 2005031183847.pdf 2005031183847.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 83852 2 2005031183852.pdf 2005031183852.htm Vanguard Investment Series Plc 83823 1 2005031183823.pdf 2005031183823.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 83820 5 2005031183820.pdf 2005031183820.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 83821 2 2005031183821.pdf 2005031183821.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 83822 2 2005031183822.pdf 2005031183822.htm ABF Euro 100 83924 3 2005031183924.pdf 2005031183924.htm Actions Nouvelle Europe 83915 2 2005031183915.pdf 2005031183915.htm Actions sélectionnées 83796 1 2005031183796.pdf 2005031183796.htm Air liquide (L') 83851 3 2005031183851.pdf 2005031183851.htm B.T.P. Associations 83802 2 2005031183802.pdf 2005031183802.htm B.T.P. Rendement 83803 1 2005031183803.pdf 2005031183803.htm Balinvest 83899 2 2005031183899.pdf 2005031183899.htm Balinvest 83901 2 2005031183901.pdf 2005031183901.htm BICS Monétaire (Rectificatif) 83834 1 2005031183834.pdf 2005031183834.htm BNP Paribas Smallcap France 83902 2 2005031183902.pdf 2005031183902.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Loire Haute-Loire 83871 2 2005031183871.pdf 2005031183871.htm Carrefour 83917 5 2005031183917.pdf 2005031183917.htm Clam Obli 7-10 83935 1 2005031183935.pdf 2005031183935.htm CNP Assur-Pierre 83874 2 2005031183874.pdf 2005031183874.htm CNP Assur-Valeurs 83875 2 2005031183875.pdf 2005031183875.htm CPR Sécurité Obligataire 83897 1 2005031183897.pdf 2005031183897.htm Développement des opérations de crédit-bail immobilier « Sogébail » (Société générale pour le) 83824 4 2005031183824.pdf 2005031183824.htm Ecofi Quant Trésorerie 83799 2 2005031183799.pdf 2005031183799.htm Ecofi-Croissance 83800 1 2005031183800.pdf 2005031183800.htm Ficac 40 83508 2 2005031183508.pdf 2005031183508.htm Foncière des régions « GFR » 83938 5 2005031183938.pdf 2005031183938.htm Groupama Etat Monde LT 83891 2 2005031183891.pdf 2005031183891.htm Groupama Institutions MT 83913 2 2005031183913.pdf 2005031183913.htm Groupama Oblig MT 83908 1 2005031183908.pdf 2005031183908.htm Groupama Oblig-Europe Crédit MT 83911 2 2005031183911.pdf 2005031183911.htm Groupama Patrimoine 83907 2 2005031183907.pdf 2005031183907.htm Invesco Actions Asie Emergent 83928 2 2005031183928.pdf 2005031183928.htm Invesco Actions Europe 83929 2 2005031183929.pdf 2005031183929.htm Invesco Actions U.S.A 83930 2 2005031183930.pdf 2005031183930.htm Invesco Euro Equity 83931 2 2005031183931.pdf 2005031183931.htm Invesco Obligations Euro 83927 1 2005031183927.pdf 2005031183927.htm Invesco Taiga 83926 1 2005031183926.pdf 2005031183926.htm Invesco Trésorerie 83925 2 2005031183925.pdf 2005031183925.htm IPO - Institut de participations de l'Ouest 83890 2 2005031183890.pdf 2005031183890.htm Ixis France Croissance 83513 2 2005031183513.pdf 2005031183513.htm KBL France Actions Europe 83656 2 2005031183656.pdf 2005031183656.htm KBL France Actions Françaises 83654 1 2005031183654.pdf 2005031183654.htm KBL France monétaire 83658 1 2005031183658.pdf 2005031183658.htm KBL France obligations Moyen terme 83660 2 2005031183660.pdf 2005031183660.htm Média 6 (Rectificatif) 83856 1 2005031183856.pdf 2005031183856.htm Multi Units France 83667 1 2005031183667.pdf 2005031183667.htm Natexis Convertibles Europe 83846 1 2005031183846.pdf 2005031183846.htm Natexis Quantactions Europe 83872 3 2005031183872.pdf 2005031183872.htm Nord-Sud Développement 83514 2 2005031183514.pdf 2005031183514.htm Pension TMP-3/32 83893 1 2005031183893.pdf 2005031183893.htm Placements USA Opportunités 83838 1 2005031183838.pdf 2005031183838.htm SFI-CNP Assur (Sicav) 83877 2 2005031183877.pdf 2005031183877.htm Sport-Elec S.A. 83882 1 2005031183882.pdf 2005031183882.htm Technip 83876 5 2005031183876.pdf 2005031183876.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 83940 7 2005031183940.pdf 2005031183940.htm Valeo 83918 7 2005031183918.pdf 2005031183918.htm Valorg 83843 2 2005031183843.pdf 2005031183843.htm Vontobel Fund Sicav 82989 1 2005031182989.pdf 2005031182989.htm Gaz de France 83859 1 2005031183859.pdf 2005031183859.htm Métaux précieux (Société industrielle et financière des) 83855 1 2005031183855.pdf 2005031183855.htm Actions Nouvelle Europe 83914 1 2005031183914.pdf 2005031183914.htm Carrefour 83916 1 2005031183916.pdf 2005031183916.htm Generali Actions françaises Generali Investissement 83750 1 2005031183750.pdf 2005031183750.htm Generali Euro-actions Generali Euroland 83749 1 2005031183749.pdf 2005031183749.htm Groupama Etat Monde LT 83892 1 2005031183892.pdf 2005031183892.htm Groupama Institutions MT 83912 2 2005031183912.pdf 2005031183912.htm Groupama Oblig MT 83909 1 2005031183909.pdf 2005031183909.htm Groupama Oblig-Europe Crédit MT 83910 2 2005031183910.pdf 2005031183910.htm Groupama Patrimoine 83906 1 2005031183906.pdf 2005031183906.htm Natexis Convertibles Europe 83845 2 2005031183845.pdf 2005031183845.htm Valorg 83844 1 2005031183844.pdf 2005031183844.htm Banque Sanpaolo 83801 1 2005031183801.pdf 2005031183801.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 83229 6 2005031183229.pdf 2005031183229.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France Ouest 83832 1 2005031183832.pdf 2005031183832.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 83827 1 2005031183827.pdf 2005031183827.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays de l'Adour 83828 1 2005031183828.pdf 2005031183828.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 83830 1 2005031183830.pdf 2005031183830.htm Calyon 83904 2 2005031183904.pdf 2005031183904.htm Cogéra 83879 1 2005031183879.pdf 2005031183879.htm Dassault Aviation 83862 15 2005031183862.pdf 2005031183862.htm Delmon Industrie 83853 10 2005031183853.pdf 2005031183853.htm Dexia Crédit local 83888 2 2005031183888.pdf 2005031183888.htm Dexia Flobail 83887 1 2005031183887.pdf 2005031183887.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 83886 2 2005031183886.pdf 2005031183886.htm Financière Oceor 83829 1 2005031183829.pdf 2005031183829.htm HBS Technologie SA 83889 1 2005031183889.pdf 2005031183889.htm 83814 1 2005031183814.pdf 2005031183814.htm Immobilière Feydeau-Bourse (SAS) 83818 1 2005031183818.pdf 2005031183818.htm Industries (Société vermandoise) 83835 1 2005031183835.pdf 2005031183835.htm Infogrames Entertainment 83894 1 2005031183894.pdf 2005031183894.htm KBL France 83861 1 2005031183861.pdf 2005031183861.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 83826 1 2005031183826.pdf 2005031183826.htm Natexis Factorem 83873 1 2005031183873.pdf 2005031183873.htm Paiements Pass (Société des) 83819 2 2005031183819.pdf 2005031183819.htm Tonnellerie François Frères 83756 1 2005031183756.pdf 2005031183756.htm Tonnellerie François Frères (Additif) 83825 1 2005031183825.pdf 2005031183825.htm Air France - KLM 83923 1 2005031183923.pdf 2005031183923.htm Assystem Brime 83849 1 2005031183849.pdf 2005031183849.htm Dexia Allocation Dexia Index SA Dexia Equities B Dexia Invest Dexia Sustainable 83941 1 2005031183941.pdf 2005031183941.htm Exel Industries 83883 1 2005031183883.pdf 2005031183883.htm Pechiney 83920 2 2005031183920.pdf 2005031183920.htm Xilam Animation 83857 1 2005031183857.pdf 2005031183857.htm Décisions et informations 01030 5 2005031101030.pdf 2005031101030.htm
Alstom 82334 4 2005021182334.pdf 2005021182334.htm Crédit agricole SA (Additif) 82231 1 2005021182231.pdf 2005021182231.htm Ambia Actions 82229 2 2005021182229.pdf 2005021182229.htm CA-AM Actions Asie 82222 1 2005021182222.pdf 2005021182222.htm CA-AM Actions France 82225 3 2005021182225.pdf 2005021182225.htm CA-AM Convertibles Europe 82224 2 2005021182224.pdf 2005021182224.htm CA-AM Indicia Euroland 82187 2 2005021182187.pdf 2005021182187.htm CA-AM Indicia France 82213 2 2005021182213.pdf 2005021182213.htm Cava-Oblig 82173 2 2005021182173.pdf 2005021182173.htm CL Earth Fund 81643 1 2005021181643.pdf 2005021181643.htm CL Monétaire Médium 82309 2 2005021182309.pdf 2005021182309.htm Gestion privée Bleuet 81679 2 2005021181679.pdf 2005021181679.htm Indosuez Bonds 82223 2 2005021182223.pdf 2005021182223.htm Investissement en valeurs à forte rentabilité "Slivarente" (Société lyonnaise d') 82011 2 2005021182011.pdf 2005021182011.htm Investissement en valeurs mobilières "Slivam" (Société lyonnaise d') 82311 2 2005021182311.pdf 2005021182311.htm Junot Stratégie 81702 2 2005021181702.pdf 2005021181702.htm Lion Trésor 82315 2 2005021182315.pdf 2005021182315.htm Lionplus 82330 2 2005021182330.pdf 2005021182330.htm Louvois Placement 82206 2 2005021182206.pdf 2005021182206.htm Pacinvest 82303 2 2005021182303.pdf 2005021182303.htm Plantations d'hévéas (Société internationale de) 82129 4 2005021182129.pdf 2005021182129.htm Pluri-Investissements 82306 2 2005021182306.pdf 2005021182306.htm Robeco Mid Cap Europe 82182 2 2005021182182.pdf 2005021182182.htm Robeco Monétaire Quantiplus 82181 1 2005021182181.pdf 2005021182181.htm Sicav 5000 82305 2 2005021182305.pdf 2005021182305.htm Sophia 82331 4 2005021182331.pdf 2005021182331.htm Vigny Sécurité 82244 1 2005021182244.pdf 2005021182244.htm Zeni Corporation 82323 2 2005021182323.pdf 2005021182323.htm Elior 82208 1 2005021182208.pdf 2005021182208.htm Salustro Reydel et Associés Holding 82179 1 2005021182179.pdf 2005021182179.htm CA-AM Midvaleurs Europe Clam Small Caps Europe 82344 1 2005021182344.pdf 2005021182344.htm CA-AM Oblig Spread 82351 1 2005021182351.pdf 2005021182351.htm Clam Euro inflation 82347 1 2005021182347.pdf 2005021182347.htm Clam Obli Euro crédit 82346 1 2005021182346.pdf 2005021182346.htm Clam Treso convexite 82353 1 2005021182353.pdf 2005021182353.htm Valaction N° 2 82349 1 2005021182349.pdf 2005021182349.htm Aareal Bank France SA 82163 1 2005021182163.pdf 2005021182163.htm Alten 82207 1 2005021182207.pdf 2005021182207.htm Artprice.Com 82284 1 2005021182284.pdf 2005021182284.htm Assurances générales de France 82172 5 2005021182172.pdf 2005021182172.htm Audika 82260 1 2005021182260.pdf 2005021182260.htm Bacou-Dalloz 82214 1 2005021182214.pdf 2005021182214.htm Bail Investissement foncière 82265 1 2005021182265.pdf 2005021182265.htm Banque Accord 82174 2 2005021182174.pdf 2005021182174.htm Banque du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 82170 1 2005021182170.pdf 2005021182170.htm Banque du groupe Casino 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2 2005021182272.pdf 2005021182272.htm Cerep 82256 1 2005021182256.pdf 2005021182256.htm Cesar 82140 1 2005021182140.pdf 2005021182140.htm CGBI 82339 1 2005021182339.pdf 2005021182339.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 82131 1 2005021182131.pdf 2005021182131.htm CNP Caution 82295 1 2005021182295.pdf 2005021182295.htm Cofinoga 82218 1 2005021182218.pdf 2005021182218.htm Coletica 82211 1 2005021182211.pdf 2005021182211.htm Courtois S.A. 82254 1 2005021182254.pdf 2005021182254.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 82325 2 2005021182325.pdf 2005021182325.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Société de crédit foncier 82326 1 2005021182326.pdf 2005021182326.htm Crédit mutuel de Loire-Atlantique et du Centre-Ouest 82285 2 2005021182285.pdf 2005021182285.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen 82300 1 2005021182300.pdf 2005021182300.htm Crométal 82184 1 2005021182184.pdf 2005021182184.htm 82277 1 2005021182277.pdf 2005021182277.htm ECA 82340 1 2005021182340.pdf 2005021182340.htm Eiffage 82279 1 2005021182279.pdf 2005021182279.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 82180 1 2005021182180.pdf 2005021182180.htm Ermo 82151 2 2005021182151.pdf 2005021182151.htm Espace Production internationale "Epi" 82348 1 2005021182348.pdf 2005021182348.htm Esso Société anonyme française 82192 1 2005021182192.pdf 2005021182192.htm Explosifs et de produits chimiques (Société anonyme d') 82169 2 2005021182169.pdf 2005021182169.htm Financière de l'Odet 82308 1 2005021182308.pdf 2005021182308.htm Financière Moncey 82314 1 2005021182314.pdf 2005021182314.htm Finaxa 82212 1 2005021182212.pdf 2005021182212.htm Fininfo 82343 1 2005021182343.pdf 2005021182343.htm Foncia Groupe 82144 1 2005021182144.pdf 2005021182144.htm Foncière des Murs 82227 1 2005021182227.pdf 2005021182227.htm Foncière des régions "GFR" 82219 2 2005021182219.pdf 2005021182219.htm Fructicomi 82322 1 2005021182322.pdf 2005021182322.htm Gifi 82298 1 2005021182298.pdf 2005021182298.htm Groupe Ares (Rectificatif) 82191 1 2005021182191.pdf 2005021182191.htm Groupe Crit 82134 1 2005021182134.pdf 2005021182134.htm Groupe Focal 82281 2 2005021182281.pdf 2005021182281.htm Groupe Silicomp 82273 1 2005021182273.pdf 2005021182273.htm Guillemot Corporation 82271 1 2005021182271.pdf 2005021182271.htm Hermès International 82317 2 2005021182317.pdf 2005021182317.htm IGE+XAO 82269 2 2005021182269.pdf 2005021182269.htm Imerys 82243 1 2005021182243.pdf 2005021182243.htm Industrielle et financière de l'Artois (Société) 82313 2 2005021182313.pdf 2005021182313.htm Initiative & Finance Investissement 82147 1 2005021182147.pdf 2005021182147.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord Pas de Calais 82297 1 2005021182297.pdf 2005021182297.htm IT Link 82266 1 2005021182266.pdf 2005021182266.htm Lagardère Active Broadcast 81987 1 2005021181987.pdf 2005021181987.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce "Silic" (Société immobilière de) 82132 2 2005021182132.pdf 2005021182132.htm Manoukian (Alain) 82148 1 2005021182148.pdf 2005021182148.htm MB Electronique 82250 1 2005021182250.pdf 2005021182250.htm Medasys 82137 1 2005021182137.pdf 2005021182137.htm Mediatis SA 82217 2 2005021182217.pdf 2005021182217.htm Métropole Télévision-M6 82099 1 2005021182099.pdf 2005021182099.htm Mines de la Lucette 82175 1 2005021182175.pdf 2005021182175.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 82287 1 2005021182287.pdf 2005021182287.htm Mr Bricolage 82267 1 2005021182267.pdf 2005021182267.htm Natexis Bail 82324 1 2005021182324.pdf 2005021182324.htm Natexis Lease 82320 2 2005021182320.pdf 2005021182320.htm NicOx SA 82059 1 2005021182059.pdf 2005021182059.htm Opéra Construction 82004 1 2005021182004.pdf 2005021182004.htm PagesJaunes Groupe 82057 18 2005021182057.pdf 2005021182057.htm Papiers peints (Société française des) 82294 1 2005021182294.pdf 2005021182294.htm Papiers peints (Société française des) 82296 1 2005021182296.pdf 2005021182296.htm Paris Orléans 82342 1 2005021182342.pdf 2005021182342.htm Phone Systems & Network 82141 1 2005021182141.pdf 2005021182141.htm Pochet S.A. 82302 1 2005021182302.pdf 2005021182302.htm Précia 82262 1 2005021182262.pdf 2005021182262.htm Prodef 82301 1 2005021182301.pdf 2005021182301.htm Public Système (Le) 82354 1 2005021182354.pdf 2005021182354.htm Riber 82190 1 2005021182190.pdf 2005021182190.htm Sabeton 82142 1 2005021182142.pdf 2005021182142.htm Saga 82310 1 2005021182310.pdf 2005021182310.htm Securidev 82253 1 2005021182253.pdf 2005021182253.htm Société générale 82168 1 2005021182168.pdf 2005021182168.htm Sodice Expansion 82178 1 2005021182178.pdf 2005021182178.htm Sofax Banque 82176 2 2005021182176.pdf 2005021182176.htm Soficarte 82204 1 2005021182204.pdf 2005021182204.htm Soft Computing 82149 1 2005021182149.pdf 2005021182149.htm Sofu Participations 82146 1 2005021182146.pdf 2005021182146.htm Sogeclair 82274 1 2005021182274.pdf 2005021182274.htm SoluCom 82332 1 2005021182332.pdf 2005021182332.htm Stef-TFE 82215 2 2005021182215.pdf 2005021182215.htm Supervox Groupe 82329 1 2005021182329.pdf 2005021182329.htm Sygma Banque 82202 2 2005021182202.pdf 2005021182202.htm Tayninh (Société de) 82318 1 2005021182318.pdf 2005021182318.htm Technip 82292 1 2005021182292.pdf 2005021182292.htm Thales 82338 1 2005021182338.pdf 2005021182338.htm Union financière de France-Banque 82237 2 2005021182237.pdf 2005021182237.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations "Salvepar" (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 82220 1 2005021182220.pdf 2005021182220.htm XRT 82335 1 2005021182335.pdf 2005021182335.htm Altarea 82205 1 2005021182205.pdf 2005021182205.htm (Rectificatif) 82374 1 2005021182374.pdf 2005021182374.htm IGE+XAO 82270 1 2005021182270.pdf 2005021182270.htm Mines de la Lucette 82316 1 2005021182316.pdf 2005021182316.htm Mines et produits chimiques de Salsigne 82261 1 2005021182261.pdf 2005021182261.htm Décisions et Informations 01018 6 2005021101018.pdf 2005021101018.htm
Sanef 86906 1 2005042986906.pdf 2005042986906.htm Eurocommercial Properties N.V. 86858 1 2005042986858.pdf 2005042986858.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 86872 2 2005042986872.pdf 2005042986872.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 86788 2 2005042986788.pdf 2005042986788.htm Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland A G & Co. KGaA~ 86638 5 2005042986638.pdf 2005042986638.htm A.B.C. Arbitrage 86859 3 2005042986859.pdf 2005042986859.htm ABF Amérique 86828 1 2005042986828.pdf 2005042986828.htm ABF Japon 86836 1 2005042986836.pdf 2005042986836.htm Audika 86804 3 2005042986804.pdf 2005042986804.htm Aukera 86943 2 2005042986943.pdf 2005042986943.htm Bail Investissement foncière 86969 2 2005042986969.pdf 2005042986969.htm Banque Hervet 86787 3 2005042986787.pdf 2005042986787.htm bioMérieux 86856 5 2005042986856.pdf 2005042986856.htm Bourse Direct 86531 3 2005042986531.pdf 2005042986531.htm BVRP Software 86795 2 2005042986795.pdf 2005042986795.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 86878 2 2005042986878.pdf 2005042986878.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 86950 1 2005042986950.pdf 2005042986950.htm Chemins de fer départementaux (Compagnie de) 86876 2 2005042986876.pdf 2005042986876.htm CIC/CIAL CH Fund 86825 1 2005042986825.pdf 2005042986825.htm CPR Actions Japon 87018 1 2005042987018.pdf 2005042987018.htm CPR Middle-Cap Europe 86941 1 2005042986941.pdf 2005042986941.htm Crédit agricole SA 86849 2 2005042986849.pdf 2005042986849.htm Crédit foncier de France 86991 2 2005042986991.pdf 2005042986991.htm Crédit foncier de France 86993 4 2005042986993.pdf 2005042986993.htm Diac 86961 2 2005042986961.pdf 2005042986961.htm Euroland Finance 86823 2 2005042986823.pdf 2005042986823.htm Everset 86866 2 2005042986866.pdf 2005042986866.htm Evialis 86955 1 2005042986955.pdf 2005042986955.htm Foncière d'habitat et humanisme 86801 2 2005042986801.pdf 2005042986801.htm GL events 86979 1 2005042986979.pdf 2005042986979.htm GL Trade 86767 1 2005042986767.pdf 2005042986767.htm Groupe Guillin 86881 2 2005042986881.pdf 2005042986881.htm HH Développement 86803 2 2005042986803.pdf 2005042986803.htm IDS S.A. 86966 7 2005042986966.pdf 2005042986966.htm Latécoère 86920 2 2005042986920.pdf 2005042986920.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 86820 1 2005042986820.pdf 2005042986820.htm Locindus S.A. 86884 1 2005042986884.pdf 2005042986884.htm Louvre-Groupe du Louvre (Société du) 86588 4 2005042986588.pdf 2005042986588.htm Morgan Stanley Sicav 85587 2 2005042985587.pdf 2005042985587.htm Nexity 87000 4 2005042987000.pdf 2005042987000.htm Oxbow S.A. 86928 3 2005042986928.pdf 2005042986928.htm Oxymétal S.A. 87056 2 2005042987056.pdf 2005042987056.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 86907 3 2005042986907.pdf 2005042986907.htm Patrimoine Partenaires 86914 1 2005042986914.pdf 2005042986914.htm Plateaux indochinois (Compagnie des Hauts) 86977 1 2005042986977.pdf 2005042986977.htm Publicis Groupe S.A. 86925 6 2005042986925.pdf 2005042986925.htm Raymond James Opportunités Monde 86981 1 2005042986981.pdf 2005042986981.htm RCI Banque 86964 2 2005042986964.pdf 2005042986964.htm Regina Rubens 86806 1 2005042986806.pdf 2005042986806.htm Samse 86909 1 2005042986909.pdf 2005042986909.htm Sanofi-Aventis 86927 1 2005042986927.pdf 2005042986927.htm Scor 86994 7 2005042986994.pdf 2005042986994.htm Sécuritest S.A. 86924 2 2005042986924.pdf 2005042986924.htm Sofi 17 2000 86926 1 2005042986926.pdf 2005042986926.htm Somfy SA 86911 2 2005042986911.pdf 2005042986911.htm SPIR Communication 86956 2 2005042986956.pdf 2005042986956.htm Thales 86748 2 2005042986748.pdf 2005042986748.htm U10 86931 2 2005042986931.pdf 2005042986931.htm Vet'affaires 86995 3 2005042986995.pdf 2005042986995.htm Vicat 86110 2 2005042986110.pdf 2005042986110.htm Crédit lyonnais 86962 1 2005042986962.pdf 2005042986962.htm Rénovation et l'équipement du commerce "Socorec" (Société coopérative pour la) 86864 1 2005042986864.pdf 2005042986864.htm Crédit foncier de France Vega Finance 86842 1 2005042986842.pdf 2005042986842.htm FC Multi Gestion Prudent 86917 1 2005042986917.pdf 2005042986917.htm FC Multi Gestion Reactif 86918 1 2005042986918.pdf 2005042986918.htm Abbey National France 86940 1 2005042986940.pdf 2005042986940.htm Acanthe Développement 86766 20 2005042986766.pdf 2005042986766.htm Afibel 86299 12 2005042986299.pdf 2005042986299.htm Afibel 86291 1 2005042986291.pdf 2005042986291.htm 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2005042986771.htm Bernard Loiseau SA 86811 10 2005042986811.pdf 2005042986811.htm bioMérieux 86792 24 2005042986792.pdf 2005042986792.htm Bourse Direct 86536 18 2005042986536.pdf 2005042986536.htm Boursorama 86687 10 2005042986687.pdf 2005042986687.htm Burelle S.A. 86897 1 2005042986897.pdf 2005042986897.htm BVRP Software 86910 1 2005042986910.pdf 2005042986910.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Loire-Drome-Ardèche 86934 10 2005042986934.pdf 2005042986934.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Alpes Provence 86893 1 2005042986893.pdf 2005042986893.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Franche-Comté 86663 26 2005042986663.pdf 2005042986663.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Brie 86847 1 2005042986847.pdf 2005042986847.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Normandie Seine 86840 3 2005042986840.pdf 2005042986840.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Centre-Ouest 86755 21 2005042986755.pdf 2005042986755.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud-Méditerranée 86817 19 2005042986817.pdf 2005042986817.htm Caisse régionale de crédit maritime du littoral du Sud Ouest 86863 6 2005042986863.pdf 2005042986863.htm Carbone-Lorraine (Le) 86671 16 2005042986671.pdf 2005042986671.htm Catering International & Services (CIS) 86514 1 2005042986514.pdf 2005042986514.htm Catering International & Services (CIS) 86890 8 2005042986890.pdf 2005042986890.htm Chausseria (La) 86827 2 2005042986827.pdf 2005042986827.htm Chausseria (La) 86826 1 2005042986826.pdf 2005042986826.htm Cider Santé 86302 13 2005042986302.pdf 2005042986302.htm Ciments français 87016 1 2005042987016.pdf 2005042987016.htm Clarins 86435 21 2005042986435.pdf 2005042986435.htm CM-CIC Bail 86660 6 2005042986660.pdf 2005042986660.htm CNH Capital Europe 86794 1 2005042986794.pdf 2005042986794.htm Coletica 86935 1 2005042986935.pdf 2005042986935.htm Colisée 31 (SCI) 87002 1 2005042987002.pdf 2005042987002.htm Cottin Frères 86879 1 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d'investissement "Sofragi" (Société française de) 85904 4 2005042985904.pdf 2005042985904.htm Giorgio Fedon & Figli SpA 86781 19 2005042986781.pdf 2005042986781.htm Groupe Crit 86670 14 2005042986670.pdf 2005042986670.htm Groupe Focal 86516 11 2005042986516.pdf 2005042986516.htm Groupe Go Sport 86683 14 2005042986683.pdf 2005042986683.htm Groupe Go Sport 86860 1 2005042986860.pdf 2005042986860.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 86754 14 2005042986754.pdf 2005042986754.htm Groupe Philippe Bosc 86843 15 2005042986843.pdf 2005042986843.htm Habitat Bourgogne, Franche-Comté et Allier (Financière régionale pour l') 86932 1 2005042986932.pdf 2005042986932.htm Havas 86650 21 2005042986650.pdf 2005042986650.htm Hologram.Industries 86813 2 2005042986813.pdf 2005042986813.htm Hologram.Industries 86776 12 2005042986776.pdf 2005042986776.htm Huis Clos 86772 1 2005042986772.pdf 2005042986772.htm Huis Clos 86875 13 2005042986875.pdf 2005042986875.htm IGE+XAO 86446 8 2005042986446.pdf 2005042986446.htm Imerys 86618 30 2005042986618.pdf 2005042986618.htm Immeubles de France (Société des) 86885 11 2005042986885.pdf 2005042986885.htm Immobilière Dassault 86724 7 2005042986724.pdf 2005042986724.htm Immobilière hotelière SA 86758 10 2005042986758.pdf 2005042986758.htm IMS International metal service 86957 1 2005042986957.pdf 2005042986957.htm KBL France 86948 1 2005042986948.pdf 2005042986948.htm Klépierre 86832 1 2005042986832.pdf 2005042986832.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 87003 2 2005042987003.pdf 2005042987003.htm LaCie Group S.A. 86809 1 2005042986809.pdf 2005042986809.htm Latécoère 86791 17 2005042986791.pdf 2005042986791.htm Lehman Brothers International (Europe) 86942 5 2005042986942.pdf 2005042986942.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce "Silic" (Société immobilière de) 86892 1 2005042986892.pdf 2005042986892.htm Lucia 86887 11 2005042986887.pdf 2005042986887.htm LVL Médical Groupe 86986 2 2005042986986.pdf 2005042986986.htm Manitou BF 86851 22 2005042986851.pdf 2005042986851.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 86845 19 2005042986845.pdf 2005042986845.htm MB Electronique 86798 1 2005042986798.pdf 2005042986798.htm Mecelec 86753 9 2005042986753.pdf 2005042986753.htm Métaleurop S.A. 86831 1 2005042986831.pdf 2005042986831.htm Michelin, Michelin et Cie (Compagnie générale des Etablissements ) 87004 1 2005042987004.pdf 2005042987004.htm Mines de la Lucette 86779 16 2005042986779.pdf 2005042986779.htm Net2s SA 86844 1 2005042986844.pdf 2005042986844.htm Nexans 86944 2 2005042986944.pdf 2005042986944.htm Nissan France SA 86040 5 2005042986040.pdf 2005042986040.htm Onet 86746 16 2005042986746.pdf 2005042986746.htm Opéra Construction 86647 19 2005042986647.pdf 2005042986647.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 86861 3 2005042986861.pdf 2005042986861.htm Pernod Ricard 86568 12 2005042986568.pdf 2005042986568.htm Pharmagest Interactive 86187 12 2005042986187.pdf 2005042986187.htm Plastic Omnium (Compagnie) 86896 1 2005042986896.pdf 2005042986896.htm Prodef 86912 10 2005042986912.pdf 2005042986912.htm Qualiflow 86929 1 2005042986929.pdf 2005042986929.htm Rallye 86697 23 2005042986697.pdf 2005042986697.htm Rémy Cointreau 86984 2 2005042986984.pdf 2005042986984.htm Renault 86818 1 2005042986818.pdf 2005042986818.htm Réponse 86419 15 2005042986419.pdf 2005042986419.htm Rexel 86916 19 2005042986916.pdf 2005042986916.htm Robertet S.A. 86958 1 2005042986958.pdf 2005042986958.htm Rougier S.A. 86672 10 2005042986672.pdf 2005042986672.htm Sabeton 86065 10 2005042986065.pdf 2005042986065.htm Securidev 86789 11 2005042986789.pdf 2005042986789.htm Sical 86750 7 2005042986750.pdf 2005042986750.htm Sogeclair 86756 8 2005042986756.pdf 2005042986756.htm Somfy SA 86970 1 2005042986970.pdf 2005042986970.htm Sorefico Coiffure 86681 14 2005042986681.pdf 2005042986681.htm SQLI 86768 17 2005042986768.pdf 2005042986768.htm Synergie 86611 13 2005042986611.pdf 2005042986611.htm Tanneries de France 86653 10 2005042986653.pdf 2005042986653.htm Tanneur & Cie (Le) 86309 19 2005042986309.pdf 2005042986309.htm Tanneur & Cie (Le) 86308 1 2005042986308.pdf 2005042986308.htm Téléflex Lionel-Dupont 86846 13 2005042986846.pdf 2005042986846.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 86989 1 2005042986989.pdf 2005042986989.htm Tessi 86274 14 2005042986274.pdf 2005042986274.htm Thales 86197 31 2005042986197.pdf 2005042986197.htm Tonna Electronique 86164 10 2005042986164.pdf 2005042986164.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 86662 17 2005042986662.pdf 2005042986662.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 86974 1 2005042986974.pdf 2005042986974.htm Ugigrip 86938 12 2005042986938.pdf 2005042986938.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations "Salvepar" (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 86657 4 2005042986657.pdf 2005042986657.htm Vallourec 86076 24 2005042986076.pdf 2005042986076.htm Vallourec 87006 1 2005042987006.pdf 2005042987006.htm Verneuil Participations 86270 8 2005042986270.pdf 2005042986270.htm Viel & Compagnie 86812 16 2005042986812.pdf 2005042986812.htm Visiodent 86436 12 2005042986436.pdf 2005042986436.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 86807 18 2005042986807.pdf 2005042986807.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 86793 1 2005042986793.pdf 2005042986793.htm Wendel investissement 86359 27 2005042986359.pdf 2005042986359.htm XRT 86808 1 2005042986808.pdf 2005042986808.htm Colas 86775 1 2005042986775.pdf 2005042986775.htm Euler Hermès 86830 1 2005042986830.pdf 2005042986830.htm ICADE EMGP 86769 1 2005042986769.pdf 2005042986769.htm Participation foncière Opportunité (La) 86973 1 2005042986973.pdf 2005042986973.htm Teisseire-France 86814 1 2005042986814.pdf 2005042986814.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 86987 1 2005042986987.pdf 2005042986987.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 02000 2 2005042902000.pdf 2005042902000.htm Décisions et informations 01051 7 2005042901051.pdf 2005042901051.htm
Cafom 80276 3 2005010580276.pdf 2005010580276.htm LVL Médical Groupe 80388 1 2005010580388.pdf 2005010580388.htm Sanofi-Aventis 80347 3 2005010580347.pdf 2005010580347.htm B.F.T. Court terme 80324 1 2005010580324.pdf 2005010580324.htm BNP Paribas Court terme 80374 1 2005010580374.pdf 2005010580374.htm Dexia Invest 80361 1 2005010580361.pdf 2005010580361.htm Sodexho Alliance 80370 2 2005010580370.pdf 2005010580370.htm Sofi Golfe du Lion 2004 80442 1 2005010580442.pdf 2005010580442.htm Sofimanche 6 80446 1 2005010580446.pdf 2005010580446.htm Sofimed 2004 80440 1 2005010580440.pdf 2005010580440.htm Sofipêche de Cornouaille 7 80448 2 2005010580448.pdf 2005010580448.htm Sofipêche de Cornouaille 8 80447 1 2005010580447.pdf 2005010580447.htm Sofisete 4 80441 1 2005010580441.pdf 2005010580441.htm Publicis Groupe S.A. 80445 1 2005010580445.pdf 2005010580445.htm AGF Sécurité Phénix Sécurité 80412 1 2005010580412.pdf 2005010580412.htm Elan Midcap US 80457 1 2005010580457.pdf 2005010580457.htm AGF Sécurité 80413 1 2005010580413.pdf 2005010580413.htm Aventis 80345 1 2005010580345.pdf 2005010580345.htm MMA Euroblig 80389 2 2005010580389.pdf 2005010580389.htm Bas Noyer (Le) 80427 1 2005010580427.pdf 2005010580427.htm Caisse centrale de crédit immobilier de France-3CIF (Additif) 80414 1 2005010580414.pdf 2005010580414.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays du Hainaut (Rectificatif) 80449 1 2005010580449.pdf 2005010580449.htm Electronique industrielle (Société tonnerroise d') 80394 1 2005010580394.pdf 2005010580394.htm Groupe Open 80390 7 2005010580390.pdf 2005010580390.htm Paris Espace Hôtel S.A. 80423 1 2005010580423.pdf 2005010580423.htm Patriges Cap d'Ail 80426 1 2005010580426.pdf 2005010580426.htm Patriges Villiers S.A. 80422 1 2005010580422.pdf 2005010580422.htm Promotion et de participation pour la coopération économique (Société de) 80262 2 2005010580262.pdf 2005010580262.htm Rexel France 80373 1 2005010580373.pdf 2005010580373.htm Rue Lord Byron 80425 1 2005010580425.pdf 2005010580425.htm Sodexho Alliance 80453 1 2005010580453.pdf 2005010580453.htm Tak S.A.S 80395 1 2005010580395.pdf 2005010580395.htm Tour Lyon Bercy 80424 1 2005010580424.pdf 2005010580424.htm Vivendi Universal Net 80375 1 2005010580375.pdf 2005010580375.htm Banque aux Antilles (S.G.B.A.) (Société générale de) 80402 1 2005010580402.pdf 2005010580402.htm F & C Portfolios Fund 80251 1 2005010580251.pdf 2005010580251.htm Meubles Délias 80466 1 2005010580466.pdf 2005010580466.htm Sagem S.A. 80378 1 2005010580378.pdf 2005010580378.htm Décisions et informations 01002 2 2005010501002.pdf 2005010501002.htm
Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Growth 85631 2 2005041385631.pdf 2005041385631.htm Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Small Cap 85633 2 2005041385633.pdf 2005041385633.htm Lyxor ETF MSCI EMU Value 85629 2 2005041385629.pdf 2005041385629.htm Société générale 85673 1 2005041385673.pdf 2005041385673.htm Société générale 85675 1 2005041385675.pdf 2005041385675.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 85555 2 2005041385555.pdf 2005041385555.htm Accor (Rectificatif) 85632 1 2005041385632.pdf 2005041385632.htm America Value 85540 1 2005041385540.pdf 2005041385540.htm Atlas France 85604 2 2005041385604.pdf 2005041385604.htm Carbone-Lorraine (Le) 85671 1 2005041385671.pdf 2005041385671.htm Carrefour 85577 2 2005041385577.pdf 2005041385577.htm Chargeurs 85645 1 2005041385645.pdf 2005041385645.htm Convertible Bond Europe 85560 1 2005041385560.pdf 2005041385560.htm Crédit coopératif 85663 2 2005041385663.pdf 2005041385663.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque (Rectificatif) 85538 1 2005041385538.pdf 2005041385538.htm Crédit industriel d'Alsace et de Lorraine 85539 2 2005041385539.pdf 2005041385539.htm Dexia 85613 2 2005041385613.pdf 2005041385613.htm Fala 85367 2 2005041385367.pdf 2005041385367.htm Fortis Banque France 85607 2 2005041385607.pdf 2005041385607.htm Groupe Danone 85405 2 2005041385405.pdf 2005041385405.htm Groupe Diwan 85668 1 2005041385668.pdf 2005041385668.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 85640 5 2005041385640.pdf 2005041385640.htm Guy Degrenne 85657 1 2005041385657.pdf 2005041385657.htm Havas 85628 4 2005041385628.pdf 2005041385628.htm HGL Patrimoine 85662 2 2005041385662.pdf 2005041385662.htm Hyparlo SA 85669 3 2005041385669.pdf 2005041385669.htm Iéna Actions européennes 85643 1 2005041385643.pdf 2005041385643.htm Iéna Euro Mid 85557 1 2005041385557.pdf 2005041385557.htm Jet Multimédia 85558 2 2005041385558.pdf 2005041385558.htm Mermet Industries 85617 3 2005041385617.pdf 2005041385617.htm Midfrance 85605 2 2005041385605.pdf 2005041385605.htm Multisector Europe 85559 1 2005041385559.pdf 2005041385559.htm Néocom Multimédia SA 85686 2 2005041385686.pdf 2005041385686.htm New America Small Caps 85564 1 2005041385564.pdf 2005041385564.htm New Economy Japan 85561 2 2005041385561.pdf 2005041385561.htm Nouvelle Croissance Asie 85563 1 2005041385563.pdf 2005041385563.htm Sanofi-Aventis 85648 6 2005041385648.pdf 2005041385648.htm Seb S.A. (Rectificatif) 85601 1 2005041385601.pdf 2005041385601.htm Sofisete 1 85630 1 2005041385630.pdf 2005041385630.htm Sofisete 2 85637 2 2005041385637.pdf 2005041385637.htm Sofisete 3 85635 1 2005041385635.pdf 2005041385635.htm SPIR Communication 85672 3 2005041385672.pdf 2005041385672.htm Statere 85642 1 2005041385642.pdf 2005041385642.htm Suez 85639 2 2005041385639.pdf 2005041385639.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 85670 2 2005041385670.pdf 2005041385670.htm Crédit du Nord 85572 1 2005041385572.pdf 2005041385572.htm Atlas France 85676 1 2005041385676.pdf 2005041385676.htm Convertible Bond Europe Plus 85655 1 2005041385655.pdf 2005041385655.htm Hyparlo SA 85621 1 2005041385621.pdf 2005041385621.htm Midfrance 85674 1 2005041385674.pdf 2005041385674.htm 50 Montaigne (SNC) 85608 1 2005041385608.pdf 2005041385608.htm Accor 85652 40 2005041385652.pdf 2005041385652.htm Bail Investissement foncière 85565 22 2005041385565.pdf 2005041385565.htm Banque S.B.A. 85641 11 2005041385641.pdf 2005041385641.htm Banque Solféa 85656 1 2005041385656.pdf 2005041385656.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Champagne-Bourgogne 85644 27 2005041385644.pdf 2005041385644.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel des Savoie 85568 25 2005041385568.pdf 2005041385568.htm Caisse régionale de crédit maritime mutuel du Finistère 85646 7 2005041385646.pdf 2005041385646.htm Carax SA 85625 1 2005041385625.pdf 2005041385625.htm Chargeurs 85537 14 2005041385537.pdf 2005041385537.htm Coletica 85249 10 2005041385249.pdf 2005041385249.htm CPR Online 85650 1 2005041385650.pdf 2005041385650.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 85660 1 2005041385660.pdf 2005041385660.htm Crédit suisse First Boston (Succursale de Paris) 85661 2 2005041385661.pdf 2005041385661.htm Dexia Crédit local 85279 56 2005041385279.pdf 2005041385279.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 85281 13 2005041385281.pdf 2005041385281.htm Gifi 85542 2 2005041385542.pdf 2005041385542.htm Icom Informatique 85603 9 2005041385603.pdf 2005041385603.htm Lagardère SCA 85602 22 2005041385602.pdf 2005041385602.htm Métropole Télévision - M6 85647 18 2005041385647.pdf 2005041385647.htm MLPC International 85677 8 2005041385677.pdf 2005041385677.htm Parsys 83624 20 2005041383624.pdf 2005041383624.htm Plastiques du Val de Loire 85562 2 2005041385562.pdf 2005041385562.htm Pochet S.A. 85595 15 2005041385595.pdf 2005041385595.htm PSB Industries 85666 1 2005041385666.pdf 2005041385666.htm Sanpaolo Mur 85614 1 2005041385614.pdf 2005041385614.htm Swisslife France 85533 1 2005041385533.pdf 2005041385533.htm Tipiak 85532 11 2005041385532.pdf 2005041385532.htm Union de banques régionales pour le crédit industriel (UBR) 85658 1 2005041385658.pdf 2005041385658.htm Union financière de France-Banque 85623 7 2005041385623.pdf 2005041385623.htm Vinci 85535 30 2005041385535.pdf 2005041385535.htm André Trigano (Compagnie internationale) 85554 1 2005041385554.pdf 2005041385554.htm April Group 85556 1 2005041385556.pdf 2005041385556.htm Ateliers de construction du Nord de la France (Les) Eurazeo 85588 1 2005041385588.pdf 2005041385588.htm Direkt Anlage Bank « DAB Bank » 85569 1 2005041385569.pdf 2005041385569.htm Eaux de Royan (Compagnie des) 85553 1 2005041385553.pdf 2005041385553.htm Electronique industrielle Lepaute (Compagnie générale d') 85667 1 2005041385667.pdf 2005041385667.htm Foncière des Murs 85651 1 2005041385651.pdf 2005041385651.htm Mines de la Lucette 85612 1 2005041385612.pdf 2005041385612.htm Nexans 85529 1 2005041385529.pdf 2005041385529.htm Sagem SA Snecma 85506 1 2005041385506.pdf 2005041385506.htm Synergie 85610 1 2005041385610.pdf 2005041385610.htm Teamlog 85682 1 2005041385682.pdf 2005041385682.htm Décisions et Informations 01044 8 2005041301044.pdf 2005041301044.htm
BNP Paribas 83200 1 2005022583200.pdf 2005022583200.htm Crédit agricole SA (Additif) 83024 2 2005022583024.pdf 2005022583024.htm Financement foncier (Compagnie de) 83202 2 2005022583202.pdf 2005022583202.htm Archos 83175 4 2005022583175.pdf 2005022583175.htm Associations (Sicav) 83159 2 2005022583159.pdf 2005022583159.htm Axa Court terme 83104 2 2005022583104.pdf 2005022583104.htm Axa Euro Crédit 83121 1 2005022583121.pdf 2005022583121.htm Axa Indice France 83170 1 2005022583170.pdf 2005022583170.htm B.F.T. Valor Une 83114 2 2005022583114.pdf 2005022583114.htm CDC Trésor Première monétaire 83190 1 2005022583190.pdf 2005022583190.htm Cofitem-Cofimur 83162 1 2005022583162.pdf 2005022583162.htm Comalait Groupe 83084 1 2005022583084.pdf 2005022583084.htm CPR Capital Expansion 83136 1 2005022583136.pdf 2005022583136.htm CPR Cash 83132 1 2005022583132.pdf 2005022583132.htm CPR Europe nouvelle 83138 1 2005022583138.pdf 2005022583138.htm CPR Mobidiv 83135 1 2005022583135.pdf 2005022583135.htm CPR Mobisécurité 83139 1 2005022583139.pdf 2005022583139.htm CPR Référence Europe 83141 1 2005022583141.pdf 2005022583141.htm CPR Trésorerie 83146 1 2005022583146.pdf 2005022583146.htm Crédit maritime Court terme 83193 1 2005022583193.pdf 2005022583193.htm Crédit maritime Performance 83197 2 2005022583197.pdf 2005022583197.htm Dexia Obli-Inter 83147 1 2005022583147.pdf 2005022583147.htm DWS Obligations Long Terme 83102 1 2005022583102.pdf 2005022583102.htm Dynalion Monde PEA 83160 2 2005022583160.pdf 2005022583160.htm Eaux de Royan (Compagnie des) 83153 1 2005022583153.pdf 2005022583153.htm Electronique industrielle Lepaute (Compagnie générale d') 83129 1 2005022583129.pdf 2005022583129.htm Fiducial Office Solutions 83098 2 2005022583098.pdf 2005022583098.htm Fiducial Real Estate 83094 1 2005022583094.pdf 2005022583094.htm Fonsicav 83183 2 2005022583183.pdf 2005022583183.htm Gaz de France (GDF) 83166 2 2005022583166.pdf 2005022583166.htm Iéna Monétaire 83015 2 2005022583015.pdf 2005022583015.htm Iéna Monétaire 83013 1 2005022583013.pdf 2005022583013.htm Indosuez Euribor 83171 2 2005022583171.pdf 2005022583171.htm Ixis Arc en Ciel 83156 1 2005022583156.pdf 2005022583156.htm Ixis Indice Amérique 83158 2 2005022583158.pdf 2005022583158.htm Ixis Médianes 83188 1 2005022583188.pdf 2005022583188.htm Ixis Monétaire 83157 1 2005022583157.pdf 2005022583157.htm Objectif Sélection 83151 2 2005022583151.pdf 2005022583151.htm Océan Monétaire 82811 1 2005022582811.pdf 2005022582811.htm Pacte Novation 83263 2 2005022583263.pdf 2005022583263.htm Perfect Technologies S.A. 83179 1 2005022583179.pdf 2005022583179.htm Select Taux 83168 2 2005022583168.pdf 2005022583168.htm Tempo 7 83016 1 2005022583016.pdf 2005022583016.htm Topcash 83137 1 2005022583137.pdf 2005022583137.htm Belvédère 83187 1 2005022583187.pdf 2005022583187.htm Alcatel Converters 83199 1 2005022583199.pdf 2005022583199.htm GPK Finance 83176 1 2005022583176.pdf 2005022583176.htm Saft Power Systems 83198 1 2005022583198.pdf 2005022583198.htm Crédit maritime Court terme 83195 1 2005022583195.pdf 2005022583195.htm Crédit maritime Performance 83196 2 2005022583196.pdf 2005022583196.htm Abbey National France 83173 1 2005022583173.pdf 2005022583173.htm Axa Banque 83108 2 2005022583108.pdf 2005022583108.htm Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd (The) (Succursale de Paris) 83106 1 2005022583106.pdf 2005022583106.htm Banque de l'économie du commerce et de la monétique 83110 1 2005022583110.pdf 2005022583110.htm Banque Martin-Maurel 83107 1 2005022583107.pdf 2005022583107.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Auvergne et du Limousin 83086 1 2005022583086.pdf 2005022583086.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bourgogne 83165 2 2005022583165.pdf 2005022583165.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Haute Normandie 83100 1 2005022583100.pdf 2005022583100.htm Cap Gemini SA 83191 1 2005022583191.pdf 2005022583191.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 82807 17 2005022582807.pdf 2005022582807.htm Cast 83099 2 2005022583099.pdf 2005022583099.htm Crédit industriel et commercial (Société bordelaise de) 83082 1 2005022583082.pdf 2005022583082.htm Devernois S.A. 82798 1 2005022582798.pdf 2005022582798.htm Ester Finance Titrisation 83079 2 2005022583079.pdf 2005022583079.htm Euronext Paris SA 83109 1 2005022583109.pdf 2005022583109.htm Facet 83088 2 2005022583088.pdf 2005022583088.htm Fidem 83184 1 2005022583184.pdf 2005022583184.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial « Finaref » (Société de) (Rectificatif) 83112 1 2005022583112.pdf 2005022583112.htm Financo (SA) 83167 1 2005022583167.pdf 2005022583167.htm GL events 83177 1 2005022583177.pdf 2005022583177.htm Groupe Open 83178 1 2005022583178.pdf 2005022583178.htm Isis Factor Spa (Succursale de Paris) 83105 1 2005022583105.pdf 2005022583105.htm Neovia Electronics 83140 6 2005022583140.pdf 2005022583140.htm Nortène 83161 2 2005022583161.pdf 2005022583161.htm RCI Banque 83103 1 2005022583103.pdf 2005022583103.htm Recif S.A. 83081 1 2005022583081.pdf 2005022583081.htm Rocamat (Rectificatif) 83126 1 2005022583126.pdf 2005022583126.htm Signaux Girod 83154 1 2005022583154.pdf 2005022583154.htm Sodexho Alliance 83074 1 2005022583074.pdf 2005022583074.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 83127 21 2005022583127.pdf 2005022583127.htm Tiscali S.p.A. 83186 3 2005022583186.pdf 2005022583186.htm Tour Marcel Brot (S.C.I.) 83194 1 2005022583194.pdf 2005022583194.htm Bull 83180 1 2005022583180.pdf 2005022583180.htm Orchestra-Kazibao 83185 1 2005022583185.pdf 2005022583185.htm Sodexho Alliance 83075 1 2005022583075.pdf 2005022583075.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 83101 1 2005022583101.pdf 2005022583101.htm Synelec Telecom Multimedia S.A. 83204 1 2005022583204.pdf 2005022583204.htm Décisions et Informations 01024 4 2005022501024.pdf 2005022501024.htm
Groupe Danone 81742 1 2005020481742.pdf 2005020481742.htm Multihabitation 2 81885 1 2005020481885.pdf 2005020481885.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance (Additif) 81802 1 2005020481802.pdf 2005020481802.htm Crédit agricole S.A. 81687 2 2005020481687.pdf 2005020481687.htm Société générale 81704 2 2005020481704.pdf 2005020481704.htm Société générale 81706 1 2005020481706.pdf 2005020481706.htm Société générale 81815 2 2005020481815.pdf 2005020481815.htm Société générale 81816 1 2005020481816.pdf 2005020481816.htm Société générale 81822 1 2005020481822.pdf 2005020481822.htm Société générale 81831 2 2005020481831.pdf 2005020481831.htm Société générale 81832 1 2005020481832.pdf 2005020481832.htm Société générale 81836 1 2005020481836.pdf 2005020481836.htm Société générale 81840 2 2005020481840.pdf 2005020481840.htm Société générale 81844 2 2005020481844.pdf 2005020481844.htm Société générale 81876 1 2005020481876.pdf 2005020481876.htm Société générale 81878 1 2005020481878.pdf 2005020481878.htm Mir Quality Growth Sicav 81762 1 2005020481762.pdf 2005020481762.htm Miroblig 81763 2 2005020481763.pdf 2005020481763.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 81821 1 2005020481821.pdf 2005020481821.htm ABF Horizon Long terme 81849 2 2005020481849.pdf 2005020481849.htm Alpes (Compagnie des) (Rectificatif) 81788 1 2005020481788.pdf 2005020481788.htm BDPME 81848 1 2005020481848.pdf 2005020481848.htm CA-AM Midcap France 81794 2 2005020481794.pdf 2005020481794.htm Centrale Court terme 81760 1 2005020481760.pdf 2005020481760.htm CPR Sécurité Obligataire 81851 3 2005020481851.pdf 2005020481851.htm Diversified Securities Fund 80891 1 2005020480891.pdf 2005020480891.htm Ecofi-Arbitrage 81774 2 2005020481774.pdf 2005020481774.htm Ecofi-Arbitrage 81775 1 2005020481775.pdf 2005020481775.htm Generali Habitat 81741 1 2005020481741.pdf 2005020481741.htm Groupe Focal 81857 1 2005020481857.pdf 2005020481857.htm Henderson Horizon Fund 81800 3 2005020481800.pdf 2005020481800.htm Manutan International (Rectificatif) 81793 1 2005020481793.pdf 2005020481793.htm Objectif Dynamique International 81734 1 2005020481734.pdf 2005020481734.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 81766 3 2005020481766.pdf 2005020481766.htm Trusteam Evolution 81779 1 2005020481779.pdf 2005020481779.htm Académie Accor 81845 1 2005020481845.pdf 2005020481845.htm Accentiv' House 81872 1 2005020481872.pdf 2005020481872.htm Accor Centres de contacts clients 81871 1 2005020481871.pdf 2005020481871.htm Alpes (Compagnie des) 81778 1 2005020481778.pdf 2005020481778.htm April Group 81823 1 2005020481823.pdf 2005020481823.htm Augros Cosmetic Packaging 81801 2 2005020481801.pdf 2005020481801.htm Aures Technologies 81837 1 2005020481837.pdf 2005020481837.htm Auxifip 81764 1 2005020481764.pdf 2005020481764.htm Axa 81777 2 2005020481777.pdf 2005020481777.htm Bains de mer et du Cercle des étrangers à Monaco "SBM" (Société anonyme des) 81754 1 2005020481754.pdf 2005020481754.htm Banque Covefi 81809 1 2005020481809.pdf 2005020481809.htm Barclays Financements immobiliers "Barfimmo" 81875 2 2005020481875.pdf 2005020481875.htm BMW Finance 81751 1 2005020481751.pdf 2005020481751.htm Bonduelle 81951 1 2005020481951.pdf 2005020481951.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Lorraine 81755 1 2005020481755.pdf 2005020481755.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Somme 81880 1 2005020481880.pdf 2005020481880.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Normandie Seine 81855 1 2005020481855.pdf 2005020481855.htm Champs-Elysées Vernet 81874 1 2005020481874.pdf 2005020481874.htm Cofitem-Cofimur 81826 1 2005020481826.pdf 2005020481826.htm Cofitem-Cofimur 81827 2 2005020481827.pdf 2005020481827.htm Crédit Logement 81863 1 2005020481863.pdf 2005020481863.htm Crédit mutuel Centre Est Europe 81769 2 2005020481769.pdf 2005020481769.htm Crédit mutuel Midi-Atlantique 81765 1 2005020481765.pdf 2005020481765.htm Crédit mutuel Savoie Mont-Blanc 81768 1 2005020481768.pdf 2005020481768.htm Dane-Elec Memory SA 81782 1 2005020481782.pdf 2005020481782.htm Dassault Aviation 81856 1 2005020481856.pdf 2005020481856.htm Diac 81869 1 2005020481869.pdf 2005020481869.htm Electronique et d'automatismes (Grenobloise d') 81861 1 2005020481861.pdf 2005020481861.htm Elior 81900 2 2005020481900.pdf 2005020481900.htm Entreprises (Compagnie industrielle et financière d') 81771 1 2005020481771.pdf 2005020481771.htm Etudes et de réalisations pour les industries du bois "Seribo" (Société d') 81772 6 2005020481772.pdf 2005020481772.htm Fala 81791 1 2005020481791.pdf 2005020481791.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial "Finaref" (Société de) 81761 1 2005020481761.pdf 2005020481761.htm Foncière des Pimonts (Société) 81789 2 2005020481789.pdf 2005020481789.htm Fortis Investment Finance 81780 1 2005020481780.pdf 2005020481780.htm Genefimmo 81767 2 2005020481767.pdf 2005020481767.htm Groupe Taittinger 81882 1 2005020481882.pdf 2005020481882.htm Guitel 81859 1 2005020481859.pdf 2005020481859.htm Guyanor Ressources SA 81752 1 2005020481752.pdf 2005020481752.htm Hologram.Industries 81877 1 2005020481877.pdf 2005020481877.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 81773 1 2005020481773.pdf 2005020481773.htm Hôtels de Paris S.A. (Les) 81808 1 2005020481808.pdf 2005020481808.htm HSBC AME (France) FCP 81424 1 2005020481424.pdf 2005020481424.htm IEC Professionnel Média 81881 1 2005020481881.pdf 2005020481881.htm Infogrames Entertainment 81740 5 2005020481740.pdf 2005020481740.htm Louvre-Groupe du Louvre (Société du) 81883 1 2005020481883.pdf 2005020481883.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 81792 1 2005020481792.pdf 2005020481792.htm Orapi 81810 1 2005020481810.pdf 2005020481810.htm Orgasynth 81879 1 2005020481879.pdf 2005020481879.htm Oxbow 81781 1 2005020481781.pdf 2005020481781.htm Participation de l'Ile-de-France (Société de) 81842 1 2005020481842.pdf 2005020481842.htm Participations et d'investissements européens (SFPIE) (Société française de) 81843 1 2005020481843.pdf 2005020481843.htm Passat 81797 1 2005020481797.pdf 2005020481797.htm Rubis 81834 1 2005020481834.pdf 2005020481834.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 81858 1 2005020481858.pdf 2005020481858.htm Sical 81733 1 2005020481733.pdf 2005020481733.htm SIIC de Paris 81828 1 2005020481828.pdf 2005020481828.htm SIIC de Paris 81829 2 2005020481829.pdf 2005020481829.htm SIIC de Paris 8e 81830 1 2005020481830.pdf 2005020481830.htm Sodetis 81839 1 2005020481839.pdf 2005020481839.htm Soparac 81841 1 2005020481841.pdf 2005020481841.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 81852 1 2005020481852.pdf 2005020481852.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 81854 1 2005020481854.pdf 2005020481854.htm Suez 81853 3 2005020481853.pdf 2005020481853.htm Tanneur & Cie (Le) 81750 1 2005020481750.pdf 2005020481750.htm Telecom Réseaux Services 81512 10 2005020481512.pdf 2005020481512.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 81833 2 2005020481833.pdf 2005020481833.htm Tipiak 81862 1 2005020481862.pdf 2005020481862.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 81850 2 2005020481850.pdf 2005020481850.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Paris et d'Ile-de-France 81805 1 2005020481805.pdf 2005020481805.htm Costimex 81776 1 2005020481776.pdf 2005020481776.htm F&C Portfolios Fund 81744 1 2005020481744.pdf 2005020481744.htm IEC Professionnel Média 81739 1 2005020481739.pdf 2005020481739.htm Memscap SA 81737 1 2005020481737.pdf 2005020481737.htm Décisions et informations 01015 3 2005020401015.pdf 2005020401015.htm
Air France S.A. (Société) 86288 1 2005042286288.pdf 2005042286288.htm Société générale 86335 2 2005042286335.pdf 2005042286335.htm Eurocommercial Properties N.V. 86432 1 2005042286432.pdf 2005042286432.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 86317 2 2005042286317.pdf 2005042286317.htm ABF Stratedis 86273 1 2005042286273.pdf 2005042286273.htm ADLPartner 86357 4 2005042286357.pdf 2005042286357.htm Ales Groupe 86247 3 2005042286247.pdf 2005042286247.htm Assurances générales de France 86334 5 2005042286334.pdf 2005042286334.htm Assurances Thiebaud 86312 2 2005042286312.pdf 2005042286312.htm Aubay 86287 1 2005042286287.pdf 2005042286287.htm Auréa 86300 2 2005042286300.pdf 2005042286300.htm Axalto Holding NV 86390 2 2005042286390.pdf 2005042286390.htm Bolloré 86342 4 2005042286342.pdf 2005042286342.htm Bolloré Investissement 86341 3 2005042286341.pdf 2005042286341.htm Boursorama 86190 2 2005042286190.pdf 2005042286190.htm CA-AM Mone Cash 85357 1 2005042285357.pdf 2005042285357.htm Caisse centrale de réescompte 86392 2 2005042286392.pdf 2005042286392.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 86338 8 2005042286338.pdf 2005042286338.htm Cogefi Prospective 86373 1 2005042286373.pdf 2005042286373.htm CPR Europe nouvelle 86276 1 2005042286276.pdf 2005042286276.htm Crédit foncier de France (Auxiliaire du) 86223 2 2005042286223.pdf 2005042286223.htm Développement régional de la Bretagne (Société de) 85794 2 2005042285794.pdf 2005042285794.htm Ecofi Convertibles Euro 86387 2 2005042286387.pdf 2005042286387.htm Eramet 86333 1 2005042286333.pdf 2005042286333.htm Euro Rendement 86142 1 2005042286142.pdf 2005042286142.htm Eurotunnel S.A. 86353 1 2005042286353.pdf 2005042286353.htm Evialis 86297 3 2005042286297.pdf 2005042286297.htm Faurecia 86227 2 2005042286227.pdf 2005042286227.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial "Finaref" (Société de) 86229 3 2005042286229.pdf 2005042286229.htm Financière de l'Odet 86339 3 2005042286339.pdf 2005042286339.htm Fleury Michon 86177 2 2005042286177.pdf 2005042286177.htm Fructifrance 86271 2 2005042286271.pdf 2005042286271.htm Gestion et d'investissement "Sofragi" (Société française de) 86026 1 2005042286026.pdf 2005042286026.htm Gestion Pibor 85347 2 2005042285347.pdf 2005042285347.htm GL Trade 86368 2 2005042286368.pdf 2005042286368.htm Groupe Flo 86366 4 2005042286366.pdf 2005042286366.htm Groupe Go Sport 86383 5 2005042286383.pdf 2005042286383.htm Invesco Multi 86388 2 2005042286388.pdf 2005042286388.htm JCDecaux SA 86220 2 2005042286220.pdf 2005042286220.htm Julius Baer Multibond 85352 1 2005042285352.pdf 2005042285352.htm Julius Baer Multicash 85354 1 2005042285354.pdf 2005042285354.htm Julius Baer Multistock 85350 2 2005042285350.pdf 2005042285350.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 85690 2 2005042285690.pdf 2005042285690.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 86429 2 2005042286429.pdf 2005042286429.htm Locindus S.A. 86356 3 2005042286356.pdf 2005042286356.htm LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton 86321 4 2005042286321.pdf 2005042286321.htm MFS Funds Sicav 85435 2 2005042285435.pdf 2005042285435.htm Moneyline 86363 2 2005042286363.pdf 2005042286363.htm Mr Bricolage 86239 3 2005042286239.pdf 2005042286239.htm Orapi 86292 4 2005042286292.pdf 2005042286292.htm Orsay Investissement 86175 2 2005042286175.pdf 2005042286175.htm Placements Europe Hauts rendements 86252 1 2005042286252.pdf 2005042286252.htm Placements Taux Opportunités 86251 2 2005042286251.pdf 2005042286251.htm Portefeuille diversifié (Le) 86375 1 2005042286375.pdf 2005042286375.htm Provence Prestige International 86193 1 2005042286193.pdf 2005042286193.htm Radiall 86200 3 2005042286200.pdf 2005042286200.htm Rallye 86381 1 2005042286381.pdf 2005042286381.htm Renault 86272 2 2005042286272.pdf 2005042286272.htm Reyl (Lux) Global Funds 86337 1 2005042286337.pdf 2005042286337.htm Rhodia 86310 4 2005042286310.pdf 2005042286310.htm Saint-Honoré Signatures 86316 2 2005042286316.pdf 2005042286316.htm Saint-Honoré Signatures Plus 86030 1 2005042286030.pdf 2005042286030.htm Sofinco 86202 2 2005042286202.pdf 2005042286202.htm Sylis 86350 3 2005042286350.pdf 2005042286350.htm Technip 86323 1 2005042286323.pdf 2005042286323.htm Unibail Holding 86155 2 2005042286155.pdf 2005042286155.htm Wendel investissement 86372 9 2005042286372.pdf 2005042286372.htm Renault 86344 1 2005042286344.pdf 2005042286344.htm Crédit foncier de France 86237 1 2005042286237.pdf 2005042286237.htm Entenial 86238 2 2005042286238.pdf 2005042286238.htm A3C Crédit foncier de France 86285 1 2005042286285.pdf 2005042286285.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 86343 1 2005042286343.pdf 2005042286343.htm Crédit foncier Banque Crédit foncier de France 86286 2 2005042286286.pdf 2005042286286.htm Crédit foncier de France Entenial 86284 1 2005042286284.pdf 2005042286284.htm Ecofi Convertibles Euro 86378 2 2005042286378.pdf 2005042286378.htm Ecofi Convertibles Euro Invest Euroconvertibles 86379 1 2005042286379.pdf 2005042286379.htm FC Multi Gestion Prudent 86332 1 2005042286332.pdf 2005042286332.htm FC Multi Gestion Reactif 86331 2 2005042286331.pdf 2005042286331.htm Orsay Investissement 86174 1 2005042286174.pdf 2005042286174.htm Placements Europe Hauts rendements Placements Taux Opportunités 86253 2 2005042286253.pdf 2005042286253.htm Actéos 86156 20 2005042286156.pdf 2005042286156.htm Agricole de la Crau (Compagnie) 86369 1 2005042286369.pdf 2005042286369.htm Asclépios 86264 3 2005042286264.pdf 2005042286264.htm Baccarat 86219 1 2005042286219.pdf 2005042286219.htm Banque de La Réunion (Rectificatif) 86263 1 2005042286263.pdf 2005042286263.htm Bastide, Le confort médical 86199 4 2005042286199.pdf 2005042286199.htm Bic (Société) 86269 1 2005042286269.pdf 2005042286269.htm Boiron 86275 1 2005042286275.pdf 2005042286275.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Franche-Comté 86091 10 2005042286091.pdf 2005042286091.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel d'Aquitaine 86210 1 2005042286210.pdf 2005042286210.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel des Côtes d'Armor 86171 36 2005042286171.pdf 2005042286171.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Morbihan 86217 2 2005042286217.pdf 2005042286217.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Morbihan 86218 1 2005042286218.pdf 2005042286218.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord Midi-Pyrénées 86319 19 2005042286319.pdf 2005042286319.htm Calyon 86089 36 2005042286089.pdf 2005042286089.htm Crédit agricole SA 86085 57 2005042286085.pdf 2005042286085.htm Crédit immobilier de France Centre-Ouest 86330 1 2005042286330.pdf 2005042286330.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud Rhône Alpes Auvergne 86399 1 2005042286399.pdf 2005042286399.htm Crédit immobilier de France-Midi Pyrénées 86358 1 2005042286358.pdf 2005042286358.htm Cybernetix 86277 11 2005042286277.pdf 2005042286277.htm Dalet 86336 17 2005042286336.pdf 2005042286336.htm Deveaux S.A. 86148 11 2005042286148.pdf 2005042286148.htm Devoteam 86295 7 2005042286295.pdf 2005042286295.htm Didot-Bottin 86326 13 2005042286326.pdf 2005042286326.htm Docks des pétroles d'Ambès (Les) 86152 1 2005042286152.pdf 2005042286152.htm Egide 86266 1 2005042286266.pdf 2005042286266.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 86324 23 2005042286324.pdf 2005042286324.htm Elior 86198 2 2005042286198.pdf 2005042286198.htm Epargne Crédit des militaires 86214 1 2005042286214.pdf 2005042286214.htm Etam Développement 86154 19 2005042286154.pdf 2005042286154.htm Eurotunnel S.A. 86346 1 2005042286346.pdf 2005042286346.htm Evialis 86325 9 2005042286325.pdf 2005042286325.htm Exel Industries 86289 1 2005042286289.pdf 2005042286289.htm FC France 86311 1 2005042286311.pdf 2005042286311.htm FC France 86313 2 2005042286313.pdf 2005042286313.htm Financière et mobilière (Société) 86230 1 2005042286230.pdf 2005042286230.htm Finaxa 85898 12 2005042285898.pdf 2005042285898.htm Foncia Groupe 86384 14 2005042286384.pdf 2005042286384.htm Foncière des régions « GFR » 86306 20 2005042286306.pdf 2005042286306.htm Forestière équatoriale (La) 86224 9 2005042286224.pdf 2005042286224.htm Fromageries F. Paul-Renard 86261 6 2005042286261.pdf 2005042286261.htm GL events 85989 19 2005042285989.pdf 2005042285989.htm Groupe Danone 86226 1 2005042286226.pdf 2005042286226.htm HDF Optimix 86265 3 2005042286265.pdf 2005042286265.htm HSBC CCF Securities (France) SA 86194 1 2005042286194.pdf 2005042286194.htm Hyparlo SA (Rectificatif) 86249 1 2005042286249.pdf 2005042286249.htm Installux S.A. 86318 13 2005042286318.pdf 2005042286318.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais 86151 7 2005042286151.pdf 2005042286151.htm Ipsos 86447 21 2005042286447.pdf 2005042286447.htm Keyrus 86006 12 2005042286006.pdf 2005042286006.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 86195 15 2005042286195.pdf 2005042286195.htm LISI 85793 18 2005042285793.pdf 2005042285793.htm Maire (Henri) 86188 1 2005042286188.pdf 2005042286188.htm Maire (Henri) 86244 10 2005042286244.pdf 2005042286244.htm Maisons France Confort 86189 13 2005042286189.pdf 2005042286189.htm Manitou BF 86240 1 2005042286240.pdf 2005042286240.htm Moneyline 86242 1 2005042286242.pdf 2005042286242.htm Murillo 26 86215 1 2005042286215.pdf 2005042286215.htm NicOx SA 85899 2 2005042285899.pdf 2005042285899.htm NicOx SA 85883 18 2005042285883.pdf 2005042285883.htm Omniane 86213 1 2005042286213.pdf 2005042286213.htm Orapi 86293 10 2005042286293.pdf 2005042286293.htm Orchestra-Kazibao 86262 12 2005042286262.pdf 2005042286262.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extrême-Orient (Société d') 86298 11 2005042286298.pdf 2005042286298.htm Participations (FFP) (Société foncière, financière et de) 86290 13 2005042286290.pdf 2005042286290.htm Phone Web 86225 6 2005042286225.pdf 2005042286225.htm Produits Marnier Lapostolle (Société des) 86382 2 2005042286382.pdf 2005042286382.htm Prosodie 86211 18 2005042286211.pdf 2005042286211.htm Provimi 86075 16 2005042286075.pdf 2005042286075.htm Radiall 86196 1 2005042286196.pdf 2005042286196.htm Rhodia 86081 31 2005042286081.pdf 2005042286081.htm Sabeton 86380 1 2005042286380.pdf 2005042286380.htm Sam 86303 1 2005042286303.pdf 2005042286303.htm Sasa Industrie 86243 2 2005042286243.pdf 2005042286243.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 86328 12 2005042286328.pdf 2005042286328.htm Securidev 86365 1 2005042286365.pdf 2005042286365.htm Slibail Réunion 86314 2 2005042286314.pdf 2005042286314.htm Sodifrance 86267 9 2005042286267.pdf 2005042286267.htm Stallergènes S.A. 86304 11 2005042286304.pdf 2005042286304.htm Stallergènes S.A. 86305 1 2005042286305.pdf 2005042286305.htm Technofan 86206 2 2005042286206.pdf 2005042286206.htm Tête dans les nuages (La) 85914 5 2005042285914.pdf 2005042285914.htm Touax SA 86209 6 2005042286209.pdf 2005042286209.htm Wavecom 86007 23 2005042286007.pdf 2005042286007.htm Actielec Technologies 86360 1 2005042286360.pdf 2005042286360.htm PagesJaunes Groupe 85986 1 2005042285986.pdf 2005042285986.htm Décisions et Informations 01048 5 2005042201048.pdf 2005042201048.htm
BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 96418 1 2005082696418.pdf 2005082696418.htm Calyon Financial Products (Guernsey) Limited 96372 3 2005082696372.pdf 2005082696372.htm Calyon Financial Products (Guernsey) Limited 96373 2 2005082696373.pdf 2005082696373.htm A & Co 95913 1 2005082695913.pdf 2005082695913.htm Barclays Obligations Trimestriel 96341 1 2005082696341.pdf 2005082696341.htm Barclays Première 96342 1 2005082696342.pdf 2005082696342.htm César 96397 2 2005082696397.pdf 2005082696397.htm CPR Référence Europe 96369 1 2005082696369.pdf 2005082696369.htm Edition Multi média électronique 96339 4 2005082696339.pdf 2005082696339.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 96371 1 2005082696371.pdf 2005082696371.htm Groupe Ares 96404 5 2005082696404.pdf 2005082696404.htm Hôtels et bains de mer d'Hossegor (Société des) 96346 1 2005082696346.pdf 2005082696346.htm Innelec Multimédia 96331 2 2005082696331.pdf 2005082696331.htm Métaleurop S.A. 96392 3 2005082696392.pdf 2005082696392.htm Neovia Electronics 96419 2 2005082696419.pdf 2005082696419.htm Paris Orléans 96416 2 2005082696416.pdf 2005082696416.htm Skis Rossignol 94976 2 2005082694976.pdf 2005082694976.htm Smoby 96368 2 2005082696368.pdf 2005082696368.htm Sofica Europacorp 96385 2 2005082696385.pdf 2005082696385.htm Sofica UGC 1 96383 2 2005082696383.pdf 2005082696383.htm Sogemoneplus 3 Mois (Rectificatif) 96357 1 2005082696357.pdf 2005082696357.htm Sogeoblig Première LT (Rectificatif) 96359 1 2005082696359.pdf 2005082696359.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 96348 1 2005082696348.pdf 2005082696348.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 96350 1 2005082696350.pdf 2005082696350.htm Western Telecom 96407 1 2005082696407.pdf 2005082696407.htm Atlantique Régularité 96406 1 2005082696406.pdf 2005082696406.htm A.B.C. Arbitrage 96399 1 2005082696399.pdf 2005082696399.htm B.F.T. - Banque de financement et de trésorerie 96231 1 2005082696231.pdf 2005082696231.htm Buffalo Grill 96388 1 2005082696388.pdf 2005082696388.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Alsace 96381 2 2005082696381.pdf 2005082696381.htm Camaieu 96355 1 2005082696355.pdf 2005082696355.htm Carrefour 96391 1 2005082696391.pdf 2005082696391.htm Claresco Participations 96332 1 2005082696332.pdf 2005082696332.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 96327 2 2005082696327.pdf 2005082696327.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 96380 1 2005082696380.pdf 2005082696380.htm Cross Systems Company 96293 1 2005082696293.pdf 2005082696293.htm Cybergun 96340 1 2005082696340.pdf 2005082696340.htm Egide 96333 2 2005082696333.pdf 2005082696333.htm Ester Finance Titrisation 96396 1 2005082696396.pdf 2005082696396.htm Etudes et de gestion (S.N.E.G.E.) (Société nouvelle d') 96384 1 2005082696384.pdf 2005082696384.htm Euler Hermes Sfac Crédit 96329 1 2005082696329.pdf 2005082696329.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe "Ginger" 96366 1 2005082696366.pdf 2005082696366.htm L.D.C. 96395 1 2005082696395.pdf 2005082696395.htm Manoukian (Alain) 96405 1 2005082696405.pdf 2005082696405.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries 96322 1 2005082696322.pdf 2005082696322.htm Memscap SA 96330 1 2005082696330.pdf 2005082696330.htm Moneyline 96393 2 2005082696393.pdf 2005082696393.htm Natiocrédibail 96400 1 2005082696400.pdf 2005082696400.htm Olitec 96403 1 2005082696403.pdf 2005082696403.htm Oréal (L') 96414 1 2005082696414.pdf 2005082696414.htm Oudinot Finance 96386 1 2005082696386.pdf 2005082696386.htm Riber 96360 1 2005082696360.pdf 2005082696360.htm Sofinco 96410 2 2005082696410.pdf 2005082696410.htm SQLI 96344 1 2005082696344.pdf 2005082696344.htm Teamlog 96408 2 2005082696408.pdf 2005082696408.htm U10 96343 1 2005082696343.pdf 2005082696343.htm UBS (France) SA 96401 2 2005082696401.pdf 2005082696401.htm Valeo Embrayages 96319 1 2005082696319.pdf 2005082696319.htm Vinci concessions 96318 1 2005082696318.pdf 2005082696318.htm World Advertising Movies 96345 1 2005082696345.pdf 2005082696345.htm A.B.C. Arbitrage 96398 1 2005082696398.pdf 2005082696398.htm Julius Baer Multibond 96337 1 2005082696337.pdf 2005082696337.htm Julius Baer Multicash 96338 1 2005082696338.pdf 2005082696338.htm Julius Baer Multistock 96336 1 2005082696336.pdf 2005082696336.htm L.D.C. 96394 1 2005082696394.pdf 2005082696394.htm Vinci 96415 1 2005082696415.pdf 2005082696415.htm Décisions et Informations 01102 1 2005082601102.pdf 2005082601102.htm
Eiffage 86759 1 2005042786759.pdf 2005042786759.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 86610 2 2005042786610.pdf 2005042786610.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 86609 1 2005042786609.pdf 2005042786609.htm 123 Multimédia 86613 2 2005042786613.pdf 2005042786613.htm Accor 86705 1 2005042786705.pdf 2005042786705.htm CA-AM Actions Asie (Rectificatif) 86685 1 2005042786685.pdf 2005042786685.htm CCF 86733 2 2005042786733.pdf 2005042786733.htm CMN Investissements 86628 1 2005042786628.pdf 2005042786628.htm CPR Actions Euroland 86726 1 2005042786726.pdf 2005042786726.htm CS Court terme 86740 1 2005042786740.pdf 2005042786740.htm CS Institutions Monétaire 86739 1 2005042786739.pdf 2005042786739.htm CS Monétaire Plus 86743 1 2005042786743.pdf 2005042786743.htm Développement et d'expansion « Sade » (Société alsacienne de) 86701 2 2005042786701.pdf 2005042786701.htm EMS Telecom 86712 1 2005042786712.pdf 2005042786712.htm Fimalac 86737 4 2005042786737.pdf 2005042786737.htm Foncia Groupe 86696 1 2005042786696.pdf 2005042786696.htm France Images 86621 2 2005042786621.pdf 2005042786621.htm Iliad 86703 5 2005042786703.pdf 2005042786703.htm Manitou BF 86691 1 2005042786691.pdf 2005042786691.htm Manitou BF 86692 2 2005042786692.pdf 2005042786692.htm Mermet Industries 86643 1 2005042786643.pdf 2005042786643.htm Pam (L) 86689 2 2005042786689.pdf 2005042786689.htm Participations (FFP) (Société foncière, financière et de) 86641 2 2005042786641.pdf 2005042786641.htm Peugeot S.A. (Rectificatif) 86642 1 2005042786642.pdf 2005042786642.htm Piscinelle 86727 2 2005042786727.pdf 2005042786727.htm Soficanim 86624 1 2005042786624.pdf 2005042786624.htm Soft Computing 86824 4 2005042786824.pdf 2005042786824.htm Valeo 86704 2 2005042786704.pdf 2005042786704.htm Alcatel 86706 1 2005042786706.pdf 2005042786706.htm Alcatel 86707 2 2005042786707.pdf 2005042786707.htm Air France S.A. (Société) 86741 1 2005042786741.pdf 2005042786741.htm Invesco Valeurs Euro 86749 1 2005042786749.pdf 2005042786749.htm A.B.C. Arbitrage 86413 8 2005042786413.pdf 2005042786413.htm Ada 86386 10 2005042786386.pdf 2005042786386.htm Aedian 86694 1 2005042786694.pdf 2005042786694.htm Ateliers de construction du Nord de la France (Les) 86602 2 2005042786602.pdf 2005042786602.htm Atos Origin 86538 21 2005042786538.pdf 2005042786538.htm 86679 1 2005042786679.pdf 2005042786679.htm Averys 86742 1 2005042786742.pdf 2005042786742.htm Baccarat 86552 13 2005042786552.pdf 2005042786552.htm Bail Investissement foncière (Rectificatif) 86763 2 2005042786763.pdf 2005042786763.htm Banque Banorabe 86505 15 2005042786505.pdf 2005042786505.htm Banque populaire Bourgogne Franche Comté 86651 8 2005042786651.pdf 2005042786651.htm Batimap 86656 1 2005042786656.pdf 2005042786656.htm Batimur 86655 1 2005042786655.pdf 2005042786655.htm Bouygues Immobilier 86722 1 2005042786722.pdf 2005042786722.htm Burelle S.A. 86462 15 2005042786462.pdf 2005042786462.htm Caisse centrale de réescompte 86572 1 2005042786572.pdf 2005042786572.htm Caisse de garantie du logement locatif social 86644 5 2005042786644.pdf 2005042786644.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Atlantique Vendée 86600 1 2005042786600.pdf 2005042786600.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre-Est 86512 22 2005042786512.pdf 2005042786512.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Lorraine 86508 19 2005042786508.pdf 2005042786508.htm Caisse régionale de crédit maritime mutuel de Vendée « La Vendéenne » 86752 1 2005042786752.pdf 2005042786752.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 86377 31 2005042786377.pdf 2005042786377.htm CDC Ixis Securities 86728 1 2005042786728.pdf 2005042786728.htm Charbonnages de France 86385 28 2005042786385.pdf 2005042786385.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 86484 1 2005042786484.pdf 2005042786484.htm CNP Assurances 86340 32 2005042786340.pdf 2005042786340.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée « Cnim » 86666 1 2005042786666.pdf 2005042786666.htm Crédit du Nord 86688 1 2005042786688.pdf 2005042786688.htm Crédit immobilier de France Financière Rhône-Ain 86511 8 2005042786511.pdf 2005042786511.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 86250 26 2005042786250.pdf 2005042786250.htm Cyberdeck 86184 9 2005042786184.pdf 2005042786184.htm Cyberdeck 86702 1 2005042786702.pdf 2005042786702.htm Dassault Systèmes 86268 21 2005042786268.pdf 2005042786268.htm Delta Plus Group SA 86437 9 2005042786437.pdf 2005042786437.htm Développement du financement « Sedef » (Société européenne de) 86606 1 2005042786606.pdf 2005042786606.htm ECA 86539 24 2005042786539.pdf 2005042786539.htm Eramet 86405 24 2005042786405.pdf 2005042786405.htm Eurazeo 86398 27 2005042786398.pdf 2005042786398.htm Eurazeo Partners 85597 1 2005042785597.pdf 2005042785597.htm Explosifs et de produits chimiques (Société anonyme d') 86616 12 2005042786616.pdf 2005042786616.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 86615 7 2005042786615.pdf 2005042786615.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 86664 1 2005042786664.pdf 2005042786664.htm Fininfo 86627 16 2005042786627.pdf 2005042786627.htm Foncière des Murs 86452 13 2005042786452.pdf 2005042786452.htm Foncière des Pimonts (Société) 86428 12 2005042786428.pdf 2005042786428.htm Gaillard (Compagnie française des Etablissements) 86515 9 2005042786515.pdf 2005042786515.htm Galeries Lafayette (Société anonyme des) 86745 2 2005042786745.pdf 2005042786745.htm Genesys S.A. 86457 35 2005042786457.pdf 2005042786457.htm Graines Voltz 86596 1 2005042786596.pdf 2005042786596.htm Groupe Flo 86591 16 2005042786591.pdf 2005042786591.htm Groupe Gascogne 86658 1 2005042786658.pdf 2005042786658.htm Groupe JAJ 86677 3 2005042786677.pdf 2005042786677.htm Groupe Steria SCA 86480 17 2005042786480.pdf 2005042786480.htm Groupe Taittinger 86557 13 2005042786557.pdf 2005042786557.htm Hermès International 86101 21 2005042786101.pdf 2005042786101.htm Idi 86450 10 2005042786450.pdf 2005042786450.htm Ilog 86751 1 2005042786751.pdf 2005042786751.htm IPBM 86451 5 2005042786451.pdf 2005042786451.htm Léon de Bruxelles 86282 15 2005042786282.pdf 2005042786282.htm Locindus S.A. 86555 18 2005042786555.pdf 2005042786555.htm Louvre - Groupe du Louvre (Société du) 86558 20 2005042786558.pdf 2005042786558.htm MB Electronique 86540 7 2005042786540.pdf 2005042786540.htm Medcost 86427 17 2005042786427.pdf 2005042786427.htm Nowa (SCI) 86607 1 2005042786607.pdf 2005042786607.htm NRJ Group 86715 1 2005042786715.pdf 2005042786715.htm Oxymétal S.A. 86720 1 2005042786720.pdf 2005042786720.htm Penauille Polyservices 86438 29 2005042786438.pdf 2005042786438.htm Peugeot S.A. 86402 33 2005042786402.pdf 2005042786402.htm Public Système (Le) 86371 3 2005042786371.pdf 2005042786371.htm Sairp Composites 86468 8 2005042786468.pdf 2005042786468.htm Sanef 86719 1 2005042786719.pdf 2005042786719.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 86639 9 2005042786639.pdf 2005042786639.htm Setforge 86088 8 2005042786088.pdf 2005042786088.htm Setforge 86700 1 2005042786700.pdf 2005042786700.htm Siparex Croissance 86458 17 2005042786458.pdf 2005042786458.htm Sofinco 86652 1 2005042786652.pdf 2005042786652.htm Sopra Group 86640 19 2005042786640.pdf 2005042786640.htm SPIR Communication 86472 14 2005042786472.pdf 2005042786472.htm SPIR Communication 86485 1 2005042786485.pdf 2005042786485.htm Sport-Elec S.A. 86620 1 2005042786620.pdf 2005042786620.htm SR. Téléperformance 86469 19 2005042786469.pdf 2005042786469.htm Sword Group 86589 1 2005042786589.pdf 2005042786589.htm Systar 86635 1 2005042786635.pdf 2005042786635.htm Systran S.A. 86459 9 2005042786459.pdf 2005042786459.htm Tharreau Industries 86523 10 2005042786523.pdf 2005042786523.htm Thermocompact 86566 12 2005042786566.pdf 2005042786566.htm Tour Eiffel (Société de la) 86625 17 2005042786625.pdf 2005042786625.htm Transgene 86597 1 2005042786597.pdf 2005042786597.htm Unibail Holding 86717 1 2005042786717.pdf 2005042786717.htm Union financière de France - Banque 86636 1 2005042786636.pdf 2005042786636.htm VM Matériaux 86403 15 2005042786403.pdf 2005042786403.htm Carrefour 86736 1 2005042786736.pdf 2005042786736.htm Ciments français 86584 1 2005042786584.pdf 2005042786584.htm Géodis 86713 1 2005042786713.pdf 2005042786713.htm HF Company 86598 1 2005042786598.pdf 2005042786598.htm IMS International metal service 86734 1 2005042786734.pdf 2005042786734.htm Klépierre 86710 1 2005042786710.pdf 2005042786710.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 86667 1 2005042786667.pdf 2005042786667.htm Parvest 86605 2 2005042786605.pdf 2005042786605.htm Rodriguez Group 86401 1 2005042786401.pdf 2005042786401.htm Sport-Elec S.A. 86619 1 2005042786619.pdf 2005042786619.htm Téléverbier 86732 1 2005042786732.pdf 2005042786732.htm Union financière de France - Banque 86686 1 2005042786686.pdf 2005042786686.htm Décisions et Informations 01050 6 2005042701050.pdf 2005042701050.htm
Pajé Croissance 88429 1 2005051688429.pdf 2005051688429.htm Société générale 88377 2 2005051688377.pdf 2005051688377.htm Acti Habitat 1 88067 2 2005051688067.pdf 2005051688067.htm Actipierre 1 88060 1 2005051688060.pdf 2005051688060.htm Actipierre 2 88071 2 2005051688071.pdf 2005051688071.htm Actipierre 3 88069 1 2005051688069.pdf 2005051688069.htm Ausy 87461 2 2005051687461.pdf 2005051687461.htm AV Habitat 88358 1 2005051688358.pdf 2005051688358.htm CA-AM Value USA 88295 2 2005051688295.pdf 2005051688295.htm Capelli 88436 2 2005051688436.pdf 2005051688436.htm Coil SA 88457 2 2005051688457.pdf 2005051688457.htm Domirente 1 88375 1 2005051688375.pdf 2005051688375.htm Domirente 2 88373 1 2005051688373.pdf 2005051688373.htm E.S.R. 88420 2 2005051688420.pdf 2005051688420.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 88442 3 2005051688442.pdf 2005051688442.htm Finance Habitat 1 88370 1 2005051688370.pdf 2005051688370.htm Finance Habitat 2 88369 1 2005051688369.pdf 2005051688369.htm Groupe Silicomp 88496 4 2005051688496.pdf 2005051688496.htm Immorente 88354 2 2005051688354.pdf 2005051688354.htm Lafarge 88450 2 2005051688450.pdf 2005051688450.htm Le Grand Livre du Mois 88432 2 2005051688432.pdf 2005051688432.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries 88431 3 2005051688431.pdf 2005051688431.htm Medasys 88438 2 2005051688438.pdf 2005051688438.htm Mines de la Lucette 88446 2 2005051688446.pdf 2005051688446.htm Multicommerce 88368 2 2005051688368.pdf 2005051688368.htm Neurones 88417 2 2005051688417.pdf 2005051688417.htm Perrier Industrie (Gérard) 88445 3 2005051688445.pdf 2005051688445.htm Pierre Ecureuil Habitat 88065 2 2005051688065.pdf 2005051688065.htm Renaissance 1 88372 1 2005051688372.pdf 2005051688372.htm Renaissance 2 88371 2 2005051688371.pdf 2005051688371.htm Roysol 88443 1 2005051688443.pdf 2005051688443.htm Saga (Rectificatif) 88416 1 2005051688416.pdf 2005051688416.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 87828 2 2005051687828.pdf 2005051687828.htm Sodifrance 88352 4 2005051688352.pdf 2005051688352.htm Sorefico Coiffure 88378 1 2005051688378.pdf 2005051688378.htm Banque centrale de compensation 88397 1 2005051688397.pdf 2005051688397.htm Banque Covefi 88383 5 2005051688383.pdf 2005051688383.htm Banque de Neuflize 88403 1 2005051688403.pdf 2005051688403.htm Banque française commerciale Antilles-Guyane 88399 1 2005051688399.pdf 2005051688399.htm Banque française commerciale Antilles-Guyane (Rectificatif) 88395 1 2005051688395.pdf 2005051688395.htm Banque Martin-Maurel 88405 2 2005051688405.pdf 2005051688405.htm Banque privée européenne 88394 2 2005051688394.pdf 2005051688394.htm Banque Rhône-Alpes 88356 1 2005051688356.pdf 2005051688356.htm Banque Tarneaud 88396 2 2005051688396.pdf 2005051688396.htm Barbara Bui 88458 1 2005051688458.pdf 2005051688458.htm Buffalo Grill 88384 1 2005051688384.pdf 2005051688384.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Provence-Alpes-Corse 88464 19 2005051688464.pdf 2005051688464.htm Cegid SA 87494 19 2005051687494.pdf 2005051687494.htm César 88167 1 2005051688167.pdf 2005051688167.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 87963 19 2005051687963.pdf 2005051687963.htm Clayeux S.A. 88449 1 2005051688449.pdf 2005051688449.htm Colas Sud Ouest 88392 1 2005051688392.pdf 2005051688392.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 88402 1 2005051688402.pdf 2005051688402.htm Crédit foncier Banque 88365 2 2005051688365.pdf 2005051688365.htm CS Communication & Systèmes 88414 1 2005051688414.pdf 2005051688414.htm Desquenne et Giral 88336 8 2005051688336.pdf 2005051688336.htm Duran 88339 1 2005051688339.pdf 2005051688339.htm Eurofins Scientific 88367 1 2005051688367.pdf 2005051688367.htm Eurosport 88055 1 2005051688055.pdf 2005051688055.htm Evialis 88437 2 2005051688437.pdf 2005051688437.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 88422 1 2005051688422.pdf 2005051688422.htm Foncière des Pimonts (Société) 88406 1 2005051688406.pdf 2005051688406.htm Fortis lease 88419 2 2005051688419.pdf 2005051688419.htm Groupe Guillin 88447 1 2005051688447.pdf 2005051688447.htm Groupe Philippe Bosc 88389 1 2005051688389.pdf 2005051688389.htm HSBC Investments (France) 87488 1 2005051687488.pdf 2005051687488.htm 88462 1 2005051688462.pdf 2005051688462.htm IPO - Institut de participations de l'Ouest 88425 1 2005051688425.pdf 2005051688425.htm Isis Factor Spa (Succursale de Paris) 88400 1 2005051688400.pdf 2005051688400.htm KBL France 88379 17 2005051688379.pdf 2005051688379.htm Latécoère 88390 1 2005051688390.pdf 2005051688390.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 88398 1 2005051688398.pdf 2005051688398.htm Lectra S.A. 88452 1 2005051688452.pdf 2005051688452.htm Mermet Industries 88441 1 2005051688441.pdf 2005051688441.htm Orchestra-Kazibao 88381 1 2005051688381.pdf 2005051688381.htm Oseo BDPME 88409 1 2005051688409.pdf 2005051688409.htm Papiers peints (Société française des) 88366 1 2005051688366.pdf 2005051688366.htm Parcours S.A. 88423 2 2005051688423.pdf 2005051688423.htm Perfect Technologies S.A. 88463 1 2005051688463.pdf 2005051688463.htm Pernod Ricard 88421 3 2005051688421.pdf 2005051688421.htm Plantations d'hévéas (Société internationale de) 88411 1 2005051688411.pdf 2005051688411.htm Prosodie (Rectificatif) 88355 1 2005051688355.pdf 2005051688355.htm R2I Santé 88382 1 2005051688382.pdf 2005051688382.htm Recif S.A. 88426 1 2005051688426.pdf 2005051688426.htm Siraga SA 88387 1 2005051688387.pdf 2005051688387.htm Snecma 88448 1 2005051688448.pdf 2005051688448.htm Sodifrance 88459 1 2005051688459.pdf 2005051688459.htm Sorefico Coiffure 88424 1 2005051688424.pdf 2005051688424.htm Varin-Bernier (Société nancéienne) 88407 2 2005051688407.pdf 2005051688407.htm Veolia Environnement 88374 2 2005051688374.pdf 2005051688374.htm Actielec Technologies 88380 1 2005051688380.pdf 2005051688380.htm April Group 88345 1 2005051688345.pdf 2005051688345.htm Bacou-Dalloz 88264 1 2005051688264.pdf 2005051688264.htm Canal + 88435 1 2005051688435.pdf 2005051688435.htm Eiffage 88393 1 2005051688393.pdf 2005051688393.htm Eurazeo 88404 1 2005051688404.pdf 2005051688404.htm Lagardère SCA 88433 1 2005051688433.pdf 2005051688433.htm Lectra S.A. 88455 1 2005051688455.pdf 2005051688455.htm Thomson 88214 1 2005051688214.pdf 2005051688214.htm Décisions et Informations 01058 7 2005051601058.pdf 2005051601058.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 02967 8 2005051602967.pdf 2005051602967.htm
Electricité de France 99556 4 2005110299556.pdf 2005110299556.htm Lexibook Linguistic Electronic System 99498 3 2005110299498.pdf 2005110299498.htm Meetic 99551 2 2005110299551.pdf 2005110299551.htm BNP Paribas 99472 3 2005110299472.pdf 2005110299472.htm 200511029947201.gif Touax SA 98975 4 2005110298975.pdf 2005110298975.htm Société générale 99512 1 2005110299512.pdf 2005110299512.htm B.F.T. Sécurité 2 99544 1 2005110299544.pdf 2005110299544.htm Cofipierre 3 99504 1 2005110299504.pdf 2005110299504.htm Comgest Monde 99117 2 2005110299117.pdf 2005110299117.htm Elan Japindice 99587 1 2005110299587.pdf 2005110299587.htm Elan Trésorerie Dynamique 99592 1 2005110299592.pdf 2005110299592.htm Elan U.S.A. Dynamique 99589 1 2005110299589.pdf 2005110299589.htm Fromageries F. Paul-Renard 99476 2 2005110299476.pdf 2005110299476.htm Groupe JAJ 99500 1 2005110299500.pdf 2005110299500.htm R Iéna Performance 3 99543 1 2005110299543.pdf 2005110299543.htm Languedoc Placement Capital Midi Pyrénées 99457 1 2005110299457.pdf 2005110299457.htm Bacou-Dalloz 99089 12 2005110299089.pdf 2005110299089.htm Banque de gestion privée Indosuez 99547 2 2005110299547.pdf 2005110299547.htm Banque de réescompte et de placement "Barep" 99577 1 2005110299577.pdf 2005110299577.htm Business Interactif SA 99087 10 2005110299087.pdf 2005110299087.htm 200511029908701.gif Business Interactif SA 99088 8 2005110299088.pdf 2005110299088.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Alpes 99570 1 2005110299570.pdf 2005110299570.htm Catering International et Services (CIS) 98786 1 2005110298786.pdf 2005110298786.htm Dassault Systèmes 99054 11 2005110299054.pdf 2005110299054.htm Dollfus Mieg et Cie 99600 1 2005110299600.pdf 2005110299600.htm Euronext Paris SA 99546 1 2005110299546.pdf 2005110299546.htm Facet 99548 1 2005110299548.pdf 2005110299548.htm Foncia Groupe 99595 1 2005110299595.pdf 2005110299595.htm Fromageries F. Paul-Renard 99473 1 2005110299473.pdf 2005110299473.htm GL events 99502 1 2005110299502.pdf 2005110299502.htm Groupe Go Sport 99564 1 2005110299564.pdf 2005110299564.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe "Ginger" 99598 2 2005110299598.pdf 2005110299598.htm IEC Professionnel Média 99536 1 2005110299536.pdf 2005110299536.htm Ilog 99573 1 2005110299573.pdf 2005110299573.htm JCDecaux SA 99591 1 2005110299591.pdf 2005110299591.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce "Silic" (Société immobilière de) 99599 1 2005110299599.pdf 2005110299599.htm Locindus S.A. 99552 1 2005110299552.pdf 2005110299552.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 99091 12 2005110299091.pdf 2005110299091.htm Mondial Peche 99590 1 2005110299590.pdf 2005110299590.htm Nergeco 99523 1 2005110299523.pdf 2005110299523.htm Oeneo 99585 1 2005110299585.pdf 2005110299585.htm Paiements (Société financière de) 99492 1 2005110299492.pdf 2005110299492.htm Rallye 99565 1 2005110299565.pdf 2005110299565.htm Soie (La) 99474 2 2005110299474.pdf 2005110299474.htm TLD Group 99539 1 2005110299539.pdf 2005110299539.htm Western Telecom 99572 1 2005110299572.pdf 2005110299572.htm Matussière et Forest S.A. 99398 1 2005110299398.pdf 2005110299398.htm Soie (La) 99466 1 2005110299466.pdf 2005110299466.htm Virbac 99514 1 2005110299514.pdf 2005110299514.htm
Financement des entreprises d'insertion "Sofinei" (Société de) 07469 2 2005122307469.pdf 2005122307469.htm Multihabitation 2 07459 1 2005122307459.pdf 2005122307459.htm Sofirun 2005 07458 2 2005122307458.pdf 2005122307458.htm SG Option Europe 07428 1 2005122307428.pdf 2005122307428.htm Société générale 07437 2 2005122307437.pdf 2005122307437.htm Société générale 07448 1 2005122307448.pdf 2005122307448.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 07470 2 2005122307470.pdf 2005122307470.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 07397 2 2005122307397.pdf 2005122307397.htm Altergaz 07465 1 2005122307465.pdf 2005122307465.htm CIC Trésorerie Plus 07432 1 2005122307432.pdf 2005122307432.htm R Electricité de France 07473 1 2005122307473.pdf 2005122307473.htm Euroflex 07471 2 2005122307471.pdf 2005122307471.htm Europe Expansion 07476 1 2005122307476.pdf 2005122307476.htm HBS Technologie SA 07424 3 2005122307424.pdf 2005122307424.htm Moria 07423 2 2005122307423.pdf 2005122307423.htm Nomatica 07462 1 2005122307462.pdf 2005122307462.htm Pléiade 07477 2 2005122307477.pdf 2005122307477.htm State Street Spinnaker Euro 07478 2 2005122307478.pdf 2005122307478.htm Union Obli Court terme 07434 1 2005122307434.pdf 2005122307434.htm R Dexia Court terme Arcade 07467 1 2005122307467.pdf 2005122307467.htm Axa 07373 1 2005122307373.pdf 2005122307373.htm CIC Trésorerie Plus 07433 1 2005122307433.pdf 2005122307433.htm R Finaxa Colisée Vendome Oudinot Finance FDR Participations 07454 1 2005122307454.pdf 2005122307454.htm Union Obli Court terme 07435 1 2005122307435.pdf 2005122307435.htm R Finaxa 07374 1 2005122307374.pdf 2005122307374.htm Alpes (Compagnie des) 07369 23 2005122307369.pdf 2005122307369.htm Belvédère 07425 1 2005122307425.pdf 2005122307425.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Cote d'Azur 07407 1 2005122307407.pdf 2005122307407.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Pas-de-Calais 07364 1 2005122307364.pdf 2005122307364.htm Citel 07472 5 2005122307472.pdf 2005122307472.htm Evialis 07402 2 2005122307402.pdf 2005122307402.htm A Foncia Groupe 07401 1 2005122307401.pdf 2005122307401.htm A Kindy 07410 2 2005122307410.pdf 2005122307410.htm Lafuma 07461 1 2005122307461.pdf 2005122307461.htm Métropole Télévision-M6 07416 1 2005122307416.pdf 2005122307416.htm Tonna Electronique 07443 1 2005122307443.pdf 2005122307443.htm U10 07430 1 2005122307430.pdf 2005122307430.htm Axa 07475 1 2005122307475.pdf 2005122307475.htm Eutelsat Communications 07452 1 2005122307452.pdf 2005122307452.htm Finaxa 07453 1 2005122307453.pdf 2005122307453.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 07466 1 2005122307466.pdf 2005122307466.htm Louvre Multi Select 07457 3 2005122307457.pdf 2005122307457.htm U10 07474 1 2005122307474.pdf 2005122307474.htm Vilmorin Clause et Cie 07404 1 2005122307404.pdf 2005122307404.htm Décisions et informations 01153 6 2005122301153.pdf 2005122301153.htm
Quantel 84938 3 2005033084938.pdf 2005033084938.htm Eurocommercial Properties N.V. 84945 2 2005033084945.pdf 2005033084945.htm Fidelity Institutional Short Dated Bond Fund 84848 1 2005033084848.pdf 2005033084848.htm Reyl (Lux) Global Funds 84851 1 2005033084851.pdf 2005033084851.htm Absolu Vega 84946 2 2005033084946.pdf 2005033084946.htm Arcade 84901 1 2005033084901.pdf 2005033084901.htm Aukera 84863 1 2005033084863.pdf 2005033084863.htm Carmignac Portfolio 84937 1 2005033084937.pdf 2005033084937.htm Cegedim 84897 3 2005033084897.pdf 2005033084897.htm Dexia Euro Valeurs foncières 84903 1 2005033084903.pdf 2005033084903.htm Dexia France Small Caps 84902 1 2005033084902.pdf 2005033084902.htm Dexia Money 3 M 84900 1 2005033084900.pdf 2005033084900.htm Dexia Obligations Euro 84904 1 2005033084904.pdf 2005033084904.htm Fortis Liquidity High Grade 84952 2 2005033084952.pdf 2005033084952.htm Gaz de France 84926 4 2005033084926.pdf 2005033084926.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce « Silic » (Société immobilière de) 84703 3 2005033084703.pdf 2005033084703.htm MMA Amérique 84880 2 2005033084880.pdf 2005033084880.htm MMA Euro Souverain 84885 2 2005033084885.pdf 2005033084885.htm MMA Europe 84882 1 2005033084882.pdf 2005033084882.htm MMA France 84884 1 2005033084884.pdf 2005033084884.htm MMA Immobilier 84883 2 2005033084883.pdf 2005033084883.htm MMA Oblig-Europe 84886 1 2005033084886.pdf 2005033084886.htm MMA Oblig-Inter 84887 1 2005033084887.pdf 2005033084887.htm MMA Perspectives 84888 2 2005033084888.pdf 2005033084888.htm MMA Privilège 84881 2 2005033084881.pdf 2005033084881.htm MMA Valeurs 84889 1 2005033084889.pdf 2005033084889.htm Natexis Convertibles Europe 84909 1 2005033084909.pdf 2005033084909.htm Thomson 84699 7 2005033084699.pdf 2005033084699.htm Vega Europe Multi Styles 84944 2 2005033084944.pdf 2005033084944.htm Vega Monde Multi Secteurs 84947 2 2005033084947.pdf 2005033084947.htm Renault 84934 2 2005033084934.pdf 2005033084934.htm Banque centrale de compensation 84924 1 2005033084924.pdf 2005033084924.htm Banque Finama 84925 1 2005033084925.pdf 2005033084925.htm Banque S.B.A. 84923 1 2005033084923.pdf 2005033084923.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie (Rectificatif) 84922 1 2005033084922.pdf 2005033084922.htm Eurocorporate 84927 1 2005033084927.pdf 2005033084927.htm Euronext N.V. 84940 6 2005033084940.pdf 2005033084940.htm Guillemot Corporation 84919 20 2005033084919.pdf 2005033084919.htm High Co. 84729 21 2005033084729.pdf 2005033084729.htm Itissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) 84905 3 2005033084905.pdf 2005033084905.htm LixxBail 84941 1 2005033084941.pdf 2005033084941.htm LixxCrédit 84942 2 2005033084942.pdf 2005033084942.htm Piscines Desjoyaux S.A. 84916 1 2005033084916.pdf 2005033084916.htm Sam 84858 6 2005033084858.pdf 2005033084858.htm Sport-Elec S.A. 84872 7 2005033084872.pdf 2005033084872.htm Stedim 84642 16 2005033084642.pdf 2005033084642.htm Transgene 84912 16 2005033084912.pdf 2005033084912.htm Western Telecom 84907 1 2005033084907.pdf 2005033084907.htm Coletica 84951 1 2005033084951.pdf 2005033084951.htm Highwave Optical Technologies 84932 1 2005033084932.pdf 2005033084932.htm
Affine 05840 1 2005112105840.pdf 2005112105840.htm Caisses locales affiliées à la Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Nord Est 05801 3 2005112105801.pdf 2005112105801.htm Coficup 05628 1 2005112105628.pdf 2005112105628.htm Duo Habitat 05906 1 2005112105906.pdf 2005112105906.htm Exonhit Therapeutics 05857 1 2005112105857.pdf 2005112105857.htm Overlap Groupe 05897 6 2005112105897.pdf 2005112105897.htm Soficinéma 3 05876 2 2005112105876.pdf 2005112105876.htm Banque fédérale des banques populaires 05777 2 2005112105777.pdf 2005112105777.htm Bastide, Le confort médical 05887 1 2005112105887.pdf 2005112105887.htm R Betelgeuse 05877 2 2005112105877.pdf 2005112105877.htm Cider Santé 05809 1 2005112105809.pdf 2005112105809.htm Europe Israel Croissance 05894 1 2005112105894.pdf 2005112105894.htm Fima France Actions 05905 1 2005112105905.pdf 2005112105905.htm Fortis Liquidity High Grade EUR 05851 2 2005112105851.pdf 2005112105851.htm ITS Seevia Group 05898 2 2005112105898.pdf 2005112105898.htm Lacroix S.A. 05860 1 2005112105860.pdf 2005112105860.htm Mutuassur Obligations 05855 1 2005112105855.pdf 2005112105855.htm Placements Convertibles Internationales 05206 1 2005112105206.pdf 2005112105206.htm Sofradécor 05755 2 2005112105755.pdf 2005112105755.htm Sophia GE 05853 2 2005112105853.pdf 2005112105853.htm Thiriet Patrimoine 05866 1 2005112105866.pdf 2005112105866.htm Victoire Sirius 05895 1 2005112105895.pdf 2005112105895.htm Wavecom 05888 2 2005112105888.pdf 2005112105888.htm CAAM Monedyn Etat Décembre 05892 1 2005112105892.pdf 2005112105892.htm Eurofederal France Luxembourg Invest 05871 1 2005112105871.pdf 2005112105871.htm Alti SA 05904 1 2005112105904.pdf 2005112105904.htm Banque du batiment et des travaux publics "BTP Banque" 05901 2 2005112105901.pdf 2005112105901.htm BPN-SGPS (SA) 05116 3 2005112105116.pdf 2005112105116.htm Bricodeal 05060 10 2005112105060.pdf 2005112105060.htm Business et Décision 05096 11 2005112105096.pdf 2005112105096.htm 200511210509601.gif Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bourgogne 05827 1 2005112105827.pdf 2005112105827.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Atlantique Vendée 05903 18 2005112105903.pdf 2005112105903.htm Calyon 05837 2 2005112105837.pdf 2005112105837.htm Capelli 05902 1 2005112105902.pdf 2005112105902.htm Citel 05869 1 2005112105869.pdf 2005112105869.htm Conflandey S.A. 99970 6 2005112199970.pdf 2005112199970.htm Crédit foncier de France (Auxiliaire du) 05859 1 2005112105859.pdf 2005112105859.htm Cybernetix 05830 1 2005112105830.pdf 2005112105830.htm Delfinances 05891 1 2005112105891.pdf 2005112105891.htm Devernois S.A. 05036 10 2005112105036.pdf 2005112105036.htm Digigram 99983 7 2005112199983.pdf 2005112199983.htm Direkt Anlage Bank "DAB Bank" 99930 7 2005112199930.pdf 2005112199930.htm 200511219993001.gif 200511219993002.gif 200511219993003.gif 200511219993004.gif Distriborg Groupe 05070 11 2005112105070.pdf 2005112105070.htm Edition Multi média électroniques 05879 1 2005112105879.pdf 2005112105879.htm Edition Multi média électroniques 05922 1 2005112105922.pdf 2005112105922.htm Elit Group 99697 13 2005112199697.pdf 2005112199697.htm Entreprise de travaux publics de l'Ouest (ETPO) 05890 1 2005112105890.pdf 2005112105890.htm Ester Finance Titrisation 05856 1 2005112105856.pdf 2005112105856.htm Faros 05908 1 2005112105908.pdf 2005112105908.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines "Sofibus" (Société financière pour le) 05849 1 2005112105849.pdf 2005112105849.htm Foncière des Murs 05841 2 2005112105841.pdf 2005112105841.htm Gaumont Pathé Archives 05788 1 2005112105788.pdf 2005112105788.htm Gaumont Vidéo 05789 1 2005112105789.pdf 2005112105789.htm Groupe Flo 05893 1 2005112105893.pdf 2005112105893.htm Groupe Guillin 05122 11 2005112105122.pdf 2005112105122.htm HR Oblig 99922 3 2005112199922.pdf 2005112199922.htm Icade Foncière des Pimonts 05867 1 2005112105867.pdf 2005112105867.htm KBL France 05854 1 2005112105854.pdf 2005112105854.htm Marocaine (Compagnie) 05845 1 2005112105845.pdf 2005112105845.htm Orpea 05517 12 2005112105517.pdf 2005112105517.htm Penauille Polyservices 99719 23 2005112199719.pdf 2005112199719.htm Rocamat 05156 16 2005112105156.pdf 2005112105156.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 99936 12 2005112199936.pdf 2005112199936.htm Securidev 05063 14 2005112105063.pdf 2005112105063.htm SoluCom 05745 1 2005112105745.pdf 2005112105745.htm Valtech SA 05848 1 2005112105848.pdf 2005112105848.htm Etudes de travaux et de gestion "Setimeg" (Société d') 05881 1 2005112105881.pdf 2005112105881.htm Groupe JAJ 05796 1 2005112105796.pdf 2005112105796.htm Pernod Ricard 05850 1 2005112105850.pdf 2005112105850.htm Theolia 05862 1 2005112105862.pdf 2005112105862.htm Décisions et informations 01139 6 2005112101139.pdf 2005112101139.htm
Ocei 06744 2 2005120706744.pdf 2005120706744.htm Overlap Groupe 06765 1 2005120706765.pdf 2005120706765.htm Paref 06767 7 2005120706767.pdf 2005120706767.htm Crédit agricole SA 06787 1 2005120706787.pdf 2005120706787.htm A Crédit agricole SA 06788 1 2005120706788.pdf 2005120706788.htm A Société générale 06707 2 2005120706707.pdf 2005120706707.htm Barclays Global Investors Cash Selection Funds Plc 06769 1 2005120706769.pdf 2005120706769.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 06605 3 2005120706605.pdf 2005120706605.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 06759 5 2005120706759.pdf 2005120706759.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 06760 2 2005120706760.pdf 2005120706760.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 06761 2 2005120706761.pdf 2005120706761.htm Accor 06789 8 2005120706789.pdf 2005120706789.htm Aurel Leven Europe 06745 1 2005120706745.pdf 2005120706745.htm B.F.T. Valor Une 06047 2 2005120706047.pdf 2005120706047.htm Bourse Direct 06686 3 2005120706686.pdf 2005120706686.htm Dexia Allocation 06766 1 2005120706766.pdf 2005120706766.htm Louvre Multi Select 06701 2 2005120706701.pdf 2005120706701.htm Objectif Sécurité 06700 1 2005120706700.pdf 2005120706700.htm Sogéaction Opportunités France 06729 2 2005120706729.pdf 2005120706729.htm Sogéaction Opportunités France 06730 1 2005120706730.pdf 2005120706730.htm Sogeactions Marchés Emergents 06739 2 2005120706739.pdf 2005120706739.htm Sogeactions Monde 06741 1 2005120706741.pdf 2005120706741.htm Sogeactions Pacifique 06737 2 2005120706737.pdf 2005120706737.htm Sogeoblig Convertibles Europe 06771 1 2005120706771.pdf 2005120706771.htm Sogeoblig Euro Evolutif 06752 1 2005120706752.pdf 2005120706752.htm Sogesector Techno Europe 06738 2 2005120706738.pdf 2005120706738.htm Vontobel Fund Sicav 06604 1 2005120706604.pdf 2005120706604.htm Vectrane 06688 1 2005120706688.pdf 2005120706688.htm Déclic Actions Euro Sogeactions Allemagne Sogeactions Italie Sogeactions Espagne Sogeactions Royaume Uni Soge Audace Rotation Sectorielle Europe 06704 2 2005120706704.pdf 2005120706704.htm Déclic Oblig Euro Evolutif 06748 1 2005120706748.pdf 2005120706748.htm Objectif Sécurité 06699 2 2005120706699.pdf 2005120706699.htm Sogéaction Opportunités France 06728 1 2005120706728.pdf 2005120706728.htm Sogeactions Marchés Emergents 06740 1 2005120706740.pdf 2005120706740.htm Sogeactions Monde 06742 2 2005120706742.pdf 2005120706742.htm Sogeactions Pacifique 06743 2 2005120706743.pdf 2005120706743.htm Sogeoblig Convertibles Europe 06770 2 2005120706770.pdf 2005120706770.htm Sogeoblig Euro Evolutif 06753 1 2005120706753.pdf 2005120706753.htm Sogesector Prestige et luxe Sogesector Finance Sogesector Santé 06732 2 2005120706732.pdf 2005120706732.htm Affine 06692 1 2005120706692.pdf 2005120706692.htm Archos 06776 13 2005120706776.pdf 2005120706776.htm Banque centrale de compensation 06754 1 2005120706754.pdf 2005120706754.htm R Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud Rhone Alpes 06709 18 2005120706709.pdf 2005120706709.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen 06689 1 2005120706689.pdf 2005120706689.htm Etudes et de gestion financière Meeschaert (Société d') 06683 5 2005120706683.pdf 2005120706683.htm Financement de la meunerie (Société de) 06717 1 2005120706717.pdf 2005120706717.htm Groupe JAJ 06680 2 2005120706680.pdf 2005120706680.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 06684 1 2005120706684.pdf 2005120706684.htm R Ilog 06658 1 2005120706658.pdf 2005120706658.htm Kingfisher plc 06720 1 2005120706720.pdf 2005120706720.htm Lage Landen Leasing SAS (De) 06786 1 2005120706786.pdf 2005120706786.htm Medasys 06780 6 2005120706780.pdf 2005120706780.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 06648 14 2005120706648.pdf 2005120706648.htm Natexis Factorem 06687 1 2005120706687.pdf 2005120706687.htm Neopost S.A. 06782 1 2005120706782.pdf 2005120706782.htm PSB Industries 06813 17 2005120706813.pdf 2005120706813.htm Sasa Industrie 06719 2 2005120706719.pdf 2005120706719.htm Sodelem S.A. 06773 1 2005120706773.pdf 2005120706773.htm Tanneries de France 06685 1 2005120706685.pdf 2005120706685.htm A.S.T. Groupe 06698 1 2005120706698.pdf 2005120706698.htm Axa France Assurance 06724 1 2005120706724.pdf 2005120706724.htm Cegid SA 06785 1 2005120706785.pdf 2005120706785.htm LaCie Group S.A. 06706 1 2005120706706.pdf 2005120706706.htm Manoukian (Alain) 06721 1 2005120706721.pdf 2005120706721.htm Décisions et informations 01146 9 2005120701146.pdf 2005120701146.htm
Fidelity Sicav 80886 1 2005011780886.pdf 2005011780886.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce "Silic" (Société immobilière de) 80917 3 2005011780917.pdf 2005011780917.htm Sanofi-Aventis (Rectificatif) 80883 1 2005011780883.pdf 2005011780883.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 80717 2 2005011780717.pdf 2005011780717.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 80682 3 2005011780682.pdf 2005011780682.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 80716 1 2005011780716.pdf 2005011780716.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 80681 2 2005011780681.pdf 2005011780681.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 80680 2 2005011780680.pdf 2005011780680.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 80833 2 2005011780833.pdf 2005011780833.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 80893 2 2005011780893.pdf 2005011780893.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 80892 1 2005011780892.pdf 2005011780892.htm Acadomia Groupe 80880 3 2005011780880.pdf 2005011780880.htm CA-AM Actions Orient 80888 1 2005011780888.pdf 2005011780888.htm Dexia Obli-Inter 80860 1 2005011780860.pdf 2005011780860.htm Elysées Laffitte Résidence 80769 2 2005011780769.pdf 2005011780769.htm Investissement en valeurs françaises "Slivafrance" (Société lyonnaise d') 80889 2 2005011780889.pdf 2005011780889.htm Sogécinéma 4 80864 1 2005011780864.pdf 2005011780864.htm Acadomia Groupe 80881 6 2005011780881.pdf 2005011780881.htm Crédit financier lillois (C.F.L.) 80865 1 2005011780865.pdf 2005011780865.htm Cybergun 80885 8 2005011780885.pdf 2005011780885.htm Ecureuil Vie 80768 11 2005011780768.pdf 2005011780768.htm Tonnellerie François Frères 80622 4 2005011780622.pdf 2005011780622.htm Trigano 80867 2 2005011780867.pdf 2005011780867.htm Trigano 80861 1 2005011780861.pdf 2005011780861.htm Acanthe Développement 80877 1 2005011780877.pdf 2005011780877.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 80834 1 2005011780834.pdf 2005011780834.htm Pictet Fixed Income Fund 80278 1 2005011780278.pdf 2005011780278.htm Trigano 80868 1 2005011780868.pdf 2005011780868.htm Décisions et informations 01007 9 2005011701007.pdf 2005011701007.htm
Eurazeo 88097 2 2005051388097.pdf 2005051388097.htm Sanef (Additif) 88258 1 2005051388258.pdf 2005051388258.htm Agta Record 88307 1 2005051388307.pdf 2005051388307.htm Alcatel 88270 2 2005051388270.pdf 2005051388270.htm B.F.C. Holding 88216 2 2005051388216.pdf 2005051388216.htm Banque Populaire Image 5 87621 2 2005051387621.pdf 2005051387621.htm Banque populaire Images 4 87620 1 2005051387620.pdf 2005051387620.htm Bati Première 88027 2 2005051388027.pdf 2005051388027.htm Business & Décision 88187 2 2005051388187.pdf 2005051388187.htm Cardif Euro Opportunités 88063 2 2005051388063.pdf 2005051388063.htm Carrere Group 88014 2 2005051388014.pdf 2005051388014.htm Carrimages 87944 1 2005051387944.pdf 2005051387944.htm Catering International & Services (CIS) 88286 2 2005051388286.pdf 2005051388286.htm Cofitem - Cofimur 88003 1 2005051388003.pdf 2005051388003.htm Coheris 88172 2 2005051388172.pdf 2005051388172.htm Comalait Groupe 88213 1 2005051388213.pdf 2005051388213.htm Développement et d'expansion « Sade » (Société alsacienne de) 88185 2 2005051388185.pdf 2005051388185.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 87590 1 2005051387590.pdf 2005051387590.htm Empain Graham Développement 88186 1 2005051388186.pdf 2005051388186.htm Explosifs et de produits chimiques (Société anonyme d') 88009 1 2005051388009.pdf 2005051388009.htm Genesys S.A. 87898 7 2005051387898.pdf 2005051387898.htm Gimages 88209 2 2005051388209.pdf 2005051388209.htm Gimages 2 88143 2 2005051388143.pdf 2005051388143.htm Gimages 3 88144 1 2005051388144.pdf 2005051388144.htm Gimages 4 88191 2 2005051388191.pdf 2005051388191.htm Gimages 5 88192 1 2005051388192.pdf 2005051388192.htm Gimages 6 88190 1 2005051388190.pdf 2005051388190.htm GL Trade (Rectificatif) 88222 1 2005051388222.pdf 2005051388222.htm Golf de la Wantzenau (S.C.A. du) 88068 1 2005051388068.pdf 2005051388068.htm Groupe Crit 87991 3 2005051387991.pdf 2005051387991.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle (Rectificatif) 88094 1 2005051388094.pdf 2005051388094.htm Groupe Steria SCA 88154 4 2005051388154.pdf 2005051388154.htm Hologram.Industries 88064 3 2005051388064.pdf 2005051388064.htm Ideal Medical Products 88318 2 2005051388318.pdf 2005051388318.htm IDS S.A. (Rectificatif) 88022 1 2005051388022.pdf 2005051388022.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais 87638 3 2005051387638.pdf 2005051387638.htm Louvre - Groupe du Louvre (Société du) (Rectificatif) 87976 1 2005051387976.pdf 2005051387976.htm Marocaine (Compagnie) 88138 2 2005051388138.pdf 2005051388138.htm Mecelec 88175 2 2005051388175.pdf 2005051388175.htm Millifin 87941 2 2005051387941.pdf 2005051387941.htm Moria 88210 2 2005051388210.pdf 2005051388210.htm Natexis Banques populaires Images 87613 1 2005051387613.pdf 2005051387613.htm Natexis Banques populaires Images 2 87617 2 2005051387617.pdf 2005051387617.htm Natexis Banques populaires Images 3 87618 1 2005051387618.pdf 2005051387618.htm Nexity 88156 3 2005051388156.pdf 2005051388156.htm NSC Groupe 87983 3 2005051387983.pdf 2005051387983.htm Objectif Rendement 88208 2 2005051388208.pdf 2005051388208.htm Passat 88273 2 2005051388273.pdf 2005051388273.htm Patripierre 4 88277 2 2005051388277.pdf 2005051388277.htm Petit forestier 88206 3 2005051388206.pdf 2005051388206.htm Phone Systems & Network 88248 2 2005051388248.pdf 2005051388248.htm Rexan 88104 1 2005051388104.pdf 2005051388104.htm Riber 87966 3 2005051387966.pdf 2005051387966.htm Sabeton (Rectificatif) 88418 2 2005051388418.pdf 2005051388418.htm Sasa Industrie 88040 2 2005051388040.pdf 2005051388040.htm Scor 88188 7 2005051388188.pdf 2005051388188.htm SIIC de Paris 8e 88005 1 2005051388005.pdf 2005051388005.htm Siparex Croissance 88303 1 2005051388303.pdf 2005051388303.htm Soditech Ingénierie 88137 2 2005051388137.pdf 2005051388137.htm Sofi 17 2000 88165 1 2005051388165.pdf 2005051388165.htm Sofica Valor 6 88006 1 2005051388006.pdf 2005051388006.htm Sofica Valor 7 88023 2 2005051388023.pdf 2005051388023.htm Stef-TFE (Rectificatif) 88279 1 2005051388279.pdf 2005051388279.htm Studio Images 5 88207 1 2005051388207.pdf 2005051388207.htm Studio Images 6 88205 1 2005051388205.pdf 2005051388205.htm Studio Images 7 88195 2 2005051388195.pdf 2005051388195.htm Studio Images 8 88194 2 2005051388194.pdf 2005051388194.htm Studio Images 9 88197 1 2005051388197.pdf 2005051388197.htm Synergie 88285 2 2005051388285.pdf 2005051388285.htm Tempo 7 88124 1 2005051388124.pdf 2005051388124.htm Tempo Value 88122 2 2005051388122.pdf 2005051388122.htm Tipiak 87895 2 2005051387895.pdf 2005051387895.htm XRT 88015 3 2005051388015.pdf 2005051388015.htm Entenial 88376 1 2005051388376.pdf 2005051388376.htm Cardif Euro Opportunités 87890 1 2005051387890.pdf 2005051387890.htm Cofitem - Cofimur SIIC de Paris 8e 88099 1 2005051388099.pdf 2005051388099.htm Ecureuil Europe Sécurité 4 Ecureuil Europe Sécurité 5 88051 2 2005051388051.pdf 2005051388051.htm 123 Multimédia 88215 1 2005051388215.pdf 2005051388215.htm A.B.C. Arbitrage 88245 1 2005051388245.pdf 2005051388245.htm Acanthe Développement 88291 1 2005051388291.pdf 2005051388291.htm Access Commerce 88181 1 2005051388181.pdf 2005051388181.htm Accor 88301 2 2005051388301.pdf 2005051388301.htm Ada 88243 2 2005051388243.pdf 2005051388243.htm ADT S.I.I.C 88294 1 2005051388294.pdf 2005051388294.htm Algoriel 88200 1 2005051388200.pdf 2005051388200.htm Alliance Développement Capital 88293 1 2005051388293.pdf 2005051388293.htm Alpha Mos 88246 1 2005051388246.pdf 2005051388246.htm Altarea 86790 2 2005051386790.pdf 2005051386790.htm Altedia 88070 1 2005051388070.pdf 2005051388070.htm Alten 88242 1 2005051388242.pdf 2005051388242.htm Alti SA 88142 2 2005051388142.pdf 2005051388142.htm André Trigano (Compagnie internationale) 88211 1 2005051388211.pdf 2005051388211.htm Arbel 88274 1 2005051388274.pdf 2005051388274.htm Arman F02 (SCI) 87910 1 2005051387910.pdf 2005051387910.htm Artprice.Com 88316 2 2005051388316.pdf 2005051388316.htm Assystem Brime 88260 1 2005051388260.pdf 2005051388260.htm Atos Origin 88296 1 2005051388296.pdf 2005051388296.htm Aubay 88151 1 2005051388151.pdf 2005051388151.htm Audika 87856 1 2005051387856.pdf 2005051387856.htm Automa-Tech 88193 2 2005051388193.pdf 2005051388193.htm Avenance 88147 1 2005051388147.pdf 2005051388147.htm Avenir Finance 88153 1 2005051388153.pdf 2005051388153.htm Axa 88238 1 2005051388238.pdf 2005051388238.htm Banque Accord 88237 2 2005051388237.pdf 2005051388237.htm Banque commerciale pour le marché de l'entreprise 87989 6 2005051387989.pdf 2005051387989.htm Banque du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 88039 1 2005051388039.pdf 2005051388039.htm Banque intercontinentale arabe 87994 2 2005051387994.pdf 2005051387994.htm Banque Kolb 87959 1 2005051387959.pdf 2005051387959.htm Banque Laydernier 88026 2 2005051388026.pdf 2005051388026.htm Banque populaire de l'Ouest 87958 6 2005051387958.pdf 2005051387958.htm Banque Tofinso 88290 9 2005051388290.pdf 2005051388290.htm Bernard Loiseau SA 88113 1 2005051388113.pdf 2005051388113.htm Biscuits Gardeil 88025 1 2005051388025.pdf 2005051388025.htm BNP Paribas Private Bank 88234 2 2005051388234.pdf 2005051388234.htm Bolloré 88233 1 2005051388233.pdf 2005051388233.htm Bolloré Investissement 88232 1 2005051388232.pdf 2005051388232.htm Bongrain SA 88139 1 2005051388139.pdf 2005051388139.htm Bourse Direct 88198 2 2005051388198.pdf 2005051388198.htm Boursorama 88092 1 2005051388092.pdf 2005051388092.htm Bouygues 88176 1 2005051388176.pdf 2005051388176.htm Bouygues 88177 1 2005051388177.pdf 2005051388177.htm Bull 88086 1 2005051388086.pdf 2005051388086.htm Business Interactif SA 88284 1 2005051388284.pdf 2005051388284.htm Business Objects SA 88059 1 2005051388059.pdf 2005051388059.htm Cafom 88289 1 2005051388289.pdf 2005051388289.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Lorraine 88031 2 2005051388031.pdf 2005051388031.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays de la Loire 88326 22 2005051388326.pdf 2005051388326.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Pas-de-Calais 87956 10 2005051387956.pdf 2005051387956.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Provence-Alpes-Corse 88268 1 2005051388268.pdf 2005051388268.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Dijon 88035 1 2005051388035.pdf 2005051388035.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Lyon 87962 1 2005051387962.pdf 2005051387962.htm Caisse de garantie du logement locatif social 87957 1 2005051387957.pdf 2005051387957.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Paris et d'Ile-de-France 87967 1 2005051387967.pdf 2005051387967.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Provence Cote d'azur 88128 23 2005051388128.pdf 2005051388128.htm Camaieu 88314 1 2005051388314.pdf 2005051388314.htm Cambodge (Compagnie du) 88227 1 2005051388227.pdf 2005051388227.htm Carrefour 88239 1 2005051388239.pdf 2005051388239.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 88004 1 2005051388004.pdf 2005051388004.htm Cegedim 88236 2 2005051388236.pdf 2005051388236.htm Cerep 88013 1 2005051388013.pdf 2005051388013.htm CFF Recycling 88018 1 2005051388018.pdf 2005051388018.htm CGBI 88219 1 2005051388219.pdf 2005051388219.htm Chabert Duval Groupe 88011 1 2005051388011.pdf 2005051388011.htm Chemunex 88221 1 2005051388221.pdf 2005051388221.htm Cider Santé 88115 2 2005051388115.pdf 2005051388115.htm CNP Assurances 88302 1 2005051388302.pdf 2005051388302.htm Coheris 88171 1 2005051388171.pdf 2005051388171.htm Colas Est 87960 1 2005051387960.pdf 2005051387960.htm Colas Midi Méditerranée 88043 1 2005051388043.pdf 2005051388043.htm Crédit agricole investor services bank 87997 1 2005051387997.pdf 2005051387997.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Ile-de-France 88029 1 2005051388029.pdf 2005051388029.htm Crédit immobilier de France Bretagne Atlantique 87987 1 2005051387987.pdf 2005051387987.htm Crédit mutuel (Compagnie financière du) 88042 9 2005051388042.pdf 2005051388042.htm Cross Systems Company 88320 1 2005051388320.pdf 2005051388320.htm Cyber Press Publishing 88313 1 2005051388313.pdf 2005051388313.htm Cybernetix 88256 1 2005051388256.pdf 2005051388256.htm Dane-Elec Memory SA 88327 12 2005051388327.pdf 2005051388327.htm Delachaux S.A. 88118 1 2005051388118.pdf 2005051388118.htm Développement des opérations de crédit-bail immobilier « Sogébail » (Société générale pour le) 88049 1 2005051388049.pdf 2005051388049.htm Devernois S.A. 87767 8 2005051387767.pdf 2005051387767.htm Devoteam 88163 1 2005051388163.pdf 2005051388163.htm Diagnostic Medical Systems (DMS) 87984 1 2005051387984.pdf 2005051387984.htm Didot-Bottin 88308 1 2005051388308.pdf 2005051388308.htm Digigram 88058 1 2005051388058.pdf 2005051388058.htm Dior (Christian) 88299 1 2005051388299.pdf 2005051388299.htm Duc 88149 1 2005051388149.pdf 2005051388149.htm Duc Lamothe Participations 88325 1 2005051388325.pdf 2005051388325.htm Dynaction 88257 1 2005051388257.pdf 2005051388257.htm E.S.R. 88066 1 2005051388066.pdf 2005051388066.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 88292 1 2005051388292.pdf 2005051388292.htm Elior Data 88146 1 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Groupe Crit 88259 1 2005051388259.pdf 2005051388259.htm Groupe Flo 88164 2 2005051388164.pdf 2005051388164.htm Groupe Focal 88265 1 2005051388265.pdf 2005051388265.htm Groupe Médiagérance 88173 1 2005051388173.pdf 2005051388173.htm Groupe Silicomp 88116 1 2005051388116.pdf 2005051388116.htm Groupe Steria SCA 88240 1 2005051388240.pdf 2005051388240.htm Groupe Taittinger 88348 2 2005051388348.pdf 2005051388348.htm Havas 88288 1 2005051388288.pdf 2005051388288.htm High Co. 88271 1 2005051388271.pdf 2005051388271.htm HSBC CCF Leasing 88255 1 2005051388255.pdf 2005051388255.htm IB Group 88275 1 2005051388275.pdf 2005051388275.htm ICADE EMGP 87402 1 2005051387402.pdf 2005051387402.htm ICADE EMGP 88082 1 2005051388082.pdf 2005051388082.htm Icom Informatique 87742 1 2005051387742.pdf 2005051387742.htm Idifine 88045 1 2005051388045.pdf 2005051388045.htm IEC Professionnel Média 88162 1 2005051388162.pdf 2005051388162.htm Iliad 88120 1 2005051388120.pdf 2005051388120.htm Imecom Group 88304 1 2005051388304.pdf 2005051388304.htm Immobilière hôtelière SA 88323 1 2005051388323.pdf 2005051388323.htm Industrielle et financière d'ingénierie « Ingenico » (Compagnie) 88231 1 2005051388231.pdf 2005051388231.htm Industrielle et financière de l'Artois (Société) 88225 1 2005051388225.pdf 2005051388225.htm Infogrames Entertainment 88282 2 2005051388282.pdf 2005051388282.htm Infotel 88077 1 2005051388077.pdf 2005051388077.htm ING Lease France SA 87964 1 2005051387964.pdf 2005051387964.htm Initiative & Finance Investissement 88117 1 2005051388117.pdf 2005051388117.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais 87867 1 2005051387867.pdf 2005051387867.htm Intercall 88123 5 2005051388123.pdf 2005051388123.htm Keyrus 87968 1 2005051387968.pdf 2005051387968.htm Kindy 88184 1 2005051388184.pdf 2005051388184.htm Lafuma 88019 1 2005051388019.pdf 2005051388019.htm Lagardère SCA 88095 1 2005051388095.pdf 2005051388095.htm Laurent-Perrier 88073 1 2005051388073.pdf 2005051388073.htm LDLC.Com 88083 1 2005051388083.pdf 2005051388083.htm Linedata Services 88161 1 2005051388161.pdf 2005051388161.htm Louvre - Groupe du Louvre (Société du) 88346 1 2005051388346.pdf 2005051388346.htm LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton 88251 2 2005051388251.pdf 2005051388251.htm Matussière et Forest S.A. 88079 1 2005051388079.pdf 2005051388079.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 88261 1 2005051388261.pdf 2005051388261.htm Medasys 88020 1 2005051388020.pdf 2005051388020.htm Medcost 88125 1 2005051388125.pdf 2005051388125.htm Média 6 87809 1 2005051387809.pdf 2005051387809.htm Medidep 88158 1 2005051388158.pdf 2005051388158.htm Métaleurop S.A. 88278 1 2005051388278.pdf 2005051388278.htm Métrologic Group 88030 1 2005051388030.pdf 2005051388030.htm Métropole Télévision - M6 88283 2 2005051388283.pdf 2005051388283.htm Micropole-Univers 88298 1 2005051388298.pdf 2005051388298.htm Naturex 88080 10 2005051388080.pdf 2005051388080.htm NeTra Systems 88269 1 2005051388269.pdf 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S.A.(Etablissements) 88262 1 2005051388262.pdf 2005051388262.htm Précia 88136 1 2005051388136.pdf 2005051388136.htm Prodef 88235 1 2005051388235.pdf 2005051388235.htm Produits chimiques auxiliaires et de synthèse 88174 1 2005051388174.pdf 2005051388174.htm Prologue Software 88300 1 2005051388300.pdf 2005051388300.htm Promotion des professions libérales du Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Ardennes - Somme - Aisne « Soprolib Nord » (Société pour la) 88217 1 2005051388217.pdf 2005051388217.htm Public Système (Le) 88632 1 2005051388632.pdf 2005051388632.htm Quantel 88310 1 2005051388310.pdf 2005051388310.htm Regina Rubens 88075 6 2005051388075.pdf 2005051388075.htm Réponse 87799 1 2005051387799.pdf 2005051387799.htm Rhodia 88276 1 2005051388276.pdf 2005051388276.htm Rocamat 88287 1 2005051388287.pdf 2005051388287.htm Rodriguez Group 87998 1 2005051387998.pdf 2005051387998.htm Saga 88229 1 2005051388229.pdf 2005051388229.htm Sagem SA 88266 1 2005051388266.pdf 2005051388266.htm Sairp Composites 88311 1 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Téléperformance 88180 1 2005051388180.pdf 2005051388180.htm Streit Industries 88212 1 2005051388212.pdf 2005051388212.htm Sylis 88333 1 2005051388333.pdf 2005051388333.htm Team Partners Group 88074 1 2005051388074.pdf 2005051388074.htm Teamlog 88305 1 2005051388305.pdf 2005051388305.htm Technip 88135 1 2005051388135.pdf 2005051388135.htm Téléflex Lionel-Dupont 88034 1 2005051388034.pdf 2005051388034.htm Tessi 87561 1 2005051387561.pdf 2005051387561.htm Tête dans les nuages (La) 87652 1 2005051387652.pdf 2005051387652.htm Thales 88105 1 2005051388105.pdf 2005051388105.htm Tharreau Industries 88088 1 2005051388088.pdf 2005051388088.htm Tivoly S.A. 88114 1 2005051388114.pdf 2005051388114.htm Total SA 87977 1 2005051387977.pdf 2005051387977.htm Touax SA 88126 2 2005051388126.pdf 2005051388126.htm Tour Eiffel (Société de la) 88202 1 2005051388202.pdf 2005051388202.htm U10 87833 16 2005051387833.pdf 2005051387833.htm U10 88247 1 2005051388247.pdf 2005051388247.htm Unibail Holding 88054 1 2005051388054.pdf 2005051388054.htm Unibel 88109 1 2005051388109.pdf 2005051388109.htm Unilog S.A. 87993 1 2005051387993.pdf 2005051387993.htm Union Technologies Informatique Group 88253 1 2005051388253.pdf 2005051388253.htm Valeo 88309 1 2005051388309.pdf 2005051388309.htm Verneuil Participations 88072 1 2005051388072.pdf 2005051388072.htm Viel & Compagnie 88152 1 2005051388152.pdf 2005051388152.htm Virbac 88028 2 2005051388028.pdf 2005051388028.htm Visiodent 87706 1 2005051387706.pdf 2005051387706.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole (Rectificatif) 88036 2 2005051388036.pdf 2005051388036.htm Wendel investissement 88252 1 2005051388252.pdf 2005051388252.htm Apem 87598 1 2005051387598.pdf 2005051387598.htm Callander Managers SA 88315 1 2005051388315.pdf 2005051388315.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 88179 1 2005051388179.pdf 2005051388179.htm Cegedim 88046 1 2005051388046.pdf 2005051388046.htm Delmon Industrie 88203 1 2005051388203.pdf 2005051388203.htm Gaumont 88220 1 2005051388220.pdf 2005051388220.htm Guy Couach 87990 1 2005051387990.pdf 2005051387990.htm Guy Degrenne 88078 1 2005051388078.pdf 2005051388078.htm Icom Informatique 87450 1 2005051387450.pdf 2005051387450.htm Renault 88100 1 2005051388100.pdf 2005051388100.htm Sequana Capital 88281 1 2005051388281.pdf 2005051388281.htm Sword Group 88321 1 2005051388321.pdf 2005051388321.htm Sword Group 88322 1 2005051388322.pdf 2005051388322.htm Vinci 88228 1 2005051388228.pdf 2005051388228.htm Approbation de règles d'entreprises de marché et de chambres de compensation 02000 7 2005051302000.pdf 2005051302000.htm Décisions et Informations 01057 7 2005051301057.pdf 2005051301057.htm
Cesar 90874 3 2005061090874.pdf 2005061090874.htm Oxymétal S.A. 90669 3 2005061090669.pdf 2005061090669.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de l'Anjou et du Maine 90873 3 2005061090873.pdf 2005061090873.htm Unilog S.A. 90844 7 2005061090844.pdf 2005061090844.htm Société générale 90784 2 2005061090784.pdf 2005061090784.htm Société générale 90810 1 2005061090810.pdf 2005061090810.htm Société générale 90811 2 2005061090811.pdf 2005061090811.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 90885 4 2005061090885.pdf 2005061090885.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 90879 2 2005061090879.pdf 2005061090879.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 90881 4 2005061090881.pdf 2005061090881.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 90883 2 2005061090883.pdf 2005061090883.htm Ateliers de construction Schwartz-Hautmont 90742 1 2005061090742.pdf 2005061090742.htm Aurel Leven Europe 90700 1 2005061090700.pdf 2005061090700.htm Aurel Leven Invest-immo 90701 1 2005061090701.pdf 2005061090701.htm Aurel Leven Obligations 90702 1 2005061090702.pdf 2005061090702.htm Aurel Leven Trésorerie 90703 1 2005061090703.pdf 2005061090703.htm B.T.P. 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Martin-Maurel 90718 5 2005061090718.pdf 2005061090718.htm Banque Michel Inchauspe 90803 1 2005061090803.pdf 2005061090803.htm Banque nationale de Paris intercontinentale 90725 1 2005061090725.pdf 2005061090725.htm Banque privée Saint Dominique 90856 1 2005061090856.pdf 2005061090856.htm Banque Safra-France 90738 1 2005061090738.pdf 2005061090738.htm Barclays Asset Management France BAMF 90739 1 2005061090739.pdf 2005061090739.htm Barclays Bank Plc 90673 41 2005061090673.pdf 2005061090673.htm Biotherm Distribution et Cie 90761 1 2005061090761.pdf 2005061090761.htm BNP Paribas Invest Immo 90825 1 2005061090825.pdf 2005061090825.htm C2S 90859 1 2005061090859.pdf 2005061090859.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Centre Val de Loire 90827 10 2005061090827.pdf 2005061090827.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Nîmes 90721 1 2005061090721.pdf 2005061090721.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord de France 90798 1 2005061090798.pdf 2005061090798.htm Cape Holding 90862 1 2005061090862.pdf 2005061090862.htm Capitole-Finance 90678 1 2005061090678.pdf 2005061090678.htm Casinos (Compagnie européenne de) 90841 1 2005061090841.pdf 2005061090841.htm Casinos de Vichy 90842 1 2005061090842.pdf 2005061090842.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Massif Central (Société de) 90728 1 2005061090728.pdf 2005061090728.htm Caution mutuelle des fonctionnaires et assimilés du Massif Central « Acef Massif Central » (Société de) 90731 1 2005061090731.pdf 2005061090731.htm Chargeurs 90887 2 2005061090887.pdf 2005061090887.htm Cicobail 90370 13 2005061090370.pdf 2005061090370.htm Club Med centre d'appel européen 90843 1 2005061090843.pdf 2005061090843.htm CM-CIC Securities 90745 7 2005061090745.pdf 2005061090745.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 90719 18 2005061090719.pdf 2005061090719.htm Crédit des sociétés d'assurances à caractère mutuel « Socram » (Société de) (Rectificatif) 90839 1 2005061090839.pdf 2005061090839.htm Crédit immobilier (Société havraise de) 90708 1 2005061090708.pdf 2005061090708.htm Crédit immobilier Axialim (Société anonyme de) 90869 1 2005061090869.pdf 2005061090869.htm Crédit immobilier Axialim (Société anonyme de) 90871 1 2005061090871.pdf 2005061090871.htm Crédit immobilier de Bretagne (Financière régionale de) 90759 9 2005061090759.pdf 2005061090759.htm Crédit immobilier des prévoyants (Société anonyme de) 90855 12 2005061090855.pdf 2005061090855.htm Crédit municipal de Nantes 90819 1 2005061090819.pdf 2005061090819.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 90726 6 2005061090726.pdf 2005061090726.htm Cross Systems Company 90748 14 2005061090748.pdf 2005061090748.htm Développement régional du Sud-Ouest « Expanso SDR » (Société de) 90838 1 2005061090838.pdf 2005061090838.htm Devernois S.A. 89335 6 2005061089335.pdf 2005061089335.htm Diagnostic Medical Systems (DMS) 90720 15 2005061090720.pdf 2005061090720.htm Dior (Christian) 90884 1 2005061090884.pdf 2005061090884.htm Efiposte 90640 2 2005061090640.pdf 2005061090640.htm Elysée Palace Expansion 90846 1 2005061090846.pdf 2005061090846.htm Ergifrance 90830 4 2005061090830.pdf 2005061090830.htm Fapagau et Compagnie 90867 1 2005061090867.pdf 2005061090867.htm Faros 90775 17 2005061090775.pdf 2005061090775.htm Faros 90836 2 2005061090836.pdf 2005061090836.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 90722 6 2005061090722.pdf 2005061090722.htm Finagestion 90849 1 2005061090849.pdf 2005061090849.htm Financement foncier (Compagnie de) 90705 1 2005061090705.pdf 2005061090705.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial "Finaref" (Société de) 90802 16 2005061090802.pdf 2005061090802.htm Financière de l'Orée du Bois 90850 1 2005061090850.pdf 2005061090850.htm Financière des Quatre saisons 90851 1 2005061090851.pdf 2005061090851.htm Financière immobilière Calyon 90829 5 2005061090829.pdf 2005061090829.htm Financière Martin Maurel (Compagnie) 90717 6 2005061090717.pdf 2005061090717.htm Foncière lyonnaise (Société) 90797 1 2005061090797.pdf 2005061090797.htm Forges Thermal 90845 1 2005061090845.pdf 2005061090845.htm Fortis Investment Finance 90789 6 2005061090789.pdf 2005061090789.htm Fortis lease 90723 8 2005061090723.pdf 2005061090723.htm Garantie coopérative et mutuelle des industries métallurgiques, électriques et connexes de la région Rhône-Alpes « Somudimec » (Société de) 90679 1 2005061090679.pdf 2005061090679.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 90834 2 2005061090834.pdf 2005061090834.htm Groupe Seb Moulinex 90712 1 2005061090712.pdf 2005061090712.htm Guy Degrenne 90776 2 2005061090776.pdf 2005061090776.htm HBS Technologie SA 90159 1 2005061090159.pdf 2005061090159.htm HPC 90858 1 2005061090858.pdf 2005061090858.htm IBM France Financement 89543 5 2005061089543.pdf 2005061089543.htm IBM France Financement 90833 1 2005061090833.pdf 2005061090833.htm Kingfisher plc 90804 1 2005061090804.pdf 2005061090804.htm Lancôme Parfums Beauté et Cie 90771 1 2005061090771.pdf 2005061090771.htm Loin 90744 1 2005061090744.pdf 2005061090744.htm M.A.C.C. 90790 1 2005061090790.pdf 2005061090790.htm M.R.M. 90689 8 2005061090689.pdf 2005061090689.htm M.R.M. 90772 1 2005061090772.pdf 2005061090772.htm Michelin, Michelin et Cie (Compagnie générale des Etablissements ) 90876 1 2005061090876.pdf 2005061090876.htm Neopost S.A. 90707 22 2005061090707.pdf 2005061090707.htm Nissan France SA 90762 1 2005061090762.pdf 2005061090762.htm Octo Finances 90853 1 2005061090853.pdf 2005061090853.htm Oréal Produits de luxe France (L') 90760 1 2005061090760.pdf 2005061090760.htm Parel 90788 6 2005061090788.pdf 2005061090788.htm Parsys 90693 1 2005061090693.pdf 2005061090693.htm Petit forestier 90805 17 2005061090805.pdf 2005061090805.htm Pochet S.A. 90676 1 2005061090676.pdf 2005061090676.htm Refco Securities S.A. 90696 1 2005061090696.pdf 2005061090696.htm Route de la Reine (SCI de la) 90733 1 2005061090733.pdf 2005061090733.htm Rubinstein (Helena) 90886 1 2005061090886.pdf 2005061090886.htm Sam 90690 2 2005061090690.pdf 2005061090690.htm Scor 90763 28 2005061090763.pdf 2005061090763.htm Seb S.A. 90711 1 2005061090711.pdf 2005061090711.htm Setforge 90697 2 2005061090697.pdf 2005061090697.htm Sicavonline vie 90605 1 2005061090605.pdf 2005061090605.htm Sicos et Cie 90868 1 2005061090868.pdf 2005061090868.htm Sodelem S.A. 90754 5 2005061090754.pdf 2005061090754.htm Soficarte 90674 5 2005061090674.pdf 2005061090674.htm Thales Information Systems Group SA 90861 1 2005061090861.pdf 2005061090861.htm Thales Training & Simulation 90740 1 2005061090740.pdf 2005061090740.htm Travaux de l'Océan indien (Les Grands) 90794 1 2005061090794.pdf 2005061090794.htm UCB Entreprises 90826 1 2005061090826.pdf 2005061090826.htm Ulric de Varens 90757 1 2005061090757.pdf 2005061090757.htm Ulric de Varens 90758 9 2005061090758.pdf 2005061090758.htm Union de crédit pour le bâtiment 90824 1 2005061090824.pdf 2005061090824.htm Vivendi Universal 90704 2 2005061090704.pdf 2005061090704.htm W Participations 90743 1 2005061090743.pdf 2005061090743.htm Acanthe Développement 90892 1 2005061090892.pdf 2005061090892.htm Ausy 90795 1 2005061090795.pdf 2005061090795.htm Coletica 90732 1 2005061090732.pdf 2005061090732.htm Deveaux S.A. 90362 1 2005061090362.pdf 2005061090362.htm Fimalac 90781 1 2005061090781.pdf 2005061090781.htm Fleury Michon 90857 1 2005061090857.pdf 2005061090857.htm Hermès International 90643 1 2005061090643.pdf 2005061090643.htm Holding de participation (Société) 90793 1 2005061090793.pdf 2005061090793.htm Itesoft 90894 1 2005061090894.pdf 2005061090894.htm Participation financière industrielle et commerciale « Parfininco » 90792 1 2005061090792.pdf 2005061090792.htm Publicis Groupe S.A. 90729 1 2005061090729.pdf 2005061090729.htm Sam 90691 1 2005061090691.pdf 2005061090691.htm Samse 90822 1 2005061090822.pdf 2005061090822.htm Sécuritest S.A. 90783 1 2005061090783.pdf 2005061090783.htm Setforge 90695 1 2005061090695.pdf 2005061090695.htm Siparex Croissance 90865 1 2005061090865.pdf 2005061090865.htm Tanneries de France 90625 1 2005061090625.pdf 2005061090625.htm Tivoly S.A. 90735 1 2005061090735.pdf 2005061090735.htm Ugigrip 90864 1 2005061090864.pdf 2005061090864.htm Vinci 90555 1 2005061090555.pdf 2005061090555.htm Décisions et Informations 01069 3 2005061001069.pdf 2005061001069.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 02069 9 2005061002069.pdf 2005061002069.htm
C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 97575 2 2005092697575.pdf 2005092697575.htm France Télécom 97601 1 2005092697601.pdf 2005092697601.htm Oddo et Cie 97644 2 2005092697644.pdf 2005092697644.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 97591 2 2005092697591.pdf 2005092697591.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 97555 3 2005092697555.pdf 2005092697555.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 97618 2 2005092697618.pdf 2005092697618.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 97621 4 2005092697621.pdf 2005092697621.htm Alain Afflelou SA 97612 3 2005092697612.pdf 2005092697612.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord de France 97552 1 2005092697552.pdf 2005092697552.htm Carmignac Portfolio 97550 1 2005092697550.pdf 2005092697550.htm Epargne Aguesseau 97606 1 2005092697606.pdf 2005092697606.htm R Fidelity Funds 97529 1 2005092697529.pdf 2005092697529.htm Général Recyclage 97631 2 2005092697631.pdf 2005092697631.htm Provence France II 97571 1 2005092697571.pdf 2005092697571.htm Soge Associa Premier jour 97625 2 2005092697625.pdf 2005092697625.htm Soge Associa Premier jour 97629 2 2005092697629.pdf 2005092697629.htm Banque Pallas Stern 97598 1 2005092697598.pdf 2005092697598.htm Banque Pallas Stern 97599 1 2005092697599.pdf 2005092697599.htm Banque Pallas Stern 97602 2 2005092697602.pdf 2005092697602.htm Banque Pallas Stern 97603 1 2005092697603.pdf 2005092697603.htm Banque Pallas Stern 97604 1 2005092697604.pdf 2005092697604.htm Chausseria (La) 97562 1 2005092697562.pdf 2005092697562.htm Chausseria (La) 97592 2 2005092697592.pdf 2005092697592.htm Intercall 97587 4 2005092697587.pdf 2005092697587.htm Jet Multimédia 97553 8 2005092697553.pdf 2005092697553.htm JPMorgan Chase Bank (Succursale de Paris) 97597 1 2005092697597.pdf 2005092697597.htm Soie (La) 97596 13 2005092697596.pdf 2005092697596.htm S.T.Dupont SA 97613 1 2005092697613.pdf 2005092697613.htm Technodes 97548 1 2005092697548.pdf 2005092697548.htm Participation au développement des entreprises régionales "Participex" (Société de) 97586 1 2005092697586.pdf 2005092697586.htm Décisions et informations 01115 6 2005092601115.pdf 2005092601115.htm
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(Société) 90904 2 2005061590904.pdf 2005061590904.htm Altarea (Rectificatif) 91165 1 2005061591165.pdf 2005061591165.htm Business & Décision (Rectificatif) 91160 1 2005061591160.pdf 2005061591160.htm Cyber Press Publishing (Rectificatif) 91211 2 2005061591211.pdf 2005061591211.htm Entreprises (Compagnie industrielle et financière d') (Rectificatif) 91044 1 2005061591044.pdf 2005061591044.htm Financière Géo « Cofigeo » (Compagnie) (Additif) 91105 1 2005061591105.pdf 2005061591105.htm Flip Technology 91102 1 2005061591102.pdf 2005061591102.htm Groupe Focal 91197 1 2005061591197.pdf 2005061591197.htm HF Company 91162 1 2005061591162.pdf 2005061591162.htm IT Link (Additif) 90996 1 2005061590996.pdf 2005061590996.htm Laurent-Perrier 91212 1 2005061591212.pdf 2005061591212.htm Mercure Avenir 91241 1 2005061591241.pdf 2005061591241.htm Oblisécurité Sicav 91188 1 2005061591188.pdf 2005061591188.htm Participation foncière 1 - P.F.1. (La) 91206 1 2005061591206.pdf 2005061591206.htm Participation foncière 2 - P.F.2. (La) 91205 1 2005061591205.pdf 2005061591205.htm Participation foncière Opportunité (La) 91204 1 2005061591204.pdf 2005061591204.htm Pernod Ricard 91185 1 2005061591185.pdf 2005061591185.htm Placements Chine 90926 2 2005061590926.pdf 2005061590926.htm Rhodia 91145 1 2005061591145.pdf 2005061591145.htm Touax SA (Rectificatif) 91210 3 2005061591210.pdf 2005061591210.htm UBS(F)Sécurité 91198 1 2005061591198.pdf 2005061591198.htm Belvédère 91214 2 2005061591214.pdf 2005061591214.htm Elan Multi Sélection Techno 91120 1 2005061591120.pdf 2005061591120.htm Placements Europe 91139 2 2005061591139.pdf 2005061591139.htm 21 Kleber 91191 1 2005061591191.pdf 2005061591191.htm Aircelle 91149 1 2005061591149.pdf 2005061591149.htm Alcatel 91076 1 2005061591076.pdf 2005061591076.htm Alstom 90561 29 2005061590561.pdf 2005061590561.htm Assurbail 91172 7 2005061591172.pdf 2005061591172.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse-APS 91081 1 2005061591081.pdf 2005061591081.htm Banque d'escompte 91085 1 2005061591085.pdf 2005061591085.htm Banque de Baecque Beau 91094 2 2005061591094.pdf 2005061591094.htm Banque de développement du Conseil de l'Europe 91107 1 2005061591107.pdf 2005061591107.htm Banque de gestion privée Indosuez 90963 16 2005061590963.pdf 2005061590963.htm Banque de La Réunion 91029 11 2005061591029.pdf 2005061591029.htm Banque du Bosphore 91084 1 2005061591084.pdf 2005061591084.htm Banque Espirito Santo et de la Vénétie 91080 11 2005061591080.pdf 2005061591080.htm Banque et d'expansion (Société de) 91127 6 2005061591127.pdf 2005061591127.htm Banque nationale de Paris intercontinentale 91173 1 2005061591173.pdf 2005061591173.htm Banque privée Quilvest 91077 14 2005061591077.pdf 2005061591077.htm Banque Transatlantique 91095 22 2005061591095.pdf 2005061591095.htm Batiroc (Rectificatif) 91117 1 2005061591117.pdf 2005061591117.htm Blédina 91043 1 2005061591043.pdf 2005061591043.htm Caisse centrale du crédit mutuel 91155 11 2005061591155.pdf 2005061591155.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Pas-de-Calais 91177 1 2005061591177.pdf 2005061591177.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Provence-Alpes-Corse (Rectificatif) 91086 1 2005061591086.pdf 2005061591086.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Roubaix 91104 1 2005061591104.pdf 2005061591104.htm Caisse fédérale du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 91075 16 2005061591075.pdf 2005061591075.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 91171 26 2005061591171.pdf 2005061591171.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 91161 1 2005061591161.pdf 2005061591161.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de l'Ouest « Socama Ouest » (Société de) 91091 1 2005061591091.pdf 2005061591091.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de la Bred Banque populaire « Socama Bred » (Société de) 91021 1 2005061591021.pdf 2005061591021.htm CNH Capital Europe 91182 2 2005061591182.pdf 2005061591182.htm Cofica Bail 91189 1 2005061591189.pdf 2005061591189.htm Commerce et l'industrie des sociétés coopératives de consommation et de production « Sicomi-Coop » (Société immobilière pour le) 91203 1 2005061591203.pdf 2005061591203.htm Compagnie 1818 - banquiers privés (La) 91133 1 2005061591133.pdf 2005061591133.htm Concorde Puteaux 91192 1 2005061591192.pdf 2005061591192.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée « Cnim » 91218 2 2005061591218.pdf 2005061591218.htm Crédit foncier de France 91213 2 2005061591213.pdf 2005061591213.htm Crédit foncier de Monaco 91089 6 2005061591089.pdf 2005061591089.htm Crédit foncier de Monaco 91170 1 2005061591170.pdf 2005061591170.htm Crédit immobilier de Champagne-Ardenne (Société de) 91116 1 2005061591116.pdf 2005061591116.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Midi-Pyrénées 90982 4 2005061590982.pdf 2005061590982.htm Crédit Lyonnais Asset Management Finance 91098 1 2005061591098.pdf 2005061591098.htm Crédit mutuel (Compagnie financière du) (Rectificatif) 91156 1 2005061591156.pdf 2005061591156.htm Crédit mutuel Centre Est Europe 91130 17 2005061591130.pdf 2005061591130.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 91175 2 2005061591175.pdf 2005061591175.htm Crédit mutuel Dauphiné Vivarais 91131 7 2005061591131.pdf 2005061591131.htm Crédit mutuel de Loire-Atlantique et du Centre-Ouest 91128 8 2005061591128.pdf 2005061591128.htm Crédit mutuel de Maine-Anjou et Basse-Normandie 91088 14 2005061591088.pdf 2005061591088.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen 91092 10 2005061591092.pdf 2005061591092.htm Crédit mutuel Océan 91090 9 2005061591090.pdf 2005061591090.htm E.T.C. Pollak 90680 1 2005061590680.pdf 2005061590680.htm Egide 91051 16 2005061591051.pdf 2005061591051.htm Entenial 90780 27 2005061590780.pdf 2005061590780.htm Epp Holding 90681 1 2005061590681.pdf 2005061590681.htm Equasante 91024 1 2005061591024.pdf 2005061591024.htm Esi Group 91053 1 2005061591053.pdf 2005061591053.htm Espace Dumont d'Urville 91190 1 2005061591190.pdf 2005061591190.htm Eurohypo Aktiengesellschaft Europaïsche Hypothekenbank der Deutschen Bank 91037 2 2005061591037.pdf 2005061591037.htm Euromedis Groupe 91065 2 2005061591065.pdf 2005061591065.htm Financière Boulogne Technologies 91083 1 2005061591083.pdf 2005061591083.htm Financière d'Uzès 91195 1 2005061591195.pdf 2005061591195.htm Financière de crédit immobilier de Picardie Champagne-Ardenne 91093 10 2005061591093.pdf 2005061591093.htm Financière de la région Ile-de-France (Société) 91157 1 2005061591157.pdf 2005061591157.htm Financière des pays de l'Adour « Sebadour » (Société) 91181 1 2005061591181.pdf 2005061591181.htm Financière franco-néerlandaise 91199 1 2005061591199.pdf 2005061591199.htm Force et lumière électriques (Société de) 91111 1 2005061591111.pdf 2005061591111.htm Fortis Lease Immobilier France 91101 1 2005061591101.pdf 2005061591101.htm Fortis Lease Immobilier France 91103 1 2005061591103.pdf 2005061591103.htm Garantie (Compagnie générale de) 91220 1 2005061591220.pdf 2005061591220.htm GE Money Bank 91028 21 2005061591028.pdf 2005061591028.htm Groupama Epargne salariale 91067 1 2005061591067.pdf 2005061591067.htm Groupe Diffusion Plus 91187 1 2005061591187.pdf 2005061591187.htm Groupe Partouche 91219 1 2005061591219.pdf 2005061591219.htm Guyanor Ressources SA 91052 14 2005061591052.pdf 2005061591052.htm Hôtels et Casino de Deauville (Société des) 90995 1 2005061590995.pdf 2005061590995.htm Issy Desmoulins (SAS) 91193 1 2005061591193.pdf 2005061591193.htm Ixis Investor Services 90314 6 2005061590314.pdf 2005061590314.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 91049 2 2005061591049.pdf 2005061591049.htm Lage Landen Leasing S.A. (De) 91186 1 2005061591186.pdf 2005061591186.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 91068 1 2005061591068.pdf 2005061591068.htm Lloyds TSB Bank Plc Lloyds TSB Bank Plc (Succursale de Monaco) 91178 7 2005061591178.pdf 2005061591178.htm Loisirs Finance 91194 1 2005061591194.pdf 2005061591194.htm Mediatis SA 91153 5 2005061591153.pdf 2005061591153.htm Micropole-Univers 91202 14 2005061591202.pdf 2005061591202.htm Morgan & Cie S.A. (J.P.) 91176 8 2005061591176.pdf 2005061591176.htm Nexans 91216 1 2005061591216.pdf 2005061591216.htm Nord Financement 91106 1 2005061591106.pdf 2005061591106.htm Novacrédit 91087 5 2005061591087.pdf 2005061591087.htm Oxis International, Inc 91048 9 2005061591048.pdf 2005061591048.htm PPR 91019 1 2005061591019.pdf 2005061591019.htm Rénovation et l'équipement du commerce « Socorec » (Société coopérative pour la) 91201 1 2005061591201.pdf 2005061591201.htm Segespar 91097 1 2005061591097.pdf 2005061591097.htm Sogama-Crédit associatif 91200 1 2005061591200.pdf 2005061591200.htm Sopra Group 91144 2 2005061591144.pdf 2005061591144.htm Sygma Banque 91154 7 2005061591154.pdf 2005061591154.htm Team Partners Group 91184 15 2005061591184.pdf 2005061591184.htm Tonnellerie François Frères 91134 1 2005061591134.pdf 2005061591134.htm UBS Holding (France) SA 91223 5 2005061591223.pdf 2005061591223.htm Unibail investissements II 91150 1 2005061591150.pdf 2005061591150.htm Unofi Crédit 91082 1 2005061591082.pdf 2005061591082.htm Vauban Mobilisations Garanties 91113 6 2005061591113.pdf 2005061591113.htm Winvest 5 91027 1 2005061591027.pdf 2005061591027.htm Acanthe Développement 91114 1 2005061591114.pdf 2005061591114.htm 91020 1 2005061591020.pdf 2005061591020.htm Bourbon 91115 1 2005061591115.pdf 2005061591115.htm Burelle S.A. 91038 1 2005061591038.pdf 2005061591038.htm ECA 91054 1 2005061591054.pdf 2005061591054.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 91159 1 2005061591159.pdf 2005061591159.htm Fininvest 91100 1 2005061591100.pdf 2005061591100.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe « Ginger » 91062 1 2005061591062.pdf 2005061591062.htm High Co. 91047 1 2005061591047.pdf 2005061591047.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 91123 1 2005061591123.pdf 2005061591123.htm Latécoère 91063 1 2005061591063.pdf 2005061591063.htm Nexans 91217 1 2005061591217.pdf 2005061591217.htm Oberthur Card Systems SA 91099 1 2005061591099.pdf 2005061591099.htm Participations (FFP) (Société foncière, financière et de) 91050 1 2005061591050.pdf 2005061591050.htm Passage Jouffroy-Denyse Boulland (Société du) 91039 1 2005061591039.pdf 2005061591039.htm Passage Jouffroy-Denyse Boulland (Société du) 91041 1 2005061591041.pdf 2005061591041.htm PPR (Rectificatif) 91096 1 2005061591096.pdf 2005061591096.htm Tanneur & Cie (Le) 91158 1 2005061591158.pdf 2005061591158.htm Vet'affaires 91166 1 2005061591166.pdf 2005061591166.htm Vicat 91124 1 2005061591124.pdf 2005061591124.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 02071 3 2005061502071.pdf 2005061502071.htm Décisions et Informations 01071 4 2005061501071.pdf 2005061501071.htm
Eutelsat Communications 98335 3 2005101298335.pdf 2005101298335.htm M.M. Finances 98337 3 2005101298337.pdf 2005101298337.htm Normaction 98250 3 2005101298250.pdf 2005101298250.htm Staff and Line 98336 6 2005101298336.pdf 2005101298336.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 98289 1 2005101298289.pdf 2005101298289.htm Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland A G et Co. KGaA~ 98311 3 2005101298311.pdf 2005101298311.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 98257 2 2005101298257.pdf 2005101298257.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 98339 1 2005101298339.pdf 2005101298339.htm Autonomie et Solidarité 98308 1 2005101298308.pdf 2005101298308.htm Crédit agricole Funds 98278 1 2005101298278.pdf 2005101298278.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 98304 2 2005101298304.pdf 2005101298304.htm Général Recyclage 98343 3 2005101298343.pdf 2005101298343.htm Hi-Media 98281 1 2005101298281.pdf 2005101298281.htm R Highwave Optical Technologies 98268 5 2005101298268.pdf 2005101298268.htm HSBC Republic Court terme 98235 2 2005101298235.pdf 2005101298235.htm HSBC Republic Euro Cash 98233 1 2005101298233.pdf 2005101298233.htm Infogrames Entertainment 98206 1 2005101298206.pdf 2005101298206.htm ING (F) Actions France CAC 40-BBL (F) Invest France 98270 2 2005101298270.pdf 2005101298270.htm ING (F) Monétaire Entreprises 98271 1 2005101298271.pdf 2005101298271.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 98262 1 2005101298262.pdf 2005101298262.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 98263 1 2005101298263.pdf 2005101298263.htm Mercialys 98341 1 2005101298341.pdf 2005101298341.htm Capital Mobilier 98295 2 2005101298295.pdf 2005101298295.htm Ecureuil Europe Sécurité 10 Ecureuil Europe Sécurité 11 Ecureuil Europe Sécurité 12 98294 2 2005101298294.pdf 2005101298294.htm Fortis Multistrategies 1 98300 1 2005101298300.pdf 2005101298300.htm France Titrisation 98338 1 2005101298338.pdf 2005101298338.htm Nouveau marché Assur 98285 2 2005101298285.pdf 2005101298285.htm Objectif Obligataire International 98320 1 2005101298320.pdf 2005101298320.htm BNP Paribas E-Cube 98277 1 2005101298277.pdf 2005101298277.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Basse Normandie 98225 1 2005101298225.pdf 2005101298225.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud Rhone Alpes 98328 2 2005101298328.pdf 2005101298328.htm Cap Gemini SA 98197 27 2005101298197.pdf 2005101298197.htm Centrale des règlements interbancaires 98318 1 2005101298318.pdf 2005101298318.htm Club Med Gym 98332 1 2005101298332.pdf 2005101298332.htm Crédit agricole SA 98309 31 2005101298309.pdf 2005101298309.htm Générale de santé 98303 5 2005101298303.pdf 2005101298303.htm Guyenne et Gascogne 98194 10 2005101298194.pdf 2005101298194.htm Hotel Regina Paris 98220 7 2005101298220.pdf 2005101298220.htm Idsud 98218 2 2005101298218.pdf 2005101298218.htm Investissements et de gestions (Société nouvelle d') 98269 1 2005101298269.pdf 2005101298269.htm JCDecaux SA 98236 9 2005101298236.pdf 2005101298236.htm Lagardère SCA 98207 14 2005101298207.pdf 2005101298207.htm Oxymétal S.A. 98329 8 2005101298329.pdf 2005101298329.htm Paribas International 98333 1 2005101298333.pdf 2005101298333.htm PSB Industries 98317 1 2005101298317.pdf 2005101298317.htm Robertet S.A. 98342 1 2005101298342.pdf 2005101298342.htm Sam 98259 6 2005101298259.pdf 2005101298259.htm Société générale 98019 19 2005101298019.pdf 2005101298019.htm SoluCom 98232 1 2005101298232.pdf 2005101298232.htm Sopra Group 98296 10 2005101298296.pdf 2005101298296.htm Telecom Réseaux Services 98251 2 2005101298251.pdf 2005101298251.htm Thales Geodis Freight et Logistics SA 98334 1 2005101298334.pdf 2005101298334.htm Total Oil and Gas south america 98283 1 2005101298283.pdf 2005101298283.htm Toupargel-Agrigel 98306 4 2005101298306.pdf 2005101298306.htm Unilog S.A. 98261 11 2005101298261.pdf 2005101298261.htm Vallourec 98340 20 2005101298340.pdf 2005101298340.htm Vilmorin Clause et Cie 98316 19 2005101298316.pdf 2005101298316.htm Volkswagen Bank Gmbn 98221 6 2005101298221.pdf 2005101298221.htm SoluCom 98231 1 2005101298231.pdf 2005101298231.htm Supervox Groupe 98305 1 2005101298305.pdf 2005101298305.htm Décisions et informations 01122 8 2005101201122.pdf 2005101201122.htm
Domivalor 2 06439 1 2005113006439.pdf 2005113006439.htm Eutelsat Communications 06451 1 2005113006451.pdf 2005113006451.htm Hi-Media 06422 4 2005113006422.pdf 2005113006422.htm Memscap SA 06207 4 2005113006207.pdf 2005113006207.htm Multihabitation 2 06329 1 2005113006329.pdf 2005113006329.htm Crédit agricole SA 06326 2 2005113006326.pdf 2005113006326.htm Crédit agricole SA 06327 2 2005113006327.pdf 2005113006327.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 06358 3 2005113006358.pdf 2005113006358.htm Veolia Environnement 06432 2 2005113006432.pdf 2005113006432.htm Alten 06412 2 2005113006412.pdf 2005113006412.htm Avenir Telecom (rectificatif) 06369 2 2005113006369.pdf 2005113006369.htm R Dexia Bonds 06452 3 2005113006452.pdf 2005113006452.htm Dexia Equities L 06444 2 2005113006444.pdf 2005113006444.htm Dialzo 06374 1 2005113006374.pdf 2005113006374.htm DWS France Valeur 06345 1 2005113006345.pdf 2005113006345.htm DWS Haussmann Europe 06348 1 2005113006348.pdf 2005113006348.htm DWS Index Euroland 06347 2 2005113006347.pdf 2005113006347.htm DWS Obligations Long Terme 06346 1 2005113006346.pdf 2005113006346.htm Edip 06456 1 2005113006456.pdf 2005113006456.htm Espace Production internationale "Epi" 06404 2 2005113006404.pdf 2005113006404.htm Groupecyber 06455 2 2005113006455.pdf 2005113006455.htm Imecom Group 06442 1 2005113006442.pdf 2005113006442.htm Liber Sécurité 06360 2 2005113006360.pdf 2005113006360.htm Objectif Ethique socialement responsable 06415 1 2005113006415.pdf 2005113006415.htm Objectif Japon 06413 1 2005113006413.pdf 2005113006413.htm Objectif Small Caps Euro 06414 2 2005113006414.pdf 2005113006414.htm Oddo Génération 06436 2 2005113006436.pdf 2005113006436.htm Poste Image (rectificatif) 06433 1 2005113006433.pdf 2005113006433.htm R Prologue Software 06443 1 2005113006443.pdf 2005113006443.htm Propriété d'immeubles (Société nationale de) 06457 2 2005113006457.pdf 2005113006457.htm Sans Coupon 06261 1 2005113006261.pdf 2005113006261.htm SQLI 06449 5 2005113006449.pdf 2005113006449.htm Belvédère 06323 1 2005113006323.pdf 2005113006323.htm Alten Alten 06408 1 2005113006408.pdf 2005113006408.htm Alten 06410 1 2005113006410.pdf 2005113006410.htm Eiffage Eiffage 06351 1 2005113006351.pdf 2005113006351.htm Liber Sécurité 06370 1 2005113006370.pdf 2005113006370.htm Sans Coupon 06262 1 2005113006262.pdf 2005113006262.htm Cofipierre 3 06428 1 2005113006428.pdf 2005113006428.htm Arab Bank Plc (Succursale de Paris) (rectificatif) 06355 1 2005113006355.pdf 2005113006355.htm R Bank of India 06424 1 2005113006424.pdf 2005113006424.htm Banque de Neuflize 06431 1 2005113006431.pdf 2005113006431.htm Bélier (Le) 06152 14 2005113006152.pdf 2005113006152.htm Bricorama 06354 1 2005113006354.pdf 2005113006354.htm Caisse centrale de réescompte 06363 1 2005113006363.pdf 2005113006363.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Haute Normandie 06339 1 2005113006339.pdf 2005113006339.htm Crédit aux particuliers "Crédipar" (Compagnie générale de) 06356 1 2005113006356.pdf 2005113006356.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud 06392 1 2005113006392.pdf 2005113006392.htm Crédit mutuel Dauphiné Vivarais 06325 1 2005113006325.pdf 2005113006325.htm Crédit mutuel de Normandie 06331 2 2005113006331.pdf 2005113006331.htm DaimlerChrysler Services France SA 06340 1 2005113006340.pdf 2005113006340.htm Diagnostic Médical Systems (DMS) 06123 9 2005113006123.pdf 2005113006123.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 06274 18 2005113006274.pdf 2005113006274.htm Entrepose Contracting (additif) 06338 3 2005113006338.pdf 2005113006338.htm A Esi Group 06395 2 2005113006395.pdf 2005113006395.htm Financière d'Auteuil (Société) 06318 1 2005113006318.pdf 2005113006318.htm Fortis Lease Immobilier France 06403 1 2005113006403.pdf 2005113006403.htm Franklin Templeton France SA 06273 3 2005113006273.pdf 2005113006273.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 06090 7 2005113006090.pdf 2005113006090.htm GMAC Banque 06434 1 2005113006434.pdf 2005113006434.htm Groupama Banque 06454 2 2005113006454.pdf 2005113006454.htm Groupe Gascogne 06084 28 2005113006084.pdf 2005113006084.htm Idi 99079 3 2005113099079.pdf 2005113099079.htm Infogrames Entertainment 06421 2 2005113006421.pdf 2005113006421.htm ING Lease France SA 06307 1 2005113006307.pdf 2005113006307.htm IPBM 99081 3 2005113099081.pdf 2005113099081.htm Mondial Pêche 06357 4 2005113006357.pdf 2005113006357.htm Orgasynth 06425 2 2005113006425.pdf 2005113006425.htm Piscines Desjoyaux S.A. 06221 13 2005113006221.pdf 2005113006221.htm PSB Industries 06224 17 2005113006224.pdf 2005113006224.htm R2I Santé 06054 12 2005113006054.pdf 2005113006054.htm Regina Rubens 06021 5 2005113006021.pdf 2005113006021.htm Rougier S.A. 06229 22 2005113006229.pdf 2005113006229.htm Securidev (rectificatif) 06343 1 2005113006343.pdf 2005113006343.htm R Smoby (rectificatif) 06435 1 2005113006435.pdf 2005113006435.htm R Unicredito Italiano S.p.A. 06173 9 2005113006173.pdf 2005113006173.htm Aedian 06429 1 2005113006429.pdf 2005113006429.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 06383 1 2005113006383.pdf 2005113006383.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 06437 1 2005113006437.pdf 2005113006437.htm Inter Parfums 06427 1 2005113006427.pdf 2005113006427.htm Orgasynth 06411 1 2005113006411.pdf 2005113006411.htm Radian 06304 1 2005113006304.pdf 2005113006304.htm Unilog S.A. 06416 1 2005113006416.pdf 2005113006416.htm Vallourec 06349 1 2005113006349.pdf 2005113006349.htm Décisions et informations 01143 6 2005113001143.pdf 2005113001143.htm
Crédit mutuel Pierre 1 07221 1 2005121907221.pdf 2005121907221.htm Eurofoncière 2 07222 1 2005121907222.pdf 2005121907222.htm Immofonds 4 07223 1 2005121907223.pdf 2005121907223.htm Marketingroup (The) 07133 2 2005121907133.pdf 2005121907133.htm Multimmobilier 2 07224 1 2005121907224.pdf 2005121907224.htm Team Partners Group 07265 3 2005121907265.pdf 2005121907265.htm UFG Pierre 07228 1 2005121907228.pdf 2005121907228.htm Société générale 07229 2 2005121907229.pdf 2005121907229.htm Nordea 1 07237 2 2005121907237.pdf 2005121907237.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 07214 1 2005121907214.pdf 2005121907214.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 07225 2 2005121907225.pdf 2005121907225.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 07250 1 2005121907250.pdf 2005121907250.htm Cardif Euro Premières 07132 1 2005121907132.pdf 2005121907132.htm Elan Club 07090 1 2005121907090.pdf 2005121907090.htm Integral Multi Fund 06847 2 2005121906847.pdf 2005121906847.htm Saint-Honoré Associations Plus 07254 2 2005121907254.pdf 2005121907254.htm Automa-Tech 07260 1 2005121907260.pdf 2005121907260.htm Banque NSM Entreprises 07248 1 2005121907248.pdf 2005121907248.htm Burelle S.A. 07209 2 2005121907209.pdf 2005121907209.htm A Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 07272 1 2005121907272.pdf 2005121907272.htm Cybergun 07258 1 2005121907258.pdf 2005121907258.htm Gevelot S.A. 07288 1 2005121907288.pdf 2005121907288.htm R Hotels et Casino de Deauville (Société des) 07261 2 2005121907261.pdf 2005121907261.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 07236 1 2005121907236.pdf 2005121907236.htm Overlap Groupe 07251 1 2005121907251.pdf 2005121907251.htm Rémy Cointreau 07206 14 2005121907206.pdf 2005121907206.htm Trigano 07113 13 2005121907113.pdf 2005121907113.htm Décisions et informations 01151 8 2005121901151.pdf 2005121901151.htm
Suez 96904 3 2005090996904.pdf 2005090996904.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 96874 1 2005090996874.pdf 2005090996874.htm A Fidelity Funds II 96827 2 2005090996827.pdf 2005090996827.htm Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Invest 96789 1 2005090996789.pdf 2005090996789.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 96959 3 2005090996959.pdf 2005090996959.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 96960 1 2005090996960.pdf 2005090996960.htm Cofidis 96880 1 2005090996880.pdf 2005090996880.htm R Dexia Equities B 96891 2 2005090996891.pdf 2005090996891.htm Electricité de France 96918 5 2005090996918.pdf 2005090996918.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 96684 1 2005090996684.pdf 2005090996684.htm Europartners Multi Investment Fund 96242 1 2005090996242.pdf 2005090996242.htm Groupe Open 96900 4 2005090996900.pdf 2005090996900.htm Invesco Obligations Euro 96921 1 2005090996921.pdf 2005090996921.htm Invesco Trésorerie 96922 1 2005090996922.pdf 2005090996922.htm Métaleurop S.A. 96870 1 2005090996870.pdf 2005090996870.htm Morgan Stanley Sicav 96768 2 2005090996768.pdf 2005090996768.htm Sogeoblig Euro CT 96912 1 2005090996912.pdf 2005090996912.htm Sogeoblig Revenu annuel 96911 2 2005090996911.pdf 2005090996911.htm Actielec Technologies 96889 2 2005090996889.pdf 2005090996889.htm Affine 96863 1 2005090996863.pdf 2005090996863.htm Alter Finance 96884 1 2005090996884.pdf 2005090996884.htm R Aqualung International 96731 1 2005090996731.pdf 2005090996731.htm Bail Actea 96858 1 2005090996858.pdf 2005090996858.htm Banque Misr 96855 1 2005090996855.pdf 2005090996855.htm Banque Palatine 96920 2 2005090996920.pdf 2005090996920.htm Banque PSA Finance 96905 1 2005090996905.pdf 2005090996905.htm Bernard Loiseau SA 96868 2 2005090996868.pdf 2005090996868.htm Calyon 96885 1 2005090996885.pdf 2005090996885.htm Crédit aux particuliers "Crédipar" (Compagnie générale de) 96906 1 2005090996906.pdf 2005090996906.htm Crédit foncier de France (Auxiliaire du) 96770 1 2005090996770.pdf 2005090996770.htm A Dexia Banque privée France 96841 1 2005090996841.pdf 2005090996841.htm Dexia Crédit local 96908 15 2005090996908.pdf 2005090996908.htm Faurecia 96915 11 2005090996915.pdf 2005090996915.htm Franklin Templeton Asset Management 96916 1 2005090996916.pdf 2005090996916.htm Franklin Templeton France SA 96919 1 2005090996919.pdf 2005090996919.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 96876 1 2005090996876.pdf 2005090996876.htm Investissements Trésor-Vie 96861 1 2005090996861.pdf 2005090996861.htm Ipersoc 96730 1 2005090996730.pdf 2005090996730.htm ITS Seevia Consulting 96859 5 2005090996859.pdf 2005090996859.htm Lage Landen Leasing SAS (De) 96910 1 2005090996910.pdf 2005090996910.htm Oxbow S.A. 96869 1 2005090996869.pdf 2005090996869.htm Perfect Technologies S.A. 96914 2 2005090996914.pdf 2005090996914.htm RC FM 96824 1 2005090996824.pdf 2005090996824.htm Regina Rubens 96893 1 2005090996893.pdf 2005090996893.htm Rémy Cointreau 96888 1 2005090996888.pdf 2005090996888.htm Rire et chansons 96822 1 2005090996822.pdf 2005090996822.htm Scor 96843 2 2005090996843.pdf 2005090996843.htm Signaux Girod 96909 1 2005090996909.pdf 2005090996909.htm Sogefilia 96831 1 2005090996831.pdf 2005090996831.htm Télévision française 1 (TF1) 96907 8 2005090996907.pdf 2005090996907.htm Vivendi Telecom International 96842 1 2005090996842.pdf 2005090996842.htm Western Telecom 96881 1 2005090996881.pdf 2005090996881.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 96873 1 2005090996873.pdf 2005090996873.htm Huis Clos 96899 1 2005090996899.pdf 2005090996899.htm ITS Seevia Consulting 96866 1 2005090996866.pdf 2005090996866.htm SPIR Communication 96864 1 2005090996864.pdf 2005090996864.htm Suez 96902 1 2005090996902.pdf 2005090996902.htm Décisions et informations 01108 7 2005090901108.pdf 2005090901108.htm
Akka Technologies 87695 1 2005050987695.pdf 2005050987695.htm Immo Placement 87533 1 2005050987533.pdf 2005050987533.htm Meilleurtaux 87360 6 2005050987360.pdf 2005050987360.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Brie Picardie 87694 2 2005050987694.pdf 2005050987694.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 87457 2 2005050987457.pdf 2005050987457.htm Assystem Brime 87542 4 2005050987542.pdf 2005050987542.htm Bonduelle 87635 4 2005050987635.pdf 2005050987635.htm Consort NT 87717 5 2005050987717.pdf 2005050987717.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée « Cnim » 87645 2 2005050987645.pdf 2005050987645.htm Crédit coopératif 87702 1 2005050987702.pdf 2005050987702.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 87646 1 2005050987646.pdf 2005050987646.htm Evialis (Rectificatif) 87704 1 2005050987704.pdf 2005050987704.htm Focus América 87611 1 2005050987611.pdf 2005050987611.htm FP Dynamique 87610 1 2005050987610.pdf 2005050987610.htm France Télévision Images 87566 1 2005050987566.pdf 2005050987566.htm Galeries Lafayette (Société anonyme des) (Rectificatif) 87595 2 2005050987595.pdf 2005050987595.htm Groupe Flo 87581 4 2005050987581.pdf 2005050987581.htm Habitapierre 2 87477 2 2005050987477.pdf 2005050987477.htm Havas 87679 5 2005050987679.pdf 2005050987679.htm Mercure Actions France 87538 1 2005050987538.pdf 2005050987538.htm Mercure Avenir 87544 1 2005050987544.pdf 2005050987544.htm Nicomatic 87490 2 2005050987490.pdf 2005050987490.htm Patrimoine foncier (Le) 87688 2 2005050987688.pdf 2005050987688.htm Placements Sciences de la vie 87564 2 2005050987564.pdf 2005050987564.htm Rallye 87691 1 2005050987691.pdf 2005050987691.htm Sofica Valor 4 87569 2 2005050987569.pdf 2005050987569.htm Sofica Valor 5 87568 1 2005050987568.pdf 2005050987568.htm Soficor 2 87661 2 2005050987661.pdf 2005050987661.htm Sofipêche de Cornouaille 3 87664 1 2005050987664.pdf 2005050987664.htm Sofisete 1 87651 1 2005050987651.pdf 2005050987651.htm Sofisete 2 87650 1 2005050987650.pdf 2005050987650.htm Sofisete 3 87649 1 2005050987649.pdf 2005050987649.htm Sogeclair 87633 4 2005050987633.pdf 2005050987633.htm Stedim 87639 2 2005050987639.pdf 2005050987639.htm Tessi 87407 3 2005050987407.pdf 2005050987407.htm VM Matériaux 87707 3 2005050987707.pdf 2005050987707.htm Wendel investissement 87693 2 2005050987693.pdf 2005050987693.htm Crédit coopératif 87703 1 2005050987703.pdf 2005050987703.htm Sanofi-Aventis 87776 1 2005050987776.pdf 2005050987776.htm Crédit industriel de l'Ouest 87615 1 2005050987615.pdf 2005050987615.htm Crédit industriel de l'Ouest 87616 1 2005050987616.pdf 2005050987616.htm LFI Rendement LFI Trimestriel 87653 1 2005050987653.pdf 2005050987653.htm Mercure Actions France 87540 2 2005050987540.pdf 2005050987540.htm Mercure Avenir 87546 2 2005050987546.pdf 2005050987546.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Brie 87697 1 2005050987697.pdf 2005050987697.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Somme 87696 1 2005050987696.pdf 2005050987696.htm Acces Industrie 87627 18 2005050987627.pdf 2005050987627.htm Aigle 87074 8 2005050987074.pdf 2005050987074.htm Air liquide (L') 87683 2 2005050987683.pdf 2005050987683.htm Aldeta 87681 1 2005050987681.pdf 2005050987681.htm April Group 87609 1 2005050987609.pdf 2005050987609.htm Arbel 87051 19 2005050987051.pdf 2005050987051.htm Augros Cosmetic Packaging 87666 2 2005050987666.pdf 2005050987666.htm Banque de Vizille 87686 1 2005050987686.pdf 2005050987686.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bretagne 87663 10 2005050987663.pdf 2005050987663.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Haute-Normandie 87710 9 2005050987710.pdf 2005050987710.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre Loire 87589 1 2005050987589.pdf 2005050987589.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre Loire 87592 1 2005050987592.pdf 2005050987592.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Calvados 87709 25 2005050987709.pdf 2005050987709.htm Cegid SA 87637 1 2005050987637.pdf 2005050987637.htm Colas 87536 1 2005050987536.pdf 2005050987536.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée « Cnim » 87708 26 2005050987708.pdf 2005050987708.htm Crédit agricole SA 87656 1 2005050987656.pdf 2005050987656.htm Crédit immobilier de France Méditerranée 87634 2 2005050987634.pdf 2005050987634.htm Crédit immobilier de France Méditerranée 87630 1 2005050987630.pdf 2005050987630.htm Dalet 87624 1 2005050987624.pdf 2005050987624.htm Digitech 87712 5 2005050987712.pdf 2005050987712.htm Electronique et d'automatismes (Grenobloise d') 87659 1 2005050987659.pdf 2005050987659.htm Encres Dubuit 87675 18 2005050987675.pdf 2005050987675.htm Encres Dubuit 87676 1 2005050987676.pdf 2005050987676.htm Entreprises (Compagnie industrielle et financière d') 87689 9 2005050987689.pdf 2005050987689.htm Eurazeo 87636 1 2005050987636.pdf 2005050987636.htm Euro Disney S.C.A. 87607 1 2005050987607.pdf 2005050987607.htm Guillemot Corporation 87670 1 2005050987670.pdf 2005050987670.htm Idi 87586 2 2005050987586.pdf 2005050987586.htm Installux S.A. 87657 1 2005050987657.pdf 2005050987657.htm Inter Parfums 87642 1 2005050987642.pdf 2005050987642.htm IPBM 87584 1 2005050987584.pdf 2005050987584.htm Lagardère Active Broadcast 87400 2 2005050987400.pdf 2005050987400.htm Maisons France Confort 87715 1 2005050987715.pdf 2005050987715.htm MGI Coutier 87705 8 2005050987705.pdf 2005050987705.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 87601 1 2005050987601.pdf 2005050987601.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 87641 1 2005050987641.pdf 2005050987641.htm Musée Grévin 87631 1 2005050987631.pdf 2005050987631.htm Oberthur Card Systems SA 87655 1 2005050987655.pdf 2005050987655.htm Oréal (L') 87623 1 2005050987623.pdf 2005050987623.htm Orpea 87629 14 2005050987629.pdf 2005050987629.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extreme-Orient (Société d') 87680 1 2005050987680.pdf 2005050987680.htm Passat 87340 15 2005050987340.pdf 2005050987340.htm Perfect Technologies S.A. 87612 8 2005050987612.pdf 2005050987612.htm Peugeot S.A. 87643 1 2005050987643.pdf 2005050987643.htm Promotion et de participation pour la coopération économique (Société de) 87658 9 2005050987658.pdf 2005050987658.htm Promotion et de participation pour la coopération économique (Société de) 87660 1 2005050987660.pdf 2005050987660.htm Publicis Groupe S.A. 87678 2 2005050987678.pdf 2005050987678.htm Renault 87632 1 2005050987632.pdf 2005050987632.htm Samse 87648 1 2005050987648.pdf 2005050987648.htm Seb S.A. 87604 1 2005050987604.pdf 2005050987604.htm Sical 87603 1 2005050987603.pdf 2005050987603.htm Sicomi Rhône-Alpes 87685 1 2005050987685.pdf 2005050987685.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 87668 1 2005050987668.pdf 2005050987668.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 87665 1 2005050987665.pdf 2005050987665.htm Systran S.A. (Additif) 87628 1 2005050987628.pdf 2005050987628.htm Technip 87718 1 2005050987718.pdf 2005050987718.htm Ateliers de construction du Nord de la France (Les) 87682 1 2005050987682.pdf 2005050987682.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Brie 87698 1 2005050987698.pdf 2005050987698.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de la Somme 87701 1 2005050987701.pdf 2005050987701.htm Vivendi Universal 87662 1 2005050987662.pdf 2005050987662.htm
Huis Clos 94074 3 2005072594074.pdf 2005072594074.htm Industrielle et financière d'ingénierie "Ingenico" (Compagnie) 94010 1 2005072594010.pdf 2005072594010.htm Lyxor ETF China Enterprise (HSCEI) 93981 2 2005072593981.pdf 2005072593981.htm Lyxor ETF Eastern Europe (CECE EUR) 93980 2 2005072593980.pdf 2005072593980.htm Comgest Gowth Plc 94044 1 2005072594044.pdf 2005072594044.htm Bourgeois S.A. 94040 1 2005072594040.pdf 2005072594040.htm Calyon 94064 2 2005072594064.pdf 2005072594064.htm Cortal Sicav des Sicav 94069 1 2005072594069.pdf 2005072594069.htm CPR Référence Europe 94032 1 2005072594032.pdf 2005072594032.htm Euro Rendement 94072 1 2005072594072.pdf 2005072594072.htm Matussière et Forest S.A. 92919 3 2005072592919.pdf 2005072592919.htm Nouveau marché Assur 93962 2 2005072593962.pdf 2005072593962.htm Pacte Novation 93959 1 2005072593959.pdf 2005072593959.htm Union Technologies Informatique Group 94073 3 2005072594073.pdf 2005072594073.htm Sporever 94066 1 2005072594066.pdf 2005072594066.htm Invesco Multi Classic 94076 2 2005072594076.pdf 2005072594076.htm Multigest Obli Réactif 94009 1 2005072594009.pdf 2005072594009.htm Elysées Laffitte Résidence 2 93985 1 2005072593985.pdf 2005072593985.htm ADLPartner 93964 1 2005072593964.pdf 2005072593964.htm Agrifigest-Alma-Société financière et agricole de gestion 94061 1 2005072594061.pdf 2005072594061.htm American Express Carte - France 93986 6 2005072593986.pdf 2005072593986.htm Audika 93965 2 2005072593965.pdf 2005072593965.htm Avenir Finance Immobilier 93620 1 2005072593620.pdf 2005072593620.htm Bank of India (Succursale de Paris) 94028 1 2005072594028.pdf 2005072594028.htm Banque de Picardie 94014 1 2005072594014.pdf 2005072594014.htm Banque de Tahiti 94004 7 2005072594004.pdf 2005072594004.htm Banque Kolb 94019 1 2005072594019.pdf 2005072594019.htm Bègles Arcins 93999 1 2005072593999.pdf 2005072593999.htm Caisse agricole de Bourgogne Champagne 94022 1 2005072594022.pdf 2005072594022.htm Caisse centrale du crédit mutuel (Rectificatif) 94033 1 2005072594033.pdf 2005072594033.htm Club Med Marine 93945 1 2005072593945.pdf 2005072593945.htm Cofidur 94070 1 2005072594070.pdf 2005072594070.htm Crédit financier lillois (C.F.L.) 93982 1 2005072593982.pdf 2005072593982.htm Crédit immobilier de Saint-Nazaire et de la région des pays de la Loire (Société anonyme de) 94075 1 2005072594075.pdf 2005072594075.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen (Rectificatif) 94020 1 2005072594020.pdf 2005072594020.htm DaimlerChrysler Services France SA 94017 1 2005072594017.pdf 2005072594017.htm Electronique et d'automatismes (Grenobloise d') 94002 1 2005072594002.pdf 2005072594002.htm Engel (Etablissements) 93998 1 2005072593998.pdf 2005072593998.htm Entreprise générale des transports du Nord (EGTN) 93966 1 2005072593966.pdf 2005072593966.htm Esso Raffinage SAF 93993 1 2005072593993.pdf 2005072593993.htm Financement local et régional "Floral" 94046 5 2005072594046.pdf 2005072594046.htm Glenans (Compagnie des) 93988 1 2005072593988.pdf 2005072593988.htm Groupe JAJ 94042 2 2005072594042.pdf 2005072594042.htm Hi-Media 94068 1 2005072594068.pdf 2005072594068.htm Hôtels de Paris (S.A. Les) 94008 2 2005072594008.pdf 2005072594008.htm HRVet Participations 93942 1 2005072593942.pdf 2005072593942.htm ING Investment Management (France) SA 94031 1 2005072594031.pdf 2005072594031.htm Intercall 94018 1 2005072594018.pdf 2005072594018.htm KBL France 94056 2 2005072594056.pdf 2005072594056.htm Melun Saints-Pères 93997 1 2005072593997.pdf 2005072593997.htm National Bank of Abu Dhabi (Succursale de Paris) 93989 1 2005072593989.pdf 2005072593989.htm Orosdi-Back (Etablissements) 94067 1 2005072594067.pdf 2005072594067.htm Pacifica (Société) 93939 1 2005072593939.pdf 2005072593939.htm Participations financières et industrielles "Spafi" (Société de) 94059 1 2005072594059.pdf 2005072594059.htm Previmut SA 94006 1 2005072594006.pdf 2005072594006.htm Publicis Conseil 93991 1 2005072593991.pdf 2005072593991.htm Publicis Consultants.Paris 94071 1 2005072594071.pdf 2005072594071.htm Publicis Technology 93992 1 2005072593992.pdf 2005072593992.htm Rocamat Pierre naturelle 93995 1 2005072593995.pdf 2005072593995.htm Saga Investissement 93996 1 2005072593996.pdf 2005072593996.htm Schneider Electric Industries SAS 93994 1 2005072593994.pdf 2005072593994.htm Securidev (Rectificatif) 94037 2 2005072594037.pdf 2005072594037.htm Sogitec Industries 93957 1 2005072593957.pdf 2005072593957.htm State Bank of India (Succursale de Paris) 94027 1 2005072594027.pdf 2005072594027.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 94011 1 2005072594011.pdf 2005072594011.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 94012 1 2005072594012.pdf 2005072594012.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 94013 3 2005072594013.pdf 2005072594013.htm Sword Group 94003 1 2005072594003.pdf 2005072594003.htm Synergie 94058 1 2005072594058.pdf 2005072594058.htm Thalès Security Systems SA 93947 1 2005072593947.pdf 2005072593947.htm Tour Marcel Brot (S.C.I.) 94001 1 2005072594001.pdf 2005072594001.htm Tours Nationale 94000 1 2005072594000.pdf 2005072594000.htm Vicat 94007 1 2005072594007.pdf 2005072594007.htm Vinci Energies 93990 1 2005072593990.pdf 2005072593990.htm CST France 94077 1 2005072594077.pdf 2005072594077.htm Parvest 94062 1 2005072594062.pdf 2005072594062.htm Rallye 93944 1 2005072593944.pdf 2005072593944.htm XRT 93973 1 2005072593973.pdf 2005072593973.htm Décisions et Informations 01088 7 2005072501088.pdf 2005072501088.htm
Cast 92909 3 2005070692909.pdf 2005070692909.htm Entrepose Contracting 92914 2 2005070692914.pdf 2005070692914.htm Inter Parfums 92907 1 2005070692907.pdf 2005070692907.htm Rackham 92884 5 2005070692884.pdf 2005070692884.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 92882 2 2005070692882.pdf 2005070692882.htm Calyon Financial Products (Guernsey) Limited (Rectificatif) 92915 1 2005070692915.pdf 2005070692915.htm Air France - KLM 92540 1 2005070692540.pdf 2005070692540.htm Aires 92828 1 2005070692828.pdf 2005070692828.htm Alstom 92899 2 2005070692899.pdf 2005070692899.htm B.F.T. Monétaire 92827 1 2005070692827.pdf 2005070692827.htm HSBC Republic Euro Cash 92826 2 2005070692826.pdf 2005070692826.htm Primset 92861 1 2005070692861.pdf 2005070692861.htm SGAM Invest Eonia + 92863 2 2005070692863.pdf 2005070692863.htm Uni étoile 92917 1 2005070692917.pdf 2005070692917.htm Uni Etoile 2 92918 1 2005070692918.pdf 2005070692918.htm Unidelta (Rectificatif) 92832 2 2005070692832.pdf 2005070692832.htm Pernod Ricard 92719 1 2005070692719.pdf 2005070692719.htm Rémy Cointreau 92678 1 2005070692678.pdf 2005070692678.htm Primset SGAM Invest Eonia + 92874 1 2005070692874.pdf 2005070692874.htm Afibel 92836 1 2005070692836.pdf 2005070692836.htm Agricole de la Crau (Compagnie) 92839 1 2005070692839.pdf 2005070692839.htm Aréna 92870 1 2005070692870.pdf 2005070692870.htm Axa China 92793 1 2005070692793.pdf 2005070692793.htm Banque du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 92742 9 2005070692742.pdf 2005070692742.htm Banque Pasche Monaco 92780 1 2005070692780.pdf 2005070692780.htm Barep Asset Management 92724 1 2005070692724.pdf 2005070692724.htm BNP Paribas Factor 92876 5 2005070692876.pdf 2005070692876.htm Bolloré 92757 2 2005070692757.pdf 2005070692757.htm Bolloré Investissement 92739 1 2005070692739.pdf 2005070692739.htm Cambodge (Compagnie du) 92772 1 2005070692772.pdf 2005070692772.htm Cande (SAS) 92843 1 2005070692843.pdf 2005070692843.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de l'Ariège (Société de) 92736 1 2005070692736.pdf 2005070692736.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de la Charente-maritime "Socama Charente Maritime" (Société de) 92857 1 2005070692857.pdf 2005070692857.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de la Haute-Savoie "Socama de la Haute-Savoie" (Societe de) 92896 1 2005070692896.pdf 2005070692896.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de la Savoie "Socama de la Savoie" (Société de) 92897 1 2005070692897.pdf 2005070692897.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale des Deux-Sèvres "Socama Deux-Sèvres" (Société de) 92853 1 2005070692853.pdf 2005070692853.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Dauphiné et des Alpes du Sud "Socama du Dauphiné et des Alpes du Sud" (Société de) 92898 1 2005070692898.pdf 2005070692898.htm Caution mutuelle des moniteurs des écoles du ski français (Société de) 92892 1 2005070692892.pdf 2005070692892.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de la Haute-Savoie (Société de) 92900 1 2005070692900.pdf 2005070692900.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière du Dauphiné et des Alpes du Sud "Socami du Dauphiné et des Alpes du Sud" (Société de) 92890 1 2005070692890.pdf 2005070692890.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière Savoisienne "Socami Savoisienne" (Société de) 92889 1 2005070692889.pdf 2005070692889.htm Ciments Calcia 92868 1 2005070692868.pdf 2005070692868.htm Citibank International Plc 92778 17 2005070692778.pdf 2005070692778.htm Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 92779 9 2005070692779.pdf 2005070692779.htm CMP-Banque 92865 7 2005070692865.pdf 2005070692865.htm Cofico 92723 1 2005070692723.pdf 2005070692723.htm Colas Guadeloupe 92714 1 2005070692714.pdf 2005070692714.htm Colas Martinique 92716 1 2005070692716.pdf 2005070692716.htm Crédit agricole SA 92854 3 2005070692854.pdf 2005070692854.htm Crédit et services financiers "Creserfi" 92858 1 2005070692858.pdf 2005070692858.htm Crédit fécampois 92848 1 2005070692848.pdf 2005070692848.htm Crédit immobilier "La ruche" (Société anonyme de) 92842 4 2005070692842.pdf 2005070692842.htm Crédit immobilier de Bretagne Ouest 92775 1 2005070692775.pdf 2005070692775.htm Crédit immobilier de France 60 (Société anonyme de) 92677 1 2005070692677.pdf 2005070692677.htm Crédit immobilier de France Vivarais 92741 1 2005070692741.pdf 2005070692741.htm Crédit immobilier de l'Ain 92872 1 2005070692872.pdf 2005070692872.htm Crédit immobilier de la vallée du Rhône 92676 1 2005070692676.pdf 2005070692676.htm Crédit immobilier de Saint-Nazaire et de la région des pays de la Loire (Société anonyme de) 92685 1 2005070692685.pdf 2005070692685.htm Crédit municipal de Paris 92864 12 2005070692864.pdf 2005070692864.htm Cyber Press Publishing 92904 2 2005070692904.pdf 2005070692904.htm Dollfus Mieg et Cie 92903 2 2005070692903.pdf 2005070692903.htm Duc 92464 1 2005070692464.pdf 2005070692464.htm Elysées Factor 92794 1 2005070692794.pdf 2005070692794.htm Empain Graham Développement 92702 7 2005070692702.pdf 2005070692702.htm Eurotunnel S.A. 92817 1 2005070692817.pdf 2005070692817.htm Evialis 92737 15 2005070692737.pdf 2005070692737.htm Factofrance Holding SAS 92851 1 2005070692851.pdf 2005070692851.htm FDR Participations 92846 1 2005070692846.pdf 2005070692846.htm Financement Matra Transport "Sofimatrans" (Société de) 92845 1 2005070692845.pdf 2005070692845.htm Financière de l'Odet 92734 1 2005070692734.pdf 2005070692734.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 92906 2 2005070692906.pdf 2005070692906.htm Financière Meeschaert 92847 1 2005070692847.pdf 2005070692847.htm Financière Moncey 92755 2 2005070692755.pdf 2005070692755.htm Financière Portefoin 92747 1 2005070692747.pdf 2005070692747.htm Fransabank (France) SA 92860 1 2005070692860.pdf 2005070692860.htm Garantie d'investissements (Société interprofessionnelle artisanale de) 92818 1 2005070692818.pdf 2005070692818.htm GCE Garanties 92814 1 2005070692814.pdf 2005070692814.htm Genecal 92684 7 2005070692684.pdf 2005070692684.htm Genesys S.A. 92760 3 2005070692760.pdf 2005070692760.htm Gestion et d'études financières "Figest" (Société de) 92869 1 2005070692869.pdf 2005070692869.htm Holding Cholet Dupont 92765 1 2005070692765.pdf 2005070692765.htm Holpa 92752 1 2005070692752.pdf 2005070692752.htm Hôtel parisien (Grand) 92887 1 2005070692887.pdf 2005070692887.htm Immobilière hôtelière SA 92908 2 2005070692908.pdf 2005070692908.htm Industrielle et financière de l'Artois (Société) 92754 2 2005070692754.pdf 2005070692754.htm Industries alimentaires "Auxindal" (Société auxiliaire des) 92913 1 2005070692913.pdf 2005070692913.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais 92910 1 2005070692910.pdf 2005070692910.htm ITD 92746 1 2005070692746.pdf 2005070692746.htm M.N.C. 92844 1 2005070692844.pdf 2005070692844.htm Matra Participations 92753 1 2005070692753.pdf 2005070692753.htm Mediatis SA (Rectificatif) 92690 1 2005070692690.pdf 2005070692690.htm Mofipar 92790 1 2005070692790.pdf 2005070692790.htm Natexis Bail 92593 8 2005070692593.pdf 2005070692593.htm Norrsken Finance (S.A.) 92750 1 2005070692750.pdf 2005070692750.htm Opéra Construction 92837 1 2005070692837.pdf 2005070692837.htm Paluel-Marmont Finance 92748 1 2005070692748.pdf 2005070692748.htm Pinguely Haulotte 92784 1 2005070692784.pdf 2005070692784.htm Promotion des professions libérales des Alpes "Soprolib des Alpes" (Société pour la) 92894 1 2005070692894.pdf 2005070692894.htm Prosim 92841 1 2005070692841.pdf 2005070692841.htm Rabobank Nederland 92782 13 2005070692782.pdf 2005070692782.htm Sabeton 92838 1 2005070692838.pdf 2005070692838.htm Saga 92743 1 2005070692743.pdf 2005070692743.htm Same Deutz-fahr Finance 92819 1 2005070692819.pdf 2005070692819.htm Slibail Immobilier 92749 1 2005070692749.pdf 2005070692749.htm Slibail Murs 92751 1 2005070692751.pdf 2005070692751.htm Socamar Limousin Charente-Dordogne 92852 1 2005070692852.pdf 2005070692852.htm Sodexho Alliance 92916 1 2005070692916.pdf 2005070692916.htm Sofax Banque 92226 10 2005070692226.pdf 2005070692226.htm Sofindi 92901 1 2005070692901.pdf 2005070692901.htm SR. Téléperformance 92735 1 2005070692735.pdf 2005070692735.htm Téléflex Lionel-Dupont 92683 2 2005070692683.pdf 2005070692683.htm Tercim 92867 1 2005070692867.pdf 2005070692867.htm Tessi 92781 1 2005070692781.pdf 2005070692781.htm Trigano 92911 2 2005070692911.pdf 2005070692911.htm Union industrielle et commerciale de France "Unincofra" 92871 1 2005070692871.pdf 2005070692871.htm Volkswagen Finance 92536 7 2005070692536.pdf 2005070692536.htm Volkswagen Holding Financière S.A. 92526 7 2005070692526.pdf 2005070692526.htm VP Finance 92859 1 2005070692859.pdf 2005070692859.htm XRT 92732 2 2005070692732.pdf 2005070692732.htm Altedia 92881 1 2005070692881.pdf 2005070692881.htm Bélier (Le) 92682 1 2005070692682.pdf 2005070692682.htm Duc 92463 1 2005070692463.pdf 2005070692463.htm Etudes et de réalisations pour les industries du bois "Seribo" (Société d') 92883 1 2005070692883.pdf 2005070692883.htm Eurotunnel S.A. 92816 1 2005070692816.pdf 2005070692816.htm Foncière Massena 92601 1 2005070692601.pdf 2005070692601.htm Gecina 92885 1 2005070692885.pdf 2005070692885.htm Genesys S.A. 92762 1 2005070692762.pdf 2005070692762.htm High Co. 92740 1 2005070692740.pdf 2005070692740.htm Immobilière hôtelière SA 92805 1 2005070692805.pdf 2005070692805.htm Jeanjean 92849 1 2005070692849.pdf 2005070692849.htm Maison Antoine Baud 92795 1 2005070692795.pdf 2005070692795.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries 92813 1 2005070692813.pdf 2005070692813.htm Ocei 92730 1 2005070692730.pdf 2005070692730.htm Oeneo 92905 1 2005070692905.pdf 2005070692905.htm Penauille Polyservices 92600 1 2005070692600.pdf 2005070692600.htm Précia 92920 1 2005070692920.pdf 2005070692920.htm Pronuptia de Paris 92738 1 2005070692738.pdf 2005070692738.htm Réponse 92733 1 2005070692733.pdf 2005070692733.htm Rexel 92850 1 2005070692850.pdf 2005070692850.htm Rocamat 92835 1 2005070692835.pdf 2005070692835.htm Rougier S.A. 92804 1 2005070692804.pdf 2005070692804.htm Sairp Composites 92675 1 2005070692675.pdf 2005070692675.htm Sasa Industrie 92822 1 2005070692822.pdf 2005070692822.htm Securidev 92700 1 2005070692700.pdf 2005070692700.htm Team Partners Group 92810 1 2005070692810.pdf 2005070692810.htm Tharreau Industries 92811 1 2005070692811.pdf 2005070692811.htm Valeo 92771 1 2005070692771.pdf 2005070692771.htm Décisions et Informations 01080 5 2005070601080.pdf 2005070601080.htm
Afone 92056 3 2005062992056.pdf 2005062992056.htm Distripierre 1 92084 1 2005062992084.pdf 2005062992084.htm Geci International 91572 3 2005062991572.pdf 2005062991572.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 92310 2 2005062992310.pdf 2005062992310.htm Caisse nationale des autoroutes 92201 1 2005062992201.pdf 2005062992201.htm Cap Gemini SA (Additif) 92248 1 2005062992248.pdf 2005062992248.htm Société générale 92198 2 2005062992198.pdf 2005062992198.htm Société générale 92217 2 2005062992217.pdf 2005062992217.htm Société générale 92238 1 2005062992238.pdf 2005062992238.htm Société générale 92239 1 2005062992239.pdf 2005062992239.htm Société générale 92263 2 2005062992263.pdf 2005062992263.htm Société générale 92266 1 2005062992266.pdf 2005062992266.htm Société générale 92268 1 2005062992268.pdf 2005062992268.htm Société générale 92270 2 2005062992270.pdf 2005062992270.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 92153 2 2005062992153.pdf 2005062992153.htm Oddo, Sociedad de Valores S.A. 92132 2 2005062992132.pdf 2005062992132.htm Alti SA 92282 2 2005062992282.pdf 2005062992282.htm Austral 92187 1 2005062992187.pdf 2005062992187.htm Balzac Obligations Euro 92194 2 2005062992194.pdf 2005062992194.htm Balzac Short Term Euro 92202 2 2005062992202.pdf 2005062992202.htm Boréal 92185 1 2005062992185.pdf 2005062992185.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial « Finaref » (Société de) 92237 1 2005062992237.pdf 2005062992237.htm Fineurope Convertibles 92265 2 2005062992265.pdf 2005062992265.htm Fineurope Convertibles 92267 1 2005062992267.pdf 2005062992267.htm Hoche Placements Pierre 2 92252 1 2005062992252.pdf 2005062992252.htm Locamex Holding (Rectificatif) 92309 1 2005062992309.pdf 2005062992309.htm Magellan 92219 2 2005062992219.pdf 2005062992219.htm Neopost S.A. 92221 2 2005062992221.pdf 2005062992221.htm Oddo Capital Dynamique 92235 1 2005062992235.pdf 2005062992235.htm Patrimoine Retraite 92146 1 2005062992146.pdf 2005062992146.htm Placements Court terme Première 92133 1 2005062992133.pdf 2005062992133.htm Renaissance Europe 92220 1 2005062992220.pdf 2005062992220.htm State Street Actions Japon 92191 2 2005062992191.pdf 2005062992191.htm State Street Amérique Latine 92189 2 2005062992189.pdf 2005062992189.htm CMNE Sélection 1 92142 1 2005062992142.pdf 2005062992142.htm Crédit foncier de France 92242 1 2005062992242.pdf 2005062992242.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial « Finaref » (Société de) 92236 2 2005062992236.pdf 2005062992236.htm Ixis Obli Euro Aggregate 92264 1 2005062992264.pdf 2005062992264.htm ABN Amro Corporate Finance France 92108 1 2005062992108.pdf 2005062992108.htm AIP 92139 1 2005062992139.pdf 2005062992139.htm Air France - KLM 92116 32 2005062992116.pdf 2005062992116.htm Ausy 92169 1 2005062992169.pdf 2005062992169.htm Autoroutes Rhône-Alpes « Area » 91706 1 2005062991706.pdf 2005062991706.htm Axa Banque Financement 92212 1 2005062992212.pdf 2005062992212.htm Banco BPI SA 92224 5 2005062992224.pdf 2005062992224.htm Banco do Brasil S.A. (Succursale de Paris) 92222 1 2005062992222.pdf 2005062992222.htm Bank of America Corporation 92225 17 2005062992225.pdf 2005062992225.htm Banque cantonale de Genève (France) SA 92144 1 2005062992144.pdf 2005062992144.htm Banque Nomura France 92088 1 2005062992088.pdf 2005062992088.htm Banque populaire Val de France 92125 15 2005062992125.pdf 2005062992125.htm Banque Robeco 92089 1 2005062992089.pdf 2005062992089.htm Bénéteau S.A. 92112 1 2005062992112.pdf 2005062992112.htm BMW Finance 92296 1 2005062992296.pdf 2005062992296.htm Bourbon 92151 1 2005062992151.pdf 2005062992151.htm Caisse mutuelle de garantie de la mécanique 92140 1 2005062992140.pdf 2005062992140.htm Caixa d'Estalvis de Catalunya 92295 4 2005062992295.pdf 2005062992295.htm Caixabank France 92234 2 2005062992234.pdf 2005062992234.htm Caution mutuelle des exploitants forestiers et scieurs de bois de Lorraine (Société de) 92129 1 2005062992129.pdf 2005062992129.htm Caution mutuelle des professions libérales de Lorraine (Société de) 92126 1 2005062992126.pdf 2005062992126.htm Caution mutuelle des professions libérales du Sud-Ouest « Soprolib Sud-Ouest » (Société de) 92158 1 2005062992158.pdf 2005062992158.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de Champagne - Socami Champagne (Société de) 92127 1 2005062992127.pdf 2005062992127.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de Lorraine « Socamilor » (Société de ) 92128 1 2005062992128.pdf 2005062992128.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 92130 1 2005062992130.pdf 2005062992130.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 92211 41 2005062992211.pdf 2005062992211.htm Connecteurs Cinch 92147 1 2005062992147.pdf 2005062992147.htm Crealfi 92138 1 2005062992138.pdf 2005062992138.htm Crédit immobilier Aipal Crédit (Société anonyme de) 92288 1 2005062992288.pdf 2005062992288.htm Crédit immobilier Cipa-Civ (Société anonyme de) 92223 1 2005062992223.pdf 2005062992223.htm Crédit immobilier de la Mayenne (Société anonyme de) 92166 1 2005062992166.pdf 2005062992166.htm Crédit immobilier des Alpes 92085 1 2005062992085.pdf 2005062992085.htm Delachaux S.A. 92062 2 2005062992062.pdf 2005062992062.htm Dexia Securities France 92285 1 2005062992285.pdf 2005062992285.htm Dexia Securities France Holding 92281 1 2005062992281.pdf 2005062992281.htm Dupont-Denant Contrepartie 92136 1 2005062992136.pdf 2005062992136.htm Egide 92196 1 2005062992196.pdf 2005062992196.htm Electricité de France 92182 65 2005062992182.pdf 2005062992182.htm Eurasia Finance 92134 1 2005062992134.pdf 2005062992134.htm Eurofactor 92262 15 2005062992262.pdf 2005062992262.htm Eurohypo Aktiengesellschaft 92261 1 2005062992261.pdf 2005062992261.htm Exel Industries 92253 7 2005062992253.pdf 2005062992253.htm Fimalac 92209 1 2005062992209.pdf 2005062992209.htm Fimat International Banque 92119 1 2005062992119.pdf 2005062992119.htm Fimipar 92164 1 2005062992164.pdf 2005062992164.htm Financière Atlas 92137 1 2005062992137.pdf 2005062992137.htm Financière de Paris (Compagnie) 92213 1 2005062992213.pdf 2005062992213.htm Financière des marchés à terme (Fimat) 92117 1 2005062992117.pdf 2005062992117.htm Financière et foncière (Société) 92214 1 2005062992214.pdf 2005062992214.htm Financière européenne d'affacturage 92240 11 2005062992240.pdf 2005062992240.htm Foncière de la Montagne verte 92205 1 2005062992205.pdf 2005062992205.htm Fromageries F. Paul-Renard 92165 1 2005062992165.pdf 2005062992165.htm Garantie mutuelle des métiers en Lorraine « Sogammelor » (Société de ) 92131 1 2005062992131.pdf 2005062992131.htm Genefim 92228 2 2005062992228.pdf 2005062992228.htm Genefim 92229 1 2005062992229.pdf 2005062992229.htm Genefim 92230 2 2005062992230.pdf 2005062992230.htm Genefim 92291 2 2005062992291.pdf 2005062992291.htm Havas 92163 2 2005062992163.pdf 2005062992163.htm Hermès International 91955 1 2005062991955.pdf 2005062991955.htm Holding Gondomar 3 92287 1 2005062992287.pdf 2005062992287.htm Icade Foncière des Pimonts 92145 2 2005062992145.pdf 2005062992145.htm IFN Finance SA 92216 1 2005062992216.pdf 2005062992216.htm ING Lease France SA 92043 11 2005062992043.pdf 2005062992043.htm Innov'ia Industrie 92175 2 2005062992175.pdf 2005062992175.htm Ioltech 92250 9 2005062992250.pdf 2005062992250.htm Isis Factor Spa (Succursale de Paris) 92231 3 2005062992231.pdf 2005062992231.htm Kletransactions 92283 1 2005062992283.pdf 2005062992283.htm Léon de Bruxelles 92190 2 2005062992190.pdf 2005062992190.htm LP7 (SAS) 92286 1 2005062992286.pdf 2005062992286.htm Mab Finances 92244 8 2005062992244.pdf 2005062992244.htm MACSF Financement 92280 1 2005062992280.pdf 2005062992280.htm Matussière et Forest S.A. 92199 11 2005062992199.pdf 2005062992199.htm Matussière et Forest S.A. 92256 12 2005062992256.pdf 2005062992256.htm Média 6 92188 9 2005062992188.pdf 2005062992188.htm Ménafinance 92279 1 2005062992279.pdf 2005062992279.htm Mornay Multigestions 92135 1 2005062992135.pdf 2005062992135.htm Natiocrédimurs 91711 6 2005062991711.pdf 2005062991711.htm Participations financières et immobilières « Parficim » 92168 1 2005062992168.pdf 2005062992168.htm Piscines Desjoyaux S.A. 92257 1 2005062992257.pdf 2005062992257.htm Prosodie 92243 1 2005062992243.pdf 2005062992243.htm Radiall 92192 1 2005062992192.pdf 2005062992192.htm Rémy Cointreau 92259 23 2005062992259.pdf 2005062992259.htm S.O.I.Tec-Silicon On Insulator Technologies 92255 17 2005062992255.pdf 2005062992255.htm Saint-Gobain Compensation 92289 1 2005062992289.pdf 2005062992289.htm Sanofi Chimie 92273 1 2005062992273.pdf 2005062992273.htm Sanofi Synthélabo Recherche 92274 1 2005062992274.pdf 2005062992274.htm Sanofi Winthrop Industrie 92269 1 2005062992269.pdf 2005062992269.htm Sanofi-Synthélabo OTC 92276 1 2005062992276.pdf 2005062992276.htm SNVB Financements S.A. 92096 1 2005062992096.pdf 2005062992096.htm Thomson 92200 2 2005062992200.pdf 2005062992200.htm TSA 92254 16 2005062992254.pdf 2005062992254.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations « Salvepar » (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 92162 4 2005062992162.pdf 2005062992162.htm Varin-Bernier (Société nancéienne) 92233 20 2005062992233.pdf 2005062992233.htm Winthrop Médicaments 92271 1 2005062992271.pdf 2005062992271.htm Xilam Animation 92055 6 2005062992055.pdf 2005062992055.htm ADLPartner 92293 1 2005062992293.pdf 2005062992293.htm Aigle 92113 1 2005062992113.pdf 2005062992113.htm Belvédère 92107 1 2005062992107.pdf 2005062992107.htm Delachaux S.A. 92227 1 2005062992227.pdf 2005062992227.htm Egide 92197 1 2005062992197.pdf 2005062992197.htm Fromageries F. Paul-Renard 91699 1 2005062991699.pdf 2005062991699.htm GeneriX 92260 1 2005062992260.pdf 2005062992260.htm Hologram.Industries 92149 1 2005062992149.pdf 2005062992149.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 92120 2 2005062992120.pdf 2005062992120.htm IEC Professionnel Média 92195 1 2005062992195.pdf 2005062992195.htm Immobilière Dassault 92218 1 2005062992218.pdf 2005062992218.htm Larivière 92241 1 2005062992241.pdf 2005062992241.htm Maaf Assurances SA 92063 1 2005062992063.pdf 2005062992063.htm MLPC International 92174 1 2005062992174.pdf 2005062992174.htm Oxbow S.A. 92118 1 2005062992118.pdf 2005062992118.htm Phone Systems & Network 92204 1 2005062992204.pdf 2005062992204.htm Produits chimiques auxiliaires et de synthèse 92072 1 2005062992072.pdf 2005062992072.htm Soditech Ingénierie 92053 1 2005062992053.pdf 2005062992053.htm XRT 92150 1 2005062992150.pdf 2005062992150.htm Décisions et Informations 01077 5 2005062901077.pdf 2005062901077.htm
Mercialys 97723 3 2005093097723.pdf 2005093097723.htm Micropole-Univers 97369 5 2005093097369.pdf 2005093097369.htm Société générale 97808 3 2005093097808.pdf 2005093097808.htm MFS Meridian Funds 97784 1 2005093097784.pdf 2005093097784.htm Affine 97858 2 2005093097858.pdf 2005093097858.htm Aurel Leven Invest-immo 97687 1 2005093097687.pdf 2005093097687.htm CPR Actions Japon 97777 2 2005093097777.pdf 2005093097777.htm Empain Graham Développement 97855 4 2005093097855.pdf 2005093097855.htm HSBC Republic Convertibles 97345 1 2005093097345.pdf 2005093097345.htm HSBC Republic Convertibles 97346 2 2005093097346.pdf 2005093097346.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 97774 1 2005093097774.pdf 2005093097774.htm Morgan Stanley Sicav 96769 2 2005093096769.pdf 2005093096769.htm Sogemoneplus 3 Mois 97827 1 2005093097827.pdf 2005093097827.htm Sogeoblig Première LT 97829 1 2005093097829.pdf 2005093097829.htm Soprane Croissance 97809 2 2005093097809.pdf 2005093097809.htm Soprane Gestion Internationale 97820 1 2005093097820.pdf 2005093097820.htm Soprane Long terme 97816 2 2005093097816.pdf 2005093097816.htm State Street Active Asie 97842 1 2005093097842.pdf 2005093097842.htm State Street Obligations Monde 97849 1 2005093097849.pdf 2005093097849.htm State Street Profil Equilibre 97844 2 2005093097844.pdf 2005093097844.htm Air liquide (L') 97769 20 2005093097769.pdf 2005093097769.htm Assystembrime 97817 20 2005093097817.pdf 2005093097817.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse-APS 97764 5 2005093097764.pdf 2005093097764.htm 200509309776401.gif BNP Paribas 97804 1 2005093097804.pdf 2005093097804.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Centre Val de Loire 97765 1 2005093097765.pdf 2005093097765.htm Cerep 97852 16 2005093097852.pdf 2005093097852.htm Crédit moderne Antilles 97837 5 2005093097837.pdf 2005093097837.htm Electricité (Compagnie générale d') 97736 1 2005093097736.pdf 2005093097736.htm Espace Production internationale "Epi" 97787 2 2005093097787.pdf 2005093097787.htm Eurotunnel S.A. 97722 13 2005093097722.pdf 2005093097722.htm 200509309772201.gif GL Trade 97799 6 2005093097799.pdf 2005093097799.htm Groupe Diffusion Plus 97848 8 2005093097848.pdf 2005093097848.htm Guillemot Corporation 97807 15 2005093097807.pdf 2005093097807.htm High Co. 97847 24 2005093097847.pdf 2005093097847.htm Kaufman et Broad SA 97836 7 2005093097836.pdf 2005093097836.htm Louvre Hotels 97783 1 2005093097783.pdf 2005093097783.htm Man Financial 97838 1 2005093097838.pdf 2005093097838.htm Natexis Banques populaires 97362 2 2005093097362.pdf 2005093097362.htm Natexis Immo Exploitation 97800 1 2005093097800.pdf 2005093097800.htm Patrimoine immobilier et hotelier (Compagnie immobilière de) 97819 1 2005093097819.pdf 2005093097819.htm Raymond James International 97798 1 2005093097798.pdf 2005093097798.htm Stedim 97770 1 2005093097770.pdf 2005093097770.htm A Technip 97818 2 2005093097818.pdf 2005093097818.htm A Tiscali S.p.A. 97803 2 2005093097803.pdf 2005093097803.htm Trader Classified Media N.V. 97853 11 2005093097853.pdf 2005093097853.htm Tunnel Prado-Carenage (Société marseillaise du) 97758 7 2005093097758.pdf 2005093097758.htm Veolia Environnement 97845 15 2005093097845.pdf 2005093097845.htm Automa-Tech 97778 1 2005093097778.pdf 2005093097778.htm Espace Production internationale "Epi" 97775 1 2005093097775.pdf 2005093097775.htm IB Group 97785 1 2005093097785.pdf 2005093097785.htm IEC Professionnel Média 97859 1 2005093097859.pdf 2005093097859.htm Informatique industrielle (SII) (Société pour l') 97846 1 2005093097846.pdf 2005093097846.htm Liberty Surf Group S.A. 97850 1 2005093097850.pdf 2005093097850.htm Skis Rossignol 97761 1 2005093097761.pdf 2005093097761.htm Ubam 97675 2 2005093097675.pdf 2005093097675.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 97753 1 2005093097753.pdf 2005093097753.htm Décisions et informations 01117 5 2005093001117.pdf 2005093001117.htm
Participation foncière Opportunité (La) 85827 1 2005041585827.pdf 2005041585827.htm Unofi Monétaire 85804 1 2005041585804.pdf 2005041585804.htm Crédit agricole SA 85678 2 2005041585678.pdf 2005041585678.htm Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 85726 1 2005041585726.pdf 2005041585726.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 85741 2 2005041585741.pdf 2005041585741.htm ABF Euro 100 85825 1 2005041585825.pdf 2005041585825.htm Benelux Investors Europe Equities 85857 1 2005041585857.pdf 2005041585857.htm Biosphère 85859 2 2005041585859.pdf 2005041585859.htm Brioche Pasquier (Rectificatif) 85785 1 2005041585785.pdf 2005041585785.htm BTP (Compagnie) 85806 1 2005041585806.pdf 2005041585806.htm CA-AM Actions Emergents 85869 2 2005041585869.pdf 2005041585869.htm CA-AM Actions Matières 1ères 85870 2 2005041585870.pdf 2005041585870.htm CA-AM Actions Multimédia 85871 1 2005041585871.pdf 2005041585871.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Brie Picardie 85863 3 2005041585863.pdf 2005041585863.htm Camaieu 85718 2 2005041585718.pdf 2005041585718.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 85843 1 2005041585843.pdf 2005041585843.htm CPR Capital Expansion 85821 2 2005041585821.pdf 2005041585821.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 85815 1 2005041585815.pdf 2005041585815.htm Crédit du Nord 85860 2 2005041585860.pdf 2005041585860.htm Cyril Mid Caps 85858 2 2005041585858.pdf 2005041585858.htm Cyril Plus 85855 1 2005041585855.pdf 2005041585855.htm Dane-Elec Memory SA 85829 2 2005041585829.pdf 2005041585829.htm Dexia Crédit local 85615 2 2005041585615.pdf 2005041585615.htm Elf Aquitaine 85770 1 2005041585770.pdf 2005041585770.htm Europlasma 85842 6 2005041585842.pdf 2005041585842.htm Foncière des Pimonts (Société) 85866 3 2005041585866.pdf 2005041585866.htm Géodis (Rectificatif) 85837 1 2005041585837.pdf 2005041585837.htm Groupe Fructa Partner 85750 2 2005041585750.pdf 2005041585750.htm Guy Degrenne 85974 2 2005041585974.pdf 2005041585974.htm 85867 3 2005041585867.pdf 2005041585867.htm ING Bank (France) S.A. 85851 2 2005041585851.pdf 2005041585851.htm ING Securities Bank (France) 85854 1 2005041585854.pdf 2005041585854.htm Lafarge (Rectificatif) 85882 2 2005041585882.pdf 2005041585882.htm Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin, Michelin et Cie 85812 1 2005041585812.pdf 2005041585812.htm Natexis Convertibles Europe 85760 1 2005041585760.pdf 2005041585760.htm Natexis Quantactions Europe 85759 1 2005041585759.pdf 2005041585759.htm News Invest 85861 6 2005041585861.pdf 2005041585861.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extreme-Orient (Société d') 85749 2 2005041585749.pdf 2005041585749.htm Participations du commissariat à l'énergie atomique « Areva » (Société des) (Rectificatif) 85853 1 2005041585853.pdf 2005041585853.htm Rubis 85800 6 2005041585800.pdf 2005041585800.htm Saint-Honoré Japon 85819 1 2005041585819.pdf 2005041585819.htm Suez 86046 1 2005041586046.pdf 2005041586046.htm Thales (Additif) 85744 1 2005041585744.pdf 2005041585744.htm Valorg 85791 2 2005041585791.pdf 2005041585791.htm Worms & Cie 85777 10 2005041585777.pdf 2005041585777.htm Funéraires Développements 85781 1 2005041585781.pdf 2005041585781.htm Groupe Roc'Ecler 85782 1 2005041585782.pdf 2005041585782.htm CA-AM Actions Matières 1ères 85868 1 2005041585868.pdf 2005041585868.htm Air liquide (L') 85685 16 2005041585685.pdf 2005041585685.htm Audika 85465 14 2005041585465.pdf 2005041585465.htm Aures Technologies 85824 1 2005041585824.pdf 2005041585824.htm Ausy 85808 9 2005041585808.pdf 2005041585808.htm Bricorama 85709 9 2005041585709.pdf 2005041585709.htm Brioche Pasquier 85200 8 2005041585200.pdf 2005041585200.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Paris et d'Ile-de-France 85811 2 2005041585811.pdf 2005041585811.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) (Rectificatif) 85798 2 2005041585798.pdf 2005041585798.htm Clarins 85764 1 2005041585764.pdf 2005041585764.htm Cofitem-Cofimur 85692 2 2005041585692.pdf 2005041585692.htm Coheris 85724 10 2005041585724.pdf 2005041585724.htm Deveaux S.A. 85717 1 2005041585717.pdf 2005041585717.htm Gaumont 85803 18 2005041585803.pdf 2005041585803.htm Guy Degrenne 85733 28 2005041585733.pdf 2005041585733.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 85822 1 2005041585822.pdf 2005041585822.htm Hôtel Regina Paris 85823 7 2005041585823.pdf 2005041585823.htm Initiative & Finance Investissement 85725 6 2005041585725.pdf 2005041585725.htm Ioltech 85775 1 2005041585775.pdf 2005041585775.htm L.D.C. 85694 1 2005041585694.pdf 2005041585694.htm LaCie Group S.A. 85839 9 2005041585839.pdf 2005041585839.htm Location pour l'industrie et le commerce « Silic » (Société immobilière de) 85226 20 2005041585226.pdf 2005041585226.htm M.A.C.C. 85844 1 2005041585844.pdf 2005041585844.htm M.A.C.C. 85845 11 2005041585845.pdf 2005041585845.htm Manoukian (Alain) 85862 1 2005041585862.pdf 2005041585862.htm Manutan International 85802 1 2005041585802.pdf 2005041585802.htm Média 6 85807 1 2005041585807.pdf 2005041585807.htm Mondial Pêche 85874 1 2005041585874.pdf 2005041585874.htm Mondial Pêche 85875 4 2005041585875.pdf 2005041585875.htm NSC Groupe 85634 13 2005041585634.pdf 2005041585634.htm Oxbow S.A. 85847 11 2005041585847.pdf 2005041585847.htm Portzamparc Société de bourse 85753 1 2005041585753.pdf 2005041585753.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 85805 38 2005041585805.pdf 2005041585805.htm SIIC de Paris 85693 2 2005041585693.pdf 2005041585693.htm SIIC de Paris 8e 85691 2 2005041585691.pdf 2005041585691.htm Stedim 85684 1 2005041585684.pdf 2005041585684.htm Sucreries réunies (Compagnie nouvelle de) 85736 1 2005041585736.pdf 2005041585736.htm Supra 85778 1 2005041585778.pdf 2005041585778.htm Trigano 85809 1 2005041585809.pdf 2005041585809.htm Worms & Cie 85244 12 2005041585244.pdf 2005041585244.htm Xilam Animation 85716 1 2005041585716.pdf 2005041585716.htm Assystem Brime 85756 1 2005041585756.pdf 2005041585756.htm Cofitem-Cofimur 85696 1 2005041585696.pdf 2005041585696.htm Crométal 85814 1 2005041585814.pdf 2005041585814.htm Eurofins Scientific 85768 1 2005041585768.pdf 2005041585768.htm Fiducial Office Solutions 85713 1 2005041585713.pdf 2005041585713.htm Fiducial Real Estate 85714 1 2005041585714.pdf 2005041585714.htm Neovia Electronics 85818 1 2005041585818.pdf 2005041585818.htm SIIC de Paris 85697 1 2005041585697.pdf 2005041585697.htm SIIC de Paris 8e 85695 1 2005041585695.pdf 2005041585695.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 02000 6 2005041502000.pdf 2005041502000.htm Décisions et Informations 01045 6 2005041501045.pdf 2005041501045.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 02001 8 2005041502001.pdf 2005041502001.htm
Foncia Pierre Rendement 84506 1 2005032384506.pdf 2005032384506.htm Plantations d'hévéas (Société internationale de) 84514 2 2005032384514.pdf 2005032384514.htm Société générale 84565 2 2005032384565.pdf 2005032384565.htm ABF Amérique 84575 3 2005032384575.pdf 2005032384575.htm AGF Foncier 84475 1 2005032384475.pdf 2005032384475.htm AGF Interfonds 84477 1 2005032384477.pdf 2005032384477.htm AGF Oblig 3-5 84478 2 2005032384478.pdf 2005032384478.htm Agfimo 84476 2 2005032384476.pdf 2005032384476.htm AST Promotion 84553 1 2005032384553.pdf 2005032384553.htm Atlantique Mur Régions (SCPI) (Rectificatif) 84581 1 2005032384581.pdf 2005032384581.htm Atlas France 84497 1 2005032384497.pdf 2005032384497.htm Banque Covefi 84513 2 2005032384513.pdf 2005032384513.htm Barclays World Equity PEA 84539 1 2005032384539.pdf 2005032384539.htm Barep Nouveaux Horizons 84586 2 2005032384586.pdf 2005032384586.htm BNP Paribas (Rectificatif) 84493 1 2005032384493.pdf 2005032384493.htm BNP Paribas Associations Equilibre 84568 2 2005032384568.pdf 2005032384568.htm BNP Paribas Mone Etat 84569 2 2005032384569.pdf 2005032384569.htm BNP Paribas Selection Europe 84571 2 2005032384571.pdf 2005032384571.htm Bois & chiffons International SA 84552 2 2005032384552.pdf 2005032384552.htm Bongrain SA 84317 3 2005032384317.pdf 2005032384317.htm Brioche Pasquier 84592 2 2005032384592.pdf 2005032384592.htm BVRP Software (Rectificatif) 84520 1 2005032384520.pdf 2005032384520.htm CA-AM Actions Asie 84462 2 2005032384462.pdf 2005032384462.htm CA-AM Actions France 84460 1 2005032384460.pdf 2005032384460.htm CA-AM Convertibles Europe 84463 2 2005032384463.pdf 2005032384463.htm CA-AM Indicia Euroland 84313 1 2005032384313.pdf 2005032384313.htm CA-AM Indicia France 82230 2 2005032382230.pdf 2005032382230.htm Centrale Actions Euro 84311 2 2005032384311.pdf 2005032384311.htm CL Monétaire Médium 84573 1 2005032384573.pdf 2005032384573.htm Clam Euro Développement durable 84570 1 2005032384570.pdf 2005032384570.htm Comalait Groupe (Rectificatif) 84467 2 2005032384467.pdf 2005032384467.htm Commerce et l'industrie des sociétés coopératives de consommation et de production « Sicomi-Coop » (Société immobilière pour le) 84561 1 2005032384561.pdf 2005032384561.htm Coop Monétaire 84574 2 2005032384574.pdf 2005032384574.htm Crédit agricole SA 84594 6 2005032384594.pdf 2005032384594.htm Dresdner RCM Entreval 84479 2 2005032384479.pdf 2005032384479.htm Dresdner RCM Entroblig 84480 1 2005032384480.pdf 2005032384480.htm Dresdner RCM Sécurité 84483 2 2005032384483.pdf 2005032384483.htm Ecofi Bio Stocks 84580 2 2005032384580.pdf 2005032384580.htm Ecofi Multimédia & Technologies 84579 1 2005032384579.pdf 2005032384579.htm Eiffage (Rectificatif) 84590 2 2005032384590.pdf 2005032384590.htm Emerging Markets Strategic Fund (The) 84453 1 2005032384453.pdf 2005032384453.htm Euler Hermès 84567 4 2005032384567.pdf 2005032384567.htm Eurofins Scientific (Rectificatif) 84503 1 2005032384503.pdf 2005032384503.htm Frasecur 84595 1 2005032384595.pdf 2005032384595.htm Gestilion Euro 84572 2 2005032384572.pdf 2005032384572.htm Giorgio Fedon & Figli SpA 84566 1 2005032384566.pdf 2005032384566.htm Groupama Europe Stock 84556 2 2005032384556.pdf 2005032384556.htm Groupama Institutions CT 84557 2 2005032384557.pdf 2005032384557.htm HR Monétaire Euro 84525 1 2005032384525.pdf 2005032384525.htm Idsud 84458 3 2005032384458.pdf 2005032384458.htm Indosuez Bonds 84464 1 2005032384464.pdf 2005032384464.htm Lagardère SCA 84589 5 2005032384589.pdf 2005032384589.htm Lionplus 84316 1 2005032384316.pdf 2005032384316.htm Louvois Placement 84246 2 2005032384246.pdf 2005032384246.htm Midfrance 84498 2 2005032384498.pdf 2005032384498.htm Nord-Sud Développement (Rectificatif) 84558 1 2005032384558.pdf 2005032384558.htm PagesJaunes Groupe 84310 7 2005032384310.pdf 2005032384310.htm Raymond James Opportunités Monde 84591 2 2005032384591.pdf 2005032384591.htm Renault 84587 1 2005032384587.pdf 2005032384587.htm UBS ETF 83678 2 2005032383678.pdf 2005032383678.htm Union + 84472 1 2005032384472.pdf 2005032384472.htm Vinci 84511 2 2005032384511.pdf 2005032384511.htm Vivax 84549 2 2005032384549.pdf 2005032384549.htm Fortis Banque France 84541 1 2005032384541.pdf 2005032384541.htm Etoile Patrimoine Offensif 84504 1 2005032384504.pdf 2005032384504.htm Etoile Patrimoine PEA 84505 1 2005032384505.pdf 2005032384505.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse-APS 84410 12 2005032384410.pdf 2005032384410.htm Banque Banorabe 84577 1 2005032384577.pdf 2005032384577.htm Banque française commerciale Antilles-Guyane 84576 1 2005032384576.pdf 2005032384576.htm Bouygues 84075 25 2005032384075.pdf 2005032384075.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 84508 15 2005032384508.pdf 2005032384508.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 84491 1 2005032384491.pdf 2005032384491.htm Essilor International 84427 24 2005032384427.pdf 2005032384427.htm Financière de la meunerie « Sofim » (Société) 84430 1 2005032384430.pdf 2005032384430.htm Idsud 84459 5 2005032384459.pdf 2005032384459.htm JCDecaux SA 84470 23 2005032384470.pdf 2005032384470.htm Klépierre 84177 29 2005032384177.pdf 2005032384177.htm Monte Paschi Banque 84578 2 2005032384578.pdf 2005032384578.htm Socomie 84465 1 2005032384465.pdf 2005032384465.htm Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Succursale de Paris) 84461 1 2005032384461.pdf 2005032384461.htm Assystem Brime 84563 1 2005032384563.pdf 2005032384563.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 84600 1 2005032384600.pdf 2005032384600.htm Elior 84529 1 2005032384529.pdf 2005032384529.htm Golf de Rougemont-le-Château 84582 1 2005032384582.pdf 2005032384582.htm Golf de Rougemont-le-Château 84584 2 2005032384584.pdf 2005032384584.htm Immobilière hôtelière SA 84466 1 2005032384466.pdf 2005032384466.htm Musée Grévin 84485 1 2005032384485.pdf 2005032384485.htm Pierre et Vacances 84515 1 2005032384515.pdf 2005032384515.htm Plantations d'hévéas (Société internationale de) 84484 1 2005032384484.pdf 2005032384484.htm Vet'affaires (Rectificatif) 84559 1 2005032384559.pdf 2005032384559.htm Décisions et Informations 01035 8 2005032301035.pdf 2005032301035.htm
Latécoère 90297 3 2005060390297.pdf 2005060390297.htm streetTRACKSsm ETFs 90520 2 2005060390520.pdf 2005060390520.htm Delta Plus Group SA 90054 6 2005060390054.pdf 2005060390054.htm Société générale 90247 1 2005060390247.pdf 2005060390247.htm Société générale 90248 1 2005060390248.pdf 2005060390248.htm Société générale 90251 1 2005060390251.pdf 2005060390251.htm Affine (Rectificatif) 90222 1 2005060390222.pdf 2005060390222.htm Alstom 90277 5 2005060390277.pdf 2005060390277.htm Altarea 90283 1 2005060390283.pdf 2005060390283.htm bioMérieux (Rectificatif) 90200 1 2005060390200.pdf 2005060390200.htm BNP Paribas Midcap Europe 90263 2 2005060390263.pdf 2005060390263.htm BNP Paribas Retraite 90304 2 2005060390304.pdf 2005060390304.htm Business Interactif SA (Rectificatif) 90223 1 2005060390223.pdf 2005060390223.htm CA-AM Actions Matières 1ères 87970 1 2005060387970.pdf 2005060387970.htm CPR Horizon 2010 90158 2 2005060390158.pdf 2005060390158.htm Cryonic Médical SA 90102 2 2005060390102.pdf 2005060390102.htm Duran 90095 1 2005060390095.pdf 2005060390095.htm DWS Index Euroland 90181 2 2005060390181.pdf 2005060390181.htm Eficoop-Sicav 90103 1 2005060390103.pdf 2005060390103.htm Eficoop-Sicav 90104 2 2005060390104.pdf 2005060390104.htm Empain Graham Développement (Rectificatif) 90296 1 2005060390296.pdf 2005060390296.htm Financement de la pêche artisanale du port de l'Ile d'Yeu 2000 (Société de) 90221 2 2005060390221.pdf 2005060390221.htm Financement de la pêche artisanale du port de l'Ile de Noirmoutier 2001 « Sofino 2001 » (Société de) 90196 2 2005060390196.pdf 2005060390196.htm Financement de la pêche artisanale du port de l'Ile de Noirmoutier 2002 « Sofino 2002 » (Société de) 90189 1 2005060390189.pdf 2005060390189.htm Financement de la pêche artisanale du port des Sables d'Olonne 2000 « Sofisables 2000 » (Société de) 90227 1 2005060390227.pdf 2005060390227.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 89887 1 2005060389887.pdf 2005060389887.htm Finuchem (Rectificatif) 90208 1 2005060390208.pdf 2005060390208.htm France Images 90207 2 2005060390207.pdf 2005060390207.htm Gimages 90218 1 2005060390218.pdf 2005060390218.htm Gimages 2 90215 1 2005060390215.pdf 2005060390215.htm Gimages 3 90214 1 2005060390214.pdf 2005060390214.htm Gimages 4 90217 1 2005060390217.pdf 2005060390217.htm Gimages 5 90216 1 2005060390216.pdf 2005060390216.htm Gimages 6 90219 1 2005060390219.pdf 2005060390219.htm Immobilière Saint-Honoré (L') 90276 2 2005060390276.pdf 2005060390276.htm Immovilliers 90244 2 2005060390244.pdf 2005060390244.htm Laurent-Perrier 90212 4 2005060390212.pdf 2005060390212.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries (Rectificatif) 90224 1 2005060390224.pdf 2005060390224.htm Medidep 90279 1 2005060390279.pdf 2005060390279.htm Medidep (Rectificatif) 90282 6 2005060390282.pdf 2005060390282.htm Natexis Sécurité Jour 90201 1 2005060390201.pdf 2005060390201.htm Patripierre 1 90146 1 2005060390146.pdf 2005060390146.htm Patripierre 2 90145 2 2005060390145.pdf 2005060390145.htm Patripierre 3 90144 1 2005060390144.pdf 2005060390144.htm Pierre Expansion 90257 2 2005060390257.pdf 2005060390257.htm Pierre Investissement 1 90184 1 2005060390184.pdf 2005060390184.htm Pierre Investissement 2 90187 1 2005060390187.pdf 2005060390187.htm Pierre Investissement 3 90185 1 2005060390185.pdf 2005060390185.htm Pierre Investissement 4 90183 1 2005060390183.pdf 2005060390183.htm Pierre Prestige 90048 1 2005060390048.pdf 2005060390048.htm Placements Court terme Première 90197 2 2005060390197.pdf 2005060390197.htm Placements Euro Indice 88552 2 2005060388552.pdf 2005060388552.htm Précia 90264 1 2005060390264.pdf 2005060390264.htm Provence Prestige International 90175 1 2005060390175.pdf 2005060390175.htm Rocher Pierre 1 90148 2 2005060390148.pdf 2005060390148.htm Saint-Honoré Vie & Santé 90322 1 2005060390322.pdf 2005060390322.htm Sairp Composites (Additif) 90194 2 2005060390194.pdf 2005060390194.htm Sofica Réunion Animation 1 90134 1 2005060390134.pdf 2005060390134.htm Sofimanche 1 90255 1 2005060390255.pdf 2005060390255.htm Sofimanche 2 90253 1 2005060390253.pdf 2005060390253.htm Sofimanche 3 90252 1 2005060390252.pdf 2005060390252.htm Sofimanche 4 90250 1 2005060390250.pdf 2005060390250.htm Sofimanche 5 90249 1 2005060390249.pdf 2005060390249.htm Sogeactions Marchés Emergents 90053 2 2005060390053.pdf 2005060390053.htm Syngenta France 90182 1 2005060390182.pdf 2005060390182.htm Vinci Construction 90315 1 2005060390315.pdf 2005060390315.htm Innoven Holding SAS 90220 1 2005060390220.pdf 2005060390220.htm Crédit lyonnais 90098 1 2005060390098.pdf 2005060390098.htm Crédit lyonnais 90099 1 2005060390099.pdf 2005060390099.htm Crédit lyonnais 90100 2 2005060390100.pdf 2005060390100.htm Abbey National France 90260 7 2005060390260.pdf 2005060390260.htm ABC International Bank Plc 90128 9 2005060390128.pdf 2005060390128.htm Actimut 90310 1 2005060390310.pdf 2005060390310.htm Alstom 90278 1 2005060390278.pdf 2005060390278.htm Altran Technologies 90097 1 2005060390097.pdf 2005060390097.htm Anthium finance 90152 1 2005060390152.pdf 2005060390152.htm Aurel Leven Securities 90135 1 2005060390135.pdf 2005060390135.htm B2C Finance (Bourse Call Center) 90305 1 2005060390305.pdf 2005060390305.htm Bail Ecureuil 90269 1 2005060390269.pdf 2005060390269.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) 90122 1 2005060390122.pdf 2005060390122.htm Banque d'Orsay 90119 14 2005060390119.pdf 2005060390119.htm Banque de Nouvelle-Calédonie 90225 8 2005060390225.pdf 2005060390225.htm Banque fédérative du crédit mutuel 90116 11 2005060390116.pdf 2005060390116.htm Banque populaire de Loire et Lyonnais 90132 11 2005060390132.pdf 2005060390132.htm Banque populaire du Sud-Ouest 90311 1 2005060390311.pdf 2005060390311.htm Banque populaire provençale et Corse 90259 9 2005060390259.pdf 2005060390259.htm Banque Socredo 90312 13 2005060390312.pdf 2005060390312.htm Batiroc Pays de la Loire 90153 1 2005060390153.pdf 2005060390153.htm Boizel, Chanoine, Champagne 90105 1 2005060390105.pdf 2005060390105.htm Bonnasse Lyonnaise de banque 90123 2 2005060390123.pdf 2005060390123.htm Bouygues Telecom 90270 1 2005060390270.pdf 2005060390270.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays du Hainaut 90323 1 2005060390323.pdf 2005060390323.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Nancy 90281 1 2005060390281.pdf 2005060390281.htm Caisse interfédérale de crédit mutuel 90129 19 2005060390129.pdf 2005060390129.htm Caution mutuelle des exploitants forestiers et scieurs du Massif Central (Société de) 90120 1 2005060390120.pdf 2005060390120.htm Citigroup Depositary Services (France) 90079 4 2005060390079.pdf 2005060390079.htm Crédit aux particuliers « Crédipar » (Compagnie générale de) 90318 14 2005060390318.pdf 2005060390318.htm Crédit du Nord 90210 2 2005060390210.pdf 2005060390210.htm Crédit foncier de France (Auxiliaire du) 90295 1 2005060390295.pdf 2005060390295.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 90160 2 2005060390160.pdf 2005060390160.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud Rhône-Alpes Auvergne 90188 8 2005060390188.pdf 2005060390188.htm Crédit mutuel de Normandie 90130 1 2005060390130.pdf 2005060390130.htm Crédit Saint-Pierrais 90258 1 2005060390258.pdf 2005060390258.htm Cryonic Médical SA 90206 7 2005060390206.pdf 2005060390206.htm Cyril Finance 90272 1 2005060390272.pdf 2005060390272.htm Cyril Finance AM 90115 1 2005060390115.pdf 2005060390115.htm Dexia CLF Banque 90080 7 2005060390080.pdf 2005060390080.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 90317 3 2005060390317.pdf 2005060390317.htm Etudes et de gestion des centres d'équipements « Segece » (Société d') 90117 1 2005060390117.pdf 2005060390117.htm Euro Sales Finances 90108 1 2005060390108.pdf 2005060390108.htm Euromedis Groupe 89804 8 2005060389804.pdf 2005060389804.htm Exacompta-Clairefontaine 90195 1 2005060390195.pdf 2005060390195.htm Exploitation de l'hôtel Majestic (Société immobilière et d') 89957 1 2005060389957.pdf 2005060389957.htm Faprogi 90202 1 2005060390202.pdf 2005060390202.htm Financière du Loch 90136 1 2005060390136.pdf 2005060390136.htm Financière du Porte-monnaie électronique interbancaire (Société) 90151 1 2005060390151.pdf 2005060390151.htm France Printemps 90271 1 2005060390271.pdf 2005060390271.htm GE Money Bank 90112 1 2005060390112.pdf 2005060390112.htm Gemey Maybelline Garnier 90432 1 2005060390432.pdf 2005060390432.htm Gemey Paris Maybelline New York 90433 1 2005060390433.pdf 2005060390433.htm Guy Couach 90176 2 2005060390176.pdf 2005060390176.htm Hôtel Gray d'Albion S.A. 89955 1 2005060389955.pdf 2005060389955.htm Ixis Investor Services 89986 1 2005060389986.pdf 2005060389986.htm Kingfisher plc 90107 6 2005060390107.pdf 2005060390107.htm Krief Participations SARL 90164 1 2005060390164.pdf 2005060390164.htm Laboratoire Garnier et Cie 90435 1 2005060390435.pdf 2005060390435.htm Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 90236 1 2005060390236.pdf 2005060390236.htm Littoral cannois (Société casinotière du) 89970 1 2005060389970.pdf 2005060389970.htm Locindus S.A. 90137 3 2005060390137.pdf 2005060390137.htm Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd (Succursale de Paris) 90124 6 2005060390124.pdf 2005060390124.htm Mondiale (La) 89841 25 2005060389841.pdf 2005060389841.htm Mondiale (La) 90163 1 2005060390163.pdf 2005060390163.htm Natexis Banques populaires 90190 1 2005060390190.pdf 2005060390190.htm Natexis Banques populaires 90262 2 2005060390262.pdf 2005060390262.htm Norfinance Gilbert Dupont et associés 90211 1 2005060390211.pdf 2005060390211.htm OFIVM 90265 3 2005060390265.pdf 2005060390265.htm Oréal Produits de luxe international (L') 90436 1 2005060390436.pdf 2005060390436.htm Paluel-Marmont Capital 90266 1 2005060390266.pdf 2005060390266.htm Prestige et collections International 90434 1 2005060390434.pdf 2005060390434.htm Rothschild et Cie Banque 90114 1 2005060390114.pdf 2005060390114.htm Sanpaolo Bail 90300 1 2005060390300.pdf 2005060390300.htm Scor 90307 1 2005060390307.pdf 2005060390307.htm Seb Développement 90284 1 2005060390284.pdf 2005060390284.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 90141 2 2005060390141.pdf 2005060390141.htm Sequana Capital 90274 1 2005060390274.pdf 2005060390274.htm Sercel Holding 90241 1 2005060390241.pdf 2005060390241.htm Sinopia Financial Services 90199 1 2005060390199.pdf 2005060390199.htm Sofimurs 90118 1 2005060390118.pdf 2005060390118.htm Sogefimur 90149 5 2005060390149.pdf 2005060390149.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 90267 1 2005060390267.pdf 2005060390267.htm Transfact 90256 1 2005060390256.pdf 2005060390256.htm Union de banques arabes et françaises « Ubaf » 90261 13 2005060390261.pdf 2005060390261.htm Vanilla Technology 90087 1 2005060390087.pdf 2005060390087.htm VCON 90177 10 2005060390177.pdf 2005060390177.htm Volkswagen Finance 89961 1 2005060389961.pdf 2005060389961.htm Alcatel 90292 1 2005060390292.pdf 2005060390292.htm Assurances générales de France 90299 1 2005060390299.pdf 2005060390299.htm Assurances générales de France 90301 1 2005060390301.pdf 2005060390301.htm Boizel, Chanoine, Champagne 90106 1 2005060390106.pdf 2005060390106.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 90039 1 2005060390039.pdf 2005060390039.htm Maisons France Confort 90052 1 2005060390052.pdf 2005060390052.htm Michelin, Michelin et Cie (Compagnie générale des Etablissements ) 90246 1 2005060390246.pdf 2005060390246.htm Pinguely Haulotte 90178 1 2005060390178.pdf 2005060390178.htm PSB Industries 90186 1 2005060390186.pdf 2005060390186.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 90142 1 2005060390142.pdf 2005060390142.htm Approbation de règles d'entreprises de marché et de chambres de compensation 02055 5 2005060302055.pdf 2005060302055.htm Décisions et Informations 01066 7 2005060301066.pdf 2005060301066.htm
Forinter 80357 6 2005010380357.pdf 2005010380357.htm Générale de santé 79972 1 2005010379972.pdf 2005010379972.htm Dexia Banque privée France 80354 3 2005010380354.pdf 2005010380354.htm Hôtelière du Pacifique (Compagnie) 80348 1 2005010380348.pdf 2005010380348.htm Safari Club 80349 1 2005010380349.pdf 2005010380349.htm Produits Marnier Lapostolle (Société des) 80325 1 2005010380325.pdf 2005010380325.htm Prosodie 80257 1 2005010380257.pdf 2005010380257.htm Décisions et informations 01001 7 2005010301001.pdf 2005010301001.htm
Carrimages 3 07064 1 2005121407064.pdf 2005121407064.htm Cofimage 18 07004 2 2005121407004.pdf 2005121407004.htm Cofinova 3 07072 1 2005121407072.pdf 2005121407072.htm Esker 07084 2 2005121407084.pdf 2005121407084.htm Sofica Europacorp 07059 1 2005121407059.pdf 2005121407059.htm Sofica UGC 1 07058 2 2005121407058.pdf 2005121407058.htm Sofica Valor 7 07061 1 2005121407061.pdf 2005121407061.htm Soficinéma 3 07067 1 2005121407067.pdf 2005121407067.htm Sogecinéma 5 07073 2 2005121407073.pdf 2005121407073.htm Société générale 07047 1 2005121407047.pdf 2005121407047.htm JPMorgan Funds 06398 2 2005121406398.pdf 2005121406398.htm JPMorgan Investment Funds 06388 1 2005121406388.pdf 2005121406388.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 06936 2 2005121406936.pdf 2005121406936.htm ADT S.I.I.C 07043 1 2005121407043.pdf 2005121407043.htm BTP Euro Crédit 07060 2 2005121407060.pdf 2005121407060.htm BTP Euro Crédit 07065 1 2005121407065.pdf 2005121407065.htm BTP Obligations 07062 1 2005121407062.pdf 2005121407062.htm Dryade 06447 1 2005121406447.pdf 2005121406447.htm Ducos et Sarrat (Société des anciens établissements) 07044 2 2005121407044.pdf 2005121407044.htm Iéna Actions américaines 06450 2 2005121406450.pdf 2005121406450.htm Nomatica 07053 1 2005121407053.pdf 2005121407053.htm Ovale 1 07050 1 2005121407050.pdf 2005121407050.htm Placements Net 06981 1 2005121406981.pdf 2005121406981.htm Placements Trésorerie 06977 1 2005121406977.pdf 2005121406977.htm Sogeactions Marchés Emergents 06985 1 2005121406985.pdf 2005121406985.htm R Provence France II 07030 1 2005121407030.pdf 2005121407030.htm Sogeactions Monde 06984 1 2005121406984.pdf 2005121406984.htm R Alain Afflelou SA 07076 1 2005121407076.pdf 2005121407076.htm Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, limited (The) 07036 5 2005121407036.pdf 2005121407036.htm B.F.T.-Banque de financement et de trésorerie 06930 1 2005121406930.pdf 2005121406930.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 07035 2 2005121407035.pdf 2005121407035.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Paris et d'Ile-de-France 07083 1 2005121407083.pdf 2005121407083.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 07006 1 2005121407006.pdf 2005121407006.htm Crédit immobilier de France Méditerranée 07049 2 2005121407049.pdf 2005121407049.htm Crédit immobilier de France Normandie 07066 1 2005121407066.pdf 2005121407066.htm Crédit mutuel d'Anjou 07003 1 2005121407003.pdf 2005121407003.htm Dexia Banque privée France 07055 2 2005121407055.pdf 2005121407055.htm Elior 07070 20 2005121407070.pdf 2005121407070.htm Entreprise générale de transports du Nord 06998 8 2005121406998.pdf 2005121406998.htm Euromedis Groupe 06983 1 2005121406983.pdf 2005121406983.htm Gevelot S.A. 07071 21 2005121407071.pdf 2005121407071.htm Groupe Partouche 07063 1 2005121407063.pdf 2005121407063.htm IGE+XAO 07077 1 2005121407077.pdf 2005121407077.htm Ioltech 07046 8 2005121407046.pdf 2005121407046.htm KBC Securities France 07034 1 2005121407034.pdf 2005121407034.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 06994 4 2005121406994.pdf 2005121406994.htm Mercialys 07040 2 2005121407040.pdf 2005121407040.htm OFIVM 07051 3 2005121407051.pdf 2005121407051.htm Petit forestier 07082 18 2005121407082.pdf 2005121407082.htm Tonnellerie François Frères 07005 1 2005121407005.pdf 2005121407005.htm Décisions et informations 01149 6 2005121401149.pdf 2005121401149.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 04000 1 2005121404000.pdf 2005121404000.htm
BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 96034 2 2005082296034.pdf 2005082296034.htm 96092 1 2005082296092.pdf 2005082296092.htm Imecom Group 96187 2 2005082296187.pdf 2005082296187.htm Protection One Europe Holding 96140 2 2005082296140.pdf 2005082296140.htm Sogemoneplus 3 Mois 96054 2 2005082296054.pdf 2005082296054.htm Sogeoblig Première LT 96053 2 2005082296053.pdf 2005082296053.htm CAAM Monedyn 1 an Septembre 96152 1 2005082296152.pdf 2005082296152.htm Banque nationale de Paris intercontinentale 96172 1 2005082296172.pdf 2005082296172.htm BNP Paribas BDDI Partipations 96177 1 2005082296177.pdf 2005082296177.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Midi-Pyrénées 96183 2 2005082296183.pdf 2005082296183.htm Capgemini France 96164 1 2005082296164.pdf 2005082296164.htm Distribution (Société nouvelle de) 96155 1 2005082296155.pdf 2005082296155.htm Edi TV 96162 1 2005082296162.pdf 2005082296162.htm Fermiers réunis (SAFR) (Société anonyme des) 96190 1 2005082296190.pdf 2005082296190.htm Financière et commerciale "Sofico" (Société) 96192 1 2005082296192.pdf 2005082296192.htm Fromageries Picon 96163 1 2005082296163.pdf 2005082296163.htm Groupe Steria SCA 96197 1 2005082296197.pdf 2005082296197.htm HSBC CCF Epargne Entreprise 95492 1 2005082295492.pdf 2005082295492.htm Ilog 96193 1 2005082296193.pdf 2005082296193.htm Ipsos 96179 1 2005082296179.pdf 2005082296179.htm M6 Editions 96154 1 2005082296154.pdf 2005082296154.htm M6 Numérique 96165 1 2005082296165.pdf 2005082296165.htm M6 Thématique 96160 1 2005082296160.pdf 2005082296160.htm Natiocrédimurs 96157 1 2005082296157.pdf 2005082296157.htm Oddo Corporate Finance 96176 1 2005082296176.pdf 2005082296176.htm Paris Première 96149 1 2005082296149.pdf 2005082296149.htm Parisienne Immobilière d'investissement 2 96198 1 2005082296198.pdf 2005082296198.htm Pier Import Europe 96153 1 2005082296153.pdf 2005082296153.htm Solving International 96171 1 2005082296171.pdf 2005082296171.htm SPL 96199 1 2005082296199.pdf 2005082296199.htm Studio 89 Productions 96156 1 2005082296156.pdf 2005082296156.htm Thalès Assurances et gestion des risques 96168 1 2005082296168.pdf 2005082296168.htm Thalès Cryogénie S.A. 96169 1 2005082296169.pdf 2005082296169.htm Thomson Licensing S.A. 96150 1 2005082296150.pdf 2005082296150.htm Thomson Multimedia Digital France 96167 1 2005082296167.pdf 2005082296167.htm Tivoly S.A. 96188 1 2005082296188.pdf 2005082296188.htm W9 productions 96166 1 2005082296166.pdf 2005082296166.htm Décisions et Informations 01100 6 2005082201100.pdf 2005082201100.htm
BP Résidence Patrimoine 92594 1 2005070492594.pdf 2005070492594.htm Maporama International 92657 3 2005070492657.pdf 2005070492657.htm Normaction 91936 4 2005070491936.pdf 2005070491936.htm Senior Planet 92538 2 2005070492538.pdf 2005070492538.htm Sporever 92514 3 2005070492514.pdf 2005070492514.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 92665 2 2005070492665.pdf 2005070492665.htm Groupama SA 92644 2 2005070492644.pdf 2005070492644.htm Jyske Invest International 92648 1 2005070492648.pdf 2005070492648.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 92661 2 2005070492661.pdf 2005070492661.htm Associations (Sicav) 92455 1 2005070492455.pdf 2005070492455.htm Corail 92645 1 2005070492645.pdf 2005070492645.htm Etoile Jour Sécurité 92557 2 2005070492557.pdf 2005070492557.htm Etoile Trimestriel 92565 1 2005070492565.pdf 2005070492565.htm Fonsicav 92566 2 2005070492566.pdf 2005070492566.htm Fortis Euro Oblig 92744 1 2005070492744.pdf 2005070492744.htm Maxelec 92659 2 2005070492659.pdf 2005070492659.htm Placements Court terme Première 92306 1 2005070492306.pdf 2005070492306.htm Placements Sécurité 92307 1 2005070492307.pdf 2005070492307.htm Banque régionale de l'Ouest 92602 1 2005070492602.pdf 2005070492602.htm Croissance France Actions 92623 1 2005070492623.pdf 2005070492623.htm CS Dynamique CS Epargne Prudent CS Epargne Equilibre CS Epargne Dynamique Multimanager Dynamique CS Equilibre 92561 2 2005070492561.pdf 2005070492561.htm Activité thermale hôtelière et de loisirs « Sathel » (Société d') 92633 1 2005070492633.pdf 2005070492633.htm Alain Afflelou SA 92643 1 2005070492643.pdf 2005070492643.htm Banque financière Cardif 92603 6 2005070492603.pdf 2005070492603.htm Bois « Escobois » (Société escourçoise des) 92607 1 2005070492607.pdf 2005070492607.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Nouvelle-Calédonie 92533 1 2005070492533.pdf 2005070492533.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Val de France-Orléanais (Rectificatif) 92547 1 2005070492547.pdf 2005070492547.htm Calyon Financial SNC (Rectificatif) 92583 1 2005070492583.pdf 2005070492583.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de l'Aude-Ariège (Société de) 92636 1 2005070492636.pdf 2005070492636.htm CIC Finance 92622 1 2005070492622.pdf 2005070492622.htm Cogéra 92611 6 2005070492611.pdf 2005070492611.htm Crédit immobilier de Champagne 92534 1 2005070492534.pdf 2005070492534.htm Crédit immobilier de France-Manche 92653 1 2005070492653.pdf 2005070492653.htm Crédit immobilier de la Gironde 92123 1 2005070492123.pdf 2005070492123.htm Crédit Lyonnais Asset Management Finance 92516 7 2005070492516.pdf 2005070492516.htm Crédit mobilier de Monaco 92605 1 2005070492605.pdf 2005070492605.htm Crédit mutuel méditerranéen 92629 9 2005070492629.pdf 2005070492629.htm Diac 92615 21 2005070492615.pdf 2005070492615.htm Domofinance 92619 1 2005070492619.pdf 2005070492619.htm Elf Aquitaine 92618 1 2005070492618.pdf 2005070492618.htm Entenial Conseil 92552 1 2005070492552.pdf 2005070492552.htm Essroc International 92634 1 2005070492634.pdf 2005070492634.htm Euler Hermès 92586 1 2005070492586.pdf 2005070492586.htm Financement pour le Massif central "Sofimac" (Société de) 92647 1 2005070492647.pdf 2005070492647.htm Fireca 92614 1 2005070492614.pdf 2005070492614.htm Fructicomi 92592 8 2005070492592.pdf 2005070492592.htm Galeries Lafayettes (Société anonyme des) 92501 3 2005070492501.pdf 2005070492501.htm GeneriX 92663 1 2005070492663.pdf 2005070492663.htm Gestor Finance S.A. 92608 1 2005070492608.pdf 2005070492608.htm GL Trade 92650 2 2005070492650.pdf 2005070492650.htm Groupe Go Sport 92652 1 2005070492652.pdf 2005070492652.htm 92624 2 2005070492624.pdf 2005070492624.htm Hypo Real Estate Capital France S.A. 92621 1 2005070492621.pdf 2005070492621.htm IEC Professionnel Média 92587 2 2005070492587.pdf 2005070492587.htm Immobilière Les Thermes (Société civile) 92638 1 2005070492638.pdf 2005070492638.htm Infotel 92542 2 2005070492542.pdf 2005070492542.htm Institut pour le financement du cinéma et des industries culturelles (IFCIC) 92630 1 2005070492630.pdf 2005070492630.htm Lage Landen France S.A. (De) 92631 1 2005070492631.pdf 2005070492631.htm Manutan International 92625 5 2005070492625.pdf 2005070492625.htm Marocaine (Compagnie) 92662 1 2005070492662.pdf 2005070492662.htm MGI Coutier 92569 2 2005070492569.pdf 2005070492569.htm Naturex 92654 2 2005070492654.pdf 2005070492654.htm Passat 92637 2 2005070492637.pdf 2005070492637.htm Rallye 92651 2 2005070492651.pdf 2005070492651.htm RCI Banque 92522 30 2005070492522.pdf 2005070492522.htm Sofiscop 92609 1 2005070492609.pdf 2005070492609.htm Sofiservice 92606 1 2005070492606.pdf 2005070492606.htm Svenska Handelsbanken AB 92668 1 2005070492668.pdf 2005070492668.htm Thales Communications S.A. 92612 1 2005070492612.pdf 2005070492612.htm Unicaf SA 92617 1 2005070492617.pdf 2005070492617.htm Vendôme Investissements 92555 1 2005070492555.pdf 2005070492555.htm Affine 92535 1 2005070492535.pdf 2005070492535.htm Alten 92595 1 2005070492595.pdf 2005070492595.htm Auréa 92462 1 2005070492462.pdf 2005070492462.htm Bricorama 92691 1 2005070492691.pdf 2005070492691.htm Buffalo Grill 92318 1 2005070492318.pdf 2005070492318.htm Caisse nationale des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance 92646 1 2005070492646.pdf 2005070492646.htm Empain Graham Développement 92705 1 2005070492705.pdf 2005070492705.htm GameLoft SA 92604 1 2005070492604.pdf 2005070492604.htm Gevelot S.A. 92563 1 2005070492563.pdf 2005070492563.htm GIAC 92406 1 2005070492406.pdf 2005070492406.htm Groupe Crit 92591 1 2005070492591.pdf 2005070492591.htm Groupe Médiagérance 92628 1 2005070492628.pdf 2005070492628.htm Idi 92627 1 2005070492627.pdf 2005070492627.htm IPBM 92626 1 2005070492626.pdf 2005070492626.htm Liberty Surf Group S.A. 92545 1 2005070492545.pdf 2005070492545.htm Logic Instrument 92666 1 2005070492666.pdf 2005070492666.htm MGI Coutier 92562 1 2005070492562.pdf 2005070492562.htm NSI 92564 1 2005070492564.pdf 2005070492564.htm Stallergènes S.A. 92596 1 2005070492596.pdf 2005070492596.htm Décisions et Informations 01079 9 2005070401079.pdf 2005070401079.htm
AV Habitat 2 83021 1 2005022383021.pdf 2005022383021.htm Atlante 83048 1 2005022383048.pdf 2005022383048.htm Axa Première 83001 2 2005022383001.pdf 2005022383001.htm CA-AM Actions Orient 80920 1 2005022380920.pdf 2005022380920.htm CA-AM Convertibles Euroland 80853 2 2005022380853.pdf 2005022380853.htm CA-AM Oblig 7-10 Euro 80852 1 2005022380852.pdf 2005022380852.htm CA-AM Oblig Monde 80687 1 2005022380687.pdf 2005022380687.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud Rhône-Alpes 83023 2 2005022383023.pdf 2005022383023.htm Construction le Chesnay-Trianon « Parly 2 » (Société anonyme immobilière de) 82980 1 2005022382980.pdf 2005022382980.htm Deux Alpes Loisirs 82985 2 2005022382985.pdf 2005022382985.htm Dexia Ethique 83007 1 2005022383007.pdf 2005022383007.htm Dexia Euro Convertible 83004 2 2005022383004.pdf 2005022383004.htm Dexia France Equity 83006 1 2005022383006.pdf 2005022383006.htm Dexia Localys Première 83008 2 2005022383008.pdf 2005022383008.htm Dexia Obligations Euro Court terme 83009 1 2005022383009.pdf 2005022383009.htm Duguay Obligations 82926 2 2005022382926.pdf 2005022382926.htm Dynalion Technologies PEA 82680 2 2005022382680.pdf 2005022382680.htm Etoile Actions internationales 83055 1 2005022383055.pdf 2005022383055.htm Etoile Euro Trésorerie 83052 1 2005022383052.pdf 2005022383052.htm Etoile France Europe 83046 2 2005022383046.pdf 2005022383046.htm Etoile Obli 1-3 ans 83045 2 2005022383045.pdf 2005022383045.htm Etoile Obli Internationales 83057 2 2005022383057.pdf 2005022383057.htm Etoile Oblig Euro 83042 1 2005022383042.pdf 2005022383042.htm Etoile Patrimoine 50 83053 2 2005022383053.pdf 2005022383053.htm Etoile Patrimoine Offensif 83058 1 2005022383058.pdf 2005022383058.htm Etoile Patrimoine PEA 83051 1 2005022383051.pdf 2005022383051.htm France Entreprises 82955 2 2005022382955.pdf 2005022382955.htm Groupe Diwan 83014 1 2005022383014.pdf 2005022383014.htm HSBC AM French Government Bonds 82930 1 2005022382930.pdf 2005022382930.htm HSBC AM Rendement 82927 2 2005022382927.pdf 2005022382927.htm IB Group 83044 3 2005022383044.pdf 2005022383044.htm Investissement en valeurs françaises « Slivafrance » (Société lyonnaise d') 83043 1 2005022383043.pdf 2005022383043.htm Monelion Jour 82679 2 2005022382679.pdf 2005022382679.htm New Europe Small Caps 83036 1 2005022383036.pdf 2005022383036.htm Pierre et Vacances (Rectificatif) 83031 2 2005022383031.pdf 2005022383031.htm Priv'associations 83005 1 2005022383005.pdf 2005022383005.htm Signaux Girod 83018 2 2005022383018.pdf 2005022383018.htm Simiane 83047 2 2005022383047.pdf 2005022383047.htm streetTRACKSsm ETFs 83072 1 2005022383072.pdf 2005022383072.htm Thermador Groupe 83054 2 2005022383054.pdf 2005022383054.htm France Titrisation 82986 1 2005022382986.pdf 2005022382986.htm 123 Multimédia 83002 1 2005022383002.pdf 2005022383002.htm Avenir Telecom 83035 1 2005022383035.pdf 2005022383035.htm Banque du bâtiment et des travaux publics « BTP Banque » 82993 2 2005022382993.pdf 2005022382993.htm BNP Paribas 82961 1 2005022382961.pdf 2005022382961.htm BNP Paribas Martinique 82971 2 2005022382971.pdf 2005022382971.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays du Hainaut 82988 1 2005022382988.pdf 2005022382988.htm CM-CIC Bail 82963 2 2005022382963.pdf 2005022382963.htm Crédit agricole SA 83026 2 2005022383026.pdf 2005022383026.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Est 82977 1 2005022382977.pdf 2005022382977.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Ile-de-France 82970 2 2005022382970.pdf 2005022382970.htm Crédit mutuel Océan 82969 1 2005022382969.pdf 2005022382969.htm Développement des opérations de crédit-bail immobilier « Sogébail » (Société générale pour le) 83029 1 2005022383029.pdf 2005022383029.htm Dexia Banque privée France 83020 2 2005022383020.pdf 2005022383020.htm Entenial 82992 1 2005022382992.pdf 2005022382992.htm Eurofactor 83010 2 2005022383010.pdf 2005022383010.htm Financement et de participations pour le développement de l'agriculture « Sofipar » (Société de) 83059 1 2005022383059.pdf 2005022383059.htm Financière Géo « Cofigeo » (Compagnie) 83011 1 2005022383011.pdf 2005022383011.htm Gecina 82990 1 2005022382990.pdf 2005022382990.htm GL Trade 82983 1 2005022382983.pdf 2005022382983.htm Kingfisher plc 83050 1 2005022383050.pdf 2005022383050.htm Oberthur Card Systems SA 82887 1 2005022382887.pdf 2005022382887.htm Sodelem S.A. 82964 1 2005022382964.pdf 2005022382964.htm Sogefimur 83028 1 2005022383028.pdf 2005022383028.htm Solving International 82994 1 2005022382994.pdf 2005022382994.htm Tanneries de France 82968 1 2005022382968.pdf 2005022382968.htm UBS (Monaco).S.A. 82975 1 2005022382975.pdf 2005022382975.htm Ucabail Immobilier 83003 2 2005022383003.pdf 2005022383003.htm Umanis S.A. 83017 1 2005022383017.pdf 2005022383017.htm Client Center Alliance 83025 1 2005022383025.pdf 2005022383025.htm Dexia Bonds 83039 1 2005022383039.pdf 2005022383039.htm Dexia Equities L 83038 1 2005022383038.pdf 2005022383038.htm Dexia Quant 83128 1 2005022383128.pdf 2005022383128.htm First State Investments ICVC 83049 1 2005022383049.pdf 2005022383049.htm Géodis 83012 1 2005022383012.pdf 2005022383012.htm Louvre Multi Select 83040 1 2005022383040.pdf 2005022383040.htm Luxembourg European and American Fund 83037 1 2005022383037.pdf 2005022383037.htm Trackindex Fund Public Limited Company 83041 1 2005022383041.pdf 2005022383041.htm Décisions et Informations 01023 5 2005022301023.pdf 2005022301023.htm
Développement des opérations de crédit-bail immobilier "Sogébail" (Société générale pour le) 05533 4 2005111605533.pdf 2005111605533.htm Exonhit Therapeutics 05455 1 2005111605455.pdf 2005111605455.htm HH Développement 05394 5 2005111605394.pdf 2005111605394.htm Agence française de développement 05516 2 2005111605516.pdf 2005111605516.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 05540 1 2005111605540.pdf 2005111605540.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 05546 2 2005111605546.pdf 2005111605546.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 05547 1 2005111605547.pdf 2005111605547.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 05548 2 2005111605548.pdf 2005111605548.htm Alliance 05605 1 2005111605605.pdf 2005111605605.htm DWS France Valeur 05395 2 2005111605395.pdf 2005111605395.htm Elan Club 05449 1 2005111605449.pdf 2005111605449.htm Elit Group 05435 5 2005111605435.pdf 2005111605435.htm Huis Clos 05525 1 2005111605525.pdf 2005111605525.htm Immeubles de France (Société des) 05568 1 2005111605568.pdf 2005111605568.htm Immobilière hotelière (L') 05242 1 2005111605242.pdf 2005111605242.htm Lucia 05563 2 2005111605563.pdf 2005111605563.htm Lyon Mag' Groupe 05358 2 2005111605358.pdf 2005111605358.htm Pam (L) 05139 1 2005111605139.pdf 2005111605139.htm Select Dynamique 05423 2 2005111605423.pdf 2005111605423.htm Select Equilibre 05529 1 2005111605529.pdf 2005111605529.htm Sophia GE 05409 2 2005111605409.pdf 2005111605409.htm Spirale 05508 1 2005111605508.pdf 2005111605508.htm SQLI 05569 5 2005111605569.pdf 2005111605569.htm Systar 05486 1 2005111605486.pdf 2005111605486.htm Alliance 05604 1 2005111605604.pdf 2005111605604.htm Eiffage Eiffage 2000 05476 1 2005111605476.pdf 2005111605476.htm Elan Club 05454 2 2005111605454.pdf 2005111605454.htm SGAM Invest Euro Recovery 05523 1 2005111605523.pdf 2005111605523.htm SMC Obligations Court terme 05526 2 2005111605526.pdf 2005111605526.htm A Novo 05502 1 2005111605502.pdf 2005111605502.htm Acanthe Développement 05560 1 2005111605560.pdf 2005111605560.htm Acces Industrie 05555 2 2005111605555.pdf 2005111605555.htm Ada 05584 1 2005111605584.pdf 2005111605584.htm ADT S.I.I.C 05561 1 2005111605561.pdf 2005111605561.htm Affacturage (Compagnie générale d') 05497 2 2005111605497.pdf 2005111605497.htm Afibel 05504 1 2005111605504.pdf 2005111605504.htm Algoriel 05524 1 2005111605524.pdf 2005111605524.htm Alliance Développement Capital SIIC 05559 1 2005111605559.pdf 2005111605559.htm Alpha Mos 05385 2 2005111605385.pdf 2005111605385.htm Altarea 05512 1 2005111605512.pdf 2005111605512.htm R Altran Technologies 99607 27 2005111699607.pdf 2005111699607.htm André Trigano (Compagnie internationale) 05446 1 2005111605446.pdf 2005111605446.htm Apem 99535 19 2005111699535.pdf 2005111699535.htm April Group 99511 24 2005111699511.pdf 2005111699511.htm Arbel 05453 2 2005111605453.pdf 2005111605453.htm Assurances générales de France 05541 5 2005111605541.pdf 2005111605541.htm Assystem 05452 1 2005111605452.pdf 2005111605452.htm Augros Cosmetic Packaging 05405 1 2005111605405.pdf 2005111605405.htm Auréa 99582 5 2005111699582.pdf 2005111699582.htm 200511169958201.gif Ausy 05448 1 2005111605448.pdf 2005111605448.htm Automa-Tech 05418 1 2005111605418.pdf 2005111605418.htm Banque Socredo 05412 1 2005111605412.pdf 2005111605412.htm Barbara Bui 99568 7 2005111699568.pdf 2005111699568.htm BCI Navigation 05399 1 2005111605399.pdf 2005111605399.htm Bigben Interactive 05549 1 2005111605549.pdf 2005111605549.htm Caisse centrale du crédit mutuel 05381 1 2005111605381.pdf 2005111605381.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Bretagne 05492 2 2005111605492.pdf 2005111605492.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Ile de France Paris 05493 1 2005111605493.pdf 2005111605493.htm Caisse fédérale du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 05359 2 2005111605359.pdf 2005111605359.htm Caisse interfédérale de crédit mutuel 05374 1 2005111605374.pdf 2005111605374.htm Cap Gemini SA 05544 1 2005111605544.pdf 2005111605544.htm Carrere Group 05407 1 2005111605407.pdf 2005111605407.htm Cast 05393 1 2005111605393.pdf 2005111605393.htm Caterpillar Finance France 05434 1 2005111605434.pdf 2005111605434.htm Cesar 05507 1 2005111605507.pdf 2005111605507.htm Cibox Interàctive 99692 4 2005111699692.pdf 2005111699692.htm Cider Santé 05535 1 2005111605535.pdf 2005111605535.htm CNP Assurances 05301 1 2005111605301.pdf 2005111605301.htm R Cofitem-Cofimur 05170 2 2005111605170.pdf 2005111605170.htm Costimex 99597 9 2005111699597.pdf 2005111699597.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Ile de France 05496 1 2005111605496.pdf 2005111605496.htm Crédit mutuel du Centre 05480 2 2005111605480.pdf 2005111605480.htm Crédit mutuel de Loire-Atlantique et du Centre-Ouest 05489 1 2005111605489.pdf 2005111605489.htm Crédit mutuel participation 05532 1 2005111605532.pdf 2005111605532.htm Crédit suisse First Boston (Zurich) 99662 9 2005111699662.pdf 2005111699662.htm CS Communication et Systèmes 05564 2 2005111605564.pdf 2005111605564.htm Devoteam 99674 10 2005111699674.pdf 2005111699674.htm Didot-Bottin 05372 1 2005111605372.pdf 2005111605372.htm Distribution "Saprodis" (Société anonyme professionnelle de) 05361 1 2005111605361.pdf 2005111605361.htm Du Pareil au Meme 05581 1 2005111605581.pdf 2005111605581.htm Duran 05580 2 2005111605580.pdf 2005111605580.htm Dynaction 05365 1 2005111605365.pdf 2005111605365.htm ECA 99545 15 2005111699545.pdf 2005111699545.htm Encres Dubuit 99628 14 2005111699628.pdf 2005111699628.htm Entrepose Contracting 99410 19 2005111699410.pdf 2005111699410.htm E.S.R. 99691 11 2005111699691.pdf 2005111699691.htm 200511169969101.gif 200511169969102.gif 200511169969103.gif 200511169969104.gif Euler Hermès 05466 1 2005111605466.pdf 2005111605466.htm Euraltech 05382 1 2005111605382.pdf 2005111605382.htm Euro Disney S.C.A. 05573 1 2005111605573.pdf 2005111605573.htm Evialis 05444 1 2005111605444.pdf 2005111605444.htm Exacompta-Clairefontaine 05380 1 2005111605380.pdf 2005111605380.htm Explosifs et de produits chimiques (Société anonyme d') 05485 2 2005111605485.pdf 2005111605485.htm Fauvet-Girel (Etablissements) 99677 2 2005111699677.pdf 2005111699677.htm Financière Géo "Cofigeo" (Compagnie) 05577 1 2005111605577.pdf 2005111605577.htm Financo (SA) 05432 2 2005111605432.pdf 2005111605432.htm Finuchem 05420 1 2005111605420.pdf 2005111605420.htm Fromageries Bel 99465 22 2005111699465.pdf 2005111699465.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 05551 1 2005111605551.pdf 2005111605551.htm GFI Informatique 05543 1 2005111605543.pdf 2005111605543.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe "Ginger" 99683 10 2005111699683.pdf 2005111699683.htm Groupe JAJ 99550 6 2005111699550.pdf 2005111699550.htm Huis Clos 05483 1 2005111605483.pdf 2005111605483.htm ICADE EMGP 05514 1 2005111605514.pdf 2005111605514.htm Immobilière Dassault 99676 5 2005111699676.pdf 2005111699676.htm Immobilière hotelière (L') 99549 8 2005111699549.pdf 2005111699549.htm IMV Technologies 05511 1 2005111605511.pdf 2005111605511.htm Infogrames Entertainment 05557 1 2005111605557.pdf 2005111605557.htm Innelec Multimédia 05530 1 2005111605530.pdf 2005111605530.htm Installux S.A. 05388 1 2005111605388.pdf 2005111605388.htm IPO-Institut de participations de l'Ouest 05389 1 2005111605389.pdf 2005111605389.htm IT Link 05440 1 2005111605440.pdf 2005111605440.htm Laurent-Perrier 05362 1 2005111605362.pdf 2005111605362.htm LDLC.Com 05437 1 2005111605437.pdf 2005111605437.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 99625 8 2005111699625.pdf 2005111699625.htm Location d'équipements (Compagnie générale de) 05398 1 2005111605398.pdf 2005111605398.htm Lucia 05377 1 2005111605377.pdf 2005111605377.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 05515 1 2005111605515.pdf 2005111605515.htm Medcost 05542 1 2005111605542.pdf 2005111605542.htm MFP Participations MFPP (Compagnie financière) 05534 1 2005111605534.pdf 2005111605534.htm MGI Coutier 05506 1 2005111605506.pdf 2005111605506.htm Natexis Bleichroeder 05384 1 2005111605384.pdf 2005111605384.htm R Natiocrédibail 05468 1 2005111605468.pdf 2005111605468.htm Nexity 05539 2 2005111605539.pdf 2005111605539.htm Nissan France SA 05397 1 2005111605397.pdf 2005111605397.htm NSC Groupe 05571 1 2005111605571.pdf 2005111605571.htm Onet 05505 1 2005111605505.pdf 2005111605505.htm Opéra Construction 05575 1 2005111605575.pdf 2005111605575.htm Oseo BDPME 05392 1 2005111605392.pdf 2005111605392.htm Otor 05474 1 2005111605474.pdf 2005111605474.htm Papiers peints (Société française des) 05501 1 2005111605501.pdf 2005111605501.htm Paris Orléans 05447 1 2005111605447.pdf 2005111605447.htm Passat 05491 1 2005111605491.pdf 2005111605491.htm Pernod Ricard 05531 2 2005111605531.pdf 2005111605531.htm Perrier Industrie (Gérard) 05554 1 2005111605554.pdf 2005111605554.htm Prédault (Paul) 05545 1 2005111605545.pdf 2005111605545.htm Produits chimiques auxiliaires et de synthèse 99575 12 2005111699575.pdf 2005111699575.htm Prosodie 05522 1 2005111605522.pdf 2005111605522.htm Réponse 99643 8 2005111699643.pdf 2005111699643.htm Risc Group 05370 2 2005111605370.pdf 2005111605370.htm Risc Group 05579 1 2005111605579.pdf 2005111605579.htm Rodriguez Group 05191 1 2005111605191.pdf 2005111605191.htm Rougier S.A. 05572 1 2005111605572.pdf 2005111605572.htm Saft Groupe 99640 17 2005111699640.pdf 2005111699640.htm Sairp Composites 99680 4 2005111699680.pdf 2005111699680.htm Scor 05357 1 2005111605357.pdf 2005111605357.htm Sequana Capital 05390 8 2005111605390.pdf 2005111605390.htm R Siparex Croissance 05416 2 2005111605416.pdf 2005111605416.htm Smoby 05400 1 2005111605400.pdf 2005111605400.htm Soditech Ingénierie 99569 9 2005111699569.pdf 2005111699569.htm 200511169956901.gif Sopra Group 05556 1 2005111605556.pdf 2005111605556.htm SR. Téléperformance 05430 2 2005111605430.pdf 2005111605430.htm Sucreries (Société vermandoise de) 05463 1 2005111605463.pdf 2005111605463.htm Sucrière de Pithiviers-le-Vieil (Société) 05469 1 2005111605469.pdf 2005111605469.htm Team Partners Group 05438 1 2005111605438.pdf 2005111605438.htm Tipiak 05450 1 2005111605450.pdf 2005111605450.htm Touax SA 99639 27 2005111699639.pdf 2005111699639.htm Umanis SA 99644 11 2005111699644.pdf 2005111699644.htm Unilog S.A. 05424 1 2005111605424.pdf 2005111605424.htm Universal multimédia 05538 1 2005111605538.pdf 2005111605538.htm Valeo 05574 1 2005111605574.pdf 2005111605574.htm Valtech SA 99567 18 2005111699567.pdf 2005111699567.htm Verneuil Participations 05376 1 2005111605376.pdf 2005111605376.htm Viel et Compagnie 05578 1 2005111605578.pdf 2005111605578.htm Virbac 05528 1 2005111605528.pdf 2005111605528.htm Visiodent 05386 1 2005111605386.pdf 2005111605386.htm Acanthe Développement 05411 1 2005111605411.pdf 2005111605411.htm Algoriel 05495 1 2005111605495.pdf 2005111605495.htm Dexia Allocation 05562 1 2005111605562.pdf 2005111605562.htm Géophysique (Compagnie générale de) 05558 1 2005111605558.pdf 2005111605558.htm Groupe Duarte 05465 1 2005111605465.pdf 2005111605465.htm Nexity 05488 1 2005111605488.pdf 2005111605488.htm Oxbow S.A. 05576 1 2005111605576.pdf 2005111605576.htm Décisions et informations 01137 10 2005111601137.pdf 2005111601137.htm
Huis Clos 94728 3 2005080394728.pdf 2005080394728.htm Unédic 94844 2 2005080394844.pdf 2005080394844.htm Agipi Actions 94704 2 2005080394704.pdf 2005080394704.htm Algoriel 94874 1 2005080394874.pdf 2005080394874.htm Debuschere 94703 2 2005080394703.pdf 2005080394703.htm Fineurope Convertibles 94734 1 2005080394734.pdf 2005080394734.htm Fipp 94764 1 2005080394764.pdf 2005080394764.htm Groupe Diwan 94784 2 2005080394784.pdf 2005080394784.htm NSI 94673 1 2005080394673.pdf 2005080394673.htm Richel Serres de France 94763 1 2005080394763.pdf 2005080394763.htm Vigny Sécurité 94834 2 2005080394834.pdf 2005080394834.htm WT-Trader 94875 1 2005080394875.pdf 2005080394875.htm Alstom 94952 1 2005080394952.pdf 2005080394952.htm Chemunex 94940 1 2005080394940.pdf 2005080394940.htm NSI 94672 1 2005080394672.pdf 2005080394672.htm Accor 94721 3 2005080394721.pdf 2005080394721.htm Actielec Technologies 94820 1 2005080394820.pdf 2005080394820.htm Affacturage (Compagnie générale d') 94694 2 2005080394694.pdf 2005080394694.htm Aigle 94609 1 2005080394609.pdf 2005080394609.htm Alstom 94710 1 2005080394710.pdf 2005080394710.htm Alstom 94711 1 2005080394711.pdf 2005080394711.htm Altamir & Cie 94857 1 2005080394857.pdf 2005080394857.htm Altamir & Cie 94859 7 2005080394859.pdf 2005080394859.htm Altarea 94854 1 2005080394854.pdf 2005080394854.htm Alten 94886 1 2005080394886.pdf 2005080394886.htm Alti SA 94811 6 2005080394811.pdf 2005080394811.htm Alti SA 94877 1 2005080394877.pdf 2005080394877.htm April Group 94770 2 2005080394770.pdf 2005080394770.htm Arca Banque du Pays basque 94907 1 2005080394907.pdf 2005080394907.htm Assurposte 94884 1 2005080394884.pdf 2005080394884.htm Assystem Brime 94878 1 2005080394878.pdf 2005080394878.htm AST Groupe 94885 1 2005080394885.pdf 2005080394885.htm Augros Cosmetic Packaging 94719 1 2005080394719.pdf 2005080394719.htm Automobile et la mécanique "Siam" (Société immobilière pour l') 94918 1 2005080394918.pdf 2005080394918.htm Autoroutes "Cofiroute" (Compagnie financière et industrielle des) 94841 5 2005080394841.pdf 2005080394841.htm Avanquest Software 94675 1 2005080394675.pdf 2005080394675.htm Axa 94942 2 2005080394942.pdf 2005080394942.htm B*Capital 94863 1 2005080394863.pdf 2005080394863.htm Bac Majestic 93569 16 2005080393569.pdf 2005080393569.htm Banque Accord 94823 1 2005080394823.pdf 2005080394823.htm Banque AGF 94871 1 2005080394871.pdf 2005080394871.htm Banque Banorabe 94904 1 2005080394904.pdf 2005080394904.htm Banque Courtois 94913 2 2005080394913.pdf 2005080394913.htm Banque Covefi 94816 1 2005080394816.pdf 2005080394816.htm Banque de l'économie du commerce et de la monétique 94912 1 2005080394912.pdf 2005080394912.htm Banque fédérative du crédit mutuel 94906 1 2005080394906.pdf 2005080394906.htm Banque Finama 94915 1 2005080394915.pdf 2005080394915.htm Banque intercontinentale arabe 94743 2 2005080394743.pdf 2005080394743.htm Banque Martin-Maurel 94909 1 2005080394909.pdf 2005080394909.htm Belvédère 94879 19 2005080394879.pdf 2005080394879.htm Bigben Interactive 94880 17 2005080394880.pdf 2005080394880.htm Billon 94853 1 2005080394853.pdf 2005080394853.htm BNP Paribas Guadeloupe 94761 2 2005080394761.pdf 2005080394761.htm BNP Paribas Réunion 94762 1 2005080394762.pdf 2005080394762.htm Bogart S.A. (Jacques) 94919 1 2005080394919.pdf 2005080394919.htm Bonduelle 94946 1 2005080394946.pdf 2005080394946.htm Bourse Direct 94908 1 2005080394908.pdf 2005080394908.htm Bricorama 94742 1 2005080394742.pdf 2005080394742.htm Burelle S.A. 94689 2 2005080394689.pdf 2005080394689.htm Business & Décision 94759 1 2005080394759.pdf 2005080394759.htm Business Interactif SA 94756 1 2005080394756.pdf 2005080394756.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Aquitaine-Nord 94755 1 2005080394755.pdf 2005080394755.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 94753 10 2005080394753.pdf 2005080394753.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays de l'Adour 94754 1 2005080394754.pdf 2005080394754.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Provence-Alpes-Corse 94803 2 2005080394803.pdf 2005080394803.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Atlantique Vendée 94925 2 2005080394925.pdf 2005080394925.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel d'Aquitaine 94752 1 2005080394752.pdf 2005080394752.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Normandie Seine 94822 1 2005080394822.pdf 2005080394822.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Toulouse et du Midi toulousain 94959 1 2005080394959.pdf 2005080394959.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Sud Rhône-Alpes 94774 2 2005080394774.pdf 2005080394774.htm Carbone-Lorraine (Le) 94787 1 2005080394787.pdf 2005080394787.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 94578 7 2005080394578.pdf 2005080394578.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale des Bouches-du-Rhône "Socama des Bouches-du-Rhône" (Société de) 94678 1 2005080394678.pdf 2005080394678.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Vaucluse "Socama Vaucluse" (Socièté de) 94679 1 2005080394679.pdf 2005080394679.htm Ciments français 94557 1 2005080394557.pdf 2005080394557.htm Clayeux S.A. 94789 1 2005080394789.pdf 2005080394789.htm Cofinoga 94699 1 2005080394699.pdf 2005080394699.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée "Cnim" 94864 1 2005080394864.pdf 2005080394864.htm Courtois S.A. 94828 1 2005080394828.pdf 2005080394828.htm Courtois S.A. 94829 1 2005080394829.pdf 2005080394829.htm Crédit du Maroc (Succursale de Paris) 94917 1 2005080394917.pdf 2005080394917.htm Crédit du Nord 94899 1 2005080394899.pdf 2005080394899.htm Crédit suisse First Boston (Succursale de Paris) 94920 4 2005080394920.pdf 2005080394920.htm Cyberdeck 94713 1 2005080394713.pdf 2005080394713.htm Dassault Réassurance 94888 1 2005080394888.pdf 2005080394888.htm Développement chimique (Société de) 94891 1 2005080394891.pdf 2005080394891.htm Docks lyonnais (Société anonyme des) 94798 1 2005080394798.pdf 2005080394798.htm ECA 94744 1 2005080394744.pdf 2005080394744.htm Ermo 94861 1 2005080394861.pdf 2005080394861.htm Etam Développement 94691 2 2005080394691.pdf 2005080394691.htm Euronext Paris SA 94905 1 2005080394905.pdf 2005080394905.htm Facet 94771 2 2005080394771.pdf 2005080394771.htm Fidem 94760 1 2005080394760.pdf 2005080394760.htm Fimalac 94797 1 2005080394797.pdf 2005080394797.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial "Finaref" (Société de) 94827 1 2005080394827.pdf 2005080394827.htm Finatis 94929 1 2005080394929.pdf 2005080394929.htm Finaxa 94948 1 2005080394948.pdf 2005080394948.htm Finuchem 94722 1 2005080394722.pdf 2005080394722.htm Fipp 94765 1 2005080394765.pdf 2005080394765.htm Foncia Groupe 94849 1 2005080394849.pdf 2005080394849.htm Foncière des Murs 94892 1 2005080394892.pdf 2005080394892.htm Foncière Euris 94928 1 2005080394928.pdf 2005080394928.htm Gaillard (Compagnie française des Etablissements) 94747 2 2005080394747.pdf 2005080394747.htm Géodis 94898 1 2005080394898.pdf 2005080394898.htm Gevelot Extrusion 94732 1 2005080394732.pdf 2005080394732.htm Gevelot S.A. 94923 2 2005080394923.pdf 2005080394923.htm Gevelot S.A. (Rectificatif) 94702 1 2005080394702.pdf 2005080394702.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 94818 1 2005080394818.pdf 2005080394818.htm Gurtner 94733 1 2005080394733.pdf 2005080394733.htm Hôtels de Paris (S.A. Les) 94927 1 2005080394927.pdf 2005080394927.htm HSBC CCF Asset Management Holding 94690 1 2005080394690.pdf 2005080394690.htm Infotel 94751 1 2005080394751.pdf 2005080394751.htm Innelec Multimédia 94813 15 2005080394813.pdf 2005080394813.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais 94955 1 2005080394955.pdf 2005080394955.htm Investissements Trésor-Vie 94712 1 2005080394712.pdf 2005080394712.htm IPO-Institut de participations de l'Ouest 94812 1 2005080394812.pdf 2005080394812.htm Jacquet Industries 94705 1 2005080394705.pdf 2005080394705.htm Jacquet Industries 94715 1 2005080394715.pdf 2005080394715.htm JCDecaux SA 94708 1 2005080394708.pdf 2005080394708.htm Keyrus 94766 1 2005080394766.pdf 2005080394766.htm Klépierre 94737 1 2005080394737.pdf 2005080394737.htm Laborde Gestion 94887 1 2005080394887.pdf 2005080394887.htm Latécoère 94889 1 2005080394889.pdf 2005080394889.htm Lazard Frères Banque 94677 1 2005080394677.pdf 2005080394677.htm Lectra S.A. 94943 1 2005080394943.pdf 2005080394943.htm M.R.M. 94720 1 2005080394720.pdf 2005080394720.htm Matra Manufacturing & Services 94736 1 2005080394736.pdf 2005080394736.htm Mediatis SA 94698 1 2005080394698.pdf 2005080394698.htm Merchandises and Business International - MBI 94783 1 2005080394783.pdf 2005080394783.htm Métaleurop S.A. 94769 1 2005080394769.pdf 2005080394769.htm Millimages 93579 18 2005080393579.pdf 2005080393579.htm Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd (Succursale de Paris) 94910 1 2005080394910.pdf 2005080394910.htm Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd (Succursale de Paris) (Additif) 94934 1 2005080394934.pdf 2005080394934.htm Neurones 94687 1 2005080394687.pdf 2005080394687.htm Nexans 94924 2 2005080394924.pdf 2005080394924.htm Nexans Participations 94738 1 2005080394738.pdf 2005080394738.htm Olitec 94725 1 2005080394725.pdf 2005080394725.htm Orosdi-Back (Etablissements) 94745 1 2005080394745.pdf 2005080394745.htm Orpea 94700 1 2005080394700.pdf 2005080394700.htm Oxymétal S.A. 94716 1 2005080394716.pdf 2005080394716.htm Paris Orléans 94947 10 2005080394947.pdf 2005080394947.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 94930 1 2005080394930.pdf 2005080394930.htm Passat 94850 1 2005080394850.pdf 2005080394850.htm Peugeot S.A. 94709 1 2005080394709.pdf 2005080394709.htm Pierre et Vacances 94855 2 2005080394855.pdf 2005080394855.htm Plesia 94748 1 2005080394748.pdf 2005080394748.htm PPR 94897 1 2005080394897.pdf 2005080394897.htm Refran 94779 1 2005080394779.pdf 2005080394779.htm Rougier S.A. 94945 1 2005080394945.pdf 2005080394945.htm Sabeton 94950 1 2005080394950.pdf 2005080394950.htm Sadef 94785 1 2005080394785.pdf 2005080394785.htm Safran 94926 1 2005080394926.pdf 2005080394926.htm Sagem Lease 94893 1 2005080394893.pdf 2005080394893.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 94954 1 2005080394954.pdf 2005080394954.htm Sanofi Développement Pharma 94890 1 2005080394890.pdf 2005080394890.htm Sax 94746 1 2005080394746.pdf 2005080394746.htm Seb S.A. 94782 1 2005080394782.pdf 2005080394782.htm Segespar 94832 13 2005080394832.pdf 2005080394832.htm Sical 94794 1 2005080394794.pdf 2005080394794.htm Siparex Croissance 94706 2 2005080394706.pdf 2005080394706.htm Skis Rossignol 94957 15 2005080394957.pdf 2005080394957.htm Slibail Immobilier 94936 2 2005080394936.pdf 2005080394936.htm Smilodon 94749 1 2005080394749.pdf 2005080394749.htm Sofco 94851 2 2005080394851.pdf 2005080394851.htm Sofco 94852 1 2005080394852.pdf 2005080394852.htm Soficarte 94696 2 2005080394696.pdf 2005080394696.htm Supra 94949 1 2005080394949.pdf 2005080394949.htm Sygma Banque 94695 1 2005080394695.pdf 2005080394695.htm Tabur Blanc Logistique & Services 94780 1 2005080394780.pdf 2005080394780.htm Tabur Logistique & Services 94786 1 2005080394786.pdf 2005080394786.htm Tayninh (Société de) 94901 1 2005080394901.pdf 2005080394901.htm Technip 94883 1 2005080394883.pdf 2005080394883.htm Télécom Réseaux Services 94872 1 2005080394872.pdf 2005080394872.htm TF1 International 94775 1 2005080394775.pdf 2005080394775.htm TF1 Publicité 94777 1 2005080394777.pdf 2005080394777.htm Thalès Avionics Electrical Systems SA 94856 1 2005080394856.pdf 2005080394856.htm Thalès VP (S.N.C.) 94860 1 2005080394860.pdf 2005080394860.htm Thermador Groupe 94824 1 2005080394824.pdf 2005080394824.htm Transgene 94717 1 2005080394717.pdf 2005080394717.htm Ucabail Immobilier 94953 1 2005080394953.pdf 2005080394953.htm Ugigrip 94956 1 2005080394956.pdf 2005080394956.htm Union de banques à Paris 94903 2 2005080394903.pdf 2005080394903.htm Union financière de France-Banque 94778 1 2005080394778.pdf 2005080394778.htm Valeo 94809 1 2005080394809.pdf 2005080394809.htm Veolia Environnement 94894 2 2005080394894.pdf 2005080394894.htm VP Finance Gestion (Rectificatif) 94931 1 2005080394931.pdf 2005080394931.htm Yzeure Bricolage 94781 1 2005080394781.pdf 2005080394781.htm Alstom 94951 1 2005080394951.pdf 2005080394951.htm Brizard et Roger International (Marie) 94773 1 2005080394773.pdf 2005080394773.htm Burelle S.A. 94788 1 2005080394788.pdf 2005080394788.htm Galeries Lafayette (Société anonyme des) 94896 1 2005080394896.pdf 2005080394896.htm Keyrus 94768 1 2005080394768.pdf 2005080394768.htm Maisons France Confort 94817 1 2005080394817.pdf 2005080394817.htm Pernod Ricard 94718 1 2005080394718.pdf 2005080394718.htm Systran S.A. 94674 1 2005080394674.pdf 2005080394674.htm Décisions et Informations 01092 5 2005080301092.pdf 2005080301092.htm
Finaxa 93731 2 2005072093731.pdf 2005072093731.htm Sporever 93277 1 2005072093277.pdf 2005072093277.htm BNP Paribas Insticash 93660 1 2005072093660.pdf 2005072093660.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 93768 2 2005072093768.pdf 2005072093768.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 93769 3 2005072093769.pdf 2005072093769.htm CPR Référence Europe 93197 2 2005072093197.pdf 2005072093197.htm Foncaixa Eurostoxx Dinamico 93690 1 2005072093690.pdf 2005072093690.htm Observatoire d'économie appliquée (Obéa) 93762 2 2005072093762.pdf 2005072093762.htm Prismaflex International 93691 4 2005072093691.pdf 2005072093691.htm Universal multimédia 93669 2 2005072093669.pdf 2005072093669.htm Ocei 93693 1 2005072093693.pdf 2005072093693.htm Groupe Pizzorno Environnement 93604 1 2005072093604.pdf 2005072093604.htm Senior Planet 93790 1 2005072093790.pdf 2005072093790.htm Wildness 93636 1 2005072093636.pdf 2005072093636.htm Clam Obli 7-10 93661 1 2005072093661.pdf 2005072093661.htm Patripierre 1 93734 1 2005072093734.pdf 2005072093734.htm ABN Amro France 93681 1 2005072093681.pdf 2005072093681.htm AGF Holding 93640 1 2005072093640.pdf 2005072093640.htm Argentre (SAS) 93694 1 2005072093694.pdf 2005072093694.htm Attijariwafa Bank (Succursale de Paris) 93662 1 2005072093662.pdf 2005072093662.htm Australia and New Zealand Banking Group limited 93729 3 2005072093729.pdf 2005072093729.htm Australia and New Zealand Banking Group limited (Succursale de Paris) 93684 5 2005072093684.pdf 2005072093684.htm Bagneux (SAS) 93696 1 2005072093696.pdf 2005072093696.htm Bail Immo Nord 93635 1 2005072093635.pdf 2005072093635.htm Banca di Roma International 93773 2 2005072093773.pdf 2005072093773.htm Banca Intesa (France) 93777 14 2005072093777.pdf 2005072093777.htm Banco popular France 93780 2 2005072093780.pdf 2005072093780.htm Banco Santander Central Hispano S.A. 93778 5 2005072093778.pdf 2005072093778.htm Banque aux Antilles (S.G.B.A.) (Société générale de) 93628 1 2005072093628.pdf 2005072093628.htm Banque Chabrières 93761 1 2005072093761.pdf 2005072093761.htm Banque de Neuflize 93775 13 2005072093775.pdf 2005072093775.htm Banque de Polynesie 93667 8 2005072093667.pdf 2005072093667.htm Banque Delubac et Cie 93671 1 2005072093671.pdf 2005072093671.htm Banque du crédit mutuel Ile-de-France 93678 1 2005072093678.pdf 2005072093678.htm Banque du groupe Casino 93668 12 2005072093668.pdf 2005072093668.htm Banque Dupuy de Parseval 93783 1 2005072093783.pdf 2005072093783.htm Banque Marze 93627 1 2005072093627.pdf 2005072093627.htm Banque OBC-Odier, Bungener Courvoisier 93682 11 2005072093682.pdf 2005072093682.htm Banque Pelletier 93677 1 2005072093677.pdf 2005072093677.htm Banque Pouyanne 93679 1 2005072093679.pdf 2005072093679.htm Banque Tarneaud 93680 1 2005072093680.pdf 2005072093680.htm Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale 93683 17 2005072093683.pdf 2005072093683.htm BB GR 93746 1 2005072093746.pdf 2005072093746.htm C.R.H. Caisse de refinancement de l'habitat 93647 1 2005072093647.pdf 2005072093647.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Champagne Ardenne 93550 18 2005072093550.pdf 2005072093550.htm Caisse de garantie du logement locatif social 93772 1 2005072093772.pdf 2005072093772.htm Caja de Ahorros y Monte de piedad de Gipuzkoa y San Sebastian-Gipuzkoa eta Donostiako Aurrezki "Kutxa" 93791 1 2005072093791.pdf 2005072093791.htm Capgemini Service 93747 1 2005072093747.pdf 2005072093747.htm Caution mutuelle des Spécialistes Phox (Société de) 93740 1 2005072093740.pdf 2005072093740.htm Caution mutuelle du crédit immobilier de France 93666 1 2005072093666.pdf 2005072093666.htm Cerep 93688 2 2005072093688.pdf 2005072093688.htm CFP Crédit 93676 1 2005072093676.pdf 2005072093676.htm Chargeurs 93708 1 2005072093708.pdf 2005072093708.htm Châtellerault Brelandière 93700 1 2005072093700.pdf 2005072093700.htm Ciments antillais (Société des) 93657 1 2005072093657.pdf 2005072093657.htm CIT Group Finance (France) SNC 93749 1 2005072093749.pdf 2005072093749.htm CIT Group Holdings (France) SA 93748 1 2005072093748.pdf 2005072093748.htm Clarins 93738 1 2005072093738.pdf 2005072093738.htm Club Med Amérique du Nord 93701 1 2005072093701.pdf 2005072093701.htm Club Med Amérique du Sud 93692 1 2005072093692.pdf 2005072093692.htm Cogerap 93764 1 2005072093764.pdf 2005072093764.htm Crédit à la construction et l'achat de maisons et appartements (C.C.A.M.A.) 93642 1 2005072093642.pdf 2005072093642.htm Crédit de l'Arche 93658 1 2005072093658.pdf 2005072093658.htm Crédit immobilier de Seine-et-Marne "Sarocism" (Société anonyme rurale et ouvrière de) 93756 1 2005072093756.pdf 2005072093756.htm Crédit immobilier du Puy-de-Dôme (Société anonyme de) 93626 1 2005072093626.pdf 2005072093626.htm Cryolor 93659 1 2005072093659.pdf 2005072093659.htm Etudes, d'évaluations et de restauration immobilières (SAS d') 93686 1 2005072093686.pdf 2005072093686.htm Eurofactor 93792 1 2005072093792.pdf 2005072093792.htm Fenwick Lease 93645 1 2005072093645.pdf 2005072093645.htm Ferté (SAS) 93763 1 2005072093763.pdf 2005072093763.htm Finance et gestion 93524 1 2005072093524.pdf 2005072093524.htm Financière Géo "Cofigeo" (Compagnie) 93767 2 2005072093767.pdf 2005072093767.htm Finval 93799 1 2005072093799.pdf 2005072093799.htm Graines Voltz 93765 1 2005072093765.pdf 2005072093765.htm Graines Voltz 93766 5 2005072093766.pdf 2005072093766.htm Groupe Ares 93810 14 2005072093810.pdf 2005072093810.htm Groupe Crit 93800 1 2005072093800.pdf 2005072093800.htm Guerbet 93665 1 2005072093665.pdf 2005072093665.htm Holding Gondomar 1 93759 1 2005072093759.pdf 2005072093759.htm Imecom Group 93619 9 2005072093619.pdf 2005072093619.htm Lacroix S.A. 93728 7 2005072093728.pdf 2005072093728.htm Magasins (Société financière de Grands) 93757 1 2005072093757.pdf 2005072093757.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 93630 1 2005072093630.pdf 2005072093630.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 93730 1 2005072093730.pdf 2005072093730.htm Parilease 93760 1 2005072093760.pdf 2005072093760.htm Poncin Yachts 93744 1 2005072093744.pdf 2005072093744.htm Prismaflex International 93623 14 2005072093623.pdf 2005072093623.htm Régie Networks Leman 93705 1 2005072093705.pdf 2005072093705.htm Rivaud Innovation 93655 1 2005072093655.pdf 2005072093655.htm Rivaud Loisirs Communication 93656 1 2005072093656.pdf 2005072093656.htm Saint-André Pey-Berland (SAS) 93758 1 2005072093758.pdf 2005072093758.htm Sairp Composites 93794 1 2005072093794.pdf 2005072093794.htm Sartrou (SAS) 93697 1 2005072093697.pdf 2005072093697.htm Sasa Industrie 93776 2 2005072093776.pdf 2005072093776.htm Segespar 93624 1 2005072093624.pdf 2005072093624.htm Sifelec 93750 1 2005072093750.pdf 2005072093750.htm Société générale Asset Managment Finance "SGAM Finance" 93651 6 2005072093651.pdf 2005072093651.htm SPIR Communication 93685 1 2005072093685.pdf 2005072093685.htm Steria 93565 1 2005072093565.pdf 2005072093565.htm Thales Naval 93625 1 2005072093625.pdf 2005072093625.htm Tramways de Rouen (Compagnie des) 93654 1 2005072093654.pdf 2005072093654.htm Ubitrade 93798 1 2005072093798.pdf 2005072093798.htm UCB Bail 93672 1 2005072093672.pdf 2005072093672.htm UCB Locabail Immobilier 93673 1 2005072093673.pdf 2005072093673.htm Uni-commerces 93723 1 2005072093723.pdf 2005072093723.htm Union de banques à Paris 93779 8 2005072093779.pdf 2005072093779.htm Union financière pour le développement et l'économie céréalière "Unigrains" 93809 2 2005072093809.pdf 2005072093809.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations "Salvepar" (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 93644 1 2005072093644.pdf 2005072093644.htm Village 7 Defense (SCI) 93722 1 2005072093722.pdf 2005072093722.htm Vivarais Associés SA 93670 1 2005072093670.pdf 2005072093670.htm VP Finance Gestion 93675 1 2005072093675.pdf 2005072093675.htm Air France - KLM 93709 1 2005072093709.pdf 2005072093709.htm Alstom 93784 1 2005072093784.pdf 2005072093784.htm Client Center Alliance 93797 1 2005072093797.pdf 2005072093797.htm Devernois S.A. 92831 1 2005072092831.pdf 2005072092831.htm Finuchem 93726 1 2005072093726.pdf 2005072093726.htm Groupe Philippe Bosc 93795 1 2005072093795.pdf 2005072093795.htm Laurent-Perrier 93520 1 2005072093520.pdf 2005072093520.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 93629 1 2005072093629.pdf 2005072093629.htm Natexis Banques populaires 93789 1 2005072093789.pdf 2005072093789.htm Ruwaplast SA 93646 1 2005072093646.pdf 2005072093646.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 93710 1 2005072093710.pdf 2005072093710.htm Supra 93770 1 2005072093770.pdf 2005072093770.htm Tête dans les nuages (La) 93695 1 2005072093695.pdf 2005072093695.htm Vallourec 93664 1 2005072093664.pdf 2005072093664.htm Décisions et Informations 01086 13 2005072001086.pdf 2005072001086.htm
A2G 97214 1 2005091697214.pdf 2005091697214.htm Fructifonds Immobilier 97223 1 2005091697223.pdf 2005091697223.htm Lecteurs du groupe Revenu Multimédia (Société des) 97338 1 2005091697338.pdf 2005091697338.htm ABB Ltd 97128 2 2005091697128.pdf 2005091697128.htm CDC Euro Maturité 1-3 97224 1 2005091697224.pdf 2005091697224.htm CL Monétaire Médium 97213 1 2005091697213.pdf 2005091697213.htm Convertible Bond Europe 97267 2 2005091697267.pdf 2005091697267.htm CPR 1 - 3 EURO 97170 2 2005091697170.pdf 2005091697170.htm CPR World-Capi 97169 3 2005091697169.pdf 2005091697169.htm Cybernetix 97175 1 2005091697175.pdf 2005091697175.htm Ecofimondial 97239 1 2005091697239.pdf 2005091697239.htm Epargne Aguesseau 97209 2 2005091697209.pdf 2005091697209.htm Floreane Médical Implants 97173 1 2005091697173.pdf 2005091697173.htm R Highwave Optical Technologies 97104 6 2005091697104.pdf 2005091697104.htm Investissement en valeurs françaises "Slivafrance" (Société lyonnaise d') 97079 1 2005091697079.pdf 2005091697079.htm Investissement en valeurs internationales "Slivinter" (Société lyonnaise d') 97210 1 2005091697210.pdf 2005091697210.htm Monelion Jour 97211 2 2005091697211.pdf 2005091697211.htm Sogeactions France Rendement 97263 1 2005091697263.pdf 2005091697263.htm R Sogemonétaire 97227 1 2005091697227.pdf 2005091697227.htm Avenir entreprises gestion 97201 1 2005091697201.pdf 2005091697201.htm Avenir entreprises investissement 97202 1 2005091697202.pdf 2005091697202.htm Télévision francaise juive 97225 1 2005091697225.pdf 2005091697225.htm Finaxa Agents généraux d'Axa (Compagnie financière des) Colisée Vendome Oudinot Finance FDR Participations 97273 2 2005091697273.pdf 2005091697273.htm S.G.C.I. Finaxa Axa 97271 2 2005091697271.pdf 2005091697271.htm Ecofi American Stocks 97229 1 2005091697229.pdf 2005091697229.htm Ecofimondial 97249 1 2005091697249.pdf 2005091697249.htm Banca Carige Spa 97131 10 2005091697131.pdf 2005091697131.htm Banco de Sabadell 97135 5 2005091697135.pdf 2005091697135.htm Bank Melli Iran (Succursale de Paris) 97134 4 2005091697134.pdf 2005091697134.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) 97240 2 2005091697240.pdf 2005091697240.htm Banque Aig 97242 1 2005091697242.pdf 2005091697242.htm Banque Chaix 97133 1 2005091697133.pdf 2005091697133.htm Banque Chaix 97136 15 2005091697136.pdf 2005091697136.htm Banque NSM Entreprises 97233 1 2005091697233.pdf 2005091697233.htm Banque NSM Entreprises 97236 2 2005091697236.pdf 2005091697236.htm Banque privée européenne 97247 1 2005091697247.pdf 2005091697247.htm Banque Scalbert-Dupont 97179 1 2005091697179.pdf 2005091697179.htm Banque Tarneaud 97243 3 2005091697243.pdf 2005091697243.htm 200509169724301.gif 200509169724302.gif Bonnasse Lyonnaise de banque 97238 1 2005091697238.pdf 2005091697238.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France Ouest 97161 2 2005091697161.pdf 2005091697161.htm Caisse fédérale du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 97246 1 2005091697246.pdf 2005091697246.htm Casino International 97255 1 2005091697255.pdf 2005091697255.htm CGBI 97140 1 2005091697140.pdf 2005091697140.htm Couach 97265 2 2005091697265.pdf 2005091697265.htm Crea Conseil 97216 1 2005091697216.pdf 2005091697216.htm Crédit immobilier de France Bretagne Atlantique 97176 1 2005091697176.pdf 2005091697176.htm Crédit industriel et commercial (Société bordelaise de) 97180 1 2005091697180.pdf 2005091697180.htm Crédit industriel de Normandie 97177 2 2005091697177.pdf 2005091697177.htm Crédit mutuel (Compagnie financière du) 97234 1 2005091697234.pdf 2005091697234.htm Crédit mutuel Dauphiné Vivarais 97228 2 2005091697228.pdf 2005091697228.htm Crédit suisse First Boston (Succursale de Paris) 97241 1 2005091697241.pdf 2005091697241.htm Esi Group 97172 2 2005091697172.pdf 2005091697172.htm Fimat International Banque 97200 1 2005091697200.pdf 2005091697200.htm Financière des marchés à terme (Fimat) 97198 1 2005091697198.pdf 2005091697198.htm GE Capital Equipement Finance 97146 1 2005091697146.pdf 2005091697146.htm GE Money Bank 97132 1 2005091697132.pdf 2005091697132.htm Groupama Banque 97143 1 2005091697143.pdf 2005091697143.htm Groupe Diffusion Plus 97254 1 2005091697254.pdf 2005091697254.htm Highwave Optical Technologies 97160 7 2005091697160.pdf 2005091697160.htm Jeanjean 97219 2 2005091697219.pdf 2005091697219.htm Jefferies International Limited (Succursale de Paris) 97193 1 2005091697193.pdf 2005091697193.htm Morgan et Cie S.A. (J.P.) 97178 1 2005091697178.pdf 2005091697178.htm Natexis Arbitrage 97212 6 2005091697212.pdf 2005091697212.htm Natexis Factorem 97174 1 2005091697174.pdf 2005091697174.htm NRJ 97126 1 2005091697126.pdf 2005091697126.htm Qatar national bank S.A.Q. 97245 10 2005091697245.pdf 2005091697245.htm Qatar national bank S.A.Q. (Succursale de Paris) 97244 6 2005091697244.pdf 2005091697244.htm Rubis 97237 16 2005091697237.pdf 2005091697237.htm Rusfinance 97215 1 2005091697215.pdf 2005091697215.htm Sapardis 97141 1 2005091697141.pdf 2005091697141.htm Septentrion Participations 97137 1 2005091697137.pdf 2005091697137.htm SG Consumer Finance 97217 1 2005091697217.pdf 2005091697217.htm Sodice Expansion 97130 1 2005091697130.pdf 2005091697130.htm Sogefontenay (SAS) 97127 1 2005091697127.pdf 2005091697127.htm Thermador Groupe 97206 5 2005091697206.pdf 2005091697206.htm Total Finance 97139 1 2005091697139.pdf 2005091697139.htm Total Gestion USA 97138 1 2005091697138.pdf 2005091697138.htm Aviva Funds 97166 1 2005091697166.pdf 2005091697166.htm Deveaux S.A. 97230 1 2005091697230.pdf 2005091697230.htm Finaxa 97220 1 2005091697220.pdf 2005091697220.htm Finaxa 97221 1 2005091697221.pdf 2005091697221.htm Jet Multimédia 97222 1 2005091697222.pdf 2005091697222.htm Sodice Expansion 97129 1 2005091697129.pdf 2005091697129.htm Décisions et informations 01111 4 2005091601111.pdf 2005091601111.htm
Elysées Pierre 90764 1 2005061390764.pdf 2005061390764.htm Adomos (Rectificatif) 90993 1 2005061390993.pdf 2005061390993.htm Bièvre Epargne (Rectificatif) 91002 1 2005061391002.pdf 2005061391002.htm Bricorama 91108 2 2005061391108.pdf 2005061391108.htm Clayeux S.A. (Rectificatif) 90988 1 2005061390988.pdf 2005061390988.htm Dalet 90942 2 2005061390942.pdf 2005061390942.htm Financière de Deauville (Compagnie) (Rectificatif) 91010 1 2005061391010.pdf 2005061391010.htm Gecina 90831 7 2005061390831.pdf 2005061390831.htm Groupe Open (Additif) 91001 1 2005061391001.pdf 2005061391001.htm Laboratoires Dolisos 91004 1 2005061391004.pdf 2005061391004.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries (Rectificatif) 91013 1 2005061391013.pdf 2005061391013.htm Maurel et Prom (Etablissements) 90979 2 2005061390979.pdf 2005061390979.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 90659 1 2005061390659.pdf 2005061390659.htm Ocei (Rectificatif) 90955 1 2005061390955.pdf 2005061390955.htm Résidences Pierre Loisirs 1 90882 2 2005061390882.pdf 2005061390882.htm Rocamat (Rectificatif) 90986 1 2005061390986.pdf 2005061390986.htm Sofygram 2 90782 1 2005061390782.pdf 2005061390782.htm Sofygram 3 90786 1 2005061390786.pdf 2005061390786.htm Teamlog (Rectificatif) 90997 1 2005061390997.pdf 2005061390997.htm Theolia 90947 4 2005061390947.pdf 2005061390947.htm Tonna Electronique 90959 3 2005061390959.pdf 2005061390959.htm A3C Crédit foncier de France 90918 2 2005061390918.pdf 2005061390918.htm Crédit foncier Banque Crédit foncier de France 90919 2 2005061390919.pdf 2005061390919.htm Crédit foncier de France Entenial 90920 2 2005061390920.pdf 2005061390920.htm Invesco Actions Europe (Rectificatif) 91009 1 2005061391009.pdf 2005061391009.htm Placements technologie monde 90877 2 2005061390877.pdf 2005061390877.htm A3C 90917 1 2005061390917.pdf 2005061390917.htm Crédit foncier Banque 90915 1 2005061390915.pdf 2005061390915.htm Entenial 90914 1 2005061390914.pdf 2005061390914.htm Access Commerce 90953 1 2005061390953.pdf 2005061390953.htm Altra Banque 90999 1 2005061390999.pdf 2005061390999.htm Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone (Société) 90939 1 2005061390939.pdf 2005061390939.htm Banque centrale de compensation 91006 12 2005061391006.pdf 2005061391006.htm Banque Hervet 90976 2 2005061390976.pdf 2005061390976.htm Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier (BPI) 91003 12 2005061391003.pdf 2005061391003.htm Banque PSA Finance 90931 16 2005061390931.pdf 2005061390931.htm Batifranc 90943 2 2005061390943.pdf 2005061390943.htm Bred Cofilease 90946 1 2005061390946.pdf 2005061390946.htm Bred Gestion 90945 1 2005061390945.pdf 2005061390945.htm Caisse centrale de crédit immobilier de France-3CIF 90901 21 2005061390901.pdf 2005061390901.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 90974 1 2005061390974.pdf 2005061390974.htm Caisse solidaire 90948 1 2005061390948.pdf 2005061390948.htm Cannes Balnéaire Palm Beach Casino (Société) 90994 1 2005061390994.pdf 2005061390994.htm Caution mutuelle Bred-Habitat "Bred-Habitat" (Société de) 91000 1 2005061391000.pdf 2005061391000.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 90903 1 2005061390903.pdf 2005061390903.htm Crédit immobilier (Société centrale de) 90944 1 2005061390944.pdf 2005061390944.htm Crédit immobilier de France - Ile de France 90699 10 2005061390699.pdf 2005061390699.htm Crédit immobilier de France Développement 91011 20 2005061391011.pdf 2005061391011.htm CS Communication & Systèmes 90977 1 2005061390977.pdf 2005061390977.htm Cybergun 90985 2 2005061390985.pdf 2005061390985.htm Développement régional de la Bretagne (Société de) 91016 1 2005061391016.pdf 2005061391016.htm Dexia Banque privée France 90816 3 2005061390816.pdf 2005061390816.htm Dresdner Gestion privée (Rectificatif) 90875 1 2005061390875.pdf 2005061390875.htm Elior 91012 17 2005061391012.pdf 2005061391012.htm Euronext Paris SA 90968 1 2005061390968.pdf 2005061390968.htm Fala 91017 1 2005061391017.pdf 2005061391017.htm Financiere LBPP (Compagnie) 90912 1 2005061390912.pdf 2005061390912.htm Financière Rothschild Financial Service (La compagnie) 90954 1 2005061390954.pdf 2005061390954.htm Fortis Commercial Finance 91008 1 2005061391008.pdf 2005061391008.htm GE Commercial distribution finance 91007 1 2005061391007.pdf 2005061391007.htm Général Electric Capital SAS 90950 24 2005061390950.pdf 2005061390950.htm Goldman Sachs Paris Inc et Cie 90921 6 2005061390921.pdf 2005061390921.htm IGE+XAO 90952 1 2005061390952.pdf 2005061390952.htm ING Bank (France) S.A. 90967 1 2005061390967.pdf 2005061390967.htm ING Securities Bank (France) 90965 2 2005061390965.pdf 2005061390965.htm Itesoft 90908 2 2005061390908.pdf 2005061390908.htm Lagardère SCA 90940 1 2005061390940.pdf 2005061390940.htm LCH Clearnet Group Limited 91005 17 2005061391005.pdf 2005061391005.htm Leblanc Paris 15 90913 1 2005061390913.pdf 2005061390913.htm Location d'équipements (Compagnie générale de) 90961 8 2005061390961.pdf 2005061390961.htm Marionnaud Parfumeries 89904 26 2005061389904.pdf 2005061389904.htm Moulins de Strasbourg (Grands) 91014 7 2005061391014.pdf 2005061391014.htm Orange (Rectificatif) 90872 1 2005061390872.pdf 2005061390872.htm Paribas Dérivés garantis 90973 1 2005061390973.pdf 2005061390973.htm Participations financières et maritimes "Copafima" (Compagnie de) 90998 1 2005061390998.pdf 2005061390998.htm PSB Industries 90938 2 2005061390938.pdf 2005061390938.htm SGB Finance 90960 6 2005061390960.pdf 2005061390960.htm Soder-Expansion 90991 1 2005061390991.pdf 2005061390991.htm Sopal S.A. 90906 1 2005061390906.pdf 2005061390906.htm Thales Université Coopération SA 90992 1 2005061390992.pdf 2005061390992.htm Wendel investissement 90972 1 2005061390972.pdf 2005061390972.htm Access Commerce 90951 1 2005061390951.pdf 2005061390951.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse-APS 90956 1 2005061390956.pdf 2005061390956.htm Guerbet 90958 1 2005061390958.pdf 2005061390958.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 90899 1 2005061390899.pdf 2005061390899.htm Scor 90495 1 2005061390495.pdf 2005061390495.htm Transgene 90949 1 2005061390949.pdf 2005061390949.htm Wendel investissement 90971 1 2005061390971.pdf 2005061390971.htm Décisions et informations 01070 7 2005061301070.pdf 2005061301070.htm
Interpierre 98324 1 2005101498324.pdf 2005101498324.htm Ipsos 98394 4 2005101498394.pdf 2005101498394.htm Mercialys 98452 1 2005101498452.pdf 2005101498452.htm Next Radio TV 98437 1 2005101498437.pdf 2005101498437.htm A GeneriX 98432 2 2005101498432.pdf 2005101498432.htm Société générale 98386 1 2005101498386.pdf 2005101498386.htm Société générale 98387 1 2005101498387.pdf 2005101498387.htm Henderson Horizon Fund 98442 1 2005101498442.pdf 2005101498442.htm HSBC Holdings Plc 98389 1 2005101498389.pdf 2005101498389.htm Affine 98419 1 2005101498419.pdf 2005101498419.htm Groupe JAJ 98402 2 2005101498402.pdf 2005101498402.htm Montpensier Valeurs Euro 98465 2 2005101498465.pdf 2005101498465.htm Phone Marketing 98455 7 2005101498455.pdf 2005101498455.htm Union Obli Moyen terme 98450 1 2005101498450.pdf 2005101498450.htm R Next Radio TV 98434 1 2005101498434.pdf 2005101498434.htm Atlas France + 98443 1 2005101498443.pdf 2005101498443.htm Union Obli Moyen terme 98448 1 2005101498448.pdf 2005101498448.htm R Actielec Technologies 98469 23 2005101498469.pdf 2005101498469.htm Aménagement Innovation et Construction 98373 1 2005101498373.pdf 2005101498373.htm Audika 98507 1 2005101498507.pdf 2005101498507.htm R Bank Sepah 98428 1 2005101498428.pdf 2005101498428.htm Bricodeal 98349 1 2005101498349.pdf 2005101498349.htm Brioche Pasquier 98456 5 2005101498456.pdf 2005101498456.htm Camaieu 98393 1 2005101498393.pdf 2005101498393.htm Crédit agricole Cheuvreux 98380 1 2005101498380.pdf 2005101498380.htm CS Communication et Systèmes 98302 16 2005101498302.pdf 2005101498302.htm Deveaux S.A. 98423 1 2005101498423.pdf 2005101498423.htm Essilor International 98376 11 2005101498376.pdf 2005101498376.htm Euro Sales Finances 98430 1 2005101498430.pdf 2005101498430.htm Exel Industries 98427 1 2005101498427.pdf 2005101498427.htm Exploitation économique "Hotexco" (Société d') 98433 1 2005101498433.pdf 2005101498433.htm Exploitation d'hotels suites (Société d') 98436 1 2005101498436.pdf 2005101498436.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 98396 3 2005101498396.pdf 2005101498396.htm Géodis 98457 17 2005101498457.pdf 2005101498457.htm Havas 98422 2 2005101498422.pdf 2005101498422.htm A Hotel Regina Paris 98470 1 2005101498470.pdf 2005101498470.htm Hotels économiques (Société parisienne des) 98435 1 2005101498435.pdf 2005101498435.htm HSBC Holdings Plc 98040 62 2005101498040.pdf 2005101498040.htm Idsud 98357 1 2005101498357.pdf 2005101498357.htm Immobilière du 55 rue d'Amsterdam (société) 98370 1 2005101498370.pdf 2005101498370.htm IMS International metal service 98307 7 2005101498307.pdf 2005101498307.htm ING Direct N.V. 98379 5 2005101498379.pdf 2005101498379.htm LDLC.Com 98468 1 2005101498468.pdf 2005101498468.htm Manitou BF 98378 11 2005101498378.pdf 2005101498378.htm Mercure La Défense V 98438 1 2005101498438.pdf 2005101498438.htm Michelet-Levallois (SNC) 98368 1 2005101498368.pdf 2005101498368.htm Mizuho Corporate Bank LTD 98375 2 2005101498375.pdf 2005101498375.htm Monttessuy 357 (SCI) 98372 1 2005101498372.pdf 2005101498372.htm NFMDA-Nivard Flornoy Fauchier-Magnan Durant des Aulnois 98454 1 2005101498454.pdf 2005101498454.htm Oddo Contrepartie 98395 1 2005101498395.pdf 2005101498395.htm Odyssée Management 98377 1 2005101498377.pdf 2005101498377.htm Parholding 98397 1 2005101498397.pdf 2005101498397.htm Prado épargne 98388 1 2005101498388.pdf 2005101498388.htm Procapital 98367 1 2005101498367.pdf 2005101498367.htm Prosodie 98444 9 2005101498444.pdf 2005101498444.htm Sadia 98369 1 2005101498369.pdf 2005101498369.htm Soft Computing 98418 8 2005101498418.pdf 2005101498418.htm Solving International 98384 6 2005101498384.pdf 2005101498384.htm Solving International 98412 1 2005101498412.pdf 2005101498412.htm Stedim 98421 2 2005101498421.pdf 2005101498421.htm Trigano 98466 1 2005101498466.pdf 2005101498466.htm Vicat 98149 12 2005101498149.pdf 2005101498149.htm LDLC.Com 98467 1 2005101498467.pdf 2005101498467.htm Prismaflex International 98383 1 2005101498383.pdf 2005101498383.htm Décisions et informations 01123 1 2005101401123.pdf 2005101401123.htm
Merrill Lynch International Investment Funds 97066 1 2005091497066.pdf 2005091497066.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 97196 1 2005091497196.pdf 2005091497196.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 96945 7 2005091496945.pdf 2005091496945.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 96946 2 2005091496946.pdf 2005091496946.htm A toute vitesse 97100 1 2005091497100.pdf 2005091497100.htm Cetelem 97115 2 2005091497115.pdf 2005091497115.htm Duc 97120 1 2005091497120.pdf 2005091497120.htm Egeval 97121 2 2005091497121.pdf 2005091497121.htm Gestion privée Virginia 95573 1 2005091495573.pdf 2005091495573.htm Infogrames Entertainment 97053 3 2005091497053.pdf 2005091497053.htm Mutuassur Obligations 97118 1 2005091497118.pdf 2005091497118.htm Oudart Investissement 97070 1 2005091497070.pdf 2005091497070.htm Oudart Investissement 97113 1 2005091497113.pdf 2005091497113.htm Sofica Valor 7 97082 2 2005091497082.pdf 2005091497082.htm Sogeactions Opportunités Europe 97098 2 2005091497098.pdf 2005091497098.htm Sogeoblig Revenus Trimestriels 2 97091 1 2005091497091.pdf 2005091497091.htm Tonnellerie François Frères 97027 2 2005091497027.pdf 2005091497027.htm Trackindex Fund Public Limited Company 97105 2 2005091497105.pdf 2005091497105.htm Vanguard Investment Series Plc 97103 1 2005091497103.pdf 2005091497103.htm Virbac 97101 2 2005091497101.pdf 2005091497101.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 97108 2 2005091497108.pdf 2005091497108.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 97109 1 2005091497109.pdf 2005091497109.htm Provalis Artois France-Europe 97080 1 2005091497080.pdf 2005091497080.htm Artois Rendement 97081 1 2005091497081.pdf 2005091497081.htm Cetelem Française auxiliaire (Société) BNP Paribas 97114 2 2005091497114.pdf 2005091497114.htm Hera Harmonie Actions 97094 1 2005091497094.pdf 2005091497094.htm Oudart Investissement 97069 1 2005091497069.pdf 2005091497069.htm Provalis Artois France-Europe 97080 1 2005091497080.pdf 2005091497080.htm Banque de Baecque Beau 97048 1 2005091497048.pdf 2005091497048.htm Banque commerciale pour le marché de l'entreprise 97049 2 2005091497049.pdf 2005091497049.htm BNP Paribas Factor 97006 1 2005091497006.pdf 2005091497006.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Champagne Ardenne 97050 1 2005091497050.pdf 2005091497050.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 97119 2 2005091497119.pdf 2005091497119.htm Casino municipal de Cannes (Société fermière du) 97099 1 2005091497099.pdf 2005091497099.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 97093 1 2005091497093.pdf 2005091497093.htm Crédit mutuel Océan 97054 1 2005091497054.pdf 2005091497054.htm Efiposte 97096 1 2005091497096.pdf 2005091497096.htm Euromedis Groupe 97111 2 2005091497111.pdf 2005091497111.htm Foncière des Murs 97023 1 2005091497023.pdf 2005091497023.htm Foncière des régions "GFR" 97021 1 2005091497021.pdf 2005091497021.htm Frarea 97102 1 2005091497102.pdf 2005091497102.htm Gaumont Images 97090 1 2005091497090.pdf 2005091497090.htm Gaumont Images 2 97089 1 2005091497089.pdf 2005091497089.htm Gaumont Images 3 97087 1 2005091497087.pdf 2005091497087.htm Gaumont Images 4 97086 1 2005091497086.pdf 2005091497086.htm GL Trade 97019 15 2005091497019.pdf 2005091497019.htm 200509149701901.gif 200509149701902.gif 200509149701903.gif Hotels et Casino de Deauville (Société des) 97107 1 2005091497107.pdf 2005091497107.htm IGE+XAO 97110 1 2005091497110.pdf 2005091497110.htm JPMorgan Chase Bank (Succursale de Paris) 97046 8 2005091497046.pdf 2005091497046.htm LCL 97024 2 2005091497024.pdf 2005091497024.htm LCX Leblanc Chromex 97092 1 2005091497092.pdf 2005091497092.htm Marsh Finances SA 97088 1 2005091497088.pdf 2005091497088.htm NRJ Régies 97122 1 2005091497122.pdf 2005091497122.htm Smoby 97117 1 2005091497117.pdf 2005091497117.htm R Tonnellerie François Frères 96917 1 2005091496917.pdf 2005091496917.htm Total EetP Kazakhstan 97045 1 2005091497045.pdf 2005091497045.htm Total EetP Malaysia 97032 1 2005091497032.pdf 2005091497032.htm Total EetP North Bali I 97033 1 2005091497033.pdf 2005091497033.htm Total EetP Vankor 97044 1 2005091497044.pdf 2005091497044.htm Total Exploration Production Nigéria 97034 1 2005091497034.pdf 2005091497034.htm Total Ventures Saudi Arabia 97031 1 2005091497031.pdf 2005091497031.htm Airox 97097 1 2005091497097.pdf 2005091497097.htm IMV Technologies 97083 1 2005091497083.pdf 2005091497083.htm Memscap SA 97013 1 2005091497013.pdf 2005091497013.htm Pernod Ricard 97012 1 2005091497012.pdf 2005091497012.htm Rocamat 97068 1 2005091497068.pdf 2005091497068.htm Décisions et informations 01110 7 2005091401110.pdf 2005091401110.htm
BALO/balo_20050722087.xml 93897 1 2005072293897.pdf 2005072293897.htm Barclays Obligations Trimestriel 93883 1 2005072293883.pdf 2005072293883.htm Barclays Première 93880 2 2005072293880.pdf 2005072293880.htm CPR Mobidiv 93924 1 2005072293924.pdf 2005072293924.htm Electricité de France 93949 2 2005072293949.pdf 2005072293949.htm ING Dynamique Opportunité 91370 1 2005072291370.pdf 2005072291370.htm Mondoblig 93933 2 2005072293933.pdf 2005072293933.htm OBC Court terme 93817 1 2005072293817.pdf 2005072293817.htm Oblisécurité Sicav 93919 1 2005072293919.pdf 2005072293919.htm UBS(F)Sécurité 93932 2 2005072293932.pdf 2005072293932.htm Barclays Mone-Première Barclays Placements Sécurité 93879 1 2005072293879.pdf 2005072293879.htm Barclays Obligations Trimestriel Barclays Première 93884 1 2005072293884.pdf 2005072293884.htm Electricité de France 93948 1 2005072293948.pdf 2005072293948.htm Mondoblig 93934 1 2005072293934.pdf 2005072293934.htm Etoile Croissance 93941 1 2005072293941.pdf 2005072293941.htm AB Volvo 93842 1 2005072293842.pdf 2005072293842.htm Agricéréales SA (Rectificatif) 93876 1 2005072293876.pdf 2005072293876.htm André Trigano (Compagnie internationale) 93429 5 2005072293429.pdf 2005072293429.htm Autraco 93854 1 2005072293854.pdf 2005072293854.htm Banque de Bretagne 93833 2 2005072293833.pdf 2005072293833.htm Banque NSM Entreprises 93774 11 2005072293774.pdf 2005072293774.htm Banque Revillon 93857 1 2005072293857.pdf 2005072293857.htm Bourgeois S.A. 93843 1 2005072293843.pdf 2005072293843.htm Bull S.A. 93926 1 2005072293926.pdf 2005072293926.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Midi 93828 1 2005072293828.pdf 2005072293828.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord de France 93867 2 2005072293867.pdf 2005072293867.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de Bourgogne "Socama Bourgogne" (Société de) 93912 1 2005072293912.pdf 2005072293912.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Doubs, de la Haute-Saône et territoire de Belfort (Société de) 93907 1 2005072293907.pdf 2005072293907.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale du Jura et de l'Ain (Société de) 93913 1 2005072293913.pdf 2005072293913.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de Bourgogne "Socami Bourgogne" (Société de ) 93909 1 2005072293909.pdf 2005072293909.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière de Franche-Comté, du Maconnais et de l'Ain (Société de) 93923 1 2005072293923.pdf 2005072293923.htm Caution mutuelle pour la promotion des professions libérales de Bourgogne Franche-Comté et Pays de l'Ain (Société de) 93914 1 2005072293914.pdf 2005072293914.htm Cecoville (SAS) 93861 1 2005072293861.pdf 2005072293861.htm Cegid SA 93771 2 2005072293771.pdf 2005072293771.htm Centre Jaude Clermont 93894 1 2005072293894.pdf 2005072293894.htm Chaîne et Trame 93917 1 2005072293917.pdf 2005072293917.htm Chemunex 93946 7 2005072293946.pdf 2005072293946.htm Cider Santé 93877 1 2005072293877.pdf 2005072293877.htm Clarins France 93871 1 2005072293871.pdf 2005072293871.htm Cosmeurop 93872 1 2005072293872.pdf 2005072293872.htm Cottin Frères 93889 1 2005072293889.pdf 2005072293889.htm Crédit immobilier d'Eure-et-Loir (Société anonyme de) 93822 1 2005072293822.pdf 2005072293822.htm Dassault Systèmes 93840 1 2005072293840.pdf 2005072293840.htm Développement du financement "Sedef" (Société européenne de) 93925 1 2005072293925.pdf 2005072293925.htm Docks des pétroles d'Ambès (Les) 93827 1 2005072293827.pdf 2005072293827.htm Docks lyonnais (Société anonyme des) (Additif) 93866 2 2005072293866.pdf 2005072293866.htm Doumer Caen 93852 1 2005072293852.pdf 2005072293852.htm Drugstore Champs-Elysées 93851 1 2005072293851.pdf 2005072293851.htm 93819 1 2005072293819.pdf 2005072293819.htm Esso de recherches et d'exploitation pétrolières "Esso REP" (Société) 93848 1 2005072293848.pdf 2005072293848.htm Ester Finance Titrisation 93930 4 2005072293930.pdf 2005072293930.htm Fauvet-Girel (Etablissements) 93816 1 2005072293816.pdf 2005072293816.htm Financement de bureaux et d'usines "Sofibus" (Société financière pour le) 93836 1 2005072293836.pdf 2005072293836.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 93829 1 2005072293829.pdf 2005072293829.htm Forestière équatoriale (La) 93936 2 2005072293936.pdf 2005072293936.htm Fortis Investment Finance 93892 1 2005072293892.pdf 2005072293892.htm Garantie coopérative et mutuelle de la région P.A.C.A. "Somupaca" (Société de) 93886 1 2005072293886.pdf 2005072293886.htm Groupe Silicomp 93831 2 2005072293831.pdf 2005072293831.htm Groupe Silicomp 93905 1 2005072293905.pdf 2005072293905.htm Holding Eurocard 93805 1 2005072293805.pdf 2005072293805.htm Isbank GmbH 93858 1 2005072293858.pdf 2005072293858.htm Itesoft 93915 1 2005072293915.pdf 2005072293915.htm Kléber La Pérouse 93893 1 2005072293893.pdf 2005072293893.htm Laboratoires Arkopharma 93875 2 2005072293875.pdf 2005072293875.htm Lagardère ressources 93855 1 2005072293855.pdf 2005072293855.htm LISI 93902 1 2005072293902.pdf 2005072293902.htm LVL Médical Groupe 93888 1 2005072293888.pdf 2005072293888.htm Manitou BF 93929 1 2005072293929.pdf 2005072293929.htm Medidep 93921 1 2005072293921.pdf 2005072293921.htm Mondial Pêche 93745 2 2005072293745.pdf 2005072293745.htm Mondial Pêche 93751 1 2005072293751.pdf 2005072293751.htm Mr Bricolage 93899 2 2005072293899.pdf 2005072293899.htm National Bank of Pakistan 93739 20 2005072293739.pdf 2005072293739.htm Naturex 93699 1 2005072293699.pdf 2005072293699.htm Netgem S.A. 93935 1 2005072293935.pdf 2005072293935.htm Oudinot Participations 93849 1 2005072293849.pdf 2005072293849.htm Participations (FFP) (Société foncière, financière et de) 93901 1 2005072293901.pdf 2005072293901.htm PPR Finance 93856 1 2005072293856.pdf 2005072293856.htm Prismaflex International 93853 1 2005072293853.pdf 2005072293853.htm PSA Trésorerie (GIE) 93847 1 2005072293847.pdf 2005072293847.htm RE:Sources.France 93850 1 2005072293850.pdf 2005072293850.htm Rexel 93900 1 2005072293900.pdf 2005072293900.htm Sam 93870 1 2005072293870.pdf 2005072293870.htm Setforge 93878 1 2005072293878.pdf 2005072293878.htm Socphipard 93859 1 2005072293859.pdf 2005072293859.htm Strasbourg La Vigie 93895 1 2005072293895.pdf 2005072293895.htm Tanneur & Cie (Le) 93887 2 2005072293887.pdf 2005072293887.htm Technofan 93938 1 2005072293938.pdf 2005072293938.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 93927 1 2005072293927.pdf 2005072293927.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 93928 24 2005072293928.pdf 2005072293928.htm UBS Holding (France) SA 93891 1 2005072293891.pdf 2005072293891.htm Vertec 93890 1 2005072293890.pdf 2005072293890.htm Groupe Silicomp 93830 1 2005072293830.pdf 2005072293830.htm L.C.A. France 93743 1 2005072293743.pdf 2005072293743.htm Mines de la Lucette (Rectificatif) 93937 1 2005072293937.pdf 2005072293937.htm S.O.I.Tec-Silicon On Insulator Technologies 93742 1 2005072293742.pdf 2005072293742.htm Scor 93896 1 2005072293896.pdf 2005072293896.htm Décisions et Informations 01087 5 2005072201087.pdf 2005072201087.htm
Caisse d'amortissement de la dette sociale (Cades) 99745 1 2005110499745.pdf 2005110499745.htm Société générale 99689 1 2005110499689.pdf 2005110499689.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 99713 1 2005110499713.pdf 2005110499713.htm Cesam (Compagnie d'éditions scolaires et d'apprentissage multimédia) 99717 2 2005110499717.pdf 2005110499717.htm Dexia Equities L 99671 1 2005110499671.pdf 2005110499671.htm Finaxa 99675 1 2005110499675.pdf 2005110499675.htm Finaxa 99681 1 2005110499681.pdf 2005110499681.htm Placements Net 99015 2 2005110499015.pdf 2005110499015.htm Placements Trésorerie 99296 1 2005110499296.pdf 2005110499296.htm Siparex Croissance 99647 1 2005110499647.pdf 2005110499647.htm SLF (France) Short Term Global 99731 1 2005110499731.pdf 2005110499731.htm UBS ETF 99641 2 2005110499641.pdf 2005110499641.htm AGF Nouveau marché 99760 1 2005110499760.pdf 2005110499760.htm S.G.C.I. Finaxa Axa 99673 2 2005110499673.pdf 2005110499673.htm R MAM Europe Monde Gestion 99734 1 2005110499734.pdf 2005110499734.htm Stratégie Obligations 99751 1 2005110499751.pdf 2005110499751.htm Accor 99566 3 2005110499566.pdf 2005110499566.htm Aigle 99142 7 2005110499142.pdf 2005110499142.htm Aldeta 99735 3 2005110499735.pdf 2005110499735.htm Ales Groupe 99622 1 2005110499622.pdf 2005110499622.htm American Express Carte - France 99756 3 2005110499756.pdf 2005110499756.htm Assystem 99074 17 2005110499074.pdf 2005110499074.htm Averys 99363 1 2005110499363.pdf 2005110499363.htm Bains de mer et du Cercle des étrangers à Monaco "SBM" (Société anonyme des) 99606 1 2005110499606.pdf 2005110499606.htm Bains de mer et du Cercle des étrangers à Monaco "SBM" (Société anonyme des) 99623 2 2005110499623.pdf 2005110499623.htm Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd (The) (Succursale de Paris) 99757 1 2005110499757.pdf 2005110499757.htm Banque Accord 99526 1 2005110499526.pdf 2005110499526.htm Banque de gestion privée Indosuez 99665 1 2005110499665.pdf 2005110499665.htm Banque Kolb 99712 2 2005110499712.pdf 2005110499712.htm Banque (La Compagnie financière Edmond de Rothschild) 99664 1 2005110499664.pdf 2005110499664.htm Banque Laydernier 99711 1 2005110499711.pdf 2005110499711.htm Banque de Savoie 99694 1 2005110499694.pdf 2005110499694.htm Barbara Bui 99668 2 2005110499668.pdf 2005110499668.htm Bonduelle 99682 1 2005110499682.pdf 2005110499682.htm Business et Décision 99538 1 2005110499538.pdf 2005110499538.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Midi-Pyrénées 99646 1 2005110499646.pdf 2005110499646.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Provence-Alpes-Corse 99632 2 2005110499632.pdf 2005110499632.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Rhone-Alpes-Lyon 99789 1 2005110499789.pdf 2005110499789.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Centre Loire 99181 17 2005110499181.pdf 2005110499181.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Midi 99728 1 2005110499728.pdf 2005110499728.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord de France 99129 19 2005110499129.pdf 2005110499129.htm Canal + 99532 1 2005110499532.pdf 2005110499532.htm Carrefour 99149 24 2005110499149.pdf 2005110499149.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 99145 22 2005110499145.pdf 2005110499145.htm Cegid SA 99141 11 2005110499141.pdf 2005110499141.htm Chausseria (La) 99690 3 2005110499690.pdf 2005110499690.htm A Client Center Alliance 99132 9 2005110499132.pdf 2005110499132.htm CM-CIC Bail 99578 1 2005110499578.pdf 2005110499578.htm Cofinoga 99678 2 2005110499678.pdf 2005110499678.htm Cottin Frères 99670 1 2005110499670.pdf 2005110499670.htm Courtois S.A. 99648 1 2005110499648.pdf 2005110499648.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 99092 11 2005110499092.pdf 2005110499092.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Société de crédit foncier 99096 6 2005110499096.pdf 2005110499096.htm Crédit du Nord 99458 1 2005110499458.pdf 2005110499458.htm Damartex 99246 9 2005110499246.pdf 2005110499246.htm Docks des pétroles d'Ambès (Les) 99176 6 2005110499176.pdf 2005110499176.htm 99264 6 2005110499264.pdf 2005110499264.htm Elit Group 99630 1 2005110499630.pdf 2005110499630.htm Encaissement (S.F.E.) (Société anonyme monégasque financière et d') 99612 1 2005110499612.pdf 2005110499612.htm Entreprise de spectacles (S.A.M.E.S.) (Société anonyme monégasque d') 99609 1 2005110499609.pdf 2005110499609.htm Etudes et de réalisations pour les industries du bois "Seribo" (Société d') 99554 1 2005110499554.pdf 2005110499554.htm Eurofactor 99542 1 2005110499542.pdf 2005110499542.htm Factocic 99516 2 2005110499516.pdf 2005110499516.htm Financement pour l'équipement familial "Finaref" (Société de) 99710 1 2005110499710.pdf 2005110499710.htm Financière pour l'accession à la propriété "Sofiap" (Société) 99788 2 2005110499788.pdf 2005110499788.htm Financière Géo "Cofigeo" (Compagnie) 99505 1 2005110499505.pdf 2005110499505.htm R Finatis 99699 1 2005110499699.pdf 2005110499699.htm Foncière Euris 99702 1 2005110499702.pdf 2005110499702.htm Foncière lyonnaise (Société) 99634 1 2005110499634.pdf 2005110499634.htm Foncière des régions "GFR" 99160 24 2005110499160.pdf 2005110499160.htm Gecina 99594 1 2005110499594.pdf 2005110499594.htm Gestion et d'investissement "Sofragi" (Société française de) 99635 1 2005110499635.pdf 2005110499635.htm Groupe Flo 99085 15 2005110499085.pdf 2005110499085.htm Groupe Gascogne 99159 13 2005110499159.pdf 2005110499159.htm Groupe Médiagérance 99631 1 2005110499631.pdf 2005110499631.htm High Co. 99506 1 2005110499506.pdf 2005110499506.htm Home Shopping Service 99736 1 2005110499736.pdf 2005110499736.htm Hotellerie "Sogetel" (Société anonyme monégasque générale d') 99610 1 2005110499610.pdf 2005110499610.htm Immeubles de France (Société des) 99593 1 2005110499593.pdf 2005110499593.htm Immobilier Sud Atlantique (Financière de l') 99669 1 2005110499669.pdf 2005110499669.htm Industrielle et financière d'ingénierie "Ingenico" (Compagnie) 99658 1 2005110499658.pdf 2005110499658.htm Jeanjean 99770 1 2005110499770.pdf 2005110499770.htm Linedata Services 99242 13 2005110499242.pdf 2005110499242.htm 200511049924201.gif Malteries franco-belges 99143 16 2005110499143.pdf 2005110499143.htm Manoukian (Alain) 99190 6 2005110499190.pdf 2005110499190.htm Mecelec 99236 6 2005110499236.pdf 2005110499236.htm Mediatis SA 99708 2 2005110499708.pdf 2005110499708.htm Mermet Industries 99095 7 2005110499095.pdf 2005110499095.htm Métaleurop S.A. 99151 10 2005110499151.pdf 2005110499151.htm Métaleurop S.A. 99396 2 2005110499396.pdf 2005110499396.htm Métaleurop S.A. 99397 2 2005110499397.pdf 2005110499397.htm Micropole-Univers 99227 6 2005110499227.pdf 2005110499227.htm Mr Bricolage 99620 1 2005110499620.pdf 2005110499620.htm Natiocrédimurs 99540 2 2005110499540.pdf 2005110499540.htm Neopost S.A. 99222 15 2005110499222.pdf 2005110499222.htm Olitec 99158 5 2005110499158.pdf 2005110499158.htm Oréal (L') 99780 1 2005110499780.pdf 2005110499780.htm Oseo Sofaris 99777 2 2005110499777.pdf 2005110499777.htm Parel 99454 1 2005110499454.pdf 2005110499454.htm Participations (Carpinienne de) 99700 1 2005110499700.pdf 2005110499700.htm Philips médical capital France 99484 1 2005110499484.pdf 2005110499484.htm PPR 99749 1 2005110499749.pdf 2005110499749.htm Rénovation et l'équipement du commerce "Socorec" (Société coopérative pour la) 99637 1 2005110499637.pdf 2005110499637.htm Rhodia 99715 8 2005110499715.pdf 2005110499715.htm 200511049971501.gif Riber 99191 6 2005110499191.pdf 2005110499191.htm Soficarte 99707 1 2005110499707.pdf 2005110499707.htm Sofiprotéol 99531 1 2005110499531.pdf 2005110499531.htm Soft Computing 99764 1 2005110499764.pdf 2005110499764.htm Sogeclair 99619 1 2005110499619.pdf 2005110499619.htm Stef-TFE 99747 1 2005110499747.pdf 2005110499747.htm Sword Group 99094 10 2005110499094.pdf 2005110499094.htm Sygma Banque 99679 1 2005110499679.pdf 2005110499679.htm Teamlog 99231 16 2005110499231.pdf 2005110499231.htm 200511049923101.gif Thermes marins Monte-Carlo (STM) (Société anonyme monégasque des) 99608 1 2005110499608.pdf 2005110499608.htm U10 99209 15 2005110499209.pdf 2005110499209.htm Ubisoft Entertainment SA 99767 1 2005110499767.pdf 2005110499767.htm UBS (Monaco).S.A. 99785 2 2005110499785.pdf 2005110499785.htm Union financière de France-Banque 99198 6 2005110499198.pdf 2005110499198.htm Union financière de France-Banque 99787 2 2005110499787.pdf 2005110499787.htm Valeurs d'entreprises et de participations "Salvepar" (Société alsacienne et lorraine de) 99147 4 2005110499147.pdf 2005110499147.htm Visiodent 99247 6 2005110499247.pdf 2005110499247.htm Vivendi Universal 99627 1 2005110499627.pdf 2005110499627.htm Finaxa 99499 1 2005110499499.pdf 2005110499499.htm Industrielle et financière d'ingénierie "Ingenico" (Compagnie) 99661 1 2005110499661.pdf 2005110499661.htm Infogrames Entertainment 99629 1 2005110499629.pdf 2005110499629.htm Jacquet Industries 99705 1 2005110499705.pdf 2005110499705.htm Siraga SA 99520 1 2005110499520.pdf 2005110499520.htm Décisions et informations 01132 5 2005110401132.pdf 2005110401132.htm
Affine 90593 2 2005060890593.pdf 2005060890593.htm Banque fédérale des banques populaires 90609 2 2005060890609.pdf 2005060890609.htm Euler Hermès 90607 1 2005060890607.pdf 2005060890607.htm Oeneo 90415 6 2005060890415.pdf 2005060890415.htm Piscinelle 90610 4 2005060890610.pdf 2005060890610.htm BNP Paribas 90611 3 2005060890611.pdf 2005060890611.htm European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. 89968 2 2005060889968.pdf 2005060889968.htm Aldeta (Rectificatif) 90548 1 2005060890548.pdf 2005060890548.htm Amérique Rendement 90450 2 2005060890450.pdf 2005060890450.htm Business Objects SA 90622 2 2005060890622.pdf 2005060890622.htm Capital Rénovation 90635 1 2005060890635.pdf 2005060890635.htm Cast 90655 2 2005060890655.pdf 2005060890655.htm Etoile Actions internationales 90632 1 2005060890632.pdf 2005060890632.htm Etoile France Europe 90642 1 2005060890642.pdf 2005060890642.htm Etoile Obli Internationales 90639 1 2005060890639.pdf 2005060890639.htm Etoile Oblig Euro 90636 1 2005060890636.pdf 2005060890636.htm Eurolidays (France) SA 90592 1 2005060890592.pdf 2005060890592.htm Foncia Pierre Rendement 90634 2 2005060890634.pdf 2005060890634.htm Foncia Pierrevie 1 90627 1 2005060890627.pdf 2005060890627.htm Groupe Médiagérance 90629 3 2005060890629.pdf 2005060890629.htm Immeubles de France (Société des) (Rectificatif) 90603 1 2005060890603.pdf 2005060890603.htm Ixis Euro Souverains (Additif) 90661 1 2005060890661.pdf 2005060890661.htm Lexbase 90621 2 2005060890621.pdf 2005060890621.htm Logipierre 7 90525 3 2005060890525.pdf 2005060890525.htm Montupet S.A. 90602 1 2005060890602.pdf 2005060890602.htm MP 65 90638 2 2005060890638.pdf 2005060890638.htm Netgem S.A. (Rectificatif) 90591 2 2005060890591.pdf 2005060890591.htm Ocei (Rectificatif) 90544 2 2005060890544.pdf 2005060890544.htm Petit forestier (Rectificatif) 90651 1 2005060890651.pdf 2005060890651.htm Rocher Pierre International 90628 1 2005060890628.pdf 2005060890628.htm Saint-Honoré Amérique 90452 2 2005060890452.pdf 2005060890452.htm Saint-Honoré Convertibles 90454 2 2005060890454.pdf 2005060890454.htm Saint-Honoré Euro Opportunités 90570 2 2005060890570.pdf 2005060890570.htm Saint-Honoré Europe 90448 1 2005060890448.pdf 2005060890448.htm Sofi 17 2000 90614 2 2005060890614.pdf 2005060890614.htm Soficinéma 90601 1 2005060890601.pdf 2005060890601.htm Unofi Monétaire 90590 2 2005060890590.pdf 2005060890590.htm Valloire Investissements Pierre 90528 1 2005060890528.pdf 2005060890528.htm Amérique Rendement 90451 1 2005060890451.pdf 2005060890451.htm Saint-Honoré Amérique 90453 2 2005060890453.pdf 2005060890453.htm Saint-Honoré Convertibles 90455 1 2005060890455.pdf 2005060890455.htm Saint-Honoré Euro Opportunités 90569 2 2005060890569.pdf 2005060890569.htm Saint-Honoré Europe 90449 2 2005060890449.pdf 2005060890449.htm Saint-Honoré Vie & Santé 90475 1 2005060890475.pdf 2005060890475.htm Unofi Monétaire Unofi monétaire 90589 2 2005060890589.pdf 2005060890589.htm American Express Carte-France 90531 3 2005060890531.pdf 2005060890531.htm Assurances générales de France 90480 1 2005060890480.pdf 2005060890480.htm Aures Technologies 90456 2 2005060890456.pdf 2005060890456.htm Autoroutes Esterel, Côte-d'Azur, Provence, Alpes « Escota » (Société des) 90551 1 2005060890551.pdf 2005060890551.htm Avanquest Software 90498 2 2005060890498.pdf 2005060890498.htm Axa Banque 90526 17 2005060890526.pdf 2005060890526.htm B.F.T.-Banque de financement et de trésorerie 90474 13 2005060890474.pdf 2005060890474.htm Bail Ouest 90518 1 2005060890518.pdf 2005060890518.htm Banque (Lyonnaise de) 90521 2 2005060890521.pdf 2005060890521.htm Banque (Société générale calédonienne de) 90470 7 2005060890470.pdf 2005060890470.htm Banque AGF 90209 27 2005060890209.pdf 2005060890209.htm Banque de Baecque Beau 90527 7 2005060890527.pdf 2005060890527.htm Banque intercontinentale arabe 90529 8 2005060890529.pdf 2005060890529.htm Banque populaire de la Côte-d'Azur 90665 9 2005060890665.pdf 2005060890665.htm Banque populaire du Nord 90565 8 2005060890565.pdf 2005060890565.htm Banque privée européenne (Rectificatif) 90618 1 2005060890618.pdf 2005060890618.htm Banque PSA Finance 90512 1 2005060890512.pdf 2005060890512.htm Banque Sanpaolo 89403 17 2005060889403.pdf 2005060889403.htm Bred-Banque populaire 90556 22 2005060890556.pdf 2005060890556.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de La Guadeloupe 90596 1 2005060890596.pdf 2005060890596.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Val de France-Orléanais 90563 9 2005060890563.pdf 2005060890563.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Rhône-Alpes-Lyon (Rectificatif) 90664 1 2005060890664.pdf 2005060890664.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Boulogne-sur-Mer 90540 1 2005060890540.pdf 2005060890540.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Strasbourg 90637 1 2005060890637.pdf 2005060890637.htm Calyon 90631 2 2005060890631.pdf 2005060890631.htm Camefi Banque 90617 1 2005060890617.pdf 2005060890617.htm Canal + 90562 3 2005060890562.pdf 2005060890562.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de Lyon et région « Socama de Lyon et région » (Société de) 90656 1 2005060890656.pdf 2005060890656.htm Caution mutuelle des professions immobilières et foncières (Société de) 90513 1 2005060890513.pdf 2005060890513.htm César 90646 2 2005060890646.pdf 2005060890646.htm Cetelem 90328 16 2005060890328.pdf 2005060890328.htm Claresco Bourse 90587 1 2005060890587.pdf 2005060890587.htm Cofidis 90469 1 2005060890469.pdf 2005060890469.htm Courtage monétaire (Compagnie internationale de) 90457 1 2005060890457.pdf 2005060890457.htm Crédit aux particuliers « Crédipar » (Compagnie générale de) 90447 11 2005060890447.pdf 2005060890447.htm Crédit aux particuliers « Crédipar » (Compagnie générale de) 90510 2 2005060890510.pdf 2005060890510.htm Crédit foncier Banque 90417 11 2005060890417.pdf 2005060890417.htm Crédit immobilier de France Normandie 90575 6 2005060890575.pdf 2005060890575.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud 90552 1 2005060890552.pdf 2005060890552.htm Crédit immobilier de France « Forez Velay » (Société de) 90633 1 2005060890633.pdf 2005060890633.htm Crédit immobilier de Lille et des pays du Nord 90564 1 2005060890564.pdf 2005060890564.htm Crédit industriel de l'Ouest 90375 25 2005060890375.pdf 2005060890375.htm Deveaux S.A. 90630 1 2005060890630.pdf 2005060890630.htm Dexia Assureco 90660 4 2005060890660.pdf 2005060890660.htm Dexia Bail 90401 5 2005060890401.pdf 2005060890401.htm Dexia CLF Régions Bail 90402 6 2005060890402.pdf 2005060890402.htm Dexia Flobail 90405 6 2005060890405.pdf 2005060890405.htm Eaux minérales d'Evian (Société anonyme des) 90588 1 2005060890588.pdf 2005060890588.htm Euronext N.V. 90641 4 2005060890641.pdf 2005060890641.htm Factocic 90595 4 2005060890595.pdf 2005060890595.htm Fidem 90550 3 2005060890550.pdf 2005060890550.htm Financière des sociétés de développement régional « Finansder »(Société) 90573 6 2005060890573.pdf 2005060890573.htm Fininfo 90515 1 2005060890515.pdf 2005060890515.htm Foncaris 90566 3 2005060890566.pdf 2005060890566.htm Général Leclerc N° 11/11 bis Levallois 90485 1 2005060890485.pdf 2005060890485.htm Gestion de stocks de sécurité « Sagess » (Société anonyme de) 90467 4 2005060890467.pdf 2005060890467.htm Groupama Banque 90524 5 2005060890524.pdf 2005060890524.htm Groupe Duarte 90516 1 2005060890516.pdf 2005060890516.htm Groupe Norbert Dentressangle 90545 1 2005060890545.pdf 2005060890545.htm ING Bank (France) S.A. 90377 10 2005060890377.pdf 2005060890377.htm Kaufman & Broad SA 90626 2 2005060890626.pdf 2005060890626.htm Lebon (Compagnie) 90411 6 2005060890411.pdf 2005060890411.htm Maisons France Confort 90668 2 2005060890668.pdf 2005060890668.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 90522 14 2005060890522.pdf 2005060890522.htm Neopost S.A. 90616 1 2005060890616.pdf 2005060890616.htm NicOx SA 90504 1 2005060890504.pdf 2005060890504.htm OFIVM 90530 6 2005060890530.pdf 2005060890530.htm Omnium financier de valeurs mobilières-Ofivalmo 90532 10 2005060890532.pdf 2005060890532.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extrême-Orient (Société d') 90536 1 2005060890536.pdf 2005060890536.htm Screg Nord Picardie 90459 1 2005060890459.pdf 2005060890459.htm Screg Ouest 90462 1 2005060890462.pdf 2005060890462.htm Screg Sud Est 90460 1 2005060890460.pdf 2005060890460.htm Screg Sud Ouest 90505 1 2005060890505.pdf 2005060890505.htm Secmarne (SAS) 90490 1 2005060890490.pdf 2005060890490.htm SG Option Europe 90406 10 2005060890406.pdf 2005060890406.htm Siparex Croissance 90612 2 2005060890612.pdf 2005060890612.htm Socami Loire et Lyonnais 90657 1 2005060890657.pdf 2005060890657.htm Sodelem S.A. 90514 1 2005060890514.pdf 2005060890514.htm Sodevac 90488 1 2005060890488.pdf 2005060890488.htm Tayninh (Société de) 90667 6 2005060890667.pdf 2005060890667.htm Access Commerce 90508 1 2005060890508.pdf 2005060890508.htm Aures Technologies 90458 1 2005060890458.pdf 2005060890458.htm Avanquest Software 90496 1 2005060890496.pdf 2005060890496.htm Averys 90213 1 2005060890213.pdf 2005060890213.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 90727 1 2005060890727.pdf 2005060890727.htm Développement régional de la Bretagne (Société de) 90486 1 2005060890486.pdf 2005060890486.htm EMS Telecom 90645 1 2005060890645.pdf 2005060890645.htm Fininfo 90501 1 2005060890501.pdf 2005060890501.htm Galeries Lafayette (Société anonyme des) 90644 1 2005060890644.pdf 2005060890644.htm Générale de santé (Rectificatif) 90658 1 2005060890658.pdf 2005060890658.htm GFI Informatique 90670 1 2005060890670.pdf 2005060890670.htm Groupe Go Sport 90608 1 2005060890608.pdf 2005060890608.htm Iliad 90519 1 2005060890519.pdf 2005060890519.htm Lafarge 89946 1 2005060889946.pdf 2005060889946.htm Nexity 90542 1 2005060890542.pdf 2005060890542.htm NicOx SA 90506 1 2005060890506.pdf 2005060890506.htm Oeneo 90620 1 2005060890620.pdf 2005060890620.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extrême-Orient (Société d') 90538 1 2005060890538.pdf 2005060890538.htm Peugeot S.A. 90464 1 2005060890464.pdf 2005060890464.htm Sanofi-Aventis 90497 1 2005060890497.pdf 2005060890497.htm Décisions et Informations 01068 8 2005060801068.pdf 2005060801068.htm
Foncière des Murs 90062 3 2005060190062.pdf 2005060190062.htm Société générale 89976 1 2005060189976.pdf 2005060189976.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 89908 2 2005060189908.pdf 2005060189908.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 89909 2 2005060189909.pdf 2005060189909.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 89910 1 2005060189910.pdf 2005060189910.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 89949 7 2005060189949.pdf 2005060189949.htm AGF Pierre Actif 88994 1 2005060188994.pdf 2005060188994.htm AGF Pierre Actif 2 88993 2 2005060188993.pdf 2005060188993.htm Air France - KLM 89892 4 2005060189892.pdf 2005060189892.htm Air France S.A. (Société) 89890 3 2005060189890.pdf 2005060189890.htm Buffalo Grill (Rectificatif) 90017 1 2005060190017.pdf 2005060190017.htm Cofinova 1 89998 1 2005060189998.pdf 2005060189998.htm Cybergun 90070 5 2005060190070.pdf 2005060190070.htm Cyril Monétaire 90058 1 2005060190058.pdf 2005060190058.htm Eco Invest I 89898 2 2005060189898.pdf 2005060189898.htm Eurexfi Habitat 89928 1 2005060189928.pdf 2005060189928.htm Eurotunnel S.A. (Additif) 90125 1 2005060190125.pdf 2005060190125.htm Finarval International (Rectificatif) 90010 1 2005060190010.pdf 2005060190010.htm Groupe Gascogne 90015 2 2005060190015.pdf 2005060190015.htm Hermès International (Rectificatif) 90041 1 2005060190041.pdf 2005060190041.htm Huis Clos 89902 2 2005060189902.pdf 2005060189902.htm Investissement immobilier « Slivimo » (Société lyonnaise d') 90026 1 2005060190026.pdf 2005060190026.htm Lion SCPI Croissance 89950 1 2005060189950.pdf 2005060189950.htm Logivalor 5 88991 2 2005060188991.pdf 2005060188991.htm Logivalor 6 89291 1 2005060189291.pdf 2005060189291.htm MFS Funds Sicav 88983 2 2005060188983.pdf 2005060188983.htm Mines de la Lucette (Rectificatif) 90078 1 2005060190078.pdf 2005060190078.htm Moneden 90006 2 2005060190006.pdf 2005060190006.htm Monexpansion 90067 1 2005060190067.pdf 2005060190067.htm Moulages et de métallurgies (Compagnie française de) 89857 2 2005060189857.pdf 2005060189857.htm Notimmo Ouest Habitat 89618 2 2005060189618.pdf 2005060189618.htm Notimmo Ouest Habitat 2 89619 1 2005060189619.pdf 2005060189619.htm Notimmo Ouest Habitat 3 89620 2 2005060189620.pdf 2005060189620.htm Olitec 90042 1 2005060190042.pdf 2005060190042.htm Parfex 89911 2 2005060189911.pdf 2005060189911.htm PGO Automobiles 89992 1 2005060189992.pdf 2005060189992.htm Placements Court terme Première 90019 2 2005060190019.pdf 2005060190019.htm Placements France Indice 89972 1 2005060189972.pdf 2005060189972.htm Placements Sécurité 90021 1 2005060190021.pdf 2005060190021.htm Retraite Obligations 90059 1 2005060190059.pdf 2005060190059.htm Rivoli Avenir Patrimoine 90046 2 2005060190046.pdf 2005060190046.htm Sociétés locales d'épargne affiliées à la Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance Ile-de-France Paris 89316 8 2005060189316.pdf 2005060189316.htm Sogeoblig Convertibles Europe 89894 1 2005060189894.pdf 2005060189894.htm Sogeoblig Monde 90056 2 2005060190056.pdf 2005060190056.htm Soroblig 90068 1 2005060190068.pdf 2005060190068.htm XRT (Additif) 90064 1 2005060190064.pdf 2005060190064.htm Dynafond 89641 1 2005060189641.pdf 2005060189641.htm Poncin Yachts 90002 1 2005060190002.pdf 2005060190002.htm Placements Court terme Première Placements Sécurité Placements Jour 90020 2 2005060190020.pdf 2005060190020.htm Robeco gestion sectorielle 89975 1 2005060189975.pdf 2005060189975.htm Robeco multimanager equities 89974 2 2005060189974.pdf 2005060189974.htm Affacturage (Compagnie générale d') 89960 1 2005060189960.pdf 2005060189960.htm Arjo Wiggins S.A. 89913 1 2005060189913.pdf 2005060189913.htm Bail Entreprises 90009 1 2005060190009.pdf 2005060190009.htm Banque Chalus 89963 7 2005060189963.pdf 2005060189963.htm Banque de réescompte et de placement « Barep » 89987 9 2005060189987.pdf 2005060189987.htm Banque monégasque de gestion 89938 1 2005060189938.pdf 2005060189938.htm Banque populaire des Pyrénées-orientales, de l'Aude et de l'Ariège 89958 8 2005060189958.pdf 2005060189958.htm Barclays Financements immobiliers « Barfimmo » 90076 7 2005060190076.pdf 2005060190076.htm Bénéteau S.A. 90045 3 2005060190045.pdf 2005060190045.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance d'Ile-de-France - Nord (Rectificatif) 90022 1 2005060190022.pdf 2005060190022.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Haute-Normandie 89922 2 2005060189922.pdf 2005060189922.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Picardie 90005 10 2005060190005.pdf 2005060190005.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance des Pays-de-la-Loire (Rectificatif) 89920 1 2005060189920.pdf 2005060189920.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Pas-de-Calais (Rectificatif) 90071 1 2005060190071.pdf 2005060190071.htm Cezanne (Paul) 89891 1 2005060189891.pdf 2005060189891.htm Coil SA 89977 8 2005060189977.pdf 2005060189977.htm Credical 90007 1 2005060190007.pdf 2005060190007.htm Crédit des sociétés d'assurances à caractère mutuel « Socram » (Société de) 89925 4 2005060189925.pdf 2005060189925.htm Crédit mutuel (Compagnie financière du) 90023 2 2005060190023.pdf 2005060190023.htm Dexia Crédit local 90030 2 2005060190030.pdf 2005060190030.htm Dexia Crédit local 90035 1 2005060190035.pdf 2005060190035.htm Dexia Flobail 90033 2 2005060190033.pdf 2005060190033.htm Dexia Municipal Agency 90029 1 2005060190029.pdf 2005060190029.htm Eliance (Rectificatif) 89994 1 2005060189994.pdf 2005060189994.htm Etudes et de réalisations pour les industries du bois "Seribo" (Société d') 89140 11 2005060189140.pdf 2005060189140.htm Eurazeo 89888 2 2005060189888.pdf 2005060189888.htm Euro Disney S.C.A. 90061 8 2005060190061.pdf 2005060190061.htm Faurecia 89936 2 2005060189936.pdf 2005060189936.htm Franfinance 89899 2 2005060189899.pdf 2005060189899.htm Fructicomi 90049 1 2005060190049.pdf 2005060190049.htm Gantois (Etablissements) 90013 17 2005060190013.pdf 2005060190013.htm GE Capital Financements immobiliers d'entreprise 89927 1 2005060189927.pdf 2005060189927.htm Guillemot Corporation 90036 1 2005060190036.pdf 2005060190036.htm Habitat Bourgogne, Franche-Comté et Allier (Financière régionale pour l') 89923 9 2005060189923.pdf 2005060189923.htm Halifax plc 89600 3 2005060189600.pdf 2005060189600.htm Ipsos 89897 1 2005060189897.pdf 2005060189897.htm John Deere Crédit 89959 1 2005060189959.pdf 2005060189959.htm Labinal 89901 1 2005060189901.pdf 2005060189901.htm Messier-Bugatti 89906 1 2005060189906.pdf 2005060189906.htm Monte Paschi Banque 89956 11 2005060189956.pdf 2005060189956.htm Morgan Chase & Co (J.P.) 89722 5 2005060189722.pdf 2005060189722.htm Morgan Securities Ltd (J.P.) 90193 3 2005060190193.pdf 2005060190193.htm Natexis Bail 90050 1 2005060190050.pdf 2005060190050.htm Natexis Lease 90065 1 2005060190065.pdf 2005060190065.htm Parfums Ralph Lauren 90051 1 2005060190051.pdf 2005060190051.htm Pier Import Europe (Rectificatif) 90016 1 2005060190016.pdf 2005060190016.htm Raymond James Euro Equities 90043 1 2005060190043.pdf 2005060190043.htm Raymond James International 90038 1 2005060190038.pdf 2005060190038.htm Sofrance 90001 1 2005060190001.pdf 2005060190001.htm Sogefinancement 89900 2 2005060189900.pdf 2005060189900.htm Sogelease France 89895 1 2005060189895.pdf 2005060189895.htm Star Lease 90027 7 2005060190027.pdf 2005060190027.htm Thales 90004 2 2005060190004.pdf 2005060190004.htm Thermocompact 89980 2 2005060189980.pdf 2005060189980.htm Total SA 89880 1 2005060189880.pdf 2005060189880.htm Trigano 89964 4 2005060189964.pdf 2005060189964.htm Washington (SCI) 89889 1 2005060189889.pdf 2005060189889.htm Wavecom 89993 1 2005060189993.pdf 2005060189993.htm Baccarat 90003 1 2005060190003.pdf 2005060190003.htm Bail Investissement foncière 90018 1 2005060190018.pdf 2005060190018.htm Coletica 89907 1 2005060189907.pdf 2005060189907.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Banque 90024 1 2005060190024.pdf 2005060190024.htm Crédit industriel et commercial 89879 1 2005060189879.pdf 2005060189879.htm Eurazeo 89990 1 2005060189990.pdf 2005060189990.htm Générale de santé 89991 1 2005060189991.pdf 2005060189991.htm Groupe Flo 90057 1 2005060190057.pdf 2005060190057.htm Guillemot Corporation 90012 1 2005060190012.pdf 2005060190012.htm Infotel 89912 1 2005060189912.pdf 2005060189912.htm Nissan France SA 89996 1 2005060189996.pdf 2005060189996.htm Oxbow S.A. 90069 1 2005060190069.pdf 2005060190069.htm Participation au développement des entreprises régionales « Participex » (Société de) 89948 1 2005060189948.pdf 2005060189948.htm Plastic Omnium (Compagnie) 89926 1 2005060189926.pdf 2005060189926.htm Provimi 89954 1 2005060189954.pdf 2005060189954.htm Radiall 89997 1 2005060189997.pdf 2005060189997.htm Thermocompact 89979 1 2005060189979.pdf 2005060189979.htm Ubam 89903 1 2005060189903.pdf 2005060189903.htm Décisions de la Commission des sanctions 01805 3 2005060101805.pdf 2005060101805.htm Décisions et Informations 01065 3 2005060101065.pdf 2005060101065.htm
Alstom 82921 1 2005022182921.pdf 2005022182921.htm Crédit coopératif 82831 2 2005022182831.pdf 2005022182831.htm Alpha Mos 82883 1 2005022182883.pdf 2005022182883.htm Arcade 82892 1 2005022182892.pdf 2005022182892.htm Aukera 82914 2 2005022182914.pdf 2005022182914.htm CA-AM Actions Immobilier 82925 1 2005022182925.pdf 2005022182925.htm CA-AM Actions Matières 1ères 80672 2 2005022180672.pdf 2005022180672.htm CA-AM Oblig Etat Euro 80851 1 2005022180851.pdf 2005022180851.htm CA-AM Value Europe 80643 1 2005022180643.pdf 2005022180643.htm Dexia Court terme 82890 2 2005022182890.pdf 2005022182890.htm Dexia Euro Valeurs foncières 82889 1 2005022182889.pdf 2005022182889.htm Dexia France Small Caps 82891 1 2005022182891.pdf 2005022182891.htm Dexia Money 3 M 82893 2 2005022182893.pdf 2005022182893.htm Dexia Obligations Euro 82888 1 2005022182888.pdf 2005022182888.htm France Location Equipement 82895 1 2005022182895.pdf 2005022182895.htm Highwave Optical Technologies 82922 5 2005022182922.pdf 2005022182922.htm Ixis Corporate & Investment Bank 82860 1 2005022182860.pdf 2005022182860.htm Logivalor 82841 1 2005022182841.pdf 2005022182841.htm Média 6 82800 3 2005022182800.pdf 2005022182800.htm Métrologic Group 82897 4 2005022182897.pdf 2005022182897.htm Objectif Actifs Réels 82871 1 2005022182871.pdf 2005022182871.htm Rodriguez Group 82862 2 2005022182862.pdf 2005022182862.htm CA-AM Monedyn 1 an mars 82846 1 2005022182846.pdf 2005022182846.htm Acanthe Développement 82835 1 2005022182835.pdf 2005022182835.htm ADT S.I.I.C 82832 1 2005022182832.pdf 2005022182832.htm Air France - KLM 82884 9 2005022182884.pdf 2005022182884.htm Aldeta 82923 1 2005022182923.pdf 2005022182923.htm Alliance Développement Capital 82834 1 2005022182834.pdf 2005022182834.htm Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier (BPI) 82794 1 2005022182794.pdf 2005022182794.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance du Val de France-Orléanais 82896 1 2005022182896.pdf 2005022182896.htm CB 16 Développement 82881 1 2005022182881.pdf 2005022182881.htm Crédit immobilier de France Bretagne Atlantique 82874 1 2005022182874.pdf 2005022182874.htm Crédit Lyonnais Asset Management Finance 82772 2 2005022182772.pdf 2005022182772.htm Dynaction 82905 1 2005022182905.pdf 2005022182905.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 82918 5 2005022182918.pdf 2005022182918.htm Groupe Médiagérance 82855 1 2005022182855.pdf 2005022182855.htm Guy Degrenne 82894 1 2005022182894.pdf 2005022182894.htm Innelec Multimédia 82886 1 2005022182886.pdf 2005022182886.htm Ipsos 82953 2 2005022182953.pdf 2005022182953.htm Pier Import Europe 82899 1 2005022182899.pdf 2005022182899.htm Seevia Consulting 82861 1 2005022182861.pdf 2005022182861.htm Smoby 82928 2 2005022182928.pdf 2005022182928.htm Smoby 82929 5 2005022182929.pdf 2005022182929.htm Unicomi S.A. 82906 1 2005022182906.pdf 2005022182906.htm VCON 82924 2 2005022182924.pdf 2005022182924.htm Caisse des retraités du Crédit national 82858 3 2005022182858.pdf 2005022182858.htm Décisions et Informations 01022 7 2005022101022.pdf 2005022101022.htm
Fructipierre 06142 1 2005112806142.pdf 2005112806142.htm Sogecinéma 5 06300 2 2005112806300.pdf 2005112806300.htm Suez 06279 2 2005112806279.pdf 2005112806279.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 05614 2 2005112805614.pdf 2005112805614.htm Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft 06275 2 2005112806275.pdf 2005112806275.htm Avenir Numeric's 06308 2 2005112806308.pdf 2005112806308.htm Fromageries Bel 06367 1 2005112806367.pdf 2005112806367.htm Holy-Dis 06078 2 2005112806078.pdf 2005112806078.htm Lucia 06028 1 2005112806028.pdf 2005112806028.htm Participation au développement des entreprises régionales "Participex" (Société de) 06302 1 2005112806302.pdf 2005112806302.htm Regina Rubens 06301 3 2005112806301.pdf 2005112806301.htm Million et Bernard Marais (Etablissements Charles) 06269 1 2005112806269.pdf 2005112806269.htm Caisse centrale de crédit immobilier de France-3CIF 05369 19 2005112805369.pdf 2005112805369.htm Camaieu 05986 12 2005112805986.pdf 2005112805986.htm Cast 05792 21 2005112805792.pdf 2005112805792.htm Cogéra 06236 1 2005112806236.pdf 2005112806236.htm Delta Plus Group SA 99584 8 2005112899584.pdf 2005112899584.htm Etam Développement 06306 1 2005112806306.pdf 2005112806306.htm Euro Ressources S.A. 05730 9 2005112805730.pdf 2005112805730.htm 200511280573001.gif Exacompta-Clairefontaine 05717 7 2005112805717.pdf 2005112805717.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 05763 6 2005112805763.pdf 2005112805763.htm Groupe Pizzorno Environnement 05790 10 2005112805790.pdf 2005112805790.htm IGE+XAO 05626 13 2005112805626.pdf 2005112805626.htm Keyrus 05692 10 2005112805692.pdf 2005112805692.htm Mondiale (La) 06305 1 2005112806305.pdf 2005112806305.htm RCI Banque 06234 2 2005112806234.pdf 2005112806234.htm Regina Rubens 06281 1 2005112806281.pdf 2005112806281.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 05793 6 2005112805793.pdf 2005112805793.htm Sofinco 06171 1 2005112806171.pdf 2005112806171.htm Tharreau Industries 05808 1 2005112805808.pdf 2005112805808.htm Tharreau Industries 05810 7 2005112805810.pdf 2005112805810.htm Tonna Electronique 05731 8 2005112805731.pdf 2005112805731.htm Union Technologies Informatique Group 05714 15 2005112805714.pdf 2005112805714.htm Décisions et informations 01142 8 2005112801142.pdf 2005112801142.htm
Acanthe Développement 05287 1 2005111405287.pdf 2005111405287.htm Lyxor ETF Japan (Topix) 99935 2 2005111499935.pdf 2005111499935.htm Société générale 05205 2 2005111405205.pdf 2005111405205.htm Société générale 05207 1 2005111405207.pdf 2005111405207.htm Société générale 05243 3 2005111405243.pdf 2005111405243.htm Société générale 05244 2 2005111405244.pdf 2005111405244.htm Société générale 05258 1 2005111405258.pdf 2005111405258.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 05215 2 2005111405215.pdf 2005111405215.htm SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. 05230 1 2005111405230.pdf 2005111405230.htm Autolubrification Produits de synthèse-APS 05227 1 2005111405227.pdf 2005111405227.htm Avenir Telecom 99982 6 2005111499982.pdf 2005111499982.htm Billon 05314 2 2005111405314.pdf 2005111405314.htm Caisse centrale de réescompte 05336 2 2005111405336.pdf 2005111405336.htm Cofimage 9 05231 2 2005111405231.pdf 2005111405231.htm COM Selection 05342 1 2005111405342.pdf 2005111405342.htm Costimex 05246 2 2005111405246.pdf 2005111405246.htm CPR Mobisécurité 05283 1 2005111405283.pdf 2005111405283.htm Immobilière Dassault 05289 1 2005111405289.pdf 2005111405289.htm ING (F) Actions France CAC 40-BBL (F) Invest France 05328 2 2005111405328.pdf 2005111405328.htm ING (F) Monétaire Entreprises 05325 1 2005111405325.pdf 2005111405325.htm Select Défensif 05259 2 2005111405259.pdf 2005111405259.htm Select Défensif 05266 2 2005111405266.pdf 2005111405266.htm Sogeactions Europe 05277 1 2005111405277.pdf 2005111405277.htm Sogeactions France Diversifiée 05286 1 2005111405286.pdf 2005111405286.htm Sogemonevalor Liquidités 05351 1 2005111405351.pdf 2005111405351.htm Zodiac 05352 3 2005111405352.pdf 2005111405352.htm DWS France Valeur DWS France Valeur 05329 1 2005111405329.pdf 2005111405329.htm BNP Obli Long terme 05177 1 2005111405177.pdf 2005111405177.htm 123 Multimédia 05415 1 2005111405415.pdf 2005111405415.htm ADLPartner 99638 1 2005111499638.pdf 2005111499638.htm AES Chemunex 05316 1 2005111405316.pdf 2005111405316.htm Agta Record 05347 1 2005111405347.pdf 2005111405347.htm Air liquide (L') 05302 2 2005111405302.pdf 2005111405302.htm Akka Technologies 05326 1 2005111405326.pdf 2005111405326.htm ANF 05320 2 2005111405320.pdf 2005111405320.htm Atos Origin 05315 1 2005111405315.pdf 2005111405315.htm Audika 05098 1 2005111405098.pdf 2005111405098.htm Axa 05337 2 2005111405337.pdf 2005111405337.htm Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier (BPI) 05190 1 2005111405190.pdf 2005111405190.htm Bastide, Le confort médical 05095 1 2005111405095.pdf 2005111405095.htm Bernard Loiseau SA 05298 1 2005111405298.pdf 2005111405298.htm Body One 99527 4 2005111499527.pdf 2005111499527.htm Bolloré 05235 1 2005111405235.pdf 2005111405235.htm Bolloré Investissement 05236 1 2005111405236.pdf 2005111405236.htm Bongrain SA 05263 1 2005111405263.pdf 2005111405263.htm Bourbon 05273 2 2005111405273.pdf 2005111405273.htm Bouygues 05257 2 2005111405257.pdf 2005111405257.htm Brioche Pasquier 05339 1 2005111405339.pdf 2005111405339.htm Brizard et Roger International (Marie) 05140 1 2005111405140.pdf 2005111405140.htm Bull 05327 1 2005111405327.pdf 2005111405327.htm Business Objects SA 05318 1 2005111405318.pdf 2005111405318.htm Cafom 05261 2 2005111405261.pdf 2005111405261.htm Cafom 05323 1 2005111405323.pdf 2005111405323.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel d'Aquitaine 99530 15 2005111499530.pdf 2005111499530.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Brie Picardie 05214 2 2005111405214.pdf 2005111405214.htm Camaieu 05343 1 2005111405343.pdf 2005111405343.htm Cambodge (Compagnie du) 05240 1 2005111405240.pdf 2005111405240.htm Cegedim 05162 1 2005111405162.pdf 2005111405162.htm CFF Recycling 05307 2 2005111405307.pdf 2005111405307.htm Chabert Duval Groupe 05297 1 2005111405297.pdf 2005111405297.htm Chauffage urbain (Compagnie parisienne de) 99529 14 2005111499529.pdf 2005111499529.htm CMP-Banque 05291 1 2005111405291.pdf 2005111405291.htm CNP Assurances 05300 1 2005111405300.pdf 2005111405300.htm Cofidis 05199 1 2005111405199.pdf 2005111405199.htm Coheris 05256 1 2005111405256.pdf 2005111405256.htm Crédit mutuel Centre Est Europe 05220 2 2005111405220.pdf 2005111405220.htm Crédit mutuel de Maine-Anjou et Basse-Normandie 05217 1 2005111405217.pdf 2005111405217.htm Crédit mutuel Midi-Atlantique 05218 1 2005111405218.pdf 2005111405218.htm Crédit mutuel Savoie Mont-Blanc 05221 2 2005111405221.pdf 2005111405221.htm Cyber Press Publishing 05292 1 2005111405292.pdf 2005111405292.htm Développement du financement "Sedef" (Société européenne de) 05251 1 2005111405251.pdf 2005111405251.htm Digigram 05043 2 2005111405043.pdf 2005111405043.htm Dior (Christian) 05321 1 2005111405321.pdf 2005111405321.htm Duc 05253 1 2005111405253.pdf 2005111405253.htm Duc Lamothe Participations 05091 1 2005111405091.pdf 2005111405091.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 05213 2 2005111405213.pdf 2005111405213.htm Eurazeo 05334 1 2005111405334.pdf 2005111405334.htm Eurofins Scientific 05210 1 2005111405210.pdf 2005111405210.htm Eurosic 05106 1 2005111405106.pdf 2005111405106.htm Financière Moncey 05241 1 2005111405241.pdf 2005111405241.htm Financière de l'Odet 05237 1 2005111405237.pdf 2005111405237.htm Finaxa 05350 1 2005111405350.pdf 2005111405350.htm Fininfo 05222 2 2005111405222.pdf 2005111405222.htm Floreane Médical Implants 05186 1 2005111405186.pdf 2005111405186.htm Foncière Massena 05322 1 2005111405322.pdf 2005111405322.htm Forinter 05282 1 2005111405282.pdf 2005111405282.htm Fromageries Bel 05279 1 2005111405279.pdf 2005111405279.htm Gaumont 05097 1 2005111405097.pdf 2005111405097.htm Gaz de France 05311 2 2005111405311.pdf 2005111405311.htm GeneriX 05180 1 2005111405180.pdf 2005111405180.htm Groupe Silicomp 05234 1 2005111405234.pdf 2005111405234.htm Groupe Taittinger 05268 1 2005111405268.pdf 2005111405268.htm Havas 05353 1 2005111405353.pdf 2005111405353.htm Hotelière du Pacifique (Compagnie) 05269 1 2005111405269.pdf 2005111405269.htm Icom Informatique 05252 1 2005111405252.pdf 2005111405252.htm IEC Professionnel Média 99521 13 2005111499521.pdf 2005111499521.htm Imecom Group 05331 1 2005111405331.pdf 2005111405331.htm Imerys 05228 2 2005111405228.pdf 2005111405228.htm Immobilière Dassault 05223 1 2005111405223.pdf 2005111405223.htm Immobilière hotelière SA (L') 05088 1 2005111405088.pdf 2005111405088.htm Industrielle et financière de l'Artois (Société) 05238 1 2005111405238.pdf 2005111405238.htm Industrielle et financière d'ingénierie "Ingenico" (Compagnie) 05275 1 2005111405275.pdf 2005111405275.htm Inter Parfums 05344 2 2005111405344.pdf 2005111405344.htm Ioltech 05051 1 2005111405051.pdf 2005111405051.htm ITS Seevia Group 05338 1 2005111405338.pdf 2005111405338.htm Jacquet Industries 05248 1 2005111405248.pdf 2005111405248.htm Kindy 05260 1 2005111405260.pdf 2005111405260.htm Lacroix S.A. 05335 2 2005111405335.pdf 2005111405335.htm Lagardère SCA 05304 1 2005111405304.pdf 2005111405304.htm Louvre-Groupe du Louvre (Société du) 05265 2 2005111405265.pdf 2005111405265.htm Métrologic Group 05208 1 2005111405208.pdf 2005111405208.htm Musée Grévin 05216 1 2005111405216.pdf 2005111405216.htm Olitec 05196 1 2005111405196.pdf 2005111405196.htm Orapi 05333 1 2005111405333.pdf 2005111405333.htm Oxygène et d'acétylène d'Extreme-Orient (Société d') 05319 2 2005111405319.pdf 2005111405319.htm Petit forestier 05293 1 2005111405293.pdf 2005111405293.htm Pharmagest Interactive 05072 1 2005111405072.pdf 2005111405072.htm Plastiques du Val de Loire 05184 1 2005111405184.pdf 2005111405184.htm Poujoulat S.A.(Etablissements) 05250 2 2005111405250.pdf 2005111405250.htm Précia 05271 1 2005111405271.pdf 2005111405271.htm Prismaflex International 05346 1 2005111405346.pdf 2005111405346.htm Prodef 05225 1 2005111405225.pdf 2005111405225.htm Prologue Software 05324 1 2005111405324.pdf 2005111405324.htm Provimi 05267 1 2005111405267.pdf 2005111405267.htm Public Système (Le) 05341 1 2005111405341.pdf 2005111405341.htm Rhodia 05312 1 2005111405312.pdf 2005111405312.htm Rubis 05229 1 2005111405229.pdf 2005111405229.htm R Saga 05239 2 2005111405239.pdf 2005111405239.htm Sanofi-Aventis 05340 1 2005111405340.pdf 2005111405340.htm Séchilienne-Sidec 05193 1 2005111405193.pdf 2005111405193.htm Siraga SA 05295 1 2005111405295.pdf 2005111405295.htm Site d'information et de services et du press club de France "S.I.S.P." 05274 1 2005111405274.pdf 2005111405274.htm Société générale 05233 1 2005111405233.pdf 2005111405233.htm Sodice Expansion 05290 1 2005111405290.pdf 2005111405290.htm Soditech Ingénierie 05224 1 2005111405224.pdf 2005111405224.htm Supra 05204 1 2005111405204.pdf 2005111405204.htm Teamlog 05317 1 2005111405317.pdf 2005111405317.htm Technip 05255 1 2005111405255.pdf 2005111405255.htm Tessi 05306 1 2005111405306.pdf 2005111405306.htm Tete dans les nuages (La) 99842 1 2005111499842.pdf 2005111499842.htm Thales 05313 1 2005111405313.pdf 2005111405313.htm Total SA 05067 1 2005111405067.pdf 2005111405067.htm Tour Eiffel (Société de la) 05284 1 2005111405284.pdf 2005111405284.htm Ugigrip 99525 6 2005111499525.pdf 2005111499525.htm Unibel 05299 1 2005111405299.pdf 2005111405299.htm Wendel investissement 05332 2 2005111405332.pdf 2005111405332.htm Dalet 05330 1 2005111405330.pdf 2005111405330.htm Dexia Sustainable 05296 1 2005111405296.pdf 2005111405296.htm
GeneriX 94640 2 2005080194640.pdf 2005080194640.htm ITS Group 94455 2 2005080194455.pdf 2005080194455.htm Ocei 94581 2 2005080194581.pdf 2005080194581.htm Seevia Consulting 94560 3 2005080194560.pdf 2005080194560.htm Theolia 94630 3 2005080194630.pdf 2005080194630.htm Disponible Jour 94326 1 2005080194326.pdf 2005080194326.htm Provence Prestige International 94572 1 2005080194572.pdf 2005080194572.htm Atout France 94623 1 2005080194623.pdf 2005080194623.htm Capitop Euroblig 94624 1 2005080194624.pdf 2005080194624.htm 1 Quai M. Dassault Suresnes 94550 1 2005080194550.pdf 2005080194550.htm Actéos 94657 1 2005080194657.pdf 2005080194657.htm Assainissement rationnel et de pompage (Société d') 94568 1 2005080194568.pdf 2005080194568.htm Auréa 94656 1 2005080194656.pdf 2005080194656.htm Baccarat 94610 1 2005080194610.pdf 2005080194610.htm Banque Rhône-Alpes 94642 2 2005080194642.pdf 2005080194642.htm Barbara Bui 94567 1 2005080194567.pdf 2005080194567.htm BCI Navigation 94661 1 2005080194661.pdf 2005080194661.htm Cere 94639 1 2005080194639.pdf 2005080194639.htm Chaîne et Trame 94583 4 2005080194583.pdf 2005080194583.htm Club Méditerranée S.A. 94654 8 2005080194654.pdf 2005080194654.htm Construction de l'avion Bréguet "Atlantic" "Secbat" (Société européenne de) 94577 1 2005080194577.pdf 2005080194577.htm Crédit immobilier des Pyrénées 94662 1 2005080194662.pdf 2005080194662.htm Crédit mutuel Centre Est Europe 94593 1 2005080194593.pdf 2005080194593.htm Crédit mutuel Midi-Atlantique 94601 1 2005080194601.pdf 2005080194601.htm DaimlerChrysler Services France SA 94599 1 2005080194599.pdf 2005080194599.htm Dassault International 94579 1 2005080194579.pdf 2005080194579.htm Dassault Systèmes 94616 2 2005080194616.pdf 2005080194616.htm Decaux Publicité extérieure 94573 1 2005080194573.pdf 2005080194573.htm Desirade 94576 1 2005080194576.pdf 2005080194576.htm Développement du financement "Sedef" (Société européenne de) 94563 2 2005080194563.pdf 2005080194563.htm Développement et d'expansion "Sade" (Société alsacienne de) 94604 1 2005080194604.pdf 2005080194604.htm Dynaction 94566 1 2005080194566.pdf 2005080194566.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 94588 1 2005080194588.pdf 2005080194588.htm Floreane Médical Implants 94633 8 2005080194633.pdf 2005080194633.htm Fortis lease 94632 1 2005080194632.pdf 2005080194632.htm GE Facto Holding 94584 3 2005080194584.pdf 2005080194584.htm Goldman Sachs Paris Inc et Cie 94618 1 2005080194618.pdf 2005080194618.htm Groupe Crit 94614 1 2005080194614.pdf 2005080194614.htm Groupe Go Sport 94638 2 2005080194638.pdf 2005080194638.htm High Co. 94582 1 2005080194582.pdf 2005080194582.htm Hôtel de Porticcio 94645 1 2005080194645.pdf 2005080194645.htm Hôtelière Bernica La Réunion (Société) 94643 1 2005080194643.pdf 2005080194643.htm Immobilière Kléber Lauriston (Société) 94564 1 2005080194564.pdf 2005080194564.htm Infotel Conseil 94592 1 2005080194592.pdf 2005080194592.htm JCDecaux Artvertising 94574 1 2005080194574.pdf 2005080194574.htm Lagardère Active Broadcast 94117 1 2005080194117.pdf 2005080194117.htm Lenôtre S.A. 94647 1 2005080194647.pdf 2005080194647.htm Liberty Surf Group S.A. 94655 1 2005080194655.pdf 2005080194655.htm Medcost 94585 1 2005080194585.pdf 2005080194585.htm Média 6 94595 1 2005080194595.pdf 2005080194595.htm MGI Coutier 94540 1 2005080194540.pdf 2005080194540.htm Nergeco 94597 1 2005080194597.pdf 2005080194597.htm Net2s SA 94663 17 2005080194663.pdf 2005080194663.htm Osiatis 94664 1 2005080194664.pdf 2005080194664.htm Oudart SA 94619 1 2005080194619.pdf 2005080194619.htm P.C.M. Pompes 94575 1 2005080194575.pdf 2005080194575.htm PagesJaunes Groupe 94570 2 2005080194570.pdf 2005080194570.htm Précia 94659 1 2005080194659.pdf 2005080194659.htm Prodef 94571 1 2005080194571.pdf 2005080194571.htm Publicis Groupe S.A. 94636 1 2005080194636.pdf 2005080194636.htm Rallye 94637 1 2005080194637.pdf 2005080194637.htm S.T.Dupont SA 94562 24 2005080194562.pdf 2005080194562.htm Safran 94650 2 2005080194650.pdf 2005080194650.htm Schaeffer-Dufour 94517 1 2005080194517.pdf 2005080194517.htm Segespar 94463 9 2005080194463.pdf 2005080194463.htm Sodice Expansion 94590 6 2005080194590.pdf 2005080194590.htm Sofiprotéol 94596 1 2005080194596.pdf 2005080194596.htm Sogeclair 94625 1 2005080194625.pdf 2005080194625.htm SoluCom 94641 1 2005080194641.pdf 2005080194641.htm Sorefico Coiffure 94626 1 2005080194626.pdf 2005080194626.htm Stef-TFE 94621 1 2005080194621.pdf 2005080194621.htm Télécom Réseaux Services 94340 18 2005080194340.pdf 2005080194340.htm Thales Broadcast & Multimedia 94649 1 2005080194649.pdf 2005080194649.htm Thalès Computers S.A. 94644 1 2005080194644.pdf 2005080194644.htm Thalès e-Transactions CGA 94510 1 2005080194510.pdf 2005080194510.htm Thermale de France (La) 94646 1 2005080194646.pdf 2005080194646.htm TLD Group 94635 1 2005080194635.pdf 2005080194635.htm Tolmega 94652 1 2005080194652.pdf 2005080194652.htm Tradition Securities and Futures 94634 1 2005080194634.pdf 2005080194634.htm Tunnel Prado-Carenage (Société marseillaise du) 94628 1 2005080194628.pdf 2005080194628.htm UBS (Monaco) S.A. 94591 2 2005080194591.pdf 2005080194591.htm UBS (Succursale de Paris) 94542 1 2005080194542.pdf 2005080194542.htm United Monolithic semiconductors holding 94631 1 2005080194631.pdf 2005080194631.htm Vallourec 94561 1 2005080194561.pdf 2005080194561.htm Westlb AG 94622 24 2005080194622.pdf 2005080194622.htm Winvest 1 94660 1 2005080194660.pdf 2005080194660.htm Diagnostic Médical Systems (DMS) 94569 1 2005080194569.pdf 2005080194569.htm Homsys Group 94620 1 2005080194620.pdf 2005080194620.htm Décisions et Informations 01091 5 2005080101091.pdf 2005080101091.htm
Sagem SA 84434 2 2005032184434.pdf 2005032184434.htm Caisse d'amortissement de la dette sociale (Cades) 84437 1 2005032184437.pdf 2005032184437.htm CNP Assurances 84443 2 2005032184443.pdf 2005032184443.htm CNP Assurances 84444 1 2005032184444.pdf 2005032184444.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 84264 2 2005032184264.pdf 2005032184264.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. 84457 2 2005032184457.pdf 2005032184457.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft (Rectificatif) 84445 5 2005032184445.pdf 2005032184445.htm Ambia Actions 84315 1 2005032184315.pdf 2005032184315.htm Apem 84440 3 2005032184440.pdf 2005032184440.htm Axa Monde Obligations 84319 2 2005032184319.pdf 2005032184319.htm Banque Tarneaud 84303 2 2005032184303.pdf 2005032184303.htm Barclays Mone-Court terme 84400 2 2005032184400.pdf 2005032184400.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Franche-Comté 84254 1 2005032184254.pdf 2005032184254.htm Centrale Actions Avenir 84221 1 2005032184221.pdf 2005032184221.htm Convertible Bond Europe 84403 2 2005032184403.pdf 2005032184403.htm CPR 7-10 Euro 84411 3 2005032184411.pdf 2005032184411.htm CPR Actions Euroland 84412 4 2005032184412.pdf 2005032184412.htm CPR Sécurité Obligataire 84409 1 2005032184409.pdf 2005032184409.htm CS Court terme 84433 2 2005032184433.pdf 2005032184433.htm CS Institutions Monétaire 84431 2 2005032184431.pdf 2005032184431.htm CS Monétaire Plus 84432 1 2005032184432.pdf 2005032184432.htm France Retraite (Rectificatif) 84435 1 2005032184435.pdf 2005032184435.htm Géodis 84331 4 2005032184331.pdf 2005032184331.htm Guenegaud Finances 84416 1 2005032184416.pdf 2005032184416.htm Hi-Media 84429 4 2005032184429.pdf 2005032184429.htm Investissement en valeurs à forte rentabilité « Slivarente » (Société lyonnaise d') 84439 1 2005032184439.pdf 2005032184439.htm JPM Court terme 84407 2 2005032184407.pdf 2005032184407.htm Lion Trésor 84413 1 2005032184413.pdf 2005032184413.htm Mercure Capital International 84405 2 2005032184405.pdf 2005032184405.htm Mercure Epargne longue 84406 1 2005032184406.pdf 2005032184406.htm Multisector Europe 84404 2 2005032184404.pdf 2005032184404.htm New America Small Caps 84093 2 2005032184093.pdf 2005032184093.htm New Economy Japan 84091 1 2005032184091.pdf 2005032184091.htm Nouvelle Croissance Asie 84094 2 2005032184094.pdf 2005032184094.htm Oeneo 84428 3 2005032184428.pdf 2005032184428.htm Patrimoine Partenaires 84312 2 2005032184312.pdf 2005032184312.htm Patrimoine Partenaires 84314 1 2005032184314.pdf 2005032184314.htm Sicav 5000 84415 1 2005032184415.pdf 2005032184415.htm Soditech Ingénierie 84395 3 2005032184395.pdf 2005032184395.htm Sofinco 84417 2 2005032184417.pdf 2005032184417.htm Technip (Rectificatif) 84447 1 2005032184447.pdf 2005032184447.htm Valeuro 84436 1 2005032184436.pdf 2005032184436.htm Value Invest 84402 2 2005032184402.pdf 2005032184402.htm Right Vision 84446 1 2005032184446.pdf 2005032184446.htm Ecofi European Stocks 84450 1 2005032184450.pdf 2005032184450.htm Banque Aig 84425 1 2005032184425.pdf 2005032184425.htm Banque BCP 84426 1 2005032184426.pdf 2005032184426.htm Banque d'Orsay 84420 2 2005032184420.pdf 2005032184420.htm Bongrain SA 84386 14 2005032184386.pdf 2005032184386.htm Caixabank France 84424 2 2005032184424.pdf 2005032184424.htm Crédit (Société marseillaise de) 84422 1 2005032184422.pdf 2005032184422.htm Crédit agricole Cheuvreux 84441 2 2005032184441.pdf 2005032184441.htm Développement du financement « Sedef » (Société européenne de) 84390 1 2005032184390.pdf 2005032184390.htm Foncière Nanteuil 84391 1 2005032184391.pdf 2005032184391.htm GE Money Bank 84423 1 2005032184423.pdf 2005032184423.htm ING Bank (France) S.A. 84419 1 2005032184419.pdf 2005032184419.htm ING Securities Bank (France) 84418 1 2005032184418.pdf 2005032184418.htm Saveurs de France-Brossard 84236 18 2005032184236.pdf 2005032184236.htm SIIC de Paris 84230 20 2005032184230.pdf 2005032184230.htm SIIC de Paris 8e 84369 6 2005032184369.pdf 2005032184369.htm Sofinco 84396 1 2005032184396.pdf 2005032184396.htm Zodiac 84401 1 2005032184401.pdf 2005032184401.htm Air France - KLM (Rectificatif) 84414 1 2005032184414.pdf 2005032184414.htm Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée « Cnim » 84394 1 2005032184394.pdf 2005032184394.htm Décisions et Informations 01034 7 2005032101034.pdf 2005032101034.htm
Caisses locales affiliées à la caisse régionale de crédit agricole Alpes Provence 81729 3 2005020281729.pdf 2005020281729.htm E.S.R. 80715 5 2005020280715.pdf 2005020280715.htm Unédic 81680 2 2005020281680.pdf 2005020281680.htm Société générale 81726 2 2005020281726.pdf 2005020281726.htm Société générale 81699 2 2005020281699.pdf 2005020281699.htm Société générale 81698 2 2005020281698.pdf 2005020281698.htm Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland A G & Co. KGaA 81690 2 2005020281690.pdf 2005020281690.htm Oddo Sociedad de Valores S.A. 81574 3 2005020281574.pdf 2005020281574.htm CA-AM Actions Japon 81665 1 2005020281665.pdf 2005020281665.htm CA-AM Actions USA 81720 2 2005020281720.pdf 2005020281720.htm CL Earth Fund 81642 1 2005020281642.pdf 2005020281642.htm Cofijo 81630 1 2005020281630.pdf 2005020281630.htm CPR Mobisécurité 81703 1 2005020281703.pdf 2005020281703.htm Criolen 81631 1 2005020281631.pdf 2005020281631.htm Elior 81713 5 2005020281713.pdf 2005020281713.htm Hervet Dynamique 81646 1 2005020281646.pdf 2005020281646.htm Hervet Oblicroissance 81658 1 2005020281658.pdf 2005020281658.htm Jet Multimédia 81673 1 2005020281673.pdf 2005020281673.htm JPM Court terme 81655 1 2005020281655.pdf 2005020281655.htm Junot Stratégie 81682 2 2005020281682.pdf 2005020281682.htm Marly Epargne diversifiée 81651 1 2005020281651.pdf 2005020281651.htm Produits chimiques auxiliaires et de synthèse 81707 2 2005020281707.pdf 2005020281707.htm Sonaphi 81629 1 2005020281629.pdf 2005020281629.htm Stratégie Plus 81672 1 2005020281672.pdf 2005020281672.htm Accor 81632 2 2005020281632.pdf 2005020281632.htm Altamir & Cie 81686 1 2005020281686.pdf 2005020281686.htm Automa-Tech 81723 3 2005020281723.pdf 2005020281723.htm Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône (Société) 81688 1 2005020281688.pdf 2005020281688.htm Banque AGF 81716 2 2005020281716.pdf 2005020281716.htm Barbara Bui 81731 1 2005020281731.pdf 2005020281731.htm Billon 81670 2 2005020281670.pdf 2005020281670.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel de Paris et d'Ile-de-France 81641 2 2005020281641.pdf 2005020281641.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Nord de France 81361 1 2005020281361.pdf 2005020281361.htm Canal + 81743 1 2005020281743.pdf 2005020281743.htm Cider Santé 81712 1 2005020281712.pdf 2005020281712.htm Crédit du Nord 81728 1 2005020281728.pdf 2005020281728.htm Crédit immobilier de France Sud Rhône-Alpes Auvergne 81668 1 2005020281668.pdf 2005020281668.htm Entrepôts et magasins généraux de Paris (Compagnie des) 81653 2 2005020281653.pdf 2005020281653.htm Esker 81625 1 2005020281625.pdf 2005020281625.htm Etam Développement 81700 1 2005020281700.pdf 2005020281700.htm Fimalac 81709 2 2005020281709.pdf 2005020281709.htm Gaillard (Compagnie française des Etablissements) 81693 1 2005020281693.pdf 2005020281693.htm Graines Voltz 81727 1 2005020281727.pdf 2005020281727.htm Groupe Duarte (Additif) 81718 2 2005020281718.pdf 2005020281718.htm Hi-Media 81656 1 2005020281656.pdf 2005020281656.htm Hyparlo SA 81717 1 2005020281717.pdf 2005020281717.htm Jeanjean 81667 1 2005020281667.pdf 2005020281667.htm Lafarge 81647 2 2005020281647.pdf 2005020281647.htm Location d'équipements (Compagnie générale de) 81652 1 2005020281652.pdf 2005020281652.htm Mondial Pêche 81695 2 2005020281695.pdf 2005020281695.htm Morgan Stanley & Co International limited 81685 7 2005020281685.pdf 2005020281685.htm Paris Orléans 81714 16 2005020281714.pdf 2005020281714.htm Pinault-Printemps-Redoute 81708 2 2005020281708.pdf 2005020281708.htm Pinguely Haulotte 81599 1 2005020281599.pdf 2005020281599.htm Prismaflex International 81605 1 2005020281605.pdf 2005020281605.htm R2I Santé 81689 4 2005020281689.pdf 2005020281689.htm Soie (La) 81660 1 2005020281660.pdf 2005020281660.htm Sword Group 81616 2 2005020281616.pdf 2005020281616.htm Téléflex Lionel-Dupont 81697 1 2005020281697.pdf 2005020281697.htm Vallourec 81594 1 2005020281594.pdf 2005020281594.htm Vivendi Universal 81692 2 2005020281692.pdf 2005020281692.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 81607 1 2005020281607.pdf 2005020281607.htm Axa 81633 1 2005020281633.pdf 2005020281633.htm Daooda 81639 1 2005020281639.pdf 2005020281639.htm Infogrames Entertainment 81666 1 2005020281666.pdf 2005020281666.htm Universal multimédia 81681 1 2005020281681.pdf 2005020281681.htm Décisions et informations 01014 4 2005020201014.pdf 2005020201014.htm
Essilor International 93618 2 2005071893618.pdf 2005071893618.htm HSBC Holdings Plc 93600 1 2005071893600.pdf 2005071893600.htm CA-AM Oblig 5-7 Euro 93610 1 2005071893610.pdf 2005071893610.htm Cybergun 93595 1 2005071893595.pdf 2005071893595.htm Fidelity Funds 93529 3 2005071893529.pdf 2005071893529.htm Fidelity Funds II 93549 3 2005071893549.pdf 2005071893549.htm Ocei 93573 2 2005071893573.pdf 2005071893573.htm Alstom 93607 2 2005071893607.pdf 2005071893607.htm Arab Bank Plc (Succursale de Paris) 93587 6 2005071893587.pdf 2005071893587.htm Avenir Finance 93556 2 2005071893556.pdf 2005071893556.htm Banque monétaire et financière 93582 1 2005071893582.pdf 2005071893582.htm Casinos (Société française de) 93615 1 2005071893615.pdf 2005071893615.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de la région Nord de Paris "Socama-RNP" (Société de) 93611 1 2005071893611.pdf 2005071893611.htm Caution mutuelle des commerçants réparateurs de l'automobile "Agma" (Société de) 93576 1 2005071893576.pdf 2005071893576.htm Cogespar 93596 1 2005071893596.pdf 2005071893596.htm Financière Desvieux 93586 1 2005071893586.pdf 2005071893586.htm Forestière et agricole "Safa" (Société anonyme) 93584 1 2005071893584.pdf 2005071893584.htm Gestion et de prêts (Compagnie de) 93605 1 2005071893605.pdf 2005071893605.htm Groupe Steria SCA 93597 2 2005071893597.pdf 2005071893597.htm Guyenne et Gascogne 93494 2 2005071893494.pdf 2005071893494.htm Habitat Nord de Paris 93613 1 2005071893613.pdf 2005071893613.htm Ideal Medical Products 93603 1 2005071893603.pdf 2005071893603.htm Instinet France SA 93616 1 2005071893616.pdf 2005071893616.htm M.A.C.C. 93599 1 2005071893599.pdf 2005071893599.htm Manutan International 93559 2 2005071893559.pdf 2005071893559.htm Papeteries du Leman 93585 1 2005071893585.pdf 2005071893585.htm Saint Heand (SAS) 93609 1 2005071893609.pdf 2005071893609.htm SDV Oilfield Doba Logistics SA 93583 1 2005071893583.pdf 2005071893583.htm Socopao SA 93580 1 2005071893580.pdf 2005071893580.htm Soditech Ingénierie 93577 2 2005071893577.pdf 2005071893577.htm SV International 93614 1 2005071893614.pdf 2005071893614.htm Synergie 93570 2 2005071893570.pdf 2005071893570.htm Thermador Groupe 93653 1 2005071893653.pdf 2005071893653.htm Trigano 93617 2 2005071893617.pdf 2005071893617.htm UBS Securities France~~ 93575 1 2005071893575.pdf 2005071893575.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 93581 1 2005071893581.pdf 2005071893581.htm Bac Majestic 93566 1 2005071893566.pdf 2005071893566.htm Euraltech 93592 1 2005071893592.pdf 2005071893592.htm Millimages 93567 1 2005071893567.pdf 2005071893567.htm Placements Court terme Première 93560 1 2005071893560.pdf 2005071893560.htm Valtech SA 93568 1 2005071893568.pdf 2005071893568.htm
ADLPartner 93105 2 2005070893105.pdf 2005070893105.htm Lafarge 93095 2 2005070893095.pdf 2005070893095.htm Maximiles 92993 1 2005070892993.pdf 2005070892993.htm Pierre 48 93078 2 2005070893078.pdf 2005070893078.htm Siparex Croissance 93035 3 2005070893035.pdf 2005070893035.htm Atlantique Régularité 93021 1 2005070893021.pdf 2005070893021.htm Comalait Groupe (Rectificatif) 93050 2 2005070893050.pdf 2005070893050.htm Dynamico 92799 2 2005070892799.pdf 2005070892799.htm Placements Net 92893 1 2005070892893.pdf 2005070892893.htm Placements Obligations 92891 2 2005070892891.pdf 2005070892891.htm Atlantique Régularité 93022 1 2005070893022.pdf 2005070893022.htm bioMérieux 93015 1 2005070893015.pdf 2005070893015.htm Dynamico 92801 2 2005070892801.pdf 2005070892801.htm Finter Monétaire 93121 1 2005070893121.pdf 2005070893121.htm ITS Group Seevia Consulting 93023 1 2005070893023.pdf 2005070893023.htm Placements Net Placements Obligations 92895 1 2005070892895.pdf 2005070892895.htm Ada 93046 1 2005070893046.pdf 2005070893046.htm Agta Record 92981 1 2005070892981.pdf 2005070892981.htm Assurances des crédits des caisses d'épargne de France "Saccef" (Société d') 92922 8 2005070892922.pdf 2005070892922.htm Atos Origin 93014 1 2005070893014.pdf 2005070893014.htm Auréa 93037 2 2005070893037.pdf 2005070893037.htm Axa RE 93084 1 2005070893084.pdf 2005070893084.htm Banque Financial 93059 1 2005070893059.pdf 2005070893059.htm Barbara Bui 93020 1 2005070893020.pdf 2005070893020.htm bioMérieux 93207 1 2005070893207.pdf 2005070893207.htm Boiron 93118 1 2005070893118.pdf 2005070893118.htm Boissy Finances 93036 1 2005070893036.pdf 2005070893036.htm Bricodeal 93045 1 2005070893045.pdf 2005070893045.htm Bull Finance 92974 1 2005070892974.pdf 2005070892974.htm Business & Décision 92878 2 2005070892878.pdf 2005070892878.htm Business Interactif SA 93042 2 2005070893042.pdf 2005070893042.htm Caisse centrale de réescompte 93126 8 2005070893126.pdf 2005070893126.htm Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance de Basse-Normandie (Rectificatif) 93024 1 2005070893024.pdf 2005070893024.htm Caisse d'épargne financement (Rectificatif) 93089 1 2005070893089.pdf 2005070893089.htm Caisse de crédit municipal de Marseille 92999 1 2005070892999.pdf 2005070892999.htm Caisse de développement de la Corse 93040 1 2005070893040.pdf 2005070893040.htm Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 93101 1 2005070893101.pdf 2005070893101.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale de l'Aude (Société de) 92960 1 2005070892960.pdf 2005070892960.htm Caution mutuelle des administrateurs de biens et agents immobiliers (Société de) 93018 1 2005070893018.pdf 2005070893018.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière Centre-Atlantique (Société de) 92959 1 2005070892959.pdf 2005070892959.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière du Centre-Ouest (Société de) 92958 1 2005070892958.pdf 2005070892958.htm Centrest SA 93012 1 2005070893012.pdf 2005070893012.htm Charbonnière (La) 92970 1 2005070892970.pdf 2005070892970.htm Coheris 93068 2 2005070893068.pdf 2005070893068.htm Corsabail 93041 1 2005070893041.pdf 2005070893041.htm Crédit à la consommation Camif (C2C) (Société de) 92937 1 2005070892937.pdf 2005070892937.htm Crédit foncier de France (Auxiliaire du) 93052 14 2005070893052.pdf 2005070893052.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine-Société de crédit foncier (Rectificatif) 93056 1 2005070893056.pdf 2005070893056.htm Crédit immobilier de l'Anjou et des prévoyants de l'avenir 93106 1 2005070893106.pdf 2005070893106.htm Crédit immobilier de Rouen et de Normandie (Société de) 92995 1 2005070892995.pdf 2005070892995.htm Crédit immobilier des chemins de fer "Socrif" (Société de) 93079 5 2005070893079.pdf 2005070893079.htm Crédit moderne Océan Indien 93039 5 2005070893039.pdf 2005070893039.htm Crédit mutuel de Loire-Atlantique et du Centre-Ouest 92956 8 2005070892956.pdf 2005070892956.htm Crédit mutuel Midi-Atlantique 92957 7 2005070892957.pdf 2005070892957.htm Docks des pétroles d'Ambès (Les) 93008 1 2005070893008.pdf 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2005070893075.pdf 2005070893075.htm Fromageries Bel 93081 2 2005070893081.pdf 2005070893081.htm GameLoft SA 93026 1 2005070893026.pdf 2005070893026.htm Gérer Intermédiation 93090 1 2005070893090.pdf 2005070893090.htm Groupe Ingénierie Europe "Ginger" 93028 2 2005070893028.pdf 2005070893028.htm Hachette SA 92971 1 2005070892971.pdf 2005070892971.htm Investimur 93010 1 2005070893010.pdf 2005070893010.htm Lafarge Ciments 93057 1 2005070893057.pdf 2005070893057.htm Laviolette Financement 93060 1 2005070893060.pdf 2005070893060.htm Locare 93034 1 2005070893034.pdf 2005070893034.htm Lordex SA 93017 1 2005070893017.pdf 2005070893017.htm Lucia 93073 2 2005070893073.pdf 2005070893073.htm Manutention et de participation (SAMP) (Société anonyme de) 92965 1 2005070892965.pdf 2005070892965.htm Marceau Bezons (SCI) 92964 1 2005070892964.pdf 2005070892964.htm Natexis Funding 93096 1 2005070893096.pdf 2005070893096.htm NeTra Systems 92950 21 2005070892950.pdf 2005070892950.htm Peugeot Motocycles 92967 1 2005070892967.pdf 2005070892967.htm Picardex SA 93011 1 2005070893011.pdf 2005070893011.htm Poujoulat S.A.(Etablissements) 92991 2 2005070892991.pdf 2005070892991.htm Propriex 92968 1 2005070892968.pdf 2005070892968.htm Richelieu Finance 93013 1 2005070893013.pdf 2005070893013.htm Richelieu Finance Gestion privée 92982 1 2005070892982.pdf 2005070892982.htm Rocamat 93033 2 2005070893033.pdf 2005070893033.htm Sade - Compagnie générale de travaux hydrauliques 92972 1 2005070892972.pdf 2005070892972.htm Saint-Gobain (Compagnie de) 93110 2 2005070893110.pdf 2005070893110.htm Sanofi Participations 92936 1 2005070892936.pdf 2005070892936.htm Sanofi-Synthélabo Groupe 93076 1 2005070893076.pdf 2005070893076.htm Screg Ile-de-France Normandie 92976 1 2005070892976.pdf 2005070892976.htm Secipe 92934 1 2005070892934.pdf 2005070892934.htm Sin & Stes 92969 1 2005070892969.pdf 2005070892969.htm Sogefinancement 92924 7 2005070892924.pdf 2005070892924.htm Sogelease France 92925 7 2005070892925.pdf 2005070892925.htm Sophia-Bail 92963 1 2005070892963.pdf 2005070892963.htm Sparlys 93085 1 2005070893085.pdf 2005070893085.htm SPI 93077 1 2005070893077.pdf 2005070893077.htm Stallergènes S.A. 92978 1 2005070892978.pdf 2005070892978.htm Taittinger CCVC 93091 1 2005070893091.pdf 2005070893091.htm U10 93116 1 2005070893116.pdf 2005070893116.htm Unibel 93070 1 2005070893070.pdf 2005070893070.htm Visiodent 92942 2 2005070892942.pdf 2005070892942.htm Zarifi 93061 1 2005070893061.pdf 2005070893061.htm Ada 92944 1 2005070892944.pdf 2005070892944.htm Admea 92866 1 2005070892866.pdf 2005070892866.htm Afibel 92877 1 2005070892877.pdf 2005070892877.htm Altedia 93094 1 2005070893094.pdf 2005070893094.htm Altran Technologies 92830 1 2005070892830.pdf 2005070892830.htm Archos 92320 1 2005070892320.pdf 2005070892320.htm Avenir Numeric's 93066 1 2005070893066.pdf 2005070893066.htm Belvédère 92929 1 2005070892929.pdf 2005070892929.htm Boiron 93119 2 2005070893119.pdf 2005070893119.htm Business & Décision 92855 1 2005070892855.pdf 2005070892855.htm Cast 92930 1 2005070892930.pdf 2005070892930.htm Chaîne et Trame 93103 1 2005070893103.pdf 2005070893103.htm Clayeux S.A. 93087 1 2005070893087.pdf 2005070893087.htm Cofidur 93002 1 2005070893002.pdf 2005070893002.htm CTM 92977 1 2005070892977.pdf 2005070892977.htm Dalet 92947 1 2005070892947.pdf 2005070892947.htm Docks des pétroles d'Ambès (Les) 93007 1 2005070893007.pdf 2005070893007.htm Dynaction 93086 1 2005070893086.pdf 2005070893086.htm Encres Dubuit 93117 1 2005070893117.pdf 2005070893117.htm Entreprise générale des transports du Nord (EGTN) 93092 1 2005070893092.pdf 2005070893092.htm Entreprises (Compagnie industrielle et financière d') 92953 1 2005070892953.pdf 2005070892953.htm Esker 93069 1 2005070893069.pdf 2005070893069.htm Esso Société anonyme française 92829 1 2005070892829.pdf 2005070892829.htm Eurexia 93029 1 2005070893029.pdf 2005070893029.htm ExxonMobil Chemical (Société française) 92580 1 2005070892580.pdf 2005070892580.htm Fayenceries de Sarreguemines, Digoin et Vitry-le-François 93047 1 2005070893047.pdf 2005070893047.htm Financière et immobilière de l'Etang de Berre et de la Méditerranée 93006 1 2005070893006.pdf 2005070893006.htm Franco-belges Participations 93027 1 2005070893027.pdf 2005070893027.htm Fromageries Bel 93109 1 2005070893109.pdf 2005070893109.htm HF Company 93120 1 2005070893120.pdf 2005070893120.htm IT Link 92939 1 2005070892939.pdf 2005070892939.htm Logic Instrument 93082 1 2005070893082.pdf 2005070893082.htm Lucia 93072 1 2005070893072.pdf 2005070893072.htm Netgem S.A. 93054 1 2005070893054.pdf 2005070893054.htm Onet 93049 1 2005070893049.pdf 2005070893049.htm Orchestra-Kazibao 93048 1 2005070893048.pdf 2005070893048.htm Otor 92979 1 2005070892979.pdf 2005070892979.htm Parcours S.A. 93115 2 2005070893115.pdf 2005070893115.htm Pier Import Europe 93055 1 2005070893055.pdf 2005070893055.htm Plantations d'hévéas (Société internationale de) 93053 1 2005070893053.pdf 2005070893053.htm Poujoulat S.A.(Etablissements) 93019 1 2005070893019.pdf 2005070893019.htm Public Système (Le) 93098 1 2005070893098.pdf 2005070893098.htm Sablière de la Seine (Compagnie de) 92796 1 2005070892796.pdf 2005070892796.htm Tonna Electronique 93016 1 2005070893016.pdf 2005070893016.htm Umanis SA 93088 1 2005070893088.pdf 2005070893088.htm Unibel 93071 1 2005070893071.pdf 2005070893071.htm Décisions et Informations 01081 5 2005070801081.pdf 2005070801081.htm Publication des décisions prises par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (Décisions parues au relevé quotidien ou dispensées de publication) 02081 13 2005070802081.pdf 2005070802081.htm
Airox 91822 3 2005062791822.pdf 2005062791822.htm Fructifonds Immobilier 91995 2 2005062791995.pdf 2005062791995.htm Scor 92032 3 2005062792032.pdf 2005062792032.htm Caisse nationale des autoroutes 91972 3 2005062791972.pdf 2005062791972.htm Parworld 92010 1 2005062792010.pdf 2005062792010.htm Calyon Financial Products (Guernsey) Limited 91956 2 2005062791956.pdf 2005062791956.htm ABN Amro Funds 92050 1 2005062792050.pdf 2005062792050.htm Biscuits Gardeil 91999 2 2005062791999.pdf 2005062791999.htm CFF Recycling 92029 1 2005062792029.pdf 2005062792029.htm Crédit mutuel Actions Euro 92019 2 2005062792019.pdf 2005062792019.htm Crédit mutuel Europe Technologies 92020 1 2005062792020.pdf 2005062792020.htm Frankopar 92049 1 2005062792049.pdf 2005062792049.htm Gimages 2 92046 1 2005062792046.pdf 2005062792046.htm Gimages 6 92044 1 2005062792044.pdf 2005062792044.htm ING (F) Monétaire Entreprises 91981 1 2005062791981.pdf 2005062791981.htm Ixis Indice Amérique 92036 2 2005062792036.pdf 2005062792036.htm Ixis Monde Obligations 92052 1 2005062792052.pdf 2005062792052.htm Lombard et Cie 92040 3 2005062792040.pdf 2005062792040.htm Oblipar 92047 2 2005062792047.pdf 2005062792047.htm Sequin 91978 1 2005062791978.pdf 2005062791978.htm Unidelta 91979 1 2005062791979.pdf 2005062791979.htm Financière Géo "Cofigeo" (Compagnie) 91941 1 2005062791941.pdf 2005062791941.htm MG International 91974 1 2005062791974.pdf 2005062791974.htm Objectif Actions Plus 92059 2 2005062792059.pdf 2005062792059.htm Banque cantonale de Genève (France) SA 91966 1 2005062791966.pdf 2005062791966.htm Banque de marchés et d'arbitrage 91985 1 2005062791985.pdf 2005062791985.htm Banque de réescompte et de placement "Barep" 91953 1 2005062791953.pdf 2005062791953.htm Banque Inchauspé et Cie 91967 1 2005062791967.pdf 2005062791967.htm Banque populaire Toulouse-Pyrénées 92054 6 2005062792054.pdf 2005062792054.htm Banque Travelex 91965 1 2005062791965.pdf 2005062791965.htm Barclays Bail 91986 1 2005062791986.pdf 2005062791986.htm BNP Paribas Arbitrage 91983 8 2005062791983.pdf 2005062791983.htm BNP Paribas Guadeloupe 91992 1 2005062791992.pdf 2005062791992.htm BNP Paribas Guyane 91993 1 2005062791993.pdf 2005062791993.htm BNP Paribas Réunion 91991 1 2005062791991.pdf 2005062791991.htm Caisse de Bretagne de crédit agricole mutuel 92035 1 2005062792035.pdf 2005062792035.htm Caisse fédérale du crédit mutuel Nord Europe 92021 12 2005062792021.pdf 2005062792021.htm Casino du Touquet 91990 1 2005062791990.pdf 2005062791990.htm Cinergie 91988 1 2005062791988.pdf 2005062791988.htm Conservateur Finance 92014 1 2005062792014.pdf 2005062792014.htm Crédit foncier et communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine - Société de crédit foncier 92004 9 2005062792004.pdf 2005062792004.htm Crédit immobilier de France Développement (Additif) 92026 1 2005062792026.pdf 2005062792026.htm Crédit immobilier de Picardie (Société anonyme de) 92025 1 2005062792025.pdf 2005062792025.htm Crédit mutuel agricole et rural Provence-Languedoc 92022 5 2005062792022.pdf 2005062792022.htm Crédit mutuel Antilles-Guyane 92018 6 2005062792018.pdf 2005062792018.htm Crédit mutuel Centre Est Europe 92007 9 2005062792007.pdf 2005062792007.htm Crédit mutuel Dauphiné-Vivarais 92028 9 2005062792028.pdf 2005062792028.htm Développement et d'expansion "Sade" (Société alsacienne de) 91975 1 2005062791975.pdf 2005062791975.htm Electricité de Strasbourg 92017 2 2005062792017.pdf 2005062792017.htm Electro Banque 92037 8 2005062792037.pdf 2005062792037.htm Fimat International Banque 92034 14 2005062792034.pdf 2005062792034.htm Fleury Michon 91980 2 2005062791980.pdf 2005062791980.htm Garantie mutuelle artisanale de Champagne (Société de) 92033 1 2005062792033.pdf 2005062792033.htm Interfi 92016 1 2005062792016.pdf 2005062792016.htm Investissements de Paris (Compagnie d') 92015 1 2005062792015.pdf 2005062792015.htm JB Drax Honoré 92041 1 2005062792041.pdf 2005062792041.htm L.D.C. 91982 12 2005062791982.pdf 2005062791982.htm Lafuma 91977 13 2005062791977.pdf 2005062791977.htm Locam 92008 1 2005062792008.pdf 2005062792008.htm Mermet Industries 91971 1 2005062791971.pdf 2005062791971.htm Mur Ecureuil 91984 1 2005062791984.pdf 2005062791984.htm Natexis paiements 92012 1 2005062792012.pdf 2005062792012.htm NSC Groupe 91997 1 2005062791997.pdf 2005062791997.htm Powernext 91954 1 2005062791954.pdf 2005062791954.htm Primabail 91987 1 2005062791987.pdf 2005062791987.htm SG Euro CT (SA) 92031 4 2005062792031.pdf 2005062792031.htm Sircam 92011 1 2005062792011.pdf 2005062792011.htm Sofiscop Sud-Est 92058 1 2005062792058.pdf 2005062792058.htm Sogequip 91989 1 2005062791989.pdf 2005062791989.htm Tipiak 91969 1 2005062791969.pdf 2005062791969.htm UBS (France) SA 92038 5 2005062792038.pdf 2005062792038.htm Vranken Pommery Monopole 91840 1 2005062791840.pdf 2005062791840.htm Western Telecom 92027 3 2005062792027.pdf 2005062792027.htm Western Telecom 92173 1 2005062792173.pdf 2005062792173.htm Xiphias Investissement S.A. 92048 2 2005062792048.pdf 2005062792048.htm Ales Groupe 91791 1 2005062791791.pdf 2005062791791.htm Electricité et eaux de Madagascar 92141 1 2005062792141.pdf 2005062792141.htm Empain Graham Développement 91994 1 2005062791994.pdf 2005062791994.htm Gaillard (Compagnie française des Etablissements) 91845 1 2005062791845.pdf 2005062791845.htm Institut régional de développement de la région Nord Pas-de-Calais 92000 1 2005062792000.pdf 2005062792000.htm Mr Bricolage 91835 1 2005062791835.pdf 2005062791835.htm NSC Groupe 91996 1 2005062791996.pdf 2005062791996.htm Orapi 92002 1 2005062792002.pdf 2005062792002.htm Riber 91973 1 2005062791973.pdf 2005062791973.htm Sogeclair 91976 1 2005062791976.pdf 2005062791976.htm Tête dans les Nuages (La) 91796 1 2005062791796.pdf 2005062791796.htm Tipiak 91970 1 2005062791970.pdf 2005062791970.htm Décisions et Informations 01076 8 2005062701076.pdf 2005062701076.htm
Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 94191 3 2005072794191.pdf 2005072794191.htm Distripierre 1 94260 1 2005072794260.pdf 2005072794260.htm Huis Clos 94458 1 2005072794458.pdf 2005072794458.htm Icom Informatique 94229 3 2005072794229.pdf 2005072794229.htm CompleTel Europe N.V. 94212 2 2005072794212.pdf 2005072794212.htm Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 94271 1 2005072794271.pdf 2005072794271.htm Chemunex 94221 2 2005072794221.pdf 2005072794221.htm CPR Oblig-Europe 94234 1 2005072794234.pdf 2005072794234.htm CPR Trésorerie 94232 1 2005072794232.pdf 2005072794232.htm JV Group SA 94086 1 2005072794086.pdf 2005072794086.htm Média 6 94102 2 2005072794102.pdf 2005072794102.htm Topcash 94237 1 2005072794237.pdf 2005072794237.htm Topoblig 94228 1 2005072794228.pdf 2005072794228.htm Valtech SA 94079 1 2005072794079.pdf 2005072794079.htm Chemunex 94220 1 2005072794220.pdf 2005072794220.htm Fortis Form 2005 94180 2 2005072794180.pdf 2005072794180.htm NFMDA Stratégie Conservatrice 94139 2 2005072794139.pdf 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2005072794138.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Alpes Provence 94263 1 2005072794263.pdf 2005072794263.htm Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel Loire Haute-Loire 94194 1 2005072794194.pdf 2005072794194.htm Caixa geral de depositos 94136 15 2005072794136.pdf 2005072794136.htm Caution mutuelle artisanale Val de France "Socama Val de France" (Société de) 94204 1 2005072794204.pdf 2005072794204.htm Caution mutuelle immobilière Val de France "Socami Val de France" (Société de) 94203 1 2005072794203.pdf 2005072794203.htm CB Pierre 94171 1 2005072794171.pdf 2005072794171.htm CCF 94129 33 2005072794129.pdf 2005072794129.htm Champeil et Associés 94176 1 2005072794176.pdf 2005072794176.htm Cogéra 94116 1 2005072794116.pdf 2005072794116.htm Costimex 94175 1 2005072794175.pdf 2005072794175.htm Cottin Frères 94144 5 2005072794144.pdf 2005072794144.htm Crédit agricole immobilier 94211 1 2005072794211.pdf 2005072794211.htm Crédit du Maroc 94131 4 2005072794131.pdf 2005072794131.htm 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