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To celebrate Black History Month, Because of Them We Can produced a CNN-style newscast, starring five fierce kids who are here to educate us on the newest trailblazers in Black History.
"Listen, Black folks have always been dope, and always will be dope," one girl concluded. Sounds about right to me, but I'll take kickass reminders like this one, any day of the week. Black History Month or not.
I recommend rewatching it. This time pay attention to all the inspiring facts scrolling along the ticker at the bottom. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 19,662 |
2 158 Korean J Hematol Vol. 44, No. 3, September, 2009 증례환자 : 18세, 여자주소 : 월경과다, 잇몸출혈과거력및현병력 : 환자는멍이자주드는외에특이병력없었으며내원전약물복용력은없었다. 1개월전월경과다로타병원에서실시한혈액검사에서빈혈, 혈소판감소증이관찰되었고내원하루전부터잇몸출혈이멈추지않아본원응급실을통하여입원하였다. 신체검사 : 결막은창백하였고황달이나두경부림프절종대는없었다. 흉부청진상심음과폐음은정상이었고복부진찰에서간비종대소견은없었고사지에서자반은관찰되지않았다. 검사소견 : 복부컴퓨터단층촬영에서간비종대관찰되지않았고 PET-CT와위내시경검사에서특이소견없었다. 내원당시일반혈액검사에서혈색소 5.7 g/dl, 백혈구 2,860/μL, 혈소판 4,000/μL, 교정망상적혈구수 4.19% 였다 (Table 1). 말초혈액도말검사에서정구성정색소성빈혈과적혈구부동증, 눈물방울적혈구 (tear drop cell), 구상적혈구가관찰되는변형적혈구증및유핵적혈구와골수세포 (myelocyte) 가출현한백적아구증 (leukoerythroblastosis) 이관찰되었고 (Fig. 1A, B) 호산구증가증이나호염기구증가증은관찰되지않았다. 혈청검사에서항카디오리핀항체 (anti-cardiolipin antibody) IgG와 IgM 양성, platelet associated antibody IgG 양성이었고, 류마티스인자 (rheumatoid factor) 는 6.7 IU/mL로정상, 항핵항체와루푸스항응고인자 (lupus anticoagulant) 및항인지질항체 (anti-phospholipid antibody) 는음성이었다 (Table 2). 직접항글로불린검사 (direct antiglobulin test) 양성, LDH 811/IU, CA-125와 CEA 종양표지자검사음성, 유세포분석을이용한발작 야간혈색뇨증검사에서정상소견이었다. 골수검사에서세포충실도정상이면서 (60 90%) 적혈구계와거대핵세포 (megakaryocyte) 증식을보였으나거대핵세포무리나골수이형성은관찰되지않았으며, 림프구증가증이나종양성림프구의침윤은보이지않았다 (Fig. 1C, D). 골수생검에대한레티쿨린 (reticulin) 염색에서산재된거친섬유를동반한미만성섬유망이관찰되고 Masson s trichrome 염색에서아교질 (collagen) 음성으로서 (Fig. 1E, F), modified Bauermeister scale 8) 에따라 Grade 3의골수섬유증으로판단하였다. 골수염색체검사결과정상핵형이었다. 임상경과 : 프레드니솔론 3 mg/kg로치료 40일후일반혈액검사에서혈색소와백혈구수치가정상화되고혈소판수치가호전되었으며, 말초혈액도말에서관찰되던변형적혈구증도감소하였다 (Table 1, Fig. 2A, C). 혈청검사에서항카디오리핀항체 IgG와 IgM 및 platelet associated antibody IgG가음성화되었으나, 직접항글로불린검사는양성이었다 (Table 2). 추적골수검사에서각각 Grade 2 ( 치료 40일째 ) 와 Grade 1 ( 치료 4개월째 ) 의골수섬유증을보였다 (Table 1, Fig. 2B, D). 지속적스테로이드치료 13개월후현재혈액검사소견상진단시보다호전된양상보이며외래추적관찰중이다 (Table 1). 고 골수섬유증은 1879년 Heuck 등에의해처음소개된이래다양한질환과의연관성이알려져있고, 1) 원인은크게종양성과비종양성질환으로나눌수있다. 종양성질환에는급성골수성종양, 골수와연관된림프구성종양, 형질세포질환과악성종양의골수침범등이있다. 2,10) 비종양성원인에는 SLE외에드물게쇼그렌증 찰 Table 1. The changes of CBC, blood smear findings and bone marrow fibrosis after steroid treatment Pretreatment After 40 days After 4 M After 13 M Hgb (g/dl) Hct (%) WBC (/μl) 2,860 4,280 8,480 10,180 Platelet (10 3 /μl) Tear drop cells/hpf* Spherocytes/HPF Leukoerythroblastosis + BM fibrosis Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 NA Abbreviations: M, months; BM, bone marrow; NA, not available. *Under 1,000 magnification, Modified Bauermeister scale.
3 박순호 외: 원발성자가면역골수섬유증 1예 후군, 피부근염, 원발성담즙성간경변, 궤양성대장염, 3-6,11) 결절성다발동맥염 같은 자가면역질환과 그외바 이러스감염, 신성골이영양증, 비타민D결핍증, 갑상선 159 2,12) 기능이상과도 연관되어 있다고 알려져 있다. 골수섬유증의 가장 흔한 원인은 골수증식성종양의 하나인 원발성골수섬유증(primary myelofibrosis)으로 Fig. 1. Blood and bone marrow findings of the patient at diagnosis. (A, B) Peripheral blood smears showed marked anisopoikilocytosis with tear drop cells and spherocytes, and leukoerythroblastosis with a nucleated RBC (arrow) and a myelocyte (arrowhead) (Wright-Giemsa stain, 1,000). (C) The touch print smear showed erythroid hyperplasia without myelodysplastic features (W right-giemsa stain, 1,000). (D) The bone marrow biopsy section showed normocellularity with erythroid and megakaryocytic hyperplasia (Hematoxylin & eosin stain, 400). (E) The reticulin stain showed diffuse reticulin fiber network with scattered coarse fibers (Reticulin silver stain, 400). (F) trichrome stain (Masson s trichrome stain, 400). | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 90,292 |
June 4, 2019 / SK Capital
SK Capital Expands Team to Bolster its Focus on the Lower Middle Market
New York, NY – June 4, 2019 – SK Capital Partners, a private investment firm focused on the specialty materials, chemicals and pharmaceuticals sectors, today announced it is bolstering its focus on the lower middle market through the addition of several new investment professionals, including Jonathan Borell (Managing Director), Shawn Abrams (Operating Director), Dan Lory (Vice President), and Blake Shapskinsky (Associate).
Led by SK Managing Director Mario Toukan in partnership with Jonathan Borell, this newly assembled team will pursue the same sector-focused, operationally-intensive investment strategy that SK Capital is currently executing and will bring the global resources and deep industry expertise of SK Capital to lower middle market businesses.
"The lower middle market represents a large universe of opportunities for transformational investing and should enable us to capitalize on the firm's presence in our focused sectors," said Barry Siadat, a co-founder and Managing Director of SK Capital.
Jonathan Borell – Managing Director. Mr. Borell was most recently a Managing Director at Sun Capital Partners, where he spent 13 years leading investment sourcing and execution across a variety of industries, including chemicals and healthcare. Prior to Sun Capital, Mr. Borell was with Raymond James & Associates and is a graduate of Duke University.
Shawn Abrams – Operating Director. Mr. Abrams has more than 30 years of experience in the global chemicals and materials industries. He was most recently an Operating Partner at Arsenal Capital Partners where he spent 3 years managing several portfolio companies. Prior to Arsenal, Mr. Abrams served as a senior executive at WR Grace and Evonik Industries. Mr. Abrams is a graduate of Lehigh University with an MBA from Thunderbird School of Management.
Dan Lory – Vice President. Mr. Lory was most recently a Vice President at KeyBanc Capital Markets, where he spent 8 years in the chemicals and materials practice. Prior to KeyBanc, Mr. Lory started his career with FTI Consulting and is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
Blake Shapskinsky – Associate. Mr. Shapskinsky was most recently an Associate at Tailwind Capital Partners, where he spent two years evaluating new opportunities and managing investments in the healthcare, business services, and industrial services sectors. Prior to Tailwind Capital, Mr. Shapskinsky was an analyst in the chemicals group at Deutsche Bank and is a graduate of Middlebury College.
"These new investment professionals, who will be based in SK Capital's New York office, represent outstanding talent with an extensive history of working together over the past decade and over 75 years of sector experience and relationships," said Mario Toukan.
SK Capital is a private investment firm with a disciplined focus on the specialty materials, chemicals and pharmaceuticals sectors. The firm seeks to build strong and growing businesses that create substantial long-term value. SK Capital utilizes its industry, operating and investment experience to identify opportunities to transform businesses into higher performing organizations with improved strategic positioning, growth and profitability as well as lower operating risk. For more information, please visit www.skcapitalpartners.com. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 39,090 |
UM Pharmacy and Alcorn State Partner in Admission Program
ASU becomes second state institution to join Preferred Admission Program
June 29, 2018 by Sydney Slotkin DuPriest
Alcorn State University has agreed to join the Preferred Admission Program for the UM School of Pharmacy, which will offer admission to qualified Alcorn State students. Submitted photo
OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy has signed an agreement with Alcorn State University to offer admission to qualified Alcorn State students who excel in freshman pre-pharmacy courses and participate in service activities.
This partnership, called the Preferred Admission Program, is part of both the School of Pharmacy's and Alcorn State's more-than-century-old traditions of dedication to the health of the state and its communities.
UM Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter praised the agreement, saying that it demonstrated a commitment to the university's mission of contributing to the well-being of Mississippians.
"Facilitating broader access to education is one of the University of Mississippi's foundational priorities," Vitter said. "The School of Pharmacy's Preferred Admission Program will benefit not only the students involved, but the overall pharmacy profession as well."
Alcorn State is the second of three Mississippi institutions, along with Jackson State University and Tougaloo College, that are part of the Preferred Admission Program.
UM pharmacy students work in a skills lab on the Oxford campus. UM photo by Sydney Slotkin DuPriest
"Alcorn is incredibly excited to be launching this unique collaboration with Mississippi's premier pharmacy school," said Alfred Rankins Jr., Alcorn State president. "This engaging partnership will greatly benefit our high-achieving student scholars by providing direct access to post-graduate opportunities in a critically important health care profession."
Once admitted, students in the Preferred Admission Program will be on the pharmacy school's traditional graduation track to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.
"This partnership is an integral part of our school's commitment to educating pharmacists who will provide the best possible care for patients," said David D. Allen, dean of the School of Pharmacy. "We recognize that providing more opportunities for motivated students ensures the continued quality of pharmacy's essential contributions to health care."
For more information on the Preferred Admission Program, contact Kris Harrell, the School of Pharmacy's associate dean for academic affairs, at [email protected].
Filed Under: Featured News, News Releases, Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 75,678 |
Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals: United Nations War Crimes Commission
The Library of Congress' Military Legal Resources has a section on its website that highlights war criminal trials from World War II that offer "major points of municipal and international law that were raised and settled during the trials as well as the potential for the greatest legal interest." The trials cover the time period of 1947-1949, and comprise 15 volumes, each with an introduction by the chairman of the United Nations War Crimes Commission. Visitors will find that each volume's table of contents contains the breakdown of each case, including "Outline of the Proceedings" which is typically comprised of facts and evidence, defense of the accused, and the findings and resulting sentences. The "Notes on the Case" name and discuss the appropriateness of the laws or statutes applied to the case. Visitors interested in World War II history will find these cases provide an interesting perspective by which to view the war.
Library of Congress. Federal Research Division
War crime trials
GEM Subject
Social studies -- Human relations
Social studies -- World history
April 16th, 2010 at 10:49am | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 93,332 |
India ready to work above and beyond Paris climate deal: Sushma Swaraj
Posted on September 20, 2017 at 10:14 am by Administrator
India is at the forefront of the debate on environment and development, she says.
India on Wednesday reaffirmed its commitment to the landmark Paris climate change agreement, saying it is willing to "work above and beyond" the pact to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, at a U.N. 'Leadership Summit on Environment Pact', said that India was at the forefront of the debate on environment and development.
The Minister's remarks came amid uncertainty over the United States' role in the deal after President Donald Trump, in June, announced that his country was withdrawing from the Paris deal, arguing that it gives undue advantage to countries like India and China.India, which is the world's third largest carbon polluter, along with more than 190 nations, reached a pact in December 2015 with an aim to prevent an increase in the global average temperature and keep it well below 2 degrees Celsius.
The deal, which replaced the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, was ratified in October 2016.Participating in the U.N. meet hosted by Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Ms. Swaraj said, India was willing to work "above and beyond" the Paris agreement."Understanding our responsibility towards planet Earth," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar tweeted.
The summit was presided over by French President Emmanuel Macron.India took the climate change issue very seriously, Mr. Kumar said."We also mentioned that India and France are working together on international Solar Alliance," he said.
Read More:http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-ready-to-work-above-and-beyond-paris-climate-deal-swaraj/article19720090.ece?homepage=true
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 56,631 |
2023: Jega Disagrees With IBB Over Age Limit For President
Olugbenga Ige
Former Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, has disagreed with the former military president, Ibrahim Babangida on the age bracket of Nigeria's next president.
Recall that in a televised interview, Babangida had said he already had in mind the ideal next president of Nigeria and that the candidate is in his 60s.
The former military dictator said the idea of a good Nigerian leader is someone who has a friend everywhere, must also be well-versed in economics, and be a good politician able to talk to Nigerians.
But in an interview on ARISE NEWS on Monday night, Jega said the next president should be the best choice of the people of Nigeria, adding that age should not matter.
He said: "That is his (Babangida) personal opinion. But as far as I am concerned, the President of Nigeria should be the best choice of the people of Nigeria. Age may not matter.
"As a political scientist, I have read about Nigerian politics, I understand the challenges and I have also had the privilege for five years of relating relatively more loosely with Nigerian politicians, so, I have a clear appreciation of the serious challenges that Nigeria faces particularly, the dangerous trajectory, which many of our politicians are leading this country to and if we all sit and watch and allow this, in no time they would wreck this country."
Speaking on the electoral amendment bill before the National Assembly, Jega said that the bill should not be passed until certain critical elements are addressed.
He noted that if those elements are not attended to, it would create more problems than it intend to solve.
"The whole idea of the electoral amendment is to improve the legal framework. The 2010 Electoral Act as amended is certainly better than the 2006 Electoral Act, which preceded it. But there are still areas that need to be improved on. I have told you one area which since 2011 when I was there. After the election, we discovered how political parties were exploiting the legal framework to undermine the democratic process and INEC could do nothing about it, because the law really arm-strong its capacity to do it. Those are the things you expect that would improve.
"Before the 2019 election, at the last minute, something was done but it was never signed into law until after the election. And now we are expecting before 2023 that we can have a much remarkable; more improved Electoral legal framework. And I'm telling you from what we have seen from the draft bill under consideration by the Senate and yeah, House of Representatives, there are going to be serious remarkable constraints, rather than creating a better framework," he added.
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Copyright © 2022 Naija News. All rights reserved. | {
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} | 572 |
All too often, the task of caring for an elderly, disabled or terminally ill family member falls entirely—or nearly so—to one family member. Sometimes this happens by default, because one family member lives near the person in need or has a more flexible schedule, or simply has a closer relationship with the person he or she is caring for. In other situations, families plan for one family member to take on the day-to-day responsibilities while other relatives provide financial support to free up the caregiver.
However the arrangement arises, it's important for other family members and members of the extended support network to be aware of the risks associated with one person shouldering all that responsibility, and of the caregiver's needs.
It's well documented that being the primary caregiver for an elderly, disabled, or mentally or physically ill loved one takes a toll. Studies show that more than 1/3 of caregivers suffer from ill health themselves, and that the caregiver's own health is frequently a deciding factor in placing a loved one in a nursing home or other long-term care facility. But, the caregiver isn't the only one affected by this stress and the high potential for burnout and negative health impact.
Caregiver burnout can impact both the mental and physical health of the caregiver and the quality of care he or she is able to provide. Scheduling regular time away from the caregiving environment allows the caregiver to refresh his or her energy and remain alert and committed to caretaking responsibilities.
Having just one person serve as the elderly or disabled person's sole source of support, companionship and advice can open the door to financial abuse or, conversely, to unjust allegations of undue influence in financial and estate planning matters.
As the need for hands-on care increases or becomes more constant, a family member caregiver may be unable to provide the level of care required on a consistent basis, and may not independently recognize the gaps created.
When the full burden of transporting an aging or ailing relative to doctor appointments, responding to emergencies and other caretaking falls on one person, it can jeopardize other areas of the caregiver's life, including employment.
Reliance on a single caregiver for all or the vast majority of a loved one's care can create a crisis situation if that caregiver becomes ill or is otherwise unavailable to provide the usual support.
While caring or managing care for a loved one who is in ill health is never easy, the family can take steps before the need arises to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible for all concerned. Life care planning plays a significant role in this preparation, by helping to ensure that the family has access to any necessary outside support, whether that means an occasional home health aide, more extensive in-home care, medical support, or residential care.
However, legal and financial planning is only one piece of the puzzle. It is also important that family members work together to ensure that the older person is able to maintain relationships with loved ones other than the primary caregiver, that there are systems in place to provide caregiver support, and that a back-up plan is established before a crisis occurs.
It's never too late to plan, but the earlier you prepare, the more options will likely be available to you, and the better opportunity you will have to create a supportive environment for your older or disabled loved one and those who provide support. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,824 |
Twitter Inc and NBC Universal's move to suppress a British reporter's tweets related to the network's Olympics coverage may have backfired after the incident became fodder for Twitter chatter around the world on Monday.
The microblogging service suspended Guy Adams, the Los Angeles correspondent for London-based daily The Independent, after he sent a tweet on Friday revealing NBC Olympics President Gary Zenkel's email address.
Adams was among a number of Twitter users in the United States who vented their frustration with NBC, a Comcast Corp subsidiary, for showing the London Olympics' opening ceremony on tape delay to coincide with evening prime-time in the United States.
"The man responsible for NBC pretending the Olympics haven't started yet is Gary Zenkel. Tell him what u think! Email: [email protected]," Adams tweeted.
As part of his suspension, Adams' account and his tweets were rendered invisible. But in a twist of irony, the incident went viral on Monday, as "Guy Adams" became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.
NBC confirmed that it had filed a complaint with Twitter.
This entry was posted on July 31st 2012 at 1:29pm/13:29 and is filed under Live News Column 1, World News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 72,384 |
How do I contact IBM technical support?
First, try the newsgroups. See Where can I get more help with my VisualAge for Java problems? for a list of newsgroups. The IBM tech support folks monitor the groups and provide some great support there. Note that support is on an "as possible" basis. They do not commit to answer all questions there. However, chance are very good that if they do not answer it, another VisualAge user will.
For other support options, please see http://www7.software.ibm.com/vad.nsf/Data/Document1716. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 19,484 |
Old School YouTube Stars - Where Are They Now?
They once dominated YouTube, but what are they up to now?
Who is he? - Chris Crocker rose to fame for his dramatic 'Leave Britney Alone' video, which was one of the first truly viral videos on the YouTube platform.
Where is he now? - Chris is still active online, but less so on YouTube. He recently revealed the dark, tragic backstory behind his famous 'Leave Britney Alone' video.
Who is he? - For a good while, Ray basically was YouTube. His hugely popular show '=3' made him the most subscribed YouTuber on the site a number of times. He then expanded into other ventures, like his animated band 'Your Favourite Martian', which produced songs that have mostly aged terribly.
Where is he now? - At a certain point Ray grew weary of being on camera himself and so announced that he was moving behind the camera to focus more on production. His channel had over 10 million subscribers and 2.6 billion total views at the time of his departure. And thus, one of the biggest YouTubers in history simply walked away from the platform, which makes a nice change from the usual scenario of YouTubers having to leave because of a scandal.
A few months ago he returned to his YouTube channel and is now making regular videos again, so though they are obviously not getting the kind of views they used to.
Who is he? - The story of KevJumba is fascinating. He was one of the most prominent creators on the platform, He joined the year-old platform in 2006, had a video featured on its homepage in 2007 and by 2008 had its No. 3 most subscribed channel. Then in 2014, he suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the internet.
What happened? - After years of speculation, the reason for KevJumba's departure was finally revealed. Jumba, whose real name is Kevin Wu, said that he felt unfulfilled by his sudden rise to fame and sought more personal development. He took his channel offline and enrolled at Santa Monica College,. He began to pursue a more spiritual life in earnest, both attending Bible studies and serving at a Hare Krishna temple.
Then, disaster struck. In June 2015 he was struck by a car while walking in L.A. He suffered a broken spine, collapsed lungs as well as a huge blow to her personal morale. Initially, he was determined to power through it. "I'm still going to go to school after I get out of the hospital," he told himself then. "I've got to get on with my real life." But his organs were failing and he'd eventually have two major surgeries to address the damage.
Kevin had a slow and difficult recovery and say he is now in a place to make a return to the spotlight.
Who is he? - Now let's be clear, Toby occupies a special place on this list. He is still active on the site and never truly 'went away', but, in the nicest way possible, a lot of his audience did. Toby was once one of the most reliable YouTubers in terms of video views, with his many daily videos easily racking up millions of views. Now, his video views have waned and his standing has reduced dramatically.
What happened? - Toby's once seemingly unstoppable video empire was rocked by accusations from a former girlfriend, which shook his firmly family-friendly image. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 7,620 |
Watch and Download The Black Pimpernel (2007) : Full Movie Online FREE HD FMovies The story about Swedish ambassador in Chile - Harald Edelstam - and his heroic actions to protect the innocent people from the execution during and after the military coup on September 11th 1973.
Who's The Cast on Film The Black Pimpernel 2007??
When The Black Pimpernel to release? ? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 18,041 |
Are Mammograms the New Political Football?
By Kate Pickert @katepickertNov. 18, 2009
The U.S. Preventive Task Force is under fire this week after it issued new clinical guidelines recommending that women 40-49 forgo annual mammograms unless they have certain risk factors, like genetic mutations that make them more susceptible to breast cancer. The task force also said self-exams are useless and recommended women over 50 get mammograms every other year – not every year. The panel also said a review of clinical data showed that yearly mammograms for women 40-49 reduced the risk of breast cancer death by 15%, but under a section titled "Balance of Harms and Benefits," said this:
Harms of screening include psychological harms, additional medical visits, imaging, and biopsies in women without cancer, inconvenience due to false-positive screening results, harms of unnecessary treatment, and radiation exposure. Harms seem moderate for each age group.
False-positive results are a greater concern for younger women; treatment of cancer that would not become clinically apparent during a woman's life (overdiagnosis) is an increasing problem as women age.
These new guidelines – which while influential, are not binding – have caused no small amount of consternation. Women are incensed that some faraway task force has decided a 15% risk reduction – i.e. actual lives saved – is not enough to warrant mass screenings. I asked a number of female colleagues here at TIME what they thought of the new guidelines and all said they found the new recommendations to be disturbing. One even said the news set off "a giant pink bell ringing in my head."
Some Republicans in Congress are using the task force recommendation to sound the warning call for looming health care rationing. Republican Sen. Mike Enzi issued a press release late Wednesday with this ominous intro: "A government task force has recommended women should not receive regular mammograms until they are 50. Is that a sign of things to come?" Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn told CNN, "This is how rationing begins," calling the mammogram guidelines "the little toe in the edge of the water. And this is where you start getting a bureaucrat between you and your physician."
Democrats, perhaps sensing the risk of another death panel-like incident, fired back. Democratic Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro released a statement accusing political opponents of "Republicans' political gamesmanship." Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, seeking to distance herself from the new guidelines, released a statement saying, "My message to women is simple. Mammograms have always been an important life-saving tool in the fight against breast cancer and they still are today. Keep doing what you have been doing for years — talk to your doctor about your individual history, ask questions, and make the decision that is right for you." White House Deputy Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer wrote a blog post titled "Reality Check: Beware What "Critics Say" on Reform and Mammograms," with a question and answer format addressing the controversy.
But in the case of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, experience trumped politics. The congresswoman was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 41 and said she was offended at the guidelines, telling CNN they were "irresponsible," and adding, "It's a very patronizing attitude that these scientists have taken…It's pretty outrageous to suggest that women couldn't handle more information."
As easy at it will be to turn these new recommendations into a political shouting match with Republicans saying this is tantamount to "government getting in between you and your doctor" and Democrats claiming the guidelines mean nothing, these new recommendations actually get to the heart of what health care policy is really about – patients and money.
For instance, a small number of women get diagnosed with breast cancer in their 20s and 30s. Does this mean mammograms should be routine during these years too? At what point do lives saved outweigh "psychological harms, additional medical visits, imaging, and biopsies in women without cancer, inconvenience due to false-positive screening results, harms of unnecessary treatment, and radiation exposure." Will private insurance companies, which pay close attention to guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Task Force and other groups, stop covering mammograms for women under 50? Wouldn't insurers rather catch cancers early when they are easy (and cheap) to treat? And what about the oft-touted U.S. breast cancer five-year survival rate, which is 83.9%, compared to England, where it's 69.7%?
I'll be exploring these questions and more in an upcoming Time.com story. For reaction from the medical community, here are some recent stories from TIME's Alice Park and Tiffany Sharples O'Callaghan. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 33,269 |
The course is available year round, although the self-guided tour of the southern Sierra Nevada region must be taken after the snow melts, since the road is not maintained in the winter.
The Exploring the San Joaquin River course is taken online with several sources available on ITunes. Enrollment is through Fresno Pacific University at www.fresno.edu.
Some sites are ADA Accessible, and some are not. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 20,847 |
Jon Stewarts infamous HBO stand up special. I believe this aired somewhere around 1994-1998. Shortly before his Daily Show start.
You Like One-Liner Comedians ?Steven Wright.
Detective Jack Mook adopted two Pittsburgh boys, and got the family he never expected to have. Steve Hartman met him, On the Road.
Video Clip from The X Factor USA 2012, Featuring Panda Ross.
He made us laugh, he made us cry and he was a inspiration to a lot of people Robin Williams the greatest actor and comedian who ever lived. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 52,028 |
Banksy mural covered up over insensitivity fears after child's trampoline death
17Aug 2021 by aroundthenews
A mural designed by street artist Banksy has been covered up amid fears it could be seen as insensitive following the death of a child nearby.The artwork, which was left on a wall near Norfolk's Gorleston beach, depicts two children on an inflatable dingy being launched into the air.In 2018, three-year-old Ava-May Littleboy died on the beach after an inflatable trampoline she was riding on burst.Great Yarmouth Borough council said it a statement that the decision to cover up the mural was "the right decision, respecting local people and feelings".However, it thanked Banksy for the artwork added that the council "fully appreciate these circumstances would not have been known by the artist".According to the council, it will be possible to restore the mural at a later date and relocate it to a "more suitable, alternative location".Per a BBC News report, the council said in a statement: "In light of the tragic fatality of a child in 2018 which involved an inflatable not far from the yacht pond at Gorleston, the illustration at that location has been removed.Banksy's Norfolk mural which has now been covered up by the council (PA)"Council operatives, acting in good faith, and aware of the local sensitivities, arranged for it to be covered over as part of their normal inspection and maintenance regime of the yacht pond."The mural was one of several discovered in Norfolk and Suffolk over the past week, left by the artist as part of a self-described "Great British Spraycation".
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Elvira Gavrilova — the producer and the face of the national project TOP-100 "Pride and Beauty of Ukraine"
Digital Trends Live: Google Assistant's Enhanced Security, and More
Tate Britain Is To Conduct William Blake's Exhibition
News by Leon | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 66,035 |
Q: Ensure less clears screen Is there a way to ensure less clears screen on exit? The opposite of less -X.
The screen is not being cleared when I exit a man page in iTerm2, however the screen is cleared when using the default mac terminal. Does anyone have suggestions?
$LESS is set to less -R
A: Normally less "clears the screen" (which probably refers to switching back to the normal screen from the alternate screen) when the terminal description has the appropriate escape sequence in the rmcup capability.
You would see a difference if you are using different values of TERM in the two programs. The infocmp program can show differences for the corresponding terminal descriptions.
less also attempts to clear the remainder of the screen, but that depends upon whether anything was displayed, and if the output was a terminal (in contrast to a pipe).
Aside from the terminal description, some terminal emulators make it optional whether to allow the alternate screen. You may have selected that option at some point. (I'm testing with default configuration, which works as intended).
A: I would suggest if 'less' fails to clear the screen that you put:
function less(){
less $@
in your ~/.profile or /.bashrc. Not sure if this will behave like you want in pipes, but for other purposes it should be okay.
One could add printf '\033[2J\033[H' to this, which should work on most terminals without relying on terminfo or other external references. It may not work everywhere, though. (Reference: https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x361.html )
(Original answer was utterly wrong, my mistake. This one should actually work, but I can't change the existing downvotes :\)
A: Why not just clear the screen on exit?
man man; clear
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 87,424 |
Virat Kohli steps down as India's Test captain
January 15, 2022 in Latest News
Image Source: ANI
New Delhi [India], January 15 (ANI): Virat Kohli on Saturday announced that he is stepping down as the captain of the Indian Test team.
Last year, Kohli had stepped down as the T20I captain and then he was removed as the ODI leader as the selectors wanted one captain for the white-ball format.
"It's been 7 years of hard work, toil and relentless perseverance everyday to take the team in the right direction. I've done the job with absolute honesty and left nothing out there. Every thing has to come to a halt at some stage and for me as Test Captain of India, it's now. There have been many ups and also some downs along the journey, but never has there been a lack of effort or lack of belief. I have always believed in giving my 120 percent in everything I do, and if I can't do that, I know it's not the right thing to do. I have absolute clarity in my heart and I cannot be dishonest to my team," Kohli said in a statement.
"I want to thank the BCCI for giving me the opportunity to lead my country for such a long period of time and more importantly to all the teammates who bought into the vision I bad for the team from day one and never gave up in any situation. You guys have made this journey so memorable and beautiful. To Ravi Bhai and the support group who were the engine behind this vehicle that moved us upwards in Test Cricket consistently, you all have played a massive role in bringing this vision to life. Lastly, a big thank you to MS Dhoni who believed in me as a Captain and found me to be an able individual who could take Indian Cricket forward," he added.
Kohli's decision to leave Test captaincy comes a day after India lost the three-match Test series against South Africa on Friday.
Virat Kohli's biggest win in the longest format came during 2018-19 as India won its first Test series Down Under. Under his captaincy, India also reached the finals of the World Test Championship (WTC).
It needs to be pointed that Kohli has not registered a century in international cricket since November 2019. He last scored a ton against Bangladesh in the day-night Test at the Eden Gardens. (ANI)
BCCIVirat Kohli
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County Championship to return to two-division structure from 2022, confirms ECB
Advocate Terry Motau to act chair of disciplinary hearing against coach Boucher
Wanted to exploit both sides of ground while batting, says Tahlia McGrath | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 25,033 |
Posted On: Aug 20, 2014
USPS is increasingly moving packages for its competitors, according to newly published numbers that underscore the Postal Service's unique delivery capabilities.
For years, United Parcel Service (UPS) and FedEx have paid USPS to deliver some packages, especially for customers in rural areas. The companies are now turning to the Postal Service more frequently, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.
USPS delivers 2.2 million packages a day for FedEx, or about 30 percent of FedEx's total ground shipments, the Journal reported. Meanwhile, the type of packages handled by the Postal Service account for about 40 percent of the recent growth in UPS's ground shipments business.
"We make money on it. We wouldn't do it if we didn't make money on it," PMG Pat Donahoe told the Journal.
This rising volume has fueled major growth in the Postal Service's Parcel Select business, which has surged from about 223 million packages five years ago to 1.29 billion packages in 2013.
Parcel Select, a ground delivery service for large and medium-sized shippers, accounts for about a third of the Postal Service's package-delivery business. Parcel Select is expected to grow 12 percent next year.
USPS recently announced plans to adjust some shipping prices to attract more business customers. The Postal Service also is streamlining its mail processing operations, which will allow USPS to invest in new package sorting equipment and other upgrades.
"We've been focusing a lot of efforts on package growth, because that's the biggest opportunity for us," the PMG told the Journal. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 69,036 |
Джек Роберт Хиллен (; 24 января 1986; Миннетонка, Миннесота, США) — бывший американский хоккеист, защитник.
Карьера игрока
Ранние годы
Хиллен начал играть в хоккей в средней школе Академии святых ангелов в Миннесоте. Поступив после школы в колледж, он четыре сезона играл за местную команду «Колорадо Колледж Тайгерз». Учась на последнем курсе, Джек был признан лучшим защитником сезона в составе данной команды.
Клубная карьера
Хиллен окончил колледж со степенью бакалавра в области экономики и в дальнейшем подписал контракт на 2 года с «Нью-Йорк Айлендерс». Джек дебютировал в НХЛ с «Айлендерс» в последних двух играх сезона 2007—08 против основных конкурентов — «Нью-Йорк Рейнджерс». Хиллен заработал своё первое очко в своем втором матче в НХЛ, ассистируя Мирославу Шатану в атаке на ворота «Рейнджерс». 26 января 2010 года во время домашней игры против «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» Александр Овечкин, выполняя слэпшот, нанес Хиллену удар в лицо. Джек сам покинул лед, чтобы остановить кровь. Позже его доставили в больницу, где он перенес операцию на сломанной челюсти и в результате пропустил 6 недель.
8 августа 2011 года, будучи свободным агентом, Хиллен подписал контракт на один год с «Нэшвилл Предаторс». За сезон 2011—12 он принес команде 6 очков в 55 играх.
2 июля 2012 года в качестве свободного агента Хиллен подписал контракт на один год с «Вашингтон Кэпиталз». Выполняя блокировку в одном из матчей, Джек получил травму. Вернувшись на лед после травмы, он заработал для «Кэпиталз» 9 очков в 23 играх. 2 апреля 2013 года Хиллен подписал двухлетний контракт с «Кэпиталз» на $1,4 млн.
3 октября 2013 года в игре против «Калгари Флеймс» Хиллена у борта протаранил Ленс Боума, Джек неудачно упал и серьезно травмировал правую большеберцовую кость. 5 октября защитник успешно перенес операцию на правой ноге. Докторам пришлось собрать поломанную кость, вставить её на место, закрепив металлической пластиной и пятью болтами.
В продолжении своей полосы неудач 25 марта 2014 года во время матча Хиллен столкнулся со своим одноклубником Александром Овечкиным и упал без сознания.
28 февраля 2015 года «Вашингтон» обменял Хиллена и выбор в четвёртом раунде драфта 2015 года в «Каролина Харрикейнз» на защитника Тима Глисона. За сезон 2014—15 Хиллен сыграл за «столичных» 35 матчей и заработал 5 (0+5) очков.
В марте 2015 года Джек, уже будучи защитником «Харрикейнз», в одном из матчей получил сотрясение мозга и выбыл на неопределенный срок. За два предыдущих сезона Хиллен пропустил в общей сложности 94 матча из-за травм плеча, ноги, а также другого сотрясения мозга. 3 января 2016 года хоккеист завершил карьеру профессионального игрока. Решение Хиллена связано с несколькими серьезными травмами в прошлом, включая сотрясения мозга, и наличием у него троих детей в возрасте до пяти лет.
Международная карьера
Хиллен входил в состав сборной США на чемпионате мира в Германии в 2010 году.
Хоккеисты НХЛ
Игроки «Нью-Йорк Айлендерс»
Игроки «Нэшвилл Предаторз»
Игроки «Вашингтон Кэпиталз»
Игроки «Каролина Харрикейнз» | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 79,280 |
Main / Blog / IBOX terminals for replenishing cards of Ukrainian banks will appear in Poland
IBOX terminals for replenishing cards of Ukrainian banks will appear in Poland
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
The war in Ukraine provoked an increase in interest in payment terminals. Leaving their homes, Ukrainians were forced to withdraw cash or, conversely, multiply their savings on bank cards.
Having found temporary shelter on the territory of Poland, many refugees encountered difficulties during financial transactions. In particular, it has become difficult to top up accounts on cards of Ukrainian banks while on the territory of Poland.
Now IBOX BANK payment terminals, which will be installed in the country, will help to solve the problem. This was stated by Yevhen Berezovsky, adviser to the head of the bank's management.
He emphasized that due to the change of country of residence, many financial operations for Ukrainians have become more complicated and promised that IBOX BANK terminals will allow paying utility bills, replenishing accounts and performing other transactions as quickly and easily as in Ukraine.
New features that will become available
With the help of the terminals, Ukrainian refugees in Poland will be able to:
• Top up accounts on cards of domestic banks;
• Make loan payments;
• Pay for utility services;
• Pay for Internet access and mobile services;
• Top up electronic wallets and accounts on game accounts;
• Buy tickets for travel.
What is known about IBOX BANK?
IBOX BANK started working in Ukraine in 1993. The financial institution serves both individuals and legal entities. Its terminals are located on the streets of Ukrainian cities, in supermarkets and shopping centers.
Such transaction institutions are not aimed at attracting deposits, but at processing cash flows of enterprises. Such banks earn profits by serving numerous and diverse financial transactions.
Smoking in Poland. Permitted and prohibited places, fines for violation of prohibitions
Poland is ready to accept a new wave of refugees
Sat, 15, 2022
The Family 500+ program for Ukrainian refugees in Poland: what it is and how to apply
The employer in Poland does not pay the salary. What to do? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 77,726 |
Anyone whose in trouble with spells casted by the pOsy guild just archmail me!
Also in items! I'm full with all the war items!
post here also. We have like 8 or so green mages right? Well we are different time zones. I am in Eastern Standard and alot of you are in the singapore timezone. If you post here you have a better chance to get serenity quicker. I have about 1700 nodes so that 300K mana is nothing really.
Hmm.. lots of singaporeans playing ritez.. i m a singaporean too!!! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 28,213 |
Best Tulsa, Ok Races
View some of the best races in Tulsa, Ok! RaceMob's race calendar allows you to find races that suits your needs. Use our advanced filters below or calendar on the right, and discover new races. We try to maintain up to date information, and rely heavily on our community of volunteers. If you find a race that we're missing, use the "Suggest Race" button on the right. Find RaceMob discounts that others have added or add deals that you've discovered.
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5K, 10K
Sweetheart Run
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Fort Gibson, OK
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Bartlesville, OK
Shamrock the 'Ville
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The Azalea Run
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Claremore Hope Race 5k & 10k
April 8th, 2023 / 1 RaceMobber Scheduled
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Jenks, OK
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M, 1/2M, 10K, 5K
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2023 Certified Piedmontese Beef IRONMAN Tulsa
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TASM On the Runway Run 5k
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Escape from Turkey Mountain
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Don your favorite tailgate team apparel for the 2nd annual Tailgate event in downtown Tulsa! Start and finish will be at Fleet Feet Blue Dome. We will have tailgate food and a great celebration after completing the race. The Tailgate 5k is the ...
2023 Miles for Mammograms 5K/2K Breast Cancer Fundraising Race
September 30th, 2023 / 2 RaceMobbers Scheduled
The Miles for Mammograms 5K/2K Breast Cancer Fundraising Race is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 9 am. The 2K will start before the 5K to ensure safety of all racers. The race will begin and end at the Tower Center at Unity Square i...
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Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. | {
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} | 68,137 |
Supporting people and communities to thrive
the big blog
Golf sessions give a confidence boost to stroke survivors
tags: BIG, Big Lottery Fund, big lottery fund wales, communities, community, Community Fund, disability, environment, funding, grant, Grants, Health, lottery, lottery funding, mental health, National Lottery, National Lottery Community Fund, older people, People and Places, skills, Volunteering, Wales, well-being, Welsh
by tnlcommunityfundwales
Stroke survivors have been celebrating the success of cross-Wales New2Golf Back2Golf sessions in helping to boost their confidence and wellbeing. The Stroke Association in Wales' Stroke Community Steps is a four-year project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund Wales. The programme enables people affected by stroke to access community facilities and activities, including accessible golfing sessions, organised in conjunction with Wales Golf and supported by additional funding from the Sports Foundation for the Disabled and the Stroke Research and Innovation fund.
Former golfers and those new to the sport have been gathering weekly at clubs around Wales, going from taster lessons to getting out onto the course. Their success was celebrated at Clays Golf, Wrexham on 1 November and The Vale Resort, Cardiff on 13 November. One person who attended the celebration at the Vale Resort was Paddy Pratt from Pembroke Dock, whose confidence has really been boosted by getting out onto the golf course. Following a stroke four years ago, Paddy, 84, felt she wouldn't be taking part in anything active ever again.
"But since I joined, I've discovered I can do things I never knew I could." said Paddy. "I can also help those who are in a worse position than me – it's brought a lot of people together who may have otherwise been living alone and feeling depressed. You don't realise that the movements you do playing golf are so helpful, especially for your balance. I come with my walking stick, but put it down as soon as I arrive!"
The project has so far offered over 50 people affected by stroke the chance to get active. "What makes this project stand out is seeing the impact it's had on people's lives." said Sarah Lee, Project Development Manager for the Stroke Association in Wales. "Some of the impact and feedback we've received is from people saying they would never have taken up, or gone back to golf without being encouraged by the scheme. This is a stepping stone that has changed their lives and now they have more confidence to try other things."
Hannah McAllister, Wales Golf Director of Development added: "The key to this project's success has been the partnership between Wales Golf and the Stroke Association. Everyone has had the same passion, the same commitment and the same end goals."
One club where the scheme has been running is Pyle and Kenfig. "Theo Baker, Community Golf Development Co-ordinator for Wales Golf asked if we would like to be involved in some taster sessions and golf lessons with the Stroke Association." explained Director of Golf at the Vale Resort, Dil Williams. "One of the members I had been coaching had had a stroke, so I thought that would be a great way of getting him back into golf. From the club's point of view, it has been fantastic because we're reaching out more into the community; it shows golf is a game for everybody. It was not without challenges, uneven ground and balance being a big issue for a lot of the people, but after 10 weeks of coaching, we have got them on the nine hole academy course where they play and thoroughly enjoy it. You could see the determination and it was great fun."
The partnership and project has been used as a case study for collaboration by Sport Wales and has helped produce a collaboration tool kit for other sports partnerships and organisations moving forward.
Speaking about the project, Rebecca Blanche, Funding Officer at the National Lottery Community Fund, said: "This project is making such a difference to the lives of so many people in communities across Wales. Today is a fantastic example of charities making a real difference to the things that matter most to people thanks to National Lottery money."
Further New2Golf and Return2Golf sessions are being planned for 2019. For more information about the Stroke Community Steps project, visit www.stroke.org.uk/communitysteps
from → Communities, Community Fund, disabilities, Environment, Families, Health and well-being, Mental Health, National Lottery, National Lottery Community Fund, Older People, People and Places, Volunteering
← 5 Top tips on getting funding for your project
"I'm only here today because my friends stopped me from doing something stupid." →
Grants top-up scheme to support climate action
Building a collective moment is key to The National Lottery Community Fund's Climate Action Fund
Photographic exhibition marks 25th National Lottery birthday
Celebrating 25 years of supporting communities in Wales to thrive
Third sector support directory launched
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The National Lottery Community Fund Wales | {
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'Chewbacca Mom' Candace Payne Goes to Disney World
Payne got a chance to meet the Wookiee responsible for her fame.
ByABC News
Inside 'Chewbacca Mom''s Visit to Disney World
Candace Payne, the woman whose Facebook video made her an overnight star, takes her first trip to Disney World - and "GMA" is there to capture it all!
— -- Candace Payne became an overnight star when she posted a video to Facebook showing herself wearing a Chewbacca toy mask. And then she went to Disney World.
Payne earned herself the nickname "Chewbacca mom" after she posted her hilarious video on Facebook earlier this month. It had racked up more than 153 million views as of Sunday.
The Texas woman continued her adventures with a trip to Disney World, and "GMA" caught up with her and her family there.
'Chewbacca Mom' Walked in for Yoga Pants, Walked out With Mask and Viral Superstardom
Payne, a big "Star Wars" fan, went on the "Star Tours" ride, where she was trailed by Stormtroopers.
She laughed on the Tower of Terror, and even met Chewbacca, the Wookiee warrior responsible for her stardom. The two got along very well and even took a selfie together.
Of course, no trip to Disney World is complete without a ride on Dumbo the Flying Elephant. The family capped their day by watching the Symphony in the Stars fireworks spectacular.
"When simple joys turn to extravagant joys, this is what you end up with," Payne said. "When you have a heart full of joy, it'll change everything."
The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of ABC News. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 69,273 |
The average worker in states with right to work (for less) laws makes 3.2% less per year than workers without these laws, whether they are union or not. Both union and non-union workers are less likely to have either health insurance or pensions through their jobs in right to work states. The rate of employer-sponsored health insurance for workers in right-to-work states is 2.6 percentage points lower than in states without these restrictions.
The rate of workplace deaths is 36% higher in right to work states, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Right to work is NOT a deciding factor in where businesses locate. "Right to Work" does NOT create jobs. Communities actually lose jobs when wages are lowered by right to work. Eight of the twelve states with the highest unemployment rate have right to work laws.
"Right to Work" cuts wages and stifles job growth by reducing people's discretionary income. When people have less discretionary income, they spend less, which in turn, hurts the economy.
In addition to the decreased buying power of those in so-called "Right to Work" states, the poverty rate for all people is 19 percent higher in "Right to Work" states. Seven of the ten poorest states are "Right to Work" states.
Because of this, voters in your district are calling on you to oppose any and all "Right to Work" legislation introduced in the State of Missouri during your term as our State Representative.
Will Westmoreland needs your help with "Missouri State Representative-Elect Mike Stephens: Stop "Right-to-Work" in Missouri". Join Will and 25 supporters today. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 42,366 |
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Home / World / In northern towns brutally tortured by the Islamic State, Iraq tests its power
In northern towns brutally tortured by the Islamic State, Iraq tests its power
Singa, Iraq (Associated Press)-In a northern Iraqi town that was once brutally beaten by the Islamic State group, the flag of an armed force was lowered one by one. Every symbolic territorial claim was replaced by an ecstatic Iraqi state.
The flying of the national flag in Sinjar, home of the Yazidi religious minority in Iraq, is the result of months of transactions in the federal government to restore order to tangled paramilitary organizations. Liberated from IS three years ago.
This month, Iraqi troops deployed in the area for the first time since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Lieutenant Imad Hasan climbed up the rock and overlooked the ruins of Sinjar̵
7;s old town, which has been empty since IS evacuated. His gaze fell on a lookout at the other end of the mountain-he said that the last one belonged to the illegal Kurdish guerrillas, the PKK.
He said: "We have problems with them." "Their leaders have agreed to withdraw troops, but some of their fighters have not."
Reaching an agreement is difficult enough. Implementing it brings new problems. Critics say that to change Sinjar's rule of law requires more than just changing the banner.
Yazidis was hurt by mass killings and slavery They launched an attack on the Iraqi authorities and did not trust the Iraqi authorities. They said that the Iraqi authorities abandoned them to the cruel treatment of the militants. Because of the weakness of the central government, they fear that the militias (including the Shia factions supported by Iran) will prevail in their hands.
For the past three years, militiamen have been policing Singal. They include peshmerga fighter jets from the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq, as well as the Kurdistan Workers' Party and its affiliates, which are composed of local Yazidi fighter jets, called the Sinjar Resistance Force or YBS. Yazidi also has some people attached to the People's Mobilization Force, an umbrella group of paramilitary forces approved by the state that was established in 2014 to defeat IS.
Sinjar is showing signs of recovery. Its downtown is full of shoppers, merchants and strange Iraqi military vehicles. Of the 200,000 Yazidis displaced in the 2014 IS attack, many more are returning-between June and September, about 21,600 returned, which is many times the rate of previous years.
But to scratch the surface, almost everyone has unresolved original wounds. Everyone vividly recalled this IS attack, which killed father and son, enslaved thousands of women, and caused survivors to flee Sinjar Mountain.
At the market in Sinjar, a farmer, Zaidan Khalaf, first introduced himself by telling the Associated Press how many relatives he had lost in IS: 18. Others in the market do the same.
He said: "We have lost our dignity."
There are still deep differences between the communities, and they are full of resentment.
"What agreement?" The Yazidi village in Tal Binat, south of Sinjar, mocked 86-year-old Farzo Mato Sabo. She and her three daughters were taken away by Islamic militants and later rescued by smugglers. Eleven of her family members are still missing.
"I lost everyone," she sobbed. "Will this bring them back?"
Neighboring Tal Binat is the Sunni Arab village of Khailo.
"We used to be like brothers, but now Yazidis is far away from us," said Sheikh Naif Ibrahim, an elder of the tribe. "They cannot distinguish between civilians and IS members."
Many Yazidis accused the local Sunni Arabs of supporting Islam. Since the fall of the militants, Sunni Arabs have clashed with the Yazidi militia-many Sunnis have been killed. At the same time, many Yazidis rejected the Kurdish peshmerga, who believed that the Sinjar area was part of their territory.
Farmer Khalaf said: "Seven flags are hanging over us. You never know who will be in power that day."
Sajad Jiyad, a researcher at the Century Foundation, said that the focus of the United Nations is the return of displaced Yazidis, but this is not the only criterion for success. He said: "It's about service, school, safety and the ability to move around without being shaken by various groups."
He said: "This is a test of the effectiveness of post-war governance and post-war liberation." "Is the government ready to bring it back to normal?"
The Iraqi military will immediately defend the area, and other factions will withdraw from their positions, although many factions remain in the Sinjar area. According to the plan, the Kurdish authorities will appoint a mayor (many Yazidis opposes this position), and the local police will eventually take over security, working under the leadership of government intelligence agencies and national security advisers. The plan calls for hiring 2,500 new security personnel locally.
Most of the Yazidi leaders and residents interviewed stated that they were dissatisfied that the plan was not consulted by the government.
The mayor of Sinjar, Fahed Hamed, said: "We are the sacrifices and lost our lives." "We should be the main interlocutors."
"We need our own strength. We don't trust anyone."
The most trusted force by the locals is the faction that the plan seeks to disperse-YBS, whose combatants are mainly Sinjar Yazidis. Although other troops withdrew from the Islamic State attack in 2014, many remember that it was YBS's efforts to ensure the safety of civilians.
"They are the only people who stayed to protect us," said Sherko Khalaf, a militiaman in Yazidi village.
Despite local protests, negotiations led to the evacuation of YBS from downtown Sinjar.
The YBS fighters interviewed said that they are expected to be included in the "People's Mobilization Force" to provide them with much-needed political legitimacy. Among the 2,500-3,500 YBS fighters, some have been added to the PMF payroll.
In theory, the plan requires that PMF also terminate its presence in the city. So far, they are supporting the troops and ensuring the safety of the area around Sinjar. However, Khal Ali, the commander of the Lalish brigade of the group's Yazidi unit, told the Associated Press: "(PMF) will always exist. We are the king of the leader of the Sinjar security forces."
This prospect makes Yazidis fall apart. Some people want to include the Yazidi PMF faction in the security arrangement. Others worry that this will expose Sinjar to the influence of the Iranian Shiite Arab faction, the dominant umbrella organization.
A famous Yazidi leader said: "If the international community and the central government don't care about Sinjar, then PMF will gain control." He asked to speak anonymously. "It is clear." | {
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} | 53,527 |
Following Pope Francis's call for environmental justice in his encyclical Laudato Si, the Circle of Creation committee formed to lead our parish's efforts to care for all of creation. The group works to provide educational opportunities for the parish to learn about and act in the interest of environmental justice.
The Circle of Creation Committee meets on 4th Sundays of the month after the 10:30 Mass, either in the Ballroom or the 7th floor of Jesuit Hall.
If you'd like to join the Circle of Creation Committee, please contact Christine Dragonette, [email protected].
1. Napkins and paper towels are NOT recyclable and should be placed in the trash/landfill bins.
2. NO LIQUIDS in Trash/Landfill or single-stream recycling bins.
3. Place any open containers still containing liquid into the white dishpan on the bar.
4. Single-Stream Recycling at SFX (via SLU) now accepts Plastics #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
5. If you are unsure of where to dispose of an item be sure to read the available signs and/or ask a person in charge of the event. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 70,892 |
Trying out Lena's new off-road track: First Dirt City Duel draws a crowd of 10,000
Kent Tempus
LENA – The inaugural races at the new off-road race track last weekend were "above expectations," according to Lena Motorsports Club Board President Don Demeny.
"It was above and beyond what we had hoped for," he said. "We really thank the community for checking it out."
The only shortcoming was attendance, which Demeny said totaled 10,000 and included folks who showed up in downtown Lena Friday night to see drivers and their vehicles.
The board had been looking to attract 15,000 people.
Despite the turnout, the event was praised by Jay Schaefer of Crandon, who raced in the Heavy Metal Challenge feature event and assisted with communications in the spotter tower.
"For a first time out, to have as few bugs as they did, and have things running so smoothly, and to have this big of a crowd at a sportsmen event is phenomenal," Schaefer said.
Still, Demeny said that the hill for spectators was "about at the limit" on Saturday. Dozens of RVs and campers also arrived, filling every space for the weekend.
"We're going to start planning for more area for camping and spectators," Demeny said.
Other projects will include adding more roads and more gravel in the camping areas, as well as planting green areas around the track.
As for the racing, Schaefer said he was very pleased with the course, which he called "fun."
"From my standpoint, I didn't think I'd like the split lane, but I like it a lot," he said. "It adds an interesting wrinkle to a lap."
The split lane starts on the second turn, where drivers can take one of two lanes that run nearly a quarter mile to the next turn.
Tim Beauchamp, whose son Trey was racing, had some doubts about the course at first but was pleased. Trey led his Super Stock division for the first three-quarters of the race on Saturday.
"We thought it was going to be a demolition derby, but it's much better than that," he said. "It turned out quite nice."
Demeny noted that more than 100 people volunteered for a variety of tasks, from organizing parking in the field across the roadway, to ticket sales, food preparation and sales, track maintenance and more.
The not-for-profit track was constructed last fall and this spring, primarily by volunteers. The facility would have cost an estimated $1 million, but 90% of the work — including earth moving, concrete, gravel, fencing and electrical service — was donated.
Other costs were covered by about $100,000 raised from more than 200 charter members.
RELATED:Off-road racing comes to Lena, thanks to contributions from community
RELATED:Verdegan: Iverson ready to pound pavement at Norway with dirt sportmod
FOR MORE OCONTO COUNTY NEWS:Check out our website!
Contact Kent Tempus at (920) 431-8226 or [email protected]. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 17,437 |
Jones, Steven E. (P3, C1, L23)
Private Steven Edgar Jones of DeMossville, Pendleton County, died on 29 April 1984 while training with his unit, Company C, 201st Engineer Battalion in Cynthiana.
Jones was died as a result of injuries received in an accident at the armory when the unit was training on erecting and using gin poles.
The accident happened at approximately 11:20 a.m. on Sunday, 29 April 1984 during drill weekend. Jones was participating in a class on knots and rigging and using a gin pole as a lifting device. Jones was part of the team raising a 20 foot pole when the lifting device was being assembled. One of the two back guy ropes failed when a block lashing came failed. As the pole fell it was pulled off center by the second back guy rope. Jones was unable to escape the falling pole and was struck.
He was given immediate aid by members of the 475th Combat Support Hospital who were at the armory, he was transported to the hospital but perished from his injuries a short time later.
Jones had just joined the unit on 2 March of 1984 and was training with the unit until he got orders sending him to basic and advanced training as a Combat Engineer.
Guardsman Killed
Falmouth Outlook page 1 May 4, 1984
Pvt. Steven E. Jones, 19, of Route 1, Demossville, was killed in the Kentucky Army National Guard Armory in Cynthiana, Sunday, April 29th, 1984.
Steve was born in Kentucky on August 31, 1964. The son of Lilburn and Ruth Gelter Jones. He was a member of the National Guard.
Steve was a member of Grassy Creek Christian Church. He was married to Christy Bush, who survives, December 31, 1981.
He is survived by wife, Christy, son, Darrick, parents Lulburn and Ruth Jones, two brothers. Dan of Newport, and David of Ft. Hood, Texas, three sisters, Vickey Weekbach, Alexandria, KY., Karen Teegarden and Patty Thornberry both of Demossville.
Witnesses said a rope lashing came loose at the National Guard Armory at Cynthiana as a pole was being hoisted out of the hands of Pvt. Jones and several other guardsmen. the exercise was part of a rigging class. Private Jones was administered first aid at the scene and was taken to Harrison Memorial Hospital in Cynthiana where he was pronounced dad at 11:55 a.m.
A member of the National Guard since March 2nd, Private Jones a recruit, was awaiting entry into active duty for basic and advanced individual duty.
A formal investigation of the accident will begin immediately according to Lt. Col. Larry C. Barker, commander of the 201st Engineering Battalion, parent unit of Company C in Cynthiana.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, May 2, at Grassy Creek Christian Church at 1 p.m. conducted by his pastor, Rev. Wm. W. Hancock. Burial will take place at Peach Grove Cemetery under the direction of Peoples Funeral Home, Butler. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 63,414 |
The following is a guest post. The opinions are those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect those of this site.
When Trisha got pregnant, she practically freaked out. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to eat, how to take care of herself, or what prenatal vitamins to take. She didn't know if she should keep working. She was a mess.
Trisha really counted on help every step of the way during her first pregnancy. I got a phone call one night from her: she was crying she barely understandable. Her cravings had gotten so bad she was craving her shampoo. She didn't know why she had this craving. She didn't eat it, but she was completely freaked out because she really wanted to.
Some women crave strange things during their pregnancies, but Trisha knew this one was one of the strangest. Some shampoos have a type of clay in them that contains a nutrient your body could be lacking, which brings about the craving for the shampoo. For example: if your body is craving calcium you could be craving ice cream, cheese, or milk.
Trisha didn't know anything when it came to having children, she didn't know what it was like to be pregnant. She now has a happy healthy beautiful 6-year-old girl with a baby boy on the way.
She is grateful for my help, especially when she learned about low birth weight. Since she was a tiny baby, she wanted to make sure she would have a healthy baby that didn't have a need to stay in the hospital after the baby was born.
Helping Trisha find the information she needed to avoid a low birth weight was the easy part—there is a lot of information on pregnancy health out there. The hard part was taking care of herself, so she could take care of her baby before it was born to ensure a proper birth weight.
Low birthweight is a term used to describe babies who are born weighing less than 1,500 grams (3 pounds, 4 ounces); only 1.5%, are born this tiny. However, the overall rate of very low birthweight babies in the U.S. is increasing. This is primarily due to greater numbers of multiple birth babies who are more likely to be born early and weigh less.
Babies with very low birthweight look much smaller than other babies of normal birth weight. A very low birthweight baby's head usually appears to be bigger than the rest of the body and he or she often looks extremely thin, with little body fat. The skin is often quite transparent, allowing the blood vessels to be easily seen.
The primary cause of low birthweight is premature birth, meaning that the baby is born before the 37-week mark. Being born early means a baby has less time in the mother's uterus to grow and gain weight, and much of a baby's weight is gained during the last part of pregnancy.
That being said, some reasons for low birth weight just can't be avoided. Parents who are shorter and weigh less than average may have smaller children. Babies who are of Indian, Asian or black-ethnic origin are generally born smaller.
When you have stuff to get done and a baby that wants to be held you are always looking for wonderful solution to keep it together. I must say that the perfect baby carrier can be a life saver all the way from newborn to toddler. LÍLLÉbaby definitely did not disappoint with adding the Disney Collection to their new line of carriers.
The idea that functional and beautiful everyday objects should be available to us all is a core theme in Scandinavian design. With a Scandinavian foundation, the LÍLLÉbaby brand has from its very conception been true to these roots and shown a warm passion for combining functionality and style.
Resonating with the Scandinavian values of quality of life, honest, and a love for nature's beauty, LÍLLÉbaby strives to make baby products that bring this functional style to parents, anywhere. They wish for parents to attain the simple luxury of keeping their baby close while building a nature bond, in perfect comfort and style. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 39,677 |
Home Sustainability Case studies Responsible People and Operations
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Cutting risks on the roads
With a sales fleet comprising more than 6,000 vehicles covering around 120 million miles each year, road safety is an important aspect of our responsibility to create a safe working environment.
'Drive Safe' is our company-wide programme which addresses the safety of employees and business partners. Our aim is to ensure we create the safest possible conditions for drivers and other road users.
Our inaugural Drive Safe Awards were held in 2020 to recognise and celebrate the best examples of road and driver safety in our sales teams. The Cluster Award was won by our African team, which demonstrated a clear passion and commitment to improving driver safety.
The winner of the Market Initiative Award was the Italian team, which reduced vehicle collision rates by 75 per cent following the implementation of an In-Vehicle Monitoring System. Other markets, notably Russia and Senegal, were recognised for their successful implementation of IVMS, which allows us to track metrics such as location, speed, cornering force and acceleration rate and support our fleet by giving feedback on driving style.
In 2022 we will continue to drive engagement and awareness of safety on the road. A new edition of the Drive Safe Awards will provide sales teams across the globe an opportunity to demonstrate how they ensure the safety of themselves and others whilst driving for work.
As part of the 2022 Awards we will also focus on our motorcyclists, as we continue our efforts to support those who encounter higher risk activities across the business. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 53,180 |
Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago have joined Colombia and St Lucia in restricting travellers from West African nations hit by the deadly Ebola virus.
Jamaican authorities have implemented a travel ban on anybody who has been in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone within the last four weeks.
The Ministry of National Security said in a statement that the travel ban would cover "certain persons travelling directly or indirectly, from or through" these affected countries.
Guyana's government said that the country's diplomatic missions had been ordered not to approve visas for citizens of the West African countries affected by the pandemic.
Trinidad and Tobago's government said that it would refuse entry to any resident of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo or Sierra Leone. Any travellers who had visited those countries within the last six weeks would be quarantined for 21 days.
Colombia's Foreign Ministry had yesterday issued a statement to confirm it was preventing entry from travellers who had been to Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal at the recommendation of the country's National Institute of Health.
The measures come as pressure mounts on US President Barack Obama from Republicans to implement a similar ban on American airports following the death of Liberian patient Thomas Eric Duncan, passing the virus to two nurses who cared for him.
However, Obama has defended his decision to stick with screening procedures at airports as experts had said that "a flat-out travel ban is not the way to go" because the screening is working effectively.
More than 4,400 people have died in the current outbreak and almost all of the fatalities have exclusively been in West Africa. A total of 8,997 cases of infection have been confirmed, according to the World Health Organization.
The UN's Ebola mission chief, Anthony Banbury, said that efforts need to be stepped up to contain the virus.
"It is running faster than us, and it is winning the race," he told the UN Security Council. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 18,621 |
Q: Tool for generation of function or data flow diagrams I am looking for a command line tool which can generate function flow diagrams from some textual description (any sort of markup language would do).
The idea is to document the data connections between some components. The resulting diagrams shall resemble the following. This is mostly for own internal doc. so it doesn't really need to generate fancy diagrams. Blocks with annotation, connections with annotation and maybe some notes is definitely sufficient.
Thanks a lot in advance,
A: Check out: GraphViz -- It generates graphs out of a list of vertices and edge definitions
Also, check out IPE, a vector drawing program that can create exactly what you want, but it will be a manual process.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 81,364 |
So which is it? Doughnut or donut? The answer is that they're both correct. Original spellings date back to the 1800s where doughnut was the primary form of speaking. In the mid 20th century, the donut spelling gained popularity in part due to franchises using this spelling. Now, both spellings are considered proper. Which do you prefer?
Dutch settlers likely brought doughnuts our way. Thank you, Dutch settlers. This origin theory states that Dutch settlers in the 19th century began making them in North America. They were born as "oily cakes" spelled oliekoek, which referred to the fact that they were fried in oils.
Why is there a hole? According to one origin theory, an American named Hanson Gregory was tired of the raw center of the doughnut, so punched a hole so that the consistency was fluffy on the outside, and didn't end up raw in the middle. Bless you, Hanson — for both a fully fluffed doughnut, and the fantastic doughnut hole we know and love.
– Cake Doughnut: These are smaller and more dense in texture and richer taste. Think cake, in doughnut form, with delicious glaze coating the exterior.
– Raised Doughnut: These are more like the traditional glazed style donut, fluffy on the inside.
– Old Fashioned: These variations are similar to cake doughnuts, but their shape is tiered, which gives them a crusty outer layer once baked. We believe they are best enjoyed Plain Jane. But we also can agree that there is definitely some merit to a glazed or chocolate coated old fashioned.
Doughnuts are better when they're enjoyed in bulk. Did you know that the largest doughnut orders get up around the 30s on average, when ordered on Grubhub? And get this — last year, a doughnut order for 56 doughnuts went through, taking the cake for largest doughnut order of the year.
Now that you're armed with the facts, order some doughnuts. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 30,092 |
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Parts of Ramses II statue found in southern Egypt
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt says archaeologists have discovered parts of a statue of one of its most famous pharaohs in the southern city of Aswan.
The Antiquities Ministry said Tuesday the head and chest of the statue of Ramses II were found in the Temple of Kom Ombo during a project to protect the site from groundwater.
Egypt hopes the find, along with other recent discoveries, will help revive its tourism sector, which has been battered by years of unrest since the 2011 uprising.
Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, ruled Egypt from 1279 B.C. to 1213 B.C. He is credited with expanding Egypt's reach as far as modern Syria to the east and Sudan to the south.
Heritage items discovered in site for mosque
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Egyptian singer sentenced, fined over Nile remarks
Mummy found in Iran could be father of last shah
World News Middle East Art & Culture Egypt History Middle East Culture Archaeology | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 9,508 |
Lufthansa Cargo Commits to Vietnam Freighter
LH Cargo has been using this summer to operate trial cargo flights to Vietnam.
It seems that these have been successful as the German national carrier's freighter arm has decided to operate regularly as of this winter schedule.
LH Cargo operates one of their Boeing 777Fs to Vietnam - courtesy LH Cargo
Vietnam was slated some time back as being one of the new Asian tiger economies.
The development of this market for air freight was slowed somewhat during the past couple of years along with other countries within the South East Asian region.
That seems to have changed now and hence LH Cargo's decision to put Vietnam permanently into their freighter network.
Weekly flights
The carrier plans to operate from Frankfurt to Ho Chi Minh City (SGN) with a weekly Boeing 777F.
Flights will depart Thursdays and route via Mumbai and continue from SGN onto Hong Kong.
The Boeing 777F can carry up to 110 tons and Vietnamese shippers will have to share space with their Mumbai and Hong Kong counterparts.
It is not revealed how much space will be allocated to the Vietnamese importers and exporters on this flight.
The LH Cargo network management program will decide which rates / revenues will be most attractive at the end of the day.
First LH service to Vietnam
Frank Naeve the new VP Asia-Pacific for LH Cargo is quoted as saying that "we are proud to have built up excellent relationships with our clients in Vietnam, which we will now be further cultivating with the fixed freighter connection and we are constantly working on making our network in the Asia-Pacific region even more attractive for our customers."
Lufthansa does not operate any long haul passenger service to either Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi, and leaves this sector to Vietnam Airlines daily B777 pax flights. So this new service will surely also be welcomed by shippers in Germany for the expanding trade growth between both countries.
Decision nears on new Joint Venture partner
Our colleagues at Loadstar reported last week that the decision for the new LH cargo J/V partner is still not public but should be by the end of this year.
There has been quite some speculation as to which airline will follow on the recent LH/ANA cargo joint venture.
Our bet, as is with many others, is that it will be United. This would be the most plausible answer as both United and LH have antitrust immunity, as does ANA with United.
Makes life somewhat easier.
We'll see what the end of the year brings.
Fleet plans still remain an open question
LH Cargo is still operating a majority of their flights with the venerable MD-11 freighters but has their first five B777Fs now in service.
Due to the company internal cost cutting program, it remains to be seen whether the options on the next five B777Fs will be taken up by Lufthansa.
Let's hope they do as this aircraft has proven to be "the freighter" for the coming years. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 35,602 |
Listen in as Brother Malcolm chats with actor, singer and songwriter Bryan Terrell Clark about growing up in Baltimore, his career and what means to play the role of a musical icon in his Broadway debut.
Was the film, "Olympus Has Fallen" life imitating art or vice versa?
Listen in as Brother Malcolm expresses his gratitude for your support of Culture Connection!
Culture Connection: Summer 2013 Preview!
Pull out your calendar as you get a preview of events coming to Los Angeles in summer 2013!
Brother Malcolm is taking Culture Connection abroad! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 502 |
Hamilton Blown Away By Alonso's Latest Comments
Viknesh Vijayenthiran November 12, 2011 Comment Now!
Lewis Hamilton receives Laureus gong
McLaren's Lewis Hamilton has admitted he was "blown away" by the latest comments made by his former team-mate and current Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso.
During this weekend's 2011 Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Alonso stated to the media that he believes Hamilton is the only driver that can win a championship title without the best car.
In response, Hamilton also returned the compliment while stating that it was nice to have other drivers on the grid that supported him, especially in the current season, which the young Brit concedes is the worst in his short F1 career.
The rivalry between the two drivers dates back to when Hamilton first started racing in F1. However, it was exacerbated significantly when the two were both driving for McLaren back in 2007, with Alonso believing Hamilton was favored by the British-based team and subsequently quitting to rejoin Renault.
The comments are interesting as Alonso, arguably, is one of the only drivers on the track to show consistent performance and the ability to win races with multiple teams' cars.
Last year the Spaniard lost the title to Red Bull Racing's Sebastian Vettel by just four points and this year he's also third in the standings. Lewis Hamilton, meanwhile, is fifth although there's only 25 points separating the two.
Stay tuned for our coverage of all the action at this weekend's Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix F1 Fernando Alonso Lewis Hamilton Racing
How Acura created the ARX-06 race car that won the 24 Hours of Daytona Racing January 30, 2023
Audi buys stake in Sauber F1 team Racing January 30, 2023
Acura kicks off new GTP era with 2023 Daytona 24 Hours win Racing January 30, 2023
Learn about Trans Am racing history with Jay Leno Racing January 27, 2023 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 33,421 |
Contact Lists lets you store participant lists for easy messaging, invitations, and reporting. Enter contacts one by one, or Import your list from many common formats.
To get started, login and go to your My Tools menu and choose Contact Lists.
Choose Create a New List in the right column and give your list a Name.
Either add contacts one-by-one, or click Import to upload a list from your past SignUp.com SignUps, a .CSV or Excel file, or from DirectorySpot, TeamSnap, or Gmail.
When you import your list, you can review and edit the contacts before uploading them. Click the green pencil to edit any list, and the trash can to delete it.
Look for the Contact List option when sending messages and invitations or running reports on your SignUps. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 87,794 |
Chief Justice Patu's contract extended
(Photo: Samoa Observer/File)
By Joyetter Feagaimaali'i-Luamanu, 20/07/2018
The Government has extended the contract of the Chief Justice, His Honour Patu Tiava'asu'e Falefatu Sapolu.
This was confirmed by Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi yesterday. He said the decision was based on 'common sense' since the Chief Justice has cases he alone needs to deal with.
Asked whether the Chief Justice had reached the mandatory retirement age for Judges, the Prime Minister said a number of factors were taken into consideration before the decision was reached.
"I am the one to answer the question please because the decision was based on my recommendation," he said.
"Common sense is applied to this matter. The Chief Justice has work that needs to be completed. His rulings should be done by him, not other Judges."
Speaking during his weekly meeting with the media, he said the decision has also been endorsed by the Head of State, His Highness Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II.
"The Head of State has the authority to make the final decision based on my recommendation."
Tuilaepa explained there are many cases before His Honour Patu that he needs to deal with before he retires.
The Prime Minister said the Chief Justice's long years of service were taken into account and the fact he has presided over so many cases.
Tuilaepa added that some families with outstanding court decisions had enquired with his Office about the status of their cases. He said he told them to ask the Ministry of Justice.
"I have told them take their dirty laundry to the Ministry of Justice, don't bring it here."
He added that despite the public knowing that the Office of the Prime Minister has no control over the affairs of the Ministry of Justice, Tuilaepa said his office is inundated with complaints relating to Court cases.
"I will always take their concerns and complaints and then forward them over to the Judiciary," he said.
"Sometimes I work as a mailman where I receive complaints and then pass them on to the appropriate authority."
The Prime Minister did not indicate how long the Chief Justice's contract was extended for. It was not possible to get a comment from the Chief Justice last night.
Bad weather shuts inter island ferry services
Strong winds in Samoa have forced the cancellation of all inter-island ferry services between Upolu and Savai'i.
By Adel Fruean 16/01/2020
Daughter's success sprouts from father's plantation
From the villages of Lalomanu Aeipata and Fagalii, the 18-year-old Aniva Senese following in his fathers footsteps, topped Agriculture studies and vocational studies and came second to dux.
By Soli Wilson 17/01/2020
Renewables goal $600 million away: analysis
Samoa could feasibly run on just over 90 per cent renewable energy by 2025, but it is not yet workable to completely stop importing diesel, researcher and lecturer from the National University of Samoa, Tupuivao Vaiaso has found.
By Sapeer Mayron 17/01/2020 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 63,732 |
Having a child with a disability can be all-consuming. Caring for the child might take most of a parent's time and energy. Parents often feel isolated by the experience. It puts stress on their marriages and families.
When they turn to the education system, they might just encounter yet another layer of stress.
Parents often have to fight school districts for access to limited resources. Special education services, after all, are complicated and expensive to provide.
So, raising a child with a disability turns parents into activists.
If you work in a health care field that puts you in contact with families of children with disabilities, it's important to understand the emotions they are feeling and the challenges they are facing.
At Cuddy Law Firm in Cleveland and around the country, we work with these families all the time and help them navigate the system.
In your work, you could be in a position to alert a family that they should be receiving certain services from the public schools.
To help you with this, we've assembled this introduction to special education for health care providers.
This is a major issue, with the U.S. Department of Education reporting that 6.5 million young people receive special education services. That amounts to 13 percent of all public-school students.
In Ohio, 14.8 percent – or 255,168 students – are enrolled in special education.
Let's examine two central laws that apply to these students.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is at the core of special education in the United States.
It requires school districts to provide "a free and appropriate education" to students with disabilities.
The law covers 13 categories of disabilities, including autism, blindness, deafness, specific learning disabilities and orthopedic impairments.
Once a child is evaluated as having a disability, the law requires a team of educators, working with parents, to develop an "individualized education program" (IEP) outlining the child's educational goals and the services the school will provide.
The IEP works like a contract directing how the school will support the child.
One of the major challenges parents face is making sure schools follow the IEPs.
Another key principle under the IDEA is that students with disabilities learn in the "least restrictive environment," meaning that they learn alongside students in general education classrooms as much as possible.
A second important protection for children with disabilities comes under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
This is a civil rights law meant to stop discrimination against public-school students because of their disabilities. It doesn't govern special education, but it provides another avenue for parents to get special attention for their children.
If a child has problems with learning but doesn't qualify for an IEP under the specific disability categories of the IDEA, Section 504 creates a mechanism called a 504 plan.
These plans usually are for students who spend their entire school day in general education classrooms but need accommodations – such as more time to take a test or extra attention from teacher specialists in certain subjects – to help them work through a learning deficit.
After a school's evaluation deems a child eligible for a 504 plan, teachers, school administrators and parents work together to develop the plan.
Like with an IEP, parents then have to stay vigilant and monitor how well the school provides the accommodations outlined in the plan to help the child.
The parents you might see in your health care facility have to learn these laws and navigate their local school system.
Out of necessity, they become dedicated advocates for their children.
This advocacy immerses them in the tasks of researching, record-keeping, interviewing authorities, building relationships with school officials, negotiating, planning, identifying problems, proposing solutions and making presentations.
It's intense. It can be like another full-time job. And it's what families you see might be going through.
Cuddy Law Firm understands these challenges. Our driving mission is to stand up for the rights of children and families.
We have in-depth knowledge of the IDEA and Section 504.
We know how to document a child's situation and argue for the result that provides the appropriate educational benefit.
People often don't realize there are lawyers who help families in these situations.
As a health care professional, we know you, too, are passionate about the well-being of children. If you meet a family struggling to gain access to the right educational services for a child with disabilities, tell them about Cuddy Law Firm. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 76,567 |
TSL Products Announces Immediate Availability of New Phinix Suite of Software Tools
Audio files can now be corrected and adjusted without being sent back to post-production suites
By TSL Products
Leading broadcast equipment manufacturer, TSL Products, has announced the immediate availability of Phinix, a complete suite of desktop and enterprise tools that bring workflow efficiencies by enabling audio engineers to measure, correct and adjust audio files on the fly instead of having to return them to post facilities. Unveiled earlier this year, the Phinix suite of file-based audio tools will be showcased for the first time in Europe at IBC on the TSL stand (#10.B41).
Available as standalone desktop applications or as a fully integrated enterprise solution, the new suite of tools includes comprehensive loudness measurement, correction and compliance, Dolby-E encoding and decoding, options for track shuffling and up/down mixing, audio description mix, as well as channel replacement and extraction. A new module that will analyze the file structure will be available soon. Phinix file-based audio solutions support a wide range of professional media formats, including MXF, LXF, GXF, QT, WAV and AIFF as standard.
At the core of the new suite of tools is the NIX ENGINE, a flexible and scalable audio server, either used for achieving medium to high levels of processing in an automated environment, or for providing cost effective flexibility in large Post Production facilities.
Available as a standalone application NIX LOUD is a cost effective software application that auto analyses, detects and normalizes audio loudness violations in file-based media. NIX LOUD complies with the latest standards, based on ITU-R BS.1770-3 and BS.1771, ATSC A-85, OP59, TRB-32 and EBU R128.
About TSL Products
TSL Products designs, manufactures and markets a range of hardware and software solutions that serve to simplify operations within the television broadcast, cable, satellite, IPTV and IT industries.
Specializing in audio monitoring, surround microphones and processors, broadcast control systems and power management tools, TSL Products' solutions satisfy and exceed the commercial, technical and operational requirements that exist in IT-based and traditional workflows, helping its customers to lower costs, generate revenue and streamline operations.
For more information visit www.tslproducts.com
Follow us on Twitter @TSL_Products
Digidesign Ships Pro Tools 8 Software
TSL Products Ships Phinix
Pro Tools 7.4 Software Now Shipping
Digidesign Delivers Pro Tools 7.3 Software
TSL Intros New Products at IBC
Digidesign Releases Pro Tools for Leopard
Software Tech: Is Inexpensive Pro Audio Software Over?
Avid Announces Pro Tools HD Native | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 74,369 |
Iceland Imports 732 Million ISK in Israeli Goods Each Year - The Reykjavik Grapevine
Iceland Imports 732 Million ISK in Israeli Goods Each Year
In light of a possible trade embargo with Israel, research done on just what kind of trade Iceland engages in with the country brought to light that Iceland imports some 732 million ISK in Israeli goods every year.
According to data from Statistics Iceland, the largest category of imported goods from Israel are basic industrial products, such as chemicals, plastics, and sanitary products. After this, Iceland imports furniture and scientific instruments from Israel, followed by machine and vehicle parts. In all, these imports total 732 million ISK each year.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Össur Skarphéðinsson said that a trade embargo against Israel is possible in light of an Israeli commando attack against a convoy of boats loaded with aid for civilians in Gaza that left anywhere from nine to nineteen dead, and many more injured.
In a new poll conducted by Vísir, when asked "Should Iceland reduce imports from Israel?", 81.1% said yes, while 18.9% said no.
Next: New Tourism Campaign Off to Good Start
Previous: Possible Increase in Price of Hot Water May Have Been Hidden by Conservatives
Into The Glaciers: See Them While You Can | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 33,888 |
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Search Results related to harrison ford on Search Engine
Harrison Ford - Wikipedia
Harrison Ford (born July 13, 1942) is an American actor. His films have grossed more than $5.4 billion in North America and more than $9.3 billion worldwide, making him the seventh-highest-grossing actor in North America. He is the recipient of various accolades, including three Saturn Awards,
Harrison Ford - IMDb
Harrison Ford was born on July 13, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, to Dorothy (Nidelman), a radio actress, and Christopher Ford (born John William Ford), an actor turned advertising executive. His father was of Irish and German ancestry, while his maternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Minsk, Belarus. Harrison was a lackluster student at ...
Harrison Ford - Biography - IMDb
Born: July 13, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, USA Nickname: Harry Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Born: July 13, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Nickname: Harry
Harrison Ford - Movies, Wife & Age - Biography
Dec 18, 2017 · Harrison Ford is one of Hollywood's leading men, with an acting career that has spanned more than 50 years and included iconic roles such as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. Who Is Harrison Ford?... Location: Chicago, Illinois
In a hotel room in Paris, a doctor comes out of the shower and finds that his wife has disappeared. He soon finds himself caught up in a world of intrigue, espionage, gangsters, drugs and murder. Director: Roman Polanski | Stars: Harrison Ford, Betty Buckley, Emmanuelle Seigner, Djiby Soumare. Votes: 52,279 | Gross: $17.64M.
Harrison Ford Movies List - IMDb
Harrison Ford Movies List. 1. Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966) Error: please try again. A paroled conman co-ordinates the robbery of an L. A. Airport bank with the arrival of the Soviet premier. Director: Bernard Girard | Stars: James Coburn, Camilla Sparv, Aldo Ray, Nina Wayne.
Harrison Ford spotted in rare appearance with wife Calista
Aug 09, 2021 · Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. (CNN) Harrison Ford and his wife of ten years, actress Calista Flockhart, were photographed this past weekend during an outing in Croatia. Pictures of the very...
Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart sightsee with son in
Aug 09, 2021 · Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are flying casual in Croatia. The couple, who have been summering in the European country, was spotted sightseeing in Dubrovnik with what appeared to be a tour... | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 26,652 |
The Los Angeles Lakers are organically tanking.
Or maybe they're just plain tanking.
Lakers second-year guard D'Angelo Russell will be out between 1-2 weeks after an MRI taken on Saturday showed a mild MCL sprain, strained right calf and a bone bruise.
The Lakers had already ruled him out for Sunday's road game against the Dallas Mavericks and also did not travel with the team. Though Russell underwent an MRI on Saturday morning, the results did not become available until later in the evening.
The Lakers' initial timetable has Russell missing anywhere between the next 3-6 games, though they plan to reevaluate him in a week.
This clearly isn't a good thing for the Lakers. Developing the youth is a priority, and having Russell miss what could end up being three to six weeks, or more, in the long run is disingenuous to what they are trying to do.
At the same time, they have Jordan Clarkson, Nick Young and Lou Williams to pick up the slack. Larry Nance Jr. and Luol Deng are both healthy now, too.
Equally important, the Lakers aren't exactly chasing wins. Look no further than their 49-point loss to the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday to see that.
The Philadelphia 76ers will get their pick if it lands outside the top three, and the Lakers will be forced to send their 2019 first-rounder to the Orlando Magic if this year's selection conveys to Philly. So they have two first-rounders on the line this season; it makes sense for them to pursue losses under the guise that they are rebuilding.
Right now, they are on pace to keep said picks. They have the third-worst record in the league. If they're looking to increase their odds, though, they'll have to hope one or both of the Brooklyn Nets and Miami Heat get hot. Less than five games separate them from the league-worst Nets, while they're dead even with Heat.
Losses are, for the rest of this season, the Lakers' best friend. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 69,539 |
'use strict';
var angular = require('angular');
.directive('equalInput', require('./EqualInputDirective'))
.directive('onKeyEnter', require('./OnKeyEnterDirective'));
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 71,194 |
Nether Stowey at the start of The Coleridge Way is a delightful medieval town that grew up around textiles and pottery hosting a weekly market and fair for the outlying villages. Today a lot of its significant buildings remain and the pretty thatched and paint washed houses still hold a timeless appeal that have resulted in the town becoming a protected Conservation Area. The area around the central clock tower was the location for the markets and behind this was the Gaol and village stocks. Today the old schoolhouse is now a library with a small museum and the streets are still well worth wandering with The Church of St Mary and its 15th-century tower and the cottages in Castle Street dating back to the 11th Century (look out for the colourful statue of Jane Seymour (King Henry 8ths wife) and her faithful dog which watches over you from a garden alcove as you depart on The Coleridge Way.
Today the village serves Coleridge Way walkers well with two pubs and a tea shop to choose from along with a small handful of shops. Most walkers stay in one of village B&B's. Of course the big interest in the village is Coleridge himself and you have the Ancient Mariners Inn serving meals and local beers right opposite Coleridges Cottage and the start of The Coleridge Way.
Coleridge's Cottage (17th Century) was the poet's base while he lived here (in this "miserable cottage", as Sara Coleridge called it) where he worked on Kubla Khan, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and the Lyrical Ballards. Run by the National Trust you can visit the cottage before starting the walk and get fully briefed on the birth of the Romantic Movement which flowed from the kitchen, parlour and wild flower and orchard gardens at this spot - everything having been restored to how it would have been in Coleridge's day including displays that house some of the Poets original correspondence, his inkwells and even locks from his hair ! Well worth building into your itinerary, this tiny location was in fact the winner of the Visit England award for the best visitor attraction in 2014!
Also known as St Audries locally due to the large estate, deer park and manor house here named "St Auderies Park". For those on short walking days West Quantoxhead provides a quiet overnight option part way through the Quantock section of The Coleridge Way. A tiny hamlet with only a few houses, it sits on a ridge with sweeping views from forestry at the lip of the Quantocks across the wide planes to Minehead and Exmoor in one direction and over the coast at Watchet as far as Wales in the other.
It's a glorious very English vista with the tall church of St Ethel Dreda holding position below the ridge way surround by green pasture and woodland. An impressive place to explore on an evening stroll with its English Oak roof and gargoyles. This replaced the former medieval church which was entirely rebuilt in 1856 though the shaft of a cross from the original building in the churchyard along with the Norman font and a stone coffin are still here. Evening meals are provided here at The Windmill Inn which also has rooms though there is a fine B&B option close by for those who prefer this.
Bicknoller (meaning Bica's Alder Tree) sits in the shadow of the Quantocks right on The Coleridge Way route and it offers a sheltered and unspoilt overnight in what is probably the Quantocks' prettiest village. It has a huddle of thatched cottages set in little lanes around its lovely Church of St George. The latter is just off The Coleridge Way route and well worth a look, framed as it is by the heather and gorse covered Quantocks behind its 12th Century Tower decorated with a variety of gargoyles, angels and rather spooky animal heads, known as Hunky Punks in Somerset. In the grounds you will find a huge ancient yew tree (used for making bows and arrows, said to be over 1,000 years old) and the old village stocks sit underneath this.
If you stay you will be joining a vibrant rural hamlet who run their own excellent village shop and when not doing this can be found in the much loved 16thCentury Bicknoller Inn. A classic Somerset Thatched Inn known affectionately here as "The Bick" this place has stone floored bars with wood burners or open fires, a restaurant serving excellent food and you can even pass the evening in time honoured fashion in the adjoining Skittle Alley or on a warm summers night head to the outdoor Boules Piste. For those who prefer a lonely wander before dinner and the chance to spot some deer you can head to the ancient Iron Age earthworks of Turks Castle and Trendle Ring which are just outside the village on the lower Quantock slopes or if the legs are not up to it just sit in the cobbled courtyard area and gaze up at the hills over your cider.
Nestled in the centre of the wide plane between the Quantock and the Brendon Hills and on a ridge overlooking the coast is the small town of Williton which provides a good range of facilities for the Coleridge Way Walker. Around 1 mile off the Coleridge Way the village is accessed using the Macmillian Way trail via the gentle wooded valley of the Donniford Steam with its old mill house and pastoral field systems.
At one time administered by the Knights Templar, Williton has always been an important stop over for travellers due to its location, sitting at the junction of routes from Taunton and Bridgwater to what was the Royal Hunting Estate on Exmoor. In times past your fellow travellers would have been the full Kings Party of Royal Hunters, dogs, falcons and keepers. By the 17th Century it was the pivot for the Toll Roads and coaching routes from London. Its church of St Peter dates back to the 13th Century and is well worth looking around.
Today with a population of around 3500 its one of the largest places on the Coleridge Way route and as such the town itself has a good range of facilities for walkers with a supermarket, several pubs and shops and accommodation options ranging from simple B&B's to more lavish Country Houses as well as a thatched Inn - the popular Masons Arms. There are also several options for evening meals in the local Inns as well as the Bengali Spice Indian restaurant if you want a bit of variety.
Williton can make a good option for taking a day out and further exploring as it sits right on the restored West Somerset Steam Railway line and you can take a nostalgic visit back to the days of steam visiting the fully restored station buildings and signal box on the east side of the town. If you take a rest day here then a superb option is to catch the steam train to explore the medieval town of Dunster with its huge castle and old Yarn Market.
Closer, only a couple of miles and also accessible by steam or bus is the 12th Century remains of the Cisterian Abbey at Cleeve. An impressive grade one listed monument maintained by English Heritage this is said to be the finest example of monastic cloister buildings in the UK – look out for the Angel Roof in the monks refectory and unique wall paintings in the painted chambers. Well worth making the effort to reach and if you like to keep off the main tourist trails this is something those rushing through to Exmoor by car never get to see.
An easy 2 miles to the coast (or another steam train ride) gets you to the ancient harbour town of Watchet south of here where you will find the iconic statue of Coleridges Ancient Mariner complete with "that" Albatross glaring over the little harbour he departed from in The Ryme of the Ancient Mariner. There is a good museum here, fossil hunting on the beach, unusual independent shops and some good eating options all easily accessible from Williton in a lively and unique ancient port.
Finally whilst it may only appeal to those of a certain age, one of the countries most bizzare museums lives at Williton - The Bakelite Musuem being a homage to nostalgia for all things…well Bakelite – the precursor to plastic from the early 20th Century - not just the art deco radios and TV's piled high here but real oddities like the Bakelite Caravan and even a Bakelite Coffin! It's a surreal visit for those who take it on !
A classic Somerset village set on the edge of the picturesque valley between the Quantock Hills and the Brendon Hills, Monksilver sits at the entrance to Exmoor National Park. A former centre for Cloth production and Clock Makers today the total population is less than a hundred people. The village was recorded as far back as the Domesday Book, its name a corruption of the Latin for Monk's Woodland reflecting its position beneath the shadow of the steep forested slopes of Bird Hill the first of the Brendon Hills.
In the centre of the village just off the Coleridge Way and designated as a Grade I listed building is the fascinating square towered church of All Saints. Dating back to the 12th century its listed in the Doomsday Book and is famous for hosting the marriage of Sir Francis Drake and his second wife Elizabeth Sydenham. Spot the great yew tree in the churchyard planted in 1770 by the local blacksmith. Inside below the 13th Century wagon vault roof are a Jacobean screen and pulpit.
Hub of the village today is the revamped Notley Arms Inn, a traditional country inn dating back to the 19th Century, providing a peaceful overnight stop for Coleridge Way walkers with its huge open fireplaces, locally sourced food and a fine beer garden by the bubbling stream in which you can try a range of real ales and local ciders. Peaceful, relaxing and as far off the tourist trail as you can get!
This village of around 600 people is a real gem and our favourite on The Coleridge Way Walk. The name is a corruption of Stoke meaning Dairy Farm and the Gunner family. It's a mile or so off the route but sitting in a vale between the Quantocks and Brendon's it's been well hidden from the world and is truly unspoilt. Accessed from the Coleridge Way via an ancient sunken track, you then drop off the ridge into its array of colourful thatched cottages that stretch up the village hill to the focal point at the welcoming White Horse Inn. The village still has its own tiny shop and the impressive St Mary's Church with its rather ghostly triangle of grass where many of the village were buried together in a common grave during a plague. Elsewhere as you wander through the village you are surrounded by unusual colour-washed and thatched properties, former mills and shops, a row of alms houses that date to around 1760 and a restored Tithe Barn. Stogumber was famous for its ale, made with the help of a mineral spring in the village and advertised as 'good for the clergy and others with weak lungs.' The White Horse houses walkers along with another B&B in the village and the popular bar still serves up wholesome food and ale to this day for those arriving off the Coleridge Way.
Roadwater is a sheltered and pleasant place for the night, sitting in one of the Brendon's deep wooded valleys at the junction of streams. Its a quiet overnight spot with walker friendly rooms at the pub The Valiant Soldier and despite its remote location Roadwater is quite a thriving place with a very good village shop and an active Community Hall.
Roadwater prospered during the 18th Century when several mills set up along the Washford River, one of which survives at Manor Mills. The boom time came during the 19thCentury when the West Somerset Mineral Railway was built through the valley to carry out iron ore from the higher Brendon Hills above at Raleigh Cross Mine out to the coast at Watchet. You can still see signs of the railway in the village, the old station still exists now a private house and some of the old goods sheds still stand, although the tracks were lost when they were requisitioned by the War Office in the First World War for use in the war effort! Getting the ore out of the hills was a real feat of engineering and part of the line was so steep that one section was cable operated from a winding house. It may have disappeared now but the echoes of the past are still here however with the active Mineral Line Club based at the village hall.
Leaving the village on the Coleridge Way watch out for the disguised World War 2 pillbox made to look like a garden summer house where underneath its pitched roof cover you can still see the gun slits, although one would suspect that if the enemy had got as far as this remote and peaceful hamlet then the war would have been pretty much over!
The Moorland village of Wheddon Cross and its adjoining sister hamlet of Cutcombe (Cuda's Valley) occupies a spot on the Coleridge Way that has been a travellers resting point for centuries. This is officially the highest village in Exmoor National Park at nearly 1000 ft and you are very aware of the looming horizon that is Dunkery Beacon and Exmoor's highest point which looks down on you wherever you are in the village whilst below runs the deeply wooded Avill Valley. It's this landscape that is said to have provided the line from "All things bright and beautiful" that runs "The purple headed mountain, the river running by"
Its location owes much to the turnpike that was built here in the 1820's on a high level route for travellers and those driving livestock between Dunster and Taunton and a cattle market still operates to this day. In fact the church here suggests a much older history and actually dates back to the Norman Conquest and is listed in the Doomsday Book (1086). Today the village has a different feel to those on the rest of the walk, much more an isolated moorland crossroads, open and spacious as opposed to the usual tightly packed hidden valley hamlets. It provides several excellent options for the weary Coleridge Way walker with one large coaching inn and two guest houses one of which can also provide evening meals and cream teas if booked in advance (though we doubt you will need the moorland hairdresser at this point). The village has an excellent shop with and ATM and Post Office.
A sleepy place and one to rest in before the climb onto Exmoor though if you are here in the early Spring you will find the nearby Avill Valley (which the Coleridge Way travels through) hosts thousands of visitors who come to see its famous Snowdrop Valley when hidden wooded riverbanks just below the moor come alive with literally carpets of the white snowdrop.
The original end of the Coleridge Way before the 2015 extension to Lynmouth, Porlock provides the largest habitation on the route before Lynmouth and the most enticing winning the award in 2009 with good reason as the most beautiful village in Somerset. Surrounded on three sides by Exmoor National Park the village occupies a sheltered position looking out over the marshes to a big blue Bristol Channel and as such really does feel like the trailend.
Long a favourite for walkers the village has plenty of B&B's, tea shops and atmospheric Inn's, such as The Ship on Porlock Hill which dates back to the 12th Century. Wandering around you will also find a host of local crafts, art galleries, the occasional walking equipment outlet and plenty of unusual independent shops, selling everything from second hand books to Somerset cheese. Its also home to Miles tea and coffee blenders and roasters where you can finish the walk by trying out its range of blends. A rather strung out village with a never ending mix of everything from old thatch cottages, to Georgian, Edwardian and even rather Gothic style properties you will arrive on one of the narrow medieval back paths that all seem to lead to the Church of St Dubricius. The pleasant church is well worth a look with its unique squat steeple in a magnificent setting framed under the backdrop of the Exmoor foothills.
Its not just Coleridge that is in evidence here from the Literary world, you are now in the land of Lorna Doone, this being R D Blackmore's location for his tale of the moorland clans of Exmoor and those staying here can walk or ride into the remote Doone Valley to find out more. If you are staying overnight take a short wander after dark, the village and its surroundings have just been made one of Europe's first International Dark Sky Reserves in recognition of its lack of light pollution and excellent night skies.
For those short on time by far the best option is to wander the mile or so down to the sea at Porlock Weir a timeless little harbour with a 12th Century Inn on the coast below the village. You can return via the salt marshes created when the high shingle embankment was breached by the sea in the 1990s, the area alive with little egrets, spoonbills, hen and marsh harriers. At low tide you can also find the remains of a submerged prehistoric forest on the shoreline.
Porlock with all its facilities is well worth an extra night and The South West Coast Path which joins you here is superbly dramatic in either direction. West you can walk to the gorges of Lynmouth ("Little Switzerland" to the Poets) via tiny Culbone church said the smallest church in England and only accessible on foot. Go east and you can head back, over the impressive hogs back cliffs at the point the moor falls into the sea, to reach Minehead. There is a walkers bus service in season allowing you to walk either way and easily catch the bus back for a second night in Porlock or of course we can arrange accommodation in the next location as usual.
If its a rest day you need however then this is a great place for one with everything you need to rest up and recuperate in a stunning village at the foot of the hills. If you still have energy, you can visit the remains of the hill fort at Bury Castle, visit Greencombe Gardens or Dovery Manor Museum, a medieval manor house housing a museum of local history. You could of course get another day on Exmoor but this time let someone else take the strain by using one of the riding and pony trekking options close by.
One other option to get a bit of coastal variety to your walk is to take one of the regular buses to Minehead which take around 15 minutes and then walk back to Porlock for a second night to enjoy the first 9 miles of The South West Coast Path, a superb introduction to the trail and the coastline. CLICK HERE to read about the walking and ask us to build this into your itinerary.
Porlock Weir is a quite magical place, a tiny 15th Century harbour just off the Coleridge Way at one end of Porlock Bay, cloaked inland by steep, imposing dark forest. It sits at the end of a flat, five mile section of shingle ridge and saltmarsh - the Porlock Levels, a haven for wildlife and for birdwatchers. To the west, the hamlet marks the start of a wild and uncomprimising section of coast path and coastal forest that stretches all the way to Lynmouth with no facilities for the next 12 miles. The name comes from the long lost practice of driving rows of wooden poles (or weirs) into the mud to trap migrating salmon at high tide.
So Porlock Weir has a kind of outpost feel to it, yet the harbour itself has a beautifully open and spacious aspect, looking out over the wide waters to Wales ahead, whilst its scattering of historic buildings and fishing boats give it an untouched air. Its location is of key significance throughout history. There has been a port here for over 1000 years and indeed the Danish were landing here as far back as 86AD. The harbour's heyday was during the Industrial Revolution when coal was landed from Wales and pit props for the mines were sent back in return, cut from the forests behind the village.
A small flotilla of yachts and boats seem to be always at berth here waiting for the next tide and the tidal harbour sits surrounded by a rough granite quay with huge impressive sealock gates. Facilites despite its size are very good for the overnight walker with one smart hotel overlooking the Quay, a small thatched inn providing B&B and a "restaurant" with rooms all three offering a choice of evening meals. Little rows of iconic and charming Grade II listed fishing cottages date back to the 17th Century and past seafairing traditions, known locally as Turkey Island and Gibralter Cottages. At dusk the place is at its best with only a few residents and overnight visitors left and a walk along the shingle ridge in the sunset is a great end to the day and if the tide is right out you can spot the stumps of a petrified prehistoric forest left in the shifting mud and sands.
It really is just very restful here with only a pub, harbour office and a couple of restaurants, there is a tiny boatyard museum and the Harbour Gallery and Cafe a fine establishment which showcases work from local artists and craftspeople.
The first village you reach having crossed the border into Devon on the Coleridge Way, Brendon is set in a pleasing position along the banks of the rushing River Lyn at the point it leaves the moors to enter Gorge Country.
History tells us of the Brendon Valley being a wild and lawless place (hence the Lorna Doone links) and Brendon 300 years ago was little more than a rather rugged outpost as high up the valley as most people would venture. Today having followed the trails of woodsmoke from the ridge descend the steep hillsides to drop into Brendon where you will find it actually holds a rather tranquil spot strung along a narrow strip of green river pastures below the high moors around it.
The Staghunters Inn is the centre of a village that today only holds around 150 residents –The Inn is certainly authentic Exmoor and the relics of the areas hunting culture hang on the walls, yet it's a friendly place famous for its regular live folk nights it comes alive once a year as the location for the Exmoor Folk Festival. The Guardian newspaper places it in its top 10 pubs in North Devon and Exmoor and those staying here will enjoy a night with the locals eating local meat and game washed down with Exmoor Ale. There is little else in the village but then this is part of its charm – you can still see find the old high arched medieval packhorse bridge that crosses the river here but the parish Church is actually around 750 feet above the hamlet and quite a feat of engineering, constructed in 1738 from stones from the former church at nearby Cheriton which were moved over the valley here - worth the climb if you want to build up an appetite before that game pie!
"We will go on a roam to Linton and Linmouth, which if thou camest in May will be in all their pride of woods and waterfalls, not to speak of the august cliffs, and the green ocean, and the Vast Valley of Stones all of which live disdainful of the seasons or accept new honours only from the winter's snow."
So Lynmouth marks the end of the Coleridge Way route – but for many its just the start of the next adventure as this town is a walkers hub for Exmoor sitting at the junction of The Two Moors Way, the South West Coast Path and the Tarka Trail long distance walking routes. Its signficance and its popularity with walkers is reflected in the town being awared its Walkers are Welcome Award who refer to it as the 'Walking Capital of Exmoor' and its got a superb range of facilities and walking routes so is well worth an extra night at the end of your walk.
Lynmouth is where Gorge Country meets the sea and its stunning vistas have been enjoyed by travellers for centuries. A town christened "Little Switzerland" by early 19th Century visitors who were prevented from taking their European 'Grand Tours' due to the Napoleonic Wars. Lynmouth reminded them of their beloved Alps and the likes of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blackmore and Shelly (who spent his honeymoon here in 1812) gave Lynmouth its status amongst the Romantic Poets and their followers. For the artist Thomas Gainsborough the deep wooded gorges, bays and rocky outcrops made Lynmouth "The most delightful place for a landscape painter this country can boast" and its true that there are stunning, dramatic and varied views whichever way you walk out of the town. A strong Victorian and historical feel remains around the place with its promenades, tiny stone harbour and the ingenious cliff railway - ride on this piece of history to visit the upper leafy and lofty part of the town which peers out over the ocean at Lynton.
At the end of its 51 miles the Coleridge Way has a short official extension from the harbour at Lynmouth to the nearby Valley of the Rocks – a magnificent spot with its herds of wild goats, towering cliffs and the restored 19th Century Poets Shelter which sits at the head of the dry valley overlooking this coastal drama. It's a fitting end to the Coleridge Way to quietly wander to this before your evening meal and look west to watch the sun set whilst reflecting on your long journey here from Nether Stowey.
Lynton sits high above Lynmouth on the steep valley ridge overlooking the sea and the two sections are linked by a snaking wooded cliff side footpath for the fit or that ingenious Cliff railway for the less able ! Built for £8000 in 1890 the railway is operated with a cunning counterbalance using water piped up the cliffs from the West Lyn River – it may be a simple feet of engineering but its proved far more reliable than the mainline railways at any rate!
There are excellent facilities for walkers with a good range of accommodation from basic B&B's through to hotels and luxury inns and you can choose between staying down in the harbour at Lynmouth or high up in the lofty heights of Lynton. There are plenty of restaurants and inns providing food along with art and craft shops and for onward travel take bus links to the train line at Barnstaple and during the summer season back along the South West Coast Path route to Minehead where you can switch to depart by steam railway for Taunton.
Aside from the Poets Shelter and Valley of the Rocks there is plenty to do in Lynmouth with an extra day.
At the foot of the Cliff Railway is the excellent National Park Visitor Centre in the old Pavilion which is well worth visiting as it's a mine of information on the area and its history with changing displays as well as the Pavilion Dining Rooms Cafe directly overlooking the tiny stone harbour and beach.
The Lyn and Exmoor Museum can be found in the towns oldest surviving cottage whilst in the Memorial hall you will find a moving and permanent display on Lynmouth's devastating natural disaster. Overnight in August 1952 after huge rainfall on the moors the three gorges combined into a deadly torrent of ninety million tonnes of water that crashed into the lower town destroying over 100 buildings, sweeping cars and bridges out to sea. Thirty four locals lost their lives that night and 420 people were made homeless. The exhibition includes a scale model of the village before it was destroyed along with many poignant personal accounts, photos, as well as material on the recent theory following a BBC investigation that it may have been the result of cloud-seeding experiments by the RAF that were going on over southern Britain a few days earlier.
For a longer walk a crafty plan is to let us transfer you up onto the high moor at Simonsbath - a moorland village around 10 miles away and you can then return on a glorious descent from the heights of Exe Head all the way back down to sea level, passing through every stage of the Moor from the heather uplands to the deep gorges on one glorious downhill romp! On route you will pass the source of the mighty River Exe, the ancient Hoar Oak Tree and the snaking ridge top Cleaves Trail above the thundering East Lyn Gorge. Its the best day on the whole week long Two Moors Way walk which is why we think its a 'sneaky option' to add on to the Coleridge Way as its easy to fit this one in with an extra day at Lynmouth – just ask and we can tell you more! CLICK HERE to read about the walking day.
If you want to see the best of the coastline before departing then you have immediate access onto The South West Coast Path here and you can have a transfer to the beach-side village of Combe Martin to walk over the highest point on the whole 630 mile trail at Great Hangman. This imposing humpback is topped with a lonely cairn at 318m (1043ft) and the reward if you climb over it is the best view over Exmoor and the Bristol Channel yet. We can transfer you out to the pretty village of Combe Martin to walk back to Lynmouth (around 13 miles if you want a full day's walk) OR drop you halfway at the famous Hunters Inn which sits at the head of v-shaped Heddons Valley, a steep sided glacial forested gorge that sits around 6 miles out of Lynmouth. Both routes will take in the Valley of the Rocks as you re-enter Lynmouth - click here to read about the walking day to Combe Martin and Heddons Valley. | {
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} | 40,287 |
Cedella Marley & Kenya Barris Will Produce Animated Bob Marley Film
Cedella Marley teams up with Fox Animation and Polygram Entertainment to develop a new animated film on the life of Bob Marley with Black-ish creator Kenya Barris set to write and produce.
Twentieth Century Fox Animation and Universal Music Group's Polygram Entertainment will come together in developing a new animated film based on the music of reggae legend Bob Marley. Kenya Barris will write and produce the project which is described as "an animated musical love letter to the late Marley's legendary music and to the people of Jamaica."
"My father has inspired art and artists around the world and I'm excited to embark on a new creative venture that highlights his incredible music," said Cedella Marley in describing the venture. "We are thrilled to work with Kenya Barris and David Blackman on this project as well as a Fox Animation who gave us this platform to introduce a new generation to my father's music."
Cedella Marley and David Blackman, Head of Polygram Entertainment, will also produce the film along with E. Brian Dobbins from Principato-Young Entertainment. As part of his overall deal with Twentieth Century Fox Film, Kenya Barris will produce through his company Khalablo In Society.
"As we continue to ramp up and diversify our slate of films at Fox Animation, we are thrilled to be working with Cedella Marley, Kenya Barris and Polygram Entertainment on this project," said Andrea Miloro and Robert Baird. "In doing so, we not only have the opportunity to build new relationships for the studio, but we get to tell a story, inspired by the music of Bob Marley, one of the greatest music legends of our time."
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Iranians now fretting the Israeli military option is back on the table.
On Monday, Israel took delivery of its first two F-35I "Adir" multi-purpose fighters. Barring any unexpected cost overruns, Israel is slated to take delivery of a further 48 of these machines, reckoned to be the most advanced in the world. The acquisition will add to Israel's already formidable fleet of F-16I, F-15I and F-15C fighter bombers.
The following day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, paid an official state visit to Azerbaijan to meet with his counterpart, President Ilham Aliyev, to sign various trade agreements and solidify understandings. Despite the fact that Azerbaijan is predominantly Shia, the Muslim nation maintains very good relations with Israel.
The two events are seemingly mutually exclusive but must be viewed within a wider geo-political context involving the Islamic Republic of Iran, its militarized nuclear program and the JCPOA, more commonly referred to as the Iran Deal.
In any strike against Iran, the F-35, with its stealth capabilities, advanced avionics and large payload, will be the tip of the Israeli spear. These aircraft along with F-15 and F-16 fighter jets will be at the forefront of any operation targeting Iran's nuclear facilities.
Israel also has an undisclosed number of Jericho III intercontinental ballistic missiles that can accurately deliver a payload of 1,000 kilograms of high explosives over a distance of 6,000 kilometers – well within range of every square inch of the Islamic Republic. The Jericho can also be fitted with an unconventional warhead. It is silo-based but there have been reports that Israel possesses a mobile tracked or wheeled version as well.
There will be a role for Israeli Navy as well. Its recent acquisition of the INS Rahav, its fifth submarine, will significantly enhance Israel's offensive and defensive capabilities. The craft can accurately deliver the Israeli version of the American Tomhawk cruise missile called the Popeye Turbo, and do so virtually undetected. The Popeye Turbo can also be equipped with an unconventional warhead. Israel's advanced submarine platforms will also be tasked with carrying out covert operations.
But Iran is large and distant. Its nuclear facilities are well protected, fortified and scattered about the country. Israel will need to covertly partner with other nations bordering Iran to ensure maximum success.
Enter Azerbaijan, a relatively small nation that shares a border with its much larger neighbor, Iran. As a Muslim nation and a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Azerbaijan has paid lip service to anti-Israeli Muslim political initiatives. But despite this, Israel and Azerbaijan maintain excellent, if somewhat discreet relations. That is so because both nations share mutual concerns and strategic interests and both view Iran warily.
President Aliyev once described Azeri-Israel relations as being like an iceberg, nine-tenths of it is below the surface. That analogy is quite accurate but with Netanyahu's public visit, it seems as though Azerbaijan is no longer concerned about keeping its ties with the Jewish State secretive.
During Netanyahu's visit, Aliyev spoke of the deepening defense ties between the two nations and noted that "so far the contracts between Azerbaijani and Israeli companies with respect to purchasing of defense equipment is close to 5 billion dollars." He added that he was "very satisfied with the level of this cooperation [between Israel and Azerbaijan]." Israel in turn derives much of its energy requirements from Baku.
Naturally, Netanyahu's visit irked the Iranians who were quick to issue hysterical public denunciations of it. The Iranians have good reason to worry. An Israeli military presence in the Caucasus represents a game changer and heavily tilts the military balance in Israel's favor. Forward operating bases would naturally close the vast distances separating the two nations and would further enable Israel to circumvent flyovers and aerial refueling over hostile enemy airspaces while en route to targets in Iran. Israel would also be able to carry out logistical, rescue and covert operations with greater ease.
In 2012, it was reported that Israel was seriously considering carrying out a preventative strike against Iran and had been covertly working with Azeri officials to further that goal. But in what can only be described as an act of supreme perfidy, the Obama administration leaked damaging information that inexplicably sought to expose and sabotage the burgeoning strategic alliance between Israel and Azerbaijan.
The administration's reasons for doing so remain a mystery. Perhaps it was an attempt to derail Israel's attack plans or perhaps, as some have suggested, it was an act of pure malevolence. Either way, the betrayal harmed Israel's covert efforts and security interests.
Four years later, there's a new sheriff in town, one who has openly expressed disdain for the JCPOA and one who, unlike Obama, has promised to hold Iran accountable to its international commitments. When Netanyahu meets Trump, it's a sure bet that Iran will be at the top of the agenda and the two realist leaders see eye-to-eye on the nature of the Iranian menace and the pitfalls of the JCPOA. The military option, all but sidelined by Obama, is now very much alive and the mullahs should be afraid, very afraid. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 38,401 |
Thank you for your interest in Green Hill Landscaping! We are a small, design-build landscape company specializing in naturalized water features and unique, eye catching designs. Having worked in the industry for 18 years and as Green Hill Landscaping since 2003, we pride ourselves as leaders in water feature creativity and installation, combining state-of-the-art techniques with the highest quality materials. Concentrating on one project at a time, each design unfolds into the landscape seamlessly from start to finish as we work closely alongside our clients to make their dreams come true.
Unlike most landscapers in the area, Green Hill is more than just a guy and a truck. And beyond that, we aren't a huge operation with a dozen crews just trying to take as much work as possible, even if we don't specialize in it. We have five full time employees, heavy machinery, an office off Poinsett Highway, and the experience and connections needed to complete everything from a small koi pond up to a quarter million-dollar dream backyard.
One thing you will notice about us is that we aren't listed on a bunch of industry directories where we pay to get your information. Most of our business is from referrals of past clients or from people new to the upstate who have rigorously planned and studied their backyard and want a company that understands the vision. If you are in the research phase of your project and aren't quite ready to do something, then I would highly recommend you save our website to your favorites and start to follow us on instagram (@greenhilllandscaping). We would love to make your short list and have a chance to visit with you and discuss your landscaping needs.
Manning is the owner and manager of the business. He works with homeowners from original contact to completion. His main job is to help clients bring their vision to life, all while keeping the project quick and affordable.
Brandon is the project manager. He is on the job site daily doing everything from running the excavator, lining a stream, to placing boulders. Brandon is a tremendous asset and he is experienced in all the areas we specialize in.
Joe is a consultant to Green Hill. He is a lifelong landscaping veteran, having grown up around the industry in Wisconsin. Joe is a true water feature expert and a visionary when it comes to planning layouts and solving problems.
We can tell you about us and our work all we want, but this picture really sums up our ideal project. There is a beautiful water feature, custom fire pit, natural stone patio, exterior lighting, perfect grass and ideal plantings. This is the backyard of a client who lives off of Parkins Mill Rd. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 86,675 |
I spent my teens and early twenties hiding behind an inebriated party persona, but scratch the surface and there was a little girl inside me crying over the fact that she never got to be a kid. That she always had to be the brave one, the grown up one, the successful one. If I am being unflinchingly honest, at my very core back in those days, I hated myself.
My journey to liking myself and being happy inside my own skin started after hitting rock bottom and realising I was a weekend-bender away from losing absolutely everything that mattered to me. I went through significant change in all areas of my life to turn it around, and it was only after going through this process that I became truly happy with what I saw in the mirror. Gone was the mask. I was at long last comfortable just being me. My eldest daughter came along almost three years after that rock bottom moment, which was enough time for me to have become a whole new and much improved version of my former self.
I'd like to share with you some of the most important changes I made during that process. I know they helped to become a better me, and I'm sure they could help become a better you too.
I have said it on the blog so many times, and will continue saying it over and over again. Without truly making peace with what we've gone through before today, no matter how dark and painful it might have been, we will never move forwards and be able to live a brighter tomorrow. Once we have accepted the past and made peace with it, we can start respecting ourselves. I believe that a fundamental lack of respect for ourselves is what drives a lot of our self-destructive negative behaviour.
There's a saying that we will only ever be as good as the company we keep. If the people around you are dragging you down, even if they are family, it's time to take a break from them. Be it in the short term, for a longer period or for good, assess what every single person brings into your life and whether you actually want them in it.
Are you a bit too partial to opening a bottle of vino 'to have one glass' and finishing the entire bottle (and perhaps opening a second)? No-one will deny you a couple of drinks on a Friday night to celebrate the weekend, but if you are drinking excessively and it is negatively impacting other areas of your life then be honest with yourself and think about cutting down or stopping altogether for a while.
This is more than just a fad to lose a bit of flab for the summer. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating a diet of good quality, mostly natural food. Processed food – even made by the premium brands – is heavily refined and really not good for you. Take a look at my recipe section and Pinterest boards for inspiration.
If you have health related problems and eat a poor diet, take back control. When I was diagnosed with PCOS and told I would not naturally conceive, I drastically reduced my sugar intake and cut down on processed carbs. Within two years I had fallen pregnant by accident. It's too much of a coincidence to ignore. What we eat has a massive effect over our entire well being. Nowadys I follow the GAPS Diet, and feel amazing for it, even on three or four broken hours of sleep most nights. Take a look at my recent vlog if you are interested in learning more.
Exercise is just as essential. It doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming, and can come in the form of walking instead of driving, and using the stairs instead of the lift. Moving is almost always better than not moving. Unless you're sleeping of course, and in which case my friend you're doing better than me because not much sleep is had in my house!
Previous ArticleDo You Want to be a Better Parent?
Is Our Health a Postcode Lottery, or Are We in Control?
We've talked and there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said by almost every other commenter: inspirational, honest, and above all achievable if the mind set is right. Thank you so much for the comments you leave and for sharing your tips.
Thanks so much Fiona, it's certainly been a long old journey to get to this place. I'm glad you you did the same and came to a place where you're happy too. Real confidence is a funny old thing isn't it!
You are really amazing. Having met you in a real life, I was struck by what a bundle of energy and positivity you are.
You know, I was just thinking about the whole "making peace with your past" thing this morning because I was getting annoyed with myself for not losing weight sooner. But then I thought, I've done it now, and yes I might have been happier if I'd done it sooner, but what can I do about that now? Nothing! Other than continue to improve, obviously!
Thanks so much for your kind words Claire, really glad you enjoyed the post.
Great advice. I particularly agree with the nutrition side of things. Too much emphasis is put on correcting and fixing illnesses, when so many could be prevented by feeding our bodies properly. But it's not just physical well being, it's mental well being too.
You might find my book useful as it gives practical advice on how to implement change.
Thanks for sharing this advice, I must admit I am severely lacking motivation with my diet at the moment (my general diet) it just seems to be getting worse. So over this weekend I have made myself a promise to go over and have a look at your pinterest boards and try and take a bit of control back and hopefully the motivation will follow!
The more I find out about the "you" behind the mask & your thoughts on change the more I am amazed by your bravery, inspired by your strength and your determination to change the negative in your life.
Hi Renee. I'm new to reading your blog (newbie blogger). Found via #thelist. Really enjoyed this thought provoking post. You make some great points that liking yourself means prioritising not only your physical wellbeing but also your social and emotional health too. Looking forwards to reading some more soon.
You're so right hun, making peace with your past is very important. It's also very difficult and even now I struggle with it sometimes. Wondering if I've done the right thing when I see happy photos of my (biological) mother with my sisters. But then I realise that I have the most wonderful family right here, by my side. My mum is the best I could've wished for and I am happy. I don't need to wonder any more. I KNOW I made the right choice.
Thanks Merlinda, really kind of you to say that.
Beautiful and sound advice. What I also love is that you can hear the peace and joy now when you write despite what you've overcome.
This is such an inspirational post and really resonates with me.
I too have a fair few demons from the past tucked away. I recognise a lot of myself in your own description. I had a fairly destructive childhood, my teenage years were shaky to say the least. I thought falling in love and having my son when I was 21 was going to be a catalyst of change for me (certainly the months of my pregnancy were a wonderful turning point) .
It wasn't meant to be, when my son was stillborn at 41 weeks that all came crashing down, the loss of my relationship followed and the next three years of my life were horrifically bleak. So so many mistakes and so much to forgive myself for.
It's been ten years since I started turning my life around. I have a lovely family, a business, friends and my health. It isn't always easy though. I feel the reminders of my previous life tugging at me sometimes.
You are so right. Diet, exercise and the ability to forgive yourself are the cornerstones to change.
The last one is the one I work on day to day.
Great post, thank you for writing what I needed to hear!
and what a great inspiration to others.
Fabulous post and some great advice for helping be happier with the person in the mirror. It's something I struggle with at times but I'm getting there. I definitely agree with making peace with your past – this has probably been the biggest factor for me at helping me be a happier person, accepting what I can't change and making peace with it. I think the biggest piece of advice which has helped me is the point you make in your book that the only person who can make you happy is yourself. It's certainly helped me take back control and take positive steps forward.
Thanks so much Afra, really pleased you found it useful. Have a lovely weekend.
great post with sensible suggestions which would benefit just about everyone. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 42,336 |
Here's What We Know About the Drama Going Down Between Manny MUA and Jeffree Star
By Jeryl Lippe
Though they once seemed like the best of friends, beauty YouTubers Manny MUA and Jeffree Star appear to have hit a rough patch in their friendship. The abrupt change has left fans wondering where all the drama came from, so we've broken down everything we know thus far about the on-going feud between the makeup gurus.
Their beef seems to have originated from Jeffree's issues with fellow MUA Laura Lee. Laura, Manny, and Jeffree were once a famous trio, but after a nasty Twitter war, it looks like Jeffree and Laura have cut ties. Back in November, Jeffree posted a glam photo of himself with the caption, "Walking into my ex-best friends funeral like." Though fans originally thought he was talking about Manny, the duo appeared together on Snapchat shortly after.
Jeffrey later confirmed the shade was directed at Laura. "The beauty community has turned into such an ugly place full of evil people," he said in a tweet. "I've learned some really big life lessons lately the hard way and I'm just thankful I have all of you guys, Nate, and my family." When a follower replied to his message by saying Laura "has a good soul," Jeffree quickly responded that fans "know nothing about her personally. Her soul is pure evil."
Sad to be leaving St Tropez 😩😩 So happy to have these 2 by my side! Thank you again to @jouercosmetics for having us and celebrating the amazing Skinny Dip collection! 😍 love you guys! @larlarlee @jeffreestar
A post shared by 🌙Manny Gutierrez (@mannymua733) on May 22, 2017 at 8:08am PDT
This put Manny, who is BFFs with both Jeffree and Laura, in an awkward position. Twitter users did notice, however, that neither Laura nor Manny acknowledged Jeffree's birthday on Nov. 15. Manny later defended himself on Twitter, writing, "And for the record, Laura and I both texted Jeffree happy birthday yesterday. A relationship is between you and one person, not millions of people." But, Jeffree denied that either of the influencers had reached out. "He never called me," Jeffree tweeted. "Stop defending someone who could give one less f–k about you. He doesn't."
A couple of days after the birthday debacle, Manny took to Snapchat to seemingly clarify all of the feud rumors. "I just want you guys to remember, at the end of the day, first and foremost we are people. We have miscommunications, we have missteps, we have friendships that go awry, we have relationships that end," he said. "And that is okay; that's part of life, that's part of growth, and that's part of change. And change is good; change is welcomed. And it's frustrating because we are public figures… and our friendships and our relationships are made known to the public, and the public feels the need to know what is going on [behind] closed doors."
He ended the snap by saying they are "fine" and "navigating our relationship like healthy people should." He also asked fans to stay out of the drama so as to not start fake rumors from spreading. Here's hoping they all kiss and make up soon!
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MUA Laura Lee Is #BodyGoals (on Top of Being Makeup and Closet Goals) | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 28,189 | was found in our database!
This IP was reported 18 times. Confidence of Abuse is 14%: ?
This IP address has been reported a total of 18 times from 4 distinct sources. was first reported on May 30th 2018 , and the most recent report was 1 week ago . | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 92,890 |
Dietrich Neumann ist der Name folgender Personen:
* Dietrich Neumann (Agrarwissenschaftler) (Dietrich Hermann Franz Neumann; 1922–2002), deutscher Agrarwissenschaftler
Dietrich Neumann (Architekt, 1929) (* 1929), deutscher Architekt und Hochschullehrer
Dietrich Neumann (Zoologe) (1931–2012), deutscher Zoologe
Dietrich Neumann (Schauspieler) (* 1939), deutscher Schauspieler
Dietrich Neumann (Architekt, 1956) (* 1956), deutscher Architekt und Architekturhistoriker | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 75,545 |
Home On the front page There is no Iranian occupation of Lebanon and Riad Salamé must leave...
There is no Iranian occupation of Lebanon and Riad Salamé must leave (Gébran Bassil)
The president of the Courant Patriotique Libre Gébran Bassil ruled out any Iranian occupation of Lebanon and called for the departure of the governor of the Banque du Liban Riad Salamé while several court cases were filed against him abroad, during a speech since Kfardebian.
"Today they want to convince you that a new occupation has arrived in Lebanon, which is the Iranian occupation, but if there is an Iranian occupation, we will be the first to face it as we faced it. Israeli or Syrian occupation ", notes Gébran Bassil, estimating that there is no Iranian presence in Lebanon" because nobody can occupy our culture, our religion or our faith. Nobody can occupy or walk on this land and these mountains ".
He also indirectly attacked the leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea, accusing him of being financed from abroad, alluding to Saudi financing, to be a tool for these countries. "They kill when asked and they approve policies such as the overthrow of Orthodox (electoral) law and the powers of the president," referring to the shooting in Tayyouneh in early November during a demonstration in front of the Beirut court of justice.
Gébran Bassil also estimated that the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun had to face during his mandate with bad financial policies which threatened to deny Lebanon. It was a question of liberating the state from the political regime which has governed Lebanon since the 1990s, but also from the financial regime which remains today and which would be headed by the governor of the Banque du Liban Riad Salamé.
"The lie of pegging the exchange rate is over and they can not do magic after today," he said, referring to the policy of maintaining the parity anchored to the dollar since 1997 before call for the departure of the governor of the BdL, recalling that he is the subject of legal proceedings against him in 7 countries for embezzlement and money laundering.
Gébran Bassil also accused his political opponents of having prevented the implementation of the restructuring plan for the public electricity sector or the establishment of a financial policy limiting expenditure before mentioning the presence of a major Syrian refugee community.
"Their plan to control the country has fallen, naturalization (of Palestinian refugees) has dropped and the integration of displaced Syrians has declined, as Syria rises and Syrians will return home. The project to allow terrorism to enter from the mountains failed and it was we who prevented them, "he concluded.
Bank of Lebanon (BDL)
Gbran Bassil
Michel Aoun
Riad Salamé
Samir Geagea | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 6,881 |
WIREs Water
WIREs Water / All Issues / Vol 5 Issue 4 (July 2018)
Flood frequency analysis: The Bayesian choice
Eric Gaume
DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1290
After an introduction to the traditional flood frequency analysis methods, this article discusses their limits and the risks associated with their thoughtless use: overconfidence in the estimated values of flood quantiles or return periods and systematic underestimation of risks. The article then presents and illustrates the added value of modern Bayesian flood frequency inference procedures that are statistically consistent, numerically accurate, and now computationally affordable. The implementation of such methods shows that estimated flood frequencies, based on observed samples of limited size, are generally affected by large uncertainties. This acknowledgement should be an incentive for increasing the size of the analyzed samples through a more systematic use of historic information as well as regional approaches in flood frequency analyses. It also clearly points out that the margin of errors should be considered when using inference results for design or risk assessment purposes. Several pieces of software are now available to conduct Bayesian flood frequency analyses relatively straightforwardly. There is no remaining obstacle to the implementation of these modern approaches in operational hydrological studies. This article is categorized under: Science of Water > Methods Science of Water > Water Extremes
Plot of measured stages versus corresponding estimated discharges at the Montcel gauge on the Morge river (France) according to the available dataset (left panel). View of the Morge river in the vicinity of the gauged cross section (right panel). The stage–discharge relation has obviously been modified in 2003 with few changes in its lower part but tremendous evolutions of its upper, extrapolated part
(Left) Distribution of exceedance probabilities of the 100‐year estimated quantiles for 2,000 samples of 30 values drawn from a GEV(10, 10, −0.2) distribution: red vertical line (theoretical value: 1%), black vertical line (sample average). (Right) Illustration of the "predictive" distribution in red along with parent distribution (bold line), maximum likelihood distribution (continuous line), 90% confidence interval (dotted lines), sample plotting positions (dots)
Inference results based on a sample of 30 values (left) and on the same sample complemented with historic information over 100 years (right). The two largest historic peak discharges could be estimated with a large uncertainty range (distance between and ) indicated by the dotted lines; 90% credibility limits (black dotted line), maximum likelihood distribution (continuous line), sample plotting positions (dots), GEV(10, 10, −0.2) parent distribution (bold line), historic records (vertical dotted lines). Note that the plotting positions have been recomputed in the right panel to account for the historic records
(Left) Comparison between the Bayesian–MCMC 90% credibility limits (black dotted line) and the 90% bootstrap confidence interval (gray dotted line) for a sample of 30 values drawn from a GEV(10, 10, −0.2) distribution. Sample plotting positions (dots), parent distribution (bold line), and maximum likelihood distribution (line). (Right) Uniformity test for the confidence intervals computed with the Bayesian MCMC procedure
Impact of sampling variability. Inference results based on a sample of 30 values (left): moments (continuous line), L‐moments (dashed line), maximum likelihood (dotted line), sample plotting positions (dots), parent GEV (10, 10, −0.2) distribution (bold line). Scattering of the plotting positions for 100 samples of 30 values drawn from the parent distribution (right)
Boxplots of the 100‐year quantile estimation relative errors for the three standard inference methods. A total of 1,000 series of N values drawn from a parent GEV (10, 10, −0.2) distribution. N = 30 (left) and N = 100 (right)
Illustration of the two classic flood peak discharge sampling strategies applied to a 10‐year series of discharges measured in Paris on the Seine river: annual block maxima (left) and peaks over threshold (right). Red dots (sampled values), dotted vertical lines (separation between hydrological years), red horizontal line (selected threshold)
Coles,, S. (2001). An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values. London, England: Springer.
Cunnane,, C. (1978). Unbiased plotting position. Journal of Hydrology, 37(3–4), 205–222.
Fisher,, R., & Tippett,, L. (1928). Limiting forms of frequency distribution of the largest or smallest member of a sample. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 24, 180–190.
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Gnedenko,, B. (1943). Sur la distribution limite du terme maximum d`une série aléatoire. Annales de Mathématiques, 44, 423–453.
Halbert,, K., Nguyen,, C., Payrastre,, O., & Gaume,, E. (2016). Reducing uncertainty in flood frequency analyses: A comparison of local and regional approaches involving information on extreme historical floods. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 90–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.017
Hershfield,, D., & Kohler,, M. (1960). An empirical appraisal of the gumbel extreme value procedure. Journal of Geophysical Research, 65(6), 1737–1746.
Hosking,, J. (1990). L‐moments: Analysis and estimation of distributions using linear combinations of order statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 52, 105–124.
Hosking,, J., & Wallis,, J. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: An approach based on l‐moments. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0‐521‐43045‐3.
International Commission on Large Dams. (2014). Integrated flood risk management, bulletin 156. Author.
Klemes,, V. (1988). The improbable probabilities of extreme floods and droughts. In O. Starosolszky, & O. Melder, (Eds.), Hydrology of disasters (pp. 43–51). London, England: James %26 James.
Kuczera,, G. (1999). Comprehensive at‐site flood frequency analysis using Monte Carlo bayesian inference. Water Resources Research, 35(5), 1551–1557. https://doi.org/10.1029/1999WR900012
Laio,, F., Di Baldassarre,, G., & Montanari,, A. (2009). Model selection techniques for the frequency analysis of hydrological extremes. Water Resources Research, 45(7). https://doi.org/10.1029/2007WR006666
N`Guyen,, C., Payrastre,, O., & Gaume,, E. (2014). Regional flood frequency analyses involving extraordinary flood events at ungauged sites: Further developments and validations. Journal of Hydrology, 508, 385–396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.09.058
Payrastre,, O., Gaume,, E., & Andrieu,, H. (2011). Usefulness of historical information for flood frequency analyses: A case study. Water Resources Research, 47, W08511. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010WR009812
Robert,, C. (2007). The Bayesian choice: From decision‐theoretic foundations to computational implementation (2nd ed.). Paris: Springer. ISBN 978‐0‐387‐71598‐8.
Robert,, C., & Casella,, G. (2004). Monte carlo statistical methods (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. ISBN 0‐387‐21239‐6.
Rogger,, M., Viglione,, A., Derx,, J., & Bloeschl,, G. (2013). Quantifying effects of catchments storage thresholds on step changes in the flood frequency curve. Water Resources Research, 49, 69466958. https://doi.org/10.1002/2013WR020553
Stedinger,, J. (1983). Confidence intervals for design events. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 109(1), 13–27.
Stedinger,, J., & Cohn,, T. (1986). Flood frequency analysis with historical and paleoood information. Water Resources Research, 22(5), 785–793.
Tanner,, M. (1996). Tools for statistical inference—Methods for the extrapolation of posterior distributions and likelihood functions (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer ISBN 0‐387‐94688‐8.
Viglione,, A., Merz,, R., Salinas,, J., & Blöschl,, G. (2013). Flood frequency hydrology: 3. A Bayesian analysis. Water Resources Research, 49. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011WR010782
Volpi,, E., Fiori,, A., Grimaldi,, S., Lombardo,, F., & Koutsoyiannis,, D. (2015). One hundred years of return period: Strengths and limitations. Water Resources Research, 51, 85708585.
Understanding and Managing Floods: an Interdisciplinary Challenge
Science of Water > Water Extremes
Science of Water > Methods
Gaume Eric. Flood frequency analysis: The Bayesian choice. WIREs Water 2018, 5: null. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1290 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 27,523 |
On October 10 2013, Carlos van Kan – PhD student of Nico Verloop – will defend his thesis 'Teachers' interpretations of their classroom interactions in terms of their pupils' best interest: A perspective from continental European pedagogy'. Although not an ICO defence, ICO members are cordially invited to the PhD graduation ceremony which will take place at the Groot Auditorium, Academiegebouw of Leiden University. More information can be found on the website of Leiden University. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 41,282 |
Sited on a hilltop, this home blends effortlessly with its natural rustic environment and liberal use of natural construction elements. The open living, dining and kitchen areas contrast with the cocoon-like log structure enclosing the private bedroom spaces.
The adjoining entrance tower leaves the public spaces transparent and open to the surrounding woods with the interior spaces creating a private sanctum from the outer world. Tree trunk columns complete the connection from interior to exterior. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 31,907 |
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Argument: The United States Overthrew Iran's Last Democratic Leader The United States Overthrew Iran's Last De...
The United States Overthrew Iran's Last Democratic Leader
Despite a campaign of historical revisionism in Washington, the archival record makes clear that the U.S. government was the key actor in the 1953 coup that ousted Mohammad Mosaddeq—not the Iranian clergy.
By Roham Alvandi, Mark J. Gasiorowski
| October 30, 2019, 9:29 AM
Iranian monarchists on Aug. 27, 1953, after staging a successful coup. AFP via Getty Images
Mohammad Mosaddeq is a name that evokes strong emotions in the average Iranian. A charismatic French- and Swiss-educated lawyer from an aristocratic family, Mosaddeq served two terms as prime minister of Iran from 1951, when he led the movement to nationalize the British-controlled Iranian oil industry, until August 1953, when his government was toppled by a royalist military coup backed by the CIA and the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).
The nationalization of Iranian oil was not only a blow to Britain's economic interests in Iran but to the very survival of the British Empire in the Middle East. While U.S. President Harry Truman encouraged British Prime Ministers Clement Attlee and Winston Churchill to compromise with Mosaddeq, even hosting the Iranian premier in Washington in October 1951, the United States eventually lost patience as Anglo-Iranian negotiations failed. Fearing that continuing crisis and instability in Iran would lead to a takeover by Iran's communist Tudeh Party, the newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized the CIA to topple Mosaddeq in 1953.
The coup transformed Iran's constitutional monarchy, under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into a royal dictatorship that was later toppled in a popular revolution in 1979. For most Iranians, Mosaddeq remains an evocative national hero because of his staunch defense of Iran's sovereignty over its most vital national resource—oil—in the face of the declining British Empire's stubborn refusal to let go of an extremely valuable overseas asset. For many liberal Iranians who still dream of a democratic Iran, he also remains a symbol of civic nationalism and constitutionalism because of his demand that the shah should reign but not rule.
Taghi Amirani's film is a powerful riposte to a handful of U.S. and Iranian politicians, academics, think tankers, and pundits who have been using and abusing history to absolve the United States of responsibility for toppling Mosaddeq.
The lingering trauma of 1953 is powerfully evoked in Taghi Amirani's new documentary film, Coup 53. Amirani's film builds on the research that went into the 1985 End of Empire documentary series for British television, revealing tantalizing details about the role of the SIS in the coup. In the Paris basement of Mosaddeq's grandson, Amirani discovered the transcript of an interview with Norman Darbyshire, the SIS officer who helped devise the coup plan, that was mysteriously cut from the 1985 broadcast.
With Darbyshire played by Ralph Fiennes, Amirani reenacts the interview in which the former British spy candidly admits his role in the coup, including the April 1953 murder of Gen. Mahmud Afshartus, the pro-Mosaddeq chief of police. The British played a crucial but supporting role to the Americans in the 1953 coup—and they are not keen to draw attention to their actions. Indeed, they have never officially acknowledged their role, unlike the Americans, and have been quite happy for Washington to take the blame.
The release of Amirani's film this fall, with its narrative of Anglo-American culpability for the 1953 coup, is a powerful riposte to a handful of U.S. and Iranian politicians, academics, think tankers, and pundits who have recently been using and abusing history to absolve the United States of responsibility for toppling Mosaddeq—a form of official historical revisionism that has reached the highest levels of the U.S. government in the midst of Washington's current maximum pressure campaign against Iran.
On May 8, the Trump administration's special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, blamed Mosaddeq's downfall on domestic Iranian actors at an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. This was despite the fact that Hook's own State Department published a long-overdue volume of the "Foreign Relations of the United States" series in 2017 that was full of declassified CIA documents confirming the United States' covert role in the coup.
Hook claimed that these documents demonstrated that Mosaddeq was overthrown by a coalition of Iranian actors, including Iran's Shiite Muslim clergy, thereby eliding the CIA's central role in recruiting, mobilizing, and coordinating these Iranian coup plotters. He pinned the blame for Mosaddeq's downfall on Iran's clergy: "The current religious leaders don't want to remind people that the religious establishment at the time supported his overthrow," Hook told the audience.
Iranian ex-premier Mohammad Mossadeq, accused of treason, speaks during court proceedings in Tehran's military tribunal on Nov. 20, 1953.STF/AFP via Getty Images
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif hit back on the 66th anniversary of the coup in August, drawing parallels between the Trump administration's current maximum pressure sanctions policy against Iran and the Anglo-American efforts in 1953 to overthrow Mosaddeq, despite the Islamic Republic's discomfort with the memory of Mosaddeq as a symbol of secular Iranian nationalism.
Few professional historians take seriously Hook's argument that the United States played no role or a marginal one in toppling Mosaddeq. In fact, the CIA's covert operation to topple Mosaddeq, codenamed TPAJAX, was one of the worst-kept secrets of the Cold War. Just days after the coup, the U.S. ambassador in Tehran, Loy Henderson, reported to Washington a "widespread" rumor in Tehran that the United States was behind the fall of Mosaddeq. Associates of Iran's new post-coup prime minister, Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi, had reportedly been saying that Iran was "deeply indebted to [the] Americans" for the success of their efforts.
For decades, both Britain and the United States publicly denied their roles in the 1953 coup so as not to embarrass the shah or endanger their close political and economic ties with Iran. With the overthrow of the shah in 1979, U.S. and British intelligence officers published memoirs, as detailed by the historian Shiva Balaghi, boasting of their roles in toppling Mosaddeq.
Nonetheless, it was not until March 2000, in the midst of a brief detente between Iran and the United States, that then-U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright officially acknowledged that the "United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran's popular prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq." She described the coup as "a setback for Iran's political development" and empathized with Iranians who "continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs."
Coincidentally, a few weeks later, the New York Times published a classified CIA history of the coup that provided extensive details on TPAJAX. This history leaves no doubt that the CIA played a key role in the coup—planning, financing, and orchestrating the various Iranians who carried it out. The U.S. government has never officially acknowledged the validity of this history. But in August 2013, the CIA officially declassified a document acknowledging its own role in the coup.
While the CIA documents that have been declassified in the last few years held few surprises for professional historians, the historical reality of the U.S. role in the coup is an inconvenient truth for opponents of the Islamic Republic in the United States who advocate regime change in Tehran.
Iranian monarchists who support the exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi, the son and heir of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, worry that these documents refute the monarchist narrative that the 1953 coup was a popular so-called national uprising in support of the shah and expose the crisis of legitimacy that engulfed the monarchy after the foreign-backed coup.
The historical reality of the U.S. role in the coup is an inconvenient truth for opponents of the Islamic Republic in the United States who advocate regime change in Tehran.
Meanwhile, current U.S. advocates of regime change in Iran fear that these documents support Iran's legitimate grievance that the United States violated Iran's national sovereignty during the Cold War. These opponents of the Islamic Republic, both American and Iranian, worry that if the U.S. public is made to feel guilty about the CIA intervention in Iran in 1953, they may be less likely to support another U.S. intervention in Iran today.
These opponents of Iran's current government have responded with a revisionist history—put forward by writers such as the retired Pahlavi-era Iranian diplomat, Darioush Bayandor, and the former U.S. State Department official and current Council on Foreign Relations fellow, Ray Takeyh—that largely absolves the United States of responsibility for the coup and instead blames the downfall of Mosaddeq on Iran's Shiite clergy, thereby weaponizing the history of 1953 against the clerical rulers of today's Islamic Republic.
Takeyh rejects the notion that the United States bears primary responsibility for Mossadeq's downfall. He describes this as a "mythology" that has been "promoted by Iran's theocratic leaders, who have exploited it to stoke anti-Americanism and to obscure the fact that the clergy itself played a major role in toppling Mosaddeq."
Instead, Takeyh argues that "the CIA's impact on the events of 1953 was ultimately insignificant" and that "Mosaddeq was bound to fall" because he had "turned into a populist demagogue" who alienated his allies and refused to compromise with the British because of his "intransigence."
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Based on a deeply flawed and highly selective reading of the available evidence, Takeyh has set himself the task of denying the Islamic Republic the "moral high ground" on the history of 1953, which gives Tehran "an unearned advantage over Washington and the West, even in situations that have nothing to do with 1953 and in which Iran's behavior is the sole cause of the conflict, such as the negotiations over the Iranian nuclear program."
It is uncomfortable for the Islamic Republic to remember and commemorate a secular liberal icon like Mosaddeq.
This revisionist history has become a powerful weapon in the hands of the Islamic Republic's opponents because the enduring popularity of Mosaddeq is inconvenient for Iran's clerical rulers. Mosaddeq was a secular liberal democrat who steadfastly refused to abolish the monarchy in favor of a republic. Within Iran, the official narrative has tried to credit Ayatollah Abolqassem Kashani, a populist cleric who initially supported Mosaddeq and then broke with him to support the shah, as the leader of the oil nationalization movement.
It is uncomfortable for the Islamic Republic to remember and commemorate a secular liberal icon like Mosaddeq. His legacy and his nonreligious brand of Iranian nationalism remain so distasteful to Iran's Islamic rulers that until 2018 they could not tolerate having a single street named after him in the country's capital. If the revisionists can pin the blame for Mosaddeq's downfall on the Shiite clergy of the 1950s, so the thinking goes, then they might be able to use Mosaddeq's ongoing popularity to mobilize Iranians against their clerical rulers today.
Putting these various politicized historical narratives aside, the documents and memoirs that are now available to historians leave no doubt that the United States played a crucial role in the 1953 coup. CIA personnel, working with their British counterparts, planned and financed the coup; selected its nominal leader, Zahedi; and persuaded the shah to support the coup and appoint Zahedi as Mosaddeq's successor.
A CIA team led by Kermit Roosevelt, a grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, organized the military units that provided muscle and backbone for the coup. The CIA team also directed two large networks of Iranian agents that carried out key elements of the covert operation, including an elaborate effort to undermine Mosaddeq in the months before the coup with propaganda and political action.
After an initial coup attempt failed on the night of Aug. 15-16, Roosevelt's team used these assets first to undermine Mosaddeq by fomenting chaos in Tehran for several days and then deploying military units and crowds on Aug. 19, seizing control of Tehran and forcing Mosaddeq into hiding. Mosaddeq surrendered the following day to the U.S.-backed forces.
The United States certainly did not act alone in overthrowing Mosaddeq. Britain organized an oil embargo and imposed economic sanctions on Iran soon after Mosaddeq became prime minister, damaging Iran's economy. British intelligence officers also worked tirelessly to undermine Mosaddeq with covert operations throughout his time in office. These actions undoubtedly weakened Mosaddeq, but they had failed to dislodge him from power by October 1952, when he broke diplomatic relations with Britain.
British officials then helped to plan and finance the August 1953 coup and contributed one of the two covert networks of Iranian agents mentioned above. But British personnel had been withdrawn from Iran in October 1952 and therefore did not play any direct role in the August 1953 coup or the covert political activity of the preceding months.
Various Iranians also contributed to the coup. The shah issued royal decrees before the coup dismissing Mosaddeq and appointing Zahedi to replace him. He then fled to Baghdad and later Rome after the initial coup attempt failed. These actions gave the coup a constitutional façade and helped turn Iranian military personnel and civilian officials against Mosaddeq.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, and his then-wife, Queen Soraya, pose for the media in Tehran in March 1953.AFP via Getty Images
The shah had initially opposed a coup. He agreed to issue the decrees only after weeks of pressure from a series of U.S. intermediaries and only after Roosevelt threatened to proceed without him. Zahedi and his immediate allies also contributed to the coup. However, like the shah, they acted under U.S. leadership.
Indeed, Zahedi spent most of the period from Aug. 16-19 hiding in the U.S. Embassy and a CIA safehouse. No credible evidence has emerged that Zahedi and his allies organized the military units and crowds that acted on Aug. 19. While many of the military personnel and members of these crowds undoubtedly acted voluntarily, they were responding to conditions and following leaders catalyzed and directed by Roosevelt's team.
The revisionist history of the coup downplays this incontrovertible U.S. role and instead blames Shiite clerics for Mosaddeq's downfall. Bayandor claims that Grand Ayatollah Hossein Borujerdi—the most senior cleric in Iran during the Mosaddeq era—supported the coup by sending a telegram to the shah shortly after the coup praising the monarch and calling for him to return to Iran.
However, as the historian Fakhreddin Azimi has shown, Bayandor's interpretation of Borujerdi's actions is inaccurate and misleading; it falsely claims that Borujerdi had long opposed Mosaddeq and misrepresents the content of this telegram. Moreover, a second CIA history of the coup states that the CIA team tried to enlist Borujerdi's support for the coup but was unsuccessful.
Acknowledging the role of Iranian actors, including some of the Shiite clergy, in the 1953 coup does not absolve the United States of responsibility for the coup.
While Borujerdi does not seem to have supported or participated in the coup, there is considerable evidence that two other Shiite clerics were involved—and that they were funded and encouraged by the U.S. government. A recently released document, apparently written by British officials in early September 1953, states that Ayatollah Mohammad Behbahani received a large amount of money from U.S. Embassy personnel and then organized crowds that helped carry out the coup. And the second CIA history mentioned above states that Ayatollah Kashani also helped organize these crowds, though it is not clear whether he received U.S. financial support.
Behbahani and Kashani were maverick, populist political activists, distant from—and often disdained by—the mainstream Shiite clergy epitomized by Borujerdi. Their involvement in the coup should not be taken as evidence that the mainstream clergy supported or participated in the coup, as Bayandor implies. And the clerics who did participate did so with U.S. support.
Acknowledging the role of Iranian actors, including some of the Shiite clergy, in the 1953 coup does not absolve the United States of responsibility for the coup. Many historians of the 1953 coup, most recently Ervand Abrahamian and Ali Rahnema, have judiciously documented the overwhelming evidence that the United States played a central role in toppling Mosaddeq. But their voices are being drowned out by a shrill cacophony of opportunistic politicians and revisionist scholars and pundits.
While British and Iranian actors played significant roles in the events before and during the coup in August 1953, it was the Americans who organized and led the overthrow of Mosaddeq, mobilizing and directing the Iranians who carried it out.
Roham Alvandi is an associate professor of international history at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the author of Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The United States and Iran in the Cold War and editor of The Age of Aryamehr: Late Pahlavi Iran and Its Global Entanglements.
Twitter: @RohamAlvandiLSE
Mark J. Gasiorowski is a professor of political science at Tulane University and the author of U.S. Foreign Policy and the Shah and co-editor (with Malcolm Byrne) of Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran.
Tags: Argument, Britain, Coup d'etat, History, Iran, United States | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 32,816 |
A new book has been published in English and Chinese that offers more insight into what it's like to "be disappeared" by the Chinese authorities.
Called The People's Republic of the Disappeared, the book is compiled by Safeguard Defenders, a group founded in August to protect those in Asia who fight for human rights, women's rights and civil society.
In it are 12 accounts from people who have experienced first hand what it's like to be disappeared into what were previously nicknamed "black jails", or "secret detention centres" where the rule of law does not apply.
This was allowed to happen after Article 73 of China's Criminal Procedure Law was amended in 2012 so that authorities could detain people for reasons of "state security" or "terrorism". Detainees can be held as long as six months in "designated locations", or secret prisons.
Anyone who is considered to be critical of the government or a political threat to the leadership is rounded up -- from lawyers, dissidents and activists to Tibetans and Uyghurs.
Of the 12 accounts, some are anonymous, others attributed to people who live outside of China, or some brave souls within the country willing to stick their necks out. They only represent a tiny sliver of the thousands of people who are are subjected to this kind of treatment daily.
The first-hand accounts talk about being forced to sit on a chair and not move for hours on end staring at the wall in front of them, being forced to do military salutes to their captors as a sign of submission, being deprived of sleep for days on end, and being in solitary confinement.
One defense lawyer, Tang Jitian, writes that despite the cruel physical and mental treatment he suffered in 2011, his captors were unable to break his spirit.
"Their purpose was to break my determination, to make me accept their power. They sometimes used this kind of military training on detainees they don't like. The armed police in China have strong bodies, but very simple minds," Tang writes.
Tang Zhishun, an engineer turned activist, was also disappeared for more than a year in detention.
He reflects back on his experience with a hint of optimism.
"The policemen would say they held no personal grudge against me, but they acted with such cruelty, tortured me the way they did, as if knowing that it was not personal would somehow change anything. I believe justice comes for everyone one day, and those who have done wrong will get the punishment they deserve." | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 15,131 |
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A semiconductor device includes a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, and a contact layer in contact with the semiconductor material. The contact layer includes a metal nitride. A non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor material and the contact layer.
1. A semiconductor device, comprising: a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV; a contact layer in contact with the semiconductor material, the contact layer comprising a metal nitride, wherein a nitrogen content of the metal nitride is 10 to 45 at-%; and a non-ohmic contact formed between the semiconductor material and the contact layer.
2. The semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the semiconductor material comprises SiC.
3. The semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the metal nitride comprises a combination of a stoichiometric compound with a non-stoichiometric compound including the metal and nitrogen.
4. The semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the metal nitride comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, and tungsten. The semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the non-ohmic contact is a Schottky contact.
6. The semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the non-ohmic contact is a rectifying contact.
7. An electrical component comprising the semiconductor device of claim 1, wherein the electrical component is selected from the group consisting of a Schottky diode, a merged pn Schottky diode, a JFET, a MESFET, an integrated flyback diode, a rectifier, an inverter, and a power supply.
8. A semiconductor device, comprising: a semiconductor body comprising a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV; a contact layer in contact with a first surface of the semiconductor body, the contact layer comprising a metal nitride, wherein a nitrogen content of the metal nitride is 10 to 45 at-%, the contact layer being electrically connected to a first load terminal; and a non-ohmic contact formed between the semiconductor body and the contact layer, wherein a second surface of the semiconductor body is electrically connected to a second load terminal, the second surface being opposite to the first surface.
9. The semiconductor device of claim 8, further comprising a doped portion in contact with the contact layer, the doped portion being embedded in the semiconductor body and having a conductivity type opposite to the conductivity type of the semiconductor body.
10. A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device, the method comprising: forming a contact layer in contact with a semiconductor material, so as to form a non-ohmic contact between the semiconductor material and the contact layer, the semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, the contact layer comprising a metal nitride, wherein forming the contact layer comprises selecting a composition ratio of the metal nitride, thereby setting a work function of the contact layer.
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the semiconductor material comprises SiC.
12. The method of claim 10, wherein the contact layer is formed by a reactive sputtering process using nitrogen as a reactant.
13. The method of claim 12, wherein a partial pressure of nitrogen during the reactive sputtering process is set so as to form the metal nitride comprising a mixed phase of MN and M.sub.2N, wherein M denotes the metal.
14. The method of claim 13, wherein a ratio of the nitrogen partial pressure and the total pressure during the sputtering process is in a range of 0.1 to 1.0.
15. The method of claim 13, wherein. the partial pressure of nitrogen during the reactive sputtering process is set so as to set the work function of the contact layer.
16. The method of claim 10, wherein the metal nitride comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, and tungsten.
This application claims priority to German Patent Application No. 10 2014 118 874.8 filed on 17 Dec. 2014, the content of said application incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Schottky diodes comprising a metal-semiconductor junction are generally used as rectifying devices. In particular, SiC Schottky diodes are increasingly used in the field of power electronics.
It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved semiconductor device comprising a metal-semiconductor junction. Further, it is an object to provide a method of manufacturing such a semiconductor device.
According to an embodiment, a semiconductor device comprises a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, and a contact layer in contact with the semiconductor material, the contact layer comprising a metal nitride. A non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor material and the contact layer.
According to a further embodiment, semiconductor device comprises a semiconductor body including a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, and a contact layer in contact with a first surface of the semiconductor body. The contact layer comprises a metal nitride. The contact layer is electrically connected to a first load terminal, and a non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor body and the contact layer. A second surface of the semiconductor body is electrically connected to a second load terminal, the second surface being opposite to the first surface.
According to a further embodiment, a semiconductor device comprises a semiconductor body including a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, and a contact layer in contact with a first surface of the semiconductor body. The contact layer comprises a metal nitride. The contact layer is electrically connected to a first load terminal. A non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor body and the contact layer. A second surface of the semiconductor body is electrically connected to a second load terminal, the second surface being opposite to the first surface.
The accompanying drawings are included to provide a further understanding of embodiments of the invention and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification. The drawings illustrate the embodiments of the present invention and together with the description serve to explain the principles. Other embodiments of the invention and many of the intended advantages will be readily appreciated, as they become better understood by reference to the following detailed description. The elements of the drawings are not necessarily to scale relative to each other. Like reference numbers designate corresponding similar parts.
FIG. 1A illustrates a cross-sectional view of an example of a semiconductor device according to an embodiment.
FIG. 1B shows a cross-sectional view of a semiconductor device according to a further embodiment.
FIG. 1C shows a cross-sectional view of a semiconductor device according to a further embodiment.
FIG. 1D shows a cross-sectional view of a semiconductor device according to a further embodiment.
FIG. 2A illustrates an example of a current-voltage characteristic of an ohmic contact.
FIG. 2B illustrates a cross-sectional view of a rectifying contact.
FIG. 3 illustrates an energy band diagram of a Schottky contact.
FIG. 4 illustrates an example of a reaction chamber which may be used for manufacturing the semiconductor device according to an embodiment.
In the following detailed description reference is made to the accompanying drawings, which form. a part hereof and in which are illustrated by way of illustration specific embodiments in which the invention may be practiced. In this regard, directional terminology such as "top", "bottom", "front", "back", "leading", "trailing" etc. is used with reference to the orientation of the Figures being described. Since components of embodiments of the invention can be positioned in a number of different orientations, the directional terminology is used for purposes of illustration and is in no way limiting. It is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and structural or logical changes may be made without departing from the scope defined by the claims.
The description of the embodiments is not limiting. In particular, elements of the embodiments described hereinafter may be combined with elements of different embodiments.
The terms "wafer", "substrate" or "semiconductor substrate" used in the following description may include any semiconductor-based structure that has a semiconductor surface. Wafer and structure are to be understood to include silicon, silicon-on-insulator (SOI), silicon-on sapphire (SOS), doped and undoped semiconductors, epitaxial layers of silicon supported by a base semiconductor foundation, and other semiconductor structures. The semiconductor need not be silicon-based. The semiconductor could as well be silicon-germanium, germanium, or gallium arsenide. According to other embodiments, diamond, silicon carbide (Sic) or gallium. nitride (GaN) may form the semiconductor substrate material.
The Figures and the description illustrate relative doping concentrations by indicating "-" or "+" next to the doping type "n" or "p". For example, "n.sup.-" means a doping concentration. which is lower than the doping concentration of an "n"-doping region while an "n.sup.+"-doping region has a higher doping concentration than an "n"-doping region. Doping regions of the same relative doping concentration do not necessarily have the same absolute doping concentration. For example, two different "n"-doping regions may have the same or different absolute doping concentrations. In the Figures and the description, for the sake of a better comprehension, often. the doped portions are designated as being "p" or "n"-doped. As is clearly to be understood, this designation is by no means intended to be limiting. The doping type can be arbitrary as long as the described functionality is achieved. Further, in all embodiments, the doping types can be reversed.
As employed in this specification, the terms "coupled" and/or "electrically coupled" are not meant to mean that the elements must be directly coupled together--intervening elements may be provided between the "coupled" or "electrically coupled" elements. The term "electrically connected" intends to describe a low-resistive electric connection between the elements electrically connected together.
The terms "lateral" and "horizontal" as used in this specification intends to describe an orientation parallel to a first surface of a semiconductor substrate or semiconductor body. This can be for instance the surface of a wafer or a die.
The term "vertical" as used in this specification intends to describe an orientation which is arranged perpendicular to the first surface of the semiconductor substrate or semiconductor body.
FIG. 1A shows a cross-sectional view of a semiconductor device 1 according to an embodiment. The semiconductor device illustrated in FIG. 1A comprises a semiconductor material 100 and a contact layer 130 in contact with the semiconductor material 100. As will be explained in the following, the contact layer 130 comprises a metal nitride and a non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor material 100 and the contact layer 130. A bandgap of the semiconductor material 100 is larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, e.g. less than 6 eV. According to a further embodiment, the bandgap of the semiconductor material may be larger than 0.9 or 1 eV and less than 10 eV.
The semiconductor material 100 may be a semiconductor body 101 including one or more doped portions or layers at either side thereof. The doped portion may be formed by various methods such as ion implantation, diffusion and epitaxial growth of the doped layer. For example, the semiconductor material may be a material having a bandgap larger than 1 eV. By way of example, the semiconductor material may comprise silicon carbide, diamond, gallium nitride, indium phosphide, AlGaAs and further examples of III-V semiconductors.
For example, the semiconductor body 101 may be heavily n-doped and may comprise a portion that is n-doped at a lower doping level, the portion being disposed at a first surface 110 of the semiconductor body. The contact layer 130 may comprise a combination of a stoichiometric compound with a non-stoichiometric compound including the metal and nitrogen. For example, the contact layer 130 may comprise mixture of MN, having different values for x and y, wherein B denotes the metal. For example, the metal nitride layer may comprise a mixture of MN and M.sub.xN.sub.y or of MN.sub.2 and M.sub.xN.sub.y. Generally, in these formulas, x may be equal to 1, and y may be a real number fulfilling 0<y<3. Alternatively, y may be equal to 1, and x may be a real number fulfilling 0<x<3. For example, the metal may be selected from the group of molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, and tungsten. Further, the metal nitride may comprise two metals, such as MoTiN.
The contact layer 130 may be electrically connected to an anode terminal. Further, the semiconductor device 1 may comprise a back side metallization 160 which forms an ohmic contact to the semiconductor body 101. The back side metallization 160 is disposed at a second surface 115 of the semiconductor body 101, opposite to the first surface 110. The back side metallization 160 may be electrically connected to a cathode terminal. The terms "ohmic contact", "Schottky contact", and "rectifying contact" will be explained below, while referring to FIGS. 2A and 2B.
FIG. 1B shows a further embodiment of a semiconductor device 1. The semiconductor device 1 illustrated in FIG. 1B comprises a semiconductor material 200, e.g. a semiconductor body 201 and a contact layer 130 in contact with the semiconductor material. The contact layer 130 comprises a metal nitride and a non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor material 200 and the contact layer 130.
Generally, the semiconductor material 200 may be a semiconductor body 201 including further doped portions. For example, these doped portions may be disposed adjacent to a first surface 210 or a second surface 215 of the semiconductor body 201. Differing from the embodiment of FIG. 1A, the semiconductor device 1 of FIG. 1B further comprises a doped region 180 of the second conductivity type. For example, the semiconductor material 200 may be n.sup.--doped and the doped portion 180 may be p.sup.+-doped. The doped portion 180 may be disposed at the first surface 210 of the semiconductor body 201, and portions of the semiconductor material 200, which is n.sup.--doped may be present at the first surface 210. The contact layer 130 may be in contact with the semiconductor material 200 and the doped portions 180. The semiconductor device 1 illustrated in FIG. 1B further comprises a heavily n.sup.+-doped region 170 at the second surface of the semiconductor body 201. The semiconductor device further comprises a back side metallization layer 160 that forms an ohmic contact to the doped layer 170. The back side metallization layer 160 may be electrically connected to a cathode terminal. The contact layer 130 may be electrically connected to an anode terminal. The semiconductor material may comprise any of the materials mentioned above. For example, the semiconductor material may be silicon carbide.
The semiconductor device illustrated in FIG. 1B may implement a Junction-Barrier Schottky (JBS) diode including p.sup.+ implanted portions 180. When a reverse voltage is applied to the semiconductor device, depletion regions formed at the interface between the n.sup.- portion 200 and the p.sup.+ portion 180 pinch off a leakage current which may arise from the Schottky contact of the device. Accordingly, such a Junction-Barrier Schottky diode has a reduced leakage current. Such a JBS may be suitably used in a switched mode power supply.
According to a further embodiment, the semiconductor device 1 may implement a merged PIN Schottky diode (MPS). FIG. 1C shows a cross-sectional view of such a merged PIN Schottky-Diode. The MPS comprises similar components as the JBS, these components having the same reference numerals as the corresponding components of the JBS. In particular, the p.sup.- portions 185 of the MPS are configured to inject minority carriers into the n.sup.- portion 400 in a forward direction. For example the p.sup.+ portions 185 may be doped at a high doping concentration, e.g. 10'.sup.9 to 10.sup.20 cm.sup.-3.
FIG. 1D illustrates a further example of a semiconductor device. As is shown, the semiconductor device 1 comprises a semiconductor body 101 comprising a semiconductor material having a bandgap larger than 2 eV and less than 10 eV, a contact layer 130 in contact with a first surface 110 of the semiconductor body 101, the contact layer 130 comprising a metal nitride. The contact layer 130 is electrically connected to a first load terminal 240. A non-ohmic contact is formed between the semiconductor body 101 and the contact layer 130. A second surface 115 of the semiconductor body 101 is electrically connected to a second load terminal 250. The second surface 115 is opposite to the first surface 110.
For example, the contact layer 130 may be in contact with the doped portion 120. According to an embodiment, the semiconductor body 101 may be heavily n.sup.+-doped and may be of an n-conductivity type. The doped portion 120 may be of an n-conductivity type, at a lower concentration of the n-type dopants.
For example, the semiconductor device shown in FIG. 1D may implement a Schottky-diode or a Schottky-diode related device. In this case, the first load terminal 240 may be an anode terminal, and the second load terminal 250 may be a cathode terminal. Depending from different implementations of the semiconductor device, the first load terminal 240 may be a source terminal and the second load terminal 250 may be a drain terminal, e.g. in the case of a MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) or a JFET (junction field effect transistor). According to a further example, the first load terminal 240 may be an emitter terminal, and the second load terminal 250 may be a collector terminal, e.g. in the case of an IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor).
The semiconductor device may comprise an active region 181 and a junction terminal area 182. In the active region 181, the contact layer 130 is in contact with the semiconductor body 101. The junction terminal area 182 is different. from the active region 181 with regard to function and structure. To be more specific, in the active region 181, a load terminal of the semiconductor device, e.g. the anode terminal is electrically connected to the semiconductor body for the purpose of current conduction. In contrast, the purpose of the junction termination area is edge termination for reducing the electric field peak at the periphery of the semiconductor device 1. Typical structural elements of the junction termination area include one or more of field plates, ring structures such as floating guard rings or ring segments, junction termination extension (JTE) structures and variation of lateral doping (VLD) structures, for example.
FIG. 2A shows an example of a current-voltage characteristic of an ohmic contact. As can be seen, the current is approximately proportional with respect to the applied voltage. The ratio of voltage and current is denoted as the resistance of the contact.
On the other hand, as is illustrated in FIG. 2B, across a non-ohmic contact the current need not be proportional with respect to the voltage. Rather, as can be seen on the left-hand side of the chart illustrated in FIG. 2B, almost no current may be flowing, independent from the negative voltage applied. Further, when applying a positive voltage, the current may increase in a non-linear manner. Any kind of current-voltage characteristics in which the current is non-linear to the applied voltage, may be regarded as establishing a non-ohmic contact. For example, the contact may be a rectifying contact such as, for example, a pn junction or a Schottky junction, in which only a small current, i.e. the reverse saturation current flows, when a low voltage in a reverse direction is applied. When a higher voltage is applied in the reverse direction, a breakdown current may flow.
In the context of the present specification, the term "non-ohmic contact" is understood to represent any kind of contact having a non-linear current-voltage characteristics. According to a further modification, the term "rectifying contact" is considered to represent any kind of contact according to which only a little or no current flows, when a voltage in a reverse direction is applied, the current not being proportional with respect to the applied voltage.
FIG. 3 shows an example of an energy band diagram of a rectifying metal semiconductor junction. The right-hand side of FIG. 3 shows the energy band diagram within the semiconductor material, wherein W.sub.C denotes the energy level of the conduction band, W.sub.V denotes the energy level of the valence band and W.sub.F denotes the Fermi level of the semiconductor material. The difference AW between the energy level W.sub.C of the conduction band and the energy level W.sub.V of the valence band denotes the bandgap of the semiconductor material. The left-hand portion of the energy band diagram of FIG. 3 shows the work function q.times..phi..sub.M of the metal. When the metal and the semiconductor material form a junction, a potential barrier is generated at the interface between the Fermi level of the metal W.sub.F and the valence band of the semiconductor material. The height of the potential barrier q.times..phi..sub.B also is referred to as the "Schottky barrier" of the contact.
Generally, Schottky contacts including a semiconductor material having a wide bandgap have a large forward voltage drop due to the work function and the Schottky barrier of the contact metals used. According to the described embodiment, by selecting a contact layer including a metal nitride, the height of the Schottky barrier may be adjusted. in particular, by varying the nitrogen content of the metal nitride, the work function of the metal may be suitably set. As a consequence, the Schottky barrier and hence, the forward voltage drop may be set by setting the nitrogen content of the metal nitride. For example, the nitrogen content of the metal nitride may be more than 10 at-% and less than 50 at-%, more specifically, from 38 to 45 at-%. For example, the nitrogen content may be determined using Auger ion spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) or X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS).
The semiconductor device may be a semiconductor component which may be selected from the group consisting of a Schottky diode, a merged pn Schottky diode, a JFET, a MESFET, an integrated flyback diode, a rectifier, an inverter and a power supply.
FIG. 4 illustrates a reaction chamber of a sputter processing apparatus in which the contact layer comprising a metal nitride may be formed. A semiconductor substrate 430 may be disposed on a rotatable table 440. A sputter target 410 may be attached to a supporting element 415. The target may comprise the metal that forms the metal nitride. For example, the target may be made of a metal selected from the group consisting of molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, and tungsten. Further, the target 410 may comprise a combination of these metals. The chamber 400 comprises a gas inlet 420 through which a plasma forming inert gas such as argon may be fed into the reaction chamber. Further, nitrogen (N.sub.2) may be fed via the inlet 420. After igniting a plasma nitrogen is a reactive gas which reacts with the atoms of the target 410. An electrical field as well as a magnetic field may be applied to the sputtering apparatus. Further details of the sputtering method are generally known.
According to an embodiment, by setting the partial pressure of nitrogen, the content of the nitrogen in the deposited metal nitride layer may be determined. It has been shown, that thereby the work function of the contact layer may be changed. For example, the barrier height of a Mo.sub.XN.sub.Y metal in contact with a silicon carbide layer may be 0.94 eV to 1.12 eV. For example, the total pressure within the sputtering chamber may be 4 to 15 mTorr. The partial pressure of nitrogen (N.sub.2(N.sub.2+Ar)) may be 0.1 to 1.0.
While embodiments of the invention have been described above, it is obvious that further embodiments may be implemented. For example, further embodiments may comprise any subcombination of features recited in the claims or any subcombination of elements described in the examples given above. This application is intended to cover any adaptations or variations of the specific embodiments discussed herein. Therefore, it is intended that this invention be limited only by the claims and the equivalents thereof. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 88,417 |
(Redirected from Chilka lake)
Migratory birds at Chilika lake
19°43′N 85°19′E / 19.717°N 85.317°E / 19.717; 85.317Coordinates: 19°43′N 85°19′E / 19.717°N 85.317°E / 19.717; 85.317
Lake type
Primary inflows
52 streams including the Bhargavi, Daya, Makra, Malaguni and Luna rivers[1]
Primary outflows
old mouth at Arakhakuda, new mouth at Satpada to Bay of Bengal
Basin countries
64.3 km (40.0 mi)
min.: 900 km2 (347 sq mi)
max.: 1,165 km2 (450 sq mi)
4.2 m (13.8 ft)
Water volume
4 km3 (3,200,000 acre⋅ft)
Surface elevation
0 – 2 m (6.6 ft)
223 km2 (86 sq mi):
Badakuda, Breakfast, Honeymoon, Kalijai Hill, Birds Island, Kanthapantha, Krushnaprasadrah (Old Parikuda), Nalabana, Nuapara, Somolo and Sanakuda.
Puri and Satpada
Ramsar Wetland
Chilika Lake is a brackish water lagoon, spread over the Puri, Khurda and Ganjam districts of Odisha state on the east coast of India, at the mouth of the Daya River, flowing into the Bay of Bengal, covering an area of over 1,100 km. It is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the second largest brackish water lagoon in the world[4][5] after The New Caledonian barrier reef.[6] It has been listed as a tentative UNESCO World Heritage site.[7]
It is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds on the Indian sub-continent. The lake is home to a number of threatened species of plants and animals.[8][9]
The lake is an ecosystem with large fishery resources. It sustains more than 150,000 fisher–folk living in 132 villages on the shore and islands.[10][11]
The lagoon hosts over 160 species of birds in the peak migratory season. Birds from as far as the Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, Aral Sea and other remote parts of Russia, Kirghiz steppes of Kazakhstan, Central and southeast Asia, Ladakh and Himalayas come here. These birds travel great distances; migratory birds probably follow much longer routes than the straight lines, possibly up to 12,000 km, to reach Chilika Lake.
In 1981, Chilika Lake was designated the first Indian wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention.[12][13]
According to a survey, 45 percent of the birds are terrestrial in nature, 32 percent are waterfowl, and 23 percent are waders. The lagoon is also home to 14 types of raptors. Around 152 rare and endangered Irrawaddy dolphins have also been reported. Plus, the lagoon supports about 37 species of reptiles and amphibians.[14]
The highly productive Chilika Lagoon eco-system with its rich fishery resources sustains the livelihood for many fishermen who live in and near the lagoon. The water spread area of the lagoon ranges between 1165 and 906 km2 during the monsoon and summer respectively. A 32 km long, narrow, outer channel connects the lagoon to the Bay of Bengal, near the village Motto. More recently a new mouth has been opened by CDA which has brought a new lease of life to the lagoon.
Microalgae, marine seaweeds, sea grasses, fish and crab also flourish in the brackish water of the Chilika Lagoon. Especially the recovery of seagrass beds in recent years is a welcoming trend which may eventually result in re-colonization of endangered dugongs.[15]
2 Geology
3 Geography and topography
4 Hydrology
4.1 Water and sediment quality
5 Conservation – threats and management
6 Flora and fauna
6.1 Flora
6.2 Avifauna
6.3 Aqua fauna
7 Major attractions
8 Eco-tourism
Golabai Sasan excavation site
Geological evidence indicates that Chilika Lake was part of the Bay of Bengal during the later stages of the Pleistocene period (1.8 million to 10,000 years BP).
Excavations were conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India at Golabai Sasan (20°1′7″N 85°32′54″E / 20.01861°N 85.54833°E / 20.01861; 85.54833) just north of Chilika lake in Khurdha district.[16] Golabai provides evidence of a sequence of Chilika area culture in three phases: Neolithic (c. 1600 BCE), Chalcolithic (c. 1400 BCE to c. 900 BCE) and Iron Age (c. 900 BCE to c. 800 BCE). Radiocarbon dating traced the earliest level of Golbai to 2300 BCE. The site is located on the left bank of the Malaguni River, a tributary of the Daya River, which flows into Chilika Lake. This location, which gave access to the sea via Chilika Lake, gives strong evidence of the maritime activities of this region. The recovery of many woodworking adzes and other artifacts shows that Golabai was a boat-building centre. Significantly, Golabai is the only excavated site in Odisha where boat building has been revealed. This also indicates that Chilika lake was very close to Golabai and it facilitated the maritime trade of people in the area during the ancient period.[17]
Some ancient texts say the southern sector of Chilika was a major harbour for maritime commerce, when Kharavela (IAST: Khāravela, Devanagari: खारवेल, Odia: ଖାରବେଳ) (c. 209 BCE–after 170 BCE), the King of Kalinga, was known as the "Lord of the Sea".[18]
Ptolemy (150 CE), the Greek geographer, referred to Palur as the port Paloura, located close to the point of departure situated outside of the southern tip of the lake at Kantiagarh, from where ships bound for different parts of Southeast Asia sailed. After 639, the Chinese pilgrims Fa-Hien and Hiuen-Tsang mention a famous port "Che-li-ta-loChing" near the shore of the ocean which was a thoroughfare and resting place for seagoing traders and strangers from distant lands. This port was located at 'Chhatragarh' on the banks of Chilika Lake.[17]
A fourth-century legend, often told to explain the birth of Chilika, states that the pirate king, Raktabahhu, planned to attack Puri with a huge fleet of ships. To avoid detection, he stealthily anchored out of sight, off the mouth to the sea. The deception was revealed by ships' refuse floating to the shore, thus warning the town's people, who escaped with all their possessions. Raktabahu felt betrayed when he found an abandoned town and directed his fury towards the sea that had betrayed him. The sea parted to let the army march in, then surged back, drowned the army and formed the present lake.[2]
Archeological excavations discovered seventh-century ship anchors and stone memoirs dedicated to battle heroes at a village named Kanas, about 25 km (16 mi) north of Chilika on the banks of Nuna river, which flows into the lake. This gives evidence of a historic naval engagement off the coast.
A 10th-century text, the Brahmanda Purana, mentions Chilika Lake as an important centre of trade and commerce, and a shelter for ships sailing to Java, Malaya, Singhala, China and other countries. This suggests that the lake was then deep enough for berthing seagoing ships and had a channel to the sea big enough for loaded trading ships embarking to Southeast Asia.[19][20][21] The villagers around Chilika Lake still observe an annual festival called "Bali Yatra" (Journey to Bali).
In 1803, the British entered the shores of the lake, reached Puri and occupied Odisha with the help of Fateh Muhammed. Fateh Muhammed, in turn, was rewarded by the British with freehold of the areas of Malud and Parikud, of the present day Garh Krishnaprasad revenue block.[18]
Over the years, poets including Kabibar Radhanath Ray and Pandit Godavarish Mishra, freedom fighters and Saints have extolled historicity of the lake as pertinent to its cultural, spiritual, religious and scenic aspects.[18][19]
"Gopabandhu Das, a famous Odiya poet, became impatient to see the beauty of the march of colorful sights and sounds of Chilika lagoon while going by train. He asked the speeding train to stop for a moment so that he could enjoy the beauty. It is because of the beauty that arrests him much".[22]
The lake is of estuarine character in an ephemeral environment. Geological studies indicate that the coastline extended along the western shores of the lake in the Pleistocene era with its northeastern region lying under the sea. That the coastline has moved eastward over the ages is supported by the fact that the nearby Konarak Sun Temple, built originally on the seashore a few hundred years ago, is now about 3 km (2 mi), away from the coast.
The catchment area of Chilika lake has a rock, sand and mud substratum. It contains a wide range of sedimentary particles such as clay, silt, sand, gravel and shell banks but the major part of the catchment area is silt. Around 1.6 million metric tons per year of sediment is deposited in Chilika lake by rivers Daya and several streams.[22]
It is conjectured that a rise in worldwide sea levels over the last 6,000–8,000 years occurred with a pause in the rise of sea level about 7,000 years ago, which could have resulted in the formation of a sandy beach near the coast at the Southern sector. With the rise in the sea level, the sand beach grew gradually, progressed seaward to the northeast and formed the spit of Chilika. A fossil unearthed from the southwestern edge of the spit indicates that the lake was formed about 3,500–4,000 years ago. The abrupt change in the direction of the coast north of the lake, strong winds shifting sand to the shore, longshore drift (littoral drift), the presence or absence of strong river and tidal currents in different areas are the reasons attributed for the growth of the spit.[18]
White bands of coral in the southern sector, at a height of 8 m (26 ft), above the present water level, shows that the area was once marine and that the water was much deeper than present.[18] The chronological development of the outer barrier spit of the lake has been dated by Optically stimulated luminescence studies of minerals. This was done on sixteen samples of the lake bed. The studies indicated doses of between 153 ± 3 mGy and 2.23 ± 0.07 Gy, corresponding to ages from 40 years at the top of the spit to 300 years at the bottom. The youngest ages are consistent with the age of the overlying vegetation. A clearly defined period of > 4.0 km (2.5 mi) of barrier construction 40 years ago is identified. Prior to that the deposition rate was relatively constant for 300 years.'"[23]
Geography and topography[edit]
This map of Chilika Lake showing Nalaban Island, Chilika Bird Sanctuary, Dolphin Sanctuary, Puri town and Malud peninsula.
Chilika Lake-central & west
1958 Topographic map, 1:250,000
Chilika Lake-east end
Mahanadi River at Cuttack as it trifurcates with one arm feeding the Chilika Lake
View of Chilka lake
Jetty at Satapada, Chilika Lake, Odisha
A tourist boat near dolphin point, Satapada, Chilika Lake, Odisha
Near the Chilika Lake sea mouth, Odisha
Chilika Sea mouth
Chilika Lake is a shallow bar-built estuary with large areas of mudflats. The western and southern margins of the lake are fringed by the Eastern Ghats hill range.[21]
Several inland rivers, which bring silt into the lake, control the northern end of the lake. A 60 km (37 mi) long barrier beach called Rejhansa,[24] formed by northerly currents in the Bay of Bengal, resulted in the formation of this shallow lake and forms its eastern side. As an ephemeral lake, its water surface area varies from 1,165 km2 (449.8 sq mi) in the summer monsoon season to 906 km2 (349.8 sq mi) in the winter dry season.
The lake has numerous islands. The larger islands, separated by shallow channels, lie between the barrier and the main body of the lake. A total 42 km2 (16 sq mi) of channels connect the lake with Bay of Bengal.[19] The six major islands are Parikud, Phulbari, Berahpura, Nuapara, Nalbana, and Tampara. These islands, together with the Peninsula of Malud, constitute the Krishnaprasad Revenue Block of Puri District.[5][11]
The north shore of the lake is part of Khordha District and the western shore is part of Ganjam District. Due to siltation, the width of the barrier has fluctuated and the mouth to the sea has periodically been closed. The location of the mouth has also frequently shifted, generally towards the northeast. The mouth, which was 1.5 km (0.9 mi) wide in 1780, was only .75 km (0.5 mi) forty years later. The local fishermen, to maintain their livelihood, had to cut open the mouth regularly to gain access to the sea for fishing.[18]
Water depth of the lake varies from 0.9 to 2.6 ft (0.3 to 0.8 m) in the dry season to 1.8 to 4.2 m (5.9 to 13.8 ft) in the rainy season. The width of the old channel to the sea, now reported to be about 100 m (330 ft), is known as Magarmukha (Mouth of the Crocodile). The lake is divided into four separate zones namely, the southern, central, northern sectors and the outer channel area. A 32 km (19.9 mi) long outer channel connects the lake with the Bay of Bengal at Arakhuda village. The lake is vaguely pear shaped and has a maximum length of 64.3 km (40.0 mi) with a mean width of 20.1 km (12.5 mi).[5][25]
Three hydrological subsystems control the Hydrology of the lake. The land-based system comprises distributaries of the Mahanadi River on the northern side, 52 river channels from the western side and the Bay of Bengal on the eastern side. Two of the three southern branches of the Mahanadi River that trifurcates at Cuttack, feed the lake. 61% (850 m3/s (30,000 cu ft/s)) of the total freshwater inflow into the lake is contributed by these two branches.
The second drainage system which is non–perennial accounts for 39% (536 cubic metres per second (18,900 cu ft/s)). The important rivers of this drainage system are the Kansari, the Kusumi, the Janjira, and the Tarimi rivers. The annual total surface freshwater input to the lake is estimated to 1.76 cubic kilometres (1,430,000 acre⋅ft) including direct precipitation over the lake contributing 0.87 cubic kilometres (710,000 acre⋅ft) All the inland river systems disgorge an annual flow of about 0.375 million cubic metres (304 acre⋅ft) of freshwater which is estimated to carry 13 million metric tons of silt into the lake. On the northeast, a channel connects the lake to the Bay of Bengal.
A tropical monsoon climate prevails over the drainage basin area of the lake. The lake experiences South–west and North-east monsoons during June to September and November to December respectively with an average annual rainfall of 1,238.8 mm (48.77 in), with 72 rainy days. The maximum temperature of 39.9 °C (103.8 °F) and minimum temperature of 14 °C (57.2 °F) have been recorded. The wind speed varies from 5.3 to 16 metres (17 to 52 ft)/hour[dubious – discuss] with southerly and southwesterly direction due to the influence of the Southwest monsoon and from the north and northeasterly direction during the rest of the months.[8]
Water and sediment quality[edit]
The Chilika Development Authority (CDA) established an organized system of water quality measurements and limnological investigations indicating the following physico–chemical characteristics of the lake waters.[8]
Lake water is alkaline – pH ranging from 7.1 – 9.6 with total alkalinity matching the salinity. The southern part of the lake near Rambha has recorded the highest alkalinity.
Bathymetry survey indicates extreme shallow depths in the northern sector, with less than 1.5 m (5 ft) in a large area. The southern sector of the lake has recorded the maximum depth of 3.9 m (12.8 ft)
High turbidity due to strong mixing of overlying water with sediments is confirmed by observed transparency values ranging between 9 and 155 cm (0.30 and 5.09 ft).
Salinity levels in the lake show wide temporal and spatial variation due to a complex blend of freshwater discharge, evaporation, wind condition and tidal inflow of seawater. The brackish nature of the lake is depicted by the 0 parts per thousand near the Daya River mouth to hyper-saline level of 42 ppt in the outlet channel during the dry period.
The dissolved oxygen values were between 3.3–18.9 mg/l.
Phosphate phosphorus (0–0.4 ppm), nitrate nitrogen (10–60 ppm) and silicates (1–8 ppm) are high in the north and northwest part of the lake where most of the rivers discharge into the lake with large amounts of silt and nutrients.
The lake is broadly divided into four zones on the basis of salinity values, namely the southern, central, northern and outer channel. Tidal influx of seawater during monsoon is arrested by the strong influx of a large amount of fresh water from the northern and central zones. Brackish water conditions in the southern zone, even during monsoon, prevail due to low water exchange. Salinity in the southern zone decreases during the post-monsoon period and in winter as northern winds facilitate mixing of water with rest of the lake. During the summer, intrusion of salt water from the outer channel into the lake increases since water level of the lake is at its lowest level. A general increase in salinity of the central and northern zones occurs due to wind-induced mixing by the predominantly southern winds and salinity in the southern zone does not rise appreciably.[8]
Adverse tidal exchange occurred due to the littoral drift along the coast line causing flow reduction and shifting of the lake mouth every year. Estimated sediment transport due to this is on the order of 100,000 metric tons. This adverse effect needed ameliorative actions.[25]
Sediment cores were collected from different locations of the lake. The result indicated spatial variation of sedimentation rate in three zones of the lake of 7.6 millimetres (0.30 in)/year (Northern Sector), 8.0 millimetres (0.31 in)/year (Central Sector) and 2.8 millimetres (0.11 in)/year (SouthernSector). The non–uniform sedimentation rate along with the porosity and water content of the sediment cores were also analysed which indicated the lake had different deposition zones, with comparatively higher sedimentation rate in Northern and Central Sector and a slow rate in the Southern Sector.[26]
Conservation – threats and management[edit]
In 1971, Chilika Lake was designated the first Indian wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention due to its rich biodiversity as shown by the facts that:
Over a million migratory waterfowl and shorebirds winter here.
Over 400 vertebrate species have been recorded.
As an estuarine lagoon, it supports a unique assemblage of marine, brackish and freshwater species.
Several rare and endangered species are found in the region.
The lake supports fisheries that are the lifeline of the community.
The lake is of great value in preserving genetic diversity.
There is an Increase in weeds and aquaculture activities.[12][13]
Over the years, the ecosystem of the lake encountered several problems and threats such as:
Siltation due to littoral drift and sediments from the inland river systems
Shrinkage of water surface area
Choking of the inlet channel as well as shifting of the mouth connecting to the sea
Decrease in salinity and fishery resources
Proliferation of freshwater invasive species and
An overall loss of biodiversity with decline in productivity adversely affecting the livelihood of the community that depended on it
Fights between fishermen and non-fishermen communities about fishing rights in the lake and consequent court cases
The rapid expansion of commercial aquaculture of prawn has contributed significantly to the decline of the lakes fisheries and bird population.[27]
Concerted action was initiated by the Odisha State Government with support from the Government of India to adopt adaptive conservation and management actions.[9][25]
By 1993, the problems in Chilika were so severe that the lake was put under "The Montreux Record" as the lake was considered to have "undergone, to be undergoing, or to be likely to undergo change in its ecological character brought about by human action". The purpose was to stimulate remedial measures for the lake's conservation, supplemented with adequate monitoring. It was expected that such an action would benefit from the advice from Ramsar Advisory Mission and other identified technical assistance programs.
In summary, siltation from upstream led to shrinkage of the water surface area, decrease of salinity and prolific growth of invasive freshwater aquatic weed infestation, all of which had a serious negative impact on the habitat of wildlife and fishery resources.[22]
Chilika Development Authority (CDA)
In 1992, the Government of Odisha, concerned by the degradation of the lake's ecosystem and cognizant of significant numbers of people who were dependent upon the lake's resources, set up the Chilika Development Authority (CDA). The CDA was set up for restoration and overall development of the lake under the Indian Societies Registration Act as a parastatal body under the administrative jurisdiction of the Forest and Environment Department, with the following charter:
To protect the Lake ecosystem with all its genetic diversity
To formulate the management plan for Integrated Resource Management and wise use of the lake's resources by the community depending on it
To execute multidimensional and multidisciplinary developmental activities either itself or through other agencies
To collaborate with various national and international institutions for development of the lake[25]
The governing body of the Authority is headed by the Chief Minister of Odisha State and has people's representatives (Members of Parliament and Legislative Assembly), representatives of the fisherfolk communities and secretaries of the key departments, experts and eminent scientists as its members.
In 1998, an executive committee constituted with financial authority, supplemented with financial support from the Tenth and Eleventh Finance Commissions of the Government of India, gave support to the management initiatives taken up by CDA. This facilitated a coordinated approach to plan and implement effective ameliorative management actions.
An Integrated Management Plan was implemented with financial support of Rs 570 million (US$12.7 million) out of "special problem grants" recommended by the Finance Commissions. Hydrobiological monitoring was supported under the Odisha Water Resources Consolidation Project of the World Bank, to the extent of Rs 10 million (US$220,000). A strong support network was created with 7 state government organizations, 33 NGOs, 3 national government ministries, 6 other organizations, 11 international organizations, 13 research institutions and 55 different categories of community groups.[25]
In 2003, a collaboration of Indian and Japanese experts led to a friendly relationship between Chilika lake and Saroma Lake in Japan called Sister Wetlands.[22]
Ameliorative actions
Considering the threats faced by the lake, the National Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs Committee of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, also identified the lake as a priority site for conservation and management.[8] The ameliorative actions were taken by the CDA to restore the ecosystem and to improve the socio-economic conditions of the communities living around the lake and on its islands involved the following.
Opening the lake mouth
The most effective ameliorative action was the hydrological intervention of opening the new lake mouth and channel to the sea through the barrier beach at Satapura. This improved the spatial and temporal salinity gradients of the lake to maintain the unique characteristics of an estuarine eco-system. This intervention was undertaken after detailed scientific studies, including 3-dimensional mathematical modeling and hydraulics studies on a model prototype, were carried out by the Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune and National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. In September 2000, the desiltation of the channel connecting the lake to the sea and opening of a new mouth to restore the natural flows of water and salinity levels was carried out. These actions resulted in a notable increase in the lake's fish yield and a reduction of freshwater weeds. The new mouth reduced the length of the outflow channel by 18 kilometres (11 mi).[13][28] Opening of the new mouth provided a favorable increased salinity regime throughout the lake with less fluctuations and improved water clarity.[22]
Other measures included:
Catchments management in "participatory micro-watershed management in a whole ecosystem approach"
Protection of bird habitat and of bird species
Economic incentives to the local population to stop poaching of birds
Measures to improve the socio–economic conditions, such as training programmes to develop eco-tourism,
Provision of solar streetlight systems to island villages
Development of a ferry service for isolated villages
Construction of landing facilities for fisherfolk, as well as education and environmental awareness activities.
In 2002, Chilika was taken out of the Montreux Record, in light of the improved conditions of the lake.[12][13] Chilika lake is the first Ramsar site in Asia to be removed from the Montreux record.[22]
In November 2002, the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award was presented to the Chilika Development Authority for "outstanding achievements in the field of restoration and wise use of wetlands and effective participation of local communities in these activities".[12][13]
The Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar, constituted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India awarded the prestigious Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Award–2002 to the Chilika Development Authority for the outstanding contribution of conservation and restoration of the Chilika lake eco-system.[29]
The ecological richness of the lake is of great value in preserving the genetic diversity because of the multiplicity of its habitat, flora and fauna. (Some are pictured in the photo gallery).[9] The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) surveyed the lake between 1985 and 1988 and identified 800 species of fauna, including many rare, endangered, threatened and vulnerable species, but excluding terrestrial insects.
The rare and threatened animal species identified are green sea turtle (EN), dugong (VU), Irrawaddy dolphin (EN), blackbuck (NT), Spoon billed sandpiper (CR), Chilika limbless skink (CR) and fishing cat (VU). 24 mammalian species were reported. 37 species of reptiles and amphibians are also reported.[9][10]
Recent surveys revealed an overall 726 species of flowering plants belonging to 496 genera and 120 families. This represents about one –fourth of the vascular plant species of the Odisha state where some 2900 species altogether are found. Fabaceae is the most dominant plant family followed by Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Certain species were found to be characteristic of specific islands. The flora is predominantly of aquatic and sub-aquatic plants. The species reported are leguminosae, poaceae, and cyperaceae; endemic cassipourea ceylanica; five species of seagrass, and more. Important species identified are:.[9][25]
Leguminosae, Poaceae, and Cyperaceae
Endemic Cassipourea ceylanica
Five species of seagrass
Wild plants of horticultural importance and interesting plant groups such as insectivorous plants, epiphytes, parasites and lithophytes
Mangrove associates, such as Aegiceras corniculatus, Excoecaria agalloch, Salvadora persica, Pongamia pinnata, Colubrina asiatica, Capparis roxburghii, Macrotyloma ciliatum and many others.
Chilika Lake is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds, on the Indian sub-continent. It is one of the hotspots of biodiversity in the country. Some species listed in the IUCN Red List of threatened animals inhabit the lake for at least part of their life cycle.[30]
White bellied sea eagles, greylag geese, purple moorhen, jacana, flamingos, egrets, grey and purple herons, Indian roller, storks, white ibis, spoonbills, brahminy ducks, shovellers, pintails, and more.
Migratory water fowl arrive here from as far as the Caspian Sea, Baikal Lake and remote parts of Russia, Mongolia, Lakah, Siberia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and from the Himalayas.[19] A census conducted in the winter of 1997-98 recorded about 2 million birds in the lake.[31]
In 2007, nearly 840,000 birds visited the lake, out of which 198,000 were spotted in Nalbana Island. On 5 Jan 2008, a bird census involving 85 wildlife officials counted 900,000 birds of which 450,000 were sighted in Nalabana. Removal of invasive species of freshwater aquatic plants, especially water hyacinth, due to restoration of salinity, is a contributing factor for the recent increasing attraction of birds to the lake.[19][32]
Nalbana Bird Sanctuary
Main article: Nalbana Bird Sanctuary
Nalbana Island is the core area of the Ramsar designated wetlands of Chilika Lake. Nalbana means a weed-covered island In the Odia language. It is a major island in the center of the lake and has an area of 15.53 km2 (6.00 sq mi)[dubious – discuss]. The island gets completely submerged during the monsoon season. As the monsoon recedes in the winter, lake levels decrease and the island is gradually exposed, birds flock to the island in large numbers to feed on its extensive mudflats. Nalbana was notified in 1987 and declared a bird sanctuary in 1973 under the Wildlife Protection Act.[19][33]
Aqua fauna[edit]
As per the Chilika Development Authority's (CDA) updated data (2002), 323 aquatic species, which includes 261 fish species, 28 prawns and 34 crabs are reported out of which sixty five species breed in the lake. 27 species are freshwater fishes and two genera of prawns. The remaining species migrate to the sea to breed. 21 species of herrings and sardines of the family Clupeidae are reported.
Wallago attu – A common type of fish in the lake
Between 1998–2002, 40 fish species were recorded here for the first time and following the reopening of the lake mouth in 2000, six threatened species have reappeared, including:
Milk fish (Seba khainga),
Indo-Pacific tarpon (Panialehio),
Ten pounder (Nahama),
Bream (Kala khuranti),
Hilsa (Tenuealosa) ilisha (ilishi) and
Mullet R. corsula (Kekenda)[9][10]
For centuries fisher folk evolved exclusive rights of fishing through a complex system of partitioning the fisheries of the lake, harvested the lake in a relatively sustainable fashion and developed a large range of fishing techniques, nets and gear.[18]
During the British rule, in 1897–98, fishermen community enjoyed exclusive fisheries rights in the lake. The fisheries of the lake were part of the Zamindari estates of Khallikote, Parikud, Suna Bibi, Mirza Taher Baig and the Chaudhary families of Bhungarpur and the Khas Mahal areas of Khurda, lying within the kingdoms of the Rajas of Parikud and Khallikote. The zamindars (Landlords) leased out the fisheries exclusively to the local fisherfolk.[18]
With the abolition of zamindari (land lordship) system in 1953, traditional fishing areas continued to be leased out to cooperatives of local fishermen. Fishing, particularly, prawn fishing, became increasingly remunerative with outside interest playing an important role. But in 1991, when the government of Odisha proposed a leasing policy that would have resulted in the auction of leases to the highest bidder, the Fishermen's cooperatives challenged the order in court. The High Court of Odisha ordered the Government to enact changes that would protect the interests of traditional fishermen and since then no new leases have been reported. This has resulted in a chaotic regime in which powerful vested interests from outside dominate, and the local people have been subordinated.[18]
Butter catfish and Wallago attu are the most common type of fish found in the lake. 11 species of fish, 5 species of prawn and 2 crab species are commercially important. The commercially important prawn are giant tiger prawn (Metapenaeus monoceros), Indian prawn (Penaeus indicus), Metapenaeus monoceros (Speckled shrimp), Metapenaeus affinis (Pink prawn) and Metapenaeus dobson (Kadal shrimp). Mangrove crab is the most important commercial crab.[27] Fish landings in the lake, which fluctuated in the past, have recorded a remarkable recovery after the opening of the new mouth and dredging of silt –choked old mouth Magarmukh in 2000–2001, resulted in a better intermixing of the tidal influx from the sea and freshwater inflow from rivers. Against an all time lowest landing of fish and prawn of 1,269 t (1,399 short tons) in 1995–96, the all-time high is reported to be 11,878 t (13,093 short tons) during 2001–2002 resulting in an estimated per capita income for the fisher folk of Rs 19,575 (about US$392) during the year.[10] Recently, the Government of Odisha have issued a notification banning the lease of Chilika Lake for Culture Fishery.[18]
The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is the flagship species of Chilika lake. Chilika is home to the only known population of Irrawaddy dolphins in India[34] and one of only two lagoons in the world that are home to this species.[33]
It is classified as Endangered according to International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN).
A small population of Bottlenose dolphins, also migrate into the lagoon from the sea.[4] Chilika fishermen say that when Irrawaddy dolphins and bottlenose dolphins meet in the outer channel, the former get frightened and are forced to return toward the lake.[35]
Some Irrawaddy dolphins used to be sighted only along the inlet channel and in a limited portion of the central sector of the lake. After the opening of the new mouth at Satapada in 2000, they are now well distributed in the central and the southern sector of the lake.[33] The number of dolphins sighted has varied from 50 to 170. A 2006 census counted 131 dolphins and the 2007 census revealed 138 dolphins. Out of the 138 dolphins, 115 were adults, 17 adolescents and six calves. 60 adults were spotted in the outer channel followed by 32 in the central sector and 23 in the southern sector.[36]
Dolphin tourism provides an important alternative source of income for many local residents. There are four tourist associations in Satapada employing three hundred and sixty 9-HP long-tail motor boats taking tourists to a 25 km2 (9.7 sq mi) area of the lake for dolphin watching. About 500 fishing families are involved in this business.[34] The Odisha Tourism Department and the Dolphin Motorboat Association, an NGO at Satpada, report about 40,000 tourists visit Chilika every year for dolphin watching. October–January, and May–June are the peak season for tourists at Chilika, with a maximum 600-700 per day during December–January. The Dolphin Motorboat Association has 75 8-passenger motorboats for dolphin watching. Tourists pay Rs. 250 for 60–90 minutes per trip(approx ₹4k for 10 people with 3.5 hours in a private boat in 2018). According to the Association, most tourists see dolphins. Only 5% return disappointed. Besides the Association, the Odisha Tourism Department organises "dolphin-watch" for tourists. Even during monsoon, about 100 tourists/day visit the lake.[35]
Boat based dolphin watching tours impact dolphin behavior and cause several accidental dolphin deaths each year.[37] CDA conducts an annual census of dolphin deaths. They report 15 deaths in 2003-04, 11 in 2004-05, 8 in 2005-06 and 5 in 2006-07. 40% of the 2006-07 deaths were by mechanised boats.[36]
Since 2004, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has been conducting a science-based community education project to conserve the Irrawaddy dolphins and Chilika Lake. They have determined the primary cause of mortality for this population of dolphins is floating gill nets and hook line fisheries and the secondary cause is boat strikes from increasing unmanaged tourism activities.[34]
The Irrawaddy dolphins have a seemingly mutualistic relationship of co-operative fishing with the traditional fishermen. Fishermen recall when they would call out to the dolphins, to drive fish into their nets.[37] Castnet fishing with the help of Irrawaddy dolphins in upper reaches of the Ayeyawady River has been well documented.[38]
Major attractions[edit]
The 15 km2 Nalaban Island is within the Lagoon and is the core area of the Ramsar designated wetlands. It was declared a bird sanctuary under the Wildlife Protection Act in 1973. It is the heart of the park where one can seen thousands of birds descending during the migratory season. The island disappears during monsoon season due to inundation, and post-monsoon, the island emerges again.
The vast lake harbours 225 species of fish, a wide variety of phytoplankton, algae and aquatic plants, and also supports over 350 species of non-aquatic plants. The other areas where high concentrations of birds are recorded are Gerasara, Parikud Island, and the western shores of the Northern sector.
The open air and scenic natural flora and fauna of the lake are an attraction for eco-tourism. This is expected to provide a degree of alternate employment to the local community and generate environmental awareness, among local residents as well as visitors, about the conservation and wise use of the lake's natural resources. The locations within the lake identified for such activity are:
Rambha Bay at the southern end of the lake with the group of islands including:
The Becon Island, with an architectural conical pillar (to put a light on the top) built by Mr. Snodgrass, the then collector of Ganjam of the East India Company, on a mass of rock in the Rambha Bay near Ghantasila hill. It has scenic water spread surrounded by the Eastern Ghat.
The Breakfast Island, pear-shaped, known as "Sankuda island", with remnants of a dilapidated bungalow constructed by the King of Kalikote, has rare plants and is full of greenery with appealing flora.
Honeymoon Island, 5 km (3 mi) from Rambha Jetty, known as Barkuda Island, with clear waters has abundant red and green macro algae in the bed is also known for the limbless lizard, an endemic species found here.
Somolo and Dumkudi islands, located in the Central and Southern sectors of the lake, in the backdrop of scenic Khalikote hill range, are inundated remnants of the Eastern Ghats with rich flora and fauna and also known for sighting of Irrawaddy dolphins.
Birds' island, located in the southern sector of the lake has huge exposed hanging rocks, are painted white due to folic acid of the droppings of the birds and is known for rich algal communities and few mangrove species and also migratory birds in winter.
Parikud is a group of composite islands in the Garh Krishnaprasad Block for nature lovers and provides an avian spectacle during winter season
Kalijai Temple located on an island is considered to be the abode of the Goddess Kalijai. This temple is located at a hill which is surrounded by blue water bears. Local people of Chilika refer to goddess as the reigning deity of the lagoon
Satapada village, at the new mouth of the lake, provides a view of the Lake and also views of the dolphins. Hundreds of boats here provide tours of the lake for tourists.
Barunkuda, a small island situated near Magarmukh, the mouth of the lake, has a temple of Lord Varuna.
Nabagraha is an ancient deity located along the outer channel.
Chourbar Shiva Temple is located near Alupatna village, along the outer channel.
Manikpatna, located on the outer channel has historical evidence of a port which was used for trade with Far East and also has the Bhabakundeswar temple of Lord Shiva, an old Mosque whose entrance door is made of the jaws of the whale.
Sand-Bar and Mouth of the Lake is a striking and un-explored stretch of 30 km (20 mi) of empty beach across the sand bar which separates the Lake from the Sea.[39]
Mangalajodi a famous bird sanctuary for sighting migratory birds.
Chilika raiilway station
The lake is well connected by road to Chennai and Kolkata through National Highway No 5. Satpada town on the eastern bank of the lake is about 50 km (30 mi) by road southwest of the city of Puri and at a distance of 100 km (60 mi) from Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, which is also the nearest airport.
A broad gauge railway line of the South Eastern Railway from Kolkata skirts along the western bank of the lake passing through Balugaon, Chilika and Rambha stations.[8]
Within the lake precincts, Odisha Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (OTDC) and the Revenue Department of the state government offer boat cruises. Private operators also provide country boats on hire to various islands in the lake.[40]
There are OTDC Guest houses at Barkul, Rambha, Satapada & several hotels at Balugaon. Before entering into the Nalbana Bird Sanctuary one has to obtain an entry permit. The entry permit has to be produced at entry/exit points, at check gates as and whenever requested by officials.
Pongamia pinnata, a flowering shoot
Sanderling, Calidris alba
Terek sandpiper, Xenus cinereus
Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus
Northern shoveler, Spatula clypeata
Lesser Flamingos, Phoenicopterus minor
Migratory Flamingos at Chilika
Black-tailed godwit, Limosa limosa
Pied kingfisher, Ceryle rudis
Legless lizard
Fishing cat
Boat on Chilika
Parikuda Iseland
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Irrawaddy dolphin — India. Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Opening of new mouth and IRS 1D LISS III Image of Chilika Lagoon
Figure 1 Chilika Lagoon Basin
Tourist locations in the lagoon
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Rivers of Bangladesh / Bhutan / India / Nepal / Pakistan
Hydrography of Odisha
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Khandadhar, Sundagarh
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Mahanadi Bridge, Boudh
Second Mahanadi Rail Bridge
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Setu
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Godavari basin
Mahanadi-Brahmani-Baitarani basin
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Bhitarkanika Mangroves
Bhoj Wetland
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Hokera Wetland
Kanjli Wetland
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Loktak Lake
Mansar Lake
Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary
Pong Dam Lake
Renuka Lake
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Sambhar Lake
Sasthamkotta Lake
Sundarban Wetland
Vembanad-Kol Wetland
Wular Lake
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Lakes of Odisha
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CS1: long volume value
Use dmy dates from March 2013
All accuracy disputes
Articles with disputed statements from December 2009 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 16,009 |
La place de l'Abbé-Georges-Hénocque est une voie du de Paris située au sud de la place d'Italie, à mi-chemin de la poterne des Peupliers sur le boulevard Kellermann.
Situation et accès
De forme circulaire avec un diamètre de et un square en son centre, elle est située au cœur du quartier de la Maison-Blanche. Elle est environnée d'un quartier de petits pavillons ouvriers aux teintes pastel ou en meulière, construits au début du . C'est la place centrale de ce quartier surtout résidentiel. La Bièvre passe sous la place pour contourner la Butte-aux-Cailles par l'ouest.
La place de l'Abbé-Georges-Hénocque est desservie à proximité par la ligne aux stations Tolbiac et Maison Blanche ainsi que par la ligne de tramway . Les lignes de bus RATP et ont des arrêts sur la place elle-même, et les lignes de bus RATP passent à proximité à l'arrêt Bobillot - Tolbiac.
Origine du nom
Elle porte le nom de l'abbé Georges Hénocque (1870-1959), aumônier dans le et résistant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Créée en 1910 avec le nom officieux de « place des Peupliers », elle a reçu en 1968 le nom de « place de l'Abbé-Georges-Hénocque ».
Pierre Goldman y a été assassiné le .
Bâtiments remarquables et lieux de mémoire
Au 2 de la place, l'immeuble en briques jaunes, caractéristique du style de cette époque, construit entre 1913 et 1921 par l'architecte Henri Viet en tant qu'Institut d'hygiène sociale pour la protection mutuelle des chemins de fer, aujourd'hui Mutuelle générale des cheminots.
L'hôpital privé des Peupliers, propriété de la Générale de Santé, anciennement hôpital de la Croix-Rouge, au 8 de la place.
Le square de l'Abbé-Georges-Hénocque, situé au centre de la place.
Autour de la place, plusieurs lotissements de maisons individuelles, dont le plus ancien à partir de 1908 à l'initiative de l'Association fraternelle des employés et ouvriers des chemins de fer français (section Paris Métropolitain), dont la création remontait à 1880. Le plus remarquable est celui de la rue Dieulafoy, où quarante-quatre maisons presque identiques ont été construites à partir de 1921 par l'architecte Henry Trésal, auteur en 1929, avec son confrère Adolphe Thiers, de la cité Montmartre-aux-artistes.
Abbe-Georges-Henocque | {
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Crime Confidential
Morning reacp
By Bryan Fitzgerald on June 20, 2012 at 10:53 AM
Here are Wednesday morning's headlines:
My colleague Brendan J. Lyons has a look at the health care cost of victims of gun violence. From Brendan's story…"According to a new study by New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, the lifetime cost of being shot — per victim — is about $64,000. …It found that government programs, along with special funds culled from fees charged to hospitals and insurers, were needed to offset nearly $768 million of treatment for shooting victims during a five-year period ending in 2011."
Schenectady police officer Eric Peters showed poor judgment in his public behavior but doesn't deserve to be fired because there is not enough evidence to support department charges that he assaulted his fiancee on St. Patrick's Day 2011, a hearing officer found.
Jurors deciding the murder case of Jah-Lah Vanderhorst will return to court Wednesday morning after deliberating for roughly 35 minutes Tuesday without reaching a verdict.
A Ballston Spa elementary music teacher faces 5 to 20 years in state prison after he pleaded guilty Tuesday to accessing online images and videos of child pornography.
More than 300 bags of heroin, marijuana, prescription pills and a loaded rifle were found Tuesday during a raid at the home a convicted felon shared with his wife, a teenager and a young child, Troy police said.
An Albany man previously convicted of burglary and attempted burglary was sentenced Monday to 161/2 years to life in prison for his role in several burglaries last summer, including one where he robbed a man with a BB gun, the Albany County District Attorney's Office said.
Fort Edward police have sent the shotgun that killed a 13-year-old boy earlier this month for forensic testing, hoping the results will tell them who fired the fatal shot and help them determine whether anyone will face charges in the connection with the boy's death.
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Home/Blog Du Jour/Danny Peary Talks To… 'The Divine Order' Writer-Director Petra Volpe
Blog Du Jour
Danny Peary Talks To… 'The Divine Order' Writer-Director Petra Volpe
Danny Peary October 26, 2017
Nora (Marie Leuenberg ) and Hans (Maximilian Simonisch) cast their ballots in "The Divine Order," Courtesy Zeitgeist Films
I really wanted to see Swiss writer-director Petra Volpe's The Divine Order at this year's Tribeca Film Festival because I was intrigued by its political subject: Women didn't get the right to vote in Switzerland until 1971. How shocking is that?
But I didn't make enough of an effort because I missed every screening, which galled me later when it won the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature and its star, Marie Leunberger, was selected Best Actress. Fortunately it didn't disappear as many TFF award-winners do, and I was able to see it months later at a recent press screening—and now you can see it, too.
It's still on the festival circuit, here and around the world, but it's making its American theatrical debut this Friday at the Film Forum on Houston Street in New York City and the Riviera Theatre in Santa Barbara, California, before expanding to other cities. Take note that it will be Switzerland's entry at the 2018 Oscars.
From the Press Notes synopsis: "1971: Nora Ruckstuhl is a young housewife and mother living with her husband Hans, their two sons, Luki and Max, and her complaining, condescending father-in-law in a small, tranquil Swiss village. Nora is a quiet person, liked by everyone and never one to step out of line—until the day she starts to publicly and fiercely fight for women's suffrage, which Swiss men are to vote on, on February 7, 1971. Nora's resistance and her need to become active for the equality of women begins when her husband refuses to give her permission to go back to work. The added fact that her teenage niece, Hanna, has been sent away to reform school and then a women's prison because she did not conform to the small town conventions of the village, also spurs her on. Nora realizes that it is not enough to be in favor of the vote silently, but that women need to demand it, loud and clear."
The trailer:
Last week I had this conversation with the personable Petra Volpe about her new film.
"The Divine Order" writer-director Petra Volpe, Photo: Danny Peary
Danny Peary: My memory may be faulty but I don't think I was fully aware back in 1971 that women in Switzerland were finally given the vote that year. Do young people in your country learn in school that this happened so recently or is it still not considered an important event?
Petra Volpe: It's still not important. In the younger generation, some know about women getting the right to vote so late, but they don't really think about it. It's general knowledge but there's a difference between knowing about it and feeling something about it. This movie brings the importance of what happened out there. I didn't learn anything about this very long struggle by women to gain the right to vote in Switzerland when I was in school. We learned about all the battles the Swiss army fought, on this mountain and that mountain, against the Germans, and so on, but we didn't learn about women fighting for the right to vote for over a hundred years. It wasn't that women just sat back and waited until it was given to them, they were really fighting. There was a vivid and very active women's movement in Switzerland and it was internationally connected doing a lot of important social and political work. We had a parallel society with the men having all the political and legal rights and the women being ignored.
DP: Did you have well-known heroes in the suffragette movement, like we had Susan B. Anthony?
PV: I did. When I began working on this movie, the first thing I did was a lot of research. I read about the American suffragette movement and the women's movement in America in the seventies. I read Gloria Steinem and Marilyn French. And of course Betty Friedan. She was such a great lady that I had to put her in the movie. And I read about the movement in Switzerland. I interviewed a lot of the women who were fighters and rebels in the movement. For instance, I met Marthe Gosteli who was a major fighter for equal rights and in the eighties began to collect women's history. She was the first to do it. I found a lot of material in the archives at her foundation. She died recently at age of 100. When I spoke to her she was still so fiery.
DP: You have some archive footage in your movie. Was it emotional seeing it for the first time?
Former bystanders Nora and Theresa now carry the banner, Courtesy Zeitgeist Films
PV: Yes, for me it was so emotional. It was so clear what was going on in America at that time, with the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, and the women's liberation movement. These were such big movements. And the entire world was really changing. But Switzerland was in a vacuum and there was such a culture of change-adversity. I really wanted to start with that contrast.
DP: Your film is the first about this subject, right?
PV: Yes.
DP: Why?
PV: That's a very good question. It's because it's women's history. It's so typical that women's history and women's stories are not told. That's the problem and that's why we felt there was a necessity to bring this story to the big screen and to the public. It's not enough that these stories are included in history lessons—and in truth, they usually aren't there either.
DP: Why did you decide to make your lead character just an average woman instead of one of your heroes?
PV: It was really important for me to tell the story from the perspective of a woman who goes on a journey and learns something. A woman who is already a women's liberation rebel doesn't have a journey anymore. It was also important for me to tell the story from the perspective of somebody who could be anybody. Nora becomes a heroine because she has a very important realization that the personal is political. I thought that's something we can relate to—it's true to her in the past and it can be true to someone today. It was important that this was the story of someone like my mother. Nora's a normal person from within society who goes on this journey and takes us with her, and through her we are inspired to have civil courage and to fight for justice, equality, and all things we believe in.
DP: At the beginning of the movie, Nora, played so well by Marie Leuenberger, sends her husband Hans [Max Simonischek] to work and their two young boys to school and then does hours of housework, as she does every day. Is she already thinking that she must change her life?
PV: No. I don't think she is consciously unhappy. I think that's something a lot of people can relate to. She's a woman of her time. Maybe subconsciously she wants something more in life.
DP: I think we sense that when she takes "liberating" bike rides in the countryside.
PV: Yes. But, again, it is on a very subconscious level. That's why when a suffragette approaches her and says the right-to-vote movement is fighting for the liberation of women, Nora says, "I don't feel unfree." Of course, her intuition is something else—and she has deeper needs.
DP: Is Marie Leuenberger German or Swiss?
PV: She lives in Germany but she's Swiss.
DP: So did she know the story portrayed in your film?
PV: She knew about as little as I did. Marie knew that Swiss women got the vote so late but not the story. So I sent her a ton of my research material. My actors and my whole team had to catch up on that history. We started to feel something about it. We started to see the dimension of it, what it meant that women weren't allowed to vote and that the country's marital laws were completely against women getting jobs or owning property. A woman couldn't work without the permission of her husband, she couldn't open a bank account. Those marital laws began to change only after women go the right to vote and voted for new laws. It took many more years, until 1988. Women were treated like children, like second-class citizens. Switzerland has always boasted that it is the oldest democracy, but it wasn't a true democracy until 1971.
DP: Did Marie audition, competing with others for the part?
PV: Yes. I actually cast another actress. But she got pregnant shortly before we started shooting. I was devastated. Then I did a recast and Marie came in and I knew I was getting a present from the universe. There is an image of directors shooting everything as planned, but moviemaking is a lot of things going wrong and having to react when it does. That's also the beauty of our job. Because sometimes we are just lucky, as with Marie. Something unexpected happened and I am happy and grateful.
DP: The title of your movie seems to apply more to the casting of your movie, where things went out of and back into balance, than the actual content of your movie. How do you think your title applies to the film itself?
PV: The title is inspired by a quote that's in the movie. The film's antagonist is a middle-aged married woman, Dr. Catherine Wipf [Therese Affolter], Hans's boss, and everything she says about why women shouldn't vote was taken from anti-suffrage propaganda of 1971. One thing that was said is: "Women in politics is against the divine order." That was a very powerful argument because it implied, "You're not going against only men but also against the Divine. God has an order for this world in which women are for the family and dirty politics is only for men. If you disrupt that order, you are disrupting society." I'm not exaggerating—in 1971, that was one of the arguments. My title is ironic. It's actually about women going against the divine order.
DP: Wipf says that the "equality of the sexes is a sin against nature." In America, we had the similar Phyllis Schafly, a self-righteous, Pro-Life Republican who led the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment.
PV: There are plenty of women like that in Switzerland. They are typically very privileged, highly-educated, married women who became pharmacists, doctors and lawyers. Such women were the fiercest opponents of the suffragettes. The movie clearly states that the battle for equality was never a battle of the sexes. It was a cultural battle with women on both sides.
DP: I think the theme of your movie is that if women grow, then men grow, too. Everyone benefits.
PV: That's very much the theme of my movie. Equality is good for both sexes. We don't have to be strictly emotional about this anymore. All data tells us this. The more equal the society, the better for everybody. It's a very clear statement in the movie that men are also crushed by the ideas of patriarchy and what they have to be as men. It makes them much smaller as individuals. They can't grow and that makes everyone small. Patriarchy is a prison for men and women. Women's liberation is everybody's liberation.
DP: Which is why men can be feminists, too.
PV: Absolutely. They have to be. After all, everyone who has a mother should be a feminist—and men have mothers.
DP: When Hans fights a coworker because he teases him for being married to "a woman's libber," is he fighting for Nora's honor or his own honor?
PV: His honor. He still has to go on his own little journey. He's not there yet.
DP: In the film's press notes, you state that all your characters come from real people.
PV: Not directly. They didn't come from specific people but were inspired by ideas expressed by all the characters I came across in my research. They are their own characters but they came from snippets from other women's lives.
Nora tries to convince stubborn townspeople to support giving women the right to vote, Courtesy Zeitgeist Films
DP: My surprise is that you didn't say in the press notes that Nora's name came from Nora in A Doll's House.
PV: Well, the name Nora is definitely from A Doll's House. And the sex strike the women go on is a reference to Lysistrata. I borrowed playfully from that because it really fits into this one modern story that shows a whole tapestry of women's stories—women rising up, women becoming rebels, women breaking out of an oppressive system. So I infused my story with that. The strike was also inspired by something that happened in Switzerland in 1959, when women were denied the right to vote the first time men voted on whether to give it to them or not. Fifty women teachers in Basel girls' high school in Geneva went on strike. It was a big story and even made The New York Times. When I was doing research, I found all these things and packed them into a story that takes place in three weeks in a metaphorical little village that stands for all Switzerland. I tried to infuse this simple story of a simple housewife becoming a political organizer with all these things I found in the research.
DP: Films have borrowed the sex strike idea from the Greek comedy Lysistrata dating back to at least the 1931 MGM film Politics. In that, Marie Dressler runs for mayor against a corrupt system and all the women who support her stop doing housework and having sex with the men who won't let them engage in politics.
PV: That's cool. Unfortunately this story isn't outdated. We didn't know how timely this film about women fighting for equality would be when we started working on it five years ago. But there has been the election of Trump and the movements toward the right in Europe—and the Harvey Weinstein scandal. It has become so evident that we haven't reached gender equality. Our society is sexist and there is gender bias. All of that is boiling up right now, and as I said this film is eerily timely.
DP: Women in your film take ownership of their bodies and even weaponize them. How did the suffragette movement in Switzerland tie into the Sexual Revolution?
PV: Women's liberation always was also about sexual liberation. They went hand in hand. Because the oppression of women is very much about men controlling our bodies and sexuality. It always has been that women experience the oppression through their bodies. So if you want to make a movie or tell the story of a woman liberating herself and becoming a rebel, you also have to tell the story of how she connects to her body. Because it was a very strong aspect of the women's liberation movement in America in the seventies, it was for me very important to have it in my story for my Swiss women. It actually did happen. When I did research I had a historic consultant and she said that the younger generation went out on the streets to demonstrate and also went to workshops where they learned to discover their bodies.
DP: What is role of Nora's niece Hanna [Ella Rumpf]? She's young, rebellious, and sexually active. Nora's equally-oppressed sister-in-law Theresa [Rachel Braunschweig] loves her but can't control her. Does she represent the future?
PV: Yes. She is maybe what Nora envies a little bit. But she's also part of this kaleidoscope of oppressed women. It is a fact that young women were sent to prison just for being sexually curious. It was rampant in those times, where the idea of what a woman can do with her body was very restrictive. There's a big scandal in Switzerland now. Some men but mostly women are now suing the state because their lives got ruined by their imprisonment.
DP: What I commend you for is that when Hanna's released from prison she hasn't changed at all, a good thing.
PV: She will not be controlled. She will not bow to the system. That's a positive. Although it's a bittersweet moment for her mother Theresa who gets her daughter back but most let her go. She wants Hanna to be free but it also scares her. But Theresa's life has changed as well and she is moving forward herself.
DP: People who have protested know about the exciting adrenaline rush they experience the first time especially, and in your film Theresa, is the one who most comes to understand that protesting can feel good.
Courtesy Zeitgeist Films
PV: Absolutely. I think all the women do. I honestly believe that the movement and rebellion has to be physical. There was so much power in the Women's March in Washington on January 21st. My husband was there, but I would have marched also if I hadn't been in Switzerland for the movie's premiere two days earlier. People too often click "Like" on Facebook when what they really need to do is take to the streets again.
DP: Congratulations on A Divine Order being an Oscar contender.
PV: Thank you. It's exciting and we're so happy and grateful to have been chosen to represent Switzerland at the Oscars. Keep your fingers crossed!
The Divine Order opens in theaters this Friday, October 27.
Danny Peary has published 25 books on film and sports, including Cult Movies and Jackie Robinson in Quotes.
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Groening v Sipho Matse Attorneys & Another (1379/2012) [2013] SZHC35 (28 February 2013);
Civil case No: 1379/2012
In the matter between:
In re:
Sipho Matse Attorneys Applicant
Paul Ivan Groening Respondent
Neutral citation: Paul Ivan Groening v Sipho Matse Attorneys& Another (1379/12) [2013] SZHC35 (2013)
For Applicant Attorney W. Maseko
For Respondent Attorney M. Mabuza
Civil Procedure – rescission application in terms of Rule 31 (3) (b), Rule 42 as well as the Common Law – requirements thereof discussed – application granted.
[1] This is an urgent application for rescission of judgment granted by this court on the 7th September 2012 in favour of the first respondent. He further sought an order setting aside the warrant of execution issued on the 12th September 2012 against the movable goods of the applicant pending finalization of this application. He also sought an order for costs in the event of opposition of this application.
[2] It is common cause that in 2010 the applicant instructed the first respondent to represent it in a suit it had with Standard Bank Swaziland Limited; subsequent thereto the first respondent wrote a letter to the applicant demanding "estimate costs of E8 500.00 (eight thousand five hundred emalangeni) to cover the exchange of all pleadings".
[3] It is not in dispute that after this correspondence, the first respondent proceeded to draw up the necessary pleadings and further appeared in court to oppose Summary Judgment; and it was dismissed by this court on the 18th March 2011. The matter was referred to trial; and, it is currently awaiting the allocation of a date by the Registrar of the High Court.
[4] The first respondent then demanded payment of legal fees of E36 082.00 (thirty six thousand and eighty two emalangeni) for services rendered. The applicant inturn demanded a Statement of Fees for work done including an account of the initial payment of E8 500.00 (eight thousand five hundred emalangeni); however, according to the applicant, the first respondent did not furnish the Statement of Fees despite numerous reminders. Subsequently, he was served with a Writ of Execution for attachment of movable property for the amount of E36 082.00 (thirty six thousand and eighty two emalangeni) in respect of legal fees owed.
[5] The applicant denies being served with summons or a Court order to pay the amount in the Writ of Execution; and, he argued that his failure to defend the matter was not wilful in the circumstances. He further argued that the Court Order was erroneously sought and granted in his absence.
[6] The Return of Service indicates that the summons were served upon the applicant personally at his place of residence at Two Sticks Township, House No. 196, in Manzini. However, the applicant denies receiving the summons or that his place of residence is at Two Sticks Township; he argued that his place of residence is at Maphungwane in the Lubombo region.
[7] The applicant argues that he has a bona fide defence in this matter partly because he had not been furnished with a Statement of Account and partly because the first respondent had advised him that the estimate fees would be E8 500.00 (eight thousand five hundred emalangeni).
[8] The first respondent has raised certain points in limine which were argued simultaneously with the merits. Firstly that the application is not urgent as required by Rule 6 (25) on the grounds that the applicant has failed to set forth explicitly the circumstances which he avers render the matter urgent, and, that the applicant has failed to state the reasons why he cannot be afforded substantial redress at a hearing in due course. Contrary to these arguments, the applicant has complied with Rule 6 (25) in paragraph 12 of his founding affidavit; hence, this point of law stands to be dismissed.
[9] The second point of law relates to Rule 45 (8), and, the first respondent argued that the Rule provides for attached goods to be sold twenty one days after the attachment; according to the first respondent, the present application is not urgent since the application could still be brought before the sale. This point of law is misdirected and overlooks the fact that the applicant intends to prevent the attachment and not the sale of the goods. The fact that the Writ of Attachment has been issued and awaits enforcement justifies urgency; hence, this point of law is bound to fail as well.
[10] The third and final point of law is that the applicant has failed to comply with Rule 42, Rule 31 (3) (b) or the Common law. Rule 31 (3) (b) provides the following:
"A defendant may within twenty-one days after he had had knowledge of such judgment, apply to court upon notice to the plaintiff to set aside such judgment and the court may upon good cause shown and upon the defendant furnishing to the plaintiff security for the payment of the costs of the default judgment and of such application to a maximum of E200.00, set aside the default judgment on such terms as to it seems fit."
[11] His Lordship Chief Justice Nathan dealt with the requirements of Rule 31 (3) (b) in the cases of Msibi v. Mlawula Estates (PTY) Ltd, Msibi v. G.M. Kalla and Company 1970-1976 SLR 345 (HC) at 348 where he stated the following:
"It is noted that the court has a discretion in the matter and that "good cause" must be shown. The requirements which must be satisfied before the court will grant a rescission of a default judgment have been dealt with in a number of cases....
The tendency of the Court is to grant such an application where (a) the applicant has given a reasonable explanation of his delay; (b) the application is bona fide and not made with the object of delaying the other party's claim; (c) there has not been a reckless or intentional disregard of the Rules of Court; (d) the applicant's action is clearly not ill-founded; and (e) any prejudice to the opposite party could be compensated for by an appropriate order as to costs."
[12] At pages 348-349 His Lordship Chief Justice Nathan stated the following:
"It seems clear that by introducing the words 'and if good cause be shown', the regulating authority was imposing upon the applicant for rescission the burden of actually proving, as opposed to merely alleging, good cause for rescission such good cause including but not being limited to the existence of a substantial defence.... in addition to having to establish a prima facie defence, an applicant for rescission must furnish good reasons for his default....
The explanation must be reasonable ... namely, that it must not show that his default was wilful or was due to gross negligence on his part."
[13] The default judgment was obtained on the 7th September 2012 and the Warrant of Execution was lodged on the same day; however, it is not clear when the applicant was served with the Warrant of Execution. At paragraph 8 of his Founding Affidavit, he merely states that it was in September 2012. Rule 31 (3) (b) requires that the application for rescission should be lodged within twenty-one days after the applicant has knowledge of the judgment. This application was lodged on the 28th November 2012; clearly, the period for lodging the application in terms of Rule 31 (3) (b) had lapsed.
[14] Rule 42 provides the following:
"42. 1. The Court may, in addition to any other powers it may
have mero motu or upon the application of any party affected, rescind or vary:
An order or judgment erroneously granted in the absence of any party affected thereby;
An order or judgment in which there is an ambiguity, or a patent error or omission, but only to the extent of such ambiguity, error or omission;
An order or judgment granted as the result of a mistake common to the parties.
2. Any party desiring any relief under this rule shall make
application therefore upon notice to all parties whose interests may be affected by any variation sought.
3. The court shall not make any order rescinding or varying
any order or judgment unless satisfied that all parties whose interests may be affected have notice of the order proposed."
[15] His Lordship Nathan CJ in the case of Munnik v Focus Automotive Engineers (PTY) Ltd 1977-1978 SLR 152 at 154 stated the following:
"But the Court has an inherent jurisdiction to set aside a judgment in a proper case.... this power is indeed tacitly recognised in Rule 42 (1) which empowers a court "in addition to any other powers which it may have", to rescind a judgment on the grounds set out in the sub-rule."
[16] In the case of Bakoven Ltd v. G.V. Holmes (PTY) Ltd 1992 (2) SA 446 at 471 (EC) Erasmus J stated the following:
"Rule 42 (1) (a) ... is a procedural step designed to correct expeditiously an obviously wrong judgment or order. An order or judgment is erroneously granted when the Court commits an error in the sense of a mistake in a matter of law appearing on the proceedings of a court record.
It follows that a Court in deciding whether a judgment was erroneously granted is, like a Court of Appeal confined to the record of proceedings. In contra- distinction to relief in terms of Rule 31 (3) (b) or under the common law, the applicant need not show "good cause" in the sense of an explanation for the default and a bona fide defence. Once the application can point an error in the proceedings, he is without further ado entitled to rescission. It is only when he cannot rely on an error that he has to fall back on Rule 31 (3) (b) where he was in default of delivery of a notice of Intention to Defend or of a Plea or on the Common Law.... In both latter instances, he must show good cause."
[17] In the case of Chetty v. Law Society, Transvaal 1985 (2) SA 756 (AD) at 765, Miller JA stated that in terms of the Common Law, the Court has power to rescind a judgment obtained on default of appearance provided sufficient cause has been shown. He continued and said the following:
"But it is clear that in principle and in the long standing practice of our Courts two essential elements of "sufficient cause" for rescission of a judgment by default are:
That the party seeking relief must present a reasonable and acceptable explanation for his default; and
That on the merits such party has a bona fide defence which, prima facie, carries some prospect of success....
It is not sufficient if only one of these two requirements is met; for obvious reasons a party showing no prospect of success on the merits will fail in an application for rescission of a default judgment against him, no matter how reasonable and convincing the explanation of his default. And ordered judicial process would be negated if, on the other hand, a party who could offer no explanation of his default other than his disdain of the Rules was nevertheless permitted to have a judgment against him rescinded on the ground that he had reasonable prospects of success on the merits."
[18] Similarly, the applicant has shown "good cause" as required by the Common Law. He has given a reasonable explanation for his default; in addition, he has set out the basis of his defence, which in my view, is bona fide.
[19] In terms of Rule 42 (1), the court may rescind an order or judgment granted erroneously and in the absence of any other party affected. The applicant must establish the existence of a fact which the court was not aware of which would have precluded the granting of the said judgment or order and which would have induced the Court, if it had been aware of it, not to grant the judgment. In the case of Nyingwa v. Moolman NO 1993 (2) SA 508 TK GD at 510, White J stated:
"It therefore seems that a judgment has been erroneously granted if there existed at the time of its issue a fact of which the judge was unaware, which would have precluded the granting of the judgment and which would have induced the judge, if he had been aware of it, not to grant the judgment.'
[20] It is not in dispute that the matter was heard in the absence of the applicant or his legal representative; similarly, it is not in dispute that the judgment was granted in his absence as envisaged by Rule 42. This application should succeed in terms of Rule 42 on the basis that the court would not have granted judgment if it was aware that there was a dispute whether or not the applicant was served with summons. Similarly, the court was not aware that the fees were disputed on the basis that no statement of account was given to the applicant. In addition the fees were not agreed between the parties or taxed; the amount of fees is seriously contested.
[21] The applicant contends that he was never served with the summons as alleged by the second respondent. He denies ever residing at House no. 196 Two Sticks in Manzini. Ntombifuthi Mahhwayi, a resident of House No. 196 Two Sticks in Manzini has deposed to a confirmatory affidavit denying that the applicant resides there. At paragraph 3 she states as follows:
"I have seen and read the Applicant's Replying Affidavit and I wish to confirm all allegations contained therein as they relate to me in particular that the applicant does not reside and had never resided at my place of residence, that being house No. 196 at Two Sticks, Manzini and that there was never at any point in time that the applicant was served with any court papers of whatever kind in my place of residence."
[22] The applicant concedes receiving a Notice of Motion and a Rule Nisi in the same matter on the 27th September 2012 which were served upon him personally at House No. 95 Two Sticks in Manzini. This is borne out by Annexure 'SM2' being the Return of Service filed by the second respondent. This casts doubt on whether the applicant was served with the summons as alleged.
[23] Meanwhile Phemba Mahhwayi, a resident of Two Sticks House No. 196 in Manzini in support of the first respondent states the following at paragraph 3 of her Confirmatory Affidavit:
"In particular, I confirm that applicant herein was personally served at Two Sticks House No. 196 in my presence with summons commencing action and Notice of Motion with Rule Nisi Order on the 13th August 2012 and 27th September 2012 respectively."
[24] This clearly shows that there is a material dispute of fact with regard to the Return of Service of summons which cannot be resolved on the papers. Similarly there is a dispute of fact on whether or not the applicant received the statement of account dated 31st August 2011. According to the applicant, he approached the first respondent after being made aware of the judgment and asked for the statement; he asked to negotiate the fees with first respondent to no avail.
[25] It is apparent from the pleadings that the fees charged by the first respondent were not agreed between the parties or at least taxed to the satisfaction of the parties. Similarly, it is apparent that the applicant considers the fees to be excessive. In the circumstances, it will not assist any of the parties to refer to matter to trial in view of the material disputes of fact alluded above because that will not bring finality to the matter since the real issue for determination is the amount of fees charged by the first respondent. This court is not in a position to determine whether or not the amount of fees charged by the first respondent is in the circumstances excessive.
[26] The application succeeds as follows:
The judgment by default granted by this court on the 7th September 2012 in respect of this matter is hereby rescinded and set aside.
The Warrant of Execution dated the 12th September 2012
against the movable goods of the applicant is set aside.
The Taxing Master is directed to tax the Statement of Account prepared by the first respondent for the attention of the applicant within fourteen days of this Order in the presence of the parties and/or their legal representatives.
No order as to costs.
Motion Court & Duty Roster 2nd Session 1 June 2012- 10 August 2012
Matse v Dlamini and Others (1793/15) [2016] SZHC 272 (15 December 2016);
Motion Court Roll for April 19, 2012
Rochat v Manjela (1734/2016) [2018] SZHC 184 (10 August 2018);
Matse v Dlamini (1473/2014) [2019] SZHC 08 (19 February 2019); | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 59,669 |
Best Buy leaked it early and then Google finally made it official: the second generation Nexus 7 is here. The 7-inch Android tablet to beat got some upgraded specs and the newest version of Android, 4.3. It's thinner, lighter, and more drool-worthy. Will it make the iPad Mini nervous?
The Nexus 7 keeps the 7-inch display of its predecessor rather than adding a few fractions of an inch as other tablets have done recently. Instead, Google upped the pixel density by adding a full HD 1920 x 1200 resolution, 323ppi panel. This should make reading magazines and small print in e-books much easier on the eyes. It also makes the Nexus 7 the highest resolution 7-inch tablet on the market today. Yes, even higher than the Nook HD, which previously held that distinction.
Design-wise, the Nexus 7 is sleeker, slimmer, and better looking than the first gen. Wrapped in an all-black design with a soft-touch back, the tablet comes off as more modern and beautiful. Google slimmed the whole affair down by reducing bezel size by about 6mm and reducing overall thickness to 0.3 inches. The Nexus weighs just 11.2 ounces and looks like it will be easier to hold in one hand.
Specs-wise, the Nexus 7 is now faster with a 1.4GHz quad-core Snapdragon processor and 2GB of RAM. Google showed off some fancy graphics and games in their demo this morning that show this tablet's appeal for mobile gamers. Riptide GP 2 is much richer and more detailed in this version and the graphics engine renders the 3D water, background elements, and player realistically. We're also excited about the Android version of Prince of Persia 2, out tomorrow.
In addition, the Nexus 7 sports stereo speakers on the top and bottom edges. Google claims that virtual surround sound technology will make the speakers sound like a 5.1 stereo system. Multimedia lovers will also appreciate the HDMI out via the USB port and Bluetooth 4.0.
Even with this extra power, Google says it will last an hour longer than the previous generation. That means up to 9 hours of video playback and 10 hours of normal use.
The Nexus 7 will be available on July 30th from the Google Play store as well as several brick & mortar retailers. This time around there are three models: 16GB Wi-Fi for $230, 32GB Wi-Fi for $270, and 32GB LTE for $350.
Excited yet? Best Buy is taking pre-orders. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 72,305 |
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It's all about the hair!
Time for a wedding planner!
365 days until I DO!
Hey there! My name is Caroline and I've recently graduated from college and I am working full time at Abercrombie & Fitch, one of my favorite places to shop! I have been aspiring to start a blog for a few years now so, here I am. I have always LOVED picking out my outfits for school, … Continue reading Starting Something New!
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Pepper's letting me know she can see Friday in sight 👀💃🏼🍷 do you any fun plans this weekend? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 16,069 |
AULIA FAHLEVI, MOTIVATION, ATTITUDE, AND SENSATION SEEKING TO VISIT BELITUNG ISLAND, Thesis, Jakarta: Education Study Program of Commerce, Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, July 2017. This study aims to obtain information and knowledge based on data or facts valid, true and reliable about how much influence the motivation of intention to visit Belitung Island to employees who work in the region Jend. Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, and M.H. Thamrin, how much influence the attitude towards the intention to visit Belitung Island to employees who work in the region Jend. Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, and M.H. Thamrin, and how much influence the sensation seeking of the intention to visit Belitung Island to employees who work in the region Jend. Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, and M.H. Thamrin. This research was conducted for five months starting from November 2016 until June 2017. The research method used is survey method with quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is purposive technique as many as 240 employees. The resulting regression equation is Ŷ = 41.125 + 0,575X1 for motivation variable, Ŷ = 35.352 + 0,708X2 for attitude variable, and Ŷ = 45.788 + 0,552X3 for sensation seeking variable. Test requirements analysis of the normality test by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with the test results can be known Asymp value. Sig intention to visit Belitung Island for 0,055, Asymp value. Sig motivation of 0.062, Asymp value. Sig attitude of 0.268, Asymp value. Sig sensation seeking of 0.366. Data has a significance of 0.05, then the data is inferred normal distribution. The classical assumption test uses multicoloniearity test and heteroscedasticity test which shows that there is no problem of multicoloniearity and heteroscedasticity, so it can be said that a good and ideal regression equation can be fulfilled. Then, t test is generated tcount 9,447> ttabel 1,96 for motivation (X1), hence can be concluded that motivation (X1) positive and significant to intention visit (Y), t count 13,540> ttabel 1,96 for attitude (X2 ), Thereby it can be concluded that attitude (X2) is positive and significant to visit intention (Y), tcount 11,338> ttable 1,96 for sensation seeking (X3), thus it can be concluded that sensation seeking (X3) positive and significant to intention Visit (Y). The coefficient of determination obtained was 27.3% for motivation, 43.5% for attitude, 35.1% for sensation seeking. It shows that the variable intention to visit Belitung Island is determined by motivation, attitude, and sensation seeking for the value of the coefficient of determination mentioned.
Pembimbing I :Usep Suhud, Ph.D. Pembimbing II:Dr. Corry Yohana, MM. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 19,926 |
Home » Roger Federer gets to 1st US Open final since 2009, where he will face No. 1 Novak Djokovic
Roger Federer gets to 1st US Open final since 2009, where he will face No. 1 Novak Djokovic
by Energeticcity.ca Staff September 12, 2015
NEW YORK — At 34, and more than three years removed from his most recent Grand Slam title, Roger Federer arrived at this U.S. Open with some changes in store.
There's his much-discussed "SABR" — "Sneak Attack By Roger" — tactic, in which he half-volleys the occasional second-serve return. He skipped a hard-court tuneup tournament last month, choosing to rest and prepare. And he's now completely comfortable with the larger racket head he had experimented with off and on in the past.
Add it all up, and he might just be playing as well as ever, which is saying something for a guy that owns a record 17 major titles.
Federer moved into his first U.S. Open final since 2009 with the latest in a string of dominating performances, overwhelming longtime pal and Swiss Olympic and Davis Cup teammate Stan Wawrinka 6-4, 6-3, 6-1 on Friday night.
"What's it been now? Six years I haven't been in the final? Sounds like a big deal," Federer said. "Not that long ago, my opinion."
As for the quality of his play over the past two weeks — he has won all 18 sets he's played, dropped only 62 games, and been broken only twice in 81 service games — Federer said: "It's definitely very good. Maybe my best, I'm not sure. … I'd love it to work just one more time."
That would be in Sunday's final, which is a blockbuster: The No. 2-seeded Federer meets No. 1 Novak Djokovic, owner of nine major titles himself.
Believe it or not, Djokovic's match Friday was even less competitive. He beat defending champion Marin Cilic 6-0, 6-1, 6-2, the most lopsided semifinal in New York in the Open era, which started in 1968.
"There's a lot on the line always when we play against each other," said Federer, who beat Djokovic in the 2007 U.S. Open final but lost semifinals to him in 2010 and 2011, both 7-5 in the fifth set.
It is their record-tying 42nd career matchup overall — only Djokovic and Rafael Nadal have played each other that often in the Open era — and Federer leads 21-20. He won their most recent match, on a hard court last month at the Cincinnati Masters. This will be their sixth meeting of 2015, all in finals, and Djokovic has won three, including the Wimbledon final two months ago.
"We all know how consistent he is and how good he is in the latter stages of Grand Slams and any other big tournament," Djokovic said. "He always makes you play your best."
On the same day that Serena Williams' bid for a calendar-year Grand Slam ended with a semifinal loss to Roberta Vinci, Djokovic made it to his fourth major final of the year. He won the Australian Open in January, lost to Wawrinka at the French Open in June, and won Wimbledon in July.
"Well, of course it's a great achievement, and I'm very proud of it," Djokovic said. "These are the tournaments where you want to perform your best."
For Djokovic, it's his sixth trip to the final at Flushing Meadows. He's only won one, in 2011.
Federer won five consecutive U.S. Opens from 2004-08; he lost to Juan Martin del Potro in the 2009 final.
Since then, Federer has won two majors, at the Australian Open in 2010 and Wimbledon in 2012. Djokovic's tally in that same span? Eight trophies.
But nowadays, Federer's movement is as good as ever. His serve is a perfect mix of power and placement. And his return game now features the "SABR," which came about accidentally during a practice session.
"It's an exciting shot for him. For the player (on the) opposite side of the net, not so much," Djokovic said, noting he hasn't considered trying it. "So I have nothing else to say about that."
Wawrinka had a rather simply explanation for what was so difficult for him Friday, when Federer won 80 per cent of his first serve points and limited himself to 17 unforced errors.
"Basically, it's him," the fifth-seeded Wawrinka said. "The way he's playing."
Against the ninth-seeded Cilic, Djokovic made only 13 unforced errors.
"A lot of people are going to say it's a little bit of (an) embarrassment to lose like that," said Cilic, who explained that the right ankle he twisted in the fourth round was bad enough that he would have withdrawn from a lesser tournament.
Djokovic is 14-0 against Cilic. His rivalry with Federer is far more intriguing.
"He's been really tough to beat, plus he's tough mentally," Federer said. "I like that challenge, and I'll be ready for it."
Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at http://twitter.com/HowardFendrich
Howard Fendrich, The Associated Press | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 25,624 |
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Indians, Other Teams Pressured after Redskins Drop Nickname
Αssociated Press
FILE - In this Friday, July 10, 2020, file photo, Cleveland Indians Francisco Lindor runs the bases after hitting a home run during a simulated game at Progressive Field in Cleveland. (AP Photo/David Dermer, File)
CLEVELAND — The spotlight for change is shining on the Cleveland Indians.
Now that the NFL's Washington Redskins have retired their contentious nickname and logo after decades of objection and amid a nationwide movement calling for racial justice, the Indians appear to be the next major sports franchise that might assume a new identity.
Along with the Indians, who recently announced they are in the early stages of evaluating a name change for the first time in 105 years, the Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks and Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs are among those facing backlash along with the potential of sponsors pulling their financial support.
For some, the time has come for widespread changes to sports nicknames, mascots and symbols as the country reckons with its legacy of racism.
"I understand people aren't willing to change or so quickly, or they're hoping this moment is going to pass. It's not," said activist Frances Danger, who is Muscogee (Creek) and Seminole from Oklahoma. "And now that we've gotten what we needed on the Redskins side, we're going to start working on the rest of them. We're not going to let up."
On Monday, Washington announced it was dropping a nickname that had been in place since 1933 and had grown into an embarrassing scar for the NFL franchise. The team buckled under financial pressure from sponsors including FedEx, the shipping giant and naming rights holder to the teams's stadium, as well as other groups.
Indians manager Terry Francona acknowledged having "mixed emotions" about the Redskins' situation.
"I'm glad to see that they're acting on it," he said Monday night. "Also, I think that it was probably financially driven. ... You can't always do things when the timing is right, when it's convenient. That's kind of how I feel about this. I hope that our organization will lead as opposed to follow."
While the debate over the Redskins' nickname was waged for years, the drastic change came just two weeks after owner Dan Snyder, who once said he would never change the team's moniker, said the franchise would undergo a "thorough review" before its next move.
Cleveland's situation is different from Washington's on several fronts.
First, the Indians are not feeling heat from any corporate sponsors. At least not publicly.
When the Redskins announced their review earlier this month, the Indians released a statement within hours of Washington's that said, "we are committed to engaging our community and appropriate stakeholders to determine the best path forward with regard to our team name."
The Indians didn't promise to change their nickname. But it would be hard to imagine them going through a detailed evaluation and deciding to stick with a nickname that Native American groups have condemned for years as degrading and racist.
Cleveland showed a willingness to rebrand itself when it pulled the highly debated Chief Wahoo logo off its game jerseys and caps. While the red-faced, toothy caricature remains a presence on some team merchandise, its reduced status and removal from the diamond and signage around Progressive Field was applauded as a positive step.
Even if the Indians decide to drop the nickname, there are numerous other layers — trademark contracts, new logos, Major League Baseball's approval — to work through before the change could take effect.
While the Indians seem open to a new identity, the Braves aren't budging.
They have no plans to change their nickname, telling season-ticket holders in a letter last week that "we will always be the Atlanta Braves." However, the team said it will review the team's "tomahawk chop" chant — a tradition borrowed in the early 1990s from Florida State's powerful football program.
The Blackhawks, too, have no plans for change, saying their name honors a Native American leader, Black Hawk of Illinois' Sac & Fox Nation. The NHL team said it plans to work harder to raise awareness of Black Hawk and "the important contributions of all Native American people."
"We're trying to honor the logo and be respectful," general manager Stan Bowman said. "There's certainly a fine line between respect and disrespect, and I think we want to do an even better job. I think the most important thing is to be clear that we want to help educate. ... I think we've done a good job, but we want to do a better job. And I think we're committed to that as we go forward."
Part of Atlanta's insistence to keep a nickname the franchise brought from Milwaukee in 1966 is due to the the team's "cultural working relationship" with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina and other tribal leaders it collaborates with regularly.
But as teams look to make changes, Danger and other activists will continue to push them to abandon any connection with Native Americans, who have been portrayed as mascots for generations.
"We're being paraded around without a say in how we're seen," she said. "It's a less bloody continuation of that, of us being a sideshow. It's not hard to choose the right side of history, so I hope these teams will take that step with us, side by side, as we all work together to change the world."
Biden Chooses Greek-American Jen Psaki as His Press Secretary
Biden Picks Greek-American Jen Psaki to Lead Confirmation Team
International Affairs Expert Previews U.S.-Greece Relations Under Biden | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 21,572 |
Tommy's television screen must have had a million books on it.
The pages of the book were yellow and crinkly.
The book was about a high school.
Margie wrote her homework in a punch code.
The history sector in Tommy's teacher had blanked out completely.
Margie had seen as many telebooks as Tommy had.
Her father is a radio-operator.
Her mother is a language-teacher.
Her grandmother is interested in story–telling.
Librarian gives him a lot of ready-material.
A person who keeps his eyes fixed on the sky is sky-watcher.
Looking fixedly at stars is stargazing. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 86,139 |
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Which? has formally requested a judicial review of Peterborough Trading Standards (PTS) over its handling of the Whirlpool faulty dryers safety alert.
PTS has been dealing with the alert, which involves a reported 5.3 million dryers made by Whirlpool brands Hotpoint, Indesit and Creda, as Whirlpool's UK head office is in Peterborough.
Fire chiefs warned in October that owners of faulty Whirlpool dryers must stop using them immediately, after one of the machines was found to be the cause of a huge blaze in an 18-storey tower block in Shepherd's Bush in London.
London Fire Brigade said they believed a faulty Indesit dryer was the cause of the August 19 blaze, following a "painstaking" investigation.
Which? said it was "stepping up its action" with the judicial review request to the High Court following PTS's "failure to review the situation in light of this report".
The watchdog said: "Following earlier attempts to get PTS to do the right thing, we now have no choice but to pursue formal legal action to ensure consumers are protected.
Which? said it believed that PTS had failed consumers by not properly carrying out its role as an enforcer of product safety laws.
It said it expected PTS to conduct a fresh, independent assessment of the risks posed to consumers by the faulty dryers that remain in homes and "not shy away from enforcement action if it is needed".
Various dryers made by Hotpoint, Indesit and Creda between April 2004 and September 2015 are subject to a safety notice about the fire risk, which is caused by excess fluff coming into contact with the heating element.
Which? managing director of home and legal services, Alex Neill, said: "We believe that the way Whirlpool has handled the tumble dryer safety issue is absolutely appalling and to add insult to injury Peterborough Trading Standards has failed to do its duty to protect consumers.
Peterborough City Council runs Peterborouugh Trading Standards, and a spokesman said: "The safety of consumers is our paramount concern and has been throughout our involvement in this matter.
"An independent review, which began earlier this month, is currently taking place and we would expect the company to fully comply with the outcome. This review involves independent experts in fire safety, product safety and product risk assessment. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 44,203 |
Browns Need Improvement From Josh Gordon
By Adam Stites Aug 24, 2012, 3:31pm CDT
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Wide receiver Josh Gordon could be the starter opposite Greg Little for the Browns this season, at least that's the hope, according to ESPN's Jamison Hensley. But for Gordon to earn that spot he's going to have to show a lot more to the coaches before the preseason ends.
Gordon, a second-round pick in the supplemental draft in July, didn't play a game last year with Utah and didn't do much route-running the year before at Baylor, so it's understandable why the receiver would be behind in the area. Regardless, with only two receptions for 38 yards in two games, Gordon hasn't done nearly enough to earn a starting spot yet.
"He's making a steady climb through this training camp," Shurmur told Hensley. "When he came into camp, he had to kind of run himself into wide receiver shape. That runs parallel with learning the offense and then the details of it."
Gordon and the Browns will play their third game of the preseason Friday night at 7:30 ET against the Philadelphia Eagles at Cleveland Browns Stadium.
For more on the Browns, be sure to visit Dawgs By Nature. Additional coverage on the Eagles can be found at Bleeding Green Nation, while SB Nation's NFL hub is the place for all pro football happenings.
Eagles Vs. Browns: Cleveland Secondary Shredded In 27-10 Loss
Jimmy Haslam Takes In Browns-Eagles From The Dawg Pound
Eagles Vs. Browns: Game Time, TV Schedule, Injury Updates And More | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 3,614 |
Vaynerchuk at NJTC Conference Warns of Flood of Fake Entrepreneurs
João-Pierre S. Ruth
It is the best of times to be an entrepreneur now, with easy money to be had, but gloom lurks on the horizon, according to Gary Vaynerchuk.
"This is not going to last," he said.
On Tuesday, the investor and entrepreneur had a few choice words about the startup and funding scene in his keynote speech at the New Jersey Technology Council's Venture Conference. "It has never been more clear to me that we are living in a moment where we've got more fake entrepreneurs than we've ever had before," Vaynerchuk said, casting some blame on the freewheeling influx of cash to the market. "What's happened for the last five years is insanity."
As an early investor who backed companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Birchbox, and Uber, he has seen some startups skyrocket, but he has concerns about the current tone in the scene.
There is a substantial difference between having entrepreneurial tendencies and being an entrepreneur, Vaynerchuk said. That falls in line with statements he made a couple of years ago about entrepreneurs being a rare breed.
A lot of people chase money in the market and create apps just to cash in while the getting is good, he said. But what Vaynerchuk said scares him the most are the career students who automatically believe they are entrepreneurs. "Just because you go to Harvard, Yale, or Stanford and are smart as shit, that doesn't necessarily make you a successful entrepreneur," he said.
The consumer market does not care about an entrepreneur's pedigree, he said, as long as they provide value through their products. The trouble is, he said, when adversity hits entrepreneurs like a punch to the mouth, the prodigies who had an easy time acing their college classes might not have a backup plan or a second move they can make.
Contributing to this frothy environment, Vaynerchuk said, are neophyte investors who, thanks to the JOBS Act, can put money into more startup ideas while hoping for a windfall. "There's going to be a lot of lotto-chasing over the next 48 months because everyone wants their Uber and Facebook," he said. "Let's just remember that 99.3 percent of startups fail."
His tone was a bit sarcastic, so take that number with a bucket of salt—however, a high rate of failure among startups is no myth. The downside of raising money and losing it, he said, has made for interesting conversations in recent months.
Many people, he said, see their failed startups, which burned through cash, simply as experience and they plan to launch another startup and raise more money again. People are not taking into account their loss of reputation with investors that comes with using up someone else's money, Vaynerchuk said.
What's more, he said, there is a dynamic in the market driven by older institutions being eager to bottle the innovation they see from younger upstarts. But the balance is shifting to favor startups that have no chance of succeeding. He said he wants entrepreneurs to take a step back and make sure they build things that can win.
In recent years, others in the investor community, particularly Brian Cohen, chairman of New York Angels, have doled out comparable warnings—and some tough love—about "stupid money" being poured into the startup scene. Though Cohen has said at times that angel investing is slowing down, cash seems to make its way into questionable hands.
And that sentiment was echoed Tuesday by Vaynerchuk. While he expects some billion dollar-companies to be built during this bubble, he also foresees a lot of companies that go out of business. He pointed a finger at his fellow investors for putting money into questionable startup ideas. "It's equally our faults," he said. "It takes two to tango."
Known largely for his success with Wine Library, Vaynerchuk grew up as an entrepreneur, first as a kid selling baseball cards at malls in New Jersey. "When you have $40,000 in cash under your bed when you're 13 and you're not selling weed, you know what you're doing," he said.
He eventually built up the family liquor business into Wine Library, which later made him a player in e-commerce. Vaynerchuk became an online presence as well through his Wine Library TV video podcasts about wine. He has since co-founded VaynerMedia.
Trends and ideas Vayner said he is bullish on now on include "dark posts" on Facebook, which target ads to people who have expressed interests in related products. "The days of building up your Facebook fan page are over," he said. "Facebook is bringing in data from everywhere else."
He also said he is big on marketing through micro-celebrities (on social media such as Instagram) who have strong fan followings on their channels. "That has been an incredible opportunity that is only going to get bigger," he said.
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Xcelerating Life Sciences Philadelphia: The Highlights Podcast | {
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} | 35,476 |
KEMBOY, favourite with several firms for the Ladbrokes Trophy, will miss Saturday's big race.
The Willie Mullins-trained chaser was left stranded in Ireland after adverse weather conditions lead to the cancellation of the ferry due to ship him to the UK.
The progressive six-year-old had been as short as 4-1 for the £250,000 feature at Newbury.
The gelding had comfortably won the Grade 2 Clonmel Oil Chase on his latest outing over fences.
In Kemboy's absence, 13 runners will go to post for the race formerly known as the Hennessy Gold Cup, with Elegant Escape, Thomas Patrick and Ms Parfois now vying for outright favouritism.
Steve Massey, racing manager for owners Supreme Horse Racing Club, said: "It's obviously very disappointing.
"We were looking forward to having a horse with a leading chance in such a prestigious race, but we can't do anything about the weather.
"The ferry was cancelled this morning and the ferries later tonight could be delayed.
"Even if he did get a ferry late, he could have a rough trip and might not get to Newbury until the early hours of the morning.
"It's a big blow and disappointing for all his owners, but we know he's an exciting horse and we have to do what is in his best interests."
There were fears that another big Irish challenger in Samcro, who is heading to Newcastle for the Fighting Fifth Hurdle, could also be stuck in Ireland.
However, he was able to catch a ferry and is en route to the North East track. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 55,821 |
After 40 years working with conflict transformation in over 30 conflict-torn countries, in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election Paula helped launch the Hands Across the Hills project, bringing together a small community from Massachusetts and a small community from Kentucky—towns at polar opposites of the political divide—to discover what unites them. Watch a short video of the project here.
You can learn more about her work at karunacenter.org and HandsAcrosstheHills.org. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 22,275 |
A dealer in art and antiquities, Storm Syrrell arranges her life as she does her work ? into neat, orderly categories. But when her grandfather is murdered, all certainties are crushingly replaced by suspicions. She struggles to understand his death ? and decipher the frayed leather journal she finds hidden in his vault. Storm soon realizes that... more », far from being simply a discreet art broker, Sean Syrrell was a trusted go-between in the highest ranks of business and government in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
But not all of Sean?s associates were quite so lofty. Enter Harry Bennett, a scruffy professional treasure hunter just released from a Caribbean jail, followed by Emma Webb, a US government lawyer with links to Interpol. Storm pushes her doubts aside, locks the door to her Palm Beach art gallery, and opens herself to the quest begun by her grandfather.
Their trail leads them ever farther afield ? London, France, Istanbul, Cyprus ? and ever deeper into danger. The thrill of the search is haunted by Storm?s determination to bring Sean?s murderers to justice. Storm and Harry in turn are targeted by an unknown assassin and saved from death only by Harry?s split-second reactions.
Now this was a fun book! "Gold of Kings" is quite adventurous and easily can be visualized as an action film much like National Treasure or the Da Vinci Code films in theory. The reading of this book gives off a similar vibe to Matt Bronleewe's August Adams series, although it is not quite as cool in my opinion as I just loved those books, but really like this one.
There are really three main characters that you are following through out the book in their physical, mental, and spiritual battles. The adventure is laid out for the reader to enjoy right along with the characters. The only flaw points that draw me back are the parts where a character figures something out, but it is hidden from the reader. That makes me feel like an outsider, and I love the stories that are as if you are right along side them, and not viewing from a window, you know?
One of the best parts about this book are the historical facts and images that are brought to life and explained through out. As the characters are learning some historical pieces of the puzzle the explanations are given to the reader as well in an intriguing manner. Maybe it is because I have a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and this is just my thing, but over all I was thoroughly impressed and plan to look for more titles like this from Davis Bunn in the future.
Read All 4 Book Reviews of "Gold of Kings Storm Syrrell Adventure Series Book 1" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 40,611 |
The Bariatric Patient Mover (BPM) helps you safely and efficiently move patients of above average size.
The size, durable materials, and construction of the BPM make it an ideal carrier for patients of all shapes and sizes. The BPM is constructed from heavy-duty ballistic nylon and polypropylene webbing. Open, this carrier measures 56" wide and 80" long. Continuous handles along each side of the BPM enable several rescuers to assist with lifting. Head and foot handles add even more options for grasping and double as attachment points for dragging straps, if needed.
BPM (open): 80" x 56"
Case: 20" x 18" x 2" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 52,419 |
The MIT License (MIT)
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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-public-methods,missing-docstring
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from cahoots.parsers.location.coordinate import CoordinateParser
from tests.config import TestConfig
from SereneRegistry import registry
import unittest
import sys
class CoordinateParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit testing of the coordinate parser"""
cp = None
def setUp(self):
self.cp = CoordinateParser(TestConfig())
def tearDown(self):
self.cp = None
def test_parseWithStandardCoordsYieldsExpectedResult(self):
results = self.cp.parse('-23.5234, 56.7286')
count = 0
for result in results:
count += 1
self.assertEqual(result.subtype, 'Standard')
{'latitude': '-23.5234', 'longitude': '56.7286'}
{'map_url': 'https://www.google.com/maps?q=-23.5234,56.7286'}
self.assertEqual(result.confidence, 80)
self.assertEqual(1, count)
def test_parseWithDegCoordsYieldsExpectedResult(self):
results = self.cp.parse('40.244° N 79.123° W')
count = 0
for result in results:
count += 1
self.assertEqual(result.subtype, 'Degree')
{'latitude': '40.244', 'longitude': '-79.123'}
{'map_url': 'https://www.google.com/maps?q=40.244,-79.123'}
self.assertEqual(result.confidence, 100)
self.assertEqual(1, count)
def test_parseWithDegMinCoordsYieldsExpectedResult(self):
results = self.cp.parse('13° 34.425\' N 45° 37.983\' W')
count = 0
for result in results:
count += 1
self.assertEqual(result.subtype, 'Degree/Minute')
{'latitude': '13.57375', 'longitude': '-45.63305'}
self.assertEqual(result.confidence, 100)
self.assertEqual(1, count)
def test_parseWithDegMinSecCoordsYieldsExpectedResult(self):
results = self.cp.parse('40° 26\' 46.56" N 79° 58\' 56.88" W')
count = 0
for result in results:
count += 1
self.assertEqual(result.subtype, 'Degree/Minute/Second')
# Python 2 vs 3 accomidations
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
'latitude': '40.4462666667',
'longitude': '-79.9824666667'
'map_url': 'https://www.google.com/maps?' +
'latitude': '40.446266666666666',
'longitude': '-79.98246666666667'
'map_url': 'https://www.google.com/maps?' +
self.assertEqual(result.confidence, 100)
self.assertEqual(1, count)
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 59,192 |
LAS VEGAS -- Stationed in the crease and packaged in a 6-foot-7 frame, Ben Bishop has become the Stars' security blanket. He's there to clean up mistakes, to stone opponents, and, ultimately, to keep the Stars in games. He's been part of the strength of the Stars this season, and the team will need him more than ever down the stretch.
During the Stars'4-1 loss to the Golden Knights on Tuesday night, Bishop was strong in his second start since returning from an upper-body injury that kept him inactive for six straight games. He made 44 saves, and was spectacular in facing an onslaught early. But he couldn't cover up a third period in which the Stars were outshot 21-1.
The Stars offense hasn't given goaltenders this season cushion to operate and Tuesday night didn't give Bishop much leash again.
"Their room for error is slim to none," Stars coach Jim Montgomery said.
The loss dropped the Stars from the first wild card spot in the Western Conference, jumped by Minnesota and only one point up on Colorado for a playoff spot. Dallas has now lost seven of its last 10 games, and has two more games on the road trip in Los Angeles and St. Louis.
Bishop frustrated the Golden Knights and was only beat by Max Pacioretty's wicked wrist shot on a second-period power play, and a late carom off Tyler Seguin's foot following a Bishop turnover in the third period ("Some unlucky bounces there, and not much you can do about it," Bishop said.)Vegas added a pair of empty-net goals.
He saved the Stars by rescuing them during a third-period 5-on-3 in which Dallas had to survive 97 seconds down two men. Bishop went side to side to rob Jonathan Marchessault's attempt. He went back the other way to deny Pacioretty. On that power play, he faced seven shots. None beat him.
"What incredible saves he made on the 5-on-3," Montgomery said. "Elevated our bench. Our goalies have been fantastic all year long, and Bish was fantastic tonight."
Bishop even allowed the Stars to weather a stretch in which they went more than 12 minutes without a shot on goal. But Bishop's turnover with about five minutes left in the third period allowed Pacioretty to bank in the game-winning goal and his second one of the game.
Bishop and backup Anton Khudobin have been the most consistent part of the Stars' play this season, and are the biggest reasons Dallas entered Tuesday night with the fourth-lowest goals against in the NHL. They have been the reason the Stars playoff hopes are very relevant despite a dry offense, and have allowed the Stars to adopt an identity of playing 2-1 or 3-2 games instead of 5-4 or 4-3 ones.
But problems arise when the offense doesn't, and a single error can sink the Stars.
Bishop's performance was necessary to even keep the game tied entering the third period. And now, with the Stars' forwards corps becoming potentially more depleted, Dallas will need him and Khudobin's brilliance to be continued.
The Stars offense was nonexistent in the third period with just one shot and it came on a dump-in from the neutral zone. They offense disappeared in a tied game in a playoff hunt, and now may deal with another loss up front.
Andrew Cogliano exited the game in the first period with an upper-body injury after Vegas enforcer Ryan Reaves drove him into the boards in front of the Stars bench. Cogliano's head and left shoulder crashed into the boards and he immediately went down the tunnel to receive medical attention.
Cogliano has never missed a game due to injury in his 12-year NHL career. But he may be in danger of joining other injured forwards now. After the game, Montgomery said Cogliano was day-to-day and would be re-evaluated Wednesday in Los Angeles.
Stars captain Jamie Benn missed Tuesday night's game with an upper-body injury suffered Saturday, and re-aggravated Sunday against the Blackhawks.
"It's not precautionary," Montgomery said. "He's not available tonight."
The Stars could have used a quick recovery from Benn because of an injury to newly acquired winger Mats Zuccarello, who broke his arm blocking a shot against the Blackhawks and will miss the next four weeks recovering.Zuccarello had surgery on Tuesday morning and will remain in Frisco in the short term to recover and skate at the Stars' practice facility.
Without multiple forwards expected to contribute to the Stars' top six group, Bishop and Khudobin will be counted on to backstop the Stars to a playoff spot. In the postseason, they'll be asked again to lead the charge round-by-round.
So far this season, that hasn't been a problem for the Stars, as long as Bishop and Khudobin stay healthy.
Bishop staying healthy has historically been a problem late in the season. He missed time last year as the Stars slid down the standings. In Tampa, Bishop was absent late. Earlier this month, he missed time. But Tuesday? Tuesday was the reason he's so important to the Stars.
"Tonight, I felt like I hadn't missed a game," Bishop said. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 12,942 |
Tonight Leif and I headed out to meet our friends Jim and Sue for dinner at the new Harrison Street hot spot...Briejo (pronounced Breejoe). The restaurant is enjoying a soft opening before their official grand opening next week-end. Soft openings allow restaurants to train their staff, tweak the menu, and work out any kinks...it is my favorite time to dine in a new restaurant. Upon arrving I noted the space is warm and inviting, the owners are extremely present, and it was buzzing with positive energy! After ordering a trio of appetizers (escargot, baked goat cheese, and artichoke tempura), a bottle of Pinot Noir, and laughing extraordinarily hard, Sue presented us with Jim's new children's book and CD...A Soup Opera.
I love having talented friends and this book is a total delight! Buy it for your kids and all you grown-ups will love the last page...personally I loved discovering the Obama's attended the opera!
As the evening progressed I was moderatly please with my duck entree. Some of the sides need work, the poultry was beautifully presented and underseasoned, and the lentils were amazing. It seems silly, but the humble lentil can be a culinary disaster. They do not hold up well because they can go from perfectly cooked to a mushy mess in a split second. I don't know what they are doing to make those legumes hold up, but I would order a bowl any day! Lentils don't make a meal though and I am not sure if Briejo is going to live up to the Harrison Street hype. I will return in a couple of months. After saying our good-byes with full tummies we headed home at 10:30 to discover this sweet sight. Some parents cannot leave their children home together because all they do is fight. We snapped a bunch of picutres to caputre our dreaming children together and sighed.
How proud and lucky are we?
Okay, 30 seconds later we realized Emma and Finn were faking.
Soooo...our happiness lies in the simple fact our kids excuted this lovely rouse together.
I am against Prop 8! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 74,719 |
The term 'Phumuza', 'Phumuza – Share the Load' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is Box AC 232. Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Our company registration number is Private Voluntary Oganisation (PVO'2008) and place of registration is Bulawyo. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website.
You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without Phumuza's prior written consent. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 79,753 |
Optus has made changes to its executive team, appointing Ben White to lead its SMB and wholesale business and hiring Matt Williams out of Vodafone New Zealand.
Ben White assumed the new role of managing director for business and wholesale, moving from his previous role as managing director for marketing and product.
White replaced Stuart Bird, who led the telco's mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) business from 2017 to April this year, but he also now leads the small business team in the expanded role.
"Ben White will lead the small business and Optus wholesale and satellite teams to step up our focus on these two important markets as competition increases," an Optus spokesperson told CRN.
Matt Williams replaces White in another expanded role, managing director for marketing and revenue.
"Matt will be responsible for our revenue focused activities around brand and marketing, product management, customer value and data analytics, devices and hardware, and related operations," the Optus spokesperson said. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 91,506 |
Die fünf Domus de Janas der Nekropole von Sas Arzolas de Goi (drei sind zugänglich) liegen in dem steilen Trachythügel, wenige hundert Meter von Nughedu Santa Vittoria in der Provinz Oristano auf Sardinien, mit Blick auf den See Lago Omodeo.
Die pränuragische Nekropole stammt aus der Ozieri-Kultur (3200–2800 v. Chr.) und war bis ins Äneolithikum (2400–1800 v. Chr.) in Gebrauch. Die vielzelligen Domus mit Vorraum, Haupt- und Nebenkammern bewahren prähistorische künstlerische Reliefs mit Darstellung der neolithischen Gottheiten. Vier Hypogäen sind am Hang gruppiert, das fünfte liegt etwa 20,0 Meter entfernt an der Vorderseite eines Felsens.
Am Eingang und auf einer Säule von Grab I sind Stierköpfe mit Ohren und Hörnern als Relief eingeschnitten. Die Hörner am Eingang sind konvex gewölbt und haben eine Breite von 0,54 m. Das Domus besteht aus einer Vorkammer, in der sich Spuren roter Farbe finden. Auf der rechten Seite des Zugangs zur Hauptkammer steht eine geschnitzte Säule. In der Hauptkammer befinden sich eine weitere Säule, im unteren Teil ein Gesims und im oberen Teil einige Stierdarstellungen (Taurin-Protome). Die Hörner haben eine Breite von 0,48 m und sind als Flachrelief geschnitten.
Das Grab II hat eine Längsausrichtung, bestehend aus einer Vorkammer und zwei Kammern mit Nebenkammern. Hier sind die Spuren roter Farbe intensiver. In der Mitte des Bodens der vorderen Kammer befindet sich ein Herd. Der Zugang zur zweiten Kammer ist mit einem Rahmen versehen. Die Kammer hat gerade, mit roter Farbe geschmückte Wände und das aus dem Fels gearbeitete, bretter-imitierende Hüttendach. Die Wände sind rot, und Halbsäulen umgeben die Scheinfenster ohne Farbe. Darüber hinaus sind Kreuze sichtbar, die aus unbekannter Zeit stammen. Auf der linken Wand liegt die Zugangstür zu einer anderen kleinen Kammer.
Die Kammern in Grab III sind rechteckig. Die Vorkammer hat eine an den drei Seiten durch Rillen gerahmte Tür in der Rückwand.
Die große, rechteckige, breitgestellte Grabkammer hat drei etwa 20 Zentimeter hohe (ähnlich wie in Çatalhöyük als Betten verstandene) Podeste in Körpergröße. Eines liegt rechts, zwei an der Rückwand. Von den "Betten" hat das linke eine vertiefte Stufe.
Die Gräber IV und V sind von der Straße aus sichtbar, aber unzugänglich und liegen etwa 14 m entfernt im Südosten. Grab V ist interessant, weil es unterhalb des Eingangs in den Fels gehauene Stufen zeigt.
Siehe auch
Liste vor- und frühgeschichtlicher archäologischer Fundplätze auf Sardinien
Giuseppa Tanda: L'arte delle domus de janas nelle immagini di Ingeborg Mangold, Sassari, Chiarella, 1985, p. 26, 37, 114, fig. 4
Giuseppa Tanda: La tomba n. 2 di Sas Arzolas de Goi a Nughedu S. Vittoria (Oristano), in Sardinia Antiqua. Studi in onore di Piero Meloni in occasione del suo settantesimo compleanno, Cagliari, Edizioni della Torre, 1992, pp. 75–82, figg. 1-5
Ruth Whitehouse: The Rock-Cut Tombs of the Central Mediterranean. In: Antiquity 46, 1972, , S. 275–281.
Archäologischer Fundplatz auf Sardinien
Kunst der Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Domus de Janas
Oristano | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 42,038 |
Vincent Perez
Luc Thuiller, Hors-la-loi (Outlaws!), France, 1984. Inspired by Coppola's Outsiders, realisteur Robin Davis wanted unknowns. He told his casting director Dominque Besnehard: Find me a new James Dean and Natalie Wood. Fifteen of them! With four assistants for the first time, he put ads in papers and film magazines and combed through colleges, schools, gyms, night clubs, streets and suburbs. They found 300 kids, but too young for such a violent movie ruled the Youth Commission - although making an exception for Pascal Librazzi, 14½ and Clovis Cornillac, 15 - the only one to make a meaningful career.
Christophe(r) Lambert, Vercingétorix, la légende du druide roi, France, 2001. Another 90s' project cutting losses with disastrous reviews. And dialogue: "From the waist up I'm German, from the waist down I'm Spanish."Ole!
Alejandro Fernández, Zapata - El sueno del heroe, Mexico, 2004. With the 90s' shooting delayed over 18 months, the German-Swiss Perez quit for I Dreamed of Africa, 2000. Director Alfonso Arayu cut his losses with an all Mexican version, denounced by most critics.
David Morrissey, Basic Instinct 2, 2005. Benjamin Bratt was dropped when Sharon Stone said he was not a good actor.Rich, coming from her. The producers dialled Paris to sign up Vincent.Trop hard! Too late! An actors' strike shut down the London project. For a long while. "I let myself down," said Morrissey. "When it came out… I didn't want to leave the house.It was a very bruising experience… I'd do it again tomorrow. But I'd do it differently because I'd have different tools in my armoury."
Fabrice Adde, The Revenenant, 2015. Perez was booked so the unknown Adde copped his eighth movie role with the help of his selfie test as the French trapper Toussaint - opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. His tenth was back to usual… A lame-brained French idea of comedy, La tour 2 contrôle infernal, with a Gallic Abbott and Costello, Eric and Ramzy. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 21,568 |
Emirates Takes Centre Stage at ATM
Emirates is taking centre stage at this year's Arabian Travel Market, being held at Dubai's World Trade Centre. The Gulf's premier aviation group is using an eye-catching aircraft model measuring nearly 500 square metres to showcase its latest and most customer-pleasing products and services. Emirates' massive steel-framed stand on three floors weighs 26 tonnes, and was designed in the shape of the front section of an Airbus A380.
Emirates has ordered 45 of the mighty double-deckers which will join its fleet from 2006. They will seat 555 to 675 people and will enter service on the airline's busiest routes from Dubai, including London and Bangkok.
The stand provides 264 square metres of display space and seats 95 'passengers' in its two hospitality areas, 'First class' and 'Business class.'
It also incorporates a boardroom, press room, six reception desks, seven plasma screens, more than 50 display modules with illuminated images and video monitors, two air-conditioning units, 10 heat exchangers, and even a catering lift.
On display throughout the show will be a model of Emirates' remarkable new fully-enclosed A340-500 First Class suite, the ultimate in comfort, luxury and privacy for travellers on ultra-longhaul flights to distant cities like Sydney and, from next month, New York.
Similar to the 12 suites on Emirates' eight A340-500 jets, the model features sliding doors which customers can open or close at will for greater privacy, and leather massage seats which fold down fully flat to become 72 inch (183cm) beds.
Inside, customers will be able to try out Emirates' 'i.c.e.' - information, entertainment and communication system - with 19-inch screens on which to watch the world's widest choice of inflight entertainment, featuring more than 100 movies, 50 TV channels, 350 radio and music channels, and 40 video games.
The suites also offer travellers personal telephones, email and SMS services to keep them in touch with home or office.
Emirates executives and staff will be at the stand to field visitors' questions on the airline's products and services, including its newly opened routes to Lagos, Accra, Glasgow, Shanghai and Vienna, as well as the upcoming new services to New York and Christchurch, in June and July, respectively.
Emirates Holidays will showcase its new wider-than-ever range of vacations in Africa and Indian Ocean, Middle East, Far East and Australasia, USA and Europe.
The much-expanded choice of tours spans French train trips, New Zealand raft holidays, Australian outback safaris and North American fly-drives, now available from many new US cities as Emirates prepares for the launch of its non-stop service between Dubai and New York from 1st June.
At Al Maha Desert Resort and Spa, the exclusive Emirates Group hotel near Dubai, work to transform and upgrade guest facilities is almost complete, and will be highlighted at the stand with a scale model.
New features include the new Jamila Spa, overlooking Al Maha's main pool, which opens next month and will offer spa, relaxation and beauty treatments in individual and double massage rooms, and a new gym with the latest fitness equipment.
The new facilities also include the Al Majlis Boardroom, a meeting and conference area opening in July, and Al Diwaan, Al Maha's second restaurant, ready now for use by private parties and corporate guests.
The resort's 10 new luxury Bedouin suites have already opened, bringing the total to 40, all with much larger 7.5 by 5.5 metre personal pools.
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Home > June 2017 - Volume 60 - Issue 6 > Systematic Review of Animal Models Used in Research of Origi...
Thought you might appreciate this item(s) I saw at Diseases of the Colon & Rectum.
Systematic Review of Animal Models Used in Research of Origins and Treatments of Fecal Incontinence
Evers, Judith Ph.D.1; Jones, James F. X. M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., B.Sc., Ph.D.1; O'Connell, P. Ronan M.D., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.C.S.2
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: June 2017 - Volume 60 - Issue 6 - p 614–626
Original Contributions: Pelvic Floor
BACKGROUND: Fecal incontinence is a common disorder, but its pathophysiology is not completely understood.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to present animal models that have a place in the study of fecal incontinence.
DATA SOURCES: A literature review following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines performed in August 2016 revealed 50 articles of interest. Search terms included fecal/faecal incontinence and animal model or specific species.
STUDY SELECTION: Articles not describing an animal model, in vitro studies, veterinary literature, reviews, and non-English articles were excluded.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The articles described models in rats (n = 31), dogs (n = 8), rabbits (n = 7), and pigs (n = 4).
RESULTS: Different fecal incontinence etiologies were modeled, including anal sphincter lesions (33 articles) ranging from a single anal sphincter cut to destruction of 50% of the anal sphincter by sharp dissection, electrocautery, or diathermy. Neuropathic fecal incontinence (12 articles) was achieved by complete or incomplete pudendal, pelvic, or inferior rectal nerve damage. Mixed fecal incontinence (5 articles) was modeled either by the inflation of pelvic balloons or an array of several lesions including nervous and muscular damage. Anal fistulas (2 articles), anal sphincter resection (3 articles), and diabetic neuropathy (2 articles) were studied to a lesser extent.
LIMITATIONS: Bias may have arisen from the authors' own work on fecal incontinence and the absence of blinding to the origins of articles.
CONCLUSIONS: Validated animal models representing the main etiologies of fecal incontinence exist, but no animal model to date represents the whole pathophysiology of fecal incontinence. Therefore, the individual research questions still dictate the choice of model and species.
1 Department of Anatomy, University College Dublin School of Medicine, Dublin, Ireland
2 Section of Surgery and Surgical Specialties, University College Dublin School of Medicine and Centre for Colorectal Disease, St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
See Tribute Video to Robert D. Madoff, M.D., at http://links.lww.com/DCR/A348.
Financial Disclosure: Dr Evers was funded by Medtronic Inc. Dr Jones has research agreements with and has received research funding and speaking honorarium from Medtronic Inc. Dr O'Connell has received research funding and speaker honorarium from Medtronic, speaker honorarium from Ethicon, and is on the advisory board of MSK.
Presented at the meeting of COST, Dublin, Ireland, November 18 to 19, 2016.
Correspondence: Judith Evers, Ph.D., Room C330, Health Science Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. E-mail: [email protected]
© 2017 The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum60(6):614-626, June 2017.
Animal model, Fecal/fecal incontinence
Articles in PubMed by Judith Evers, Ph.D.
Articles in Google Scholar by Judith Evers, Ph.D.
Other articles in this journal by Judith Evers, Ph.D.
Pelvic Floor DCR Publications
Bowel Sounds Are Not Associated With Flatus, Bowel Movement, or Tolerance of Oral Intake in Patients After Major Abdominal Surgery
The Rationale for and Reality of the New National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer
Selected Techniques of Anal Fistula Surgery from Antiquity Through the Early 20th Century Illustrated
Does Sacral Nerve Stimulation Improve Continence Through Enhanced Sensitivity of the Anal Canal? A Pilot Study
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Surgical Treatment of Patients With Lynch Syndrome
Copyright © 2019 The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 58,488 |
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Deposit must be made using Skrill, Neteller, Ecopayz, Jeton or bitcoin
Bonus will be given as free bet
Must contact live chat to claim offer after registration
Must bet through total amount of deposit plus bonus one time to claim bonus
Qualifying odds of evens (2.0) for singles, or 3/10 (1.30) per selection for multiples
Maximum bonus amount of £150
Minimum amount of £3
Maximum winnings of bonus plus deposit x 10
Obviously there's still a rollover requirement here, but it's much easier to complete than with the first LuckyBet new customer offer. 15% isn't a huge boost – you'd get an extra £3 on a £20 deposit, for example – but if you're depositing using one of these methods, and naturally looking to bet anyway… there's no reason not to do this!
100% First Deposit Sport Bonus
Finally, we have the '100% First Deposit Sport Bonus'. This theoretically doubles your initial deposit, but unfortunately the rollover requirements are the worst of the bunch. Here are the T's & C's for this LuckyBet offer:
Must wager through total amount of deposit x 8, and bonus x 15. E.g. if you deposit £20, you must first bet £160 (20 x 8), then bet £300 (20 x 15).
Minimum qualifying odds of 9/10 on singles, and 6/7 per selection in multiples
Rollover must be completed within 15 days
Maximum bonus of £100
The value here is simply non-existent. In the example above, you're being asked to bet through a total of £460… just to get a £20 bonus. That's ridiculous, and we'd advise you not to even considering this offer.
Lucky Bet Ongoing Promotions (Updated On: December 2021)
There aren't a huge number of ongoing LuckyBet promotions to look at. Considering they have three different welcome offers, though, we can't criticise them too harshly for that!
There's just one such promotion, in fact – the '10% Cashback Bonus'. This is a daily offer, intended to give you 10% back on losses within each 24 hour period. You'll be stunned, however, to learn that in reality this isn't as good as it sounds. You only qualify if you place €50 in bets, meaning the more casual bettors won't benefit from this anyway.
That aside, the only other entry on the promotions page is the LuckyBet cash out feature… which doesn't qualify as a 'promotion' in our book!
When dealing with a bookie that isn't really a household name, it's only natural to ask questions like 'Is LuckyBet legit?'
Any doubts are somewhat answered by LuckyBet being registered with the Curacao eGaming authority. While this isn't the most prestigious license in the world (we'd generally prefer to see one from the British Gambling Commission too), it does still ensure that LuckyBet are being held to industry standards.
Elsewhere, LuckyBet don't really provide any details on their security measures. They do hold an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate, though, which again should soothe any doubts.
Lucky Bet Football Features
Given that they're primarily targeting the football-mad European market, it's extremely important that LuckyBet's section for the beautiful game be competitive. While a series of offers might lure people in, after all, the quality of the football features is a key factor in how long they'll stick around.
Football does have its own dedicated area on the sportsbook, which is always a good start, although the section looks pretty overwhelming at first. This is thanks to LuckyBet's decision to have all the markets and odds visible at once, making it seem like a wall of numbers is being thrown at you.
Once you're past that first impression, though, you start to really appreciate the layout here. Quite simply, getting the information you need is extremely easy to do. All the markets are laid out in a series of small dropdown menus to the left. You might click on England, say, then Premier League. Once you do, all the upcoming games will be displayed in one of the two main sections. Select a game, and its specific markets will be shown in the other large box. This approach makes things quicker, removing the need to go back and forth between screens.
In terms of actual markets, there's an excellent spread here, available on games from all around the world. These range from your old favourites, like Match Result and Over/Under, to bets as specific as first half Asian handicap. Live betting is present and correct too, with odds updating fairly regularly, and you can actually follow multiple games at once thanks to the useful Live Multiview feature. There's no live streaming yet, but you are provided with up-to-date-stats to help inform your betting.
Football might have the most available bets, by far, but LuckyBet do a pretty good job of providing for fans of other sports too. While there are a few major omissions – most notably horse racing – these are definitely outweighed by the markets that are included.
The likes of tennis, basketball, golf, rugby and cricket are all well-covered, for both pre-match and in-play betting. You'll also find betting opportunities for eSports, table tennis… and even the classic strategic board game Go. Nice!
On-the-go betting is so huge nowadays that some new bookmakers are foregoing a desktop version entirely, and choosing to go mobile-only. In this climate it's always surprising when a bookie doesn't even have a mobile app… but unfortunately, that is indeed the case with LuckyBet.
That's right: there's no LuckyBet Android app whatsoever available, nor is there an iOS version. While we are dealing with a relatively new brand… they've still been in business for several years, which is plenty of time to at least get a basic app out.
In lieu of an actual LuckyBet app, you're entirely reliant on the mobile website for your device-based gambling. It's fortunate, then, that the LuckyBet mobile site is actually very good indeed. It follows the same dark, modern green and black colour scheme as the desktop version, the menus are pleasingly responsive and adjust well to the smaller screen size, and all the same functionality – including in-play and cash out features – is carried over.
Overall, therefore, while it's a shame that there isn't a LuckyBet app available… it's hardly a deal-breaker. You can still bet perfectly well here on your mobile device.
As with most modern bookies, it's nice and easy to open an account on LuckyBet. The entire registration process takes less than a minute to complete, and is split neatly into two stages.
At the first stage, you create a username and password, and enter your email address. Next, you provide a few personal details – name, date of birth, etc. – and set your preferred currency.
Finally you just choose your notification settings, agree to the terms and conditions, and you're done! You must simply click the link in a verification email sent to you, then you'll be free to start betting.
This is one area in which it's generally a lot easier to go with a big bookie. In the case of LuckyBet, though, we're pleased to say that the banking options – especially their payment methods – are very good indeed.
You've got nine choices for making a deposit. These range from regular debit and credit card (done through SafeCharge), to Skrill and Neteller. This is also one of the few major sportsbooks which allow bitcoin payments. Minimum deposits vary drastically depending on the method: there's no minimum for debit cards, for example (which is great), Neteller requires $1.29, and with Skrill it's €10.
The same nine methods are available for making a LuckyBet withdrawal. There are no fees for taking money out, and the minimum amount varies from nothing with credit/debit cards, to €10 with Skrill.
This is another area in which smaller bookies often pale in comparison to the big names in the industry. Once again, though, LuckyBet bucks this trend.
There are two main methods for contacting the LuckyBet customer service team. The first is via email, and there are separate addresses for English, French, Russian and Turkish users. Even better, live chat is also in place. It's extremely easy to access too, with a big green 'Chat' button ever-present in the corner.
In addition to the direct LuckyBet contact options, there's an FAQ too. While the layout isn't very impressive here – the whole thing is basically just thrown into a big block of text, with no built-in search function – it does actually cover most major areas, and the entries are written in a clear, helpful manner.
LuckyBet Company Details
Although they've been around for a little while now, LuckyBet have still largely flown under the radar.
There's little detailed information available about them, except that they were launched in 2016, and that they're registered and licensed in tax-friendly Curacao. They're also operated by BPM Services BV, a company based in Maastricht in the Netherlands, but seem to be the only sportsbook operated by that business.
LuckyBet Bottom Line
As you've probably been able to tell from our LuckyBet review… this bookie is a bit of a mixed bag! It's not terrible, by any means, but there are some problems here which stop it from being classed as a truly great option.
The welcome offers create a first impression which is hard to recover from. They're certainly flashy – thanks to their enticing names and the fact that there's three of them – but some of the rollover requirements are preposterous. This situation is not rescued by the ongoing promotions, mostly because there's only one of them, and it's pretty average.
It's a shame LuckyBet mess these up so badly, because the rest of their offering is actually very respectable. There's an excellent range of betting markets, plenty of payment options, a robust mobile website, and the customer support is a pleasant surprise. If you're not particularly bothered about LuckyBet's major faults – the welcome offers and lack of a mobile app – this is definitely a solid sports betting option which is worth giving a shot.
Choose Your Sign Up Offer
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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To end our first exhibition in the LocHal, Wobby.club and Kunstloc present 'Wobby Wonderland', zine fest & comic/art/book fair.
In addition to this fair, Wobby Wonderland offers a program with talks and a DIY workshop. With Sigrid Calon, Floor Rieder and Gabriella Marcella from RISOTTO studio Glasgow.
Kunstloc Brabant invited Wobby.club for the first exposition in the new LocHal in Tilburg: Wobbyaanland. This exposition curated by Wobby.club contains work fitting our view: quirky, raw edged art with absurdist elements. Each one of the 10 artists have been featured in our magazine Wobby.
Article in newspaper Brabants Dagblad about our Wobbyaanland show in the new LocHal building in Tilburg.
We're busy building up the first exhibition in the new and spectacular industrial building LocHal in hometown Tilburg: Wobbyaanland.
This week we presented the Wobby special 'Wobby in de wijk', commissioned by ContourdeTwern and Art-fact Tilburg. We made this issue in collaboration with the residents of the neighbourhood 'Kleuren- en Kruidenbuurt'.
Shamisa and Charlotte are two Antwerp based comic artists, illustrators and friends. For Wobby #15 they made a collaborative work for the cover and a comic. Wobby.club asked them about their work and friendship.
Wobby.club is happy to be part of the Riso biennal with ao a presentation about Wobby and a table at the first ever Magical Art Book Fair at Jan van Eyck in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
On Sunday October 21 we're launching the 15th issue of the best magazine of the universe: Wobby. The theme of this Dutch issue is 'Geen Spijt'. Meet us at BOYCOTT BOOKS store in Amsterdam!
Wobby's Editor-in-chief Marjolein Schalk is invited to give one of the expert workshops at Indiecon in Hamburg (Sept 7 - 9).
The fourteenth issue of Wobby will be launched on Friday 29 June at 20:00 during 'Wobby Labyrinth' in NS16 in Tilburg.
The results of two zine workshop days by Wobby.club at Grid Grafisch Museum in Groningen.
Wobby.club is hosting a New Year's Deception to start the new year. The day before *Blue Monday you can prepare yourself at Wobby's New Year's Deception in NS16 Tilburg for things to come.
Raise your glass with us to 2018, half full or half empty, that doesn't matter.
Become a Wobby.club member and receive a free Wobby totebag!
Werk van Wobby.club-oprichters Marjolein Schalk, Jeroen de Leijer en Stephan de Weert aka S.L. Trumpstein is van 23 december tot en met 27 mei 2018 te zien op de groepsexpositie 'Over Volksprenten en actuele beeldtaal' in Museum 't Oude Slot in Veldhoven.
Het museum heeft een bijzondere collectie volksprenten uit de periode 17e tot en met begin 20e eeuw. Op de tentoonstelling worden de oude én de nieuwe prenten gecombineerd. Alle kunstenaars zijn leden van de onlangs opgerichte kunstsociëteit 'In den witten handschoen'.
Omroep Brabant maakte een reportage over de expositie.
Hier is een artikel te vinden uit het Eindhovens Dagblad.
Work by Wobby.club founders Marjolein Schalk, Jeroen de Leijer and Stephan de Weert aka S.L. Trumpstein is featured at the groupshow 'Over Volksprenten en actuele beeldtaal' in Museum 't Oude Slot in Veldhoven. The museum owns a extraordinary collection of prints from the 16th - early 20th century.
The Wobby.club team was interviewed at Graphic Matters by Neon Moiré about our project De Halve Waarheid.
Neon Moiré is a curated event guide of the world's most interesting design conferences and events on our digitized world. In partnership with Graphic Matters, Neon Moiré was present at the festival, bringing a special serie of interviews with researchers, designers and thinkers who presented their work during the graphic design festival. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 17,346 |
Netflix cost us ALL a lot of money during lockdown!
16th July 2020 /in Entertainment /by billywright
So we all spent a ridiculous amount of money on Netflix during lockdown. According to research by USwitch Our Netflix binges cost over £2BN in global energy usage. The exact number spent on electricity to power Netflix is £2,120,503,521.30. That's ALOT of money. The data uses global costs per KWh and average energy consumption to calculate the cost of 2 hours of watching per day. The UK has the second highest cost for a country at £245,873,114.79, behind the USA at £788,546,852.28.
Furthermore it has been discovered that it costs on average £22.20 per person to watch Netflix in the UK per year. However, lockdown may have increased the time we spend watching. This is the 10th highest cost per person in the world! While, Orange Is The New Black is the most expensive show to watch by energy usage, with the UK spending £121,302,434.51 in total to watch all 7 seasons
Netflix Consumption Costs Per Country:
Energy costs per KWh and subscriber numbers differ between countries; the table below shows the top 10 countries by total Netflix cost:
Country # of Subscribers Annual Cost (Country)
1 United States 60,103,000 £788,546,852.28
2 United Kingdom 11,073,894 £245,873,114.79
3 Germany 5,774,730 £192,324,062.18
4 Brazil 9,624,550 £126,273,374.16
5 Spain 4,529,200 £109,703,564.88
6 France 5,661,500 £108,560,819.41
7 Japan 3,707,463 £82,316,615.62
8 Canada 7,133,490 £79,192,260.90
9 Netherlands 3,328,962 £60,474,090.14
10 New Zealand 2,264,600 £45,709,818.70
Cost Per Subscribers
The cost per person is dictated by the cost per KWh of electricity in the country and the total number of Netflix subscribers.
The table below shows the top 10 countries by per-person cost:
Country # of Subscribers Annual Cost (Per Person)
1 Denmark 927,354 £34.31
2 Germany 5,774,730 £33.30
3 Belgium 894,731 £28.26
4 Italy 1,585,220 £27.25
5 Ireland 283,075 £26.24
6 Portugal 248,010 £26.24
7 Spain 4,529,200 £24.22
8 Austria 645,411 £23.21
9 United Kingdom 11,073,894 £22.20
10 Japan 3,707,463 £22.20
Netflix Cost Per Shows
Based on the cost per KWh in each country, the number of viewers of each show** and the length of five of the most watched shows of 2019 in hours, we can see how much each country spent watching each show:
Country Orange is the New Black You Umbrella Academy Dead To Me Stranger Things
United States £389,032,582.88 £25,397,617.34 £16,823,529.36 £6,007,671.06 £23,618,963.97
United Kingdom £121,302,434.51 £7,919,112.56 £5,245,666.19 £1,873,223.88 £7,364,518.95
Germany £94,883,806.14 £6,194,397.86 £4,103,205.15 £1,465,251.81 £5,760,589.98
Brazil £62,297,448.47 £4,067,028.90 £2,694,023.58 £962,034.02 £3,782,205.54
Spain £54,122,670.17 £3,533,346.38 £2,340,509.18 £835,794.26 £3,285,898.03
France £53,558,892.35 £3,496,540.68 £2,316,128.87 £827,088.07 £3,251,669.92
Japan £40,611,214.79 £2,651,264.03 £1,756,212.70 £627,142.38 £2,465,589.93
Canada £39,069,802.53 £2,550,634.41 £1,689,555.06 £603,338.98 £2,372,007.64
Netherlands £29,835,121.93 £1,947,757.19 £1,290,205.68 £460,731.58 £1,811,351.29
New Zealand £22,551,112.57 £1,472,227.66 £975,212.16 £348,247.61 £1,369,124.18
Italy £21,310,801.38 £1,391,255.14 £921,575.49 £329,093.99 £1,293,822.35
Poland £17,874,071.97 £1,166,891.57 £772,955.76 £276,021.98 £1,085,171.48
Sweden £16,664,414.30 £1,087,920.23 £720,644.69 £257,341.73 £1,011,730.68
Denmark £15,698,962.09 £1,024,891.61 £678,894.16 £242,432.65 £953,116.10
Belgium £12,473,748.70 £814,336.67 £539,421.34 £192,627.00 £757,306.80
Switzerland £8,637,078.11 £563,863.32 £373,506.34 £133,378.86 £524,374.68
Finland £8,083,292.75 £527,709.98 £349,558.16 £124,826.98 £490,753.24
Austria £7,391,127.14 £482,522.61 £319,625.78 £114,138.15 £448,730.45
India £7,216,356.02 £471,112.85 £312,067.89 £111,439.23 £438,119.74
Colombia £6,515,020.01 £425,326.80 £281,738.95 £100,608.79 £395,540.19
Ireland £3,664,555.79 £239,236.99 £158,471.98 £56,590.24 £222,482.68
Portugal £3,210,620.80 £209,602.29 £138,841.77 £49,580.30 £194,923.36
Peru £2,697,115.45 £176,078.58 £116,635.48 £41,650.45 £163,747.40
Chile £2,577,028.74 £168,238.84 £111,442.38 £39,796.00 £156,456.69
Turkey £1,982,436.08 £129,421.43 £85,729.51 £30,613.95 £120,357.75
Romania £970,888.83 £63,383.54 £41,985.63 £14,993.04 £58,944.65
South Africa £774,229.80 £50,544.85 £33,481.20 £11,956.11 £47,005.08
Greece £699,477.34 £45,664.70 £30,248.57 £10,801.74 £42,466.70
Argentina £452,150.01 £29,518.18 £19,553.01 £6,982.37 £27,450.95
Speaking of the research, Sarah Broomfield, energy expert at Uswitch said:
"Lockdown has almost certainly impacted global spend on home energy and people will be thinking more about how the small things they do to use electricity in their home contributes to the bigger picture when it comes to their annual bills.
"Noting that energy costs are so different around the world, we wanted to explore the relative cost of common activities to understand how those differences impact us on a practical level.
"We encourage home energy users to regularly review their energy bills to identify any savings and to compare energy prices annually to ensure they're getting the best deal possible."
The global cost of Netflix electricity was calculated by energy market analysts at Uswitch, the comparison and switching service.
The global cost per KWh was taken from the World Energy Council; this was then applied to the energy use requirements of common household items as defined by the Centre of Sustainable Energy.
The cost of powering a television was then applied to the average Netflix consumption of 2 hours per day, which gave a cost per person based on the country's cost of electricity. This was then multiplied by subscriber numbers per country, as sourced from Netflix, to calculate the total cost per country per year.
Uswitch's World Powers report is a study of the global cost of energy applied to common household activities to provide a clearer picture of the relative impact of energy cost differences around the world; the full study can be found at https://www.uswitch.com/gas-electricity/world-powers/.
The research from Uswitch comprises data relating to a range of common household activities including charging a laptop, boiling a kettle and topping up an electric vehicle. The full study can be found at https://www.uswitch.com/gas-electricity/world-powers/.
**Netflix doesn't publish country-specific viewer figures, so USwitch took global viewer figures and multiplied them by the percentage of total subscribers in that country to calculate the number of viewers per country.
http://wp.freedomofcreation.co.uk/howtokillanhour/wp-content/uploads/sites/65/2020/07/Netflix-Ultra-1.jpg 300 700 billywright http://wp.freedomofcreation.co.uk/howtokillanhour/wp-content/uploads/sites/65/2017/09/htkah-web-logo-2017.png billywright2020-07-16 10:43:112020-07-16 11:34:13Netflix cost us ALL a lot of money during lockdown! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 22,153 |
As impolitic as it is to say, what with all the "Boston Strong" hullabaloo and the heartfelt and fortunately peaceful return of the Boston Marathon last week, one thing in baseball remains true: It's pretty difficult to like the Red Sox.
Still, the Sox have one of the most exciting and respectable players in the game, a second baseman named Dustin Pedroia. He plays the game hard, always seems to come through in the clutch, and is the spark plug of the team that is, after all, the defending world champion.
The Twins have a guy at second who can now give Pedroia a run for his money as one of the best in the position in the American League: Brian Dozier.
The club drafted Dozier, a Mississippi native, in 2009. Even though he was chosen in the eighth round, he established himself as a top prospect for the club quickly and was the organization's minor league player of the year in 2011.
In 2012, he played 84 games for the major-league team and had middling results despite some high expectations. He often seemed lost at the plate, batting just .233 with an on-base percentage of .271. In fact, it wasn't clear where he was going to play, often looking lost at shortstop as his main position.
Last year was a breakout year for him, when he actually led the team in home runs with 18 to his name. It's more of a testimony to how power-free the Twins were last year - a second baseman is your power hitter, for criminy's sake? - but it showed that Dozier had unexpected talents at the plate. Moreover, the move to second made him a valuable fielder that the Twins needed desperately up the middle - he had a .992 fielding percentage and just six errors in 1,255 innings, that last number being a Twins record low.
The Twins have trotted out some quality fielders at the position in recent years, but all were black holes at the plate, and none seemed to really be an anchor for the team. The team really hasn't had a useful second baseman since they got rid of Chuck Knoblauch in 1997.
Knoblauch was the Twins number-one draft choice in 1989, and won the American League Rookie of the year at age 23, batting .281 with one homer and 50 RBI. It should be noted that the Knobber was playing on the team that won the World Series that year.
More than that, Dozier has that somewhat intangible thing in baseball that is sometimes called grit, which Boston's Pedroia has in spades. Two Saturdays ago in Kansas City, Dozier made probably the best play by a second baseman thus far in the year. Moving to a sharp grounder to his right, he stabbed the ball with his glove behind second pass and, while on his chest, tossed it to the shortstop from his glove for a double play that wasn't even close.
People are seriously talking about him for a Gold Glove. His added value is at the plate, where he is the Twins lead-off hitter, an unusual spot for a second baseman. But Dozier has responded. His on-base percentage is .354, despite a .217 batting average, with 19 walks. He's getting on base, which is what lead-off hitters have to do. Because of this, he leads the American League in runs scored, with 24.
Then there's that grit thing coming through. Of his seven home runs this year, five have been lead-off dingers in the first inning.
Dozier may be the tough leader the Twins have been searching for ever since they let Torii Hunter get away. "This is a different team," Dozier said after a recent Twins win, adding that he understands why fans are skeptical after the last three seasons. "This is a good team, and I think we're one of the best."
If he believes it, maybe we should too. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 11,407 |