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Can alprazolam 1mg be used along with Levetiracetam 500 during emergency? | can alprazolam 1mg be used in conjuction on occasion with Levetiracetam 500 to alieve possible seziure activity, the levetiracetam is daily use, but can alprazolam be used to help prevent a breakthrough seizures in an immediate necessity situation. | Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Alprazolam is commonly used for anxiety and depression problems. Using it together with Levetiracetam every day may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness. In a emergency situation, to prevent mainly status epilepticus, may be used other benzodiazepine drugs ( Diazepam, Midazolam or Clonazepam). These should be used in hospital, using them everyday may increase side effects of both drugs and cause damages to your health.Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. |
Q. How to quit exhibitionism and frotteurism? | Hello doctor, Recently, I started exhibitionism. I had not known what I was doing until I read on the internet that it is a psychiatric disorder. I also came to know that it is an abnormal behavior. My first abnormal behavior before I started exhibitionism was frotteurism and masturbation, which began when I was 17 years old. I feel that this is not right, and I always vow myself not to engage in this weird practise. But, I find myself doing it whenever I get the chance. I want to quit because I feel ashamed of it. I get worried thinking that I never going to quit these habits. Currently, my girlfriend does not know about this, and I am not planning to tell her, but I will tell her years after I have quit. I feel it is the right thing to do because telling her might jeopardize our relationship. I would very much appreciate it if you could help. | Hi. All the best. For more information consult a psychiatrist online --> |
Depression, suicidal, loss of self-confidence due to loss in business. History of kidney conditions. Treatment? | Hi.. My name XXXXX age 27 yrs married 3children 6yrs back i got kidney transplant my mom donate me kidney now i running electronic shop 2 months back i heavy loss in buisness so in depression 2 times try to commit susite i cant concentrete in buisness i loss my self confidence.....plz suggest me what i YYYY@YYYY | please take proper antidepressents with the help of him your transplant drugs.dont worry things will be ok meet psychiatrist |
Will the ilio femoral ligament injury heal on its own? | I injured myself while water skiing. My skis separated and it caused me to do the splits with my legs. My left leg was rotated outward by the force on the ski and I heard a popping sound as I fell. I believe that my ilio femoral ligament has been partially torn. The injury occurred 6 months ago and I still have pain in my hip. I am uncomfortable after sitting for more than 1 hour. The pain appears to be where the ilio femoral ligament attaches to the ilium. I would like to know if the ligament will heal on its own or if it will require surgery. | Hello, The torn iliofemoral ligament can heal on its own if it has a less than partial thickness tear and proper rest is provided. Since the pain is persistent even after 6 months, you need to get an MRI scan done for proper diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Praveen Tayal, Orthopaedic Surgeon |
What type of liquids should dementia patients avoid? | hello... I work in a seniors residence and I often worry that they re not drinking enough but they all suffer from some form of dementia so its hard to tell sometimes by their behavior. is there a certain amount they should be drinking daily? more than someone younger?less? what types of liquids should I avoid giving them? If you could help me out with some advice I d appreciate it. Thank you | hi dear,for dementia patients not advised any specific drinks but fresh fruit juice advised to maintain body and nervous integrity.and for amount of liquid is same as all person of his or her age not increased or decreased amount.In dementia patient mostly to aware them about day, time , place, and also make a regular habit to do daily activities etc..consult psychiatrist for better care of dementia.certain medication also there to delay dementia progress like Donepezil, memantine , rivastgmie etc...Thank you |
Q. I never had an orgasm even after masturbating to porn. Why? | Hello doctor, I am a 20-year-old female. I got used to masturbating to porn for seven years now, and I never had an orgasm by myself only, maybe twice my whole life before my relationship. And now I am in a lesbian relationship, and we are living together. The whole six months, I have never had an orgasm with her except when we masturbate together. I have started to worry, sometimes I almost reach but never totally reached, and sometimes I return without an orgasm. Is it because of my porn history? I do not know where the problem is? | Hello. Orgasm is not traceable to your masturbation or porn history. Some people experience it a few times in their sex life. Even in a heterosexual relationship, most times the man cums even when the lady is yet to cum. On many occasion, she never cums. So it is body differences. Has nothing to do with your masturbation experience. Some ladies cum faster when oral sex is done on them. So there is nothing wrong with you. You are fine. |
Are hyper bowel sounds normal after gallbladder removal? | Had gallbladder removed 5 weeks ago. I have one or two BM's per day. The color of the stool looks ok; however, when I wipe there is a yellowish brown color on the toilet paper. I have also been taking Cipro and find that I have hyperbowel sounds. Is this all 'normal' after gallbladder removal? | hi.noted history of hyperactive bowels post cholecystectomy. your antibiotic might be causing the stomach upset. it is best if you do a follow-up consult with your surgeon, for clinical evaluation. also, if the symptom is persistent, a shift of abtibiotics may be recommended.hope this helps.good day.~dr.kaye |
Does Von Willebrand s disease lead to other complications? | Hello, my name is Lisa and Im a confused. Well I have a blood disorder call VonWillabrands Dis. And also have a problem with having sex. I hurt when i have sex so I went to my OBGYN and she gave me these pills that just help me when relaxing my pelvis so sex would be more comfortable well on May 2nd, 2014. Me and my fiance finally was able to have sex without me hurt and of course he came in me and we had sex 2 other days after that as well but recently I went from nuvaring to the pill and Ive been on the pill for about a month and a lil less then a half well one day I forgot to take a pill and we had sex on that date I said above and I have been having some weird symptoms like Im more tired then usual, heartburn from time to time, lower back ache, pain within my stomach and around my stomach, and abdominal pain every now. So I thought I could be pregnant well I took 2 home pregnancy test (the cheap ones) and they both came back negative but I still just dont feel good at time but tomorrow It will be 2weeks after having sex and today I went to pee and when I whipped I had a Verrryyy light color pink in the tissue but everything looked normal in the toilet what does that mean? Im very confused with everything. I dont know when my cycle is or when I ovaluate or anything and I havent had period cause lf my disorder but I have bled through out the years if I dont have some kind of birth control. Could I possibly be pregnant and just took the pregnancy test to early? Please help me? | Dear lisa, please do not worry.first you need to calm down. von villibrand disease is a bleeding disorder that occurs due to problem with platelets in our body. from your history it seems that you have the mild variety of von villibrand. please tell me what was your last menstrual period? |
Q. Why is my pregnancy seen on UPT but transvaginal ultrasound reads negative? | Hello doctor, This is my 6 weeks and 4-day pregnancy. My pregnancy is seen on UPT but not on ultrasound. My Hb level reads at 9672.7 miu/l. I have done a transvaginal ultrasound and it reads negative pregnancy. I am panicking now. What can I do? | Hi. Something is missing or not investigated or reported properly. Are you having some pain, bleeding, etc.? If beta hCG is 9672.7 miu/ml and seven weeks scan has no pregnancy-related findings, then it is indicated that there is something missing in the scan or in beta hCG. It is better to repeat beta hCG after 48 hours of above one to check how much it is increasing and have one scan with a senior specialist to check any intrauterine honey-comb appearance (suspected of abnormal conception and need detailed investigations) or any mass outside the uterus (alarming pregnancy outside uterus that needs emergency intervention). Check whether in both described cases, there is no healthy pregnancy seen or any developing pregnancy with irregular periods. In case of bleeding, pain, fainting, or dizziness, immediately rush to gynecology emergency. But still, you need to repeat beta hCG level and transvaginal scan to clear the situation. Do laboratory tests and discuss here or with a local gynecologist. |
Using Lomela cream for hyper pigmentation on face, color changes in face except cheeks and temporal areas. What next ? | hi doctor, Im am using lomela 18g cream for hyper pigmentation on my face for two week.. i got colour changes all my face except my cheeks and temporal areas... All my friends fearing me it must be a rash... wat can i do?/ further continue the cream or stop it at once... and also black heads also turned to pale ou... is the cream safer or has more effect to cause side effects in furtur? | Lomela cream contains a mid potent steroid mometasone, hydroquinone and retinoid and it is not an over the counter preparation. It should be prescribed by a dermatologist who knows which condition to start it for and when to stop. We do not recommend it daily for more than a month following which we taper it and stop and add on a non steroidal lightening cream. Moreover it is used in pigmentary disorders like melasma and not for improving skin tone. Long term use can cause steroid induced Rosacea, Acne, Thinning of skin, Redness and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Use a sunscreen with spf 30 or more every 2-3 hrs during the day even if you are indoors. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible. Apply non steroidal lightening cream containing kojic acid at night. Hope this helped Take care |
Is it possible to conceive with a simple cyst in right ovary? | Hi Doc, I am 30 mother of 2. I was diagnose with endometriosis 4 years ago, did laparoscopy to remove them and was fine. Now i am having pain again each month when having my period. I am thinking of trying to get pregnant, and am worried. My Last pelvic untrasound is as follows: Normal uterus including endometrium. Both ovaries are well seen. The left ovary is normal. The right ovary is behind the uterine boday, with simple cyst of 1.5 cm (dominant follicular cyst). No free fluid in the Douglas pouch. My question is will i be able to have a good pregnancy? Thank you :-) | Hi , How are you doing ? You can surely try & will surely get a healthy pregnancy. Let me say why. You are in right age ( 19-35 yrs) You have proved yourself healthy to get pregnant, twice . Your scan is absolutely normalForget the follicle. Only if follicle is > 25-30 mm it will be called cyst, that too after the time of ovulation. One thing I would advise isConfirm tubal patency- most important- Tube is the connection between uterus & ovaries( the bridge where sperm meets the egg & forms a baby) this is size of hair follicle & cannot be seen on scans. Being such a small opening tube can get blocked easily, So check with HSG( Xray with dye), or SSG ( Scan with dye) or LaparoscopyIf all this done & found normal , nothing can stop a pregnancy with God's willHope I have cleared your query, do write back if any more queriesAll the bestDr.Balakrishnan |
Q. My HbA1c is 7. 5. Should I continue my tablet for diabetes? | Hello doctor, I am a 52 year old female. One year before I went to a diabetologist and took glucose tolerance test. Here is the result, fasting - 128 mg/dL, 1 hour - 340 mg/dL, 2 hour - 196 mg/dL. Doctor prescribed medicine for a month but after that I did not take any medication. Now I would like to know should I take any tablet. Here I have also attached my HbA1c report for your reference. | Hi. Revert back after a month to a diabetologist online --> |
Why do I ejaculate semen while having bowel movement? | Hi recently I've been having odd symptom. When I have a bowel movement I ejaculate a small amount of semen. I'm 21, on no medications, have no allergies and the only real medical history I've had was jaw surgery. Why is this happening and what does it mean? | DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. First of all, you must understand, the small amount of semen goes through your bowel movement is not ejaculation. Our body produces semen whenever it is sexually excited. The produced semen is stored within your body and is a waste product. Body needs to throw the stored semen out at some time. If you do not masturbate or engage in sex, body finds other ways to throw the semen out. The possible ways in front of the body are nocturnal ejaculation or throw urine. Such semen drops through urine is a common body process and you do not have any control over it. Over and above that is not happening due to any physical illness. Therefore, please do not worry or obsess about this natural process. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome.Good luck. Take care. |
Had unprotected sex, dry penis, wet due to fluid in vagina, did not orgasm. Possible pregnancy? | hello doc....well me and my gf had sx last night, well more like a quickie was just for a bit i'd say like 12 minutes.. and well i did not finish at all nor feel like i was cumming, but i was curious whether its possible that some fluids on my penis could get her pregnant, it didn't seem like my penis was sticky and gooey cuz of the sperm, it was mostl dry just mostly wet because of the fluids from my girlfriend's i honestly dont' think i had any pre cum...please help, just curious whether its a high chance of pregnancy! | Hi, Thanks for writing to us. The chances of pregnancy have always been there with unprotected sex. You should consult a gynaecologist for urine, blood test and ultrasonography to rule out pregnancy if she missed her period. The chances of pregnancy are very rare in your case because you have not ejaculated inside. Good luck. Take care. |
Suggest treatment for lack of confidence and suicidal thoughts | hi doctor, now-a-dayas i'm lossing my temper very fast...cant control it...though i'm short-tempered frm childhood.Can't sleep properly...a bad headech occured durring this time....i lose my confidence level...i cant make my mom happy...all the problems happened in my mom's life, just b'coz of me...she was a divorcee...but my father(step) is not behave properly with us...frm Class-V, i grown up,watching their qurrale everyday...Now i'm an Animator--was working in mumbai,but as my mother fall ill i cant continue there anymore,so back to a job here also...but for some financial cause that office closed for last few months... so i'm in home now...but my mom force me to join the course,which help me to get a govt.job....but i'm not interest in that..she cant undertand that. Whatever goes wrong to her life,she blemed me for that. Recently,one of my pet lost,when going towards my cats yearly checkup to animal hospital....this time i suggest to go their(cat) hospital,instead of calling the doctor home,as we did earlier...Now,as the pet is lost,she make me guilty...all the times she cry n tell everybody that she lost her(the cat) for my fault...and as i cant cry and cant say anything ,she think that i do it intentionaly....i feel very bad. Though my family is a broken family, its very few to look that,we are talking with each other. But now -a-days its become horrible...i've a boyfriend,may be we get married next year...our family know each other...but as these thinks happen, I dont want to marry him...b'coz,in future if something goes wrong,then everyone bleamed me...i loss my confidence...sometime i think suicide is the way go get rid of dis things...sometimes think that escaped frm home will be better....what to i going mad???plz help me... | DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Anger always comes due to frustrations in life. Frustrations are normal with everyone. People learn to ignore frustrations when they get experienced. Do you get angry to circumstances outside your home as you get angry at your house? Your office, bus stand, railway station, neighbors etc. If yes, you might need to get evaluated for anger issues. If NO, just understand and compare the two situations and you can be better yourself.I sincerely suggest that you are victim of your own negative thinking. You cannot term your current state of mind as clinical depression. Rather, this is just disappointment. Disappointment which arises out of unforeseen life events do bring such symptoms like sadness, irritation, anger, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of appetite etc. Please understand this fact and make sure to introspect. Talking to your friends, out door activities and being creative should give you relief. Find the reason for your disappointment and consult a psychologist if need be. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. |
What causes lack of breathing in a person leading to death? | Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query mom had three stents put in and while she was in the cath lab she stopped breathing, they did not even have a team on hand and had to call for one, after trying three times to get a tube down her they put her on a ventalator, as a result she was bleeding from the nose and mouth and her pupils where not responsive, she died the next morning, this is so unreal to us, we feel her heart stopped beating to long and she was brain dead, please tell me why they tryed three times before they did a ventalator, we beleive it was too late by than. please help | Respected user , HiWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* In a patient in cath lab operated for 3 stents , may have sudden breathing problem from the cardiac event usually where there is severe compromise to the coronary circulation giving breathing difficulties .* Immediate unavailability of expert anesthetic on the spot is not acceptable on expert medical grounds .* Trials needed to intubate may happen in any high level set up due to many factors on the patient level itself .Hope this will help you for sure .Regards . |
Dry cough, wheezing, tightness, bronchitis. Using inhalers, smoking. Larynx Cancer? | I have had a dry cough since I had smoke inhalation from a smoldering fuse box (no fire) back in March of 2012. I was diagnosed with Bronchitis and given an inhaler. I still have the cough, wheezing, tightness but I also had a scope done on my Larynx back in 2011 and I'm a prime candidate for Cancer as the one side is extremely enlarged. My main question is (which I can locate online) what kind of cough is associated with Larynx Cancer? Yes I do smoke but have never had a cough until I had the smoke inhalation. Any explanation of what kind of cough is associated with my previous question would be greatly appreciated. However, if it's not that then the other question would be, how long does it take for smoke inhalation to clear the lungs? I'm having difficulty sleeping as I wake up every 2-4 hours with this dreaded cough. | hello dearthanks for query at HCMsymptoms in larynx cancer depends up on area of the larynx involved .larynx divided in to three parts supra glottic, glottic and sub glottic, symptoms vary according to area involved .supra glottic: often silent, hoarsness of voice is late symptom. throat pain, dysphagia and ear pain are common symptoms.glottic : hoarsness of voice is early symptom, also produce stridor.sub glottic cancer: earliest symptom is stridor, hoarseness is late feature.nature of cough may not determine the location.smoke inhalation may take years to clear from lungs and it also has long term complication and adverse side effects.cough during sleep and awakening in your case might be due to bronchitis.your diagnosed with bronchitis so all symptoms might be related to it.if you still have strong suspicion of cancer visit doctor get alrynx examined and radilogical investigation like x ray and ct scan might be helpful in your case.regards |
Suggest remedy for lower abdomen pain after delivery | Hi, I am writing from DOha, Qatar. I am an expat from India. Delivered my second baby in 2012 october. I missed all my appointments with gynecologists afterwards. I have this strong pulsating feeling in my stomach on the left hand side of my tummy. Is it something serious? I have a feeling of pain inside my lower abdomen. Also there is no sensation just under my belly button | Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.Considering the pulsating feeling inside your abdomen, I would suggest you to get yourself clinically assessed by your family physician followed by an ultrasound of the abdomen at the earliest to rule out a vascular problem in the abdomen. Further management would depend on the reports. In case the pain is severe, you could go for an anti inflammatory along with a proton pump inhibitor drug.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. |
What causes upper back pain, sore legs and diarrhea while recovering from kidney infection? | I am a 29 year old female and i have been in hospital for a week with kidney infection. I came out 2 days ago and have been on cipro for 8 days in total. I feel very unwell today my upper back hurts it feels like a pressure is there, both my lower legs are sore and aching and i have had dirohea, i also have pain across my upper abdomin, thanks | According to your complaints you might get acidity problems after taking cipro for a week. It also causes diarrhoea. my advice is to take any antacid for four to five days. your complaints of lower leg sore and aching is related to post infection waeakness. take multivitamine tab. |
Pain in groin when coughing, is it due to hernia operation? | I hav a pain in my lower right groin when coughing or even when I do sit ups and lifting heavy things. Why is this? And 18 years ago I had an operation for hernia , I think. Could that be the reason, cause the pain is coming from the area where I was operated. | hi.. pain in the area of hernia which was operated long back due to surgeryis not common.. see your surgeon if there is recurrent hernia .. all the best.. |
How to repair damaged heart muscles? | A family member had a heart attack and was admitted in the hospital after several hours...because of which his valve has got damaged, the heart muscles as well as the kidney...he is diabetic. They had the stress thallium test done today and docs say only 25% heart is functioning. What do you suggest we should do now. Thanks in advance. | Hi, Your family member has severe heart attack and only 25% of heart function is remaining. After heart attack damage to heart muscle is usually permanent and extend of damage depends upon duration between onset of symptoms of heart attack and the time of revascularisation achieved either with medicine or by stenting or other method. So our aim is to preserve the remaining function of heart. For which we have to prevent future heart attack. So it is advisable - 1) Coronary angiography and depend on it permanent revascularisation of at risk blood vessels of heart. 2) Strict compliance with medicine advised (blood thinning, cholesterol lowering, other to preserve heart function like Beta blockers, ACE inhibitor or ARBs. 3) Regular BP check and keep it under control. 4) Diabetes control with medicine appropriate for current heart function insulin is preferred. 5) Keep cholesterol under control. 6) Regular tolerable exercise after consultation with your cardiologist.. 7) Avoidance of smoking, alcohol. As far as heart valves damage is concerned treatment is depends on extent of heart damage (usually leakage) and patient's symptoms, recurrent heart failure may require surgical correction Kidney damage after heart attack is usually reversible in most of cases. Recovery of kidney function depends upon presence of underlying CKD (chronic kidney disease) and it's stage. |
What causes swelling in the legs and black discoloration on the testicles? | I had a heart cath on 10-12 the doc nicked my fem.artery I was took from stone crest to centennial by ambulance given over 5 pints of blood in ICUs sent home thu.Now my r leg is swollen purp,my testicles are black and can barely walk.I am a subox patient can t take pain killers ,but I am in agony.I am so scared | Hello,If I were you, I would go to the hospital and visit a doctor to rule out any possible hematoma in the region of the femoral artery. If it's a serious problem and, you might need to do a complete blood count and a color Doppler echography of the vessels of your leg.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Anila Skenderi |
Toe inflammation, taken Faboric 40, Naproxen and Zyloric, blood in stools, done colonoscopy. Ulcerative colitis? | Dear sir DThere was inflammation on my left leg big toe I consult a rheumatologist , he prescribed f Faboric 40 once A day Naproxen twice a day Zyloric thrice a day Before consulting to doctor I was taking indocap medicine twice a day Since last 12-14 days there is blood in my stools also so I gone for checkups and after going through colonoscopy they told me that I am suffering from ulcerative colitis | The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease has to be confirmed by biopsy. Once that is done you need to start medication for the same in order to push the disease into remission. With respect to your toe swelling you need to get uric acid levels in the blood done to see the level of control in order to regulate the dosage of uricosuric medications. Anti inflammatory drugs are to be continued upto the normalisation of your big toe. |
How to treat a sore abdominal lump? | I am 17, 5'5, and weigh 155pds and am active. today I noticed right above my hip bone on my right side its tender and sore to touch, like its bruised, but there also seems to be a lump where it hurts. My mom says she noticed a slight green area where it hurts but its VERY slight. I dont know what it is and worries me. I have a Doctors appointment in October but am not sure if I should get in sooner. Hope you can help... | Hi. This can be due to an obstructed hernia or a lymph node. Get a clinical examination and ultrasonography done to see the exact cause as the treatment would be different as per the diagnosis. |
Will smoking pot make it worse on my kidneys ? | ok i am a 23 yr old male on dialysis 12 times a month i have two questions i am not curently a weed smoker but i use to be and i just need to kno the risk of smoking it if i do ok the first one is will smoking pot make it worse on my kidneys? and the second question is will dialysis clean the weed out of my system? | Hello; welcome to HealthcareMagic If at age of 23 yrs you are on dialysis 12 times a month then your kidney functions are really bad and in such a condition you should not even think of smoking weed forget smoking it because it will make your condition worse.Secondly dialysis is being done to clean the blood and reduce the creatinine so it will clean the weed in blood but the effect on kidney will still be there and it may damage them more.So please avoid the thought as well as the use of the weed. Thanks |
What causes vomiting and red spots on buttocks in a toddler? | Hello my 2 year old daughter vomited on Wednesday afternoon then again on Thursday morning. Se has not vomited again and never had a fever. Thursday afternoon she developed red spots on her buttocks and thighs. By Thursday evening they were gone and now on Saturday afternoon they were back on her buttocks and now on her face and top of her feet. They dont seem to bother her, she s eating and drinking as normal. Not sure what I can do or what this is. thank you | Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically.But I can assure you that an active kid is a well kid and as you say that she is normal and not worry.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., |
Renal dialysis done. Treatment without transplant? | My friend Iltemus. Age 39 weight-57 kg suffering from Kidney diseases since 2002. He done his renal biopsy on 04/12/2002 at dhaka for the first time the result was: focal segmental mesangial proliferative glomerulonehrities. then went to Vellore, India and did the test again this time The comment: IgA nepropathy. They gave some treatment and upto 2009 serum creatinine was found normal. Creatinine in 2010 was 2.8, in 2011 was 2.2 in june 2012 was 4.7 & decembe 2012 was 6.4. finally on 4/5/13 some test results: creatinine- 6.9, Albumin- +++, Potassium- 4.02 mmol/l, sodium- 136 mmol/l. cloride- 108.69 mmol/l, TCO2 20.68 mmol/l, Anion gap 10.65 mmol/l, Uric acid 244.4 umol/l, T. Calcium 2.24 mmol/l... Hemoglobin 12 gm/dl, ESR ( West method) 07mm/1st hr RCB count- 4.18 Esonophils 1.55, Platelet count 222. Now He is taking the following drugs...Amlodipin 5mg 0+0+1, Febuxostat 40 mg 1+0+1, Iron Polymaltose+folic Acid+zinc 1+0+1, Prazosin 1 mg 1+1+1 CaCo3+Vit-D 1+1+1. M.P.E.G- Epoetin beta 50 MCG/.3 ml inj.. once a month.Now what he can do..? Which you suggest for Dialysis/transplant. Which is the appropriate level for transplantation. Is there any medicine to cure or give more life expectancy without transplant?Thanks.Monirul Hassan0000 YYYY@YYYY | Hello! This is a very good description that you have provided. According to me, the disease that he is having is Ig A nephropathy which is the commenest adult nephropathy, for which he has taken treatment in Vellore. He is basically having a chronic renal failure which is evident by the lab investigations. transplant is the definate treatment but it is costly and involve many legal formalities.Dialysis has to be performed by the time he will get ready for transplant. Unfortunately till date no medicine is the cure for renal failure, only dialysis or renal transplant can improve the the life quality and expectancy.Thanks. |
Suggest treatment for hard bump above bottom of foot | I have a hard raised bump tender to the touch on the inner side about an inch above the bottom of my foot. I thought it was like hard spots on my heal I can remove but it's not like that. It has a circular hard center and slightly red ring around it tender to touch. What can I do to treat it at home and what is it? | Hi XXXXThanks for your query at HCM!I am Dr. Sheetal Verma an Infectious Disease Specialist answering to your query!I went through your query and understand your concern.Foot lumps can be caused by infection, inflammation or trauma. It usually is temporary and subside as the underlying condition resolves. Foot lumps that persist or continue to grow over time may signal more serious conditions. If you have a foot lump that is persistent or causes you concern, seek prompt medical care. Meanwhile treated with rest, ice, compression. Visit a dermatologist.Hope I have answered your question. If you would like some more information I will be happy to provide. You can also write a review for me. Wish you good healthTake care! Wish you best of Health.Dr. Sheetal VermaInfectious Disease Specialist |
Q. Can recurrent UTI be caused by holding urine in for long? | Hello doctor, I am a 35 year old male. I did a urine test today, there is no UTI or any infection, but the RBC count was 0 to 1. I did a test six weeks back, which showed the RBC count to be 4 to 6. I still feel there is a block to the urine flow, and I have to go every 15 minutes or every one hour, and this is going on since last year. I have a very strong history of UTI by staying in long meetings and not going to toilets and holding the urine in for a long time during long drives. It all started when I was 19 years old, and I used to hold it during work and one day I was in pain after holding it from 8 PM to 3 AM. Since then, I have been suffering. My health started deteriorating from the past three years, since then I get frequent UTI every 3 to 5 months. And from last year, the urine flow has been affected. I am in pain, and I do not know what to do. I did an ultrasound and many tests, which always says I have UTI. After taking a lot of fluids and Cystone, it gets cured and then in few days comes back. And when I do not have UTI, I have to go to the toilet frequently like once in every two hours. As I am getting older, it worries me that some ultrasound showed that I have a distended gallbladder and my prostate size as 27. I do take Saw Palmetto, but I stopped since the prostate size is normal according to some urologist. The urologist said that the prostate could be infected. I feel like the bladder is not empty, every single time I go to the toilet, only a little pee comes out. I do not want to do a cystoscopy, as the thought of it is agonizing. I have read that the size of the wire is as thick as a pencil. I am looking for an alternative solution. | Hi. Revert with more information to a urologist online --> |
What is the cause of pain underneath rib cage? | My 10-year-old daughter has been complaining of a mild-moderate dull pain underneath(not below) her left rib cage on and off for several months. She calls it her growing pains. What could be causing this pain. She says it is not sharp but that it hurts more than just a little and it is worrying her. She has not sustained any injuries to that area. She sleeps on a high quality mattress and is active in basketball and modern dance. The discomfort does not go away when she lies down. What could this be? -a concerned mother in Michigan | DearWelcome to HCMWe understand your concernsI went through your details. mild-moderate dull pain underneath left rib cage usually suggest gastric disorder and such pains do not go away on laying down. You may take the help of antacid initially and if the problem persists, should consult a physician. There are other possibility like stress, school delinquency etc. Your physician should educate you.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. |
I am 17 years old. How to increase height ? | hello sir, my name is suman magar. Im a college student. Im 5.2 inch, and im 17 years old boy.and im from nepal. I want to increase my height to 6 feet. Is this possible that i can be 6 feet tall? And also i dont do any physical excercise, is there any medicine for help me to increase my height? Please help me sir. | Hello dear, Height of an individual is determined by Genetics, Environmental & Nutritional factors and Hormonal factors (most important the Growth Hormone secreted by pituitary gland in brain) An individual stops growing in height after the fusion of the Epiphyses (growth plates) of the long bones, which occurs by the age of 17-21 yrs in males. may still have a chance of increasing your height. Make sure that you are taking a healthy & balanced diet, exercise regularly & avoid stress. Protein rich diet like soya, groundnut, pulses, etc should be incorporated in your diet plan. One more thing...avoid consuming any over the counter medication which claim to boost your growth hormone & increase may be harmful. Wishing you Good Health. Thanks and take care. |
USG results increased cortical echogenicity, proteins, granular casts, in urine analysis. Do I have kidney problem? | hi.. my USG shows that i have increased cortical echogenicity . i have also had proteins and granular casts in my urine analysis. my cortico medullary differentiation is shown to be fair. i don have any other abnormality in my urine analysis except for some pus cells. i feel nauseous also.Please let me know if i have serious kidney problem.. | Hello user,First of all the presence of proteins, granular casts, in urine is NOT normal finding, unless it is correlates with the clinical findings.Your USG report also says some structural anomaly in your kidney.It would have been of more help if I had got your age and Diabetes or Hypertension history, and the blood Sodium Potassium and Creatinine values.Hope my advise helped you.RegardsDr Hari Om ChandrakarMBBS |
Q. Do anal fissure present with diarrhea and blood in stool? | Hello doctor, I am a 22-year-old female. I have been having some symptoms for two years. It started with noticing some blood on the toilet paper, went to my GP and he said probably hemorrhoids nothing to worry about and then, I started having diarrhea with blood on the toilet paper again. Then I had constipation with blood in stool. I went to see a specialist that said I had a fissure. Then four months ago, I started having too much diarrhea (at least once a week) and gas and borborygmi after every single meal, no matter what I ate. I went to the specialist, I did celiac test negative and my blood tests all look fine. All my doctors said that I have nothing that it is probably stress but I am too worried. How can I convince them to give me a colonoscopy? | Hello. I have gone through your query in detail. A few details which could be helpful are, have you lost weight? Do you have anemia or any abdominal pain? Have you had a fecal calprotectin done? Apparently, your symptoms have been going on for close two years and specifically since you have had diarrhea with blood on toilet paper, it is unlikely to be due to anal fissures. Anal fissures usually are precipitated by constipation and quite unlikely with diarrhea. Persisting diarrhea and bloating is more in keeping with symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) especially since the celiac markets are negative (anyways celiac disease is unlikely to cause blood with diarrhea). On these grounds, you can certainly insist on a colonoscopy. |
What could cause shorter penis, narrow at the base of shaft during erection? | Recently when I began having erections, I noticed that my penis is much shorter when fully erect and is also much more narrow at the base of the shaft. This has never happened before. I am 40 years old. It is as if something is holding it back and preventing it from maintaining full size and girth at the base. | Hi, Phimosis. Contracted foreskin can give a picture as you say. Share a picture for confirmation. Check for blood sugar and foreskin infection. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S. R. Raveendran, Sexologist |
What is the procedure for 'Adenosquamous Carcinoma' treatment? | Hi, My father aged 72y has recently diagnosed 'Adenosquamous Carcinoma' on Primary lung origin i need to know the treatment process and more information about the approach we should take (Surgery, Chemo or radiations). What are key parameters we should focus on. Regards Rizwan | Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your concern. Adenosquamous carcinoma of lung I'd not that common. Treatment depends on staging of cancer. Staging depends on size of tumour, part of lung involved, distal metastasis present or not, lymphnodes involved or not etc. So better to consult oncologist and get done bone scan, CT brain and abdomen to rule out distal metastasis. According to this stage is decided. Initial stages (stage 1-2) are treated with surgery and chemotherapy. While later stages (stage 3-4) are treated with palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. So better to consult oncologist and first determine stage of his cancer. On the basis of staging treatment should be done. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks. |
Q. Is Mometasone dangerous to use on Face to clear my acne pimples? | Hello doctor, I am seriously facing acne pimples problem. Sometimes they occur on my face when I masturbate. If I use Mometasone, it gives a good result. Is it okay to continue this? | Hello. Acne is a universal issue in the age group of 15 to 25 years due to hormonal changes in adolescents. However, there are multiple effective treatment options depending on the grade and severity of the problem. Mometasone is a topical steroid and is to be avoided strictly on the face and for acne as it can harm your skin in the long run. Acne is dependent on hormones hence excess masturbation may sometimes lead to an increase in the problem. I would advise you to stop Mometasone immediately and kindly upload appropriate images to help us assess your current grade of acne and treat you better. Regards. For more information consult a dermatologist online --> |
Suggest treatment for sciatic nerve pain | I am having sciatic nerve pain. Starts in my right hip & goes down to my foot which is tingling & numb. I have had this before but never with as much pain as this time. It takes my breath away & lasts for quite awhile. I have a back brace that seems to help. I take 15mg of prednisone daily for lung problems. Aleve seems to give some relief but I am concerned about the two drugs causing stomach problems. Tylenol doesn t seem to help much Thank you for your opinion,peggy | Hello,There are so many causes of sciatica pain but treatments are several but non surgical treatment is temporary.although treatments are:you can take hot/cold therapy:apply hot water fomentation for 20 therapy reduces the spasm and numbness or induce the blood circulation.cold compresses or therapy reduce the swelling over nerve and numbness.apply ice cubes within towel over your back for same time and dont exceed these therapy more than 20 mins to avoid skin burn.You can apply massage with mahanarayan oil 3 to 4 times a reduces the muscle spasm and increase circulation and range of motion.Exercises:Do isometric spinal extension exercises 3 times a day as ankle stretching,lie on your back bend your knees and raise your waist and hold upto 20 secs than release and repeat it again for 10 times. avoid forward bending, weight lifting,long sitting and standing it will increase the pain.Stretching do hamstring stretching so that sciatic nerve got relax. |
Rash near nose, blotchy skin on eating something hot. Using steroidal cream. Permanent cure? | Since I moved to XXXXX over a year ago,I ve noticed a rash next to my nose which comes and goes. I saw a doctor Who gave me steroidal cream which seam to help,but for only a short time.ive varied my diets to see if there is a Comin denominator ( none) I stopped drinking hot coffee and gone to frappichinos and it seemed to go away, this morning I had hot coffee and my nose area started to tighten up and get blotchy and for dinner I had hot chili and that set it off , it got really tight and blotchy -- any ideas ? other then that I am in fantastic shape and I eat Healthy | Hi there Jeneric. Your clinical observations are very astute if i may say so & would help any dermatologist pinpoint the diagnosis. I may be wrong as this is only an online portal & for best results, you need to visit your dermatologist on the ground; But, your condition seems to be what we call Acne Rosacea or plain Rosacea. This will need visual confirmation & as such, feel free to upload clear digital photos on this site. Do ensure you use a sunscreen from dawn till dusk, avoid hot & spicy foods eg hot tea etc & UV light in general. Do try to use a topical antibiotic cream called metronidazole evenings & it just might get rid of your problem. Good Luck! Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD |
Trying to conceive, taking folvite. Dose for folvite? | Hi Doctor . Me and my husband are recently trying for a baby and as per doctor I am taking Folvite Tablets .( Folic Acid Tablets I.P. 5 mg).Please sujjest if the dosage of 5 mg is okey as I have seen in some places that per day we shouldn t take more then 1 mg. However less then 5 mg is not available for Folvite.Please advice. | Hello. Thanks for writing to us. A high dose of folvite is given in the prenatal period to avoid neural tube defects in the baby. The dosage of 5mg is appropriate for this purpose. Please do not worry and continue with the treatment. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal [email protected] |
Is pregnancy possible through IVF or IUI without sex? | Hi Doc I am a 27 year old female happily married for last 4 years. My problem is one of a kind cause i have not had sex with my husband till date (although i know him since last 12 years as we had a love marriage). We definitely have physical intimacy without intercourse and masturbate to get discharged. However, i get very scared when we think of having sex and same for my husband. I definitely want to get pregnant but have a huge sex phobia. Should i opt for IVF or IUI? Can i become pregnant without sex involved? Anxiously waiting for an answer | Hi,Yes you can get pregnant through an IUI or IVF treatment without having sex. Your husband would get a semen sample by masturbation and you will have ovarian induction therapy followed by aspiration of oocytes from your ovaries. Then fertilization will happen in the laboratory. The fertilized embryos will be transferred to your uterus after 3 or 5 days.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Salah Saad Shoman |
Q. How to treat old dark scars in legs? | Hello doctor, I have some scars on my legs from when I was a younger kid. So when I was younger I fell and bruised and got scars. Sometimes, I would scratch my scars and over time the scars become dark and they look ugly. And since then I do not wear shorts or clothes that show my legs. Is there anything I could try to fade the scars or lighten them? | Hello, Welcome to First of all, your scratching induced issues over the skin are not scars, rather they are marks that too over a background of another mild skin condition that you seem to have. Scars are aberrations in the skin texture, irrespective of the color change. What you have is: Background of a mild skin condition called macular amyloidosis (MA), you may see light brown colored speckled pigmentation in coalescing patches over your leg shins. These arise spontaneously, mostly without any cause, although friction contributes to it in terms of making it worsen and darker. So, do not scratch any further. Few marks, these are the smaller spot-like darker brown colored discrete and are a few in number, a result of the healing of the skin over your pointed scratched areas. Now MA does not have a permanent treatment and also often does not need it. It may also affect the upper back and upper arms, just have a look. Sometimes, it tends to run in families. Moisturization with Cetaphil dam lotion after bath and before sleeping tends to reduce the associated dryness, itching as well as roughness of those areas. But many times, especially in girls and women, MA is associated with thyroid dysfunction. So, please get your serum TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) blood test done. For the brown marks that are bothering you, you will require a depigmenting cream to be applied in the night just over the spots and a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50+ (sun protection factor) in the day time on the entire legs daily. I believe Cetaphil UVA/UVB sunscreen or Anthelios-XL (SPF-60) or Avene sunscreens may be available to you over the counter. Use them daily over the entire legs and first coat to be applied at least half an hour before going out. Now, I would not be able to tell you which depigmenting (skin lightening creams) are available in your place. But, you can check with your local pharmacist. You could select from a range of combination creams that often contain varying proportions of Hydroquinone, Kojic acid, Glycolic acid, Arbutin, Azelaic acid, mild steroid, Tretinoin, Vitamin C or E, etc. Although it would be ideal that you get a prescription cream from your dermatologist, till then you may (for the short time 15-30 days only) use one of these creams, to be used as spot therapy only over the dark spots, in minuscule quantities, that too strictly at night and discontinue using it if it causes excessive redness, peeling, irritation, etc. Additionally, take some good oral anti-oxidant capsule daily for two to three months. For best management, please revert back with the answers to my following queries: Do you have similar pigmentation over the back? Please send pictures in your response. Does your mother or other family members have a similar problem? Get your serum TSH levels checked and let us know the value. Contact the pharmacist and try to procure and use the sunscreen and night cream. In your response, please tell us the brand that you procured and the contents of the skin whitening cream so that we could further advise you about its use and safety. I hope this helps. Serum TSH levels. Blood test to be given in a fasting state. |
What causes numbness in arms and hands with bulging veins and loss of balance? | My husband has numbness in his lower arms and hands , he is very weak, he said it feels like ice inside his hands and arms, his balance is not good, he get tired quickly and we just notice bulging veins in his forearm and hand. what could be his problem. | Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!I carefully passed through your question and would explain that the bulging veins could be related to increased central venous pressure. Indeed, there is not any relation between his symptoms and the bulging veins. Anyway, it is important performing a comprehensive differential diagnosis between different causes that may lead to this clinical scenario: - a metabolic disorder like thyroid dyfunction, adrenal gland dysfunction, vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, an electrolyte disorder- a chronic infection or inflammatory disorder- heart failure- a cervical disc disorder could lead to numbness in the limbs and gait problems, but would not explain the changes in vein visibility. So, I would recommend consulting with his attending physician and performing some tests to investigate for the possible causes: - a chest X ray study- a resting ECG and cardiac ultrasound- some blood lab tests (complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate, blood electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests, thyroid hormone plasma levels, cortisol plasma levels, vitamin D and vitamin B12 plasma levels, fasting glucose)If all the above tests result normal, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical exam. A cervical spine MRI may be needed in case of abnormal neurological examination. Hope to have been helpful!Kind regards, Dr. Aida |
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean? | Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? | Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> |
Suggest remedy for painful lump behind nipple | I have a lump I believe to be a cyst in my left breast behind my nipple and it causes my whole body to ache. I had a breast exam last May and it seemed normal. I also had a hysterectomy in May this last year. The pain lasts for a few days and then goes away for about 2 weeks then it comes back. | Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have fibrocystic disease of breast. If you have cyclical pain at time of menstruation then you may have fibroadenosis. You should go for biopsy. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. |
Suggest treatment for pimple like bump in between teeth | pimple thing between my teeth? It's not visible when i smile. i can feel it in the back of the teeth and the front. it's in between two of my molars but it's not that far back in my mouth i can see it if i pull my lip back a little. it doesn't hurt but it bothers me and looks gross. i noticed it this morning it was a little larger then and now it's smaller but still there the the underside of it is red and a little bloody can i send a picture anywhere? it's hard to describe anyway should i be worried | A swelling between tooth with redness could be a localized inflammation of the gums. Get yourself evaluated for a definitive treatment. Do not neglect the intial signs of bleeding as it can progress to a more prevailing chronic condition. |
Suggest home remedy for scabies | I have scabies. ive been told a cream called permetharin or something like that is the sure way but its not helping me it just bothers it more. PLEASE, PLEASE. im on the verge of crying and breaking down. is there anything i can use at home to get rid of this now. PLEASE, PLEASE. i cant take this anymore. | Thanks for contacting HCMI am sorry to hear about your infestation with scabies. From your description it appears that you have already treated yourself with permetharin once. In my practice when a patient has scabies I counsel them that the itch from scabies can last up to 3-4 weeks after treatment. I also recommend retreating again with permetharin 2 weeks after initial treatment. To help reduce the itch a good anti-itch medication like certirizine may help or soaking in an Aveno bath.Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again if you have questions or need help. |
What causes cough after smoking menthol cigarettes? | I started smoking menthol cigarettes about 6 months ago from a regular light cigarette and am wondering if that is why I am having perisitant coughing that I did not have prior? We are not sure if it's allergies, but xray has shown my chest is fine, cultures are not coming up with anything so I am trying to delete things to figure out why this is happening. | Hi,Welcome to HCM,Your cough may be due to allergy/hyper reactivity to menthol cigarettes which at time cn cause bad cough. |
Q. Why do periods get delayed after first time sex? | Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods? | Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> |
What could cause frequent vomiting and fatigue, have history of Neurocardiogenic dysautonomia? | My question is not actually for me. I m trying to find some help for my fiance. He is 22 years old. 5 11 and roughly 195 lbs. Almost daily, he will randomly experience waves of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, and body aches. He vomits usually a few times per week and has gone to multiple doctors. They ve tested things like WBC count and looked at the possibilty of diabetes. Everything has come back normal. He works a lot, chews, and has a history of neurocardiogenic dysodinomia. The way he is always exhausted even after a week off work to rest and the fact that he throws up so often can t be entirely normal right? Any advice would be helpful as we have no clues right now! | Hello, Typically, the symptoms of cycles of nausea and vomiting suggest problems directly in the GI tract, HORMONES that may be cyclically abnormal, or a Central Nervous reaction to some metabolic or physical derangement. When I say hormones I'm not just talking about THYROID products. In his case, I would be checking BLOOD SUGARS before and after meals and directly measuring for insulin levels which can be way too HIGH and cause these symptoms. There is something called POSTPRANDIAL HYPOTENSION which could be mistaken for some type of cardiogenic dysautonomia as well or at least make it difficult to tell them apart at times. I would also recommend provocative ADRENAL GLAND FUNCTION TESTING and look at catecholamine levels (biochemical products of hormones released from the gland) to see if we are creating some sort of adrenalin storm/rush that can also drive some of his symptoms or NOT ENOUGH which could explain the unusual amount of fatigue. As far as the GI tract is concerned has he had either an UPPER GI SERIES using barium to clear for things such as ulcerative conditions in the stomach or duodenum or even mass lesions (he chews which puts him at risk for cancers)? This doesn't look like IBS (Irritable bowel) but on the off chance that he could react in an allergic fashion to something he's ingesting. Has he changed his brand of chew recently? Eating some sort of different diet? Are these cycles at all tied to the period of time just before or shortly after meals? Has he tried removing things such as GLUTEN, ARTIFICIAL SUGARS, and FOODS/BEVERAGES containing large amounts of caffeine such as MONSTER or RED BULL? As far the nervous system is concerned, you've already mentioned a diagnosis of cardiogenic dysautonomia. How about something a bit more global to tie in the GI symptoms as well such as an autoimmune process that specifically targets the autonomic nervous system such as Sjogren's disease, lupus, or alcohol abuse? All of these can target and dramatically affect autonomic system function leading to cyclical vomiting spells. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Dariush Saghafi, Neurologist |
How to cure the pain and bruise in the arm? | I fell a month ago and caught my arm inside the porch railing. My arm had a bruise above the elbow the size of a softball. A month later, I am still bruised and have some pains in that spot from time to time. My arm works perfectly, yet, I wonder should I have went to the doctor. | Hi, You need to get an X-ray done immediately. The bruise can be due to inflammation or infection underneath. You can try cold compression twice a day with limb elevation and rest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Tanmoy Roy, General & Family Physician |
Can infection make albumin levels to drop quickly? | My daughter has Addissons Disease, alomg with absorption problems, recently she went through an Addissons crisis, and her Albumin levels fell to 11, also a lot of her other levels in her body went very low.At the moment she is being fed through an NJ Tube, but she has a lot of swelling inher body, they say that this will subside when her Albumin levels raise. They have risen to 28, but recently they have been going up and down, from m28 to 21 then back to 23 and this week, back to 21, she also has developed an infection in her leg, which I believe can make Albumin levels fall quickly, is this true, and is there anything else you can tell me please I would be gratefull. | Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Inter current infection and illness leads to drop in the albumin level. Hypoalbuminemia leads to swelling and oedema.You should take treatment of your illness. Take high protein diet. If needed you can take injectable albumin. Once your albumin level comes to normal, your swelling will subside. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. |
Suggest treatment for dandi walker syndrome | sir my daughtor is 3 yr old and she is suffering from dandy walker this is what the doctors says....she dont hold her neck and not able to sit and not even able to speak....we have done so many tests but nothing has comeup........please suggest and advise.... | no medical treatment for neural congenital anomalies. neurosurgery consultation is must. but medicines are available for the symptoms caused by that disease |
Is it normal for the gums to hurt while suffering from allergic rhinitis and earache? | I have a severe sore throat, stuffy nose , pain in sinuses and pain in my ears. I think it might be seasonal allergies but what's odd is that my teeth and gums that normal? I have taken several different kinds of allergy medication and nothing works. Thanks. | Hi, Your symptoms are clearly pointing towards sinus infection or Sinusitis. Due to Sinusitis there can be a pain in upper teeth and gums on the affected side. So the pain in teeth and gums, if it is in upper teeth, then it can be due to sinus infection.. So my suggestion is to consult an otolaryngologists and get evaluated. A Sinus X-rays can be done for confirmation. If the sinus X-ray is confirmed, then a course of antibiotics like Augmentin can be advised along with anti inflammatory painkillers like Advil. Doing steam inhalations can help. Use saline nasal drops and use a humidifier in your room. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
What could be the bump on head causing dizzy spells? | Hi, when I was about 11 or 12 I began getting these dizzy spells that would come and go. About a year or so I noticed this bump on the left side of my head at the bottom, I didn t really think anything of it because it grows and then shirks but it never goes away. What could be wrong or what can I do? | Hi,Dear,Thanks for the query to My HCM Clinic.I studied your query in depth.I feel concerned about the worry you expressed.In my opinion-the bump is mostly-a Chronic Furuncle which recurrs for a year, but never goes.You should consult a Surgeon who would treat it by -proper antibiotics and I & D-drainage of the furuncle .This is what you can treat it.Hope this would help your query.Wellcome for more queries to HCM.Have a good day. |
What causes soreness of lump on the side of back? | I have a small lump on the side of my neck. It has been there for about a month. I noticed it got slightly bigger. Today I was touching it and squeezing it. Puss started to come out and the lump got a little smaller. It is a little sore now and I don't know if thats because I was trying to squeeze it so hard, or because I have irritated it. It never hurt before. Any clue? | Hi,Dear,thanks for the query to Health Care Magic.Dear, your question has following facets which would be replied to satisfy your query.After meticulously studying your facts and your concerns following possibilities need to be considered in coming to its diagnosis -In my opinion this non-painful lump with pus like discharge in actual seems to be Sebaceous Cyst,which reduced after squeezing due to discharge from it.The squeezing trauma, post traumatic induration and edema,which is the cause of the soreness of the non-painful lump,as rightly thought by you.There is risk of increasing pain,as the lump has opened up and may close which would cause pent up discharge with post-traumatic blood,getting infected.So you need to consult your doctor and get it treated by antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.Its very difficult to think of other probabilities as the facts are very scanty and hence I would advise you to consult a ER Surgeon , who would work out the clinical check up and would fix its diagnosis and its rightful treatmentDon't worry and go ahead as suggested to resolve the lump issue of yours Hope this would give you confidence to plan treatment with your doctor on your next visit ,which you should plan definitely.Feel free to ask any further query in this regard to HCM and to ME.Write excellent review if you feel satisfied with this reply,which would help my rating for the benefit of the other patients.Wishing early and fast recovery for your lump.Dr.Savaskar M.N.Senior Surgical ConsultantM.S.Genl-CVTS. |
Is the sperm count normal? | i am asking this for my husband.Last month he has diagnosed as B/L varicocoele R>L. would you plz give me the relevant advice . we are trying for the pregnancy for 6 months. semen analysis report on 19/03/11 is ; liquifaction time -10 mt reaction - alkaline volume - 1 ml microscopy pus cells -8-10/hpf 1-3active spermatozoa seen in whole field now he is taking T. HI Q &T.CARNISURE 500 by aneeshya | HelloAfter semen analysis , there is 1-3 motile sperms only , while normally for a fertility require 48 million / ml ( sperm counts ) . In your husband NEARLY it is azoospermia . While motility require is . 63 % and > 13 % exhibiting normal morphology.Now your husband is taking tablet HIQ and carnisue 500, but I doubt these tablets improve SPERM counts.In my opinion note down this thing:Operation for varicocele is not indicated unless there is :1 Pain2 Serious depression of SPERMATOGENESIS ( OLIGOSPERMIA OR AZOOSPERMIA). So your husband require SURGERY for varicocele , there after get in semen analysis for for further evaluation of case .Good luck. |
What causes weakness with history of angioplasty? | hi, Its been a year since my dad had an angioplasty .Sometimes he would walk even half a kilometre without getting tired but most of the times he gets completely exhausted within 100 metres and can walk no further.There seems no reason why he is tired on some days and not on other days.He was a heavy smoker before heart attack.He is on medicines and diabetic.His all other levels are normal except HDL it is 35.I suspect he has developed more it possible | Hiif stents are not succesful,they may detoriate cardiac functions , i would advice you to have a 2d echo as early as possible to rule out the cardiac function s, severe fatigue and in ability to do even normal work can indicate a problem with heart pumping 2d echo is must to diagnose the functioning of heartpre angioplasty echo should be comared by angiogram now to rule pout the detoriation of his cardiac function or possiblity of new blockages |
What causes red, bumpy rashes on the wrist and the mouth of a 8 year old? | My 8-yr-old daughter had a red, bumpy rash on her wrist, then this morning she woke up with the same sort of thing on her face below her mouth. She did go camping last weekend. She says it is itchy, but is trying not to touch it. Can you help me solve this? | HI. This must be a insect bite . Some insects do show late reactions or are activated only on exposure to certain allergens. Do not apply anything locally. Give her oral antihistamine like cetirizine 5 mg . She may need oral steroids under the guidance of the Doctor. |
What does my semen analysis indicate going by the above report ? | Good day to you Doc. i just got back my results for a semen analysis done yesterday. I m confused as to whether or not everything is ok were fertility is concerned. The report states.....Appearance-Creamy, volume-3mls, ph-8.0, count-21million, WBC--10-12/HPF, RBC-18-22/HPF,morpho- 95% normal &5% giant head . slugish motile after 1hr was 30% 2hr (35%), 3hr (25%). Non-motile 1hr (40%), 2hr (45%) and 3hr (50%). am i ok because its been 8 months now. i m only 21 yrs old. | Hi welcome to Healthcaremagic HI...,the above given semen reports color, PH, volume, % of active sperm are within the normal range..., But except for the RBC and WBCS.., normally RBC will be absent, RBC indicates trauma to genital tract, also WBC will not be more than 4 to 5 /Hpf.., nut yours shows more than 10cell/Hpf shows infection.., you can consult surgeon, they will guide you.. Hope I have answered your question.. Takecare... |
What does a lump on the heel indicate? | The bottom of my heel has a bump under the skin or on the bone. The pain has been getting worse and escalating around my whole heel. It is getting hard for me to walk on it. It has been going on since August. I am not able to hardly work out doing cardio exercising. | Hello dearWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query in details .* This seems calcaneal spur , require x-ray of the calcaneum for further line of action .Hope this will help you for sure .Wishing you fine recovery .Welcome for any further guidance .Regards . |
Black marks due to side effect of using pimples cream, how to get rid of it ? | Hello sir I have pimples on face. so to cure that I applied brevoxyl oilment. it make face fully black and have small holes also formed . How to cure that sir and r the safety measures to be taken to avoid pimples reply me sir.... | use depigmentation creams under the supervision of a dermatologist. if the scar or black mark is too deep and thick than you may have to get the procedures like derma abrasion or laser abrasion to remove much of the pigmentation and then to get the desired effect to have the depigmentation creams |
Took steroid injection in lower spine. Taking aggrenox. Have anxiety, depression, high BP | My 88 y/o mother had a steroid injection in lower spine due to back pain on 9/24. They stopped her Aggrenox for 7 days prior to the shot and restarted it the day after the injection. She has been experiencing anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, difficulty finding the right words at times, memory lapses over the past week.She tends to be a worrier and ask a lot of questions to begin with, so staff at assisted living (and her doctor) think she is just fixating on health. I was concerned about TIA or looming stroke. My sister found reference somewhere about these symptoms from cortizone injections. Is that possible? | Hello,Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.Yes, this could be a feature of stroke and she should be considered for CT scan. The other possibility is anxiety disorder. Patients do get anxious before any procedure and behave this way. Nothing to worry in that case as symptoms will settle down on its own. But still considering the age go ahead with the CT scan. Hope I am able to answer your concerns.If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned |
Does cesarean lead to severe chest pain? | i am 25 yrs old recently gave birth to a baby boy however since it was a caesarean delivery I have been experiencing unbearable pain the upper back and chest, Could you please help me? My doctor its normal to have these pains post delivery none of the pain killers are working for me. | hello madam, thank you for consulting ceassarian section per se will not cause upper back and chest pain. there are many causes associated with upper back pain post LSCS like abnormal body posture,chest infection have not mentioned since how many days you have pain is pain associated with any other symptoms like cough breathing difficulty etc.kindly get one x ray chest if you have continuous pain. |
What can explain stabbing pain in lower abdomen with twitching sensation? | for about the past 2 weeks i heve been getting seriously bad stabbing pains in my lower stomache sometimes the last 15 seconds,sometimes 15mins ive tried lying on my back and front, walking around, bending over and streching to ease the pain but nothing works sometimes the pain is all over my lower stomache but sometimes i get shooting pains coming from a point between my left hip and my elly button i also get an occasional fluttery/twitching feeling here. since i have started getting these stabbing pains i have kept feeling like im going to be sick and getting headaches | Hi.Thanks for your query and an elucidate history. You have got recurrent sharp stabbing pains in the left abdomen between the naval and hip bone, this is most suggestive of the following :Impacted stone in the left ureter.Colitis with obstruction may be due to Cancer of the sigmoid. I would advise you the following:X-ray of the KUB region of the abdomenUltrasonography of the abdomen.Test of urine, blood and stool.If the stone is found, it needs to be removed.Get an opinion of the Urologist so that further treatment and investigations can be decided. |
Suggest cure for persistent cough and cold | Had a cold for 3 weeks. Went away. 2 weeks later came back. Doctor treated me with 5 day Z Pak (250 mg) & a corticosteroid pill (4 mg). Still sick. Bad cough. Cough up white foamy stuff. Using Mucinex & Robitussin. Lots of clear discharge from nose. Wheezing. | HelloPersistent cough with foamy stuff for 3 weeks may be due to allergy and wheezing is due to bronchoconstriction .So when such type of patient visit my clinic I advise them to take some anti allergic + bronchodilator combination for prompt relief .I advise to take montelukast+bambuterole once in the night .Usually patient get relief within 2-3 days .Hot coffee and steam inhalation also provide relief.Since this is a prescription drug , so consult your doctor .If no relief within 3-5 day get in X ray chest and consult a Chest specialist .Good luck. |
Q. What to do for itching around the private parts? | Hi doctor,I am suffering with itching like eczema around my private parts for the last two years. Please help. | Hi. I have read your query in detail and do understand your concern. You could be suffering from a fungal infection. However, your symptoms may also be due to eczema. A picture and detailed history will be needed to differentiate between the two. 1. Proper oral and topical medicine for one to two months will completely cure your disease. 2. A course of oral and topical antifungal medicine like Fluconazole or Terbinafine is usually prescribed to cure one of these disease. 3. Do not use any over-the-counter medication over this area as it may be containing certain ingredients which may increase the problem. 1. Wear loose cotton clothing especially when at home. 2. Avoid hot humid climate and keep the affected area dry and avoid synthetic innerwear. Revert back with picture to a dermatologist online.---> |
How to treat breast injury? | Hi I caught my left breast on the bathroom door handle and it has grazed the skin and slightly bruised , it is painful and every so often there is a throbbing pain around the grazed area, I have heard this can cause breast cancer so should I go and get it checked out by a doctor ? | Hi Hope this message finds you in good health.I have gone through your complaints and understand your concern.You seem to have injured your breast soft tissues causing hematoma which generally take around 3-4 weeks time to heel.But still,it will eventually heal.Take analgesics,anti-inflammatory tablets,ice packs,rest.Possibilty of breast cancer is very rareNothing to worry about. I hope your question has been answered.If you have any follow-up queries,feel free to consult me anytime.Thanks,Take care,God bless. |
Suggest remedy for short temper and aggressive behavior | doctor i get angry very soon and will shout at every one forgetting the surrounding ,because of that i am suffering a lot especially in my family life,but when the next moment i realise my mistake i regret for that, my husband and kid is suffering a lot because of me ,after each incident i regret and decide not to repeat but then i couldn't control, i doubt whether i have some mental problem , | It is really nice that you are aware of what you are going through. I think that you are experiencing intermittent explosive disorder. Aggression is a part of the nature of human beings. It seems reasonable to be angry when things don’t go the right way. However looks like you have a tendency to be upset and irritated with minimal provocation and do not know how to express your frustration rightly.Everything that anybody thinks, feels and does is controlled by the chemical activity in our brain. Certain neurotransmitter (brain chemical) alterations in the brain are known to generate belligerent behavior. Also, aggression and frustration may attributed to hormone changes. have you noticed that this happens more at specific times in the month?. Certain external factors like hot sultry climate, crowded and unclean surroundings, too much crowd, exacting demands at work, interpersonal stressors, financial constraints, excessive noise, pollution etc. all can contribute to aggression.I would really suggest that you meet with an expert to get this assessed. There are structured behavior modification techniques, tips for self-change and improvement, relaxation, visual imagery, as well as biofeedback mechanisms which help people cope with their aggressive impulses. Cognitive tasks facilitate introspection into your aggressive outbursts and their antecedent events so that triggers can be identified and dealt with well in time. The important step is insight into your aggressive behavior, and cognizance of the ill effects these can have on your life in general. Self-change can only be initiated by the self. After all it is the stepping-stone for self-growth. Do get help so that you may improve your life and your relationships. |
what are the side effects for a lipoma? | what are the side effects for a limpoma? is it supposed to hurt? or grow double its size over night? and its rock hard. It started out the size of a quarter and now its the size of an egg. Please send me an email asap thank you and I greatly appreciate it | Lipomas are firm, mobile, slow growing swellings which are benign.If the swelling is doubling in size rapidly and is hard and painful then it needs to be investigated. A clinical examination,ultrasound scan of swelling and a fine needle aspiration cytology of swelling should be done.Please consult your doctor. |
What causes movable pea sized lumps in neck? | i have 2 pea sized moveable lumps in the left side of my neck. They dont hurt or cause any bother. I seem to have had them for quite a while, years in fact. I'm a healthy person and exercise 6 days a week. I have mentioned these to a doctor some time ago but he said not to worry. Think he said something like i'm a hairy person and could be blocked folicals or fatty grizle or something, what do you think as every website seems to be all doom and gloom? | HelloSwelling in neck area may be due to enlarged lymph node.It need clinical examination and investigations.Neck area is a common site of lymph node enlargement.It may be due to neck,scalp or throat infection.Other causes of swelling may be lipoma,blocked hair follicle etc.You may need ultrasound of neck region.Ultrasound is very helpful in assessing its origin and management.Generally it resolves with treatment of underlying cause.Generally it is not a serious problem.Get well soon.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan |
What does increased interstitial markings on chest X-ray suggest? | I just had my chest x rayed PA and lateral views. FINDINGS: LUNG FIELDS: No focal findings. Mild increased interstitial markings, likely chronic. Mild hyperaeration. Could you please explain what this means. Is it serious? I do have a cough and white mucus comes up. I have allergies (mold spores, grass, running nose) | Hello Your report suggests mildly increased interstitial markings.It may be due to COPD,asthma,infection,inflammation etc.Mild hyperaeration is related to mild air trapping.It is also important to rule out infective etiology since you have symptoms.You may require antibiotics after clinical assessment.You also need further tests like routine hemogram.Avoid smoking if you are smoker.Inhalational bronchodilators or steroids may be needed after clinical assessment.Hope i have answered your query.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan |
Severe pain in hip and back, regular headache. Biopsy positive for prostate cancer, had radical prostectomy. On lupron. Suggest | Dec. 2010 I had a turp and the biopsiy was positive for prostate cancer. My urologist started me on lupron. In march 2013 I had a radical prostecemy. My gleanson score was 5+4. I have six days left of radiation and have had two more lupron shots. My hip and back have really started hurting. I have daily headaches. Should I stop taking the lupron. | Hello user,I don't think you should stop lipron as it reduces testosterone production in body and helps in reducing size of prostate cancer, and reduces further recurrence of left out prostate tissue into full blown cancer.You are rather advised to have a MRI/CT scan of your back and hip region to rule out metastasis of prostate cancer to these regions !!Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.Regards,Dr Hari Om ChandrakarMBBS |
Is it possible to reinstate liquid in vertebrae through medicine? | I have suffered lumbar spondilosis in feb 2012. The liquid in third fourth & fifith vertebre has drained out. Is it possible to reinstate that liquid through medicine and prevent further degeneration of spine. I also have symtoms of cervical spondilosis. | Hello, Desiccated discs due to degenerative spine disease is not possible to be reversed. There are preventive measures to stop progression and these include exercising regularly, regularly stretching, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, staying hydrated, maintaining good spinal posture, etc. Hope you found the answer helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Erion Spaho, Neurologist, Surgical |
Had surgery to put titanium plates in the broken jaw. Mild pain still persisting. Will it go away? | Hi, in early October I broke my jaw and had to have emergency surgery to put two titanium plates to hold my jaw together, it s been fine but up until now the side with the biggest fracture has just randomly started cracking again and slight pain is coming from it, not agonising, also it feels a little odd closing my jaw again, i havn t been injured to knock it so i m just wondering if it can be signs of any long term side effects or possibly become lose? | Hello there....titanium is the best known bio compatible material... it has the least adverse effects than any other implants used in the body.... if its is your lower jaw, two plates are advised to resist the forces acting over the jaw... It usually takes 3 months of time for the fractured bone to achieve 40% of its original strength and to appreciate radiological bone formation.... Infections are possible from the plates and screws..though chances are less, there are possibilities of infection if sterilization procedures intraoperatively, mode of plate and screw fixation and oral hygiene post operatively are not maintained well.... get a radiograph done...any infection or loosening of the screw would be appreciated ....Initially we prescribe antibiotics to treat the case severe pain, pus discharge, movement of the fractured segments, swelling we advocate plate removal...If none of these problems persists plates can be retained... Visit your surgeon for clinical evaluation and management.... |
What causes back and body pains with headaches? | i am 30 yrs old female , my height is 5 and 1 inches what i am enduring right now is i feel back pain not just only my back my whole body and i feel cold and i take paracetamol or biogesic but i feel it doesn't work out still have the body pain and got headache already, what medicine could you recommend i dont like higher in dose cause it makes nauseous or dizzy ...please help me out to get through this.. thanks and Godbless | HIWell come to HCMIn my opinion such pain may not need any medicine and this can be tolerated without the medicine and this is not difficult, you can do this, once the threshold achieved natural analgesic effect start taking place, try this, and take care ( Comment:- better analgesic is pain it self how you bear this is matter ) |
Q. Kindly suggest some ayurveda medicine for my anal fistula. | Hi doctor, I am a 37 year old male. I am facing fistula problem. I have visited a doctor and taking allopathy medicine for the last one year. I would like to go with ayurveda treatment. I am getting a problem with the fistula at least once in a month and if I take allopathy medicine, then it will reduce. Due to my family circumstance, I am not in a position to for surgery as of now. Kindly guide some ayurveda medicine for fistula. I was advised to take the following by a doctor here. Curcumin capsules, tablet Triphala guggul (Vara churna) and Nirgundi oil. Kindly give your guidance. | Hi. For further information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> |
What causes discomfort in neck of a child? | My 4 yr old nephew was crying so much because he was really angry and after a while he turned pale and almost fainted. But before that, he got a little confused and while he was crying he just started laughing out of no where. He also started complaining that he had discomfort in his neck. Can this be caused becauseD of the stress he got by crying? | Welcome to Hcm,This episode sounds yo me like a breath holding spell which is common in this age. How ever, similar presentation can happen in children with heart problem. So if such episodes occur further, I would have wanted a cardiologist evaluation. Neck pain can be a very non specific symptom which may or may not be associated. Hope this opinion helps you. Take Care. |
Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine? | Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance. | Hello, Wellcome to There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> |
How can a bleeding montgomery gland be treated? | I had an infected Montgomery gland a few months ago and I regularly have to drain it because it becomes too full of puss like fluid. I went to squeeze it a few days ago and it started bleeding. Then today I squeezed it again and a brown almost black fluid came out. What could this be? | dear useryou had bacterial infection of montgomery gland or breast abscess this case sincerely you shouldnot squeeze it...squeezing is contraindicated in breast abscess or infection as it will lead to spread of infection in the tissues and get worse need to take appropiate antibiotic for the underlying infection causes pus and bloody discharge...if you take the appropiate antibiotic and bacterial infection rolled out then pus and bloody disharge will end and you will feel improvement need not to warry about that as the cause is determined and just treatment of the cause will end that all.....but please dont squeeze it again as it will be worse after squeezing should refer to specialist to treat this infection with simple antibiotics such as amoxicillin and will give good results.......wish you healthy life |
Back pain, fractured disk, sinus problem, chest infection, floaters in vision, pressure in ears, numbness in face. What is wrong? | I've been back and forth to my doctors, maninly with back problems (fractured disk) and a long term sinus problem. I've been getting increasing infections (chest mainly) along with attacks of these symptoms;1 Floaters in Vision (on and off daily)2 Foggy vision (comes and goes)4 Pressure in ears (pretty much constant)5 Pain in ears, and a pulsing feeling (attacks lasting a few hours)6 Tinitus (ranging in volume)7 Blocked nose8 Lots of mucus (espically in the morning)9 Dizzyness, bad perception of space ( on and off)10 Numbness in face ( goes alon with bad tinitus and ear pain/pressure)11 pain in jaw12 My partner tells my I grind my teeth in my sleep | Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The multiple problems that you are having are not likely to be related to the prolapsed disc that you are having. The floaters in the eye and numbness of the face are likely to be neural problems and need a neurologist opinion.I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. Praveen [email protected] |
What causes severe abdominal pain from unintentional weight loss? | Hi, my name is Crystal. I'm 33 yrs old. My problem has been going on for about a yr and a half. Started out with just loss of weight and appetite and frequent movements. But now has progresses. I have movements at least 9 times a day ( I have counted) and along w loss of weight and appetite I have started having severe abdominal pain, like someone tightening a knot in my stomach. This has just started but I see my symptoms getting worse and worse. I know something is wrong. What does it sound like to u? | Ms/Mr Crystal, you are right in assuming at least after 18 months of patient observation that some thing went wrong with your system. Now i need to tell you a thing- mind and body are like friends and as long as they balance each other things are healthy. But either one gets upset, other suffer. So is your case. So we need to do some tests like Endoscopy and biosy to know whether it is body affection like ulcerative colitis or crohn,s enteritis or specific infection or it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome where we don't any clue to your symptoms. Please be assured in any situation this is manageable. Hence do not delay now . Consult A Enterology Dept to fix problem.All the Best to you !! |
What causes rash on legs after consuming alcohol? | Hello. I ve noticed that every time I drink alcohol I end up w a rash on my lower legs. (Pin point like petichia) Now im starting to get a red tender inflamed area on the dorsal foot of both feet. It feels sore. Im on my feet all day and never get this rash, but as soon as i drink thats it. I ve done testing to check my platelets and their within normal limits. Please give me an idea of what it can be. | Hi, It is erythema nodosum. There are so many triggers responsible for the disease. The factors may vary patient to patient. In your case, alcohol may be the triggering factor for the development of erythema nodosum. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. To prevent the the lesions,you must stop to take alcohol. If the lesions are there, get proper treatment from a dermatologist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilyas Patel, Dermatologist |
Is pregnancy through IUI possible after taking Naturogest and Delispirin? | Hi....Im 27 years old...i have undergone 4 iui..2 iui per month...i had my recent iui on 26& doctor suggested naturogest and delispirin tablets from second day of my iui for 14 days...after 14 days they advised me to take pregnancy test...but it was m.p date is there any possibility of getting pregnant this month??!! | Hi, I think you can wait for one more week and then do a pregnancy test again. If you have taken naturogest, it supports the implantation. So, if you are pregnant it will support this. If you are not pregnant, it will induce the periods. So, you will get your periods within 1 to 2 weeks if you are not pregnant. Aspirin also helps in implantation and prevents abortions. You can try 2 more cycles of IUI. The chance of pregnancy in one cycle of IUI is 10 to 15 percent only. Take some medicines like clomiphene and some injections also for the growth of your follicles so that 2 or 3 dominant follicles are there in 1 cycle. Talk to your doctor regarding this. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Dr khushboo |
What could be the painless lump on my gums? | Ok I have a question, I have a i would say almost pea sized white lump on gums on the top near the back of my teeth and the cheek, it causes me no pain and I just noticed it so I have no idea how long it has been there just noticing it today I would assume not long, what could it be? | Hello, Thank you for consulting with HCM.The lump which you are mentioning which is present on the gums , can be sinus opening, which occurs because of tooth infection.Actually when a tooth is infected an abscess is formed at the apex of the tooth, which in chronic condition seaks an area to drain.So this abscess forms a lump on the gums, which you are noticing. Better that once you should visit a dentist and get an x-ray done of that area, which will show you the area of infection.Hope it will help you. |
What causes a swelling in the neck? | Hi, I have a swelling on the left side of my neck...Lower part, a little above the collar bone....I had it around a month back or so but then it went away just like that and now its re-appeared. It is also accompanied by fever for a brief while which then subsides. Could the re-appearance signify malignancy? | Hi! this is common, very common a presentation of our body immunity fighting against any kind of assault that our lymphoid system faces...Yes, it could be recurrent infection in our throat, nose, teeth, oral cavity, lungs, arms, thyroid, ear and so on...Malignancy? rarely! but possibility is still there but in that case once the lymph node is enlarged, it goes on enlarging, never reducing or receding...!So in your case you must be happy to learn that some systemic viral infection raised this node and not maligancy; only aged people with other symptoms should be worried about that; only 5% of cases...Therefore, see your doctor today for a detailed examination and possibly a needle biopsy if needed at all!regards, |
Q. What can be done for neck pain due to prolonged sitting? | Hello doctor, I have to sit nine hours per day at work. Due to long time sitting, there is a pain in my neck. What should I do to get rid of this pain? | Hello. A very common issue with people working on the desk. Long hours at a stretch spent in poor posture and bad ergonomic position leads to the symptoms you describe. I will recommend reading about the correct office or desk posture and making changes to your laptop screen height, chair height and distance from the screen, etc., online. Isometric neck exercises to strengthen the neck muscles and a stint of physiotherapy will help in the long run. Also, to note that at a stretch do not spend time on the desk for more than 25 to 30 minutes. Finally, posture applies to the use of smartphones, watching TV, reading books in bed, etc. |
Does I-pill cause any side effects to the fetus during pregnancy? | iam 25 years old.ihad one baby.i took i pill after an unsafe sex(took ipill after 3 days}.but i became pregnant.after that i consulted 3 doctors.when i asked whether the i pll has any side effect on my featus,two doctors adviced me to abort.but one doctore told me to continue.i iam 6 month pregnant.but iam very much worried about the side effects.will it affect?please give me the reply | Hallow Dear, It seems, you had conceived before you took the emergency contraceptive pill. In fact they are very effective and you should not have conceived after these pills. Most of these pills contain levonorgetrel hormone. The comprehensive reviews provide strong evidence that exposure to sex hormones [both combination hormonal products and levonorgestrel-alone pills] in early pregnancy does not have a teratogenic effect. Hence there is no necessity for you to abort this pregnancy. Hope this helps you.Dr. Nishikant Shrotri |
What causes swelling of foot below the toe joint? | I have a really painful left foot which is under my foot ,below the biggest toes joint. felt warm and swelling. between the middle foot and biggest toe. I have seen he doctor and done the x ray and seen nothing un usual and prescribed me with NSAID, Have any idea what s this? | Hi Hope this message finds you in good health.I have gone through your complaints and understand your concern.u seem to have strained a ligament or may be u have raised uric acid levels in blood.'get blood check up analgesics,hot fomentation shud help.Nothing to worry about. I hope your question has been answered.If you have any follow-up queries,feel free to consult me anytime.Thanks,Take care,God bless. |
What causes an enlargement of the left kidney? | I have a son who is twelve years old. He started having back pain. Incidentally upon making an MRI for the back, we found that his left kidney was slightly enlarged. We have done an ultrasound and also found that both the left kidney and a part of the pelvis are enlarged. He is not complaining of any pain currently and there has been no sign of blood in his urine. What is your advice? | Hi and welcome to HCM.As an Urologist, i can understand your anxiety.Enlargement of a kidney may occur by birth.The MRI scan will confirm this finding.The difference between the two kidneys size,shouldn't exceed 2 cms.As he's not having any symptoms,you don't need to worry about it.If you've any other doubts,send it as a direct question in my name.Dr.Matthew J. Mangat. |
Feel tired, light headed, heavy, appetite loss, ear inflammation winter, feverish, congested. Told sinusitis, allergies after CT scan | We're to start, I always feel tired ,light headed ,but when i it gets wores body feels heavy,don't have clear thoughts loss of appitiet . Sudden changes in weathers . Ear problems in winter time ear in flammation . Sometimes feels like I have a fever . But my body is not hot. Just my ears feel hot and eyes .I think I have allergies to dust. Some times I'm congested sudden feel lightheaded. I've gone to the doctors had a ct scan of my head, they said I had sinusitis , allergies , I've had a case of vertigo. Please help its distroying my life. | THEDSE ARE ALLERGIES THE ALLERGIES ARE GETTING EXAGERATED BY FOODS ASND TO MY MIND IT COMES MILK OPR WHEAT GET BLOOD SERUM TESTED FOR MILK AND WHEAT SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES YOU WILL GET THE CLUE GO FOOR ELIMINATION DIET TO GET NORMAL |
Suggest treatment for dizziness , high BP and numbness in the hand | I have been told I have highish blood pressure and have a machine which I have to monitor my blood pressure for 10 days today I felt dizzy and a bit faint and have had tingling and numbness in my right hand. I had a meal out which I thought tasted very salty, could this be why I feel a bit strange? | I read your question carefully and i understand your concern.I think that given the numbness of your right hand, dizziness and high blood pressure you need to be evaluated for the possibility of a stroke which could manifest with those symptoms. So you should be visited by a doctor for neurologic signs as soon as possible.Of course it might also be some more benign cause like degenerative changes of the spine with nerve compression which might as well cause sensory symptoms in upper limb and dizziness, but still if the numbness and dizziness are new signs, without any previous recurrences, stroke should be ruled out first.I hope to have been of help. |
Suggest treatment for hay fever | Hello, my husband has been suffering severe hay fever for the past 3 weeks. anti histamines are not touching him at all. He is sneezing, has extremely itchy red eyes and feels terrible. He is going to the doctors now but I was just reading up on cortisone injections. Are these still used in severe cases? | Hi... nowadays rather than steroid injections, good intranasal steroid sprays have come. I think he should be on intranasal steroids along with oral montelukast which might make his symptoms better.If still not getting better I suggest a short course of oral steroids and not injectable steroids.Regards - Dr. Sumanth |
Light internal pain on left stomach, endoscopy normal. What is the remedy ? | hii sir, I am something feeling some internal light pain on my left stomach like air in my stomach but when i press the area i dont feel anything . And not in a particular place but any place in lefet belly. i did endoscopy and everything found ok. I think l have gain weight bcos my wt was 70kg now its 76 kg. There is no symptoms nothing. I am feeling hungry, tool and urin is ok. No hard pain in my stomach. no food irritation. only thing is my urin colour is yellow but after drinking water its as usual natual color. Genarally when i sleep i feel the light pain. Can u clear me wat exactly it is and wat is the remedees for it. | Hello! Thank you for the query. Such symptoms can be caused due to diet causing bloating, diverticles or some other large intestine disease. It can be also caused by stress and can be not significant. However as in left abdominal area mostly large intestine is located it is advisable to have some diagnostics before diet change etc. Before upper GI endoscopy you should have abdominal ultrasound and full blood work, liver tests, pancreas tests, pregnancy test performed. After this tests, if no findings, colonoscopy might be necessary especially if you also suffer from constipations, blood or mucus in stool. Only after this tests you can explain your symptoms with bad diet. Beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, onions and garlic can cause such feeling if large amount consumed. Physical activity always makes intestines to work property. Hope this will help. Regards. |
What treatment is suggested for kidney stones & urinary tract infection? | i was just diagnosed with kidney stones 3 weeks ago and had urinary tract infection the doc put me on antibiotics but now i have a lot of pain in the lower right side of my stomach and green muccusi bowels blurred vision and constantly sick to my stomach and at night i become really restless | If you have taken complete antibiotic course you are free of infection now but renal stones causes frequent infections so you have to treat that. Treatment depends on size and position of the stone. So first do USG Abdomen n pelvis then consult urologist for further treatment. |
What causes pain in the right scrotum? | My right scrotum was in pain since last week but yesterday I was shocked to find a hard lump attached to the ball inside the right sack which pains a lot. It pains even more when touched or pressed. Please help cure this or suggestion on how to sure it. | Hello Thank you for trusting HCM Dear possibly your suffering from epididymitis. Have you suffering from any Stds?? Other causes for Testicular pain hydrocele, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, spermatocele, orchitis etc. cap. Doxy 100mg twice a day for 1week consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. |
What causes right sided lower back pain and thigh pain? | I am experiencing lower back pain on my right side. Not bad while sitting or laying down but very painful when I walk. Extreme pain in lower back and right thigh. Don t know if it s a sore muscle or pinched nerve. Taking Ibuprofen 600mg and Diazepam 10 mg tablets every eight hours. Pain still persisting after three or four days. Didn t slip and fall or engage in any heavy lifting recently. This is a first for me. I m age 60 and in good health otherwise. Hope you can offer some insight. Dave F. | Hello,Thank you for using healthcaremagic.I read your question and understood your concern.This may be pain refered from your back due to nerve impingement in the spine from spondyloarthritis or discal hernia.I would say to continue with Ibuprofen and you can add also Tylenol and some physiotherapy procedures such as Ultrasound, tens etc , to relieve your pain.If pain still persist after 3 months then you should do lower back MRI.I wish you quick recovery.Dr. Selmani |
How should fever, ear infection, loose motion with vomiting be treated? | my 1 yr daughter is having fever last two days with ear infection due to cold and she had loose motion during the 1st day nearly 5 times. we were prescribed with ZiFi 50(4ml M & N) , Nutrolin-B Syrup (2.5ml A & N ) and P125(1ml every 4hrs if fever exists . Next day her fever was oscillating between 102.6 and 99.4 and same day night she had vommitted twice and we took her to the dr. and she was asked to take additionaly Emigo(2.5ml Morning & Night), Ibugesic Plus(2.5ml A & N) and Mefanorm(if fever is continuing). Pls advise. | Hi..I feel with so many systems of the body involved and the fluctuating fever being there, it should be viral illness. . Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active.Do not use Mefenamic acid. It is an NSAID. . It carries the risk of gastritis and renal problems in the long run. Please do not use Mefanorm. Regards - Dr. Sumanth |
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem? | Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. | Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> |
How can a jawbone lump causing swelling and dysphagia be treated? | I got all 4 wisdom teeth taken out, 4 days ago. I got the normal swelling but that went away easily with ice packs. Now, after all the swelling went down I have a knot like lump on my left jaw bone that is causing extreme pain. It\ s about 2-3 inches wide and very tender. The swelling also goes down below my neck which makes my throat very sore to swallow; and it is very red and tender. I have problems chewing anything. . . I can\ t even get a bowl of soup down completely. What could this be? And is it serious?! | Thanks for your question on HCM. In my opinion, it is enlarged upper cervical lymphnode. Teeth extraction is common cause for infection. And lymphnode enlargement is the earliest sign of Infection. Pain and tenderness also favour infective etiology. But better to confirm this by ultrasound examination of neck. You may need antibiotic, painkiller and anti inflammatory drugs. Do regular gargles with antiseptic solution like chlorhexidine for oral hygiene. Avoid hard to chew food and junk food. Don't worry, you will be alright. |
Does herpes happen instantly? | I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 months. The other day after a shower, I noticed my labia majora was a bit rough (I had shaved with no shaving cream. I had sex pretty soon after and had sex the next day. There was some friction during sex and I was sore immediately after. I noticed I have one some ulcer like item on my inner vagina one and one larger clear like ulcer outside on labia majora. Can herpes ulcers happen instantly or do you notice them prior? | Lesions of Herpes appears from8 10 15 days after incubation. The best way to know is to do a Tzanck Test. In order to know if it is herpes or not. You should visit an especialist. |
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