LibriS2S / alignments /18 /00001-undine_map_DeEn.csv
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Allignment files
0,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_0.flac,00001-f000002,0.7924939999999999,"Es mögen nun wohl schon viele hundert Jahre her sein, da gab es einmal einen alten guten Fischer, der saß eines schönen Abends vor der Tür und flickte seine Netze.","There was once, it may be now many hundred years ago, a good old fisherman, who was sitting one fine evening before his door, mending his nets."
1,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_1.flac,00001-f000003,0.563566,Er wohnte aber in einer überaus anmutigen Gegend.,The part of the country in which he lived was extremely pretty.
2,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_2.flac,00001-f000004,0.520757,"Der grüne Boden, worauf seine Hütte gebaut war, streckte sich weit in einen großen Landsee hinaus, und es schien ebensowohl, die Erdzunge habe sich aus Liebe zu der bläulich klaren, wunderhellen Flut in diese hineingedrängt, als auch, das Wasser habe mit verliebten Armen nach der schönen Aue gegriffen, nach ihren hochschwankenden Gräsern und Blumen und nach dem erquicklichen Schatten ihrer Bäume.","The greensward, on which his cottage stood, ran far into the lake, and it seemed as if it was from love for the blue clear waters that the tongue of land had stretched itself out into them, while with an equally fond embrace the lake had encircled the green pasture rich with waving grass and flowers, and the refreshing shade of trees."
3,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_3.flac,00001-f000005,0.495238,"Eins ging bei dem andern zu Gaste, und eben deshalb war jegliches so schön.","The one welcomed the other, and it was just this that made each so beautiful."
4,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_4.flac,00001-f000006,0.589091,"Von Menschen freilich war an dieser hübschen Stelle wenig oder gar nichts anzutreffen, den Fischer und seine Hausleute ausgenommen.","There were indeed few human beings, or rather none at all, to be met with on this pleasant spot, except the fisherman and his family."
5,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_5.flac,00001-f000007,0.909905,"Denn hinter der Erdzunge lag ein sehr wilder Wald, den die mehrsten Leute wegen seiner Finsternis und Unwegsamkeit, wie auch wegen der wundersamen Kreaturen und Gaukeleien, die man darin antreffen sollte, allzusehr scheueten, um sich ohne Not hineinzubegeben.","For at the back of this little promontory there lay a very wild forest, which, both from its gloom and pathless solitude as well as from the wonderful creatures and illusions with which it was said to abound, was avoided by most people except in cases of necessity."
6,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_6.flac,00001-f000008,0.6583859999999999,"Der alte fromme Fischer jedoch durchschritt ihn ohne Anfechtung zu vielen Malen, wenn er die köstlichen Fische, die er auf seiner schönen Landzunge fing, nach einer großen Stadt trug, welche nicht sehr weit hinter dem großen Walde lag.","The pious old fisherman, however, passed through it many a time undisturbed, when he was taking the choice fish, which he had caught at his beautiful home, to a large town situated not far from the confines of the forest."
7,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_7.flac,00001-f000009,0.620728,"Es ward ihm wohl mehrenteils deswegen so leicht, durch den Forst zu ziehn, weil er fast keine andre als fromme Gedanken hegte und noch außerdem jedesmal, wenn er die verrufenen Schatten betrat, ein geistliches Lied aus heller Kehle und aufrichtigem Herzen anzustimmen gewohnt war.","The principal reason why it was so easy for him to pass through this forest was because the tone of his thoughts was almost entirely of a religious character, and besides this, whenever he set foot upon the evil reputed shades, he was wont to sing some holy song, with a clear voice and a sincere heart."
8,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_8.flac,00001-f000010,0.721471,"Da er nun an diesem Abende ganz arglos bei den Netzen saß, kam ihn doch ein unversehener Schrecken an, als er es im Waldesdunkel rauschen hörte, wie Roß und Mann, und sich das Geräusch immer näher nach der Landzunge herauszog.","While sitting over his nets this evening, unsuspicious of any evil, a sudden fear came upon him, at the sound of a rustling in the gloom of the forest, as of a horse and rider, the noise approaching nearer and nearer to the little promontory."
9,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_9.flac,00001-f000011,0.635084,"Was er in manchen stürmigen Nächten von den Geheimnissen des Forstes geträumt hatte, zuckte ihm nun auf einmal durch den Sinn, vor allem das Bild eines riesenmäßig langen, schneeweißen Mannes, der unaufhörlich auf eine seltsame Art mit dem Kopfe nickte.","All that he had dreamed, in many a stormy night, of the mysteries of the forest, now flashed at once through his mind; foremost of all, the image of a gigantic snowwhite man, who kept unceasingly nodding his head in a portentous manner."
10,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_10.flac,00001-f000012,0.638462,"Ja, als er die Augen nach dem Walde aufhob, kam es ihm ganz eigentlich vor, als sehe er durch das Laubgegitter den nickenden Mann hervorkommen.","Indeed, when he raised his eyes toward the wood it seemed to him as if he actually saw the nodding man approaching through the dense foliage."
11,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_11.flac,00001-f000013,0.6888310000000001,"Er nahm sich aber bald zusammen, erwägend, wie ihm doch niemals in dem Walde selbsten was Bedenkliches widerfahren sei und also auf der freien Landzunge der böse Geist wohl noch minder Gewalt über ihn ausüben dürfe.","He soon, however, reassured himself, reflecting that nothing serious had ever befallen him even in the forest itself, and that upon this open tongue of land the evil spirit would be still less daring in the exercise of his power."
12,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_12.flac,00001-f000014,0.6588930000000001,"Zugleich betete er recht kräftiglich einen biblischen Spruch laut aus dem Herzen heraus, wodurch ihm der kecke Mut auch zurückekam und er fast lachend sah, wie sehr er sich geirrt hatte.","At the same time he repeated aloud a text from the Bible with all his heart, and this so inspired him with courage that he almost smiled at the illusion he had allowed to possess him."
13,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_13.flac,00001-f000015,0.5003,"Der weiße, nickende Mann ward nämlich urplötzlich zu einem ihm längst wohlbekannten Bächlein, das schäumend aus dem Forste hervorrann und sich in den Landsee ergoß.","The white nodding man was suddenly transformed into a brook long familiar to him, which ran foaming from the forest and discharged itself into the lake."
14,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_14.flac,00001-f000016,0.511283,"Wer aber das Geräusch verursacht hatte, war ein schön geschmückter Ritter, der zu Roß durch den Baumschatten gegen die Hütte vorgeritten kam.","The noise, however, which he had heard, was caused by a knight beautifully apparelled, who, emerging from the deep shadows of the wood, came riding toward the cottage."
15,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_15.flac,00001-f000017,0.7316239999999999,"Ein scharlachroter Mantel hing ihm über sein veilchenblaues goldgesticktes Wams herab; von dem goldfarbigen Barette wallten rote und veilchenblaue Federn, am goldnen Wehrgehenke blitzte ein ausnehmend schönes und reichverziertes Schwert.",A scarlet mantle was thrown over his purple goldembroidered doublet; a red and violet plume waved from his goldencolored headgear; and a beautifully and richly ornamented sword flashed from his shoulderbelt.
16,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_16.flac,00001-f000018,0.5783510000000001,"Der weiße Hengst, der den Ritter trug, war schlankeren Baues, als man es sonst bei Streitrossen zu sehen gewohnt ist, und trat so leicht über den Rasen hin, daß dieser grünbunte Teppich auch nicht die mindeste Verletzung davon zu empfangen schien.","The white steed that bore the knight was more slenderly formed than warhorses generally are, and he stepped so lightly over the turf that this green and flowery carpet seemed scarcely to receive the slightest injury from his tread."
17,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_17.flac,00001-f000019,0.6320180000000001,"Dem alten Fischer war es noch immer nicht ganz geheuer zumut, obwohl er einzusehn meinte, daß von einer so holden Erscheinung nichts Übles zu befahren sei, weshalb er auch seinen Hut ganz sittig vor dem näherkommenden Herrn abzog und gelassen bei seinen Netzen verblieb.","The old fisherman did not, however, feel perfectly secure in his mind, although he tried to convince himself that no evil was to be feared from so graceful an apparition; and therefore he politely took off his hat as the knight approached, and remained quietly with his nets."
18,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_18.flac,00001-f000020,0.40775100000000003,"Da hielt der Ritter stille und fragte, ob er wohl mit seinem Pferde auf diese Nacht hier Unterkommen und Pflege finden könne?","Presently the stranger drew up, and inquired whether he and his horse could have shelter and care for the night."
19,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_19.flac,00001-f000022,0.597067,"Was Euer Pferd betrifft, lieber Herr, entgegnete der Fischer, so weiß ich ihm keinen bessern Stall anzuweisen als diese beschattete Wiese und kein besseres Futter als das Gras, welches darauf wächst.","I can assign him no better stable than this shady pasture, and no better provender than the grass growing on it."
20,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_20.flac,00001-f000023,0.70304,"Euch selbst aber will ich gerne in meinem kleinen Hause mit Abendbrot und Nachtlager bewirten, so gut es unsereiner hat.","Yourself, however, I will gladly welcome to my small cottage, and give you supper and lodging as good as we have."
21,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_21.flac,00001-f000024,0.622896,"Der Ritter war damit ganz wohl zufrieden, er stieg von seinem Rosse, welches die beiden gemeinschaftlich losgürteten und loszügelten, und ließ es alsdann auf den blumigen Anger hinlaufen, zu seinem Wirte sprechend:","The knight was well satisfied with this; he alighted from his horse, and, with the assistance of the fisherman, he relieved it from saddle and bridle, and turned it loose upon the flowery green."
22,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_22.flac,00001-f000025,0.655674,"Hätt ich Euch auch minder gastlich und wohlmeinend gefunden, mein lieber alter Fischer, Ihr wäret mich dennoch wohl für heute nicht wieder losgeworden, denn, wie ich sehe, liegt vor uns ein breiter See, und mit sinkendem Abende in den wunderlichen Wald zurückzureiten, davor bewahre mich der liebe Gott!","Then addressing his host, he said: Even had I found you less hospitable and kindly disposed, my worthy old fisherman, you would nevertheless scarcely have got rid of me today, for, as I see, a broad lake lies before us, and to ride back into that mysterious wood, with the shades of evening coming on, heaven keep me from it!"
23,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_23.flac,00001-f000026,0.990093,"Wir wollen nicht allzuviel davon reden, sagte der Fischer und führte seinen Gast in die Hütte.","We will not talk too much of that, said the fisherman, and he led his guest into the cottage."
24,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_25.flac,00001-f000030,0.906015,"Ei, Mann, sagte die Frau mit ruhigem Lächeln, wo denkst du auch hin?","Why, husband, said the wife, with a quiet smile, what can you be thinking of?"
25,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_26.flac,00001-f000031,0.725641,"Unser Gast wird doch zu den Christenmenschen gehören, und wie könnte es alsdann dem lieben jungen Blut einfallen, alte Leute von ihren Sitzen zu verjagen?","Our guest belongs no doubt to Christian men, and how could it come into the head of the good young blood to drive old people from their chairs?"
26,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_27.flac,00001-f000032,0.54399,"Setzt Euch, mein junger Herr, fuhr sie, gegen den Ritter gewandt, fort; es steht dorten noch ein recht artiges Sesselein, nur müßt Ihr nicht allzu ungestüm damit hin und her rutschen, denn das eine Bein ist nicht allzu feste mehr. es steht dorten noch ein recht artiges Sesselein, nur müßt Ihr nicht allzu ungestüm damit hin und her rutschen, denn das eine Bein ist nicht allzu feste mehr.","Take a seat, my young master, she continued, turning toward the knight; over there, there is a right pretty little chair, only you must not move about on it too roughly, for one of its legs is no longer of the firmest."
27,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_28.flac,00001-f000033,0.538099,"Der Ritter holte den Sessel achtsam herbei, ließ sich freundlich darauf nieder, und es war ihm zumute, als sei er mit diesem kleinen Haushalt verwandt und eben jetzt aus der Ferne dahin heimgekehrt.","The knight fetched the chair carefully, sat down upon it goodhumoredly, and it seemed to him as if he were related to this little household, and had just returned from abroad."
28,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_29.flac,00001-f000034,0.51044,"Die drei guten Leute fingen an, höchst freundlich und vertraulich miteinander zu sprechen.",The three worthy people now began to talk together in the most friendly and familiar manner.
29,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_30.flac,00001-f000035,0.774381,"Vom Walde, nach welchem sich der Ritter einige Male erkundigte, wollte der alte Mann freilich nicht viel wissen; am wenigsten, meinte er, passe sich das Reden davon jetzt in der einbrechenden Nacht; aber von ihrer Wirtschaft und sonstigem Treiben erzählten die beiden Eheleute desto mehr und hörten auch gerne zu, als ihnen der Rittersmann von seinen Reisen vorsprach und daß er eine Burg an den Quellen der Donau habe und Herr Huldbrand von Ringstetten geheißen sei.","With regard to the forest, about which the knight made some inquiries, the old man was not inclined to be communicative; he felt it was not a subject suited to approaching night, but the aged couple spoke freely of their home and former life, and listened also gladly when the knight recounted to them his travels, and told them that he had a castle near the source of the Danube, and that his name was Sir Huldbrand of Ringstetten."
30,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_31.flac,00001-f000036,0.42381,"Mitten durch das Gespräch hatte der Fremde schon bisweilen ein Plätschern am niedrigen Fensterlein vernommen, als sprütze jemand Wasser dagegen.","During the conversation, the stranger had already occasionally heard a splash against the little low window, as if some one were sprinkling water against it."
31,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_33.flac,00001-f000037,0.17968800000000001,Wirst du endlich einmal die Kindereien lassen.,"will you for once leave off these childish tricks? and today, besides, there is a stranger knight with us in the cottage."
32,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_34.flac,00001-f000037,0.17968800000000001,Und ist noch obenein heute ein fremder Herr bei uns in der Hütte.,"<MERGE> will you for once leave off these childish tricks? and today, besides, there is a stranger knight with us in the cottage."
33,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_35.flac,00001-f000037,0.612789,"Es ward auch draußen stille, nur ein leises Gekicher ließ sich noch vernehmen, und der Fischer sagte, zurückkommend:","will you for once leave off these childish tricks? and today, besides, there is a stranger knight with us in the cottage."
34,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_36.flac,00001-f000038,0.407023,"Das müßt Ihr nun schon zugute halten, mein ehrenwerter Gast, und vielleicht noch manche Ungezogenheit mehr, aber sie meint es nicht böse.","All was silent without, only a suppressed laugh was audible, and the fisherman said as he returned: You must pardon it in her, my honored guest, and perhaps many a naughty trick besides; but she means no harm by it."
35,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_37.flac,00001-f000039,0.914038,"Es ist nämlich unsere Pflegetochter Undine, die sich das kindische Wesen gar nicht abgewöhnen will, ob sie gleich bereits in ihr achtzehntes Jahr gehen mag.","It is our fosterchild, Undine, and she will not wean herself from this childishness, although she has already entered her eighteenth year."
36,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_38.flac,00001-f000040,0.482727,"Aber wie gesagt, im Grunde ist sie doch von ganzem Herzen gut.","But, as I said, at heart she is thoroughly good."
37,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_40.flac,00001-f000041,0.057479199999999994,"Wenn du so vom Fischfang heimkommst oder von der Reise, da mag es mit ihren Schäkereien ganz was Artiges sein.","You may well talk, replied the old woman, shaking her head; when you come home from fishing or from a journey, her frolics may then be very delightful, but to have her about one the whole day long, and never to hear a sensible word, and instead of finding her a help in the housekeeping as she grows older, always to be obliged to be taking care that her follies do not completely ruin us, that is quite another thing, and the patience of a saint would be worn out at last."
38,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_41.flac,00001-f000041,0.057479199999999994,"Aber sie den ganzen Tag lang auf dem Halse haben und kein kluges Wort hören und, statt bei wachsendem Alter Hülfe im Haushalte zu finden, immer nur dafür sorgen müssen, daß uns ihre Torheiten nicht vollends zugrunde richten da ist es gar ein andres, und die heilige Geduld selbsten würd es am Ende satt.","<MERGE> You may well talk, replied the old woman, shaking her head; when you come home from fishing or from a journey, her frolics may then be very delightful, but to have her about one the whole day long, and never to hear a sensible word, and instead of finding her a help in the housekeeping as she grows older, always to be obliged to be taking care that her follies do not completely ruin us, that is quite another thing, and the patience of a saint would be worn out at last."
39,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_42.flac,00001-f000042,0.5464289999999999,"Nun, nun, lächelte der Hausherr, du hast es mit Undinen und ich mit dem See.","Well, well, said her husband with a smile, you have your troubles with Undine, and I have mine with the lake."
40,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_43.flac,00001-f000043,0.760099,"Reißt mir der doch auch oftmals meine Dämme und Netze durch, aber ich hab ihn dennoch gern und du mit allem Kreuz und Elend das zierliche Kindlein auch.","It often breaks away my dams, and tears my nets to pieces, but for all that, I have an affection for it, and so have you for the pretty child, in spite of all your crosses and vexations."
41,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_44.flac,00001-f000044,0.27,Nicht wahr,Isn't it so?
42,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_45.flac,00001-f000045,0.655882,"Ganz böse kann man ihr eben nicht werden, sagte die Alte und lächelte beifällig.","One can't be very angry with her, certainly, said the old woman, and she smiled approvingly."
43,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_46.flac,00001-f000046,0.763077,"Da flog die Tür auf, und ein wunderschönes Blondchen schlüpfte lachend herein und sagte: Ihr habt mich nur gefoppt, Vater; wo ist denn nun Euer Gast? wo ist denn nun Euer Gast?","Just then the door flew open, and a beautiful, fair girl glided laughing into the room, and said You have only been jesting, father, for where is your guest?"
44,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_47.flac,00001-f000047,0.147068,Selben Augenblicks aber ward sie auch den Ritter gewahr und blieb staunend vor dem schönen Jünglinge stehn.,"At the same moment, however, she perceived the knight, and stood fixed with astonishment before the handsome youth, Huldbrand was struck with her charming appearance, and dwelt the more earnestly on her lovely features, as he imagined it was only her surprise that gave him this brief enjoyment, and that she would presently turn from his gaze with increased bashfulness."
45,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_48.flac,00001-f000047,0.147068,"Huldbrand ergötzte sich an der holden Gestalt und wollte sich die lieblichen Züge recht achtsam einprägen, weil er meinte, nur ihre Überraschung lasse ihm Zeit dazu, und sie werde sich bald nachher in zwiefacher Blödigkeit vor seinen Blicken abwenden.","<MERGE> At the same moment, however, she perceived the knight, and stood fixed with astonishment before the handsome youth, Huldbrand was struck with her charming appearance, and dwelt the more earnestly on her lovely features, as he imagined it was only her surprise that gave him this brief enjoyment, and that she would presently turn from his gaze with increased bashfulness."
46,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_49.flac,00001-f000048,0.0827475,Es kam aber ganz anders.,"It was, however, quite otherwise; for after having looked at him for some time, she drew near him confidingly, knelt down before him, and said, as she played with a gold medal which he wore on his breast, suspended from a rich chain: Why, you handsome, kind guest, how have you come to our poor cottage at last?"
47,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_50.flac,00001-f000048,0.0827475,"Denn als sie ihn nun recht lange angesehen hatte, trat sie zutraulich näher, kniete vor ihm nieder und sagte, mit einem goldnen Schaupfennige, den er an einer reichen Kette auf der Brust trug, spielend: Ei du schöner, du freundlicher Gast, wie bist du denn endlich in unsre arme Hütte gekommen?","<MERGE> It was, however, quite otherwise; for after having looked at him for some time, she drew near him confidingly, knelt down before him, and said, as she played with a gold medal which he wore on his breast, suspended from a rich chain: Why, you handsome, kind guest, how have you come to our poor cottage at last?"
48,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_51.flac,00001-f000049,0.634191,"Mußtest du denn jahrelang in der Welt herumstreifen, bevor du dich auch einmal zu uns fandest?","Have you been obliged then to wander through the world for years, before you could find your way to us?"
49,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_52.flac,00001-f000050,0.565116,"Kommst du aus dem wüsten Walde, du schöner Freund?","Do you come out of that wild forest, my beautiful knight?"
50,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_53.flac,00001-f000051,0.593333,Die scheltende Alte ließ ihm zur Antwort keine Zeit.,The old woman's reproof allowed him no time for reply.
51,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_54.flac,00001-f000052,0.452381,"Sie ermahnte das Mädchen, fein sittig aufzustehen und sich an ihre Arbeit zu begeben.",She admonished the girl to stand up and behave herself and to go to her work.
52,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_55.flac,00001-f000053,0.127288,"Undine aber zog, ohne zu antworten, eine kleine Fußbank neben Huldbrands Stuhl, setzte sich mit ihrem Gewebe darauf nieder und sagte freundlich:","Undine, however, without making any answer drew a little footstool close to Huldbrand's chair, sat down upon it with her spinning, and said pleasantly: I will work here."
53,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_56.flac,00001-f000053,0.127288,Hier will ich arbeiten.,"<MERGE> Undine, however, without making any answer drew a little footstool close to Huldbrand's chair, sat down upon it with her spinning, and said pleasantly: I will work here."
54,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_57.flac,00001-f000054,0.969666,"Der alte Mann tat, wie Eltern mit verzognen Kindern zu tun pflegen.",The old man did as parents are wont to do with spoiled children.
55,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_58.flac,00001-f000055,0.634191,"Er stellte sich, als merkte er von Undines Unart nichts, und wollte von etwas anderm anfangen.",He affected to observe nothing of Undine's naughtiness and was beginning to talk of something else.
56,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_59.flac,00001-f000056,0.0458078,Aber das Mädchen ließ ihn nicht dazu.,"But this the girl would not let him do; she said: I have asked our charming guest whence he comes, and he has not yet answered me."
57,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_60.flac,00001-f000056,0.0458078,"Sie sagte: Woher unser holder Gast kommt, habe ich ihn gefragt, und er hat mir noch nicht geantwortet.","<MERGE> But this the girl would not let him do; she said: I have asked our charming guest whence he comes, and he has not yet answered me."
58,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_61.flac,00001-f000057,0.088913,"Aus dem Walde komme ich, du schönes Bildchen, entgegnete Huldbrand, und sie sprach weiter:","I come from the forest, you beautiful little vision, returned Huldbrand; and she went on to say: Then you must tell me how you came there, for it is usually so feared, and what marvellous adventures you met with in it, for it is impossible to escape without something of the sort."
59,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_62.flac,00001-f000057,0.088913,"So mußt du mir erzählen, wie du da hineinkamst, denn die Menschen scheuen ihn sonst, und was für wunderliche Abenteuer du darinnen erlebt hast, weil es doch ohne dergleichen dorten nicht abgehn soll.","<MERGE> I come from the forest, you beautiful little vision, returned Huldbrand; and she went on to say: Then you must tell me how you came there, for it is usually so feared, and what marvellous adventures you met with in it, for it is impossible to escape without something of the sort."
60,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_63.flac,00001-f000058,0.664662,"Huldbrand empfand einen kleinen Schauer bei dieser Erinnerung und blickte unwillkürlich nach dem Fenster, weil es ihm zumute war, als müsse eine von den seltsamlichen Gestalten, die ihm im Forste begegnet waren, von dort hereingrinzen; er sah nichts als die tiefe, schwarze Nacht, die nun bereits draußen vor den Scheiben lag.","Huldbrand felt a slight shudder at this remembrance, and looked involuntarily toward the window, for it seemed to him as if one of the strange figures he had encountered in the forest were grinning in there; but he saw nothing but the deep dark night, which had now shrouded everything without."
61,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_64.flac,00001-f000059,0.027719999999999998,"Da nahm er sich zusammen und wollte eben seine Geschichte anfangen, als ihn der Alte mit den Worten unterbrach:","Upon this he composed himself and was on the point of beginning his little history, when the old man interrupted him by saying: Not so, sir knight! this is no fit hour for such things."
62,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_65.flac,00001-f000059,0.027719999999999998,"Nicht also, Herr Ritter; zu dergleichen ist es jetzund keine gute Zeit. zu dergleichen ist es jetzund keine gute Zeit.","<MERGE> Upon this he composed himself and was on the point of beginning his little history, when the old man interrupted him by saying: Not so, sir knight! this is no fit hour for such things."
63,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_66.flac,00001-f000060,0.94916,"Undine aber sprang zornmütig von ihrem Bänkchen auf, setzte die schönen Arme in die Seiten und rief, sich dicht vor den Fischer hinstellend:","Undine, however, sprang angrily from her little stool, and standing straight before the fisherman with her fair arms fixed in her sides, she exclaimed: He shall not tell his story, father?"
64,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_67.flac,00001-f000061,0.288462,"Er soll nicht erzählen, Vater?",He shall not? but it is my will.
65,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_68.flac,00001-f000061,0.6,Er soll nicht?,He shall not? but it is my will.
66,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_69.flac,00001-f000062,0.866667,Ich aber will's; er soll!,He shall!
67,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_70.flac,00001-f000062,1.2,Er soll doch!,He shall!
68,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_71.flac,00001-f000063,1.03835,"Und damit trat das zierliche Füßchen heftig gegen den Boden, aber das alles mit solch einem drollig anmutigen Anstande, daß Huldbrand jetzt in ihrem Zorn fast weniger noch die Augen von ihr wegbringen konnte als vorher in ihrer Freundlichkeit.","He shall in spite of you! and thus saying she stamped her pretty little foot vehemently on the floor, but she did it all with such a comically graceful air that Huldbrand now felt his gaze almost more riveted upon her in her anger than before in her gentleness."
69,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_72.flac,00001-f000064,0.281538,Bei dem Alten hingegen brach der zurückgehaltene Unwillen in volle Flammen aus.,"The restrained wrath of the old man, on the contrary, burst forth violently."
70,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_73.flac,00001-f000065,0.845467,"Er schalt heftig auf Undines Ungehorsam und unsittiges Betragen gegen den Fremden, und die gute alte Frau stimmte mit ein.","He severely reproved Undine's disobedience and unbecoming behavior to the stranger, and his good old wife joined with him heartily."
71,18.undine_1503_librivox,00001-undine_74.flac,00001-f000066,0.0820755,Da sagte Undine:,"Undine quickly retorted: If you want to chide me, and won't do what I wish, then sleep alone in your old smoky hut! and swift as an arrow she flew from the room, and fled into the dark night."