wiktionary / README.md
Jeronymous's picture
Remove repeated headers
- fr
- cc-by-sa-4.0
- text-generation
- fill-mask
- language-modeling
- masked-language-modeling
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: "*/20231220/*.parquet"
- config_name: "fr"
- split: train
path: "fr/20231220/*.parquet"
- config_name: "sample"
- split: train
path: 20231220/train-000000-of-000007.parquet
- config_name: "fr"
- name: id
dtype: int32
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: train
num_bytes: 442573568
num_examples: 650087
download_size: 192941244
dataset_size: 442573568
- config_name: "sample"
- name: id
dtype: int32
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: train
num_bytes: 68635508
num_examples: 91996
download_size: 32850743
dataset_size: 68635508
# Plain text of French Wiktionary
* [Dataset Description](#dataset-description)
* [Size](#size)
* [Example use (python)](#example-use-python)
* [Data fields](#data-fields)
* [Notes on data formatting](#notes-on-data-formatting)
* [License](#license)
* [Aknowledgements](#aknowledgements)
* [Citation](#citation)
## Dataset Description
This dataset is a plain text version of pages from [wiktionary.org](https://wiktionary.org/) in French language.
The text is without HTML tags nor wiki templates.
It just includes markdown syntax for headers, lists and tables.
See [Notes on data formatting](#notes-on-data-formatting) for more details.
It was created by [LINAGORA](https://labs.linagora.com/) and [OpenLLM France](https://openllmfrance.org/)
from the [Wikimedia dumps](https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/enterprise_html/runs),
using code in [https://github.com/OpenLLM-France/wikiplaintext](https://github.com/OpenLLM-France/wikiplaintext).
### Size
The amount of data for the latest dump (20231220) is:
| | **French** |
| :---------------|--------: |
| # documents | 650 087 |
| # paragraphs | 3 410 374 |
| # words | 53 086 456 |
| # characters | 346 916 964 |
| size on disk | 1.9G |
### Example use (python)
Load the full dataset:
import datasets
ds = datasets.load_dataset("OpenLLM-France/wiktionary", streaming=True, split="train")
Load only a small subset:
ds = datasets.load_dataset("OpenLLM-France/wiktionary", "sample", split="train")
A version "`repeated_headers`" of the dataset is available, where headers are repeated before each section
(see https://huggingface.co/datasets/OpenLLM-France/wikipedia#alternative-markdown-syntax).
This dataset can be obtained with:
ds = datasets.load_dataset("OpenLLM-France/wiktionary", revision="repeated_headers", split="train")
## Data fields
The data fields are the same among all configurations:
- `id` (int): ID of the page.
- `url` (`str`): URL of the page.
- `title` (`str`): Title of the page.
- `text` (`str`): Text content of the page.
For example:
{'id': 847027,
'url': 'https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/D%C3%A9partement_de_Rinconada',
'title': 'Département de Rinconada',
'text': "# Département de Rinconada\n\nLe département de Rinconada est une des 16 subdivisions de la province de Jujuy, en Argentine. Son chef-lieu est la ville de Rinconada.\nLe département a une superficie de 6 407 km². Sa population extrêmement clairsemée s'élevait à 2 298 habitants en 2001, soit une densité de 0,3 hab./km².\n\n## Localités\n\nOutre le chef-lieu d'arrondissement, Rinconada, il faut citer :\n* Mina Pirquitas, localité la plus élevée d'Argentine (4 271 mètres d'altitude).\nC'est sur le territoire de ce département qu'est situé le site Ramsar des Lagunas de Vilama."
## Notes on data formatting
see [OpenLLM-France/wikipedia.fr](https://huggingface.co/datasets/OpenLLM-France/wikipedia)
## License
This dataset is distributed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
## Aknowledgements
This dataset was created by [Jérôme Louradour](https://huggingface.co/Jeronymous) on behalf of
[LINAGORA](https://labs.linagora.com/) and
[OpenLLM France](https://openllmfrance.org/).
Many thanks to the [Wikimedia Foundation](https://wikimediafoundation.org/)
for providing the data and useful advices,
in particular Isaac Johnson, Albert Villanova and Rémy Gerbet.
## Citation
author = "Jérôme Louradour, OpenLLM-France, LINAGORA Labs",
title = "Plain text of Wiktionary",
url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/OpenLLM-France/wiktionary"