11 values
1 value
[ "france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six in a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday", "france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday", "france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six in a closing price of ten one eight as of thursday", "france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of ten one eight as of thursday", "france fund incorporated had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday" ]
france fund incorporated had a net asset value of fourteen dollars and forty six cents and a closing price of ten and one eighth as of thursday
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six in a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday', 'france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday', 'france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six in a closing price of ten one eight as of thursday', 'france fund inc had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of ten one eight as of thursday', 'france fund incorporated had a net asset value of $fourteen point four six and a closing price of $ten point one eight as of thursday']
[ "gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of eight and seven eight as of friday", "gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven eight as of friday", "gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of eight and seven eighths as of friday", "gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven as of friday", "gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven eight as of friday" ]
gabelli equity trust incorporated had a net asset value of nine dollars and thirty six cents and a closing price of eight and seven eighths as of friday
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of eight and seven eight as of friday', 'gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven eight as of friday', 'gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of eight and seven eighths as of friday', 'gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven as of friday', 'gabelli equity trust inc had a net asset value of $nine point three six and a closing price of $eight point seven eight as of friday']
[ "in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed", "in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier addition the lines were reversed", "in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed", "in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed", "in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed" ]
in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed', 'in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier addition the lines were reversed', 'in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed', 'in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed', 'in the listing of publicly traded funds in an earlier edition the lines were reversed']
[ "bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday", "bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday", "bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday", "bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday", "bancroft convertible fund inc had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday" ]
bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of twenty five dollars and eighty eight cents and a closing price of twenty seven and one quarter as of friday
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday', 'bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday', 'bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday', 'bancroft convertible fund incorporated had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday', 'bancroft convertible fund inc had a net asset value of $twenty-five point eight eight and a closing price of $twenty-seven point one four as of friday']
[ "congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems", "congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems", "congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems", "congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems", "congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems" ]
congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems', 'congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems', 'congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems', 'congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems', 'congressional pay on the other hand poses a different set of problems']
[ "men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred", "men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred", "men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs at pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred", "men and women now swim millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred", "men and women now sue millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred" ]
men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay seventy seven thousand four hundred dollars
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred', 'men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred', 'men and women now spend millions on political campaigns for jobs at pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred', 'men and women now swim millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred', 'men and women now sue millions on political campaigns for jobs that pay $seventy-seven thousand, four hundred']
[ "what does electric get in return", "what does the electric get in return", "what does eletric get in return", "what does eletric get in return", "what does electric get in return" ]
what does the electorate get in return
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['what does electric get in return', 'what does the electric get in return', 'what does eletric get in return', 'what does eletric get in return', 'what does electric get in return']
[ "does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code", "does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code", "does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code", "does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code", "does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code" ]
does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code', 'does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code', 'does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code', 'does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code', 'does it really want as it is now getting endless hearings run by huge staffs cramming more laws rules and amendments into an already fat federal code']
[ "the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles", "the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide route system that totals about seventy thousand miles", "the transaction includes about $three thousand in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles", "the transaction includes about $three thousand in a nationwide route system that totals about seventy thousand miles", "the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles" ]
the transaction includes about three thousand buses and a nationwide route system that totals about seventy thousand miles
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles', 'the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide route system that totals about seventy thousand miles', 'the transaction includes about $three thousand in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles', 'the transaction includes about $three thousand in a nationwide route system that totals about seventy thousand miles', 'the transaction includes about three thousand buses in a nationwide root system that totals about seventy thousand miles']
[ "it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta", "it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta", "it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta", "it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta", "it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta" ]
it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta', 'it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta', 'it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta', 'it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta', 'it does not include greyhound lines of canada a unit based in calgary alberta']
[ "greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners", "greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners", "greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will release about thirty bus terminals to the new owners", "greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will release about thirty bus terminals to the new owners", "greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners" ]
greyhound will also will retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners', 'greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners', 'greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will release about thirty bus terminals to the new owners', 'greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will release about thirty bus terminals to the new owners', 'greyhound will also retain certain real estate related to its bus business and will lease about thirty bus terminals to the new owners']
[ "there are not many sellers around one broker said", "there are not many cellars around one broker said", "there are not many sellers around one broker said", "there are not many sellers around one broker said", "there are not many cellars around one broker said" ]
there are not many sellers around one broker said
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['there are not many sellers around one broker said', 'there are not many cellars around one broker said', 'there are not many sellers around one broker said', 'there are not many sellers around one broker said', 'there are not many cellars around one broker said']
[ "he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell", "he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell", "he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell", "he attributed much of the days gained to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell", "he attributed much of the days gained to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell" ]
he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell', 'he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell', 'he attributed much of the day is gain to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell', 'he attributed much of the days gained to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell', 'he attributed much of the days gained to a squeeze on market makers who did not have stock to sell']
[ "several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london", "several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london", "several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london", "several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street to end and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london", "several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london" ]
several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street to end and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london', 'several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london', 'several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london', 'several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street to end and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london', 'several market makers were said to have been expecting the rise on wall street and had consequently been hoping to sell shares in london']
[ "monday sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard", "monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard", "monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard", "monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard", "monday sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard" ]
monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['monday sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard', 'monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard', 'monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard', 'monday is sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard', 'monday sharp gain on the new york exchange and tuesday is higher opening there caught them off guard']
[ "teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office", "teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office", "teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office", "teleports said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office", "teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office" ]
teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office', 'teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office', 'teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office', 'teleports said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office', 'teleport said that about a year ago it asked new york telephone to allow it to place the equipment in the central office']
[ "their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls that come into new york telephone switches from local telephone users", "their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users", "their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls are coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users", "their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users", "their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls to come into new york telephone switches from local telephone users" ]
there teleport is gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls that come into new york telephone is switches from local telephone users
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls that come into new york telephone switches from local telephone users', 'their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users', 'their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls are coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users', 'their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls coming to new york telephone switches from local telephone users', 'their teleports gear would pick up ongoing long distance phone calls to come into new york telephone switches from local telephone users']
[ "the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission", "the equipment would then process and route calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission", "the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission", "the equipment would then process and route calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission", "the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission" ]
the equipment would then process and route calls made by teleport is customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission', 'the equipment would then process and route calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission', 'the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission', 'the equipment would then process and route calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission', 'the equipment would then process and root calls made by teleports customers directly to the long distance carriers for transmission']
[ "then there are utility stocks", "then there are utility stocks", "then there are utility stocks", "then there are utility stocks", "then there are utility stocks" ]
then there are utility stocks
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['then there are utility stocks', 'then there are utility stocks', 'then there are utility stocks', 'then there are utility stocks', 'then there are utility stocks']
[ "the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent", "the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent", "the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent", "the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent", "the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent" ]
the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of listed utility stocks rose barely three percent
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent', 'the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent', 'the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent', 'the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent', 'the nasdaq utility index jumped eighteen percent in the first quarter while indexes of lists utility stocks rose barely three percent']
[ "but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges", "but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges", "but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges", "but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges", "in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges" ]
but in fact most of the fifty five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges', 'but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges', 'but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges', 'but in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges', 'in fact most of the fifty-five electric gas and water utility stocks on nasdaq performed much like their counterparts on the major exchanges']
[ "the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone", "the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone", "the world is made up of optimists and pessimists says mister stone", "the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone", "the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone" ]
the world is made up of optimists and pessimists says mister stone
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone', 'the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone', 'the world is made up of optimists and pessimists says mister stone', 'the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone', 'the world is made up of optimists and pessimists as mister stone']
[ "in this industry and the state they are mostly pessimists", "in this industry in the state they are mostly pessimists", "in this industry and the state they are mostly pessimists", "in this industry and the state that mostly pessimists", "this industry and the state are mostly pessimists" ]
in this industry in this state they are mostly pessimists
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['in this industry and the state they are mostly pessimists', 'in this industry in the state they are mostly pessimists', 'in this industry and the state they are mostly pessimists', 'in this industry and the state that mostly pessimists', 'this industry and the state are mostly pessimists']
[ "i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right", "i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right", "i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right", "i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right", "maybe the last optimist but i am sure i am right" ]
i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right', 'i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right', 'i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right', 'i may be the last optimist but i am sure i am right', 'maybe the last optimist but i am sure i am right']
[ "throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence", "throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisers worried about the lack of business confidence", "throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is adviser is worried about the lack of business confidence", "throughout the thirties president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence", "throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence" ]
throughout the thirties president roosevelt is advisers worried about the lack of business confidence
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence', 'throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisers worried about the lack of business confidence', 'throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is adviser is worried about the lack of business confidence', 'throughout the thirties president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence', 'throughout the thirtys president roosevelt is advisors worried about the lack of business confidence']
[ "this intangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases", "this entangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases", "this intangible had a practical aspect that could be directly traced to the tax increases", "the sintangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases", "the syntangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases" ]
this intangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['this intangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases', 'this entangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases', 'this intangible had a practical aspect that could be directly traced to the tax increases', 'the sintangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases', 'the syntangible had a practical aspect that can be directly traced to the tax increases']
[ "although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower", "although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower", "although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower", "although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower", "although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower" ]
although by nineteen thirty seven total real output had returned to the level of nineteen twenty nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower', 'although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower', 'although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower', 'although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower', 'although by one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven total real output had returned to the level of one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine mister stein observes private investment remained one third lower']
[ "even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent", "even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp failed six point four percent", "even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent", "even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent", "even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp failed six point four percent" ]
even this recovery was lost in nineteen thirty eight when g n p fell six point four percent
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent', 'even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp failed six point four percent', 'even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent', 'even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp fell six point four percent', 'even this recovery was lost in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight when gnp failed six point four percent']
[ "the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent", "the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent", "the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent", "the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent", "the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent" ]
the top income tax rate had risen to sixty eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal nineteen thirty nine fell twenty percent
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent', 'the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent', 'the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent', 'the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent', 'the top income tax rate had risen to sixty-eight percent individual income tax collections in fiscal one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine fell twenty percent']
[ "that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government", "that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government", "that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government", "that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government", "that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government" ]
that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government', 'that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government', 'that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government', 'that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government', 'that decision is likely to intensify the political heat on norway is minority labor party government']
[ "last week it published a critical report on the work at monstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations", "last week it published a critical report on the work at monstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations", "last week it published a critical report on the work at montstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations", "last week it published a critical report on the work at mont stead but had stopped short of calling for resignations", "last week it published a critical report on the work at montstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations" ]
last week it published a critical report on the work at mongstad but stopped short of calling for resignations
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['last week it published a critical report on the work at monstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations', 'last week it published a critical report on the work at monstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations', 'last week it published a critical report on the work at montstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations', 'last week it published a critical report on the work at mont stead but had stopped short of calling for resignations', 'last week it published a critical report on the work at montstead but had stopped short of calling for resignations']
[ "the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action", "the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action", "the government has said that the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action", "the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action", "the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action" ]
the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action', 'the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action', 'the government has said that the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action', 'the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action', 'the government has said the cost of replacing senior executives would outweigh the possible significance of the action']
[ "the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply", "the continuing prospect of lower interest rates sent stock prices up sharply", "the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply", "the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply", "the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock price is up sharply" ]
the continuing prospect of lower interest rates sent stock prices up sharply
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply', 'the continuing prospect of lower interest rates sent stock prices up sharply', 'the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply', 'the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock prices up sharply', 'the continuing prospect of lower interest rates since stock price is up sharply']
[ "the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two", "the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two", "the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two", "the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two", "the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two" ]
the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty eight point one eight points at one thousand nine hundred fifty eight point two two
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two', 'the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two', 'the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two', 'the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two', 'the dow jones industrial average closed up twenty-eight point one eight points at nine hundred and fifty-eight point two two']
[ "volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday", "volume on the new york stock exchange totaled two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday", "volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday", "volume on the new york stock exchange totalled two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday", "volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares of from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday" ]
volume on the new york stock exchange totaled two hundred eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred sixty six point four million shares traded thursday
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday', 'volume on the new york stock exchange totaled two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday', 'volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday', 'volume on the new york stock exchange totalled two hundred and eleven point nine million shares up from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday', 'volume on the new york stock exchange total two hundred and eleven point nine million shares of from one hundred and sixty-six point four million shares traded thursday']
[ "advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three", "advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four to four hundred and eighty-three", "advancing issues led to kleiners one thousand and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three", "advancing issues led to kleiner is one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three", "advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three" ]
advancing issues led decliners one thousand fifty four to four hundred eighty three
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three', 'advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four to four hundred and eighty-three', 'advancing issues led to kleiners one thousand and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three', 'advancing issues led to kleiner is one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three', 'advancing issues led to kleiners one hundred and fifty-four four hundred and eighty-three']
[ "i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said", "i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said", "i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed using mister fine said", "i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said", "i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister finds said" ]
i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy and the fed easing mister fine said
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said', 'i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said', 'i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed using mister fine said', 'i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister fine said', 'i think the market jumped the gun on the notion of a weak economy in the fed easing mister finds said']
[ "so what we are seeing now is a consolidation", "so what we are seeing now is a consolidation", "so what we are seeing now is consolidation", "so what we are seeing now is a consolidation", "so what we are seeing now is consolidation" ]
so what we are seeing now is a consolidation
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['so what we are seeing now is a consolidation', 'so what we are seeing now is a consolidation', 'so what we are seeing now is consolidation', 'so what we are seeing now is a consolidation', 'so what we are seeing now is consolidation']
[ "he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight point five percent level in the near future", "he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight one half percent level in the near future", "he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight point five percent level in the near future", "he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight and one half percent level in the near future", "he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight one half percent level in the near future" ]
he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight and one half percent level in the near future
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight point five percent level in the near future', 'he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight one half percent level in the near future', 'he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight point five percent level in the near future', 'he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight and one half percent level in the near future', 'he expects long term treasury bond yields to hover around the eight one half percent level in the near future']
[ "the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things", "the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevrons one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things", "the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevrons one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of golf corporation among other things", "the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things", "the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of golf corporation among other things" ]
the decline in nineteen eighty six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is nineteen eighty four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things', 'the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevrons one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things', 'the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevrons one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of golf corporation among other things', 'the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of gulf corporation among other things', 'the decline in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six results reflects the recording of deferred taxes related to chevron is one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four acquisition of golf corporation among other things']
[ "likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chevron said", "likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase shebron said", "likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chebron said", "likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chevron said", "likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase shebron said" ]
likewise the increase in nineteen eighty seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chevron said
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chevron said', 'likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase shebron said', 'likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chebron said', 'likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase chevron said', 'likewise the increase in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven net largely is attributable to the reduction in deferred tax expenses related to the purchase shebron said']
[ "the company noted that none of the accounting changes affects its liquidity or operating plans", "the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans", "the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans", "the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans", "the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans" ]
the company noted that none of the accounting changes affects its liquidity or operating plans
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the company noted that none of the accounting changes affects its liquidity or operating plans', 'the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans', 'the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans', 'the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans', 'the company noted that none of the accounting changes effects its liquidity or operating plans']
[ "nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys", "nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys", "nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys", "nec corporation is one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys", "nec corporation is one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys" ]
n e c corporation as one example began donating money to m i t in the nineteen seventies
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys', 'nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys', 'nec corporation as one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys', 'nec corporation is one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys', 'nec corporation is one example began donating money to mit in the one thousand, nine hundred and seventys']
[ "one donation of $one million when to create a cnc software professorship", "one donation of $one million went to create a cnc software professorship", "one donation of one million dollars went to create a cnc software professorship", "one donation of $one million when to create a c c software professorship", "one donation of $one million went to create a c c software professorship" ]
one donation of one million dollars went to create a c and c software professorship
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['one donation of $one million when to create a cnc software professorship', 'one donation of $one million went to create a cnc software professorship', 'one donation of one million dollars went to create a cnc software professorship', 'one donation of $one million when to create a c c software professorship', 'one donation of $one million went to create a c c software professorship']
[ "c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications", "c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications", "cnc is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications", "cnc is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications", "c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications" ]
c and c is the n e c corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications', 'c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications', 'cnc is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications', 'cnc is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications', 'c and c is the nec corporate slogan it stands for computers and communications']
[ "ms robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment", "miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment", "miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment", "ms robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment", "miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment" ]
ms robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['ms robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment', 'miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment', 'miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment', 'ms robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment', 'miss robbins was on vacation and could not be reached for comment']
[ "michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential", "michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential", "michael schwartz a partner wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential", "michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential", "michael schwartz a partner wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential" ]
michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential', 'michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential', 'michael schwartz a partner wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential', 'michael schwartz a partner at wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential', 'michael schwartz a partner wachtell lipton said this was an unfortunate outcome from the failure to follow the uniform practice of stamping documents confidential']
[ "it was inadvertent", "it was inadvertent", "it was inadvertent", "it was inadvertent", "it was inadvertent" ]
it was inadvertent
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['it was inadvertent', 'it was inadvertent', 'it was inadvertent', 'it was inadvertent', 'it was inadvertent']
[ "but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up", "but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up", "but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up", "but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower priced goods it can never go back up", "but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up" ]
but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower priced goods it can never go back up
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up', 'but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up', 'but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up', 'but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower priced goods it can never go back up', 'but experience shows that once an upscale product puts its name on lower price goods it can never go back up']
[ "revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame", "revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame", "revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame", "revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame", "revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame" ]
revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame', 'revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame', 'revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame', 'revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame', 'revlon group incorporated for example is making a long shot attempt to rekindle the halston flame']
[ "revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed apartments", "revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label closed back in better dressed departments", "revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label closed back in better dressed apartments", "revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed departments", "revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed apartments" ]
revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dress departments
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed apartments', 'revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label closed back in better dressed departments', 'revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label closed back in better dressed apartments', 'revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed departments', 'revlon owner of halston enterprises incorporated has visions of seeing halston label clothes back in better dressed apartments']
[ "but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year", "but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penney company which ended last year", "but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer j c penny company which ended last year", "but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year", "but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year" ]
but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer j c penney company which ended last year
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year', 'but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penney company which ended last year', 'but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer j c penny company which ended last year', 'but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year', 'but marketers believe the company has a credibility problem after its six year association with retailer jc penny company which ended last year']
[ "payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period", "payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period", "payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period", "payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period", "payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to a relaxing technology controls period" ]
payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rights policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period', 'payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period', 'payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period', 'payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to relaxing technology controls period', 'payoffs to moscow by the west could range from softening human hyphen rates policies to extending cheap loans to a relaxing technology controls period']
[ "the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period", "the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period", "the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period", "the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period", "the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period" ]
the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period', 'the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period', 'the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period', 'the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period', 'the available soviet instruments include its north sea navy comma its mobile armored forces in central europe and its array of conventionally armed tactical missiles period']
[ "whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period", "whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period", "whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister ab shire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period", "whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period", "whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try a period" ]
whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period', 'whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period', 'whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister ab shire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period', 'whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try period', 'whether such double quote blackmail double quote would ever be sensible or possible is arguable comma but officials like mister abshire do not want moscow to have the ability to try a period']
[ "here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period", "here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period", "here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period", "here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period", "here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period" ]
here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period', 'here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period', 'here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period', 'here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period', 'here are price trends on the world is major stock markets comma as calculated by morgan stanley capital international perspective comma geneva period']
[ "to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred", "to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period", "to make them directly comparable each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period", "to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period", "to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period" ]
to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of nineteen sixty nine equaling one hundred period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred', 'to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period', 'to make them directly comparable each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period', 'to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period', 'to make them directly comparable comma each index is based on the close of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine equaling one hundred period']
[ "the percentage change is since year hyphen end period", "the percentage change is since year hyphen and period", "the percentage change is since year hyphen and period", "the percentage change is since year hyphen end period", "the percentage change is since year hyphen and period" ]
the percentage change is since year hyphen end period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the percentage change is since year hyphen end period', 'the percentage change is since year hyphen and period', 'the percentage change is since year hyphen and period', 'the percentage change is since year hyphen end period', 'the percentage change is since year hyphen and period']
[ "last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period", "last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period", "last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five to share a period", "last month pete monts board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period", "last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share of period" ]
last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for sixty five dollars a share period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period', 'last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period', 'last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five to share a period', 'last month pete monts board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share period', 'last month piedmont is board recommended that the company accept norfolk southern is bid to acquire the company for $sixty-five a share of period']
[ "norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period", "norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period", "norfolk southern has had a stake in pediments since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period", "norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one", "norfolk southern has had a stake in pedmots since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period" ]
norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since nineteen eighty one period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period', 'norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period', 'norfolk southern has had a stake in pediments since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period', 'norfolk southern has had a stake in piedmont since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one', 'norfolk southern has had a stake in pedmots since one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one period']
[ "but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period", "but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period", "but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period", "but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period", "but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period" ]
but one day after the board is recommendation comma u s air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period', 'but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period', 'but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period', 'but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period', 'but one day after the board is recommendation comma us air sweetened its initial bid for piedmont comma forcing the board to drop its recommendation period']
[ "mister gittis said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period", "mister giddes said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period", "mister gettys said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period", "mister geddes said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period", "mister gettis said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period" ]
mister gittis said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['mister gittis said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period', 'mister giddes said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period', 'mister gettys said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period', 'mister geddes said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period', 'mister gettis said the lawsuits would have little influence on the response of revlon is board to the tender offer period']
[ "he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period", "he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period", "he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period", "he said mcandrews ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period", "he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period" ]
he said macandrews ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period', 'he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period', 'he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period', 'he said mcandrews ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period', 'he said mcandrew is ampersand forbes comma rather than revlon comma is borrowing the money needed to acquire revlon and take it private period']
[ "double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period", "double quote were selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period", "double quote we are selling eight hundred million dollars left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period", "double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period", "double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period" ]
double quote we are selling eight hundred million dollars right paren in a private placement comma double quote he said period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period', 'double quote were selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period', 'double quote we are selling eight hundred million dollars left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period', 'double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period', 'double quote we are selling $eight hundred million left per ann of notes right per ann in a private placement comma double quote he said period']
[ "double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote", "double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote", "double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be troublesome period double quote", "double quote if we are using revlon asset is comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote", "double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be troublesome period double quote" ]
double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be troublesome period double quote
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote', 'double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote', 'double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be troublesome period double quote', 'double quote if we are using revlon asset is comma the suits could be trouble some period double quote', 'double quote if we are using revlon assets comma the suits could be troublesome period double quote']
[ "but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period", "but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period", "but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period", "but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period", "but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period" ]
but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period', 'but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period', 'but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period', 'but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period', 'but mediation is not necessarily the farmer is savior of period']
[ "recently kama a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period", "recently kamma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period", "recently comma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period", "recently comma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period", "recently cama a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period" ]
recently comma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['recently kama a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period', 'recently kamma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period', 'recently comma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period', 'recently comma a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period', 'recently cama a private bank struck a hard bargain with a farmer who was unable to make his debt payments period']
[ "the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period", "the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period", "the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house in four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period", "the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period", "the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period" ]
the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period', 'the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period', 'the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house in four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period', 'the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period', 'the farmer deeded back his farm to the bank comma and kept his house and four acres so he could keep a few calves or pigs and raise a garden period']
[ "electro hyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period", "electrohyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period", "electro hyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period", "electrohythan biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period", "electro hyphenbiology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period" ]
electro hyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['electro hyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period', 'electrohyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period', 'electro hyphen biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period', 'electrohythan biology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period', 'electro hyphenbiology said about a third of the country is thirteen thousand orthopedic specialists regularly use its or similar devices comma which emit pulsating electromagnetic signals to stimulate bone growth period']
[ "in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period", "in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period", "in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period", "in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period", "in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period" ]
in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period', 'in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period', 'in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period', 'in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period', 'in addition to treating fractures comma the devices are used to treat disorders where surgery has failed comma and for certain congenital disorders comma the company said period']
[ "but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period", "but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma of the company acknowledged period", "but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period", "but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period", "but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period" ]
but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period', 'but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma of the company acknowledged period', 'but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period', 'but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period', 'but some orthopedic specialists do not think the devices work comma the company acknowledged period']
[ "still comma mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period", "still kama mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period", "still comma mister joseph is and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period", "still comma mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period", "still comma mister joseph is and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period" ]
still comma mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['still comma mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period', 'still kama mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period', 'still comma mister joseph is and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period', 'still comma mister josephs and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period', 'still comma mister joseph is and others think that the changes will be good for the farm economy in general period']
[ "double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period", "double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period", "double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period", "double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period", "double quote many of these gentleman hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period" ]
double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period', 'double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period', 'double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period', 'double quote many of these gentlemen hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period', 'double quote many of these gentleman hyphen farmers were tax hyphen motivated dash not profit hyphen driven comma double quote he says period']
[ "double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote", "double quote some are unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote", "double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote", "double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote", "double quote some are unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote" ]
double quote some are unfair competition against the regular farmer who is trying to make a buck period double quote
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote', 'double quote some are unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote', 'double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote', 'double quote summer unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote', 'double quote some are unfair competition against a regular farmer who is trying to make a book period double quote']
[ "mister chen left cray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period", "mister chen left kray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period", "mister chen left crayon september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period", "mister chen left cray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period", "mister chen left kray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period" ]
mister chen left cray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which it termed too costly and speculative period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['mister chen left cray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period', 'mister chen left kray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period', 'mister chen left crayon september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period', 'mister chen left cray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period', 'mister chen left kray in september after it scrapped his latest design project comma which turned to costly and speculative period']
[ "mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period", "mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period", "mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period", "mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period", "mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period" ]
mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period', 'mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period', 'mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period', 'mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period', 'mister chen was considering using lasers rather than wires in that machine period']
[ "but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there are comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period", "but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there a comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period", "but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period", "but while craig granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there a comma his new company said it does not intend to use craig technology period", "but while cray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there are comma his new company said it does not intend to use cray technology period" ]
but while cray granted mister chen personal comma nonexclusive use of his developments there comma his new company said it does not intend to use cray technology period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there are comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period', 'but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there a comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period', 'but while kray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there comma his new company said it does not intend to use kray technology period', 'but while craig granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there a comma his new company said it does not intend to use craig technology period', 'but while cray granted mister chen personal comma non exclusive use of his developments there are comma his new company said it does not intend to use cray technology period']
[ "for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period", "for the nine months comma net increased to about $six million comma or $fifty-nine cents a share of comma from $three point five million a year earlier period", "for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period", "for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period", "for the nine months comma net increased to about $six million comma or $fifty-nine cents a share of comma from $three point five million a year earlier period" ]
for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty nine cents a share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period', 'for the nine months comma net increased to about $six million comma or $fifty-nine cents a share of comma from $three point five million a year earlier period', 'for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period', 'for the nine months comma net increased to about six million dollars comma or fifty-nine cents of share comma from three point five million dollars a year earlier period', 'for the nine months comma net increased to about $six million comma or $fifty-nine cents a share of comma from $three point five million a year earlier period']
[ "nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period", "nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand special items period", "nine hyphen monthnet a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period", "nineth hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period", "nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars of special items period" ]
nine hyphen month net a year ago included four hundred seventy five thousand dollars of special items period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period', 'nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand special items period', 'nine hyphen monthnet a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period', 'nineth hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand a special items period', 'nine hyphen month net a year ago included $four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars of special items period']
[ "sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from $ninety-nine point five million period", "sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from ninety-nine point five million dollars period", "sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million dollars from ninety-nine point five million dollars period", "sales nearly doubled comma to one hundred and ninety-five million dollars from ninety-nine point five million dollars period", "sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from $ninety-nine point five million per year" ]
sales nearly doubled comma to one hundred ninety five million dollars from ninety nine point five million dollars period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from $ninety-nine point five million period', 'sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from ninety-nine point five million dollars period', 'sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million dollars from ninety-nine point five million dollars period', 'sales nearly doubled comma to one hundred and ninety-five million dollars from ninety-nine point five million dollars period', 'sales nearly doubled comma to $one hundred and ninety-five million from $ninety-nine point five million per year']
[ "that is as much as the family spends on staples period", "that is as much as the family spends on staples period", "that is as much as the family spends on staples period", "that is as much as the family spends on staples period", "that is as much as the family spends on staples period" ]
that is as much as the family spends on staples period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['that is as much as the family spends on staples period', 'that is as much as the family spends on staples period', 'that is as much as the family spends on staples period', 'that is as much as the family spends on staples period', 'that is as much as the family spends on staples period']
[ "twice a month kamma misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period", "twice a month kamma misses omen does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period", "twice a month kamma misses omen does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period", "twice a month kamma misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period", "twice a month kama misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kama double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period" ]
twice a month comma missus oehmen does what she calls double quote a big shopping comma double quote spending seventy five dollars to one hundred dollars on food and disposable diapers period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['twice a month kamma misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period', 'twice a month kamma misses omen does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period', 'twice a month kamma misses omen does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period', 'twice a month kamma misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kamma double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period', 'twice a month kama misses oman does what she calls double quote a big shopping kama double quote spending $seventy-five to $one hundred on food and disposable diapers period']
[ "for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushery is period", "for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grocery is period", "for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for groceries period", "for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushory is period", "for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushry is period" ]
for other weeks she allots herself only forty dollars for groceries period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushery is period', 'for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grocery is period', 'for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for groceries period', 'for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushory is period', 'for other weeks she lots herself only $forty for grushry is period']
[ "she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can period", "she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can not period", "she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can period", "she shops at a discount super market and buys generic labels when she can period", "she shops at a discount super market and buys generic labels when she can not period" ]
she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can period', 'she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can not period', 'she shops at a discount supermarket and buys generic labels when she can period', 'she shops at a discount super market and buys generic labels when she can period', 'she shops at a discount super market and buys generic labels when she can not period']
[ "on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period", "on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period", "on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for $zero point three nine a pound period", "on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meat and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period", "on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for $zero point three nine per period" ]
on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fryers are on sale for thirty nine cents a pound period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period', 'on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period', 'on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for $zero point three nine a pound period', 'on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meat and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for thirty-nine cents a pound period', 'on a recent saturday she bypasses the red meats and heads for the chicken counter comma where whole fires are on sale for $zero point three nine per period']
[ "burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period", "burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period", "burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period", "burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period", "burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period" ]
burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period', 'burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period', 'burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period', 'burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period', 'burnup ampersand sims has interests in telecommunications and soft drinks comma among other things period']
[ "mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chair is period", "mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of its shares period", "mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chairs period", "mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chair is period", "mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of its shares period" ]
mister posner began investing in it in the early nineteen seventies and by the early nineteen eighties controlled more than forty percent of its shares period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chair is period', 'mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of its shares period', 'mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chairs period', 'mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of the chair is period', 'mister posner began investing in it in the early one thousand, nine hundred and seventys and by the early one thousand, nine hundred and eightys controlled more than forty percent of its shares period']
[ "but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period", "but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period", "but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period", "but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period", "but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period" ]
but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period', 'but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period', 'but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period', 'but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period', 'but burnup ampersand sims management wanted nothing to do with him comma and at one point comma eighteen top burnup ampersand sims quit in protest period']
[ "by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period", "by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period", "by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that had lingered in the courts ever since period", "by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the court ever since period", "by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period" ]
by nineteen eighty two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period', 'by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period', 'by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that had lingered in the courts ever since period', 'by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the court ever since period', 'by one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two comma the companies were exchanging suits that have lingered in the courts ever since period']
[ "the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result period", "the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result", "the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result period", "the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result", "the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save karma nor would say how many layoffs might result period" ]
the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result period', 'the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result', 'the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result period', 'the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save comma nor would say how many layoffs might result', 'the firm neither would disclose how much money it expects to save karma nor would say how many layoffs might result period']
[ "double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period", "double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period", "double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period", "double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period", "double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period" ]
double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period', 'double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period', 'double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period', 'double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period', 'double quote in some cases where portfolio managers were managing more than one fund to comma they probably will stay on comma double quote mister glassman said period']
[ "but he said no final decisions have been made period", "but he said no final decisions have been made period", "but he said no final decisions had been made period", "but he said no final decisions have been made period", "but he said no final decisions have been made period" ]
but he said no final decisions had been made period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but he said no final decisions have been made period', 'but he said no final decisions have been made period', 'but he said no final decisions had been made period', 'but he said no final decisions have been made period', 'but he said no final decisions have been made period']
[ "but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period", "but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period", "but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period", "but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period", "but the company is also suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period" ]
but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period', 'but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period', 'but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period', 'but the company also is suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period', 'but the company is also suffering the consequences of some basic strategic errors period']
[ "for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period", "for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period", "for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period", "for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period", "for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxides semiconductor comma or cmos period" ]
for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period', 'for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period', 'for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period', 'for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxide semiconductor comma or cmos period', 'for example comma advanced micro was slow to begin producing chips made with a fabrication technology called complementary metal hyphen oxides semiconductor comma or cmos period']
[ "they use less power and run faster than conventional chips comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven", "they used less power and run faster than conventional chips comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven", "they use less power and run faster than conventional chips common but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven", "they use less power and run faster than conventional chips but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven", "they use less power and run faster than conventional chip is comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven" ]
they use less power and run faster than conventional chips comma but advanced micro remained committed to an older technology until nineteen eighty seven
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['they use less power and run faster than conventional chips comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven', 'they used less power and run faster than conventional chips comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven', 'they use less power and run faster than conventional chips common but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven', 'they use less power and run faster than conventional chips but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven', 'they use less power and run faster than conventional chip is comma but a dance micro remains committed to an older technology until one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven']
[ "the treasury market got off to weak start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period", "the treasury market got off to week start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period", "the treasury market got off to weak start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period", "the treasury market got off to week start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period", "the treasury market got off to a week is start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period" ]
the treasury market got off to a weak start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['the treasury market got off to weak start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period', 'the treasury market got off to week start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period', 'the treasury market got off to weak start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period', 'the treasury market got off to week start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period', 'the treasury market got off to a week is start overnight in tokyo where limited selling among japanese investors pushed prices as much as one quarter point lower period']
[ "when the market opened in the u s comma prices remained lower throughout the day period", "when the market opened in the u s comma prices remain lower throughout the day period", "when the market opened in the u s comma prices remained lower throughout the day period", "when the market opened in the us comma prices remained lower throughout the day period", "when the market opened in the u s comma prices remain lower throughout the day period" ]
when the market opened in the u s comma prices remained lower throughout the day period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['when the market opened in the u s comma prices remained lower throughout the day period', 'when the market opened in the u s comma prices remain lower throughout the day period', 'when the market opened in the u s comma prices remained lower throughout the day period', 'when the market opened in the us comma prices remained lower throughout the day period', 'when the market opened in the u s comma prices remain lower throughout the day period']
[ "even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond market period", "even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond market period", "even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices failed to inspire confidence in the bond market period", "even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond is market period", "even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond is market period" ]
even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices failed to inspire confidence in the bond market period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond market period', 'even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond market period', 'even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices failed to inspire confidence in the bond market period', 'even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond is market period', 'even a stronger dollar and lower commodity prices fail to inspire confidence in the bond is market period']
[ "bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period", "bp could spend up to $ten billion on a u s takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period", "bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period", "bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period", "bp could spend up to ten billion dollars on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period" ]
b p could spend up to ten billion dollars on a u s takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period', 'bp could spend up to $ten billion on a u s takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period', 'bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period', 'bp could spend up to $ten billion on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period', 'bp could spend up to ten billion dollars on a us takeover comma mister lazier says comma by financing it with a blend of debt and equity period']
[ "los angeles hyphen based unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period", "los angeles hyphen based unicall corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period", "los angeles hyphen based unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period", "los angeles hyphen base unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period", "los angeles hyphen based unicall corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period" ]
los angeles hyphen based unocal corporation comma with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast comma long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period
You are given a list of hypotheses. Your task is to correct the transcription by correcting the hypothesis. ['los angeles hyphen based unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period', 'los angeles hyphen based unicall corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period', 'los angeles hyphen based unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period', 'los angeles hyphen base unicol corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period', 'los angeles hyphen based unicall corporation with extensive refining and marketing activities on the west coast long has been seen as a possible acquisition target period']