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| audio
audioduration (s) 1.1
91,139 | r1nicOVtvkQ | 130 | A woman talks nearby as water pours | 480,000 | |
58,146 | UDGBjjwyaqE | 20 | Multiple clanging and clanking sounds | 480,000 | |
11,542 | 3eJ9RynJzP8 | 80 | The wind is blowing, insects are singing, and rustling occurs | 480,000 | |
11,543 | 3eK62q7SnVU | 390 | The wind is blowing and rustling occurs | 480,000 | |
11,540 | 3eGXNIadwGk | 30 | Person is whistling | 480,000 | |
11,541 | 3eHYGSux1Ps | 30 | A motorboat cruises along, and a man talks | 480,000 | |
11,546 | 3eNWJ4Hle6Y | 210 | The sizzling of food while a dish is clanking | 480,000 | |
11,547 | 3eQYsDrfsTc | 20 | Someone has a hiccup while typing | 480,000 | |
11,544 | 3eL37ZUN5S4 | 21 | Aircraft engine hum with man and woman speaking | 459,316 | |
11,545 | 3eN7ujFJzXQ | 170 | Hissing followed by clanking dishes and speech | 480,000 | |
89,378 | pgeooj3u3CM | 200 | A woman is talking the whole time something is sprayed a few times in the middle | 480,000 | |
89,379 | pgl_pG7j7d8 | 170 | A man talks nearby as water pours out of a faucet | 480,000 | |
11,548 | 3eSIVCoTR2I | 210 | Crackling noise precedes a fly buzzing | 480,000 | |
11,549 | 3eZrNSkyUmA | 30 | A dog whimpers quietly | 480,000 | |
5,988 | 1OIVJfQTGVk | 30 | Engine revving loudly | 480,000 | |
5,989 | 1OIm8vLHCwo | 19 | An adult female speaks and a cat meows | 477,854 | |
19,399 | 77gagnj481E | 30 | Child giving a speech and crowd clapping | 480,000 | |
19,398 | 77fnehVF7wE | 1 | A dog barks twice and then whimpers | 441,291 | |
5,982 | 1O662rM-u0E | 30 | A whoosh sound is heard loudly as a car revs its engines | 480,000 | |
5,983 | 1O7-QuhweZE | 19 | Children screaming in the background as the sound of water flowing by | 475,625 | |
5,980 | 1O2vHreD6eI | 60 | A motor vehicle engine is running, a decelerating buzzing occurs, mechanical whines occur, and the motor vehicle engine accelerates | 480,000 | |
5,981 | 1O5u-mBU2JI | 30 | A man speaking in a foreign language, can hear doves in the background | 480,000 | |
5,986 | 1OCyUeuv2-Q | 40 | Men speaking then sneezing | 480,000 | |
5,987 | 1OI6GPNHhLg | 30 | A man speaks slowly and with strength | 480,000 | |
5,984 | 1OB2TC-aAqY | 30 | A horse galloping | 480,000 | |
5,985 | 1OCv1wCGK-s | 30 | A child screams, an adult male is talking and vehicles are revving | 480,000 | |
97,479 | vvbK4KaEOTc | 30 | Humming of an engine accelerating and revving | 480,000 | |
49,688 | OWhT0Gs-_q8 | 30 | Several explosions burst nearby as people grunt loudly | 480,000 | |
83,899 | ld9qe2J9Huk | 80 | Someone snores briefly | 480,000 | |
88,395 | oy2b5i_4-20 | 0 | A woman talking and then a cat meowing | 265,265 | |
31,736 | DJVEiFFUB6g | 250 | A woman talks while frying something | 480,000 | |
88,391 | oxs8A0Cdwwc | 30 | Crashing waves and a gust of wind | 480,000 | |
46,139 | MDoHzN4CYYg | 11 | Humming and vibrating of a motor | 475,103 | |
82,996 | kxZQJiOLSqE | 20 | Honking of a horn of a passing train | 480,000 | |
46,130 | MDRJ8icmjgI | 350 | A domestic animal is snoring and breathing loudly | 480,000 | |
53,631 | R8pcOO_A2uE | 0 | Someone whistles nearby | 480,000 | |
97,152 | vfbOX5T8YDk | 30 | Steam hissing as a train runs slowly on railroad tracks as gears crank and rumble | 480,000 | |
28,561 | Bals78LmH5w | 150 | Children speak and laugh with a man | 480,000 | |
54,544 | RmJE9uVdgAk | 23 | A man yelling and ducks in the background | 470,871 | |
270 | -5weqk40jaI | 17 | Strong wind against the microphone simultaneously with heavy rain. | 445,680 | |
19,972 | 7PFt6ML7enY | 50 | A child cries and yells and an adult speaks in response | 480,000 | |
273 | -62RXhX5GZk | 30 | A dog grunts and an adult male speaks | 480,000 | |
274 | -64ZmjOBlE8 | 20 | Water being turned on and off | 480,000 | |
275 | -65gZY_yF3o | 17 | Helicopter rotors drumming and squeaking bird | 478,002 | |
276 | -668dhzzDQE | 30 | Car engine sound in car race | 480,000 | |
277 | -67q0yYR0zk | 24 | People in a small crowd are speaking and a dog barks | 444,605 | |
278 | -68677bCJWM | 16 | Distressed cat growling and hissing violently while woman laughs and talks | 439,067 | |
279 | -68L7q5JlL4 | 30 | Wind against a microphone on a speeding car | 480,000 | |
16,707 | 5sfQQb6HpSc | 210 | A whistle and another man speaks and the whistling stops. | 480,000 | |
16,706 | 5seYj-vSnEc | 140 | Two men exchange words, then a car engine revs followed by a siren and fade in music | 480,000 | |
16,701 | 5sWgFNwk5zY | 20 | Someone fires a gun with others talking in the background | 480,000 | |
16,700 | 5sTt2AMCjSA | 30 | A car is racing away very fast and its tires squeal a little | 480,000 | |
16,703 | 5sZnJLp9We4 | 2 | A loud siren whizzes past | 470,196 | |
16,702 | 5sXK2pdYAwg | 20 | A woman hiccups and then women laugh and speak | 480,000 | |
88,023 | ogXzNVUU3Xk | 20 | Coughing by woman and child, then woman and child speaking | 480,000 | |
12,019 | 3qPzSfovVmk | 70 | Truck engine running then a dragging noise | 480,000 | |
12,018 | 3qPBmioT8Fo | 30 | A dog is whining and whimpering, and an adult male is speaking | 480,000 | |
88,025 | og_JH9cxUeg | 30 | Small frogs croak and chirp | 480,000 | |
12,015 | 3qNSaQnzWUs | 30 | The wind is blowing, a horse is trotting, and an adult male speaks | 480,000 | |
12,014 | 3qKmsP6BPXM | 30 | A car engine revving | 480,000 | |
12,016 | 3qOK68-L2cU | 140 | An aircraft begins its takeoff, buzzing of small engines | 480,000 | |
12,011 | 3qA8qMYz3Xw | 30 | A crowd is cheering and shouting, thumping occurs, an adult female speaks, and an adult male speaks | 480,000 | |
12,010 | 3q94RIeQJ9Q | 30 | An adult female speaks, tapping occurs, and a dog barks | 480,000 | |
12,013 | 3qKKDuwStA8 | 40 | A person is speaking and crumpling paper | 480,000 | |
12,012 | 3qC6_t1bjjw | 21 | Two adult females are speaking, a dog is panting, a squeak occurs, and whistling occurs | 468,232 | |
17,258 | 689OVglGxKE | 30 | A vehicle revs then explodes while a crowd cheers and an announcer exclaims | 480,000 | |
17,259 | 68AJ_1alYNg | 310 | Man speaks while bees buzz | 480,000 | |
100,014 | xpRBnXZnRm0 | 370 | A man speaking followed by crinkling | 480,000 | |
64,677 | YkWrXaJNpn4 | 320 | A power tool hums and vibrates | 480,000 | |
100,012 | xpF_Jeaj7cs | 6 | A man speaking followed by a swoosh then a loud splash, then a man laughs | 447,051 | |
64,671 | YkQ12wpHeUc | 0 | Several birds tweet | 480,000 | |
100,011 | xpE3LXuhJS8 | 210 | Vibrations and humming of a power drill | 480,000 | |
17,250 | 67qTV1MDXhc | 100 | A bell chiming | 480,000 | |
17,251 | 67r_mSftdjk | 30 | A woman giving a speech | 480,000 | |
17,252 | 67rvn9HIZsM | 10 | The chirping of multiple birds accompanies gurgling water and crunching footsteps | 480,000 | |
17,254 | 67yhKQpwvjo | 30 | People speak followed by spraying, then a phone rings | 480,000 | |
17,255 | 67zyxZb-wQM | 340 | A round of applause followed by a woman speaking | 480,000 | |
17,256 | 6813SgG-6Rk | 8 | A door creaks open slowly | 451,919 | |
17,257 | 6850oZZoeb8 | 60 | Traffic sounds are present and ongoing, an adult male is speaking, and metal clicking occurs | 480,000 | |
63,024 | XbTazhNR5Cc | 20 | A kid talks followed by a woman talking while several people laugh | 480,000 | |
10,709 | 3JNjTAf04rc | 30 | People are talking and pig oinks | 480,000 | |
10,708 | 3JLBP8VnukU | 12 | A dog whimpers repeatedly | 476,143 | |
9,258 | 2i8L8v2NTsY | 30 | A man gives a speech | 480,000 | |
9,259 | 2i8w_CZEprk | 0 | Water flowing, wind blowing, a dog whimpers | 480,000 | |
10,703 | 3JAjNVImec4 | 340 | People cheering and race cars racing by | 480,000 | |
9,257 | 2i82jVZy1pk | 100 | Some unidentified low sound, followed by a child laughter and a female chuckling | 480,000 | |
10,701 | 3J9nGJ5dmsI | 30 | Motorcycle driving away at high speeds | 480,000 | |
10,700 | 3J7NzRVaixM | 7 | The wind is blowing, an engine runs, and tires squeal | 441,962 | |
9,252 | 2hyT23nJm_4 | 150 | A female speaking, then a baby babbling, then a female cheering and clapping, followed by another female laughing and speaking | 480,000 | |
9,253 | 2i-sTS4rNgs | 30 | A big engine is sitting in idle | 480,000 | |
9,250 | 2hxTX4mb0bY | 30 | An adult male is speaking, a motor is running, rhythmic vibration, and water is gurgling | 480,000 | |
9,251 | 2hxyWkenHI4 | 270 | A rapping sound is present and is echoing in a room, and people in a crowd speak in the background | 480,000 | |
101,352 | yuqiS8rSp64 | 30 | Humming and whooshing of a helicopter hovering close | 480,000 | |
21,619 | 8Cscq1H9Lng | 130 | A vehicle driving and accelerating | 480,000 | |
21,618 | 8Cpw8deghns | 150 | Crinkling noise followed by a man talking | 480,000 | |
21,614 | 8ClpqdlMMTE | 50 | A small dog whimpering and howling | 480,000 | |
21,617 | 8Cpu6HuZppw | 50 | Someone suddenly sneezes out loud | 480,000 | |
21,616 | 8CpkuIJ1aQg | 30 | An adult male is speaking informatively | 480,000 | |
21,611 | 8CdmbbBcx14 | 430 | A kid speaking and another kid talks in the background | 480,000 | |
21,610 | 8C_A2FOG02E | 30 | Bell chiming with a vehicle starting up | 480,000 |
End of preview. Expand
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