LibriS2S / alignments /23 /00008-around80days_map_DeEn.csv
PedroDKE's picture
Allignment files
0,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_0.flac,00008-f000002,0.857875,"Fix hatte in wenig Augenblicken Passepartout am Quai eingeholt, der da schlenderte und schaute, denn er glaubte nicht, daß er verbunden sei, nichts zu sehen.","Fix soon rejoined Passepartout, who was lounging and looking about on the quay, as if he did not feel that he, at least, was obliged not to see anything."
1,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_2.flac,00008-f000004,0.62378,"Sie sind's, mein Herr, erwiderte der Franzose.","Ah, it's you, is it, monsieur? responded Passepartout."
2,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_3.flac,00008-f000005,-0.08,Sehr verbunden.,"Thanks, yes, the passport is all right."
3,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_4.flac,00008-f000006,1.2608700000000002,Wir sind völlig im Reinen.,And you are looking about you ?
4,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_5.flac,00008-f000006,1.15714,Und Sie besehen sich das Land?,And you are looking about you ?
5,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_6.flac,00008-f000007,1.26111,"Ja, aber wir reisen so rasch, daß mir's vorkommt, als reise ich im Traum.",Yes; but we travel so fast that I seem to be journeying in a dream.
6,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_7.flac,00008-f000008,0.107143,Z.B. Wir sind hier in Suez?,So this is Suez ?
8,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_9.flac,00008-f000010,1.2,In Aegypten?,In Egypt?
9,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_10.flac,00008-f000011,0.284211,"Aegypten, ganz recht.","Certainly, in Egypt."
10,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_11.flac,00008-f000012,1.05,Und in Afrika?,And in Africa?
11,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_12.flac,00008-f000013,1.3,In Afrika.,In Africa.
12,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_13.flac,00008-f000015,1.47097,In Afrika! wiederholte Passepartout.,In Africa ! repeated Passepartout.
13,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_14.flac,00008-f000016,0.246306,Ich kann's gar nicht glauben.,"Just think, mon sieur, I had no idea that we should go farther than Paris; and all that I saw of Paris was between twenty minutes past seven and twenty minutes before nine in the morning, between the Northern and the Lyons stations, through the windows of a car, and in a driving rain !"
14,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_15.flac,00008-f000016,0.246306,"Denken Sie sich, mein Herr, ich meinte, wir gingen nicht weiter als nach Paris, und diese berühmte Hauptstadt sah ich eben nur von sieben Uhr zwanzig bis acht Uhr vierzig Minuten Vormittags, zwischen dem Nordbahnhof und dem Lyoner, durch die Scheiben eines Fiaker, während eines Platzregens!","<MERGE> Just think, mon sieur, I had no idea that we should go farther than Paris; and all that I saw of Paris was between twenty minutes past seven and twenty minutes before nine in the morning, between the Northern and the Lyons stations, through the windows of a car, and in a driving rain !"
15,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_16.flac,00008-f000017,0.35709,Das war mir leid!,How I regret not having seen once more Pere la Chaise and the circus in the Champs Elysees !
16,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_17.flac,00008-f000017,0.35709,Gerne hätte ich den Père La Chaise und den Circus in den Champs Elysées besucht!,<MERGE> How I regret not having seen once more Pere la Chaise and the circus in the Champs Elysees !
17,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_18.flac,00008-f000018,0.724359,Sie haben demnach sehr Eile? fragte der PolizeiAgent.,"You are in a great hurry, then ?"
18,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_19.flac,00008-f000019,1.28636,"Ich nicht, aber mein Herr.","I am not, but my master is."
19,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_20.flac,00008-f000020,0.600901,"Apropos, ich muß ja Strümpfe und Hemden kaufen!","By the way, I must buy some shoes and shirts."
20,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_21.flac,00008-f000021,0.565909,"Wir sind ohne Koffer abgereist, nur mit einem Reisesack.","We came away without trunks, only with a carpetbag."
21,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_22.flac,00008-f000022,0.920308,"Ich will Sie in einen Bazar führen, wo Sie Alles finden, was Sie brauchen.",I will show you an excellent shop for getting what you want.
22,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_23.flac,00008-f000023,0.231696,"Mein Herr, erwiderte Passepartout, Sie sind wirklich sehr gefällig!.Und sie gingen mit einander.","Really, monsieur, you are very kind."
23,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_24.flac,00008-f000024,0.703125,Passepartout schwatzte beständig.,"And they walked off together, Passepartout chatting volubly as they went along."
24,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_26.flac,00008-f000026,0.634884,"Sie haben Zeit, versetzte Fix, es ist erst zwölf Uhr!.Passepartout zog seine große Uhr heraus.",You have plenty of time; it's only twelve o'clock.
25,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_27.flac,00008-f000027,0.0333333,"Zwölf Uhr, sagte er.",Passepartout pulled out his big watch.
26,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_30.flac,00008-f000031,0.855556,Meine Uhr! das alte Familienstück von meinem Urgroßvater her.,"A family watch, monsieur, which has come down from my greatgrandfather !"
27,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_31.flac,00008-f000032,0.0375,Sie weicht nicht fünf Minuten im Jahre ab.,"It doesn't vary five minutes in the year, it's a perfect chronometer, look you."
28,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_32.flac,00008-f000032,0.0375,Es ist ein wahres Chronometer!,"<MERGE> It doesn't vary five minutes in the year, it's a perfect chronometer, look you."
29,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_33.flac,00008-f000033,0.8857139999999999,"Ich sehe, woran's hängt.","I see how it is, said Fix."
30,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_34.flac,00008-f000034,0.968896,"Sie haben noch die Londoner Zeit, welche um zwei Stunden etwa von der zu Suez abweicht.","You have kept London AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. time, which is two hours behind that of Suez."
31,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_35.flac,00008-f000035,0.8875,"Sie müssen darauf bedacht sein, Ihre Uhr nach der Mittagszeit jedes Landes zu stellen.",You ought to regulate your watch at noon in each country.
32,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_37.flac,00008-f000038,-0.00633803,"Ah, dann stimmt sie nicht mehr mit der Sonne.","Well, then, it will not agree with the sun. ct So much the worse for the sun, monsieur."
33,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_38.flac,00008-f000038,-0.00633803,"Um so schlimmer für die Sonne, mein Herr!","<MERGE> Well, then, it will not agree with the sun. ct So much the worse for the sun, monsieur."
34,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_39.flac,00008-f000039,0.17647100000000002,Sie ist im Irrthum.,"The sun will be wrong, then !"
35,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_40.flac,00008-f000040,0.8523809999999999,Und der wackere Bursche steckte seine Uhr mit stolzer Geberde wieder in seine Tasche.,And the worthy fellow returned the watch to its fob with a defiant gesture.
36,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_41.flac,00008-f000041,0.0675,Nach einer kleinen Weile sprach Fix.,"After a few minutes' silence, Fix resumed : You left London hastily, then ?"
37,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_42.flac,00008-f000041,0.0675,Also Sie haben London in Eile verlassen?,"<MERGE> After a few minutes' silence, Fix resumed : You left London hastily, then ?"
38,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_43.flac,00008-f000042,1.7,Das mein ich!,I rather think so !
39,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_44.flac,00008-f000043,0.956842,"Letzten Mittwoch um acht Uhr Abends kam Herr Fogg gegen alle Gewohnheit früh aus seiner Gesellschaft, und schon dreiviertel Stunden nachher waren wir unterwegs.","Last Friday at eight o'clock in the evening, Monsieur Fogg came home from his club, and three quarters of an hour afterwards we were off."
40,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_45.flac,00008-f000044,1.05,Aber wo reist Ihr Herr denn hin?,But where is your master going ?
41,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_47.flac,00008-f000047,1.15714,Um die Erde herum? rief Fix.,Round the world ? cried Fix.
42,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_48.flac,00008-f000048,0.268421,"Ja, in achtzig Tagen!","Yes, and in eighty days!"
43,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_49.flac,00008-f000049,0.796475,"Eine Wette, sagte er, aber, unter uns, ich glaub's nicht.","He says it is on a wager; but, between us, I don't believe a word of it."
44,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_50.flac,00008-f000050,0.06,Das wäre Unsinn.,That wouldn't be common sense.
45,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_51.flac,00008-f000051,0.267857,Es steckt was anderes dahinter.,There's something else in the wind.
46,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_53.flac,00008-f000054,0.235714,Das glaub' ich.,I should say he was.
47,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_54.flac,00008-f000055,0.12,Ist er denn reich?,Is he rich?
48,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_55.flac,00008-f000056,0.718735,"Ganz gewiß, er hat eine hübsche Summe bei sich, in ganz neuen Banknoten!","No doubt, for he is carrying an enormous sum in bran new bank notes with him."
49,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_56.flac,00008-f000058,0.189474,Und er spart unterwegs nicht!,A FAMILY TVATCH Page.
50,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_57.flac,00008-f000059,0.434525,"Denken Sie, er hat dem Maschinisten des Mongolia eine stattliche Prämie versprochen, wenn wir bei der Ankunft in Bombay einen hübschen Vorsprung haben!",AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. engineer of the 'Mongolia' if he gets us to Bombay well in advance of time.
51,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_58.flac,00008-f000060,1.29143,Und Sie kennen Ihren Herrn von lange her?,And you have known your master a long time ?
52,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_59.flac,00008-f000063,0.449641,"Ich! erwiderte Passepartout, erst am Tage unserer Abreise bin ich bei ihm in Dienst getreten!.Man kann sich leicht denken, was diese Antworten auf den schon überspannten Kopf des PolizeiAgenten für eine Wirkung haben mußten.","The hasty de parture from London soon after the robbery; the large sum carried by Mr. Fogg; his eagerness to reach distant countries; the pretext of an eccentric and foolhardy bet, — all confirmed Fix in his theory."
53,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_60.flac,00008-f000064,0.7446659999999999,"Diese eilige Abreise von London, kurz nachdem der Diebstahl vorgefallen war, die große Summe, welche er bei sich hatte, diese hastige Eile, um in ferne Länder zu kommen, dieser Vorwand einer unsinnigen Wette,","He continued to pump poor Passepartout, and learned that he really knew little or nothing of his master, who lived a solitary existence in London, was said to be rich, though no one knew whence came his riches, and was mysterious and impenetrable in his affairs and habits."
54,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_61.flac,00008-f000065,0.47838800000000004,"Alles bestärkte Fix, und mußte ihn auch wohl in seinem Argwohn bestärken.","Fix felt sure that Phileas Fogg would not land at Suez, but was really going on to Bombay."
55,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_63.flac,00008-f000066,0.720879,Ist's weit nach Bombay? fragte Passepartout.,Is Bombay far from here ? asked Passepartout.
56,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_64.flac,00008-f000067,-0.163636,"Sehr weit, erwiderte der Agent.",Pretty far.
57,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_65.flac,00008-f000068,0.6897439999999999,Sie müssen dafür noch weitere zehn Tage auf der See fahren.,It is a ten days' voyage by sea.
58,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_66.flac,00008-f000069,0.745455,Und wo liegt dies Bombay?,And in what country is Bombay ?
59,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_67.flac,00008-f000070,0.171429,In Indien.,India.
60,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_68.flac,00008-f000071,1.2625,In Asien?,In Asia?
62,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_70.flac,00008-f000073,0.225,Teufel!,The deuce !
63,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_71.flac,00008-f000074,1.1087,Das wollt' ich schon sagen. es beunruhigt mich etwas.,"I was going to tell you, — there's one thing that worries me, — my burner !"
64,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_72.flac,00008-f000075,-0.27,Mein Hahn!,E AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS.
65,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_73.flac,00008-f000076,0.225,Was für ein Hahn?,What burner?
66,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_74.flac,00008-f000077,0.4934520000000001,"Mein Gashahn, welchen ich zuzudrehen vergaß, und der jetzt auf meine Kosten brennt.","My gasburner, which I forgot to turn off, and which is at this moment burning — at my expense."
67,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_76.flac,00008-f000079,-0.10588199999999999,Fix verstand wahrscheinlich die Sache nicht.,It is not probable.
68,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_77.flac,00008-f000080,0.5780489999999999,"Er hörte: nicht mehr zu, und machte seinen Plan.","He was not listening, but was cogitating a project."
69,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_78.flac,00008-f000081,0.15120699999999998,Der Franzose war mit ihm auf dem Bazar angekommen.,"Passepartout and he had now reached the shop, where Fix left his companion to make his purchases, after recommending him not to miss the steamer, and hurried back to the consulate."
70,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_79.flac,00008-f000081,0.15120699999999998,"Fix ließ denselben da seine Einkäufe machen, empfahl ihm, die Abfahrt des Mongolia nicht zu verfehlen, und kam in aller Eile wieder auf das Bureau des Consularagenten.","<MERGE> Passepartout and he had now reached the shop, where Fix left his companion to make his purchases, after recommending him not to miss the steamer, and hurried back to the consulate."
71,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_80.flac,00008-f000082,0.708313,"Fix hatte, nachdem er seiner Sache sicher war, alle Kaltblütigkeit wieder gewonnen.","Now that he was fully convinced, Fix had quite recovered his equa nimity."
72,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_82.flac,00008-f000084,0.192857,Der Mann ist's.,I have spotted my man.
73,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_83.flac,00008-f000085,1.04559,"Er will für einen Sonderling gelten, der in achtzig Tagen um die Erde herum reist.","He passes himself off as an odd stick, who is going round the world in eighty days."
74,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_85.flac,00008-f000087,0.708571,"Das wird sich zeigen, erwiderte Fix.","We'll see about that, replied Fix."
75,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_86.flac,00008-f000088,0.816234,Aber irren Sie sich nicht? fragte der Consul nochmals.,But are you not mistaken ?
76,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_87.flac,00008-f000089,0.76875,"Nein, ich irre mich nicht.",I am not mistaken.
77,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_88.flac,00008-f000090,0.7618060000000001,"Warum hat dann dieser Dieb darauf bestanden, seine Anwesenheit zu Suez durch ein Visa zu constatiren?","Why was this robber so anxious to prove, by the visa, that he had passed through Suez ?"
78,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_91.flac,00008-f000094,0.8460620000000001,"Und er erzählte in Hauptzügen, was er aus der Unterredung mit dem Diener Fogg's wußte.",He reported in a few words the most important parts of his conversation with Passepartout.
79,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_93.flac,00008-f000096,1.25714,Und was wollen Sie thun?,And what are you going to do ?
80,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_94.flac,00008-f000097,0.590888,"Eine Depesche nach London richten, mit dringendem Begehren, mir einen Verhaftsbefehl nach Bombay zu senden; mich auf dem Mongolia einschiffen, meinem Diebe bis nach Indien nachschleichen, und dort, auf englischem Gebiete, mich ihm höflich nähern, meinen Haftbefehl in der einen Hand, und die andere auf seiner Schulter.","Send a despatch to London for a warrant of arrest to be despatched instantly to Bombay, take passage on board the l Mongolia,' follow my rogue to India, and there, on English ground, arrest him politely, with my warrant in my hand, and my hand on his shoulder."
81,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_95.flac,00008-f000098,0.034601400000000004,"Nachdem der PolizeiAgent dieses kaltblütig geäußert, verabschiedete er sich beim Consul und begab sich auf's Telegraphenbureau.","Having uttered these words with a cool, careless air, the detective took leave of the consul, and repaired to the telegraph office, whence he sent the despatch which we have seen to the London police office."
82,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00008-in80tagen_96.flac,00008-f000098,0.034601400000000004,"Von hier aus ließ er an den Polizeidirector der Hauptstadt die Depesche abgehen, welche wir bereits kennen.","<MERGE> Having uttered these words with a cool, careless air, the detective took leave of the consul, and repaired to the telegraph office, whence he sent the despatch which we have seen to the London police office."