1 value
1 value
when a river flows into the sea, where does the freshwater end and where does the salt water start?
{ "a_id": [ "eqba705", "eqbiw8w" ], "score": [ 18, 2 ], "text": [ "They meet in estuaries that have what is considered brackish water. It has a lower salt content than sea water but more than the fresh river water.\n\nEstuaries are important ecosystems for many animals such as birds and fish along with many more. \n\n[check this out](_URL_0_)", "The answer varies by the river. In the extreme case of the Amazon, by far the largest river in the world, you can be at sea, out of sight of land, and still the water is fresh enough to drink. Most rivers are undrinkably salty well before they reach their mouth, especially as rivers tend to flow more slowly nearer the coast and tides can push sea water many miles inland. Faster flowing rivers in areas of small tides can have fresh water close to their mouths." ] }
[ [ "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estuary" ], [] ]
why do fully charged batteries not bounce when dropped vertically but discharged ones do?
[Like this](_URL_0_)
{ "a_id": [ "dmis591" ], "score": [ 8 ], "text": [ "I think the video is right that we don't entirely understand it. However, the best explanation seems to be that a new alkaline battery contains a gel which makes it act like a [dead blow hammer](_URL_0_). As the battery discharges, the chemical reaction gradually turns that gel into a solid and the battery starts to bounce more like a solid block. " ] }
[ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_m6p99l6ME" ]
[ [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_blow_hammer" ] ]
how did nice residential areas get nice?
How did places like the Hamptons or Beverly Hills get so nice?
{ "a_id": [ "ciaidjh", "ciaj8mn" ], "score": [ 4, 3 ], "text": [ "A rich person moves in, fixes up their property, drives their property value up. A real estate agent averages the value of the houses in the neighborhood, and realizes the average has been driven up, prompting him to raise the price of whatever house he's selling. Poor people no longer move in, and those who are still in the neighborhood realize that they can make a tidy sum by selling their property and moving out. Eventually only rich people live in that area.", "Thats because many people want to live there, that drives the prices for homes up and only richer people can afford it. And because rich people live their, other people want to live there too, from which only the rich actually can, this will make the neighborhood stay \"good\". \nIt usually beginns with rich people looking for a place to live and other people joining them." ] }
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why shouldn't you put hot water from a tap into your kettle to boil?
{ "a_id": [ "dotwyjn", "dotx0ea", "dou0qkq", "douzbhn", "dov6foc" ], "score": [ 14, 34, 4, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Unless you've got a fancy newer home, your hot water probably comes from a tank-style water heater. Those tanks aren't the cleanest things in the world (it's not like simple piping that has water flowing through it more constantly), hot water dissolves contaminants more readily than cold water, and in general it tastes funny. In some cases it could be unsafe, but by and large it just tastes worse.", "Hot water heaters hold water for long periods of time, and as such they often have buildup of various sediments and other contaminants that you really don't want to be ingesting on a regular basis.\n\nAlso, it fouls the flavor of the water. Especially if you have scale issues.\n\nTake two cups. Fill one with hot water, fill another with cold. Put them both in the fridge.\n\nOnce the hot water is cold, taste both cups. You'll see that the taste of the hot water is not nearly as good as the cold. ", "I do it all the time. Never bothered me. I have a new water heater. I will agree fresh cold water is theoretically cleaner. But I can state that my city has very good tap water which comes from lake water which is thus rainwater, not from wells, or from polluted streams which cannot possibly be cleaned as clean as when it started as rainwater from a forest.", "If you are in a newer home, this wont be much of a problem since your hot water tank and the pipes wont contain as much bacteria and various unpleasant sediments.\n\nhow ever in older homes, this is a problem since the build up can be quite significant , not to mention that bacteria being in a warm environment with water is almost a perfect environment for them to grow in ", "Like the others have said, it's all to do with the quality of the water. But usually a kettle is fine with hot water as it boils contaminates (taste wise, I don't think you notice if your just putting water in your coffee/tea etc), but its suggested to not drink from the 'hot tap' when you just want warm water to drink or add to something (as opposed to boiling it in a kettle). " ] }
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why do some speakers faintly pick up random radio stations when i plug the auxiliary cord into my laptop?
Usually my laptop won't have any music or video playing in the background when I plug the speakers in, but when I plug them in, the speakers give me random radio playing in the background.
{ "a_id": [ "cmafe5t" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "The head phones are acting as both a radio antenna and audio output the same as if you were listening to fm radio through your phone." ] }
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how the sugar intake (carbs) would affect fat burning and storing ?
{ "a_id": [ "dww9pel" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "When you eat carbs they are broken down into glucose\n\nWhen glucose is in the blood insulin is produced by the liver\n\nInsulin tells your cells to open up and let glucose in (this is good)\n\nInsulin also tells your body to stop breaking down fat and instead encourages it to be stored.\n\nGlucose is the most easily used energy source and so this will be used up first before fat is used therefore if you eat too many carbs you will always be adding to or maintaining fat stores assuming sufficient calories are eaten." ] }
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how could a small group of protesters shut down a rally attended by thousands?
I mean, I get that anyone has the right to demonstrate, and I can even imagine them getting onstage and holding the microphone hostage, but the BLM protesters said "If you don't listen to us, we will shut the event down"- and I just can't wrap my mind around how that could be a credible threat...
{ "a_id": [ "ctx1rpq", "ctx1s86", "ctx1suq", "ctx1u7j", "ctx1wvr", "ctx1xjc" ], "score": [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "You only need a small number of people blending in with everyone else to start throwing rocks or causing other trouble. That very often will incite legitimate protestors to start doing that themselves. Even if it doesn't it's very rare for the legitimate ones to 100% band together, grab them, and kick them out before law enforcement steps in to shut things down.", "They were not able to shut down the rally. These were just empty threats. The reason they were not removed from the premises is just that the organizers decided to not involve the police.", "Anyone can make reasonable conversation impossible by shouting over the person trying to speak. If you're in a public place, there aren't property rights that let you solve that by throwing people off your property.", "BLM? Bureau of Land Management?", " > I can even imagine them getting onstage and holding the microphone hostage\n\nAfter checking a few news articles, it sounds like that's exactly what they did. Either the event didn't have adequate security, or they didn't want to create an even worse incident by attacking protesters on stage.\n\nOther than that, there are other ways to disrupt an event, like throwing things, making loud noise, or messing with equipment.", "It wasn't a credible threat. What they meant was that they simply wouldn't stop screaming and being a nuisance. They use the term \"shut down\" a lot because Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the BLM movement likes to use it in reference to storming a stage and taking control of the mic. It has nothing to do with actually shutting the event down, just ruining it for the supporters of the actual event." ] }
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catalase and hydrogen peroxide
If an enzyme name is based off the substrate's name, why does the enzyme catalase have this name when it reacts with hydrogen peroxide?
{ "a_id": [ "eahqspl" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "It's based of the function in this case. It catalyses the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.\n\nThe substrate name rule is really only true for some enzymes. Sometimes scientists feel like giving stuff different names I suppose. " ] }
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what's so peculiar about human papilloma virus(hpv) that it is involved in most of the cancers occurring in human body?
Why is there single virus involved in nearly most of the cancers from genitals to head and neck? Why no other virus from millions of species has this ability? What's so special about HPV?
{ "a_id": [ "ek7pj1e", "ek7t8ok", "ek8k1l3" ], "score": [ 6, 6, 2 ], "text": [ "It causes cellular destruction on a decently rapid level and also is associated with mutations of proteins. Everytime a cell divides there is a chance that DNA will be coded wrong and the cell becomes a type of cancer. The more cells you damage that also increases cancer cell formation risks. Even if the chance is 1:1,000,000 we have like 30 trillion cells that make us up. A one in a million chance still happens 30 million times for us. ", "Viruses are usually short-handed as \"the virus injects DNA into your cells and takes over\" but this is a simplification. Depending on the species, different viruses attack your cells with different methods. For instance, some don't bother with DNA, they just inject RNA into the cell. RNA is the instructions that will be made from the DNA anyway, so it kind of skips a step. Others use RNA to make DNA that *then* inserts into your DNA.\n\nHPV is one of the ones that well and truly injects its own DNA into your DNA. Cells invaded by HPV are *permanently* changed. Importantly, the DNA is otherwise no different from your own, and it can and *will* be copied if and when the cell divides to produce daughter cells.\n\nMany viruses do this. One of the main differences with HPV is that HPV is a slow, sneaky virus. Viruses don't actually \"want\" to kill their host - inasmuch as viruses \"want\" anything. They evolved to affect their host in the way most likely to spread the virus. You can't spread the virus if you're dead. So deadly viruses are usually ones that recently mutated to affect humans instead of their normal hosts, usually an animal. See: [this video](_URL_0_) for more information. HPV evolved specifically to target humans (it's in the name, after all). It generally *doesn't* kill you - at least, not directly. Instead, HPV inserts its DNA into some cells and then it just...disappears for a while. It chills tf out. There's no need to crank out new viruses. It has already guaranteed the survival of its DNA for as long as you live.\n\nOther, more conventionally dangerous viruses insert their DNA and then get to work immediately blasting out new viruses to spread. That disrupts the cell, eventually bursting it when it fills up with new virus particles. That doesn't give the host cell time to reproduce. HPV is just chillin', though, and its host cell does what it normally does. That includes reproducing. So your HPV-DNA-infected cell goes on to reproduce and now you have a whole section of tissue that has this HPV DNA sitting around, generally not doing anything.\n\nWhen that viral DNA *does* do something, it encourages your cells to divide a lot. More cells means more viral DNA, and more cells to eventually crank out virus particles. HPV causes warts, which are benign tumors - blobs of tissue that don't do anything except exist. If your body doesn't control the infection and allows the virus to chill in your cells long enough, those benign warts can turn into real cancer. And HPV isn't generally smart enough to care *where* in your DNA it shoves its own. It'll stick it anywhere. Just kind of...shove it right in there. One of the places it might shove it is right in the middle of a gene that codes for programmed cell death, and now that gene doesn't work and your cells don't die when they're supposed to. Bam, cancer.", "HPV is not involved in most cancers—it’s just involved in many or most cancers where it occurs in the human body. " ] }
[ [], [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYh5WACqEk" ], [] ]
how do subreddits like /r/rapeisfun, /r/daterape and /r/killingwomen exist withought getting taken down by mods?
It just seems like Reddit wouldn't really want to be associated with those kinds of things and would be making an effort to shut down that kind of sub. Why don't they?
{ "a_id": [ "cq3x3p6" ], "score": [ 5 ], "text": [ "Because it's not illegal and it's not against Reddit's site-wide rules. Also, Reddit (the site) makes it very clear that subreddits are community-run, they don't \"associate\" with them." ] }
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what is that feeling you get in your chest that we call "heartache" thats exclusive to romantic encounters?
{ "a_id": [ "e23268b" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "I suspect those that feel a lot of anxiety don't find this sensation to be exclusive to romantic encounters. \n\nIn both anxiety attacks and heart ache the sensation is caused by muscle tightening, increased heart rate, and possibly abnormal stomach activity. " ] }
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