stringlengths 3
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Do I need to have an auditor? | Yes.
You should ensure that you get a certified auditor, to verify the records used to prepare your financial statements. |
How to account for investment deductions. | *Buildings (Including Hotels)*
- Building plans and architect's certificates.
- Bills of quantities
- Local authority occupation certificates.
- Factory layout sketches showing the location of machinery.
- Other supporting documents to support the expenditure incurred e.g. suppliers' invoices, contract documents, certificates of occupation etc.
*Plant and Machinery*
- Suppliers invoices and vouchers.
- Customs documents where machinery is imported.
- Clearing and forwarding documents.
- Documents to support foreign currency transactions.
- Documents to support cost of installation of machinery.
*NOTE:* To make it easier for us to examine the documents, prepare a breakdown of the costs and the relevant supporting documents. |
How to account for dividends and bonuses paid by a cooperative society as allowable deductions. | Dividends and bonuses are treated as allowable deductions, against total taxable income.
- A Society designated co-operative society, other than a designated primary society can pay 100% of total income as dividends to and bonuses to its members.
- The dividiends are subject to Withholding Tax at the rate of 15%, treated as Qualifying Dividends while bonuses would be subject to PAYE.
- If a Society dividends and bonuses do not comprise 100% of total taxable income, then the remaining amount is subjected to 30% corporate tax
- The dividends and bonuses payable cannot exceed 80% 100% of the society’s total income.
_designated co-operative society_ means a co-operative society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act;
_primary society_ means a co-operative society registered under the Co-operatives Societies Act whose membership of which is restricted to individual persons.
Deducting dividends and bonuses from adjusted income only happens if;
- Payment is made in cash or by cheque to the members.
- Payment is approved at the AGM by the members of the primary co-op society.
- Payment is approved by the commissioner of co-op societies. |
What are the prevailing income tax rates? | - On the first Kshs 24,000 per month or Kshs 288,000 per annum
- On the next Kshs 8,333 per month or Kshs 100,000 per annum
- On all income amounts in excess of Kshs 32,333 or Kshs 388,000 per annum
The applicable monthly personal relief is Kshs. 2,400 per month or Kshs 28,800 per annum. |
Does PAYE include earnings from casual employment? | No.
'Casual employment' in this case refers to employment that is under one month.
Regular part-time employees and regular casual employment, where the employees are employed casually but regularly, are not considered to be casual employees. |
Are employee benefits taxable? | Yes.
Where an employee enjoys a benefit, advantage or facility of whatsoever nature in connection with employment or services rendered; the value of such benefit should be included in the employee's earnings and charged to tax. |
Tell me about taxation of loans to employees | Sometimes employers provide loans to their employees and charge an interest lower than the prescribed rate. This becomes a benefit to the employee, for which the employer needs to file and pay Fringe Benefit Tax.
The difference between the prescribed rate and the employer's loan rate is chargeable to tax, on the employee. The taxable value of fringe benefit tax is the difference between the market interest rate and the actual interest paid on the loan.
Ken gets a loan of Kshs. 3,000,000
Loan amount: Kshs.3,000,000
Interest charged: 3%
Market Interest rate for the month: 9%
Fringe Benefit is (9% - 3% = 6%) = Kshs.3,000,000 x 6% =180,000 p.a
i.e. Kshs. 15,000 per month.
Fringe Benefit tax payable by employer is Kshs. 15,000 x 30% = Kshs. 4,500/- for the month |
How are loans to employees taxed? | This is a tax on loans to employees.
When an employer provides a loan to an employee and charges interest below the prescribed rate of interest, then the difference between the prescribed rate and the employer's loan rate is a benefit from employment, that the employee should pay tax for.
This is type of tax is called Fringe Benefit Tax |
What is Withholding Income Tax? | Withholding Income Tax is tax withheld at source. A person making certain payments deducts tax, at the applicable rate, and remits the tax to the Commissioner on behalf of the recipient. Examples of payments subject to withholding tax include, among others:
a. Management, professional or training fees
b.Consultancy fees, Legal fees, Audit fees
c. Contractual fees
d. Winnings
e. Appearance at or performance to entertain
f. Royalties
g. Interest and deemed interest
h. Dividends |
How does withholding tax work? | The person making the payment deducts tax prior to paying the amount due. The tax withheld/deducted is then remitted to the KRA. The payer is required to generate a withholding tax certificate on iTax which is automatically sent to the payee once the payer remits the withholding tax to KRA. Withholding tax deducted should be remitted to KRA by the 20th day of the month following the month in which the tax was deducted.
Withholding tax is claimable by the payee when filing their annual tax returns and is not an additional tax |
What is the penalty for failure to deduct withholding tax? | Where a payer fails to withhold tax, the tax shall be deemed to be due and payable by him as though he was the person who earned the income and the due date for the payment shall be the date on which the amount of tax should have been remitted to KRA.
A late payment penalty of 5% shall also apply on the tax due together with a late payment interest of 1% per month for the period that the tax remains unpaid. |
Is withholding tax a final tax? | There are a few instances where withholding tax is a final tax.
Withholding tax is final when deducted in relation to a payment made to a non-resident person with no permanent establishment in Kenya
With regard to payments to resident persons, withholding tax is a final tax when it relates to winnings, qualifying interest, qualifying dividend and pensions.
In every other case, withholding tax is not a final tax. The taxpayer (payee) is required to declare their income(s) and the withholding tax details when filing their annual tax returns and to pay any balance of tax due. |
Can an employer choose to either pay their staff using the withholding tax or PAYE regime? | Employees are subject to PAYE taxes. The rates applicable are the individual tax (graduated scale) rates and the employer may take into account allowable deductions (such as mortgage interest) and reliefs (such as personal relief and insurance relief) when computing the PAYE. |
What are the withholding tax rates? | Huge table |
What does a taxpayer require to apply for addition of VAT obligation? | KRA has restricted the addition of VAT obligation and set the following conditions and mandatory documentary requirements for approval of the same;
1. Original CR12 for companies and Identity documents for directors or individuals including National Identity cards, passports or Alien Identity Cards;
2. Business permit from relevant bodies;
3. Work permits for aliens;
4. Tax Compliance Certificates for all directors;
5. Letter of appointment of Tax Representative for non-resident companies and identity documents of directors for companies with non-resident directors;
6. Contact details including physical address, verified telephone contacts, email addresses, utility meter numbers and documents, office rent agreements;
7. The website(s) or uniform resource locators (URLs) of the supplier through which business is conducted, where applicable;
8. Contract agreements and/or sample invoices;
A Taxpayer who meets the above requirements can proceed to make an application for addition of VAT obligation. |
What is VAT Special Table? | It is a mechanism implemented in iTax to enhance VAT compliance where certain categories of VAT registered taxpayers are restricted from performing certain processes. The following are categories so far on boarded on the special table:
Nil filers and Non-filers – This refers to Taxpayers who have either not filed returns or have consecutively filed NIL returns for a specified period.
Missing Traders – This refers to taxpayers who are filing and paying VAT but on investigation were found to be involved in VAT fraud relating to ‘missing trader’ schemes |
As an individual/organization should I pay VAT and income tax as well? | Income tax is a compulsory tax obligation whereas, for VAT, you pay for it when you are registered with VAT. |
What are the benefits of the VAT Special Table? | The VAT special table bears the following benefits for traders:
1. Identify erroneously added VAT obligations or VAT obligations that are no longer required.
2. Reduces cases of abuse of traders PIN by fraudulent persons
3. Assist traders to conduct business with compliant suppliers |
What happens when a Taxpayer is on-boarded on the VAT Special Table? | 1. The taxpayer on-boarded on the VAT Special Table will be restricted from filling VAT returns. Upon attempting to file the return, the system will display the message: “This PIN is currently under review for VAT compliance irregularities. Please contact nearest KRA office.”
Note : Penalties will not be charged for non-filling of VAT returns as a result of on boarding of a taxpayer on the VAT special table.
2. Traders cannot claim input tax from taxpayers’ on boarded on the special table. Upon upload of an original or amended VAT return that contains the PIN of a taxpayer who is in the special table, the entry will be rejected by the system and the following message displayed: “This PIN is not liable to input tax deduction”.
The affected taxpayers will be required to contact their Tax Service Office for guidance on removal from the VAT Special Table. |
How do I calculate VAT | VAT operates on an Input - answer Principle. A registered person should maintain a record of his sales and purchases for a tax period.
Input tax refers to VAT charged on purchases of taxable purchases and expenses for business purposes.
answer tax refers to the VAT charged on the sales of taxable goods or services.
Tax payable is the difference between the answer tax and the Input tax.
answer Tax - Input Tax = VAT Payable
If positive, tax due is payable on or before the 20th of the following month. |
What is exempt from Withholding Tax? | - Dividends received by a company resident in Kenya from a local subsidiary or associated company in which it controls (directly or indirectly) 12.5% or more of the voting power.
- Marketing commissions and residue audit fees paid to foreign agents in respect of export of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
- Interest payments to banks and insurance companies.
- Payments made to tax exempt bodies.
- Local management and professional fees whose aggregate is below Ksh 24,000 in a month.
- Air travel commissions paid by local air operators to overseas agents. |
What is Withholding Income Tax and what type of transactions does it apply to? | Withholding Income Tax is tax withheld at source. A person making certain payments deducts tax, at the applicable rate, and remits the tax to the Commissioner on behalf of the recipient. Examples of payments subject to withholding tax include, among others:
- Management, professional or training fees
- Consultancy fees, Legal fees, Audit fees
- Contractual fees
- Winnings
- Appearance at or performance to entertain
- Royalties
- Interest and deemed interest
- Dividends |
Can an employer choose to either pay their staff using the withholding tax or PAYE regime? | Employees are subject to PAYE taxes. The rates applicable are the individual tax (graduated scale) rates and the employer may take into account allowable deductions (such as mortgage interest) and reliefs (such as personal relief and insurance relief) when computing the PAYE. |
What is Turnover Tax (TOT)? | Turnover Tax (TOT) is a tax charged on gross sales of a business as per Sec.12 (c) of the Income Tax Act. The tax is payable by resident persons whose gross turnover is more than Ksh 1,000,000 but less than Ksh 50,000,000 in any given year. |
What is the effective date of TOT? | 1st January 2020 |
What is the rate of TOT and the due date for filing and paying? | Turnover Tax is charged at the rate of 1% on gross sales. The due date for filing and paying TOT is on the 20th day of the following month. |
Does the levying of Turnover Tax and Presumptive Tax amount to double taxation? | No. Presumptive tax is an advance tax that shall be deducted from Turnover Tax payable in the subsequent month(s).
However, Presumptive Tax was repealed(wef 25.04.2020). |
Are there any exemptions under Turnover Tax? | Income exempt from TOT include;
- Persons with business income below Ksh 1,000,000 and above Ksh. 50,000,000
Employment income,
Rental income,
Management and professional services.
Any income subject to final withholding tax |
Can a taxpayer choose not to be subject to Turnover Tax? | Taxpayers who are eligible for Turnover Tax may opt to be under the provisions of this tax by writing to the Commissioner of Domestic Taxes. However this is subject to approval. |
Is Turnover Tax a final tax? | Yes. Persons who declare and pay Turnover Tax will not be required to file annual income tax returns. |
What is the penalty for late filing and payment of Turnover Tax? | - TOT late filing payment is Kshs. 1,000 per month (wef 25.04.2020)
- Late payment penalty is 5% of the tax due.
- Interest on unpaid tax is 1% of the principal tax due. |
What are the benefits of Turnover Tax? | 1. Reduced expenses; Taxpayers are only required to keep a daily gross sales record, there is no requirement to invest in computers and electronic tax registers
2. Simplified filing and payment processes including payment through mobile phones.
3. Reduced time for filing and paying taxes.
4. The tax rate of 1% is lower relative to other rates of tax on income.
5. Turnover Tax is a final tax and therefore a person is not required to file the annual income tax return. |
What is Capital Gains Tax? | Capital Gain Tax (CGT) is tax levied on gains made from the transfer of property situated in Kenya whether or not the property was acquired before 1st January 2015. |
What is the rate for Capital Gains Tax? | The CGT rate was increased from 5% of the net gain to 15% of the net gain, effective 1st January 2023. |
When is CGT payable? | The due date (referred to as Tax Point) for CGT is upon registration of the transfer instrument in favor of the transferee |
Is Capital gains tax final tax? | Yes. Capital gains tax is a final tax and is not subject to further taxation. |
Who pays Capital Gains Tax? | Capital Gains Tax is payable by the person who has transferred property (seller). CGT is charged at the point of transfer of property. This is upon registration of the transfer instrument in favour of the transferee indicating transfer of interest in the property from the seller to the purchaser. |
Is Capital Gains Tax levied on non-resident? | Yes. If the gain is derived from sale of property situated in Kenya then capital gains tax is payable. Unless there is double Tax Agreements guide on certain circumstances. |
What are some of the exemptions and exclusions? | - Income that is taxed elsewhere as in the case of property dealers.
- Issuance by a company of its own shares and debentures.
- Transfer of property for the purpose only of securing a debt or a loan.
- Transfer by a creditor for the purpose only of returning property used as security for a debt or a loan.
- Transfer by a personal representative of any property to a person as beneficiary in the course of the administration of the estate of a deceased person.
- Transfer of assets between spouses or between former spouses as part of a divorce settlement or a bona fide separation agreement;
- Transfer of assets to immediate family or to a company where spouses or a spouse and immediate family hold 100% shareholding;
- A gain on transfer of securities traded on any securities exchange licensed by the Capital Markets Authority
- A private residence if the individual owner has occupied the residence continuously for the three-year period immediately prior to the transfer concerned subject to the provisos under Paragraph 36(c) of the First Schedule to the Income Tax Act, Cap 470.
- Property (being land) transferred by an individual where the transfer value is not more than three million shillings
- Property (being land) transferred by an individual is an agricultural property having an area of less than fifty acres where that property is situated outside a municipality, gazetted township or an area that is declared by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, to be an urban area for the purposes of this Act
- Property (including investment shares) which is transferred or sold for the purpose of administering the estate of a deceased person where the transfer or sale is completed within two years of the death of the deceased or within such extended time as the Commissioner may allow in writing. Where there is a court case regarding such estate, the period of transfer or sale under this paragraph shall be two years from the date of the finalization of such court case.
- Property, including investment shares, which is transferred or sold for the purpose of transferring the title or the proceeds into a registered family trust.
- The transfer of title of immovable property to a family trust.
A transfer of property that is necessitated by a transaction involving the incorporation, recapitalization, acquisition, amalgamation, separation, dissolution or similar restructuring of a corporate entity, where such transfer is—
- a legal or regulatory requirement;
- as a result of a directive or compulsory acquisition by the government;
- an internal restructuring within a group which does not involve transfer of property to a third party; or
- in the public interest and approved by the Cabinet Secretary. |
What is the method of computing Capital Gains Tax? | Transfer value less adjusted cost then tax at 15%.
Follow this link and learn more on how to compute Capital gains tax. |
How does one pay for Capital Gains Tax? | Payment should be initiated online via iTax. Login to iTax >> Payments >> Payment Registration >> Tax head (Income tax), Sub head (Capital Gains Tax)
>> Enter the transaction details >> Submit. The modes of payment include cash, cheque or RTGS |
What is a tax Refund? | It is a reimbursement of excess tax paid in a given period. |
Who is Eligible for Individual Income Tax Refunds? | Taxpayers eligible for Income Tax refunds fall under the following categories:
- *Category1:* Life or Education Insurance policy holders.
- Required documents: Insurance policy certificate and Tax deduction card (Form P9)
- *Category2:* Home owners with Mortgage from the following financial institutions Banks, Insurance companies, Building Societies, National Housing Corporation.
- Required documents: Mortgage certificate and Tax deduction card (Form P9)
- *Category3:* Persons with Disability holding an exemption certificate.
- Required documents: Exemption certificate and Tax deduction card (Form P9)
- *Category4:* Taxpayers who have paid tax deducted at source (Withholding Tax) in excess of final liability
- Required documents: Withholding Tax Certificate and Tax deduction card (Form P9) where applicable.
- *Category5:* Taxpayers who pays tax in error.
- Required documents: Relevant documents to prove tax was paid in error.
Supporting documents should be uploaded in the system and any requested additional documents scanned and sent via email to the officer processing the claim
> Note: Employees can supply relevant documents to the employer to be granted insurance relief and mortgage deduction through the payroll. It’s only those cases that have not enjoyed this direct credit through their employer that may apply for refund. |
How do I apply for an income tax refund? | A claim for refund must be made within five (5) years of the date the tax was paid. A decision on the application shall be communicated to the taxpayer within 90 days of receiving the application.
The claim must be filed online via iTax as follows: -
i) Log on to https: //
ii) Click the Refund tab. From the drop down menu, select Income Tax.
iii) Click Claim Details Tab and fill the fields available. All fields with * are mandatory.
iv) Attach any supporting documents.
v) Click submit tab.
vi) The claim is automatically allocated to a refunds officer and an Acknowledgement Number generated and sent to the taxpayers through email. This number is used to track the claim.
vii) The taxpayer may track the status of the claim by selecting “Track status of Application” under “Useful Links”.
> Note: It is important to consult the general ledger in your i-Tax profile to ensure that your employer has accounted for all PAYE deducted from your salary before you lodge your refund claim. Taxpayers are advised to confirm the availability of credits giving rise to a possible refunds before making their application. |
Which documents will I require to apply for my refund? | - Tax deduction card (Form P.9) for claims relating to excess PAYE deductions
- Insurance policy certificates for claims relating to insurance relief
- Mortgage certificate from a financial institution for claims relating to interest on mortgage or home ownership plan
- Withholding tax certificates for claims relating to tax deducted at source. |
When should I apply for a tax refund? | Immediately after filing a tax return for the respective year. |
How do I know if my refund is approved? | 1. Upon approval of a claim, the taxpayer is automatically notified via email.
2. When the funds are disbursed by Finance, the taxpayer is automatically notified through email.
3. Where claim is supported in all aspects, it is expected be paid within two (2) years from the date the application was lodged. Any amount remaining unpaid after two years will attract an interest of 1% per month or part thereof.
Please note that in line with Section 47(4) of the Tax Procedures Act, the refund shall be applied in the following order:
1. Payment of any other tax owing, by the taxpayer under the same tax law,
2. Payment of any tax owing by the taxpayer under any other tax law.
3. Any remainder be refunded to the taxpayer |
If I apply for a refund how long will it take to receive the refund? | Where a claim is fully supported in all aspects, it is processed within 90 days from the time of lodgment. |
How do I know if my refund application is unsuccessful? | Upon rejection of a claim, the taxpayer automatically receives a rejection order via email. |
Tax Refunds are Applicable under which tax laws | *Applicable law*
i) Income Tax Act Cap 470 (ITA) - Sections 15(3)(b),29,30,31,106 and the Third and Fourth Schedule.
ii) Tax Procedures Act, 2015 (TPA) - Sections 47, 48 & 88, 97(b), 104(3), 108
iii) Legal Notice No. 36 of 2010 – The Persons with Disabilities (Income Tax Deductions and Exemptions) Order, 2010 |
What happens in an instance where a taxpayer is erroneously refunded? | 1. Where the Commissioner refunds a person in error, that person shall be required to repay the amount erroneously refunded by the date set in the letter of demand.
2. If the amount of repaid by the due date in the demand letter, it shall attract a late payment interest. |
What are the Administrative Penalties & Offences for Making Fraudulent Claims? | According to Section 88, 97(b) & 104(3) of the Tax Procedures Act,A person who makes a fraudulent claim shall be liable to either a penalty or prosecution as follows:
- A person who fraudulently makes a refund claim shall be liable to a penalty of an amount equal to two times the amount of the claim.
- A person who knowingly claims a refund which he/she is not entitled to commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten million shillings and/or imprisonment for a term not more than ten years. |
What are the benefits of tax refunds? | - Tax refunds resulting from zero rating of exportation of goods allow exporters to be more competitive in the foreign market and allow them to plough it back into the business.
- Ensure affordability of certain goods and services deemed as essentials e.g. zero rating of bread, milk, flour.
- To ensure equity where tax is deducted in error |
What are the types of tax refunds? | *Income Tax Refunds*
This refund will arise from tax overpayments by both individual and corporate taxpayers.The following circumstances may lead to an income tax refund:
- Over deduction of tax(PAYE) by the employer
- Tax incentives on mortgage interest relief, insurance premium relief, and annual tax relief
- Exemption on account of disability.
- Overpayment of Instalment Taxes
- Withholding Tax
- Advance Tax credits
> NB: A claim for an Income Tax refund must be made within five (5) years from the date the tax was paid.
*VAT Refunds*
VAT refunds occur as a result of overpayment of taxes as a result of:
- Excess credits as a result of zero-rated supplies
- Excess credits arising out of withholding VAT
- Bad debts- after a period of three years but not more than 4 years from the date of that supply (where a registered person has made a supply and has accounted for and paid tax on that supply and has not received any payment from the person liable to pay the tax)
*Excise Tax Refunds*
Occurs when a person dealing with excisable goods manufactured in or imported into Kenya has paid excise duty. The Commissioner shall, on application by the person, refund the excise duty paid if satisfied that.
- Before being consumed or used in Kenya
- The goods have been damaged or stolen during the voyage or transportation to Kenya
- The buyer has returned the goods in accordance with the contract of sale.
- The excise duty paid in respect of spirits or illuminating kerosene that have subsequently been used by a licensed or registered manufacturer to manufacture un-excisable goods. |
How can one Apply for a Refund? | 1. Logon to by entering your KRA PIN and Password
2. On the iTax menu, select the tax obligation under the refunds menu
3. Confirm taxpayer details and click next
4. Fill in the taxpayer’s bank account details and click next
5. Select your refund type, the claim reason, the description of the reason for the claim, the amount, upload supporting documents then submit. |
Tips For Applying For Refunds | - Apply for claims via iTax within the stipulated period.
- All claims must have valid debt status reports before refund processing.
- All first-time claimants will be subjected to a pre-payment audit |
Tax Refund Offences | Fraudulent/false claim of refund will attract a penalty of an amount equal to two times the amount of the claim. |
Subsets and Splits