PedroDKE commited on
1 Parent(s): 9495cda

Allignment files

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This view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.   See raw diff
Files changed (50) hide show
  1. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/around80days_data.tsv +0 -0
  2. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/castle_data.tsv +0 -0
  3. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/chancellor_data.tsv +0 -0
  4. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/dorian_data.tsv +0 -0
  5. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/elective_data.tsv +0 -0
  6. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/frankenstein_data.tsv +0 -0
  7. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/kandid_data.tsv +0 -0
  8. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/metamorphosis_data.tsv +0 -0
  9. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/pandora_data.tsv +0 -0
  10. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/rider_data.tsv +0 -0
  11. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/undine_data.tsv +0 -0
  12. LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/whitenights_data.tsv +0 -0
  13. alignments/10/0001-pandora_map_DeEn.csv +320 -0
  14. alignments/10/0002-pandora_map_DeEn.csv +494 -0
  15. alignments/10/0003-pandora_map_DeEn.csv +445 -0
  16. alignments/10/aeneas/00001-pandora_map.csv +503 -0
  17. alignments/10/aeneas/00002-pandora_map.csv +793 -0
  18. alignments/10/aeneas/00003-pandora_map.csv +687 -0
  19. alignments/108/00001-elective_map_DeEn.csv +75 -0
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  31. alignments/108/00013-elective_map_DeEn.csv +75 -0
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LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/around80days_data.tsv ADDED
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LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/castle_data.tsv ADDED
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LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/elective_data.tsv ADDED
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LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/frankenstein_data.tsv ADDED
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LibrivoxDeEn_alignments/kandid_data.tsv ADDED
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@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_1.flac,00001-f000001,0.508904,Prachtvoller Saal in deutscher Renaissance mit schwerem Plafond aus geschnitztem Eichenholz.,"ACT I The hall of EARTHSPIRIT, Act IV, feebly lighted by an oil lamp on the centre table."
+ 1,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_4.flac,00001-f000001,0.625685,In der Mitte unter der Galerie befindet sich die Eingangstür mit gewundenen Säulen und Frontispiz.,"ACT I The hall of EARTHSPIRIT, Act IV, feebly lighted by an oil lamp on the centre table."
+ 2,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_6.flac,00001-f000004,0.2625,"Links vorn ein kleiner Serviertisch, daneben ein Lehnsessel.",The firescreen and the chair by the ottoman are gone too.
+ 3,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_7.flac,00001-f000005,0.500168,"Der Saal ist durch eine auf dem Mitteltisch stehende, tiefverschleierte Petroleumlampe matt erhellt.","Down left is a small teatable, with a coffeepot and a cup of black coffee on it, and an armchair next it."
+ 4,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_8.flac,00001-f000006,0.845455,Alwa Schön geht vor der Eingangstür auf und nieder.,"In this chair, deep in cushions, with a plaid shawl over her knees, sits Countess Geschwitz in a tight black dress."
+ 5,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_9.flac,00001-f000007,0.56748,"Auf der Ottomane sitzt Rodrigo, als Bedienter gekleidet.","Rodrigo, clad as a servant, sits on the ottoman."
+ 6,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_10.flac,00001-f000006,0.494602,"Links in dem Lehnsessel, in schwarzem enganliegenden Kleid, tief in Kissen gebettet, einen Plaid über den Knien, sitzt die Gräfin Geschwitz.","In this chair, deep in cushions, with a plaid shawl over her knees, sits Countess Geschwitz in a tight black dress."
+ 7,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_11.flac,00001-f000007,0.0585366,Neben ihr auf dem Tisch steht eine Kaffeemaschine und eine Tasse mit schwarzem Kaffee.,"Rodrigo, clad as a servant, sits on the ottoman."
+ 8,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_12.flac,00001-f000009,0.893496,Er läßt auf sich warten wie ein Konzertmeister!,He lets people wait for him as if he were a concert conductor!
+ 9,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_13.flac,00001-f000009,0.600725,"Die Geschwitz Ich beschwöre Sie, sprechen Sie nicht!",He lets people wait for him as if he were a concert conductor!
+ 10,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_15.flac,00001-f000011,0.515502,"Es will mir ganz und gar nicht einleuchten, daß sie sich dabei sogar noch zu ihrem Vorteil verändert haben soll!","Hold my tongue, with a head as full of thoughts as mine is!I absolutely can't believe she's changed so awfully much to her advantage there!"
+ 11,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_18.flac,00001-f000014,0.596154,"Wenn ihr die Krankheit ebenso gut angeschlagen hat wie Ihnen, dann bin ich pleite!","If the sickness has hit her as it has you, I'm smashed and thru!"
+ 12,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_19.flac,00001-f000015,0.680435,"Sie verlassen die Isolierbaracke wie eine verunglückte Kautschukdame, die sich aufs Kunsthungern geworfen hat.",You're leaving the contagious ward like an acrobatlady who's had an accident after giving herself up to art.
+ 13,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_20.flac,00001-f000016,0.599048,Sie können sich kaum mehr die Nase schneuzen.,You can scarcely blow your nose any more.
+ 14,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_21.flac,00001-f000017,0.704255,"Erst brauchen Sie eine Viertelstunde, um Ihre Finger zu sortieren, und dann bedarf es der größten Vorsicht, damit Sie die Spitze nicht abbrechen.","First you need a quarterhour to sort your fingers, and then you have to be mighty careful not to break off the tip."
+ 15,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_23.flac,00001-f000019,0.2375,Das ist alles schön und gut.,That's all right and fine enough.
+ 16,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_24.flac,00001-f000020,0.555746,Ich werde aber doch vermutlich heute abend noch nicht mitfahren.,But I don't think I'll be travelling off with her this evening.
+ 17,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_27.flac,00001-f000023,1.07972,Meine Begleitung kann sie nur verdächtigen.,My escort could only be suspicious.
+ 18,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_28.flac,00001-f000024,0.976531,"Und zweitens muß ich hier noch abwarten, bis meine Kostüme fertig sind.","And secondly, I must wait here till my costumes are ready."
+ 19,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_29.flac,00001-f000025,0.0900901,Ich komme immer noch früh genug nach Paris.,"I'll get across the frontier soon enough alright,and I hope in the meantime she'll put on a little embonpoint, too."
+ 20,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_30.flac,00001-f000025,0.0900901,Hoffentlich legt sie sich derweil auch noch etwas Embonpoint zu.,"<MERGE> I'll get across the frontier soon enough alright,and I hope in the meantime she'll put on a little embonpoint, too."
+ 21,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_31.flac,00001-f000026,0.863445,"Dann wird geheiratet, vorausgesetzt, daß ich sie vor einem anständigen Publikum produzieren kann.","Then we'll get married, provided I can present her before a respectable public."
+ 22,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_32.flac,00001-f000027,0.76625,"Ich liebe an einer Frau das Praktische; welche Theorien sich die Weiber machen, ist mir vollkommen egal.",I love the practical in a woman: what theories they make up for themselves are all the same to me.
+ 23,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_33.flac,00001-f000028,0.8,"Ihnen nicht auch, Herr Doktor?","Aren't they to you too, doctor?"
+ 24,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_36.flac,00001-f000031,0.756454,Wenn sie sich in Paris nur nicht gleich wieder zuviel Bewegung macht!,If only she doesn't start doing too much as soon as she's out of Germany!
+ 25,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_37.flac,00001-f000032,0.898169,"Wenn ich nicht in die Folies Bergère engagiert wäre, nähme ich sie auf ein halbes Jahr mit nach London und ließe sie Plumkakes futtern.","I'd like best to take her to London for six months, and let her fill up on plumcakes."
+ 26,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_38.flac,00001-f000033,0.827027,In London geht man schon allein durch die Seeluft auf.,In London one expands just from the sea air.
+ 27,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_39.flac,00001-f000034,0.770423,Außerdem fühlt man in London auch nicht bei jedem Schluck Bier immer gleich die Schicksalshand an der Gurgel.,"And then, too, in London one doesn't feel with every swallow of beer as if the hand of fate were at one's throat."
+ 28,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_43.flac,00001-f000038,-0.01,Der Transport kostet mich immer dreimal mehr als mein eigenes Billett.,Six hundred kilos of the best iron.
+ 29,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_44.flac,00001-f000039,0.610417,Dabei ist die ganze Ausrüstung keinen Hosenknopf wert.,"The baggagerate on 'em is always three times as much as my own ticket, so that the whole junket isn't worth a trowser's button."
+ 30,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_45.flac,00001-f000040,0.985924,"Als ich schweißtriefend damit im Pfandhaus ankam, fragten sie mich, ob die Sachen auch echt seien.","When I went into the pawnshop with 'em, dripping with sweat, they asked me if the things were genuine!I'd have really done better to have had the costumes made abroad."
+ 31,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_46.flac,00001-f000040,0.704984,Die Kostüme hätte ich mir eigentlich richtiger in Paris anfertigen lassen sollen.,"When I went into the pawnshop with 'em, dripping with sweat, they asked me if the things were genuine!I'd have really done better to have had the costumes made abroad."
+ 32,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_47.flac,00001-f000041,0.145455,"Der Pariser zum Beispiel merkt auf den ersten Blick, wo man seine Vorzüge hat.","In Paris, for instance, they see at the first glance where one's best points are, and bravely lay them bare."
+ 33,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_48.flac,00001-f000041,0.145455,Da dekolletiert er tapfer drauflos.,"<MERGE> In Paris, for instance, they see at the first glance where one's best points are, and bravely lay them bare."
+ 34,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_49.flac,00001-f000042,0.747594,Aber das lernt sich nicht mit untergeschlagenen Beinen; das will an klassisch gebildeten Menschen studiert sein.,But you can't learn that with bowlegs; it's got to be studied on classically shaped people.
+ 35,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_50.flac,00001-f000043,0.474265,Hier haben sie eine Angst vor der bloßen Haut wie in Paris vor den Dynamitbomben.,In this country they're as scared of naked skin as they are abroad of dynamite bombs.
+ 36,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_51.flac,00001-f000044,0.777983,"Vor zwei Jahren wurde ich im AlhambraTheater zu fünfzig Mark Strafe verknallt, wie man sah, daß ich ein paar Haare auf der Brust habe, nicht so viel wie zu einer anständigen Zahnbürste nötig sind.","A couple of years ago I was fined fifty marks at the Alhambra Theater, because people could see I had a few hairs on my chest, not enough to make a respectable toothbrush!"
+ 37,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_53.flac,00001-f000046,0.426667,Seitdem lasse ich mich jeden Monat einmal rasieren.,"If I didn't need every bit of my creative power now for the Worldconqueror, I might like to test the problem and see what could be done with it."
+ 38,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_54.flac,00001-f000046,0.426667,"Wenn ich jetzt nicht meine ganze geistige Spannkraft zu dem Weltbeherrscher nötig hätte, möchte ich das Problem wohl auf seine Tragfähigkeit erproben.","<MERGE> If I didn't need every bit of my creative power now for the Worldconqueror, I might like to test the problem and see what could be done with it."
+ 39,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_55.flac,00001-f000047,0.347718,"Das ist der Fluch, der auf unserer jungen deutschen Literatur lastet, daß wir Dichter viel zu literarisch sind.",That's the curse of our young literature: we're so much too literary.
+ 40,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_56.flac,00001-f000048,0.772089,"Wir kennen keine anderen Fragen und Probleme als solche, die unter Schriftstellern und Gelehrten auftauchen.",We know only such questions and problems as come up among writers and cultured people.
+ 41,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_57.flac,00001-f000049,0.488517,Unser Gesichtskreis reicht über die Grenzen unserer Zunftinteressen nicht hinaus.,We cannot see beyond the limits of our own professional interests.
+ 42,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_58.flac,00001-f000050,0.823921,"Um wieder auf die Fährte einer großen gewaltigen Kunst zu gelangen, müßten wir uns möglichst viel unter Menschen bewegen, die nie in ihrem Leben ein Buch gelesen haben, denen die einfachsten animalischen Instinkte bei ihren Handlungen maßgebend sind.","In order to get back on the trail of a great and powerful art we must move as much as possible among men who've never read a book in their lives, whom the simplest animal instincts direct in all they do."
+ 43,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_59.flac,00001-f000051,0.671296,In meinem Totentanz habe ich schon aus voller Kraft nach diesen Prinzipien zu arbeiten gesucht.,"I've tried already, with all my might, to work according to those principlesin my Earthspirit."
+ 44,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_60.flac,00001-f000052,0.406439,"Das Weib, das mir zu der Hauptfigur des Stückes Modell stehen mußte, atmet heute seit einem vollen Jahr hinter vergitterten Fenstern.","The woman who was my model for the chief figure in that, breathes todayand has for a yearbehind barred windows; and on that account for some incomprehensible reason the play was only brought to performance by the Society for Free Literature."
+ 45,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_61.flac,00001-f000052,0.406439,Dafür wurde das Drama sonderbarerweise allerdings auch nur von der freien literarischen Gesellschaft zur Aufführung gebracht.,"<MERGE> The woman who was my model for the chief figure in that, breathes todayand has for a yearbehind barred windows; and on that account for some incomprehensible reason the play was only brought to performance by the Society for Free Literature."
+ 46,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_62.flac,00001-f000053,0.470769,"Solange mein Vater noch lebte, standen meinen Schöpfungen sämtliche Bühnen Deutschlands offen.","As long as my father was alive, all the stages of Germany stood open to my creations."
+ 47,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_63.flac,00001-f000054,0.776923,Das hat sich gewaltig geändert.,That has been vastly changed.
+ 48,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_65.flac,00001-f000056,0.743455,"Wenn die im Ausland keinen Sukzeß haben, dann will ich Mausefallen verkaufen.","If they don't make a success abroad, I'll sell mousetraps!"
+ 49,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_66.flac,00001-f000057,0.801818,"Die Trußhöschen sind so graziös, daß ich mich damit auf keine Tischkante setzen kann.",The trunks are so delicate I can't sit on the edge of a table in 'em.
+ 50,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_67.flac,00001-f000058,1.02107,"Der vorteilhafte Eindruck wird nur durch meine fürchterliche Plauze gestört, die ich meiner tätigen Mitwirkung in dieser großartigen Verschwörung zu danken habe.","The only thing that will disturb the good impression is my awful bald head, which I owe to my active participation in this great conspiracy."
+ 51,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_68.flac,00001-f000059,1.03447,"Bei gesunden Gliedern drei Monate lang im Krankenhaus liegen, das muß den heruntergekommensten Landstreicher zum Mastschwein machen.",To lie in the hospital in perfect health for three months would make a fat pig of the most rundown old hobo.
+ 52,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_69.flac,00001-f000060,1.06193,"Seit ich heraus bin, futtere ich nichts als Karlsbader Pastillen;",Since coming out I've fed on nothing but Karlsbad pills.
+ 53,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_70.flac,00001-f000061,0.874468,Tag und Nacht habe ich Orchesterprobe in den Gedärmen.,Day and night I have orchestra rehearsals in my intestines.
+ 54,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_71.flac,00001-f000062,0.905907,"Bis ich nach Paris komme, werde ich so ausgeschwemmt sein, daß ich keinen Flaschenstöpsel mehr hochheben kann.",I'll be so washed out before I get across the frontier that I won't be able to lift a bottlecork.
+ 55,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_73.flac,00001-f000064,0.888,Der Garten war ausgestorben.,That was a refreshing sight.
+ 56,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_74.flac,00001-f000065,0.474519,In der herrlichsten Mittagssonne wagten sich die Rekonvaleszenten nicht aus den Haustüren.,The garden was still as the grave: in the loveliest noon sunlight the convalescents didn't venture out of doors.
+ 57,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_75.flac,00001-f000066,0.85228,Ganz hinten bei der Isolierbaracke trat sie unter den Maulbeerbäumen vor und wiegte sich auf dem Kies in den Knöcheln.,Away back by the contagious ward she stepped out under the mulberry trees and swayed on her ankles on the gravel.
+ 58,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_76.flac,00001-f000067,0.774026,"Der Portier hatte mich wiedererkannt, und ein Assistenzarzt, der mir im Korridor begegnete, fuhr zusammen, als hätte ihn ein Revolverschuß getroffen.","The doorkeeper had recognized me, and a young doctor who met me in the corridor shrunk up as tho a revolver shot had struck him."
+ 59,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_77.flac,00001-f000068,0.511722,Die Krankenschwestern huschten in die Säle oder blieben an den Wänden kleben.,The Sisters vanished into the big rooms or stayed stuck against the walls.
+ 60,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_78.flac,00001-f000069,1.20307,"Als ich zurückkam, war weder im Garten noch unter dem Portal eine Seele zu sehen.",When I came back there was not a soul to be seen in the garden or at the gate.
+ 61,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_79.flac,00001-f000070,0.785714,"Die Gelegenheit hätte ich nicht schöner finden können, wenn wir die verfluchten Pässe gehabt hätten.","No better chance could have been found, if we had had the curséd passports."
+ 62,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_80.flac,00001-f000071,0.592308,"Und jetzt sagt der Mensch, er fahre nicht mit!",And now the fellow says he isn't going with her!
+ 63,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_81.flac,00001-f000072,0.772727,Ich verstehe die armen Spitalbrüder.,I understand the poor hospitalbrothers.
+ 64,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_82.flac,00001-f000073,0.659091,"Der eine hat einen wehen Fuß, der andere hat eine geschwollene Backe; da taucht die leibhaftige Todesversicherungsagentin mitten unter ihnen auf.","One has a bad foot and another has a swollen cheek, and there appears in the midst of them the incarnate deathinsuranceagentess!"
+ 65,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_83.flac,00001-f000074,0.816674,"In den Rittersälen so heißt die gesegnete Abteilung, von der aus ich meine Spionage organisierte , als sich da die Kunde verbreitete, daß die Schwester Theophila mit Tod abgegangen sei, da war keiner der Kerle im Bett zu halten.","In the Hall of the Knights, as the blessed division was called from which I organized my spying, when the news got around there that Sister Theophila had departed this life, not one of the fellows could be kept in bed."
+ 66,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_84.flac,00001-f000075,0.718106,"Sie kletterten an den Fenstergittern hinauf, und wenn sie ihre Leiden zentnerweise mitschleppten.","They scrambled up to the windowbars, if they had to drag their pains along with them by the hundredweight."
+ 67,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_86.flac,00001-f000077,0.917308,"Erlauben Sie mir, Fräulein von Geschwitz, noch einmal auf meinen Vorschlag zurückzukommen.","Allow me, Fräulein von Geschwitz, to come back to my proposition once more."
+ 68,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_87.flac,00001-f000078,0.503249,"Die Frau hat in diesem Zimmer meinen Vater erschossen; trotzdem kann ich in dem Morde wie in der Strafe nichts anderes als ein entsetzliches Unglück sehen, das sie betroffen hat.","Tho my father was shot in this room, still I can see in the murder, as in the punishment, nothing but a horrible misfortune that has befallen her; nor do I think that my father, if he had come through alive, would have withdrawn his support from her entirely."
+ 69,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_88.flac,00001-f000078,0.503249,"Ich glaube auch, mein Vater hätte, wäre er mit dem Leben davongekommen, seine Hand nicht vollständig von ihr abgezogen.","<MERGE> Tho my father was shot in this room, still I can see in the murder, as in the punishment, nothing but a horrible misfortune that has befallen her; nor do I think that my father, if he had come through alive, would have withdrawn his support from her entirely."
+ 70,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_89.flac,00001-f000079,0.354934,"Ob Ihnen Ihr Befreiungsplan gelingen wird, scheint mir immer noch zweifelhaft, obschon ich Sie nicht entmutigen möchte.","Whether your plan for freeing her will succeed still seems to me very doubtful, tho I wouldn't like to discourage you; but I can find no words to express the admiration with which your selfsacrifice, your energy, your superhuman scorn of death, inspires me."
+ 71,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_90.flac,00001-f000080,0.546154,"Aber ich finde keine Worte für die Bewunderung, die mir Ihre Aufopferung, Ihre Tatkraft, Ihre übermenschliche Todesverachtung einflößen.","I don't believe any man ever risked so much for a woman, let alone for a friend."
+ 72,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_91.flac,00001-f000080,0.666154,"Ich glaube nicht, daß je ein Mann soviel für eine Frau, geschweige denn für einen Freund aufs Spiel gesetzt hat.","I don't believe any man ever risked so much for a woman, let alone for a friend."
+ 73,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_92.flac,00001-f000081,1.33706,"Ich weiß nicht, Fräulein von Geschwitz, wie reich Sie sind; aber die Ausgaben für diese Bewerkstelligungen müssen Ihre Vermögensverhältnisse zerrüttet haben.","I am not aware, Fräulein von Geschwitz, how rich you are, but the expenses for what you have accomplished must have exhausted your fortune."
+ 74,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_93.flac,00001-f000082,0.954643,"Darf ich Ihnen ein Darlehen von zwanzigtausend Mark anbieten, dessen Herbeischaffung in barem Geld für mich mit keinerlei Schwierigkeiten verbunden wäre?","May I venture to offer you a loan of, markswhich I should have no trouble raising for you in cash?"
+ 75,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_95.flac,00001-f000084,0.94902,Von dem Tage an waren wir ohne Aufsicht.,From that day on we were free from custody.
+ 76,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_96.flac,00001-f000085,1.05714,Wir wechselten nach Belieben die Betten.,We changed our beds as we liked.
+ 77,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_97.flac,00001-f000086,1.03774,Ich hatte ihr meine Frisur gemacht und ahmte in jedem Laut ihre Stimme nach.,"I had done my hair like hers, and copied every tone of her voice."
+ 78,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_98.flac,00001-f000087,0.220802,"Wenn der Professor kam, redete er sie per gnädiges Fräulein an und sagte zu mir:","When the professor came he called her gnädiges Fräulein and said to me, It's better living here than in prison!."
+ 79,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_99.flac,00001-f000087,0.220802,Hier lebt sich's besser als im Gefängnis!,"<MERGE> When the professor came he called her gnädiges Fräulein and said to me, It's better living here than in prison!."
+ 80,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_100.flac,00001-f000088,0.83749,"Als die Schwester plötzlich ausblieb, sahen wir einander gespannt an, wir beide waren fünf Tage krank; jetzt mußte es sich entscheiden.","When the Sister suddenly was missing, we looked at each other in suspense: we had both been sick five days: now was the deciding moment."
+ 81,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_101.flac,00001-f000089,-0.0514286,Am nächsten Morgen kam der Assistenzarzt.,"Next morning came the assistant.How is Sister Theophila?Dead!We communicated behind his back, and when he had gone we sank in each other's arms: God be thanked!"
+ 82,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_102.flac,00001-f000089,-0.0514286,Wie geht es der Schwester Theophila?,"<MERGE> Next morning came the assistant.How is Sister Theophila?Dead!We communicated behind his back, and when he had gone we sank in each other's arms: God be thanked!"
+ 83,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_103.flac,00001-f000089,-0.0514286,Tot.,"<MERGE> Next morning came the assistant.How is Sister Theophila?Dead!We communicated behind his back, and when he had gone we sank in each other's arms: God be thanked!"
+ 84,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_104.flac,00001-f000090,0.462869,"Wir verständigten uns hinter seinem Rücken, und als er hinaus war, sanken wir uns in die Arme:",God be thanked!What pains it cost me to keep my darling from betraying how well she already was!
+ 85,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_105.flac,00001-f000091,0.0314815,Gott sei Dank!,"<MERGE> You have nine years of prison before you, I cried to her early and late."
+ 86,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_106.flac,00001-f000091,0.0314815,Gott sei Dank!,"You have nine years of prison before you, I cried to her early and late."
+ 87,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_107.flac,00001-f000090,0.661972,"Welche Mühe es kostete, damit mein Liebling nicht verriet, wie gesund er schon war!",God be thanked!What pains it cost me to keep my darling from betraying how well she already was!
+ 88,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_108.flac,00001-f000091,0.915079,Du hast neun Jahre Gefängnis vor dir! rief ich von früh bis spät.,"You have nine years of prison before you, I cried to her early and late."
+ 89,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_109.flac,00001-f000092,0.499532,Man läßt sie jetzt auch wohl keine drei Tage mehr in der Isolierbaracke.,Now they probably won't let her stay in the contagious ward three days more!
+ 90,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_111.flac,00001-f000094,0.584583,"Jetzt spiele ich hier bei Ihnen, Herr Doktor, den Kammerdiener, damit keine fremde Bedienung ins Haus kommt.","Now I act the valet here with you, Dr. Schön, so that no strange servants may come into the house."
+ 91,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_112.flac,00001-f000095,0.782664,Wo hat je ein Bräutigam mehr für seine Braut getan?,Where is the bridegroom who's ever done so much for his bride?
+ 92,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_114.flac,00001-f000097,0.785222,"Wenn es Ihnen gelingt, die Frau zu einer anständigen Künstlerin auszubilden, dann haben Sie sich um Ihre Mitwelt verdient gemacht.",When you succeed in developing her into a respectable artiste you will have put the world in debt to you.
+ 93,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_115.flac,00001-f000098,1.07874,"Mit dem Temperament und der Schönheit, die sie aus dem Innersten ihrer Natur heraus zu geben hat, kann sie das blasierteste Publikum in Atem halten.",With the temperament and the beauty that she has to give out of the depths of her nature she can make the most blasé public hold its breath.
+ 94,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_117.flac,00001-f000100,0.675,Ich will ihr ihre Zicken schon austreiben!,I'll soon drive her kiddishness out of her!
+ 95,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_120.flac,00001-f000104,-0.15,Schigolch Vermaledeite,Thruout the play his speech is interrupted with frequent yawns.
+ 96,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_124.flac,00001-f000108,0.190909,Ich komme schon!,I'm coming!
+ 97,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_127.flac,00001-f000111,1.0125,Seit heute früh um neun fahre ich bei allen Lumpensammlern herum.,Since nine o'clock this morning I've been round to all the oldclothesmen.
+ 98,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_128.flac,00001-f000112,0.685882,"Drei nagelneue Koffer, vollgestopft mit alten Hosen, habe ich über Bremerhaven nach Amerika spediert.",Three brand new trunks stuffed full of old trowsers I've expressed to Buenos Ayres via Bremerhaven.
+ 99,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_129.flac,00001-f000113,0.61938,Die Beine baumeln mir wie Glockenschwengel am Leib.,My legs are dangling on me like the tongue of a bell.
+ 100,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_130.flac,00001-f000114,0.609009,Das soll ein anderes Leben in Paris werden!,That's the new life it's going to be from now on!
+ 101,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_131.flac,00001-f000115,0.965625,Wo wollt ihr denn in Paris absteigen?,Where are you going to get off tomorrow morning?
+ 102,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_134.flac,00001-f000118,1.51797,Ich wohnte dort mit einer Löwenbändigerin.,I lived there with a lady liontamer.
+ 103,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_135.flac,00001-f000119,0.266667,Die Leute sind geborene Berliner.,The people were born in Berlin.
+ 104,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_137.flac,00001-f000123,0.332143,Rodrigo eilt herbei und stützt sie Dabei seid ihr dort sicherer vor der Polizei als auf dem hohen Turmseil!,And you'll be safer from the police there than on a high tightrope!
+ 105,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_139.flac,00001-f000125,1.00135,Er leidet wohl noch an seinen Frostbeulen!,Maybe he's still suffering from his chillblains!
+ 106,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_141.flac,00001-f000127,0.857547,"Hm die Schwester Theophila wäre auch nicht so prompt gen Himmel gefahren, wenn sie sich für unsere Patientin nicht so liebevoll erwärmt hätte.","HmSister Theophila wouldn't have gone to heaven so promptly either, if she hadn't felt so affectionate towards our patient."
+ 107,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_144.flac,00001-f000130,0.59213,"Alwa eine Brieftasche in der Hand, zur Geschwitz, die auf eine Stuhllehne gestützt am Mitteltisch steht","A pocketbook in his hand, to Geschwitz who is leaning on a chairback by the centre table."
+ 108,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_145.flac,00001-f000131,0.732353,Diese Tasche enthält zehntausend Mark.,"This holds, marks."
+ 109,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_149.flac,00001-f000136,1.12632,"Schigolch Geduld, mein Fräulein.","Patience, Fräulein."
+ 110,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_150.flac,00001-f000137,0.945736,Es ist ja nur der Katzensprung über die Spitalstraße.,It's only a stone's throw across Hospital Street.
+ 111,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_152.flac,00001-f000139,0.216667,Sie bringen sie her?,You're bringing her here?
+ 112,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_153.flac,00001-f000140,0.247059,Ich bringe sie her.,I'm bringing her here.
+ 113,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_154.flac,00001-f000141,1.49341,Oder fürchten Sie für Ihre Gesundheit?,Or do you fear for your health?
+ 114,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_157.flac,00001-f000144,1.03378,Alwa die Mitteltür unter der Galerie öffnend,Opening the centre door under the gallery.
+ 115,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_158.flac,00001-f000145,0.773684,Sie gehen hier näher.,It's shorter for you thru here.
+ 116,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_159.flac,00001-f000146,1.71081,Schigolch und die Gräfin Geschwitz verlassen den Saal.,Exeunt Schigolch and Countess Geschwitz.
+ 117,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_162.flac,00001-f000149,0.176471,Was geht Sie das an?,What has that to do with you?
+ 118,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_164.flac,00001-f000151,1.11818,Dann kamen die Herren Assistenten und Geheimräte an die Reihe.,"Then came the assistants' and the doctors' turn, and then ALVA."
+ 119,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_165.flac,00001-f000152,0.165,Und dann.,Will you seriously inform me that the medical professors let themselves be influenced by you?
+ 120,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_166.flac,00001-f000152,0.165,"Alwa Wollen Sie mir im Ernste weismachen, daß sich die Assistenzärzte durch Sie haben beeinflussen lassen?",<MERGE> Will you seriously inform me that the medical professors let themselves be influenced by you?
+ 121,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_169.flac,00001-f000155,0.638014,"Soviel ich weiß, beziehen Sie außerdem noch ein monatliches Salär von fünfhundert Mark von ihr.",So far as I know you're getting a monthly salary of five hundred marks from her besides.
+ 122,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_170.flac,00001-f000156,0.78871,"Es fällt einem manchmal ziemlich schwer, an Ihre Liebe zu der unglücklichen Gefangenen zu glauben.",It is often pretty hard to believe in your love for the unhappy murderess.
+ 123,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_171.flac,00001-f000157,0.906818,"Wenn ich eben Fräulein von Geschwitz darum bat, meine Hilfe anzunehmen, so geschah es gewiß nicht, um Ihre unersättliche Goldgier aufzustacheln.","When I asked Fräulein von Geschwitz just now to accept my help, it certainly was not to incite your insatiable avarice."
+ 124,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_172.flac,00001-f000158,1.267,"Die Bewunderung, die ich vor Fräulein von Geschwitz in dieser Sache hegen gelernt, empfinde ich Ihnen gegenüber noch lange nicht.","The admiration which I have learnt to have for Fräulein von Geschwitz in this affair, I am far from feeling towards you."
+ 125,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_173.flac,00001-f000159,0.702709,"Es ist mir überhaupt unklar, was Sie an mich für Ansprüche geltend machen.",It is not at all clear to me what claims of any kind you can make upon me.
+ 126,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_174.flac,00001-f000160,0.750179,"Daß Sie zufällig bei der Ermordung meines Vaters zugegen waren, hat zwischen Ihnen und mir noch nicht die geringsten verwandtschaftlichen Bande geschaffen.",That you chanced to be present at the murder of my father has not yet created the slightest bond of relationship between you and me.
+ 127,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_175.flac,00001-f000161,0.87707,"Dagegen bin ich fest davon überzeugt, daß Sie, wenn Ihnen das heroische Unternehmen der Gräfin Geschwitz nicht zugute gekommen wäre, heute ohne einen Pfennig irgendwo betrunken im Rinnstein lägen.","On the contrary, I am firmly convinced that if the heroic undertaking of Countess Geschwitz had not come your way you would be lying somewhere today without a penny, drunken in the gutter."
+ 128,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_177.flac,00001-f000163,0.644072,Sie hätten sich mit dem ausgemergeltsten Ballettmädchen zusammengetan und wären heute Stallknecht im Zirkus Humpelmeier.,You'd have hitched up with the stringiest sort of balletgirl and been today a stableboy in the Humpelmeier Circus.
+ 129,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_178.flac,00001-f000164,0.847059,Was arbeiten Sie denn?,What work do you do?
+ 130,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_180.flac,00001-f000167,0.283333,Sie Nachtjacke Sie!,You fresh ragbag you!
+ 131,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_181.flac,00001-f000168,0.889286,Ich habe auf diesem Brustkasten noch vor zwei Jahren zwei gesattelte Kavalleriepferde balanciert.,Two years ago I balanced two saddled cavalryhorses on this chest.
+ 132,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_182.flac,00001-f000169,0.501737,"Wie das jetzt mit der Plauze werden soll, ist mir allerdings rätselhaft.","How that'll go now, after this clasping his bald head, is a question sure enough."
+ 133,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_183.flac,00001-f000170,0.607222,"Die Französinnen bekommen einen schönen Begriff von der deutschen Kunst, wenn sie mir bei jedem Kilo mehr den Schweiß aus den Trikots tröpfeln sehen.",The foreign girls will get a fine idea of German art when they see the sweat come beading thru my tights at every fresh kiloweight!
+ 134,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_185.flac,00001-f000172,0.886957,Sie sind ein Waschlappen.,You're weak as a dishclout!
+ 135,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_188.flac,00001-f000174,0.778313,"Dann setze ich Ihnen die Fußspitze unter die Kinnlade, daß Ihnen Ihre Zunge an der Tapete spazierengeht.","If so, I'll set the tip of my toe to your jaw so that your tongue'll crawl along the carpet over there!"
+ 136,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_193.flac,00001-f000179,0.857143,Wer kann das sein?,Who can that be!
+ 137,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_196.flac,00001-f000182,0.645968,Wie wollten denn die schon zurück sein!,But how should they be back already!
+ 138,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_197.flac,00001-f000183,0.80625,Wer mag da kommen!,Who can be coming there?
+ 139,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_198.flac,00001-f000184,0.9,Ich erwarte niemanden.,I expect no one.
+ 140,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_201.flac,00001-f000187,0.744444,Ich stelle mich hinter die Portière.,I'll get behind the portières.
+ 141,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_202.flac,00001-f000188,1.19714,Da habe ich vor einem Jahr auch schon einmal gestanden.,"I've stood there once before, a year ago."
+ 142,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_203.flac,00001-f000189,-0.2,Rodrigo verschwindet hinter der Portière rechts vorn.,"Disappears, right."
+ 143,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_205.flac,00001-f000191,0.9,Mit wem habe ich.,With whom have I.
+ 144,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_206.flac,00001-f000192,0.3,Sie?,You?
+ 145,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_208.flac,00001-f000194,2.14118,Hugenberg Alfred Hugenberg.,Alfred Hugenberg.
+ 146,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_209.flac,00001-f000195,0.2625,Was wünschen Sie?,What can I do for you?
+ 147,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_210.flac,00001-f000196,0.2875,Ich komme von Münsterberg.,I've come from Münsterburg.
+ 148,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_211.flac,00001-f000196,0.252,Ich bin heute morgen geflüchtet.,I've come from Münsterburg.
+ 149,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_212.flac,00001-f000197,1.035,Ich bin augenleidend.,I ran away this morning.
+ 150,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_215.flac,00001-f000202,0.642105,Ich habe einen Plan vorbereitet.,I've got a plan ready.
+ 151,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_216.flac,00001-f000204,0.975,Hört man uns?,What do you mean?
+ 152,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_217.flac,00001-f000205,0.282353,Wovon sprechen Sie?,What sort of a plan?
+ 153,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_220.flac,00001-f000208,1.3,Was wollten Sie mir mitteilen?,What do you want to impart to me?
+ 154,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_222.flac,00001-f000210,0.702522,"Was ich Ihnen jetzt sage, ist bis auf jeden möglichen Zwischenfall durchgearbeitet.",What I shall tell you now has been worked out to the last possible chance.
+ 155,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_223.flac,00001-f000211,1.16981,"Wenn ich Geld hätte, würde ich Sie nicht ins Vertrauen ziehen.",If I had money I should not confide it to you; I thought about that a long time before coming.
+ 156,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_226.flac,00001-f000214,0.854237,"Die Frau kann Ihnen unmöglich so gleichgültig sein, daß ich Ihnen das sagen muß.",She cannot possibly be so indifferent to you that I must tell you that.
+ 157,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_227.flac,00001-f000215,0.41625,"Was Sie vor dem Untersuchungsrichter zu Protokoll gaben, hat ihr mehr genützt als alles, was der Verteidiger sagte.",The evidence you gave the coroner helped her more than everything the defending counsel said.
+ 158,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_229.flac,00001-f000217,0.610256,Das sagen Sie so; das verstehe ich natürlich.,"You would say that; I understand that, of course."
+ 159,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_230.flac,00001-f000218,0.991667,Aber Sie waren doch ihr bester Entlastungszeuge.,But all the same you were her best witness.
+ 160,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_232.flac,00001-f000220,0.669702,"Sie sagten, mein Vater habe sie zwingen wollen, sich selbst zu erschießen.",You said my father was about to force her to shoot herself.
+ 161,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_233.flac,00001-f000222,0.176471,Das wollte er auch.,But they didn't believe me.
+ 162,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_235.flac,00001-f000224,1.24286,Wo kommen Sie jetzt her?,Where have you come from now?
+ 163,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_237.flac,00001-f000226,0.9,Und was beabsichtigen Sie?,And what do you have in view?
+ 164,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_241.flac,00001-f000230,0.88125,Wer ist Ihr Vater?,Who is your father?
+ 165,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_242.flac,00001-f000231,0.27,Er ist Polizeidirektor.,He's a police captain.
+ 166,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_243.flac,00001-f000232,0.794235,"Ich kenne das Gefängnis, ohne daß ich jemals drin war; und mich wird, so wie ich jetzt bin, kein Aufseher erkennen.",I know the prison without ever having been inside it; and nobody in it will recognize me as I am now.
+ 167,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_244.flac,00001-f000233,1.13492,Aber darauf rechne ich gar nicht.,But I don't count on that at all.
+ 168,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_245.flac,00001-f000234,0.662581,"Ich weiß eine eiserne Leiter, von der man vom ersten Hof aus aufs Dach und durch eine Dachluke unter den Dachboden gelangt.",I know an iron ladder by which one can get from the first court to the roof and thru an opening there into the attic.
+ 169,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_246.flac,00001-f000235,0.27,Vom Innern aus führt kein Weg dorthin.,There's no way up to it from inside.
+ 170,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_247.flac,00001-f000236,0.0808456,Aber in allen fünf Flügeln liegen Bretter und Latten unter den Dächern und große Haufen Späne.,"But in all five wings boards and laths and great heaps of shavings are lying under the roofs, and I'll drag them all together in the middle and set fire to them."
+ 171,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_248.flac,00001-f000236,0.0808456,Ich schleppe die Bretter und Latten und Späne an fünf Enden zusammen und zünde sie an.,"<MERGE> But in all five wings boards and laths and great heaps of shavings are lying under the roofs, and I'll drag them all together in the middle and set fire to them."
+ 172,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_249.flac,00001-f000237,0.467611,"Ich habe alle Taschen voll Zündmaterial, wie es zum Feuermachen gebraucht wird.",My pockets are full of matches and all the things used to make fires.
+ 173,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_250.flac,00001-f000238,0.86087,Dann verbrennen Sie doch!,But then you'll burn up there!
+ 174,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_251.flac,00001-f000238,0.497802,"Hugenberg Natürlich, wenn ich nicht gerettet werde.",But then you'll burn up there!
+ 175,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_252.flac,00001-f000240,1.06292,"Aber um in den ersten Hof zu kommen, muß ich den Schließer in meiner Gewalt haben, und dazu brauche ich Geld.","But to get into the first court I must have the turnkey in my power, and for that I need money."
+ 176,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_253.flac,00001-f000240,0.698396,Nicht daß ich ihn bestechen will; das würde nicht gelingen.,"But to get into the first court I must have the turnkey in my power, and for that I need money."
+ 177,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_254.flac,00001-f000241,0.77972,"Ich muß ihm das Geld vorher leihen, damit er seine drei Kinder in die Sommerfrische schicken kann.",Not that I mean to bribe him; that wouldn't go.
+ 178,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_255.flac,00001-f000242,0.0435815,"Dann drücke ich mich morgens um vier, wenn die Sträflinge aus geachteten Familien entlassen werden, zur Tür hinein.","I must lend him money to send his three children to the country, and then at four o'clock in the morning when the prisoners of respected families are discharged, I'll slip in the door."
+ 179,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_256.flac,00001-f000242,0.0435815,Er schließt hinter mir ab.,"<MERGE> I must lend him money to send his three children to the country, and then at four o'clock in the morning when the prisoners of respected families are discharged, I'll slip in the door."
+ 180,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_257.flac,00001-f000243,0.653521,"Er fragt mich, was ich vorhabe; ich bitte ihn, mich am Abend wieder hinauszulassen.","He'll lockup behind me and ask me what I'm after, and I'll ask him to let me out again in the evening."
+ 181,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_258.flac,00001-f000244,0.541148,"Und eh' es hell wird, bin ich unter dem Dachboden.","And before it gets light, I'm up in the attic."
+ 182,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_262.flac,00001-f000248,0.258621,Rodrigo aus der Portière tretend,"Stepping out of the portières, right."
+ 183,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_264.flac,00001-f000250,1.22857,Wo kommt der Mensch her?,Where does that man come from?
+ 184,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_265.flac,00001-f000251,1.05,Aus derselben Türe!,Out of the same door!
+ 185,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_267.flac,00001-f000253,0.71746,Ich habe ihn in Dienst genommen.,I've taken him into my service.
+ 186,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_268.flac,00001-f000255,0.266667,Er ist zuverlässig.,Grasping his temples.
+ 187,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_269.flac,00001-f000256,0.992308,Hugenberg sich an die Schläfen greifend,Fool that I am!
+ 188,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_271.flac,00001-f000258,0.592793,"Rodrigo Ja, ja, wir haben uns hier schon gesehen!","Oh, yah, we've seen each other here before!"
+ 189,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_272.flac,00001-f000259,0.211111,Scheren Sie sich zu Ihrer Frau VizeMama!,Cut away now to your vicemamma.
+ 190,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_273.flac,00001-f000260,0.622013,Ihr Brüderchen möchte seinen Geschwistern gerne Onkel werden.,Your kid brother might like to uncle his brothers and sisters.
+ 191,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_274.flac,00001-f000261,0.599242,Machen Sie Ihren Herrn Papa zum Großvater seiner Kinder.,Make your sirpapa the grandfather of his children!
+ 192,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_275.flac,00001-f000262,0.135,Sie haben uns gefehlt!,You're the only thing we've missed.
+ 193,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_276.flac,00001-f000263,0.591667,"Wenn Sie mir in den nächsten vierzehn Tagen noch einmal unter die Augen kommen, dann schlage ich Ihnen den Kürbis zu Brei zusammen.","If you once get into my sight in the next two weeks, I'll beat your bean up for porridge."
+ 194,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_279.flac,00001-f000267,0.826829,"Wissen Sie denn nicht, daß die Frau seit drei Wochen tot ist?",Don't you know the lady's been dead three weeks?
+ 195,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_280.flac,00001-f000267,0.284615,Hugenberg Hat man ihr den Kopf abgeschlagen?,Don't you know the lady's been dead three weeks?
+ 196,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_282.flac,00001-f000270,0.705495,Sie ist an der Cholera krepiert.,She was mashed by the cholera.
+ 197,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_283.flac,00001-f000271,0.86,Das ist nicht wahr.,That is not true!
+ 198,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_285.flac,00001-f000273,0.264706,"Da, lesen Sie; hier","There, read it: here!"
+ 199,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_286.flac,00001-f000274,-0.00789474,Zieht ein Zeitungsblatt hervor und deutet auf eine Notiz darin Die Mörderin des Dr. Schön.,Taking out a paper and pointing to the place.
+ 200,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_287.flac,00001-f000275,0.2875,Gibt das Blatt an Hugenberg.,The murderess of Dr. Schön.
+ 201,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_288.flac,00001-f000276,1.12,Hugenberg liest,Gives Hugenberg the paper.
+ 202,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_289.flac,00001-f000278,1.04625,Die Mörderin des Dr. Schön ist im Gefängnis auf unbegreifliche Weise an der Cholera erkrankt.,The murderess of Dr. Schön has in some incomprehensible way fallen ill of the cholera in prison.
+ 203,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_291.flac,00001-f000280,0.665323,Was will sie denn sonst getan haben?,"Well, what else do you suppose she is?"
+ 204,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_292.flac,00001-f000281,1.27632,Sie liegt seit drei Wochen auf dem Kirchhof.,She's been lying in the churchyard three weeks.
+ 205,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_293.flac,00001-f000282,0.649189,"In der Ecke links hinten, hinter den Müllhaufen, wo die kleinen Kreuze sind, an denen kein Name steht, da liegt sie unter dem ersten.","Back in the lefthand corner behind the rubbishheap where the little crosses are with no names on them, there she lies under the first one."
+ 206,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_294.flac,00001-f000283,0.293878,"Sie erkennen den Platz daran, daß kein Gras darauf wächst.",You'll know the spot because the grass hasn't grown on it.
+ 207,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_295.flac,00001-f000284,0.748193,"Hängen Sie einen Blechkranz hin, und dann machen Sie, daß Sie wieder in Ihre Kinderbewahranstalt kommen, sonst denunziere ich Sie bei der Polizei.","Hang a tin wreath there, and then get back to your nurseryschool or I'll denounce you to the police."
+ 208,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_298.flac,00001-f000287,0.16875,"Gott sei Dank, ja!",Is it true that she's dead?
+ 209,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_299.flac,00001-f000288,0.566206,"Ich bitte Sie, mich nicht länger in Anspruch zu nehmen.","Thank God, yes!Please, do not keep me here any longer."
+ 210,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_300.flac,00001-f000289,0.3,"Mein Arzt verbietet mir, Besuche zu empfangen.",My doctor has forbidden me to receive visitors.
+ 211,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_302.flac,00001-f000291,0.81251,"Ich hätte das letzte bißchen, das mir das Leben noch gilt, gerne an ihr Glück hingegeben.",I would gladly have given the last scrap of what life is worth to me for her happiness.
+ 212,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_303.flac,00001-f000292,0.2,Pfeif drein!,Heighho!
+ 213,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_305.flac,00001-f000294,0.989886,"Wenn Sie sich unterstehen und mir oder dem Herrn Doktor hier oder meinem ehrenwerten Freund Schigolch noch in irgendwelchen Weise zu nahe treten, dann verklage ich Sie wegen beabsichtigter Brandstifterei.","If you dare in any way to approach me or the doctor here or my honorable friend Schigolch too near, I'll inform on you for intended arson."
+ 214,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_311.flac,00001-f000302,1.28125,Ich verbitte mir Ihre Unflätigkeiten!,I won't stand your damned jabbering!
+ 215,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_312.flac,00001-f000303,0.838312,Der Junge ist im kleinen Finger mehr wert als Sie!,The boy's little finger is worth more than all you!
+ 216,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_314.flac,00001-f000305,0.663415,"Soll meine Braut eine Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftpflicht werden, dann mag ein anderer vorangehen.","If my bride is to become a corporation with limited liability, somebody else can go in ahead of me."
+ 217,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_315.flac,00001-f000306,0.548718,Ich gedenke die pompöseste Luftgymnastikerin aus ihr zu machen und setze deshalb gerne meine Gesundheit aufs Spiel.,"I propose to make a magnificent trapezeartist out of her, and willingly risk my life to do it."
+ 218,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_317.flac,00001-f000308,0.0495935,"Der Junge hat das, was unserem Zeitalter fehlt.","The boy has what our age lacks: a heronature; therefore, of course, he is going to ruin."
+ 219,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_318.flac,00001-f000308,0.0495935,Er ist eine Heldennatur.,"<MERGE> The boy has what our age lacks: a heronature; therefore, of course, he is going to ruin."
+ 220,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_319.flac,00001-f000309,-0.0778369,Er geht deshalb natürlich zugrunde.,Do you remember how before sentence was passed he jumped out of the witnessbox and yelled at the justice: How do you know what would have become of you if you'd had to run around the cafés barefoot every night when you were ten years old?!
+ 221,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_320.flac,00001-f000309,-0.0778369,"Erinnern Sie sich, wie er vor Verkündigung des Urteils aus der Zeugenbank sprang und dem Vorsitzenden zurief:",<MERGE> Do you remember how before sentence was passed he jumped out of the witnessbox and yelled at the justice: How do you know what would have become of you if you'd had to run around the cafés barefoot every night when you were ten years old?!
+ 222,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_322.flac,00001-f000311,0.46625,"Gottlob gibt es Zwangserziehungsanstalten, in denen man solchem Pack Respekt vor dem Gesetz einflößt.","Thank God, there are jails where scum like that gets some respect for the law pounded into them."
+ 223,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_323.flac,00001-f000312,0.479412,"Er wäre so einer, der mir in meinem Weltbeherrscher Modell stehen könnte.",One like him might have been my model for my Worldconqueror.
+ 224,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_324.flac,00001-f000313,0.452597,Seit zwanzig Jahren bringt die dramatische Literatur nichts als Halbmenschen zustande;,For twenty years literature has presented nothing but demimen: men who can beget no children and women who can bear none.
+ 225,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_326.flac,00001-f000314,0.778571,Das nennt man modernes Problem.,That's called The Modern Problem.
+ 226,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_328.flac,00001-f000316,0.606557,"Seine Helden begehen Selbstmord, weil sie im Lauf von fünf Akten nicht bis drei zählen lernen.","If that has no success with her, you can fill my cranium with potatosoup."
+ 227,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_330.flac,00001-f000317,0.779592,"Ich müßte nicht unter Exemplaren, wie es mein Vater und seine zweite Frau waren, groß geworden sein, wenn ich ihm seinen Lorbeer nicht sachte vom Haupte nehme.","Be it love or be it whipping, female flesh never inquires."
+ 228,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_331.flac,00001-f000317,0.27551,Ich habe mir eine zwei Zoll dicke Nilpferdpeitsche bestellt.,"Be it love or be it whipping, female flesh never inquires."
+ 229,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_332.flac,00001-f000318,0.64375,"Wenn die keinen Sukzeß bei ihr hat, dann will ich Kartoffelsuppe im Hirnkasten haben.","Only give it some amusement, and it stays firm and fresh."
+ 230,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_334.flac,00001-f000319,0.791968,"Sie steht jetzt im zwanzigsten Jahr, war dreimal verheiratet, hat eine kolossale Menge Liebhaber befriedigt, da melden sich auch schließlich die Herzensbedürfnisse.","She is now in her twentieth year, has been married three times and has satisfied a gigantic horde of lovers, and her heart's desires are at last pretty plain."
+ 231,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_335.flac,00001-f000320,0.723944,"Aber dem Kerl müssen die sieben Todsünden auf der Stirn geschrieben stehen, sonst verehrt sie ihn nicht.","But the man's got to have the seven deadly sins on his forehead, or she honors him not."
+ 232,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_336.flac,00001-f000321,0.576832,"Wenn der Mensch so aussieht, als hätte ihn ein Hundefänger auf die Straße gespuckt, dann hat er bei solchen Frauenspersonen keinen Prinzen zu fürchten.","If he looks as if a dogcatcher had spat him out on the street, then, with such womenfolks, he needn't be afraid of a prince!"
+ 233,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_337.flac,00001-f000322,0.676415,"Ich miete eine Remise an der Rue Lafontaine; da wird sie dressiert; und hat sie den ersten Tauchersprung exekutiert, ohne den Hals zu brechen, dann ziehe ich meinen schwarzen Frack an und rühre bis an mein Lebensende keinen Finger mehr.",I'll rent a garage fifty feet high and break her in there; and when she's learnt the first divingleap without breaking her neck I'll pull on a black coat and not stir a finger the rest of my life.
+ 234,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_339.flac,00001-f000324,0.710894,Wenn ihr der Mann nur die geistige Arbeit besorgt und den Familiensinn nicht in die Puppen gehen läßt.,"I have learnt to rule humanity and drive it in harness before me like a wellbroken fourinhand,but that boy sticks in my head."
+ 235,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_342.flac,00001-f000326,0.290476,Sie soll sich das Fell getrost mit Tausendmarkscheinen tapezieren lassen!,She'll just comfortably let her hide be papered with thousandmark bills!
+ 236,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_343.flac,00001-f000327,0.556364,Den Direktoren zapfe ich die Gagen mit der Zentrifugalpumpe ab.,I'll extract salaries out of the directors with a centrifugal pump.
+ 237,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_344.flac,00001-f000328,0.8625,Ich kenne die Bande.,I know their kind.
+ 238,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_345.flac,00001-f000329,0.743295,"Brauchen sie einen nicht, dann darf man ihnen die Stiefel putzen, und wenn sie eine Künstlerin nötig haben, dann schneiden sie sie mit den verbindlichsten Komplimenten eigenhändig vom lichten Galgen herunter.","When they don't need a man, let him shine their shoes for them; but when they must have an artiste they cut her down from the very gallows with their own hands and with the most entangling compliments."
+ 239,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_347.flac,00001-f000332,0.568142,"Aber ich bringe den moralischen Mut nicht mehr auf, meine befestigte Position gegen die Aufregungen des wilden Abenteurerlebens einzutauschen.","But I can no longer scrape up the moral courage to exchange my established position for the excitements of the wild, adventurous life!"
+ 240,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_349.flac,00001-f000334,1.08609,Jeder bekam ein Zwanzigmarkstück für Reiseunkosten.,We each got a twentymark piece for expenses.
+ 241,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_350.flac,00001-f000335,0.551163,Da sehen wir den Jungen im Café Nachtlicht sitzen.,There we see the youngster sitting in the Nightlight Café.
+ 242,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_351.flac,00001-f000336,0.2475,Er saß wie ein Verbrecher auf der Anklagebank.,He was sitting like a criminal on the prisoner's bench.
+ 243,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_352.flac,00001-f000337,1.21324,Schigolch beroch ihn von allen Seiten und sagte: Der ist noch Jungfrau.,"Schigolch sniffed at him from all sides, and remarked, He is still virgin."
+ 244,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_353.flac,00001-f000338,0.538596,Oben auf der Galerie werden schleppende Schritte hörbar.,"Up in the gallery, dragging steps are heard."
+ 245,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_354.flac,00001-f000339,0.24,Da ist sie!,There she is!
+ 246,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_355.flac,00001-f000340,0.282353,Die zukünftige pompöseste Luftgymnastikerin der Jetztzeit!,The future magnificent trapezeartiste of the present age!
+ 247,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_356.flac,00001-f000341,0.672689,"Über der Treppe teilt sich der Vorhang, und Lulu, im schwarzen Kleid, auf Schigolchs Arm gestützt, schleppt sich langsam die Treppe herunter.","The curtains part at the stairhead, and Lulu, supported by Schigolch, and in a black dress, slowly and wearily descends."
+ 248,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_358.flac,00001-f000343,1.07438,Wir müssen heute noch nach Paris.,We've still to get over the frontier today.
+ 249,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_365.flac,00001-f000353,0.229412,Ich mache Anzeige!,I'll give information!
+ 250,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_366.flac,00001-f000354,0.854167,Diese Vogelscheuche will sich in Paris in Trikots sehen lassen.,This scarecrow let herself be seen in tights?!
+ 251,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_367.flac,00001-f000354,0.675,Da kosten schon die Wattons zwei Monatsgagen.,This scarecrow let herself be seen in tights?!
+ 252,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_368.flac,00001-f000355,1.23764,"Du bist die perfideste Hochstaplerin, die je im Hotel Ochsenbutter Logis bezogen hat!",The padding alone would cost two months' salary!You're the most perfidious swindler that ever had lodging in Oxbutter Hotel!
+ 253,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_371.flac,00001-f000358,0.467442,Ich habe mir dieser abgenagten Knochen wegen meinen Wanst angefressen!,For this gnawed bone's sake I've worn myself away!
+ 254,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_372.flac,00001-f000359,1.03636,Ich bin erwerbsunfähig!,I can't earn my own living!
+ 255,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_373.flac,00001-f000360,0.659538,"Ich will ein Hanswurst sein, wenn ich noch einen Besenstiel hochstemmen kann!",I'll be a clown if I can still stand firm under a broomstick!
+ 256,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_374.flac,00001-f000361,0.553069,"Aber mich soll hier auf dem Platze der Blitz erschlagen, wenn ich mir nicht eine Lebensrente von zehntausend Mark jährlich aus Ihren Gemeinheiten herausknoble!",But let the lightning strike me on the spot if I don't worm ten thousand marks a year for life out of your tricks and frauds!
+ 257,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_375.flac,00001-f000362,1.21176,Das kann ich Ihnen sagen!,I can tell you that!
+ 258,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_376.flac,00001-f000363,0.26,Glückliche Reise!,A pleasant trip!
+ 259,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_377.flac,00001-f000364,0.27,"Schigolch Lauf, lauf!",I'm going for the police!
+ 260,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_379.flac,00001-f000367,0.75,Schigolch Den sind wir los.,He'll take good care of himself!
+ 261,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_380.flac,00001-f000368,0.947143,Und jetzt schwarzen Kaffee für die Dame!,We're rid of him!And now some black coffee for the lady!
+ 262,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_383.flac,00001-f000371,1.1166,Ich muß noch die Schlafwagenbillette besorgen.,I must look after the sleepingcar tickets.
+ 263,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_385.flac,00001-f000372,0.3,Freiheit!,Brightly.
+ 264,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_386.flac,00001-f000373,0.15,Herrgott im Himmel!,"Oh, freedom!"
+ 265,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_387.flac,00001-f000374,0.72,In einer halben Stunde hol' ich dich.,Thank God for freedom!
+ 266,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_388.flac,00001-f000375,0.71,Abschied feiern wir im Bahnhofsrestaurant.,I'll be back for you in half an hour.
+ 267,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_389.flac,00001-f000376,0.609146,"Ich bestelle ein Souper, das bis Paris vorhält.",We'll celebrate our departure in the stationrestaurant.
+ 268,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_391.flac,00001-f000378,0.275,Guten Abend!,Good evening.
+ 269,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_393.flac,00001-f000379,0.61039,"Danke, ich kenne hier jede Türklinke.","Pleasant rest!Thanks, I know every doorhandle here."
+ 270,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_394.flac,00001-f000381,0.28,Auf Wiedersehen!,Have a good time!
+ 271,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_395.flac,00001-f000381,0.3,Viel Vergnügen!,Have a good time!
+ 272,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_397.flac,00001-f000383,0.880952,Ich habe seit anderthalb Jahren kein Zimmer gesehen,I haven't seen a room for a year and a half.
+ 273,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_398.flac,00001-f000384,0.275,"Gardinen, Sessel, Bilder.","Curtains, chairs, pictures."
+ 274,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_402.flac,00001-f000388,1.225,Ich habe Elixir de Spa.,I've got some elixir de Spaa.
+ 275,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_403.flac,00001-f000389,0.788,Das erinnert an alte Zeiten.,That reminds one of old times.
+ 276,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_404.flac,00001-f000390,0.439535,"Sieht sich, während Alwa zwei Gläschen füllt, im Saal um Wo ist denn mein Bild?",Looks round the hall while Alva fills two glasses.
+ 277,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_409.flac,00001-f000396,0.996429,Dann bekam ich eine nagelneue Kehrichtschaufel.,One day I got a brandnew dustpan.
+ 278,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_410.flac,00001-f000397,1.18988,"Wenn ich morgens um sieben ausfegte, hielt ich sie mir mit der Rückseite vors Gesicht.",When I swept up at seven in the morning I held the back of it up before my face.
+ 279,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_411.flac,00001-f000398,0.962626,"Das Blech schmeichelt nicht, aber ich hatte doch meine Freude.","Tin doesn't flatter, but I took pleasure in it all the same.Bring the picture down from your room."
+ 280,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_413.flac,00001-f000401,0.983333,Soll ich mitkommen?,You must spare yourself!
+ 281,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_415.flac,00001-f000403,0.265714,Lulu Ich habe mich jetzt lang genug geschont.,"Alva goes out, right, to get the picture."
+ 282,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_416.flac,00001-f000404,0.113158,"Alwa geht durch die Türe rechts ab, um das Bild zu holen. allein Er ist herzleidend; aber sich vierzehn Monate mit der Einbildung plagen müssen",He has hearttrouble; but to have to plague one's self with imagination fourteen months!.
+ 283,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_417.flac,00001-f000404,0.113158,wer erträgt das!,<MERGE> He has hearttrouble; but to have to plague one's self with imagination fourteen months!.
+ 284,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_418.flac,00001-f000405,0.627027,"Er küßt mit Todesbangen, und seine beiden Knie schlottern wie bei einem ausgefrorenen Handwerksburschen.","He kisses with the fear of death on him, and his two knees shake like a frozen vagabond's."
+ 285,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_419.flac,00001-f000406,0.161538,Aber in Gottes Namen!,In God's name.
+ 286,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_421.flac,00001-f000408,0.945736,Alwa kommt zurück mit Lulus Bild im Pierrotkostüm,Returns with the picture of Lulu in the Pierrotdress.
+ 287,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_422.flac,00001-f000409,0.885,Es ist ganz verstaubt.,It's covered with dust.
+ 288,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_423.flac,00001-f000410,0.825889,Ich hatte es mit der Vorderseite gegen den Kamin gelehnt.,"I had leant it against the fireplace, face to the wall."
+ 289,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_426.flac,00001-f000413,0.603289,"Die Geschwitz würde es gerne bei sich in ihrer Wohnung aufgehängt haben, aber sie hatte Haussuchungen zu gewärtigen.","Countess Geschwitz would have liked to have hung it up in her house, but she had to be prepared for searchwarrants."
+ 290,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_427.flac,00001-f000419,0.789655,Er hebt das Bild auf die Staffelei.,I must admire her inventiveness.
+ 291,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_428.flac,00001-f000420,0.467275,Nun lernt das arme Ungeheuer das Freudenleben im Hotel Ochsenbutter auch aus eigener Erfahrung kennen.,But the cholera must have raged fearfully in Hamburg this summer; and on that she founded her plan for freeing me.
+ 292,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_429.flac,00001-f000424,0.524198,"Ich begreife noch jetzt nicht, wie die Ereignisse eigentlich zusammenhängen.","In my cell, while the wardress was outside, we, as quick as we could, exchanged underclothes."
+ 293,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_431.flac,00001-f000421,0.83619,"Sie schickte sie mir, als sie zurück war.","She took a course in hospital nursing here, and when she had the necessary documents she journeyed to Hamburg with them and nursed the cholera patients."
+ 294,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_432.flac,00001-f000427,0.461086,"Wir verständigten uns durch Briefe, in denen immer nur das letzte Wort auf jeder Seite galt.",Geschwitz of course was instantly brought from her house to the contagious ward in the hospital.
+ 295,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_433.flac,00001-f000429,0.618681,Ich wurde ins Lazarett transportiert und lag schon nach zwei Tagen mit ihr zusammen in der Isolierbaracke.,"So there we lay in one room in the contagious ward behind the hospital, and from the first day Geschwitz put forth all her art to make our two faces as like each other as possible."
+ 296,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_434.flac,00001-f000428,0.7875,Da machte sie sich mir in allem so ähnlich wie möglich und wurde dann als geheilt entlassen.,"But with me, too, they couldn't think of any other place to take me."
+ 297,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_435.flac,00001-f000430,0.592308,"Heute kam sie noch einmal, um mich zu besuchen.",Day before yesterday she was let out as cured.
+ 298,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_436.flac,00001-f000434,0.839072,Jetzt liegt sie dort als die Mörderin des Doktor Schön.,Now she's lying over there as the murderess of Dr. Schön.
+ 299,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_439.flac,00001-f000437,0.284211,Man wird nur unglaublich nervös im Gefängnis.,Only one gets incredibly nervous in prison.
+ 300,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_444.flac,00001-f000442,0.2,Wer ist dein Schatz?,Who's your sweetheart now?
+ 301,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_447.flac,00001-f000445,1.285,Wie soll ich das wissen!,How should I know that?
+ 302,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_450.flac,00001-f000448,0.75,Das wirst du nie begreifen.,You will never understand that.
+ 303,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_451.flac,00001-f000449,0.698381,Bei mir besteht die intimste Wechselwirkung zwischen meiner Sinnlichkeit und meinem geistigen Schaffen.,With me there's the closest alternation between my sensuality and mental creativeness.
+ 304,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_455.flac,00001-f000454,0.804167,"In deinen Augen schimmert es wie der Wasserspiegel in einem tiefen Brunnen, in den man einen Stein geworfen hat.",It's shining in your eyes like the water in a deep well one has just thrown a stone into.
+ 305,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_457.flac,00001-f000456,0.272727,Alwa küßt sie,Kisses her.
+ 306,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_460.flac,00001-f000460,1.005,Im Hotel Ochsenbutter bekamen wir alle vier Wochen ein lauwarmes Bad.,Do you shudder at me?In Hotel Oxbutter we all got a lukewarm bath every four weeks.
+ 307,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_462.flac,00001-f000463,0.3,Alwa Oh,"Oh, oh!"
+ 308,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_466.flac,00001-f000467,0.290909,Das beeinträchtigt deine Reize nicht.,They do not encroach upon your charms.
+ 309,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_467.flac,00001-f000468,0.618333,Laß uns der Gunst des Augenblickes dankbar sein.,Let us be thankful for the favor of this moment.
+ 310,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_469.flac,00001-f000469,0.618681,"Erinnerst du dich des Kostümballes, auf dem ich als Knappe gekleidet war?",I don't feel at all like that today.Do you remember the costume ball where I was dressed like a knight's squire?
+ 311,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_470.flac,00001-f000470,1.02073,Wie mir damals die betrunkenen Frauen nachrannten!,How those winefull women ran after me that time?
+ 312,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_471.flac,00001-f000471,1.02409,"Die Geschwitz kroch mir um die Füße herum und bat mich, ich möchte ihr mit meinen Zeugschuhen ins Gesicht treten.","Geschwitz crawled round, round my feet, and begged me to step on her face with my cloth shoes."
+ 313,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_474.flac,00001-f000476,1.07937,Deswegen liebe ich dich nicht weniger.,I do not love thee less for that.
+ 314,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_475.flac,00001-f000477,0.266667,Einen Kuß!,One kiss!
+ 315,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_478.flac,00001-f000481,0.24,Dabei atmet deine Brust so keusch.,And your breast breathes so virginly too.
+ 316,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_481.flac,00001-f000485,0.708696,Komm heute mit nach Paris.,Come over the border with us today!
+ 317,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_482.flac,00001-f000486,1.12602,"Dort können wir uns sehen, so oft wir wollen, und werden mehr Vergnügen als jetzt aneinander haben.","Then we can see each other as often as we will, and we'll get more pleasure from each other than now."
+ 318,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter1_485.flac,00001-f000491,0.842624,"Wie friedlich sich die beiden schlanken Rivalen in dem Bewußtsein aneinanderschmiegen, daß keiner dem andern an Schönheit gleichkommt bis die launische Gebieterin erwacht und die beiden Nebenbuhler wie zwei feindliche Pole auseinanderweichen!",And the powerful andante of lust!How peacefully these two slim rivals press against each other in the consciousness that neither equals the other in beautytill their capricious mistress wakes up and the rival lovers separate like the two hostile poles.
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_0.flac,00002-f000001,-0.0818182,Zweiter Aufzug.,ACT II A spacious salon in white stucco.
+ 1,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_1.flac,00002-f000001,-0.0818182,Paris,<MERGE> ACT II A spacious salon in white stucco.
+ 2,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_2.flac,00002-f000002,0.529144,Ein geräumiger Salon in weißer Stukkatur mit breiter Flügeltür in der Hinterwand.,"In the rearwall, between two high mirrors, a wide folding doorway showing in the rear room a big cardtable surrounded by Turkish upholstered chairs."
+ 3,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_3.flac,00002-f000003,0.395238,Zu beiden Seiten derselben hohe Spiegel.,"In the left wall two doors, the upper one to the entrancehall, the lower to the diningroom."
+ 4,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_4.flac,00002-f000004,0.423394,"In beiden Seitenwänden je zwei Türen; dazwischen rechts eine Rokokokonsole mit weißer Marmorplatte, darüber Lulus Bild als Pierrot in schmalem Goldrahmen in der Wand eingelassen.","Between them a rocococonsole with a white marble top, and above it Lulu's Pierrotpicture in a narrow gold frame let into the wall."
+ 5,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_5.flac,00002-f000004,0.339062,"In der Mitte des Salons ein schmächtiges, hellgepolstertes Sofa Louis XV.","Between them a rocococonsole with a white marble top, and above it Lulu's Pierrotpicture in a narrow gold frame let into the wall."
+ 6,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_6.flac,00002-f000005,0.15625,Breite hellgepolsterte Fauteuils mit dünnen Beinen und schmächtigen Armlehnen.,"Two other doors, right; near the lower one a small table."
+ 7,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_7.flac,00002-f000006,-0.0693878,Links vorn ein kleiner Tisch.,"<MERGE> Wide and brightlycovered chairs stand about, with thin legs and fragile arms; and in the middle is a sofa of the same style Louis XV.. A large company is moving about the salon in lively conversation."
+ 8,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_8.flac,00002-f000006,-0.0693878,"Die Mitteltür steht offen und läßt im Hinterzimmer einen breiten Bakkarattisch, von türkischen Polstersesseln umstellt, sehen.","<MERGE> Wide and brightlycovered chairs stand about, with thin legs and fragile arms; and in the middle is a sofa of the same style Louis XV.. A large company is moving about the salon in lively conversation."
+ 9,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_9.flac,00002-f000007,0.970342,"Alwa Schön, Rodrigo Quast, der Marquis CastiPiani, Bankier Puntschu, Journalist Heilmann, Lulu, die Gräfin Geschwitz, Madelaine de Marelle, Kadéga di Santa Croce, Bianetta Gazil, Ludmilla Steinherz bewegen sich im Salon in lebbafter Konversation.","The menAlva, Rodrigo, Marquis CastiPiani, Banker Puntschu, and Journalist Heilmannare in evening dress."
+ 10,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_10.flac,00002-f000008,0.421053,Die Herren sind in Gesellschaftstoilette.,Lulu wears a white Directoire dress with huge sleeves and white lace falling freely from belt to feet.
+ 11,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_11.flac,00002-f000009,0.473044,"Lulu trägt eine weiße Directoirerobe mit mächtigen Puffärmeln und einer vom oberen Taillensaum frei auf die Füße fallenden weißen Spitze; die Arme in weißen Glacés, das Haar hochfrisiert mit einem kleinen weißen Federbusch. die Arme in weißen Glacés, das Haar hochfrisiert mit einem kleinen weißen Federbusch.","Her arms are in white kid gloves, her hair done high with a little tuft of white feathers."
+ 12,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_12.flac,00002-f000009,0.69262,"Die Geschwitz in hellblauer, mit weißem Pelz verbrämter, mit Silberborten verschnürter Husarentaille.","Her arms are in white kid gloves, her hair done high with a little tuft of white feathers."
+ 13,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_13.flac,00002-f000010,0.334266,"Weißer Schlips, enger Stehkragen und steife Manschetten mit riesigen Elfenbeinknöpfen.","Geschwitz is in a bright blue hussarwaist trimmed with white fur and laced with silver braid, a tall tight collar with a white bow and stiff cuffs with huge ivory links."
+ 14,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_14.flac,00002-f000011,0.602206,"Madelaine de Marelle in hellem regenbogenfarbigen Changeantkleid mit sehr breiten Ärmeln, langer schmaler Taille und drei Volants aus spiralförmig gewundenen Rosabändern und Veilchenbuketts.","Magelone is in bright rainbowcolored shot silk with very wide sleeves, long narrow waist, and three ruffles of spiral rosecolored ribbons and violet bouquets."
+ 15,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_15.flac,00002-f000012,0.598383,"Das Haar in der Mitte gescheitelt, tief über die Schläfen fallend, an den Seiten gelockt.",Her hair is parted in the middle and drawn low over her temples.
+ 16,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_16.flac,00002-f000013,0.433824,"Auf der Stirn ein Perlmutterschmuck, von einer feinen, unter das Haar gezogenen Kette gehalten.","On her forehead is a motherofpearl ornament, held by a fine chain under her hair."
+ 17,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_17.flac,00002-f000014,0.704702,"Kadéga di Santa Croce, ihre Tochter, zwölf Jahre alt, in hellgrünen Atlasstiefeletten, die den Saum der weißseidenen Socken freilassen; der Oberkörper in weißen Spitzen; hellgrüne, enganliegende Ärmel; perlgraue Glacés; offnes schwarzes Haar unter einem großen hellgrünen Spitzenhut mit weißen Federn.","Kadidia, her daughter, twelve years old, has brightgreen satin gaiters which yet leave visible the tops of her white silk socks, and a whitelacecovered dress with brightgreen narrow sleeves, pearlgray gloves, and free black hair under a big brightgreen hat with white feathers."
+ 18,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_18.flac,00002-f000015,0.822436,"Bianetta Gazil in dunkelgrünem Samt; perlenbesetzter Göller, Blusenärmel, faltenreicher Rock ohne Taille, der untere Saum mit großen, in Silber gefaßten falschen Topasen besetzt.","Bianetta is in darkgreen velvet, the collar sewn with pearls, and a full skirt, its hem embroidered with great false topazes set in silver."
+ 19,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_19.flac,00002-f000016,0.794607,"Ludmilla Steinherz in einer grellen, blau und rot gestreiften Seebadtoilette,",Ludmilla Steinherz is in a glaring summer frock striped red and blue.
+ 20,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_20.flac,00002-f000017,0.70625,Armande und Bob reichen Champagner.,"Rodrigo stands, centre, a full glass in his hand."
+ 21,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_23.flac,00002-f000019,0.459375,Rodrigo das volle Glas in der Hand Mesdames et Messieurs excusez,All surround Lulu and clink with her.
+ 22,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_24.flac,00002-f000020,0.830769,vous me permettez soyez tranquilles,Alva presses Rodrigo's hand.
+ 23,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_27.flac,00002-f000022,0.219231,Ludmilla Steinherz L'anniversaire!,I'm sweating like a roast pig.
+ 24,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_29.flac,00002-f000024,0.245455,C'est le c'est l'anniversaire de notre bien aimable hôtesse,Let's see if everything's in order in the cardroom.
+ 25,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_30.flac,00002-f000025,0.1875,"comtesse, qui nous a réuni ici ce soir.","Alva and Lulu exeunt, rear."
+ 26,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_31.flac,00002-f000026,-0.06,"Permettez, Mesdames et Messieurs c'est à la santé de la comtesse",Bianetta speaks to Rodrigo.
+ 27,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_33.flac,00002-f000027,-0.00517241,"Verdammt und zugenäht! que je bois, à la santé de notre bien aimable hôtesse, la comtesse Adélaïde dont c'est aujourd'hui l'anniversaire",They were telling me just now you were the strongest man in the world.
+ 28,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_34.flac,00002-f000027,0.43619,Alle umringen Lulu und stoßen mit ihr an.,They were telling me just now you were the strongest man in the world.
+ 29,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_36.flac,00002-f000029,0.8,Ich gratuliere dir.,May I put my strength at your disposal?
+ 30,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_38.flac,00002-f000031,0.253521,Il vous faut bien m'excuser que je ne parle pas mieux le Français parce que je ne suis pas Parisien.,Three months ago a sharpshooter stepped into the casino and every time he went bang!
+ 31,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_41.flac,00002-f000034,0.207143,"Bianetta Gazil Vous maniez les poids, Monsieur?","Who speaks thruout the act in a bored and weary tone, to Magelone."
+ 32,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_42.flac,00002-f000035,-0.00740741,"Rodrigo Parfaitement, Madame.","Say, dearie, how does it happen we see your nice little princess here for the first time tonight?"
+ 33,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_43.flac,00002-f000035,0.416071,"Madelaine de Marelle Moi, en général, je n'aime pas les athlètes.","Say, dearie, how does it happen we see your nice little princess here for the first time tonight?"
+ 34,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_45.flac,00002-f000037,0.421678,"un tireur, il y a quinze mois, au Casino, chaque fois, qu'il faisait boum, moi je faisais.",Do you really find her so delightful?She is still in the convent.
+ 35,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_46.flac,00002-f000038,1.06,Sie zuckt mit dem Leib.,She must be back in school again on Monday.
+ 36,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_50.flac,00002-f000040,0.413821,Elle n'est à Paris que pour vingtquatre heures.,I was just telling the gentleman that you got the highest mark in geometry last week.
+ 37,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_52.flac,00002-f000043,0.15,"Kadéga di Santa Croce Tu dis, petite mère?","By god, she's got breeding!"
+ 38,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_54.flac,00002-f000043,0.3,Quels jolis cheveux elle a!,"By god, she's got breeding!"
+ 39,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_55.flac,00002-f000045,0.289286,CastiPiani Regardez ces pieds!,"But my dear sirs, take pity on her!"
+ 40,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_56.flac,00002-f000046,0.846429,Cette manière de marcher! .Puntschu,She's nothing but a child still!
+ 41,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_57.flac,00002-f000046,0.218182,"Certes, elle est de râce!",She's nothing but a child still!
+ 42,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_61.flac,00002-f000050,0.804545,"Eh bien, Monsieur, je ne consentirais pas pour un million.",But you won't get me to consent to that for a million.
+ 43,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_62.flac,00002-f000051,0.473404,Je ne veux pas lui gâter son heureuse enfance comme on a gâté la mienne.,"I won't have the child's youth ruined, the way mine was!"
+ 44,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_63.flac,00002-f000052,0.21,CastiPiani Belle âme!,Confessions of a lovely soul!
+ 45,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_65.flac,00002-f000054,0.587946,Madelaine de Marelle Pas de blagues!,"Would you not agree, either, for a set of real diamonds?"
+ 46,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_66.flac,00002-f000056,0.469406,Vous ne m'achèterez pas de vrais diamants ni à moi ni à ma fille.,You'll give as few real diamonds to me as to my child.
+ 47,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_67.flac,00002-f000057,0.1875,Vous n'en êtes que trop sûr.,You know that quite the best yourself.
+ 48,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_68.flac,00002-f000057,0.272727,Ludmilla Steinherz zur Gräfin Geschwitz,You know that quite the best yourself.
+ 49,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_69.flac,00002-f000059,0.596748,"Die Pariser Malerschulen, wissen Sie, sind alle gut.","But is nobody at all going to play, this evening?"
+ 50,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_70.flac,00002-f000059,1.07277,Dafür sind wir schließlich in Paris.,"But is nobody at all going to play, this evening?"
+ 51,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_71.flac,00002-f000061,0.163636,Ich rate Ihnen zu Julian.,"I'm counting on it very much, for one!"
+ 52,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_72.flac,00002-f000060,0.391304,"Wenn Sie in die Passage Panorama eintreten, der erste Seitengang links.","Why, of course, comtesse."
+ 53,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_74.flac,00002-f000062,0.822727,"Die Geschwitz Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich in eine Schule gehen werde.",Then let's take our places right away.
+ 54,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_75.flac,00002-f000065,1.54481,Es nimmt so viel Zeit weg.,I must say a word to my friend.
+ 55,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_77.flac,00002-f000065,0.261333,"Ludmilla Steinherz Mais si, Madame, on jouera; je l'espère bien!",I must say a word to my friend.
+ 56,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_78.flac,00002-f000068,0.175862,Bianetta Gazil Allons donc prendre nos places.,You always hold such a lucky hand!
+ 57,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_80.flac,00002-f000069,0.469492,"Die Geschwitz Une petite seconde, Mesdames; j'ai à dire deux mots à mon amie.",Now just give me your other arm and then lead us into the gamblinghell.
+ 58,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_81.flac,00002-f000069,0.367797,CastiPiani der Gazil den Arm bietend Madame vous m'accorderez la faveur d'être de moitié avec vous.,Now just give me your other arm and then lead us into the gamblinghell.
+ 59,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_83.flac,00002-f000071,0.255556,"Er führt sie ins Spielzimmer, Ludmilla Steinherz folgt ihnen.","Say, Mr. Puntschu, have you still got a few Jungfrau shares for me, maybe?"
+ 60,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_85.flac,00002-f000048,0,"Désirezvous du pissenlit,",To Heilmann.
+ 61,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_86.flac,00002-f000074,0.257143,"Monsieur?.Heilmann Eh bien, mon cher; qu'estce que vous lui avez répondu?",The lady means the stock of the funicular railway on the Jungfrau.
+ 62,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_87.flac,00002-f000075,0.377075,"Je disais: Merci, ma belle; je n'en ai pas l'habitude.","The Jungfrau, you know,the Virginis a mountain up which they want to build a wire railway."
+ 63,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_88.flac,00002-f000053,0.1,Lulu Ce qu'il est bête!,To Magelone.
+ 64,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_89.flac,00002-f000077,0.638776,"Madelaine de Marelle Vous faites de l'esprit, Monsieur.","You know, just so there may be no confusion;and how easy that would be in this select circle!Yes, I still have some four thousand Jungfraushares, but I should like to keep those for myself."
+ 65,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_90.flac,00002-f000078,0.438636,"Puntschu Ce serait à peu près, comme si vous me demandiez des actions de la Société du Funiculaire de la JungFrau et si je vous répondais, moi:",There won't be such another chance soon of making a little fortune out of hand.
+ 66,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_92.flac,00002-f000080,1.75556,maintenant!.Madelaine de Marelle,"I should like to have more, too."
+ 67,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_93.flac,00002-f000080,0.3,"Je ne comprends pas, Monsieur.","I should like to have more, too."
+ 68,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_94.flac,00002-f000081,0.25814,"Puntschu Parce que vous ne savez pas l'Allemand, Madame.","I'll try, Mr. Heilmann, to look after some for you."
+ 69,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_95.flac,00002-f000082,0.497872,"JungFrau, c'est un mot allemand, qui veut dire Vierge.",But I'll tell you beforehand you'll have to pay drugstore prices for them!
+ 70,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_97.flac,00002-f000084,0.225,"Puntschu J'en ai quelques milles, mais je les garde.",All my savings are in Jungfraushares now.
+ 71,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_100.flac,00002-f000087,0.133333,Je voudrais en avoir d'autres.,"Who has come back from the cardroom, to Magelone."
+ 72,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_101.flac,00002-f000088,0.542029,"Puntschu Si vous voulez, Monsieur, j'essayerai de vous les procurer.",I can guarantee your fears are absolutely unfounded.
+ 73,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_102.flac,00002-f000089,0.267273,"Mais je vous en préviens, vous les payerez des prix exorbitants.",I paid very dear for my Jungfraustock and haven't regretted it a minute.
+ 74,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_103.flac,00002-f000090,0.275,"J'ai eu de la chance, moi, dans cette affaire.",They're going up steadily from day to day.
+ 75,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_104.flac,00002-f000091,0.267857,Je m'y suis prise de bonne heure.,There never was such a thing before.
+ 76,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_106.flac,00002-f000092,0.3,"Si ça ne réussit pas, gare à vous!","All the better, if you're right."
+ 77,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_107.flac,00002-f000093,0.128571,Puntschu Je suis toutàfait sur de moi.,Taking Puntschu's arm.
+ 78,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_108.flac,00002-f000094,0.252632,"Un jour, Madame, vous me baiserez les mains.","Come, my friend, let's try our luck now at baccarat."
+ 79,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_109.flac,00002-f000095,0.582692,"Vous ferez un petit pélérinage en Suisse, avec Mademoiselle votre fille, vous montrez avec ce Funiculaire et vous bénirez","All go out, rear, except Geschwitz and Rodrigo who scribbles something on a piece of paper and folds it up, then notices Geschwitz."
+ 80,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_111.flac,00002-f000097,0.184615,"Alwa Vous n'avez rien à craindre, Madame.",Do I look as dangerous as that?
+ 81,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_115.flac,00002-f000103,0.282353,"Eh bien, tant mieux.",As he leads Lulu in.
+ 82,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_116.flac,00002-f000103,0.0882353,Seinen Arm nehmend Allons au jeu!,As he leads Lulu in.
+ 83,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_117.flac,00002-f000105,0.397727,"Madelaine de Marelle, Alwa, Puntschu, Lulu, Heilmann und Kadéga gehen ins Spielzimmer.",Not noticing Rodrigo who presses his note into her hand.
+ 84,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_118.flac,00002-f000106,0.21,Armande und Bob nach links ab.,"Oh, as many as you like."
+ 85,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_119.flac,00002-f000105,1.01512,Rodrigo und die Gräfin Geschwitz bleiben zurück.,Not noticing Rodrigo who presses his note into her hand.
+ 86,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_121.flac,00002-f000106,0.632143,Da die Geschwitz zusammenzuckt Seh' ich denn so gefährlich aus?,"Oh, as many as you like."
+ 87,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_123.flac,00002-f000107,0.996429,Laut Darf ich mir vielleicht etwas herausnehmen?,"Rodrigo bows and goes out, rear."
+ 88,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_126.flac,00002-f000110,0,Sie erlauben mir nur zwei Worte.,To CastiPiani.
+ 89,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_128.flac,00002-f000111,0.994444,"Ich habe die Ehre, mich zu empfehlen.",Have I hurt you again in any way?
+ 90,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_130.flac,00002-f000112,0.633333,CastiPiani zur Geschwitz Lassen Sie uns allein!,Since Geschwitz does not stir.
+ 91,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_131.flac,00002-f000113,-0.1,Lulu zu CastiPiani Habe ich Sie wieder durch irgend etwas gekränkt?,Are you deaf?
+ 92,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_132.flac,00002-f000113,-0.125,CastiPiani da sich die Geschwitz nicht vom Fleck rührt Sind Sie taub?,Are you deaf?
+ 93,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_133.flac,00002-f000114,0.641729,Die Geschwitz geht tief aufseufzend ins Spielzimmer ab.,"Geschwitz, sighing deeply, goes out, rear."
+ 94,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_135.flac,00002-f000116,0.938542,Mit Geld kannst du mir nicht mehr dienen.,With money you can no longer serve me.
+ 95,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_138.flac,00002-f000118,0.535366,"Wenn du dessen sicher bist, wird es ja wohl so sein.",You handed out the last bit of it to me yesterday.
+ 96,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_140.flac,00002-f000120,0.55,Wozu denn die vielen Worte?,"You're down on the bare ground, you and your writer."
+ 97,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_144.flac,00002-f000124,0.999005,"Ich habe dich nicht ausgeraubt, weil du mich liebtest, sondern ich habe dich geliebt, um dich ausrauben zu können.","I haven't sucked you dry because you loved me, but loved you in order to suck you."
+ 98,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_145.flac,00002-f000125,0.838933,Bianetta ist mir von oben bis unten angenehmer als du.,Bianetta is more to my taste from top to bottom than you.
+ 99,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_146.flac,00002-f000126,0.913932,"Du stellst die ausgesuchtesten Leckerbissen zusammen, und wenn man seine Zeit verplempert hat, ist man hungriger als vorher.","You set out the choicest sweetmeats, and after one has frittered his time away at them he finds he's hungrier than before."
+ 100,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_147.flac,00002-f000127,0.255319,"Du liebst schon zu lang, auch für unsere Pariser Verhältnisse.","You've loved too long, even for our present relations."
+ 101,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_148.flac,00002-f000128,0.852,Einem gesunden jungen Menschen ruinierst du nur das Nervensystem.,"With a healthy young man, you only ruin his nervous system."
+ 102,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_149.flac,00002-f000129,0.681818,"Um so vorteilhafter eignest du dich für die Stellung, die ich dir ausgesucht habe.",But you'll fit all the more perfectly in the position I have sought out for you.
+ 103,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_151.flac,00002-f000131,1.15,"Habe ich dich gebeten, mir eine Stellung zu verschaffen?",Have I commissioned you to find a position for me?
+ 104,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_155.flac,00002-f000135,1.26553,"Ursprünglich war ich Stellenvermittlungsagent, bis ich über ein Pfarrerstöchterchen stolperte, dem ich eine Stellung in Val Paraiso verschafft hatte.","I was an appointmentsagent originally, till I blundered over a minister's daughter I'd got a position for in Valparaiso."
+ 105,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_156.flac,00002-f000136,0.610075,Das Holdchen hatte sich in seinen kindlichen Träumen das Leben noch berauschender vorgestellt und beklagte sich bei Mama.,"The little darling in her childhood's dreams imagined the life even more intoxicating than it is, and complained of it to Mama."
+ 106,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_157.flac,00002-f000137,-0.00660522,Darauf wurde ich festgesetzt.,"On that, they nabbed me; but by reliable demeanor I soon enough won the confidence of the criminal police and they sent me here on a hundred and fifty marks a month, because they were tripling our contingent here on account of these everlasting bombexplosions."
+ 107,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_158.flac,00002-f000137,-0.00660522,Durch charaktervolles Benehmen gewann ich mir aber rasch das Vertrauen der Kriminalpolizei.,"<MERGE> On that, they nabbed me; but by reliable demeanor I soon enough won the confidence of the criminal police and they sent me here on a hundred and fifty marks a month, because they were tripling our contingent here on account of these everlasting bombexplosions."
+ 108,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_159.flac,00002-f000137,-0.00660522,"Mit einem Monatswechsel von hundertfünfzig Mark schickte man mich hierher, weil man wegen der ewigen Bombenattentate unser hiesiges Kontingent verdreifachte.","<MERGE> On that, they nabbed me; but by reliable demeanor I soon enough won the confidence of the criminal police and they sent me here on a hundred and fifty marks a month, because they were tripling our contingent here on account of these everlasting bombexplosions."
+ 109,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_160.flac,00002-f000138,0.566477,Aber wer kommt hier mit hundertfünfzig Mark im Monat aus?,But who can get along on a hundred and fifty marks a month?
+ 110,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_161.flac,00002-f000138,0.28,Meine Kollegen lassen sich von Kokotten aushalten.,But who can get along on a hundred and fifty marks a month?
+ 111,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_165.flac,00002-f000141,1.13492,Ich tauge nicht für diesen Beruf.,I wouldn't do in that business.
+ 112,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_167.flac,00002-f000143,0.615789,"Die Staatsanwaltschaft bezahlt demjenigen, der die Mörderin des Doktor Schön der Polizei in die Hand liefert, tausend Mark.",The department of justice will pay anyone who delivers the murderess of Dr. Schön into the hands of the police a thousand marks.
+ 113,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_168.flac,00002-f000144,0.684751,"Ich brauche nur den Sergeant de ville heraufzupfeifen, der unten an der Ecke steht, dann habe ich tausend Mark verdient.",I only need to whistle for the constable who's standing down at the corner to have earned a thousand marks.
+ 114,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_169.flac,00002-f000144,0.468571,Dagegen bietet das Etablissement Oikonomopulos in Kairo sechzig Pfund für dich.,I only need to whistle for the constable who's standing down at the corner to have earned a thousand marks.
+ 115,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_170.flac,00002-f000145,0.786143,"Das sind fünfzehnhundert Francs, das sind zwölfhundert Mark, also zweihundert Mark mehr, als der Staatsanwalt bezahlt.","Against that, the House of Oikonomopulos in Cairo bids sixty pounds for youtwelve hundred markstwo hundred more than the Attorney General."
+ 116,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_171.flac,00002-f000146,1.05714,"Übrigens bin ich immerhin noch soweit Philanthrop, um meinen Lieben lieber zum Glücke zu verhelfen, als daß ich sie ins Unglück stürze.","And, besides, I am still so far a friend of mankind that I prefer to help my loves to happiness, not plunge them into misfortune."
+ 117,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_173.flac,00002-f000147,0.01,"Als ich fünfzehn Jahre alt war, hätte mir das gefallen können.",As before.
+ 118,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_174.flac,00002-f000148,0.800172,"Damals verzweifelte ich daran, daß ich jemals glücklich werden würde.",The life in such a house can never make a woman of my stamp happy.
+ 119,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_175.flac,00002-f000149,0.336152,"Ich kaufte mir einen Revolver und lief nachts barfuß durch den tiefen Schnee über die Brücke in die Anlagen hinaus, um mich zu erschießen.","When I was fifteen, that might have happened to me."
+ 120,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_176.flac,00002-f000149,0.293658,"Dann lag ich aber glücklicherweise drei Monate im Spital, ohne einen Mann zu Gesicht zu bekommen.","When I was fifteen, that might have happened to me."
+ 121,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_177.flac,00002-f000150,0.8,"In jener Zeit gingen mir die Augen über mich auf, und ich erkannte mich.",I was desperate thenthought I should never be happy.
+ 122,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_178.flac,00002-f000151,0.696047,"In meinen Träumen sah ich Nacht für Nacht den Mann, für den ich geschaffen bin und der für mich geschaffen ist.","I bought a revolver, and ran one night barefoot thru the deep snow over the bridge to the park to shoot myself there."
+ 123,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_179.flac,00002-f000152,0.998333,"Und als ich dann wieder auf die Männer losgelassen wurde, da war ich kein dummes Gänschen mehr.","But then by good luck I lay three months in the hospital without setting eyes on a man, and in that time my eyes opened and I got to know myself."
+ 124,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_180.flac,00002-f000153,0.683393,"Seither sehe ich es jedem bei stockfinsterer Nacht auf hundert Schritt Entfernung an, ob wir füreinander bestimmt sind.","Night after night in my dreams I saw the man for whom I was created and who was created for me, and then when I was let out on the men again I was no longer a silly goose."
+ 125,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_181.flac,00002-f000154,0.844976,"Und wenn ich mich gegen meine Erkenntnis versündige, dann fühle ich mich am nächsten Tage an Leib und Seele beschmutzt und brauche Wochen, um den Ekel, den ich vor mir empfinde, zu überwinden.","Since then I can see on a man, in a pitchdark night and a hundred feet away, whether we're suited to each other; and if I sin against that insight I feel the next day dirtied, body and soul, and need weeks to get over the loathing I have for myself."
+ 126,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_182.flac,00002-f000155,0.745467,"Und nun bildest du dir ein, ich werde mich jedem Lumpenkerl hingeben!",And now you imagine I'll give myself to every and any Tom and Harry!
+ 127,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_184.flac,00002-f000157,0.188889,"Seine Kundschaft setzt sich aus schottischen Lords, aus russischen Würdenträgern, indischen Gouverneuren und unseren flotten rheinischen Großindustriellen zusammen.","His custom consists of Scottish lords, Russian dignitaries, Indian governors, and our jolly Rhineland captains of industry."
+ 128,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_185.flac,00002-f000158,1.52281,"Ich muß nur dafür garantieren, daß du Französisch sprichst.",I must only guarantee that you speak French.
+ 129,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_186.flac,00002-f000159,0.814586,"Bei deinem eminenten Sprachtalent wirst du übrigens auch rasch genug so viel Englisch lernen, wie du zu deiner Tätigkeit nötig hast.","With your gift for languages you'll quickly enough learn as much English, besides, as you'll need to get on with."
+ 130,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_187.flac,00002-f000160,0.83492,"Dabei residierst du in einem fürstlich ausgestatteten Appartement mit dem Ausblick auf die Minaretts der ElAzharMoschee, wandelst den ganzen Tag auf faustdicken persischen Teppichen, kleidest dich jeden Abend in eine märchenhafte Pariser Balltoilette, trinkst so viel Sekt, wie deine Kunden bezahlen können; und schließlich bleibst du ja auch bis zu einem gewissen Grad deine eigene Herrin.","And you'll reside in a royally furnished apartment with an outlook on the minarets of the El Azhar Mosque, and walk around all day on Persian carpets as thick as your fist, and dress every evening in a fabulous Paris gown and drink as much champagne as your customers can pay for, and, finally, you'll even remain, up to a certain point, your own mistress."
+ 131,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_188.flac,00002-f000161,0.655844,"Wenn dir der Mann nicht gefällt, dann brauchst du ihm keinerlei Empfindung entgegenzubringen.","If the man doesn't please you, you needn't bring him any reciprocal feelings."
+ 132,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_189.flac,00002-f000162,0.485714,"Du läßt ihn seine Karte abgeben, und damit holla!","Just let him give in his card, and thenShrugs, and snaps his fingers."
+ 133,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_190.flac,00002-f000163,0.624378,"Wenn sich die Luder darauf nicht einübten, dann wäre die ganze Sache überhaupt unmöglich, weil jede nach den ersten vier Wochen mit Sturmschritt zum Teufel ginge.","If the ladies didn't get used to that the whole business would be simply impossible, because every one after the first four weeks would go headlong to the devil."
+ 134,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_194.flac,00002-f000168,0.838312,"Die Bilder hast du ihm geschickt, die ich dir gab?","Those pictures that I gave you, you've sent to him?"
+ 135,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_196.flac,00002-f000170,0.80259,"Das Bild, auf dem du als Eva vor dem Spiegel stehst, wird er, wenn du dort bist, wohl unter der Haustür aufhängen.","The picture in which you stand before the mirror as Eve he'll probably hang up at the housedoor, after you've got there."
+ 136,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_197.flac,00002-f000171,0.8,Dann kommt für dich noch eins in Betracht.,And then there's one thing more for you to notice: with Oikonomopulos in Cairo you'll be safer from your bloodhounds than if you crept into a Canadian wilderness.
+ 137,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_200.flac,00002-f000174,0.291667,Was schert mich eure ewige Gerechtigkeit!,What's your eternal Justice to do with me!
+ 138,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_206.flac,00002-f000181,1.8,Wir haben noch dreißigtausend Mark.,We still have thirty thousand marks.
+ 139,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_207.flac,00002-f000182,0.282353,In JungfrauAktien!,In Jungfraustock!
+ 140,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_208.flac,00002-f000183,0.665909,Ich habe mich nie mit Aktien abgegeben.,I never have anything to do with stock.
+ 141,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_209.flac,00002-f000184,0.504187,"Der Staatsanwalt bezahlt in deutscher Reichswährung, und Oikonomopulos zahlt in englischem Gold.","The AttorneyGeneral pays in the national currency, and Oikonomopulos pays in English gold."
+ 142,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_210.flac,00002-f000185,0.25,Du kannst morgen früh in Marseille sein.,You can be on board early tomorrow.
+ 143,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_211.flac,00002-f000186,0.851163,Die Mittelmeerfahrt dauert nicht viel mehr als fünf Tage.,The passage doesn't last much more than five days.
+ 144,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_212.flac,00002-f000187,0.844792,In spätestens vierzehn Tagen bist du in Sicherheit.,In two weeks at most you're in safety.
+ 145,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_213.flac,00002-f000188,0.879825,Hier in Paris stehst du dem Gefängnis näher als irgendwo.,Here you are nearer to prison than anywhere.
+ 146,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_214.flac,00002-f000189,0.977551,"Es ist ein Wunder, das ich als Polizeiorgan nicht fasse, daß ihr hier ein volles Jahr unbehelligt habt leben können.","It's a wonder which I, as one of the secret police, cannot understand, that you two have been able to live for a full year unmolested."
+ 147,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_215.flac,00002-f000190,0.682971,"Aber so gut, wie ich euren Antezedentien auf die Spur kam, kann bei deinem starken Verbrauch an Männern jeden Tag einer meiner Kollegen die glückliche Entdeckung machen.","But just as I came on the track of your antecedents, so any day, with your mighty consumption of men, one of my colleagues may make the happy discovery."
+ 148,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_216.flac,00002-f000191,0.946672,"Dann darf ich mir den Mund wischen, und du verbringst deine genußfähigsten Lebensjahre in der Einsamkeit.","Then I may just wipe my mouth, and you spend in prison the most enjoyable years of your life."
+ 149,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_217.flac,00002-f000192,1.09714,Willst du dich bitte gleich entscheiden.,If you will kindly decide quickly.
+ 150,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_218.flac,00002-f000193,-0.1125,Um halb ein Uhr fährt der Zug nach Marseille.,The train goes at.
+ 151,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_219.flac,00002-f000194,0.889631,"Sind wir bis elf Uhr nicht handelseinig, dann pfeife ich den Sergeant de ville herauf.","If we haven't struck a bargain before eleven, I whistle up the policeman."
+ 152,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_221.flac,00002-f000196,0.284615,Es kann dir damit doch unmöglich ernst sein?!,But is it possible you can be serious in all this?
+ 153,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_224.flac,00002-f000199,0.721739,Das ist schlimmer als Gefängnis.,That is worse than prison!
+ 154,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_226.flac,00002-f000201,0.190909,Er zieht einen Brief aus der Tasche,Just read this effusion!
+ 155,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_227.flac,00002-f000202,0.676471,Ich werde ihn dir vorlesen.,I'll read it to you.
+ 156,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_228.flac,00002-f000203,0.865584,"Hier ist der Poststempel Kairo, damit du nicht glaubst, ich arbeite mit gefälschten Dokumenten.","Here's the postmark Cairo, so you won't believe I work with forged documents."
+ 157,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_229.flac,00002-f000204,0.921064,"Das Mädchen ist Berlinerin, war zwei Jahre verheiratet, und das mit einem Mann, um den du sie beneidet hättest, einem ehemaligen Kameraden von mir.","The girl is a Berliner, was married two years and to a man whom you would have envied her, a former comrade of mine."
+ 158,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_231.flac,00002-f000206,0.233333,Lulu munter,Merrily.
+ 159,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_232.flac,00002-f000207,0.99,Dann besucht er seine Frau ja vielleicht gelegentlich.,Then perhaps he visits his wife occasionally?
+ 160,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_233.flac,00002-f000208,0.214286,Das ist nicht ausgeschlossen.,That is not incredible.
+ 161,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_234.flac,00002-f000209,0.28,Aber höre diesen impulsiven Ausdruck ihrer Seligkeit!,But hear this impulsive expression of her feelings.
+ 162,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_235.flac,00002-f000210,0.555,"Mein Mädchenhandel erscheint mir durchaus nicht ehrenvoller, als ihn der erste beste Richter taxieren würde; aber solch ein Freudenschrei läßt mich für den Augenblick eine gewisse sittliche Genugtuung empfinden.","My whiteslave traffic seems to me absolutely no more honorable than the very best judge would tax it with being, but a cry of joy like this lets me feel a certain moral satisfaction for a moment."
+ 163,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_236.flac,00002-f000211,0.377444,"Ich bin stolz darauf, mein Geld damit zu verdienen, daß ich das Glück mit vollen Händen ausstreuen",I am proud to earn my money by scattering happiness with full hands.
+ 164,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_237.flac,00002-f000211,0.344643,Er liest Lieber Herr Meier!,I am proud to earn my money by scattering happiness with full hands.
+ 165,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_238.flac,00002-f000211,0.344643,So heiße ich als Mädchenhändler,<MERGE> I am proud to earn my money by scattering happiness with full hands.
+ 166,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_240.flac,00002-f000214,0.776923,Ich habe ihr schon geschrieben.,I have written to her already.
+ 167,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_241.flac,00002-f000215,0.656818,Mit der Singerei hat sie keine Aussicht.,She has no prospects with her singing.
+ 168,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_242.flac,00002-f000216,0.747826,Die Mutter hat keinen Pfennig.,Her mother hasn't a penny.
+ 169,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_243.flac,00002-f000217,0.645,"Leider schon zweiundzwanzig, aber verschmachtend nach Liebe.","Sorry she's already twentytwo, but she's pining for love."
+ 170,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_244.flac,00002-f000218,0.292857,"Kann nicht heiraten, weil vollkommen mittellos.","Can't marry, because absolutely without means."
+ 171,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_245.flac,00002-f000219,0.273913,Habe mit Madame gesprochen.,I have spoken with Madame.
+ 172,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_246.flac,00002-f000220,0.270492,"Man nimmt mit Vergnügen noch eine Deutsche, wenn gut erzogen und musikalisch.","They'd like to take another German, if she's well educated and musical."
+ 173,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_247.flac,00002-f000221,0.255224,"Italienerinnen und Französinnen können mit uns nicht wetteifern, weil zu wenig Bildung.","Italians and Frenchwomen can't compete with us, 'cause of too little culture."
+ 174,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_248.flac,00002-f000222,0.235,Wenn Sie Fritz sehen sollten.,"If you should see FritzFritz is the husband; he's getting a divorce, of course,tell him it was all a bore."
+ 175,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_249.flac,00002-f000222,0.235,"Fritz ist der Mann; er läßt sich natürlich scheiden . dann sagen Sie ihm, alles war Langeweile.","<MERGE> If you should see FritzFritz is the husband; he's getting a divorce, of course,tell him it was all a bore."
+ 176,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_250.flac,00002-f000223,0.794595,"Er wußte es nicht besser, ich wußte es auch nicht. jetzt folgt die Aufzählung ihrer Glückseligkeiten.","He didn't know any better, nor did I either."
+ 177,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_252.flac,00002-f000226,1.23824,CastiPiani Laß mich doch weiterlesen!,I can not sell the only thing that ever was my own!
+ 178,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_257.flac,00002-f000233,1.02105,"CastiPiani Meinst du, das wäre das Schlimmste, was ich in meinem Leben gekonnt habe?",Do you think that would be the worst thing I can have done in my life?.
+ 179,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_258.flac,00002-f000234,0.917857,"Ich muß für den Fall, daß wir heute nacht nach Marseille fahren, nur rasch noch ein Wort mit Bianetta reden.","I must, in case we go tonight, have just a brief word with Bianetta."
+ 180,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_259.flac,00002-f000235,0.81016,"CastiPiani geht ins Spielzimmer, die Tür hinter sich auf lassend.","He goes into the cardroom, leaving the door open behind him."
+ 181,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_260.flac,00002-f000236,0.868293,"Lulu starrt vor sich hin, das Billett, das ihr Rodrigo zusteckte und das sie während des ganzen Gesprächs zwischen den Fingern hielt, mechanisch zerknitternd.","Lulu stares before her, mechanically crumpling up the note that Rodrigo stuck into her hand, which she has held in her fingers thruout the dialog."
+ 182,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_263.flac,00002-f000240,0.9375,Es geht brillant!,It's going brilliantly!
+ 183,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_264.flac,00002-f000241,0.692208,Die Geschwitz setzt eben ihr letztes Hemd.,Geschwitz is wagering her last shirt.
+ 184,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_265.flac,00002-f000242,1.39091,Puntschu hat mir noch zehn JungfrauAktien versprochen.,Puntschu has promised me ten more Jungfraushares.
+ 185,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_266.flac,00002-f000243,1.13464,Die Steinherz macht ihre kleinen Profitchen.,Steinherz is making her little gains and profits.
+ 186,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_270.flac,00002-f000248,0.229412,"Lulu Gewiß, gewiß.","Oh, yes, surelywhy not?"
+ 187,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_272.flac,00002-f000249,1.32959,"Alwa Apropos, im Berliner Tageblatt steht heute, daß sich der Alfred Hugenberg im Gefängnis aus dem dritten Stockwerk ins Treppenhaus hinuntergestürzt hat.","By the way, it's in the Berliner Tageblatt today that Alfred Hugenberg has hurled himself over the stairs in prison."
+ 188,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_274.flac,00002-f000251,0.728571,Nur in einer Art von Präventivhaft.,Only in a sort of house of detention.
+ 189,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_277.flac,00002-f000252,0.0818182,Lulu will ihm folgen.,"Exit, rear."
+ 190,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_278.flac,00002-f000253,1.07727,In der Tür tritt ihr die Gräfin Geschwitz entgegen.,"Lulu is about to follow, but Countess Geschwitz meets her in the doorway."
+ 191,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_283.flac,00002-f000259,0.506969,Du könntest in deinem Verkehr mit mir zum allerwenigsten die äußerlichen Anstandsformen wahren.,You might at the very least preserve the outward forms of politeness in your intercourse with me.
+ 192,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_287.flac,00002-f000264,0.525,Wozu hast du mir denn vorher die Cholera angehängt?,"Well, why else did you bring me down with the cholera beforehand?"
+ 193,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_288.flac,00002-f000265,0.814778,"Ich habe während des Prozesses noch ganz andere Dinge beschworen, als was ich dir versprechen mußte.","I swore very different things to myself, even while it was going on, from what I had to promise you!"
+ 194,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_291.flac,00002-f000269,0.656571,Um was bist du denn betrogen?,"What have you been cheated of, then?"
+ 195,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_292.flac,00002-f000270,0.654171,"Deine körperlichen Vorzüge haben hier einen so begeisterten Bewunderer gefunden, daß ich mich frage, ob ich nicht noch einmal Klavierunterricht geben muß, um mein Dasein zu fristen.","Your physical advantages have found so enthusiastic an admirer here, that I ask myself if I won't have to give piano lessons once more, to keep alive!"
+ 196,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_294.flac,00002-f000272,0.233333,Von wem sprichst du?,Of whom are you speaking?
+ 197,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_295.flac,00002-f000273,0.871429,Ich verstehe kein Wort.,I don't understand a word.
+ 198,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_297.flac,00002-f000276,0.463559,Er ist Athlet; er balanciert zwei gesattelte Kavalleriepferde auf seinem Brustkasten.,He's an athlete: he balances two saddled cavalry horses on his chest.
+ 199,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_298.flac,00002-f000277,0.626351,Kann sich eine Frau etwas Herrlicheres wünschen?,Can a woman desire anything more glorious?
+ 200,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_299.flac,00002-f000278,0.554167,"Er sagte mir eben noch, daß er diese Nacht in die Seine springe, wenn du dich seiner nicht erbarmst.",He told me just now that he'd jump into the water tonight if you did not take pity on him.
+ 201,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_300.flac,00002-f000279,0.482161,"Die Geschwitz Ich beneide dich nicht um deine Geschicklichkeit, die hilflosen Opfer, die dir durch unerforschliche Bestimmung überantwortet sind, zu martern.",I do not envy you this cleverness with which you torture the helpless victims sacrificed to you by their inscrutable destiny.
+ 202,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_301.flac,00002-f000279,1.40571,Ich kann dich überhaupt nicht beneiden.,I do not envy you this cleverness with which you torture the helpless victims sacrificed to you by their inscrutable destiny.
+ 203,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_302.flac,00002-f000280,0.538396,"Ein Bedauern, wie ich es mit dir fühle, hat mir mein eigener Jammer noch nicht abgerungen.",My own plight has not yet wrung from me the pity that I feel for you.
+ 204,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_303.flac,00002-f000281,0.776786,"Ich fühle mich frei wie ein Gott bei dem Gedanken, welcher Kreaturen Sklavin du bist!",I feel free as a god when I think to what creatures you are enslaved.
+ 205,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_306.flac,00002-f000284,0.21,Lulu Schweig!,Be silent!
+ 206,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_307.flac,00002-f000285,0.61875,"Ich gebe dir Tritte in den Leib, wenn du schlecht von dem Jungen sprichst.","I'll kick you, if you speak ill of him."
+ 207,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_308.flac,00002-f000286,0.821121,"Er liebt mich mit einer Aufrichtigkeit, gegen die deine abenteuerlichsten Aufopferungen die reine Bettelei sind.",He loves me with an uprightness against which your most venturous selfsacrifices are poor as beggary!
+ 208,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_309.flac,00002-f000287,0.942919,"Er gibt mir Beweise von Selbstverleugnung, die mir deine Zumutungen erst in ihrer ganzen Abscheulichkeit zeigen.",He gives me such proofs of selfdenial as reveal you for the first time in all your loathsomeness!
+ 209,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_310.flac,00002-f000288,0.410465,"Was gibt man nicht hin, wenn man Gelüste hat wie du!","You didn't get finished in your mother's womb, neither as woman nor as man."
+ 210,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_311.flac,00002-f000288,0.652381,"Du bist im Leib deiner Mutter nicht ganz fertig geworden, weder als Weib noch als Mann.","You didn't get finished in your mother's womb, neither as woman nor as man."
+ 211,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_312.flac,00002-f000289,0.241935,Du bist kein Mensch wie wir anderen.,You have no human nature like the rest of us.
+ 212,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_313.flac,00002-f000290,0.651648,"Für einen Mann war der vorhandene Stoff nicht ausreichend, und zum Weib hast du zuviel Hirn in den Schädel bekommen.","The stuff didn't go far enough for a man, and for a woman you got too much brain into your skull."
+ 213,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_314.flac,00002-f000291,0.834783,Deshalb bist du verrückt!,That's the reason you're crazy!
+ 214,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_315.flac,00002-f000292,-0.165,Wende dich mit deinen Gefühlen an Fräulein Bianetta Gazil.,Turn to Miss Bianetta!
+ 215,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_316.flac,00002-f000293,0.595833,Die ist gegen Bezahlung zu allem zu haben.,She can be had for everything for pay!
+ 216,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_317.flac,00002-f000294,0.54375,"Drück ihr zwanzig Francs in die Hand, dann gehört sie dir.",Press a goldpiece into her hand and she'll belong to you.
+ 217,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_321.flac,00002-f000300,0.3,On va se rafraîchir.,We can't believe it.
+ 218,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_326.flac,00002-f000306,0.284211,Bianetta Gazil Mais la Banque aussi a gagné!,"It is colossal, where all the money comes from!"
+ 219,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_327.flac,00002-f000308,0.264706,"Es ist pyramidal, wo das Geld herkommt!",Enough that we need not spare the champagne.
+ 220,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_330.flac,00002-f000311,0.688235,"Alwa Venez, Mesdames, au buffet!",Come to the buffet!
+ 221,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_331.flac,00002-f000312,0.4,Die ganze Gesellschaft begibt sich nach rechts ins Spielzimmer.,"All exeunt, lower left."
+ 222,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_332.flac,00002-f000313,0.75,Lulu wird von Rodrigo zurückgehalten.,Holding Lulu back.
+ 223,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_333.flac,00002-f000314,0.0666667,"Rodrigo Une petite seconde, Madame.","Un momong, my heart."
+ 224,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_335.flac,00002-f000316,0.5925,"Lulu Droh mir mit Anzeigen, soviel du Lust hast!",Threaten me with discovery as much as you like!
+ 225,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_336.flac,00002-f000317,0.720677,Ich habe keine zwanzigtausend Francs mehr.,I have no more twenty thousands to dispose of.
+ 226,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_340.flac,00002-f000322,0.837346,"Mir ist es egal, was er mit seinem Gelde tut.",It's all one to me what he does with his money.
+ 227,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_342.flac,00002-f000324,0.84,"Bei dem Hornochsen brauche ich zweimal vierundzwanzig Stunden, bis er begreift, wovon die Rede ist.",With that blockhead I'd need twice twentyfour hours to make him grasp what I was talking about.
+ 228,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_343.flac,00002-f000325,0.640886,"Und dann kommen seine Erläuterungen und Auseinandersetzungen, denen gegenüber einem sterbensübel wird.","And then come his explanations, that make one deathly sick; and meanwhile my bride writes me It's all up! and I can just hang a hurdygurdy over my shoulder."
+ 229,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_346.flac,00002-f000327,0.586047,Ich hätte dich wohl erst um Erlaubnis fragen sollen?,Maybe I ought to have asked your permission first?
+ 230,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_347.flac,00002-f000328,0.692188,"Was war hier mein Dank dafür, daß ich dich auf Kosten meiner Gesundheit aus dem Gefängnis befreit habe?",What were my thanks here that I freed you from prison at the cost of my health?
+ 231,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_348.flac,00002-f000329,0.28,La misère noire!,You abandoned me!
+ 232,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_350.flac,00002-f000330,0.883217,"Ich hätte Packträger werden können, wenn mich dieses Mädchen nicht aufgenommen hätte.",I might have had to be a baggageman if this girl hadn't taken me up!
+ 233,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_351.flac,00002-f000331,0.658562,In den FoliesBergère warf man mir gleich am ersten Abend einen Sammetfauteuil an den Kopf.,"At my very first entrance, right away, they threw a velvetcovered armchair at my head!"
+ 234,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_352.flac,00002-f000332,0.18871,"Die französische Nation ist zu heruntergekommen, um noch gediegene Kraftleistungen zu würdigen.",This country is too decadent to value genuine shows of strength any more.
+ 235,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_353.flac,00002-f000333,0.174038,"Wäre ich ein boxendes Känguruh, dann hätten sie mich interviewt und in allen Journalen abgebildet.",If I'd been a boxing kangaroo they'd have interviewed me and put my picture in all the papers.
+ 236,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_354.flac,00002-f000361,0.2625,Gott sei,Lightly.
+ 237,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_355.flac,00002-f000334,0.765097,Dank hatte ich auf der Toilette schon die Bekanntschaft meiner Célestine gemacht.,"Thank heaven, I'd already made the acquaintance of my Celestine."
+ 238,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_356.flac,00002-f000335,0.689963,"Als ich ihr meine zwei Sous in die Hand drückte, erklärte sie mir, sie beabsichtige, sich aus der Öffentlichkeit zurückzuziehen.",She's got the savings of twenty years deposited with the government; and she loves me just for myself.
+ 239,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_359.flac,00002-f000336,0.8925,Sie geht nicht wie du nur auf Gemeinheiten aus.,"She doesn't aim only at vulgar things, like you."
+ 240,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_360.flac,00002-f000337,0.658413,"Sie hat drei Kinder von einem englischen Bischof, die alle zu den schönsten Hoffnungen berechtigen.",She's had three children by an American bishopall of the greatest promise.
+ 241,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_363.flac,00002-f000340,0.280645,Dein Segen kann mir gestohlen werden!,Your blessing can be stolen from me.
+ 242,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_366.flac,00002-f000344,0.738095,"Meine Célestine verehrt den Gemütsmenschen in mir, und nicht den Kraftmenschen, wie du das getan hast und all die anderen.","She honors in me the man of mind, not the man of might as you and all the others have done."
+ 243,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_367.flac,00002-f000345,0.12,Das ist jetzt überstanden!,That's over now.
+ 244,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_368.flac,00002-f000346,1.16735,"Erst rissen sie einem die Kleider vom Leib, und dann wälzten sie sich mit der Femme de chambre herum.",First they tore the clothes from one's body and then they waltzed around with the chambermaid.
+ 245,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_371.flac,00002-f000349,0.699539,Weil das Frauenzimmer von Adel ist.,Because the creature is of noble blood.
+ 246,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_372.flac,00002-f000350,0.391964,Ich bin Homme du monde und verstehe mich besser als irgendeiner von euch auf den Pariser Konversationston.,"I'm a man of the world, and can do distinguished conversation better than any of you."
+ 247,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_373.flac,00002-f000351,1.23846,Aber jetzt bitte ich um eine bündige Antwort.,But now with a gesture my talk is hanging out of my mouth!
+ 248,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_374.flac,00002-f000352,0.55,Wirst du mir bis morgen abend das Geld verschaffen oder nicht?,Will you get me the money before tomorrow evening or won't you?
+ 249,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_377.flac,00002-f000355,0.715789,"Er gibt dir den letzten Sou, den er hat, wenn du nur einmal deine verdammte Pflicht und Schuldigkeit tust und ihn nicht umsonst vor deiner Tür winseln läßt.",He'll give you his last cent if you'll only do your damned duty once!
+ 250,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_379.flac,00002-f000357,0.884483,"Was schert es dich, ob er das Geld mit Weibern oder am Spieltisch vertut?",What has it to do with you if he wastes his money with women or at cards?
+ 251,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_381.flac,00002-f000359,0.60696,"Du machst vier Menschen glücklich, wenn du fünfe gerad sein läßt und dich einem wohltätigen Zweck opferst!",You'll make four people happy if you'll not take things too exactly and sacrifice yourself for a beneficent purpose!
+ 252,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_385.flac,00002-f000364,0.783636,"Wenn ich bis morgen abend die zwanzigtausend Francs nicht habe du kannst sie auf dem Postbureau an der Avenue de l'Opéra deponieren , dann erstatte ich Anzeige bei der Polizei, und euer Luderleben hat ein Ende.","If I don't get the twenty thousand marks by tomorrow evening, I make a statement to the police and your court has an end."
+ 253,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_386.flac,00002-f000364,0.704242,"du kannst sie auf dem Postbureau an der Avenue de l'Opéra deponieren , dann erstatte ich Anzeige bei der Polizei, und euer Luderleben hat ein Ende.","If I don't get the twenty thousand marks by tomorrow evening, I make a statement to the police and your court has an end."
+ 254,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_387.flac,00002-f000365,0.16875,Au plaisir de vous revoir!,Auf Wiedersehen!
+ 255,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_389.flac,00002-f000367,0.289655,Sie suchen Madelaine de Marelle?,You're looking for Miss Magelone?
+ 256,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_391.flac,00002-f000369,0.702857,"Heilmann Nein, ich suche etwas anderes.","No, I'm looking for something else RODRIGO."
+ 257,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_392.flac,00002-f000370,0.6375,Rodrigo ihm den Weg weisend,"Taking him to the entrydoor, opposite him."
+ 258,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_394.flac,00002-f000372,0.218182,Lulu zu Rodrigo,To Rodrigo.
+ 259,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_395.flac,00002-f000373,0.605,Hast du das schon von deiner Braut gelernt?,Did you learn that from your bride?
+ 260,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_397.flac,00002-f000375,0.216667,"Puntschu Ach, Sie sind's!","Excuse me, my angel!"
+ 261,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_398.flac,00002-f000377,0.264706,Madame de Marelle erwartet Sie im Lift.,Miss Magelone's waiting for you in the lift.
+ 262,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_399.flac,00002-f000377,0.621429,Fahren Sie bitte mit ihr hinauf.,Miss Magelone's waiting for you in the lift.
+ 263,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_400.flac,00002-f000379,0.847059,Ich bin gleich zurück.,I'll be right back.
+ 264,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_401.flac,00002-f000378,0.773913,Heilmann eilt nach links ab.,"You go up with her, please."
+ 265,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_402.flac,00002-f000381,1.4875,Lulu geht ins Speisezimmer;,Lulu goes out at lower left.
+ 266,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_403.flac,00002-f000382,1.01471,Rodrigo folgt ihr.,Rodrigo follows her.
+ 267,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_405.flac,00002-f000384,0.5,"Schneid' ich dir die Ohren nicht ab, schneidet du sie mir!","If I don't cut off your ears, you'll cut 'em off me!"
+ 268,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_406.flac,00002-f000385,0.558621,"Muß man sich durchquetschen zwischen Juden, Christen und Sirenen!","If I can't hire out my Jehoshaphat, I've just got to help myself with my brains!"
+ 269,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_408.flac,00002-f000388,0.741667,"Wird er nicht runzlig, mein Verstand; wird er nicht avachi; braucht er sich nicht zu baden in Eau de Cologne!",Won't they need to bathe in Eau de Cologne!
+ 270,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_410.flac,00002-f000390,0.286364,Bob A Monsieur Puntschu!,"Mr. Puntschu, the banker!"
+ 271,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_411.flac,00002-f000391,0.25,Puntschu erbricht es und murmelt Les actions du Funiculaire de la JungFrau tombées.,"Breaks open the telegram and murmurs: Jungfrau Funicular Stock fallen to Ay, ay, so goes the world!"
+ 272,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_412.flac,00002-f000392,0.214286,Attends!,To Bob.
+ 273,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_417.flac,00002-f000399,0.0176471,Puntschu Quel âge?,Enters hesitatingly from lower left.
+ 274,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_418.flac,00002-f000400,0.285366,Kadéga di Santa Croce tritt von rechts hinten ein.,"I beg your pardon, can you tell me if mama is here?"
+ 275,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_419.flac,00002-f000403,0.3,Kadéga Maman n'est pas ici?,"Devil, she's got breeding!"
+ 276,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_421.flac,00002-f000403,0.225,"Quelle charmante fille, mon dieu!","Devil, she's got breeding!"
+ 277,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_423.flac,00002-f000406,0.257143,Maman va revenir.,Looking at Bob.
+ 278,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_424.flac,00002-f000407,0.76875,Ist sie weiß Gott.,And that pair of breeches!
+ 279,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_425.flac,00002-f000408,0.276923,Auf Bob sehend,God of Justice!
+ 280,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_426.flac,00002-f000411,0.771429,Und das Paar Kniehosen!,"Haven't you seen my mama, perhaps?"
+ 281,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_428.flac,00002-f000410,1.00263,Wird mir unheimlich.,"He goes out, upper right."
+ 282,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_429.flac,00002-f000413,0.225,Nach rechts hinten ab.,Where is she then?
+ 283,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_433.flac,00002-f000416,0.3,Bob Madame doit être montée.,"No, no, I can't go up with you."
+ 284,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_435.flac,00002-f000417,0.65431,Kadéga Qu'estce qu'il y a là haut?,We can hide up there in the corridor.
+ 285,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_438.flac,00002-f000422,0.725,Kadéga A quoi faire; dites?,"O mama, mama, I was hunting for you!"
+ 286,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_440.flac,00002-f000422,0.24,"Kadéga Eh bien, faites voir.","O mama, mama, I was hunting for you!"
+ 287,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_441.flac,00002-f000424,0.2,Bob Pas ici .Kadéga,Did I tell you to hunt for me?
+ 288,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_442.flac,00002-f000425,0.248276,Je n'y monte pas. On va me gronder.,What have you had to do with this fellow?
+ 289,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_443.flac,00002-f000427,0.926471,"Bob Eh bien, Mademoiselle.",Bob has withdrawn.
+ 290,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_444.flac,00002-f000425,0.207692,"Kadéga Après vous, Monsieur!",What have you had to do with this fellow?
+ 291,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_445.flac,00002-f000428,0.400581,Madelaine de Marelle stürzt in heilloser Aufregung herein und bemächtigt sich Kadégas.,"Now don't bawl before all the people on me; look out, I tell you!"
+ 292,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_446.flac,00002-f000427,0.732353,"Madelaine de Marelle La voilà, mon Dieu!",Bob has withdrawn.
+ 293,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_447.flac,00002-f000430,0.235714,"N'astu pas honte, vilaine garce, hein?","But you're crying, sweetheart!"
+ 294,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_448.flac,00002-f000431,0.652941,"Kadéga Oh, maman; je t'ai cherchée!",Why are you crying?
+ 295,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_449.flac,00002-f000430,0.235714,Madelaine de Marelle Tu m'as cherchée!,"But you're crying, sweetheart!"
+ 296,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_450.flac,00002-f000432,0.252,T'aije envoyée me chercher?,"By God, she's really been crying!"
+ 297,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_451.flac,00002-f000432,0.277778,Qu'astu à faire avec ce haiduck,"By God, she's really been crying!"
+ 298,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_453.flac,00002-f000434,0.12973,"Alwa, Heilmann, Ludmilla Steinherz, Puntschu, die Gräfin Geschwitz und Lulu treten aus dem Speisezimmer ein.",Kneels before her and folds her in her arms.
+ 299,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_454.flac,00002-f000435,0.615,Bob hat sich gedrückt.,"Tell me, cherub, what bad thing has happened."
+ 300,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_455.flac,00002-f000437,0.525,Madelaine de Marelle zu Kadéga Ne pleure pas; tu sais!,Do you want some chocolate?
+ 301,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_456.flac,00002-f000437,0.25,Lulu zu Kadéga Qu'estce que tu as,Do you want some chocolate?
+ 302,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_457.flac,00002-f000439,0.248276,"Pourquoi pleurestu, mon enfant?",The child's getting them much too soon.
+ 303,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_458.flac,00002-f000440,0.26,"Puntschu zu Kadéga Vous avez pleuré, Mademoiselle?",It would be the best thing if no one paid any attention to her!
+ 304,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_459.flac,00002-f000440,0.136364,Ludmilla Steinherz La pauvre petite!,It would be the best thing if no one paid any attention to her!
+ 305,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_460.flac,00002-f000443,0.402273,Madelaine de Marelle Ce sont les nerfs,The courts'll yet take the child away from you and appoint me her guardian!
+ 306,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_461.flac,00002-f000444,0.264,Il n'y faut pas faire attention.,Stroking Kadidia's cheeks.
+ 307,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_462.flac,00002-f000445,0.196552,"Puntschu Mais vous êtes trop sévère, Madame!","Isn't that so, my little goddess?"
+ 308,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_463.flac,00002-f000445,0.777778,Voilà l'âge le plus difficile.,"Isn't that so, my little goddess?"
+ 309,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_464.flac,00002-f000446,0.286957,Die Geschwitz Je voudrais bien qu'on retournât au jeu,I should be glad if we started the baccarat again at last?
+ 310,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_467.flac,00002-f000451,0.192857,"Eh bien, qu'il entre.",Let him come in!
+ 311,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_468.flac,00002-f000452,0.813496,"Bob öffnet die Tür zum Korridor und läßt Schigolch eintreten, Schigolch trägt Frack, weiße Halsbinde, schiefgetretene Lackstiefel und einen schäbigen Klapphut, den er aufbehält.","Bob opens the door and lets Schigolch enter, in evening dress, his patentleather shoes much worn, and keeping on his shabby opera hat."
+ 312,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_470.flac,00002-f000454,1.16875,Wo hast du den her?,Where d'd you get him from?
+ 313,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_473.flac,00002-f000456,0.2,Lulu Er ist breiter als ich.,How much does he get?
+ 314,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_474.flac,00002-f000457,0.24,Gefällt dir das nicht?,Ask him if it interests you.
+ 315,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_475.flac,00002-f000457,0.25,Wieviel Lohn bekommt er bei dir?,Ask him if it interests you.
+ 316,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_476.flac,00002-f000460,0.246154,"Lulu Frag ihn, wenn dich das so interessiert.","Bob goes out lower left, shutting the door behind him."
+ 317,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_478.flac,00002-f000464,0.241935,Lulu zu Bob Allez fermer les portes.,"Have you taken another mistress here, too?"
+ 318,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_479.flac,00002-f000460,0.819368,Bob geht ins Spielzimmer und schließt die Tür hinter sich.,"Bob goes out lower left, shutting the door behind him."
+ 319,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_480.flac,00002-f000466,0.286047,Ich brauche nämlich notwendig fünfhundert Francs.,In her youth she was mistress to the King of Naples.
+ 320,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_481.flac,00002-f000462,0.499138,Ich habe meiner Geliebten ein Appartement gemietet.,"The truth is, I'm in need of money."
+ 321,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_482.flac,00002-f000468,0.3,Elle veut se mettre dans ses meubles.,Outwardly with complete composure.
+ 322,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_484.flac,00002-f000470,0.8,Sie ist Münchnerin.,She wants to fit up her own apartments.
+ 323,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_485.flac,00002-f000466,0.52907,In ihrer Jugend war sie die Frau des Königs von Neapel.,In her youth she was mistress to the King of Naples.
+ 324,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_491.flac,00002-f000477,0.715385,Was gibt es denn wieder?,What is it now?
+ 325,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_493.flac,00002-f000479,1.01471,Es ist zu grauenhaft!,It's too horrible!
+ 326,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_495.flac,00002-f000480,0.484091,Du mußt dich zuweilen mit einem Roman zu Bett legen.,Draws her onto his knee and holds her in his arms like a little child.
+ 327,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_496.flac,00002-f000481,0.280645,Weine nur; weine dich nur recht aus.,"HmYou're trying to do too much, child."
+ 328,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_497.flac,00002-f000483,0.488112,So hat es dich auch schon vor fünfzehn Jahren geschüttelt.,It used to shake you just so fifteen years ago.
+ 329,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_498.flac,00002-f000484,0.723006,"Es hat seitdem kein Mensch mehr so geschrien, wie du damals hast schreien können.","Nobody has screamed since then, the way you could scream!"
+ 330,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_499.flac,00002-f000485,0.580374,Damals trugst du noch keinen weißen Federbusch auf dem Kopf und hattest auch keine durchlöcherten Strümpfe an deinen Beinen.,"You didn't wear any white tufts on your head then, nor any transparent stockings on your legs: you had neither shoes nor stockings then."
+ 331,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_501.flac,00002-f000487,0.657895,Lulu Nimm mich mit dir nach Haus!,Take me home with you!
+ 332,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_502.flac,00002-f000488,0.937912,Nimm mich diese Nacht mit zu dir an den Quai de la Gare!,Take me home with you tonight!
+ 333,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_504.flac,00002-f000490,0.184615,Wir finden unten Wagen genug!,We'll find carriages enough downstairs!
+ 334,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_505.flac,00002-f000491,0.972742,Ich nehme dich mit; ich nehme dich mit. ich nehme dich mit.,I'll take you with me; I'll take you with me.What is it?
+ 335,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_507.flac,00002-f000492,1.27,Es geht um meinen Hals!,It's going round my neck!
+ 336,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_508.flac,00002-f000493,0.3,Man zeigt mich an!,I'm to be shown up!
+ 337,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_510.flac,00002-f000495,0.84375,Wer zeigt dich an?,Who's showing you up?
+ 338,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_512.flac,00002-f000497,0.776471,Dem besorg' ich es!,With the utmost composure.
+ 339,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_513.flac,00002-f000498,0.282353,Lulu Besorg es ihm!,I'll look after him.
+ 340,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_515.flac,00002-f000501,0.663,"Dann tu mit mir, was du willst.",Then do with me what you will!
+ 341,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_517.flac,00002-f000503,0.678571,Mein Fenster geht auf die Seine.,My window is over the water.
+ 342,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_519.flac,00002-f000505,0.286364,Welche Nummer wohnst du?,What number do you live at?
+ 343,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_521.flac,00002-f000507,0.9,Ich schicke ihn hin.,I'll send him there.
+ 344,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_523.flac,00002-f000510,0.932381,"Geh nach Haus, damit sie es behaglich finden.",Go home and let them find it comfortable.
+ 345,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_528.flac,00002-f000514,1.09737,"Lulu Du kannst sie abschneiden, bevor du ihn hinunterläßt.",You can take them out before you let him down.
+ 346,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_529.flac,00002-f000515,0.639706,"Er merkt es nicht, wenn er besoffen ist.",He doesn't notice anything when he's drunk.
+ 347,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_530.flac,00002-f000516,0.216667,"Und dann, mein Kind?","And then, childwhat then?"
+ 348,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_533.flac,00002-f000518,0.836842,Das nenne ich geizig.,I call that pretty stingy.
+ 349,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_534.flac,00002-f000519,0.221053,Hast du sonst nichts?,And whatever else you want!
+ 350,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_535.flac,00002-f000519,0.75,Was du magst!,And whatever else you want!
+ 351,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_536.flac,00002-f000520,1.02273,Was ich habe!,What I have!
+ 352,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_538.flac,00002-f000522,0.669565,Wenn es weiter nichts ist?,Is that all?But you've got a mistress.
+ 353,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_540.flac,00002-f000523,0.257143,Aber du hast doch eine Geliebte.,My Frankforter is no longer of today.
+ 354,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_541.flac,00002-f000523,0.8,Meine Vroni trägt keine Brillanten.,My Frankforter is no longer of today.
+ 355,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_545.flac,00002-f000526,0.697537,"Lulu Schwöre, daß du es ihm besorgst!",Swear that you'll look after him!
+ 356,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_547.flac,00002-f000528,0.784615,Lulu Schwöre es mir!,Swear it to me!
+ 357,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_549.flac,00002-f000531,0.886957,"Bei allem, was heilig ist!",By everything that's holy!
+ 358,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_550.flac,00002-f000531,0.2875,"Heute nacht, wenn er kommt.",By everything that's holy!
+ 359,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_551.flac,00002-f000532,0.0692308,Wie das kühlt!,"Tonight, if he comes LULU."
+ 360,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_553.flac,00002-f000534,1.02692,Wie das glüht!,How hot this is!
+ 361,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_555.flac,00002-f000536,0.24,Sie kommen in einer halben Stunde!,They'll come in halfanhour!
+ 362,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_556.flac,00002-f000537,0.26,Nimm einen Fiacre!,Take a carriage!
+ 363,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_560.flac,00002-f000541,0.0923077,Allmächtiger,Allpowerful SCHIGOLCH.
+ 364,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_563.flac,00002-f000545,1.264,Ist dir deine Zunge angefroren?,Is your tongue frozen on you?
+ 365,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_567.flac,00002-f000549,0.24375,Was das bedeutet?,What does that augur?
+ 366,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_569.flac,00002-f000552,0.286364,Das bedeutet ein Unglück!,That augurs misfortune!
+ 367,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_571.flac,00002-f000555,0.276923,"Sei getrost, ich besorg' es ihm.","Cheer up, I'll look after him!"
+ 368,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_573.flac,00002-f000558,0.827132,Rodrigo wird von CastiPiani in den Salon gepufft.,"Then Rodrigo is cuffed in from the diningroom, lower left, by CastiPiani."
+ 369,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_576.flac,00002-f000561,0.699539,Was könnte mich denn dazu veranlassen?,Whatever would induce me to do that?
+ 370,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_578.flac,00002-f000563,1.27692,Dann können Sie mich gernhaben!,Then you can be very fond of me!
+ 371,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_582.flac,00002-f000567,0.74,Sie erzählte es mir selbst!,She told me so herself.
+ 372,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_583.flac,00002-f000568,0.288378,"Du hast ihr gedroht, sie zu denunzieren, wenn sie nicht mit dir kommt!",You threatened to denounce her if she didn't go with you.Shall I shoot you on the spot?
+ 373,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_584.flac,00002-f000568,0.288378,Soll ich dich über den Haufen schießen?,<MERGE> You threatened to denounce her if she didn't go with you.Shall I shoot you on the spot?
+ 374,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_586.flac,00002-f000569,0.126316,Als könnte mir so etwas einfallen!,The shameless hussy!
+ 375,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_587.flac,00002-f000570,1.125,"Wenn ich sie selber haben will, brauche ich ihr, weiß Gott im Himmel, nicht erst mit Gefängnis zu drohen!","As if anything like that could occur to me!Even if I should want to have her, God knows I don't first need to threaten her with prison!"
+ 376,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_590.flac,00002-f000574,0.272727,So ein Hund!,Such a hound!
+ 377,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_591.flac,00002-f000575,0.712058,"Ein Kerl, den ich an die Decke werfe, daß er kleben bleibt wie ein Limburger Käse! Komm her, wenn ich dir die Därme um den Hals wickeln soll!","A fellow I could throw up onto the roof so he'd stick like a Limburger cheese!Come back here, so I can wind your guts round your neck."
+ 378,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_592.flac,00002-f000576,0.255,Das wäre noch schöner!,That would be even better!
+ 379,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_594.flac,00002-f000578,0.985714,Wo bleibst denn du?,Where were you?
+ 380,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_595.flac,00002-f000579,0.63629,Man muß dich suchen wie eine Stecknadel.,I've been hunting for you like a pin.
+ 381,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_601.flac,00002-f000585,0.794118,"Weil es deine Pflicht ist, dich des armen Jungen zu erbarmen!",Because it's your duty to take pity on the poor young fellow!
+ 382,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_602.flac,00002-f000586,0.667554,Du hast ihm seinen Vater in den schönsten Lebensjahren vor der Nase weggeschossen!,You shot away his father before his nose in the very best years of life!
+ 383,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_603.flac,00002-f000587,1.07143,"Aber dein CastiPiani überlegt es sich, bevor er mir wieder unter die Augen kommt.",But your CastiPiani will think it over before he comes into my sight again.
+ 384,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_604.flac,00002-f000588,0.789706,"Dem gebe ich eins vor den Bauch, daß ihm die Kaldaunen wie Leuchtkugeln zum Himmel fliegen.",I gave him one in the basket that made the tripes fly to heaven like Roman candles.
+ 385,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_605.flac,00002-f000589,0.73662,"Wenn du keinen besseren Ersatz für mich hast, dann bedaure ich, jemals deine Gunst genossen zu haben!","If you've got no better substitute for me, then I'm sorry ever to have had your favor!"
+ 386,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_607.flac,00002-f000591,0.788,Sie windet sich in Krämpfen.,She twists herself up in fits.
+ 387,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_609.flac,00002-f000593,0.288,Worauf wartet das Vieh denn?,What's the beast waiting for?
+ 388,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_610.flac,00002-f000594,0.716071,"Auf dich, daß du sie liebst.","For you, to take her with you."
+ 389,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_614.flac,00002-f000598,0.717857,Und wenn ich sie nicht mitnehme?,And if I don't take her off with me?
+ 390,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_616.flac,00002-f000600,1.46299,Alwa und ich sind auf dem trockenen.,Alva and I are dead broke.
+ 391,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_619.flac,00002-f000603,0.657353,Das wird nicht gehn; ich weiß es im voraus.,"That won't go; I know that, beforehand."
+ 392,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_620.flac,00002-f000604,0.661905,Ich habe das jetzt genug ausprobiert.,I've tried that out enough now.
+ 393,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_621.flac,00002-f000605,0.732653,Wer rechnet bei dem Schirmgestell auch auf solch ein deutsches Gemüt!,Who counts on an honorable soul like that in a bag o' bones!
+ 394,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_622.flac,00002-f000606,0.695652,"Was die Person für mich hatte, war der Umstand, daß sie Aristokratin ist.",What the person had for me was her being an aristocrat.
+ 395,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_623.flac,00002-f000607,1.08026,"Mein Benehmen war so gentlemanlike, wie man es bei deutschen Artisten überhaupt nicht findet.","My behavior was as gentlemanlike, and more, as you could find among German circuspeople."
+ 396,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_625.flac,00002-f000610,1.48421,Sie ist noch Jungfrau.,She is still a virgin.
+ 397,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_628.flac,00002-f000614,1.225,Die Geschwitz wartet.,Geschwitz waits.
+ 398,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_629.flac,00002-f000615,0.784211,Was soll ich ihr sagen?,What shall I tell her?
+ 399,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_632.flac,00002-f000618,0.27,Warte noch!,Wait a sec.
+ 400,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_633.flac,00002-f000619,1.07988,"Ist es sicher, daß ich zwanzigtausend Francs von ihr erhalte?",Is it certain sure I get twenty thousand marks from her?
+ 401,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_636.flac,00002-f000622,1.08791,Ich erwarte sie in der Salle à manger.,I await her in the diningroom.
+ 402,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_637.flac,00002-f000623,0.585366,Ich muß nur erst noch eine Tonne Kaviar versorgen.,I must just first look after a barrel of caviare.
+ 403,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_638.flac,00002-f000624,0.836364,Rodrigo geht ins Speisezimmer.,"Exit, left."
+ 404,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_647.flac,00002-f000636,1.13492,Warum verliebt er sich in dich!,Why has he fallen in love with you?
+ 405,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_649.flac,00002-f000638,0.496429,Er wird sich für seine Enttäuschung rächen und mir die Schläfen einschlagen.,He'll revenge himself for his disappointment and beat my head in.
+ 406,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_650.flac,00002-f000639,0.773913,Ich habe das schon erlebt.,I've been thru that already.
+ 407,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_651.flac,00002-f000640,0.782927,"Ist es nicht möglich, daß du mir diese schwerste Prüfung ersparst?",Can you not possibly spare me this hardest test?
+ 408,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_656.flac,00002-f000646,0.5625,Ich will in Paris bleiben; ich kann in keiner anderen Stadt mehr glücklich sein.,I can never be happy in any other city.
+ 409,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_657.flac,00002-f000647,1.91494,"Du mußt ihm sagen, daß du ohne ihn nicht leben kannst.",You must tell him that you can't live without him.
+ 410,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_658.flac,00002-f000648,0.604762,Dann fühlt er sich geschmeichelt und wird lammfromm.,Then he'll feel flattered and be gentle as a lamb.
+ 411,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_659.flac,00002-f000649,0.695392,Du mußt auch den Kutscher bezahlen.,"You must pay the coachman, too: give him this paper with the address on it. is a sixthclass hotel where they're expecting you with him this evening."
+ 412,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_660.flac,00002-f000650,0.2,Sag dem Kutscher:,Shuddering.
+ 413,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_661.flac,00002-f000651,0.0416667,"Das ist ein Hotel sechsten Ranges, in dem man dich mit ihm heute abend erwartet.",How can such a monstrosity save your life?
+ 414,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_662.flac,00002-f000652,0.736364,Soll ich dir die Adresse aufschreiben?,I don't understand that.
+ 415,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_663.flac,00002-f000653,0.481132,Wie soll dir eine solche Ungeheuerlichkeit das Leben retten?,You have conjured up to torture me the most terrible fate that can fall upon outlawed me!
+ 416,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_667.flac,00002-f000657,1.02461,"Die Geschwitz O Lulu, wenn es eine ewige Vergeltung gibt, dann möchte ich nicht für dich einstehen müssen!","O Lulu, if an eternal retribution does exist, I hope I may not have to answer then for you."
+ 417,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_668.flac,00002-f000658,0.7625,"Ich kann mich nicht darein finden, daß kein Gott über uns wacht.",I cannot make myself believe that no God watches over us.
+ 418,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_669.flac,00002-f000659,0.103136,"Und doch wirst du wohl recht haben, daß es nichts damit ist.","Yet you are probably right that there is nothing there, for how can an insignificant worm like me have provoked his wrath so as to experience only horror there where all living creation swoons for bliss?"
+ 419,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_670.flac,00002-f000659,0.103136,"Denn womit habe ich unbedeutendes Wurm seinen Zorn gereizt, um nur Entsetzen zu erleben, wo die ganze lebendige Schöpfung vor Seligkeit die Besinnung verliert!","<MERGE> Yet you are probably right that there is nothing there, for how can an insignificant worm like me have provoked his wrath so as to experience only horror there where all living creation swoons for bliss?"
+ 420,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_672.flac,00002-f000661,0.661636,"Wenn du glücklich wirst, dann bist du hundert und tausendmal glücklicher, als es einer von uns gewöhnlichen Sterblichen jemals wird.",When you are happy you're a hundred thousand times happier than one of us ordinary mortals ever is!
+ 421,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_674.flac,00002-f000664,1.24,Aber ich warte noch darauf.,But I am still waiting.
+ 422,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_675.flac,00002-f000665,0.675,Du hast mich nun schon so oft betrogen.,You have deceived me so often already.
+ 423,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_680.flac,00002-f000670,0.342105,"Ich werde die Augen nicht aufschlagen, bevor du kommst.","I await you, my heart."
+ 424,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_682.flac,00002-f000672,0.8625,Dann laß ihn kommen.,Then let him come.
+ 425,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_684.flac,00002-f000674,0.8,Weißt du die Hausnummer noch?,Have you got the housenumber?
+ 426,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_686.flac,00002-f000676,0.230769,Jetzt aber rasch!,But quick now!
+ 427,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_688.flac,00002-f000678,0.802941,Rodrigo kommt aus dem Speisezimmer,"Ready, my darling?"
+ 428,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_690.flac,00002-f000680,0.21,Die Geschwitz ergreift seine Hand,The ladies will pardon my mouth's being full.
+ 429,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_693.flac,00002-f000682,1.28333,Sie sich meiner Not!,"I implore you, have mercy on my need!"
+ 430,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_694.flac,00002-f000683,1.96,Rodrigo A la bonne heure!,A la bonne heure!
+ 431,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_695.flac,00002-f000684,0.273913,Besteigen wir das Schafott!,Let us mount the scaffold!
+ 432,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_696.flac,00002-f000685,0.776471,Er bietet der Gräfin Geschwitz den Arm und verläßt mit ihr den Salon.,Offers her his arm.
+ 433,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_697.flac,00002-f000686,0.18,"Lulu Bonne nuit, chers enfants!","Goodnight, children!"
+ 434,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_699.flac,00002-f000689,0.3,"Lulu zu Bob Vite, mon enfant!",We must get away this moment!
+ 435,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_703.flac,00002-f000694,0.242857,"Bob A votre service, Madame!","Oh what, gracious lady!"
+ 436,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_704.flac,00002-f000695,0.248276,Lulu und Bob ins Speisezimmer ab.,You give me your clothes and put on mine.
+ 437,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_706.flac,00002-f000698,0.842431,"Die Türen werden aufgerissen, Bankier Puntschu, Journalist Heilmann, Alwa Schön, Bianetta Gazil, Madelaine de Marelle, Kadéga di Santa Croce und Ludmilla Steinherz kommen in den Salon.","Noise in the cardroom, the doors are torn open, and Puntschu, Heilmann, Alva, Bianetta, Magelone, Kadidia and Ludmilla enter, Heilmann holding a piece of paper with a glowing Alpine peak at its top."
+ 438,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_708.flac,00002-f000701,0.291429,"Puntschu Mais ça n'a pas cours, mon cher!","But that paper has no exchange, my friend."
+ 439,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_710.flac,00002-f000700,0.584091,Vous refusez de me donner ma revanche!,"Will you accept this share of Jungfraustock, sir?"
+ 440,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_712.flac,00002-f000701,0.15,Madelaine de Marelle Estce que vous y comprenez quelque chose?,"But that paper has no exchange, my friend."
+ 441,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_714.flac,00002-f000706,0.264706,"Heilmann Et le voilà maintenant qui quitte le jeu, ce filou!","Puntschu has taken all his money from him, and now gives up the game."
+ 442,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_716.flac,00002-f000705,0.230769,Puntschu Moi qui quitte le jeu,Have you any idea what it's all about?
+ 443,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_717.flac,00002-f000708,0.5375,"Que sa mise soit de l'argent, que Diable!",How have I given up the game?
+ 444,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_718.flac,00002-f000709,0.5,Je ne suis pas ici dans mon bureau de change.,How have I got cold feet?
+ 445,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_719.flac,00002-f000710,0.227027,Qu'il vienne demain à dix heures m'offrir son papier!,The gentleman has merely to lay plain cash!
+ 446,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_720.flac,00002-f000709,0.268421,Heilmann Mon papier?,How have I got cold feet?
+ 447,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_721.flac,00002-f000712,0.184615,"Voici seize cents francs, les actions que vous m'avez vendues!",He can proffer me his trash tomorrow morning!
+ 448,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_722.flac,00002-f000711,0.482143,Puntschu Mais pour jouer il vous faut de l'argent comptant!,Is this my bankingoffice I'm in?
+ 449,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_723.flac,00002-f000714,0.433333,"Wenn Sie einen bis auf den letzten Sou ausgeraubt haben, dann hat es plötzlich pas cours!",The stock in my knowledge is at !
+ 450,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_725.flac,00002-f000715,0.289655,"Je n'en sais rien, moi .Heilmann","Yesterday it was at, you're right."
+ 451,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_726.flac,00002-f000716,0.255,Sie Halsabschneider!,"Today, it's just nowhere."
+ 452,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_728.flac,00002-f000715,0.15,"Puntschu Mais voyons, mon ami, soyons raisonnable!","Yesterday it was at, you're right."
+ 453,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_729.flac,00002-f000716,0.821739,"Il n'a pas de valeur, votre titre.","Today, it's just nowhere."
+ 454,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_730.flac,00002-f000717,0.715528,"Les actions du Funiculaire de la JungFrau sont tombées, ce soir, jusqu'à quinze.",And tomorrow you'll find nothing cheaper or more tasteful to paper your stairs with.
+ 455,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_731.flac,00002-f000721,-0.052,Je viens d'en recevoir la nouvelle par télégramme.,Tomorrow morning I shall have the pleasure of taking up the struggle for an assured existence for the thirtysixth time!
+ 456,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_733.flac,00002-f000720,0.0555556,Alwa Mais comment ça se faitil?,"Well, what am I to say, who have lost my whole fortune in it!"
+ 457,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_734.flac,00002-f000722,0.225,Nous voilà sur le pavé!,Passing forward.
+ 458,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_735.flac,00002-f000723,0.192308,"Puntschu Et moi, qui perds toute une fortune!",Am I dreaming or do I really hear the Jungfraustock has fallen?
+ 459,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_737.flac,00002-f000725,0.3,Madelaine de Marelle Grand Dieu!,Tho you can use 'em for curlpaper.
+ 460,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_739.flac,00002-f000727,0.2,Sie sinkt in Ohnmacht.,Ten years' work!
+ 461,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_740.flac,00002-f000728,0.28,"Kad��ga Oh, maman!",Falls in a faint.
+ 462,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_742.flac,00002-f000729,0.245455,Elle meurt!,"Wake up, mama!"
+ 463,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_746.flac,00002-f000732,0.231818,Puntschu Si vous voulez.,"Wherever you like, young lady!"
+ 464,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_747.flac,00002-f000733,0.195652,"On y sera mieux, peutêtre.","Take me where you will, but quickly!"
+ 465,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_748.flac,00002-f000734,0.875,Il ne reste rien à faire ici.,Here it's getting frightful.
+ 466,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_749.flac,00002-f000735,0.945,Puntschu und Bianetta,Exeunt Puntschu and Bianetta.
+ 467,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_751.flac,00002-f000736,0.539394,Heilmann ballt seine Aktie zusammen und wirft sie zu Boden,Squeezing up his stock and flinging it to the ground.
+ 468,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_752.flac,00002-f000737,0.157143,Das hat man von dem Pack!,That is what one gets from this pack!
+ 469,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_753.flac,00002-f000738,1.15714,Warum spekulieren Sie auf die Jungfrau!,Why do you speculate on the Jungfrau too?
+ 470,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_754.flac,00002-f000739,0.108621,Vous enverrez quelques petites notes à Berlin et le mal sera réparé.,"Send a few little notices on the company to the German police here, and then you'll still win something in the end."
+ 471,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_755.flac,00002-f000740,0.154545,"Heilmann Vous avez beau dire, Madame!","I've never tried that in my life, but if you want to help me?"
+ 472,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_756.flac,00002-f000740,0.777955,Ich habe das Handwerk noch nicht so los wie Sie.,"I've never tried that in my life, but if you want to help me?"
+ 473,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_757.flac,00002-f000742,0.428571,Wollen Sie mich nicht als Ihren Geheimsekretär in Dienst nehmen?,Do you know the Fivefooted Calf?
+ 474,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_759.flac,00002-f000744,0.290909,"Venez, allons au Mouton à cinq pattes!","Or the Sucking Lamb, or the Smoking Dog?"
+ 475,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_760.flac,00002-f000745,0.2875,C'est tout près des Halles.,They're all right near here.
+ 476,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_761.flac,00002-f000745,0.225,Nous y sommes chez nous,They're all right near here.
+ 477,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_764.flac,00002-f000749,0.276,Ludmilla Steinherz La nuit?,Exeunt Heilmann and Ludmilla.
+ 478,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_767.flac,00002-f000752,0.382609,Alwa über Madelaine de Marelle gebeugt Elle a les mains glacées.,"Ah, what a splendid woman!"
+ 479,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_768.flac,00002-f000755,0.288889,"Qu'elle est belle, cette femme",She's so fearfully tightlaced.
+ 480,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_770.flac,00002-f000758,0.742552,"Lulu kommt aus dem Speisezimmer in Jockeymütze, rotem Jackett, weißen Lederhosen und Stulpstiefeln, einen Radmantel um die Schultern.","Lulu enters lower left in a jockeycap, red jacket, white leather breeches and riding boots, a riding cape over her shoulders."
+ 481,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_773.flac,00002-f000762,0.28,In zwei Minuten kommt die Polizei.,In two minutes the police'll be here.
+ 482,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_774.flac,00002-f000763,1.78125,Wir sind verraten.,We are denounced.
+ 483,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_775.flac,00002-f000764,0.613187,"Bleib hier, wenn du Lust hast!","You can stay of course, if you're eager to!"
+ 484,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_777.flac,00002-f000766,0.0375,Lulu und Alwa verlassen den Salon.,Merciful Heaven!
+ 485,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_779.flac,00002-f000768,0.338462,Madelaine de Marelle zu sich kommend Et la jeunesse et les beaux jours passés!,"Shaking her mother, in tears."
+ 486,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_780.flac,00002-f000769,0.272727,Oh cette vie!,"Mama, Mama!"
+ 487,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_784.flac,00002-f000775,0.0923077,Saistu bien ce que tu dis!,"Oh, this life!"
+ 488,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_786.flac,00002-f000778,0.16875,J'y chanterai mon désastre; voilà ce qui les amusera!,I don't want to go back to the convent!
+ 489,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_787.flac,00002-f000779,0.661905,"Kadéga Mais tu n'as pas de voix, maman.","Please, mama, keep me with you!"
+ 490,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_789.flac,00002-f000780,0.25,Ne veuxtu pas m'y mener avec toi?,"God bless you, sweetheart!"
+ 491,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_791.flac,00002-f000783,0.166667,"Ça non, par exemple!","But you've got no voice, mama!"
+ 492,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter2_792.flac,00002-f000784,0.268421,Kadéga Mais justament!,"Ah, yes, that's true!"
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@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_3.flac,00003-f000001,0.535223,Zwei große Scheiben in der Flucht des Daches öffnen sich nach oben.,"ACT III An attic room, without windows, but with two skylights, under one of which stands a bowl filled with rainwater."
+ 1,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_4.flac,00003-f000002,0.470833,Rechts und links vorn je eine schlechtschließende Tür.,"Down right, a door thru a board partition into a sort of cubicle under the slanting roof."
+ 2,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_5.flac,00003-f000003,0.6,Im rechten Proszenium eine zerrissene graue Matratze.,"Near it, a wobbly flowertable with a bottle and a smoking oillamp on it."
+ 3,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_8.flac,00003-f000009,0.529139,"Auf der Chaiselongue links in der Ecke liegt Alwa Schön, in einen Plaid gewickelt, dessen Riemen über ihm an der Wand hängt.","Schigolch in a long gray overcoat lies on the mattress; Alva on the couch, wrapped in a plaid whose straps still hang on the wall above him."
+ 4,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_9.flac,00003-f000008,1.24783,Der Regen trommelt zur Parade.,The rain beats on the roof.
+ 5,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_11.flac,00003-f000011,0.606767,"Lulu in halblangem Haar, das ihr offen über die Schulter fällt, tritt barfuß in abgerissenem schwarzen Kleide von links vorn ein mit einer Waschschüssel, die sie unter den Tropfenfall setzt.",Cheerful weather for her first appearance!
+ 6,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_12.flac,00003-f000012,0.509341,"Wo bleibst du denn, mein Kind?",I dreamt just now we were dining together at Olympia.
+ 7,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_13.flac,00003-f000013,1.15,Hast du dir erst noch die Hände gewaschen?,Bianetta was still with us.
+ 8,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_14.flac,00003-f000011,0.720677,Alwa Reinlichkeit ist der Schmuck der Armut.,Cheerful weather for her first appearance!
+ 9,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_15.flac,00003-f000012,0.714618,"Lulu sich aufrichtend, ihr Haar zurückschlagend",I dreamt just now we were dining together at Olympia.
+ 10,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_16.flac,00003-f000013,0.675,Wenn nur du erst hier aus dem Wege wärst.,Bianetta was still with us.
+ 11,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_17.flac,00003-f000017,0.123529,"Alwa Mir träumte eben, wir dinierten zusammen chez Maxime.","Lulu appears, back, barefoot, in a torn black dress, but with her hair falling to her shoulders."
+ 12,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_18.flac,00003-f000016,1.09714,Bianetta Gazil war noch mit dabei.,And I was dreaming of a Christmas pudding.
+ 13,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_19.flac,00003-f000018,0.1,Ich hatte fers de cheval bestellt.,Where have you been?
+ 14,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_24.flac,00003-f000023,0.9,Der erste Schritt kostet immer allerhand Geächz und Gestöhn.,The first step always costs all kinds of moaning and groaning.
+ 15,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_25.flac,00003-f000024,0.627381,Vor zwanzig Jahren war das mit ihr um kein Haar besser; und was hat sie seitdem gelernt!,"Twenty years ago it was no whit better, and what she has learned since then!"
+ 16,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_26.flac,00003-f000025,0.486111,Die Kohlen müssen nur erst gehörig angefacht sein.,The coals only have to be blown.
+ 17,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_27.flac,00003-f000026,0.8875,"Wenn sie acht Tage dabei ist, halten sie keine zehn Lokomotiven mehr hier in unserer ärmlichen Dachkammer.","When she's been at it a week, not ten locomotives will hold her in our miserable attic."
+ 18,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_31.flac,00003-f000030,1.29365,Lulu steigt auf einen Stuhl und leert die Waschschale durch die Dachluke hinaus,Lulu gets up on the chair and empties the bowl thru the skylight.
+ 19,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_36.flac,00003-f000035,0.045,Wozu dieses Leben noch in die Länge ziehen!,Why prolong this life?
+ 20,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_37.flac,00003-f000036,0.752448,Laßt uns lieber heute abend noch in Frieden und Eintracht zusammen verhungern.,Let's rather starve to death together this very evening in peace and concord!
+ 21,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_38.flac,00003-f000037,0.9875,Es ist ja doch die letzte Station.,Is it not the last stage now?
+ 22,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_39.flac,00003-f000038,0.665,Warum gehst denn du Faultier nicht hin und schaffst uns was zu essen?,Why don't you go out and get us something to eat?
+ 23,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_41.flac,00003-f000040,0.518524,"Bei diesem Wetter, bei dem man keinen Hund vor die Türe jagt!","In this weather, when no one would kick a dog from his door?"
+ 24,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_44.flac,00003-f000043,0.614583,Ich rühre keinen Happen an von dem Geld.,I don't touch a farthing of the money!
+ 25,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_46.flac,00003-f000044,0.34,Sie hat mit fünfzehn Jahren ihre Familie ernährt.,"Let her go, just!"
+ 26,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_47.flac,00003-f000045,0.747059,Ich sehne mich noch nach einem ChristmasPudding; dann habe ich genug.,I long for one more Christmas pudding; then I've had enough.
+ 27,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_49.flac,00003-f000047,0.707882,"Mir träumte eben von einer Zigarette, wie ich sie noch nie geraucht habe.","I was just dreaming of a cigarette, such as has never yet been smoked!"
+ 28,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_51.flac,00003-f000049,0.916579,"Die Menschen auf der Straße lassen mir eher Mantel und Rock in den Händen, ehe sie umsonst mitgehen.",The people on the street will sooner leave cloak and coat in my hands than go with me for nothing!
+ 29,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_52.flac,00003-f000050,0.586268,"Hättet ihr meine Kleider nicht verkauft, dann brauchte ich wenigstens das Laternenlicht nicht zu scheuen.","If you hadn't sold my clothes, I at least wouldn't need to be afraid of the lamplight."
+ 30,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_53.flac,00003-f000051,0.786957,"Ich möchte das Weib sehen, das in den Lumpen, die ich am Leib trage, noch was verdient.",I'd like to see the woman who could earn anything in the rags I'm wearing on my body!
+ 31,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_55.flac,00003-f000053,0.745375,"Solange ich noch Geld hatte, brachte ich Nächte damit hin, Tabellen aufzubauen, mit denen man den perfektesten Falschspielern gegenüber hätte gewinnen müssen.",As long as I had money I spent whole nights making up tables with which one couldn't help winning against the cleverest cardsharps.
+ 32,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_56.flac,00003-f000054,0.962713,"Und dabei verlor ich Abend für Abend mehr, als wenn ich die Goldstücke eimerweise zum Fenster hinausgeschüttet hätte.",And yet evening after evening I lost more than if I had shaken out gold by the pailful.
+ 33,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_57.flac,00003-f000055,0.288158,"Dann bot ich mich den Kurtisanen an; aber die nehmen keinen, den ihnen die Justiz nicht vorher abgestempelt hat.","Then I offered my services to the courtesans; but they don't take anyone without the stamps of the courts, and they see at the first glance if one's related to the guillotine or not."
+ 34,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_58.flac,00003-f000055,0.288158,"Und das sehen sie einem auf den ersten Blick an, ob man Beziehungen zum Galgen hat oder nicht.","<MERGE> Then I offered my services to the courtesans; but they don't take anyone without the stamps of the courts, and they see at the first glance if one's related to the guillotine or not."
+ 35,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_61.flac,00003-f000058,0.632967,"Wer die menschliche Gesellschaft nicht überwunden hat, der findet kein Vertrauen bei ihnen.","He who has not prevailed over society, they have no confidence in."
+ 36,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_63.flac,00003-f000060,1.19333,"Ich glaube, ich werde in dieser Behausung nicht mehr viel älter werden.",I don't think I shall grow much older in this lodging.
+ 37,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_64.flac,00003-f000061,0.898558,Von den Zehenspitzen aufwärts habe ich schon seit Paris kein Gefühl mehr.,It's months since I had any feeling in the ends of my toes.
+ 38,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_65.flac,00003-f000062,0.128409,Nachgerade wird es auch Zeit für mich.,"Toward midnight, I'll drink a bit more down in the pub."
+ 39,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_66.flac,00003-f000062,0.846154,"Und dann die Reiselust, die mich in Atem hält.","Toward midnight, I'll drink a bit more down in the pub."
+ 40,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_69.flac,00003-f000064,0.958772,"In des drei Teufels Namen, ich gehe hinunter!","In the name of the three devils, I'll go down!"
+ 41,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_70.flac,00003-f000065,0.736364,Sie nimmt die Whiskyflasche vom Blumentisch und setzt sie an den Mund.,She puts to her mouth the bottle on the flowertable.
+ 42,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_72.flac,00003-f000067,0.868421,Ich trinke nicht alles.,I shan't drink it all.
+ 43,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_74.flac,00003-f000070,0.811765,Du gehst nicht hinunter!,You shan't go down.
+ 44,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_77.flac,00003-f000073,0.266667,Wer ist daran schuld?!,Whose fault is that?
+ 45,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_78.flac,00003-f000074,0.951515,Wer anders als meine Frau hat mich auf das Krankenlager gebracht.,Who but my woman has laid me on the sickbed?
+ 46,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_81.flac,00003-f000077,0.975,Wer hat mich zum Mörder meines Vaters gemacht?,Who has made me my father's murderer?
+ 47,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_82.flac,00003-f000078,0.80625,Hast du ihn erschossen?,Did you shoot him?
+ 48,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_83.flac,00003-f000079,0.879436,"Er hat nicht viel verloren, aber wenn ich dich dort liegen sehe, dann möchte ich mir beide Hände dafür abhacken, daß ich mich so gegen meine Vernunft versündigt habe!","He didn't lose much, but when I see you lying there I could hack off both my hands for having sinned so against my judgment!"
+ 49,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_84.flac,00003-f000080,1.08214,Sie geht nach links in ihre Kammer.,"She goes out, into her room."
+ 50,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_87.flac,00003-f000083,0.43633,"Solche Teufelsracker können gar nicht früh genug mit dem Erdulden anfangen, wenn noch Engel daraus werden sollen.","Little devils like her can't begin putting up with it too soon, if angels are ever going to come out of them."
+ 51,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_88.flac,00003-f000084,0.515385,Sie hätte als Kaiserin von Rußland geboren werden müssen.,She ought to have been born Empress of Russia.
+ 52,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_89.flac,00003-f000085,0.26,Da wäre sie an ihrem Platz gewesen.,Then she'd have been in the right place.
+ 53,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_90.flac,00003-f000086,0.766667,Eine zweite Katharina die Zweite.,A second Catherine the Second!
+ 54,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_91.flac,00003-f000087,0.613636,"Lulu kommt mit einem Paar ausgetretener Stiefeletten aus ihrer Kammer zurück und setzt sich auf die Diele, um sie anzuziehen.","Lulu reenters with a wornout pair of boots, and sits on the floor to put them on."
+ 55,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_93.flac,00003-f000089,0.275,"Hu, wie kalt!","Ugh, how cold!"
+ 56,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_94.flac,00003-f000090,1.38,Gibt es etwas Traurigeres auf dieser Welt als ein Freudenmädchen!,Is there anything in the world more dismal than a daughter of joy?
+ 57,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_96.flac,00003-f000092,0.492727,Es muß nur erst der richtige Zug ins Geschäft kommen.,She's only got to take the right road into the business at the start.
+ 58,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_98.flac,00003-f000095,0.541071,Sie setzt die Whiskyflasche an Ça me chauffe!,Puts the bottle to her lips.
+ 59,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_99.flac,00003-f000096,0.218182,Ça m'excite,That warms one!
+ 60,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_100.flac,00003-f000097,1.27273,O verflucht!,O accursed!
+ 61,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_103.flac,00003-f000100,0.285714,Es ist ein Jammer um sie!,I'm damned sorry for her!
+ 62,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_104.flac,00003-f000101,0.50625,Wenn ich zurückdenke ich bin doch gewissermaßen mit ihr zusammen aufgewachsen.,When I think back.
+ 63,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_105.flac,00003-f000103,0.581905,"Solange ich lebe, hält sie jedenfalls noch vor.","She'll hold out as long as I live, anyway."
+ 64,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_107.flac,00003-f000105,0.857143,Mama lebte damals noch.,Mama was still living then.
+ 65,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_108.flac,00003-f000106,1.19333,Ich traf sie eines Morgens zufällig bei der Toilette.,I met her by chance one morning when she was dressing.
+ 66,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_109.flac,00003-f000107,0.895614,Doktor Goll war zu einer Konsultation gerufen worden.,Dr. Goll had been called for a consultation.
+ 67,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_110.flac,00003-f000108,0.262952,"Ihr Friseur hatte mein erstes Gedicht gelesen, das ich in der Gesellschaft hatte drucken lassen:","Her hairdresser had read my first poem, that I'd had printed in Society: Follow thy pack far over the mountains; it will return again, covered with sweat and dust SCHIGOLCH."
+ 68,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_111.flac,00003-f000108,0.262952,Hetz deine Meute weit über die Berge hin; sie kehrt wieder von Schweiß und von Staub bedeckt.,"<MERGE> Her hairdresser had read my first poem, that I'd had printed in Society: Follow thy pack far over the mountains; it will return again, covered with sweat and dust SCHIGOLCH."
+ 69,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_112.flac,00003-f000109,0.3,Oh yes!,"Oh, ya!"
+ 70,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_114.flac,00003-f000111,0.912121,Doktor Goll schien seinen nahen Tod zu ahnen.,Dr. Goll seemed to feel his death near.
+ 71,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_115.flac,00003-f000112,0.97049,"Er bat mich, mit ihr zu tanzen, damit sie keine Tollheiten anstellte.","He asked me to dance with her, so she shouldn't cause any mad acts."
+ 72,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_116.flac,00003-f000113,0.854762,"Derweil wandte Papa kein Auge von uns, und sie sah während des Walzers über meine Schulter weg nur nach ihm.","Papa meanwhile never turned his eyes from us, and all thru the waltz she was looking over my shoulder, only at him."
+ 73,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_117.flac,00003-f000114,1.41818,Nachher hat sie ihn erschossen.,Afterwards she shot him.
+ 74,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_118.flac,00003-f000115,1.05,Es ist unglaublich.,It is unbelievable.
+ 75,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_120.flac,00003-f000117,0.689862,Ich möchte es auch niemandem raten!,I shouldn't like to advise it to anybody!
+ 76,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_121.flac,00003-f000118,1.15882,Schigolch Dieses Rindvieh!,Schigolch grunts.
+ 77,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_122.flac,00003-f000119,0.688835,"Alwa Sie hatte damals, obgleich sie als Weib schon vollkommen entwickelt war, den Ausdruck eines fünfjährigen, munteren, kerngesunden Kindes.","At that time, tho she was a fully developed woman, she had the expression of a fiveyearold, joyous, utterly healthy child."
+ 78,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_124.flac,00003-f000122,0.546,"Aus dem Schwesterchen, das sich in seiner Ehe noch wie ein Schulmädchen fühlte, wurde dann eine unglückliche hysterische Künstlersfrau.","Out of the little sister who at her marriage still felt like a schoolgirl, came the unhappy, hysterical artist's wife."
+ 79,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_125.flac,00003-f000123,0.617045,Aus der Künstlersgattin wurde dann die Frau meines seligen Vaters; aus der Frau meines Vaters wurde meine Geliebte. Das ist nun einmal so der Lauf der Welt; wer will dagegen aufkommen.,"Out of the artist's wife came then the spouse of my blessed father, and out of her came, then, my mistress."
+ 80,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_127.flac,00003-f000126,0.521073,Ich küßte sie zum erstenmal in ihrer rauschenden Brauttoilette; aber nachher wußte sie nichts mehr davon.,If only she doesn't skid away from the gentlemen with honorable intentions and bring us up instead some vagabond she's exchanged her heart's secrets with.
+ 81,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_128.flac,00003-f000128,0.419748,"Trotzdem glaube ich, daß sie in den Armen meines Vaters schon an mich gedacht hat.",But afterwards she didn't remember it.
+ 82,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_129.flac,00003-f000128,0.248276,Oft kann es ja nicht gewesen sein.,But afterwards she didn't remember it.
+ 83,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_130.flac,00003-f000129,0.832759,"Er hatte seine Zeit hinter sich, und sie betrog ihn mit Kutscher und Stiefelputzer.","All the same, I believe she had thought of me even in my father's arms."
+ 84,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_131.flac,00003-f000130,1.29089,"Aber wenn sie sich ihm gab, dann stand ich vor ihrer Seele.","It can't have been often with him: he had his best time behind him, and she deceived him with coachman and bootblack; but when she did give herself to him, then I stood before her soul."
+ 85,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_132.flac,00003-f000131,0.61,"Dadurch hat sie auch, ohne daß ich mich dessen versehen konnte, diese furchtbare Gewalt über mich erlangt.","Thru that, too, without my realizing it, she attained this dreadful power over me."
+ 86,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_136.flac,00003-f000135,0.7,Ich will das nicht erleben!,I will not endure it!
+ 87,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_137.flac,00003-f000136,0.3,Ich werfe den Kerl hinaus!,I'll throw the fellow out!
+ 88,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_140.flac,00003-f000140,0.238235,Aber wenn er ihr Gemeinheiten zumutet!,But if he demands other thingslow thingsof her?
+ 89,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_142.flac,00003-f000142,0.277778,Was will er ihr denn noch zumuten!,What more will he demand of her?
+ 90,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_143.flac,00003-f000143,0.966667,Er ist auch nur ein Mensch wie wir.,He's only a man like the rest of us!
+ 91,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_146.flac,00003-f000146,0.27,Kusch dich!,Nonsense!
+ 92,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_148.flac,00003-f000148,0.677273,"Ich werde schon hören, was vorgeht.",I'll hear it soon enough.
+ 93,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_149.flac,00003-f000149,0.24375,Gnade ihm der Himmel!,Heaven spare him!
+ 94,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_151.flac,00003-f000151,0.2625,Von innen,Shut up!
+ 95,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_153.flac,00003-f000152,0.166667,Alwa von innen,Faintly.
+ 96,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_154.flac,00003-f000153,0.268421,Der soll sich vorsehen.,He'd better look out!
+ 97,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_155.flac,00003-f000154,-0.006,Lulu öffnet die Mitteltür und läßt Mr. Hopkins eintreten.,"Lulu enters, followed by Hunidei, a gigantic figure with a smoothshaven, rosy face, skyblue eyes, and a friendly smile."
+ 98,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_156.flac,00003-f000154,-0.006,"Mr. Hopkins ist ein Mann von hünenhafter Gestalt, glattrasiertem rosigen Gesicht, himmelblauen Augen und freundlichem Lächeln.","<MERGE> Lulu enters, followed by Hunidei, a gigantic figure with a smoothshaven, rosy face, skyblue eyes, and a friendly smile."
+ 99,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_157.flac,00003-f000155,0.487133,Er trägt Havelock und Zylinder und hält in der Hand den triefenden Schirm.,He wears a tall hat and overcoat and carries a dripping umbrella.
+ 100,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_159.flac,00003-f000157,0.956101,Hopkins legt den Zeigefinger auf den Mund und sieht Lulu bedeutungsvoll an.,Hunidei puts his finger to his lips and looks at Lulu significantly.
+ 101,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_160.flac,00003-f000158,0.566667,Darauf spannt er seinen Schirm auf und stellt ihn im Hintergrund zum Trocknen auf die Diele.,"Then he opens his umbrella and puts it on the floor, rear, to dry."
+ 102,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_161.flac,00003-f000159,0.604412,Lulu It's not just too comfortable here,"Of course, I know it isn't very comfortable here."
+ 103,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_162.flac,00003-f000160,1.65087,Hopkins kommt nach vorn und hält ihr die Hand vor den Mund.,Hunidei comes forward and puts his hand over her mouth.
+ 104,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_163.flac,00003-f000161,1.54737,Lulu What do you mean?,What do you mean me to understand by that?
+ 105,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_164.flac,00003-f000162,1.29365,Mr. Hopkins legt ihr die Hand vor den Mund und hält den Zeigefinger an die Lippen.,"Hunidei puts his hand over her mouth, and his finger to his lips."
+ 106,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_165.flac,00003-f000163,0.788,Lulu I don't understand that.,I don't know what that means.
+ 107,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_166.flac,00003-f000164,1.252,Hopkins hält ihr den Mund zu.,Hunidei quickly stops her mouth.
+ 108,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_168.flac,00003-f000167,0.26,There is nobody.,No one will hear us.
+ 109,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_169.flac,00003-f000168,1.0728,"Hopkins legt den Zeigefinger an die Lippen, schüttelt verneinend den Kopf, zeigt auf Lulu, öffnet den Mund wie zum Sprechen, zeigt auf sich und dann auf die Türe.","Hunidei lays his finger on his lips, shakes his head, points at Lulu, opens his mouth as if to speak, points at himself and then at the door."
+ 110,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_170.flac,00003-f000169,0.273913,"Lulu Mon Dieu, quel monstre!","Herr Gott, he's a monster!"
+ 111,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_171.flac,00003-f000170,0.39802,Mr. Hopkins hält ihr den Mund zu.,"Hunidei stops her mouth; then goes rear, folds up his overcoat and lays it over the chair near the door; then comes down with a broad smile, takes Lulu's head in both his hands and kisses her on the forehead."
+ 112,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_172.flac,00003-f000170,0.39802,"Darauf geht er nach hinten, faßt seinen Havelock zusammen und legt ihn über den Stuhl neben der Tür.","<MERGE> Hunidei stops her mouth; then goes rear, folds up his overcoat and lays it over the chair near the door; then comes down with a broad smile, takes Lulu's head in both his hands and kisses her on the forehead."
+ 113,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_174.flac,00003-f000171,1.084,Schigolch hinter der halboffenen Tür rechts vorn,"The door, right, half opens."
+ 114,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_175.flac,00003-f000153,0.264706,Der hat den Spleen.,He'd better look out!
+ 115,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_176.flac,00003-f000172,0.2,Er soll sich vorsehen!,Behind the door.
+ 116,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_179.flac,00003-f000178,0.386905,Hopkins hält ihr den Mund zu und drückt ihr ein Zehnschillingstück in die Hand.,"Hunidei stops her mouth and presses a goldpiece in her hand, then looks at her uncertain, questioningly, as she examines it and throws it from one hand to the other."
+ 117,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_182.flac,00003-f000180,0.457143,Lulu das Geldstück in die Tasche steckend Allright!,Puts it into her pocket.
+ 118,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_183.flac,00003-f000181,0.586275,"Mr. Hopkins hält ihr rasch den Mund zu, gibt ihr ein Fünfschillingstück und wirft ihr einen gebieterischen Blick zu.","Hunidei quickly stops her mouth, gives her a few silver coins, and glances at her commandingly."
+ 119,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_184.flac,00003-f000182,0.3,Lulu You are generous!,"Oh, that's nice of you!"
+ 120,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_185.flac,00003-f000183,0.764,"Mr. Hopkins springt wie wahnsinnig im Zimmer umher, fuchtelt mit den Armen in der Luft und starrt verzweiflungsvoll gen Himmel.","Hunidei leaps madly about the room, brandishing his arms and staring upward in despair."
+ 121,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_186.flac,00003-f000184,1.03636,"Lulu nähert sich ihm vorsichtig, schlingt den Arm um ihn und küßt ihn auf den Mund.","Lulu cautiously nears him, throws an arm round him and kisses him on the mouth."
+ 122,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_187.flac,00003-f000185,0.81733,Hopkins macht sich lautlos lachend von ihr los und blickt fragend im Zimmer umher.,"Laughing soundlessly, he frees himself from her and looks questioningly."
+ 123,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_188.flac,00003-f000186,1.47585,"Lulu nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentisch, wirft Mr. Hopkins einen verheißungsvollen Blick zu und öffnet die Tür zu ihrer Kammer.",She takes up the lamp and opens the door to her room.
+ 124,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_189.flac,00003-f000187,0.39697,"Hopkins tritt lächelnd ein, indem er unter der Tür seinen Hut lüftet.","He goes in smiling, taking off his hat."
+ 125,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_190.flac,00003-f000188,0.141737,Lulu folgt ihm.,The stage is dark save for what light comes thru the cracks of the door.
+ 126,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_191.flac,00003-f000188,0.141737,"Die Bühne ist finster bis auf einen Lichtstrahl, der von links durch die Türspalte dringt.",<MERGE> The stage is dark save for what light comes thru the cracks of the door.
+ 127,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_192.flac,00003-f000189,1.125,Alwa und Schigolch kriechen auf allen Vieren aus ihrem Verschlag.,Alva and Schigolch creep out on all fours.
+ 128,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_195.flac,00003-f000193,0.836842,Hier hört man nichts.,One can hear nothing here.
+ 129,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_197.flac,00003-f000195,1.14514,Ich will vor ihrer Türe knien.,I will kneel before her door.
+ 130,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_198.flac,00003-f000196,0.285714,Dieses Muttersöhnchen!,Little mother's sonny!
+ 131,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_199.flac,00003-f000197,0.6,"Er drückt sich an Alwa vorbei, tappt über die Bühne, nimmt Mr. Hopkins' Havelock vom Stuhl und durchsucht die Taschen.","Presses past Alva, gropes across the stage to Hunidei's coat, and searches the pockets."
+ 132,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_200.flac,00003-f000198,0.5875,Alwa hat sich vor Lulus Kammertür geschlichen.,Alva crawls to Lulu's door.
+ 133,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_201.flac,00003-f000199,0.12,Schigolch Handschuhe sonst nichts!,"Gloves, nothing more!"
+ 134,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_203.flac,00003-f000200,0.338667,"Alwa hält das Buch in den Lichtstrahl, der durch die Tür dringt, und entziffert mühsam das Titelblatt Lessons for those who are","Turns the coat round, searches the inside pockets, pulls a book out that he gives to Alva."
+ 135,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_204.flac,00003-f000201,0.284211,and those who want to be,Just see what that is.
+ 136,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_205.flac,00003-f000202,0.225,Christian Workers with a preface by Rev.,Alva holds the book to the light.
+ 137,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_208.flac,00003-f000205,2.3,Very helpful.,Very helpful.
+ 138,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_209.flac,00003-f000206,0.257143,Price three shillings six.,"Price, s. d. SCHIGOLCH."
+ 139,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_210.flac,00003-f000207,0.570175,Der scheint ganz von Gott verlassen zu sein.,It looks to me as if God had left him pretty completely.
+ 140,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_211.flac,00003-f000208,0.485486,Legt den Mantel über den Stuhl und tastet sich nach dem Verschlag zurück,Lays the coat over the chair again and makes for the cubbyhole.
+ 141,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_212.flac,00003-f000209,0.596571,Es ist nichts hier in London.,There's nothing doing with these people.
+ 142,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_213.flac,00003-f000209,0.291667,Die Nation hat ihre Glanzzeit hinter sich.,There's nothing doing with these people.
+ 143,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_214.flac,00003-f000211,0.811828,"Das Leben ist nie so schlimm, wie man es sich vorstellt.",Life is never as bad as it's painted.
+ 144,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_215.flac,00003-f000211,0.193548,Er kriecht ebenfalls nach dem Verschlag zurück.,Life is never as bad as it's painted.
+ 145,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_217.flac,00003-f000213,0.636084,Und dabei kriechen wir in Deutschland vor dem Pack auf dem Bauch!,Not even a silk muffler he's got and yet in Germany we creep on our bellies before this rabble.
+ 146,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_220.flac,00003-f000215,0.642692,"Sie denkt an nichts als an ihr Vergnügen und nimmt den ersten, der ihr in den Weg läuft.","She only thinks of herself, and takes the first man that runs across her path."
+ 147,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_221.flac,00003-f000216,0.5175,Hoffentlich vergißt der Hund sie zeit seines Lebens nicht.,Hope the dog remembers her the rest of his life!
+ 148,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_222.flac,00003-f000217,0.771014,Schigolch und Alwa verkriechen sich in ihr Kämmerchen und schließen die Tür hinter sich.,"They disappear, left, shutting the door behind them."
+ 149,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_223.flac,00003-f000218,0.928205,Darauf kommt Lulu mit Mr. Hopkins aus ihrer Kammer.,"Lulu reenters, setting the lamp on the table."
+ 150,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_225.flac,00003-f000220,1.401,Lulu Do you think to come again?,Will you come to see me again?
+ 151,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_226.flac,00003-f000221,0.163636,"Lulu etwas verklärt, blickt in einer Art Verzweiflung gen Himmel und schüttelt den Kopf.",Hunidei stops her mouth.
+ 152,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_227.flac,00003-f000222,0.368269,Hopkins hat seinen Havelock übergeworfen und nähert sich ihr mit grinsendem Lächeln.,She looks upward in a sort of despair and shakes her head.
+ 153,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_228.flac,00003-f000223,0.971591,"Sie wirft sich ihm an den Hals, worauf er sich sachte losmacht, ihr die Hand küßt und sich zur Türe wendet.","Hunidei, putting his coat on, approaches her grinning; she throws her arms around his neck; he gently frees himself, kisses her hand, and turns to the door."
+ 154,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_229.flac,00003-f000224,0.49625,"Sie will ihn begleiten, er winkt ihr aber zurückzubleiben und verläßt geräuschlos das Gemach.","She starts to accompany him, but he signs to her to stay behind and noiselessly leaves the room."
+ 155,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_230.flac,00003-f000225,1.308,Schigolch und Alwa kommen aus ihrem Verschlag.,Schigolch and Alva reenter.
+ 156,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_232.flac,00003-f000228,0.257143,Wieviel hat er dir gegeben?,How much did he give you?
+ 157,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_233.flac,00003-f000228,0.285,Fünfzehn Schillinge.,How much did he give you?
+ 158,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_235.flac,00003-f000232,0.2625,Nimm sie!,Take it!
+ 159,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_236.flac,00003-f000233,0.836842,Ich gehe wieder hinunter.,I'm going down again.
+ 160,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_238.flac,00003-f000235,1.03,Er kommt zurück.,He's coming back.
+ 161,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_243.flac,00003-f000242,0.284211,Das ist jemand anders.,That's some one else.
+ 162,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_246.flac,00003-f000245,0.196154,Jetzt tappt jemand an der Tür.,Now there's some one tapping at the door.
+ 163,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_247.flac,00003-f000246,0.878571,Wer mag das sein?,Who may that be?
+ 164,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_249.flac,00003-f000248,0.3,Herein!,Come in!
+ 165,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_251.flac,00003-f000249,0.746784,Sie ist in ärmlicher Kleidung und trägt eine Leinwandrolle in der Hand.,"Countess Geschwitz enters, in poor clothes, with a canvas roll in her hand."
+ 166,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_254.flac,00003-f000252,0.692,Ich habe allerdings seit zehn Tagen mit keiner menschlichen Seele gesprochen.,"The truth is, I haven't spoken to a living soul for ten days."
+ 167,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_255.flac,00003-f000253,1.18395,"Ich muß dir nur gleich sagen, daß ich kein Geld bekommen habe.","I must just tell you right off, I haven't got any money."
+ 168,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_256.flac,00003-f000254,0.991935,Mein Bruder hat mir gar nicht geantwortet.,My brother never answered me at all.
+ 169,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_257.flac,00003-f000255,0.508621,Jetzt möchten gräfliche Gnaden gerne ihre Füße unter unsern Tisch strecken?,Your ladyship would now like to stretch her feet out under our table?
+ 170,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_259.flac,00003-f000258,0.355263,Die Geschwitz Wo willst du in dem Aufzug hin?,"Where are you going in this pomp?However, I come not wholly emptyhanded."
+ 171,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_260.flac,00003-f000258,0.490476,Ich komme trotzdem nicht mit ganz leeren Händen.,"Where are you going in this pomp?However, I come not wholly emptyhanded."
+ 172,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_261.flac,00003-f000259,0.775,Ich bringe dir etwas anderes.,I bring you something else.
+ 173,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_262.flac,00003-f000260,0.795395,Auf dem Wege hierher am Leicester Square bot mir ein Trödler noch zwölf Schillinge dafür.,"On my way here an oldclothes man offered me twelve shillings for it, but I could not force myself to part from it."
+ 174,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_263.flac,00003-f000261,0.172727,"Ich brachte es nicht übers Herz, mich davon zu trennen.","You can sell it, though, if you want to."
+ 175,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_266.flac,00003-f000264,0.288889,Alwa Lassen Sie doch mal sehen.,Takes the canvas and unrolls it.
+ 176,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_269.flac,00003-f000268,0.246429,Und das bringst du Ungeheuer hierher?,"Monster, you brought that here?"
+ 177,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_271.flac,00003-f000272,0.273913,Werft es zum Fenster hinaus!,"Why, I should like to know?"
+ 178,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_272.flac,00003-f000272,0.89,Warum nicht gar!,"Why, I should like to know?"
+ 179,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_273.flac,00003-f000273,0.519048,Diesem Porträt gegenüber gewinne ich meine Selbstachtung wieder.,Looking on this picture I regain my selfrespect.
+ 180,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_274.flac,00003-f000274,1.12078,Es macht mir mein Verhängnis begreiflich.,It makes my fate comprehensible to me.
+ 181,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_277.flac,00003-f000278,1.4625,Man muß es annageln.,We must nail it up.
+ 182,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_279.flac,00003-f000281,0.565751,Da drüben steckt schon ein Nagel dafür in der Wand.,There's a nail sticking all ready for it in the wall.
+ 183,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_280.flac,00003-f000282,0.648529,Wie kommen Sie denn zu der Akquisition?,But how did you come upon this acquisition?
+ 184,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_282.flac,00003-f000284,0.57907,"Alwa Schade, daß am Rande die Farbe abgeblättert ist!",Too bad the color's got rubbed off round the edges.
+ 185,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_283.flac,00003-f000285,0.229412,Sie haben es nicht vorsichtig genug aufgerollt.,You didn't roll it up carefully enough.
+ 186,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_285.flac,00003-f000287,0.509937,"Es muß unten noch einer durch, wenn es halten soll.",It's got to have another one underneath if it's going to hold.
+ 187,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_287.flac,00003-f000289,0.744828,"Alwa Laßt mich nur, ich weiß schon, wie ich es mache.",Let me alone; I know how I'll do it.
+ 188,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_288.flac,00003-f000290,0.653268,"Er reißt verschiedene Nägel aus der Wand, zieht sich den linken Stiefel aus und schlägt die Nägel mit dem Stiefelabsatz durch den Rand des Bildes in die Mauer.","He tears several nails out of the wall, pulls off his left boot, and with its heel nails the edges of the picture to the wall."
+ 189,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_291.flac,00003-f000293,0.727273,Alwa seinen Stiefel wieder anziehend,"Putting on his boot again, standing up proudly."
+ 190,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_292.flac,00003-f000294,0.933902,"Ihr Körper stand auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Entfaltung, als das Bild gemalt wurde.",Her body was at its highest point of development when that picture was painted.
+ 191,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_293.flac,00003-f000295,0.229412,"Die Lampe, liebes Kind!","The lamp, kid dear!"
+ 192,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_296.flac,00003-f000298,0.721212,Lulu mit der Lampe vor das Bild tretend,"Perfectly composed again, stepping before the picture with the lamp."
+ 193,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_297.flac,00003-f000299,0.747826,Hast du ihn denn nicht gekannt?,"Didn't you know him, then?"
+ 194,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_299.flac,00003-f000301,0.724761,"Ich hörte nur zuweilen noch abfällige Bemerkungen von euch darüber, daß er sich in seinem Verfolgungswahn den Hals abgeschnitten habe.","I only occasionally heard chance remarks of yours, that he had cut his throat from persecutionmania."
+ 195,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_301.flac,00003-f000303,1.12644,"Der kindliche Ausdruck in den Augen ist trotz allem, was sie seitdem genossen hat, noch ganz derselbe.",The childlike expression in the eyes is still absolutely the same in spite of all she has lived thru since.
+ 196,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_303.flac,00003-f000307,0.285,Das alles ist mit dem Kehrichtwagen gefahren.,She can say with selfassurance: That was me once!
+ 197,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_305.flac,00003-f000309,0.25,Das war ich mal!,Cheerfully.
+ 198,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_306.flac,00003-f000308,1.34729,"Wem sie heute in die Hände gerät, der macht sich keinen Begriff mehr von unserer Jugendzeit.",The man she falls into the hands of today 'll have no conception of what we were when we were young.
+ 199,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_307.flac,00003-f000311,0.2625,Gott sei,Lightly.
+ 200,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_308.flac,00003-f000312,0.296341,"Dank merkt man den fortschreitenden Verfall nicht, wenn man fortwährend miteinander verkehrt.",The woman blooms for us in the moment when she hurls the man to destruction for the rest of his life.
+ 201,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_309.flac,00003-f000312,0.296341,"Das Weib blüht für uns in dem Moment, wo es den Menschen auf Lebenszeit ins Verderben stürzen soll.",The woman blooms for us in the moment when she hurls the man to destruction for the rest of his life.
+ 202,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_311.flac,00003-f000314,0.644286,Unten im Laternenschimmer nimmt sie es noch mit einem Dutzend dieser englischen Windmühlen auf.,Down in the streetlamp's shimmer she's still a match for a dozen walking spectres.
+ 203,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_312.flac,00003-f000315,1.15363,"Wer um diese Zeit noch eine Bekanntschaft machen will, der sieht überhaupt nicht auf körperliche Qualitäten.",The man who still wants to make connections at this hour looks out more for heartqualities than mere physical good points.
+ 204,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_313.flac,00003-f000316,0.49916,Er fragt nach den seelischen Vorzügen.,He decides for the pair of eyes from which the least thievery sparkles.
+ 205,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_321.flac,00003-f000325,1.13645,Sie hat es heute schon einmal getan.,She's done it once today already.
+ 206,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_323.flac,00003-f000327,0.514286,"Wenn Sie Ihre Knochen auf Zinsen legen wollen, dann suchen Sie sich bitte","If you want to put your bones up for sale, kindly get a district of your own!"
+ 207,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_325.flac,00003-f000328,0.844792,"Die Geschwitz Lulu, ich gehe dir nicht von der Seite!","Lulu, I shall not stir from your side!"
+ 208,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_326.flac,00003-f000329,0.785,Ich habe Waffen bei mir.,I have weapons upon me.
+ 209,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_329.flac,00003-f000331,0.3,Ihr bringt mich um!,You're killing me.
+ 210,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_332.flac,00003-f000335,1.45,Ich bin bei dir!,I am with you.
+ 211,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_334.flac,00003-f000338,0.866667,"Schigolch Sakerment, Sakerment, Sakerment!","Schigolch swears, loudly and grumbling."
+ 212,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_336.flac,00003-f000340,0.546667,Man hätte das Frauenzimmer an der Kehle zurückhalten müssen.,We ought to have held the creature back by the throat.
+ 213,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_337.flac,00003-f000341,0.563772,"Sie vertreibt alles, was Odem hat, mit ihrem aristokratischen Totenschädel.",She'll scare away everything that breathes with her aristocratic death's head.
+ 214,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_339.flac,00003-f000343,1.35819,Schigolch Dafür hat sie allerdings auch genug Courage für zehn Mannsleute im Leib.,And she's still got enough strength in her body to do the same for ten men alright.
+ 215,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_345.flac,00003-f000349,0.471053,Ob wohl ein schlichter Naturmensch in seiner Wildnis auch so unsäglich leiden kann?,"Can a simple, natural man in the wilderness suffer so unspeakably?"
+ 216,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_346.flac,00003-f000350,0.793548,"Mein Gott, was habe ich aus meinem Leben gemacht!","God, God, what have I made of my life!"
+ 217,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_347.flac,00003-f000351,0.579487,Was hat das Hundewetter aus meinem Havelock gemacht!,What's the beastly weather made of my ulster!
+ 218,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_348.flac,00003-f000352,0.966667,Mit fünfundzwanzig Jahren wußte ich mir zu helfen.,"When I was fiveandtwenty, I knew how to help myself!"
+ 219,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_351.flac,00003-f000355,1.08357,"Bis sie zurückkommen, wird es hier dunkel wie im Mutterleib.",Till they come back it'll be as dark in here again as in mother's womb.
+ 220,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_353.flac,00003-f000357,0.538835,"Ich klammerte mich mit aller Selbstverleugnung und Begeisterung daran, um zu den höchsten Höhen dichterischen Ruhmes emporgetragen zu werden.","With selfdenial, with exaltation, I clung to the elements, that I might be carried to the loftiest heights of poetic fame."
+ 221,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_354.flac,00003-f000358,0.9,Die Rechnung war falsch.,The reckoning was false.
+ 222,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_355.flac,00003-f000359,0.644571,Ich bin der Märtyrer meines Berufes.,I am the martyr of my calling.
+ 223,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_357.flac,00003-f000361,0.683117,Wenn sie nur nicht zusammengeblieben sind!,If only they haven't stayed together!
+ 224,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_358.flac,00003-f000362,0.280435,"Wer kein dummer Junge ist, geht sowieso nicht mit zweien.","Nobody but a silly boy will go with two, no matter what."
+ 225,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_361.flac,00003-f000365,0.55,Sie hält sich die Person im Notfall mit Fußtritten vom Leib.,"If need be, she'll keep the creature off from her with kicks."
+ 226,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_363.flac,00003-f000367,0.257143,Jetzt kommen sie!,Here they come!
+ 227,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_366.flac,00003-f000369,1.04839,Wir müssen uns wieder verkriechen.,"They can do that now, for the first time rightly.We must hide again."
+ 228,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_369.flac,00003-f000371,1.65,"Wer sein Geld ausgibt, hat auch seine Gründe dafür!",Just what do you pity them for?Who spends his money has his good reasons for it!
+ 229,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_371.flac,00003-f000373,0.664286,Er verkriecht sich unter seinem Plaid.,He wraps himself up in his plaid.
+ 230,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_373.flac,00003-f000375,0.65,Verbirgt sich in dem Verschlag.,A respectable man does what he owes his position.
+ 231,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_375.flac,00003-f000378,0.377198,"Kungu Poti, Erbprinz von Uahube, in hellem Überrock, hellen Beinkleidern, weißen Gamaschen, gelben Knopfstiefeln und grauem Zylinder, tritt ein.","His speech, interrupted with frequent hiccoughs, abounds with the peculiar African hisssounds."
+ 232,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_379.flac,00003-f000381,0.257143,Kungu Poti Is that your sittingroom?,Pulling him forward by the hand.
+ 233,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_380.flac,00003-f000382,0.1125,"Lulu Yes, Sir.",Come on!
+ 234,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_381.flac,00003-f000384,0.225,Kungu Poti I feel cold.,Have some brandy?
+ 235,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_382.flac,00003-f000383,0.173684,Lulu Take you a drink?,"But it's cold here, awful cold!"
+ 236,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_383.flac,00003-f000385,0.0375,Kungu Poti Well.,Brandy?
+ 237,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_384.flac,00003-f000384,1.7625,Have you any brandy?,Have some brandy?
+ 238,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_385.flac,00003-f000385,0.2625,Lulu Yes.,Brandy?
+ 239,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_390.flac,00003-f000394,1.764,Lulu You are a nice young man.,You're a nicelooking young man.
+ 240,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_392.flac,00003-f000396,1.28824,"I have six women in London, three English, and three French.","I've got six wives here, two Spanish, two English, two French."
+ 241,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_393.flac,00003-f000397,1.26087,"Well, I don't like to see them.",WellI don't like my wives.
+ 242,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_394.flac,00003-f000401,0.275,They are too stylish for me.,"Trust me, you shall have gold!"
+ 243,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_395.flac,00003-f000402,0.892857,Lulu Will you stay longtime in London?,One goldpiece.
+ 244,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_396.flac,00003-f000398,0.512727,"When my father is dead, I must go to Uahube","Always I must take a bath, take a bath, take a bath."
+ 245,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_397.flac,00003-f000404,0.241935,My kingdom is twice size of England.,"You can give it to me later, but show it to me."
+ 246,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_398.flac,00003-f000399,2.38831,Lulu How much will you give me?,How much will you give me?
+ 247,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_400.flac,00003-f000401,0.728571,"Yes, I will give you one pound.","Trust me, you shall have gold!"
+ 248,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_401.flac,00003-f000403,1.5,I give always a sovereign.,I always give goldpieces.
+ 249,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_403.flac,00003-f000408,0.208696,Kungu Poti Never I pay beforehand!,"Come, Ragapsishimulara!"
+ 250,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_404.flac,00003-f000409,0.719231,"Lulu Allright, but show me your money.",Seizing Lulu round the waist.
+ 251,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_406.flac,00003-f000411,0.628571,Sie um den Leib fassend Comeon!,Defending herself with all her strength.
+ 252,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_408.flac,00003-f000414,0.681818,"Kungu Poti greift ihr in die Haare Come on, Daisy; where is the bed","Alva, who has risen painfully from his couch, sneaks up to Kungu Poti from behind and pulls him back by the collar."
+ 253,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_410.flac,00003-f000415,0,Kungu Poti reißt sie zu Boden Well!,Whirling round.
+ 254,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_413.flac,00003-f000418,0.221053,Er versetzt Alwa eins mit dem Totschläger über den Kopf.,Strikes him over the head with a loaded cane.
+ 255,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_414.flac,00003-f000419,0.888889,Alwa bricht stöhnend zusammen.,Alva groans and falls in a heap.
+ 256,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_415.flac,00003-f000421,0.03,I am going.,Here's opium for you!
+ 257,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_416.flac,00003-f000421,0.821053,Ich bleibe auch nicht hier.,Here's opium for you!
+ 258,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_417.flac,00003-f000423,0.253846,In eine Kaserne!,Sweet dreams!
+ 259,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_418.flac,00003-f000424,0.23,"Why look you so sorrowful, my dear?",Then he gives Lulu a kiss; pointing to Alva.
+ 260,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_419.flac,00003-f000425,0.28125,Schigolch kommt aus seinem Verschlag.,"He dreams of you, Ragapsishimulara!"
+ 261,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_423.flac,00003-f000431,0.227027,Sonst nehmen unsere Freunde Anstoß an ihm!,Who can stand it here now!Rather down onto the street!
+ 262,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_424.flac,00003-f000098,0.3,Alwa!,Exit.
+ 263,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_425.flac,00003-f000434,0.491129,Wer da nicht mit sich im klaren ist !,SCHIGOLCH.Blood!Alva!He's got to be put away somewhere.
+ 264,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_426.flac,00003-f000435,0.244737,Entweder oder; sonst wird's leicht zu spät!,Hop!Or else our friends 'll get a shock from himAlva!
+ 265,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_427.flac,00003-f000436,0.643478,Ich will ihm Beine machen.,Alva!He that isn't quite clear about it!
+ 266,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_428.flac,00003-f000437,0.467727,Er zündet ein Streichholz an und steckt es ihm unter den Kragen.,One thing or t'other; or it'll soon be too late!
+ 267,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_429.flac,00003-f000438,0.247059,Da sich Alwa nicht regt,I'll give him legs!
+ 268,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_430.flac,00003-f000440,0.752632,Er will seine Ruhe haben.,He will have his rest.
+ 269,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_431.flac,00003-f000440,0.642105,Aber hier wird nicht geschlafen.,He will have his rest.
+ 270,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_432.flac,00003-f000441,0.5,Er schleift ihn am Genick in Lulus Kammer.,But no one sleeps here.Drags him by the head into Lulu's room.
+ 271,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_433.flac,00003-f000442,0.668571,Darauf versucht er die Lampe hinaufzuschrauben,"Returning, he tries to turn up the light."
+ 272,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_434.flac,00003-f000443,0.793258,"Für mich wird es nun auch bald Zeit, sonst kriegt man im Cosmopolitan Club keinen ChristmasPudding mehr.","It'll be time for me, too, right soon now, or they'll get no more Christmas puddings down there in the tavern."
+ 273,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_435.flac,00003-f000444,0.960784,"Weiß Gott, wann die von ihrer Vergnügungstour zurückkommen",God knows when she'll be coming back from her pleasure tour!
+ 274,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_436.flac,00003-f000445,0.25,Lulus Bild ins Auge fassend,Fixing an eye on Lulu's picture.
+ 275,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_437.flac,00003-f000445,0.776923,Die versteht die Sache nicht.,Fixing an eye on Lulu's picture.
+ 276,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_438.flac,00003-f000446,0.06,"Die kann von der Liebe nicht leben, weil ihr Leben die Liebe ist.",She doesn't understand business!
+ 277,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_439.flac,00003-f000447,-0.05,Da kommt sie!,"She can't live off love, because her life is love.There she comes."
+ 278,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_440.flac,00003-f000447,-0.05,Ich werde ihr ins Gewissen reden.,"<MERGE> She can't live off love, because her life is love.There she comes."
+ 279,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_441.flac,00003-f000448,0.533333,"Die Tür geht auf, und die Gräfin Geschwitz tritt ein.",I'll just talk straight to her onceCountess Geschwitz enters..
+ 280,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_442.flac,00003-f000449,0.706579,"Wenn Sie Nachtquartier bei uns nehmen wollen, dann geben Sie bitte ein wenig acht, daß nichts gestohlen wird.","If you want to lodge with us tonight, kindly take a little care that nothing is stolen here."
+ 281,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_443.flac,00003-f000450,0.747059,Wie dunkel es hier ist!,How dark it is here!
+ 282,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_445.flac,00003-f000451,0.216279,Der Herr Doktor haben sich schon zur Ruhe begeben.,It gets much darker than this.The doctor's already gone to rest.
+ 283,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_448.flac,00003-f000455,0.685714,"Wenn jemand nach mir fragt, ich sitze unten im Cosmopolitan Club. allein Ich will mich neben die Türe setzen.",I will sit behind the door.
+ 284,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_449.flac,00003-f000456,0.819368,Ich will alles mitansehen und nicht mit der Wimper zucken.,I will look on at everything and not quiver an eyelash.
+ 285,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_450.flac,00003-f000457,0.540909,Sie setzt sich auf den Strohsessel neben die Tür,Sits on the broken chair.
+ 286,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_451.flac,00003-f000458,0.8,"Die Menschen kennen sich nicht; sie wissen nicht, wie sie sind.",Men and women don't know themselvesthey know not what they are.
+ 287,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_452.flac,00003-f000459,0.884615,"Nur wer selber kein Mensch ist, der kennt sie.",Only one who is neither man nor woman knows them.
+ 288,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_453.flac,00003-f000460,0.850538,"Jedes Wort, das sie sagen, ist unwahr und erlogen.","Every word they say is untrue, a lie."
+ 289,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_454.flac,00003-f000461,1.01907,"Das wissen sie nicht, denn sie sind heute so und morgen so, je nachdem, ob sie gegessen, getrunken und geliebt haben oder nicht.","And they do not know it, for they are today so and tomorrow so, according as they have eaten, drunk, and loved, or not."
+ 290,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_455.flac,00003-f000462,1.15466,"Nur der Körper bleibt auf einige Zeit, was er ist, und nur die Kinder haben Vernunft.","Only the body remains for a time what it is, and only the children have reason."
+ 291,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_456.flac,00003-f000463,0.754348,"Die Großen sind wie die Tiere; keines weiß, was es tut.",The men and women are like the animals: none knows what it does.
+ 292,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_457.flac,00003-f000464,0.699445,"Wenn sie am glücklichsten sind, dann jammern sie und stöhnen sie, und im tiefsten Elend freuen sie sich eines jeden winzigen Happens.","When they are happiest they bewail themselves and groan, and in their deepest misery they rejoice over every tiny morsel."
+ 293,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_458.flac,00003-f000465,0.67619,"Es ist sonderbar, wie der Hunger den Menschen die Kraft zum Unglück raubt.",It is strange how hunger takes from men and women the strength to withstand misfortune.
+ 294,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_459.flac,00003-f000466,0.868,"Wenn sie sich aber gesättigt haben, dann machen sie sich die Welt zur Folterkammer und werfen ihr Leben für die Befriedigung einer Laune weg.","But when they have fed full they make this world a torturechamber, they throw away their lives to satisfy a whim, a mood."
+ 295,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_460.flac,00003-f000467,1.32643,"Ob es wohl einmal Menschen gegeben hat, die durch Liebe glücklich geworden sind?",Have there ever once been men and women to whom love brought happiness?
+ 296,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_461.flac,00003-f000468,0.830682,"Was ist denn ihr Glück anders, als daß sie besser schlafen und alles vergessen können?","And what is their happiness, save that they sleep better and can forget it all?"
+ 297,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_462.flac,00003-f000469,0.643789,"Herr Gott, ich danke dir, daß du mich nicht geschaffen hast wie diese.","My God, I thank thee that thou hast not made me as these."
+ 298,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_463.flac,00003-f000470,0.0338346,Ich bin nicht Mensch; mein Leib hat nichts Gemeines mit Menschenleibern.,I am not man nor woman.
+ 299,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_464.flac,00003-f000471,0.75,Habe ich eine Menschenseele?,My body has nothing common with their bodies.
+ 300,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_465.flac,00003-f000472,0.09,Zerquälte,Have I a human soul?
+ 301,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_466.flac,00003-f000473,0.676667,"Menschen tragen ein kleines enges Herz in sich; ich aber weiß, daß es nicht mein Verdienst ist, wenn ich alles hingebe, alles opfere.","Tortured humanity has a little narrow heart; but I know I deserve nothing when I resign all, sacrifice all."
+ 302,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_467.flac,00003-f000474,1.225,Lulu öffnet die Tür und läßt Doktor Hilti eintreten.,"Lulu opens the door, and Dr. Hilti enters."
+ 303,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_468.flac,00003-f000475,0.11875,"Die Geschwitz bleibt, ohne von beiden bemerkt zu werden, regungslos neben der Tür sitzen.","Geschwitz, unnoticed, remains motionless by the door."
+ 304,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_470.flac,00003-f000478,0.728571,Dr. Hilti I have been in the theatre.,Come!you'll stay with me all night?
+ 305,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_472.flac,00003-f000478,0.270968,I never saw such handsome girls before.,Come!you'll stay with me all night?
+ 306,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_474.flac,00003-f000484,0.25,But you are not English?,"Come, give me a kiss!"
+ 307,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_475.flac,00003-f000485,0.722378,Dr. Hilti No. I am only here the last two weeks.,"Dr. Hilti begins to swear, in the broadest northcountry vowels."
+ 308,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_476.flac,00003-f000486,0.3,Are you borne in London?,"Please, don't say that."
+ 309,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_478.flac,00003-f000488,0.886364,I am French.,You can believe me.
+ 310,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_479.flac,00003-f000482,0.277778,"Hilti Ah, vous êtes Française?","That's enough, because it's you!"
+ 311,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_481.flac,00003-f000491,0.353175,"Hilti I am coming from Paris, where I was staying for eight days.","Heaven and Hail, why do you think I am married?No, I'm a tutor; I read philosophy at the University."
+ 312,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_482.flac,00003-f000483,0.276,Lulu On s'y amuse mieux qu'ici.,You have such faithful eyes!
+ 313,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_483.flac,00003-f000492,-0.00365854,Vous ne trouvez,"<MERGE> The truth is, I come of a very old country family."
+ 314,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_485.flac,00003-f000494,0.906667,Dr. Hilti Oui. was everyday in the Louvre.,So you have never been with a woman?
+ 315,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_486.flac,00003-f000486,0.3,I admired the pictures.,"Please, don't say that."
+ 316,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_487.flac,00003-f000496,1.28,But I am no French.,But I want it now.
+ 317,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_489.flac,00003-f000497,0.565909,"Lulu Estce de la Suisse Française, ça? Dr. Hilti No.",I got engaged this evening to a countrywoman of mine.
+ 318,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_490.flac,00003-f000488,0.0882353,Zurich is in German Switzerland.,You can believe me.
+ 319,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_491.flac,00003-f000489,0.232258,Lulu Alors vous parlez l'Allemand?,"Mass, I hadn't thought it would be like this!"
+ 320,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_492.flac,00003-f000499,0.207692,Dr. Hilti Sprächän,Is she pretty?
+ 321,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_494.flac,00003-f000491,0.191803,"Lulu Un petit peu seulement, parce que mon ancien amant était Allemand.","Heaven and Hail, why do you think I am married?No, I'm a tutor; I read philosophy at the University."
+ 322,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_495.flac,00003-f000492,0.108,"Il était de Berlin, je crois.","The truth is, I come of a very old country family."
+ 323,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_497.flac,00003-f000501,1.05,Sie Töütsch sprächän!,Tossing back her hair.
+ 324,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_498.flac,00003-f000494,0.664655,Lulu Du bleibst bei mir die Nacht?,So you have never been with a woman?
+ 325,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_501.flac,00003-f000496,0.22,Tu as les yeux si doux.,But I want it now.
+ 326,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_502.flac,00003-f000497,0.173333,"Viens, embrassemoi! Dr. Hilti Hiemäl, Härgoht, Töüfäl, Kräuzpatadiohn.",I got engaged this evening to a countrywoman of mine.
+ 327,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_503.flac,00003-f000498,0.285,"Je t'en prie, ferme ça.",She's a governess here.
+ 328,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_504.flac,00003-f000504,0.255556,Hilti Beim Töüfäl äs ischt nämliach,"Well, if you please, Mr. Tutor?"
+ 329,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_505.flac,00003-f000500,0.182927,"ärschte Mol, taß iach miet einäm Mädachän gähä.","Yaw, she's got a hundred thousand.I am very eager, as it seems to me."
+ 330,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_506.flac,00003-f000505,0.221053,Tu kchanscht miar gloubän.,They go into her room.
+ 331,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_507.flac,00003-f000506,-0.00857143,"Sakchärmänt, iach hätä miar tas gahnz andärsch gädahcht!",Geschwitz draws a small black revolver from her pocket and sets it to her forehead.
+ 332,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_508.flac,00003-f000505,0.236842,Lulu Bist du verheiratet?,They go into her room.
+ 333,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_509.flac,00003-f000506,0.231579,"Dr. Hilti Hiemäl, Hagäl, worum meinscht tu, iach sei värheurotet?",Geschwitz draws a small black revolver from her pocket and sets it to her forehead.
+ 334,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_511.flac,00003-f000507,0.27931,Deshalb warst du nie bei einer Frau?,"GESCHWITZ.Come, come,beloved!"
+ 335,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_512.flac,00003-f000508,1.21875,Dr. Hilti Äbän ja!,Dr. Hilti tears open the door again.
+ 336,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_515.flac,00003-f000509,-0.15,Sie ischt hiär Nursery governess.,Plunging in.
+ 337,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_516.flac,00003-f000510,0.1,Lulu Ist deine Braut hübsch?,Insane seraphs!
+ 338,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_517.flac,00003-f000511,0.182609,"Dr. Hilti Ja, sie hat zwoi Millionän.",Some one's lying in there!
+ 339,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_518.flac,00003-f000512,0.178125,"Iach bien sähr gespahnt, wia äs miach dunkchän wird.","Lamp in hand, holds him by the sleeve."
+ 340,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_524.flac,00003-f000512,0.211458,Dr. Hilti reißt von innen die Tür auf und stürzt heraus O verreckchte Chaib do lit eine drin!,"Lamp in hand, holds him by the sleeve."
+ 341,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_525.flac,00003-f000519,0.389441,"Lulu die Lampe in der Hand, hält ihn am Ärmel Bleib bei mir!",A corpse is lying in there!
+ 342,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_526.flac,00003-f000514,0.81,Dr. Hilti A Totnige!,A dead man!
+ 343,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_527.flac,00003-f000515,1.2625,A Liach!,A corpse!
+ 344,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_530.flac,00003-f000513,0.075,"Himmel, Stärne, Chaib!",Stay with me!
+ 345,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_532.flac,00003-f000524,0.86,Wo got's do usse?,Where d's it go out?
+ 346,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_535.flac,00003-f000528,0.259459,"Dr. Hilti Chaibe, verchaibeti Chaiberei!","Devil, devilled devilry!Oh, thou eternalExit."
+ 347,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_536.flac,00003-f000529,0.26,O du ewige Hagel!,Rushing after him.
+ 348,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_537.flac,00003-f000529,0.3,Durch die Mitte ab.,Rushing after him.
+ 349,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_539.flac,00003-f000533,0.184615,Sie stürzt ihm nach.,"Better, hang!"
+ 350,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_540.flac,00003-f000534,0.283019,"Die Geschwitz allein, läßt den Revolver sinken Lieber erhängen!",If she sees me lie in my blood today she'll not weep a tear for me!
+ 351,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_541.flac,00003-f000534,0.777594,"Wenn sie mich heute in meinem Blute liegen sieht, weint sie mir keine Träne nach.",If she sees me lie in my blood today she'll not weep a tear for me!
+ 352,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_542.flac,00003-f000536,0.645964,"Ich war ihr immer nur das gefügige Werkzeug, das sich zu den schwierigsten Arbeiten gebrauchen ließ.",From the first day she has abhorred me from the depths of her soul.Shall I not rather jump from the bridge?
+ 353,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_543.flac,00003-f000537,0.484615,Sie hat mich vom ersten Tage an aus tiefster Seele verabscheut.,"Which could be colder, the water or her heart?"
+ 354,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_544.flac,00003-f000538,0.906667,Springe ich nicht lieber von der Towerbrücke hinunter?,"I would dream till I was drowned.Better, hang!"
+ 355,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_545.flac,00003-f000539,0.684615,"Was mag kälter sein, das Wasser oder ihr Herz?","Stab?Hm, there would be no use in that How often have I dreamt that she kissed me!"
+ 356,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_546.flac,00003-f000540,0.891667,"Ich würde träumen, bis ich ertrunken bin.","But a minute more; an owl knocks there at the window, and I wake up."
+ 357,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_547.flac,00003-f000533,0.21,Erstechen,"Better, hang!"
+ 358,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_549.flac,00003-f000542,0.280645,"Wie oft träumte mir, daß sie mich küßt!",Not water; water is too clean for me.
+ 359,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_550.flac,00003-f000540,0.799091,"Noch eine Minute nur; da klopft eine Eule ans Fenster, und ich erwache. da klopft eine Eule ans Fenster, und ich erwache.","But a minute more; an owl knocks there at the window, and I wake up."
+ 360,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_552.flac,00003-f000134,0.1,Plötzlich auffahrend,Starting up.
+ 361,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_553.flac,00003-f000544,-0.0115385,Da!,There!There!
+ 362,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_554.flac,00003-f000544,-0.0115385,Da ist es!,<MERGE> There!There!
+ 363,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_555.flac,00003-f000545,0.68,"Rasch noch, bevor sie kommt!","There it is!Quick now, before she comes!"
+ 364,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_556.flac,00003-f000546,0.22446,"Sie nimmt den Plaidriemen von der Wand, steigt auf den Sessel, befestigt den Riemen an einem Haken, der im Türpfosten steckt, legt sich den Riemen um den Hals, stößt mit den Füßen den Stuhl um und fällt zur Erde","Takes the plaidstraps from the wall, climbs on the chair, fastens them to a hook in the doorpost, puts her head thru them, kicks the chair away, and falls to the ground."
+ 365,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_557.flac,00003-f000546,-0.0645738,Verfluchtes Leben!,"<MERGE> Takes the plaidstraps from the wall, climbs on the chair, fastens them to a hook in the doorpost, puts her head thru them, kicks the chair away, and falls to the ground."
+ 366,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_558.flac,00003-f000546,-0.0645738,Wenn es mir noch bevorstände?,"<MERGE> Takes the plaidstraps from the wall, climbs on the chair, fastens them to a hook in the doorpost, puts her head thru them, kicks the chair away, and falls to the ground."
+ 367,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_559.flac,00003-f000548,0.47799,"Laß mich einmal nur zu deinem Herzen sprechen, mein Engel!","Let me speak just once to thy heart, my angel!"
+ 368,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_560.flac,00003-f000548,0.4875,Aber du bist kalt!,"Let me speak just once to thy heart, my angel!"
+ 369,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_561.flac,00003-f000549,0.190909,Ich soll noch nicht fort!,But thou art cold!I am not to go yet!
+ 370,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_562.flac,00003-f000550,0.614966,Ich soll vielleicht auch einmal glücklich gewesen sein.,"Perhaps I am even to have been happy once.Listen to him, Lulu!"
+ 371,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_563.flac,00003-f000551,0.277143,"Höre auf ihn, Lulu; ich soll noch nicht fort! ich soll noch nicht fort!",I am not to go yet!
+ 372,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_564.flac,00003-f000552,1.06,"Sie schleppt sich vor Lulus Bild, sinkt in die Knie und faltet die Hände","She drags herself before Lulu's picture, sinks to her knees and folds her hands."
+ 373,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_565.flac,00003-f000552,0.18,Mein angebeteter Engel!,"<MERGE> She drags herself before Lulu's picture, sinks to her knees and folds her hands."
+ 374,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_566.flac,00003-f000553,1.15,Mein Lieb!,My adoréd angel!
+ 375,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_567.flac,00003-f000554,1.1875,Mein Stern!,My love!
+ 376,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_568.flac,00003-f000555,0.293333,"Erbarm dich mein, erbarm dich mein, erbarm dich mein!","My star!Have mercy upon me, pity me, pity me, pity me!"
+ 377,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_569.flac,00003-f000555,0.57807,Lulu öffnet die Tür und läßt Jack eintreten.,"My star!Have mercy upon me, pity me, pity me, pity me!"
+ 378,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_570.flac,00003-f000556,0.25873,"Er ist ein Mann von gedrungener Figur, von elastischen Bewegungen, blassem Gesicht, entzündeten Augen, hochgezogenen, starken Brauen, hängendem Schnurrbart, dünnem Knebelbart, zottigen Favoris und feuerroten Händen mit vernagten Fingernägeln.","Lulu opens the door, and Jack entersa thickset man of elastic movements, with a pale face, inflamed eyes, arched and heavy brows, a drooping mustache, thin imperial and shaggy whiskers, and fiery red hands with gnawed nails."
+ 379,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_571.flac,00003-f000557,0.621429,Sein Blick ist auf den Boden geheftet.,His eyes are fixed on the ground.
+ 380,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_572.flac,00003-f000558,0.946212,Er trägt dunklen Überrock und kleinen runden Filzhut.,He wears a dark overcoat and a little round felt hat.
+ 381,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_573.flac,00003-f000559,0.258621,Jack die Geschwitz bemerkend Who is it,"Entering, he notices Geschwitz."
+ 382,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_574.flac,00003-f000561,0.9375,"Lulu It's my sister, Sir.",That's my sister.
+ 383,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_575.flac,00003-f000560,0.559091,She is mad she is always on my heels,Who is that?
+ 384,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_577.flac,00003-f000562,0.1,"Lulu Don't go, please!",She's crazy.
+ 385,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_578.flac,00003-f000563,0.267857,Jack You understand your business!,I don't know how to get rid of her.
+ 386,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_579.flac,00003-f000563,1.2,Jack You are no English?,I don't know how to get rid of her.
+ 387,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_581.flac,00003-f000564,0.756,Jack Where did you get your beautiful mouth,Your mouth looks beautiful.
+ 388,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_582.flac,00003-f000565,0.9375,"Lulu From my mother, Sir.",It's my mother's.
+ 389,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_584.flac,00003-f000567,2.6625,How much you want?,How much do you want?
+ 390,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_585.flac,00003-f000568,0.852632,I cannot waste money.,I haven't got much money.
+ 391,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_587.flac,00003-f000570,0.91,Jack No. haven't,"No, haven't got the time."
+ 392,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_588.flac,00003-f000571,0.278571,I am married man.,I must get home.
+ 393,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_591.flac,00003-f000575,0.233333,Lulu Pound.,Turning.
+ 394,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_592.flac,00003-f000576,1.13636,Jack Good evening.,Good night!
+ 395,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_593.flac,00003-f000576,0.3,Will gehen.,Good night!
+ 396,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_595.flac,00003-f000580,1.08182,"Stay, stay!","Stay, for God's sake!"
+ 397,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_597.flac,00003-f000583,1.3,That is suspicious!,Sounds suspicious!
+ 398,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_599.flac,00003-f000585,0.782353,Lulu I don't do that.,"No, I won't do that!"
+ 399,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_602.flac,00003-f000591,0.9,Jack That is too much,"No, that's too much."
+ 400,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_603.flac,00003-f000592,1.2,You are a beginner?,You don't seem to have been at this long?
+ 401,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_605.flac,00003-f000592,0.952941,"Sie wirft die Geschwitz, die sich gegen Jack aufgerichtet hat, zu Boden.",You don't seem to have been at this long?
+ 402,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_606.flac,00003-f000596,1.66667,Let her go,Let her alone!
+ 403,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_607.flac,00003-f000597,1.905,That is not your sister. She loves you.,She isn't your sister.
+ 404,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_608.flac,00003-f000598,0.413571,Streichelt der Geschwitz den Kopf Poor beast!,She is in love with you.
+ 405,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_609.flac,00003-f000599,0.666807,"Oh, I would like you would stay with me all night!",Strokes Geschwitz's head like a dog's.
+ 406,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_610.flac,00003-f000597,0.21,Jack Did you ever have a child?,She isn't your sister.
+ 407,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_611.flac,00003-f000598,0.21,But I was a nice looking woman.,She is in love with you.
+ 408,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_612.flac,00003-f000599,0.709821,Jack Have you a friend living with you,Strokes Geschwitz's head like a dog's.
+ 409,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_613.flac,00003-f000601,0.619481,"Lulu We are all alone, Sir",Why do you stare at me so all at once?
+ 410,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_614.flac,00003-f000601,0.16,Jack mit dem Fuß stampfend Who is living down below?,Why do you stare at me so all at once?
+ 411,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_617.flac,00003-f000602,1.18235,Jack I judged you after your way of walking,I got your measure by the way you walked.
+ 412,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_618.flac,00003-f000603,0.854348,I saw your body is perfectly formed. I said to myself she must have a very expressive mouth.,I said to myself: That girl must have a wellbuilt body.
+ 413,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_622.flac,00003-f000605,0.605769,Lulu What are you staring at me,I even saw that you had a pretty mouth.
+ 414,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_623.flac,00003-f000606,1.11964,Jack I have only a shilling.,But I've only got a florin on me.
+ 415,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_626.flac,00003-f000609,0.516667,I have to take a bus tomorrow morning.,"But you'll have to give me half back, so I can take the 'bus tomorrow morning."
+ 416,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_627.flac,00003-f000609,0.516667,Lulu I have no penny.,"<MERGE> But you'll have to give me half back, so I can take the 'bus tomorrow morning."
+ 417,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_629.flac,00003-f000610,0.3,Look in your pocket.,I have nothing on me.
+ 418,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_630.flac,00003-f000612,0.188889,Lulu ihre Tasche durchsuchend,"Hunt thru your pockets!Well, what's that?"
+ 419,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_632.flac,00003-f000613,1.025,Just let me see,Let's see it!
+ 420,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_637.flac,00003-f000618,1.38462,Jack Give it to,"No, give it all to me."
+ 421,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_638.flac,00003-f000622,0.8625,Lulu gibt ihm das Geld und nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentisch.,Takes up the lamp.
+ 422,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_639.flac,00003-f000621,0.46,Jack vor Lulus Bild You are a societywoman.,But now you come!
+ 423,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_642.flac,00003-f000623,1.4,We don't need any light,We need no light.
+ 424,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_644.flac,00003-f000626,0.78,"Lulu As you like, Sir.",As you say.
+ 425,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_646.flac,00003-f000629,1.7,I love you,I love you so!
+ 426,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_647.flac,00003-f000630,2.16346,Don't let me beg go any longer.,Don't let me beg you any longer!
+ 427,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_648.flac,00003-f000631,0.171429,Jack Allright!,Alright; I'm with you.
+ 428,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_649.flac,00003-f000632,0.776923,Er folgt ihr in den Verschlag.,Follows her into the cubbyhole.
+ 429,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_650.flac,00003-f000633,0.2625,Die Lampe erlischt.,The lamp goes out.
+ 430,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_651.flac,00003-f000634,0.728726,Auf der Diele unter den beiden Fenstern erscheinen zwei viereckige grelle Flecke.,On the floor under the two skylights appear two vivid squares of moonlight.
+ 431,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_652.flac,00003-f000635,0.291176,Im Zimmer ist alles deutlich erkennbar.,Everything in the room is clearly seen.
+ 432,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_654.flac,00003-f000637,0.51875,"Dies ist der letzte Abend, den ich mit diesem Volke verbringe.",This is the last evening I shall spend with these people.
+ 433,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_655.flac,00003-f000638,0.695652,Ich kehre nach Deutschland zurück.,I'm going back to Germany.
+ 434,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_656.flac,00003-f000639,0.211111,Meine Mutter schickt mir das Reisegeld.,My mother'll send me the money.
+ 435,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_657.flac,00003-f000641,0.217241,Ich lasse mich immatrikulieren.,I must fight for woman's rights; study law.
+ 436,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_662.flac,00003-f000649,0.530769,Die Geschwitz knallt einen Schuß gegen die Decke und bricht wimmernd zusammen.,"She fires one shot, at the roof, and falls with suppressed crying, crumpling up."
+ 437,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_666.flac,00003-f000655,1.03261,Er keucht aus tiefster Brust und starrt mit aus dem Kopf tretenden Augen zu Boden.,"He pants, gasping violently, and stares at the floor with eyes popping out of his head."
+ 438,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_667.flac,00003-f000656,0.626515,"Lulu zitternd an allen Gliedern, blickt wild umher.","Lulu, trembling in every limb, looks wildly round."
+ 439,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_668.flac,00003-f000657,0.815994,"Plötzlich ergreift sie die Whiskyflasche, zerschlägt sie am Tisch und stürzt, den abgebrochenen Hals in der Hand, auf Jack los.","Suddenly she seizes the bottle, smashes it on the table, and with the broken neck in her hand rushes upon Jack."
+ 440,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_669.flac,00003-f000658,0.89018,Jack hat den rechten Fuß emporgezogen und schleudert Lulu auf den Rücken.,He swings up his right foot and throws her onto her back.
+ 441,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_670.flac,00003-f000659,0.433333,Darauf hebt er sie vom Boden auf. no! Have pity!,Then he lifts her up.
+ 442,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_672.flac,00003-f000660,-0.0230769,They rip me up!,"No, no!Mercy!Murder!Police!"
+ 443,10.buchsederpandora_1501_librivox,chapter3_673.flac,00003-f000661,1.8,Police!,Police!
alignments/10/aeneas/00001-pandora_map.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+ f000001,108.400,120.440,"ACT I The hall of EARTHSPIRIT, Act IV, feebly lighted by an oil lamp on the centre table."
+ f000002,120.440,123.640,"Even this is dimmed by a heavy shade."
+ f000003,123.640,128.920,"Lulu's picture is gone from the easel, which still stands by the foot of the stairs."
+ f000004,128.920,132.880,"The firescreen and the chair by the ottoman are gone too."
+ f000005,132.880,140.360,"Down left is a small teatable, with a coffeepot and a cup of black coffee on it, and an armchair next it."
+ f000006,140.360,148.160,"In this chair, deep in cushions, with a plaid shawl over her knees, sits Countess Geschwitz in a tight black dress."
+ f000007,148.160,151.760,"Rodrigo, clad as a servant, sits on the ottoman."
+ f000008,151.760,157.560,"At the rear, Alva Schön is walking up and down before the entrance door."
+ f000009,157.560,161.920,"He lets people wait for him as if he were a concert conductor!"
+ f000010,161.920,165.360,"I beg of you, don't speak!"
+ f000011,165.360,175.160,"Hold my tongue, with a head as full of thoughts as mine is!I absolutely can't believe she's changed so awfully much to her advantage there!"
+ f000012,175.160,179.680,"She is more glorious to look at than I have ever seen her!"
+ f000013,179.680,185.000,"God preserve me from founding my lifehappiness on your taste and judgment!"
+ f000014,185.000,189.320,"If the sickness has hit her as it has you, I'm smashed and thru!"
+ f000015,189.320,196.720,"You're leaving the contagious ward like an acrobatlady who's had an accident after giving herself up to art."
+ f000016,196.720,200.080,"You can scarcely blow your nose any more."
+ f000017,200.080,206.480,"First you need a quarterhour to sort your fingers, and then you have to be mighty careful not to break off the tip."
+ f000018,206.480,211.960,"What puts us under the ground gives her health and strength again."
+ f000019,211.960,214.160,"That's all right and fine enough."
+ f000020,214.160,217.200,"But I don't think I'll be travelling off with her this evening."
+ f000021,217.200,220.720,"You will let your bride journey all alone, after all?"
+ f000022,220.720,226.040,"In the first place, the old fellow's going with her to protect her in case anything serious."
+ f000023,226.040,228.800,"My escort could only be suspicious."
+ f000024,228.800,232.800,"And secondly, I must wait here till my costumes are ready."
+ f000025,232.800,240.000,"I'll get across the frontier soon enough alright,and I hope in the meantime she'll put on a little embonpoint, too."
+ f000026,240.000,245.040,"Then we'll get married, provided I can present her before a respectable public."
+ f000027,245.040,251.120,"I love the practical in a woman: what theories they make up for themselves are all the same to me."
+ f000028,251.120,253.880,"Aren't they to you too, doctor?"
+ f000029,253.880,256.720,"I haven't heard what you were saying."
+ f000030,256.720,264.160,"I'd never have got my person mixed up in this plot if she hadn't kept tickling my bare pate, before her sentence."
+ f000031,264.160,268.840,"If only she doesn't start doing too much as soon as she's out of Germany!"
+ f000032,268.840,274.160,"I'd like best to take her to London for six months, and let her fill up on plumcakes."
+ f000033,274.160,277.160,"In London one expands just from the sea air."
+ f000034,277.160,284.520,"And then, too, in London one doesn't feel with every swallow of beer as if the hand of fate were at one's throat."
+ f000035,284.520,293.640,"I've been asking myself for a week whether a person who'd been sentenced to prison could still be made to go as the chief figure in a modern drama."
+ f000036,293.640,297.040,"If the man would only come, now!"
+ f000037,297.040,300.880,"I've still got to redeem my properties out of the pawnshop here, too."
+ f000038,300.880,304.200,"Six hundred kilos of the best iron."
+ f000039,304.200,311.680,"The baggagerate on 'em is always three times as much as my own ticket, so that the whole junket isn't worth a trowser's button."
+ f000040,311.680,322.200,"When I went into the pawnshop with 'em, dripping with sweat, they asked me if the things were genuine!I'd have really done better to have had the costumes made abroad."
+ f000041,322.200,328.520,"In Paris, for instance, they see at the first glance where one's best points are, and bravely lay them bare."
+ f000042,328.520,334.880,"But you can't learn that with bowlegs; it's got to be studied on classically shaped people."
+ f000043,334.880,340.520,"In this country they're as scared of naked skin as they are abroad of dynamite bombs."
+ f000044,340.520,351.680,"A couple of years ago I was fined fifty marks at the Alhambra Theater, because people could see I had a few hairs on my chest, not enough to make a respectable toothbrush!"
+ f000045,351.680,362.920,"But the Fine Arts Minister opined that the little schoolgirls might lose their joy in knitting stockings because of it; and since then I have myself shaved once a month."
+ f000046,362.920,372.960,"If I didn't need every bit of my creative power now for the Worldconqueror, I might like to test the problem and see what could be done with it."
+ f000047,372.960,379.440,"That's the curse of our young literature: we're so much too literary."
+ f000048,379.440,386.320,"We know only such questions and problems as come up among writers and cultured people."
+ f000049,386.320,391.880,"We cannot see beyond the limits of our own professional interests."
+ f000050,391.880,406.440,"In order to get back on the trail of a great and powerful art we must move as much as possible among men who've never read a book in their lives, whom the simplest animal instincts direct in all they do."
+ f000051,406.440,415.720,"I've tried already, with all my might, to work according to those principlesin my Earthspirit."
+ f000052,415.720,438.960,"The woman who was my model for the chief figure in that, breathes todayand has for a yearbehind barred windows; and on that account for some incomprehensible reason the play was only brought to performance by the Society for Free Literature."
+ f000053,438.960,447.160,"As long as my father was alive, all the stages of Germany stood open to my creations."
+ f000054,447.160,450.720,"That has been vastly changed."
+ f000055,450.720,454.400,"I've had a pair of tights made of the tenderest bluegreen."
+ f000056,454.400,457.920,"If they don't make a success abroad, I'll sell mousetraps!"
+ f000057,457.920,462.600,"The trunks are so delicate I can't sit on the edge of a table in 'em."
+ f000058,462.600,471.240,"The only thing that will disturb the good impression is my awful bald head, which I owe to my active participation in this great conspiracy."
+ f000059,471.240,479.480,"To lie in the hospital in perfect health for three months would make a fat pig of the most rundown old hobo."
+ f000060,479.480,483.400,"Since coming out I've fed on nothing but Karlsbad pills."
+ f000061,483.400,487.920,"Day and night I have orchestra rehearsals in my intestines."
+ f000062,487.920,494.800,"I'll be so washed out before I get across the frontier that I won't be able to lift a bottlecork."
+ f000063,494.800,498.840,"How the attendants in the hospital got out of her way yesterday!"
+ f000064,498.840,501.080,"That was a refreshing sight."
+ f000065,501.080,509.800,"The garden was still as the grave: in the loveliest noon sunlight the convalescents didn't venture out of doors."
+ f000066,509.800,517.160,"Away back by the contagious ward she stepped out under the mulberry trees and swayed on her ankles on the gravel."
+ f000067,517.160,525.400,"The doorkeeper had recognized me, and a young doctor who met me in the corridor shrunk up as tho a revolver shot had struck him."
+ f000068,525.400,531.240,"The Sisters vanished into the big rooms or stayed stuck against the walls."
+ f000069,531.240,536.960,"When I came back there was not a soul to be seen in the garden or at the gate."
+ f000070,536.960,543.280,"No better chance could have been found, if we had had the curséd passports."
+ f000071,543.280,547.520,"And now the fellow says he isn't going with her!"
+ f000072,547.520,550.000,"I understand the poor hospitalbrothers."
+ f000073,550.000,559.560,"One has a bad foot and another has a swollen cheek, and there appears in the midst of them the incarnate deathinsuranceagentess!"
+ f000074,559.560,572.800,"In the Hall of the Knights, as the blessed division was called from which I organized my spying, when the news got around there that Sister Theophila had departed this life, not one of the fellows could be kept in bed."
+ f000075,572.800,580.080,"They scrambled up to the windowbars, if they had to drag their pains along with them by the hundredweight."
+ f000076,580.080,583.760,"I never heard such swearing in my life!"
+ f000077,583.760,589.120,"Allow me, Fräulein von Geschwitz, to come back to my proposition once more."
+ f000078,589.120,612.680,"Tho my father was shot in this room, still I can see in the murder, as in the punishment, nothing but a horrible misfortune that has befallen her; nor do I think that my father, if he had come through alive, would have withdrawn his support from her entirely."
+ f000079,612.680,638.200,"Whether your plan for freeing her will succeed still seems to me very doubtful, tho I wouldn't like to discourage you; but I can find no words to express the admiration with which your selfsacrifice, your energy, your superhuman scorn of death, inspires me."
+ f000080,638.200,646.120,"I don't believe any man ever risked so much for a woman, let alone for a friend."
+ f000081,646.120,656.440,"I am not aware, Fräulein von Geschwitz, how rich you are, but the expenses for what you have accomplished must have exhausted your fortune."
+ f000082,656.440,663.600,"May I venture to offer you a loan of, markswhich I should have no trouble raising for you in cash?"
+ f000083,663.600,668.360,"How we did rejoice when Sister Theophila was really dead!"
+ f000084,668.360,671.760,"From that day on we were free from custody."
+ f000085,671.760,674.640,"We changed our beds as we liked."
+ f000086,674.640,678.640,"I had done my hair like hers, and copied every tone of her voice."
+ f000087,678.640,687.160,"When the professor came he called her gnädiges Fräulein and said to me, It's better living here than in prison!."
+ f000088,687.160,698.280,"When the Sister suddenly was missing, we looked at each other in suspense: we had both been sick five days: now was the deciding moment."
+ f000089,698.280,710.120,"Next morning came the assistant.How is Sister Theophila?Dead!We communicated behind his back, and when he had gone we sank in each other's arms: God be thanked!"
+ f000090,710.120,717.760,"God be thanked!What pains it cost me to keep my darling from betraying how well she already was!"
+ f000091,717.760,723.400,"You have nine years of prison before you, I cried to her early and late."
+ f000092,723.400,727.760,"Now they probably won't let her stay in the contagious ward three days more!"
+ f000093,727.760,737.960,"I lay in the hospital full three months to spy out the ground, after toilfully peddling together the qualities necessary for such a long stay."
+ f000094,737.960,743.800,"Now I act the valet here with you, Dr. Schön, so that no strange servants may come into the house."
+ f000095,743.800,748.800,"Where is the bridegroom who's ever done so much for his bride?"
+ f000096,748.800,751.440,"My fortune has also been destroyed."
+ f000097,751.440,758.160,"When you succeed in developing her into a respectable artiste you will have put the world in debt to you."
+ f000098,758.160,768.920,"With the temperament and the beauty that she has to give out of the depths of her nature she can make the most blasé public hold its breath."
+ f000099,768.920,776.520,"And then, too, she will be protected by acting passion from a second time becoming a criminal in reality."
+ f000100,776.520,780.000,"I'll soon drive her kiddishness out of her!"
+ f000101,780.000,782.080,"There he comes!"
+ f000102,782.080,784.640,"Steps louden in the gallery."
+ f000103,784.640,792.760,"Then the curtains part at the head of the stairs and Schigolch in a long black coat with a white sunshade in his right hand comes down."
+ f000104,792.760,796.920,"Thruout the play his speech is interrupted with frequent yawns."
+ f000105,796.920,800.680,"Confound the darkness!"
+ f000106,800.680,804.840,"Outdoors the sun burns your eyes out."
+ f000107,804.840,806.520,"Wearily unwrapping herself."
+ f000108,806.520,808.120,"I'm coming!"
+ f000109,808.120,812.160,"Her ladyship has seen no daylight for three days."
+ f000110,812.160,815.200,"We live here like in a snuffbox."
+ f000111,815.200,819.440,"Since nine o'clock this morning I've been round to all the oldclothesmen."
+ f000112,819.440,826.240,"Three brand new trunks stuffed full of old trowsers I've expressed to Buenos Ayres via Bremerhaven."
+ f000113,826.240,830.480,"My legs are dangling on me like the tongue of a bell."
+ f000114,830.480,834.240,"That's the new life it's going to be from now on!"
+ f000115,834.240,837.680,"Where are you going to get off tomorrow morning?"
+ f000116,837.680,842.240,"I hope not straight into Oxbutter Hotel again!"
+ f000117,842.240,843.880,"I can tell you a fine hotel."
+ f000118,843.880,846.200,"I lived there with a lady liontamer."
+ f000119,846.200,849.760,"The people were born in Berlin."
+ f000120,849.760,851.120,"Upright in the armchair."
+ f000121,851.120,854.120,"Come and help me!"
+ f000122,854.120,856.160,"Hurries to her and supports her."
+ f000123,856.160,860.560,"And you'll be safer from the police there than on a high tightrope!"
+ f000124,860.560,864.840,"He means to let you go with her alone this afternoon."
+ f000125,864.840,868.200,"Maybe he's still suffering from his chillblains!"
+ f000126,868.200,871.960,"Do you want me to start my new engagement in bathrobe and slippers?"
+ f000127,871.960,880.280,"HmSister Theophila wouldn't have gone to heaven so promptly either, if she hadn't felt so affectionate towards our patient."
+ f000128,880.280,885.440,"She'll have a different value when one must serve thru a honeymoon with her."
+ f000129,885.440,889.240,"Anyway, it can't hurt her if she gets a little fresh air beforehand."
+ f000130,889.240,895.480,"A pocketbook in his hand, to Geschwitz who is leaning on a chairback by the centre table."
+ f000131,895.480,898.440,"This holds, marks."
+ f000132,898.440,900.400,"Thank you, no."
+ f000133,900.400,902.520,"Please take it."
+ f000134,902.520,903.880,"To Schigolch."
+ f000135,903.880,907.200,"Come along, at last!"
+ f000136,907.200,909.480,"Patience, Fräulein."
+ f000137,909.480,913.840,"It's only a stone's throw across Hospital Street."
+ f000138,913.840,916.000,"I'll be here with her in five minutes."
+ f000139,916.000,918.040,"You're bringing her here?"
+ f000140,918.040,919.840,"I'm bringing her here."
+ f000141,919.840,921.520,"Or do you fear for your health?"
+ f000142,921.520,923.960,"You see that I fear nothing."
+ f000143,923.960,933.840,"According to the latest wire, the doctor is on his way to Constantinople to have his Earthspirit produced before the Sultan by haremladies and eunuchs."
+ f000144,933.840,937.320,"Opening the centre door under the gallery."
+ f000145,937.320,940.000,"It's shorter for you thru here."
+ f000146,940.000,942.920,"Exeunt Schigolch and Countess Geschwitz."
+ f000147,942.920,944.680,"Alva locks the door."
+ f000148,944.680,949.400,"You were going to give more money to the crazy skyrocket!"
+ f000149,949.400,951.800,"What has that to do with you?"
+ f000150,951.800,957.960,"I get paid like a lamplighter, tho I had to demoralize all the Sisters in the hospital."
+ f000151,957.960,961.360,"Then came the assistants' and the doctors' turn, and then ALVA."
+ f000152,961.360,967.600,"Will you seriously inform me that the medical professors let themselves be influenced by you?"
+ f000153,967.600,973.360,"With the money those gentlemen cost me I could become President of the United States!"
+ f000154,973.360,979.040,"But Fräulein von Geschwitz has reimbursed you for every penny that you spent."
+ f000155,979.040,985.760,"So far as I know you're getting a monthly salary of five hundred marks from her besides."
+ f000156,985.760,990.000,"It is often pretty hard to believe in your love for the unhappy murderess."
+ f000157,990.000,999.200,"When I asked Fräulein von Geschwitz just now to accept my help, it certainly was not to incite your insatiable avarice."
+ f000158,999.200,1007.720,"The admiration which I have learnt to have for Fräulein von Geschwitz in this affair, I am far from feeling towards you."
+ f000159,1007.720,1013.160,"It is not at all clear to me what claims of any kind you can make upon me."
+ f000160,1013.160,1024.920,"That you chanced to be present at the murder of my father has not yet created the slightest bond of relationship between you and me."
+ f000161,1024.920,1041.080,"On the contrary, I am firmly convinced that if the heroic undertaking of Countess Geschwitz had not come your way you would be lying somewhere today without a penny, drunken in the gutter."
+ f000162,1041.080,1049.280,"And do you know what would have become of you if you hadn't sold for two millions the tuppeny paper your father ran?"
+ f000163,1049.280,1057.560,"You'd have hitched up with the stringiest sort of balletgirl and been today a stableboy in the Humpelmeier Circus."
+ f000164,1057.560,1059.760,"What work do you do?"
+ f000165,1059.760,1068.560,"You've written a drama of horrors in which my bride's calves are the two chief figures and which no highclass theater will produce."
+ f000166,1068.560,1070.920,"You walking pajamas!"
+ f000167,1070.920,1072.760,"You fresh ragbag you!"
+ f000168,1072.760,1079.080,"Two years ago I balanced two saddled cavalryhorses on this chest."
+ f000169,1079.080,1085.720,"How that'll go now, after this clasping his bald head, is a question sure enough."
+ f000170,1085.720,1094.560,"The foreign girls will get a fine idea of German art when they see the sweat come beading thru my tights at every fresh kiloweight!"
+ f000171,1094.560,1099.240,"I shall make the whole auditorium stink with my exhalations!"
+ f000172,1099.240,1101.720,"You're weak as a dishclout!"
+ f000173,1101.720,1107.480,"Would to God you were right! or did you perhaps intend to insult me?"
+ f000174,1107.480,1114.920,"If so, I'll set the tip of my toe to your jaw so that your tongue'll crawl along the carpet over there!"
+ f000175,1114.920,1116.120,"Try it!"
+ f000176,1116.120,1118.600,"Steps and voices outside."
+ f000177,1118.600,1120.000,"Who is that.?"
+ f000178,1120.000,1123.520,"You can thank God that I have no public here before me!"
+ f000179,1123.520,1125.240,"Who can that be!"
+ f000180,1125.240,1126.840,"That is my beloved."
+ f000181,1126.840,1130.000,"It's a full year now since we've seen each other."
+ f000182,1130.000,1132.560,"But how should they be back already!"
+ f000183,1132.560,1135.080,"Who can be coming there?"
+ f000184,1135.080,1137.280,"I expect no one."
+ f000185,1137.280,1139.800,"Oh the devil, unlock it!"
+ f000186,1139.800,1141.040,"Hide yourself!"
+ f000187,1141.040,1143.560,"I'll get behind the portières."
+ f000188,1143.560,1145.920,"I've stood there once before, a year ago."
+ f000189,1145.920,1147.760,"Disappears, right."
+ f000190,1147.760,1153.800,"Alva opens the rear door, whereupon Alfred Hugenberg enters, hat in hand."
+ f000191,1153.800,1155.960,"With whom have I."
+ f000192,1155.960,1157.560,"You?"
+ f000193,1157.560,1159.920,"Aren't you?"
+ f000194,1159.920,1161.080,"Alfred Hugenberg."
+ f000195,1161.080,1163.040,"What can I do for you?"
+ f000196,1163.040,1165.160,"I've come from Münsterburg."
+ f000197,1165.160,1166.880,"I ran away this morning."
+ f000198,1166.880,1169.200,"My eyes are bad."
+ f000199,1169.200,1172.120,"I am forced to keep the blinds closed."
+ f000200,1172.120,1173.600,"I need your help."
+ f000201,1173.600,1175.320,"You will not refuse me."
+ f000202,1175.320,1176.520,"I've got a plan ready."
+ f000203,1176.520,1178.040,"Can anyone hear us?"
+ f000204,1178.040,1179.800,"What do you mean?"
+ f000205,1179.800,1182.480,"What sort of a plan?"
+ f000206,1182.480,1183.920,"Are you alone?"
+ f000207,1183.920,1185.320,"Yes."
+ f000208,1185.320,1187.640,"What do you want to impart to me?"
+ f000209,1187.640,1190.160,"I've had two plans already that I let drop."
+ f000210,1190.160,1194.440,"What I shall tell you now has been worked out to the last possible chance."
+ f000211,1194.440,1199.960,"If I had money I should not confide it to you; I thought about that a long time before coming."
+ f000212,1199.960,1203.000,"Will you not permit me to set forth to you my design?"
+ f000213,1203.000,1206.840,"Will you kindly tell me just what you are talking about?"
+ f000214,1206.840,1210.800,"She cannot possibly be so indifferent to you that I must tell you that."
+ f000215,1210.800,1215.800,"The evidence you gave the coroner helped her more than everything the defending counsel said."
+ f000216,1215.800,1218.440,"I beg to decline the supposition."
+ f000217,1218.440,1221.920,"You would say that; I understand that, of course."
+ f000218,1221.920,1224.800,"But all the same you were her best witness."
+ f000219,1224.800,1227.160,"You were!"
+ f000220,1227.160,1230.720,"You said my father was about to force her to shoot herself."
+ f000221,1230.720,1232.560,"He was, too."
+ f000222,1232.560,1234.480,"But they didn't believe me."
+ f000223,1234.480,1235.920,"I wasn't put on my oath."
+ f000224,1235.920,1238.120,"Where have you come from now?"
+ f000225,1238.120,1241.280,"From a reformschool I broke out of this morning."
+ f000226,1241.280,1243.840,"And what do you have in view?"
+ f000227,1243.840,1246.880,"I'm trying to get into the confidence of a turnkey."
+ f000228,1246.880,1249.520,"What do you mean to live on?"
+ f000229,1249.520,1252.400,"I'm living with a girl who's had a child by my father."
+ f000230,1252.400,1254.480,"Who is your father?"
+ f000231,1254.480,1256.360,"He's a police captain."
+ f000232,1256.360,1262.560,"I know the prison without ever having been inside it; and nobody in it will recognize me as I am now."
+ f000233,1262.560,1265.400,"But I don't count on that at all."
+ f000234,1265.400,1272.480,"I know an iron ladder by which one can get from the first court to the roof and thru an opening there into the attic."
+ f000235,1272.480,1274.840,"There's no way up to it from inside."
+ f000236,1274.840,1283.880,"But in all five wings boards and laths and great heaps of shavings are lying under the roofs, and I'll drag them all together in the middle and set fire to them."
+ f000237,1283.880,1287.600,"My pockets are full of matches and all the things used to make fires."
+ f000238,1287.600,1290.160,"But then you'll burn up there!"
+ f000239,1290.160,1292.560,"Of course, if I'm not rescued."
+ f000240,1292.560,1298.760,"But to get into the first court I must have the turnkey in my power, and for that I need money."
+ f000241,1298.760,1301.960,"Not that I mean to bribe him; that wouldn't go."
+ f000242,1301.960,1312.240,"I must lend him money to send his three children to the country, and then at four o'clock in the morning when the prisoners of respected families are discharged, I'll slip in the door."
+ f000243,1312.240,1317.760,"He'll lockup behind me and ask me what I'm after, and I'll ask him to let me out again in the evening."
+ f000244,1317.760,1321.360,"And before it gets light, I'm up in the attic."
+ f000245,1321.360,1324.960,"How did you escape from the reformschool?"
+ f000246,1324.960,1326.960,"Jumped out the window."
+ f000247,1326.960,1330.640,"I need two hundred marks for the rascal to send his family to the country."
+ f000248,1330.640,1334.400,"Stepping out of the portières, right."
+ f000249,1334.400,1339.200,"Will the Herr Baron have coffee in the musicroom or on the veranda?"
+ f000250,1339.200,1341.280,"Where does that man come from?"
+ f000251,1341.280,1342.840,"Out of the same door!"
+ f000252,1342.840,1344.480,"He jumped out of the same door!"
+ f000253,1344.480,1347.320,"I've taken him into my service."
+ f000254,1347.320,1349.200,"He is dependable."
+ f000255,1349.200,1352.320,"Grasping his temples."
+ f000256,1352.320,1353.840,"Fool that I am!"
+ f000257,1353.840,1354.880,"Oh, fool!"
+ f000258,1354.880,1358.440,"Oh, yah, we've seen each other here before!"
+ f000259,1358.440,1361.200,"Cut away now to your vicemamma."
+ f000260,1361.200,1365.560,"Your kid brother might like to uncle his brothers and sisters."
+ f000261,1365.560,1369.280,"Make your sirpapa the grandfather of his children!"
+ f000262,1369.280,1372.280,"You're the only thing we've missed."
+ f000263,1372.280,1379.320,"If you once get into my sight in the next two weeks, I'll beat your bean up for porridge."
+ f000264,1379.320,1380.880,"Be quiet, you!"
+ f000265,1380.880,1382.360,"I'm a fool!"
+ f000266,1382.360,1385.160,"What do you want to do with your fire?"
+ f000267,1385.160,1388.840,"Don't you know the lady's been dead three weeks?"
+ f000268,1388.840,1390.800,"Did they cut off her head?"
+ f000269,1390.800,1393.320,"No, she's got that still."
+ f000270,1393.320,1396.000,"She was mashed by the cholera."
+ f000271,1396.000,1397.960,"That is not true!"
+ f000272,1397.960,1400.240,"What do you know about it!"
+ f000273,1400.240,1401.800,"There, read it: here!"
+ f000274,1401.800,1404.760,"Taking out a paper and pointing to the place."
+ f000275,1404.760,1407.520,"The murderess of Dr. Schön."
+ f000276,1407.520,1409.400,"Gives Hugenberg the paper."
+ f000277,1409.400,1411.160,"He reads: HUGENBERG."
+ f000278,1411.160,1417.360,"The murderess of Dr. Schön has in some incomprehensible way fallen ill of the cholera in prison."
+ f000279,1417.360,1419.160,"It doesn't say that she's dead."
+ f000280,1419.160,1422.440,"Well, what else do you suppose she is?"
+ f000281,1422.440,1426.440,"She's been lying in the churchyard three weeks."
+ f000282,1426.440,1435.480,"Back in the lefthand corner behind the rubbishheap where the little crosses are with no names on them, there she lies under the first one."
+ f000283,1435.480,1439.160,"You'll know the spot because the grass hasn't grown on it."
+ f000284,1439.160,1447.960,"Hang a tin wreath there, and then get back to your nurseryschool or I'll denounce you to the police."
+ f000285,1447.960,1452.960,"I know the female that beguiles her leisure hours with you!"
+ f000286,1452.960,1455.360,"To Alva."
+ f000287,1455.360,1457.400,"Is it true that she's dead?"
+ f000288,1457.400,1464.240,"Thank God, yes!Please, do not keep me here any longer."
+ f000289,1464.240,1468.240,"My doctor has forbidden me to receive visitors."
+ f000290,1468.240,1471.200,"My future is worth so little now!"
+ f000291,1471.200,1476.120,"I would gladly have given the last scrap of what life is worth to me for her happiness."
+ f000292,1476.120,1476.800,"Heighho!"
+ f000293,1476.800,1479.480,"One way or another I'll sure go to the devil now!"
+ f000294,1479.480,1491.120,"If you dare in any way to approach me or the doctor here or my honorable friend Schigolch too near, I'll inform on you for intended arson."
+ f000295,1491.120,1496.080,"You need three good years, to learn where not to stick your fingers in!"
+ f000296,1496.080,1497.760,"Now get out!"
+ f000297,1497.760,1498.120,"Fool!"
+ f000298,1498.120,1500.880,"Get out!!"
+ f000299,1500.880,1502.560,"Throws him out the door."
+ f000300,1502.560,1503.920,"Coming down."
+ f000301,1503.920,1508.760,"I wonder you didn't put your purse at that rogue's disposal, too!"
+ f000302,1508.760,1512.200,"I won't stand your damned jabbering!"
+ f000303,1512.200,1516.040,"The boy's little finger is worth more than all you!"
+ f000304,1516.040,1519.600,"I've had enough of this Geschwitz's company!"
+ f000305,1519.600,1527.360,"If my bride is to become a corporation with limited liability, somebody else can go in ahead of me."
+ f000306,1527.360,1535.520,"I propose to make a magnificent trapezeartist out of her, and willingly risk my life to do it."
+ f000307,1535.520,1542.560,"But then I'll be master of the house, and will myself indicate what cavaliers she is to receive!"
+ f000308,1542.560,1553.640,"The boy has what our age lacks: a heronature; therefore, of course, he is going to ruin."
+ f000309,1553.640,1573.240,"Do you remember how before sentence was passed he jumped out of the witnessbox and yelled at the justice: How do you know what would have become of you if you'd had to run around the cafés barefoot every night when you were ten years old?!"
+ f000310,1573.240,1578.000,"If I could only have given him one in the jaw for that right away!"
+ f000311,1578.000,1585.280,"Thank God, there are jails where scum like that gets some respect for the law pounded into them."
+ f000312,1585.280,1589.840,"One like him might have been my model for my Worldconqueror."
+ f000313,1589.840,1599.800,"For twenty years literature has presented nothing but demimen: men who can beget no children and women who can bear none."
+ f000314,1599.800,1604.160,"That's called The Modern Problem."
+ f000315,1604.160,1608.320,"I've ordered a hippopotamuswhip two inches thick."
+ f000316,1608.320,1613.840,"If that has no success with her, you can fill my cranium with potatosoup."
+ f000317,1613.840,1618.560,"Be it love or be it whipping, female flesh never inquires."
+ f000318,1618.560,1622.520,"Only give it some amusement, and it stays firm and fresh."
+ f000319,1622.520,1633.880,"She is now in her twentieth year, has been married three times and has satisfied a gigantic horde of lovers, and her heart's desires are at last pretty plain."
+ f000320,1633.880,1639.960,"But the man's got to have the seven deadly sins on his forehead, or she honors him not."
+ f000321,1639.960,1649.640,"If he looks as if a dogcatcher had spat him out on the street, then, with such womenfolks, he needn't be afraid of a prince!"
+ f000322,1649.640,1663.920,"I'll rent a garage fifty feet high and break her in there; and when she's learnt the first divingleap without breaking her neck I'll pull on a black coat and not stir a finger the rest of my life."
+ f000323,1663.920,1679.680,"When she's educated practically it doesn't cost a woman half as much trouble to support her husband as the other way round, if only the man takes care of the mental labor for her, and doesn't let the sense of the family go to wreck."
+ f000324,1679.680,1691.560,"I have learnt to rule humanity and drive it in harness before me like a wellbroken fourinhand,but that boy sticks in my head."
+ f000325,1691.560,1700.960,"Really, I can still take private lessons in the scorn of the world from that schoolboy!"
+ f000326,1700.960,1706.240,"She'll just comfortably let her hide be papered with thousandmark bills!"
+ f000327,1706.240,1711.160,"I'll extract salaries out of the directors with a centrifugal pump."
+ f000328,1711.160,1713.120,"I know their kind."
+ f000329,1713.120,1725.720,"When they don't need a man, let him shine their shoes for them; but when they must have an artiste they cut her down from the very gallows with their own hands and with the most entangling compliments."
+ f000330,1725.720,1731.640,"In my situation there's nothing more in the world to fearbut death."
+ f000331,1731.640,1738.120,"In the realm of sensation I am the poorest beggar."
+ f000332,1738.120,1750.560,"But I can no longer scrape up the moral courage to exchange my established position for the excitements of the wild, adventurous life!"
+ f000333,1750.560,1757.000,"She had sent Papa Schigolch and me together in chase of some strong antidote for sleeplessness."
+ f000334,1757.000,1760.880,"We each got a twentymark piece for expenses."
+ f000335,1760.880,1764.440,"There we see the youngster sitting in the Nightlight Café."
+ f000336,1764.440,1768.160,"He was sitting like a criminal on the prisoner's bench."
+ f000337,1768.160,1774.280,"Schigolch sniffed at him from all sides, and remarked, He is still virgin."
+ f000338,1774.280,1777.560,"Up in the gallery, dragging steps are heard."
+ f000339,1777.560,1779.280,"There she is!"
+ f000340,1779.280,1784.040,"The future magnificent trapezeartiste of the present age!"
+ f000341,1784.040,1792.480,"The curtains part at the stairhead, and Lulu, supported by Schigolch, and in a black dress, slowly and wearily descends."
+ f000342,1792.480,1794.920,"Hui, old mold!"
+ f000343,1794.920,1797.800,"We've still to get over the frontier today."
+ f000344,1797.800,1801.160,"Glaring stupidly at Lulu."
+ f000345,1801.160,1803.600,"Thunder of heaven!"
+ f000346,1803.600,1804.480,"Death!"
+ f000347,1804.480,1807.840,"Speaks, to the end of the act, in the gayest tones."
+ f000348,1807.840,1809.320,"Slowly!"
+ f000349,1809.320,1809.600,"You're pinching my arm!"
+ f000350,1809.600,1815.200,"How did you ever get the shamelessness to break out of prison with such a wolf's face?!"
+ f000351,1815.200,1817.160,"Stop your snout!"
+ f000352,1817.160,1819.200,"I'll run for the police!"
+ f000353,1819.200,1820.720,"I'll give information!"
+ f000354,1820.720,1824.440,"This scarecrow let herself be seen in tights?!"
+ f000355,1824.440,1834.160,"The padding alone would cost two months' salary!You're the most perfidious swindler that ever had lodging in Oxbutter Hotel!"
+ f000356,1834.160,1838.240,"Kindly refrain from insulting the lady!"
+ f000357,1838.240,1840.640,"Insulting you call that?!"
+ f000358,1840.640,1844.840,"For this gnawed bone's sake I've worn myself away!"
+ f000359,1844.840,1847.080,"I can't earn my own living!"
+ f000360,1847.080,1851.200,"I'll be a clown if I can still stand firm under a broomstick!"
+ f000361,1851.200,1860.680,"But let the lightning strike me on the spot if I don't worm ten thousand marks a year for life out of your tricks and frauds!"
+ f000362,1860.680,1862.280,"I can tell you that!"
+ f000363,1862.280,1864.480,"A pleasant trip!"
+ f000364,1864.480,1867.520,"I'm going for the police!"
+ f000365,1867.520,1868.520,"Exit."
+ f000366,1868.520,1870.800,"Run, run!"
+ f000367,1870.800,1872.800,"He'll take good care of himself!"
+ f000368,1872.800,1877.520,"We're rid of him!And now some black coffee for the lady!"
+ f000369,1877.520,1880.000,"At the table left."
+ f000370,1880.000,1883.080,"Here is coffee, ready to pour."
+ f000371,1883.080,1885.920,"I must look after the sleepingcar tickets."
+ f000372,1885.920,1886.960,"Brightly."
+ f000373,1886.960,1887.800,"Oh, freedom!"
+ f000374,1887.800,1890.160,"Thank God for freedom!"
+ f000375,1890.160,1893.040,"I'll be back for you in half an hour."
+ f000376,1893.040,1897.440,"We'll celebrate our departure in the stationrestaurant."
+ f000377,1897.440,1902.760,"I'll order a supper that'll keep us going till tomorrow.Good morning, doctor."
+ f000378,1902.760,1904.440,"Good evening."
+ f000379,1904.440,1909.320,"Pleasant rest!Thanks, I know every doorhandle here."
+ f000380,1909.320,1910.440,"So long!"
+ f000381,1910.440,1911.600,"Have a good time!"
+ f000382,1911.600,1912.720,"Exit."
+ f000383,1912.720,1915.440,"I haven't seen a room for a year and a half."
+ f000384,1915.440,1918.600,"Curtains, chairs, pictures."
+ f000385,1918.600,1920.360,"Won't you drink it?"
+ f000386,1920.360,1923.520,"I've swallowed enough black coffee these five days."
+ f000387,1923.520,1924.960,"Have you any brandy?"
+ f000388,1924.960,1927.640,"I've got some elixir de Spaa."
+ f000389,1927.640,1930.000,"That reminds one of old times."
+ f000390,1930.000,1933.320,"Looks round the hall while Alva fills two glasses."
+ f000391,1933.320,1934.800,"Where's my picture gone?"
+ f000392,1934.800,1939.080,"I've got it in my room, so no one shall see it here."
+ f000393,1939.080,1940.680,"Bring it down here now."
+ f000394,1940.680,1944.040,"Didn't you even lose your vanity in prison?"
+ f000395,1944.040,1948.840,"How anxious at heart one gets when one hasn't seen herself for months!"
+ f000396,1948.840,1951.520,"One day I got a brandnew dustpan."
+ f000397,1951.520,1955.760,"When I swept up at seven in the morning I held the back of it up before my face."
+ f000398,1955.760,1962.360,"Tin doesn't flatter, but I took pleasure in it all the same.Bring the picture down from your room."
+ f000399,1962.360,1963.720,"Shall I come too?"
+ f000400,1963.720,1965.920,"No, Heaven's sake!"
+ f000401,1965.920,1968.160,"You must spare yourself!"
+ f000402,1968.160,1970.920,"I've been sparing myself long enough now!"
+ f000403,1970.920,1973.680,"Alva goes out, right, to get the picture."
+ f000404,1973.680,1980.200,"He has hearttrouble; but to have to plague one's self with imagination fourteen months!."
+ f000405,1980.200,1984.720,"He kisses with the fear of death on him, and his two knees shake like a frozen vagabond's."
+ f000406,1984.720,1986.360,"In God's name."
+ f000407,1986.360,1991.080,"In this roomif only I had not shot his father in the back!"
+ f000408,1991.080,1995.320,"Returns with the picture of Lulu in the Pierrotdress."
+ f000409,1995.320,1997.920,"It's covered with dust."
+ f000410,1997.920,2003.120,"I had leant it against the fireplace, face to the wall."
+ f000411,2003.120,2006.120,"You didn't look at it all the time I was away?"
+ f000412,2006.120,2011.640,"I had so much business to attend to, with the sale of our paper and everything."
+ f000413,2011.640,2020.920,"Countess Geschwitz would have liked to have hung it up in her house, but she had to be prepared for searchwarrants."
+ f000414,2020.920,2023.120,"He puts the picture on the easel."
+ f000415,2023.120,2024.080,"Merrily."
+ f000416,2024.080,2029.640,"Now the poor monster is learning the joys of life in Hotel Oxbutter by her own experience."
+ f000417,2029.640,2035.760,"Even now I don't understand how events hang together."
+ f000418,2035.760,2039.000,"Oh, Geschwitz arranged it all very cleverly."
+ f000419,2039.000,2041.520,"I must admire her inventiveness."
+ f000420,2041.520,2047.760,"But the cholera must have raged fearfully in Hamburg this summer; and on that she founded her plan for freeing me."
+ f000421,2047.760,2056.160,"She took a course in hospital nursing here, and when she had the necessary documents she journeyed to Hamburg with them and nursed the cholera patients."
+ f000422,2056.160,2063.960,"At the first opportunity that offered she put on the underclothes in which a sick woman had just died and which really ought to have been burnt."
+ f000423,2063.960,2068.360,"The same morning she traveled back here and came to see me in prison."
+ f000424,2068.360,2074.760,"In my cell, while the wardress was outside, we, as quick as we could, exchanged underclothes."
+ f000425,2074.760,2081.720,"So that was the reason why the Countess and you fell sick of the cholera the same day!"
+ f000426,2081.720,2083.880,"Exactly, that was it!"
+ f000427,2083.880,2088.440,"Geschwitz of course was instantly brought from her house to the contagious ward in the hospital."
+ f000428,2088.440,2092.160,"But with me, too, they couldn't think of any other place to take me."
+ f000429,2092.160,2103.240,"So there we lay in one room in the contagious ward behind the hospital, and from the first day Geschwitz put forth all her art to make our two faces as like each other as possible."
+ f000430,2103.240,2106.880,"Day before yesterday she was let out as cured."
+ f000431,2106.880,2110.640,"Just now she came back and said she'd forgotten her watch."
+ f000432,2110.640,2115.720,"I put on her clothes, she slipped into my prison frock, and then I came away."
+ f000433,2115.720,2115.760,"With pleasure."
+ f000434,2115.760,2119.640,"Now she's lying over there as the murderess of Dr. Schön."
+ f000435,2119.640,2127.920,"So far as outward appearance goes you can still agree with the picture as much as ever."
+ f000436,2127.920,2132.120,"I'm a little peaked in the face, but otherwise I've lost nothing."
+ f000437,2132.120,2134.920,"Only one gets incredibly nervous in prison."
+ f000438,2134.920,2137.920,"You looked horribly sick when you came in."
+ f000439,2137.920,2142.640,"I had to, to get our necks out of the noose.And you?"
+ f000440,2142.640,2144.720,"What have you done in this year and a half?"
+ f000441,2144.720,2151.640,"I've had a succès d'estime in literary circles with a play I wrote about you."
+ f000442,2151.640,2154.800,"Who's your sweetheart now?"
+ f000443,2154.800,2157.760,"An actress I've rented a house for in Karl Street."
+ f000444,2157.760,2159.480,"Does she love you?"
+ f000445,2159.480,2161.800,"How should I know that?"
+ f000446,2161.800,2165.240,"I haven't seen the woman for six weeks."
+ f000447,2165.240,2168.000,"Can you stand that?"
+ f000448,2168.000,2170.120,"You will never understand that."
+ f000449,2170.120,2178.920,"With me there's the closest alternation between my sensuality and mental creativeness."
+ f000450,2178.920,2186.160,"So towards you, for example, I have only the choice of regarding you artistically or of loving you."
+ f000451,2186.160,2188.240,"In a fairystory tone."
+ f000452,2188.240,2193.360,"I used to dream every other night that I'd fallen into the hands of a sadic."
+ f000453,2193.360,2195.560,"Come, give me a kiss!"
+ f000454,2195.560,2203.440,"It's shining in your eyes like the water in a deep well one has just thrown a stone into."
+ f000455,2203.440,2204.960,"Come!"
+ f000456,2204.960,2207.200,"Kisses her."
+ f000457,2207.200,2210.640,"Your lips have got pretty thin, anyway."
+ f000458,2210.640,2211.800,"Come!"
+ f000459,2211.800,2215.160,"Pushes him into a chair and seats herself on his knee."
+ f000460,2215.160,2221.640,"Do you shudder at me?In Hotel Oxbutter we all got a lukewarm bath every four weeks."
+ f000461,2221.640,2226.920,"The wardresses took that opportunity to search our pockets as soon as we were in the water."
+ f000462,2226.920,2229.360,"She kisses him passionately."
+ f000463,2229.360,2231.720,"Oh, oh!"
+ f000464,2231.720,2236.520,"You're afraid that when I'm away you couldn't write any more poems about me?"
+ f000465,2236.520,2242.200,"On the contrary, I shall write a dithyramb upon thy glory."
+ f000466,2242.200,2245.280,"I'm only sore about the hideous shoes I'm wearing."
+ f000467,2245.280,2248.280,"They do not encroach upon your charms."
+ f000468,2248.280,2254.080,"Let us be thankful for the favor of this moment."
+ f000469,2254.080,2260.560,"I don't feel at all like that today.Do you remember the costume ball where I was dressed like a knight's squire?"
+ f000470,2260.560,2263.640,"How those winefull women ran after me that time?"
+ f000471,2263.640,2269.840,"Geschwitz crawled round, round my feet, and begged me to step on her face with my cloth shoes."
+ f000472,2269.840,2272.920,"Come, dear heart!"
+ f000473,2272.920,2277.240,"In the tone with which one quiets a restless child."
+ f000474,2277.240,2278.520,"Quietly!"
+ f000475,2278.520,2280.600,"I shot your father."
+ f000476,2280.600,2283.680,"I do not love thee less for that."
+ f000477,2283.680,2286.120,"One kiss!"
+ f000478,2286.120,2287.680,"Bend your head back."
+ f000479,2287.680,2290.160,"She kisses him with deliberation."
+ f000480,2290.160,2296.240,"You hold back the fire of my soul with the most dexterous art."
+ f000481,2296.240,2300.480,"And your breast breathes so virginly too."
+ f000482,2300.480,2312.800,"Yet if it weren't for your two great, dark, childish eyes, I must needs have thought you the cunningest whore that ever hurled a man to destruction."
+ f000483,2312.800,2316.000,"In high spirits."
+ f000484,2316.000,2318.120,"Would God I were!"
+ f000485,2318.120,2320.440,"Come over the border with us today!"
+ f000486,2320.440,2325.480,"Then we can see each other as often as we will, and we'll get more pleasure from each other than now."
+ f000487,2325.480,2330.720,"Through this dress I feel your body like a symphony."
+ f000488,2330.720,2338.800,"These slender ankles, this cantabile."
+ f000489,2338.800,2342.760,"This rapturous crescendo."
+ f000490,2342.760,2347.840,"And these knees, this capriccio."
+ f000491,2347.840,2373.920,"And the powerful andante of lust!How peacefully these two slim rivals press against each other in the consciousness that neither equals the other in beautytill their capricious mistress wakes up and the rival lovers separate like the two hostile poles."
+ f000492,2373.920,2381.520,"I shall sing your praises so that your senses shall whirl!"
+ f000493,2381.520,2383.080,"Merrily."
+ f000494,2383.080,2385.080,"Meanwhile I'll bury my hands in your hair."
+ f000495,2385.080,2386.680,"She does so."
+ f000496,2386.680,2388.800,"But here we'll be disturbed."
+ f000497,2388.800,2391.600,"You have robbed me of my reason!"
+ f000498,2391.600,2393.640,"Aren't you coming with me today?"
+ f000499,2393.640,2396.360,"But the old fellow's going with you!"
+ f000500,2396.360,2401.640,"He won't turn up again.Is not that the divan on which your father bled to death?"
+ f000501,2401.640,2403.480,"Be still."
+ f000502,2403.480,2405.400,"Be still."
+ f000503,2405.400,2420.760,"curtain end of act."
alignments/10/aeneas/00002-pandora_map.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+ f000001,21.280,26.120,"ACT II A spacious salon in white stucco."
+ f000002,26.120,35.400,"In the rearwall, between two high mirrors, a wide folding doorway showing in the rear room a big cardtable surrounded by Turkish upholstered chairs."
+ f000003,35.400,41.320,"In the left wall two doors, the upper one to the entrancehall, the lower to the diningroom."
+ f000004,41.320,49.920,"Between them a rocococonsole with a white marble top, and above it Lulu's Pierrotpicture in a narrow gold frame let into the wall."
+ f000005,49.920,54.040,"Two other doors, right; near the lower one a small table."
+ f000006,54.040,68.440,"Wide and brightlycovered chairs stand about, with thin legs and fragile arms; and in the middle is a sofa of the same style Louis XV.. A large company is moving about the salon in lively conversation."
+ f000007,68.440,77.160,"The menAlva, Rodrigo, Marquis CastiPiani, Banker Puntschu, and Journalist Heilmannare in evening dress."
+ f000008,77.160,83.960,"Lulu wears a white Directoire dress with huge sleeves and white lace falling freely from belt to feet."
+ f000009,83.960,90.120,"Her arms are in white kid gloves, her hair done high with a little tuft of white feathers."
+ f000010,90.120,101.840,"Geschwitz is in a bright blue hussarwaist trimmed with white fur and laced with silver braid, a tall tight collar with a white bow and stiff cuffs with huge ivory links."
+ f000011,101.840,112.640,"Magelone is in bright rainbowcolored shot silk with very wide sleeves, long narrow waist, and three ruffles of spiral rosecolored ribbons and violet bouquets."
+ f000012,112.640,116.640,"Her hair is parted in the middle and drawn low over her temples."
+ f000013,116.640,122.080,"On her forehead is a motherofpearl ornament, held by a fine chain under her hair."
+ f000014,122.080,139.680,"Kadidia, her daughter, twelve years old, has brightgreen satin gaiters which yet leave visible the tops of her white silk socks, and a whitelacecovered dress with brightgreen narrow sleeves, pearlgray gloves, and free black hair under a big brightgreen hat with white feathers."
+ f000015,139.680,149.280,"Bianetta is in darkgreen velvet, the collar sewn with pearls, and a full skirt, its hem embroidered with great false topazes set in silver."
+ f000016,149.280,154.440,"Ludmilla Steinherz is in a glaring summer frock striped red and blue."
+ f000017,154.440,159.240,"Rodrigo stands, centre, a full glass in his hand."
+ f000018,159.240,187.440,"Ladies and gentlemenI beg your pardonplease be quietI drinkpermit me to drinkfor this is the birthday party of our amiable hostesstaking Lulu's arm of Countess Adelaide d'Oubradamned and done for!I drink thereforeand so forth, go to it, ladies!"
+ f000019,187.440,190.000,"All surround Lulu and clink with her."
+ f000020,190.000,192.600,"Alva presses Rodrigo's hand."
+ f000021,192.600,194.840,"I congratulate you."
+ f000022,194.840,197.000,"I'm sweating like a roast pig."
+ f000023,197.000,199.680,"To Lulu."
+ f000024,199.680,202.840,"Let's see if everything's in order in the cardroom."
+ f000025,202.840,205.200,"Alva and Lulu exeunt, rear."
+ f000026,205.200,207.920,"Bianetta speaks to Rodrigo."
+ f000027,207.920,213.080,"They were telling me just now you were the strongest man in the world."
+ f000028,213.080,214.280,"That I am."
+ f000029,214.280,217.320,"May I put my strength at your disposal?"
+ f000030,217.320,219.760,"I love sharpshooters better."
+ f000031,219.760,225.640,"Three months ago a sharpshooter stepped into the casino and every time he went bang!"
+ f000032,225.640,227.720,"I felt like this."
+ f000033,227.720,229.800,"She wriggles her hips."
+ f000034,229.800,236.040,"Who speaks thruout the act in a bored and weary tone, to Magelone."
+ f000035,236.040,243.960,"Say, dearie, how does it happen we see your nice little princess here for the first time tonight?"
+ f000036,243.960,245.800,"Meaning Kadidia."
+ f000037,245.800,250.400,"Do you really find her so delightful?She is still in the convent."
+ f000038,250.400,253.080,"She must be back in school again on Monday."
+ f000039,253.080,255.120,"What did you say, mama?"
+ f000040,255.120,260.200,"I was just telling the gentleman that you got the highest mark in geometry last week."
+ f000041,260.200,263.200,"Some pretty hair she's got!"
+ f000042,263.200,268.280,"Just look at her feet: the way she walks!"
+ f000043,268.280,271.640,"By god, she's got breeding!"
+ f000044,271.640,272.680,"Smiling."
+ f000045,272.680,276.000,"But my dear sirs, take pity on her!"
+ f000046,276.000,278.320,"She's nothing but a child still!"
+ f000047,278.320,280.000,"That'd trouble me damned little!"
+ f000048,280.000,281.640,"To Heilmann."
+ f000049,281.640,288.840,"I'd give ten years of my life if I could initiate the young lady into the ceremonies of our secret society!"
+ f000050,288.840,292.280,"But you won't get me to consent to that for a million."
+ f000051,292.280,295.320,"I won't have the child's youth ruined, the way mine was!"
+ f000052,295.320,299.880,"Confessions of a lovely soul!"
+ f000053,299.880,301.400,"To Magelone."
+ f000054,301.400,305.360,"Would you not agree, either, for a set of real diamonds?"
+ f000055,305.360,307.560,"Don't brag!"
+ f000056,307.560,310.880,"You'll give as few real diamonds to me as to my child."
+ f000057,310.880,312.920,"You know that quite the best yourself."
+ f000058,312.920,315.680,"Kadidia goes into the rear room."
+ f000059,315.680,320.320,"But is nobody at all going to play, this evening?"
+ f000060,320.320,322.800,"Why, of course, comtesse."
+ f000061,322.800,326.360,"I'm counting on it very much, for one!"
+ f000062,326.360,329.040,"Then let's take our places right away."
+ f000063,329.040,332.680,"The gentlemen will soon come then."
+ f000064,332.680,336.400,"May I ask you to excuse me just a second."
+ f000065,336.400,339.320,"I must say a word to my friend."
+ f000066,339.320,342.920,"Offering his arm to Bianetta."
+ f000067,342.920,346.480,"May I have the honor to be your partner?"
+ f000068,346.480,350.000,"You always hold such a lucky hand!"
+ f000069,350.000,356.440,"Now just give me your other arm and then lead us into the gamblinghell."
+ f000070,356.440,358.440,"The three go off so, rear."
+ f000071,358.440,363.680,"Say, Mr. Puntschu, have you still got a few Jungfrau shares for me, maybe?"
+ f000072,363.680,365.520,"Jungfraushares?"
+ f000073,365.520,366.840,"To Heilmann."
+ f000074,366.840,370.920,"The lady means the stock of the funicular railway on the Jungfrau."
+ f000075,370.920,378.040,"The Jungfrau, you know,the Virginis a mountain up which they want to build a wire railway."
+ f000076,378.040,379.960,"To Magelone."
+ f000077,379.960,395.120,"You know, just so there may be no confusion;and how easy that would be in this select circle!Yes, I still have some four thousand Jungfraushares, but I should like to keep those for myself."
+ f000078,395.120,399.600,"There won't be such another chance soon of making a little fortune out of hand."
+ f000079,399.600,406.240,"I've only one lone share of this Jungfraustock so far."
+ f000080,406.240,408.520,"I should like to have more, too."
+ f000081,408.520,412.240,"I'll try, Mr. Heilmann, to look after some for you."
+ f000082,412.240,417.000,"But I'll tell you beforehand you'll have to pay drugstore prices for them!"
+ f000083,417.000,421.000,"My fortuneteller advised me to look about me in time."
+ f000084,421.000,424.040,"All my savings are in Jungfraushares now."
+ f000085,424.040,428.760,"If it doesn't turn out well, Mr. Puntschu, I'll scratch your eyes out!"
+ f000086,428.760,433.120,"I am perfectly sure of my affairs, my dearie!"
+ f000087,433.120,437.400,"Who has come back from the cardroom, to Magelone."
+ f000088,437.400,442.240,"I can guarantee your fears are absolutely unfounded."
+ f000089,442.240,446.880,"I paid very dear for my Jungfraustock and haven't regretted it a minute."
+ f000090,446.880,450.040,"They're going up steadily from day to day."
+ f000091,450.040,453.400,"There never was such a thing before."
+ f000092,453.400,455.280,"All the better, if you're right."
+ f000093,455.280,457.080,"Taking Puntschu's arm."
+ f000094,457.080,460.840,"Come, my friend, let's try our luck now at baccarat."
+ f000095,460.840,470.080,"All go out, rear, except Geschwitz and Rodrigo who scribbles something on a piece of paper and folds it up, then notices Geschwitz."
+ f000096,470.080,474.600,"Hm, madam countessGeschwitz starts and shrinks."
+ f000097,474.600,477.560,"Do I look as dangerous as that?"
+ f000098,477.560,478.880,"To himself."
+ f000099,478.880,481.120,"I must make a bon mot."
+ f000100,481.120,481.720,"Aloud."
+ f000101,481.720,486.640,"May I perhaps make so bold GESCHWITZ."
+ f000102,486.640,489.000,"You can go to the devil!"
+ f000103,489.000,490.560,"As he leads Lulu in."
+ f000104,490.560,493.920,"Permit me a word or two."
+ f000105,493.920,498.280,"Not noticing Rodrigo who presses his note into her hand."
+ f000106,498.280,500.040,"Oh, as many as you like."
+ f000107,500.040,503.560,"Rodrigo bows and goes out, rear."
+ f000108,503.560,507.080,"To Geschwitz."
+ f000109,507.080,508.480,"Leave us alone!"
+ f000110,508.480,510.720,"To CastiPiani."
+ f000111,510.720,512.760,"Have I hurt you again in any way?"
+ f000112,512.760,516.080,"Since Geschwitz does not stir."
+ f000113,516.080,519.920,"Are you deaf?"
+ f000114,519.920,523.280,"Geschwitz, sighing deeply, goes out, rear."
+ f000115,523.280,526.360,"Just say straight out how much you want."
+ f000116,526.360,529.600,"With money you can no longer serve me."
+ f000117,529.600,532.280,"What makes you think that we have no more money?"
+ f000118,532.280,536.320,"You handed out the last bit of it to me yesterday."
+ f000119,536.320,539.480,"If you're sure of that then I suppose it's so."
+ f000120,539.480,544.520,"You're down on the bare ground, you and your writer."
+ f000121,544.520,551.080,"Then why all the words?If you want to have me for yourself you need not first threaten me with execution."
+ f000122,551.080,553.080,"I know that."
+ f000123,553.080,558.160,"But I've told you more than once that you won't be my downfall."
+ f000124,558.160,564.360,"I haven't sucked you dry because you loved me, but loved you in order to suck you."
+ f000125,564.360,569.200,"Bianetta is more to my taste from top to bottom than you."
+ f000126,569.200,578.480,"You set out the choicest sweetmeats, and after one has frittered his time away at them he finds he's hungrier than before."
+ f000127,578.480,583.200,"You've loved too long, even for our present relations."
+ f000128,583.200,587.800,"With a healthy young man, you only ruin his nervous system."
+ f000129,587.800,593.000,"But you'll fit all the more perfectly in the position I have sought out for you."
+ f000130,593.000,594.720,"You're crazy!"
+ f000131,594.720,597.960,"Have I commissioned you to find a position for me?"
+ f000132,597.960,601.320,"I told you, though, that I was an appointmentsagent."
+ f000133,601.320,604.280,"You told me you were a police spy."
+ f000134,604.280,607.400,"One can't live on that alone."
+ f000135,607.400,617.080,"I was an appointmentsagent originally, till I blundered over a minister's daughter I'd got a position for in Valparaiso."
+ f000136,617.080,627.880,"The little darling in her childhood's dreams imagined the life even more intoxicating than it is, and complained of it to Mama."
+ f000137,627.880,646.360,"On that, they nabbed me; but by reliable demeanor I soon enough won the confidence of the criminal police and they sent me here on a hundred and fifty marks a month, because they were tripling our contingent here on account of these everlasting bombexplosions."
+ f000138,646.360,650.480,"But who can get along on a hundred and fifty marks a month?"
+ f000139,650.480,675.040,"My colleagues get women to support them; but, of course, I found it more convenient to take up my former calling again; and of the numberless adventuresses of the best families of the entire world, whom chance brings together here, I have already forwarded many a young creature hungry for life to the place of her natural vocation."
+ f000140,675.040,676.000,"Decisively."
+ f000141,676.000,678.520,"I wouldn't do in that business."
+ f000142,678.520,683.640,"Your views on that question make no difference whatever to me."
+ f000143,683.640,694.400,"The department of justice will pay anyone who delivers the murderess of Dr. Schön into the hands of the police a thousand marks."
+ f000144,694.400,703.640,"I only need to whistle for the constable who's standing down at the corner to have earned a thousand marks."
+ f000145,703.640,716.560,"Against that, the House of Oikonomopulos in Cairo bids sixty pounds for youtwelve hundred markstwo hundred more than the Attorney General."
+ f000146,716.560,728.000,"And, besides, I am still so far a friend of mankind that I prefer to help my loves to happiness, not plunge them into misfortune."
+ f000147,728.000,728.680,"As before."
+ f000148,728.680,733.200,"The life in such a house can never make a woman of my stamp happy."
+ f000149,733.200,736.240,"When I was fifteen, that might have happened to me."
+ f000150,736.240,739.440,"I was desperate thenthought I should never be happy."
+ f000151,739.440,746.880,"I bought a revolver, and ran one night barefoot thru the deep snow over the bridge to the park to shoot myself there."
+ f000152,746.880,756.040,"But then by good luck I lay three months in the hospital without setting eyes on a man, and in that time my eyes opened and I got to know myself."
+ f000153,756.040,767.360,"Night after night in my dreams I saw the man for whom I was created and who was created for me, and then when I was let out on the men again I was no longer a silly goose."
+ f000154,767.360,783.320,"Since then I can see on a man, in a pitchdark night and a hundred feet away, whether we're suited to each other; and if I sin against that insight I feel the next day dirtied, body and soul, and need weeks to get over the loathing I have for myself."
+ f000155,783.320,788.200,"And now you imagine I'll give myself to every and any Tom and Harry!"
+ f000156,788.200,793.480,"Toms and Harries don't patronize Oikonomopulos of Cairo."
+ f000157,793.480,804.120,"His custom consists of Scottish lords, Russian dignitaries, Indian governors, and our jolly Rhineland captains of industry."
+ f000158,804.120,808.080,"I must only guarantee that you speak French."
+ f000159,808.080,815.840,"With your gift for languages you'll quickly enough learn as much English, besides, as you'll need to get on with."
+ f000160,815.840,844.800,"And you'll reside in a royally furnished apartment with an outlook on the minarets of the El Azhar Mosque, and walk around all day on Persian carpets as thick as your fist, and dress every evening in a fabulous Paris gown and drink as much champagne as your customers can pay for, and, finally, you'll even remain, up to a certain point, your own mistress."
+ f000161,844.800,850.640,"If the man doesn't please you, you needn't bring him any reciprocal feelings."
+ f000162,850.640,857.080,"Just let him give in his card, and thenShrugs, and snaps his fingers."
+ f000163,857.080,869.080,"If the ladies didn't get used to that the whole business would be simply impossible, because every one after the first four weeks would go headlong to the devil."
+ f000164,869.080,870.440,"Her voice shaking."
+ f000165,870.440,873.680,"I do believe that since yesterday you've got a screw loose somewhere."
+ f000166,873.680,880.240,"Am I to understand that the Egyptian will pay fifteen hundred francs for a person whom he's never seen?"
+ f000167,880.240,884.360,"I took the liberty of sending him your pictures."
+ f000168,884.360,887.840,"Those pictures that I gave you, you've sent to him?"
+ f000169,887.840,891.800,"You see he can value them better than I."
+ f000170,891.800,899.520,"The picture in which you stand before the mirror as Eve he'll probably hang up at the housedoor, after you've got there."
+ f000171,899.520,913.080,"And then there's one thing more for you to notice: with Oikonomopulos in Cairo you'll be safer from your bloodhounds than if you crept into a Canadian wilderness."
+ f000172,913.080,925.880,"It isn't so easy to transport an Egyptian courtesan to a German prison,first, on account of the mere expense, and second, from fear of coming too close to eternal Justice."
+ f000173,925.880,927.800,"Proudly, in a clear voice."
+ f000174,927.800,930.640,"What's your eternal Justice to do with me!"
+ f000175,930.640,936.960,"You can see as plain as your five fingers I shan't let myself be locked up in any such amusementplace!"
+ f000176,936.960,940.800,"Then do you want me to whistle for the policeman?"
+ f000177,940.800,941.280,"In wonder."
+ f000178,941.280,945.960,"Why don't you simply ask me for twelve hundred marks, if you want the money?"
+ f000179,945.960,948.960,"I want for no money!"
+ f000180,948.960,953.880,"And I also don't ask for it because you're dead broke."
+ f000181,953.880,957.000,"We still have thirty thousand marks."
+ f000182,957.000,960.040,"In Jungfraustock!"
+ f000183,960.040,962.880,"I never have anything to do with stock."
+ f000184,962.880,970.320,"The AttorneyGeneral pays in the national currency, and Oikonomopulos pays in English gold."
+ f000185,970.320,973.280,"You can be on board early tomorrow."
+ f000186,973.280,976.920,"The passage doesn't last much more than five days."
+ f000187,976.920,980.600,"In two weeks at most you're in safety."
+ f000188,980.600,984.440,"Here you are nearer to prison than anywhere."
+ f000189,984.440,995.600,"It's a wonder which I, as one of the secret police, cannot understand, that you two have been able to live for a full year unmolested."
+ f000190,995.600,1008.880,"But just as I came on the track of your antecedents, so any day, with your mighty consumption of men, one of my colleagues may make the happy discovery."
+ f000191,1008.880,1017.080,"Then I may just wipe my mouth, and you spend in prison the most enjoyable years of your life."
+ f000192,1017.080,1020.200,"If you will kindly decide quickly."
+ f000193,1020.200,1022.440,"The train goes at."
+ f000194,1022.440,1027.440,"If we haven't struck a bargain before eleven, I whistle up the policeman."
+ f000195,1027.440,1038.800,"If we have, I pack you, just as you stand, into a carriage, drive you to the station, and tomorrow escort you on board ship."
+ f000196,1038.800,1042.160,"But is it possible you can be serious in all this?"
+ f000197,1042.160,1047.520,"Don't you understand that I can act now only for your bodily rescue?"
+ f000198,1047.520,1053.520,"I'll go with you to America or to China, but I can't let myself be sold of my own accord!"
+ f000199,1053.520,1057.040,"That is worse than prison!"
+ f000200,1057.040,1058.760,"Drawing a letter from his pocket."
+ f000201,1058.760,1061.920,"Just read this effusion!"
+ f000202,1061.920,1063.760,"I'll read it to you."
+ f000203,1063.760,1069.840,"Here's the postmark Cairo, so you won't believe I work with forged documents."
+ f000204,1069.840,1078.800,"The girl is a Berliner, was married two years and to a man whom you would have envied her, a former comrade of mine."
+ f000205,1078.800,1081.640,"He travels now for the Hamburg Colonial Company."
+ f000206,1081.640,1082.040,"Merrily."
+ f000207,1082.040,1085.280,"Then perhaps he visits his wife occasionally?"
+ f000208,1085.280,1088.040,"That is not incredible."
+ f000209,1088.040,1092.760,"But hear this impulsive expression of her feelings."
+ f000210,1092.760,1108.360,"My whiteslave traffic seems to me absolutely no more honorable than the very best judge would tax it with being, but a cry of joy like this lets me feel a certain moral satisfaction for a moment."
+ f000211,1108.360,1113.720,"I am proud to earn my money by scattering happiness with full hands."
+ f000212,1113.720,1115.120,"Reads."
+ f000213,1115.120,1146.320,"Dear Mr. Meyerthat's my name as a whiteslave traderwhen you go to Berlin, please go right away to the conservatory on the Potsdamer Strasse and ask for Gusti von Rosenkronthe most beautiful woman that I've ever seen in naturedelightful hands and feet, naturally small waist, straight back, full body, big eyes and short nosejust the sort you like best."
+ f000214,1146.320,1148.920,"I have written to her already."
+ f000215,1148.920,1151.520,"She has no prospects with her singing."
+ f000216,1151.520,1153.400,"Her mother hasn't a penny."
+ f000217,1153.400,1158.200,"Sorry she's already twentytwo, but she's pining for love."
+ f000218,1158.200,1162.360,"Can't marry, because absolutely without means."
+ f000219,1162.360,1164.760,"I have spoken with Madame."
+ f000220,1164.760,1169.600,"They'd like to take another German, if she's well educated and musical."
+ f000221,1169.600,1175.000,"Italians and Frenchwomen can't compete with us, 'cause of too little culture."
+ f000222,1175.000,1183.480,"If you should see FritzFritz is the husband; he's getting a divorce, of course,tell him it was all a bore."
+ f000223,1183.480,1186.720,"He didn't know any better, nor did I either."
+ f000224,1186.720,1189.960,"Now come the exact details LULU."
+ f000225,1189.960,1190.240,"Goaded."
+ f000226,1190.240,1193.800,"I can not sell the only thing that ever was my own!"
+ f000227,1193.800,1196.040,"Let me read some more."
+ f000228,1196.040,1196.280,"As before."
+ f000229,1196.280,1200.360,"This very evening, I'll hand over to you our entire wealth."
+ f000230,1200.360,1206.000,"Believe me, for God's sake, I've got your last red cent!"
+ f000231,1206.000,1214.400,"If we haven't left this house before eleven, you and your lot will be transported tomorrow in a policecar to Germany."
+ f000232,1214.400,1216.200,"You can't give me up!"
+ f000233,1216.200,1220.720,"Do you think that would be the worst thing I can have done in my life?."
+ f000234,1220.720,1227.080,"I must, in case we go tonight, have just a brief word with Bianetta."
+ f000235,1227.080,1231.160,"He goes into the cardroom, leaving the door open behind him."
+ f000236,1231.160,1239.400,"Lulu stares before her, mechanically crumpling up the note that Rodrigo stuck into her hand, which she has held in her fingers thruout the dialog."
+ f000237,1239.400,1246.200,"Alva, behind the cardtable, gets up, a bill in his hand, and comes into the salon."
+ f000238,1246.200,1247.000,"To Lulu."
+ f000239,1247.000,1249.240,"Brilliantly!"
+ f000240,1249.240,1251.040,"It's going brilliantly!"
+ f000241,1251.040,1254.040,"Geschwitz is wagering her last shirt."
+ f000242,1254.040,1258.080,"Puntschu has promised me ten more Jungfraushares."
+ f000243,1258.080,1261.720,"Steinherz is making her little gains and profits."
+ f000244,1261.720,1264.760,"Exit, lower right."
+ f000245,1264.760,1270.480,"I in a bordell?She reads the paper she holds, and laughs madly."
+ f000246,1270.480,1274.160,"Coming back with a cashbox in his hand."
+ f000247,1274.160,1276.640,"Aren't you going to play, too?"
+ f000248,1276.640,1279.400,"Oh, yes, surelywhy not?"
+ f000249,1279.400,1289.920,"By the way, it's in the Berliner Tageblatt today that Alfred Hugenberg has hurled himself over the stairs in prison."
+ f000250,1289.920,1292.080,"Is he too in prison?"
+ f000251,1292.080,1295.520,"Only in a sort of house of detention."
+ f000252,1295.520,1297.120,"Exit, rear."
+ f000253,1297.120,1301.480,"Lulu is about to follow, but Countess Geschwitz meets her in the doorway."
+ f000254,1301.480,1304.400,"You are going because I come?"
+ f000255,1304.400,1304.600,"Resolutely."
+ f000256,1304.600,1306.680,"No, God knows."
+ f000257,1306.680,1308.800,"But when you come then I go."
+ f000258,1308.800,1314.240,"You have defrauded me of all the good things of this world that I still possessed."
+ f000259,1314.240,1321.080,"You might at the very least preserve the outward forms of politeness in your intercourse with me."
+ f000260,1321.080,1322.280,"As before."
+ f000261,1322.280,1324.440,"I am as polite to you as to any other woman."
+ f000262,1324.440,1327.200,"I only beg you to be equally so to me."
+ f000263,1327.200,1337.560,"Have you forgotten the passionate endearments by which, while we lay together in the hospital, you seduced me into letting myself be locked into prison for you?"
+ f000264,1337.560,1341.600,"Well, why else did you bring me down with the cholera beforehand?"
+ f000265,1341.600,1347.480,"I swore very different things to myself, even while it was going on, from what I had to promise you!"
+ f000266,1347.480,1351.760,"I am shaken with horror at the thought that that should ever become reality!"
+ f000267,1351.760,1355.120,"Then you cheated me consciously, deliberately?"
+ f000268,1355.120,1355.640,"Gaily."
+ f000269,1355.640,1357.680,"What have you been cheated of, then?"
+ f000270,1357.680,1367.120,"Your physical advantages have found so enthusiastic an admirer here, that I ask myself if I won't have to give piano lessons once more, to keep alive!"
+ f000271,1367.120,1375.960,"No seventeenyearold child could make a man madder with love than you, a pervert, are making him, poor fellow, by your shrewishness."
+ f000272,1375.960,1378.640,"Of whom are you speaking?"
+ f000273,1378.640,1381.040,"I don't understand a word."
+ f000274,1381.040,1381.280,"As before."
+ f000275,1381.280,1384.920,"I'm speaking of your acrobat, of Rodrigo Quast."
+ f000276,1384.920,1389.960,"He's an athlete: he balances two saddled cavalry horses on his chest."
+ f000277,1389.960,1392.960,"Can a woman desire anything more glorious?"
+ f000278,1392.960,1398.520,"He told me just now that he'd jump into the water tonight if you did not take pity on him."
+ f000279,1398.520,1407.880,"I do not envy you this cleverness with which you torture the helpless victims sacrificed to you by their inscrutable destiny."
+ f000280,1407.880,1412.840,"My own plight has not yet wrung from me the pity that I feel for you."
+ f000281,1412.840,1418.640,"I feel free as a god when I think to what creatures you are enslaved."
+ f000282,1418.640,1420.200,"Who do you mean?"
+ f000283,1420.200,1427.240,"CastiPiani, upon whose forehead the most degenerate baseness is written in letters of fire!"
+ f000284,1427.240,1428.800,"Be silent!"
+ f000285,1428.800,1430.800,"I'll kick you, if you speak ill of him."
+ f000286,1430.800,1437.440,"He loves me with an uprightness against which your most venturous selfsacrifices are poor as beggary!"
+ f000287,1437.440,1444.160,"He gives me such proofs of selfdenial as reveal you for the first time in all your loathsomeness!"
+ f000288,1444.160,1448.680,"You didn't get finished in your mother's womb, neither as woman nor as man."
+ f000289,1448.680,1451.360,"You have no human nature like the rest of us."
+ f000290,1451.360,1457.080,"The stuff didn't go far enough for a man, and for a woman you got too much brain into your skull."
+ f000291,1457.080,1459.200,"That's the reason you're crazy!"
+ f000292,1459.200,1461.000,"Turn to Miss Bianetta!"
+ f000293,1461.000,1463.400,"She can be had for everything for pay!"
+ f000294,1463.400,1466.600,"Press a goldpiece into her hand and she'll belong to you."
+ f000295,1466.600,1471.080,"All the company save Kadidia throng in out of the cardroom."
+ f000296,1471.080,1473.760,"For the Lord's sake, what has happened?"
+ f000297,1473.760,1475.520,"Nothing whatever!"
+ f000298,1475.520,1477.600,"We're thirsty, that's all."
+ f000299,1477.600,1479.360,"Everybody has won."
+ f000300,1479.360,1480.920,"We can't believe it."
+ f000301,1480.920,1484.840,"It seems I have won a whole fortune!"
+ f000302,1484.840,1487.680,"Don't boast of it, my child."
+ f000303,1487.680,1489.320,"That isn't lucky."
+ f000304,1489.320,1491.560,"But the bank has won, too!"
+ f000305,1491.560,1493.120,"How is that possible?"
+ f000306,1493.120,1496.720,"It is colossal, where all the money comes from!"
+ f000307,1496.720,1499.320,"Let us not ask!"
+ f000308,1499.320,1502.240,"Enough that we need not spare the champagne."
+ f000309,1502.240,1507.480,"I can pay for a supper in a respectable restaurant afterwards, anyway!"
+ f000310,1507.480,1509.800,"To the buffet, ladies!"
+ f000311,1509.800,1511.360,"Come to the buffet!"
+ f000312,1511.360,1513.720,"All exeunt, lower left."
+ f000313,1513.720,1516.720,"Holding Lulu back."
+ f000314,1516.720,1518.760,"Un momong, my heart."
+ f000315,1518.760,1521.040,"Have you read my billetdoux?"
+ f000316,1521.040,1524.000,"Threaten me with discovery as much as you like!"
+ f000317,1524.000,1526.560,"I have no more twenty thousands to dispose of."
+ f000318,1526.560,1529.680,"Don't lie to me, you punk!"
+ f000319,1529.680,1533.440,"You've still got forty thousand in Jungfraustock."
+ f000320,1533.440,1538.800,"Your socalled spouse has just been bragging of it himself!"
+ f000321,1538.800,1541.200,"Then turn to him with your blackmailing!"
+ f000322,1541.200,1543.680,"It's all one to me what he does with his money."
+ f000323,1543.680,1545.080,"Thank you!"
+ f000324,1545.080,1550.560,"With that blockhead I'd need twice twentyfour hours to make him grasp what I was talking about."
+ f000325,1550.560,1561.480,"And then come his explanations, that make one deathly sick; and meanwhile my bride writes me It's all up! and I can just hang a hurdygurdy over my shoulder."
+ f000326,1561.480,1563.480,"Have you got engaged here, then?"
+ f000327,1563.480,1566.680,"Maybe I ought to have asked your permission first?"
+ f000328,1566.680,1571.440,"What were my thanks here that I freed you from prison at the cost of my health?"
+ f000329,1571.440,1573.480,"You abandoned me!"
+ f000330,1573.480,1579.720,"I might have had to be a baggageman if this girl hadn't taken me up!"
+ f000331,1579.720,1584.560,"At my very first entrance, right away, they threw a velvetcovered armchair at my head!"
+ f000332,1584.560,1590.440,"This country is too decadent to value genuine shows of strength any more."
+ f000333,1590.440,1597.120,"If I'd been a boxing kangaroo they'd have interviewed me and put my picture in all the papers."
+ f000334,1597.120,1602.520,"Thank heaven, I'd already made the acquaintance of my Celestine."
+ f000335,1602.520,1610.880,"She's got the savings of twenty years deposited with the government; and she loves me just for myself."
+ f000336,1610.880,1614.760,"She doesn't aim only at vulgar things, like you."
+ f000337,1614.760,1620.440,"She's had three children by an American bishopall of the greatest promise."
+ f000338,1620.440,1624.400,"Day after tomorrow we'll get married by the registrar."
+ f000339,1624.400,1626.160,"You have my blessing."
+ f000340,1626.160,1629.440,"Your blessing can be stolen from me."
+ f000341,1629.440,1633.320,"I've told my bride I had twenty thousand in stock at the bank."
+ f000342,1633.320,1633.920,"Amused."
+ f000343,1633.920,1637.800,"And after that he boasts the person loves him for himself!"
+ f000344,1637.800,1644.360,"She honors in me the man of mind, not the man of might as you and all the others have done."
+ f000345,1644.360,1645.760,"That's over now."
+ f000346,1645.760,1651.640,"First they tore the clothes from one's body and then they waltzed around with the chambermaid."
+ f000347,1651.640,1657.160,"I'll be a skeleton before I'll let myself in again for such diversions!"
+ f000348,1657.160,1662.120,"Then why the devil do you pursue the unfortunate Geschwitz with your attentions?"
+ f000349,1662.120,1665.280,"Because the creature is of noble blood."
+ f000350,1665.280,1671.200,"I'm a man of the world, and can do distinguished conversation better than any of you."
+ f000351,1671.200,1677.120,"But now with a gesture my talk is hanging out of my mouth!"
+ f000352,1677.120,1681.800,"Will you get me the money before tomorrow evening or won't you?"
+ f000353,1681.800,1683.600,"I have no money."
+ f000354,1683.600,1688.640,"I'll have hendroppings in my head before I'll let myself be put off with that!"
+ f000355,1688.640,1693.760,"He'll give you his last cent if you'll only do your damned duty once!"
+ f000356,1693.760,1700.720,"You lured the poor lad here, and now he can see where to scare up a suitable engagement for his accomplishments."
+ f000357,1700.720,1705.520,"What has it to do with you if he wastes his money with women or at cards?"
+ f000358,1705.520,1714.840,"Do you absolutely want, then, to throw the last penny that his father earned by his paper into the jaws of this rapacious pack?"
+ f000359,1714.840,1724.240,"You'll make four people happy if you'll not take things too exactly and sacrifice yourself for a beneficent purpose!"
+ f000360,1724.240,1727.520,"Has it got to be only CastiPiani forever?"
+ f000361,1727.520,1727.760,"Lightly."
+ f000362,1727.760,1731.120,"Shall I ask him perhaps to light you down the stairs?"
+ f000363,1731.120,1733.200,"As you wish, countess!"
+ f000364,1733.200,1742.520,"If I don't get the twenty thousand marks by tomorrow evening, I make a statement to the police and your court has an end."
+ f000365,1742.520,1743.840,"Auf Wiedersehen!"
+ f000366,1743.840,1747.000,"Heilmann enters, breathless, upper right."
+ f000367,1747.000,1749.240,"You're looking for Miss Magelone?"
+ f000368,1749.240,1750.560,"She's not here."
+ f000369,1750.560,1755.000,"No, I'm looking for something else RODRIGO."
+ f000370,1755.000,1757.200,"Taking him to the entrydoor, opposite him."
+ f000371,1757.200,1759.240,"Second door on the left."
+ f000372,1759.240,1761.320,"To Rodrigo."
+ f000373,1761.320,1763.400,"Did you learn that from your bride?"
+ f000374,1763.400,1766.760,"Bumping into Puntschu in the doorway."
+ f000375,1766.760,1768.920,"Excuse me, my angel!"
+ f000376,1768.920,1770.640,"Ah, it's you."
+ f000377,1770.640,1773.400,"Miss Magelone's waiting for you in the lift."
+ f000378,1773.400,1775.760,"You go up with her, please."
+ f000379,1775.760,1777.280,"I'll be right back."
+ f000380,1777.280,1779.360,"He hurries out, left."
+ f000381,1779.360,1781.360,"Lulu goes out at lower left."
+ f000382,1781.360,1782.880,"Rodrigo follows her."
+ f000383,1782.880,1785.240,"Some heat, that!"
+ f000384,1785.240,1788.800,"If I don't cut off your ears, you'll cut 'em off me!"
+ f000385,1788.800,1794.600,"If I can't hire out my Jehoshaphat, I've just got to help myself with my brains!"
+ f000386,1794.600,1798.440,"Won't they get wrinkled, my brains!"
+ f000387,1798.440,1801.000,"Won't they get indisposed!"
+ f000388,1801.000,1804.400,"Won't they need to bathe in Eau de Cologne!"
+ f000389,1804.400,1813.200,"Bob, a groom in a red jacket, tight leather breeches, and twinkling ridingboots, years old, brings in a telegram."
+ f000390,1813.200,1815.640,"Mr. Puntschu, the banker!"
+ f000391,1815.640,1827.000,"Breaks open the telegram and murmurs: Jungfrau Funicular Stock fallen to Ay, ay, so goes the world!"
+ f000392,1827.000,1828.280,"To Bob."
+ f000393,1828.280,1829.920,"Wait!"
+ f000394,1829.920,1832.080,"Gives him a tip."
+ f000395,1832.080,1834.280,"Tell mewhat's your name?"
+ f000396,1834.280,1840.320,"Well, it's really Freddy, but they call me Bob, because that's the fashion now."
+ f000397,1840.320,1842.120,"How old are you?"
+ f000398,1842.120,1843.720,"Fifteen."
+ f000399,1843.720,1847.840,"Enters hesitatingly from lower left."
+ f000400,1847.840,1852.200,"I beg your pardon, can you tell me if mama is here?"
+ f000401,1852.200,1853.880,"No, my dear."
+ f000402,1853.880,1855.040,"Aside."
+ f000403,1855.040,1857.560,"Devil, she's got breeding!"
+ f000404,1857.560,1863.400,"I'm hunting all over for her; I can't find her anywhere."
+ f000405,1863.400,1867.800,"Your mama will turn up again soon, as true as my name's Puntschu!"
+ f000406,1867.800,1869.200,"Looking at Bob."
+ f000407,1869.200,1872.040,"And that pair of breeches!"
+ f000408,1872.040,1874.000,"God of Justice!"
+ f000409,1874.000,1875.000,"It gets uncanny!"
+ f000410,1875.000,1877.480,"He goes out, upper right."
+ f000411,1877.480,1880.080,"Haven't you seen my mama, perhaps?"
+ f000412,1880.080,1883.840,"No, but you only need to come with me."
+ f000413,1883.840,1885.560,"Where is she then?"
+ f000414,1885.560,1887.760,"She's gone up in the lift."
+ f000415,1887.760,1888.440,"Come along."
+ f000416,1888.440,1891.480,"No, no, I can't go up with you."
+ f000417,1891.480,1894.360,"We can hide up there in the corridor."
+ f000418,1894.360,1898.120,"No, no, I can't come, or I'll be scolded."
+ f000419,1898.120,1904.640,"Magelone, terribly excited, rushes in, upper left, and possesses herself of Kadidia."
+ f000420,1904.640,1908.360,"Ha, there you are at last, you common creature!"
+ f000421,1908.360,1908.360,"Crying."
+ f000422,1908.360,1912.160,"O mama, mama, I was hunting for you!"
+ f000423,1912.160,1913.720,"Hunting for me?"
+ f000424,1913.720,1915.520,"Did I tell you to hunt for me?"
+ f000425,1915.520,1917.600,"What have you had to do with this fellow?"
+ f000426,1917.600,1923.760,"Heilmann, Alva, Ludmilla, Puntschu, Geschwitz, and Lulu enter, lower left."
+ f000427,1923.760,1925.400,"Bob has withdrawn."
+ f000428,1925.400,1931.400,"Now don't bawl before all the people on me; look out, I tell you!"
+ f000429,1931.400,1933.600,"As they all surround Kadidia."
+ f000430,1933.600,1936.040,"But you're crying, sweetheart!"
+ f000431,1936.040,1937.560,"Why are you crying?"
+ f000432,1937.560,1940.280,"By God, she's really been crying!"
+ f000433,1940.280,1944.480,"Who's done anything to hurt you, little goddess?"
+ f000434,1944.480,1948.640,"Kneels before her and folds her in her arms."
+ f000435,1948.640,1953.800,"Tell me, cherub, what bad thing has happened."
+ f000436,1953.800,1955.440,"Do you want a cookie?"
+ f000437,1955.440,1957.400,"Do you want some chocolate?"
+ f000438,1957.400,1959.280,"It's just nerves."
+ f000439,1959.280,1961.400,"The child's getting them much too soon."
+ f000440,1961.400,1964.840,"It would be the best thing if no one paid any attention to her!"
+ f000441,1964.840,1967.000,"That sounds like you!"
+ f000442,1967.000,1968.680,"You're a pretty mother!"
+ f000443,1968.680,1973.080,"The courts'll yet take the child away from you and appoint me her guardian!"
+ f000444,1973.080,1975.280,"Stroking Kadidia's cheeks."
+ f000445,1975.280,1977.600,"Isn't that so, my little goddess?"
+ f000446,1977.600,1982.440,"I should be glad if we started the baccarat again at last?"
+ f000447,1982.440,1984.520,"All go into the cardroom."
+ f000448,1984.520,1987.320,"Lulu is held back at the door by Bob."
+ f000449,1987.320,1990.520,"When Bob has whispered to her."
+ f000450,1990.520,1991.800,"Certainly!"
+ f000451,1991.800,1992.880,"Let him come in!"
+ f000452,1992.880,2001.040,"Bob opens the door and lets Schigolch enter, in evening dress, his patentleather shoes much worn, and keeping on his shabby opera hat."
+ f000453,2001.040,2003.840,"With a look at Bob."
+ f000454,2003.840,2006.160,"Where d'd you get him from?"
+ f000455,2006.160,2007.520,"The circus."
+ f000456,2007.520,2010.120,"How much does he get?"
+ f000457,2010.120,2012.120,"Ask him if it interests you."
+ f000458,2012.120,2013.360,"To Bob."
+ f000459,2013.360,2014.920,"Shut the doors."
+ f000460,2014.920,2018.640,"Bob goes out lower left, shutting the door behind him."
+ f000461,2018.640,2020.760,"Sitting down."
+ f000462,2020.760,2024.280,"The truth is, I'm in need of money."
+ f000463,2024.280,2027.440,"I've hired a flat for my mistress."
+ f000464,2027.440,2030.160,"Have you taken another mistress here, too?"
+ f000465,2030.160,2032.160,"She's from Frankfort."
+ f000466,2032.160,2035.560,"In her youth she was mistress to the King of Naples."
+ f000467,2035.560,2040.200,"She tells me every day she was once very bewitching."
+ f000468,2040.200,2043.120,"Outwardly with complete composure."
+ f000469,2043.120,2045.480,"Does she need the money very badly?"
+ f000470,2045.480,2048.840,"She wants to fit up her own apartments."
+ f000471,2048.840,2051.960,"Such sums are of no account to you."
+ f000472,2051.960,2055.440,"Lulu is suddenly overcome with a fit of weeping."
+ f000473,2055.440,2058.520,"Flinging herself at Schigolch."
+ f000474,2058.520,2060.960,"O God Omnipotent!"
+ f000475,2060.960,2063.040,"Patting her."
+ f000476,2063.040,2064.640,"Well?"
+ f000477,2064.640,2066.200,"What is it now?"
+ f000478,2066.200,2068.200,"Sobbing violently."
+ f000479,2068.200,2069.720,"It's too horrible!"
+ f000480,2069.720,2073.280,"Draws her onto his knee and holds her in his arms like a little child."
+ f000481,2073.280,2077.760,"HmYou're trying to do too much, child."
+ f000482,2077.760,2085.360,"You must go to bed, now and then, with a story.Cry, that's right, cry it all out."
+ f000483,2085.360,2089.880,"It used to shake you just so fifteen years ago."
+ f000484,2089.880,2094.440,"Nobody has screamed since then, the way you could scream!"
+ f000485,2094.440,2104.880,"You didn't wear any white tufts on your head then, nor any transparent stockings on your legs: you had neither shoes nor stockings then."
+ f000486,2104.880,2104.920,"Crying."
+ f000487,2104.920,2106.840,"Take me home with you!"
+ f000488,2106.840,2108.760,"Take me home with you tonight!"
+ f000489,2108.760,2109.760,"Please!"
+ f000490,2109.760,2112.320,"We'll find carriages enough downstairs!"
+ f000491,2112.320,2119.360,"I'll take you with me; I'll take you with me.What is it?"
+ f000492,2119.360,2121.600,"It's going round my neck!"
+ f000493,2121.600,2123.120,"I'm to be shown up!"
+ f000494,2123.120,2124.320,"By who?"
+ f000495,2124.320,2126.280,"Who's showing you up?"
+ f000496,2126.280,2127.600,"The acrobat."
+ f000497,2127.600,2130.200,"With the utmost composure."
+ f000498,2130.200,2132.920,"I'll look after him."
+ f000499,2132.920,2134.200,"Look after him!"
+ f000500,2134.200,2136.200,"Please, look after him!"
+ f000501,2136.200,2137.920,"Then do with me what you will!"
+ f000502,2137.920,2141.120,"If he comes to me, he's done for."
+ f000503,2141.120,2144.120,"My window is over the water."
+ f000504,2144.120,2151.240,"But shaking his head he won't come; he won't come."
+ f000505,2151.240,2153.200,"What number do you live at?"
+ f000506,2153.200,2157.320,"SCHIGOLCH., the last house before the hippodrome."
+ f000507,2157.320,2158.960,"I'll send him there."
+ f000508,2158.960,2162.280,"He'll come with the crazy person that creeps about my feet."
+ f000509,2162.280,2164.280,"He'll come this very evening."
+ f000510,2164.280,2166.760,"Go home and let them find it comfortable."
+ f000511,2166.760,2168.920,"Just let them come."
+ f000512,2168.920,2172.920,"Tomorrow bring the gold rings he wears in his ears."
+ f000513,2172.920,2175.080,"Has he got rings in his ears?"
+ f000514,2175.080,2177.280,"You can take them out before you let him down."
+ f000515,2177.280,2179.280,"He doesn't notice anything when he's drunk."
+ f000516,2179.280,2182.280,"And then, childwhat then?"
+ f000517,2182.280,2184.840,"Then I'll give you the money for your mistress."
+ f000518,2184.840,2187.560,"I call that pretty stingy."
+ f000519,2187.560,2189.480,"And whatever else you want!"
+ f000520,2189.480,2190.640,"What I have!"
+ f000521,2190.640,2194.600,"It's pretty near ten years since we knew each other."
+ f000522,2194.600,2197.960,"Is that all?But you've got a mistress."
+ f000523,2197.960,2202.720,"My Frankforter is no longer of today."
+ f000524,2202.720,2204.320,"But then swear!"
+ f000525,2204.320,2206.960,"Haven't I always kept my word to you?"
+ f000526,2206.960,2209.440,"Swear that you'll look after him!"
+ f000527,2209.440,2211.400,"I'll look after him."
+ f000528,2211.400,2212.920,"Swear it to me!"
+ f000529,2212.920,2214.200,"Swear it to me!"
+ f000530,2214.200,2216.680,"Puts his hand on her ankle."
+ f000531,2216.680,2218.800,"By everything that's holy!"
+ f000532,2218.800,2221.160,"Tonight, if he comes LULU."
+ f000533,2221.160,2224.720,"By everything that's holy!How cool that is!"
+ f000534,2224.720,2227.640,"How hot this is!"
+ f000535,2227.640,2229.320,"Drive straight home."
+ f000536,2229.320,2230.840,"They'll come in halfanhour!"
+ f000537,2230.840,2232.040,"Take a carriage!"
+ f000538,2232.040,2233.360,"I'm going."
+ f000539,2233.360,2234.200,"Quick!"
+ f000540,2234.200,2234.960,"Please!"
+ f000541,2234.960,2236.800,"Allpowerful SCHIGOLCH."
+ f000542,2236.800,2239.600,"Why do you stare at me so again already?"
+ f000543,2239.600,2240.440,"Nothing."
+ f000544,2240.440,2241.760,"Well?"
+ f000545,2241.760,2244.040,"Is your tongue frozen on you?"
+ f000546,2244.040,2245.720,"My garter's broken."
+ f000547,2245.720,2247.040,"What if it is?"
+ f000548,2247.040,2248.320,"Is that all?"
+ f000549,2248.320,2249.760,"What does that augur?"
+ f000550,2249.760,2250.800,"What does it?"
+ f000551,2250.800,2253.960,"I'll fasten it for you if you'll keep still."
+ f000552,2253.960,2256.000,"That augurs misfortune!"
+ f000553,2256.000,2256.040,"Yawning."
+ f000554,2256.040,2259.240,"Not for you, child."
+ f000555,2259.240,2262.640,"Cheer up, I'll look after him!"
+ f000556,2262.640,2264.640,"Exit."
+ f000557,2264.640,2270.480,"Lulu puts her left foot on a footstool, fastens her garter, and goes out into the cardroom."
+ f000558,2270.480,2275.560,"Then Rodrigo is cuffed in from the diningroom, lower left, by CastiPiani."
+ f000559,2275.560,2278.440,"You can treat me decently anyway!"
+ f000560,2278.440,2280.480,"Still perfectly unemotional."
+ f000561,2280.480,2282.840,"Whatever would induce me to do that?"
+ f000562,2282.840,2286.880,"I will know what you said to her here a little while ago."
+ f000563,2286.880,2289.320,"Then you can be very fond of me!"
+ f000564,2289.320,2292.800,"Will you bandy words with me, dog?"
+ f000565,2292.800,2296.160,"You demanded that she go up in the lift with you!"
+ f000566,2296.160,2299.960,"That's a shameless, perfidious lie!"
+ f000567,2299.960,2302.680,"She told me so herself."
+ f000568,2302.680,2309.200,"You threatened to denounce her if she didn't go with you.Shall I shoot you on the spot?"
+ f000569,2309.200,2311.560,"The shameless hussy!"
+ f000570,2311.560,2320.360,"As if anything like that could occur to me!Even if I should want to have her, God knows I don't first need to threaten her with prison!"
+ f000571,2320.360,2321.760,"Thank you."
+ f000572,2321.760,2323.840,"That's all I wanted to know."
+ f000573,2323.840,2326.280,"Exit, upper left."
+ f000574,2326.280,2327.960,"Such a hound!"
+ f000575,2327.960,2337.600,"A fellow I could throw up onto the roof so he'd stick like a Limburger cheese!Come back here, so I can wind your guts round your neck."
+ f000576,2337.600,2339.400,"That would be even better!"
+ f000577,2339.400,2342.960,"Enters, lower left; merrily."
+ f000578,2342.960,2343.360,"Where were you?"
+ f000579,2343.360,2345.400,"I've been hunting for you like a pin."
+ f000580,2345.400,2348.960,"I've shown him what it means to start anything with me!"
+ f000581,2348.960,2349.880,"Whom?"
+ f000582,2349.880,2351.440,"Your CastiPiani!"
+ f000583,2351.440,2355.760,"What made you tell him, you slut, that I wanted to seduce you?!"
+ f000584,2355.760,2362.440,"Did you not ask me to give myself to my deceased husband's son for twenty thousand in Jungfrau shares?"
+ f000585,2362.440,2366.640,"Because it's your duty to take pity on the poor young fellow!"
+ f000586,2366.640,2371.080,"You shot away his father before his nose in the very best years of life!"
+ f000587,2371.080,2376.120,"But your CastiPiani will think it over before he comes into my sight again."
+ f000588,2376.120,2382.360,"I gave him one in the basket that made the tripes fly to heaven like Roman candles."
+ f000589,2382.360,2388.600,"If you've got no better substitute for me, then I'm sorry ever to have had your favor!"
+ f000590,2388.600,2391.280,"Lady Geschwitz is in the fearfullest case."
+ f000591,2391.280,2393.280,"She twists herself up in fits."
+ f000592,2393.280,2397.080,"She's at the point of jumping into the water if you let her wait any longer."
+ f000593,2397.080,2399.400,"What's the beast waiting for?"
+ f000594,2399.400,2402.160,"For you, to take her with you."
+ f000595,2402.160,2405.440,"Then give her my regards, and she can jump into the water."
+ f000596,2405.440,2411.880,"She'll lend me twenty thousand marks to save me from destruction if you will preserve her from it herself."
+ f000597,2411.880,2418.720,"If you'll take her off tonight, I'll deposit twenty thousand marks tomorrow in your name at any bank you say."
+ f000598,2418.720,2421.160,"And if I don't take her off with me?"
+ f000599,2421.160,2422.560,"Denounce me!"
+ f000600,2422.560,2424.520,"Alva and I are dead broke."
+ f000601,2424.520,2426.600,"Devil and damnation!"
+ f000602,2426.600,2433.760,"You make four people happy if you don't take things too exactly and sacrifice yourself for a beneficent purpose."
+ f000603,2433.760,2437.080,"That won't go; I know that, beforehand."
+ f000604,2437.080,2439.320,"I've tried that out enough now."
+ f000605,2439.320,2442.960,"Who counts on an honorable soul like that in a bag o' bones!"
+ f000606,2442.960,2447.120,"What the person had for me was her being an aristocrat."
+ f000607,2447.120,2453.560,"My behavior was as gentlemanlike, and more, as you could find among German circuspeople."
+ f000608,2453.560,2457.520,"If I'd only just pinched her in the calves once!"
+ f000609,2457.520,2457.520,"Watchfully."
+ f000610,2457.520,2459.800,"She is still a virgin."
+ f000611,2459.800,2460.760,"Sighing."
+ f000612,2460.760,2465.320,"If there's a God in heaven, you'll get paid for your jokes some day!"
+ f000613,2465.320,2466.800,"I prophesy that."
+ f000614,2466.800,2468.600,"Geschwitz waits."
+ f000615,2468.600,2469.960,"What shall I tell her?"
+ f000616,2469.960,2473.000,"My very best wishes, and I am perverse."
+ f000617,2473.000,2474.480,"I will deliver that."
+ f000618,2474.480,2475.880,"Wait a sec."
+ f000619,2475.880,2479.400,"Is it certain sure I get twenty thousand marks from her?"
+ f000620,2479.400,2480.840,"Ask herself!"
+ f000621,2480.840,2482.640,"Then tell her I'm ready."
+ f000622,2482.640,2484.440,"I await her in the diningroom."
+ f000623,2484.440,2487.720,"I must just first look after a barrel of caviare."
+ f000624,2487.720,2489.520,"Exit, left."
+ f000625,2489.520,2494.040,"Lulu opens the rear door and calls in a clear voice Martha!"
+ f000626,2494.040,2497.960,"Countess Geschwitz enters, closing the door behind her."
+ f000627,2497.960,2497.960,"Pleased."
+ f000628,2497.960,2501.400,"Dear heart, you can save me from death tonight."
+ f000629,2501.400,2502.400,"How?"
+ f000630,2502.400,2505.280,"By going to a certain house with the acrobat."
+ f000631,2505.280,2506.880,"What for, dear?"
+ f000632,2506.880,2511.560,"He says you must belong to him this very night or he'll denounce me tomorrow."
+ f000633,2511.560,2514.480,"You know I can't belong to any man."
+ f000634,2514.480,2516.880,"My fate has not permitted that."
+ f000635,2516.880,2519.960,"If you don't please him, that's his own fix."
+ f000636,2519.960,2522.000,"Why has he fallen in love with you?"
+ f000637,2522.000,2524.800,"But he'll get as brutal as a hangman."
+ f000638,2524.800,2529.000,"He'll revenge himself for his disappointment and beat my head in."
+ f000639,2529.000,2531.440,"I've been thru that already."
+ f000640,2531.440,2536.000,"Can you not possibly spare me this hardest test?"
+ f000641,2536.000,2538.920,"What will you gain by his denouncing me?"
+ f000642,2538.920,2544.120,"I have still enough of my fortune to take us to America together in the steerage."
+ f000643,2544.120,2547.560,"There you'd be safe from all your pursuers."
+ f000644,2547.560,2547.560,"Pleased and gay."
+ f000645,2547.560,2549.280,"I want to stay here."
+ f000646,2549.280,2551.720,"I can never be happy in any other city."
+ f000647,2551.720,2554.360,"You must tell him that you can't live without him."
+ f000648,2554.360,2557.560,"Then he'll feel flattered and be gentle as a lamb."
+ f000649,2557.560,2567.680,"You must pay the coachman, too: give him this paper with the address on it. is a sixthclass hotel where they're expecting you with him this evening."
+ f000650,2567.680,2568.440,"Shuddering."
+ f000651,2568.440,2572.760,"How can such a monstrosity save your life?"
+ f000652,2572.760,2575.160,"I don't understand that."
+ f000653,2575.160,2581.160,"You have conjured up to torture me the most terrible fate that can fall upon outlawed me!"
+ f000654,2581.160,2582.080,"Watchful."
+ f000655,2582.080,2584.560,"Perhaps the encounter will cure you."
+ f000656,2584.560,2585.560,"Sighing."
+ f000657,2585.560,2592.240,"O Lulu, if an eternal retribution does exist, I hope I may not have to answer then for you."
+ f000658,2592.240,2597.480,"I cannot make myself believe that no God watches over us."
+ f000659,2597.480,2614.120,"Yet you are probably right that there is nothing there, for how can an insignificant worm like me have provoked his wrath so as to experience only horror there where all living creation swoons for bliss?"
+ f000660,2614.120,2615.960,"You needn't complain."
+ f000661,2615.960,2622.640,"When you are happy you're a hundred thousand times happier than one of us ordinary mortals ever is!"
+ f000662,2622.640,2624.360,"I know that too!"
+ f000663,2624.360,2626.120,"I envy no one!"
+ f000664,2626.120,2628.480,"But I am still waiting."
+ f000665,2628.480,2631.560,"You have deceived me so often already."
+ f000666,2631.560,2636.640,"I am yours, my darling, if you quiet Mr. Acrobat till tomorrow."
+ f000667,2636.640,2639.080,"He only wants his vanity placated."
+ f000668,2639.080,2641.600,"You must beseech him to take pity on you."
+ f000669,2641.600,2643.120,"And tomorrow?"
+ f000670,2643.120,2645.120,"I await you, my heart."
+ f000671,2645.120,2653.400,"I shall not open my eyes till you come: see no chambermaid, receive no hairdresser, not open my eyes before you are with me."
+ f000672,2653.400,2655.080,"Then let him come."
+ f000673,2655.080,2657.760,"But you must throw yourself at his head, dear!"
+ f000674,2657.760,2659.480,"Have you got the housenumber?"
+ f000675,2659.480,2661.120,"Threeseventysix."
+ f000676,2661.120,2663.240,"But quick now!"
+ f000677,2663.240,2664.600,"Calls into the diningroom."
+ f000678,2664.600,2667.240,"Ready, my darling?"
+ f000679,2667.240,2668.000,"Entering."
+ f000680,2668.000,2671.160,"The ladies will pardon my mouth's being full."
+ f000681,2671.160,2673.800,"Seizing his hand."
+ f000682,2673.800,2676.920,"I implore you, have mercy on my need!"
+ f000683,2676.920,2678.480,"A la bonne heure!"
+ f000684,2678.480,2680.280,"Let us mount the scaffold!"
+ f000685,2680.280,2682.160,"Offers her his arm."
+ f000686,2682.160,2683.880,"Goodnight, children!"
+ f000687,2683.880,2687.880,"Accompanies them into the corridor. then quickly returns with Bob."
+ f000688,2687.880,2689.920,"Quick, quick, Bob!"
+ f000689,2689.920,2691.480,"We must get away this moment!"
+ f000690,2691.480,2692.640,"You escort me!"
+ f000691,2692.640,2694.480,"But we must change clothes!"
+ f000692,2694.480,2695.480,"Curt and clear."
+ f000693,2695.480,2696.760,"As the gracious lady bids."
+ f000694,2696.760,2699.200,"Oh what, gracious lady!"
+ f000695,2699.200,2701.200,"You give me your clothes and put on mine."
+ f000696,2701.200,2702.840,"Come!"
+ f000697,2702.840,2705.000,"Exeunt into the diningroom."
+ f000698,2705.000,2718.440,"Noise in the cardroom, the doors are torn open, and Puntschu, Heilmann, Alva, Bianetta, Magelone, Kadidia and Ludmilla enter, Heilmann holding a piece of paper with a glowing Alpine peak at its top."
+ f000699,2718.440,2720.840,"To Puntschu."
+ f000700,2720.840,2723.680,"Will you accept this share of Jungfraustock, sir?"
+ f000701,2723.680,2728.600,"But that paper has no exchange, my friend."
+ f000702,2728.600,2730.000,"You rascal!"
+ f000703,2730.000,2732.440,"You just don't want to give me my revenge!"
+ f000704,2732.440,2734.560,"To Bianetta."
+ f000705,2734.560,2737.360,"Have you any idea what it's all about?"
+ f000706,2737.360,2743.120,"Puntschu has taken all his money from him, and now gives up the game."
+ f000707,2743.120,2746.840,"Now he's got cold feet, the filthy Jew!"
+ f000708,2746.840,2749.200,"How have I given up the game?"
+ f000709,2749.200,2751.160,"How have I got cold feet?"
+ f000710,2751.160,2754.440,"The gentleman has merely to lay plain cash!"
+ f000711,2754.440,2756.200,"Is this my bankingoffice I'm in?"
+ f000712,2756.200,2758.800,"He can proffer me his trash tomorrow morning!"
+ f000713,2758.800,2760.720,"Trash you call that?"
+ f000714,2760.720,2764.000,"The stock in my knowledge is at !"
+ f000715,2764.000,2767.320,"Yesterday it was at, you're right."
+ f000716,2767.320,2769.960,"Today, it's just nowhere."
+ f000717,2769.960,2775.720,"And tomorrow you'll find nothing cheaper or more tasteful to paper your stairs with."
+ f000718,2775.720,2778.040,"But how is that possible?"
+ f000719,2778.040,2782.320,"Then we would be down and out!"
+ f000720,2782.320,2786.800,"Well, what am I to say, who have lost my whole fortune in it!"
+ f000721,2786.800,2794.560,"Tomorrow morning I shall have the pleasure of taking up the struggle for an assured existence for the thirtysixth time!"
+ f000722,2794.560,2797.320,"Passing forward."
+ f000723,2797.320,2802.160,"Am I dreaming or do I really hear the Jungfraustock has fallen?"
+ f000724,2802.160,2806.000,"Fallen even lower than you!"
+ f000725,2806.000,2808.720,"Tho you can use 'em for curlpaper."
+ f000726,2808.720,2811.160,"O God in Heaven!"
+ f000727,2811.160,2813.280,"Ten years' work!"
+ f000728,2813.280,2815.160,"Falls in a faint."
+ f000729,2815.160,2816.680,"Wake up, mama!"
+ f000730,2816.680,2817.440,"Wake up!"
+ f000731,2817.440,2825.560,"Say, Mr. Puntschu, where will you eat this evening, since you've lost your whole fortune?"
+ f000732,2825.560,2828.120,"Wherever you like, young lady!"
+ f000733,2828.120,2830.240,"Take me where you will, but quickly!"
+ f000734,2830.240,2832.040,"Here it's getting frightful."
+ f000735,2832.040,2835.160,"Exeunt Puntschu and Bianetta."
+ f000736,2835.160,2839.360,"Squeezing up his stock and flinging it to the ground."
+ f000737,2839.360,2842.080,"That is what one gets from this pack!"
+ f000738,2842.080,2845.600,"Why do you speculate on the Jungfrau too?"
+ f000739,2845.600,2852.760,"Send a few little notices on the company to the German police here, and then you'll still win something in the end."
+ f000740,2852.760,2857.560,"I've never tried that in my life, but if you want to help me?"
+ f000741,2857.560,2860.840,"Let's go to an allnight restaurant."
+ f000742,2860.840,2863.400,"Do you know the Fivefooted Calf?"
+ f000743,2863.400,2865.040,"I'm very sorry LUDMILLA."
+ f000744,2865.040,2867.800,"Or the Sucking Lamb, or the Smoking Dog?"
+ f000745,2867.800,2870.560,"They're all right near here."
+ f000746,2870.560,2876.520,"We'll be all by ourselves there, and before dawn we'll have a little article ready."
+ f000747,2876.520,2878.160,"Don't you sleep?"
+ f000748,2878.160,2882.400,"Oh, of course; but not at night."
+ f000749,2882.400,2885.440,"Exeunt Heilmann and Ludmilla."
+ f000750,2885.440,2889.920,"Who has been trying to resuscitate Magelone."
+ f000751,2889.920,2892.600,"Icecold hands!"
+ f000752,2892.600,2895.280,"Ah, what a splendid woman!"
+ f000753,2895.280,2897.880,"We must undo her waist."
+ f000754,2897.880,2902.040,"Come, Kadidia, undo your mother's waist!"
+ f000755,2902.040,2904.600,"She's so fearfully tightlaced."
+ f000756,2904.600,2907.480,"Without stirring."
+ f000757,2907.480,2909.800,"I'm afraid."
+ f000758,2909.800,2918.240,"Lulu enters lower left in a jockeycap, red jacket, white leather breeches and riding boots, a riding cape over her shoulders."
+ f000759,2918.240,2921.800,"Have you any cash, Alva?"
+ f000760,2921.800,2922.600,"Looking up."
+ f000761,2922.600,2923.920,"Have you gone crazy?"
+ f000762,2923.920,2926.480,"In two minutes the police'll be here."
+ f000763,2926.480,2927.640,"We are denounced."
+ f000764,2927.640,2930.120,"You can stay of course, if you're eager to!"
+ f000765,2930.120,2932.920,"Springing up."
+ f000766,2932.920,2934.440,"Merciful Heaven!"
+ f000767,2934.440,2936.840,"Exeunt Alva and Lulu."
+ f000768,2936.840,2940.360,"Shaking her mother, in tears."
+ f000769,2940.360,2944.480,"Mama, Mama!"
+ f000770,2944.480,2945.720,"Wake up!"
+ f000771,2945.720,2946.240,"They've all run away!"
+ f000772,2946.240,2947.520,"Coming to herself."
+ f000773,2947.520,2949.400,"And youth gone!"
+ f000774,2949.400,2952.000,"And my best days gone!"
+ f000775,2952.000,2954.400,"Oh, this life!"
+ f000776,2954.400,2956.640,"But I'm young, mama!"
+ f000777,2956.640,2958.720,"Why shouldn't I earn any money?"
+ f000778,2958.720,2961.000,"I don't want to go back to the convent!"
+ f000779,2961.000,2963.280,"Please, mama, keep me with you!"
+ f000780,2963.280,2965.560,"God bless you, sweetheart!"
+ f000781,2965.560,2976.520,"You don't know what you sayOh, no, I shall look around for an engagement in a Varieté, and sing the people my misfortunes with the Jungfraustock."
+ f000782,2976.520,2979.640,"Things like that are always applauded."
+ f000783,2979.640,2982.360,"But you've got no voice, mama!"
+ f000784,2982.360,2984.840,"Ah, yes, that's true!"
+ f000785,2984.840,2987.600,"Take me with you to the Varieté!"
+ f000786,2987.600,3002.320,"No, it would break my heart!But, well, if it can't be otherwise, and you're so made for it,I can't change things!Yes, we can go to the Olympia together tomorrow!"
+ f000787,3002.320,3006.440,"O mama, how glad that makes me feel!"
+ f000788,3006.440,3009.840,"A plainclothes detective enters, upper left."
+ f000789,3009.840,3013.280,"In the name of the lawI arrest you!"
+ f000790,3013.280,3016.880,"Following him, bored."
+ f000791,3016.880,3019.760,"What sort of nonsense is that?"
+ f000792,3019.760,3022.360,"That isn't the right one!"
+ f000793,3022.360,3037.680,"curtain end of act."
alignments/10/aeneas/00003-pandora_map.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+ f000001,22.080,29.320,"ACT III An attic room, without windows, but with two skylights, under one of which stands a bowl filled with rainwater."
+ f000002,29.320,34.800,"Down right, a door thru a board partition into a sort of cubicle under the slanting roof."
+ f000003,34.800,39.760,"Near it, a wobbly flowertable with a bottle and a smoking oillamp on it."
+ f000004,39.760,42.360,"Upper right, a wornout couch."
+ f000005,42.360,46.080,"Door centre; near it, a chair without a seat."
+ f000006,46.080,50.000,"Down left, below the entrance door, a torn gray mattress."
+ f000007,50.000,52.880,"None of the doors can shut tight."
+ f000008,52.880,54.880,"The rain beats on the roof."
+ f000009,54.880,64.200,"Schigolch in a long gray overcoat lies on the mattress; Alva on the couch, wrapped in a plaid whose straps still hang on the wall above him."
+ f000010,64.200,66.760,"The rain's drumming for the parade."
+ f000011,66.760,73.280,"Cheerful weather for her first appearance!"
+ f000012,73.280,77.960,"I dreamt just now we were dining together at Olympia."
+ f000013,77.960,80.960,"Bianetta was still with us."
+ f000014,80.960,84.520,"The tablecloth was dripping on all four sides with champagne."
+ f000015,84.520,88.040,"Ya, ya."
+ f000016,88.040,91.600,"And I was dreaming of a Christmas pudding."
+ f000017,91.600,98.400,"Lulu appears, back, barefoot, in a torn black dress, but with her hair falling to her shoulders."
+ f000018,98.400,99.400,"Where have you been?"
+ f000019,99.400,102.680,"Curling your hair first?"
+ f000020,102.680,106.040,"She only does that to revive old memories."
+ f000021,106.040,110.800,"If one could only get warmed, just a little, from one of you!"
+ f000022,110.800,113.560,"Will you enter barefoot on your pilgrimage?"
+ f000023,113.560,117.640,"The first step always costs all kinds of moaning and groaning."
+ f000024,117.640,124.600,"Twenty years ago it was no whit better, and what she has learned since then!"
+ f000025,124.600,127.800,"The coals only have to be blown."
+ f000026,127.800,134.040,"When she's been at it a week, not ten locomotives will hold her in our miserable attic."
+ f000027,134.040,136.280,"The bowl is running over."
+ f000028,136.280,137.480,"What shall I do with the water?"
+ f000029,137.480,140.400,"Pour it out the window."
+ f000030,140.400,144.720,"Lulu gets up on the chair and empties the bowl thru the skylight."
+ f000031,144.720,147.600,"It looks as if the rain would let up at last."
+ f000032,147.600,151.600,"Your wasting the time when the clerks go home after supper."
+ f000033,151.600,156.720,"Would to God I were lying somewhere where no step would wake me any more!"
+ f000034,156.720,160.640,"Would I were, too!"
+ f000035,160.640,163.920,"Why prolong this life?"
+ f000036,163.920,170.120,"Let's rather starve to death together this very evening in peace and concord!"
+ f000037,170.120,174.720,"Is it not the last stage now?"
+ f000038,174.720,177.320,"Why don't you go out and get us something to eat?"
+ f000039,177.320,180.080,"You've never earned a penny in your whole life!"
+ f000040,180.080,185.280,"In this weather, when no one would kick a dog from his door?"
+ f000041,185.280,186.360,"But me!"
+ f000042,186.360,191.480,"I, with the little blood I have left in my limbs, I am to stop your mouths!"
+ f000043,191.480,194.160,"I don't touch a farthing of the money!"
+ f000044,194.160,197.080,"Let her go, just!"
+ f000045,197.080,203.280,"I long for one more Christmas pudding; then I've had enough."
+ f000046,203.280,209.840,"And I long for one more beefsteak and a cigarette; then die!"
+ f000047,209.840,215.120,"I was just dreaming of a cigarette, such as has never yet been smoked!"
+ f000048,215.120,221.640,"She'll see us put an end to before her eyes, before doing herself a little pleasure."
+ f000049,221.640,227.240,"The people on the street will sooner leave cloak and coat in my hands than go with me for nothing!"
+ f000050,227.240,232.440,"If you hadn't sold my clothes, I at least wouldn't need to be afraid of the lamplight."
+ f000051,232.440,236.960,"I'd like to see the woman who could earn anything in the rags I'm wearing on my body!"
+ f000052,236.960,240.120,"I have left nothing human untried."
+ f000053,240.120,251.640,"As long as I had money I spent whole nights making up tables with which one couldn't help winning against the cleverest cardsharps."
+ f000054,251.640,261.160,"And yet evening after evening I lost more than if I had shaken out gold by the pailful."
+ f000055,261.160,273.400,"Then I offered my services to the courtesans; but they don't take anyone without the stamps of the courts, and they see at the first glance if one's related to the guillotine or not."
+ f000056,273.400,275.560,"Ya, ya."
+ f000057,275.560,302.480,"I spared myself no disillusionments; but when I made jokes, they laughed at me, and when I behaved as respectable as I am, they boxed my ears, and when I tried being smutty, they got so chaste and maidenly that my hair stood up on my head for horror."
+ f000058,302.480,309.240,"He who has not prevailed over society, they have no confidence in."
+ f000059,309.240,313.520,"Won't you kindly put on your boots now, child?"
+ f000060,313.520,317.280,"I don't think I shall grow much older in this lodging."
+ f000061,317.280,320.920,"It's months since I had any feeling in the ends of my toes."
+ f000062,320.920,325.720,"Toward midnight, I'll drink a bit more down in the pub."
+ f000063,325.720,334.000,"The lady that keeps it told me yesterday I seemed to really want to be her lover."
+ f000064,334.000,337.400,"In the name of the three devils, I'll go down!"
+ f000065,337.400,341.000,"She puts to her mouth the bottle on the flowertable."
+ f000066,341.000,344.760,"So they can smell your stink a halfhour off!"
+ f000067,344.760,346.680,"I shan't drink it all."
+ f000068,346.680,348.640,"You won't go down."
+ f000069,348.640,350.760,"You're my woman."
+ f000070,350.760,352.280,"You shan't go down."
+ f000071,352.280,353.760,"I forbid it!"
+ f000072,353.760,356.600,"What would you forbid your woman when you can't support yourself?"
+ f000073,356.600,358.720,"Whose fault is that?"
+ f000074,358.720,363.680,"Who but my woman has laid me on the sickbed?"
+ f000075,363.680,364.400,"Am I sick?"
+ f000076,364.400,367.120,"Who has trailed me thru the dung?"
+ f000077,367.120,371.680,"Who has made me my father's murderer?"
+ f000078,371.680,374.040,"Did you shoot him?"
+ f000079,374.040,380.520,"He didn't lose much, but when I see you lying there I could hack off both my hands for having sinned so against my judgment!"
+ f000080,380.520,383.080,"She goes out, into her room."
+ f000081,383.080,387.680,"She infected me from her CastiPiani."
+ f000082,387.680,392.120,"It's a long time since she was susceptible to it herself!"
+ f000083,392.120,398.600,"Little devils like her can't begin putting up with it too soon, if angels are ever going to come out of them."
+ f000084,398.600,402.280,"She ought to have been born Empress of Russia."
+ f000085,402.280,405.320,"Then she'd have been in the right place."
+ f000086,405.320,407.920,"A second Catherine the Second!"
+ f000087,407.920,413.000,"Lulu reenters with a wornout pair of boots, and sits on the floor to put them on."
+ f000088,413.000,416.080,"If only I don't go headfirst down the stairs!"
+ f000089,416.080,418.080,"Ugh, how cold!"
+ f000090,418.080,421.120,"Is there anything in the world more dismal than a daughter of joy?"
+ f000091,421.120,423.840,"Patience, patience!"
+ f000092,423.840,428.400,"She's only got to take the right road into the business at the start."
+ f000093,428.400,430.560,"It's all right with me!"
+ f000094,430.560,432.120,"Nothing's wrong with me any more."
+ f000095,432.120,434.840,"Puts the bottle to her lips."
+ f000096,434.840,436.280,"That warms one!"
+ f000097,436.280,437.360,"O accursed!"
+ f000098,437.360,438.680,"Exit."
+ f000099,438.680,444.080,"When we hear her coming, we must creep into my cubbyhole awhile."
+ f000100,444.080,447.520,"I'm damned sorry for her!"
+ f000101,447.520,451.400,"When I think back."
+ f000102,451.400,454.480,"I grew up with her in a way, you know."
+ f000103,454.480,457.960,"She'll hold out as long as I live, anyway."
+ f000104,457.960,464.640,"We treated each other at first like brother and sister."
+ f000105,464.640,466.360,"Mama was still living then."
+ f000106,466.360,472.280,"I met her by chance one morning when she was dressing."
+ f000107,472.280,476.440,"Dr. Goll had been called for a consultation."
+ f000108,476.440,493.480,"Her hairdresser had read my first poem, that I'd had printed in Society: Follow thy pack far over the mountains; it will return again, covered with sweat and dust SCHIGOLCH."
+ f000109,493.480,496.800,"Oh, ya!"
+ f000110,496.800,509.960,"And then she came, in rosecolored muslin, with nothing under it but a white satin slipfor the Spanish ambassador's ball."
+ f000111,509.960,515.080,"Dr. Goll seemed to feel his death near."
+ f000112,515.080,523.240,"He asked me to dance with her, so she shouldn't cause any mad acts."
+ f000113,523.240,537.640,"Papa meanwhile never turned his eyes from us, and all thru the waltz she was looking over my shoulder, only at him."
+ f000114,537.640,542.840,"Afterwards she shot him."
+ f000115,542.840,544.680,"It is unbelievable."
+ f000116,544.680,550.440,"I've only got a very strong doubt whether anyone will bite any more."
+ f000117,550.440,553.480,"I shouldn't like to advise it to anybody!"
+ f000118,553.480,555.440,"Schigolch grunts."
+ f000119,555.440,570.000,"At that time, tho she was a fully developed woman, she had the expression of a fiveyearold, joyous, utterly healthy child."
+ f000120,570.000,577.800,"And she was only three years younger than me thenbut how long ago it is now!"
+ f000121,577.800,591.760,"For all her immense superiority in matters of practical life, she let me explain Tristan and Isolde to herand how entrancingly she could listen!"
+ f000122,591.760,605.800,"Out of the little sister who at her marriage still felt like a schoolgirl, came the unhappy, hysterical artist's wife."
+ f000123,605.800,621.400,"Out of the artist's wife came then the spouse of my blessed father, and out of her came, then, my mistress."
+ f000124,621.400,629.560,"Well, so that is the way of the world."
+ f000125,629.560,633.280,"Who will prevail against it?"
+ f000126,633.280,645.000,"If only she doesn't skid away from the gentlemen with honorable intentions and bring us up instead some vagabond she's exchanged her heart's secrets with."
+ f000127,645.000,649.840,"I kissed her for the first time in her rustling bridal dress."
+ f000128,649.840,655.040,"But afterwards she didn't remember it."
+ f000129,655.040,663.120,"All the same, I believe she had thought of me even in my father's arms."
+ f000130,663.120,682.880,"It can't have been often with him: he had his best time behind him, and she deceived him with coachman and bootblack; but when she did give herself to him, then I stood before her soul."
+ f000131,682.880,692.840,"Thru that, too, without my realizing it, she attained this dreadful power over me."
+ f000132,692.840,695.040,"There they are!"
+ f000133,695.040,697.680,"Heavy steps are heard mounting the stairs."
+ f000134,697.680,699.880,"Starting up."
+ f000135,699.880,702.480,"I will not endure it!"
+ f000136,702.480,704.320,"I'll throw the fellow out!"
+ f000137,704.320,710.360,"Wearily picks himself up, takes Alva by the collar and cuffs him toward the left."
+ f000138,710.360,712.320,"Forward, forward!"
+ f000139,712.320,717.920,"How is the young man to confess his trouble to her with us two sprawling round here?"
+ f000140,717.920,723.240,"But if he demands other thingslow thingsof her?"
+ f000141,723.240,726.440,"If, well, if!"
+ f000142,726.440,728.960,"What more will he demand of her?"
+ f000143,728.960,732.000,"He's only a man like the rest of us!"
+ f000144,732.000,736.360,"We must leave the door open."
+ f000145,736.360,738.240,"Pushing Alva in, right."
+ f000146,738.240,739.800,"Nonsense!"
+ f000147,739.800,740.920,"Lie down!"
+ f000148,740.920,743.480,"I'll hear it soon enough."
+ f000149,743.480,745.400,"Heaven spare him!"
+ f000150,745.400,748.600,"Closing the door, from inside."
+ f000151,748.600,749.840,"Shut up!"
+ f000152,749.840,751.000,"Faintly."
+ f000153,751.000,752.080,"He'd better look out!"
+ f000154,752.080,761.000,"Lulu enters, followed by Hunidei, a gigantic figure with a smoothshaven, rosy face, skyblue eyes, and a friendly smile."
+ f000155,761.000,764.920,"He wears a tall hat and overcoat and carries a dripping umbrella."
+ f000156,764.920,766.760,"Here's where I live."
+ f000157,766.760,771.400,"Hunidei puts his finger to his lips and looks at Lulu significantly."
+ f000158,771.400,775.560,"Then he opens his umbrella and puts it on the floor, rear, to dry."
+ f000159,775.560,778.600,"Of course, I know it isn't very comfortable here."
+ f000160,778.600,782.200,"Hunidei comes forward and puts his hand over her mouth."
+ f000161,782.200,785.040,"What do you mean me to understand by that?"
+ f000162,785.040,789.480,"Hunidei puts his hand over her mouth, and his finger to his lips."
+ f000163,789.480,792.160,"I don't know what that means."
+ f000164,792.160,794.920,"Hunidei quickly stops her mouth."
+ f000165,794.920,796.520,"Lulu frees herself."
+ f000166,796.520,798.080,"We're quite alone here."
+ f000167,798.080,799.360,"No one will hear us."
+ f000168,799.360,808.680,"Hunidei lays his finger on his lips, shakes his head, points at Lulu, opens his mouth as if to speak, points at himself and then at the door."
+ f000169,808.680,811.320,"Herr Gott, he's a monster!"
+ f000170,811.320,824.080,"Hunidei stops her mouth; then goes rear, folds up his overcoat and lays it over the chair near the door; then comes down with a broad smile, takes Lulu's head in both his hands and kisses her on the forehead."
+ f000171,824.080,826.800,"The door, right, half opens."
+ f000172,826.800,829.280,"Behind the door."
+ f000173,829.280,831.680,"He's got a screw loose."
+ f000174,831.680,834.080,"He'd better look out!"
+ f000175,834.080,837.520,"She couldn't have brought up anything drearier!"
+ f000176,837.520,840.040,"Stepping back."
+ f000177,840.040,842.400,"I hope you're going to give me something!"
+ f000178,842.400,852.280,"Hunidei stops her mouth and presses a goldpiece in her hand, then looks at her uncertain, questioningly, as she examines it and throws it from one hand to the other."
+ f000179,852.280,854.360,"All right, it's good."
+ f000180,854.360,856.200,"Puts it into her pocket."
+ f000181,856.200,862.040,"Hunidei quickly stops her mouth, gives her a few silver coins, and glances at her commandingly."
+ f000182,862.040,864.360,"Oh, that's nice of you!"
+ f000183,864.360,870.000,"Hunidei leaps madly about the room, brandishing his arms and staring upward in despair."
+ f000184,870.000,874.840,"Lulu cautiously nears him, throws an arm round him and kisses him on the mouth."
+ f000185,874.840,879.160,"Laughing soundlessly, he frees himself from her and looks questioningly."
+ f000186,879.160,882.440,"She takes up the lamp and opens the door to her room."
+ f000187,882.440,885.360,"He goes in smiling, taking off his hat."
+ f000188,885.360,889.400,"The stage is dark save for what light comes thru the cracks of the door."
+ f000189,889.400,892.920,"Alva and Schigolch creep out on all fours."
+ f000190,892.920,894.600,"They're gone."
+ f000191,894.600,896.840,"Behind him."
+ f000192,896.840,897.480,"Wait."
+ f000193,897.480,899.960,"One can hear nothing here."
+ f000194,899.960,902.320,"You've heard that often enough!"
+ f000195,902.320,905.200,"I will kneel before her door."
+ f000196,905.200,907.880,"Little mother's sonny!"
+ f000197,907.880,914.240,"Presses past Alva, gropes across the stage to Hunidei's coat, and searches the pockets."
+ f000198,914.240,916.680,"Alva crawls to Lulu's door."
+ f000199,916.680,919.400,"Gloves, nothing more!"
+ f000200,919.400,925.200,"Turns the coat round, searches the inside pockets, pulls a book out that he gives to Alva."
+ f000201,925.200,927.240,"Just see what that is."
+ f000202,927.240,929.840,"Alva holds the book to the light."
+ f000203,929.840,932.960,"Wearily deciphering the titlepage."
+ f000204,932.960,938.120,"Warnings to pious pilgrims and such as wish to be so."
+ f000205,938.120,941.200,"Very helpful."
+ f000206,941.200,945.680,"Price, s. d. SCHIGOLCH."
+ f000207,945.680,951.480,"It looks to me as if God had left him pretty completely."
+ f000208,951.480,955.480,"Lays the coat over the chair again and makes for the cubbyhole."
+ f000209,955.480,958.320,"There's nothing doing with these people."
+ f000210,958.320,961.560,"The country's best time's behind it!"
+ f000211,961.560,964.760,"Life is never as bad as it's painted."
+ f000212,964.760,967.040,"He, too, creeps back."
+ f000213,967.040,974.640,"Not even a silk muffler he's got and yet in Germany we creep on our bellies before this rabble."
+ f000214,974.640,977.760,"Come, let's vanish again."
+ f000215,977.760,983.720,"She only thinks of herself, and takes the first man that runs across her path."
+ f000216,983.720,986.960,"Hope the dog remembers her the rest of his life!"
+ f000217,986.960,990.120,"They disappear, left, shutting the door behind them."
+ f000218,990.120,993.120,"Lulu reenters, setting the lamp on the table."
+ f000219,993.120,994.800,"Hunidei follows."
+ f000220,994.800,996.920,"Will you come to see me again?"
+ f000221,996.920,999.240,"Hunidei stops her mouth."
+ f000222,999.240,1002.520,"She looks upward in a sort of despair and shakes her head."
+ f000223,1002.520,1011.720,"Hunidei, putting his coat on, approaches her grinning; she throws her arms around his neck; he gently frees himself, kisses her hand, and turns to the door."
+ f000224,1011.720,1017.560,"She starts to accompany him, but he signs to her to stay behind and noiselessly leaves the room."
+ f000225,1017.560,1019.800,"Schigolch and Alva reenter."
+ f000226,1019.800,1020.080,"Tonelessly."
+ f000227,1020.080,1022.440,"How he has stirred me up!"
+ f000228,1022.440,1024.720,"How much did he give you?"
+ f000229,1024.720,1024.960,"As before."
+ f000230,1024.960,1026.240,"Here it is!"
+ f000231,1026.240,1026.920,"All!"
+ f000232,1026.920,1027.520,"Take it!"
+ f000233,1027.520,1029.000,"I'm going down again."
+ f000234,1029.000,1032.240,"We can still live like princes up here."
+ f000235,1032.240,1034.080,"He's coming back."
+ f000236,1034.080,1037.360,"Then let's just retire again, quick."
+ f000237,1037.360,1040.160,"He's after his prayerbook."
+ f000238,1040.160,1042.360,"Here it is."
+ f000239,1042.360,1045.560,"It must have fallen out of his coat."
+ f000240,1045.560,1047.640,"Listening."
+ f000241,1047.640,1049.360,"No, that isn't he."
+ f000242,1049.360,1050.600,"That's some one else."
+ f000243,1050.600,1052.800,"Some one's coming up."
+ f000244,1052.800,1054.560,"I hear it quite plainly."
+ f000245,1054.560,1056.640,"Now there's some one tapping at the door."
+ f000246,1056.640,1058.000,"Who may that be?"
+ f000247,1058.000,1061.440,"Probably a good friend he's recommended us to."
+ f000248,1061.440,1063.600,"Come in!"
+ f000249,1063.600,1068.680,"Countess Geschwitz enters, in poor clothes, with a canvas roll in her hand."
+ f000250,1068.680,1070.320,"To Lulu."
+ f000251,1070.320,1075.880,"If I've come at a bad time, I'll turn around again."
+ f000252,1075.880,1082.040,"The truth is, I haven't spoken to a living soul for ten days."
+ f000253,1082.040,1086.800,"I must just tell you right off, I haven't got any money."
+ f000254,1086.800,1089.840,"My brother never answered me at all."
+ f000255,1089.840,1094.120,"Your ladyship would now like to stretch her feet out under our table?"
+ f000256,1094.120,1094.480,"Tonelessly."
+ f000257,1094.480,1096.320,"I'm going down again."
+ f000258,1096.320,1103.600,"Where are you going in this pomp?However, I come not wholly emptyhanded."
+ f000259,1103.600,1106.400,"I bring you something else."
+ f000260,1106.400,1115.600,"On my way here an oldclothes man offered me twelve shillings for it, but I could not force myself to part from it."
+ f000261,1115.600,1118.200,"You can sell it, though, if you want to."
+ f000262,1118.200,1119.880,"What is it?"
+ f000263,1119.880,1121.480,"Let us see it."
+ f000264,1121.480,1123.880,"Takes the canvas and unrolls it."
+ f000265,1123.880,1125.440,"Visibly rejoiced."
+ f000266,1125.440,1130.800,"Oh, by God, it's Lulu's portrait!"
+ f000267,1130.800,1131.280,"Screaming."
+ f000268,1131.280,1133.520,"Monster, you brought that here?"
+ f000269,1133.520,1134.960,"Get it out of my sight!"
+ f000270,1134.960,1136.400,"Throw it out of the window!"
+ f000271,1136.400,1140.160,"Suddenly with renewed life, deeply pleased."
+ f000272,1140.160,1143.800,"Why, I should like to know?"
+ f000273,1143.800,1149.720,"Looking on this picture I regain my selfrespect."
+ f000274,1149.720,1153.360,"It makes my fate comprehensible to me."
+ f000275,1153.360,1159.080,"Everything we have endured gets clear as day."
+ f000276,1159.080,1161.640,"In a somewhat elegiac strain."
+ f000277,1161.640,1187.480,"Let him who feels secure in his middleclass position when he sees these blossoming pouting lips, these childeyes, big and innocent, this rosewhite body abounding in life,let him cast the first stone at us!"
+ f000278,1187.480,1189.360,"We must nail it up."
+ f000279,1189.360,1193.840,"It will make an excellent impression on our patrons."
+ f000280,1193.840,1194.560,"Energetic."
+ f000281,1194.560,1197.200,"There's a nail sticking all ready for it in the wall."
+ f000282,1197.200,1200.720,"But how did you come upon this acquisition?"
+ f000283,1200.720,1207.120,"I secretly cut it out of the wall in your house, there, after you were gone."
+ f000284,1207.120,1211.080,"Too bad the color's got rubbed off round the edges."
+ f000285,1211.080,1214.240,"You didn't roll it up carefully enough."
+ f000286,1214.240,1216.800,"Fastens it to a high nail in the wall."
+ f000287,1216.800,1220.720,"It's got to have another one underneath if it's going to hold."
+ f000288,1220.720,1224.920,"It makes the whole flat look more elegant."
+ f000289,1224.920,1229.000,"Let me alone; I know how I'll do it."
+ f000290,1229.000,1236.280,"He tears several nails out of the wall, pulls off his left boot, and with its heel nails the edges of the picture to the wall."
+ f000291,1236.280,1240.760,"It's just got to hang a while again, to get its proper effect."
+ f000292,1240.760,1246.560,"Whoever looks at that'll imagine afterwards he's been in an Indian harem."
+ f000293,1246.560,1250.480,"Putting on his boot again, standing up proudly."
+ f000294,1250.480,1256.200,"Her body was at its highest point of development when that picture was painted."
+ f000295,1256.200,1259.240,"The lamp, kid dear!"
+ f000296,1259.240,1263.680,"Seems to me it's got extraordinarily dark."
+ f000297,1263.680,1268.600,"He must have been an eminently gifted artist who painted that!"
+ f000298,1268.600,1273.360,"Perfectly composed again, stepping before the picture with the lamp."
+ f000299,1273.360,1276.520,"Didn't you know him, then?"
+ f000300,1276.520,1279.840,"It must have been long before my time."
+ f000301,1279.840,1288.520,"I only occasionally heard chance remarks of yours, that he had cut his throat from persecutionmania."
+ f000302,1288.520,1291.920,"Comparing the picture with Lulu."
+ f000303,1291.920,1300.680,"The childlike expression in the eyes is still absolutely the same in spite of all she has lived thru since."
+ f000304,1300.680,1303.120,"In joyous excitement."
+ f000305,1303.120,1319.120,"The dewy freshness that covered her skin, the sweetsmelling breath from her lips, the rays of light that beam from her white forehead, and this challenging splendor of young flesh in throat and arms SCHIGOLCH."
+ f000306,1319.120,1322.000,"All that's gone with the rubbish wagon."
+ f000307,1322.000,1327.840,"She can say with selfassurance: That was me once!"
+ f000308,1327.840,1336.040,"The man she falls into the hands of today 'll have no conception of what we were when we were young."
+ f000309,1336.040,1337.720,"Cheerfully."
+ f000310,1337.720,1345.360,"God be thanked, we don't notice the continual decline when we see a person all the time."
+ f000311,1345.360,1345.640,"Lightly."
+ f000312,1345.640,1354.200,"The woman blooms for us in the moment when she hurls the man to destruction for the rest of his life."
+ f000313,1354.200,1359.960,"That is her nature and her destiny."
+ f000314,1359.960,1366.600,"Down in the streetlamp's shimmer she's still a match for a dozen walking spectres."
+ f000315,1366.600,1375.440,"The man who still wants to make connections at this hour looks out more for heartqualities than mere physical good points."
+ f000316,1375.440,1380.520,"He decides for the pair of eyes from which the least thievery sparkles."
+ f000317,1380.520,1383.560,"Now as pleased as Alva."
+ f000318,1383.560,1385.440,"I shall see if you're right."
+ f000319,1385.440,1385.440,"Adieu."
+ f000320,1385.440,1386.400,"In sudden anger."
+ f000321,1386.400,1389.600,"You shall not go down again, as I live!"
+ f000322,1389.600,1391.760,"Where do you want to go?"
+ f000323,1391.760,1393.800,"Down to fetch up a man."
+ f000324,1393.800,1395.160,"Lulu!"
+ f000325,1395.160,1397.480,"She's done it once today already."
+ f000326,1397.480,1401.680,"Lulu, Lulu, where you go I go too."
+ f000327,1401.680,1407.240,"If you want to put your bones up for sale, kindly get a district of your own!"
+ f000328,1407.240,1410.760,"Lulu, I shall not stir from your side!"
+ f000329,1410.760,1412.680,"I have weapons upon me."
+ f000330,1412.680,1418.000,"Confound it all, her ladyship plots to fish with our bait!"
+ f000331,1418.000,1419.600,"You're killing me."
+ f000332,1419.600,1421.400,"I can't stand it here any more."
+ f000333,1421.400,1422.960,"Exit."
+ f000334,1422.960,1425.040,"You need fear nothing."
+ f000335,1425.040,1426.360,"I am with you."
+ f000336,1426.360,1428.000,"Follows her."
+ f000337,1428.000,1431.880,"Whimpering, throws himself on his couch."
+ f000338,1431.880,1436.960,"Schigolch swears, loudly and grumbling."
+ f000339,1436.960,1443.920,"I guess there's not much more good to expect on this side!"
+ f000340,1443.920,1447.080,"We ought to have held the creature back by the throat."
+ f000341,1447.080,1451.840,"She'll scare away everything that breathes with her aristocratic death's head."
+ f000342,1451.840,1460.520,"She's flung me onto a sickbed and larded me with thorns outside and in!"
+ f000343,1460.520,1465.400,"And she's still got enough strength in her body to do the same for ten men alright."
+ f000344,1465.400,1472.160,"No mortally wounded man'll ever find the stab of mercy welcomer than I!"
+ f000345,1472.160,1481.080,"If she hadn't enticed the acrobat to my place that time, we'd have him round our necks today too."
+ f000346,1481.080,1495.040,"I see it swinging above my head as Tantalus saw the branch with the golden apples!"
+ f000347,1495.040,1496.040,"On his mattress."
+ f000348,1496.040,1499.000,"Won't you turn up the lamp a little?"
+ f000349,1499.000,1508.680,"Can a simple, natural man in the wilderness suffer so unspeakably?"
+ f000350,1508.680,1517.640,"God, God, what have I made of my life!"
+ f000351,1517.640,1521.480,"What's the beastly weather made of my ulster!"
+ f000352,1521.480,1526.160,"When I was fiveandtwenty, I knew how to help myself!"
+ f000353,1526.160,1530.920,"It has not cost everyone my sunny, glorious youth!"
+ f000354,1530.920,1534.120,"I guess it'll go out in a minute."
+ f000355,1534.120,1539.120,"Till they come back it'll be as dark in here again as in mother's womb."
+ f000356,1539.120,1549.400,"With the clearest consciousness of my purpose I sought intercourse with people who'd never read a book in their lives."
+ f000357,1549.400,1568.040,"With selfdenial, with exaltation, I clung to the elements, that I might be carried to the loftiest heights of poetic fame."
+ f000358,1568.040,1570.560,"The reckoning was false."
+ f000359,1570.560,1573.600,"I am the martyr of my calling."
+ f000360,1573.600,1580.480,"Since the death of my father I have not written a single line!"
+ f000361,1580.480,1583.600,"If only they haven't stayed together!"
+ f000362,1583.600,1587.600,"Nobody but a silly boy will go with two, no matter what."
+ f000363,1587.600,1590.200,"They've not stayed together!"
+ f000364,1590.200,1591.760,"That's what I hope."
+ f000365,1591.760,1595.520,"If need be, she'll keep the creature off from her with kicks."
+ f000366,1595.520,1611.920,"One, risen from the dregs, is the most celebrated man of his nation; another, born in the purple, lies in the mud and cannot die!"
+ f000367,1611.920,1615.880,"Here they come!"
+ f000368,1615.880,1622.680,"And what blessed hours of mutual joy in creation they had lived thru with each other!"
+ f000369,1622.680,1629.120,"They can do that now, for the first time rightly.We must hide again."
+ f000370,1629.120,1631.600,"I stay here."
+ f000371,1631.600,1637.760,"Just what do you pity them for?Who spends his money has his good reasons for it!"
+ f000372,1637.760,1650.080,"I have no longer the moral courage to let my comfort be disturbed for a miserable sum of money!"
+ f000373,1650.080,1652.760,"He wraps himself up in his plaid."
+ f000374,1652.760,1655.680,"Noblesse oblige!"
+ f000375,1655.680,1659.520,"A respectable man does what he owes his position."
+ f000376,1659.520,1661.440,"He hides, left."
+ f000377,1661.440,1674.800,"Lulu opens the door, saying Come right in, dearie, and there enters Prince Kungu Poti, heirapparent of Uahubee, in a light suit, white spats, tan buttonboots, and a gray tall hat."
+ f000378,1674.800,1680.600,"His speech, interrupted with frequent hiccoughs, abounds with the peculiar African hisssounds."
+ f000379,1680.600,1683.800,"God damnit's dark on the stairs!"
+ f000380,1683.800,1685.840,"It's lighter here, sweetheart."
+ f000381,1685.840,1688.000,"Pulling him forward by the hand."
+ f000382,1688.000,1689.120,"Come on!"
+ f000383,1689.120,1691.800,"But it's cold here, awful cold!"
+ f000384,1691.800,1693.400,"Have some brandy?"
+ f000385,1693.400,1694.560,"Brandy?"
+ f000386,1694.560,1696.400,"You betalways!"
+ f000387,1696.400,1697.360,"Brandy's good!"
+ f000388,1697.360,1699.520,"Giving him the bottle."
+ f000389,1699.520,1701.520,"I don't know where there's a glass."
+ f000390,1701.520,1702.880,"Doesn't matter."
+ f000391,1702.880,1704.080,"Drinks."
+ f000392,1704.080,1705.200,"Brandy!"
+ f000393,1705.200,1706.040,"Lots of it!"
+ f000394,1706.040,1708.440,"You're a nicelooking young man."
+ f000395,1708.440,1711.280,"My father's the emperor of Uahubee."
+ f000396,1711.280,1716.440,"I've got six wives here, two Spanish, two English, two French."
+ f000397,1716.440,1718.880,"WellI don't like my wives."
+ f000398,1718.880,1722.720,"Always I must take a bath, take a bath, take a bath."
+ f000399,1722.720,1724.360,"How much will you give me?"
+ f000400,1724.360,1725.600,"Gold!"
+ f000401,1725.600,1727.800,"Trust me, you shall have gold!"
+ f000402,1727.800,1729.480,"One goldpiece."
+ f000403,1729.480,1731.440,"I always give goldpieces."
+ f000404,1731.440,1734.240,"You can give it to me later, but show it to me."
+ f000405,1734.240,1736.440,"I never pay beforehand."
+ f000406,1736.440,1738.320,"But you can show it to me, thoh!"
+ f000407,1738.320,1741.160,"Don't understand, don't understand!"
+ f000408,1741.160,1743.480,"Come, Ragapsishimulara!"
+ f000409,1743.480,1745.880,"Seizing Lulu round the waist."
+ f000410,1745.880,1747.120,"Come on!"
+ f000411,1747.120,1749.800,"Defending herself with all her strength."
+ f000412,1749.800,1751.080,"Let me be!"
+ f000413,1751.080,1752.040,"Let me be!"
+ f000414,1752.040,1759.280,"Alva, who has risen painfully from his couch, sneaks up to Kungu Poti from behind and pulls him back by the collar."
+ f000415,1759.280,1762.240,"Whirling round."
+ f000416,1762.240,1765.360,"This is a murderhole!"
+ f000417,1765.360,1768.000,"Come, my friend, I'll put you to sleep!"
+ f000418,1768.000,1770.960,"Strikes him over the head with a loaded cane."
+ f000419,1770.960,1773.560,"Alva groans and falls in a heap."
+ f000420,1773.560,1775.800,"Here's a sleepingdraught!"
+ f000421,1775.800,1778.240,"Here's opium for you!"
+ f000422,1778.240,1779.800,"Sweet dreams to you!"
+ f000423,1779.800,1781.040,"Sweet dreams!"
+ f000424,1781.040,1784.000,"Then he gives Lulu a kiss; pointing to Alva."
+ f000425,1784.000,1787.000,"He dreams of you, Ragapsishimulara!"
+ f000426,1787.000,1788.360,"Sweet dreams!"
+ f000427,1788.360,1790.000,"Rushing to the door."
+ f000428,1790.000,1792.760,"Here's the door!!"
+ f000429,1792.760,1792.800,"Exit."
+ f000430,1792.800,1794.920,"But I'll not stay here?"
+ f000431,1794.920,1798.680,"Who can stand it here now!Rather down onto the street!"
+ f000432,1798.680,1800.160,"Exit."
+ f000433,1800.160,1801.840,"Schigolch comes out."
+ f000434,1801.840,1807.080,"SCHIGOLCH.Blood!Alva!He's got to be put away somewhere."
+ f000435,1807.080,1810.400,"Hop!Or else our friends 'll get a shock from himAlva!"
+ f000436,1810.400,1814.640,"Alva!He that isn't quite clear about it!"
+ f000437,1814.640,1817.880,"One thing or t'other; or it'll soon be too late!"
+ f000438,1817.880,1819.720,"I'll give him legs!"
+ f000439,1819.720,1822.880,"Strikes a match and sticks it into Alva's collar."
+ f000440,1822.880,1825.200,"He will have his rest."
+ f000441,1825.200,1829.440,"But no one sleeps here.Drags him by the head into Lulu's room."
+ f000442,1829.440,1831.880,"Returning, he tries to turn up the light."
+ f000443,1831.880,1838.880,"It'll be time for me, too, right soon now, or they'll get no more Christmas puddings down there in the tavern."
+ f000444,1838.880,1843.200,"God knows when she'll be coming back from her pleasure tour!"
+ f000445,1843.200,1845.520,"Fixing an eye on Lulu's picture."
+ f000446,1845.520,1848.560,"She doesn't understand business!"
+ f000447,1848.560,1855.840,"She can't live off love, because her life is love.There she comes."
+ f000448,1855.840,1861.360,"I'll just talk straight to her onceCountess Geschwitz enters.."
+ f000449,1861.360,1867.280,"If you want to lodge with us tonight, kindly take a little care that nothing is stolen here."
+ f000450,1867.280,1869.800,"How dark it is here!"
+ f000451,1869.800,1875.040,"It gets much darker than this.The doctor's already gone to rest."
+ f000452,1875.040,1877.000,"She sent me ahead."
+ f000453,1877.000,1885.160,"That was sensible.If anyone asks for me, I'm sitting downstairs in the pub."
+ f000454,1885.160,1886.520,"After he has gone."
+ f000455,1886.520,1888.760,"I will sit behind the door."
+ f000456,1888.760,1894.240,"I will look on at everything and not quiver an eyelash."
+ f000457,1894.240,1896.120,"Sits on the broken chair."
+ f000458,1896.120,1903.200,"Men and women don't know themselvesthey know not what they are."
+ f000459,1903.200,1908.120,"Only one who is neither man nor woman knows them."
+ f000460,1908.120,1912.640,"Every word they say is untrue, a lie."
+ f000461,1912.640,1923.240,"And they do not know it, for they are today so and tomorrow so, according as they have eaten, drunk, and loved, or not."
+ f000462,1923.240,1931.240,"Only the body remains for a time what it is, and only the children have reason."
+ f000463,1931.240,1936.240,"The men and women are like the animals: none knows what it does."
+ f000464,1936.240,1945.800,"When they are happiest they bewail themselves and groan, and in their deepest misery they rejoice over every tiny morsel."
+ f000465,1945.800,1952.680,"It is strange how hunger takes from men and women the strength to withstand misfortune."
+ f000466,1952.680,1963.600,"But when they have fed full they make this world a torturechamber, they throw away their lives to satisfy a whim, a mood."
+ f000467,1963.600,1969.280,"Have there ever once been men and women to whom love brought happiness?"
+ f000468,1969.280,1974.760,"And what is their happiness, save that they sleep better and can forget it all?"
+ f000469,1974.760,1980.280,"My God, I thank thee that thou hast not made me as these."
+ f000470,1980.280,1983.000,"I am not man nor woman."
+ f000471,1983.000,1986.600,"My body has nothing common with their bodies."
+ f000472,1986.600,1989.480,"Have I a human soul?"
+ f000473,1989.480,1999.560,"Tortured humanity has a little narrow heart; but I know I deserve nothing when I resign all, sacrifice all."
+ f000474,1999.560,2003.440,"Lulu opens the door, and Dr. Hilti enters."
+ f000475,2003.440,2006.240,"Geschwitz, unnoticed, remains motionless by the door."
+ f000476,2006.240,2006.320,"Gaily."
+ f000477,2006.320,2006.720,"Come right in!"
+ f000478,2006.720,2009.040,"Come!you'll stay with me all night?"
+ f000479,2009.040,2010.920,"His accent is very broad and flat."
+ f000480,2010.920,2013.880,"But I have no more than five shillings on me."
+ f000481,2013.880,2017.200,"I never take more than that when I go out."
+ f000482,2017.200,2019.920,"That's enough, because it's you!"
+ f000483,2019.920,2022.240,"You have such faithful eyes!"
+ f000484,2022.240,2024.480,"Come, give me a kiss!"
+ f000485,2024.480,2029.040,"Dr. Hilti begins to swear, in the broadest northcountry vowels."
+ f000486,2029.040,2031.400,"Please, don't say that."
+ f000487,2031.400,2035.640,"By the de'il, 'tis the first time I've e'er gone with a girrl!"
+ f000488,2035.640,2037.680,"You can believe me."
+ f000489,2037.680,2041.760,"Mass, I hadn't thought it would be like this!"
+ f000490,2041.760,2043.280,"Are you married?"
+ f000491,2043.280,2053.000,"Heaven and Hail, why do you think I am married?No, I'm a tutor; I read philosophy at the University."
+ f000492,2053.000,2058.080,"The truth is, I come of a very old country family."
+ f000493,2058.080,2066.400,"As a student, I got just two shillings pocketmoney, and I could make better use of that than for girrls!"
+ f000494,2066.400,2069.400,"So you have never been with a woman?"
+ f000495,2069.400,2071.520,"Just so, yes!"
+ f000496,2071.520,2073.200,"But I want it now."
+ f000497,2073.200,2076.920,"I got engaged this evening to a countrywoman of mine."
+ f000498,2076.920,2079.080,"She's a governess here."
+ f000499,2079.080,2080.400,"Is she pretty?"
+ f000500,2080.400,2086.680,"Yaw, she's got a hundred thousand.I am very eager, as it seems to me."
+ f000501,2086.680,2089.080,"Tossing back her hair."
+ f000502,2089.080,2091.160,"I am in luck!"
+ f000503,2091.160,2092.400,"Takes the lamp."
+ f000504,2092.400,2095.400,"Well, if you please, Mr. Tutor?"
+ f000505,2095.400,2097.640,"They go into her room."
+ f000506,2097.640,2101.840,"Geschwitz draws a small black revolver from her pocket and sets it to her forehead."
+ f000507,2101.840,2105.040,"GESCHWITZ.Come, come,beloved!"
+ f000508,2105.040,2108.280,"Dr. Hilti tears open the door again."
+ f000509,2108.280,2110.800,"Plunging in."
+ f000510,2110.800,2112.920,"Insane seraphs!"
+ f000511,2112.920,2114.720,"Some one's lying in there!"
+ f000512,2114.720,2118.240,"Lamp in hand, holds him by the sleeve."
+ f000513,2118.240,2119.960,"Stay with me!"
+ f000514,2119.960,2121.320,"A dead man!"
+ f000515,2121.320,2122.720,"A corpse!"
+ f000516,2122.720,2124.200,"Stay with me!"
+ f000517,2124.200,2125.520,"Stay with me!"
+ f000518,2125.520,2127.960,"Tearing away."
+ f000519,2127.960,2130.120,"A corpse is lying in there!"
+ f000520,2130.120,2131.120,"Horrors!"
+ f000521,2131.120,2131.560,"Hail!"
+ f000522,2131.560,2132.120,"Heaven!"
+ f000523,2132.120,2133.840,"Stay with me!"
+ f000524,2133.840,2135.720,"Where d's it go out?"
+ f000525,2135.720,2137.280,"Sees Geschwitz."
+ f000526,2137.280,2139.160,"And there is the devil!"
+ f000527,2139.160,2141.760,"Please, stop, stay!"
+ f000528,2141.760,2147.480,"Devil, devilled devilry!Oh, thou eternalExit."
+ f000529,2147.480,2149.600,"Rushing after him."
+ f000530,2149.600,2150.680,"Stop!"
+ f000531,2150.680,2152.760,"Stop!"
+ f000532,2152.760,2154.800,"Alone, lets the revolver sink."
+ f000533,2154.800,2156.520,"Better, hang!"
+ f000534,2156.520,2160.640,"If she sees me lie in my blood today she'll not weep a tear for me!"
+ f000535,2160.640,2167.120,"I have always been to her but the docile tool that could be used for the heaviest labor."
+ f000536,2167.120,2175.200,"From the first day she has abhorred me from the depths of her soul.Shall I not rather jump from the bridge?"
+ f000537,2175.200,2179.600,"Which could be colder, the water or her heart?"
+ f000538,2179.600,2187.760,"I would dream till I was drowned.Better, hang!"
+ f000539,2187.760,2195.520,"Stab?Hm, there would be no use in that How often have I dreamt that she kissed me!"
+ f000540,2195.520,2202.200,"But a minute more; an owl knocks there at the window, and I wake up."
+ f000541,2202.200,2204.440,"Better, hang!"
+ f000542,2204.440,2207.520,"Not water; water is too clean for me."
+ f000543,2207.520,2209.000,"Starting up."
+ f000544,2209.000,2210.600,"There!There!"
+ f000545,2210.600,2213.160,"There it is!Quick now, before she comes!"
+ f000546,2213.160,2223.440,"Takes the plaidstraps from the wall, climbs on the chair, fastens them to a hook in the doorpost, puts her head thru them, kicks the chair away, and falls to the ground."
+ f000547,2223.440,2230.320,"Accursed life!Accursed life!Could it be before me still?"
+ f000548,2230.320,2235.240,"Let me speak just once to thy heart, my angel!"
+ f000549,2235.240,2241.240,"But thou art cold!I am not to go yet!"
+ f000550,2241.240,2249.360,"Perhaps I am even to have been happy once.Listen to him, Lulu!"
+ f000551,2249.360,2250.840,"I am not to go yet!"
+ f000552,2250.840,2255.960,"She drags herself before Lulu's picture, sinks to her knees and folds her hands."
+ f000553,2255.960,2257.760,"My adoréd angel!"
+ f000554,2257.760,2258.120,"My love!"
+ f000555,2258.120,2266.000,"My star!Have mercy upon me, pity me, pity me, pity me!"
+ f000556,2266.000,2281.840,"Lulu opens the door, and Jack entersa thickset man of elastic movements, with a pale face, inflamed eyes, arched and heavy brows, a drooping mustache, thin imperial and shaggy whiskers, and fiery red hands with gnawed nails."
+ f000557,2281.840,2283.920,"His eyes are fixed on the ground."
+ f000558,2283.920,2287.200,"He wears a dark overcoat and a little round felt hat."
+ f000559,2287.200,2289.720,"Entering, he notices Geschwitz."
+ f000560,2289.720,2291.200,"Who is that?"
+ f000561,2291.200,2292.680,"That's my sister."
+ f000562,2292.680,2293.800,"She's crazy."
+ f000563,2293.800,2295.360,"I don't know how to get rid of her."
+ f000564,2295.360,2298.160,"Your mouth looks beautiful."
+ f000565,2298.160,2299.640,"It's my mother's."
+ f000566,2299.640,2301.320,"Looks like it."
+ f000567,2301.320,2302.880,"How much do you want?"
+ f000568,2302.880,2304.200,"I haven't got much money."
+ f000569,2304.200,2306.560,"Won't you spend the night with me here?"
+ f000570,2306.560,2308.640,"No, haven't got the time."
+ f000571,2308.640,2309.680,"I must get home."
+ f000572,2309.680,2315.400,"You can tell them at home tomorrow that you missed the last 'bus and spent the night with a friend."
+ f000573,2315.400,2317.600,"How much do you want?"
+ f000574,2317.600,2322.160,"I'm not after lumps of gold, but, well, a little something."
+ f000575,2322.160,2324.040,"Turning."
+ f000576,2324.040,2325.600,"Good night!"
+ f000577,2325.600,2326.600,"Good night!"
+ f000578,2326.600,2328.320,"Holds him back."
+ f000579,2328.320,2329.440,"No, no!"
+ f000580,2329.440,2330.880,"Stay, for God's sake!"
+ f000581,2330.880,2334.280,"Goes past Geschwitz and opens the cubicle."
+ f000582,2334.280,2337.240,"Why should I stay here till morning?"
+ f000583,2337.240,2338.640,"Sounds suspicious!"
+ f000584,2338.640,2341.240,"When I'm asleep they'll turn my pockets out."
+ f000585,2341.240,2343.560,"No, I won't do that!"
+ f000586,2343.560,2344.640,"No one will!"
+ f000587,2344.640,2346.760,"Don't go away again for that!"
+ f000588,2346.760,2347.840,"I beg you!"
+ f000589,2347.840,2349.760,"How much do you want?"
+ f000590,2349.760,2351.960,"Then give me the half of what I said!"
+ f000591,2351.960,2354.000,"No, that's too much."
+ f000592,2354.000,2356.560,"You don't seem to have been at this long?"
+ f000593,2356.560,2358.480,"Today is the first time."
+ f000594,2358.480,2364.840,"She jerks back Geschwitz, on her knees still, half turned toward Jack, by the straps around her neck."
+ f000595,2364.840,2367.000,"Lie down and be quiet!"
+ f000596,2367.000,2368.520,"Let her alone!"
+ f000597,2368.520,2370.240,"She isn't your sister."
+ f000598,2370.240,2371.960,"She is in love with you."
+ f000599,2371.960,2374.960,"Strokes Geschwitz's head like a dog's."
+ f000600,2374.960,2376.520,"Poor beast!"
+ f000601,2376.520,2379.040,"Why do you stare at me so all at once?"
+ f000602,2379.040,2382.360,"I got your measure by the way you walked."
+ f000603,2382.360,2386.640,"I said to myself: That girl must have a wellbuilt body."
+ f000604,2386.640,2388.840,"How can you see things like that?"
+ f000605,2388.840,2391.400,"I even saw that you had a pretty mouth."
+ f000606,2391.400,2393.400,"But I've only got a florin on me."
+ f000607,2393.400,2395.880,"Well, what difference does that make!"
+ f000608,2395.880,2396.960,"Just give that to me!"
+ f000609,2396.960,2401.360,"But you'll have to give me half back, so I can take the 'bus tomorrow morning."
+ f000610,2401.360,2403.240,"I have nothing on me."
+ f000611,2403.240,2404.720,"Just look, thoh."
+ f000612,2404.720,2407.920,"Hunt thru your pockets!Well, what's that?"
+ f000613,2407.920,2408.800,"Let's see it!"
+ f000614,2408.800,2410.880,"Showing him."
+ f000615,2410.880,2412.560,"That's all I have."
+ f000616,2412.560,2413.680,"Give it to me!"
+ f000617,2413.680,2416.520,"I'll change it tomorrow, and then give you half."
+ f000618,2416.520,2418.560,"No, give it all to me."
+ f000619,2418.560,2420.520,"Giving it."
+ f000620,2420.520,2422.040,"In God's name!"
+ f000621,2422.040,2423.520,"But now you come!"
+ f000622,2423.520,2425.200,"Takes up the lamp."
+ f000623,2425.200,2427.480,"We need no light."
+ f000624,2427.480,2429.120,"The moon's out."
+ f000625,2429.120,2431.320,"Puts the lamp down."
+ f000626,2431.320,2432.640,"As you say."
+ f000627,2432.640,2434.600,"She falls on his neck."
+ f000628,2434.600,2436.600,"I won't harm you at all!"
+ f000629,2436.600,2437.880,"I love you so!"
+ f000630,2437.880,2440.000,"Don't let me beg you any longer!"
+ f000631,2440.000,2442.680,"Alright; I'm with you."
+ f000632,2442.680,2445.040,"Follows her into the cubbyhole."
+ f000633,2445.040,2446.600,"The lamp goes out."
+ f000634,2446.600,2451.000,"On the floor under the two skylights appear two vivid squares of moonlight."
+ f000635,2451.000,2453.240,"Everything in the room is clearly seen."
+ f000636,2453.240,2455.760,"As in a dream."
+ f000637,2455.760,2459.680,"This is the last evening I shall spend with these people."
+ f000638,2459.680,2462.280,"I'm going back to Germany."
+ f000639,2462.280,2465.040,"My mother'll send me the money."
+ f000640,2465.040,2467.320,"I'll go to a university."
+ f000641,2467.320,2471.960,"I must fight for woman's rights; study law."
+ f000642,2471.960,2474.600,"Lulu shrieks, and tears open the door."
+ f000643,2474.600,2480.080,"Barefoot, in chemise and petticoat, holding the door shut behind her."
+ f000644,2480.080,2481.160,"Help!"
+ f000645,2481.160,2486.840,"Rushes to the door, draws her revolver, and pushing Lulu aside, aims it at the door."
+ f000646,2486.840,2488.920,"As Lulu again cries Help!"
+ f000647,2488.920,2490.520,"Let go!"
+ f000648,2490.520,2496.160,"Jack, bent double, tears open the door from inside, and runs a knife into Geschwitz's body."
+ f000649,2496.160,2500.840,"She fires one shot, at the roof, and falls with suppressed crying, crumpling up."
+ f000650,2500.840,2505.080,"Jack tears her revolver from her and throws himself against the exitdoor."
+ f000651,2505.080,2507.400,"God damn!"
+ f000652,2507.400,2509.840,"I never saw a prettier mouth!"
+ f000653,2509.840,2512.480,"Sweat drips from his hairy face."
+ f000654,2512.480,2513.800,"His hands are bloody."
+ f000655,2513.800,2518.760,"He pants, gasping violently, and stares at the floor with eyes popping out of his head."
+ f000656,2518.760,2522.160,"Lulu, trembling in every limb, looks wildly round."
+ f000657,2522.160,2528.800,"Suddenly she seizes the bottle, smashes it on the table, and with the broken neck in her hand rushes upon Jack."
+ f000658,2528.800,2532.160,"He swings up his right foot and throws her onto her back."
+ f000659,2532.160,2533.720,"Then he lifts her up."
+ f000660,2533.720,2538.640,"No, no!Mercy!Murder!Police!"
+ f000661,2538.640,2539.720,"Police!"
+ f000662,2539.720,2540.200,"Be still."
+ f000663,2540.200,2543.280,"You'll never get away from me again."
+ f000664,2543.280,2544.720,"Carries her in."
+ f000665,2544.720,2546.160,"Within, right."
+ f000666,2546.160,2548.280,"No!No!No!"
+ f000667,2548.280,2552.320,"Ah!Ah!."
+ f000668,2552.320,2555.760,"After a pause, Jack reenters."
+ f000669,2555.760,2557.560,"He puts the bowl on the table."
+ f000670,2557.560,2561.440,"That was a piece of work!"
+ f000671,2561.440,2564.600,"Washing his hands."
+ f000672,2564.600,2568.160,"I am a damned lucky chap!"
+ f000673,2568.160,2570.600,"Looks round for a towel."
+ f000674,2570.600,2573.800,"Not even a towel, these folks here!"
+ f000675,2573.800,2575.880,"Hell of a wretched hole!"
+ f000676,2575.880,2578.920,"He dries his hands on Geschwitz's petticoat."
+ f000677,2578.920,2581.800,"This invert is safe enough from me!"
+ f000678,2581.800,2582.840,"To her."
+ f000679,2582.840,2587.320,"It'll soon be all up with you, too."
+ f000680,2587.320,2589.440,"Exit."
+ f000681,2589.440,2591.480,"Alone."
+ f000682,2591.480,2612.840,"Lulu!My angel!Let me see thee once more!"
+ f000683,2612.840,2615.960,"I am near theestay near theeforever!"
+ f000684,2615.960,2618.920,"Her elbows give way."
+ f000685,2618.920,2621.800,"O cursed!!"
+ f000686,2621.800,2623.040,"Dies."
+ f000687,2623.040,2635.840,"curtain end of act."
alignments/108/00001-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_1.flac,00001-f000003,0.622386,"Sein Geschäft war eben vollendet; er legte die Gerätschaften in das Futteral zusammen und betrachtete seine Arbeit mit Vergnügen, als der Gärtner hinzutrat und sich an dem teilnehmenden Fleiße des Herrn ergetzte.","He had finished what he was about, and having laid his tools together in their box, was com placently surveying his work, when the gardener came up and complimented his master on his industry."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_2.flac,00001-f000004,0.429286,"Hast du meine Frau nicht gesehen? fragte Eduard, indem er sich weiterzugehen anschickte.","Have you seen my wife anywhere? inquired Ed ward, as he moved to go away."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_3.flac,00001-f000005,0.06636900000000001,"Drüben in den neuen Anlagen, versetzte der Gärtner.","My lady is alone yonder in the new grounds said the man; the summerhouse which she has been making on the rock over against the castle is finished today, and really it is beautiful."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_4.flac,00001-f000005,0.06636900000000001,"Die Mooshütte wird heute fertig, die sie an der Felswand, dem Schlosse gegenüber, gebaut hat.","<MERGE> My lady is alone yonder in the new grounds said the man; the summerhouse which she has been making on the rock over against the castle is finished today, and really it is beautiful."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_5.flac,00001-f000006,0.430108,Alles ist recht schön geworden und muß Euer Gnaden gefallen.,It can not fail to please your grace.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_6.flac,00001-f000007,0.6167819999999999,"Man hat einen vortrefflichen Anblick: unten das Dorf, ein wenig rechter Hand die Kirche, über deren Turmspitze man fast hinwegsieht, gegenüber das Schloß und die Gärten.","The view from it is perfect the village at your feet; a little to your right the church, with its tower, which you can just see over; and directly opposite you, the castle and the garden."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_7.flac,00001-f000008,0.892208,"Ganz recht, versetzte Eduard; einige Schritte von hier konnte ich die Leute arbeiten sehen.","Quite true, replied Edward; I can see the people at work a few steps from where I am standing."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_8.flac,00001-f000009,0.402139,"Dann, fuhr der Gärtner fort, öffnet sich rechts das Tal, und man sieht über die reichen Baumwiesen in eine heitere Ferne.","And then, to the right of the church again, con tinued the gardener, is the opening of the valley; and II Elective Affinities you look along over a range of wood and meadow far into the distance."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_9.flac,00001-f000010,0.593333,Der Stieg die Felsen hinauf ist gar hübsch angelegt.,"The steps up the rock, too, are excel lently arranged."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_10.flac,00001-f000011,0.258621,Die gnädige Frau versteht es; man arbeitet unter ihr mit Vergnügen.,My gracious lady understands these things; it is a pleasure to work under her.
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_11.flac,00001-f000012,0.478846,"Geh zu ihr, sagte Eduard, und ersuche sie, auf mich zu warten.","Go to her, said Edward, and desire her to be so good as to wait for me there."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_12.flac,00001-f000013,0.863793,"Sage ihr, ich wünsche die neue Schöpfung zu sehen und mich daran zu erfreuen.","Tell her I wish to see this new creation of hers, and enjoy it with her."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_13.flac,00001-f000014,0.8938780000000001,"Der Gärtner entfernte sich eilig, und Eduard folgte bald.","The gardener went rapidly off, and Edward soon fol lowed."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_14.flac,00001-f000015,0.49268100000000004,"Dieser stieg nun die Terrassen hinunter, musterte im Vorbeigehen Gewächshäuser und Treibebeete, bis er ans Wasser, dann über einen Steg an den Ort kam, wo sich der Pfad nach den neuen Anlagen in zwei Arme teilte.","Descending the terrace, and stopping as he passed to look into the hothouses and the forcingpits, he came presently to the stream, and thence, over a narrow bridge, to a place where the walk leading to the summerhouse branched off in two directions."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_17.flac,00001-f000021,0.42,"Er freute sich daran in Hoffnung, daß der Frühling bald alles noch reichlicher beleben würde.","Spring was coming on; a rich, beautiful life would soon everywhere be burst ing; and Edward spoke of it with delight."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_18.flac,00001-f000022,0.52437,"Nur eines habe ich zu erinnern, setzte er hinzu, die Hütte scheint mir etwas zu eng.","Elective Affinities There is only one thing which I should observe, he added, the summerhouse itself is rather small."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_19.flac,00001-f000023,0.590476,"Für uns beide doch geräumig genug, versetzte Charlotte.","It is large enough for you and me, at any rate, an swered Charlotte."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_20.flac,00001-f000024,0.26111100000000004,"Nun freilich, sagte Eduard, für einen Dritten ist auch wohl noch Platz.","Certainly, said Edward; there is room for a third, too, easily."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_21.flac,00001-f000025,0.553333,"Warum nicht? versetzte Charlotte, und auch für ein Viertes.","Of course; and for a fourth also, replied Charlotte."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_22.flac,00001-f000026,0.511905,Für größere Gesellschaft wollen wir schon andere Stellen bereiten.,For larger parties we can contrive other places.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_23.flac,00001-f000027,0.8806809999999999,"Da wir denn ungestört hier allein sind, sagte Eduard, und ganz ruhigen, heiteren Sinnes, so muß ich dir gestehen, daß ich schon einige Zeit etwas auf dem Herzen habe, was ich dir vertrauen muß und möchte, und nicht dazu kommen kann.","Now that we are here by ourselves, with no one to disturb us, and in such a pleasant mood, said Edward, it is a good opportunity for me to tell you that I have for some time had something on my mind, about which I have wished to speak to you, but have never been able to muster up my courage."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_24.flac,00001-f000028,0.8581559999999999,"Ich habe dir so etwas angemerkt, versetzte Charlotte.","I have observed that there has been something, of the sort, said Charlotte."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_25.flac,00001-f000029,0.586709,"Und ich will nur gestehen, fuhr Eduard fort, wenn mich der Postbote morgen früh nicht drängte, wenn wir uns nicht heut entschließen müßten, ich hätte vielleicht noch länger geschwiegen.","And even now, Edward went on, if it were not for a letter which the post brought me this morning, and which obliges me to come to some resolution today, I should very likely have still kept it to myself."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_26.flac,00001-f000030,0.267273,Was ist es denn? fragte Charlotte freundlich entgegenkommend.,"What is it, then? asked Charlotte, turning affec tionately toward him."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_27.flac,00001-f000031,0.661111,"Es betrifft unsern Freund, den Hauptmann, antwortete Eduard.","It concerns our friend the Captain, answered Ed ward; you know the unfortunate position in which he, like many others, is placed."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_28.flac,00001-f000032,0.7252029999999999,"Du kennst die traurige Lage, in die er, wie so mancher andere, ohne sein Verschulden gesetzt ist.","It is through no fault of his own; but you may imagine how painful it must be for a person with his knowledge and talents and accomplish ments, to find himself without employment."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_29.flac,00001-f000033,0.934538,"Wie schmerzlich muß es einem Manne von seinen Kenntnissen, seinen Talenten und Fertigkeiten sein, sich außer Tätigkeit zu sehen und ich will nicht lange zurückhalten mit dem, was ich für ihn wünsche:",I I will not hesitate any longer with what I am wishing for Elective Affinities him.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_30.flac,00001-f000034,1.02073,"ich möchte, daß wir ihn auf einige Zeit zu uns nähmen.",I should like to have him here with' us for a time.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_31.flac,00001-f000035,0.671104,"Das ist wohl zu überlegen und von mehr als einer Seite zu betrachten, versetzte Charlotte.","We must think about that, replied Charlotte; it should be considered on more sides than one."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_32.flac,00001-f000036,0.80101,"Meine Ansichten bin ich bereit dir mitzuteilen, entgegnete ihr Eduard.","I am quite ready to tell you what I have in view, returned Edward."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_34.flac,00001-f000038,0.775532,"Das Vielfache, was er an sich ausgebildet hat, zu andrer Nutzen täglich und stündlich zu gebrauchen, ist ganz allein sein Vergnügen, ja seine Leidenschaft.",He knows thoroughly well how to limit his expenses; and I have taken care for everything abso lutely necessary.
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_36.flac,00001-f000041,0.5383680000000001,"Ich dachte doch, sagte Charlotte, ihm wären von verschiedenen Orten Anerbietungen geschehen.","The many accomplishments which he has cultivated in himself, it is his only pleasure in deed, it is his passion to be daily and hourly exercising for the benefit of others."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_37.flac,00001-f000045,0.793149,"Ich hatte selbst um seinetwillen an manche tätige Freunde und Freundinnen geschrieben, und soviel ich weiß, blieb dies auch nicht ohne Wirkung. aber selbst diese verschiedenen Gelegenheiten, diese Anerbietungen machen ihm neue Qual, neue Unruhe.","It is true, replied Edward; but these very offers these various proposals have only caused him fresh em barrassment Not one of them is at all suitable to such a Elective Affinities person as he is."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_38.flac,00001-f000043,0.414474,Keines von den Verhältnissen ist ihm gemäß.,"But I thought, said Charlotte, that he had had offers from many different quarters."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_39.flac,00001-f000044,0.842513,"Er soll nicht wirken; er soll sich aufopfern, seine Zeit, seine Gesinnungen, seine Art zu sein, und das ist ihm unmöglich.","I myself wrote to numbers of my own friends, male and female, for him; and, as I have reason to believe, not without effect."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_40.flac,00001-f000047,0.948485,"Je mehr ich das alles betrachte, je mehr ich es fühle, desto lebhafter wird der Wunsch, ihn bei uns zu sehen.","The more I think of it all, the more I feel about it, and the more anxious I am to see him here with us."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_41.flac,00001-f000048,0.565948,"Es ist recht schön und liebenswürdig von dir, versetzte Charlotte, daß du des Freundes Zustand mit soviel Teilnahme bedenkst; allein erlaube mir, dich aufzufordern, auch deiner, auch unser zu gedenken.","It is very beautiful and amiable in you, answered Charlotte, to enter with so much sympathy into your friend's position; only you must allow me to ask you to think of yourself and of me, as well."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_42.flac,00001-f000049,0.645813,"Das habe ich getan, entgegnete ihr Eduard.","I have done that, replied Edward."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_43.flac,00001-f000050,0.698462,Wir können von seiner Nähe uns nur Vorteil und Annehmlichkeit versprechen.,"For ourselves, we can have nothing to expect from his presence with us, except pleasure and advantage."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_45.flac,00001-f000053,0.788571,"Auf dem rechten Flügel des Schlosses kann er wohnen, und alles andere findet sich.","He can have his own rooms in the right wing of the castle, and everything else can be arranged as simply as possible."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_46.flac,00001-f000053,0.9222040000000001,"Wieviel wird ihm dadurch geleistet, und wie manches Angenehme wird uns durch seinen Umgang, ja wie mancher Vorteil!","He can have his own rooms in the right wing of the castle, and everything else can be arranged as simply as possible."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_47.flac,00001-f000054,0.786047,Ich hätte längst eine Ausmessung des Gutes und der Gegend gewünscht; er wird sie besorgen und leiten.,What shall we not be thus doing for him! and how agreeable and how profitable may not his society prove to us!
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_48.flac,00001-f000057,0.407843,"Deine Absicht ist, selbst die Güter künftig zu verwalten, sobald die Jahre der gegenwärtigen Pächter verflossen sind.","You intend yourself to take the management of the estate, as soon as our present stew ard's term is expired; and that, you know, is a serious thing."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_49.flac,00001-f000056,0.610714,Wie bedenklich ist ein solches Unternehmen!,"He will see to it, and get it made."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_50.flac,00001-f000057,0.182353,Zu wie manchen Vorkenntnissen kann er uns nicht verhelfen!,"You intend yourself to take the management of the estate, as soon as our present stew ard's term is expired; and that, you know, is a serious thing."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_51.flac,00001-f000058,0.661058,"Ich fühle nur zu sehr, daß mir ein Mann dieser Art abgeht.",His various information will be of immense benefit to us; I feel only too acutely how much I require a per son of this kind.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_52.flac,00001-f000059,0.478824,Die Landleute haben die rechten Kenntnisse; ihre Mitteilungen aber sind konfus und nicht ehrlich.,"The country people have knowledge enough, but their way of imparting it is confused, and not always honest."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_53.flac,00001-f000061,0.8610260000000001,"Die Studierten aus der Stadt und von den Akademien sind wohl klar und ordentlich, aber es fehlt an der unmittelbaren Einsicht in die Sache.","From my friend, I can promise myself both knowledge and method, and hun dreds of other circumstances I can easily conceive aris ing, affecting you as well as me, and from which I can foresee innumerable advantages."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_55.flac,00001-f000066,0.337879,"Die Männer denken mehr auf das Einzelne, auf das Gegenwärtige, und das mit Recht, weil sie zu tun, zu wirken berufen sind, die Weiber hingegen mehr auf das, was im Leben zusammenhängt, und das mit gleichem Rechte, weil ihr Schicksal, das Schicksal ihrer Familien an diesen Zusammenhang geknüpft ist und auch gerade dieses Zusammenhängende von ihnen gefordert wird.","Women, on the other hand, more of how things hang together in life; and that rightly too, because their destiny the destiny of their families is bound up in this interdependence, and it is exactly this which it is their mission to promote."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_57.flac,00001-f000069,0.6,Mag ich doch so gern unserer frühsten Verhältnisse gedenken!,"We loved each other, young as we then were, with all our hearts."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_59.flac,00001-f000072,0.711765,So fanden wir uns wieder.,So we met once more.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_60.flac,00001-f000073,0.516807,"Wir freuten uns der Erinnerung, wir liebten die Erinnerung, wir konnten ungestört zusammenleben.","We spoke of the Elective Affinities past; we could enjoy and love the recollection of it; we might have been contented, in each other's society, to leave things as they were."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_62.flac,00001-f000077,0.639706,"Zuletzt wollte ich dir nicht versagen, was du für dein einziges Glück zu halten schienst.",At last I could not refuse you what you seemed to think the one thing you cared for.
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_63.flac,00001-f000078,0.617642,"Du wolltest von allen Unruhen, die du bei Hof, im Militär, auf Reisen erlebt hattest, dich an meiner Seite erholen, zur Besinnung kommen, des Lebens genießen; aber auch nur mit mir allein. Meine einzige Tochter tat ich in Pension, wo sie sich freilich mannigfaltiger ausbildet, als bei einem ländlichen Aufenthalte geschehen könnte; und nicht sie allein, auch Ottilien, meine liebe Nichte, tat ich dorthin, die vielleicht zur häuslichen Gehülfin unter meiner Anleitung am besten herangewachsen wäre.","All the discomfort which you had ever experienced, at court, in the army, or in travel ing, you were to recover from at my side; you would set tle down and enjoy life; but only with me for your com panion."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_64.flac,00001-f000080,0.730061,"Das alles geschah mit deiner Einstimmung, bloß damit wir uns selbst leben, bloß damit wir das früh so sehnlich gewünschte, endlich spät erlangte Glück ungestört genießen möchten.","This was done with your consent, merely that we might have our own lives to ourselves merely that we might enjoy undisturbed our solongwishedfor, solongdelayed happiness."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_65.flac,00001-f000082,0.5,So haben wir unsern ländlichen Aufenthalt angetreten.,"I un dertook the domestic part of the menage, you the outof doors, and the general control."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_66.flac,00001-f000083,0.669231,"Ich übernahm das Innere, du das Äußere und was ins Ganze geht.","My own principle has been to meet your wishes in everything, to live only for you."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_68.flac,00001-f000086,0.475,"Die Anlage, die wir bis jetzt zu unserm Dasein gemacht haben, ist von guter Art; sollen wir aber nichts weiter darauf bauen, und soll sich nichts weiter daraus entwickeln?","Elective Affinities The foundation which we have hitherto been laying for ourselves is of the true, sound sort; only, are we to build nothing upon it? is nothing to be developed out of it?"
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_69.flac,00001-f000087,0.759429,"Was ich im Garten leiste, du im Park, soll das nur für Einsiedler getan sein?.Recht gut! versetzte Charlotte, recht wohl!","All the work we have done I in the garden, you in the park is it all only for a pair of hermits?"
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_70.flac,00001-f000089,0.43125,"Nur daß wir nichts Hinderndes, Fremdes hereinbringen!","What we have to look to is, that we introduce no alien element, nothing which shall cross or obstruct us."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_71.flac,00001-f000090,0.5322100000000001,"Bedenke, daß unsre Vorsätze, auch was die Unterhaltung betrifft, sich gewissermaßen nur auf unser beiderseitiges Zusammensein bezogen.","Remember, our plans, even those which only concern our amusements, de pend mainly on our being together."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_72.flac,00001-f000092,0.561488,"Du wolltest zuerst die Tagebücher deiner Reise mir in ordentlicher Folge mitteilen, bei dieser Gelegenheit so manches dahin Gehörige von Papieren in Ordnung bringen und unter meiner Teilnahme, mit meiner Beihülfe aus diesen unschätzbaren, aber verworrenen Heften und Blättern ein für uns und andere erfreuliches Ganze zusammenstellen.","You were to take the opportu nity of arranging it, putting all the loose matter con nected with it in its place; and with me to work with you and help you, out of these invaluable but chaotic leaves and sheets to put together a complete thing, which should give the pleasure to ourselves and to others."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_73.flac,00001-f000093,0.966606,"Ich versprach, dir an der Abschrift zu helfen, und wir dachten es uns so bequem, so artig, so gemütlich und heimlich, die Welt, die wir zusammen nicht sehen sollten, in der Erinnerung zu durchreisen.","I prom ised to assist you in transcribing; and we thought it would be so pleasant, so delightful, so charming, to travel over in recollection the world which we were unable to see together."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_74.flac,00001-f000094,0.277778,"Ja, der Anfang ist schon gemacht.",The beginning is already made.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_75.flac,00001-f000095,0.724316,"Dann hast du die Abende deine Flöte wieder vorgenommen, begleitest mich am Klavier; und an Besuchen aus der Nachbarschaft und in die Nachbarschaft fehlt es uns nicht.","Then, in the evenings, you have taken up your flute again, accompany ing me on the piano, while of visits backward and for ward among the neighborhood, there is abundance."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_76.flac,00001-f000096,0.802185,"Ich wenigstens habe mir aus allem diesem den ersten wahrhaft fröhlichen Sommer zusammengebaut, den ich in meinem Leben zu genießen dachte.","For my part, I have been promising myself out of all this the first really happy summer I have ever thought to spend in my life."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_77.flac,00001-f000097,0.696038,"Wenn mir nur nicht, versetzte Eduard, indem er sich die Stirne rieb, bei alle dem, was du mir so liebevoll und verständig wiederholst, immer der Gedanke beiginge, durch die Gegenwart des Hauptmanns würde nichts gestört, ja vielmehr alles beschleunigt und neu belebt.","Only I can not see, replied Edward, rubbing his fore head, how, through every bit of this which you have Elective Affinities been so sweetly and so sensibly laying before me, the Captain's presence can be any interruption; I should rather have thought it would give it all f.esh zest and life."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_80.flac,00001-f000104,0.303209,"Auf diese Weise wäret ihr Frauen wohl unüberwindlich, versetzte Eduard, erst verständig, daß man nicht widersprechen kann, liebevoll, daß man sich gern hingibt, gefühlvoll, daß man euch nicht weh tun mag, ahnungsvoll, daß man erschrickt.","You are so sensible that there is no answering you, then so affectionate that one is glad to give way to you; full of feelings, which one can not wound, and full of forebodings, which terrify one."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_81.flac,00001-f000105,0.840685,"Ich bin nicht abergläubisch, versetzte Charlotte, und gebe nichts auf diese dunklen Anregungen, insofern sie nur solche wären; aber es sind meistenteils unbewußte Erinnerungen glücklicher und unglücklicher Folgen, die wir an eigenen oder fremden Handlungen erlebt haben.","I am not superstitious, said Charlotte; and I care nothing for these dim sensations, merely as such; but in general they are the result of unconscious recollections pf happy or unhappy consequences, which we have expe rienced as following on our own or others' actions."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_82.flac,00001-f000106,0.511429,Nichts ist bedeutender in jedem Zustande als die Dazwischenkunft eines Dritten.,"Nothing is of greater moment, in any state of things, than the intervention of a third person."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_83.flac,00001-f000107,0.657473,"Ich habe Freunde gesehen, Geschwister, Liebende, Gatten, deren Verhältnis durch den zufälligen oder gewählten Hinzutritt einer neuen Person ganz und gar verändert, deren Lage völlig umgekehrt wurde.","I have seen friends, brothers and sisters, lovers, husbands and wives, whose relation to each other, through the accidental or intentional introduction of a third person, has been alto gether changed whose whole moral condition has been inverted by it."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_88.flac,00001-f000117,0.6648310000000001,"Einen ruhigen, vernünftigen, tröstlichen Brief, sagte Charlotte.","Write him a kind, sensible, sympathizing letter, an swered Charlotte."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_89.flac,00001-f000118,0.659615,"Das heißt soviel wie keinen, versetzte Eduard.","That is as good as none at all, replied Edward."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.1_90.flac,00001-f000119,0.860994,"Und doch ist es in manchen Fällen, versetzte Charlotte, notwendig und freundlich, lieber nichts zu schreiben, als nicht zu schreiben.","And there are many cases, answered she, in which we are obliged, and in which it is the real kindness, rather to write nothing than not to write."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_1.flac,00002-f000004,0.636957,"Er hatte sich in ihrer Nähe, in ihrer Gesellschaft so glücklich gefühlt, daß er sich einen freundlichen, teilnehmenden, aber ruhigen und auf nichts hindeutenden Brief an den Hauptmann ausdachte.","While close to her while in her presence he had felt so happy, that he had thought out a warm, kind, but quiet and indefinite epistle which he would send to the Captain."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_3.flac,00002-f000007,0.6680229999999999,"Sich etwas zu versagen, war Eduard nicht gewohnt.",Edward was unaccustomed to deny himself anything.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_4.flac,00002-f000008,0.814737,"Von Jugend auf das einzige, verzogene Kind reicher Eltern, die ihn zu einer seltsamen, aber höchst vorteilhaften Heirat mit einer viel älteren Frau zu bereden wußten, von dieser auch auf alle Weise verzärtelt, indem sie sein gutes Betragen gegen sie durch die größte Freigebigkeit zu erwidern suchte, nach ihrem baldigen Tode sein eigner Herr, auf Reisen unabhängig, jeder Abwechslung, jeder Veränderung mächtig, nichts Übertriebenes wollend, aber viel und vielerlei wollend, freimütig, wohltätig, brav, ja tapfer im Fall was konnte in der Welt seinen Wünschen entgegenstehen!","The only child, and consequently the spoiled child, of wealthy parents, who had persuaded him into a singular, but highly advantageous marriage with a lady far older than himself; and again by her petted and indulged in every possible way, she seeking to reward his kindness to her by the utmost liberality; after her early death his own master, traveling independently of every pne, equal to all Elective Affinities contingencies and all changes, with desires never exces sive, but multiple and various freehearted, generous, brave, at times even noble what was there in the world to cross or thwart him ?"
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_6.flac,00002-f000011,0.6501640000000001,"Er war verdrießlich, ungeduldig, nahm einigemal die Feder und legte sie nieder, weil er nicht einig mit sich werden konnte, was er schreiben sollte.","He felt annoyed, impatient; he took up his pen again and again, and as often threw it down again, because he could not make up his mind what to write."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_8.flac,00002-f000014,0.284211,"Das Natürlichste war, daß er Aufschub suchte.",The most natural thing to do was to put it off.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_9.flac,00002-f000015,0.676632,"Mit wenig Worten bat er seinen Freund um Verzeihung, daß er diese Tage nicht geschrieben, daß er heut nicht umständlich schreibe, und versprach für nächstens ein bedeutenderes, ein beruhigendes Blatt.","In a few words, he begged his friend to forgive him for having left his letter unanswered; that day he was unable to write circumstan tially; but shortly, he hoped to be able to tell him what he felt at greater length."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_11.flac,00002-f000018,1.2307700000000001,Eduarden war diese Wiederholung erwünscht.,"He expressed him self in his own way, kindly and sweetly."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_12.flac,00002-f000019,0.5072369999999999,"Er äußerte sich nach seiner Weise freundlich und angenehm; denn wenn er, empfänglich wie er war, leicht aufloderte, wenn sein lebhaftes Begehren zudringlich ward, wenn seine Hartnäckigkeit ungeduldig machen konnte, so waren doch alle seine Äußerungen durch eine vollkommene Schonung des andern dergestalt gemildert, daß man ihn immer noch liebenswürdig finden mußte, wenn man ihn auch beschwerlich fand.","Fpr although, Elective Affinities sensitive as he was, he flamed up readily although the vehemence with which he desired anything made him pressing, and his obstinacy made him impatient his words were so softened by his wish to spare the feelings of those to whom he was speaking that it was impossible not to be charmed, even when one most disagreed, with him."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_13.flac,00002-f000020,0.465429,"Auf eine solche Weise brachte er Charlotten diesen Morgen erst in die heiterste Laune, dann durch anmutige Gesprächswendungen ganz aus der Fassung, so daß sie zuletzt ausrief:","This morning, he first contrived to bring Charlotte into the happiest humor, and then so disarmed her with the graceful turn which he gave to the conversation that she cried out at last : You are determined that what I refused to the hus band you will make me grant to the lover."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_14.flac,00002-f000021,0.371104,"Du willst gewiß, daß ich das, was ich dem Ehemann versagte, dem Liebhaber zugestehen soll.","At least, my dearest, she continued, I will acknowledge that your wishes, and the warmth and sweetness with which you express them, have not left me untouched, have not left me unmoved."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_15.flac,00002-f000022,0.9859760000000001,"Wenigstens, mein Lieber, fuhr sie fort, sollst du gewahr werden, daß deine Wünsche, die freundliche Lebhaftigkeit, womit du sie ausdrückst, mich nicht ungerührt, mich nicht unbewegt lassen.","You drive me to make a confession; till now I too have had a concealment from you; I am in exactly the same position with you, and I have hitherto been putting the same restraint on my inclination which I have been exhorting you to put on yours."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_16.flac,00002-f000023,0.698571,Sie nötigen mich zu einem Geständnis.,"Glad am I to hear that, said Edward."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_17.flac,00002-f000024,0.13333299999999998,Ich habe dir bisher auch etwas verborgen.,"In the mar ried state, a difference of opinion now and then, I see, is no bad thing; we learn something of one another by it."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_18.flac,00002-f000024,0.737776,"Ich befinde mich in einer ähnlichen Lage wie du und habe mir schon eben die Gewalt angetan, die ich dir nun über dich selbst zumute.","In the mar ried state, a difference of opinion now and then, I see, is no bad thing; we learn something of one another by it."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_19.flac,00002-f000025,0.514951,"Das hör ich gern, sagte Eduard; ich merke wohl, im Ehestand muß man sich manchmal streiten, denn dadurch erfährt man was voneinander.","You are to learn at present, then, said Charlotte, that it is with me about Ottilie as it is with you about the Captain."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_20.flac,00002-f000028,0.36022,"Nun sollst du also erfahren, sagte Charlotte, daß es mir mit Ottilien geht, wie dir mit dem Hauptmann.","She has quick natural gifts, and an excellent memory; one may almost say she forgets everything, and in a moment calls it all back again."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_21.flac,00002-f000027,0.411728,"Höchst ungern weiß ich das liebe Kind in der Pension, wo sie sich in sehr drückenden Verhältnissen befindet.","Lu ciana, my daughter, born as she is for the world, is there Elective Affinities training hourly for the world; languages, history, every thing that is taught there, she acquires with so much ease that, as it were, she learns them off at sight."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_22.flac,00002-f000030,0.6153529999999999,"Wenn Luciane, meine Tochter, die für die Welt geboren ist, sich dort für die Welt bildet, wenn sie Sprachen, Geschichtliches und was sonst von Kenntnissen ihr mitgeteilt wird, so wie ihre Noten und Variationen vom Blatte wegspielt; wenn bei einer lebhaften Natur und bei einem glücklichen Gedächtnis sie, man möchte wohl sagen, alles vergißt und im Augenblicke sich an alles erinnert; wenn sie durch Freiheit des Betragens, Anmut im Tanze, schickliche Bequemlichkeit des Gesprächs sich vor allen auszeichnet und durch ein angebornes herrschendes Wesen sich zur Königin des kleinen Kreises macht, wenn die Vorsteherin dieser Anstalt sie als kleine Gottheit ansieht, die nun erst unter ihren Händen recht gedeiht, die ihr Ehre machen, Zutrauen erwerben und einen Zufluß von andern jungen Personen verschaffen wird, wenn die ersten Seiten ihrer Briefe und Monatsberichte immer nur Hymnen sind über die Vortrefflichkeit eines solchen Kindes, die ich denn recht gut in meine Prose zu übersetzen weiß: so ist dagegen, was sie schließlich von Ottilien erwähnt, nur immer Entschuldigung auf Entschuldigung, daß ein übrigens so schön heranwachsendes Mädchen sich nicht entwickeln, keine Fähigkeiten und keine Fertigkeiten zeigen wolle.","The superior of the estab lishment regards her as a little divinity, who, under her hands, is shaping into excellence, and who will do her honor, gain her reputation, and bring her a large increase of pupils; the first pages of this good lady's letters, and her monthly notices of progress, are forever hymns about the excellence of such a child, which I have to translate into my own prose; while her concluding sentences about Ottilie are nothing but excuse after excuse attempts at explaining how it can be that a girl in other respects growing up so lovely seems coming to nothing, and shows neither capacity nor accomplishment This, and the little she has to say besides, is no riddle to me, because I can see in this dear child the same character as that of her mother, who was my own dearest friend; who grew up with myself, and whose daughter, I am certain, if I had the care of her education, would form into an exquisite creature."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_23.flac,00002-f000030,0.43393,"Das wenige, was sie sonst noch hinzufügt, ist gleichfalls für mich kein Rätsel, weil ich in diesem lieben Kinde den ganzen Charakter ihrer Mutter, meiner wertesten Freundin, gewahr werde, die sich neben mir entwickelt hat und deren Tochter ich gewiß, wenn ich Erzieherin oder Aufseherin sein könnte, zu einem herrlichen Geschöpf heraufbilden wollte.","The superior of the estab lishment regards her as a little divinity, who, under her hands, is shaping into excellence, and who will do her honor, gain her reputation, and bring her a large increase of pupils; the first pages of this good lady's letters, and her monthly notices of progress, are forever hymns about the excellence of such a child, which I have to translate into my own prose; while her concluding sentences about Ottilie are nothing but excuse after excuse attempts at explaining how it can be that a girl in other respects growing up so lovely seems coming to nothing, and shows neither capacity nor accomplishment This, and the little she has to say besides, is no riddle to me, because I can see in this dear child the same character as that of her mother, who was my own dearest friend; who grew up with myself, and whose daughter, I am certain, if I had the care of her education, would form into an exquisite creature."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_24.flac,00002-f000031,0.917796,"Da es aber einmal nicht in unsern Plan geht und man an seinen Lebensverhältnissen nicht soviel zupfen und zerren, nicht immer was Neues an sie heranziehen soll, so trag ich das lieber, ja ich überwinde die unangenehme Empfindung, wenn meine Tochter, welche recht gut weiß, daß die arme Ottilie ganz von uns abhängt, sich ihrer Vorteile übermütig gegen sie bedient und unsre Wohltat dadurch gewissermaßen vernichtet.","This, however, Has not fallen in with our plan, and as one ought not to be picking and pulling, or forever in Elective Affinities troducing new elements among the conditions of our life, I think it better to bear, and to conquer as I can, even the unpleasant impression that my daughter, who knows very well that poor Ottilie is entirely dependent upon us, does not refrain from flourishing her own successes in her face, and so, to a certain extent, destroys the little good which we have done for her."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_25.flac,00002-f000032,-0.0448819,"Doch wer ist so gebildet, daß er nicht seine Vorzüge gegen andre manchmal auf eine grausame Weise geltend machte!",Who are well trained enough never to wound others by a parade of their own advan tages? and who stands so high as not at times to suffer under such a slight?
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_26.flac,00002-f000032,-0.0448819,"Wer steht so hoch, daß er unter einem solchen Druck nicht manchmal leiden müßte!",<MERGE> Who are well trained enough never to wound others by a parade of their own advan tages? and who stands so high as not at times to suffer under such a slight?
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_27.flac,00002-f000033,0.615,"Durch diese Prüfungen wächst Ottiliens Wert; aber seitdem ich den peinlichen Zustand recht deutlich einsehe, habe ich mir Mühe gegeben, sie anderwärts unterzubringen.","In trials like these, Ottilie's char acter is growing in strength, but since I have clearly known the pain fulness of her situation, I have been think ing over all possible ways to make some other arrange ment."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_28.flac,00002-f000034,0.909231,"Stündlich soll mir eine Antwort kommen, und alsdann will ich nicht zaudern.","Every hour I am expecting an answer to my own last letter, and then I do not mean to hesitate any more."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_29.flac,00002-f000035,0.3,"So steht es mit mir, mein Bester.","So, my dear Edward, it is with me."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_30.flac,00002-f000036,0.72996,"Du siehst, wir tragen beiderseits dieselben Sorgen in einem treuen, freundschaftlichen Herzen.","We have both, you see, the same sorrows to bear, touching both our hearts in the same point."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_32.flac,00002-f000040,0.5727270000000001,"Wenn wir nur etwas, das uns Sorge macht, aus unserer Gegenwart verbannen können, da glauben wir schon, nun sei es abgetan.",We can give up much in the large and general; but to make sacrifices in little things is a demand to which we are rarely equal.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_33.flac,00002-f000040,0.741262,"Im ganzen können wir vieles aufopfern, aber uns im einzelnen herzugeben, ist eine Forderung, der wir selten gewachsen sind.",We can give up much in the large and general; but to make sacrifices in little things is a demand to which we are rarely equal.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_34.flac,00002-f000041,-0.0166667,So war meine Mutter.,"So it was with my mother as long as I lived with her, while a boy and a young man, she could not bear to let me be a moment out of her sight."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_35.flac,00002-f000042,0.505392,"Solange ich als Knabe oder Jüngling bei ihr lebte, konnte sie der augenblicklichen Besorgnisse nicht los werden.","If I was out later than usual in my ride, some misfortune must have happened to me."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_37.flac,00002-f000045,1.0662,"Ich verreiste, ich entfernte mich von ihr, und nun schien ich ihr kaum anzugehören.","I traveled; I was absent from her altogether; and, at once, I scarcely seemed to belong to her."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_38.flac,00002-f000047,0.407392,"Betrachten wir es genauer, fuhr er fort, so handeln wir beide töricht und unverantwortlich, zwei der edelsten Naturen, die unser Herz so nahe angehen, im Kummer und im Druck zu lassen, nur um uns keiner Gefahr auszusetzen.","Two very noble natures, both of which have the closest claims on our affection, we are leaving exposed to pain and distress, merely to avoid ex posing ourselves to a chance of danger."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_42.flac,00002-f000054,0.6426470000000001,"Nur dadurch erkläre ich mir's, daß sie deine Neigung zu ihrer Mutter geerbt hat.",I can only explain it to myself by supposing her to have inherited your affection for her mother.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_44.flac,00002-f000057,0.675417,"Hübsch ist sie, besonders hat sie schöne Augen; aber ich wüßte doch nicht, daß sie den mindesten Eindruck auf mich gemacht hätte.",Attractive she is she has particularly pretty eyes; but I do not know that she made the slightest impression upon me.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_45.flac,00002-f000058,0.7766069999999999,"Das ist löblich an dir, sagte Charlotte, denn ich war ja gegenwärtig; und ob sie gleich viel jünger ist als ich, so hatte doch die Gegenwart der ältern Freundin so viele Reize für dich, daß du über die aufblühende, versprechende Schönheit hinaussahest.","That was quite proper in you, said Charlotte, see ing that I was there; and, although she is much younger than I, the presence of your old friend had so many Elective Affinities charms for you that you overlooked the promise of the opening beauty."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_46.flac,00002-f000059,0.602554,"Es gehört auch dies zu deiner Art zu sein, deshalb ich so gern das Leben mit dir teile.",It is one of your ways; and that is one reason why it is so pleasant to live with you.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_47.flac,00002-f000060,0.6021989999999999,"Charlotte, so aufrichtig sie zu sprechen schien, verhehlte doch etwas.","Charlotte, openly as she appeared to be speaking, was keeping back something, nevertheless; which was.that at the time when Edward came first back from abroad, she had purposely thrown Ottilie in his way, to secure, if pos sible, so desirable a match for her protegee."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_48.flac,00002-f000062,0.436472,"Sie hatte nämlich damals dem von Reisen zurückkehrenden Eduard Ottilien absichtlich vorgeführt, um dieser geliebten Pflegetochter eine so große Partie zuzuwenden; denn an sich selbst in bezug auf Eduard dachte sie nicht mehr. Der Hauptmann war auch angestiftet, Eduarden aufmerksam zu machen; aber dieser, der seine frühe Liebe zu Charlotten hartnäckig im Sinne behielt, sah weder rechts noch links und war nur glücklich in dem Gefühl, daß es möglich sei, eines so lebhaft gewünschten und durch eine Reihe von Ereignissen scheinbar auf immer versagten Gutes endlich doch teilhaft zu werden.","The Captain, also, had a hint given to him to draw Edward's attention to her; but the latter, who was clinging determinately to his early affection for Charlotte, looked neither right nor left, and was only happy in the feeling that it was at last within his power to obtain for himself the one happiness which he so ear nestly desired; and which a series of incidents had ap peared to have placed forever beyond his reach."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_49.flac,00002-f000063,-0.022463,"Eben stand das Ehepaar im Begriff, die neuen Anlagen herunter nach dem Schlosse zu gehen, als ein Bedienter ihnen hastig entgegenstieg und mit lachendem Munde sich schon von unten herauf vernehmen ließ:","They were on the point of descending the new grounds, in order to return to the castle, when a servant came hastily to meet them, and, with a laugh on his face, called up from below, Will your grace be pleased to come quickly to the castle?"
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_50.flac,00002-f000063,-0.022463,Kommen,"<MERGE> They were on the point of descending the new grounds, in order to return to the castle, when a servant came hastily to meet them, and, with a laugh on his face, called up from below, Will your grace be pleased to come quickly to the castle?"
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_51.flac,00002-f000063,-0.022463,Euer Gnaden doch ja schnell herüber!,"<MERGE> They were on the point of descending the new grounds, in order to return to the castle, when a servant came hastily to meet them, and, with a laugh on his face, called up from below, Will your grace be pleased to come quickly to the castle?"
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_52.flac,00002-f000064,1.01923,Herr Mittler ist in den Schloßhof gesprengt.,The Herr Mittler has just galloped into the court.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_53.flac,00002-f000065,0.6,"Er hat uns alle zusammengeschrieen, wir sollen sie aufsuchen, wir sollen Sie fragen, ob es not tue.","He shouted to us to go all of us in search of you, and we were to ask whether there was need, 'whether there is need,' he cried after us, 'do you hear? but be quick, be quick.'"
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_55.flac,00002-f000068,0.009375,"Geschwind zurück! befahl er dem Bedienten; sage ihm, es tue not, sehr not!",Tell him there is need grievous need.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_56.flac,00002-f000070,0.57,Er soll nur absteigen.,See his horse Elective Affinities taken care of.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_57.flac,00002-f000071,0.21875,"Versorgt sein Pferd; führt ihn in den Saal, setzt ihm ein Frühstück vor!","Take him into the saloon, and let him have some luncheon."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_58.flac,00002-f000072,0.0882353,Wir kommen gleich.,We shall be with him immedi ately.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_59.flac,00002-f000073,0.393529,"Laß uns den nächsten Weg nehmen! sagte er zu seiner Frau und schlug den Pfad über den Kirchhof ein, den er sonst zu vermeiden pflegte.","Let us take the nearest way, he said to his wife, and struck into the path across the churchyard, which he usu ally avoided."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_60.flac,00002-f000074,0.4625,"Aber wie verwundert war er, als er fand, daß Charlotte auch hier für das Gefühl gesorgt habe.","He was not a little surprised to find here, too, traces of Charlotte's delicate hand."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_61.flac,00002-f000075,0.655357,"Mit möglichster Schonung der alten Denkmäler hatte sie alles so zu vergleichen und zu ordnen gewußt, daß es ein angenehmer Raum erschien, auf dem das Auge und die Einbildungskraft gerne verweilten.","Sparing, as far as possible, the old monuments, she had contrived to level it, and lay it carefully out, so as to make it appear a pleasant spot on which the eye and the imagination could equally repose with pleasure."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_62.flac,00002-f000076,0.254348,Auch dem ältesten Stein hatte sie seine Ehre gegönnt.,The oldest stones had each their special honor assigned them.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_63.flac,00002-f000077,0.712117,"Den Jahren nach waren sie an der Mauer aufgerichtet, eingefügt oder sonst angebracht; der hohe Sockel der Kirche selbst war damit vermannigfaltigt und geziert.","They were ranged according to their dates along the wall, either leaning against it, or let into it, or however it could be contrived; and the stringcourse of the church was thus variously ornamented."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_64.flac,00002-f000078,0.639832,"Eduard fühlte sich sonderbar überrascht, wie er durch die kleine Pforte hereintrat: er drückte Charlotten die Hand, und im Auge stand ihm eine Träne.","Edward was singularly affected as he came in upon it through the little wicket; he pressed Charlotte's hand, and tears started into his eyes."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_65.flac,00002-f000079,0.486628,Aber der närrische Gast verscheuchte sie gleich.,But these were very soon put to flight by the appearance of their singular visitor.
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_66.flac,00002-f000080,0.460696,"Denn dieser hatte keine Ruh im Schloß gehabt, war spornstreichs durchs Dorf bis an das Kirchhoftor geritten, wo er still hielt und seinen Freunden entgegenrief:","This gentleman had declined sitting down in the castle; he had ridden straight through the village to the church yard gate; and then, halting, he called out to his friends, Are you not making a fool of me ?"
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_67.flac,00002-f000081,0.135,Ihr habt mich doch nicht zum besten?,"Is there need, really ?"
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_68.flac,00002-f000082,0.8466670000000001,"Tuts wirklich not, so bleibe ich zu Mittage hier.","If there is, I can stay till midday."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_69.flac,00002-f000084,0.72,Haltet mich nicht auf!,I have a great deal to do before night.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_70.flac,00002-f000085,0.272222,Ich habe heute noch viel zu tun.,"Since you have taken the trouble to come so far, cried Edward to him, in answer, you had better come through the gate."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_72.flac,00002-f000089,1.17201,"Diese da ruhen in Frieden, mit ihnen habe ich nichts zu schaffen.",These here rest in peace: with them I have nothing to do.
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_73.flac,00002-f000088,0.485119,"Gefallen muß ich mirs lassen, wenn man mich einmal, die Füße voran, hereinschleppt.","Inside there, called out the rider, come I neither on horseback, nor in carriage, nor on foot."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_74.flac,00002-f000093,0.645,"Also ists Ernst?.Ja, rief Charlotte, recht Ernst!","Indeed it is, cried Charlotte, right serious."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_75.flac,00002-f000090,0.77027,"Es ist das erstemal, daß wir neuen Gatten in Not und Verwirrung sind, woraus wir uns nicht zu helfen wissen.",One day I shall be carried in feet foremost.
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_76.flac,00002-f000095,0.395946,"Ihr seht nicht darnach aus, versetzte er, doch will ichs glauben.","You do not look as if it were so, answered he."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_77.flac,00002-f000093,0.6525,"Führt ihr mich an, so laß ich euch künftig stecken.","Indeed it is, cried Charlotte, right serious."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_78.flac,00002-f000096,0.285,Folgt geschwinde nach!,But I will believe you.
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_79.flac,00002-f000098,0.582692,Meinem Pferde mag die Erholung zugut kommen.,"Follow me quickly, my horse will be none the worse for a rest."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_80.flac,00002-f000100,0.301948,"Bald fanden sich die dreie im Saale zusammen; das Essen ward aufgetragen, und Mittler erzählte von seinen heutigen Taten und Vorhaben.","Luncheon was brought in, and Mittler told them what that day he had done, and was going to do."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_81.flac,00002-f000101,0.6498149999999999,"Dieser seltsame Mann war früherhin Geistlicher gewesen und hatte sich bei einer rastlosen Tätigkeit in seinem Amte dadurch ausgezeichnet, daß er alle Streitigkeiten, sowohl die häuslichen als die nachbarlichen, erst der einzelnen Bewohner, sodann ganzer Gemeinden und mehrerer Gutsbesitzer zu stillen und zu schlichten wußte.","This eccentric person had in early life been a clergyman, and had distinguished himself in his office by the neverresting activity with which he contrived to make up and put an end to quarrels; quarrels in families, and quarrels be tween neighbors; first among the individuals immediately about him, and afterward among whole congregations, and among the country gentlemen round."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_82.flac,00002-f000102,0.5177689999999999,"Solange er im Dienste war, hatte sich kein Ehepaar scheiden lassen, und die Landeskollegien wurden mit keinen Händeln und Prozessen von dorther behelliget.","While he was in the ministry, no married couple were allowed to sep arate; and the district courts were untroubled with either cause or process."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_83.flac,00002-f000103,0.548237,"Wie nötig ihm die Rechtskunde sei, ward er zeitig gewahr.","A knowledge of the law, he was well aware, was necessary to him."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_84.flac,00002-f000104,0.780723,Er warf sein ganzes Studium darauf und fühlte sich bald den geschicktesten Advokaten gewachsen.,"He gave himself with all Elective Affinities his might to the study of it, and very soon felt himself a match for the best trained advocate."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_86.flac,00002-f000108,0.696429,"Diejenigen, die auf die Namensbedeutungen abergläubisch sind, behaupten, der Name Mittler habe ihn genötigt, diese seltsamste aller Bestimmungen zu ergreifen.","People who were superstitious about names, and about what they imported, maintained that it was his being called Mittler which drove him to take upon himself this strange employment."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_88.flac,00002-f000111,0.461184,"Die beiden Eheleute machten umständlich ihre Bekenntnisse; aber kaum hatte er den Sinn der Sache vernommen, als er verdrießlich vom Tische auffuhr, ans Fenster sprang und sein Pferd zu satteln befahl.","Husband and wife made a circumstantial confession; but scarcely had he caught the substance of the matter, when he started angrily up from the table, rushed out of the saloon, and ordered his horse to be saddled instantly."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_89.flac,00002-f000112,0.284416,"Entweder ihr kennt mich nicht, rief er aus, ihr versteht mich nicht, oder ihr seid sehr boshaft.","Either you do not know me, you do not understand me, he cried, or you are sorely mischievous."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_90.flac,00002-f000114,1.24545,Ist denn hier ein Streit?,Is there any want of help here ?
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_91.flac,00002-f000114,1.1456,Ist denn hier eine Hülfe nötig?,Is there any want of help here ?
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_92.flac,00002-f000115,0.5307689999999999,"Glaubt ihr, daß ich in der Welt bin, um Rat zu geben?",Do you suppose that I am in the world to give advice?
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_93.flac,00002-f000116,0.423913,"Das ist das dümmste Handwerk, das einer treiben kann.",Of all occupations which man can pursue that is the most fool Elective Affinities ish.
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_94.flac,00002-f000117,0.74375,"Rate sich jeder selbst und tue, was er nicht lassen kann.","Every man must be his own counselor, and do what he can not let alone."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_96.flac,00002-f000121,0.495833,"Tut, was ihr wollt: es ist ganz einerlei!","Do as you will, it is all one."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_97.flac,00002-f000122,0.8267049999999999,"Nehmt die Freunde zu euch, laßt sie weg: alles einerlei!","Invite your friends to you, or let them be, it is all the same."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_98.flac,00002-f000123,0.580952,"Das Vernünftigste habe ich mißlingen sehen, das Abgeschmackteste gelingen.","The most prudent plans I have seen miscarry, and the most foolish succeed."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_99.flac,00002-f000124,0.956122,"Zerbrecht euch die Köpfe nicht, und wenns auf eine oder die andre Weise übel abläuft, zerbrecht sie euch auch nicht!","Don't split your brains about it; and if, one way or the other, evil comes of what you settle, don't fret; send for me, and you shall be helped."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_100.flac,00002-f000125,0.558333,"Schickt nur nach mir, und euch soll geholfen werden.","Till which time, I am your humble servant."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_101.flac,00002-f000126,0.463077,"Bis dahin euer Diener!.Und so schwang er sich aufs Pferd, ohne den Kaffee abzuwarten.","So saying, he sprang on his horse, without waiting the arrival of the coffee."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_102.flac,00002-f000127,0.575735,"Hier siehst du, sagte Charlotte, wie wenig eigentlich ein Dritter fruchtet, wenn es zwischen zwei nah verbundenen Personen nicht ganz im Gleichgewicht steht.","Here you see, said Charlotte, the small service a third person can be, when things are off their balance between two persons closely connected; we are left, if possible, more confused and more uncertain than we were."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_103.flac,00002-f000128,0.5592590000000001,"Gegenwärtig sind wir doch wohl noch verworrner und ungewisser, wenns möglich ist, als vorher.","They would both, probably, have continued hesitating some time longer, had not a letter arrived from the Cap tain, in reply to Edward's last."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_104.flac,00002-f000129,0.501436,"Beide Gatten würden auch wohl noch eine Zeitlang geschwankt haben, wäre nicht ein Brief des Hauptmanns im Wechsel gegen Eduards letzten angekommen.","He had made up his mind to accept one of the situations which had been offered him, although it was not in the least up to his mark."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_105.flac,00002-f000129,0.772165,"Er hatte sich entschlossen, eine der ihm angebotenen Stellen anzunehmen, ob sie ihm gleich keineswegs gemäß war.","He had made up his mind to accept one of the situations which had been offered him, although it was not in the least up to his mark."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_106.flac,00002-f000131,0.539362,"Er sollte mit vornehmen und reichen Leuten die Langeweile teilen, indem man auf ihn das Zutrauen setzte, daß er sie vertreiben würde.","Elective Affinities Edward's keen glance saw into the whole thing, and he pictured it out in just, sharp lines."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_107.flac,00002-f000132,0.463514,Eduard übersah das ganze Verhältnis recht deutlich und malte es noch recht scharf aus.,"Can we endure to think of our friend in such a posi tion? he cried; you can not be so cruel, Charlotte."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_108.flac,00002-f000132,0.67069,Wollen wir unsern Freund in einem solchen Zustande wissen? rief er.,"Can we endure to think of our friend in such a posi tion? he cried; you can not be so cruel, Charlotte."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_109.flac,00002-f000133,-0.022018299999999998,"Du kannst nicht so grausam sein, Charlotte!.Der wunderliche Mann, unser Mittler, versetzte Charlotte, hat am Ende doch recht.","That strange Mittler is right after all, replied Char lotte; all such undertakings are ventures; what will come of them it is impossible to foresee."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_110.flac,00002-f000133,-0.022018299999999998,Alle solche Unternehmungen sind Wagestücke.,"<MERGE> That strange Mittler is right after all, replied Char lotte; all such undertakings are ventures; what will come of them it is impossible to foresee."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_112.flac,00002-f000134,0.6839270000000001,"Solche neue Verhältnisse können fruchtbar sein an Glück und an Unglück, ohne daß wir uns dabei Verdienst oder Schuld sonderlich zurechnen dürfen.","New elements intro duced among us may be fruitful in fortune or in misfor tune, without our having to take credit to ourselves for one or the other."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_113.flac,00002-f000135,0.533597,"Ich fühle mich nicht stark genug, dir länger zu widerstehen.",I do not feel myself firm enough to oppose you further.
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_114.flac,00002-f000136,0.159975,Laß uns den Versuch machen!,Let us make the experiment; only one thing I will entreat of you that it be only for a short time.
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_115.flac,00002-f000136,0.159975,"Das einzige, was ich dich bitte: es sei nur auf kurze Zeit angesehen.",<MERGE> Let us make the experiment; only one thing I will entreat of you that it be only for a short time.
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_116.flac,00002-f000137,0.7040390000000001,"Erlaube mir, daß ich mich tätiger als bisher für ihn verwende und meinen Einfluß, meine Verbindungen eifrig benutze und aufrege, ihm eine Stelle zu verschaffen, die ihm nach seiner Weise einige Zufriedenheit gewähren kann.","You must allow me to exert myself more than ever, to use all my influence among all my con nections, to find him some position which will satisfy him in his own way."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_117.flac,00002-f000138,0.804667,Eduard versicherte seine Gattin auf die anmutigste Weise der lebhaftesten Dankbarkeit.,"Edward poured out the warmest expressions of grati,tude."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_118.flac,00002-f000139,0.7527149999999999,"Er eilte mit freiem, frohem Gemüt, seinem Freunde Vorschläge schriftlich zu tun.","He hastened, with a light, happy heart, to write off his proposals to his friend."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_119.flac,00002-f000140,1.13529,"Charlotte mußte in einer Nachschrift ihren Beifall eigenhändig hinzufügen, ihre freundschaftlichen Bitten mit den seinen vereinigen.","Charlotte, in a postscript, was to signify her approbation with her own hand, and unite her own kind entreaties with his."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_120.flac,00002-f000141,0.8257040000000001,"Sie schrieb mit gewandter Feder gefällig und verbindlich, aber doch mit einer Art von Hast, die ihr sonst nicht gewöhnlich war; und was ihr nicht leicht begegnete, sie verunstaltete das Papier zuletzt mit einem Tintenfleck, der sie ärgerlich machte und nur größer wurde, indem sie ihn wegwischen wollte.","She wrote, with a rapid pen, pleasantly and affectionately, but yet with a sort of haste which was not usual with her; and, most unlike herself, she disfigured the paper at last with a blot of ink, which put her out of temper, and which she only made worse with her attempts to wipe it away."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_121.flac,00002-f000142,0.7920159999999999,"Eduard scherzte darüber, und weil noch Platz war, fügte er eine zweite Nachschrift hinzu: der Freund solle aus diesen Zeichen die Ungeduld sehen, womit er erwartet werde, und nach der Eile, womit der Brief geschrieben, die Eilfertigkeit seiner Reise einrichten.","Edward laughed at her about it, and, as there was still room, added a second postscript, that his friend was to see from this symptom the impatience with which he was Elective Affinities expected, and measure the speed at which he came to them by the haste in which the letter was written."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_122.flac,00002-f000143,0.750999,"Der Bote war fort, und Eduard glaubte seine Dankbarkeit nicht überzeugender ausdrücken zu können, als indem er aber und abermals darauf bestand, Charlotte solle zugleich Ottilien aus der Pension holen lassen.",The messenger was gone; and Edward thought he could not give a more convincing evidence of his grati tude than by insisting again and again that Charlotte should at once send for Ottilie from the school.
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.2_123.flac,00002-f000144,0.9414040000000001,Sie bat um Aufschub und wußte diesen Abend bei Eduard die Lust zu einer musikalischen Unterhaltung aufzuregen.,"She said she would think about it; and, for that evening, in duced Edward to join with her in the enjoyment of a little music."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_2.flac,00003-f000003,0.691304,"Soviel Deutlichkeit über sich selbst, soviel Klarheit über seinen eigenen Zustand, über den Zustand seiner Freunde gab eine heitere und fröhliche Aussicht.","So much clearness about himself, so just an understanding of his own position and the position of his friends, promised everything which was best and happiest."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_3.flac,00003-f000004,0.7712,"Die Unterhaltungen der ersten Stunden waren, wie unter Freunden zu geschehen pflegt, die sich eine Zeitlang nicht gesehen haben, lebhaft, ja fast erschöpfend.","The conversation of the first few hours, as is generally the case with friends who have not met for a long time, was eager, lively, almost exhausting."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_4.flac,00003-f000005,0.77753,Gegen Abend veranlaßte Charlotte einen Spaziergang auf die neuen Anlagen.,"Toward evening, Charlotte proposed a walk to the new grounds."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_5.flac,00003-f000006,0.9496530000000001,"Der Hauptmann gefiel sich sehr in der Gegend und bemerkte jede Schönheit, welche durch die neuen Wege erst sichtbar und genießbar geworden.","The Captain was delighted with the spot, and observed every beauty which had been first brought into sight and made enjoyable by the new walks."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_6.flac,00003-f000007,0.745033,"Er hatte ein geübtes Auge und dabei ein genügsames; und ob er gleich das Wünschenswerte sehr wohl kannte, machte er doch nicht, wie es öfters zu geschehen pflegt, Personen, die ihn in dem Ihrigen herumführten, dadurch einen üblen Humor, daß er mehr verlangte, als die Umstände zuließen, oder auch wohl gar an etwas Vollkommneres erinnerte, das er anderswo gesehen.","He had a practised eye, and at the same time one easily satisfied; and although he knew very well what was really valuable, he never, as so many persons do, made people who were showing him things of their own uncomfortable, by requiring more than the circumstances admitted of, or by mentioning anything more perfect, which he remembered having seen elsewhere."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_7.flac,00003-f000008,0.8642,"Als sie die Mooshütte erreichten, fanden sie solche auf das lustigste ausgeschmückt, zwar nur mit künstlichen Blumen und Wintergrün, doch darunter so schöne Büschel natürlichen Weizens und anderer Feld und Baumfrüchte angebracht, daß sie dem Kunstsinn der Anordnenden zur Ehre gereichten.","When they arrived at the summerhouse, they found it dressed out for a holiday, only, indeed, with artificial Elective Affinities flowers and evergreens, but with some pretty bunches of natural cornears among them, and other field and garden fruit, so as to do credit to the taste which had arranged them."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_9.flac,00003-f000011,0.26087,Ein dreifaches? rief Eduard.,"Yes, indeed, she replied."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_10.flac,00003-f000012,0.69193,"Ganz gewiß! versetzte Charlotte; unseres Freundes Ankunft behandeln wir billig als ein Fest; und dann habt ihr beide wohl nicht daran gedacht, daß heute euer Namenstag ist.","Our friend's arrival here we are bound to keep as a festival; and have you never thought, either of you, that this is the day on which you were both christened?"
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_11.flac,00003-f000014,0.293333,Heißt nicht einer Otto so gut als der andere?.Beide Freunde reichten sich die Hände über den kleinen Tisch.,The two friends shook hands across the little table.
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_12.flac,00003-f000015,0.595522,"Du erinnerst mich, sagte Eduard, an dieses jugendliche Freundschaftsstück.","You bring back to my mind, Edward said, this little link of our boyish affection."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_13.flac,00003-f000016,0.916663,"Als Kinder hießen wir beide so; doch als wir in der Pension zusammenlebten und manche Irrung daraus entstand, so trat ich ihm freiwillig diesen hübschen, lakonischen Namen ab.","As children, we were both called so; but when we came to be at school together, it was the cause of much confusion, and I readily made over to him all my right to the pretty laconic name."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_14.flac,00003-f000017,0.0461538,"Wobei du denn doch nicht gar zu großmütig warst, sagte der Hauptmann.","Wherein you were not altogether so very high minded, said the Captain; for I well remember that the name of Edward had then begun to please you better, from its attractive sound when spoken by certain pretty lips."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_15.flac,00003-f000017,0.0461538,"Denn ich erinnere mich recht wohl, daß dir der Name Eduard besser gefiel, wie er denn auch, von angenehmen Lippen ausgesprochen, einen besonders guten Klang hat.","<MERGE> Wherein you were not altogether so very high minded, said the Captain; for I well remember that the name of Edward had then begun to please you better, from its attractive sound when spoken by certain pretty lips."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_16.flac,00003-f000018,0.8481280000000001,"Nun saßen sie also zu dreien um dasselbe Tischchen, wo Charlotte so eifrig gegen die Ankunft des Gastes gesprochen hatte.",They were now sitting all three round the same table where Charlotte had spoken so vehemently against their guest's coming to them.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_17.flac,00003-f000019,0.6490100000000001,"Eduard in seiner Zufriedenheit wollte die Gattin nicht an jene Stunden erinnern, doch enthielt er sich nicht zu sagen:","Edward, happy as he was, did not wish to remind his wife of that time; but he could not help saying : Elective Affinities There is good room here for one more person."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_18.flac,00003-f000020,0.165,Für ein Viertes wäre auch noch recht gut Platz.,At this moment the notes of a bugle were heard across from the castle.
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_19.flac,00003-f000021,0.569872,"Waldhörner ließen sich in diesem Augenblick vom Schloß herüber vernehmen, bejahten gleichsam und bekräftigten die guten Gesinnungen und Wünsche der beisammen verweilenden Freunde.","Full of happy thoughts and feelings as the friends all were together, the sound fell in among them with a strong force of answering harmony."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_20.flac,00003-f000022,0.4402930000000001,"Stillschweigend hörten sie zu, indem jedes in sich selbst zurückkehrte und sein eigenes Glück in so schöner Verbindung doppelt empfand.","They listened silently, each for the moment withdrawing into himself, and feeling doubly happy in the fair circle of which he formed a part."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_21.flac,00003-f000023,0.498496,"Eduard unterbrach die Pause zuerst, indem er aufstand und vor die Mooshütte hinaustrat.","The pause was first broken by Edward, who started up and walked out in front of the summerhouse."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_23.flac,00003-f000024,0.36534,"Und so gelangte man denn über Felsen, durch Busch und Gesträuch zur letzten Höhe, die zwar keine Fläche, doch fortlaufende, fruchtbare Rücken bildete.","Our friend must not think, he said to Charlotte, that this narrow little valley forms the whole of our domain and possessions."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_24.flac,00003-f000027,1.10426,Dorf und Schloß hinterwärts waren nicht mehr zu sehen.,"By the next time, I hope my walks and steps will have been car ried right up."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_26.flac,00003-f000030,0.184449,"Dort in der Schlucht, wo ein starker Bach den Teichen zufiel, lag eine Mühle halb versteckt, die mit ihren Umgebungen als ein freundliches Ruheplätzchen erschien.","At the bottom of the valley, sheets of water were seen spreading out right and left, with wooded hills rising immediately from their opposite margin, and, at the end of the upper water, a wall of sharp, precipitous rocks directly overhanging it, their huge forms reflected in its level surface."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_28.flac,00003-f000029,0.5102270000000001,Auch einzelne Baumgruppen hielten an mancher Stelle das Auge fest.,"The village, with the castle behind it, was out of sight."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_29.flac,00003-f000032,0.390909,Besonders zeichnete zu den Füßen der schauenden Freunde sich eine Masse Pappeln und Platanen zunächst an dem Rande des mittleren Teiches vorteilhaft aus.,"In many places particular groups of trees caught the eye; and espe cially a cluster of planes and poplars directly at the spec tator's feet, close to the edge of the centre lake."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_30.flac,00003-f000033,0.747945,"Sie stand in ihrem besten Wachstum, frisch, gesund, empor und in die Breite strebend.","They were at their full growth, and they stood there, spread ing out their boughs all around them, in fresh and lux uriant strength."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_31.flac,00003-f000034,0.8963409999999999,Eduard lenkte besonders auf diese die Aufmerksamkeit seines Freundes.,To these Edward called his friend's attention.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_32.flac,00003-f000035,0.2048780000000001,"Diese habe ich, rief er aus, in meiner Jugend selbst gepflanzt.","I myself planted them, he cried, when I was a boy."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_33.flac,00003-f000036,0.633333,"Es waren junge Stämmchen, die ich rettete, als mein Vater, bei der Anlage zu einem neuen Teil des großen Schloßgartens, sie mitten im Sommer ausroden ließ.","They were small trees which I rescued when my father was laying out the new part of the great castle garden, and in the middle of one summer had rooted them out."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_34.flac,00003-f000037,0.6602939999999999,Ohne Zweifel werden sie auch dieses Jahr sich durch neue Triebe wieder dankbar hervortun.,This year you will no doubt see them show their grati tude in a fresh set of shoots.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_35.flac,00003-f000038,0.428571,Man kehrte zufrieden und heiter zurück.,"They returned to the castle in high spirits, and mutu ally pleased with each other."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_37.flac,00003-f000041,0.722437,"Aber Eduard ließ ihm in den ersten Tagen keine Ruhe; er führte ihn überall herum, bald zu Pferde, bald zu Fuße, und machte ihn mit der Gegend, mit dem Gute bekannt; wobei er ihm zugleich die Wünsche mitteilte, die er zu besserer Kenntnis und vorteilhafterer Benutzung desselben seit langer Zeit bei sich hegte.","He took him about everywhere, now on foot, now on horseback, making him acquainted with the coun try and with the estate; and he embraced the opportunity Elective Affinities of imparting to him the wishes which he had been long entertaining, of getting at some better acquaintance with it, and learning to manage it more profitably."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_38.flac,00003-f000043,0.638519,"Das erste, was wir tun sollten, sagte der Hauptmann, wäre, daß ich die Gegend mit der Magnetnadel aufnähme.","That is a pleasant and easy matter; and if it does not admit of entire exactness, it will be always useful, and will do, at any rate, for an agreeable beginning."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_39.flac,00003-f000044,0.7455149999999999,"Es ist das ein leichtes, heiteres Geschäft, und wenn es auch nicht die größte Genauigkeit gewährt, so bleibt es doch immer nützlich und für den Anfang erfreulich; auch kann man es ohne große Beihülfe leisten und weiß gewiß, daß man fertig wird.","It can be made, too, without any great staff of assistants, and one can be sure of getting it completed."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_40.flac,00003-f000045,0.60952,"Denkst du einmal an eine genauere Ausmessung, so läßt sich dazu wohl auch noch Rat finden.","If by and by you come to require anything more exact, it will be easy then to find some plan to have it made."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_41.flac,00003-f000046,1.11206,Der Hauptmann war in dieser Art des Aufnehmens sehr geübt.,The Captain was exceedingly skilful at work of this kind.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_42.flac,00003-f000047,1.02871,Er hatte die nötige Gerätschaft mitgebracht und fing sogleich an.,"He had brought with him whatever instruments he required, and commenced immediately."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_43.flac,00003-f000048,0.576136,"Er unterrichtete Eduarden, einige Jäger und Bauern, die ihm bei dem Geschäft behülflich sein sollten.","Edward pro vided him with a number of foresters and peasants, who, with his instruction, were able to render him all necessary assistance."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_44.flac,00003-f000049,0.6625,Die Tage waren günstig; die Abende und die frühsten Morgen brachte er mit Aufzeichnen und Schraffieren zu.,The weather was favorable.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_45.flac,00003-f000050,0.72844,"Schnell war auch alles laviert und illuminiert, und Eduard sah seine Besitzungen auf das deutlichste aus dem Papier wie eine neue Schöpfung hervorgewachsen.","The evenings and the early mornings were devoted to the designing and drawing, and in a short time it was all filled in and col ored."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_46.flac,00003-f000051,0.612,"Er glaubte sie jetzt erst kennenzulernen, sie schienen ihm jetzt erst recht zu gehören.","Edward saw his possessions grow out like a new creation upon the paper; and it seemed as if now for the first time he knew what they were, as if they now first were properly his own."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_47.flac,00003-f000052,0.702879,"Es gab Gelegenheit, über die Gegend, über Anlagen zu sprechen, die man nach einer solchen Übersicht viel besser zustande bringe, als wenn man nur einzeln, nach zufälligen Eindrücken, an der Natur herumversuche.","Thus there came occasion to speak of the park, and of the ways of laying it out; a far better disposition of things being made possible after a survey of this kind than could be arrived at by experimenting on nature, on partial and accidental impressions."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_48.flac,00003-f000053,0.8340000000000001,"Das müssen wir meiner Frau deutlich machen, sagte Eduard.","Elective Affinities We must make my wife understand this, said Ed ward."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_50.flac,00003-f000058,0.589286,"Tue es nicht! rief er, sie dürfte leicht irre werden.",Such persons feel their way with nature.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_53.flac,00003-f000063,0.517133,"Gesteh mir aufrichtig, sagte Eduard, du bist mit ihren Anlagen nicht zufrieden.","Acknowledge candidly, said Edward, that you do not like this new work of hers."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_54.flac,00003-f000064,0.647727,"Wenn die Ausführung den Gedanken erschöpfte, der sehr gut ist, so wäre nichts zu erinnern.","The idea is excellent, he replied; if the execution were equal to it, there would be no fault to find."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_55.flac,00003-f000065,0.8638370000000001,"Sie hat sich mühsam durch das Gestein hinaufgequält und quält nun jeden, wenn du willst, den sie hinaufführt.","But she has tormented herself to find her way up that rock; and she now torments every one, if you must have it, that she takes up after her."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_56.flac,00003-f000066,0.5363640000000001,Weder nebeneinander noch hintereinander schreitet man mit einer gewissen Freiheit.,You can not walk together you can not walk behind one another with any freedom.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_58.flac,00003-f000072,0.609649,"Auch muß man, was gemacht ist, bestehen lassen.",But this I tell you in strictest confidence.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_60.flac,00003-f000076,0.913043,"Hatten auf diese Weise die beiden Freunde am Gegenwärtigen manche Beschäftigung, so fehlte es nicht an lebhafter und vergnüglicher Erinnerung vergangener Tage, woran Charlotte wohl teilzunehmen pflegte.","If the two friends found in their occupation abundance of present employment, there was no lack either of enter taining reminiscences of early times, in which Charlotte took her part as well."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_61.flac,00003-f000077,0.962255,"Auch setzte man sich vor, wenn nur die nächsten Arbeiten erst getan wären, an die Reisejournale zu gehen und auch auf diese Weise die Vergangenheit hervorzurufen.","They determined, moreover, that as soon as their immediate labors were finished, they would go to work upon the journal, and in this way, too, reproduce the past."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_63.flac,00003-f000080,0.9034,"Lange verschwieg er, was ihm der Hauptmann vertraut hatte; aber als er seine Gattin zuletzt beschäftigt sah, von der Mooshütte hinauf zur Anhöhe wieder mit Stüfchen und Pfädchen sich emporzuarbeiten, so hielt er nicht länger zurück, sondern machte sie nach einigen Umschweifen mit seinen neuen Einsichten bekannt.","He held his tongue about what the Captain had said for a long time; but at last, when he saw his wife again preparing to go Elective Affinities to work above the summerhouse, with her paths and steps, he could not contain himself any longer, but, after a few circumlocutions, came out with his new views."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_64.flac,00003-f000081,0.9540000000000001,Charlotte stand betroffen.,Charlotte was thoroughly disturbed.
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_67.flac,00003-f000087,0.362057,"Sie führte ihren Briefwechsel auch um des Hauptmanns willen lebhafter, und doch gab es manche einsame Stunde.","Her old plans she could not give up, the new she would not quite throw from her; but, divided as she was, for the present she put a stop to the work, and gave herself time to think the thing over, and let it ripen by itself."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_68.flac,00003-f000088,0.838636,"Desto angenehmer und unterhaltender waren ihr die Berichte, die sie aus der Pensionsanstalt erhielt.","At the same time that she lost this source of active amusement, the others were more and more together over their own business."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_69.flac,00003-f000091,0.775914,"Einem weitläufigen Briefe der Vorsteherin, welcher sich wie gewöhnlich über der Tochter Fortschritte mit Behagen verbreitete, war eine kurze Nachschrift hinzugefügt nebst einer Beilage von der Hand eines männlichen Gehülfen am Institut, die wir beide mitteilen.","To a longdrawn letter of the superior of the establish ment, filled with the usual expressions of delight at her daughter's progress, a brief postscript was attached, with a second from the hand of a gentleman in employment there as an assistant, both of which we here communicate."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_70.flac,00003-f000092,0.630363,"Von Ottilien, meine Gnädige, hätte ich eigentlich nur zu wiederholen, was in meinen vorigen Berichten enthalten ist.","POSTSCRIPT OF THE SUPERIOR Of Ottilie, I can only repeat to your ladyship what I have already stated in my former letters."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_71.flac,00003-f000093,1.03095,"Ich wüßte sie nicht zu schelten, und doch kann ich nicht zufrieden mit ihr sein.","I do not know how to find fault with her, yet I can not say that I am satisfied."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_72.flac,00003-f000092,0.570588,"Sie ist nach wie vor bescheiden und gefällig gegen andere; aber dieses Zurücktreten, diese Dienstbarkeit will mir nicht gefallen.","POSTSCRIPT OF THE SUPERIOR Of Ottilie, I can only repeat to your ladyship what I have already stated in my former letters."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_73.flac,00003-f000093,0.8304549999999999,Euer Gnaden haben ihr neulich Geld und verschiedene Zeuge geschickt.,"I do not know how to find fault with her, yet I can not say that I am satisfied."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_74.flac,00003-f000096,0.902857,"Das erste hat sie nicht angegriffen, die andern liegen auch noch da, unberührt.","The money she has never touched, the dresses lay unworn in their place."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_75.flac,00003-f000096,1.00714,Sie hält freilich ihre Sachen sehr reinlich und gut und scheint nur in diesem Sinn die Kleider zu wechseln.,"The money she has never touched, the dresses lay unworn in their place."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_76.flac,00003-f000098,0.9509280000000001,Auch kann ich ihre große Mäßigkeit im Essen und Trinken nicht loben.,"Again, I can not praise her excessive abstemiousness in eating and drinking."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_77.flac,00003-f000099,0.544783,"An unserm Tisch ist kein Überfluß; doch sehe ich nichts lieber, als wenn die Kinder sich an schmackhaften und gesunden Speisen satt essen.","There is no extravagance at our table, but there is nothing that I like better than to see the children eat enough of good, wholesome food."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_78.flac,00003-f000099,1.03122,"Was mit Bedacht und Überzeugung aufgetragen und vorgelegt ist, soll auch aufgegessen werden.","There is no extravagance at our table, but there is nothing that I like better than to see the children eat enough of good, wholesome food."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_79.flac,00003-f000100,0.188571,Dazu kann ich Ottilien niemals bringen.,What is carefully provided and set be fore them ought to be taken; and to this I never can succeed in bringing Ottilie.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_80.flac,00003-f000101,0.720916,"Ja, sie macht sich irgendein Geschäft, um eine Lücke auszufüllen, wo die Dienerinnen etwas versäumen, nur um eine Speise oder den Nachtisch zu übergehen.","She is always making her self some occupation or other, always finding something which she must do, something which the servants have neglected, to escape the second course or the dessert; and Elective Affinities now it has to be considered which I can not help con necting with all this that she frequently suffers, I have lately learned, from pain in the left side of her head."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_81.flac,00003-f000102,0.111842,"Bei diesem allen kommt jedoch in Betrachtung, daß sie manchmal, wie ich erst spät erfahren habe, Kopfweh auf der linken Seite hat, das zwar vorübergeht, aber schmerzlich und bedeutend sein mag.","It is only at times, but it is distressing, and may be of impor tance."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_82.flac,00003-f000103,0.565116,Soviel von diesem übrigens so schönen und lieben Kinde.,So much upon this otherwise sweet and lovely girl.
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_83.flac,00003-f000104,0.797628,"Unsere vortreffliche Vorsteherin läßt mich gewöhnlich die Briefe lesen, in welchen sie Beobachtungen über ihre Zöglinge den Eltern und Vorgesetzten mitteilt.","SECOND POSTSCRIPT, BY THE ASSISTANT Our excellent superior commonly permits me to read the letters in which she communicates her observations upon her pupils to their parents and friends."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_85.flac,00003-f000107,1.08644,"Ottilie ist fast unser einziger Zögling, über den ich mit unserer so verehrten Vorsteherin nicht einig werden kann.",Ottilie is almost our only pupil about whom there is a difference of opinion between myself and our reverend superior.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_86.flac,00003-f000106,0.9387,"Ich verarge dieser tätigen Frau keinesweges, daß sie verlangt, man soll die Früchte ihrer Sorgfalt äußerlich und deutlich sehen; aber es gibt auch verschlossene Früchte, die erst die rechten, kernhaften sind und die sich früher oder später zu einem schönen Leben entwickeln.","We have to congratu late you upon a daughter who unites in herself every bril liant quality with which people distinguish themselves in the world; and I at least think you no less fortunate in having had bestowed upon you, in your stepdaughter, a child who has been born for the good and happiness of others, and assuredly also for her own."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_87.flac,00003-f000110,0.252632,Dergleichen ist gewiß Ihre Pflegetochter.,And this I am certain is the case with your protegee.
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_88.flac,00003-f000111,1.00282,"Solange ich sie unterrichte, sehe ich sie immer gleichen Schrittes gehen, langsam, langsam vorwärts, nie zurück.","So long as she has been under my care, I have watched her moving with an even step, slowly, steadily forward never back."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_89.flac,00003-f000109,0.405115,"Wenn es bei einem Kinde nötig ist, vom Anfange anzufangen, so ist es gewiß bei ihr.","But there are also fruits which are not outward, which are of the true germinal sort, and which develop themselves sooner or later in a beautiful life."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_90.flac,00003-f000110,0.545455,"Was nicht aus dem Vorhergehenden folgt, begreift sie nicht.",And this I am certain is the case with your protegee.
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_91.flac,00003-f000111,0.795704,"Sie steht unfähig, ja stöckisch vor einer leicht faßlichen Sache, die für sie mit nichts zusammenhängt.","So long as she has been under my care, I have watched her moving with an even step, slowly, steadily forward never back."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_92.flac,00003-f000112,0.819067,"Kann man aber die Mittelglieder finden und ihr deutlich machen, so ist ihr das Schwerste begreiflich.","As with a Elective Affinities child it is necessary to begin everything at the beginning, so it is with her."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_93.flac,00003-f000114,0.8925,"Bei diesem langsamen Vorschreiten bleibt sie gegen ihre Mitschülerinnen zurück, die mit ganz andern Fähigkeiten immer vorwärtseilen, alles, auch das Unzusammenhängende, leicht fassen, leicht behalten und bequem wieder anwenden.","Progressing with such slow steps, she remains behind her companions, who, with capacities of quite a different kind, hurry on and on, learn everything readily, con nected or unconnected, recollect it with ease, and apply it with correctness."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_94.flac,00003-f000115,0.389357,"So lernt sie, so vermag sie bei einem beschleunigten Lehrvortrage gar nichts; wie es der Fall in einigen Stunden ist, welche von trefflichen, aber raschen und ungeduldigen Lehrern gegeben werden.","And again, some of the lessons here are given by excellent, but somewhat hasty and impa tient teachers, who pass from result to result, cutting short the process by which they are arrived at; and these are not of the slightest service to her; she learns nothing from them."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_95.flac,00003-f000119,0.476786,"Man hat über ihre Handschrift geklagt, über ihre Unfähigkeit, die Regeln der Grammatik zu fassen.","It is true she writes slowly, stiffly, if you like; but the hand is neither timid nor without character."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_96.flac,00003-f000120,0.797458,"Ich habe diese Beschwerde näher untersucht: es ist wahr, sie schreibt langsam und steif, wenn man so will, doch nicht zaghaft und ungestalt.","The French language is not my department, but I have taught her something of it, in the stepbystep fashion; and this she understands easily."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_97.flac,00003-f000120,0.561789,"Was ich ihr von der französischen Sprache, die zwar mein Fach nicht ist, schrittweise mitteilte, begriff sie leicht.","The French language is not my department, but I have taught her something of it, in the stepbystep fashion; and this she understands easily."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_98.flac,00003-f000122,0.416399,"Freilich ist es wunderbar: sie weiß vieles und recht gut; nur wenn man sie fragt, scheint sie nichts zu wissen. Soll ich mit einer allgemeinen Bemerkung schließen, so möchte ich sagen: sie lernt nicht als eine, die erzogen werden soll, sondern als eine, die erziehen will; nicht als Schülerin, sondern als künftige Lehrerin.","To conclude generally, I should say she learns noth ing like a person who is being educated, but she learns like one who is to educate not like a pupil, but like a Elective Affinities future teacher."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_99.flac,00003-f000123,0.789373,"Vielleicht kommt es Euer Gnaden sonderbar vor, daß ich selbst als Erzieher und Lehrer jemanden nicht mehr zu loben glaube, als wenn ich ihn für meinesgleichen erkläre.","Your ladyship may think it strange that I, as an educator and a teacher, can find no higher praise to give to any one than by a comparison with myself."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_100.flac,00003-f000123,0.617949,"Euer Gnaden bessere Einsicht, tiefere Menschen und Weltkenntnis wird aus meinen beschränkten, wohlgemeinten Worten das Beste nehmen.","Your ladyship may think it strange that I, as an educator and a teacher, can find no higher praise to give to any one than by a comparison with myself."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_101.flac,00003-f000125,0.655224,"Sie werden sich überzeugen, daß auch an diesem Kinde viel Freude zu hoffen ist.",You may satisfy yourself that you have much happiness to promise yourself from this child.
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_102.flac,00003-f000126,1.08141,"Ich empfehle mich zu Gnaden und bitte um die Erlaubnis, wieder zu schreiben, sobald ich glaube, daß mein Brief etwas Bedeutendes und Angenehmes enthalten werde.","I commend myself to your ladyship, and I beseech you to permit me to write to you again as soon as I see reason to believe that I have anything important or agreeable to communicate."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.3_103.flac,00003-f000128,0.732143,Charlotte freute sich über dieses Blatt.,The con tents of it coincided very closely with the notions which she had herself conceived of Ottilie.
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_1.flac,00004-f000007,0.6838310000000001,"Laß uns nun, sagte er zu seinem Freunde, an das übrige gehen, an die Gutsbeschreibung, wozu schon genugsame Vorarbeit da sein muß, aus der sich nachher Pachtanschläge und anderes schon entwickeln werden.","We shall have a good deal of work to get through at the beginning, and afterward we shall come to the farm estimates, and much else which will naturally arise out of them."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_2.flac,00004-f000008,0.368868,"Nur Eines laß uns festsetzen und einrichten: trenne alles, was eigentlich Geschäft ist, vom Leben!",Only we must have one thing distinctly settled and adhered to.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_4.flac,00004-f000012,0.757746,"Bist du bei dem einen sicher, so kannst du in dem andern desto freier sein, anstatt daß bei einer Vermischung das Sichre durch das Freie weggerissen und aufgehoben wird.","If you are firm in the first, you can Elective Affinities afford yourself more liberty in the second; while if you mix them, you will find the free interfering with and breaking in upon the fixed."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_5.flac,00004-f000013,0.931373,Eduard fühlte in diesen Vorschlägen einen leisen Vorwurf.,In these sentiments Edward felt a slight reflection upon himself.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_6.flac,00004-f000016,0.640323,"Zwar von Natur nicht unordentlich, konnte er doch niemals dazu kommen, seine Papiere nach Fächern abzuteilen.","Business got mixed up with amusement, and serious work with recreation."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_7.flac,00004-f000017,0.813158,"Das, was er mit andern abzutun hatte, was bloß von ihm selbst abhing, es war nicht geschieden, so wie er auch Geschäfte und Beschäftigung, Unterhaltung und Zerstreuung nicht genugsam voneinander absonderte.","Now, however, it was easy for him, with the help of a friend, who would take the trouble upon him self; and a second I worked out the separation, to which the single I was always unequal."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_8.flac,00004-f000017,0.677802,"Jetzt wurde es ihm leicht, da ein Freund diese Bemühung übernahm, ein zweites Ich die Sonderung bewirkte, in die das eine Ich nicht immer sich spalten mag.","Now, however, it was easy for him, with the help of a friend, who would take the trouble upon him self; and a second I worked out the separation, to which the single I was always unequal."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_10.flac,00004-f000020,0.287481,"Was man wünschte, ward vollständiger gefunden, als man gehofft hatte.","Harmony and order were introduced into the wilderness, and the different packets were marked and registered in their several pigeonholes."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_11.flac,00004-f000021,0.700627,"Hierbei ging ihnen ein alter Schreiber sehr an die Hand, der den Tag über, ja einen Teil der Nacht nicht vom Pulte kam und mit dem Eduard bisher immer unzufrieden gewesen war.","They found all they wanted in greater completeness even than they had expected; and here an old clerk was found of no slight service, who for the whole day and part of the night never left his desk, and with whom, till then, Edward had been always dissatisfied."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_12.flac,00004-f000022,0.90398,"Ich kenne ihn nicht mehr, sagte Eduard zu seinem Freund, wie tätig und brauchbar der Mensch ist.","I should not know him again, he said to his friend, the man is so handy and useful."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_14.flac,00004-f000025,0.8628870000000001,"Brachten die Freunde auf diese Weise ihre Tage zusammen zu, so versäumten sie abends nicht, Charlotten regelmäßig zu besuchen.","Spending their days together in this way, in the even ings they never neglected their regular visits to Char lotte."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_15.flac,00004-f000026,0.45341000000000004,"Fand sich keine Gesellschaft von benachbarten Orten und Gütern, welches öfters geschah, so war das Gespräch wie das Lesen meist solchen Gegenständen gewidmet, welche den Wohlstand, die Vorteile und das Behagen der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft vermehren.","If there was no party from the neighborhood, as was often the case, they read and talked, principally on subjects connected with the improvement of the condition of social life."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_16.flac,00004-f000027,0.5916819999999999,"Charlotte, ohnehin gewohnt, die Gegenwart zu nutzen, fühlte sich, indem sie ihren Mann zufrieden sah, auch persönlich gefördert.","Charlotte, always accustomed to make the most of op portunities, not only saw her husband pleased, but found personal advantages for herself."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_17.flac,00004-f000028,0.8507809999999999,"Verschiedene häusliche Anstalten, die sie längst gewünscht, aber nicht recht einleiten können, wurden durch die Tätigkeit des Hauptmanns bewirkt.","Various domestic ar rangements which she had long wished to make, but which she did not know exactly how to set about, were managed for her through the contrivance of the Captain."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_18.flac,00004-f000029,0.703205,"Die Hausapotheke, die bisher nur aus wenigen Mitteln bestanden, ward bereichert und Charlotte sowohl durch faßliche Bücher als durch Unterredung in den Stand gesetzt, ihr tätiges und hülfreiches Wesen öfter und wirksamer als bisher in Übung zu bringen.","Her domestic medicinechest, hitherto but poorly fur nished, was enlarged and enriched, and Charlotte herself, with the help of good books and personal instruction, was put in the way of being able to exercise her disposition to be of practical assistance more frequently and more effi ciently than before."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_19.flac,00004-f000030,0.573047,"Da man auch die gewöhnlichen und dessen ungeachtet nur zu oft überraschenden Notfälle durchdachte, so wurde alles, was zur Rettung der Ertrunkenen nötig sein möchte, um so mehr angeschafft, als bei der Nähe so mancher Teiche, Gewässer und Wasserwerke öfters ein und der andere Unfall dieser Art vor kam.","In providing against accidents, which, though common, yet only too often find us unprepared, they thought it es pecially necessary to have at hand whatever is required for the recovery of drowning men accidents of this kind, from the number of canals, reservoirs, and waterworks in the neighborhood, being of frequent occurrence."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_20.flac,00004-f000031,0.501161,"Diese Rubrik besorgte der Hauptmann sehr ausführlich, und Eduarden entschlüpfte die Bemerkung, daß ein solcher Fall in dem Leben seines Freundes auf die seltsamste Weise Epoche gemacht.",This department the Captain took expressly into his own hands; and the observation escaped Edward that a case Elective Affinities of this kind had made a very singular epoch in the life of his friend.
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_23.flac,00004-f000040,0.490533,"Auch dieser wurde sogleich verschrieben, und beide Gatten freuten sich, daß sie so manche Summe, die ihnen zu willkürlichen Ausgaben übrigblieb, auf die nötigsten zu verwenden Anlaß gefunden.",He was written for at once; and Edward and Char lotte were rejoiced to have found so good and necessary an object on which to expend so much of the money which they set apart for such accidental demands upon them.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_24.flac,00004-f000041,0.643663,"So benutzte Charlotte die Kenntnisse, die Tätigkeit des Hauptmanns auch nach ihrem Sinne und fing an, mit seiner Gegenwart völlig zufrieden und über alle Folgen beruhigt zu werden.","Thus Charlotte, too, found means of making use, for her purposes, of the Captain's knowledge and practical skill; and she began to be quite reconciled to his pres ence, and to feel easy about any consequences which might ensue."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_26.flac,00004-f000044,0.624138,"Die Bleiglasur der Töpferwaren, der Grünspan kupferner Gefäße hatte ihr schon manche Sorge gemacht.","Elective Affinities china, the verdigris which formed about her copper and bronze vessels, etc., had long been a trouble to her."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_27.flac,00004-f000045,1.12476,"Sie ließ sich hierüber belehren, und natürlicherweise mußte man auf die Grundbegriffe der Physik und Chemie zurückgehen.","She got him to tell her about these, and, naturally, they often had to fall back on the first elements.of medicine and chemistry."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_28.flac,00004-f000046,0.485,"Zufälligen, aber immer willkommenen Anlaß zu solchen Unterhaltungen gab Eduards Neigung, der Gesellschaft vorzulesen.",An accidental but welcome occasion for entertainment of this kind was given by an inclination of Edward to read aloud.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_29.flac,00004-f000047,0.813463,"Er hatte eine sehr wohlklingende, tiefe Stimme und war früher wegen lebhafter, gefühlter Rezitation dichterischer und rednerischer Arbeiten angenehm und berühmt gewesen.","He had a particularly clear, deep voice, and earlier in life had earned himself a pleasant reputation for his feeling and lively recitations of works of poetry and oratory."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_30.flac,00004-f000048,0.646154,"Nun waren es andre Gegenstände, die ihn beschäftigten, andre Schriften, woraus er vorlas, und eben seit einiger Zeit vorzüglich Werke physischen, chemischen und technischen Inhalts.","At this time he was occupied with other sub jects, and the books which, for some time past, he had been reading, were either chemical, or on some other branch of natural or technical science."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_31.flac,00004-f000049,0.790158,"Eine seiner besondern Eigenheiten, die er jedoch vielleicht mit mehrern Menschen teilt, war die, daß es ihm unerträglich fiel, wenn jemand ihm beim Lesen in das Buch sah.","One of his especial peculiarities which, by the by, he very likely shares with a number of his fellowcrea tures was that he could not bear to have any one look ing over him when he was reading."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_32.flac,00004-f000050,0.730517,"In früherer Zeit, beim Vorlesen von Gedichten, Schauspielen, Erzählungen, war es die natürliche Folge der lebhaften Absicht, die der Vorlesende so gut als der Dichter, der Schauspieler, der Erzählende hat, zu überraschen, Pausen zu machen, Erwartungen zu erregen; da es denn freilich dieser beabsichtigten Wirkung sehr zuwider ist, wenn ihm ein Dritter wissentlich mit den Augen vorspringt.","In early life, when he used to read poems, plays, or stories, this had been the natural consequence of the desire which the reader feels, like the poet, or the actor, or the storyteller, to make surprises, to pause, to excite expectation; arjd this sort of effect was naturally defeated when a third person's eyes could run on before him, and see what was coming."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_33.flac,00004-f000051,0.557253,"Er pflegte sich auch deswegen in solchem Falle immer so zu setzen, daß er niemand im Rücken hatte.","On such occasions, therefore, he was accustomed to place himself in such a position that no one could get behind him."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_34.flac,00004-f000052,0.774725,"Jetzt zu dreien war diese Vorsicht unnötig; und da es diesmal nicht auf Erregung des Gefühls, auf Überraschung der Einbildungskraft angesehen war, so dachte er selbst nicht daran, sich sonderlich in acht zu nehmen.","With a party of only three this was unnecessary; and as with the present subject there was no opportu nity for exciting feelings or giving the imagination a SO Elective Affinities surprise, he did not take any particular pains to protect himself."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_35.flac,00004-f000053,0.561851,"Nur eines Abends fiel es ihm auf, als er sich nachlässig gesetzt hatte, daß Charlotte ihm in das Buch sah.","One evening he had placed himself carelessly, and Char lotte happened by accident to cast her eyes upon the page."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_36.flac,00004-f000054,0.508451,"Seine alte Ungeduld erwachte, und er verwies es ihr, gewissermaßen unfreundlich:","His old impatience was aroused; he turned to her and said, almost unkindly: I do wish, once for all, you would leave off doing a thing so out of taste and so disagreeable."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_37.flac,00004-f000055,0.662658,"Wollte man sich doch solche Unarten, wie so manches andre, was der Gesellschaft lästig ist, ein für allemal abgewöhnen!",When I read aloud to a person is it not the same as if I was telling him something by word of mouth?
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_38.flac,00004-f000056,0.657353,"Wenn ich jemand vorlese, ist es denn nicht, als wenn ich ihm mündlich etwas vortrüge?","The written, the printed word, is in the place of my own thoughts, of my own heart."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_39.flac,00004-f000057,0.537655,"Das Geschriebene, das Gedruckte tritt an die Stelle meines eigenen Sinnes, meines eigenen Herzens; und würde ich mich wohl zu reden bemühen, wenn ein Fensterchen vor meiner Stirn, vor meiner Brust angebracht wäre, so daß der, dem ich meine Gedanken einzeln zuzählen, meine Empfindungen einzeln zureichen will, immer schon lange vorher wissen könnte, wo es mit mir hinaus wollte?","If a window were broken into my brain or into my heart, and if the man to whom I am counting out my thoughts, or delivering my sentiments, one by one, knew already beforehand exactly what was to come out of me, should I take the trouble to put them into words?"
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_40.flac,00004-f000058,0.733333,"Wenn mir jemand ins Buch sieht, so ist mir immer, als wenn ich in zwei Stücke gerissen würde.","When anybody looks over my book, I always feel as if I were being torn in two."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_41.flac,00004-f000059,0.569677,"Charlotte, deren Gewandtheit sich in größeren und kleineren Zirkeln besonders dadurch bewies, daß sie jede unangenehme, jede heftige, ja selbst nur lebhafte Äußerung zu beseitigen, ein sich verlängerndes Gespräch zu unterbrechen, ein stockendes anzuregen wußte, war auch diesmal von ihrer guten Gabe nicht verlassen:","Charlotte's tact, in whatever circle she might be, large or small, was remarkable, and she was able to set aside disagreeable or excited expressions without appearing to notice them."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_42.flac,00004-f000062,1.00588,"Du wirst mir meinen Fehler gewiß verzeihen, wenn ich bekenne, was mir diesen Augenblick begegnet ist.","I am sure you will forgive me my fault, she said, when I tell you what it was this moment which came over me."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_43.flac,00004-f000063,0.587829,"Ich hörte von Verwandtschaften lesen, und da dacht ich eben gleich an meine Verwandten, an ein paar Vettern, die mir gerade in diesem Augenblick zu schaffen machen.","I heard you reading something about Affinities, and I thought directly of some relations of mine, two of j whom are just now occupying me a great deal."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_44.flac,00004-f000063,0.819556,"Meine Aufmerksamkeit kehrt zu deiner Vorlesung zurück; ich höre, daß von ganz leblosen Dingen die Rede ist, und blicke dir ins Buch, um mich wieder zurechtzufinden.","I heard you reading something about Affinities, and I thought directly of some relations of mine, two of j whom are just now occupying me a great deal."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_45.flac,00004-f000066,0.7369479999999999,"Es ist eine Gleichnisrede, die dich verführt und verwirrt hat, sagte Eduard.","It was the comparison which led you wrong and con fused you, said Edward."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_48.flac,00004-f000067,0.7928569999999999,"Ob man in der wissenschaftlichen Welt noch so darüber denkt, ob es zu den neuern Lehren paßt, wüßte ich nicht zu sagen.",The subject is nothing but i earths and minerals.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_49.flac,00004-f000074,0.372727,"Es ist schlimm genug, rief Eduard, daß man jetzt nichts mehr für sein ganzes Leben lernen kann.","That is, I will tell you as well as I can."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_51.flac,00004-f000077,0.634731,"Deshalb machte ich nur wissen, in welchem Sinne dieser Ausdruck eben bei diesen Gegenständen gebraucht wird.","Our forefathers could keep to what they were taught when they were young; but we have, every five years, to make revolutions with them, if we do not wish to drop altogether out of fashion."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_52.flac,00004-f000072,0.591102,"Wie es wissenschaftlich damit zusammenhänge, wollen wir den Gelehrten überlassen, die übrigens, wie ich habe bemerken können, sich wohl schwerlich jemals vereinigen werden.","Would you, said Charlotte, if it is not taking you away too much from the immediate subject, tell me briefly what is meant here by Affinities ?"
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_53.flac,00004-f000079,0.96383,"Wo fangen wir aber nun an, um am schnellsten in die Sache zu kommen? fragte Eduard nach einer Pause den Hauptmann, der, sich ein wenig bedenkend, bald darauf erwiderte.",There is nothing more ridiculous in society than to misuse a strange technical word; and I only wish you to tell me in what sense the expression is made use of in connection with these things.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_54.flac,00004-f000080,0.6892159999999999,"Wenn es mir erlaubt ist, dem Scheine nach weit auszuholen, so sind wir bald am Platze.","What its scientific application is I am quite contented to leave to the learned; who, by the by, as far as I have been able to observe, do not find it easy to agree among themselves."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_55.flac,00004-f000081,0.7184590000000001,"Sein Sie meiner ganzen Aufmerksamkeit versichert, sagte Charlotte, indem sie ihre Arbeit beiseitelegte.","Whereabouts shall we begin, said Edward, after a pause, to the Captain, to come most quickly to the point?"
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_56.flac,00004-f000082,0.093609,Und so begann der Hauptmann:,"The latter, after thinking a little while, replied shortly : You must let me make what will seem a wide sweep; we shall be on our subject almost immediately."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_57.flac,00004-f000082,0.093609,"An allen Naturwesen, die wir gewahr werden, bemerken wir zuerst, daß sie einen Bezug auf sich selbst haben.","<MERGE> The latter, after thinking a little while, replied shortly : You must let me make what will seem a wide sweep; we shall be on our subject almost immediately."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_58.flac,00004-f000078,0.472711,"Es klingt freilich wunderlich, wenn man etwas ausspricht, was sich ohnehin versteht; doch nur indem man sich über das Bekannte völlig verständigt hat, kann man miteinander zum Unbekannten fortschreiten.","We women need not be so particular, said Char Elective Affinities lotte; and, to speak the truth, I only want to know the meaning of the word."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_59.flac,00004-f000084,0.647833,"Ich dächte, fiel ihm Eduard ein, wir machten ihr und uns die Sache durch Beispiele bequem.","The Captain began : In all natural objects with which we are acquainted, we observe immediately that they have a certain relation to themselves."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_60.flac,00004-f000080,0.744505,"Stelle dir nur das Wasser, das Öl, das Quecksilber vor, so wirst du eine Einigkeit, einen Zusammenhang ihrer Teile finden.","What its scientific application is I am quite contented to leave to the learned; who, by the by, as far as I have been able to observe, do not find it easy to agree among themselves."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_61.flac,00004-f000081,0.463043,"Diese Einung verlassen sie nicht, außer durch Gewalt oder sonstige Bestimmung.","Whereabouts shall we begin, said Edward, after a pause, to the Captain, to come most quickly to the point?"
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_62.flac,00004-f000087,0.276471,"Ist diese beseitigt, so treten sie gleich wieder zusammen.","Let the cause cease to operate, and at once the parts unite again."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_63.flac,00004-f000083,0.5891890000000001,"Ohne Frage, sagte Charlotte beistimmend.","Charlotte settled her work at her side, promising the fullest attention."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_64.flac,00004-f000087,0.197561,Regentropfen vereinigen sich gern zu Strömen.,"Let the cause cease to operate, and at once the parts unite again."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_65.flac,00004-f000088,0.322727,"Und schon als Kinder spielen wir erstaunt mit dem Quecksilber, indem wir es in Kügelchen trennen und es wieder zusammenlaufen lassen.","Unquestionably, said Charlotte, that is plain; rain drops readily unite and form streams; and when we were children, it was our delight to play with quicksilver, and wonder at the little globules splitting and parting and run ning into one another."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_66.flac,00004-f000090,0.458654,"Und so darf ich wohl, fügte der Hauptmann hinzu, eines bedeutenden Punktes im flüchtigen Vorbeigehen erwähnen, daß nämlich dieser völlig reine, durch Flüssigkeit mögliche Bezug sich entschieden und immer durch die Kugelgestalt auszeichnet.","I mean that the full, complete correlation of parts which the fluid state makes possible shows itself distinctly and universally in the glob ular form."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_67.flac,00004-f000091,0.485824,"Der fallende Wassertropfen ist rund; von den Quecksilberkügelchen haben Sie selbst gesprochen; ja ein fallendes geschmolzenes Blei, wenn es Zeit hat, völlig zu erstarren, kommt unten in Gestalt einer Kugel an.","The falling waterdrop is round; you yourself spoke of the globules of quicksilver; and a drop of melted lead let fall, if it has time to harden before it reaches the ground, is found at the bottom in the shape of a ball."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_68.flac,00004-f000092,0.955385,"Lassen Sie mich voreilen, sagte Charlotte, ob ich treffe, wo Sie hinwollen.","Let me try and see, said Charlotte, whether I can understand where you are bringing me."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_69.flac,00004-f000093,0.626471,"Wie jedes gegen sich selbst einen Bezug hat, so muß es auch gegen andere ein Verhältnis haben.","As everything has a reference to itself, so it must have some relation to others."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_70.flac,00004-f000094,0.425097,"Und das wird nach Verschiedenheit der Wesen verschieden sein, fuhr Eduard eilig fort.","And that, interrupted Edward, will be different ac cording to the natural differences of the things them selves."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_71.flac,00004-f000095,0.954422,"Bald werden sie sich als Freunde und alte Bekannte begegnen, die schnell zusammentreten, sich vereinigen, ohne aneinander etwas zu verändern, wie sich Wein mit Wasser vermischt.","Sometimes they will meet like friends and old acquaintances; they will come rapidly together, and unite without either having to alter itself at all as wine mixes with water."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_73.flac,00004-f000098,0.8855280000000001,"Die meiste Ähnlichkeit jedoch mit diesen seelenlosen Wesen haben die Massen, die in der Welt sich einander gegenüberstellen, die Stände, die Berufsbestimmungen, der Adel und der dritte Stand, der Soldat und der Zivilist.","Elective Affinities One can almost fancy, said Charlotte, that in these simple forms one sees people that one is acquainted with; one has met with just such things in the societies among which one has lived; and the strangest likenesses of all with these soulless creatures are in the masses in which men stand divided one against the other in their classes and professions; the nobility and the third estate, for in stance, or soldiers and civilians."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_74.flac,00004-f000099,0.902056,"Und doch! versetzte Eduard; wie diese durch Sitten und Gesetze vereinbar sind, so gibt es auch in unserer chemischen Welt Mittelglieder, dasjenige zu verbinden, was sich einander abweist.","Then again, replied Edward, as these are united together under common laws and customs, so there are intermediate members in our chemical world which will combine elements that are mutually repulsive."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_77.flac,00004-f000103,0.978281,"Sind wir nicht hier schon zu den Verwandtschaften gelangt?.Ganz richtig, erwiderte der Hauptmann; und wir werden sie gleich in ihrer vollen Kraft und Bestimmtheit kennenlernen.","Exactly, replied the Captain; we are on the point of apprehending them in all their power and distinctness; such natures as, when they come in contact, at once lay hold of each other, and mutually affect one another, we speak of as having an affinity for the other."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_78.flac,00004-f000104,0.339465,"Diejenigen Naturen, die sich beim Zusammentreffen einander schnell ergreifen und wechselseitig bestimmen, nennen wir verwandt.","With the alkalis and acids, for instance, the affinities are strikingly marked."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_79.flac,00004-f000105,0.891301,"An den Alkalien und Säuren, die, obgleich einander entgegengesetzt und vielleicht eben deswegen, weil sie einander entgegengesetzt sind, sich am entschiedensten suchen und fassen, sich modifizieren und zusammen einen neuen Körper bilden, ist diese Verwandtschaft auffallend genug.","They are of opposite natures; very likely their being of opposite natures is the secret of their effect on one another they seek one another eagerly out, lay hold of each other, modify each other's character, and form in connection an entirely new substance."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_80.flac,00004-f000106,0.549816,"Gedenken wir nur des Kalks, der zu allen Säuren eine große Neigung, eine entschiedene Vereinigungslust äußert!","There is lime, you remember, which shows the strongest inclination for all Elective Affinities sorts of acids a distinct desire of combining with them."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_81.flac,00004-f000107,0.8231229999999999,"Sobald unser chemisches Kabinett ankommt, wollen wir Sie verschiedene Versuche sehen lassen, die sehr unterhaltend sind und einen bessern Begriff geben als Worte, Namen und Kunstausdrücke.","As soon as our chemical chest arrives, we can show you a number of entertaining experiments, which will give you a clearer idea than words and names and technical. expressions."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_82.flac,00004-f000108,0.574583,"Lassen Sie mich gestehen, sagte Charlotte, wenn Sie diese Ihre wunderlichen Wesen verwandt nennen, so kommen sie mir nicht sowohl als Blutsverwandte, vielmehr als Geistes und Seelenverwandte vor.","It appears to me, said Charlotte, that if you choose to call these strange creatures of yours related, the rela tionship is not so much a relationship of blood as of soul or of spirit."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_83.flac,00004-f000109,0.568889,Auf eben diese Weise können unter Menschen wahrhaft bedeutende Freundschaften entstehen; denn entgegengesetzte Eigenschaften machen eine innigere Vereinigung möglich.,It is the way in which we see all really deep friendships arise among men; opposite peculiarities of disposition being what best makes internal union pos sible.
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_84.flac,00004-f000110,1.19236,"Und so will ich denn abwarten, was Sie mir von diesen geheimnisvollen Wirkungen vor die Augen bringen werden.","But I will wait to see what you can really show me of these mysterious proceedings; and for the present, she added, turning to Edward, I will promise not to disturb you any more in your reading."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_87.flac,00004-f000116,0.925,"Kommt das traurige Wort, rief Charlotte, das man leider in der Welt jetzt so oft hört, auch in der Naturlehre vor?.Allerdings! erwiderte Eduard.","What! cried Charlotte, is that miserable word, which unhappily we hear so often nowadays in the world; is that to be found in nature's lessons too ?"
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_88.flac,00004-f000117,0.511071,"Es war sogar ein bezeichnender Ehrentitel der Chemiker, daß man sie Scheidekünstler nannte.","Most certainly answered Edward; the title with Elective Affinities which chemists were supposed to be most honorably dis tinguished was, artists of separation."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_89.flac,00004-f000118,0.702709,"Das tut man also nicht mehr, versetzte Charlotte, und tut sehr wohl daran.","It is not so any more, replied Charlotte; and it is well that it is not."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_90.flac,00004-f000119,0.225,"Das Vereinigen ist eine größere Kunst, ein größeres Verdienst.","It is a higher art, and it is a higher merit, to unite."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_91.flac,00004-f000120,0.8098609999999999,Ein Einungskünstler wäre in jedem Fache der ganzen Welt willkommen.,An artist of union is what we should welcome in every province of the universe.
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_93.flac,00004-f000123,0.927642,"Zum Beispiel was wir Kalkstein nennen, ist eine mehr oder weniger reine Kalkerde, innig mit einer zarten Säure verbunden, die uns in Luftform bekannt geworden ist.","Thus, what we call limestone is a more or less pure calcareous earth in combination with a delicate acid, which is famil iar to us in the form of a gas."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_94.flac,00004-f000124,0.717548,"Bringt man ein Stück solchen Steines in verdünnte Schwefelsäure, so ergreift diese den Kalk und erscheint mit ihm als Gips; jene zarte, luftige Säure hingegen entflieht.","Now, if we place a piece of this stone in diluted sulphuric acid, this will take pos session of the lime, and appear with it in the form of gypsum, the gaseous acid at the same going off in vapor."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_95.flac,00004-f000125,0.5792470000000001,"Hier ist eine Trennung, eine neue Zusammensetzung entstanden, und man glaubt sich nunmehr berechtigt, sogar das Wort Wahlverwandtschaft anzuwenden, weil es wirklich aussieht, als wenn ein Verhältnis dem andern vorgezogen, eins vor dem andern erwählt würde.","Here is a case of separation; a combination arises, and we believe ourselves now justified in applying to it the words 'Elective Affinity'; it really looks as if one relation had been deliberately chosen in preference to another."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_97.flac,00004-f000130,0.485106,"Sind sie aber einmal beisammen, dann gnade ihnen Gott!","Once, however, let them be brought together, and then God have mercy on them."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_98.flac,00004-f000131,0.740625,"In dem gegenwärtigen Falle dauert mich nur die arme Luftsäure, die sich wieder im Unendlichen herumtreiben muß.","In Elective Affinities the present case, I can not help being sorry for the poor acid gas which is driven out, up, and down infinity again."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_99.flac,00004-f000132,0.6227159999999999,"Es kommt nur auf sie an, versetzte der Hauptmann, sich mit dem Wasser zu verbinden und als Mineralquelle Gesunden und Kranken zur Erquickung zu dienen.","The acid's business, answered the Captain, is now to get connected with water, and so serve as a mineral fountain for the refreshing of sound or disordered man kind."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_101.flac,00004-f000136,0.645624,"Ich müßte sehr irren, sagte Eduard lächelnd, oder es steckt eine kleine Tücke hinter deinen Reden.","I am much mistaken, said Edward, smiling, if there be not some little hidden meaning behind this."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_102.flac,00004-f000137,0.26087,Gesteh nur deine Schalkheit!,Confess your wickedness !
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_103.flac,00004-f000138,0.605321,"Am Ende bin ich in deinen Augen der Kalk, der vom Hauptmann, als einer Schwefelsäure, ergriffen, deiner anmutigen Gesellschaft entzogen und in einen refraktären Gips verwandelt wird.","You mean me by your lime; the lime is laid hold of by the Captain, in the form of sulphuric acid, torn away from your agreeable society, and meta morphosed into a refractory gypsum."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_104.flac,00004-f000139,0.993116,"Wenn das Gewissen, versetzte Charlotte, dich solche Betrachtungen machen heißt, so kann ich ohne Sorge sein.","If your conscience prompts you to make such a reflec tion, replied Charlotte, I certainly need not distress myself."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_105.flac,00004-f000140,0.906713,"Diese Gleichnisreden sind artig und unterhaltend, und wer spielt nicht gern mit Ähnlichkeiten!",These comparisons are pleasant and entertain ing; and who is there that does not like playing with anal ogies?
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_106.flac,00004-f000141,0.918697,"Aber der Mensch ist doch um so manche Stufe über jene Elemente erhöht, und wenn er hier mit den schönen Worten Wahl und Wahlverwandtschaft etwas freigebig gewesen, so tut er wohl, wieder in sich selbst zurückzukehren und den Wert solcher Ausdrücke bei diesem Anlaß recht zu bedenken.","But man is raised very many steps above these elements; and if he has been somewhat liberal with such fine words as Election and Elective Affinities, he will do well to turn back again into himself, and take the oppor tunity of considering carefully the value and meaning of such expressions."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_109.flac,00004-f000148,0.8719299999999999,Beschreiben Sie mir einen solchen Fall! sagte Charlotte.,"Give me an instance of this, said Charlotte."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_110.flac,00004-f000149,0.802597,"Man sollte dergleichen, versetzte der Hauptmann, nicht mit Worten abtun.","One should not spoil such things with words, replied the Captain."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_111.flac,00004-f000150,1.27033,"Wie schon gesagt: sobald ich Ihnen die Versuche selbst zeigen kann, wird alles anschaulicher und angenehmer werden.","As I said before, as soon as I can show you the experiment, I can make it all intelligible and pleasant for you."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_112.flac,00004-f000151,0.804545,"Jetzt müßte ich Sie mit schrecklichen Kunstworten hinhalten, die Ihnen doch keine Vorstellung gäben.","For the present, I can give you noth ing but horrible scientific expressions, which at the same time will give you no idea about the matter."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_114.flac,00004-f000155,0.8069029999999999,"Ich leugne nicht, sagte Eduard, daß die seltsamen Kunstwörter demjenigen, der nicht durch sinnliches Anschauen, durch Begriffe mit ihnen versöhnt ist, beschwerlich, ja lächerlich werden müssen.","I quite agree, said Edward, that the strange scien tific nomenclature to persons who have not been recon ciled to it by a direct acquaintance with or understanding of its object must seem unpleasant, even ridiculous; but we can easily just for once, contrive with symbols to illustrate what we are speaking of."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_115.flac,00004-f000156,0.668103,"Doch könnten wir leicht mit Buchstaben einstweilen das Verhältnis ausdrücken, wovon hier die Rede war.","If you do not think it looks pedantic, answered the Captain, I can put my meaning together with letters."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_116.flac,00004-f000157,0.813876,"Wenn Sie glauben, daß es nicht pedantisch aussieht, versetzte der Hauptmann, so kann ich wohl in der Zeichensprache mich kürzlich zusammenfassen.","Suppose an A connected so closely with a B that all sorts of means, even violence, have been made use of to separate them, without effect."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_118.flac,00004-f000160,0.776563,"A wird sich zu D, C zu B werfen, ohne daß man sagen kann, wer das andere zuerst verlassen, wer sich mit dem andern zuerst wieder verbunden habe.","Now then, interposed Edward, till we see all this with our eyes, we will look upon the formula as an anal ogy, out of which we can devise a lesson for immediate use."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_119.flac,00004-f000161,0.7794840000000001,"Nun denn! fiel Eduard ein; bis wir alles dieses mit Augen sehen, wollen wir diese Formel als Gleichnisrede betrachten, woraus wir uns eine Lehre zum unmittelbaren Gebrauch ziehen. Du stellst das A vor, Charlotte, und ich dein B; denn eigentlich hänge ich doch nur von dir ab und folge dir wie dem A das B.","You stand for A, Charlotte, and I am your B; really and truly I cling to you, I depend on you, and fol Elective Affinities low you, just as B does with A."
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_120.flac,00004-f000162,0.695775,"Das C ist ganz deutlich der Kapitän, der mich für diesmal dir einigermaßen entzieht.","C is obviously the Cap tain, who at present is in some degree withdrawing me from you."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_121.flac,00004-f000163,0.68355,"Nun ist es billig, daß, wenn du nicht ins Unbestimmte entweichen sollst, dir für ein D gesorgt werde, und das ist ganz ohne Frage das liebenswürdige Dämchen Ottilie, gegen deren Annäherung du dich nicht länger verteidigen darfst.","So now it is only just that if you are not to be left to solitude, a D should be found for you, and that is unquestionably the amiable little lady, Ottilie."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_122.flac,00004-f000164,0.025,Gut! versetzte Charlotte.,You will not hesitate any longer to send and fetch her.
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_125.flac,00004-f000170,0.425,"Ich will dir nicht ins Blatt sehen, aber freilich ist mir der Inhalt schon bekannt.","What it is which has decided me about Ottilie, you shall read to me."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.4_126.flac,00004-f000170,0.266667,"Doch lies nur, lies!","What it is which has decided me about Ottilie, you shall read to me."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_0.flac,00005-f000004,0.6642859999999999,Brief der Vorsteherin.,"To you I may well be brief, having to say much in few words."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_2.flac,00005-f000005,0.264407,Ihre Fräulein Tochter hat sich in jedem Sinne als die Erste bewiesen.,Your ladyship's daughter has proved herself first in every sense of the word.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_3.flac,00005-f000006,0.69694,"Die beiliegenden Zeugnisse, ihr eigner Brief, der die Beschreibung der Preise enthält, die ihr geworden sind, und zugleich das Vergnügen ausdrückt, das sie über ein so glückliches Gelingen empfindet, wird Ihnen zur Beruhigung, ja zur Freude gereichen.","The testimonials which I enclose, and her own letter, in which she will detail to you the prizes which she has won, and the hap piness which she feels in her success, will surely please, and I hope delight you."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_4.flac,00005-f000007,0.842308,"Die meinige wird dadurch einigermaßen gemindert, daß ich voraussehe, wir werden nicht lange mehr Ursache haben, ein so weit vorgeschrittenes Frauenzimmer bei uns zurückzuhalten.","For myself, it is the less neces sary that I should say much, because I see that there will soon be no more occasion to keep with us a young lady so far advanced."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_5.flac,00005-f000008,0.885484,"Ich empfehle mich zu Gnaden und nehme mir die Freiheit, nächstens meine Gedanken über das, was ich am vorteilhaftesten für sie halte, zu eröffnen.","I send my respects to your ladyship, and in a short time I shall take the liberty of offering you my opinion as to what in future may be of most advan tage to her."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_6.flac,00005-f000009,0.698571,Von Ottilien schreibt mein freundlicher Gehülfe.,My good assistant will tell you about Ottilie.
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_7.flac,00005-f000010,0.8620530000000001,"Von Ottilien läßt mich unsre ehrwürdige Vorsteherin schreiben, teils weil es ihr, nach ihrer Art zu denken, peinlich wäre, dasjenige, was zu melden ist, zu melden, teils auch, weil sie selbst einer Entschuldigung bedarf, die sie lieber mir in den Mund legen mag.","LETTER OF THE ASSISTANT Our reverend superior leaves it to me to write to you of Ottilie, partly because, with her ways of thinking about Elective Affinities it, it would be painful to her to say what has to be said; partly because she herself requires some excusing, which she would rather have done for her by me."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_10.flac,00005-f000015,0.771429,Was soll ich viel sagen?,I need not go into details.
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_12.flac,00005-f000019,0.6574909999999999,Zum musikalischen Vortrag ihrer wenigen bescheidenen Melodien fand sich weder Zeit noch Ruhe.,"In geography, there was a want of attention to the political divisions; and for what she could do in music there was neither time nor quiet enough for her few modest melodies to gain attention."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_13.flac,00005-f000020,0.594545,Im Zeichnen hätte sie gewiß den Preis davongetragen; ihre Umrisse waren rein und die Ausführung bei vieler Sorgfalt geistreich.,"In draw ing she certainly would have gained the prize; her out lines were clear, and the execution most careful and full of spirit; unhappily, she had chosen too large a subject, and it was incomplete."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_14.flac,00005-f000021,0.48,Leider hatte sie etwas zu Großes unternommen und war nicht fertig geworden.,"After the pupils were dismissed, the examiners con sulted together, and we teachers were partially admitted Elective Affinities into the council."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_15.flac,00005-f000022,0.5882350000000001,"Als die Schülerinnen abgetreten waren, die Prüfenden zusammen Rat hielten und uns Lehrern wenigstens einiges Wort dabei gönnten, merkte ich wohl bald, daß von Ottilien gar nicht und, wenn es geschah, wo nicht mit Mißbilligung, doch mit Gleichgültigkeit gesprochen wurde.","I very soon observed that of Ottilie either nothing would be said at all, or if her name was mentioned, it would be with indifference, if not absolute disapproval."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_16.flac,00005-f000023,0.898718,"Ich hoffte, durch eine offne Darstellung ihrer Art zu sein einige Gunst zu erregen, und wagte mich daran mit doppeltem Eifer, einmal, weil ich nach meiner Überzeugung sprechen konnte, und sodann, weil ich mich in jüngeren Jahren in eben demselben traurigen Fall befunden hatte.","I hoped to obtain some favor for her by a candid description of what she was, and I ventured it with the greater earnestness, partly because I was only speak ing my real convictions, and partly because I remembered in my own younger years finding myself in the same un fortunate case."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_17.flac,00005-f000024,1.02783,"Man hörte mich mit Aufmerksamkeit an; doch als ich geendigt hatte, sagte mir der vorsitzende Prüfende zwar freundlich, aber lakonisch:","I was listened to with attention, but as soon as I had ended, the presiding examiner said to me very kindly but laconically, 'We presume capabilities : they are to be converted into accomplishments."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_18.flac,00005-f000025,-0.0642857,"Fähigkeiten werden vorausgesetzt, sie sollen zu Fertigkeiten werden.",This is the aim of all education.
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_19.flac,00005-f000026,0.372706,"Dies ist der Zweck aller Erziehung, dies ist die laute, deutliche Absicht der Eltern und Vorgesetzten, die stille, nur halb bewußte der Kinder selbst.","It is what is distinctly intended by all who have the care of children, and silently and indis tinctly by the children themselves."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_20.flac,00005-f000027,0.8888889999999999,"Dies ist auch der Gegenstand der Prüfung, wobei zugleich Lehrer und Schüler beurteilt werden.","This also is the object of examinations, where teachers and pupils are alike standing their trial."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_21.flac,00005-f000028,0.479432,"Aus dem, was wir von Ihnen vernehmen, schöpfen wir gute Hoffnung von dem Kinde, und Sie sind allerdings lobenswürdig, indem Sie auf die Fähigkeiten der Schülerinnen genau achtgeben.","From what we learn of you, we may entertain good hopes of the young lady, and it is to your own credit also that you have paid so much attention to your pupil's capabilities."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_22.flac,00005-f000029,0.165675,"Verwandeln Sie solche übers Jahr in Fertigkeiten, so wird es Ihnen und Ihrer begünstigten Schülerin nicht an Beifall mangeln.","If in the coming year you can develop these into accomplishments, neither yourself nor your pupil shall fail to receive your due praise I had made up my mind to what must follow upon all this; but there was something worse that I had not antic ipated, which had soon to be added to it."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_23.flac,00005-f000029,0.165675,"In das, was hierauf folgte, hatte ich mich schon ergeben, aber ein noch Übleres nicht befürchtet, das sich bald darauf zutrug.","<MERGE> If in the coming year you can develop these into accomplishments, neither yourself nor your pupil shall fail to receive your due praise I had made up my mind to what must follow upon all this; but there was something worse that I had not antic ipated, which had soon to be added to it."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_24.flac,00005-f000030,0.65764,"Unsere gute Vorsteherin, die wie ein guter Hirte auch nicht eins von ihren Schäfchen verloren oder, wie es hier der Fall war, ungeschmückt sehen möchte, konnte, nachdem die Herren sich entfernt hatten, ihren Unwillen nicht bergen und sagte zu Ottilien, die ganz ruhig, indem die andern sich über ihre Preise freuten, am Fenster stand:","Our good Superior, who, like a trusty shepherdess, could not bear to have one of her flock lost, or, as was the case here, to see it undistinguished, after the examiners were gone could not contain her displeasure, and said to Ottilie, who Elective Affinities was standing quite quietly by the window, while the others were exulting over their prizes: 'Tell me, for heaven's sake, how can a person look so stupid if she is not so?'"
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_25.flac,00005-f000031,0.538866,"Aber sagen Sie mir, um's Himmels willen! wie kann man so dumm aussehen, wenn man es nicht ist?","Ottilie replied, quite calmly, 'Forgive me, my dear mother, I have my headache again today, and it is very painful.'"
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_26.flac,00005-f000032,-0.00277778,Ottilie versetzte ganz gelassen:,"Kind and sympathizing as she generally is, the Superior this time answered, 'No one can believe that,' and turned angrily away."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_27.flac,00005-f000032,0.589873,"Verzeihen Sie, liebe Mutter, ich habe gerade heute wieder mein Kopfweh, und ziemlich stark.","Kind and sympathizing as she generally is, the Superior this time answered, 'No one can believe that,' and turned angrily away."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_28.flac,00005-f000033,0.65625,Das kann niemand wissen! versetzte die sonst so teilnehmende Frau und kehrte sich verdrießlich um.,Now it is true no one can believe it for Ottilie never alters the expression of her countenance.
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_29.flac,00005-f000034,0.580952,"Nun es ist wahr: niemand kann es wissen; denn Ottilie verändert das Gesicht nicht, und ich habe auch nicht gesehen, daß sie einmal die Hand nach dem Schlafe zu bewegt hätte.",I have never even seen her move her hand to her head when she has been asleep.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_30.flac,00005-f000035,0.76,Das war noch nicht alles.,Nor was this all.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_31.flac,00005-f000036,0.568421,"Ihre Fräulein Tochter, gnädige Frau, sonst lebhaft und freimütig, war im Gefühl ihres heutigen Triumphs ausgelassen und übermütig.","Your ladyship's daughter, who is at all times sufficiently lively and impetuous, after her triumph today was overflowing with the violence of her spirits."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_32.flac,00005-f000037,0.89359,Sie sprang mit ihren Preisen und Zeugnissen in den Zimmern herum und schüttelte sie auch Ottilien vor dem Gesicht.,"She ran from room to room with her prizes and testimonials, and shook them in Ottilie's face."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_33.flac,00005-f000038,0.285,Du bist heute schlecht gefahren! rief sie aus.,"You have come badly off this morning,' she cried."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_34.flac,00005-f000039,-0.011904799999999998,Ganz gelassen antwortete Ottilie:,"Ottilie replied in her calm, quiet way, 'This is not the last day of trial.'"
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_35.flac,00005-f000039,-0.011904799999999998,Es ist noch nicht der letzte Prüfungstag.,"<MERGE> Ottilie replied in her calm, quiet way, 'This is not the last day of trial.'"
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_36.flac,00005-f000040,0.456391,Und doch wirst du immer die Letzte bleiben! rief das Fräulein und sprang hinweg.,"But you will always remain the last,' cried the other, and ran away."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_37.flac,00005-f000041,0.546667,"Ottilie schien gelassen für jeden andern, nur nicht für mich.",No one except myself saw that Ottilie was disturbed.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_38.flac,00005-f000042,-0.00535714,"Eine innere, unangenehme, lebhafte Bewegung, der sie widersteht, zeigt sich durch eine ungleiche Farbe des Gesichts.","She has a way when she experiences any sharp unpleas ant emotion which she wishes to resist of showing it in the unequal color of her face; the left cheek becomes for a moment flushed, while the right turns pale."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_39.flac,00005-f000042,-0.00535714,"Die linke Wange wird auf einen Augenblick rot, indem die rechte bleich wird.","<MERGE> She has a way when she experiences any sharp unpleas ant emotion which she wishes to resist of showing it in the unequal color of her face; the left cheek becomes for a moment flushed, while the right turns pale."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_40.flac,00005-f000043,1.04091,"Ich sah dies Zeichen, und meine Teilnehmung konnte sich nicht zurückhalten.","I per ceived this symptom, and I could not prevent myself from saying something."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_41.flac,00005-f000044,0.440203,"Ich führte unsre Vorsteherin beiseite, sprach ernsthaft mit ihr über die Sache.","I took our Superior aside, and spoke seriously to her about it."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_42.flac,00005-f000045,0.499624,Die treffliche Frau erkannte ihren Fehler.,The excellent lady acknowl Elective Affinities edged that she had been wrong.
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_43.flac,00005-f000045,0.725718,"Wir berieten, wir besprachen uns lange, und ohne deshalb weitläufiger zu sein, will ich",The excellent lady acknowl Elective Affinities edged that she had been wrong.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_44.flac,00005-f000046,0.23751799999999998,Euer Gnaden unsern Beschluß und unsre Bitte vortragen: Ottilien auf einige Zeit zu sich zu nehmen.,"<MERGE> We considered the whole affair; we talked it over at great length together, and not to weary your ladyship, I will tell you at once the desire with which we concluded, namely, that you will for a while have Ottilie with yourself."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_45.flac,00005-f000047,1.01429,Die Gründe werden Sie sich selbst am besten entfalten.,Our reasons you will yourself readily perceive.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_46.flac,00005-f000048,1.07353,"Bestimmen Sie sich hiezu, so sage ich mehr über die Behandlung des guten Kindes.","If you consent, I will say more to you on the manner in which I think she should be treated."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_47.flac,00005-f000049,0.9477190000000001,"Verläßt uns dann Ihre Fräulein Tochter, wie zu vermuten steht, so sehen wir Ottilien mit Freuden zurückkehren.","The young lady your daughter we may expect will soon leave us, and we shall then with pleasure welcome Ottilie back to us."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_48.flac,00005-f000050,0.867246,"Noch eins, das ich vielleicht in der Folge vergessen könnte: ich habe nie gesehen, daß Ottilie etwas verlangt oder gar um etwas dringend gebeten hätte.","One thing more, which another time I might forget to mention : I have never seen Ottilie eager for anything, or at least ask pressingly for anything."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_49.flac,00005-f000051,-0.0222222,"Dagegen kommen Fälle, wiewohl selten, daß sie etwas abzulehnen sucht, was man von ihr fordert.","But there have been occasions, however rare, when on the other hand she has wished to decline things which have been pressed upon her, and she does it with a gesture which to those who have caught its meaning is irresistible."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_50.flac,00005-f000051,-0.0222222,"Sie tut das mit einer Gebärde, die für den, der den Sinn davon gefaßt hat, unwiderstehlich ist.","<MERGE> But there have been occasions, however rare, when on the other hand she has wished to decline things which have been pressed upon her, and she does it with a gesture which to those who have caught its meaning is irresistible."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_51.flac,00005-f000052,0.673211,"Sie drückt die flachen Hände, die sie in die Höhe hebt, zusammen und führt sie gegen die Brust, indem sie sich nur wenig vorwärts neigt und den dringend Fordernden mit einem solchen Blick ansieht, daß er gern von allem absteht, was er verlangen oder wünschen möchte.","She raises her hands, presses the palms together, and draws them against her breast, leaning her body a little forward at the same time, and turns such a look upon the person who is urging her that he will be glad enough to cease to ask or wish for anything of her."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_52.flac,00005-f000053,0.786604,"Sehen Sie jemals diese Gebärde, gnädige Frau, wie es bei Ihrer Behandlung nicht wahrscheinlich ist, so gedenken Sie meiner und schonen Ottilien.","If your ladyship ever sees this attitude, as with your treatment of her it is not likely that you will, think of me, and spare Ottilie."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_53.flac,00005-f000054,0.831392,"Eduard hatte diese Briefe vorgelesen, nicht ohne Lächeln und Kopfschütteln.","Edward read these letters aloud, not without smiles and shakes of the head."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_54.flac,00005-f000055,0.809412,Auch konnte es an Bemerkungen über die Personen und über die Lage der Sache nicht fehlen.,"Naturally, too, there were observa tions made on the persons and on the position of the affair."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_57.flac,00005-f000059,0.645,"Es wird höchst nötig, daß ich zu dem Hauptmann auf den rechten Flügel hinüberziehe.","You, my love, are provided for, and now we can get forward with our work."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_58.flac,00005-f000060,0.0507042,"Sowohl abends als morgens ist erst die rechte Zeit, zusammen zu arbeiten.","<MERGE> It is becoming highly neces sary for me to move over to the right wing to the Cap, tain; evenings and mornings are the time for us best to work together, and then you, on your side, will have ad mirable room for yourself and Ottilie."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_59.flac,00005-f000061,0.6837949999999999,Du erhältst dagegen für dich und Ottilien auf deiner Seite den schönsten Raum.,"Charlotte made no objection, and Edward sketched out the method in which they should live."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_60.flac,00005-f000062,0.420553,"Charlotte ließ sichs gefallen, und Eduard schilderte ihre künftige Lebensart.","Among other things, he cried, It is really very polite in this niece to be subject to a slight pain on the left side of her head."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_61.flac,00005-f000063,0.204545,Unter andern rief er aus:,I have it frequently on the right.
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_63.flac,00005-f000064,0.631657,"Trifft es zusammen und wir sitzen gegeneinander, ich auf den rechten Ellbogen, sie auf den linken gestützt und die Köpfe nach verschiedenen Seiten in die Hand gelegt, so muß das ein Paar artige Gegenbilder geben.","If we happen to be afflicted together, and sit opposite one another I leaning on my right elbow, and she on her left, and our heads on the opposite sides, resting on our hands what a pretty pair of pictures we shall make."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_64.flac,00005-f000065,0.3,Der Hauptmann wollte das gefährlich finden.,The Captain thought that might be dangerous.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_65.flac,00005-f000067,0.21940300000000001,"Eduard hingegen rief aus: Nehmen Sie sich nur, lieber Freund, vor dem D in acht!","Only do you, my dear friend, take care of the D, for what will become of B, if poor C is taken away from it?"
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.5_66.flac,00005-f000068,0.348161,"Was sollte B denn anfangen, wenn ihm C entrissen würde?.Nun, ich dächte doch, versetzte Charlotte, das verstünde sich von selbst.","That, I should have thought, would have been evident enough, replied Charlotte."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_1.flac,00006-f000003,0.477143,"Charlotte ging ihr entgegen; das liebe Kind eilte, sich ihr zu nähern, warf sich ihr zu Füßen und umfaßte ihre Kniee.",Charlotte went out to receive her.
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_2.flac,00006-f000005,0.48836,"Wozu die Demütigung! sagte Charlotte, die einigermaßen verlegen war und sie aufheben wollte.","Why such humility? said Charlotte, a little embar rassed, and endeavoring to raise her from the ground."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_3.flac,00006-f000005,0.452632,"Es ist so demütig nicht gemeint, versetzte Ottilie, die in ihrer vorigen Stellung blieb.","Why such humility? said Charlotte, a little embar rassed, and endeavoring to raise her from the ground."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_4.flac,00006-f000006,0.691948,"Ich mag mich nur so gern jener Zeit erinnern, da ich noch nicht höher reichte als bis an Ihre Kniee und Ihrer Liebe schon so gewiß war.","It is not meant for humility, Ottilie answered, with out moving from the position in which she had placed herself; I am only thinking of the time when I could not reach higher than to your knees, and when I had just learned to know how you loved me."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_5.flac,00006-f000007,0.6190479999999999,"Sie stand auf, und Charlotte umarmte sie herzlich.","She stood up, and Charlotte embraced her warmly."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_6.flac,00006-f000008,0.700571,Sie ward den Männern vorgestellt und gleich mit besonderer Achtung als Gast behandelt.,"She was introduced to the gentlemen, and was at once treated with especial courtesy as a visitor."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_7.flac,00006-f000009,0.209091,Schönheit ist überall ein gar willkommener Gast.,Beauty is a welcome guest everywhere.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_8.flac,00006-f000010,0.501737,"Sie schien aufmerksam auf das Gespräch, ohne daß sie daran teilgenommen hätte.","She appeared attentive to the conversation, without taking a part in it."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_9.flac,00006-f000011,0.0375,Den andern Morgen sagte Eduard zu Charlotten:,"The next morning Edward said to Charlotte, What an agreeable, entertaining girl she is !"
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_10.flac,00006-f000012,0.0785714,"Es ist ein angenehmes, unterhaltendes Mädchen.","Entertaining! answered Charlotte, with a smile; why, she has not opened her lips yet!"
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_11.flac,00006-f000013,0.24375,Unterhaltend? versetzte Charlotte mit Lächeln; sie hat ja den Mund noch nicht aufgetan.,"Indeed ! said Edward, as he seemed to bethink him self; that is very strange."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_12.flac,00006-f000014,0.571277,"So? erwiderte Eduard, indem er sich zu besinnen schien, das wäre doch wunderbar!.Charlotte gab dem neuen Ankömmling nur wenig Winke, wie es mit dem Hausgeschäfte zu halten sei.",Elective Affinities Charlotte had to give the newcomer but a very few hints on the management of the household.
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_13.flac,00006-f000015,0.467411,"Ottilie hatte schnell die ganze Ordnung eingesehen, ja, was noch mehr ist, empfunden.","Ottilie saw rapidly all the arrangements, and what was more, she felt them."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_14.flac,00006-f000016,0.6125,"Was sie für alle, für einen jeden insbesondre zu besorgen hatte, begriff sie leicht.","She comprehended easily what was to be pro vided for the whole party, and what for each particular member of it."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_15.flac,00006-f000017,0.0713592,Alles geschah pünktlich.,"Everything was done with the utmost punctuality; she knew how to direct, without appearing to be giving orders, and when any one had left anything undone, she at once set it right herself."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_16.flac,00006-f000017,0.0713592,"Sie wußte anzuordnen, ohne daß sie zu befehlen schien, und wo jemand säumte, verrichtete sie das Geschäft gleich selbst.","<MERGE> Everything was done with the utmost punctuality; she knew how to direct, without appearing to be giving orders, and when any one had left anything undone, she at once set it right herself."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_17.flac,00006-f000018,0.433864,"Sobald sie gewahr wurde, wieviel Zeit ihr übrigblieb, bat sie Charlotten, ihre Stunden einteilen zu dürfen, die nun genau beobachtet wurden.","As soon as she had found how much time she would have to spare, she begged Charlotte to divide her hours for her, and to these she adhered exactly."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_18.flac,00006-f000019,0.65625,"Sie arbeitete das Vorgesetzte auf eine Art, von der Charlotte durch den Gehülfen unterrichtet war.",She worked at what was set before her in the way which the Assist ant had described to Charlotte.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_19.flac,00006-f000020,0.247059,Man ließ sie gewähren.,They let her alone.
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_20.flac,00006-f000021,1.14945,Nur zuweilen suchte Charlotte sie anzuregen.,It was but seldom that Charlotte interfered.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_21.flac,00006-f000022,0.71253,"So schob sie ihr manchmal abgeschriebene Federn unter, um sie auf einen freieren Zug der Handschrift zu leiten; aber auch diese waren bald wieder scharf geschnitten.","Sometimes she changed her pens for others which had been written with, to teach her to make bolder strokes in her handwriting, but these, she found, would be soon cut sharp and fine again."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_22.flac,00006-f000023,1.06858,"Die Frauenzimmer hatten untereinander festgesetzt, französisch zu reden, wenn sie allein wären, und Charlotte beharrte um so mehr dabei, als Ottilie gesprächiger in der fremden Sprache war, indem man ihr die Übung derselben zur Pflicht gemacht hatte.","The ladies had agreed with one another when they were to speak nothing but French, and Charlotte per sisted in it the more, as she found Ottilie more ready to talk in a foreign language, when she was told it was her duty to exercise herself in it."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_23.flac,00006-f000024,0.52987,"Hier sagte sie oft mehr, als sie zu wollen schien.",In this way she often said more than she seemed to intend.
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_24.flac,00006-f000025,0.5753550000000001,"Besonders ergetzte sich Charlotte an einer zufälligen, zwar genauen, aber doch liebevollen Schilderung der ganzen Pensionsanstalt.","Charlotte was particu larly pleased with a description, most complete, but at the same time most charming and amiable, which she gave her one day, by accident, of the school."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_25.flac,00006-f000026,0.779,"Ottilie ward ihr eine liebe Gesellschafterin, und sie hoffte, dereinst an ihr eine zuverlässige Freundin zu finden.","She soon Elective Affinities felt her to be a delightful companion, and before long she hoped to find in her an attached friend."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_26.flac,00006-f000027,0.758568,"Charlotte nahm indes die älteren Papiere wieder vor, die sich auf Ottilien bezogen, um sich in Erinnerung zu bringen, was die Vorsteherin, was der Gehülfe über das gute Kind geurteilt, um es mit ihrer Persönlichkeit selbst zu vergleichen.","At the same time she looked over again the more early accounts which had been sent her of Ottilie, to refresh her recollection with the opinion which the Superior and the Assistant had formed about her, and compare them with her in her own person."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_27.flac,00006-f000028,1.06345,"Denn Charlotte war der Meinung, man könne nicht geschwind genug mit dem Charakter der Menschen bekannt werden, mit denen man zu leben hat, um zu wissen, was sich von ihnen erwarten, was sich an ihnen bilden läßt, oder was man ihnen ein für allemal zugestehen und verzeihen muß.","For Charlotte was of opin ion that we can not too quickly become acquainted with the character of those with whom we have to live, that we may know what to expect of them, where we may hope to do anything in the way of improvement with them, and what we must make up our minds, once for all, to tolerate and let alone."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_28.flac,00006-f000029,0.634574,"Sie fand zwar bei dieser Untersuchung nichts Neues, aber manches Bekannte ward ihr bedeutender und auffallender.","This examination led her to nothing new, indeed; but much which she already knew became of greater mean ing and importance."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_29.flac,00006-f000030,0.496104,So konnte ihr zum Beispiel Ottiliens Mäßigkeit im Essen und Trinken wirklich Sorge machen.,"Ottilie's moderation in eating and drinking, for instance, became a real distress to her."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_30.flac,00006-f000031,0.8326530000000001,"Das Nächste, was die Frauen beschäftigte, war der Anzug.",The next thing on which the ladies were employed was Ottilie's toliet.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_31.flac,00006-f000032,1.0214299999999998,"Charlotte verlangte von Ottilien, sie solle in Kleidern reicher und mehr ausgesucht erscheinen.","Charlotte wished her to appear in clothes of a richer and more distinguished sort, and at once the clever active girl herself cut out the stuff which had been previously sent to her, and with a very little assistance from others was able, in a short time, to dress herself out most tastefully."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_32.flac,00006-f000033,0.191057,"Sogleich schnitt das gute, tätige Kind die ihr früher geschenkten Stoffe selbst zu und wußte sie sich mit geringer Beihülfe anderer schnell und höchst zierlich anzupassen.",The new fashionable dresses set off her figure.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_33.flac,00006-f000034,0.961224,"Die neuen, modischen Gewänder erhöhten ihre Gestalt; denn indem das Angenehme einer Person sich auch über ihre Hülle verbreitet, so glaubt man sie immer wieder von neuem und anmutiger zu sehen, wenn sie ihre Eigenschaften einer neuen Umgebung mitteilt.","An agreeable person, it is true, will show through all disguises; but we always fancy it looks fresher and more graceful when its peculiarities appear under some new drapery."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_34.flac,00006-f000035,0.896698,"Dadurch ward sie den Männern, wie von Anfang so immer mehr, daß wir es nur mit dem rechten Namen nennen, ein wahrer Augentrost.","And thus, from the moment of her first appearance, she became more and more a delight to Elective Affinities the eyes of all who beheld her."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_35.flac,00006-f000036,0.243847,"Denn wenn der Smaragd durch seine herrliche Farbe dem Gesicht wohltut, ja sogar einige Heilkraft an diesem edlen Sinn ausübt, so wirkt die menschliche Schönheit noch mit weit größerer Gewalt auf den äußern und innern Sinn.","As the emerald refreshes the sight with its beautiful hues, and exerts, it is said, a beneficent influence on that noble sense, so does human beauty work with far larger potency on the outward and on the inward sense; whoever looks upon it is charmed against the breath of evil, and feels in harmony with himself and with the world."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_36.flac,00006-f000037,0.329045,"Wer sie erblickt, den kann nichts Übles anwehen; er fühlt sich mit sich selbst und mit der Welt in Übereinstimmung.","In many ways, therefore, the party had gained by Ot tilie's arrival."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_37.flac,00006-f000037,0.4879310000000001,Auf manche Weise hatte daher die Gesellschaft durch Ottiliens Ankunft gewonnen.,"In many ways, therefore, the party had gained by Ot tilie's arrival."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_38.flac,00006-f000038,0.241558,"Die beiden Freunde hielten regelmäßiger die Stunden, ja die Minuten der Zusammenkünfte.","The Captain and Edward kept regularly to the hours, even to the minutes, for their general meet ing together."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_39.flac,00006-f000039,0.761789,"Sie ließen weder zum Essen, noch zum Tee, noch zum Spaziergang länger als billig auf sich warten.","They never kept the others waiting for them, either for dinner or tea, or for their walks; and they were in less haste, especially in the evenings, to leave the table."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_40.flac,00006-f000040,0.504278,"Sie eilten, besonders abends, nicht so bald von Tische weg.","This did not escape Charlotte's observa tion; she watched them botH, to see whether one more than the other was the occasion of it."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_41.flac,00006-f000041,0.529054,Charlotte bemerkte das wohl und ließ beide nicht unbeobachtet.,But she could not perceive any difference.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_42.flac,00006-f000042,0.632143,"Sie suchte zu erforschen, ob einer vor dem andern hiezu den Anlaß gäbe; aber sie konnte keinen Unterschied bemerken.",They had both become more companionable.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_43.flac,00006-f000042,0.291667,Beide zeigten sich überhaupt geselliger.,They had both become more companionable.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_44.flac,00006-f000043,0.650556,"Bei ihren Unterhaltungen schienen sie zu bedenken, was Ottiliens Teilnahme zu erregen geeignet sein möchte, was ihren Einsichten, ihren übrigen Kenntnissen gemäß wäre.",In their conversation they seemed to consider what was best adapted to interest Ottilie; what was most on a level with her capacities and her general knowledge.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_45.flac,00006-f000044,0.39965,"Beim Lesen und Erzählen hielten sie inne, bis sie wiederkam.","If she left the room when they were reading or telling stories, they would wait till she returned."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_46.flac,00006-f000045,1.0275,Sie wurden milder und im ganzen mitteilender.,They had grown softer and altogether more united.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_47.flac,00006-f000046,0.15319000000000002,In Erwiderung dagegen wuchs die Dienstbeflissenheit Ottiliens mit jedem Tage.,"In return for this, Ottilie's anxiety to be of use in creased every day; the more she came to understand the house, its inmates, and their circumstances, the more eagerly she entered into everything, caught every look and every motion; half a word, a sound, was enough for her."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_48.flac,00006-f000046,0.15319000000000002,"Je mehr sie das Haus, die Menschen, die Verhältnisse kennenlernte, desto lebhafter griff sie ein, desto schneller verstand sie jeden Blick, jede Bewegung, ein halbes Wort, einen Laut.","<MERGE> In return for this, Ottilie's anxiety to be of use in creased every day; the more she came to understand the house, its inmates, and their circumstances, the more eagerly she entered into everything, caught every look and every motion; half a word, a sound, was enough for her."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_49.flac,00006-f000047,0.689538,"Ihre ruhige Aufmerksamkeit blieb sich immer gleich, so wie ihre gelassene Regsamkeit.","With her calm attentiveness, and her easy, unex Elective Affinities cited activity, she was always the same."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_50.flac,00006-f000048,0.765559,"Und so war ihr Sitzen, Aufstehen, Gehen, Kommen, Holen, Bringen, Wiederniedersitzen ohne einen Schein von Unruhe, ein ewiger Wechsel, eine ewige angenehme Bewegung.","Sitting, rising up, going, coming, fetching, carrying, returning to her place again, it was all in the most perfect repose; a con stant change, a constant agreeable movement; while, at the same time, she went about so lightly that her step was almost inaudible."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_51.flac,00006-f000049,0.48618900000000004,"Dazu kam, daß man sie nicht gehen hörte; so leise trat sie auf.",This cheerful obligingness in Ottilie gave Charlotte the greatest pleasure.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_52.flac,00006-f000049,0.291045,Diese anständige Dienstfertigkeit Ottiliens machte Charlotten viele Freude.,This cheerful obligingness in Ottilie gave Charlotte the greatest pleasure.
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_53.flac,00006-f000050,0.4916390000000001,"Ein einziges, was ihr nicht ganz angemessen vorkam, verbarg sie Ottilien nicht.","There was one thing, however, which she did not exactly like, of which she had to speak to her."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_54.flac,00006-f000051,0.124679,"Es gehört, sagte sie eines Tages zu ihr, unter die lobenswürdigen Aufmerksamkeiten, daß wir uns schnell bücken, wenn jemand etwas aus der Hand fallen läßt, und es eilig aufzuheben suchen.","It is very polite in you, she said one day to her, when people let anything fall from their hand, to be so quick in stooping and picking it up for them; at the same time, it is a sort of confession that they have a right to require such attention, and in the world we are expected to be careful to whom we pay it."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_55.flac,00006-f000051,0.124679,"Wir bekennen uns dadurch ihm gleichsam dienstpflichtig; nur ist in der größern Welt dabei zu bedenken, wem man eine solche Ergebenheit bezeigt.","<MERGE> It is very polite in you, she said one day to her, when people let anything fall from their hand, to be so quick in stooping and picking it up for them; at the same time, it is a sort of confession that they have a right to require such attention, and in the world we are expected to be careful to whom we pay it."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_56.flac,00006-f000052,0.816667,Gegen Frauen will ich dir darüber keine Gesetze vorschreiben.,"Toward women, I will not prescribe any rule as to how you should conduct your self."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_57.flac,00006-f000053,0.275,Du bist jung.,You are young.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_58.flac,00006-f000054,0.972321,"Gegen Höhere und Ältere ist es Schuldigkeit, gegen deinesgleichen Artigkeit, gegen Jüngere und Niedere zeigt man sich dadurch menschlich und gut; nur will es einem Frauenzimmer nicht wohl geziemen, sich Männern auf diese Weise ergeben und dienstbar zu bezeigen.","To those above you, and older than you, services of this sort are a duty; toward your equals they are polite; to those younger than yourself and your inferiors you may show yourself kind and goodnatured by such things only it is not becoming in a young lady to do them for men."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_59.flac,00006-f000055,1.1496600000000001,"Ich will es mir abzugewöhnen suchen, versetzte Ottilie.","I will try to forget the habit, replied Ottilie; I think however, you will in the meantime forgive me for my want of manners, when I tell you how I came by it."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_60.flac,00006-f000056,0.018207499999999998,"Indessen werden Sie mir diese Unschicklichkeit vergeben, wenn ich Ihnen sage, wie ich dazu gekommen bin.","We were taught history at school; I have not gained as much' out of it as I ought, for I never knew what use I was to make of it; a few little things, however, made a deep im pression upon me, among which was the following : When Elective Affinities Charles the First of England was standing before his so called judges, the gold top came off the stick which he had in his hand, and fell down."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_61.flac,00006-f000056,0.018207499999999998,"Man hat uns die Geschichte gelehrt; ich habe nicht soviel daraus behalten, als ich wohl gesollt hätte; denn ich wußte nicht, wozu ichs brauchen würde.","<MERGE> We were taught history at school; I have not gained as much' out of it as I ought, for I never knew what use I was to make of it; a few little things, however, made a deep im pression upon me, among which was the following : When Elective Affinities Charles the First of England was standing before his so called judges, the gold top came off the stick which he had in his hand, and fell down."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_62.flac,00006-f000056,0.018207499999999998,"Nur einzelne Begebenheiten sind mir sehr eindrücklich gewesen, so folgende.","<MERGE> We were taught history at school; I have not gained as much' out of it as I ought, for I never knew what use I was to make of it; a few little things, however, made a deep im pression upon me, among which was the following : When Elective Affinities Charles the First of England was standing before his so called judges, the gold top came off the stick which he had in his hand, and fell down."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_63.flac,00006-f000056,0.018207499999999998,"Als Karl der Erste von England vor seinen sogenannten Richtern stand, fiel der goldne Knopf des Stöckchens, das er trug, herunter.","<MERGE> We were taught history at school; I have not gained as much' out of it as I ought, for I never knew what use I was to make of it; a few little things, however, made a deep im pression upon me, among which was the following : When Elective Affinities Charles the First of England was standing before his so called judges, the gold top came off the stick which he had in his hand, and fell down."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_64.flac,00006-f000057,1.14658,"Gewohnt, daß bei solchen Gelegenheiten sich alles für ihn bemühte, schien er sich umzusehen und zu erwarten, daß ihm jemand auch diesmal den kleinen Dienst erzeigen sollte.","Accustomed as he had been on such occasions to have everything done for him, he seemed to look round and expect that this time too some one would do him this little service."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_65.flac,00006-f000058,0.454123,"Es regte sich niemand; er bückte sich selbst, um den Knopf aufzuheben.","No one stirred, and he stooped down for it himself."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_66.flac,00006-f000059,0.615662,"Mir kam das so schmerzlich vor, ich weiß nicht, ob mit Recht, daß ich von jenem Augenblick an niemanden kann etwas aus den Händen fallen sehn, ohne mich darnach zu bücken.",It struck me as so piteous that from that moment I have never been able to see any one let a thing fall without myself picking it up.
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_67.flac,00006-f000060,0.8718520000000001,"Da es aber freilich nicht immer schicklich sein mag und ich, fuhr sie lächelnd fort, nicht jederzeit meine Geschichte erzählen kann, so will ich mich künftig mehr zurückhalten.","But, of course, as it is not always proper, and as I can not, she continued, smiling, tell my story every time I do it, in future I will try and contain myself."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_68.flac,00006-f000061,0.4635,"Indessen hatten die guten Anstalten, zu denen sich die beiden Freunde berufen fühlten, ununterbrochenen Fortgang.","In the meantime the fine arrangements which the two friends had been led to make for themselves, went unin terruptedly forward."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_69.flac,00006-f000062,1.0118200000000002,"Ja täglich fanden sie neuen Anlaß, etwas zu bedenken und zu unternehmen.",Every day they found something new to think about and undertake.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_70.flac,00006-f000063,0.746429,"Als sie eines Tages zusammen durch das Dorf gingen, bemerkten sie mißfällig, wie weit es an Ordnung und Reinlichkeit hinter jenen Dörfern zurückstehe, wo die Bewohner durch die Kostbarkeit des Raums auf beides hingewiesen werden.","One day as they were walking together through the vil lage, they had to remark with dissatisfaction how far behindhand it was in order and cleanliness compared to villages where the inhabitants were compelled by the ex pense of buildingground to be careful about such things."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_71.flac,00006-f000064,0.962678,"Du erinnerst dich, sagte der Hauptmann, wie wir auf unserer Reise durch die Schweiz den Wunsch äußerten, eine ländliche sogenannte Parkanlage recht eigentlich zu verschönern, indem wir ein so gelegenes Dorf nicht zur Schweizer Bauart, sondern zur Schweizer Ordnung und Sauberkeit, welche die Benutzung so sehr befördern, einrichteten.","You remember a wish we once expressed when we were traveling in Switzerland together, said the Captain, that we might have the laying out of some country park, and how beautiful we would make it by introducing into some village situated like this, not the Swiss style of building, but Swiss order and neatness which so much improve it."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_72.flac,00006-f000068,1.04375,"Hier zum Beispiel, versetzte Eduard, ginge das wohl an.","The village, you see, is built in a semicircle, regu larly enough, just opposite to it."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_74.flac,00006-f000071,0.5674020000000001,"So geht der Weg auch in ungeschickter Bewegung bald herauf, bald herab, bald durchs Wasser, bald über Steine.","And then there is the road going along just in the clumsiest way possible up hill and down, through the water, and over the stones."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_75.flac,00006-f000072,0.852392,"Wollten die Leute mit Hand anlegen, so würde kein großer Zuschuß nötig sein, um hier eine Mauer im Halbkreis aufzuführen, den Weg dahinter bis an die Häuser zu erhöhen, den schönsten Raum herzustellen, der Reinlichkeit Platz zu geben und durch eine ins Große gehende Anstalt alle kleine, unzulängliche Sorge auf einmal zu verbannen.","If the people would only lay their hands to the business together, it would cost them nothing but a little labor to run a semicircular wall along here, take the road in behind it, raising it to the level of the houses, and so give themselves a fair open space in front, making the whole place clean, and getting rid, once for all, in one good general work, of all their little trifling ineffectual makeshifts."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_76.flac,00006-f000073,0.770388,"Laß es uns versuchen! sagte der Hauptmann, indem er die Lage mit den Augen überlief und schnell beurteilte.","Let us try it, said the Captain, as he ran his eyes over the lay of the ground, and saw quickly what was to be done."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_77.flac,00006-f000074,0.99433,"Ich mag mit Bürgern und Bauern nichts zu tun haben, wenn ich ihnen nicht geradezu befehlen kann, versetzte Eduard.","I can undertake nothing in company with peasants and shopkeepers, replied Edward, unless I may have unrestricted authority over them."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_78.flac,00006-f000075,0.897143,"Du hast so unrecht nicht, erwiderte der Hauptmann; denn auch mir machten dergleichen Geschäfte im Leben schon viel Verdruß.","You are not so wrong in that, returned the Captain; I have experienced too much trouble myself in life in matters of that kind."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_79.flac,00006-f000076,0.319755,"Wie schwer ist es, daß der Mensch recht abwäge, was man aufopfern muß gegen das, was zu gewinnen ist, wie schwer, den Zweck zu wollen und die Mittel nicht zu verschmähen!",How difficult it is to prevail on a man to venture boldly on making a sacrifice for an after Elective Affinities advantage!
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_80.flac,00006-f000078,0.578289,"Viele verwechseln gar die Mittel und den Zweck, erfreuen sich an jenen, ohne diesen im Auge zu behalten.","So many people confuse means with ends; they keep hanging over the first, with out having the other before their eyes."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_81.flac,00006-f000079,0.47079,"Jedes Übel soll an der Stelle geheilt werden, wo es zum Vorschein kommt, und man bekümmert sich nicht um jenen Punkt, wo es eigentlich seinen Ursprung nimmt, woher es wirkt.","Every evil is to be cured at the place where it comes to the surface, and they will not trouble themselves to look for the cause which produces it, or the remote effect which results from it."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_82.flac,00006-f000080,0.61182,"Deswegen ist es so schwer, Rat zu pflegen, besonders mit der Menge, die im Täglichen ganz verständig ist, aber selten weiter sieht als auf morgen.","This is why it is so difficult to get advice listened to, especially among the many : they can see clearly enough from day to day, but their scope seldom reaches beyond the morrow; and if it comes to a point where with some general arrangement one person will gain while another will lose, there is no prevailing on them to strike a bal ance."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_83.flac,00006-f000080,0.295714,"Kommt nun gar dazu, daß der eine bei einer gemeinsamen Anstalt gewinnen, der andre verlieren soll, da ist mit Vergleich nun gar nichts auszurichten.","This is why it is so difficult to get advice listened to, especially among the many : they can see clearly enough from day to day, but their scope seldom reaches beyond the morrow; and if it comes to a point where with some general arrangement one person will gain while another will lose, there is no prevailing on them to strike a bal ance."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_84.flac,00006-f000081,0.535,Alles eigentlich gemeinsame Gute muß durch das unumschränkte Majestätsrecht gefördert werden.,Works of public advantage can only be carried through by an uncontrolled absolute authority.
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_85.flac,00006-f000085,0.8140270000000001,"Indem sie standen und sprachen, bettelte sie ein Mensch an, der mehr frech als bedürftig aussah.","It was all very well to refuse them an alms, but that was no reason why they should be insulted."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_86.flac,00006-f000088,0.666509,"Eduard, ungern unterbrochen und beunruhigt, schalt ihn, nachdem er ihn einigemal vergebens gelassener abgewiesen hatte.","The Captain, to pacify him, said, Let us make use of this as an occasion for extending our rural police ar rangements to such cases."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_88.flac,00006-f000091,0.575749,"Der Hauptmann, ihn zu begütigen, sagte darauf: Laß uns diesen Vorfall als eine Aufforderung annehmen, unsere ländliche Polizei auch hierüber zu erstrecken!","At the same time there is no harm when one is on a journey, or passing through a strange place, in appear ing to a poor man in the street in the form of a chance deity of fortune, and making him some present which shall surprise him."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_89.flac,00006-f000092,0.436965,"Almosen muß man einmal geben; man tut aber besser, wenn man sie nicht selbst gibt, besonders zu Hause.",The position of the village and of the castle makes it easy for us to put our charities here on a proper footing.
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_90.flac,00006-f000089,0.7905840000000001,"Da sollte man mäßig und gleichförmig in allem sein, auch im Wohltun.","We are bound to give away Elective Affinities money, but we do better in not giving it in person, espe cially at home."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_91.flac,00006-f000090,0.435345,"Eine allzu reichliche Gabe lockt Bettler herbei, anstatt sie abzufertigen, dagegen man wohl auf der Reise, im Vorbeifliegen, einem Armen an der Straße in der Gestalt des zufälligen Glücks erscheinen und ihm eine überraschende Gabe zuwerfen mag.","We should be moderate and uniform in everything, in our charities as in all else; too great liber ality attracts beggars instead of helping them on their way."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_92.flac,00006-f000096,-0.0021542,"Uns macht die Lage des Dorfes, des Schlosses eine solche Anstalt sehr leicht; ich habe schon früher darüber nachgedacht. An dem einen Ende des Dorfes liegt das Wirtshaus, an dem andern wohnen ein Paar alte, gute Leute; an beiden Orten mußt du eine kleine Geldsumme niederlegen.","Both houses lie on the roads which lead to the castle, so that any one who goes there can be referred to one or the other."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_94.flac,00006-f000096,0.625,"Komm, sagte Eduard, wir wollen das gleich abmachen; das Genauere können wir immer noch nachholen.","Both houses lie on the roads which lead to the castle, so that any one who goes there can be referred to one or the other."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_95.flac,00006-f000100,0.85,"Sie gingen zum Wirt und zu dem alten Paare, und die Sache war abgetan.","I know very well, Edward said, as they were walk ing up the hill to the castle together, that everything in this world depends on distinctness of idea and firmness of purpose."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_96.flac,00006-f000100,0.798621,"Ich weiß recht gut, sagte Eduard, indem sie zusammen den Schloßberg wieder hinaufstiegen, daß alles in der Welt ankommt auf einen gescheiten Einfall und auf einen festen Entschluß.","I know very well, Edward said, as they were walk ing up the hill to the castle together, that everything in this world depends on distinctness of idea and firmness of purpose."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_98.flac,00006-f000105,0.285246,"Ich konnte es vermuten, versetzte der Haupt mann, aber nicht billigen.",She has left off doing anything; and on this one subject she is vexed with us.
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_100.flac,00006-f000109,0.745,"Dadurch müssen wir uns, versetzte Eduard, nicht abschrecken lassen.","If I am once convinced about any thing good, which could and should be done, I can never rest till I see it done."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_101.flac,00006-f000109,0.795366,"Wenn ich von etwas Gutem überzeugt bin, was geschehen könnte und sollte, so habe ich keine Ruhe, bis ich es getan sehe.","If I am once convinced about any thing good, which could and should be done, I can never rest till I see it done."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_102.flac,00006-f000111,0.196552,"Sind wir doch sonst klug, etwas einzuleiten!",Then we can follow with your plan.
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_103.flac,00006-f000112,0.520097,"Laß uns die englischen Parkbeschreibungen mit Kupfern zur Abendunterhaltung vornehmen, nachher deine Gutskarte!","We will treat it first problematically, and as if we were only in jest."
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_106.flac,00006-f000119,0.608571,"Hievon war der Übergang zur eigenen Besitzung, zur eignen Umgebung und zu dem, was man daran ausbilden könnte, sehr leicht.",The chart which the Captain had sketched was brought and spread out The only dif ficulty was that they could not entirely free themselves of the plan which Charlotte had begun.
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_108.flac,00006-f000122,0.982609,"Der Hauptmann hatte alles wohl überlegt und gemessen und brachte jenen Dorfweg, jene Mauer am Bache her, jene Ausfüllung wieder zur Sprache.","The Captain had thought it all carefully over, and taken his measurements; and now he brought up again the village road and the wall by the brook, and the ground which was to be raised behind it."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_109.flac,00006-f000123,0.970809,"Ich gewinne, sagte er, indem ich einen bequemen Weg zur Anhöhe hinaufführe, gerade soviel Steine, als ich zu jener Mauer bedarf.","Here, you see, said he, while I make this charming walk up the height, I gain exactly the quantity of stone which I require for that wall."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_110.flac,00006-f000124,0.502,"Sobald eins ins andre greift, wird beides wohlfeiler und geschwinder bewerkstelligt.","Let one piece of work help the other, and both will be carried out most satisfactorily and most rapidly."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_111.flac,00006-f000125,0.9975,"Nun aber, sagte Charlotte, kommt meine Sorge.","But now, said Charlotte, comes my side of the busi ness."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_113.flac,00006-f000131,0.858,"Du scheinst uns nicht sonderlich viel zu vertrauen, sagte Eduard.","I have not much in arbitrary matters, Charlotte answered."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_114.flac,00006-f000132,0.533824,"Nicht viel in willkürlichen Dingen, versetzte Charlotte.","Where it is a case of inclination, we women know better how to control ourselves than you."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_115.flac,00006-f000133,0.78913,Die Willkür wissen wir besser zu beherrschen als ihr.,"It was settled; the dispositions were made, and the work was begun at once."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_116.flac,00006-f000134,0.6222,"Die Einrichtung war gemacht, die Arbeit rasch angefangen, der Hauptmann immer gegenwärtig und Charlotte nunmehr fast täglich Zeuge seines ernsten und bestimmten Sinnes.","Elective Affinities The Captain being always on the spot, Charlotte was almost daily a witness to the strength and clearness of his understanding."
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_117.flac,00006-f000135,1.00161,"Auch er lernte sie näher kennen, und beiden wurde es leicht, zusammen zu wirken und etwas zustande zu bringen.","He, too, learned to know her better; and it became easy for them both to work together, and thus bring something to completeness."
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.6_118.flac,00006-f000137,0.552687,"Es ist mit den Geschäften wie mit dem Tanze: Personen, die gleichen Schritt halten, müssen sich unentbehrlich werden, ein wechselseitiges Wohlwollen muß notwendig daraus entspringen, und daß Charlotte dem Hauptmann, seitdem sie ihn näher kennengelernt, wirklich wohlwollte, davon war ein sicherer Beweis, daß sie ihn einen schönen Ruheplatz, den sie bei ihren ersten Anlagen besonders ausgesucht und verziert hatte, der aber seinem Plane entgegenstand, ganz gelassen zerstören ließ, ohne auch nur die mindeste unangenehme Empfindung dabei zu haben.","Oufof this a mutual kindly feeling will necessarily arise; and that Charlotte had a real kind feeling toward the Captain, after she came to know him better, was sufficiently proved by her allowing him to destroy her pretty seat, which in her first plans she had taken such pains in ornamenting, because it was in the way of his own, without experiencing the slight est feeling about the matter."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_1.flac,00007-f000003,0.650633,"Für sie sprach ohnehin seit einiger Zeit eine stille, freundliche Neigung in seinem Herzen.","Independently of this, indeed, for some time past he had begun to feel a silent kind of attraction toward her."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_3.flac,00007-f000006,0.537097,"Besonders war sie sorgfältig, alle Zugluft abzuwehren, gegen die er eine übertriebene Empfindlichkeit zeigte und deshalb mit seiner Frau, der es nicht luftig genug sein konnte, manchmal in Widerspruch geriet.","She knew exactly what things he liked, and the way in which he liked them to be pre pared; the quantity of sugar which he liked in his tea; and so on."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_4.flac,00007-f000005,0.6265149999999999,Ebenso wußte sie im Baum und Blumengarten Bescheid.,She had observed his little fancies about his food.
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_5.flac,00007-f000008,0.975373,"Was er wünschte, suchte sie zu befördern, was ihn ungeduldig machen konnte, zu verhüten, dergestalt daß sie in kurzem wie ein freundlicher Schutzgeist ihm unentbehrlich ward und er anfing, ihre Abwesenheit schon peinlich zu empfinden.","So, too, she had come to know about fruitgardens and flowergar dens; whatever he liked, it was her constant effort to pro cure for him, and to keep away whatever annoyed him; so that very soon she grew indispensable to him she became like his guardian angel, and he felt it keenly whenever she was absent."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_6.flac,00007-f000009,0.644,"Hiezu kam noch, daß sie gesprächiger und offener schien, sobald sie sich allein trafen.","Besides all this, too, she ap peared to grow more open and conversible as soon as they were alone together."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_7.flac,00007-f000011,0.5598479999999999,"Eduard hatte bei zunehmenden Jahren immer etwas Kindliches behalten, das der Jugend Ottiliens besonders zusagte.","They liked talking of early times, when they had first seen each other; and these reminiscences led them up to the first epoch of Edward's affection for Charlotte."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_9.flac,00007-f000014,1.34333,"Sie hätte dazusetzen können: weil er so lebhaften Eindruck auf sie gemacht, weil er ihr gar so wohl gefallen.","She might have added, because he had made so strong an impression upon her because she had liked him so much."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_10.flac,00007-f000015,0.590501,"Bei solchen Verhältnissen waren manche Geschäfte, welche die beiden Freunde zusammen früher vorgenommen, gewissermaßen in Stocken geraten, so daß sie für nötig fanden, sich wieder eine Übersicht zu verschaffen, einige Aufsätze zu entwerfen, Briefe zu schreiben.","While they were occupied in this way, much of the business which the two friends had undertaken together had come to a standstill; so that they found it necessary to inspect how things were going on to work up a few designs and get letters written."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_11.flac,00007-f000016,0.634247,"Sie bestellten sich deshalb auf ihre Kanzlei, wo sie den alten Kopisten müßig fanden.","For this purpose, they betook themselves to their office, where they found their old copyist at his desk."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_12.flac,00007-f000017,0.634083,"Sie gingen an die Arbeit und gaben ihm bald zu tun, ohne zu bemerken, daß sie ihm manches aufbürdeten, was sie sonst selbst zu verrichten gewohnt waren.","They set themselves to their work, and soon gave the old man enough to do, without observing that they were laying many things on his shoul ders which at other times they had always done for them selves."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_13.flac,00007-f000018,0.8195120000000001,"Gleich der erste Aufsatz wollte dem Hauptmann, gleich der erste Brief Eduarden nicht gelingen.","At the same time, the first design the Captain tried would not answer, and Edward was as unsuccessful with his first letter."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_14.flac,00007-f000019,0.430435,"Sie quälten sich eine Zeitlang mit Konzipieren und Umschreiben, bis endlich Eduard, dem es am wenigsten vonstatten ging, nach der Zeit fragte.","They fretted for a while, planning Elective Affinities and erasing, till at last Edward, who was getting on the worst, asked what o'clock it was."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_15.flac,00007-f000020,0.758214,"Da zeigte sich denn, daß der Hauptmann vergessen hatte, seine chronometrische Sekundenuhr aufzuziehen, das erstemal seit vielen Jahren; und sie schienen, wo nicht zu empfinden, doch zu ahnen, daß die Zeit anfange, ihnen gleichgültig zu werden.","And then it appeared that the Captain had forgotten, for the first time for many years, to wind up his chronometer; and they seemed, if not to feel, at least to have a dim perception that time was beginning to be indifferent to them."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_16.flac,00007-f000021,0.63125,"Indem so die Männer einigermaßen in ihrer Geschäftigkeit nachließen, wuchs vielmehr die Tätigkeit der Frauen.","In the meanwhile, as the gentlemen were thus rather slackening in their energy, the activity of the ladies in creased all the more."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_17.flac,00007-f000022,0.622566,"Überhaupt nimmt die gewöhnliche Lebensweise einer Familie, die aus den gegebenen Personen und aus notwendigen Umständen entspringt, auch wohl eine außerordentliche Neigung, eine werdende Leidenschaft in sich wie ein Gefäß auf, und es kann eine ziemliche Zeit vergehen, ehe dieses neue Ingrediens eine merkliche Gärung verursacht und schäumend über den Rand schwillt.","The everyday life of a family, which is composed of given persons, and is shaped out of necessary circumstances, may easily receive into itself an extraordinary affection, an incipient passion may re ceive it into itself as into a vessel; and a long time may elapse before the new ingredient produces a visible effer vescence, and runs foaming over the edge."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_18.flac,00007-f000023,0.7230770000000001,Bei unsern Freunden waren die entstehenden wechselseitigen Neigungen von der angenehmsten Wirkung.,"With our friends, the feelings which were mutually arising had the most agreeable effects."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_19.flac,00007-f000024,0.487912,"Die Gemüter öffneten sich, und ein allgemeines Wohlwollen entsprang aus dem besonderen.","Their dispositions opened out, and a general goodwill arose out of the sev eral individual affections."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_20.flac,00007-f000025,0.000487805,Jeder Teil fühlte sich glücklich und gönnte dem andern sein Glück.,"Every member of the party was happy; and they each shared their happiness with the rest Such a temper elevates the spirit, while it enlarges the heart, and everything which, under the influence of it, people do and undertake, has a tendency toward the illim itable."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_21.flac,00007-f000025,0.000487805,"Ein solcher Zustand erhebt den Geist, indem er das Herz erweitert, und alles, was man tut und vornimmt, hat eine Richtung gegen das Unermeßliche.","<MERGE> Every member of the party was happy; and they each shared their happiness with the rest Such a temper elevates the spirit, while it enlarges the heart, and everything which, under the influence of it, people do and undertake, has a tendency toward the illim itable."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_22.flac,00007-f000026,1.09444,So waren auch die Freunde nicht mehr in ihrer Wohnung befangen.,The friends could not remain any more shut up at home; their walks extended themselves further and further.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_23.flac,00007-f000027,0.752221,"Ihre Spaziergänge dehnten sich weiter aus, und wenn dabei Eduard mit Ottilien, die Pfade zu wählen, die Wege zu bahnen, vorauseilte, so folgte der Hauptmann mit Charlotten in bedeutender Unterhaltung, teilnehmend an manchem neuentdeckten Plätzchen, an mancher unerwarteten Aussicht, geruhig der Spur jener rascheren Vorgänger.","Edward would hurry on before with Ottilie, to choose the path or pioneer the way; and the Captain and Charlotte would follow quietly on the track of their Elective Affinities more hasty precursors, talking on some grave subject, or delighting themselves with some spot they had newly dis covered, or some unexpected natural beauty."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_24.flac,00007-f000028,0.5404260000000001,"Eines Tages leitete sie ihr Spaziergang durch die Schloßpforte des rechten Flügels hinunter nach dem Gasthofe, über die Brücke gegen die Teiche zu, an denen sie hingingen, soweit man gewöhnlich das Wasser verfolgte, dessen Ufer sodann, von einem buschigen Hügel und weiterhin von Felsen eingeschlossen, aufhörte, gangbar zu sein.","One day their walk led them down from the gate at the right wing of the castle, in the direction of the hotel, and thence over the bridge toward the ponds, along the sides of which they proceeded as far as it was generally thought possible to follow the water; thickly wooded hills sloping directly up from the edge, and beyond these a wall of steep rocks, making further progress difficult, if not im possible."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_25.flac,00007-f000029,0.627409,"Aber Eduard, dem von seinen Jagdwanderungen her die Gegend bekannt war, drang mit Ottilien auf einem bewachsenen Pfade weiter vor, wohl wissend, daß die alte, zwischen Felsen versteckte Mühle nicht weit abliegen konnte.","But Edward, whose hunting experience had made him thoroughly familiar with the spot, pushed forward along an overgrown path with Ottilie, knowing well that the old mill could not be far off, which was somewhere in the middle of the rocks there."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_26.flac,00007-f000030,0.833592,"Allein der wenig betretene Pfad verlor sich bald, und sie fanden sich im dichten Gebüsch zwischen moosigem Gestein verirrt, doch nicht lange; denn das Rauschen der Räder verkündigte ihnen sogleich die Nähe des gesuchten Ortes.","The path was so little frequented that they soon lost it; and for a short time they were wandering among mossy stones and thickets; it was not for long, however, the noise of the waterwheel speedily telling them that the place which they were looking for was close at hand."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_27.flac,00007-f000031,0.533525,"Auf eine Klippe vorwärts tretend, sahen sie das alte, schwarze, wunderliche Holzgebäude im Grunde vor sich, von steilen Felsen sowie von hohen Bäumen umschattet.","Stepping for ward on a point of rock, they saw the strange old, dark wooden building in the hollow before them, quite shad owed over with precipitous crags and huge trees."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_28.flac,00007-f000032,0.390769,"Sie entschlossen sich kurz und gut, über Moos und Felstrümmer hinabzusteigen, Eduard voran; und wenn er nun in die Höhe sah und Ottilie leicht schreitend, ohne Furcht und Ängstlichkeit, im schönsten Gleichgewicht von Stein zu Stein ihm folgte, glaubte er ein himmlisches Wesen zu sehen, das über ihm schwebte.",They determined directly to climb down amid the moss and the blocks of stone.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_29.flac,00007-f000034,0.628297,"Und wenn sie nun manchmal an unsicherer Stelle seine ausgestreckte Hand ergriff, ja sich auf seine Schulter stützte, dann konnte er sich nicht verleugnen, daß es das zarteste weibliche Wesen sei, das ihn berührte.","He almost wished that she might slip pr stumble, that he might catch her in his arms and press her to his heart."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_30.flac,00007-f000034,0.65964,"Fast hätte er gewünscht, sie möchte straucheln, gleiten, daß er sie in seine Arme auffangen, sie an sein Herz drücken könnte.","He almost wished that she might slip pr stumble, that he might catch her in his arms and press her to his heart."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_31.flac,00007-f000036,0.416876,"Doch dies hätte er unter keiner Bedingung getan, aus mehr als einer Ursache: er fürchtete sie zu beleidigen, sie zu beschädigen.","He was afraid to wound her, and he was afraid to do her some bodily injury."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_32.flac,00007-f000037,0.192308,"Wie dies gemeint sei, erfahren wir sogleich.","What the meaning of this could be, we shall immedi ately learn."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_33.flac,00007-f000038,0.814606,"Denn als er nun herabgelangt, ihr unter den hohen Bäumen am ländlichen Tische gegenübersaß, die freundliche Müllerin nach Milch, der bewillkommende Müller Charlotten und dem Hauptmann entgegen gesandt war, fing Eduard mit einigem Zaudern zu sprechen an.","When they had got down, and were seated opposite each other at a table under the trees, and when the miller's wife had gone for milk, and the miller, who had come out to them, was sent to meet Charlotte and the Captain, Edward, with a little embarrassment, began to speak : I have a request to make, dear Ottilie; you will for give me for asking it, if you will not grant it."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_34.flac,00007-f000039,0.762307,"Ich habe eine Bitte, liebe Ottilie; verzeihen Sie mir die, wenn Sie mir sie auch versagen!",You make no secret I am sure you need not make any that you wear a miniature under your dress against your breast.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_35.flac,00007-f000040,-0.08484850000000001,"Sie machen kein Geheimnis daraus, und es braucht es auch nicht, daß Sie unter Ihrem Gewand, auf Ihrer Brust ein Miniaturbild tragen.",It is the picture of your noble father.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_36.flac,00007-f000041,0.310329,"Es ist das Bild Ihres Vaters, des braven Mannes, den Sie kaum gekannt und der in jedem Sinne eine Stelle an Ihrem Herzen verdient.",You could hardly have known him; but in every sense he deserves a place by your heart.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_37.flac,00007-f000042,0.786279,"Aber vergeben Sie mir: das Bild ist ungeschickt groß, und dieses Metall, dieses Glas macht mir tausend Ängste, wenn Sie ein Kind in die Höhe heben, etwas vor sich hintragen, wenn die Kutsche schwankt, wenn wir durchs Gebüsch dringen, eben jetzt, wie wir vom Felsen herabstiegen.","Only, forgive me, the picture is exceed ingly large, and the metal frame and the glass, if you take up a child in your arms, if you are carrying anything, if the carriage swings violently, if we are pushing through bushes, or just now, as we were coming down these rocks cause me a thousand anxieties for you."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_38.flac,00007-f000043,0.720796,"Mir ist die Möglichkeit schrecklich, daß irgendein unvorgesehener Stoß, ein Fall, eine Berührung Ihnen schädlich und verderblich sein könnte.","Any unfore seen blow, a fall, a touch, may be fatally injurious to you; Elective Affinities and I am terrified at the possibility of it."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_39.flac,00007-f000044,0.456619,"Tun Sie es mir zuliebe, entfernen Sie das Bild, nicht aus Ihrem Andenken, nicht aus Ihrem Zimmer; ja geben Sie ihm den schönsten, den heiligsten Ort Ihrer Wohnung; nur von Ihrer Brust entfernen Sie etwas, dessen Nähe mir, vielleicht aus Übertriebener Ängstlichkeit, so gefährlich scheint!.Ottilie schwieg und hatte, während er sprach, vor sich hingesehen; dann, ohne Übereilung und ohne Zaudern, mit einem Blick mehr gen Himmel als auf Eduard gewendet, löste sie die Kette, zog das Bild hervor, drückte es gegen ihre Stirn und reichte es dem Freunde hin mit den Worten:","For my sake do this : put away the picture, not out of your affections, not out of your room; let it have the brightest, the holiest place which you can give it; only do not wear upon your breast a thing, the presence of which seems to me, per haps from an extravagant anxiety, so dangerous."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_40.flac,00007-f000045,-0.031722700000000006,"Heben Sie mir es auf, bis wir nach Hause kommen!","Ottilie said nothing, and while he was speaking she kept her eyes fixed straight before her; then, without hesitation, and without haste, with a look turned more toward heaven than on Edward, she unclasped the chain, drew out the picture, and pressed it against her forehead, and then reached it over to her friend, with the words : Do you keep it for me till we come home; I can not give you a better proof how deeply I thank you for your affectionate care."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_41.flac,00007-f000045,-0.031722700000000006,"Ich vermag Ihnen nicht besser zu bezeugen, wie sehr ich Ihre freundliche Sorgfalt zu schätzen weiß.","<MERGE> Ottilie said nothing, and while he was speaking she kept her eyes fixed straight before her; then, without hesitation, and without haste, with a look turned more toward heaven than on Edward, she unclasped the chain, drew out the picture, and pressed it against her forehead, and then reached it over to her friend, with the words : Do you keep it for me till we come home; I can not give you a better proof how deeply I thank you for your affectionate care."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_42.flac,00007-f000046,0.900954,"Der Freund wagte nicht, das Bild an seine Lippen zu drücken, aber er faßte ihre Hand und drückte sie an seine Augen.",He did not venture to press the picture to his lips; but he caught her hand and raised it to his eyes.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_43.flac,00007-f000047,0.5288729999999999,"Es waren vielleicht die zwei schönsten Hände, die sich jemals zusammenschlossen.","They were, perhaps, two of the most beautiful hands which had ever been clasped together."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_45.flac,00007-f000049,0.916931,"Vom Müller geführt, langten Charlotte und der Hauptmann auf einem bequemeren Pfade herunter.","Under the miller's guidance, Charlotte and the Captain came down by an easier path, and now joined them."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_46.flac,00007-f000050,0.493333,"Man begrüßte sich, man erfreute und erquickte sich.","There was the meeting, and a happy talk, and then they took some refreshments."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_47.flac,00007-f000051,0.4435060000000001,"Zurück wollte man denselben Weg nicht kehren, und Eduard schlug einen Felspfad auf der andern Seite des Baches vor, auf welchem die Teiche wieder zu Gesicht kamen, indem man ihn mit einiger Anstrengung zurücklegte.","They would not return by the same way as they came; and Edward struck into a rocky path on the other side of the stream, from which the ponds were again to be seen."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_48.flac,00007-f000052,0.608874,"Nun durchstrich man abwechselndes Gehölz und erblickte nach dem Lande zu mancherlei Dörfer, Flecken, Meiereien mit ihren grünen und fruchtbaren Umgebungen; zunächst ein Vorwerk, das an der Höhe mitten im Holze gar vertraulich lag.","They made their way along it, with some effort, and then had to cross a variety of Elective Affinities wood and copse getting glimpses, on the land side, of a number of villages and manorhouses, with their green lawns and fruitgardens; while very near them, and sweetly situated on a rising ground, a farm lay in the middle of the wood."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_49.flac,00007-f000053,0.611399,"Am schönsten zeigte sich der größte Reichtum der Gegend, vor und rückwärts, auf der sanfterstiegenen Höhe, von da man zu einem lustigen Wäldchen gelangte und beim Heraustreten aus demselben sich auf dem Felsen dem Schlosse gegenüber befand.","From a gentle ascent, they had a view, before and behind, which showed them the richness of the country to the greatest advantage; and then, enter ing a grove of trees, they found themselves, on again emerging from it, on the rock opposite the castle."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_50.flac,00007-f000054,0.557473,"Wie froh waren sie, als sie daselbst gewissermaßen unvermutet ankamen!","They came upon it rather unexpectedly, and were of course delighted."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_51.flac,00007-f000055,1.07226,"Sie hatten eine kleine Welt umgangen; sie standen auf dem Platze, wo das neue Gebäude hinkommen sollte, und sahen wieder in die Fenster ihrer Wohnung.","They had made the circuit of a little world; they were standing on the spot where the new building was to be erected, and were looking again at the windows of their own home."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_52.flac,00007-f000056,0.145083,Man stieg zur Mooshütte hinunter und saß zum erstenmal darin zu vieren.,"They went down to the summerhouse, and sat all four in it for the first time together; nothing was more natural than that with one voice it should be proposed to have the way they had been that day, and which, as it was, had taken them much time and trouble, properly laid out and graveled, so that people might loiter along it at their leisure."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_53.flac,00007-f000056,0.145083,"Nichts war natürlicher, als daß einstimmig der Wunsch ausgesprochen wurde, dieser heutige Weg, den sie langsam und nicht ohne Beschwerlichkeit gemacht, möchte dergestalt geführt und eingerichtet werden, daß man ihn gesellig, schlendernd und mit Behaglichkeit zurücklegen könnte.","<MERGE> They went down to the summerhouse, and sat all four in it for the first time together; nothing was more natural than that with one voice it should be proposed to have the way they had been that day, and which, as it was, had taken them much time and trouble, properly laid out and graveled, so that people might loiter along it at their leisure."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_54.flac,00007-f000057,0.606429,"Jedes tat Vorschläge, und man berechnete, daß der Weg, zu welchem sie mehrere Stunden gebraucht hatten, wohlgebahnt in einer Stunde zum Schloß zurückführen müßte.","They each said what they thought; and they reckoned up that the circuit, over which they had taken many hours, might be traveled easily with a good road all the way round to the castle, in a single one."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_55.flac,00007-f000058,0.0948849,"Schon legte man in Gedanken unterhalb der Mühle, wo der Bach in die Teiche fließt, eine wegverkürzende und die Landschaft zierende Brücke an, als Charlotte der erfindenden Einbildungskraft einigen Stillstand gebot, indem sie an die Kosten erinnerte, welche zu einem solchen Unternehmen erforderlich sein würden.","Already a plan was being suggested for making the distance shorter, and adding a fresh beauty to the land scape, by throwing a bridge across the stream, below the mill, where it ran into the lake; when Charlotte brought their inventive imagination somewhat to a standstill by Elective Affinities putting them in mind of the expense which such an under taking would involve."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_56.flac,00007-f000058,0.0948849,"Hier ist auch zu helfen, versetzte Eduard.","<MERGE> Already a plan was being suggested for making the distance shorter, and adding a fresh beauty to the land scape, by throwing a bridge across the stream, below the mill, where it ran into the lake; when Charlotte brought their inventive imagination somewhat to a standstill by Elective Affinities putting them in mind of the expense which such an under taking would involve."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_57.flac,00007-f000059,0.8244360000000001,"Jenes Vorwerk im Walde, das so schön zu liegen scheint und so wenig einträgt, dürfen wir nur veräußern und das daraus Gelöste zu diesen Anlagen verwenden, so genießen wir vergnüglich auf einem unschätzbaren Spaziergange die Interessen eines wohlangelegten Kapitals, da wir jetzt mit Mißmut, bei letzter Berechnung am Schlusse des Jahrs, eine kümmerliche Einnahme davon ziehen.","There are ways of meeting that too' replied Edward; we have only to dispose of that farm in the forest which is so pleasantly situated, and which brings in so little in the way of rent : the sum which will be set free will more than cover what we shall require, and thus, having gained an invaluable walk, we shall receive the interest of well expended capital in substantial enjoyment instead of, as now, in the summing up at the end of the year, vexing and fretting ourselves over the pitiful little income which is returned for it."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_58.flac,00007-f000060,0.548137,Charlotte selbst konnte als gute Haushälterin nicht viel dagegen erinnern.,"Even Charlotte, with all her prudence, had little to urge against this."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_59.flac,00007-f000061,0.2,Die Sache war schon früher zur Sprache gekommen.,"There had been, indeed, a previous inten tion of selling the farm."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_60.flac,00007-f000062,0.617857,Nun wollte der Hauptmann einen Plan zu Zerschlagung der Grundstücke unter die Waldbauern machen;,The Captain was ready imme diately with a plan for breaking up the ground into small portions among the peasantry of the forest.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_61.flac,00007-f000064,0.381333,Eduard aber wollte kürzer und bequemer verfahren wissen.,"To bring it all before themselves with greater fulness pf detail, in the evening they produced the new chart."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_62.flac,00007-f000065,0.508761,"Der gegenwärtige Pachter, der schon Vorschläge getan hatte, sollte es erhalten, terminweise zahlen, und so terminweise wollte man die planmäßigen Anlagen von Strecke zu Strecke vornehmen.","Elective Affinities With the help of this they went over again the way that they had come, and found various places where the walk might take a rather different direction with advantage."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_63.flac,00007-f000066,0.497368,"So eine vernünftige, gemäßigte Einrichtung mußte durchaus Beifall finden, und schon sah die ganze Gesellschaft im Geiste die neuen Wege sich schlängeln, auf denen und in deren Nähe man noch die angenehmsten Ruhe und Aussichtsplätze zu entdecken hoffte.","Their other scheme was now once more talked through, and connected with the fresh design."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_64.flac,00007-f000066,0.432237,"Um sich alles mehr im einzelnen zu vergegenwärtigen, nahm man abends zu Hause sogleich die neue Karte vor.","Their other scheme was now once more talked through, and connected with the fresh design."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_65.flac,00007-f000067,0.664211,Man übersah den zurückgelegten Weg und wie er vielleicht an einigen Stellen noch vorteilhafter zu führen wäre.,"The site for the new house in the park, opposite the castle, was a second time examined into and approved, and fixed upon for the termination of the intended circuit."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_66.flac,00007-f000069,0.389201,"Alle früheren Vorsätze wurden nochmals durchgesprochen und mit den neuesten Gedanken verbunden, der Platz des neuen Hauses gegen dem Schloß über nochmals gebilligt und der Kreislauf der Wege bis dahin abgeschlossen.","At length Ed ward pushed the chart, which had hitherto been lying be fore Charlotte, across to her, begging her to give her opinion; she still hesitated for a moment."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_67.flac,00007-f000070,0.612634,"Ottilie hatte zu dem allen geschwiegen, als Eduard zuletzt den Plan, der bisher vor Charlotten gelegen, vor sie hinwandte und sie zugleich einlud, ihre Meinung zu sagen, und, als sie einen Augenblick anhielt, sie liebevoll ermunterte, doch ja nicht zu schweigen; alles sei ja noch gleichgültig, alles noch im Werden.",Edward in his gentlest way again pressed her to let them know what she thought nothing had as yet been settled it was all as yet in embryo.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_68.flac,00007-f000071,0.434043,"Ich würde, sagte Ottilie, indem sie den Finger auf die höchste Fläche der Anhöhe setzte, das Haus hieher bauen.","I would have the house built here, she said, as she pointed with her finger to the highest point of the slope on the hill."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_70.flac,00007-f000074,0.4625,Sie hat recht! rief Eduard.,She is right' Edward cried; how could we have overlooked it ?
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_71.flac,00007-f000075,1.11843,Wie konnte uns das nicht einfallen!,"This is what you mean, Ottilie, is it not ?"
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_72.flac,00007-f000076,-0.061764699999999985,"Nicht wahr, so ist es gemeint, Ottilie?","He took a lead pencil, and drew a great black rectangular figure on the summit of the mill."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_73.flac,00007-f000077,0.731912,Er nahm einen Bleistift und strich ein längliches Viereck recht stark und derb auf die Anhöhe.,It went through the Captain's soul to see his carefully Elective Affinities and clearly drawn chart disfigured in such a way.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_75.flac,00007-f000080,0.154658,Wir verlangen Abwechselung und fremde Gegenstände.,"Your ancestors showed their judgment in the spot which they chose for the castle; for it is sheltered from the wind, with the conveniences of life close at hand."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_76.flac,00007-f000081,0.432039,"Das Schloß haben die Alten mit Vernunft hieher gebaut denn es liegt geschützt vor den Winden und nah an allen täglichen Bedürfnissen; ein Gebäude hingegen, mehr zum geselligen Aufenthalt als zur Wohnung, wird sich dorthin recht wohl schicken und in der guten Jahrszeit die angenehmsten Stunden gewähren.","A place, on the contrary, which is more for pleasure parties than for a regular residence, may be very well yonder there, and in the fair time of year the most agreeable hours may be spent there."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_77.flac,00007-f000082,0.795126,"Je mehr man die Sache durchsprach, desto günstiger erschien sie, und Eduard konnte seinen Triumph nicht bergen, daß Ottilie den Gedanken gehabt.","The more they talked it over, the more conclusive was their judgment in favor of Ottilie; and Edward could not conceal his triumph that the thought had been hers."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.7_78.flac,00007-f000083,1.11538,"Er war so stolz darauf, als ob die Erfindung sein gewesen wäre.",He was as proud as if he had hit upon it himself.
alignments/108/00008-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_1.flac,00008-f000003,-0.042792800000000006,Es fehlte nicht an der nötigen Vorbereitung.,"It cost him a good deal of labor, and the business connected with the sale of the farm had to be gone into, so that both the gentle men now found a fresh impulse to activity."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_2.flac,00008-f000003,-0.042792800000000006,Jenes Geschäft wegen Verkauf des Vorwerks ward auch sogleich wieder angegriffen.,"<MERGE> It cost him a good deal of labor, and the business connected with the sale of the farm had to be gone into, so that both the gentle men now found a fresh impulse to activity."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_3.flac,00008-f000003,-0.042792800000000006,Die Männer fanden zusammen neuen Anlaß zur Tätigkeit.,"<MERGE> It cost him a good deal of labor, and the business connected with the sale of the farm had to be gone into, so that both the gentle men now found a fresh impulse to activity."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_4.flac,00008-f000004,0.666241,"Der Hauptmann machte Eduarden bemerklich, daß es eine Artigkeit, ja wohl gar eine Schuldigkeit sei, Charlottens Geburtstag durch Legung des Grundsteins zu feiern.","The Captain made Edward observe that it would be proper indeed, that it would be a kind of duty to cele brate Charlotte's birthday with laying the foundation stone."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_5.flac,00008-f000005,0.558443,"Es bedurfte nicht viel, die alte Abneigung Eduards gegen solche Feste zu überwinden; denn es kam ihm schnell in den Sinn, Ottiliens Geburtstag, der später fiel, gleichfalls recht feierlich zu begehen.","Not much was wanted to overcome Edward's dis inclination for such festivities for he quickly recollected that a little later Ottilie's birthday would follow, and that he could have a magnificent celebration for that."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_6.flac,00008-f000006,0.610345,"Charlotte, der die neuen Anlagen, und was deshalb geschehen sollte, bedeutend, ernstlich, ja fast bedenklich vorkamen, beschäftigte sich damit, die Anschläge, Zeit und Geldeinteilungen nochmals für sich durchzugehen.","Charlotte, to whom all this work and what it would involve was a subject for much serious and almost anx ious thought, busied herself in carefully going through the time and outlay which it was calculated would be ex pended on it."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_7.flac,00008-f000007,0.714286,"Man sah sich des Tages weniger, und mit desto mehr Verlangen suchte man sich des Abends auf.","During the day they rarely saw each other, so that the evening meeting was looked forward to with all the more anxiety."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_8.flac,00008-f000008,0.95873,"Ottilie war indessen schon völlig Herrin des Haushaltes, und wie konnte es anders sein bei ihrem stillen und sichern Betragen.","Elective Affinities Ottilie meantime was complete mistress of the house hold and how could it be otherwise, with her quick methodical ways of working?"
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_9.flac,00008-f000009,0.683284,"Auch war ihre ganze Sinnesweise dem Hause und dem Häuslichen mehr als der Welt, mehr als dem Leben im Freien zugewendet.","Indeed, her whole mode of thought was suited better to home life than to the world, and to a more free existence."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_10.flac,00008-f000010,0.268061,"Eduard bemerkte bald, daß sie eigentlich nur aus Gefälligkeit in die Gegend mitging, daß sie nur aus geselliger Pflicht abends länger draußen verweilte, auch wohl manchmal einen Vorwand häuslicher Tätigkeit suchte, um wieder hineinzugehen.","Edward soon ob served that she only walked about with them out of a desire to please; that when she stayed out late with them in the evening it was because she thought it a sort of social duty, and that she would often find a pretext in some household matter for going in again consequently he soon managed so to arrange the walks which they took together that they should be at home before sunset; and he began again, what he had long left off, to read aloud poetry particularly such as had for its subject the expression of a pure but passionate love."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_11.flac,00008-f000010,0.268061,"Sehr bald wußte er daher die gemeinschaftlichen Wanderungen so einzurichten, daß man vor Sonnenuntergang wieder zu Hause war, und fing an, was er lange unterlassen hatte, Gedichte vorzulesen, solche besonders, in deren Vortrag der Ausdruck einer reinen, doch leidenschaftlichen Liebe zu legen war.","<MERGE> Edward soon ob served that she only walked about with them out of a desire to please; that when she stayed out late with them in the evening it was because she thought it a sort of social duty, and that she would often find a pretext in some household matter for going in again consequently he soon managed so to arrange the walks which they took together that they should be at home before sunset; and he began again, what he had long left off, to read aloud poetry particularly such as had for its subject the expression of a pure but passionate love."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_12.flac,00008-f000011,0.254412,Gewöhnlich saßen sie abends um einen kleinen Tisch auf hergebrachten Plätzen:,"They ordinarily sat in the evening in the same places round a small table Charlotte on the sofa, Ottilie on a chair opposite to her, and the gentlemen on each side."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_13.flac,00008-f000012,-0.00948795,"Charlotte auf dem Sofa, Ottilie auf einem Sessel gegen ihr über, und die Männer nahmen die beiden andern Seiten ein.","Ottilie's place was on Edward's right, the side where he put the candle when he was reading at such times she would draw her chair a little nearer to look over him, for Ottilie also trusted her own eyes better than another person's lips, and Edward would then always make a move toward her, that it might be as easy as possible for her indeed, he would frequently make longer stops than necessary, that he might not turn over before she had got to the bottom of the page."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_14.flac,00008-f000012,-0.00948795,"Ottilie saß zu Eduarden zur Rechten, wohin er auch das Licht schob, wenn er las.","<MERGE> Ottilie's place was on Edward's right, the side where he put the candle when he was reading at such times she would draw her chair a little nearer to look over him, for Ottilie also trusted her own eyes better than another person's lips, and Edward would then always make a move toward her, that it might be as easy as possible for her indeed, he would frequently make longer stops than necessary, that he might not turn over before she had got to the bottom of the page."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_15.flac,00008-f000013,0.23438,"Alsdann rückte sich Ottilie wohl näher, um ins Buch zu sehen, denn auch sie traute ihren eigenen Augen mehr als fremden Lippen; und Eduard gleichfalls rückte zu, um es ihr auf alle Weise bequem zu machen, ja er hielt oft längere Pausen als nötig, damit er nur nicht eher umwendete, bis auch sie zu Ende der Seite gekommen. Charlotte und der Hauptmann bemerkten es wohl und sahen manchmal einander lächelnd an; doch wurden beide von einem andern Zeichen überrascht, in welchem sich Ottiliens stille Neigung gelegentlich offenbarte.","Charlotte and the Captain observed this, and exchanged many a quiet smile at it; but they were both taken by Elective Affinities surprise at arfotner symptom, in which Ottilie's latent feel ing accidentally displayed itself."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_16.flac,00008-f000014,0.45365,"An einem Abende, welcher der kleinen Gesellschaft durch einen lästigen Besuch zum Teil verloren gegangen, tat Eduard den Vorschlag, noch beisammen zu bleiben.","One evening, which had been partly spoiled for them by a tedious visit, Edward proposed that they should not separate so early he felt inclined for music he would take his flute, which he had not done for many days past."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_17.flac,00008-f000015,0.286047,"Er fühlte sich aufgelegt, seine Flöte vorzunehmen, welche lange nicht an die Tagesordnung gekommen war.","Charlotte looked for the sonatas which they generally played together, and they were not to be found."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_18.flac,00008-f000016,0.589286,"Charlotte suchte nach den Sonaten, die sie zusammen gewöhnlich auszuführen pflegten, und da sie nicht zu finden waren, gestand Ottilie nach einigem Zaudern, daß sie solche mit auf ihr Zimmer genommen.","Ottilie, with some hesitation, said that they were in her room she had taken them there to copy them."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_19.flac,00008-f000017,0.441057,"Und Sie können, Sie wollen mich auf dem Flügel begleiten? rief Eduard, dem die Augen vor Freude glänzten.","And you can, you will, accompany me on the piano? cried Edward, his eyes sparkling with pleasure."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_20.flac,00008-f000018,0.197143,"Ich glaube wohl, versetzte Ottilie, daß es gehen wird.","I think perhaps I can, Ottilie answered."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_21.flac,00008-f000019,0.818788,Sie brachte die Noten herbei und setzte sich ans Klavier.,She brought the music and sat down to the instrument.
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_22.flac,00008-f000020,0.680264,"Die Zuhörenden waren aufmerksam und überrascht, wie vollkommen Ottilie das Musikstück für sich selbst eingelernt hatte, aber noch mehr überrascht, wie sie es der Spielart Eduards anzupassen wußte.","The others listened, and were sufficiently surprised to hear how per fectly Ottilie had taught herself the piece but far more surprised were they at the way in which she contrived to adapt herself to Edward's style of playing."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_23.flac,00008-f000021,0.172756,"Anzupassen wußte ist nicht der rechte Ausdruck; denn wenn es von Charlottens Geschicklichkeit und freiem Willen abhing, ihrem bald zögernden, bald voreilenden Gatten zuliebe hier anzuhalten, dort mitzugehen, so schien Ottilie, welche die Sonate von jenen einigemal spielen gehört, sie nur in dem Sinne eingelernt zu haben, wie jener sie begleitete.","Adapt her self is not the right expression Charlotte's skill and power enabled her, in order to please her husband, to keep up with him when he went too fast, and hold in for him if he hesitated; but Ottilie, who had several times heard them play the sonata together, seemed to have learned it according to the idea in which they accom panied each other she had so completely made his de fects her own that a kind of living whole resulted from it, which did not move indeed according to exact rule, but the effect of which was in the highest degree pleasant and delightful."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_24.flac,00008-f000021,0.172756,"Sie hatte seine Mängel so zu den ihrigen gemacht, daß daraus wieder eine Art von lebendigem Ganzen entsprang, das sich zwar nicht taktgemäß bewegte, aber doch höchst angenehm und gefällig lautete.","<MERGE> Adapt her self is not the right expression Charlotte's skill and power enabled her, in order to please her husband, to keep up with him when he went too fast, and hold in for him if he hesitated; but Ottilie, who had several times heard them play the sonata together, seemed to have learned it according to the idea in which they accom panied each other she had so completely made his de fects her own that a kind of living whole resulted from it, which did not move indeed according to exact rule, but the effect of which was in the highest degree pleasant and delightful."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_25.flac,00008-f000022,0.9190790000000001,"Der Komponist selbst hätte seine Freude daran gehabt, sein Werk auf eine so liebevolle Weise entstellt zu sehen.",The composer himself would have been Elective Affinities pleased to hear his work disfigured in a manner so charming.
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_26.flac,00008-f000023,0.734274,"Auch diesem wundersamen, unerwarteten Begegnis sahen der Hauptmann und Charlotte stillschweigend mit einer Empfindung zu, wie man oft kindische Handlungen betrachtet, die man wegen ihrer besorglichen Folgen gerade nicht billigt und doch nicht schelten kann, ja vielleicht beneiden muß.","Charlotte and the Captain watched this strange unex pected occurrence in silence, with the kind of feeling with which we often observe the actions of children unable exactly to approve of them, from the serious consequences which may follow, and yet without being able to find fault, perhaps with a kind of envy."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_27.flac,00008-f000024,0.725291,"Denn eigentlich war die Neigung dieser beiden ebensogut im Wachsen als jene, und vielleicht nur noch gefährlicher dadurch, daß beide ernster, sicherer von sich selbst, sich zu halten fähiger waren.","For, indeed, the regard of these two for one another was growing also, as well as that of the others and it was perhaps only the more perilous because they were both stronger, more cer tain of themselves, and better able to restrain themselves."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_28.flac,00008-f000025,0.463574,"Schon fing der Hauptmann an zu fühlen, daß eine unwiderstehliche Gewohnheit ihn an Charlotten zu fesseln drohte.",The Captain had already begun to feel that a habit which he could not resist was threatening to bind him to Charlotte.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_29.flac,00008-f000026,0.683507,"Er gewann es über sich, den Stunden auszuweichen, in denen Charlotte nach den Anlagen zu kommen pflegte, indem er schon am frühsten Morgen aufstand, alles anordnete und sich dann zur Arbeit auf seinen Flügel ins Schloß zurückzog.","He forced himself to stay away at the hour when she commonly used to be at the works; by getting up very early in the morning he contrived to finish there whatever he had to do, and went back to the castle to his work in his own room."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_31.flac,00008-f000031,0.45587,Zum neuen Hause oben war auch schon der Keller mehr gebrochen als gegraben und ein schöner Grundstein mit Fächern und Deckplatten zugehauen.,"The excavations for the new house were already done; the rock was blown away with gunpowder; and a fair foun dationstone had been hewn, with a hollow chamber, and a flat slab adjusted to cover it."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_33.flac,00008-f000034,0.881159,"Der Hauptmann konnte dem allgemeinen Verlangen nicht widerstehen, und so führten beide mit Empfindung, Behagen und Freiheit eins der schwersten Musikstücke zusammen auf, daß es ihnen und dem zuhörenden Paar zum größten Vergnügen gereichte.","The Captain was unable to refuse the general request, and they executed together one of the most difficult pieces of music with an ease, and freedom, and feeling, which could not but afford themselves, and the two who were listening to them, the greatest delight."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_34.flac,00008-f000035,0.531638,Man versprach sich öftere Wiederholung und mehrere Zusammenübung.,"They promised themselves a frequent repetition of it, as well as further practise together."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_35.flac,00008-f000036,0.593333,"Sie machen es besser als wir, Ottilie! sagte Eduard.","They do it better than we, Ottilie, said Edward; we will admire them but we can enjoy ourselves together too."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.8_36.flac,00008-f000036,0.642857,"Wir wollen sie bewundern, aber uns doch zusammen freuen.","They do it better than we, Ottilie, said Edward; we will admire them but we can enjoy ourselves together too."
alignments/108/00009-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_0.flac,00009-f000003,0.645558,"Der Geburtstag war herbeigekommen und alles fertig geworden: die ganze Mauer, die den Dorfweg gegen das Wasser zu einfaßte und erhöhte, ebenso der Weg an der Kirche vorbei, wo er eine Zeitlang in dem von Charlotten angelegten Pfade fortlief, sich dann die Felsen hinaufwärts schlang, die Mooshütte links über sich, dann nach einer völligen Wendung links unter sich ließ und so allmählich auf die Höhe gelangte.","The wall was all complete which protected the raised village road against the water, and so was the walk; pass ing the church, for a short time it followed the path which had been laid out by Charlotte, and then, winding upward among the rocks, inclined first under the summerhouse to the right, and then, after a wide sweep, passed back above it to the right again, and so by degrees out on to the summit."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_1.flac,00009-f000004,0.5564100000000001,Es hatte sich diesen Tag viel Gesellschaft eingefunden.,A large party had assembled for the occasion.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_2.flac,00009-f000005,0.402857,"Man ging zur Kirche, wo man die Gemeinde im festlichen Schmuck versammelt antraf.","They went first to church, where they found the whole congre gation collected together in their holiday dresses."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_3.flac,00009-f000006,0.169397,"Nach dem Gottesdienste zogen die Knaben, Jünglinge und Männer, wie es angeordnet war, voraus; dann kam die Herrschaft mit ihrem Besuch und Gefolge;","After service, they filed out in order; first the boys, then the young men, then the old: after them came the party from the castle, with their visitors and retinue; and the village maidens, young girls, and women, brought up the rear."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_4.flac,00009-f000006,0.169397,"Mädchen, Jungfrauen und Frauen machten den Beschluß.","<MERGE> After service, they filed out in order; first the boys, then the young men, then the old: after them came the party from the castle, with their visitors and retinue; and the village maidens, young girls, and women, brought up the rear."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_5.flac,00009-f000007,0.891589,Bei der Wendung des Weges war ein erhöhter Felsenplatz eingerichtet; dort ließ der Hauptmann Charlotten und die Gäste ausruhen.,"At the turn of the walk, a raised stone seat had been contrived, where the Captain made Charlotte and the vis itors stop and rest."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_6.flac,00009-f000008,0.676389,"Hier übersahen sie den ganzen Weg, die hinaufgeschrittene Männerschar, die nachwandelnden Frauen, welche nun vorbeizogen.","From here they could see over the whole distance from the beginning to the end the troops of men who had gone up before them, the file of women Elective Affinities following, and now drawing up to where they were."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_7.flac,00009-f000009,0.8538459999999999,Es war bei dem herrlichen Wetter ein wunderschöner Anblick.,"It was lovely weather, and the whole effect was singularly beautiful."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_8.flac,00009-f000010,0.749696,"Charlotte fühlte sich überrascht, gerührt und drückte dem Hauptmann herzlich die Hand.","Charlotte was taken by surprise, she was touched, and she pressed the Captain's hand warmly."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_9.flac,00009-f000011,0.936054,"Man folgte der sachte fortschreitenden Menge, die nun schon einen Kreis um den künftigen Hausraum gebildet hatte.","They followed the crowd who had slowly ascended, and were now forming a circle round the spot where the future house was to stand."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_10.flac,00009-f000012,0.627451,"Der Bauherr, die Seinigen und die vornehmsten Gäste wurden eingeladen, in die Tiefe hinabzusteigen, wo der Grundstein, an einer Seite unterstützt, eben zum Niederlassen bereit lag.","The lord of the castle, his family, and the principal strangers were now invited to descend into the vault, where the foundationstone, sup ported on one side, lay ready to be let down."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_11.flac,00009-f000013,0.90194,"Ein wohlgeputzter Maurer, die Kelle in der einen, den Hammer in der andern Hand, hielt in Reimen eine anmutige Rede, die wir in Prosa nur unvollkommen wiedergeben können.","A well dressed mason, a trowel in one hand and a hammer in the other, came forward, and with much grace spoke an address in verse, of which in prose we can give but an imperfect rendering."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_12.flac,00009-f000014,0.626016,"Drei Dinge, fing er an, sind bei einem Gebäude zu beachten: daß es am rechten Fleck stehe, daß es wohl gegründet, daß es vollkommen ausgeführt sei.","Three things, he began, are to be looked to in a building that it stand on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_13.flac,00009-f000015,-0.172368,"Das erste ist eigentlich die Sache des Bauherrn; denn wie in der Stadt nur der Fürst und die Gemeine bestimmen können, wohin gebaut werden soll, so ist es auf dem Lande das Vorrecht des Grundherrn, daß er sage: hier soll meine Wohnung stehen und nirgends anders.",The first is the business of the master of the house his and his only.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_14.flac,00009-f000016,1.00433,"Eduard und Ottilie wagten nicht, bei diesen Worten einander anzusehen, ob sie gleich nahe gegen einander über standen.","As in the city the prince and the council alone determine where a building shall be, so in the country it is the right of the lord of the soil that he shall say, 'Here my dwelling shall stand; here, and nowhere else ' Edward and Ottilie were standing opposite one an other, as these words were spoken; but they did not venture to look up and exchange glances."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_15.flac,00009-f000017,0.584755,"Das dritte, die Vollendung, ist die Sorge gar vieler Gewerke; ja wenige sind, die nicht dabei beschäftigt wären.","To the third, the execution, there is neither art nor handicraft which must not in some way contribute."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_16.flac,00009-f000018,0.6966359999999999,"Aber das zweite, die Gründung, ist des Maurers Angelegenheit und, daß wir es nur keck heraussagen, die Hauptangelegenheit des ganzen Unternehmens.","But the second, the founding, is the province of the mason; and, boldly to speak it out, it is the head and front of all Elective Affinities the undertaking a solemn thing it is and our bidding you descend hither is full of meaning."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_17.flac,00009-f000019,0.25,"Es ist ein ernstes Geschäft, und unsre Einladung ist ernsthaft; denn diese Feierlichkeit wird in der Tiefe begangen.",You are celebrating your Festival in the deep of the earth.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_18.flac,00009-f000020,0.520185,"Hier innerhalb dieses engen, ausgegrabenen Raums erweisen Sie uns die Ehre, als Zeugen unseres geheimnisvollen Geschäftes zu erscheinen.",Here within this small hollow spot; you show us the honor of appearing as witnesses of our mysterious craft.
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_19.flac,00009-f000021,0.979345,"Gleich werden wir diesen wohlzugehauenen Stein niederlegen, und bald werden diese mit schönen und würdigen Personen gezierten Erdwände nicht mehr zugänglich, sie werden ausgefüllt sein.","Presently we shall lower down this carefully hewn stone into its place; and soon these earthwalls, now ornamented with fair and worthy persons, will be no more accessible but will be closed in forever!"
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_20.flac,00009-f000022,0.441934,"Diesen Grundstein, der mit seiner Ecke die rechte Ecke des Gebäudes, mit seiner Rechtwinkligkeit die Regelmäßigkeit desselben, mit seiner wasser und senkrechten Lage Lot und Waage aller Mauern und Wände bezeichnet, könnten wir ohne weiteres niederlegen; denn er ruhte wohl auf seiner eignen Schwere. Aber auch hier soll es am Kalk, am Bindungsmittel nicht fehlen; denn so wie Menschen, die einander von Natur geneigt sind, noch besser zusammenhalten, wenn das Gesetz sie verkittet, so werden auch Steine, deren Form schon zusammenpaßt, noch besser durch diese bindenden Kräfte vereinigt; und da es sich nicht ziemen will, unter den Tätigen müßig zu sein, so werden Sie nicht verschmähen, auch hier Mitarbeiter zu werden.","This foundationstone, which with its angles typifies the just angles of the building, with the sharpness of its molding, the regularity of it, and with the truth of its lines to the horizontal and perpendicular, the uprightness and equal height of all the walls, we might now without more ado let down it would rest in its place with its own weight."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_21.flac,00009-f000023,0.381593,"Er überreichte hierauf seine Kelle Charlotten, welche damit Kalk unter den Stein warf.",But even here there shall not fail of lime and means to bind it.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_22.flac,00009-f000025,0.901686,"Mehreren wurde ein Gleiches zu tun angesonnen und der Stein alsobald niedergesenkt, worauf denn Charlotten und den übrigen sogleich der Hammer gereicht wurde, um durch ein dreimaliges Pochen die Verbindung des Steins mit dem Grunde ausdrücklich zu segnen.","It is not seemly to be idle among the working, and here you will not refuse to be our fel lowlaborer with these words he reached the trowel to Charlotte, who threw mortar with it under the stone several of the others were then desired to do the same, and then it was at once let fall."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_23.flac,00009-f000025,0.689577,"Des Maurers Arbeit, fuhr der Redner fort, zwar jetzt unter freiem Himmel, geschieht, wo nicht immer im Verborgnen, doch zum Verborgnen.","It is not seemly to be idle among the working, and here you will not refuse to be our fel lowlaborer with these words he reached the trowel to Charlotte, who threw mortar with it under the stone several of the others were then desired to do the same, and then it was at once let fall."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_24.flac,00009-f000026,0.955,"Der regelmäßig aufgeführte Grund wird verschüttet, und sogar bei den Mauern, die wir am Tage aufführen, ist man unser am Ende kaum eingedenk.","Upon which the hammer was placed next in Charlotte's, and then in the others' hands, to strike three times with it, and conclude, in this expression, the wedlock of the stone with the earth."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_25.flac,00009-f000029,0.823507,"Die Arbeiten des Steinmetzen und Bildhauers fallen mehr in die Augen, und wir müssen es sogar noch gutheißen, wenn der Tüncher die Spur unserer Hände völlig auslöscht und sich unser Werk zueignet, indem er es überzieht, glättet und färbt.","The works of the stonecutter and the carver remain under the eyes; but for us it is not to complain when the plasterer blots out the last trace of our hands, and appropriates our work to himself; when he overlays it, and smooths it, and colors it."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_26.flac,00009-f000030,0.411685,"Wem muß also mehr daran gelegen sein, das, was er tut, sich selbst recht zu machen, indem er es recht macht, als dem Maurer?","Not from regard for the opinion of others, but from respect for himself, the mason will be faithful in his call ing."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_27.flac,00009-f000031,0.737455,Wer hat mehr als er das Selbstbewußtsein zu nähren Ursach?,There is none who has more need to feel in himself the consciousness of what he is.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_28.flac,00009-f000032,0.891065,"Wenn das Haus aufgeführt, der Boden geplattet und gepflastert, die Außenseite mit Zieraten überdeckt ist, so sieht er durch alle Hüllen immer noch hinein und erkennt noch jene regelmäßigen, sorgfältigen Fugen, denen das Ganze sein Dasein und seinen Halt zu danken hat.","When the house is fin ished, when the soil is smoothed, and the surface plastered over, and the outside all overwrought with ornament, he can even see in yet through all disguises, and still recog nize those exact and careful adjustments, to which the whole is indebted for its being and for its persistence."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_29.flac,00009-f000033,0.8978079999999999,"Aber wie jeder, der eine Übeltat begangen, fürchten muß, daß, ungeachtet alles Abwehrens, sie dennoch ans Licht kommen werde, so muß derjenige erwarten, der insgeheim das Gute getan, daß auch dieses wider seinen Willen an den Tag komme.","But as the man who commits some evil deed has to fear that, notwithstanding all precautions, it will one day come to light so too must he expect who has done some good thing in secret that it also, in spite of himself, will appear in the day; and therefore we make this foundation stone at the same time a stone of memorial."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_30.flac,00009-f000035,0.633333,Deswegen machen wir diesen Grundstein zugleich zum Denkstein.,"We have coins too of many kinds, from the mint of the current year."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_31.flac,00009-f000036,0.429032,Hier in diese unterschiedlichen gehauenen Vertiefungen soll verschiedenes eingesenkt werden zum Zeugnis für eine entfernte Nachwelt.,All this we have received through the liberality of him for whom we build.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_32.flac,00009-f000038,-0.0101766,"Diese metallnen zugelöteten Köcher enthalten schriftliche Nachrichten; auf diese Metallplatten ist allerlei Merkwürdiges eingegraben; in diesen schönen gläsernen Flaschen versenken wir den besten alten Wein, mit Bezeichnung seines Geburtsjahrs; es fehlt nicht an Münzen verschiedener Art, in diesem Jahre geprägt: alles dieses erhielten wir durch die Freigebigkeit unseres Bauherrn.","After a slight pause the speaker looked round; but, as is commonly the case on such occasions, no one was pre pared; they were all taken by surprise."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_33.flac,00009-f000039,0.7531100000000001,"Auch ist hier noch mancher Platz, wenn irgendein Gast und Zuschauer etwas der Nachwelt zu übergeben Belieben trüge.","At last, a merry looking young officer set the example, and said, If I am to contribute anything which as yet is not to be found in this treasurechamber, it shall be a pair of buttons from my uniform I don't see why they do not deserve to go down to posterity !"
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_34.flac,00009-f000040,0.623916,"Nach einer kleinen Pause sah der Geselle sich um; aber wie es in solchen Fällen zu gehen pflegt: niemand war vorbereitet, jedermann überrascht, bis endlich ein junger, munterer Offizier anfing und sagte: Wenn ich etwas beitragen soll, das in dieser Schatzkammer noch nicht niedergelegt ist, so muß ich ein paar Knöpfe von der Uniform schneiden, die doch wohl auch verdienen, auf die Nachwelt zu kommen.","No sooner said than done, and then a number of persons found something of the same sort which they could do; the young ladies did not hesitate to throw in some of their sidehair combs smelling bottles and other trinkets were not spared."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_35.flac,00009-f000041,0.222222,"Gesagt, getan! und nun hatte mancher einen ähnlichen Einfall.",Only Ottilie hung back; till a kind word from Edward roused her from the abstraction in which she was watching the various things being heaped in.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_36.flac,00009-f000042,0.412195,"Die Frauenzimmer säumten nicht, von ihren kleinen Haarkämmen hineinzulegen; Riechfläschchen und andre Zierden wurden nicht geschont; nur Ottilie zauderte, bis Eduard sie durch ein freundliches Wort aus der Betrachtung aller der beigesteuerten und eingelegten Dinge herausriß.","Then she unclasped from her neck the gold chain on which her father's picture had hung, and with a light gentle hand laid it down on the other jewels."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_37.flac,00009-f000043,0.347938,"Sie löste darauf die goldne Kette vom Halse, an der das Bild ihres Vaters gehangen hatte, und legte sie mit leiser Hand über die anderen Kleinode hin, worauf Eduard mit einiger Hast veranstaltete, daß der wohlgefugte Deckel sogleich aufgestürzt und eingekittet wurde.","Edward rather disarranged the proceedings by at once, in some haste, having the cover let fall, and fastened down."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_38.flac,00009-f000044,0.452273,"Der junge Gesell, der sich dabei am tätigsten erwiesen, nahm seine Rednermiene wieder an und fuhr fort:","The young mason who had been most active through all this again took his place as orator, and went on, We lay Elective Affinities down this stone forever, for the establishing the present and the future possessors of this house."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_39.flac,00009-f000045,1.04584,"Wir gründen diesen Stein für ewig, zur Sicherung des längsten Genusses der gegenwärtigen und künftigen Besitzer dieses Hauses.","But in that we bury this treasure together with it, we do it in the re membrance in this most enduring of works of the per ishableness of all human things."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_40.flac,00009-f000046,0.802858,"Allein indem wir hier gleichsam einen Schatz vergraben, so denken wir zugleich, bei dem gründlichsten aller Geschäfte, an die Vergänglichkeit der menschlichen Dinge; wir denken uns eine Möglichkeit, daß dieser festversiegelte Deckel wieder aufgehoben werden könne, welches nicht anders geschehen dürfte, als wenn das alles wieder zerstört wäre, was wir noch nicht einmal aufgeführt haben.",We remember that a time may come when this cover so fast sealed shall again be lifted: and that can only be when all shall again be destroyed which as yet we have not brought into being.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_41.flac,00009-f000047,0.4557810000000001,"Aber eben, damit dieses aufgeführt werde: zurück mit den Gedanken aus der Zukunft, zurück ins Gegenwärtige!","But now now that at once it may begin to be, back with our thoughts out of the future back into the pres ent."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_44.flac,00009-f000054,0.608647,"Man hatte nämlich, um mit dem Bau vorwärtszukommen, bereits an der entgegengesetzten Ecke den Grund völlig herausgeschlagen, ja schon angefangen, die Mauern aufzuführen, und zu dem Endzweck das Gerüst erbaut, so hoch, als es überhaupt nötig war.","In order to get forward with the buildings, they had already thrown out the whole of the soil at the opposite corner; indeed, they had begun to raise the wall, and for this purpose had reared a scaffold as high as was abso Elective Affinities lutely necessary."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_46.flac,00009-f000057,0.402857,"Dort hinauf flog das Glas und wurde von einem aufgefangen, der diesen Zufall als ein glückliches Zeichen für sich ansah.","The glass had flown up there, and had been caught by one of them, who took it as a sign of good luck for him self."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_47.flac,00009-f000058,0.49703400000000003,"Er wies es zuletzt herum, ohne es aus der Hand zu lassen, und man sah darauf die Buchstaben E und O in sehr zierlicher Verschlingung eingeschnitten: es war eins der Gläser, die für Eduarden in seiner Jugend verfertigt worden.","He waved it round without letting it out of his hand, and the letters E and O were to be seen very richly. cut upon it, running one into the other."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_50.flac,00009-f000064,0.393548,"An der Rückseite, hinter den waldigen Hügeln, erhoben sich die blauen Gipfel eines fernen Gebirges, und die nächste Gegend übersah man im ganzen.","On the other side, behind the wooded hill, the blue peaks of the faroff mountains were seen rising, and the country immediately about them was spread out like a map."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_52.flac,00009-f000068,0.872816,"Nur bitte ich, meine Platanen und Pappelgruppe zu schonen, sagte Eduard, die so schön am mittelsten Teiche steht.","Elective Affinities Only I must beseech you to spare my clump of planes and poplars that stand so prettily by the centre pond, said Edward."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_53.flac,00009-f000069,0.38,"Sehen Sie, wandte er sich zu Ottilien, die er einige Schritte vorführte, indem er hinabwies diese Bäume habe ich selbst gepflanzt.","See he turned to Ottilie, bringing her a few steps forward, and pointing down those trees I planted myself."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_54.flac,00009-f000070,1.59762,Wie lange stehen sie wohl schon? fragte Ottilie.,How long have they been standing there? asked Ottilie.
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_55.flac,00009-f000071,0.526,"Etwa so lange, versetzte Eduard, als Sie auf der Welt sind.","Just about as long as you have been in the world, replied Edward."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_56.flac,00009-f000072,0.6969920000000001,"Ja, liebes Kind, ich pflanzte schon, da Sie noch in der Wiege lagen.","Yes, my dear child, I planted them when you were still lying in your cradle."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_57.flac,00009-f000073,0.865909,Die Gesellschaft begab sich wieder in das Schloß zurück.,The party now betook themselves back to the castle.
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_58.flac,00009-f000074,0.8885379999999999,"Nach aufgehobener Tafel wurde sie zu einem Spaziergang durch das Dorf eingeladen, um auch hier die neuen Anstalten in Augenschein zu nehmen.",After dinner was over they were invited to walk through the village to take a glance at what had been done there as well.
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_60.flac,00009-f000077,0.533489,"Es ward ihnen zur angenehmen Pflicht gemacht, wenigstens jeden Sonntag und Festtag diese Reinlichkeit, diese Ordnung zu erneuern.","They had determined, as an agreeable duty which they imposed upon themselves, to have everything in its present order and cleanliness, at least every Sunday and holiday."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_61.flac,00009-f000078,0.7857390000000001,"Eine innere Geselligkeit mit Neigung, wie sie sich unter unseren Freunden erzeugt hatte, wird durch eine größere Gesellschaft immer nur unangenehm unterbrochen.","A little party, held together by such feelings as had grown up among our friends, is always unpleasantly in terrupted by a large concourse of people."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_62.flac,00009-f000079,0.674196,"Alle vier waren zufrieden, sich wieder im großen Saale allein zu finden; doch ward dieses häusliche Gefühl einigermaßen gestört, indem ein Brief, der Eduarden überreicht wurde, neue Gäste auf morgen ankündigte. Wie wir vermuteten, rief Eduard Charlotten zu; der Graf wird nicht ausbleiben, er kommt morgen.","All four were delighted to find themselves again alone in the large draw ingroom, but this sense of home was a little disturbed by a letter which was brought to Edward, giving notice of fresh guests who were to arrive the following day."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_63.flac,00009-f000081,0.5345449999999999,"Da ist also auch die Baronesse nicht weit, versetzte Charlotte.",Elective Affinities The Count will not stay away; he is coming to morrow.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_64.flac,00009-f000081,0.501737,Gewiß nicht! antwortete Eduard; sie wird auch morgen von ihrer Seite anlangen.,Elective Affinities The Count will not stay away; he is coming to morrow.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_65.flac,00009-f000084,0.431008,Sie bitten um ein Nachtquartier und wollen übermorgen zusammen wieder fortreisen.,"She is coming, too, tomorrow, from another place."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_66.flac,00009-f000085,0.6090909999999999,"Da müssen wir unsere Anstalten beizeiten machen, Ottilie! sagte Charlotte.","They only beg to be al lowed to stay for a night; the next day they will go on together We must prepare for them in time, Ottilie, said Charlotte."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_68.flac,00009-f000088,1.11263,"Charlotte gab es im allgemeinen an, und Ottilie entfernte sich.","Charlotte gave a general direction, and Ottilie left the room."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_69.flac,00009-f000089,1.2704,"Der Hauptmann erkundigte sich nach dem Verhältnis dieser beiden Personen, das er nur im allgemeinsten kannte.","The Captain inquired into the relation in which these two persons stood toward one another, and with which he was only very generally acquainted."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_70.flac,00009-f000090,1.14579,"Sie hatten früher, beide schon anderwärts verheiratet, sich leidenschaftlich liebgewonnen.","They had some time before, both being already married, fallen violently in love with one another; a double marriage was not to be interfered with without attracting attention."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_71.flac,00009-f000091,0.8857139999999999,Eine doppelte Ehe war nicht ohne Aufsehn gestört; man dachte an Scheidung.,A divorce was proposed.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_72.flac,00009-f000092,0.501786,"Bei der Baronesse war sie möglich geworden, bei dem Grafen nicht.","On the Baroness's side it could be effected, on that of the Count it could not."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_73.flac,00009-f000093,0.752259,"Sie mußten sich zum Scheine trennen, allein ihr Verhältnis blieb; und wenn sie Winters in der Residenz nicht zusammen sein konnten, so entschädigten sie sich Sommers auf Lustreisen und in Bädern.","They were obliged seemingly to separate, but their position toward one another remained unchanged, and though in the win ter at the Residence they were unable to be together, they indemnified themselves in the summer, while making tours and staying at wateringplaces."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_74.flac,00009-f000094,1.01035,Sie waren beide um etwas älter als Eduard und Charlotte und sämtlich genaue Freunde aus früher Hofzeit her.,"They were both slightly older than Edward and Char lotte, and had been intimate with them from early times Elective Affinities at court."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_75.flac,00009-f000095,0.441988,"Man hatte immer ein gutes Verhältnis erhalten, ob man gleich nicht alles an seinen Freunden billigte.","The connection had never been absolutely broken off, although it was impossible to approve of their proceedings."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_76.flac,00009-f000096,0.5102939999999999,"Nur diesmal war Charlotten ihre Ankunft gewissermaßen ganz ungelegen, und wenn sie die Ursache genau untersucht hätte: es war eigentlich um Ottiliens willen.","On the present occasion their coming was most unwelcome to Charlotte; and if she had looked closely into her reasons for feeling it so, she would have found it was on account of Ottilie."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_77.flac,00009-f000097,0.8883120000000001,"Das gute, reine Kind sollte ein solches Beispiel so früh nicht gewahr werden.",The poor innocent girl should not have been brought so early in contact with such an example.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_78.flac,00009-f000098,0.763359,"Sie hätten wohl noch ein paar Tage wegbleiben können, sagte Eduard, als eben Ottilie wieder hereintrat, bis wir den Vorwerksverkauf in Ordnung gebracht.","It would have been more convenient if they had not come till a couple of days later, Edward was saying, as Ottilie reentered, till we had finished with this business of the farm."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_80.flac,00009-f000102,0.2775,Geben Sie mirs nur! rief Ottilie mit einiger Hast.,"Give it to me, cried Ottilie, a little hastily."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_81.flac,00009-f000103,0.645,"Du wirst nicht damit fertig, sagte Charlotte.","You will never be able to finish it, said Charlotte."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_82.flac,00009-f000104,0.914732,"Freilich müßte ich es übermorgen früh haben, und es ist viel, sagte Eduard.","And really I must have it early the day after tomor row, and it is long, Edward added."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_83.flac,00009-f000105,0.8950819999999999,"Es soll fertig sein, rief Ottilie und hatte das Blatt schon in den Händen.","It shall be ready, Ottilie cried; and the paper was already in her hands."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_84.flac,00009-f000106,0.0,"Des andern Morgens, als sie sich aus dem obern Stock nach den Gästen umsahen, denen sie entgegenzugehen nicht verfehlen wollten, sagte Eduard:","The next morning, as they were looking out from their highest windows for their visitors, whom they intended to go some way and meet, Edward said, Who is that yonder, riding slowly along the road ?"
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_85.flac,00009-f000106,0.0,Wer reitet denn so langsam dort die Straße her?,"<MERGE> The next morning, as they were looking out from their highest windows for their visitors, whom they intended to go some way and meet, Edward said, Who is that yonder, riding slowly along the road ?"
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_86.flac,00009-f000107,0.935417,Der Hauptmann beschrieb die Figur des Reiters genauer.,The Captain described accurately the figure of the horseman.
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_87.flac,00009-f000108,0.792253,"So ist ers doch, sagte Eduard; denn das Einzelne, das du besser siehst als ich, paßt sehr gut zu dem Ganzen, das ich recht wohl sehe.","Then it is he, said Edward; the particulars, which Elective Affinities you can see better than I, agree very well with the gen eral figure, which I can see too."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_88.flac,00009-f000109,0.0642857,Es ist Mittler.,"It is Mittler; but what is he doing, coming riding at such a pace as that?"
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_89.flac,00009-f000110,0.913043,"Wie kommt er aber dazu, langsam und so langsam zu reiten?.Die Figur kam näher, und Mittler war es wirklich.","The figure came nearer, and Mittler it veritably was."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_90.flac,00009-f000111,1.11818,"Man empfing ihn freundlich, als er langsam die Treppe heraufstieg.",They received him with warm greetings as he came slowly up the steps.
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_91.flac,00009-f000112,0.7277779999999999,Warum sind Sie nicht gestern gekommen? rief ihm Eduard entgegen.,Why did you not come yesterday ?
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_92.flac,00009-f000113,0.182143,"Laute Feste lieb ich nicht, versetzte jener.","Edward cried, as he approached."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_93.flac,00009-f000114,0.849614,"Heute komm ich aber, den Geburtstag meiner Freundin mit euch im stillen nachzufeiern.","I do not like your grand festivities, answered he; but I am come today to keep my friend's birthday with you quietly."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_94.flac,00009-f000115,1.09596,Wie können Sie denn soviel Zeit gewinnen? fragte Eduard scherzend.,"How are you able to find time enough? asked Ed ward, with a laugh."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_95.flac,00009-f000116,0.506061,"Meinen Besuch, wenn er euch etwas wert ist, seid ihr einer Betrachtung schuldig, die ich gestern gemacht habe.","My visit, if you can value it, you owe to an obser vation which I made yesterday."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_96.flac,00009-f000117,0.948671,"Ich freute mich recht herzlich den halben Tag in einem Hause, wo ich Frieden gestiftet hatte, und dann hörte ich, daß hier Geburtstag gefeiert werde.","I was spending a right happy afternoon in a house where I had established peace, and then I heard that a birthday was being kept here."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_97.flac,00009-f000118,1.07512,"Das kann man doch am Ende selbstisch nennen, dachte ich bei mir, daß du dich nur mit denen freuen willst, die du zum Frieden bewogen hast.","Now this is what I call selfish, after all, said I to myself : you will only enjoy yourself with those whose broken peace you have mended."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_98.flac,00009-f000119,1.49143,"Warum freust du dich nicht auch einmal mit Freunden, die Frieden halten und hegen?",Why can not you for once go and be happy with friends who keep the peace for them selves ?
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_99.flac,00009-f000121,1.24474,"Hier bin ich, wie ich mir vorgenommen hatte.","Here I am, as I de termined with myself that I would be."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_100.flac,00009-f000122,0.08900319999999999,"Gestern hätten Sie große Gesellschaft gefunden, heute finden Sie nur kleine, sagte Charlotte.","Yesterday you would have met a large party here; today you will find but a small one, said Charlotte; you will meet the Count and the Baroness, with whom you have had enough to do already, I believe."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_101.flac,00009-f000122,0.8855,"Sie finden den Grafen und die Baronesse, die Ihnen auch schon zu schaffen gemacht haben.","Yesterday you would have met a large party here; today you will find but a small one, said Charlotte; you will meet the Count and the Baroness, with whom you have had enough to do already, I believe."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_102.flac,00009-f000123,0.601692,"Aus der Mitte der vier Hausgenossen, die den seltsamen, willkommenen Mann umgeben hatten, fuhr er mit verdrießlicher Lebhaftigkeit heraus, indem er sogleich nach Hut und Reitgerte suchte:","Out of the middle of the party, who had all four come down to welcome him, the strange man dashed in the ' Elective Affinities keenest disgust, seizing at the same time his hat and whip."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_103.flac,00009-f000124,0.670833,"Schwebt doch immer ein Unstern über mir, sobald ich einmal ruhen und mir wohltun will!","Some unlucky star is always over me, he cried, directly I try to rest and enjoy myself."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_104.flac,00009-f000125,0.604762,Aber warum gehe ich aus meinem Charakter heraus!,What business have I going out of my proper character ?
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_105.flac,00009-f000126,0.819923,"Ich hätte nicht kommen sollen, und nun werd ich vertrieben.","I ought never to have come, and now I am persecuted away."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_106.flac,00009-f000127,0.8894639999999999,Denn mit jenen will ich nicht unter einem Dache bleiben; und nehmt euch in acht: sie bringen nichts als Unheil!,"Under one roof with those two I will not remain, and you take care of yourselves."
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_107.flac,00009-f000128,0.175862,"Ihr Wesen ist wie ein Sauerteig, der seine Ansteckung fortpflanzt.","They bring nothing but mischief; their nature is like leaven, and propagates its own con tagion."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_108.flac,00009-f000129,1.03378,"Man suchte ihn zu begütigen, aber vergebens.","They tried to pacify him, but it was in vain."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_109.flac,00009-f000130,0.8423129999999999,"Wer mir den Ehstand angreift, rief er aus, wer mir durch Wort, ja durch Tat diesen Grund aller sittlichen Gesellschaft untergräbt, der hat es mit mir zu tun; oder wenn ich sein nicht Herr werden kann, habe ich nichts mit ihm zu tun.","Who ever strikes at marriage, he cried whoever, either by word or act, undermines this, the foundation of all moral society, that man has to settle with me, and if I can not become his master, I take care to settle myself out of his way."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_110.flac,00009-f000131,0.558774,Die Ehe ist der Anfang und der Gipfel aller Kultur.,Marriage is the beginning and the end of all cul ture.
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_111.flac,00009-f000132,0.6391479999999999,"Sie macht den Rohen mild, und der Gebildetste hat keine bessere Gelegenheit, seine Milde zu beweisen.",It makes the savage mild; and the most cultivated has no better opportunity for displaying his gentleness.
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_112.flac,00009-f000133,0.372269,"Unauflöslich muß sie sein; denn sie bringt so vieles Glück, daß alles einzelne Unglück dagegen gar nicht zu rechnen ist.","Indissoluble it must be, because it brings so much happi ness that what small exceptional unhappiness it may bring counts for nothing in the balance."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_113.flac,00009-f000134,0.575,Und was will man von Unglück reden?,And what do men mean by talking of unhappiness?
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_114.flac,00009-f000135,0.804111,"Ungeduld ist es, die den Menschen von Zeit zu Zeit anfällt, und dann beliebt er sich unglücklich zu finden.","Impatience it is which from time to time.comes over them, and then they fancy themselves unhappy."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_115.flac,00009-f000136,1.06594,"Lasse man den Augenblick vorübergehen, und man wird sich glücklich preisen, daß ein so lange Bestandenes noch besteht.","Let them wait till the mo ment is gone by, and then they will bless their good for tune that what has stood so long continues standing."
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_116.flac,00009-f000137,0.3,Sich zu trennen gibts gar keinen hinlänglichen Grund.,There never can be any adequate ground for separation.
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_117.flac,00009-f000138,0.7702439999999999,"Der menschliche Zustand ist so hoch in Leiden und Freuden gesetzt, daß gar nicht berechnet werden kann, was ein Paar Gatten einander schuldig werden.","The condition of man is pitched so high, in its joys and in its sorrows, that the sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation."
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_118.flac,00009-f000139,0.681429,"Es ist eine unendliche Schuld, die nur durch die Ewigkeit abgetragen werden kann.","It is an Elective Affinities infinite debt, which can only be discharged through all eternity."
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_119.flac,00009-f000140,0.837097,"Unbequem mag es manchmal sein, das glaub ich wohl, und das ist eben recht.","Its annoyances marriage may often have; I can well believe that, and it is as it should be."
+ 111,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.9_121.flac,00009-f000143,0.8663870000000001,"Als ihnen die Hausgenossen entgegeneilten, versteckte sich Mittler, ließ sich das Pferd an den Gasthof bringen und ritt verdrießlich davon.","Mittler slipped away as their host hastened to receive them, and desiring that his horse might be brought out immediately, rode angrily off."
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_0.flac,00010-f000003,0.979708,"Die Gäste waren bewillkommt und eingeführt; sie freuten sich, das Haus, die Zimmer wieder zu betreten, wo sie früher so manchen guten Tag erlebt und die sie eine lange Zeit nicht gesehn hatten.","They were delighted to find themselves again in the same house and in the same rooms where in early times they had passed many happy days, but which they had not seen for a long time."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_1.flac,00010-f000005,0.314184,Höchst angenehm war auch den Freunden ihre Gegenwart.,The Count and the Baroness had both those tall fine figures which please in middle life almost better than in youth.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_2.flac,00010-f000006,0.465487,"Den Grafen sowie die Baronesse konnte man unter jene hohen, schönen Gestalten zählen, die man in einem mittlern Alter fast lieber als in der Jugend sieht; denn wenn ihnen auch etwas von der ersten Blüte abgehn möchte, so erregen sie doch nun mit der Neigung ein entschiedenes Zutrauen.","If something of the first bloom had faded off them, yet there was an air in their appearance which was always irresistibly attractive."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_3.flac,00010-f000007,0.2,Auch dieses Paar zeigte sich höchst bequem in der Gegenwart.,Their manners too were thoroughly charming.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_4.flac,00010-f000008,0.687733,"Ihre freie Weise, die Zustände des Lebens zu nehmen und zu behandeln, ihre Heiterkeit und scheinbare Unbefangenheit teilte sich sogleich mit, und ein hoher Anstand begrenzte das Ganze, ohne daß man irgendeinen Zwang bemerkt hätte.","Their free way of taking hold of life and dealing with it, their happy humor, and apparent easy unembarrassment, communicated itself at once to the rest; and a lighter atmosphere hung about the whole party, without their having observed it stealing on them."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_5.flac,00010-f000009,0.579661,Diese Wirkung ließ sich augenblicks in der Gesellschaft empfinden.,The effect made itself felt immediately on the entrance of the newcomers.
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_6.flac,00010-f000010,0.548659,"Die Neueintretenden, welche unmittelbar aus der Welt kamen, wie man sogar an ihren Kleidern, Gerätschaften und allen Umgebungen sehen konnte, machten gewissermaßen mit unsern Freunden, ihrem ländlichen und heimlich leidenschaftlichen Zustande eine Art von Gegensatz, der sich jedoch sehr bald verlor, indem alte Erinnerungen und gegenwärtige Teilnahme sich vermischten und ein schnelles, lebhaftes Gespräch alle geschwind zusammenverband.","They were fresh from the fashionable world, as was to be seen at once, in their dress, in their equipment, and in everything about them; and they formed a contrast not a little striking with our friends, their country style, and the vehement feelings which were Elective Affinities at work underneath among them."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_7.flac,00010-f000011,0.199043,"Es währte indessen nicht lange, als schon eine Sonderung vorging.","This, however, very soon disappeared in the stream of past recollection and present interests, and a rapid, lively conversation soon united them all."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_8.flac,00010-f000013,0.898999,"Die Frauen zogen sich auf ihren Flügel zurück und fanden daselbst, indem sie sich mancherlei vertrauten und zugleich die neuesten Formen und Zuschnitte von Frühkleidern, Hüten und dergleichen zu mustern anfingen, genugsame Unterhaltung, während die Männer sich um die neuen Reisewagen, mit vorgeführten Pferden, beschäftigten und gleich zu handeln und zu tauschen anfingen.","The ladies withdrew to their own apartments, and there found amusement enough in the many things which they had to tell each other, and in setting to work at the same time to examine the new fashions, the spring dresses, bonnets, and such like; while the gentlemen were employ ing themselves looking at the new traveling chariots, trot ting out the horses, and beginning at once to bargain and exchange."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_9.flac,00010-f000014,0.366176,Erst zu Tische kam man wieder zusammen.,They did not meet again till dinner; in the meantime they had changed their dress.
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_10.flac,00010-f000015,0.630189,"Die Umkleidung war geschehen, und auch hier zeigte sich das angekommene Paar zu seinem Vorteile.","And here, too, the newly arrived pair showed to all advantage."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_11.flac,00010-f000016,0.74551,"Alles, was sie an sich trugen, war neu und gleichsam ungesehen und doch schon durch den Gebrauch zur Gewohnheit und Bequemlichkeit eingeweiht.","Everything they wore was new, and in a style which their friends at the castle had never seen, and yet, being accustomed to it themselves, it appeared perfectly natural and graceful."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_12.flac,00010-f000017,0.900738,"Das Gespräch war lebhaft und abwechselnd, wie denn in Gegenwart solcher Personen alles und nichts zu interessieren scheint.","The conversation was brilliant and well sustained, as, indeed, in the company of such persons everything and nothing appears to interest."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_13.flac,00010-f000018,0.723478,"Man bediente sich der französischen Sprache, um die Aufwartenden von dem Mitverständnis auszuschließen, und schweifte mit mutwilligem Behagen über hohe und mittlere Weltverhältnisse hin.","They spoke in French that the attendants might not understand what they said, and swept in happiest humor over all that was. passing in the great or the middle world."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_15.flac,00010-f000021,0.952222,"Es ist unerfreulich, sagte Charlotte, wenn man seine abwesenden Freunde irgend einmal geborgen, eine Freundin, die man liebt, versorgt glaubt; eh man sichs versieht, muß man wieder hören, daß ihr Schicksal im Schwanken ist, und daß sie erst wieder neue und vielleicht abermals unsichre Pfade des Lebens betreten soll.","Elective Affinities It is a melancholy thing, Charlotte said, when we fancy our absent friends are finally settled, when we be lieve persons very dear to us to be provided for for life, suddenly to hear that their fortunes are cast loose once more, that they have to strike into a fresh path of life, and very likely a most insecure one."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_16.flac,00010-f000022,0.6302409999999999,"Eigentlich, meine Beste, versetzte der Graf, sind wir selbst schuld, wenn wir auf solche Weise überrascht werden.","Indeed, my dear friend, the Count answered, it is our own fault if we allow ourselves to be surprised at such things."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_17.flac,00010-f000023,0.869469,"Wir mögen uns die irdischen Dinge und besonders auch die ehlichen Verbindungen gern so recht dauerhaft vorstellen, und was den letzten Punkt betrifft, so verführen uns die Lustspiele, die wir immer wiederholen sehen, zu solchen Einbildungen, die mit dem Gange der Welt nicht zusammentreffen.","We please ourselves with imagining matters of this earth, and particularly matrimonial connections, as very enduring; and as concerns this last point, the plays which we see over and over again help to mislead us; being, as they are, so untrue to the course of the world."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_18.flac,00010-f000024,0.6079359999999999,"In der Komödie sehen wir eine Heirat als das letzte Ziel eines durch die Hindernisse mehrerer Akte verschobenen Wunsches, und im Augenblick, da es erreicht ist, fällt der Vorhang, und die momentane Befriedigung klingt bei uns nach.","In a comedy we see a marriage as the last aim of a desire which is hindered and crossed through a number of acts, and at the instant when it is reached the curtain falls, and the momentary satisfaction continues to ring on in our ears."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_21.flac,00010-f000029,0.653571,"Dagegen ist nichts einzuwenden, sagte der Graf.","There is nothing to say against that, said the Count."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_22.flac,00010-f000030,0.771782,"Eine neue Rolle mag man gern wieder übernehmen, und wenn man die Welt kennt, so sieht man wohl: auch bei dem Ehestande ist es nur diese entschiedene, ewige Dauer zwischen soviel Beweglichem in der Welt, die etwas Ungeschicktes an sich trägt.",In a new character a man may readily venture on a sec ond trial; and when we know the world we see clearly that it is only this positive eternal duration of marriage no Elective Affinities in a world where everything is in motion which has any thing unbecoming about it.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_25.flac,00010-f000034,0.228571,Gewöhnlich rief er aus:,"He would often ex claim, 'How happily the first part of the time would pass away!'"
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_26.flac,00010-f000035,0.661047,Wie glücklich würde die erste Zeit verstreichen!,"Two or three years, at least, would be perfect bliss."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_27.flac,00010-f000035,0.293333,"Zwei, drei Jahre wenigstens gingen vergnüglich hin.","Two or three years, at least, would be perfect bliss."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_28.flac,00010-f000036,0.564964,"Dann würde doch wohl dem einen Teil daran gelegen sein, das Verhältnis länger dauern zu sehen, die Gefälligkeit würde wachsen, je mehr man sich dem Termin der Aufkündigung näherte.","On one side or other there would not fail to be a wish to have the relation continue longer, and the amia bility would increase the nearer they got to the parting time."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_29.flac,00010-f000037,0.478125,"Der gleichgültige, ja selbst der unzufriedene Teil würde durch ein solches Betragen begütigt und eingenommen.","The indifferent, even the dissatisfied party, would be softened and gained over by such. behavior; they would forget, as in pleasant company the hours pass always un observed, how the time went by, and they would be de lightfully surprised when, after the term had run out, they first observed that they had unknowingly pro longed it."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_30.flac,00010-f000039,0.733039,"Man vergäße, wie man in guter Gesellschaft die Stunden vergißt, daß die Zeit verfließe, und fände sich aufs angenehmste überrascht, wenn man nach verlaufenem Termin erst bemerkte, daß er schon stillschweigend verlängert sei.","She knew \ very well that nothing was more dangerous than the li centious conversation which treats culpable or semicul pable actions as if they were common, ordinary, and even laudable, and of such undesirable kind assuredly were all in Elective Affinities which touched on the sacredness of marriage."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_31.flac,00010-f000040,0.635103,"So artig und lustig dies klang und so gut man, wie Charlotte wohl empfand, diesem Scherz eine tiefe moralische Deutung geben konnte, so waren ihr dergleichen Äußerungen, besonders um Ottiliens willen, nicht angenehm.","She en deavored, therefore, in her skilful way, to give the con versation another turn, and when she found that she could not, it vexed her that Ottilie had managed everything so well that there was no occasion for her to leave the table."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_32.flac,00010-f000040,0.75017,"Sie wußte recht gut, daß nichts gefährlicher sei als ein allzufreies Gespräch, das einen strafbaren oder halbstrafbaren Zustand als einen gewöhnlichen, gemeinen, ja löblichen behandelt; und dahin gehört doch gewiß alles, was die eheliche Verbindung antastet. Sie suchte daher nach ihrer gewandten Weise das Gespräch abzulenken; da sie es nicht vermochte, tat es ihr leid, daß Ottilie alles so gut eingerichtet hatte, um nicht aufstehen zu dürfen.","She en deavored, therefore, in her skilful way, to give the con versation another turn, and when she found that she could not, it vexed her that Ottilie had managed everything so well that there was no occasion for her to leave the table."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_33.flac,00010-f000041,0.611446,"Das ruhig aufmerksame Kind verstand sich mit dem Haushofmeister durch Blick und Wink, daß alles auf das trefflichste geriet, obgleich ein paar neue, ungeschickte Bedienten in der Livree staken.","In her quiet observant way a nod or a look was enough for her to signify to the head servant whatever was to be done, and everything went off perfectly, although there were a couple of strange men in livery in the way, who were rather a trouble than a convenience."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_34.flac,00010-f000042,0.638988,"Und so fuhr der Graf, Charlottens Ablenken nicht empfindend, über diesen Gegenstand sich zu äußern fort.","And so the Count, without feeling Charlotte's hints, went on giving his opinions on the same subject."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_35.flac,00010-f000043,0.811765,"Ihm, der sonst nicht gewohnt war, im Gespräch irgend lästig zu sein, lastete diese Sache zu sehr auf dem Herzen, und die Schwierigkeiten, sich von seiner Gemahlin getrennt zu sehen, machten ihn bitter gegen alles, was eheliche Verbindung betraf, die er doch selbst mit der Baronesse so eifrig wünschte.","Generally, he was little enough apt to be tedious in conversation; but this was a thing which weighed so heavily on his heart, and the difficulties which he found in getting separated from his wife were so great that it had made him bitter against everything which concerned the marriage bond that very bond which, notwithstanding, he was so anxiously desiring between himself and the Baroness."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_36.flac,00010-f000044,0.5103770000000001,"Jener Freund, so fuhr er fort, tat noch einen andern Gesetzvorschlag:","The same friend, he went on, has another law which he proposes."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_37.flac,00010-f000045,0.503071,"Eine Ehe sollte nur alsdann für unauflöslich gehalten werden, wenn entweder beide Teile oder wenigstens der eine Teil zum drittenmal verheiratet wäre.","A marriage shall only be held indis soluble when either both parties, or at least one or the other, enter into it for the third time."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_38.flac,00010-f000046,0.296964,"Denn was eine solche Person betreffe, so bekenne sie unwidersprechlich, daß sie die Ehe für etwas Unentbehrliches halte.","Such persons must be supposed to acknowledge beyond a doubt that they find marriage indispensable for themselves; they have had opportunities of thoroughly knowing themselves; of knowing how they conducted themselves in their earlier unions; whether they have any peculiarities of temper, which are a more frequent cause of separation than bad Elective Affinities dispositions."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_39.flac,00010-f000047,0.6946439999999999,"Nun sei auch schon bekannt geworden, wie sie sich in ihren frühern Verbindungen betragen, ob sie Eigenheiten habe, die oft mehr zur Trennung Anlaß geben als üble Eigenschaften.","People would then observe one another more closely; they would pay as much attention to the married as to the unmarried, no pne being able to tell how things may turn out."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_41.flac,00010-f000050,0.858042,"Bei einer solchen Einrichtung, fiel die Baronesse lächelnd ein, hätten unsere lieben Wirte schon zwei Stufen glücklich überstiegen und könnten sich zu der dritten vorbereiten.","Under this arrangement, the Baroness struck in, laughing, our good hosts have passed successfully over their two steps, and may make themselves ready for their, third."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_42.flac,00010-f000051,0.184091,"Ihnen ists wohl geraten, sagte der Graf; hier hat der Tod willig getan, was die Konsistorien sonst nur ungern zu tun pflegen.","Things have gone happily with them, said the Count."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_43.flac,00010-f000052,0.442534,"Lassen wir die Toten ruhen, versetzte Charlotte mit einem halb ernsten Blicke.",In their case death has done with a good will what in others the consistorial courts do with a very bad one.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_44.flac,00010-f000054,0.533333,"Warum? versetzte der Graf, da man ihrer in Ehren gedenken kann.","Why so, persevered the Count, when we can re member them with honor?"
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_45.flac,00010-f000055,0.556066,"Sie waren bescheiden genug, sich mit einigen Jahren zu begnügen für mannigfaltiges Gute, das sie zurückließen.",They were generous enough to content themselves with less than their number of years for the sake of the larger good which they could leave behind them.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_49.flac,00010-f000059,0.631943,"Nun! wir müssen uns ja ohnehin bald genug gewöhnen, das Gute stück und teilweise zu genießen.","Children do not fulfil what they promise; young people very Elective Affinities dom; and if they keep their word, the world does not keep its word with them."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_50.flac,00010-f000061,0.766667,"Gewiß, versetzte der Graf, Sie haben beide sehr schöner Zeiten genossen.","Certainly, the Count answered, you two have had the enjoyment of very happy times."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_51.flac,00010-f000062,1.22757,"Wenn ich mir die Jahre zurückerinnere, da Sie und Eduard das schönste Paar bei Hof waren; weder von so glänzenden Zeiten noch von so hervorleuchtenden Gestalten ist jetzt die Rede mehr.","When I look back upon the years when you and Edward were the loveliest couple at the court, I see nothing now to be compared with those brilliant times, and such magnificent figures."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_54.flac,00010-f000067,0.87907,"Ich muß mich seiner annehmen, fiel die Baronesse ein.","I must take Edward's part, struck in the Baroness."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_55.flac,00010-f000068,0.652626,"Charlotte war nicht ganz ohne Schuld, nicht ganz rein von allem Umhersehen, und ob sie gleich Eduarden von Herzen liebte und sich ihn auch heimlich zum Gatten bestimmte, so war ich doch Zeuge, wie sehr sie ihn manchmal quälte, so daß man ihn leicht zu dem unglücklichen Entschluß drängen konnte, zu reisen, sich zu entfernen, sich von ihr zu entwöhnen.","Charlotte was not altogether without fault not alto gether free from what we must call prudential consid erations; and although she had a real, hearty love for Edward, and did in her secret soul intend to marry him, I can bear witness how sorely she often tried him; and Elective Affinities it was through this that he was at last unluckily pre vailed upon to leave her and go abroad, and try to forget her."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_56.flac,00010-f000069,0.784483,Eduard nickte der Baronesse zu und schien dankbar für ihre Fürsprache.,"Edward bowed to the Baroness, and seemed grateful for her advocacy."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_58.flac,00010-f000072,0.24006599999999997,Liebe,"My dear friend, the Count replied, a little pointedly, confess, now, that he was not altogether indifferent to yourself, and that Charlotte had more to fear from you than from any other rival."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_59.flac,00010-f000072,0.24006599999999997,"Freundin, versetzte der Graf etwas lebhaft, bekennen wir nur, daß er Ihnen nicht ganz gleichgültig war, und daß Charlotte von Ihnen mehr zu befürchten hatte als von einer andern.","<MERGE> My dear friend, the Count replied, a little pointedly, confess, now, that he was not altogether indifferent to yourself, and that Charlotte had more to fear from you than from any other rival."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_60.flac,00010-f000073,0.8269139999999999,"Ich finde das einen sehr hübschen Zug an den Frauen, daß sie ihre Anhänglichkeit an irgendeinen Mann solange noch fortsetzen, ja durch keine Art von Trennung stören oder aufheben lassen.","I find it one of the highest traits in women that they continue so long in their regard for a man, and that absence of no duration will serve to disturb or remove it."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_62.flac,00010-f000076,0.669607,"So habe ich gesehen, daß Sie auf die Fürsprache einer solchen sich mehr Mühe gaben, um etwas auszuwirken, als vielleicht die Freundin des Augenblicks von Ihnen erlangt hätte.","I have seen you take more trouble to do things when a certain person has asked you than the friend of this mo ment would have obtained of you, if she had tried."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_64.flac,00010-f000079,0.763636,"Wir wollen versuchen, sagte Charlotte, wieder einzubringen, was wir versäumt haben.","We must try, Charlotte said, to make up for what we then allowed to slip from us."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_65.flac,00010-f000081,0.441667,"Da müssen Sie sich dazuhalten, sagte der Graf.","And, unhappily, marriages generally, even the best, have forgive me for using a strong expression some thing awkward about them."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_66.flac,00010-f000082,0.447594,"Ihre ersten Heiraten, fuhr er mit einiger Heftigkeit fort, waren doch so eigentlich rechte Heiraten von der verhaßten Art, und leider haben überhaupt die Heiraten verzeihen Sie mir einen lebhafteren Ausdruck etwas Tölpelhaftes; sie verderben die zartesten Verhältnisse, und es liegt doch eigentlich nur an der plumpen Sicherheit, auf die sich wenigstens ein Teil etwas zugute tut.","They destroy the delicacy of the relation; everything is made to rest on the broad certainty out of which one side or other, at least, is too apt to make their own advantage."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_67.flac,00010-f000083,0.902174,"Alles versteht sich von selbst, und man scheint sich nur verbunden zu haben, damit eins wie das andere nunmehr seiner Wege gehe.","It is all a matter of course; and they seem only to have got themselves tied together, that one or the other, or both, may go their own way the more easily."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_69.flac,00010-f000087,0.7244619999999999,"Auch die neuen Parkanlagen kamen zur Sprache, die man sogleich nach Tische besuchte.",Even Ottilie had to give her opinion; and the dessert was enjoyed in the happiest humor.
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_70.flac,00010-f000088,0.225517,Ottilie zog sich unter dem Vorwande häuslicher Beschäftigungen zurück; eigentlich aber setzte sie sich nieder zur Abschrift. Der Graf wurde von dem Hauptmann unterhalten; später gesellte sich Charlotte zu ihm.,"It was particularly beautiful, being composed almost entirely of the rich summer fruits in elegant baskets, with epergnes of lovely flowers arranged in exquisite taste."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_71.flac,00010-f000089,0.774737,"Als sie oben auf die Höhe gelangt waren und der Hauptmann gefällig hinuntereilte, um den Plan zu holen, so sagte der Graf zu Charlotten:",The new layingout of the park came to be spoken of; and immediately after dinner they went to look at what Elective Affinities was going on.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_72.flac,00010-f000091,-0.0162162,Dieser Mann gefällt mir außerordentlich.,"The Count fell into conversation with the Captain, and Charlotte afterward joined them."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_73.flac,00010-f000093,0.5856060000000001,Er ist sehr wohl und im Zusammenhang unterrichtet.,"He is very well informed, and his knowledge is always ready."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_74.flac,00010-f000094,0.627333,Ebenso scheint seine Tätigkeit sehr ernst und folgerecht.,"His practical power, too, seems methodical and vigorous."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_75.flac,00010-f000095,0.50445,"Was er hier leistet, würde in einem höhern Kreise von viel Bedeutung sein.",What he is doing here would be of great importance in some higher sphere.
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_76.flac,00010-f000096,0.919608,Charlotte vernahm des Hauptmanns Lob mit innigem Behagen.,Charlotte listened to the Captain's praises with an in ward delight.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_77.flac,00010-f000097,0.900372,Sie faßte sich jedoch und bekräftigte das Gesagte mit Ruhe und Klarheit.,"She collected herself, however, and com posedly and clearly confirmed what the Count had said."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_78.flac,00010-f000098,0.139535,"Wie überrascht war sie aber, als der Graf fortfuhr:",But she was not a little startled when he continued : This acquaintance falls most opportunely for me.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_79.flac,00010-f000098,0.139535,Diese Bekanntschaft kommt mir sehr zu gelegener Zeit.,<MERGE> But she was not a little startled when he continued : This acquaintance falls most opportunely for me.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_80.flac,00010-f000099,0.742694,"Ich weiß eine Stelle, an die der Mann vollkommen paßt, und ich kann mir durch eine solche Empfehlung, indem ich ihn glücklich mache, einen hohen Freund auf das allerbeste verbinden.","I know of a situation for which he is perfectly suited, and I shall be doing the greatest favor to a friend of mine, a man of high rank, by recommending to him a person who is so exactly everything which he desires."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_81.flac,00010-f000100,0.274468,"Es war wie ein Donnerschlag, der auf Charlotten herabfiel.",Charlotte felt as if a thunderstroke had fallen on her.
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_82.flac,00010-f000101,1.09448,"Der Graf bemerkte nichts; denn die Frauen, gewohnt, sich jederzeit zu bändigen, behalten in den außerordentlichsten Fällen immer noch eine Art von scheinbarer Fassung.","The Count did not observe it : women, being accustomed at all times to hold themselves in restraint, are always able, even in the most extraordinary cases, to maintain an apparent composure; but she heard not a word more of what the Count said, though he went on speaking."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_83.flac,00010-f000102,0.338596,"Doch hörte sie schon nicht mehr, was der Graf sagte, indem er fortfuhr: Wenn ich von etwas überzeugt bin, geht es bei mir geschwind her.","When I have made up my mind upon a thing, he added, I am quick about it."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_84.flac,00010-f000103,1.05769,"Ich habe schon meinen Brief im Kopfe zusammengestellt, und mich drängts, ihn zu schreiben.","I have put my letter to il Elective Affinities gether already in my head, and I shall write it immedi ately."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_85.flac,00010-f000104,0.424812,"Sie verschaffen mir einen reitenden Boten, den ich noch heute abend wegschicken kann.",You can find me some messenger who can ride off with it this evening.
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_86.flac,00010-f000105,1.48,Charlotte war innerlich zerrissen.,Charlotte was suffering agonies.
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_87.flac,00010-f000106,0.252857,"Von diesen Vorschlägen sowie von sich selbst überrascht, konnte sie kein Wort hervorbringen.","Startled with the proposal, and shocked at herself, she was unable to utter a word."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_88.flac,00010-f000107,0.6681819999999999,"Der Graf fuhr glücklicherweise fort, von seinen Planen für den Hauptmann zu sprechen, deren Günstiges Charlotten nur allzusehr in die Augen fiel.","Happily, the Count continued talking of his plans for the Captain, the desirableness of which was only too apparent to Charlotte."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_90.flac,00010-f000110,0.666129,"Aber mit wie andern Augen sah sie den Freund an, den sie verlieren sollte!",But with what changed eyes Charlotte now looked at the friend whom she was to lose.
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_91.flac,00010-f000111,0.452174,Mit einer notdürftigen Verbeugung wandte sie sich weg und eilte hinunter nach der Mooshütte.,"In her necessity, she bowed and turned away, and hurried down to the summerhouse."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_92.flac,00010-f000112,0.46992700000000004,"Schon auf halbem Wege stürzten ihr die Tränen aus den Augen, und nun warf sie sich in den engen Raum der kleinen Einsiedelei und überließ sich ganz einem Schmerz, einer Leidenschaft, einer Verzweiflung, von deren Möglichkeit sie wenig Augenblicke vorher auch nicht die leiseste Ahnung gehabt hatte.","Before she was halfway there, the tears were streaming from her eyes, and she flung herself into the narrow room in the little hermitage, and gave herself up to an agony, a passion, a despair, of the possibility of which, but a few moments before, she had not had the slightest con ception."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_93.flac,00010-f000113,0.5,Auf der andern Seite war Eduard mit der Baronesse an den Teichen hergegangen.,Edward had gone with the Baroness in the other direc tion toward the ponds.
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_94.flac,00010-f000114,0.570175,"Die kluge Frau, die gern von allem unterrichtet sein mochte, bemerkte bald in einem tastenden Gespräch, daß Eduard sich zu Ottiliens Lobe weitläufig herausließ, und wußte ihn auf eine so natürliche Weise nach und nach in den Gang zu bringen, daß ihr zuletzt kein Zweifel übrigblieb, hier sei eine Leidenschaft nicht auf dem Wege, sondern wirklich angelangt.","This readywitted lady, who liked to be in the secret about everything, soon observed, in a few conversational feelers which she threw out, that Ed ward was very fluent and freespoken in praise of Ottilie."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_95.flac,00010-f000115,0.826119,"Verheiratete Frauen, wenn sie sich auch untereinander nicht lieben, stehen doch stillschweigend miteinander, besonders gegen junge Mädchen, im Bündnis.","She contrived in the most natural way to lead him out by degrees so completely that at last she had not a doubt re maining that here was not merely an incipient fancy, but a veritable, fullgrown passion."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_96.flac,00010-f000117,0.701299,Die Folgen einer solchen Zuneigung stellten sich ihrem weltgewandten Geiste nur allzugeschwind dar.,The consequences of such an inclination presented themselves only too quickly to her worldexperienced spirit.
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_97.flac,00010-f000118,0.729651,"Dazu kam noch, daß sie schon heute früh mit Charlotten über Ottilien gesprochen und den Aufenthalt dieses Kindes auf dem Lande, besonders bei seiner stillen Gemütsart, nicht gebilligt und den Vorschlag getan hatte, Ottilien in die Stadt zu einer Freundin zu bringen, die sehr viel an die Erziehung ihrer einzigen Tochter wende und sich nur nach einer gutartigen Gespielin umsehe, die an die zweite Kindesstatt eintreten und alle Vorteile mitgenießen solle.","Added to this, she had been already, in the course of the day, talking to Charlotte about Ottilie; she had disapproved of her remaining in the country, particularly being a girl of so retiring a char acter; and she had proposed to take Ottilie with her to the residence of a friend, who was just then bestowing great expense on the education of an only daughter, and who was only looking about to find some welldisposed companion for her to put her in the place of a second child, and let her share in every advantage."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_98.flac,00010-f000119,1.07532,Charlotte hatte sichs zur Überlegung genommen.,Charlotte had taken time to consider.
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_99.flac,00010-f000120,0.6235930000000001,"Nun aber brachte der Blick in Eduards Gemüt diesen Vorschlag bei der Baronesse ganz zur vorsätzlichen Festigkeit, und um so schneller dieses in ihr vorging, um desto mehr schmeichelte sie äußerlich Eduards Wünschen.","But now this glimpse of the Baroness into Edward's heart changed what had been but a suggestion at once into a settled determination; and the more rapidly she made up her mind about it, the more she outwardly seemed to flatter Edward's wishes."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_100.flac,00010-f000121,0.815192,"Denn niemand besaß sich mehr als diese Frau, und diese Selbstbeherrschung in außerordentlichen Fällen gewöhnt uns, sogar einen gemeinen Fall mit Verstellung zu behandeln, macht uns geneigt, indem wir soviel Gewalt über uns selbst üben, unsre Herrschaft auch über die andern zu verbreiten, um uns durch das, was wir äußerlich gewinnen, für dasjenige, was wir innerlich entbehren, gewissermaßen schadlos zu halten.","Never was there any one more selfpossessed than this lady; and to have mastered ourselves in extraordinary cases dis poses us to treat even a common case with dissimulation it makes us inclined, as we have had to do so much vio lence to ourselves, to extend our control over others, and hold ourselves in a degree compensated in what we out wardly gain for what we inwardly have been obliged to sacrifice."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_101.flac,00010-f000122,0.77313,"An diese Gesinnung schließt sich meist eine Art heimlicher Schadenfreude über die Dunkelheit der andern, über das Bewußtlose, womit sie in eine Falle gehen.","To this feeling there is often joined a kind of secret, spiteful pleasure in the blind, unconscious igno rance with which the victim walks on into the snare."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_102.flac,00010-f000123,0.597222,"Wir freuen uns nicht allein über das gegenwärtige Gelingen, sondern zugleich auch auf die künftig überraschende Beschämung.","It is not the immediately doing as we please which we enjoy, Elective Affinities but the thought of the surprise and exposure which is to follow."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_103.flac,00010-f000124,0.667308,"Und so war die Baronesse boshaft genug, Eduarden zur Weinlese auf ihre Güter mit Charlotten einzuladen und die Frage Eduards, ob sie Ottilien mitbringen dürften, auf eine Weise, die er beliebig zu seinen Gunsten auslegen konnte, zu beantworten.","And thus was the Baroness malicious enough to invite Edward to come with Charlotte and pay her a visit at the grapegathering; and, to his question whether they might bring Ottilie with them, to frame an answer which, if he pleased, he might interpret to his wishes."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_104.flac,00010-f000125,0.641781,"Eduard sprach schon mit Entzücken von der herrlichen Gegend, dem großen Flusse, den Hügeln, Felsen und Weinbergen, von alten Schlössern, von Wasserfahrten, von dem Jubel der Weinlese, des Kelterns und so weiter, wobei er in der Unschuld seines Herzens sich schon zum voraus laut über den Eindruck freute, den dergleichen Szenen auf das frische Gemüt Ottiliens machen würden.","Edward had already begun to pour out his delight at the beautiful scenery, the broad river, the hills, the rocks, the vineyard, the old castles, the waterparties, and the jubilee at the grapegathering, the winepressing, etc., in all of which, in the innocence of his heart, he was only exuberating in the anticipation of the impression which these scenes were to make on the fresh spirit of Ottilie."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_105.flac,00010-f000126,0.9651360000000001,"In diesem Augenblick sah man Ottilien herankommen, und die Baronesse sagte schnell zu Eduard, er möchte von dieser vorhabenden Herbstreise ja nichts reden; denn gewöhnlich geschähe das nicht, worauf man sich so lange voraus freue.","At this moment they saw her approaching, and the Baron ess said quickly to Edward that he had better say nothing to her of this intended autumn expedition things which we set our hearts upon so long before so often failing to come to pass."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_106.flac,00010-f000127,0.546114,"Eduard versprach, nötigte sie aber, Ottilien entgegen geschwinder zu gehen, und eilte ihr endlich, dem lieben Kinde zu, mehrere Schritte voran.","Edward ga've his promise; but he obliged his companion to move more quickly to meet her; and at last, when they came very close, he ran on several steps in advance."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_107.flac,00010-f000128,1.18235,Eine herzliche Freude drückte sich in seinem ganzen Wesen aus.,A heartfelt happiness expressed itself in his whole being.
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_108.flac,00010-f000129,0.592593,"Er küßte ihr die Hand, in die er einen Strauß Feldblumen drückte, die er unterwegs zusammengepflückt hatte.",He kissed her hand as he pressed into it a nosegay of wild flowers which he had gathered on his way.
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_109.flac,00010-f000130,0.640262,Die Baronesse fühlte sich bei diesem Anblick in ihrem Innern fast erbittert.,The Baroness felt bitter to her heart at the sight of it.
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_110.flac,00010-f000131,0.7252770000000001,"Denn wenn sie auch das, was an dieser Neigung strafbar sein mochte, nicht billigen durfte, so konnte sie das, was daran liebenswürdig und angenehm war, jenem unbedeutenden Neuling von Mädchen keineswegs gönnen.","At the same time that she was able to disapprove of what was really objectionable in this affection, she could not bear to see what was sweet and beautiful in it thrown away on such a poor paltry girl."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_111.flac,00010-f000132,0.802139,"Als man sich zum Abendessen zusammengesetzt hatte, war eine völlig andre Stimmung in der Gesellschaft verbreitet.","Elective Affinities When they had collected again at the suppertable, an entirely different temper was spread over the party."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_112.flac,00010-f000133,0.667779,"Der Graf, der schon vor Tische geschrieben und den Boten fortgeschickt hatte, unterhielt sich mit dem Hauptmann, den er auf eine verständige und bescheidene Weise immer mehr ausforschte, indem er ihn diesen Abend an seine Seite gebracht hatte.","The Count, who had in the meantime written his letter and despatched a messenger with it, occupied himself with the Captain, whom he had been drawing out more and more spending the whole evening at his side, talking of seri ous matters."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_114.flac,00010-f000137,1.0103799999999998,"Die Baronesse hatte Zeit genug, Beobachtungen anzustellen.",The Baroness had sufficient time to make her observa tions at leisure.
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_115.flac,00010-f000138,0.918855,"Sie bemerkte Charlottens Unbehagen, und weil sie nur Eduards Verhältnis zu Ottilien im Sinn hatte, so überzeugte sie sich leicht, auch Charlotte sei bedenklich und verdrießlich über ihres Gemahls Benehmen, und überlegte, wie sie nunmehr am besten zu ihren Zwecken gelangen könne.","She perceived Charlotte's uneasiness, and occupied as she was with Edward's passion for Ottilie, she easily satisfied herself that her abstraction and distress were owing to her husband's behavior; and she set her self to consider in what way she could best compass her ends."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_116.flac,00010-f000139,0.554762,Auch nach Tische fand sich ein Zwiespalt in der Gesellschaft.,"Supper was over, and the party remained divided."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_117.flac,00010-f000140,0.7043590000000001,"Der Graf, der den Hauptmann recht er gründen wollte, brauchte bei einem so ruhigen, keineswegs eitlen und überhaupt lakonischen Manne verschiedene Wendungen, um zu erfahren, was er wünschte.","The Count, whose object was to probe the Captain to the bot tom, had to try many turns before he could arrive at what he wished with so quiet, so little vain, but so exceedingly laconic a person."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_119.flac,00010-f000143,0.978261,Ihr Schweigen und müßiges Umherstehen brachte denn auch zuletzt eine Stockung in die übrige Gesellschaft.,"Their being so silent, and their standing about in this uneasy, listless way, had its effect at last in breaking up the rest of the party."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.10_120.flac,00010-f000144,0.728125,"Die Frauen zogen sich zurück auf ihren Flügel, die Männer auf den andern, und so schien dieser Tag abgeschlossen.","The ladies withdrew to their rooms, the gentlemen to the other wing of the castle; and so this day appeared to be concluded."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_1.flac,00011-f000004,0.370435,"Der Graf verlor sich in vorige Zeiten, gedachte mit Lebhaftigkeit an die Schönheit Charlottens, die er als ein Kenner mit vielem Feuer entwickelte:","The Count lost himself in old times, spoke eagerly of Charlotte's beauty, which, as a critic, he dwelt upon with much warmth."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_2.flac,00011-f000005,0.592308,Ein schöner Fuß ist eine große Gabe der Natur.,"A pretty foot is a great gift of nature, he said."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_3.flac,00011-f000006,0.278571,Diese Anmut ist unverwüstlich.,It is a grace which never perishes.
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_5.flac,00011-f000009,0.059523800000000016,Die Spitze des Fußes blieb nicht allein der Gegenstand des Lobes unter zwei vertrauten Männern.,"The point of the foot did not remain the only subject of praise between the two old acquaintances; they went from the person back upon old stories and adventures, and came on the hindrances which at that time people had thrown in the way of the lovers' meetings what trouble they had taken, what arts they had been obliged to devise, only to be able to tell each other that they loved."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_6.flac,00011-f000009,0.059523800000000016,"Sie gingen von der Person auf alte Geschichten und Abenteuer zurück und kamen auf die Hindernisse, die man ehemals den Zusammenkünften dieser beiden Liebenden entgegengesetzt, welche Mühe sie sich gegeben, welche Kunstgriffe sie erfunden, nur um sich sagen zu können, daß sie sich liebten.","<MERGE> The point of the foot did not remain the only subject of praise between the two old acquaintances; they went from the person back upon old stories and adventures, and came on the hindrances which at that time people had thrown in the way of the lovers' meetings what trouble they had taken, what arts they had been obliged to devise, only to be able to tell each other that they loved."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_7.flac,00011-f000010,0.782333,"Erinnerst du dich, fuhr der Graf fort, welch Abenteuer ich dir recht freundschaftlich und uneigennützig bestehen helfen, als unsre höchsten Herrschaften ihren Oheim besuchten und auf dem weitläufigen Schlosse zusammenkamen?","Do you remember' continued the Count, an adven ture in which I most unselfishly stood your friend when their High Mightinesses were on a visit to your uncle, Elective Affinities and were all together in that great, straggling castle?"
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_8.flac,00011-f000011,0.9306450000000001,"Der Tag war in Feierlichkeiten und Feierkleidern hingegangen; ein Teil der Nacht sollte wenigstens unter freiem, liebevollem Gespräch verstreichen.",The day went in festivities and glitter of all sorts; and a part of the night at least in pleasant conversation.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_9.flac,00011-f000012,0.221127,"Den Hinweg zu dem Quartier der Hofdamen hatten Sie sich wohl gemerkt, sagte Eduard.","And you, in the meantime, had observed the back way which led to the court ladies' quarter, said Ed ward, and so managed to effect an interview for me with my beloved."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_10.flac,00011-f000013,0.286071,Wir gelangten glücklich zu meiner Geliebten.,"And she, replied the Count, thinking more of pro priety than of my enjoyment, had kept a frightful old duenna with her."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_11.flac,00011-f000014,0.6055560000000001,"Die, versetzte der Graf, mehr an den Anstand als an meine Zufriedenheit gedacht und eine sehr häßliche Ehrenwächterin bei sich behalten hatte; da mir denn, indessen ihr euch mit Blicken und Worten sehr gut unterhieltet, ein höchst unerfreuliches Los zuteil ward.","So that, while you two, between looks and words, got on extremely well together, my lot, in the meanwhile, was far from pleasant."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_12.flac,00011-f000015,0.771654,"Ich habe mich noch gestern, versetzte Eduard, als Sie sich anmelden ließen, mit meiner Frau an die Geschichte erinnert, besonders an unsern Rückzug.","It was only yesterday, answered Edward, when we heard that you were coming, that I was talking over the story with my wife, and describing our adventure on returning."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_13.flac,00011-f000016,0.514,Wir verfehlten den Weg und kamen an den Vorsaal der Garden.,"We missed the road, and got into the en trancehall from the garden."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_14.flac,00011-f000017,1.00263,"Weil wir uns nun von da recht gut zu finden wußten, so glaubten wir auch hier ganz ohne Bedenken hindurch und an dem Posten, wie an den übrigen, vorbei gehen zu können.","Knowing our way from thence so well as we did, we supposed we could get along easily enough."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_15.flac,00011-f000018,0.775687,Aber wie groß war beim Eröffnen der Türe unsere Verwunderung!,But you remember our surprise on open ing the door.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_16.flac,00011-f000019,0.7793100000000001,"Der Weg war mit Matratzen verlegt, auf denen die Riesen in mehreren Reihen ausgestreckt lagen und schliefen.","The floor was covered over with mattresses, on which the giants lay in rows stretched out and sleep ing."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_18.flac,00011-f000025,1.19354,"Es ist hoch Mitternacht, sagte der Graf lächelnd, und eben gerechte Zeit.","Do you guide me tonight, as I guided you then."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_19.flac,00011-f000026,0.6642859999999999,"Ich muß Sie, lieber Baron, um eine Gefälligkeit bitten: führen Sie mich heute, wie ich Sie damals führte; ich habe der Baronesse das Versprechen gegeben, sie noch zu besuchen.","I promised the Baroness that I would,' see her before going to bed."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_20.flac,00011-f000028,0.487088,"Wir haben uns den ganzen Tag nicht allein gesprochen, wir haben uns solange nicht gesehen, und nichts ist natürlicher, als daß man sich nach einer vertraulichen Stunde sehnt.","We have not seen each other for a long time, and it is only natural that we should wish for a confidential hour."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_21.flac,00011-f000029,0.804431,"Zeigen Sie mir den Hinweg, den Rückweg will ich schon finden, und auf alle Fälle werde ich über keine Stiefel wegzustolpern haben.","If you will show me the way there, I will manage to get back again; and in any case, there will be no boots for me to stumble over."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_22.flac,00011-f000030,0.659091,"Ich will Ihnen recht gern diese gastliche Gefälligkeit erzeigen, versetzte Eduard; nur sind die drei Frauenzimmer drüben zusammen auf dem Flügel.","I shall be very glad to show you such a piece of hos pitality, answered Edward; only the three ladies are together in the same wing."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_23.flac,00011-f000031,0.956818,"Wer weiß, ob wir sie nicht noch beieinander finden, oder was wir sonst für Händel anrichten, die irgendein wunderliches Ansehn gewinnen.","Who knows whether we shall not find them still with one another, or make some other mistake, which may have a strange appearance ?"
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_24.flac,00011-f000032,0.5543600000000001,Nur ohne Sorge! sagte der Graf; die Baronesse erwartet mich.,"Do not be afraid, said the Count; the Baroness ex pects me."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_25.flac,00011-f000033,1.29348,Sie ist um diese Zeit gewiß auf ihrem Zimmer und allein.,"She is sure by this time to be in her own room, and alone."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_27.flac,00011-f000036,0.211765,Am Ende desselben öffnete Eduard eine kleine Türe.,At the end of this he opened a small door.
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_28.flac,00011-f000037,0.630253,"Sie erstiegen eine Wendeltreppe; oben auf einem engen Ruheplatz deutete Eduard dem Grafen, dem er das Licht in die Hand gab, nach einer Tapetentüre rechts, die beim ersten Versuch sogleich sich öffnete, den Grafen aufnahm und Eduarden in dem dunklen Raum zurückließ.","They mounted a winding flight of stairs, which brought them out upon a narrow landing place; and then, putting the candle in the Count's hand, he pointed to a tapestried door on the right, which opened readily at the first trial, and admitted the Count, leaving Edward outside in the dark."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_29.flac,00011-f000038,0.504762,Eine andre Türe links ging in Charlottens Schlafzimmer.,Elective Affinities Another door on the left led into Charlotte's sleeping room.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_30.flac,00011-f000039,1.2375,Er hörte reden und horchte.,"He heard her voice, and listened."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_31.flac,00011-f000040,0.6559999999999999,Charlotte sprach zu ihrem Kammermädchen:,She was speak ing to her maid.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_32.flac,00011-f000041,1.2875,Ist Ottilie schon zu Bette?,Is Ottilie in bed? she asked.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_33.flac,00011-f000042,0.887755,"Nein, versetzte jene, sie sitzt noch unten und schreibt.","No, was the answer; she is sitting writing in the room be low."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_35.flac,00011-f000045,0.750218,Die Kerze will ich selbst auslöschen und für mich zu Bette gehen.,"I can put out the candle, and do whatever I may want else myself."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_36.flac,00011-f000046,1.58333,"Eduard hörte mit Entzücken, daß Ottilie noch schreibe.",It was a delight to Edward to hear that Ottilie was I writing still.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_37.flac,00011-f000049,0.862585,Sie beschäftigt sich für mich! dachte er triumphierend.,"He thought he would go to her, and see her; and how she would turn to receive him."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_39.flac,00011-f000051,0.448416,"Von hier aber war kein Weg in das Halbgeschoß, wo sie wohnte.","But, from where he was, there was no way to the apartments which she occupied."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_41.flac,00011-f000057,0.485227,Sie ging in dem größeren Nebenzimmer lebhaft auf und ab.,She was walking rapidly up and down in the large dressingroom adjoining.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_42.flac,00011-f000058,0.516315,"Sie wiederholte sich aber und abermals, was sie seit jenem unerwarteten Vorschlag des Grafen oft genug bei sich um und um gewendet hatte.","She was repeating over and over what, since the Count's un expected proposal, she had often enough had to say to herself."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_43.flac,00011-f000059,1.425,Der Hauptmann schien vor ihr zu stehen.,The Captain seemed to stand before her.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_44.flac,00011-f000061,0.406522,"Er füllte noch das Haus, er belebte noch die Spaziergänge, und er sollte fort, das alles sollte leer werden!",And now he was to go; and it was all to be desolate again.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_45.flac,00011-f000062,0.535609,"Sie sagte sich alles, was man sich sagen kann, ja sie antizipierte, wie man gewöhnlich pflegt, den leidigen Trost, daß auch solche Schmerzen durch die Zeit gelindert werden.","She repeated whatever wise things one can say to one's self; she even anticipated, as people so often do, the wretched comfort that time would come at last to her relief; and then she cursed the time which would have to Elective Affinities pass before it could lighten her sufferings she cursed the dead, cold time when they would be lightened."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_46.flac,00011-f000063,0.662162,"Sie verwünschte die Zeit, die es braucht, um sie zu lindern; sie verwünschte die totenhafte Zeit, wo sie würden gelindert sein.","At last she burst into tears; they were the more welcome, since tears with her were rare."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_47.flac,00011-f000064,0.444286,"Da war denn zuletzt die Zuflucht zu den Tränen um so willkommner, als sie bei ihr selten stattfand.","She flung herself on the sofa, and gave herself up unreservedly to her sufferings."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_48.flac,00011-f000065,0.569388,Sie warf sich auf den Sofa und überließ sich ganz ihrem Schmerz.,"Edward, meanwhile, could not take himself from the door."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_50.flac,00011-f000069,0.371709,"Sie hielt es für Täuschung, aber sie hatte es gehört, sie wünschte, sie fürchtete es gehört zu haben.","But surely she had heard it; and she wished, and she feared to have heard it."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_51.flac,00011-f000070,0.528465,"Sie ging ins Schlafzimmer, trat leise zu der verriegelten Tapetentür.","She went into her sleepingroom, and walked lightly up to the bolted tapestrydoor."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_52.flac,00011-f000071,0.728571,Sie schalt sich über ihre Furcht.,She blamed herself for her fears.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_53.flac,00011-f000072,-0.0205263,Wie leicht kann die Gräfin etwas bedürfen! sagte sie zu sich selbst und rief gefaßt und gesetzt:,"Possibly it may be the Baroness wanting something, she said to herself; and she called out quietly and calmly, Is anybody there?"
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_54.flac,00011-f000072,-0.0205263,Ist jemand da?,"<MERGE> Possibly it may be the Baroness wanting something, she said to herself; and she called out quietly and calmly, Is anybody there?"
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_55.flac,00011-f000073,0.21111100000000002,Eine leise Stimme antwortete: Ich bins.,"A light voice answered, It is I."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_56.flac,00011-f000074,0.866038,"Wer? entgegnete Charlotte, die den Ton nicht unterscheiden konnte.","Who? returned Charlotte, not being able to make out the voice."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_57.flac,00011-f000075,0.192308,Ihr stand des Hauptmanns Gestalt vor der Tür.,She thought she saw the Captain's figure standing at the door.
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_58.flac,00011-f000076,0.26052600000000004,Etwas lauter klang es ihr entgegen: Eduard!,"In a rather louder tone, she heard the word Edward!"
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_59.flac,00011-f000077,1.2,"Sie öffnete, und ihr Gemahl stand vor ihr.","She drew back the bolt, and her husband stood before her."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_60.flac,00011-f000078,0.707882,Er begrüßte sie mit einem Scherz.,He greeted her with some light jest.
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_61.flac,00011-f000079,0.220588,"Es ward ihr möglich, in diesem Tone fortzufahren.",She was unable to reply in the same tone.
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_62.flac,00011-f000080,0.618333,Er verwickelte den rätselhaften Besuch in rätselhafte Erklärungen.,He complicated the mysterious visit by his mysterious ex planation of it.
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_63.flac,00011-f000081,0.743478,"Warum ich denn aber eigentlich komme, sagte er zuletzt, muß ich dir nur gestehen.","Well, then, he said at last, I will confess, the real reason why I am come is that I have made a vow to kiss your shoe this evening."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_64.flac,00011-f000082,0.212069,"Ich habe ein Gelübde getan, heute abend noch deinen Schuh zu küssen.","Elective Affinities It is long since you thought of such a thing as that, said Charlotte."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_65.flac,00011-f000083,0.626812,"Das ist dir lange nicht eingefallen, sagte Charlotte.","So much the worse, he answered; and so much the better."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_66.flac,00011-f000084,0.572892,"Desto schlimmer, versetzte Eduard, und desto besser!.Sie hatte sich in einen Sessel gesetzt, um ihre leichte Nachtkleidung seinen Blicken zu entziehen.","She had thrown herself back in an armchair, to pre vent him from seeing the slightness of her dress."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_68.flac,00011-f000087,0.766667,"Charlotte war eine von den Frauen, die, von Natur mäßig, im Ehestande ohne Vorsatz und Anstrengung die Art und Weise der Liebhaberinnen fortführen.","Charlotte was one of those women who, being of a naturally calm temperament, continue in marriage, with out any purpose or any effort, the air and character of lovers."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_70.flac,00011-f000090,1.11818,Und so fand sie Eduard diesen Abend in doppeltem Sinne.,"And so Edward found her this evening, in a double sense."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_71.flac,00011-f000091,0.9337,Wie sehnlich wünschte sie den Gatten weg; denn die Luftgestalt des Freundes schien ihr Vorwürfe zu machen.,How sorely did she not long that her husband would go; the figure of his friend seemed to hover in the air and reproach her.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_72.flac,00011-f000092,0.6773279999999999,"Aber das, was Eduarden hätte entfernen sollen, zog ihn nur mehr an.",But what should have had the effect of driving Edward away only at tracted him the more.
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_73.flac,00011-f000093,0.267568,Eine gewisse Bewegung war an ihr sichtbar.,There were visible traces of emo tion about her.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_74.flac,00011-f000094,0.509936,"Sie hatte geweint, und wenn weiche Personen dadurch meist an Anmut verlieren, so gewinnen diejenigen dadurch unendlich, die wir gewöhnlich als stark und gefaßt kennen.","She had been crying; and tears, which with weak persons detract from their graces, add immeas urably to the attractiveness of those whom we know com monly as strong and selfpossessed."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_75.flac,00011-f000095,1.25968,"Eduard war so liebenswürdig, so freundlich, so dringend; er bat sie, bei ihr bleiben zu dürfen, er forderte nicht, bald ernst bald scherzhaft suchte er sie zu bereden, er dachte nicht daran, daß er Rechte habe, und löschte zuletzt mutwillig die Kerze aus.","Edward was so agreeable, so gentle, so pressing; he Elective Affinities begged to be allowed to stay with her."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_77.flac,00011-f000098,0.677471,"Eduard hielt nur Ottilien in seinen Armen, Charlotten schwebte der Hauptmann näher oder ferner vor der Seele, und so verwebten, wundersam genug, sich Abwesendes und Gegenwärtiges reizend und wonnevoll durcheinander.","In the dim lamplight, the inward affection, the imagi nation, maintained their rights over the real; it was Ottilie that was resting in Edward's arms; and the Capr tain, now faintly, now clearly, hovered before Charlotte's soul."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_78.flac,00011-f000100,0.768966,Und doch läßt sich die Gegenwart ihr ungeheures Recht nicht rauben.,And yet the present would not let itself be robbed of its own unlovely right.
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.11_79.flac,00011-f000101,0.692538,"Sie brachten einen Teil der Nacht unter allerlei Gesprächen und Scherzen zu, die um desto freier waren als das Herz leider keinen Teil daran nahm.","They spent a part of the night talking and laughing at all sorts of things, the more freely, as the heart had no part in it."
alignments/108/00012-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_2.flac,00012-f000005,0.728571,"Denn so ist die Liebe beschaffen, daß sie allein recht zu haben glaubt und alle anderen Rechte vor ihr verschwinden.","For such is the nature of love that it believes in no rights ex cept its own, and all other rights vanish away before it."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_5.flac,00012-f000011,0.452941,"Ottilien gleichfalls unerwünscht, die mit ihrer auf morgen früh so nötigen Abschrift noch nicht fertig war.","They annoyed Edward, who was longing to devote himself to Ottilie; and Ottilie did not like them either; the copy which had to be finished the next morning early being still incomplete."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_6.flac,00012-f000012,0.666667,"Und so eilte sie auch, als die Fremden sich spät entfernten, sogleich auf ihr Zimmer.","They stayed a long time, and immediately that they were gone she hurried off to her room."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_7.flac,00012-f000013,1.44706,Es war Abend geworden.,It was now evening.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_8.flac,00012-f000014,0.6531819999999999,"Eduard, Charlotte und der Hauptmann, welche die Fremden, ehe sie sich in den Wagen setzten, eine Strecke zu Fuß begleitet hatten, wurden einig, noch einen Spaziergang nach den Teichen zu machen.","Edward, Charlotte, and the Captain had accompanied the strangers some little way on foot before the latter got into their carriage, and pre vious to returning home they agreed to take a walk along the waterside."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_9.flac,00012-f000015,0.0844,"Ein Kahn war angekommen, den Eduard mit ansehnlichen Kosten aus der Ferne verschrieben hatte.","A boat had come, which Edward had had fetched from a distance, at no little expense; and they decided that they would try whether it was easy to manage."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_10.flac,00012-f000015,0.0844,"Man wollte versuchen, ob er sich leicht bewegen und lenken lasse.","<MERGE> A boat had come, which Edward had had fetched from a distance, at no little expense; and they decided that they would try whether it was easy to manage."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_11.flac,00012-f000016,0.7976,"Er war am Ufer des mittelsten Teiches nicht weit von einigen alten Eichbäumen angebunden, auf die man schon bei künftigen Anlagen gerechnet hatte.","It was made fast on the bank of the middle pond, not far from some old ash trees, on which they calculated to make an effect in their future improvements."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_12.flac,00012-f000017,0.748,"Hier sollte ein Landungsplatz angebracht, unter den Bäumen ein architektonischer Ruhesitz aufgeführt werden, wonach diejenigen, die über den See fahren, zu steuern hätten.","There was to be a landingplace made there, and under the trees a seat was to be raised, with some wonderful architecture about it : it was to be the point for which people were to make when they went across the water."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_13.flac,00012-f000018,0.49977,Wo wird man denn nun drüben die Landung am besten anlegen? fragte Eduard.,And where had we better have the landingplace on the other side? said Edward.
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_14.flac,00012-f000019,0.689862,"Ich sollte denken, bei meinen Platanen.",I should think under my plane trees.
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_15.flac,00012-f000020,0.845455,"Sie stehen ein wenig zu weit rechts, sagte der Hauptmann.","They stand a little too far to the right, said the Captain."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_17.flac,00012-f000023,1.3028600000000001,Der Hauptmann stand schon im Hinterteile des Kahns und hatte ein Ruder ergriffen.,"The Captain was already standing in the stern of the Elective Affinities boat, and had taken up an oar."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_18.flac,00012-f000024,0.90945,"Charlotte stieg ein, Eduard gleichfalls und faßte das andre Ruder; aber als er eben im Abstoßen begriffen war, gedachte er Ottiliens, gedachte, daß ihn diese Wasserfahrt verspäten, wer weiß erst wann zurückführen würde.","Charlotte got in, and Edward with her he took the other oar; but as he was on the point of pushing off, he thought of Ottilie he recollected that this waterparty would keep him out late; who could tell when he would get back ?"
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_19.flac,00012-f000025,0.7832,"Er entschloß sich kurz und gut, sprang wieder ans Land, reichte dem Hauptmann das andre Ruder und eilte, sich flüchtig entschuldigend, nach Hause.","He made up his mind shortly and promptly; sprang back to the = bank, and reaching the other oar to the Captain, hurried home making excuses to himself as he ran."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_20.flac,00012-f000026,0.8578950000000001,"Dort vernahm er, Ottilie habe sich eingeschlossen, sie schreibe.","Arriving there, he learned that Ottilie had shut herself up she was writing."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_21.flac,00012-f000027,0.7089449999999999,"Bei dem angenehmen Gefühle, daß sie für ihn etwas tue, empfand er das lebhafteste Mißbehagen, sie nicht gegenwärtig zu sehen.","In spite of the agreeable feeling that she was 'doing something for him, it was the keen est mortification to him not to be able to see her."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_22.flac,00012-f000028,0.197143,Seine Ungeduld vermehrte sich mit jedem Augenblicke.,His impatience increased every moment.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_23.flac,00012-f000029,0.609474,"Er ging in dem großen Saale auf und ab, versuchte allerlei, und nichts vermochte seine Aufmerksamkeit zu fesseln.","He walked up and down the large drawingroom; he tried a thousand things, and could not fix his attention upon any."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_24.flac,00012-f000030,1.03438,"Sie wünschte er zu sehen, allein zu sehen, ehe noch Charlotte mit dem Hauptmann zurückkäme.",He was longing to see her alone before Charlotte came back with the Captain.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_25.flac,00012-f000031,0.10281900000000001,"Es ward Nacht, die Kerzen wurden angezündet.","It was dark by this time, and the candles were lighted. i At last she came in beaming with loveliness: the sense that she had done something for her friend had lifted all her being above herself."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_26.flac,00012-f000031,0.10281900000000001,"Endlich trat sie herein, glänzend von Liebenswürdigkeit.","<MERGE> It was dark by this time, and the candles were lighted. i At last she came in beaming with loveliness: the sense that she had done something for her friend had lifted all her being above herself."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_27.flac,00012-f000031,0.10281900000000001,"Das Gefühl, etwas für den Freund getan zu haben, hatte ihr ganzes Wesen über sich selbst gehoben.","<MERGE> It was dark by this time, and the candles were lighted. i At last she came in beaming with loveliness: the sense that she had done something for her friend had lifted all her being above herself."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_28.flac,00012-f000032,0.965522,Sie legte das Original und die Abschrift vor Eduard auf den Tisch.,She put down the original and her transcript on the table before Edward.
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_29.flac,00012-f000033,1.13407,Wollen wir kollationieren? sagte sie lächelnd.,"Shall we collate them? she said, with a smile."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_30.flac,00012-f000034,0.595,"Eduard wußte nicht, was er erwidern sollte.",Edward did not know what to answer.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_31.flac,00012-f000035,0.577083,"Er sah sie an, er besah die Abschrift.",He looked at her he looked at the transcript.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_32.flac,00012-f000036,0.793734,"Die ersten Blätter waren mit der größten Sorgfalt, mit einer zarten weiblichen Hand geschrieben, dann schienen sich die Züge zu verändern, leichter und freier zu werden; aber wie erstaunt war er, als er die letzten Seiten mit den Augen überlief!","The first few sheets were written with the greatest carefulness in a delicate woman's hand then the strokes appeared to alter, to become more light and free but who can describe his surprise as he ran his eyes over the concluding page?"
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_33.flac,00012-f000037,0.0208333,"Um Gottes willen! rief er aus, was ist das?","Elective Affinities For heaven's sake, he cried, what is this? this is my hand!"
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_34.flac,00012-f000037,0.0208333,Das ist meine Hand!,"<MERGE> Elective Affinities For heaven's sake, he cried, what is this? this is my hand!"
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_35.flac,00012-f000038,0.7060609999999999,"Er sah Ottilien an und wieder auf die Blätter, besonders der Schluß war ganz, als wenn er ihn selbst geschrieben hätte.","He looked at Ottilie, and again at the paper; the conclusion, especially, was exactly as if he had written it himself."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_36.flac,00012-f000039,1.14857,"Ottilie schwieg, aber sie blickte ihm mit der größten Zufriedenheit in die Augen.","Ottilie said nothing, but she looked at him with her eyes full of the warmest delight."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_37.flac,00012-f000040,0.276,Eduard hob seine Arme empor:,Edward stretched out his arms.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_38.flac,00012-f000042,0.555822,"Du liebst mich! rief er aus, Ottilie, du liebst mich! und sie hielten einander umfaßt.",They fell on each other's breast which had been the first to catch the other it would have been impossible to distinguish.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_39.flac,00012-f000043,0.747628,"Wer das andere zuerst ergriffen, wäre nicht zu unterscheiden gewesen.",From that moment the world was all changed for Edward.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_40.flac,00012-f000044,0.715954,"Von diesem Augenblick an war die Welt für Eduarden umgewendet, er nicht mehr, was er gewesen, die Welt nicht mehr, was sie gewesen.","He was no longer what he had been, and the world was no longer what it had been."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_42.flac,00012-f000047,0.7625,Charlotte mit dem Hauptmann trat herein.,Charlotte entered with the Captain.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_43.flac,00012-f000048,0.545,Zu den Entschuldigungen eines längeren Außenbleibens lächelte Eduard heimlich.,Edward inwardly smiled at their excuses for having stayed out so long.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_44.flac,00012-f000049,0.727448,O wie viel zu früh kommt ihr! sagte er zu sich selbst.,"Oh! how far too soon you have returned, he said to himself."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_45.flac,00012-f000050,0.685714,Sie setzten sich zum Abendessen.,They sat down to supper.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_46.flac,00012-f000051,0.661957,Die Personen des heutigen Besuchs wurden beurteilt.,They talked about the people who had been there that day.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_47.flac,00012-f000052,0.761538,"Eduard, liebevoll aufgeregt, sprach gut von einem jeden, immer schonend, oft billigend.","Edward, full of love and ecstasy, spoke well of every one always spar ing, often approving."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_48.flac,00012-f000053,1.01629,"Charlotte, die nicht durchaus seiner Meinung war, bemerkte diese Stimmung und scherzte mit ihm, daß er, der sonst über die scheidende Gesellschaft immer das strengste Zungengericht er gehen lasse, heute so mild und nachsichtig sei.","Charlotte, who was not altogether of his opinion, remarked this temper in him, and jested with him about it he who had always the sharpest thing to say on departed visitors, was this evening so gentle and tolerant."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_49.flac,00012-f000054,0.0,Mit Feuer und herzlicher Überzeugung rief Eduard:,"With fervor and heartfelt conviction,, Edward cried: One has only to love a single creature with all one's heart, and the whole world at once looks lovely !"
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_50.flac,00012-f000054,0.0,"Man muß nur Ein Wesen recht von Grund aus lieben, da kommen einem die übrigen alle liebenswürdig vor!","<MERGE> With fervor and heartfelt conviction,, Edward cried: One has only to love a single creature with all one's heart, and the whole world at once looks lovely !"
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_51.flac,00012-f000055,0.87,"Ottilie schlug die Augen nieder, und Charlotte sah vor sich hin.","Elective Affinities Ottilie dropped her eyes on the ground, and Char lotte looked straight before her."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_52.flac,00012-f000056,0.06857139999999999,"Der Hauptmann nahm das Wort und sagte: Mit den Gefühlen der Hochachtung, der Verehrung ist es doch auch etwas Ähnliches.","The Captain took up the word, and said: It is the same with deep feelings of respect and reverence: we first learn to recognize what there is that is to be valued in the world, when we find occasion to entertain such sentiments toward a particular object."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_53.flac,00012-f000056,0.06857139999999999,"Man erkennt nur erst das Schätzenswerte in der Welt, wenn man solche Gesinnungen an Einem Gegenstande zu üben Gelegenheit findet.","<MERGE> The Captain took up the word, and said: It is the same with deep feelings of respect and reverence: we first learn to recognize what there is that is to be valued in the world, when we find occasion to entertain such sentiments toward a particular object."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_54.flac,00012-f000057,0.975286,"Charlotte suchte bald in ihr Schlafzimmer zu gelangen, um sich der Erinnerung dessen zu überlassen, was diesen Abend zwischen ihr und dem Hauptmann vorgegangen war.","Charlotte made an excuse to retire early to her room, where she could give herself up to thinking over what had passed in the course of the evening between herself and the Captain."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_55.flac,00012-f000058,0.87395,"Als Eduard ans Ufer springend den Kahn vom Lande stieß, Gattin und Freund dem schwankenden Element selbst überantwortete, sah nunmehr Charlotte den Mann, um den sie im stillen schon soviel gelitten hatte, in der Dämmerung vor sich sitzen und durch die Führung zweier Ruder das Fahrzeug in beliebiger Richtung fortbewegen.","When Edward sprang on shore, and, pushing off the boat, had himself committed his wife and his friend to the uncertain element, Charlotte found herself face to face with the man on whose account she had been already secretly suffering so bitterly, sitting in the twilight before her, and sweeping along the boat with the sculls in easy motion."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_56.flac,00012-f000059,0.960638,"Sie empfand eine tiefe, selten gefühlte Traurigkeit.","She felt a depth of sadness, very rare with her, weighing on her spirits."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_57.flac,00012-f000060,0.6833,"Das Kreisen des Kahns, das Plätschern der Ruder, der über den Wasserspiegel hinschauernde Windhauch, das Säuseln der Rohre, das letzte Schweben der Vögel, das Blinken und Widerblinken der ersten Sterne: alles hatte etwas Geisterhaftes in dieser allgemeinen Stille.","The undulating movement of the boat, the splash of the oars, the faint breeze play ing over the watery mirror, the sighing of the reeds, the long flight of the birds, the fitful twinkling of the first stars there was something spectral about it all in the universal stillness."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_58.flac,00012-f000061,0.06758310000000001,"Es schien ihr, der Freund führe sie weit weg, um sie auszusetzen, sie allein zu lassen.","She fancied her friend was bear ing her away to set her on some faroff shore, and leave her there alone; strange emotions were passing through her, and she could not give way to them and weep."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_59.flac,00012-f000061,0.06758310000000001,"Eine wunderbare Bewegung war in ihrem Innern, und sie konnte nicht weinen.","<MERGE> She fancied her friend was bear ing her away to set her on some faroff shore, and leave her there alone; strange emotions were passing through her, and she could not give way to them and weep."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_60.flac,00012-f000062,1.47831,"Der Hauptmann beschrieb ihr unterdessen, wie nach seiner Absicht die Anlagen werden sollten.","The Captain was describing to her the manner in Elective Affinities which, in his opinion, the improvements should be con tinued."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_61.flac,00012-f000063,0.54987,"Er rühmte die guten Eigenschaften des Kahns, daß er sich leicht mit zwei Rudern von einer Person bewegen und regieren lasse.","He praised the construction of the boat; it was so convenient, he said, because one person could so easily manage it with a pair of oars."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_62.flac,00012-f000064,0.8880950000000001,"Sie werde das selbst lernen, es sei eine angenehme Empfindung, manchmal allein auf dem Wasser hinzuschwimmen und sein eigner Fähr und Steuermann zu sein.","She should her self learn how to do this; there was often a delicious feeling in floating along alone upon the water, one's own ferryman and steersman."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_63.flac,00012-f000065,0.790625,Bei diesen Worten fiel der Freundin die bevorstehende Trennung aufs Herz.,The parting which was impending sank on Charlotte's heart as he was speaking.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_64.flac,00012-f000066,0.565909,Sagt er das mit Vorsatz? dachte sie bei sich selbst.,Is he saying this on purpose? she thought to herself.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_65.flac,00012-f000067,0.07058819999999999,Weiß er schon davon? vermutet ers?,Does he know it yet?
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_66.flac,00012-f000068,0.707445,"Oder sagt er es zufällig, so daß er mir bewußtlos mein Schicksal vorausverkündigt?",Does he suspect it ? or is it only accident; and is he unconsciously foretelling me my fate?
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_67.flac,00012-f000069,0.5672729999999999,"Es ergriff sie eine große Wehmut, eine Ungeduld; sie bat ihn, baldmöglichst zu landen und mit ihr nach dem Schlosse zurückzukehren.","A weary, impatient heaviness took hold of her; she begged him to make for land as soon as possible, and return with her to the castle."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_68.flac,00012-f000070,0.912298,"Es war das erstemal, daß der Hauptmann die Teiche befuhr, und ob er gleich im allgemeinen ihre Tiefe untersucht hatte, so waren ihm doch die einzelnen Stellen unbekannt.","It was the first time that the Captain had been upon the water, and, though generally he had acquainted him self with its depth, he did not know accurately the par ticular spots."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_69.flac,00012-f000071,0.6870970000000001,"Dunkel fing es an zu werden; er richtete seinen Lauf dahin, wo er einen bequemen Ort zum Aussteigen vermutete und den Fußpfad nicht entfernt wußte, der nach dem Schlosse führte.","Dusk was coming on; he directed his course to a place where he thought it would be easy to get on shore, and from which he knew the footpath which led to the castle was not far distant."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_70.flac,00012-f000072,0.306047,"Aber auch von dieser Bahn wurde er einigermaßen abgelenkt, als Charlotte mit einer Art von Ängstlichkeit den Wunsch wiederholte, bald am Lande zu sein.","Charlotte, however, repeated her wish to get to land quickly, and the place which he thought of being at a short distance, he gave h: up, and exerting himself as much as he possibly could, made straight for the bank."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_72.flac,00012-f000075,0.392308,Was war zu tun?,What was to be Elective Affinities done ?
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_73.flac,00012-f000076,0.567857,"Ihm blieb nichts übrig, als in das Wasser zu steigen, das seicht genug war, und die Freundin an das Land zu tragen.",There was no alternative but to get into the water; and carry his companion ashore.
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_75.flac,00012-f000077,0.666429,Er hielt sie fest und drückte sie an sich.,It was done without difficulty or danger.
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_76.flac,00012-f000078,0.761167,"Erst auf einem Rasenabhang ließ er sie nieder, nicht ohne Bewegung und Verwirrung.","He was strong enough not to totter with her, or give her any cause for anxiety; but in her agitation she had thrown her arms about his neck."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_77.flac,00012-f000079,0.8232889999999999,"Sie lag noch an seinem Halse; er schloß sie aufs neue in seine Arme und drückte einen lebhaften Kuß auf ihre Lippen; aber auch im Augenblick lag er zu ihren Füßen, drückte seinen Mund auf ihre Hand und rief: Charlotte, werden Sie mir vergeben?.Der Kuß, den der Freund gewagt, den sie ihm beinahe zurückgegeben, brachte Charlotten wieder zu sich selbst.","He held her fast, and pressed her to himself and at last laid her down upon a grassy bank, not without emotion and confusion... she still lay upon his neck. he caught her up once more in his arms, and pressed a warm kiss upon her lips."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_78.flac,00012-f000080,1.00021,"Sie drückte seine Hand, aber sie hob ihn nicht auf.","The next moment he was at her feet: he took her hand, and held it to his mouth, and cried : Charlotte, will you forgive me?"
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_79.flac,00012-f000081,0.8925930000000001,"Doch indem sie sich zu ihm hinunterneigte und eine Hand auf seine Schultern legte, rief sie aus:","The kiss which he had ventured to give, and which she had all but returned to him, brought Charlotte to herself again she pressed his hand but she did not attempt to raise him up."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_80.flac,00012-f000082,0.492239,"Daß dieser Augenblick in unserm Leben Epoche mache, können wir nicht verhindern; aber daß sie unser wert sei, hängt von uns ab.","She bent down over him, and laid her hand upon his shoulder, and said: We can not now prevent this moment from forming an epoch in our lives; but it depends on us to bear our selves in a manner which shall be worthy of us."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_81.flac,00012-f000083,1.13864,"Sie müssen scheiden, lieber Freund, und Sie werden scheiden.","You i must go away, my dear friend, and you are going."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_82.flac,00012-f000084,0.381037,"Der Graf macht Anstalt, Ihr Schicksal zu verbessern; es freut und schmerzt mich. Ich wollte es verschweigen, bis es gewiß wäre; der Augenblick nötigt mich, dies Geheimnis zu entdecken.","The Count has plans for you, to give you better prospects I am glad, and I am sorry."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_83.flac,00012-f000085,0.827263,"Nur insofern kann ich Ihnen, kann ich mir verzeihen, wenn wir den Mut haben, unsre Lage zu ändern, da es von uns nicht abhängt, unsre Gesinnung zu ändern.","I did not mean to speak of it till it was certain; but this moment obliges me to tell you my secret.... Since it does not depend on our selves to alter our feelings, I can only forgive you, I can only forgive myself, if we have the courage to alter our situation."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_84.flac,00012-f000086,0.690909,"Sie hub ihn auf und ergriff seinen Arm, um sich darauf zu stützen, und so kamen sie stillschweigend nach dem Schlosse.","She raised him up, took his arm to sug Elective Affinities port herself, and they walked back to the castle without speaking."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_85.flac,00012-f000087,0.94498,"Nun aber stand sie in ihrem Schlafzimmer, wo sie sich als Gattin Eduards empfinden und betrachten mußte.","But now she was standing in her own room, where she had to feel and to know that she was Edward's wife."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_86.flac,00012-f000088,0.434753,Ihr kam bei diesen Widersprüchen ihr tüchtiger und durchs Leben mannigfaltig geübter Charakter zu Hülfe.,"Her strength and the various discipline in which through life she had trained herself, came to her assistance in the conflict."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_88.flac,00012-f000091,0.591964,"Doch schnell ergriff sie eine seltsame Ahnung, ein freudig bängliches Erzittern, das in fromme Wünsche und Hoffnungen sich auflöste.","Suddenly she was seized with a wonderful in stinctive feeling, a thrill of fearful delight which changed into holy hope and longing."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_89.flac,00012-f000092,0.8587030000000001,"Gerührt kniete sie nieder, sie wiederholte den Schwur, den sie Eduarden vor dem Altar getan.","She knelt earnestly down, and repeated the oath which she had taken to Edward before the altar."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_90.flac,00012-f000093,0.281818,"Freundschaft, Neigung, Entsagen gingen vor ihr in heitern Bildern vorüber.","Friendship, affection, renunciation, floated in glad, happy images before her."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.12_91.flac,00012-f000094,0.267568,Sie fühlte sich innerlich wiederhergestellt.,She felt restored to health and to herself.
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_1.flac,00013-f000003,0.678571,"Zu schlafen denkt er so wenig, daß es ihm nicht einmal einfällt, sich auszuziehen.",So little he thought of sleeping that it did not once occur to him even to undress himself.
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_2.flac,00013-f000004,0.7557050000000001,"Die Abschrift des Dokuments küßt er tausendmal, den Anfang von Ottiliens kindlich schüchterner Hand; das Ende wagt er kaum zu küssen, weil er seine eigene Hand zu sehen glaubt.","A thousand times he kissed the transcript of the document, but it was the be ginning of it, in Ottilie's childish, timid hand; the end he scarcely dared to kiss, for he thought it was his own hand which he saw."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_3.flac,00013-f000005,0.610345,"O daß es ein andres Dokument wäre! sagt er sich im stillen; und doch ist es ihm auch schon die schönste Versicherung, daß sein höchster Wunsch erfüllt sei.","Oh, that it were another document ! he whispered to himself; and, as it was, he felt it was the sweetest assurance that his highest wish would be ful filled."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_4.flac,00013-f000006,0.371887,"Bleibt es ja doch in seinen Händen! und wird er es nicht immerfort an sein Herz drücken, obgleich entstellt durch die Unterschrift eines Dritten?","Thus it remained in his hands, thus he continued to press it to his heart, although disfigured by a third name subscribed to it."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_5.flac,00013-f000008,0.590476,Der abnehmende Mond steigt über den Wald hervor.,The warmth of the night drew Edward out into the free air.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_7.flac,00013-f000012,0.605769,Dort setzt er sich auf eine Terrassentreppe.,"He threw himself down,on the steps of the terrace below."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_8.flac,00013-f000013,0.584018,"Mauern und Riegel, sagt er zu sich selbst, trennen uns jetzt, aber unsre Herzen sind nicht getrennt.","Walls and bolts, F e said to himself, may still divide us, but our hearts re not divided."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_9.flac,00013-f000014,0.887225,"Stünde sie vor mir, in meine Arme würde sie fallen, ich in die ihrigen, und was bedarf es weiter als diese Gewißheit!","If she were here before me, into my arms Elective Affinities she would fall, and I into hers; and what can one desire but that sweet certainty!"
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_10.flac,00013-f000015,0.751607,"Alles war still um ihn her, kein Lüftchen regte sich; so still wars, daß er das wühlende Arbeiten emsiger Tiere unter der Erde vernehmen konnte, denen Tag und Nacht gleich sind.","All was stillness round him; not a breath was moving so still it was that he could hear the unresting creatures underground at their work, to whom day or night are alike."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_11.flac,00013-f000016,0.693385,"Er hing ganz seinen glücklichen Träumen nach, schlief endlich ein und erwachte nicht eher wieder, als bis die Sonne mit herrlichem Blick heraufstieg und die frühsten Nebel gewältigte.","He abandoned himself to his delicious dreams; at last he fell asleep, and did not wake till the sun with his royal beams was mounting up in the sky and scattering the early mists."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_12.flac,00013-f000017,0.8063239999999999,Nun fand er sich den ersten Wachenden in seinen Besitzungen.,He found himself the first person awake on his do main.
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_13.flac,00013-f000018,0.498837,Die Arbeiter schienen ihm zu lange auszubleiben.,"The laborers seemed to be staying away too long; they came; he thought they were too few, and the work set out for the day too slight for his desires."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_14.flac,00013-f000019,0.7806310000000001,Sie kamen; es schienen ihm ihrer zu wenig und die vorgesetzte Tagesarbeit für seine Wünsche zu gering. Er fragte nach mehreren Arbeitern; man versprach sie und stellte sie im Laufe des Tages.,"He inquired for more workmen; they were promised, and in the course of the day they came."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_15.flac,00013-f000020,1.0916700000000001,"Aber auch diese sind ihm nicht genug, um seine Vorsätze schleunig ausgeführt zu sehen.","But these,, too, were not enough for him to carry his plans out as rapidly as he wished."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_17.flac,00013-f000023,0.8910629999999999,"Die Wege sollen gebahnt sein, damit Ottilie bequem sie gehen, die Sitze schon an Ort und Stelle, damit Ottilie dort ruhen könne.","The paths should be graveled, that Ottilie might walk pleasantly upon them; seats should be made at every spot and corner, that Ottilie might rest on them."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_18.flac,00013-f000024,0.242647,"Auch an dem neuen Hause treibt er, was er kann; es soll an Ottiliens Geburtstage gerichtet werden.",The new park house was hurried forward.
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_19.flac,00013-f000026,0.771154,In Eduards Gesinnungen wie in seinen Handlungen ist kein Maß mehr.,"In all he thought and all he did, there was no more moderation."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_20.flac,00013-f000027,0.967308,"Das Bewußtsein, zu lieben und geliebt zu werden, treibt ihn ins Unendliche.",The sense of loving and of being loved urged him out into the unlimited.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_21.flac,00013-f000028,0.926683,"Wie verändert ist ihm die Ansicht von allen Zimmern, von allen Umgebungen!","How changed was now to him the look of all the rooms, their furni ture, and their decorations !"
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_22.flac,00013-f000029,1.5,Er findet sich in seinem eigenen Hause nicht mehr.,He did not feel as if he was in his own house any more.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_24.flac,00013-f000033,0.524453,Der Hauptmann beobachtet dieses leidenschaftliche Treiben und wünscht den traurigen Folgen zuvorzukommen.,"This impetuosity of passion did not escape the Captain, who longed, if he could, to prevent its evil consequences."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_25.flac,00013-f000034,0.423022,"Alle diese Anlagen, die jetzt mit einem einseitigen Triebe übermäßig gefördert werden, hatte er auf ein ruhig freundliches Zusammenleben berechnet.","All those plans which were now being hurried on with this immoderate speed, had been drawn out and calculated for a long, quiet, easy execution."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_28.flac,00013-f000039,0.857576,Es war viel angefangen und viel zu tun.,"Much had been begun, and much yet remained to be done."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_29.flac,00013-f000040,0.548718,Wie soll er Charlotten in dieser Lage lassen!,How could the Captain leave Charlotte in such a situation?
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_32.flac,00013-f000046,0.762696,"Eduard stimmte gern bei, weil es mit seinen Absichten übereintraf.",Edward gladly gave his consent to a plan which so entirely coincided with his own views.
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_33.flac,00013-f000047,0.8350629999999999,"Im innern Herzen beharrt indessen Charlotte bei dem, was sie bedacht und sich vorgesetzt, und männlich steht ihr der Freund mit gleichem Sinn zur Seite.","During this time Charlotte persisted with all her heart Elective Affinities in what she had determined for herself, and her friend stood by her with a like purpose, manfully."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_34.flac,00013-f000048,0.211765,Aber eben dadurch wird ihre Vertraulichkeit nur vermehrt.,"This very circumstance, however, produced a greater intimacy be tween them."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_35.flac,00013-f000049,0.7879999999999999,"Sie erklären sich wechselseitig über Eduards Leidenschaft, sie beraten sich darüber.","They spoke openly to one another of Ed ward's passion, and consulted what had better be done."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_36.flac,00013-f000050,1.02826,"Charlotte schließt Ottilien näher an sich, beobachtet sie strenger, und je mehr sie ihr eigen Herz gewahr worden, desto tiefer blickt sie in das Herz des Mädchens.","Charlotte kept Ottilie more about herself, watching her narrowly; and the more she understood her own heart the deeper she was able to penetrate into the heart of the poor girl."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_37.flac,00013-f000051,0.794235,"Sie sieht keine Rettung, als sie muß das Kind entfernen.",She saw no help for it except in sending her away.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_39.flac,00013-f000055,1.01349,"Ihr eigenes Verhältnis hoffte Charlotte zu Eduard bald wiederherzustellen, und sie legte das alles so verständig bei sich zurecht, daß sie sich nur immer mehr in dem Wahn bestärkte: in einen frühern, beschränktern Zustand könne man zurückkehren, ein gewaltsam Entbundenes lasse sich wieder ins Enge bringen.","Her own position in Edward's affection Charlotte thought she could soon recover; and she settled it all, and laid it all out before herself so sensibly that she only strengthened herself more completely in her delusion, as if it were possible for them to return within their old limits as if a bond which had been violently broken could again be joined together as before."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_40.flac,00013-f000056,0.686765,"Eduard empfand indessen die Hindernisse sehr hoch, die man ihm in den Weg legte.",In the meantime Edward felt very deeply the hin drances which were thrown in his way.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_42.flac,00013-f000059,0.8241040000000001,"Konnte er Ottilien flüchtig sprechen, so war es nicht nur, sie seiner Liebe zu versichern, sondern sich auch über seine Gattin, über den Hauptmann zu beschweren.","If he caught an opportunity for a few hasty words with Ottilie, it was not only to assure her of his love, but to complain of his wife and of the Captain."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_44.flac,00013-f000062,0.783916,"Der Haß ist parteiisch, aber die Liebe ist es noch mehr.","Hatred is a partizan, but love is even more so."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_45.flac,00013-f000063,1.12909,Auch Ottilie entfremdete sich einigermaßen von Charlotten und dem Hauptmann.,Ottilie also estranged herself from Charlotte and the Captain.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_46.flac,00013-f000064,0.715296,"Als Eduard sich einst gegen Ottilien über den letztern beklagte, daß er als Freund und in einem solchen Verhältnisse nicht ganz aufrichtig handle, versetzte Ottilie unbedachtsam:","As Edward was complaining one day to Ottilie of the latter, saying that he was not treating him like a friend, or, under the circumstances, acting quite uprightly, she answered unthinkingly: I have once or twice had a painful feeling that he was not quite honest with you."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_47.flac,00013-f000065,0.642857,"Es hat mir schon früher mißfallen, daß er nicht ganz redlich gegen Sie ist.","I heard him say once to Charlotte, 'If Edward would but spare us that eternal flute of his!"
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_48.flac,00013-f000066,0.483333,Ich hörte ihn einmal zu Charlotten sagen:,"He can make nothing of it, and it is too disagreeable to listen to him.'"
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_49.flac,00013-f000067,0.591333,Wenn uns nur Eduard mit seiner Flötendudelei verschonte!,"You may imagine how it hurt me, when I like accom panying you so much."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_50.flac,00013-f000067,0.508128,Es kann daraus nichts werden und ist für die Zuhörer so lästig.,"You may imagine how it hurt me, when I like accom panying you so much."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_51.flac,00013-f000068,0.182609,"Sie können denken, wie mich das geschmerzt hat, da ich Sie so gern akkompagniere.",She had scarcely uttered the words when her con science whispered to her that she had much better have been silent.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_53.flac,00013-f000072,0.26363600000000004,Eduards Gesichtszüge verwandelten sich.,He was touched on his tenderest point.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_55.flac,00013-f000074,0.837037,"Was ihn unterhielt, was ihn erfreute, sollte doch mit Schonung von Freunden behandelt werden.",He never made the slightest pretensions; what gave him pleasure should be treated with forbearance by his friends.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_56.flac,00013-f000075,0.680184,"Er dachte nicht, wie schrecklich es für einen Dritten sei, sich die Ohren durch ein unzulängliches Talent verletzen zu lassen.",He never thought how intolerable it is for a third per son to have his ears lacerated by an unsuccessful talent.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_57.flac,00013-f000076,1.1553200000000001,"Er war beleidigt, wütend, um nicht wieder zu vergeben.",He was indignant; he was hurt in a way which he could not forgive.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_58.flac,00013-f000077,0.6680229999999999,Er fühlte sich von allen Pflichten losgesprochen.,He felt himself discharged from all obli gations.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_59.flac,00013-f000078,0.714356,"Die Notwendigkeit, mit Ottilien zu sein, sie zu sehen, ihr etwas zuzuflüstern, ihr zu vertrauen, wuchs mit jedem Tage.","The necessity of being with Ottilie, of seeing her, whispering to her, exchanging his confidence with her, increased with every day."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_60.flac,00013-f000079,0.720121,"Er entschloß sich, ihr zu schreiben, sie um einen geheimen Briefwechsel zu bitten.","He determined to write to her, and ask her to carry on a secret correspondence with him."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_61.flac,00013-f000080,0.6718350000000001,"Das Streifchen Papier, worauf er dies lakonisch genug getan hatte, lag auf dem Schreibtisch und ward vom Zugwind heruntergeführt, als der Kammerdiener hereintrat, ihm die Haare zu kräuseln.","The strip of paper on which he had, lacon ically enough, made his request, lay on his writingtable, and was swept off by a draft of wind as his valet entered to dress his hair."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_62.flac,00013-f000081,0.257653,"Gewöhnlich, um die Hitze des Eisens zu versuchen, bückte sich dieser nach Papierschnitzeln auf der Erde; diesmal ergriff er das Billet, zwickte es eilig, und es war versengt.",The latter was in the habit of trying the heat of the iron by picking up any scraps of paper which might be lying about.
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_63.flac,00013-f000082,0.7204550000000001,"Eduard, den Mißgriff bemerkend, riß es ihm aus der Hand.","This time his hand fell on the billet; he twisted it up hastily, and it was burned."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_65.flac,00013-f000086,0.54,"Er fühlte einiges Bedenken, einige Besorgnis, die er jedoch überwand.","It gave him a little un easiness; he hesitated, but he got over it."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_66.flac,00013-f000087,0.767768,"Ottilien wurde das Blättchen in die Hand gedrückt, den ersten Augenblick, wo er sich ihr nähern konnte.",He squeezed the paper into Ottilie's hand the first moment he was able to approach her.
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_67.flac,00013-f000088,1.43226,"Ottilie versäumte nicht, ihm zu antworten.",Ottilie answered him immediately.
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_68.flac,00013-f000089,0.33939899999999995,"Ungelesen steckte er das Zettelchen in die Weste, die, modisch kurz, es nicht gut verwahrte.","He put the note unread in his waistcoat pocket, which, being made short in the fashion of the time, was shallow, and did not hold it as it ought."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_69.flac,00013-f000090,0.867188,"Es schob sich heraus und fiel, ohne von ihm bemerkt zu werden, auf den Boden.","It worked out, and fell Elective Affinities without his observing it on the ground."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_70.flac,00013-f000091,0.657609,Charlotte sah es und hob es auf und reichte es ihm mit einem flüchtigen Überblick.,"Charlotte saw it, picked it up, and after giving a hasty glance at it, reached it to him."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_71.flac,00013-f000092,0.514286,"Hier ist etwas von deiner Hand, sagte sie, das du vielleicht ungern verlörest.","Here is something in your handwriting, she said, which you may be sorry to lose."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_72.flac,00013-f000093,1.03125,Er war betroffen.,He was confounded.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_73.flac,00013-f000096,0.277778,Verstellt sie sich? dachte er.,"He hoped, he believed the latter."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_74.flac,00013-f000097,0.6060979999999999,"Ist sie den Inhalt des Blättchens gewahr worden, oder irrt sie sich an der Ähnlichkeit der Hände?","He was warned doubly warned; but those strange accidents, through which a higher in telligence seems to be speaking to us, his passion was not able to interpret."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_75.flac,00013-f000099,1.10542,"Er hoffte, er dachte das letztre.",His pleasure in their society was gone.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_76.flac,00013-f000100,0.644406,"Er war gewarnt, doppelt gewarnt; aber diese sonderbaren, zufälligen Zeichen, durch die ein höheres Wesen mit uns zu sprechen scheint, waren seiner Leidenschaft unverständlich; vielmehr, indem sie ihn immer weiter führte, empfand er die Beschränkung, in der man ihn zu halten schien, immer unangenehmer.","His heart was closed against them, and though he was obliged to endure their society, he could not succeed in rediscovering or in reanimating within his heart anything of his old affection for them."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_77.flac,00013-f000099,0.264706,Die freundliche Geselligkeit verlor sich.,His pleasure in their society was gone.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_78.flac,00013-f000100,0.667593,"Sein Herz war verschlossen, und wenn er mit Freund und Frau zusammenzusein genötigt war, so gelang es ihm nicht, seine frühere Neigung zu ihnen in seinem Busen wieder aufzufinden, zu beleben.","His heart was closed against them, and though he was obliged to endure their society, he could not succeed in rediscovering or in reanimating within his heart anything of his old affection for them."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_80.flac,00013-f000105,0.295,Über alle diese Prüfungen half Charlotten ihr inneres Gefühl hinweg.,"Her own affection, fair and noble as it was, she would utterly renounce."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_81.flac,00013-f000107,0.649191,"Sie war sich ihres ernsten Vorsatzes bewußt, auf eine so schöne, edle Neigung Verzicht zu tun.","Separation, she knew well, would not alone Elective Affinities suffice to heal so deep a wound."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_82.flac,00013-f000108,0.752941,"Wie sehr wünschte sie, jenen beiden auch zu Hülfe zu kommen!",She resolved that she would speak openly about it to Ottilie herself.
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_85.flac,00013-f000113,0.698571,"Ein jeder Wink, den sie Ottilien geben will, deutet zurück in ihr eignes Herz.",Every hint which she would give Ottilie recoiled back on her own heart.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_86.flac,00013-f000114,1.06571,"Sie will warnen und fühlt, daß sie wohl selbst noch einer Warnung bedürfen könnte.","She would warn, and she was obliged to feel that she might herself still be in need of warning."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_87.flac,00013-f000115,0.646275,"Schweigend hält sie daher die Liebenden noch immer auseinander, und die Sache wird dadurch nicht besser.","She contented herself, therefore, with silently keeping the lovers more apart, and by this gained nothing."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_88.flac,00013-f000116,1.0391,"Leise Andeutungen, die ihr manchmal entschlüpfen, wirken auf Ottilien nicht; denn Eduard hatte diese von Charlottens Neigung zum Hauptmann überzeugt, sie überzeugt, daß Charlotte selbst eine Scheidung wünsche, die er nun auf eine anständige Weise zu bewirken denke.","The slight hints which frequently escaped her had no effect upon Ottilie; for Ottilie had been assured by Edward that Charlotte was devoted to the Captain, that Charlotte herself wished for a separation, and that he was at this moment considering the readiest means by which it could be brought about."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_89.flac,00013-f000117,0.75822,"Ottilie, getragen durch das Gefühl ihrer Unschuld, auf dem Wege zu dem erwünschtesten Glück, lebt nur für Eduard.","Ottilie, led by the sense of her own innocence along the road to the happiness for which she longed, only lived for Edward."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.13_90.flac,00013-f000118,1.06675,"Durch die Liebe zu ihm in allem Guten gestärkt, um seinetwillen freudiger in ihrem Tun, aufgeschlossener gegen andre, findet sie sich in einem Himmel auf Erden.","Strengthened by her love for him in all good, more light and happy in her work for his sake, and more frank and open toward others, she found her self in a heaven upon earth."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_1.flac,00014-f000003,0.715457,"Auch unterrichtete der Hauptmann seine Freunde nur von jenen Hoffnungen und verbarg, was so nahe bevorstand.","A number of circumstances, however, made it desirable that for the moment he should not speak of it, and consequently he only informed his friends of his distant expectations, and concealed what was so nearly impending."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_2.flac,00014-f000004,0.416837,"Indessen setzte er die gegenwärtigen Geschäfte lebhaft fort und machte in der Stille Einrichtungen, wie alles in seiner Abwesenheit ungehinderten Fortgang haben könnte.","He went warmly on, at the same time, with his present occupation, and quietly made arrangements to secure the works being all continued without interruption after his departure."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_3.flac,00014-f000005,1.1367,"Es ist ihm nun selbst daran gelegen, daß für manches ein Termin bestimmt werde, daß Ottiliens Geburtstag manches beschleunige.","He was now himself desirous that as much as possible should be finished off at once, and was ready to hasten things forward to prepare for Ottilie's birthday."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_4.flac,00014-f000006,0.4975,"Nun wirken die beiden Freunde, obschon ohne ausdrückliches Einverständnis, gern zusammen.","And so, though without having come to any express un derstanding, the two friends worked side by side together."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_7.flac,00014-f000011,0.67825,"Der untere Damm war zu verstärken, die mittlern abzutragen und die ganze Sache in mehr als einem Sinne wichtig und bedenklich.","However, both these schemes had been already undertaken; the soil which was removed above being carried at once down to where it was wanted."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_8.flac,00014-f000012,0.403933,"Beide Arbeiten aber, wie sie ineinanderwirken konnten, waren schon angefangen, und hier kam ein junger Architekt, ein ehemaliger Zögling des Hauptmanns, sehr erwünscht, der teils mit Anstellung tüchtiger Meister, teils mit Verdingen der Arbeit, wo sichs tun ließ, die Sache förderte und dem Werke Sicherheit und Dauer versprach; wobei sich der Hauptmann im stillen freute, daß man seine Entfernung nicht fühlen würde.","And here there came opportunely on the scene a young architect, an old pupil of the Captain, who partly by introducing workmen who under stood work of this nature, and partly by himself, whenever it was possible, contracting for the work itself, advanced things not a little, while at the same time they could feel more confidence in their being securely and lastingly ex ecuted."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_9.flac,00014-f000015,0.346247,"Denn er hatte den Grundsatz, aus einem übernommenen unvollendeten Geschäft nicht zu scheiden, bis er seine Stelle genugsam ersetzt sähe.","It was one of the points on which he was most resolute with himself, never to leave anything which he had taken in hand uncompleted, unless he could see his place satisfactorily supplied."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_10.flac,00014-f000015,0.503167,"Ja er verachtete diejenigen, die, um ihren Abgang fühlbar zu machen, erst noch Verwirrung in ihrem Kreise anrichten, indem sie als ungebildete Selbstler das zu zerstören wünschen, wobei sie nicht mehr fortwirken sollen.","It was one of the points on which he was most resolute with himself, never to leave anything which he had taken in hand uncompleted, unless he could see his place satisfactorily supplied."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_11.flac,00014-f000017,0.932468,"So arbeitete man immer mit Anstrengung, um Ottiliens Geburtstag zu verherrlichen, ohne daß man es aussprach oder sichs recht aufrichtig bekannte.","So they labored on, straining every nerve to make Ottilie's birthday splendid, without any open acknowl edgment that this was what they were aiming at, or, indeed, without their directly acknowledging it to them Elective Affinities selves."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_12.flac,00014-f000018,0.523626,Nach Charlottens obgleich neidlosen Gesinnungen konnte es doch kein entschiedenes Fest werden.,"Charlotte, wholly free from jealousy as she was, could not think it right to keep it as a real festival."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_13.flac,00014-f000018,0.353244,"Die Jugend Ottiliens, ihre Glücksumstände, das Verhältnis zur Familie berechtigten sie nicht, als Königin eines Tages zu erscheinen.","Charlotte, wholly free from jealousy as she was, could not think it right to keep it as a real festival."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_14.flac,00014-f000019,0.380764,"Und Eduard wollte nicht davon gesprochen haben, weil alles wie von selbst entspringen, überraschen und natürlich erfreuen sollte.","Ot tilie's youth, the circumstances of her fortune, and her relationship to their family, were not at all such as made it fit that she should appear as the queen of the day; and Edward would not have it talked about, because every thing was to spring out, as it were, of itself, with a natu ral and delightful surprise."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_15.flac,00014-f000020,0.438974,"Alle kamen daher stillschweigend in dem Vorwande überein, als wenn an diesem Tage, ohne weitere Beziehung, jenes Lusthaus gerichtet werden sollte, und bei diesem Anlaß konnte man dem Volke sowie den Freunden ein Fest ankündigen.","They, therefore, came all of them to a sort of tacit un derstanding that on this day, without further circum stance, the new house in the park was to be opened, and they might take the occasion to invite the neighborhood and give a holiday to their own people."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_16.flac,00014-f000021,0.254545,Eduards Neigung war aber grenzenlos.,"Edward's pas sion, however, knew no bounds."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_17.flac,00014-f000022,0.414932,"Wie er sich Ottilien zuzueignen begehrte, so kannte er auch kein Maß des Hingebens, Schenkens, Versprechens.","Longing as he did to give himself to Ottilie, his presents and his promises must be infinite."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_18.flac,00014-f000023,0.726699,"Zu einigen Gaben, die er Ottilien an diesem Tage verehren wollte, hatte ihm Charlotte viel zu ärmliche Vorschläge getan.","The birthday gifts which on the great occa sion he was to offer to her seemed, as Charlotte had ar ranged them, far too insignificant."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_19.flac,00014-f000024,0.6009180000000001,"Er sprach mit seinem Kammerdiener, der seine Garderobe besorgte und mit Handelsleuten und Modehändlern in beständigem Verhältnis blieb; dieser, nicht unbekannt sowohl mit den angenehmsten Gaben selbst als mit der besten Art, sie zu überreichen, bestellte sogleich in der Stadt den niedlichsten Koffer, mit rotem Saffian überzogen, mit Stahlnägeln beschlagen und angefüllt mit Geschenken, einer solchen Schale würdig.","He spoke to his valet, who had the care of his wardrobe, and who consequently had extensive acquaintance among the tailors and mercers and fashionable milliners; and he, who not only under stood himself what valuable presents were, but also the most graceful way in which they should be offered, immediately ordered an elegant box, covered with red morocco and studded with steel nails, to be filled with presents worthy of such a shell."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_20.flac,00014-f000025,0.292105,Noch einen andern Vorschlag tat er Eduarden.,"Another thing, too, he suggested to Edward."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_21.flac,00014-f000026,0.518093,"Es war ein kleines Feuerwerk vorhanden, das man immer abzubrennen versäumt hatte.",Among the stores at the castle was a small show of fireworks which had never been let off.
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_22.flac,00014-f000027,0.465698,Dies konnte man leicht verstärken und erweitern.,"It would be easy to get some more, and have something Elective Affinities really fine."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_23.flac,00014-f000028,0.7479020000000001,"Eduard ergriff den Gedanken, und jener versprach, für die Ausführung zu sorgen.","Edward caught the idea, and his servant promised to see to its being executed."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_24.flac,00014-f000029,0.678571,Die Sache sollte ein Geheimnis bleiben.,This matter was to remain a secret.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_25.flac,00014-f000030,0.9091290000000001,"Der Hauptmann hatte unterdessen, je näher der Tag heranrückte, seine polizeilichen Einrichtungen getroffen, die er für so nötig hielt, wenn eine Masse Menschen zusammenberufen oder gelockt wird.","While this was going on, the Captain, as the day drew nearer, had been making arrangements for a body of po lice to be present a precaution which he always thought desirable when large numbers of men were to be brought together."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_26.flac,00014-f000031,0.563583,"Ja sogar hatte er wegen des Bettelns und andrer Unbequemlichkeiten, wodurch die Anmut eines Festes gestört wird, durchaus Vorsorge genommen.","And, indeed, against beggars, and against all other inconveniences by which the pleasure of a festival can be disturbed, he had made effectual provision."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_27.flac,00014-f000032,0.8,Eduard und sein Vertrauter dagegen beschäftigten sich vorzüglich mit dem Feuerwerk.,"Edward and his confidant, on the contrary, were mainly occupied with their fireworks."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_30.flac,00014-f000037,0.203571,Eduard empfand darüber die größte Freude.,HewSdfiiiglitejffiitliyiem.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_31.flac,00014-f000038,1.09981,"Es war ungefähr um diese Jahrszeit, als ich sie pflanzte.",It was just this very time of the year that he had planted them.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_32.flac,00014-f000039,0.7928569999999999,Wie lange mag es her sein? sagte er zu sich selbst.,How long ago could it have been? he said to himself.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_33.flac,00014-f000040,0.821739,"Sobald er nach Hause kam, schlug er in alten Tagebüchern nach, die sein Vater, besonders auf dem Lande, sehr ordentlich geführt hatte.","As soon as he got home, he turned over the old diary books, which his father, especially when in the country, was very careful in keeping."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_34.flac,00014-f000041,0.491107,"Zwar diese Pflanzung konnte nicht darin erwähnt sein, aber eine andre häuslich wichtige Begebenheit an demselben Tage, deren sich Eduard noch wohl erinnerte, mußte notwendig darin angemerkt stehen.","He might not find an entry of this particular planting, but another important domes Elective Affinities tic matter, which Edward well remembered, and which had occurred on the same day, would surely be mentioned."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_35.flac,00014-f000042,0.440571,"Er durchblättert einige Bände, der Umstand findet sich.",He turned over a few volumes.
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_36.flac,00014-f000044,0.25217399999999995,"Aber wie erstaunt, wie erfreut ist Eduard, als er das wunderbarste Zusammentreffen bemerkt!","How amazed, how overjoyed he was, when he discovered the strangest coincidence !"
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.14_37.flac,00014-f000045,0.995455,"Der Tag, das Jahr jener Baumpflanzung ist zugleich der Tag, das Jahr von Ottiliens Geburt.","The day and the year on which he had planted those trees was the very day, the very year, when Ottilie was born."
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_0.flac,00015-f000003,0.299162,"Endlich leuchtete Eduarden der sehnlich erwartete Morgen, und nach und nach stellten viele Gäste sich ein; denn man hatte die Einladungen weit umhergeschickt, und manche, die das Legen des Grundsteins versäumt hatten, wovon man soviel Artiges erzählte, wollten diese zweite Feierlichkeit um so weniger verfehlen.","They had sent out a large number of invitations, and many who had missed the laying of the foundationstone, which was reported to have been so charming, were the more careful not to be absent on the second festivity."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_1.flac,00015-f000004,0.13513499999999998,"Vor Tafel erschienen die Zimmerleute mit Musik im Schloßhofe, ihren reichen Kranz tragend, der aus vielen stufenweise übereinander schwankenden Laub und Blumenreifen zusammengesetzt war.","Before dinner the carpenter's people appeared, with music, in the court of the castle."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_2.flac,00015-f000005,0.418638,Sie sprachen ihren Gruß und erbaten sich zur gewöhnlichen Ausschmückung seidene Tücher und Bänder von dem schönen Geschlecht.,"They bore an immense garland of flowers, composed of a number of single wreaths, winding in and out, one above the other; salut ing the company, they made request, according to custom, for silk handkerchiefs and ribbons, at the hands of the fair sex, with which to dress themselves out."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_3.flac,00015-f000006,0.651045,"Indes die Herrschaft speiste, setzten sie ihren jauchzenden Zug weiter fort, und nachdem sie sich eine Zeitlang im Dorfe aufgehalten und daselbst Frauen und Mädchen gleichfalls um manches Band gebracht, so kamen sie endlich, begleitet und erwartet von einer großen Menge, auf die Höhe, wo das gerichtete Haus stand.","When the castle party went into the dininghall, they marched off singing and shouting, and after amusing themselves a while in the village, and coaxing many a ribbon out of the women there, old and young, they came at last, with crowds behind them and crowds expecting them, out upon the height where the parkhouse was now standing."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_4.flac,00015-f000007,0.86,Charlotte hielt nach der Tafel die Gesellschaft einigermaßen zurück.,After dinner Charlotte rather held back her guests.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_5.flac,00015-f000008,1.1824,"Sie wollte keinen feierlichen, förmlichen Zug, und man fand sich daher in einzelnen Partieen, ohne Rang und Ordnung, auf dem Platz gemächlich ein.","She did not wish that there should be any solemn or formal procession, and they found their way in little parties, Elective Affinities broken up, as they pleased, without rule or order, to the scene of action."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_7.flac,00015-f000013,0.640625,Er wußte dieses Beginnen auf eine geschickte Weise abzulehnen und die schon fertigen Blumenbuchstaben beiseitezubringen.,The Captain had only arrived on the scene in time to prevent Ottilie' s name from figuring in splendor on the gable.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_8.flac,00015-f000015,1.02273,Der Kranz war aufgesteckt und weit umher in der Gegend sichtbar.,"The garland was set up, and was to be seen far and wide about the country."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_9.flac,00015-f000016,0.556667,"Bunt flatterten die Bänder und Tücher in der Luft, und eine kurze Rede verscholl zum größten Teil im Winde.","The flags and the ribbons flut tered gaily in the air; and a short oration was, the greater part of it, dispersed by the wind."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_11.flac,00015-f000020,0.5448109999999999,"Ein schmucker Zimmergeselle führte Eduarden ein flinkes Bauermädchen zu und forderte Ottilien auf, welche danebenstand.","These two couples speedily found others to follow Elective Affinities them, and Edward contrived pretty soon to change part ners, catching Ottilie, and making the round with her."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_12.flac,00015-f000021,0.6476149999999999,"Die beiden Paare fanden sogleich ihre Nachfolger, und bald genug wechselte Eduard, indem er Ottilien ergriff und mit ihr die Runde machte.","The younger part of the company joined merrily in the dance with the people, while the elder among them stood and looked on."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_13.flac,00015-f000021,0.6198279999999999,"Die jüngere Gesellschaft mischte sich fröhlich in den Tanz des Volks, indes die Ältern beobachteten.","The younger part of the company joined merrily in the dance with the people, while the elder among them stood and looked on."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_14.flac,00015-f000023,0.685156,"Sodann, ehe man sich auf den Spaziergängen zerstreute, ward abgeredet, daß man sich mit Untergang der Sonne bei den Platanen wieder versammeln wolle.","Edward was the first upon the spot, ordering everything, and making his arrangements with his valet, who was to be on the other side, in com pany with the fireworkmaker, managing his exhibition of the spectacle."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_15.flac,00015-f000024,0.718504,"Eduard fand sich zuerst ein, ordnete alles und nahm Abrede mit dem Kammerdiener, der auf der andern Seite in Gesellschaft des Feuerwerkers die Lusterscheinungen zu besorgen hatte.",The Captain was far from satisfied at some of the preparations which he saw made; and he endeavored to get a word with Edward about the crush of spectators which was to be expected.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_18.flac,00015-f000029,0.817088,"Die Sonne ging unter, die Dämmerung trat ein, und in Erwartung größerer Dunkelheit wurde die Gesellschaft unter den Platanen mit Erfrischungen bedient.","The sun went down, and the castle party was served with refreshments under the planetrees, to pass the time till it should have become sufficiently dark."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_19.flac,00015-f000030,0.629487,"Man fand den Ort unvergleichlich und freute sich in Gedanken, künftig von hier die Aussicht auf einen weiten und so mannigfaltig begrenzten See zu genießen.","The place was approved of beyond measure, and they looked forward to frequently enjoying the view over so lovely a sheet of water on future occasions."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_20.flac,00015-f000031,0.581395,"Ein ruhiger Abend, eine vollkommene Windstille versprachen das nächtliche Fest zu begünstigen, als auf einmal ein entsetzliches Geschrei entstand.","A calm evening, a perfect absence of wind, promised Elective Affinities everything in favor of the spectacle, when suddenly loud and violent shrieks were heard."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_21.flac,00015-f000032,0.415854,"Große Schollen hatten sich vom Damme losgetrennt, man sah mehrere Menschen ins Wasser stürzen.","Large masses of the earth had given way on the edge of the embankment, and a number of people were precipitated into the water."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_22.flac,00015-f000033,0.557143,Das Erdreich hatte nachgegeben unter dem Drängen und Treten der immer zunehmenden Menge.,"The pressure from the throng had gone on increasing till at last it had become more than the newly laid soil would bear, and the bank had fallen in."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_23.flac,00015-f000034,0.882857,"Jeder wollte den besten Platz haben, und nun konnte niemand vorwärts noch zurück.","Everybody wanted to obtain the best place, and now there was no getting either backward or forward."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_25.flac,00015-f000037,0.5546979999999999,"Nebst einigen Entschlossenen eilte der Hauptmann herbei, trieb sogleich die Menge von dem Damm herunter nach den Ufern, um den Hülfreichen freie Hand zu geben, welche die Versinkenden herauszuziehen suchten.","The Captain, with a few determined persons, hurried down and drove the crowd off the embankment back upon the shore; in order that those who were really of service might have free room to move."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_26.flac,00015-f000038,0.778664,"Schon waren alle teils durch eignes, teils durch fremdes Bestreben wieder auf dem Trocknen, bis auf einen Knaben, der durch allzu ängstliches Bemühen, statt sich dem Damm zu nähern, sich davon entfernt hatte.","One way or another they contrived to seize hold of such as were sinking; and with or without assistance all who had been in the water were got out safe upon the bank, with the exception of one boy, whose struggles in his fright, instead of bringing him nearer to the embankment, had only carried him further from it."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_27.flac,00015-f000039,0.9627190000000001,"Die Kräfte schienen ihn zu verlassen, nur einigemal kam noch eine Hand, ein Fuß in die Höhe.","His strength seemed to be failing now only a hand was seen above the surface, and now a foot."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_28.flac,00015-f000040,0.80379,"Unglücklicherweise war der Kahn auf der andern Seite, mit Feuerwerk gefüllt, nur langsam konnte man ihn ausladen, und die Hülfe verzögerte sich.","By an unlucky chance the boat was on the opposite shore filled with fireworks it was a long business to unload it, and help was slow in coming."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_29.flac,00015-f000041,0.774378,"Des Hauptmanns Entschluß war gefaßt, er warf die Oberkleider weg, aller Augen richteten sich auf ihn, und seine tüchtige, kräftige Gestalt flößte jedermann Zutrauen ein; aber ein Schrei der Überraschung drang aus der Menge hervor, als er sich ins Wasser stürzte, jedes Auge begleitete ihn, der als geschickter Schwimmer den Knaben bald erreichte und ihn, jedoch für tot, an den Damm brachte.","The Captain's resolution was taken; he flung off his coat; all eyes were directed toward him, and his sturdy, vigorous figure gave every one hope and confidence : but a cry of surprise rose out of the crowd Elective Affinities as they saw him fling himself into the water every eye watched him as the strong swimmer swiftly reached the boy, and bore him, although to appearance dead, to the embankment."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_31.flac,00015-f000044,0.910063,Der Chirurgus kommt und übernimmt den totgeglaubten Knaben;,"The surgeon was speedily on the spot, and took charge of the inanimate boy."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_32.flac,00015-f000045,0.840145,"Charlotte tritt hinzu, sie bittet den Hauptmann, nur für sich zu sorgen, nach dem Schlosse zurückzukehren und die Kleider zu wechseln.","Charlotte joined them, and entreated the Captain to go now and take care of himself, to hurry back to the castle and change his clothes."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_33.flac,00015-f000046,0.813628,"Er zaudert, bis ihm gesetzte, verständige Leute, die ganz nahe gegenwärtig gewesen, die selbst zur Rettung der einzelnen beigetragen, auf das heiligste versichern, daß alle gerettet seien.","He would not go, however, till persons on whose sense he could rely, who had been close to the spot at the time of the accident, and who had assisted in saving those who had fallen in, assured him that all were safe."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_34.flac,00015-f000047,0.860569,"Charlotte sieht ihn nach Hause gehen, sie denkt, daß Wein und Tee und was sonst nötig wäre, verschlossen ist, daß in solchen Fällen die Menschen gewöhnlich verkehrt handeln; sie eilt durch die zerstreute Gesellschaft, die sich noch unter den Platanen befindet.","Charlotte saw him on his way to the house, and then she remembered that the wine and the tea, and everything else which he could want, had been locked up, for fear any of the servants should take advantage of the disorder of the holiday, as on such occasions they are too apt to do."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_36.flac,00015-f000053,0.494444,"Der Chirurgus wird schon seine Pflicht tun, versetzte Eduard.","The surgeon will do whatever is right, no doubt, Elective Affinities replied Edward."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_37.flac,00015-f000053,0.510119,"Er ist mit allem versehen, und unser Zudringen wäre nur eine hinderliche Teilnahme.","The surgeon will do whatever is right, no doubt, Elective Affinities replied Edward."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_38.flac,00015-f000055,0.892941,"Charlotte bestand auf ihrem Sinne und winkte Ottilien, die sich sogleich zum Weggehen anschickte.","Charlotte persisted in her opinion, and made a sign to Ottilie, who at once prepared to retire with her."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_39.flac,00015-f000056,1.05645,Eduard ergriff ihre Hand und rief: Wir wollen diesen Tag nicht im Lazarett endigen!,"Edward seized her hand, and cried, We will not end this day in a lazaretto."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_40.flac,00015-f000057,0.241935,Zur barmherzigen Schwester ist sie zu gut.,She is too good for a sister of mercy.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_41.flac,00015-f000058,0.752843,Auch ohne uns werden die Scheintoten erwachen und die Lebendigen sich abtrocknen.,"Without us, I should think, the halfdead may wake, and the living dry themselves."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_42.flac,00015-f000059,1.4280000000000002,Charlotte schwieg und ging.,"Charlotte did not answer, but went."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_43.flac,00015-f000060,1.04634,"Einige folgten ihr, andere diesen; endlich wollte niemand der letzte sein, und so folgten alle.","Some followed her others followed these : in the end, no one wished to be the last, and all followed."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_44.flac,00015-f000061,1.164,Eduard und Ottilie fanden sich allein unter den Platanen.,Edward and Ottilie found themselves alone under the planetrees.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_45.flac,00015-f000062,0.584043,"Er bestand darauf, zu bleiben, so dringend, so ängstlich sie ihn auch bat, mit ihr nach dem Schlosse zurückzukehren.","He insisted that stay he would, earnestly, passionately, as she entreated him to go back with her to the castle."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_46.flac,00015-f000063,0.32955,"Nein, Ottilie! rief er, das Außerordentliche geschieht nicht auf glattem, gewöhnlichem Wege.","No, Ottilie ! he cried; the extraordinary is not brought to pass in the smooth, common way the wonderful accident of this evening brings us more speedily together."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_47.flac,00015-f000064,0.462523,Dieser überraschende Vorfall von heute abend bringt uns schneller zusammen.,"You are mine I have often said it to you, and sworn it to you."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_48.flac,00015-f000065,0.0343085,Du bist die Meine!,We will not say it and swear it any more we will make it BE.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_49.flac,00015-f000065,0.0343085,"Ich habe dirs schon so oft gesagt und geschworen; wir wollen es nicht mehr sagen und schwören, nun soll es werden.",<MERGE> We will not say it and swear it any more we will make it BE.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_50.flac,00015-f000066,0.569697,Der Kahn von der andern Seite schwamm herüber.,The boat came over from the other side.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_52.flac,00015-f000069,0.289655,Brennt es ab! rief er ihm entgegen.,Edward cried to him: let them off!
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_53.flac,00015-f000070,1.00588,"Für dich allein war es bestellt, Ottilie, und nun sollst du es auch allein sehen!","It was only for you that they were provided, Ottilie, and you shall be the only one to see them!"
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_54.flac,00015-f000071,0.5564100000000001,"Erlaube mir, an deiner Seite sitzend, es mitzugenießen.","Let me sit beside you, and enjoy them with you."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_55.flac,00015-f000072,0.5392859999999999,"Zärtlich bescheiden setzte er sich neben sie, ohne sie zu berühren.","Tenderly, tim idly, he sat down at her side, without touching her."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_56.flac,00015-f000073,0.913154,"Raketen rauschten auf, Kanonenschläge donnerten, Leuchtkugeln stiegen, Schwärmer schlängelten und platzten, Räder gischten, jedes erst einzeln, dann gepaart, dann alle zusammen und immer gewaltsamer hintereinander und zusammen.","Elective Affinities Rockets went hissing up cannon thundered Roman candles shot out their blazing balls squibs flashed and darted wheels spun round, first singly, then in pairs, then all at once, faster and faster, one after the other, and more and more together."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_57.flac,00015-f000074,0.0915112,"Eduard, dessen Busen brannte, verfolgte mit lebhaft zufriedenem Blick diese feurigen Erscheinungen.","Edward, whose bosom was on fire, watched the blazing spectacle with eyes gleaming with delight; but Ottilie, with her delicate and nervous feelings, in all this noise and fitful blazing and flashing, found more to distress her than to please."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_58.flac,00015-f000074,0.0915112,"Ottiliens zartem, aufgeregtem Gemüt war dieses rauschende, blitzende Entstehen und Verschwinden eher ängstlich als angenehm.","<MERGE> Edward, whose bosom was on fire, watched the blazing spectacle with eyes gleaming with delight; but Ottilie, with her delicate and nervous feelings, in all this noise and fitful blazing and flashing, found more to distress her than to please."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_59.flac,00015-f000075,0.551752,"Sie lehnte sich schüchtern an Eduard, dem diese Annäherung, dieses Zutrauen das volle Gefühl gab, daß sie ihm ganz angehöre.","She leaned shrinking against Edward, and he, as she drew to him and clung to him, felt the delightful sense that she be longed entirely to him."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_60.flac,00015-f000076,0.39,"Die Nacht war kaum in ihre Rechte wieder eingetreten, als der Mond aufging und die Pfade der beiden Rückkehrenden beleuchtete.","The night had scarcely reassumed its rights, when the moon rose and lighted their path as they walked back."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_61.flac,00015-f000077,0.608498,"Eine Figur, den Hut in der Hand, vertrat ihnen den Weg und sprach sie um ein Almosen an, da er an diesem festlichen Tage versäumt worden sei.","A figure, with his hat in his hand, stepped across their way, and begged an alms of them: in the general holiday he said that he had been forgotten."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_62.flac,00015-f000078,0.668354,"Der Mond schien ihm ins Gesicht, und Eduard erkannte die Züge jenes zudringlichen Bettlers.","The moon shone upon his face, and Edward recognized the features of the im portunate beggar; but, happy as he then was, it was impos sible for him to be angry with any one."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_63.flac,00015-f000079,0.508749,"Aber so glücklich wie er war, konnte er nicht ungehalten sein, konnte es ihm nicht einfallen, daß besonders für heute das Betteln höchlich verpönt worden.","He could not recollect that, especially for that particular day, begging had been forbidden under the heaviest penalties he thrust his hand into his pocket, took the first coin which he found, and gave the fellow a piece of gold."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_64.flac,00015-f000080,0.633761,Er forschte nicht lange in der Tasche und gab ein Goldstück hin.,His own happiness was so unbounded that he would have liked to have shared it with every one.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_65.flac,00015-f000081,0.672955,"Er hätte jeden gern glücklich gemacht, da sein Glück ohne Grenzen schien.",In the meantime all had gone well at the castle.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_66.flac,00015-f000081,0.292308,Zu Hause war indes alles erwünscht gelungen.,In the meantime all had gone well at the castle.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_67.flac,00015-f000082,0.782609,"Die Tätigkeit des Chirurgen, die Bereitschaft alles Nötigen, der Beistand Charlottens, alles wirkte zusammen, und der Knabe ward wieder zum Leben hergestellt.","The skill of the surgeon, everything which was required being ready at hand, Charlotte's assistance all had worked to Elective Affinities gather, and the boy was brought to life again."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_68.flac,00015-f000083,0.772875,"Die Gäste zerstreuten sich, sowohl um noch etwas vom Feuerwerk aus der Ferne zu sehen, als auch um nach solchen verworrnen Szenen ihre ruhige Heimat wieder zu betreten.","The guests dispersed, wishing to catch a glimpse or two of what was to be seen of the fireworks from the distance; and, after a scene of such confusion, were glad to get back to their own quiet homes."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_69.flac,00015-f000084,0.447005,"Auch hatte der Hauptmann, geschwind umgekleidet, an der nötigen Vorsorge tätigen Anteil genommen; alles war beruhigt, und er fand sich mit Charlotten allein.","The Captain also, after having rapidly changed his dress, had taken an active part in what required to be done."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_70.flac,00015-f000085,0.8270270000000001,"Mit zutraulicher Freundlichkeit erklärte er nun, daß seine Abreise nahe bevorstehe.","It was now all quiet again, and he found himself alone with Charlotte gently and affectionately he now told her that his time for leaving them approached."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_71.flac,00015-f000086,1.32922,"Sie hatte diesen Abend so viel erlebt, daß diese Entdeckung wenig Eindruck auf sie machte; sie hatte gesehen, wie der Freund sich aufopferte, wie er rettete und selbst gerettet war.","She had gone through so much that evening that this dis covery made but a slight impression upon her she had seen how her friend could sacrifice himself; how he had saved another, and had himself been saved."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_72.flac,00015-f000087,0.675407,"Diese wunderbaren Ereignisse schienen ihr eine bedeutende Zukunft, aber keine unglückliche zu weissagen.",These strange incidents seemed to foretell an important future to her but not an unhappy one.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_73.flac,00015-f000088,0.468937,"Eduarden, der mit Ottilien hereintrat, wurde die bevorstehende Abreise des Hauptmanns gleichfalls angekündigt.","Edward, who now entered with Ottilie, was informed at once of the impending departure of the Captain."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_74.flac,00015-f000089,0.989051,"Er argwohnte, daß Charlotte früher um das Nähere gewußt habe, war aber viel zu sehr mit sich und seinen Absichten beschäftigt, als daß er es hätte übel empfinden sollen.","He sus pected that Charlotte had known longer how near it was; but he was far too much occupied with himself, and with his own plans, to take it amiss, or care about it."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_75.flac,00015-f000090,0.6622640000000001,"Im Gegenteil vernahm er aufmerksam und zufrieden die gute und ehrenvolle Lage, in die der Hauptmann versetzt werden sollte.","On the contrary, he listened attentively, and with signs of pleasure, to the account of the excellent and honorable position in which the Captain was to be placed."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_76.flac,00015-f000091,0.891667,Unbändig drangen seine geheimen Wünsche den Begebenheiten vor.,The course of the future was hurried impetuously forward by his own secret wishes.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_77.flac,00015-f000092,0.769091,"Schon sah er jenen mit Charlotten verbunden, sich mit Ottilien.","Already he saw the Captain mar ried to Charlotte, and himself married to Ottilie."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_78.flac,00015-f000093,0.610526,Man hätte ihm zu diesem Fest kein größeres Geschenk machen können.,"It would have been the richest present which any one could have made him, on the occasion of the day's festival !"
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_79.flac,00015-f000094,1.13859,"Aber wie erstaunt war Ottilie, als sie auf ihr Zimmer trat und den köstlichen kleinen Koffer auf ihrem Tische fand!","Elective Affinities But how surprised was Ottilie, when, on going to her room, she found upon the table the beautiful box!"
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_80.flac,00015-f000095,-0.011718799999999998,"Sie säumte nicht, ihn zu eröffnen.","In stantly she opened it; inside, all the things were so nicely packed and arranged that she did not venture to take them out, she scarcely even ventured to lift them."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_81.flac,00015-f000095,-0.011718799999999998,"Da zeigte sich alles so schön gepackt und geordnet, daß sie es nicht auseinanderzunehmen, ja kaum zu lüften wagte.","<MERGE> In stantly she opened it; inside, all the things were so nicely packed and arranged that she did not venture to take them out, she scarcely even ventured to lift them."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_82.flac,00015-f000096,-0.00247934,"Musselin, Batist, Seide, Schals und Spitzen wetteiferten an Feinheit, Zierlichkeit und Kostbarkeit.","There were muslin, cambric, silk, shawls and lace, all rivaling each other in delicacy, beauty, and costliness nor were ornaments forgotten."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_83.flac,00015-f000096,-0.00247934,Auch war der Schmuck nicht vergessen.,"<MERGE> There were muslin, cambric, silk, shawls and lace, all rivaling each other in delicacy, beauty, and costliness nor were ornaments forgotten."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.15_84.flac,00015-f000097,1.06073,"Sie begriff wohl die Absicht, sie mehr als einmal vom Kopf bis auf den Fuß zu kleiden; es war aber alles so kostbar und fremd, daß sie sichs in Gedanken nicht zuzueignen getraute.","The intention had been, as she saw well, to furnish her with more than one complete suit of clothes; but it was all so costly, so little like what she had been accustomed to, that she scarcely dared, even in thought, to believe it could be really for her."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_1.flac,00016-f000003,0.147688,Er und Charlotte hatten abends vorher schon halben und einsilbigen Abschied genommen.,"He and Charlotte had already taken a half leave of each other the evening before she felt that the parting was forever, and she resigned herself to it; for in the Count's second letter, which the Captain had at last shown to her, there was a hint of a prospect of an advantageous marriage, and, although he had paid no attention to it at all, she accepted it for as good as certain, and gave him up firmly and fully."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_2.flac,00016-f000003,0.147688,"Sie empfand eine ewige Trennung und ergab sich darein; denn in dem zweiten Briefe des Grafen, den ihr der Hauptmann zuletzt mitteilte, war auch von einer Aussicht auf eine vorteilhafte Heirat die Rede, und obgleich er diesem Punkt keine Aufmerksamkeit schenkte, so hielt sie doch die Sache schon für gewiß und entsagte ihm rein und völlig.","<MERGE> He and Charlotte had already taken a half leave of each other the evening before she felt that the parting was forever, and she resigned herself to it; for in the Count's second letter, which the Captain had at last shown to her, there was a hint of a prospect of an advantageous marriage, and, although he had paid no attention to it at all, she accepted it for as good as certain, and gave him up firmly and fully."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_3.flac,00016-f000004,-0.0203226,"Dagegen glaubte sie nun auch die Gewalt, die sie über sich selbst ausgeübt, von andern fordern zu können.","Now, therefore, she thought that she had a right to require of others the same control over themselves which she had exercised herself: it had not been impossible to her, and it ought not to be impossible to them."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_4.flac,00016-f000004,-0.0203226,"Ihr war es nicht unmöglich gewesen, andern sollte das gleiche möglich sein.","<MERGE> Now, therefore, she thought that she had a right to require of others the same control over themselves which she had exercised herself: it had not been impossible to her, and it ought not to be impossible to them."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_5.flac,00016-f000005,0.5556,"In diesem Sinne begann sie das Gespräch mit ihrem Gemahl, um so mehr offen und zuversichtlich, als sie empfand, daß die Sache ein für allemal abgetan werden müsse.","With this feeling she began the conversation with her husband; and she entered upon it the more openly and easily, from a sense that the question must now, once for all, be de cisively set at rest."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_6.flac,00016-f000006,0.70418,"Unser Freund hat uns verlassen, sagte sie; wir sind nun wieder gegeneinander über wie vormals, und es käme nun wohl auf uns an, ob wir wieder völlig in den alten Zustand zurückkehren wollten.","Our friend has left us, she said; we are now once more together as we were and it depends upon our selves whether we choose to return altogether into our old position."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_7.flac,00016-f000007,0.669658,"Eduard, der nichts vernahm, als was seiner Leidenschaft schmeichelte, glaubte, daß Charlotte durch diese Worte den früheren Witwenstand bezeichnen und, obgleich auf unbestimmte Weise, zu einer Scheidung Hoffnung machen wolle.","Elective Affinities Edward, who heard nothing except what flattered his own passion, believed that Charlotte, in these words, was alluding to her previous widowed state, and, in a round about way, was making a suggestion for a separation; so that he answered, with a laugh, Why not? all we want is to come to an understanding."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_8.flac,00016-f000008,-0.08294119999999999,Er antwortete deshalb mit Lächeln: Warum nicht?,"But he found himself sorely enough undeceived, as Charlotte continued, And we have now a choice of opportunities for placing Ottilie in another situation."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_9.flac,00016-f000008,-0.08294119999999999,"Es käme nur darauf an, daß man sich verständigte.","<MERGE> But he found himself sorely enough undeceived, as Charlotte continued, And we have now a choice of opportunities for placing Ottilie in another situation."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_10.flac,00016-f000009,0.500505,"Er fand sich daher gar sehr betrogen, als Charlotte versetzte:",Two openings have offered them selves for her either of which will do very well.
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_11.flac,00016-f000010,0.311278,"Auch Ottilien in eine andere Lage zu bringen, haben wir gegenwärtig nur zu wählen; denn es findet sich eine doppelte Gelegenheit, ihr Verhältnisse zu geben, die für sie wünschenswert sind. Sie kann in die Pension zurückkehren, da meine Tochter zur Großtante gezogen ist; sie kann in ein angesehenes Haus aufgenommen werden, um mit einer einzigen Tochter alle Vorteile einer standesmäßigen Erziehung zu genießen.","Either she can return to the school, as my daughter has left it and is with her greataunt; or she can be received into a desirable family, where, as the companion of an only child, she will enjoy all the advantages of a solid edu cation."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_12.flac,00016-f000011,0.912919,"Indessen, versetzte Eduard ziemlich gefaßt, hat Ottilie sich in unserer freundlichen Gesellschaft so verwöhnt, daß ihr eine andere wohl schwerlich willkommen sein möchte.","Edward, with a tolerably successful effort at command ing himself, replied, Ottilie has been so much spoiled, by living so long with us here, that she will scarcely like to leave us now."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_13.flac,00016-f000012,0.7320300000000001,"Wir haben uns alle verwöhnt, sagte Charlotte, und du nicht zum letzten.","We have all of us been too much spoiled, said Char lotte; and yourself not least."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_15.flac,00016-f000015,1.02,"Wenigstens finde ich es nicht billig, versetzte Eduard, daß Ottilie aufgeopfert werde, und das geschähe doch, wenn man sie gegenwärtig unter fremde Menschen hinunterstieße.","At any rate I can not see that it is right that Ottilie should be made a sacrifice, replied Edward; and that would be the case if we were now to allow her to be sent away among strangers."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_16.flac,00016-f000016,0.500041,"Den Hauptmann hat sein gutes Geschick hier aufgesucht; wir dürfen ihn mit Ruhe, ja mit Behagen von uns wegscheiden lassen. Wer weiß, was Ottilien bevorsteht; warum sollten wir uns übereilen?.Was uns bevorsteht, ist ziemlich klar, versetzte Charlotte mit einiger Bewegung, und da sie die Absicht hatte, ein für allemal sich auszusprechen, fuhr sie fort:","The Captain's good genius has Elective Affinities sought him out here we can feel easy, we can feel happy at seeing him leave us; but who can tell what may be before Ottilie?"
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_17.flac,00016-f000017,0.177778,"Du liebst Ottilien, du gewöhnst dich an sie.",There is no occasion for haste.
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_18.flac,00016-f000019,0.757143,Neigung und Leidenschaft entspringt und nährt sich auch von ihrer Seite.,"A reciprocal feeling is rising on her side as well, and feed ing itself in the same way."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_19.flac,00016-f000020,0.508,"Warum sollen wir nicht mit Worten aussprechen, was uns jede Stunde gesteht und bekennt?",Why should we not ac knowledge in words what every hour makes obvious? and are we not to have the common prudence to ask our selves in what it is to end?
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_20.flac,00016-f000021,0.596232,"Sollen wir nicht soviel Vorsicht haben, uns zu fragen, was das werden wird?.Wenn man auch sogleich nicht darauf antworten kann, versetzte Eduard, der sich zusammennahm, so läßt sich doch soviel sagen, daß man eben alsdann sich am ersten entschließt abzuwarten, was uns die Zukunft lehren wird, wenn man gerade nicht sagen kann, was aus einer Sache werden soll.","We may not be able to find an answer on the mo ment, replied Edward, collecting himself; but so much may be said, that if we can not exactly tell what will come of it, we may resign ourselves to wait and see what the future may tell us about it."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_21.flac,00016-f000022,0.525455,"Hier vorauszusehen, versetzte Charlotte, bedarf es wohl keiner großen Weisheit, und soviel läßt sich auf alle Fälle gleich sagen, daß wir beide nicht mehr jung genug sind, um blindlings dahin zu gehen, wohin man nicht möchte oder nicht sollte.","No great wisdom is required to prophesy here, an swered Charlotte; and, at any rate, we ought to feel that you and I are past the age when people may walk blindly where they should not or ought not to go."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_22.flac,00016-f000023,0.7875,"Niemand kann mehr für uns sorgen; wir müssen unsre eigenen Freunde sein, unsre eigenen Hofmeister.","There is no one else to take care of us we must be our own friends, our own managers."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_23.flac,00016-f000024,0.704006,"Niemand erwartet von uns, daß wir uns in ein Äußerstes verlieren werden, niemand erwartet, uns tadelnswert oder gar lächerlich zu finden.",No one expects us to com mit ourselves in an outrage upon decency; no one expects that we are going to expose ourselves to censure or to ridicule.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_25.flac,00016-f000027,0.25,"Denke dir aufrichtig und ohne Selbstbetrug Ottilien aus unserer Gesellschaft gerissen und fremden Menschen untergeben ich wenigstens fühle mich nicht grausam genug, ihr eine solche Veränderung zuzumuten.","I do not mean future happiness no one can count on that but what is present, palpable, and imme diate."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_26.flac,00016-f000030,0.474247,Charlotte ward gar wohl die Entschlossenheit ihres Gemahls hinter seiner Verstellung gewahr.,Charlotte saw too clearly into her husband's inten tions through this disguise.
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_27.flac,00016-f000031,0.502467,"Erst jetzt fühlte sie, wie weit er sich von ihr entfernt hatte.",For the first time she felt how far he had estranged himself from her.
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_28.flac,00016-f000031,0.02,Mit einiger Bewegung rief sie aus:,For the first time she felt how far he had estranged himself from her.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_30.flac,00016-f000034,0.177,"Wer wird auch gleich das Äußerste denken!.Das Äußerste liegt der Leidenschaft zu allernächst, bemerkte Charlotte.","Our children, I should have thought, were sufficiently provided for, said Edward, with a cold smile; adding, rather more kindly, but why at once expect the very worst ?"
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_31.flac,00016-f000035,0.631579,"Lehne, solange es noch Zeit ist, den guten Rat nicht ab, nicht die Hülfe, die ich uns biete.","The very worst is too sure to follow this passion of yours, returned Charlotte; do not refuse good advice while there is yet time; do not throw away the means which I propose to save us."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_32.flac,00016-f000036,0.968114,"In trüben Fällen muß derjenige wirken und helfen, der am klarsten sieht.",In troubled cases those must work and help who see the clearest this time it is I.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_33.flac,00016-f000037,-0.09375,Diesmal bin ichs.,re nounce my fairest rights! renounce you!
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_34.flac,00016-f000038,0.223077,"Lieber, liebster Eduard, laß mich gewähren!","Who says that? replied Edward, with some embar rassment."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_35.flac,00016-f000039,0.931661,"Kannst du mir zumuten, daß ich auf mein wohlerworbenes Glück, auf die schönsten Rechte, auf dich so geradehin Verzicht leisten soll?.Wer sagt das?","You, yourself, answered Charlotte; in determin ing to keep Ottilie here, are you not acknowledging everything which must arise out of it?"
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_36.flac,00016-f000040,0.0717726,versetzte Eduard mit einiger Verlegenheit.,"I will urge noth Elective Affinities ing on you but if you can not conquer yourself, at least you will not be able much longer to deceive yourself."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_37.flac,00016-f000040,0.0717726,"Du selbst, versetzte Charlotte; indem du Ottilien in der Nähe behalten willst, gestehst du nicht alles zu, was daraus entspringen muß? Ich will nicht in dich dringen; aber wenn du dich nicht überwinden kannst, so wirst du wenigstens dich nicht lange mehr betriegen können.","<MERGE> I will urge noth Elective Affinities ing on you but if you can not conquer yourself, at least you will not be able much longer to deceive yourself."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_38.flac,00016-f000041,0.670879,"Eduard fühlte, wie recht sie hatte.",Edward felt how right she was.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_39.flac,00016-f000042,0.225,"Ein ausgesprochnes Wort ist fürchterlich, wenn es das auf einmal ausspricht, was das Herz lange sich erlaubt hat; und um nur für den Augenblick auszuweichen, erwiderte Eduard:","It is fearful to hear spoken out, in words, what the heart has gone on long permitting to itself in secret."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_40.flac,00016-f000043,0.122727,"Es ist mir ja noch nicht einmal klar, was du vorhast.","To escape only for a mo ment, Edward answered, It is not yet clear to me what you want."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_41.flac,00016-f000044,0.469125,"Meine Absicht war, versetzte Charlotte, mit dir die beiden Vorschläge zu überlegen.","My intention, she replied, was to talk over with you these two proposals each of them has its advan tages."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_42.flac,00016-f000045,0.0939935,Beide haben viel Gutes.,"The school would be best suited to her, as she now is; but the other situation is larger, and wider, and promises more, when I think what she may become."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_43.flac,00016-f000043,0.4575,"Die Pension würde Ottilien am gemäßesten sein, wenn ich betrachte, wie das Kind jetzt ist.","To escape only for a mo ment, Edward answered, It is not yet clear to me what you want."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_44.flac,00016-f000044,0.444643,"Jene größere und weitere Lage verspricht aber mehr, wenn ich bedenke, was sie werden soll.","My intention, she replied, was to talk over with you these two proposals each of them has its advan tages."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_45.flac,00016-f000045,0.523193,Sie legte darauf umständlich ihrem Gemahl die beiden Verhältnisse dar und schloß mit den Worten:,"The school would be best suited to her, as she now is; but the other situation is larger, and wider, and promises more, when I think what she may become."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_46.flac,00016-f000046,0.546635,"Was meine Meinung betrifft, so würde ich das Haus jener Dame der Pension vorziehen aus mehreren Ursachen, besonders aber auch, weil ich die Neigung, ja die Leidenschaft des jungen Mannes, den Ottilie dort für sich gewonnen, nicht vermehren will.","She then detailed to her husband circumstantially what would lie before Ottilie in each position, and concluded with the words, For my own part I should prefer the lady's house to the school, for more reasons than one; but particularly because I should not like the affection, the love indeed, of the young man there, which Ottilie has gained, to increase."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_47.flac,00016-f000049,0.475,"Eduard schien ihr Beifall zu geben, nur aber, um einigen Aufschub zu suchen.",Edward shuddered he thought he was betrayed.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_48.flac,00016-f000048,0.780089,"Charlotte, die darauf ausging, etwas Entscheidendes zu tun, ergriff sogleich die Gelegenheit, als Eduard nicht unmittelbar widersprach, die Abreise Ottiliens, zu der sie schon alles im stillen vorbereitet hatte, auf die nächsten Tage festzusetzen.","Charlotte, who desired to commit him to a definite step, seized the opportunity, as Edward made no immediate opposition, to settle Ottilie's depart ure, for which she had already privately made all prep arations for the next day."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_49.flac,00016-f000051,0.590571,"Eduard schauderte, er hielt sich für verraten und die liebevolle Sprache seiner Frau für ausgedacht, künstlich und planmäßig, um ihn auf ewig von seinem Glücke zu trennen.",He appeared to leave the thing entirely to her; but in his Elective Affinities heart his resolution was already taken.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_50.flac,00016-f000051,0.4125,Er schien ihr die Sache ganz zu überlassen; allein schon war innerlich sein Entschluß gefaßt.,He appeared to leave the thing entirely to her; but in his Elective Affinities heart his resolution was already taken.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_51.flac,00016-f000053,0.578705,"Um nur zu Atem zu kommen, um das bevorstehende unabsehliche Unheil der Entfernung Ottiliens abzuwenden, entschied er sich, sein Haus zu verlassen, und zwar nicht ganz ohne Vorbewußt Charlottens, die er jedoch durch die Einleitung zu täuschen verstand, daß er bei Ottiliens Abreise nicht gegenwärtig sein, ja sie von diesem Augenblick an nicht mehr sehen wolle.","He told Charlotte he was going; but he had blinded her to his real reason, by telling her that he would not be present at Ottilie's departure; indeed, that, from that moment, he would see her no more."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_52.flac,00016-f000054,1.05502,"Charlotte, die gewonnen zu haben glaubte, tat ihm allen Vorschub.","Charlotte, who believed that she had gained her point, approved most cordially."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_53.flac,00016-f000055,0.22707,"Er befahl seine Pferde, gab dem Kammerdiener die nötige Anweisung, was er einpacken und wie er ihm folgen solle, und so, wie schon im Stegreife, setzte er sich hin und schrieb.","He ordered his horse, gave his valet the necessary directions what to pack up, and where he should follow him; and then, on the point of departure, he sat down and wrote: EDWARD TO CHARLOTTE The misfortune, my love, which has befallen us, may or may not admit of remedy; only this I feel, that if I am not at once to be driven to despair, I must find some means of delay for myself, and for all of us."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_54.flac,00016-f000055,0.22707,"Das Übel, meine Liebe, das uns befallen hat, mag heilbar sein oder nicht, dies nur fühle ich: wenn ich im Augenblicke nicht verzweifeln soll, so muß ich Aufschub finden für mich, für uns alle.","<MERGE> He ordered his horse, gave his valet the necessary directions what to pack up, and where he should follow him; and then, on the point of departure, he sat down and wrote: EDWARD TO CHARLOTTE The misfortune, my love, which has befallen us, may or may not admit of remedy; only this I feel, that if I am not at once to be driven to despair, I must find some means of delay for myself, and for all of us."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_55.flac,00016-f000056,0.912162,"Indem ich mich aufopfre, kann ich fordern.","In making myself the sacrifice, I have a right to make a request."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_56.flac,00016-f000057,0.992308,"Ich verlasse mein Haus und kehre nur unter günstigern, ruhigern Aussichten zurück.","I am leaving my home, and I only return to it under hap pier and more peaceful auspices."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_57.flac,00016-f000058,0.925758,"Du sollst es indessen besitzen, aber mit Ottilien.","While I am away, you keep possession of it but with Ottiliv."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_58.flac,00016-f000059,0.5607270000000001,"Bei dir will ich sie wissen, nicht unter fremden Menschen.","I choose to know that she is with you, and not among strangers."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_59.flac,00016-f000060,0.814954,"Sorge für sie, behandle sie wie sonst, wie bisher, ja nur immer liebevoller, freundlicher und zarter.","Take care of her; treat her as you have treated her only more lovingly, more kindly, more tenderly!"
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_60.flac,00016-f000061,0.889286,"Ich verspreche, kein heimliches Verhältnis zu Ottilien zu suchen.",I promise that I will not attempt any secret intercourse with her.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_61.flac,00016-f000062,0.420833,"Laßt mich lieber eine Zeitlang ganz unwissend, wie ihr lebt; ich will mir das Beste denken.","Leave me, as long a time as you please, without knowing any thing about you."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_62.flac,00016-f000063,0.22387100000000001,Denkt auch so von mir.,"I will not allow myself to be anxious nor need you be uneasy about me; only, with all my Elective Affinities heart and soul, I beseech you make no attempt to send Ottilie away, or to introduce her into any other situation."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_63.flac,00016-f000063,0.22387100000000001,"Nur, was ich dich bitte, auf das innigste, auf das lebhafteste: mache keinen Versuch, Ottilien sonst irgendwo unterzugeben, in neue Verhältnisse zu bringen!","<MERGE> I will not allow myself to be anxious nor need you be uneasy about me; only, with all my Elective Affinities heart and soul, I beseech you make no attempt to send Ottilie away, or to introduce her into any other situation."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_64.flac,00016-f000064,0.5862390000000001,"Außer dem Bezirk deines Schlosses, deines Parks, fremden Menschen anvertraut, gehört sie mir, und ich werde mich ihrer bemächtigen.","Beyond the circle of the castle and the park, placed in the hands of strangers, she belongs to me, and I will take possession of her !"
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_65.flac,00016-f000065,0.691152,"Ehrst du aber meine Neigung, meine Wünsche, meine Schmerzen, schmeichelst du meinem Wahn meinen Hoffnungen, so will ich auch der Genesung nicht widerstreben, wenn sie sich mir anbietet.","If you have any regard for my affec tion, for my wishes, for my sufferings, you will leave me alone to my madness; and if any hope of recovery from it should ever hereafter offer itself to me, I will not resist."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_66.flac,00016-f000066,0.696321,"Diese letzte Wendung floß ihm aus der Feder, nicht aus dem Herzen.",This last sentence ran off his pen not out of his heart.
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_67.flac,00016-f000067,0.490756,"Ja, wie er sie auf dem Papier sah, fing er bitterlich an zu weinen.","Even when he saw it upon the paper, he began bitterly to weep."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_68.flac,00016-f000069,0.464,"Er sollte auf irgendeine Weise dem Glück, ja dem Unglück, Ottilien zu lieben, entsagen!",He only now began to feel what he was doing he was going away without knowing what was to be the result.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_69.flac,00016-f000071,0.111161,"Jetzt fühlte er, was er tat.","But the letter was written the horses were at the door; every moment he was afraid he might see Ottilie somewhere, and then his whole purpose would go to the winds."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_70.flac,00016-f000070,0.332727,"Er entfernte sich, ohne zu wissen, was daraus entstehen konnte.",At any rate he was not to see her again now with what certainty could he promise him self that he would ever see her again?
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_71.flac,00016-f000072,0.353292,"Er sollte sie wenigstens jetzt nicht wiedersehen; ob er sie je wiedersähe, welche Sicherheit konnte er sich darüber versprechen? Aber der Brief war geschrieben; die Pferde standen vor der Tür; jeden Augenblick mußte er fürchten, Ottilien irgendwo zu erblicken und zugleich seinen Entschluß vereitelt zu sehen. Er faßte sich; er dachte, daß es ihm doch möglich sei, jeden Augenblick zurückzukehren und durch die Entfernung gerade seinen Wünschen näher zu kommen.","He collected himself he remembered that, at any rate, he would be able to return at any moment he pleased; and that, by his absence he would have advanced nearer to his wishes; on the other side, he pictured Ottilie to himself forced to leave the house if he stayed."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_72.flac,00016-f000073,0.445865,"Im Gegenteil stellte er sich Ottilien vor, aus dem Hause gedrängt, wenn er bliebe.","He sealed the letter, ran down the steps, and sprang upon his horse."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_73.flac,00016-f000075,0.4476189999999999,"Er siegelte den Brief, eilte die Treppe hinab und schwang sich aufs Pferd.",That figure had appeared to him yes terday when Ottilie was on his arm; now it only served as a bitter reminiscence of the happiest hour of his life.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_74.flac,00016-f000075,0.254717,"Als er beim Wirtshause vorbeiritt, sah er den Bettler in der Laube sitzen, den er gestern nacht so reichlich beschenkt hatte.",That figure had appeared to him yes terday when Ottilie was on his arm; now it only served as a bitter reminiscence of the happiest hour of his life.
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.16_75.flac,00016-f000079,0.633994,"Dieser saß behaglich an seinem Mittagsmahle, stand auf und neigte sich ehrerbietig, ja anbetend vor Eduarden.","Happy wretch! he cried, you can still feed upon the alms of yesterday and I can not any more on the hap piness of yesterday !"
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_0.flac,00017-f000001,0.449525,"Ottilie trat ans Fenster, als sie jemanden wegreiten hörte, und sah Eduarden noch im Rücken.","XVII OTTILIE heard some one ride away, and went to the window in time just to catch a sight of Edward's back."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_1.flac,00017-f000002,0.683891,"Es kam ihr wunderbar vor, daß er das Haus verließ, ohne sie gesehen, ohne ihr einen Morgengruß geboten zu haben.","It was strange, she thought, that he should have left the house without seeing her, without having even wished her goodmorning."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_2.flac,00017-f000003,0.848382,"Sie ward unruhig und immer nachdenklicher, als Charlotte sie auf einen weiten Spaziergang mit sich zog und von mancherlei Gegenständen sprach, aber des Gemahls, und wie es schien vorsätzlich, nicht erwähnte.","She grew uncomfortable, and her anxiety did not diminish when Charlotte took her out for a long walk, and talked of various other things; but not once, and apparently on purpose, mentioning her hus band."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_3.flac,00017-f000004,0.33986,"Doppelt betroffen war sie daher, bei ihrer Zurückkunft den Tisch nur mit zwei Gedecken besetzt zu finden.",When they returned she found the table laid only with two covers.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_4.flac,00017-f000005,0.115068,"Wir vermissen ungern gering scheinende Gewohnheiten, aber schmerzlich empfinden wir erst ein solches Entbehren in bedeutenden Fällen.",It is unpleasant to miss even the most trifling thing to which we have been accustomed.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_5.flac,00017-f000006,0.0,"Eduard und der Hauptmann fehlten, Charlotte hatte seit langer Zeit zum erstenmal den Tisch selbst angeordnet, und es wollte Ottilien scheinen, als wenn sie abgesetzt wäre.",In serious things such a loss becomes miserably painful.
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_6.flac,00017-f000007,0.245455,Die beiden Frauen saßen gegeneinander über;,Edward and the Cap tain were not there.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_7.flac,00017-f000008,0.797115,"Charlotte sprach ganz unbefangen von der Anstellung des Hauptmanns und von der wenigen Hoffnung, ihn bald wiederzusehen.","The first time, for a long while, Charlotte sat at the head of the table herself and it seemed to Ottilie as if she was deposed."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_8.flac,00017-f000009,0.7,"Das einzige tröstete Ottilien in ihrer Lage, daß sie glauben konnte, Eduard sei, um den Freund noch eine Strecke zu begleiten, ihm nachgeritten.","The two ladies sat opposite each other; Charlotte talked, without the least embarrassment, of the Captain and his appointment, and of the little hope there was of seeing him again for a long time."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_9.flac,00017-f000010,0.384454,"Allein da sie von Tische aufstanden, sahen sie Eduards Reisewagen unter dem Fenster, und als Charlotte einigermaßen unwillig fragte, wer ihn hieher bestellt habe, so antwortete man ihr, es sei der Kammerdiener, der hier noch einiges aufpacken wolle.","The only comfort Ottilie could find for herself was in the idea that Edward had ridden after his friend, to accompany him a part of his journey."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_10.flac,00017-f000013,0.603117,"Ottilie brauchte ihre ganze Fassung, um ihre Verwunderung und ihren Schmerz zu verbergen.","She was told it was the valet, who had some things there to pack up."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_11.flac,00017-f000012,0.852667,Der Kammerdiener trat herein und verlangte noch einiges.,"Charlotte, a little as if she was put out, asked who had had it brought round there."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_12.flac,00017-f000015,0.370769,"Es war eine Mundtasse des Herrn, ein paar silberne Löffel und mancherlei, was Ottilien auf eine weitere Reise, auf ein längeres Außenbleiben zu deuten schien.","The valet came in, and asked if they would be so good as to let him have a drinkingcup of his master's, a pair of silver spoons, and a number of other things, which seemed to Ottilie to imply that he was gone some dis tance, and would be away for a long time."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_14.flac,00017-f000021,1.3125,Es war für Ottilien ein schrecklicher Augenblick.,It was a dreadful moment for Ottilie.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_16.flac,00017-f000024,1.17391,Charlotte fühlte den Zustand mit und ließ sie allein.,"Charlotte felt for her situation, and left her to herself."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_17.flac,00017-f000025,0.846,"Wir wagen nicht, ihren Schmerz, ihre Tränen zu schildern.","We will not attempt to describe what she went through, or how she wept."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_18.flac,00017-f000027,0.55,Sie litt unendlich.,She prayed that God would help her only over this one day.
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_20.flac,00017-f000031,1.05,"Sie hatte sich nicht gefaßt, sich nicht ergeben, aber sie war nach so großem Verluste noch da und hatte noch mehr zu befürchten.","She was not resigned, but after having lost what she had lost, she was still alive, and there was still something for her to fear."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_21.flac,00017-f000032,0.540566,"Ihre nächste Sorge, nachdem das Bewußtsein wiedergekehrt, war sogleich, sie möchte nun, nach Entfernung der Männer, gleichfalls entfernt werden.","Her anx iety, after returning to consciousness, was at once lest, now that the gentlemen were gone, she might be sent away too."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_23.flac,00017-f000035,0.8935709999999999,"Diese suchte das gute Kind zu beschäftigen und ließ sie nur selten, nur ungern von sich; und ob sie gleich wohl wußte, daß man mit Worten nicht viel gegen eine entschiedene Leidenschaft zu wirken vermag, so kannte sie doch die Macht der Besonnenheit, des Bewußtseins, und brachte daher manches zwischen sich und Ottilien zur Sprache.","The lat ter exerted herself to find employment for the poor girl, and hardly ever never, if she could help it left her out of her sight; and although she knew well how little words can do against the power of passion, yet she knew, too, the sure though slow influence of thought and reflection, and therefore missed no opportunity of inducing Ottilie to talk with her on every variety of subject."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_24.flac,00017-f000036,0.0693396,"So war es für diese ein großer Trost, als jene gelegentlich mit Bedacht und Vorsatz die weise Betrachtung anstellte:","It was no little comfort to Ottilie when one day Char lotte took an opportunity of making she did it on pur pose the wise observation, How keenly grateful people were to us when we were able by stilling and calming them to help them out of the entanglements of passion!"
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_25.flac,00017-f000036,0.0693396,"Wie lebhaft ist, sagte sie, die Dankbarkeit derjenigen, denen wir mit Ruhe über leidenschaftliche Verlegenheiten hinaushelfen!","<MERGE> It was no little comfort to Ottilie when one day Char lotte took an opportunity of making she did it on pur pose the wise observation, How keenly grateful people were to us when we were able by stilling and calming them to help them out of the entanglements of passion!"
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_26.flac,00017-f000037,0.59139,"Laß uns freudig und munter in das eingreifen, was die Männer unvollendet zurückgelassen haben; so bereiten wir uns die schönste Aussicht auf ihre Rückkehr, indem wir das, was ihr stürmendes, ungeduldiges Wesen zerstören möchte, durch unsre Mäßigung erhalten und fördern.","Let us set cheerfully to work, she said, at what the men have left incomplete : we shall be preparing the most charming surprise for them when they return to us, and our temperate proceedings will have carried through and executed what their impatient natures would have spoiled."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_27.flac,00017-f000038,0.67806,"Da Sie von Mäßigung sprechen, liebe Tante, versetzte Ottilie, so kann ich nicht bergen, daß mir dabei die Unmäßigkeit der Männer, besonders was den Wein betrifft, einfällt.","Speaking of temperance, my dear aunt, I can not help saying how I am struck with the intemperance of men, particularly in respect of wine."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_28.flac,00017-f000039,0.5426880000000001,"Wie oft hat es mich betrübt und geängstigt, wenn ich bemerken mußte, daß reiner Verstand, Klugheit, Schonung anderer, Anmut und Liebenswürdigkeit selbst für mehrere Stunden verlorengingen und oft statt alles des Guten, was ein trefflicher Mann hervorzubringen und zu gewähren vermag, Unheil und Verwirrung hereinzubrechen drohte!","It has often pained and Elective Affinities distressed me, when I have observed how, for hours to gether, clearness of understanding, judgment, consider ateness, and whatever is most amiable about them, will be utterly gone, and, instead of the good which they might have done if they had been themselves, most disagree able things sometimes threaten."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_31.flac,00017-f000046,1.13816,"Durch alles dies vermehrte sich die Aufmerksamkeit Ottiliens auf jede Äußerung, jeden Wink, jede Handlung, jeden Schritt Charlottens.","It made her watch every expression of Charlotte's, every hint, every action, every step."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_32.flac,00017-f000047,0.8360799999999999,"Ottilie war klug, scharfsinnig, argwöhnisch geworden, ohne es zu wissen.","Ottilie had become jealous, sharpeyed, and sus picious, without knowing it."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_33.flac,00017-f000048,0.635472,"Charlotte durchdrang indessen das einzelne ihrer ganzen Umgebung mit scharfem Blick und wirkte darin mit ihrer klaren Gewandtheit, wobei sie Ottilien beständig teilzunehmen nötigte.","Meanwhile, Charlotte with her clear glance looked through the whole circumstances of their situation, and made arrangements which would provide, among other advantages, full employment for Ottilie."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_34.flac,00017-f000049,0.463438,"Sie zog ihren Haushalt ohne Bänglichkeit ins Enge; ja, wenn sie alles genau betrachtete, so hielt sie den leidenschaftlichen Vorfall für eine Art von glücklicher Schickung.","She contracted her household, not parsimoniously, but into narrower di Elective Affinities mensions; and, indeed, in one point of view, these moral aberrations might be taken for a not unfortunate acci dent."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_35.flac,00017-f000051,0.436299,"Denn auf dem bisherigen Wege wäre man leicht ins Grenzenlose geraten und hätte den schönen Zustand reichlicher Glücksgüter, ohne sich zeitig genug zu besinnen, durch ein vordringliches Leben und Treiben, wo nicht zerstört, doch erschüttert.",The improvements which were going on in the park she did not interfere with; she rather sought to advance what ever might form a basis for future operations.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_36.flac,00017-f000052,0.919298,"Was von Parkanlagen im Gange war, störte sie nicht.","But here, too, she assigned herself a limit."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_37.flac,00017-f000051,0.399107,"Sie ließ vielmehr dasjenige fortsetzen, was zum Grunde künftiger Ausbildung liegen mußte; aber dabei hatte es auch sein Bewenden.",The improvements which were going on in the park she did not interfere with; she rather sought to advance what ever might form a basis for future operations.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_38.flac,00017-f000053,0.572308,Ihr zurückkehrender Gemahl sollte noch genug erfreuliche Beschäftigung finden.,Her husband on his return should still find abundance to amuse himself with.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_39.flac,00017-f000054,1.0759999999999998,Bei diesen Arbeiten und Vorsätzen konnte sie nicht genug das Verfahren des Architekten loben.,In all this work she could not sufficiently value the assistance of the young architect.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_40.flac,00017-f000055,0.853168,Der See lag in kurzer Zeit ausgebreitet vor ihren Augen und die neuentstandenen Ufer zierlich und mannigfaltig bepflanzt und beraset.,"In a short time the lake lay stretched out under her eyes, its new shores turfed and planted with the most discriminating and excellent judgment."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_42.flac,00017-f000057,0.811979,"Dabei war sie ruhig und heiter; Ottilie schien es nur; denn in allem beobachtete sie nichts als Symptome, ob Eduard wohl bald erwartet werde oder nicht.","Everything which was necessary to pro tect it from the weather she took care to see provided, and there for the present she allowed it to rest in a con dition in which what remained to be done could here after be readily commenced again."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_43.flac,00017-f000060,0.478,Nichts interessierte sie an allem als diese Betrachtung.,"She was only forever watching, in all that was said and done, for symptoms which might show her whether Edward would be soon Elective Affinities returning: and this one thought was the only one in which she felt any interest."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_44.flac,00017-f000061,0.511111,"Willkommen war ihr daher eine Anstalt, zu der man die Bauerknaben versammelte und die darauf abzielte, den weitläufig gewordenen Park immer rein zu erhalten.","It was, therefore, a very welcome proposal to her when it was suggested that they should get together the boys of the peasants, and employ them in keeping the park clean and neat."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_45.flac,00017-f000062,0.71039,Eduard hatte schon den Gedanken gehegt.,Edward had long entertained the idea.
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_46.flac,00017-f000063,0.6275,"Man ließ den Knaben eine Art von heiterer Montierung machen, die sie in den Abendstunden anzogen, nachdem sie sich durchaus gereinigt und gesäubert hatten.","A pleasantlooking sort of uniform was made for them, which they were to put on in the evenings, after they had been properly cleaned and washed."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_48.flac,00017-f000066,0.589123,"Man fand an ihnen eine bequeme Dressur, und sie verrichteten ihr Geschäft nicht ohne eine Art von Manöver.",It was found easy to mold them into what was desired; and they.went through their work not without a sort of maneuvre.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_50.flac,00017-f000069,0.8006880000000001,"Ottilie hingegen sah darin nur eine Art von Parade, welche den rückkehrenden Hausherrn bald begrüßen sollte.","Ottilie, on the other hand, could see nothing in it but a kind of parade, to salute the master of the house on his near return."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_51.flac,00017-f000070,0.6782050000000001,"Dies gab ihr Mut und Lust, ihn mit etwas Ähnlichem zu empfangen.","And this stimulated her, and made her wish to begin something of the sort herself."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_52.flac,00017-f000071,-0.046391800000000004,"Man hatte zeither die Mädchen des Dorfes im Nähen, Stricken, Spinnen und andern weiblichen Arbeiten zu ermuntern gesucht.","They had before endeav ored to encourage the girls of the village in knitting, and Elective Affinities sewing, and spinning, and whatever else women could do; and since what had been done for the improvement of the village itself, there had been a perceptible advance in these descriptions of industry."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_53.flac,00017-f000071,-0.046391800000000004,Auch diese Tugenden hatten zugenommen seit jenen Anstalten zu Reinlichkeit und Schönheit des Dorfes.,"<MERGE> They had before endeav ored to encourage the girls of the village in knitting, and Elective Affinities sewing, and spinning, and whatever else women could do; and since what had been done for the improvement of the village itself, there had been a perceptible advance in these descriptions of industry."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_54.flac,00017-f000072,0.241973,"Ottilie wirkte stets mit ein, aber mehr zufällig, nach Gelegenheit und Neigung.","Ottilie had given what as sistance was in her power, but she had given it at random, as opportunity or inclination prompted her; now she thought she would go to work more satisfactorily and methodically."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_55.flac,00017-f000072,0.241973,Nun gedachte sie es vollständiger und folgerechter zu machen.,"<MERGE> Ottilie had given what as sistance was in her power, but she had given it at random, as opportunity or inclination prompted her; now she thought she would go to work more satisfactorily and methodically."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_56.flac,00017-f000073,1.0375,Aber aus einer Anzahl Mädchen läßt sich kein Chor bilden wie aus einer Anzahl Knaben.,But a company is not to be formed out of a number of girls as easily as out of a number of boys.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_57.flac,00017-f000074,0.792593,"Sie folgte ihrem guten Sinne, und ohne sichs ganz deutlich zu machen, suchte sie nichts, als einem jeden Mädchen Anhänglichkeit an sein Haus, seine Eltern und seine Geschwister einzuflößen.","She followed her own good sense, and, without being exactly conscious of it, her efforts were solely directed toward connecting every girl as closely as possible each with her own home, her own parents, brothers, and sis ters : and she succeeded with many of them."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_58.flac,00017-f000074,0.222581,Das gelang ihr mit vielen.,"<MERGE> She followed her own good sense, and, without being exactly conscious of it, her efforts were solely directed toward connecting every girl as closely as possible each with her own home, her own parents, brothers, and sis ters : and she succeeded with many of them."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_59.flac,00017-f000075,0.503478,"Nur über ein kleines, lebhaftes Mädchen wurde immer geklagt, daß sie ohne Geschick sei und im Hause nun ein für allemal nichts tun wolle.","One lively little creature only was incessantly complained of as show ing no capacity for work, and as never likely to do any thing if she were left at home."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_60.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Ottilie konnte dem Mädchen nicht feind sein, denn ihr war es besonders freundlich.","Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_61.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Zu ihr zog es sich, mit ihr ging und lief es, wenn sie es erlaubte.","<MERGE> Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_62.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Da war es tätig, munter und unermüdet.","<MERGE> Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_63.flac,00017-f000077,0.26818200000000003,Die Anhänglichkeit an eine schöne Herrin schien dem Kinde Bedürfnis zu sein.,It appeared to be a necessity of the child's nature to hang about a beautiful mistress.
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_64.flac,00017-f000078,0.934667,"Anfänglich duldete Ottilie die Begleitung des Kindes; dann faßte sie selbst Neigung zu ihm; endlich trennten sie sich nicht mehr, und Nanny begleitete ihre Herrin überallhin.","At first, Ottilie allowed her to be her companion; then she herself began to feel a sort of affection for her; and, at last, they never parted at all, and Nanny attended her mistress wherever she went."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_65.flac,00017-f000079,0.384643,Diese nahm öfters den Weg nach dem Garten und freute sich über das schöne Gedeihen.,"The latter's footsteps were often bent toward the gar den, where she liked to watch the beautiful show of fruit."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_66.flac,00017-f000080,0.409091,"Die Beeren und Kirschenzeit ging zu Ende, deren Spätlinge jedoch Nanny sich besonders schmecken ließ.","Elective Affinities It was just the end of the raspberry and cherry season, the few remains of which were no little delight to Nanny."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_67.flac,00017-f000081,0.506912,"Bei dem übrigen Obste, das für den Herbst eine so reichliche Ernte versprach, gedachte der Gärtner beständig des Herrn und niemals, ohne ihn herbeizuwünschen.","On the other trees there was a promise of a magnificent bearing for the autumn, and the gardener talked of noth ing but his master; and how he wished that he might be at home to enjoy it."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_68.flac,00017-f000082,0.885,Ottilie hörte dem guten alten Manne so gern zu.,Ottilie could listen to the good old man forever!
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_69.flac,00017-f000083,0.689098,"Er verstand sein Handwerk vollkommen und hörte nicht auf, ihr von Eduard vorzusprechen.",He thoroughly understood his business; and Edward Edward Edward was forever the theme of his praise !
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_70.flac,00017-f000084,0.6855760000000001,"Als Ottilie sich freute, daß die Pfropfreiser dieses Frühjahrs alle so gar schön gekommen, erwiderte der Gärtner bedenklich:",Ottilie observed how well all the grafts which had been budded in the spring had taken.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_71.flac,00017-f000085,0.729396,"Ich wünsche nur, daß der gute Herr viel Freude daran erleben möge.","I only wish, the gardener answered, my good master may come to enjoy them."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_72.flac,00017-f000086,0.642857,"Wäre er diesen Herbst hier, so würde er sehen, was für köstliche Sorten noch von seinem Herrn Vater her im alten Schloßgarten stehen.","If he were here this autumn, he would see what beautiful sorts there are in the old castle garden, which the late lord, his honored father, put there."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_73.flac,00017-f000087,0.296104,"Die jetzigen Herren Obstgärtner sind nicht so zuverlässig, als sonst die Kartäuser waren.",I think the fruit gardeners that are now don't succeed as well as the Carthusians used to do.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_75.flac,00017-f000088,0.00818966,"Man pfropft und erzieht und endlich, wenn sie Früchte tragen, so ist es nicht der Mühe wert, daß solche Bäume im Garten stehen.","We find many fine names in the catalogue, and then we bud from them, and bring up the shoots, and, at last, when they come to bear, it is not worth while to have such trees standing in our garden."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_76.flac,00017-f000089,0.116379,"Am wiederholtesten aber fragte der treue Diener, fast so oft er Ottilien sah, nach der Rückkunft des Herrn und nach dem Termin derselben.","Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_77.flac,00017-f000089,0.24491,"Und wenn Ottilie ihn nicht angeben konnte, so ließ ihr der gute Mann nicht ohne stille Betrübnis merken, daß er glaube, sie vertraue ihm nicht, und peinlich war ihr das Gefühl der Unwissenheit, das ihr auf diese Weise recht aufgedrungen ward.","Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_78.flac,00017-f000089,0.24491,Doch konnte sie sich von diesen Rabatten und Beeten nicht trennen.,"<MERGE> Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_79.flac,00017-f000091,0.494039,"Was sie zusammen zum Teil gesäet, alles gepflanzt hatten, stand nun im völligen Flor; kaum bedurfte es noch einer Pflege, außer daß Nanny immer zum Gießen bereit war.","Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_80.flac,00017-f000092,0.639706,"Mit welchen Empfindungen betrachtete Ottilie die späteren Blumen, die sich erst anzeigten, deren Glanz und Fülle dereinst an Eduards Geburtstag, dessen Feier sie sich manchmal versprach, prangen, ihre Neigung und Dankbarkeit ausdrücken sollten!","If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_81.flac,00017-f000091,0.10831500000000001,"Doch war die Hoffnung, dieses Fest zu sehen, nicht immer gleich lebendig.","Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_82.flac,00017-f000091,0.10831500000000001,Zweifel und Sorgen umflüsterten stets die Seele des guten Mädchens.,"<MERGE> Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_83.flac,00017-f000092,0.209536,"Zu einer eigentlichen, offnen Übereinstimmung mit Charlotten konnte es auch wohl nicht wieder gebracht werden.","If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_84.flac,00017-f000092,0.209536,Denn freilich war der Zustand beider Frauen sehr verschieden.,"<MERGE> If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_85.flac,00017-f000093,0.440594,"Wenn alles beim alten blieb, wenn man in das Gleis des gesetzmäßigen Lebens zurückkehrte, gewann Charlotte an gegenwärtigem Glück, und eine frohe Aussicht in die Zukunft öffnete sich ihr; Ottilie hingegen verlor alles, man kann wohl sagen alles; denn sie hatte zuerst Leben und Freude in Eduard gefunden, und in dem gegenwärtigen Zustande fühlte sie eine unendliche Leere, wovon sie früher kaum etwas geahnet hatte. Denn ein Herz, das sucht, fühlt wohl, daß ihm etwas mangle; ein Herz, das verloren hat, fühlt, daß es entbehre.","On the other hand, for Ot tilie all was lost one may say, all; for she had first found in Edward what life and happiness meant; and, in her present position she felt an infinite and dreary chasm of which before she could have formed no conception."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_86.flac,00017-f000094,0.677713,"Sehnsucht verwandelt sich in Unmut und Ungeduld, und ein weibliches Gemüt, zum Erwarten und Abwarten gewöhnt, möchte nun aus seinem Kreise herausschreiten, tätig werden, unternehmen und auch etwas für sein Glück tun.","A heart which seeks feels well that it wants something; a heart which has lost feels that something is gone its yearning and its longing change into uneasy impatience and a woman's spirit, which is accustomed to waiting and to enduring, must now pass out from its proper sphere; become active, and attempt and do something to make its own hapoiness."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_87.flac,00017-f000095,0.212418,Ottilie hatte Eduarden nicht entsagt.,"Elective Affinities Ottilie had not given up Edward how could she? although Charlotte, wisely enough, in spite of her convic tion to the contrary, assumed it as a thing of course, and resolutely took it as decided that a quiet rational regard was possible between her husband and Ottilie."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_88.flac,00017-f000095,0.212418,"Wie konnte sie es auch, obgleich Charlotte klug genug, gegen ihre eigne Überzeugung die Sache für bekannt annahm und als entschieden voraussetzte, daß ein freundschaftliches, ruhiges Verhältnis zwischen ihrem Gatten und Ottilien möglich sei.","<MERGE> Elective Affinities Ottilie had not given up Edward how could she? although Charlotte, wisely enough, in spite of her convic tion to the contrary, assumed it as a thing of course, and resolutely took it as decided that a quiet rational regard was possible between her husband and Ottilie."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_89.flac,00017-f000096,0.8435530000000001,"Wie oft aber lag diese nachts, wenn sie sich eingeschlossen, auf den Knieen vor dem eröffneten Koffer und betrachtete die Geburtstagsgeschenke, von denen sie noch nichts gebraucht, nichts zerschnitten, nichts gefertigt.","How often, however, did not Ottilie remain at nights, after bolting herself into her room, on her knees before the open box, gazing at the birthday presents, of which as yet she had not touched a single thing not cut out or made up a single dress!"
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_90.flac,00017-f000097,0.9523790000000001,"Wie oft eilte das gute Mädchen mit Sonnenaufgang aus dem Hause, in dem sie sonst alle ihre Glückseligkeit gefunden hatte, ins Freie hinaus, in die Gegend, die sie sonst nicht ansprach.","How often with the sunrise did the poor girl hurry out of the house, in which she once had found all her happiness, away into the free air, into the country which then had had no charms for her!"
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_91.flac,00017-f000098,0.08448530000000001,Auch auf dem Boden mochte sie nicht verweilen.,"Even on the solid earth she could not bear to stay; she would spring into the boat, and row out into the middle of the lake, and there, drawing out some book of travels, lie rocked by the motion of the waves, reading and dream ing that she was far away, where she would never fail to find her friend she remaining ever nearest to his heart, and he to hers."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_92.flac,00017-f000098,0.08448530000000001,"Sie sprang in den Kahn und ruderte sich bis mitten in den See; dann zog sie eine Reisebeschreibung hervor, ließ sich von den bewegten Wellen schaukeln, las, träumte sich in die Fremde, und immer fand sie dort ihren Freund; seinem Herzen war sie noch immer nahe geblieben, er dem ihrigen.","<MERGE> Even on the solid earth she could not bear to stay; she would spring into the boat, and row out into the middle of the lake, and there, drawing out some book of travels, lie rocked by the motion of the waves, reading and dream ing that she was far away, where she would never fail to find her friend she remaining ever nearest to his heart, and he to hers."
alignments/108/00018-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_1.flac,00018-f000003,0.594779,"Doch schien es ihm rätlich, erst eine Weile zu zaudern; denn er wußte nur zu wohl, daß es schwerer sei, gebildeten Menschen bei sittlichen Verworrenheiten zu Hülfe zu kommen als ungebildeten. Er überließ sie deshalb eine Zeitlang sich selbst; allein zuletzt konnte er es nicht mehr aushalten und eilte, Eduarden aufzusuchen, dem er schon auf die Spur gekommen war.","He thought it advisable, however, to wait first a little while; know ing too well, as he did, that it was more difficult to come to the aid of cultivated persons in their moral perplex ities than of the uncultivated."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_2.flac,00018-f000005,0.489623,"Sein Weg führte ihn zu einem angenehmen Tal, dessen anmutig grünen, baumreichen Wiesengrund die Wasserfülle eines immer lebendigen Baches bald durchschlängelte, bald durchrauschte.","His road led him to a pleasant, pretty valley, with a range of green, sweetly wooded meadows, down the centre of which ran a neverfailing stream, sometimes winding slowly along, then tumbling and rushing among rocks and stones."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_3.flac,00018-f000006,0.527066,Auf den sanften Anhöhen zogen sich fruchtbare Felder und wohlbestandene Obstpflanzungen hin.,"The hills sloped gently up on either side, covered with rich cornfields and wellkept orchards."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_5.flac,00018-f000009,0.775,"Ein wohlerhaltenes Vorwerk mit einem reinlichen, bescheidenen Wohnhause, von Gärten umgeben, fiel ihm endlich in die Augen.","At last a neatly kept farm, with a clean, modest dwell Elective Affinities inghouse, situated in the middle of a garden, fell under his eye."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_6.flac,00018-f000010,0.795455,"Er vermutete, hier sei Eduards gegenwärtiger Aufenthalt, und er irrte nicht.",He conjectured that this was Edward's pres ent abodej and he was not mistaken.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_7.flac,00018-f000011,0.765868,"Von diesem einsamen Freunde können wir so viel sagen, daß er sich im stillen dem Gefühl seiner Leidenschaft ganz überließ und dabei mancherlei Plane sich ausdachte, mancherlei Hoffnungen nährte.","Of this our friend in his solitude we have only thus much to say that in his seclusion he was resigning him self utterly to the feeling of his passion, thinking out plan after plan, and feeding himself with innumerable hopes."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_8.flac,00018-f000012,0.7433770000000001,"Er konnte sich nicht leugnen, daß er Ottilien hier zu sehen wünsche, daß er wünsche, sie hieher zu führen, zu locken, und was er sich sonst noch Erlaubtes und Unerlaubtes zu denken nicht verwehrte.","He could not deny that he longed to see Ottilie there; that he would like to carry her off there, to tempt her there; and whatever else putting, as he now did, no check upon his thoughts pleased to suggest itself, whether permitted or unpermitted."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_9.flac,00018-f000013,0.260656,Dann schwankte seine Einbildungskraft in allen Möglichkeiten herum.,"Then his imagina tion wandered up and down, picturing every sort of pos sibility."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_10.flac,00018-f000014,0.26363600000000004,"Sollte er sie hier nicht besitzen, nicht rechtmäßig besitzen können, so wollte er ihr den Besitz des Gutes zueignen.","If he could not have her there, if he could not lawfully possess her, he would secure to her the pos session of the property for her own."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_11.flac,00018-f000015,1.14016,"Hier sollte sie still für sich, unabhängig leben; sie sollte glücklich sein und, wenn ihn eine selbstquälerische Einbildungskraft noch weiter führte, vielleicht mit einem andern glücklich sein.","There she should live for herself, silently, independently; she should be happy in that spot sometimes his selftorturing mood would lead him further be happy in it, perhaps, with another."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_12.flac,00018-f000016,1.20571,"So verflossen ihm seine Tage in einem ewigen Schwanken zwischen Hoffnung und Schmerz, zwischen Tränen und Heiterkeit, zwischen Vorsätzen, Vorbereitungen und Verzweiflung.","So days flowed away in increasing oscillation between hope and suffering, between tears and happiness; be tween purposes, preparations, and despair."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_13.flac,00018-f000017,0.19011,Der Anblick Mittlers überraschte ihn nicht.,"The sight of Mittler did not surprise him; he had long expected that he would come; and now that he did, he was partly welcome to him."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_14.flac,00018-f000018,0.99,"Er hatte dessen Ankunft längst erwartet, und so war er ihm auch halb willkommen.",He believed that he had been sent by Charlotte.
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_15.flac,00018-f000019,0.830102,"Glaubte er ihn von Charlotten gesendet, so hatte er sich schon auf allerlei Entschuldigungen und Verzögerungen und sodann auf entscheidendere Vorschläge bereitet; hoffte er nun aber von Ottilien wieder etwas zu vernehmen, so war ihm Mittler so lieb als ein himmlischer Bote.","He had prepared himself with all manner of excuses and delays; and if these would not serve, with decided refusals; or else, perhaps, he might hope to learn some Elective Affinities thing of Ottilie and then he would be dear to him as a messenger from heaven."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_16.flac,00018-f000020,0.564846,"Verdrießlich daher und verstimmt war Eduard, als er vernahm, Mittler komme nicht von dorther, sondern aus eignem Antriebe.","Not a little vexed and annoyed was Edward, therefore, when he understood that Mittler had not come from the castle at all, but of his own free accord."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_17.flac,00018-f000021,0.727667,"Sein Herz verschloß sich, und das Gespräch wollte sich anfangs nicht einleiten.","His heart closed up, and at first the conversation would not open itself."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_19.flac,00018-f000024,1.07579,"Als er hiernach auf eine freundliche Weise Eduarden wegen seines einsamen Lebens tadelte, erwiderte dieser: O, ich wüßte nicht, wie ich meine Zeit angenehmer zubringen sollte!","He had been finding fault in a goodnatured way with Edward, for burying himself in that lonely place, upon which Edward replied : I do not know how I could spend my time more agreeably."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_20.flac,00018-f000025,1.11166,"Immer bin ich mit ihr beschäftigt, immer in ihrer Nähe.",I am always occupied with her; I am always close to her.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_21.flac,00018-f000026,0.8984,"Ich habe den unschätzbaren Vorteil, mir denken zu können, wo sich Ottilie befindet, wo sie geht, wo sie steht, wo sie ausruht.","I have the inestimable comfort of being able to think where Ottilie is at each moment where she is going, where she is standing, where she is repos ing."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_22.flac,00018-f000027,0.926383,"Ich sehe sie vor mir tun und handeln wie gewöhnlich, schaffen und vornehmen, freilich immer das, was mir am meisten schmeichelt.",I see her moving and acting before me as usual; ever doing or designing something which is to give me pleasure.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_23.flac,00018-f000028,1.07368,Dabei bleibt es aber nicht; denn wie kann ich fern von ihr glücklich sein!,But this will not always answer; for how can I be happy away from her ?
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_24.flac,00018-f000029,0.459769,"Nun arbeitet meine Phantasie durch, was Ottilie tun sollte, sich mir zu nähern.","And then my fancy begins to work; I think what Ottilie should do to come to me; I write sweet, loving letters in her name to myself, and then I answer them, and keep the sheets together."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_25.flac,00018-f000029,0.459769,"Ich schreibe süße, zutrauliche Briefe in ihrem Namen an mich, ich antworte ihr und verwahre die Blätter zusammen.","<MERGE> And then my fancy begins to work; I think what Ottilie should do to come to me; I write sweet, loving letters in her name to myself, and then I answer them, and keep the sheets together."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_26.flac,00018-f000030,0.8910450000000001,"Ich habe versprochen, keinen Schritt gegen sie zu tun, und das will ich halten.",I have promised that I will take no steps to seek her; an'd that promise I will keep.
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_27.flac,00018-f000031,0.91,"Aber was bindet sie, daß sie sich nicht zu mir wendet?",But what binds her that she Elective Affinities should make no advances to me ?
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_28.flac,00018-f000032,0.383793,"Hat etwa Charlotte die Grausamkeit gehabt, Versprechen und Schwur von ihr zu fordern, daß sie mir nicht schreiben, keine Nachricht von sich geben wolle?","Has Charlotte had the barbarity to exact a promise, to exact an oath from her, not to write to me, not to send me a word, a hint, about herself?"
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_29.flac,00018-f000034,0.611905,"Es ist natürlich, es ist wahrscheinlich, und doch finde ich es unerhört, unerträglich.","It is only natural; and yet to me it is monstrous, it is horrible."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_30.flac,00018-f000035,0.974359,"Wenn sie mich liebt, wie ich glaube, wie ich weiß, warum entschließt sie sich nicht, warum wagt sie es nicht, zu fliehen und sich in meine Arme zu werfen?","If she loves me as I think, as I know that she does why does she not resolve, why does she not venture to fly to me, and throw herself into my arms ?"
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_31.flac,00018-f000036,0.593023,"Sie sollte das, denke ich manchmal, sie könnte das.",I often think she ought to do it; and she could do it.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_32.flac,00018-f000037,0.95401,"Wenn sich etwas auf dem Vorsaale regt, sehe ich gegen die Türe.","If I ever hear a noise in the hall, I look toward the door."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_33.flac,00018-f000038,0.658784,"Sie soll hereintreten! denk ich, hoff ich.",It must be she she is coming I look up to see her.
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_34.flac,00018-f000039,0.619608,"Ach! und da das Mögliche unmöglich ist, bilde ich mir ein, das Unmögliche müsse möglich werden.","Alas! because the possible is im possible, I let myself imagine that the impossible must become possible."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_36.flac,00018-f000042,0.257143,Eine einzige Freude bleibt mir noch.,Only one pleasure remains to me.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_37.flac,00018-f000043,0.7172850000000001,"Da ich ihr nahe war, träumte ich nie von ihr; jetzt aber, in der Ferne, sind wir im Traume zusammen, und sonderbar genug: seit ich andre liebenswürdige Personen hier in der Nachbarschaft kennengelernt, jetzt erst erscheint mir ihr Bild im Traum, als wenn sie mir sagen wollte: Siehe nur hin und her! du findest doch nichts Schöneres und Lieberes als mich.","When I was with her I never dreamt of her; now when I am far away, and, oddly enough, since I have made the acquaintance of other attractive persons in this neigh borhood, for the first time, her figure appears to me in my dreams, as if she would say to me, 'Look on them, and on me."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_38.flac,00018-f000044,0.54482,Und so mischt sich ihr Bild in jeden meiner Träume.,"You will find none more beautiful, more lovely than I.'"
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_39.flac,00018-f000045,0.645455,"Alles, was mir mit ihr begegnet, schiebt sich durch und übereinander.",And so she is present in every dream I have.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_41.flac,00018-f000048,0.25866500000000003,Auch nicht ohne Schmerz sind diese wonnevollen Gaukeleien der Phantasie.,"There is her hand, and there is mine; there is her name, and there is mine; and they move one Elective Affinities into the other, and seem to devour each other."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_42.flac,00018-f000049,0.783871,"Manchmal tut sie etwas, das die reine Idee beleidigt, die ich von ihr habe, dann fühl ich erst, wie sehr ich sie liebe, indem ich über alle Beschreibung geängstet bin.","Some times she does something which injures the pure idea which I have of her; and then I feel how intensely I love her, by the indescribable anguish which it causes me."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_43.flac,00018-f000050,0.4774850000000001,"Manchmal neckt sie mich ganz gegen ihre Art und quält mich; aber sogleich verändert sich ihr Bild, ihr schönes, rundes, himmlisches Gesichtchen verlängert sich: es ist eine andre.","Again, unlike herself, she will rally and vex me; and then at once the figure changes her sweet, round, heav enly face draws out; it is not she, it is another; but I lie vexed, dissatisfied, and wretched."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_44.flac,00018-f000051,0.915447,"Aber ich bin doch gequält, unbefriedigt und zerrüttet.","Laugh not, dear Mit tler, or laugh on as you will."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_45.flac,00018-f000052,0.403704,"Lächeln Sie nicht, lieber Mittler, oder lächeln Sie auch! ich schäme mich nicht dieser Anhänglichkeit, dieser, wenn Sie wollen, törigen, rasenden Neigung.","I am not ashamed of this attachment, of this if you please to call it so foolish, frantic passion."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_46.flac,00018-f000055,0.608571,"Nein, ich habe noch nie geliebt; jetzt erfahre ich erst, was das heißt.","Till now, what I have called life was nothing but its prelude amuse ment, sport to kill the time with."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_47.flac,00018-f000055,0.642857,"Bisher war alles in meinem Leben nur Vorspiel, nur Hinhalten, nur Zeitvertreib, nur Zeitverderb, bis ich sie kennenlernte, bis ich sie liebte und ganz und eigentlich liebte.","Till now, what I have called life was nothing but its prelude amuse ment, sport to kill the time with."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_48.flac,00018-f000057,0.84375,"Man hat mir nicht gerade ins Gesicht, aber doch wohl im Rücken den Vorwurf gemacht: ich pfusche, ich stümpere nur in den meisten Dingen.","People have often said of me, not to my face, but be hind my back, that in most things I was but a botcher and a bungler."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_49.flac,00018-f000058,1.215,"Es mag sein; aber ich hatte das noch nicht gefunden, worin ich mich als Meister zeigen kann.",It may be so; for I had not then found in what I could show myself a master.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_50.flac,00018-f000059,1.05,"Ich will den sehen, der mich im Talent des Liebens übertrifft.",I should like to see the man who outdoes me in the talent of love.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_52.flac,00018-f000062,0.737627,"Mittler, der sein rasches Naturell, seinen unerbittlichen Verstand um so weniger verleugnen konnte, als er sich durch diesen schmerzlichen Ausbruch der Leidenschaft Eduards weit von dem Ziel seiner Reise verschlagen sah, äußerte aufrichtig und derb seine Mißbilligung.","But in doing so every feature of his strange condition had been brought out so clearly before his eyes that, overpowered by the pain of the struggle, he burst into tears, which flowed all the more freely as his heart had been made weak by telling it all."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_54.flac,00018-f000067,0.8,"Aufgeregt, durchdrungen von den peinlichsten Gefühlen, wie Eduard war, mußten ihm diese Worte hohl und nichtig vorkommen.","Stirred and penetrated as Edward was with the bitter est feelings, words like these could but have a hollow, worthless sound."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_55.flac,00018-f000068,0.3936,"Der Glückliche, der Behagliche hat gut reden, fuhr Eduard auf; aber schämen würde er sich, wenn er einsähe, wie unerträglich er dem Leidenden wird.","It is well, he cried, for the man who is happy, who has all that he desires, to talk; but he would be ashamed of it if he could see how intolerable it was to the sufferer."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_56.flac,00018-f000067,0.265263,"Eine unendliche Geduld soll es geben, einen unendlichen Schmerz will der starre Behagliche nicht anerkennen.","Stirred and penetrated as Edward was with the bitter est feelings, words like these could but have a hollow, worthless sound."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_57.flac,00018-f000070,0.8508120000000001,"Es gibt Fälle, ja, es gibt deren! wo jeder Trost niederträchtig und Verzweiflung Pflicht ist.","There are cases, he continued, yes, there are, where comfort is a lie, and despair is a duty."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_58.flac,00018-f000069,0.4123020000000001,"Verschmäht doch ein edler Grieche, der auch Helden zu schildern weiß, keineswegs, die seinigen bei schmerzlichem Drange weinen zu lassen.","Nothing short of an infinite endurance would be enough, and easy and contented as he was, what could he know of an infinite agony?"
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_59.flac,00018-f000070,-0.0638889,Selbst im Sprüchwort sagt er:,"There are cases, he continued, yes, there are, where comfort is a lie, and despair is a duty."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_60.flac,00018-f000070,-0.0638889,Tränenreiche Männer sind gut.,"<MERGE> There are cases, he continued, yes, there are, where comfort is a lie, and despair is a duty."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_61.flac,00018-f000073,0.289091,"Verlasse mich jeder, der trocknen Herzens, trockner Augen ist!","Curses on the happy, to whom the wretched serve but for a spectacle."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_62.flac,00018-f000074,0.250769,"Ich verwünsche die Glücklichen, denen der Unglückliche nur zum Spektakel dienen soll.","When body and soul are torn in pieces with agony, they are to bear it yes, to be noble and bear it, if they are to be allowed to go off Elective Affinities the scene with applause."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_63.flac,00018-f000075,0.356092,"Er soll sich in der grausamsten Lage körperlicher und geistiger Bedrängnis noch edel gebärden, um ihren Beifall zu erhalten, und, damit sie ihm beim Verscheiden noch applaudieren, wie ein Gladiator mit Anstand vor ihren Augen umkommen.","Like the gladiators, they must die gracefully before the eyes of the multitude."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_64.flac,00018-f000076,0.8777780000000001,"Lieber Mittler, ich danke Ihnen für Ihren Besuch; aber Sie erzeigten mir eine große Liebe, wenn Sie sich im Garten, in der Gegend umsähen.","My dear Mittler, I thank you for your visit; but really you would oblige me much if you would go out and look about you in the garden."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_65.flac,00018-f000077,0.7588239999999999,Wir kommen wieder zusammen.,We will meet again.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_66.flac,00018-f000078,0.6124029999999999,Ich suche gefaßter und Ihnen ähnlicher zu werden.,"I will try to compose myself, and become more like you."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_67.flac,00018-f000079,0.476471,"Mittler mochte lieber einlenken als die Unterhaltung abbrechen, die er so leicht nicht wieder anknüpfen konnte.","Mittler was unwilling to let a conversation drop which it might be difficult to begin again, and still persevered."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_68.flac,00018-f000080,0.630272,"Auch Eduarden war es ganz gemäß, das Gespräch weiter fortzusetzen, das ohnehin zu seinem Ziele abzulaufen strebte.","Edward, too, was quite ready to go on with it; besides that of itself it was tending toward the issue which he desired."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_70.flac,00018-f000084,0.5995729999999999,"Bewirken Sie, bester Mann, eine Scheidung, die so notwendig, die schon geschehen ist schaffen Sie mir Charlottens Einwilligung!","Do you, my best friend, bring about the separa tion which must take place, which, in fact, is already made; gain Charlotte's consent for me."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_71.flac,00018-f000085,0.621739,"Ich will nicht weiter ausführen, warum ich glaube, daß sie zu erlangen sein wird.",I will not enter upon the reasons why I believe there will be the less diffi culty in prevailing upon her.
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_73.flac,00018-f000088,0.2625,Eduard fuhr fort:,Mittler hesitated.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_74.flac,00018-f000089,0.8959999999999999,"Mein Schicksal und Ottiliens ist nicht zu trennen, und wir werden nicht zugrunde gehen.","Edward continued: My fate and Ottilie's can not be divided, and shall not be shipwrecked."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_75.flac,00018-f000090,-0.09,Sehen Sie dieses Glas!,Look at this glass; our initials are en graved upon it.
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_76.flac,00018-f000091,0.146154,Unsere Namenszüge sind dareingeschnitten.,"A gay reveler flung it into the air, that no one should drink of it more."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_77.flac,00018-f000092,0.181988,"Ein fröhlich Jubelnder warf es in die Luft; niemand sollte mehr daraus trinken, auf dem felsigen Boden sollte es zerschellen; aber es ward aufgefangen.",It was to fall on the rock and be dashed to pieces; but it did not fall; it was caught.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_78.flac,00018-f000093,0.6695949999999999,"Um hohen Preis habe ich es wieder eingehandelt, und ich trinke nun täglich daraus, um mich täglich zu überzeugen, daß alle Verhältnisse unzerstörlich sind, die das Schicksal beschlossen hat.","At a high price I bought it back, and now I drink Elective Affinities out of it daily to convince myself that the connection between us can not be broken; that destiny has decided."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_79.flac,00018-f000094,0.6642859999999999,"O wehe mir, rief Mittler, was muß ich nicht mit meinen Freunden für Geduld haben!","Alas, alas! cried Mittler, what must I not endure with my friends ?"
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_80.flac,00018-f000095,0.442857,"Nun begegnet mir noch gar der Aberglaube, der mir als das Schädlichste, was bei den Menschen einkehren kann, verhaßt bleibt.","Here comes superstition, which of all things I hate the worst the most mischievous and ac cursed of all the plagues of mankind."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_81.flac,00018-f000096,0.82926,Wir spielen mit Voraussagungen und Träumen und machen dadurch das alltägliche Leben bedeutend.,"We trifle with prophecies, with forebodings, and dreams, and give a seriousness to our everyday life with them; but when the seriousness of life itself begins to show, when everything around us is heaving and rolling, then come in these spectres to make the storm more terrible."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_83.flac,00018-f000099,0.75071,"Lassen Sie in dieser Ungewißheit des Lebens, rief Eduard, zwischen diesem Hoffen und Bangen dem bedürftigen Herzen doch nur eine Art von Leitstern, nach welchem es hinblicke, wenn es auch nicht darnach steuern kann.","Yes, I might leave it; and it would be very well, re plied Mittler, if there were but one consequence to ex pect; but I have always found that nobody will attend to symptoms of warning."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_84.flac,00018-f000100,0.247074,"Ich ließe mirs wohl gefallen, versetzte Mittler, wenn dabei nur einige Konsequenz zu hoffen wäre, aber ich habe immer gefunden: auf die warnenden Symptome achtet kein Mensch, auf die schmeichelnden und versprechenden allein ist die Aufmerksamkeit gerichtet und der Glaube für sie ganz allein lebendig.",Man cares for nothing except what flatters him and promises him fair; and his faith is alive exclusively for the sunny side.
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_85.flac,00018-f000101,0.588889,"Da sich nun Mittler sogar in die dunklen Regionen geführt sah, in denen er sich immer unbehaglicher fühlte, je länger er darin verweilte, so nahm er den dringenden Wunsch Eduards, der ihn zu Charlotten gehen hieß, etwas williger auf.","Mittler, finding himself carried off into the shadowy regions, in which the longer he remained in them, the more uncomfortable he always felt, was the more ready to assent to Edward's eager wish that he should go to Charlotte."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_86.flac,00018-f000102,0.533099,Denn was wollte er überhaupt Eduarden in diesem Augenblicke noch entgegensetzen?,"Indeed, if he stayed, what was there further which at that moment he could urge on Edward?"
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_87.flac,00018-f000103,0.6443479999999999,"Zeit zu gewinnen, zu erforschen, wie es um die Frauen stehe, das war es, was ihm selbst nach seinen eignen Gesinnungen zu tun übrigblieb.","To gain time, to inquire in what state things were with the ladies, was the best thing which even he himself could suggest as at present possible."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_88.flac,00018-f000104,0.6170939999999999,"Er eilte zu Charlotten, die er wie sonst gefaßt und heiter fand.","Elective Affinities He hastened to Charlotte, whom he found as usual calm and in good spirits."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_89.flac,00018-f000105,0.579,"Sie unterrichtete ihn gern von allem, was vorgefallen war; denn aus Eduards Reden konnte er nur die Wirkung abnehmen.",She told him readily of every thing which had occurred; for from what Edward had said he had only been able to gather the effects.
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_91.flac,00018-f000108,0.9620190000000001,"Wie verwundert, erstaunt und, nach seiner Gesinnung, erheitert war er daher, als Charlotte ihm in Gefolg so manches Unerfreulichen endlich sagte: Ich muß glauben, ich muß hoffen, daß alles sich wieder geben, daß Eduard sich wieder nähern werde.","It was a surprise, indeed, to him, but from his point of view an unspeakably delightful one, when Charlotte, at the end of a number of unpleasant things, finished with saying: I must believe, I must hope, that things will all work round again, and that Edward will return to me."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_92.flac,00018-f000109,0.666084,"Wie kann es auch wohl anders sein, da Sie mich guter Hoffnung finden.","How can it be otherwise, as soon as I become a mother?"
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_93.flac,00018-f000110,0.640714,Versteh ich Sie recht? fiel Mittler ein.,Do I understand you right? returned Mittler.
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_94.flac,00018-f000111,0.27931,"Vollkommen, versetzte Charlotte.","Perfectly, Charlotte answered."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_95.flac,00018-f000112,0.7681819999999999,"Tausendmal gesegnet sei mir diese Nachricht! rief er, die Hände zusammenschlagend.","A thousand times blessed be this news! he cried, clasping his hands together."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_96.flac,00018-f000113,0.521663,Ich kenne die Stärke dieses Arguments auf ein männliches Gemüt.,I know the strength of this argument on the mind of a man.
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_97.flac,00018-f000114,0.8867649999999999,"Wie viele Heiraten sah ich dadurch beschleunigt, befestigt, wiederhergestellt!","Many a marriage have I seen first cemented by it, and restored again when broken."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_98.flac,00018-f000115,0.6668569999999999,"Mehr als tausend Worte wirkt eine solche gute Hoffnung, die fürwahr die beste Hoffnung ist, die wir haben können.",Such a good hope as this is worth more than a thousand words.
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_99.flac,00018-f000117,0.636066,"Doch, fuhr er fort, was mich betrifft, so hätte ich alle Ursache, verdrießlich zu sein.","For myself, though, he continued, I have all reason to be vexed about it."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_100.flac,00018-f000118,1.00263,"In diesem Falle, sehe ich wohl, wird meiner Eigenliebe nicht geschmeichelt.",In this case I can see clearly no selflove of mine will be flattered.
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_101.flac,00018-f000118,0.5615939999999999,Bei euch kann meine Tätigkeit keinen Dank verdienen.,In this case I can see clearly no selflove of mine will be flattered.
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_102.flac,00018-f000119,0.4753020000000001,"Ich komme mir vor wie jener Arzt, mein Freund, dem alle Kuren gelangen, die er um Gottes willen an Armen tat, der aber selten einen Reichen heilen konnte, der es gut bezahlen wollte.","I shall earn no thanks from you by my services; I am in the same case as a certain medical friend of mine, who suc ceeds in all cures which he undertakes with the poor for the love of God; but can seldom do anything for the rich who will pay him."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_103.flac,00018-f000120,0.464099,"Glücklicherweise hilft sich hier die Sache von selbst, da meine Bemühungen, mein Zureden fruchtlos geblieben wären.","Here, thank God the thing Elective Affinities cures itself, after all my talking and trying had proved fruitless."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_104.flac,00018-f000121,0.15972999999999998,"Charlotte verlangte nun von ihm, er solle die Nachricht Eduarden bringen, einen Brief von ihr mitnehmen und sehen, was zu tun, was herzustellen sei.","Charlotte now asked him if he would carry the news to Edward; if he would take a letter to him from her, and then see what should be done."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_105.flac,00018-f000121,0.15972999999999998,Er wollte das nicht eingehen.,"<MERGE> Charlotte now asked him if he would carry the news to Edward; if he would take a letter to him from her, and then see what should be done."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_106.flac,00018-f000122,0.3,"Alles ist schon getan, rief er aus.",But he declined under taking this.
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_107.flac,00018-f000123,1.29047,Schreiben Sie! ein jeder Bote ist so gut als ich.,"All is done, he cried; do you write your letter any messenger will do as well as I I will come back to wish you joy."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_108.flac,00018-f000124,0.901587,"Muß ich doch meine Schritte hinwenden, wo ich nötiger bin.",I will come to the christening!
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_109.flac,00018-f000125,0.519231,"Ich komme nur wieder, um Glück zu wünschen; ich komme zur Taufe.",For this refusal she was vexed with him as she fre quently was.
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_111.flac,00018-f000126,0.661517,"Sein rasches Wesen brachte manches Gute hervor, aber seine Übereilung war schuld an manchem Mißlingen.","His eager, impetuous character brought about much good; but his overhaste was the occasion of many a failure."
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_112.flac,00018-f000127,0.576562,Niemand war abhängiger von augenblicklich vorgefaßten Meinungen als er.,No one was more dependent than he on the impressions which he formed on the moment.
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_113.flac,00018-f000128,0.545082,"Charlottens Bote kam zu Eduarden, der ihn mit halbem Schrecken empfing.","Charlotte's messenger came to Edward, who received him half in terror."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_114.flac,00018-f000129,0.519786,Der Brief konnte ebensogut für Nein als für Ja entscheiden.,"The letter was to decide his fate, and it might as well contain No as Yes."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_115.flac,00018-f000130,0.115385,"Er wagte lange nicht, ihn aufzubrechen, und wie stand er betroffen, als er das Blatt gelesen, versteinert bei folgender Stelle, womit es sich endigte.","He did not venture, for a long time, to open it."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_116.flac,00018-f000131,0.54142,"Gedenke jener nächtlichen Stunden, in denen du deine Gattin abenteuerlich als Liebender besuchtest, sie unwiderstehlich an dich zogst, sie als eine Geliebte, als eine Braut in die Arme schlossest.","At last he tore off the cover, and stood petrified at the following passage, with which it concluded: Remember the nightadventure when you visited your wife as a lover how you drew her to you, and clasped her as a wellbeloved bride in your arms."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_117.flac,00018-f000132,0.502831,"Laß uns in dieser seltsamen Zufälligkeit eine Fügung des Himmels verehren, die für ein neues Band unserer Verhältnisse gesorgt hat in dem Augenblick, da das Glück unseres Lebens auseinanderzufallen und zu verschwinden droht.","In this strange accident let us revere the providence of Heaven, which has woven a new link to bind us at the moment when the happiness of our lives was threatening to fall asun der and to vanish."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_118.flac,00018-f000133,0.648529,"Was von dem Augenblick an in der Seele Eduards vorging, würde schwer zu schildern sein.",What passed from that moment in Edward's soul it would be difficult to describe !
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_119.flac,00018-f000134,0.845455,"In einem solchen Gedränge treten zuletzt alte Gewohnheiten, alte Neigungen wieder hervor, um die Zeit zu töten und den Lebensraum auszufüllen.",Under the weight of such Elective Affinities a stroke old habits and fancies come out again to assist to kill the time and fill up the chasms of life.
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_120.flac,00018-f000135,0.19206,Jagd und Krieg sind eine solche für den Edelmann immer bereite Aushülfe.,Hunting and fighting are an everready resource of this kind for a nobleman; Edward longed for some outward peril as a counterbalance to the storm within him.
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_121.flac,00018-f000136,0.502444,"Eduard sehnte sich nach äußerer Gefahr, um der innerlichen das Gleichgewicht zu halten.","He craved for death, because the burden of life threatened to become too heavy for him to bear."
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_122.flac,00018-f000137,0.627835,"Er sehnte sich nach dem Untergang, weil ihm das Dasein unerträglich zu werden drohte; ja es war ihm ein Trost zu denken, daß er nicht mehr sein werde und eben dadurch seine Geliebten, seine Freunde glücklich machen könne.","It comforted him to think that he would soon cease to be, and so would make those whom he loved happy by his departure."
+ 111,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_123.flac,00018-f000138,0.988558,"Niemand stellte seinem Willen ein Hindernis entgegen, da er seinen Entschluß verheimlichte.",No one made any difficulty in his doing what he pur posed because he kept his intention a secret.
+ 112,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_124.flac,00018-f000139,0.375,"Mit allen Förmlichkeiten setzte er sein Testament auf; es war ihm eine süße Empfindung, Ottilien das Gut vermachen zu können.",He made his will with all due formalities.
+ 113,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_125.flac,00018-f000140,-0.00115385,"Für Charlotten, für das Ungeborne, für den Hauptmann, für seine Dienerschaft war gesorgt.","It gave him a very sweet feeling to secure Ottilie's fortune provision was made for Charlotte, for the unborn child, for the Cap tain, and for the servants."
+ 114,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_126.flac,00018-f000140,-0.00115385,Der wieder ausgebrochene Krieg begünstigte sein Vorhaben.,"<MERGE> It gave him a very sweet feeling to secure Ottilie's fortune provision was made for Charlotte, for the unborn child, for the Cap tain, and for the servants."
+ 115,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_127.flac,00018-f000141,0.626471,Militärische Halbheiten hatten ihm in seiner Jugend viel zu schaffen gemacht; er hatte deswegen den Dienst verlassen.,"The war, which had again broken out, favored his wishes: he had disliked exceed ingly the halfsoldiering which had fallen to him in his youth, and that was the reason why he had left the service."
+ 116,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_128.flac,00018-f000142,0.591489,"Nun war es ihm eine herrliche Empfindung, mit einem Feldherrn zu ziehen, von dem er sich sagen konnte: unter seiner Anführung ist der Tod wahrscheinlich und der Sieg gewiß.","Now it gave him a fine exhilarating feeling to be able to rejoin it, under a commander of whom it could be said that under his conduct death was likely and victory was sure."
+ 117,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_129.flac,00018-f000143,0.946926,"Ottilie, nachdem auch ihr Charlottens Geheimnis bekannt geworden, betroffen wie Eduard, und mehr, ging in sich zurück.","Ottilie, when Charlotte's secret was made known to her, bewildered by it, like Edward, and more than he, retired into herself she had nothing further to say: hope she could not, and wish she dared not."
+ 118,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_130.flac,00018-f000143,-0.0700084,Sie hatte nichts weiter zu sagen.,"<MERGE> Ottilie, when Charlotte's secret was made known to her, bewildered by it, like Edward, and more than he, retired into herself she had nothing further to say: hope she could not, and wish she dared not."
+ 119,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_131.flac,00018-f000143,-0.0700084,"Hoffen konnte sie nicht, und wünschen durfte sie nicht.","<MERGE> Ottilie, when Charlotte's secret was made known to her, bewildered by it, like Edward, and more than he, retired into herself she had nothing further to say: hope she could not, and wish she dared not."
+ 120,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.18_132.flac,00018-f000144,0.756998,"Einen Blick jedoch in ihr Inneres gewährt uns ihr Tagebuch, aus dem wir einiges mitzuteilen gedenken.","A glimpse into what was passing in her we can gather from her diary, some passages of which we propose to communi cate before long."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_1.flac,00019-f000003,0.4138560000000001,"So zeigte sich gleich nach der Entfernung des Hauptmanns und Eduards jener Architekt täglich bedeutender, von welchem die Anordnung und Ausführung so manches Unternehmens allein abhing, wobei er sich genau, verständig und tätig erwies und zugleich den Damen auf mancherlei Art beistand und in stillen, langwierigen Stunden sie zu unterhalten wußte.","And these putting out all their force at once fix our attention and sympathy on themselves, and earn our praise and admiration."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_2.flac,00019-f000004,0.543662,"Schon sein Äußeres war von der Art, daß es Zutrauen einflößte und Neigung erweckte.","Thus, after the Captain and Edward were gone, the Architect, of whom we have spoken, appeared every day a more important person."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_3.flac,00019-f000005,0.104654,"Ein Jüngling im vollen Sinne des Wortes, wohlgebaut, schlank, eher ein wenig zu groß, bescheiden ohne ängstlich, zutraulich ohne zudringend zu sein.","The ordering and executing of a number of undertakings depended entirely upon him, and he proved himself thoroughly understanding and businesslike in the style in which he went to work; while in a number of other ways he was able also to make him self of assistance to the ladies, and find amusement for their weary hours."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_4.flac,00019-f000007,0.27797,"Freudig übernahm er jede Sorge und Bemühung, und weil er mit großer Leichtigkeit rechnete, so war ihm bald das ganze Hauswesen kein Geheimnis, und überallhin verbreitete sich sein günstiger Einfluß.","A youth in the full sense of the word, wellformed, tall, per haps a little too stout; modest without being timid, and easy without being obtrusive, there was no work and no trouble which he was not delighted to take upon himself; and as he could keep accounts with great facility, the whole economy of the household soon was no secret to Elective Affinities him, and everywhere his salutary influence made itself felt."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_5.flac,00019-f000008,0.571059,"Die Fremden ließ man ihn gewöhnlich empfangen, und er wußte einen unerwarteten Besuch entweder abzulehnen oder die Frauen wenigstens dergestalt darauf vorzubereiten, daß ihnen keine Unbequemlichkeit daraus entsprang.","Any stranger who came he was commonly set to entertain, and he was skilful either at declining unex pected visits, or at least so far preparing the ladies for them as to spare them any disagreeableness."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_6.flac,00019-f000009,0.515274,"Unter andern gab ihm eines Tages ein junger Rechtsgelehrter viel zu schaffen, der, von einem benachbarten Edelmann gesendet, eine Sache zur Sprache brachte, die, zwar von keiner sonderlichen Bedeutung, Charlotten dennoch innig berührte.","Among others, he had one day no little trouble with a young lawyer, who had been sent by a neighboring noble man to speak about a matter which, although of no par ticular moment, yet touched Charlotte to the quick."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_7.flac,00019-f000010,0.904056,"Wir müssen dieses Vorfalls gedenken, weil er verschiedenen Dingen einen Anstoß gab, die sonst vielleicht lange geruht hätten.",We have to mention this incident because it gave occasion for a number of things which otherwise might perhaps have remained long untouched.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_8.flac,00019-f000011,1.24091,"Wir erinnern uns jener Veränderung, welche Charlotte mit dem Kirchhofe vorgenommen hatte.",We remember certain alterations which Charlotte had made in the churchyard.
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_9.flac,00019-f000012,0.5099859999999999,"Die sämtlichen Monumente waren von ihrer Stelle gerückt und hatten an der Mauer, an dem Sockel der Kirche Platz gefunden.","The entire body of the monu ments had been removed from their places, and had been ranged along the walls of the church, leaning against the stringcourse."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_10.flac,00019-f000013,0.21830500000000005,Der übrige Raum war geebnet.,"The remaining space had been leveled, except a broad walk which led up to the church, and past it to the opposite gate; and it had been all sown with various kinds of trefoil, which had shot up and flowered most beautifully."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_11.flac,00019-f000013,0.637009,"Außer einem breiten Wege, der zur Kirche und an derselben vorbei zu dem jenseitigen Pförtchen führte, war das übrige alles mit verschiedenen Arten Klee besäet, der auf das schönste grünte und blühte.","The remaining space had been leveled, except a broad walk which led up to the church, and past it to the opposite gate; and it had been all sown with various kinds of trefoil, which had shot up and flowered most beautifully."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_12.flac,00019-f000014,0.556218,"Nach einer gewissen Ordnung sollten vom Ende heran die neuen Gräber bestellt, doch der Platz jederzeit wieder verglichen und ebenfalls besäet werden.","The new graves were to follow one after another in a regular order from the end, but the spot on each occasion was to be carefully smoothed over and again sown."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_13.flac,00019-f000015,0.59619,"Niemand konnte leugnen, daß diese Anstalt beim sonn und festtägigen Kirchgang eine heitere und würdige Ansicht gewährte.",No one could deny that on Sundays and holidays when the people went to church the change had given it a most cheerful and pleasant appearance.
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_14.flac,00019-f000016,0.854126,"Sogar der betagte und an alten Gewohnheiten haftende Geistliche, der anfänglich mit der Einrichtung nicht sonderlich zufrieden gewesen, hatte nunmehr seine Freude daran, wenn er unter den alten Linden, gleich Philemon, mit seiner Baucis vor der Hintertüre ruhend, statt der holprigen Grabstätten einen schönen, bunten Teppich vor sich sah, der noch überdies seinem Haushalt zugute kommen sollte, indem Charlotte die Nutzung dieses Fleckes der Pfarre zusichern lassen.","At the same time the clergyman, an old man and clinging to old customs, who at first had not been especially pleased with the alteration, Elective Affinities had become thoroughly delighted with it, all the more because when he sat out like Philemon with his Baucis under the old linden trees at his back door, instead of the humps and mounds he had a beautiful clean lawn to look out upon; and which, moreover, Charlotte having se cured the use of the spot to the Parsonage, was no little convenience to his household."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_16.flac,00019-f000019,0.7320479999999999,"Von ebensolcher Gesinnung war eine benachbarte Familie, die sich und den Ihrigen einen Raum auf dieser allgemeinen Ruhestätte vor mehreren Jahren ausbedungen und dafür der Kirche eine kleine Stiftung zugewendet hatte.","Of this opinion was a family in the neighborhood, who for many years had been in possession of a considerable vault for a general restingplace of themselves and their relations, and in consequence had settled a small annual sum for the use of the church."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_17.flac,00019-f000020,0.768556,"Nun war der junge Rechtsgelehrte abgesendet, um die Stiftung zu widerrufen und anzuzeigen, daß man nicht weiterzahlen werde, weil die Bedingung, unter welcher dieses bisher geschehen, einseitig aufgehoben und auf alle Vorstellungen und Widerreden nicht geachtet worden.","And now this young law yer had been sent to cancel this settlement, and to show that his client did not intend to pay it any more, because the condition under which it had been hitherto made had not been observed by the other party, and no regard had been paid to objection and remonstrance."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_18.flac,00019-f000021,0.725202,"Charlotte, die Urheberin dieser Veränderung, wollte den jungen Mann selbst sprechen, der zwar lebhaft, aber nicht allzu vorlaut seine und seines Prinzipals Gründe darlegte und der Gesellschaft manches zu denken gab.","Charlotte, who was the originator of the alteration herself, chose to speak to the young man, who, in a decided though not a violent manner, laid down the grounds on which his client pro ceeded, and gave occasion in what he said for much serious reflection."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_19.flac,00019-f000022,0.54375,"Sie sehen, sprach er nach einem kurzen Eingang, in welchem er seine Zudringlichkeit zu rechtfertigen wußte, Sie sehen, daß dem Geringsten wie dem Höchsten daran gelegen ist, den Ort zu bezeichnen, der die Seinigen aufbewahrt.","Elective Affinities You see, he said, after a slight introduction, in which he sought to justify his peremptoriness; you see, it is right for the lowest as well as for the highest to mark the spot which holds those who are dearest to him."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_20.flac,00019-f000023,0.639976,"Dem ärmsten Landmann, der ein Kind begräbt, ist es eine Art von Trost, ein schwaches hölzernes Kreuz auf das Grab zu stellen, es mit einem Kranze zu zieren, um wenigstens das Andenken so lange zu erhalten, als der Schmerz währt, wenn auch ein solches Merkzeichen, wie die Trauer selbst, durch die Zeit aufgehoben wird.","The poorest peasant who buries a child finds it some con solation to plant a light wooden cross upon the grave, and hang a garland upon it, to keep alive the memorial, at least as long as the sorrow remains; although such a mark, like the mourning, will pass away with time."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_21.flac,00019-f000024,0.554466,"Wohlhabende verwandeln diese Kreuze in eiserne, befestigen und schützen sie auf mancherlei Weise, und hier ist schon Dauer für mehrere Jahre.","Those better off change the cross of wood into iron, and fix it down and guard it in various ways; and here we have endurance for many years."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_22.flac,00019-f000025,0.8970870000000001,"Doch weil auch diese endlich sinken und unscheinbar werden, so haben Begüterte nichts Angelegeneres, als einen Stein aufzurichten, der für mehrere Generationen zu dauern verspricht und von den Nachkommen erneut und aufgefrischt werden kann.","But because this too will sink at last, and become invisible, those who are able to bear the expense see nothing fitter than to raise a stone which shall promise to endure for generations, and which can be restored and made fresh again by posterity."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_23.flac,00019-f000026,0.8851870000000001,"Aber dieser Stein ist es nicht, der uns anzieht, sondern das darunter Enthaltene, das daneben der Erde Vertraute.","Yet this stone it is not which attracts us; it is that which is contained beneath it, which is entrusted, where it stands, to the earth."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_24.flac,00019-f000027,0.8016340000000001,"Es ist nicht sowohl vom Andenken die Rede als von der Person selbst, nicht von der Erinnerung, sondern von der Gegenwart.","It is not the memorial so much of which we speak as of the person himself; not of what once was, but of what is."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_26.flac,00019-f000030,0.327016,"Sie sollen das schmerzlich süße Gefühl entbehren, ihren Geliebten ein Totenopfer zu bringen, die tröstliche Hoffnung, dereinst unmittelbar neben ihnen zu ruhen.","Elective Affinities And, therefore, I hold it quite fair and fitting that my principal shall withdraw his grant to you."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_27.flac,00019-f000031,0.721391,"Die Sache ist nicht von der Bedeutung, versetzte Charlotte, daß man sich deshalb durch einen Rechtshandel beunruhigen sollte.","It is, indeed, but reasonable too that he should do it, for the members of his family are injured in a way for which no compen sation could be even proposed."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_28.flac,00019-f000032,0.460844,"Meine Anstalt reut mich so wenig, daß ich die Kirche gern wegen dessen, was ihr entgeht, entschädigen will.","They are deprived of the sad sweet feelings of laying offerings on the remains of their dead, and of the one comfort in their sorrow of one day lying down at their side."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_29.flac,00019-f000033,0.0403361,Nur muß ich Ihnen aufrichtig gestehen:,"The matter is not of that importance, Charlotte an swered, that we should disquiet ourselves about it with the vexation of a lawsuit."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_30.flac,00019-f000034,0.722932,Ihre Argumente haben mich nicht überzeugt.,I regret so little what I have done that I will gladly myself indemnify the church for what it loses through you.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_31.flac,00019-f000035,0.818462,"Das reine Gefühl einer endlichen allgemeinen Gleichheit, wenigstens nach dem Tode, scheint mir beruhigender als dieses eigensinnige, starre Fort setzen unserer Persönlichkeiten, Anhänglichkeiten und Lebensverhältnisse.","Only I must confess candidly to you your arguments have not convinced me; the pure feeling of a universal equality at last, after death, seems to me more composing than this hard, determined per sistence in our personalities and in the conditions and circumstances of our lives."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_32.flac,00019-f000036,0.23877600000000002,Und was sagen Sie hierzu? richtete sie ihre Frage an den Architekten.,"What do you say to it ? she added, turning to the Architect."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_33.flac,00019-f000037,0.442647,"Ich möchte, versetzte dieser, in einer solchen Sache weder streiten noch den Ausschlag geben.","It is not for me, replied he, either to argue, or to attempt to judge in such a case."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_34.flac,00019-f000038,0.6559999999999999,"Lassen Sie mich das, was meiner Kunst, meiner Denkweise am nächsten liegt, bescheidentlich äußern.","Let me venture, how ever, to say what my own art and my own habits of think ing suggest to me."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_36.flac,00019-f000041,0.901822,"Wenn die Glieder einer Gemeinde reihenweise nebeneinander liegen, so ruhen sie bei und unter den Ihrigen; und wenn die Erde uns einmal aufnehmen soll, so finde ich nichts natürlicher und reinlicher, als daß man die zufällig entstandenen, nach und nach zusammensinkenden Hügel ungesäumt vergleiche und so die Decke, indem alle sie tragen, einem jeden leichter gemacht werde.","If the members of a com mon congregation are laid out side by side, they are resting by the side of and among their kindred; and, if the earth be once to receive us all, I can find nothing more natural or more desirable than that the mounds, which, if they are thrown up, are sure to sink slowly in again together, should be smoothed off at once, and the cover ing, which all bear alike, will press lighter upon each."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_38.flac,00019-f000044,0.5257890000000001,"Keineswegs! fuhr der Architekt fort; nicht vom Andenken, nur vom Platze soll man sich lossagen. Der Baukünstler, der Bildhauer sind höchlich interessiert, daß der Mensch von ihnen, von ihrer Kunst, von ihrer Hand eine Dauer seines Daseins erwarte; und deswegen wünschte ich gut gedachte, gut ausgeführte Monumente, nicht einzeln und zufällig ausgesäet, sondern an einem Orte aufgestellt, wo sie sich Dauer versprechen können.","The architect, the sculptor, are highly interested that men should look to their art to their hand, for a continuance of their being; and, therefore, I should wish to see welldesigned, wellexecuted monuments; not sown up and down by themselves at random, but erected all in a single spot, where they can promise themselves en durance."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_39.flac,00019-f000045,0.813068,"Da selbst die Frommen und Hohen auf das Vorrecht Verzicht tun, in den Kirchen persönlich zu ruhen, so stelle man wenigstens dort oder in schönen Hallen um die Begräbnisplätze Denkzeichen, Denkschriften auf.","Inasmuch as even the good and the great are contented to surrender the privilege of resting in person in the churches, we may, at least, erect there or in some fair hall near the buryingplace, either monuments or monumental writings."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_40.flac,00019-f000046,0.645,"Es gibt tausenderlei Formen, die man ihnen vorschreiben, tausenderlei Zieraten, womit man sie ausschmücken kann.","A thousand forms might be sug gested for them, and a thousand ornaments with which they might be decorated."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_41.flac,00019-f000047,0.0521262,"Wenn die Künstler so reich sind, versetzte Charlotte, so sagen Sie mir doch:","If the artists are so rich, replied Charlotte, then tell me how it is that they are never able to escape from little Elective Affinities obelisks, dwarf pillars, and urns for ashes?"
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_42.flac,00019-f000047,0.0521262,"Wie kann man sich niemals aus der Form eines kleinlichen Obelisken, einer abgestutzten Säule und eines Aschenkrugs herausfinden?","<MERGE> If the artists are so rich, replied Charlotte, then tell me how it is that they are never able to escape from little Elective Affinities obelisks, dwarf pillars, and urns for ashes?"
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_43.flac,00019-f000048,1.03652,"Anstatt der tausend Erfindungen, deren Sie sich rühmen, habe ich immer nur tausend Wiederholungen gesehen.","Instead of your thousand forms of which you boast, I have never seen anything but a thousand repetitions."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_44.flac,00019-f000049,0.152381,"Das ist wohl bei uns so, entgegnete ihr der Architekt, aber nicht überall.","It is very generally so with us, returned the Archi tect, but it is not universal; and very likely the right taste and the proper application of it may be a peculiar art."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_45.flac,00019-f000050,0.509335,Und überhaupt mag es mit der Erfindung und der schicklichen Anwendung eine eigne Sache sein.,"In this case especially we have this great difficulty, that the monument must be something cheerful and yet commemorate a solemn subject; while its matter is mel ancholy, it must not itself be melancholy."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_46.flac,00019-f000051,0.705839,"Besonders hat es in diesem Falle manche Schwierigkeit, einen ernsten Gegen stand zu erheitern und bei einem unerfreulichen nicht ins Unerfreuliche zu geraten.","As regards designs for monuments of all kinds, I have collected num bers of them, and I will take some opportunity of show ing them to you; but at all times the fairest memorial of a man remains some likeness of himself."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_47.flac,00019-f000052,0.723823,"Was Entwürfe zu Monumenten aller Art betrifft, deren habe ich viele gesammelt und zeige sie gelegentlich; doch bleibt immer das schönste Denkmal des Menschen eigenes Bildnis. Dieses gibt mehr als irgend etwas anders einen Begriff von dem, was er war; es ist der beste Text zu vielen oder wenigen Noten; nur müßte es aber auch in seiner besten Zeit gemacht sein, welches gewöhnlich versäumt wird.","This, better than anything else, will give a notion of what he was; it is the best text for many or for few notes, only it ought to be made when he is at his best age, and that is generally neglected; no one thinks of preserving forms while they are alive, and if it is done at all, it is done care lessly.and incompletely : and then comes death; a cast is taken swiftly off the face; this mask is set upon a block of stone, and that is what is called a bust."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_48.flac,00019-f000053,0.5176189999999999,"Niemand denkt daran, lebende Formen zu erhalten, und wenn es geschieht, so geschieht es auf unzulängliche Weise.",How seldom is the artist in a position to put any real life into such things as these!
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_49.flac,00019-f000054,0.5519350000000001,"Da wird ein Toter geschwind noch abgegossen und eine solche Maske auf einen Block gesetzt, und das heißt man eine Büste.","You have contrived, said Charlotte, without per haps knowing it or wishing it, to lead the conversation altogether in my favor."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_50.flac,00019-f000055,0.7001930000000001,"Wie selten ist der Künstler imstande, sie völlig wiederzubeleben!.Sie haben, ohne es vielleicht zu wissen und zu wollen, versetzte Charlotte, dies Gespräch ganz zu meinen Gunsten gelenkt.","The likeness of a man is quite independent; everywhere that it stands, it stands for itself, and we do not require it to mark the site of a partictt Elective Affinities lar grave."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_51.flac,00019-f000056,0.526482,"Das Bild eines Menschen ist doch wohl unabhängig; überall, wo es steht, steht es für sich, und wir werden von ihm nicht verlangen, daß es die eigentliche Grabstätte bezeichne.",But I must acknowledge to you to having a strange feeling; even to likenesses I have a kind of dis inclination.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_52.flac,00019-f000057,0.633333,Aber soll ich Ihnen eine wunderliche Empfindung bekennen?,Whenever I see them they seem to be silently reproaching me.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_53.flac,00019-f000058,0.245299,"Selbst gegen die Bildnisse habe ich eine Art von Abneigung; denn sie scheinen mir immer einen stillen Vorwurf zu machen; sie deuten auf etwas Entferntes, Abgeschiedenes und erinnern mich, wie schwer es sei, die Gegenwart recht zu ehren.",They point to something far away from us gone from us; and they remind me how difficult it is to pay right honor to the present.
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_54.flac,00019-f000059,0.977143,"Gedenkt man, wieviel Menschen man gesehen, gekannt, und gesteht sich, wie wenig wir ihnen, wie wenig sie uns gewesen, wie wird uns da zumute!","If we think how many people we have seen and known, and consider how little we have been to them and how little they have been to us, it is no very pleasant reflection."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_55.flac,00019-f000060,1.14375,"Wir begegnen dem Geistreichen, ohne uns mit ihm zu unterhalten, dem Gelehrten, ohne von ihm zu lernen, dem Gereisten, ohne uns zu unterrichten, dem Liebevollen, ohne ihm etwas Angenehmes zu erzeigen.",We have met a man of genius without having enjoyed much with him a learned man without having learned from him a trav eler without having been instructed a man to love with out having shown him any kindness.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_56.flac,00019-f000061,0.294737,Und leider ereignet sich dies nicht bloß mit den Vorübergehenden.,"And, unhappily, this is not the case only with acci dental meetings."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_57.flac,00019-f000062,0.871721,"Gesellschaften und Familien betragen sich so gegen ihre liebsten Glieder, Städte gegen ihre würdigsten Bürger, Völker gegen ihre trefflichsten Fürsten, Nationen gegen ihre vorzüglichsten Menschen.","Societies and families behave in the same way toward their dearest members, towns toward their worthiest citizens, people toward their most admi rable princes, nations toward their most distinguished men."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_58.flac,00019-f000063,0.576803,"Ich hörte fragen, warum man von den Toten so unbewunden Gutes sage, von den Lebenden immer mit einer gewissen Vorsicht.","I have heard it asked why we heard nothing but good spoken of the dead, while of the living it is never without some exception."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_59.flac,00019-f000064,0.946867,Es wurde geantwortet: weil wir von jenen nichts zu befürchten haben und diese uns noch irgendwo in den Weg kommen könnten.,"It should be answered, because from the former we have nothing any more to fear, while the latter may still, here or there, fall in our way."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.1_60.flac,00019-f000065,0.6592899999999999,"So unrein ist die Sorge für das Andenken der andern; es ist meist nur ein selbstischer Scherz, wenn es dagegen ein heiliger Ernst wäre, seine Verhältnisse gegen die Überbliebenen immer lebendig und tätig zu erhalten.","So unreal is our anxiety to preserve the memory of others generally no more than a mere selfish amusement; and the real, holy, earnest feeling would be what should prompt us to be more diligent and assiduous in our attentions toward those who still are left to us."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_2.flac,00020-f000003,0.5457,"Diese Kirche stand seit mehrern Jahrhunderten, nach deutscher Art und Kunst in guten Maßen errichtet und auf eine glückliche Weise verziert.",His in terest too had to extend itself to the church as well; a building which had caught his attention from the moment of his arrival.
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_3.flac,00020-f000004,0.671379,"Man konnte wohl nachkommen, daß der Baumeister eines benachbarten Klosters mit Einsicht und Neigung sich auch an diesem kleineren Gebäude bewährt, und es wirkte noch immer ernst und angenehm auf den Betrachter, obgleich die innere neue Einrichtung zum protestantischen Gottesdienste ihm etwas von seiner Ruhe und Majestät genommen hatte.","It had been standing for many centuries, built in old German style, the proportions good, the decorating elab orate and excellent; and one might easily gather that the architect of the neighboring monastery had left the stamp of his art and of his love on this smaller building also; it worked on the beholder with a solemnity and a sweetness, although the change in its internal arrangements for the Protestant service had taken from it something of its re pose and majesty."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_4.flac,00020-f000005,0.612052,"Dem Architekten fiel es nicht schwer, sich von Charlotten eine mäßige Summe zu erbitten, wovon er das Äußere sowohl als das Innere im altertümlichen Sinne herzustellen und mit dem davorliegenden Auferstehungsfelde zur Übereinstimmung zu bringen gedachte.","The Architect found no great difficulty in prevailing on Charlotte to give him a considerable sum of money to restore it externally and internally, in the original spirit, and thus, as he thought, to bring it into harmony with the resurrectionfield which lay in front of it."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_5.flac,00020-f000006,0.827767,"Er hatte selbst viel Handgeschick, und einige Arbeiter, die noch am Hausbau beschäftigt waren, wollte man gern so lange beibehalten, bis auch dieses fromme Werk vollendet wäre.","He had Elective Affinities himself much practical skill, and a few laborers who were still busy at the lodge might easily be kept together until this pious work too should be completed."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_6.flac,00020-f000007,0.775641,"Man war nunmehr in dem Falle, das Gebäude selbst mit allen Umgebungen und Angebäuden zu untersuchen, und da zeigte sich zum größten Erstaunen und Vergnügen des Architekten eine wenig bemerkte kleine Seitenkapelle von noch geistreichern und leichtern Maßen, von noch gefälligern und fleißigern Zieraten.","The building itself, therefore, with all its environs, and whatever was attached to it, was now carefully and thor oughly examined; and then showed itself, to the greatest surprise and delight of the Architect, a little side chapel, which nobody had thought of, beautifully and delicately proportioned, and displaying still greater care and pains in its decoration."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_7.flac,00020-f000008,0.645,"Sie enthielt zugleich manchen geschnitzten und gemalten Rest jenes älteren Gottesdienstes, der mit mancherlei Gebild und Gerätschaft die verschiedenen Feste zu bezeichnen und jedes auf seine eigne Weise zu feiern wußte.","It contained at the same time many remnants, carved and painted, of the implements used in the old services, when the different festivals were distin guished by a variety of pictures and ceremonies, and each was celebrated in its own peculiar style."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_8.flac,00020-f000009,0.604965,"Der Architekt konnte nicht unterlassen, die Kapelle sogleich in seinen Plan mit hereinzuziehen und besonders diesen engen Raum als ein Denkmal voriger Zeiten und ihres Geschmacks wiederherzustellen.","It was impossible for him not at once to take this chapel into his plan; and he determined to bestow especial pains on the restoring of this little spot, as a memorial of old times, and of their taste."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_9.flac,00020-f000010,0.535636,"Er hatte sich die leeren Flächen nach seiner Neigung schon verziert gedacht und freute sich, dabei sein malerisches Talent zu üben; allein er machte seinen Hausgenossen fürs erste ein Geheimnis davon.","He saw exactly how he would like to have the vacant surfaces of the walls orna mented, and delighted himself with the prospect of exer cising his talent for painting upon them; but of this, at first, he made a secret to the rest of the party."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_10.flac,00020-f000011,0.71341,"Vor allem andern zeigte er versprochenermaßen den Frauen die verschiedenen Nachbildungen und Entwürfe von alten Grabmonumenten, Gefäßen und andern dahin sich nähernden Dingen, und als man im Gespräch auf die einfachern Grabhügel der nordischen Völker zu reden kam, brachte er seine Sammlung von mancherlei Waffen und Gerätschaften, die darin gefunden worden, zur Ansicht.","Before doing anything else, he fulfilled his promise of showing the ladies the various imitations of, and designs from, old monuments, vases, and other such things which he had made; and when they came to speak of the simple barrowsepulchres of the northern nations, he brought a collection of weapons and implements which had been found in them."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_11.flac,00020-f000012,0.699063,"Er hatte alles sehr reinlich und tragbar in Schubladen und Fächern auf eingeschnittenen, mit Tuch überzogenen Brettern, so daß diese alten, ernsten Dinge durch seine Behandlung etwas Putzhaftes annahmen und man mit Vergnügen darauf wie auf die Kästchen eines Modehändlers hinblickte.","He had got them exceedingly nicely and Elective Affinities conveniently arranged in drawers and compartments, laid on boards cut to fit them, and covered over with cloth; so that these solemn old things, in the way he treated them, had a smart dressy appearance, and it was like looking into the box of a trinket merchant."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_12.flac,00020-f000013,0.597692,"Und da er einmal im Vorzeigen war, da die Einsamkeit eine Unterhaltung forderte, so pflegte er jeden Abend mit einem Teil seiner Schätze hervorzutreten.","Having once begun to show his curiosities, and finding them prove serviceable to entertain our friends in their loneliness, every evening he would produce one or other of his treasures."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_13.flac,00020-f000014,0.5614859999999999,"Sie waren meistenteils deutschen Ursprungs: Brakteaten, Dickmünzen, Siegel und was sonst sich noch anschließen mag.","They were most of them of German origin pieces of metal, old coins, seals, and such like."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_14.flac,00020-f000015,0.697571,"Alle diese Dinge richteten die Einbildungskraft gegen die ältere Zeit hin, und da er zuletzt mit den Anfängen des Drucks, Holzschnitten und den ältesten Kupfern seine Unterhaltung zierte und die Kirche täglich auch, jenem Sinne gemäß, an Farbe und sonstiger Auszierung gleichsam der Vergangenheit entgegenwuchs, so mußte man sich beinahe selbst fragen, ob man denn wirklich in der neueren Zeit lebe, ob es nicht ein Traum sei, daß man nunmehr in ganz andern Sitten, Gewohnheiten, Lebensweisen und Überzeugungen verweile.","All these things directed the imagination back upon old times; and when at last they came to amuse themselves with the first specimens of printing, woodcuts, and the earliest copperplate engraving, and when the church, in the same spirit, was growing out, every day, more and more in form and color like the past, they had almost to ask themselves whether they really were living in a mod ern time, whether it were not a dream, that manners, cus toms, modes of life, and convictions were all really so changed."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_15.flac,00020-f000016,0.4557350000000001,"Auf solche Art vorbereitet, tat ein größeres Portefeuille, das er zuletzt herbeibrachte, die beste Wirkung.","After such preparation, a great portfolio, which at last he produced, had the best possible effect."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_16.flac,00020-f000017,0.76875,"Es enthielt zwar meist nur umrissene Figuren, die aber, weil sie auf die Bilder selbst durchgezeichnet waren, ihren altertümlichen Charakter vollkommen erhalten hatten, und diesen, wie einnehmend fanden ihn die Beschauenden!","It contained indeed principally only outlines and figures, but as these had been traced upon original pictures, they retained per fectly their ancient character, and most captivating indeed this character was to the spectators."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_17.flac,00020-f000018,0.20873000000000005,"Aus allen Gestalten blickte nur das reinste Dasein hervor; alle mußte man, wo nicht für edel, doch für gut ansprechen.","All the figures breathed only the purest feeling; every one, if not noble, at any rate was good; cheerful composure, ready recogni tion of One above us, to whom all reverence is due; silent Elective Affinities devotion, in love and tranquil expectation, was expressed on every face, in every gesture."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_18.flac,00020-f000018,0.20873000000000005,"Heitere Sammlung, willige Anerkennung eines Ehrwürdigen über uns, stille Hingebung in Liebe und Erwartung war auf allen Gesichtern, in allen Gebärden ausgedrückt.","<MERGE> All the figures breathed only the purest feeling; every one, if not noble, at any rate was good; cheerful composure, ready recogni tion of One above us, to whom all reverence is due; silent Elective Affinities devotion, in love and tranquil expectation, was expressed on every face, in every gesture."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_19.flac,00020-f000019,0.446524,"Der Greis mit dem kahlen Scheitel, der reichlockige Knabe, der muntere Jüngling, der ernste Mann, der verklärte Heilige, der schwebende Engel, alle schienen selig in einem unschuldigen Genügen, in einem frommen Erwarten.","The old baldheaded man, the curlypated boy, the lighthearted youth, the earnest man, the glorified saint, the angel hovering in the air, all seemed happy in an innocent, satisfied, pious ex pectation."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_20.flac,00020-f000020,0.730165,"Das Gemeinste, was geschah, hatte einen Zug von himmlischem Leben, und eine gottesdienstliche Handlung schien ganz jeder Natur angemessen.","The commonest object had a trait of celestial life; and every nature seemed adapted to the service of God, and to be, in some way or other, employed upon it."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_21.flac,00020-f000021,-0.0347682,"Nach einer solchen Region blicken wohl die meisten wie nach einem verschwundenen goldenen Zeitalter, nach einem verlorenen Paradiese hin.","Toward such a region most of them gazed as toward a vanished golden age, or on some lost paradise; only per haps Ottilie had a chance of finding herself among beings of her own nature."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_22.flac,00020-f000021,-0.0347682,"Nur vielleicht Ottilie war in dem Fall, sich unter ihresgleichen zu fühlen.","<MERGE> Toward such a region most of them gazed as toward a vanished golden age, or on some lost paradise; only per haps Ottilie had a chance of finding herself among beings of her own nature."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_23.flac,00020-f000022,0.644219,"Wer hätte nun widerstehen können, als der Architekt sich erbot, nach dem Anlaß dieser Urbilder die Räume zwischen den Spitzbogen der Kapelle auszumalen und dadurch sein Andenken entschieden an einem Orte zu stiften, wo es ihm so gut gegangen war.",Who could offer any opposition when the Architect asked to be allowed to paint the spaces be tween the arches and the walls of the chapel in the style of these old pictures; and thereby leave his own distinct memorial at a place where life had gone so pleasantly with him?
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_24.flac,00020-f000023,0.858683,"Er erklärte sich hierüber mit einiger Wehmut; denn er konnte nach der Lage der Sache wohl einsehen, daß sein Aufenthalt in so vollkommener Gesellschaft nicht immer dauern könne, ja vielleicht bald abgebrochen werden müsse.","He spoke of it with some sadness, for he could see, in the state in which things were, that his sojourn in such delightful society could not last forever; indeed, that per haps it would now soon be ended."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_25.flac,00020-f000024,0.19786800000000002,"Übrigens waren diese Tage zwar nicht reich an Begebenheiten, doch voller Anlässe zu ernsthafter Unterhaltung.","For the rest, these days were not rich in incidents; yet full of occasion for serious entertainment We therefore take the opportunity of communicating something of the remarks which Ottilie noted down among her manu scripts, to which we can not find a fitter transition than through a simile which suggested itself to us on contem plating her exquisite pages."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_26.flac,00020-f000024,0.19786800000000002,"Wir nehmen daher Gelegenheit, von demjenigen, was Ottilie sich daraus in ihren Heften angemerkt, einiges mitzuteilen, wozu wir keinen schicklichern Übergang finden als durch ein Gleichnis, das sich uns beim Betrachten ihrer liebenswürdigen Blätter aufdringt.","<MERGE> For the rest, these days were not rich in incidents; yet full of occasion for serious entertainment We therefore take the opportunity of communicating something of the remarks which Ottilie noted down among her manu scripts, to which we can not find a fitter transition than through a simile which suggested itself to us on contem plating her exquisite pages."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_27.flac,00020-f000025,0.43772700000000003,Wir hören von einer besondern Einrichtung bei der englischen Marine.,"There is, we are told, a curious contrivance in the serv Elective Affinities ice of the English marine."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_28.flac,00020-f000026,0.752918,"Sämtliche Tauwerke der königlichen Flotte, vom stärksten bis zum schwächsten, sind dergestalt gesponnen, daß ein roter Faden durch das Ganze durchgeht, den man nicht herauswinden kann, ohne alles aufzulösen, und woran auch die kleinsten Stücke kenntlich sind, daß sie der Krone gehören.","The ropes in use in the royal navy, from the largest to the smallest, are so twisted that a red thread runs through them from end to end, which can not be extracted without undoing the whole; and by which the smallest pieces may be recog nized as belonging to the crown."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_29.flac,00020-f000027,0.7234510000000001,"Ebenso zieht sich durch Ottiliens Tagebuch ein Faden der Neigung und Anhänglichkeit, der alles verbindet und das Ganze bezeichnet.","Just so is there drawn through Ottilie's diary a thread of attachment and affection which connects it all to gether, and characterizes the whole."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_30.flac,00020-f000028,0.5108699999999999,"Dadurch werden diese Bemerkungen, Betrachtungen, ausgezogenen Sinnsprüche und was sonst vorkommen mag, der Schreibenden ganz besonders eigen und für sie von Bedeutung.","And thus these re marks, these observations, these extracted sentences, and whatever else it may contain, were, to the writer, of pe culiar meaning."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_31.flac,00020-f000029,0.682353,Selbst jede einzelne von uns ausgewählte und mitgeteilte Stelle gibt davon das entschiedenste Zeugnis.,Even the few separate pieces which we select and transcribe will sufficiently explain our meaning.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_32.flac,00020-f000030,0.865116,"Neben denen dereinst zu ruhen, die man liebt, ist die angenehmste Vorstellung, welche der Mensch haben kann, wenn er einmal über das Leben hinausdenkt.","FROM OTTILIE'S DIARY, To rest hereafter at the side of those whom we love is the most delightful thought which man can have when once he looks out beyond the boundary of life."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_33.flac,00020-f000031,0.289091,Zu den Seinigen versammelt werden ist ein so herzlicher Ausdruck.,What a sweet expression is that 'He was gathered to his fathers'!
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_34.flac,00020-f000032,-0.0168224,"Es gibt mancherlei Denkmale und Merkzeichen, die uns Entfernte und Abgeschiedene näher bringen.",Of the various memorials and tokens which bring nearer to us the distant and the separated none is so satisfactory as a picture.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_35.flac,00020-f000032,-0.0168224,Keins ist von der Bedeutung des Bildes.,<MERGE> Of the various memorials and tokens which bring nearer to us the distant and the separated none is so satisfactory as a picture.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_36.flac,00020-f000033,0.607129,"Die Unterhaltung mit einem geliebten Bilde, selbst wenn es unähnlich ist, hat was Reizendes, wie es manchmal etwas Reizendes hat, sich mit einem Freunde streiten.","To sit and talk to a beloved picture, even though it be unlike, has a charm in it, like the charm which there sometimes is in quarreling with a friend."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_37.flac,00020-f000034,0.943978,"Man fühlt auf eine angenehme Weise, daß man zu zweien ist und doch nicht auseinander kann.","We feel, in a strange sweet way that we are divided and yet can not separate."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_38.flac,00020-f000035,0.4697520000000001,Man unterhält sich manchmal mit einem gegenwärtigen Menschen als mit einem Bilde.,We entertain ourselves often with a present person as with a picture.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_39.flac,00020-f000036,1.04591,"Er braucht nicht zu sprechen, uns nicht anzusehen, sich nicht mit uns zu beschäftigen; wir sehen ihn, wir fühlen unser Verhältnis zu ihm, ja sogar unsere Verhältnisse zu ihm können wachsen, ohne daß er etwas dazu tut, ohne daß er etwas davon empfindet, daß er sich eben bloß zu uns wie ein Bild verhält.","He need not speak to us, he need not Elective Affinities look at us, or take any notice of us; we look at him, we feel the relation in which we stand to him; such relation can even grow without his doing anything toward it, without his having any feeling of it : he is to us exactly as a picture."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_40.flac,00020-f000037,0.492587,"Man ist niemals mit einem Porträt zufrieden von Personen, die man kennt.",One is never satisfied with a portrait of a person that one knows.
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_41.flac,00020-f000038,0.635,Deswegen habe ich die Porträtmaler immer bedauert.,I have always felt for the portraitpainter on this account.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_42.flac,00020-f000039,0.284198,"Man verlangt so selten von den Leuten das Unmögliche, und gerade von diesen fordert mans.","One so seldom requires of people what is impossible, and of them we do really require what is impossible; they must gather up into their picture the re lation of everybody to its subject, all their likings and all dislikings; they must not only paint a man as they see him, but as every one else sees him."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_43.flac,00020-f000039,0.284198,"Sie sollen einem jeden sein Verhältnis zu den Personen, seine Neigung und Abneigung mit in ihr Bild aufnehmen; sie sollen nicht bloß darstellen, wie sie einen Menschen fassen, sondern wie jeder ihn fassen würde.","<MERGE> One so seldom requires of people what is impossible, and of them we do really require what is impossible; they must gather up into their picture the re lation of everybody to its subject, all their likings and all dislikings; they must not only paint a man as they see him, but as every one else sees him."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_45.flac,00020-f000040,0.226692,"Daraus möchte denn entstehen, was wollte, wenn man nur nicht gerade darüber die Abbildungen so mancher lieben und teuren Menschen entbehren müßte.","s It is too true, the Architect's collection of weapons and old implements, which were found with the bodies of their owners, covered in with great hills of earth and rock, proves to us how useless is man's so great anxiety to preserve his personality after he is dead; and so incon sistent people are ! the Architect confesses to have himself opened these barrows of his forefathers, and yet goes on occupying himself with memorials for posterity."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_46.flac,00020-f000040,0.226692,"Es ist wohl wahr, die Sammlung des Architekten von Waffen und alten Gerätschaften, die nebst dem Körper mit hohen Erdhügeln und Felsenstücken zugedeckt waren, bezeugt uns, wie unnütz die Vorsorge des Menschen sei für die Erhaltung seiner Persönlichkeit nach dem Tode.","<MERGE> s It is too true, the Architect's collection of weapons and old implements, which were found with the bodies of their owners, covered in with great hills of earth and rock, proves to us how useless is man's so great anxiety to preserve his personality after he is dead; and so incon sistent people are ! the Architect confesses to have himself opened these barrows of his forefathers, and yet goes on occupying himself with memorials for posterity."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_47.flac,00020-f000041,0.639286,Und so widersprechend sind wir!,But after all why should we take it so much to heart?
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_49.flac,00020-f000042,0.26,Warum soll man es aber so streng nehmen?,Is all that we do done for eternity?
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_50.flac,00020-f000043,0.75,"Ist denn alles, was wir tun, für die Ewigkeit getan?",Do we not put on our dress in the morning to throw it off again at night?
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_51.flac,00020-f000043,0.544737,"Ziehen wir uns nicht morgens an, um uns abends wieder auszuziehen?",Do we not put on our dress in the morning to throw it off again at night?
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_52.flac,00020-f000044,0.166667,"Verreisen wir nicht, um wiederzukehren?",Elective Affinities Do we not go abroad to return home again?
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_53.flac,00020-f000045,0.944156,"Und warum sollten wir nicht wünschen, neben den Unsrigen zu ruhen, und wenn es auch nur für ein Jahrhundert wäre?","And why should we not wish to rest by the side of our friends, though it were but for a century?"
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_54.flac,00020-f000046,0.8256549999999999,"Wenn man die vielen versunkenen, die durch Kirchgänger abgetretenen Grabsteine, die über ihren Grabmälern selbst zusammengestürzten Kirchen erblickt, so kann einem das Leben nach dem Tode doch immer wie ein zweites Leben vorkommen, in das man nun im Bilde, in der Überschrift eintritt und länger darin verweilt als in dem eigentlichen lebendigen Leben.","When we see the many gravestones which have fallen in, which have been defaced by the footsteps of the congre gation, which lie buried under the ruins of the churches that have themselves crumbled together over them, we may fancy the life after death to be as a second life, into which a man enters in the figure, or the picture, or the inscription, and lives longer there than when he was really alive."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.2_55.flac,00020-f000047,0.3,"Aber auch dieses Bild, dieses zweite Dasein verlischt früher oder später.","But this figure also, this second existence, dies out too, sooner or later."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_1.flac,00021-f000003,0.289535,Mit so billigen Gesinnungen betrachten wir die Anstalten des Architekten zum Ausmalen der Kapelle.,With such complacency of feeling we regard the prepara tion of the Architect for the painting the chapel.
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_3.flac,00021-f000007,1.06385,"Das Gerüste stand, die Arbeit ging vorwärts, und da schon einiges, was in die Augen fiel, erreicht war, konnte es ihm nicht zuwider sein, daß Charlotte mit Ottilien ihn besuchte.","The work went for ward; and as soon as anything had been done on which the eye could rest, he could have no objection to Charlotte and Ottilie coming to see how he was getting on."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_4.flac,00021-f000008,0.580588,"Die lebendigen Engelsgesichter, die lebhaften Gewänder auf dem blauen Himmelsgrunde erfreuten das Auge, indem ihr stilles frommes Wesen das Gemüt zur Sammlung berief und eine sehr zarte Wirkung hervorbrachte.","The lifelike faces of the angels, their robes waving against the blue skyground, delighted the eye, while their still and holy air calmed and composed the spirit, and produced the most delicate effect."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_6.flac,00021-f000011,1.0092299999999998,"Charlotte, welche gern sah, wenn Ottilie sich auf irgendeine Weise beschäftigte und zerstreute, ließ die beiden gewähren und ging, um ihren eigenen Gedanken nachzuhängen, um ihre Betrachtungen und Sorgen, die sie niemanden mitteilen konnte, für sich durchzuarbeiten.","Charlotte, who was always glad when Ottilie would occupy or amuse herself with anything, left them both in the chapel, and went to follow the train of her own thoughts, and work her way for herself through her cares and anxieties which she was unable to communicate to a creature."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_9.flac,00021-f000016,0.765604,"Kurz darauf war Eduard verschwunden, und seine Gattin konnte zu keiner Nachricht von ihm gelangen, bis sie endlich von ungefähr seinen Namen in den Zeitungen fand, wo er unter denen, die sich bei einer bedeutenden Kriegsgelegenheit hervorgetan hatten, mit Auszeichnung genannt war.","He had van ished almost immediately after, and Charlotte could learn no news about him; till at last she accidentally found his name in the newspaper, where he was mentioned with honor among those who had most distinguished them selves in a late important engagement."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_10.flac,00021-f000017,0.6236079999999999,"Sie wußte nun, welchen Weg er genommen hatte, sie erfuhr, daß er großen Gefahren entronnen war; allein sie überzeugte sich sogleich, daß er größere aufsuchen würde, und sie konnte sich daraus nur allzusehr deuten, daß er in jedem Sinne schwerlich vom Äußersten würde zurückzuhalten sein.",She now under Elective Affinities stood the metnod which he had taken; she perceived that he had escaped from great danger; only she was con vinced at the same time that he would seek out greater; and it was all too clear to her that in every sense he would hardly be withheld from any extremity.
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_11.flac,00021-f000018,0.9978100000000001,"Sie trug diese Sorgen für sich allein immer in Gedanken und mochte sie hin und wider legen, wie sie wollte, so konnte sie doch bei keiner Ansicht Beruhigung finden.","She had to bear about this perpetual anxiety in her thoughts, and turn which way she would, there was no light in which she could look at it that would give her comfort."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_12.flac,00021-f000019,0.937125,"Ottilie, von alledem nichts ahnend, hatte indessen zu jener Arbeit die größte Neigung gefaßt und von Charlotten gar leicht die Erlaubnis erhalten, regelmäßig darin fortfahren zu dürfen.","Ottilie, never dreaming of anything of this, had taken to the work in the chapel with the greatest interest, and she had easily obtained Charlotte's permission to go on with it regularly."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_13.flac,00021-f000020,0.471916,"Nun ging es rasch weiter, und der azurne Himmel war bald mit würdigen Bewohnern bevölkert.","So now all went swiftly forward, and the azure heaven was soon peopled with worthy inhabi tants."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_15.flac,00021-f000024,0.796722,"Die Nähe des schönen Kindes mußte wohl in die Seele des jungen Mannes, der noch keine natürliche oder künstlerische Physiognomie vorgefaßt hatte, einen so lebhaften Eindruck machen, daß ihm nach und nach auf dem Wege vom Auge zur Hand nichts verlorenging, ja daß beide zuletzt ganz gleichstimmig arbeiteten.","The neighborhood of the beautiful girl had made so strong an impression on the soul of the young man, who had no variety of faces preconceived in his mind, that by degrees, on the way from the eye to the hand, nothing was lost, and both worked in exact har mony together."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_16.flac,00021-f000025,0.709987,"Genug, eins der letzten Gesichtchen glückte vollkommen, so daß es schien, als wenn Ottilie selbst aus den himmlischen Räumen heruntersähe.",Enough; one of the last faces succeeded perfectly; so that it seemed as if Ottilie herself was look ing down out of the spaces of the sky.
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_18.flac,00021-f000029,0.765417,"Aber wie in solchen Dingen immer eins zum andern führt, so wurden noch Blumen und Fruchtgehänge beschlossen, welche Himmel und Erde gleichsam zusammenknüpfen sollten.","But as in such things one thing ever leads on to another, they determined at least on having festoons of flowers and fruit, which should, as it were, unite together heaven and earth."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_19.flac,00021-f000030,0.653571,Hier war nun Ottilie ganz in ihrem Felde.,Here Ottilie was in her element.
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_20.flac,00021-f000031,0.7484,"Die Gärten lieferten die schönsten Muster, und obschon die Kränze sehr reich ausgestattet wurden, so kam man doch früher, als man gedacht hatte, damit zustande.","The gardens provided the most perfect patterns; and although the wreaths were as rich as they could make them, it was all finished sooner than they had supposed possible."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_21.flac,00021-f000032,0.628125,Noch sah aber alles wüste und roh aus.,It was still looking rough and disorderly.
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_22.flac,00021-f000033,0.53662,"Die Gerüste waren durcheinander geschoben, die Bretter übereinander geworfen, der ungleiche Fußboden durch mancherlei vergossene Farben noch mehr verunstaltet.","The scaf folding poles had been run together, the planks thrown one on the top of the other; the uneven pavement was yet more disfigured by the partycolored stains of the paint which had been spilled over it."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_23.flac,00021-f000034,0.8223590000000001,"Der Architekt erbat sich nunmehr, daß die Frauenzimmer ihm acht Tage Zeit lassen und bis dahin die Kapelle nicht betreten möchten.","The Architect begged that the ladies would give him a week to himself, and during that time would not enter the chapel; at the end of it, one fine evening, he came to them, and begged them both to go and see it."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_24.flac,00021-f000035,0.266379,"Endlich ersuchte er sie an einem schönen Abende, sich beiderseits dahin zu verfügen; doch wünschte er, sie nicht begleiten zu dürfen, und empfahl sich sogleich.","He did not wish to accompany them, he said, and at once took his leave."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_25.flac,00021-f000036,0.813462,"Was er uns auch für eine Überraschung zugedacht haben mag, sagte Charlotte, als er weggegangen war, so habe ich doch gegenwärtig keine Lust hinunterzugehen.","Whatever surprise he may have designed for us, said Charlotte, as soon as he was gone, I can not myself just now go down there."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_26.flac,00021-f000037,0.725,Du nimmst es wohl allein über dich und gibst mir Nachricht.,"You can go by yourself, and tell me all about it."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_27.flac,00021-f000038,1.01512,Gewiß hat er etwas Angenehmes zustande gebracht.,No doubt he has been doing some thing which we shall like.
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_28.flac,00021-f000039,0.85,Ich werde es erst in deiner Beschreibung und dann gern in der Wirklichkeit genießen.,"I will enjoy it first in your de scription, and afterward it will be the more charming in the reality."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_29.flac,00021-f000040,0.914527,"Ottilie, die wohl wußte, daß Charlotte sich in manchen Stücken acht nahm, alle Gemütsbewegungen vermied und besonders nicht überrascht sein wollte, begab sich sogleich allein auf den Weg und sah sich unwillkürlich nach dem Architekten um, der aber nirgends erschien und sich mochte verborgen haben.","Ottilie, who knew well that in many cases Char Elective Affinities lotte took care to avoid everything which could produce emotion, and particularly disliked to be surprised, set off down the walk by herself, and looked round involuntarily for the Architect, who, however, was nowhere to be seen, and must have concealed himself somewhere."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_30.flac,00021-f000041,0.25,"Sie trat in die Kirche, die sie offen fand.","She walked into the church, which she found open."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_31.flac,00021-f000042,1.138,"Diese war schon früher fertig, gereinigt und eingeweiht.","This had been finished before; it had been cleaned up, and service had been performed in it."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_32.flac,00021-f000043,0.664187,"Sie trat zur Türe der Kapelle, deren schwere, mit Erz beschlagene Last sich leicht vor ihr auftat und sie in einem bekannten Raume mit einem unerwarteten Anblick überraschte.","She went on to the chapel door; its heavy mass, all overlaid with iron, yielded easily to her touch, and she found an unexpected sight in a familiar spot."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_34.flac,00021-f000046,0.493738,Das Ganze erhielt dadurch einen fremden Ton und bereitete zu einer eigenen Stimmung.,"The entire chapel had thus received a strange tone, and a peculiar genius was thrown over it."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_35.flac,00021-f000047,0.5769890000000001,"Die Schönheit des Gewölbes und der Wände ward durch die Zierde des Fußbodens erhöht, der aus besonders geformten, nach einem schönen Muster gelegten, durch eine gegossene Gipsfläche verbundenen Ziegelsteinen bestand.","The beauty of the vaulted ceiling and the walls was set off by the elegance of the pavement, which was composed of peculiarly shaped tiles, fastened together with gypsum, and forming exquisite patterns as they lay."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_36.flac,00021-f000048,0.837808,Diese sowohl als die farbigen Scheiben hatte der Architekt heimlich bereiten lassen und konnte nun in kurzer Zeit alles zusammenfügen.,"This and the colored glass for the windows the Architect had prepared without their knowledge, and a short time was sufficient to have it put in its place."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_37.flac,00021-f000049,0.7892859999999999,Auch für Ruheplätze war gesorgt.,Seats had been provided as well.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_38.flac,00021-f000050,0.68879,"Es hatten sich unter jenen kirchlichen Altertümern einige schön geschnitzte Chorstühle vorgefunden, die nun gar schicklich an den Wänden angebracht umherstanden.","Among the relics of the old church some finely carved chancel chairs had been discovered, which now were standing about at conven ient places along the walls."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_39.flac,00021-f000051,0.518927,"Ottilie freute sich der bekannten, ihr als ein unbekanntes Ganze entgegentretenden Teile.",The parts which she knew so well now meeting her as an unfamiliar whole delighted Ottilie.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_40.flac,00021-f000052,0.829943,"Sie stand, ging hin und wider, sah und besah; endlich setzte sie sich auf einen der Stühle, und es schien ihr, indem sie auf und umherblickte, als wenn sie wäre und nicht wäre, als wenn sie sich empfände und nicht empfände, als wenn dies alles vor ihr, sie vor sich selbst verschwinden sollte; und nur als die Sonne das bisher sehr lebhaft beschienene Fenster verließ, erwachte Ottilie vor sich selbst und eilte nach dem Schlosse.","She stood still, walked up and down, looked and looked again; at last Elective Affinities she seated herself in one of the chairs, and it seemed, as she gazed up and down, as if she was, and yet was not as if she felt and did not feel as if all this would vanish from before her, and she would vanish from her self; and it was only when the sun left the window, on which before it had been shining full, that she awoke to possession of herself, and hastened back to the castle."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_41.flac,00021-f000053,0.9842,"Sie verbarg sich nicht, in welche sonderbare Epoche diese Überraschung gefallen sei.",She did not hide from herself the strange epoch at which this surprise had occurred to her.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_42.flac,00021-f000054,0.666429,Es war der Abend vor Eduards Geburtstage.,It was the evening of Edward's birthday.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_43.flac,00021-f000055,0.525,Diesen hatte sie freilich ganz anders zu feiern gehofft.,Very differently she had hoped to keep it.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_44.flac,00021-f000056,-0.00560748,Wie sollte nicht alles zu diesem Feste geschmückt sein!,How was not everything to be dressed out for this festival? and now all the splendor of the autumn flowers remained ungathered.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_45.flac,00021-f000056,-0.00560748,Aber nunmehr stand der ganze herbstliche Blumenreichtum ungepflückt.,<MERGE> How was not everything to be dressed out for this festival? and now all the splendor of the autumn flowers remained ungathered.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_48.flac,00021-f000062,0.799429,"Sie lehnte sich nicht mehr auf seinen Arm und hatte keine Hoffnung, an ihm jemals wieder eine Stütze zu finden.","She no longer leaned upon his arm, and she had no hope ever any more to rest her self upon it."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_49.flac,00021-f000063,0.738667,Eine Bemerkung des jungen Künstlers muß ich aufzeichnen:,Elective Affinities FROM OTTILIE S DIARY I have been struck with an observation of the young architect.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_50.flac,00021-f000064,0.573422,"Wie am Handwerker so am bildenden Künstler kann man auf das deutlichste gewahr werden, daß der Mensch sich das am wenigsten zuzueignen vermag, was ihm ganz eigens angehört.","In the case of the creative artist, as in that of the artisan, it is clear that man is least permitted to appro priate to himself what is most entirely his own."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_51.flac,00021-f000065,0.881818,"Seine Werke verlassen ihn so wie die Vögel das Nest, worin sie ausgebrütet worden.",His works forsake him as the birds forsake the nest in which they were hatched.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_52.flac,00021-f000066,0.858824,Der Baukünstler vor allen hat hierin das wunderlichste Schicksal.,The fate of the architect is the strongest of all in this way.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_53.flac,00021-f000067,0.686234,"Wie oft wendet er seinen ganzen Geist, seine ganze Neigung auf, um Räume hervorzubringen, von denen er sich selbst ausschließen muß!","How often he expends his whole soul, his whole heart and passion, to produce buildings into which he himself may never enter."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_54.flac,00021-f000068,0.492593,"Die königlichen Säle sind ihm ihre Pracht schuldig, deren größte Wirkung er nicht mitgenießt.",The halls of kings owe their magnificence to him; but he has no enjoyment of them in their splendor.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_55.flac,00021-f000069,1.05225,"In den Tempeln zieht er eine Grenze zwischen sich und dem Allerheiligsten, er darf die Stufen nicht mehr betreten, die er zur herzerhebenden Feierlichkeit gründete, so wie der Goldschmied die Monstranz nur von fern anbetet, deren Schmelz und Edelsteine er zusammengeordnet hat.",In the temple he draws a partition line between himself and the Holy of Holies; he may never more set his foot upon the steps which he has laid down for the heartthrilling ceremonial; as the goldsmith may only adore from far off the monstrance whose enamel and whose jewels he has himself set together.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_56.flac,00021-f000070,0.597581,"Dem Reichen übergibt der Baumeister mit dem Schlüssel des Palastes alle Bequemlichkeit und Behäbigkeit, ohne irgend etwas davon mitzugenießen.","The builder surrenders to the rich man, with the key of his palace, all pleasure and all right there, and never shares with him in the enjoyment of it."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_57.flac,00021-f000071,0.952604,"Muß sich nicht allgemach auf diese Weise die Kunst von dem Künstler entfernen, wenn das Werk wie ein ausgestattetes Kind nicht mehr auf den Vater zurückwirkt?","And must not art in this way, step by step, draw off from the artist, when the work, like a child who is provided for, has no more to fall back upon its father ?"
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_58.flac,00021-f000072,0.935065,"Und wie sehr mußte die Kunst sich selbst befördern, als sie fast allein mit dem Öffentlichen, mit dem, was allen und also auch dem Künstler gehörte, sich zu beschäftigen bestimmt war!","And what a power there must be in art itself, for its own selfadvancing, when it has been obliged to shape itself almost solely out of what was IO Elective Affinities open to all, only out of what was the property of every one, and therefore also of the artist!"
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_59.flac,00021-f000073,0.507143,Eine Vorstellung der alten Völker ist ernst und kann furchtbar scheinen.,"There is a conception among old nations which is awful, and may almost seem terrible."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_60.flac,00021-f000074,0.0887221,Sie dachten sich ihre Vorfahren in großen Höhlen ringsumher auf Thronen sitzend in stummer Unterhaltung.,"They pictured their forefathers to themselves sitting round on thrones, in enormous caverns, in silent converse; when a newcomer entered, if he were worthy enough, they rose up, and in clined their heads to welcome him."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_61.flac,00021-f000074,0.0887221,"Dem Neuen, der hereintrat, wenn er würdig genug war, standen sie auf und neigten ihm einen Willkommen.","<MERGE> They pictured their forefathers to themselves sitting round on thrones, in enormous caverns, in silent converse; when a newcomer entered, if he were worthy enough, they rose up, and in clined their heads to welcome him."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_62.flac,00021-f000075,0.8934780000000001,"Gestern, als ich in der Kapelle saß und meinem geschnitzten Stuhle gegenüber noch mehrere umhergestellt sah, erschien mir jener Gedanke gar freundlich und anmutig.","Yesterday, as I was sitting in the chapel, and other carved chairs stood round like that in which I was, the thought of this came over me with a soft, pleasant feeling."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_64.flac,00021-f000078,0.523594,"Die farbigen Scheiben machen den Tag zur ernsten Dämmerung, und jemand müßte eine ewige Lampe stiften, damit auch die Nacht nicht ganz finster bliebe.","The colored win dow panes convert the day into a solemn twilight; and some one should set up for us an everburning lamp, that the night might not be utter darkness."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_65.flac,00021-f000079,1.03609,"Man mag sich stellen, wie man will, und man denkt sich immer sehend.","We may imagine ourselves in what situation we please, we always conceive ourselves as seeing."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_66.flac,00021-f000080,0.45903,"Ich glaube, der Mensch träumt nur, damit er nicht aufhöre zu sehen.",I believe men only dream that they may not cease to see.
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.3_67.flac,00021-f000081,0.586517,"Es könnte wohl sein, daß das innere Licht einmal aus uns herausträte, so daß wir keines andern mehr bedürften.","Some day, perhaps, the inner light will come out from within us, and we shall not any more require another."
alignments/108/00022-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_1.flac,00022-f000003,0.479392,"Es entging ihr leider keine von den Betrachtungen, die sie dabei zu machen Ursache hatte.","Un happily, none of the observations which she had occasion to make upon it escaped her."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_2.flac,00022-f000004,0.704762,"Glücklicherweise kann der Mensch nur einen gewissen Grad des Unglücks fassen; was darüber hinausgeht, vernichtet ihn oder läßt ihn gleichgültig.",But it is well for us that man can only endure a certain degree of unhappiness; what is beyond that either annihilates him or passes by him and leaves him apathetic.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_3.flac,00022-f000005,0.57563,"Es gibt Lagen, in denen Furcht und Hoffnung eins werden, sich einander wechselseitig aufheben und in eine dunkle Fühllosigkeit verlieren.","There are situations in which hope and fear run together, in which they mutu ally destroy one another, and lose themselves in a dull indifference."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_4.flac,00022-f000006,0.714055,"Wie könnten wir sonst die entfernten Geliebtesten in stündlicher Gefahr wissen und dennoch unser tägliches, gewöhnliches Leben immer so forttreiben.","If it were not so, how could we bear to know of those who are most dear to us being in hourly peril, and yet go on as usual with our ordinary everyday life?"
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_5.flac,00022-f000007,0.7861670000000001,"Es war daher, als wenn ein guter Geist für Ottilien gesorgt hätte, indem er auf einmal in diese Stille, in der sie einsam und unbeschäftigt zu versinken schien, ein wildes Heer hereinbrachte, das, indem es ihr von außen genug zu schaffen gab und sie aus sich selbst führte, zugleich in ihr das Gefühl eigener Kraft anregte.","It was, therefore, as if some good genius was caring for Ottilie; that, all at once, this stillness, in which she seemed to be sinking from loneliness and want of occu pation, was suddenly invaded by a wild army, which, while it gave her externally abundance of employment, and so took her out of herself, at the same time awoke in her the consciousness of her own power."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_6.flac,00022-f000008,0.825998,"Charlottens Tochter, Luciane, war kaum aus der Pension in die große Welt getreten, hatte kaum in dem Hause ihrer Tante sich von zahlreicher Gesellschaft umgeben gesehen, als ihr Gefallenwollen wirklich Gefallen erregte und ein junger, sehr reicher Mann gar bald eine heftige Neigung empfand, sie zu besitzen.","Elective Affinities Charlotte's daughter, Luciana, had scarcely left the school and gone out into the great world; scarcely had she found herself at her aunt's house in the midst of a large society than her anxiety to please produced its effect in really pleasing; and a young, very wealthy man, soon experienced a passionate desire to make her his own."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_7.flac,00022-f000009,0.6716479999999999,"Sein ansehnliches Vermögen gab ihm ein Recht, das Beste jeder Art sein eigen zu nennen, und es schien ihm nichts weiter abzugehen als eine vollkommene Frau, um die ihn die Welt so wie um das übrige zu beneiden hätte.","His large property gave him a right to have the best of everything for his use, and nothing seemed to be wanting to him except a perfect wife, for whom, as for the rest of his good fortune, he should be the envy of the world."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_9.flac,00022-f000013,0.747222,"Man wollte vorher noch schreiben, abreden, näher bestimmen, als der Sturm auf einmal über das Schloß und Ottilien hereinbrach.",She had been making various changes and arrangements in the house in preparation for it; but she had no notion that it was so near.
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_11.flac,00022-f000017,0.409375,"Da lag das Vorhaus voll Vachen, Mantelsäcke und anderer lederner Gehäuse.","There was the greataunt, with Luciana and some of her friends; and then the bridegroom with some of his friends."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_12.flac,00022-f000018,0.660455,Mit Mühe sonderte man die vielen Kästchen und Futterale auseinander.,"The entrancehall was full of things bags, portmanteaus, Elective Affinities and leather articles of every sort."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_13.flac,00022-f000019,0.560526,Des Gepäckes und Geschleppes war kein Ende.,"The boxes had to be got out of their covers, and that was infinite trouble; and of luggage and of rummage there was no end."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_14.flac,00022-f000020,0.564179,"Dazwischen regnete es mit Gewalt, woraus manche Unbequemlichkeit entstand.","At intervals, morever, there were violent showers, giving rise to much inconvenience."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_16.flac,00022-f000023,0.981148,"Jedermann war logiert, jedermann nach seiner Art bequem, und glaubte gut bedient zu sein, weil er nicht gehindert war, sich selbst zu bedienen.","Every one found his room every one had his things exactly as he wished, and all thought themselves well attended to, because they were not prevented from at tending to themselves."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_18.flac,00022-f000027,0.4875,"Sie war nun einmal zu dem Glücke gelangt, ein Pferd besteigen zu dürfen.",She had now arrived at the happiness of being able to mount a horse.
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_19.flac,00022-f000028,0.567643,"Der Bräutigam hatte schöne Pferde, und sogleich mußte man aufsitzen.","The bridegroom had beautiful horses, and mount they must on the spot."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_20.flac,00022-f000029,0.93964,"Wetter und Wind, Regen und Sturm kamen nicht in Anschlag; es war, als wenn man nur lebte, um naß zu werden und sich wieder zu trocknen.","Clouds and wind, rain and storm, they were nothing to Luciana, and now it was as if they only lived to get wet through, and to dry themselves again."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_21.flac,00022-f000030,1.21854,"Fiel es ihr ein, zu Fuße auszugehen, so fragte sie nicht, was für Kleider sie anhatte und wie sie beschuht war: sie mußte die Anlagen besichtigen, von denen sie vieles gehört hatte.","If she took a fancy to go out walking, she never thought what sort of dress she had on, or what her shoes were like, she must go and see the grounds of which she had heard so much; what could not be done on horseback she ran through on foot."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_22.flac,00022-f000032,0.13939400000000002,"Was nicht zu Pferde geschehen konnte, wurde zu Fuß durchrannt.","The whole household had much to suffer, but most particularly the lady's maids, who were at work from morning to night, washing, and ironing, and stitching."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_23.flac,00022-f000033,0.6,Bald hatte sie alles gesehen und abgeurteilt.,"As soon as she had exhausted the house and the park, she thought it was her duty to pay visits all round the neighborhood."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_24.flac,00022-f000035,0.357812,Bei der Schnelligkeit ihres Wesens war ihr nicht leicht zu widersprechen.,"The castle was flooded with return visits, and that they might not miss one another, it soon came to days being fixed for them."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_25.flac,00022-f000036,0.747222,"Die Gesellschaft hatte manches zu leiden, am meisten aber die Kammermädchen, die mit Waschen und Bügeln, Auftrennen und Annähen nicht fertig werden konnten.","Charlotte, in the meantime, with her aunt, and the man of business of the bridegroom, were occupied in determining about the settlements, and it was left to Ottilie, with those under her, to take care that all this crowd of people were properly provided for."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_26.flac,00022-f000033,0.412857,"Kaum hatte sie das Haus und die Gegend erschöpft, als sie sich verpflichtet fühlte, rings in der Nachbarschaft Besuch abzulegen.","As soon as she had exhausted the house and the park, she thought it was her duty to pay visits all round the neighborhood."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_27.flac,00022-f000034,0.6918920000000001,"Weil man sehr schnell ritt und fuhr, so reichte die Nachbarschaft ziemlich fern umher.","As they rode and drove very fast, all round the neighborhood was a considerable distance."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_28.flac,00022-f000035,0.724286,"Das Schloß ward mit Gegenbesuchen überschwemmt, und damit man sich ja nicht verfehlen möchte, wurden bald bestimmte Tage angesetzt.","The castle was flooded with return visits, and that they might not miss one another, it soon came to days being fixed for them."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_29.flac,00022-f000041,0.782692,"Indessen Charlotte mit der Tante und dem Geschäftsträger des Bräutigams die innern Verhältnisse festzustellen bemüht war und Ottilie mit ihren Untergebenen dafür zu sorgen wußte, daß es an nichts bei so großem Zugang fehlen möchte, da denn Jäger und Gärtner, Fischer und Krämer in Bewegung gesetzt wurden, zeigte sich Luciane immer wie ein brennender Kometenkern, der einen langen Schweif nach sich zieht.","Notwithstanding all that, however, and al though afterward the redemption of the forfeits had to be settled with herself, yet of those who played with Elective Affinities her, never any one, especially never any man, let him be of what sort he would, went quite emptyhanded away."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_30.flac,00022-f000038,1.28636,Die gewöhnlichen Besuchsunterhaltungen dünkten ihr bald ganz unschmackhaft.,The ordinary amusements of the parties soon became too insipid for her taste.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_31.flac,00022-f000041,0.434317,"Kaum daß sie den ältesten Personen eine Ruhe am Spieltisch gönnte: wer noch einigermaßen beweglich war und wer ließ sich nicht durch ihre reizenden Zudringlichkeiten in Bewegung setzen? , mußte herbei, wo nicht zum Tanze, doch zum lebhaften Pfand, Straf und Vexierspiel.","Notwithstanding all that, however, and al though afterward the redemption of the forfeits had to be settled with herself, yet of those who played with Elective Affinities her, never any one, especially never any man, let him be of what sort he would, went quite emptyhanded away."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_32.flac,00022-f000045,0.378049,"Und obgleich das alles, so wie hernach die Pfänderlösung, auf sie selbst berechnet war, so ging doch von der andern Seite niemand, besonders kein Mann, er mochte von einer Art sein, von welcher er wollte, ganz leer aus; ja es glückte ihr, einige ältere Personen von Bedeutung ganz für sich zu gewinnen, indem sie ihre eben einfallenden Geburts und Namenstage ausgeforscht hatte und besonders feierte.","It seemed to be a sort of pride with her that men who had anything remarkable about them rank, character, or fame she must and would gain for herself."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_35.flac,00022-f000050,0.328444,"So hatte sie den Architekten schon bald ins Auge gefaßt, der jedoch aus seinem schwarzen, langlockigen Haar so unbefangen heraus sah, so gerad und ruhig in der Entfernung stand, auf alle Fragen kurz und verständig antwortete, sich aber auf nichts weiter einzulassen geneigt schien, daß sie sich endlich einmal, halb unwillig halb listig, entschloß, ihn zum Helden des Tages zu machen und dadurch auch für ihren Hof zu gewinnen.","To all her questions she received short, sensible answers; but he did not seem inclined to allow himself to be car ried away further, and at last, half provoked, half in malice, she resolved that she would make him the hero of a day, and so gain him for her court."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_36.flac,00022-f000052,0.513333,"Nicht umsonst hatte sie so vieles Gepäcke mitgebracht, ja es war ihr noch manches gefolgt.","Much, indeed, had followed Elective Affinities her afterward."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_37.flac,00022-f000052,0.589697,Sie hatte sich auf eine unendliche Abwechselung in Kleidern vorgesehen.,"Much, indeed, had followed Elective Affinities her afterward."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_38.flac,00022-f000054,0.549367,"Wenn es ihr Vergnügen machte, sich des Tages drei , viermal umzuziehen und mit gewöhnlichen, in der Gesellschaft üblichen Kleidern vom Morgen bis in die Nacht zu wechseln, so erschien sie dazwischen wohl auch einmal im wirklichen Maskenkleid, als Bäuerin und Fischerin, als Fee und Blumenmädchen.","When it took her fancy she would change her dress three or four times a day, usu ally wearing something of an ordinary kind, but making her appearance suddenly at intervals in a thorough mas querade dress, as a peasant girl or a fish maiden, as a fairy or a flowergirl; and this would go on from morn ing till night."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_39.flac,00022-f000055,0.851784,"Sie verschmähte nicht, sich als alte Frau zu verkleiden, um desto frischer ihr junges Gesicht aus der Kutte hervorzuzeigen; und wirklich verwirrte sie dadurch das Gegenwärtige und das Eingebildete dergestalt, daß man sich mit der Saalnixe verwandt und verschwägert zu sein glaubte.","Sometimes she would even disguise her self as an old woman, that her young face might peep out the fresher from under the cap; and so utterly in this way did she confuse and mix together the actual and the fantastic, that people thought they were living with a sort of drawingroom witch."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_40.flac,00022-f000056,0.841658,"Wozu sie aber diese Verkleidungen hauptsächlich benutzte, waren pantomimische Stellungen und Tänze, in denen sie verschiedene Charaktere auszudrücken gewandt war.","But the principal use which she had for these disguises were pantomimic tableaux and dances, in which she was skilful in expressing a variety of character."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_41.flac,00022-f000057,0.8365790000000001,"Ein Kavalier aus ihrem Gefolge hatte sich eingerichtet, auf dem Flügel ihre Gebärden mit der wenigen nötigen Musik zu begleiten; es bedurfte nur einer kurzen Abrede, und sie waren sogleich in Einstimmung.","A cavalier in her suite had taught himself to accompany her action on the piano with the little music which was required; they needed only to exchange a few words, and they at once understood one another."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_44.flac,00022-f000063,0.5087010000000001,"Sie ließ sich erbitten, und nach einer kurzen Abwesenheit erschien sie, bei den zärtlich traurigen Tönen des Totenmarsches, in Gestalt der königlichen Witwe, mit gemessenem Schritt, einen Aschenkrug vor sich hertragend.","She consented; and after a short absence reappeared, to the sad, tender music of the dead march, in the form of the royal widow, with measured step, carrying an urn of ashes before her."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_45.flac,00022-f000064,0.731325,Hinter ihr brachte man eine große schwarze Tafel und in einer goldenen Reißfeder ein wohlzugeschnitztes Stück Kreide.,"A large black tablet was borne in after her, and a carefully cut piece of chalk in a gold pencil case."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_46.flac,00022-f000065,0.7035710000000001,"Einer ihrer Verehrer und Adjutanten, dem sie etwas ins Ohr sagte, ging sogleich den Architekten aufzufordern, zu nötigen und gewissermaßen herbeizuschieben, daß er als Baumeister das Grab des Mausolus zeichnen und also keineswegs einen Statisten, sondern einen ernstlich Mitspielenden vorstellen sollte.","One of her adorers and adjutants, into whose ear she whispered something, went directly to call the Architect, to desire him, and if he would not come to drag him up, as masterbuilder, to draw the grave for the mausoleum, and to tell him at the same time that he was not to play the statist, but enter earnestly into his part as one of the performers."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_48.flac,00022-f000067,0.6869310000000001,"Mit dem größten Ernst stellte er sich vor die große Tafel, die von ein paar Pagen gehalten wurde, und zeichnete mit viel Bedacht und Genauigkeit ein Grabmal, das zwar eher einem longobardischen als einem karischen König wäre gemäß gewesen, aber doch in so schönen Verhältnissen, so ernst in seinen Teilen, so geistreich in seinen Zieraten, daß man es mit Vergnügen entstehen sah und, als es fertig war, bewunderte.","With the greatest gravity he placed him self in front of the tablet, which was supported by a couple of pages, and drew carefully an elaborate tomb, which indeed would have suited better a Lombard than a Carian prince; but it was in such beautiful propor tions, so solemn in its parts, so full of genius in its decora tion, that the spectators watched it growing with delight, and wondered at it when it was finished."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_49.flac,00022-f000068,0.8805559999999999,"Er hatte sich in diesem ganzen Zeitraum fast nicht gegen die Königin gewendet, sondern seinem Geschäft alle Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet.","All this time he had not once turned toward the queen, Elective Affinities but had given his whole attention to what he was doing."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_50.flac,00022-f000069,0.606742,"Endlich, als er sich vor ihr neigte und andeutete, daß er nun ihre Befehle vollzogen zu haben glaube, hielt sie ihm noch die Urne hin und bezeichnete das Verlangen, diese oben auf dem Gipfel abgebildet zu sehen.","At last he inclined his head before her, and signified that he believed he had now fulfilled her commands."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_51.flac,00022-f000070,0.469154,"Er tat es, obgleich ungern, weil sie zu dem Charakter seines übrigen Entwurfs nicht passen wollte.","She held the urn out to him, expressing her desire to see it represented on the top of the monument."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_52.flac,00022-f000071,0.3,"Was Lucianen betraf, so war sie endlich von ihrer Ungeduld erlöst; denn ihre Absicht war keineswegs, eine gewissenhafte Zeichnung von ihm zu haben.","He complied, although unwillingly, as it would not suit the character of the rest of his design."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_55.flac,00022-f000076,0.805645,"Er dankte Gott, als er die Urne auf der Pyramide stehn sah, und fiel unwillkürlich, als die Königin ihren Dank ausdrücken wollte, in ein lustiges Thema, wodurch die Vorstellung zwar ihren Charakter verlor, die Gesellschaft jedoch völlig aufgeheitert wurde, die sich denn sogleich teilte, der Dame für ihren vortrefflichen Ausdruck und dem Architekten für seine künstliche und zierliche Zeichnung eine freudige Bewunderung zu beweisen.","For although in her sorrow, in her directions, in her gestures, in her appro bation of the work as it slowly rose before her, she had tried to manage some sort of change of expression, and although she had hung about close to him, only to place herself into some sort of relation to him, yet he had kept himself throughout too stiff, so that too often she had been driven to take refuge with her urn; she had to press it to her heart and look up to heaven, and at last, a situa tion of that kind having a necessary tendency to inten sify, she made herself more like a widow of Ephesus than a Queen of Caria."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_56.flac,00022-f000077,0.283333,Besonders der Bräutigam unterhielt sich mit dem Architekten.,The representation Had to lengthen itself out and became tedious.
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_57.flac,00022-f000078,0.61417,"Es tut mir leid, sagte jener, daß die Zeichnung so vergänglich ist.","The pianoforte player, who had usually patience enough, did not know into what tune he could escape."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_58.flac,00022-f000081,0.789643,"Sie erlauben wenigstens, daß ich sie mir auf mein Zimmer bringen lasse und mich mit Ihnen darüber unterhalte.","I am vexed' he said, that the drawing should be so perishable; you will permit me, however, to have it taken to my room, where I should much like to talk to you about it."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_59.flac,00022-f000082,0.584095,"Wenn es Ihnen Vergnügen macht, sagte der Architekt, so kann ich Ihnen sorgfältige Zeichnungen von dergleichen Gebäuden und Monumenten vorlegen, wovon dieses nur ein zufälliger, flüchtiger Entwurf ist.","If it would give you any pleasure, said the Archi tect, I can lay before you a number of highly finished designs for buildings and monuments of this kind, of which this is but a mere hasty sketch."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_60.flac,00022-f000083,0.812195,Ottilie stand nicht fern und trat zu den beiden.,"Ottilie was standing at no great distance, and went up to them."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_61.flac,00022-f000084,0.741252,"Versäumen Sie nicht, sagte sie zum Architekten, den Herrn Baron gelegentlich Ihre Sammlung sehen zu lassen; er ist ein Freund der Kunst und des Altertums; ich wünsche, daß Sie sich näher kennenlernen.","Do not forget, she said to the Architect, to take an opportunity of letting the Baron see your collec tion."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_63.flac,00022-f000090,0.252632,Er mag sie nur gleich bringen! rief Luciane.,"Oh, let him bring them immediately, cried Luciana."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_64.flac,00022-f000091,0.928609,"Nicht wahr, Sie bringen sie gleich? setzte sie schmeichelnd hinzu, indem sie ihn mit beiden Händen freundlich anfaßte.","Elective Affinities You will bring them, will you not? she added, in a soft and sweet tone, taking both his hands in hers."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_65.flac,00022-f000090,0.204545,"Es möchte jetzt der Zeitpunkt nicht sein, versetzte der Architekt.","Oh, let him bring them immediately, cried Luciana."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_66.flac,00022-f000094,0.813929,"Was! rief Luciane gebieterisch, Sie wollen dem Befehl Ihrer Königin nicht gehorchen?","Luciana cried, in a tone of authority; you will not obey the command of your queen ! and then she begged him again with some piece of absurdity."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_67.flac,00022-f000095,0.5283329999999999,Dann legte sie sich auf ein neckisches Bitten.,"Do not be obstinate, said Ottilie, in a scarcely audi ble voice."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_68.flac,00022-f000095,0.5886520000000001,Sein Sie nicht eigensinnig! sagte Ottilie halb leise.,"Do not be obstinate, said Ottilie, in a scarcely audi ble voice."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_69.flac,00022-f000097,0.488571,Der Architekt entfernte sich mit einer Beugung; sie war weder bejahend noch verneinend.,"He was hardly gone, when Luciana was flying up and down the saloon with a greyhound."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_70.flac,00022-f000097,0.700446,"Kaum war er fort, als Luciane sich mit einem Windspiel im Saale herumjagte.","He was hardly gone, when Luciana was flying up and down the saloon with a greyhound."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_71.flac,00022-f000099,0.531183,"Ach! rief sie aus, indem sie zufällig an ihre Mutter stieß, wie bin ich nicht unglücklich!",I have not brought my monkey with me.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_72.flac,00022-f000100,0.543029,"Ich habe meinen Affen nicht mitgenommen; man hat es mir abgeraten; es ist aber nur die Bequemlichkeit meiner Leute, die mich um dieses Vergnügen bringt.","They told me I had better not; but I am sure it was nothing but the laziness of my people, and it is such a delight to me."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_73.flac,00022-f000101,0.6678569999999999,"Ich will ihn aber nachkommen lassen, es soll mir jemand hin, ihn zu holen.",But I will have it brought after me; somebody shall go and fetch it.
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_74.flac,00022-f000102,0.8493930000000001,"Wenn ich nur sein Bildnis sehen könnte, so wäre ich schon vergnügt.","If I could only see a picture of the dear creature, it would be a comfort to me; I certainly will have his picture taken, and it shall never be out of my sight."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_75.flac,00022-f000103,0.8175,"Ich will ihn aber gewiß auch malen lassen, und er soll mir nicht von der Seite kommen.","Perhaps I can comfort you, replied Charlotte."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_76.flac,00022-f000104,0.598565,"Vielleicht kann ich dich trösten, versetzte Charlotte, wenn ich dir aus der Bibliothek einen ganzen Band der wunderlichsten Affenbilder kommen lasse.","There is a whole volume full of the most wonderful ape faces in the library, which you can have fetched if you like."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_78.flac,00022-f000107,0.889718,Der Anblick dieser menschenähnlichen und durch den Künstler noch mehr vermenschlichten abscheulichen Geschöpfe machte Lucianen die größte Freude.,"The sight of these hideous creatures, so like to men, and with the resemblance even more cari an Elective Affinities catured by the artist, gave Luciana the greatest delight."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_79.flac,00022-f000108,0.711489,"Ganz glücklich aber fühlte sie sich, bei einem jeden dieser Tiere die Ähnlichkeit mit bekannten Menschen zu finden.",Her amusement with each of the animals was to find some one of her acquaintance whom it resembled.
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_80.flac,00022-f000109,0.719341,"Sieht der nicht aus wie der Onkel? rief sie unbarmherzig, der wie der Galanteriehändler M, der wie der Pfarrer S, und dieser ist der Dings, der leibhaftig.","Is that not like my uncle? she remorselessly exclaimed; and here, look, here is my milliner M., and here is Parson S., and here the image of that creature bodily!"
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_81.flac,00022-f000110,0.503727,"Im Grunde sind doch die Affen die eigentlichen Incroyables, und es ist unbegreiflich, wie man sie aus der besten Gesellschaft ausschließen mag.","After all, these monkeys are the real dandies, and it is inconceivable why they are not admitted into the best society."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_82.flac,00022-f000111,1.14239,"Sie sagte das in der besten Gesellschaft, doch niemand nahm es ihr übel.","It was in the best society that she said this, and yet no one took it ill of her."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_83.flac,00022-f000112,0.42422,"Man war so gewohnt, ihrer Anmut vieles zu erlauben, daß man zuletzt ihrer Unart alles erlaubte.",People had become accustomed to allow her so many liberties in her prettinesses that at last they came to allow them in what was unpretty.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_84.flac,00022-f000112,0.42422,Ottilie unterhielt sich indessen mit dem Bräutigam.,<MERGE> People had become accustomed to allow her so many liberties in her prettinesses that at last they came to allow them in what was unpretty.
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_85.flac,00022-f000113,0.184308,"Sie hoffte auf die Rückkunft des Architekten, dessen ernstere, geschmackvollere Sammlungen die Gesellschaft von diesem Affenwesen befreien sollten.","During this time, Ottilie was talking to the bridegroom; she was looking anxiously for the return of the Architect, whose serious and tasteful collection was to deliver the party from the apes; and in the expectation of it, she had made it the subject of her conversation with the Baron, and directed his attention on various things which he was to see."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_86.flac,00022-f000113,0.184308,In dieser Erwartung hatte sie sich mit dem Baron besprochen und ihn auf manches aufmerksam gemacht.,"<MERGE> During this time, Ottilie was talking to the bridegroom; she was looking anxiously for the return of the Architect, whose serious and tasteful collection was to deliver the party from the apes; and in the expectation of it, she had made it the subject of her conversation with the Baron, and directed his attention on various things which he was to see."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_87.flac,00022-f000114,1.02451,"Allein der Architekt blieb aus, und als er endlich wiederkam, verlor er sich unter der Gesellschaft, ohne etwas mitzubringen und ohne zu tun, als ob von etwas die Frage gewesen wäre.","But the Architect stayed away, and when at last he made his appearance he lost himself in the crowd, without having brought anything with him, and without seeming as if he had been asked for anything."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_88.flac,00022-f000115,0.82,Ottilie ward einen Augenblick wie soll mans nennen?,"For a moment Ottilie became what shall we call it? annoyed, put out, perplexed."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_89.flac,00022-f000116,0.675524,"verdrießlich, ungehalten, betroffen; sie hatte ein gutes Wort an ihn gewendet, sie gönnte dem Bräutigam eine vergnügte Stunde nach seinem Sinne, der bei seiner unendlichen Liebe für Lucianen doch von ihrem Betragen zu leiden schien.",She had been saying so much about him she had promised the bridegroom an hour of enjoyment after his own heart; and with all the depth of his love for Luciana he was evidently suffer ing from her present behavior.
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_90.flac,00022-f000117,0.190244,Die Affen mußten einer Kollation Platz machen.,Elective Affinities The monkeys had to give place to a collation.
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_91.flac,00022-f000118,0.484231,"Gesellige Spiele, ja sogar noch Tänze, zuletzt ein freudeloses Herumsitzen und Wiederaufjagen einer schon gesunkenen Lust dauerten diesmal, wie sonst auch, weit über Mitternacht.","Round games followed, and then more dancing; at last, a gen eral uneasy vacancy, with fruitless attempts at resusci tating exhausted amusements, which lasted this time, as indeed they usually did, far beyond midnight."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_92.flac,00022-f000119,0.58,"Denn schon hatte sich Luciane gewöhnt, morgens nicht aus dem Bette und abends nicht ins Bette gelangen zu können.",It had already become a habit with Luciana to be never able to get out of bed in the morning or into it at night.
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_93.flac,00022-f000120,0.6492859999999999,"Um diese Zeit finden sich in Ottiliens Tagebuch Ereignisse seltner angemerkt, dagegen häufiger auf das Leben bezügliche und vom Leben abgezogene Maximen und Sentenzen.","About this time, the incidents noticed in Ottilie's diary became more rare, while we find a larger number of maxims and sentences drawn from life and relating to life."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_94.flac,00022-f000121,1.06019,"Weil aber die meisten derselben wohl nicht durch ihre eigene Reflexion entstanden sein können, so ist es wahrscheinlich, daß man ihr irgendeinen Heft mitgeteilt, aus dem sie sich, was ihr gemütlich war, ausgeschrieben.","It is not conceivable that the larger proportion of these could have arisen from her own reflection, and most likely some one had shown her varieties of them, and she had written out what took her fancy."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_95.flac,00022-f000122,0.6869569999999999,Manches Eigene von innigerem Bezug wird an dem roten Faden wohl zu erkennen sein.,"Many, however, with an internal bearing, can be easily recog nized by the red thread."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_96.flac,00022-f000123,0.853676,"Wir blicken so gern in die Zukunft, weil wir das Ungefähre, was sich in ihr hin und her bewegt, durch stille Wünsche so gern zu unsern Gunsten heranleiten möchten.","FROM OTTILIE'S DIARY We like to look into the future, because the undeter mined in it, which may be affected this or that way, we feel as if we could guide by our silent wishes in our own favor."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_97.flac,00022-f000124,0.653049,"Wir befinden uns nicht leicht in großer Gesellschaft, ohne zu denken, der Zufall, der so viele zusammenbringt, solle uns auch unsre Freunde herbeiführen.",We seldom find ourselves in a large party without thinking; the accident which brings so many here to gether should bring our friends to us as well.
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_98.flac,00022-f000125,0.749821,"Man mag noch so eingezogen leben, so wird man, ehe man sichs versieht, ein Schuldner oder ein Gläubiger.","Let us live in as small a circle as we will, we are either debtors or creditors before we have had time to look round."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_99.flac,00022-f000126,0.824824,"Begegnet uns jemand, der uns Dank schuldig ist, gleich fällt es uns ein.","If we meet a person who is under an obligation to us, Elective Affinities we remember it immediately."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_100.flac,00022-f000127,0.595833,"Wie oft können wir jemand begegnen, dem wir Dank schuldig sind, ohne daran zu denken!","But how often may we meet people to whom we are ourselves under obligation, without its even occurring to us!"
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_101.flac,00022-f000128,-0.00949367,Sich mitzuteilen ist Natur;,It is nature to communicate one's self; it is culture to receive what is communicated as it is given.
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_102.flac,00022-f000128,-0.00949367,"Mitgeteiltes aufzunehmen, wie es gegeben wird, ist Bildung.",<MERGE> It is nature to communicate one's self; it is culture to receive what is communicated as it is given.
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_103.flac,00022-f000129,0.922549,"Niemand würde viel in Gesellschaften sprechen, wenn er sich bewußt wäre, wie oft er die andern mißversteht.","No one would talk much in society, if he only knew how often he misunderstands others."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_104.flac,00022-f000130,1.13333,"Man verändert fremde Reden beim Wiederholen wohl nur darum so sehr, weil man sie nicht verstanden hat.",One alters so much what one has heard from others in repeating it only because one has not understood it.
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_105.flac,00022-f000131,0.652622,"Wer vor andern lange allein spricht, ohne den Zuhörern zu schmeicheln, erregt Widerwillen.","Whoever indulges long in monologue in the presence of others, without flattering his listeners, provokes ill will."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_106.flac,00022-f000132,0.272093,Jedes ausgesprochene Wort erregt den Gegensinn.,Every word a man utters provokes the opposite opinion.
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_107.flac,00022-f000133,0.593333,Widerspruch und Schmeichelei machen beide ein schlechtes Gespräch.,Argument and flattery are but poor elements out of which to form a conversation.
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_108.flac,00022-f000134,0.431325,"Die angenehmsten Gesellschaften sind die, in welchen eine heitere Ehrerbietung der Glieder gegeneinander obwaltet.",The pleasantest society is when the members of it have an easy and natural respect for one another.
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_109.flac,00022-f000135,1.4025,"Durch nichts bezeichnen die Menschen mehr ihren Charakter als durch das, was sie lächerlich finden.",There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they find to laugh at.
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_110.flac,00022-f000136,0.7150489999999999,"Das Lächerliche entspringt aus einem sittlichen Kontrast, der auf eine unschädliche Weise für die Sinne in Verbindung gebracht wird.","The ridiculous arises out of a moral contrast, in which two things are brought together before the mind in an innocent way."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_111.flac,00022-f000137,1.08068,"Der sinnliche Mensch lacht oft, wo nichts zu lachen ist.",The foolish man often laughs where there is nothing to laugh at.
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_112.flac,00022-f000138,0.561189,"Was ihn auch anregt, sein inneres Behagen kommt zum Vorschein.","Whatever touches him, his inner nature comes to the surface."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_113.flac,00022-f000139,0.754545,"Der Verständige findet fast alles lächerlich, der Vernünftige fast nichts.",The man of understanding finds almost everything ridiculous; the man of thought scarcely anything.
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_114.flac,00022-f000140,0.217808,"Einem bejahrten Manne verdachte man, daß er sich noch um junge Frauenzimmer bemühte.",Some one found fault with an elderly man for con Elective Affinities tinuing to pay attention to young ladies.
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_115.flac,00022-f000141,0.4715,"Es ist das einzige Mittel, versetzte er, sich zu verjüngen, und das will doch jedermann.","It is the only means he replied, 'of keeping one's self young, and everybody likes to do that.'"
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_116.flac,00022-f000142,0.635238,"Man läßt sich seine Mängel vorhalten, man läßt sich strafen, man leidet manches um ihrer willen mit Geduld; aber ungeduldig wird man, wenn man sie ablegen soll.",People will allow their faults to be shown them; they will let themselves be punished for them; they will patiently endure many things because of them; they only become impatient when they have to lay them aside.
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_117.flac,00022-f000143,0.578231,Gewisse Mängel sind notwendig zum Dasein des einzelnen.,Certain defects are necessary for the existence of in dividuality.
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_118.flac,00022-f000144,1.29559,"Es würde uns unangenehm sein, wenn alte Freunde gewisse Eigenheiten ablegten.","We should not be pleased, if old friends were to lay aside certain peculiarities."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_119.flac,00022-f000145,0.884483,"Man sagt: Er stirbt bald, wenn einer etwas gegen seine Art und Weise tut.","There is a saying, 'He will die soon,' when a man acts unlike himself."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_120.flac,00022-f000146,1.06418,"Was für Mängel dürfen wir behalten, ja an uns kultivieren?",What kind of defects may we bear with and even cultivate in ourselves?
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_121.flac,00022-f000147,0.88125,"Solche, die den andern eher schmeicheln als sie verletzen.",Such as rather give pleasure to others than injure them.
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_122.flac,00022-f000148,0.257143,"Die Leidenschaften sind Mängel oder Tugenden, nur gesteigerte.",The passions are defects or excellencies only in excess.
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_123.flac,00022-f000147,0.710811,Unsre Leidenschaften sind wahre Phönixe.,Such as rather give pleasure to others than injure them.
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_124.flac,00022-f000148,0.495918,"Wie der alte verbrennt, steigt der neue sogleich wieder aus der Asche hervor.",The passions are defects or excellencies only in excess.
+ 111,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_125.flac,00022-f000149,0.541071,Große Leidenschaften sind Krankheiten ohne Hoffnung.,"Our passions are true phenixes : as the old burn out, the new straight rise up out of the ashes."
+ 112,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_126.flac,00022-f000150,-0.0375,"Was sie heilen könnte, macht sie erst recht gefährlich.",Violent passions are incurable diseases; the means which will cure them are what first make them thoroughly dangerous.
+ 113,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_127.flac,00022-f000151,0.5856060000000001,Die Leidenschaft erhöht und mildert sich durchs Bekennen.,Passion is both raised and softened by confession.
+ 114,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.4_128.flac,00022-f000152,1.11818,"In nichts wäre die Mittelstraße vielleicht wünschenswerter als im Vertrauen und Verschweigen gegen die, die wir lieben.","In nothing, perhaps, were the middle way more desirable than in knowing what to say and what not to say to those we love."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_1.flac,00023-f000003,0.964554,"Ihr Hofstaat vermehrte sich täglich, teils weil ihr Treiben so manchen erregte und anzog, teils weil sie sich andre durch Gefälligkeit und Wohltun zu verbinden wußte.","Her court multiplied daily, partly because her impetuosity roused and attracted so many, partly because she knew how to attach the rest to her by kindness and attention."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_2.flac,00023-f000004,0.79584,"Mitteilend war sie im höchsten Grade; denn da ihr durch die Neigung der Tante und des Bräutigams soviel Schönes und Köstliches auf einmal zugeflossen war, so schien sie nichts Eigenes zu besitzen und den Wert der Dinge nicht zu kennen, die sich um sie gehäuft hatten.","Generous she was in the highest degree; her aunt's affection for her, and her bridegroom's love, had heaped her with beautiful and costly presents, but she seemed as if nothing which she had was her own, and as if she did not know the value of the things which had streamed in upon her."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_3.flac,00023-f000005,0.777826,"So zauderte sie nicht einen Augenblick, einen kostbaren Schal abzunehmen und ihn einem Frauenzimmer umzuhängen, das ihr gegen die übrigen zu ärmlich gekleidet schien, und sie tat das auf eine so neckische, geschickte Weise, daß niemand eine solche Gabe ablehnen konnte.","One day she saw a young lady looking rather poorly dressed by the side of the rest of the party, and she did not hesitate a moment to take off a rich shawl which she was wear ing and hang it over her doing it, at the same time, in such a humorous, graceful way that no one could refuse such a present so given."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_4.flac,00023-f000006,1.06108,"Einer von ihrem Hofstaat hatte stets eine Börse und den Auftrag, in den Orten, wo sie einkehrten, sich nach den Ältesten und Kränksten zu erkundigen und ihren Zustand wenigstens für den Augenblick zu erleichtern.","One of her courtiers always carried about a purse, with orders, whatever place they passed through, to inquire there for the most aged and most helpless persons, and give them relief, at least for the moment."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_5.flac,00023-f000007,0.5981609999999999,"Dadurch entstand ihr in der ganzen Gegend ein Name von Vortrefflichkeit, der ihr doch auch manchmal unbequem ward, weil er allzuviel lästige Notleidende an sie heranzog.","In this way she gained for herself all round the country a reputation for charitableness which caused her not a little inconvenience, attracting about her far too many troublesome sufferers."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_6.flac,00023-f000008,0.858663,"Durch nichts aber vermehrte sie so sehr ihren Ruf als durch ein auffallendes, gutes, beharrliches Benehmen gegen einen unglücklichen jungen Mann, der die Gesellschaft floh, weil er, übrigens schön und wohlgebildet, seine rechte Hand, obgleich rühmlich, in der Schlacht verloren hatte.","Elective Affinities Nothing, however, so much added to her popularity as her steady and consistent kindness towards an unhappy young man, who shrank from society because, while otherwise handsome and wellformed, he had lost his right hand, although with high honor, in action."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_7.flac,00023-f000009,0.949734,"Diese Verstümmlung erregte ihm einen solchen Mißmut, es war ihm so verdrießlich, daß jede neue Bekanntschaft sich auch immer mit seinem Unfall bekannt machen sollte, daß er sich lieber versteckte, sich dem Lesen und andern Studien ergab und ein für allemal mit der Gesellschaft nichts wollte zu schaffen haben.","This mutilation weighed so heavily upon his spirits, it was so annoying to him that every new acquaintance he made had to be told the story of his misfortune, that he chose rather to shut himself up altogether, devoting himself to reading and other studious pursuits, and once for all would have nothing more to do with society."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_8.flac,00023-f000010,0.45,Das Dasein dieses jungen Mannes blieb ihr nicht verborgen.,She heard of the state of this young man.
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_9.flac,00023-f000011,0.943836,"Er mußte herbei, erst in kleiner Gesellschaft, dann in größerer, dann in der größten.","At once she contrived to prevail upon him to come to her, first to small parties, then to greater, and then out into the world with her."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_11.flac,00023-f000014,0.0836163,Nahmen,"If people older or of higher rank prevented her from being close to him, she would stretch her attention across the entire table, and the servants were hurried off to make up to him what distance threatened to deprive him of."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_12.flac,00023-f000014,0.0836163,"Ältere, Vornehmere ihm ihre Nachbarschaft weg, so erstreckte sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit über die ganze Tafel hin, und die eilenden Bedienten mußten das ersetzen, was ihm die Entfernung zu rauben drohte.","<MERGE> If people older or of higher rank prevented her from being close to him, she would stretch her attention across the entire table, and the servants were hurried off to make up to him what distance threatened to deprive him of."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_14.flac,00023-f000017,0.9791790000000001,"Der junge Mann wußte nicht, wie ihm geworden war, und wirklich fing er von diesem Augenblick ein neues Leben an.","The young man did not Elective Affinities know what had happened to him, and from that moment a new life opened out before him."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_16.flac,00023-f000020,0.8366399999999999,"Er rechnete ihr diese Bemühungen zu großem Verdienst an und war um so mehr darüber ganz ruhig, als er ihre fast übertriebenen Eigenheiten kannte, wodurch sie alles, was im mindesten verfänglich schien, von sich abzulehnen wußte.","He admired her exceed ingly for her exertions, and he had the more reason for feeling entirely satisfied about her, as she had certain features in her character almost in excess, which kept anything in the slightest degree dangerous utterly at a distance."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_18.flac,00023-f000023,0.765937,"Überhaupt hätte man glauben können, es sei bei ihr Maxime gewesen, sich dem Lobe und dem Tadel, der Neigung und der Abneigung gleichmäßig auszusetzen.","She kept every one within the strictest barriers of propriety in their behavior to herself, while she, in her own behavior, was every moment overleaping them."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_19.flac,00023-f000025,0.53991,"Denn wenn sie die Menschen auf mancherlei Weise für sich zu gewinnen suchte, so verdarb sie es wieder mit ihnen gewöhnlich durch eine böse Zunge, die niemanden schonte.","If in many ways she took pains to gain people, she commonly herself spoiled all the good she had done, by an ill tongue, which spared no one."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_20.flac,00023-f000026,0.761961,"So wurde kein Besuch in der Nachbarschaft abgelegt, nirgends sie und ihre Gesellschaft in Schlössern und Wohnungen freundlich aufgenommen, ohne daß sie bei der Rückkehr auf das ausgelassenste merken ließ, wie sie alle menschlichen Verhältnisse nur von der lächerlichen Seite zu nehmen geneigt sei.","Not a visit was ever paid in the neighborhood, not a single piece of hospitality was ever shown to her self and her party among the surrounding castles or man sions, but what on her return her excessive recklessness let it appear that all men and all human things she was only inclined to see on the ridiculous side."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_22.flac,00023-f000029,0.9942190000000001,"Alte Gatten sollten sich nur schnell begraben lassen, damit doch wieder einmal jemand im Hause zum Lachen käme, da ihnen keine Noterben gegeben waren.","Old husbands supposing the estate was not entailed should get them selves buried as quickly as possible, that such a thing as a laugh might be heard again in the house."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_23.flac,00023-f000030,0.535714,"Junge Eheleute sollten reisen, weil das Haushalten sie gar nicht kleide.",Young mar ried people should travel : housekeeping did not sit well upon them.
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_24.flac,00023-f000031,0.5186930000000001,"Und wie mit den Personen, so machte sie es auch mit den Sachen, mit den Gebäuden wie mit dem Haus und Tischgeräte.","And as she treated the persons, so she treated what belonged to them; their houses, their furniture, their dinnerservices everything."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_25.flac,00023-f000032,0.246774,Besonders alle Wandverzierungen reizten sie zu lustigen Bemerkungen.,The ornaments of the walls of the rooms most particularly provoked her saucy re marks.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_26.flac,00023-f000033,0.805756,"Von dem ältesten Hautelisseteppich bis zu der neusten Papiertapete, vom ehrwürdigsten Familienbilde bis zum frivolsten neuen Kupferstich, eins wie das andre mußte leiden, eins wie das andre wurde durch ihre spöttischen Bemerkungen gleichsam aufgezehrt, so daß man sich hätte verwundern sollen, wie fünf Meilen umher irgend etwas nur noch existierte.","From the oldest tapestry to the most modern printed paper; from the noblest family pictures to the most frivolous new copperplate : one as well as the other had to suffer one as well as the other had to be pulled in pieces by her satirical tongue, so that, indeed, one had to wonder how, for twenty miles round, anything con tinued to exist."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_27.flac,00023-f000034,0.593585,Eigentliche Bosheit war vielleicht nicht in diesem verneinenden Bestreben; ein selbstischer Mutwille mochte sie gewöhnlich anreizen; aber eine wahrhafte Bitterkeit hatte sich in ihrem Verhältnis zu Ottilien erzeugt.,"It was not, perhaps, exactly malice which produced all this destructiveness; wilf ulness and selfishness were what ordinarily set her off upon it: but a genuine bitterness grew up in her feelings toward Ottilie."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_28.flac,00023-f000035,0.59338,"Auf die ruhige, ununterbrochene Tätigkeit des lieben Kindes, die von jedermann bemerkt und gepriesen wurde, sah sie mit Verachtung herab; und als zur Sprache kam, wie sehr sich Ottilie der Gärten und der Treibhäuser annehme, spottete sie nicht allein darüber, indem sie uneingedenk des tiefen Winters, in dem man lebte, sich zu verwundern schien, daß man weder Blumen noch Früchte gewahr werde, sondern sie ließ auch von nun an so viel Grünes, so viel Zweige und was nur irgend keimte, herbeiholen und zur täglichen Zierde der Zimmer und des Tisches verschwenden, daß Ottilie und der Gärtner nicht wenig gekränkt waren, ihre Hoffnungen für das nächste Jahr und vielleicht auf längere Zeit zerstört zu sehen.","She looked down with disdain on the calm, uninter Elective Affinities rupted activity of the sweet girl, which every one had observed and admired, and when something was said of the care which Ottilie took of the garden and of the hot houses, she not only spoke scornfully of it, in affecting to be surprised, if it were so, at there being neither flowers nor fruit to be seen, not caring to consider that they were living in the depth of winter, but every faintest scrap of green, every leaf, every bud which showed, she chose to have picked every day and squandered on ornamenting the rooms and tables, and Ottilie and the gardener were not a little distressed to see their hopes for the next year, and perhaps for a longer time, destroyed in this wanton recklessness."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_29.flac,00023-f000038,0.640979,"Ebensowenig gönnte sie Ottilien die Ruhe des häuslichen Ganges, worin sie sich mit Bequemlichkeit fortbewegte.","She was not to mind the snow, or the cold, or the night air, or the storm; other people did not die of such things, and why should she?"
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_33.flac,00023-f000054,0.709781,"Weiter als zu einem Altar, worauf geopfert ward, und zu einer Bekränzung, es mochte nun ein gipsernes oder ein lebendes Haupt sein, konnte ihre Einbildungskraft sich nicht versteigen, wenn sie irgend jemand zum Geburts und Ehrentage ein festliches Kompliment zu machen gedachte.","Further than to an altar on which something was to be offered, or to a crowning, whether of a living head or of one of plaster of Paris, the force of her imagination could not Elective Affinities ascend, when a birthday, or other such occasion, made her wish to pay some one an especial compliment."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_34.flac,00023-f000055,0.911768,"Ottilie konnte dem Bräutigam, der sich nach dem Verhältnis des Architekten zum Hause erkundigte, die beste Auskunft geben.",Ottilie was able to give the Baron the most satisfac tory answer to his inquiries as to the relation of the Architect with their family.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_35.flac,00023-f000056,0.871499,"Sie wußte, daß Charlotte sich schon früher nach einer Stelle für ihn umgetan hatte; denn wäre die Gesellschaft nicht gekommen, so hätte sich der junge Mann gleich nach Vollendung der Kapelle entfernt, weil alle Bauten den Winter über stillstehn sollten und mußten; und es war daher sehr erwünscht, wenn der geschickte Künstler durch einen neuen Gönner wieder genutzt und befördert wurde.","Charlotte had already, as she was aware, been exerting herself to find some situation for him; had it not been indeed for the arrival of the party, the young man would have left them immediately on the completion of the chapel, the winter having brought all building operations to a standstill; and it was, there fore, most fortunate if a new patron could be found to assist him, and to make use of his talents."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_36.flac,00023-f000057,0.775342,Das persönliche Verhältnis Ottiliens zum Architekten war ganz rein und unbefangen.,Ottilie's own personal position with the Architect was as pure and unconscious as possible.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_37.flac,00023-f000058,0.946542,Seine angenehme und tätige Gegenwart hatte sie wie die Nähe eines ältern Bruders unterhalten und erfreut.,"His agreeable pres ence, and his industrious nature, had charmed and enter tained her, as the presence of an elder brother might."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_39.flac,00023-f000061,0.627373,"Indessen je tiefer der Winter sich senkte, je wilderes Wetter, je unzugänglicher die Wege, desto anziehender schien es, in so guter Gesellschaft die abnehmenden Tage zuzubringen.","Meantime the winter sank deeper; the weather grew wilder, the roads more impracticable, and therefore it seemed all the pleasanter to spend the waning days in agreeable society."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_40.flac,00023-f000062,0.461126,Nach kurzen Ebben überflutete die Menge von Zeit zu Zeit das Haus.,"With short intervals of ebb, the crowd from time to time flooded up over the house."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_42.flac,00023-f000065,0.580851,Ihre Gegenwart schien erst einen wahren Hof zu bilden.,Their presence gave the castle the air of a thorough court.
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_43.flac,00023-f000066,0.761053,"Die Männer von Stand und Sitten umgaben den Grafen, und die Frauen ließen der Baronesse Gerechtigkeit wider fahren.","The men of rank and character formed a circle about the Baron, and the ladies yielded precedence to the Baroness."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_44.flac,00023-f000068,0.601413,"Man verwunderte sich nicht lange, sie beide zusammen und so heiter zu sehen; denn man vernahm, des Grafen Gemahlin sei gestorben, und eine neue Verbindung werde geschlossen sein, sobald es die Schicklichkeit nur erlaube.","It came out that the Count's wife was dead, am the new marriage was to take place as soon as ever decency would allow it."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_45.flac,00023-f000069,0.757812,"Ottilie erinnerte sich jenes ersten Besuchs, jedes Worts, was über Ehestand und Scheidung, über Verbindung und Trennung, über Hoffnung, Erwartung, Entbehren und Entsagen gesprochen ward.","Well did Ottilie remember their first visit, and every word which was then uttered about marriage and separa tion, binding and dividing, hope, expectation, disappoint ment, renunciation."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_46.flac,00023-f000070,0.850376,"Beide Personen, damals noch ganz ohne Aussichten, standen nun vor ihr, dem gehofften Glück so nahe, und ein unwillkürlicher Seufzer drang aus ihrem Herzen.","Here were these two persons, at that time without prospect for the future, now standing before her, so near their wishedfor happiness, and an involuntary sigh escaped out of her heart."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_48.flac,00023-f000073,0.3,Es geschah.,It was done.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_49.flac,00023-f000074,0.489677,"Das Instrument spielte sie nicht ungeschickt, ihre Stimme war angenehm; was aber die Worte betraf, so verstand man sie so wenig, als wenn sonst eine deutsche Schöne zur Gitarre singt.",The instrument she did not play without skill; her voice was agreeable: as for the words one understood about as little of them as one commonly does when a German beauty sings to the gui tar.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_50.flac,00023-f000075,0.434594,"Indes versicherte jedermann, sie habe mit viel Ausdruck gesungen, und sie konnte mit dem lauten Beifall zufrieden sein.","However, every one assured her that she had sung with exquisite expression, and she found quite enough approbation to satisfy her."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_51.flac,00023-f000076,0.283019,Nur ein wunderliches Unglück begegnete bei dieser Gelegenheit.,"A singular misfortune befell her, however, on this occasion."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_52.flac,00023-f000077,0.767227,"In der Gesellschaft befand sich ein Dichter, den sie auch besonders zu verbinden hoffte, weil sie einige Lieder von ihm an sie gerichtet wünschte, und deshalb diesen Abend meist nur von seinen Liedern vortrug.","Among the party there Elective Affinities happened to be a poet, whom she hoped particularly to attach to herself, wishing to induce him to write a song or two, and address them to her."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_53.flac,00023-f000079,0.6824180000000001,"Er war überhaupt, wie alle, höflich gegen sie, aber sie hatte mehr erwartet.","Like the rest of the party, he was perfectly courteous to her, but she had looked for more."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_54.flac,00023-f000080,0.394156,"Sie legte es ihm einigemal nahe, konnte aber weiter nichts von ihm vernehmen, bis sie endlich aus Ungeduld einen ihrer Hofleute an ihn schickte und sondieren ließ, ob er denn nicht entzückt gewesen sei, seine vortrefflichen Gedichte so vortrefflich vortragen zu hören.","She spoke to him several times, going as near the subject as she dared, but nothing further could she get."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_55.flac,00023-f000080,0.414618,Meine Gedichte? versetzte dieser mit Erstaunen.,"She spoke to him several times, going as near the subject as she dared, but nothing further could she get."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_56.flac,00023-f000081,0.54694,"Verzeihen Sie, mein Herr, fügte er hinzu; ich habe nichts als Vokale gehört und die nicht einmal alle.","At last, unable to bear it any longer, she sent one of her train to him, to sound him and find out whether he had not been delighted to hear his beautiful poems so beautifully executed."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_57.flac,00023-f000082,0.13606600000000002,"Unterdessen ist es meine Schuldigkeit, mich für eine so liebenswürdige Intention dankbar zu erweisen.","My poems? he replied, with amazement; pray ex cuse me, my dear sir, he added, I heard nothing but the vowels, and not all of those; however, I am in duty bound to express all gratitude for so amiable an intention."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_58.flac,00023-f000082,0.13606600000000002,Der Hofmann schwieg und verschwieg.,"<MERGE> My poems? he replied, with amazement; pray ex cuse me, my dear sir, he added, I heard nothing but the vowels, and not all of those; however, I am in duty bound to express all gratitude for so amiable an intention."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_59.flac,00023-f000083,0.5785710000000001,Der andre suchte sich durch einige wohltönende Komplimente aus der Sache zu ziehen.,The dandy said nothing and kept his secret; the other en deavored to get himself out of the scrape by a few well timed compliments.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_60.flac,00023-f000084,0.442295,"Sie ließ ihre Absicht nicht undeutlich merken, auch etwas eigens für sie Gedichtetes zu besitzen.",She did not conceal her desire to have something of his which should be written for her.
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_61.flac,00023-f000085,0.053571400000000005,"Wenn es nicht allzu unfreundlich gewesen wäre, so hätte er ihr das Alphabet überreichen können, um sich daraus ein beliebiges Lobgedicht zu irgendeiner vorkommenden Melodie selbst einzubilden.","If it would not have been too illnatured, he might have handed her the alphabet, to imagine for herself, out of that, such laudatory poem as would please her, and set it to the first melody that came to hand; but she was not to escape out of this business without mortification."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_62.flac,00023-f000085,0.053571400000000005,Doch sollte sie nicht ohne Kränkung aus dieser Begebenheit scheiden.,"<MERGE> If it would not have been too illnatured, he might have handed her the alphabet, to imagine for herself, out of that, such laudatory poem as would please her, and set it to the first melody that came to hand; but she was not to escape out of this business without mortification."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_63.flac,00023-f000086,0.749388,"Kurze Zeit darauf erfuhr sie, er habe noch selbigen Abend einer von Ottiliens Lieblingsmelodien ein allerliebstes Gedicht untergelegt, das noch mehr als verbindlich sei.","A short time after, she had to learn that the very same evening he had written, at the foot of one of Ottilie's favorite melodies, a most lovely poem, which was some thing more than complimentary."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_64.flac,00023-f000087,0.71809,"Luciane, wie alle Menschen ihrer Art, die immer durcheinander mischen, was ihnen vorteilhaft und was ihnen nachteilig ist, wollte nun ihr Glück im Rezitieren versuchen.","Elective Affinities Luciana, like all persons of her sort, who never can distinguish between where they show to advantage and where to disadvantage, now determined to try her for tune in reciting."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_65.flac,00023-f000088,0.8972479999999999,"Ihr Gedächtnis war gut, aber, wenn man aufrichtig reden sollte, ihr Vortrag geistlos und heftig, ohne leidenschaftlich zu sein.","Her memory was good, but, if the truth must be told, her execution was spiritless, and she was vehement without being passionate."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_66.flac,00023-f000089,0.525,"Sie rezitierte Balladen, Erzählungen und was sonst in Deklamatorien vorzukommen pflegt.","She recited ballad stories, and whatever else is usually delivered in declamation."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_67.flac,00023-f000090,0.598527,"Dabei hatte sie die unglückliche Gewohnheit angenommen, das, was sie vortrug, mit Gesten zu begleiten, wodurch man das, was eigentlich episch und lyrisch ist, auf eine unangenehme Weise mit dem Dramatischen mehr verwirrt als verbindet.","At the same time she had contracted an unhappy habit of accompanying what she delivered with gestures, by which, in a disagreeable way, what is purely epic and lyric is more confused than connected with the dramatic."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_68.flac,00023-f000091,0.789818,"Der Graf, ein einsichtsvoller Mann, der gar bald die Gesellschaft, ihre Neigungen, Leidenschaften und Unterhaltungen übersah, brachte Lucianen glücklicher oder unglücklicherweise auf eine neue Art von Darstellung, die ihrer Persönlichkeit sehr gemäß war.","The County keensighted man, soon saw through the party, their inclinations, dispositions, wishes, and capa bilities, and by some means or other contrived to bring Luciana to a new kind of exhibition which was perfectly suited to her."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_69.flac,00023-f000092,0.7107479999999999,"Ich finde, sagte er, hier so manche wohlgestaltete Personen, denen es gewiß nicht fehlt, malerische Bewegungen und Stellungen nachzuahmen.","I see here, he said, a number of persons with fine figures, who would surely be able to imitate pictorial emo tions and postures."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_70.flac,00023-f000093,0.513514,"Sollten sie es noch nicht versucht haben, wirkliche, bekannte Gemälde vorzustellen?","Suppose they were to try, if the thing is new to them, to represent some real and well known picture."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_71.flac,00023-f000094,0.388664,"Eine solche Nachbildung, wenn sie auch manche mühsame Anordnung er fordert, bringt dagegen auch einen unglaublichen Reiz hervor.","An imitation of this kind, if it requires some labor in arrangement, has an inconceivably charm ing effect."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_72.flac,00023-f000095,0.893677,"Schnell ward Luciane gewahr, daß sie hier ganz in ihrem Fach sein würde.",Luciana was quick enough in perceiving that here she was on her own ground entirely.
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_73.flac,00023-f000096,0.663303,"Ihr schöner Wuchs, ihre volle Gestalt, ihr regelmäßiges und doch bedeutendes Gesicht, ihre lichtbraunen Haarflechten, ihr schlanker Hals, alles war schon wie aufs Gemälde berechnet; und hätte sie nun gar gewußt, daß sie schöner aussah, wenn sie still stand, als wenn sie sich bewegte, indem ihr im letzten Falle manchmal etwas störendes Ungraziöses entschlüpfte, so hätte sie sich mit noch mehrerem Eifer dieser natürlichen Bildnerei ergeben.","Her fine shape, her wellrounded form, the regularity and yet expressiveness of her features, her lightbrown braided hair, her long neck she ran them all over in her mind, and calcu Elective Affinities lated on their pictorial effects, and if she had only known that her beauty showed to more advantage when she was still than when she was in motion, because in the last case certain ungracefulnesses continually escaped her, she would have entered even more eagerly than she did into this natural picturemaking."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_74.flac,00023-f000097,0.444643,"Man suchte nun Kupferstiche nach berühmten Gemälden, man wählte zuerst den Belisar nach van Dyck.","They looked out the engravings of celebrated pictures, and the first which they chose was VanDyckV'Belisarius."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_75.flac,00023-f000099,0.8482139999999999,"Ein großer und wohlgebauter Mann von gewissen Jahren sollte den sitzenden blinden General, der Architekt den vor ihm teilnehmend traurig stehenden Krieger nachbilden, dem er wirklich etwas ähnlich sah.","The Architect was to be the affectionate soldier standing sor rowing before him, there really being some resemblance between them."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_76.flac,00023-f000100,0.8740549999999999,"Luciane hatte sich, halb bescheiden, das junge Weibchen im Hintergrunde gewählt, das reichliche Almosen aus einem Beutel in die flache Hand zählt, indes eine Alte sie abzumahnen und ihr vorzustellen scheint, daß sie zuviel tue.","Luciana, half from modesty, had chosen the part of the young woman in the background, count ing out some large alms into the palm of his hand, while an old woman beside her is trying to prevent her, and representing that she is giving too much."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_77.flac,00023-f000101,0.54929,"Eine andre, ihm wirklich Almosen reichende Frauensperson war nicht vergessen.","Another woman, who is in the act of giving him something, was not forgotten."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_78.flac,00023-f000102,0.552388,Mit diesen und andern Bildern beschäftigte man sich sehr ernstlich.,Into this and other pictures they threw themselves with all earnestness.
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_79.flac,00023-f000103,0.722547,"Der Graf gab dem Architekten über die Art der Einrichtung einige Winke, der sogleich ein Theater dazu aufstellte und wegen der Beleuchtung die nötige Sorge trug.","The Count gave the Architect a few hints as to the best style of arrangement, and he at once set up a kind of theatre, all necessary pains being taken for the proper lighting of it."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_80.flac,00023-f000104,0.31855100000000003,"Man war schon tief in die Anstalten verwickelt, als man erst bemerkte, daß ein solches Unternehmen einen ansehnlichen Aufwand verlangte und daß auf dem Lande mitten im Winter gar manches Erfordernis abging.","They were already deep in the midst of their preparations before they observed how large an outlay what they were under taking would require, and that in the country, in the middle of winter, many things which they required it would be difficult to procure; consequently, to prevent a stoppage, Luciana had nearly her whole wardrobe cut Elective Affinities in pieces, to supply the various costumes which the orig inal artist had arbitrarily selected."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_81.flac,00023-f000104,0.31855100000000003,"Deshalb ließ, damit ja nichts stocken möge, Luciane beinah ihre sämtliche Garderobe zerschneiden, um die verschiedenen Kostüme zu liefern, die jene Künstler willkürlich genug angegeben hatten.","<MERGE> They were already deep in the midst of their preparations before they observed how large an outlay what they were under taking would require, and that in the country, in the middle of winter, many things which they required it would be difficult to procure; consequently, to prevent a stoppage, Luciana had nearly her whole wardrobe cut Elective Affinities in pieces, to supply the various costumes which the orig inal artist had arbitrarily selected."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_82.flac,00023-f000105,0.755446,"Der Abend kam herbei, und die Darstellung wurde vor einer großen Gesellschaft und zu allgemeinem Beifall ausgeführt.","The appointed evening came, and the exhibition was carried out in the presence of a large assemblage, and to the universal satisfaction."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_83.flac,00023-f000106,-0.0208333,Eine bedeutende Musik spannte die Erwartung.,"They had some good music to excite expectation, and the performance opened with the Belisarius."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_84.flac,00023-f000106,-0.0208333,Jener Belisar eröffnete die Bühne.,"<MERGE> They had some good music to excite expectation, and the performance opened with the Belisarius."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_85.flac,00023-f000107,0.729638,"Die Gestalten waren so passend, die Farben so glücklich ausgeteilt, die Beleuchtung so kunstreich, daß man fürwahr in einer andern Welt zu sein glaubte, nur daß die Gegenwart des Wirklichen statt des Scheins eine Art von ängstlicher Empfindung hervorbrachte.","The figures were so successful, the colors were so happily distributed, and the lighting managed so skilfully, that they might really have fancied themselves in another world, only that the presence of the real in stead of the apparent produced a kind of uncomfortable sensation."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_86.flac,00023-f000108,0.746784,Der Vorhang fiel und ward auf Verlangen mehr als einmal wieder aufgezogen.,"The curtain fell, and was more than once raised again by general desire."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_87.flac,00023-f000109,0.30808800000000003,"Ein musikalisches Zwischenspiel unterhielt die Gesellschaft, die man durch ein Bild höherer Art überraschen wollte.","A musical interlude kept the assem bly amused while preparation was going forward to sur prise them with a picture of a higher stamp; it was the wellknown design of Poussin, Ahasuerus and Esther."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_88.flac,00023-f000110,0.831667,Es war die bekannte Vorstellung von Poussin: Ahasverus und Esther.,This time Luciana had done better for herself.
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_89.flac,00023-f000110,1.14135,Diesmal hatte sich Luciane besser bedacht.,This time Luciana had done better for herself.
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_90.flac,00023-f000111,0.607734,"Sie entwickelte in der ohnmächtig hingesunkenen Königin alle ihre Reize und hatte sich klugerweise zu den umgebenden, unterstützenden Mädchen lauter hübsche, wohlgebildete Figuren ausgesucht, worunter sich jedoch keine mit ihr auch nur im mindesten messen konnte.","As the fainting, sinking queen she had put out all her charms, and for the attendant maidens who were supporting her she had cunningly selected pretty wellshaped figures, not one among whom, however, had the slightest pretension to be compared with herself."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_91.flac,00023-f000112,0.845455,Ottilie blieb von diesem Bilde wie von den übrigen ausgeschlossen.,"From this picture, as from all the rest, Ottilie remained excluded."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_92.flac,00023-f000113,0.758228,"Auf den goldnen Thron hatten sie, um den Zeus gleichen König vorzustellen, den rüstigsten und schönsten Mann der Gesellschaft gewählt, so daß dieses Bild wirklich eine unvergleichliche Vollkommenheit gewann.","To sit on the golden throne and represent the Zeuslike monarch, Lu ciana had picked out the finest and handsomest man of the party, so that this picture was really of inimitable perfection."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_93.flac,00023-f000114,0.666045,"Als drittes hatte man die sogenannte Väterliche Ermahnung von Terburg gewählt, und wer kennt nicht den herrlichen Kupferstich unseres Wille von diesem Gemälde!","For a third they had taken the socalled Father's Ad Elective Affinities monition of Terburg, and who does not know Willed admirable engraving of this picture?"
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_94.flac,00023-f000115,1.05534,"Einen Fuß über den andern geschlagen, sitzt ein edler, ritterlicher Vater und scheint seiner vor ihm stehenden Tochter ins Gewissen zu reden.","One foot thrown over the other, sits a noble knightlylooking father; his daughter stands before him, to whose conscience he seems to be addressing himself."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_95.flac,00023-f000116,0.645211,"Diese, eine herrliche Gestalt im faltenreichen, weißen Atlaskleide, wird zwar nur von hinten gesehen, aber ihr ganzes Wesen scheint anzudeuten, daß sie sich zusammennimmt.","She, a fine, striking figure, in a folding drapery of white satin, is only to be seen from behind, but her whole bearing appears to signify that she is collecting herself."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_96.flac,00023-f000117,0.929608,"Daß jedoch die Ermahnung nicht heftig und beschämend sei, sieht man aus der Miene und Gebärde des Vaters; und was die Mutter betrifft, so scheint diese eine kleine Verlegenheit zu verbergen, indem sie in ein Glas Wein blickt, das sie eben auszuschlürfen im Begriff ist.","That the admonition is not too severe, that she is not being utterly put to shame, is to be gathered from the air and attitude of the father, while the mother seems as if she were trying to conceal some slight embarrassment she is looking into a glass of wine, which she is on the point of drinking."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_97.flac,00023-f000118,1.005,Bei dieser Gelegenheit nun sollte Luciane in ihrem höchsten Glanze erscheinen.,Here was an opportunity for Luciana to appear in her highest splendor.
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_99.flac,00023-f000121,0.5707810000000001,"Man konnte mit dem Wiederverlangen nicht endigen, und der ganz natürliche Wunsch, einem so schönen Wesen, das man genugsam von der Rückseite gesehen, auch ins Angesicht zu schauen, nahm dergestalt überhand, daß ein lustiger, ungeduldiger Vogel die Worte, die man manchmal an das Ende einer Seite zu schreiben pflegt:","The spectators could never be satisfied with demanding a repetition of the performance, and the very natural wish to see the face and front of so lovely a creature, when they had done looking at her from behind, at last became so decided that a merry, impatient young wit cried out Elective Affinities aloud the words one is accustomed to write at the bot tom of a page, Please turn over, which was echoed all round the room."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_100.flac,00023-f000122,0.258696,"Tournez s'il vous plaît, laut ausrief und eine allgemeine Beistimmung erregte.","The performers, however, understood their advantage too well, and had mastered too completely the idea of these works of art to yield to the most general clamor."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_101.flac,00023-f000123,0.6563829999999999,"Die Darstellenden aber kannten ihren Vorteil zu gut und hatten den Sinn dieser Kunststücke zu wohl gefaßt, als daß sie dem allgemeinen Ruf hätten nachgeben sollen.","The daughter remained standing in her shame, without favoring the spectators with the expression of her face."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_102.flac,00023-f000124,0.338174,"Die beschämt scheinende Tochter blieb ruhig stehen, ohne den Zuschauern den Ausdruck ihres Angesichts zu gönnen; der Vater blieb in seiner ermahnenden Stellung sitzen, und die Mutter brachte Nase und Augen nicht aus dem durchsichtigen Glase, worin sich, ob sie gleich zu trinken schien, der Wein nicht verminderte. der Vater blieb in seiner ermahnenden Stellung sitzen, und die Mutter brachte Nase und Augen nicht aus dem durchsichtigen Glase, worin sich, ob sie gleich zu trinken schien, der Wein nicht verminderte.","The father continued to sit in his attitude of admonition, and the mother did not lift nose or eyes out of the trans parent glass, in which, although she seemed to be drink ing, the wine did not diminish."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_103.flac,00023-f000125,0.458559,"Was sollen wir noch viel von kleinen Nachstücken sagen, wozu man niederländische Wirtshaus und Jahrmarktsszenen gewählt hatte!",We need not describe the number of smaller after pieces; for which had been chosen Flemish publichouse scenes and fair and market days.
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_104.flac,00023-f000127,0.6855859999999999,"Der Graf und die Baronesse reisten ab und versprachen, in den ersten glücklichen Wochen ihrer nahen Verbindung wiederzukehren, und Charlotte hoffte nunmehr, nach zwei mühsam überstandenen Monaten, die übrige Gesellschaft gleichfalls loszuwerden.","And Charlotte now had hopes, after having endured two weary months of it, of ridding herself of the rest of the party at the same time."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_105.flac,00023-f000128,0.747995,"Sie war des Glücks ihrer Tochter gewiß, wenn bei dieser der erste Braut und Jugendtaumel sich würde gelegt haben; denn der Bräutigam hielt sich für den glücklichsten Menschen von der Welt.","She was assured of her daugh ter's happiness, as soon as the first tumult of youth and betrothal should have subsided in her; for the bridegroom considered himself the most fortunate person in the world."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_106.flac,00023-f000129,0.471242,"Bei großem Vermögen und gemäßigter Sinnesart schien er auf eine wunderbare Weise von dem Vorzuge geschmeichelt, ein Frauenzimmer zu besitzen, das der ganzen Welt gefallen mußte.","His income was large, his disposition moderate and rational, and now he found himself further wonder fully favored in the happiness of becoming the possessor of a young lady with whom all the world must be charmed."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_107.flac,00023-f000130,0.978454,"Er hatte einen so ganz eigenen Sinn, alles auf sie und erst durch sie auf sich zu beziehen, daß es ihm eine unangenehme Empfindung machte, wenn sich nicht gleich ein Neuankommender mit aller Aufmerksamkeit auf sie richtete und mit ihm, wie es wegen seiner guten Eigenschaften besonders von älteren Personen oft geschah, eine nähere Verbindung suchte, ohne sich sonderlich um sie zu kümmern.","He had so peculiar a way of referring every thing to her, and only to himself through her, that it Elective Affinities gave him an unpleasant feeling when any newly arrived person did not devote himself heart and soul to her, and was far from flattered if, as occasionally happened, par ticularly with elderly men, he neglected her for a close intimacy with himself."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_108.flac,00023-f000131,0.69011,Wegen des Architekten kam es bald zur Richtigkeit.,Everything was settled about the Architect.
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_109.flac,00023-f000132,0.842414,"Aufs Neujahr sollte ihm dieser folgen und das Karneval mit ihm in der Stadt zubringen, wo Luciane sich von der Wiederholung der so schön eingerichteten Gemälde sowie von hundert andern Dingen die größte Glückseligkeitversprach, um so mehr, als Tante und Bräutigam jeden Aufwand für gering zu achten schienen, der zu ihrem Vergnügen erfordert wurde.","On New Year's Day he was to follow him, and spend the Carnival at his house in the city, where Luciana was promising herself infinite happiness from a repetition of her charmingly successful pictures, as well as from a hundred other things; all the more as her aunt and her bridegroom seemed to make so light of the expense which was required for her amusements."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_111.flac,00023-f000135,0.8474360000000001,"Man scherzte einmal ziemlich laut, daß Charlottens Wintervorräte nun bald aufgezehrt seien, als der Ehrenmann, der den Belisar vorgestellt hatte und freilich reich genug war, von Lucianens Vorzügen hingerissen, denen er nun schon so lange huldigte, unbedachtsam ausrief:","They were one day making fun of Charlotte aloud, declaring that they would soon have eaten out her winter stores, when the noble man who had represented Belisarius, being fortunately a man of some wealth, carried away by Luciana's charms, to which he had been so long devoting himself, cried out unthinkingly, Why not manage them in the Polish fash ion? you come now and eat up me, and then we will go on round the circle."
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_112.flac,00023-f000136,0.568182,So lassen Sie es uns auf polnische Art halten!,No sooner said than done.
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_113.flac,00023-f000138,0.245,Kommen Sie nun und zehren mich auch auf! und so geht es dann weiter in der Runde herum.,The next day they all packed up and the swarm alighted on a new property.
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_115.flac,00023-f000139,-0.21818200000000001,Luciane schlug ein.,"<MERGE> There indeed they found room enough, but few con veniences and no preparations to receive them."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_116.flac,00023-f000138,0.66,"Den andern Tag war gepackt, und der Schwarm warf sich auf ein anderes Besitztum.",The next day they all packed up and the swarm alighted on a new property.
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_117.flac,00023-f000142,0.826119,"Dort hatte man auch Raum genug, aber weniger Bequemlichkeit und Einrichtung.","FROM OTTILIE'S DIARY We accept every person in the world as that for which he gives himself out, only he must give himself out for something."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_118.flac,00023-f000143,0.291429,"Daraus entstand manches Unschickliche, das erst Lucianen recht glücklich machte.",We can put up with the unpleasant more easily than we can endure the insignificant.
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_119.flac,00023-f000144,0.7842859999999999,Das Leben wurde immer wüster und wilder.,We venture upon anything in society except only what involves a consequence.
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_120.flac,00023-f000145,0.296591,"Treibjagen im tiefsten Schnee, und was man sonst nur Unbequemes auffinden konnte, wurde veranstaltet.",We never learn to know people when they come to us: we must go to them to find out how things stand with them.
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_121.flac,00023-f000146,0.18571400000000002,"Frauen so wenig als Männer durften sich ausschließen, und so zog man jagend und reitend, schlittenfahrend und lärmend von einem Gute zum andern, bis man sich endlich der Residenz näherte; da denn die Nachrichten und Erzählungen, wie man sich bei Hofe und in der Stadt vergnüge, der Einbildungskraft eine andere Wendung gaben und Lucianen mit ihrer sämtlichen Begleitung, indem die Tante schon vorausgegangen war, unaufhaltsam in einen andern Lebenskreis hineinzogen. Man nimmt in der Welt jeden, wofür er sich gibt; aber er muß sich auch für etwas geben.","I find it almost natural that we should see many faults in visitors, and that directly they are gone we should judge them not in the most amiable manner."
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_122.flac,00023-f000143,0.795455,"Man erträgt die Unbequemen lieber, als man die Unbedeutenden duldet.",We can put up with the unpleasant more easily than we can endure the insignificant.
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_123.flac,00023-f000144,0.752163,"Man kann der Gesellschaft alles aufdringen, nur nicht, was eine Folge hat.",We venture upon anything in society except only what involves a consequence.
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_125.flac,00023-f000149,0.6863640000000001,Selbst verständige und billige Menschen enthalten sich in solchen Fällen kaum einer scharfen Zensur.,"When, on the contrary, we are staying at the houses of others, when we have seen them in the midst of all A ii VOL."
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_126.flac,00023-f000150,0.960192,"Wenn man dagegen bei andern gewesen ist und hat sie mit ihren Umgebungen, Gewohnheiten, in ihren notwendigen, unausweichlichen Zuständen gesehen, wie sie um sich wirken oder wie sie sich fügen, so gehört schon Unverstand und böser Wille dazu, um das lächerlich zu finden, was uns in mehr als einem Sinne ehrwürdig scheinen müßte.","Elective Affinities their habits and environments among those necessary conditions from which they can not escape, when we have seen how they affect those about them, and how they adapt themselves to their circumstances, it is igno rance, it is worse, it is illwill, to find ridiculous what in more than one sense has a claim on our respect."
+ 111,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_127.flac,00023-f000151,0.733168,"Durch das, was wir Betragen und gute Sitten nennen, soll das erreicht werden, was außerdem nur durch Gewalt oder auch nicht einmal durch Gewalt zu erreichen ist.","That which we call politeness and good breeding effects what otherwise can only be obtained by violence, or not even by that."
+ 112,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_128.flac,00023-f000152,0.579545,Der Umgang mit Frauen ist das Element guter Sitten.,Intercourse with women is the element of good manners.
+ 113,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_129.flac,00023-f000153,0.495475,"Wie kann der Charakter, die Eigentümlichkeit des Menschen, mit der Lebensart bestehen?","How can the character, the individuality of a man coexist with polish of manner?"
+ 114,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_130.flac,00023-f000154,0.5636359999999999,Das Eigentümliche müßte durch die Lebensart erst recht hervorgehoben werden.,The individuality can only be properly made promi nent through good manners.
+ 115,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_131.flac,00023-f000155,0.747273,"Das Bedeutende will jedermann, nur soll es nicht unbequem sein.","Every one likes what has something in it, only it must not be a disagreeable some thing."
+ 116,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_132.flac,00023-f000156,0.8884620000000001,Die größten Vorteile im Leben überhaupt wie in der Gesellschaft hat ein gebildeter Soldat.,"In life generally, and in society, no one has such high advantages as a wellcultivated soldier."
+ 117,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_133.flac,00023-f000157,0.588312,"Rohe Kriegsleute gehen wenigstens nicht aus ihrem Charakter, und weil doch meist hinter der Stärke eine Gutmütigkeit verborgen liegt, so ist im Notfall auch mit ihnen auszukommen.","The rudest fighting people at least do not go out of their character, and generally behind the roughness there is a certain latent good humor, so that in difficulties it is possible to get on even with them."
+ 118,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_134.flac,00023-f000158,0.542553,Niemand ist lästiger als ein täppischer Mensch vom Zivilstande.,No one is more intolerable than an underbred civilian.
+ 119,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_135.flac,00023-f000159,0.5900380000000001,"Von ihm könnte man die Feinheit fordern, da er sich mit nichts Rohem zu beschäftigen hat.","From him one has a right to look for a delicacy, as he has no rough work to do."
+ 120,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_136.flac,00023-f000160,0.7625,"Wenn wir mit Menschen leben, die ein zartes Gefühl für das Schickliche haben, so wird es uns angst um ihretwillen, wenn etwas Ungeschicktes begegnet.","When we are living with people who have a delicate sense of propriety, we are in misery on their account when anything unbecoming is committed."
+ 121,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_138.flac,00023-f000163,0.8625,"Es käme niemand mit der Brille auf der Nase in ein vertrauliches Gemach, wenn er wüßte, daß uns Frauen sogleich die Lust vergeht, ihn anzusehen und uns mit ihm zu unterhalten.","No one would ever come into a mixed party with spectacles on his nose, if he did but know that at once we women lose all pleasure in looking at him or listening to what he has to say."
+ 122,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_139.flac,00023-f000164,0.568421,Zutraulichkeit an der Stelle der Ehrfurcht ist immer lächerlich.,"Freeandeasiness, where there ought to be respect, is always ridiculous."
+ 123,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_140.flac,00023-f000165,0.563134,"Es würde niemand den Hut ablegen, nachdem er kaum das Kompliment gemacht hat, wenn er wüßte, wie komisch das aussieht.",No one would put his hat down when he had scarcely paid the ordinary compliments if he knew how comical it looks.
+ 124,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_141.flac,00023-f000166,1.05217,"Es gibt kein äußeres Zeichen der Höflichkeit, das nicht einen tiefen sittlichen Grund hätte.",There is no outward sign of courtesy that does not rest on a deep moral foundation.
+ 125,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_142.flac,00023-f000167,0.709538,"Die rechte Erziehung wäre, welche dieses Zeichen und den Grund zugleich überlieferte.",The proper education would be that which communicated the sign and the foundation of it at the same time.
+ 126,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_143.flac,00023-f000168,1.04434,"Das Betragen ist ein Spiegel, in welchem jeder sein Bild zeigt.",Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image.
+ 127,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_145.flac,00023-f000171,0.559615,Aus ihr entspringt die bequemste Höflichkeit des äußern Betragens.,Out of it arises the purest courtesy in the outward be havior.
+ 128,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_146.flac,00023-f000173,0.6152380000000001,"Freiwillige Abhängigkeit ist der schönste Zustand, und wie wäre der möglich ohne Liebe.",And how were that possible without love ?
+ 129,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_147.flac,00023-f000174,0.449888,"Wir sind nie entfernter von unsern Wünschen, als wenn wir uns einbilden, das Gewünschte zu besitzen.",We are never further from our wishes than when we imagine that we possess what we have desired.
+ 130,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_148.flac,00023-f000175,0.8789469999999999,"Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.",No one is more a slave than the man who thinks him self free while he is not.
+ 131,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_149.flac,00023-f000176,0.582108,"Es darf sich einer nur für frei erklären, so fühlt er sich den Augenblick als bedingt.","A man has only to declare that he is free, and the next moment he feels the conditions to which he is sub ject."
+ 132,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_150.flac,00023-f000177,0.378437,"Wagt er es, sich für bedingt zu erklären, so fühlt er sich frei.","Let him venture to declare that he is under condi tions, and then he will feel that he is free."
+ 133,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_151.flac,00023-f000178,0.613846,Gegen große Vorzüge eines andern gibt es kein Rettungsmittel als die Liebe.,"Elective Affinities Against great advantages in another, there are no means of defending ourselves except love."
+ 134,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_152.flac,00023-f000179,0.6375569999999999,"Es ist was Schreckliches um einen vorzüglichen Mann, auf den sich die Dummen was zugute tun.",There is something terrible in the sight of a highly gifted man lying under obligations to a fool.
+ 135,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_153.flac,00023-f000180,0.5289470000000001,"Es gibt, sagt man, für den Kammerdiener keinen Helden.",No man is a hero to his valet the proverb says.
+ 136,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_154.flac,00023-f000181,0.654987,"Das kommt aber bloß daher, weil der Held nur vom Helden anerkannt werden kann.",But that is only because it requires a hero to recognize a hero.
+ 137,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_155.flac,00023-f000182,0.16875,Der Kammerdiener wird aber wahrscheinlich seinesgleichen zu sch��tzen wissen.,The valet will probably know how to value the valethero.
+ 138,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_156.flac,00023-f000183,0.47162200000000004,"Es gibt keinen größern Trost für die Mittelmäßigkeit, als daß das Genie nicht unsterblich sei.",Mediocrity has no greater consolation than in the thought that genius is not immortal.
+ 139,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_157.flac,00023-f000184,0.736538,Die größten Menschen hängen immer mit ihrem Jahrhundert durch eine Schwachheit zusammen.,The greatest men are connected with their own cen tury always through some weakness.
+ 140,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_158.flac,00023-f000185,0.5367270000000001,"Man hält die Menschen gewöhnlich für gefährlicher, als sie sind.",One is apt to regard people as more dangerous than they are.
+ 141,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_159.flac,00023-f000186,0.628846,Toren und gescheite Leute sind gleich unschädlich.,Fools and modest people are alike innocuous.
+ 142,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_160.flac,00023-f000187,0.541071,"Nur die Halbnarren und Halbweisen, das sind die Gefährlichsten.",It is only your halffools and your halfwise who are really and truly dangerous.
+ 143,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_161.flac,00023-f000188,0.91,"Man weicht der Welt nicht sicherer aus als durch die Kunst, und man verknüpft sich nicht sicherer mit ihr als durch die Kunst.",There is no better deliverance from the world than through art; and a man can form no surer bond with it than through art.
+ 144,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_162.flac,00023-f000189,1.0961,Selbst im Augenblick des höchsten Glücks und der höchsten Not bedürfen wir des Künstlers.,"Alike in the moment of our highest fortune and our deepest necessity, we require the artist."
+ 145,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_163.flac,00023-f000190,0.593478,Die Kunst beschäftigt sich mit dem Schweren und Guten.,The business of art is with the difficult and the good.
+ 146,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_164.flac,00023-f000191,0.497957,"Das Schwierige leicht behandelt zu sehen, gibt uns das Anschauen des Unmöglichen.",To see the difficult easily handled gives us the feeling of the impossible.
+ 147,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.5_165.flac,00023-f000192,0.252273,"Die Schwierigkeiten wachsen, je näher man dem Ziele kommt.",Difficulties increase the nearer we are to our end.
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_1.flac,00024-f000003,0.391071,"Es war nicht zum erstenmal, daß ihr ein so seltsamer Charakter begegnete, ob er ihr gleich noch niemals auf dieser Höhe erschien.","In this, her knowl edge of the world was of no slight service to her."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_2.flac,00024-f000004,0.866036,"Und doch hatte sie aus der Erfahrung, daß solche Personen, durchs Leben, durch mancherlei Ereignisse, durch elterliche Verhältnisse gebildet, eine sehr angenehme und liebenswürdige Reife erlangen können, indem die Selbstigkeit gemildert wird und die schwärmende Tätigkeit eine entschiedene Richtung erhält.","It was not the first time that so singular a character had come across her, although she had never seen any in which the unusual features were so largely developed; and she had had experience enough to show her that such persons after having felt the discipline of life, after having gone through something of it, and been in intercourse with older people, may come out at last really charming and amiable; the selfishness may soften and eager, restless activity find a definite direction for itself."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_3.flac,00024-f000005,0.821478,"Charlotte ließ als Mutter sich um desto eher eine für andere vielleicht unangenehme Erscheinung gefallen, als es Eltern wohl geziemt, da zu hoffen, wo Fremde nur zu genießen wünschen oder wenigstens nicht belästigt sein wollen.","And therefore, as a mother, Charlotte was able to endure the appearance of symptoms which for others might per haps have been unpleasing, from a sense that where strangers only desire to enjoy, or at least not to have their taste offended, the business of parents is rather to hope."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_4.flac,00024-f000006,0.697443,"Auf eine eigne und unerwartete Weise jedoch sollte Charlotte nach ihrer Tochter Abreise getroffen werden, indem diese nicht sowohl durch das Tadelnswerte in ihrem Betragen als durch das, was man daran lobenswürdig hätte finden können, eine üble Nachrede hinter sich gelassen hatte.","After her daughter's departure, however, she had to be pained in a singular and unlookedfor manner, in find Elective Affinities ing that, not so much through what there really was objectionable in her behavior, as through what was good and praiseworthy in it, she had left an ill report of herself behind her."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_5.flac,00024-f000007,0.8587530000000001,"Luciane schien sichs zum Gesetz gemacht zu haben, nicht allein mit den Fröhlichen fröhlich, sondern auch mit den Traurigen traurig zu sein und, um den Geist des Widerspruchs recht zu üben, manchmal die Fröhlichen verdrießlich und die Traurigen heiter zu machen.","Luciana seemed to have prescribed it as a rule to herself not only to be merry with the merry, but miserable with the miserable; and in order to give full swing to the spirit of contradiction in her, often to make the happy uncomfortable and the sad cheerful."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_6.flac,00024-f000008,0.851617,"In allen Familien, wo sie hinkam, erkundigte sie sich nach den Kranken und Schwachen, die nicht in Gesellschaft erscheinen konnten.","In every family among whom she came she inquired after such members of it as were ill or infirm, and unable to appear in society."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_7.flac,00024-f000009,0.728,"Sie besuchte sie auf ihren Zimmern, machte den Arzt und drang einem jeden aus ihrer Reiseapotheke, die sie beständig im Wagen mit sich führte, energische Mittel auf; da denn eine solche Kur, wie sich vermuten läßt, gelang oder mißlang, wie es der Zufall herbeiführte.","She would go to see them in their rooms, enact the physician, and insist on prescribing powerful doses for them out of her own traveling medicinechest, which she constantly took with her in her carriage; her attempted cures, as may be supposed, either succeeding or failing as chance happened to direct."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_8.flac,00024-f000010,0.625574,"In dieser Art von Wohltätigkeit war sie ganz grausam und ließ sich gar nicht einreden, weil sie fest überzeugt war, daß sie vortrefflich handle.","In this sort of benevolence she was thoroughly cruel, and would listen to nothing that was said to her, because she was convinced that she was managing admirably."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_9.flac,00024-f000011,0.8591840000000001,"Allein es mißriet ihr auch ein Versuch von der sittlichen Seite, und dieser war es, der Charlotten viel zu schaffen machte, weil er Folgen hatte und jedermann darüber sprach.","One of these attempts of hers on the moral side failed very disastrously, and this it was which gave Charlotte so much trouble, inasmuch as it involved consequences and every one was talking about it."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_10.flac,00024-f000012,0.9925120000000001,"Erst nach Lucianens Abreise hörte sie davon; Ottilie, die gerade jene Partie mitgemacht hatte, mußte ihr umständlich davon Rechenschaft geben.","She never had heard of the story till Luciana was gone; Ottilie, who had made one of the party present at the time, had to give her a circumstantial account of it."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_11.flac,00024-f000013,0.670936,"Eine der Töchter eines angesehenen Hauses hatte das Unglück gehabt, an dem Tode eines ihrer jüngeren Geschwister schuld zu sein, und sich darüber nicht beruhigen noch wiederfinden können.","One of several daughters of a family of rank had the misfortune to have caused the death of one of her younger sisters; it had destroyed her peace of mind, and Elective Affinities she had never been properly herself since."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_13.flac,00024-f000016,0.931015,Gegen jedes allein äußerte sie sich vernünftig und unterhielt sich stundenlang mit ihm.,"To each of them singly she would speak rationally enough, and talk freely for an hour at a time."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_14.flac,00024-f000017,0.726585,"Luciane hatte davon gehört und sich sogleich im stillen vorgenommen, wenn sie in das Haus käme, gleichsam ein Wunder zu tun und das Frauenzimmer der Gesellschaft wiederzugeben.","Luciana had heard of this, and had secretly deter mined with herself, as soon as she got into the house, that she would forthwith work a miracle, and restore the young lady to society."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_15.flac,00024-f000018,0.789423,"Sie betrug sich dabei vorsichtiger als sonst, wußte sich allein bei der Seelenkranken einzuführen und, soviel man merken konnte, durch Musik ihr Vertrauen zu gewinnen.","She conducted herself in the mat ter more prudently than usual, managed to introduce her self alone to the poor, sicksouled girl, and, as far as people could understand, had wound her way into her confi dence through music."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_16.flac,00024-f000019,0.724993,"Nur zuletzt versah sie es; denn eben weil sie Aufsehn erregen wollte, so brachte sie das schöne, blasse Kind, das sie genug vorbereitet wähnte, eines Abends plötzlich in die bunte, glänzende Gesellschaft; und vielleicht wäre auch das noch gelungen, wenn nicht die Sozietät selbst aus Neugierde und Apprehension sich ungeschickt benommen, sich um die Kranke versammelt, sie wieder gemieden, sie durch Flüstern, Köpfezusammenstecken irregemacht und aufgeregt hätte.","At last came her fatal mistake; wishing to make a scene, and fancying that she had suf ficiently prepared her for it, one evening she suddenly introduced the beautiful, pale creature into the midst of the brilliant, glittering assembly; and perhaps, even then, the attempt might not have so utterly failed, had not the crowd themselves, between curiosity and apprehension, conducted themselves so unwisely, first gathering about the invalid, and then shrinking from her again; and with their whispers, and shaking their heads together, con fusing and agitating her."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_17.flac,00024-f000020,0.247059,Die zart Empfindende ertrug das nicht.,Her delicate sensibility could not endure it.
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_18.flac,00024-f000021,0.4485,"Sie entwich unter fürchterlichem Schreien, das gleichsam ein Entsetzen vor einem eindringenden Ungeheuren auszudrücken schien.","With a dreadful shriek, which expressed, as it seemed, a horror at some monster that was rushing upon her, she fainted."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_19.flac,00024-f000022,0.952174,"Erschreckt fuhr die Gesellschaft nach allen Seiten auseinander, und Ottilie war unter denen, welche die völlig Ohnmächtige wieder auf ihr Zimmer begleiteten.","The crowd fell back in terror on Elective Affinities every side, and Ottilie had been one of those who had carried back the sufferer utterly insensible to her room."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_20.flac,00024-f000023,0.843391,"Indessen hatte Luciane eine starke Strafrede nach ihrer Weise an die Gesellschaft gehalten, ohne im mindesten daran zu denken, daß sie allein alle Schuld habe, und ohne sich durch dieses und andres Mißlingen von ihrem Tun und Treiben abhalten zu lassen.","Luciana meanwhile, just like herself, had been reading an angry lecture to the rest of the party, without reflect ing for a moment that she herself was entirely to blame, and without letting herself be deterred by this and other failures from going on with her experimentalizing."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_21.flac,00024-f000024,0.753029,"Der Zustand der Kranken war seit jener Zeit bedenklicher geworden, ja das Übel hatte sich so gesteigert, daß die Eltern das arme Kind nicht im Hause behalten konnten, sondern einer öffentlichen Anstalt überantworten mußten.","The state of the invalid herself had since that time become more and more serious; indeed, the disorder had increased to such a degree that the poor thing's parents were unable to keep her any longer at home, and had been forced to confide her to the care of a public institu tion."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_22.flac,00024-f000025,1.1954,"Charlotten blieb nichts übrig, als durch ein besonder zartes Benehmen gegen jene Familie den von ihrer Tochter verursachten Schmerz einigermaßen zu lindern.","Nothing remained for Charlotte, except, by the delicacy of her own attention to the family, in some de gree to alleviate the pain which had been occasioned by her daughter."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_24.flac,00024-f000028,0.751432,"So kam auch, weil man sich gewöhnlich vom vergangenen Unangenehmen mehr als vom Angenehmen unterhält, ein kleines Mißverständnis zur Sprache, das Ottilien an dem Architekten irregemacht hatte, als er jenen Abend seine Sammlung nicht vorzeigen wollte, ob sie ihn gleich so freundlich darum ersuchte.","So there came, too, as it often happens that we dwell more on past disagreeables than on past agreeables, a slight misunderstanding to be spoken of, which had led Ottilie to a wrong judgment of the Architect, when he did not choose to produce his collection that evening, although she had so eagerly begged him to produce it."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_25.flac,00024-f000029,0.793103,"Es war ihr dieses abschlägige Betragen immer in der Seele geblieben, und sie wußte selbst nicht warum.","His practical refusal had remained, ever since, hanging about her heart, she herself could not tell why."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_26.flac,00024-f000030,0.778512,"Ihre Empfindungen waren sehr richtig; denn was ein Mädchen wie Ottilie verlangen kann, sollte ein Jüngling wie der Architekt nicht versagen.","Her feelings about the matter were undoubtedly just; what a Elective Affinities young lady like Ottilie could desire, a young man like the Architect ought not to have refused."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_27.flac,00024-f000031,0.278351,Dieser brachte jedoch auf ihre gelegentlichen leisen Vorwürfe ziemlich gültige Entschuldigungen zur Sprache.,"The latter, how ever, when she took occasion to give him a gentle reproof for it, had a very valid excuse to offer for himself."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_29.flac,00024-f000034,0.677838,"Niemand weiß eine Medaille am Rand anzufassen; sie betasten das schönste Gepräge, den reinsten Grund, lassen die köstlichsten Stücke zwischen dem Daumen und Zeigefinger hin und her gehen, als wenn man Kunstformen auf diese Weise prüfte.","They will finger the most beau tiful impressions and the smoothest surfaces; they will take the rarest coins between the thumb and forefinger, and rub them up and down, as if they were testing the execution with the touch."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_30.flac,00024-f000035,0.58878,"Ohne daran zu denken, daß man ein großes Blatt mit zwei Händen anfassen müsse, greifen sie mit einer Hand nach einem unschätzbaren Kupferstich, einer unersetzlichen Zeichnung, wie ein anmaßlicher Politiker eine Zeitung faßt und durch das Zerknittern des Papiers schon im voraus sein Urteil über die Weltbegebenheiten zu erkennen gibt.","Without remembering that a large sheet of paper ought to be held in two hands, they will lay hold, with one, of an invaluable proofengraving of some drawing which can not be replaced, like a con ceited politician laying hold of a newspaper, and passing judgment by anticipation, as he is cutting the pages, on the occurrences of the world."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_31.flac,00024-f000036,0.639844,"Niemand denkt daran, daß, wenn nur zwanzig Menschen mit einem Kunstwerke hintereinander ebenso verführen, der einundzwanzigste nicht mehr viel daran zu sehen hätte.","Nobody cares to recollect that if twenty people, one after the other, treat a work of art in this way, the oneandtwentieth will not find much to see there."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_32.flac,00024-f000037,0.35743600000000003,"Habe ich Sie nicht auch manchmal, fragte Ottilie, in solche Verlegenheit gesetzt?",Have not I often vexed you in this way ? asked Ot tilie.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_35.flac,00024-f000042,0.808159,"Auf alle Fälle, versetzte Ottilie, wäre es nicht übel, wenn man künftig in das Büchlein von guten Sitten nach den Kapiteln, wie man sich in Gesellschaft beim Essen und Trinken benehmen soll, ein recht umständliches einschöbe, wie man sich in Kunstsammlungen und Museen zu betragen habe.","In any case, replied Ottilie, it would not be a bad Elective Affinities plan, if in the next edition of the book of good manners, after the chapters which tell us how we ought to eat and drink in company, a good circumstantial chapter were inserted, How to behave among works of art and in museums."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_36.flac,00024-f000043,0.422449,"Gewiß, versetzte der Architekt, würden alsdann Kustoden und Liebhaber ihre Seltenheiten fröhlicher mitteilen.","Undoubtedly, said the Architect; and then curi osity collectors and amateurs would be better contented to show their valuable treasures to the world."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_37.flac,00024-f000044,0.941092,"Ottilie hatte ihm schon lange verziehen; als er sich aber den Vorwurf sehr zu Herzen zu nehmen schien und immer aufs neue beteuerte, daß er gewiß gerne mitteile, gern für Freunde tätig sei, so empfand sie, daß sie sein zartes Gemüt verletzt habe, und fühlte sich als seine Schuldnerin.","Ottilie had long, long forgiven him; but as he seemed to have taken her reproof sorely to heart, and assured her again and again that he would gladly produce every thing that he was delighted to do anything for his friends she felt that she had wounded his feelings, and that she owed him some compensation."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_38.flac,00024-f000045,0.625276,"Nicht wohl konnte sie ihm daher eine Bitte rund abschlagen, die er in Gefolg dieses Gesprächs an sie tat, ob sie gleich, indem sie schnell ihr Gefühl zu Rate zog, nicht einsah, wie sie ihm seine Wünsche gewähren könne.","It was not easy for her, therefore, to give an absolute refusal to a request which he made her in the conclusion of this conversation, although when she called her heart into counsel about it, she did not see how she could allow herself to do what he wished."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_39.flac,00024-f000046,0.118151,Die Sache verhielt sich also.,"The circumstances of the matter were these: Ottilie's exclusion from the picture exhibition by Luciana's jeal ousy had irritated him in the highest degree; and at the same time he had observed with regret that at this, the most brilliant part of all the amusements at the castle, ill health had prevented Charlotte from being more than rarely present; and now he did not wish to go. away, without some additional proof of his gratitude, and, for the honor of one and the entertainment of the other, preparing a far more beautiful exhibition than any of Elective Affinities those which had preceded it."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_40.flac,00024-f000046,0.558962,"Daß Ottilie durch Lucianens Eifersucht von den Gemäldedarstellungen ausgeschlossen worden, war ihm höchst empfindlich gewesen; daß Charlotte diesem glänzenden Teil der geselligen Unterhaltung nur unterbrochen beiwohnen können, weil sie sich nicht wohl befand, hatte er gleichfalls mit Bedauern bemerkt.","The circumstances of the matter were these: Ottilie's exclusion from the picture exhibition by Luciana's jeal ousy had irritated him in the highest degree; and at the same time he had observed with regret that at this, the most brilliant part of all the amusements at the castle, ill health had prevented Charlotte from being more than rarely present; and now he did not wish to go. away, without some additional proof of his gratitude, and, for the honor of one and the entertainment of the other, preparing a far more beautiful exhibition than any of Elective Affinities those which had preceded it."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_42.flac,00024-f000049,0.8141689999999999,"Vielleicht kam hierzu, ihm selbst unbewußt, ein andrer geheimer Antrieb: es ward ihm so schwer, dieses Haus, diese Familie zu verlassen, ja es schien ihm unmöglich, von Ottiliens Augen zu scheiden, von deren ruhig freundlich gewogenen Blicken er die letzte Zeit fast ganz allein gelebt hatte.","It seemed impossible to him to go away from Ottilie's eyes, under the calm, sweet, gentle glance of which the latter part of the time he had been living almost entirely alone."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_43.flac,00024-f000050,0.7514930000000001,"Die Weihnachtsfeiertage nahten sich, und es wurde ihm auf einmal klar, daß eigentlich jene Gemäldedarstellungen durch runde Figuren von dem sogenannten Präsepe ausgegangen, von der frommen Vorstellung, die man in dieser heiligen Zeit der göttlichen Mutter und dem Kinde widmete, wie sie in ihrer scheinbaren Niedrigkeit erst von Hirten, bald darauf von Königen verehrt werden.","The Christmas holidays were approaching; and it be came at once clear to him that the very thing which he wanted was a representation with real figures of one of those pictures of the scene in the stable a sacred exhibi tion such as at this holy season good Christians delight to offer to the divine Mother and her Child, of the man ner in which she, in her seeming lowliness, was honored first by the shepherds and afterward by kings."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_44.flac,00024-f000051,0.8411069999999999,Er hatte sich die Möglichkeit eines solchen Bildes vollkommen vergegenwärtigt.,He had thoroughly brought before himself how such a picture should be contrived.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_46.flac,00024-f000054,0.7041930000000001,"Der junge Mann hatte sie in seinem Sinne zur Mutter Gottes erhoben, und wenn sie es abschlug, so war bei ihm keine Frage, daß das Unternehmen fallen müsse.","The young man had exalted her in his design to be the mother of God, and if she refused there was no question but the undertaking must fall to the ground."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_47.flac,00024-f000055,0.720238,"Ottilie, halb verlegen über seinen Antrag, wies ihn mit seiner Bitte an Charlotten.","Ottilie, half embarrassed at the proposal, referred him and his request to Charlotte."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_48.flac,00024-f000056,0.8082050000000001,"Diese erteilte ihm gern die Erlaubnis, und auch durch sie ward die Scheu Ottiliens, sich jener heiligen Gestalt anzumaßen, auf eine freundliche Weise überwunden.","The latter gladly gave her permission, and lent her assistance in overcoming and overpersuading Ottilie's hesitation in assuming so sacred a personality."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_49.flac,00024-f000057,0.5266029999999999,"Der Architekt arbeitete Tag und Nacht, damit am Weihnachtsabend nichts fehlen möge.","The Architect worked day and night, that by Christmas Eve everything might be ready."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_50.flac,00024-f000058,0.958772,Und zwar Tag und Nacht im eigentlichen Sinne.,"Day and night, indeed, in the literal sense."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_52.flac,00024-f000061,0.5894739999999999,Zur feierlichen Abendstunde war deshalb alles fertig und bereit.,"Accordingly by the hour of the evening solemnity, all was completed."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_53.flac,00024-f000062,0.5785710000000001,"Es war ihm möglich gewesen, wohltönende Blasinstrumente zu versammeln, welche die Einleitung machten und die gewünschte Stimmung hervorzubringen wußten.","He had found the means of collecting some welltoned wind instruments to form an introduction, and produce the desired temper of thought and feeling."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_54.flac,00024-f000063,0.254717,"Als der Vorhang sich hob, war Charlotte wirklich überrascht.","But when the curtain rose, Char lotte was taken completely by surprise."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_55.flac,00024-f000064,0.62621,"Das Bild, das sich ihr vorstellte, war so oft in der Welt wiederholt, daß man kaum einen neuen Eindruck davon erwarten sollte.",The picture which presented itself to her had been repeated so often in the world that one could scarcely have expected any new impression to be produced.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_56.flac,00024-f000065,0.79373,Aber hier hatte die Wirklichkeit als Bild ihre besonderen Vorzüge.,"But here, the reality as representing the picture had its especial advantages."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_57.flac,00024-f000066,1.08817,Der ganze Raum war eher nächtlich als dämmernd und doch nichts undeutlich im Einzelnen der Umgebung.,"The whole space was the color rather of night than of twi light, and there was nothing even of the details of the scene which was obscure."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_58.flac,00024-f000067,0.590374,"Den unübertrefflichen Gedanken, daß alles Licht vom Kinde ausgeht, hatte der Künstler durch einen klugen Mechanismus der Beleuchtung auszuführen gewußt, der durch die beschatteten, nur von Streiflichtern erleuchteten Figuren im Vordergrunde zugedeckt wurde.","The inimitable idea that all the light should proceed from the child, the artist had con trived to carry out by an ingenious method of illumina tion which was concealed by the figures in the foreground, who were all in shadow."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_59.flac,00024-f000068,-0.00705128,"Frohe Mädchen und Knaben standen umher, die frischen Gesichter scharf von unten beleuchtet.","Brightlooking boys and girls were standing round, their fresh faces sharply lighted from below; and there were angels too, whose own bril liancy grew pale before the divine, whose ethereal bodies showed dim and dense and needing other light in the presence of the body of the divine humanity."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_60.flac,00024-f000068,-0.00705128,"Auch an Engeln fehlte es nicht, deren eigener Schein von dem göttlichen verdunkelt, deren ätherischer Leib vor dem göttlich menschlichen verdichtet und lichtsbedürftig schien.","<MERGE> Brightlooking boys and girls were standing round, their fresh faces sharply lighted from below; and there were angels too, whose own bril liancy grew pale before the divine, whose ethereal bodies showed dim and dense and needing other light in the presence of the body of the divine humanity."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_61.flac,00024-f000069,0.913439,"Glücklicherweise war das Kind in der anmutigsten Stellung eingeschlafen, so daß nichts die Betrachtung störte, wenn der Blick auf der scheinbaren Mutter verweilte, die mit unendlicher Anmut einen Schleier aufgehoben hatte, um den verborgenen Schatz zu offenbaren.","By good fortune the infant had fallen asleep in the loveliest atti tude, so that nothing disturbed the contemplation when the eye rested on the seeming mother, who with infinite Elective Affinities grace had lifted off a veil to reveal her hidden treasure."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_62.flac,00024-f000070,0.991935,In diesem Augenblick schien das Bild festgehalten und erstarrt zu sein.,"At this moment the picture seemed to have been caught, and there to have remained fixed."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_63.flac,00024-f000071,0.8664139999999999,"Physisch geblendet, geistig überrascht, schien das umgebende Volk sich eben bewegt zu haben, um die getroffnen Augen wegzuwenden, neugierig erfreut wieder hinzublinzen und mehr Verwunderung und Lust als Bewunderung und Verehrung anzuzeigen, obgleich diese auch nicht vergessen und einigen ältern Figuren der Ausdruck derselben übertragen war.","Physically dazzled, mentally surprised, the people round appeared to have just moved to turn away their halfblinded eyes, to be glancing again toward the child with curious delight, and to be showing more wonder and pleasure than awe and reverence although these emotions were not forgot ten, and were to be traced upon the features of some of the older spectators."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_64.flac,00024-f000072,0.26747,"Ottiliens Gestalt, Gebärde, Miene, Blick übertraf aber alles, was je ein Maler dargestellt hat.","But Ottilie's figure, expression, attitude, glance, ex celled all which any painter has ever represented."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_65.flac,00024-f000073,0.8418180000000001,"Der gefühlvolle Kenner, der diese Erscheinung gesehen hätte, wäre in Furcht geraten, es möge sich nur irgend etwas bewegen; er wäre in Sorge gestanden, ob ihm jemals etwas wieder so gefallen könne.","A man who had true knowledge of art, and had seen this spec tacle, would have been in fear lest any portion of it should move; he would have doubted whether anything could ever so much please him again."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_66.flac,00024-f000074,0.77,"Unglücklicherweise war niemand da, der diese ganze Wirkung aufzufassen vermocht hätte.","Unluckily, there was no one present who could comprehend the whole of this effect."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_67.flac,00024-f000075,0.7099850000000001,"Der Architekt allein, der als langer, schlanker Hirt von der Seite über die Knieenden hereinsah, hatte, obgleich nicht in dem genauesten Standpunkt, noch den größten Genuß.","The Architect alone, who, as a tall, slender shep herd, was looking in from the side over those who were kneeling, enjoyed, although he was not in the best posi tion for seeing, the fullest pleasure."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_68.flac,00024-f000076,0.5352939999999999,Und wer beschreibt auch die Miene der neugeschaffenen Himmelskönigin?,And who can de scribe the mien of the newmade queen of heaven ?
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_69.flac,00024-f000077,0.683469,"Die reinste Demut, das liebenswürdigste Gefühl von Bescheidenheit bei einer großen, unverdient erhaltenen Ehre, einem unbegreiflich unermeßlichen Glück bildete sich in ihren Zügen, sowohl indem sich ihre eigene Empfindung, als indem sich die Vorstellung ausdrückte, die sie sich von dem machen konnte, was sie spielte.","The purest humility, the most exquisite feeling of modesty, at the great honor which had undeservedly been bestowed upon her, with indescribable and immeasurable happiness, was displayed upon her features, expressing as much her own personal emotion as that of the character which she was endeavoring to represent."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_70.flac,00024-f000078,0.64647,"Charlotten erfreute das schöne Gebilde, doch wirkte hauptsächlich das Kind auf sie.",Charlotte was delighted with the beautiful figures; but Elective Affinities what had most effect on her was the child.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_71.flac,00024-f000079,1.0545200000000001,"Ihre Augen strömten von Tränen, und sie stellte sich auf das lebhafteste vor, daß sie ein ähnliches liebes Geschöpf bald auf ihrem Schoße zu hoffen habe.","Her eyes filled with tears, and her imagination presented to her in the liveliest colors that she might soon hope to have such another darling creature on her own lap."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_72.flac,00024-f000080,0.792183,"Man hatte den Vorhang niedergelassen, teils um den Vorstellenden einige Erleichterung zu geben, teils eine Veränderung in dem Dargestellten anzubringen.","They had let down the curtain, partly to give the ex hibitors some little rest, partly to make an alteration in the exhibition."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_73.flac,00024-f000081,0.83321,"Der Künstler hatte sich vorgenommen, das erste Nacht und Niedrigkeitsbild in ein Tag und Glorienbild zu verwandeln, und deswegen von allen Seiten eine unmäßige Erleuchtung vorbereitet, die in der Zwischenzeit angezündet wurde.","The artist had proposed to himself to transmute the first scene of night and lowliness into a picture of splendor and glory; and for this purpose had prepared a blaze of light to fall in from every side, which this interval was required to kindle."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_74.flac,00024-f000082,0.7044590000000001,"Ottilien war in ihrer halb theatralischen Lage bisher die größte Beruhigung gewesen, daß außer Charlotten und wenigen Hausgenossen niemand dieser frommen Kunstmummerei zugesehen.","Ottilie, in the semitheatrical position in which she found herself, had hitherto felt perfectly at her ease, because, with the exception of Charlotte and a few mem bers of the household, no one had witnessed this devout piece of artistic display."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_75.flac,00024-f000083,0.684434,"Sie wurde daher einigermaßen betroffen, als sie in der Zwischenzeit vernahm, es sei ein Fremder angekommen, im Saale von Charlotten freundlich begrüßt.","She was, therefore, in some degree annoyed when in the interval she learned that a stranger had come into the saloon, and had been warmly received by Charlotte."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_76.flac,00024-f000084,0.613978,"Wer es war, konnte man ihr nicht sagen.",Who it was no one was able to tell her.
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_77.flac,00024-f000085,0.71875,"Sie ergab sich darein, um keine Störung zu verursachen.","She therefore made up her mind not to produce a disturbance, and to go on with her character."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_79.flac,00024-f000089,0.5854050000000001,"Der Vorhang ging auf, für die Zuschauenden ein überraschender Anblick: das ganze Bild war alles Licht, und statt des völlig aufgehobenen Schattens blieben nur die Farben übrig, die bei der klugen Auswahl eine liebliche Mäßigung hervorbrachten.","The whole picture was one blaze of light; and instead of the full depth of shadow, there now were only the colors left remaining, which, from the skill with which they had been selected, pro duced a gentle softening of tone."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_80.flac,00024-f000090,0.749167,"Unter ihren langen Augenwimpern hervorblickend, bemerkte Ottilie eine Mannsperson neben Charlotten sitzend.","Looking out under her long eyelashes, Ottilie perceived the figure of a man sit Elective Affinities ting by Charlotte."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_81.flac,00024-f000091,0.825464,"Sie erkannte ihn nicht, aber sie glaubte die Stimme des Gehülfen aus der Pension zu hören.",She did not recognize him; but the voice she fancied was that of the Assistant at the school.
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_82.flac,00024-f000092,1.22759,Eine wunderbare Empfindung ergriff sie.,A singular emotion came over her.
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_83.flac,00024-f000093,0.724517,"Wie vieles war begegnet, seitdem sie die Stimme dieses treuen Lehrers nicht vernommen!",How many things had happened since she last heard the voice of that her kind instructor!
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_84.flac,00024-f000094,0.866958,Wie im zackigen Blitz fuhr die Reihe ihrer Freuden und Leiden schnell vor ihrer Seele vorbei und regte die Frage auf: Darfst du ihm alles bekennen und gestehen?,"Like a flash of forked lightning the stream of her joys and her sorrow rushed swiftly before her soul, and the question rose in her heart, Dare you confess, dare you acknowledge it all to him?"
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_85.flac,00024-f000095,1.02383,"Und wie wenig wert bist du, unter dieser heiligen Gestalt vor ihm zu erscheinen, und wie seltsam muß es ihm vorkommen, dich, die er nur natürlich gesehen, als Maske zu erblicken?","If not, how little can you deserve to appear before him under this sainted form; and how strange must it not seem to him who has only known you as your natural self to see you now under this disguise!"
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_86.flac,00024-f000096,0.677922,"Mit einer Schnelligkeit, die keinesgleichen hat, wirkten Gefühl und Betrachtung in ihr gegeneinander.","In an instant, swift as thought, feeling and reflection began to clash and gain within her."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_87.flac,00024-f000097,0.701442,"Ihr Herz war befangen, ihre Augen füllten sich mit Tränen, indem sie sich zwang, immerfort als ein starres Bild zu erscheinen; und wie froh war sie, als der Knabe sich zu regen anfing und der Künstler sich genötiget sah, das Zeichen zu geben, daß der Vorhang wieder fallen sollte!","Her eyes filled with tears, while she forced herself to continue to appear as a motionless figure, and it was a relief, indeed, to her when the child began to stir and the artist saw himself compelled to give the sign that the curtain should fall again."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_88.flac,00024-f000098,0.567108,"Hatte das peinliche Gefühl, einem werten Freunde nicht entgegeneilen zu können, sich schon die letzten Augenblicke zu den übrigen Empfindungen Ottiliens gesellt, so war sie jetzt in noch größerer Verlegenheit.","If the painful feeling of being unable to meet a valued friend had, during the last few moments, been distressing Ottilie in addition to her other emotions, she was now in still greater embarrassment."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_89.flac,00024-f000099,0.347484,Sollte sie in diesem fremden Anzug und Schmuck ihm entgegengehn?,Was she to present herself to him in this strange disguise? or had she better change her dress?
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_90.flac,00024-f000099,0.347484,Sollte sie sich umkleiden?,<MERGE> Was she to present herself to him in this strange disguise? or had she better change her dress?
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.6_91.flac,00024-f000100,0.70228,"Sie wählte nicht, sie tat das letzte und suchte sich in der Zwischenzeit zusammenzunehmen, sich zu beruhigen, und war nur erst wieder mit sich selbst in Einstimmung, als sie endlich im gewohnten Kleide den Angekommenen begrüßte.","She did not hesitate she did the last; and in the interval she endeavored to collect and to compose herself; nor did she properly recover her selfpossession until at last, in her ordinary costume, she had welcomed the new visitor."
alignments/108/00025-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_1.flac,00025-f000003,0.89479,"Er hatte noch immer gezaudert, nun aber drängte es ihn hinweg; denn was er sich nach seiner Entfernung mußte gefallen lassen, das wollte er wenigstens gegenwärtig nicht erleben.","He had lingered and lingered, but now he forced himself away; what, after he was gone, he must endure as he could, at least he could not stay to witness with his own eyes."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_2.flac,00025-f000004,0.697176,"Zu großer Erheiterung dieser halb traurigen Gefühle machten ihm die Damen beim Abschiede noch ein Geschenk mit einer Weste, an der er sie beide lange Zeit hatte stricken sehen, mit einem stillen Neid über den unbekannten Glücklichen, dem sie dereinst werden könnte.","To the great relief of this halfmelancholy feeling, the ladies at his departure made him a present of a waistcoat, upon which he had watched them both for some time past at work, with a silent envy of the fortunate unknown to whom it was by and by to belong."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_3.flac,00025-f000005,0.657935,"Eine solche Gabe ist die angenehmste, die ein liebender, verehrender Mann erhalten mag; denn wenn er dabei des unermüdeten Spiels der schönen Finger gedenkt, so kann er nicht umhin, sich zu schmeicheln, das Herz werde bei einer so anhaltenden Arbeit doch auch nicht ganz ohne Teilnahme geblieben sein.","Such a present is the most agreeable which a truehearted man can receive; for while he thinks of the unwearied play of the beautiful ringers at the making of it, he can not help flattering him self that in so longsustained a labor the feeling could not have remained utterly without an interest in its accomplishment."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_4.flac,00025-f000006,0.962462,"Die Frauen hatten nun einen neuen Mann zu bewirten, dem sie wohlwollten und dem es bei ihnen wohl werden sollte.","Elective Affinities The ladies had now a new visitor to entertain, for whom they felt a real regard, and whose stay with them it would be their endeavor to make as agreeable as they could."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_7.flac,00025-f000011,0.5437960000000001,"Seine große Gabe war, gut zu sprechen und menschliche Verhältnisse, besonders in bezug auf Bildung der Jugend, in der Unterredung zu behandeln.","His great gift was to talk well, and to treat in his conversation of men and human relations, particularly in reference to the cul tivation of young people."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_8.flac,00025-f000012,0.836834,"Und so entstand gegen die bisherige Art zu leben ein ziemlich fühlbarer Gegensatz, um so mehr, als der Gehülfe nicht ganz dasjenige billigte, womit man sich die Zeit über ausschließlich beschäftigt hatte.","Thus arose a very perceptible contrast to the life which had been going on hitherto, all the more as the Assistant could not entirely approve of their having interested themselves in such subjects so exclusively."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_9.flac,00025-f000013,0.604167,"Von dem lebendigen Gemälde, das ihn bei seiner Ankunft empfing, sprach er gar nicht.","Of the impersonated picture which received him on his Elective Affinities arrival, he never said a single word."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_10.flac,00025-f000014,0.682817,"Als man ihm hingegen Kirche, Kapelle und was sich darauf bezog, mit Zufriedenheit sehen ließ, konnte er seine Meinung, seine Gesinnungen darüber nicht zurückhalten.","On the other hand, when they took him to see the church and the chapel with their new decorations, expecting to please him as much as they were pleased themselves, he did not hesitate to ex press a very contrary opinion about it."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_11.flac,00025-f000015,0.760574,"Was mich betrifft, sagte er, so will mir diese Annäherung, diese Vermischung des Heiligen zu und mit dem Sinnlichen keineswegs gefallen, nicht gefallen, daß man sich gewisse besondere Räume widmet, weihet und aufschmückt, um erst dabei ein Gefühl der Frömmigkeit zu hegen und zu unterhalten.","This mixing up of the holy with the sensuous, he said, is anything but pleasing to my taste; I can not like men to set apart certain especial places, consecrate them, and deck them out, that by so doing they may nourish in themselves a temper of piety."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_12.flac,00025-f000016,0.956103,"Keine Umgebung, selbst die gemeinste nicht, soll in uns das Gefühl des Göttlichen stören, das uns überallhin begleiten und jede Stätte zu einem Tempel einweihen kann.","No ornaments, not even the very simplest, should disturb in us that sense of the Divine Being which accompanies us wherever we are, and can consecrate every spot into a temple."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_13.flac,00025-f000017,0.721695,"Ich mag gern einen Hausgottesdienst in dem Saale gehalten sehen, wo man zu speisen, sich gesellig zu versammeln, mit Spiel und Tanz zu ergötzen pflegt.","What pleases me is to see a homeservice of God held in the saloon where people come together to eat, where they have their parties, and amuse themselves with games and dances."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_14.flac,00025-f000018,0.84257,"Das Höchste, das Vorzüglichste am Menschen ist gestaltlos, und man soll sich hüten, es anders als in edler Tat zu gestalten.","The highest, the most excellent in men, has no form; and one should be cautious how one gives it any form except noble action."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_16.flac,00025-f000021,1.06364,"Der Gehülfe prüfte sie nach seiner Weise und hatte durch mancherlei Fragen und Wendungen gar bald die Gemütsarten und Fähigkeiten der Kinder zutage gebracht und, ohne daß es so schien, in Zeit von weniger als einer Stunde sie wirklich bedeutend unterrichtet und gefördert.","The Assistant examined them in his own way, and Elective Affinities by a variety of questions, and by the turns which he gave them, soon brought to light the capacities and dispositions of the children; and without its seeming so, in the space of less than one hour he had really given them important instruction and assistance."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_17.flac,00025-f000022,0.789655,"Wie machen Sie das nur? sagte Charlotte, indem die Knaben wegzogen.","How did you manage that? said Charlotte, as the chil dren marched away."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_19.flac,00025-f000025,0.458228,"Vielleicht sollte man, versetzte der Gehülfe, aus den Vorteilen seines Handwerks ein Geheimnis machen.","Perhaps, replied the Assistant, we ought to make a secret of the tricks of our own handicraft."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_20.flac,00025-f000026,0.969818,"Doch kann ich Ihnen die ganz einfache Maxime nicht verbergen, nach der man dieses und noch viel mehr zu leisten vermag.","However, I will not hide from you one very simple maxim, with the help of which you may do this, and a great deal more than this."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_21.flac,00025-f000027,0.924211,"Fassen Sie einen Gegenstand, eine Materie, einen Begriff, wie man es nennen will; halten Sie ihn recht fest; machen Sie sich ihn in allen seinen Teilen recht deutlich, und dann wird es Ihnen leicht sein, gesprächsweise an einer Masse Kinder zu erfahren, was sich davon schon in ihnen entwickelt hat, was noch anzuregen, zu überliefern ist.","Take any subject, a substance, an idea, what ever you like; keep fast hold of it; make yourself thor oughly acquainted with it in all its parts, and then it will be easy for you, in conversation, to find out, with a mass of children, how much about it has already developed it self in them; what requires to be stimulated, what to be directly communicated."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_22.flac,00025-f000028,0.768808,"Die Antworten auf Ihre Fragen mögen noch so ungehörig sein, mögen noch so sehr ins Weite gehen, wenn nur sodann Ihre Gegenfrage Geist und Sinn wieder hereinwärts zieht, wenn Sie sich nicht von Ihrem Standpunkte verrücken lassen, so müssen die Kinder zuletzt denken, begreifen, sich überzeugen, nur von dem, was und wie es der Lehrende will.","The answers to your questions may be as unsatisfactory as they will, they may wander wide of the mark; if you only take care that your counter question shall draw their thoughts and senses inward again; if you do not allow yourself to be driven from your own position the children will at last reflect, com prehend, learn only what the teacher desires them to Elective Affinities learn, and the subject will be presented to them in the light in which he wishes them to see it."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_23.flac,00025-f000029,0.5607949999999999,"Sein größter Fehler ist der, wenn er sich von den Lernenden mit in die Weite reißen läßt, wenn er sie nicht auf dem Punkte festzuhalten weiß, den er eben jetzt behandelt.",The greatest mistake which he can make is to allow himself to be run away with from the subject; not to know how to keep fast to the point with which he is engaged.
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_24.flac,00025-f000030,0.588845,"Machen Sie nächstens einen Versuch, und es wird zu Ihrer großen Unterhaltung dienen.",Do you try this on your own account the next time the children come; you will find you will be greatly entertained by it your self.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_26.flac,00025-f000033,0.9737100000000001,"In der Gesellschaft soll man auf nichts verweilen, und bei dem Unterricht wäre das höchste Gebot, gegen alle Zerstreuung zu arbeiten.","In society we must keep the attention long upon nothing, and in instruction the first commandment is to permit no dissipation of it."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_27.flac,00025-f000034,0.549659,"Abwechselung ohne Zerstreuung wäre für Lehre und Leben der schönste Wahlspruch, wenn dieses löbliche Gleichgewicht nur so leicht zu erhalten wäre! sagte der Gehülfe und wollte weiter fortfahren, als ihn Charlotte aufrief, die Knaben nochmals zu betrachten, deren munterer Zug sich soeben über den Hof bewegte.","Variety, without dissipation, were the best motto for both teaching and life, if this desirable equipoise were easy to be preserved, said the Assistant, and he was going on further with the subject, when Charlotte called out to him to look again at the children, whose merry troop were at the moment moving across the court."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_28.flac,00025-f000035,0.9736360000000001,"Er bezeigte seine Zufriedenheit, daß man die Kinder in Uniform zu gehen anhalte.",He expressed his satisfaction at seeing them wearing a uni form.
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_29.flac,00025-f000037,0.7146859999999999,"Männer, so sagte er, sollten von Jugend auf Uniform tragen, weil sie sich gewöhnen müssen, zusammen zu handeln, sich unter ihresgleichen zu verlieren, in Masse zu gehorchen und ins Ganze zu arbeiten.","They have to accustom them selves to work together; to lose themselves among their equals; to obey in masses, and to work on a large scale."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_31.flac,00025-f000041,1.10145,"So werden Sie mich dagegen nicht tadeln, versetzte Ottilie, daß ich meine Mädchen nicht überein kleide.","Elective Affinities On the other hand, you will not blame me, replied Ottilie, if I do not insist with my girls on such unity of costume."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_32.flac,00025-f000042,0.486154,"Wenn ich sie Ihnen vorführe, hoffe ich Sie durch ein buntes Gemisch zu ergötzen.","When I introduce them to you, I hope to gratify you by a partycolored mixture."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_33.flac,00025-f000043,0.6756300000000001,"Ich billige das sehr, versetzte jener.","I approve of that entirely, replied the other."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_34.flac,00025-f000044,1.09682,"Frauen sollten durchaus mannigfaltig gekleidet gehen, jede nach eigner Art und Weise, damit eine jede fühlen lernte, was ihr eigentlich gut stehe und wohl zieme.","Women should go about in every sort of variety of dress; each following her own style and her own likings, that each may learn to feel what sits well upon her and becomes her."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_35.flac,00025-f000045,0.7192930000000001,"Eine wichtigere Ursache ist noch die, weil sie bestimmt sind, ihr ganzes Leben allein zu stehen und allein zu handeln.","And for a more weighty reason as well because it is appointed for them to stand alone all their lives, and work alone."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_39.flac,00025-f000053,0.5075270000000001,Ja die Eitle selbst ist in dem Falle.,Even the most emptyheaded woman is in the same case.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_41.flac,00025-f000057,0.940952,Nicht so verhält es sich mit den Männern.,He would make a second man if there were none.
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_42.flac,00025-f000058,0.209697,"Der Mann verlangt den Mann; er würde sich einen zweiten erschaffen, wenn es keinen gäbe; eine Frau könnte eine Ewigkeit leben, ohne daran zu denken, sich ihresgleichen hervorzubringen.","But a woman might live to an eternity, without even so much as thinking of producing a dupli cate of herself."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_43.flac,00025-f000059,0.989216,"Man darf, sagte Charlotte, das Wahre nur wunderlich sagen, so scheint zuletzt das Wunderliche auch wahr.","One has only to say the truth in a strange way, said Charlotte, and at last the strangest thing will seem to be true."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_44.flac,00025-f000060,1.04725,"Wir wollen uns aus ihren Bemerkungen das Beste herausnehmen und doch als Frauen mit Frauen zusammenhalten und auch gemeinsam wirken, um den Männern nicht allzu große Vorzüge über uns einzuräumen.","We will accept what is good for us out of your observations, and yet as women we will hold together Elective Affinities with women, and do common work with them too; not to give the other sex too great an advantage over us."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_45.flac,00025-f000061,1.14572,"Ja, Sie werden uns eine kleine Schadenfreude nicht übelnehmen, die wir künftig um desto lebhafter empfinden müssen, wenn sich die Herren untereinander auch nicht sonderlich vertragen.","Indeed, you must not take it ill of us, if in future we come to feel a little malicious satisfaction when our lords and masters do not get on in the very best way together."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_46.flac,00025-f000062,1.19794,"Mit vieler Sorgfalt untersuchte der verständige Mann nunmehr die Art, wie Ottilie ihre kleinen Zöglinge behandelte, und bezeigte darüber seinen entschiedenen Beifall.","With much care, this wise, sensible person went on to examine more closely how Ottilie proceeded with her little pupils, and expressed his marked approbation of it."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_47.flac,00025-f000063,0.624725,"Sehr richtig heben Sie, sagte er, Ihre Untergebenen nur zur nächsten Brauchbarkeit heran.","You are entirely right, he said, in directing these children only to what they can immediately and usefully put in practise."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_48.flac,00025-f000064,0.750121,"Reinlichkeit veranlaßt die Kinder, mit Freuden etwas auf sich selbst zu halten, und alles ist gewonnen, wenn sie das, was sie tun, mit Munterkeit und Selbstgefühl zu leisten angeregt sind.","Cleanliness, for instance, will accustom them to wear their clothes with pleasure to themselves; and everything is gained if they can be induced to enter into what they do with cheerfulness and selfreflection."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_49.flac,00025-f000065,0.623636,"Übrigens fand er zu seiner großen Befriedigung nichts auf den Schein und nach außen getan, sondern alles nach innen und für die unerläßlichen Bedürfnisse.","In other ways he found, to his great satisfaction, that nothing had been done for outward display; but all was inward, and designed to supply what was indispensably necessary."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_51.flac,00025-f000067,0.8160430000000001,"Recht gern, versetzte jener; nur müssen Sie mich nicht verraten.","Will you try whether I have any ears ? said Ottilie, smiling."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_52.flac,00025-f000069,0.292208,"Man erziehe die Knaben zu Dienern und die Mädchen zu Müttern, so wird es überall wohlstehn.","Educate the boys to be servants, and the girls to be mothers, and everything is as it should be."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_54.flac,00025-f000075,0.533333,"Deswegen wollen wir es ihnen verschweigen, sagte der Gehülfe.","And for that reason we should say nothing about it to them, said the Assistant."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_55.flac,00025-f000076,0.711765,"Man schmeichelt sich ins Leben hinein, aber das Leben schmeichelt uns nicht.",We flatter ourselves on into life; but life flatters not us.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_56.flac,00025-f000077,0.616071,"Wieviel Menschen mögen denn das freiwillig zugestehen, was sie am Ende doch müssen?","How many men would like to acknowledge at the outset, what at the end they must acknowledge whether they like it or not?"
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_57.flac,00025-f000078,1.38565,"Lassen wir aber diese Betrachtungen, die uns hier nicht berühren!","But let us leave these considerations, which do not concern us here."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_58.flac,00025-f000079,0.8962959999999999,"Ich preise Sie glücklich, daß Sie bei Ihren Zöglingen ein richtiges Verfahren anwenden können.",I consider you very fortunate in having been able to go so methodically to work with your pupils.
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_59.flac,00025-f000080,0.927393,"Wenn Ihre kleinsten Mädchen sich mit Puppen herumtragen und einige Läppchen für sie zusammenflicken, wenn ältere Geschwister alsdann für die jüngern sorgen und das Haus sich in sich selbst bedient und aufhilft, dann ist der weitere Schritt ins Leben nicht groß, und ein solches Mädchen findet bei ihrem Gatten, was sie bei ihren Eltern verließ.","If your very little ones run about with their dolls, and stitch to gether a few petticoats for them; if the elder sisters will then take care of the younger, and the whole household know how to supply its own wants, and one member of it help the others, the further step into life will not then be great, and such a girl will find in her husband what she has lost in her parents."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_60.flac,00025-f000082,0.649091,Aber in den gebildeten Ständen ist die Aufgabe sehr verwickelt.,"We have to provide for higher, finer, more delicate relations; especially for such as arise out of so ciety."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_61.flac,00025-f000084,0.722188,"Wir haben auf höhere, zartere, feinere, besonders auf gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse Rücksicht zu nehmen.","It is indispensable, it is necessary, and it may be really valuable, if we do not overstep the proper measure in it."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_62.flac,00025-f000085,0.391693,"Wir andern sollen daher unsre Zöglinge nach außen bilden; es ist notwendig, es ist unerläßlich und möchte recht gut sein, wenn man dabei nicht das Maß überschritte; denn indem man die Kinder für einen weiteren Kreis zu bilden gedenkt, treibt man sie leicht ins Grenzenlose, ohne im Auge zu behalten, was denn eigentlich die innere Natur fordert.","Only it is so easy, while one is proposing to cultivate the children for a wider circle, to drive them out into the indefinite, without keeping be fore our eyes the real requisites of the inner nature."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_63.flac,00025-f000086,0.6,"Hier liegt die Aufgabe, welche mehr oder weniger von den Erziehern gelöst oder verfehlt wird.",Elective Affinities Here lies the problem which more or less must be either solved or blundered over by all educators.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_64.flac,00025-f000087,0.631159,"Bei manchem, womit wir unsere Schülerinnen in der Pension ausstatten, wird mir bange, weil die Erfahrung mir sagt, von wie geringem Gebrauch es künftig sein werde.","Many things, with which we furnish our scholars at the school, do not please me; because experience tells me of how little service they are likely to be in afterlife."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_65.flac,00025-f000088,0.817327,"Was wird nicht gleich abgestreift, was nicht gleich der Vergessenheit überantwortet, sobald ein Frauenzimmer sich im Stande der Hausfrau, der Mutter befindet!","How much is not at once stripped off; how much is not at once committed to oblivion, as soon as the young lady finds herself in the position of a housewife or a mother !"
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_66.flac,00025-f000089,1.02406,"Indessen kann ich mir den frommen Wunsch nicht versagen, da ich mich einmal diesem Geschäft gewidmet habe, daß es mir dereinst in Gesellschaft einer treuen Gehülfin gelingen möge, an meinen Zöglingen dasjenige rein auszubilden, was sie bedürfen, wenn sie in das Feld eigener Tätigkeit und Selbständigkeit hinüberschreiten; daß ich mir sagen könnte: in diesem Sinne ist an ihnen die Erziehung vollendet.","In the meantime, since I have devoted myself to this occupation, I can not but entertain a devout hope that one day, with the companionship of some faithful helpmate, I may succeed in cultivating purely in my pupils that, and that only, which they will require when they pass out into the field of independent activity and selfreliance; that I may be able to say to myself, in this sense is their education completed."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_67.flac,00025-f000090,0.874876,"Freilich schließt sich eine andere immer wieder an, die beinahe mit jedem Jahre unsers Lebens, wo nicht von uns selbst, doch von den Umständen veranlaßt wird.","Another education there is indeed which will again speedily recommence, and work on wellnigh through all the years of our life the education which circumstances will give us, if we do not give it to ourselves."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_68.flac,00025-f000091,1.15714,Wie wahr fand Ottilie diese Bemerkung!,How true Ottilie felt were these words !
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_69.flac,00025-f000092,0.979264,Was hatte nicht eine ungeahnte Leidenschaft im vergangenen Jahr an ihr erzogen!,"What had not a passion, little dreamed of before, done to educate her in the past year !"
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_70.flac,00025-f000093,0.761563,"Was sah sie nicht alles für Prüfungen vor sich schweben, wenn sie nur aufs Nächste, aufs Nächstkünftige hinblickte!","What trials did she not see hover ing before her if she looked forward only to the next to the very next, which was now so near!"
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_72.flac,00025-f000100,0.995455,"Die Hauptsache schien hiebei, daß er eine einstimmende Gattin finden müsse.","The principal thing now seemed to be, that he should find a wife who would cooperate with him."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_75.flac,00025-f000109,0.793239,"Der Graf und die Baronesse, welche so oft in den Fall kamen, über den Wert verschiedener Pensionen befragt zu werden, weil fast jedermann um die Erziehung seiner Kinder verlegen ist, hatten sich vorgenommen, diese besonders kennenzulernen, von der soviel Gutes gesagt wurde, und konnten nunmehr in ihren neuen Verhältnissen zusammen eine solche Untersuchung anstellen.","Elective Affinities The Count and the Baroness, who often found them selves asked for their opinion, almost every one being in difficulty about the education of their children, as to the value of the various schools, had found it desirable to make themselves particularly acquainted with this one, which was generally so well spoken of; and under their present circumstances they were more easily able to carry on these inquiries in company."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_76.flac,00025-f000110,0.668878,Allein die Baronesse beabsichtigte noch etwas anderes.,"The Baroness, however, had something else in view as well."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_77.flac,00025-f000111,0.459048,"Während ihres letzten Aufenthalts bei Charlotten hatte sie mit dieser alles umständlich durchgesprochen, was sich auf Eduarden und Ottilien bezog.","While she was last at the castle, she had talked over with Charlotte the whole affair of Edward and Ottilie."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_78.flac,00025-f000112,1.08485,Sie bestand aber und abermals darauf: Ottilie müsse entfernt werden.,She had insisted again and again that Ottilie must be sent away.
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_79.flac,00025-f000113,0.483333,"Sie suchte Charlotten hiezu Mut einzusprechen, welche sich vor Eduards Drohungen noch immer fürchtete.","She tried every means to encourage Charlotte to do it, and to keep her from being fright ened by Edward's threats."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_81.flac,00025-f000116,0.6375,"Sie kommt an, lernt den Gehülfen kennen, man beobachtet die Anstalt und spricht von Ottilien.","She went; she made acquaintance with the Assist ant; looked over the establishment, and spoke of Ottilie."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_82.flac,00025-f000117,0.94549,"Der Graf selbst unterhält sich gern über sie, indem er sie bei dem neulichen Besuch genauer kennengelernt.","The Count also spoke with much interest of her, having in his recent visit learned to know her better."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_83.flac,00025-f000118,0.620283,"Sie hatte sich ihm genähert, ja sie ward von ihm angezogen, weil sie durch sein gehaltvolles Gespräch dasjenige zu sehen und zu kennen glaubte, was ihr bisher ganz unbekannt geblieben war.","She had been drawn toward him; indeed, she had felt attracted by him; believing that she could see, that she could perceive in his solid, substantial conversation something to which hitherto she had been an entire stranger."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_84.flac,00025-f000119,0.687053,"Und wie sie in dem Umgange mit Eduard die Welt vergaß, so schien ihr in der Gegenwart des Grafen die Welt erst recht wünschenswert zu sein.","In her intercourse with Edward, the world had been utterly forgotten; in the presence of the Count, the world ap Elective Affinities peared nrst worth regarding."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_85.flac,00025-f000120,0.2125,Jede Anziehung ist wechselseitig.,The attraction was mutual.
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_86.flac,00025-f000121,0.663312,"Der Graf empfand eine Neigung für Ottilien, daß er sie gern als seine Tochter betrachtete.",The Count conceived a liking for Ottilie; he would have been glad to have had her for a daughter.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_87.flac,00025-f000122,0.666176,Auch hier war sie der Baronesse zum zweitenmal und mehr als das erstemal im Wege.,"Thus a sec ond time, and worse than the first time, she was in the way of the Baroness."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_88.flac,00025-f000123,0.885458,"Wer weiß, was diese in Zeiten lebhafterer Leidenschaft gegen sie angestiftet hätte!","Who knows what, in times when passions ran hotter than they do nowadays, this lady might not have devised against her?"
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_89.flac,00025-f000124,0.35,"Jetzt war es ihr genug, sie durch eine Verheiratung den Ehefrauen unschädlicher zu machen.","As things were, it was enough if she could get her married, and render her more innocuous for the future to the peace of mind of married women."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_90.flac,00025-f000125,0.929289,"Sie regte daher den Gehülfen auf eine leise, doch wirksame Art klüglich an, daß er sich zu einer kleinen Exkursion auf das Schloß einrichten und seinen Planen und Wünschen, von denen er der Dame kein Geheimnis gemacht, sich ungesäumt nähern solle.","She therefore artfully urged the Assistant, in a delicate but effective manner, to set out on a little excursion to the castle; where his plans and his wishes, of which he made no secret to the lady, he might forthwith take steps to realize."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_91.flac,00025-f000126,0.9,Mit vollkommener Beistimmung der Vorsteherin trat er daher seine Reise an und hegte in seinem Gemüte die besten Hoffnungen.,"With the fullest consent of the Superior he started off on his expedition, and in his heart he nourished good hopes of success."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_92.flac,00025-f000127,0.646187,"Er weiß, Ottilie ist ihm nicht ungünstig; und wenn zwischen ihnen einiges Mißverhältnis des Standes war, so glich sich dieses gar leicht durch die Denkart der Zeit aus.","He knew that Ottilie was not illdis posed toward him; and although it was true there was some disproportion of rank between them, yet distinc tions of this kind were fast disappearing in the temper of the time."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_93.flac,00025-f000128,0.6104430000000001,"Auch hatte die Baronesse ihn wohl fühlen lassen, daß Ottilie immer ein armes Mädchen bleibe.","Moreover, the Baroness had made him per ceive clearly that Ottilie must always remain a poor portionless maiden."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_95.flac,00025-f000130,0.6749350000000001,"Und gewiß bleibt es wunderbar, daß der Mensch das große Vorrecht, nach seinem Tode noch über seine Habe zu disponieren, sehr selten zugunsten seiner Lieblinge gebraucht und, wie es scheint, aus Achtung für das Herkommen nur diejenigen begünstigt, die nach ihm sein Vermögen besitzen würden, wenn er auch selbst keinen Willen hätte.","For even with the largest property, men have a feeling that it is not right to deprive of any considerable sum those who, as standing in a nearer degree of relationship, appear to have a fuller right to possession; and really it is a strange thing, that the immense privilege which a man Elective Affinities has of disposing of his property after his death, he so very seldom uses for the benefit of those whom he loves, out of regard to established usage only appearing to consider those who would inherit his estate from him supposing he made no will at all."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_96.flac,00025-f000131,0.463112,Sein Gefühl setzte ihn auf der Reise Ottilien völlig gleich.,"Thus, while on his journey, he grew to feel himself entirely on a level with Ottilie."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_97.flac,00025-f000132,0.685714,Eine gute Aufnahme erhöhte seine Hoffnungen.,A favorable reception raised his hopes.
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_98.flac,00025-f000133,0.775976,"Zwar fand er gegen sich Ottilien nicht ganz so offen wie sonst; aber sie war auch erwachsener, gebildeter und, wenn man will, im allgemeinen mitteilender, als er sie gekannt hatte.","He found Ottilie indeed not alto gether so open with him as usual, but she was consider ably matured, more developed, and, if you please, generally more conversible than he had known her."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_99.flac,00025-f000134,0.319614,"Vertraulich ließ man ihn in manches Einsicht nehmen, was sich besonders auf sein Fach bezog.","She was ready to give him the fullest insight into many things which were in any way connected with his pro fession; but when he attempted to approach his proper object, a certain inward shyness always held him back."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_100.flac,00025-f000134,0.319614,"Doch wenn er seinem Zwecke sich nähern wollte, so hielt ihn immer eine gewisse innere Scheu zurück.","<MERGE> She was ready to give him the fullest insight into many things which were in any way connected with his pro fession; but when he attempted to approach his proper object, a certain inward shyness always held him back."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_101.flac,00025-f000135,1.02141,"Einst gab ihm jedoch Charlotte hierzu Gelegenheit, indem sie in Beisein Ottiliens zu ihm sagte:","Once, however, Charlotte gave him an opportunity for saying something."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_102.flac,00025-f000136,0.734066,"Nun, Sie haben alles, was in meinem Kreise heranwächst, so ziemlich geprüft; wie finden Sie denn Ottilien?","In Ottilie's presence she said to him: Well now, you have looked closely enough into everything which is going forward in my circle."
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_103.flac,00025-f000137,0.252273,Sie dürfen es wohl in ihrer Gegenwart aussprechen.,How do you find Ottilie? you had better say while she is here.
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_104.flac,00025-f000138,0.810657,"Der Gehülfe bezeichnete hierauf mit sehr viel Einsicht und ruhigem Ausdruck, wie er Ottilien in Absicht eines freieren Betragens, einer bequemeren Mitteilung, eines höheren Blicks in die weltlichen Dinge, der sich mehr in ihren Handlungen als in ihren Worten betätige, sehr zu ihrem Vorteil verändert finde, daß er aber doch glaube, es könne ihr sehr zum Nutzen gereichen, wenn sie auf einige Zeit in die Pension zurückkehre, um das in einer gewissen Folge gründlich und für immer sich zuzueignen, was die Welt nur stückweise und eher zur Verwirrung als zur Befriedigung, ja manchmal nur allzuspät überliefere.","Hereupon the Assistant signified, with a clear per ception and composed expression, how that, in respect of a freer carriage, of an easier manner in speaking, of a higher insight into the things of the world, which showed itself more in actions than in words, he found Ottilie altered much for the better; but that he still be lieved it might be of serious advantage to her if she would go back for some little time to the school, in Elective Affinities order methodically and thoroughly to make her own for ever what the world was only imparting to her in frag ments and pieces, rather perplexing her than satisfying her, and often too late to be of service."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_105.flac,00025-f000139,0.689862,Er wolle darüber nicht weitläufig sein;,He did not wish to be prolix about it.
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_106.flac,00025-f000140,0.6350520000000001,"Ottilie wisse selbst am besten, aus was für zusammenhängenden Lehrvorträgen sie damals herausgerissen worden.","Ottilie herself knew best how much method and connection there was in the style of instruction out of which, in that case, she would be taken."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_107.flac,00025-f000141,0.7512,"Ottilie konnte das nicht leugnen; aber sie konnte nicht gestehen, was sie bei diesen Worten empfand, weil sie sich es kaum selbst auszulegen wußte.","Ottilie had nothing to say against this; she could not acknowledge what it was which these words made her feel, because she was hardly able to explain it to herself."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_108.flac,00025-f000142,1.09241,"Es schien ihr in der Welt nichts mehr unzusammenhängend, wenn sie an den geliebten Mann dachte, und sie begriff nicht, wie ohne ihn noch irgend etwas zusammenhängen könne.","It seemed to her as if nothing in the world was discon nected so long as she thought of the one person whom she loved : and she could not conceive how, without him, anything could be connected at all."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_109.flac,00025-f000143,0.63125,Charlotte beantwortete den Antrag mit kluger Freundlichkeit.,Charlotte replied to the proposal with a wise kind ness.
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_112.flac,00025-f000147,0.9006040000000001,"Ottilie durfte nichts dagegen sagen, ob es ihr gleich vor dem Gedanken schauderte.","Ottilie did not venture to say anything against it, although the very thought made her shudder."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_114.flac,00025-f000150,0.544425,"Nach einem bedeutenden Gespräch, über welches alle Teilnehmenden nachzudenken haben, pflegt ein gewisser Stillstand einzutreten, der einer allgemeinen Verlegenheit ähnlich sieht.","After an important conversation which has furnished matter for afterreflection to all who have taken part in it, there commonly follows a sort of pause, which in appearance is like a general embarrassment."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_116.flac,00025-f000153,0.64,"Als er sah, daß darin nur Affen enthalten waren, schlug er ihn gleich wieder zu.","As soon as he saw that it con tained nothing but apes, he shut it up again."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_117.flac,00025-f000154,0.761053,"Dieser Vorfall mag jedoch zu einem Gespräch Anlaß gegeben haben, wovon wir die Spuren in Ottiliens Tagebuch finden.","It may have been this, however, which gave occasion to a conversation of which we find traces in Ottilie's diary."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_118.flac,00025-f000155,0.563,"Wie man es nur über das Herz bringen kann, die garstigen Affen so sorgfältig abzubilden!",FROM OTTILIE'S DIARY It is strange how men can have the heart to take such pains with the pictures of those hideous monkeys.
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_119.flac,00025-f000156,0.726571,"Man erniedrigt sich schon, wenn man sie nur als Tiere betrachtet; man wird aber wirklich bösartiger, wenn man dem Reize folgt, bekannte Menschen unter dieser Maske aufzusuchen.","One lowers one's self sufficiently when one looks at them merely as animals, but it is really wicked to give way to the inclination to look for people whom we know behind such masks."
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_120.flac,00025-f000157,0.8425,"Es gehört durchaus eine gewisse Verschrobenheit dazu, um sich gern mit Karikaturen und Zerrbildern abzugeben.","It is a sure mark of a certain obliquity, to take pleas ure in caricatures and monstrous faces, and pigmies."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_121.flac,00025-f000158,0.7444069999999999,"Unserm guten Gehülfen danke ichs, daß ich nicht mit der Naturgeschichte gequält worden bin; ich konnte mich mit den Würmern und Käfern niemals befreunden.",I have to thank our kind Assistant that I have never been vexed with natural history; I could never make myself at home with worms and beetles.
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_122.flac,00025-f000159,0.3825,"Diesmal gestand er mir, daß es ihm ebenso gehe.","Just now he acknowledged to me, that it was the Elective Affinities same with him."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_123.flac,00025-f000160,0.843513,"Von der Natur, sagte er, sollten wir nichts kennen, als was uns unmittelbar lebendig umgibt.","Of nature,' he said, 'we ought to know nothing except what is actually alive immediately around us."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_125.flac,00025-f000163,0.758405,"Die Vögel, die auf unsern Zweigen hin und wider hüpfen, die in unserm Laube singen, gehören uns an, sie sprechen zu uns von Jugend auf, und wir lernen ihre Sprache verstehen.","The birds which hop up and down among our branches, which sing among our leaves, belong to us; they speak to us from our childhood upward, and we learn to understand their language."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_126.flac,00025-f000164,0.488447,"Man frage sich, ob nicht ein jedes fremde, aus seiner Umgebung gerissene Geschöpf einen gewissen ängstlichen Eindruck auf uns macht, der nur durch Gewohnheit abgestumpft wird.","But let a man ask himself whether or not every strange creature, torn out of its natural environment, does not at first sight make a sort of painful impression upon him, which is only deadened by custom."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_127.flac,00025-f000165,0.583883,"Es gehört schon ein buntes, geräuschvolles Leben dazu, um Affen, Papageien und Mohren um sich zu ertragen.","It is a mark of a motley, dissipated sort of life, to be able to endure monkeys, and parrots, and black people, about one's self."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_128.flac,00025-f000166,0.897857,"Manchmal, wenn mich ein neugieriges Verlangen nach solchen abenteuerlichen Dingen anwandelte, habe ich den Reisenden beneidet, der solche Wunder mit andern Wundern in lebendiger, alltäglicher Verbindung sieht.","Many times when a certain longing curiosity about these strange objects has come over me, I have envied the traveler who sees such marvels in living, everyday connection with other marvels."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_129.flac,00025-f000167,0.6375,Aber auch er wird ein anderer Mensch.,"But he, too, must have become another man."
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_130.flac,00025-f000168,0.743478,"Es wandelt niemand ungestraft unter Palmen, und die Gesinnungen ändern sich gewiß in einem Lande, wo Elefanten und Tiger zu Hause sind.",Palmtrees will not allow a man to wander among them with impunity; and doubtless his tone of thinking becomes very different in a land where elephants and tigers are at home.
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_131.flac,00025-f000169,0.572619,"Nur der Naturforscher ist verehrungswert, der uns das Fremdeste, Seltsamste mit seiner Lokalität, mit aller Nachbarschaft jedesmal in dem eigensten Elemente zu schildern und darzustellen weiß.","The only inquirers into nature whom we care to respect, are such as know how to describe and to repre sent to us the strange, wonderful things which they have seen in their proper locality, each in its own especial Elective Affinities element."
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_132.flac,00025-f000170,0.891667,Wie gern möchte ich nur einmal Humboldten erzählen hören!,How I should enjoy once hearing Humboldt talk!
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.7_133.flac,00025-f000171,0.956911,"Ein Naturalienkabinett kann uns vorkommen wie eine ägyptische Grabstätte, wo die verschiedenen Tier und Pflanzengötzen balsamiert umherstehen.","A cabinet of natural curiosities we may regard like an Egyptian buryingplace, where the various plant gods and animal gods stand about embalmed."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_1.flac,00026-f000003,0.746108,"Entweder das Gegenwärtige hält uns mit Gewalt an sich, oder wir verlieren uns in die Vergangenheit und suchen das völlig Verlorene, wie es nur möglich sein will, wieder hervorzurufen und herzustellen.","Either we are forcibly bound up in the present, or we lose ourselves in the long goneby, and seek back for what is utterly lost, as if it were possible to summon it up again, and rehabilitate it."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_2.flac,00026-f000004,0.726124,"Selbst in großen und reichen Familien, die ihren Vorfahren vieles schuldig sind, pflegt es so zu gehen, daß man des Großvaters mehr als des Vaters gedenkt.","Even in great and wealthy families who are under large obligations to their ancestors, we commonly find men thinking more of their grandfathers than their fathers."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_3.flac,00026-f000005,0.722544,"Zu solchen Betrachtungen ward unser Gehülfe aufgefordert, als er an einem der schönen Tage, an welchen der scheidende Winter den Frühling zu lügen pflegt, durch den großen, alten Schloßgarten gegangen war und die hohen Lindenalleen, die regelmäßigen Anlagen, die sich von Eduards Vater herschrieben, bewundert hatte.","Such reflections as these suggested themselves to our Assistant, as, on one of those beautiful days in which the departing winter is accustomed to imitate the spring, he had been walking up and down the great old castle garden, and admiring the tall avenues of the lindens, and the formal walks and flowerbeds which had been laid out by Edward's father."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_5.flac,00026-f000008,0.88192,"Er machte bei seiner Rückkehr Charlotten die Bemerkung, die sie nicht ungünstig aufnahm.",He remarked upon it to Charlotte on his return; she did not take it unkindly.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_6.flac,00026-f000009,0.854865,"Indem uns das Leben fortzieht, versetzte sie, glauben wir aus uns selbst zu handeln, unsre Tätigkeit, unsre Vergnügungen zu wählen, aber freilich, wenn wir es genau ansehen, so sind es nur die Plane, die Neigungen der Zeit, die wir mit auszuführen genötigt sind.","While life is sweeping us forward, she replied, we fancy that we are acting out Elective Affinities our own impulses; we believe that we choose ourselves what we will do, and what we will enjoy."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_8.flac,00026-f000013,0.7476189999999999,"Die Zeit rückt fort und in ihr Gesinnungen, Meinungen, Vorurteile und Liebhabereien.","Time passes on, and in it opinions, thoughts, prejudices, and interests."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_9.flac,00026-f000014,0.949038,"Fällt die Jugend eines Sohnes gerade in die Zeit der Umwendung, so kann man versichert sein, daß er mit seinem Vater nichts gemein haben wird.","If the youth of the son falls in the era of revolution, we may feel assured that he will have nothing in common with his father."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_10.flac,00026-f000015,0.794661,"Wenn dieser in einer Periode lebte, wo man Lust hatte, sich manches zuzueignen, dieses Eigentum zu sichern, zu beschränken, einzuengen und in der Absonderung von der Welt seinen Genuß zu befestigen, so wird jener sodann sich auszudehnen suchen, mitteilen, verbreiten und das Verschlossene eröffnen.","If the father lived at a time when the desire was to accumulate property, to secure the possession of it, to narrow and to gather one's self in, and to base one's enjoyment in separation from the world, the son will at once seek to extend him self, to communicate himself to others, to spread himself over a wide surface, and open out his closed stores."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_11.flac,00026-f000016,0.976923,"Ganze Zeiträume, versetzte Charlotte, gleichen diesem Vater und Sohn, den Sie schildern.","Entire periods, replied Charlotte, resemble this father and son whom you have been describing."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_12.flac,00026-f000017,0.885366,"Von jenen Zuständen, da jede kleine Stadt ihre Mauern und Gräben haben mußte, da man jeden Edelhof noch in einen Sumpf baute und die geringsten Schlösser nur durch eine Zugbrücke zugänglich waren, davon können wir uns kaum einen Begriff machen.","Of the state of things when every little town was obliged to have its walls and moats, when the castle of the noble man was built in a swamp, and the smallest manor houses were only accessible by a drawbridge, we are scarcely able to form a conception."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_13.flac,00026-f000018,0.760173,"Sogar größere Städte tragen jetzt ihre Wälle ab, die Gräben selbst fürstlicher Schlösser werden ausgefüllt, die Städte bilden nur große Flecken, und wenn man so auf Reisen das ansieht, sollte man glauben, der allgemeine Friede sei befestigt und das goldne Zeitalter vor der Tür.","In our days, the largest cities take down their walls, the moats of the princes' castles are rilled in; cities are no more than great places, and when one travels and sees all this, one might fancy that universal peace was just established, and the golden age was before the door."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_15.flac,00026-f000022,0.508333,Der letztere setzt Überfluß voraus und führt zur Verschwendung.,Why should we not? replied the Assistant.
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_16.flac,00026-f000023,0.677966,"Lassen Sie uns bei Ihrem Beispiel bleiben, das auffallend genug ist.","Every condition has its own burden along with it, the most re laxed as well as the most constrained."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_17.flac,00026-f000023,0.549296,"Sobald der Mangel eintritt, sogleich ist die Selbstbeschränkung wiedergegeben.","Every condition has its own burden along with it, the most re laxed as well as the most constrained."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_18.flac,00026-f000024,0.181132,"Menschen, die ihren Grund und Boden zu nutzen genötigt sind, führen schon wieder Mauern um ihre Gärten auf, damit sie ihrer Erzeugnisse sicher seien.","The first pre supposes abundance, and leads to extravagance."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_19.flac,00026-f000025,0.506727,Daraus entsteht nach und nach eine neue Ansicht der Dinge.,"Let want reappear, and the spirit of moderation is at once with us again."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_20.flac,00026-f000027,0.889474,"Das Nützliche erhält wieder die Oberhand, und selbst der Vielbesitzende meint zuletzt auch das alles nutzen zu müssen.",Out of this will arise by degrees a new phase of things: the useful will again gain the upper hand; and even the man of large possessions will feel at last that he must make the most of all which belongs to him.
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_21.flac,00026-f000028,1.12386,"Glauben Sie mir: es ist möglich, daß Ihr Sohn die sämtlichen Parkanlagen vernachlässigt und sich wieder hinter die ernsten Mauern und unter die hohen Linden seines Großvaters zurückzieht.","Believe me, it is quite possible that your son may become indifferent to all which you have been doing in the park, and draw in again behind the solemn walls and the tall lindens of his grandfather."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_22.flac,00026-f000029,0.791018,"Charlotte war im stillen erfreut, sich einen Sohn verkündigt zu hören, und verzieh dem Gehülfen deshalb die etwas unfreundliche Prophezeiung, wie es dereinst ihrem lieben, schönen Park ergehen könne.","The secret pleasure which it gave Charlotte to have a son foretold to her, made her forgive the Assistant his somewhat unfriendly prophecy of how it might one day fare with her lovely, beautiful park."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_23.flac,00026-f000030,0.133495,Sie versetzte deshalb ganz freundlich:,"She therefore answered without any discomposure : You and I are not old enough yet to have lived through very much of these contradictions; and yet when I look back into my own Elective Affinities early youth, when I remember the style of complaints which I used then to hear from older people, and when I think at the same time of what the country and the town then were, I have nothing to advance against what you say."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_24.flac,00026-f000030,0.133495,"Wir sind beide noch nicht alt genug, um dergleichen Widersprüche mehrmals erlebt zu haben; allein wenn man sich in seine frühe Jugend zurückdenkt, sich erinnert, worüber man von älteren Personen klagen gehört, Länder und Städte mit in die Betrachtung aufnimmt, so möchte wohl gegen die Bemerkung nichts einzuwenden sein.","<MERGE> She therefore answered without any discomposure : You and I are not old enough yet to have lived through very much of these contradictions; and yet when I look back into my own Elective Affinities early youth, when I remember the style of complaints which I used then to hear from older people, and when I think at the same time of what the country and the town then were, I have nothing to advance against what you say."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_28.flac,00026-f000038,0.471841,"Eine Tätigkeit läßt sich in die andre verweben, keine an die andre anstückeln.",The father should raise his son to a joint ownership with himself.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_29.flac,00026-f000039,0.66996,"Ein junger Zweig verbindet sich mit einem alten Stamme gar leicht und gern, an den kein erwachsener Ast mehr anzufügen ist.",He should permit him to plant and to build; and allow him the same innocent liberty which he allows to himself.
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_30.flac,00026-f000040,0.694375,"Es freute den Gehülfen, in dem Augenblick, da er Abschied zu nehmen sich gen��tigt sah, Charlotten zufälligerweise etwas Angenehmes gesagt und ihre Gunst aufs neue dadurch befestigt zu haben.","One form of activity may be woven into another, but it can not be pieced on to it A young shoot may be readily and easily grafted with an old stem, to which no grown branch admits of being fastened."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_31.flac,00026-f000042,0.656172,"Schon allzulange war er von Hause weg; doch konnte er zur Rückreise sich nicht eher entschließen als nach völliger Überzeugung, er müsse die herannahende Epoche von Charlottens Niederkunft erst vorbeigehen lassen, bevor er wegen Ottiliens irgendeine Entscheidung hoffen könne.","He had been already too long absent from home, and yet he could not make up his mind to return there, until after a full conviction that he must allow the approaching epoch Elective Affinities of Charlotte's confinement first to pass by, before he could look for any decision from her in respect to Ottilie."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_32.flac,00026-f000043,0.963667,Er fügte sich deshalb in die Umstände und kehrte mit diesen Aussichten und Hoffnungen wieder zur Vorsteherin zurück.,"He therefore accommodated himself to the circumstances, and returned with these prospects and hopes to the Superior."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_33.flac,00026-f000044,0.595312,Charlottens Niederkunft nahte heran.,Charlotte's confinement was now approaching; she kept more in her own room.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_34.flac,00026-f000044,0.595312,Sie hielt sich mehr in ihren Zimmern.,<MERGE> Charlotte's confinement was now approaching; she kept more in her own room.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_35.flac,00026-f000045,0.892308,"Die Frauen, die sich um sie versammelt hatten, waren ihre geschlossenere Gesellschaft.",The ladies who had gath ered about her were her closest companions.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_36.flac,00026-f000046,0.873292,"Ottilie besorgte das Hauswesen, indem sie kaum daran denken durfte, was sie tat.","Ottilie managed all domestic matters, hardly able, however, the while, to think what she was doing."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_38.flac,00026-f000049,0.434335,"Nichts konnte sie vor völliger Verworrenheit retten, als daß sie jeden Tag ihre Pflicht tat.","Nothing could save her from utter distraction, except patiently to do the duty which each day brought with it."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_39.flac,00026-f000050,0.770591,"Ein Sohn war glücklich zur Welt gekommen, und die Frauen versicherten sämtlich, es sei der ganze leibhafte Vater.","A son was brought happily into the world, and the ladies declared, with one voice, it was the very image of its father."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_40.flac,00026-f000051,0.6848479999999999,"Nur Ottilie konnte es im stillen nicht finden, als sie der Wöchnerin Glück wünschte und das Kind auf das herzlichste begrüßte.","Only Ottilie, as she wished the new mother joy, and kissed the child with all her heart, was unable to see the likeness."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_43.flac,00026-f000056,0.7,"Er fand sich ein, und zwar sehr behaglich.",He had placed expresses ready to bring him news the instant the event took place.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_44.flac,00026-f000057,0.885655,"Kaum daß er seinen Triumph in Gegenwart Ottiliens verbarg, so sprach er sich gegen Charlotten laut aus und war der Mann, alle Sorgen zu heben und alle augenblicklichen Hindernisse beiseitezubringen.","He was admitted to see her, and, scarcely able to conceal Elective Affinities his triumph even before Ottilie, when alone with Char lotte he broke fairly out with it; and was at once ready with means to remove all anxieties, and set aside all immediate difficulties."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_45.flac,00026-f000058,0.613636,Die Taufe sollte nicht lange aufgeschoben werden.,The baptism should not be de layed a day longer than necessary.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_48.flac,00026-f000064,0.623636,"Alle Meldungsschreiben und Gevatterbriefe übernahm Mittler; sie sollten gleich ausgefertigt sein, denn ihm war selbst höchlich daran gelegen, ein Glück, das er für die Familie so bedeutend hielt, auch der übrigen mitunter mißwollenden und mißredenden Welt bekanntzumachen.","It was highly necessary, he thought, that the good fortune which he considered so important for the family should be known as widely as possible through the ill natured and misinterpreting world."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_49.flac,00026-f000065,0.6965319999999999,"Und freilich waren die bisherigen leidenschaftlichen Vorfälle dem Publikum nicht entgangen, das ohnehin in der Überzeugung steht, alles, was geschieht, geschehe nur dazu, damit es etwas zu reden habe.","For indeed these late entanglements and perplexities had got abroad among the public, which at all times has a conviction that whatever happens, happens only in order that it may have some thing to talk about."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_50.flac,00026-f000066,0.275,"Die Feier des Taufaktes sollte würdig, aber beschränkt und kurz sein.","The ceremony of the baptism was to be observed with Elective Affinities all due honor, but it was to be as brief and as private as possible."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_51.flac,00026-f000067,1.21412,"Man kam zusammen, Ottilie und Mittler sollten das Kind als Taufzeugen halten.",The people came together; Ottilie and Mittler were to hold the child as sponsors.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_52.flac,00026-f000068,0.9947370000000001,"Der alte Geistliche, unterstützt vom Kirchdiener, trat mit langsamen Schritten heran.","The old pastor, sup ported by the servants of the church, came in with slow steps; the prayers were offered."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_53.flac,00026-f000069,0.704605,"Das Gebet war verrichtet, Ottilien das Kind auf die Arme gelegt, und als sie mit Neigung auf dasselbe heruntersah, erschrak sie nicht wenig an seinen offenen Augen; denn sie glaubte in ihre eigenen zu sehen; eine solche Übereinstimmung hätte jeden überraschen müssen.","The child lay in Ottilie's arms, and as she was looking affectionately down at it, it opened its eyes and she was not a little startled when she seemed to see her own eyes looking at her."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_55.flac,00026-f000073,0.702941,"Die Schwäche des guten alten Geistlichen hatte ihn gehindert, die Taufhandlung mit mehrerem als der gewöhnlichen Liturgie zu begleiten.",The infirmity of the good old clergyman had not per mitted him to accompany the ceremony with more than the usual liturgy.
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_56.flac,00026-f000074,0.759541,"Mittler indessen, voll von dem Gegenstande, gedachte seiner frühern Amtsverrichtungen und hatte überhaupt die Art, sich sogleich in jedem Falle zu denken, wie er nun reden, wie er sich äußern würde.","Mittler, however, who was full of his subject, recol lected his old performances when he had been in the min istry, and indeed it was one of his peculiarities that on every sort of occasion he always thought what he would like to say, and how he would express himself about it."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_57.flac,00026-f000075,0.837043,"Diesmal konnte er sich um so weniger zurückhalten, als es nur eine kleine Gesellschaft von lauter Freunden war, die ihn umgab.","At this time he was the less able to contain himself, as he was now in the midst of a circle consisting entirely of wellknown friends."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_58.flac,00026-f000076,0.503942,"Er fing daher an, gegen das Ende des Akts mit Behaglichkeit sich an die Stelle des Geistlichen zu versetzen, in einer muntern Rede seine Patenpflichten und Hoffnungen zu äußern und um so mehr dabei zu verweilen, als er Charlottens Beifall in ihrer zufriedenen Miene zu erkennen glaubte.","He began therefore toward the conclusion of the service to put himself quietly into the place of the clergyman; to make cheerful speeches aloud, expressive of his duty and his hopes as godfather, and to dwell all the longer on th'e subject, as fie thought fie saw in Charlotte's gratified manner that she was pleased with his doing so."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_59.flac,00026-f000077,0.4828310000000001,"Daß der gute alte Mann sich gern gesetzt hätte, entging dem rüstigen Redner, der noch viel weniger dachte, daß er ein größeres Übel hervorzubringen auf dem Wege war; denn nachdem er das Verhältnis eines jeden Anwesenden zum Kinde mit Nachdruck geschildert und Ottiliens Fassung dabei ziemlich auf die Probe gestellt hatte, so wandte er sich zuletzt gegen den Greis mit diesen Worten:",Elective Affinities It altogether escaped the eagerness of the orator that the good old man would gladly have sat down; still less did he think that he was on the way to occasion a more serious evil.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_60.flac,00026-f000078,-0.0483302,"Und Sie, mein würdiger Altvater, können nunmehr mit Simeon sprechen:","After he had described with all his power of impressiveness the relation in which every person pres ent stood toward the child, thereby putting Ottilie's com posure sorely to the proof, he turned at last to the old man with the words, And you, my worthy father, you may now well say with Simeon, 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen the savior of this house.'"
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_61.flac,00026-f000078,-0.0483302,"Herr, laß deinen Diener in Frieden fahren; denn meine Augen haben den Heiland dieses Hauses gesehen.","<MERGE> After he had described with all his power of impressiveness the relation in which every person pres ent stood toward the child, thereby putting Ottilie's com posure sorely to the proof, he turned at last to the old man with the words, And you, my worthy father, you may now well say with Simeon, 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen the savior of this house.'"
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_62.flac,00026-f000079,0.628718,"Nun war er im Zuge, recht glänzend zu schließen, aber er bemerkte bald, daß der Alte, dem er das Kind hinhielt, sich zwar erst gegen dasselbe zu neigen schien, nachher aber schnell zurücksank.","He was now in full swing toward a brilliant perora tion, when he perceived the old man to whom he held out the child, first appear a little to incline toward it, and immediately after to totter and sink backward."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_63.flac,00026-f000080,0.706612,"Vom Fall kaum abgehalten, ward er in einen Sessel gebracht, und man mußte ihn ungeachtet aller augenblicklichen Beihülfe für tot ansprechen.","Hardly prevented from falling, he was lifted to a seat; but, notwithstanding the instant assistance which was rendered, he was found to be dead."
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_64.flac,00026-f000081,0.72839,"So unmittelbar Geburt und Tod, Sarg und Wiege nebeneinander zu sehen und zu denken, nicht bloß mit der Einbildungskraft, sondern mit den Augen diese ungeheuern Gegensätze zusammenzufassen, war für die Umstehenden eine schwere Aufgabe, je überraschender sie vorgelegt wurde.","To see thus side by side birth and death, the coffin and the cradle, to see them and to realize them, to compre hend, not with the eye of imagination, but with the bodily eye, at one moment these fearful opposites, was a hard trial to the spectators; the harder, the more utterly it had taken them by surprise."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_65.flac,00026-f000082,0.723684,"Ottilie allein betrachtete den Eingeschlummerten, der noch immer seine freundliche, einnehmende Miene behalten hatte, mit einer Art von Neid.","Ottilie alone stood contem plating the slumberer, whose features still retained their gentle, sweet expression, with a kind of envy."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_66.flac,00026-f000083,1.12671,Das Leben ihrer Seele war getötet; warum sollte der Körper noch erhalten werden?,The life of her soul was killed; why should the bodily life any longer drag on in weariness ?
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_67.flac,00026-f000084,0.627798,"Führten sie auf diese Weise gar manchmal die unerfreulichen Begebenheiten des Tags auf die Betrachtung der Vergänglichkeit, des Scheidens, des Verlierens, so waren ihr dagegen wundersame nächtliche Erscheinungen zum Trost gegeben, die ihr das Dasein des Geliebten versicherten und ihr eigenes befestigten und belebten.","But though Ottilie was frequently led by melancholy Elective Affinities incidents which occurred in the day to thoughts of the past, of separation and of loss, at night she had strange visions given her to comfort her, which assured her of the existence of her beloved, and thus strengthened her and gave her life for her own."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_68.flac,00026-f000085,0.5570890000000001,"Wenn sie sich abends zur Ruhe gelegt und im süßen Gefühl noch zwischen Schlaf und Wachen schwebte, schien es ihr, als wenn sie in einen ganz hellen, doch mild erleuchteten Raum hineinblickte.","When she laid herself down at night to rest, and was floating among sweet sensations between sleep and waking, she seemed to be looking into a clear but softly illuminated space."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_69.flac,00026-f000086,0.998231,"In diesem sah sie Eduarden ganz deutlich, und zwar nicht gekleidet, wie sie ihn sonst gesehen, sondern im kriegerischen Anzug, jedesmal in einer andern Stellung, die aber vollkommen natürlich war und nichts Phantastisches an sich hatte: stehend, gehend, liegend, reitend.","In this she would see Edward with the greatest distinctness, and not in the dress in which she had been accustomed to see him, but in military uniform; never in the same position, but al ways in a natural one, and not the least with anything fantastic about him, either standing or walking, or lying down or riding."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.8_70.flac,00026-f000087,0.8362700000000001,"Die Gestalt, bis aufs kleinste ausgemalt, bewegte sich willig vor ihr, ohne daß sie das mindeste dazu tat, ohne daß sie wollte oder die Einbildungskraft anstrengte.","The figure, which was painted with the utmost minuteness, moved readily before her without any effort of hers, without her willing it or exerting her im agination to produce it."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_2.flac,00027-f000006,0.517397,"An dem Gärtner aber hatte sie zu trösten über manche durch Lucianens Wildheit entstandene Lücke unter den Topfgewächsen, über die zerstörte Symmetrie mancher Baumkrone.","There was many a chasm, however, among the finest shoots produced by Luciana's wild ways, for which she had to console the gardener, and the symmetry of many a leafy coronet was destroyed."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_3.flac,00027-f000007,0.783077,"Sie machte ihm Mut, daß sich das alles bald wieder herstellen werde; aber er hatte zu ein tiefes Gefühl, zu einen reinen Begriff von seinem Handwerk, als daß diese Trostgründe viel bei ihm hätten fruchten sollen.","She tried to encourage him to hope that it would all be soon restored again, but he had too deep a feeling, and too pure an idea of the nature of his business, for such grounds of comfort to be of much service with him."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_4.flac,00027-f000008,0.8370700000000001,"So wenig der Gärtner sich durch andere Liebhabereien und Neigungen zerstreuen darf, so wenig darf der ruhige Gang unterbrochen werden, den die Pflanze zur dauernden oder zur vorübergehenden Vollendung nimmt.","Little as the gardener allowed himself to have his attention dissipated by other tastes and inclinations, he could the less bear to have the peaceful course interrupted which the plant follows to ward its enduring or its transient perfection."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_5.flac,00027-f000009,0.724038,"Die Pflanze gleicht den eigensinnigen Menschen, von denen man alles erhalten kann, wenn man sie nach ihrer Art behandelt.","A plant is like a selfwilled man, out of whom we can obtain all Elective Affinities which we desire, if we will only treat him his own way."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_6.flac,00027-f000011,0.717426,"Ein ruhiger Blick, eine stille Konsequenz, in jeder Jahrszeit, in jeder Stunde das ganz Gehörige zu tun, wird vielleicht von niemand mehr als vom Gärtner verlangt.","These qualities the good man possessed in an eminent de gree, and it was on that account that Ottilie liked so well to work with him; but for some time past he had not found himself able to exercise his peculiar talent with any pleasure to himself."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_7.flac,00027-f000011,0.520704,"Diese Eigenschaften besaß der gute Mann in einem hohen Grade, deswegen auch Ottilie so gern mit ihm wirkte; aber sein eigentliches Talent konnte er schon einige Zeit nicht mehr mit Behaglichkeit ausüben.","These qualities the good man possessed in an eminent de gree, and it was on that account that Ottilie liked so well to work with him; but for some time past he had not found himself able to exercise his peculiar talent with any pleasure to himself."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_9.flac,00027-f000018,0.603047,"Was die Herrschaft voriges Jahr zu verschreiben angefangen, hielt er um so mehr für unnützen Aufwand und Verschwendung, als er gar manche kostbare Pflanze ausgehen sah und mit den Handelsgärtnern, die ihn, wie er glaubte, nicht redlich genug bedienten, in keinem sonderlichen Verhältnisse stand.","All the more, as he saw many valuable plants disappear; and as he had ceased to stand on the best possible terms with the nursery gar deners, who he fancied had not been serving him honestly."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_10.flac,00027-f000019,1.03608,"Er hatte sich darüber nach mancherlei Versuchen eine Art von Plan gemacht, in welchem ihn Ottilie um so mehr bestärkte, als er auf die Wiederkehr Eduards eigentlich gegründet war, dessen Abwesenheit man in diesem wie in manchem andern Falle täglich nachteiliger empfinden mußte.","Consequently, after a number of attempts, he had formed a plan, in which Ottilie encouraged him the more Elective Affinities readily, because its first essential condition was the return of Edward, whose absence in this, as in many other mat ters, every day had to be felt more and more seriously."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_11.flac,00027-f000020,0.709091,"Indem nun die Pflanzen immer mehr Wurzel schlugen und Zweige trieben, fühlte sich auch Ottilie immer mehr an diese Räume gefesselt.","Now that the plants were ever striking new roots, and putting out their shoots, Ottilie felt herself even more fettered to this spot."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_13.flac,00027-f000023,1.10152,Sie war nie so reich und nie so arm gewesen.,"Never had she been so rich, and never so poor."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_14.flac,00027-f000024,0.657937,"Das Gefühl von beidem wechselte augenblicklich miteinander ab, ja durchkreuzte sich aufs innigste, so daß sie sich nicht anders zu helfen wußte, als daß sie immer wieder das Nächste mit Anteil, ja mit Leidenschaft ergriff.","The feelings of her loss and of her gain alternated mo mentarily one with another, chasing each other through her heart; and she could find no other means to help herself, except always to set to work again at what lay nearest to her, with such interest as she could command."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_15.flac,00027-f000025,0.198684,"Daß alles, was Eduarden besonders lieb war, auch ihre Sorgfalt am stärksten an sich zog, läßt sich denken; ja warum sollte sie nicht hoffen, daß er selbst nun bald wiederkommen, daß er die fürsorgliche Dienstlichkeit, die sie dem Abwesenden geleistet, dankbar gegenwärtig bemerken werde?",That everything which she knew to be dear to Edward received especial care from her may be supposed.
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_16.flac,00027-f000026,0.385,Aber noch auf eine viel andre Weise war sie veranlaßt für ihn zu wirken.,"And why should she not hope that he himself would now soon come back again; and that when present, he would show himself grateful for all the care and pains which she had taken for him in his absence?"
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_17.flac,00027-f000027,0.690068,"Sie hatte vorzüglich die Sorge für das Kind übernommen, dessen unmittelbare Pflegerin sie um so mehr werden konnte, als man es keiner Amme übergeben, sondern mit Milch und Wasser aufzuziehen sich entschieden hatte.","But there was also a far different employment which she took upon herself in his service; she had undertaken the principal charge of the child, whose immediate at tendant it was all the easier for her to be, as they had determined not to put it into the hands of a nurse, but to bring it up themselves by hand with milk and water."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_18.flac,00027-f000028,0.699504,"Es sollte in jener schönen Zeit der freien Luft genießen; und so trug sie es am liebsten selbst heraus, trug das schlafende, unbewußte zwischen Blumen und Blüten her, die dereinst seiner Kindheit so freundlich entgegenlachen sollten, zwischen jungen Sträuchen und Pflanzen, die mit ihm in die Höhe zu wachsen durch ihre Jugend bestimmt schienen.","In the beautiful season it was much out of doors, enjoying the free air, and Ottilie liked best to take it out herself, Elective Affinities to carry the unconscious sleeping infant among the flowers and blossoms which should one day smile so brightly on its childhood among the young shrubs and plants, which, by their youth, seemed designed to grow up with the young lord to their after stature."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_19.flac,00027-f000029,0.564467,"Wenn sie um sich her sah, so verbarg sie sich nicht, zu welchem großen, reichen Zustande das Kind geboren sei; denn fast alles, wohin das Auge blickte, sollte dereinst ihm gehören.","When she looked about her, she did not hide from herself to what a high position that child was born : far and wide, wher ever the eye could see, all would one day belong to him."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_20.flac,00027-f000030,0.630372,"Wie wünschenswert war es zu diesem allen, daß es vor den Augen des Vaters, der Mutter aufwüchse und eine erneute, frohe Verbindung bestätigte!","How desirable, how necessary it must therefore be, that it should grow up under the eyes of its father and its mo ther, and renew and strengthen the union between them."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_21.flac,00027-f000031,0.94147,"Ottilie fühlte dies alles so rein, daß sie sichs als entschieden wirklich dachte und sich selbst dabei gar nicht empfand.","Ottilie saw all this so clearly that she represented it to herself as conclusively decided, and for herself, as con cerned with it, she never felt at all."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_22.flac,00027-f000032,0.751184,"Unter diesem klaren Himmel, bei diesem hellen Sonnenschein ward es ihr auf einmal klar, daß ihre Liebe, um sich zu vollenden, völlig uneigennützig werden müsse; ja in manchen Augenblicken glaubte sie diese Höhe schon erreicht zu haben.","Under this fair heaven, by this bright sunshine, at once it became clear to her that her love, if it would perfect itself, must become altogether unselfish; and there were many moments in which she believed it was an elevation which she had already at tained."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_23.flac,00027-f000033,0.623077,"Sie wünschte nur das Wohl ihres Freundes, sie glaubte sich fähig, ihm zu entsagen, sogar ihn niemals wiederzusehen, wenn sie ihn nur glücklich wisse.",She only desired the wellbeing of her friend.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_24.flac,00027-f000034,0.673438,"Aber ganz entschieden war sie für sich, niemals einem andern anzugehören.","She fancied herself able to resign him, and never to see him any more, if she could only know that he was happy."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_25.flac,00027-f000036,0.511722,"Daß der Herbst ebenso herrlich würde wie der Frühling, dafür war gesorgt.",They had taken care that the autumn should be no less brilliant than the spring.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_26.flac,00027-f000037,0.580412,"Alle sogenannten Sommergewächse, alles, was im Herbst mit Blühen nicht enden kann und sich der Kälte noch keck entgegenentwickelt, Astern besonders, waren in der größten Mannigfaltigkeit gesäet und sollten nun, überallhinverpflanzt, einen Sternhimmel über die Erde bilden.","Sunflowers were there, and all the other plants which are never tired of blossoming in autumn, and continue boldly on into the cold; asters especially were sown in abundance, and scattered about in all directions, to form a starry heaven upon the earth."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_27.flac,00027-f000037,0.423404,"Einen guten Gedanken, den wir gelesen, etwas Auffallendes, das wir gehört, tragen wir wohl in unser Tagebuch.","Sunflowers were there, and all the other plants which are never tired of blossoming in autumn, and continue boldly on into the cold; asters especially were sown in abundance, and scattered about in all directions, to form a starry heaven upon the earth."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_28.flac,00027-f000038,0.594152,"Nähmen wir uns aber zugleich die Mühe, aus den Briefen unserer Freunde eigentümliche Bemerkungen, originelle Ansichten, flüchtige geistreiche Worte auszuzeichnen, so würden wir sehr reich werden.","Elective Affinities FROM OTTILIE S DIARY Any good thought which we have read, anything striking which we have heard, we commonly enter in our diary; but if we would take the trouble, at the same time, to copy out i of our friends' letters the remarkable obser vations, the original ideas, the hasty words so pregnant in meaning, which we might find in them, we should then be rich indeed."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_29.flac,00027-f000039,0.983832,"Briefe hebt man auf, um sie nie wieder zu lesen; man zerstört sie zuletzt einmal aus Diskretion, und so verschwindet der schönste, unmittelbarste Lebenshauch unwiederbringlich für uns und andre.","We lay aside letters never to read them again, and at last we destroy them out of discretion, and so disappears the most beautiful, the most immediate breath of life, irrecoverably for ourselves and for others."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_30.flac,00027-f000040,0.251163,"Ich nehme mir vor, dieses Versäumnis wiedergutzumachen.",I intend to make amends in future for such neglect.
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_31.flac,00027-f000041,0.2490570000000001,So wiederholt sich denn abermals das Jahresmärchen von vorn.,"So, then, once more the old story of the year is being repeated over again."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_32.flac,00027-f000042,0.538679,"Wir sind nun wieder, Gott sei Dank! an seinem artigsten Kapitel.","We are come now, thank God, again to its most charming chapter."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_33.flac,00027-f000043,0.564407,Veilchen und Maiblumen sind wie Überschriften oder Vignetten dazu.,The violets and the Mayflowers are as its superscriptions and its vignettes.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_34.flac,00027-f000044,0.77375,"Es macht uns immer einen angenehmen Eindruck, wenn wir sie in dem Buche des Lebens wieder aufschlagen.",It always makes a pleasant impression on us when we open again at these pages in the book of life.
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_35.flac,00027-f000045,0.791912,"Wir schelten die Armen, besonders die Unmündigen, wenn sie sich an den Straßen herumlegen und betteln.","We find fault with the poor, particularly with the lit tle ones among them, when they loiter about the streets and beg."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_36.flac,00027-f000046,0.816393,"Bemerken wir nicht, daß sie gleich tätig sind, sobald es was zu tun gibt?",Do we not observe that they begin to work again as soon as ever there is anything for them to do?
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_37.flac,00027-f000048,0.659725,"Kaum entfaltet die Natur ihre freundlichen Schätze, so sind die Kinder dahinterher, um ein Gewerbe zu eröffnen; keines bettelt mehr, jedes reicht dir einen Strauß; es hat ihn gepflückt, ehe du vom Schlaf erwachtest, und das Bittende sieht dich so freundlich an wie die Gabe.","None of them beg any more; they have each a nosegay to offer you; they were out and gath ering it before you had awakened out of your sleep, and the supplicating face looks as sweetly at you as the present Elective Affinities which the hand is holding out."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_38.flac,00027-f000049,0.721538,"Niemand sieht erbärmlich aus, der sich einiges Recht fühlt, fordern zu dürfen.",No one looks miserable who feels he has a right to make a demand upon you.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_39.flac,00027-f000050,1.27016,"Warum nur das Jahr manchmal so kurz, manchmal so lang ist, warum es so kurz scheint und so lang in der Erinnerung!","How is it that the year sometimes seems so short, and sometimes is so long?"
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_40.flac,00027-f000051,0.42773,"Mir ist es mit dem vergangenen so, und nirgends auffallender als im Garten, wie Vergängliches und Dauerndes ineinandergreift.","How is it that it is so short when it is passing, and so long as we look back over it?"
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_41.flac,00027-f000052,0.34557,"Und doch ist nichts so flüchtig, das nicht eine Spur, das nicht seinesgleichen zurücklasse.","When I think of the past and it never comes so power fully over me as in the garden, I feel how the perishing and the enduring work one upon the other, and there is nothing whose endurance is so brief as not to leave behind it some trace of itself, something in its own likeness."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_42.flac,00027-f000053,0.635,Man läßt sich den Winter auch gefallen.,We are able to tolerate the winter.
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_43.flac,00027-f000054,0.847866,"Man glaubt sich freier auszubreiten, wenn die Bäume so geisterhaft, so durchsichtig vor uns stehen.","We fancy that we can extend ourselves more freely when the trees are so spectral, so transparent."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_44.flac,00027-f000055,0.179912,"Sie sind nichts, aber sie decken auch nichts zu.","They are nothing, but they conceal nothing; but when once the germs and buds begin to show, then we become impatient for the full foliage to come out, for the landscape to put on its body, and the tree to stand before us as a form."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_45.flac,00027-f000055,0.179912,"Wie aber einmal Knospen und Blüten kommen, dann wird man ungeduldig, bis das volle Laub hervortritt, bis die Landschaft sich verkörpert und der Baum sich als eine Gestalt uns entgegendrängt.","<MERGE> They are nothing, but they conceal nothing; but when once the germs and buds begin to show, then we become impatient for the full foliage to come out, for the landscape to put on its body, and the tree to stand before us as a form."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_47.flac,00027-f000058,0.951225,"In manchen Tönen ist die Nachtigall noch Vogel; dann steigt sie über ihre Klasse hinüber und scheint jedem Gefiederten andeuten zu wollen, was eigentlich singen heiße.","In many of its tones the nightingale is only a bird; then it rises up above its class, and seems as if it would teach every feath ered creature what singing really is."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_48.flac,00027-f000059,0.726696,"Ein Leben ohne Liebe, ohne die Nähe des Geliebten ist nur eine Comédie à tiroir, ein schlechtes Schubladenstück.","A life without love, without the presence of the be loved, is nothing but a mere magiclantern show."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_49.flac,00027-f000060,1.03913,Man schiebt eine nach der andern heraus und wieder hinein und eilt zur folgenden.,"We draw out slide after slide, swiftly tiring of each, and pushing it back to make haste to the next."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.9_50.flac,00027-f000061,0.436957,"Alles, was auch Gutes und Bedeutendes vorkommt, hängt nur kümmerlich zusammen.","Even what we know to be good and important hangs but wearily together; every step is an end, and a fresh beginning."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_1.flac,00028-f000003,0.829412,"Sie freut sich an dem tüchtigen Knaben, dessen vielversprechende Gestalt ihr Auge und Gemüt stündlich beschäftigt.","She was happy in her beautiful boy, whose fair promis ing little form every hour was a delight to both her eyes and heart."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_2.flac,00028-f000004,0.869492,Sie erhält durch ihn einen neuen Bezug auf die Welt und auf den Besitz.,In him she found a new link to connect her with the world and with her property.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_4.flac,00028-f000007,0.822996,"Von einem eigenen Gefühl belebt, steigt sie zur Mooshütte mit Ottilien und dem Kinde; und indem sie dieses auf den kleinen Tisch als auf einen häuslichen Altar niederlegt und noch zwei Plätze leer sieht, gedenkt sie der vorigen Zeiten, und eine neue Hoffnung für sie und Ottilien dringt hervor.","Enlivened by the strength of these feelings, she climbed up to the summerhouse with Ottilie and the child, and as she laid the latter down on the little table, as on the altar of her house, and saw the two seats still vacant, she thought of goneby times, and fresh hopes rose out before her for herself and for Ottilie."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_5.flac,00028-f000008,0.869268,"Junge Frauenzimmer sehen sich bescheiden vielleicht nach diesem oder jenem Jüngling um, mit stiller Prüfung, ob sie ihn wohl zum Gatten wünschten; wer aber für eine Tochter oder einen weiblichen Zögling zu sorgen hat, schaut in einem weitern Kreis umher.","Young ladies, perhaps, look timidly round them at this or that young man, carrying on a silent examination, whether they would like to have him for a husband; but whoever has a daughter or a female ward to care for takes a wider circle in her survey."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_6.flac,00028-f000009,0.773345,"So ging es auch in diesem Augenblick Charlotten, der eine Verbindung des Hauptmanns mit Ottilien nicht unmöglich schien, wie sie doch auch schon ehemals in dieser Hütte nebeneinander gesessen hatten.","And so it fared at this moment with Charlotte, to whom, as she thought of how they had once sat side by side in that summerhouse, Elective Affinities a union did not seem impossible between the Captain and Ottilie."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_7.flac,00028-f000010,0.406855,"Ihr war nicht unbekannt geblieben, daß jene Aussicht auf eine vorteilhafte Heirat wieder verschwunden sei.","It had not remained unknown to her that the plans for the advantageous marriage, which had been proposed to the Captain, had come to nothing."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_8.flac,00028-f000011,1.57197,"Charlotte stieg weiter, und Ottilie trug das Kind.","Charlotte went on up the cliff, and Ottilie carried the child."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_9.flac,00028-f000012,0.292683,Jene überließ sich mancherlei Betrachtungen.,A number of reflections crowded upon the former.
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_10.flac,00028-f000013,0.796098,"Auch auf dem festen Lande gibt es wohl Schiffbruch; sich davon auf das schnellste zu erholen und herzustellen, ist schön und preiswürdig.","Even on the firm land there are frequent enough ship wrecks, and the true wise conduct is to recover ourselves, and refit our vessel as fast as possible."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_11.flac,00028-f000014,0.8254549999999999,Ist doch das Leben nur auf Gewinn und Verlust berechnet!,Is life to be cal culated only by its gains and losses ?
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_12.flac,00028-f000015,1.074,Wer macht nicht irgendeine Anlage und wird darin gestört!,"Who has not made arrangement on arrangement, and has not seen them broken in pieces ?"
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_13.flac,00028-f000016,0.794,Wie oft schlägt man einen Weg ein und wird davon abgeleitet!,How often does not a man strike into a road and lose it again !
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_14.flac,00028-f000017,0.7349399999999999,"Wie oft werden wir von einem scharf ins Auge gefaßten Ziel abgelenkt, um ein höheres zu erreichen!","How often are we not turned aside from one point which we have sharply before our eye, but only to reach some higher stage."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_15.flac,00028-f000018,0.993296,"Der Reisende bricht unterwegs zu seinem höchsten Verdruß ein Rad und gelangt durch diesen unangenehmen Zufall zu den erfreulichsten Bekanntschaften und Verbindungen, die auf sein ganzes Leben Einfluß haben.","The traveler, to his greatest annoyance, breaks a wheel upon his jour ney, and through this unpleasant accident makes some charming acquaintance, and forms some new connection, which has an influence on all his life."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_16.flac,00028-f000019,0.8481479999999999,"Das Schicksal gewährt uns unsre Wünsche, aber auf seine Weise, um uns etwas über unsere Wünsche geben zu können.","Destiny grants us our wishes, but in its own way, in order to give us some thing beyond our wishes."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_17.flac,00028-f000020,0.698921,"Diese und ähnliche Betrachtungen waren es, unter denen Charlotte zum neuen Gebäude auf der Höhe gelangte, wo sie vollkommen bestätigt wurden.","Among these and similar reflections they reached the new building on the hill, where they intended to establish themselves for the summer."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_18.flac,00028-f000021,0.233077,"Denn die Umgebung war viel schöner, als man sichs hatte denken können.","The view all round them was far more beautiful than could have been supposed; every little obstruction had been removed; all the love liness of the landscape, whatever nature, whatever the season of the year had done for it, came out in its beauty before the eye; and already the young plantations, which A VOL."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_19.flac,00028-f000022,0.669388,"Alles störende Kleinliche war ringsumher entfernt, alles Gute der Landschaft, was die Natur, was die Zeit daran getan hatte, trat reinlich hervor und fiel ins Auge, und schon grünten die jungen Pflanzungen, die bestimmt waren, einige Lücken auszufüllen und die abgesonderten Teile angenehm zu verbinden.","Elective Affinities had been made to fill up a few openings, were beginning to look green, and to form an agreeable connecting link between parts which before stood separate."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_20.flac,00028-f000023,0.846196,"Das Haus selbst war nahezu bewohnbar, die Aussicht, besonders aus den obern Zimmern, höchst mannigfaltig.","The house itself was nearly habitable; the views, par ticularly from the upper rooms, were of the richest vari ety."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_21.flac,00028-f000024,0.531551,"Je länger man sich umsah, desto mehr Schönes entdeckte man.","The longer you looked around you, the more beau ties you discovered."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_22.flac,00028-f000025,0.875862,"Was mußten nicht hier die verschiedenen Tagszeiten, was Mond und Sonne für Wirkungen hervorbringen!",What magnificent effects would not be produced here at the different hours of day by sun light and by moonlight !
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_23.flac,00028-f000026,0.778217,"Hier zu verweilen war höchst wünschenswert, und wie schnell ward die Lust zu bauen und zu schaffen in Charlotten wieder erweckt, da sie alle grobe Arbeit getan fand!","Nothing could be more delight ful than to come and live there, and now that she found all the rough work finished, Charlotte longed to be busy again."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_24.flac,00028-f000027,0.927083,"Ein Tischer, ein Tapezier, ein Maler, der mit Patronen und leichter Vergoldung sich zu helfen wußte, nur dieser bedurfte man, und in kurzer Zeit war das Gebäude im Stande.","An upholsterer, a tapestryhanger, a painter, who could lay on the colors with patterns, and a little gilding, were all which were required, and these were soon found, and in a short time the building was completed."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_25.flac,00028-f000028,0.778378,Keller und Küche wurden schnell eingerichtet; denn in der Entfernung vom Schlosse mußte man alle Bedürfnisse um sich versammeln.,"Kitchen and cellar stores were quickly laid in; being so far from the castle, it was necessary to have all essentials provided; and the two ladies with the child went up and settled there."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_26.flac,00028-f000029,0.6445649999999999,"So wohnten die Frauenzimmer mit dem Kinde nun oben, und von diesem Aufenthalt, als von einem neuen Mittelpunkt, eröffneten sich ihnen unerwartete Spaziergänge.","From this residence, as from a new centre point, unknown walks opened out to them; and in these high regions the free fresh air and the beautiful weather were thoroughly delightful."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_27.flac,00028-f000030,0.110864,"Sie genossen vergnüglich in einer höheren Region der freien, frischen Luft bei dem schönsten Wetter.","Ottilie's favorite walk, sometimes alone, sometimes with the child, was down below, toward the plane trees; along a pleasant footpath, leading directly to the point where one of the boats was kept chained in which people used to go across the water."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_28.flac,00028-f000030,0.110864,"Ottiliens liebster Weg, teils allein, teils mit dem Kinde, ging herunter nach den Platanen auf einem bequemen Fußsteig, der sodann zu dem Punkte leitete, wo einer der Kähne angebunden war, mit denen man überzufahren pflegte.","<MERGE> Ottilie's favorite walk, sometimes alone, sometimes with the child, was down below, toward the plane trees; along a pleasant footpath, leading directly to the point where one of the boats was kept chained in which people used to go across the water."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_29.flac,00028-f000031,1.17344,"Sie erfreute sich manchmal einer Wasserfahrt, allein ohne das Kind, weil Charlotte deshalb einige Besorgnis zeigte.","She often indulged herself in an expedition on the water, only without the child, as Charlotte was a little uneasy about it."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_30.flac,00028-f000032,0.0942971,"Doch verfehlte sie nicht, täglich den Gärtner im Schloßgarten zu besuchen und an seiner Sorgfalt für die vielen Pflanzenzöglinge, die nun alle der freien Luft genossen, freundlich teilzunehmen.","She never missed, Elective Affinities however, paying a daily visit to the castle garden and the gardener, and going to look with him at his show of greenhouse plants, which were all out now, enjoying the free air. l At this beautiful season, Charlotte was much pleased to receive a visit from an English nobleman, who had made acquaintance with Edward abroad, having met him more than once, and who was now curious to see the lay ing out of his park, which he had heard so much admired."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_31.flac,00028-f000032,0.0942971,"In dieser schönen Zeit kam Charlotten der Besuch eines Engländers sehr gelegen, der Eduarden auf Reisen kennengelernt, einigemal getroffen hatte und nunmehr neugierig war, die schönen Anlagen zu sehen, von denen er soviel Gutes erzählen hörte.","<MERGE> She never missed, Elective Affinities however, paying a daily visit to the castle garden and the gardener, and going to look with him at his show of greenhouse plants, which were all out now, enjoying the free air. l At this beautiful season, Charlotte was much pleased to receive a visit from an English nobleman, who had made acquaintance with Edward abroad, having met him more than once, and who was now curious to see the lay ing out of his park, which he had heard so much admired."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_32.flac,00028-f000033,0.999286,"Er brachte ein Empfehlungsschreiben vom Grafen mit und stellte zugleich einen stillen, aber sehr gefälligen Mann als seinen Begleiter vor.","He brought with him a letter of introduction from the Count, and introduced at the same time a quiet but most agreeable man as his traveling companion."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_33.flac,00028-f000034,0.953017,"Indem er nun bald mit Charlotten und Ottilien, bald mit Gärtnern und Jägern, öfters mit seinem Begleiter und manchmal allein die Gegend durchstrich, so konnte man seinen Bemerkungen wohl ansehen, daß er ein Liebhaber und Kenner solcher Anlagen war, der wohl auch manche dergleichen selbst ausgeführt hatte.","He went about seeing everything, sometimes with Charlotte and Ottilie, sometimes with the gardeners and the foresters, often with his friend, and now and then alone; and they could perceive clearly from his observations that he took an interest in such matters, and understood them well; indeed, that he had himself probably executed many such."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_34.flac,00028-f000035,0.8616969999999999,"Obgleich in Jahren, nahm er auf eine heitere Weise an allem teil, was dem Leben zur Zierde gereichen und es bedeutend machen kann.","Although he was now advanced in life, he entered warmly into everything which could serve for an orna ment to life, or contribute anything to its importance."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_35.flac,00028-f000036,0.822017,In seiner Gegenwart genossen die Frauenzimmer erst vollkommen ihrer Umgebung.,In his presence the ladies came first properly to enjoy what was round them.
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_36.flac,00028-f000037,0.98663,"Sein geübtes Auge empfing jeden Effekt ganz frisch, und er hatte um so mehr Freude an dem Entstandenen, als er die Gegend vorher nicht gekannt und, was man daran getan, von dem, was die Natur geliefert, kaum zu unterscheiden wußte.","His practised eye received every effect in its freshness, and he found all the more pleasure in what was before him, as he had not previously known the place, and was scarcely able to distinguish what man had done there from what nature had presented to him ready made."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_37.flac,00028-f000038,0.5671229999999999,"Man kann wohl sagen, daß durch seine Bemerkungen der Park wuchs und sich bereicherte.",We may even say that through his remarks the park Elective Affinities grew and enriched itself; he was able to anticipate in their fulfilment the promises of the growing plantations.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_38.flac,00028-f000039,0.213158,"Schon zum voraus erkannte er, was die neuen, heranstrebenden Pflanzungen versprachen.","There was not a spot where there was any effect which could be either heightened or produced, but what he ob served it."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_39.flac,00028-f000040,0.673399,"Keine Stelle blieb ihm unbemerkt, wo noch irgendeine Schönheit hervorzuheben oder anzubringen war.","In one place he pointed to a fountain which, if it was cleaned out, promised to be the most beautiful spot for a picnic party."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_41.flac,00028-f000043,0.6641560000000001,"Er wünschte den Bewohnern Glück, daß ihnen so manches nachzuarbeiten übrigblieb, und ersuchte sie, damit nicht zu eilen, sondern für folgende Jahre sich das Vergnügen des Schaffens und Einrichtens vorzubehalten.","He wished the owners joy that so much was still remaining for them to do, and he besought them not to be in a hurry about it, but to keep for themselves for years to come the pleasures of shaping and improving."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_42.flac,00028-f000044,0.998114,"Übrigens war er außer den geselligen Stunden keineswegs lästig; denn er beschäftigte sich die größte Zeit des Tags, die malerischen Aussichten des Parks in einer tragbaren dunklen Kammer aufzufangen und zu zeichnen, um dadurch sich und andern von seinen Reisen eine schöne Frucht zu gewinnen.","At the hours which the ladies usually spent alone he was never in the way, for he was occupied the greatest part of the day in catching such views in the park as would make good paintings, in a portable camera ob scura, and drawing from them, in order to secure some desirable fruits from his travels for himself and others."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_43.flac,00028-f000045,1.2162,Er hatte dieses schon seit mehreren Jahren in allen bedeutenden Gegenden getan und sich dadurch die angenehmste und interessanteste Sammlung verschafft.,"For many years past he had been in the habit of doing this in all remarkable places which he visited, and had provided himself by it with a most charming and inter esting collection."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_44.flac,00028-f000046,0.80282,"Ein großes Portefeuille, das er mit sich führte, zeigte er den Damen vor und unterhielt sie teils durch das Bild, teils durch die Auslegung.","He showed the ladies a large portfolio which he had brought with him, and entertained them with the pictures and with descriptions."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_45.flac,00028-f000047,0.8674459999999999,"Sie freuten sich, hier in ihrer Einsamkeit die Welt so bequem zu durchreisen, Ufer und Häfen, Berge, Seen und Flüsse, Städte, Kastelle und manches andre Lokal, das in der Geschichte einen Namen hat, vor sich vorbeiziehen zu sehen.","And it was a real delight to them, here in their solitude, to travel so Elective Affinities pleasantly over the world, and see sweep past them shores and havens, mountains, lakes, and rivers, cities, castles, and a hundred other localities which have a name in history."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_46.flac,00028-f000048,0.559481,"Jede von beiden Frauen hatte ein besonderes Interesse, Charlotte das allgemeinere, gerade an dem, wo sich etwas historisch Merkwürdiges fand, während Ottilie sich vorzüglich bei den Gegenden aufhielt, wovon Eduard viel zu erzählen pflegte, wo er gern verweilt, wohin er öfters zurückgekehrt; denn jeder Mensch hat in der Nähe und in der Ferne gewisse örtliche Einzelheiten, die ihn anziehen, die ihm seinem Charakter nach, um des ersten Eindrucks, gewisser Umstände, der Gewohnheit willen besonders lieb und aufregend sind.","Each of the two ladies had an especial interest in it Charlotte the more general interest in whatever was his torically remarkable; Ottilie dwelling in preference on the scenes of which Edward used most to talk where he liked best to stay, and which he would most often revisit."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_47.flac,00028-f000049,0.607479,"Sie fragte daher den Lord, wo es ihm denn am besten gefalle und wo er nun seine Wohnung aufschlagen würde, wenn er zu wählen hätte.","Every man has somewhere, far or near, his peculiar lo calities which attract him; scenes which, according to his character, either from first impressions, or from particu lar associations, or from habit, have a charm for him beyond all others."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_48.flac,00028-f000050,0.7389399999999999,"Da wußte er denn mehr als eine schöne Gegend vorzuzeigen und, was ihm dort widerfahren, um sie ihm lieb und wert zu machen, in seinem eigens akzentuierten Französisch gar behaglich mitzuteilen.","She, therefore, asked the Earl which, of all these places, pleased him best, where he would like to settle, and live for himself, if he might choose."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_49.flac,00028-f000051,0.884468,"Auf die Frage hingegen, wo er sich denn jetzt gewöhnlich aufhalte, wohin er am liebsten zurückkehre, ließ er sich ganz unbewunden, doch den Frauen unerwartet, also vernehmen.","There was more than one lovely spot which he pointed out, with what had happened to him there to make him love and value it; and the peculiar accentuated French in which he spoke made it most pleasant to listen to him."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_50.flac,00028-f000052,0.588205,"Ich habe mir nun angewöhnt, überall zu Hause zu sein, und finde zuletzt nichts bequemer, als daß andre für mich bauen, pflanzen und sich häuslich bemühen.","To the further question, which was his ordinary resi dence, which he properly considered his home, he replied, without any hesitation, in a manner quite unexpected by the ladies: I have accustomed myself by this time to be at home everywhere, and I find, after all, that it is much more agreeable to allow others to plant, and build, and keep house for me."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_52.flac,00028-f000055,0.8191390000000001,"Gewiß, wir machen viel zu viel vorarbeitenden Aufwand aufs Leben.",Assuredly we spend far too much labor and outlay in preparation for life.
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_53.flac,00028-f000056,0.9130860000000001,"Anstatt daß wir gleich anfingen, uns in einem mäßigen Zustand behaglich zu finden, so gehen wir immer mehr ins Breite, um es uns immer unbequemer zu machen.","Instead of beginning at once to make ourselves happy in a moderate condition, we spread ourselves out wider and wider, only to make ourselves more and more uncomfortable."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_54.flac,00028-f000057,1.775,"Wer genießt jetzt meine Gebäude, meinen Park, meine Gärten?","Who is there now to enjoy my mansion, my park, my gardens?"
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_55.flac,00028-f000058,0.263077,"Nicht ich, nicht einmal die Meinigen: fremde Gäste, Neugierige, unruhige Reisende.","Not I, nor any of mine strangers, visitors, or curious, restless travelers."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_56.flac,00028-f000059,0.8544639999999999,"Selbst bei vielen Mitteln sind wir immer nur halb und halb zu Hause, besonders auf dem Lande, wo uns manches Gewohnte der Stadt fehlt.","Even with large means we are ever but half and half at home, especially in the country, where we miss many things to which we have become accustomed in town."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_57.flac,00028-f000060,0.688122,"Das Buch, das wir am eifrigsten wünschten, ist nicht zur Hand, und gerade, was wir am meisten bedürften, ist vergessen.","The book for which we are most anxious is not to be had, and just the thing which we most wanted is for gotten."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_58.flac,00028-f000061,1.27818,"Wir richten uns immer häuslich ein, um wieder auszuziehen, und wenn wir es nicht mit Willen und Willkür tun, so wirken Verhältnisse, Leidenschaften, Zufälle, Notwendigkeit und was nicht alles.","We take to being domestic, only again to go out of ourselves; if we do not go astray of our own will and caprice, circumstances, passions, accidents, necessity, and one does not know what besides, manage it for us."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_59.flac,00028-f000062,0.2925,"Der Lord ahnete nicht, wie tief durch seine Betrachtungen die Freundinnen getroffen wurden.",Little did the Earl imagine how deeply his friend would be touched by these random observations.
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_60.flac,00028-f000063,0.977447,"Und wie oft kommt nicht jeder in diese Gefahr, der eine allgemeine Betrachtung selbst in einer Gesellschaft, deren Verhältnisse ihm sonst bekannt sind, ausspricht!",It is a danger to which we are all of us exposed when we ven ture on general remarks in a society the circumstances Elective Affinities of which we might have supposed were well enough known to us.
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_62.flac,00028-f000068,0.853037,"Ottilie hingegen, die in halb bewußter Jugend mehr ahnete als sah und ihren Blick wegwenden durfte, ja mußte von dem, was sie nicht sehen mochte und sollte, Ottilie ward durch diese traulichen Reden in den schrecklichsten Zustand versetzt; denn es zerriß mit Gewalt vor ihr der anmutige Schleier, und es schien ihr, als wenn alles, was bisher für Haus und Hof, für Garten, Park und die ganze Umgebung geschehen war, ganz eigentlich umsonst sei, weil der, dem es alles gehörte, es nicht genösse, weil auch der, wie der gegenwärtige Gast, zum Herumschweifen in der Welt, und zwar zu dem gefährlichsten, durch die Liebsten und Nächsten gedrängt worden.","It rudely tore away the pleasant veil from before her eyes, and it seemed to her as if everything which had been done all this time for house and court, for park and garden, for all their wide environs, were utterly in vain, because he to whom it all belonged could not enjoy it; because he, like their present visitor, had been driven out to wander up and down in the world and, indeed, in the most peril ous paths of it by those who were nearest and dearest to him."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_63.flac,00028-f000069,0.756061,"Sie hatte sich an Hören und Schweigen gewöhnt, aber sie saß diesmal in der peinlichsten Lage, die durch des Fremden weiteres Gespräch eher vermehrt als vermindert wurde, das er mit heiterer Eigenheit und Bedächtlichkeit fortsetzte.","She was accustomed to listen in silence, but on this occasion she sat on in the most painful condition; which, indeed, was made rather worse than better by what the stranger went on to say, as he continued with his peculiar, humorous gravity : I think I am now on the right way."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_64.flac,00028-f000071,0.630159,"Nun glaub ich, sagte er, auf dem rechten Wege zu sein, da ich mich immerfort als einen Reisenden betrachte, der vielem entsagt, um vieles zu genießen.","I am accustomed to change; it has Elective Affinities become, indeed, a necessity to me; just as in the opera, people are always looking out for new and new decora tions, because there have aready been so many."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_65.flac,00028-f000071,1.01045,"Ich bin an den Wechsel gewöhnt, ja er wird mir Bedürfnis, wie man in der Oper immer wieder auf eine neue Dekoration wartet, gerade weil schon so viele dagewesen.","I am accustomed to change; it has Elective Affinities become, indeed, a necessity to me; just as in the opera, people are always looking out for new and new decora tions, because there have aready been so many."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_66.flac,00028-f000073,0.756731,"Was ich mir von dem besten und dem schlechtesten Wirtshause versprechen darf, ist mir bekannt; es mag so gut oder so schlimm sein, als es will, nirgends find ich das Gewohnte, und am Ende läuft es auf eins hinaus, ganz von einer notwendigen Gewohnheit oder ganz von der willkürlichsten Zufälligkeit abzuhangen.","It may be as good or it may be as bad as it will, but I nowhere find anything to which I am accustomed, and in the end it comes to much the same thing, whether we depend for our enjoyment entirely on the regular order of custom, or entirely on the caprices of accident."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_67.flac,00028-f000074,0.958447,"Wenigstens habe ich jetzt nicht den Verdruß, daß etwas verlegt oder verloren ist, daß mir ein tägliches Wohnzimmer unbrauchbar wird, weil ich es muß reparieren lassen, daß man mir eine liebe Tasse zerbricht und es mir eine ganze Zeit aus keiner andern schmecken will.","I have never to vex myself now, because this thing is mislaid, or that thing is lost; because the room in which I live is uninhabitable, and I must have it repaired; because somebody has broken my favorite cup, and for a long time nothing tastes well out of any other."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_69.flac,00028-f000077,0.68223,"Und bei allen diesen Vorteilen, wenn ich es genau berechne, habe ich am Ende des Jahres nicht mehr aus gegeben, als es mich zu Hause gekostet hätte.","And considering all these advantages, when I reckon carefully, I calculate that, by the end of the year, I have not sacrificed more than it would have cost me to be at home."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_70.flac,00028-f000078,1.10293,"Bei dieser Schilderung sah Ottilie nur Eduarden vor sich, wie er nun auch mit Entbehren und Beschwerde auf ungebahnten Straßen hinziehe, mit Gefahr und Not zu Felde liege und bei soviel Unbestand und Wagnis sich gewöhne, heimatlos und freundlos zu sein, alles wegzuwerfen, nur um nicht verlieren zu können.","In this description Ottilie saw nothing but Edward before her; how he too was now amidst discomfort and hardship, marching along untrodden roads, lying out in the fields in danger and want, and in all this insecurity and hazard growing accustomed to be homeless and friendless, learning to fling away everything that he might have nothing to lose."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_71.flac,00028-f000079,0.544697,Glücklicherweise trennte sich die Gesellschaft für einige Zeit.,"Fortunately, the party separated for a short time."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_72.flac,00028-f000080,0.804167,"Ottilie fand Raum, sich in der Einsamkeit auszuweinen.","Ottilie escaped to her room, where she Elective Affinities could give way to her tears."
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_73.flac,00028-f000081,0.850794,"Gewaltsamer hatte sie kein dumpfer Schmerz ergriffen als diese Klarheit, die sie sich noch klarer zu machen strebte, wie man es zu tun pflegt, daß man sich selbst peinigt, wenn man einmal auf dem Wege ist, gepeinigt zu werden.","No weight of sorrow had ever pressed so heavily upon her as this clear perception which she tried, as people usually do, to make still clearer to herself, that men love to dally with and ex aggerate the evils which circumstances have once begun to inflict upon them."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_74.flac,00028-f000082,1.23165,"Der Zustand Eduards kam ihr so kümmerlich, so jämmerlich vor, daß sie sich entschloß, es koste, was es wolle, zu seiner Wiedervereinigung mit Charlotten alles beizutragen, ihren Schmerz und ihre Liebe an irgendeinem stillen Orte zu verbergen und durch irgendeine Art von Tätigkeit zu betriegen.","The state in which Edward was came before her in a light so piteous, so miserable, that she made up her mind, let it cost her what it would, that she would do every thing in her power to unite him again with Charlotte, and she herself would go and hide her sorrow and her love in some silent scene, and beguile the time with such employment as she could find."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_75.flac,00028-f000083,0.6590600000000001,"Indessen hatte der Begleiter des Lords, ein verständiger, ruhiger Mann und guter Beobachter, den Mißgriff in der Unterhaltung bemerkt und die Ähnlichkeit der Zustände seinem Freunde offenbart.","Meanwhile the Earl's companion, a quiet, sensible man and a keen observer, had remarked the mistake in the conversation, and spoke to his friend about it."
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_76.flac,00028-f000084,0.700206,"Dieser wußte nichts von den Verhältnissen der Familie; allein jener, den eigentlich auf der Reise nichts mehr interessierte als die sonderbaren Ereignisse, welche durch natürliche und künstliche Verhältnisse, durch den Konflikt des Gesetzlichen und des Ungebändigten, des Verstandes und der Vernunft, der Leidenschaft und des Vorurteils hervorgebracht werden, jener hatte sich schon früher und mehr noch im Hause selbst mit allem bekannt gemacht, was vorgegangen war und noch vorging.","The lat ter knew nothing of the circumstances of the family; but the other being one of those persons whose principal in terest in traveling lay in gathering up the strange occur rences which arose out of the natural or artificial rela tions of society, which were produced by the conflict of the restraint of law with the violence of the will, of the understanding with the reason, of passion with preju dice had some time before made himself acquainted with the outline of the story, and since he had been in the fam ily he had learned exactly all that had taken place, and the present position in which things were standing."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_77.flac,00028-f000085,0.475214,"Dem Lord tat es leid, ohne daß er darüber verlegen gewesen wäre.","The Earl, of course, was very sorry, but it was not a thing to make him uneasy."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_78.flac,00028-f000086,1.1055,"Man müßte ganz in Gesellschaft schweigen, wenn man nicht manchmal in den Fall kommen sollte; denn nicht allein bedeutende Bemerkungen, sondern die trivialsten Äußerungen können auf eine so mißklingende Weise mit dem Interesse der Gegenwärtigen zusammentreffen.","A man must hold his tongue Elective Affinities altogether in society if he is never to find himself in such a position; for not only remarks with meaning in them, but the most trivial expressions may happen to clash in an inharmonious key with the interest of somebody present."
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_79.flac,00028-f000087,0.313043,"Wir wollen es heute abend wiedergutmachen, sagte der Lord, und uns aller allgemeinen Gespräche enthalten.","We will set things right this evening, said he, and escape from any general conversation; you shall let them hear one of the many charming anecdotes with which your portfolio and your memory have enriched themselves while we have been abroad."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_80.flac,00028-f000088,0.693529,"Geben Sie der Gesellschaft etwas von den vielen angenehmen und bedeutenden Anekdoten und Geschichten zu hören, womit Sie Ihr Portefeuille und Ihr Gedächtnis auf unserer Reise bereichert haben!.Allein auch mit dem besten Vorsatze gelang es den Fremden nicht, die Freunde diesmal mit einer unverfänglichen Unterhaltung zu erfreuen.","However, with the best intentions, the strangers did not, on this next occasion, succeed any better in gratify ing their friends with unalloyed entertainment."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_81.flac,00028-f000089,0.82337,"Denn nachdem der Begleiter durch manche sonderbare, bedeutende, heitere, rührende, furchtbare Geschichten die Aufmerksamkeit erregt und die Teilnahme aufs höchste gespannt hatte, so dachte er mit einer zwar sonderbaren, aber sanfteren Begebenheit zu schließen und ahnete nicht, wie nahe diese seinen Zuhörern verwandt war.","The Earl's friend told a number of singular stories some serious, some amusing, some touching, some terrible with which he had roused their attention and strained their interest to the highest tension, and he thought to conclude with a strange but softer incident, little dream ing how nearly it would touch his listeners."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_82.flac,00028-f000090,0.9335610000000001,"Zwei Nachbarskinder von bedeutenden Häusern, Knabe und Mädchen, in verhältnismäßigem Alter, um dereinst Gatten zu werden, ließ man in dieser angenehmen Aussicht miteinander aufwachsen, und die beiderseitigen Eltern freuten sich einer künftigen Verbindung.","THE TWO STRANGE CHILDREN Two children of neighboring families, a boy and a girl, of an age which would suit well for them at some future time to marry, were brought up together with this agreeable prospect, and the parents on both sides, who were people of some position in the world, looked forward with pleasure to their future union."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_83.flac,00028-f000091,0.306375,"Doch man bemerkte gar bald, daß die Absicht zu mißlingen schien, indem sich zwischen den beiden trefflichen Naturen ein sonderbarer Widerwille hervortat.","It was too soon observed, however, that the purpose seemed likely to fail; the dispositions of both children Elective Affinities promised everything which was good, but there was an unaccountable antipathy between them."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_84.flac,00028-f000093,1.3911200000000001,Vielleicht waren sie einander zu ähnlich.,"Both were thoughtful, clear in their wills, and firm in their purposes."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_85.flac,00028-f000094,0.527518,"Beide in sich selbst gewendet, deutlich in ihrem Wollen, fest in ihren Vorsätzen; jedes einzeln geliebt und geehrt von seinen Gespielen; immer Widersacher, wenn sie zusammen waren, immer aufbauend für sich allein, immer wechselsweise zerstörend, wo sie sich begegneten, nicht wetteifernd nach einem Ziel, aber immer kämpfend um einen Zweck; gutartig durchaus und liebenswürdig und nur hassend, ja bösartig, indem sie sich aufeinander bezogen.","Each separately was beloved and respected by his or her com panions, but whenever they were together they were always antagonists."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_86.flac,00028-f000095,0.305026,"Dieses wunderliche Verhältnis zeigte sich schon bei kindischen Spielen, es zeigte sich bei zunehmenden Jahren.","Forming separate plans for them selves, they only met mutually to cross and thwart one another; never emulating each other in pursuit of one aim, but always fighting for a single object."
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_88.flac,00028-f000098,0.395098,"Aber auch da noch wehrte sie sich so gewaltsam, daß er, um seine Augen zu erhalten und die Feindin doch nicht zu beschädigen, sein seidenes Halstuch abreißen und ihr die Hände damit auf den Rücken binden mußte.","The boys used to play at soldiers, divide into parties, and give each other battle, and the fierce, haughty young lady set herself at once at the head of one of the armies, and fought against the other with such animosity and bitterness that the latter would have been put to a shameful flight, except for the desperate bravery of her own particular rival, who at last disarmed his antagonist and took her prisoner; and even then she defended herself with so much fury that to save his eyes from being torn out, and at the same time not to injure his enemy, he had been obliged to take off his silk handkerchief and tie her hands with it behind her back."
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_89.flac,00028-f000099,0.8373459999999999,"Dies verzieh sie ihm nie, ja sie machte so heimliche Anstalten und Versuche, ihn zu beschädigen, daß die Eltern, die auf diese seltsamen Leidenschaften schon längst achtgehabt, sich miteinander verständigten und beschlossen, die beiden feindlichen Wesen zu trennen und jene lieblichen Hoffnungen aufzugeben.","This she never forgave him: she made so many at tempts, she laid so many plans to injure him, that the parents, who had been long watching these singular pas Elective Affinities sions, came to an understanding together and resolved to separate these two hostile creatures, and sacrifice their favorite hopes."
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_90.flac,00028-f000100,0.800172,Der Knabe tat sich in seinen neuen Verhältnissen bald hervor.,The boy shot rapidly forward in the new situation in which he was placed.
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_91.flac,00028-f000101,0.933333,Jede Art von Unterricht schlug bei ihm an.,He mastered every subject which he was taught.
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_92.flac,00028-f000101,0.5283329999999999,Gönner und eigene Neigung bestimmten ihn zum Soldatenstande.,He mastered every subject which he was taught.
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_93.flac,00028-f000102,0.32045500000000005,"Überall, wo er sich fand, war er geliebt und geehrt.","His friends and his own inclination chose the army for his profession, and everywhere, let him be where he would, he was looked up to and beloved."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_94.flac,00028-f000103,0.887234,"Seine tüchtige Natur schien nur zum Wohlsein, zum Behagen anderer zu wirken, und er war in sich, ohne deutliches Bewußtsein, recht glücklich, den einzigen Widersacher verloren zu haben, den die Natur ihm zugedacht hatte.","His disposition seemed formed to labor for the wellbeing and the pleasure of others; and he himself, without being clearly conscious of it, was in himself happy at having got rid of the only antagonist which nature had assigned to him."
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_95.flac,00028-f000104,0.5560609999999999,Das Mädchen dagegen trat auf einmal in einen veränderten Zustand.,"The girl, on the other hand, became at once an altered creature."
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_96.flac,00028-f000105,0.666778,"Ihre Jahre, eine zunehmende Bildung und mehr noch ein gewisses inneres Gefühl zogen sie von den heftigen Spielen hinweg, die sie bisher in Gesellschaft der Knaben auszuüben pflegte.","Her growing age, the progress of her educa tion, above all, her own inward feelings, drew her away from the boisterous games with boys in which she had creature."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_97.flac,00028-f000106,0.178465,"Im ganzen schien ihr etwas zu fehlen, nichts war um sie herum, das wert gewesen wäre, ihren Haß zu erregen.","Her growing age, the progress of her educa thing; there was nothing anywhere about her which could deserve to excite her hatred, and she had never found any one whom she could think worthy of her love."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_98.flac,00028-f000106,0.178465,Liebenswürdig hatte sie noch niemanden gefunden.,"<MERGE> Her growing age, the progress of her educa thing; there was nothing anywhere about her which could deserve to excite her hatred, and she had never found any one whom she could think worthy of her love."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_99.flac,00028-f000107,0.724845,"Ein junger Mann, älter als ihr ehemaliger nachbarlicher Widersacher, von Stand, Vermögen und Bedeutung, beliebt in der Gesellschaft, gesucht von Frauen, wendete ihr seine ganze Neigung zu.","A young man, somewhat older than her previous neighborantagonist, of rank, property, and consequence, beloved in society, and much sought after by women, be stowed his affections upon her."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_100.flac,00028-f000108,0.662143,"Es war das erstemal, daß sich ein Freund, ein Liebhaber, ein Diener um sie bemühte.","It was the first time that friend, lover, or servant had displayed any interest in her."
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_101.flac,00028-f000108,0.681467,"Der Vorzug, den er ihr vor vielen gab, die älter, gebildeter, glänzender und anspruchsreicher waren als sie, tat ihr gar zu wohl.","It was the first time that friend, lover, or servant had displayed any interest in her."
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_102.flac,00028-f000109,0.627192,"Seine fortgesetzte Aufmerksamkeit, ohne daß er zudringlich gewesen wäre, sein treuer Beistand bei verschiedenen unangenehmen Zufällen, sein gegen ihre Eltern zwar ausgesprochnes, doch ruhiges und nur hoffnungsvolles Werben, da sie freilich noch sehr jung war: das alles nahm sie für ihn ein, wozu die Gewohnheit, die äußern, nun von der Welt als bekannt angenommenen Verhältnisse das Ihrige beitrugen.","The preference which he showed for her above others who were older, more cultivated, and of more brilliant pretensions than herself, was naturally gratifying; the Elective Affinities constancy of his attention, which was never obtrusive, his standing by her faithfully through a number of un pleasant incidents, his quiet suit, which was declared in deed to her parents, but which as she was still very young he did not press, only asking to be allowed to hope; all this engaged him to her, and custom and the assumption in the world that the thing was already settled carried her along with it."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_103.flac,00028-f000110,0.961129,"Sie war so oft Braut genannt worden, daß sie sich endlich selbst dafür hielt, und weder sie noch irgend jemand dachte daran, daß noch eine Prüfung nötig sei, als sie den Ring mit demjenigen wechselte, der so lange Zeit für ihren Bräutigam galt.","She had so often been called his bride that at last she began to consider herself so, and neither she nor any one else ever thought any further trial could be necessary before she exchanged rings with the person who for so long a time had passed for her bridegroom."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_104.flac,00028-f000111,0.45318400000000003,"Der ruhige Gang, den die ganze Sache genommen hatte, war auch durch das Verlöbnis nicht beschleunigt worden.",The peaceful course which the affair had all along followed was not at all precipitated by the betrothal.
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_105.flac,00028-f000112,0.794512,"Man ließ eben von beiden Seiten alles so fortgewähren, man freute sich des Zusammenlebens und wollte die gute Jahreszeit durchaus noch als einen Frühling des künftigen ernsteren Lebens genießen.","Things were allowed to go on both sides just as they were; they were happy in being together, and they could enjoy to the end the fair season of the year as the spring of their future more serious life."
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_107.flac,00028-f000115,0.611268,"Auf eine ganz natürliche, aber doch sonderbare Weise stand er seiner schönen Nachbarin abermals entgegen.",Toward his fair neighbor he found himself again in a natural but singular position.
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_108.flac,00028-f000116,0.5315380000000001,"Sie hatte in der letzten Zeit nur freundliche, bräutliche Familienempfindungen bei sich genährt, sie war mit allem, was sie umgab, in Übereinstimmung; sie glaubte glücklich zu sein und war es auch auf gewisse Weise. Aber nun stand ihr zum erstenmal seit langer Zeit wieder etwas entgegen: es war nicht hassenswert; sie war des Hasses unfähig geworden, ja der kindische Haß, der eigentlich nur ein dunkles Anerkennen des inneren Wertes gewesen, äußerte sich nun in frohem Erstaunen, erfreulichem Betrachten, gefälligem Eingestehen, halb willigem halb unwilligem und doch notwendigem Annahen, und das alles war wechselseitig.","For some time past she had been nourishing in herself such affectionate family feelings as suited her position as a bride; she was in harmony with everything about her; she believed that she was happy, and in a certain sense she was so."
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_109.flac,00028-f000117,0.942177,Eine lange Entfernung gab zu längeren Unterhaltungen Anlaß.,Now first for a long time something again stood in her way.
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_110.flac,00028-f000119,0.6261899999999999,"Selbst jene kindische Unvernunft diente den Aufgeklärteren zu scherzhafter Erinnerung, und es war, als wenn man sich jenen neckischen Haß wenigstens durch eine freundschaftliche, aufmerksame Behandlung vergüten müsse, als wenn jenes gewaltsame Verkennen nunmehr nicht ohne ein ausgesprochnes Anerkennen bleiben dürfe.","Indeed the childish hatred, which had in fact been nothing more than an obscure recognition of inward worth, expressed itself now in a happy astonishment, in pleasure at meeting, in ready ac knowledgments, in a half willing, half unwilling, and yet irresistible attraction; and all this was mutual."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_111.flac,00028-f000121,1.06909,"Von seiner Seite blieb alles in einem verständigen, wünschenswerten Maß.","On his side it all remained in a sensible, desirable mod eration."
+ 104,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_112.flac,00028-f000122,0.800988,"Sein Stand, seine Verhältnisse, sein Streben, sein Ehrgeiz beschäftigten ihn so reichlich, daß er die Freundlichkeit der schönen Braut als eine dankenswerte Zugabe mit Behaglichkeit aufnahm, ohne sie deshalb in irgendeinem Bezug auf sich zu betrachten oder sie ihrem Bräutigam zu mißgönnen, mit dem er übrigens in den besten Verhältnissen stand.","His position, his circumstances, his efforts, his ambition, found him so abundant an occupation, that the friendliness of this pretty bride he received as a very thankworthy present; but without, therefore, even so much as thinking of her in connection with himself, or entertaining the slightest jealousy of the bridegroom, with whom he stood on the best possible terms."
+ 105,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_113.flac,00028-f000123,0.229412,Bei ihr hingegen sah es ganz anders aus.,"With her, however, it was altogether different."
+ 106,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_114.flac,00028-f000124,0.879825,Sie schien sich wie aus einem Traum erwacht.,She seemed to herself as if she had awakened out of a dream.
+ 107,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_115.flac,00028-f000125,0.6860149999999999,"Der Kampf gegen ihren jungen Nachbar war die erste Leidenschaft gewesen, und dieser heftige Kampf war doch nur, unter der Form des Widerstrebens, eine heftige, gleichsam angeborne Neigung.","Her fightings with her young neighbor had been the be ginnings of an affection; and this violent antagonism was no more than an equally violent innate passion for him, first showing under the form of opposition."
+ 108,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_116.flac,00028-f000126,0.91336,"Auch kam es ihr in der Erinnerung nicht anders vor, als daß sie ihn immer geliebt habe.",She could remember nothing else than that she had always loved him.
+ 109,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_118.flac,00028-f000136,0.9047930000000001,"Für solche Verhältnisse ist den Weibern ein besonderer Takt angeboren, und sie haben Ursache sowie Gelegenheit, ihn auszubilden.",There is a peculiar innate tact in women which dis covers to them differences of this kind; and they have cause as well as occasion to cultivate it.
+ 110,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_120.flac,00028-f000139,0.934943,"Sie beschloß zu sterben, um den ehemals Gehaßten und nun so heftig Geliebten für seine Unteilnahme zu strafen und sich, indem sie ihn nicht besitzen sollte, wenigstens mit seiner Einbildungskraft, seiner Reue auf ewig zu vermählen.","She determined that she would die to punish the once hated, and now so passion ately loved, youth for his want of interest in her; and as she could not possess himself, at least she would wed herself for ever to his imagination, and to his repentance."
+ 111,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_122.flac,00028-f000142,0.274468,Dieser seltsame Wahnsinn begleitete sie überallhin.,This singular insanity accompanied her wherever she went.
+ 112,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_123.flac,00028-f000143,0.8272639999999999,"Sie verbarg ihn unter allerlei Formen; und ob sie den Menschen gleich wunderlich vorkam, so war niemand aufmerksam oder klug genug, die innere, wahre Ursache zu entdecken.","She kept it concealed under all sorts of forms; and although people thought her very odd, no one was observant enough or clever enough to discover the real inward reason."
+ 113,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_124.flac,00028-f000144,0.6511939999999999,"Indessen hatten sich Freunde, Verwandte, Bekannte in Anordnungen von mancherlei Festen erschöpft.","In the meantime, friends, relations, acquaintances had Elective Affinities exhausted themselves in contrivances for pleasure parties."
+ 114,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_125.flac,00028-f000145,0.419286,"Kaum verging ein Tag, daß nicht irgend etwas Neues und Unerwartetes angestellt worden wäre.",Scarcely a day passed but something new and unexpected was set on foot.
+ 115,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_126.flac,00028-f000146,0.8857139999999999,"Kaum war ein schöner Platz der Landschaft, den man nicht ausgeschmückt und zum Empfang vieler froher Gäste bereitet hätte.",There was hardly a pretty spot in the country round which had not been decked out and pre pared for the reception of some merry party.
+ 116,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_127.flac,00028-f000147,0.7777609999999999,Auch wollte unser junger Ankömmling noch vor seiner Abreise das Seinige tun und lud das junge Paar mit einem engeren Familienkreise zu einer Wasserlustfahrt.,"And now our young visitor before departing wished to do his part as well, and invited the young couple, with a small family circle, to an expedition on the water."
+ 117,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_130.flac,00028-f000153,0.794231,"Fast war der sorgsame und scharfblickende Steurer in Versuchung, den Meister zu wecken, aber er getraute sichs zu und fuhr gegen die Enge.","Prudent and sharp sighted as he was, he thought for a moment that it would be better to wake the master; but he felt confident in himself, and he thought he would venture and make straight for the narrows."
+ 118,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_131.flac,00028-f000154,0.766031,In dem Augenblick erschien auf dem Verdeck seine schöne Feindin mit einem Blumenkranz in den Haaren.,At this moment his fair enemy appeared upon deck with a wreath of flowers in her hair.
+ 119,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_132.flac,00028-f000155,0.4527270000000001,Sie nahm ihn ab und warf ihn auf den Steuernden.,"Elective Affinities 'Take this to remember me by,' she cried out."
+ 120,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_133.flac,00028-f000156,0.2625,Nimm dies zum Andenken! rief sie aus.,She took it off and threw it to the steerer.
+ 121,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_134.flac,00028-f000157,0.810366,"Störe mich nicht! rief er ihr entgegen, indem er den Kranz auffing; ich bedarf aller meiner Kräfte und meiner Aufmerksamkeit. Ich störe dich nicht weiter, rief sie; du siehst mich nicht wieder! ich bedarf aller meiner Kräfte und meiner Aufmerksamkeit.","Don't disturb me,' he an swered quickly, as he caught the wreath; 'I require all my powers and all my attention now 'You will never be disturbed by me any more she cried; 'you will never see me again.'"
+ 122,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_135.flac,00028-f000158,0.62007,"Sie sprachs und eilte nach dem Vorderteil des Schiffs, von da sie ins Wasser sprang.","As she spoke, she rushed to the forward part of the vessel, and from thence she sprang into the water."
+ 123,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_136.flac,00028-f000159,0.24255300000000002,Einige Stimmen riefen: Rettet! rettet! sie ertrinkt.,"Voice upon voice called out : 'Save her, save her, she is sinking !'"
+ 124,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_137.flac,00028-f000160,1.5416,Er war in der entsetzlichsten Verlegenheit.,He was in the most terrible difficulty.
+ 125,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_138.flac,00028-f000161,0.389867,"Über dem Lärm erwacht der alte Schiffsmeister, will das Ruder ergreifen, der jüngere es ihm übergeben, aber es ist keine Zeit, die Herrschaft zu wechseln: das Schiff strandet, und in eben dem Augenblick, die lästigsten Kleidungsstücke wegwerfend, stürzte er sich ins Wasser und schwamm der schönen Feindin nach.","In the confusion the old shipmaster woke, and tried to catch the helm, which the young man bid him take."
+ 126,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_139.flac,00028-f000162,1.17396,"Das Wasser ist ein freundliches Element für den, der damit bekannt ist und es zu behandeln weiß.",But there was no time to change hands.
+ 127,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_140.flac,00028-f000163,0.12,"Es trug ihn, und der geschickte Schwimmer beherrschte es.","The vessel stranded; and at the same moment, flinging off the heaviest of his upper garments, he sprang into the water and swam toward his beautiful enemy."
+ 128,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_141.flac,00028-f000165,0.31648000000000004,"Bald hatte er die vor ihm fortgerissene Schöne erreicht; er faßte sie, wußte sie zu heben und zu tragen; beide wurden vom Strom gewaltsam fortgerissen, bis sie die Inseln, die Werder weit hinter sich hatten und der Fluß wieder breit und gemächlich zu fließen anfing. Nun erst ermannte, nun erholte er sich aus der ersten zudringenden Not, in der er ohne Besinnung nur mechanisch gehandelt; er blickte mit emporstrebendem Haupt umher und ruderte nach Vermögen einer flachen, buschichten Stelle zu, die sich angenehm und gelegen in den Fluß verlief. Dort brachte er seine schöne Beute aufs Trockne; aber kein Lebenshauch war in ihr zu spüren.","He soon overtook the beautiful girl, who had been swept away before him; he caught hold of her, raised her and supported her, and both of them were carried violently down by the current, till the shoals and islands were left far behind, and the river was again open and running smoothly."
+ 129,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_142.flac,00028-f000166,0.231395,"Er war in Verzweiflung, als ihm ein betretener Pfad, der durchs Gebüsch lief, in die Augen leuchtete.","He now began to collect himself; they had passed the first immediate danger, in which he had been obliged to act mechanically without time to think; he raised his head as high as he could to look about him; and then swam with all his might to a low bushy point, which ran out conveniently into the stream."
+ 130,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_143.flac,00028-f000167,0.5260100000000001,"Er belud sich aufs neue mit der teuren Last, er erblickte bald eine einsame Wohnung und erreichte sie.","There he brought his fair burden to dry land, Elective Affinities but he could find no signs of life in her; he was in de spair, when he caught sight of a trodden path leading among the bushes."
+ 131,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_144.flac,00028-f000168,0.166667,"Dort fand er gute Leute, ein junges Ehepaar.","Again he caught her up in his arms, hurried forward, and presently reached a solitary cottage."
+ 132,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_145.flac,00028-f000168,0.166667,"Das Unglück, die Not sprach sich geschwind aus.","<MERGE> Again he caught her up in his arms, hurried forward, and presently reached a solitary cottage."
+ 133,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_146.flac,00028-f000168,0.110204,"Was er nach einiger Besinnung forderte, ward geleistet.","Again he caught her up in his arms, hurried forward, and presently reached a solitary cottage."
+ 134,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_147.flac,00028-f000169,0.3,"Ein lichtes Feuer brannte, wollne Decken wurden über ein Lager gebreitet, Pelze, Felle und was Erwärmendes vorrätig war, schnell herbeigetragen.","There he found kind, good people a young married couple; the misfortunes and the dangers explained them selves instantly; every remedy he could think of was in stantly applied; a bright fire blazed up: woolen blankets were spread on a bed, counterpane, cloaks, skins, whatever there was at hand which would serve for warmth, were heaped over her as fast as possible."
+ 135,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_148.flac,00028-f000170,0.203774,Hier überwand die Begierde zu retten jede andre Betrachtung.,"The desire to save life overpowered, for the present, every other considera tion."
+ 136,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_149.flac,00028-f000171,0.484708,"Nichts ward versäumt, den schönen, halbstarren, nackten Körper wieder ins Leben zu rufen.","Nothing was left undone to bring back to life the beautiful halftorpid, naked body."
+ 137,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_150.flac,00028-f000172,0.352941,Es gelang.,It succeeded; she opened her eyes ! her friend was before her; she threw her heavenly arms about his neck.
+ 138,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_151.flac,00028-f000172,0.352941,"Sie schlug die Augen auf, sie erblickte den Freund, umschlang seinen Hals mit ihren himmlischen Armen.",<MERGE> It succeeded; she opened her eyes ! her friend was before her; she threw her heavenly arms about his neck.
+ 139,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_152.flac,00028-f000173,0.657143,So blieb sie lange; ein Tränenstrom stürzte aus ihren Augen und vollendete ihre Genesung.,In this position she re mained for a time; and then a stream of tears burst out and completed her recovery.
+ 140,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_153.flac,00028-f000174,0.508128,"Willst du mich verlassen, rief sie aus, da ich dich so wiederfinde?","Will you forsake me she cried, 'now when I find you again thus?'"
+ 141,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_154.flac,00028-f000175,1.01111,"Niemals, rief er, niemals! und wußte nicht, was er sagte noch was er tat.","Never he answered, 'never:' hardly knowing what he said or did."
+ 142,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_155.flac,00028-f000176,0.4875,"Nur schone dich, rief er hinzu, schone dich! denke an dich um deinet und meinetwillen.","Only consider yourself she added; 'take care of your self, for your sake and for mine.'"
+ 143,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_156.flac,00028-f000178,0.82381,"Sie dachte nun an sich und bemerkte jetzt erst den Zustand, in dem sie war.",Their young hosts considered what could be done.
+ 144,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_157.flac,00028-f000179,0.509131,"Sie konnte sich vor ihrem Liebling, ihrem Retter nicht schämen; aber sie entließ ihn gern, damit er für sich sorgen möge; denn noch war, was ihn umgab, naß und triefend. Die jungen Eheleute beredeten sich; er bot dem Jüngling und sie der Schönen das Hochzeitskleid an, das noch vollständig dahing, um ein Paar von Kopf zu Fuß und von innen heraus zu bekleiden.","Elective Affinities The husband offered the young man, and the wife offered the fair lady, the clothes in which they had been married, which were hanging up in full perfection, and sufficient for a complete suit, inside and out, for two people."
+ 145,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_158.flac,00028-f000180,1.45385,"In kurzer Zeit waren die beiden Abenteurer nicht nur angezogen, sondern geputzt.","In a short time our pair of adventurers were not only equipped, but in full costume."
+ 146,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_159.flac,00028-f000181,1.00063,"Sie sahen allerliebst aus, staunten einander an, als sie zusammentraten, und fielen sich mit unmäßiger Leidenschaft, und doch halb lächelnd über die Vermummung, gewaltsam in die Arme.","They looked most charm ing, gazed at one another, when they met, with admira tion, and then with infinite affection, half laughing at the same time at the quaintness of their appearance, they fell into each other's arms."
+ 147,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_160.flac,00028-f000182,0.709445,"Die Kraft der Jugend und die Regsamkeit der Liebe stellten sie in wenigen Augenblicken völlig wieder her, und es fehlte nur die Musik, um sie zum Tanz aufzufordern.",The power of youth and the quickening spirit of love in a few moments completely restored them; and there was nothing wanted but music to have set them both off dancing.
+ 148,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_161.flac,00028-f000183,0.11837,"Sich vom Wasser zur Erde, vom Tode zum Leben, aus dem Familienkreise in eine Wildnis, aus der Verzweiflung zum Entzücken, aus der Gleichgültigkeit zur Neigung, zur Leidenschaft gefunden zu haben, alles in einem Augenblick der Kopf wäre nicht hinreichend, das zu fassen; er würde zerspringen oder sich verwirren.","To have found themselves brought from the water on dry land, from death into life, from the circle of their families into a wilderness, from despair into rapture, from indifference to affection and to love, all in a moment : the head was not strong enough to bear it; it must either burst, or go distracted; or if so distressing an alternative were to be escaped, the heart must put out all its efforts."
+ 149,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_162.flac,00028-f000183,0.11837,"Hiebei muß das Herz das Beste tun, wenn eine solche Überraschung ertragen werden soll.","<MERGE> To have found themselves brought from the water on dry land, from death into life, from the circle of their families into a wilderness, from despair into rapture, from indifference to affection and to love, all in a moment : the head was not strong enough to bear it; it must either burst, or go distracted; or if so distressing an alternative were to be escaped, the heart must put out all its efforts."
+ 150,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_163.flac,00028-f000184,0.772154,"Ganz verloren eins ins andere, konnten sie erst nach einiger Zeit an die Angst, an die Sorgen der Zurückgelassenen denken, und fast konnten sie selbst nicht ohne Angst, ohne Sorge daran denken, wie sie jenen wiederbegegnen wollten.","Lost wholly in each other, it was long before they recollected the alarm and anxiety of those who had been left behind; and they themselves, indeed, could not well think, without alarm and anxiety, how they were again to encounter them."
+ 151,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_164.flac,00028-f000185,0.49487200000000003,Sollen wir fliehen? sollen wir uns verbergen? sagte der Jüngling.,shall we hide ourselves?' said the young man.
+ 152,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_165.flac,00028-f000186,0.516667,"Wir wollen zusammenbleiben, sagte sie, indem sie an seinem Hals hing.","We will remain to gether,' she said, as she clung about his neck."
+ 153,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_166.flac,00028-f000187,0.364479,"Der Landmann, der von ihnen die Geschichte des gestrandeten Schiffs vernommen hatte, eilte, ohne weiter zu fragen, nach dem Ufer.","The peasant having heard them say that a party was Elective Affinities aground on the shoal, had hurried down, without stopping to ask another question, to the shore."
+ 154,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_167.flac,00028-f000188,0.21,Das Fahrzeug kam glücklich einhergeschwommen; es war mit vieler Mühe losgebracht worden.,"When he arrived there, he saw the vessel coming safely down the stream."
+ 155,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_168.flac,00028-f000189,0.64858,"Man fuhr aufs ungewisse fort, in Hoffnung, die Verlornen wiederzufinden.",After much labor it had been got off; and they were now going on in uncertainty; hoping to find their lost ones again somewhere.
+ 156,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_169.flac,00028-f000190,0.8664440000000001,"Als daher der Landmann mit Rufen und Winken die Schiffenden aufmerksam machte, an eine Stelle lief, wo ein vorteilhafter Landungsplatz sich zeigte, und mit Winken und Rufen nicht aufhörte, wandte sich das Schiff nach dem Ufer, und welch ein Schauspiel ward es, da sie landeten!","The peasant shouted and made signs to them, and at last caught the attention of those on board; then he ran to a spot where there was a con venient place for landing, and went on signaling and shouting till the vessel's head was turned toward the shore; and what a scene there was for them when they landed!"
+ 157,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_170.flac,00028-f000191,0.587954,Die Eltern der beiden Verlobten drängten sich zuerst ans Ufer; den liebenden Bräutigam hatte fast die Besinnung verlassen.,The parents of the two betrothed first pressed on the banks; the poor loving bridegroom had almost lost his senses.
+ 158,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_171.flac,00028-f000192,0.541693,"Kaum hatten sie vernommen, daß die lieben Kinder gerettet seien, so traten diese in ihrer sonderbaren Verkleidung aus dem Busch hervor.","They had scarcely learned that their dear children had been saved, when in their strange disguise the latter came forward out of the bushes to meet them."
+ 159,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_172.flac,00028-f000193,1.05435,"Man erkannte sie nicht eher, als bis sie ganz herangetreten waren.",No one recognized them till they were come quite close.
+ 160,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_173.flac,00028-f000194,0.277778,Wen seh ich? riefen die Mütter.,Whom do I see?' cried the mothers.
+ 161,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_174.flac,00028-f000195,0.693956,Was seh ich? riefen die Väter.,What do I see?' cried the fathers.
+ 162,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_175.flac,00028-f000196,0.559615,Die Geretteten warfen sich vor ihnen nieder.,The preserved ones flung themselves on the ground before them.
+ 163,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_176.flac,00028-f000197,0.281818,"Eure Kinder! riefen sie aus, ein Paar.",Your children they called out; 'a pair.'
+ 164,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_177.flac,00028-f000198,0.276,Verzeiht! rief das Mädchen.,Forgive us !' cried the maiden.
+ 165,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_178.flac,00028-f000199,0.6492859999999999,Gebt uns Euren Segen! rief der Jüngling.,Give us your blessing !' cried the young man.
+ 166,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_179.flac,00028-f000200,0.765,"Gebt uns Euren Segen! riefen beide, da alle Welt staunend verstummte.","Give us your bless ing !' they cried both, as all the world stood still in wonder."
+ 167,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.10_180.flac,00028-f000201,0.488582,"Euren Segen! ertönte es zum drittenmal, und wer hätte den versagen können!",Your blessing!' was repeated the third time; and who would have been able to refuse it ?
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_2.flac,00029-f000006,0.514286,"Es bleibt zuletzt meist alles und nichts, wie es war.",But the main features of it were the same.
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_3.flac,00029-f000007,0.530208,"Ottilie folgte Charlotten, wie es die beiden Fremden selbst verlangten, und nun kam der Lord an die Reihe zu bemerken, daß vielleicht abermals ein Fehler begangen, etwas dem Hause Bekanntes oder gar Verwandtes erzählt worden.","It had only been more finished off and elaborated in its details, as stories of that kind always are, when they have passed first through the lips of the multitude, and then through the fancy of a clever and imaginative narrator; the result of the process being usually to leave everything and nothing as it was."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_4.flac,00029-f000008,0.193548,"Wir müssen uns hüten, fuhr er fort, daß wir nicht noch mehr Übles stiften.","Ottilie followed Charlotte, as the two friends begged her to do; and then it was the Earl's turn to remark, that perhaps they had made a second mistake, and that the subject of the story had been well known to or was in some way connected with the family."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_5.flac,00029-f000009,0.786906,"Für das viele Gute und Angenehme, das wir hier genossen, scheinen wir den Bewohnerinnen wenig Glück zu bringen; wir wollen uns auf eine schickliche Weise zu empfehlen suchen.","We must take care, he added, that we do no more mischief here; we seem to bring little good to our entertainers for all the kindness and hospitality which they have shown us; we Elective Affinities will make some excuse for ourselves, and then take our leave."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_6.flac,00029-f000010,0.940492,"Ich muß gestehen, versetzte der Begleiter, daß mich hier noch etwas anderes festhält, ohne dessen Aufklärung und nähere Kenntnis ich dieses Haus nicht gern verlassen möchte.","I must confess, answered his companion, that there is something else which still holds me here, which I should be very sorry to leave the house without seeing cleared up or in some way explained."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_7.flac,00029-f000011,0.6652020000000001,"Sie waren gestern, Mylord, als wir mit der tragbaren dunklen Kammer durch den Park zogen, viel zu beschäftigt, sich einen wahrhaft malerischen Standpunkt auszuwählen, als daß Sie hätten bemerken sollen, was nebenher vorging.","You were too busy yourself yesterday when we were in the park with the camera, in looking for spots where you could make your sketches, to have observed anything else which was passing."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_9.flac,00029-f000014,0.731824,"Ottilie, die uns begleitete, stand an zu folgen und bat, sich auf dem Kahne dorthin begeben zu dürfen.","Well, Ottilie, who was with us, got up to follow; and then proposed that she and I should find our way to you in the boat."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_10.flac,00029-f000015,0.5706829999999999,Ich setzte mich mit ihr ein und hatte meine Freude an der Gewandtheit der schönen Schifferin.,"I got in with her, and was de lighted with the skill of my fair conductress."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_11.flac,00029-f000016,0.41047700000000004,"Ich versicherte ihr, daß ich seit der Schweiz, wo auch die reizendsten Mädchen die Stelle des Fährmanns vertreten, nicht so angenehm sei über die Wellen geschaukelt worden, konnte mich aber nicht enthalten, sie zu fragen, warum sie eigentlich abgelehnt, jenen Seitenweg zu machen; denn wirklich war in ihrem Ausweichen eine Art von ängstlicher Verlegenheit.","I assured her that never since I had been in Switzerland, where the young ladies so often fill the place of thejoatmen, had I been so pleasantly ferried over the water."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_13.flac,00029-f000021,0.742241,"Ich habe jenen Nebenweg niemals betreten, ohne daß mich ein ganz eigener Schauer überfallen hätte, den ich sonst nirgends empfinde und den ich mir nicht zu erklären weiß.","There is a particular spot in that path which I never pass without a strange shiver passing over me, which I do not remember ever feeling anywhere else, and which Elective Affinities I can not in the least understand."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_15.flac,00029-f000024,0.6694859999999999,"Wir landeten, Ottilie unterhielt sich mit Ihnen, und ich untersuchte indes die Stelle, die sie mir aus der Ferne deutlich angegeben hatte.","Ottilie was engaged with you, and I took the opportunity of examining the spot, which she pointed out to me as we went by on the water."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_16.flac,00029-f000025,0.6273310000000001,"Aber wie groß war meine Verwunderung, als ich eine sehr deutliche Spur von Steinkohlen entdeckte, die mich überzeugt, man würde bei so einigem Nachgraben vielleicht ein ergiebiges Lager in der Tiefe finden.","I was not a little surprised to find there distinct traces of coal, in sufficient quantities to convince me that at a short dis tance below the surface there must be a considerable bed of it."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_18.flac,00029-f000030,0.53132,"Es konnte niemals fehlen, wenn die Sache zur Sprache kam, daß der Lord nicht seine Gründe dagegen abermals wiederholte, welche der Begleiter bescheiden und geduldig aufnahm, aber doch zuletzt bei seiner Meinung, bei seinen Wünschen verharrte.","He, too, again repeated, that there was no reason, because the experiment did not succeed with every one, that they should give them up, as if there was nothing in them but fancy."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_19.flac,00029-f000031,0.496327,"Auch er gab wiederholt zu erkennen, daß man deswegen, weil solche Versuche nicht jedermann gelängen, die Sache nicht aufgeben, ja vielmehr nur desto ernsthafter und gründlicher untersuchen müßte, da sich gewiß noch manche Bezüge und Verwandtschaften unorganischer Wesen untereinander, organischer gegen sie und abermals untereinander offenbaren würden, die uns gegenwärtig verborgen seien.","They should be examined into all the more earnestly and scru pulously; and there was no doubt that the result would be the discovery of a number of affinities of inorganic Elective Affinities creatures for one another, and of organic creatures for them, and again for each other, which at present were unknown to us."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_20.flac,00029-f000032,0.7694979999999999,"Er hatte seinen Apparat von goldnen Ringen, Markasiten und andern metallischen Substanzen, den er in einem schönen Kästchen immer bei sich führte, schon ausgebreitet und ließ nun Metalle, an Fäden schwebend, über liegende Metalle zum Versuche nieder.","He had already spread out his apparatus of gold rings, markasites, and other metallic substances, a pretty little box of which he always carried about with himself; and he suspended a piece of metal by a string over another piece, which he placed upon the table."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_21.flac,00029-f000033,0.929282,"Ich gönne Ihnen die Schadenfreude, Mylord, sagte er dabei, die ich auf Ihrem Gesichte lese, daß sich bei mir und für mich nichts bewegen will.","Now, my Lord, he said, you may take what pleasure you please I can see in your face what you are feeling, at perceiving that nothing will set itself in motion with me, or for me."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_22.flac,00029-f000034,-0.0208333,Meine Operation ist aber auch nur ein Vorwand.,"But my operation is no more than a pretense; when the ladies come back, they will be curious to know what strange work we are about."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_23.flac,00029-f000034,-0.0208333,"Wenn die Damen zurückkehren, sollen sie neugierig werden, was wir Wunderliches hier beginnen.","<MERGE> But my operation is no more than a pretense; when the ladies come back, they will be curious to know what strange work we are about."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_24.flac,00029-f000035,0.9078950000000001,Die Frauenzimmer kamen zurück.,The ladies returned.
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_25.flac,00029-f000036,1.2763200000000001,"Charlotte verstand sogleich, was vorging.",Charlotte understood at once what was going on.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_26.flac,00029-f000037,0.849231,"Ich habe manches von diesen Dingen gehört, sagte sie, aber niemals eine Wirkung gesehen.","I have heard much of these things, she said; but I never saw the effect myself."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_29.flac,00029-f000042,0.867857,Darauf ward Ottilie veranlaßt.,Ottilie was then called upon to try.
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_30.flac,00029-f000043,0.959875,"Sie hielt den Pendel noch ruhiger, unbefangener, unbewußter über die unterliegenden Metalle.",She held the pendulum still more quietly and unconsciously over the plate on the table.
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_32.flac,00029-f000046,0.849458,"Der Lord selbst stutzte einigermaßen, aber der andere konnte vor Lust und Begierde gar nicht enden und bat immer um Wiederholung und Vermannigfaltigung der Versuche.","The Earl himself was a little staggered; but the other could never be satisfied, from delight and curiosity, and begged for the experiment again and again with all sorts of variations."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_33.flac,00029-f000047,0.568678,"Ottilie war gefällig genug, sich in sein Verlangen zu finden, bis sie ihn zuletzt freundlich ersuchte, er möge sie entlassen, weil ihr Kopfweh sich wieder einstelle.","Ottilie was goodnatured enough to grat ify him; till at last she was obliged to desire to be allowed to go, as her headache had come on again."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_34.flac,00029-f000048,0.651176,"Er, darüber verwundert, ja entzückt, versicherte ihr mit Enthusiasmus, daß er sie von diesem Übel völlig heilen wolle, wenn sie sich seiner Kurart anvertraue.","In further admiration and even rapture, he assured her with en thusiasm that he would cure her forever of her disorder, if she would only trust herself to his remedies."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_35.flac,00029-f000049,-0.00869565,Man war einen Augenblick ungewiß;,"For a moment they did not know what he meant; but Charlotte, who comprehended immediately after, declined his well meant offer, not liking to have introduced and practised about her a thing of which she had always had the strong est apprehensions."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_36.flac,00029-f000049,-0.00869565,"Charlotte aber, die geschwind begriff, wovon die Rede sei, lehnte den wohlgesinnten Antrag ab, weil sie nicht gemeint war, in ihrer Umgebung etwas zuzulassen, wovor sie immerfort eine starke Apprehension gefühlt hatte.","<MERGE> For a moment they did not know what he meant; but Charlotte, who comprehended immediately after, declined his well meant offer, not liking to have introduced and practised about her a thing of which she had always had the strong est apprehensions."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_37.flac,00029-f000050,0.397716,"Die Fremden hatten sich entfernt und, ungeachtet man von ihnen auf eine sonderbare Weise berührt worden war, doch den Wunsch zurückgelassen, daß man sie irgendwo wieder antreffen möchte.","The strangers were gone, and notwithstanding their having been the inadvertent cause of strange and painful emotions, left the wish behind them, that this meeting might not be the last."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_38.flac,00029-f000051,0.656683,"Charlotte benutzte nunmehr die schönen Tage, um in der Nachbarschaft ihre Gegenbesuche zu enden, womit sie kaum fertig werden konnte, indem sich die ganze Landschaft umher, einige wahrhaft teilnehmend, andre bloß der Gewohnheit wegen, bisher fleißig um sie bekümmert hatten.","Charlotte now made use of the beautiful weather to return visits in the neighborhood, which, indeed, gave her work enough to do, seeing that the whole country round, some from a real interest, some merely from custom, had been most attentive in calling to inquire after her."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_39.flac,00029-f000052,0.637357,"Zu Hause belebte sie der Anblick des Kindes; es war gewiß jeder Liebe, jeder Sorgfalt wert.","At home her delight was the sight of the child, and really it well deserved all love and inter est."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_40.flac,00029-f000053,0.593537,"Man sah in ihm ein wunderbares, ja ein Wunderkind, höchst erfreulich dem Anblick, an Größe, Ebenmaß, Stärke und Gesundheit; und was noch mehr in Verwunderung setzte, war jene doppelte Ähnlichkeit, die sich immer mehr entwickelte.","People saw in it a wonderful, indeed a miraculous child; the brightest, sunniest little face; a fine, wellpro portioned body, strong and healthy; and what surprised Elective Affinities them more, the double resemblance, which became more and more conspicuous."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_41.flac,00029-f000054,0.8615379999999999,"Den Gesichtszügen und der ganzen Form nach glich das Kind immer mehr dem Hauptmann, die Augen ließen sich immer weniger von Ottiliens Augen unterscheiden.","In figure and in the features of the face, it was like the Captain; the eyes every day it was less easy to distinguish from the eyes of Ottilie."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_42.flac,00029-f000055,0.669876,"Durch diese sonderbare Verwandtschaft und vielleicht noch mehr durch das schöne Gefühl der Frauen geleitet, welche das Kind eines geliebten Mannes, auch von einer andern, mit zärtlicher Neigung umfangen, ward Ottilie dem heranwachsenden Geschöpf soviel als eine Mutter oder vielmehr eine andre Art von Mutter.","Ottilie herself, partly from this remarkable affinity, per haps still more under the influence of that sweet woman's feeling which makes them regard with the most tender affection the offspring, even by another, of the man they love, was as good as a mother to the little creature as it grew; or rather, she was a second mother of another kind."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_43.flac,00029-f000056,0.71039,"Entfernte sich Charlotte, so blieb Ottilie mit dem Kinde und der Wärterin allein.","If Charlotte was absent, Ottilie remained alone with the child and the nurse."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_44.flac,00029-f000057,0.716158,"Nanny hatte sich seit einiger Zeit, eifersüchtig auf den Knaben, dem ihre Herrin alle Neigung zuzuwenden schien, trotzig von ihr entfernt und war zu ihren Eltern zurückgekehrt.","Nanny had for some time past been jealous of the boy for monopolizing the entire affections of her mistress; she had left her in a fit of crossness, and gone back to her mother."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_45.flac,00029-f000058,0.766788,"Ottilie fuhr fort, das Kind in die freie Luft zu tragen, und gewöhnte sich an immer weitere Spaziergänge.","Ottilie would carry the child about in the open air, and by degrees took longer and longer walks with it."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_46.flac,00029-f000059,0.552941,"Sie hatte das Milchfläschchen bei sich, um dem Kinde, wenn es nötig, seine Nahrung zu reichen.",She took her bottle of milk to give the child its food when it wanted any.
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.11_47.flac,00029-f000060,1.02273,"Selten unterließ sie dabei, ein Buch mitzunehmen, und so bildete sie, das Kind auf dem Arm, lesend und wandelnd, eine gar anmutige Penserosa.","Generally, too, she took a book with her; and so with the child in her arms, reading and wandering, she made a very pretty Penserosa."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_1.flac,00030-f000003,0.509786,"Er begab sich sogleich wieder auf jenes kleine Gut, wo er genaue Nachrichten von den Seinigen fand, die er, ohne daß sie es bemerkten und wußten, scharf hatte beobachten lassen.","He betook himself at once to the same little estate, where he found exact accounts of his family waiting for him, on whom all this time, without their having observed it or known of it, a sharp watch had been kept under his orders."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_3.flac,00030-f000006,0.376489,"Eduard, durch einen raschen Lebensgang an entschiedenere Schritte gewöhnt, nahm sich nunmehr vor, dasjenige auszuführen, was er lange genug zu überdenken Zeit gehabt hatte.","Edward, accustomed by his more active habits of life to take decided steps, determined to execute a project which he long had sufficient time to think over."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_4.flac,00030-f000007,0.215625,Vor allen Dingen berief er den Major.,"First of all, he invited the Major to come to him."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_5.flac,00030-f000008,0.984416,Die Freude des Wiedersehens war groß.,This pleasure in meeting again was very great to both of them.
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_6.flac,00030-f000009,0.6265229999999999,"Jugendfreundschaften wie Blutsverwandtschaften haben den bedeutenden Vorteil, daß ihnen Irrungen und Mißverständnisse, von welcher Art sie auch seien, niemals von Grund aus schaden und die alten Verhältnisse sich nach einiger Zeit wiederherstellen.","The friendships of boyhood, like relationship of blood, pos sess this important advantage, that mistakes and misun derstandings never produce irreparable injury; and the old regard after a time will always reestablish itself."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_7.flac,00030-f000010,0.76626,"Zum frohen Empfang erkundigte sich Eduard nach dem Zustande des Freundes und vernahm, wie voll kommen nach seinen Wünschen ihn das Glück begünstigt habe.","Edward began with inquiring about the situation of his friend, and learned that fortune had favored him ex Elective Affinities actly as he most could have wished."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_8.flac,00030-f000011,0.347965,"Halb scherzend vertraulich fragte Eduard sodann, ob nicht auch eine schöne Verbindung im Werke sei.",He then halfseri ously asked whether there was not something going for ward about a marriage; to which he received a most decided and positive denial.
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_9.flac,00030-f000012,0.594512,Der Freund verneinte es mit bedeutendem Ernst.,"I can not and will not have any reserve with you, he proceeded."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_10.flac,00030-f000013,0.534701,"Ich kann und darf nicht hinterhaltig sein, fuhr Eduard fort; ich muß dir meine Gesinnungen und Vorsätze sogleich entdecken.","I will tell you at once what my own feel ings are, and what I intend to do."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_11.flac,00030-f000014,0.5414770000000001,"Du kennst meine Leidenschaft für Ottilien und hast längst begriffen, daß sie es ist, die mich in diesen Feldzug gestürzt hat.",You know my passion for Ottilie; you must long have comprehended that it was this which drove me into the campaign.
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_12.flac,00030-f000015,0.290488,"Ich leugne nicht, daß ich gewünscht hatte, ein Leben loszuwerden, das mir ohne sie nichts weiter nütze war; allein zugleich muß ich dir gestehen, daß ich es nicht über mich gewinnen konnte, vollkommen zu verzweifeln.","I do not deny that I desired to be rid of a life which, without her, would be of no further value to me."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_13.flac,00030-f000017,0.380769,"Das Glück mit ihr war so schön, so wünschenswert, daß es mir unmöglich blieb, völlig Verzicht darauf zu tun.","The prospect of happiness with her was so beautiful, so infinitely charming, that it was not possible for me entirely to renounce it."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_14.flac,00030-f000018,1.0257100000000001,"So manche tröstliche Ahnung, so manches heitere Zeichen hatte mich in dem Glauben, in dem Wahn bestärkt, Ottilie könne die Meine werden.","Feelings, too, which I can not explain, and a number of happy omens, have com bined to strengthen me in the belief, in the assurance, that Ottilie will one day be mine."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_15.flac,00030-f000019,0.956103,"Ein Glas mit unserm Namenszug bezeichnet, bei der Grundsteinlegung in die Lüfte geworfen, ging nicht zu Trümmern; es ward aufgefangen und ist wieder in meinen Händen.","The glass with our initials cut upon it, which was thrown into the air when the foundationstone was laid, did not go to pieces; it was caught, and I have it again in my possession."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_16.flac,00030-f000020,0.700136,"So will ich mich denn selbst, rief ich mir zu, als ich an diesem einsamen Orte soviel zweifelhafte Stunden verlebt hatte, mich selbst will ich an die Stelle des Glases zum Zeichen machen, ob unsre Verbindung möglich sei oder nicht.","After many miserable hours of uncertainty, spent in this place, I said to myself, 'I will put myself in the place of this glass, and it shall be an omen whether our union be possible or not."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_17.flac,00030-f000021,0.608097,"Ich gehe hin und suche den Tod, nicht als ein Rasender, sondern als einer, der zu leben hofft.","I will go; I will seek for death; not like a madman, but like a man who still hopes that he may live."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_18.flac,00030-f000022,0.473684,"Ottilie soll der Preis sein, um den ich kämpfe; sie soll es sein, die ich hinter jeder feindlichen Schlachtordnung, in jeder Verschanzung, in jeder belagerten Festung zu gewinnen, zu erobern hoffe.",Ottilie shall be the prize for which I fight.
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_19.flac,00030-f000023,0.776289,"Ich will Wunder tun mit dem Wunsche, verschont zu bleiben, im Sinne, Ottilien zu gewinnen, nicht sie zu verlieren.","Ottilie shall be behind the ranks of the enemy; in every entrenchment, in every be leaguered fortress, I shall hope to find her, and to win Elective Affinities her."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_20.flac,00030-f000024,0.90435,"Diese Gefühle haben mich geleitet, sie haben mir durch alle Gefahren beigestanden; aber nun finde ich mich auch wie einen, der zu seinem Ziele gelangt ist, der alle Hindernisse überwunden hat, dem nun nichts mehr im Wege steht.","I will do wonders, with the wish to survive them; with the hope to gain Ottilie, not to lose her These feel ings have led me on; they have stood by me through all dangers; and now I find myself like one who has arrived at his goal, who has overcome every difficulty and who has nothing more left in his way."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_21.flac,00030-f000025,0.979549,"Ottilie ist mein, und was noch zwischen diesem Gedanken und der Ausführung liegt, kann ich nur für nichts bedeutend ansehen.","Ottilie is mine, and whatever lies between the thought and the execution of it, I can only regard as unimportant."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_23.flac,00030-f000028,0.819108,"Wie kann ich aber nur gedenken, daß euch ein Sohn gegeben ist, ohne zugleich auszusprechen, daß ihr einander auf immer angehört, daß ihr um dieses Wesens willen schuldig seid, vereint zu leben, damit ihr vereint für seine Erziehung und für sein künftiges Wohl sorgen möget.","How can I so much as recol lect that you have had a son given to you without ac knowledging at once that you two belong to one another forever; that you are bound, for this little creature's sake, to live united, that united you may educate it, and pro vide for its future welfare?"
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_24.flac,00030-f000029,0.246535,"Es ist bloß ein Dünkel der Eltern, versetzte Eduard, wenn sie sich einbilden, daß ihr Dasein für die Kinder so nötig sei.","It is no more than the blindness of parents, answered Edward, when they imagine their existence to be of so much importance to their children."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_25.flac,00030-f000030,0.719221,"Alles, was lebt, findet Nahrung und Beihülfe; und wenn der Sohn nach dem frühen Tode des Vaters keine bequeme, so begünstigte Jugend hat, so gewinnt er vielleicht ebendeswegen an schnellerer Bildung für die Welt, durch zeitiges Anerkennen, daß er sich in andere schicken muß, was wir denn doch früher oder später alle lernen müssen.","Whatever lives finds nourishment and finds assistance; and if the son who has early lost his father does not spend so easy, so favored a youth, he profits, perhaps, for that very reason, in being trained sooner for the world, and comes to a timely knowledge that he must accommodate himself to others, a thing which sooner or later we are all forced to learn."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_26.flac,00030-f000031,0.638683,"Und hievon ist ja die Rede gar nicht: wir sind reich genug, um mehrere Kinder zu versorgen, und es ist keineswegs Pflicht noch Wohltat, auf Ein Haupt so viele Güter zu häufen.","Here, however, even these considerations are irrelevant; Elective Affinities we are sufficiently well off to be able to provide for more children than one, and it is neither right nor kind to accumulate so large a property on a single head."
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_27.flac,00030-f000032,0.828519,"Als der Major mit einigen Zügen Charlottens Wert und Eduards lange bestandenes Verhältnis zu ihr anzudeuten gedachte, fiel ihm Eduard hastig in die Rede:","The Major attempted to say something of Charlotte's worth, and Edward's longstanding attachment to her; but the latter hastily interrupted him."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_28.flac,00030-f000042,0.736364,"Wir haben eine Torheit begangen, die ich nur allzuwohl einsehe.","All these questions, my friend, he returned, I have considered already again and again."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_29.flac,00030-f000043,0.5285270000000001,"Wer in einem gewissen Alter frühere Jugendwünsche und Hoffnungen realisieren will, betriegt sich immer; denn jedes Jahrzehnt des Menschen hat sein eigenes Glück, seine eigenen Hoffnungen und Aussichten.","They have passed before me in the storm of battle, when the earth was Elective Affinities shaking with the thunder of the cannon, with the balls singing and whistling round me, with my comrades fall ing right and left, my horse shot under me, my hat pierced with bullets."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_30.flac,00030-f000036,0.433137,"Wehe dem Menschen, der vorwärts oder rückwärts zu greifen durch Umstände oder durch Wahn veranlaßt wird!","Woe to him who, either by circumstances or by his own infatuation, is induced to grasp at anything before him or behind him."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_31.flac,00030-f000045,0.756093,Wir haben eine Torheit begangen; soll sie es denn fürs ganze Leben sein?,"I have thought them all through, felt them all through."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_32.flac,00030-f000046,0.537179,"Sollen wir uns aus irgendeiner Art von Bedenklichkeit dasjenige versagen, was uns die Sitten der Zeit nicht absprechen?","I have weighed them, and I have satisfied myself about them again and again, and now forever."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_34.flac,00030-f000047,1.0328600000000001,"In solchen Augenblicken, wie kann ich dirs verschweigen, warst auch du mir gegenwärtig, auch du gehörtest in meinen Kreis; und gehören wir denn nicht schon lange zueinander?","At such moments why should I not acknowledge it to you? you too were in my thoughts, you too belonged to my circle; as, indeed, you and I have long belonged to one another."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_36.flac,00030-f000045,0.596518,"Nimm sie von meiner Hand, führe mir Ottilien zu! und wir sind die glücklichsten Menschen auf der Erde.","I have thought them all through, felt them all through."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_37.flac,00030-f000052,0.5544640000000001,"Eben weil du mich mit so hohen Gaben bestechen willst, versetzte der Major, muß ich desto vorsichtiger, desto strenger sein.","If you choose to assign me so high a character, re plied the Major, it is the more reason for me to be firm and prudent."
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_38.flac,00030-f000053,0.573994,"Anstatt daß dieser Vorschlag, den ich still verehre, die Sache erleichtern möchte, erschwert er sie vielmehr.","Whatever there may be in this proposal to make it attractive to me, instead of simplifying the problem, it only increases the difficulty of it."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_40.flac,00030-f000051,0.582684,"Eben daß wir unbescholten sind, versetzte Eduard, gibt uns das Recht, uns auch einmal schelten zu lassen.","Take her at my hand and give Ottilie to me, and we shall be the happiest beings upon the earth."
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_41.flac,00030-f000057,0.646234,"Wer sich sein ganzes Leben als einen zuverlässigen Mann bewiesen, der macht eine Handlung zuverlässig, die bei andern zweideutig erscheinen würde.",A man who has borne himself honorably through a whole life makes an action honorable which might appear am biguous in others.
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_42.flac,00030-f000058,0.570341,"Was mich betrifft, ich fühle mich durch die letzten Prüfungen, die ich mir auferlegt, durch die schwierigen, gefahrvollen Taten, die ich für andere getan, berechtigt, auch etwas für mich zu tun.","As concerns myself, after these last trials which I have taken upon myself, after the difficult and dangerous actions which I have accomplished for others, I feel entitled now to do something for myself."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_43.flac,00030-f000059,0.587526,"Was dich und Charlotten betrifft, so sei es der Zukunft anheimgegeben; mich aber wirst du, wird niemand von meinem Vorsatze zurückhalten. Will man mir die Hand bieten, so bin ich auch wieder zu allem erbötig; will man mich mir selbst überlassen oder mir wohl gar entgegen sein, so muß ein Extrem entstehen, es werde auch, wie es wolle.","For you and Charlotte, that part of the business may, if you like it, be given up; but neither you nor any one shall keep me from doing what I have determined."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_45.flac,00030-f000059,0.5821689999999999,"Da trat denn so manches Unerfreuliche, Beschwerliche, Unschickliche hervor, daß sich Eduard in die schlimmste Laune versetzt fühlte.","For you and Charlotte, that part of the business may, if you like it, be given up; but neither you nor any one shall keep me from doing what I have determined."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_46.flac,00030-f000063,0.7257939999999999,"Ich sehe wohl, rief dieser endlich, nicht allein von Feinden, sondern auch von Freunden muß, was man wünscht, erstürmt werden.","I see plainly, he cried at last, that what we desire can only be carried by storm, whether it be from our ene mies or from our friends."
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_47.flac,00030-f000061,0.883174,"Das, was ich will, was mir unentbehrlich ist, halte ich fest im Auge; ich werde es ergreifen und gewiß bald und behende.",The Major thought it his duty to combat Edward's purposes as long as it was possible; and now he changed the mode of his attack and tried a diversion.
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_48.flac,00030-f000062,0.715158,"Dergleichen Verhältnisse, weiß ich wohl, heben sich nicht auf und bilden sich nicht, ohne daß manches falle, was steht, ohne daß manches weiche, was zu beharren Lust hat.","He seemed to give way, and only spoke of the form of what they would have to do to bring about this separation, and these new unions; and so mentioned a number of ugly, undesir able matters, which threw Edward into the worst of tempers."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_49.flac,00030-f000063,0.425892,"Durch Überlegung wird so etwas nicht geendet; vor dem Verstande sind alle Rechte gleich, und auf die steigende Waagschale läßt sich immer wieder ein Gegengewicht legen.","I see plainly, he cried at last, that what we desire can only be carried by storm, whether it be from our ene mies or from our friends."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_50.flac,00030-f000064,0.381396,"Entschließe dich also, mein Freund, für mich, für dich zu handeln, für mich, für dich diese Zustände zu entwirren, aufzulösen, zu verknüpfen!","I keep clearly before my own eyes what I demand, what, one way or another, I must have; and I will seize it promptly and surely."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_53.flac,00030-f000069,0.960145,Dann wieder ernsthaft und nachdenklich fuhr er fort:,"Disentangle and untie the knots, and tie them up again."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_54.flac,00030-f000072,0.8981370000000001,"Wollten wir uns der Hoffnung, der Erwartung überlassen, daß alles sich von selbst wieder finden, daß der Zufall uns leiten und begünstigen solle, so wäre dies ein sträflicher Selbstbetrug.","It will talk about us once more; and when we have ceased to be a nine day's wonder, it will forget us as it forgets everything else, and allow us to follow our own way without further concern with us."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_55.flac,00030-f000077,0.492313,"Auf diese Weise können wir uns unmöglich retten, unsre allseitige Ruhe nicht wiederherstellen; und wie sollte ich mich trösten können, da ich unschuldig die Schuld an allem bin!","We have had no more control over what ensued out of this, but we have the power to make it innocuous; to guide the new Elective Affinities circumstances to our own happiness."
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_56.flac,00030-f000076,0.6949350000000001,"Durch meine Zudringlichkeit habe ich Charlotten vermocht, dich ins Haus zu nehmen, und auch Ottilie ist nur in Gefolg von dieser Veränderung bei uns eingetreten.",By my own importu nity I prevailed on Charlotte to write to you to stay with us; and Ottilie followed in consequence.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_57.flac,00030-f000077,0.709561,"Wir sind nicht mehr Herr über das, was daraus entsprungen ist, aber wir sind Herr, es unschädlich zu machen, die Verhältnisse zu unserm Glücke zu leiten.","We have had no more control over what ensued out of this, but we have the power to make it innocuous; to guide the new Elective Affinities circumstances to our own happiness."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_58.flac,00030-f000082,0.113699,"Magst du die Augen von den schönen und freundlichen Aussichten abwenden, die ich uns eröffne, magst du mir, magst du uns allen ein trauriges Entsagen gebieten, insofern du dirs möglich denkst, insofern es möglich wäre: ist denn nicht auch alsdann, wenn wir uns vornehmen, in die alten Zustände zurückzukehren, manches Unschickliche, Unbequeme, Verdrießliche zu übertragen, ohne daß irgend etwas Gutes, etwas Heiteres daraus entspränge?","Will there be no vexations, no bitterness, no inconvenience to overcome, if we resolve to fall back into our old state? and will any good, any happiness whatever, arise out of it ?"
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_59.flac,00030-f000083,0.752034,"Würde der glückliche Zustand, in dem du dich befindest, dir wohl Freude machen, wenn du gehindert wärst, mich zu besuchen, mit mir zu leben?","Will your own rank, will the high position which you have earned, be any pleasure to you, if you are to be prevented from visiting me, or from living with me ?"
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_60.flac,00030-f000084,0.502991,"Und nach dem, was vorgegangen ist, würde es doch immer peinlich sein.","And after what has passed, it would not be anything but painful."
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_61.flac,00030-f000085,0.8465,Charlotte und ich würden mit allem unserm Vermögen uns nur in einer traurigen Lage befinden.,"Charlotte and I, with all our property, would only find ourselves in a melancholy state."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_62.flac,00030-f000086,0.6924239999999999,"Und wenn du mit andern Weltmenschen glauben magst, daß Jahre, daß Entfernung solche Empfindungen abstumpfen, so tief eingegrabene Züge auslöschen, so ist ja eben von diesen Jahren die Rede, die man nicht in Schmerz und Entbehren, sondern in Freude und Behagen zubringen will.","And if, like other men of the world, you can persuade yourself that years and separation will eradicate our feelings, will obliterate impressions so deeply engraved; why, then the question is of these very years, which it would be better to spend in happiness and comfort than in pain and misery."
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_64.flac,00030-f000089,0.654118,"Male mir einen Zustand, worin Ottilie ohne mich, ohne uns glücklich sein könnte, dann sollst du ein Argument ausgesprochen haben, das stärker ist als jedes andre, das ich, wenn ichs auch nicht zugeben, mich ihm nicht ergeben kann, dennoch recht gern aufs neue in Betrachtung und Überlegung ziehen will.","Describe to me any situation in which Ottilie, without me, without us, could be happy, and you will then have employed an argument which will be stronger than Elective Affinities every other; and if I will not promise to yield to it, if I will not undertake at once to give up all my own hopes, I will at least reconsider the question, and see how what you have said will affect it."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_65.flac,00030-f000090,0.782857,"Diese Aufgabe war so leicht nicht zu lösen, wenigstens fiel dem Freunde hierauf keine hinlängliche Antwort ein, und es blieb ihm nichts übrig, als wiederholt einzuschärfen, wie wichtig, wie bedenklich und in manchem Sinne gefährlich das ganze Unternehmen sei, und daß man wenigstens, wie es anzugreifen wäre, auf das ernstlichste zu bedenken habe.","This problem was not so easy to solve; at least, no satisfactory answer to it suggested itself to his friend, and nothing was left to him except to insist again and again, how grave and serious, and in many senses how dangerous, the whole undertaking was; and at least that they ought maturely to consider how they had better en ter upon it."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.12_66.flac,00030-f000091,0.5942609999999999,"Eduard ließ sichs gefallen, doch nur unter der Bedingung, daß ihn der Freund nicht eher verlassen wolle, als bis sie über die Sache völlig einig geworden und die ersten Schritte getan seien.","Edward agreed to this, and consented to wait before he took any steps; but only under the condi tion that his friend should not leave him until they had come to a perfect understanding about it, and until the first measures had been taken."
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+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_1.flac,00031-f000003,1.02,"Um so mehr läßt sich erwarten, daß unsern beiden Freunden, indem sie wieder nebeneinander wohnten, täglich und stündlich zusammen umgingen, gegenseitig nichts verborgen blieb.","All the more was it to be expected that there would soon be no secrets between our two friends now that they were again under the same roof together, and in daily and hourly intercourse."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_2.flac,00031-f000004,1.04381,"Sie wiederholten das Andenken ihrer früheren Zustände, und der Major verhehlte nicht, daß Charlotte Eduarden, als er von Reisen zurückgekommen, Ottilien zugedacht, daß sie ihm das schöne Kind in der Folge zu vermählen gemeint habe.","They went over again the earlier stages of their history, and the Major confessed to Ed ward that Charlotte had intended Ottilie for him at the time at which he returned from abroad, and hoped that some time or other he might marry her."
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_3.flac,00031-f000005,1.0011,"Eduard, bis zur Verwirrung entzückt über diese Entdeckung, sprach ohne Rückhalt von der gegenseitigen Neigung Charlottens und des Majors, die er, weil es ihm gerade bequem und günstig war, mit lebhaften Farben ausmalte.","Edward was in ecstasies at this discovery; he spoke without reserve of the mutual affection of Charlotte and the Major, which, because it happened to fall in so conveniently with his own wishes, he painted in very lively colors."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_4.flac,00031-f000006,0.749398,"Ganz leugnen konnte der Major nicht und nicht ganz eingestehen; aber Eduard befestigte, bestimmte sich nur mehr.","Deny it altogether, the Major could not; at the same time, he could not altogether acknowledge it."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_5.flac,00031-f000007,0.0794118,"Er dachte sich alles nicht als möglich, sondern als schon geschehen.",But Edward only insisted on it the more.
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_6.flac,00031-f000008,0.708925,"Alle Teile brauchten nur in das zu willigen, was sie wünschten; eine Scheidung war gewiß zu erlangen; eine baldige Verbindung sollte folgen, und Eduard wollte mit Ottilien reisen.","He had pictured the whole thing to himself not as possible, but as already concluded; all parties had only to resolve on what they all wished; there would be no difficulty in obtaining a separation; the Elective Affinities marriages should follow as soon after as possible, and Edward could travel with Ottilie."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_7.flac,00031-f000009,0.632576,"Unter allem, was die Einbildungskraft sich Angenehmes ausmalt, ist vielleicht nichts Reizenderes, als wenn Liebende, wenn junge Gatten ihr neues, frisches Verhältnis in einer neuen, frischen Welt zu genießen und einen dauernden Bund an soviel wechselnden Zuständen zu prüfen und zu bestätigen hoffen.","Of all the pleasant things which imagination pictures to us, perhaps there is none more charming than when lovers and young married people look forward to enjoying their new relation to each other in a fresh, new world, and test the endurance of the bond between them in so many changing circumstances."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_8.flac,00031-f000010,0.727396,"Der Major und Charlotte sollten unterdessen unbeschränkte Vollmacht haben, alles, was sich auf Besitz, Vermögen und die irdischen wünschenswerten Einrichtungen bezieht, dergestalt zu ordnen und nach Recht und Billigkeit einzuleiten, daß alle Teile zufrieden sein könnten.","The Major and Charlotte were in the meantime to have unrestricted powers to settle all questions of money, property, and other such important worldly matters; and to do whatever was right and proper for the satisfaction of all parties."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_9.flac,00031-f000011,0.136373,"Worauf jedoch Eduard am allermeisten zu fußen, wovon er sich den größten Vorteil zu versprechen schien, war dies:","What Edward dwelt the most upon, however, what he seemed to promise him self the most advantage from was this : as the child would have to remain with the mother, the Major would charge himself with the education of it; he would train the boy according to his own views, and develop what capacities there might be in him."
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_10.flac,00031-f000011,0.136373,"Da das Kind bei der Mutter bleiben sollte, so würde der Major den Knaben erziehen, ihn nach seinen Einsichten leiten, seine Fähigkeiten entwickeln können.","<MERGE> What Edward dwelt the most upon, however, what he seemed to promise him self the most advantage from was this : as the child would have to remain with the mother, the Major would charge himself with the education of it; he would train the boy according to his own views, and develop what capacities there might be in him."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_11.flac,00031-f000012,0.651351,Nicht umsonst hatte man ihm dann in der Taufe ihren beiderseitigen Namen Otto gegeben.,"It was not for nothing that he had received in his baptism the name of Otto, which be longed to them both."
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_12.flac,00031-f000013,0.612819,"Das alles war bei Eduarden so fertig geworden, daß er keinen Tag länger anstehen mochte, der Ausführung näherzutreten.",Edward had so completely arranged everything for himself that he could not wait another day to carry it into execution.
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_13.flac,00031-f000014,0.663351,"Sie gelangten auf ihrem Wege nach dem Gute zu einer kleinen Stadt, in der Eduard ein Haus besaß, wo er verweilen und die Rückkunft des Majors abwarten wollte.","On their way to the castle they arrived at a small town, where Edward had a house, and where he was to stay to await the return of the Major."
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_14.flac,00031-f000015,0.6271479999999999,"Doch konnte er sich nicht überwinden, daselbst sogleich abzusteigen, und begleitete den Freund noch durch den Ort.","He could not, however, prevail upon himself to alight there at once, and accompanied his friend through the place."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_15.flac,00031-f000016,0.8703700000000001,"Sie waren beide zu Pferde, und in bedeutendem Gespräch verwickelt ritten sie zusammen weiter.","They were both on horseback, and falling into some interesting con versation, rode on further together."
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_16.flac,00031-f000017,0.697091,"Auf einmal erblickten sie in der Ferne das neue Haus auf der Höhe, dessen rote Ziegeln sie zum erstenmal blinken sahen.","Elective Affinities On a sudden they saw, in the distance, the new house on the height, with its red tiles shining in the sun."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_17.flac,00031-f000019,0.428041,"Eduarden ergreift eine unwiderstehliche Sehnsucht; es soll noch diesen Abend alles abgetan sein. In einem ganz nahen Dorfe will er sich verborgen halten; der Major soll die Sache Charlotten dringend vorstellen, ihre Vorsicht überraschen und durch den unerwarteten Antrag sie zu freier Eröffnung ihrer Gesinnung nötigen.",The Major was to urge the business on Charlotte with all his power; he would take her pru dence by surprise; and oblige her by the unexpectedness of his proposal to make a free acknowledgment of her feelings.
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_18.flac,00031-f000020,0.8831629999999999,"Denn Eduard, der seine Wünsche auf sie übergetragen hatte, glaubte nicht anders, als daß er ihren entschiedenen Wünschen entgegenkomme, und hoffte eine so schnelle Einwilligung von ihr, weil er keinen andern Willen haben konnte.","Edward had transferred his own wishes to her; he felt certain that he was only meeting her halfway, and that her inclinations were as decided as his own; and he looked for an immediate consent from her, because he him self could think of nothing else."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_19.flac,00031-f000021,0.7709090000000001,"Er sah den glücklichen Ausgang freudig vor Augen, und damit dieser dem Lauernden schnell verkündigt würde, sollten einige Kanonenschläge losgebrannt werden und, wäre es Nacht geworden, einige Raketen steigen.","Joyfully he saw the prosperous issue before his eyes; and that it might be communicated to him as swiftly as possible, a few cannon shots were to be fired off, and if it was dark, a rocket or two sent up."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_20.flac,00031-f000022,0.656571,Der Major ritt nach dem Schlosse zu.,The Major rode to the castle.
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_21.flac,00031-f000023,1.03912,"Er fand Charlotten nicht, sondern erfuhr vielmehr, daß sie gegenwärtig oben auf dem neuen Gebäude wohne, jetzt aber einen Besuch in der Nachbarschaft ablege, von welchem sie heute wahrscheinlich nicht so bald nach Hause komme.","He did not find Charlotte there; he learned that for the present she was staying at the new house; at that particular time, however, she was paying a visit in the neighborhood, and she probably would not have returned till late that evening."
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_22.flac,00031-f000024,0.525597,"Er ging in das Wirtshaus zurück, wohin er sein Pferd gestellt hatte.","He walked back to the hotel, to which he had previously sent his horse."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_23.flac,00031-f000025,0.7753399999999999,"Eduard indessen, von unüberwindlicher Ungeduld getrieben, schlich aus seinem Hinterhalte durch einsame Pfade, nur Jägern und Fischern bekannt, nach seinem Park und fand sich gegen Abend im Gebüsch in der Nachbarschaft des Sees, dessen Spiegel er zum erstenmal vollkommen und rein erblickte.","Edward, in the meantime, unable to sit still from rest lessness and impatience, stole away out of his concealment along solitary paths only known to foresters and fisher men, into his park; and he found himself toward evening in the copse close to the lake, the broad mirror of which Elective Affinities o b&l A Uyy he now for the first time saw spread out in its perfectness before him."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_24.flac,00031-f000026,0.800172,Ottilie hatte diesen Nachmittag einen Spaziergang an den See gemacht.,Ottilie had gone out that afternoon for a walk along the shore.
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_25.flac,00031-f000027,0.45625,Sie trug das Kind und las im Gehen nach ihrer Gewohnheit.,"She had the child with her, and read as she usually did while she went along."
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_26.flac,00031-f000028,0.584615,So gelangte sie zu den Eichen bei der Überfahrt.,She had gone as far as the oak tree by the ferry.
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_27.flac,00031-f000029,0.62963,"Der Knabe war eingeschlafen; sie setzte sich, legte ihn neben sich nieder und fuhr fort zu lesen.","The boy had fallen asleep; she sat down; laid it on the ground at her side, and continued reading."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_28.flac,00031-f000030,0.908225,"Das Buch war eins von denen, die ein zartes Gemüt an sich ziehen und nicht wieder loslassen.","The book was one of those which attract per sons of delicate feeling, and afterward will not let them go again."
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_29.flac,00031-f000031,0.883653,"Sie vergaß Zeit und Stunde und dachte nicht, daß sie zu Lande noch einen weiten Rückweg nach dem neuen Gebäude habe; aber sie saß versenkt in ihr Buch, in sich selbst, so liebenswürdig anzusehen, daß die Bäume, die Sträuche ringsumher hätten belebt, mit Augen begabt sein sollen, um sie zu bewundern und sich an ihr zu erfreuen.","She forgot the time and the hours; she never thought what a long way round it was by land to the new house; but she sat lost in her book and in herself, so beau tiful to look at that the trees and the bushes round her ought to have been alive and to have had eyes given them to gaze upon her and admire her."
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_30.flac,00031-f000032,0.8,Und eben fiel ein rötliches Streiflicht der sinkenden Sonne hinter ihr her und vergoldete Wange und Schulter.,"The sun was sinking; a ruddy streak of light fell upon her from behind, tinging with gold her cheek and shoulder."
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_31.flac,00031-f000033,0.407553,"Eduard, dem es bisher gelungen war, unbemerkt so weit vorzudringen, der seinen Park leer, die Gegend einsam fand, wagte sich immer weiter.","Edward, who had made his way to the lake without being seen, rinding his park desolate, and no trace of human creature to be seen anywhere, went on and on."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_33.flac,00031-f000037,0.6573680000000001,"Nach einer langen, stummen Pause, in der sich beide zu fassen suchen, erklärt er ihr mit wenig Worten, warum und wie er hieher gekommen.","After a long, silent pause, in which they both endeavored to collect themselves, he explained in a few words why and how he had come there."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_34.flac,00031-f000038,0.936115,"Er habe den Major an Charlotten abgesendet, ihr gemeinsames Schicksal werde vielleicht in diesem Augenblick entschieden.",He had sent the Major to Charlotte; and perhaps at that moment their common destiny was being decided.
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_35.flac,00031-f000039,0.49977,"Nie habe er an ihrer Liebe gezweifelt, sie gewiß auch nie an der seinigen.","Never had he doubted her affection, and she assuredly had never doubted his."
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_36.flac,00031-f000040,0.348571,Er bitte sie um ihre Einwilligung.,He begged for her consent; she hesitated; he implored Elective Affinities her.
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_37.flac,00031-f000041,0.639264,"Sie zauderte, er beschwur sie; er wollte seine alten Rechte geltend machen und sie in seine Arme schließen, sie deutete auf das Kind hin.","He offered to resume his old privilege, and throw his arms around her, and embrace her; she pointed down to the child."
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_38.flac,00031-f000042,0.766667,Eduard erblickt es und staunt.,Edward looked at it and was amazed.
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_39.flac,00031-f000043,0.573947,"Großer Gott! ruft er aus, wenn ich Ursache hätte, an meiner Frau, an meinem Freunde zu zweifeln, so würde diese Gestalt fürchterlich gegen sie zeugen.","Great God ! he cried; if I had cause to doubt my wife and my friend, this face would witness fearfully against them."
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_40.flac,00031-f000044,0.675,Ist dies nicht die Bildung des Majors?,Is not this the very image of the Major?
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_41.flac,00031-f000045,0.591071,Solch ein Gleichen habe ich nie gesehen.,I never saw such a likeness.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_43.flac,00031-f000048,0.7769229999999999,"Wär es möglich? versetzte Eduard, und in dem Augenblick schlug das Kind die Augen auf, zwei große, schwarze, durchdringende Augen, tief und freundlich.","Edward answered; and at this moment the child opened its eyes two large, black, piercing eyes, deep and full of love; already the little face was full of intelligence."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_44.flac,00031-f000049,0.946721,"Der Knabe sah die Welt schon so verständig an; er schien die beiden zu kennen, die vor ihm standen.",He seemed as if he knew both the figures which he saw standing before him.
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_45.flac,00031-f000050,0.455769,"Eduard warf sich bei dem Kinde nieder, er kniete zweimal vor Ottilien.","Edward threw him self down beside the child, and then knelt a second time before Ottilie."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_46.flac,00031-f000050,0.0778846,"Du bists! rief er aus, deine Augen sinds.","<MERGE> Edward threw him self down beside the child, and then knelt a second time before Ottilie."
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_47.flac,00031-f000051,-0.0153409,Ach! aber laß mich nur in die deinigen schaun.,"It is you' he cried; the eyes are yours ! ah, but let me look into yours; let me throw a veil over that illstarred hour which gave its being to this little creature."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_48.flac,00031-f000051,-0.0153409,"Laß mich einen Schleier werfen über jene unselige Stunde, die diesem Wesen das Dasein gab.","<MERGE> It is you' he cried; the eyes are yours ! ah, but let me look into yours; let me throw a veil over that illstarred hour which gave its being to this little creature."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_49.flac,00031-f000052,0.686207,"Soll ich deine reine Seele mit dem unglücklichen Gedanken erschrecken, daß Mann und Frau entfremdet sich einander ans Herz drücken und einen gesetzlichen Bund durch lebhafte Wünsche entheiligen können?","Shall I shock your pure spirit with the fearful thought that man and wife who are estranged from each other can yet press each other to their heart, and profane the bonds by which the law unites them by other eager wishes ?"
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_51.flac,00031-f000056,0.6260180000000001,Warum soll ich das harte Wort nicht aussprechen: dies Kind ist aus einem doppelten Ehbruch erzeugt!,"It should have been a tie between my wife and myself; but it severs her from me, and me from her."
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_52.flac,00031-f000056,0.966667,"es trennt mich von meiner Gattin und meine Gattin von mir, wie es uns hätte verbinden sollen.","It should have been a tie between my wife and myself; but it severs her from me, and me from her."
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_54.flac,00031-f000061,0.620238,"Horch! rief er aus, indem er aufsprang und einen Schuß zu hören glaubte, als das Zeichen, das der Major geben sollte.","He thought that he had heard a shot, and that it was the sign which the Major was to give."
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_55.flac,00031-f000062,0.75974,"Es war ein Jäger, der im benachbarten Gebirg geschossen hatte.",It was the gun of a forester on the adjoining hill.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_56.flac,00031-f000063,0.17647100000000002,Es erfolgte nichts weiter;,Nothing followed.
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_57.flac,00031-f000064,0.3,Eduard war ungeduldig.,Edward grew impatient.
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_58.flac,00031-f000065,0.0921429,"Nun erst sah Ottilie, daß die Sonne sich hinter die Berge gesenkt hatte.",Ottilie now first observed that the sun was down be hind the mountains; its last rays were shining on the win dows of the house above.
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_59.flac,00031-f000065,0.0921429,Noch zuletzt blinkte sie von den Fenstern des obern Gebäudes zurück.,<MERGE> Ottilie now first observed that the sun was down be hind the mountains; its last rays were shining on the win dows of the house above.
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_60.flac,00031-f000066,0.246429,"Entferne dich, Eduard! rief Ottilie.","Leave me, Edward, she cried; go."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_61.flac,00031-f000067,0.6959350000000001,"So lange haben wir entbehrt, so lange geduldet.","Long as we have been parted, much as we have borne, yet remember what we both owe to Charlotte."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_62.flac,00031-f000068,0.973256,"Bedenke, was wir beide Charlotten schuldig sind.",She must decide our fate; do not let us anticipate her judgment.
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_63.flac,00031-f000068,0.823232,"Sie muß unser Schicksal entscheiden, laß uns ihr nicht vorgreifen.",She must decide our fate; do not let us anticipate her judgment.
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_64.flac,00031-f000070,0.666667,"Ich bin die Deine, wenn sie es vergönnt; wo nicht, so muß ich dir entsagen.","If she will not, I must renounce you."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_65.flac,00031-f000071,0.742857,"Da du die Entscheidung so nah glaubst, so laß uns erwarten.","As you think it is now so near an issue, let us wait."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_66.flac,00031-f000072,0.8035939999999999,"Geh in das Dorf zurück, wo der Major dich vermutet.","Go back to the village, where the Major supposes you to be."
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_67.flac,00031-f000072,0.633333,"Wie manches kann vorkommen, das eine Erklärung fordert.","Go back to the village, where the Major supposes you to be."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_68.flac,00031-f000073,0.456751,"Ist es wahrscheinlich, daß ein roher Kanonenschlag dir den Erfolg seiner Unterhandlungen verkünde?",Is it likely that a rude cannonshot will inform you of the results of such an interview?
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_69.flac,00031-f000074,0.919298,Vielleicht sucht er dich auf in diesem Augenblick.,Perhaps at this moment he is seeking for you.
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_70.flac,00031-f000076,0.627688,"Er hat Charlotten nicht getroffen, das weiß ich; er kann ihr entgegengegangen sein, denn man wußte, wo sie hin war.",He may have gone to meet her; for they knew at the castle where she was.
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_71.flac,00031-f000077,0.3,Wie vielerlei Fälle sind möglich!,How many things may have happened !
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_72.flac,00031-f000077,-0.00517241,Laß mich!,How many things may have happened !
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_73.flac,00031-f000077,-0.00517241,Jetzt muß sie kommen.,<MERGE> How many things may have happened !
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_74.flac,00031-f000078,0.0333333,Sie erwartet mich mit dem Kinde dort oben.,Leave me ! she must be at home by this time; she is expecting me with the baby above.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_75.flac,00031-f000079,0.942857,Ottilie sprach in Hast.,Ottilie spoke hurriedly; she called together all the pos sibilities.
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_76.flac,00031-f000080,0.5075189999999999,Sie rief sich alle Möglichkeiten zusammen.,It was too delightful to be with Edward; but she felt that he must now leave her.
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_77.flac,00031-f000080,0.8909090000000001,"Sie war glücklich in Eduards Nähe und fühlte, daß sie ihn jetzt entfernen müsse.",It was too delightful to be with Edward; but she felt that he must now leave her.
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_78.flac,00031-f000081,0.640385,"Ich bitte, ich beschwöre dich, Geliebter! rief sie aus, kehre zurück und erwarte den Major!","I beseech, I implore Elective Affinities you, my beloved, she cried out; go back and wait for the Major."
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_79.flac,00031-f000083,0.935307,"Ich gehorche deinen Befehlen, rief Eduard, indem er sie erst leidenschaftlich anblickte und sie dann fest in seine Arme schloß.","He gazed at her for a moment with rapturous love, and then caught her close in his arms."
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_80.flac,00031-f000084,0.654887,Sie umschlang ihn mit den ihrigen und drückte ihn auf das zärtlichste an ihre Brust.,"She wound her own about him, and pressed him tenderly to her breast."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_81.flac,00031-f000085,0.489286,"Die Hoffnung fuhr wie ein Stern, der vom Himmel fällt, über ihre Häupter weg.","Hope streamed away, like a star shooting in the sky, above their heads."
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_82.flac,00031-f000086,1.29481,"Sie wähnten, sie glaubten einander anzugehören; sie wechselten zum erstenmal entschiedene, freie Küsse und trennten sich gewaltsam und schmerzlich.","They thought then, they believed, that they did indeed belong to one another."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_83.flac,00031-f000087,0.66087,"Die Sonne war untergegangen, und es dämmerte schon und duftete feucht um den See.","For the first tkne they exchanged free, genuine kisses, and separated with pain and effort."
+ 79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_85.flac,00031-f000091,0.671268,"Die Platanen sieht sie gegen sich über, nur ein Wasserraum trennt sie von dem Pfade, der sogleich zu dem Gebäude hinaufführt.","She looked across to the house on the hill, and she thought she saw Charlotte's white dress on the balcony."
+ 80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_86.flac,00031-f000092,0.490909,Mit Gedanken ist sie schon drüben wie mit den Augen.,It was a long way round by the end of the lake; and she knew how impatiently Charlotte would be wait ing for the child.
+ 81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_87.flac,00031-f000094,0.677215,"Die Bedenklichkeit, mit dem Kinde sich aufs Wasser zu wagen, verschwindet in diesem Drange.",Her nervous ness about venturing on the water with the child vanished in her present embarrassment.
+ 82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_88.flac,00031-f000095,0.9905940000000001,"Sie eilt nach dem Kahn, sie fühlt nicht, daß ihr Herz pocht, daß ihre Füße schwanken, daß ihr die Sinne zu vergehen drohn.",She hastened to the boat; she did not feel that her heart was beating; that her feet were tottering; that her senses were threatening to fail her.
+ 83,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_89.flac,00031-f000096,0.5307689999999999,"Sie springt in den Kahn, ergreift das Ruder und stößt ab.","She sprang in, seized the oar, and pushed off."
+ 84,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_90.flac,00031-f000097,0.466667,"Sie muß Gewalt brauchen, sie wiederholt den Stoß, der Kahn schwankt und gleitet eine Strecke seewärts.",She had to use force; she pushed again.
+ 85,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_91.flac,00031-f000099,0.8377829999999999,"Auf dem linken Arme das Kind, in der linken Hand das Buch, in der rechten das Ruder, schwankt auch sie und fällt in den Kahn.","With the child in her left arm, the book in her left hand, and Elective Affinities the oar in her right, she lost her footing, and fell over the seat; the oar slipped from her on one side, and as she tried to recover herself the child and the book slipped on the other, all into the water."
+ 86,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_92.flac,00031-f000099,0.927885,"Das Ruder entfährt ihr nach der einen Seite und, wie sie sich erhalten will, Kind und Buch nach der andern, alles ins Wasser.","With the child in her left arm, the book in her left hand, and Elective Affinities the oar in her right, she lost her footing, and fell over the seat; the oar slipped from her on one side, and as she tried to recover herself the child and the book slipped on the other, all into the water."
+ 87,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_94.flac,00031-f000103,0.7944439999999999,"In dem Augenblicke kehrt ihre ganze Besonnenheit zurück, aber um desto größer ist ihr Schmerz.",In a moment she recovered all her selfpossession; but so much the greater was her agony; the boat was driving fast into the middle of the lake; the oar was swimming far away from her.
+ 88,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_95.flac,00031-f000103,0.768404,"Der Kahn treibt fast in der Mitte des Sees, das Ruder schwimmt fern, sie erblickt niemanden am Ufer, und auch was hätte es ihr geholfen, jemanden zu sehen!",In a moment she recovered all her selfpossession; but so much the greater was her agony; the boat was driving fast into the middle of the lake; the oar was swimming far away from her.
+ 89,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_96.flac,00031-f000104,0.551299,"Von allem abgesondert, schwebt sie auf dem treulosen, unzugänglichen Elemente.","She saw no one on the shore; and, indeed, if she had, it would have been of no service to her."
+ 90,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_97.flac,00031-f000106,0.0637066,Sie sucht Hülfe bei sich selbst.,"She sought for help from herself; she had often heard of the recovery of the drowned; she had herself witnessed an instance of it on the evening of her birthday; she took off the child's clothes, and dried it with her muslin dress; she threw open her bosom, laying it bare for the first time to the free heaven."
+ 91,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_98.flac,00031-f000106,0.0637066,So oft hatte sie von Rettung der Ertrunkenen gehört.,"<MERGE> She sought for help from herself; she had often heard of the recovery of the drowned; she had herself witnessed an instance of it on the evening of her birthday; she took off the child's clothes, and dried it with her muslin dress; she threw open her bosom, laying it bare for the first time to the free heaven."
+ 92,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_99.flac,00031-f000107,0.5,Noch am Abend ihres Geburtstags hatte sie es erlebt.,"For the first time she pressed a living being to her pure, naked breast."
+ 93,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_100.flac,00031-f000108,0.04,Sie entkleidet das Kind und trocknets mit ihrem Musselingewand.,Alas! and it was not a living being.
+ 94,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_101.flac,00031-f000109,0.333333,"Sie reißt ihren Busen auf und zeigt ihn zum erstenmal dem freien Himmel; zum erstenmal drückt sie ein Lebendiges an ihre reine nackte Brust, ach! und kein Lebendiges.",The cold limbs of the illstarred little crea ture chilled her to the heart.
+ 95,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_102.flac,00031-f000110,0.480536,Die kalten Glieder des unglücklichen Geschöpfs verkälten ihren Busen bis ins innerste Herz.,"Streams of tears gushed from her eyes, and lent a show of life and warmth to the outside of the torpid limbs."
+ 96,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_103.flac,00031-f000111,0.672549,Unendliche Tränen entquellen ihren Augen und erteilen der Oberfläche des Erstarrten einen Schein von Wärme und Leben.,"She persevered with her efforts; she wrapped it in her shawl, she drew it close to herself, stroked it, breathed upon it, and with tears and Elective Affinities kisses labored to supply the help which, cut off as she was, she was unable to find."
+ 97,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_104.flac,00031-f000112,0.0642857,"Sie läßt nicht nach, sie überhüllt es mit ihrem Schal, und durch Streicheln, Andrücken, Anhauchen, Küssen, Tränen glaubt sie jene Hülfsmittel zu ersetzen, die ihr in dieser Abgeschnittenheit versagt sind.",It was all in vain; the child lay motionless in her arms; motionless the boat floated on the glassy water.
+ 98,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_105.flac,00031-f000112,0.0642857,Alles vergebens!,<MERGE> It was all in vain; the child lay motionless in her arms; motionless the boat floated on the glassy water.
+ 99,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_106.flac,00031-f000113,0.375472,"Ohne Bewegung liegt das Kind in ihren Armen, ohne Bewegung steht der Kahn auf der Wasserfläche; aber auch hier läßt ihr schönes Gemüt sie nicht hülflos.",But even here her beautiful spirit did not leave her forsaken.
+ 100,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_107.flac,00031-f000114,0.26087,Sie wendet sich nach oben.,She turned to the Power above.
+ 101,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_108.flac,00031-f000115,0.549828,"Knieend sinkt sie in dem Kahne nieder und hebt das erstarrte Kind mit beiden Armen über ihre unschuldige Brust, die an Weiße und leider auch an Kälte dem Marmor gleicht.","She sank down upon her knees in the boat, and with both arms raised the unmoving child above her innocent breast, like marble in its white ness; alas, too like marble, cold; with moist eyes she looked up and cried for help, where a tender heart hopes to find it in its fulness when all other help has failed."
+ 102,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_109.flac,00031-f000115,0.406756,"Mit feuchtem Blick sieht sie empor und ruft Hülfe von daher, wo ein zartes Herz die größte Fülle zu finden hofft, wenn es überall mangelt.","She sank down upon her knees in the boat, and with both arms raised the unmoving child above her innocent breast, like marble in its white ness; alas, too like marble, cold; with moist eyes she looked up and cried for help, where a tender heart hopes to find it in its fulness when all other help has failed."
+ 103,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.13_110.flac,00031-f000116,0.692857,"Auch wendet sie sich nicht vergebens zu den Sternen, die schon einzeln hervorzublinken anfangen.","The stars were beginning one by one to glimmer down upon her; she turned to them and not in vain; a soft air stole over the surface, and wafted the boat under the planetrees."
alignments/108/00032-elective_map_DeEn.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ ,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript
+ 0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_1.flac,00032-f000004,0.292208,Der auf alles gefaßte Mann behandelt den zarten Leichnam stufenweise nach gewohnter Art.,"Cool and collected from a wide experience, he submitted the tender body to the usual process."
+ 1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_3.flac,00032-f000008,0.225,Eben hört man Charlotten vorfahren.,At that moment Charlotte was heard driving up.
+ 2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_4.flac,00032-f000009,0.298101,"Der Chirurg bittet die Umstehenden dringend, zurückzubleiben, er will ihr entgegnen, sie vorbereiten; aber schon betritt sie ihr Zimmer.","The surgeon implored the servants to keep back, and allow him to go to meet her and prepare her."
+ 3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_5.flac,00032-f000011,0.7532300000000001,"Sie findet Ottilien an der Erde, und ein Mädchen des Hauses stürzt ihr mit Geschrei und Weinen entgegen.","She found Ottilie on the ground, and one of the girls of the house came running and screaming to her open mouthed."
+ 4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_6.flac,00032-f000012,0.768984,"Der Chirurg tritt herein, und sie erfährt alles auf einmal.","The surgeon entered at the same moment, and she was informed of everything."
+ 5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_7.flac,00032-f000013,0.556098,Wie sollte sie aber jede Hoffnung mit einmal aufgeben!,"She could not at once, however, give up all hope."
+ 6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_8.flac,00032-f000014,0.696875,"Der erfahrne, kunstreiche, kluge Mann bittet sie nur, das Kind nicht zu sehen; er entfernt sich, sie mit neuen Anstalten zu täuschen.","She was flying upstairs to the Elective Affinities child, but the physician besought her to remain where she was."
+ 7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_9.flac,00032-f000016,0.642645,"Sie hat sich auf ihren Sofa gesetzt, Ottilie liegt noch an der Erde, aber an der Freundin Kniee herangehoben, über die ihr schönes Haupt hingesenkt ist.","Ottilie was still lying on the ground; Charlotte raised her, and supported her against herself; and her beautiful head sank down upon her knee."
+ 8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_10.flac,00032-f000018,0.896552,"Der ärztliche Freund geht ab und zu; er scheint sich um das Kind zu bemühen, er bemüht sich um die Frauen.",Charlotte did not try to conceal from herself any longer that her child would never return to life again.
+ 9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_13.flac,00032-f000023,0.580906,Von dem Unfall war das Dorf bald erregt worden und die Kunde sogleich bis nach dem Gasthof erschollen.,"The report of the accident soon spread through the village; every one was roused, and the story reached the hotel."
+ 10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_14.flac,00032-f000024,0.422727,"Der Major hatte sich die bekannten Wege hinaufbegeben; er ging um das Haus herum, und indem er einen Bedienten anhielt, der in dem Angebäude etwas zu holen lief, verschaffte er sich nähere Nachricht und ließ den Chirurgen herausrufen.",The Major hurried up the wellknown road; he went round and round the house; at last he met a servant who was going to one of the outbuildings to fetch some thing.
+ 11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_16.flac,00032-f000028,0.733481,"Er ging hinein, fing ein ableitendes Gespräch an und führte die Einbildungskraft von einem Gegenstand auf den andern, bis er endlich den Freund Charlotten vergegenwärtigte, dessen gewisse Teilnahme, dessen Nähe dem Geiste, der Gesinnung nach, die er denn bald in eine wirkliche übergehen ließ.","He then went in, began some conversation to distract her atten tion, and led her imagination from one object to another, till at last he brought it to rest upon her friend, and the Elective Affinities depth of feeling and of sympathy which would surely be called out in him."
+ 12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_17.flac,00032-f000029,0.83125,"Genug, sie erfuhr, der Freund stehe vor der Tür, er wisse alles und wünsche eingelassen zu werden.",From the imaginative she was brought at once to the real.
+ 13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_18.flac,00032-f000030,0.7304350000000001,Der Major trat herein; ihn begrüßte Charlotte mit einem schmerzlichen Lächeln.,"Enough ! she was informed that he was at the door, that he knew everything, and desired to be admitted."
+ 14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_19.flac,00032-f000031,0.26,Er stand vor ihr.,The Major entered.
+ 15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_20.flac,00032-f000033,0.466903,"Sie hub die grünseidne Decke auf, die den Leichnam verbarg, und bei dem dunklen Schein einer Kerze erblickte er nicht ohne geheimes Grausen sein erstarrtes Ebenbild.","He stood before her; she lifted off the green silk covering under which the body was lying; and by the dim light of a taper he saw before him, not without a secret shudder, the stiffened image of himself."
+ 16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_21.flac,00032-f000034,0.661667,"Charlotte deutete auf einen Stuhl, und so saßen sie gegeneinander über, schweigend, die Nacht hindurch.","Charlotte pointed to a chair, and there they sat opposite to one another, without speaking, through the night."
+ 17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_22.flac,00032-f000035,0.956777,"Ottilie lag noch ruhig auf den Knieen Charlottens; sie atmete sanft; sie schlief, oder sie schien zu schlafen.","Ottilie was still lying motionless on Charlotte's knee; she breathed softly, and slept or seemed to sleep."
+ 18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_23.flac,00032-f000037,0.335776,"Der Morgen dämmerte, das Licht verlosch, beide Freunde schienen aus einem dumpfen Traum zu erwachen.","Char lotte looked toward the Major, and said quietly: Tell me through what circumstances you have been brought hither, to take part in this mourning scene."
+ 19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_24.flac,00032-f000038,0.732578,"Charlotte blickte den Major an und sagte gefaßt: Erklären Sie mir, mein Freund, durch welche Schickung kommen Sie hieher, um teil an dieser Trauerszene zu nehmen?.Es ist hier, antwortete der Major ganz leise, wie sie gefragt hatte als wenn sie Ottilien nicht aufwecken wollten , es ist hier nicht Zeit und Ort, zurückzuhalten, Einleitungen zu machen und sachte heranzutreten.","The present is not a time, the Major answered in the same low tone as that in which Charlotte had spoken, for fear lest she might disturb Ottilie; this is not a time, and this is not a place for reserve."
+ 20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_25.flac,00032-f000039,0.7006,"Der Fall, in dem ich Sie finde, ist so ungeheuer, daß das Bedeutende selbst, weshalb ich komme, dagegen seinen Wert verliert.",The condition in which I find you is so fearful that even the earnest matter on which I am here loses its importance by the side of it.
+ 21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_26.flac,00032-f000040,0.165175,"Er gestand ihr darauf ganz ruhig und einfach den Zweck seiner Sendung, insofern Eduard ihn abgeschickt hatte, den Zweck seines Kommens, insofern sein freier Wille, sein eigenes Interesse dabei war.","He then informed her, quite calmly and simply, of the object of his mission, in so far as he was the ambassador of Edward; of the object of his coming, in so far as his ewn free will and his own interests were concerned in it v r Elective Affinities He laid both before her delicately, but uprightly; Char lotte listened quietly, and showed neither surprise nor unwillingness."
+ 22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_27.flac,00032-f000040,0.165175,"Er trug beides sehr zart, doch aufrichtig vor;","<MERGE> He then informed her, quite calmly and simply, of the object of his mission, in so far as he was the ambassador of Edward; of the object of his coming, in so far as his ewn free will and his own interests were concerned in it v r Elective Affinities He laid both before her delicately, but uprightly; Char lotte listened quietly, and showed neither surprise nor unwillingness."
+ 23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_28.flac,00032-f000041,0.272283,Charlotte hörte gelassen zu und schien weder darüber zu staunen noch unwillig zu sein.,"As soon as the Major had finished, she replied, in a voice so light that to catch her words he was obliged to draw his chair closer to her: In such a case as this I have never before found myself; but in similar cases I have always said to myself, how will it be tomorrow ?"
+ 24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_29.flac,00032-f000041,0.272283,"Als der Major geendigt hatte, antwortete Charlotte mit ganz leiser Stimme, so daß er genötigt war, seinen Stuhl heranzurücken:","<MERGE> As soon as the Major had finished, she replied, in a voice so light that to catch her words he was obliged to draw his chair closer to her: In such a case as this I have never before found myself; but in similar cases I have always said to myself, how will it be tomorrow ?"
+ 25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_30.flac,00032-f000042,0.256044,"In einem Falle, wie dieser ist, habe ich mich noch nie befunden, aber in ähnlichen habe ich mir immer gesagt:","I feel very clearly that the fate oi many persons is now in my hands, and what I have to do is soon said without scruple or hesitation."
+ 26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_31.flac,00032-f000042,0.256044,Wie wird es morgen sein?,"<MERGE> I feel very clearly that the fate oi many persons is now in my hands, and what I have to do is soon said without scruple or hesitation."
+ 27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_32.flac,00032-f000043,0.196875,"Ich fühle recht wohl, daß das Los von mehreren jetzt in meinen Händen liegt; und was ich zu tun habe, ist bei mir außer Zweifel und bald ausgesprochen.",I consent to the separation; I ought to have made up my mind to it before; by my unwilling ness and reluctance I have destroyed my child.
+ 28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_33.flac,00032-f000043,0.196875,Ich willige in die Scheidung.,<MERGE> I consent to the separation; I ought to have made up my mind to it before; by my unwilling ness and reluctance I have destroyed my child.
+ 29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_34.flac,00032-f000044,0.376364,Ich hätte mich früher dazu entschließen sollen; durch mein Zaudern mein Widerstreben habe ich das Kind getötet.,There are certain things on which destiny obstinately insists.
+ 30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_35.flac,00032-f000045,0.20172400000000001,"Es sind gewisse Dinge, die sich das Schicksal hartnäckig vornimmt.","In vain may reason, may virtue, may duty, may all holy feelings place themselves in its way."
+ 31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_36.flac,00032-f000046,0.408892,"Vergebens, daß Vernunft und Tugend, Pflicht und alles Heilige sich ihm in den Weg stellen: es soll etwas geschehen, was ihm recht ist, was uns nicht recht scheint; und so greift es zuletzt durch, wir mögen uns gebärden, wie wir wollen.","Something shall be done which to it seems good, and which to us seems not good; and it forces its own way through at last, let us con duct ourselves as we will."
+ 32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_37.flac,00032-f000047,0.68,Doch was sag ich!,"And, indeed, what am I saying?"
+ 33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_38.flac,00032-f000048,1.23465,"Eigentlich will das Schicksal meinen eigenen Wunsch, meinen eigenen Vorsatz, gegen die ich unbedachtsam gehandelt, wieder in den Weg bringen.","It is but my own desire, my own purpose, against which I acted so un thinkingly, which destiny is again bringing in my way?"
+ 34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_39.flac,00032-f000049,0.807692,Habe ich nicht selbst schon Ottilien und Eduarden mir als das schicklichste Paar zusammengedacht?,"Did I not long ago, in my thoughts, design Edward and Ottilie for one another ?"
+ 35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_40.flac,00032-f000050,0.5307689999999999,Habe ich nicht selbst beide einander zu nähern gesucht?,Did I not myself labor to bring them together?
+ 36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_41.flac,00032-f000051,0.6,"Waren Sie nicht selbst, mein Freund, Mitwisser dieses Plans?","And you, my friend, you yourself were an accomplice in my plot."
+ 37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_42.flac,00032-f000052,0.444286,Und warum konnte ich den Eigensinn eines Mannes nicht von wahrer Liebe unterscheiden?,"Why, why, could I not dis tinguish mere man's obstinacy from real love?"
+ 38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_43.flac,00032-f000053,1.03233,"Warum nahm ich seine Hand an, da ich als Freundin ihn und eine andre Gattin glücklich gemacht hätte?","Why did I accept his hand, when I could have made him happy as a friend, and when another could have made him happy as A VOL."
+ 39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_45.flac,00032-f000056,0.68875,"Ich zittere vor dem Augenblicke, wenn sie aus ihrem halben Totenschlafe zum Bewußtsein erwacht.",I tremble for the moment when she will recover out of this half death sleep into consciousness.
+ 40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_47.flac,00032-f000059,0.768,"Und sie kann ihm alles wiedergeben nach der Neigung, nach der Leidenschaft, mit der sie ihn liebt.","And she can make it all good again by the passion, by the devotion with which she loves him."
+ 41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_48.flac,00032-f000060,0.3375,"Vermag die Liebe, alles zu dulden, so vermag sie noch viel mehr, alles zu ersetzen.","If love be able to bear all things, it is able to do yet more; it can restore all things: of myself at such a moment I may not think."
+ 42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_49.flac,00032-f000061,0.35,An mich darf in diesem Augenblick nicht gedacht werden.,"Do you go quietly away, my dear Major; say to' Edward that I consent to the separation; that I leave it to him, to you, and to Mittler, to settle whatever is to be done."
+ 43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_50.flac,00032-f000062,0.399187,"Entfernen Sie sich in der Stille, lieber Major.",I have no anxiety for my own future condition; it may be what it will; it is nothing to me.
+ 44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_51.flac,00032-f000063,0.574074,"Sagen Sie Eduarden, daß ich in die Scheidung willige, daß ich ihm, Ihnen, Mittlern die ganze Sache einzuleiten überlasse, daß ich um meine künftige Lage unbekümmert bin und es in jedem Sinne sein kann.","I will sub scribe whatever paper is submitted to me, only he must not require me to join actively."
+ 45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_52.flac,00032-f000064,0.435,"Ich will jedes Papier unterschreiben, das man mir bringt; aber man verlange nur nicht von mir, daß ich mitwirke, daß ich bedenke, daß ich berate.","I can not have to think about it, or give advice."
+ 46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_53.flac,00032-f000065,0.9,Der Major stand auf.,The Major rose to go.
+ 47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_54.flac,00032-f000066,0.935088,Sie reichte ihm ihre Hand über Ottilien weg.,She stretched out her hand to him across Ottilie.
+ 48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_55.flac,00032-f000067,0.720513,Er drückte seine Lippen auf diese liebe Hand.,"He pressed it to his lips, and whis pered gently: And for myself, may I hope anything?"
+ 49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_56.flac,00032-f000068,0.511458,"Und für mich, was darf ich hoffen? lispelte er leise.",Do not ask me now ? replied Charlotte.
+ 50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_57.flac,00032-f000069,0.260571,"Lassen Sie mich Ihnen die Antwort schuldig bleiben, versetzte Charlotte.",I will tell you another time.
+ 51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_58.flac,00032-f000070,0.6540699999999999,"Wir haben nicht verschuldet, unglücklich zu werden, aber auch nicht verdient, zusammen glücklich zu sein.",We have not deserved to be miserable; but neither can we say that we have deserved to be happy together.
+ 52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_59.flac,00032-f000071,0.590318,"Der Major entfernte sich, Charlotten tief im Herzen beklagend, ohne jedoch das arme abgeschiedene Kind bedauern zu können.","The Major left her, and went, feeling for Charlotte to the bottom of his heart, but not being able to be sorry for the fate of the poor child."
+ 53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_60.flac,00032-f000072,0.712121,Ein solches Opfer schien ihm nötig zu ihrem allseitigen Glück.,Such an offering seemed nee Elective Affinities essary to him for their general happiness.
+ 54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_61.flac,00032-f000074,0.645714,"Er dachte sich Ottilien mit einem eignen Kind auf dem Arm, als den vollkommensten Ersatz für das, was sie Eduarden geraubt; er dachte sich einen Sohn auf dem Schoße, der mit mehrerem Recht sein Ebenbild trüge als der abgeschiedene.","He pictured himself with his own son on his knee, who should have better right to resemble him than the one which was departed."
+ 55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_62.flac,00032-f000075,0.482286,"So schmeichelnde Hoffnungen und Bilder gingen ihm durch die Seele, als er auf dem Rückwege nach dem Gasthofe Eduarden fand, der die ganze Nacht im Freien den Major erwartet hatte, da ihm kein Feuerzeichen, kein Donnerlaut ein glückliches Gelingen verkünden wollte.","With such flattering hopes and fancies passing through his mind, he returned to the hotel, and on his way back he met Edward, who had been waiting for him the whole night through in the open air, since neither rocket nor report of cannon would bring him news of the successful issue of his undertaking."
+ 56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_63.flac,00032-f000076,0.600488,"Er wußte bereits von dem Unglück, und auch er, anstatt das arme Geschöpf zu bedauern, sah diesen Fall, ohne sichs ganz gestehen zu wollen, als eine Fügung an, wodurch jedes Hindernis an seinem Glück auf einmal beseitigt wäre.","He had already heard of the misfortune; and he too, instead of being sorry for the poor creature, regarded what had befallen it, without being exactly ready to confess it to himself, as a conven ient accident, through which the only impediment in the way of his happiness was at once removed."
+ 57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_64.flac,00032-f000077,0.715763,"Gar leicht ließ er sich daher durch den Major bewegen, der ihm schnell den Entschluß seiner Gattin verkündigte, wieder nach jenem Dorfe und sodann nach der kleinen Stadt zurückzukehren, wo sie das Nächste überlegen und einleiten wollten.","The Major at once informed him of his wife's resolu tion, and he therefore easily allowed himself to be pre vailed upon to return again with him to the village, and from thence to go for a while to the little town, where they would consider what was next to be done, and make their arrangements."
+ 58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_66.flac,00032-f000080,1.09714,"Erst erhob sie sich von dem Schoße, dann von der Erde und stand vor Charlotten.","Then she got up from off the ground, and stood upright before her."
+ 59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_67.flac,00032-f000084,0.9028370000000001,"Zum zweitenmal so begann das herrliche Kind mit einem unüberwindlichen, anmutigen Ernst zum zweitenmal widerfährt mir dasselbige.","Shortly after my mother's death, when I was a very little child, I was sitting one day on a footstool close to you."
+ 60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_68.flac,00032-f000082,0.530249,"Du sagtest mir einst, es begegne den Menschen in ihrem Leben oft Ähnliches auf ähnliche Weise und immer in bedeutenden Augenblicken.","You once said to me that similar things often befall people more than once in their lives in a similar way, and if they do, it is always at important moments."
+ 61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_69.flac,00032-f000087,0.735897,"Ich finde nun die Bemerkung wahr und bin gedrungen, dir ein Bekenntnis zu machen.",I knew everything which was passing about me.
+ 62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_70.flac,00032-f000088,0.950526,"Kurz nach meiner Mutter Tode, als ein kleines Kind, hatte ich meinen Schemel an dich gerückt; du saßest auf dem Sofa wie jetzt; mein Haupt lag auf deinen Knieen, ich schlief nicht, ich wachte nicht; ich schlummerte.","I heard every word which was said with the greatest distinctness, and yet I could not stir, I could not speak; and if I had wished it, I could not have given a hint that I was conscious."
+ 63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_71.flac,00032-f000089,0.626807,"Ich vernahm alles, was um mich vorging, besonders alle Reden sehr deutlich; und doch konnte ich mich nicht regen, mich nicht äußern und, wenn ich auch gewollt hätte, nicht andeuten, daß ich meiner selbst mich bewußt fühlte.","On that occasion you were speaking about me to one of your friends; you were commiserating my fate, left as I was a poor orphan in the world."
+ 64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_73.flac,00032-f000092,0.495804,"Ich faßte alles wohl und genau, vielleicht zu streng, was du für mich zu wünschen, was du von mir zu fordern schienst.","I saw, perhaps too clearly, what you ap peared to hope of me, and what you thought I ought to do."
+ 65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_74.flac,00032-f000093,0.7703399999999999,"Ich machte mir nach meinen beschränkten Einsichten hierüber Gesetze; nach diesen habe ich lange gelebt, nach ihnen war mein Tun und Lassen eingerichtet zu der Zeit, da du mich liebtest, für mich sorgtest, da du mich in dein Haus aufnahmst, und auch noch eine Zeit hernach.","I made rules to myself, according to such limited in sight as I had, and by these I have long lived; by these, at the time when you so kindly took charge of me, and had me with you in your house, I regulated whatever I did, and whatever I left undone."
+ 66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_75.flac,00032-f000094,0.525115,"Aber ich bin aus meiner Bahn geschritten, ich habe meine Gesetze gebrochen, ich habe sogar das Gefühl derselben verloren, und nach einem schrecklichen Ereignis klärst du mich wieder über meinen Zustand auf, der jammervoller ist als der erste.",But I have wandered out of my course; I have broken my rules; I have lost the very power of feeling them.
+ 67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_76.flac,00032-f000095,0.4375,"Auf deinem Schoße ruhend, halb erstarrt, wie aus einer fremden Welt vernehm ich abermals deine leise Stimme über meinem Ohr; ich vernehme, wie es mit mir selbst aussieht; ich schaudere über mich selbst; aber wie damals habe ich auch diesmal in meinem halben Totenschlaf mir meine neue Bahn vorgezeichnet.","Elective Affinities And now, after a dreadful occurrence, you have again made clear to me my situation, which is more pitiable than the first."
+ 68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_77.flac,00032-f000099,0.6358699999999999,"Ich bin entschlossen, wie ichs war, und wozu ich entschlossen bin, mußt du gleich erfahren.","I am determined, as I was before, and what I have determined I must tell you at once."
+ 69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_78.flac,00032-f000100,0.789474,Eduards werd ich nie!,I will never be Ed ward's wife.
+ 70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_79.flac,00032-f000098,0.766621,"Auf eine schreckliche Weise hat Gott mir die Augen geöffnet, in welchem Verbrechen ich befangen bin.","I shudder at the thought of myself; but again, as I did then, in my half sleep of death, I have marked out my new path for myself."
+ 71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_80.flac,00032-f000099,1.20462,Ich will es büßen; und niemand gedenke mich von meinem Vorsatz abzubringen!,"I am determined, as I was before, and what I have determined I must tell you at once."
+ 72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_81.flac,00032-f000100,0.138462,"Darnach, Liebe, Beste, nimm deine Maßregeln.",I will never be Ed ward's wife.
+ 73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_82.flac,00032-f000101,0.8216450000000001,"Laß den Major zurückkommen; schreibe ihm, daß keine Schritte geschehen.",In a terrible manner God has opened my eyes to see the sin in which I was entangled.
+ 74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_83.flac,00032-f000106,0.803409,"Wie ängstlich war mir, daß ich mich nicht rühren und regen konnte, als er ging.",It made me miserable that I could not stir or speak when he went I tried to rise I tried to cry out.
+ 75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_85.flac,00032-f000108,1.02714,"Charlotte sah Ottiliens Zustand, sie empfand ihn; aber sie hoffte durch Zeit und Vorstellungen etwas über sie zu gewinnen.","Charlotte saw Ottilie's condition, and she felt for it; but she hoped that by time and persuasion she might be able to prevail upon her."
+ 76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_86.flac,00032-f000109,0.664593,"Doch als sie einige Worte aussprach, die auf eine Zukunft, auf eine Milderung des Schmerzes, auf Hoffnung deuteten:","On her uttering a few words, however, which pointed to a future to a time when her sufferings would be alleviated, and when there might be better room for hope, No!"
+ 77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_87.flac,00032-f000110,0.5100600000000001,"Nein! rief Ottilie mit Erhebung; sucht mich nicht zu bewegen, nicht zu hintergehen!","Ottilie cried, with vehe mence, do not endeavor to move me; do not seek to de ceive me."
+ 78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,2.14_88.flac,00032-f000111,0.538647,"In dem Augenblick, in dem ich erfahre, du habest in die Scheidung gewilligt, büße ich in demselbigen See mein Vergehen, mein Verbrechen.","At the moment at which I learn that you have consented to the separation, in that same lake I will ex piate my errors and my crimes.'"