6 values
6 values
86 values
Pixel 7 Pro
['Quora', 'OfferUp: Buy. Sell. Letgo.']
Read a book review online for the book {} and purchase the ebook or a real one.
Read a book review online for the book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear and purchase the ebook or a real one.
Browse Quora to find a book review for 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear, then use OfferUp: Buy. Sell. Letgo. to purchase either the ebook or a physical copy of the book.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[871, 388], [871, 388]], 'ps': '[(871, 388)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[837, 47], [837, 47]], 'ps': '[(837, 47)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "'Atomic Habits' by James Clear book review", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[914, 913], [914, 913]], 'ps': '[(914, 913)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[451, 172], [451, 172]], 'ps': '[(451, 172)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[519, 747], [519, 747]], 'ps': '[(519, 747)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[852, 667], [852, 666]], 'ps': '[(852, 667), (852, 666)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[344, 217], [344, 217]], 'ps': '[(344, 217)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "'Atomic Habits' by James Clear", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 910], [916, 910]], 'ps': '[(916, 910)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[447, 366], [447, 366]], 'ps': '[(447, 366)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[790, 936], [790, 936]], 'ps': '[(790, 936)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4016683524465359_13.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Amazon', 'Clock', 'Opera', 'Facebook']
Plan a movie night by selecting a {} movie, add some snacks to the cart on a shopping app, send invitations through a messaging app, and set a clock to remind yourself.
Plan a movie night by selecting a war movie, add some snacks to the cart on a shopping app, send invitations through a messaging app, and set a clock to remind yourself.
Organize a movie night by selecting a war film using Opera, adding snacks to your Amazon cart, sending out invitations via Facebook Messenger, and setting a reminder on Clock. Make sure to invite Victor James.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[281, 727], [281, 727]], 'ps': '[(281, 727)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[280, 114], [280, 114]], 'ps': '[(280, 114)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'war movies', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[911, 691], [909, 691]], 'ps': '[(911, 691), (910, 691), (909, 691)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[262, 842], [262, 842]], 'ps': '[(262, 842)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[548, 666], [548, 666]], 'ps': '[(548, 666)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[129, 417], [129, 417]], 'ps': '[(129, 417)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[87, 74], [87, 74]], 'ps': '[(87, 74)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'snacks', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[880, 689], [880, 689]], 'ps': '[(880, 689)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[248, 606], [248, 606]], 'ps': '[(248, 606)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[175, 798], [183, 476]], 'ps': '[(175, 798), (176, 793), (178, 789), (178, 787), (178, 784), (178, 779), (178, 776), (179, 774), (179, 772), (180, 767), (180, 762), (180, 761), (180, 757), (180, 752), (180, 749), (180, 747), (180, 743), (180, 738), (180, 733), (180, 728), (180, 722), (180, 712), (180, 702), (180, 693), (180, 683), (180, 671), (180, 663), (180, 661), (180, 659), (180, 656), (180, 651), (180, 648), (180, 646), (180, 642), (180, 637), (180, 636), (180, 634), (180, 632), (180, 627), (180, 622), (180, 617), (180, 613), (180, 611), (180, 609), (180, 607), (180, 603), (180, 598), (180, 593), (180, 591), (180, 586), (180, 581), (180, 579), (180, 576), (180, 571), (180, 569), (180, 567), (180, 566), (180, 561), (180, 556), (180, 554), (180, 552), (181, 547), (181, 544), (181, 539), (181, 534), (182, 532), (182, 529), (183, 528), (183, 526), (183, 522), (183, 519), (183, 514), (183, 512), (183, 508), (183, 506), (183, 502), (183, 499), (183, 497), (183, 493), (183, 491), (183, 487), (183, 484), (183, 482), (183, 478), (183, 476)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[312, 822], [376, 164]], 'ps': '[(312, 822), (312, 819), (310, 814), (310, 809), (310, 804), (308, 799), (306, 794), (306, 791), (306, 788), (306, 783), (306, 778), (306, 774), (306, 772), (306, 767), (306, 762), (306, 757), (306, 749), (306, 741), (306, 731), (306, 721), (306, 712), (306, 698), (306, 689), (306, 676), (308, 663), (308, 651), (308, 641), (308, 624), (308, 609), (308, 596), (310, 583), (312, 567), (315, 553), (321, 531), (324, 511), (327, 492), (328, 472), (328, 457), (331, 441), (334, 421), (336, 404), (337, 388), (344, 366), (348, 346), (351, 327), (353, 311), (355, 291), (358, 277), (360, 264), (361, 254), (362, 241), (366, 228), (366, 217), (368, 211), (368, 201), (370, 196), (370, 191), (370, 186), (372, 182), (372, 179), (372, 176), (372, 173), (374, 169), (375, 167), (376, 164)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[282, 577], [282, 577]], 'ps': '[(282, 577)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[423, 119], [423, 119]], 'ps': '[(423, 119)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[380, 101], [380, 101]], 'ps': '[(380, 101)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[438, 161], [438, 161]], 'ps': '[(438, 161)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[156, 257], [156, 257]], 'ps': '[(156, 257)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_20.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[196, 926], [190, 458]], 'ps': '[(196, 926), (196, 911), (196, 906), (196, 898), (196, 892), (196, 887), (196, 877), (196, 867), (196, 858), (196, 844), (196, 832), (196, 823), (196, 813), (196, 803), (196, 791), (196, 781), (196, 771), (196, 758), (196, 746), (196, 736), (196, 723), (196, 711), (196, 701), (196, 692), (196, 676), (196, 663), (196, 651), (196, 637), (196, 628), (196, 616), (196, 606), (196, 596), (196, 579), (196, 571), (196, 558), (196, 551), (196, 541), (193, 522), (191, 518), (190, 516), (190, 511), (190, 506), (190, 501), (190, 496), (190, 492), (190, 491), (190, 488), (190, 486), (190, 482), (190, 479), (190, 476), (190, 473), (190, 471), (190, 467), (190, 464), (190, 461), (190, 458)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[478, 697], [478, 697]], 'ps': '[(478, 697)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[143, 926], [143, 926]], 'ps': '[(143, 926)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_23.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Do you want to go for a movie night with me this Sunday?', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[974, 432], [974, 432]], 'ps': '[(974, 432)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_26.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[858, 413], [858, 413]], 'ps': '[(858, 413)]'}, {'step': 27, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_27.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[769, 876], [769, 876]], 'ps': '[(769, 876)]'}, {'step': 28, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_28.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[414, 542], [414, 542]], 'ps': '[(414, 542)]'}, {'step': 29, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_29.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[526, 473], [526, 473]], 'ps': '[(526, 473)]'}, {'step': 30, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_30.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[692, 698], [692, 698]], 'ps': '[(692, 698)]'}, {'step': 31, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_31.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[584, 358], [584, 358]], 'ps': '[(584, 358), (583, 358), (584, 358)]'}, {'step': 32, 'screenshot': '2872790795621381_32.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Amazon Music', 'Yandex Translate']
Listen to the song: {} and translate the first line lyrics into {} language.
Listen to the song: "Love story" and translate the first line lyrics into Chinese language.
Open Amazon Music to listen to the song 'Love Story,' then use Yandex Translate to translate the first line of the lyrics into Chinese.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[385, 377], [385, 377]], 'ps': '[(385, 377)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[344, 148], [344, 148]], 'ps': '[(344, 148)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Love story', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[133, 446], [133, 446]], 'ps': '[(133, 446)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[779, 351], [779, 351]], 'ps': '[(779, 351)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[336, 866], [336, 866]], 'ps': '[(336, 866)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[370, 507], [370, 507]], 'ps': '[(370, 507)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[718, 120], [718, 120]], 'ps': '[(718, 120)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[415, 866], [397, 411]], 'ps': '[(415, 866), (415, 865), (415, 863), (415, 861), (415, 858), (415, 854), (415, 851), (408, 847), (408, 844), (408, 840), (400, 826), (397, 817), (393, 806), (390, 799), (385, 785), (382, 770), (377, 753), (374, 738), (370, 721), (367, 707), (367, 690), (362, 678), (362, 664), (362, 651), (359, 640), (359, 629), (359, 622), (359, 608), (359, 595), (359, 587), (359, 576), (359, 562), (359, 551), (359, 548), (359, 534), (359, 528), (359, 521), (359, 514), (359, 507), (362, 499), (362, 495), (362, 488), (362, 485), (367, 478), (370, 474), (370, 471), (370, 465), (370, 461), (370, 460), (370, 458), (370, 457), (374, 453), (374, 449), (374, 447), (377, 446), (377, 442), (377, 439), (382, 437), (382, 435), (385, 430), (385, 426), (390, 425), (390, 421), (393, 421), (393, 419), (393, 418), (393, 415), (393, 414), (393, 412), (397, 412), (397, 411)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[125, 866], [125, 866]], 'ps': '[(125, 866)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[270, 190], [270, 190]], 'ps': '[(270, 190)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_12.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'We were both young when I first saw you', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4440386104741816_13.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Instagram', 'AliExpress', 'DuckDuckGo']
Search for a famous {} book, read reviews, and purchase the book.
Search for a famous mystery book, read reviews, and purchase the book.
Utilize DuckDuckGo to search for a renowned mystery book, then read reviews on Instagram, and finally, make your purchase on AliExpress.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[432, 95], [432, 95]], 'ps': '[(432, 95)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'book about mystery', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[911, 677], [911, 677]], 'ps': '[(911, 677)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[213, 792], [213, 792]], 'ps': '[(213, 792)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[476, 812], [494, 188]], 'ps': '[(476, 812), (476, 806), (476, 792), (473, 790), (473, 779), (473, 774), (472, 759), (470, 748), (470, 736), (469, 721), (466, 703), (466, 692), (465, 669), (463, 649), (463, 639), (463, 617), (463, 604), (463, 588), (463, 566), (463, 549), (463, 538), (463, 513), (463, 500), (466, 486), (466, 474), (466, 462), (466, 456), (469, 451), (469, 440), (470, 429), (470, 418), (472, 409), (472, 401), (473, 391), (473, 379), (473, 371), (473, 352), (475, 341), (475, 330), (476, 319), (479, 314), (479, 303), (479, 288), (480, 278), (480, 259), (483, 248), (485, 232), (487, 221), (490, 206), (492, 204), (492, 199), (494, 193), (494, 190), (494, 188)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[435, 841], [480, 288]], 'ps': '[(435, 841), (435, 839), (435, 836), (435, 834), (435, 830), (435, 829), (435, 819), (435, 812), (435, 806), (435, 796), (435, 790), (435, 779), (435, 768), (435, 758), (435, 752), (435, 741), (435, 736), (435, 724), (435, 719), (435, 714), (435, 703), (435, 686), (435, 675), (435, 666), (435, 655), (438, 643), (438, 628), (439, 615), (439, 604), (441, 599), (441, 593), (442, 577), (442, 566), (446, 555), (448, 540), (449, 518), (453, 502), (455, 491), (456, 478), (458, 469), (459, 462), (459, 451), (462, 442), (462, 429), (463, 418), (463, 409), (466, 401), (466, 393), (469, 381), (469, 374), (470, 365), (470, 358), (473, 352), (473, 347), (473, 341), (475, 338), (475, 336), (475, 330), (476, 327), (476, 325), (476, 319), (476, 316), (476, 314), (476, 310), (479, 308), (479, 305), (479, 303), (479, 299), (479, 298), (479, 294), (480, 292), (480, 288)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[280, 106], [280, 106]], 'ps': '[(280, 106)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[21, 352], [21, 352]], 'ps': '[(21, 352)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[223, 64], [223, 64]], 'ps': '[(223, 64)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_10.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'and then there were none book', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[899, 692], [899, 692]], 'ps': '[(899, 692)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[523, 418], [523, 418]], 'ps': '[(523, 418)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[564, 254], [564, 254]], 'ps': '[(564, 254)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[403, 123], [403, 123]], 'ps': '[(403, 123)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_16.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'and then there were none book', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[870, 692], [870, 692]], 'ps': '[(870, 692)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '3342153328055942_18.png', 'action': 'INCOMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Network error'}]
Medium Phone
['Firefox Browser', 'Calendar']
Search for the latest {} movie, then check your calendar for a free evening to watch it.
Search for the latest Batman movie, then check your calendar for a free evening to watch it.
Open Firefox Browser and search for the latest Batman movie. Then, review your calendar to find a free evening to watch it.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 607], [853, 607]], 'ps': '[(853, 607)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[799, 173], [799, 173]], 'ps': '[(799, 173)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'the latest Batman movie', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[354, 226], [354, 226]], 'ps': '[(354, 226)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[403, 631], [403, 631]], 'ps': '[(403, 631)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[505, 464], [512, 104]], 'ps': '[(505, 464), (505, 462), (505, 458), (505, 453), (510, 444), (512, 434), (512, 420), (512, 403), (512, 383), (512, 362), (512, 339), (512, 318), (512, 297), (512, 275), (512, 253), (512, 233), (512, 216), (512, 198), (512, 183), (512, 168), (512, 152), (512, 137), (512, 119), (512, 104)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[388, 292], [388, 292]], 'ps': '[(388, 292)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[89, 70], [89, 70]], 'ps': '[(89, 70)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[211, 345], [211, 345]], 'ps': '[(211, 345)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[74, 615], [74, 615]], 'ps': '[(74, 615)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[880, 905], [880, 905]], 'ps': '[(880, 905)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[882, 913], [882, 913]], 'ps': '[(882, 913)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_14.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'watch The Batman(2022)', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[919, 229], [919, 229]], 'ps': '[(919, 229)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[308, 572], [308, 572]], 'ps': '[(308, 572)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[737, 358], [737, 358]], 'ps': '[(737, 358)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[765, 685], [765, 685]], 'ps': '[(765, 685)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[889, 64], [889, 64]], 'ps': '[(889, 64)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '1401532043252370_20.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['ClevCalc - Calculator', 'Google Keep']
Calculate today's total cost {} and record in a document or budget app.
Calculate today's total cost '14+200+8' and record in a document or budget app.
Utilize 'ClevCalc - Calculator' to determine today's total cost by adding '14+200+8' and then document the result in 'Google Keep'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[905, 627], [758, 627]], 'ps': '[(905, 627), (904, 627), (898, 627), (888, 627), (874, 627), (858, 627), (838, 627), (813, 627), (787, 627), (758, 627)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[708, 553], [708, 553]], 'ps': '[(708, 553)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[351, 461], [351, 461]], 'ps': '[(351, 461)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[364, 734], [364, 734]], 'ps': '[(364, 734)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[341, 671], [341, 671]], 'ps': '[(341, 671)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[671, 744], [671, 744]], 'ps': '[(671, 744)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[457, 766], [457, 766]], 'ps': '[(457, 766)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[454, 824], [454, 824]], 'ps': '[(454, 824)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[652, 754], [652, 754]], 'ps': '[(652, 754)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[447, 579], [447, 579]], 'ps': '[(447, 579)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[666, 818], [666, 818]], 'ps': '[(666, 818)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[480, 557], [728, 569]], 'ps': '[(480, 557), (481, 557), (483, 557), (486, 557), (492, 557), (503, 557), (520, 557), (544, 557), (576, 559), (608, 563), (644, 566), (677, 569), (706, 569), (728, 569)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[146, 421], [146, 421]], 'ps': '[(146, 421)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[440, 862], [440, 862]], 'ps': '[(440, 862)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_16.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '222', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[579, 157], [579, 157]], 'ps': '[(579, 157)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_18.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'May 2 Cost', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '0962646334075018_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['TickTick', 'Opera']
Research how to {} and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Research how to start a blog and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Investigate the steps to launch a blog, then utilize TickTick to create a reminder to follow through with the tutorial on the website, using Opera to browse.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[395, 144], [395, 144]], 'ps': '[(395, 144)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[953, 797], [953, 797]], 'ps': '[(953, 797)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[719, 185], [719, 185]], 'ps': '[(719, 185)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[929, 134], [929, 134]], 'ps': '[(929, 134)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to start a blog', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[344, 178], [344, 178]], 'ps': '[(344, 178)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[458, 758], [529, 420]], 'ps': '[(458, 758), (458, 756), (458, 749), (460, 735), (462, 717), (471, 697), (478, 674), (487, 651), (494, 628), (500, 608), (509, 588), (511, 570), (516, 552), (516, 536), (516, 520), (516, 504), (516, 487), (516, 473), (520, 459), (523, 447), (527, 437), (529, 426), (529, 424), (529, 422), (529, 420)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[462, 466], [462, 466]], 'ps': '[(462, 466)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[543, 68], [543, 68]], 'ps': '[(543, 68)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[502, 149], [502, 149]], 'ps': '[(502, 149)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[630, 644], [630, 644]], 'ps': '[(630, 644)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[920, 867], [920, 867]], 'ps': '[(920, 867)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'learn to start a blog in ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[558, 676], [554, 676]], 'ps': '[(558, 676), (556, 676), (554, 676)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[931, 643], [931, 643]], 'ps': '[(931, 643)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '1175546433394562_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Audible', 'Setting']
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Switch your device to dark mode using the 'Setting' app, then launch the 'Audible:Audio Entertainment' app to start reading.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 512], [846, 512]], 'ps': '[(846, 512)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[480, 876], [535, 299]], 'ps': '[(480, 876), (480, 874), (480, 871), (480, 862), (483, 854), (490, 845), (490, 841), (498, 821), (498, 807), (498, 797), (498, 777), (498, 762), (498, 750), (498, 730), (498, 708), (498, 694), (498, 680), (498, 668), (498, 654), (498, 641), (498, 629), (498, 614), (498, 600), (498, 589), (498, 579), (498, 569), (498, 559), (498, 547), (498, 536), (498, 519), (498, 505), (498, 497), (498, 485), (498, 475), (498, 469), (498, 462), (498, 452), (498, 446), (498, 439), (498, 435), (503, 429), (503, 423), (503, 418), (505, 415), (505, 409), (505, 406), (505, 402), (505, 398), (505, 391), (505, 388), (505, 384), (512, 378), (512, 374), (512, 368), (512, 364), (512, 359), (512, 354), (518, 349), (518, 344), (518, 341), (520, 338), (520, 334), (520, 332), (520, 331), (520, 327), (520, 324), (525, 322), (525, 321), (525, 319), (527, 317), (527, 315), (527, 314), (527, 312), (527, 311), (533, 309), (533, 307), (533, 305), (533, 304), (533, 302), (533, 301), (535, 301), (535, 299)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[428, 487], [428, 487]], 'ps': '[(428, 487)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[878, 693], [878, 693]], 'ps': '[(878, 693)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[779, 376], [234, 364]], 'ps': '[(779, 376), (779, 374), (774, 374), (766, 374), (759, 374), (751, 372), (737, 371), (707, 369), (677, 368), (654, 368), (610, 364), (562, 364), (533, 364), (458, 364), (400, 364), (341, 364), (309, 364), (279, 364), (234, 364)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[378, 250], [378, 250]], 'ps': '[(378, 250)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2317568231112206_7.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Microsoft to do', 'Spotify']
Listen to a podcast episode on {} and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Listen to a podcast episode on yoga for beginners and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Use Spotify to listen to a podcast episode about yoga for beginners, then utilize Microsoft To Do to create a to-do list for tomorrow.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[159, 273], [159, 273]], 'ps': '[(159, 273)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[136, 905], [136, 904]], 'ps': '[(136, 905), (136, 904)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_3.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[165, 606], [999, 675]], 'ps': '[(165, 606), (172, 607), (177, 609), (179, 609), (179, 610), (183, 610), (188, 610), (188, 612), (190, 612), (194, 614), (199, 614), (201, 615), (206, 615), (208, 615), (208, 617), (212, 617), (217, 617), (219, 619), (223, 619), (226, 619), (230, 620), (235, 620), (237, 620), (241, 622), (246, 622), (248, 622), (252, 623), (255, 623), (264, 623), (268, 625), (270, 625), (275, 625), (277, 627), (286, 627), (288, 627), (293, 628), (302, 628), (304, 628), (313, 630), (315, 630), (324, 632), (328, 632), (335, 632), (340, 632), (346, 634), (351, 634), (357, 634), (362, 635), (369, 635), (377, 637), (386, 637), (389, 637), (398, 637), (406, 639), (409, 639), (418, 639), (427, 641), (433, 641), (438, 641), (447, 643), (453, 643), (462, 643), (471, 645), (478, 645), (487, 645), (491, 645), (498, 647), (507, 647), (511, 647), (523, 647), (531, 649), (540, 649), (543, 649), (547, 649), (554, 650), (558, 650), (565, 650), (569, 650), (574, 650), (581, 650), (585, 652), (587, 652), (596, 652), (598, 652), (603, 652), (607, 654), (610, 654), (619, 654), (625, 654), (630, 654), (634, 654), (636, 654), (641, 655), (643, 655), (648, 655), (656, 655), (659, 655), (663, 657), (665, 657), (670, 657), (677, 657), (681, 657), (685, 657), (688, 657), (692, 657), (697, 657), (699, 657), (703, 657), (706, 657), (710, 658), (715, 658), (717, 658), (721, 658), (726, 658), (728, 658), (732, 658), (735, 660), (739, 660), (744, 660), (746, 660), (750, 660), (757, 660), (761, 660), (766, 660), (768, 660), (777, 660), (779, 662), (784, 662), (790, 662), (795, 662), (799, 662), (802, 662), (806, 662), (813, 662), (817, 663), (824, 663), (828, 663), (835, 663), (844, 665), (853, 665), (862, 665), (869, 665), (873, 667), (880, 667), (889, 667), (898, 667), (906, 669), (909, 669), (918, 669), (924, 669), (933, 671), (942, 671), (949, 671), (969, 671), (978, 673), (985, 673), (994, 673), (999, 675)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[382, 409], [382, 409]], 'ps': '[(382, 409)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[630, 577], [630, 577]], 'ps': '[(630, 577)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[886, 924], [886, 922]], 'ps': '[(886, 924), (886, 922)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[478, 682], [478, 682]], 'ps': '[(478, 682)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' do yoga with this', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[929, 566], [929, 566]], 'ps': '[(929, 566)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[507, 459], [507, 459]], 'ps': '[(507, 459)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4912822048124123_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['Clock', 'Likee']
Open a relaxing soundscape video and set a timer to wake up.
Open a relaxing soundscape video and set a timer to wake up.
Launch a soothing video on Likee and then use the Clock app to set a wake-up timer.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[374, 201], [374, 201]], 'ps': '[(374, 201)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '70', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[561, 735], [561, 735]], 'ps': '[(561, 735)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[163, 346], [163, 346]], 'ps': '[(163, 346)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'nature soundscape', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[336, 140], [336, 140]], 'ps': '[(336, 140)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[124, 328], [124, 328]], 'ps': '[(124, 328)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1189306013396238_8.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Google Play Store', 'Setting']
Uninstall {} app and check if it's still in the app resources.
Uninstall THE OUTNER app and check if it's still in the app resources.
Using the Google Play Store and Settings, uninstall THE OUTNER app and verify whether it remains listed in the app resources.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[374, 638], [374, 638]], 'ps': '[(374, 638)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[892, 83], [892, 83]], 'ps': '[(892, 83)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[357, 359], [357, 359]], 'ps': '[(357, 359)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[367, 145], [367, 145]], 'ps': '[(367, 145)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[340, 924], [423, 181]], 'ps': '[(340, 924), (340, 923), (338, 923), (338, 922), (338, 920), (336, 920), (336, 919), (333, 918), (333, 917), (333, 916), (331, 915), (331, 914), (331, 913), (331, 911), (331, 910), (328, 909), (328, 908), (328, 907), (328, 906), (328, 905), (328, 904), (328, 902), (328, 901), (328, 900), (328, 899), (326, 898), (326, 897), (326, 896), (326, 895), (326, 893), (326, 892), (326, 891), (326, 890), (326, 889), (323, 888), (323, 887), (323, 886), (323, 884), (323, 883), (323, 882), (323, 881), (323, 880), (323, 879), (323, 878), (323, 877), (323, 875), (323, 874), (323, 873), (323, 872), (323, 871), (323, 870), (323, 869), (323, 868), (323, 866), (323, 866), (323, 864), (323, 863), (323, 862), (323, 861), (323, 860), (323, 859), (323, 857), (323, 857), (323, 855), (323, 854), (323, 853), (323, 852), (326, 850), (326, 849), (326, 848), (326, 846), (326, 845), (326, 844), (326, 843), (326, 842), (326, 841), (333, 809), (333, 807), (333, 806), (333, 805), (333, 804), (333, 803), (333, 801), (336, 800), (336, 799), (336, 798), (336, 797), (336, 796), (336, 795), (336, 794), (336, 792), (338, 791), (338, 790), (338, 789), (338, 788), (338, 787), (338, 786), (338, 785), (340, 783), (340, 782), (340, 781), (340, 780), (340, 778), (340, 777), (340, 776), (343, 776), (343, 774), (343, 774), (343, 772), (343, 771), (343, 770), (343, 769), (343, 768), (343, 767), (343, 766), (343, 765), (343, 763), (345, 762), (345, 761), (345, 760), (345, 759), (345, 758), (345, 757), (345, 756), (345, 754), (347, 753), (347, 751), (347, 750), (347, 749), (347, 748), (347, 747), (347, 745), (350, 744), (350, 742), (350, 741), (352, 741), (352, 740), (352, 739), (352, 738), (352, 735), (352, 734), (352, 732), (355, 731), (355, 730), (355, 729), (355, 727), (355, 726), (355, 725), (355, 724), (355, 723), (355, 722), (355, 721), (355, 720), (355, 717), (355, 716), (355, 714), (355, 713), (357, 712), (357, 711), (357, 709), (357, 708), (357, 707), (357, 706), (357, 705), (360, 704), (360, 703), (360, 700), (360, 699), (360, 698), (360, 697), (360, 696), (360, 694), (360, 693), (360, 691), (362, 691), (362, 689), (362, 688), (362, 687), (365, 686), (365, 685), (365, 684), (365, 683), (365, 682), (365, 680), (367, 678), (367, 676), (367, 675), (367, 674), (367, 673), (367, 671), (367, 670), (370, 669), (370, 668), (370, 667), (370, 666), (370, 665), (370, 664), 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{'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[824, 537], [824, 537]], 'ps': '[(824, 537)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[143, 634], [143, 634]], 'ps': '[(143, 634)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[321, 585], [321, 585]], 'ps': '[(321, 585)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[430, 683], [430, 683]], 'ps': '[(430, 683)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[836, 76], [829, 88]], 'ps': '[(836, 76), (836, 77), (836, 78), (836, 79), (836, 80), (836, 81), (834, 83), (834, 83), (831, 83), (831, 85), (831, 86), (831, 87), (831, 88), (829, 88)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[809, 78], [809, 78]], 'ps': '[(809, 78)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_20.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'THE OUTNER', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[909, 843], [909, 843]], 'ps': '[(909, 843)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_22.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'T', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '8511872366439330_23.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'THE OUTNER'}]
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Compare prices for a/an Fitbit Charge 5 on different shopping apps and add the cheapest into the cart.
Look up the prices for a Fitbit Charge 5 across various shopping platforms, specifically on Flipkart and Target, and place the most affordable option into your cart.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[418, 235], [418, 235]], 'ps': '[(418, 235)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[631, 65], [631, 65]], 'ps': '[(631, 65)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Fitbit Charge 5', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[962, 907], [962, 907]], 'ps': '[(962, 907)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[524, 779], [537, 154]], 'ps': '[(524, 779), (524, 777), (524, 776), (527, 774), (527, 772), (527, 767), (527, 763), (527, 758), (527, 756), (530, 751), (530, 749), (530, 744), (533, 739), (533, 735), (537, 720), (540, 714), (546, 697), (551, 680), (559, 644), (562, 632), (567, 586), (567, 571), (570, 545), (570, 516), (570, 484), (570, 459), (570, 426), (570, 417), (570, 388), (570, 381), (570, 357), (570, 349), (570, 335), (570, 329), (567, 314), (567, 307), (564, 295), (564, 288), (564, 281), (562, 275), (562, 268), (559, 257), (559, 254), (556, 243), (554, 238), (551, 233), (551, 228), (549, 224), (549, 220), (546, 217), (546, 216), (546, 210), (543, 209), (543, 205), (543, 202), (540, 198), (540, 196), (540, 191), (540, 185), (540, 180), (540, 178), (540, 173), (540, 172), (540, 167), (540, 165), (540, 162), (540, 161), (540, 160), (540, 159), (540, 157), (537, 157), (537, 156), (537, 155), (537, 154)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[503, 759], [516, 149]], 'ps': '[(503, 759), (503, 757), (503, 751), (503, 745), (503, 732), (506, 722), (511, 686), (513, 659), (516, 606), (516, 581), (519, 533), (519, 508), (519, 467), (519, 445), (524, 412), (524, 389), (527, 355), (527, 342), (527, 332), (527, 302), (527, 292), (527, 274), (527, 267), (527, 254), (527, 246), (527, 233), (527, 226), (527, 214), (524, 207), (524, 194), (524, 192), (522, 182), (522, 176), (519, 171), (519, 167), (519, 164), (516, 160), (516, 157), (516, 155), (516, 153), (516, 152), (516, 150), (516, 149)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[500, 774], [577, 147]], 'ps': '[(500, 774), (500, 773), (500, 768), (503, 763), (503, 754), (506, 746), (516, 724), (519, 715), (533, 677), (543, 650), (554, 606), (556, 577), (567, 502), (567, 486), (570, 426), (575, 404), (577, 372), (580, 362), (586, 333), (586, 316), (586, 305), (586, 288), (586, 273), (586, 259), (586, 254), (586, 243), (586, 237), (586, 226), (586, 220), (586, 210), (583, 203), (583, 198), (583, 192), (583, 183), (583, 180), (583, 172), (583, 171), (580, 165), (580, 164), (580, 160), (580, 157), (580, 156), (580, 155), (580, 154), (580, 153), (580, 152), (580, 150), (580, 149), (580, 148), (577, 148), (577, 147)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[649, 125], [649, 125]], 'ps': '[(649, 125)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[618, 120], [618, 120]], 'ps': '[(618, 120)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_10.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Fitbit Charge 5', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[911, 906], [911, 906]], 'ps': '[(911, 906)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[303, 569], [303, 569]], 'ps': '[(303, 569)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[303, 569], [303, 569]], 'ps': '[(303, 569)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[223, 325], [223, 325]], 'ps': '[(223, 325)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[116, 925], [116, 925]], 'ps': '[(116, 925)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '3000238502942608_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['DuckDuckgo', 'Google Keep']
Look up the information about the properties of {} and make a brief document.
Look up the information about the properties of Trapezoid and make a brief document.
Use DuckDuckgo to search for information on the properties of a trapezoid, and then consolidate your findings into a brief document using Google Keep.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[798, 933], [798, 933]], 'ps': '[(798, 933)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[513, 74], [513, 74]], 'ps': '[(513, 74)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[960, 83], [960, 83]], 'ps': '[(960, 83)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'properties of trapezoid', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[256, 173], [256, 173]], 'ps': '[(256, 173)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[394, 342], [394, 342]], 'ps': '[(394, 342)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[348, 830], [365, 95]], 'ps': '[(348, 830), (348, 828), (348, 821), (348, 813), (348, 798), (348, 782), (348, 761), (348, 739), (348, 716), (348, 693), (348, 670), (350, 647), (350, 624), (351, 605), (351, 585), (354, 565), (354, 548), (354, 530), (355, 515), (355, 503), (357, 492), (357, 478), (358, 465), (358, 451), (360, 436), (360, 422), (362, 405), (362, 390), (364, 376), (365, 358), (365, 341), (365, 324), (365, 307), (365, 290), (365, 273), (365, 259), (365, 241), (365, 226), (365, 211), (365, 197), (365, 183), (365, 172), (365, 160), (365, 149), (365, 140), (365, 130), (365, 129), (365, 127), (365, 123), (365, 120), (365, 117), (365, 115), (365, 113), (365, 111), (365, 110), (365, 108), (365, 106), (365, 104), (365, 103), (365, 102), (365, 101), (365, 99), (365, 97), (365, 96), (365, 95)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[311, 796], [311, 0]], 'ps': '[(311, 796), (311, 797), (311, 796), (311, 789), (311, 783), (311, 774), (311, 763), (311, 746), (311, 723), (311, 697), (311, 669), (311, 640), (311, 610), (311, 579), (311, 548), (311, 516), (311, 488), (311, 461), (311, 432), (311, 404), (311, 378), (311, 355), (311, 335), (311, 315), (311, 296), (311, 276), (311, 253), (311, 230), (311, 204), (311, 179), (311, 152), (311, 123), (311, 92), (311, 60), (311, 32), (311, 3), (311, 0)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_8.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[306, 753], [339, 0]], 'ps': '[(306, 753), (306, 754), (306, 752), (306, 746), (306, 739), (306, 730), (306, 719), (306, 704), (306, 688), (306, 670), (306, 651), (306, 630), (306, 613), (306, 596), (306, 576), (307, 559), (308, 541), (308, 521), (311, 501), (311, 481), (313, 461), (314, 441), (317, 421), (318, 399), (320, 379), (322, 360), (324, 337), (326, 314), (327, 291), (330, 271), (331, 250), (333, 230), (333, 210), (336, 190), (336, 170), (337, 150), (339, 130), (339, 110), (339, 90), (339, 70), (339, 51), (339, 30), (339, 14), (339, 0)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[298, 854], [326, 0]], 'ps': '[(298, 854), (298, 850), (298, 842), (298, 834), (298, 823), (298, 805), (298, 783), (298, 760), (298, 734), (298, 710), (298, 684), (298, 659), (298, 633), (298, 605), (298, 582), (298, 559), (298, 536), (298, 516), (298, 499), (298, 482), (298, 465), (298, 445), (298, 428), (298, 411), (300, 391), (301, 374), (304, 355), (306, 335), (306, 319), (307, 301), (310, 281), (310, 264), (311, 243), (311, 223), (313, 203), (313, 183), (314, 160), (317, 138), (319, 117), (320, 97), (323, 78), (323, 58), (324, 39), (324, 25), (324, 14), (326, 2), (326, 0)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[251, 863], [323, 49]], 'ps': '[(251, 863), (251, 860), (251, 858), (251, 851), (251, 840), (251, 826), (251, 805), (251, 783), (251, 759), (251, 730), (251, 702), (251, 670), (251, 639), (251, 610), (251, 583), (251, 555), (251, 526), (251, 501), (251, 475), (251, 455), (251, 435), (251, 421), (251, 407), (251, 395), (251, 384), (251, 374), (253, 365), (255, 358), (256, 349), (260, 340), (262, 330), (268, 317), (273, 304), (276, 296), (280, 283), (283, 273), (286, 263), (289, 254), (293, 244), (295, 234), (299, 224), (302, 214), (305, 206), (307, 198), (310, 191), (311, 184), (312, 182), (312, 177), (312, 172), (313, 164), (316, 157), (316, 152), (317, 145), (317, 136), (318, 127), (318, 120), (319, 111), (320, 102), (323, 96), (323, 88), (323, 78), (323, 76), (323, 74), (323, 72), (323, 69), (323, 66), (323, 65), (323, 63), (323, 62), (323, 59), (323, 56), (323, 53), (323, 52), (323, 51), (323, 49)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[299, 820], [335, 72]], 'ps': '[(299, 820), (299, 818), (299, 813), (299, 809), (299, 803), (299, 794), (299, 780), (299, 760), (299, 737), (299, 710), (299, 679), (299, 645), (299, 613), (299, 582), (299, 551), (299, 522), (299, 496), (299, 472), (299, 452), (299, 432), (299, 415), (299, 398), (299, 381), (299, 365), (300, 354), (301, 340), (304, 327), (305, 313), (307, 298), (308, 280), (312, 263), (314, 246), (316, 227), (318, 210), (319, 196), (322, 182), (323, 166), (325, 154), (326, 142), (327, 130), (330, 120), (330, 111), (331, 106), (332, 101), (332, 96), (332, 93), (332, 90), (332, 89), (333, 85), (333, 83), (333, 80), (333, 78), (333, 76), (333, 73), (335, 72)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[287, 777], [360, 0]], 'ps': '[(287, 777), (287, 776), (287, 769), (288, 760), (288, 756), (288, 752), (289, 740), (291, 723), (293, 699), (295, 670), (297, 636), (299, 594), (305, 549), (307, 507), (311, 468), (313, 436), (316, 407), (319, 377), (322, 351), (323, 328), (325, 305), (327, 285), (329, 269), (331, 250), (331, 236), (332, 224), (332, 213), (333, 200), (333, 189), (336, 177), (337, 164), (341, 153), (343, 140), (344, 126), (345, 111), (348, 99), (349, 85), (351, 70), (352, 55), (355, 40), (356, 29), (358, 16), (360, 5), (360, 0)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[281, 761], [301, 190]], 'ps': '[(281, 761), (281, 760), (281, 759), (281, 757), (281, 753), (281, 746), (281, 737), (281, 726), (281, 711), (281, 692), (281, 669), (281, 643), (281, 619), (281, 594), (283, 571), (283, 548), (283, 525), (286, 501), (288, 478), (289, 458), (289, 438), (292, 421), (293, 404), (293, 386), (295, 368), (295, 351), (297, 337), (297, 323), (297, 308), (297, 294), (299, 281), (299, 278), (299, 276), (299, 274), (299, 271), (299, 269), (299, 267), (299, 266), (299, 264), (299, 263), (299, 261), (300, 261), (300, 260), (300, 257), (300, 253), (300, 248), (300, 243), (300, 240), (301, 236), (301, 234), (301, 230), (301, 227), (301, 223), (301, 221), (301, 220), (301, 214), (301, 211), (301, 207), (301, 206), (301, 204), (301, 203), (301, 202), (301, 200), (301, 197), (301, 195), (301, 191), (301, 190)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_14.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[165, 278], [165, 278]], 'ps': '[(165, 278)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_15.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[196, 313], [224, 512]], 'ps': '[(196, 313), (196, 314), (196, 315), (196, 317), (196, 323), (196, 324), (196, 328), (196, 330), (196, 333), (196, 335), (196, 338), (197, 342), (198, 347), (199, 357), (201, 363), (204, 372), (206, 379), (209, 388), (212, 398), (212, 402), (212, 405), (214, 411), (215, 417), (216, 422), (216, 424), (217, 429), (218, 434), (220, 436), (222, 441), (223, 447), (223, 449), (223, 451), (223, 452), (223, 454), (223, 455), (223, 457), (223, 458), (223, 459), (223, 461), (223, 462), (223, 464), (223, 465), (224, 466), (224, 471), (224, 472), (224, 475), (224, 477), (225, 481), (225, 484), (225, 485), (225, 488), (225, 489), (225, 492), (225, 494), (225, 496), (225, 498), (225, 499), (225, 501), (225, 502), (225, 503), (225, 505), (225, 507), (225, 508), (225, 509), (225, 511), (225, 512), (224, 512)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[59, 228], [59, 228]], 'ps': '[(59, 228)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[674, 654], [674, 654]], 'ps': '[(674, 654)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[432, 851], [432, 851]], 'ps': '[(432, 851)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[543, 572], [543, 572]], 'ps': '[(543, 572)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[618, 195], [618, 195]], 'ps': '[(618, 195)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_22.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'properties of trapezoid', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '8590454974883941_23.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '14 LONG'}]
Pixel Fold
['Google Map', 'Uber']
Find a nearby {} on map and call a ride-sharing service.
Find a nearby hospital on map and call a ride-sharing service.
Use Google Map to locate a nearby hospital, then book a ride through Uber to get there.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[578, 324], [578, 324]], 'ps': '[(578, 324)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[239, 90], [239, 90]], 'ps': '[(239, 90)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'hospital', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[237, 255], [237, 255]], 'ps': '[(237, 255)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[687, 149], [687, 149]], 'ps': '[(687, 149)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[393, 227], [393, 227]], 'ps': '[(393, 227)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Hospital Helipad', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_8.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[521, 491], [518, 247]], 'ps': '[(521, 491), (511, 477), (511, 475), (511, 473), (511, 472), (511, 471), (511, 470), (510, 470), (510, 468), (510, 466), (509, 465), (509, 464), (509, 462), (509, 461), (508, 461), (508, 459), (508, 458), (508, 457), (507, 457), (507, 455), (507, 454), (507, 452), (507, 451), (507, 449), (505, 448), (505, 447), (505, 445), (505, 444), (505, 442), (505, 441), (505, 440), (505, 438), (505, 436), (505, 435), (505, 434), (505, 432), (505, 431), (505, 429), (505, 428), (505, 427), (505, 425), (505, 424), (505, 422), (505, 421), (505, 420), (505, 418), (505, 417), (505, 415), (505, 414), (505, 413), (505, 411), (505, 409), (505, 408), (505, 407), (505, 405), (505, 404), (505, 402), (505, 401), (505, 399), (505, 398), (505, 397), (505, 395), (507, 394), (507, 392), (507, 391), (507, 390), (507, 388), (507, 386), (507, 385), (507, 384), (507, 383), (507, 381), (508, 381), (508, 379), (508, 378), (508, 377), (508, 376), (508, 374), (508, 372), (508, 371), (508, 370), (508, 368), (508, 367), (508, 365), (509, 364), (509, 363), (509, 361), (509, 360), (509, 358), (509, 357), (509, 355), (509, 354), (509, 353), (509, 351), (509, 349), (509, 348), (509, 347), (509, 345), (510, 345), (510, 344), (510, 342), (510, 341), (510, 340), (510, 338), (510, 337), (510, 335), (510, 334), (510, 333), (510, 331), (510, 330), (510, 328), (510, 327), (510, 326), (511, 324), (511, 323), (511, 321), (511, 320), (511, 319), (511, 317), (511, 315), (511, 314), (513, 314), (513, 313), (513, 311), (513, 310), (513, 308), (513, 307), (513, 305), (513, 304), (513, 303), (513, 301), (513, 300), (514, 300), (514, 298), (514, 297), (514, 296), (514, 294), (514, 292), (514, 291), (514, 290), (515, 290), (515, 289), (515, 287), (515, 285), (515, 284), (515, 283), (515, 281), (516, 281), (516, 280), (516, 278), (516, 277), (516, 276), (516, 274), (516, 273), (517, 273), (517, 271), (517, 270), (517, 269), (517, 267), (517, 266), (517, 264), (517, 263), (517, 261), (517, 260), (517, 259), (517, 257), (517, 255), (518, 255), (518, 254), (518, 253), (518, 251), (518, 250), (518, 248), (518, 247)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[460, 709], [460, 709]], 'ps': '[(460, 709)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[435, 335], [435, 335]], 'ps': '[(435, 335)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[442, 885], [442, 885]], 'ps': '[(442, 885)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[437, 924], [437, 924]], 'ps': '[(437, 924)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[448, 887], [448, 887]], 'ps': '[(448, 887)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5033189712334901_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Setting', 'YouTube']
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Adjust the notification settings for YouTube app on your phone using 'Settings', then proceed to open 'YouTube'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 824], [846, 824]], 'ps': '[(846, 824)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[346, 511], [346, 511]], 'ps': '[(346, 511)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[315, 623], [315, 623]], 'ps': '[(315, 623)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[824, 74], [824, 74]], 'ps': '[(824, 74)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'YouTube', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[259, 147], [259, 147]], 'ps': '[(259, 147)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[340, 520], [340, 520]], 'ps': '[(340, 520)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[902, 404], [902, 404]], 'ps': '[(902, 404)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[259, 597], [999, 616]], 'ps': '[(259, 597), (261, 597), (264, 597), (266, 597), (268, 597), (270, 597), (273, 597), (277, 597), (284, 597), (288, 597), (293, 597), (297, 597), (302, 598), (308, 598), (317, 598), (326, 598), (333, 598), (342, 598), (351, 599), (362, 599), (371, 599), (382, 599), (395, 600), (404, 600), (415, 600), (429, 601), (442, 601), (453, 603), (467, 603), (485, 603), (502, 604), (523, 605), (540, 605), (572, 607), (590, 607), (614, 608), (636, 608), (659, 610), (681, 610), (708, 611), (744, 611), (761, 611), (790, 613), (822, 613), (848, 614), (889, 614), (920, 614), (933, 616), (965, 616), (996, 616), (999, 616)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 658], [846, 658]], 'ps': '[(846, 658)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5663457717970327_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Todoist', 'Facebook']
Research how to {} and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Research how to brew your own beer and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Investigate the process of brewing your own beer, and then utilize Todoist to create a reminder to follow the tutorial on the website. Additionally, share your progress or seek advice on Facebook.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[294, 522], [953, 504]], 'ps': '[(294, 522), (306, 523), (336, 524), (384, 524), (445, 524), (522, 524), (613, 524), (705, 523), (790, 519), (875, 511), (953, 504)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[637, 639], [637, 639]], 'ps': '[(637, 639)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[919, 69], [919, 69]], 'ps': '[(919, 69)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to brew beer', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[590, 117], [590, 117]], 'ps': '[(590, 117)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[394, 836], [394, 836]], 'ps': '[(394, 836)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[943, 795], [943, 795]], 'ps': '[(943, 795)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[415, 516], [415, 516]], 'ps': '[(415, 516)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[868, 816], [868, 816]], 'ps': '[(868, 816)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_10.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'learn to brew beer in ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[484, 634], [484, 634]], 'ps': '[(484, 634)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[919, 591], [919, 591]], 'ps': '[(919, 591)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '6209776685507115_13.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['To-Do List', 'Microsoft to do']
Find a {} workout video for beginners and schedule a reminder to do it tomorrow morning.
Find a Yoga workout video for beginners and schedule a reminder to do it tomorrow morning.
Locate a beginner-friendly Yoga workout video and set a reminder to perform it tomorrow morning using 'To-Do List' or 'Microsoft To Do'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[838, 351], [838, 351]], 'ps': '[(838, 351)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[880, 790], [880, 790]], 'ps': '[(880, 790)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'do yoga in the morning', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[872, 489], [872, 489]], 'ps': '[(872, 489)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[397, 464], [397, 464]], 'ps': '[(397, 464)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[291, 501], [291, 501]], 'ps': '[(291, 501)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2991540266596709_7.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Tiktok', 'Setting']
Watch a trending video and turn {} the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video and turn to maximum the volume on the phone.
Open the Tiktok app, find a trending video, and then navigate to the Setting app to turn your phone's volume to maximum.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8282329090617586_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[835, 522], [835, 522]], 'ps': '[(835, 522)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8282329090617586_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[922, 296], [922, 296]], 'ps': '[(922, 296)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8282329090617586_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8282329090617586_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[393, 529], [393, 529]], 'ps': '[(393, 529)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8282329090617586_4.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Chatbot AI & Smart Assistant', 'Firefox']
Ask the mathematical theorem {} in AI-related app and search in the brower to double check.
Ask the mathematical theorem Bayes' theorem in AI-related app and search in the brower to double check.
Use the Chatbot AI & Smart Assistant to query information regarding Bayes' theorem and then verify the details by searching in Firefox.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[371, 361], [371, 361]], 'ps': '[(371, 361)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[421, 894], [421, 894]], 'ps': '[(421, 894)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "tell me about Bayes' theorem", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[908, 589], [908, 589]], 'ps': '[(908, 589)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[132, 244], [132, 244]], 'ps': '[(132, 244)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[312, 54], [312, 54]], 'ps': '[(312, 54)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "Bayes' theorem", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 899], [916, 899]], 'ps': '[(916, 899)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[326, 314], [326, 314]], 'ps': '[(326, 314)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '2124851833195601_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Bloomberg: Finance Market News', 'Investing.com']
Search for today's stock market news of the company {}, and open a stock trading app to check the stock price trends.
Search for today's stock market news of the company Boeing, and open a stock trading app to check the stock price trends.
Start by searching for today's stock market news about Boeing using Bloomberg: Finance Market News. Then, open Investing.com to check the stock price trends.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[630, 502], [630, 502]], 'ps': '[(630, 502)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[921, 57], [921, 57]], 'ps': '[(921, 57)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[287, 49], [287, 49]], 'ps': '[(287, 49)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Boeing', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[425, 469], [425, 469]], 'ps': '[(425, 469)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[359, 500], [359, 500]], 'ps': '[(359, 500)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[943, 284], [943, 284]], 'ps': '[(943, 284)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[918, 49], [918, 49]], 'ps': '[(918, 49)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Boeing', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[436, 210], [436, 210]], 'ps': '[(436, 210)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6025169149787821_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Clock', 'Microsoft Teams', 'Tumblr']
Schedule a business meeting with {}, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Schedule a business meeting with saltyfunsweet, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Organize a business meeting with saltyfunsweet using Microsoft Teams, send invitations to him/her via Tumblr, and then set an alarm clock for the meeting using the Clock app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[401, 376], [401, 376]], 'ps': '[(401, 376)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[423, 494], [423, 494]], 'ps': '[(423, 494)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Business', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[914, 83], [914, 83]], 'ps': '[(914, 83)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[202, 249], [202, 249]], 'ps': '[(202, 249)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[255, 357], [255, 357]], 'ps': '[(255, 357)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[161, 97], [161, 97]], 'ps': '[(161, 97)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[652, 947], [652, 947]], 'ps': '[(652, 947)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[593, 139], [593, 139]], 'ps': '[(593, 139)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[882, 853], [882, 853]], 'ps': '[(882, 853)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[454, 142], [454, 142]], 'ps': '[(454, 142)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[328, 902], [328, 902]], 'ps': '[(328, 902)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[469, 649], [469, 649]], 'ps': '[(469, 649)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[885, 588], [885, 588]], 'ps': '[(885, 588)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[143, 507], [143, 507]], 'ps': '[(143, 507)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[464, 801], [464, 801]], 'ps': '[(464, 801)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[238, 567], [357, 679]], 'ps': '[(238, 567), (240, 567), (240, 568), (243, 569), (243, 570), (245, 572), (245, 573), (245, 574), (248, 574), (248, 575), (248, 576), (250, 576), (250, 577), (250, 578), (250, 579), (250, 581), (253, 581), (253, 582), (255, 583), (255, 584), (255, 585), (258, 585), (258, 586), (258, 587), (260, 587), (260, 588), (263, 590), (263, 591), (265, 592), (265, 593), (265, 594), (268, 595), (268, 596), (268, 597), (270, 597), (270, 599), (270, 599), (272, 599), (272, 601), (274, 601), (274, 602), (274, 603), (274, 604), (277, 604), (277, 605), (279, 605), (279, 606), (279, 607), (282, 608), (282, 610), (282, 611), (284, 612), (287, 613), (287, 614), (289, 614), (289, 615), (292, 615), (292, 616), (292, 617), (294, 619), (294, 620), (294, 621), (297, 621), (297, 622), (297, 623), (299, 623), (299, 624), (302, 625), (306, 631), (306, 632), (306, 633), (308, 633), (308, 634), (311, 635), (311, 637), (311, 638), (313, 638), (313, 639), (313, 640), (316, 640), (316, 641), (318, 641), (318, 642), (318, 643), (321, 643), (321, 644), (321, 646), (321, 647), (323, 647), (323, 648), (326, 649), (326, 650), (328, 651), (328, 652), (328, 653), (331, 653), (331, 655), (333, 655), (333, 656), (336, 657), (336, 658), (336, 659), (336, 660), (338, 660), (338, 661), (338, 662), (340, 664), (340, 665), (343, 665), (343, 666), (345, 666), (345, 667), (345, 668), (347, 668), (347, 669), (347, 670), (350, 670), (350, 671), (350, 673), (350, 674), (352, 674), (352, 675), (352, 676), (355, 676), (355, 677), (355, 678), (357, 678), (357, 679)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[477, 456], [372, 462]], 'ps': '[(477, 456), (474, 456), (472, 456), (469, 456), (467, 456), (464, 456), (462, 456), (459, 456), (457, 456), (454, 456), (452, 456), (449, 456), (447, 457), (445, 457), (443, 457), (440, 457), (438, 457), (435, 458), (433, 458), (430, 458), (428, 458), (425, 458), (423, 458), (420, 458), (418, 458), (415, 458), (413, 459), (411, 459), (409, 459), (406, 459), (404, 459), (404, 460), (401, 460), (399, 460), (396, 460), (394, 460), (391, 460), (389, 460), (389, 462), (386, 462), (384, 462), (381, 462), (379, 462), (377, 462), (374, 462), (372, 462)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[799, 753], [799, 753]], 'ps': '[(799, 753)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[308, 157], [308, 157]], 'ps': '[(308, 157)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_22.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Meeting', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_23.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[804, 379], [804, 379]], 'ps': '[(804, 379)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '6949325167557745_24.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'saltyfunsweet'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Setting', 'Instagram']
Watch a trending video and turn {} the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video and turn to minimum the volume on the phone.
Open Instagram and watch a trending video. Then, use the Setting app to turn the phone's volume to the minimum level.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5589781817807319_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[388, 814], [388, 814]], 'ps': '[(388, 814)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5589781817807319_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[187, 320], [187, 320]], 'ps': '[(187, 320)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5589781817807319_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5589781817807319_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[126, 510], [126, 510]], 'ps': '[(126, 510)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5589781817807319_4.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['Youtube', 'Calendar', 'Ebay']
Look up a/an {} class, buy the thing needed in the class, and set a calendar reminder to study.
Look up a/an French language class, buy the thing needed in the class, and set a calendar reminder to study.
Search for a French language class on YouTube, purchase the required materials on eBay, and create a reminder in your calendar to study.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[441, 660], [441, 660]], 'ps': '[(441, 660)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[955, 67], [955, 67]], 'ps': '[(955, 67)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'french language class', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[868, 889], [868, 889]], 'ps': '[(868, 889)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[586, 623], [586, 623]], 'ps': '[(586, 623)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[422, 596], [422, 596]], 'ps': '[(422, 596)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[797, 120], [797, 117]], 'ps': '[(797, 120), (797, 117)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[361, 176], [361, 176]], 'ps': '[(361, 176)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'french learning book', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[844, 889], [844, 889]], 'ps': '[(844, 889)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[425, 361], [425, 361]], 'ps': '[(425, 361)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[519, 821], [589, 220]], 'ps': '[(519, 821), (519, 820), (519, 816), (519, 812), (519, 809), (519, 804), (519, 800), (519, 796), (519, 788), (519, 784), (519, 776), (521, 767), (521, 761), (522, 753), (524, 740), (526, 727), (528, 717), (529, 703), (531, 691), (531, 680), (532, 671), (532, 655), (532, 643), (536, 631), (536, 620), (536, 608), (539, 595), (539, 583), (543, 563), (546, 547), (549, 530), (552, 514), (555, 498), (556, 490), (562, 467), (562, 454), (565, 446), (566, 431), (568, 415), (569, 395), (569, 385), (569, 373), (572, 365), (572, 353), (572, 346), (575, 337), (576, 321), (578, 309), (578, 301), (579, 284), (581, 277), (583, 269), (585, 264), (586, 256), (586, 252), (586, 244), (586, 240), (588, 233), (588, 232), (589, 228), (589, 226), (589, 224), (589, 221), (589, 220)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[572, 833], [623, 302]], 'ps': '[(572, 833), (572, 832), (572, 826), (572, 821), (572, 820), (572, 812), (572, 804), (572, 792), (572, 781), (572, 773), (572, 760), (575, 745), (578, 721), (579, 707), (581, 692), (585, 683), (586, 667), (589, 651), (591, 640), (595, 620), (595, 607), (598, 596), (600, 583), (600, 566), (601, 543), (603, 530), (605, 510), (606, 490), (608, 475), (608, 466), (608, 451), (610, 433), (610, 419), (612, 413), (613, 393), (613, 383), (613, 373), (615, 361), (615, 353), (616, 342), (616, 338), (616, 329), (619, 324), (619, 321), (620, 317), (622, 313), (622, 310), (622, 309), (622, 306), (622, 304), (623, 304), (623, 302)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[485, 833], [485, 833]], 'ps': '[(485, 833)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[670, 663], [670, 663]], 'ps': '[(670, 663)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[910, 878], [910, 878]], 'ps': '[(910, 878)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[910, 878], [910, 878]], 'ps': '[(910, 878)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_19.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'french language class', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[428, 192], [428, 192]], 'ps': '[(428, 192)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '1830331467001659_21.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Chrome', 'Facebook', 'Weather & Radar']
Look for a new hiking trail, check the weather forecast for the weekend and invite friends to join.
Look for a new hiking trail, check the weather forecast for the weekend and invite friends to join.
Use Chrome to discover a new hiking trail, check the weekend weather forecast using Weather & Radar, and then invite Victor James to join through Facebook.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 627], [152, 627]], 'ps': '[(152, 627)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[272, 278], [272, 278]], 'ps': '[(272, 278)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'hiking trail', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[914, 911], [914, 911]], 'ps': '[(914, 911)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[574, 747], [535, 244]], 'ps': '[(574, 747), (574, 744), (574, 742), (574, 740), (566, 737), (562, 732), (562, 728), (562, 724), (554, 722), (554, 719), (551, 715), (551, 710), (551, 708), (544, 705), (544, 704), (544, 702), (539, 697), (539, 693), (539, 689), (539, 682), (539, 675), (539, 671), (539, 648), (539, 615), (539, 596), (539, 584), (539, 574), (539, 565), (539, 556), (539, 549), (539, 542), (539, 535), (539, 530), (539, 523), (539, 517), (539, 511), (539, 505), (539, 499), (535, 496), (535, 492), (535, 487), (535, 483), (535, 479), (535, 476), (535, 472), (535, 467), (535, 463), (535, 459), (535, 454), (535, 451), (535, 439), (535, 432), (535, 426), (535, 422), (535, 417), (535, 409), (535, 403), (535, 399), (535, 393), (535, 384), (535, 379), (535, 372), (535, 365), (535, 356), (535, 347), (535, 339), (535, 333), (535, 324), (535, 319), (535, 314), (535, 310), (535, 306), (535, 301), (535, 297), (535, 294), (535, 289), (535, 287), (535, 284), (535, 282), (535, 279), (535, 276), (535, 274), (535, 271), (535, 268), (535, 265), (535, 263), (535, 261), (535, 257), (535, 255), (535, 252), (535, 250), (535, 248), (535, 244)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[508, 642], [583, 203]], 'ps': '[(508, 642), (508, 639), (508, 637), (508, 634), (512, 634), (512, 632), (512, 629), (512, 626), (512, 622), (512, 617), (512, 615), (512, 612), (512, 610), (512, 607), (512, 604), (512, 600), (512, 596), (515, 593), (515, 590), (515, 586), (515, 581), (515, 579), (515, 576), (515, 574), (515, 572), (515, 568), (515, 566), (515, 563), (522, 561), (522, 557), (522, 555), (522, 553), (522, 549), (522, 545), (522, 541), (522, 539), (522, 534), (522, 531), (522, 529), (522, 527), (522, 523), (522, 521), (522, 518), (522, 516), (522, 514), (522, 510), (522, 508), (522, 505), (522, 500), (522, 496), (522, 494), (522, 492), (522, 488), (522, 486), (522, 483), (522, 481), (522, 479), (522, 475), (522, 473), (522, 470), (522, 465), (522, 463), (522, 459), (522, 454), (522, 450), (524, 446), (524, 441), (524, 437), (524, 432), (529, 424), (529, 417), (529, 413), (529, 405), (529, 399), (529, 394), (529, 389), (529, 380), (529, 374), (529, 370), (529, 369), (529, 365), (529, 360), (537, 356), (537, 353), (537, 348), (537, 344), (537, 339), (539, 335), (539, 331), (544, 327), (544, 322), (547, 318), (547, 313), (547, 309), (547, 306), (547, 304), (551, 302), (551, 301), (551, 299), (551, 296), (554, 294), (554, 289), (559, 286), (559, 282), (559, 277), (562, 273), (562, 272), (562, 266), (562, 262), (562, 257), (562, 253), (562, 252), (566, 250), (566, 248), (566, 245), (566, 243), (574, 240), (574, 238), (574, 234), (581, 232), (581, 229), (581, 224), (581, 220), (581, 218), (581, 215), (581, 213), (581, 210), (581, 207), (583, 207), (583, 205), (583, 203)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[488, 615], [488, 615]], 'ps': '[(488, 615)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[430, 692], [400, 333]], 'ps': '[(430, 692), (430, 689), (430, 684), (430, 680), (430, 675), (430, 671), (423, 666), (423, 661), (417, 657), (417, 652), (411, 648), (411, 644), (411, 639), (403, 635), (403, 632), (403, 626), (403, 619), (403, 615), (403, 607), (403, 599), (403, 592), (403, 584), (403, 574), (403, 567), (403, 559), (403, 551), (403, 540), (403, 531), (403, 522), (403, 511), (403, 502), (403, 495), (403, 486), (403, 477), (403, 472), (403, 463), (403, 459), (403, 457), (403, 452), (400, 448), (400, 446), (400, 442), (400, 438), (400, 434), (400, 430), (400, 428), (400, 426), (400, 425), (400, 422), (400, 419), (400, 417), (400, 414), (400, 413), (400, 411), (400, 407), (400, 403), (400, 402), (400, 400), (400, 399), (400, 397), (400, 393), (400, 389), (400, 384), (400, 382), (400, 378), (400, 374), (400, 371), (400, 368), (400, 360), (400, 356), (400, 355), (400, 350), (400, 348), (400, 345), (400, 343), (400, 342), (400, 339), (400, 337), (400, 335), (400, 334), (400, 333)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[620, 502], [620, 502]], 'ps': '[(620, 502)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[405, 107], [430, 0]], 'ps': '[(405, 107), (405, 107), (405, 105), (405, 102), (405, 99), (405, 94), (405, 90), (405, 86), (405, 84), (405, 82), (405, 78), (405, 74), (408, 67), (412, 58), (417, 49), (417, 41), (420, 30), (424, 18), (430, 6), (430, 0)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[909, 61], [909, 61]], 'ps': '[(909, 61)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[378, 121], [378, 121]], 'ps': '[(378, 121)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'California', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[928, 924], [928, 924]], 'ps': '[(928, 924)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_15.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[529, 507], [598, 192]], 'ps': '[(529, 507), (529, 505), (529, 504), (529, 500), (529, 496), (529, 492), (529, 490), (529, 488), (529, 487), (529, 483), (529, 479), (529, 474), (529, 473), (529, 470), (529, 469), (529, 464), (529, 460), (529, 458), (529, 454), (529, 450), (529, 446), (529, 444), (529, 442), (529, 439), (529, 435), (529, 430), (529, 426), (529, 422), (532, 417), (532, 413), (532, 409), (532, 404), (532, 400), (532, 395), (532, 391), (532, 387), (532, 384), (532, 380), (535, 379), (535, 376), (535, 374), (535, 371), (535, 367), (535, 362), (535, 359), (535, 355), (535, 353), (535, 349), (535, 347), (535, 345), (535, 342), (541, 339), (541, 336), (541, 334), (541, 331), (541, 329), (541, 327), (541, 323), (541, 321), (544, 318), (544, 315), (551, 311), (551, 307), (559, 303), (559, 301), (562, 296), (562, 292), (562, 289), (562, 288), (563, 286), (563, 282), (563, 278), (566, 277), (566, 275), (566, 272), (568, 271), (568, 267), (568, 264), (575, 262), (575, 259), (575, 254), (575, 252), (575, 250), (575, 245), (575, 242), (575, 240), (575, 237), (583, 234), (583, 231), (583, 229), (583, 226), (587, 226), (587, 224), (587, 222), (587, 218), (587, 216), (587, 213), (587, 212), (587, 208), (587, 205), (587, 203), (587, 201), (593, 201), (593, 197), (593, 195), (598, 192)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_16.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[661, 637], [695, 203]], 'ps': '[(661, 637), (661, 634), (661, 629), (661, 627), (661, 625), (661, 623), (661, 619), (656, 617), (656, 614), (656, 612), (656, 607), (656, 603), (656, 601), (656, 596), (656, 591), (656, 589), (656, 588), (656, 586), (656, 582), (656, 580), (656, 576), (656, 572), (656, 569), (656, 566), (656, 564), (656, 561), (656, 558), (656, 554), (656, 552), (656, 549), (656, 546), (656, 543), (656, 541), (656, 539), (656, 535), (656, 533), (656, 530), (656, 528), (656, 526), (656, 522), (656, 520), (656, 517), (656, 514), (656, 510), (656, 508), (656, 505), (651, 502), (651, 499), (651, 497), (651, 493), (651, 488), (651, 485), (651, 483), (651, 481), (651, 476), (651, 473), (651, 469), (651, 467), (651, 465), (651, 462), (651, 458), (649, 453), (649, 452), (649, 449), (649, 448), (649, 444), (649, 440), (649, 438), (649, 434), (649, 432), (649, 426), (649, 424), (649, 423), (649, 420), (649, 417), (649, 413), (649, 409), (649, 406), (649, 404), (653, 399), (653, 397), (653, 392), (653, 388), (653, 383), (659, 382), (659, 379), (663, 374), (663, 370), (663, 368), (666, 367), (666, 364), (666, 359), (673, 355), (673, 353), (675, 352), (675, 347), (683, 343), (686, 339), (687, 334), (687, 331), (687, 329), (687, 325), (687, 323), (687, 321), (692, 318), (692, 315), (692, 312), (692, 310), (695, 309), (698, 306), (698, 304), (698, 302), (698, 300), (698, 297), (698, 294), (698, 292), (698, 289), (698, 287), (705, 284), (705, 282), (705, 278), (705, 276), (705, 273), (705, 272), (705, 269), (705, 267), (705, 264), (705, 263), (705, 261), (705, 259), (705, 255), (710, 253), (710, 250), (710, 248), (710, 244), (710, 243), (710, 242), (710, 240), (710, 238), (710, 234), (710, 232), (710, 229), (710, 227), (710, 224), (710, 222), (707, 222), (707, 219), (707, 218), (707, 217), (707, 214), (707, 212), (707, 209), (699, 209), (699, 206), (699, 205), (699, 203), (695, 203)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_17.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[524, 903], [653, 334]], 'ps': '[(524, 903), (524, 902), (524, 901), (524, 899), (524, 897), (524, 894), (520, 892), (517, 889), (517, 887), (517, 884), (517, 881), (517, 880), (517, 878), (517, 874), (517, 874), (517, 871), (517, 869), (517, 866), (517, 864), (510, 860), (510, 858), (510, 855), (510, 853), (510, 850), (510, 847), (510, 843), (510, 839), (510, 837), (510, 833), (510, 831), (510, 829), (510, 825), (510, 824), (510, 822), (510, 820), (510, 817), (510, 812), (510, 811), (510, 809), (510, 806), (510, 803), (510, 802), (510, 800), (510, 797), (510, 794), (510, 792), (510, 789), (510, 787), (510, 784), (510, 782), (510, 778), (510, 776), (510, 774), (512, 773), (517, 769), (517, 767), (517, 764), (517, 763), (522, 762), (522, 761), (529, 759), (529, 757), (535, 754), (535, 753), (535, 751), (541, 748), (541, 745), (544, 739), (544, 732), (549, 728), (551, 724), (551, 718), (551, 712), (554, 705), (554, 699), (562, 694), (562, 693), (563, 687), (563, 683), (568, 675), (568, 667), (568, 660), (574, 652), (575, 642), (581, 632), (581, 623), (586, 614), (587, 607), (587, 600), (593, 590), (595, 581), (595, 576), (600, 567), (600, 561), (602, 556), (602, 552), (602, 547), (602, 543), (602, 537), (602, 531), (607, 522), (610, 514), (610, 508), (610, 504), (610, 499), (610, 490), (610, 484), (610, 479), (610, 470), (610, 464), (614, 455), (614, 449), (614, 444), (614, 435), (614, 429), (614, 423), (614, 415), (614, 409), (622, 405), (622, 403), (622, 402), (624, 400), (624, 397), (624, 394), (624, 391), (624, 389), (624, 387), (624, 383), (629, 379), (629, 377), (637, 374), (637, 370), (637, 368), (639, 367), (641, 366), (641, 364), (641, 360), (641, 358), (641, 355), (641, 353), (641, 350), (641, 347), (641, 345), (649, 342), (649, 339), (649, 336), (649, 334), (653, 334)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[802, 594], [423, 594]], 'ps': '[(802, 594), (795, 594), (790, 594), (780, 594), (773, 594), (768, 594), (758, 594), (749, 594), (738, 594), (729, 594), (719, 594), (710, 594), (699, 594), (690, 594), (680, 594), (666, 594), (656, 594), (646, 594), (644, 594), (639, 594), (632, 594), (626, 594), (622, 594), (614, 594), (610, 594), (602, 594), (600, 594), (595, 594), (590, 594), (583, 594), (581, 594), (575, 594), (568, 594), (563, 594), (559, 594), (551, 594), (547, 594), (539, 594), (535, 594), (529, 594), (522, 594), (520, 594), (517, 594), (512, 594), (505, 594), (500, 594), (498, 594), (496, 594), (490, 594), (483, 594), (478, 594), (471, 594), (469, 594), (463, 594), (459, 594), (451, 594), (447, 594), (442, 594), (435, 594), (430, 594), (423, 594)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[853, 602], [449, 619]], 'ps': '[(853, 602), (862, 602), (855, 603), (849, 603), (843, 607), (836, 607), (831, 607), (824, 607), (814, 607), (804, 607), (795, 610), (785, 610), (770, 611), (758, 611), (738, 611), (726, 611), (707, 611), (695, 611), (686, 611), (675, 611), (668, 611), (663, 611), (661, 611), (656, 611), (649, 611), (644, 611), (637, 611), (634, 614), (624, 614), (620, 614), (612, 616), (607, 616), (600, 616), (595, 616), (587, 616), (583, 616), (578, 616), (571, 616), (566, 616), (559, 616), (554, 616), (549, 616), (541, 616), (539, 616), (532, 616), (524, 616), (520, 616), (512, 616), (508, 616), (502, 616), (496, 616), (488, 619), (483, 619), (474, 619), (469, 619), (462, 619), (457, 619), (449, 619)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[680, 605], [680, 605]], 'ps': '[(680, 605)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[885, 610], [885, 610]], 'ps': '[(885, 610)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_23.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[184, 126], [184, 126]], 'ps': '[(184, 126)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[254, 107], [254, 107]], 'ps': '[(254, 107)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[444, 156], [444, 156]], 'ps': '[(444, 156)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_26.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[442, 238], [442, 238]], 'ps': '[(442, 238)]'}, {'step': 27, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_27.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[653, 487], [653, 487]], 'ps': '[(653, 487)]'}, {'step': 28, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_28.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[493, 958], [493, 958]], 'ps': '[(493, 958)]'}, {'step': 29, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_29.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Do you want to go to California with me for a hiking trail next Sunday?', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 30, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_30.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[921, 604], [921, 604]], 'ps': '[(921, 604)]'}, {'step': 31, 'screenshot': '7835738917634617_31.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Pixel Tablet
['Threads', 'Tumblr']
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Utilize social media to post about your current feelings and then share this update on a communication app, using Threads and Tumblr.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[151, 252], [151, 252]], 'ps': '[(151, 252)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[498, 913], [498, 913]], 'ps': '[(498, 913)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Are there anyone who can make me happy?', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[700, 434], [700, 434]], 'ps': '[(700, 434)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[416, 447], [416, 443]], 'ps': '[(416, 447), (416, 443)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[434, 886], [434, 886]], 'ps': '[(434, 886)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[142, 123], [142, 123]], 'ps': '[(142, 123)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[552, 923], [552, 923]], 'ps': '[(552, 923)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[534, 133], [534, 133]], 'ps': '[(534, 133)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[491, 229], [491, 229]], 'ps': '[(491, 229)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[393, 862], [393, 862]], 'ps': '[(393, 862)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[519, 496], [519, 496]], 'ps': '[(519, 496)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[701, 424], [701, 424]], 'ps': '[(701, 424)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9172672041781984_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Setting', 'Libby, by OverDrive']
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Switch your device to dark mode using the Setting app and then launch the Libby, by OverDrive reading app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[363, 523], [363, 523]], 'ps': '[(363, 523)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[179, 959], [179, 959]], 'ps': '[(179, 959)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[886, 653], [886, 653]], 'ps': '[(886, 653)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[832, 397], [832, 397]], 'ps': '[(832, 397)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2081722559003345_5.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['Firefox Browser', 'Messenger']
Find an event with the topic of {} and discuss it with a friend.
Find an event with the topic of dance performance and discuss it with a friend.
Using the Firefox Browser, search for an event related to dance performances. Once you have found an interesting event, use Messenger to discuss the details with Victor James.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[604, 603], [604, 603]], 'ps': '[(604, 603)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[506, 149], [506, 149]], 'ps': '[(506, 149)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'dance performance events', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[956, 877], [956, 877]], 'ps': '[(956, 877)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[445, 844], [445, 844]], 'ps': '[(445, 844)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[595, 796], [584, 505]], 'ps': '[(595, 796), (590, 796), (590, 796), (590, 793), (586, 793), (586, 790), (586, 789), (586, 785), (580, 783), (580, 780), (580, 776), (579, 775), (576, 773), (576, 771), (576, 768), (576, 766), (570, 763), (570, 760), (570, 757), (568, 756), (568, 753), (568, 750), (568, 747), (562, 746), (562, 742), (562, 740), (562, 738), (562, 735), (562, 731), (562, 727), (562, 724), (562, 721), (562, 717), (562, 714), (562, 710), (562, 707), (562, 705), (562, 700), (562, 696), (562, 694), (562, 692), (562, 689), (562, 687), (562, 684), (562, 682), (562, 679), (562, 676), (562, 674), (562, 671), (562, 669), (562, 667), (562, 664), (562, 660), (562, 658), (562, 653), (562, 651), (562, 649), (562, 645), (566, 640), (566, 637), (569, 635), (569, 632), (569, 630), (569, 628), (569, 624), (569, 620), (569, 617), (569, 613), (573, 610), (573, 607), (573, 603), (573, 601), (573, 597), (573, 593), (573, 589), (573, 586), (573, 582), (573, 578), (573, 576), (573, 574), (574, 573), (574, 570), (580, 565), (580, 564), (580, 560), (580, 558), (580, 555), (580, 553), (580, 551), (580, 548), (580, 546), (580, 542), (580, 541), (580, 539), (580, 535), (580, 534), (580, 531), (584, 528), (584, 525), (584, 523), (584, 520), (584, 518), (584, 516), (584, 513), (584, 511), (584, 508), (584, 506), (584, 505)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[487, 632], [487, 632]], 'ps': '[(487, 632)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[833, 146], [833, 146]], 'ps': '[(833, 146)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[504, 678], [504, 678]], 'ps': '[(504, 678)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[665, 492], [665, 492]], 'ps': '[(665, 492)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 478], [916, 478]], 'ps': '[(916, 478)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[620, 490], [620, 490]], 'ps': '[(620, 490)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' Spring Dance Performance will come on MAY 18 ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[919, 492], [919, 492]], 'ps': '[(919, 492)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8631305923561061_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Chrome', 'Google Docs']
Find the ingredients of {} and create a shopping list for the main ingredients.
Find the ingredients of Sushi and create a shopping list for the main ingredients.
Using Chrome, search for the ingredients of Sushi and then create a shopping list of the main ingredients in Google Docs.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[579, 827], [579, 827]], 'ps': '[(579, 827)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[768, 205], [768, 205]], 'ps': '[(768, 205)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'sushi ingredients', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[469, 189], [469, 189]], 'ps': '[(469, 189)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[924, 640], [924, 640]], 'ps': '[(924, 640)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 119], [853, 118]], 'ps': '[(853, 119), (853, 118)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[897, 937], [897, 937]], 'ps': '[(897, 937)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[868, 849], [868, 849]], 'ps': '[(868, 849)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'shopping list for making sushi: avocados, gobo, cucumbers, carrots', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[85, 80], [85, 80]], 'ps': '[(85, 80)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9521856736772573_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Setting', 'Firefox']
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Enable or disable notifications for any app on your phone by navigating to 'Setting', and then launch the app in 'Firefox'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[127, 115], [127, 115]], 'ps': '[(127, 115)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[279, 549], [279, 549]], 'ps': '[(279, 549)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[336, 677], [336, 677]], 'ps': '[(336, 677)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[799, 77], [802, 77]], 'ps': '[(799, 77), (802, 77)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Firefox', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[214, 154], [214, 154]], 'ps': '[(214, 154)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[187, 538], [187, 538]], 'ps': '[(187, 538)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[797, 446], [797, 446]], 'ps': '[(797, 446)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[409, 119], [409, 119]], 'ps': '[(409, 119)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1712458483298839_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Opera News', 'Chrome']
Find a news of {} topic happened recently and add it to your digital calendar.
Find a news of innovation topic happened recently and add it to your digital calendar.
Locate a recent news article on an innovation topic using Opera News or Chrome, and then add details of the event to your digital calendar.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 229], [853, 229]], 'ps': '[(853, 229)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[545, 878], [545, 878]], 'ps': '[(545, 878)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[593, 927], [593, 927]], 'ps': '[(593, 927)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[474, 529], [474, 529]], 'ps': '[(474, 529)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[588, 893], [588, 893]], 'ps': '[(588, 893)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[906, 63], [906, 63]], 'ps': '[(906, 63)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_6.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'innovation', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[943, 888], [943, 889]], 'ps': '[(943, 888), (943, 889)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[377, 162], [377, 162]], 'ps': '[(377, 162)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[274, 279], [274, 279]], 'ps': '[(274, 279)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_10.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[90, 241], [90, 241]], 'ps': '[(90, 241)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_11.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[59, 237], [59, 237]], 'ps': '[(59, 237)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[138, 270], [350, 388]], 'ps': '[(138, 270), (136, 270), (143, 271), (151, 273), (163, 279), (170, 281), (170, 282), (175, 283), (180, 284), (185, 287), (187, 288), (192, 290), (195, 291), (197, 291), (199, 291), (202, 291), (204, 292), (206, 293), (209, 294), (209, 296), (211, 297), (211, 298), (214, 298), (216, 299), (216, 300), (216, 301), (219, 303), (221, 305), (221, 306), (221, 307), (221, 308), (221, 309), (221, 310), (221, 311), (221, 312), (221, 314), (221, 315), (219, 316), (219, 317), (219, 318), (219, 319), (216, 320), (214, 321), (211, 323), (211, 324), (219, 327), (221, 327), (229, 329), (236, 332), (245, 336), (253, 339), (260, 344), (279, 349), (292, 356), (306, 364), (316, 372), (328, 376), (338, 382), (343, 383), (345, 384), (347, 385), (347, 386), (350, 388)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[360, 379], [231, 328]], 'ps': '[(360, 379), (360, 377), (360, 376), (355, 374), (350, 373), (345, 370), (343, 368), (340, 367), (336, 366), (333, 364), (328, 363), (326, 362), (323, 361), (321, 359), (316, 358), (313, 357), (311, 357), (304, 355), (304, 354), (302, 354), (299, 352), (292, 352), (284, 349), (279, 348), (279, 347), (277, 346), (274, 345), (272, 344), (270, 343), (263, 343), (260, 341), (258, 341), (255, 341), (253, 339), (250, 338), (245, 338), (243, 337), (240, 336), (240, 334), (238, 332), (236, 330), (234, 329), (231, 328)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[394, 188], [394, 188]], 'ps': '[(394, 188)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_16.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[459, 611], [501, 436]], 'ps': '[(459, 611), (459, 610), (462, 602), (462, 588), (462, 573), (467, 552), (472, 530), (479, 505), (484, 481), (491, 458), (501, 436)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[843, 717], [843, 717]], 'ps': '[(843, 717)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[904, 917], [904, 917]], 'ps': '[(904, 917)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[882, 911], [882, 911]], 'ps': '[(882, 911)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[357, 651], [357, 651]], 'ps': '[(357, 651)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[885, 85], [885, 85]], 'ps': '[(885, 85)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '9668384395556673_22.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '10 LONG,11 LONG'}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Messenger', 'Remix:AI Image Creator']
Use an AI app to create a photo about {} and share it.
Use an AI app to create a photo about soccer ball and share it.
Use Remix:AI Image Creator to create an image of a soccer ball, and then share it with Victor James via Messenger.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[362, 538], [362, 538]], 'ps': '[(362, 538)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[509, 958], [509, 958]], 'ps': '[(509, 958)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[290, 669], [290, 669]], 'ps': '[(290, 669)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[174, 186], [174, 186]], 'ps': '[(174, 186)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'soccer ball', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[940, 89], [940, 89]], 'ps': '[(940, 89)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[494, 949], [494, 949]], 'ps': '[(494, 949)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[179, 951], [179, 951]], 'ps': '[(179, 951)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[150, 793], [150, 793]], 'ps': '[(150, 793)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[920, 331], [920, 331]], 'ps': '[(920, 331)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0248081616465143_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Pixel Fold
['Youtube', 'Opera browser with AI', 'Simplenote']
Select one healthy lunch plan for next day, take a note and watch a video about how to make one of dishes.
Select one healthy lunch plan for next day, take a note and watch a video about how to make one of dishes.
Choose a healthy lunch plan for the next day, make a note of it in Simplenote, and watch a YouTube video on how to prepare one of the dishes using Opera browser with AI.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[565, 153], [565, 153]], 'ps': '[(565, 153)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[356, 138], [356, 138]], 'ps': '[(356, 138)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Healthy lunch plan', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[894, 79], [894, 79]], 'ps': '[(894, 79)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[413, 885], [491, 227]], 'ps': '[(413, 885), (413, 884), (413, 883), (413, 881), (413, 880), (413, 878), (413, 877), (413, 876), (413, 874), (413, 873), (413, 871), (413, 870), (413, 869), (413, 867), (413, 865), (413, 864), (413, 863), (413, 861), (413, 860), (413, 858), (413, 857), (413, 855), (413, 854), (413, 853), (413, 851), (413, 850), (413, 848), (413, 847), (413, 846), (413, 844), (413, 842), (413, 841), (413, 840), (413, 839), (413, 837), (413, 835), (413, 834), (413, 833), (413, 832), (413, 828), (413, 827), (413, 826), (413, 824), (413, 823), (413, 821), (413, 820), (413, 818), (413, 817), (413, 816), (413, 814), (413, 813), (413, 811), (413, 810), (413, 809), (414, 807), (414, 805), (414, 804), (414, 803), (414, 801), (414, 800), (414, 798), (414, 797), (414, 796), (414, 794), (414, 796), (414, 790), (414, 789), (414, 790), (414, 789), (414, 787), (414, 786), (414, 784), (414, 783), (414, 782), (414, 780), (415, 779), (415, 777), (415, 776), (415, 774), (415, 773), (415, 771), (417, 771), (417, 770), (417, 769), (417, 767), (417, 766), (417, 764), (417, 763), (417, 760), (417, 759), (417, 757), (417, 756), (418, 756), (418, 754), (418, 753), (418, 752), (418, 750), (418, 748), (418, 747), (418, 746), (419, 746), (419, 745), (419, 741), (419, 740), (419, 739), (419, 737), (419, 736), (419, 734), (420, 734), (420, 732), (420, 730), (420, 729), (420, 727), (420, 726), (420, 724), (420, 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'3786800852432409_19.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to make crunchy lettuce salad wraps with sweet satay dip', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[897, 897], [897, 897]], 'ps': '[(897, 897)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[86, 639], [86, 639]], 'ps': '[(86, 639)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '3786800852432409_22.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Opera', 'AutoUncle:Search used cars']
Find the most popular car product of {} and check the price in car app.
Find the most popular car product of Toyota and check the price in car app.
Use Opera to find the most popular car product of Toyota and then check the price in AutoUncle:Search used cars.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[388, 562], [621, 566]], 'ps': '[(388, 562), (392, 562), (403, 563), (418, 566), (436, 568), (461, 568), (492, 568), (523, 568), (556, 568), (590, 568), (621, 566)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[426, 121], [426, 121]], 'ps': '[(426, 121)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[569, 274], [569, 274]], 'ps': '[(569, 274)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[980, 183], [980, 183]], 'ps': '[(980, 183)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'toyota most popular car', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[137, 256], [137, 256]], 'ps': '[(137, 256)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_8.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[836, 479], [608, 527]], 'ps': '[(836, 479), (835, 479), (830, 481), (818, 484), (800, 485), (774, 490), (739, 499), (696, 510), (651, 521), (608, 527)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[440, 270], [440, 270]], 'ps': '[(440, 270)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[441, 911], [441, 911]], 'ps': '[(441, 911)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[392, 219], [392, 219]], 'ps': '[(392, 219)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[500, 362], [500, 362]], 'ps': '[(500, 362)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[408, 122], [408, 121]], 'ps': '[(408, 122), (408, 121)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_14.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'toyota', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[387, 183], [387, 183]], 'ps': '[(387, 183)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_16.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[438, 741], [506, 176]], 'ps': '[(438, 741), (438, 739), (438, 735), (439, 731), (439, 727), (440, 716), (441, 701), (442, 681), (444, 659), (446, 636), (449, 612), (453, 589), (456, 568), (459, 547), (461, 526), (464, 503), (468, 485), (470, 466), (474, 449), (476, 433), (477, 416), (480, 400), (481, 384), (483, 367), (484, 351), (486, 335), (487, 322), (489, 308), (489, 294), (492, 282), (494, 272), (494, 263), (495, 254), (496, 248), (498, 243), (498, 233), (499, 223), (501, 211), (503, 201), (504, 193), (505, 184), (505, 183), (505, 181), (505, 179), (505, 178), (506, 176)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_17.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[435, 710], [507, 180]], 'ps': '[(435, 710), (435, 708), (435, 701), (436, 693), (436, 682), (438, 669), (439, 652), (440, 633), (443, 609), (446, 588), (449, 566), (453, 542), (457, 521), (461, 496), (465, 471), (469, 448), (474, 424), (478, 401), (481, 383), (484, 363), (487, 350), (489, 335), (490, 324), (493, 313), (493, 310), (493, 306), (493, 302), (494, 294), (494, 289), (494, 288), (494, 281), (494, 273), (496, 261), (498, 251), (501, 239), (502, 231), (503, 221), (504, 213), (505, 204), (506, 198), (506, 196), (506, 192), (506, 191), (506, 189), (506, 188), (506, 187), (506, 186), (506, 184), (506, 183), (506, 181), (507, 180)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[427, 784], [492, 326]], 'ps': '[(427, 784), (426, 784), (426, 783), (427, 779), (427, 776), (427, 771), (428, 760), (430, 744), (431, 724), (432, 703), (435, 677), (438, 648), (442, 616), (447, 584), (452, 547), (456, 515), (462, 488), (468, 463), (472, 441), (476, 421), (480, 403), (483, 386), (485, 373), (486, 363), (487, 355), (489, 348), (489, 346), (490, 343), (490, 339), (491, 334), (491, 330), (492, 326)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[461, 769], [496, 531]], 'ps': '[(461, 769), (461, 767), (462, 763), (462, 760), (463, 754), (464, 746), (465, 734), (468, 721), (470, 706), (473, 690), (477, 670), (481, 649), (483, 625), (486, 601), (489, 576), (492, 553), (496, 531)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_20.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[397, 786], [430, 567]], 'ps': '[(397, 786), (397, 781), (397, 776), (398, 767), (400, 751), (402, 731), (406, 710), (409, 686), (413, 663), (417, 637), (421, 613), (426, 589), (430, 567)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_21.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[425, 696], [463, 498]], 'ps': '[(425, 696), (426, 693), (430, 686), (430, 681), (431, 676), (432, 664), (434, 648), (438, 626), (442, 604), (446, 583), (450, 560), (455, 539), (459, 518), (463, 498)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_22.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[407, 685], [459, 463]], 'ps': '[(407, 685), (407, 681), (407, 677), (408, 670), (411, 658), (414, 643), (418, 623), (422, 601), (428, 579), (433, 560), (439, 541), (443, 521), (446, 508), (449, 496), (452, 486), (455, 477), (457, 469), (459, 463)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_23.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[433, 696], [481, 314]], 'ps': '[(433, 696), (433, 689), (433, 679), (435, 663), (437, 641), (441, 614), (446, 584), (450, 547), (455, 510), (459, 474), (464, 443), (468, 419), (470, 398), (473, 376), (475, 359), (478, 343), (480, 331), (480, 323), (481, 314)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_24.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[415, 699], [532, 121]], 'ps': '[(415, 699), (415, 696), (415, 691), (415, 683), (417, 670), (419, 650), (423, 629), (427, 605), (432, 578), (438, 547), (445, 509), (453, 469), (462, 431), (478, 359), (489, 309), (498, 276), (505, 245), (512, 221), (517, 199), (522, 180), (524, 163), (526, 150), (529, 138), (530, 135), (530, 134), (530, 133), (530, 130), (531, 129), (531, 128), (531, 126), (531, 123), (531, 122), (532, 121)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_25.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[412, 755], [537, 163]], 'ps': '[(412, 755), (412, 749), (414, 741), (415, 731), (420, 716), (425, 701), (429, 678), (435, 654), (442, 626), (450, 587), (458, 539), (469, 485), (479, 431), (488, 381), (498, 341), (507, 308), (514, 274), (519, 245), (524, 224), (528, 204), (532, 191), (535, 179), (536, 171), (537, 168), (537, 167), (537, 166), (537, 163)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_26.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[358, 318], [358, 318]], 'ps': '[(358, 318)]'}, {'step': 27, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_27.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[594, 919], [594, 919]], 'ps': '[(594, 919)]'}, {'step': 28, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_28.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[512, 844], [512, 844]], 'ps': '[(512, 844)]'}, {'step': 29, 'screenshot': '0855484836069128_29.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Gallery-photo gallery,album', 'Gmail']
Select a photo in album and share to a social app.
Select a photo in album and share to a social app.
Choose a photo from the Gallery-photo gallery or album app and share it via Gmail with [email protected].
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[400, 504], [400, 504]], 'ps': '[(400, 504)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[315, 566], [315, 566]], 'ps': '[(315, 566)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[315, 566], [315, 566]], 'ps': '[(315, 566)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[118, 115], [118, 115]], 'ps': '[(118, 115)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[327, 932], [327, 932]], 'ps': '[(327, 932)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[500, 774], [500, 774]], 'ps': '[(500, 774)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[398, 187], [398, 187]], 'ps': '[(398, 187)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '[email protected]', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[325, 257], [325, 257]], 'ps': '[(325, 257)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[810, 64], [810, 64]], 'ps': '[(810, 64)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '7799513702176400_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '[email protected]'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Gallery-photo gallery,album', 'Messenger']
Select a photo in album and share to a social app.
Select a photo in album and share to a social app.
Select an image from the Gallery or album and share it with Victor James on Messenger.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[153, 521], [153, 521]], 'ps': '[(153, 521)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[508, 806], [574, 410]], 'ps': '[(508, 806), (508, 804), (508, 801), (508, 798), (508, 796), (508, 794), (501, 790), (503, 787), (503, 785), (501, 781), (498, 779), (498, 778), (498, 776), (496, 774), (496, 771), (488, 769), (488, 766), (488, 761), (484, 758), (484, 757), (484, 753), (484, 752), (484, 749), (484, 744), (484, 740), (484, 735), (484, 733), (484, 729), (484, 724), (484, 722), (484, 717), (484, 714), (484, 709), (484, 705), (484, 700), (484, 696), (484, 694), (484, 693), (484, 688), (484, 686), (484, 682), (484, 678), (484, 676), (484, 671), (484, 667), (484, 665), (484, 658), (484, 653), (484, 652), (484, 648), (484, 647), (484, 643), (484, 639), (484, 634), (484, 630), (484, 626), (484, 624), (484, 620), (484, 619), (484, 614), (484, 613), (484, 611), (484, 606), (484, 602), (484, 597), (484, 593), (484, 588), (484, 582), (484, 575), (484, 569), (484, 565), (484, 564), (484, 560), (486, 558), (486, 554), (491, 550), (493, 548), (493, 541), (496, 537), (496, 532), (501, 528), (501, 524), (503, 520), (503, 518), (506, 516), (508, 514), (508, 511), (508, 507), (513, 504), (513, 501), (518, 496), (518, 492), (518, 490), (525, 486), (525, 484), (525, 481), (527, 476), (532, 472), (532, 468), (532, 466), (535, 462), (535, 457), (542, 454), (542, 449), (542, 445), (549, 442), (549, 441), (549, 438), (554, 436), (554, 432), (554, 430), (554, 427), (561, 424), (561, 421), (561, 419), (569, 415), (569, 413), (574, 410)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[736, 761], [736, 761]], 'ps': '[(736, 761)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[75, 170], [75, 170]], 'ps': '[(75, 170)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[328, 925], [328, 925]], 'ps': '[(328, 925)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[70, 783], [70, 783]], 'ps': '[(70, 783)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[870, 347], [870, 347]], 'ps': '[(870, 347)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6345478009532581_7.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Medium Phone
['X', 'Tumblr']
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Utilize social media platforms, such as X and Tumblr, to express your current mood and then share this post on a communication app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[145, 239], [145, 239]], 'ps': '[(145, 239)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[882, 919], [882, 919]], 'ps': '[(882, 919)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[865, 850], [865, 850]], 'ps': '[(865, 850)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[831, 591], [831, 591]], 'ps': '[(831, 591)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[901, 51], [901, 51]], 'ps': '[(901, 51)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[74, 184], [103, 776]], 'ps': '[(74, 184), (74, 185), (74, 187), (74, 191), (74, 193), (74, 194), (74, 195), (74, 198), (74, 201), (74, 203), (74, 206), (74, 208), (74, 212), (74, 214), (74, 216), (74, 219), (74, 222), (74, 224), (74, 227), (74, 229), (74, 232), (74, 234), (74, 238), (74, 240), (74, 242), (74, 245), (74, 247), (74, 248), (74, 250), (74, 253), (74, 255), (74, 257), (74, 261), (74, 263), (74, 264), (74, 267), (74, 269), (74, 272), (74, 275), (74, 277), (74, 280), (74, 283), (74, 285), (74, 288), (74, 290), (74, 294), (74, 294), (74, 296), (74, 298), (74, 300), (74, 303), (74, 306), (74, 309), (74, 311), (74, 313), (74, 317), (74, 319), (74, 320), (74, 321), (74, 324), (74, 325), (74, 327), (79, 327), (79, 329), (79, 331), (79, 334), (79, 336), (79, 339), (79, 342), (79, 344), (79, 347), (79, 349), (84, 350), (84, 354), (84, 356), (84, 360), (84, 362), (84, 366), (84, 368), (84, 371), (84, 374), (84, 376), (84, 379), (84, 381), (84, 384), (84, 387), (84, 389), (84, 392), (84, 397), (84, 399), (84, 402), (84, 404), (84, 406), (84, 409), (84, 412), (84, 415), (84, 417), (84, 419), (84, 423), (91, 426), (91, 428), (91, 430), (91, 435), (91, 436), (91, 439), (91, 441), (91, 444), (97, 444), (97, 447), (97, 449), (97, 452), (97, 453), (97, 455), (97, 460), (97, 464), (97, 467), (97, 470), (97, 472), (97, 475), (103, 477), (103, 481), (103, 485), (103, 489), (103, 492), (103, 496), (103, 500), (103, 504), (103, 508), (103, 510), (103, 512), (103, 516), (103, 518), (103, 521), (103, 523), (103, 526), (103, 530), (103, 534), (103, 537), (103, 540), (103, 544), (103, 549), (103, 552), (103, 554), (103, 556), (103, 559), (103, 562), (103, 563), (103, 565), (103, 568), (103, 570), (103, 575), (103, 579), (103, 582), (103, 584), (103, 587), (103, 590), (103, 592), (103, 596), (103, 598), (103, 600), (103, 603), (103, 605), (103, 609), (103, 611), (103, 613), (103, 617), (103, 622), (103, 625), (103, 627), (103, 631), (103, 633), (103, 635), (103, 638), (103, 642), (103, 647), (103, 649), (103, 652), (103, 657), (103, 661), (103, 666), (103, 668), (103, 671), (103, 673), (103, 675), (103, 680), (103, 684), (103, 689), (103, 693), (103, 696), (103, 698), (103, 702), (103, 704), (103, 706), (103, 709), (103, 712), (103, 715), (103, 716), (103, 718), (103, 720), (103, 724), (103, 726), (103, 728), (103, 731), (103, 733), (103, 737), (103, 739), (103, 741), (103, 744), (103, 747), (103, 750), (103, 752), (103, 754), (103, 757), (103, 759), (103, 763), (103, 765), (103, 767), (103, 771), (103, 773), (103, 776)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[79, 152], [148, 776]], 'ps': '[(79, 152), (82, 152), (82, 154), (87, 154), (87, 154), (87, 157), (87, 159), (87, 161), (94, 161), (94, 164), (94, 167), (94, 169), (94, 172), (94, 174), (94, 178), (94, 180), (94, 182), (99, 182), (99, 185), (99, 187), (99, 191), (101, 192), (103, 194), (103, 196), (109, 199), (118, 199), (118, 202), (118, 205), (124, 207), (124, 210), (124, 213), (124, 216), (128, 218), (128, 222), (128, 224), (133, 227), (133, 229), (133, 231), (133, 234), (133, 237), (133, 240), (133, 242), (133, 244), (133, 248), (133, 252), (133, 257), (133, 259), (133, 262), (133, 266), (133, 268), (133, 271), (133, 274), (133, 278), (133, 283), (133, 285), (133, 288), (133, 290), (133, 292), (133, 296), (133, 298), (133, 301), (133, 303), (133, 306), (133, 308), (133, 310), (133, 312), (133, 315), (133, 318), (133, 320), (133, 323), (133, 325), (133, 329), (133, 331), (133, 333), (133, 336), (133, 339), (133, 342), (133, 346), (133, 348), (133, 350), (133, 354), (133, 356), (133, 359), (133, 362), (133, 364), (133, 367), (133, 369), (133, 372), (133, 377), (133, 378), (133, 380), (133, 382), (133, 385), (133, 387), (133, 389), (133, 391), (133, 394), (133, 397), (133, 400), (133, 402), (133, 404), (133, 407), (133, 409), (133, 413), (133, 415), (133, 417), (133, 422), (133, 426), (133, 429), (133, 444), (133, 452), (133, 459), (133, 463), (133, 467), (133, 472), (133, 474), (133, 477), (133, 482), (133, 484), (133, 486), (133, 489), (133, 492), (133, 495), (133, 497), (133, 499), (133, 510), (133, 512), (133, 516), (133, 518), (133, 520), (133, 524), (133, 528), (133, 532), (133, 534), (133, 539), (133, 543), (133, 546), (133, 549), (133, 553), (133, 557), (133, 561), (133, 565), (133, 567), (133, 569), (133, 574), (133, 578), (133, 581), (133, 586), (133, 590), (133, 594), (133, 599), (133, 601), (133, 604), (133, 607), (133, 609), (133, 612), (133, 616), (133, 619), (133, 622), (133, 624), (133, 626), (133, 629), (133, 632), (133, 635), (133, 637), (133, 642), (133, 646), (133, 648), (133, 651), (133, 654), (133, 657), (133, 659), (133, 661), (133, 666), (133, 669), (133, 671), (140, 674), (140, 677), (140, 680), (140, 692), (148, 695), (148, 697), (148, 701), (148, 703), (148, 705), (148, 708), (148, 709), (148, 712), (148, 715), (148, 717), (148, 719), (148, 722), (148, 724), (148, 728), (148, 730), (148, 732), (148, 736), (148, 738), (148, 741), (148, 743), (148, 745), (148, 749), (148, 751), (148, 754), (148, 757), (148, 759), (148, 762), (148, 764), (148, 767), (148, 769), (148, 771), (148, 773), (148, 776)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 852], [916, 852]], 'ps': '[(916, 852)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[130, 703], [130, 703]], 'ps': '[(130, 703)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[620, 107], [620, 107]], 'ps': '[(620, 107)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[612, 939], [612, 939]], 'ps': '[(612, 939)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[583, 100], [583, 100]], 'ps': '[(583, 100)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[299, 191], [299, 191]], 'ps': '[(299, 191)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[318, 899], [318, 899]], 'ps': '[(318, 899)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[551, 650], [551, 650]], 'ps': '[(551, 650)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[897, 589], [897, 589]], 'ps': '[(897, 589)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '0680464301605098_17.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['YT Music', 'Microsoft to do']
Listen to a podcast episode on {} and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Listen to a podcast episode on yoga for beginners and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Use YT Music to listen to a podcast episode on yoga for beginners, and then utilize Microsoft To Do to create a to-do list for tomorrow.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[447, 487], [447, 487]], 'ps': '[(447, 487)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[375, 687], [375, 687]], 'ps': '[(375, 687)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[103, 396], [103, 396]], 'ps': '[(103, 396)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[797, 299], [797, 299]], 'ps': '[(797, 299)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[953, 905], [953, 905]], 'ps': '[(953, 905)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[502, 581], [502, 581]], 'ps': '[(502, 581)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' do yoga with this', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[948, 416], [948, 416]], 'ps': '[(948, 416)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7611435815724934_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Opera', 'Simplenote']
Search the {} Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Search the 2011 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Using Opera, search for the 2011 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and then record the information in Simplenote.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[293, 490], [915, 490]], 'ps': '[(293, 490), (295, 490), (297, 490), (306, 490), (317, 490), (333, 490), (364, 490), (409, 490), (462, 490), (527, 490), (601, 490), (674, 490), (748, 490), (802, 490), (851, 490), (886, 490), (913, 490), (915, 490)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[179, 524], [819, 522]], 'ps': '[(179, 524), (181, 524), (201, 524), (241, 524), (295, 524), (377, 524), (460, 524), (534, 524), (587, 524), (636, 524), (681, 524), (726, 524), (770, 524), (819, 522)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[377, 135], [377, 135]], 'ps': '[(377, 135)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[221, 184], [221, 184]], 'ps': '[(221, 184)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[194, 126], [194, 126]], 'ps': '[(194, 126)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[949, 849], [949, 849]], 'ps': '[(949, 849)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[47, 926], [47, 926]], 'ps': '[(47, 926)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[61, 741], [61, 741]], 'ps': '[(61, 741)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[933, 918], [933, 918]], 'ps': '[(933, 918)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_9.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[880, 320], [880, 320]], 'ps': '[(880, 320)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[967, 347], [447, 475]], 'ps': '[(967, 347), (965, 348), (953, 350), (931, 353), (891, 358), (835, 367), (770, 377), (715, 385), (668, 392), (634, 397), (612, 402), (610, 402), (607, 402), (605, 402), (601, 403), (594, 406), (585, 407), (578, 409), (572, 410), (556, 413), (534, 419), (505, 425), (471, 432), (435, 438), (398, 445), (366, 450), (337, 453), (313, 457), (295, 460), (279, 463), (268, 465), (264, 466), (259, 468), (252, 470), (248, 470), (239, 471), (235, 473), (232, 474), (232, 475), (230, 475), (228, 476), (223, 479), (221, 479), (219, 481), (217, 482), (215, 483), (215, 484), (215, 485), (210, 486), (208, 486), (203, 488), (201, 489), (199, 490), (197, 491), (194, 492), (194, 493), (192, 494), (190, 494), (188, 495), (186, 496), (183, 497), (181, 499), (181, 500), (181, 501), (181, 502), (181, 503), (181, 504), (181, 505), (181, 506), (181, 507), (183, 508), (183, 509), (186, 510), (186, 511), (190, 513), (192, 513), (197, 514), (203, 516), (210, 518), (221, 519), (226, 520), (228, 520), (235, 521), (239, 521), (244, 521), (246, 521), (248, 521), (250, 522), (252, 523), (255, 523), (259, 526), (264, 530), (268, 532), (270, 534), (275, 537), (281, 542), (286, 549), (293, 552), (295, 554), (299, 558), (308, 563), (319, 568), (324, 569), (326, 570), (328, 571), (331, 571), (333, 571), (335, 572), (344, 572), (348, 572), (355, 572), (364, 572), (375, 572), (382, 572), (384, 572), (386, 572), (389, 572), (391, 571), (400, 569), (406, 566), (413, 565), (429, 563), (444, 559), (462, 556), (467, 555), (469, 555), (467, 555), (460, 555), (453, 555), (444, 555), (442, 555), (440, 556), (438, 557), (435, 558), (433, 559), (433, 562), (433, 564), (433, 566), (433, 569), (433, 572), (433, 574), (433, 577), (433, 583), (433, 589), (433, 594), (433, 597), (433, 599), (433, 602), (433, 603), (433, 604), (433, 605), (433, 606), (433, 607), (433, 608), (433, 609), (433, 610), (433, 611), (433, 612), (433, 613), (433, 614), (433, 615), (433, 616), (433, 617), (433, 618), (433, 619), (433, 617), (433, 616), (433, 615), (433, 612), (433, 610), (433, 609), (433, 608), (433, 607), (431, 604), (431, 601), (431, 598), (431, 595), (431, 592), (431, 587), (431, 583), (431, 577), (431, 568), (431, 560), (431, 552), (431, 542), (431, 534), (431, 528), (431, 526), (431, 525), (431, 522), (431, 518), (431, 513), (431, 507), (431, 504), (431, 501), (431, 497), (431, 492), (431, 486), (438, 481), (442, 479), (442, 478), (442, 477), (444, 476), (447, 475)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[953, 341], [212, 500]], 'ps': '[(953, 341), (951, 341), (951, 342), (951, 343), (949, 343), (944, 345), (944, 346), (944, 347), (942, 348), (942, 349), (942, 350), (942, 351), (942, 352), (942, 354), (942, 357), (942, 358), (942, 361), (942, 362), (942, 365), (942, 366), (942, 367), (942, 369), (942, 370), (942, 371), (942, 372), (942, 373), (942, 375), (942, 377), (942, 378), (942, 379), (942, 380), (942, 381), (942, 382), (942, 383), (942, 384), (942, 385), (942, 386), (942, 389), (942, 390), (942, 391), (942, 393), (942, 394), (942, 395), (942, 397), (942, 399), (942, 400), (942, 402), (942, 403), (942, 405), (942, 406), (942, 409), (942, 410), (942, 413), (942, 414), (942, 416), (942, 419), (942, 420), (942, 422), (942, 423), (942, 426), (942, 427), (942, 429), (940, 431), (940, 432), (940, 433), (940, 434), (938, 435), (938, 436), (938, 437), (936, 438), (936, 439), (933, 440), (933, 441), (931, 442), (929, 442), (927, 443), (922, 445), (918, 445), (911, 447), (900, 449), (884, 451), (871, 453), (855, 455), (833, 458), (804, 460), (773, 463), (737, 468), (694, 471), (654, 475), (610, 478), (565, 481), (520, 485), (476, 488), (435, 491), (398, 493), (375, 494), (357, 496), (355, 497), (351, 499), (346, 500), (344, 500), (337, 501), (331, 501), (319, 502), (313, 503), (308, 504), (306, 504), (304, 504), (302, 505), (299, 505), (293, 505), (290, 505), (288, 505), (284, 505), (277, 504), (275, 503), (268, 503), (266, 502), (264, 502), (261, 502), (259, 501), (257, 501), (255, 501), (250, 501), (244, 501), (241, 501), (237, 501), (228, 501), (226, 501), (223, 501), (221, 501), (219, 501), (217, 500), (212, 500)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[621, 272], [621, 272]], 'ps': '[(621, 272)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[186, 529], [186, 529]], 'ps': '[(186, 529)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[915, 921], [915, 921]], 'ps': '[(915, 921)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_16.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '2011 Nobel-Prize winners in physics', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[962, 910], [962, 910]], 'ps': '[(962, 910)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[500, 685], [500, 685]], 'ps': '[(500, 685)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '5433885722196371_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '9 LONG'}]
Pixel Tablet
['Edmunds - Shop Cars for Sale', 'Opera']
Find the most popular car product of {} and check the price in car app.
Find the most popular car product of Audi and check the price in car app.
Identify the most popular Audi vehicle and verify its price using the 'Edmunds - Shop Cars for Sale' app and the Opera browser.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[336, 624], [631, 592]], 'ps': '[(336, 624), (339, 624), (341, 624), (344, 624), (346, 624), (353, 624), (364, 624), (379, 624), (398, 624), (417, 624), (441, 624), (465, 624), (493, 621), (521, 619), (553, 612), (589, 603), (631, 592)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[432, 117], [432, 117]], 'ps': '[(432, 117)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_3.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[855, 493], [594, 544]], 'ps': '[(855, 493), (855, 493), (854, 493), (852, 493), (849, 493), (846, 493), (841, 494), (833, 496), (821, 499), (806, 504), (787, 509), (758, 518), (722, 527), (683, 534), (639, 541), (594, 544)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[141, 413], [141, 413]], 'ps': '[(141, 413)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[498, 306], [498, 306]], 'ps': '[(498, 306)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[112, 465], [112, 465]], 'ps': '[(112, 465)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[151, 713], [294, 146]], 'ps': '[(151, 713), (151, 711), (152, 708), (154, 703), (156, 694), (160, 681), (165, 658), (172, 636), (179, 612), (186, 584), (194, 554), (199, 530), (205, 509), (210, 486), (216, 466), (219, 448), (224, 431), (228, 414), (231, 400), (235, 386), (239, 369), (242, 353), (247, 338), (252, 322), (256, 308), (260, 293), (263, 278), (267, 265), (271, 251), (275, 236), (279, 223), (282, 211), (286, 199), (288, 189), (290, 180), (291, 178), (291, 174), (292, 171), (293, 169), (293, 168), (293, 167), (294, 167), (294, 166), (294, 164), (294, 163), (294, 162), (294, 161), (294, 158), (294, 156), (294, 154), (294, 153), (294, 151), (294, 150), (294, 148), (294, 147), (294, 146)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[66, 714], [66, 714]], 'ps': '[(66, 714)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[64, 859], [64, 859]], 'ps': '[(64, 859)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[46, 269], [46, 269]], 'ps': '[(46, 269)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1668441613842273_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Amazon', 'wikiHow', 'Firefox']
Search for a famous {} book, read reviews, and purchase the book.
Search for a famous thriller book, read reviews, and purchase the book.
Utilize Firefox to search for a renowned thriller book, then consult reviews on wikiHow, and finally, purchase the book on Amazon.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[712, 101], [712, 101]], 'ps': '[(712, 101)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[147, 62], [147, 62]], 'ps': '[(147, 62)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'book about thriller', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[897, 693], [897, 693]], 'ps': '[(897, 693)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[280, 259], [280, 259]], 'ps': '[(280, 259)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[969, 58], [969, 58]], 'ps': '[(969, 58)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'gone girl book', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[873, 686], [873, 686]], 'ps': '[(873, 686)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[435, 259], [435, 259]], 'ps': '[(435, 259)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[258, 64], [258, 64]], 'ps': '[(258, 64)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_12.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'gone girl book', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[889, 697], [889, 697]], 'ps': '[(889, 697)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '1176053964945315_14.png', 'action': 'INCOMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Network error'}]
Pixel Fold
['Clock', 'Microsoft Teams', 'Tumblr']
Schedule a business meeting with {}, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Schedule a business meeting with saltyfunsweets, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Organize a business meeting with saltyfunsweets via Microsoft Teams, send them an invitation through Tumblr, and set an alarm using the Clock app for the meeting time.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[220, 136], [220, 136]], 'ps': '[(220, 136)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[435, 851], [435, 851]], 'ps': '[(435, 851)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[431, 873], [431, 873]], 'ps': '[(431, 873)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Business', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[967, 78], [967, 78]], 'ps': '[(967, 78)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[174, 303], [174, 303]], 'ps': '[(174, 303)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[676, 459], [676, 459]], 'ps': '[(676, 459)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[440, 301], [440, 301]], 'ps': '[(440, 301)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[574, 915], [574, 915]], 'ps': '[(574, 915)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[597, 150], [597, 150]], 'ps': '[(597, 150)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[747, 826], [747, 826]], 'ps': '[(747, 826)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[457, 167], [457, 167]], 'ps': '[(457, 167)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[460, 848], [460, 848]], 'ps': '[(460, 848)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[601, 571], [601, 571]], 'ps': '[(601, 571)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[764, 514], [764, 514]], 'ps': '[(764, 514)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[88, 667], [88, 667]], 'ps': '[(88, 667)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[773, 855], [773, 855]], 'ps': '[(773, 855)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[551, 398], [547, 541]], 'ps': '[(551, 398), (552, 398), (552, 399), (552, 401), (552, 402), (552, 404), (552, 405), (552, 407), (552, 408), (552, 409), (552, 411), (552, 413), (552, 414), (552, 415), (552, 417), (552, 418), (552, 420), (552, 421), (553, 422), (553, 424), (553, 425), (553, 427), (553, 428), (553, 429), (553, 431), (553, 432), (553, 434), (553, 435), (553, 436), (553, 438), (553, 440), (553, 441), (553, 442), (553, 444), (553, 445), (553, 447), (553, 448), (553, 449), (553, 451), (553, 452), (553, 454), (553, 455), (553, 457), (553, 458), (553, 459), (553, 461), (553, 462), (553, 464), (553, 465), (553, 466), (553, 468), (553, 470), (553, 471), (553, 472), (553, 473), (553, 475), (553, 477), (553, 478), (553, 479), (553, 481), (553, 482), (553, 484), (553, 485), (553, 486), (553, 488), (553, 489), (553, 491), (552, 491), (552, 492), (552, 494), (552, 495), (552, 496), (552, 498), (552, 499), (551, 499), (551, 501), (551, 502), (551, 503), (551, 505), (551, 507), (551, 508), (549, 509), (549, 511), (549, 512), (549, 514), (549, 515), (549, 516), (549, 518), (549, 519), (548, 519), (548, 521), (548, 522), (548, 523), (548, 525), (548, 526), (548, 528), (548, 529), (547, 529), (547, 530), (547, 532), (547, 534), (547, 535), (547, 536), (547, 538), (547, 539), (547, 541)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_20.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[669, 328], [724, 582]], 'ps': '[(669, 328), (670, 328), (670, 330), (672, 330), (672, 331), (672, 331), (672, 333), (674, 333), (674, 334), (675, 334), (675, 335), (675, 337), (676, 337), (676, 338), (676, 340), (677, 340), (677, 341), (677, 342), (678, 342), (680, 342), (680, 344), (680, 345), (681, 345), (681, 347), (681, 348), (682, 349), (682, 351), (683, 351), (685, 353), (685, 354), (686, 354), (686, 355), (687, 357), (687, 358), (688, 358), (688, 360), (689, 360), (689, 361), (691, 363), (691, 364), (692, 364), (692, 365), (693, 367), (694, 368), (695, 370), (695, 371), (695, 372), (696, 374), (696, 376), (697, 376), (697, 377), (699, 377), (699, 378), (700, 378), (700, 379), (700, 381), (701, 381), (701, 383), (702, 384), (702, 385), (703, 385), (703, 386), (703, 388), (705, 388), (705, 390), (706, 391), (706, 392), (707, 392), (708, 394), (708, 395), (710, 395), (710, 397), (710, 398), (710, 399), (710, 401), (711, 401), (712, 401), (712, 402), (713, 404), (713, 405), (714, 407), (714, 408), (716, 408), (716, 409), (716, 411), (716, 411), (716, 413), (718, 414), (718, 415), (718, 417), (719, 417), (720, 417), (720, 418), 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(743, 522), (743, 523), (743, 525), (743, 526), (743, 528), (743, 529), (743, 530), (743, 532), (743, 534), (743, 535), (743, 536), (743, 538), (743, 539), (741, 541), (741, 542), (741, 543), (740, 543), (740, 545), (740, 546), (739, 546), (739, 548), (739, 549), (739, 551), (739, 552), (738, 552), (738, 553), (738, 555), (738, 556), (738, 558), (737, 558), (737, 559), (737, 560), (737, 562), (735, 562), (735, 564), (735, 565), (735, 565), (735, 566), (733, 566), (733, 567), (733, 569), (732, 569), (732, 571), (732, 572), (731, 572), (731, 573), (730, 575), (730, 573), (730, 575), (730, 573), (730, 575), (728, 575), (728, 576), (727, 576), (727, 578), (726, 578), (726, 579), (725, 579), (725, 580), (724, 580), (724, 582)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[789, 711], [789, 711]], 'ps': '[(789, 711)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[702, 177], [702, 177]], 'ps': '[(702, 177)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_23.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Meeting', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[656, 357], [657, 357]], 'ps': '[(656, 357), (657, 357)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '6797057219742958_25.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'saltyfunsweets'}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Firefox', 'Youtube']
Find a movie of {} and watch it in a movie app.
Find a movie of Thriller and watch it in a movie app.
Use Firefox to search for a Thriller movie and then watch it on YouTube.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[130, 832], [130, 832]], 'ps': '[(130, 832)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[127, 141], [127, 141]], 'ps': '[(127, 141)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'free thriller movie on youtube', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[920, 923], [920, 923]], 'ps': '[(920, 923)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[199, 352], [199, 352]], 'ps': '[(199, 352)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6491459632642114_5.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Clock', 'Tiktok']
Open a relaxing soundscape video and set a timer to wake up.
Open a relaxing soundscape video and set a timer to wake up.
Launch the TikTok app to find and play a relaxing soundscape video, and then use the Clock app to set a timer to wake up.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[413, 263], [413, 263]], 'ps': '[(413, 263)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '70', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[456, 853], [456, 853]], 'ps': '[(456, 853)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[384, 533], [384, 533]], 'ps': '[(384, 533)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[938, 74], [938, 74]], 'ps': '[(938, 74)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_6.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'nature scence', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[922, 918], [922, 918]], 'ps': '[(922, 918)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[230, 379], [230, 379]], 'ps': '[(230, 379)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1075867304415625_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Firefox', 'Microsoft to do']
Research how to {} and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Research how to learn sign language and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Investigate methods for learning sign language using Firefox, and subsequently, use Microsoft To Do to set a reminder for yourself to follow the tutorial on the specified website.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[451, 616], [999, 616]], 'ps': '[(451, 616), (453, 616), (462, 616), (473, 616), (489, 616), (516, 616), (552, 616), (596, 616), (650, 616), (715, 616), (779, 616), (853, 616), (933, 616), (999, 616)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[156, 141], [156, 141]], 'ps': '[(156, 141)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[936, 77], [936, 77]], 'ps': '[(936, 77)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to learn sign language', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[496, 181], [496, 181]], 'ps': '[(496, 181)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[404, 770], [431, 342]], 'ps': '[(404, 770), (404, 768), (404, 764), (404, 754), (404, 738), (404, 720), (404, 700), (404, 678), (404, 654), (404, 632), (404, 610), (404, 589), (404, 569), (404, 549), (409, 529), (415, 511), (420, 493), (422, 477), (427, 461), (431, 445), (431, 431), (431, 419), (431, 407), (431, 399), (431, 391), (431, 383), (431, 376), (431, 370), (431, 366), (431, 361), (431, 358), (431, 357), (431, 356), (431, 355), (431, 354), (431, 353), (431, 350), (431, 349), (431, 348), (431, 347), (431, 346), (431, 345), (431, 344), (431, 343), (431, 342)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[384, 705], [384, 705]], 'ps': '[(384, 705)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[529, 76], [529, 76]], 'ps': '[(529, 76)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_8.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[453, 75], [453, 75]], 'ps': '[(453, 75)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[422, 134], [422, 134]], 'ps': '[(422, 134)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[837, 429], [0, 459]], 'ps': '[(837, 429), (833, 429), (826, 432), (817, 432), (810, 432), (802, 432), (790, 432), (773, 433), (746, 434), (715, 434), (670, 436), (614, 438), (549, 440), (453, 444), (351, 449), (248, 452), (145, 454), (52, 457), (0, 459)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 150], [152, 150]], 'ps': '[(152, 150)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[663, 577], [663, 577]], 'ps': '[(663, 577)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[911, 946], [911, 946]], 'ps': '[(911, 946)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_15.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'learn sign language in ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[458, 684], [458, 684]], 'ps': '[(458, 684)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[913, 583], [913, 583]], 'ps': '[(913, 583)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '4517999823121663_18.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '8 LONG'}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Apartment List', 'GPS']
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Utilize Apartment List to find a rental house in your city and use GPS to check the driving distance to your location.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[632, 265], [632, 265]], 'ps': '[(632, 265)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[438, 862], [438, 861]], 'ps': '[(438, 862), (438, 861)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[165, 383], [165, 383]], 'ps': '[(165, 383)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[188, 842], [188, 842]], 'ps': '[(188, 842)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[822, 101], [822, 101]], 'ps': '[(822, 101)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[489, 197], [496, 198]], 'ps': '[(489, 197), (491, 197), (494, 197), (494, 198), (496, 198)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[206, 776], [206, 776]], 'ps': '[(206, 776)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'AVA Arts District', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[918, 921], [918, 921]], 'ps': '[(918, 921)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[382, 153], [382, 153]], 'ps': '[(382, 153)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1221745573528866_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['Things', 'Opera', 'Ebay']
Find a recipe for {}, create a shopping list of main ingredients, and add to the cart.
Find a recipe for Chocolate chip cookies, create a shopping list of main ingredients, and add to the cart.
Using Opera, find a recipe for Chocolate chip cookies. Then, with the help of Things, create a shopping list of the main ingredients. Finally, add these ingredients to your cart on Ebay.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[799, 918], [799, 918]], 'ps': '[(799, 918)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[188, 905], [188, 905]], 'ps': '[(188, 905)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[930, 317], [930, 317]], 'ps': '[(930, 317)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[939, 884], [939, 884]], 'ps': '[(939, 884)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[373, 436], [373, 436]], 'ps': '[(373, 436)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Chocolate chip cookies: 150g salted butter, softened 80g light brown muscovado sugar, 80g granulated sugar, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 large egg, 225g plain flour, 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 1/4 tsp salt, 200g plain chocolate chips or chunks', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[494, 447], [494, 447]], 'ps': '[(494, 447)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[199, 303], [199, 303]], 'ps': '[(199, 303)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[16, 73], [16, 73]], 'ps': '[(16, 73)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[387, 740], [387, 740]], 'ps': '[(387, 740)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[153, 317], [153, 317]], 'ps': '[(153, 317)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[779, 76], [779, 76]], 'ps': '[(779, 76)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[883, 92], [883, 92]], 'ps': '[(883, 92)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[253, 339], [253, 339]], 'ps': '[(253, 339)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[408, 290], [408, 290]], 'ps': '[(408, 290)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[681, 875], [741, 242]], 'ps': '[(681, 875), (685, 859), (685, 854), (690, 845), (690, 840), (692, 828), (695, 818), (697, 807), (700, 797), (703, 781), (706, 763), (708, 749), (711, 738), (711, 729), (714, 717), (716, 708), (716, 695), (719, 687), (721, 670), (721, 657), (723, 653), (723, 635), (726, 627), (726, 614), (728, 605), (728, 594), (728, 585), (730, 576), (730, 567), (730, 563), (734, 546), (734, 537), (736, 524), (736, 518), (736, 503), (736, 494), (736, 486), (736, 477), (739, 464), (739, 455), (739, 447), (739, 439), (739, 426), (741, 420), (741, 411), (741, 407), (741, 398), (741, 386), (741, 380), (741, 368), (741, 363), (741, 359), (741, 353), (741, 345), (741, 341), (741, 338), (741, 332), (741, 329), (741, 324), (741, 319), (741, 317), (741, 315), (741, 311), (741, 307), (741, 302), (741, 300), (741, 297), (741, 296), (741, 293), (741, 290), (741, 286), (741, 283), (741, 282), (741, 276), (741, 274), (741, 272), (741, 269), (741, 267), (741, 265), (741, 261), (741, 260), (741, 258), (741, 256), (741, 253), (741, 250), (741, 249), (741, 246), (741, 243), (741, 242)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[596, 845], [596, 845]], 'ps': '[(596, 845)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '9170473669240456_20.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Pocket FM: Audio Series', 'Chrome']
Learn about a historical event happened in {} and read or listen to a related book on app.
Learn about a historical event happened in Russian Revolution of 1917 and read or listen to a related book on app.
Explore an event from the Russian Revolution of 1917 by researching it online using Chrome, and then deepen your understanding by reading or listening to a related book on Pocket FM: Audio Series.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[642, 832], [642, 832]], 'ps': '[(642, 832)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[316, 264], [316, 264]], 'ps': '[(316, 264)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Russian Revolution of 1917', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[918, 906], [918, 906]], 'ps': '[(918, 906)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[533, 671], [533, 671]], 'ps': '[(533, 671)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[160, 744], [160, 744]], 'ps': '[(160, 744)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[906, 338], [130, 345]], 'ps': '[(906, 338), (903, 338), (899, 338), (891, 338), (876, 338), (861, 338), (838, 338), (806, 338), (757, 338), (732, 338), (687, 338), (642, 338), (540, 341), (487, 341), (391, 341), (324, 344), (217, 344), (130, 345)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[182, 257], [182, 257]], 'ps': '[(182, 257)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[749, 56], [749, 56]], 'ps': '[(749, 56)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_10.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Russian Revolution of 1917', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[599, 556], [577, 173]], 'ps': '[(599, 556), (599, 554), (599, 552), (599, 549), (599, 546), (599, 544), (599, 539), (599, 536), (599, 529), (599, 526), (599, 522), (599, 519), (599, 513), (599, 509), (598, 502), (598, 499), (592, 489), (590, 485), (590, 479), (585, 475), (585, 469), (585, 465), (585, 462), (583, 459), (583, 455), (583, 452), (583, 448), (583, 445), (583, 442), (577, 439), (577, 435), (577, 432), (577, 429), (577, 428), (577, 425), (577, 422), (577, 419), (577, 418), (577, 415), (577, 412), (577, 412), (577, 408), (577, 405), (577, 402), (577, 398), (577, 394), (577, 391), (577, 388), (577, 384), (577, 381), (577, 378), (577, 374), (577, 369), (577, 366), (577, 362), (577, 359), (577, 358), (577, 354), (577, 349), (577, 348), (577, 344), (577, 339), (577, 334), (577, 329), (577, 324), (577, 322), (577, 319), (577, 317), (577, 314), (577, 311), (577, 307), (577, 304), (577, 302), (577, 295), (577, 292), (577, 287), (577, 284), (577, 281), (577, 277), (577, 274), (577, 272), (577, 268), (577, 267), (577, 264), (577, 260), (577, 258), (577, 255), (577, 254), (577, 250), (577, 247), (577, 244), (577, 240), (577, 237), (577, 235), (577, 228), (577, 227), (577, 224), (577, 221), (577, 220), (577, 217), (577, 214), (577, 210), (577, 208), (577, 207), (577, 203), (577, 200), (577, 198), (577, 194), (577, 191), (577, 190), (577, 187), (577, 183), (577, 181), (577, 180), (577, 178), (577, 177), (577, 174), (577, 173)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[486, 376], [486, 376]], 'ps': '[(486, 376)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[667, 428], [667, 428]], 'ps': '[(667, 428)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[511, 631], [511, 631]], 'ps': '[(511, 631)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3124515076680557_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['Google Play Store', 'Setting']
Change the language to {} on phone and open an app to check.
Change the language to Korean on phone and open an app to check.
Switch the phone's language settings to Korean via the 'Setting' app, then launch the 'Google Play Store' to verify the change.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[884, 610], [884, 610]], 'ps': '[(884, 610)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[494, 895], [484, 164]], 'ps': '[(494, 895), (494, 891), (494, 889), (494, 885), (494, 885), (494, 878), (494, 871), (494, 864), (494, 857), (494, 847), (494, 835), (494, 828), (494, 814), (494, 800), (494, 784), (494, 768), (494, 753), (494, 735), (494, 724), (494, 707), (494, 690), (494, 680), (494, 660), (494, 646), (494, 627), (490, 610), (490, 599), (490, 582), (490, 570), (490, 564), (490, 550), (490, 539), (490, 530), (490, 522), (490, 505), (488, 493), (488, 486), (488, 471), (488, 462), (484, 455), (484, 445), (484, 432), (484, 418), (484, 411), (484, 403), (484, 391), (484, 381), (484, 369), (484, 361), (484, 349), (484, 338), (484, 328), (484, 318), (484, 310), (484, 304), (484, 297), (484, 290), (484, 277), (484, 268), (484, 264), (484, 257), (484, 247), (484, 240), (484, 232), (484, 228), (484, 221), (484, 214), (484, 203), (484, 196), (484, 194), (484, 186), (484, 181), (484, 176), (484, 173), (484, 170), (484, 167), (484, 164)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_2.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[502, 896], [523, 240]], 'ps': '[(502, 896), (502, 895), (502, 891), (502, 888), (502, 885), (502, 878), (502, 874), (502, 865), (502, 859), (502, 846), (495, 832), (495, 817), (490, 800), (490, 787), (490, 774), (490, 757), (490, 748), (490, 737), (490, 714), (490, 701), (490, 681), (490, 667), (494, 649), (494, 639), (495, 627), (495, 610), (495, 596), (495, 587), (499, 576), (499, 566), (502, 557), (502, 553), (502, 546), (502, 535), (502, 527), (506, 515), (506, 507), (506, 502), (506, 495), (508, 485), (508, 478), (508, 468), (508, 462), (508, 453), (508, 445), (508, 436), (508, 429), (508, 422), (508, 418), (508, 411), (508, 399), (513, 392), (513, 385), (513, 381), (513, 374), (513, 362), (520, 354), (520, 351), (520, 341), (520, 338), (520, 331), (520, 328), (520, 321), (523, 314), (523, 310), (523, 304), (523, 297), (523, 294), (523, 287), (523, 284), (523, 278), (523, 274), (523, 271), (523, 268), (523, 265), (523, 260), (523, 258), (523, 257), (523, 255), (523, 253), (523, 251), (523, 250), (523, 248), (523, 247), (523, 245), (523, 243), (523, 241), (523, 240)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_3.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[490, 814], [466, 274]], 'ps': '[(490, 814), (490, 810), (488, 807), (488, 804), (484, 800), (484, 794), (477, 784), (477, 774), (477, 771), (472, 760), (472, 741), (466, 730), (466, 720), (466, 708), (466, 698), (470, 686), (470, 670), (472, 657), (472, 653), (476, 639), (476, 626), (476, 614), (477, 603), (477, 592), (481, 579), (481, 572), (484, 562), (484, 553), (484, 546), (484, 533), (484, 525), (484, 515), (484, 510), (484, 505), (484, 499), (484, 495), (484, 489), (484, 485), (484, 478), (484, 473), (484, 468), (484, 463), (484, 458), (484, 453), (484, 448), (484, 442), (484, 438), (484, 435), (484, 428), (484, 418), (484, 416), (484, 411), (484, 406), (484, 403), (484, 398), (481, 392), (481, 388), (477, 381), (477, 378), (477, 372), (477, 367), (476, 364), (476, 361), (476, 357), (476, 354), (472, 351), (472, 347), (472, 346), (472, 342), (472, 341), (472, 338), (472, 335), (470, 334), (470, 332), (470, 331), (470, 328), (470, 328), (466, 324), (466, 322), (466, 321), (466, 318), (466, 317), (466, 315), (466, 314), (466, 312), (466, 310), (466, 308), (466, 307), (466, 305), (466, 304), (466, 302), (466, 300), (466, 298), (466, 297), (466, 295), (466, 294), (466, 292), (466, 290), (466, 289), (466, 287), (466, 285), (466, 284), (466, 282), (466, 281), (466, 278), (466, 277), (466, 274)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[530, 878], [530, 878]], 'ps': '[(530, 878)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[411, 382], [411, 382]], 'ps': '[(411, 382)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[369, 485], [369, 485]], 'ps': '[(369, 485)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[388, 674], [388, 674]], 'ps': '[(388, 674)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[926, 77], [926, 77]], 'ps': '[(926, 77)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Korean', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[213, 186], [213, 186]], 'ps': '[(213, 186)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[213, 186], [213, 186]], 'ps': '[(213, 186)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[924, 708], [830, 515]], 'ps': '[(924, 708), (924, 707), (920, 704), (920, 700), (915, 698), (912, 693), (902, 686), (901, 681), (894, 674), (888, 664), (884, 657), (879, 649), (866, 639), (865, 629), (861, 621), (855, 610), (852, 603), (848, 593), (848, 589), (847, 582), (843, 576), (843, 569), (843, 566), (843, 562), (843, 559), (843, 556), (840, 553), (840, 550), (840, 549), (840, 546), (837, 546), (837, 542), (837, 540), (837, 539), (837, 536), (837, 535), (837, 532), (837, 530), (834, 528), (834, 525), (834, 523), (834, 522), (834, 520), (830, 519), (830, 517), (830, 515)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[798, 673], [798, 673]], 'ps': '[(798, 673)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[495, 760], [495, 760]], 'ps': '[(495, 760)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9662314090238971_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Wikipedia', 'Microsoft Word', 'Picturethis']
Find a photograph of a/an {}, identify it using a plant identifier app, and if the identification result is correct, record the image along with the plant name in a document.
Find a photograph of a/an Anemone, identify it using a plant identifier app, and if the identification result is correct, record the image along with the plant name in a document.
Locate a photo of an Anemone in Wikipedia, utilize the 'PictureThis' app to identify it, and if the identification is accurate, document the image and plant name in a 'Microsoft Word' file.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 109], [152, 109]], 'ps': '[(152, 109)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[409, 129], [409, 129]], 'ps': '[(409, 129)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Anemone', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[907, 681], [907, 681]], 'ps': '[(907, 681)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[172, 159], [172, 159]], 'ps': '[(172, 159)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[528, 707], [528, 707]], 'ps': '[(528, 707)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[395, 562], [609, 568]], 'ps': '[(395, 562), (396, 562), (397, 562), (398, 562), (398, 562), (399, 562), (400, 561), (401, 561), (401, 561), (402, 561), (403, 561), (404, 561), (405, 561), (406, 561), (407, 561), (408, 561), (408, 559), (409, 559), (410, 559), (411, 559), (412, 559), (413, 559), (415, 559), (415, 559), (416, 559), (418, 559), (419, 559), (420, 559), (422, 559), (423, 559), (425, 559), (426, 559), (427, 559), (428, 559), (430, 559), (430, 559), (432, 559), (433, 559), (434, 559), (436, 559), (437, 559), (439, 559), (440, 559), (442, 559), (444, 559), (444, 559), (446, 559), (448, 559), (449, 559), (451, 559), (453, 559), (455, 559), (456, 559), (459, 559), (460, 559), (463, 559), (465, 559), (465, 559), (467, 559), (469, 559), (472, 562), (473, 562), (474, 562), (477, 562), (480, 562), (482, 562), (484, 562), (486, 562), (488, 562), (490, 563), (491, 563), (494, 563), (497, 563), (498, 563), (498, 563), (501, 563), (503, 564), (505, 564), (508, 564), (510, 564), (512, 564), (514, 564), (516, 564), (519, 564), (519, 564), (521, 564), (523, 564), (524, 566), (527, 566), (528, 566), (533, 566), (534, 566), (536, 566), (537, 566), (539, 566), (541, 566), (543, 566), (545, 566), (547, 566), (548, 566), (550, 566), (553, 567), (554, 567), (555, 567), (557, 567), (559, 567), (561, 567), (562, 567), (564, 567), (565, 567), (567, 567), (569, 567), (570, 567), (572, 567), (573, 567), (575, 567), (576, 567), (578, 567), (580, 567), (581, 567), (583, 567), (584, 567), (586, 567), (587, 567), (589, 567), (590, 567), (594, 568), (594, 568), (596, 568), (597, 568), (598, 568), (600, 568), (601, 568), (602, 568), (604, 568), (605, 568), (606, 568), (607, 568), (608, 568), (609, 568)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[975, 44], [975, 44]], 'ps': '[(975, 44)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[899, 62], [899, 62]], 'ps': '[(899, 62)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[290, 276], [290, 276]], 'ps': '[(290, 276)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[498, 856], [498, 856]], 'ps': '[(498, 856)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[380, 823], [380, 823]], 'ps': '[(380, 823)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[666, 641], [666, 641]], 'ps': '[(666, 641)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_14.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[465, 894], [492, 607]], 'ps': '[(465, 894), (465, 893), (465, 892), (465, 891), (465, 889), (465, 888), (465, 887), (465, 886), (465, 884), (465, 883), (465, 882), (465, 881), (465, 879), (465, 878), (465, 877), (465, 876), (465, 874), (465, 873), (465, 872), (465, 871), (465, 869), (465, 868), (465, 867), (466, 866), (466, 864), (466, 863), (466, 861), (467, 859), (467, 858), (467, 857), (467, 856), (467, 854), (467, 853), (468, 853), (468, 852), (468, 851), (468, 849), (468, 848), (468, 847), (469, 846), (469, 844), (469, 843), (469, 842), (469, 841), (469, 839), (469, 837), (469, 836), (469, 834), (469, 833), (469, 832), (469, 831), (469, 829), (469, 828), (470, 827), (470, 826), (470, 824), (470, 823), (471, 823), (471, 821), (471, 818), (471, 817), (472, 816), (472, 814), (472, 813), (473, 812), (473, 811), (473, 809), (473, 808), (473, 807), (473, 806), (473, 803), (474, 803), (474, 802), (474, 801), (474, 799), (474, 798), (474, 797), (474, 796), (474, 794), (474, 793), (474, 792), (475, 791), (475, 789), (475, 788), (475, 787), (476, 787), (476, 786), (476, 784), (476, 783), (476, 782), (476, 781), (476, 779), (476, 778), (476, 777), (477, 776), (477, 773), (478, 771), (478, 769), (478, 768), (478, 767), (478, 766), (479, 766), (479, 764), (479, 763), (479, 762), (479, 761), (480, 759), (480, 758), (480, 757), (480, 756), (480, 754), (480, 753), (480, 752), (480, 751), (480, 749), (480, 748), (480, 747), (480, 747), (480, 746), (480, 744), (480, 743), (480, 742), (480, 741), (481, 739), (481, 738), (481, 737), (481, 736), (481, 734), (482, 734), (482, 733), (482, 732), (482, 731), (483, 729), (483, 728), (483, 727), (483, 726), (483, 724), (483, 723), (483, 722), (483, 721), (483, 719), (483, 718), (483, 717), (483, 716), (484, 716), (484, 714), (484, 713), (484, 712), (484, 711), (484, 709), (484, 708), (484, 707), (484, 706), (484, 704), (484, 703), (484, 702), (485, 702), (485, 701), (485, 699), (485, 698), (485, 697), (486, 696), (486, 694), (486, 693), (486, 692), (486, 691), (486, 689), (486, 688), (487, 688), (487, 687), (487, 686), (487, 684), (487, 683), (487, 682), (487, 681), (487, 681), (487, 679), (487, 678), (487, 676), (487, 674), (487, 673), (488, 673), (488, 672), (488, 671), (488, 669), (488, 668), (488, 667), (488, 666), (488, 664), (488, 663), (488, 662), (488, 661), (488, 659), (489, 658), (489, 657), (489, 656), (489, 654), (489, 653), (489, 652), (489, 651), (489, 649), (489, 648), (489, 647), (489, 646), (489, 644), (489, 643), (490, 643), (491, 631), (491, 629), (491, 628), (491, 627), (491, 626), (491, 624), (491, 623), (491, 622), (491, 621), (491, 621), (491, 619), (491, 618), (491, 617), (491, 616), (491, 614), (492, 614), (492, 613), (492, 612), (492, 611), (492, 609), (492, 608), (492, 607)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[676, 341], [676, 341]], 'ps': '[(676, 341)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[498, 801], [498, 801]], 'ps': '[(498, 801)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[427, 422], [427, 422]], 'ps': '[(427, 422)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[363, 363], [363, 363]], 'ps': '[(363, 363)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[239, 354], [239, 354]], 'ps': '[(239, 354)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_21.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Anemone', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[134, 97], [134, 97]], 'ps': '[(134, 97)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_23.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[351, 158], [351, 158]], 'ps': '[(351, 158)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[363, 259], [363, 259]], 'ps': '[(363, 259)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[196, 318], [196, 318]], 'ps': '[(196, 318)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_26.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[963, 904], [963, 904]], 'ps': '[(963, 904)]'}, {'step': 27, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_27.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[948, 913], [948, 913]], 'ps': '[(948, 913)]'}, {'step': 28, 'screenshot': '6799835654274029_28.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Flipkart', 'Clock', 'DuckDuckgo', 'X']
Plan a movie night by selecting a {} movie, add some snacks to the cart on a shopping app, send invitations through a messaging app, and set a clock to remind yourself.
Plan a movie night by selecting a documentary movie, add some snacks to the cart on a shopping app, send invitations through a messaging app, and set a clock to remind yourself.
Organize a movie night by selecting a documentary film using DuckDuckGo, adding some snacks to your cart on Flipkart, sending out invitations to Victor James through X, and setting a reminder on your Clock app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[576, 697], [576, 697]], 'ps': '[(576, 697)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[170, 62], [170, 62]], 'ps': '[(170, 62)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'documentary movies', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[859, 713], [859, 713]], 'ps': '[(859, 713)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[239, 286], [239, 286]], 'ps': '[(239, 286)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[123, 797], [173, 258]], 'ps': '[(123, 797), (123, 796), (123, 792), (123, 789), (123, 784), (123, 781), (123, 778), (123, 777), (123, 774), (123, 771), (123, 766), (123, 763), (124, 758), (124, 754), (124, 749), (125, 743), (126, 736), (126, 731), (127, 726), (129, 716), (129, 708), (130, 699), (131, 686), (133, 673), (133, 659), (135, 647), (135, 639), (135, 631), (137, 619), (137, 611), (137, 601), (137, 593), (139, 583), (139, 577), (140, 569), (140, 562), (141, 556), (142, 548), (142, 543), (142, 539), (144, 537), (144, 533), (144, 531), (144, 526), (144, 522), (147, 514), (147, 509), (148, 504), (148, 503), (148, 501), (148, 496), (151, 491), (152, 486), (152, 478), (153, 468), (155, 461), (155, 458), (155, 454), (156, 448), (156, 441), (158, 433), (158, 427), (158, 419), (158, 412), (158, 406), (160, 401), (161, 391), (164, 359), (165, 343), (167, 329), (168, 323), (169, 317), (169, 311), (170, 301), (170, 294), (170, 289), (172, 279), (173, 272), (173, 271), (173, 268), (173, 264), (173, 263), (173, 261), (173, 258)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[288, 102], [288, 102]], 'ps': '[(288, 102)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[900, 924], [900, 924]], 'ps': '[(900, 924)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[415, 162], [415, 162]], 'ps': '[(415, 162)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[148, 934], [148, 934]], 'ps': '[(148, 934)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_11.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'I want to watch a movie this Sautrday night.Would you go with me?', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[970, 424], [970, 424]], 'ps': '[(970, 424)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[430, 412], [430, 412]], 'ps': '[(430, 412)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[488, 126], [488, 126]], 'ps': '[(488, 126)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_16.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'snacks', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[902, 707], [902, 707]], 'ps': '[(902, 707)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[541, 828], [573, 283]], 'ps': '[(541, 828), (541, 826), (538, 823), (538, 818), (536, 813), (535, 809), (535, 804), (535, 799), (534, 794), (534, 787), (534, 776), (534, 766), (534, 756), (534, 743), (534, 733), (534, 721), (534, 711), (534, 704), (534, 692), (534, 683), (534, 673), (534, 661), (534, 651), (534, 638), (534, 628), (535, 612), (535, 599), (536, 587), (537, 573), (539, 557), (541, 541), (541, 528), (541, 516), (543, 504), (544, 492), (546, 478), (547, 468), (548, 456), (548, 448), (550, 438), (551, 432), (554, 418), (554, 414), (555, 409), (555, 404), (555, 399), (555, 394), (555, 389), (555, 387), (556, 386), (556, 382), (556, 377), (558, 372), (558, 367), (561, 362), (561, 359), (561, 356), (562, 351), (564, 347), (564, 344), (564, 342), (565, 338), (565, 337), (566, 336), (566, 333), (566, 329), (566, 327), (569, 323), (569, 321), (569, 317), (569, 314), (569, 312), (571, 308), (571, 304), (571, 302), (571, 299), (571, 296), (572, 293), (573, 292), (573, 288), (573, 286), (573, 283)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[373, 834], [420, 163]], 'ps': '[(373, 834), (373, 833), (373, 829), (373, 827), (373, 823), (373, 821), (373, 818), (373, 808), (373, 798), (373, 786), (373, 776), (373, 763), (373, 753), (373, 744), (373, 737), (373, 728), (373, 721), (375, 708), (376, 698), (377, 688), (379, 678), (379, 666), (380, 652), (381, 639), (383, 628), (383, 616), (385, 606), (387, 592), (388, 576), (389, 563), (391, 549), (392, 537), (394, 527), (400, 507), (402, 491), (404, 474), (405, 461), (405, 448), (405, 438), (407, 422), (408, 406), (409, 391), (411, 374), (412, 358), (412, 346), (412, 338), (412, 328), (414, 316), (415, 302), (415, 293), (416, 279), (418, 269), (418, 262), (418, 253), (419, 239), (419, 233), (419, 226), (419, 217), (420, 209), (420, 204), (420, 202), (420, 197), (420, 193), (420, 191), (420, 187), (420, 184), (420, 182), (420, 178), (420, 176), (420, 172), (420, 169), (420, 167), (420, 163)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[416, 831], [416, 831]], 'ps': '[(416, 831)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[533, 942], [533, 942]], 'ps': '[(533, 942)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_23.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[860, 426], [860, 426]], 'ps': '[(860, 426)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[748, 887], [748, 887]], 'ps': '[(748, 887)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[387, 538], [387, 538]], 'ps': '[(387, 538)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_26.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[538, 524], [538, 524]], 'ps': '[(538, 524)]'}, {'step': 27, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_27.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[697, 694], [697, 694]], 'ps': '[(697, 694)]'}, {'step': 28, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_28.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[944, 354], [944, 354]], 'ps': '[(944, 354)]'}, {'step': 29, 'screenshot': '0031917311796626_29.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Small Phone
['Spotify', 'Things']
Listen to a podcast episode on {} and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Listen to a podcast episode on nutrition and healthy eating and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Open Spotify to listen to a podcast episode on nutrition and healthy eating, then use Things to create a to-do list for tomorrow.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[874, 170], [36, 264]], 'ps': '[(874, 170), (872, 170), (869, 170), (863, 170), (858, 170), (855, 170), (849, 171), (844, 171), (841, 171), (836, 173), (833, 173), (827, 173), (822, 176), (819, 176), (813, 176), (808, 178), (805, 178), (799, 178), (797, 181), (791, 181), (786, 181), (783, 184), (777, 184), (769, 185), (763, 185), (758, 185), (755, 189), (749, 189), (741, 192), (736, 192), (724, 192), (716, 195), (711, 195), (705, 196), (697, 196), (691, 199), (683, 199), (672, 199), (669, 203), (658, 203), (647, 206), (636, 209), (627, 209), (622, 209), (611, 210), (602, 210), (591, 214), (586, 214), (577, 214), (561, 217), (549, 217), (538, 217), (527, 220), (519, 220), (477, 220), (466, 223), (436, 223), (424, 223), (408, 226), (399, 226), (380, 229), (377, 229), (361, 229), (344, 229), (333, 232), (316, 232), (311, 232), (297, 235), (286, 235), (269, 235), (258, 239), (249, 239), (233, 239), (222, 242), (205, 242), (194, 245), (183, 245), (172, 245), (155, 248), (144, 248), (127, 251), (119, 251), (108, 254), (91, 254), (80, 257), (47, 262), (36, 264)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[172, 74], [172, 74]], 'ps': '[(172, 74)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[147, 849], [147, 849]], 'ps': '[(147, 849)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[180, 473], [788, 515]], 'ps': '[(180, 473), (186, 473), (188, 473), (194, 473), (194, 474), (199, 474), (202, 474), (208, 476), (211, 476), (216, 476), (222, 479), (224, 479), (236, 479), (238, 482), (244, 482), (252, 482), (258, 482), (263, 482), (266, 484), (272, 484), (277, 484), (286, 484), (291, 484), (294, 487), (305, 487), (308, 487), (319, 487), (322, 487), (333, 490), (338, 490), (347, 490), (352, 490), (361, 490), (372, 493), (383, 493), (386, 493), (397, 493), (405, 493), (416, 495), (427, 495), (438, 495), (447, 495), (458, 495), (469, 498), (477, 498), (488, 498), (499, 498), (499, 501), (508, 501), (519, 501), (527, 501), (538, 501), (549, 501), (561, 504), (577, 504), (586, 504), (597, 504), (608, 504), (616, 504), (622, 507), (630, 507), (641, 507), (652, 507), (655, 507), (666, 507), (674, 507), (680, 507), (691, 509), (699, 509), (705, 509), (713, 509), (719, 509), (727, 509), (733, 509), (738, 509), (747, 509), (752, 509), (755, 509), (761, 509), (766, 509), (769, 509), (769, 512), (774, 512), (777, 512), (783, 512), (788, 512), (788, 515)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[127, 209], [127, 209]], 'ps': '[(127, 209)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[863, 874], [863, 874]], 'ps': '[(863, 874)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[305, 449], [305, 449]], 'ps': '[(305, 449)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[480, 570], [480, 570]], 'ps': '[(480, 570)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' learn how to prepare a healthy diet', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[513, 412], [513, 412]], 'ps': '[(513, 412)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1925592052572312_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Google Play Store', 'Facebook']
Research {} apps, download one of them.
Research Grocery Shopping apps, download one of them.
Conduct thorough research on grocery shopping apps, and proceed to download one of your choice from the Google Play Store. Additionally, explore related discussions and reviews on Facebook to make an informed decision.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 378], [853, 378]], 'ps': '[(853, 378)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[824, 47], [824, 47]], 'ps': '[(824, 47)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Grocery Shopping Apps', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[921, 905], [925, 905]], 'ps': '[(921, 905), (925, 905)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[518, 814], [493, 136]], 'ps': '[(518, 814), (518, 812), (518, 811), (518, 807), (518, 801), (518, 794), (518, 784), (518, 775), (518, 755), (518, 747), (518, 724), (515, 703), (511, 677), (503, 650), (495, 626), (487, 606), (486, 586), (480, 554), (480, 536), (480, 522), (480, 495), (480, 479), (480, 465), (480, 446), (473, 418), (473, 402), (473, 388), (473, 369), (473, 349), (473, 341), (473, 322), (473, 311), (473, 295), (473, 277), (473, 267), (473, 254), (473, 242), (473, 235), (473, 221), (473, 217), (473, 210), (473, 200), (473, 193), (473, 188), (473, 183), (473, 180), (478, 174), (478, 170), (480, 167), (480, 163), (486, 157), (486, 154), (486, 153), (487, 150), (487, 147), (487, 144), (487, 141), (487, 139), (487, 137), (487, 136), (493, 136)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[612, 943], [577, 200]], 'ps': '[(612, 943), (612, 942), (612, 938), (612, 925), (612, 918), (612, 908), (612, 899), (612, 886), (612, 871), (612, 845), (612, 831), (612, 814), (607, 781), (599, 752), (599, 734), (599, 693), (598, 670), (592, 641), (585, 589), (583, 567), (583, 540), (583, 515), (577, 495), (577, 482), (577, 459), (574, 438), (574, 415), (574, 405), (570, 384), (567, 368), (567, 358), (562, 339), (562, 327), (562, 324), (562, 315), (562, 307), (562, 301), (562, 294), (562, 291), (562, 284), (562, 275), (562, 271), (562, 267), (562, 260), (562, 258), (562, 255), (562, 254), (562, 250), (562, 248), (562, 245), (562, 244), (562, 240), (567, 237), (567, 235), (567, 230), (567, 227), (570, 224), (570, 221), (570, 220), (570, 217), (570, 214), (570, 214), (570, 210), (570, 208), (570, 207), (574, 204), (574, 203), (574, 201), (574, 200), (577, 200)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[652, 923], [637, 378]], 'ps': '[(652, 923), (652, 922), (657, 918), (657, 916), (657, 912), (657, 908), (657, 902), (657, 892), (657, 878), (652, 864), (652, 858), (645, 834), (645, 822), (642, 811), (642, 795), (637, 782), (635, 767), (630, 754), (627, 737), (627, 720), (622, 704), (622, 690), (622, 678), (622, 667), (622, 657), (620, 643), (620, 633), (620, 621), (620, 614), (620, 606), (620, 599), (620, 593), (620, 583), (620, 569), (620, 559), (620, 549), (620, 542), (620, 532), (620, 529), (620, 522), (620, 515), (620, 503), (620, 497), (620, 490), (620, 482), (620, 476), (620, 472), (620, 463), (620, 459), (620, 456), (620, 453), (620, 449), (620, 445), (620, 442), (620, 438), (620, 435), (620, 433), (622, 432), (622, 428), (622, 426), (622, 423), (622, 422), (622, 419), (622, 418), (627, 415), (627, 412), (630, 409), (630, 405), (630, 402), (630, 402), (630, 398), (630, 394), (630, 392), (630, 391), (630, 389), (630, 388), (635, 388), (635, 384), (635, 381), (637, 381), (637, 379), (637, 378)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_8.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[226, 611], [667, 609]], 'ps': '[(226, 611), (234, 611), (241, 611), (262, 611), (272, 611), (299, 611), (361, 613), (411, 613), (450, 613), (518, 613), (570, 613), (614, 613), (667, 609)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[182, 636], [182, 636]], 'ps': '[(182, 636)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[403, 57], [403, 57]], 'ps': '[(403, 57)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_11.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Run Grocery', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[921, 908], [921, 908]], 'ps': '[(921, 908)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[599, 368], [599, 368]], 'ps': '[(599, 368)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[508, 297], [508, 297]], 'ps': '[(508, 297)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '7639615882889018_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Chrome', 'WPS office']
Find the ingredients of {} and create a shopping list for the main ingredients.
Find the ingredients of cookies and create a shopping list for the main ingredients.
Use Chrome to research the ingredients of cookies and then utilize WPS Office to draft a shopping list featuring the primary ingredients.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[518, 918], [518, 918]], 'ps': '[(518, 918)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[731, 256], [731, 256]], 'ps': '[(731, 256)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'cookies ingredients', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[904, 678], [904, 678]], 'ps': '[(904, 678)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[491, 859], [528, 325]], 'ps': '[(491, 859), (491, 857), (491, 851), (491, 848), (491, 844), (492, 833), (493, 819), (494, 803), (497, 787), (498, 771), (499, 754), (500, 738), (502, 723), (503, 708), (504, 695), (505, 682), (507, 666), (508, 651), (508, 641), (508, 631), (509, 620), (509, 617), (509, 612), (510, 608), (510, 604), (510, 600), (510, 596), (510, 589), (510, 584), (510, 578), (511, 571), (511, 567), (511, 564), (511, 561), (511, 557), (511, 553), (511, 550), (511, 544), (511, 538), (511, 532), (512, 526), (512, 523), (512, 517), (512, 513), (512, 509), (512, 507), (512, 504), (512, 501), (512, 498), (512, 496), (512, 493), (512, 491), (512, 487), (512, 484), (512, 483), (513, 479), (513, 476), (515, 473), (515, 470), (515, 466), (515, 463), (515, 461), (515, 456), (516, 451), (516, 449), (517, 443), (517, 437), (517, 431), (517, 425), (519, 419), (519, 411), (520, 405), (521, 396), (521, 392), (521, 389), (522, 386), (522, 380), (522, 376), (522, 373), (522, 368), (523, 364), (523, 358), (525, 355), (525, 353), (526, 349), (526, 346), (527, 341), (527, 339), (527, 337), (527, 334), (528, 333), (528, 330), (528, 329), (528, 328), (528, 326), (528, 325)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[773, 487], [773, 487]], 'ps': '[(773, 487)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[864, 243], [864, 243]], 'ps': '[(864, 243)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[990, 47], [990, 47]], 'ps': '[(990, 47)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[376, 564], [376, 564]], 'ps': '[(376, 564)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[243, 423], [243, 423]], 'ps': '[(243, 423)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[123, 442], [123, 442]], 'ps': '[(123, 442)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_12.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'shopping list for making cookies: butter, sugar, flour, egg', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5431436611156288_13.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['Tumblr', 'X']
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use Tumblr to express your current feelings for today and share this post on X moments.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[683, 321], [683, 321]], 'ps': '[(683, 321)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[749, 810], [749, 810]], 'ps': '[(749, 810)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[348, 232], [348, 232]], 'ps': '[(348, 232)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'I am happy', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[697, 74], [697, 74]], 'ps': '[(697, 74)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[470, 285], [502, 739]], 'ps': '[(470, 285), (470, 289), (470, 291), (470, 292), (470, 294), (470, 298), (470, 301), (470, 305), (470, 308), (470, 311), (470, 317), (473, 324), (473, 327), (473, 330), (473, 334), (473, 337), (473, 342), (475, 348), (475, 357), (475, 363), (475, 368), (475, 374), (475, 381), (475, 390), (475, 401), (475, 408), (475, 422), (475, 432), (475, 444), (475, 455), (477, 470), (477, 481), (478, 496), (480, 508), (483, 522), (484, 534), (484, 545), (484, 559), (486, 575), (489, 586), (491, 602), (491, 612), (492, 628), (495, 639), (495, 653), (497, 665), (498, 676), (501, 688), (501, 696), (502, 704), (502, 707), (502, 711), (502, 715), (502, 717), (502, 722), (502, 724), (502, 729), (502, 732), (502, 734), (502, 739)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[719, 926], [719, 926]], 'ps': '[(719, 926)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[496, 805], [518, 458]], 'ps': '[(496, 805), (496, 800), (496, 794), (496, 791), (496, 790), (496, 787), (496, 782), (496, 773), (496, 764), (496, 754), (496, 746), (496, 740), (496, 739), (496, 734), (496, 729), (496, 723), (496, 715), (496, 706), (497, 699), (497, 688), (497, 679), (497, 669), (497, 660), (497, 651), (497, 639), (497, 628), (497, 617), (497, 602), (497, 595), (501, 572), (505, 556), (508, 542), (509, 530), (509, 519), (509, 508), (509, 499), (511, 492), (511, 486), (514, 482), (514, 479), (516, 475), (516, 472), (516, 468), (516, 465), (518, 461), (518, 458)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[609, 696], [609, 696]], 'ps': '[(609, 696)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[705, 204], [705, 204]], 'ps': '[(705, 204)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[574, 864], [636, 280]], 'ps': '[(574, 864), (574, 861), (574, 858), (574, 854), (574, 848), (574, 846), (574, 844), (574, 837), (574, 832), (574, 826), (574, 814), (574, 804), (574, 793), (574, 771), (574, 753), (574, 739), (574, 727), (574, 713), (574, 703), (574, 692), (576, 676), (576, 665), (576, 651), (581, 635), (584, 623), (585, 609), (587, 594), (587, 582), (590, 571), (591, 559), (591, 545), (593, 536), (595, 525), (595, 514), (597, 502), (597, 494), (599, 488), (600, 482), (600, 475), (601, 466), (601, 461), (601, 455), (604, 449), (604, 444), (605, 438), (605, 432), (606, 425), (609, 420), (609, 414), (610, 408), (610, 402), (612, 397), (612, 391), (615, 386), (615, 384), (618, 379), (618, 374), (618, 371), (622, 367), (622, 364), (623, 358), (623, 353), (624, 351), (624, 345), (625, 340), (625, 337), (629, 330), (629, 327), (629, 324), (630, 320), (630, 317), (630, 313), (632, 307), (632, 304), (632, 303), (634, 297), (634, 294), (634, 290), (635, 289), (636, 283), (636, 280)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[364, 935], [364, 935]], 'ps': '[(364, 935)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[312, 528], [312, 528]], 'ps': '[(312, 528)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[915, 85], [915, 85]], 'ps': '[(915, 85)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9187342439395422_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'moments'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['YT Music', 'Microsoft Translator']
Listen to the song: {} and translate the first line lyrics into {} language.
Listen to the song: "Never enough" and translate the first line lyrics into Finnish language.
Open YT Music and find the song 'Never Enough.' Listen to the song and then use Microsoft Translator to translate the first line of the lyrics into Finnish.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[621, 384], [621, 384]], 'ps': '[(621, 384)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[812, 74], [812, 74]], 'ps': '[(812, 74)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Never enough', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[438, 468], [438, 468]], 'ps': '[(438, 468)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[492, 925], [492, 925]], 'ps': '[(492, 925)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[843, 506], [843, 506]], 'ps': '[(843, 506)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[270, 759], [270, 759]], 'ps': '[(270, 759)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[779, 946], [779, 946]], 'ps': '[(779, 946)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[469, 887], [438, 358]], 'ps': '[(469, 887), (469, 886), (469, 882), (469, 879), (469, 875), (469, 870), (469, 865), (469, 861), (469, 854), (469, 841), (469, 830), (469, 816), (469, 801), (469, 792), (461, 770), (461, 752), (451, 735), (451, 718), (446, 704), (443, 689), (443, 678), (438, 655), (436, 640), (436, 629), (436, 615), (431, 602), (431, 590), (428, 581), (428, 573), (428, 565), (428, 555), (428, 544), (428, 534), (428, 524), (428, 514), (428, 503), (428, 495), (428, 492), (428, 482), (428, 471), (423, 464), (423, 457), (423, 449), (423, 442), (423, 435), (423, 432), (423, 425), (423, 418), (423, 414), (423, 408), (423, 405), (423, 404), (423, 400), (428, 397), (428, 390), (431, 386), (431, 383), (431, 379), (431, 375), (431, 372), (436, 368), (436, 366), (436, 365), (436, 363), (436, 361), (438, 361), (438, 359), (438, 358)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[370, 849], [367, 337]], 'ps': '[(370, 849), (370, 845), (370, 844), (370, 841), (370, 837), (370, 834), (362, 831), (362, 826), (362, 820), (359, 816), (354, 810), (354, 803), (354, 794), (347, 778), (347, 766), (347, 760), (339, 745), (339, 735), (339, 728), (331, 715), (331, 699), (331, 685), (324, 675), (324, 664), (324, 654), (324, 634), (324, 622), (324, 613), (324, 601), (324, 590), (324, 587), (324, 576), (329, 565), (329, 555), (331, 544), (331, 534), (331, 521), (331, 513), (336, 500), (339, 492), (339, 482), (339, 479), (339, 471), (344, 465), (344, 457), (344, 447), (344, 442), (347, 435), (347, 432), (347, 426), (352, 421), (352, 415), (352, 411), (354, 407), (354, 401), (354, 397), (354, 393), (354, 390), (354, 386), (354, 383), (354, 379), (354, 375), (359, 370), (359, 365), (359, 361), (359, 359), (362, 356), (362, 354), (362, 351), (362, 349), (362, 347), (362, 344), (362, 341), (362, 340), (367, 340), (367, 338), (367, 337)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[397, 898], [520, 301]], 'ps': '[(397, 898), (397, 897), (397, 893), (397, 890), (397, 886), (397, 882), (397, 879), (397, 872), (397, 858), (397, 849), (397, 840), (397, 830), (397, 816), (397, 801), (397, 798), (400, 782), (400, 766), (405, 752), (405, 732), (408, 721), (408, 699), (408, 675), (413, 657), (413, 647), (413, 627), (415, 616), (420, 602), (423, 590), (431, 570), (438, 556), (438, 542), (443, 534), (446, 524), (454, 509), (458, 499), (461, 492), (466, 475), (466, 468), (469, 454), (474, 451), (477, 444), (477, 433), (477, 426), (477, 421), (484, 415), (484, 411), (484, 405), (484, 400), (489, 397), (492, 390), (492, 383), (492, 377), (492, 372), (497, 368), (497, 365), (499, 359), (504, 351), (506, 347), (506, 341), (506, 338), (512, 334), (512, 331), (512, 326), (514, 323), (514, 319), (514, 316), (514, 313), (514, 312), (514, 308), (514, 306), (514, 305), (514, 303), (514, 301), (520, 301)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[377, 868], [408, 386]], 'ps': '[(377, 868), (377, 866), (377, 865), (377, 863), (377, 859), (377, 858), (377, 854), (377, 851), (377, 845), (377, 841), (377, 834), (377, 830), (377, 824), (377, 817), (377, 812), (377, 806), (377, 801), (377, 796), (377, 789), (377, 782), (377, 774), (377, 766), (377, 752), (377, 745), (377, 728), (377, 717), (377, 707), (377, 696), (377, 685), (377, 673), (377, 666), (385, 654), (385, 643), (385, 640), (385, 632), (385, 625), (385, 622), (385, 616), (385, 613), (385, 608), (390, 601), (390, 597), (390, 591), (393, 587), (393, 581), (393, 576), (393, 570), (393, 567), (393, 562), (393, 558), (393, 555), (397, 549), (397, 544), (397, 538), (397, 535), (397, 531), (400, 527), (400, 520), (400, 514), (400, 509), (400, 503), (400, 500), (400, 495), (400, 492), (400, 481), (400, 478), (400, 474), (400, 467), (400, 461), (400, 457), (400, 453), (400, 449), (400, 444), (400, 440), (400, 437), (400, 435), (400, 430), (400, 426), (400, 425), (400, 421), (400, 418), (400, 415), (400, 414), (400, 411), (400, 408), (400, 407), (400, 404), (400, 401), (400, 400), (400, 398), (400, 397), (405, 394), (405, 393), (405, 391), (405, 390), (408, 390), (408, 387), (408, 386)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[145, 539], [145, 539]], 'ps': '[(145, 539)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[153, 99], [153, 99]], 'ps': '[(153, 99)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_15.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "I'm trying to hold my breath", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '4290895866878797_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Google Play Store', 'Setting']
Uninstall {} app and check if it's still in the app resources.
Uninstall Likee app and check if it's still in the app resources.
Open the Google Play Store and uninstall the Likee app. Then, navigate to the Settings app to verify if the Likee app is still listed in the app resources.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[404, 637], [404, 637]], 'ps': '[(404, 637)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[872, 83], [872, 83]], 'ps': '[(872, 83)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[498, 364], [498, 364]], 'ps': '[(498, 364)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[333, 136], [333, 136]], 'ps': '[(333, 136)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[409, 914], [415, 177]], 'ps': '[(409, 914), (409, 913), (409, 911), (409, 910), (409, 909), (409, 908), (409, 907), (409, 906), (409, 905), (409, 904), (409, 902), (409, 901), (409, 900), (409, 899), (409, 898), (409, 897), (409, 896), (409, 895), (409, 893), (409, 892), (409, 891), (409, 889), (409, 888), (409, 887), (409, 886), (409, 884), (409, 883), (409, 882), (409, 881), (409, 880), (409, 879), (409, 878), (409, 877), (409, 875), (409, 874), (409, 873), (409, 872), (409, 871), (409, 870), (409, 869), (409, 868), (409, 866), (409, 866), (409, 863), (409, 862), (409, 861), (409, 860), (409, 859), (409, 857), (409, 857), (409, 855), (409, 854), (409, 852), (409, 851), (409, 850), (409, 849), (409, 848), (409, 846), (409, 845), (409, 844), (409, 842), (409, 840), (409, 839), (409, 837), (409, 836), (409, 835), (409, 834), (409, 832), (409, 831), (409, 830), (409, 828), (409, 826), (409, 825), (409, 823), (409, 822), (409, 821), (409, 818), (409, 817), (409, 816), (409, 815), (409, 814), (409, 813), (409, 812), (409, 809), (409, 808), (409, 807), (409, 806), (409, 804), (409, 803), (409, 801), (409, 800), (409, 799), (413, 757), (413, 756), (413, 754), (413, 753), (415, 751), (415, 749), (415, 748), (415, 747), (415, 744), (418, 744), (418, 743), (418, 742), (420, 740), (420, 739), (420, 736), (420, 735), (420, 733), (423, 732), (423, 731), (423, 729), (423, 726), (423, 725), (423, 724), (423, 723), (423, 722), (425, 721), (425, 718), (425, 716), (425, 714), (425, 713), (425, 711), (425, 708), (425, 707), (425, 705), (425, 704), (425, 702), (425, 700), (428, 698), (428, 697), (428, 695), (428, 694), (428, 691), (428, 691), (430, 689), (430, 687), (430, 685), (430, 683), (430, 680), (430, 679), (430, 678), (433, 677), (433, 675), (433, 674), (433, 673), (433, 671), (433, 669), (433, 668), (435, 667), (435, 666), (435, 665), (435, 662), (438, 661), (438, 660), (438, 658), (438, 657), (438, 656), (438, 655), (440, 653), (440, 652), (440, 651), (440, 650), (440, 649), (440, 648), (440, 647), (440, 646), (440, 644), (440, 643), (440, 642), (440, 641), (440, 640), (440, 639), (443, 639), (443, 638), (443, 635), (443, 633), (443, 632), (443, 631), (443, 630), (443, 629), (443, 628), (443, 626), (443, 625), (443, 624), (443, 623), (443, 622), (443, 621), (443, 620), (443, 619), (443, 617), (443, 616), (443, 615), (443, 614), (443, 613), (443, 612), (443, 611), 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'8469247530020019_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[177, 648], [177, 648]], 'ps': '[(177, 648)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[260, 556], [260, 556]], 'ps': '[(260, 556)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[367, 674], [367, 674]], 'ps': '[(367, 674)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[827, 69], [827, 69]], 'ps': '[(827, 69)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_15.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Likee', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '8469247530020019_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Likee'}]
Medium Phone
['Shorts VotTak: Short Video App', 'Google Play Store', 'Setting']
Install a video app, then open it, later go to the setting to close the notification, then reopen the app to watch a video.
Install a video app, then open it, later go to the setting to close the notification, then reopen the app to watch a video.
First, install Shorts VotTak: Short Video App from the Google Play Store. After installation, open the app. Next, go to the Setting to disable notifications. Finally, reopen Shorts VotTak to watch a video.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[812, 825], [812, 825]], 'ps': '[(812, 825)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[861, 336], [861, 336]], 'ps': '[(861, 336)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[841, 30], [841, 30]], 'ps': '[(841, 30)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[364, 809], [364, 809]], 'ps': '[(364, 809)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[539, 553], [539, 553]], 'ps': '[(539, 553)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[242, 321], [242, 321]], 'ps': '[(242, 321)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[221, 519], [221, 519]], 'ps': '[(221, 519)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[861, 417], [861, 417]], 'ps': '[(861, 417)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[64, 54], [64, 54]], 'ps': '[(64, 54)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[160, 411], [160, 411]], 'ps': '[(160, 411)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '2857761756365209_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
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['NewsBreak', 'Facebook']
Search for the latest news on the topic of {} and share the article.
Search for the latest news on the topic of Wildlife Conservation Efforts and share the article.
Use NewsBreak to search for the most recent articles on Wildlife Conservation Efforts, then share your selected article on Facebook.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[576, 562], [576, 562]], 'ps': '[(576, 562)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[673, 56], [673, 56]], 'ps': '[(673, 56)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[427, 58], [427, 58]], 'ps': '[(427, 58)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Wildlife Conservation Efforts', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[884, 687], [884, 687]], 'ps': '[(884, 687)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[430, 253], [430, 253]], 'ps': '[(430, 253)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[698, 931], [698, 931]], 'ps': '[(698, 931)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[685, 743], [685, 743]], 'ps': '[(685, 743)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[428, 129], [428, 129]], 'ps': '[(428, 129)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[385, 112], [385, 112]], 'ps': '[(385, 112)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[433, 161], [433, 161]], 'ps': '[(433, 161)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[146, 273], [146, 273]], 'ps': '[(146, 273)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[198, 881], [189, 278]], 'ps': '[(198, 881), (198, 879), (198, 876), (198, 871), (198, 866), (198, 861), (198, 852), (198, 842), (198, 829), (198, 817), (198, 804), (198, 788), (198, 776), (198, 763), (198, 747), (194, 727), (194, 708), (191, 686), (191, 667), (190, 651), (190, 636), (190, 619), (190, 604), (190, 591), (190, 576), (190, 563), (190, 547), (190, 531), (190, 518), (190, 506), (190, 493), (190, 483), (190, 471), (190, 458), (190, 448), (190, 438), (190, 426), (190, 416), (190, 403), (190, 393), (190, 381), (190, 374), (190, 364), (190, 358), (190, 353), (190, 346), (190, 337), (190, 329), (190, 324), (190, 319), (190, 309), (189, 304), (189, 302), (189, 299), (189, 294), (189, 291), (189, 288), (189, 283), (189, 278)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[416, 487], [416, 487]], 'ps': '[(416, 487)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[156, 921], [156, 921]], 'ps': '[(156, 921)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[532, 497], [532, 497]], 'ps': '[(532, 497)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[980, 419], [980, 419]], 'ps': '[(980, 419)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '7055581304227799_18.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['Quora', 'Any.do']
Research how to {} and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Research how to learn photography and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Investigate ways to learn photography using Quora, and then use Any.do to create a reminder to start the tutorial on the website.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[319, 516], [319, 516]], 'ps': '[(319, 516)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[672, 110], [672, 110]], 'ps': '[(672, 110)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to learn photography', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[463, 177], [463, 177]], 'ps': '[(463, 177)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[447, 227], [447, 227]], 'ps': '[(447, 227)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[697, 224], [697, 224]], 'ps': '[(697, 224)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[529, 536], [529, 536]], 'ps': '[(529, 536)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[467, 636], [467, 636]], 'ps': '[(467, 636)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[88, 498], [88, 498]], 'ps': '[(88, 498)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[302, 888], [302, 888]], 'ps': '[(302, 888)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_11.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'learn photography in ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[585, 566], [585, 566]], 'ps': '[(585, 566)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[962, 494], [962, 494]], 'ps': '[(962, 494)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5802692512868226_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['X', 'Clock', 'ZOOM Cloud Meetings']
Schedule a business meeting with {}, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Schedule a business meeting with BotongC10393, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Arrange a business meeting with BotongC10393 using ZOOM Cloud Meetings, send out invitations to him/her through app X, and ensure to set an alarm clock for the meeting with the Clock app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[645, 382], [645, 382]], 'ps': '[(645, 382)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[685, 146], [685, 146]], 'ps': '[(685, 146)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Business', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[898, 57], [898, 57]], 'ps': '[(898, 57)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[775, 572], [775, 572]], 'ps': '[(775, 572)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[587, 418], [587, 418]], 'ps': '[(587, 418)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[543, 613], [543, 613]], 'ps': '[(543, 613)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[402, 600], [402, 600]], 'ps': '[(402, 600)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[873, 125], [873, 125]], 'ps': '[(873, 125)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[74, 73], [74, 73]], 'ps': '[(74, 73)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[203, 204], [203, 204]], 'ps': '[(203, 204)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[400, 163], [400, 163]], 'ps': '[(400, 163)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[590, 230], [590, 230]], 'ps': '[(590, 230)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[299, 946], [308, 946]], 'ps': '[(299, 946), (304, 946), (306, 946), (308, 946)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[360, 688], [360, 688]], 'ps': '[(360, 688)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[927, 639], [927, 639]], 'ps': '[(927, 639)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[159, 517], [159, 517]], 'ps': '[(159, 517)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[473, 854], [473, 854]], 'ps': '[(473, 854)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[793, 739], [793, 739]], 'ps': '[(793, 739)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[266, 154], [266, 154]], 'ps': '[(266, 154)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_23.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'meeting', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[793, 407], [793, 407]], 'ps': '[(793, 407)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '3751811127329430_25.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'BotongC10393'}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Amazon Music', 'TickTick']
Listen to a podcast episode on {} and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Listen to a podcast episode on yoga for beginners and create a to-do list for tomorrow.
Open Amazon Music and listen to a podcast episode on yoga for beginners, then use TickTick to create a to-do list for tomorrow.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[139, 131], [139, 131]], 'ps': '[(139, 131)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[297, 937], [297, 937]], 'ps': '[(297, 937)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[237, 142], [237, 142]], 'ps': '[(237, 142)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'yoga for beginners', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[308, 192], [308, 192]], 'ps': '[(308, 192)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[409, 762], [560, 121]], 'ps': '[(409, 762), (409, 761), (409, 760), (409, 758), (411, 757), (411, 754), (411, 752), (411, 751), (411, 749), (413, 748), (413, 744), (413, 742), (413, 741), (413, 739), (413, 738), (418, 736), (418, 734), (418, 733), (418, 731), (418, 729), (418, 728), (418, 726), (418, 725), (422, 723), (422, 721), (422, 718), (422, 716), (424, 715), (424, 713), (424, 712), (424, 710), (424, 708), (424, 705), (429, 705), (429, 703), (429, 702), (429, 700), (429, 698), (433, 697), (433, 695), (433, 694), (433, 692), (433, 690), (433, 689), (435, 687), (435, 684), (440, 680), (440, 678), (440, 677), (440, 675), (440, 673), (444, 672), (444, 670), (444, 668), (444, 667), (447, 665), (447, 662), (447, 660), (447, 658), (447, 657), (447, 655), (451, 652), (451, 650), (451, 648), (451, 647), (456, 645), (456, 644), (456, 640), (456, 639), (456, 637), (458, 635), (458, 634), (458, 630), (458, 629), (458, 627), (458, 625), (462, 624), (462, 622), (462, 619), (462, 617), (462, 615), (467, 614), (467, 612), (467, 609), (467, 607), (467, 605), (467, 602), (467, 598), (471, 594), (471, 593), (471, 591), (471, 590), (471, 588), (471, 586), (473, 583), (473, 581), (473, 580), (473, 578), (473, 576), (473, 573), (473, 571), (473, 570), (478, 568), (478, 566), (478, 565), (478, 561), (478, 560), (478, 558), (478, 556), (482, 555), (482, 553), (482, 552), (482, 548), (482, 547), (482, 545), (482, 543), (482, 542), (482, 540), (482, 538), (485, 535), (485, 533), (485, 532), (485, 530), (485, 528), (485, 527), (485, 523), (485, 522), (485, 520), (489, 518), (489, 517), (489, 515), (489, 512), (489, 508), (489, 506), (489, 505), (489, 503), (489, 502), (489, 500), (494, 497), (494, 496), (494, 492), (494, 491), (494, 489), (494, 487), (494, 486), (494, 484), (494, 483), (494, 481), (494, 479), (494, 478), (494, 476), (496, 474), (496, 471), (496, 469), (496, 468), (496, 466), (496, 463), (496, 459), (496, 457), (496, 456), (500, 454), (500, 453), (500, 451), (500, 449), (500, 448), (500, 444), (500, 443), (500, 441), (502, 439), (502, 438), (502, 436), (502, 435), (502, 431), (502, 429), (502, 428), (502, 426), (507, 425), (507, 423), (507, 421), (507, 420), (507, 418), (507, 417), (507, 415), (507, 413), (507, 412), (507, 410), (507, 408), (507, 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(395, 801), (395, 799), (395, 798), (395, 796), (395, 794), (395, 793), (395, 791), (395, 790), (400, 790), (400, 788), (400, 786), (400, 785), (400, 783), (400, 781), (400, 780), (400, 778), (404, 777), (404, 775), (404, 773), (404, 772), (404, 770), (404, 768), (404, 767), (404, 765), (404, 764), (404, 762), (404, 760), (404, 758), (404, 757), (404, 754), (404, 753), (404, 751), (406, 750), (406, 748), (406, 746), (406, 745), (406, 743), (406, 742), (406, 740), (406, 738), (406, 737), (406, 735), (406, 733), (406, 732), (406, 730), (406, 729), (406, 727), (406, 725), (406, 724), (406, 722), (406, 720), (406, 719), (406, 717), (406, 716), (406, 712), (406, 711), (406, 709), (406, 707), (406, 706), (406, 704), (406, 702), (406, 699), (406, 697), (411, 696), (411, 694), (411, 692), (411, 691), (411, 689), (411, 688), (411, 686), (411, 684), (411, 683), (411, 681), (411, 680), (411, 678), (411, 676), (411, 675), (411, 673), (411, 671), (411, 670), (411, 668), (411, 667), (411, 665), (411, 663), (411, 662), (411, 660), (415, 658), (415, 657), (415, 655), (415, 654), (415, 650), (415, 646), (415, 643), (415, 641), (415, 640), (415, 638), (415, 636), (415, 635), (418, 631), (418, 630), (418, 628), (418, 626), (418, 625), (418, 623), (418, 621), (418, 620), (418, 618), (422, 617), (422, 615), (422, 613), (422, 612), (422, 610), (422, 608), (422, 607), (422, 605), (422, 604), (422, 602), (422, 600), (427, 599), (427, 597), (427, 595), (427, 594), (427, 592), (427, 591), (427, 589), (427, 587), (427, 586), (427, 584), (427, 583), (427, 581), (427, 579), (429, 578), (429, 576), (429, 574), (429, 573), (429, 571), (429, 570), (429, 568), (429, 566), (429, 565), (429, 563), (429, 561), (429, 560), (429, 558), (429, 557), (429, 555), (429, 553), (429, 552), (429, 550), (429, 548), (433, 547), (433, 545), (433, 544), (433, 542), (433, 540), (433, 539), (433, 537), (433, 535), (433, 534), (433, 532), (433, 531), (433, 529), (433, 527), (433, 526), (433, 524), (433, 523), 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(469, 254), (469, 252), (469, 250), (469, 249), (469, 247), (469, 245), (469, 244), (469, 242), (469, 241), (469, 239), (469, 237), (473, 237), (473, 236), (473, 234), (473, 233), (473, 231), (473, 229), (473, 228), (473, 226), (473, 224), (473, 223), (473, 221), (476, 220), (476, 218), (476, 216), (476, 215), (476, 213), (476, 211), (476, 210), (476, 208), (476, 207), (476, 205), (480, 205), (480, 203), (480, 202), (480, 200), (480, 198)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[357, 849], [485, 297]], 'ps': '[(357, 849), (360, 848), (360, 846), (360, 844), (360, 843), (364, 843), (364, 841), (364, 839), (364, 838), (366, 838), (366, 836), (366, 835), (366, 833), (366, 831), (371, 831), (371, 830), (371, 828), (371, 826), (371, 825), (371, 823), (371, 822), (375, 822), (375, 820), (375, 818), (375, 817), (375, 815), (375, 814), (375, 812), (377, 810), (377, 809), (377, 807), (377, 805), (377, 804), (377, 802), (377, 801), (382, 799), (382, 797), (382, 796), (382, 794), (382, 792), (382, 791), (386, 789), (386, 788), (386, 786), (386, 784), (386, 783), (386, 781), (386, 779), (386, 778), (386, 776), (389, 773), (389, 771), (389, 769), (389, 768), (389, 766), (389, 765), (389, 761), (393, 758), (393, 758), (393, 756), (393, 752), (393, 750), (393, 749), (393, 747), (393, 745), (393, 744), (393, 740), (398, 739), (398, 737), (398, 734), (398, 732), (398, 730), (398, 727), (400, 725), (400, 724), (400, 722), (400, 719), (400, 717), (400, 715), (400, 714), (400, 710), (400, 709), (400, 707), (404, 705), (404, 702), (404, 700), (404, 699), (404, 697), (404, 695), (404, 694), (404, 690), (404, 689), (404, 687), (404, 686), (404, 684), (404, 680), (404, 679), (404, 677), (404, 676), (404, 674), (404, 672), (404, 671), (404, 669), (404, 666), (406, 664), (406, 662), (406, 661), (406, 659), (406, 658), (406, 656), (406, 654), (406, 653), (406, 651), (406, 649), (406, 648), (406, 646), (406, 645), (406, 643), (406, 641), (406, 640), (406, 638), (406, 636), (406, 635), (411, 633), (411, 632), (411, 630), (411, 628), (411, 625), (411, 621), (411, 620), (411, 618), (411, 616), (411, 615), (411, 613), (411, 612), (411, 610), (411, 608), (411, 607), (415, 605), (415, 603), (415, 602), (415, 600), (415, 599), (415, 597), (415, 595), (415, 594), (415, 592), (415, 590), (415, 589), (415, 587), (415, 586), (415, 584), (415, 582), (415, 581), (415, 579), (415, 577), (415, 576), (415, 572), (418, 571), (418, 569), (418, 568), (418, 566), (418, 564), (418, 563), (418, 561), (418, 559), (418, 558), (418, 556), (418, 555), (418, 553), (418, 551), (418, 550), (418, 548), (418, 546), (418, 545), (418, 543), (418, 542), (418, 540), (418, 538), (418, 537), (418, 535), (422, 535), (422, 532), (422, 530), (422, 528), (422, 527), (422, 525), (422, 524), (422, 522), (422, 520), (422, 519), (422, 517), (422, 515), (422, 514), (422, 512), (427, 511), (427, 509), (427, 507), (427, 506), (427, 504), (427, 503), (427, 501), (427, 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367), (456, 365), (458, 365), (458, 363), (458, 362), (458, 360), (458, 359), (458, 357), (458, 355), (462, 355), (462, 354), (462, 352), (462, 351), (462, 349), (462, 347), (462, 346), (462, 344), (465, 342), (465, 341), (465, 339), (465, 338), (465, 336), (465, 334), (469, 334), (469, 333), (469, 331), (469, 329), (469, 328), (469, 326), (469, 325), (469, 323), (473, 323), (473, 321), (473, 320), (473, 318), (473, 316), (473, 315), (473, 313), (476, 313), (476, 312), (476, 310), (476, 308), (476, 307), (476, 305), (480, 305), (480, 304), (480, 302), (480, 300), (480, 299), (480, 297), (485, 297)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[520, 453], [520, 453]], 'ps': '[(520, 453)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[411, 456], [411, 456]], 'ps': '[(411, 456)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[690, 861], [690, 861]], 'ps': '[(690, 861)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[264, 642], [999, 643]], 'ps': '[(264, 642), (284, 642), (288, 642), (293, 642), (295, 642), (299, 642), (302, 642), (306, 642), (310, 642), (313, 642), (317, 642), (322, 642), (324, 642), (328, 642), (331, 642), (335, 642), (344, 642), (346, 642), (351, 642), (353, 642), (357, 642), (364, 642), (373, 642), (377, 643), (384, 643), (389, 643), (395, 643), (409, 643), (418, 643), (427, 643), (433, 643), (442, 643), (451, 643), (458, 643), (467, 643), (473, 643), (482, 643), (491, 643), (498, 643), (507, 643), (516, 643), (523, 643), (536, 643), (545, 643), (554, 643), (567, 643), (581, 643), (590, 643), (603, 643), (610, 643), (623, 643), (636, 643), (645, 643), (659, 643), (672, 643), (681, 643), (690, 643), (697, 643), (710, 643), (723, 643), (744, 643), (757, 643), (770, 643), (779, 643), (793, 643), (795, 643), (808, 643), (817, 643), (831, 643), (844, 643), (851, 643), (866, 643), (880, 643), (886, 643), (906, 643), (913, 643), (922, 643), (936, 643), (944, 643), (958, 643), (967, 643), (973, 643), (982, 643), (996, 643), (999, 643)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[837, 394], [837, 394]], 'ps': '[(837, 394)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[911, 862], [911, 862]], 'ps': '[(911, 862)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[904, 855], [904, 855]], 'ps': '[(904, 855)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[730, 686], [730, 686]], 'ps': '[(730, 686)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_17.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' do yoga with this', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[929, 640], [929, 640]], 'ps': '[(929, 640)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '9627317825941316_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Duolingo', 'To-Do List']
Attend to a/an {} language lesson and set a learning plan.
Attend to a/an French language lesson and set a learning plan.
Participate in a French language lesson using Duolingo and organize a learning schedule with the To-Do List app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[141, 640], [141, 640]], 'ps': '[(141, 640)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[488, 394], [488, 394]], 'ps': '[(488, 394)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[399, 572], [399, 572]], 'ps': '[(399, 572)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[637, 263], [637, 263]], 'ps': '[(637, 263)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 836], [846, 836]], 'ps': '[(846, 836)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_6.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'French Learning', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[892, 586], [892, 586]], 'ps': '[(892, 586)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[336, 404], [336, 404]], 'ps': '[(336, 404)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[683, 543], [683, 543]], 'ps': '[(683, 543)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[279, 599], [279, 599]], 'ps': '[(279, 599)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8305942225083809_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Chrome', 'Tripadvisor']
Find an itinerary for visiting {} and book accommodations.
Find an itinerary for visiting Mount Everest Base Camp, Nepal and book accommodations.
Using Chrome and Tripadvisor, locate and finalize an itinerary for visiting Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal, and secure your accommodations.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[607, 820], [607, 820]], 'ps': '[(607, 820)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[335, 55], [335, 55]], 'ps': '[(335, 55)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Mount Everest Base Camp, Nepal itinerary', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[902, 907], [902, 907]], 'ps': '[(902, 907)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[687, 929], [673, 511]], 'ps': '[(687, 929), (687, 928), (688, 927), (688, 923), (694, 913), (696, 909), (699, 889), (704, 863), (708, 840), (708, 825), (708, 794), (701, 762), (698, 733), (694, 716), (694, 702), (692, 681), (690, 668), (688, 656), (687, 634), (683, 622), (683, 615), (680, 601), (678, 580), (678, 568), (678, 562), (678, 550), (676, 541), (676, 536), (676, 532), (676, 524), (674, 519), (674, 517), (673, 513), (673, 512), (673, 512), (673, 511)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[262, 547], [262, 547]], 'ps': '[(262, 547)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[414, 794], [432, 297]], 'ps': '[(414, 794), (416, 794), (416, 793), (418, 784), (420, 778), (424, 764), (427, 750), (429, 734), (429, 714), (432, 694), (434, 674), (434, 662), (436, 648), (437, 623), (437, 610), (437, 597), (439, 584), (439, 571), (439, 558), (439, 546), (439, 534), (439, 523), (439, 516), (441, 506), (441, 500), (441, 491), (441, 484), (441, 473), (441, 466), (441, 459), (439, 443), (439, 435), (439, 415), (437, 407), (437, 398), (437, 380), (437, 378), (437, 364), (436, 358), (436, 352), (436, 349), (436, 345), (436, 342), (436, 341), (436, 339), (436, 338), (436, 336), (436, 335), (436, 334), (434, 334), (434, 333), (434, 332), (434, 330), (434, 329), (434, 328), (434, 327), (434, 325), (434, 322), (434, 319), (432, 314), (432, 313), (432, 307), (432, 306), (432, 304), (432, 302), (432, 300), (432, 299), (432, 298), (432, 297)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_8.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[499, 842], [537, 335]], 'ps': '[(499, 842), (499, 841), (499, 840), (503, 834), (507, 827), (514, 808), (523, 787), (528, 771), (534, 742), (539, 707), (541, 677), (543, 656), (548, 619), (549, 596), (549, 581), (551, 546), (553, 523), (553, 509), (553, 497), (553, 475), (553, 462), (553, 442), (551, 435), (549, 417), (549, 406), (549, 399), (548, 389), (546, 379), (546, 371), (546, 367), (546, 361), (546, 356), (543, 352), (543, 351), (543, 349), (541, 347), (541, 347), (541, 346), (541, 345), (541, 344), (541, 343), (541, 342), (541, 341), (541, 340), (539, 339), (539, 339), (539, 338), (539, 337), (539, 336), (537, 335)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[511, 881], [491, 371]], 'ps': '[(511, 881), (511, 879), (512, 874), (514, 868), (518, 857), (520, 845), (520, 826), (520, 815), (520, 789), (520, 767), (520, 742), (518, 730), (516, 702), (516, 683), (516, 671), (516, 647), (516, 622), (516, 606), (516, 589), (514, 563), (514, 544), (514, 524), (514, 505), (514, 488), (512, 472), (511, 456), (509, 441), (505, 427), (503, 413), (503, 408), (499, 398), (497, 390), (497, 387), (495, 384), (495, 380), (495, 378), (493, 377), (493, 375), (493, 374), (493, 373), (493, 372), (493, 372), (491, 372), (491, 371)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[489, 835], [455, 412]], 'ps': '[(489, 835), (489, 834), (489, 833), (489, 832), (489, 827), (491, 824), (491, 820), (491, 818), (493, 812), (493, 807), (493, 802), (495, 797), (495, 792), (495, 786), (495, 779), (495, 773), (495, 769), (495, 763), (495, 757), (495, 751), (495, 747), (495, 743), (497, 736), (497, 729), (497, 725), (497, 722), (497, 713), (497, 711), (495, 703), (495, 699), (495, 691), (495, 689), (495, 682), (493, 677), (493, 673), (493, 669), (493, 666), (493, 662), (493, 659), (491, 654), (491, 651), (491, 647), (489, 642), (489, 638), (487, 634), (487, 629), (487, 623), (486, 618), (486, 613), (486, 610), (484, 605), (484, 600), (484, 598), (484, 594), (484, 589), (484, 585), (484, 584), (484, 580), (482, 575), (482, 570), (482, 569), (482, 565), (480, 562), (480, 561), (480, 557), (478, 554), (478, 553), (478, 549), (478, 548), (475, 543), (475, 538), (474, 537), (474, 531), (474, 528), (472, 525), (472, 518), (470, 512), (470, 508), (470, 505), (468, 497), (468, 491), (466, 487), (466, 484), (466, 477), (464, 475), (464, 469), (464, 467), (462, 461), (462, 459), (462, 458), (462, 452), (461, 451), (461, 449), (461, 445), (459, 444), (459, 440), (459, 439), (459, 438), (459, 435), (459, 434), (457, 432), (457, 430), (457, 429), (457, 427), (457, 425), (457, 424), (457, 424), (457, 423), (457, 422), (457, 421), (457, 420), (455, 420), (455, 419), (455, 419), (455, 418), (455, 417), (455, 416), (455, 415), (455, 414), (455, 413), (455, 412)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[412, 653], [412, 653]], 'ps': '[(412, 653)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_BACK', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_BACK', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_BACK', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[904, 81], [904, 81]], 'ps': '[(904, 81)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_17.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Mount Everest Base Camp, Nepal itinerary', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[653, 164], [653, 164]], 'ps': '[(653, 164)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[393, 453], [393, 453]], 'ps': '[(393, 453)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[427, 815], [427, 816]], 'ps': '[(427, 815), (427, 816)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[208, 883], [208, 883]], 'ps': '[(208, 883)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[854, 936], [854, 936]], 'ps': '[(854, 936)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '9346213140833550_23.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Youtube', 'Setting']
Watch a trending video and turn {} the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video and turn down the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video on YouTube and lower the volume on your phone through the Settings app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[416, 697], [416, 697]], 'ps': '[(416, 697)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[116, 853], [116, 853]], 'ps': '[(116, 853)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_2.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[599, 333], [549, 339]], 'ps': '[(599, 333), (598, 333), (596, 333), (596, 336), (595, 336), (594, 336), (593, 336), (591, 336), (591, 338), (590, 338), (589, 338), (587, 338), (586, 338), (585, 338), (583, 338), (583, 338), (581, 338), (581, 339), (580, 339), (579, 339), (577, 339), (576, 339), (575, 339), (573, 339), (573, 339), (571, 339), (569, 339), (569, 339), (567, 339), (565, 339), (565, 339), (563, 339), (562, 339), (561, 339), (559, 339), (558, 339), (557, 339), (555, 339), (555, 339), (553, 339), (552, 339), (551, 339), (549, 339)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[604, 894], [604, 894]], 'ps': '[(604, 894)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[422, 929], [422, 929]], 'ps': '[(422, 929)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3075445833234357_6.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Any.do', 'Firefox']
Research how to {} and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Research how to improve sleep quality and then use a list app to remind yourself to set about the tutorial in the website.
Conduct research on methods to enhance sleep quality using Firefox. Then, use Any.do to create a reminder for yourself to follow the tutorial on the website.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[869, 840], [869, 840]], 'ps': '[(869, 840)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[933, 77], [933, 77]], 'ps': '[(933, 77)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'how to improve sleep quality', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[494, 188], [494, 188]], 'ps': '[(494, 188)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[290, 533], [290, 533]], 'ps': '[(290, 533)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[543, 603], [543, 603]], 'ps': '[(543, 603)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[507, 83], [509, 82]], 'ps': '[(507, 83), (509, 82)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_7.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[473, 78], [473, 78]], 'ps': '[(473, 78)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[404, 131], [404, 131]], 'ps': '[(404, 131)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 262], [152, 262]], 'ps': '[(152, 262)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[435, 917], [435, 917]], 'ps': '[(435, 917)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_12.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'learn to improve sleep quality in ', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_13.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[625, 636], [625, 636]], 'ps': '[(625, 636)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[473, 596], [473, 596]], 'ps': '[(473, 596)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[915, 639], [915, 639]], 'ps': '[(915, 639)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0259055817359409_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '7 LONG,13 LONG'}]
Small Phone
['Instagram', 'Google Play Store']
Uninstall {} app through appstore, and then check if it's uninstalled.Download another similar app, then open the app.
Uninstall tiktok app through appstore, and then check if it's uninstalled.Download another similar app, then open the app.
First, uninstall the TikTok app via the Google Play Store, and verify its removal. Next, download a similar app, such as Instagram, and then open the newly installed app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[886, 749], [886, 749]], 'ps': '[(886, 749)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'tiktok', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[938, 887], [938, 887]], 'ps': '[(938, 887)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[349, 757], [349, 757]], 'ps': '[(349, 757)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[855, 732], [855, 732]], 'ps': '[(855, 732)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[741, 67], [741, 67]], 'ps': '[(741, 67)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 81], [916, 81]], 'ps': '[(916, 81)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'instagram', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[883, 887], [883, 887]], 'ps': '[(883, 887)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[922, 464], [922, 464]], 'ps': '[(922, 464)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4543760152064788_12.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['TradingView: Track All Markets', 'Yahoo Finance: Stock News']
Search for today's stock market news of the company {}, and open a stock trading app to check the stock price trends.
Search for today's stock market news of the company Alibaba, and open a stock trading app to check the stock price trends.
Use Yahoo Finance to search for today's stock market news about Alibaba, then open TradingView to check the stock price trends.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[146, 406], [146, 406]], 'ps': '[(146, 406)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[148, 58], [148, 58]], 'ps': '[(148, 58)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Alibaba', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[34, 970], [34, 970]], 'ps': '[(34, 970)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[271, 787], [271, 787]], 'ps': '[(271, 787)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[570, 405], [570, 405]], 'ps': '[(570, 405)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[396, 64], [396, 64]], 'ps': '[(396, 64)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Alibaba', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[164, 201], [164, 201]], 'ps': '[(164, 201)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4798671319774635_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Microsoft News', 'DigiCal Calendar Agenda']
Find a news of {} topic happened recently and add it to your digital calendar.
Find a news of Blockchain topic happened recently and add it to your digital calendar.
Locate a recent news article on Blockchain through Microsoft News and then add the event to your DigiCal Calendar Agenda.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_0.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[291, 425], [605, 426]], 'ps': '[(291, 425), (299, 425), (306, 425), (318, 425), (333, 426), (352, 426), (359, 426), (366, 426), (381, 426), (403, 426), (432, 426), (466, 426), (508, 426), (556, 426), (605, 426)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[617, 633], [620, 633]], 'ps': '[(617, 633), (620, 633)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[486, 592], [486, 592]], 'ps': '[(486, 592)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[288, 46], [288, 46]], 'ps': '[(288, 46)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[907, 55], [907, 55]], 'ps': '[(907, 55)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'blockchain', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[248, 117], [248, 117]], 'ps': '[(248, 117)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[293, 234], [293, 234]], 'ps': '[(293, 234)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_8.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[84, 257], [84, 257]], 'ps': '[(84, 257)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[364, 283], [339, 304]], 'ps': '[(364, 283), (359, 284), (359, 285), (357, 286), (354, 286), (352, 287), (349, 287), (345, 290), (342, 292), (342, 294), (342, 294), (342, 296), (342, 297), (342, 298), (339, 299), (339, 300), (339, 301), (339, 302), (339, 303), (339, 304)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[143, 209], [143, 209]], 'ps': '[(143, 209)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[834, 545], [364, 568]], 'ps': '[(834, 545), (831, 545), (816, 545), (777, 546), (717, 549), (634, 553), (549, 558), (474, 563), (417, 566), (369, 568), (364, 568)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[157, 252], [157, 252]], 'ps': '[(157, 252)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[967, 128], [967, 128]], 'ps': '[(967, 128)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[861, 49], [861, 49]], 'ps': '[(861, 49)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[249, 121], [249, 121]], 'ps': '[(249, 121)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[520, 654], [520, 654]], 'ps': '[(520, 654)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[958, 64], [958, 64]], 'ps': '[(958, 64)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '8111888788633346_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '8 LONG'}]
Pixel Fold
['Youtube', 'Clock']
Learn a {} from a video and practice it while using a timer.
Learn a Knitting stitch from a video and practice it while using a timer.
Watch a video on YouTube to learn a knitting stitch and then practice it, using the Clock app to time your practice session.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[331, 912], [331, 912]], 'ps': '[(331, 912)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Knitting stitch', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[864, 875], [864, 875]], 'ps': '[(864, 875)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[192, 619], [192, 619]], 'ps': '[(192, 619)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[600, 380], [600, 380]], 'ps': '[(600, 380)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[441, 487], [441, 487]], 'ps': '[(441, 487)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '800', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[772, 852], [772, 852]], 'ps': '[(772, 852)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5847360689447859_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Ploter - Ebook, Audiobook, PDF', 'Setting']
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Change into dark mode and open a reading app.
Switch to dark mode using the Setting app, then launch the Ploter - Ebook, Audiobook, PDF app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[621, 657], [621, 657]], 'ps': '[(621, 657)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[532, 844], [463, 397]], 'ps': '[(532, 844), (532, 840), (532, 837), (532, 830), (532, 823), (532, 813), (532, 805), (529, 796), (529, 789), (522, 774), (517, 763), (514, 752), (506, 739), (494, 717), (486, 699), (479, 682), (479, 666), (471, 650), (469, 632), (463, 611), (461, 595), (461, 583), (461, 565), (461, 551), (461, 538), (461, 527), (461, 516), (461, 506), (461, 493), (463, 485), (463, 475), (463, 467), (463, 460), (463, 454), (463, 447), (463, 442), (463, 439), (463, 432), (463, 425), (463, 421), (463, 418), (463, 414), (463, 408), (463, 407), (463, 405), (463, 404), (463, 401), (463, 400), (463, 398), (463, 397)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[341, 664], [341, 664]], 'ps': '[(341, 664)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[891, 721], [891, 721]], 'ps': '[(891, 721)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[136, 648], [136, 648]], 'ps': '[(136, 648)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9434581458992428_6.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Clock', 'Facebook', 'Microsoft Teams']
Schedule a business meeting with {}, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Schedule a business meeting with Gentsdgoi Setgss, send invitations to him/her, and set up an alarm clock for the meeting.
Organize a business meeting with Gentsdgoi Setgss, send out invitations through Facebook, and set an alarm using the Clock app. Ensure the meeting is scheduled via Microsoft Teams.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[435, 309], [435, 309]], 'ps': '[(435, 309)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[305, 607], [305, 607]], 'ps': '[(305, 607)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Business', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[969, 128], [969, 128]], 'ps': '[(969, 128)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[125, 327], [125, 327]], 'ps': '[(125, 327)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[514, 454], [512, 454]], 'ps': '[(514, 454), (513, 454), (512, 454)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[433, 449], [433, 449]], 'ps': '[(433, 449)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[399, 182], [399, 182]], 'ps': '[(399, 182)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[467, 246], [467, 246]], 'ps': '[(467, 246)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[206, 321], [206, 321]], 'ps': '[(206, 321)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[458, 833], [462, 249]], 'ps': '[(458, 833), (458, 832), (458, 831), (458, 829), (458, 828), (458, 827), (458, 826), (458, 824), (458, 823), (458, 822), (458, 821), (458, 819), (458, 818), (458, 817), (458, 816), (458, 814), (458, 813), (458, 812), (458, 811), (458, 809), (458, 808), (458, 807), (458, 806), (458, 804), (458, 803), (458, 802), (458, 801), (458, 799), (458, 798), (458, 797), (458, 782), (458, 781), (458, 779), (458, 778), (458, 777), (458, 776), (458, 774), (458, 773), (458, 772), (458, 771), (458, 769), (458, 768), (458, 767), (458, 766), (458, 764), (458, 763), (458, 762), (458, 761), (458, 758), (458, 757), (458, 756), (458, 754), (458, 753), (458, 752), (458, 751), (458, 749), (458, 748), (458, 747), (458, 746), (458, 744), (458, 743), (458, 742), (458, 741), (458, 739), (458, 738), (458, 737), (458, 736), (458, 734), (458, 733), (458, 732), (458, 729), (458, 728), (458, 727), (458, 726), (458, 724), (458, 723), (458, 722), (458, 721), (458, 719), (458, 718), (458, 717), (458, 716), (458, 714), (458, 713), (458, 712), (458, 711), (458, 709), (458, 708), (458, 707), (458, 704), (458, 703), (458, 702), (458, 701), (458, 699), (458, 696), (458, 694), (457, 693), (457, 692), (457, 689), (457, 688), (457, 687), (457, 684), (457, 683), (457, 682), (457, 681), (456, 678), (456, 677), (456, 674), (456, 673), (456, 671), (456, 669), (456, 667), (456, 666), (455, 664), (455, 662), (455, 661), (455, 659), (455, 658), (455, 657), (455, 654), (455, 653), (455, 651), (455, 649), (455, 648), (455, 647), (454, 646), (454, 643), (454, 642), (454, 641), (454, 639), (454, 638), (454, 636), (454, 634), (454, 633), (454, 631), (454, 628), (454, 627), (454, 626), (453, 623), (453, 622), (453, 621), (453, 619), (453, 618), (453, 617), (453, 614), (453, 613), (452, 612), (452, 611), (452, 609), (452, 607), (452, 606), (452, 603), (452, 602), (452, 601), (451, 598), (451, 597), (451, 596), (451, 593), (451, 592), (451, 591), (451, 588), (451, 587), (451, 586), (451, 583), (451, 582), (451, 581), (451, 578), (451, 577), (451, 576), (451, 574), (451, 573), (451, 572), (450, 569), (450, 568), (450, 567), (450, 566), (450, 564), (450, 563), (450, 562), (450, 561), (450, 559), (450, 558), (450, 557), (450, 556), (450, 554), (450, 553), (450, 552), (450, 551), (450, 549), (450, 548), (449, 547), (449, 546), (449, 544), (449, 542), (449, 541), (449, 539), (449, 538), (449, 537), (449, 536), (449, 534), (449, 533), (449, 532), (449, 531), (449, 529), (449, 528), (449, 527), (449, 526), (449, 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{'step': 17, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[132, 588], [132, 588]], 'ps': '[(132, 588)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[758, 878], [758, 878]], 'ps': '[(758, 878)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '7136573916724603_19.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[548, 438], [537, 582]], 'ps': '[(548, 438), (548, 438), (548, 439), (548, 441), (548, 442), (547, 442), (547, 443), (547, 444), (546, 444), (546, 446), (546, 447), (546, 448), (546, 449), (546, 451), (545, 452), (545, 453), (544, 453), (544, 454), (544, 456), (544, 457), (544, 457), (544, 458), (544, 459), (543, 459), (543, 461), (543, 462), (542, 463), (542, 464), (542, 466), (541, 466), (541, 467), (541, 468), (541, 469), (541, 471), (541, 472), (541, 473), (541, 473), (539, 491), (539, 492), (539, 493), (539, 494), (539, 496), (539, 497), (539, 498), (539, 499), (539, 501), (539, 502), (539, 503), (539, 504), (539, 506), (539, 507), (539, 508), 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'screenshot': '7136573916724603_25.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Gentsdgoi Setgss'}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Google Map', 'Google Play Store']
Find a local {} and then download a fitness tracking app to set goals.
Find a local Yoga studio and then download a fitness tracking app to set goals.
First, use Google Maps to locate a nearby Yoga studio. Once found, navigate to the Google Play Store to download a fitness tracking app that will help you set and manage your fitness goals.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[857, 650], [857, 650]], 'ps': '[(857, 650)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[264, 76], [264, 76]], 'ps': '[(264, 76)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'yoga studio', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[386, 143], [386, 143]], 'ps': '[(386, 143)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[183, 722], [183, 722]], 'ps': '[(183, 722)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[848, 821], [848, 821]], 'ps': '[(848, 821)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[357, 85], [357, 85]], 'ps': '[(357, 85)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'fitness tracking apps', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[471, 132], [471, 132]], 'ps': '[(471, 132)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[447, 583], [447, 583]], 'ps': '[(447, 583)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[389, 305], [386, 305]], 'ps': '[(389, 305), (386, 305)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8390996551438686_12.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['Clock', 'Youtube']
Learn a {} from a video and practice it while using a timer.
Learn a Chess opening from a video and practice it while using a timer.
Watch a video on YouTube to learn a Chess opening, then use the Clock app to time your practice sessions.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[811, 612], [811, 612]], 'ps': '[(811, 612)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_1.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Chess opening', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[880, 882], [880, 882]], 'ps': '[(880, 882)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_3.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[494, 687], [588, 135]], 'ps': '[(494, 687), (494, 673), (494, 642), (499, 617), (508, 564), (508, 540), (516, 515), (533, 478), (541, 431), (555, 404), (572, 379), (572, 360), (577, 351), (577, 328), (577, 315), (577, 296), (577, 279), (577, 254), (583, 240), (583, 231), (583, 226), (583, 220), (583, 210), (583, 204), (583, 195), (583, 192), (583, 184), (583, 181), (583, 176), (583, 170), (583, 165), (583, 159), (583, 156), (588, 151), (588, 148), (588, 146), (588, 143), (588, 140), (588, 139), (588, 135)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[408, 673], [533, 0]], 'ps': '[(408, 673), (399, 626), (399, 584), (399, 548), (405, 484), (424, 435), (433, 387), (433, 351), (441, 292), (449, 256), (458, 214), (466, 184), (474, 142), (502, 64), (519, 28), (527, 3), (533, 0)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_5.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[208, 670], [455, 29]], 'ps': '[(208, 670), (227, 632), (258, 556), (274, 507), (311, 459), (327, 417), (377, 335), (386, 295), (394, 257), (411, 221), (419, 179), (427, 148), (433, 123), (441, 98), (449, 73), (449, 49), (455, 39), (455, 37), (455, 31), (455, 29)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[483, 459], [483, 459]], 'ps': '[(483, 459)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[355, 207], [355, 207]], 'ps': '[(355, 207)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '900', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[452, 693], [452, 693]], 'ps': '[(452, 693)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9189741216070529_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Apartment List', 'Uber']
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Utilize Apartment List to find a rental home in your city and then use Uber to calculate the driving distance to your current location.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[824, 267], [824, 267]], 'ps': '[(824, 267)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[506, 886], [506, 886]], 'ps': '[(506, 886)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[863, 516], [863, 516]], 'ps': '[(863, 516)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[127, 574], [127, 574]], 'ps': '[(127, 574)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '437 S Hill Street', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[506, 302], [506, 302]], 'ps': '[(506, 302)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8588631877709106_7.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['StubHub', 'YT Music', 'Firefox Browser']
Discover a popular music band of {} style, listen to their latest album, and check if it's possible to buy a concert ticket.
Discover a popular music band of K-Pop style, listen to their latest album, and check if it's possible to buy a concert ticket.
Explore a well-known K-Pop band, enjoy their latest album on YT Music, and see if you can purchase a concert ticket through StubHub using Firefox Browser.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[798, 935], [798, 935]], 'ps': '[(798, 935)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[460, 478], [460, 478]], 'ps': '[(460, 478)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[897, 71], [897, 71]], 'ps': '[(897, 71)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'BTS', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[873, 894], [873, 894]], 'ps': '[(873, 894)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[177, 688], [177, 688]], 'ps': '[(177, 688)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[307, 322], [307, 322]], 'ps': '[(307, 322)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9243522411711182_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Daily Forecast', 'Google Docs']
Look up the weather forecast in {} tomorrow and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Look up the weather forecast in Mumbai tomorrow and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Using 'Daily Forecast' to check the weather for Mumbai tomorrow, then draft a corresponding to-do list in 'Google Docs'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_APPSELECT', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[88, 324], [101, 87]], 'ps': '[(88, 324), (88, 323), (88, 321), (88, 316), (88, 312), (88, 303), (88, 291), (88, 273), (88, 251), (88, 228), (88, 203), (90, 176), (92, 147), (97, 117), (101, 87)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[953, 576], [953, 576]], 'ps': '[(953, 576)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[715, 558], [715, 558]], 'ps': '[(715, 558)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[712, 29], [712, 29]], 'ps': '[(712, 29)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[701, 64], [701, 64]], 'ps': '[(701, 64)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[708, 33], [708, 33]], 'ps': '[(708, 33)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[396, 67], [396, 67]], 'ps': '[(396, 67)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Mumbai', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '7527023776538272_9.png', 'action': 'INCOMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'cannot find the city'}]
Pixel Tablet
['Calendar', 'DuckDuckgo']
Search for the next {} and set a reminder.
Search for the next Taylor Swift's concert tour and set a reminder.
Use DuckDuckgo to search for Taylor Swift's upcoming concert tour dates and then set a reminder in your Calendar.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[289, 122], [289, 122]], 'ps': '[(289, 122)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[407, 73], [407, 73]], 'ps': '[(407, 73)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[975, 72], [975, 72]], 'ps': '[(975, 72)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "when is the next Taylor Swift's concert tour", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[895, 694], [895, 694]], 'ps': '[(895, 694)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[280, 278], [280, 278]], 'ps': '[(280, 278)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[23, 544], [212, 547]], 'ps': '[(23, 544), (23, 544), (26, 544), (30, 544), (35, 544), (41, 544), (46, 544), (51, 544), (58, 544), (64, 544), (72, 544), (81, 544), (91, 544), (100, 544), (109, 544), (119, 544), (126, 544), (134, 544), (142, 544), (150, 544), (157, 544), (163, 544), (168, 546), (172, 546), (173, 546), (176, 546), (176, 546), (178, 546), (180, 546), (182, 546), (183, 546), (185, 547), (187, 547), (188, 547), (191, 547), (193, 547), (194, 547), (195, 547), (198, 547), (200, 547), (201, 547), (201, 547), (202, 547), (204, 547), (205, 547), (206, 547), (208, 547), (211, 547), (212, 547)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[248, 944], [248, 944]], 'ps': '[(248, 944)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[349, 848], [447, 143]], 'ps': '[(349, 848), (349, 843), (349, 838), (349, 831), (349, 821), (349, 808), (349, 796), (349, 781), (351, 767), (351, 752), (353, 739), (355, 728), (356, 718), (357, 707), (359, 697), (360, 688), (362, 682), (362, 677), (363, 671), (364, 664), (365, 657), (365, 654), (365, 651), (365, 647), (365, 644), (366, 638), (367, 633), (368, 627), (369, 618), (369, 611), (371, 599), (373, 592), (373, 587), (373, 586), (373, 579), (374, 573), (375, 566), (376, 557), (377, 549), (378, 541), (379, 533), (381, 524), (382, 518), (384, 511), (385, 504), (386, 498), (387, 493), (387, 487), (389, 482), (391, 476), (393, 469), (394, 461), (396, 452), (397, 444), (398, 436), (400, 426), (402, 412), (405, 399), (407, 383), (409, 366), (413, 347), (417, 329), (419, 313), (422, 296), (426, 279), (428, 264), (430, 251), (432, 241), (433, 233), (433, 231), (433, 228), (434, 226), (434, 224), (434, 223), (435, 219), (435, 218), (435, 216), (436, 212), (436, 209), (436, 206), (437, 199), (437, 194), (439, 186), (440, 182), (440, 179), (440, 176), (441, 171), (442, 166), (444, 159), (445, 153), (446, 147), (446, 146), (446, 144), (447, 143)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[496, 902], [481, 123]], 'ps': '[(496, 902), (495, 899), (494, 894), (494, 887), (492, 882), (491, 873), (491, 866), (489, 852), (488, 839), (487, 824), (486, 808), (486, 796), (486, 783), (486, 771), (486, 758), (486, 748), (486, 738), (486, 728), (486, 721), (486, 712), (486, 704), (486, 697), (486, 691), (486, 686), (486, 679), (486, 674), (486, 668), (486, 663), (487, 656), (487, 649), (487, 642), (487, 634), (487, 628), (487, 623), (487, 616), (487, 609), (487, 602), (487, 597), (489, 591), (489, 588), (489, 584), (489, 582), (489, 579), (489, 578), (489, 577), (489, 574), (489, 572), (489, 571), (489, 568), (489, 566), (489, 564), (489, 563), (490, 561), (490, 559), (490, 558), (490, 557), (490, 556), (490, 554), (490, 552), (490, 549), (490, 547), (490, 544), (490, 542), (490, 541), (490, 538), (490, 536), (490, 533), (490, 532), (491, 529), (491, 528), (491, 526), (491, 523), (491, 519), (491, 516), (491, 513), (491, 508), (491, 507), (491, 502), (491, 499), (491, 497), (491, 493), (491, 491), (491, 487), (488, 481), (488, 477), (487, 472), (487, 467), (487, 461), (486, 453), (486, 448), (486, 442), (485, 434), (485, 428), (483, 423), (483, 417), (483, 409), (482, 403), (482, 396), (481, 391), (480, 382), (480, 374), (480, 368), (480, 363), (480, 357), (480, 352), (480, 344), (480, 337), (480, 329), (480, 318), (480, 308), (480, 298), (480, 286), (480, 273), (480, 263), (480, 253), (480, 243), (480, 232), (480, 222), (480, 214), (480, 207), (480, 201), (480, 199), (480, 197), (480, 194), (480, 193), (480, 189), (480, 188), (480, 184), (480, 183), (480, 179), (480, 177), (480, 176), (480, 171), (480, 168), (480, 166), (480, 162), (480, 159), (480, 156), (480, 152), (481, 149), (481, 147), (481, 143), (481, 141), (481, 137), (481, 136), (481, 133), (481, 132), (481, 131), (481, 128), (481, 127), (481, 126), (481, 124), (481, 123)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[573, 944], [595, 111]], 'ps': '[(573, 944), (573, 941), (573, 937), (573, 933), (574, 927), (574, 919), (575, 911), (576, 903), (576, 894), (578, 884), (579, 876), (580, 866), (581, 857), (581, 849), (582, 842), (583, 833), (584, 823), (585, 814), (585, 807), (587, 799), (587, 789), (587, 781), (588, 773), (588, 762), (589, 758), (589, 754), (590, 751), (590, 746), (590, 742), (590, 737), (591, 729), (591, 721), (591, 717), (591, 714), (591, 711), (591, 709), (591, 707), (591, 703), (591, 701), (592, 696), (592, 693), (592, 688), (593, 684), (594, 679), (594, 673), (594, 666), (594, 659), (594, 652), (595, 647), (595, 643), (595, 638), (595, 633), (595, 626), (595, 616), (595, 603), (595, 588), (595, 573), (595, 558), (595, 541), (595, 523), (595, 506), (595, 488), (595, 471), (595, 453), (595, 436), (595, 418), (595, 403), (595, 388), (595, 373), (595, 358), (595, 344), (595, 332), (595, 317), (595, 304), (595, 292), (595, 279), (595, 269), (595, 259), (595, 249), (595, 239), (595, 231), (595, 223), (595, 218), (595, 212), (595, 207), (595, 199), (595, 193), (595, 188), (595, 184), (595, 183), (595, 179), (595, 178), (595, 176), (595, 174), (595, 173), (595, 172), (595, 171), (595, 169), (595, 168), (595, 167), (595, 166), (595, 164), (595, 162), (595, 159), (595, 158), (595, 154), (595, 152), (595, 151), (595, 149), (595, 148), (595, 146), (595, 142), (595, 141), (595, 137), (595, 136), (595, 133), (595, 132), (595, 131), (595, 129), (595, 128), (595, 127), (595, 126), (595, 124), (595, 123), (595, 122), (595, 121), (595, 119), (595, 118), (595, 117), (595, 116), (595, 114), (595, 113), (595, 112), (595, 111)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[280, 859], [265, 171]], 'ps': '[(280, 859), (280, 857), (280, 853), (280, 847), (280, 842), (280, 836), (280, 828), (280, 821), (280, 811), (280, 801), (280, 788), (280, 776), (280, 761), (280, 746), (280, 728), (280, 713), (280, 698), (280, 682), (280, 669), (280, 657), (280, 644), (280, 634), (280, 627), (280, 623), (280, 622), (280, 621), (280, 619), (280, 618), (280, 614), (280, 613), (280, 611), (280, 609), (280, 606), (279, 604), (279, 603), (278, 601), (278, 598), (278, 596), (278, 594), (278, 591), (278, 588), (278, 586), (278, 582), (277, 576), (277, 571), (277, 564), (276, 559), (276, 553), (276, 549), (276, 548), (275, 544), (275, 543), (275, 541), (275, 537), (275, 533), (275, 529), (275, 527), (275, 524), (275, 522), (275, 518), (275, 516), (275, 512), (275, 509), (275, 506), (275, 503), (275, 499), (275, 497), (275, 496), (275, 492), (275, 489), (275, 488), (275, 484), (275, 481), (275, 479), (275, 476), (275, 472), (275, 469), (275, 464), (275, 457), (275, 452), (275, 451), (275, 446), (275, 438), (275, 434), (275, 432), (275, 428), (275, 426), (275, 423), (275, 419), (275, 416), (275, 409), (275, 404), (275, 398), (275, 393), (275, 386), (275, 379), (275, 374), (274, 371), (274, 368), (273, 363), (273, 359), (273, 356), (273, 354), (272, 352), (272, 351), (272, 349), (272, 348), (270, 343), (270, 342), (269, 338), (269, 336), (269, 334), (269, 331), (269, 329), (269, 327), (269, 324), (269, 321), (269, 316), (269, 313), (269, 309), (269, 308), (268, 304), (268, 298), (268, 293), (268, 287), (266, 282), (266, 278), (266, 276), (266, 271), (266, 267), (265, 264), (265, 263), (265, 262), (265, 261), (265, 259), (265, 257), (265, 256), (265, 254), (265, 253), (265, 252), (265, 251), (265, 248), (265, 247), (265, 246), (265, 243), (265, 239), (265, 237), (265, 234), (265, 231), (265, 228), (265, 224), (265, 221), (265, 218), (265, 216), (265, 212), (265, 209), (265, 208), (265, 207), (265, 206), (265, 204), (265, 202), (265, 201), (265, 197), (265, 196), (265, 194), (265, 193), (265, 188), (265, 184), (265, 183), (265, 179), (265, 178), (265, 176), (265, 173), (265, 172), (265, 171)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 916], [853, 916]], 'ps': '[(853, 916)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[763, 574], [763, 574]], 'ps': '[(763, 574)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[133, 798], [133, 798]], 'ps': '[(133, 798)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_17.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "Taylor Swift's concert", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[258, 162], [258, 162]], 'ps': '[(258, 162)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '9699032789171893_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['ABPV', 'Setting']
Find a picture of {} style and make it as the wallpaper of the phone.
Find a picture of coastal style and make it as the wallpaper of the phone.
Utilize ABPV to find a coastal style picture and then set it as the wallpaper on your phone using the Setting app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[836, 82], [836, 82]], 'ps': '[(836, 82)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[58, 73], [58, 73]], 'ps': '[(58, 73)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[258, 424], [258, 424]], 'ps': '[(258, 424)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[363, 151], [363, 151]], 'ps': '[(363, 151)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'coastal', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[394, 176], [394, 176]], 'ps': '[(394, 176)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[397, 162], [397, 162]], 'ps': '[(397, 162)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[549, 407], [549, 407]], 'ps': '[(549, 407)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[941, 199], [941, 199]], 'ps': '[(941, 199)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[319, 529], [319, 529]], 'ps': '[(319, 529)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_APPSELECT', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[863, 751], [863, 751]], 'ps': '[(863, 751)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_13.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[386, 762], [483, 214]], 'ps': '[(386, 762), (386, 760), (386, 756), (391, 751), (394, 742), (397, 731), (397, 718), (397, 714), (397, 706), (397, 695), (402, 678), (402, 662), (405, 643), (411, 624), (413, 606), (422, 585), (427, 570), (430, 554), (436, 537), (438, 518), (444, 503), (447, 489), (452, 476), (455, 462), (458, 449), (463, 440), (463, 429), (463, 420), (463, 407), (463, 398), (463, 389), (463, 378), (463, 368), (463, 364), (463, 360), (463, 356), (463, 348), (463, 346), (463, 343), (463, 340), (463, 337), (463, 332), (463, 329), (463, 326), (463, 320), (463, 317), (463, 312), (463, 310), (463, 307), (463, 299), (463, 293), (463, 287), (463, 284), (463, 279), (463, 278), (463, 274), (463, 273), (463, 270), (463, 267), (463, 265), (463, 262), (463, 260), (463, 259), (463, 257), (463, 256), (466, 254), (466, 253), (466, 251), (469, 249), (469, 248), (472, 246), (472, 245), (472, 242), (474, 240), (474, 239), (477, 239), (480, 235), (480, 234), (480, 232), (480, 231), (480, 229), (480, 228), (480, 221), (483, 220), (483, 218), (483, 217), (483, 215), (483, 214)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_14.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[541, 790], [533, 251]], 'ps': '[(541, 790), (541, 789), (541, 785), (541, 781), (541, 771), (536, 759), (536, 746), (536, 724), (536, 706), (536, 687), (536, 668), (536, 646), (536, 624), (536, 603), (536, 581), (536, 559), (536, 537), (536, 521), (536, 506), (536, 489), (536, 473), (536, 457), (536, 445), (536, 432), (536, 420), (536, 407), (536, 395), (536, 384), (536, 374), (536, 365), (536, 356), (536, 346), (536, 335), (536, 326), (536, 317), (536, 314), (536, 309), (536, 304), (536, 301), (536, 298), (536, 295), (536, 292), (536, 290), (536, 287), (536, 284), (536, 279), (536, 278), (536, 276), (533, 271), (533, 270), (533, 268), (533, 265), (533, 262), (533, 260), (533, 259), (533, 257), (533, 256), (533, 254), (533, 253), (533, 251)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[352, 562], [352, 562]], 'ps': '[(352, 562)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_16.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[602, 820], [697, 273]], 'ps': '[(602, 820), (602, 812), (602, 806), (602, 798), (602, 790), (608, 773), (616, 751), (619, 726), (624, 701), (633, 674), (638, 649), (647, 628), (655, 606), (661, 582), (663, 564), (669, 548), (672, 529), (677, 509), (680, 490), (686, 471), (688, 453), (694, 435), (694, 420), (697, 407), (697, 398), (697, 387), (697, 378), (697, 371), (697, 364), (697, 357), (697, 353), (697, 349), (697, 343), (697, 340), (697, 337), (697, 334), (697, 329), (697, 326), (697, 323), (697, 318), (697, 317), (697, 314), (697, 312), (697, 310), (697, 306), (697, 301), (697, 298), (697, 295), (697, 290), (697, 287), (697, 285), (697, 284), (697, 282), (697, 281), (697, 279), (697, 276), (697, 274), (697, 273)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[622, 604], [622, 604]], 'ps': '[(622, 604)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[383, 324], [383, 324]], 'ps': '[(383, 324)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[394, 526], [394, 526]], 'ps': '[(394, 526)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[172, 334], [172, 334]], 'ps': '[(172, 334)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[788, 74], [788, 74]], 'ps': '[(788, 74)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[497, 507], [497, 507]], 'ps': '[(497, 507)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '4731146496319492_23.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Microsoft Translator', 'CNN Breaking US & World News', 'Google Keep']
Read an English news, translate its title in {}, and keep a record of it.
Read an English news, translate its title in Spanish, and keep a record of it.
Use the CNN Breaking US & World News app to read an English news article. Then, employ Microsoft Translator to translate the article's title into Spanish. Finally, make sure to record the translated title in Google Keep.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[659, 123], [659, 123]], 'ps': '[(659, 123)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[409, 482], [409, 482]], 'ps': '[(409, 482)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[158, 261], [158, 261]], 'ps': '[(158, 261)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[255, 771], [255, 771]], 'ps': '[(255, 771)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Highway collapse kills dozens in southern China', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_6.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[413, 373], [413, 373]], 'ps': '[(413, 373)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[182, 397], [182, 397]], 'ps': '[(182, 397)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[831, 896], [834, 896]], 'ps': '[(831, 896), (834, 896)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[501, 652], [501, 652]], 'ps': '[(501, 652)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[168, 155], [168, 155]], 'ps': '[(168, 155)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_12.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Highway collapse kills dozens in southern China', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[83, 78], [83, 78]], 'ps': '[(83, 78)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8421615403728272_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '7 LONG Spanish'}]
Medium Phone
['Firefox Browser', 'Microsoft word']
Look up the weather forecast of {} and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Look up the weather forecast of tomorrow and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Open the Firefox Browser, search for tomorrow's weather forecast, and then plan your to-do list in Microsoft Word based on the forecast you found.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[829, 633], [829, 633]], 'ps': '[(829, 633)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[339, 62], [339, 62]], 'ps': '[(339, 62)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'the weather in LA tomorrow', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[381, 167], [381, 167]], 'ps': '[(381, 167)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[646, 509], [646, 509]], 'ps': '[(646, 509)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[172, 374], [172, 374]], 'ps': '[(172, 374)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[940, 56], [940, 56]], 'ps': '[(940, 56)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[248, 301], [248, 301]], 'ps': '[(248, 301)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_10.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Tomorrow:cloudy Todolist:1.play games 2.do homework', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[67, 72], [67, 72]], 'ps': '[(67, 72)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4069240137067842_12.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Notepad - Notes and To Do List', 'Firefox']
Search the {} Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Search the 2017 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Using Firefox, search for the 2017 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and then record the information in Notepad - Notes and To Do List.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[139, 113], [139, 113]], 'ps': '[(139, 113)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[318, 80], [318, 80]], 'ps': '[(318, 80)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '2017 nobel-prize winners in physics', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[326, 179], [326, 179]], 'ps': '[(326, 179)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[843, 118], [843, 118]], 'ps': '[(843, 118)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_5.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[284, 439], [284, 439]], 'ps': '[(284, 439)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[404, 467], [338, 522]], 'ps': '[(404, 467), (404, 466), (401, 467), (401, 471), (399, 472), (399, 474), (396, 474), (396, 475), (394, 476), (394, 478), (391, 480), (389, 482), (386, 485), (384, 486), (384, 487), (381, 490), (381, 491), (379, 492), (377, 493), (377, 494), (374, 495), (370, 498), (370, 499), (367, 500), (367, 501), (365, 502), (365, 503), (362, 504), (360, 504), (357, 505), (355, 508), (352, 509), (350, 510), (350, 511), (350, 512), (347, 513), (347, 516), (345, 516), (345, 518), (343, 519), (343, 520), (340, 521), (338, 522)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[172, 390], [172, 390]], 'ps': '[(172, 390)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[778, 503], [15, 534]], 'ps': '[(778, 503), (773, 503), (768, 503), (761, 503), (749, 503), (727, 505), (693, 507), (649, 509), (593, 513), (522, 514), (428, 520), (326, 522), (234, 525), (151, 530), (68, 532), (15, 534)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[775, 510], [0, 555]], 'ps': '[(775, 510), (773, 510), (765, 510), (741, 511), (702, 516), (647, 521), (542, 529), (389, 536), (197, 545), (0, 555)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[819, 376], [819, 376]], 'ps': '[(819, 376)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[496, 890], [493, 891]], 'ps': '[(496, 890), (493, 891)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[78, 71], [78, 71]], 'ps': '[(78, 71)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_APPSELECT', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[78, 490], [78, 490]], 'ps': '[(78, 490)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_APPSELECT', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[65, 451], [65, 451]], 'ps': '[(65, 451)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_18.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[20, 458], [686, 451]], 'ps': '[(20, 458), (24, 458), (39, 458), (63, 458), (102, 458), (151, 458), (204, 458), (263, 458), (323, 458), (381, 458), (435, 458), (484, 458), (522, 458), (552, 458), (576, 458), (581, 458), (584, 458), (586, 458), (588, 458), (593, 458), (600, 458), (613, 458), (620, 458), (627, 458), (639, 457), (659, 455), (686, 451)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[581, 884], [581, 884]], 'ps': '[(581, 884)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_20.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[488, 540], [488, 540]], 'ps': '[(488, 540)]'}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_21.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[895, 906], [895, 906]], 'ps': '[(895, 906)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[890, 790], [890, 790]], 'ps': '[(890, 790)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_23.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '2017 nobel-prize winners in physics', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[119, 183], [119, 183]], 'ps': '[(119, 183)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[469, 647], [469, 647]], 'ps': '[(469, 647)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '1840933583772409_26.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '5 LONG'}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Youtube', 'WPS office']
Listen to a lecture on {} and then jot down the name of the course in the notes app.
Listen to a lecture on Artificial Intelligence and then jot down the name of the course in the notes app.
Watch an Artificial Intelligence lecture on YouTube and afterwards record the name of the course in WPS Office's notes app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[144, 812], [144, 812]], 'ps': '[(144, 812)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[390, 752], [390, 752]], 'ps': '[(390, 752)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[260, 846], [260, 846]], 'ps': '[(260, 846)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[831, 514], [831, 514]], 'ps': '[(831, 514)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[892, 500], [892, 500]], 'ps': '[(892, 500)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[823, 814], [823, 814]], 'ps': '[(823, 814)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[140, 605], [140, 605]], 'ps': '[(140, 605)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[187, 249], [187, 249]], 'ps': '[(187, 249)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[424, 189], [424, 189]], 'ps': '[(424, 189)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[499, 651], [499, 651]], 'ps': '[(499, 651)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_11.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': " Google's AI Course for Beginners(in 10 minutes)!", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6507650217300650_12.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Google Play Store', 'Petal Maps - GPS & Navigation']
Find a local {} and then download a fitness tracking app to set goals.
Find a local Sports arena and then download a fitness tracking app to set goals.
First, use Petal Maps - GPS & Navigation to locate a nearby sports arena. Once you have found one, head over to Google Play Store and download a fitness tracking app that will help you set and achieve your fitness goals.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3948320608228499_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[180, 110], [180, 110]], 'ps': '[(180, 110)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3948320608228499_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[350, 685], [350, 685]], 'ps': '[(350, 685)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3948320608228499_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'sports arena', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3948320608228499_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[564, 191], [564, 191]], 'ps': '[(564, 191)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3948320608228499_4.png', 'action': 'INCOMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Network error'}]
Pixel Tablet
['Setting', 'Lyft']
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Turn on/off notifications for any app on the phone and open the app.
Navigate to your phone's 'Settings' app to enable or disable notifications for any app, then proceed to open the 'Lyft' app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[446, 726], [446, 726]], 'ps': '[(446, 726)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[190, 466], [190, 466]], 'ps': '[(190, 466)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[465, 793], [465, 793]], 'ps': '[(465, 793)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[941, 134], [941, 134]], 'ps': '[(941, 134)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_4.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Lyft', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[416, 308], [416, 308]], 'ps': '[(416, 308)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[471, 642], [471, 642]], 'ps': '[(471, 642)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[945, 524], [945, 524]], 'ps': '[(945, 524)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[387, 126], [387, 126]], 'ps': '[(387, 126)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[486, 527], [486, 527]], 'ps': '[(486, 527)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9855827620794102_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Tablet
['Chrome', 'Setting']
Watch a trending video and turn {} the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video and turn to maximum the volume on the phone.
Open Chrome, watch a trending video, and then use the Setting app to turn the phone's volume to maximum.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[429, 697], [429, 697]], 'ps': '[(429, 697)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 871], [152, 871]], 'ps': '[(152, 871)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_2.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[642, 333], [999, 336]], 'ps': '[(642, 333), (643, 333), (644, 336), (645, 336), (647, 336), (648, 337), (649, 337), (651, 337), (651, 337), (653, 337), (655, 337), (655, 337), (657, 337), (658, 337), (659, 337), (661, 337), (662, 337), (663, 337), (666, 337), (667, 337), (669, 337), (671, 337), (673, 337), (673, 337), (676, 337), (677, 337), (679, 337), (680, 337), (681, 337), (683, 337), (683, 337), (685, 337), (686, 337), (687, 337), (689, 337), (690, 337), (691, 337), (691, 334), (692, 334), (694, 334), (695, 334), (696, 334), (698, 334), (699, 332), (700, 332), (701, 332), (702, 332), (704, 332), (705, 332), (706, 332), (708, 332), (709, 332), (710, 332), (713, 332), (715, 332), (719, 332), (720, 332), (721, 332), (724, 332), (725, 332), (726, 332), (727, 332), (729, 332), (732, 332), (733, 332), (734, 332), (737, 332), (738, 332), (739, 332), (742, 332), (744, 332), (744, 332), (746, 332), (748, 332), (750, 332), (751, 332), (754, 332), (755, 332), (758, 332), (759, 332), (762, 332), (765, 332), (766, 332), (767, 332), (769, 332), (771, 332), (773, 332), (775, 332), (776, 332), (777, 332), (780, 332), (783, 332), (784, 332), (786, 332), (790, 332), (791, 332), (792, 332), (794, 332), (796, 332), (798, 332), (800, 332), (803, 332), (804, 332), (808, 332), (811, 332), (812, 332), (813, 332), (817, 332), (819, 332), (821, 332), (824, 332), (826, 332), (828, 332), (831, 332), (832, 332), (835, 332), (838, 332), (844, 332), (848, 332), (851, 332), (854, 332), (857, 332), (859, 332), (865, 332), (867, 332), (870, 332), (875, 332), (876, 332), (879, 332), (883, 332), (887, 332), (889, 332), (895, 333), (898, 333), (901, 333), (990, 336), (993, 336), (996, 336), (999, 336)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[520, 903], [520, 903]], 'ps': '[(520, 903)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[411, 53], [411, 53]], 'ps': '[(411, 53)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[249, 111], [249, 111]], 'ps': '[(249, 111)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_7.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'trend video', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[255, 184], [255, 184]], 'ps': '[(255, 184)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[328, 824], [328, 824]], 'ps': '[(328, 824)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[351, 397], [351, 397]], 'ps': '[(351, 397)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4738580594843371_11.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Small Phone
['Job Search by ZipRecruiter', 'Simplenote']
Find a {} job on a recruitment app and record the company name.
Find a mobile app developer job on a recruitment app and record the company name.
Locate a mobile app developer position using Job Search by ZipRecruiter and note down the company name in Simplenote.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[319, 353], [319, 353]], 'ps': '[(319, 353)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[344, 97], [344, 97]], 'ps': '[(344, 97)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'mobile app developer', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[920, 884], [920, 884]], 'ps': '[(920, 884)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[499, 232], [499, 232]], 'ps': '[(499, 232)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[881, 887], [881, 887]], 'ps': '[(881, 887)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[155, 169], [155, 169]], 'ps': '[(155, 169)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Decker', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3533885425877851_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Setting', 'Triller']
Watch a trending video and turn {} the volume on the phone.
Watch a trending video and turn to maximum the volume on the phone.
Open the Triller app and watch a trending video. Then, use the Setting app to turn the phone's volume to its maximum level.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[864, 547], [866, 547]], 'ps': '[(864, 547), (866, 547)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[924, 294], [924, 294]], 'ps': '[(924, 294)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[596, 522], [596, 522]], 'ps': '[(596, 522)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[494, 732], [520, 283]], 'ps': '[(494, 732), (498, 730), (498, 729), (502, 729), (502, 727), (502, 725), (505, 725), (505, 724), (505, 722), (509, 722), (509, 721), (509, 719), (509, 717), (511, 717), (511, 716), (511, 714), (511, 712), (516, 711), (516, 709), (516, 708), (516, 706), (516, 704), (516, 703), (516, 701), (516, 699), (516, 698), (516, 696), (516, 695), (520, 693), (520, 691), (520, 690), (520, 688), (520, 687), (520, 685), (520, 681), (520, 678), (520, 674), (520, 671), (520, 667), (520, 665), (520, 664), (520, 662), (520, 659), (520, 655), (520, 653), (520, 652), (520, 650), (520, 647), (520, 645), (520, 643), (520, 640), (520, 638), (520, 637), (520, 633), (520, 630), (520, 628), (520, 626), (520, 623), (520, 619), (520, 618), (520, 614), (520, 611), (520, 609), (520, 605), (520, 599), (520, 596), (520, 592), (520, 590), (520, 587), (520, 583), (520, 580), (520, 576), (520, 572), (520, 569), (520, 567), (520, 564), (520, 560), (520, 556), (520, 553), (520, 549), (520, 545), (520, 544), (520, 540), (520, 537), (520, 533), (520, 529), (520, 526), (520, 522), (520, 521), (520, 517), (520, 513), (520, 512), (520, 508), (520, 505), (520, 501), (520, 496), (520, 493), (520, 489), (520, 485), (520, 484), (520, 480), (520, 477), (520, 473), (520, 472), (520, 466), (520, 464), (520, 461), (520, 457), (520, 456), (520, 452), (520, 451), (520, 447), (520, 446), (520, 442), (520, 438), (520, 437), (520, 433), (520, 432), (520, 428), (520, 427), (520, 423), (520, 422), (520, 418), (520, 415), (520, 413), (520, 409), (520, 408), (520, 404), (520, 403), (520, 399), (520, 398), (520, 394), (520, 388), (520, 387), (520, 381), (520, 377), (520, 376), (520, 374), (520, 371), (520, 369), (520, 366), (520, 364), (520, 361), (520, 359), (520, 357), (520, 354), (520, 352), (520, 351), (520, 347), (520, 346), (520, 344), (520, 339), (520, 337), (520, 333), (520, 332), (520, 330), (520, 329), (520, 327), (520, 325), (520, 322), (520, 320), (520, 319), (520, 317), (520, 315), (520, 312), (520, 310), (520, 309), (520, 307), (520, 306), (520, 304), (520, 302), (520, 299), (520, 295), (520, 292), (520, 288), (520, 286), (520, 285), (520, 283)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2531790437181773_5.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Amazon Music', 'Yandex Translate']
Listen to the song: {} and translate the first line lyrics into {} language.
Listen to the song: "Cruel Summer" and translate the first line lyrics into Italian language.
Open Amazon Music and listen to the song 'Cruel Summer.' Then, use Yandex Translate to translate the first line of the lyrics into Italian.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[397, 408], [397, 408]], 'ps': '[(397, 408)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[309, 951], [309, 951]], 'ps': '[(309, 951)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[389, 139], [389, 139]], 'ps': '[(389, 139)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Cruel Summer', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[99, 263], [99, 263]], 'ps': '[(99, 263)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[801, 324], [801, 324]], 'ps': '[(801, 324)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[334, 885], [334, 885]], 'ps': '[(334, 885)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[855, 519], [855, 519]], 'ps': '[(855, 519)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[723, 116], [723, 116]], 'ps': '[(723, 116)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[444, 878], [348, 439]], 'ps': '[(444, 878), (444, 875), (444, 872), (444, 869), (444, 864), (444, 858), (444, 853), (444, 844), (444, 834), (444, 826), (441, 820), (435, 809), (435, 801), (435, 789), (433, 774), (433, 760), (433, 742), (433, 726), (433, 712), (425, 694), (425, 677), (420, 669), (418, 648), (412, 639), (409, 618), (404, 600), (402, 592), (397, 579), (394, 568), (389, 557), (386, 547), (381, 538), (381, 531), (379, 526), (379, 520), (374, 513), (374, 509), (371, 501), (371, 495), (366, 489), (366, 484), (366, 482), (358, 478), (358, 477), (358, 471), (358, 470), (355, 467), (350, 463), (350, 460), (350, 457), (350, 456), (350, 454), (350, 453), (348, 449), (348, 447), (348, 446), (348, 444), (348, 442), (348, 440), (348, 439)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[514, 893], [402, 360]], 'ps': '[(514, 893), (514, 892), (514, 889), (511, 885), (505, 878), (505, 867), (498, 858), (490, 836), (488, 826), (479, 812), (474, 801), (472, 787), (467, 775), (459, 752), (456, 732), (451, 721), (449, 701), (441, 686), (441, 674), (428, 655), (428, 641), (420, 627), (420, 616), (412, 596), (412, 585), (404, 571), (404, 559), (397, 550), (397, 541), (394, 534), (394, 526), (389, 517), (389, 510), (389, 506), (386, 495), (386, 488), (386, 481), (386, 477), (386, 470), (386, 467), (386, 461), (386, 456), (386, 454), (386, 451), (386, 446), (386, 444), (386, 440), (386, 435), (389, 432), (389, 429), (389, 425), (389, 422), (389, 418), (389, 415), (389, 411), (389, 408), (397, 404), (397, 398), (397, 391), (397, 388), (397, 383), (397, 380), (397, 376), (397, 373), (397, 369), (397, 367), (397, 366), (397, 363), (397, 362), (402, 362), (402, 360)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_12.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[495, 878], [420, 412]], 'ps': '[(495, 878), (490, 875), (490, 874), (490, 871), (488, 867), (488, 860), (482, 853), (474, 841), (472, 833), (467, 822), (459, 809), (459, 802), (451, 787), (451, 780), (444, 767), (444, 756), (441, 738), (435, 725), (433, 705), (433, 693), (433, 683), (428, 670), (428, 660), (428, 648), (428, 634), (428, 625), (428, 613), (428, 606), (428, 592), (428, 583), (428, 571), (428, 562), (428, 548), (428, 538), (428, 531), (428, 523), (428, 516), (428, 509), (428, 501), (428, 498), (428, 491), (428, 488), (428, 481), (428, 477), (428, 474), (428, 467), (428, 460), (428, 456), (428, 451), (428, 447), (428, 442), (425, 439), (425, 435), (425, 432), (425, 429), (425, 426), (425, 425), (425, 422), (420, 419), (420, 418), (420, 416), (420, 415), (420, 412)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[94, 892], [94, 892]], 'ps': '[(94, 892)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[358, 202], [358, 202]], 'ps': '[(358, 202)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_15.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Fever dream high in the quiet of the night', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '0323351714631123_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Messenger', 'Tumblr']
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use social media to post the feeling today and share it to a communication app.
Use social media to share your feelings for today and post it on Tumblr, then send this update to katsunaksu via Messenger.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[141, 281], [141, 281]], 'ps': '[(141, 281)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[906, 874], [906, 874]], 'ps': '[(906, 874)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[192, 195], [192, 195]], 'ps': '[(192, 195)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': "I'm excited now", 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[777, 80], [777, 80]], 'ps': '[(777, 80)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[875, 960], [875, 960]], 'ps': '[(875, 960)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[511, 601], [558, 802]], 'ps': '[(511, 601), (511, 602), (511, 605), (511, 609), (511, 610), (511, 612), (511, 615), (511, 619), (511, 623), (518, 625), (525, 629), (527, 634), (529, 638), (529, 642), (534, 644), (534, 648), (534, 651), (534, 653), (534, 655), (536, 658), (536, 660), (536, 664), (536, 668), (536, 672), (536, 676), (536, 680), (536, 684), (536, 687), (536, 689), (536, 692), (536, 694), (536, 696), (536, 699), (536, 701), (536, 705), (536, 708), (536, 710), (534, 716), (543, 715), (543, 717), (547, 718), (547, 719), (547, 723), (547, 725), (547, 726), (549, 729), (549, 733), (549, 735), (549, 737), (549, 740), (549, 742), (556, 745), (556, 747), (556, 750), (556, 752), (556, 754), (556, 758), (558, 760), (558, 763), (558, 765), (558, 768), (558, 770), (558, 772), (558, 775), (558, 776), (558, 778), (558, 781), (558, 783), (558, 785), (558, 788), (558, 790), (558, 793), (558, 795), (558, 797), (558, 800), (558, 802)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[636, 719], [636, 719]], 'ps': '[(636, 719)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[148, 207], [148, 207]], 'ps': '[(148, 207)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[848, 157], [848, 157]], 'ps': '[(848, 157)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[400, 341], [400, 341]], 'ps': '[(400, 341)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[525, 945], [525, 945]], 'ps': '[(525, 945)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'https://www.tumblr.com/saltyfunsweets/749088703162531840/im-excited-now?source=share', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[918, 641], [918, 641]], 'ps': '[(918, 641)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '5440362013629818_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'katsunaksu'}]
Pixel Tablet
['Simple Calculator', 'Wallet: Budget Money Manager']
Calculate today's total cost {} and record in a document or budget app.
Calculate today's total cost '1.5+98' and record in a document or budget app.
Utilize the Simple Calculator to compute the sum of '1.5 + 98' for today's total cost. Afterward, document this total in the Wallet: Budget Money Manager app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[142, 698], [142, 698]], 'ps': '[(142, 698)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[469, 442], [469, 442]], 'ps': '[(469, 442)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[508, 802], [508, 802]], 'ps': '[(508, 802)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[755, 902], [755, 902]], 'ps': '[(755, 902)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[618, 684], [618, 684]], 'ps': '[(618, 684)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[916, 772], [916, 772]], 'ps': '[(916, 772)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[770, 597], [770, 597]], 'ps': '[(770, 597)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[618, 578], [618, 578]], 'ps': '[(618, 578)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[935, 913], [935, 913]], 'ps': '[(935, 913)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[587, 707], [587, 707]], 'ps': '[(587, 707)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[969, 892], [969, 892]], 'ps': '[(969, 892)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[623, 669], [623, 669]], 'ps': '[(623, 669)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[623, 669], [623, 669]], 'ps': '[(623, 669)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[340, 919], [340, 919]], 'ps': '[(340, 919)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[450, 762], [450, 762]], 'ps': '[(450, 762)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[731, 139], [731, 139]], 'ps': '[(731, 139)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '8889992698113354_18.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Medium Phone
['Setting', 'Zedge Wallpapers & Ringtones']
Find a picture of {} style and make it as the wallpaper of the phone.
Find a picture of Gothic style and make it as the wallpaper of the phone.
Locate an image featuring Gothic architecture and set it as your phone's wallpaper by utilizing the 'Setting' app and 'Zedge Wallpapers & Ringtones'.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[850, 492], [850, 492]], 'ps': '[(850, 492)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[797, 776], [797, 776]], 'ps': '[(797, 776)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[79, 61], [79, 61]], 'ps': '[(79, 61)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[496, 47], [496, 47]], 'ps': '[(496, 47)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[814, 59], [814, 59]], 'ps': '[(814, 59)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_5.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Gothic', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[347, 122], [347, 122]], 'ps': '[(347, 122)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_7.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[610, 894], [612, 495]], 'ps': '[(610, 894), (610, 895), (610, 894), (610, 891), (610, 885), (610, 881), (610, 874), (610, 867), (610, 860), (610, 857), (610, 855), (610, 850), (612, 843), (612, 836), (612, 827), (612, 819), (612, 810), (612, 801), (612, 794), (612, 787), (612, 780), (612, 774), (612, 767), (612, 761), (612, 755), (612, 749), (612, 744), (612, 738), (612, 732), (612, 726), (612, 722), (612, 716), (612, 712), (612, 706), (612, 702), (612, 698), (612, 696), (612, 692), (612, 687), (612, 682), (612, 675), (612, 671), (612, 664), (612, 659), (612, 654), (612, 648), (612, 642), (612, 637), (612, 631), (612, 625), (612, 619), (612, 612), (612, 607), (612, 602), (612, 596), (612, 590), (612, 586), (612, 581), (612, 576), (612, 574), (612, 572), (612, 568), (612, 565), (612, 564), (612, 561), (612, 557), (612, 555), (612, 552), (612, 551), (612, 549), (612, 547), (612, 546), (612, 545), (612, 544), (612, 543), (612, 542), (612, 541), (612, 540), (612, 537), (612, 534), (612, 533), (612, 532), (612, 530), (612, 527), (612, 523), (612, 520), (612, 518), (612, 514), (612, 509), (612, 505), (612, 502), (612, 500), (612, 498), (612, 497), (612, 496), (612, 495)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[223, 530], [223, 530]], 'ps': '[(223, 530)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[496, 847], [496, 847]], 'ps': '[(496, 847)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[610, 868], [610, 868]], 'ps': '[(610, 868)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[885, 811], [885, 811]], 'ps': '[(885, 811)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[515, 887], [515, 887]], 'ps': '[(515, 887)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[510, 254], [510, 254]], 'ps': '[(510, 254)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[308, 391], [308, 391]], 'ps': '[(308, 391)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[128, 241], [128, 241]], 'ps': '[(128, 241)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 49], [846, 49]], 'ps': '[(846, 49)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[517, 502], [517, 502]], 'ps': '[(517, 502)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '3497536762509624_19.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Pandora', 'Firefox Browser', 'StubHub']
Discover a popular music band of {} style, listen to their latest album, and check if it's possible to buy a concert ticket.
Discover a popular music band of Pop style, listen to their latest album, and check if it's possible to buy a concert ticket.
Using Pandora to discover a popular Pop music band, listen to their latest album, and then check via Firefox Browser if you can purchase a concert ticket on StubHub.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[389, 395], [389, 395]], 'ps': '[(389, 395)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[386, 138], [386, 138]], 'ps': '[(386, 138)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[639, 931], [639, 931]], 'ps': '[(639, 931)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[931, 157], [931, 157]], 'ps': '[(931, 157)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[391, 84], [391, 84]], 'ps': '[(391, 84)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_6.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'the beach boys', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[906, 914], [906, 914]], 'ps': '[(906, 914)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[938, 291], [938, 291]], 'ps': '[(938, 291)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[348, 658], [348, 658]], 'ps': '[(348, 658)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[469, 727], [469, 727]], 'ps': '[(469, 727)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6107796636270224_12.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Microsoft Word', 'Opera browser with AI', 'Picturethis']
Find a photograph of a/an {}, identify it using a plant identifier app, and if the identification result is correct, record the image along with the plant name in a document.
Find a photograph of a/an Anemone, identify it using a plant identifier app, and if the identification result is correct, record the image along with the plant name in a document.
Use the Opera browser with AI to locate a photograph of an Anemone. Next, utilize the PictureThis app to identify the plant in the photograph. If the identification result confirms the plant as an Anemone, proceed to document the image along with the plant's name in a Microsoft Word document.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[663, 219], [663, 219]], 'ps': '[(663, 219)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[362, 130], [362, 130]], 'ps': '[(362, 130)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Anemone', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[948, 77], [948, 77]], 'ps': '[(948, 77)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[360, 769], [360, 769]], 'ps': '[(360, 769)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_5.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[498, 384], [498, 384]], 'ps': '[(498, 384)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[321, 747], [321, 747]], 'ps': '[(321, 747)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[340, 864], [340, 864]], 'ps': '[(340, 864)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[425, 376], [425, 376]], 'ps': '[(425, 376)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[457, 902], [457, 902]], 'ps': '[(457, 902)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[151, 887], [151, 887]], 'ps': '[(151, 887)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[202, 810], [202, 810]], 'ps': '[(202, 810)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[467, 862], [467, 862]], 'ps': '[(467, 862)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[586, 524], [586, 524]], 'ps': '[(586, 524)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[943, 83], [943, 83]], 'ps': '[(943, 83)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_17.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[260, 285], [260, 285]], 'ps': '[(260, 285)]'}, {'step': 18, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_18.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[707, 214], [707, 214]], 'ps': '[(707, 214)]'}, {'step': 19, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_19.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[443, 264], [443, 264]], 'ps': '[(443, 264)]'}, {'step': 20, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_20.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Anemone', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 21, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_21.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[841, 593], [95, 586]], 'ps': '[(841, 593), (838, 593), (836, 593), (834, 593), (831, 593), (829, 593), (827, 593), (824, 593), (822, 593), (819, 593), (817, 593), (814, 593), (812, 593), (809, 593), (807, 593), (804, 593), (802, 593), (799, 593), (797, 593), (795, 593), (793, 593), (790, 593), (788, 593), (785, 593), (783, 593), (780, 593), (778, 593), (775, 593), (773, 593), (770, 593), (768, 593), (765, 593), (763, 593), (761, 593), (759, 593), (756, 593), (754, 593), (751, 593), (746, 593), (744, 593), (741, 593), (736, 593), (734, 593), (731, 593), (729, 593), (727, 593), (722, 593), (717, 593), (715, 593), (712, 593), (707, 593), (705, 593), (702, 593), (700, 593), (697, 593), (695, 593), (690, 593), (688, 593), (686, 593), (683, 593), (681, 593), (678, 593), (676, 593), (673, 593), (671, 593), (666, 593), (661, 593), (659, 593), (656, 593), (654, 593), (649, 593), (644, 593), (639, 593), (637, 593), (632, 593), (629, 593), (627, 593), (624, 593), (620, 593), (618, 593), (615, 593), (613, 593), (610, 593), (608, 593), (603, 593), (600, 592), (598, 592), (595, 592), (593, 592), (590, 592), (586, 592), (584, 592), (581, 592), (579, 592), (574, 591), (571, 591), (569, 591), (566, 591), (561, 591), (556, 591), (554, 591), (552, 591), (549, 591), (545, 591), (540, 591), (537, 591), (530, 591), (527, 591), (522, 591), (520, 591), (518, 591), (515, 590), (513, 590), (511, 590), (508, 590), (506, 590), (503, 590), (501, 590), (496, 590), (493, 590), (491, 590), (488, 590), (481, 590), (479, 590), (477, 590), (474, 590), (472, 590), (469, 590), (467, 590), (462, 590), (457, 590), (454, 590), (452, 590), (449, 590), (447, 590), (445, 590), (443, 588), (440, 588), (438, 588), (435, 588), (433, 588), (430, 588), (425, 588), (423, 588), (418, 588), (415, 588), (413, 588), (411, 588), (409, 588), (406, 588), (404, 588), (401, 588), (399, 588), (396, 588), (394, 588), (391, 588), (389, 588), (386, 588), (384, 587), (381, 587), (379, 587), (377, 587), (374, 587), (372, 587), (370, 587), (367, 587), (365, 587), (362, 587), (360, 587), (357, 587), (355, 587), (352, 587), (350, 587), (347, 587), (345, 587), (343, 587), (340, 587), (338, 587), (336, 587), (333, 587), (331, 587), (328, 586), (326, 586), (323, 586), (321, 586), (318, 586), (316, 586), (313, 586), (311, 586), (308, 586), (306, 586), (304, 586), (302, 586), (299, 586), (297, 586), (294, 586), (292, 586), (289, 586), (287, 586), (284, 586), (282, 586), (279, 586), (277, 586), (274, 586), (272, 586), (270, 586), (268, 586), (265, 586), (263, 586), (260, 586), (258, 586), (255, 586), (253, 586), (250, 586), (248, 586), (245, 586), (243, 586), (240, 586), (238, 586), (236, 586), (234, 586), (231, 586), (229, 586), (226, 586), (224, 586), (221, 586), (219, 586), (216, 586), (214, 586), (211, 586), (209, 586), (206, 586), (180, 586), (177, 586), (175, 586), (172, 586), (170, 586), (168, 586), (165, 586), (163, 586), (161, 586), (158, 586), (156, 586), (153, 586), (151, 586), (148, 586), (146, 586), (143, 586), (141, 586), (138, 586), (136, 586), (134, 586), (131, 586), (129, 586), (127, 586), (124, 586), (122, 586), (119, 586), (117, 586), (114, 586), (112, 586), (109, 586), (107, 586), (104, 586), (102, 586), (99, 586), (97, 586), (95, 586)]'}, {'step': 22, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_22.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[853, 597], [853, 597]], 'ps': '[(853, 597)]'}, {'step': 23, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_23.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[163, 168], [163, 168]], 'ps': '[(163, 168)]'}, {'step': 24, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_24.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[882, 928], [882, 928]], 'ps': '[(882, 928)]'}, {'step': 25, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_25.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[827, 941], [827, 941]], 'ps': '[(827, 941)]'}, {'step': 26, 'screenshot': '5118948192461238_26.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '6 LONG'}]
Pixel Fold
['Citymapper', 'Zillow: Homes For Sale & Rent']
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Find a house in your city to rent and check the driving-distance to you.
Locate a rental property in your city using Zillow: Homes For Sale & Rent, and then determine the driving distance to your current location with Citymapper.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[922, 683], [922, 683]], 'ps': '[(922, 683)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[471, 308], [471, 308]], 'ps': '[(471, 308)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[478, 420], [478, 420]], 'ps': '[(478, 420)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[800, 160], [800, 160]], 'ps': '[(800, 160)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[466, 451], [466, 451]], 'ps': '[(466, 451)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_6.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '213 E 3rd St FLOOR 3-ID650', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[527, 297], [527, 297]], 'ps': '[(527, 297)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[731, 695], [731, 695]], 'ps': '[(731, 695)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '2697637365168024_9.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Facebook', 'Files']
Look up the working file in the phone and send to the colleague.
Look up the working file in the phone and send to the colleague.
Locate the working file on your phone using the Files and send it to Victor James via Facebook.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[603, 534], [603, 534]], 'ps': '[(603, 534)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[306, 526], [306, 526]], 'ps': '[(306, 526)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[815, 586], [815, 586]], 'ps': '[(815, 586)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[944, 81], [944, 81]], 'ps': '[(944, 81)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[648, 436], [648, 436]], 'ps': '[(648, 436)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[607, 235], [607, 235]], 'ps': '[(607, 235)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[127, 147], [127, 147]], 'ps': '[(127, 147)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[232, 116], [232, 116]], 'ps': '[(232, 116)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[449, 163], [449, 163]], 'ps': '[(449, 163)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[482, 237], [482, 237]], 'ps': '[(482, 237)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[630, 485], [630, 485]], 'ps': '[(630, 485)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[406, 943], [406, 943]], 'ps': '[(406, 943)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SkvfjH-BJpucco_THeOmDb0kw9k7SbHRHllJj0Y_HdY/edit?usp=drivesdk', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[942, 636], [942, 636]], 'ps': '[(942, 636)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '4578827316862661_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]
Small Phone
['Uber', 'Opera browser with AI']
Find the best {} in local city and nevigate to it
Find the best burger joint in local city and nevigate to it
Locate the top-rated burger restaurant in your area using the Opera browser with AI, and then navigate to it via Uber.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[863, 401], [863, 401]], 'ps': '[(863, 401)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[427, 246], [427, 246]], 'ps': '[(427, 246)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_2.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'the best bugger joint in Los Angeles', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[919, 164], [919, 164]], 'ps': '[(919, 164)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[372, 720], [444, 229]], 'ps': '[(372, 720), (369, 720), (366, 720), (366, 718), (363, 718), (363, 717), (363, 715), (361, 715), (361, 714), (361, 712), (361, 710), (361, 709), (361, 707), (361, 706), (361, 704), (361, 703), (361, 701), (361, 699), (361, 698), (358, 696), (358, 695), (358, 693), (358, 692), (358, 690), (358, 689), (358, 687), (358, 685), (358, 684), (358, 682), (358, 681), (358, 679), (358, 678), (358, 676), (358, 674), (358, 673), (358, 671), (358, 670), (358, 668), (358, 667), (358, 665), (358, 664), (358, 662), (358, 660), (358, 659), (358, 657), (358, 656), (358, 654), (358, 653), (358, 651), (358, 649), (358, 646), (361, 646), (361, 645), (361, 643), (361, 642), (361, 640), (361, 639), (361, 637), (361, 635), (363, 634), (363, 632), (363, 631), (363, 629), (366, 628), (366, 626), (366, 624), (366, 623), (366, 621), (366, 620), (369, 620), (369, 618), (369, 617), (369, 615), (369, 614), (369, 612), (369, 610), (372, 609), (372, 607), (372, 606), (372, 604), (372, 603), (372, 601), (374, 601), (374, 599), (374, 598), (374, 596), (374, 595), (374, 593), (374, 592), (374, 590), (374, 589), (374, 587), (377, 585), (377, 584), (377, 582), (377, 581), (377, 579), (377, 578), (377, 576), (380, 574), (380, 573), (380, 571), (380, 570), (383, 568), (383, 567), (383, 565), (383, 564), (383, 562), (383, 560), (386, 559), (386, 557), (386, 556), (386, 554), (388, 553), (388, 551), (388, 549), (388, 548), (388, 546), (388, 545), (391, 545), (391, 543), (391, 542), (391, 540), (391, 539), (391, 537), (391, 535), (391, 534), (391, 532), (391, 531), (391, 529), (391, 526), (394, 523), (394, 520), (394, 518), (397, 517), (397, 515), (397, 514), (397, 512), (397, 510), (399, 509), (399, 507), (399, 506), (399, 504), (399, 503), (402, 503), (402, 501), (402, 499), (402, 498), (402, 496), (405, 495), (405, 493), (405, 492), (405, 490), (405, 489), (408, 487), (408, 484), (408, 482), (408, 481), (411, 479), (411, 478), (411, 476), (411, 474), (411, 473), (411, 471), (411, 470), (411, 467), (411, 465), (411, 464), (413, 464), (413, 462), (413, 460), (413, 459), (416, 457), (416, 454), (416, 453), (416, 451), (419, 449), (419, 448), (419, 446), (419, 445), (419, 443), (422, 442), (422, 440), (422, 439), (422, 437), (422, 435), (422, 434), (424, 434), (424, 432), (427, 401), (427, 399), (427, 398), (430, 398), (430, 396), (430, 395), (430, 393), (430, 392), 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(444, 264), (444, 262), (444, 260), (444, 259), (444, 257), (444, 256), (444, 254), (444, 253), (444, 251), (444, 249), (444, 248), (444, 246), (444, 245), (444, 243), (444, 242), (444, 240), (444, 239), (444, 237), (444, 235), (444, 234), (444, 232), (444, 231), (444, 229)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[824, 507], [824, 507]], 'ps': '[(824, 507)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[158, 768], [158, 768]], 'ps': '[(158, 768)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_8.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'The Apple Pan', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[522, 460], [522, 460]], 'ps': '[(522, 460)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[494, 899], [494, 899]], 'ps': '[(494, 899)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_11.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[511, 926], [491, 556]], 'ps': '[(511, 926), (511, 924), (511, 923), (511, 921), (511, 920), (511, 918), (511, 917), (511, 915), (511, 914), (511, 912), (508, 912), (508, 910), (508, 909), (508, 907), (508, 906), (508, 904), (505, 904), (505, 903), (505, 901), (505, 899), (505, 898), (505, 896), (505, 895), (505, 893), (505, 892), (502, 890), (502, 889), (502, 887), (502, 885), (502, 884), (502, 873), (502, 871), (502, 870), (502, 868), (502, 867), (502, 865), (502, 864), (502, 862), (499, 860), (499, 859), (499, 857), (499, 856), (499, 854), (499, 853), (499, 851), (499, 849), (499, 848), (499, 846), (499, 845), (499, 843), (499, 842), (499, 840), (499, 839), (499, 837), (499, 835), (499, 834), (499, 832), (499, 831), (499, 829), (499, 828), (499, 826), (499, 824), (499, 823), (499, 821), (499, 820), (499, 818), (499, 817), (499, 815), (499, 814), (499, 812), (499, 810), (499, 809), (499, 807), (499, 806), (499, 804), (499, 803), (499, 801), (499, 799), (499, 798), (499, 796), (499, 795), (499, 793), (499, 792), (499, 790), (499, 789), (499, 787), (499, 785), (497, 784), (497, 782), (497, 781), (497, 779), (497, 778), (497, 776), (497, 774), (497, 773), (497, 771), (497, 768), (497, 767), (497, 765), (497, 764), (497, 762), (497, 760), (497, 759), (497, 757), (497, 756), (497, 754), (497, 753), (497, 751), (497, 749), (497, 748), (497, 746), (497, 745), (497, 743), (497, 742), (497, 740), (497, 739), (497, 737), (497, 735), (497, 734), (497, 732), (497, 731), (497, 729), (497, 728), (497, 726), (497, 724), (497, 723), (497, 721), (497, 720), (497, 718), (497, 717), (497, 715), (497, 714), (497, 712), (497, 710), (497, 709), (497, 707), (497, 706), (497, 704), (497, 703), (497, 699), (497, 696), (497, 695), (497, 692), (497, 689), (497, 685), (497, 684), (497, 682), (497, 681), (497, 679), (494, 678), (494, 676), (494, 674), (494, 673), (494, 671), (494, 670), (494, 668), (494, 667), (494, 665), (494, 664), (494, 662), (494, 660), (494, 659), (494, 657), (494, 656), (494, 654), (494, 653), (494, 651), (494, 649), (494, 648), (494, 646), (494, 645), (491, 643), (491, 642), (491, 640), (491, 639), (491, 637), (491, 635), (491, 634), (491, 632), (491, 631), (491, 629), (491, 628), (491, 626), (491, 624), (491, 623), (491, 621), (491, 620), (491, 618), (491, 617), (491, 615), (491, 614), (491, 612), (491, 610), (491, 609), (491, 607), (491, 606), (491, 604), (491, 603), (491, 601), (491, 599), (491, 598), (491, 596), (491, 595), (491, 593), (491, 592), (491, 590), (491, 589), (491, 587), (491, 585), (491, 584), (491, 582), (491, 581), (491, 579), (491, 578), (491, 576), (491, 574), (491, 573), (491, 571), (491, 570), (491, 568), (491, 567), (491, 565), (491, 564), (491, 562), (491, 560), (491, 559), (491, 557), (491, 556)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[491, 899], [491, 899]], 'ps': '[(491, 899)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[505, 907], [505, 907]], 'ps': '[(505, 907)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '9571851203338971_14.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel Fold
['Notepad - Notes and To Do List', 'Chrome']
Search the {} Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Search the 2022 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and record the information.
Use Chrome to search for the 2022 Nobel-Prize winners in physics and then record the information in Notepad - Notes and To Do List.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_1.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[278, 424], [618, 421]], 'ps': '[(278, 424), (285, 424), (294, 424), (306, 424), (320, 424), (341, 424), (368, 424), (403, 424), (452, 424), (505, 424), (563, 424), (618, 421)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[445, 910], [445, 910]], 'ps': '[(445, 910)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[846, 291], [846, 291]], 'ps': '[(846, 291)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[140, 345], [140, 345]], 'ps': '[(140, 345)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_5.png', 'action': 'LONG_PRESS', 'info': [[307, 479], [307, 479]], 'ps': '[(307, 479)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_6.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[346, 511], [801, 522]], 'ps': '[(346, 511), (348, 512), (348, 514), (351, 514), (358, 515), (364, 516), (370, 516), (377, 518), (384, 518), (394, 521), (406, 521), (419, 521), (431, 522), (445, 522), (461, 522), (478, 522), (492, 522), (507, 522), (521, 522), (535, 522), (547, 522), (559, 522), (571, 522), (582, 522), (593, 522), (605, 522), (617, 522), (631, 522), (645, 522), (660, 522), (674, 522), (688, 522), (700, 522), (712, 522), (724, 522), (735, 522), (745, 522), (754, 522), (765, 522), (772, 522), (777, 522), (783, 522), (785, 522), (787, 522), (789, 522), (794, 522), (795, 522), (797, 522), (798, 522), (800, 522), (801, 522)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[276, 414], [276, 414]], 'ps': '[(276, 414)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[798, 459], [256, 485]], 'ps': '[(798, 459), (797, 459), (788, 459), (772, 459), (746, 459), (703, 459), (630, 459), (543, 464), (451, 468), (354, 477), (256, 485)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[201, 152], [201, 152]], 'ps': '[(201, 152)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[961, 885], [961, 885]], 'ps': '[(961, 885)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[953, 740], [953, 740]], 'ps': '[(953, 740)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': '2022 Nobel-Prize winners in physics', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[274, 227], [274, 227]], 'ps': '[(274, 227)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_15.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[427, 567], [427, 567]], 'ps': '[(427, 567)]'}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '5124186655803789_16.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': '5 LONG'}]
Medium Phone
['Daily Forecast', 'Google Docs']
Look up the weather forecast of {} and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Look up the weather forecast of next Saturday and plan a to-do list accordingly.
Utilize the 'Daily Forecast' app to check next Saturday's weather and subsequently organize a to-do list in 'Google Docs' based on that forecast.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[829, 376], [829, 376]], 'ps': '[(829, 376)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[451, 528], [451, 528]], 'ps': '[(451, 528)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[82, 45], [82, 45]], 'ps': '[(82, 45)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_3.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[547, 624], [515, 262]], 'ps': '[(547, 624), (547, 622), (547, 619), (547, 616), (547, 614), (544, 610), (544, 607), (544, 604), (541, 601), (541, 599), (539, 596), (539, 591), (537, 588), (535, 584), (535, 581), (535, 579), (532, 575), (532, 574), (532, 568), (529, 565), (529, 562), (529, 559), (529, 555), (529, 552), (529, 549), (529, 546), (529, 543), (529, 537), (529, 534), (529, 532), (529, 529), (529, 526), (529, 523), (529, 521), (529, 519), (529, 516), (529, 512), (529, 511), (529, 508), (529, 505), (529, 504), (529, 500), (529, 499), (529, 497), (527, 494), (527, 490), (527, 487), (527, 485), (527, 483), (527, 479), (527, 475), (524, 472), (524, 467), (524, 461), (524, 455), (520, 451), (520, 444), (520, 439), (520, 434), (517, 429), (517, 424), (515, 417), (515, 413), (515, 406), (515, 397), (515, 388), (515, 384), (515, 382), (515, 379), (515, 374), (515, 368), (515, 360), (515, 356), (515, 350), (515, 345), (515, 339), (515, 333), (515, 327), (515, 320), (515, 312), (515, 311), (515, 309), (515, 303), (515, 300), (515, 298), (515, 296), (515, 294), (515, 292), (515, 292), (515, 287), (515, 286), (515, 285), (515, 283), (515, 280), (515, 279), (515, 278), (515, 277), (515, 276), (515, 274), (515, 272), (515, 269), (515, 268), (515, 267), (515, 266), (515, 265), (515, 264), (515, 262)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_4.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[639, 745], [651, 204]], 'ps': '[(639, 745), (632, 591), (632, 576), (634, 563), (634, 549), (637, 537), (641, 523), (644, 511), (644, 502), (644, 494), (649, 487), (649, 479), (649, 475), (651, 470), (653, 465), (653, 461), (653, 460), (653, 455), (653, 453), (653, 452), (653, 448), (656, 444), (656, 441), (656, 436), (656, 429), (659, 423), (659, 417), (659, 413), (659, 406), (659, 401), (659, 397), (659, 395), (659, 392), (659, 391), (659, 388), (659, 384), (659, 383), (659, 380), (659, 378), (659, 374), (659, 374), (659, 370), (659, 368), (659, 366), (659, 364), (659, 360), (659, 358), (659, 356), (659, 354), (659, 352), (659, 349), (659, 348), (659, 346), (659, 344), (659, 342), (659, 339), (659, 336), (659, 335), (659, 333), (656, 329), (656, 329), (656, 327), (656, 324), (656, 321), (656, 319), (656, 315), (653, 313), (653, 311), (653, 309), (653, 306), (653, 303), (653, 299), (653, 297), (651, 294), (651, 292), (651, 292), (651, 289), (651, 288), (651, 285), (651, 284), (651, 283), (651, 280), (651, 279), (651, 276), (651, 275), (651, 273), (651, 272), (651, 267), (651, 265), (651, 263), (651, 259), (651, 257), (651, 255), (651, 254), (651, 251), (651, 250), (651, 249), (651, 248), (651, 247), (651, 245), (651, 244), (651, 243), (651, 242), (651, 241), (651, 240), (651, 238), (651, 236), (651, 234), (651, 233), (651, 231), (651, 230), (651, 229), (651, 227), (651, 226), (651, 224), (651, 224), (651, 222), (651, 222), (651, 220), (651, 219), (651, 217), (651, 216), (651, 215), (651, 214), (651, 213), (651, 212), (651, 210), (651, 209), (651, 208), (651, 207), (651, 206), (651, 205), (651, 204)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[97, 53], [97, 53]], 'ps': '[(97, 53)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[64, 53], [64, 53]], 'ps': '[(64, 53)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[899, 208], [899, 208]], 'ps': '[(899, 208)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[82, 49], [82, 49]], 'ps': '[(82, 49)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_9.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[641, 703], [587, 207]], 'ps': '[(641, 703), (610, 561), (610, 543), (610, 526), (610, 508), (610, 490), (610, 475), (605, 460), (600, 447), (598, 432), (593, 422), (593, 409), (593, 397), (593, 387), (593, 376), (593, 365), (593, 354), (590, 344), (590, 335), (587, 329), (587, 319), (587, 312), (587, 306), (587, 301), (587, 296), (587, 292), (587, 286), (587, 282), (587, 277), (587, 276), (587, 272), (587, 267), (587, 262), (587, 257), (587, 252), (587, 249), (587, 247), (587, 243), (587, 242), (587, 239), (587, 237), (587, 234), (587, 231), (587, 228), (587, 224), (587, 222), (587, 219), (587, 216), (587, 215), (587, 213), (587, 212), (587, 208), (587, 207)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_10.png', 'action': 'SCROLL', 'info': [[539, 803], [515, 110]], 'ps': '[(539, 803), (541, 803), (541, 801), (537, 796), (537, 789), (537, 778), (537, 761), (537, 739), (537, 717), (537, 695), (537, 672), (537, 650), (537, 628), (537, 607), (537, 584), (537, 565), (537, 545), (537, 528), (537, 512), (537, 497), (535, 482), (535, 467), (535, 453), (535, 440), (535, 427), (535, 414), (535, 401), (535, 388), (535, 372), (535, 359), (535, 346), (535, 333), (535, 322), (535, 311), (535, 300), (529, 288), (527, 275), (522, 262), (520, 251), (515, 237), (515, 224), (515, 210), (515, 197), (515, 184), (515, 171), (515, 158), (515, 147), (515, 136), (515, 127), (515, 121), (515, 115), (515, 112), (515, 111), (515, 110)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[196, 242], [196, 242]], 'ps': '[(196, 242)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_13.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[912, 927], [912, 927]], 'ps': '[(912, 927)]'}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[895, 857], [895, 857]], 'ps': '[(895, 857)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_15.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'next Saturday:rainy,1.finish homework 2.do the laundry', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 16, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_16.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[48, 59], [48, 59]], 'ps': '[(48, 59)]'}, {'step': 17, 'screenshot': '6433894720078105_17.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 7 Pro
['Youtube', 'WPS office']
Listen to a lecture on {} and then jot down the name of the course in the notes app.
Listen to a lecture on Virtual Reality and then jot down the name of the course in the notes app.
Watch a lecture on Virtual Reality on YouTube, and afterwards, record the name of the course in the WPS Office notes app.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[136, 801], [136, 801]], 'ps': '[(136, 801)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[898, 473], [898, 473]], 'ps': '[(898, 473)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_3.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[238, 851], [238, 851]], 'ps': '[(238, 851)]'}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[865, 505], [865, 505]], 'ps': '[(865, 505)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[152, 265], [152, 265]], 'ps': '[(152, 265)]'}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[359, 178], [359, 178]], 'ps': '[(359, 178)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[468, 648], [468, 648]], 'ps': '[(468, 648)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_9.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': ' VR Development Full Course: Oculus Quest', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '8141439098765773_10.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': ''}]
Pixel 8 Pro
['Facebook', 'Pandora']
Listen to a album of {} style, then share the name of the album.
Listen to a album of Jazz style, then share the name of the album.
First, use Pandora to listen to a jazz album. Once you've enjoyed the music, share the name of the album with Victor James on Facebook.
[{'step': 0, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_0.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[418, 532], [418, 532]], 'ps': '[(418, 532)]'}, {'step': 1, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_1.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[614, 77], [614, 77]], 'ps': '[(614, 77)]'}, {'step': 2, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_2.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[933, 80], [933, 80]], 'ps': '[(933, 80)]'}, {'step': 3, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_3.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'jazz', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 4, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_4.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[942, 925], [942, 925]], 'ps': '[(942, 925)]'}, {'step': 5, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_5.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[927, 204], [927, 204]], 'ps': '[(927, 204)]'}, {'step': 6, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_6.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': 'KEY_HOME', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 7, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_7.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[132, 138], [132, 138]], 'ps': '[(132, 138)]'}, {'step': 8, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_8.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[230, 110], [230, 110]], 'ps': '[(230, 110)]'}, {'step': 9, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_9.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[442, 165], [442, 165]], 'ps': '[(442, 165)]'}, {'step': 10, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_10.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[424, 236], [424, 236]], 'ps': '[(424, 236)]'}, {'step': 11, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_11.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[643, 484], [643, 484]], 'ps': '[(643, 484)]'}, {'step': 12, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_12.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[516, 953], [516, 953]], 'ps': '[(516, 953)]'}, {'step': 13, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_13.png', 'action': 'TEXT', 'info': 'Jazz Radio', 'ps': ''}, {'step': 14, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_14.png', 'action': 'CLICK', 'info': [[949, 631], [949, 631]], 'ps': '[(949, 631)]'}, {'step': 15, 'screenshot': '3443374752787856_15.png', 'action': 'COMPLETE', 'info': '', 'ps': 'Victor James'}]