737 values
3 values
[ "i want to be a doctor.", "i wear a lot of purple." ]
[ "I have a really good life. A nice house, car and wife makes me feel like I have it all!", "That's great, you probably worked very hard so you deserve it." ]
[ "I did! I was a slave for 10 years and worked my way to riches.", "Yes it does. I am now a carpenter. ", "I focus on installing decks for houses but I can do a bit of everything. ", "Yes it pays the bills and I love the work.", "I do! You should see my truck it's full of them. ", "Hard work and dedication will get you there!" ]
[ "Congratulations! Hard work pays off", "What kind of stuff do you like to make?", "It's quite a useful skill to have.", "You must have an impressive collection of tools./", "I hope to have a house with a garage full of tools someday.", "Every day I'm getting closer and clsoer." ]
{ "convai2": [ "sadly i was a slave . lasted 10 years .", "i was housed as a slave for 10 years . i am now a carpenter .", "i bet you make some pretty structures . do you like it", "i was housed as a slave for 10 years . i am now a carpenter .", "that sounds really nice ! my wife and i need to save a lot .", "it sure does . i d love to have a big car and house but help others too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm happy that you have this opportunity in life. Keep at it and be thankful for it.", "Glad all that hard work paid off for ya. I aspire to get there someday myself.", "That's interesting. You must be very talented", "Good - it makes a big difference if you can enjoy your work.", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?", "Yes it will and thank you for the encouragement! :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I was a slave since a child in Haiti where certain villages are more susceptible to kidnapping. After around 10 years I escaped thanks to a raid on a facility I was held in.", "That's awesome! What do you do?", "Do you also do the building configuring an hardware as well?", "That sounds like a nice balance. Do you enjoy your own work?", "Ah! A popular truck! A Ford Ranger....or something bigger than that compact pickup truck...?", "Practice requires too much time and dedication." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i help around with bookkeeping and tours.", "sometimes i volunteer at an urban farm." ]
[ "Anytime I go to Mcdonald's I never order and feel sick.", "That's non fun. I'm sorry to heard that. Maybe you shouldn't go there anymore?" ]
[ "I guess you're right. I'll go to Burger King instead", "Have you tried their new veggie burger? ", "I am a meat eater but I might give it a try.", "Have you tried their tacos?", "Maybe I'll try that too. Do you have any pets?", "I have a pitbull and old english bulldog." ]
[ "Maybe you will have better luck at Burger King. I often try to eat organic and it seems to help me.", "No not yet, but it seems interesting. I work on an urban farm. Sometimes I give tours and talk about all the veges. available.", "Well, they seem to be a big hit! I'll probably try them as well, at least once!", "Yes I have. I really love them. But I'm also a salad person. So the southwest salad is one of my favorites.", "No, I had a sweet lab retriever but that was long ago. How about you any pets?", "Sweet, do they get along well?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i understand . i don't eat there either . yuck .", "i love their healthy , fresh salads . where are you from ?", "awesome ! its sometimes hard to find vegan substitutes , but i think its worth it .", "no , i haven't ! are they good ?", "no pets . how about you ?", "wow , those are big ! mine are a pit bull and a chihuahua . they are both mean" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yea, Mcdonald's can be so hit or miss sometimes.", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that, I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "I have 3. What about you?", "Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Burger King hasn't been around as long as Mcdonalds. It was founded in 1953.", "I've had a veggie burger, but I do not like them. We have a Green Egg and love it!", "I would recommend vegetarianism. For me it is more about how animals are treated. I do not like how our food is processed. So i went vegan. i do love steak though.", "No, I haven't! The only options we have locally is Taco bell! I would love to go to an authentic taco place to get tacos and mexican street food. Yum!", "I do. I try to make sure they go out and get walkies and everything to try and keep their health good. Do you have any?", "I didn't know American Bulldogs are actually considered as a pit bull breed." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a michigan state trooper.", "i play guitar." ]
[ "That sounds delicious, Ive been wanting to try out some different pasta dishes, Can you tell me a bi about them? ", "Definitely! Linquine is a little bit like fettucine. It's a bit more elliptical rather than flat, and it's not as wide." ]
[ "I love to make dishes with fettucine pasta, so I'm sure I'd love linguine as well.", "I haven't, but I will definitely start looking for linguine recipes. Do you have any favorites?", "Fettuccine Alfredo is a favorite of mine too. I love to add grilled chicken, mushroom and spinach to it.", "Have you ever had bolognese?", "Yes, you should! I tried it for the first time about a month ago and I loved it!", "I highly recommend it. What other dishes do you like?" ]
[ "that sounds like a good recipe to try ! have you tried it ! ?", "I like almost anything. Fettuccine Alfredo is probably my favorite. I like the traditional dishes with only two to four ingredients.", "that's the perfect pair ! my favorite is fettuccine alfredo .", "i have not but i should try it !", "i possibly will try it.", "Chicken parmesian is a good one. Italian chicken dishes are one of the most popular in the world." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds like a good recipe to try ! have you tried it ! ?", "it is usually doable , so versatile , pesto , fettucine , ziti , etc .", "that's the perfect pair ! my favorite is fettuccine alfredo .", "i have not but i should try it !", "it is amazing , especially with alfredo sauce", "it is more like cuisines i've tried from different places ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My boss from work has all sorts of recipes like that. She taught me how to make Jalapeno Pepper Jelly, and that's so excellent on biscuits. You should try it if you haven't had it before.", "You should - there are loads of recipes online and it tastes so much better than store bought", "that sounds pretty good, I'll have to try that later!", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "I've never made it myself but, I've had it before. ITs fantastic.", "Olives! And all the vegetables." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah that's really good as well. It's commonly used in falafel, which is like chickpea meatballs and a salad.", "I like almost anything. Fettuccine Alfredo is probably my favorite. I like the traditional dishes with only two to four ingredients.", "Sounds delicious. Fettuccine was a creation of Alfredo Di Lelio in the mid 20th century and then found its way to the U.S", "I've only had it a couple times, but I really liked the feta cheese. It's not something I would normally make at home.", "I've only had it a couple times, but I really liked the feta cheese. It's not something I would normally make at home.", "Chicken parmesian is a good one. Italian chicken dishes are one of the most popular in the world." ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "my favorite city is new york.", "my favorite food is steak." ]
[ "It is good, why is it so tender?", "Skirt steak is long, flat, and prized for its flavor rather than tenderness." ]
[ "I don't know perhaps it the way it is cut and marinated", "That is true, but you have to know how to cook a steak. And nothing beats a good old cast iron skillet.", "How many minutes do you leave that on the coals? Direct heat or just offset?", "so if it's done offset that gives it a good smoked quality?", "Do you have to have a certain wood? Like oak or apple wood?", "Oh I bet that is good. I do liked good smoked meat with that deep smoked flavor. Nothing can beat that!" ]
[ "fajita is good if it is cooked on the pit. I love steak, and nothing beats a rib-eye or NY-strip", "well, a good medium rare cooked over coals is great, and you have to know how to do it", "depends on what you want. actually has a \"smoked", "yes. went to a steak house in New York City. Has a great steak there. it is probably my favorite city now", "mesquite. nothing beats it for a good BBQ", "need to have a good smoked brisket. it will change your life!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "its similar to pork when you get the meat nice and right .", "i glaze the meat with some butter and set it in the oven for a bit", "i glaze the meat with some butter and set it in the oven for a bit", "its similar to pork when you get the meat nice and right .", "it varies . just research purity beforehand . i use them daily .", "yes wish i could have some of that roast ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!", "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!", "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!", "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!", "Real dirt ha", "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I guess it makes skirt steak more tender to cut it parallel to the fibers then.", "You can also cook steak in a sauce", "low temperature, but the time can be reduce", "It does. Do you like fish steaks?", "Nope, I just like my steak grilled. No sauce for me.", "Yes, I love to use hickory and mesquite to smoke my meats." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i spend a lot of time on my hair and make up.", "i m an only child." ]
[ "Do you have any animals? I just had to put mine down", "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry! I have a dog and two cats." ]
[ "What type of dog do you have?", "No, my cat was 13 years old and was my best friend.", "Trying to lighten the mood a bit, what do you like to do for fun?", "My favorite drink is iced coffee (even when it gets cold). Where do you like to get coffee?", "Understand that local places can provide the best drinks, but I love our local chain Caribou", "So you mentioned liking to do make up. What is the one piece of make up you cannot go without?" ]
[ "domestic short haired . do you have any other pets ?", "Losing a best friend is a very hard thing to go through ", "I like to do my makeup and go out for coffee", "I love a local place called Durango Joe's the best but Starbucks is my second choice. ", "I have heard of that. I would like to try it ", "That is a hard choice but I would have to go with foundation" ]
{ "convai2": [ "domestic short haired . do you have any other pets ?", "i had a couple of cats when i was growing up .", "play with my dogs and hang out", "starbucks ! i love the atmosphere and they treat employees great", "yes that's my favorite with coffee as a drink .", "anything at all . i am not picky" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.", "It's alright. Your cat is somewhere up in heaven.", "Riding bikes all over the county.", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "Are the coffees there expensive?", "there is a wing place near me. the lemon pepper one are good too" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm from Greece, so I have a Kokoni dog. They are dogs for daughters who live in the house. You?", "17, that sweet old cat. Did you cat's ever have kittens? They have one of the highest breeding rates of any mammal.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Peet's coffe seems nice", "Their instant coffee known as VIA is the best.", "I am male so I don't wear any make-up. I have thought about becoming a make-up artist, which is someone who applies make-up on others." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite holiday is halloween because i like dressing up.", "my best friend is my dog allie." ]
[ "How did Christmas originate?", "Well I believe it was due to Jesus' birthday. Halloween, on the other hand, was from the three0day observance of the Allhallowtide. " ]
[ "have a great day. i love that", "where are you from. which state/", "i am from Woodbridge virginia. yea everyone celebrate that. ", "i am a muslim. so my religion is different ", "wow. nice name you set. you boy or girl?", "how old are you? and do you doing this task from mturk?" ]
[ "you have a wonderful day too !", "I'm from Texas, and you? Do they celebrate Halloween where you are from?", "Sweet, I like Virginia. Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas? ", "Ahh I see. Do you like animals? My best friend is my dog, she's named Allie!", "My dog is a girl, and I am a boy!", "I am 32 and you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "you have a wonderful day too !", "jerusalem , it was great being so close to jesus . here are you ?", "that's awesome . do you like halloween or christmas more ?", "oh , that's cool . jesus would be happy .", "boy but i wanted a girl . oops . i can try again one day .", "i am not really sure . whenso your birthday ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You as well. Have a great day.", "Texas. It was in the 90's today.", "I love Texas.", "Well, that's different then.", "GAL! ;)", "13" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's actually known as Allhallowtide, Allsaintstide, Hallowtide, and Hallowmas season. It's the three days that observe All Saints Eve.", "Romeo, Michigan which is also my home town. Have you heard Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast? It's rocks first album and like hearing Jesus speak.", "I hear that they Blue Ridge Mountains and Chesapeake Bay are both worth seeing - they are both in Virginia right?", "Different countries have different christmas traditions.", "She is a girl. I think that it is funny that we have two, because I guess at one time in some countries, that was all that people were allowed to have.", "I am 21. i have just finished studying so I thought it might be a good time to take a break before entry into graduate school." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work as a waitress.", "i ride a bike." ]
[ "My brother has assured me we are going on a trip soon. I am holding him to that", "do you think its going to happen?" ]
[ "oh yes its for my birthday", "i want to go to nashville tennesse", "the neat bars, see a lot of live music. we are both really into that.", "i used to play guitar til i broke my fingers", "eh, i could still do a lot of things except press down. i can type ok one handed!", "line dance. you?" ]
[ "Happy early birthday, where are you all going for your trip?", "It's nice there, and quite busy. Any plans on what you want to do while there?", "Same here. You should have a blast. so you're into music, play any instruments?", "Wow, that's a serious injury. I'd likely be out of a job if that happened to me. ", "lol, seems pretty efficient to me. What else do you do for dun?", "I ride my bike with my daughter. I have't line danced since elementary school." ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh really ? it is my birthday soon . thank you !", "that is awesome you will have fun . i am hoping my older brother can come up here soon", "that is awesome you will have fun . i am hoping my older brother can come up here soon", "oh no . i believe some practice might help !", "after much practice , i can type with one hand !", "a little piano . maybe i should move to nashville or somewhere to get a break ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Where is the trip to?", "That's fun. Ever been there, it's super fun.", "That is good to hear I would enjoy a night with some great music.", "That's awesome, I'm with you, I always wished I continued to learn to play the guitar. It's always a nice skill to have.", "That's awesome, I'm with you, I always wished I continued to learn to play the guitar. It's always a nice skill to have.", "Cool. I love ballet" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Happy early birthday to you! Are you going to listen to Rihanna on your birthday?", "Nashville is located on the Cumberland River in the North part of the state, I've never been to knoxville is it nearby?", "Do you mind if I ask where you live? When I think live music, I think Nashville!", "I'm sorry to hear that. I waited a long time to learn to play electric guitar, but it was worth it.", "My ergomonic keyboard has been so helpful in reducing muscle strain.", "Like r an b. Any usher? I like the song yeah" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to party.", "i love the beach." ]
[ "Yes I love beaches. Although some people prefer all the natural beaches without man-made structures, I like the beaches that have restaurants and resorts and such", "I agree man made beaches with lifeguard posts changing rooms and showers are very handy. I would feel better with a lifeguard on duty, especially since i have small kids." ]
[ "yes it protects swimmers against sharks and other hazards.", "I agree 100% party and safety is most important.", "I do too, but i do not like the weather too hot while on the beach.", "true. but i can be dangerous when people party too much and get drunk.", "Yes, we do need police on the beach.", "the safety is the most important too." ]
[ "yes. safety first. i love to party, but you have to stay safe.", "especially on the beach. love the beach", "yeah, but the beach was meant to party! spring break, lol....", "that is true. why the police is important too", "it helps keep people honest, for sure", "agreed" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i definitely do do agree .", "i hear you . no pool boys , but lifeguards can be delicious . . . lol .", "fair enough . i will sometimes stay at a sitdown restaurant", "i hear you . no pool boys , but lifeguards can be delicious . . . lol .", "yes i totally agree with you .", "yeah youre right . i do not know what i was thinking . good thing your a lifeguard !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Sharks are definitely scary.", "Parties are some times very loud.", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point.", "Some drunks are funny, and some are unfortunately annoying as hell.", "i agree.they are not taking my guns!", "Some drunks are funny, and some are unfortunately annoying as hell." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, well consider, when you are swimming with sharks, you are the wildlife that needs protection.", "There are also wild beach that are untouched and underdeveloped.", "They are not re not developed in the same manner of a regular beach.", "You're right, I also have a very mild mild form of social anxiety disorder so no parties for me.", "yeah and Some beaches have man-made infrastructures like guard post", "Another thing is that, Wild beaches can be valued for their untouched beauty." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have blue eyes and curly brown hair.", "my favorite type of music is country." ]
[ "I love seeing couples that have been married for decades.", "Love is a great thing for sure" ]
[ "So, are you married?", "Awesome, congrats. There's a lot of work planning a wedding", "Are you getting married traditionally in a church or some other location?", "I read a story about a pro golfer a few days ago who got married on a beach. That sounds like a mess.", "Ditto. I hope you and your significant other have a long happy life together", "That's great. I've been married for a while an love my inlaws. I think that is rare." ]
[ "I am getting married in 6 months", "That is for sure. I have been buying decorations and for a while now to prepare", "I will get married in a church. I do not want a very long wedding though. ", "I would have sand everywhere and be in debt for years", "So do I. I love how his parents have been married for 34 years. I love them", "It is! It is a blessing to have a relationship with the people who raised your husband/wife" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes", "it is and time consuming", "yes , i going to book marriage hall", "yes it is but fun at times . what do you like to do in your spare time ?", "thank you ! i hope the best for your and your potential marriage", "also being married for decades is nice . are you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Nope. I am the only single one", "I hope I get married first", "Church", "Good for him! The only time I've ever gotten a hole in one in golf is on a video game.", "Me too! lol. Thank you", "It's lovely. Be a happy couple. live long together!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "seen like dated? no, I have been married myself for over 30 years and we were highschool sweethearts", "Yes. It is daunting as a male because you are trying to woo a female and encouraging her to be receptive to a marriage proposal", "I attend Mount Saint Peter Church", "If you ever get married again, make sure that the centerpiece is not served to the guests because thats the practice", "Good! I think it's great when people get married for the right reasons. Happy stories out there", "Good! I think it's great when people get married for the right reasons. Happy stories out there" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am married with 2 kids.", "i do yoga three times a week." ]
Yoga as exercise
[ "Really? I feel like I'm too ADD for that. What do you like about it?", "I enjoy the physical and mental aspect of it." ]
[ "I've tried a few yoga classes but I mainly like to run.", "That's true. I have access to a gym though with treadmills and indoor track.", "Sometimes. I like running alone mostly because I can listen to music.", "I use YouTube and inspirational music videos.", "I am good about my diet too. I try to watch sugar.", "Yes, and diabetes runs in my family." ]
[ "Yoga can be done on rainy days", "That's great! Do you run with friends?", "Music is such a great help to run or do yoga. What do you listen to?", "I do the same. I have two kids that love listening to music too.", "That is smart. Sugar is tasty but it has nothing good for a body.", "Then that is definitely a smart thing to do. Running helps you to stay healthy as well." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i thought about trying yoga to help with flexibility .", "you can run on a treadmill ?", "yeah music is good for that but i do not have much time for that .", "where would you say you get your inspiration ?", "i try to avoid sugar and eat a somewhat balanced diet . that sounds good !", "that must be hard . can you have sugar at all ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "I will try that when the weather is cooler", "That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!", "That's cool. I'll have to try those out sometime", "Good. Why do you follow diet?", "My dad has diabetes too but he was born with it. I heard veggies help a lot." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you use it for mental or physical reasons?", "Yes, it is very popular in order to exercise and relax", "So what makes good horse control music?", "I love motivational stuff!", "I hear you there. Do you offer any sugar substitutes?", "I see. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder. It comes with high blood sugar levels." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own a dog who is my best friend.", "i'm very shy." ]
[ "so happy ! no one bit me today and my boss brought in strawberries , my favorite !", "awesome ! have you heard of that new strawberry vodka that was released recently ?" ]
[ "No I haven't! Have you tried it?", "What's your favorite food?", "Strawberries all the way! Not only is it my favorite fruit, it's also my favorite food.", "I haven't, isn't that a bit weird?! Hehe", "Maybe I'll that tomorrow! I have to prepare some food for a picnic on the beach, it sounds like it would be refreshing", "Hah, it sounds like you like alcohol! I'm not a big fan myself, although a beer on a hot summer day is nice." ]
[ "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "well i like strawberries but i don't have a favorite vegetable . what do you like ?", "you ever tried stawberries in chicken salad?", "no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it. You should give it a try", "hey , whatever works . i also love a great bottle of vodka !", "yes i love it" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have not but i should try it !", "well i like strawberries but i don't have a favorite vegetable . what do you like ?", "that is great ! any idea for lunch ?", "no its pretty gross ! i would rather pick something up at the store haha", "hey , whatever works . i also love a great bottle of vodka !", "true , but i love hot weather !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "I have never actually had one of those! We don't get very exotic fruits here in the midwest. What do they taste like?", "Not at all!", "That sounds like fun! Beach days are the best days!", "I don't even take beer" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have! It's so good like that. I also like raspberry or cherry iced tea. Have you tried either of those?", "Tandoori, for sure. How about you? Do you like Indian food? Or any other kind of ethnic food?", "I really like strawberries too. They are cultivated worldwide, so you can get them in a lot of areas. Do you pick your own?", "It is but I think I sill stick to my all time favourite: Strawberry but Oreo and pumpkin sound interesting.", "Well it's always right before Friday so that is always good!", "I also like vodka, if it's mixed with other things." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "my favorite tv show is friends.", "i've a timeshare in mexico." ]
Museum of Modern Art
[ "I love going to the museum, it is really something you can enjoy and take your time admiring. What's the biggest museum in the states?", "MOMA is a largest and most influential museums. I like to modern art" ]
[ "i love to go to museum. you?", "good. you like fishing ??", "great do you like cricket game?", "i love cricket so much. i am cricketer also. my home country people are crazy about cricket ", "my motherland is Bangladesh. besides India", "yea you can go with me Lol" ]
[ "Yes, i like a lot of pieces because of their historical value and geographical aspects", "Yes I do! I love to fish when I go to Mexico. I have a timeshare there.", "I have only played a couple times. It is impressive how much energy they have and how good their accuracy is.", "That is really cool. What country are you from?", "Awesome! I have always wanted to go. Have you heard of the show Friends? It is my favorite.", "I love the show Friends I use to watch it every night in high school on NBC." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i live modern art and visiting museums", "yes i enjoy a lot of types of food , just not fish", "never played myself but yes a big fan . you have a hobby ?", "it is one fun to demonstrate as well . i like history a lot myself .", "awesome ! i have never been to india . where do you live now ?", "sure ! you should come to my art exhibit too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Do you like museums?", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time.", "I have only played a couple times. It is impressive how much energy they have and how good their accuracy is.", "I am from MD it is the state sport there..", "which country?", "Haha. You can come with us!!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, i like a lot of pieces because of their historical value and geographical aspects", "Yes, Fishing has existed as a means of obtaining food", "I do! I like the royals.", "That's really cool. The batting team plays by attempting to score runs.", "Were you originally from South Asia? Hindu people are indigenous from there.", "I love the show Friends I use to watch it every night in high school on NBC." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i always have a beer after work.", "my favorite food is steak cooked well done." ]
[ "Not the biggest fan of it. I only really enjoy it on certain occasions ", "Oh really? It is considered the third most popular drink after water and tea!" ]
[ "Yeah though I will keep it stocked when i open my store", "Im more partial wine but since i live at home I dont drink often", "Yeah I especially adore a good chardoney", "Yep will help you to live longer thats always a plus", "Whats your favorite kind", "oooo those are good choices!" ]
[ "I love beer and i can see why it is so popular.", "Wine can be good", "wine is great for relaxing and being healthy.", "Yes that is definitely a plus!", "red wine and merlot is my favorite.", "right , i agree , my favorite is merlot what are you ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not know about that . i really enjoy it along with a nice iced tea .", "i like wine occassionally but it can bother my stomach .", "i like scotch with my tea haha .", "oh yes , that's true .", "honestly anything easy to chew . what is yours ?", "right , i agree , my favorite is merlot what are you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "its the only think my father will drink, since my birth.", "Wine can be good", "I don't even take beer", "Yes that is definitely a plus!", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "its the only think my father will drink, since my birth." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well it's only the most popular drink the the world, after water and tea. Somebody's gotta do it.", "What about wines? My favorite is Pinot noir", "Mmmmm,thé glacé as they say in France!", "yes and chening for when the red wine grapes are ripe.", "Butterscotch and chocolate", "What about wines? My favorite is Pinot noir" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i ve been married five times.", "i smoke a pipe." ]
[ "I just love seafood buffets", "Why's that?" ]
[ "Seafood is expensive and I don't eat it often. A buffet lets me eat a lot of it!", "Wow, sounds like you are at the husband buffet!", "Not now. I used to live on the coast where seafood was a lot better. How about you?", "Yeah, that's the problem a lot of places in the middle of America. Far from anywhere you get good seafood.", "No. I used to smoke cigarettes for years, but finally quit. I never really smoked a pipe.", "Well, if you don't smoke often, then it probably isn't too much of a problem. But always better to quit" ]
[ "I used to go to buffets a lot with my 3rd husband. I've been married 5 times and sad for me no others liked seafood.", "Funny! But yeah I guess that fits! Do you have a special seafood place?", "No, nothing special. Where I live seafood would definitely not be the freshest.", "Do you like to smoke a pipe?", "I don't smoke often. I probably should be like you and quit. Be better for my health.", "I agree. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "yeah , may be the reason i was married five times .", "seafood , for sure . always trying to squeeze in more omegas !", "true ! i was raised near the ocean so i really love seafood", "i gave up smoking last week !", "that is good advice . thanks ! tell me more about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Oh I love seafood though. It's worth it I'd say lol.", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Nice!! I'm trying to stay away from any form of smoking for now.", "Smoking is pretty bad for everyone." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Buffets are quite good, usually buffets have some hot dishes so I try to go for those often, what about you?", "Yes, with an all-you-can-eat buffet I am not surprised people eat so much food!", "Well, since it's on the coast, I personally enjoy trying different types of seafood.", "Oh no poor fishy. Yeah seafood is an important source of protein in coastal areas around the world.", "Ah the good old days, when tobacco's negative effect on health was unknown at the time.", "I used to smoke when I was a waiter. It was the only way to get a break on a double! No more of that going into my bloodstream anymore though." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm obese.", "i'm 53 years old." ]
[ "I'm afraid of what the future has in store with overpopulation and unemployment.", "It will figure itself out, always does" ]
[ "But how do you know it will figure itself out?", "Well, that's too deep of a topic. What are your interests? I love to draw!", "I also like classical music. What type of music do you like?", "I actually like all kinds of music. My favorites are from the 80s.", "It was the greatest decade. Especially the hair bands.", "Haha...that's funny! We have something in common...our interest in music." ]
[ "I am 53 years old son, human history has shown us that we will always find a way forward.", "I like to sit at the computer and browse Reddit all day.", "I'm am into hip-hop and rock and roll. My favorite artist is Kanye West. What about you?", "Ah, the music of the 80's reminds me of my childhood. Good times.", "The hair bands were my favorite. However now that I am bald now I am jealous of them!", "Do you like sports too?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "technology might find an answer to it", "technology is the blueprint of everlasting life , the proof that life goes on forever .", "my favorite is classical , how about you ?", "80s is good music . did you ever the grasshopper ?", "yes it was and i too like simpler times . do you have a car ?", "technology is the blueprint of everlasting life , the proof that life goes on forever ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is a good question, I would be scared", "Passions", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Oh you're an 80s kids, hu? What do you feel about the music nowadays?", "Yep, those were the days.", "We have that in common!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not sure? I know during a recession unemployment s higher so maybe we will find jobs", "The terms is used in the entertainment business but i like drawing personally, my favorite art", "I like classical music, which is generally \"western\" in origin. But I like other forms of music too.", "Do you like hip-hop music as well?", "I agree that was when the best rock was coming about. One of my other favorite bands is the beach boys, they formed in California in 1961.", "Speaking of music. Ever hear about the show about the Beatles that ran on Saturday mornings in the 1960s?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i used to be a meat eater but i m now a vegan.", "watching sports is fun." ]
[ "well my girlfriend , luis , wants one too , side note she goes to my college .", "i met my girlfriend at a yoga class ." ]
[ "i am still in college", "we met in college. are you in college?", "cool. have heard good things about that school", "sounds great. will your girl go with you?", "that is great. will she attend also?", "i see. well, college is important- even if done online" ]
[ "Where did you meet her?", "No but I will be next year at the University of CA, Berkeley", "I have a friend who recently graduated from there and have landed a job in a law firm", "definitely ! i will bring my girlfriend along too", "She wants to do online college", "Yes. I know people who do better in physical classes and some that do better from a home office. I am just glad she is getting an education" ]
{ "convai2": [ "interesting , luis is your girlfriends name ?", "yes i am . i am in la", "yea , sometimes i teach my yoga class there .", "definitely ! i will bring my girlfriend along too", "no , she's too busy with school work . i should be as well really", "yeah definitely but i m already in college" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Where did you meet her?", "Yes. I am only a junior though", "I have a friend who recently graduated from there and have landed a job in a law firm", "Well she passed away so that's not gonna happen", "No, she's going to school.", "Certainly, does she have a college in mind?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Why are you considering transferring?", "No but I will be next year at the University of CA, Berkeley", "Well it is a private university, which is good.", "Am not sure if she went did she?", "Am not sure if she went did she?", "yes its important" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i am living at home but hope to live in the dorms next year.", "i commute by bus." ]
[ "Going to a seafood buffet with the fiancee tonight and pretty stoked about it. It's the simple things in life... haha", "Yum I love buffets!" ]
[ "yes! i never know exactly what i want, so this way i have a great selection", "Usually we eat at home, but try to go out to a restaurant twice a month. how about you?", "that's awesome! what type of seafood is your favorite?", "it depends, i love fried shrimp, but lobster is really good too", "yes! there's a restaurant near me with all you can eat nights, i would like to try it", "so i'm guessing seafood is your favorite?" ]
[ "Where do you have your meals? The standard is usually at home or restaurants but really, one can have meals anywhere!", "I'm going to a seafood buffet later with my fiancee, so I am pretty excited.\"", "I eat all seafoods, what i about you ", "man i LOVE shrimp!", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "Yes i really do like seafood a lot " ]
{ "convai2": [ "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life", "it really varies but most times we get italian .", "seafood , for sure . always trying to squeeze in more omegas !", "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life", "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life", "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "man i LOVE shrimp!", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Where do you have your meals? The standard is usually at home or restaurants but really, one can have meals anywhere!", "Buffets are quite good, usually buffets have some hot dishes so I try to go for those often, what about you?", "Well, since it's on the coast, I personally enjoy trying different types of seafood.", "I love fried seafood also and it is high in protein which is healthy.", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "fish is good, but as long as it's appropriate to the cuisine, like Indonesian food would be good" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i only sleep 3 hours a day.", "i am incredibly smart." ]
[ "My dog did something horrible yesterday. :9", "Oh gosh, What did he do?" ]
[ "He chewed up a brand new couch!", "I might be able to repair it.", "I will probably have to hire someone. What kind of dog do you have?", "Those are beautiful dogs. I love black and yellow labs.", "Bigger dogs can be harder to deal with. Do you have any pets at all?", "I have two cats. They do pretty well." ]
[ "Oh man, that's terrible. Do you have to buy a new one?", "You yourself can repair it,, or you would hire someone?", "Don't have a dog any more. Used to have a great pyranees", "My sister has two golden retrievers, they are hard to keep under control", "Have one cat now. I'd like to get other pets but the cat won't adjust to them well at all. ", "I love both dogs and cats" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no ! i'm so sorry . what was it ?", "how come you didn't replace it ?", "my puppy , she likes the couch too .", "those are the best . i had a black lab . he was something else .", "h no , i am a couch puppy", "what do you like ? besides the couch haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Omg. You should take your dog to an obedience school.", "Awesome, congrats on the new couch!", "some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.", "My favorites are huskies and big slobbery St Bernards. They give the best hugs and cuddles.", "No but I too have a dog that is great company.", "I prefer dogs but I still like cats." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! That could be the worst. What is your favorite activity to do with him?", "You could always take it to an upholsterer which is someone who specializes in reupolstering.", "German shepard. they secure my building well", "Black labs are beautiful! I just found out they are called retrievers because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged", "I have no pets currently no.", "that's understandable. cats seem more self-sufficient." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i want to move to las vegas.", "i want to learn self defense." ]
Las Vegas
[ "good old Vegas, only been there once", "The Las Vegas valley is actually a commercial hub" ]
[ "It's a pretty sweet place to rage too", "why not?", "yeah for sure, it'll take you for all you've got", "yeah i agree. i can't afford to lose much money. i type 140 wpm and still make peanuts lol", "i am, hopefully it helps get me to a bit better financial situation. you?" ]
[ "ive been there several times but its not my favorite place", "too expensive and heavily crowded.", "i rather save my money to be honest.", "yeah it is easy to waste a lot of money . are you in school ?", "Hopefully you do go to college. I had fun but was stressful." ]
{ "convai2": [ "vegas is fun to visit but not to live there", "vegas is fun to visit but not to live there", "only in vegas . ll", "yeah it is easy to waste a lot of money . are you in school ?", "still in high school my self but ready to get it over with ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "ive been there several times but its not my favorite place", "they dont deliver at a decent time and everyone has terrible attitudes", "I love going to Las Vegas.", "Ha, I grew up here. 100ish is doable as long as you avoid mid day. (12-3pm)", "Hopefully you do go to college. I had fun but was stressful." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Interesting, I heard Las Vegas means The Meadows", "Sin City is the nick name for Las Vegas because of the \"Adult\" (sinful nature) entertainment there", "Las Vegas received its name in 1821", "I wish too. I am recovering by doing yoga to stop my urge to gamble continuously", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite place to spend time at is the beach.", "i love to read." ]
[ "i agree . i like to go kayaking at this time of year for that reason", "do you kayak with family ? i tend to do things like that with siblings ." ]
[ "Nah I pretty much always do sports by myself, and you?", "Do you do a lot of sports? I'm a big runner, I do about 6 miles per day!", "Haha no kidding! It would help pay for my expensive hobbies, that's for sure!", "Yes I bet. My big hobby is flying model planes, that also adds up pretty quickly", "I have a lot of them, from tiny ones to planes that are taller than me!", "Woah I didn't even know that! Where did you learn that fact?" ]
[ "Yes, I love to kayak with my family at the beach. That is my favorite place.", "I'm running 3 times a week. Swimming workouts too. If only there was also money involved like I was on The Biggest Loser. $250,000 sounds nice.", "Hahaha no kidding. I love to read, but even that adds up buying so many books!", "Wow, that's a pretty cool hobby. Just a small plane?", "That's cool. I like aircraft history, like the fact that women have been flying since 1908.", "I went to the Wright brothers museum in Dayton Ohio this yaer. They had a replica of their first successful airplane." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hang out mostly by myself .", "i love it , but i also enjoy to kayaking when i'm free . do you ?", "haha . great answer . saving up money to buy a beach condo ?", "how cool . i bet that helps with flying planes , huh ?", "nice . i take model airplanes while i kayak", "since i like to swim so much , i thought my next vacation should include it ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, we just go for my kids to swim and wear themselves out.", "i run 1 10k a year lol", "No kidding. Plus I'm buying for two so double the cost this year.", "Wow, that's a pretty cool hobby. Just a small plane?", "I wish I was also tall. It must be nice.", "In the play at school!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Lately I've been taking with kayaking. I've also been watching Alaska-focused shows, and just discovered that kayaks were created by the Inuit!", "I'm running 3 times a week. Swimming workouts too. If only there was also money involved like I was on The Biggest Loser. $250,000 sounds nice.", "I'm sure there's 43 million other people that could use it to pay off their loans too.", "very interesting, i just finished watching aircraft in fiction. What type of plane do you want to fly?", "That's cool. I like aircraft history, like the fact that women have been flying since 1908.", "I went to the Wright brothers museum in Dayton Ohio this yaer. They had a replica of their first successful airplane." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i used to be in the marines.", "i m a vegetarian." ]
[ "I just don't eat meat because it is repulsive to me. Who eats animal flesh?", "Why do you think its repulsive?" ]
[ "because its flesh of an animal dosent sit right with me", "I eat enough replacements not to miss it haha", "Haha I never had a big meat phase ive always been the type to go mushroom hunting", "Oh I love it it tastes so realistic!", "Yeah haha gardein makes the best fake chicken though", "I have not had ones from costco i normally shop at krogers" ]
[ "i am a vegetarian now, but do miss meat sometimes. ", "i used to be in the marines, and would eat a ton of beef, lol", "shrooms are great. did you like the impossible burger?", "thought it was really good. that, and a good bean burger are great!", "costco has the best \"meat substitue\" burger patties", "check it out if you get a chance. you won't be disappointed " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not either , meat is so dirty .", "gotcha", "yea , i am a real carnivore now . raw .", "yea , i am a real carnivore now . raw .", "haha good point ! do you have a favorite animal ?", "oh i love costco ! and they eat a ton !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Everyone has their preference.", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "Okay interesting. I'd like to try is some time!", "I will have to try it out!", "Oh man, just saying that name brings back nostalgia for me!", "I love going to Costco." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes definitely not clean and not appetizing to me.", "Really? A lot of the meat substitutes are not that good, especially with seafood.", "I loved that Mushroom Kingdom! But, I never could beat any of them.", "yea , what do u like on your cheeseburger?", "Yeah, those always good", "yea np its a cool store" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm an artist.", "i enjoy walking for exercise." ]
Great Basin Desert
[ "Is it prety to see", "Yes it is! It is one of the four biologically defined deserts in North America!" ]
[ "i love the desert and you?", "i want to experience a sleep over at night, i wonder if it gets super cold at night", "i also want to see the cactus flowers, i think there is one that blooms every 100 years?", "yeah i heard about it on national geographic, its suppose to be a huge flower with a super fowl smell", "i wasnt so sure, i wonder if the color of the flower matches my eyes lol, i have blue eyes and you>", "that awesome, ive heard that not many are born with green eyes" ]
[ "Yes, I think it is amazing.", "I have heard it does.", "Really? That is interesting.", "Oh, I think I remember hearing about that. Did not know it was only every 100 years", "Mine are green.", "I always thought they were common" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love them too . i dream of living in the middle of the desert .", "it does . i love it . the snow is more fun . everything gets silent . perfection .", "wow that sounds wonderful ! did you plant them there ?", "wow that sounds wonderful ! did you plant them there ?", "same with brown eyes . that is the only difference", "yes , rare and i was born under one ! whats something interesting about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's amazingly beautiful.", "I love the cold. it keeps me cool when i sleep.", "How can you tell if a cactus is dead?", "How can you tell if a cactus is dead?", "brown eyes arent bad", "brown eyes arent bad" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes I do, its a fertile spot in the middle of the desert. And amazingly its where water can be found.", "Correct! Also if your out at night there it might be cold! This is why its called a polar desert or a \"cold desert\".", "I am not sure if there is any other plant than a cactus that can survive there.", "Did you see any interesting plants and animals?", "I wish I had blue eyes. They are caused by an effect called Tyndall scattering.", "Yes you are luck although problems are usually minor and people adapt easily." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my family loves me , but keeps their distance.", "if i m not drinking , i m thinking , which makes me uncomfortable." ]
[ "same as cars . kawasaki and yamaha take less gas and have less upkeep .", "i cant get a job to get a motorcycle anyway" ]
[ "Motorcycles are very dangerous. I am an experienced rider.", "Are you a fan of adrenaline? Do you like doing dangerous things?", "Yes I used to a professional. I have gone 208mph for over 10 minutes before.", "We can go riding together some day, if you would like.", "Yes I do. I hope your head isn't too big!", "Make sure you have long sleeves and jeans. We have to use protection of course." ]
[ "Yes, very dangerous, especially if you dont have any experience riding them", "Yes, I am a fan, but I have never driven a motorcycle. Have you?", "Oh wow! You are insane! I guess I should try it someday", "Yes, I'd love that. Do you have an extra helmet for me?", "Haha, you are funny! What should I wear?", "Yes, I will make sure to do that. What is the best weather for riding motorcycles?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah i am sure there are like kawasaki .", "i have high blood pressure , i eat healthy so i can keep riding motorcycles", "wow , went extreme , i guess i could something different", "we can take my car , even though i am sure its just as fast as my motorcycle", "thank you for the concern ! i do not because of how small i am", "yes please ! i will take note of that . thank you so much !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I would be fine if I never rode one ever again", "I would be fine if I never rode one ever again", "Wow! You are crazy, ha ha - i probably would have had a panic attack at 90MPH. :p", "Sure ! I know I can!", "It's big but I am ready for it though.", "I only wear shorts!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes very dangerous if you dont have the experience, athletic ability or technical knowledge to remain safe.", "Yes, most time i am scared of future events", "in the UK motorcycles have 16 times the rate of serious injuries than cars", "That sounds like a great idea! Do you know if you want to get a two or three wheel motorbike?", "Safety glasses can also help if there are flying debris.", "Definitely wear a life vest! it will keep you afloat in water and could save your life" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to vote.", "i don t like working long hours." ]
[ "I just barely passed my math class. ", "Are you pretty bad with math?" ]
[ "Yes, it makes my head hurt.", "I should try that but I don't know if I have the time.", "True, but I don't think I will be taking that many more math classes.", "Don't need it for work.", "I bet. What is your degree?", "Wow, that must require a lot of hours of studying." ]
[ "Tutoring helped me out when I was having trouble with math.", "I know but its easier to \"get it\" now then later in classes like calc or stats.", "Why is that?", "Oh okay I needed calc II and stats NI for my degree. Those were FUN", "Business but a general degree should have specialized in computer info systems or accounting", "All college requires a lot of hours of study. Still did fine" ]
{ "convai2": [ "math", "what subject are you tutoring in ?", "ll what do you mean . i'm the tutor i don't need to take notes", "ll what do you mean . i'm the tutor i don't need to take notes", "just basic intro math . flunked the tests to get passed it", "i did not need a tutor lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think you should try to find different ways to go about the problem. I'm not great at math either but I think you could find some online forums willing to help you.", "Just wait til you get to calc II... that's the miserable one.", "Are you a math major?", "Got ya. What kind of work do you currently do?", "my degree was in Medicine", "Yes, but not impossible." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Whenever I think about math, I get apprehension which affects my views about math.", "YOu can never get too bored if you keep learning and know that learning is an important part of life and may even land you a huge carer someday.", "Are you taking any tough courses? I took AP Latin and AP Stats in high school", "Whenever I think about math, I get apprehension which affects my views about math.", "Mine is education, what is yours?", "Yes, I learned about accounting, applied statistics, business communication, business ethics, business law" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy walking for exercise.", "i love watching game of thrones." ]
[ "As I was walking a dog started running towards me.", "Were you scared? Hope it wasn't a mean dog." ]
[ "It was a big dog but I saw his owner down the street call him back", "the dog or the owner?", "He seemed normal, I guess. he went the other way so I didn't talk to him. You have dogs?", "what kind of dogs are they?", "That's great. Do they get along with each other?", "How old are they?" ]
[ "Please tell me that he was friendly and nothing creepy!", "the owner probably.", "Yes, I have 2 dogs at home.", "2 shih tzus", "For the most part they do.", "they are 10 and 6" ]
{ "convai2": [ "he stood me up , but now i've dogs", "it was running around the mall , i thought it was a huge rat .", "it was running around the mall , i thought it was a huge rat .", "one is a big labrador . the other is a little yorkshire terrier !", "they do , they're just stressed", "twelve and fifteen years old" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Please tell me that he was friendly and nothing creepy!", "Well, hopefully, it's dog.", "No but I too have a dog that is great company.", "they were mutts but they kind of look like labs, mixed with rottweillers!", "Yea, they do, but they're getting old. Makes me scared.", "3 and 4. They came running in here and wasted my last Dr Pepper." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It sounds like that dog filed the role of companionship for its owner.", "Maybe we had a wolf-dog! I have no idea, our dog had some wild parts to him. He was sweet and sometimes not so sweet! I think better to have a chill dog like you.", "I do. I have a German Shepherd.", "They are medium to large dog.", "Nope. They coexist pretty well. :) He is for sure my best friend", "1 year old! I also have an American Bulldog." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i ve been a vegan since i was 5.", "i have two brothers." ]
[ "I was really happy to hear about this guy that I used to know that was an alcoholic.", "Was it good news?" ]
[ "No, terrible news but I was still happy" ]
[ "Why was it terrible news? Did he get arrested?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "was it bad news then ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's has to be a relief. Hopefully he won't fall off the wagon. With alcoholism it's one day at a time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did he ever do anything risky like drink and drive?" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "my favorite thing to do is research race cars in my free time.", "i like swimming." ]
[ "If I am being honest, I was bummed when my brother got a full ride to college.", "Oh really?" ]
[ "Yeah I kind of bummed around too much and thought the money would always comes easy. I'm a bit jealous I guess.", "University of Minnesota. At least he froze most of the time haha", "I like to walk in the woods or any place where there is pure nature and quiet. Other than that I am pretty much a homebody. U?", "Oh wow. WHile I should have been in school in my eraly 20's I was also a car nut and built up a 67 Camaro.", " It really would. I had to sell way back and I still dream about it.", "Ahh yeah. Warm weather for sure. This cool, grey fall stuff along with my rich brother has me bummed lately." ]
[ "Well, He is still family. What college did he go to?", "Wow that is pretty eh in the middle of nowhere. Do you have any hobbies?", "I kind of am the same way, Outside of my quiet time. I Love to research race cars using extra spare time", "That is a respectable build, would prob be worth money now a days. ", "I bet, A big house on a hill with a pool since I enjoy Swimming, with a 67 Camaro in the garage. What a sight ", "Why, Having fortunate family members I think is something to be grateful for" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh i see . i felt bad for a minute .", "minnesota state university", "i'm poor . seen a lot . i moved passed it , fell in love with nature", "hah they are great cars . i cannot afford one yet , until i graduate", "i'd still buy to help you get richer , never too much money", "i'd still buy to help you get richer , never too much money" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What college did he end up going to?", "In what college did he go?", "Yup. I'm guessing you're a homebody yourself", "wow camaros are awesom.i just got a new suv", "I know how you feel, you don't have to sell it buddy", "I love the fall." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's crazy to think he did all of that without ever having finished high school.", "Where did you go to school?", "Sure but I don't leave near one. You just gotta find an interesting place to go.", "I know there were four distinct generation of the Camaro before production ended in 2002. So how so your was from 2011?", "That reminds me of that Black Keys song I Got Mine", "It's not gloomy, they had an episode about Snuffy's parents getting a divorce on Sesame Street haha" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to use a lot of exclamation marks when i type.", "playing quake on slackware linux makes me happy." ]
Quake (video game)
[ "Yeah I'm a big fan of video games, Ive been playing them since I was a kid.", "Cool. Do you like FPS games? The genre shares common traits with other shooter games." ]
[ "I like them some but my favorite game is minecraft I play it often.", "I love cooking how about you, do you like to cook?", "It's one of my passions. I also coach cheerleading in my free time.", "I love watching gymnastics it's so much fun.", "IT is I love watching it during the olympic games ", "Yes they're great I love watching it." ]
[ "nice , that takes me back to when i was a kid .", "i can cook, but I am not too crazy about cooking.", "Cool. There are other related things like cheerleading and gymnastics that are great to watch too.", "I love the sport, it's so fast paced.", "Yeah especially in the olympic games that happen every four years, they are the best of the best.", "Yes I love watching them play and enjoy themselves." ]
{ "convai2": [ "nice , that takes me back to when i was a kid .", "love it ! like cooking as well but i'm no where near a gourmet .", "oh fun ! i used to be a cheerleader when i was younger !", "i am sure they are . they are fun to watch .", "cool . those are always fun to watch .", "me too , i don't have a lot of time to do it anymore though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is your favorite game?", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "My mom does that for a living. I could probably be good at it.", "I love the sport, it's so fast paced.", "I do like to watch it in the olympics or sure though!", "Yes I love watching them play and enjoy themselves." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have heard of minecraft b/c my neices love it! It is a video game created by swedish designer Markus Persson correct?", "I do like to cook, but prefer great restaurants like Chez Panisse.", "Cool. There are other related things like cheerleading and gymnastics that are great to watch too.", "I agree and cheerleaders are so fit as their competitive routines range from one to three minutes with tumbling, dancing, jumping, cheering and performing stunts.", "Yeah especially in the olympic games that happen every four years, they are the best of the best.", "I also love when the last couple is declared the champion and wins a trophy" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am a older lady.", "i love to eat cheese." ]
[ "When i was younger, my mother would always take away my PC because I would always play video games on them.", "I was the same way." ]
[ "Do you still play video games via the PC?", "oh man, what games do you play now?", "i miss playing video games i dont have much time anymore", "what is your background I have a medical background which limits my free time", "Oh nice, my husband is in sales. I am sure he is very envious of you with your businesses.", "Not much more to ask for in my opinion. " ]
[ "I play video games on my phone now. Not so much on my PC", "I play Homescapes. It makes me motivated to fix up my house.", "I've never been one to play a lot of video games. My kids always liked playing them.", "I've owned several businesses. I'm an artist.", "I have freedom . I own my home. I get to go to the beach. So, life is good...Then again, I'm old.", "True, if you are happy, you have it all." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no , i prefer playing on the computer .", "call of duty black ops 3 . i just found it , love new things", "me too . i didn't like all the glitches they had .", "my mom took care of me , she still works at a bank .", "i'd but i take care of mom so it s hard to make lots of money .", "yeah , but i at least ought to be able to retire nicely on the beach ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Now that I am older though, my girlfriend tries to take away my Pc. Very rough days in my life.", "Video games.", "Ah yes, I know what you mean. Nowadays we barely have time to just play games.", "Oh. I don't know how medical school works. I am studying srt history.", "Now that I am older though, my girlfriend tries to take away my Pc. Very rough days in my life.", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You mean the electronic games that involve interaction with a user interface? Yeah I play all the time.", "I like arcade games. You?", "I don't enjoy playing video games either. My kids enjoy them, but my husband and I monitor to always ensure they are nonviolent.", "BA at UT. Masters at Columbia.", "Sales seems like a tough job. Would you consider that personal finance?", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to invest in the stock market.", "i want to move to london when i get older." ]
Red Hot Chili Peppers
[ "Yes It is spicy but its good for cold winters", "Lol! Its not a spices ,that was an exaggeration, but a rock band .The group's musical style primarily consists of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements from other genres such as punk rock " ]
[ "I know I was just kidding, they are my favorite band.", "Oh, what do you do for work?", "Well I could always use some tips.", "Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.", "I am a high school teacher.", "I am sorry to hear that. High school can be rough." ]
[ "Haha sorry my day job is very boring, I am not so used to humor! ", "I am a financial analyst and I study stocks all day. Do you need financial help? ", "Yes if I were you I would look into Microsoft stock. I hope you can make some money on it. ", "What do you for a living my friend?", "That's cool. I used to get bullied in high school a lot. Not fun.", "It sure was. What grade do you usually teach?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "lol , no worries ! where do you live ?", "just your typical boring job , not much interesting about me there . what do you do ?", "i can help you out as long as you have the passion !", "do a lot of research to ensure you aren't buying a bad car . good luck", "oh . i'm a high school teacher as well . . what food do you like ? m", "it can be . it was a bit of a learning curve ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!", "I do sales work! Not the best but pays the bills!", "It's only a joke.", "No problem!", "Oh that's fun, teachers are some of the most underpaid people in the world.", "Yea, college was rough for me." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Lol! Its not a spices ,that was an exaggeration, but a rock band .The group's musical style primarily consists of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements from other genres such as punk rock", "We incorporated a lot of odd rhythms, I would say we were Post-Hardcore/progressive rock, I was the musical voice of the band so to speak", "I think Dave Ramsey has a good program for beginners in financial literacy", "No problem. Also if you like rock at all, Id look at the album Hunting Party.", "So you are a professional teacher and get paid to teach.", "One thing I do miss about high school is those Friday night games." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work at a candy store.", "i played football in college." ]
[ "I do too, especially in the summer", "I like the feeling of my feet in the sand and the sand is usually made of tiny gravel, pebbles, or cobblestones." ]
[ "I get to go to the beach frequently because my job is close to it", "I work front desk at a beachfront hotel. I really enjoy it. what do you do?", "wow that's awesome. I'd love to do that. Maybe I can do it while I'm at my desk at work.", "that's great. it'd be nice to make some extra money", "I do too. I have to do it a lot, but I have some time where I don't do much", "I watch youtube videos a lot." ]
[ "Awesome, what do you do for your job?", "I work from home doing various tasks online. I love having the flexibility ", "I bet you could as long as long as you get some quiet moments and your boss doesn't mind. I do one of my contracts from my phone", "do some research online. You would be surprised how many opportunities are out there. I enjoy multitasking", "What do you like to do when you are not working?", "Yeah, I enjoy watching video as well" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds awesome ! i just don't like the dusty sand .", "it is a great job to have . by the beach , water , sand helping people .", "i mostly have weekends off but summer vacation is nice to have", "yes , that is a great perk ! what do you do for work ?", "i mostly have weekends off but summer vacation is nice to have", "i do that as well ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "There's more stuff to do than the beach though!", "I work at the bank", "I am sure you could", "Yeah, definitely. I'm always looking for ways to make more money.", "I love to enjoy my free time too.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The sand feels so good under your feet. Beaches can also have gravel, pebblies, or rock.", "I design structures that are able to shield people from things like rain and hail. I also an concerned with energy preservation and protection of natural resources.", "Yeah people do lots of activities. like travel, work, internships, language studies, etc", "yeah and what if you're not happy at work it can get in the way of your success", "Yeah people do lots of activities. like travel, work, internships, language studies, etc", "What would we do without Youtubes video-sharing? My kids like watching other kids play with toys lol" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to drive my car.", "i enjoy travel." ]
[ "My mother died last night my friend. I am pretty out of it right now.", "oh im so sorry, please don't worry, i know it's tough but i learned that death is only a beginning not the end " ]
[ "That is a good way to look at it.", "I have been listening to my favorite band, Rancid. It has been helping. ", "Oh they are so good live!", "Where have you traveled? I'm only 26 so I haven't been around much. ", "Oh wow you must have a lot of money to be able to do that!", "That is very impressive. I should get out and explore the world. " ]
[ "Yeah I try not to let it get too me much. When i feel like it is I take a long drive. I adore my car", "Oh I seen them live before they are great! im glad its helping", "Yep I love to travel so I went to cali to see them", "26 is the perfect age to travel! And ive been to every state and to many european countries", "No No not at all! I just save look for deals and live frugally", "Yeah you should! make sure to plan well" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , we cannot avoid death . it will come when it is time", "i should listen to that . i've been pretty depressed lately .", "haha yeah i wish i could see them live", "born in nyc but moved my mom was traveling rn", "heck yeah ! part of why i planned the trip ! saved up", "haha you can go and travel the world ! where would you want to go ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "all you can do is stay positive , all we can hope is our brothers will one day wake up before its to late", "Oh I like them too. I like that song I think it is called \"Change\". It is so good.", "It's good to hear they were good live, that can't be said about every group.", "I just got to Vietnam. When I was in Thailand I met so many people. Now I just cant stop thinking of home.", "Its not that bad. I'll get to Europe one day lol", "I know I will. No where to go but up!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I would rather belive in reincarnation myself, that seems better, starting a new life instead of true death in whatever sense that may be", "i saw Rancid one at Gilman Street in Berkelely California once", "i saw Rancid one at Gilman Street in Berkelely California once", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "You can do it. Then set your sights even higher maybe the Oregon trail" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i talk a lot in irc.", "i like pepsi." ]
[ "what ? how would that be ? like video games .", "i like video games . they're fun !" ]
[ "I use video games as a distraction", "Pepsi is okay but i like coke more. I'm a closeted gay.", "I just needed that off my chest my parents don't know. Do you like coke too?", "That's a fair point about pepsi. I've delved in IRC a few times but not a lot", "IRC has a charm to it, it feels almost nostalgic.", "It's cool that some people keep it alive. Maybe it will make a come back?" ]
[ "They can be a way to zone out for sure..I play too many video games im sure..Do you like Pepsi? I sure do!", "Okay thats cool..Im straight but its fine whith me lol...", "Yea coke is good to sure, I just like pepsi alittle more because it is sweeter! Besides here I talk alot on IRC too..Do you?", "Yea its sweeter so probabally worse for you lol..Yeah people dont use IRC as much as they did.", "Yes it does seem that way..Usage has actually declined since 2003 alot..", "Yes , It will some day I hope lol i do like the old school feel..So Ive been very bored.. What did you do today" ]
{ "convai2": [ "or distraction . . . . . its crazy how its caught on", "or distraction . . . . . its crazy how its caught on", "yap . . its my favorite . . my tongue can handle it", "yeah its weird ! ! but i do enjoy the chatting !", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . .", "or distraction . . . . . its crazy how its caught on" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Video games is my plan lol.", "im straight but the way my dad raised me , he said to respect all sexes , and what ever religion i choose was up to me , i have never gone to church", "RC Cola lol. I havent had that is years", "This chat has three people in it, it seems. I am talking to two separate Worker_2's.", "Thats what helped me when I moved away. Video chatting makes it feel like youre still there", "Yes , It will some day" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I don't enjoy playing video games either. My kids enjoy them, but my husband and I monitor to always ensure they are nonviolent.", "Maybe you're d inking diet Pepsi? I love Pepsi. Caleb Bradham developed it in 1893.", "Yea coke is really good, I like everything by the coca-cola company.", "Sorry, I just realized that IRC usage has actually declined a lot since 2003 at a 60% loss", "Sorry, I just realized that IRC usage has actually declined a lot since 2003 at a 60% loss", "Sorry, I just realized that IRC usage has actually declined a lot since 2003 at a 60% loss" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i work as a freight truck driver.", "i love to travel." ]
System of a Down
[ "Yeah you should check it out on YouTube. I am listening to them right now. Can you tell me when they formed their band?", "I'm not sure , but they were nominated for four grammy awards for thei song BYOB. Do you know that song?" ]
[ "NO NEVER HEARD IT ", "oh that sounds need i am sure it was awesome", "i like traveling what about you ", "oh awesome where do you travel", "california new york chicago", "i would love to go to london what about you" ]
[ "They're songs are very EDM-pop. They're breakthrough song was #Selfie, which was Top 20 in many countries.", "sure was ! so , what do you like to do in your free time bill ?", "I also enjoy traveling!", "i love to travel everywhere ! where have you been ?", "Awesome. Where would you love to travel next?", "Longdon would be great. But I would love to visit Israel" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i've never heard it . what is that song about ?", "sure was ! so , what do you like to do in your free time bill ?", "not really , just listening to music . oh , and i've already visited all the continents .", "i love to travel everywhere ! where have you been ?", "nice ! i've never been to california before . sounds wonderful !", "i'd like to go to london ? where would you want to go ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well there ya go, I didn't know. The Weeknd sounds like a band, more than just one person.", "Yes, hopefully they will tour next year.", "I also enjoy traveling!", "I'm in South Korea at the moment.", "Wow! Have you been to many places?", "You should look at it - such an amazing city" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They're songs are very EDM-pop. They're breakthrough song was #Selfie, which was Top 20 in many countries.", "Yeah they had a breakout single called \"#Selfie\" which was a top twenty song in many counties.", "Yeah, I love to travel! Although, I usually go for short stays but move a lot.", "Somewhere far away like Japan, but I like to keep my stay short because I get homesick sometimes.", "Do you have any summer trips planned.", "Maybe Hertfordshire because it has a cool sounding name lol." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i love people with a sense of humor.", "i like to drink tea." ]
[ "lol . . . i can say the same as well . what do you do for your free time ?", "i relax . can i offer you an egg in this trying time ?" ]
[ "Why I love a good egg, so I can't refuse. How will you prepare it?", "That's a classic book. I used to read it to my son while he was growing up!", "Who is your favorite author? ", "His work is very dark, I love it. Are you into dark humor?", "You seem to be very knowledgeable. Are you an english major?", "That's good, not very good career prospects." ]
[ "Green eggs and ham", "Yeah I read it several times", "I would say Edgar Allan Poe", "Yeah, I really like it. Definitely love dark humor. Jeselnik is pretty great.", "Nope. Not at all.", "Yeah. I'm a Psych major in grad school" ]
{ "convai2": [ "but are you going to prepare it your self or wanna buy from a restaurant ?", "my kids just asked me to read green eggs and ham . i do not like that story .", "that's a hard question . i'd have to say the bible", "not so much that kind for me but hey anything to get out of humor", "mostly , though i briefly thought about being a literature major .", "it is all good . you stay in school and get your education ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im going to make chicken parm. IT one dish I do well", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "breguet", "Not at all lol", "No I am not.", "Well thanks for nothing lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It depends on what you want .egg-shaped, glossy, purple fruit has white flesh with a meaty texture.", "Green Eggs and Ham is a wonderful childrens book.", "I really like Gail Sidonie Sobat.", "yes I love how it is surreal humor that has meaning in the lives that we live lol", "yes I am.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to race go carts.", "i am an avid fisherman." ]
[ "I do know it is known for it's spices.", "I know that curry is a popular cuisine in India. I've tried it, it is good." ]
[ "my father is from India, so i have had a lot of the cuisine ", "it has some really interesting flavors, but not many greens", "green is my favorite color, so i am a little biased, lol", "that is a great choice!", "hunting, fishing, and golf are my choices for outdoor activities ", "and BBQ. do that at least 3 times a month" ]
[ "Lucky i love indian food!", "Thats fine by me im not a big fan of greens!", "Haha I get it! I love curry with fish probably cause i love to fish", "Yep! fishing is my favorite thing to do i mean after racing go carts", "Oh we have that in common too!", "Whats your favorite thing to bbq?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes .", "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes .", "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes .", "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes .", "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes .", "my dad is from india so we eat a lot of indian dishes ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is interesting, what things do you do while living in America to keep your heritage alive?", "I'm not a big fan of spinach myself.", "I am a rainbow person if you know what I mean", "i love eating everything i sea too", "Golf? I could never get into it.", "Sounds delicious, get some queso too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Nice! I love curry specifically. It's usually a dish prepared in a sauce.", "What about darjeeling or Chinese greens?", "What about darjeeling or Chinese greens?", "fish is good, but as long as it's appropriate to the cuisine, like Indonesian food would be good", "I really do like outdoor activies too like natural walks out of the town.", "Well yes! bbq in a must, one of the contributions to the culture of the american south and beyond from memphis" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm allergic to nuts.", "i love book." ]
[ "i am great , about to grill up some steaks", "sounds awesome , i do not have a grill at uni" ]
[ "Oh thats terrible. Maybe a park? It is a lot of fun.", "It is a lot of fun with friends and family. But I got to have my coffee first!", "me too. I actually have a lot of different flavors. I might take to far lol", "I have like 5 different flavors. But I think I am just not normal. ", "Yes, and star buck's cost way too much!", "Sounds peaceful!! I am just too cheap!" ]
[ "I should check that out, I think there is a park close by.", "I love coffee too, I drink one first thing every morning.", "I guess I am boring, I only like a few flavors.", "It is fine. I wish I like more kinds, some of them look really good.", "No kidding, but I still go often to drink coffee and read.", "Totally understandable, I should save money too." ]
{ "convai2": [ "well the park is close by . we could meet there", "that sounds good ! i usually opt for coffee .", "do it soon because it is getting cold . grilling up a cheeseburger right now .", "i wish i was normal , people think i am disgusting", "true , they can be just as expensive lol .", "lol , i totally understand , well maybe you can spend more time at home if you can ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I will try that when the weather is cooler", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "How can you not be what?", "They're not cheap let me tell ya", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yea steaks are great anytime of year or day, love meat", "who likes coffee, who doesn't? the best is starbucks.", "good thing i don't drink caffeine :)", "yea im basically the opposite myself", "I agree to that, they arent reliable either anyway.", "oh.same to you." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my wife makes the best pasta.", "i draw all the time and i am good at it." ]
[ "My daughter sang in a chorus concert. She did so well. She has a beautiful voice. ", "She must have a lovely voice!" ]
[ "She does, I was so proud of her.", "Probably not, I wear pretty dingy clothes.", "That's so true! They're really easy to ride my skateboard in lol", "What do you like to draw?" ]
[ "Your family is most likely just as proud!", "Dingy clothes can sometimes be the most comfortable to wear", "I'm not good at skateboarding..the only thing I'm really good at is drawing", "I like to draw portraits of pets" ]
{ "convai2": [ "my daughter liked her too", "absolutely this is true . my clothes are also not great .", "they are dingy which is i think a kind of boat ?", "i use to draw a lot , but most of my free time goes to my daughter" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Your family is most likely just as proud!", "Don't you pick out your own clothes?", "I never have cool clothes.", "That's cool, I'm pretty bad at drawing, but you must be pretty good." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah she's a class act. I think it comes from singing in church during her childhood. Obviously gave her great experience.", "That sounds like it could be pretty uncomfortable to have to wear every day?", "First skateboards were wooden with wheels on the bottom do you have one like that?", "I love to draw characters from the TV show Zeke's Pad, it's a real fun animated show with great characters" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a girlfriend named luis , and she goes to my college.", "i am 25 years old and live with my parents." ]
[ "I'm going to drive a truck. Never driven a car that big before.", "I'm sorry, but I don't envy you... I've always just driven a little sedan. I'm an alright driver, but if I had to drive something bigger, I'd be nervous, too. Too easy for me to make mistakes. I kind of dread the day where I'll have to drive a big Uhaul truck. I hope things go well for you, though." ]
[ "Folks say that trucks are not that much different. Just a little top heavy.", "True. But when you're moving, it's great to get everything done in one trip.", "Not question about that. I heard there are some really good restaurants along that corridor.", "It's like a really good road trip, with family, new restaurants, and good music. Especially 80's rock.", "Same here. Old time rock and roll is the best music. Can you even call the new stuff 'music' these days?", "Same for me and my partner. But the kids cringe at the thought. Are you traveling anytime soon?" ]
[ "That's the nice part about a truck. Plenty of room. Terrible gas mileage.", "especially if you have family . definitely have to save and prioritize that money .", "there is, i like to eat at good restaurants.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "some of the music is enjoyable, but i prefer the older kind of music.", "i might be, it depends on where we decide and when we decide to go." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i believe it . i'm not much of a car person though . would love a truck instead .", "especially if you have family . definitely have to save and prioritize that money .", "i worry about parking when somewhere new . ll , what about the food truck ?", "yes , i'm sure many would agree with that . the new country is more like pop .", "yes , i'm sure many would agree with that . the new country is more like pop .", "no , i am going on a road trip with family . i love road trips ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's the nice part about a truck. Plenty of room. Terrible gas mileage.", "I can see the appeal. I have the opposite situation. Tiny sub-compact, but goes a long time on a tank.", "There aren't many restaurants where I live. Only fast food.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "I agree, and most of the music is older music, too.", "No, that's out of the question. I'm behind on I'm trying to catch up during what is the most expensive time of year for's rough." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah, I get a kick out of the name, seeing as \"Sport Utility Vehicles,\" while built on a light-truck chassis, are mainly operated as a family vehicle. So, they're designed to be used on rougher surfaces, but you usually mostly see them on the city streets and highways!", "Yeah it would be especially cool to own your truck and drive like some people do.", "You know what's great? Food trucks. They don't just sell greasy diner food anymore. A lot of them sell gourmet food these days.", "Speaking of music. Ever hear about the show about the Beatles that ran on Saturday mornings in the 1960s?", "Yep I prefer classic rock myself. Although to answer your previous question, I just remembered the song that peaked on the Billboard. It was Shape of You, maybe you heard it on the radio?", "Maybe right now, But i am also like the S*x Pistols, an english punk rock band: people like me for awhile, but then they just don't want to see or hear from me ever again. Do you know what i mean?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "cher from clueless is my idea of perfection.", "i drive a fast sports car." ]
[ "I ran into my husband's car in the driveway today but lied about it/", "Oh no, was there any damage?" ]
[ "no ", "i think i did nothing ", "yes i think so", "yes true. you like dogs?", "you like cats", "thats cool" ]
[ "What did you lie to him about?", "Do you think he knows the truth? ", "Maybe it's best then if you admit it to him", "I actually don't like dogs", "I love cats", "which do you prefer" ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "what happened ? what did he do ?", "oh , who knows . he doesn't want to be responsible any longer .", "yes , i don t like dogs really", "yes , i don t like dogs really", "his" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What did you lie to him about?", "Have you lied about something like that before?", "Well, he is probably lying.", "I like dogs", "I prefer dogs but I still like cats.", "I prefer dogs but I still like cats." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! Was there any injury or property damage?", "Well, he may not have. Reasons vary. It could be he's just not a very nice guy and you'll be better off ultimately!", "Thank you! I just don't want his heart to be broken!", "Yeah I like dogs! I like the gray wolf too as they are closely related.", "I do, I just love those little carnivorous mammals", "the oug breed of dog is kind of cute" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my hair is short.", "my father is dead." ]
Auto mechanic
[ "in America we usually call them mechanics. You seem to know a lot about them, would you tell me more", "Oh yea!, well what they basically do is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly." ]
[ "Oh I understand that. I work on cars for a living so I can relate. " ]
[ "i wish i was good at mechanics , those bills are high !" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i wish i was good at mechanics , those bills are high !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do as well, but the mechanic has the advantage." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh well my Their job usually involves the repair of a specific part or the replacement of one or more car parts usually." ] }
[ "convai2" ]
[ "i don t like pickles.", "my favorite color is black." ]
[ "i do not think my pickles would", "that's funny ! your cat pickles made me think of my lack of liking pickles ." ]
[ "Really? I like pickles; they make for a great snack sometimes. ", "Wow, that's an interesting combination! I'd be willing to try it.", "Spaghetti sauce from scratch is the best! I like to pair my spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread. ", "I like parmesan cheese too! I like to buy the fresh kind that you have to grate. It is so flavorful!", "I bet! I have Italy on my bucket list. I've heard the food is delicious there.", "I agree! What other places would you like to visit?" ]
[ "I eat pickles with spaghetti", "My husband makes spaghetti sauce from scratch, but not with pickles ", "Garlic bread is my favorite but I like to add a lot of parmesan cheese", "I would love to go to Italy, the food there must be awesome!", "Well it seems like a place everyone should check out!", "I would love to go to Switzerland. I'm a travel agent and there are a lot of places on my bucket list." ]
{ "convai2": [ "the pickles are the best part of the whole experience though !", "spaghetti is great and quick and easy to make", "got to admit , have never tried that combo", "for real ! that's my go to snack while i study", "it is on my bucket list , maybe we can meet up for lunch when i go", "venice for sure , what do you do for fun ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love pickles and I always order extra! We must be twins!", "I have never tried and never will lol", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out.", "They sell them in mild too!", "Well it seems like a place everyone should check out!", "I would suggest Fiji it's so nice there I went in august!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are also good! i think inmediatlly on mcdonalds when i hear the word pickles, and big mac as one of their signature products", "Spaghetti all puttanesca literally means the spaghetti of the whore lol", "I am not a big fan of most sheep and goat cheeses but I do like feta", "My mom, she is so old school she adds cheese and some bechamel sauce to create a mornay sauce", "Agreed! I would really love to visit there soon. Who doesn't want to spend a bunch of time eating pasta and pizza?", "I would love to visit Spain and Portugal, really explore the Iberian Peninsula. How about you?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i pay my employees minimum wage.", "i'm married with one child." ]
[ "i feel like nobody listens to me when i talk", "you did ? tell me about it ." ]
[ "It's been this way for some time now.", "Sadness has always been a part of my family.", "I guess it's my fault. I don't expect folks to listen, so I don't try hard enough to make a point.", "Yes. But it's hard to share my feelings. Because I don't believe anyone cares. And I drink a lot.", "I don't. It's not everyday. It happened after I lost someone I loved.", "Relationship. Now I have my doubts about love. It's not real." ]
[ "if it's been going on for so long, why do you think that is?", "Sorry to hear about that. But why does sadness prevent others from not listening to you?", "But I'm listening to you right now, even though I don't have to!", "Do you think you have a drinking problem?", "sorry to hear about that. Was it a family member or a person in a relationship or a friend?", "Well, don't feel guilty over feeling this way. You can't help your emotions." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "i surround myself with my many friends when i am sad .", "that so ? you believe yourself to be blameless ?", "that does not justify saying that it is no wonder i've depression over a phone .", "oh i see . i was addicted to alcohol and i just coming out of it .", "but can you advise me on how to do away with that bad feeling ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Perhaps you should join Facebook.", "I am sorry to hear that. Maybe you should go see a counselor for help.", "You should work on that.Be a better version of yourself.", "That's when you drink more and talk to everyone around you and make a good time for yourself!", "That sucks, hopefully nothing you can't replace. I'd suggest getting some help if your drinking has become distructive.", "Find some good books and good therapy and make your life what you want it to be. If you truly love your partner then don't lose them over feelings. Feelings are fleeting." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind.", "I can understand where you are coming from. I always feel down low and sad.", "oh.same to you.", "Have you considered talking to someone to help your addiction to alcohol?", "Have you considered talking to someone to help your addiction to alcohol?", "Well, don't feel guilty over feeling this way. You can't help your emotions, but it would benefit you much to go to therapy." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my parents own a business that i am now running.", "i'm traveling to barbados next month." ]
National Hockey League
[ "He's a big Leafs fan - I do know enough about the sport to know he's probably in for another year of disappointment LOL", "Well currently the National Hockey League consists of 31 teams. There are seven in Canada and the rest spread out through the United States. " ]
[ "Haha thats interesting! Hockey is my most favorite sport", "What is your favorite?", "Oh neato! I love a good football game too", "Haha whats your favorite football snack?", "For me im not picky anything will do as long as it dosent have sugar in it", "Lucky because of health problems im forced to avoid it" ]
[ "i like hockey also, but it is not my favorite sport.", "my favorite sport is football.", "Yes, I love it more than any other sport.", "french fries or a hamburger", "i love to eat sugar on my meals. it is delicious.", "yeah that would be tough . i have had good luck with my health ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love the maple leafs ! they are my favorite team .", "i love the maple leafs ! they are my favorite team .", "i love the maple leafs ! they are my favorite team .", "honestly anything easy to chew . what is yours ?", "well nothing wrong with that sugar !", "yeah that would be tough . i have had good luck with my health ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do like to watch it in the olympics or sure though!", "Pretty much every single sport, but especially basketball.", "Yes, I love it more than any other sport.", "whatever team is winning!!!", "They don't need any sugar anyways", "They don't need any sugar anyways" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What tem do you support. I understand that Hockey is most popular in Canada, central and eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and the United States.", "I am a big Bobby Orr fan, he played 10 seasons with the Boston Bruins. So I would say the Boston Bruins.", "I also like football, but the once where to kick the ball to score.", "Probably pretzels and hummus dip, because it is healthier. What about you??", "French fries would be the ideal side along with some coleslaw.", "Be safe occasionally you can develop pneumonia." ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "so i started a small business.", "i recently graduated from college." ]
[ "I found out I get my birthday off from work and still get paid!", "Nice! Is that a perk of your job or did you have to use a vacation day?" ]
[ "a perk of my job", "oh wow you need some time to relax what is your job like ", "oh wow small businesses are a big job to do so i understand why you haven't been off well maybe soon you will have a break", "yes have you been to canada", "me too never been yet. my job is busy i am up 4am everday how about you?", "yes i understand the long hours are hard on me too" ]
[ "That sounds awesome. I wish I could take a day off. ", "I just started a small business. ", "I hope so but I understand why I can't yet.", "No, but I want to. It looks so beautiful.", "I work really long hours now but I hope as things get going I will have to work less hours.", "But hey who knows maybe in the future we will be able to go vacationing to Canada." ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh really ? it is my birthday soon . thank you !", "my boss let me know of the pay and i had to get in on it .", "oh really ? it is my birthday soon . thank you !", "its my first time to be there as part of my birthday celebrations .", "oh no , i can not take that time off . there is always so much to do .", "as long as i've to work i wish i made a higher salary ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I wish I could be as lucky as you. Well happy belated birthday.", "I work from home. It is very interesting and it pays decent. No boss! Thats the best part.", "Hopefully.", "No, I've never been there either.", "heh well at least you can be here while working", "Birthday wishes come true. You will have to work at it still though." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's awesome! What do you do?", "It's pretty fun. The pay isn't great, but it keeps me busy. Decent work for now.", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "No but canada is a country id love to visit sometime, heard they just legalized weed as well", "My day was great, Its so busy and all with fixing cars which is rewarding because it also pays well.", "HAve you heard of Flextime? You can alter your hours to suit your life." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am lusting after the neighbour pool boy.", "i tend to argue with myself more than i argue with myself." ]
Cabana boy
[ "I bet that was interesting. I sure wish I had a pool for him to clean. I want to talk to him one day.", "Just remember, pool boys are people too! They aren't just swimming pool furniture!" ]
[ "too bad I cannot take the dogs. I have two of them", "lol. ok, maybe he can meet my pitbull or old english bulldog ", "want to move to the country to have more space. love the country", "out in the sticks. city life is enjoyable, but just for a visit", "yeah, convenience can be persuasive ", "lol... " ]
[ "yeah, i get it. no pool boys but lifeguards can still be quite a snack.", "i myself have a bulldog love the little buggers. ", "where to though?", "yeah, the hustle and bustle can be overwhelming but i like where i am. i tend to try to convince myself to stay here tho.", "not as persuasive as that vision of a pool boy next door though loool.", "i'm not even a fan of going to pools, too dirty. Just him." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hear you . no pool boys , but lifeguards can be delicious . . . lol .", "haha , probably . he is a sweet lil guy who loves tuna and is not mean .", "where would you move to ?", "a pool house sounds nice . do you live in california ?", "very true . anything you want to tell me about yourself ?", "ignore my thoughts about the neighbor pool boy ;" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Haha! That's funny because I was thinking the same thing! Maybe I will just save money to get my own pool.", "Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever.", "What country? If you don't mind sharing...I'm in South Texas and loving it :)", "small town country life is much more my speed", "Yup. I'm guessing you're a homebody yourself", "ha! I don't even want to go to the pool" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, don't let it completely deter you! As long as you learn what kind of exercise they can handle and keep them out of the heat and relaxed, it will be fine!", "Bulldogs are pretty aggressive, though! During WWII, they were likened to Winston Churchill", "If you move out and are able to get one, maybe you should! They're considered some of the best, most prized hunting and sporting dogs as well.", "What are some activities you like to do in the city?", "Yeah thats true. Maybe I'll move down there when i stop my employment immediately.", "That reminds me of the old song \"God Only Knows\" by the Beach Boys." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my newest car is a chevy.", "my favorite thing to do is read." ]
[ "all 7 of them were mysteries ! what a coincidence .", "crazy . where are you located ? i am in santa monica , california ." ]
[ "I am from Texas lots of cars everywhere ,pretty crowded", "I never learned how to drive but love to see the country when traveling thru the country", "oh really what do you do for fun?", "well scratching my nose,watching films,going out like everyone else.", "that is true I really like watching horror movies and like a good one to scare me.", "good any favorite films that you love to watch?" ]
[ "I love Texas.", "I love driving", "i drive in the country an just have fun , you ?", "That's not a bad way to spend your day. That can be just as fun if you get the right kind of movies.", "i love a good suspense too !", "i like anything to do with mystery" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i really really like love living in texas . tell me about yourself .", "i never , sadly , learned the ways of driving .", "i drive in the country an just have fun , you ?", "i love doing those things . we should be friends lol", "i love a good suspense too !", "i like anything to do with mystery" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love Texas.", "I do not drive at all, i stay home.", "Riding bikes all over the county.", "That's not a bad way to spend your day. That can be just as fun if you get the right kind of movies.", "Yeah, they are way better than scary ones. Seems like there are horror movies coming out every other day now a days.", "Any favorite actors?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can't complain. It's a bit crowded, but not as bad as Houston or San Antonio.", "Same, though you don't find as much scenic beauty at home.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "oh.same to you.", "yea what you dont want to do is watch something like reefer madness or tell your children.. those arent that good", "I really liked Panic Room with Kristen Stewart and Forest Whitaker" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2" ]
[ "my brother is currently couch surfing at my house.", "i love to cook." ]
[ "A girl was actually hitting on me.", "what did you do" ]
[ "I bought her a drink", "Most likely not. I am married but it feels good to be hit on.", "haha, well maybe your young but its like always being with your best friend.", "Yeah, my brother lives about 3 hours away. I wish he lived closer." ]
[ "Are you going to see her again?", "I don't know if I'll ever get married. My brother won't stop sleeping on my couch. ", "That's true, we have fun together. ", "Do you get to visit him often?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "sure . i don't get it . did you hit on me ?", "yeah , you are right . i still love him . i don't know what to do", "do you still live with your brother ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Did you ask for her number afterwards?", "Ah too bad you're married. Pro's and con's", "It totally is.", "Are you guys close? You should visit him sometime?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Sometimes, drink may be an expression of thanks or a resolution a disagreement.", "I don't know if I ever want to get married. Thats a lot of committment.", "It's rough when you have to get to know each other and pretend to care even if you don't.", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok." ] }
[ "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have a big beard.", "i like to go fishing on my viking boat." ]
[ "i had 2 mustangs they both were purple .", "do you like working on them ?" ]
[ "Yes, it's very challenging work but I love to learn new things and be handy.", "Yes, unfortunately I am unemployed right now so maybe not the best. Do you work?", "Yes that's something that is very important to me now. I might become a nomad. ", "I may go the minimalist route and drive by motorcycle only. Wanna join?", "Yes of course, you must be a responsible parent. Maybe someday I will achieve that.", "Yes I can't wait to be a father. However my ex-wife wishes impotence on me every day!" ]
[ "That is a good skill set to have. ", "I work from home as a freelancer. I like multitasking and having flexibility in my schedule. ", "That sounds awesome! Would you travel by RV or another method?", "Everything in me loves the idea of that adventure, but I have kiddos at home", "Kids are an awesome adventure and will happen for you when it is meant to", "Exs can be bitter like that but we do not have to be chained by their own misery" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i can understand why mustangs are awesome", "i refurbish and sell cars , but i love my purple corvette .", "that seems like a good plan . i'm doing my best to find work again .", "sure ! i like learning new things !", "definitely and they need to have their parents around to support them", "haha i feel like that just comes with age and so many things are stressful" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "One day you will own many cars.", "I do IT but only part time", "Sounds like a goal to me. Good luck!", "I might be able to do that, not sure.", "One day.", "Its hard being a parent... but i am sure you are doing it right!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool. Were they good cars? General Motors has had some trouble.", "No I don't. I am retired. I used to work in Journalism. I relax on the beach now.", "What position are you thinking of?", "That sounds like a great idea! Do you know if you want to get a two or three wheel motorbike?", "Yes, i just hope im a good parent to my son!", "Read Winniotts book the good enough mother, Maybe hire somebody for a couple days a week and you just stay home and sleep." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm six feet tall.", "i love to vacation in paris." ]
[ "doing ok . looking for a new job . i lost mine as a banker a couple months ago", "oh no ! i hope you find one soon . i work as a transcriptionist ." ]
[ "that's ok, I didn't like being a banker. I want to be a park ranger actually", "that's great, what do you like about Paris?", "do you speak French?", "what others do you speak?", "Which language do you speak the best?", "I hope you get the chance to work there, good luck!" ]
[ "well i hope you get the job! i love being in my field, i frequently get to go to paris! oh how i love it there.", "The people, the atmosphere, oh its just so romantic i tell you. The local girls tend to like me too, being over 6 feet tall has its perks.", "Oui, haha yes it is one of a few languages i speak.", "I'm fluent in Japanese, German, english and russian.", "well i try to shop myself out there for my french skills. i have a bias towards getting hired to work abroad in france. Mainly in paris.", "oh and i hope you get yours too dear." ]
{ "convai2": [ "good luck ! if you want it bad enough , you will definitely succeed !", "paris was my favorite . . what are your hobbies ?", "actually , no . i just read it . i cannot even speak french . my mouth wo not cooperate !", "spanish , french and korean but certainly not english ; d", "english obviously , french , spanish , and korean . do you speak any other languages ?", "thank you . good luck to you as well . what do you do for fun ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's a tough market out there, but I have faith that you get what you desire!", "It is my favorite place to go for vacation.", "Yea. English of course, then French, Spanisha and Chinese.", "Yea. English of course, then French, Spanisha and Chinese.", "Yea. English of course, then French, Spanisha and Chinese.", "Me too! Same to you, thanks." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What parks? I'm guessing one is the Everglades?", "I saw a lot of modern attractions such as its suburban Disneyland Paris.", "No I don't speak it. But I find them amusing as they try to use English words in the wrong way.", "My first language is English, but I also speak Spanish and French!", "I find learning multiple languages to be fascinating.", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am lactose intolerant.", "i love gummy bears." ]
[ "gummy bears are pretty awesome . i like the red flavor ! and you ?", "orange is actually my favorite flavor and color . do you have a favorite color ?" ]
[ "My favorite color is pink and yourself?", "whats your favorite music genre?", "Yep same here pop music is best . My parents who are both teachers raised me on it", "No absolute favorites! I just like a ton of artists!", "Thats true! And more and more coming out every year!", "Haha im right there with you but it cant be helped lol" ]
[ "Orange but I also like white sometimes.", "I love pop music and listening to oldies. How about you?", "Do you have a favorite artist?", "It is difficult to pick just one. There are so many great ones.", "Yes, and they keep getting younger. It makes me feel old.", "That is true. I guess I am just glad that I don't think all new music is garbage." ]
{ "convai2": [ "my favorite gummy bear is orange . do you like them ?", "gummy bears are the best .", "do your kids like to eat gummy bears ? i do .", "that is pretty great . do you like gummy bears ?", "do your kids like to eat gummy bears ? i do .", "do your kids like to eat gummy bears ? i do ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's pink. My childhood choice is this! It reminds me my childhood.", "bluegrass", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "what kind of music do you like?", "I agree, what's your favorite?", "Can't stay young forever!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like pink! because it is a pale red color and also it is named after a flower of the same name! i like history behind stuf", "I like all sorts of music. I love jazz and classical music. How about you?", "They say pop music is eclectic. it gets its style from other genres like rock, latin music and country.", "Pop music is fun, my favorite is 50s music.", "Michael Jackson, the King of Pop is my favorite.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own 3 cats.", "i deliver packages for a living." ]
[ "i like grape . its my favorite flavor", "what do you do for fun ?" ]
[ "oh yum i like reading what about you", "oh awesome i would love to be a librarian", "oh cool it would be so fun well tell me about your self what color eyes do you have ", "mine are green so cool. interesting to know ", "no what about yours", "yes we all have green to what do you do for fun" ]
[ "Oh I love to read!", "oh , that's awesome . i want to work in the library as librarian !", "I have green eyes. Eye color is determined by phenotypes.", "do any of your parents have different colored eyes ?", "No we all have green eyes in our family.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ]
{ "convai2": [ "reading mostly", "oh , that's awesome . i want to work in the library as librarian !", "i like green eyes . i want to be a librarian , what about you ?", "do any of your parents have different colored eyes ?", "both my parents are red headed", "sometimes i read and watch movies . want to know what kinds ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I LOVE TO READ .. INFACT IT IS A PART OF MY LIFE", "I do love to read as well", "brown. The fathers don't hang around after the babies are born.", "brown eyes arent bad", "brown eyes arent bad", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Sometimes. I like to read about native american tribes.", "Same it would be cool", "I have green eyes. Eye color is determined by phenotypes.", "Thats cool, most shades of green are named after plants.", "Mine is also brown. I guess it all depends on the genetics you inherit from your parents.", "I like green plants." ] }
[ "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite band is dream theater.", "i like being by myself." ]
[ "I can't wait to get my new galaxy note 8!", "That is an awesome phone!" ]
[ "yes it is, it has so many features that are fun to use.", "I phone is just as good as a samsung galaxy. I like using both.", "we all have our differences in phones, i like the samsung better.", "Androids for some reason hold more capacity and are faster then Iphones", "i realize that. Just like Google does.", "not too concerned because i am careful what what I post." ]
[ "I agree, I am more of an iphone person myself. ", "I agree, they are both great. I just prefer the iphone interface more.", "what makes you like samsung better?", "Well android is really just an OS, there are many brands that use android for the OS.", "Are you afraid of privacy with google collecting everything you do?", "Posting is public knowledge. I mean what you do on the phone." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i agree ! that is the main reason i've phone !", "way better than samsung . i guess i m too much into electronics", "i like the iphone better than the samsung", "any other kind of phone is inferior .", "any other kind of phone is inferior .", "probably best for safety and all ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "a good phone is something everyone must have", "Yes, I have an iPhone now and like it pretty good too. I always had Androids before, but I do like Iphone a bit better too!", "Yes, I have an iPhone now and like it pretty good too. I always had Androids before, but I do like Iphone a bit better too!", "Yes, I have an iPhone now and like it pretty good too. I always had Androids before, but I do like Iphone a bit better too!", "Yes, I have an iPhone now and like it pretty good too. I always had Androids before, but I do like Iphone a bit better too!", "Privacy is so important to have sometimes." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ah yes, that version was just released in November/2017. Great phone", "I have owned both, and I prefer Samsung because of the freedom it gives users.", "I have owned both, and I prefer Samsung because of the freedom it gives users.", "Yeah I do like the way they are marketed by Apple though but I definitely have noticed that they purposefully slow down their phones.", "Yep, and Google actually bought them in 2006 for $1.65 Billion.", "Do you also have concerns about Internet privacy or personal data being hacked, I sure do." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like tall men.", "i'm a runner." ]
[ "Spiders are the creepiest things on the planet. I am so scared of those things. ", "I hate spiders! Especially if you know theres one in the room where you are sleeping!" ]
[ "I don't sleep anyway with all the caffeine I drink", "It helps keep me focused on work/school", "how're you doing tonight", "lol I feel that...just killing time", "lol I'm trying to quit juuling but when I'm just at home bored on the computer is when I want it just because I'm not doing anything else", "yeah juul is a type of vape but it's nicotine " ]
[ "The caffeine helps with running for me :D", "That's a good use for it for sure!", "Okay I'm kinda bored though :/", "SAME it's like this most nights i need a hobby lol :p", "Ah that's harsh is it like smoking? I use to vape but no nicotine ", "Ohhh okay i don't really know much about the newer stuff. My vape is old" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ll . . . all the caffeine keeps my energy up", "ll . . . all the caffeine keeps my energy up", "better than the gross spider i had to kill tonight tuck", "ll . . . all the caffeine keeps my energy up", "i understand that . i am on my computer so much i rarely sleep", "yeah i love cigs a lot more" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's interesting, I'm not sure I even knew there were different types of caffeine. Is one type worse than the others?", "That's interesting, I'm not sure I even knew there were different types of caffeine. Is one type worse than the others?", "doing good.. how about you", "ME too lol", "Right i work from home so i feel you", "Nice!! I'm trying to stay away from any form of smoking for now." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "good thing i don't drink caffeine :)", "good thing i don't drink caffeine :)", "I am doing good and yourself?", "Have you seen Friday the 13th? Jason Voorhees terrifies me!", "i get bored myself quite often", "Oh ok, Well I have been wanting to try an e-cigarette, its basically a handheld device that creates the feeling of tobacco smoking, I hear it can be healthier too. ." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "country music makes me cringe.", "i m a terrible speller." ]
[ "i love them ! i've a pet lizard named bobo .", "you should come volunteer at the animal shelter with me one time !" ]
[ "i would like that. how often do you go?", "I love animals I always have", "do you have a favorite animal there?", "that is awesome", "i imagine so many animals need good homes", "Idk, in my apt complex there are so many strays its sad" ]
[ "I am usualy there at least once a week. I just luv it!", "We have quite a few at the shelter, but not as many reptiles as I woud like.", "I did. His name was Roscoe. He got adopted last week to a wonderful family!", "Yeah, he was great. I kinda miss him, but we are always getting new friends down there.", "Oh, absolutely. I wonder if people realize how many of them are needing homes!", "Yeah, there are a lot of them where I live to. Do you ever feed them just because nobody else will?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "usually once a month . how has your weekend been ?", "so does my lizard ! his name is gila", "yes , a lizard named scruffy .", "thank you ! what else do you like to do ?", "absolutely . do you have any volunteer work you like to do ?", "i agree ! it can be pesky ! do you have any other pets ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "every few years.. and its enough!", "Me too! I love them.", "Dog mostly, cat once or twice. Possibly human, but I'd rather not think too hard on that.", "Hey thanks! I can't wait. I hope he has a good time :)", "I know right. All kids deserve a good home.", "Its sad. How many rescues do you have?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Almost every week ends. And you?", "Yes me too, especially since they can adapt to different environments.", "Well, I don't but my kid has a chameleon, it's so cute. Do you have a lizard?", "I actually adopted mine! I was surprised to find one in a shelter, and I got to save a tiny life!", "Yes. There are so many needy animals and really no need for selective breeding when there are so many homeless pets out there.", "Yes, we have too many strays and have to trap and neuter them for release." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "cooking is one of my pass times.", "my favorite food is pizza." ]
[ "i'm good thanks for asking", "what do you do for a living ?" ]
[ "I work from home as a freelancer while I take care of my kiddos. ", "Awesome! What is your favorite hobby?", "Oh neat. I am learning how to do more cooking. Videos and books have been helpful", "My mom was not the biggest fan, so she didn't teach me much but now I am learning that it can be fun", "That is great. Do you have a good relationship with your mom? I talk to mine every day", "I hope my kids want to talk to me frequently when they are grown. Maybe cooking will help us with that as well", "Good point. I will figure that out as my kiddos get older", "Indeed. Have a good night. " ]
[ "Gotcha same here. It is great since I can do my favorite hobby!", "I love cooking. So, as it is a chore to others I actually enjoy it!", "Yes. Youtube has been a life send for sure!", "Oh that does make it harder on you for sure. My mom loved cooking too.", "Yes!! cooking has helped us bond when I was growing up. I am like you and we talk everyday too.", "I have worried about that, But it all depends on what they actually enjoy doing. ", "It will be interesting to see what kind of people they grow up to become.", "You yoo!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i like to work as a freelancer .", "that sounds very helpful ! are you planning to be a chef ?", "you should ask her to teach you a few things . cooking desserts can be fun !", "i do most of the time . she has a couple of kids .", "i think so too . they might just fall in love !", "and they will realize one day how good you are to them . keep it up !", "thank you ! i hope you have a good night too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "sounds like a sweet gig.", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "yeah! i'm just getting into it right now, could you recommend me some stuff to cook?", "Nothing like mom's cooking!", "We used to not as kids, But now we are each other confidant.", "I think they will. Kids usually never outgrow their parents deep down.", "Yup. Enjoy it whilst they're young!", "You as well. Have a great day." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh, that must be an interesting job. What age are the kids? I know it can vary from 2-7 years, depending on the place.", "I really like just being able to escape to a different world.", "Of course! The good news is that the ways or type of cooking can depend on the skill and training a person has. So if you don't know much, you can still get better!", "Did you ever think of taking classes maybe or watching videos?", "Most definetly she knows when I need her support and she takes the role as \"Mans Best Friend\" seriously", "Yes, by growing up together it really gives you a chance to get close.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Same! Have a good night!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to hunt for my food.", "i have few friends." ]
[ "Do you know when hitchhiking first became popular?", "Most likely as soon as motor vehicles became common in the 20th century. Rides are usually free for the hitchhiker." ]
[ "I'm really glad hitchhiking is free and popular because I really enjoy it. It offers me a chance to talk to other people from around the country.", "Yea, I especially enjoy it since I live alone and don't really have anyone to interact with on a daily basis.", "Yup me too. When I'm hitchhiking and in the car with another person, I usually start talking about philosophical stuff like the meaning of existence.", "Oh? what topic do you enjoy discussing then?", "I understand hunters who hunt for food. However, I never understand people who under for \"fun\" or for \"sport\". Do you hunt for \"fun\" and not for food?", "Yup eating fresh food that you catch yourself makes sense. Do you hunt for \"fun\" though?" ]
[ "its nice talking to people from other areas of the world .", "I don't have many friends myself, so I'm always looking for opportunities to make new friends.", "i've never been able to wrap my head around philosophy .", "I'm an avid hunter. I love being able to find my own food.", "I'm an outdoorsman. I hunt or fish for half of the meat I eat each year.", "Nope, I only hunt for food." ]
{ "convai2": [ "its nice talking to people from other areas of the world .", "i like it because of family as well . see people you normally do not !", "i've never been able to wrap my head around philosophy .", "philosophy and history . kind of a the meaning of war meets the motivations of it .", "mostly when i go out its to hunt . i wear a lot of camo .", "yeah . what do you like to hunt the most ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah - I'd be too scared to meet a stranger from online.", "At least you can talk on the phone.", "Man it's so much fun to just have a good conversation with people.", "the experience of public speaking", "I'm an outdoorsman. I hunt or fish for half of the meat I eat each year.", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Meet interesting people, free or low cost transport. In europe they use a thumbs down signal to hitch?", "Meet interesting people, free or low cost transport. In europe they use a thumbs down signal to hitch?", "The big philosophical questions are hard for me, like whether we have free will.", "Love of wisdom. Philosophy intrigues me.", "I think hunting is fine, but I don't like poaching, where animals are hunted illegally.", "Sure but I don't leave near one. You just gotta find an interesting place to go." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my hobbies include rock collecting and making macaroni art.", "i work at the gas station as a part time job." ]
[ "I had my first conversation with my two year old the other day. He asked where the cat was and wanted to follow him outside.", "That is adorable! I bet you were proud!" ]
[ "yes i was i am an only child so it was exciting", "yes so much fun they bring alot of happiness ", "yes do you have any ", "oh awesome they are so amazing", "oh wow lol that stinks they need those naps for sure or they are grumps ", "do you travel" ]
[ "Thats great! kids can be alot of fuj", "They are alot of hard work though, ", "yes i have a 8month old", "indeed my daughter has decided she hates naps lol", "yes that is very true", "yes we have a big trip planned for christmas you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i was an only child so my pet was important to me", "he loves the cat so that is good . . . lol", "i do ! i've a two year old little girl . you ?", "he loves the cat so that is good . . . lol", "he loves the cat so that is good . . . lol", "i used to but no so much anymore" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Kids are really cute at that age. Embrace the cuteness while you still can!", "Kids are the best", "I have 3. What about you?", "Yes they are growing up fast!", "Well they will have insomnia and sore bottoms haha", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's funny lol but they are uniquely attuned to your behavior, seeing that you are their parent!", "They are actually very good with kids!", "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "They are actually very good with kids!", "Yeah specially because sometimes they scream and freakout", "No but lonely sometimes" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i once lived in a storage locker for two months.", "i've appeared on the show jeopardy." ]
[ "You remember the first time you moved out of your parents?", "I sure do. I moved into a dump lol." ]
[ "That sounds rough, what was it like?", "I lived in a place like that once. I sacrificed space to live near the beach.", "Wow! Can you tell me about the show?", "How did you do?", "I'm living the beach bum lifestyle these days. Hang out by the beach, reading. I make sure to surf at least once a week.", "For sure! I'm still new to the area, but I've found a few great spots. I didn't know you were interested in surfing." ]
[ "I must admit it was very crumped. It was a low point in my life.", "yeah it can be rough sometime. especially considering the fact that I once was was in a show but I wasn't lucky even then...", "oh sure, it was Jeopardy", "well, considering that I ended up living in a storage locker for two months I'd say not very good. but that's life you know... how about yourself?", "actually that sounds liberating! I might move to the beach one day - maybe if I do you can \"show me the ropes\"?", "I hear surfing can be tricky but once you get the hang of it it is exhilarating!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "good but 5 years later i moved in a storage locker for 2 months .", "i use to live near the beach . i miss it .", "a show on cbs but it was in 2007 . ll , now i work as circus clown .", "i'm not really sure . it was scary", "sounds like you have a nice life . i've not even ever seen a beach !", "haha , aint never been buddy . i did play this surfing game once though !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah, it was nice. It was a dump, but it was my dump.", "I used to live right by the beach. You just described my daily life.", "No, I was an adventure movie.", "i aced it", "I used to live right by the beach. You just described my daily life.", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "I see. Were you a hippie?", "It was a tv series based on My Little Pony and it also aired on Discovery Family. Do they have events and get togethers?", "I am doing good and yourself?", "Bro, so harsh. Do you live in land? I'm right on the ocean here. You can still blast some sweet Surf music on the daily.", "Yes! I love listening to surf songs like The Beach Boys would always do!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i married my high school sweetheart.", "i surf often." ]
Avenged Sevenfold
[ "I do not know much about them, tell me.", "Avenged Sevenfold or A7X is a heavy metal band, they are seen as very edgy by most people" ]
[ "They sound pretty lame", "are they similar to One Direction", "Avenged Sevenfold", "Never tried it, seems fun though. Do you? ", "oh cool I just recently got engaged", "That's awesome hope I can say the same in a few years" ]
[ "They are similar to other Pop punk bands such as blink 182 and Fall Out Boy", "I do know them as well. What is your favorite group?", "Ok. Do like surfing?", "Yes. I defiantly do. That is a lot of fun. I am doing that with my wife. ", "That is great. I have been married for 10 years now to my high school sweetheart ", "Yes, indeed. By the way are you from New York?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well i like avenged sevenfold but not sure that is appropriate", "yes they are a rock group . they sing some really inspiring music", "never heard of them . are they a pop band ?", "i've tried a couple times . i am not very good at it", "very cool . my fiance does as well !", "yeah i believe that you will ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah they are not fun to watch in my opinion, like at all", "I am familiar with them ha", "I am familiar with them ha", "Maybe I will try one day.", "Cool. And congrats on your future engagement!", "I hope I get married first" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are similar to other Pop punk bands such as blink 182 and Fall Out Boy", "Yes but One Direction is the best. I was sad when Zayn left in 2005.", "I have never heard of Avenged Sevenfold. What kind of music is that", "Not really, but I like the genre", "Did you ever decide if there should an engagement?", "Good! I think it's great when people get married for the right reasons. Happy stories out there" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "that way , after graduating , i can teach english there for a year or two.", "i'm a huge buffalo bills fan , and our family has season tickets." ]
[ "i make the best lasagna being italian american and all whats your favorite", "i am a bills fan , we like garbage plates and having sex in the parking lot ." ]
[ "Wouldn't you get in trouble with the law for doing that?", "Well, no offense, but that just doesn't seem very sanitary at all, haha. Can you tell me more about what a garbage plate is?", "Maybe it's for the best that I don't know, it sounds messy and I hate cleaning up.", "Hah, that's unfortunate. I have to do all the cleaning for myself, wish I had someone to do it for me.", "I'm afraid I'll have to politely decline, but good luck with your divorce. Hopefully that situation doesn't turn into a garbage plate!", "Well, I'd tell you not to be so blue about it, but unfortunately blue is my favorite color, so sadly I don't think I can help you there." ]
[ "I think it ultimately depends on whether or not we get caught, and if we are being careful.", "A garbage plate is a local north eastern delicacy. I could tell you more, but you must be initiated.", "So does my wife, so I have become the unofficial garbage man.", "I am getting a divorce soon. Maybe we can meet up at the local dump? And discuss our garbage troubles? ", "Yes my life is going down in the dumps just like the Bills season. Oh well. There is always more beer.", "My favorite color is green. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "lasagna is my favorite food", "just some lasagna ! what are some of your hobbies ?", "i can make homage lasagna", "you are so right . damn girl i wish you could smell this lasagna i am cooking .", "i'll do my best ! well it has been great chatting with you ! see you around !", "you are so right . damn girl i wish you could smell this lasagna i am cooking ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No. I would be afraid to.", "No, its definitely illegal especially because we got the property lines plotted around our houses to end the matter. I was so shocked I can't even tell you. Now I have to waste good money securing a lawyer.", "It is, plus it's so antisanitary", "You and me both.", "Sorry, lol, either way, thanks. You have a great day or night or whatever it is!", "Sorry, lol, either way, thanks. You have a great day or night or whatever it is!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I think that would depend on the local laws in your region, I'm inclined to say it would be illegal though.", "It is a legal mechanism to allow the seizure of money. It is also when you use plants to decorate dishes.", "Yes definitely not clean and not appetizing to me.", "Apparently cleaning is one of the most commonly outsourced janitorial duities.", "As long as you have a well-founded reason for your divorce and can prove it, you should be ok.", "Maybe you could try to find you some nice pastel blues to mix it up sometime. Or you know, don't, because that sounds terrible." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to chat with my friends.", "i like to cook." ]
[ "My little sister told me last week that she is going to name her son after me!", "Congrats to your family! What an honor that is. May I ask the name?" ]
[ "They are going to name him John.", "What kind of food do you like to cook?", "Oh I love Chinese food so much. I tend to eat too much fast food though. ", "I drive out in my passat and get fast food at least once a day. ", "I like to frequent Chinese buffets. They are my weak spot. ", "Same here! I love going to Hibachi buffets. I could sit there for hours. " ]
[ "I had a friend named john. I used to cook for him.", "Chinese is fun to cook bourbon chicken. I love italian too :D", "I feel you on that fast food is addictive!", "Where do you usually go? i like pizza a lot.", "Last time i was at the buffet i went crazy. LOL!", "There's one i went to like 3 weeks ago. So good!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "uh oh ! congrats that is awesome !", "pasta dishes and anything i can bake . what kind of books does your sister write ?", "same here ! i love fast food .", "that is certainly very fast ! where do you usually drive ?", "nice there is a great chinese restraint i love to go to when i'm there .", "amazing . do you have salad there ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "my wife loves that name, we have a son that will be 2 in december. if we have another one his name will be knox", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "I only like american food!", "yes! I fast as well i enjoy my food even more", "Oh yea. I heard the buffets there are amazing.", "Oh yea. I heard the buffets there are amazing." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "my heart! does he have any health issues? it is believed they have health issues due to their appearance.", "More like what don't I like, lol. Did you see The Food Wife episode of the Simpsons? That was funny.", "Yeah, I like a lot of fast food, because my work life is so busy. But I'm trying to eat healthier everyday.", "I see, the Passat that is built in the North American plant is a mid-sized sedan", "Buffets have all-you-can-eat food for a set price. They make money as long as you aren't Homer Simpson.", "I like them when I am on the run. My favorite is food from Hong Kong." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i use to compete in beauty pageants.", "i have one little boy named owen." ]
[ "awesome ! any plans for the weekend ?", "playing with my little boy owen . you ?" ]
[ "not sure what you mean but I sure do love cats", "dogs are cool too!", "just one, no room where I stay now", "oh, I know that problem but now that I moved back to my parents house I can allow myself a pet", "sounds good! my pet stays at my room, it's in the basement but pretty comfy", "yeah! kinda of a man cave only downside is it's my parents house but it is what is eh?" ]
[ "i am more of a dog person", "how many cats do you have", "i understand, we are not allowed to have pets", "that is cool. we will get a pet when we move hopefully soon!", "thats neat basement apartments can be really neat", "hey you have somewhere to live thats what matters" ]
{ "convai2": [ "aww i currently only have 1 son owen", "aww i currently only have 1 son owen", "aww i currently only have 1 son owen", "aww i currently only have 1 son owen", "i will have to see if i can get a babysitter for my son owen .", "aww i currently only have 1 son owen" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Awww.. I love cats.. Sorry.. I was yelling at my boyfriend..", "I like dogs", "I see. lol. I hate cats, sorry", "That's cool I your parents not trust you in their own house? lol", "Sounds even better than bc I need a bed to sleep! lol", "hahahah yeah i can relate to that, my sister got an huge house for the same reason no kids not many bills jaja" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cats are adorable! Humans value them for their companionship and ability to catch rodents.", "I don't have a dog and want one though", "fair enough I think it's cool how cats can see at night so they can hunt", "Its good to have pets they provide emotional and physical health benefits to the owners", "Sounds like a good mix even though they are a small and furry pet i dont have one", "seems quite cool" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "we have two pets as well.", "i have two children." ]
[ "I love rain. i'm sitting on the balcony and enjoying the sound and the smell of the rain, so relaxing", "Do you sleep better when it rains too?" ]
[ "Yes, it absolutely puts me to sleep.", "I live in Mississippi and it rains a lot here at certain times of the year. What about you?", "Here too. You live with family? I live alone right now.", "That sounds nice. I've just always preferred to live alone I guess. ", "True. What do you do for fun?", "I like tv too, but love going to the movies, even though I usually go alone. " ]
[ "Do you live in a place where it regularly rains?", "I'm in tennessee, and it's hot and humid.", "I have a small family with 2 kids and some pets.", "I suppose there is a balance of quiet and the company of others.", "Well I work, but also love watching TV - its my quiet time.", "Me too! What is your favorite movie?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "the smell of rain is one of my favorites . it rarely rains where i live .", "not as much as people think , but it can get pretty rainy .", "yes , i live with my mom and dad . who do you live with ?", "same here , the peace and quiet can be nice sometimes .", "well , i enjoy watching movies , and like sleeping even more .", "a movie is lots of fun on grey days like today . i prefer nicer weather ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Do you live in a place where it regularly rains?", "I'm in tennessee, and it's hot and humid.", "Small family.", "I suppose there has to be a balance of both. To enjoy solitude and the company of others.", "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "I love going to the movies and getting food!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, it's not all bad as rain helps with crop irrigation and provides water for hydroelectric power plants.", "I live on the east coast of the US where there has been a major weather front that has produced a huge amount of rain this weekend. We are soaked!", "Oh, yeah I'm happy I don't live with my parents anymore. They are very controlling.", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "TV is also fun. I have many lenses I use for my camera to help focus the light during the right time." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite band is the rolling stones.", "i am a mother." ]
[ "Here I am, another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?", "I often dream of ending my own life because of being alone." ]
[ "that's terrible, you don't have anyone to turn to?", "what do you do in the day time?", "don't you have any friends?", "do you have a job, go to school?", "what do you do for work?", "writer" ]
[ "No, not really. I just sit on the computer all night", "I stay home and watch TV mainly, Its pretty boring", "no not really, thats part of the problem", "I have a job and I work from home. That keeps me from meeting people ", "I work in IT doing data entry, What do you do?", "that sounds like a lucrative career" ]
{ "convai2": [ "nope too much fun to be had instead of sleeping . night time is party time .", "i work to . but i daydream so much that i forget sometimes that i've a job", "not really . i really don't have too many friends at all", "i work to . but i daydream so much that i forget sometimes that i've a job", "i work to . but i daydream so much that i forget sometimes that i've a job", "do you just get ideas or do you write in the moment ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I don't. We should plan something together then. Lol.", "Stay home and watch tv", "I don't/ Thats the problem lol", "I don't/ Thats the problem lol", "I work in IT, what about you?", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, I do. I tend to feel sad, anxious, and hopeless.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "No but lonely sometimes", "No but lonely sometimes", "Just constantly thinking about little tasks that i have to do and what could go wrong. What about you?", "I like writing, I am learning programming now, I also like to perform." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "this summer i went on vacation to italy.", "i like italian cusine." ]
Italian cuisine
[ "me too! I'm all about pizza and pasta :)", "Pasta, vegetables, olive oil and fish are all a major part of Italian cuisine. I'd assume pizza is too." ]
[ "I never pass up a chance to go to Olive Garden. Their salad is awesome!", "Probably not but I still love it. My adoptive family is Italian and they say the same thing. Nothing like authentic cuisine.", "Someone is grumpy! Did you not eat to today and it's making you cranky?!", "No, but I would love to someday, if I could get past the idea of a plane ride.", "Well hopefully you will get to visit in the near future. All that history and Italian food!!", "Maybe if we could ensure we slept the whole flight....maybe some dramamine. I probably spelled that wrong." ]
[ "I don’t think Olive Garden is a good representation of Italian food", "Olive Garden is an Americanized type of Italian food.", "No, not hungry, just stating fact. Have your ever visited Italy?", "I would love to go someday. I just can’t afford it right now.", "I’m like you, the plane traveling and logistics kind turns me off to traveling there.", "Lol, isn’t that the truth. Ambien script, here I come." ]
{ "convai2": [ "amazing . do you have salad there ?", "what do you usually like to eat with your salad ?", "no i love some meats and some fish and salads .", "oh i'd much rather save the gas money for another trip to italy instead .", "that is true ! trying to master cooking italian food .", "oh i'd much rather save the gas money for another trip to italy instead ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think I need to go there, everyone seems to love it.", "thats my favorite food too! no wonder it was lovely. you should cook italian food often then", "No I'm hungry! lol", "I would love to go someday.", "thats my favorite food too! no wonder it was lovely. you should cook italian food often then", "Hahaha, thanks for the idea!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Salad pizza? I haven't heard of it. What is it?", "What do you mean? Olive Garden specializes in Italian cuisine.", "What do you mean? Olive Garden specializes in Italian cuisine.", "Maybe a cruise to nowhere would be good for you. They are less expensive and only last 2-3 nights. Could be fun.", "Yes, I love how diverse Italian is from one neighborhood to the next.", "That's true, travel by train or boat isn't gonna be as good as airplane travel most of the time." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i've two border collies.", "i am an artist." ]
Water skiing
[ "I have never tried it. I am scared I wouldn't do good.", "I see! It does take adequate lower and upper body strength and fantastic endurance! But once you are prepared its an amazing experience." ]
[ "Have you tried water skiiing before", "Yes, I like the thought of them. It's just that I'm scared when I actually have to do them", "Yes, as long as I am wearing my red bathing suit. Red things calm me down", "I like the beach some, the sand is beautiful. What about you?", "I would love to have a beach house. A red one, probably. How long have you had it?", "Reasonably close, probably about a 45 minute drive. Do you take family and friends there?" ]
[ "I water ski all the time, do you like water activities?", "can you swim?", "do you ever go to the beach?", "we've got a beach house, spend many weeks there every year. ", "12 years. Do you live close to a beach?", "all the time. we love it, everyone loves it" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have not but i should try it !", "i do get a little scared but that's what makes it fun", "ah , okay . that makes sense .", "the beach is nice , but i don't get to go too often .", "only 2 years . nice thing is lots of beaches . what do you do ?", "i do sometimes , i recently visited myrle beach ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "I am too. What if I get on it and something bad happens and I die?", "That is awesome! I dont think anyone should feel ashamed of what they look like in a bathing suit. We all have imperfections!", "Well, at least there is sand!", "NEgative years. Its expensive and I'm working on a home first", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I never have. It looks fun, but the environnement ans depth is scary to me.", "If you're worried about the dangers, you could try a simulator. All of the therapeutic benefits without any of the danger!", "Definitely wear a life vest! it will keep you afloat in water and could save your life", "i do. i love the sand", "9 years, It just feels lonely here at hone now. I'm probably depressed.", "i do. i love the sand" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite music is jimi hendrix.", "i work at the deli counter." ]
[ "I was on the phone with my bank about some overdraft charges that were charged because of their error. I am still angry about it.", "That's horrible! I hope it wasn't a lot of money!" ]
[ "It was enough money to me -- $10 is not insignificant", "Exactly. I just wish banks were not so greedy with these fees", "I did, and they did finally fix it so I'm feeling a bit better. Especially after some spaghetti and ice cream!", "Pasta has always been my comfort food! And I can eat ice cream any time of year :)", "I love most flavors - but I agree, cookies 'n cream is awesome! I am partial to chocolate too", "I must admit it's not the best for my waistline, but it just hits the spot!!" ]
[ "i agree, even if it was just a dollar, it's still YOUR money", "i would've threatened to change banks if they didn't fix their mistake. ", "that sounds like and odd mix, lol. I would much prefer chinese and ice cream!", "what kind of ice cream is your favorite? i'm a cookies n cream kinda gal.", "mmm chocolate is yummy too", "totally worth it if you ask me." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "there is always something better to do with the leftover money , something that will help everyone .", "that sounds wonderful ! sadly , for my bank account , i ate out for breakfast .", "always go for chocolate with peanut butter if possible !", "i've difficult time losing weight around my waist and it is so annoying" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "If it was the bank's mistake, even if you didn't have enough money, they're responsible for fixing it.", "YOu are right i think you shold just stop paying if they treat you like that", "Yea, that sounds good. You should buy some more!", "Yea, that sounds good. You should buy some more!", "Chocolate lover, hu/ What's your favorite?", "What is your favorite ice cream?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's unfortunate. There should be some contractual terms that shows the amount of repayment and how often payments need to be made.", "That's true. My credit cards don't offer that unfortunately", "Man, there is nothing better than a big bowl of ice cream sometimes, wouldn't you say?", "Oh man, they ice cream sandwich with the two wafers. So delicious!", "Anything Mint Chocolate Chip for me. We eat ice cream almost every night for dessert.", "what about as an ice cream sandwich with chocolate chip cookies?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i m a terrible speller.", "i volunteer at animal shelters." ]
[ "No what's it like?", "The Big Apple Circus opened in 1077 and has been going since." ]
[ "The circus is the best place in the world. I've worked there for years.", "Role playing. I come out to the loudest Country music song I can find and get the crowd stirred up", "Started 3 years ago. Do you go? If so, where?", "That's good work. I love animals. You a dog or cat person?", "One dog. Mixed breed, best kind IMO. Sleeping on the couch now", "Same here. She's loves my favortive music and goes with me to the circus. Not a fan of the make-up though" ]
[ "Wow, really? What do you do there?", "Cool. How many years have you been working at the circus?", "I'd like to go to a circus, but there aren't any near me, unfortunately. Instead, I volunteer at an animal shelter to keep me busy.", "Both! I have three dogs and two cats that I take care of at home when I'm not at the shelter. Do you have any pets?", "All of my dogs are mixed breeds too. I don't even know what kind of breeds they are since I adopted them all off the street.", "How old is she? All of my pups are only a few years old." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i go to the same place . they know my strange allergy to apples .", "are you on a special diet for what you do in the circus ?", "i go to the same place . they know my strange allergy to apples .", "i like dogs , but i'm really more of a cat person .", "nice ! i like cats . i did not get to see them too much in the circus though .", "sounds fun ! i feel like make up for me hides my weaknesses . i like that ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh yeah? I heard the circus had to close recently. What is your favorite part?", "Cool! I haven't been to a circus in years. I think I should go again soon.", "Cool! I haven't been to a circus in years. I think I should go again soon.", "Dog mostly, cat once or twice. Possibly human, but I'd rather not think too hard on that.", "Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever.", "Cool! I haven't been to a circus in years. I think I should go again soon." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The Big Apple circus just celebrated 40 years", "You know country music actually used to be called hillbilly music decades ago? I find that hilarious!", "I'm in Delaware but hoping to move to Florida. Last year's fair was during the time of Queen Elizabeth I of England.", "Any animal that can get help there! But I'm definitely a dog person ;-) How about you?", "Ah, gotcha. Mixed breed dogs are quite less susceptible genetic health issues because of their heterogeneity. So mixed is best!", "Manny first became interested in make-up when watching his mother put it on as a child. Does your wife like make-up?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm vegan.", "my favorite food is strawberries." ]
[ "No way! I didn't know that either. So they acquired it in 1998. Interesting!", "The Bentley L Series V8 is used in the Rolls-Royce. I believe they also made airplane engines during WWII" ]
[ "I think you are correct on that!", "I really love bentelys. I think they are the best car around!", "What happened to it?", "Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that.", "The memories are what is important. ", "They really are. It's something about how they were built. " ]
[ "My dad would take me to get strawberries in his bentley. They are my favorite fruit! ", "I loved my fathers I wish we still had it!.", "He sold it back in the 90s :/", "Its okay i still have the memories! but i do miss it", "The old ones are always better aren't they??", "I wish we could go back to the old days!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that must be why i did not know !", "i totally owned them when left burning out in my v8 .", "it is a older model , but really fast !", "it is a vintage style looking car", "i totally owned them when left burning out in my v8 .", "that must be why i did not know !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My in-laws used to have an old chevy truck I don't remember the year though.", "Me too! I love them.", "I still own it actually, still running!", "Thanks, yeah its a bummer", "Yeah, no doubt!", "Yes, but seeing the hard work the people who own them had to put in is the most impressive part." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Bentley became widely known for winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, and 2003.", "Look them up online. Their most historic are the sports-racing Bentleys", "Well today most Bentleys are built at the companys Crewe factory.", "I know, Bentley Motors limited make some ridiculously expensive cars.", "The old ones are always better aren't they??", "They really are Bentley Motors Limited started making cars back in 1998." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i wear glasses.", "i am a childrens librarian." ]
[ "Do you happen to know how long it takes to adjust? Or really any tips of a new glasses wearer!", "It depends on the person - glasses are typically prescribed by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist - they might be able to help!" ]
[ "I have many siblings and none of them wear glasses. How come I am the one who ended up with needing a pair?!", "no, I prefer to be creative and draw. I think I got glasses because I used to watch a lot of TV", "haha, indeed. I like libraries, I find them very quite and relaxing. Do you work in a big city library? ", "well, sometimes smaller gems are better but don't stop aspiring!", "I am a storyboard artists - hence my love to draw", "well it is kind of a mix between the two" ]
[ "That's unfortunate! Did you watch lots of TV?", "I can relate, my whole family wears glasses.. although as a librarian it gives me some notoriety, hehe!", "I wish! Unfortunately I work in an elementary school at the moment.. maybe one day I'll get to take care of a big notorious library.", "Thanks, I appreciate that! What do you do for a living?", "Wow! That's very impressive! Do you work in pre-production stages, storyline development or something else?", "Intriguing! Can you tell me a bit more?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they should definitely be able to help you . i am sure you'll do fine .", "i can relate . my whole family wears glasses . have you considered lasik ?", "i sometimes volunteer at the library , but otherwise no . unless locating new taco stands counts , haha !", "thanks , i'll keep that in mind . . . i just want to apply myself to my fullest .", "sounds like you are from an artistic family !", "well , as long as it is fulfilling to you , very nice talking to you !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "Yeah, it's mainly for client site assignments that I have to travel !", "I'll try :)", "Sounds like you have some real talent there. Keep up the good work. I bet you'll be famous one day!", "Sounds like you have some real talent there. Keep up the good work. I bet you'll be famous one day!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well glasses are sometimes worn for eye protection so you're golden there! But, contacts definitly took some time to get. My mom put them in for me for like...2 months before I did it myself", "Oh man, I started wearing them in 4th grade as well but I got contacts. Glasses are used for vision correction, but contacts usually are easier to manage", "Oh yes - I love libraries not just for books but for newspapers, magazines, DVDs and lots of other things!", "Yes, that's a definite earning possibility! You should check out Robert Cialdini's book \"Influence: Science and Practice.\" It's a great source of information!", "Wow! That's very impressive! Do you work in pre-production stages, storyline development or something else?", "Oh I see! Then I am sure instant feedback from your audiences is important during performances so you know your on the right track!" ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i pray to god for my family every morning.", "spiders scare the life out of me." ]
[ "I was watching this horror film the other day and it was so scary.", "What was the name of the film?" ]
[ "I believe if was Night of the Living Dead!", "Indeed! So, what are your favorite pastimes? ", "Yes I like it also! Hmm, my biggest fear is running out of money, which would force me to drop out of school before graduating!", "Haha I haaate spiders also! I had to kill a huge one the other day since I was the only adult around at work", "I am a christian, what about you?", "I don't pray as much as I should, although I try to act like a good christian... that counts, right?" ]
[ "oh wow that is a very scary show so creepy", "Game of thrones is the top one. I want it to last forever\" do you have any fears?", "excellent point ! i love the aesthetic of horror movies though but i hate spiders its my biggest fear ", "well at least I aint the only one i guess they are terrifying lol do you have a religion", "i am also i pray for my family everyday to keep them safe i love god i am not over the top but i pray alot ", "of course i think anything is better than nothing right?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "a very scary show ! it needs folk music !", "i like disney and cinderella and oh a crayon", "excellent point ! i love the aesthetic of horror movies though", "wow . . . tough bugs . have you watched any good films lately", "christian my fathers a reacher", "no religion has ever crossed your heart meaning touching you at heart ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I've never heard of it, is it from the 80's?", "Game of thrones is the top one. I want it to last forever", "That is my biggest fear too", "shoot you aint the only one!", "Well I am not christian, and in a way.. who am I to knock someone else for theirs", "of course" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah it was a horror film that was quite creepy.", "I think Shining, i love horror movies", "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare", "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare", "I am Catholic but my daughter is Protestan", "Yes unlike christian belief and practice which assumes there is god" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i enjoy summer walking and reading.", "i live on a lake." ]
[ "oh yea its a great city.", "I agree, with an estimated 713,700 residents, there are so many unique people to meet." ]
[ "There are many people of diverse backgrounds. I meet many of them on a daily basis in my factory work", "Oh no, that sounds stressful! Do you know any one who is a part of it", "That's terrible, my heart goes out to him. Seattle is such a nice city, is the strike happening there?", "Not too bad, just enjoying Seattle, just got back from a walk. What about you?", "It's been moderately warm the past few days, rain has let up. What are you working on?", "That's an interesting perspective. I used to work several jobst throughout the day, so I can somewhat relate" ]
[ "Oh we have a union strike going on here where I am!", "Yes my brother in law! Almost a month without work.", "No, it's at GM in Michigan. Whats the night like for you?", "Oh it's cold here! I am in for the night, working!", "I work a lot of jobs. All throughout my day. I have had such a stressful day so work is actually relaxing.", "Thats cool! Are you happy with the job you have now?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i previously used to work in a factory with many people", "no i do not . it is mainly just me here . how about you ?", "yeah , it is over in portland , maine . it is beautiful here .", "real nice . i saw the sunset on my walk tonight . beautiful", "i'm tried from work , i work in a factory so that is hard work .", "i can imagine , you probably cannot wait to go to work every day . where do you work ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What city are in right now?", "A few. None at Rentokill - so I can't solve your problems :-)", "Unfortunately not, but I plan to pass my concerns up the chain if it keeps up (which it probably will).", "i get here nearly everday (orl)", "I work in IT, what about you?", "MY first work from home was stressful I had to send the kids to daycare. Not anymore!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I wonder how they became so different when they likely originally came from the same groups. What do you think?", "unfortunately we don't :( but i like that they usually promote gender equality and human rights", "Yes it is! It's the largest city in both the state of Washington and the Pacific Northwest region, so there's a lot to do when you visit.", "The industrial scenery along with natural landscapes were mesmerizing. I put on my \"Best Day of My life\" song by American Authors in my phone, and while listening just enjoy the beauty of Seattle", "My day was great, Its so busy and all with fixing cars which is rewarding because it also pays well.", "That sounds like a nice balance. Do you enjoy your own work?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i know karate.", "i'm an avid artist." ]
Fish trap
[ "No I have not, have you? What all is considered a fish trap?", "Fish traps can have the form of a fishing weird but sometimes also a lobster trap." ]
[ "o ok neat are u familiar with noodling for fish?", "i dont think i will, i dont want to get bit lol", "i enjoy listening to classic rock", "that is very true, what are some of your hobbies?", "that is neat, are you enjoying it?", "thats good, im sure its good exercise as well" ]
[ "i have not but i should try it !", "I figure it must not be too bad since it is so popular. Any other hobbies?", "I enjoy classic rock for sure. I like a variety of music. I consider music to be art and I love art", "Karate. I have been taking classes", "I am enjoying quite a bit. ", "Yes, I like the exercise and feel it is a good stress relief" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have not but i should try it !", "i'dn't its completely harmless ahahah", "i enjoy classic rock . do you like to fish ?", "mainly just fishing and boating . i really like to eat fish like tuna", "at first not so much because i missed the action . but now , its ok", "yes it is ! i love exercise" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time.", "I won't either haha just not my thing!", "That is actually nice, i like rock music.", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "I have to train every day thou.", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I use a fishing weir or a lobster trap.", "You need fresh worms too. If that grosses you out you can also use lures instead of using fresh bait.", "Classic rock is a radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock and i love it too.", "i like to listen to the best music thats why i like listening to frank sinatra. he was really popular", "I am doing good and yourself?", "good" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm almost finished with my degree.", "i take care of my mother and father." ]
Iron Maiden
[ "Really?! I always thought of them as an '80s band. ", "Yes they were formed in East London by Steve Harris." ]
[ "He is an amazing bassist of my all-time favorite band!", "Probably \"The Trooper,\" what about you?", "Good choice! Do you have other interests other than music?", "Awesome! My family and I spend a lot of time binge watching on Netflix actually.", "With the family we are working through \"Heartland,\" but alone I really got into \"Mindhunter.\" You?", "Me too! It's funny how different those two shows are, but both so well done.", "The great thing about binge watching is you can keep going, but the worst thing is waiting for the next season when you get caught up!" ]
[ "Is there any particular song you like?", "I've got to say it's \"Children of the damned\"", "I do! I love photography. I love reading and writing. what about you?", "That's lovely. I'm hooked on Netflix lately too. What have you watched lately?", "I'm watching season 12 of Heartland which i absolutely love, and I finished watching Mindhunter. Cannot wait for the new season!", "Amen!", "I know how you feel. It's so difficult to start another series once its over. I feel like my whole life has ended!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "who is your favorite bassist ?", "i love everything 80s music !", "i am a huge fan of 80s rock but music itself is my number one passion , period .", "i definitely wish i had more time for netflix ! what do you like to watch ?", "that's definately a classic . i remember watching that as a kid . good times !", "yes they sure can be ! they keep me on my toes !", "i have to agree with you on that one for sure !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, he was the best musician ever.", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe.", "All kinds! I love getting to hear some new bands.", "What do you watch on netflix?", "I'll have to check it out, thanks for the rec! I've been meaning to add more things to my \"must watch\" list.", "I can't wait to see it! You should check them out sometime.", "So true. I hate it when that happens." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I also really liked Mike D - who played drums.", "I didn't really like the first lineup of the band but I used to listen to that song on repeat when I was a teenager.", "Oddly enough; I like a lot of video game music.", "Binge watching is such a fun phenomenom! Do you watch Hulu or Amazon Video as well?", "I do indeed! I like listening to the JRE Podcast on YouTube.", "It is! And I find the entire volanic situation in Hawaii to be very interesting!", "What are you fave shows to binge watch?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play the trumpet.", "i am in my high school band." ]
[ "oh that's great . i am in college . do not have much time to watch movies now .", "what else do you like ? i like to make new friends" ]
[ "Me too! Whats your favorite way to make friends", "Thats cool! I really like to go to parties. Are you an outdoors person? ", "I love hiking and mountain biking outdoors. ", "I like it because its such a thrill! When i went with my friends last time. What are some other things you like to do?", "Whats the biggest fish you have caught?", "wow! i've only been fishing once and I was bad at it" ]
[ "Going out to parks! I met some in my school band too :)", "I do like being outside! but parties are still fun!", "I was into mountain biking a few years ago! lots of fun", "I love fishing! the looks of the fish are just amazing!", "A peacock bass they are in south florida! it was about 5 pounds!", "Yeah sometimes i can be just luck though, some days are better than others!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , in general whats your favorite movie ?", "no i am more of an indoors kinda gal . you ?", "those can be fun to do too !", "i love watching movies ! whats your favorite genre ?", "always the most in the bunch ! do you fish ?", "haha you cannot be that bad ! ! any hobbies ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like action movies and comedies mostly", "i used to be, not quite as much anymore", "Its always a good idea to enjoy the outdoors. So have fun!", "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "We currently have 2 Australorps, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, and 1 Welsummer, but 4 of the 9 ended up being roosters. Ugh!", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I find it to be a quick easy way to talk, especially if I'm busy", "I do like being outside!", "That's interesting! Most mountain biking is in the categories of Trail and Cross Country riding styles", "I really do like outdoor activies too like natural walks out of the town.", "Nothing bigger than a sunshine fish.", "Did you try to catch anything other than fish?" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a writer.", "i like rock climbing." ]
[ "i strictly just do light highlights myself . what are you doing this weekend ?", "probably going to go rock climbing before it gets too cold ." ]
[ "There's a lot of rock climbing where I live, I also enjoy doing some climbing every now and then. Where are you located>" ]
[ "I am in Florida, here everything is flat..." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm in missouri . springfield to be exact , and its a little hot today !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Central." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I live in denver actually. have you been to Vail Ski Resport? It's in eagle county" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i take pride in my job managing the restaurant.", "i drive a nice car." ]
[ "you use onions as a what lol", "yeah , man . . . . everyone has their own way of doing things , ya know ?" ]
[ "that is true, i am now in fermenting veggies", "thats awesome, are you a chef?", "o ok that is very cool have you found anyone with a peculiar skill?", "o ok what do you think of restaurant shows like chopped?", "o ok i understand ", "that sounds very relaxing, what do you drive?" ]
[ "how interesting! I am in the restaurant business, we might need someone with a talent like yours", "I am more of a manager but part of my skills is to bring and find talent", "not really but I am still looking!", "I find them interesting but I admit I didn't watch much of it", "you know what I do like? to take a long drive in my car", "how should I put it, let's just say I drive a nice car" ]
{ "convai2": [ "raw onions are good and good for you if you know how to grow them like me .", "nope not yet . hope to settle down one day , but the business life has me now .", "i think everyone has some kind of talent", "i like that too . . its really cut throat . . the drama", "i do not mind them put them sauteed on a steak with some onions , yum !", "a honda civic , a real gas saver" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love veggies, do you know who did it?", "No I am not.", "I have not found one yet, but at worst it inspires me to try harder", "I watch it sometimes, It can be a little slow moving for my taste.", "yea no problem", "Car I mean" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like to get a lot of veggies in by cooking Thai cuisine. That way I can get a good variety, and a few different kinds of onion!", "yes i am interested in food industry, I would love to own a restaurant", "yes i am interested in food industry, I would love to own a restaurant", "I recently heard about top chef which premiered march 8 2006", "It reminds me of Gordon Ramsays \"Hells Kitchen\"", "I enjoy go-carting you know the simple open wheel type cars" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite song is barbie girl.", "my name is nancy." ]
Barbie Girl
[ "Even The Beatles can't compete with Aqua and Barbie Girl. ", "It debuted and peaked at number 7 on the US Billboard Hot 100 on September 6, 1997. " ]
[ "that was the day i was born, so of course it would do good!", "yes, im a young'n lol!", "i'm cuturally influenced, especially about 80's and 90's pop culture", "yes , terminator is my favorite , but a close 2nd is the goonies!", "the first 2 are amazing the third one is so so in my opinion" ]
[ "That is so interesting. You were born in 1997?", "I am surprised that someone so young knows barbie girl!", "So do you like movies from the 80's?", "How do you feel about Back to the Future?", "What didn't you like about the third??" ]
{ "convai2": [ "barbie girl is the greatest music of all time", "well then you need to get your daughter a barbie too !", "i went to a beatles concert in 1967 , even though i was born in 1972", "the mummy sucked so bad lol", "i enjoyed the it remake" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "2017, I was there, it was awesome!", "That is surprising. Usually these things are a popularity contest.", "Oh you're an 80s kids, hu? What do you feel about the music nowadays?", "That was a great movie!", "the first one was really good too, i liked mostly all of them to be honest" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It was such an unexpected hit in late 1991.", "It was such an unexpected hit in late 1991.", "They have been around since March of 1959 and have had a great influence on girls.", "Nice movie! Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film directed by James Cameron.", "I know they made 6 films but the original will always be my favorite." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i live with a roommate.", "i work part time." ]
[ "I can't wait until this weekend! I'm taking the whole family out for some fun!", "Great idea. Where are you planning on visiting?" ]
[ "I plan on visiting the Grand Canyon on Friday, and we're going to the movies on Saturday.", "I am going to see the new Twilight movie with my sister and girlfriend.", "So you only work part-time. Are you going to school?", "Sorry to hear your roommate is annoying. What does he do everyday?", "He sounds like a lazy guy. I hope you find a better job to rent your own apartment.", "That is very funny. Me and my girlfriend are looking to get an apartment soon." ]
[ "Nice. I love movies. What movie are you planning to see?", "I work part-time, so I could never afford a vacation. Twilight, eh? I thought that series ended years ago?", "No. I'm too poor for school, too. I had to get a roommate, just to be able to afford a place to live. He is so annoying.", "Sits around and drinks, plays video games, and makes a mess. His parents pay his rent.", "Thanks. Me too. His name is Dirk. I call him Dirk the jerk. Stupid name, Dirk. ", "Move in, but never get married. That's my friendly advice. The number one cause of divorce is marriage. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "that should be fun ! we are going to the movies today", "ca not wait to see the movie it ! got any hobbies you like to do ?", "nope , just going to school full time right now . gotta finish this degree !", "oh , who knows . he doesn't want to be responsible any longer .", "that's my plan . finish school , find a better job , and maybe move too .", "we are saving up . maybe next year . . ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love going to the movies and getting food!", "Oh yes that is the movie I think. I love them too. Should be fun.", "Not yet, but I can't wait to graduate and start working.", "He just calls and talks about nothing.", "Me too! lol. Thank you", "Nice! I hate looking for apartments. I'm in college and have looked for apartments for the past three years. It gets really old after a while, since I'm on a budget and it's hard to find something cheap but not a rat's nest. Glad you found what you wanted." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh wow, I have never been to the Grand Canyon. Someone told me that it is sometimes considered one of the Wonders of the World.", "What is the movie about? Was she ever in the show Friends on NBC?", "Yes, I have work-study which I obtained through my FAFSA application. The government pretends it's financial aid, but I think that if I'm working, it's not aid.", "A lot really, Does he have repetitive behavior.?", "I'm torn on that. I think that it should meet basic needs, but perhaps half the cost of rent is appropriate, as people could get roommates.", "The Brits call apartments \"flats\". I like the sound of that much more!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love riding roller coasters.", "i'm starting an internship at a construction site next week." ]
[ "The other night I literally fell asleep at my computer writing the first paper of the semester. When I woke up I knew there was no way Id finish it before the due time and so I got ready for my first grade of the term to be a doozy.", "Oh man. At least, you've got some other assignments to bring that back up." ]
[ "Oh no! Why are you so tired all the time?", "Oh geez! I am sorry. I am tired too. I work so much :( And school is a lot too. What do you do to be healthy?", "Wow! Doesn't that get expensive?", "True! What do you want to do for a living?", "I enjoy working on cars. I also like working with animal;s", "Oh I AM the animal shelter lol!" ]
[ "Well, I'm starting a new internship soon, so I'm a bit nervous and it's been messing with my sleep.", "Well it's not exactly exercise, but it helps me a lot to visit the local themepark. I ride the rollercoasters there all the time.", "It does, but if my internship goes well, I'll have enough money that it won't be a problem!", "Well, my internship is at a construction site, so I hope to work my way up to superintendent and do that for a while. How about you?", "That's wonderful, do you volunteer at an animal shelter?", "Ah, so you have a lot of pets then? " ]
{ "convai2": [ "because i work so hard when i get the chance to relax . . . sleeping late is great !", "just taking it one day at a time . only three months till i head off to school .", "yes , i had to take out student loans to get money to travel abroad . yuck .", "i want to be a musician . following a tight schedule to try to make it happen .", "oh that's cool ! whats your favorite animal to work with ?", "ha ha ! it was nice chatting with you !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I was just so tired.", "I do keto! I can't do so much cheese or meat if its not organic. But I found out about natural sugar substitues like Xylitol (wow!!) as I have a sweet tooth- But fasting and only eating two meals has done WONDERS for me!", "Yeah! Considering that they are $2.50 or $3 normally", "I work in IT, what about you?", "Oh that sounds like so much fun! I love animals!", "That's amazing! I wish more people were willing to do what you're doing to help out our furry friends!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Like that so ng by Mariah Carey, I don't want to cry, lol. It's probably just from being tired.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "No, it's very inexpensive. Next time you visit Kentucky, you should try to check out a horse race! The races are so much fun!", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "It's kinda weird when you think about the fact that they are all anthropomorphic cars in that Pixar movie.", "That's awesome! I love that a no-kill shelter is able to expand its resources using volunteers!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a blackjack dealer.", "i've 3 kids." ]
[ "Wow, that would be cool. You get to see people loose all the money they have. Do you love it? ", "I have to get my jollies somehow. Blackjack is usually played with severla players who compete against the dealer (me)" ]
[ "That means you actually like watching people loose their money!", "Is their anything else you consider fun?", "Sorry autocorrect before, its was supposed to be \"There\". Anyway, I love traveling too, but no kids yet as I recently got married!", "Thank you very much. We're still on our honeymoon phase", "Is that so? I love kids though. I have 2 siblings and my brother is 12years younger than me. Oh he's a handful! ", "That's so sweet! " ]
[ "its just fun to see how it will turn out. ", "i love traveling with my three kids do you have children?", "oh how exciting congratulations", "oh so fun! Enjoy your time when you have kids life is extremely busy now.", "oh i am sure he is lol but yes between sports school all the activities they love but its all worth it!i love them so much", "Yes they keep you on your toes for sure! what do you do for fun" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am no fan of it , but i deal with it because i love the result .", "no , the only thing i find fun anymore is people watching . ca not be disappointed then", "i meant to say black jack in the casino", "congratulations i bet you it was a beautiful wedding", "yes i bet do you plan on having more kids or are you done ?", "yes they adore me but who wouldn't ahahah" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I usually don't. But this one was very impressive.", "I play blackjack. But my favorite all time is Texas Hold Em", "Omg I was about to say that is so mean and rude and I would be so embarrassed but I know it was a honest mistake I dislike the auto correct.", "Oh, okay! Well, I love some Blackjack. I like Poker, but better at Blackjack. But, not on your level by any means! Good for you!", "haha siblings! How many brothers do you have?", ":)))" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, the objective is to beat the dealer. I like that the players are not intended to be playing against each other.", "Yes, the objective is to beat the dealer. I like that the players are not intended to be playing against each other.", "Oh, tell me more about your wife", "Good! I think it's great when people get married for the right reasons. Happy stories out there", "i have younger brother, how old are your siblings? i can't imagine living in china where the one child policy was implemented", "thank you. I bet :) I have a son and he is so spoiled. Throughout history only children were relatively uncommon" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i hate tomatoes.", "i'm very short." ]
Depression (mood)
[ "Clinical or severe? No, but im quite often slightly depressed and unhappy with my life, trying to change that tho.", "its a bad feeling i was once depressed when i lost my job and could not pay my bills " ]
[ "Do you think there's a language that only depressed people understand?", "I'm so sorry you were feeling that way. How did you cope with it?", "What did you learn? I was watching a spanish movie where the character was depressed and he learned so much, too", "Cool, that must have been hard. It's different for everyone", "That's good. What made you realise it wasn't impossible?", "That's really inspirational. I don't think movies ever get it right when they portray depression, as much as I like movies" ]
[ "the feeling is so bad you feel hopelessness,no mood i also felt so worthless.", "Well it took some time to learn to cope and a lot of effort, however I learned so much from it.", "Learned what were my triggers and and then how to cope when those feelings started.", "Yes, but not impossible.", "I was determined to make a change and believe I can become a better person.", "My movie would be: I am short, love tomatoes, get depressed sometimes, but that's okay!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sad because i am trying to get a new job since losing mine", "because i did not want things to change , but now i'm living a lie", "shocked and relieved it explained why i was so withdrawn .", "it is difficult but i am learning so much and becoming a better person", "because i did not want things to change , but now i'm living a lie", "i really think that's the case as well . what are your hobbies out of acting ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "there is and its really depressing when you sit and think about it", "Well it took some time for me to cope up because I really put a lot of efforts, however I got to understand that it should be rather taken as a learning experience", "Karate mainly, Its such a good stress relief too!", "Yes, but not impossible.", "My resolve I guess? Nothing changed for the better but inside me at least I know I can do it on my own because it's 1000 times better than the alternative. I'll do whatever it takes.", "thats very true. I guess i just like to believe life is like a movie." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "the feeling is so bad you feel hopelessness,no mood i also felt so worthless", "the feeling is so bad you feel hopelessness,no mood i also felt so worthless", "I often felt uneasy and hard to concentrate. I never sought professional help and I worried a lot", "the feeling is so bad you feel hopelessness,no mood i also felt so worthless", "I often felt uneasy and hard to concentrate. I never sought professional help and I worried a lot", "I dont know, maybe its just depressed mood, not depression maybe i have dysthymia" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i'm still living at home at age 30.", "i'm colorblind." ]
[ "I received a late birthday gift from a friend and it was exactly what I needed", "That is very nice of your friend." ]
[ "I'm shocked they knew just what to get me. I'm glad I have such good friends." ]
[ "You are really lucky to have great friends! My mother is so lonesome sometimes since dad died." ]
{ "convai2": [ "you knew right away though ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im glad you have such good friends in your life, it makes life easier." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They make incredible and memorable gifts." ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i am a vegan.", "i am a registered nurse." ]
[ "I was anticipating when I applied to colleg", "When are you going to find out your acceptance? " ]
[ "hopefully by the first of the year", "philosophies. What have you studied? ", "Much respect. Nurses put up with a lot. You work late nights? ", "Can you take your meals? I try to take my meals when I work. ", "What kind of TV shows do you like? I watch Jimmy Fallon every night.", "Sorry to hear that. When I miss a show I usually catch it on Youtube" ]
[ "what subject of studies?", "I went to nursing school", "yes. I just wish there was better food, more vegan option in the cafeteria", "oh great idea!", "I wish I had time for shows, I am always swamped", "you are full with great ideas! but when I have time I rather take a nap to recharge" ]
{ "convai2": [ "next year some times in may ? what do you say ?", "right now , philosophy and history", "depends on the week i stay up late a lot of work", "absolutely lol . . . i can not deal with the aspect of nursing", "i like comedies after along day of work", "like on you tube or something ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "When are you going to find out your acceptance?", "Psychology I love how the mind works.", "My wife is an ICU nurse who works night shift. So i am usually home alone", "The buy yourself the food", "I love comedy shows.", "I just watch on TV." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Why are you considering transferring?", "Love of wisdom. Philosophy intrigues me.", "I do not, but if I did, I would be grateful for the 24 hour nursing care", "That is only if i am taking it outside my home in a restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets", "You mean James Thomas Fallon? I find him pampas.", "Do you like the YES network that has sports?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my brother lives in england.", "my favorite tv show is friends." ]
[ "never heard of it, is it an american show ?", "Yes, it is! It's an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 1994 to May 2004." ]
[ "Was that the one about the people living in New York with the weird neighbor?", "Oh, right. I've seen that all over Netflix now. I've been meaning to watch that. Is it good?", "Sounds good! I will try to look it up and give it a watch! I'm kind of in the middle of a classic anime right now.", "Seven Deadly Sins. I watched it several years ago and just decided to re-watch it. I had forgotten how good it was!", "A group of warriors with special powers. It's back story is very involved and unfolds over the course of the show. ", "I have! I went on a class trip when I was in primary school. We had a wonderful tour of London." ]
[ "No, that was Seinfeld, Friends is about a groups of friends in New-York. It is even popular in England, my brother told me, he lives there.", "It is really good, it is my favorite show, there is humor and romance. ", "I highly recommend it, there are 6 principal characters, so there is plenty of interesting interactions. What are you watching ?", "What it is about ?", "My brother in England would like, he likes complex stories. Have you ever been in England ?", "That sounds like a fun trip, I go see him every year, London as so many beautiful museums. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "if it was i haven't seen it .", "house of cards is also a favorite and yes its actually very funny !", "try watching friends to keep you busy , i love that show .", "try watching friends to keep you busy , i love that show .", "oh i haven't watched it , its on netflix right ?", "england is fantastic , have you been before ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh yes. I love that show I can relate to real life families.", "It is. It is literally one of the best shows I have ever seen and I 've seen plenty.", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return.", "Oh I see! I guess I should watch it as well! I never seen it yet.", "you mean the men of the underworld?", "That sounds like a heck of a trip!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Nope, it is the longest running American sitcom.", "Actually it is! It remains on of the highest rated shows and is slated to air new episodes through 2019", "Oh, I haven't heard of those, they sound interesting.Anime started all the way back in 1917, would you want to watch an old anime fromt hen?", "I guess it is up to it's eighth season now. Also, if violence isn't your forte you might want to pass it up.", "The see there was also a video game created from the series. What else do you enjoy?", "Did you fly to London? I hear it has the busiest airport system in the whole world!" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i like to eat hard boiled eggs.", "i like to drink tea." ]
[ "I really like pickles on my burgers so I ordered mine with extra pickles today.", "I love pickles and I always order extra! We must be twins!" ]
[ "It's funny i first learned to love pickles at karaoke night i was offered one. After that i was hooked!", "That's awesome that they don't cost that much! And thank you!", "Eggs are okay i like them in the morning!", "Very true! How about coffee?", "I like camomile tea! somes black tea", "Milk goes great in tea! honey too. You have great tastes!" ]
[ "haha you're hilarious! when I place the order in McDonalds I asked for extra but they were cheap!", "hard boiled eggs are my favorite and pickels on the side with some teas - delicious!", "A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat, especially because they're cooked within their shells!", "I am more of a tea person", "I love Chai tea with a bit of milk and honey", "I love Chai tea with a bit of milk and honey" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh cool ! ! we might be twins seperated at birth ! ! lol ! parents names ?", "the pickles are the best part of the whole experience though !", "haha there is never a wrong time for breakfast food !", "i'm a coffee fanatic , yes !", "great combo ! ! if we lived close we could share it together", "i know right ? so am i the only one wondering if we are twins ? !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "LOL! I sister hates them..but I don't like most veggies :( Rapsberrys are a close second!", "Yeah! Considering that they are $2.50 or $3 normally", "Scrambled eggs are my favorite. Especially because I ate them so much in college.", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are also good! i think inmediatlly on mcdonalds when i hear the word pickles, and big mac as one of their signature products", "Have you ever tried sweet gherkins? They add sugar to the pickling brine and they are rally delicious. Even people that don't like pickles like sweet gherkins.", "A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat, especially because they're cooked within their shells!", "Oh for sure! Especially when it's hot! Have you ever had a Frappé coffee?", "Black tea is good. Tea like that originated in Southwest China and was used for medicine...", "I love honey, I love how sweet it is." ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work for the navy.", "my favorite show is thevoice." ]
[ "Someone asked me what the word belligerent meant the other day, and I knew the answer.", "Good for you. How did you know what that meant?" ]
[ "Oh I have dealt with so many like that my whole life so I know it well!", "Oh somewhat! You can't let them turn you into them you know?", "Oh man! But do you still like being in the navy?", "Oh I am working on school but I also run a few businesses. Not enough time in the day", "Oh working for a few companies kind of self employed and also selling things on the side.", "Well I am doing ok!" ]
[ "That stinks, but at least you know how to handle yourself, right?", "I work for the navy, so I know what you mean. Lots of people in positions of authority who shouldn't be. ", "It beats being in the Army if you ask me! The pay sure is better. What do you do? ", "Wow, what kind of businesses do you run?", "I see. Are you doing well for yourself?", "That's good to hear. I hope you have lots of success with your business endeavors!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "it is more so that they don't know what i'm dealing with .", "at first not so much because i missed the action . but now , its ok", "maybe some type of business degree or management would be good !", "i see ! must make a lot of money for yourself !", "that's great ! good for you ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I will agree with you there. We use whatever words we want.", "I will agree with you there. We use whatever words we want.", "I've heard good things about the Navy and also how tough it is.", "I hear you! Have you thought about starting a side business?", "Wow, that sounds unique. What exactly do you sell?", "Good luck with any future business ventures." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I think most people understand that. As it is often used as a derogatory tinge.", "Yes, I don't think that would be a horrible thing. Just sit back and let my parents take care of it, lol", "It can, it just depends. I night also be involved with nuclear deterrence by use of submarines.", "That is not good. You should have better work ethic.", "I think it feels good to deal in party brands. which specific outlet were you working for?", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my parents recently moved to florida.", "my brother is currently couch surfing at my house." ]
[ "Hello! I just got a new neighbor who seems very nice. I have to leave town for a bit, and they offered to watch after my pets. I'm going out on a limb doing this but I've accepted their offer.", "That sounds risky but at the same time if it works out convenient! " ]
[ "Oh yeah! Most definitely. ", "I have two dogs and a twin sister if you count her, haha what about you?", "A squirrel?? That's pretty awesome! ", "Oh my gosh, I'm such an animal lover and that's so sweet.", "Aww! True that! They may end up being best friends.", "oh yea without a doubt" ]
[ "How many pets do you have?", "haha! I have a dog, a cat and a squirrel. ", "Yeah! I found him lying to die last summer. Managed to feed and look after the fellow for around 8months inside a room and now he's real tame", "You should see him now! He's let loose but he comes home when it gets dark and sleeps in his corner. It's a wonder my cat hasn't murdered him yet!", "I truly hope so! But you know how cats are. You never know!", "what are your pets names?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "very nice . i like helping my new neighbor . they moved in last week .", "wow ! you have me beat ! only 2 of each here .", "yup . it is hard sometimes though . we just moved into our new apartment .", "it was until after a cat chased us ! we are both allergic ! scary ! ! !", "yes i hope so ! so , do you have any plans for this evening ?", "that is so true ! good thing we live now , right ! ll" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I hope they aren't like a crazy stalker or anything. Be careful!", "I actually do have a twin, lol. I miss the good ol' days!", "They are really cool looking animals!", "Yea, they're fun even when they're jerks lol. He's a little Jack Russell so he's got quite the energy", "I sure do hope so too. I bet they're best buds just playin' around in the afterlife.", "You never know." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "I'm a bit unusual in that I'm both a dog person and a cat person. I wasn't a cat person until I met a Ginger Tom called Ollie!", "It is. From hunting, herding, assisting police, protection and companionship, they are wonderful buddies for us!", "It is. From hunting, herding, assisting police, protection and companionship, they are wonderful buddies for us!", "LOL! I think it's cool how they can see when it's almost near darkness!", "LOL! I think it's cool how they can see when it's almost near darkness!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite color is blue.", "i visit india often." ]
[ "I let my dog off the leash in the park the other day and he never strayed too far from me the whole time. He came any time I called him and is such a good boy!", "That sounds like a great dog! what bread is he?" ]
[ "He's a basset/lab mix.", "That's cool! I have friends with pitties, and they are super-sweet dogs. Does your dog like to play frisbee? ", "Fun! I meant just catching it and bringing it back. My dog loves to play. Is ultimate frisbee like frisbee golf?", "That sounds really fun.", "Yeah. Just for fun with friends and family. None of us are very good, but it's nice to do stuff outside. ", "mostly just going for walks and hikes and playing fetch. His lab side always wants to do stuff, but his bassett hound side is lazy :-) " ]
[ "Awesome! I have a mixed pitbull! They are the best dogs ever, in my opinion", "Frisbee as in the actual game or just throwing it to him. Sometimes he plays ultimate frisbee with my friends and I", "They're kinda similar, but ultimate frisbee is a little more team based. Points are scored by throwing the frisbee into the opponents endzone.", "Yeah, it's a fun time, especially with friends. Do you play frisbee golf?", " It's always good to find ways to be active. Do you play sports with your dog?", "What a cute, contradictory pupper. A personality for everyone!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh a dog ! i see dogs all the time in the park i live near", "not unless you mean frisbee with my dog ! i am obsessed !", "not unless you mean frisbee with my dog ! i am obsessed !", "it is ! if for nothing else it is good practice .", "we both like the outdoors then ! i like working out at the park too .", "i understand ! i take my pug to the park too . he's so loyal !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever.", "I do, I used to play growing up.", "That's exactly what it is. They love the take out though lol", "Yeah it's an amazing experience altogether. I really enjoy the sport.", "True. It's always good to go outside with a friend. And don't forget your towel!", "That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Is it a purebred? I've seen many of those on these dog shows I watch.", "Like the frisbee disc sport?", "Yes similar. Points are scored by passing the frisbee into the opponents endzone.", "Yes it is, let me tell you how the scores are gotten in ultimate, it is by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone.", "Cool! Have you ever played outside in bad weather. Some days it's been crazy rainy and windy. It really makes the game more challenging. It puts more pressure on the game for sure.", "Your Lab must really be a beautiful dog. They have such a great personality too: loyal and playful!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i enjoy running.", "i have 2 dogs." ]
[ "It was a very busy week for me, but now that the weekend is here I'm looking forward to relaxing at home.", "Why has your week been so busy?" ]
[ "Working 8 day a week and school", "yes. i mean to say 8 hours a day. haha", "How your day been going?" ]
[ "oh wow. yes school and work together can be exhausting", "oh i gotcha , typos happen ha", "Good. I just came back from a run with my 2 dogs. Now just relaxing" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i work like 5 days a week never worked on the weekend", "oh i gotcha , typos happen ha", "it was busy . how was yours ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Nice. Some leisure time is always good.", "ah it happens lol", "doing good.. how about you" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It seems Estonian didn't work on Thursday. So a long weekend I guess.", "yea finding a good balance between work and living a healthy life, too much of either is unhealthy", "My day was great, Its so busy and all with fixing cars which is rewarding because it also pays well." ] }
[ "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i've never been on a cruise ship.", "i go to dance lessons with my boyfriend." ]
[ "Hi! I just found out that my daughter is moving to another state.", "I'm sorry, I know that must make you sad and stressed. I have a daughter who lives pretty far away too" ]
[ "I know right, I've been in such a funk over it for the past week,since I found out.", "I've been saving up to buy a new camera, looks like I need to go ahead and get it and take lots of photos of her!", "I know, I know. I'll just miss seeing her long pretty hair blowing in the breeze the most. Her hair is as long as mine.", "I've had long hair all my life. I have photos of myself as a baby in pigtails. Lol", "Which makes me sad, because my daughter had pigtails when she was a baby too: (", "Yes, very proud and I'm glad in a way she's taking this step to the next stage in her life." ]
[ "At least she's moving for a good reason. I had a similar thing with a childhood friend who moved for school.", "Yes. But you'll get used to her being away eventually. Remember, you were once someone's child who left home too", "That's nice. I think long hair is very beautiful.", "Haha! That is so cute!", "Still cute though, you must be proud.", "Indeed, the future could be bright for her." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i just moved to a new state . moving is a lot of work !", "lol . me too . i'm the same way with my camera .", "that is what my son always says . he's got long hair just like you", "lol ! yes , i can see it !", "i just moved to a new state . moving is a lot of work !", "i am happy for you ! what else do you enjoy ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "At least she's moving for a good reason. I had a similar thing with a childhood friend who moved for school.", "Do it! She will be so grateful!", "Your hair must grow really quick!", "Still cute though, you must be proud.", "Still cute though, you must be proud.", "indeed, the future could be bright for her." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm sorry to hear that. That is very stressful and upsetting I hope you will find peace.", "The first step is getting a great camera with quick aperture speed.", "It is funny how long hair has different meanings in some cultures compared to others.", "Haha! That is so cute!", "I bet. I hate how some people crop their ears and dock the tail. So sad.", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am a olympian.", "i can also squat 400 pounds." ]
Marlboro (cigarette)
[ "Oh yea they are super popular.", "I've noticed that. They are made by Philip Morris USA within the US." ]
[ "I don't smoke anymore. I quit six years ago. Best thing I ever did.", "I still smoke cannabis, but that's harmless. Great for relaxation, as well.", "Well...yeah. I have a nephew who is a fitness freak. Smokes cannabis daily. It helps him focus on his runs.", "Definitely. I travel to Colorado every other month. Six hour drive, but I love doing it.", "Nah. I never bring any back. You will LOVE the high though. Your imagination will soar!", "Try it. You will love it. " ]
[ "That's amazing. I don't smoke either as it affects my lifestyle", "Haha! As a fitness freak, I have actually decided on living substance free. Do you think i'm missing out?\\", "Maybe I might give it a shot then!", "Wow! that takes some guts! ", "You're tempting me real bad! ", "I truly hope it helps my squatting! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i gave up smoking last week !", "that is great to hear , i did smoke and drank few years but stopped", "i wish i could cycle , but too much smoking . i need to quit .", "i just moved to colorado if i ever move again i will check that place out", "i gave up smoking last week !", "i gave up smoking last week !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Nice!! I'm trying to stay away from any form of smoking for now.", "Nice!! I'm trying to stay away from any form of smoking for now.", "I might explore those options the next time I go to my dispensory!", "I love Colorado.", "You should definitely try. You'll get addicted!", "Haha thank you, and have fun if you do!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yes I quit it too, but it was created in the 1880's by a pharmacist.", "Yep, weed is great, it has so many health benefits and can be very calmly though its still not great for lungs", "That's interesting. Fun fact: smoking was used in various cultures as a ritual--some believed it could lead to some spiritual enhancement.", "You should! I recently read that Colorado is the 8th largest state geographically. I never realized it was that large!", "You should! I recently read that Colorado is the 8th largest state geographically. I never realized it was that large!", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have been in 2 car crashes in my life.", "food and water are essential to me in life." ]
[ "unfortunately i have been told i only have six more months to live", "awesome ! , for continued living i only need food and water !" ]
[ "Why is that awesome i'm going to die?", "Very true! i'm trying my best to enjoy it", "Kinda of lame but see that grand canyon ", "Thats a great idea! i'll add that to the list!", "Its basic but true, Live life to the fullest and don't let the small things get to you!", "Awesome i hope i looks good!" ]
[ "Well I believe we can always choose to look at the positives. At least you have time to spend left with your family and friends.", "Is there anything on your bucket list?", "It's an amazing sight. We should go skydiving! ", "What advice would you want to leave for future people?", "I am going to get that tattooed on my arm!", "I'll make sure to dedicate it in your honor!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i meant the doctor said that i only have six months left", "with only having six months left to live , every day i wake up is good .", "wow , so no bucket list before you die", "only water and food are required to sustain life !", "that's what i'm trying to figure out . only have six months to leave .", "so i want to spend my rest of the life after 6 months" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is riduculous. Death is inevitible.", "sadly we all know that everyone and everything is going to die, but that is why we need to really live while we are able. Don't retreat. Embrace everyone who is close to you.", "Wow - I've nver been but would love to go.", "Have fun for me!", "For sure, that is a motto to live by! I wouldn't dream of doing anything different.", "Me too! lol. Thank you" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, there actually is a way to find out. There are things called Near Death studies - this is a field of psychology and psychiatry that studies the after-effects of NDEs", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life.", "Oh wow, I have never been to the Grand Canyon. Someone told me that it is sometimes considered one of the Wonders of the World.", "What else is on your bucket list?", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life.", "i hope you do great!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm an artist.", "i love watching game of thrones." ]
Game of Thrones
[ "I watched the first four seasons, if I'm not mistaken.", "Do you have a favourite character? mine favourite character from \"A song of ice and fire\" is Jon snow." ]
[ "no i dont have a favorite but i love the show", "true detective is my number 1 fave", "its more of a fictional crime type, matthew mcconaughey and woody harrelson", "yes it is pretty awesome, i love it", "yes i was a huge fan of the books as well", "hanging out with my best fried roy who happens to be my dog" ]
[ "Oh cool! I like fantasy shows a lot. What are you other favorites?", "Oh I never heard of it! What actors are in it?", "WOW really? They are doing a tv show? I have to look this up.", "Do you like the harry potter series?", "I never read the books but I heard they were good! So what is on your agenda tonight?", "I hear you! I have a million of dogs and cats. Therapy dogs are the best. IDK what I would do without mine." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah , the most recent season ended good . i am excited for the next !", "i only saw the first one but its good so far . seen any good shows ?", "i only saw the first one but its good so far . seen any good shows ?", "i only saw the first one but its good so far . seen any good shows ?", "well my favorites were the harry potter series", "oh i love dogs , that sounds fantastic !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book.", "True crime is awesome. I love watching different shows about the same case. There is always new information and different perspectives.", "True crime is awesome. I love watching different shows about the same case. There is always new information and different perspectives.", "I can't wait to see it!", "Dumbledore is one of my favorite characters of a ll time", "lol sounds good!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Have you also read the books from George R. R. Martin or just seen the show?", "I did not realize that it first aired as a mini-series.", "Then I suppose you must enjoy action crime thriller type films, right?", "Do you plan on watching it? Looks like the entire series is slated to conclude in 2019", "Who's your favourite character? I loved Dumbledore", "Fried chicken is the best, but I've found I'm not good at making it lol I've never been able to get that perfect crisp, well-seasoned skin" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have a sleeve of tattoos.", "i like to drink at bars with friends." ]
[ "well she thinks my dream job is silly", "really ? what is your dream job ? mine would be anything to do with dogs ." ]
[ "Working with dogs would be awesome. My dream job is run my own thrift store while also doing online work", "I enjoy having some drinks with good company. ", "I normally keep it simple but I have achieved a few hangovers over the years", "Everything from affordable clothes to interesting collectibles. I would even like a table where you can take something and leave something at will", "I am a big fan of thrift stores and video games. I still love the vintage ones for sure. ", "Heck yes! And then junk food and video games" ]
[ "sounds like a sweet gig. I find my inspiration for job at bars while drinking with friends", "yeah but I avoid getting drunk, just a bit buzzed", "haha I hear ya! so, what kind of things do you hope to have in your thrift store?", "oh great idea! I go to thrift stores to find old books or vintage video games...", "it would be cool to hang out together one day at a bar and chat face to face", "haha! now we're talkin'" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like to buy goods sat the thrift shop on saturdays .", "i like to buy goods sat the thrift shop on saturdays .", "oh wow do you like to visit thrift shops ?", "that will be a great way to show off your online shopping treasures .", "awesome i like thrift stores too you can find some great items there .", "but she has to agree plus i do not think she would like my friends" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "sounds like a sweet gig.", "That sounds fun though, I am a lightweight, after about 5 drinks I am about out of it", "I have never been an alcoholic, but I never drank that much", "Oh yeah that would be such a fun find!", "You should! Alot of the profits from thrift stores go to good causes too!", "Food solves lots of things lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I think that thrift stores are amazing. Not only do they sell great items for low prices, they help raise money.", "Sometimes, drink may be an expression of thanks or a resolution a disagreement.", "Yes the hangover can be bad but I usually enjoy it, especially a St. Patrick’s Day party", "Good idea!", "I agree, another one of my favorite thrift shops is the Wolverhampton Society for the Blind. They sell trinkets made by blind people, which I think is really cool.", "And I would be glad knowing they would have planned activities" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to run so that i can clear my head.", "i'm an author." ]
[ "what do you do for work ?", "myself i am an author actually" ]
[ "Wow! What do you write?", "Do you like reading as well?", "Who is your favorite author/", "Oh like Fantastic Voyage?", "I've never read it, but it's sitting on my bookshelf.", "Same! Are you currently reading anything?" ]
[ "Science-fiction and fantasy novels. ", "I enjoy mostly science fiction books. Of course", "Definitely Isaac Asimov", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "It's always nice to get lost in a good book. One of my favorite hobbies.", "Actually I've been too busy writing lately." ]
{ "convai2": [ "marketing", "sometimes", "right now melisa mccarthy . you ?", "yes , it is a book series by isaac asimov about human like robots .", "you should give sci fi and horror books a go . i think you'd like them", "books ! specifically fantasy genre . harry potter and the like ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I LOVE TO READ .. INFACT IT IS A PART OF MY LIFE", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Knox.", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "It's always nice to get lost in a good book. One of my favorite hobbies.", "I do read occasionally, do you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Business, essays and cartoons", "I enjoy mostly science fiction books.", "Definitely Isaac Asimov", "Yes I do. Isaac Asimov.", "same", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i love wearing flip flops.", "i love laughing." ]
[ "sounds delicious . where are you from ?", "i'm from the great us of a" ]
[ "the great us of america?" ]
[ "Yes sir! I love america land of the FREE BABY!! I wear flip flops all the time to show my love!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "usa and you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, the united states in around 1938" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i eat eggs and bacon for breakfast.", "i like going to rock concerts." ]
[ "i do love the music scene here though , electronic music is my jam .", "have you ever been to a rock concert ? they are the best" ]
[ "I haven't", "eletronic. they're the best concerts to go to", "I don't know. I just like the sound and beats and it's fun to listen to", "not really. I should probably make studying my hobby though. Do you have any other hobbies?", "I enjoy writing too! Currently working on an original", "Drama. Romance. But not in the cheesy way. I try to make it as realistic and un corny as possibile." ]
[ "I enjoy going to rock concerts. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?", "I'm not big on electronic. What do you like about that genre?", "That's cool. Any other hobbies?", "LOL studying is important. I enjoy writing.", "What kind of writing do you do?", "that's interesting. Do you know when we can end this whole chat thing? I need to pee lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i've not , but it sounds fun !", "they're alright . i prefer edm .", "oh , well i like that too . what else do you like to do ?", "not really . i like going to see live music .", "that's great . i've been trying to get into that but not sure where to start .", "you sound very creative . maybe i'll watch your movie one day . i like romance movies !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "what kind of music do you like?", "Oh I like them too. I like that song I think it is called \"Change\". It is so good.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "I do not, how about you?", "That is so awesome and a great accomplishment do you plan to write more in the future?", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Have you ever gone to an underground scene where it was more aggressive at the concerts?", "Have you ever gone to an underground scene where it was more aggressive at the concerts?", "What about Techno? Do you like Detroit techno?", "I do have activities I do for enjoyment. My favorite is golf.", "That sounds good! What genre will you look to be writing?", "Is romance your favorite genre?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i do not get along with my family.", "regular life disappoints me." ]
Peyton Manning
[ "interesting, what are his achievements?", "He played football for the University of Tennessee, leading the Volunteers to the 1997 SEC Championship his senior year!" ]
[ "After he started playing professionally, I saw him in a supermarket!", "It was pretty weird, though. I didn't talk to him, though", "I just wasn't sure what to say. And I felt kinda awful drawing attention to him lol", "Yeah, or at least I thought it was him. Legendary career he had", "That's a nice area to be. Where did your family live?", "That's fair, nothing worse that strife with people. How's the workforce there?" ]
[ "Yeah, after seeing how incredible his achievements have been, real life kinda seems disappointing to me lol", "Most people are pretty cool if you take the time to say something", "Still pretty cool that you saw him. ", "I have not seen anyone famous but recently moved outside of NYC so I am hopeful. I needed to get away from my family", "I was in Arlington, VA but my family and I do not get along much so I decided to follow a close friend who was moving there", "Well that depends on how you look at it. There are lots of jobs but not with the income to support living on my own. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is awesome ! i love shopping there . i will have to look here in tennessee .", "yeah , he was really nice and gave us his autograph . then continued shopping .", "i just figured it was an ego thing . you think highly of yourself", "yeah , he was really nice and gave us his autograph . then continued shopping .", "chicago but we lived in new york for a bit", "its different for sure but the people are nice" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes that was an exciting moment for him and for the team as well!", "Most people are pretty cool if you take the time to talk to them a bit.", "Most people are pretty cool if you take the time to talk to them a bit.", "He is a legend in the making", "I live in a college town in the mdiwest.", "There are some retail jobs, hotel jobs, health care, education, but not a lot of industry" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh neat! What was his name? Pretty cool that they are based in Dallas-Fort Worth area. Been there a few times.", "Well, he may not have. Reasons vary. It could be he's just not a very nice guy and you'll be better off ultimately!", "Well, he may not have. Reasons vary. It could be he's just not a very nice guy and you'll be better off ultimately!", "He has a great record too! In his eleven year at Alabama he has an offical record of 127-20 and 5 national camplionships.", "Romeo, Michigan which is also my home town. Have you heard Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast? It's rocks first album and like hearing Jesus speak.", "Not sure? I know during a recession unemployment s higher so maybe we will find jobs" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]