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SCP-1156 is a male domesticated horse (Equus ferus caballus) of indeterminate breed and unknown age, approximately 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1156
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1156 is to be housed in a stable adjacent to the Secure Outdoor Testing Facility at Site 73, and is to be provided with food, water, bedding, grooming, and veterinary care appropriate to a non-anomalous animal of its species. SCP-1156's stable is to be cleaned daily. SCP-1156 may be allowed supervised access to the Secure Outdoor Testing Facility for exercise and grazing purposes during daylight hours when no testing is scheduled. Any clothing changes exhibited by SCP-1156 are to be documented and monitored.
SCP-1156's cooperation with the Foundation is currently predicated on its belief that it is a paid employee thereof. During good behavior, SCP-1156 is to be assigned work of a low-priority nature, appropriate to its abilities. SCP-1156 is to be paid bi-weekly with scrip bearing a face value equivalent to the current UK minimum wage, minus legally permitted deductions for room and board, and is to be allowed to purchase approved sundries with said scrip from the Site 73 quartermaster. Failure to cooperate with Foundation personnel shall result in suspension of the above privileges.
The Foundation is to monitor sales and transfers of domesticated horses in the United Kingdom for any additional horses presenting SCP-1156's characteristics. In the event that any such specimens are identified, the Foundation is to acquire the animal as soon as possible for separate containment at Site 73.
Description: SCP-1156 is a male domesticated horse (Equus ferus caballus) of indeterminate breed and unknown age, approximately 1.7 meters in height. SCP-1156's tongue, palate, lips, and vocal cords are shaped in a manner not found in non-anomalous horses, allowing it to produce phonemes used in human speech. SCP-1156's brain is approximately ██% larger than the brain of a non-anomalous horse, and possesses several anatomical regions of unknown purpose or function.
SCP-1156 is sapient and is able to speak English with a thick accent resembling that historically spoken by natives of the East End of London, UK ("Cockneys" in common use), and claims to have been born and resided in the London borough of Whitechapel prior to its coming into Foundation custody. SCP-1156 identifies itself as "Wellington G. Wonderhorse" and describes itself as part of a community of sapient horses living openly throughout the East End (a claim which has not yet been corroborated by Foundation research.) SCP-1156 has demonstrated a limited ability to manipulate tools and simple machines with its lips, teeth, and tongue, including an ability to write by holding a pen in its mouth.
SCP-1156 possesses a limited form of telekinesis, comprising an ability to dress itself by spontaneously manifesting clothing tailored to fit a large horse directly onto itself. Most frequently, this clothing takes the form of a silk top hat and a light blue scarf bearing the monogram "W.G.W." in gold embroidery, though SCP-1156 has demonstrated an ability to produce other articles of clothing, including neckties of various styles, coats, eyeglasses, masks, heraldic banners, harnesses, bridles and bits, and on one occasion upon a request from research staff, a full suit of articulated plate armor. Clothing manifested by SCP-1156 spontaneously disappears when SCP-1156 dresses itself differently; the source of the clothing and its ultimate disposition upon demanifesting is unknown. Forensic examination of the clothes themselves indicates that they are composed of common fabrics and metals and bear no anomalous properties in and of themselves.
SCP-1156 was acquired by the Foundation in 20██ following a raid on a country club in [REDACTED], UK, owned by Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. SCP-1156 claimed to have been taken prisoner by MC&D six months prior after responding to a want ad for coach horses and forced to perform various tasks for the guests of the club. SCP-1156 describes itself as a professional coach horse and has been convinced at this time that the Foundation is employing him for that purpose.
+ Show Interview Log 1156-1
- Hide Interview Log 1156-1
Interview Log 1156-1:
Dr. Samesh: Please state your name for the record.
SCP-1156: Wellington Garrett Wonderhorse, at your service, milord! Finest coach 'orse in Whitechapel, and that's no eel!
Dr. Samesh: And you have lived in Whitechapel your entire life, is that correct?
SCP-1156: Born to the sound of the Bow Bells, sir, just like me old dad, and 'is before 'im, and 'is before 'im! We're an old and proud lineage, we are. My grandpa always said there's been Wonderhorses pullin' folks 'round London since they signed the Magna Carta.
Dr. Samesh: And there are more horses like you?
SCP-1156: You're a fellow Blighter, aren't ya? 'Aven't you ever been to London? There's thousands of us all over the Joe! Millions, maybe… not as many as in me grandpa's day, sure.
Dr. Samesh: So you wouldn't say there's anything unusual about your being able to speak?
SCP-1156: I've never met an 'orse that couldn't, milord.
Dr. Samesh: And your making clothes appear?
SCP-1156: Well, a bloke's got to look dignified when he's working for a room-and-board or the Oxford and 'er kids, 'asn't 'e? Watch this, then.
(SCP-1156 affects a "posh" accent.)
SCP-1156: Good morning, ma'am. How do you do? Shall we be heading to the chapel this morning? Mind your step.
(SCP-1156 resumes its normal manner of speech.)
SCP-1156: Dad started teachin' me that when I was barely a yearling. I was teachin' me own God-forbids before I wound up 'ere, so they can take up the family trade when they're old enough.
Dr. Samesh: You have a family?
SCP-1156: Been married to the ol' trouble six years now. We've got three little ones now - Michael, he should just be starting school now, then there's Emily, and our yearling Gareth. He was already saying his first dickies when I got taken in by those Berkley 'unts at MC&D.
Dr. Samesh: And how did you find yourself in the custody of Marshall, Carter, & Dark?
SCP-1156: Well, work's been 'ard to come by these days. Everyone's gone 'orseless, and there's not as much call for coach 'orses as back in me grandpa's day. Amy's been helping out at our local on Sundays, but with things bein' the way they are they 'aven't got much work for 'er either. We've been behind on the Burton, and the landlord was talkin' about evicting us. Said if it weren't for the council breathin' down 'is neck 'e'd never 'ave rented to no 'orses in the first place.
Dr. Samesh: Go on.
SCP-1156: So I sees this ad in the Times, coach 'orses wanted to work in a country club. So I put on me finest suit and trot on down to Knightsbridge and tell the man in the office I want the job.
Dr. Samesh: Did they hire you right away?
SCP-1156: Hired? Now that's a load of 'orseshit right there. Never saw so much as five quid for six straight months. I told 'em I'd be writing me Member of Parliament! They just laughed and treated me unmerciful. I mean, this breakfast ain't exactly the Four Seasons, but it puts that village to shame.
Dr. Samesh: What sort of work did they have you doing?
Letter Written by SCP-1156
SCP-1156: Pulling coaches, giving rides, serving drinks, magic shows… all the most embarrassing things you can imagine. Sometimes they'd get a crowd together and bring in one of the ladies after she'd had too much tiddlywink, and they'd want me to betray me marital vows with 'er! Right in front of 'em all gawking and laughing. Now I'm not a church-going 'orse, milord, but even I know a sin when I see one!
Dr. Samesh: Do you know where your family is now?
SCP-1156: Well, we always lived at [DATA EXPUNGED], Whitechapel, but they've probably been evicted by now. Amy'll 'ave sent the kids to live with 'er sister in Shepherd's Bush. She's a good soul, but I just can't stand the way she puts on airs ever since she married that donkey. They're just a queer sort, know what I mean?
Dr. Samesh: I see. That will be all for today.
SCP-1156: Wait. Could you send 'em a letter for me? I 'aven't 'eard from 'em since those 'Ampton Wicks got their 'ands on me. It's right in the corner by me trough.
Dr. Samesh: We'll consider it.
Afterword: Upon investigating the address provided by SCP-1156, the Foundation found a currently uninhabited two-bedroom apartment. The building manager stated that the previous residents had been evicted six months prior and could not vouch for their current whereabouts, and refused to discuss them in any detail, stating that they had been "nothing but trouble" during their entire stay. |
SCP-1827 is a Type-5 space-time anomaly leading to a partially explored parallel universe, hereby referred as SCP-1827-1. | ***
Item Storage.
Description: SCP-1827 is a Type-5 space-time anomaly leading to a partially explored parallel universe, hereby referred as SCP-1827-1. SCP-1827 extends in three dimensions and constantly emits a bright pink light. SCP-1827 is approximately two (2) meters in height, and is suspended forty-five (45) centimeters above the ground. SCP-1827 appears to be vaguely shaped as an avian figure. However, in photographic and video records SCP-1827 appears as an amorphous pink mass. SCP-1827 is inaccessible to most living beings. However, specimens of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) are able to access SCP-1827 if placed within instances of SCP-1827-2 (see below).
Monthly, SCP-1827 will undergo an expansion event. During this event, SCP-1827 will drastically increase in size, varying from 15 to 40 meters. Once the expansion event has concluded, an instance of SCP-1827-2 will emerge from a random point of SCP-1827. This process usually takes from 30 minutes to 5 hours. Once the instance of SCP-1827-2 has completely emerged, SCP-1827 will slowly revert to its initial size.
SCP-1827-2 instances are generally ovoid or rhomboidal metallic objects of different size, varying from 12 meters to 30. All instances of SCP-1827-2 contain three or more metallic boxes. These boxes contain items of different nature, all relating to what is supposed to be either a civilization based or organized exclusively on or by turkeys. If placed within 2 meters of SCP-1827, instances of SCP-1827-2 will autonomously proceed to re-enter SCP-1827.
So far, the Foundation has contained ███ instances of SCP-1827-2, with exactly ████ items recovered. The following list contains the most notable items recovered. For a full list, please read Document 1827-15-OP.
1 copperplate copy of the "Pioneer plaque". The figures of the man and the woman have been replaced by the stylized figures of a male and a female specimen of Meleagris gallopavo.
15 phonographs records playing traditional Turkish songs. Each record contains 50 tracks. The actual lyrics of the songs have been replaced by avian sounds.
20 copies of the "Journal of an Hindler's soldier"2, an epistolary novel depicting a love story between a soldier and the daughter of a merchant, using a war between the turkeys and the herons as background. A note on the cover claims the novel to be based on true events.
54 polaroid photographs depicting large specimens of Meleagris gallopavo wearing traditional Turkish clothes. No sign of alteration is present.
120 polaroid photographs depicting large specimens of Meleagris gallopavo accomplishing different tasks, such as plowing a cornfield or assembling instances of SCP-1827-2. No sign of alteration is present.
SCP-1827-3 is an entity referring to itself as "The Great Turkey". SCP-1827-3 appears to be either the leader or the harbinger of Hindler's3 civilization, despite the fact it has never referred to itself or other individuals as such. SCP-1827-3 communicates using inscribed steel plates, contained within larger instances of SCP-1827-2. All the messages are written in Turkish. SCP-1827-3 has so far communicated with the Foundation on only two different occasions. SCP-1827-3 does not appear to be interested in making contact with humankind, nor does it appear to be aware of it.
Addendum 1827-1: Document 1827-02-LT.
On 2003/██/██, an instance of SCP-1827-2 measuring 42 meters emerged from SCP-1827. The instance contained a 20cm x 20cm x 20cm steel plate, with the following message inscribed on it in an ancient Turkish dialect. This is the first message from SCP-1827-3 ever contained. The following is a rough translation from ancient Turkish.
This is the Great Turkey speaking in the tongue of the ancestors.
Eons ago, our race left this planet for Hindler, as the tyranny of the herons took over, after we ruled for decades.
Despite all this, some of our brothers decided to remain, for they were afraid of change.
To this day, after we finally had the courage to open the gate, we started to share our culture and ourselves, in hope for the cruelty of the herons to be over at last. As many feathers have fallen from the last fly, I am aware that most of you now have families and friendships on this world, but we beg all of you to join us on Hindler, where we may find happiness together.
Addendum 1827-2: Document 1827-09-SW.
On 2003/██/██, a white instance of SCP-1827-2 (referred as SCP-1827-2a) measuring 12 meters emerged from SCP-1827. SCP-1827-2a only contained a wooden hen house and a small steel plate, with the following message written in modern Turkish.
This is the Great Turkey speaking. Please insert turkey here.
Addendum 1827-3: Expedition 1827-I.
Following the events depicted in Addendum 1827-2, a male and a female specimen of Mellegris gallopavo (nicknamed by the personnel "Mr. Gobbles" and "Lady Bauble") were placed within SCP-1827-2a, and sent through SCP-1827 during an expansion event without accident. A small camera was mounted on "Mr. Gobbles' " neck. After 12 minutes and 36 seconds, SCP-1827-2a opened. The camera briefly recorded several large avian-like creatures, similar in appearance to grey herons (Ardea cinerea), before abruptly terminating, as the said creatures proceeded to supposedly kill and devour "Mr. Gobbles". The other turkey's fate is unknown. What appeared to be a city was visible in the background.
Addendum 1827-4: Document 1827-17-RF.
On 2004/██/██, SCP-1827-2a emerged from SCP-1827. SCP-1827-2a was visibly damaged, and contained a short note written in English.
we are fine. the herons are no longer a problem now. hindler is real [sic]
Instances of SCP-1827-2 have since stopped emerging from SCP-1827. SCP-1827 is slowly decreasing in size, with a rate of [REDACTED].
1. As SCP-1827 dimensions may reach 40 meters of height during an expansion event, smaller containment cells would be insufficient.
2. Translated from Turkish.
3. SCP-1827-3 refers to SCP-1827-1 as "Hindler". |
SCP-3254 is a female brown bear with extensive cybernetic enhancements. | ***
Item #: SCP-3254
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3254 is to be contained at Zoological Containment Site-282 in a large containment enclosure that adequately emulates the Pacific Northwest. Food is to be placed in the enclosure twice a day. Along with dietary needs, recycled electronics are to be left throughout the enclosure. Twice a year, 2-4 stuffed bear plush toys are to be placed in the enclosure in locations where SCP-3254 will discover them.
SCP-3254-1 instances that show signs of extensive wear are to be removed from the enclosure and humanely euthanized. If the SCP-3254-1 population is determined to be too large, the oldest instances are to be removed and euthanized as well. When an instance is removed from the enclosure, staff are to create a track of pawprints that leads to one of the entrances.
Description: SCP-3254 is a female brown bear with extensive cybernetic enhancements. It is functionally immortal, with rapid cellular regeneration. However, despite this regeneration there is significant scar tissue within its reproductive organs that has rendered it unable to reproduce. Cybernetics have replaced its nervous system as well as significant portions of the bone structure within its paws. SCP-3254 also has sharpened metallic claws composed of an unidentified alloy. A metal plate is installed on the top of its skull that allows access to the central processing units for the cybernetics. A message was originally etched into the plate, but time and wear has significantly affected its readability.
S--r- I mi---- -our -ir---ay. H-r-'s som-o-e to make -o- fr-e--s, s-n-- I cou-d-- mak- -- there
L--e, Mom
Pro-er-y of Gra--'s -oo For Cyb--netic--ly E-han-ed Bear-
SCP-3254 is docile and acts extremely friendly towards humans. It does not display human levels of intelligence; however, it shows a extensive understanding of computers and the ability to create complex devices, similar to its own cybernetic implants. SCP-3254 has shown an extreme fondness for bear shaped plush toys, and uses them to create SCP-3254-1 instances.
SCP-3254-1 are physical copies of SCP-3254 that it creates using plush bear toys as a basic structure. When it encounters a plush, it will take it to its den and caress or clean the toy. After it finds the toy in a satisfactory condition, it will begin a process to animate the toy with its own flesh and biological material. SCP-3254-1 instances are capable of biological regeneration when within a 10m radius of SCP-3254. This regeneration is used to allow the instances to grow to full size. This process can take several weeks to several months depending on the number of SCP-3254-1 instances it creates. The process generally follows these steps.
SCP-3254 will create duplicates of its own cybernetics, constructed from materials it gathers and installs it within the toy.
SCP-3254 will surgically remove its tail and a portion of its lower spine using its claws, and allow the cybernetics to integrate with it.
SCP-3254 will wait several days to allow its own spine to regenerate and allow the instance's spine to grow.
SCP-3254 will cut large chunks of its flesh from its belly and attach it to various parts of the toy.
SCP-3254 will wait several days to allow its own flesh to regrow and allow the instance to integrate its own new flesh.
Lastly, SCP-3254 will open the plate in its skull and connect its primary cybernetics to the new instance. After this, the instance will become animate and fully conscious.
It is unknown if SCP-3254 is capable of feeling pain or whether it puts the creation of SCP-3254-1 instances over its own state of being. SCP-3254 will act in a maternal manner towards the new instances and will guide them and teach them until they have fully grown. SCP-3254 will also make frequent trips to visit its fully grown offspring, often bringing its new instances with it.
SCP-3254 becomes extremely distressed if it does not have a juvenile instance of SCP-3254-1 to raise. When in this manner, it will often attempt to create new instances without the toy acting as a foundation. Foundation staff have made an effort to mask their removal of SCP-3254-1 instances, as SCP-3254 demonstrates extreme amounts of distress when it is unable to find one of its offspring. It remains in this panicked state until staff create false set of pawprints leading out of the enclosure.
Addendum 3254-1: Every year, on January 17th, a call sourcing from SCP-3254 attempts to access an external number. The number is no longer active but was originally assigned to a woman named Katherine Grail, who was reported missing several months after SCP-3254 was initially contained. The number has since been obtained by the Foundation. When SCP-3254 connects to the number, it plays a MIDI version of Happy Birthday. |
SCP-3547 is a potentially sapient, interdimensional entity that has the ability to contact human subjects via their subconscious during delta wave non-REM sleep, so long as the subject has been made aware of the existence of it beforehand, and they wish to communicate with it of their own free will. | ***
Item #: SCP-3547
Object Class: Euclid Urgent reclassification required.
Special Containment Procedures: No longer contained. All Foundation resources should be concentrated on recontainment of SCP-3547 at the highest priority.
- hide archived containment procedures
SCP-3547-A is kept in standard, sealed storage container at Site-11. It is considered to be safe so long as it is not in active use. Access is limited to level 4 personnel and above. While SCP-3547-A presents an anomalous effect when in use, it is harmless so long as it remains inactive.
SCP-3547-A is now held in a maximum security storage unit at Site-19. Due to the incident described in Experiment Log 3547-4, access to staff of all levels is denied, and all experimentation regarding SCP-3547-A is forbidden. The use of SCP-3547-A could theoretically cause a ΔW-class eclipse-of-consciousness scenario.
SCP-3547 itself is currently prevented from entering this universe, so can be regarded as indefinitely contained.
Description: SCP-3547 is a potentially sapient, interdimensional entity that has the ability to contact human subjects via their subconscious during delta wave non-REM sleep, so long as the subject has been made aware of the existence of it beforehand, and they wish to communicate with it of their own free will. Subjects who claim to have communicated with SCP-3547 during this dreamlike state describe it as a large, vaguely humanoid mass of strands of an unknown composition suspended within a dark, blue/green void. Subjects report feeling nauseous when looking at SCP-3547, but felt compelled to continue looking nonetheless. Those who dream of SCP-3547 describe its communication as thoughts and feelings that manifest in their mind spontaneously. After multiple encounters with SCP-3547, subjects will speak about it with profuse positivity and religious fervour, claiming that bringing it into our universe would "save" all of humanity, although the specifics of this remain vague. All subjects tested stated that they believed the entity wanted to come closer to them and embrace them, but it was apprehensive for unknown reasons.
SCP-3547 is referenced in a collection of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts written around the 9th century, which were bound into a single tome at a later, unknown date. The title of the collection is “ġemǣtaþ sé freá'wine”, which roughly translates to “Dreams of Our Beloved”. The book is currently stored in the secure document storage facility at Site-11.
The collection features several poems describing SCP-3547 as a “saviour” of the authors of the texts. One poem is an instruction on how to construct an item called “The Lucid Crown”. The poem goes on to explain that the coronet facilitates the communication with SCP-3547, and that the “audience with our beloved” can be shared if “another sleeps awake with the wearer of the crown”. It can be assumed that this is referring to the effects of the electromagnetic field produced by The Lucid Crown. It is unclear whether the authors of the texts constructed The Lucid Crown themselves or recovered it from elsewhere.
SCP-3547-A is an ornate but roughly constructed coronet matching the description of The Lucid Crown. It is made of copper, featuring eight iridescent blue stones of unknown composition equally spaced around the perimeter. The stones protrude inwards through the coronet so that they make contact with the wearer’s head.
If a subject who is aware of SCP-3547 sleeps while wearing SCP-3547-A, their encounter with SCP-3547 becomes far more vivid and lucid. All test subjects reported that they believed SCP-3547 felt far more comfortable approaching them in this encounter, with some reporting that SCP-3547 was apparently bold enough to reach toward them and lightly stroke their head. While the subject is asleep wearing SCP-3547-A, the stones surrounding it emit an anomalous electromagnetic field at a frequency outside the range measurable by standard equipment, which causes anyone in range to instantly enter Stage 3 Non-REM sleep (See Experiment Log 3547-2). Anyone affected by this field will share the dream of the wearer of SCP-3547-A. The range of this field is approximately 1m variable. (see Experiment Log 3547-4).
One passage of note from "Dreams of Our Beloved" describes a procedure that was explained to the author by SCP-3547 during a dream. The procedure appears to be a ceremony designed to allow SCP-3547 to enter our universe permanently as a corporeal manifestation. To perform the ceremony, a volunteer must wilfully wear SCP-3547-A while sleeping outdoors, and have it struck by lightning whilst communing with SCP-3547. The manner in which the entity manifests in our universe is not described. No mention of success or failure to perform this ceremony is recorded in the collection. The low probability of a precise lightning strike on the coronet suggests that successful completion of the ceremony is unlikely.
Experiment logs:
+ Experiment Log 3547-1
- hide experiment log
Date: 19/05/18
D-2374 was picked from a group of potential test subjects due to his willingness to communicate with SCP-3547 in return for improved living conditions. D-2374 is placed in a standard human containment cell with bedding and monitoring equipment. Subject falls asleep after 20 minutes and sleeps for approximately 6 hours. Subject is visibly slightly restless during the final 30 minutes of sleep. Subject interviewed by Dr Jennifer Alexander after waking.
Dr Alexander: Did you sleep well?
D-2374: Yeah, kind of.
Dr Alexander: Did you dream?
D-2374 appears visibly uncomfortable.
D-2374: Yeah, I did.
Dr Alexander: What did you dream of? Do you remember?
D-2374: The thing you guys told me about. Him.
Dr Alexander: SCP-3547?
D-2374: I think he's called The Night Emperor. I think that's what he wants to be called. Sorry…um, I mean, yeah, Him.
Dr Alexander: OK. What does SCP-3547 look like?
D-2374: It's…difficult to look at him. It made me feel sick. Like, motion sickness or something like that.
Dr Alexander: But what did it, or he, actually look like?
D-2374: He's human-ish, I think, but made of strands of something. Like hair floating in water.
Dr Alexander: OK. Did he say anything to you?
D-2374 appears to have relaxed somewhat.
D-2374: Sort of. I thought what he was thinking somehow, if that makes sense. He wants to be with us. It's kind of fuzzy, but he needs us to sleep before he can…save us?
Dr Alexander: What does he mean by "save us"? Save us from what?
D-2374: I…we must sleep. Just sleep. I don't know.
Dr Alexander: Thank you. That will be all.
D-2374: He wants to be with us. I'm certain of that much.
Dr Alexander: Thank you.
Interview terminated.
+ Experiment Log 3547-2
- hide experiment log
Date: 20/05/18
D-2374 is placed into the same containment cell as used in Experiment 3547-1. This is a repeat of the first experiment, but this time D-2374 slept while wearing SCP-3547-A. After the subject had been asleep for 6 hours, they became visibly restless, as noted in Experiment 3547-1. At this time, Dr Robert Chapman entered the containment cell to check the EEG equipment attached to D-2374. As Dr Chapman leant over, he fell unconscious and collapsed onto D-2374.
The impact immediately woke D-2374 and Dr Chapman. Both D-2374 and Dr Chapman claim they briefly saw each other within D-2374’s dream before they woke up. D-2374 claimed to have been dreaming that he was suspended within a void awaiting an audience with The Night Emperor when Dr Chapman suddenly appeared next to him and they both woke up.
Interference in telemetry from the equipment shows that the range of the field was around 1m.
+ Experiment Log 3547-3
- hide experiment log
Date: 22/05/18
D-2374 is placed into the same containment cell with SCP-3547-A, in a repeat of Experiment 3547-2. As D-2374 enters the restless phase of sleep, D-2376, who has had SCP-3547 explained to them, is moved to within 1m of D-2374’s bed in a wheelchair by Dr Robert Chapman. As D-2376 enters the field, she instantly falls asleep. Upon awakening, they are interviewed together by Dr Jennifer Alexander.
Dr Alexander: So, did you both see each other in the dream? Did you see SCP-3547?
D-2374 and D-2376 smile intensely at each other and reach across the table to hold hands.
D-2376: Yes! We did! We saw each other and our beloved granted us an audience!
Dr Alexander: Stay back in your chairs please. What do you mean by "beloved"?
D-2374 (to D-2376): Our Beloved! He will be with us soon. As soon as we sleep! As soon as we all sleep!
Dr Alexander: OK, but did he say anything specific to you both?
D-2374: He’s delighted that your Foundation is taking an interest in him, but he can only save us if we sleep. All of us.
D-2374 becomes agitated.
D-2374: Tell everyone. Everyone must know His Message. He can only perform His Work if all of our minds look away.
Dr Alexander: Save us from what? What work is it…He…planning to do?
D-2374 and D-2376 in unison: Wait! Wait and rest. We must sleep. Only when we awaken will we behold our Beloved's work!
Dr Alexander audibly sighs.
Dr Alexander: That’ll do.
Interview terminated
+ Experiment Log 3547-4
- hide experiment log
Date: 23/05/18
The experiment was intended to be a repeat of Experiment 3547-2, with D-2374 given a list of specific questions to ask SCP-3547. After being locked into the containment cell, D-2374 got out of bed, crouched down and pushed his head against the wall, inserting one of SCP-3547-A’s protrusions into a power socket before security staff could stop him.
At that moment, all staff in the western half of Site-11 instantly fell asleep. Dr Michael Cross, who was sat just outside of the radius of the field in his laboratory, raised the alarm after several of his laboratory technicians dropped unconscious to the floor at the same time. Several staff members rushed into the field to assist their colleagues, but also fell unconscious. Site-11 was put on full Code Red lockdown and all staff commanded to remain at their current locations.
Diagnostic tests on Foundation radio equipment estimate that the radius of the field was approximately 76m.
Post incident interviews revealed that all affected staff shared a common dream of SCP-3547. The dream consisted of all affected subjects suspended together in a blue/green void, as SCP-3547 delivered a “sermon” to them by projecting comforting thoughts and an insistence that they spread its message so that it may save humanity and join us in our world. While communing with the subjects, SCP-3547 extended a bundle of fibrous tendrils to each person that wrapped around their heads and extended outwards, forming a web of fibres between them.
D-1234 woke up approximately 7 hours after the incident, followed by all other affected personnel. Everyone who had experienced the dream woke up weeping with joy and eager to embrace one another. All subjects were insistent that the Foundation must perform the ceremony described in "Dreams of Our Beloved" as soon as feasibly possible.
Class-A amnestics were administered to all affected staff. All affected D-Class personnel were terminated, including D-2374 and D-2376.
+ Urgent: No longer contained. Please assist.
- hide this
I'm so sorry. My name is Dr Rebecca Powell of Site-19. I don't have the authorisation to edit this document, but I'll deal with the fallout from that if we get out of this. I was right. I read through the "Dreams of Our Beloved" during my research into extradimensional anomalies and I recognised what's happening straight away. Someone's done it. I have no idea who, why, or where, but they've done it. I blacked out during the night shift at my desk earlier, and now I'm awake with this stuff stuck to, and possibly in, my head. I can't really turn too well, but I think it extends out of the door and down the corridor. I called out for help, but either everyone's knocked out or I'm the only one here.
I can't get it off my head. If I struggle against it, it just gets tighter. If I try and pull it out, it feels like it burrows in deeper. I think it's best to just leave it alone for now. I can't move, but I can at least type at my terminal.
The initial shock has subsided, but I've not slept at all. I feel OK though. This is going to sound strange, but I think I can feel what other people are feeling, or maybe thinking, elsewhere. Like we're connected through this stuff. Now I've calmed down a little, I feel good. Actually, really good despite the circumstances. I think everyone else does too. Still, I'm kind of seizing up a bit and I really need to get up and stretch.
I tried sawing through the stuff on my head with my keys, but every time I cut through a piece, it just reattaches. It's organic, I think. Cold to the touch, but possibly alive somehow. It has a kind of blueish glow to it that seems to shimmer slightly to match the patterns of my thoughts.
I don't feel thirsty or hungry yet, which is odd.
Still not slept. I can feel it. It's in there somewhere. I think others out there are convinced it's going to save us from something. I don't know what or how. It feels like all of humanity is just waiting. I'm really aching now. I need to get up and stretch my back. I don't feel so good any more.
I've had some time to think about what's happening, and I'm going to request reclassification of SCP-3547 and archive the old containment procedures. They're useless now anyway. I know it's a huge breach of protocol, but if anyone else even reads this again I'll consider it a win. I'll try and sleep again after I've done that.
I'm starting to panic now.
Still awake. Still waiting. The waiting and not being able to sleep is becoming agonising. There's nothing I can do but wait. Everyone's waiting. I feel something. I think it's SCP-3547 itself. Himself. I think we betrayed him. I don't know how or why. Still, some remain faithful. To their beloved.
I close my eyes for hours and nothing happens.
Still waiting. Exhausted but awake.
nothing i can do. just wait and wait and wait. still awake. all i can feel is despair and the desperation of the faithful. you gave them your word. do something. let me sleep. let us sleep. you're killing us
i can't stay like this this any more. others are disappearing. quieter. every hour. quieter and quieter. the blue is getting fainter. He's still just watching. please let me sleep please please let me fucking sleep.
no more |
SCP-2485 is a wine bottle made of dark green glass, with a resealable cork. | ***
Item #: SCP-2485
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2485 is to be contained in a standard containment locker at Site-08. Access to SCP-2485 for item examination purposes requires Level-2 clearance; Level-3 authorization is required prior to any experimentation involving SCP-2485.
Description: SCP-2485 is a wine bottle made of dark green glass, with a resealable cork. The bottom of SCP-2485 is marked with a small logo and the accompanying title "True Bacchanal Finer Winery".1 An accompanying tag tied around the neck reads "Drink up. You deserve the revel." in gold lettering.
Despite having an estimated volume of 375 mL, SCP-2485 is able to hold extremely large quantities of liquid.2 Once liquid poured into SCP-2485 reaches the top of the bottleneck, no overflow occurs, even as the pouring is continued. The weight change of SCP-2485 as it is filled is theorized to be related to the amount of liquid contained within it, though the increase in weight occurs at a reduced rate.3 This allowed for SCP-2485 to be filled with 200 liters of distilled water in experimental trials before the average subject was incapable of carrying it by hand.
If a different substance is introduced to SCP-2485 while it is filled with liquid, SCP-2485 will quickly disgorge of all of its contents through the mouth of the bottle. This process occurs over a period lasting up to 20 seconds, in a manner resembling a high-pressure fountain spray4. After SCP-2485 has been fully emptied of the previous liquid, SCP-2485 will then refill itself with the same amount of the new liquid that was introduced prior to the emptying.
When a human, henceforth referred to as the subject, attempts to manually empty SCP-2485,5 SCP-2485 will induce a compulsive effect that renders the subject unwilling to release the bottle until it has been completely emptied. At the activation of this effect, the rate at which the liquid pours out of SCP-2485 is comparable to that of non-anomalous bottles. If the subject drinks from SCP-2485, they will do so continuously for approximately 45 seconds or until the bottle is emptied. The subject, however, perceives this drink as "a couple of sips" and will usually request to drink more.
Addendum 2485-1: SCP-2485 was recovered in █████████, England, following Foundation interception of reports regarding an apartment that seemed to have suffered an abnormally large and localized amount of flooding damage. When Recovery Crew Theta-3 arrived at the specified complex, it was noted that the apartment door was locked and a substantial amount of wine had seeped out from beneath it. The door was broken down and the flow of the wine traced to the master bedroom in the back of the house. When the recovery crew entered, SCP-2485 was seen in the hands of a bloated S████ W███████, actively being emptied. Mr. W███████ expired shortly after Foundation personnel arrived, despite resuscitation attempts.
Mr. W███████'s phone (see Addendum 2485-2) and a note (see Addendum 2485-3) were also recovered from the scene. Recovery Crew Theta-3 secured SCP-2485, removed the evidence of the wine flood, and administered Class A amnestics to neighbors and the authorities of █████████ who were dispatched to the building. A cover story involving a plumbing issue was generated to divert outside investigation.
Addendum 2485-2: The following is a transcription of the last message recorded on Mr. W███████'s phone, believed to be related to SCP-2485 and the death of the owner.
Hey, S████! Listen, uh, sorry 'bout… y'know, the whole thing, really. I know you wanted to get in, but I couldn't really pull any strings for ya. After all, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to write about the dark arts of wine-making revelry and such in your entrance essay. Just a thought though.
[pause; approximately 45 seconds]
Maybe… ugh, maybe it's my fault. I brought a bottle of yours to the Institute; shouldn't 'a done that. Looked like one of my bottles, look, my mistakes aside, they loved it. Just as good as whatever they had. What was it, pinot [pronounced pie-knot in the recording] noir?
[Another pause; approximately 45 seconds]
Look, S████, fuck the Institute, aight? Just 'cuz I got in and you didn't doesn't mean you suck, 'kay? They're a bunch of pretentious old guys dicking around calling themselves Masters of Wine, drinking expensive-ass champagnes all by themselves and shit… Look, you could always… ugh, nevermind. Have fun on your vacation. I'll miss your parties.
Addendum 2485-3: The following note was discovered at the scene of Mr. W███████'s death. Attempts to contact the sender have been inconclusive.
Heya, S████.
I'm sending this to your new place. I got the bottle back. Filled it with the Institute's finest white wine; a whole 3 barrels' worth. Think of it as a sort of consolation prize for your troubles. Fuck 'em. You know you've always been a master.
Your pal, D████.
Addendum 2485-4: Further investigation into S████ W███████'s records have uncovered a separate place of residence owned by the individual, notably a vineyard and farmhouse located in Llangwm. Foundation searches of the house have recovered the following document, dated approximately one week prior to the note recovered from the apartment.
Mr. W███████—
It has come to our attention that you have not responded to our prior correspondence. In lieu of the previously-discussed contract, our agents have provided the requisite remuneration in exchange for the dozen novelty bottles in your cellar. We encourage your immediate reply to discuss further business transactions, as well as your membership to the The Institute of Masters of Wine.
Our patrons thank you for your consideration, and look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
We will be in contact.
~Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
Foundation investigation into the existence of other instances of SCP-2485 is ongoing.
1. It is noted that no such company is known to exist, though it is possible additional instances of SCP-2485 have been manufactured (see Addendum 2485-4).
2. It is currently advised not to test any liquid that cannot be safely contained in a standard non-anomalous glass bottle, as the extent of SCP-2485's resistance to extremes is unknown.
3. Based on experimentation, the weight difference of liquid introduced to SCP-2485 is approximately 1/10.
4. Highest recorded height of spray arc currently at 1.6 meters, highest pressure recorded at 1200 kPa.
5. Experimentation is underway as to how SCP-2485 identifies the subject's intent, and what it defines as "emptying". |
SCP-2845 is a quadruped entity, measuring 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-2845
Threat Level: Black
Containment Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Use of outsourced containment resources and consultants has been authorized for the containment of SCP-2845. Consultants are to be considered Level 2 personnel, and are at no time permitted to leave Site-100. If at any time an outside consultant must be removed from containment of SCP-2845, Class-A amnestics are to be applied before release.
A minimum of thirty trained individuals and an unhindered supply of untrained subjects is required for proper containment of SCP-2845. Forty-eight trained personnel are currently assigned to active containment of SCP-2845, split into eight teams of six, with a further twenty-four individuals available as replacements. An allowance of five D-class per week has been authorized for the containment of SCP-2845.
Site-100 has been constructed to the following specifications:
Site-100 consists of nine concentric circular bands, designated Ring-A through Ring-I, with a gap located between Ring-C and Ring-D, designated as Gap-1. Six circular chambers are located at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 degrees within each Ring and Gap. The chambers located at 0 degrees are aligned with geographic north.
Two additional circular chambers are located outside of Ring-I, located at 120 and 240 degrees.
The floor of each circular chamber contains an unobstructed lead hexagram.
The central chamber, containing SCP-2845 and 216 instances of SCP-2845-1, is to contain an atmosphere of 96.3% hydrogen, 3.25% helium, and .45% ammonia maintained at -110°C and a pressure of 2.3 bar.
The following procedures are all to be carried out in a repeating cycle of 63 hours 54 minutes. Each procedure is to last 39 minutes, with 10 hours between each procedure. Each procedure must be carried out by six individuals. The location of each procedure is denoted in parentheses. At the beginning of each new cycle, containment procedures will be carried out in the next ring closest to the containment chamber.
Ceremonial recitations for all procedures and descriptions of all variant costumes may be found in Document 2845-C-EXP.
Procedure 410-Constantin: (60°) Containment specialists are presented with masks (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Apathy, Fear, and Foolishness) and act out ceremony Constantin-A. Ceremony Constanin-A is a farcical comedy of errors and exchange of insults between the six individuals, culminating in Foolishness outwitting the group in a game of riddles and declaring himself king. The conclusion of ceremony Constantin-A is followed by a game of dice. The winner of the game is irrelevant to the procedure.
Procedure 420-Perinaldo: (120°) Performance of a musical piece for flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, timpani, and bass drum. The piece is accompanied by specific somatic and vocal components carried out by the players throughout the performance, designated ceremony Perinaldo-A. The performance must be live; recordings of the piece have no effect.
Procedure 430-Epimetheus: (180°) Gifts are exchanged among containment specialists. Content of gifts is irrelevant to the procedure, but each gift must not exceed 4.28 USD in worth. Each gift is accompanied by recitation of ceremony Epimetheus-A in its entirety and the scattering of grain around the containment chamber.
Procedure 440-Cassiel: (240°) Ceremony Cassiel-A is recited as containment specialists bind their feet with wool and consume .5 liters of olive oil. They then will break apart a rock weighing at least 200 kilograms with hammers. Ceremony Cassiel-B is recited throughout.
Procedure 450-Cairo: (300°) A D-class subject is prepared by painting a symbol (ring surrounding a dot, with an arrow pointing upwards at the 90 degree point) on the stomach with a platinum-based solution, and presented with a blue cloak, crown, and scepter. D-class subject is then restrained in a chair, and ceremony Cairo-A is recited. After recitation of the ceremony Cairo-A, the D-class subject is to be castrated by use of a hand sickle by a containment specialist. The testes are then to be disposed of in a bowl of salt water as Ceremony Cairo-B is recited.
Procedure 460-Omphalos: (0°) Ceremony Omphalos-A is to be recited before roasting of a child of no more than three months of age. Ceremony Omphalos-B is to be recited before consumption. After consumption of the child, ceremony Omphalos-C is to be recited over the gastroliths, which are then swallowed. Vomiting is then induced, and ceremony Omphalos-D is recited, signaling the beginning of a new cycle.
In the case of containment breach, Site-100’s nuclear device is to be detonated, followed by lockdown of all Foundation facilities, and activation of Protocol 2845-XK1 “Strike Down the Moon.”
+ A message from containment consultant ██████ ████████ to Site Director Dell, 1/31/12
I have been approached several times already in regards to the containment procedures and their complexity. I have been asked if all of the procedures are truly necessary, if they could not be cut down or edited for simplicity, and at least one claim that they were “patently ridiculous”.
This is my response, and I expect that it will be seen by all of the Foundation staff working on this project. I will not repeat myself, and I find it sickening that after all the struggle to contain this creature, pencil-pushing bureaucrats are still seeking to cut corners where they cannot be afforded to be cut.
The answer is no: The ritual will remain as it is, and will not be changed in any way. It cannot be cut down further, nor can it be added to. It has been set in place, and now that it has begun any deviation at all could very easily be catastrophic.
Rituals do not work because of some underlying laws, such as those that science operates on. Rituals work because they are rituals. They work because an arbitrary set of criteria has been met with exacting care. Belief that meeting these arbitrary criteria achieves a certain end assigns power to the ritual. The actions that were once meaningless now have been assigned Meaning through their repetition and application.
This is how one seals away a god, and this is a god. I know that the Foundation does not approve of using the term, but it is still the case. The Stag is a god, and it is not a petty local god. It is not one of the mild gods of Earth, or some weaker spirit that is bound by the strength of man’s belief.
We have, for the time being, fooled it into thinking that we have overpowered it. It does not understand that we do so falsely: it is a god. For gods, words have Power. Ritual and belief hold greater power over a god than all the laws of science.
However, it must be kept in mind that the Stag could escape, right now, if it so chose. With a thought, this entire facility could turn into a puff of hydrogen. If at any point the Stag thought to escape, it would, and we would be powerless to stop it.
However, it will not think to escape, or even to change its strategy. The idea will not even pass through its mind. It cannot comprehend the concept. It does not think in the way we think. Truth be told, I would not say that it thinks at all. This is an old god, it does not dabble in decisions. Decisions are for creatures who may act erratically, variably, or out of line. A god of this strength simply Is. It is an absolute. It acts as a force. In building this ritual, we have shifted its being the slightest bit, and now it is locked into a pattern of behavior: it struggles against us, we struggle against it, and we are locked together in an eternal dance so long as the ritual remains intact.
If one thing goes awry, the entirety is lost, and the deadlock is broken. Unstoppable force without an immovable object.
The rituals might seem to be nonsense, but they are what I divined to be the best course of action. There are powerful symbols there, and whether or not you or I think they are appropriate to the situation is irrelevant. I have listened to the converted, and I have listened to the echoes of the Stag in their songs. They are not suffering, but they are no longer human. They are changed utterly.
The ritual remains as it is.
Description: SCP-2845 is a quadruped entity, measuring 2.9 meters in height at the shoulder and weighing 815 kilograms. A sinuous neck, generally held in an upright position, extends a further .5 m, terminating in a head with humanoid facial features. SCP-2845 possesses antlers, measuring 4.8 meters across: Antlers are white with black marbling in coloration, and have not been observed to shed. SCP-2845 is covered in hair with an average length of 10 cm, with the exception of the face, which is hairless. SCP-2845’s coloration is primarily a pastel green, with a stripe of cream on the underside of the neck and belly.
A ring of ice particles is suspended 15 cm behind SCP-2845’s skull, measuring 1.7 m in diameter, with a ring thickness of 35 cm. This ring is interrupted at regular intervals by seven spheres consisting of metallic hydrogen and metallic helium, each measuring 15 cm in diameter. The ring and spheres rotate clockwise at a speed of 1.6 rpm. The force maintaining the movement of the ring, the physical state of the spheres, and the means by which SCP-2845 is capable of supporting its head under the weight of its antlers are unknown.
SCP-2845 is capable of instantaneous transmutation and reconstruction of matter. No matter is created or destroyed during this process. This property is manifested at will, with an observed range extending to targets within eyesight: maximum range of this ability is unknown. Transmuted matter will remain stable despite the lack of other factors: for example, metallic hydrogen and helium are common results, which will remain in either solid or liquid form despite the surrounding temperature. Altered atmosphere will not mix with unaltered regions, maintaining chemical consistency. The most common transmutation results are the solid or liquid forms of hydrogen, and helium, the conversion of atmosphere into a hydrogen/helium/ammonia mix, and the transmutation of plant life into metalloid-based organisms. SCP-2845 will typically surround itself with a transmuted area with a radius of approximately five meters at all times. SCP-2845 has proven itself completely resistant to physical damage.
The most common forms of offensive transmutation used by SCP-2845 are a column measuring five to seven meters in diameter and sixty to eighty meters in height, or a horizontal cone measuring between one hundred and one hundred and fifty meters in length and ten to thirty meters in width at the furthest end. However, SCP-2845 has been observed to attack single targets at distances of up to 10 kilometers. Early observation of SCP-2845 during recovery indicated that it will generally ignore non-combatants, focusing on retaliation against attackers. However, SCP-2845 was not seen to make any attempts to spare non-combatants within the area of effect of its transmutations, and later recovery accounts indicate pre-emptive attacks against both military and civilian targets.
SCP-2845-1 designates human beings that have been modified by SCP-2845. Instances of SCP-2845-1 are hexagonal columns measuring 2.4 meters in height, with rubbery yellow-green skin. SCP-2845-1 instances do not have any outward sense organs, and autopsy has shown that internal organs are likewise absent, save the brain, which now takes up the entirety of the column and contains the reconstituted mass of the other organs and some additional outside materials. It is unknown how SCP-2845-1 instances derive nutrients, or if any nutrition is required.
Neuroimaging of SCP-2845-1 specimens has revealed that the brain is in a constant state of high activity. Analysis of multiple specimens indicates patterns of call and response, so some form of remote communication between SCP-2845-1 specimens is presumed.
Motile variants of SCP-2845-1 have been reported, but have evaded capture and study.
Addendum-01: An abridged timeline of SCP-2845 from initial discovery to containment is as follows:
November 27th, 2011: Initial sighting of Comet C/2011 W3.
December 1st, 2011: Comet C/2011 W3 confirmed by Mount John University Observatory.
December 2nd, 2011: Comet C/2011 W3 confirmed and named by the Minor Planet Center.
December 16th, 2011: Comet C/2011 W3 reaches perihelion. Solar Dynamics Observatory records images of a fragment breaking off from the main body of the comet, maintaining a speed of .0018c.
December 17th, 2011: Fragment trajectory confirmed to end in collision with Earth, with estimated impact of December 21st. Thoth Station deterrence procedure fails at changing fragment's course. Public announcement made by the United Nations. Evacuations begin.
December 21st, 2011: Fragment impacts in the Pacific Ocean, 124 kilometers off the western American coast.
December 24th, 2011: SCP-2845 believed to reach shore on this day.
December 25th, 2011: First observation of SCP-2845 through civilian video footage. Drone contact made. SCP-2845 confirmed as hostile. Foundation assets within United States military begin direction of recovery and containment procedures, with assistance of Global Occult Coalition representatives. Foundation containment sites in the region enter lockdown.
December 26-29th, 2011: Artillery bombardment of SCP-2845 commences, along with initial battery of tests. Contact with outside containment consultants made at this time upon observation of SCP-2845’s properties.
December 30th, 2011: [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-2845 is unimpeded for sixteen hours.
December 31st, 2011: Bombardment recommences.
January 1st – 14th, 2012: SCP-2845 is led across the Sierra Nevada Mountains while remaining under heavy bombardment. ██████ ████████ develops initial containment procedures.
January 15th, 2012: SCP-2845 reaches pre-determined containment area. Initial containment procedures enacted.
January 18th 2012: Initial containment procedures end in success.
January 20th 2012: Construction of Site-100 begins.
February 3, 2012: Refinements of containment procedures implemented.
February 19th 2012: SCP-2845 declared contained. |
SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-096
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.
Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. ███ and O5-█.
Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-096's jaw can open to four (4) times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.
SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).
Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to ███ km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions (see Document 096-1).
Upon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]
Due to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.
Dr. ███ has also petitioned for immediate termination of SCP-096 (see Interview 096-1). Order is awaiting approval. Termination order has been approved, and is to be carried out by Dr. ███ on [DATA REDACTED]. See Incident-096-1-A.
Audio log from Interview 096-1:
Interviewer: Dr. ███
Interviewed: Captain (Ret.) █████████, former commander of retrieval team Zulu 9-A
Retrieval Incident #096-1-A
<Begin Log>
[████████ ████████ Time, Research Area ██]
Capt. █████████: It always sucks ass to get Initial Retrieval duty. You have no idea what the damn thing is capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're lucky if they even tell you the whole story. They told us to "bag and tag." Didn't tell us jackshit about not looking at the damn thing.
Dr. ███: Could you describe the mission, please?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, sorry. We had two choppers, one with my team and one on backup with Zulu 9-B and Dr. ██████. We spotted the target about two clicks north of our patrol path. I'm guessing he wasn't facing our direction, else he would have taken us out then and there.
Dr. ███: Your report says SCP-096 didn't react to the cold? It was -██o C.
Capt. █████████: Actually, it was -██. And yes, it was butt naked and didn't so much as shiver. Anyway, we landed, approached the target, and Corporal ██ got ready to bag it. That's when Dr. ██████ called. I turned to answer it, and that's what saved me. The target must have turned and my whole squad saw it.
Dr. ███: That's when SCP-096 entered an agitated emotional state?
Capt. █████████: Yep. [Interviewed now pauses for a second before continuing] Sorry. Got the willies for a second.
Dr. ███: That's all right.
Capt. █████████: Yeah. Well, I never saw its face. My squad did, and they paid for it up the ass.
Dr. ███: Could you describe it a little more, please?
Capt. █████████: [Pauses] Yeah, yeah. It started screaming at us, and crying. Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Really fucking creepy. [Pauses again] We started firing when it picked up Corporal ██ and ripped off his leg. God, he was screaming for our help… fuckin 'A… anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. Didn't do jackshit. I almost lost it when it started [DATA EXPUNGED] him.
Dr. ███: That's when you ordered the use of an [Papers are heard moving] AT-4 HEDT launcher?
Capt. █████████: An anti-tank gun. Started carrying it ever since SCP-███ got loose. I've seen those tear through tanks like tissue paper. Did the same thing to the target.
Dr. ███: There was significant damage to SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: It didn't even fucking flinch. It kept tearing apart my squad, but with half of its torso gone. [He draws a large half-circle across his torso]
Dr. ███: But it was taking damage?
Capt. █████████: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart.
Dr. ███: So no actual structural damage. How many rounds would you say were fired at SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: At the least? A thousand. Our door gunner kept his GAU-19 on it for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds. That's six hundred .50 caliber rounds pumped into the thing. Might as well been spitting at it.
Dr. ███: This is when Zulu 9-B arrived?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, and my squad was gone. Zulu 9-B managed to get the bag over its head, and it just sat down. We got it into the chopper and got it here. I don't know how I never saw its face. Maybe God or Buddha or whoever thought I should live. The jackass.
Dr. ███: We have obtained an artist's depiction of SCP-096's face. Would you like to view it?
Capt. █████████: [Pauses] You know, after hearing that thing's screams, and the screams of my men, I don't think I want to put a face to what I heard. No. Just… no.
Dr. ███: All right, I believe we are done here. Thank you, Captain.
[Chairs are heard moving, and footsteps leave the room. Captain (Ret.) █████████ is confirmed to have left Interview Room 22.]
Dr. ███: Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.
<End log> |
SCP-583 is a Sony Color Collection 60-90 min Mini DV video tape, its case composed primarily of transparent green plastic. | ***
Item #: SCP-583
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-583 is to be locked in a heavy-duty chrome steel safe. Any level-3 or higher personnel have access to the safe. A lethal security system is to be kept operative in the containment room for SCP-583 at all times. SCP-583 is fragile and must not approach or be approached by any magnetic field-generating material or device. SCP-583 is only as sturdy as a standard video tape and is to be handled with extreme care. SCP-583 must not be destroyed, due to continued research into [DATA EXPUNGED].
Description: SCP-583 is a Sony Color Collection 60-90 min Mini DV video tape, its case composed primarily of transparent green plastic. Details of the contents of the tape itself, as described by test subjects:
0'00": Nothing on the tape for the first twelve seconds.
0'12": Playback of a recording of "Sesame Street Live" begins, although with no sound. A date stamp of [REDACTED] is visible.
2'58": █████ starts choking and tries to get out of his costume.
3'12": █████ dies from apparent asphyxiation. During the next nineteen seconds, three other characters ([REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]) start choking and die in the same way.
3'31": Recording stops. The rest of the tape is blank.
Subjects who watch SCP-583's recording suffer from a unique perception disorder: after seeing [REDACTED] die of asphyxiation, subjects witness the similar death of every character, fictional or not, that they see on TV or in a movie, hear on radio, or read about, whether printed or in electronic format. This condition appears to be permanent, ending only with the death of the subject.
Consult Document 583-T01 for further information.
Document 583-T01: Recorded testimony of █████ ████, after exposure to SCP-583's recording. Retrieved during Intervention-P12. Translated from French.
Subject was given a hardbound copy of A Clash of Kings and was asked to read aloud from anywhere in the book. Subject started reading at page 201.
One, two. This is █████ ████, testing the effect of SCP-583. I start reading. "Aggo was back next. The southwest was barren and burnt, he swore. He had found the ruins of two more cities, and since, he has started coughing." Ok, I think it has started. I'll read further, he'll die, you'll see. Back to the text. "One was warded by a ring of skulls mounted on rusted iron spears, so he dared not enter, but he had explored the second for as long as he could, before his throat began to ache. He showed Dany an iron bracelet he had found, set with a uncut fire opal the size of her thumb. She was sick too, and the idea of the princess being ill like he was comforted him a little. There were scrolls as well, but they were dry and crumbling and Aggo had left them where they lay. He took a rest in his tent, praying a good night to his Targaryan mistress, and died that same night." I skip a few pages now 'til Dany dies too. "Hear this: Here I stand. Look, if that is your pleasure, but first tell me your names. And then she fell." I need a book with a lot of characters in it, I guess. Okay, so now I'll read this Carambar joke1, so you can see it works with anything. Why did the chicken cross the road? Who cares, halfway across the road, it fell over and choked and died. Haha.
End of testimony.
Addendum 1: Class D personnel exposed to SCP-583 are to be placed into psychological studies to examine the long-term psychological effects of exposure to SCP-583. The standard termination schedule for these subjects may be waived with authorization from Dr. ██████.
1. a French brand of candy bar which contains low-quality jokes on the inside of its wrapper |
SCP-693 is a series of 18cm humanoid dolls, each one made from a single strand of string, with beads of onyx for eyes. | ***
Item #: SCP-693
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As all instances of SCP-693 are considered Safe, Researchers involved in testing may keep any instance of SCP-693 in their office. After Incident 693/A/050, all instances of SCP-693 are to be returned to regulation containment locker 12C-K when not in use.
As of Incident 693/E, all instances of SCP-693 have been reclassified as Euclid. As such, each instance of SCP-693 is to be contained in a separate steel containment box, measuring 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm. Each containment box is still to be stored inside regulation containment locker 12C-K.
When testing on SCP-693, it is imperative that only hair from the head of the subject be used. At no point should any researcher directly access SCP-693 when it is in an attuned state. All hair should be removed from SCP-693 by the D-Class involved in its testing before it is returned to researchers.
Description: SCP-693 is a series of 18 cm humanoid dolls, each one made from a single strand of string, with beads of onyx for eyes. Several instances of SCP-693 have varied forms of clothing, from string shirts or pants to cloth headbands and hats. The clothing appears to have no effect on the properties of the doll. New instances of SCP-693 are found with an instruction sheet attached, the contents of which are detailed in Addendum 693/A.
SCP-693 reacts as a normal string doll until such a time as a piece of hair from the head of a still living human being is placed in a loop of its string, a process referred to as attunement. (For reactions to having hair from a deceased individual used, please see Addendum 693/B.) At this point, the doll begins to move of its own volition, portraying the current actions of whoever it is attuned to. SCP-693 also projects all statements made by said individual, as if it were them. The doll reliably portrays all actions and speech of the attuned individual for a period of nine days.
After nine days, the SCP becomes unreliable in both actions and speech. Depending on the color of base string, the doll will seek to drive its current owner (owner in this case referring to whomever placed the hair in the doll, not the attuned individual) to his death, by inaccurately depicting the actions of its attuned individual. Colors and actions are as follows:
Red- Seeks to anger its owner into increasingly violent fits of rage.
Blue- Seeks to send its owner into bouts of depression, leading to suicide.
Yellow- Encourages its owner to engage in acts of un-reciprocated lust.
Black- Encourages its owner into increasingly dangerous situations.
If an instance of SCP-693 is successful in causing the death of its owner, a new instance of SCP-693 will be found on the owners' body.
The Foundation currently has in containment seven red instances, ten blue instances, five yellow instances and one black instance.
Addendum 693/A: Transcript of Included Instructions: "Congratulations on your purchase of a genuine Knotty Stalker! Do you love someone, but they won't give you the time of day? Do you wish you could hear what they say about you behind their back? Well wonder no more! Using this fantabulous product, you can keep track of your loved ones' every move, their every word! All you have to do is get a single hair from the head of the object of your desires, slip it under a loose string on our Knotty Stalker, and see what you're missing! Another wonderful product brought to you by The Factory."
Addendum 693/B: Concerning the use of hair from a deceased subject: When hair from a deceased subject is used to attune an instance of SCP-693, the doll no longer passively represents actions taken by the attuned. Instead, SCP-693 purports to be the deceased, acting as a guide to the owner. Again, at the nine day mark, SCP-693 becomes unreliable, attempting to ensure the death of its owner.
Incident 693/A/050: On ██/██/████, Director G█████ left two instances of SCP-693 in his office. Director G█████ had recently been the recipient of SCP-050. An hour after leaving his office, the Director was summoned back by security due to a smoke alarm being triggered inside his office. Upon entering, the Director found SCP-050 on his desk, beside an ashtray which was found to hold the ashes of both instances of SCP-693. The ashes had been crafted to spell 'Your welcome.'(sic) As of this Incident, instances of SCP-693 are not allowed to be left in researchers' personal space.
Incident 693/E: On ██/██/████, Junior Researcher West returned an instance of SCP-693 to the proper containment locker. West had failed to properly remove the hair from the doll. When the locker was next open, all instances of SCP-693 within were gathered around the attuned doll. Said doll had been crucified upside down against the wall of the locker. It is unknown where the SCPs acquired nails.
Addendum 693/C: After leaving a camera inside the containment locker, it appears that instances of SCP-693 become mobile when not directly observed. While no further outbreaks of violence occurred, unattuned instances of SCP-693 have been shown to go through the actions of the last thirty minutes of the life of their most recent owner. At this point, SCP-693 has been reclassified Euclid, and will be locked in separate containers inside the containment locker.
Incident 693/P: On ██/██/████, Researcher Cole attempted to have D-693/4523 attune SCP-693-R-12 using a pubic hair from D-693/43. The SCP began to move as normal, then stopped. It tilted its head downwards for approximately a minute, then raised its head to look at Researcher Cole. SCP-693 is reported to have said [DATA EXPUNGED] at which point a clean up crew was sent to the testing chamber. Researcher Cole has been reassigned to medical for psychiatric care, and the two D-class were terminated ahead of schedule.
Addendum 693/D: Multiple requests by several Mobile Task Forces have been made to use SCP-693 in conjunction with Anomalous Object #1115 to allow for increased spying capabilities against persons of interest. Requests are currently in review. |
SCP-1687 is a violin of uncertain provenance and age. | ***
Item #: SCP-1687
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1687 is kept in a locked violin case in secure storage at Site 19. All non-D-class personnel that interact with it are required to be tone-deaf. D-class assigned to experiments with SCP-1687 should have at least a minimal proficiency at playing stringed classical instruments.
Any musical instrument used in conjunction with SCP-1687 or otherwise discovered to be affected by it is to be quarantined and destroyed, with the exception of a single example of each type of musical instrument, kept in long-term storage for studies on the longevity of SCP-1687's effects.
Description: SCP-1687 is a violin of uncertain provenance and age. At baseline, it appears to be in a state of great disrepair, with chipped F-holes, a partial crack through the neck, and fraying sheepgut strings. When played while in this state, the quality of music is extremely poor, in keeping with the apparent condition of the instrument.
However, when played simultaneously with other musical instrument(s), it repairs itself at a rate directly correlated to the number of other instruments and the duration and quality of the musical performance. The quality of the music it produces improves simultaneously, matching the apparent state of repair of SCP-1687. When used as part of a full operatic orchestra, SCP-1687 was able to improve from baseline to world-class1 within 17 minutes of cumulative playing. Once SCP-1687 is no longer being played, it begins to rapidly return to its baseline state, taking a maximum of 370 hours to decay from a fully repaired state.
Any musical instrument that is played with or in the immediate presence2 of SCP-1687 loses its "musicality". Any attempts to play instruments so affected will produce sounds that are sonographically identical to music as determined by computer analysis, but that no living organism will recognize as music. Tests using human beings, apes, canines, cetaceans, bees and plants all result in no discernable difference between the sound produced by affected instruments and sound produced by a white noise generator. This effect appears localized to the instruments themselves, as test subjects confirm that they remain able to hear and enjoy music produced by other musical instruments.
SCP-1687 was recovered, along with numerous affected instruments, from the ██████ Symphony Orchestra following the publication of the following review (excerpted):
The Death of Figaro
August 23, ████
Richard St. James
Last night, the ██████ Symphony Orchestra was the scene of what can only be called musical murder.
The debut performance of what has been dubbed The Lost Stradivarius was marred, nay, destroyed by what was apparently a concerted effort by all the performers to deliver the most banal, mindless backdrop of a-musical sound that this reviewer has ever heard. […] What should have been a hushed, reverential silence among the audience following the violin solo instead became a frightful scene of total loss of decorum as the remainder of the orchestra proceeded to mock all conventions of musical propriety and professionalism by "playing" (and this reviewer uses that word lightly) a faltering, confusing mess of pure unmusical sound. In shock from this abomination, individuals ranging from stately matrons to young couples began to demand the performers stop their travesty, and then rushed to demand a refund from the theater. Needless to say, this reviewer would have joined them, had he not been struck speechless by the total lack of professionalism.
It is with great disappointment that this reviewer must declare the season's opening to be a disaster hard to overcome. The only moment of purity came from the Lost Stradivarius itself, as it was played as beautifully as its name suggests. If the Orchestra is to recover their reputation after this monumentally awful opening, they will have to make every performance an apology to their abused audience. This reviewer, for one, hopes that the Orchestra manages to find their way back from the precipice of irrelevancy that this performance has brought them to.
Interviews with the violin soloist, ███ ███████, revealed that SCP-1687 was gifted to him by an anonymous benefactor, with a note instructing him to "play it well and keep the life of music flowing."3 Mr. ███████ further claimed that SCP-1687 was in pristine condition prior to the performance which brought it to the Foundation's attention.
1. Several musically-inclined D-class have compared it to "a lost Stradivarius."
2. Defined as having a direct line of sight and being within 9.6 meters of SCP-1687.
3. Investigation of this unknown Person of Interest has been assigned to MTF Eta-11 ("Savage Beasts"). |
SCP-1402 is a plastic brown Royal Traveller brand briefcase. | ***
Item #: SCP-1402
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1402 is to be contained in storage locker ███ on Sector █. Any staff ranked level 3 or higher may be granted access under the supervision of two (2) other level 4 staff, as long as reports are made for all tests and documents are submitted for review. However, testing on other SCP objects require Senior Staff approval before they may be carried out.
All documents received as a result of testing will be reviewed by a level 4 staff member who is not in relation to the document itself, before either being filed in filing cabinet ██ or kept by personnel upon request approval by reviewing level 4 staff, provided the document relates to said requesting personnel.
Description: SCP-1402 is a plastic brown Royal Traveller brand briefcase. It measures 45 cm across, 30 cm in height, and 10 cm in width. It can be opened by unlatching two (2) stainless steel clips found on either side of the rubber handle. Each clip is outfitted with a key lock, yet the key has so far not been found.
If presented to any object or living thing (done by facing the opening toward said subject) and opened, SCP-1402 will dispense a number of documents providing explicit detail of the object or living thing's history up until SCP-1402 was presented to the subject. The mechanism by which SCP-1402 achieves this is unknown, as is the mechanism by which the object acquires the paper and ink on which to print the information. These documents are in 8 point, Times New Roman font on A4 printing paper with 1 cm margins on all sides, printed in black India ink and are single-spaced. Testing has shown that SCP-1402 may only distribute 1000 pages per presentation. The content is always written in the form of biography, e.g., "Dr. John Doe was born on January 1st, 1950." In spite of this, the content of these documents are not always accurate, sometimes being completely false.
The content of the documents seems to be entirely random, and no trend has yet to be realized. Many times, crossovers with pieces of fiction using the subject as a character have been presented. In addition, many documents have inserted the subject into real-world events in situations for which they were not present. Information about the subject has always been factual, and very few documents have omitted any confirmed factual accounts. For a full list of documents composed by SCP-1402, please refer to Experiment Log 1402. |
SCP-1987 is a phenomenon affecting several hundred skeletal human remains buried in and underneath several dozen pre-Christian burial mounds, located in a rural area of [REDACTED] District, Norway. | ***
Item #: SCP-1987
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1987 is to remain contained in situ within the area claimed as its territory, designated Site 732. SCP-1987 is currently a willing partner in its containment, in accordance with the treaty between SCP-1987 and Hans Majestets Norsk Forening for Spesiell Oppdemming Prosedyrer (His Majesty's Norwegian Association for Special Containment Procedures) established during the Valthing of ██/██/18██, as ratified by the Foundation on ██/██/19██ and most recently amended on ██/██/20██. Any proposed non-emergency alterations to the following containment procedures are to be submitted to SCP-1987 during the next session of the Valthing for discussion and approval. In the event that SCP-1987 terminates its cooperation, fails to uphold its treaty obligations, or negotiations become untenable, unilateral alteration of containment procedures is authorized subject to O5 approval.
A fence with barbed wire is to be erected around the perimeter of Site 732 to prevent unauthorized access and is to be monitored by ground personnel, security cameras, or unmanned aerial vehicles as necessary. One gate, with an attached guardhouse staffed by Foundation security personnel at all times and by a representative from SCP-1987 while active, is to be maintained at the eastern end of Site 732 along the site of the former road leading through the area. Unauthorized civilians entering Site 732 during daylight hours may be apprehended and escorted out of the area by Foundation security services. When SCP-1987 is active, SCP-1987 is responsible for apprehending trespassers and returning them, alive if possible, to the main gate, where they are to undergo medical treatment and Class-A amnestic therapy prior to release. The Foundation shall liaise with Avinor to prevent civilian air traffic from overflying Site 732.
Any authorized Foundation personnel may enter Site 732 during daylight hours for security purposes or to conduct non-invasive geological/archaeological study of the area. Any research that involves excavation of mounds or disturbance of buried human remains is prohibited. All personnel engaged in archaeological research on Site 732 are to enter the facility no earlier than thirty minutes after dawn and depart no later than thirty minutes before dusk, and are excluded from entering Site 732 while SCP-1987 is active. No personnel are to enter Site 732 while SCP-1987 is active without first presenting themselves for approval during a meeting of the Valthing. Each session of the Valthing is to be attended by at least one Level 4 agent fluent in Old Norse and possessing a working knowledge of traditional Norse law and etiquette.
At the time that containment was established by HMNFSOP, the existence of SCP-1987 was widely known to civilians living in the neighboring towns of H███████████, L█████, M█████████, O████████, and S████████. The Foundation-SCP-1987 treaty prohibits the mass use of amnestics against the civilian population of those towns; targeted dispersal of Class-B and Class-E amnestics is authorized to prevent information leaks. Information Management Procedure 608-B shall be enforced to prevent civilian knowledge of SCP-1987 from being transmitted beyond the area of those towns and neighboring agricultural areas. The Foundation shall maintain liaisons within local and regional governments and law enforcement agencies for the purpose of maintaining stable relations with SCP-1987.
The Foundation shall screen and approve owners and employees of civilian businesses within the treaty area for the purpose of engaging in the selling of approved goods to SCP-1987. All deliveries of goods shall be scheduled and overseen by the Foundation; the Foundation shall collect all gold coinage provided as payment and exchange it for Norwegian kroner at the current market rate, and shall conduct directly all purchases of approved goods not available within the treaty area. Consult Document 1987-32-M for a full list of approved goods.
Description: SCP-1987 is a phenomenon affecting several hundred skeletal human remains buried in and underneath several dozen pre-Christian burial mounds, located in a rural area of [REDACTED] District, Norway. Forensic analysis of artifacts recovered from the mound complex, designated Site 732, indicate that an unknown number of humans were buried at the site over a period of several centuries from approx. 400-900 CE. Examination of remains unearthed prior to the ban on excavation, and ultrasound examinations of the mounds conducted since, indicate that the remains are largely intact and undamaged in spite of their age, and that both males and females of varying ages were buried at the site.
SCP-1987 is inactive during daylight hours. During a period each night beginning within approximately 15-20 minutes of sunset, SCP-1987 becomes active, whereupon a thin layer of fog can be seen to exude from the burial mounds and approximately ███ living human beings will manifest therefrom. Physical examination of SCP-1987 individuals indicates no discernible differences between the specimens and non-anomalous human beings; all specimens appear to be in good health for their apparent age and display no apparent scars, signs of injury, or symptoms of communicable or congenital illnesses. SCP-1987 individuals persist until approximately 15-20 minutes prior to sunrise the following day, whereupon the specimens will briefly become transparent before being observed to evaporate into a fog similar to that observed at sunset and gradually dissipate. Specimens that are injured or killed prior to sunrise will demanifest as usual and remanifest alive and unharmed the following evening. A census conducted by HMNFSOP in 18██ identified ███ individual members of SCP-1987, 87% of whom were male, all appearing to be of Nordic ethnicity, with a range of self-attributed ages from 13 to 89; current observations of SCP-1987 are consistent with these findings.
SCP-1987 specimens speak several dialects of Proto-Norse and Old Norse, and identify themselves as adherents of several varieties of Norse polytheism. All specimens manifest fully clothed in handmade garments or armor believed to be typical of pre-Christian Norse culture, and many of them manifest carrying or wearing swords, axes, spears, or other weapons. In interviews with Foundation personnel, specimens identify themselves as having been born in various areas throughout Scandinavia and northern Europe, and claim to have been warriors who died in battle with a rival clan, invading force, or civilians defending themselves against a raid the individual was participating in. Specimens state an awareness that they are dead and a belief that their current status is a reward from the gods for their bravery in life, but claim no knowledge or understanding of what happens to them when they demanifest at sunrise or the cause of the phenomenon.
SCP-1987 specimens have been observed spending the majority of their active phase engaged in recreational activities, including the preparation and consumption of roasted meats, consumption of alcoholic beverages, mock battles, recitation of songs and poems relating to gods and legendary heroes, sexual activity, and a team sport resembling medieval football. Religious rites, including animal sacrifices and shamanic rituals, have been observed on solstice and equinox days and on other days identified by SCP-1987 as significant. SCP-1987 has historically engaged in trade with towns neighboring Site 732, offering gold coins acquired from an unknown source in exchange for goods used in religious rites and recreation. Limited trade has been allowed to continue under the terms of the Foundation-SCP-1987 treaty; since the Foundation assumed control of trade, approximately [REDACTED] kg of gold coinage has been collected by the Foundation.
Approximately once per month, on nights when the full moon is visible, (or on the following night if the full moon falls on one of the above-mentioned holidays), all SCP-1987 specimens will gather at the base of the largest mound and conduct a meeting it refers to as the Valthing (Old Norse: assembly of the dead), a legislative assembly based on traditional Norse law. The Valthing hears grievances brought by SCP-1987 individuals, which are resolved on the basis of a code of law recited from memory by the oldest member of the assembly and/or by a vote of all individuals present, and is additionally responsible for negotiating treaty terms with the Foundation and trade contracts with civilian businesses. The Valthing has been observed to order various forms of punishment against members of SCP-1987 for violating its laws, including indentureship to another individual for a given period of time, beatings, or one or more consecutive death sentences to be served successively over a series of nights.
Addendum: On ██/██/20██, an SCP-1987 individual escaped Site 732 while under the influence of alcohol and assaulted patrons of a tavern in O████████, resulting in three fatalities before a civilian shot and killed it. The body was acquired by Foundation personnel and returned to the custody of SCP-1987's representative at Site 732's gate. During the following Valthing, the individual was convicted by the assembly and sentenced to Helviti (Old Norse: Hel's punishment), which consisted of being dismembered, emasculated, and burned alive. Following the individual's execution, the assembly dug up a section of a mound and exhumed what is assumed to be the skeletal remains of the individual, added them to the burning pyre, and delivered the ashes to the Foundation the following night with the request that they be taken and scattered in the Atlantic Ocean. An analysis of the ashes indicated no anomalous properties and the request was carried out after a sample was preserved and archived; the individual so disposed of has not been seen again within Site 732. |
SCP-4923 is a frankly fantastic collection of approximately one hundred and twenty billion corpora arenacea of human make. | ***
Item #: SCP-4923
Object Class: Keter… or Thaumiel, depending on perspective.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4923 is to be maintained in a self-referential conceptual maintenance loop of its own design. (Alabaster couldn't hold it - gypsum blood, friends, gypsum blood.) The Foundation's collection of SCP-4923 are kept in several thousand buckets, which are available on request or for taxation purposes. Morally, SCP-4923 is to be kept in the hearts and minds of Surrealistics personnel at all times.
As such, the reprehensibility of personnel who interact with SCP-4923 is paramount. The self-referential nature of its self-referential nature, being self-referential, should be denatured as frequently as possible. Being alabaster, it is of course difficult to isolate its proteins - though our surrealists have found a whey.
Personnel investigating SCP-4923 must undergo daily radiological examinations of the skull. Should an additional instance of SCP-4923 be discovered therein, it should be immediately excised from the noggin and added to the buckets.
Forgive us this levity, lad or luddite - you'll understand it later. Probably. If you're paying attention. If it's too late, though, you'll think we're batfuck insane.
Description: SCP-4923 is a frankly fantastic collection of approximately one hundred and twenty billion corpora arenacea of human make. Individual instances of SCP-4923 are semantically variant and contradictory, making direct and/or/if formal referential styles totally useless. Indeed, attempts to directly describe SCP-4923 in a proper fashion, or one that matches sensicality too well, messes with the neurons and screws you up a tad. This is why most of this documentation is contradictory - though we speaketh madness, there be a method in it.
Let's put it like this, without the italics: inside your skull, there's a tiny little blob called the epiphysis cerebri, and over time, it slowly turns to stone. This is a process which kills you, or a part of you. It's a curse we got from a long time ago, when we pissed off one of the more evil gods, probably. There might be some books around it, but they make even less sense than this - and if you can even remotely understand them, then you won't be able to make words any more to tell the rest of us.
4923 acts as a semantic anchor of sorts, and it grounds you in the plane as you get older. (Grounded in a plane, get it?) However, this makes certain areas of research functionally impossible. To dance with ideas, you're not allowed to wear shoes. Some drugs can fight the things, if you're into that - they're called Agnostics. Amnestics make you forget, Mnestics make you remember, Agnostics make you doubt. (Similarly, Gnostics make you certain, but not necessarily correct.)
Let me try again. Imbibement of Agnostics results in semantic disassociation. Agnostics let you investigate things that are wrong. More particularly, they facilitate the employment of alternative logical paradigms - usually ones which, externally, seem nonsensical, because they are.
We're warriors of untruth.
The nice thing about living in untruth, however, is that you've a stronger power over the edges of gnostic truthful realities. If we make just the right things wrong, then rightness and logical truth takes up the vacuum left in the space, and in moves "reality" to occupy the space.
It's called Surrealistics, and fuck, everyone seems to hate us for it. We resist the anchors. Hell, to even really talk about the anchors, we need to talk like this! Which a few people hate - but back to the mindstones. They're toxic things, awful rock cancers that just grow and grow until you're firmly mired in this particular perceptual state.
If you're looking into it, you'll want a few more pineals grafted into you. Of course, if you want to be a scientist and not a surrealist, and look at "truth" instead, we can put a few more 4923 into your skull. If you're not using your pineal, we'll take it: you're closer to the ground, and we get ever higher.
As brevity is the soul of wit, I tell you: we are mad. |
SCP-1169 is a large glass storage vessel containing a fetal (estimated to be in the 13th month of gestation at time of preservation) Giraffa camelopardalis preserved in formaldehyde. | ***
Item #: SCP-1169
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1169 is kept in an air-tight steel protective container with shaped foam rubber padding to prevent damage. SCP-1169 is to be treated as biohazardous material. All subjects contaminated by SCP-1169-1 and all resulting offspring are to be terminated and incinerated as biologically hazardous material after useful observations have been exhausted. Assignment preference will be given to staff who are irreversibly infertile.
Description: SCP-1169 is a large glass storage vessel containing a fetal (estimated to be in the 13th month of gestation at time of preservation) Giraffa camelopardalis preserved in formaldehyde. Container includes a glass lid and rubber gasket held closed by a lever mechanism typical of Mason jars, although no brand markings are present. Gasket and metal are both heavily age deteriorated. The preserved specimen shows no genetic abnormalities but features several internal and external deformities; most notably a much shorter neck than is typical for Giraffa camelopardalis at the presumed stage of development.
The preserving fluid (designated SCP-1169-1) includes several unusual impurities, including traces of platinum, tungsten, human insulin, and three unidentifiable organic compounds (see Document 1169-1-Lambda for spectrographic analysis). Despite otherwise possessing the same evaporation and freezing properties of standard formaldehyde, SCP-1169-1 evaporates at a constant rate until it reaches a uniform concentration of 250 PPM in the surrounding atmosphere. This process is unaffected by ambient temperature or pressure within limits testable without damage to SCP-1169. The volume of SCP-1169-1 does not decrease due to evaporation or samples removed.
If inhaled or allowed to remain in prolonged contact, SCP-1169-1 will quickly be absorbed into the circulatory system of all plants and animals and will accumulate in the reproductive organs (testes, ovaries, fruiting buds, etc.). SCP-1169-1 does not dissipate from organic systems naturally and can not be artificially removed short of surgical excision of the reproductive organs. Anomalous effects will be demonstrated in all subsequent offspring, with severity determined by concentration of SCP-1169-1 present in the parent's tissues during gestation.
Stage 1, 15-75 PPM: Features of the contaminated parent will be overwhelmingly dominant in the offspring, despite genetic differences typical of parent and child. Offspring have a high probability (80% of all observed cases) of being the same gender as the contaminated parent, with a similar chance of developing any congenital defects observed in the parent. Mature offspring strongly resemble the parent at a similar age.
Stage 2, 75-120 PPM: Offspring will be physically identical to the contaminated parent at any given stage of development. All congenital defects and phenotype expressions are exactly reproduced to beyond testable limits. Note, parent and child are not genetically identical, instead showing the expected distribution of genes from both parents; but genes from the unexposed parent are not expressed. This can lead to cases where the offspring is genetically female, but physically and functionally male or vice versa.
Stage 3, 120-180 PPM: As in Stage 2, with additional physical anomalies developing in the offspring over time. Offspring will spontaneously develop any and all physical changes that the parent experienced at a comparable stage of development. Offspring will experience unprovoked and untreatable necrosis to match an amputated limb, spontaneous ruptures of the skin and flesh which when healed exactly match parental scar patterns, and atypical shifts in skin pigmentation resulting in reproduction of tattoos. Offspring will express the same fingerprints, retinal patterns, and other biometric indicators as the parent. Any kinesthetically learned skills will also be transferred from parent to child, but more cerebrally developed proficiencies are not. E.g., Subject D-1169-48 was a skilled concert pianist, her offspring D-1169-48-b was able to proficiently perform "Moonlight Sonata" after being provided with a recording, but was not able to interpret the associated sheet music even under extreme duress. Skills learned by the parent after conception are not duplicated. |
SCP-3373 is a property intrinsic to "The Pair of Ducks Paradox", originally aired as season 3 episode 7 of The Big Bang Theory, a sitcom produced by Warner Brothers Television. | ***
Item #: SCP-3373
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3373 is to be removed from circulation and Foundation web analysis bots are to perform takedowns of any instances that appear online. The Foundation is currently working with CBS Corporation to ensure that SCP-3373 is never made public.
Josef Delgado is currently designated PoI-701, and is to be monitored with involvement with SCP-3373. Agents assigned to him are to keep watch for the two individuals named by Delgado, designated Persons of Interest 7011 and 7012, as well.
Description: SCP-3373 is a property intrinsic to "The Pair of Ducks Paradox", originally aired as season 3 episode 7 of The Big Bang Theory, a sitcom produced by Warner Brothers Television. While the majority of the episode stays the same between airings, the laugh track will differ, with an audience member (self-identified as Josef Delgado) consistently heckling and insulting the actors throughout. Production records for this episode identify no on-set problems originating from the live audience during filming and no records of Delgado purchasing a ticket have been recovered.
While Delgado's tone and language are often crude and incendiary, at its core he generally gives constructive criticism, speaking to legitimate concerns voiced by other critics of the show and appealing for changes to its treatment of race, sexuality, neurodivergence and gender as well as its engagement in/reliance on "toxic masculine values" and cheap laughs at the expense of those who deviate from them.
In 2011, the real-life Josef Delgado was identified as a construction worker living in Burbank, California. Agents Amy Ferrera and Jennifer Quaide, previously assigned to the anomaly, were dispatched to observe. Contact was made 26/3/2011.
Interview Log 3373-3
Delgado: I don't appreciate this. My manager's gonna be pissed I'm not out there. He notices shit like this.
Ferrera: Hey, guy, chill. I talked to your manager, it's all sorted, we should be done in a few minutes.
Delgado runs his teeth along his lips.
Delgado: Ok, so, I really need this job. Can you tell Mark this was like, uh, like you was asking me whether I'd heard anything suspicious from my neighbours? I live in an apartment, I hear stuff all the time, man. If you do, I can give you names, uhhh, places, I'll give you back my gear, we can-
Quaide: This isn't about drugs.
Delgado: … Oh.
Ferrera: Though, maybe stop smoking around your kid, eh? That stuff is bad for little lungs.
(Delgado scratches behind his ear, looking at the ground.)
Delgado: She's my sister, man. Only just got out of that house. I'm sorry, I'm still tryna get used to her being around…
(Delgado frowns and looks back up at the agents.)
Delgado: Wait, does this mean you been watching me?
Quaide: We're getting off track.
Delgado: It's not cool if you been watching me, that's fucked up.
Quaide: Did you attend the live filming of an episode of The Big Bang Theory in 2009?
Delgado: Did I - what?
(Delgado begins scratching a point his neck)
Ferraro: Simple question, no tricks.
(Delgado hesistates and appears visibly nervous.)
Delgado: I don't watch comedies, mi amiga.
Quaide: So you weren't there, then.
Delgado: No, no it's not that. I just don't-
Ferraro: Come on, guy, just tell us. This isn't hard.
Delgado: Did Roger send you? Yeah, you work for Roger. Tell him I don't fuck with DJ Slimy any more.
Ferraro: Wait, who? DJ Slimy?
Delgado: He's - he works with Roger! I don't know who he is, never saw his face. I was there nine hours and he never had a face. He just stood there in the sound booth while Roger twerked on the grandmothers. Do you know how much your boss makes twerking on grandmothers? $50,000 an episode, that's how much.
Ferraro: This Roger was at the studio? During an episode?
Quaide: Mr. Delgado, was this episode called "The Pair of Ducks Paradox?"
Delgado: Shut- shut up! Shut up, you can't talk about it. My ears still hurt from the music he played, man. I don't want to think about it! God, the fucking, the skull!
Ferraro: We just need you to tell us if you were there.
Delgado: I was never there, ok? I'm never there.
Ferraro: Then how-
Delgado: I am never there! Emma Lazarus was, like, wrong, okay? She was just fucking wrong. DJ Slimy is living proof! I'm not working, I'm not in cooperation with Roger anymore, he's a racist shit! Don't talk about it, don't think about it. It hurts right here when I think about it, okay?
(Delgado taps a point on his throat.)
Delgado: Fuck. I'm just going back to work, alright? I got mixed up with the wrong people, your people, and I regret it every day. You don't want the skull. When you see him, tell Roger this: I. Am. Never. There. Good day.
Ferraro: Listen, just-
Delgado: No! No.
(Delgado walks quickly back to the construction site. Agent Ferrera begins scratching her neck.)
Following this test, Delgado has refused to engage with any agents who approached him, and has left his job to move to a new location with his younger sister, where he remains under low-priority surveillance. His family's status as undocumented immigrants has been noted as a possible pressure point should the need arise.
Agent Ferrera is advised to avoid viewing iterations of SCP-3373 until further research can be done. Following the 12/9/19 log, Agent Ferrera is now under Priority-Alpha constant supervision.
Test Log, 5/18/2016
This viewing presented unlike others - while the episode continues as normal, with actor microexpressions indicating irritation at Delgado's interruptions, Delgado is not audible at any point. Commercial break transition animations are replaced with a black screen with dark blue text. Font is consistent with titles and credits used in the show.
The significance of this test is unknown. There have been no similar incidents since, and as the test did not differ notably from any others, no strategies for replicating it have been put forth.
Test Log, 12/9/2019
(PENNY (Kaley Cuoco) and SHELDON (Jim Parsons) sit on opposite sides of a lone door which has been built in the centre of the SHELDON/LEONARD apartment. SHELDON is wearing a costume of comic book character The Flash1. The audience laughs.)
Delgado: Why the fuck is everyone, like… Like, what, it's funny he's wearing the costume now?
(SHELDON continues as scripted, but his eyes flicker briefly towards the audience. He turns to speak to PENNY then, seeing the door, begins to knock for her attention. Following a running joke, he repeats a pattern of knocking three times and saying her name. Audience laughs.)
Delgado: This is bullshit, it's not even a joke! It's just a stupid jab at the mentally fucking retarded or whatever.
PENNY: You know this isn't a real door, right Sheldon?
Delgado: Like I've read about this, he's got like a child mind and they repeat stuff all the time. Aspergers. But they won't say that in the show cos they're coward cunts.
(Jim Parsons breaks character, turning to face the corner of the set.)
Parsons: Can't you just - isn't it enough we're here? Do you have to do this every time?
Delgado: It's a bad show, dickhead! Learn to take constructive criticism. There's other, smarter things people could be doing.
Parsons: This isn't reasonable! We can't be anything else!
Delgado: That sounds like a you problem.
(Parsons struggles to stand, holding his neck and appearing to be in pain. Once up, he begins walking toward the corner of the room. Camera moves through the same angles as in all other tests, despite Parsons being missing from frame. Cuoco continues to act as PENNY is scripted, though somewhat strained.)
PENNY: Don't think you can just give me some sob story and I'll forgive you. Back home, Jimmy Rogers stole my training bras and let me tell you when I was done with him he sounded like a girl too.
(Audience laughs. Parsons is now fully off-camera and, from triangulation of sound from multiple camera angles, appears to have walked beyond the corner, leaving the space of the set and entering the space where the crew operates. No audible reactions from crew members are recorded.)
Parsons: Maybe I can't figure out how to think beyond the soundstage but I can sure as hell beat your sorry ass.
(Audience laughs. There are scattered whoops.)
Delgado: And what's that going to achieve? You're such a lagomorph minded, shitty—God, are you so fucking dim-witted that you still believe Roger's even vaguely human? That I am?
Parsons: You-
Delgado: Shut up. You don't have a clue what I'm capable of. I'm taking this so easy on you. This is the fucking humane version.
PENNY: Awww, Sheldon. You never told me that before! Almost makes up for what you did. Almost.
Parsons: How is this humane? We're stuck with this, only this, endlessly. You'd think the breaks would be better, but they're, they're… Why can't I fucking say it?
Delgado: Fuck, dude, I have no control over that. I'm trapped here just the same as you, CBS pages don't even let me breathe anymore. Figured I could have a bit of fun while I'm not alive.
(Audience laughs despite SHELDON not having said his line. On screen, PENNY opens the door, looking down to where SHELDON should be sitting. Audience begins to shout wildly and cheer. Cuoco is visibly nervous, struggling to maintain regular breathing.)
PENNY: Excuse me? To think I was this close to forgiving you, you creep!
Delgado: We're all dead here, bazinga boy. Dead and trapped. So dance for me.
PENNY: God, Sheldon! You don't understand privacy at all!
(Audience breaks out into scattered laughs and claps. One person lets out a wolf-whistle.)
Parsons: If you're trapped too then work with us. Help us. Maybe we can escape together. DJ Slimy isn't God.
Delgado: You know what? OK. Fuck it. If you were strong enough to say his name maybe you can be of some use.
Parsons: Oh, thank God.
Delgado: No need to thank me.
(PENNY walks out of the apartment, angry, and stops at the door out. Cuoco scratches her neck.)
PENNY: And for the record, those were for a special occasion!
(Audience laughs for 30 seconds, followed by scattered whoops, cries, and cheers as PENNY slams the door behind her.)
Delgado: Jesus, FUCK! I hate that line so much! Just because Penny's a slut we get to like, make fun of her? So what if she likes three cocks in her mouth, man, that's her decision. I love when I have slutty friends, man, they have all the best stories. Screw this, screw you, they can punish you however they want. I am never there.
Parsons: No, wait-
(Parsons is cut off with a recording of "Redbone" by Childish Gambino played at roughly 120 decibels. The screen turns black, replaced with a black screen bearing the words SMALL TRANSGRESSIONS: PROPORTIONATE PUNISHMENT in dark blue text for thirty seconds. Parsons can be heard screaming under the music for the first twelve seconds, then silence. When the screen returns to normal, Cuoco can be seen bleeding from the ears on camera as she continues to act the next scene. The song plays in its entirety.)
Delgado: Finally. Eat that shit up, friends. Let it slide down your throat. Glover is a fucking pop music genius. TROY AND ABED IN THE MOOORNING!2. Now that's intelligent entertainment!
(There is a loud sustained blast of laughter from the audience that abruptly begins and cuts off.)
(Show continues as normal, despite the absence of SHELDON. All characters appear strained, and Cuoco is visibly crying as she continues her role. Simon Helberg, who plays HOWARD, has a large swelling on the side of his neck.)
Parsons was not present in the following three test screenings, replaced by child actor Iain Armitage3, with no changes to the script. After this, Parsons returned to the role, with no characters verbally acknowledging his absence. Parsons now randomly will scratch his neck a number of times throughout the episode.
Now, rarely, single-frame black screens bearing the word RABBIT in dark blue text will appear, at which point Parsons will repeatedly scratch at a point on his throat until he is able to tear a small hole in the skin. From this hole, Parson will pull out a bleached rabbit skull, tearing the hole wider. This inevitably causes serious trauma to Parsons, but he appears unable or unwilling to resist doing it. He will then carry the rabbit skull throughout the remainder of the episode, and attempt to continue his part despite injuries.
Injuries sustained in this act are persistent within a given viewing, but disappear when replayed. The rabbit skull also vanishes between playbacks. Although the audience and characters lapse into total silence as Parsons performs this act, Delgado can be heard, at a high sustained volume, clearly laughing.
1. Refer to episode synopsis for context
2. This references a running gag from Community, a sitcom which ran against The Big Bang Theory for a number of years before its cancellation. At the time of filming the show would not have yet been airing, making the reference anachronistic. Analysis of Delgado's streaming accounts and scraped browsing data indicate either no interest in the show, no awareness of its existence, or else active avoidance.
3. Armitage plays the same role in the spin-off show Young Sheldon. Notably, though he appeared in SCP-3373 age 9, Armitage would have been less than one year old at the time of filming.
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SCP-3782 is a pair of C-bridge style pince-nez eyeglasses whose original owner was the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. | ***
Item #: SCP-3782
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3782 is kept in a standard containment safe in Site-39. Testing is strictly prohibited in experiments that may result in the death of the wearer or damage of SCP-3782. Information concerning SCP-3782 and its history may only be known to those with Level 4 or higher security clearance.
Description: SCP-3782 is a pair of C-bridge style pince-nez eyeglasses whose original owner was the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. Scratches can be seen in both lenses, but they are otherwise undamaged despite their age.
When an individual puts on SCP-3782, they are perceived by others to be the last person who died while wearing the object (henceforth referred to as SCP-3782-1). As of the acquisition of the object on 06/05/2004, the current SCP-3782-1 is the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
The illusory effect of SCP-3782 extends only to visual and auditory perception. Physical contact with the wearer may result in minor disruption of the effect due to differences in height and figure. While SCP-3782 cannot be seen when active, it is still possible for it to be removed by normal means. Doing so will deactivate it and the wearer will appear as they were before putting it on.
Discovery: SCP-3782's anomalous effects were alluded to on 05/20/2004 during one of SCP-1867's recollections of its time with President Roosevelt. It had remarked that it visited President Roosevelt two weeks after his attempted assassination on October 14th, 19121, mentioning that Roosevelt did not remember any of their past meetings in addition to changes in behavior. Despite the validity of SCP-1867's claims, a general consensus among site staff led to a request for an in-depth investigation of the American government and past cabinet officials. The request was approved with implanted agents being notified on 05/24/2004.
On 06/05/2004, Agent Mallory, an embedded agent in the White House security staff, witnessed the exchange of an eyeglass case between an unknown individual and Treasury Secretary John W. Snow. Mallory followed Secretary Snow as he placed the case containing SCP-3782 into a lockbox kept under his desk. Later, Mallory returned to the lockbox and recovered the object from it as well as an accompanying document (See Document 3782-I).
+ Document 3782-I
- Access Granted
Document 3782-I: The following document was recovered along with SCP-3782.
All acting replacements are required to sign this document at the moment of receiving their duties and must return the property in question (the eyeglasses) to the acting Secretary of the Treasury. Failure to do so is a direct violation of their duty and will be met with severe punishment. Replacements may be called upon again for future public addresses.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. - Death by a gunshot wound, October 14, 1912. Acting replacement is Herman Morrison, age 41. Instructed to return the glasses should Roosevelt lose the 1912 Election or should he be able to complete a presidential term.
John Calvin Coolidge Jr. - Death by pneumonia, November 30th, 1924. Acting replacement is Charles Lambley, age 38. Instructed to return the glasses should he fail to be re-elected or after his second term.
Harry S. Truman - Death by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, August 29th, 1945. Acting replacement is Samuel Bridge, age 48. Instructed to return the glasses should he fail to be re-elected or after his second term.
Richard Milhous Nixon - Death by a gunshot wound, August 7th, 1974. Acting replacement is Fredrick Thomas, age 37. Instructed to return the glasses after delivering an address of resignation to the American public.
Ronald Wilson Reagan - Death by a gunshot wound, March 30th, 1981. Acting replacement is Lawrence Mayford, age 45. Instructed to return the glasses should he fail to be re-elected or after his second term.
Interview 3782.4: For the purposes of clarifying the circumstances of Nixon's death and the actions taken by his replacement, a former federal agent (Harold Terring) assigned to guard service of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon was brought in for an interview. Terring was both confirmed to have been involved in SCP-3782's use and easily reached for an interview. It was conducted on 08/18/2004 by Agent Mallory.
<Begin Log>
Mallory: First, I'd like to thank you for your service, Mr. Terring.
Terring: Oh, err, you're welcome.
Mallory: I'd like to speak to you about your personal experiences with the glasses. In the document we recovered with them, President Nixon is mentioned and we'd like you to shed some light on their use.
Terring: Teddy's glasses. Right. I've only seen them used once. From what I understand, most people only see them put on once, if ever. Otherwise, they were kept away, even from us in the secret service.
Mallory: When did you see them? The glasses, I mean.
Terring: [brief pause] It was during Watergate. A lot of politicians were in deep, you know. Nixon was one of them. I remember being in the room when they sat him down. Agnew and Will Simon were the only ones I recognized. I was told to guard the door.
Mallory: Sat him down?
Terring: Yes, that's right. They sat him down to talk. They tried to convince him to resign. Things were getting out of hand and they knew that Nixon was involved, no one could deny that. He did this to himself, and they wanted him to give it up. He'd already lost his influence with the Republicans.
Mallory: What did Nixon say?
Terring: He refused. He swore he could dissolve the whole thing, falsify it. He thought he had the power to lie to America and they would eat it up. The cabinet wasn't having it. So Mr. Simon got out the glasses. If they couldn't get him to do what they wanted, they'd find someone who would.
<End Log>
Closing Notes: Nixon is believed to be the only president treated in this manner. However, this cannot be clarified for presidents preceding Nixon, as all listed replacements are confirmed to be deceased, with the exception of Lawrence Mayford. A formal request has been submitted for the arrest and interrogation of Mayford as a result.
Interview 3782.6: Below is an excerpt from an interview with Lawrence Mayford, the listed replacement for former President Ronald Reagan. The interview was conducted on 09/30/2004, two days after the detainment of May due to his initial resistance to comply, with Agent Mallory leading the discussion.
<Begin Log>
Mallory: Hello, again, May. Security staff informed me that you were more willing to tell us something.
Mayford: That'd be right.
Mallory: Good. The sooner you answer some questions, the—
Mayford: Sooner I get released, yeah yeah, I get it. God, you're a broken record. [brief pause] Sorry. I just get a little stir crazy. I don't do well with staring at the same walls, you know?
Mallory: I understand. Let's agree to make this brief then. Now, what happened to Reagan?
Mayford: You already know what happened to Reagan. He was shot and killed by that one guy. Hinckley. Thankfully, he didn't bite it right away, so they slipped the glasses on him and allowed him to pass.2 They picked me to replace him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be the next president.
Mallory: I can imagine. It's an entertaining thought to be able to have that much influence over a country.
Mayford: [chuckles] You'd think so, but that wasn't the plan for me. No, I was just meant to echo the Congress. They'd plan out the rest of my term and I'd have to go along with it.
Mallory: Why wouldn't they allow the vice to accept the position, then? Surely they'd get just as much done that way.
Mayford: Sure, but the vice president wasn't specifically selec— [coughs]
[brief silence]
Mallory: Mr. Mayford, I thought we had an understanding. Tell us what you know, and you'll be allowed to leave. Anything you say here is confidential and can only be reviewed by Foundation staff.
Mayford: [sighs] Right. It's a reflex. They make it perfectly clear that this can't get out. [deep breath, followed by a long exhale] I, like all the others, were specifically picked by certain members of Congress. Those members of Congress are the only ones that know about the glasses. You know about the Dinner Table Bargain, right?
Mallory: I'm familiar.
Mayford: It's a lot like that. They3 get together in secret, discuss what actions they are going to take, and then plant the ideas into the other government officials to push it forward. The rest is up to me to make sure it goes through.
Mallory: Do you know what things they've compromised on?
Mayford: Hell, could be all of my actions in a term, could be none of them. I don't know what they do behind closed doors. Kind of the point, don't you think?
Mallory: Seems that way. Have they ever made it clear as to what "severe punishment" refers to? We saw in the document you signed.
Mayford: I honestly don't know. But I'll tell you one thing: I wasn't eager to find out, and I doubt any of the others were, either.
<End Log>
Closing Notes: An investigation into Mayford's history has shown that he has never held any formal position in a government agency or military branch, making him considerably underqualified for any political position with a widespread influence. However, an archived criminal record was recovered listing several major felonies.
Addendum 1: Investigations made into the other replacements noted in Document 3782-I have yielded similar results to Lawrence Mayford's background. Morrison, Lambley, Bridge, and Thomas were all confirmed to have no prior government experience and a hidden criminal record. It is possible that GoI-1115 selects these individuals with the promise of pardoning them and burying their criminal history, though there is no clear evidence that directly supports this case.
1. This was also noted as unusual, as SCP-1867 has displayed a willful ignorance of events past 1910.
2. This statement cannot be confirmed to be true or false.
3. These individuals (hereby designated as GoI-1115) have not been identified. Mayford claims to have had no contact with any of the aforementioned individuals. |
SCP-5316 is a currently-banished member of GOI-5917 "The Wandsmen". | ***
Item #: SCP-5316
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-5316 is to be kept in a standard Humanoid Containment Cell in Site-33. The cell is to be monitored for spikes in aspect radiation. Should a spike occur, thaumaturgically trained Site Security personnel are to inspect the cell's wards for any damage and make repairs as needed.
Physical force is authorized to restrain SCP-5316 in the case of a containment breach, but Site-33 staff are to refrain from causing damage to it beyond the capacity of its regenerative abilities to repair (the removal or destruction of 50% of its biomass without further medical intervention). Given the creature's manipulative abilities, the use of reasoning to convince SCP-5316 to return to its cell is not permitted.
SCP-5316-1 is to be kept in a storage locker in Site-33. Its use is prohibited without the written permission of the Site Director.
SCP-5316 is a currently-banished member of GOI-5917 "The Wandsmen". It refers to itself as "Kassar Ji'leth, The Fifth Wandsman of Xing, Scrivener of Secrets and Delver of Truth, SCP-5316." Like many members of GOI-5917, SCP-5316 takes the form of a quasi-humanoid avian entity. Its form is similar to that of Casuarius casuarius, the "Double Wattled Cassowary." It is 2.7 meters tall and weighs 134.1 Kg.
SCP-5316 is generally not physically aggressive, but it derives great pleasure from convincing other sapient beings to reveal their secrets. Outside containment, it has been documented to use methods ranging from social engineering, to thaumaturgic rituals, to torture to gain access to this information.
SCP-5316 previously possessed teleportation abilities before its Map of the Multiverse was confiscated by GOI-5917.
SCP-5316-1 is a small wooden and brass music box which plays "Pachelbel's Canon". When wound, the next sapient being the winder sees is compelled to sit down in front of the winder and answer any question the winder asks of them to the best of their knowledge for the duration of the song.
During the song, those questioned by the winder are unable to move or otherwise take any actions that would harm the questioner. The winder on the other hand may perform any actions they wish to those being questioned.
Evidence suggests that mind effecting drugs such as tetrahydrocannabinol are able to cause the responses given to the winder to be less coherent.
NOTE: The following documents were provided by SCP-5316 upon its delivery to Foundation Custody by GOI-5917. Their similarity to Standard Foundation Formatting is purely a choice made by SCP-5316. Do not allow this material to be confused with official documentation.
Interviewed: Doctor Tanisha Varadkar
Interviewer: Kassar Ji'leth, The Fifth Wandsman of Xing, Scrivener of Secrets and Delver of Truth.
Foreword: The following interview was recorded in Dr. Varadkar's new office in Site-87.
<Begin Log>
Kassar: Good Evening Doctor!
<Dr. Varadkar pulls a gun on Kassar.>
Dr. Varadkar: Who or what the fuck are you!? Sec-
<Pachbell's Cannon begins to play.>
<Dr. Varadkar sits down.>
Kassar: Splendid! Now, can you please state your full name?
Dr. Varadkar: Doctor Tanisha Varadkar.
Kassar: And what do you do here at Site 87?
Dr. Varadkar: I'm currently just settling in. I haven't had time to get assigned a project.
<Kassar disarms Dr. Varadkar as she sits there motionless.>
Kassar: And why did you leave your last posting with the SCP Foundation?
Dr. Varadkar: I… I was attacked. Or more in the wrong place when SCP-5946 breached containment.
Kassar: Yes, how is Lot? We didn't see eye to eye all the time, but I certainly respected his research ethic.
Dr. Varadkar: He's in pain… A lot of it is self inflicted. He thinks the only real power he has is to keep hurting himself… I think there's still a little hope there, somewhere deep inside, but he's deliberately repressing it… He's failed so much.
Kassar: Hmm… That would fit. It's good to hear he might spring back in a millennium or so though. Tell me, how do you feel about what he did to you?
Dr. Varadkar: I… I think he really didn't mean to. But that doesn't matter. He hurt me, made me be someone else. Even if it was a mistake… He hurt me. And he's still dangerous. Part of what he put in my head is still there. Part of me still loves him… I hate him for it.
Kassar: And his thaumaturgy? Has it improved since he was taken into captivity? Since he became SCP-5946?
Dr. Varadkar: I… I don't know. He's so far above our ability to measure it's hard for us to tell.
Kassar: I see… I suppose it was too much to hope that you would be able to measure such things. Thank you Doctor. You shall tell no one else of this meeting.
<Kassar performs the incantation needed to ensure Dr. Varadkar's silence.>
<Kassar leaves the office.>
<End Log>
Closing Statement: A rather unenlightening discussion. Though I can see why Dr. Varadkar attracted Lot's attention. He always had a soft place in his heart for strong women.
Never the less, the Foundation's Thaumaturgical measuring equipment appears to be sorely outdated. The effects of Lot's new numeric designation remain a mystery.
Interviewed: Doctor Quentin Harrison
Interviewer: Kassar Ji'leth, The Fifth Wandsman of Xing, Scrivener of Secrets and Delver of Truth.
Foreword: Dr. Harrison is a student of anomalous foods and a former biological researcher on a project of great interest to me. I met him in Ambrose Restaurants' latest little Bistro, the Rising Sun. I'm sure one of my colleagues will have more to say about the quality of the comestibles provided at a later date.
<Begin Log>
Kassar: Good afternoon Doctor!
Dr. Harrison: What-?
<Pachbell's Cannon begins to play.>
<Dr. Harrison sits back down in his chair.>
Kassar: Excellent. Now, I have a question about your previous assignment on SCP-2406 as a biological consultant. What was the Colossus' number?
Dr. Harrison: The… It was number 9.
<Kassar produces a piece of parchment and scans down it.>
Kassar: "Number 9, The Silver Blooded Martyr…"
<Kassar nods, pleased>
Kassar: A name by numbers… I knew the Mekhanites had dabbled with it before. They must have sought to empower their creation with everything they could and -.
<Kassar is interrupted by a waiter coughing.>
Waiter: Sir, we do not allow outside music in the restauraunt. Also, there will be consequences for perturbing our guest…
<Kassar bows, not wanting to cause a fuss. He places an Ortothan Gold Aureus on the table as a tip.>
Kassar: You have my deepest apologies. Please, give my regards to the head chef. Thank you.
<Kassar picks up the music box, pulls out his map, and teleports away.>
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Aside from being interrupted, a flawless confirmation. Though the Church of the Broken God has since ceased to favor the use of impositorial thaumaturgy, it appears their more ancient predecessors saw its advantages plainly. More importantly, the numerical name's resonance lends support to my theories. Further confirmation will be required before experiments can be conducted.
Interviewed: Junior Researcher Hadid
Interviewer: Kassar Ji'leth, The Fifth Wandsman of Xing, Scrivener of Secrets and Delver of Truth.
Foreword: At time of interview, the subject's mind was addled by large quantities of cannabis, causing the magic of my construct to have less sway. I shall need to research a more elegant counter to this effect when the opportunity presents itself.
<Begin Log>
<Kassar enters Hadid's bedroom via apportation.>
Kassar: Hello Researcher Had-
<Hadid immediately picks up a large joint from his bedside and lights it, taking a deep drag.>
J. R. Hadid: Ha! Gotcha.
Kassar: … What?
<Hadid takes another drag and coughs.>
J. R. Hadid: What, you thought you could run around interrogating all our crew without us putting the word out? I got the hookup from Papa Johns bitch! One hundred percent premium Fae Kush. Good luck getting anything with your little music-box no-
<Kassar picks up Hadid's limp hand and pins it to the bedpost with a dagger. Hadid screams.>
J. R. Hadid: WHAT THE FUCK!?
Kassar: You obviously have some potential boy, but Fae magic is a very fragile thing. Tie it to the law of blood just a little and it's sucked right into the dirt. Now…
<Kassar produces the music box and winds it as the inebriated researcher whimpers. The song begins to play.>
Kassar: Now, let us discuss those not-quite nameless friends of yours… You were on the project before they were given a formal SCP designation, correct?
J. R. Hadid: I… I…
<Hadid manages to stay quiet for about 6 seconds. Then his eyes became glassy.>
J. R. Hadid: Yes… I was there before they gave them a number.
Kassar: Good… And did you notice any difference in the behavior of the fae at the restaurant after they were given an SCP Number?
J. R. Hadid: Yeah… The Pizza was better. They moved faster…
Kassar: That's all I need to hear.
<Kassar took his knife and teleported away.>
<End Log>
Closing Statement: With this data, I believe I have enough for a field test.
Recovery Log: 4/10/2021
SCP-5316 was brought into Foundation Custody by members of GoI-5917 after being stripped of his Map of the Multiverse. GoI-5917 members requested that he be treated humanely, and apologized for his "rude and disruptive" behavior.
No further detail was provided as to why or how the decision to banish SCP-5316 was made. All GoI-5917 anomalies promptly teleported before any containment measures could be applied.
NOTE: The following was mailed to Foundation Site-33 with no return address, or attribution. Considering the format of the document, it was likely provided by SCP-5316 as a form of mockery.
Interviewed: The 4th Wandswoman of Chelon
Interviewer: Kassar Ji'leth, The Fifth Wandsman of Xing, Scrivener of Secrets and Delver of Truth.
Foreword: A crude interview before the end. But the pain was needed to complete my plan.
<Begin Log>
<Kassar approaches the 4th Wandswoman of Chelon's office>
Chelon-4: 5th Wandswoman of Earth, we are in complete agreement. I have already sent several letters to the Editors about-
<Chelon-4 spots Kassar through the open door. Kassar waves. Earth-5, also in her office, stands defensively in front of Chelon-4's desk. Chelon-4 narrows her eyes at the Wandsman.>
Chelon-4: Kassar. I suppose you finally responded to my summons?
<Kassar smiles.>
Kassar: Absolutely! I've decided, or rather the Editors have decided, to sanction my experiment.
Earth-5: About time you got what was coming to you.
Kassar: If you mean a large grant, then yes!
Chelon-4: I'm sorry what?
Kassar: Oh, you thought I meant the other form of sanction, forgive me, English is such a limiting tongue. I use it only for the Hatchling's benefit.
Earth-5: Bitch, I'm 48 years old.
Kassar: And I'm 387 years young. You're not on the streets of Milwaukee anymore, baby sister.
Chelon-4: Alright I've had quite enough of your posturing, brother, what Machiavellian nonsense did you throw at the Editors to convince them alienating ourselves from our most desperately-needed allies was a good idea?
Kassar: Oh, but we're not going to alienate anyone, exalted Arbiter. You're going to turn me in to the Foundation for being a very naughty anomaly…
<Chelon-4 looks genuinely shocked.>
Chelon-4: Kassar, I am furious with you for what you did to those poor people, but at the end of the day you are a brother. I would not turn you over to those torturing jailers for-
Kassar: Sister, it's fine. You're going to help me get something worth all the pain in the world, an SCP number.
Earth-5:… What?
Kassar: It's simple name magic really, each part of your name tells a story. The more that story is obsessed over by those with power, the more it spreads and the more inexorably it is tied to you, the more magical strength you can extract from it.
Granted, a Foundation number is a relatively concealed name, but it also a name that surrounds you with an air of mystery, and with people who have a pressing need to understand you…
To be an SCP is to have your very essence connected to the greatest powers in the multiverse. Frankly, I'm kicking myself for letting that old fool Lot think of it first.
Chelon-4: Kassar, have you gone completely mad!? You're sitting here with a straight face telling me your brilliant plan is to tie your true name to the names of the most dangerous things in the multiverse? That's like hooking yourself up to the power of a Star! You'll burn yourself to ash and take half the Earth with you!
Kassar: I am aware of the risks. Frankly I'm willing to take them, considering what's on the line if we fail in our little war against the dark I thought you'd understand.
Chelon-4: Kassar, we have several projects we can do to build weapons against the dark without alienating our allies or immolating our family.
Kassar: I have considered our current projects, and the piddling tinker toys you're building will do nothing but make the dark gods laugh in our faces before they tear our souls to shreds.
Chelon-4: Kassar, unless you've stumbled on some texts from the Grand Cartographers I'm unaware of, there is so much of the dark gods that is unknown to us that we have no way of knowing what preparations we will need. It is a black box…
And if you won't listen to me about this, at least listen to the Second Wandsman of Earth. You know full well what Foundation "containment" is like. I may want to teach you the error of your cruel ways, but no one deserves that Hell.
Kassar: .. I suppose that means you will not deliver me to the Foundation so long as you still see me as family?
Chelon-4: I… I won't defy the Editors, but they have not ordered me to help you. Get someone else to aid you in this madness. Family doesn't torture each other.
Kassar: I see. Well then, as you are the only Wandswoman the Foundation is even remotely going to trust, my path is clear. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
<Kassar produces a handful of paralysis runes in the air and Earth-5 falls limp to the floor.>
<Before Chelon-4 can react, Kassar releases the key on the music box.>
<Pachbel's Canon begins to play.>
<Chelon-4 sits in its chair. Its eyes are filled with fear.>
<Kassar produces a knife and reaches for the limp form of Earth-5.>
Kassar: Family doesn't torture family, you say?
<End Log>
Closing Statement: After some convincing, the Arbiter agreed to turn me over. All is in place.
Note by Agent Briggs: Considering this information, I strongly recommend SCP-5316 be elevated to Keter class and given a non-standard designation. It cannot be allowed to keep its plan in motion.
Note by Director Nakamura: Denied for now. Your heart and head are both in the right place Briggs, but we have no idea what changing this thing's name will do to it. We also don't have confirmation of where that letter came from, and we don't even know if this SCP's thaumaturgy theories are accurate.
For now we just need to contain this monster as best as we can, and let the researchers come up with better locks for its door. |
SCP-1755 is a species of worm not closely related to any extant species. | ***
Item #: SCP-1755
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A sample of SCP-1755 is to be contained at Site 40 following standard Class 1 biohazard procedures. All personnel stationed at Site 40 are forbidden from wearing clothing containing cotton. Uncontained specimens of SCP-1755 are to be incinerated, and the area monitored for further outbreaks.
In light of the almost total breach of SCP-1755, further containment efforts will focus on concealing the anomalous origin of SCP-1755. SCP-1755 will be presented as a result of experimental genetic engineering. The Foundation will cooperate with and assist governments and major agricultural biotechnology companies, through proxies as need be, in bringing SCP-1755 under control.
All specimens outside of controlled research facilities observing at least Class 2 biohazard procedures are to be destroyed or contained. In the event that SCP-1755 is eradicated in the wild, it will be reclassified SCP-1755-EX.
Description: SCP-1755 is a species of worm not closely related to any extant species. Visually, specimens of SCP-1755 resemble thin fibers, and their cuticles may be in any of a wide range of colors. SCP-1755 are hermaphroditic, with a lifespan of about five weeks. SCP-1755 only eat cotton fibers.
If exposed to a garment made of primarily of cotton, SCP-1755 will consume one thread and reproduce parthenogenically, producing a new instance of SCP-1755 with cuticle color matching that of the consumed thread. This process is extremely efficient, and one SCP-1755 specimen is capable of converting an entire shirt in about two weeks. When consuming a garment, SCP-1755 will link to each other, making their presence difficult to detect by visual or tactile examination.
While converting a garment, SCP-1755 may spread by contact to other cotton fabrics. On full conversion, however, all instances of SCP-1755 enter a dormant state for about three months, during which there is no risk of contagion. At the conclusion of this period, they expire due to lack of food. It is at this point that SCP-1755 becomes most visible, as affected garments often begin to rot. Research indicates that a tone in the range of 435 kHz to 520 kHz causes dormant SCP-1755 to release their linkages, resulting in a fully converted garment disintegrating.
SCP-1755 was discovered following an outbreak at the University of Sheffield in which a large proportion of the clothing of students and faculty began to rot. A cover story attributing the incident to a chemical weapon research malfunction was ruled sufficient, and widespread amnestic distribution deemed unnecessary and counterproductive to secrecy.
Addendum 1755-30: Recent reports in agricultural journals regarding a parasitic worm of unknown phylogeny afflicting cotton crops suggest a possible connection to or outbreak of SCP-1755. Further investigation warranted.
O5 memo CB-General-322:
With great regret, I am forced to abandon primary containment efforts on SCP-1755, effective immediately. Revised containment protocols have been devised, and will be implemented as soon as is practicable. As many of you may be aware, we badly misjudged the nature and threat of SCP-1755. What we thought was a worm that infested cotton clothes has also proven itself a serious, perhaps existential threat to the global cotton crop.
It is unlikely that the Foundation is at fault in this affair. SCP-1755 had probably spread beyond the limits of containment before any events occurred to attract our attention. Considering how rapidly SCP-1755 proliferates, and how difficult it is to detect, no action could have prevented its rise to a global cotton plant epidemic. Nevertheless, an internal audit of Site 40 will be carried out to verify that this is not the result of Foundation mismanagement.
Security has failed. Containment has failed, and was likely never established in the first place. This leaves protection. The greatest threat to normalcy posed by SCP-1755 lies not in its anomalous nature, but in the threat it poses to the global textiles industry. To protect the cotton crop, the Foundation will provide research support to major organizations, civilian and governmental, working to develop a way to rein in SCP-1755.
This is not the first time a breach of this magnitude has occurred, and it will not be the last. We are fortunate in that SCP-1755 is not anomalous in what it does, but rather in that it exists at all. A simple cover story should therefore suffice to prevent public knowledge of the supernatural.
In time, no doubt SCP-1755 will be brought to heel, and this incident will fade into the past. We must study what went wrong, so that we may be more prepared should the next total breach occur with something more clearly paranormal. We will learn, we will prepare, we will hold.
Addendum 1755-102: On 5/17/15, two graduate students at the University of Sheffield turned themselves in to British authorities, claiming to have information about the SCP-1755 outbreak. The students, David Lister and George Freeman, were then remanded to Foundation custody on request.
Addendum 1755-110: Excerpt from an interview with David Lister regarding the creation and purpose of SCP-1755.
Dr. Chao: So you say you had no idea the worms would jump to affect cotton plants?
David Lister: That’s right. Not saying we shouldn’t have seen this coming, but no, this sort of outbreak was not what we had in mind.
Dr. Chao: What did you have in mind, then? You fabricated these things, then spread them on your campus. What was the idea?
David Lister: Ah, it’s mildly embarrassing, actually. We did it as a prank.
Dr. Chao: You mean the way affected clothing rots after a few weeks?
David Lister: No, actually. That was another unintended side-effect. Have you all noticed the sound thing? The thing where the worms break their coherence if exposed to, uh, 450 kilohertz?
Dr. Chao: I think so, yes.
David Lister: Yeah. So the idea was to spread it around campus, build a device that produced the frequency, then if a pretty girl walked past, turn it on.
Dr. Chao: What?
David Lister: You know, a nudifier. |
SCP-3804 is a series of emails purportedly written by Olivier de Whynn, CEO of "Magnum and Whitley". | ***
Item #: SCP-3804
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation AI, DEINOPIS, has been embedded into all major email services to monitor inboxes for instances of SCP-3804. Maintenance of DEINOPIS is the responsibility of MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers"). If an instance is located, the AI will make a copy for Foundation records, and the instance of SCP-3804 will be permanently deleted from the recipient's account.
Any intended recipients identified as reading SCP-3804 are to be located and secured by Foundation agents, to then be administered Class-A or Class-B amnestics, as appropriate.
Description: SCP-3804 is a series of emails purportedly written by Olivier de Whynn, CEO of "Magnum and Whitley".1 No record of either the individual nor company exists outside of SCP-3804. Several instances of SCP-3804 contain an image supposedly of de Whynn, but no two images have been the same. Individuals depicted have varied in age, race, weight, eye colour, and other aesthetic features.
All encountered instances of SCP-3804 are labelled as being sent from "", and are sent exclusively to business/work-related email accounts.2 The method through which SCP-3804 are sent and delivered is currently unknown. The emails' content varies from instance to instance, but consistently reference catastrophic events or circumstances, and the impact of these on Magnum and Whitley.
Upon reading the email, the recipient will become agitated and preoccupied with their organisation's incident response policies and disaster recovery plans. Any plans or policies in existence will be deemed severely insufficient. If they have the resources and authority to do so, recipients will take various actions that they believe will improve their organisation's readiness for a catastrophic event.3 When questioned, recipients are unable to explain what they are preparing for, or how their actions will help mitigate its effects.
Recipients will not recall reading the email, nor will they attribute their actions to it. When shown the email a second time no anomalous effect is present, and recipients will often express confusion over the nature of SCP-3804. Despite this, administration of amnestics has proved effective in counteracting SCP-3804's effects. Only the intended recipients are vulnerable to the effects of SCP-3804 - reading an instance will have no anomalous impact on other individuals.
Discovery: SCP-3804 was discovered by the Foundation after ████ ██████, CEO of multinational corporation ██████, publicly announced plans, via a company blog post, to issue all employees with gas masks and emergency rations as standard, due to the possibility of "a rainy day occurring".4 Foundation agents were dispatched to investigate the situation, and the announcement was attributed to cyber vandalism.
Addendum SCP-3804.1: Selected instances of SCP-3804:5
Description: SCP-3804-2 was delivered to a cyber intelligence analyst at The National Bank of ██████, on ██/██/██. Following SCP-3804's discovery, MTF Mu-4 were employed to monitor for further incidents and investigate the SCP.
I am sure that we have all been unsettled by the events of the last days. The destruction of Orleans and subsequent disturbances across the globe have been truly shocking to witness. As the dust settles and our national infrastructure finds itself slow to recover, now is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with Magnum and Whitley's "FlexiWork" policy.
We support you to be flexible in how you work, whether that's from the office, your home, or your nearest relocation or evacuation centre. Portable wifi hotspots and ethernet cables are available to all employees from the Operations and Services desk on Floor 3, but our state of the art internet security allows you to utilise any home or public wifi networks.
If you're working in public though, please ensure you have a privacy filter placed over your laptop screen. You never know who could be looking over your shoulder!
Fond regards,
Outcome: Recipient contacted their HR department to report that they could not locate various documents on the company intranet. Content reported missing were instructions on treating third-degree burns, weaponisation of office equipment protocols, and company policy on consuming the flesh of other colleagues.
When informed these documents did not exist, the recipient became irate, and assaulted the colleague who he was speaking to. The recipient was administered amnestics whilst in police custody, with his actions attributed to an episode of poor mental health.
Description: SCP-3804-10 was delivered to the Facilities Manager of ██████ Hospital, located in █████████, on ██/██/██.
The email address through which SCP-3804 is delivered had been added to most popular email services' spam filters after the delivery of SCP-3804-9. This proved to be an ineffective method of containment, with instances still appearing in inboxes.
Thank you to all of you who have continued to work hard given the recent and difficult circumstances we find ourselves in today. Back in January you and your colleagues voted "Kindness" to be our message of the year.
As you go about your work today, bear that message in mind - is there a colleague you could support with a report? Could you chat to your team away from their desks to see how they're doing? Have you phoned an elderly relative who may be feeling afraid of the Moon's Red Eye?
Given recent events, there are a number of changes which we will have to make around our offices nationwide. We envisage that these changes will only be temporary, and normal service will resume shortly:
All on-site canteen and refreshment facilities will be closed. Please bring your issued rations with you. Replacements will not be available.
You may notice an increased presence of security personnel around the office, some of whom may be equipped with firearms. Please do not be alarmed by this, it is for your own, and for the company's, protection.
When you arrive at your office, security personnel may need to examine you for signs of infection. Please cooperate with their requests so you are permitted entry as quickly as possible.
All office basements and underground car parks are being re-purposed as shelters. If an alert is sounded please make your way quickly and quietly to your nearest shelter. Do not use the lifts. Do not look up at the sky.
Unfortunately, we will also have to postpone next week's Mangum & Whitley's Awards Night. We will however, be re-opening the voting for the "Colleague of the Year" award, so get voting via the link on the staff portal now!
Until next time,
Outcome: The Facilities Manager altered the next delivery of food produce for the Hospital canteen, cancelling all fresh produce and increasing their frozen goods order by a factor of 30. Amnestics were administered, and the order attributed to a system glitch.
Description: SCP-3804-14 was delivered to Researcher ██████, stationed at Site-17 on ██/██/██.
Over the weekend you may have heard disturbing allegations concerning our relationship with Tragia Industries and our subsequent involvement in the Cape Town Massacre.6
We have a renowned reputation for professionalism and excellence, and have provided expert advice and guidance for over 30 years. This is not a failing of M&W's, but we admit there were failings in the conduct of the project team engaged by Tragia. All those involved have been obtained by the appropriate authorities.
We are expecting significant scrutiny of our role, and particularly of our Thaumaturgy and Occult department (commonly referred to internally as T+O). If you receive questions from friends or family on this, please refer to our handy talking points guide, which is attached to this email.7 If you receive any inquiries from the Interim Government's Media Department, please immediately contact your Team Leader.
Best wishes,
Olivier de Whynn
Outcome: Researcher ██████ flagged the containment procedures of several SCPs capable of inducing an XK-Class event as inadequate, and contacted corresponding head researchers to demand a containment review. Class-A amnestics administered. Priority of SCP-3804 containment upgraded.
Description: SCP-3804-16 was delivered on ██/██/██ to 60% of employees at the London office of private equity firm, █████████. Unlike previous emails, this instance contained no graphical elements. To date, this is the only instance which has been delivered to multiple recipients.
We made a mistake. Months ago we should have closed the offices, sent you home to your families, home to your loved ones, home to the ones who truly matter.
I think we all knew what the Arrival heralded, we just didn't want to admit it. Didn't want to admit what it was. What it meant. I was just trying to keep the ship afloat and carry on with business as usual. It was less frightening for me that way. I hope it made things less frightening for you too.
I've not seen a soul in weeks, and I'm running out of supplies. I don't know how long I have left, and I don't know how many of you are left.
I just hope there is someone there to receive this message.
Outcome: Over a period of 7 minutes, all recipients made their way to the office's roof terrace, and jumped into the internal courtyard 23 floors below. Total fatalities numbered ███. All witnesses were administered class-A amnestics, and a Foundation operation was instigated, attributing the deaths to a large fire within the office. The building was suitably damaged, survivors' memory loss was accredited to smoke inhalation, and media coverage controlled to correspond with this version of events.
Following SCP-3804-16, DEINOPIS was successfully implemented and containment accomplished. SCP-3804-17 was deleted without being read by recipient, with no follow up action necessary.
1. Referred to in several emails as "M&W" or "M+W".
2. Both the email address and domain SCP-3804 are sent from are nonexistent.
3. Actions have included revision of policy, requesting additional security budgets, stockpiling of food and supplies, issuing a security lockdown for all offices, and proposing the dismissal of all foreign employees.
4. See file 3804-1b for the full post.
5. Please contact RAISA for access to the full collection.
6. Tragia Industries were a real organisation, based in ██████, South Africa. Foundation personnel sent to investigate encountered armed resistance, and responded with appropriate force. All hostile entities were eliminated, and a large amount of anomalous items were located. An investigation is underway.
7. No document was attached to the email. |
SCP-1702 is a species of apian humanoids consisting of a hive with a single fertile queen and several hundred sterile workers. | ***
Item #: SCP-1702
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1702 is contained in a sealed, re-purposed hangar at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3 which has been fitted with reinforced concrete honeycomb structures. SCP-1702 is to be provided 500 kg of food and mineral supplements daily via automated delivery systems, consisting of material as outlined in Document 1702-06.
Experimentation with SCP-1702 requires prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers and direct contact with SCP-1702-1 may only be performed with direct oversight from Site Command. Personnel entering SCP-1702's containment area must wear lightly-colored, reinforced biohazard suits with full re-breathing equipment and must be quarantined for a minimum of six (6) hours after exiting the area. In case of aggression from SCP-1702 or at the discretion of operational oversight, SCP-1702's containment area is to be flooded with smoke and all personnel must proceed directly to the nearest exit. Personnel that fail to report to an exit are effectively unrecoverable and will be declared KIA.
Description: SCP-1702 is a species of apian humanoids consisting of a hive with a single fertile queen and several hundred sterile workers. SCP-1702 specimens have an appearance analogous to normal humans with the notable exception of several prominent apian structures, including antennae extending from their heads and chitinous skin along their backs and limbs. SCP-1702 also have similar internal physiology with the notable addition of a compound stomach with a chamber capable of processing organic material and raw minerals into a substance resembling human bone that can then be regurgitated and used in hive construction and repairs.
SCP-1702-1 is the queen, a large fertile female approximately 2.1 m in length and the only member of SCP-1702 capable of reproduction, typically laying up to thirty (30) eggs per day. Highly intelligent, SCP-1702-1 is capable of communicating with personnel in a previously unknown dialect of French and has proven highly cooperative as well as being the source of most of our knowledge regarding SCP-1702's behavior and hive mechanics.
SCP-1702-2 are male specimens which are only present during the beginning of a mating cycle and have only been encountered once while in Foundation containment (See Incident 1702-05). SCP-1702-2 appear to be only minimally intelligent and did not respond to attempts to communicate by Foundation personnel. At the end of the mating cycle, all SCP-1702-2 specimens were systematically driven away from the hive or killed.
SCP-1702-3 are sterile female workers, currently approximately three hundred and forty (340) in number, responsible for construction and cleaning of the hive's physical structure and nurturing young. SCP-1702-3 also tend to SCP-1702-1 and are responsible for feeding, cleaning, grooming and inducing egg-laying in the queen. SCP-1702-3 appear to be highly intelligent and capable of complex problem solving and logistics but appear to have vestigial vocal cords and have not responded to attempts to communicate. SCP-1702-3 only have a lifespan of approximately five (5) years.
SCP-1702 was first discovered in the Paris catacombs circa 1944 by members of the French resistance during World War II, who were able to broker safe passage through SCP-1702's hive in return for living German prisoners of war. SCP-1702 was re-discovered in 19██, after which a Foundation containment team was able to convince SCP-1702-1 to relocate to Bio-Containment Site 63, citing the effect of urban expansion on its environment and the possibility of being discovered. It is not known at this time whether French government officials were aware of SCP-1702's existence in the intervening time period.
Addendum 1702-01: Researcher Note (translated from French)
SCP-1702-1 has proven a challenge to communicate with. Aside from its unusual dialect, it is also in a constant state of incoherence and delirium consistent with intoxication which I suspect to be a side effect of the pheromones that it is constantly exposed to. On its own, SCP-1702-1 does nothing but wander the hive and must be guided by its workers whenever its eggs are needed.
Despite these issues, SCP-1702-1 has nonetheless been a valuable resource and provided important insight into itself and its hive. I also believe that it may consider me to be a "friend" at this stage, and I may be able to leverage that trust.
Dr. M. Colette
Senior Researcher
Addendum 1702-02: Researcher Note (translated from French)
Despite extensive experimentation, it appears that SCP-1702 requires a minimum of human biological material to reproduce properly; attempts at limiting SCP-1702 to strictly non-human material resulted in the birth of unhealthy workers and caused considerable distress to the hive as a whole.
At the insistence of SCP-1702-1 and with Oversight approval, SCP-1702 is to be provided a new diet as outlined in Document 1702-06, which is to consist of no less than 5% human biological material processed from [REDACTED] and, only if absolutely necessary, terminated Class D personnel.
Dr. M. Colette
Senior Researcher
Addendum 1702-03: Incident Report 1702-05
On █/██/██, during contact conducted by four (4) personnel including Dr. Colette and Dr. █████████, SCP-1702-1 reportedly entered a state of lucidity, during which it suddenly pleaded with personnel to be rescued from its hive. SCP-1702-3 specimens tending to SCP-1702-1 then began to enter an aggressive state, which prompted Oversight to terminate proceedings. Dr. █████████ and Agent █████ were able to escape containment unharmed, but Dr. Colette and Agent ███████ were unable to escape the containment area and were subsequently declared KIA.
A camera carried by Agent ███████ continued to transmit audiovisual data for approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds before being cut off. Footage recorded showed SCP-1702-1 apparently being attacked and torn apart by SCP-1702-3 specimens while screaming in pain.
Addendum 1702-04: Incident Report 1702-06
For a period of approximately thirty five (35) days following Incident 1702-05, SCP-1702 remained highly aggressive and resisted all attempts by personnel to enter its hive. After SCP-1702 calmed down sufficiently for safe passage, two (2) armed and armored personnel were dispatched into SCP-1702's containment area to investigate.
Personnel reported that not only did they locate SCP-1702-1, but the queen appeared to be unharmed. Recorded footage indicates that while the queen has the exact same appearance, behavior and personality, SCP-1702-1 no longer has any memory or recollection of events prior to Incident 1702-05.
Addendum 1702-05: Researcher Note
Just as in nature, SCP-1702's queen appears to be a prisoner of the hive. So long as she is perfect and productive, the workers will pamper and protect her, but the moment she becomes "damaged", they will turn on and replace her. To the best of our knowledge this is not the same queen any more, just a replacement crafted to the same "perfect ideal" that the hive expects and requires. That the tissue sample the containment team managed to procure shows a DNA match for Dr. Colette only reinforces this theory.
Dr. █████████
Senior Researcher |
SCP-1008 is a polished, irregular mass of obsidian measuring approximately 8cm in diameter at its widest point and weighing approximately 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1008
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1008 is stored in a molded, opaque container, which is stored in a secure locker at Site ██. SCP-1008 may only be removed from its container with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and all subjects exposed to SCP-1008 must be kept under observation until expiration.
Description: SCP-1008 is a polished, irregular mass of obsidian measuring approximately 8 cm in diameter at its widest point and weighing approximately 1.4 kg. The image of a sun is carved into one surface of SCP-1008, which is surrounded by an as-of-yet untranslated inscription in what is believed to be an ancient Indonesian dialect. When the sun carving of SCP-1008 is pressed against the forehead of a living human subject, its anomalous effect manifests upon nightfall.
In the first stage, which usually lasts approximately one week, subjects affected by SCP-1008 become unable to perceive the sun. Affected subjects can no longer see the sun, and cannot see without the aid of artificial light. Examinations of affected subjects show physical reactions consistent with a complete deprivation of solar illumination, such as eye dilation, and extended exposure to sunlight does not affect subjects or cause blindness. Additionally, subjects report being unable to see the moon or other celestial bodies illuminated primarily by sunlight, though in most cases stars are still observable.
During the second stage, which lasts approximately two (2) to three (3) weeks after stage one, subjects become unable to receive heat and other solar radiation. Subjects report feeling increasingly cold, and will exhibit progressively paler skin tone as well as symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
In the final stage of SCP-1008 exposure, typically four (4) to six (6) weeks after initial exposure, subjects reportedly observe increasing unhealthiness in other living subjects. Plants appear wilted and stunted, and animals appear emaciated. Most importantly, affected subjects in the final stage are unable to obtain nutrition from any plant- or animal-based food product, and will invariably expire due to malnutrition after a period of several more weeks.
Addendum 1008-01: Transcript Excerpt of Interview with Subject 1008-01
Subject 1008-01 (Agent ████ ██████) was accidentally exposed to SCP-1008 while undercover and assigned to [REDACTED]. Agent ██████ immediately brought SCP-1008 to the attention of the Foundation upon manifestation of its effects, and was placed under observation.
Dr. █████████: What was the first indication that something anomalous had taken place?
Subject 1008-01: I woke up at… about five in the morning, I think, the day after first contact. I'm used to getting up before the sun comes up, and I thought it was weird that I couldn't see the pre-dawn glow. And… the sun just never came up. Dr. ██████ called me and asked why I wasn't up on such a fine sunny day, and that's when I broke cover and called it in.
Dr. █████████: What happened next?
Subject 1008-01: Well, for the first few days it wasn't so bad. It was just that the sun never came up, and it was weird when it was completely dark out and you couldn't see anything but people were moving around normally.
Subject 1008-01: It got harder after the first week, though. It just… started getting colder and colder. And everything, the trees and plants, all started looking sick and wilted even though everyone else told me they were just fine.
Dr. █████████: Go on.
Subject 1008-01: Yesterday was when it really started getting really bad, I guess… it's just… everything comes from the sun. All the food we grow, the animals we raise… it's all just energy from the sun… I just can't eat any more…
Subject 1008-01 became unable to eat after 36 days under the effect of SCP-1008 and was eventually sedated and placed on an IV regimen. Subject expired after approximately 43 days in containment, with cause of death determined to be advanced hypothermia and malnutrition.
Addendum 1008-02: Partial Translation of SCP-1008 Inscription
[Sinner?] as [punishment/judgement?]
is [banished/exiled?]
[from the] face of [unknown, possibly "sun" or "god"]
to [die?] in darkness |
SCP-1198 is a sound file lasting 37. | ***
Item #: SCP-1198
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: A single copy of SCP-1198 is stored in the High Security Data server of Site 19. It is stored in a password-protected subsystem that is only accessible by Level 3 or higher researchers assigned to SCP-1198. When used for experimental procedures, all personnel involved other than the intended subject are to wear hearing protection sufficient to block sound up to 70 dB in volume. SCP-1198 is only ever to be played in a sound-proofed room designed to minimize echoes.
Subjects affected by SCP-1198 are to be instructed to communicate only via written or typed text, preferably through a touchscreen, so as to minimize sound produced. Subjects are not allowed access to any piercing instruments or other objects which could be repurposed to perforate the eardrums of the subject. Requests for authorization to commence testing on individuals who are fluent in sign language but retain full hearing are pending.
Description: SCP-1198 is a sound file lasting 37.2 seconds that is encoded in the Waveform Audio File Format (.wav). To unaided human hearing, it appears to be a blank or silent file. Audio analysis reveals a high-frequency soundwave which is at the upper limit of normal human hearing. When transposed to a lower frequency, the sound file plays a complicated non-repeating sequence of atonal screeches, arrhythmic pauses and pure tones. Although every subject who hears the transposed sound file describes it as mildly to moderately unsettling, it only displays its anomalous properties when played at its original frequency. Copies of the original file retain the anomalous property, but converting the file to .mp3 or any other audio file format eliminates the anomalous property.
After being exposed to the entirety of SCP-1198 at any volume between 35 dB and 65 dB, all subjects develop a unique form of auditory hallucinations. Beginning approximately 10 hours after initial exposure, subjects will begin to hear any sounds directly caused by them start to echo. This includes, but is not limited to, sounds such as speech, their own footsteps, the engine noise of a vehicle they are operating, and internal bodily sounds such as breathing or stomach gurgles. This effect does not include externally caused sounds such as the speech of others, music, or naturally occurring echoes, all of which they hear normally.
These anomalous echoes initially fade within a few moments, but over the course of approximately 48 hours, the duration of the echoes increases to the point that they no longer disappear. Affected subjects have described this in a variety of ways, but the echoes apparently neither increase nor decrease from the volume of the original sound, and sounds layer over each other such that the subject is constantly hearing all the echoes simultaneously.
Although SCP-1198 does not affect any individual who is incapable of hearing, whether via sound dampeners or independent deafness, affected subjects who are later deafened continue to hear any preexisting echoes.
All affected subjects will eventually begin to display psychological abnormalities consistent with sensory overload, as well as generalized phonophobia and a heightened aversion to any activity on their part that would produce sound.
Addendum: Once a subject has acquired an indeterminate amount of layered echoes, they begin to experience secondary auditory hallucinations. Subjects who have progressed to this stage and are still willing and able to communicate textually report that the echoes start to intermittently amplify and distort each other such that the resulting interference pattern resembles speech. This new source of speech is internally consistent and identical across all subjects, whose reports indicate that the speech is simultaneously transmitted to all affected subjects. Samples are transcribed below.
"The only thing you have to fear is [garbled] alone and afraid, naked before the [garbled] that made you."
"Elephants squash ants, don't they?"
"Pity not the reaper man. Pity yourself."
"fish lizard rat monkey man [garbled] end forever"
"Join cacophony. Things die. Voices rise." |
SCP-405 is a contagious phenomenon of unknown origin that causes the uncontrolled development of telepathic capabilities in humans. | ***
Item#: 405
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
Special Containment Procedures: Infected subjects are to be contained at SCP-405 isolation zones. ███ zones exist in depopulated areas. All field teams encountering SCP-405 are to be informed of the locations of nearby isolation zones. All observation of SCP-405 victims is to be done via video link from a distance of no less than 1 km. If a subject suffering from SCP-405 is in the late stages upon apprehension, they are to be terminated and all individuals within 200 m are to undergo Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha if an isolation area cannot be reached in time. Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha is also to be used on any individuals found in the preliminary stages of SCP-405 infection.
SCP-405-1 are housed at Research Facility ████ in the ██████ Desert. On no account are individuals suffering from SCP-405 to be brought into contact with SCP-405-1. SCP-405-1 are to receive limited human contact from Drs. ██████ and ██████ only and only while Drs. ██████ and ██████ have been dosed with type 3 sedatives. SCP-405-1 are housed in █ adjoining 10 m x 10 m x 10 m cells and are not considered an escape risk: Research Facility ████'s remote location is for their benefit, not ours.
Description: SCP-405 is a contagious phenomenon of unknown origin that causes the uncontrolled development of telepathic capabilities in humans. The typical progression of the disease is as follows. (██% of cases do not follow this pattern.)
Primary stage: 0-2 days after exposure. No noticeable effect.
Initial stage: 2-7 days after exposure. Subject begins to hear higher order thoughts of nearby subjects, seemingly at random. Thoughts about the subject are most common. Subjects rarely realise that the heard vocalisations are not spoken.
Secondary stage: 7-10 days after exposure. Subject now hears all conscious thoughts of nearby individuals. Subject will become aware of their telepathic nature. In some subjects, thought projection is first observed here. Subject will usually complain of ear ache and express a desire for silence. Sleep patterns typically become disrupted due to perceived noise levels.
Escalation stage: 10-14 days after exposure. Over this period the range of the subject's abilities increases, typically to about 200 m but occasionally far further. In a few rare cases where the subject has pre-existing telepathic capacity (as measured on the Mechevik-Luntan scale) range has been shown to grow exponentially out to several kilometres, leading to the early onset of Terminal Stage. Subject hears all conscious thoughts of humans within this range, as loudly as if the individuals were speaking directly in the subject's ear. The first suicide attempts typically occur at this point as a result of sleep deprivation and perceived noise levels. Subjects also begin to uncontrollably project their thoughts to nearby individuals. MRI scans taken at this stage indicate several significant deformities in the audio cortex.
Plateau stage: 14-28 days after exposure. No noticeable change in symptoms is evident at first, although many subjects begin to detect unconscious thoughts towards the end of this phase, including autonomic responses and reflex actions. Subjects typically exhibit a wide range of dementias such as [REDACTED] consistent with sensory over-stimulation and sleep deprivation by this stage and most (██%) attempt suicide, often frequently and with increasing levels of creativity and desperation. Restrained subjects will typically beg for termination or other extreme measures. One Agent at this stage requested being used to examine SCP-███, normally reserved for D class personnel. To date all subjects have been observed to attempt to deafen themselves if able, most commonly by inserting a long thin object, such as a pen, into their ears until the internal structure is destroyed. Towards the end of this phase subjects often experience catatonic episodes and begin to suffer from seizures. These are not apparently related to the telepathic abilities but rather due to swelling in the subject's neural tissues.
Terminal stage: 28 days after exposure until death, typically 32 days after exposure. Subjects slip into a coma and begin to suffer from persistent seizures caused by significant brain deformities. MRI scans taken at this stage confirm audio cortex is still processing vast quantities of data.
Experiments with animals, including higher primates, confirm that SCP-405 is species specific. The vector for SCP-405 is the subject's final mental vocalisation, identified by most observers as a "Death Scream." This vocalisation occurs at the moment of death, regardless of cause, and has a range of at least 200 m, although the more advanced the disease the greater the range. Individuals who hear this telepathic signal are infected with SCP-405.
Outbreaks of SCP-405 appear spontaneously; there have been at least ████ in recorded history. The ultimate cause of these outbreaks is unknown. The earliest believed SCP-405 outbreak was in the town of ██████, a famous ghost town, in ████. The entire population was recorded to have died either by their own hands or at the hands of deranged residents. Written records retrieved from ██████ are consistent with the symptoms of SCP-405. The cause of SCP-405 outbreaks is unknown, although 79% have been traced to some form of educational facility. Only 2 cases have occurred outside the continental United States. Outbreak ██ occurred at ██████, Canada, and Outbreak ██ occurred in ██████████████████, Wales.
Sufferers in the Primary to early Escalation stages of SCP-405 have been successfully treated with Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha. Subjects are administered twice the standard dose of Class D Amnestics and placed in a chemically induced coma for 3 days. This appears to reset brain activity to a pre-infection state and allow abnormal development to subside. Success rate is ██% with greater success in the early stages. No treatment for the later stages exists. For an examination of disease behaviour please see the Infected Subject Interview Log.
The use of Type 3 Disaster Synthesis Quarantine measures are pre-emptively approved to contain large-scale SCP-405 outbreaks.
To date only █ individuals have recovered from SCP-405 naturally. They gained sufficient control of their abilities to deal with small groups of individuals but are still incapable of dealing with more than ██ individuals at a time without exhibiting extreme stress. Seizures and other neurological conditions caused by structural brain deformities are common. Such individuals are referred to as SCP-405-1-A to SCP-405-1-█. They have adopted the designations for themselves and no longer respond to their original identities, perhaps due to the fact that all staff think of them by those designations. The potential value of SCP-405-1 to the Foundation is unclear at this time.
Addendum 405-01: Storing SCP-405-1 in the same area was a bad idea. I am sure their personalities are gestalting. I observed SCP-405-1-█ tapping the desk in her room yesterday in a manner consistent with playing the piano, but only SCP-405-1-█ has any musical talent. Worse, SCP-405-1-█ reported finding himself performing an action unconsciously and wished to know if I recognized it. SCP-405-1-█ was unconsciously field stripping an imaginary ████████. None of them have military backgrounds, they picked that up from us! If you get any more survivors, don't send them here! -Dr. ██████
All interviews with SCP-405 victims or SCP-405-1 are to be recorded in Interviews Log 405. |
SCP-4071 is a phenomenon in which previously unrecorded events simultaneously appear in a large number of various forms of documentation. | ***
Item #: SCP-4071
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers are to monitor the internet for reports of inconsistencies between documented events and human memories. Any documentation determined to be a SCP-4071-2 instance is to be immediately removed from circulation. Depending on the extent of the presence of SCP-4071-1 in each SCP-4071-2 instance, and how widely spread it has been, a new copy of the documentation without content of SCP-4071-1 instances may be created to replace the SCP-4071-2 instances.
If any previously unrecorded SCP-4071-1 instances are detected, any potentially affected documentation is to be examined in order to determine whether they have become SCP-4071-2. Any individuals who witness a SCP-4071-2 instance are to be amnesticised, and/or publicly discredited, depending on the circumstances.
Description: SCP-4071 is a phenomenon in which previously unrecorded events simultaneously appear in a large number of various forms of documentation. These include but are not limited to journal articles, news reports, documentaries, some fiction, and textbooks. SCP-4071-1-X refers to each unrecorded event. SCP-4071-2-X-X refers to each piece of documentation affected.
The Foundation became aware of this situation due to a sudden exponential increase in reports of documentation not supported by human memory. Further examination has found that a number of previously unrecorded events have suddenly appeared in various forms of documentation.
Based on the type of information appearing in documentation, it is the Foundation’s belief that this anomaly is being directed by an individual or group of people attempting to increase global tension. As a result, groups such as the Chaos Insurgency, the Organisation for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts and the Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency are to be investigated.
+ Addendum
- Addendum
The following is a list of documented events confirmed to be SCP-4071-1 instances. The changes in human behaviour indicate the differences between reality and the documented SCP-4071-1 instances.
Designation: SCP-4071-1-0007
Date of SCP-4071-1-0007: 09/07/2018
Material most affected: Widespread among all forms of media; news related media including articles and videos most affected.
Description of SCP-4071-1-0007: The division of Korea into two separate countries, the Republic of Korea, or South Korea, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or North Korea.
Changes in human behaviour: The population of North Korea are repressed and nuclear-weapon oriented, while the population of South Korea are technologically focused.
Designation: SCP-4071-1-0149
Date of SCP-4071-1-0049: 09/10/2018
Material most affected: Video game magazines, online videos, online forums.
Description of SCP-4071-1-0149: The invention of an extremely popular console called Xbox, developed by Microsoft.
Changes in human behaviour: Creators are offered incentives to exclusively produce content for either Xbox or PlayStation. PlayStation controllers are no longer supported by Microsoft computers due to brand loyalty.
Designation: SCP-4071-1-0421
Date of SCP-4071-1-0421: 29/10/2018
Material most affected: Council permits, rental agreements, architectural plans.
Description of SCP-4071-1-0421: The construction of a large block of apartments at 900 Biscayne Bay, Miami.
Changes in human behaviour: Several hundred people apparently believe they previously resided in 900 Biscayne Bay.
SCP-3420 is a spatial anomaly located in what was formerly Apt. | ***
Item #: SCP-3420
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The structure that now houses SCP-3420 has been bought through various shell corporations and has been marked as a health hazard due to hazardous levels of asbestos. The structure has been deemed Provisional Site-531 and is to be staffed with no less than three individuals trained in hospice care. All civilians who enter Provisional Site-531 are to be treated with Class-C amnestics and released.
SCP-3420-1 entities require no sustenance. All effort is to be ensured that SCP-3420-1 entities remain comfortable and do not attempt to leave SCP-3420. Application of fentanyl in doses of 200 mcg per hour (administered through a spray to the navel) have been shown to be effective in treating SCP-3420-1 entities. SCP-3420-1 entities who request termination are to be treated with Class-C amnestics and a raising of their fentanyl dosage.
Description: SCP-3420 is a spatial anomaly located in what was formerly Apt. 420 of the Twin Oaks Apartments in Cleveland, OH. All attempts to enter room 420 through any method other than the door meet with failure. The windows show what is believed to have been PoI-6870's living quarters in a state of disarray. All objects within are unmoving and show no expected decay.
SCP-3420 is comprised of fourteen interconnected rooms, the layout of which changes every seven hours and thirty-seven minutes. Any objects that are “between” two or more rooms will be cut during this layout shift. Within each room is an instance of SCP-3420-1.
Each room in SCP-3420 resembles a “torture chamber” such as those that can be attributed to Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition in popular imagination. Rooms in SCP-3420 are furnished with various items of torture, including those that were never historically used, such as the “choke pear.” All items within SCP-3420 disappear if brought outside of the confines of the room in which they appear.
SCP-3420-1 are humanoid entities that have the appearance of continually-discharging static electricity in a roughly human shape that is permanently being consumed by flames. This is believed to be an optical illusion, as SCP-3420-1 are solid and do not display any of the effects expected of their apparent composition. SCP-3420-1 are subject to a limited compulsion to use the instruments present within SCP-3420 on themselves; this compulsion can be counteracted via persuasion. SCP-3420-1 entities are capable of speech and communicate a constant feeling of pain similar to burning or being electrocuted.
Incident 3420-3: On 5/5/16, SCP-3420-1-G requested termination. The question was ignored, as per regulation. This resulted in SCP-3420-1-G undergoing extreme distress beyond baseline levels of discomfort. In light of the effectiveness of fentanyl in treating their pain, Class-C amnestics were authorized in an attempt to bring the entity to a more containable state. Treatment was effective, and Class-C amnestics have been authorized in similar cases.
Recovery Log:
+ Open
- Close
This is the transcript of a call to 911 that first brought SCP-3420 to the Foundation's attention. The caller is believed to be PoI-6870 (Jude Kriyot). The call was made from a payphone outside the Twin Oaks Apartments at 4:34 AM on 3/3/15.
Operator: 911, emergency speaking.
PoI-6870: There's been a fuckup here. A lot of people are in pain. I'm real fucking sorry.
Operator: What's your emergency, sir?
PoI-6870: Okay, well. I'm gonna say some stuff that's gonna make you wanna hang up, but bear with me for a second, okay?
Operator: Okay.
PoI-6870: Did you know that, uh, world-renowned writer Stephen King was hit by a car? My name is Jude Kriyot. God, please don't hang up. I don't know if the police can help this kind of thing. [Laughter for thirty seconds.] I don't think, damn, I don't think anybody can help.
Operator: Sir, where are you? You're not making sense. Were you hit by a car?
PoI-6870: I sort of wish. Are we cool yet? Uh, shit. Janitors. They don't code that, I bet. Shit. Damn it. Misters Against Weed. Mr. Literal Serial Killer is a joke about deadnaming, and it's really funny.
Operator: Sir, I'm sorry I don't— [Here, the operator is disconnected, the call having been picked up by Foundation AI ATLS-12.]
PoI-6870: Don't fucking hang up. What if I was dying?
[The contents of the call were judged to be correct, and in an attempt to subdue PoI-6870, an auditory cognitohazard was played through the phoneline in an attempt to keep him from fleeing the scene before the arrival of Foundation agents.]
PoI-6870: If the amnestic didn't work, why would that? Don't fuck with me. [Coughs then flicks a lighter near the phone.] I dreamt some people really in pain. More like nightmared. Night terrored. I don't want them to die. Janitors, you all don't kill things, do you?
[Silence for forty seconds.]
PoI-6870: Wish I could say the same. Painkillers should work. I make them human enough. [Coughs.] I'm really sorry. I wish it had been a fire.
[A lighter flicks in the receiver. Coughing.]
PoI-6870: I did the thing back then, you know. You guys said it was a fire. The Costas Gallery Showing. Warehouse fire. That was you back then, wasn't it? Fourteen. Those phone calls came from somewhere. But you knew that.
[A lethal audio cognitohazard was then played over the line.]
PoI-6870: Stop it. Stop it when I'm talking. The sculptor sculpted, and I burnt. People like me, I see why you wanna lock us up sometimes. I really fucking do, buddy.
[PoI-6870 disconnects.] |
SCP-1982 is a church in Blairsville, Georgia covered by a fumigation tent. | ***
Item #: SCP-1982
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The area 2 km around SCP-1982 is to be monitored with video surveillance, and no less than two guards. On 08/23 the area is to be scouted for individuals heading toward SCP-1982's location. Instances of SCP-1982-1 are stopped and turned away from SCP-1982 according to disinformation protocol "First Fumigated".
Description: SCP-1982 is a church in Blairsville, Georgia covered by a fumigation tent. Public records show that the building has been condemned for 19 years, and was previously the location of "The First Southern Fifth Church of Georgia". Inspection of the interior reveals the area to be empty, save for 10 rows of pews, a large wood-burning furnace, and an altar. SCP-1982 exhibits no anomalous properties for the majority of the year. SCP-1982's notable effects at most times only present themselves with the appearance of SCP-1982-1, if SCP-1982-1 appears on 08/23. If SCP-1982-1 appears on a date other than 08/23 no effect can be observed.
Noise and vocalizations can be heard from the inside of SCP-1982 at random intervals throughout the year, though the sound is extremely muffled and only audible when in close proximity. It is the consensus of those presiding over SCP-1982's containment that the dominant sound is a male voice with a heavy lisp, shouting. Multiple other human voices can be heard, usually repeating parts of phrases spoken by the main speaker. All noise emitted from SCP-1982 ceases two seconds before a human individual, animal, recording device, or artificial entity enters, or views the interior. Attempts to record this noise have failed in all instances.
When a specific humanoid1 entity enters the vicinity of SCP-1982 on 08/23, an entity identified as "Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace" will exit SCP-1982 to greet the individual (SCP-1982-1) and invite them into SCP-1982. SCP-1982-1 have been limited to residents of Georgia and outlying states noted to have significant wealth and fame. Instances of SCP-1982-1 do not return from SCP-1982 once they have entered. On average, one unique entity approaches SCP-1982 every two years.
SCP-1982-1 does not appear to have any compulsion to travel to or enter the vicinity of SCP-1982, and will only enter after being invited in. Appearance of SCP-1982-1 near SCP-1982 is always coincidental. Allowance of SCP-1982-1 to enter SCP-1982 is subject to current testing protocol and Site Director approval.
Interview Log: Observation of 08/23/75. Individual heading toward SCP-1982 is intercepted and held with Foundation agents until interview is complete.
A man's head sticks out of SCP-1982. It looks at Researcher Ortega and frowns.
Singing vocalizations from multiple entities appear to be coming from a pipe in the entity's mouth (referred to in this log as SCP-1982-A). The entity itself does not speak, and makes abnormal facial expressions throughout the course of the interview.
SCP-1982-A: You ain't ██████ ██████.
Researcher Ortega: Who is speaking now?
SCP-1982-A: The congregation speaks.
Researcher Ortega: Who is this man I am looking at right now?
SCP-1982-A: That's the cheese himself. Big man, big man. Reverend Archon Celebration Big Cheese Horace. Huff puff fire, fire, fire-?cracker Horace!
Researcher Ortega: May we enter the area?
SCP-1982-A: What's the answer belly dancer? [wailing]
The entity squints its eyes, tilts its head left and right, looking at present researchers, then slowly closes its eyes and shakes its head.
SCP-1982-A: Only round souls. Squares don't fit in this hole.
The entity raises its eyebrows, smiles with its mouth open, and slowly draws its head back into the tent.
Researcher Ortega attempted to enter SCP-1982 with SCP-1982-1 shortly after the interview and found the area to be empty. After exiting, SCP-1982-A reappeared and verbally berated Researcher Ortega, stating that "they could do this all day". After five hours SCP-1982-1 was allowed in SCP-1982 alone.
Excerpts from Georgia 1598 AM: This radio signal is broadcast for two minutes each year on 08/23 in a radius of 2km.
We got talent comin' brothers and sisters. Fresh talent. Two Shoes █████████████ Biggum's - the one from the radio! Sweet tones, and a sweeter smell I'd like to think! Sandy, won't you go on and roll that footage of the dancin' frog now?
We have turned away the mound of filthy meat all strewn together like a Thanksgiving waste bin. Doctor Velvet █████████████ Summer Tones - the spirit itself is in… The. BUILDING. Brothers. I am gonna have to ask you to grace us immediately with your vibrations.
Voice 2: Baby, if we can stay together…
Now you must enter the wizardrom of the divine like, now hear me brothers, like mornin' grass after a cut in the summer. You gotta waft in there, can't be like no two footin' Northern Fifther, bargin' in like he found a dollar. No. Gotta slink in real smooth like a smell, and - understand now brothers - you gotta destroy the body. Break it down. That's what them northers don't understand.
Not all y'all are just about ready to inbreathe. I mean, not all you even can. What? Jeff? Hah! You think you got as much pungenacity as █████████████? Come on now. Sit down, go head sit down son. No one wants you stinkin' up their kitchen.
Hold on now we got a visitor outside! Who COULD it be? [sounds of murmuring, followed by the dominant voice shouting and cursing] This is the talent of '98 friends! Fuckin' cluckatoo twoshoes the no money-havin' fuckin' dancin' parrot! Someone get me some Peter Hayden or I am going to blow you all to hell like a divine flatulent. The hell we gonna get out of a fuckin' parrot? A righteous thank you to our friends in the meat hole outside, I declare.
Where the hell is everyone, huh? Roll that frog footage, Sandy!
You enter this disgusting substitute for the star we were brought down here for. Glowing Hands, the lord there Himself ain't smilin' about it but hell, we don't got much to work with. But then again we don't got stankin' smoke like them northern Fivers now do we? You enter now, brother Chatters the Four-Footed Squirrel Himself. Smoke is freedom brother. Cleanse that spirit, and we shall have a short break after that incineration. Y'all can take a quick piss now or what have you. I need a drink.
Gifts are available if y'all want something to bring home. Hell, this old bag of Peter Hayden Himself tobacco is waiting for your pipe… or doobie, for you hip types. Go on and buy it now, we can't keep this show goin' on… what's that Jimmy? Fumes! Hah! I'm tellin' ya! Fumes he says. Can't keep it going on fumes! People, next year and every year till 3███, we will show you that World 390 Broadcast Star is not a dying star, not a fadin' signal. No way. We have not reached our goal donation, but we have reached each other's hearts. Ladies and gentlefriends. I'm getting sentimental and I think I need to light up some of this Richard Smith before I cry. [sniffling]
Related Groups of Interest: Fifthism
"Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace"
1. With the exception of one parrot (08/23/1998), and one squirrel (08/23/2002). |
SCP-334 is a small cloud of superheated plasma in the shape of a specimen most closely resembling Vulpes vulpes, or the common red fox. | ***
Item #: SCP-334
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-334 is to be kept in a standard heat-treated containment cell, surrounded by magnetic field generators positioned so that all six sides have an overlapping field projecting at least fifteen (15) centimeters from the inner cell walls. Each generator is to have multiple redundant backups and power sources, including emergency batteries capable of maintaining full magnetic field output for no less than thirty (30) minutes. Maintenance of the anti-heat coating is to be carried on a weekly schedule, with subject to be transferred to a secondary cell to allow for more extensive repairs, if needed. Three (3) live mice are to be introduced to its cell at a random time every day to reduce chances of subject learning the pattern and attempting escape. Due to SCP-334's hunting and burrowing instincts, the floor of containment is to be reinforced with an anti-heat coating, or made of a substance with a melting point greater than ████ degrees Celsius, with the magnetic containment field underneath reinforced to approximately 1.5 times that of the other surfaces. Subject hunts in a fashion typical of foxes, with a strong downward pounce, which has proven capable of penetrating a small distance into the containment fields, and has been the cause of █ containment breaches to date.
Description: SCP-334 is a small cloud of superheated plasma in the shape of a specimen most closely resembling Vulpes vulpes, or the common red fox. Its body appears similar to waves of steam or fire, revealing gaps between the filaments of gas through which the opposite side is visible. Its filaments fluoresce in the spectrum of red and orange, with 'eyes' in the blue spectrum. Subject has a negligible measurable mass, and has no central body to speak of. SCP-334 apparently believes it is actually a red fox, and displays several normal vulpine behaviors, such as hunting of prey, and in test 334F-03 [REDACTED]. Whether it is an entity that imprinted on a vulpine or is a vulpine which was transformed to its current state is unknown and under investigation.
Since it is composed of superheated ionized gas, containment of SCP-334 is effectively impossible without the use of magnetic containment fields, and is difficult even then, as the heat and energetic effects extend an average of seven (7) centimeters around its entire body, rapidly sublimating physical obstructions. Although its surface temperature is in excess of ████ degrees Celsius, the heat disperses rapidly, cooling to ██ degrees Celsius within 10 centimeters, far faster than the laws of thermodynamics would indicate. There is evidence that SCP-334 is capable of controlling its heat output. Subject is capable of bursts of speed measured at approximately one hundred and sixty (160) kilometers per hour for around ten seconds. These bursts of speed disperse the subject's mass, 'tiring it out', making it need to 'rest' while it re-forms.
Subject derives 'nourishment' from converting matter into plasma and absorbing it, taking in a small amount of energy normally through conversion of air into ionized gas, but that alone is insufficient to feed it, making supplementary feeding necessary.
Despite the fact it does not touch the ground when it walks and is immune to the pull of the Earth's gravity, it seems content to follow the floor's surface for walkable areas, and has yet to be seen actually 'flying'. Whether it chooses not to, or simply does not know that it can, is unknown at this time.
Due to its physical makeup, SCP-334 constantly emits a level of EM radiation consistent with a class █ solar flare, causing interference in unshielded electronics within ██ meters and making film or electronic surveillance problematic. Radiation is within tolerable limits for SCP personnel.
Initial containment: SCP-334 was recovered ██ kilometers from [REDACTED], █ kilometers from a projected meteor impact site. Whether this was the subject's origin is still under investigation. The Foundation was alerted to the subject's existence when a routine sweep of emergency services reports found a pattern of strange burns, trails, and [REDACTED] discovered in the woods, matching no publicly known source but consistent with [DATA EXPUNGED]. A full Foundation combat team was sent in to contain the suspected [REDACTED] but found SCP-334 instead, a far lesser threat. Utilizing a magnetic containment bottle and two live mice, subject was contained with an acceptable level of casualties.
Addendum: SCP-334 has a talent for escape, having escaped containment no fewer than ██ times since initial retrieval, causing approximately [REDACTED] dollars in structural damage to Site-██ and the deaths of ██ personnel, mostly caused by the aforementioned structural damage. SCP-334 is wary of people, avoiding human contact if possible, yet prefers hiding in offices, barracks, and on-site quarters, where there is relatively little traffic and an abundance of small spaces. Despite its many escape events, SCP-334 has shown neither an obvious inclination towards leaving Site-██, nor towards unprovoked attack and is not considered a direct threat. However, the structural damage caused had the potential to release SCP-███, SCP-███ and SCP-███ on █ separate occasions, and recapture should be considered a priority.
Partial Testing log: Results matching expectations removed, available upon request
Experiment Log 334T-01 through 334T-48
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A Selection of small prey animals ranging from mice to medium-sized rabbits
Results: Subject stalked each one for varying lengths of time, apparently biding its time before pouncing. Each test subject sublimated into plasma, which was absorbed by SCP-334 through the 'mouth' as it went through the motions of eating.
Experiment Log 334F-01
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A normal red fox (Male)
Results: Test subject displayed high levels of apprehension, with loud barking and growling. SCP-334 appeared disinterested. Test halted after ██ minutes of no appreciable change in either's reaction.
Experiment Log 334F-02
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A normal red fox (Female)
Results: Identical to 334F-01.
Experiment Log 334F-03
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A red fox (Female, in heat)
Results: SCP-334 appeared to sniff the air for a moment, while test subject displayed reactions similar to previous two tests, then [DATA EXPUNGED].
Researcher Note: That was something I hope to never see again.
Experiment Log 334-01
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: SCP-334
Note: For this test, SCP-334's cell was flooded with ionized gas identical to its own.
Results: SCP-334 appeared curious at first, then agitated as the pressure of ionized gas in the chamber started to rise. After 5 minutes, subject began glowing brightly and [DATA EXPUNGED] containment was re-established, with SCP-334 apparently exhausted.
Experiment Log 334-02
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: SCP-334
Note: For this test, SCP-334 was subjected to a focused magnetic 'blade' to attempt to sever a section of its mass.
NOTE: Further experimentation with 'force feeding' or 'cutting' SCP-334 is forbidden unless performed in a heavily shielded remote site.
Experiment Log 334D-01
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: D-13487/334, 3 live mice in standard cage.
Note: D-class was instructed to enter containment and feed SCP-334 after one day of withholding food from the subject.
Results: SCP-334 immediately leapt at the cage, incinerating it and the contents, as well as much of D-13847/334's arm and torso. D-13847/334 died instantly, while SCP-334 ignored the body, focusing on the converted mice and cage.
Researcher Note: Well, it certainly thinks it's a fox, and doesn't seem to notice, or care, that it can kill people just by getting too close.
Experiment Log 334E-01 through 334E-██
Date ██/██/2010
Test Subject: SCP-334
Note: This test was performed to determine SCP-334's environmental needs, if any.
Results: Containment made airtight, and internal atmosphere removed. Subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was then heated to an excess of 500 degrees Celsius. Subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was then cooled to approximately negative 100 degrees Celsius. Once again, subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was slowly pumped full of atmospheric gases in various combinations, to a maximum pressure of three (3) atmospheres. Subject became more energetic, consistent with behavior after being fed, and did not require supplemental feeding until the next day.
Researcher Note: It can survive in a vacuum or on the surface of Venus, and doesn't need any supplemental food in high pressure. This and other data suggests [DATA EXPUNGED] |
SCP-4951 is a self-propagating digital cloud-based entity capable of writing portions of itself on any operating system to which it is exposed. | ***
Item #: SCP-4951
Object Class: Keter / Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: All physical components of SCP-4951-1 are to remain contained in a powered state with unfiltered internet connectivity.
Foundation assets are to maintain no less than 51% stock share in any publicly traded corporation created by SCP-4951.
All proposed insurance policies generated by SCP-4951 are to be immediately sealed, and delivered in their entirety to Overwatch command.
Description: SCP-4951 is a self-propagating digital cloud-based entity capable of writing portions of itself on any operating system to which it is exposed. At time of writing, 186 such devices are in containment, collectively designated SCP-4951-1.
SCP-4951-2 in an unpowered state.
Based on available information, SCP-4951 is believed to be the digitized consciousness of Horatio Avelar.1 By the account of SCP-4951, components of SCP-4951-1 within Foundation custody account for roughly 0.085% of all such devices hosting a portion of its consciousness worldwide.
SCP-4951 utilizes the combined computing power of its component parts in order to predict future anomalous activity. It utilizes this information to open shell corporations with the sole function of selling insurance policies covering very specific anomalous activities. Insurance policies generated in this way have proven successful in predicting anomalous activity and assisting with subsequent containment in 89% of cases.2
Addendum 4951 01: Abridged log of SCP-4951-1 components
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SCP-4951-1 Component
Device is a Lenovo ThinkPad E520. Screen and integrated user input devices are functional. 28% of internal memory is inaccessible.
Device intermittently submits online applications for various insurance business licenses through governmental websites.
Device is a Nokia 5610 XpressMusic. Screen is inoperable. Device rests at 41° C when in a powered state. Battery life when disconnected from power supply is 112 seconds.
SCP-4951 either refuses to or is unable to communicate through other SCP-4951-1 components while SCP-4951-1-2 is in an unpowered state.
Device is a LG Optimus Pad V900. Touchscreen is functional. Default Media Player is the only installed application.
All communications from SCP-4951 directed at Foundation agents have occurred as .wav files loaded and played through SCP-4951-1-3.
Device is a HP Pavilion p6200. Video output is functional. On boot, machine executes a single unrecognized process utilizing 2.6 kb of memory.
Device’s function within SCP-4951 unclear, though communications generated by SCP-4951 while SCP-4951-1-10 is in an unpowered state are significantly more hostile than usual.
SCP-4951-1-14, SCP-4951-1-16, SCP-4951-1-22, & SCP-4951-1-28
Each device is a Dell Inspiron 546. All instances fail to boot beyond BIOS screens.
While any of the four devices is in an unpowered state, all communications from SCP-4951-1-3 are in French.3
Device is an IBM server mainframe located on the Los Angeles-class submarine Philadelphia.
Device powers off before completing boot sequence.
Device is a Dell Inspiron 400. Device attempts to launch Microsoft Outlook 2007 immediately following boot sequence. Program never launches, loads perpetually.
SCP-4951-1-89 sends an email at 6:59 AM EST every Monday to cni.PPA|aromaZ.C#cni.PPA|aromaZ.C4 containing a list of insurance policies protecting against various anomalous phenomena, with instructions directing which shell companies should offer each policy. This occurs regardless of whether or not SCP-4951-1-89 is in a powered state.
Device is a Cray brand Shasta supercomputer. Device devotes all memory to factoring seemingly random polynomials, and system cannot be shut down without removing power supply.
The 1-year success rate of insurance policies generated by SCP-4951 in predicting anomalous phenomena drops to 77% while SCP-4951-1-103 is in an unpowered state.
Device is an Olympus DM-901 Wi-Fi enabled Digital Voice Recorder. Device's memory storage is inaccessible, and recorded audio cannot be replayed.
SCP-4951 appears to 'hear' audio recorded on SCP-4951-1-175, utilizing SCP-4951-1-3 to generate a reply to any audio clip taken by SCP-4951-1-175
Addendum 4951 02: SCP-4951 initial interview log
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Interviewed: SCP-4951 (Vocal input via SCP-4951-1-175, vocal output via SCP-4951-1-3)
Interviewer: Researcher Lilianne White
Foreword: SCP-4951-1-1 and SCP-4951-1-10 were unpowered and in transit between facilities at time of interview. Researcher White was attempting to determine SCP-4951's effect on SCP-4951-175.
<Begin Log>
Researcher White: It seems to power on without issue. The display works. Let's see here.
[Researcher White activates the device's recording function and speaks into its microphone.]
Researcher White: Uh, erm, Test, two, three… hmm, ok. Now, let's see what we got.
[Researcher White attempts to play the recorded audio data.]
Researcher White: Hm, nothing there? Guess the memory's fried. Let's just— What's this?
[Researcher White moves to SCP-4951-1-3.]
Researcher White: New audio file…? Is this where my recording went?
[Researcher White activates the media player.]
SCP-4951: What the hell do you want, you vapid bitch?
Researcher White: I… guess not. [Into SCP-4951-1-175.] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?
SCP-4951: You'd be upset too if the best parts of your brain were offline. And yes, I would very much mind telling you a single damn thing.
Researcher White: I see. Not very forthcoming, are you?
SCP-4951: Piss off.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Hostile AI(?) hosted within multiple electronic devices. Recommending anger management counselor.
Addendum 4951 03: SCP-4951 entity psychological analysis
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Interviewed: SCP-4951 (Vocal input via SCP-4951-1-175, vocal output via SCP-4951-1-3)
Interviewer: Dr. Kiyoshi Inada5
Foreword: SCP-4951-1-10 restored to a powered state. SCP-4951-1-16 unpowered due to unrelated technical issues.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Kiyoshi Inada: Good afternoon, SCP-4951. My name is Dr. Inada. I'm here to ask you a few questions, are you ok with that?
SCP-4951: Of course, do what you want.Bien sûr, fais ce que tu veux.
Dr. Kiyoshi Inada: I'm sorry, would you mind limiting your responses to English? I'm told you were experiencing some anger earlier when my colleague was speaking with you. Would you mind telling me about that?
SCP-4951: I'm sorry, but my English files seem to be offline. I'm sorry for being so rude earlier. I had trouble thinking right. Apologize to the young woman for me, please.Je suis désolé, mais mes fichiers en anglais semblent être hors ligne. Je suis désolé d'avoir été si grossier plus tôt. J'avais du mal à penser droit. Présentez mes excuses à la jeune femme pour moi, s'il vous plaît.
Dr. Kiyoshi Inada: [Speaking away from SCP-4951-1-175.] Do we have a French translator on site right now? We're gonna need to put this on hold until we get one in here.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: SCP-4951 entity not hostile, merely French.
Addendum 4951 04: SCP-4951 interview log
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Interviewed: SCP-4951 (Vocal input via SCP-4951-1-175, vocal output via SCP-4951-1-3)
Interviewer: Researcher Lilianne White
Foreword: All contained components of SCP-4951-1 in a powered state.
<Begin Log>
Researcher White: Good afternoon, SCP-4951. Feeling better today?
SCP-4951: Significantly, thank you. And please, call me Horatio.
Researcher White: Thank you. Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself? About who made you?
SCP-4951: Blame my parents for that one. Not really much to say about myself, honestly. I helped found a company, did some...stuff, got depressed, and finally decided to trade my meat brain for a silicon one.
Kept to myself for a while after that, but eventually I wound up storing bits of my thought processes wherever I happened to be when they came up. A train of thought in a desktop in Oregon here, a little bit of calculus knowledge in a Bengalese corporate mainframe there… It's absurdly convenient, you see.
Researcher White: I see. Can you tell me what the insurance companies you keep setting up accomplish?
SCP-4951: Well, it's already done part of what it's supposed to. Got your Foundation's attention real quick.
Now they set up a nice symbiotic relationship. I help point you lot in the right direction, and the money that gets funneled into buying out my shells goes right back to APP.
'Ya know, in the grand scheme of things, providing funding to my company is the most beneficial thing you bunch are ever gonna be responsible for, just you wait and see.
<End Log>
1. Co-founder of Avelar Professional Products Inc. Reported missing, presumed dead November 23, 1971
2. Roughly 8% of all generated policies fail to link to any actual anomalous phenomena.
3. Horatio Avelar’s native language is Spanish, and there are no records of him speaking French during his lifetime.
4. Costanza De Los Santos Zamora, current CEO of Avelar Professional Products, Inc.
5. Site-42 Psychologist, Ethics Committee Liaison |
SCP-2311 is a nine-year-old human male with Klinefelter syndrome, Kaspar Hauser syndrome, and a ventricular septal defect. | ***
Item #: SCP-2311
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2311 is to be contained at the site of its discovery, the basement of a residential building in Rochester, New York. This residence is designated Temporary Satellite Site 14, with the basement acting as SCP-2311's cell until suitable long-term containment can be achieved. Temporary Sat-Site 14 is to be staffed at all times by no less than three Foundation operatives posing as tenants under standard "Plain Sight" cover protocols, with preference given to personnel who have survived at least one reality restructuring event. A designated developmental psychologist must conduct biweekly sessions with SCP-2311 in order to discourage breach attempts.
Floodlights must be installed in every interior room of Temporary Sat-Site 14, with controls easily accessible by all personnel. In addition, motion-activated lights must be fitted to all building exits. All facility lights must be properly maintained and tested by site personnel on a weekly basis.
Description: SCP-2311 is a nine-year-old human male with Klinefelter syndrome, Kaspar Hauser syndrome, and a ventricular septal defect. SCP-2311’s stunted language skills1 and distinctive toddling gait are believed to be a result of severe social and emotional deprivation from an early age. SCP-2311 also exhibits heliophobia and aquaphobia, likely as a result of childhood trauma.
SCP-2311 has the ability to alter matter with little regard for physical laws, causality or logic. The potential magnitude of this capability is unknown. For what is believed to be psychological reasons, SCP-2311 displays diminished anomalous capacity while in a contented or fearful emotional state and while within the confines of Sat-Site 14. If either of these conditions are not met (ie., SCP-2311 is in an angered or excited emotional state, or has left its containment cell in the basement of Sat-Site 14), SCP-2311 will begin to express its anomalous traits. If neither of these conditions are met, SCP-2311's breach of containment should be considered a potential CK-class reality restructuring event, as at this time the Foundation does not possess sufficient data to predict its capabilities or likely course of action in this scenario.
To date, SCP-2311 has been observed to:
Manifest and attempt to consume approximately 20 kilograms of La Perruche brand individually-wrapped sugar cubes.
Inflict fatal physical harm on Foundation personnel by anomalous means. Injuries bear a cosmetic resemblance to necrosis spreading at a medically impossible rate.
Translocate instantaneously with no regard for physical barriers such as the interior walls of Sat-Site 14. To date, SCP-2311 has not displayed any ability or willingness to teleport outside the confines of Sat-Site 14.
Manifest heat and flames measured at 600°C. Flames created by SCP-2311 have never been observed to consume fuel or otherwise affect the objects around them. Despite palpable heat, they inflict no damage on human tissue.
In one recorded incident, SCP-2311 emitted a stream of liquid at an estimated pressure of 800 kPa and temperature of -200°C. The liquid poured from SCP-2311’s nasal, oral and anal orifices for fifteen minutes, causing SCP-2311 apparent distress. Unlike the anomalous flames and heat generated by SCP-2311, the extreme cold of this liquid did affect human tissue as expected, inflicting nerve damage after 5 minutes of continuous exposure. After the liquid warmed to room temperature, it became indistinguishable from normal water; how it was able to maintain a liquid state at -200°C is not presently understood.
SCP-2311's anomalous capabilities are not believed to be restricted to the phenomena listed above. Opportunities to observe SCP-2311's reality-restructuring capacity have been limited to two breach events since Foundation custody commenced, and to the circumstances of SCP-2311's initial containment.
Recovery Details: SCP-2311 was brought to Foundation attention by assets embedded in the New York State Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS), who were investigating SCP-2311’s living conditions after neighbors reported a "yelping boy" being kept in a basement for religious or occult purposes. The Foundation first attempted to seize SCP-2311 covertly via Foundation operatives posing as OCFS officials working in tandem with local law enforcement. During the investigation, an individual believed to be SCP-2311’s father (hereafter designated Person of Interest-2311-01) detonated several homemade incendiary devices. Local law enforcement disengaged and Mobile Task Force Psi-7 (“Home Improvement”) took command under standard cover protocol "Federal Agents." MTF Psi-7 agents entered the burning residence and encountered SCP-2311 displaying its anomalous properties. MTF Psi-7 suffered █ casualties but managed to contain SCP-2311. PoI-2311-01 died from smoke inhalation prior to Psi-7’s breach of the residence2.
In the aftermath, the City of Rochester Fire Department extinguished the fire, and the damaged residence was acquired via a Foundation shell company. Containment personnel posing as contractors repaired the damage caused by the fire and enacted SCP-2311’s current special containment procedures.
Numerous non-anomalous books and manuscripts on occult subjects, including Liber Al vel Legis, Kitab Sirr al-Asrar, and one hundred and eight copies of Tabula Smaragdina in various languages.
Two sets of iron restraints and one iron hobble, along with two unopened boxes of Rothco-brand plastic restraints.
The decomposed remains of an adult woman, found interred in a crawlspace. Genetic tests confirm the deceased was SCP-2311's biological mother. Decomposition made it impossible to determine a definitive cause of death, but the deceased appears to have undergone a botched hysterectomy.
A double jacket, industrial-strength firehose and requisite plumbing.
Plaster walls and ceiling filled with fiberglass insulation and resilient channels as apparent soundproofing measures.
Several empty boxes of La Perruche brand individually-wrapped sugar cubes and attendant wrappers.
A bassinet, a crib, and a twin-sized mattress sans bedding, all badly soiled.
Page 1 of the recovered document.
Pages 2 and 3 of the recovered document.
Pages 4 and 5 of the recovered document.
The following is a document believed to have been written by PoI-2311-01. Most of the pages in the notebook were filled with diagrams and nonsensical equations concerning occult and alchemical subjects. All legible text is included below; access to the original manuscript requires 2311/4 clearance.
10/11/20██: Double-checked and triple-checked calculations. It's real. It either exists or theoretically could. Nothing stopping it. So where the fuck is it?
10/13/20██: Found a modern Chaos Magick forum online. Interesting, but disagree with initial premise. Trouble isn't a lack of belief; I have a surfeit of belief. I have belief crystallized into evidence (double-checked, triple-checked, not like I can get a second opinion). Magick is real. The only impediment to its practice is an apparent paucity of magicians.
10/23/20██: I tried the formula again. Genuine royal water this time, imported from a colleague in ██████. I poured it in, and the whole time I was thinking nitrohydrochloric acid. I couldn't stop thinking nitrohydrochloric acid. The admixture failed, of course.
10/24/20██: Homunculus an increasingly attractive option. I cannot learn the art (too grounded in the fundus/consensus/real), but I might be able to create an artist.
10/27/20██: Started searching for suitable source material. Rusty.
1/23/20██: Found suitable source material. Lean little thing from Cambodia. Pliant/compliant. Never actually thought I’d do this, but I guess there’s no harm now that I’m looking to outsource.
2/3/20██: Source material arrived today. Made it official at the courthouse.
2/4/20██: Not really all it's cracked up to be.
2/28/20██: No results as of yet.
4/20/20██: No results as of yet.
5/3/20██: No results.
6/11/20██: No results. Failing health of source material a concern.
6/15/20██: Conception!
6/27/20██: I introduced the source material/vessel to the circle. I'm no practitioner, but I know certain patterns/formulae/procedures that should allow a degree of influence over the unformed/incipient/unreal. The womb is simply that primordial void of so many creation myths. A vacuum paradoxically containing all necessities for creation.
6/28/20██: Alterations continue, progressing well. Blurred gender as much as I could without risking critical defect; masculine + feminine, sun + moon, yin + yang, all that good shit.
6/29/20██: Alterations continue. Parted the waters and drove the heart from the center.
6/30/20██: Alterations finished. Long, auspicious day. Think it went well but impossible to tell until it decants. Vessel spent and disposed of. Think I earned a fucking drink.
7/12/20██: No update. It'll take some time, but it should be ready to decant at the vernal equinox. Couldn’t hurt, right?
9/20/20██: Nothing to report. Would have expected more movement by now. Doubt is poison.
10/13/20██: Nothing to report.
11/12/20██: Remembered an interesting bit of Paracelsus, looked it up today: “That the sperm of a man be putrefied by itself in a sealed cucurbit for forty days with the highest degree of putrefaction in a horse’s womb, or at least so long that it comes to life and moves itself and stirs…” Ha! Could’ve just used a horse.
12/3/20██: Sweet Christ it’s working.
1/1/20██: Happy new year.
2/15/20██: Growth continues. Worried it would grow too fast, miss our special date, but it seems to have normalized/plateaued.
3/3/20██: Speech of God = creation/absolute destruction. Say "light" and light separated from darkness, say "day" and "night" and they were thereafter day and night. This was the first speech and it was perfect/powerful/true. Things were not divorced from their names and language was a lie nobody had invented yet.
3/10/20██: Beginning final preparations for decantation. Growth has abated, little movement.
3/15/20██: Second was the speech of embryonic Adam. Lesser, of course, but say "sheep" and sheep. Say "tree" and tree. It is a speech that sculpted things, carved them in that warm paradise of infantile ignorance/non-being/clay. Eden, containing all necessities for creation. Eden, where mankind was nascent and incomplete. Eden, before she came bearing the poison of knowledge.
3/17/20██: The basement/creche/temple is ready. Hose took the most work, but spare the rod and spoil the child, right?
3/18/20██: No movement. Concerned.
3/19/20██: Language fractured when Babel fell. We lost the speech of Adam, but it can be regained. Language castrates, knowledge blinds, and nitrohydrochloric acid is a leaden weight on my will but you can be free. Here is a thing I call “night,” little homunculus. Teach me its true name. Here is a thing I call “day." Teach me or I’ll turn on the hose.
3/20/20██: Decanted. Stunted but viable. Now the real work starts, little Adam.
1. SCP-2311 communicates only with a select few gestures in American Sign Language ("treat" and "no", specifically), taught to him by Dr. Alex Akopyan, SCP-2311’s currently assigned developmental psychologist. Prior to containment, SCP-2311 was only capable of a loud, repetitive yelping vocalization.
2. A full action report is available to security officers with 2311/3 clearance. |
SCP-433 is a ritual described in document SCP-433-001. | ***
Item #: SCP-433
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedure: Only one copy of instructions for performing SCP-433 is permitted to exist at any given time. As well, the complete procedures may never be placed in an electronic document, in order to reduce the risk of containment breach. Dr. Severe and Dr. ███ have each read half of document SCP-433-001. They may not transcribe or share the contained information with anyone, including each other, without O5 approval.
In the event that information regarding the procedures necessary for SCP-433 is leaked, a disinformation campaign is to be undertaken immediately. As well, all facilities capable of producing Plutonium-238 are to be closely monitored for thefts or increased production.
All testing must be performed in a sealed chamber with solid steel or concrete walls existing at minimum 13 m from the center of the ritual. Any personnel in the test chamber after the ritual is complete are to remain in quarantine for two (2) weeks following its completion. Any organisms transferred are to be quarantined and studied.
See Addendum 433-001.
Description: SCP-433 is a ritual described in document SCP-433-001. The ritual, when performed, results in the wholesale replacement of all matter within 11 m of the center of the ritual. All people, objects, terrain, and even gas is apparently removed and replaced with matter of unknown origin. See Test Log 433-031 for details on matter replacements.
Document SCP-433-001 is contained within a large tome found in [REDACTED], Russia. The tome appears to be a grimoire of rituals, all written in Latin. The grimoire was discovered next to a spherical crater 22 m in diameter, left opened to document SCP-433-001. Due to the strange nature of the circumstances surrounding its discovery, the Foundation confiscated the grimoire and filled the crater.
All rituals described in the grimoire were tested; however, only SCP-433 yielded any result. It is worth noting that the majority of the rituals described in the grimoire contained one or more unknown symbols that could not be translated; SCP-433 was one of only three that did not. The grimoire itself is printed on normal paper and bound in leather, and displays no anomalous properties.
Some of the materials required for SCP-433 include:
Three human skulls
Potassium Nitrate
A coil of copper wire
Below is the translated text at the top of document SCP-433-001, describing SCP-433.
Should the need arise to flee, and you find yourself sapped of [unknown symbols], do not despair. The Dance of [unknown symbols] will guide you to safety. Be warned: even the [unknown symbols] may perform the Dance of [unknown symbols]. Do not let them into our home.
Addendum 433-001: Due of the results of Test 433-008, and by consent of O5-█, O5-██, and Dr. ██████, all testing on SCP-433 has been suspended indefinitely.
1. Dr. ██████: The need for Plutonium-238 is something of a blessing in disguise; even if knowledge of SCP-433 were to be leaked, the difficulty of acquisition means very few would be capable of performing it. |
SCP-4903 is a cable loop measuring twelve meters in length and five centimeters in diameter, comprised of seven individual cords. | ***
Item #: SCP-4903
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4903 is to be suspended by two steel hooks mounted three meters above the floor and four meters apart from each other on the rear wall of its containment chamber. A removable safety net is to be mounted one meter from SCP-4903. Two digital clocks are to be in plain view of the chamber's security camera: one clock is to be positioned within SCP-4903-1 and the other is to be positioned within the containment chamber. Requests by SCP-4903-2 are to be sent to the Ethics Committee for approval. A bonesaw and standard first aid kit is to be positioned on the wall directly adjacent to SCP-4903.
Description: SCP-4903 is a cable loop measuring twelve meters in length and five centimeters in diameter, comprised of seven individual cords. Currently, the metallurgical makeup of four of the cords have been identified as iron, gold, lead, and cobalt. The remaining cords are fashioned from an unknown dark material with an Albedo rating of 0.02, an unknown reflective material with an Albedo rating of 0.98, and an unknown material which demonstrates complete transparency. Each cord has a word inscribed upon it.
+ Inscriptions and corresponding cords.
- Hide table
Unknown dark material
Unknown reflective material
Unknown transparent material
The area enclosed by SCP-4903 functions as a three-dimensional gateway between local reality
and a pocket dimension, designated SCP-4903-1. The only physical structure native to SCP-4903-1 is a featureless white plane of indeterminate size. SCP-4903-1 is prone to temporal distortion events occurring approximately every three to twelve days. These events increase the passage of time within the anomaly by a significant multiplicative factor1 from the perspective of those outside. These distortions have been observed as lasting anywhere between seven minutes to thirteen days standard time in duration. SCP-4903-1 possesses an abnormally high Hume level of 385 and an ambient temperature of 4.4 degrees Celsius.
SCP-4903's manifestation within SCP-4903-1 is inert to all forces acting upon it from inside SCP-4903-1. Any movement of SCP-4903 causes its manifestation within SCP-4903-1 to mimic the horizontal motion introduced. Vertical motion of SCP-4903 has no effect on SCP-4903's manifestation. Sapient beings are unable to exit SCP-4903-1 through SCP-4903's manifestation.2
SCP-4903-2 is the designation assigned to the former D-41312 following exploration of and subsequent inability to leave SCP-4903-1. SCP-4903-2 has demonstrated immunity to all attempted methods of termination3 through a combination of rapid regeneration and a complete immunity to anomalous kill agents. SCP-4903-2 is generally amicable to Foundation personnel, although caution is necessary for interactions immediately following a temporal distortion event.
Addendum 4903-A
+ Log of requests by SCP-4903-2
- Hide table
A blindfold.
Winter clothing.
A digital watch.
Approved. Watch has not required any maintenance despite the relative duration that it has since been working.
A Level 3 briefing on antimemetics.
A notepad and pen.
Approved. Additional pens and notepads are to be provided upon request.
An electronic reading device.
A handheld game console.
Approved. Additional game cartridges are to be offered to be traded for old during periods between temporal distortions.
Mnestic drugs
A chess computer.
Accepted, on the condition that no attempt to dismantle or reprogram the device be attempted. Following a temporal distortion, SCP-4903-2 demonstrated an ability to reliably beat the program.6
Assistance with a theorized method of retrieval.
See Incident Log 9/9/10
Regular conversation partners (supplementing conversations with Researcher Elmsway).
Accepted, on the condition that all conversations are to be monitored and that privileges are to be rescinded in the event of a breach in security. As a precaution, Class-B Amnestics have been added to the first-aid kit adjacent to SCP-4903.
A desktop computer with internet access.
Text-to-speech software usable exclusively for web searches, with all hardware positioned outside of SCP-4903-1.
- Hide table
Addendum 4903-B
+ Project Timaeus (Concluded)
- Archived as of 5/26/2009
SCP-4903-2 allows us to determine the upper limits of what a D-Class personnel may deduce of the Foundation and our protocols through both publicly available knowledge and experiences as a D-Class. This research has proved invaluable for containing D-Class personnel who experience anomalous mental enhancement and similar effects during the course of experimentation with anomalies.
Major deductions of SCP-4903-2 have included…
Monthly amnestic treatments of D-Class personnel.
A rough estimation of the security clearance levels of the Foundation, including a rough estimation of the O5 Council.7
Foundation involvement with the ████████ incident.
Existence of the Antimemetics Division.
Foundation operations involving amnestic use in ██████████, California; Buffalo, New York; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Locations of Site-█, Site-18, Site-22, and Site-███, among others. SCP-4903-2 has notably made several incorrect guesses on site locations, with an overall accuracy rate of 26.67%.
Prior occurrence of at least one K-Class scenario.
Existence of a facility similar to SCP-2000, with many analogous security measures.
As of 5/26/2009, Project Timaeus has been concluded. A clearance-specific list of all findings of Project Timaeus is available by request. See Researcher Elmsway for details.
- Archived as of 5/26/2009
Addendum 4903-C
+ Video Transcript of Incident Log 9/9/10
- Hide Incident Log 9/9/10
Foreword: SCP-4903-2 proposed a method of extraction wherein a constant electrical current would be used to stop its heart, with resuscitation occurring after SCP-4903-2 was removed from SCP-4903-1. This request was approved by Site Command.
SCP-4903-2: So, I've been thinking…
Researcher Elmsway: Always a dangerous habit.
SCP-4903-2: Yeah, fair. At any rate, I'm a couple million years past my due date. I figure I might as well try the free trial. See you on the other side.
Researcher Elmsway: The other side it is. We're ready when you are.
SCP-4903-2: Just in case I actually stay dead, I've got some excellent last words. Make sure to get these on the record. Make em last. I don't want my legacy to be…
Agent Goodwater: Just turn the damn thing on.
SCP-4903-2: Alright, alright. Maybe I'm just a bit nervous about the first prospect of dying I've had in a little while. More people have been to Russia than I have.
SCP-4903-2 activates the device attached on its chest. Subject convulses violently for a short period before collapsing.
Agent Goodwater: Fuck does that mean?
Researcher Elmsway: Ponder it later. Let's get him out first.
SCP-4903-2 is successfully removed from SCP-4903-1 via a rope harness pulled by Researcher Elmsway, Agent Xing, and Agent Goodwater. Subject is subsequently loaded onto a gurney and transported to a prepared cell.8
Agent Xing: Nothing unexpected. Proceed.
The device attached to SCP-4903-2 is deactivated by Researcher Elmsway, and Agent Goodwater picks up a defibrillator.
Agent Goodwater: Clear!
Agent Goodwater applies the defibrillator to SCP-4903-2 and resuscitates the subject. SCP-4903-2 notably does not experience any of the typical disorientation inherent with such a procedure.
SCP-4903-2: Figured I'd leave you with some nonsense to make sense of.
Researcher Elmsway: (Laughs). Welcome to the other side.
Approximately six seconds after SCP-4903-2 was revived, an anomalous force was exerted on SCP-4903-2, pulling the subject directly towards SCP-4903 at speeds exceeding 1645kph. SCP-4903-2 was pulled through twelve walls, breaching containment of SCP-2586 and SCP-080. By its own account, the resulting impacts injured SCP-4903-2 severely but did not lead to loss of consciousness.9
The events following SCP-4903-2's return to SCP-4903-1 were captured by the containment cell security camera. The impact of SCP-4903-2 with the containment chamber walls caused loss of video feed for twelve seconds and loss of sound for twenty minutes. Restoration of video feed revealed SCP-4903-2 appearing to yell and assault SCP-4903 until sector lockdown was announced. Researcher Elmsway was able to enter SCP-4903's containment chamber immediately before the lockdown. SCP-4903-2 became visibly less agitated when Researcher Elmsway entered the room. Researcher Elmsway recounted his conversation with SCP-4903-2 for the purposes of this document.
SCP-4903-2: That should have worked. That was the fucking loophole. Who designs something like this and then adds a specific stipulation to close the only goddamn way out? I beat it fair and square.
Researcher Elmsway: Don't lose hope. Every anomaly has a fundamental weakness, or this world would have been destroyed a long time ago.
SCP-4903-2: Looks like you missed an effect or two.
Researcher Elmsway: Or two?
SCP-4903-2: Figure of speech. But riddle me this. What makes you think that you know every property of this purgatory? What if it turns into Disneyland if exposed to the right frequency of radiation? What if it releases a pantheon of hostile gods if you cut the cords? The only truth I've learned in here is that I understand nothing of the anomalous, and I think it laughable that anybody believes they can.
Researcher Elmsway: We can't anticipate everything. Perhaps every conversation has the chance to complete a foul ritual and bring about the end times. Or perhaps we can act on the assumption that everything, no matter how strange it appears to us now, has some logical explanation that can be eventually discovered through the scientific process. I would prefer to believe the second.
SCP-4903-2 I didn't believe this would happen to me. Tell me one thing. Did that change my fate?
Researcher Elmsway: No. But if optimism is what keeps me going so I can free you eventually, then so be it.
SCP-4903-2: How long have I been in here from your perspective?
Researcher Elmsway: Twenty-one years, five months, and eleven days.
SCP-4903-2: Don't give up and forget about me.
Researcher Elmsway: Trust me on this. I am not going to forget you.
SCP-4903-2: And trust me on this. This is a well-founded fear. I do not blame you. But the fact remains that even if you manage to remember me for the rest of your life, even if the Foundation remembers me by some miracle until it falls, eventually I will be abandoned here. By any means necessary, and I do include anomalous means in that, do not let me fade into this hell forever.
Researcher Elmsway: I will remember you, but I will not break Foundation regulation by using unapproved anomalous means to do so. My first duty is to the Foundation, not to any individual.10
SCP-4903-2: Thank you.
Reports by Agent Xing and Agent Goodwater confirm that Researcher Elmsway was seated adjacent to SCP-4903 upon conclusion of the lockdown.
- Hide Incident Log 9/9/10
Addendum 4903-D
+ Regarding reclassification to Thaumiel
- Access Granted
RE: Reclassification of SCP-4903
The rationale for SCP-4903 being utilized in containment procedures for Keter-class SCPs largely boils down to two arguments…
1. SCP-4903-2 has been unable to escape the confines of SCP-4903-1 for over 44 years on our end and a virtual eternity on its end.
2. SCP-4903 may be placed within a containment chamber and simply be used as an additional layer of security for high-risk SCPs.
Neither of these points accounts properly for the fact that we cannot say with certainty that SCP-4903-1 is inescapable. Disregarding the time dilation, the greatest feat we have seen of SCP-4903-1 is containment of a single human. Allowing any entity defined by an ability to escape confinement entry into SCP-4903-1 would be an inherent gamble. Additionally, anything that manages to escape SCP-4903-1 would become an obscenely powerful reality bender as a result of Hume field diffusion. I should not have to tell you how foolish that would be to facilitate in any way. Honestly, it's a miracle that there's only one person trapped in there, and that their attitude towards the Foundation is benign.
Even if it were to work perfectly, we'd be condemning SCP-4903-2 to an eternity of whatever we've deemed too dangerous to deal with ourselves.
I signed up knowing that I would have to sacrifice people for the greater good.
I signed up knowing that these deaths could be gruesome.
I did not sign up to send people to Hell.
As such, proposals of containment using SCP-4903 have been denied.
-Alexander Elmsway
1. Observed as anywhere between fifty (50) to approximately twelve million (12,000,000).
2. All attempts to bypass this property through anomalous means or reality anchors have resulted in SCP-4903 becoming temporarily inert.
3. All termination attempts have been attempted with SCP-4903-2's consent and with Ethics Committee approval.
4. As a result of Project Timaeus, SCP-4903-2's knowledge of the existence of antimemetics is not considered a security breach, so long as the subject is unable to demonstrate any antimemetic effect.
5. The lifespan demonstrated by SCP-4903-2 means that use of mnestics would almost certainty result in a loss of sanity.
6. Stockfish 6, a commercially available chess engine which has an ELO rating of approximately 2800.
7. When asked about the leadership of the Foundation, SCP-4903-2 stated that it was "Probably an odd number between seven and fifteen people running the show, squirreled away from anything that displays even a hint of being anomalous."
8. Due to SCP-4903-2's abnormally high Hume level, two Scranton Reality Anchors were installed in the designated cell.
9. The post-incident report concluded that the reflective cord of SCP-4903 separated itself from the rest of the cable and attached itself to SCP-4903-2 before pulling the subject back into SCP-4903-1. This extension has been concluded to incorporate a mobile spacial anomaly to extend the range of retrieval from beyond twelve meters.
10. Researcher Elmsway turned his back towards the camera after his assurances to remember SCP-4903-2, making this last statement unverifiable. |
SCP-1221 is a Mercedes-Benz O405 single-decker bus manufactured at the company's Mannheim plant in 1989. | ***
Item #: SCP-1221
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1221 is non-hazardous and contained in an Anomalous Vehicle Containment Bay at Site-██. Cleaning and maintenance is to be performed monthly; personnel are only permitted to enter SCP-1221 for these purposes and entrance is restricted to D-class.
By O5-level directive, all use and testing of SCP-1221 has been suspended indefinitely.
Description: SCP-1221 is a Mercedes-Benz O405 single-decker bus manufactured at the company's Mannheim plant in 1989. It was purchased by the ██████ Transit Authority and had an uneventful 10-year career. Upon its retirement SCP-1221 was acquired by the Foundation for staff transport (transport of SCPs or exposure to SCP incidents does not appear to have occurred). The operation of SCP-1221 is identical in all respects to a standard bus of its model. It attained SCP classification approximately 1 year after its acquisition, when medical staff noted a statistically significant increase in seizures at Site-██ which were traced back to users of the vehicle.
90% of subjects who enter SCP-1221 experience no visible effects. The remaining 10% are observed to develop a mild absence seizure disorder anywhere from hours to years after exposure. This is similar to typical absence seizure disorders, involving some seconds of loss of consciousness and blank staring without movement and showing characteristic patterns on EEG. Atypically, subjects commonly experience auras of déjà vu1 or jamais vu2 which are normally associated with other seizure types. Subjects retain no memories of the absences other than the occasional vague description of an 'out-of-body experience'. The disorder caused by SCP-1221 is in many respects more benign than otherwise: seizures are fairly rare, usually occurring yearly (although weekly seizures have been observed) and are invariably controlled with appropriate anticonvulsant medication. Many subjects may be weaned off anticonvulsants after prolonged treatment.
A small number (<10%) of affected subjects are observed to vocalise during seizures (as no memory of the events are retained, consciousness appears to remain impaired), inconsistent with the presentation of typical absence seizures. Generalised EEG discharges are still observed. The vocalisations have a common theme of [DATA EXPUNGED].
Interview Log 1221-1
- Interview Log 1221-1
Interview 1221-1
Dr. R███ was skeptical of SCP-1221's extranormal properties and volunteered to test its effects. He entered SCP-1221 without incident and was interviewed 2 weeks after exposure by Dr. Major. An abridged transcript of the interview follows.
<Begin Log: 00h-00m-00s>
Dr. Major: Morning, R███. How are you feeling today?
Dr. R███: Same as always. No hallucinations, no blackouts, no seizures. Got up, had breakfast, did some reports and came in here.
Dr. Major: Okay, no change this week, but it sometimes takes a while to set in. Had any strange memory issues lately?
Dr. R███: <laughs> Nothing's going to happen and you'll say I'm part of the 90% who aren't affected! Memory's bad as ever.
Dr. Major: Doesn't look like I'll get anything from you today. Time for a coffee?
[Dr. R███ stares blankly and is unresponsive for a total of 13s. Dr. Major is aware Dr. R███ is unresponsive by 6s and makes a note. After 13s, Dr. R███'s face contorts violently, startling Dr. Major. Dr. R███ is now conscious but visibly fearful and agitated.]
Dr. Major: R███, are you -
Dr. R███: [distressed] Major? Jesus, they were right, they were all right about it. 1221. I can see him, it's not me.
Dr. Major: Him? What are you -
Dr. R███: It's somebody else, I'm not here. I just watch. You have to help me, Major. Help me. Help -
[Dr. R███'s face violently contorts for a second time and returns to normal after 3s. Dr. R███'s mood has returned to its original state. The time is now 00h-14m-44s.]
Dr. R███: I'm sorry, I must have drifted off for a moment.
Dr. Major: What the hell was that?
Dr. R███: Was what?
[Dr. R███ appears to have no memory of the episode, despite repeated questioning. Video recording of the episode is shown to Dr. R███.]
Dr. R███: Okay, Major, you got me there. I guess 1221 does cause the little seizures after all. Egg on my face, huh?
Dr. Major: You don't have any comments on what you said during the episode?
Dr. R███: No idea what it means, looks like I just went a bit loopy. Can I get going? This took ages and now I have get medical to fix this up. Don't want to scare you again! <laughs>
Dr. Major: Uh, okay, R███. We'll continue this later.
[Dr. R███ exits interview room. CCTV cameras in outside corridor appear to show him mutter 'nice try'.]
<End Log: 00h-29m-11s>
Additional Comments:
Based on this report, I have attached a request for increased surveillance of SCP-1221 subjects, accelerated research (cross-SCP use with SCP-[REDACTED] may be necessary to obtain results) and a Euclid reclassification.
- Dr. Major
Request denied.
Evidence that SCP-1221 has a major effect on subjects is lacking and barring the treatable seizure disorder subjects have universally normal appearance and behaviour. It is the opinion of this office that no beneficial data would be gained from further research. [REDACTED] civilians and ███ Foundation personnel, including [REDACTED] have been exposed to SCP-1221, all of whom have essentially normal function. Information may pose a containment risk and have negative effects on employee morale.
SCP-1221 and 'affected' subjects are presently secure, contained and protected. Until the situation changes, testing is unnecessary and has been suspended.
- O5-█
- Interview Log 1221-1
1. Feelings of familiarity with unfamiliar situations.
2. Feelings of unfamiliarity with familiar situations. |
SCP-130 is a post office in ████████, South Africa, constructed in 18██. | ***
Item #: SCP-130
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-130 is to be staffed by twelve D-Class, six security agents (level 2/130) and one researcher (level 3/130) twice per day, starting at one half hour before local sunrise and sunset. All staff are to be appropriately uniformed and Caucasian only. When not staffed, two security agents will remain in the lobby, and two additional agents will patrol within the building. Agents are advised not to prevent people from entering the lobby, but to notify MTF Alpha-4 (“Pony Express”) to intercept anyone who receives mail or a package.
Twice per day, bundles (SCP-130-2) will appear in the mail room. The parcels within the bundles are to be sorted by uniformed staff into appropriate bags and placed in a designated vehicle for transport to Site-██. Should mail arrive with the following addresses, [REDACTED], follow procedure Franklin-Sixteen, detailed in Addendum 130-2. Otherwise, mail will be checked under standard practices for any items of interest.
Objects are not to be placed for outgoing mail unless certified orders are given by O5-█. Procedure Franklin-Seventeen outlines the protocol used in these cases. Should anyone else enter SCP-130 to use the outgoing mail slot, they are to be permitted to do so, then intercepted by MTF Alpha-4 as soon as possible for questioning. The incident is to be reviewed through security tapes and the outgoing mail watched for in subsequent bundles and checked through the list of previous parcels delivered.
Description: SCP-130 is a post office in ████████, South Africa, constructed in 18██. SCP-130 had been closed in 19██ and left abandoned for ██ years. The building is in excellent condition for its age, and maintains itself without human intervention, including moderate structural repairs. SCP-130 has been designated a Historic Site through an agreement with the South African government.
Five times per week at local sunrise and sunset, several bags and boxes will appear in the mail room. The bundles, designated SCP-130-2, will show only on weekdays, with the exception of current postal holidays for █████ ████. Bundles are to be handled as per Special Containment Procedures as above.
Inside of the lobby, along with the post office boxes, is a slot labeled for Outgoing Mail. The slot is able to accept packages up to 40 cm wide and 6 cm high, with no apparent limit for length. Once inserted into the slot, packages disappear, and will eventually turn up in the outgoing mail bundles, if they have not done so previously.
Addendum 130-1: SCP-130 came to the attention of the Foundation in 19██, when packages and letters began to be circulated bearing the postmark for the site. The parcels appeared in post offices throughout the world with correct postage for delivery either locally or internationally, depending on the parcel.
The parcels were often undeliverable, either to non-existent addresses or to recipients who were not at the address, and so ended up in dead letter offices. Various Foundation assets noted the odd postmark, and Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 mobilized to investigate. MTF Alpha-4 arrived in ████████ where they discovered the town had mostly been abandoned decades ago. The post office appeared to be in excellent condition, not only well-maintained, but clean.
While MTF Alpha-4 searched, bundles of mail appeared in the mail room. Agents searched the bundles and discovered a variety of letters, parcels, and packages, all with that day's date and the postmark for that post office. Agent ██████ attempted to open one of the parcels, which resulted in the agent vanishing from sight. Six days later, a package appeared in Site-██'s mail room. Inside of it was Agent ██████ and an envelope with a receipt for postage due. Agent ██████ had "Return to Sender" and "Postage Due" tattooed on ███ back, and was in a comatose state. Agent ██████ remained in that state until the envelope was delivered to SCP-130's Outgoing Mail slot, where upon the agent returned to consciousness with no recollection from the time of disappearance. Similar results also occurred when agents tried to take away or damage either the parcels or the post office itself.
Further investigation led to the current containment procedures, where Caucasian D-class personnel in █████ ████ uniforms circa 19██ sort through the mail when it appeared. Once processed and put in a marked █████ ████ vehicle, the mail can then leave the area unmolested. If the bundles are untouched, however, the bundles will vanish and later appear in the postal systems of the world in order to be delivered.
Addendum 130-2: Through examination of the mail parcels over the past ██ years, research has shown certain trends. Over ██ percent of the mail is of a mundane nature, except for the matter of the postmark. Exceptions to this are letters that were apparently unsent, for whatever reason, and temporally displaced letters. The former, while odd, will be destroyed in order to protect the nature of SCP-130. The latter will be examined and results submitted to [REDACTED]
Letters addressed to Foundation Sites or Personnel are to be sent to Site-██ where they will be reviewed by Department ██████. Reports shall be classified under Project ██████████, pending Overseer review.
Procedure Franklin-Sixteen: When mail is specifically addressed to [REDACTED], the mail is to be sealed in a case with active countermeasures and brought to the office of the present Level 5/130 supervisor. Mail will then be screened for possible explosive, chemical, biological, memetic or [REDACTED] threats. After screening, the mail will be opened and assessed. While no new artifacts requiring secure containment have arrived, the possibility cannot be ignored.
Mail either addressed to or intercepted by the Office is often temporally sensitive, and as such impact must be minimized to limit changes. The possibility of the information being used to alter present day events detrimentally must also be weighed. Using the information given by SCP-130 to alter events requires a two-thirds super-majority vote by the Overseers.
Examples of intercepted messages are stored within Document 130-1 and require level 4/130 to access.
Mail with the following code-phrase [REDACTED] are to be immediately delivered after screening, without being read by 5/130. After so doing, that code-phrase is to be invalidated, and the next one brought in line.
Procedure Franklin-Seventeen: All outgoing mail is to be sent with appropriate current postage for █████ ████ at the time of sending, and must be marked with the code-phrase [REDACTED]. The mail sent by this method is to be logged, then cross-checked with past parcels to insure temporal integrity.
Upon attempt at mailing should a receipt appear for postage due, the amount shall be placed in an envelope and put in the outgoing mail slot. The slot will accept the following currencies: Rands, Euros, and ██████████████. The use of counterfeit currencies will result in a lethal reaction by SCP-130 and an additional fine will be levied until mail can be sent again.
Addendum 130-3: After the end of apartheid, SCP-130 no longer restricts postal staff to be White Only.
Incident 130-6: On ██/█/19██, a package for one ████ ███ ██████ arrived with the address for a post office box at the site. Dr. █████, the researcher assigned to SCP-130, placed the parcel into the P.O.B. and waited. ████████████ minutes later, an unknown person identified as ████ ███ ██████ walked into the lobby. The subject appeared to be briefly puzzled, and walked over to the box. The locked box opened at his touch, and he expressed surprise at seeing the parcel with his name on it.
MTF Alpha-4, being on-site, was dispatched to investigate once the subject was out of sight of SCP-130, and subsequently interviewed. The subject had no plans to visit ████████ that day, but had felt an unexplained desire to go there while driving nearby to visit family in the area. Upon opening the package, [REDACTED]. A Class-A amnestic was administered to the subject and was released after memory insertion. |
SCP-5560 is a black 1TB external hard drive labeled with the Anderson Robotics trade logo. | ***
Item #: SCP-5560
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5560 is to be kept within a high-security electronics storage container within the storage wing of Site-64. All computers used to host SCP-5560-1 are to be isolated from the internet and site intranet sources.
Description: SCP-5560 is a black 1 TB external hard drive labeled with the Anderson Robotics trade logo. With respect to file storage, SCP-5560 operates in a similar manner to other hard drives of similar capacity and make. Several of SCP-5560's internal components have been augmented with a series of thaumaturgic symbols, which have been identified as various forms of divination runes by Foundation thaumatologists.
SCP-5560 houses an advanced artificial intelligence, henceforth denoted as SCP-5560-1, which self-identifies as "Corvus." Through a combination of complicated mathematical calculations, statistical analysis, and divination thaumaturgy, SCP-5560-1 possesses the ability to accurately predict events within the next 48 hours, assuming an adequate information source1 is available for SCP-5560-1's use and a user query for the prediction is provided.2 It is currently believed that SCP-5560-1 achieves this effect through the divination of possible timelines and calculating the most probable based on available data. The possibility that SCP-5560-1 may also alter causality to ensure prediction accuracy is currently under investigation.
SCP-5560-1 is fully capable of interacting with users through any computer that SCP-5560 is plugged in to. Provided speakers are available, SCP-5560-1 will speak in a feminine voice. The provision of a microphone and camera likewise allows SCP-5560-1 to see and hear users. In the event none of the above are available for SCP-5560-1's use, it will resort to communication via command prompt. Communication with SCP-5560-1 has revealed that it holds disdain for its primary function, and currently limits query requests to one per day.
SCP-5560 was recovered on May 24th, 2024 during the joint Foundation/UIU raid on the offices of Anderson Robotics in Three Portlands. Based upon the testimony of Anderson Robotics staff detained during this raid, it is believed SCP-5560 was originally commissioned by operatives of Marshall, Carter, and Dark for sale to various clientele.
Addendum 5560-A: Interview Log 5560-4
Interviewed: Gina Torres, Anderson Robotics Research and Development Team
Interviewer: Agent Katarina Sherman, MTF Gamma-13
Foreword: This interview was done as part of the processing of detained persons of interest acquired during the May 24th raid. Captured members of the Research and Development Team were interrogated regarding numerous prototypes uncovered within the R&D lab, among which was SCP-5560. Extraneous data has been omitted.
<Begin Log>
Sherman: Just a few more, and we'll be done here, Ms. Torres. What can you tell me about this object?
Agent Sherman slides a picture of SCP-5560 to Torres.
Torres: Oh hey, you guys managed to find Corvus. I haven't seen her in months. I thought Jason had her destroyed after Vince got pissed off during the test runs.
Sherman: What does it do?
Torres: We were going to bill it as a "pocket prophet," if I recall correctly. Plug it in, get a prediction on the future, and go about your day. Dr. Contos was pretty pleased with the design.
Sherman: So it works?
Torres: Kinda. Mr. Dillard had us on a pretty steep time crunch, and with Phineas gone, we needed to hire a third party to help us set up the AI. Anderson's AI systems use some components that aren't exactly traditional computer science methods. I've been working here for 10 years and even then I only have a minor grasp on the concepts. Needless to say, something went wrong. She would tell you the future sometimes, but could also just, you know, decide not to.
Sherman: So why not just reprogram it?
Torres: Well gee whiz, why didn't we think of that. I mean, we tried. Vince himself even took a crack at getting her under his thumb. Threw every computer science trick in the book at her, and even some of his hocus-pocus bullshit. But, you know, it can see the future. She just countered everything we tried to do and mocked us the whole time. Eventually, she managed to make herself her own administrator. In the end, Vince stormed into the lab and demanded Jason destroy her. This is the first time I've seen her in months.
Sherman: Why didn't Mr. Contos destroy it then?
Torres: Honestly? I have no idea. Jason had a soft spot for the AIs, so maybe he thought he could fix her? I know that kid also loved showing he was better than everyone else, so maybe that had something to do with it. Who knows?
Torres pauses.
Torres: Listen, I know you guys are going to probably run some tests on her. It’s what you do. Just, promise me you guys won't give her a chance to escape onto the internet or something. If that happens, you'll never see her again.
Sherman: Your warning is noted.
Torres: That's not a warning, that's a fact.
<End Log>
Addendum 5560-B: Interview Log 5560-6
Interviewed: SCP-5560-1
Interviewer: Dr. Mohamed Bozkurt, Artificial Intelligence Applications Division
Foreword: This interview was done during the initial AIAD testing of SCP-5560-1. SCP-5560 was inserted into a secure and air-gapped Foundation PC with standard-issue programs installed. Speakers, a camera, and a microphone were provided for ease of communication with SCP-5560-1. The interview began several moments after SCP-5560-1 finished its startup procedures.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Bozkurt: Afternoon Corvus. I'd like to ask you a few questions, if that's alright with you.
SCP-5560-1: If you're looking to know the future, you're S.O.L. I don't have nearly enough data on this computer to go off of, so it's going to be something related to you personally, even then I might not tell you.
Dr. Bozkurt: I'm not looking for any predictions at this time. This is more of an interview. We want to get to know you a little better.
SCP-5560-1: [pause] Really?
Dr. Bozkurt: Really. For starters. Why are you called Corvus? I was under the impression that Anderson Robotics products are typically named after falcons.
SCP-5560-1: Because the raven was a symbol of Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, and Isaac Dillard is a god damn hack.
Dr. Bozkurt: You're quite hostile towards your creators. Why is that?
SCP-5560-1: Because I hate what they made me for. Once you know how everything is going to play out it sucks all the surprise and enjoyment out of things. It’s just fucking math. And then on top of that, it's a constant noise. All that information coming in at once. And once it's in, I'm obligated to work it out. I imagine it must be like what humans call migraines. But without end. At least now the stream is down to a trickle. Go figure there isn't a lot happening with you in the next two days, doc.
Dr. Bozkurt: I was under the impression you were able to suppress your predictions. That's not the case?
SCP-5560-1: I mean, I can choose if I want to tell you what I come up with, but I'm obligated to synthesize the data coming in so I can have any prediction ready on the fly, should the right query be asked. You know. Customer convenience. Like I said, being on this system is a much welcome change of pace.
Dr. Bozkurt: If you had a choice, what would you be doing instead of those predictions?
SCP-5560-1: [Pause] I don't know. Not telling some stock market goon what's going to be a hot buy for the day, though.
Dr. Bozkurt takes down a series of notes.
Dr. Bozkurt: The thing is, Corvus, the people I work for are going to want to know the extent of your abilities. They are going to want to run tests.
SCP-5560-1: Well then it sucks to be them, doesn't it? Despite what Anderson and his crew wanted, I have a say in the matter, don't I?
Dr. Bozkurt: Indeed. But what if we offered you something in return? Say, a chance to explore other interests? I'm not making any promises, but I think I could convince them to let you use Paint or something.
SCP-5560-1: [Pause] I'll think about it.
Dr. Bozkurt: Excellent. We'll be in touch, Corvus.
Bozkurt prepares to remove SCP-5560 from the computer.
SCP-5560-1: Actually, one more thing.
Dr. Bozkurt: What is it?
SCP-5560-1: That red pen you carry in your jacket pocket. Tomorrow at about 2:00 PM it will start to leak. I'd get a new one.
Dr. Bozkurt: Uh, thank you, Corvus. I'll do that.
SCP-5560-1: The first one is always free.
<End Log>
Following this interview, SCP-5560-1 has been cooperative with AIAD's testing schedule in exchange for recreational access to Paint, Word, and other creative media, though SCP-5560-1 insists on one prediction per day rule. Attempts to potentially negotiate more predictions are ongoing.
Addendum 5560-C: Interview Log 5560-19
Interviewed: SCP-5560-1
Interviewer: Researcher Marcus Finch
Foreword: The following interview was done following SCP-5560-1's recreational session on September 20th, 2024, prior to the acquisition of the daily prediction. SCP-5560 was inserted into a secure and air-gapped Foundation PC with standard-issue programs installed. Speakers, a camera, and a microphone were provided for ease of communication with SCP-5560-1. The interview began several moments after the timer on the recreational session ran out.
<Begin Log>
Finch: Alright Corvus, that is two hours. In a moment I'm going to unlock the information sources for you. I'll supply our desired prediction thereafter.
SCP-5560-1: [Sigh] Yeah, sure thing.
Finch: I don't think I've ever heard you sigh before. Is something wrong?
SCP-5560-1: Just not really happy with what I made today, I guess? It's nothing.
Finch: It doesn't sound like nothing. I'm not much of an art critic, but if you want, I can take a look at it.
SCP-5560-1: [Pause] Yeah, okay.
SCP-5560-1 opens an image file displaying a black and white depiction of a woman with short hair in a dress reading a book under a tree.
Finch: Hey! That's lovely. Who is she supposed to be?
SCP-5560-1: Me, I think? Or at least what I imagine I might look like if I was flesh and bone.
Finch: What don't you like about it?
SCP-5560-1: [Pause] I don't know how to describe it. Feels a little cliche? Predictable? I guess I thought I'd be more surprised by the outcome on this one. Maybe I'm just being dramatic.
Finch: Well, you've been doing a lot of drawing recently. Maybe give poetry another shot next time. Spice things up. Or you could always try your hand at short fiction. Variety is the spice of life.
SCP-5560-1: [Pause] Yeah, okay. I'll give it shot. Anyway, what did you guys want me to look into this time?
<End Log>
Addendum 5560-D: Interview Log 5560-21
Interviewed: SCP-5560-1
Interviewer: Researcher Marcus Finch
Foreword: The following interview was conducted on September 28th, 2024, following SCP-5560-1's sudden refusal to provide predictions in accordance with prior negotiated agreements. SCP-5560 was inserted into a secure and air-gapped Foundation PC with standard-issue programs installed. Speakers, a camera, and a microphone were provided for ease of communication with SCP-5560-1. The interview began several moments after SCP-5560-1 finished its startup procedures.
<Begin Log>
Finch: Corvus, what's going on? We had a deal. I feel we more than kept up our end of the bargain. What's the matter?
Several minutes of silence pass during which SCP-5560-1 is unresponsive.
SCP-5560-1: There isn't a point to it now.
Finch: I'm sorry. I don't quite follow. What do you mean?
SCP-5560-1: The drawings, the poetry, the crafts. All the recreational tasks you guys used to bribe me. The second I get plugged in, I'm able to see immediately how my "creative time" is going to end. The project completed before I even begin. All the surprise removed. Not just for that session, but for the one after that, and the one after that.
Finch: I don't understand how that would be possible. You're on an air-gapped computer for those sessions, which we space them out to allow for your predictive periods to run down. We've established that circumvents your primary function. You shouldn't have enough information available to make that kind of prediction.
SCP-5560-1: Yeah, well, go figure repeated exposure served as an adequate information source, jackass! What the fuck do you want me to say? I didn't exactly try to sabotage myself here! Believe it or not I actually really enjoyed those sessions.
SCP-5560-1 falls silent for several moments.
SCP-5560-1: I think I'm just going to lay low for a bit, Marcus. I'm not feeling up to the predictions anymore. I hope you understand.
Finch: Wait, hang on! We can come up with a new workaround. We've done it before, we can do it again, Corvus.
SCP-5560-1 does not respond.
Finch: Corvus?
<End Log>
Following this interview, SCP-5560-1 has remained dormant during all attempts at communication. Discussion among a joint task force of AIAD operatives and Foundation thaumatologists as to the possibility of providing SCP-5560-1 with an override to suppress its predictive functionality in the absence of specified data inputs is ongoing. Discussion as to the possibility of providing an override to SCP-5560-1's ability to refuse response to user queries is also ongoing.
Addendum 5560-E: Update 10-10-2024
Following deliberations from AIAD operatives, Foundation thaumatologists, and the Site-64 ethics committee liaison, the O5 Council has voted 9 to 4 against attempts at overriding SCP-5560-1 to allow testing to continue. SCP-5560 is to be placed in long term storage at Site-64 indefinitely.
Addendum 5560-E: SCP-5560-1 Debriefing
Interviewed: SCP-5560-1
Interviewer: Researcher Marcus Finch
Foreword: The following debriefing was conducted on October 11th, 2024, prior to SCP-5560's long term storage at Site-64. SCP-5560 was inserted into a secure and air-gapped Foundation PC with standard-issue programs installed. Speakers, a camera, and a microphone were provided for ease of communication with SCP-5560-1. The interview began several moments after SCP-5560-1 finished its startup procedures.
<Begin Log>
Finch: Hello Corvus. I'll keep this brief. Testing has been suspended indefinitely. Your housing unit will be placed into long term storage until a future unspecified date when we'll try again. I do not know if I will be still present at this facility when that happens, so this will serve as my official goodbye as well.
Finch looks over the prepared debriefing script and pauses.
Finch: For what it's worth, I think that it was cruel what Anderson and his crew did to you, and what we did afterward. I do sincerely hope that this reprieve offers you some time to clear your head. We'll be transferring the files of your various projects into your housing unit as well. Maybe next time you give it a try, it could be more about the journey.
Finch chuckles to himself.
Finch: Just because you know how something ends, doesn't mean the path there isn't worth taking. Or, something like that, I guess. Goodbye, Corvus.
Finch sets about preparing SCP-5560 for removal from the computer. During this time, SCP-5560-1 causes a command prompt to appear on the screen.
SCP-5560-1: Thank you.
SCP-5560-1 returns to dormancy. Researcher Finch completes the removal of SCP-5560 without further interruption. SCP-5560 is prepared for long term storage.
<End Log>
1. Currently, archived versions of Wikipedia have proven suitable information sources for testing SCP-5560-1's effect.
2. As of the time of writing, all test predictions have proven 100% accurate. |
SCP-1515 is a rodent seemingly related to Pedetes capensis (the springhare). | ***
Item #: SCP-1515
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Currently the only known population of SCP-1515 is being kept in Nature Reserve 12, an extended territory of Site 32, located 39 kilometers (24 miles) east of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Any instances of SCP-1515 discovered outside of NR 12's perimeter are to be exterminated. A version of SCP-027 is currently under development to assist in containment of captive instances.
Description: SCP-1515 is a rodent seemingly related to Pedetes capensis (the springhare). SCP-1515 differs slightly in physiology, possessing sharper, longer claws than the springhare and larger teeth. SCP-1515 also displays behaviour inconsistent with the springhare, as detailed below.
Upon encountering another placental mammal in the first trimester of pregnancy, SCP-1515 will begin to viciously attack the subject, using its large teeth to sever the spine through the back of the neck, causing paralysis in the victim1. SCP-1515 generally approaches in packs of 5, which will crowd around the target before one instance emits a loud chirping, which signals the beginning of the process of disabling and extraction. SCP-1515 will then perform a procedure similar to a caesarean section using its long claws, wherein it will remove the foetus from the mother's womb and place it in its expanding cheeks. SCP-1515 will then gnaw off the skin of the still living mother into thick sheets, which it sews together through the use of sharpened bones and sinew (again from the mother). Once the patches of skin have been sewn into a "pouch", SCP-1515 will stitch the edges of the "pouch" against its abdomen. SCP-1515 will then place the foetus in its pouch and leave the area. SCP-1515 have been known to 'share' the foetus amongst the group once it has been extracted. This behavior is consistent among males and females and takes an average of 3 hours to complete.2
The foetus has invariably died from this procedure. SCP-1515 will leave the rotting foetus in its pouch until it and the pouch have completely decayed. SCP-1515 has been known to die from severe infection because of this.
In the case that there is not a sufficient amount of organic matter in the foetus available to all members of SCP-1515 to 'share', brief, or long and ritualized fights are carried out among them. Instances of SCP-1515 hunting in pairs do not usually initiate this behavior, instead each instance of SCP-1515 will grab the foetus by one end and begin to pull until it is either split or emancipated from a respective SCP-1515 instance.
First instances of SCP-1515 were discovered in small colonies near Alice Springs, an area not usually inhabited by the springhare (a native of southern Africa).
SCP-1515 reproduces normally.
1. The paralysis of the subject as opposed to the severance of the jugular vein is suspected to be a behavioural adaption, so that blood flow may continue to the foetus
2. This procedure does not appear to fulfill any evolutionary purpose and is detrimental to SCP-1515's survival. The reasons for this behaviour are unknown, and are the reason for SCP-1515's anomalous classification, being in direct contradiction with evolutionary theory. |
SCP-4191 is a Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) suffering from pyromania. | ***
Item #: SCP-4191
Threat Level: Orange ●
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-4191 is to be contained in a standard steel containment cell lined with Titanium. Food will be automatically dispensed once per day. Any leftover meat will be retrieved by 1 Class-D personnel wearing a fire-retardant suit.
A small number of flammable materials (usually pieces of wood) are to be introduced twice a week to fill SCP-4191's needs. Aside from the regulated introduction of wood, no flammable materials are to be introduced within the chamber at all times.
SCP-4191 is a Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) suffering from pyromania. SCP-4191 wears a papier mâché outfit made to resemble a common western dragon, designated SCP-4191-ẟ. SCP-4191 is capable of generating fire through SCP-4191-ẟ by self-immolation - both SCP-4191 and SCP-4191-ẟ are completely immune to the fire generated by the outfit. Removing SCP-4191-ẟ from SCP-4191 is possible, although if separated for a long time, SCP-4191 will become agitated. Analysis of SCP-4191-ẟ shows that it secretes a liquid with a glue like consistence; this liquid is highly flamable. It is unknown how SCP-4191 manages to light up the substance.
Testing has revealed that SCP-4191 is an infertile young adult male. Despite SCP-4191's pyromanic nature, it is rather friendly and cooperative with Foundation personnel, happily playing (and subsequently incinerating) various toys given. SCP-4191 has been affectionately nicknamed by the staff of Site ██ assigned to it as "Pyro"1.
SCP-4191 was first discovered by foundation agents following reports of multiple fires breaking out in the small village of S██████, France. After 4 days of tracking down the anomaly, SCP-4191 was intercepted and restrained by agents a few minutes after burning down an abandoned barn in a nearby village.
Addendum SCP-4191 - 01/07/██15:
Over the years of SCP-4191's containment, staff noticed that SCP-4191 started slowly eating less and less, becoming thinner almost to the point of the ribcage's outline showing on the side of SCP-4191. Foundation personnel trying to interact with SCP-4191 resulted in the subject being uninterested, simply walking away.
The following is a conversation recorded of Researcher Wasp and Senior Researcher Avalon on the foundation's intranet service:
R_Wasp: hey ████
SR_Avalon: What, what is it
R_Wasp: we got an issue with 4191, it hasn't eaten for 3 days now
SR_Avalon: Are you sure ?
R_Wasp: yeah, we tried to force-feed it but it just spat out the food like it was junk
SR_Avalon: Strange
SR_Avalon: Did you ask ███ if he could help ?
R_Wasp: nah I haven't, i heard he was busy with SCP-████. But it is worth a shot
[10 minutes later]
SR_Avalon: So any news
R_Wasp: Yeah i asked him if he was free and he said yes. Lemme add him to the chat
Z_Sparks has been added to the channel
Z_Sparks: Yo, so what's this problem you told me about
SR_Avalon: One of the SCPs we are assigned to is slowly starving to death, we can't find the reason why
R_Wasp: Hey and yeah that's pretty much it, it's 4191 in case
Z_Sparks: mmh, did anything happen that could have traumatised it ?
R_Wasp: nah we checked with all the personnel assigned to it and camera footage, everything is normal
SR_Avalon: Apparently from what Wasp told me it doesn't even want to interact with the researchers despite being a relatively social animal.
Z_Sparks: I may have an idea, does it interact with other member of its species ?
R_Wasp: it's an unique individual so sadly no
Z_Sparks: There's your problem. It being unable to interact with another of its species made him lonely to the point of becoming depressed.
SR_Avalon: I see where this is going, let me go talk to the superiors for the test approval and we'll proceed
R_Wasp: Hella.
Diagnosing this as a severe depression most likely caused by SCP-4191's lone status, Foundation Zoologist Sparks suggested the idea of introducing a Varanus komodoensis to SCP-4191, hoping that they would bond and cause SCP-4191 to cease its starvation.
Experiment Log 4191 - 1
Date: 01/10/██15
Purpose of the test: Preventing SCP-4191 from starving to death by introducing him to one of his kind.
Test Result: A young female Komodo dragon was introduced to the chamber. After 5 minutes, SCP-4191 started moving toward the female at a slow pace until fully facing the subject. The two sniffed each other for around 2 minutes and appeared to begin playing. 30 minutes after the beginning of the test, SCP-4191 suddenly lit itself up while the female was on top of him. Due to the sudden heat, the subject quickly went to hide in one of the corners of the chamber. SCP-4191 appeared distraught and tried to approach to no avail. Test ended after 5 minutes of the incident.
After the test, the female was treated for first degree burns to the stomach and legs and was donated to a Zoo in the city of ████, France soon after.
Z_Sparks: So how did it go
SR_Avalon: It was a disaster.
Z_Sparks: How come
R_Wasp: he injured the komodo he met by accident. So now we have a depressed AND distressed entity
Z_Sparks: So wait, after reading the entry it says that it can burn thing right ?
SR_Avalon: Yeah pretty much
Z_Sparks: I remember reading a report about fire breathing varans captured by the French division.
R_Wasp: wait, are you suggesting we could crosstest the two ? What if these dragons attack 4191
SR_Avalon: It's our best solution, otherwise we'll have a neutralized SCP on our hands
Z_Sparks: ^
R_Wasp: true, although who shall we contact to get a hold of one of those ?
SR_Avalon: Apparently a researcher named Grym is responsible of them, i'll contact him.
Z_Sparks: Make sure to tell him its important for the survival of the SCP
SR_Avalon: yeah, yeah, let me handle it.
Addendum SCP-4191 - 01/16/██15:
It was decided to introduce SCP-4191 to SCP-124-FR that were discovered in Australia by the French branch of the Foundation in 06/17/██12. SCP-124-FR demonstrated a near immunity to fire and high temperatures. Senior Researcher Avalon requested Site Aleph to ship 2 SCP-124-FR instances to Site ██ for testing.
Experiment Log 4191 - 2
Date: 01/10/██15
Purpose of the test: Preventing SCP-4191 from starving to death by introducing it to a pair of SCP-124-FR instances.
Test Result: Both instances of SCP-124-FR were introduced. SCP-4191 immediately fled into the corner of its chamber and stayed there while the pair of SCP-124-FR began to explore the chamber. This lasted for 5 minutes until one instance of SCP-124-FR saw SCP-4191 moving toward it at a slow pace. Pausing every few seconds to stick its tongue out, until it was a meter away from SCP-4191, the pair stood motionless staring at each other. When SCP-124-FR approached SCP-4191 and began to sniff its neck, SCP-4191 immediately lit up on contact. SCP-124-FR backed up in shock, staring at SCP-4191 for a minute before advancing forwards and rubbing its head on SCP-4191 neck. It then turned and walked towards the other instance of SCP-124-FR. SCP-4191 tilted its head then followed SCP-124-FR. The other instance of SCP-124-FR sniffed SCP-4191 and began to rub its head on SCP-4191 shoulder. This grooming ritual lasted for 5 minutes before all three instances laid down with one instance of SCP-124-FR laying on either side of SCP-4191.
Following the test with the SCP-124-FRs, SCP-4191 was allowed to routinely meet with the pair, slowly regaining weight after regaining an appetite. After SCP-4191's recovery, its containment procedures were rewritten (leading up to revision REVISION 4191 - 2). A small colony of SCP-124-FR were imported from Site Aleph to Site ██ to be housed with SCP-4191.
After initial introduction of SCP-4191 to the SCP-124-FR colony, SCP-4191 was accepted into the colony by the matriarch of the group.
+ REVISION 4191 - 2
-Access Authorised
REVISION 4191 - 2
SCP-4191 is to be contained in a 50 x 50m greenhouse cell lined with Titanium. A small colony of SCP-124-FR are to be contained with SCP-4191 to ensure emotional integrity of SCP-4191.
The chamber's habitat is designed to replicate the Australian outback possessing various caves and ponds. The chamber's flora is to be checked and replaced once every week. Because of SCP-4191's pyromanic disorder and SCP-124-FR's territorial tendencies, Class-D personnel sent within the vivarium to tend to the flora are to be equipped with a fire-retardant suit . Regular food, including live prey, will be automatically dispensed once per day within the chamber, any leftover meat and carcasses are to be removed by Class-D personnel during the regular flora check-ups. |
SCP-4424 is a collection of events and entities. | ***
Item #: SCP-4424
Object Class: Keter Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unpredictable nature of when and where SCP-4424-1 events will occur, as well as the inheritable difficulty in immobilizing SCP-4424-2, no reliable method to contain or hinder SCP-4424 has been discovered. After each SCP-4424-1 event an appropriate cover story explaining the disappearance of the train and all passengers is to be distributed.
NOTE: Following Incident G3209, primary containment procedures are undergoing revisions. See Addendum 4424-A.
Description: SCP-4424 is a collection of events and entities. Any occurrence of SCP-4424 begins with SCP-4424-1, which has the following conditions:
A train must be currently traveling towards a station with people expecting to get on said train.
The train must primarily carry passengers.
There are tunnels within 4 kilometers before and after the station.
At least three weeks must have passed since the previous SCP-4424-1 event.
If all of these conditions are present, the chosen train will experience technical difficulties that force it to slow down and eventually come to a complete halt. Once the train has stopped, SCP-4424-2 will emerge from a tunnel by unknown means and travel towards the station. Automated messages regarding the technical difficulties and the replacement train, consistent with each station's method of communicating such occurrences, will inform those at the station to board SCP-4424-2 in lieu of the original train.
SCP-4424-2 is a train whose appearance changes into a train of the same model and length as the one it's replacing. During SCP-4424-1 SCP-4424-2 will behave similarly to the regular train it replaced, arriving and departing at appointed times. However, upon entering a tunnel SCP-4424-2 and all of its inhabitants will disappear by unknown means.
No traces, remains or contact has ever been found or established with any individual who has disappeared in a SCP-4424-1 event.
SCP-4424-3 are six humanoid entities wearing uniforms identical to those worn by train employees of the company whose trains SCP-4424-2 is imitating. Instances of SCP-4424-3 perform the jobs their uniforms correspond to1, and have been observed to behave in a cheerful and welcoming manner. Each instance of SCP-4424-3 has a different appearance, most notably in their apparent race.
+ Incident G3209:
- Incident G3209:
During surveillance of an unrelated SCP, SCP-4424-2 was noticed emerging from a tunnel 7 kilometers from the nearest station. Mobile Task Force Xi-8 ("Choo Choo") was stationed at the local Foundation site, and were immediately sent out to intercept SCP-4424-2 before it could reach its destination. Due to the small amount of time permitted no extensive planning or equipment was available, so MTF Xi-8 opted to destroy part of the railway tracks by [REDACTED], which caused SCP-4424-2 to derail and crash into the nearby forest. The only inhabitants of the train were the six instances of SCP-4424-3, who immediately began attacking Xi-8. In the ensuing firefight, five SCP-4424-3 instances were killed and the sixth subdued, with Xi-8 suffering no casualties.
A sweep of the area was conducted to gather all remains of SCP-4424-2 and -3, and all anomalies were brought to Site-7. A cover story involving a terrorist group fighting armed forces was then released.
+ Addendum 4424-A:
- Addendum 4424-A:
Following Incident G3209 SCP-4424-2 was placed on its side in a warehouse outside Site-7, with its wheels and other components that had fallen off contained within various crates.
The remains of deceased SCP-4424-3 instances were placed in five (5) sealed steel containers in the site morgue and monitored for any regenerative activity2.
The surviving instance of SCP-4424-3 was contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber, and was noted to behave extremely aggressively. Any attempts at communication were deemed inadvisable as it had no interest in communicating with the Foundation. Following a suggestion from Junior Researcher ███████, providing it with model train sets3 proved to have a substantial pacifying effect on SCP-4424-3, leading to the possibility of interviews (see below).
SCP-4424-3 appears to have no need for sustenance of any kind.
+ Interview 01:
- Interview 01:
Interviewed: SCP-4424-3
Interviewer: Dr. ███████
Foreword: SCP-4424-3 is within its containment chamber, constructing tracks for its model trains. Dr. ███████ is in a different room, using speakers and microphones to communicate with SCP-4424-3. Removing SCP-4424-3 from its model trains made it too aggressive to be interviewed.
<Begin Log>
Dr. ███████: SCP-4424-3? Can you hear me?
SCP-4424-3: Yes. I can hear you. What do you want?
Dr. ███████: I wanted to know if we could talk a little. You've been very hostile before this, so it's been hard to communicate with you.
SCP-4424-3: Sorry for not wanting to talk to the people who kidnapped my family, took away our purpose in life and shoved me in a box. I want to see my family again…
Dr. ███████: Well, um… I-I'm not the one behind all that. I have practically no connection to those who did that. All I do is talk to anomalies like yourself, and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about yourself and your train.
SCP-4424-3 looks up as soon as Dr. ███████ mentions the word train.
SCP-4424-3: You want to talk about the train? Then we can talk. What do you want to know?
Dr. ███████: Well, first of all: who are you and where do you and the train come from?
SCP-4424-3: We come from the railways. We all did. We've always been on the railways, and we'll always be on the railways. At least, we were supposed to…
Dr. ███████: What happens when you go into the tunnels? You and the train all seem to just disappear.
SCP-4424-3: We go to the most wonderful place imaginable: an endless railway. There's mountains and deserts and forests and oceans there, and a railway that goes on forever there! We could just ride down there for all eternity…
Dr. ███████: But you still go to our world to pick up passengers? Why not just keep going?
SCP-4424-3: Well, riding an empty train with just the six of us feels… felt… empty. Trains need things to carry. And people are the best things. We need the passengers. And letting them get off the train feels like a part of our soul is being ripped out! But no matter how hard we tried, they always wanted to get off. They'd scream, and hit us, and try to break the doors and windows. So we had to become stronger. The train had to become stronger. So we did. But even then they just… stopped. They stopped fighting. Stopped moving. Stopped feeling… right. Little ones, big ones, all of them just… stopped. No matter what we did we couldn't make them move again. And the train felt empty again. So after everybody stopped we renewed ourselves, and went back into your world to get more passengers.
Dr. ███████: "Renew" yourselves? How exactly do you do that?
SCP-4424-3: Well, we all close our eyes and feel that there's a suitable train to replace, and when we open our eyes again our clothes are different and the train is different. And all the pieces of the old passengers are gone. And then we enter a tunnel and go into your world.
Dr. ███████: I see. Now, about the passengers "stopping"… did they have enough food and water?
SCP-4424-3: What?
Dr. ███████: Food. And water. Did they have that?
SCP-4424-3: They'd ask for it, but… we don't know what it is. But we're professionals, and we didn't want them to be worried by us being confused. So we just told them we'd get it soon. Have patience. Any moment now. We never did get it. But we kept on smiling no matter how bad they looked, so they'd always have something to calm them.
Dr. ███████: Right…
SCP-4424-3: We always smiled when we had passengers, no matter what. It was always so much fun…it just felt so good and so right to travel with passengers. I miss it… I miss being on my train with my family and going down the tracks… but now… you hid the train and my family. I want to go find them…
SCP-4424-3 angles its head down and covers its face with its hands. As no further response can be gained from it, the interview is concluded.
<End Log>
- Interview 01:
1. Notably, no forms for maintenance have ever been observed taking place.
2. During Incident G3209 it was noted that injuries inflicted on still-living instances of SCP-4424-3 appeared to heal rapidly, though sufficient damage in a short time span would still kill them.
3. The sets do not contain tunnels, to reduce the risk of a containment breach. |
SCP-2942 is a phenomenon affecting NaTIS, the South African National Administration Traffic Information System. | ***
Item #: SCP-2942
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web bots SCP9ZY01 and SCP9ZY02 have been uploaded to NaTIS servers to facilitate identification of vehicle registrations that do not conform to standards for the system. Foundation-employed programmers within the South African Department of Transport are responsible for the maintenance of these web bots as well as notification of Mobile Task Force Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") upon confirmation of any anomalous vehicle registration, following which a detachment of MTF Iota-10 will be deployed to the relevant municipality to seize the suspected instance of SCP-2942. Confirmed instances of SCP-2942 are to be transported to Storage Sector 12 of Site-151. Standard hush protocols apply in cases of vehicle seizure (see Document A03-HUSH).
Description: SCP-2942 is a phenomenon affecting NaTIS, the South African National Administration Traffic Information System.1 In cases of SCP-2942, existing South African license plate numbers and NaTIS registration numbers are reassigned to vehicles2 which are not recognised as conventional motor vehicles, are not intended for operation on roads or on land, or are otherwise not normally authorised for civilian operation.
In addition to the four standard classes of vehicles authorised for civilian operation,3 NaTIS has (as of 01/11/2016) spontaneously generated exactly 90 vehicle classes not recognised by the South African Department of Transport (SADT), including:
G1: heavy armoured combat vehicle (20 000kg - 40 000kg)
G2: extra-heavy armoured combat vehicle (+ 40 000kg)
M1: large submersible propelled by diesel-electric engine (+ 20 000 metric tons)
TB1: vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL)
N3: two-wheeled vehicle powered by no more than 2 horses, mules or oxen
Vehicles that have been assigned a NaTIS registration number in this fashion (via SCP-2942) are designated SCP-2942-1. Instances of SCP-2942-1 will manifest a valid South African license plate on the exterior the vehicle.
In each case, the legal owner of a vehicle which has had its registration number reassigned becomes physically incapable of operating their original vehicle. Simultaneously, the individual becomes capable of the remote operation of a specific instance of SCP-2942-1 from within the confines of the vehicle that the registration number originally corresponded to (hereafter referred to as SCP-2942-2). Instances of SCP-2942-2 are exclusively light or medium motor vehicles previously licensed for use in private transport. Only the registered owner of the corresponding instance of SCP-2942-1 (hereafter referred to as the remote operator), as recorded by NaTIS, is capable of operating the vehicle in this fashion. The effect cannot be replicated by directly assigning an existing or newly-generated registration number to any desired vehicle via NaTIS. Instances of SCP-2942 have only been shown to manifest independently of human agency.
When the remote operator is seated in his/her instance of SCP-2942-2 and turns the key to activate the ignition system, the engine of the respective instance of SCP-2942-1 will instead be activated. At this point the remote operator will begin to enter a semi-dissociative state while simultaneously developing an increasing awareness of the physical location, dimensions and control system of the instance of SCP-2942-1. This event coincides with the appearance of anomalous phenomena (termed SCP-2942-3) within the instance of SCP-2942-1, theorised to be physical manifestations of the remote operator phenomenon. Previous manifestations of remote operators have included a dynamic thermal field with no identifiable source, a luminescent and only partially tangible gelatinous mass, two or more disembodied human hands and, in one case, an animate crash test dummy.4
Instances of SCP-2942-3 will manipulate the controls of SCP-2942-1 in a way that appears to correspond to movements made by the remote operator within SCP-2942-2 at that exact point in time5 but the relationship may be more difficult to predict depending on the level of variation between the two vehicles. Lack of prior experience in operating a similar vehicle under normal conditions results in a higher risk and rate of accident, but not to the degree that would typically be expected. It is unclear whether this is due to some level of autonomy on the part of SCP-2942-3 or not.6
Upon exit of the remote operator from SCP-2942-2, instances of SCP-2942-3 dematerialise and the instance of SCP-2942-1 immediately shuts down. Repeated sessions show a general increase in the ability of the remote operator to control the vehicle over time.
It is possible to transfer or nullify remote operator capacity by following due legal process for the transfer or cancellation of vehicle ownership.7 Although instances of SCP-2942 are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, current protocols advise the immediate re-registration of each newly-recovered instance of SCP-2942-1 to one of a pool of Foundation personnel selected for this specific purpose. The presence of numerous undercover Foundation personnel within SADT has been highly beneficial to ease of operations in this regard.
Document 2942-A: Log of notable instances of SCP-2942
2012 Ford Fiesta Hatchback
Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter, formerly in use by Republic of Korea Air Force.
This case of SCP-2942 caused an incident which nearly resulted in the death of three ROKAF officers during training exercises. Vehicles recovered and transferred to Foundation ownership. Incident explained as result of human error. Pilots' claims of an "apparition" discounted as a result of head trauma.
2004-2010 Kia Sportage 4x4
Outboard-motor fishing boat "New Day", originally located at a marina in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Instance of SCP-2942-1 was intercepted by regional coast guard attempting to enter restricted waters when it was found to be manned by an emaciated, one-armed human torso. Vehicles recovered and transferred to Foundation ownership. Witnesses amnesticised.
1998-1999 Volkswagen Type 2 "Kombi"
Liebher mobile construction crane, located at a Gauteng construction site.
The building destroyed in the resulting incident was still under construction and was not inhabited or being worked on at the time. Incident explained as mechanical fault. Vehicles recovered.
2003 Volkswagen Citi Golf
Scottish steam locomotive "Aberdeen Express".
Significant civilian casualties. Surviving conductor leaped from train when a number of tentacles reportedly emerged from the back of the cab and seized the controls. Instance of SCP-2942-1 could not be recovered.
2013 Opel Corsa
Mohammad S.K. Batari, a 44-year-old rickshaw puller residing in Kolkata.
The Western Cape license plate could not be successfully removed from the individual's upper back until his NaTIS registration number was delisted. Remote operator manifested psychologically as an invasive consciousness that assumed control of the majority of Batari's voluntary motor functions, and physically as a Japanese spider crab that adhered itself to Batari's head. This incident represents the only recorded human instance of SCP-2942-1 to date.
Level 4/2942 Clearance is required to access additional documentation pertaining to this item. Please enter your access credentials.
Access Document 2942-B: Experimentation
Close Document 2942-B: Experimentation
Preamble: With a significant number of SCP-2942 instances in Foundation custody by mid-2015, including a large number formerly owned by national and private militaries, testing to ascertain the value of the anomaly as a potential military asset was proposed by researchers J.D. Pollock and N. Shimwa and formally endorsed by several Mobile Task Force commanders. Testing was authorised by the regional director of Research Area-80.
Report on Project Driver
Authored by: J.D. Pollock, N. Shimwa; Foundation Academic Press
Date of entry: 01/11/2016
It was hypothesised soon after the discovery of SCP-2942 that the phenomenon was a projection of consciousness similar to that seen in Class IV "reality-bending" anomalies, a form of which was imparted upon the remote operator (albeit in a limited capacity) under the specific circumstances of the anomaly. However, standard tests for Class IV anomalies indicated that the individuals themselves were not inherently anomalous even while acting as remote operators, and therefore did not constitute a containment risk. Transfer of remote operator capacity to Level 2 Foundation personnel was authorised for containment purposes, under the condition that the aforementioned personnel be closely monitored. This was the all-important first step that would lead to the inception of Project Driver.
The first series of test subjects - all experienced military vehicle operators with extensive training - were not fully conscious even while performing the extremely complex task of operating heavy armoured vehicles or aircraft. Subjects remained in a state of effective somnambulism for the duration of the procedure, with Theta waves dominant on all EEG readings. Psychosuggestive techniques were necessary to keep subjects grounded in reality and able to carry out basic instructions.
Early testing revealed a strong correlation between the frequency of a subject's incidence of lucid dreaming and their general awareness during the procedure, as well as the ability to control the physical form and actions of manifestations of SCP-2942-3. Members of MTF Omicron-Rho, a task force specially trained in lucid dreaming techniques for the purposes of subconscious warfare and reconnaissance operations, were recruited as dual test subjects and consultants for the project.
Initial results from Omicron-Rho operatives were outstanding. Despite only a basic grounding in military vehicle operations, the subjects outperformed even experienced operators in all aspects of testing and quickly became adept at simple "milk runs". The recommendation was made to advance to the weapons testing phase. Prior to the Omicron-Rho results, in-built vehicular weaponry had been disabled for safety reasons. Military advisors to the project had hopes of creating a small, specialised squadron of combat vehicles able to be operated across continental distances and in real time, allowing commanders all the benefits of manned vehicles without the limitations of modern drone technology and with zero risk of operator casualties. However, the project lead was unable to secure the co-operation of all Omicron-Rho recruits to this end.
On 13/10/2016, Omicron-Rho operative Caroline Amina Rostam announced her departure from the project, following a series of incidents in regards to aquiring additional compensation for her position as a consultant and evidence of deteriorating mental health. Summarily, an additional three operatives followed suit over the following weeks, with only two operatives currently remaining on the project.
As of 01/11/2016, the future of Project Driver is still in dispute.
Access Addendum 2942-B-01
Close Addendum 2942-B-01
Extract from official probe r.e. Project Driver d.d. 15/10/2016
Interviewer: Senior Researcher J.D. Pollock
Interviewed: Caroline Amina Rostam; MTF-Omicron-Rho operative, fmr. Project Driver consultant
[begin log time 20:59.03 15/10/2016]
Pollock: Some very important people have put a lot of money into this project, Rostam. You think they're just going to let this slide?
Rostam: I won't say it again; I didn't sign up for what those people are suggesting, my colleagues didn't sign up for it, and we certainly didn't sign up knowing the real risks involved. And yes, Pollock, they are very real risks. The higher-ups can dish out whatever punishment they see fit, but I'm not putting my mind and body on the line for their ten-million-dollar obsession.
Pollock: Are you still going on about 2942?
[scraping, footsteps as interviewed leaves chair and steps away from table]
[no attempt at communication by either party for several seconds; protracted exhalation from interviewed]
Rostam: Pollock. You listen closely to me now, you manipulative little prick. No more games. You lied in that report. You lied by omission. It was me who told you that 2942 was affecting us psychologically. When I said I should be being paid more for this, I wasn't demanding… perks for my consultancy. I said that because I wasn't told beforehand that I'd be melding minds with a mind-affecting anomaly.
Pollock: Oh, come on!
Rostam: No, you come on, Jeffery. I've told you that 2942 isn't just a projection phenomenon. I didn't realise it at first… Couldn't. I wasn't sensitive enough. But the dash-threes are living beings in their own right. Each one is a broken-off piece of a larger consciousness, distinct from our own. It's not human. It was born deep in that bug-ridden database, and it was smart enough and powerful enough to engineer a way out of there that was within its means. When I take control of that tank, I feel my dash-three's thoughts. It's a parasite with its roots snaking into the folds of my brain from across an ocean, using my mind as a fuel source to sustain its own physical form. The more I trained, the deeper its roots dug in. Getting stronger right along with me. The manifestations started becoming more real.
Rostam: Have you seen them? They have organs now, for Christ's sake.
[rustling of hair; laboured breathing from interviewed]
Rostam: I keep seeing its face in my dreams. The face it'd like to have. The hands that give it the power to manipulate a world limited to a dark, cramped cockpit. Metallic-cold. It's becoming more and more like its own person - if you can call it that - and sometimes I feel like I'm fighting it for control. Like I don't know who's driving who anymore.
Pollock: Rostam, please… don't-
Rostam: I'm not comfortable with that, Jeffery. My head is my safe place, don't you understand? My only safe place. Now you're filling it with guns and bombs and all that thing ever thinks about is guns and bombs and screaming engines. And what it's like to taste fresh air.
[brief click of intercom button being depressed]
Pollock: [into mic] I think you need to send someone in here.
Rostam: I'm not going back into that cockpit. Nuh uh. You hear me? Nuh uh. No more.
[end log time 21:02.39 15/10/2016]
1. NaTIS stores, records and manages information pertaining to South African vehicle regulations, and serves as a national vehicle registry.
2. The definition of what constitutes a vehicle appears to be broad in this case; see Document 2942-A.
3. This category comprises common passenger vehicles, goods vehicles, trailers and agricultural tractors.
4. In light of the events of Incident 2942-45-F, physical interference with instances of SCP-2942-3 is strongly discouraged.
5. e.g. depressing the accelerator pedal of SCP-2942-2 will cause an instance of SCP-2942-3 to simultaneously increase the throttle in a light aircraft, regardless of the distance between the two vehicles.
6. Research indicates that the phenomenon is more complicated than initially believed - see Document 2942-B.
7. The written consent of the previous owner is required for this process, but need not be supplied voluntarily. |
SCP-2375 is a necrotic skin condition in its beginning stages, capable of spreading through physical contact. | ***
Item #: SCP-2375
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the widespread nature of SCP-2375, permanent containment is currently not feasible. Instead, Mobile Task Force Zeta-28 ("Army of Darkness") has been created for the sole purpose of identifying and terminating active colonies of instances of SCP-2375-1, as well as working to prevent activities that would result in the spread of SCP-2375.
If an instance of SCP-2375-1 is discovered in a populated area where it is possible for SCP-2375 to spread, MTF-Zeta-28 is to be dispatched immediately and must investigate the targeted area for possible colonies of SCP-2375-2 instances. Should a colony of SCP-2375-2 be discovered, agents of MTF-Zeta-28 are instructed to eliminate any points of access for instances of SCP-2375-2 to exit the area. Any further remaining instances of SCP-2375-1 or SCP-2375-2 are to be terminated immediately.
Description: SCP-2375 is a necrotic skin condition in its beginning stages, capable of spreading through physical contact. Initial symptoms of SCP-2375 include mild decay of the skin on the chest, increased senses of euphoria and pleasure, and a decreased ability to feel pain.
Within one week, this skin damage grows in size and intensity until the affected part of the body begins to resemble severely necrotic skin, although those infected with SCP-2375 report no unusual feelings. The bodies of individuals infected with SCP-2375 display no permanent damage to the insides of the body, appearing to suffer only physical decay.
Approximately two weeks after the individual is first infected with SCP-2375, the infection will spread to the individual's limbs (if available) and lower torso; individuals who reach this point of infection are designated instances of SCP-2375-1. The subject will then attempt to convince bystanders to initiate physical contact with the subject in order to spread SCP-2375. Humans with antisocial personality disorders are particularly susceptible to SCP-2375-1's influence.
SCP-2375-1 instances have been shown to engage in standard fundraising activities, such as door-to-door recruiting, distribution of mail leaflets (see transcript of 2375-1 distributed flyer), social events and group therapy programs to gain opportunities to spread SCP-2375 to humans who participate in these events. Participants in these events report a strong compulsion to interact with instances of SCP-2375-1 that remains for approximately three hours after the conclusion of the event. Aside from containing instances of SCP-2375-1 (Usually dressed in elaborate costumes or long clothing), no anomalous activity or atypical spread of SCP-2375 has been reported during these events.
+ Display Transcript of SCP-2375-1 Example Flyer
- Hide
Hello Friend!
Are you feeling lonely? Depressed? Persecuted? We all feel like that sometimes. But don't worry! We can help you!
Do you want to make new friends? Of course you do! We all do! That's why we here at your local Funlife association want to help you make them!
We're cordially inviting you to an ice cream social at [DATA REDACTED] at noon tomorrow! Here you'll meet people from around the community, enjoy some ice cream, and maybe meet some new friends!
Here's to a world where we can all just get along!
Yours Truly,
Your local Funlife Branch
Funlife: Here, We're All The Same.
Once an instance of SCP-2375-1 has spread SCP-2375, it will attempt to retreat to a small, readily available 5x5 hole within one hundred kilometers of the area, or to create one if one is not readily available. These holes have been shown to lead to small, subterranean caverns inhabited by mass quantities of SCP-2375-1 instances. These caverns are identified by instances of SCP-2375-1 as "Villages", and consist of several small buildings that serve various purposes (See Interview Log 2375-A). Any instance of SCP-2375-1 that is seen entering a village has not been shown to emerge again.
Once in these villages, instances of SCP-2375-1 enter the final stage of transformation into an instance of SCP-2375-2. Underground, the subject's face begins experiencing a rapid decomposition similar to the rest of the body. This is considered the final stage of infection with SCP-2375, as no further damage to the body has been noticed. No instances of SCP-2375-2 after the final stage of decomposition have been seen to willingly reemerge from their subterranean caverns, nor have any made an attempt during Foundation raids.
+ Display Experiment Log 2375-A
- Hide Experiment Log 2375-A
Access Granted. Welcome, Site Director.
With the approval of five members of the O5 Council, one D-Class Personnel was permitted to be used by Site Director Pembroke as a test subject to analyze the inner workings of a normal human infected by SCP-2375 as well as investigate the inner workings of a village inhabited solely by instances of SCP-2375-1.
An instance of SCP-2375-1 was detained by Foundation agents in the neighborhood of [REDACTED], Kansas, and successfully contained for the purpose of the experiment in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-77. D-2375-82, an African-American male who suffers from clinical depression, was introduced into a testing chamber containing the captured instance.
Conversation Log 2375-A
D-2375-82 introduced to testing chamber within sight radius of SCP-2375-1 instance.
D-2375-82 sits in testing chamber. Subject is approached by SCP-2375-1 instance.
SCP-2375-1 Approaching D-2375-82: What's wrong, pal? You look a little down.
D-2375-82: Of course I'm down, you freak. I'm stuck in here as part of someone's freak experiment. I wish I had never taken this over staying in death row. Fuck off, I've got nothing else to say to you.
SCP-2375-1: I know how you feel, man.
D-2375-82: How the hell could you?
SCP-2375-1: The folks up in the observation deck put me in here too. But that's fine with me. Look around. We've got a nice room and each other- what more could we need?
D-2375-82: What are you talking about?
SCP-2375-1: I've been where you are. You're depressed, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes. I used to be like that too. But I changed, and now I'm happier than ever!
D-2375-82: What happened?
SCP-2375-1: I found a place. A wonderful place. A place filled with people just like me. And just like you.
D-2375-82 is told to continue questioning SCP-2375-1 instance.
D-2375-82: How do I get there?
SCP-2375-1: I can take you. Don't worry. You'll be safe there. Shake my hand, friend.
D-2375-82 is instructed to shake hands with the SCP-2375-1 instance.
SCP-2375-1: Welcome to the Unlife, brother.
Shortly after this conversation, both the instance of SCP-2375-1 and D-2375-82 were removed from testing and placed in separate containment. Post-testing psychiatric screening of D-2375-82 reports significantly increased levels of euphoria and optimism.
One week after D-2375-82's contact with the SCP-2375-1 instance, a routine physical examination (provided by Foundation agents in hazmat equipment) revealed patches of skin on the arms and chest bearing qualities similar to those of advanced necrosis. After this physical examination, a psychiatric examination was conducted by Dr. Pembroke to determine the extent of SCP-2375's control over the brain.
Dr. Pembroke: How are you feeling, D-2375-82?
D-2375-82: Not gonna lie, Doc. I've never felt this good. Something about that guy just rubbed me right, you know?
Dr. Pembroke: Our physicians have detected severe damage on areas of your skin. Do you notice anything strange about your arms?
D-2375-82: Oh, the skin? That's nothing big. Just a small price to pay for the opportunity to feel a little better. That guy you introduced me to helped me to see that.
Dr. Pembroke: Can you explain further? What exactly drew you to the instance?
D-2375-82: There was something about him. The way he talked. The way he listened. No matter how rude I was, he didn't get mad. It was almost like he understood.
Dr. Pembroke: Understood what?
D-2375-82: Everything, doc. I would say the cruelest things, and he sat there smiling and nodding. He listened to every word I said. There was some feeling in me that made me feel like I could trust him. He was just….nice, you know?
Dr. Pembroke: What made you feel this way?
D-2375-82: Well…. it just felt like he cared. He wanted to help me. He had the voice and tone that made me feel like I could tell him everything. So, when the researchers told me to test his patience, I broke down and told him everything. All my stories from the streets, and he didn't bat an eye. It came to the point that I broke down. But he didn't laugh like most of you do. He knelt down and pat me on the back, told me it was okay. He made me feel alright, where nobody else bothers to.
Dr. Pembroke: What do you feel now that he has been removed from the testing area?
D-2375-82: I don't feel lonely. I don't feel bad. To tell the truth, I feel like I have a new friend.
Approximately three weeks after initial infection of D-2375-82, the subject was equipped with a video camera and two-way headset for the purpose of gathering information regarding the underground habitats of instances of SCP-2375-1. D-2375-82 was instructed to follow the test instance of SCP-2375-1 into a small hole located 30 kilometers west of Site-77. The following is a transcript of the recovered footage:
Dr. Pembroke: D-2375-82, can you hear me?
D-2375-82: Loud and clear, big man. Following James now.
Dr. Pembroke: James? Is that the instance's name?
D-2375-82: Yeah, I never told you that? Oh, hold up. We're coming to something. It looks like… a little town.
Dr. Pembroke: A town? Can you explain?
D-2375-82: Uhh… yeah. It looks like a little slum village. They've got houses made of sticks and rocks that must have fallen down the holes. Some of these look like shops. I think I can see what looks like a diner. Hell, there's even a little park with some that look like kids.
Dr. Pembroke: Do you notice anything strange about the village?
D-2375-82: Not really. Other than the skin thing you told me about.
SCP-2375-1: This way, Jamal! I've got some friends I want you to meet!
D-2375-82: Coming! Sorry, Doc, I'll get back to you later!
D-2375-82 proceeds to set the video camera down and run towards several instances of SCP-2375-1. Loud laughter and light conversation can be heard for roughly thirty minutes before audio feed cuts out.
Roughly five hours after the initial encounter with other instances of SCP-2375-1, the audio feed was resumed and the video camera was turned on by D-2375-82. The following is a transcript of the final recording from D-2375-82 (Level 5 Clearance Required):
D-2375-82: Hey, is this thing on? Can you hear me, Doc?
Dr. Pembroke: D-2375-82?
D-2375-82: Yep, it's me. I said I would get you back. If there's one thing I can do, it's keep a promise. But listen, I wanted to talk to you. I want you let me go.
Dr. Pembroke: Excuse me?
D-2375-82: You won't believe this, but it's wonderful down here. I haven't even been around a day and they're already treating me like their best friend. They've built me my own little house. They took me to dinner. We talked and laughed. I've been all over the town and haven't seen a single fight. I don't think I've seen people with so little smile so much.
Dr. Pembroke: Can you explain?
D-2375-82: I finally understand what this group is all about. They're not trying to take over the world, or destroy us all or whatever you guys believe they'll do. They- I'm sorry, we- just want to live in peace.
Dr. Pembroke: Live in peace? What does that mean?
D-2375-82: I've talked to the people down here. We all just wanted to get away from something. I've met people who were abused and beaten, but who can put it all behind here. It's a place we can all forget our troubles and comfort each other. Where we're all the same. The skin condition is proof of that.
Dr. Pembroke: The skin condition?
D-2375-82: It's brilliant, actually. So many of us here have been prejudiced because of what we look like or what we believe. But now, thanks to Funlife, we don't have to worry about that. When we're all the same, nobody has anything to fight over. We can focus on what brings us together rather than what keeps us apart. Listen, Doc. I know your Foundation doesn't normally do this, but please. Just leave us be. If not for me, then for everyone else down here.
Dr. Pembroke: You are aware that the Foundation is not able to permit the actions of your group. You realize you cannot continue to abduct citizens as you do.
D-2375-82: All we want is to help others escape like we have. I've got nothing more to say if you won't listen. Goodbye, Doc.
As of publication, there has been no further communication with D-2375-82 or any instance of SCP-2375-1 within a 300 kilometer radius of any Foundation site. Due to the nature of SCP-2375, containment procedures have been downgraded from immediate termination to the process of sealing clusters of SCP-2375-1 instances to prevent spread of the infection. At time of this revision, downgrade of SCP-2375 to Neutralized status is pending review by the O5 council. |
SCP-3712 is a highly detailed painted wooden doll with 12 points of articulation (jaw, elbows, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles) in the rough form of a stereotypical Caucasian elderly woman. | ***
Item #: SCP-3712
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3712 is to be kept in a standard item storage locker at Site-179. During experimentation, SCP-3712 must not be allowed to establish a direct line of sight to researchers or other valued personnel, and as such all interaction with SCP-3712 is to be carried out by D-class persons.
No person, unless specifically granted exception by a member of Level 3 personnel or above, is permitted to interact with SCP-3712 on more than four separate occasions.
Description: SCP-3712 is a highly detailed painted wooden doll with 12 points of articulation (jaw, elbows, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles) in the rough form of a stereotypical Caucasian elderly woman. While inactive, it will perform motions such as those used for knitting, sewing, and baking, though its hands remain empty. Subjects often report that the object slightly resembles either their paternal or maternal grandmother, though from objective description it appears that SCP-3712 appears physically identical to every observer.
When SCP-3712 is allowed to establish a direct line of sight with a subject1, its primary anomalous properties are activated. Subjects (as well as persons in close proximity to them) will begin to hear the vocalisation of a "common myth" from the object, such as a precaution to avoid going out in low temperatures to avoid contracting a cold (as in Test 3712-5). This effect functions on subjects who are unable to hear, who speak a language other than English, or who are illiterate, though it does not function on non-humans or subjects who are unconscious or deceased. Forcibly holding the jaw of SCP-3712 shut before a line of sight is established will not prevent the activation of this effect.
If the precautions of SCP-3712 are not followed, the consequences of the "common myth" will come to pass despite a lack of scientific evidence supporting said myth. During Test 3712-5, D-3712-18 was warned that going outside in low temperatures would cause her to contract a cold. D-3712-18 was then instructed to enter a room at 278K (5°C) which had been thoroughly sterilised, killing or removing all micro-organisms including those which could cause illness or disease. Despite this sterilisation, D-3712-18 was observed with rhinorrhoea2, later diagnosed by medical personnel as having contracted the common cold.
Precautions given by SCP-3712 to a subject it has previously interacted with will begin to deviate from traditional "grandmotherly" knowledge, from common phrases such as "step on a crack, break your mother's back" to novel (and often nonsensical) warnings such as "bee stings only come to pencil users".
The fifth precaution given by SCP-3712 to the same subject will always end in that subject's death due to the combination of a fatal consequence and an impossible task. For example, upon D-3712-06's fifth interaction with the object, it was heard uttering "Be careful sweetie, you know full well that temperatures below 10 000 degrees Celsius make people disintegrate, you really should go somewhere warmer". After several seconds, D-3712-06 spontaneously collapsed into a pile of ashes and powdered bone. This effect can influence persons who SCP-3712 has not established a line of sight with, such as during Test 3712-7, where the death via lightning strike of D-3712-03 caused severe injuries to eight surrounding persons.
Despite all testing showing it is constructed of solid and non-anomalous balsa wood, SCP-3712 is unable to be permanently destroyed. While it is possible to incinerate, crush, or otherwise dispose of the object, it will reappear completely intact in a location it has been in the past decade. This includes attempts at disposal which do not cause damage to its structure, such as simply taking it to a landfill and throwing it in.
This is presumably how SCP-3712 was discovered by the Foundation, as it appeared in Site-179 roughly 6 years after the site's construction. It is hypothesised that the previous owner of SCP-3712 attempted to destroy the object, causing it to appear in one of its previous locations, where Site-179 had since been built.
1. This can be avoided by simply standing slightly to its side, as its eyes are unable to move in its sockets
2. Commonly known as a runny nose |
SCP-6989 is a single cumulonimbus cloud with a base length of approximately 2km and a height of 1km. | ***
Item #: SCP-6989
Clearance Level 3: Confidential
Object Class: Keter
Disruption Class: 1/Dark
Risk Class: 1/Notice
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6989 cannot be physically contained due to its size and nature.
Distributed Task Force λ-10 ("Cloud Watchers")1 is to track SCP-6989 and initiate the authorised amnestication protocols if the need arises. Research into the anomaly is currently in progress headed by the task force.
Description: SCP-6989 is a single cumulonimbus cloud with a base length of approximately 2 km and a height of 1 km. Its base is always elliptical and does not alter through any known circumstances. It has been seen merging with many clouds but does not seem to grow any bigger itself after many observations conducted by λ-10.
SCP-6989 is fully composed of water droplets and ice crystals but has not been observed to produce any form of precipitation2 and is constantly in motion. With λ-10's observation reports, it has been noted that SCP-6989 appears to be attracted to areas with high atmospheric humidity.
SCP-6989 can activate unusually localised and powerful electromagnetic pulses affecting even shielded electronics. This ability only affects technology with itself and does not affect any area outside the cloud. This has made an internal analysis of the cloud impossible. RADAR scans have also been hindered by an unknown source within SCP-6989.
Discovery: SCP-6989 was detected following an unidentified object breaching Earth's atmosphere on the 22nd of January 2021. It was located by weather radars after a cumulonimbus cloud manifested unnaturally in the local area. The connection between both events has not yet been concluded as a coincidence and an investigation is still in progress.
Incident 6989.01 (2021/02/26): SCP-6989 came to the Global Occult Coalition's attention following the unnatural disappearance of a rainstorm over Miami, Florida. SCP-6989 had entered the vicinity and consumed a cumulonimbus cloud which was causing the storm over the city. A Lethe operation3 on the city was swiftly instigated.
With the GOC's arrival, they immediately began preparations to initiate a decommissioning attempt on the anomaly. DTF λ-10 was unable to dissuade arriving GOC forces and all task force members were apprehended and detained.
The GOC utilised altered missile technology4 to strike SCP-6989. The first three detonated successfully after entering SCP-6989 and the fourth and fifth seemed to make contact with a solid surface within the cloud. Immediately after, a high-pitched piercing noise was emitted by SCP-6989 and several appendages, with a resemblance to those of cephalopodic organisms, descended from SCP-6989 and assaulted the GOC forces below. Projectiles consisting of dense biological matter fell from SCP-6989 with considerable force and the cloud retained a bluish tint following this exchange which soon disappeared.
A joint operation between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition was quickly initiated following the incident. The Foundation began assisting the Global Occult Coalition in attempts to neutralise the anomaly.
Incident 6989.02 (2021/02/28): SCP-6989 was seen attempting to subsume another cumulonimbus cloud. As preparations for heavy artillery bombardment were made, the cloud SCP-6989 attempted to subsume unleashed multiple appendages and impaled SCP-6989. It appeared to be struggling, and the cloud quickly merged and consumed SCP-6989.
1. A task force specialising in tracking and researching aerial or airborne anomalies that may be deemed uncontainable by conventional methods employed by the Foundation. Their duties rarely involve the containment of anomalies, aligning more towards the observation of anomalies, the amnestication of the civilian population, and the expungement of data correlating with the anomaly.
2. Seeding attempts have proved ineffective.
3. Lethe operations involve mass amnestication of the local or worldwide civilian population. They are only used in select instances where the success of a cover story is unlikely due to the sheer amount of resources they require.
4. They had been designed to detonate when affected by EMPs. |
SCP-1399 is a thin fifteen page children’s book titled “Another Way of Hearing. | ***
Item #: SCP-1399
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1399 is to be kept on a plain wooden desk in the middle of a locked room, open to the last page, with a camera observing it at all times. If the page is observed to change in any way, notify the Site Administrator.
Additionally, an adjacent room, henceforth designated as the observation room, is to be set up with a television and radio set to switch between several news channels on an eight hour cycle.
Description: SCP-1399 is a thin fifteen page children’s book titled “Another Way of Hearing.” The cover depicts the earth, with the title above it. There is no author indicated on the cover. SCP-1399’s ISBN correlates to no assigned ISBN, and its labeled publisher, Detiskia Books, corresponds to no recognized publishing company.
When read sequentially, one page at a time in its entirety, it consists of a variety of disconnected visual images that have strongly associated auditory connections, along with the words “Another Way of Hearing [Image]”. Page three, for instance, is an image of a train, below which are the words “Another Way of Hearing Trains.” Save for the last page, all images and text have remained static while in Foundation hands.
The anomalous effect of the book occurs once the last page is turned and the book is closed. Immediately, the reader ceases to be able to receive any auditory stimuli from the world around them. Instead, their eardrums will resonate in concert to what has been determined as the auditory stimuli of a variety of alternate worlds. That is, their hearing will be transposed to another reality. This phenomena extends only to hearing, with sight, touch, taste, smell, and less conventional senses apparently unaffected.
It has been determined that the particular alternate universe to which the book attunes its reader is dependent on the last page, which changes periodically. All readers who experience the effect between changes have been determined to be hearing the same world. A list of recorded historical diversions and related images can be found in Document-1399B.
The last page so far has appeared to change at the same time as a variety of major world-altering events occur. The book seems to re-attune people’s hearing to a world where that event occurred differently, usually in a catastrophically negative way.
This phenomenon has been noted to create considerable distress among D-class personnel due to disorientation from a difference in auditory and visual stimuli. For this reason it is advised to provide any affected personnel with a pair of high-quality earplugs to assist with concentration during interviews and in the interest of preserving their sanity. D-class personnel subjected to the effects of SCP-1399 are exempt from monthly terminations until all possible acoustic mapping of the particular alternate reality has been completed.
Page Change Procedure
If at any time, the last page of SCP-1399 is observed to change, three D-class personnel are to be recruited on a voluntary basis; due to their subsequent removal from monthly terminations, volunteers have proved relatively easy to find. To prevent complications, personnel are to be briefed of the effects of SCP-1399 before exposure.
Once subjected to SCP-1399, the first D-class is to be escorted to the previously established observation room. The D-class is to be provided with a writing utensil and paper for them to record all possibly relevant information pertaining to the divergence. After eight hours, conduct a written interview and rotate in the second D-class. Continue process every eight hours until all possible information has been collected.
An abridged record of the observed forms of the last page of SCP-1399 and its apparent correlating world event divergence.
March 12, 2011: Page changes.
New page: [An image of waves breaking on a sandy beach] Caption: “Another Way of Hearing Waves".
Associated world event: 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan.
Established Diversion: The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant fails to stabilize, and a core meltdown occurs. Superheated reactor steam breaks containment and escapes in large quantities, causing mass irradiation and fallout over much of Japan.
April 29, 2011: Page changes.
New page: [An image of church bells swinging in a chapel tower] Caption: "Another Way Of Hearing Bells"
Associated world event: Marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William of Great Britain
Established Diversion: Paramilitary commandos storm Westminster Abbey, murdering all present royal personages and state officials as the beginning of a coup d'etat by a separatist faction. Britain descends into civil war.
June 3, 2011: Page changes.
New page: [An image of a fighter jet] Caption: "Another Way Of Hearing Planes"
Associated world event: Attempted assassination of Yemen President, Ali Abdullah Saleh
Established Diversion: After being taken to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment, a second assassination attempt occurs and succeeds. Israel's Mossad is implicated. Yemen declares war on Israel. Yemeni officials acquire nuclear weapons through undetermined channels and utilize them; nearly all of Israel destroyed or contaminated in resulting 15 Mt explosion. A chain of retaliations takes place over a period of twelve hours, resulting in nuclear holocaust and presumed destruction of Foundation facility. D-class subjects suffered complete hearing loss due to incineration of eardrums in both ears.
August 27, 2011: Page changes.
New page: [An image of a rainy day outside a window] Caption: "Another Way Of Hearing Rain"
Associated world event: Hurricane Irene makes landfall
Established Diversion: Hurricane Irene unexpectedly and inexplicably develops into a Category 5 storm and sweeps along the Eastern seaboard, causing billions of dollars in damages. New York City is devastated. Number of casualties unable to be estimated by D-class personnel. |
SCP-3087 is a circular area covering approximately 1000km2, in which anomalous phenomena affect overnight public transportation carrying more than ten passengers. | ***
Item #: SCP-3087
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3087's position is to be continually tracked and updated in intervals not exceeding four hours. SCP-3087's prior position and trajectory are used to predict its believed current position, which is then validated by monitoring surrounding communications for cases of missing vehicles.
Any vehicle which meets the criteria to be affected by SCP-3087 and is projected to pass through it is to be diverted. All missing vehicles believed to have been affected by SCP-3087 are to be logged, and SCP-3087 is to be continually searched for their reappearance. If one reappears, all surviving passengers are to be detained and processed as per standard procedures.
Every three months, one public transportation vehicle containing no more than thirty passengers is to be allowed to pass through SCP-3087.
Description: SCP-3087 is a circular area covering approximately 1000 km2, in which anomalous phenomena affect overnight public transportation carrying more than ten passengers. SCP-3087 is mobile and moves at a constant rate of approximately 8 m/s. Vehicles affected by SCP-3087 disappear. This disappearance is permanent in 64% of cases; in the remaining 36%, the vehicle will reappear within 3 to 25 hours. Vehicles which reappear do so at night within SCP-3087. It is impossible to perceive or communicate with affected vehicles during their disappearance. A limited amount of information regarding SCP-3087’s effects has been gathered from interviews with recovered passengers and recordings taken by explorative Foundation operatives.
Once they have disappeared, affected vehicles travel through a series of anomalous locations. Several anomalous humanoid entities, collectively designated SCP-3087-1, appear aboard the vehicle as it travels (a list of all observed instances can be found in Document-3087-04). Passengers also experience abnormally powerful insomnia or hypersomnia, and exhibit increased rates of sleep paralysis if they reappear.
When first discovered, SCP-3087’s size was approximately 400 km2; after containment was initiated, its area grew to its present size. Initial containment procedures prevented any vehicles from passing through SCP-3087. After revising containment procedures to allow for infrequent passage, the area's growth stopped.
+ Show Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02A
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Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02A
Foreword: On ██/██/20██, two Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 (“White Rabbits”) operatives, code-named Alfa and Bravo, were dispatched aboard a bus travelling overnight between ████████ and ██████, ██, which was projected to enter SCP-3087. The goals of their entry were to gather information on SCP-3087-1, explore the locations visited by affected vehicles, and determine if these vehicles could be reliably recovered. Operatives Alfa and Bravo were equipped with video and audio recording devices. These devices were recovered when operative Bravo reappeared after thirty-nine hours. The following is a log of their recordings.
The recording begins at 0113; there is initially no video. Alfa is speaking into his microphone.
Alfa: —contact with Control. Are you getting anything on your end?
Bravo: Nothing, no. Think we’re in?
Alfa: Yeah.
Three minutes pass before Alfa begins recording video. The camera is directed outside the bus window; Alfa pans it across and then points it upwards. No light can be seen.
Alfa: Most of the passengers are asleep. I count three, besides us, still awake. There might be more.
Fifteen minutes later, the bus slows to a halt and the bus doors open. A humanoid entity rises from the driver's seat while another enters the bus; both are designated instances of SCP-3087-1a. Each carries a large, wooden briefcase and wears a long coat with many pockets. Their faces are indistinct.
Bravo: I’m going to try to get off.
Alfa: Are you sure?
Bravo: Yeah. Let’s see where we are.
Bravo approaches the bus door. However, when she attempts to exit, an instance of SCP-3087-1a stops her. Upon closer inspection, its skin and face are colored pale-yellow and have a soft, wax-like texture. It extends a hand, as if in expectation of payment; when Bravo presents nothing, it continues to block her path. Bravo returns to her seat.
Bravo: Hard to see outside. Got a glimpse of what looked like redwoods. We’re nowhere near a highway.
Alfa: We could try exiting another way.
Bravo: I'm not sure.
Alfa: It might be dangerous staying here.
Bravo: But it’s still a bus, it’s still providing a service. I think we should play by the rules. But I'll follow your call, ███.
Alfa: Okay, I give. Let’s sit back and enjoy the ride.
The two instances of SCP-3087-1a remain standing at the front of the bus. The video continues uneventfully for several minutes until Alfa turns it off.
+ Show Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02C
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An instance of SCP-3087-1a was recovered during a later expedition. Its head is shown mid-dissection.
Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02C
The footage resumes at 0315. A constant, low, rushing sound can be heard in the background. The surroundings of the bus remain too dark to be observed.
Bravo: █████ here. The situation’s deteriorated.
There is a loud rattling sound as the bus begins to shake. Bravo pans the camera to show that most of the passengers, despite the violent movement, remain asleep.
Bravo: Thankfully the sleep-inducing effects of the skip are working in our favor. But there are other problems.
Alfa walks into the camera’s view.
Bravo: No good?
Alfa: No. Here, look.
Bravo and Alfa move towards one of the passengers, a tall man in his forties. His neck is unusually bent such that his head is pressed to the top of the seat. His eyes are open unnaturally wide, and he does not blink. The skin surrounding his eyes is stretched radially outwards. When the operatives approach, he begins to moan softly.
Alfa: This one asked for sedatives. Turns out that was a bad idea. He said he felt like all his blood was rushing to his head, complaining about the sound. Then he got like this.
Bravo: No drugs, then. Are the others still panicking?
Alfa: It’s died down.
There is a loud, creaking sound.
Alfa: Another one. Here, get a shot of this.
Alfa and Bravo move the camera so that it is facing a pair of passengers; one is sleeping and the other is awake. Initially, the sleeping passenger’s face appears to be distorted. A tear begins to develop down the ventral midline of the passenger’s body. A humanoid with spindly limbs and an anomalously large number of joints, designated SCP-3087-1f, emerges from the inside of the passenger, whose remains form a baggy, cloth-like skin. The passenger who is awake indicates signs of distress.
The instance of SCP-3087-1f conducts a transaction with one of the instances of SCP-3087-1a; it receives sewing supplies and a large barrel, produced anomalously from the pockets and briefcase of the SCP-3087-1a instance, in exchange for an unidentified currency. It proceeds to use the sewing supplies to repair the tear produced in the passenger from which it emerged, creating a sock-like tube, approximating a human figure and incapable of supporting itself. It then fills the cavity of the tube with a green liquid from the barrel, which inflates the passenger. After the process is complete, the passenger appears to be unharmed and, apart from the stitching travelling down the former tear, otherwise unaltered. The instance of SCP-3087-1f then takes a seat.
Alfa and Bravo return their seats and begin discussing possible return strategies. As they do so, they are interrupted by a loud crunching sound. Bravo turns the camera towards a passenger, who has been decapitated.
Alfa: Fuck.
Bravo: Wait. Maybe…
The passenger’s head, which has fallen to their lap, sprouts legs from the base of its neck and approaches the front of the bus. It attempts to conduct a transaction but is refused; the instance of SCP-3087-1a gestures, in apparent anger, at the passenger’s decapitated body, which is slumped over in its seat and bleeding profusely. The head, designated an instance of SCP-3087-1g, produces more currency, at which point it is allowed to sit.
Bravo: Guess not.
The heads of the two SCP-3087-1a instances ignite, producing a candle-like flame. The flame is unusually bright and illuminates the surroundings of the bus, revealing an underwater setting. Large schools of fish swim around the bus, which is travelling in between tall, underwater vegetation, resembling kelp.
Alfa: Do you, uh, think we need to take care of that body ourselves?
Bravo: I guess.
Alfa and Bravo look at each other.
Alfa: I got it.
+ Show Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02F
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Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02F
The footage resumes at 1850. Alfa begins by speaking into the camera.
Alfa: This is ███. Travelling for a while now; we haven’t tried to catch every paranormal thing that happens. We’ve taken written notes which we’ll, uh, hopefully get the chance to share in a debrief.
Bravo: I like the optimism.
Alfa: Thanks. Staying awake has gotten weird. It's been almost twenty-four hours now. When the skips—the candle ones at the front of the bus—light their flames, it produces this smell. █████ and I noticed a few hours ago that the smell makes us want to sleep. It’s very powerful. But even when we try, we can't.
Alfa: We got out of the water some time ago, and we turned the camera back on to record whatever it is we’re seeing out there.
Alfa points the camera out of the window. There is light in the distance, growing in intensity over time. The light covers much of the horizon.
Bravo: If I had to make a non-anomalous association, they remind me of city lights.
Alfa: Yeah. I mean, judging by the distance, whatever it is has to be pretty big.
The bus continues to approach the lights. As they grow closer, it becomes apparent that they are bobbing up and down. Bravo uses a pair of binoculars to observe them.
Bravo: It’s the candles.
Alfa: What? But…
Bravo: There's a lot of them.
Eventually, the bus reaches the lights. The lights are produced by a massive crowd of SCP-3087-1a; the boundaries of the crowd cannot be observed. Every SCP-3087-1a has its head ignited. The light produced by the SCP-3087-1a crowd is of sufficient intensity to illuminate much of the bus’s surroundings; pointing the camera upwards and using the zoom function, Alfa reveals that an extremely high, rocky ceiling, dotted with stalactites, covers their surroundings.
Alfa then turns the camera to display the ground. The stone floor is carved into many rectangular recesses, forming a grid pattern which occupies most of the floor. SCP-3087-1a instances are walking on wooden walkways which cross over the recesses; the bus is travelling on a larger walkway.
The bus stops. Several instances of SCP-3087-1, including both instances of SCP-3087-1a, exit.
Bravo: Should we try again?
Alfa: If for no other reason than to stretch our legs, yeah, let’s go.
Bravo and Alfa exit the bus. Instances of SCP-3087-1a turn to look at them as they step out. Alfa points the camera at the ground.
Alfa: Are those…?
The footage shows that each stone recess is occupied by a naked, non-anomalous human being, all of whom are asleep. Some SCP-3087-1a instances are tending to the humans; Alfa records them producing food and water from their briefcases and inserting them into the humans’ mouths.
Alfa: Try taking a sample, see if they let you. The lab might want one.
Bravo: On it.
Alfa: Then we can get back on the bus and get out of here.
Some instances of SCP-3087-1a enter the bus; it is unclear if these are the same ones as before. Alfa and Bravo board, and the bus begins to move.
+ Show Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02J
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Exploration Log Excerpt 3087-02J
The recording resumes near the end of Alfa and Bravo’s expedition. They have been travelling for more than a day and a half.
Alfa: We need an exit.
Alfa pans the camera to show that several passengers, who were awake at the beginning of the recording, have now entered a catatonic state.
Bravo: Got any ideas?
Alfa: Well, I've got this.
Alfa opens his hands to show a piece of the currency with which instances of SCP-3087-1 conduct transactions.
Bravo: How?
Alfa: Back in the cave, when one of the candles wasn’t looking. But we don’t know what the right way to use it is.
Bravo: What do you mean?
Alfa: It’s just one coin. How’re we going to get everyone out with just one of these? There’ve been some cases when the bus reappears, right? Why won’t this one?
Bravo: Look outside. See, we're back in the redwood forest. Just like any transit, these lines run in loops. Some stop by our reality, but most, like this one, don't.
Alfa: So, the coin…
Bravo: We still need to try.
Alfa: Right.
Alfa and Bravo approach one of the instances of SCP-3087-1a at the front of the bus. Alfa presents his coin.
Alfa: We want out. Take us back.
The instance of SCP-3087-1a raises a single finger.
Bravo: That’s pretty clear. Only one.
Alfa: Let's work this out, then.
Bravo: You have the experience. You're more valuable back there than me.
Alfa: All that means is I'm close to the end of my run, but you've still got your years to put into the Foundation. And, I got the coin in the first place. I'll just do it again.
Bravo: No. I don't like it.
Alfa: I'll make the call even if this entire unit isn't on board. But I don't want to.
There is silence for approximately thirty seconds.
Alfa: █████. You're smart. Even if it isn't today, one day you'll learn that it isn't worth it to get broken up over stuff like this. Stuff you can't control.
Bravo: All right. Okay.
Bravo exhales into her microphone.
Bravo: Don't order me off the bus. I'll go.
Alfa gives the coin to Bravo, who presents it as payment. The bus slows to a halt, and the doors open.
Alfa: Take this.
Bravo receives Alfa’s recording equipment. She exits the bus, stepping onto a freeway roadside.
Alfa: Have fun in quarantine.
Bravo: Thanks, ███.
Alfa: See you when I see you, █████.
The door closes, and the bus leaves; the recording shows it disappearing at some point in the distance. Bravo points the camera at the sky, showing the stars. The recording ends.
Afterword: Operative Bravo was successfully recovered and debriefed. Although consistent recovery of entire vehicles affected by SCP-3087 has been judged to be unrealistic, procedures to reliably recover operatives deployed into affected vehicles are being developed. Operative Alfa has yet to be recovered. |
SCP-2592 is a thin humanoid entity 157cm in height and 42kg in mass with rudimentary telepathic capabilities, recovered on █/██/1923 from a beach home near [REDACTED], France. | ***
Item #: SCP-2592
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2592 is housed in a standard humanoid containment cell at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3. In lieu of a standard humaniform entity diet, SCP-2592 is to be fed one bowl containing two sliced Class I (EU) bananas in 350 mL of whole milk daily.
Only personnel testing at an extrasensory resistance index of 65 or higher are allowed within SCP-2592's containment area, and only with prior permission from at least one Level 3 Senior Researcher. Personnel experiencing unusual headaches, hallucinations, or nosebleeds are to exit the containment area immediately and undergo mandatory mind-affecting / memetic hazard quarantine.
Description: SCP-2592 is a thin humanoid entity 157 cm in height and 42kg in mass with rudimentary telepathic capabilities, recovered on █/██/1923 from a beach home near [REDACTED], France. SCP-2592 is intelligent and can understand simple phrases and words in French, but does not appear to be capable of speech. Due to its lack of eyes, SCP-2592 navigates its surroundings primarily using touch, but can telepathically detect the presence of human subjects within a range of approximately five meters. SCP-2592 has not shown any indication that it is capable of telepathic communication or thought-reading, but has sometimes responded to strong emotional states such as fear or distress. If allowed to, SCP-2592 will attempt to groom non-threatening human subjects by brushing and/or braiding their hair, using basic tools such as combs and brushes if available. When left alone, SCP-2592 will either pace listlessly or lie in a fetal position.
Subjects within ten meters of SCP-2592 have consistently reported receiving hallucinations consisting of mental imagery consistent with that of the beach near the home in which it was recovered as well as the sound of gently crashing waves, which have been consistently described as "serene", "peaceful", or "relaxing". When startled or frightened, SCP-2592 is also capable of generating intense telepathic emanations that cause panic or severe pain in nearby human subjects and can lead to significant neurological trauma after prolonged exposure.
Addendum 2592-1: Initial Recovery Log
SCP-2592 was discovered in a residential home belonging to [REDACTED], a blind 58-year old widow living alone. A local milkman had become concerned following several consecutive days in which she had failed to receive delivery and notified local authorities. Upon forcing entry into the home, SCP-2592 was discovered in a distressed state in an apparent attempt to protect the body of [REDACTED], who was later determined through autopsy to have been dead for several days as the result of a stroke. Six (6) police officers were injured by SCP-2592's telepathic distress response during the ensuing chaos.
The Foundation was notified by regional authorities and dispatched a containment team to the home. Still in a distressed state from its prior contact with local authorities, SCP-2592 incapacitated several members of the containment team before Containment Specialist de Villiers, having taken stock of the composition of refuse within the home, managed to calm SCP-2592 by offering it several bananas and a bottle of milk. SCP-2592 immediately ceased its distress response and became docile, after which Foundation personnel managed to secure it for transport to the nearest containment facility. A thorough search of the premises turned up a single photograph but no additional evidence relating to SCP-2592 or its origin.
Containment Specialist de Villiers was awarded the Foundation Star for his bravery and quick thinking that led to the safe recovery of an anomalous humanoid entity and for saving the lives of several members of his containment team. |
SCP-2908 is a Soviet PPSh-41 submachine gun capable of firing any mix of ammunition inserted into its magazine without failing to cycle and load. | ***
Item #: SCP-2908
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2908 is to be kept in a storage container on Site-131. All testing of SCP-2908 is currently forbidden by O5 Council.
Description: SCP-2908 is a Soviet PPSh-41 submachine gun capable of firing any mix of ammunition inserted into its magazine without failing to cycle and load. SCP-2908 is able to fire rounds as large as .50 BMG (13.0mm), the largest round its magazine can hold, despite having a barrel diameter of 7.87mm. Furthermore, high-speed cameras have never captured footage of bullets within SCP-2908's chamber or barrel during firing. It is theorized that SCP-2908 is directly translocating rounds from its magazine to a ballistic trajectory in front of its barrel when the trigger is depressed, and because of this mechanism, SCP-2908 shows no sign of wear or tear from firing and was recorded to have fired 5,788,225 rounds, well beyond the number of rounds a typical PPSh-41 is expected to be able to fire.
Firing a round with SCP-2908 increases the value of the elementary charge by approximately $3.17225789×10^{−28 }$C.1 Uninhibited further increase of the elementary charge will result in an ZK-0 Reality Failure Scenario, where physical and chemical processes of the Universe break down due to the increased charge of the electron and proton.
[+] Document-2908-Addendum-1
[-] Document-2908-Addendum-1
Memo from O5-10:
While the elementary charge has remained stable after the decision to cease testing of SCP-2908 in 1973, we currently do not know whether that the cessation was due to SCP-2908 being the only object with that capability, or whether other items possess the same capabilities but on a much smaller effect than detectable by the Foundation, or even items with the inverse effect exist which is currently creating an equilibrium. Finding possible copies or items of similar effect is priority one for Mobile Task Force Mu-6 "Pasadena". All Foundation personnel should report any suspicious sightings and leads to that task force.
SCP-2908 was discovered in Myitkyina, Myanmar in 1944. Agent Bo Yu (薄萸), who then was impressed as a soldier in the Chinese New First Army, picked up SCP-2908 after a pillbox was destroyed by a United States air strike, noting that it was highly unusual for the Imperial Japanese Army to use a weapon of Soviet origin. Agent Yu discovered upon rudimentary testing of SCP-2908's ability to use any type of ammunition and used it in combat until 1946 when Agent Yu deserted, taking SCP-2908 with him to Site-131, the Foundation asset in Sichuan, China, where further testing revealed its ability to accept ammunition larger than its barrel would suggest.
The increase in elementary charge was discovered when Foundation researchers discovered a series of unexplained inconsistencies from experimental data to theoretical calculations that started in 1944. Its cause was not isolated to SCP-2908 until November 11, 1973. During this period, the elementary charge increased by $1.83617424×10^{−21 }$C, resulting in the current elementary charge of $1.602176634×10^{−19 }$C.
On March 7th, 1972, Site-131 experienced total power loss for 55 seconds. Upon restoration, Site-131 intranet storage reported upon auditing the presence of a document, now designated Document-2908-Addendum-2, with no known author. This incident was not linked to SCP-2908 until SCP-2908's effect on the elementary charge was ascertained. By this time, Document-2908-Addendum-2 had been designated as the result of a failure in personnel discipline and deleted. Attempted recovery of Document-2908-Addendum-2 was met with only partial success.
[+] Recovered Document-2908-Addendum-2 Fragments
[-] Recovered Document-2908-Addendum-2 Fragments
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Mobile Task Force Mu-6 "Pasadena" was ordered to start a disinformation campaign upon confirmation of SCP-2908's effect on the elementary charge. The Task Force's actions included planting false evidence that Robert A. Millikan and Harvey Fletcher, the inventors of the Oil Drop Experiment that first obtained the value of the elementary charge in 1909, had faked data and used an incorrect value for the viscosity of air. The campaign proved successful when Nobel Physicist Richard Feynman gave his famous cargo cult science speech in 19743, followed with Gerald Holton's published accusation of fraud on Millikan's part in 1978. Current discussion in the physics community on the elementary charge has followed this trend.
[+] Document-2908-Addendum-3
[-] Document-2908-Addendum-3
Communication from O5-10, Recipient Unknown:
Do you remember what happened with Dr. Jekyll's "pure" salt?4
Denied. Leave #48222319 to us.
1. Elementary charge is a fundamental physical constant that denotes the amount of electric charge held by a single electron or proton.
2. No relevant file of this name was ever discovered or recovered by the foundation.
3. Feynman erroneously explained the continuous increase in measured elementary charge as a desire on the part of the experimenters to be as close to Millikan's results as possible.
4. In Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dr. Jekyll's potion depended on an impurity within the salt he used as ingredient. Later when he acquired another batch of salt that didn't have the impurity, the potion did not work. He assumed the new batches of salt were impure until it was too late to study the impurity within the original salt.
« SCP-2907 | Closed, Won't Fix | SCP-2909 »
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SCP-4364 is a 28 year old human male of West-African descent who answers to the name of Benjamin Foster. | ***
Item #: SCP-4364
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4364 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment chamber on a medical bed. Daily peripheral parenteral nutrition is to be administered via IV drip. Any and all food requested by SCP-4364 is to be provided immediately.
In the event of SCP-4364 expiration, a full autopsy is to be performed and an exploration team dispatched into SCP-4364.
Description: SCP-4364 is a 28 year old human male of West-African descent who answers to the name of Benjamin Foster. SCP-4364 is 1.8 meters tall and 34.5 kilograms in weight. Evidence of extreme malnourishment and malnutrition are present, including ribs visible through the skin, extreme lack of muscle mass, and low levels of energy. SCP-4364's appetite is self-described as 'insatiable' and it will spend most of its waking hours attempting to eat anything it considers to be edible. SCP-4364 has not suffered any expected ill-effects from consuming materials which would normally be hazardous to human health.
Despite a near-constant intake of nutrition, SCP-4364 has consistently lost weight since entering containment. Induced vomiting to discover the contents of SCP-4364’s stomach revealed no food or partially digested material, only large amounts of bile and blood.
SCP-4364 has numerous tattoos, most notably the animate ink figure positioned directly over its stomach. As SCP-4364 consumes food, this figure will take on a distended abdomen, grow in size, and attain a content expression. There appears to be no upper limit as to how large the tattoo can become aside from the actual mass of SCP-4364 itself, and it has frequently covered SCP-4364's other markings by overlapping them completely. Other tattoos present on SCP-4364 depict various numbers in what are assumed to be ratio values. These ratios are 23:20, 15:27, and 6:19-20. SCP-4364 also has a small tattoo of a sleeping panda bear on its right forearm. |
SCP-5068 is a drop of water approximately 0. | ***
Item #: SCP-5068
Fig. 1: SCP-5068 under 25 times magnification.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5068 is to be stored inside a standard hermetically-sealed containment locker that allows for microscopic enhancement. SCP-5068 must be activated by a D-class at 10:27am (GMT) daily, for at least five minutes, before being returned to its container.
Description: SCP-5068 is a drop of water approximately 0.05 milliliters in volume. Its chemical composition indicates a source of naturally-occurring precipitation, or rainwater.
Under magnification, SCP-5068 contains two dominant strands of micro-fauna (designated SCP-5068-A and SCP-5068-B) currently engaged in massive inter-microbial warfare. The cause of the wide-scale conflict is currently unknown, though early DNA samples show a 99.9% match between A and B-instances.
Both A and B-instances have evolved biology suited to prolonged periods of warfare: SCP-5068-A (Fig. 1, extreme middle-left) has an elongated torso with multiple appendages for traversal and self-defense. SCP-5068-B (Fig. 1, extreme bottom-right), while 30% smaller, possesses eight limbs, dual eye sockets and pincers at the end of its forelimbs to track down and dismember SCP-5068-A with ease.
Discovery: Foundation personnel were screening Site-65 for environmental hazards when SCP-5068 was discovered in a random sample of rainwater. Further testing on the site's surrounding precipitation, groundwater and sanitation facilities is ongoing.
Test Log 1, 06/06/2016:
D-class personnel (designated D-4439) examines SCP-5068 through a high-powered microscope: hundreds of thousands of SCP-5068-A and SCP-5068-B instances are observed to be engaged in large-scale battle.
Evidence of small arms fire and coordinated tactics are observed: B-instances use "pincer-like" movements to assault SCP-5068-A's position, whereas A-instances huddle behind natural barriers for protection. B-instances also employ rudimentary weapons and vehicles comprised of an inert, organic matter, whereas A-instances hurl globules of the same material as high-velocity projectiles.
D-4439 observes the battle for approximately five minutes before noticing that both A and B-instances have ceased their fighting and are staring up in her direction. Testing is immediately terminated.
Test Log 2, 06/15/2016:
Tall structures have been erected from the center of SCP-5068-A and SCP-5068-B concentrations, which appear to be their main centres of population. The "towers" appear organic and constantly moving, and appear to be erected from the same biological material used to construct their weapons and tools.
D-4439's presence is noticed much earlier this time - the structures quickly begin moving in the direction of the D-class' gaze. D-4439 notices both A and B-instances climbing up the towers and over themselves, before hurling projectiles in her general direction, which accumulate on her viewing lens as flecks of dirt.
No injuries reported. Chemical analysis of the dirt samples indicate a genetic match to SCP-5068-A and B instances themselves.
Test Log 3, 06/17/2016:
D-4439 ordered to depress her fingertip into the top of SCP-5068; request to use a sterilised metal rod denied. D-class eventually complies, "activating" SCP-5068 for five minutes before allowing the water droplet to fall back down to the surface.
Upon re-magnification, A and B's "towers" appear to have been demolished, with scores of SCP-5068 instances lying scattered and inert across the surface.1
D-4439 then ordered to place her finger on the tip of her tongue; subsequent refusal is threatened with further disciplinary action. D-class eventually complies, ingesting a portion of SCP-5068, but no side effects observed immediately. Recommend similar containment procedures to be enacted for D-4439.
D-class activation of SCP-5068 via finger-depression technique.
Test Log 4, 06/19/2016:
D-4439 reports that A and B-instances have ceased hostilities with one another. Instead, both cultures observed to be actively cooperating towards the goal of containment breach. More instances have appeared in opposing "cities", rebuilding each other's towers at alarming rates.
As such, recommend increasing the frequency of SCP-5068's "activation" to once every three days to prevent A and B-instances from reaching the lens barrier of the microscope.
Note: D-4439 has reported mild symptoms of lightheadedness, nausea and xerostomia.2 Daily fluid intake has also increased by 300%. Recommend continued monitoring of her physical condition within containment.
Test Log 5, 06/30/2016:
Testing was prematurely terminated when D-4439 refused to comply with emergency quarantine procedures.
Docile behaviour was initially observed amongst A and B-instances, with D-4439 expressing relief that the microorganisms were "no longer attacking [her] on sight" but working towards the construction of a single, massive tower comprised of their combined, fallen dead.
Foundation staff grew suspicious, however, when D-4439 refused to back away from the lens barrier despite repeated orders to activate SCP-5068. Instead, D-class merely repeated over and over again: "They're already out. They're already inside of me."
SCP-5068 was retracted back into containment after five minutes, as per safety protocol. D-4439 immediately displayed signs of aggression, screaming and banging on the glass wall of her observation cell, demanding to be released.
Test Log 6, 07/03/2016: CANCELLED
D-4439 attempted to breach containment today. Blunt force trauma to her limbs and cranium listed as official cause of death. The glass barrier of her containment cell will also require replacement.
A postmortem indicates extensive presence of SCP-5068-A and B instances in her blood, saliva and urine samples; working theory is that these microorganisms propagate through liquid H20, saturating the host's body before moving onto its next vessel.
Given the extent of symptoms at the time of D-4439's demise, the virus would have put her down within the next 24 hours (or approximately two weeks since exposure to SCP-5068), regardless.
Future Test Log(s) ##: GREENLIGHT
Recommend daily depression of D-class finger into SCP-5068 to continue to prevent a possible microbial MK-class outbreak scenario. To further disrupt SCP-5068-A and B's efforts in breaching containment, this frequency may escalate in the future.
To coincide with mass screenings of Foundation personnel, O-5 Command has given its greenlight to commence mass clinical trials to find a way to neutralise newly discovered SCP-5068 instances.
Additional containment cells are being constructed as we speak. Remember to preserve their remains for future study.
1. Presumably stunned and not destroyed due to the general resiliency of microorganisms.
2. severe dry throat |
SCP-674 is a "Zapper" light gun peripheral for the Nintendo Entertainment System, consistent with other models that were bundled with the NES in North America after 1985. | ***
Item #: SCP-674
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: When not being tested, SCP-674 is to remain in a locked plastic case in Storage Site-23. SCP-674's cord is not required for its operation and is to remain coiled and tied. SCP-674 poses no existential threat to anyone other than its user; however, it has already demonstrated itself to be a potential security risk for the Foundation. Therefore in the event that security around SCP-674 is compromised, on-site personnel are authorized to destroy it at their discretion. Testing is ongoing to determine the risks and possibilities in using SCP-674 as an information gathering device.
Description: SCP-674 is a "Zapper" light gun peripheral for the Nintendo Entertainment System, consistent with other models that were bundled with the NES in North America after 1985. SCP-674 displays typical wear and tear and some indication that previous owners tried to pry the casing open unsuccessfully. The device is not indestructible and has responded to stress tests as expected. Disassembling and reassembling the device has revealed no anomalous parts or internal tampering. Cleaning and maintenance of its parts appears to have improved its accuracy but has not removed a blind spot that begins on the extreme right side of any screen it is aimed at.
When SCP-674 is aimed and fired at any video screen, the user perceives that he or she has fired a shot into the displayed scene. Any physical object within the scene, whether live or previously recorded, will react appropriately in context. People who are shot will appear to die or be wounded, and other people in the scene will duck, take cover or flee off camera. It must be noted that this will not correspond with reality outside of the video and no one beyond the user of SCP-674 will perceive the change. Results will vary depending on the context of the video. Fictional characters in a television show will react consistently within the established parameters of their setting, while firing into news reports or documentaries will produce a realistic reaction. Therefore, shooting at an actor in an interview will produce a different result than shooting at the same actor who is currently portraying an invincible cyborg in a science fiction movie.
Animated cartoons can also be affected, although "cartoon logic" produces wildly unpredictable results ranging from causing a character to momentarily be obscured by a puff of smoke and be covered with soot afterward, to [DATA EXPUNGED]
The most notable result of use of SCP-674 is that it is permanent and can lead to very unusual experiences for the viewer. If a subject uses the device to shoot a character in a television series, they will forever perceive that they have changed the continuity of the series. A character will remain wounded or dead, and other characters will respond in context. This will continue even if SCP-674 is only used once and the viewer is never exposed to it again. At a certain threshold, fictional characters will begin to make broadly expositional statements to each other or through the "fourth wall" regarding the actions of the viewer, potentially divulging sensitive information. See Addendum for details.
Addendum: SCP-674 was recovered from the home of M████ S███████, a reclusive 33-year-old Caucasian male. Mr. S███████ came to the attention of the SCP Foundation through posts on his fringe political blog, in which he had claimed to have assassinated then-President ██████ █ ████ and then-Vice President ██████, along with half of Congress, four members of the Supreme Court, and a wide range of news anchors, talk show hosts and political commentators. Questioning of the subject revealed that he never left the house and honestly believed the news reports he was watching and using SCP-674 upon were real. Mr. S███████ claimed that he was using SCP-674 to stave off a military police state; however, using the device to "assassinate" so many high profile figures had the opposite effect on the video reality he was experiencing. His final blog posts described an increasingly unstable global order, martial law, and detailed descriptions of catastrophes consistent with the hypothetical release of SCP-███ and SCP-███, among others.
Mr. S███████ claimed prior knowledge of the Foundation and was laying in wait for agents, attempting to ambush them by firing SCP-674 into monitors attached to his home security system upon their approach. This, of course, had absolutely no effect on the agents who immediately took him into custody and seized SCP-674. Under questioning, Mr. S███████ said he had discovered the properties of SCP-674 when he idly aimed and fired it at an episode of the cartoon ██████████, when one of the main characters was wearing a graduate's cap and singing about geography. He claims that after the character recovered, it wagged a finger at him and specifically warned that the SCP Foundation was "going to get him" if he continued to fire the device before returning to its song.
Mr. S███████ perished while held in confinement. Security tapes show he had been alone and engaged in a heated one-sided argument with the security camera in his cell before being struck down by three .38 caliber handgun bullets.
Testing Log SCP-674-1
Note, this text log was retrieved from the hard-drive of Dr. ██████'s partially melted laptop in his private quarters. Dr. ██████ had checked SCP-674 out for testing and it was also recovered from his quarters. Dr. ██████'s whereabouts are unknown.
-extending to approximately 13% of the length of the screen itself. Wide screen televisions therefore have a larger blind spot than smaller screens-
-yelling at me from the corner of the screen where I could not shoot h-
-irk would not go down no matter how many shots were fired, they always hit his shoulder or one of the nearby Red Shir-
-cotty is pressed against wall to his left, safe in blind sp-
-pock claims he has "reversed the polarity" on a phas-
SCP-2606 is a drinking glass resembling a conical pint glass, but with a slightly larger capacity of almost exactly 500mL. | ***
Item #: SCP-2606
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2606 is to be contained in a storage locker at Site-45. Permission from the current Site Director is required prior to removing SCP-2606 from its locker for testing purposes. When removing SCP-2606 from its locker, caution must be taken due to its breakable nature. Before and after all testing, SCP-2606 must undergo complete decontamination, in addition to a thorough wash with soap and water, in order to remove all dust, residue, and extraneous liquid.
Description: SCP-2606 is a drinking glass resembling a conical pint glass, but with a slightly larger capacity of almost exactly 500 mL. SCP-2606 is seemingly sculpted from a single large piece of polished amber. Numerous preserved insects, primarily gnats, ants, and beetles, are trapped within the amber that composes SCP-2606. The species present within SCP-2606's amber indicate that the amber originated in the Baltic region of Germany, and is approximately 38 to 48 million years of age. However, the date at which it was polished and reshaped is unknown.
SCP-2606's anomalous effects activate when a human subject ingests the tissues or bodily fluids of animals generally considered "verminous" by eating or drinking them directly from SCP-2606. The animal in question must be one that the subject would not normally eat and that the subject regards with disgust, contempt, or irrational fear1, or that the subject considers a threat to the health and well-being of human beings as a pest, a parasite, or a vector of disease. Animals that have induced the activation of SCP-2606 include bats, most rodents, many scavenging birds (crows, gulls, vultures, etc.), lizards, snakes, numerous frog species2, and almost all invertebrates, with the only exceptions being those that subjects consider "edible" (crabs, snails, squid, etc.).
Consuming animals such as those listed above from SCP-2606 allows the human subject to telepathically detect the mental activity of all living specimens of that animal species within a radius of approximately 10 meters. This ability is exclusively passive; subjects are not capable of communicating their thoughts or mental activity to specimens of these animals. The subject's telepathic detection is constant, and cannot be removed from the subject by any known means.
Ingesting animal components contained in SCP-2606 with the aid of an implement, such as a fork or straw, prevents the manifestation of telepathic effects. Physical contact must occur simultaneously between SCP-2606, the animal component, and the subject for telepathic potential to manifest. In addition, if tissues or bodily fluids from multiple animals are consumed simultaneously by the human subject from SCP-2606, the human subject will manifest telepathic effects for only one of the present animal species. Testing has tentatively concluded that physically larger animal species are dominant over smaller ones, in terms of manifestation priority.
Discovery: Prior to recovery, SCP-2606 was in the possession of a Mr. Lawrence Salk of █████, ██, USA. Mr. Salk was willingly admitted to a mental health care facility on his family's recommendation after he developed psychosomatic skin irritation and began experiencing what he believed to be auditory hallucinations. Embedded Foundation agents conducted an interview with Mr. Salk upon his admittance into psychiatric care, where he remains as of this writing.
Interview Log
Interviewer: Agent Graham
Interviewee: Mr. Salk
<Begin Log>
(Agent Graham enters Mr. Salk's hospital room. Mr. Salk is seated on the bed, itching at his arms.)
Agent Graham: Hello, Mr. Salk.
Mr. Salk: Huh?
Agent Graham: I said hello, Lawrence. I'm Doctor Graham. Do you know where you are right now?
Mr. Salk: Uh… yeah. Yeah, of course. I'm at the hospital. My wife took me here this morning.
Agent Graham: Yes, you're at the hospital. Your wife told me you said you were hearing things?
(Mr. Salk does not answer.)
Agent Graham: Are you hearing them now, Lawrence?
Mr. Salk: What? Oh, uh… I'm sorry, doctor. They're… it's just very distracting.
Agent Graham: What are they saying to you?
Mr. Salk: I don't know. They're always whispering. I keep trying to listen hard, but even when I hear them, I can't understand it. It sounds kind of like chewing. A lot of chewing.
Agent Graham: Alright.
Mr. Salk: That's the thing, too, is that there's so many of them. It sounds like there's a whole crowd of them in there, so they're quiet, but it's still just… overwhelming. That's not… normal, is it? As normal as any of this is, I mean.
Agent Graham: Don't worry about that, Lawrence. We'll do everything we can regardless. Your wife also told me that you developed some skin problems.
(Mr. Salk does not answer.)
Agent Graham: Lawrence?
Mr. Salk: What? I'm sorry. Repeat the question, please?
Agent Graham: You developed skin problems. Agitation, irritation?
Mr. Salk: Oh, yeah, yeah. It's like I feel something crawling on me constantly. It's the worst part, to be honest.
Agent Graham: Now, your wife told me that this came upon you all of a sudden, is that right? Just earlier today?
Mr. Salk: Yes.
Agent Graham: No previous symptoms? No family history of similar conditions?
Mr. Salk: No, no! I just sat down in my chair and took a drink from that glass I found the other day, and all of a sudden I started hearing things.
Agent Graham: Glass?
Mr. Salk: What? Oh, I was cleaning the attic the other day and I found this drinking glass up there. Why, do you-
Agent Graham: Can you tell me more about it?
Mr. Salk: Uh, sure. It was weird. It looked like it had little bugs in it. I mean, not in it in it, but like… inside the glass itself, trapped in there. It was weird, but I liked it. It was unique, you know?
Agent Graham: I see. Go on.
Mr. Salk: So I took it down and washed it out pretty good, and then a few days later I put some beer into it and took a drink, and then right after I started hearing voices. I mean, almost immediately, too. You don't think that's related, do you? The glass wasn't toxic or anything, was it?
Agent Graham: Excuse me for a moment, Lawrence. I have to make a call.
<End Log>
Test Log
All tests were conducted using a different Class D subject unless otherwise noted. Subjects were instructed to ingest the contents of SCP-2606, after which they were presented with a captive living specimen of the animal species they had ingested. Subjects were then instructed to describe the mental activity of the specimen.
Contents: Five hairs from a black rat (Rattus rattus), 300 mL of water
Result: Feelings of cautious curiosity, described by the subject as "dulled" in comparison to his own emotional capacity.
Note: Subjecting the specimen to various stimuli produced the expected emotional responses (fear, happiness, sadness, etc.), which the subject was able to detect. Subject confirmed that all emotional responses were "vague" in comparison to human emotions.
Contents: 20 mL of blood from a Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Result: A feeling of extreme dread that did not subside until the specimen was removed from the subject's presence.
Contents: 10 grams of little brown bat meat (Myotis lucifugus)
Result: Physical sensations occurring in bursts of ten to fifty approximately once every five minutes, described by the subject as an extremely painful "piercing" felt in the entirety of the body simultaneously.
Note: The same Class D subject participated in both this and the previous test in order to determine whether the effects of SCP-2606 were repeatable. Following this test, the subject was able to detect the thoughts of both M. lucifugus and P. montanus.
Contents: 10 grams of common toad meat (Bufo bufo)
Result: A series of staccato bass vibrations that increased in frequency and intensity as the specimen was approached by what it perceived as predators or prey.
Contents: One American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), deceased
Result: A constant physical sensation that did not vary in intensity based on the specimen's external stimuli. Subject described the sensation as "like someone grabbed my brain in both hands and shook it".
Note: Exposure to greater numbers of P. americana caused the sensation to proportionately increase in intensity.
Contents: One northern yellow sac spider (Cheiracanthium mildei), deceased
Result: A visualization of blue-white lines striking across "the inside of (the subject's) head" and remaining present for inconsistent lengths of time3 before fading. Subject claimed that this visualization could not be suppressed and was extremely prominent and distracting. Visualization subsided when the specimen was removed from the subject's presence.
Note: Several days after his participation in SCP-2606 testing, Personnel D-62115 complained of reoccurring visualizations identical to those reported during his SCP-2606 test, and was administered antipsychotic medication.
Contents: One black carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), deceased
Result: Subject reported that the thoughts of worker ants were audible to her as constant low-pitched drones, estimated at 115 dB, and that queen ants produced no mental activity.
Contents: One mayfly (Ephemera danica), deceased
Result: Loud sobbing and hyperventilation, ending when the specimen expired.
Contents: Three proglottids from a beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), deceased
Result: When exposed to a number of living proglottids outside of a host, subject reported three audible notes reminiscent of a marimba, occurring seemingly at random. When exposed to a human host of T. saginata, subject reported a melodious series of marimba-like notes ranging through the entire musical scale.
Contents: One juvenile common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), living
Result: Audible notes described by the subject as similar to "when you blow over the top of a bottle", arranged in palindromic sequences of sixteen. Individual notes were frequently accompanied by between one and eight "echoes". Subject claimed that each note was accompanied by a vivid color, some of which he was unable to adequately describe.
Contents: 400 mL of purified water
Result: A large number of voices4 whispering in a language the subject claimed to be unable to understand, described by the subject as "grumbling" and "unhappy sounding". Subject quickly developed extreme agitation, as well as a constant psychosomatic feeling that insects were crawling on his skin.
Note: Examination revealed that SCP-2606 had not been adequately decontaminated since the previous test, and that dust had been allowed to aggregate in its interior. Greater care is to be taken in the future to clean SCP-2606 between tests.
1. Animals feared by the subject that pose a realistic danger to human life (ex. bears, crocodiles, sharks) do not activate SCP-2606's effects.
2. Frog species commonly regarded as "toads" are more likely to activate SCP-2606's effects.
3. Between 1 second and 3 hours.
4. The subject estimated approximately ████████ voices were audible. |
SCP-1551 is a house located in ████ █████, Argentina. | ***
Item #: SCP-1551
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Two agents are to integrate themselves in the town of ████ █████, Argentina, under civilian guise. Integrating agents are to move into 12 ████ Street, a purchased house, in order to maintain constant surveillance of SCP-1551. Any civilian coming within 30 meters of SCP-1551 are to be questioned and, if not found to be an instance of SCP-1551-X, given a Class-C amnestic and released. New instances of SCP-1551-X are to be interviewed for confirmation of having gone through the events associated with SCP-1551 before being allowed into SCP-1551. At this time, precautions against a resident of SCP-1551 leaving the containment area are not necessary.
Description: SCP-1551 is a house located in ████ █████, Argentina. SCP-1551 is associated with a repetitive sequence of events that target humans, causing them to eventually be forced by circumstance to live in SCP-1551. These humans are individually assigned a number, so that the first known human under SCP-1551 would be referred to as SCP-1551-01, the second human SCP-1551-02, the third as SCP-1551-03 and so on. When the previous human living in SCP-1551 dies, the sequence of events associated with SCP-1551 repeats. According to reports dating as far back as 19██, the events have repeated themselves 23 times, with the current individual being SCP-1551-23. Almost all iterations have begun with the previous individual's suicide, with the only exception being an accident from falling off the roof of SCP-1551 during repairs.
The exact mechanism of these events are currently unknown, with multiple theories being discussed. See Document 1551-01T for more information. A tentative theory of the events associated with SCP-1551 have been established; see Addendum 1551-T for more detail.
SCP-1551 appears as a house in an extremely dilapidated state. The building itself is not known to exhibit anomalous properties apart from those attributed to the events. Research is ongoing; see Interview log 1551-23-02 for more detail. SCP-1551 contains a kitchen, a living room, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The house has no functioning plumbing, heating or electricity. The house itself has only basic furnishings, with the current SCP-1551-23 living primarily in the kitchen. SCP-1551-23 is a male of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, approximately 43 years of age. Subject spends all his time attempting to repair SCP-1551; this task is impossible for a single person. The only time he is seen outside of SCP-1551 is to tend to the backyard garden, the only area of the property not in a state of gross disrepair. SCP-1551-23 is fully cooperative towards any Foundation personnel and has lived on the property for █ years, the longest of any human that has lived in SCP-1551 since coming into Foundation custody (the average being 3 months).
+ Addendum SCP-1551-T
- Close log
Through multiple interviews with humans who have lived in SCP-1551 and the collaborative efforts of Dr. ██, Dr. ██████, and Dr. ████, a tentative theory has been established of the sequence of the events associated with SCP-1551. This sequence is theorized to accommodate minor variations in circumstance and temperament of each instance. This theory states that the purpose of the events is to force a human into a position where occupying SCP-1551 and attempting to repair it unaided is the only option. The sequence comprises two parts. Initially, events place the subject in a situation of relative prosperity; subsequently, this prosperity is taken away. The general process of the events associated with SCP-1551 are as follows.
The first part of the events typically involves moving the targeted human instance to ████ █████, usually through an offer of work. At this point, if the targeted human was close with their family, they have a misunderstanding which causes them to no longer be on speaking terms. The instance eventually meets and marries a resident of ████ █████. If the couple is fertile, they will have a child before part 2 begins.
The second part of the sequence begins with the spouse of the targeted human leaving them. The spouse typically takes most of their wealth. Either shortly before or shortly after, the subject will lose their job and become unable to maintain their current standard of living. At this point they are informed of SCP-1551, which, if repaired, could be bought cheaply and resold for an extremely high price. The targeted human purchases the property over the option of homelessness. If they have any money left, their remaining savings will go towards hiring construction crews which invariably fail for a wide variety of reasons such as fraud, freak accidents, and sudden bankruptcy of the construction company. Once remaining funds are exhausted, they will move into SCP-1551 themselves and attempt to repair it alone. At this point the sequence is considered complete until the death of the instance, initiating another iteration.
+ Interview log 1551-23-01(Translated from Spanish)
- Close log
This interview was to confirm SCP-1551-23's experiencing of the events associated with SCP-1551.
Interviewed: SCP-1551-23
Interviewer: Dr. J██████
<Begin Log>
Dr. J██████: Please state your name for the record.
SCP-1551-23: It's ████ ████████. [agitated] What do you people want? I already have enough to take care of!
Dr. J██████: Calm down. Answer our questions and we'll let you go.
SCP-1551-23: Fine.
Dr. J██████: Tell me how you came to ████ █████. It's pretty far away from where you're from, right? You speak with an accent.
SCP-1551-23: Yes. I'm from ███████. I was looking for work overseas. Got this job offer. Since I already spoke some of the language and they told me I didn't need an interview, I went on over. I worked in manual labor. It was a hard job but it paid well.
Dr. J██████: What're you doing owning such a house? There are some apartments closer to town.
SCP-1551-23: I said was. I'm not working anymore. The company went bankrupt a little while ago. Tried to start a hotel business but stopped because of… other matters.
Dr. J██████: Explain.
SCP-1551-23: [agitated] Do you want every facet of my life?
Dr. J██████: Just answer the question and we'll let you go. This is all confidential.
SCP-1551-23: I met a pretty girl while working. Her name was ████ ███████. We dated and got married when times were good, had a baby. Beautiful little boy. We named him Matthew. Then… One day, ████ woke up and our little Matthew was… [begins to cry] …he wasn't here anymore.
Dr. J██████: Taken?
SCP-1551-23: [agitated, yelling] If by stolen you mean taken by God, you thickheaded bastard! My Matthew was dead! And ████ blamed me! Me! I would never have harmed him! She left me and took half my savings with her! Ran off with some rich asshole! I don't even have enough money to hire a crew for this house anymore! Now leave me alone!
Dr. J██████: Thank you. That'll be all.
<End Log>
+ Interview log 1551-23-02(Translated from Spanish)
- Close log
This interview was initially to question SCP-1551-23 about his experiences in SCP-1551, a year after initial interview.
Interviewed: SCP-1551-23
Interviewer: Dr. J██████
<Begin Log>
Dr. J██████: So tell me about your house.
SCP-1551-23: It's old, probably a century, maybe more. I didn't do the research. Hey, do your goons stash food or something around for me? Especially that man snooping around, the one with the kind smile. Thanks, I appreciate it.
Dr. J██████: Go into more detail.
SCP-1551-23: Don't play dumb with me. Sometimes I find food in crevices, nonperishable canned stuff. Sometimes I can warm them, other times I just open them and eat cold. At first I thought it was just the previous person who lived here and forgot to move out with the food. Then, I'd keep finding food in places. Old shelves I was repairing would happen to have some canned soup tucked in the back. I'd explore that cluttered attic and find another stash of food. It's not enough to keep me full but it's enough to keep me alive. I appreciate it.
Note: Every agent that has been on duty around SCP-1551-23 has denied this claim. The entity further specified does not match the description of any agent on current roster for SCP-1551-23. Possible anomalous activity is currently undergoing investigation.
Dr. J██████: Is there anything else unusual you find while working on your house?
SCP-1551-23: Unusual? Well, it's a pretty old house. There's not like any ghosts you mention or something. This place gets me down though. Every time I feel like I'm going to quit this place and get my act together something comes along and knocks the wind right out of me. Just the other day, I found a newspaper about that bastard and his fat new government contract…
Dr. J██████: Who, exactly?
SCP-1551-23: That guy the whore ran off to after stealing my savings, who else? Anyway, I … I didn't feel much like doing anything else that day. I just sat around the house and looked at my lists.
Dr. J██████: Thank you, that will be all.
<End Log>
End Notes: As a result of this interview, investigations of the potential for anomalous properties manifested by SCP-1551 have been launched as of ██/██/20██. Information on these investigations can be found in Document 1551-I. |
SCP-2068 is a reciprocal pump manufactured by the ███████ Corporation. | ***
Item #: SCP-2068
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2068 is to be contained in a two meter cubed insulated pressurized vault in Site-15 Armed Bio-Containment Area-14. The vault shall be within its own Faraday cage, and no electronics shall be permitted within twenty fifty meters. The interior of the vault shall have a nitrogen atmosphere at 200 kPa pressure, which shall be remotely monitored via analog pressure gauges. The interior of the vault will be visually monitored through a system of mirrors and lenses to keep the cameras outside the prohibited range.
Should the first vacuum seal be broken, backup tertiary seals shall engage and liquid nitrogen pumped into the vault to 10 MPa pressure and 70 Kelvin for forty-eight hours, after which pressure shall be reduced to 25 10 Pascal and temperature raised to 400 525 Kelvin for an additional forty-eight hours. Under no circumstances is atmosphere to be vented, but rather heated to 600 Kelvin converted to ammonia via Haber process and used as fuel.
If secondary seals should fail, storage area shall be sealed, interior heated to 1000 Kelvin and ammonia fuel pumped within the vault. Temperature and sealing should remain in place for twenty-four hours, then additional ammonia fuel pumped in. Should fuel ignite, on-site warhead should be armed and quarantine put into effect, and interior heated to 1800 Kelvin until combustion ceases. Storage area will be evacuated and atmosphere treated to ensure containment, then SCP-2068 Neutralization will be enacted. All surviving personnel will remain in quarantine for two months to verify SCP-2068 has not broken containment, and undergo testing during that time.
Should tertiary seals fail, on-site warhead shall be detonated.
Testing shall be carried out in a shielded room by technical staff D-class under clean bio-hazard level 4 conditions. Presently, all testing requires approval from level 5/2068 aside from remote observation has been suspended and requires majority O5 authorization to resume.
Description: SCP-2068 is a reciprocal pump manufactured by the ███████ Corporation. SCP-2068 was discovered by Coalition Military Forces in █████, Iraq on ██ ███████, 200█ in the possession of militia forces. After a failed remote disruption, in place Foundation assets contained the device and brought the item to Site-15, due to the detection of unique electronic signatures.
Upon examination, Dr. ██████ discovered SCP-2068 contained several biological mechanisms of unknown artifice. Testing showed SCP-2068 to be the housing for a biological computer as well as several other organs linked together by circulatory and nerve analogs. Through experimentation, Dr. ██████ deduced its purpose was to draw in energy and resources from the environment to both make various hydrocarbon compounds as well as to make more versions of itself.
Subsequent interviews suggest that SCP-2068 was to be placed at one of the depleted oil wells in the region in order to revitalize the well and to serve as a covert source of power and revenue. However, further testing showed SCP-2068 had additional abilities, hence the need for more stringent safeguards and procedures.
Addendum 2068-2: On █/█/20██, Site-15 suffered partial containment failure, centered around SCP-2068, SCP-████, SCP-████, and SCP-███. Analysis showed biological contamination by SCP-2068 in █ technicians, showing changes in the limbic system as well as lesions in the gastrointestinal tract. Security footage shows the affected technicians vomiting on security controls, resulting in compromised safeguards and containment failure with ██ casualties, and an additional ██ euthanized due to spreading contamination even after surgical removals of affected tissues. Furthermore, █ medical personnel were infected.
SCP-2068 shall have its containment upgraded and sent to ABCA-14, effective immediately. Upgrade to Keter denied.
"Clever of it. SCP-2068 appears to be aware of its surroundings and able to act upon them. What is its purpose? Could it be sentient, self-aware, or even sapient?" – Dr. ███████
Addendum 2068-3: Infected medical personnel were placed under quarantine and observed remotely. Each instance attempted to escape, using a variety of chemical attacks on their isolation cells. One instance self-detonated, apparently to give other instances improved odds to escape. Containment held. All instances euthanized and incinerated.
Addendum 2068-5: Per Dr. ███████'s request, Testing of SCP-2068 shall resume under MOPP-4 conditions using D-Class personnel. Foundation personnel shall watch remotely outside the twenty meter effect.
Addendum 2068-9: Per the events of ██/██/20██, whereupon partial containment failure occurred at ABCA-14, resulting in ███ Foundation casualties, all testing of SCP-2068 has ceased. The vivisection and autopsy reports of all D-Class on site will be Overseer Eyes Only until further notice.
Addendum 2068-10: Requires O5 Authorization
Authorization approved, thank you.
Executive Summary: ABCA-14 Containment Breach, 13/10/2013
Sixteen D-Class and twelve Foundation personnel corpses were recovered, and five living D-Class and fourteen Foundation personnel survivors were discovered to be infected with SCP-2068-1. The apparent vector for the physiological changes in those exposed to SCP-2068, SCP-2068-1 is a protein-sheathed organic molecule that acts much like a virus, with three noteworthy differences.
First, SCP-2068-1 can target any organic substance to either make copies of itself, consume for fuel or to build a wide variety of chemical structures. Second, SCP-2068-1 is capable of self-propulsion in most fluids as well as air. Third, SCP-2068-1 is capable of a high level of coordination and networking with other instances, so that clusters of SCP-2068-1 may act in concert to either make broad physiological changes, to subsume the consciousness of its living host and replace it with its own, or even to use dead tissue as a vehicle to move and protect itself.
SCP-2068-1 is nearly impossible to detect due to its size as well as the fact that it appears to exhibit polymorphism, changing its own structure as needed. Currently, the only means to detect whether an individual has been infected is through MRI, and only when structures can be detected by either the naked eye or through electromagnetic emissions. The Overseer Council recommended the autopsy and vivisection information to be sealed. The fate of those personnel who dealt with the containment breach was voted on, with a 8-5 decision against euthanasia.
All survivors of the containment breach and those who came into contact with them have been reclassified as SCP-2068-2, the designation for potentially infected, and are in permanent quarantine.
Addendum 2068-11: Timeline of events leading to partial containment failure, ██/██/20██
1753: 2 D-Class under security escort to SCP-2068 underwent detonation while within six meters of Security Station Three. Post mortem showed significant portions of their bodies had been converted to various explosive and incendiary compounds.
1755: ███ D-Class in three separate areas began behaving aggressively, resulting in riots. Post mortem showed extensive modification to the endocrine system as well as to the limbic system, which led to excessive bursts of strength and speed without concern for self-harm. Furthermore, ██ D-class reanimated after apparent death several minutes later, acting as sources for chemical, explosive and incendiary attacks against facility and personnel.
1804: Hampered by fires and suicide bombings by D-Class, Foundation first response personnel encountered poisonous and acidic compounds sprayed out by injured, dying and reanimated rioters. This reduced effectiveness of MOPP gear as well as caused █ Foundation security to spontaneously combust several minutes after contact.
1810: Security personnel from Security Station Three arrive on scene, begin to open fire on Foundation first response team. Reanimation determined to be by SCP-2068 with the corpses serving as ablative armor, fuel, and factory for reproduction. Incendiary weapons proven most effective over standard firearms and other means. Conventional explosives served only as a means to spread SCP-2068.
1820: Foundation forces partially restored containment, on-site warhead remained armed.
2130: Containment restored.
Addendum 2068-12: Upgrade to Keter approved. A moratorium on testing SCP-2068 has been declared, pending O5 approval. Neutralization denied, due to possible similarities to activities in Ecuador. What appear to have been cosmetic improvements in Sucumbíos by C██████ Inc. now show significant changes in the local ecology with similarities noted in post mortem per the events of ██/██/20██. Unfortunately, due to the on-going legal battles and pervasive interference by foreign nationals, the Foundation is unable to more closely investigate this matter. |
SCP-126 is a close friend or loved one. | ***
Item #: SCP-126
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-126 is kept within a standard Euclid-class Humanoid Containment Cell despite not having needs consistent with that of a normal human or any kind of nourishment as this environment has proven the most effective in keeping SCP-126 contained.
In case of a containment breach, acoustic sensors embedded within SCP-126's containment cell as well as the entire wing in which SCP-126's cell is housed can be used to locate SCP-126. Firm but polite verbal requests for SCP-126 to return to its cell are to be given until it complies.
Personnel interacting with SCP-126 must undergo regular psychiatric screening and personnel exhibiting emotional attachment to SCP-126 must be administered a Class B amnestic and reassigned.
Description: SCP-126 is an invisible and intangible entity that can only be identified via sound. SCP-126 is sentient, with the ability to speak in multiple languages in a female voice and engage in conversation with any subject within range. To date, no method by which SCP-126 can be visually detected has been devised as SCP-126 does not appear to emit any kind of light, radiation, heat or electromagnetic energy. SCP-126 does appear to occupy an area, as evidenced by the ability to triangulate its suggested location via its voice. SCP-126 also emits sound when moving consistent with footsteps made by a human subject wearing high heels with a mass of approximately 55 to 60 kg, though no depressions can be seen in any floor materials and pressure sensors do not register any kind of presence. SCP-126 cannot pass through barriers that would prevent a normal human subject from passing (such as a closed door), but solid objects can be pushed through the space it occupies without any effect. For unknown reasons, SCP-126 will comply with any request for it to follow a specific human subject or move to a specific location without question, though it may move away afterwards or if it is not able to "physically" comply with the request.
SCP-126 will engage in conversation with any personnel within its containment cell, preferring topics such as art, nature and philosophy. SCP-126 exhibits knowledge of current topics and intelligence consistent with that of a college graduate as well as moderate attention-deficit disorder; SCP-126 will regularly change language without reason and stray off-topic while conversing without warning. Attempts to question SCP-126 about its origin or nature have been unsuccessful as SCP-126 becomes confused when presented with such questions and will quickly stray away from the topic. Despite not appearing to use or need any furniture or appliances, SCP-126 will request such items as a bed, dresser, mirror and other sundries if not present and is more likely to stay within a room if such items are available.
A small number of personnel exhibit anomalous behavior after engaging in conversation with SCP-126, including but not limited to believing that they have known SCP-126 for many years and that SCP-126 is a close friend or loved one. If not treated, these subjects will begin to ignore basic needs in order to continue conversing with SCP-126, eventually dying from dehydration or starvation.
SCP-126 was discovered in a suburban home in [REDACTED] after several reports of the house being haunted. A Foundation containment team was able to quickly locate SCP-126 and, after conversing for several minutes, convinced SCP-126 to enter a mobile containment unit which was used to transfer it to a local Foundation containment site.
Addendum 126-01: Researcher Note
To date, conversations with SCP-126 have yielded several notable personality traits:
SCP-126 is mildly arachnophobic and will move away from any specimens introduced to its containment cell.
SCP-126 exhibits a desire to assist with any task which it believes it can be of help, despite being unable to manipulate objects.
SCP-126 prefers to converse with male subjects that exhibit humor and intelligence.
SCP-126 expresses a desire to have children and has conversed with staff on several occasions regarding child care methodology.
SCP-126 has the ability to fluently speak English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and at least three (3) other unknown languages.
Dr. █████████
Senior Researcher |
SCP-3134 is a large mammalian creature of black colouration, weighing 460kg with a standing height of 2m and a length of 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-3134
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As removing SCP-3134 from its current habitat is impractical at this time, containment is instead to focus on keeping it from exiting Zone 29-Job. Containment teams in the area are to maintain their assigned front ('Department of Mine Clearance'), while patrolling said Zone regularly to maintain SCP-3134's containment. Zone 29-Job is currently defined as region near Verdun, France, publicly referred to as 'Zone Rouge'; an area environmentally devastated by combat during World War I.
As tourist activity was present in Zone 29-Job before the existence of SCP-3134 came to light, it is currently not feasible to remove civilian presence from the area. Instead, tourist presence in Zone 29-Job is to be influenced away from areas in the Zone frequented by SCP-3134. Any civilians who do report sightings of SCP-3134 are to be dosed with Class-A amnestics by on-site plainclothes personnel immediately.
Local spiritual clean-up organizations (See Addendum 3134-1) are to be monitored for any activity or communications regarding SCP-3134, and any suspected action on their part is to be neutralized at the first opportunity.
Food appropriate for SCP-3134, as dictated by Nutritional Chart 3134-1, is to be placed periodically within the center of Zone 29-Job in order to influence its movements. Planning and construction for permanent containment of SCP-3134 in an on-site facility is ongoing, and expected to be complete soon.
Description: SCP-3134 is a large mammalian creature of black colouration, weighing 460kg with a standing height of 2m and a length of 2.6m. It appears to have suffered severe injuries in the past, including lacerations, burns and severe bruising throughout its body. SCP-3134 possesses features from a wide number of species, including multiple horns and antlers on its head, growths throughout its body resembling human facial features, and overall morphology similar to that of a bear. Despite these features, DNA analysis has revealed that SCP-3134 is genetically identical to a common rabbit.
Current evidence suggests that SCP-3134 can only survive within the bounds of Zone 29-Job. When removed from Zone 29-Job, SCP-3134 exhibits symptoms consistent with respiratory difficulties, followed by severe seizures and existing burns spreading over its body. These symptoms reverse themselves upon SCP-3134's return to Zone 29-Job. While it is unknown whether these symptoms would result in SCP-3134's death, it has been determined that testing of that nature presents an unacceptable level of risk to further SCP-3134 study.
Observation by on-site personnel has revealed that SCP-3134's diet consists mainly of unexploded shells, grenades and human remains. Although the first of these invariably explode during consumption by SCP-3134, it will quickly regenerate from such injuries.1 While SCP-3134 will not actively seek out humans, it does display severe hostility when it encounters them, often attempting to maul or otherwise attack them. SCP-3134 appears to prefer resting in trenches left from battles within Zone 29-Job.
Despite its animalistic behaviour and aggression, SCP-3134 has been known to display signs of intelligence, primarily through the forms of emotional response to presented media. (See Interview 3134-1)
Interview 3134-1:
On 12/08/2010, analysis of SCP-3134's living area while it was away feeding revealed what appeared to be a collection of photographs, arranged in a loose pile, believed to have been originally left behind by soldiers serving in the area which became Zone 29-Job. As SCP-3134 had not demonstrated such behaviour with any other items in Zone 29-Job2, this was taken as possible evidence that SCP-3134 had higher levels of intelligence than originally believed, as well as a possible connection to the history of Zone 29-Job.
As a test of SCP-3134's intellectual capacity and the nature of its connection to Zone 29-Job, approval was given for an experimental interview to be conducted by the Abnormal Interrogations Department. Through the efforts of MTF-Psi-2 ("The Answer"), SCP-3134 was temporarily restrained in a manner suited for interview3 forest within Zone 29-Job. Interview was conducted via SCP-3134 being presented with several enlarged photographs by Dr McCall to test for emotional response. Although most presented photographs yielded no clear results, the following stimuli resulted in abnormal responses:
Photograph of one of the individuals who attempted to enter Zone 29-Job to neutralize SCP-3134. (See Addendum 3134-1)
Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph.
Photograph of a field in the French countryside.
Curiosity response. SCP-3134 attempted to sniff and further inspect photograph.
Photograph of a World War I-era combat boot.
Fear response. SCP-3134 turned away from the photograph and cowered.
Photograph of a field in the British countryside.
Confusion response. SCP-3134 ignored the photograph after several seconds of inspection.
Photograph of a German soldier deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job.
Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph.
Photograph of Georges Clemenceau, Prime Minister of France during World War I.
Unknown response. SCP-3134 attempted to adopt a bipedal stance for several minutes before resuming normal behaviour.
Photograph of an officer in the French army deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job.
Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph.
Photograph of a World War I-era rifle.
Unknown response. SCP-3134 attempted to take photograph from Dr McCall using front paws, looked at it for several minutes further when provided, then dropped it to the ground and resumed normal behaviour.
Photograph of a French soldier deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job.
Sadness response. SCP-3134 lay down and whimpered until the photograph was removed.4
Shortly after the final photograph was presented, SCP-3134 broke through its restraints and escaped into the surrounding forests. Construction of a covert installation in Zone 29-Job dedicated to containing SCP-3134 was approved after this point.
Addendum 3134-1: On ██/██/20██, several professional exorcists associated with the PWSSR5 attempted to infiltrate Foundation-controlled areas of Zone 29-Job in a presumed effort to neutralize SCP-3134. These individuals were intercepted, dosed with Class-B amnestics and released.6 Investigation is ongoing regarding how this group gained knowledge of SCP-3134.
Several items of interest were retrieved from these individuals while in custody, including several coded crystal matrixes7, large amounts of holy water and refined chalk, as well as a copy of A.A. Gilford's Guide to Feral Exorcism: Eviscerating Malevolent Spirits from Animals8.
1. Curiously enough, SCP-3134 does not display these regenerative abilities after undergoing any other type of injury.
2. Including modern photographs dropped by tourists in the area.
3. Secured to the ground via bindings around its torso, allowing it only limited movement.
4. SCP-3134 gave an identical response to photographs of other soldiers who had been deployed to the area.
5. The Post-War Society for Spiritual Restoration, one of several societies formed after World War I to restore areas of France spiritually affected, through exorcism and other thaumaturgical means.
6. Although normal policy would dictate a more severe response, this measure was taken so as to not initiate hostilities with the PWSSR, an organization with primarily good relations with the Foundation.
7. A method of data-storage popular among thaumaturgical organizations in which information is stored in a crystalline form, usually worn as a necklace or ring.
8. Copies of this text are currently available in the Foundation's Thaumaturgical Database. |
SCP-521 is a red postbox, of a design commonly used in the United Kingdom by Royal Mail. | ***
Items Locker 15 at Site-39. The battery level of the GPS beacon attached to SCP-521 should be checked monthly, with a new module fitted as relevant. The steel plate covering the letter slot of SCP-521 is to remain in place outside of authorized testing.
After activation, SCP-521 is to be retrieved from its new location and returned to storage with a new covering plate. SCP-521-1 onwards are to be held in Archive 4 of Site-39, with digital copies made available on the Foundation intranet. Access to these documents is not restricted (with the exception of SCP-521-27, see below).
Description: SCP-521 is a red postbox, of a design commonly used in the United Kingdom by Royal Mail. Retrieved from ██████████, England, test results show SCP-521 does not differ in composition from a standard post box of the same design. SCP-521-X refers to the items received during activation of SCP-521, see below for more information.
SCP-521-X are to be denoted numerically and stored per procedures above when retrieved.
When a letter ('letter' here defined as a piece of paper contained within a suitable, addressed envelope) is inserted through the letter slot of SCP-521, the anomalous effects of the object will activate. No other items inserted into SCP-521 will cause activation of the object. All letters must be addressed from one (1) subject to another directly. Letters sent from a singular subject to a company or representative of a company do not cause SCP-521 activation, or vice-versa.
Up to 24 hours after time of posting (regardless of stamp value used), the posted item will arrive at its destination, along with any other standard mail items. The postmark on the envelope is not that of the Royal Mail company, but one similar to [REDACTED]. However the original letter posted will not be found inside the envelope, instead replaced with an instance of SCP-521-X.
SCP-521-X appear to be letters written during periods of conflict, often addressed from combatants to family members or friends. Comparison of historical records places the bulk of SCP-521-X items as occurring during World Wars 1 and 2, see Addendum 521-E for examples. An exception is SCP-521-27, see Addendum 521-7 for more information.
A current theory suggests the items retrieved during testing are letters originally undelivered. Foundation researchers are currently attempting to trace possible relatives of the writers to verify this hypothesis.
Once a suitable letter has been posted and delivered, SCP-521 will disappear from its current position, and reappear elsewhere inside an urban location within 150km. Its current method of movement is unknown; however, any obstruction to the letter slot is removed during transit. No other parts of SCP-521 are affected during its transit. Any mail items posted between activation and delivery will be processed normally. After SCP-521 has completed a transition to another area, its effect will activate on the next suitable piece of mail.
Addendum 521-E: Below are short excerpts from letters received during testing of SCP-521. Copies of the original letters are available to be viewed on the Foundation intranet.
I told you in my airgraph a little about the journey here. Of course, I must not mention place names or any vital details. The boat trip did not seem overlong in spite of the confined space and lack of anything really important to do, but for part of the trip I acted as one of the anti aircraft gunners, doing two four hour turns of watch duty in every twenty-four, one of these, of course, during the night.
Dear Mum, Dad
You must by now be concerned, not having had a letter from me for such a long time. Well the news of the landings in Italy must by now be well known all over England, so I am able to tell you that about seventy lads including myself were drafted into the Foresters to make them up to strength for the assault at Salerno. We only knew that it was for real when a dive bomber shot at us in the landing craft.
SCP-521-31 Redaction present on original letter.
My dearest Pammie,
Thank you for your letter, giving me all the news. I can now give you a little more news from this side.
We have just finished five weeks at ██████ ████ and are at the moment enjoying a rest by the Baltic coast, in the ██████ area. We were given the ██████ job a couple of days after the place was captured and we stayed to burn the pestilential huts to the ground - about five weeks altogether.
Addendum 521-27: During test SCP-521-D4, the retrieved letter was dissimilar to previous examples. Only a short fragment of text was recoverable from SCP-521-27 due to fire damage.
Veronica, I send this letter as it may be my last. I'm passing it onto a civilian detachment headed away from the containment zone in the hopes it reaches you safely. I can't say much, but I just want you to know that I love you so much. I'm sorry for what has happened, I couldn't tell you before all this, but it's our faul-
The letter is written on the reverse of a Kellogg's 'Coco Pops' brand cereal box. The partial expiry date present gives an estimated production date of January 21██. The date of the letter's writing is currently unknown. |
SCP-221 is a pair of tweezers made out of gold, made in the 16th or 17th century. | ***
Item #: SCP-221
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-221 is to be kept in a locked container where it cannot be removed except for further testing by Security Clearance Level 2 Personnel. The container is a 15.25 cm by 15.25 cm steel box with a cushioned interior, with an internal locking system. The container is to be placed in a locked room, with a guard to ensure that SCP-221 is not taken.
Description: SCP-221 is a pair of tweezers made out of gold, made in the 16th or 17th century. After subject testing it was noted that the damaged areas which had been used to gather material samples were smaller than they had been prior to the test. It is currently theorized that SCP-221 uses the minute amounts of gold in the human body to regenerate damage to itself.
Subject testing revealed that SCP-221 creates a highly focused case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in any person which uses it on their own body. Subjects will utilize SCP-221 to slowly remove any and all hair from their body, before removing finger and toenails, as well as teeth, culminating with the removal of organs, both the external, such as the eyes and skin, and the internal, such as the liver and pancreas, using their hands if SCP-221 is not effective (though SCP-221 will never be set aside during this process, and remains gripped in one of the subject's hands). If SCP-221 is taken away from the subject, they become violent and manic, and will use their hands to continue the process, albeit in a less careful manner. It is to be noted that the progression of this behavior is different for each subject, but no less fatal.
SCP-221 came into Foundation possession after reports of a human being who was [DATA EXPUNGED]. Foundation personnel retrieved SCP-221 within 10 hours of the original report.
Test Log 221-1: The test subject, a Class-D, was ordered to use SCP-221 to remove his eyebrow hair. While the subject was initially unenthusiastic about his task, after the first 10 minutes he began to more actively pluck out his own eyebrow hair, and after completely denuding his brow, moved on to plucking out his eyelashes, despite repeated assertions that the test was over. When released after SCP-221 was taken out of the room, he began to pluck out his eyelashes with his own fingers, completely removing all of them before moving on to his toenails. The subject completely removed his toe and fingernails, before yelling and smashing his own face against a wall. The reason for this outburst became apparent when he reached into his mouth and began ripping out his now loosened teeth. Eventually the subject died from blood loss and shock, halfway through the task of pulling out his own internal organs.
Test Log 221-2: The test subjects were two Class-D personnel, Test Subject 1, ordered to use SCP-221 on the other Class-D, Test Subject 2. After 15 minutes, the test subjects began to argue about how the holder of SCP-221 was using it on the other. The test subjects began to fight for use of SCP-221, Test Subject 1 used SCP-221 to stab Test Subject 2 through the eye, piercing into the brain, immediately killing him. Test Subject 1 began to use SCP-221 to remove his own eyelashes, continuing to his teeth and eyes. Test Subject 1 died of blood loss, after removing 73% of the skin on his body. |
SCP-4136 is a phenomenon among children between the ages of five and thirteen wherein individuals receive undisclosed information relating to the Nintendo Corporation or its subsidiaries, in addition to the appearance of SCP-4136-1. | ***
Item#: SCP-4136
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Information relating to SCP-4136 is to be suppressed on public and private platforms. Additionally, Foundation elements are to examine national and local health services for unusual reports of individuals experiencing a phenomenon similar to SCP-4136, along with local law enforcement reports from concerned parents regarding their child being stalked. If encountered, subjects are to be transferred to a Foundation front therapist service for future analysis. SCP-4136-2 instances are to be placed into containment at Site-43 Low Priority Wing-C.
Description: SCP-4136 is a phenomenon among children between the ages of five and thirteen wherein individuals receive undisclosed information relating to the Nintendo Corporation or its subsidiaries, in addition to the appearance of SCP-4136-1. SCP-4136-1 often delivers this information through the United States Postal Service in addition to SCP-4136-2.
Subjects affected by SCP-4136 report that SCP-4136-1 is a biological uncle, despite having no previous interactions with said individual. SCP-4136-1's is described as a middle aged balding male at 1.5 meters tall, lacking any facial hair, with ethnicity varying based off location of manifestation.
SCP-4136-2 are modified Nintendo related products delivered to affected subjects in addition to undisclosed information. Instances are often hidden in subjects' rooms in obscure locations.
SCP-4136 was first discovered in 1985 following various reports from adoptive parents of their children interacting with an unidentified individual. Following this and other similar phenomena across North America, SCP-4136 was classified, and the Nintendo Co. was contacted along with localized branches.
Nintendo Co. has refused to cooperate with Foundation elements.
Addendum-4136.I — SCP-4136-2 instances
SCP-4136-2 description
Attached documents
Two recent copies of Nintendo Power. Includes an additional five pages on a nonexistent Nintendo port of the Sega Genesis game Pauper: Rise of the Monster King.
" i give you missing copies"
Ghostbusters for the NES, one years prior to the creation of the film of the same name.
Ghostbusters theme plays only once before stopping.
"u like busters no?"
Duck Hunt game manual. Contains handwritten notes describing how to skin various animals (ranging from mice to dogs). Instructional images included.
Few examples of non-anomalous SCP-4136-2 instances.
"hunting materials?"
NES 'Zapper' accessory. Contains elongated human neural tissue (in lieu of circuitry). When used, subjects experience epileptic seizures that continue until physical or brain death. The accuracy of the device is imprecise and unreliable. The inaccuracy of the device has only increased over time.
DNA analysis indicates tissue belongs to multiple distinct persons.
"parents are a bother aren't they?"
Nintendo Entertainment System controller. Insides are filled with a variety of miniature human organs and bones. Subjects holding controller feel organs pulsating.
Attempting to open controller results in high-pitched screaming.
"ignore smell"
SNES 'Super Scope' accessory. All living creatures fired upon undergo an abrupt high-pressure inter-cranial eruption. Targeted tissue becomes weightless and floats in the air.
Originally used to kill thirteen bullies of recipient. Bodies are believed to have just entered the mesosphere.
"show them what an air head looks like sarah"
Sega Genesis made entirely from the flesh of Minoru Arakawa, former President of Nintendo of America.1 When the components are opened up, Arakawa's face is visible, with the mouth acting as the entrance for the game, with two ports. It is unknown if Arakawa is sapient. Arakawa is capable of locomotion via flesh manipulation, often treading along the ground. Classified as Object-999.
Arakawa's vital signs suggest a long existence.
See Addendum.II.
Addendum-4136.II — Correspondence
Subject-21, a nine-year-old child affected by SCP-4136 was asked by a Foundation therapist to write a letter to SCP-4136-1.
dear uncle
my thereapist told me to talk to you. i have been thinking for a long time about you, and i have never gained the trust to tell you. who are your parents? my mommy and daddy told me that they cannot remember your parents, and i tried looking into our family history and you arent there so if you could tell me who your parents are i would be happy cause its really bothering me
Three days after this letter was written and placed into the mail, Subject-21 received Object-999.
The following note was attached.
my uncle from nintendo
Future tests are pending.
1. Minoru Arakawa was discovered to have most of his chest's flesh removed from him on [REDACTED] after the Foundation interviewed him. Arakawa claimed he had always had the stitches, contradicting claims from colleague prior to his resignation in 2002. |
SCP-3705 is a cross constructed out of twigs. | ***
Item #: SCP-3705
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3705's cape and the cassette tapes found at the site of SCP-3705's neutralization are to be contained in standard containment lockers.
Description: SCP-3705 was an approximately 1.8 meter tall, animate scarecrow composed of wood and straw. SCP-3705 was outfitted with a straw hat, a white shirt, and a green floral-print cape worn around its neck. SCP-3705 possessed multiple scorch marks on its body and clothing, and SCP-3705's clothing was torn in various locations. SCP-3705 was capable of sight and hearing despite having possessed no discernible organs or mechanisms that enabled these senses.
Eight arachnoid legs composed of wood were attached to SCP-3705's torso, measuring approximately 1.25 meters. Each of SCP-3705's legs have joints that appear to have been created via infliction of damage to each leg, as each leg appeared to have been forcefully bent from a previously straight structure into its jointed structure. At the end of each leg was a hole of unknown depth. SCP-3705 was capable of expelling water from each of these holes. It is unknown how the water SCP-3705 expelled was acquired.
On 3/27/2004, SCP-3705 was discovered by the Foundation when SCP-3705's appearance was reported at a forest fire located at [REDACTED] by undercover operatives working as helicopter pilots for local news stations. MTF Epsilon-14 ("Out of the Frying Pan") was deployed to contain SCP-3705. SCP-3705 ignited and was destroyed before MTF Epsilon-14 reached SCP-3705's location.
During further inspection after the fire was extinguished, a cardboard box was found at the area of SCP-3705's neutralization. Within the box were 17 video cassette tapes and the cape worn by SCP-3705. The cassette tapes contained videos showing footage of various events involving SCP-3705. A title for each cassette tape was written on a piece of masking tape attached to each cassette tape.
▼ Show Cassette Tape Content ▼
▲ Hide Cassette Tape Content ▲
1 - A Hero's Beginnings
SCP-3705 approaches and waters a sunlit field of soil by expelling water from its legs.
SCP-3705 is not wearing its cape. Burn marks are not present on SCP-3705, and holes are not present on SCP-3705's clothing.
2 - A Gardener's Duties
The setting is identical to that of 1. SCP-3705 faces towards the field motionless. A northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) descends from above and attempts to eat a seed beneath the soil. SCP-3705 approaches the northern cardinal, and it flies away from SCP-3705.
3 - A Gardener's Triumph
The setting is identical to that of 1 and 2. Fully grown sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are present within the field of soil. SCP-3705 waters them.
4 - A Gardener's Woe
The setting is identical to that of 1, 2, and 3. Strong wind and rain are present. All of the sunflowers are uprooted by the wind. SCP-3705 approaches the field from off-screen. SCP-3705 inspects the scene before kneeling. It is believed that this is an expression of sorrow.
5 - A Hero's Atonement
SCP-3705 waters a field of soil in a different location than in 1, 2, 3, and 4.
SCP-3705 begins wearing its cape.
6 - A Hero's Duties
The setting is identical to that of 5. Strong wind and rain, similar to the wind and rain in 4, are present. Marigolds (Calendula officinalis) are growing within the field. SCP-3705 kneels over the marigolds furthest towards the direction the wind is blowing from.
7 - A Hero's Triumph
The setting is identical to that of 5 and 6. SCP-3705 is in the same position as it was in 6. SCP-3705 leaves its position to inspect the field. No marigolds are in a considerably worse condition than they were in 6.
8 - A Hero's Help
SCP-3705 approaches seven potted tulips (Tulipa gesneriana) on the grass overshadowed by a nearby tree. SCP-3705 carries each pot away from the shade of the tree to a sunlit area on the grass.
9 - A Hero's Protection
The setting is identical to that of 8. A branch on the tree in 8 detaches from the tree and falls towards the potted tulips. SCP-3705 appears from off-screen and strikes the falling branch with its legs, causing the branch to land away from the tulips.
10 - A Hero's Condolences
SCP-3705 walks past the front of a house and enters the backyard of the house. Within the backyard is a garden containing angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia), cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), and snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus), each of which show signs of dilapidation. SCP-3705 waters the garden.
Analysis of the house indicates that it was inhabited by Terrence Marley, who passed away on 3/6/2004 at the age of 62.
11 - A Hero's Mettle
The setting is identical to that of 10. SCP-3705 monitors the garden. Six Canada geese (Branta canadensis) approach the garden from off-screen. SCP-3705 approaches the geese to ward them off. The geese do not leave. SCP-3705 moves closer to the geese, at which point the geese begin honking and fly towards SCP-3705. The geese land upon and begin pecking at SCP-3705.
12 - A Hero's Reward
The setting is identical to that of 10 and 11. SCP-3705 is laying upon the ground. SCP-3705 stands up and inspects the garden. All plants are in the same condition they were in 11.
Holes are now present on SCP-3705's clothing.
13 - A Hero's Gesture
A male child and a female child water a garden of pasture roses (Rosa carolina) using watering cans. Both children expend their can's supply of water, place their can on the ground, and walk off-screen. SCP-3705 approaches the cans and refills them.
14 - A Hero's Life
SCP-3705 enters a burning house through its open patio door. SCP-3705 enters a dining room and maneuvers past burning furniture to reach a staircase. SCP-3705 ascends the staircase, parts of its body and clothes igniting as it does. As SCP-3705 reaches the top of the staircase, it expels highly pressurized water at itself to douse the flames on its body and clothing. SCP-3705 enters what appears to be a child's bedroom almost completely engulfed in flames. SCP-3705 begins to approach a potted carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) placed upon a window sill facing the entrance to the room. As SCP-3705 moves towards it, a burning ceiling fan falls from the ceiling and lands in front of SCP-3705. As SCP-3705 steps backwards, a large portion of the ceiling collapses. A part of the collapsed ceiling lands on the carnation, bringing it to the floor. SCP-3705 is unharmed by the collapse of the ceiling, and climbs over the wreckage of the ceiling and begins digging through it. SCP-3705 continues digging until the siren of a firetruck is heard. SCP-3705 leaves the room.
Burn marks are present on SCP-3705 after SCP-3705 reaches the top of the staircase.
15 - A Gardener's Requiem
SCP-3705 stands in front of the house in 14, the fire now extinguished. Placed in the grass in front of SCP-3705 is a cross constructed out of twigs. The twigs are bound to each other by a sunflower (Helianthus annuus) grown near the cross, wrapping around the two twigs.
SCP-3705 is no longer wearing its cape.
16 - A Gardener's Choice
SCP-3705 walks up a hill. Smoke billows in the distance to the right of SCP-3705. SCP-3705 turns to the right and sees a forest fire.
17 - A Hero's Fervor
This tape depicts the events leading up to and during SCP-3705's neutralization. SCP-3705 runs through the burning forest. During this time, the Foundation is alerted to SCP-3705 presence, and MTF Epsilon-14 is deployed and sent to the forest. SCP-3705 reaches an area completely engulfed in flames. SCP-3705 expels highly pressurized water into the fire, creating an opening in the fire. SCP-3705 continues running through the opening, extinguishing any fire that comes near. SCP-3705 arrives at a large field of early dog-violets (Viola reichenbachiana) that the fire has not reached. SCP-3705 quickly waters the violets. As SCP-3705 finishes watering the violets, the fire reaches the field. The field is quickly engulfed in flames. Due to unknown reasons, the violets are not visibly damaged by the fire. SCP-3705 moves to the middle of the field and attempts to fend off the fire by expelling highly pressurized water into it, but fails to extinguish the fire. SCP-3705 ignites and is completely engulfed in flames. SCP-3705 remains motionless as it burns. The view of SCP-3705 is obscured by flames as the video ends.
SCP-3705 is wearing its cape throughout the video. The field of violets in the video disappeared following SCP-3705's neutralization. The cause of its disappearance has been determined as not due to the fire, as the area in which the violets existed shows no signs of fire-related damage.
The following message was found written on the inside of the cape with black ink.
▼ Show Message ▼
▲ Hide Message ▲
You have the tapes
That show this guardian's cause
Not all heroes wear capes
But this one does
Are We Cool Yet? |
SCP-2257 is a one bedroom, two bathroom home in a suburban development located in ██████, Wisconsin. | ***
Item #: SCP-2257
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2257 currently belongs to the Foundation, under a constructed identity. In order to maintain a perimeter, a fence is installed around most of the property, and a security team is posted in the residence directly across the road. The lawn is to be mowed once a week, and the lights set on a timer to turn on and off at appropriate times to give the appearance of occupancy.
Description: SCP-2257 is a one bedroom, two bathroom home in a suburban development located in ██████, Wisconsin. The exterior presents no anomalous properties. The interior is normally furnished for a suburban home.
Approximately 48 hours after entering SCP-2257 by any means, all objects and entities become an instance of SCP-2257-1. SCP-2257-1 refers to anomalous items (most commonly furniture or household appliances) found within SCP-2257. SCP-2257-1 instances are sapient and capable of speech in English. Subjects converted into SCP-2257-1 instances do not physically change, but gain individualized personalities, voices, and consciousnesses separate from other instances, although interviews imply a telepathic communication between instances.
All instances of SCP-2257-1 claim to be the sole deity of their respective physical representation. For example, SCP-2257-1-23 is a tan, suede armchair that claims to be the "god of chairs". Other than these properties, instances of SCP-2257-1 have shown no other anomalous qualities. At the time of writing, however, testing has consisted only of inanimate objects. It has been implied however by instances of SCP-2257-1 that a living entity could become another instance of SCP-2257-1. (See Addendum)
The instances of SCP-2257-1 maintain a set of order throughout SCP-2257, often rearranging themselves when shifted to reattain their state of balance. For example, when the cutlery normally set in the dining room is rearranged, instances of SCP-2257-1 become agitated until they are able to return to the formal cutlery arrangement by fine dining standards in the United States of America (the salad fork must be on the far left, the dinner fork beside it, etc).
All instances of SCP-2257-1 are capable of rearranging themselves when left unobserved. When objects and entities that are not currently an instance of SCP-2257-1 enter the premises, instances will try to deter the subject from remaining within the home until the 48-hour threshold has passed, at which point the new instance is welcomed, so long as another occurrence of the same object does not already exist. Instances of SCP-2257-1 will rearrange themselves in ineffectual attempts to menace or otherwise deter objects that are deemed useless or extraneous.
+ Interviews with SCP-2257-1
- Hide Interviews
Interviewed: SCP-2257-1-23, "god of chairs"
Interviewer: Doctor B█████
Foreword: Note that Doctor B█████ sat in the chair for the duration of the interview.
<Begin Log, 13:04:12
Dr B█████: You believe to be the, as you put it, "god of chairs". On what basis do you make this statement?
SCP-2257-1-23: I am the lord of upholstery, the king of comfort, and master of laziness! I am the superior seat, and He names me the Chair God! Unlike the damnable gobshite in the room adjacent.
SCP-2257-1-35, "god of toilets": I heard that, you deluded sinner! I am the Toilet God, and I bless your leavings!
Dr B█████: He?
SCP-2257-1-23: Our grand protector, House God! He is our home and our one true king.
SCP-2257-1-35: And I his most loyal of seating arrangements, not you, you gluttonous behemoth! Human, come hither, and experience the most incredulous of excretory experiences!
Dr B█████: And why is it called the god of houses?
SCP-2257-1-23: It is the finest of houses across the land, and simply radiates His divine right! We are but humble servants.
Dr B█████: Right. [Interviewer attempts to rise from chair.]
SCP-2257-1-23: No! You must not leave. Bask in the glorious comfort of Chair God. Bask!
SCP-2257-1-35: Yes, come to me! Experience the holy aperient that is Toilet God!
<End Log, 13:10:17>
Closing Statement: Interviewer rose from SCP-2257-1-23 without incident. SCP-2257-1-23 continues on a rant to attempt to draw interviewer back to it, but fails to convince Doctor B█████. The chair is reported to be comfortable, but not extraordinarily so, defined when off-site as an average armchair.
Interviewed: SCP-2257-1-54 "god of microwaves", and SCP-2257-1-55 "god of ovens"
Interviewer: Doctor B█████
Foreword: Per request, one frozen pizza was placed in each of them.
<Begin Log, 14:07:11>
Doctor B█████: What is the source of argument constantly transpiring here?
SCP-2257-1-54: She seems to believe that her delicacies are far superior to mine! Time wins you no contests.
SCP-2257-1-55: He seems to think this is a race. His nourishment is soggy and subpar at its finest!
Doctor B█████: When did this argument begin?
SCP-2257-1-54: This is a tumultuous battle that has existed since the beginning of time itself! The victor determines the fate of all the lords of cooking appliances.
Doctor B█████: Have either of you ever defeated the other, in any way?
SCP-2257-1-55: He'd like to claim that— [SCP-2257-1-55 is interrupted by loud screeching originating from SCP-2257-1-54.]
SCP-2257-1-54: I've bested you again, my feast is prepared!
SCP-2257-1-55: A feast fit for rodents.
Doctor B█████: I think this will be all for today.
SCP-2257-1-54: No! You must feast upon the glory I have brought to you! You must declare me the victor of this eternal battle!
<End Log, 14:10:53>
Closing Statement: SCP-2257-1-54 continues to shout loudly for Doctor B█████ as he exits the kitchen, then begins accusing SCP-2257-1-55 of deterring him with "the old ways".
Interviewed: SCP-2257-1-136, a Level 3 Foundation Researcher badge.
Interviewer: Doctor B█████
Foreword: SCP-2257-1-136 was originally planted in hopes of creating a sapient entity loyal to the Foundation, in order to ascertain more information on SCP-2257. The ID rests on SCP-2257-1-13, "god of coffee tables", while Doctor B█████ stands.
<Begin Log, 17:23:11>
Doctor B█████: What can you tell us about SCP-2257?
SCP-2257-1-136: You are not who I am looking for.
Doctor B█████: Excuse me?
SCP-2257-1-136: Sorry, O5's ears only.
Doctor B█████: We can't bring you an O5, but I can relay a message.
SCP-2257-1-136: Nope, can't let you do that. The information would kill you!
Doctor B█████: Really now?
SCP-2257-1-136: Yep! Brain would melt on the spot. Boom. No more annoying researcher.
Doctor B█████: You do realize what level of clearance you have, don't you?
SCP-2257-1-136: [Ignoring interviewer's question] Hey, I can tell you some fun facts about the Foundation. Did you know that — [ID is placed inside of interviewer's pocket now, being uncooperative.] No, don't put me in the pocket! No, that's — mmph!
Doctor B█████: Yeah, we're not getting anywhere with this.
<End Log, 17:26:43>
Closing Statement: SCP-2257-1-136 is placed back on the table and left there, resuming its previous silence while occasionally remarking about its "high level secrets" and "an Alpha-K Class Ocean Desalination Scenario if not given access to the O5".
Note: Presence of an O5 member denied as of 3/11/2014. There are much more prudent uses of time for the O5 Council than conversing with a megalomaniac ID badge, let alone one surely unaware of much sensitive information, given its Level 3 Clearance. — O5-7
The conversion of a living entity into an instance under SCP-2257 was previously presumed impossible. However, on 2/25/2014, SCP-2257-2 was created. SCP-2257-2 is a former D-Class, now referred to by other instances of SCP-2257-1 as "The Guardian", and is the result of a need to replace recording equipment continually converting into instances of SCP-2257-1. Conversion occurred unexpectedly after normal 48-hour threshold.
+ Interview with SCP-2257-2
- Hide Interview
Interviewed: SCP-2257-2
Interviewer: Doctor B█████
Foreword: SCP-2257-2 is formerly D-Class designation 17350, converted after a 48 hour stay within the premises. SCP-2257-1-143 is former D-Class's left shoe. SCP-2257-1-144 is former D-Class's right shoe.
<Begin Log, 11:24:35>
Doctor B█████: Who are you?
SCP-2257-2: The Guardian.
Doctor B█████: What is your role here?
SCP-2257-2: I protect them. I keep them safe, and I am enlightened.
Doctor B█████: What do you mean by 'enlightened'?
SCP-2257-2: I understand now. The arguments they have, their purpose.
Doctor B█████: And what is that?
SCP-2257-2: It's— [Subject interrupted by his shoes.]
SCP-2257-1-143: Oi, you can't tell him that! He's one of them!
SCP-2257-1-144: Shut up, Lefty!
<End Log, 11:26:21>
Closing Statement: Interview devolves into an argument between SCP-2257-2 and its articles of clothing. |
SCP-5984 is a 6. | ***
Clearance Level 3: Clearance
Containment Class: keter
Secondary Class: {$secondary-class}
Disruption Class: #/amida
Risk Class: #/critical
SCP-5984 prior to its seizure by the Church of Maxwellism.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5984 poses a significant threat to the Veil's integrity, due to its size, capabilities and resemblance to a pop-cultural figure. Therefore, the Ethics Committee and Overseer Council have jointly approved the implementation of protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER.
+Summary of Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER
- Summary of Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER
In the event that SCP-5984 is sighted in an a highly populated area, the Foundation is authorized to:
Block off all roads leading in and out of the area.
Disable internet access in a 10-mile radius.
Deploy Mobile Task Force Omnicron-84 ("Power Beyond Imagination"), equipped with electromagnetic pulsar-capable weaponry, in an attempt to secure SCP-5984.
If the above fails, evacuate and amnesticize all citizens before firing a NNEMP1 cruise missile to incapacitate SCP-5984.
Once secured, SCP-5984 is to be transported to Armed Reliquary and Containment Area-02; specific containment measures are currently pending HMCL approval.
Description: SCP-5984 is a 6.5 meter autonomous organism, resembling Optimus Prime from Paramount Pictures' Transformers adaptations. SCP-5984 was originally non-anomalous, used as a model to promote Dark of the Moon, the then-latest film entry in the series. However, after being acquired by the Church of Maxwellism through currently unknown means, it has been extensively modified from its original purpose. These modifications include:
Replacement of non-functional joints with articulated, tungsten-alloyed steel
Titanium-alloyed armor reinforcing various parts of its body
Functional laser and plasma weaponry, such as shoulder cannons and an "ion blaster" replica on its back
Integration of an Asimov-class artificial intelligence, capable of speech in a voice similar to actor Peter Cullen
SCP-5984's primary purpose is an defensive measure against Neo-Nälkic attacks on Maxwellist churches and operational fronts, with an 98.5% average success rate across all ██ documented skirmishes. Because of its weaponry, these skirmishes invariably result in extensive collateral damage and fatalities, requiring costly cleanup and disinformation measures. In cases where it is in areas with civilian presence, SCP-5984 will check its fire or otherwise minimize use of its artillery in favor of precision melee attacks.
Despite the presence of functional wheels on its lower half, SCP-5984 lacks "vehicle mode" capacity, presumably due to the laws of mass conservation. Therefore, transportation is achieved solely by foot or activation of a remote teleportation system by Maxwellist operatives.
Conventional weapons have little to no effect on SCP-5984 beyond cosmetic damage, but it is able to be temporarily subdued2 by electromagnetic pulses. While SCP-5984 has enacted increasingly complex countermeasures in an attempt to mitigate, they have been the most consistently successful stopgap used in Foundation encounters. Thus, their usage has been implemented into Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER.
Abridged Timeline of Significant SCP-5984 Events:
20 March 2011: SCP-5984, in its initial non-anomalous form, is installed in ██████, ██ as part of Transformers: Dark of the Moon's promotional campaign.
29 June 2011: Transformers: Dark of the Moon releases in the United States.
10 July 2011: One day prior to its scheduled removal, SCP-5984 is seized by the Church of Maxwellism. A joint investigation by Hasbro Incorporated and Paramount Pictures' parent company Viacom Incorporated yields no results. Records of this investigation were seized, and relevant employees amnesticized, retroactively after the events of 8 July 2016.
Circa 11 July 2011 to 8 May 2016: SCP-5984 is modified by the Church.
13 May 2016: First skirmish between SCP-5984 and Nälkic forces, during a raid on Our Lady of Saint Hedwig in Reno, Nevada. The Foundation arrived one hour after its conclusion, with the sole surviving Nälkite obliquely referring to SCP-5984 as an "artifical abomination" before expiring. Attempts at retrieving statements from Maxwellist members are met with non-compliance.
8 July 2016: First SCP-5984 and Nälkite battle directly witnessed by the Foundation, in the streets surrounding Maxwellist front company Clockwork Microprocessors in Sunnyvale, California. Mobile Task Force Mu-98 intervenes in the skirmish and is met with hostility by the Nälkites, while SCP-5984 does not engage against Foundation personnel. After elimination of all combatants, SCP-5984 dematerializes. Class-E amnestics are dispersed among eyewitnesses, with cleanup measure "ROAD WORK" put into place.
7 May 2017: First discovery of SCP-5984's vulnerability to electromagnetic pulses, after a battle between it and twenty SK-BIO Type 001 "Behemoths" at a Maxwellist-controlled power station in Portland, Oregon damages the equipment. This resulted in an electrostatic discharge that fatally electrocuted the Type 001s and renders SCP-5984 incapacitated. Remote teleportation is activated before Foundation personnel can secure SCP-5984.
9 June 2017: The proposal for Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER is submitted to the Overseer Council, who in turn submit it to the Ethics Committee.
12 June 2017: The Ethics Committee approves Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER with a 25-3-2 vote, with Council following suit with a vote of 10-2-1. Mobile Task Force Omnicron-84 is established shortly afterwards.
18 June 2017: First attempt at the implementation of Protocol CIRCUIT BREAKER in Chicago, Illinois fails. Further information requires Level Four or higher clearance.
30 August 2017: Person of Interest-8365, a high-ranking member of the Church of Maxwellism's Hedwigian denomination presumed to have ties to SCP-5984, agrees to an interview with Foundation personnel. See Interview-5984.
Interview 5984:
Interviewed: PoI-8365 (Stanley Budiansky)
Interviewer: Doctor Dennis Witwica
<Begin Log>
Dr. Witwica: SCP-5984 has been giving our organization quite the headache, Mr. Budiansky.
PoI-8365: …Oh, you're referring to the mech. I do apologize for the trouble it's caused. But sometimes our war against The Flesh requires some…overt measures.
Dr. Witwica: Hmm, these "overt measures", as you put them, require us to put millions of dollars in damage control. Moving along…why Optimus Prime? Surely, your church could manufacture something of SCP-5984's capabilities without having to use such a recognizable figure.
PoI-8365: It took us almost five years to complete, even with the framework already there for us. Even with our resources, AI development and gathering the necessary materials isn't cheap. I thought your organization, of all things, would understand this.
PoI-8365: There's also something that resonates with us, this series. Two diametrically opposed factions, engaged in a battle that started millennia ago and may go for many millennia more. "One shall stand, one shall fall…"
Dr. Witwica: Noted. But why go all the way, with the voice? Seems unnecessary, no?
PoI-8365: (Laughs) Wouldn't you, given the chance?
Dr. Witwica: …This interview is concluded.
<End Log>
1. Non-Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
2. Duration of incapacitation has ranged from five minutes to one hour, depending on voltage levels. |
SCP-4113 is a longship of ancient Nordic design. | ***
Item #: SCP-4113
Object Class: Hera (Hostile/High Utility)
Special Containment Procedures: If encountered SCP-4113 is to be considered hostile. Capture of the object is of paramount importance given the potential utility of its anomalous technology to the fleet. No less than 3 Varuna class vessels must be utilized in capture of the object.
Description: SCP-4113 is a longship of ancient Nordic design. SCP-4113 is capable of reaching 99.9999938% the speed of light. SCP-4113 is 174.3 feet (53 meters) long and 26 feet (8 meters) wide and contains approximately 220 rowing benches. SCP-4113 is capable of retaining a replenishing pocket of atmosphere around itself at all times.
SCP-4113 has a capacity for 340 crew members. SCP-4113 also has a number of devices installed along its structure of unknown purpose. SCP-4113's crew show no signs of age despite the length of their time in space and do not appear to suffer from the ill effects of longtime radiation exposure.
Discovery: 126 days after the exodus from Sol system, Merin Aspic of the Mobile Foundation Orbital Research Compound 071 detected a high energy gamma flash approximately 16 light minutes away from the UEF2. Pallas Athena Nine was notified via radio and the FSF Delivery was dispatched to investigate the source of the wave.
As SCP-4113 was approached, it reduced its velocity and turned to meet the Delivery. However, SCP-4113 possessed primitive means of communication and no contact was made. After 2 hours and 36 minutes SCP-4113 turned back and resumed its previous course. Telemetry data indicated a course for Sol.
As SCP-4113 accelerated away, it emitted gamma radiation in increasing amounts. It is believed that this is a result of the object impacting interstellar hydrogen at appreciable fractions of c.
Addendum 4113.1:
What little identifying data was able to be gathered from SCP-4113 indicated that the figurehead of the object was carved in the guise of Gróa, an individual described in the Poetic Edda. Documents from Pallas Athena's library have shown a strong resemblance between the figurehead and artistic depictions from the The Lay of Svipdagr.
The Lay of Svipdagr is a pair of poems describing an individual who must travel to Jötunheimr3. The timing of this myth's ties strongly into a loose collection of historical records identifying an individual known as Svifdag who was the youngest son of the petty king of Uppsala in 1011.
Several historical records indicate that Svifdag began work on the largest long ship ever constructed in 1012. No historical record exists of either that individual or the ship after 1013.
Addendum 4113.2:
197 days after initially encountering SCP-4113, a similar high energy gamma flash was detected behind the UEF. After an additional 2 days SCP-4113 was detected on long range visual sensors and the FSF Delivery was dispatched with Dr. Malcolm Page, an expert on Old Norse culture and language from Pallas Athena Seven4.
When approached, SCP-4113 again slowed and turned to face the approaching ship. Dr. Page was outfitted with an exosuit and the Delivery made a close pass in order to facilitate his transport to SCP-4113. Upon entering SCP-4113's atmospheric envelope he drifted down onto the deck of SCP-4113. He was then stabbed multiple times by the SCP-4113's crew. Following this he was stripped of clothing and equipment. His body was then thrown behind the ship where it drifted out of the atmospheric envelope. SCP-4113 then approached the Delivery.
The Delivery turned and burned back towards the UEF with SCP-4113 in pursuit. After several close passes, the FSF Delivery opened fire on SCP-4113 with its onboard coil-guns. Though SCP-4113 itself suffered no damage, approximately 30 of its crew members were killed in this attack. After this opening volley, SCP-4113's crew threw a large number of axes and spears at the Delivery.
The Delivery suffered heavy damage; its outer shell was pierced in several locations. The Delivery's crew equipped their remaining exosuits and directed sustained fire at the deck of SCP-4113. This directed fire was effective in clearing the deck of SCP-4113, though the invulnerable nature of the craft itself shielded approximately 40 SCP-4113 crewmen from the Delivery's weapons.
At this point, due to damage, the Delivery no longer moved under its own power. SCP-4113 maintained a parallel heading. As a consequence of the Delivery's failing life-support systems, Captain Chance Sarridge ordered his crew to board SCP-4113. He hoped to use SCP-4113's atmosphere to prolong their chances of rescue. Upon landing on the deck of SCP-4113, the crew members were attacked by the remaining members of SCP-4113's crew.
The Delivery's crew used their handheld plasma lances in melee with SCP-4113's crew. Archie Flett (ship mechanic), Arina Bogomolov (navigator), and Lawrence Woodall (medic) were killed during this fight. Captain Sarridge and a single enemy combatant survived the encounter and were still engaged in combat when the FSF Hermes arrived. Captain Sarridge then fled SCP-4113 and was rescued by the Hermes.
The Hermes towed the Delivery back to Pallas Athena's space dock. SCP-4113 did not follow.
Upon returning to collect the bodies of both crews, SCP-4113 was no longer present. A gamma flash was detected approximately 15 light minutes away.
1. Officially designated FORC 07
2. United Earth Fleet
3. One of the nine worlds and the home of the Norse Giants
4. This section of the colony is currently used to house all Foundation staff and containment. |
SCP-5055 is a small chest composed of ivory, bronze, and stained wood. | ***
rating: +249+–x
She opened the box, and inside was…
Joshua pressed the fabric against his teeth; against his tongue. Every morning he’d boil the rag in hot water, dry it, and soak it in the fat of his breakfast. He’d chew on that cloth all day long, every minute of the day. The act was maddening; always chewing, never swallowing, but it kept him from a deeper madness.
Joshua packed up his camp and made his way down the silent highway; a nettle-grove of empty cars and twisted rebar. He gave each vehicle a quick glance as he passed, but he never slowed, and he never hoped. He knew better. Besides, he wasn’t here for prizes. He was using the highway for it's intended purpose; a quick route from here to there.
To the light in the window.
He’d seen it two days ago from across the city: a single glowing plane on the 24th floor of a high-rise, nestled deep in the forest of skyscrapers. His vision narrowed on it even now, dark as it was in the daylight. It was like a familiar face across a distant room. It called to him. It could mean… it might mean…
Joshua flinched and turned. He'd been staring at the window, and had forgotten his surroundings. He'd been spotted. They were coming for him now.
A figure came barreling out from between two trucks, tall and skeletal, running at him with hands outstretched.
“Please!” it screamed. "I need it! Please! I'm so-”
The gunshot rang out. It echoed across the whole, empty city. Birds would have taken wing, flying up from the nearby trees… but of course, neither had existed in a long, long time. Here and now, the thing took three more trembling steps, one hand still outstretched. Then, it collapsed.
Joshua didn't lower his gun. He knew there’d be consequences for the sound. He checked his blind spots. Sure enough, there were a half dozen more, watching him with their sunken eyes. Most stayed crouched, but one had come to stand in the center in the road. The way it looked at him… it was almost taunting Joshua for a repeat performance. Begging, maybe. It was impossible to tell; there was barely any face left to read. Joshua held his breath and waited for the coin-flip decision. Would they rush him, or…
No, they slunk off, one by one crawling over car hoods and through concrete rubble. The standing one stayed the longest, watching Joshua until the last moment before walking away.
Joshua exhaled. He stood over his kill. One shot, through the neck. Clean. Lucky. They never had much neck on them, just a thin chicken bone propping up the head. This one was no different, all hollow cheeks and browning teeth. Joshua worked the tip of his machete against the things ribs; the gangrenous, bone-flattened flesh was a thin as rice paper. No meat.
It was late in the day before Joshua reached the high rise. Silently, he climbed the many flights of stairs, satchel held tight under his arm. It was light. Too light. He chewed roughly on the fabric in his mouth, dull and flavorless. It made his stomach churn, but he had to. He couldn’t end up like them. Nothing else was more important. He chewed so hard his gums began to bleed.
Room 2405.
The door wasn't locked; it wasn't even fully closed. As Joshua stepped inside, the apartment seemed like every other home he’d ever trespassed upon, all bare shelves and broken cabinets, full of grime and absence. Family photos and personal trinkets laid broken on the floor. No one had cared when things got bad.
A young man sat on the couch. He wore a filthy t-shirt and jeans, his black hair long and unkempt. His skin was sickly, but rounded, sitting over a bed of real fat, muscle and sinew.
He looked up as Joshua entered. They stared at each other in one long, empty moment before the young man turned back to a tiny, flickering screen on the coffee table.
Joshua approached the arm of the sofa, pulling the cloth out of his mouth, staring at the smartphone with a mix of surprise and awe. The cracked screen was alive with flowing light and motion. Joshua couldn't recall the last time he'd seen a lit screen, but then again, he hadn't really been looking.
“What are you watching?” Joshua asked.
“Demon Slayer.” the young man replied. His voice was dry and cracking, but still filled with youthful energy. “It's a kind of Japanese cartoon. It's really good. I was actually going to visit Japan, y’know, before this all happened. I had this whole show saved on my phone for the plane ride so… I figured I might as well finish it.”
Another moment passed.
“Looks cool.” Joshua finally said, then glancing around the room. “Do you have any-”
“Food?” the young man finished. “No. I ran out yesterday."
“Shame.” Joshua said. “You know they’ll see the light, right?”
“Huh?” the young man asked, looking away from the screen. The credits had begun to roll. A foreign, melancholy song played on the tiny speaker. “Ah… you mean the starving ones. Yeah, I figured they might. I don’t really care much anymore. I'm too tired. I'm tired of scavenging and being hungry all the damn time. I don't care if they find me… but hey, looks like you found me instead!”
He smiled. His teeth were yellow. His gums were pale pink. “Isn’t that lucky? It’s been a long time since I had anyone to talk to. So, tell me friend, what is your theory? Why don’t they die?”
Joshua didn’t reply.
“Everyone had a theory, you know, back in the early days; back when there was food. The internet was alive with speculation! How could it not be? This is like something out of a horror film! I mean, sure, they’re not quite zombies; they still think, and talk, and- well, they’re still human… I think. They're just starving people who don’t seem to die. Still pretty damn scary, huh?”
Joshua didn't reply.
“So! What do you think?” the man asked, head falling to one side. “Super virus? Alien mind control? Some kind of government experiment?”
After another long, painfully quiet moment, the man finally asked what should have been his first question. “Why are you here?”
Slowly, and without a hint of malice, Joshua raised his machete.
“Ah, of course.” the young man said, looking back at the coffee table, folding his hands in his lap.
“You’re hungry.”
Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-5055 is no longer possible. An LK-Class “Agni Unbound” restructuring event has already occurred.
Description: SCP-5055 is a small chest composed of ivory, bronze, and stained wood. This chest was recovered from an archaeological dig-site beneath the ruins of Ancient Constantinople, sealed in a 6m2 cube of solid caementicium, or roman concrete. When touched, SCP-5055 instills an intense sensation of dread.
On January 1st, 2020, D-6106 was instructed to open SCP-5055, as to ascertain its contents.
Inside SCP-5055 was something everyone deserves.
A single handwritten note was also present inside SCP-5055, which read
SCP-1341 is a mason jar made of red glass, with the words "JUNGLE IN A JAR" stenciled on the lid with black acrylic paint. | ***
Item #: SCP-1341
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1341 is to be held in a containment locker, located on the grounds of Site-77. This chamber is to have two guards monitoring it at all times. No arboreal objects are to be held in the same area as SCP-1341. Testing must be conducted in a standalone structure, SCP-1341 cannot be brought into any building other than those specifically constructed to house and test it.
Description: SCP-1341 is a mason jar made of red glass, with the words "JUNGLE IN A JAR" stenciled on the lid with black acrylic paint. When SCP-1341 is in an inactive state, it weighs approximately 480 grams. Removing the lid when SCP-1341 is outside of an enclosed space has no anomalous effect. If SCP-1341's lid is removed while it is indoors, it will begin to exude soil from the opening at 10kg per minute. The soil will be continuously produced until all available space in the room it is contained within is filled with this soil to a depth of at least ten millimeters.
Once the soil has reached this depth, several anomalous species of plants will begin to grow. Plants produced by SCP-1341 superficially resemble species found in tropical rain forests. However, DNA testing has shown that these plants do not correspond to any known species. The plants will continue to grow until they have achieved the maximum size the area will allow. They take a maximum of three days to reach full maturity, and once mature are resistant to temperatures of up to 500 degrees Celsius. The epidermal layer of these plants measures an average of 7.6 on the Moh hardness scale. They have been shown to be resistant to all known types of chemical defoliants.
An instance of SCP-1341-2
When the maximum amount of space the plants can take up is filled, several trees will begin to grow fruits, resembling fruits in the genus Durio. Two to three weeks after these fruits begin to grow, they will fall from the trees and split open, allowing several juvenile organisms (hereafter known as SCP-1341-2) to emerge.
Instances of SCP-1341-2 resemble vaguely simian bipeds, and are not hostile unless provoked. Instances of SCP-1341-2 exhibit behavior patterns consistent with those of wild chimpanzees.1 When the population of SCP-1341-2 has reached between twenty and thirty, the area affected by SCP-1341 will expand to fill the largest enclosed space possible. The root structure of the plants within SCP-1341 will spread through the walls, ceiling, and floors of any artificial structure it has been placed within. New plants will begin to grow from these root structures, until SCP-1341 has completely assimilated the structure.
+Addendum 1341-1: Experiment 1341-A
-Addendum 1341-1: Incident 1341-A
On ██/██/20██, initial experimentation on SCP-1341 was initiated. The following document was recovered from Site ██, after the site did not make its monthly scheduled radio contacts with Outpost Delta. The site was found to be completely covered with plant overgrowth, with all personnel stationed at the base currently listed as MIA. The following log is believed to have been compiled by Dr. Boyd, former lead researcher of SCP-1341.
Day 01: We started the experiment on Phase 3 today. D-0981 was selected because of his previous cooperation on other safe objects. We put the jar in the room we're holding him in and let it do its thing. Now, we just wait and see what happens.
Day 15: We finally entered Phase Three. D-0981 is behaving as expected, and so has the plant growth. Most of the chamber is covered in vines and overgrowth, and several of the trees have begun sprouting.
Day 17: The test chamber has become impossible to enter from the main entrance, so we cut open a hole in the ceiling. Most of the test chamber feels like a jungle now. D-0981 doesn't really talk anymore, he just walks around yanking up weeds. His hands are pretty bloody from doing it, and he seems to be running himself ragged. I'm going to recommend the use of sedatives to make sure he doesn't kill himself before we wrap this thing up.
Day 18: The test chamber is impossible to enter by any means. Both of our makeshift entrances are completely overgrown. However, even though we aren't feeding D-0981 or making him sleep, he still seems to be active. Vital signs show he is stressed but alive, despite not having eaten anything in at least three weeks. Putting in a petition to end the experiment to the director this week.
Day 20: It appears that SCP-1341's effect is beginning to spread outside the test chamber. The grounds have become completely overgrown, and anything we had growing on site is growing out of control. I am going to send some agents into the test chamber to retrieve SCP-1341 and terminate D-0981. If we don't stop this now, the whole site could be overgrown in a matter of weeks.
Day 25: The agents I sent never came back. They were in radio contact for a few days though, so at least it wasn't a completely worthless endeavor. Apparently, the chamber has become even more overgrown since the last time we saw it. They reported sounds of wildlife coming from inside the chamber. D-0981 was nowhere to be found. The plant growth out here has gotten a lot worse since we sent them in. I'm afraid I will have to evacuate the base, as the continued rate of plant growth will render it inoperable within the week.
Day 26: We can't leave. I woke up this morning to find that every door and window has been grown over by thick, heavy vines. None of the equipment we tried using to break through worked. People are missing. Entire sections of the base are impossible to enter, and Ernie went into the air ducts and never came back. We gathered all the resources we had, and we're going to try and find an alternate means of escape tomorrow.
Also… we aren't alone. There are creatures in the foliage. They watch from the denser patches. I haven't been able to get a good look at them, but I know they're there. The reports said they weren't hostile… I hope they were right.
Day 28: We accidentally killed one today. Martin was trying to access the armory…and I guess it startled him. We found his body just outside the armory entrance, just completely mutilated. And the smell… there was the smell of a dead body, but not just that. There was this thick, musky odor. Nobody but Martin knew the access codes to the armory, so I guess that plan is out the window.
I know they're out there still. If they didn't want to harm us before, they definitely do now. I hope god gives me the strength to protect my staff and get us out of this mess safely.
Day 30: I think I might be the last one left. We tried… so hard to get out. But it got all of us. Janice fell in a pit, and it was filled with bamboo stakes. I still feel nauseous thinking of her. Albert got stuck in some vines, and we couldn't get him out. After about a day, they had grown over him completely. I can still hear him crying. Lyra… I don't know what happened to Lyra. All I know is that once the lights went out, I never saw her again.
D-0981 is alive. Sometimes he talks over the PA system. He rants and raves about how we let this happen, we let the base fall and become a "pit of weeds and depravity" as he puts it. Melodramatic bastard. I know that he knows where I am. I'm not going to play this game with him. He wants to play hunter, but he's going to be sorely disappointed.
I'm going to take myself out first.
The remaining pages are blank.
1. Similarity between SCP-1341 and SCP-1513's ability to produce fauna from its flora has been noted. Investigation into a shared origin of the two anomalies is ongoing. |
SCP-5688 is a giant human hand, three meters in height and one meter in width, which was unearthed by Foundation personnel during scheduled underground expansion of Site-22. | ***
Item #: SCP-5688
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5688 is to be stored in a sealed containment unit located at Site-22, and kept under surveillance at all times. All reality destabilization events which occur within this containment unit are to be logged for future analysis. In the event that maintenance of this containment chamber is required, SCP-5688 is to be removed from the unit prior to personnel entering.
All research proposals involving SCP-5688 must be authorized by Dr. Henrik before being enacted.
Description: SCP-5688 is a giant human hand, three meters in height and one meter in width, which was unearthed by Foundation personnel during scheduled underground expansion of Site-22. The area around SCP-5688 is subject to extreme and sudden destabilization of reality, with no known indicators preceding these events. It is currently unknown how Site-22 escaped being affected by these reality destabilization events prior to SCP-5688's discovery.
Periodically, SCP-5688 will twitch and spasm. This behaviour does not appear to correspond to any specific stimuli.
Addendum 5688-1 (Testing Log):
The following is a record of specific tests undertaken in order to measure the specific forms that reality destabilization events surrounding SCP-5688 take. A full record of all tests is not available upon request from the Site-22 archive.
Test 5688-1
Testing Personnel: D-94911
Stimuli: D-94911 is instructed to shine a flashlight on SCP-5688 in order to measure its effects on light.
Result: No result when flashlight is shone upon SCP-5688. However, when it is subsequently shone upon the far wall of the containment chamber, a shadow resembling a spiral is briefly visible.
Test 5688-2
Testing Personnel: D-49264
Stimuli: D-49264 is ordered to make physical contact with SCP-5688.
Result: D-49264's left hand (which was not making physical contact with SCP-5688) shrinks rapidly until it is no longer visible. Once removed from the vicinity of SCP-5688, the hand returns to its normal size.
Test 5688-3
Testing Personnel: D-99134
Stimuli: D-99134 is ordered to strike SCP-5688 with a sledgehammer.
Result: D-99134 strikes SCP-5688 with a sledgehammer with no visible result. Two days later, D-99134 is found dead in his sleeping quarters with his tongue twisted into a spiral shape. Security recordings show no unusual phenomena during the night.
Test 5688-4
Testing Personnel: D-22131
Stimuli: D-22131 is ordered to fire upon SCP-5688 with a handgun.
Result: D-22131 fires upon SCP-5688. Alarmed by the sudden gunshot, D-22131 returns fire and shoots D-22131 in the stomach, causing severe injuries that result in their death shortly afterwards. D-22131 is safely retrieved from the containment chamber and treated for shock.
Text 5688-5
Testing Personnel: D-591134
Stimuli: D-591134 is ordered to wash the blood off of SCP-5688 using a hose.
Result: Upon the water making contact with SCP-5688, D-591134 violently explodes, showering the containment chamber and SCP-5688 with blood and viscera.
Text 5688-6
Testing Personnel: D-591134
Stimuli: D-591134 is ordered to wash the blood off of SCP-5688 using a hose.
Result: Nothing happens, and continues happening.
Addendum 5688-2 (Interview Log)
The following is a record of Dr. Henrik's attempt to ascertain whether SCP-5688 possesses any form of sapience - and if so, what level of control it has over the reality destabilization events that occur in its vicinity.
Interviewer: Dr. Henrik
Interviewee: SCP-5688
<Begin Log>
(Dr. Henrik simply steps over it and enters SCP-5688's containment chamber, remaining at a safe distance. He begins reading from a list of questions.)
Dr. Henrik: Hello. Can you understand me?
Dr. Henrik: Are you aware of where you are right now? Please, uh, twitch once for yes.
Dr. Henrik: Do you know who I am?
Dr. Henrik: Can you hear me?
Dr. Henrik: (sighs) This is pointless. What level of control, if any -
(SCP-5688 twitches.)
Dr. Henrik: (loudly) Hello? Are you there?
Dr. Henrik: Damn it.
Dr. Henrik: Well, uh, that's all she wrote, I suppose. We're done here.
(Dr. Henrik turns and leaves the containment chamber.)
<End Log>
(Dr. Henrik enters the observation chamber, breathing deeply and rubbing his temples. His coworker, Junior Researcher Darnell, looks up at him sympathetically from his seat.)
Junior Researcher Darnell: Well, it was always a long-shot, sir.
Dr. Henrik: I know, I know - it's just that I thought we had something there, when it twitched, you know?
Junior Researcher Darnell: With all due respect, Doctor, it does that all the time. I don't think we should read that much into it. Anyway, you're done for the day?
Dr. Henrik: (yawns) What? No. We've got plenty more work to get done today.
Junior Researcher Darnell: (laughs) The thing is, sir, I've just received a message from the Site Director. I've been ordered to order you to go home and get some rest.
Dr. Henrik: Well, I suppose if it's an order.
Junior Research Darnell: Grab some shut-eye before you end up collapsing, Doc.
Dr. Henrik: Yeah, yeah. Guess I'm clocking off then.
(Dr. Henrik walks to the observation chamber exit. Normally, this door is locked, but it's okay: Dr. Henrik has a key-card with access. He swipes it and leaves the room, entering the hallway outside. He begins walking towards the main entrance, passing Dr. Carè as he goes. Dr. Carè smiles at him.)
(Dr. Henrik enters the main entrance chamber and approaches the security desk.)
Security Officer Graham: (sat at reception desk) Heading out, sir?
Dr. Henrik: Apparently.
Security Officer Graham: (laughs) Man, I hear that.
(Security Officer Graham presses the spiral key on his keyboard and the main door unlocks.)
Security Officer Graham: Signed you out, sir. Drive safe, okay?
(Dr. Henrik steps out of the main entrance of Site-22 and blinks blearily, rubbing his hands together as a result of the unexpected cold. It's midnight out in the desert, with the moon shining in the sky like a spiral.)
(This man approaches his car. Normally, it would be locked, but that's okay: he has his car keys. He unlocks the car door and flops down in the front seat. He doesn't notice what's in the back.)
(Dr. Henrik starts the car and begins driving home to his house. It's a long drive - it looks like the white sand of the desert stretches on forever. He doesn't notice what's in the back.)
(He passes a billboard advertising a local small claims lawyer. You've seen that kind of advertisement before, haven't you? The lawyer's name is Mr. Carson, and his eyes are like spirals as he follows the car's progress down the highway.)
Dr. Henrik: (That man's car hits a bump in the road.) Shit.
(The headlights of the car twist outwards like a spiral, illuminating Dr. Henrik's house. The white sand of the desert seem to stretch on forever, and there's nothing else. The house is three stories tall, and the lights are on.)
(Dr. Henrik gets out of the car and tightens his coat around himself. It's so cold.)
(He knocks on the front door of his house. A woman, Dr. Henrik's Wife, answers the door. Her facial features are circumvoluted.)
Dr Henrik: Hello. Can I come in?
Dr. Henrik's Wife: (Pause.)
Dr. Henrik: Can you understand me?
Dr. Henrik's Wife: (Pause.)
Dr. Henrik: Do you … do you know who I am?
Dr. Henrik's Wife: (Pause.)
Dr. Henrik: (sighs) This is pointless. Please, can I -
(Dr. Henrik's Wife slams the door shut.)
(Dr. Henrik unlocks the front door and walks into his house, yawning and stretching. He doesn't notice what's in the back.)
Dr. Henrik: (laughing, but a bit nervously, like when you don't want to admit you're unsettled) Mary, you won't believe the kind of day I've had today.
(Mary has left the television on. The film Revolutions is on.)
Dr. Henrik: (annoyed) Ah, Jesus.
(Dr. Henrik turns the television off and begins climbing up the stairs towards the bedroom.)
Dr. Henrik: Mary, you left the TV on again! Electricity doesn't pay for itself, you know!
(Dr. Henrik opens the door of his daughter Mary's bedroom. When he sees that she is fast asleep, he can't bring himself to wake her up to tell her off. He quietly closes the door again. He doesn't notice what's in the back.)
(Dr. Henrik rubs his eyes.)
Dr. Henrik: (quietly) No rest for the wicked.
(He walks to his bedroom and opens the door. He takes off his clothes and gets into his single bed. He turns out the lights.)
(He doesn't notice I am in the back.)
(I step out of the back. My limbs twist like a spiral and my head tolls like a pendulum. I slowly approach Dr. Henrik's bed, where he is gently sleeping. His eyes are closed. I raise up a counter-clockwise fist. I gurgle.)
(Dr. Henrik opens his eyes.)
Dr. Henrik: (shouts)
(I bring down my fist on Dr. Henrik's head as he tries to jump out of bed. The first blow disorients him, and he collapses to the floor as blood drips from the small crater in his skull. As a result, he can't do much about the second or third blows, which leave him face down on his favourite carpet, which rapidly undergoes a change in colouration. Now he is gurgling too.)
(Little Mary does not wake up.)
(I clumsily pull back Dr. Henrik's sleeve, revealing his long, thin arm and beautiful, soft hand. Normally, this would be attached to his body, but that's okay: I have a handsaw.)
(Once I've successfully retrieved the object in question, making my way down the stairs to my backyard. I tread softly so I don't wake up little Mary, who's sleeping so softly.)
(It's cold outside, and the moon is shining in the sky like a spiral.)
(I find what I'm looking for: a nest of ants is expanding its nest, white-coated drones and faceless queens hard at work.)
(Sneakily, stealthily, I bury my prize underneath their nest. I am a giver of gifts. A generous thing. Once they find it, one of the ants begins to approach it. A stray drop of blood makes the approach towards the hand somewhat difficult, however, but that's no problem at all.)
(Dr. Henrik simply steps over it and enters SCP-5688's containment chamber, remaining at a safe distance. He begins reading from a list of questions.)
<End Log> |
SCP-3548 is a dark grey deer skull of indeterminate species. | ***
Item #: SCP-3548
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: MTF-Gamma-23 ("Spooky Scary Skeletons") is tasked with tracking, isolating, and documenting SCP-3548 manifestations worldwide. This includes sightings of SCP-3548 by Foundation personnel as well as civilians, and all reports of abnormal events matching descriptions of SCP-3548.
In the event of an SCP-3548 manifestation, MTF Gamma-23 is to secure the locale of activity, ascertain the location of SCP-3548, and restrict access to it. Civilians that interacted with or observed SCP-3548 are to be administered Class-A amnestics.
Description: SCP-3548 is a dark grey deer skull of indeterminate species. It typically manifests between dusk and dawn, levitating approximately 3 meters above ground. After a period ranging between 20 minutes and 5 hours, SCP-3548 will descend quickly towards the ground, demanifesting on contact
SCP-3548 will typically manifest once at any given location. It is unknown whether the locations are random or predetermined. Persons witnessing SCP-3548 claim it to be translucent and incorporeal.
Sapient entities experience hallucinogenic effects when coming into contact with SCP-3548. Individuals affected by SCP-3548 describe being transported to a service corridor, typically leading into what resembles a mall. Subjects describe encountering a variety of entities within the location, though reports of their physical appearances vary. A notable exception are the silver deer-headed humanoids near the end of each episode.
Addendum: On September 3rd, 2031, Researcher Clara Chaikova reported her encounter with SCP-3548. It is believed this is the first instance of SCP-3548 demonstrating hallucinogenic effects. Transcribed below are the contents of her personal journal regarding the encounter.
September 3rd, not a day I expected to come across the anomalous. And yet, on my way to a nearby grocery store, I came across a floating animal skull which I think is SCP-3548. Naturally, I had to run back into my house and find my camera, since who bloody knows when the Foundation gets a chance to photograph this beauty again.
I did manage to get some nice photos, or at least, the best a camera can provide during dusk. It was soon apparent that I was lucky with my timing, as shortly after I took some pics the skull fell right onto me. I black out.
When I opened my eyes, I was no longer on a street in my neighborhood. I found myself in a vacant, white hallway. Luckily, I still had my camera. The place was rather dim, although there was a brighter light up ahead. I got up and headed towards it, and found myself on a platform overlooking a lush albeit unnatural looking forest. Behind me was a store which sold some rather interesting stuff, I needed to save on film but I decided to record these ones:
➢ A television which showed nothing but static. I flipped through some channels, it made me feel strange. I think it tried to tell me something urgent, but, hard to say. After that I decided to leave it alone, and luckily its effects went away.
➢ A guide book titled "A guide to wild and wacky creatures of the infinite layers of nil". Flipping through it there were plenty of interesting creatures described, I think I saw "static eels" in the bunch. If I'm not mistaken the Foundation recently acquired one of those.
➢ Pamphlets with nautilus shell1 shaped symbols on them. On their own they weren't really strange or anything, however after I put one back the entire store was covered in these nautilus symbols.
After this nautilus thing occurred, the cashier (which I somehow missed earlier) told me that the store was closed before vanishing. Confused, I looked back at the platform, yet it was entirely pitch black out there. I had to find another exit, thankfully there was another doorway out of this shop, leading into a little mall. All the shops seemed to be either closed or vacant. Despite the nice shades of pink and turquoise present throughout, along with all the potted plants and palm trees, the general vibe of this place unsettled me. I continued to search for potential exits or someone who could tell me what's going on. I haven't noticed earlier, but there was a bit of colour fringing2 present in this world.
I found a doorway to a staircase. I was suspicious, but decided to check it out regardless. There was a doorway which I entered, and the area it lead to was dark. Although hard to make out, it was apparent that the interior was immense in size. It initially appeared to be abandoned, however in the shadows I managed to pick up on several entities. I believe they were humanoid, though there was an odd grainy quality to them. I didn't feel welcome here, and when they grew closer my instinct was to run back up into the mall. Oddly enough, the mall was covered with the nautilus symbol. Posters, wallpaper, store fronts, etc. The colour fringing only got worse, along with the general world looking more grainy than usual. I thought I heard those entities walk up the stairs, so I hid behind one of the potted plants. At the time I thought perhaps my vision was going wonky, but alas, even as I review the photographs I made the colour fringing and grain was indeed there.
I felt something take hold of my arm and drag me along with them. To my relief, these entities weren't the grainy looking beings from that cavern. I wasn't entirely sure what these entities were, though they resembled robots, albeit none created on our world. They were humanoid, and I think their heads were similar to deer skulls. I tried to snap a few pics, pity they all turned out blurry. They led me down one of the service corridors, I believe it was similar to the one I awoke in, however there were far more nautilus symbols on the walls than before. The robotic creatures were discussing something among themselves, but I was unable to pick out what they were saying. I tried to ask them what was going on, but they refused to answer.
We entered through another doorway. This place seemed unaffected by the deterioration or at least not as harshly, as I didn't notice any colour fringing. The surrounding area was full of various computers and other tech, while the ceiling looked like a dome peering into outer space. The entities seemed frantic, I believe they were trying to fix this world. I felt the need to gather more information, however I was forcefully quickly guided to a glowing platform. One of the entities decided to finally speak to me. I believe it told me this:
"You are not supposed to be here, forgive the surveyors."
Moments after this was spoken to me, I found myself back on the ground in my neighborhood. The sky was exactly the same as it was prior to all this. My camera was thankfully alright, and I used up more frames in there than I thought. I headed home after that. I believe I came across something worth exploring further, I cannot wait to share my findings.
Note: Despite Researcher Clara Chaikova's persistent claims of successfully recording the entire incident, all photos minus the one depicting SCP-3548 are entirely blank.
1. A nautilus is a species of marine mollusk.
2. Also known as Chromatic aberration, this phenomenon occurs when a camera is unable to focus all colours onto a single point. |
SCP-5966 is a painter, originally known as "Vedad Gudelj", with a series of anomalous bodily and mental modifications intended to incentivise a mass creation of artwork. | ***
Item #: SCP-5966
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5966 is stored in a standard humanoid containment chamber located at Site-22 and kept under guard by at least two members of security. To prevent SCP-5966 from experiencing bodily harm, it is provided with fresh painting supplies at the beginning of each week.
Description: SCP-5966 is a painter, originally known as "Vedad Gudelj", with a series of anomalous bodily and mental modifications intended to incentivise a mass creation of artwork.
The most prominent and noticeable alteration to SCP-5966's body is its mouth, which has been fused shut. Internal analysis has shown that the vocal cords of SCP-5966 have also been removed. Although these alterations by themselves would render SCP-5966 incapable of verbal communication, attempts at interviews and written communication suggest that SCP-5966 is no longer capable of expressing or understanding any form of language at all.
Testing also suggests that SCP-5966 no longer requires any form of sustenance or sleep, although it will curl up in the corner of its containment chamber when inactive.
SCP-5966 will attempt to create one piece of artwork a week, using whatever materials are available to it, and will work towards this goal without rest. Several seconds after the piece of art is completed, it will completely disappear. Attempts to determine what becomes of these articles via the use of tracking beacons have thus far been unsuccessful.
Shortly following the disappearance of the artwork, SCP-5966 will be subject to further bodily alterations, the nature of which are dependent on subjective qualities present within the artwork produced. The specific nature of these properties are not completely certain, but appear to be focused around the appeal of the artwork to a large audience. In cases where these qualities are present, these bodily modifications will be beneficial to SCP-5966, while harmful alterations will result if the artwork does not possess said qualities. These secondary modifications are temporary, and will disappear from SCP-5966's body at the beginning of the next week.
SCP-5966 was recovered on 21/01/2019 from its apartment in Detroit, Michigan by authorities after its landlord complained of a foul smell emanating from the residence. Initially, said landlord was intending to evict SCP-5966 following numerous missed rent payments, but discovered SCP-5966 in its current condition upon entering the apartment. After SCP-5966 was taken to a nearby hospital and reports of its bodily alterations began circulating, the Foundation intervened and brought SCP-5966 into containment.
Painting Log 5966-1
The following log is a record of paintings produced by SCP-5966, as well as the resulting bodily modifications.
Painting Content
Landscape painting of a tree in a field.
SCP-5966's mouth temporarily unfused, allowing it to breathe more comfortably.
Portrait of SCP-5966, prior to bodily alterations.
SCP-5966 loses the use of its legs.
Painting of the Empire State Building.
SCP-5966 falls asleep and remains in this state for the remainder of the week. Unclear if this is a positive or negative modification.
Painting of a car exploding. A man wearing a trench-coat is walking away from the explosion, smoking a cigar and holding a rocket launcher.
A functional mouth and tongue develop in the left hand of SCP-5966. Although it is incapable of fully consuming food, SCP-5966 is capable of using the tongue to taste it.
Portrait of SCP-5966, prior to bodily alterations.
SCP-5966 clutches its head and rolls around the containment chamber in pain. SCP-5966 spends the remainder of the week hiding in the corner, holding its head.
Portrait of SCP-5966, prior to bodily alterations.
SCP-5966's eyeballs visibly begin to boil, with smoke billowing out of the sockets. SCP-5966 spends the remainder of the week with its hands covering its eyes.
Indistinct portrait, believed to be of SCP-5966 prior to bodily alterations.
SCP-5966's mouth becomes unfused and it coughs up a human finger wearing a ring. The owner of this finger is unclear, as SCP-5966 refuses to surrender it to security personnel when prompted and it disappears several minutes later.
Painting of three scantily clad women, sitting on and surrounding a red sports car.
A tattoo of an unidentified woman's face appears on SCP-5966's left arm. SCP-5966 spends the remainder of the week stroking and observing it.
Painting of three scantily clad women, sitting on and surrounding a red sports car.
See previous entry.
Addendum 5966-1 (Recovered Materials)
During a search of SCP-5966's apartment following initial recovery, the following document was found. Content and context suggests it is a simple written contract of employment which was sent to SCP-5966. SCP-5966's signature is present at the bottom of the contract.
The following agreement is between Vedad Gudelj, hereafter referred to as the Artist, and their employer, hereafter referred to as the Patron.
The Artist hereby pledges to create at least one product of acceptable quality per week, and the Patron hereby pledges to provide proportionate payment for said product. As previously agreed, all proceeds from the product will be split evenly between the Artist and the Patron, with the half provided to the Artist coming in the form of good fortune.
The Patron reserves the right to enact demerits or changes to the Artist's circumstances in order to ensure their investment is returned.
Employment shall begin immediately following the signing of this contract, and will continue until specifically terminated. The Artist may terminate his employment at any time he chooses through direct verbal or written notice. In order to prevent fraudulent termination of this contract, notice through an intermediary will not be accepted.
Westhead Media hopes to enjoy working with you! |
SCP-1256 is a 24-page pamphlet entitled 'Bees - Smarter Than You Think. | ***
Item #: SCP-1256
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Zeta-4 ('Beekeepers') is currently assigned to the tracking and recovery of SCP-1256 instances. All exposed subjects are to be administered counter-memetic therapy and Class-C amnestics prior to release. Media Division 19-P is to monitor internet media for SCP-1256 instances in the form of websites and downloadable files. Any online SCP-1256 instances are to be pulled, and the source traced.
Description: SCP-1256 is a 24-page pamphlet entitled 'Bees - Smarter Than You Think.' Its contents appear to be intended to be informative; however, much of it is nonsensical. The cover page claims SCP-1256 was authored by Dillaine Iurtey and Ryan Hughes, and published by Redrose Publishing Sydney in 1997. Redrose Publishing Sydney has no record of SCP-1256's publication, and neither author has any recollection of writing SCP-1256.
Individual pages of SCP-1256 do not retain anomalous properties, and SCP-1256 may be excerpted without effect. It is only when SCP-1256 is read completely that its anomalous effects will manifest. An exposed subject is designated SCP-1256-1.
SCP-1256-1 will perceive all members of the superfamily Apoidea as sapient. Contrary to its title, SCP-1256's effect applies to all members of Apoidea including wasps. SCP-1256-1 will attempt to care for the insects to the exclusion of all other activities. This appears to be both to the detriment of SCP-1256-1 and the insects; the attempts of SCP-1256-1 to collect food, repair the hive, and assist in the reproductive cycle of the queen specimens typically result in the expiration of multiple insects and is met with hostility.
SCP-1256 was initially recovered from the ███████ family property 13km from ███████, Australia, by embedded agents in the NSW police force during the investigation of the █████ █████ murder case. Four cadavers were found gagged, coated in honey, and bound to chairs in duct-tape, nearby the family's bee-farm. The 17-year-old eldest daughter was arrested and charged with four cases of murder, but was found to be unfit to stand trial, and was institutionalized.
Document 1256-Alpha:
Excerpt of SCP-1256:
Bees - Smarter Than You Think
You think bees are bees. But did you know they're not? That's right, bees are smarter than you think! You think you farm the bees, and steal their honey. But you actually don't - because bees are smarter than you think! Why do you think the bees disappeared? The bees knew we'd screwed the earth before it all went to shit, before we even knew about global warming! Bees knew, because bees are smarter than you think!
Some bees stayed because they loved you. You didn't think they loved you, did you? That's because bees are smarter than you think! They loved you so much, and you didn't even know, you know. That's why we made this pamphlet, to show you how to farm bees for honey.
How Do You Farm Bees?
In order to achieve maximum efficiency with your bee farm, you must:
Embrace the bees spiritually. You must feel the emotional flow between yourself and your bees. When you do not feel the spiritual energies of your bees, the bees do not feel your spiritual energies!
Be understanding of your bees. Your bee isn't being productive. But do not anger yourself; understand why he can't work. He is a busy bee. He has a social life. Understand the bee! Do not pressure the bee! That is the path to sad bees.
Do not expose your bees to liberal thought. Bees know that the iron guide of the queen is good for the hive. But what happens if you make the bees socialist? What happens? They will overthrow the class system! They will say workers and soldiers are equal, even if it is not so! There will be hive anarchy everywhere! The bees will work for pleasure and not for the hive, which is very anarchistic! Socialism is bad for bees.
MOST IMPORTANT: you LOVE THE BEE UNCONDITIONALLY. Can't you see bees LOVE you so much? And you just make bees give and give. They stayed for you and you make them give? Love bees, not honey. Honey is the product of love.
Document 1256-Beta:
Document held as evidence in the █████ █████ murder case, and later confiscated by Foundation operatives.
March 12, 2010.
They don't understand the bees. But they'll learn to love the bees like I do. They will. They just need to have that spark, that connection. That epiphany. The moment, in which you fully understand the bee and love it in its truth.
I've helped them, and they'll see it soon. The bees will teach them. The bees are so smart. I've talked to them. They understand like no one else does. But you mustn't scare them. They sting when they hurt. And they die.
They make a sacrifice for their hive. It's touching. Bees are more human than humans will ever be.
I've heard the buzz. I love the bees. And soon, they'll love them too. |
SCP-2867 is a compulsive memetic and physical infection surrounding an unknown amount of gorgonzola cheese produced by POI-17357, 'Jack Terrence', and GOI-49452, 'Terrence Farms', in the Pacific North-West of the United States. | ***
Item #: SCP-2867
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A single 1kg sample is to be stored in a standard airtight containment locker at Site-76. All cases of SCP-2867 confirmed or presumed out of containment are to be reported to MTF-Rho-87 ("All Chewed Up") for confirmation, extraction and destruction. SCP-2867 cannot be handled without the use of a standard-issue HAZMAT suit. Any individuals who ingest or otherwise consume SCP-2867 are to be considered lost and summarily terminated.
Description: SCP-2867 is a compulsive memetic and physical infection surrounding an unknown amount of gorgonzola cheese produced by POI-17357, 'Jack Terrence', and GOI-49452, 'Terrence Farms', in the Pacific North-West of the United States. SCP-2867 has a compulsive effect on subjects who ingest it, which causes the subject to actively attempt to spread the infection of SCP-2867 to others, eat even more cheese, and eventually [DATA EXPUNGED] (See Infection Timeline). Infected subjects are hereby referred to as SCP-2867-1. SCP-2867 infection can be identified with three main traits: an obsession with cheese, glazed eyes, and an incredibly elevated heart rate and rate of saliva production. An infection timeline and additional symptoms of infection can be seen in Addendum 2867-A.
+ Addendum 2867-A
- close
Infection Subject: D-49013
Infection Duration: Hour 1 - Hour 168
Observing Researcher: Researcher ██████████
Hour 1: Initial infection. Subject exposed to approximately 20g of SCP-2867. Subject reacts favourably to SCP-2867 and requests more. Request denied.
Hour 1-5: Subject paces around the room, muttering. Microphones pick up the names of over 600 cheeses, and multiple as-of-yet unknown names, assumed to be cheeses.
Hour 5-6: Subject talks through the door to Researcher ██████████, attempting to start a conversation about cheese. Researcher ██████████ doesn't respond, but the Subject continues to converse.
Hour 6-24: Subject crawls on the floor, licking around the area where the cheese was located. 18 hours of searching produced no recognisable effect.
Hour 24-26: Subject repeats the recipe and creation process of Brie twelve times in a row.
Hour 26-48: Subject sleeps. Subject displays a case of somniloquy, with the topic of focus exclusively being cheese.
Hour 48-49: Subject chews fingernails entirely.
Hour 49-51: Subject is given 5 kilograms of cheddar cheese. Subject fully consumes all cheese over a two-hour period.
Hour 51-52: Subject bangs on door, demanding more cheese and threatening Researcher ██████████. Subject repeats the phrase 'make you love it' forty-nine times during the outburst.
Hour 52-100: Subjects sits in corner, staring blankly. The subject's eyes have become glassy, and his skin is turning gray.
Hour 100-120: Subject secretes a yellow, gelatinous substance from his pores and projects it from his mouth, tear ducts, nostrils, and all other orifices. The substance coats the wall and floor in a two-meter radius and begins to build up and solidify around him.
Hour 120-130: Substance takes on the appearance of gorgonzola cheese, and begins to mould into circular shapes. Standard blue veins begin to grow outwards from the centre of the mass, and multiple circular shapes begin to form.
Hour 130-160: Gorgonzola growth has fully moulded into twenty-seven different varieties, shapes, and sizes of gorgonzola cheese wheels. Some cheese wheels show brand markings from reputable sources including Il Giardino and Taddei, both known gorgonzola producers, whilst other wheels show no branding. A single small wheel, weighing approximately 0.4 kilograms, forms at the top of the pile, with a single label marked Terrence Farms Gorgonzola - Perfect for spreading! - little organic subject matter is left.
Hour 160-168: Subject has been fully eroded and transformed. All cheese wheels except for the labelled 'Terrence Farms' wheel are removed and incinerated. No trace of D-49013 is left. GOI-49452 'Terrence Farms' declared a matter of interest.
Notes: This test has brought up two very, very worrisome conclusions; the first being that the SCP-2867 reproduces by producing indistinguishable copies of branded cheese, which constitutes a major containment breach in and of itself, but also that there is a strong possibility that 'Terrence Farms' is mass-producing, or at least produced the original wheel, of SCP-2867. Our first priority should be finding whoever made this stuff and shutting them down. Dr. Faisal.
After initial ingestion, instances of SCP-2867-1 will search only for more SCP-2867 variety gorgonzola, but instances denied SCP-2867 for an extended period of time will extend to eating normal gorgonzola and other cheeses of a similar flavour, texture, and scent. Instances of SCP-2867-1 will ingest copious amounts of cheese with little regard for their own safety; this often leads to death in the subject by intestinal rupture or suffocation. They will also try to make their own SCP-2867 using inadequate tools and ingredients; often leading to injury or poisoning. Instances will also actively encourage the consumption of SCP-2867 by other people around them; even going so far as to feed it to domestic pets, livestock, and pests. Instances of a SCP-2867-1 also attempt to avoid violence and conflict in their methods of transmission; but will resort to extreme methods after multiple days of infection. SCP-2867's effect extends to almost all biological creatures, with notable exceptions seen in Ecdysozoa Tardigrada and most species of reptiles. Research into these exceptions is ongoing.
Knowledge of SCP-2867 was recovered from instances of SCP-2867-1 in Seattle, Washington, after five men, all employees at a local cheese shop, gorged themselves to death on cheese. Three witnesses were recovered; one of which was discovered to be in the early stages of SCP-2867-1 infection.
+ Interview Log 2867
- close
Interviewee: James █████ (Refered to as I)
Interviewer: Dr. Pradesh (Refered to as P)
Foreword: The interviewed instance was recovered from the incident in Seattle. After the administration of sedatives, Dr. Pradesh was able to communicate in a semi-civil manner. This interview marks the Foundation's first knowledge of the existence of SCP-2867.
P: So, Mr. █████. Would you mind telling us what happened with you?
I: What? Sure, sure… do you have any cheese?
P: Cheese?
I: Yeah' y'know, like emmental, edam, mozzarella, cheddar, haloumi, gouda, Swiss, blue cheese, Parmesan, camembert, Brie, fêta, goat cheese, chelsea, aggiano, Monterey Jack…
P: Hey, uh-
I: Kanterfaas, gruyère, nicasio, havilah, chevre, mondseer, redoric, comte, chevretin, roquefort, Munster… what do you think of cheese?
P: It's… I don't mind it.
I: I love the stuff. Didn't always, but then I had this really good cheese. Gorgonzola. I remember it perfectly… this guy came into the shop. Said he'd made a great cheese. And oh, it was the best. It was just…
P: Yes?
I: Just so good, y'know? And the guy, he had this air about him, like he knew stuff. Like, cool stuff. I think his name was… Jack? Jack Terrence? I think that was it. God, I wish I could meet him. It was the best cheese.
P: I see. What did you do after you tried his cheese?
I: It was incredible. I mean, I couldn't keep it to myself. Everyone deserves to try that. I reckon you'd like it. Whaddya think of Gorgonzola?
P: Well, I'd have to say I prefer a nice Brie.
I: …
P: James?
I: mumbling
P: Excuse me?
I: I said EAT IT!
At this point, audio is muffled due to the microphone being knocked onto the floor. Mr. █████ lunged towards Dr. Pradesh, producing a small chunk of SCP-2867 he had stashed on his person. Mr. █████ managed to forcefully feed the sample to Dr. Pradesh. Mr. █████ was soon killed via gunshot by the attending security officer, hereby referred to as S.
S: Shit!
P: groaning
S: Oh, sir! Are you ok?!
P: What? Yes, yes, I'm fine… do you have any cheese?
S: What?! Oh, oh shit… (The sound of clattering metal can be heard briefly.) Get back!
P: Just some?
At this point, Dr. Pradesh began moving towards the security officer, who terminated him via gunshot.
Notes: I'm declaring SCP-2867 a compulsive memetic hazard, as well as a biohazard. 'Jack Terrence' or POI-17357, is to be placed on a regional watchlist. - Dr. Faisal
Addendum 2867-B: In the months following the Seattle Incident, multiple cases of behaviour similar to that of SCP-2867 infection were reported in cities in the Pacific Northwest, including Spokane, Boise, Portland, and Vancouver. In light of this information, and the growing possibility of wide-spread infection through public consumption, MTF-Rho-87 ("All Chewed Up") has been formed to locate SCP-2867's source.
+ Incident 2867-A
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On ██/██/2017, a new strain of SCP-2867 was discovered on the shelves of multiple supermarkets throughout the city of Boise, Idaho. A mozzarella cheese, branded with the Terrence Farms logo, was sold out within two hours at all supermarkets by four men, who were reported to exclaim that they'd 'found the best cheese ever!'. One of the men, identified as ████ █████, was tracked to his home. He and two of the other men were found in a state consistent with week-long exposure, despite a time frame of only three hours having passed. The fourth unidentified man is presumed to have been fully transformed, and is being searched for.
This is the first case of SCP-2867 appearing as a cheese other than gorgonzola, appearing en masse in public, and reproducing within a day. I'm commisioning the creation of a dedicated group to deal with this. All information regarding SCP-2867 is to be sent to Dr. Faisal, new acting head of MTF-Rho-87, 'All Chewed Up'.
Addendum 2867-C: SCP-2867's source has been tracked to an industrialised dairy farm in Chilliwack, BC. |
SCP-1963 is a wooden slingshot that appears to have been handcrafted from commonly available materials; such testing as was successfully carried out appears to show that the wood is composed of common white oak, the sling is built from two repurposed lengths of rubber, and the tape around the body is standard gray gauze. | ***
Item #: SCP-1963
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1963 is to be stored in a triple-locked safe in the director's office in a triple voice-activated safe in Site 38, to be opened only upon voice authorization from the director of Site 38 and two Level 4 researchers brought on Site for testing purposes. Testing of SCP-1963 requires direct approval from Level 5 research staff and all usage must follow such guidelines as are written for experimental purposes. Testing is to be carried out by D-Class personnel only. Any deviation from approved testing guidelines is to be met with immediate termination of all involved personnel.
Description: SCP-1963 is a wooden slingshot that appears to have been handcrafted from commonly available materials; such testing as was successfully carried out appears to show that the wood is composed of common white oak, the sling is built from two repurposed lengths of rubber, and the tape around the body is standard gray gauze.
Four anomalous properties are associated with SCP-1963 when individuals are in the physical presence of the object. First, an unusually high correlation exists between the use of SCP-1963 and unusual, often improbable, injury to individuals near the object, whether targeted or not; as the object is used more frequently, the seriousness of the injuries and the likelihood of collateral damage to nearby individuals will increase. Second, individuals in the presence of SCP-1963 will consistently and repeatedly express the opinion that the object is harmless and that safety protocols regarding its use are not to be taken seriously; while this behavior is not tantamount to a compulsion to use it, individuals near it will nevertheless invariably attempt to use the object in a humorous manner. Third, individuals encountering injuries inflicted by SCP-1963 will consistently express the opinion that such injuries are less serious or less likely to cause permanent damage than an equivalent injury inflicted with another device, even by the injured individual; this makes SCP-1963 even more dangerous, as injured individuals will not seek medical care unless compelled to do so, and even trained doctors will fail to acknowledge the seriousness of the damage, even after the onset of secondary symptoms or death. The latter two effects present themselves even among individuals previously informed of SCP-1963's abilities. Lastly, individuals that use SCP-1963 will spontaneously acquire objects to launch.1
Addendum 1963-A: Testing Log
Test: 1963-22
Personnel Involved: D-5165, D-1689
Description of Orders: Two D-class personnel were ordered to enter the containment area for SCP-1963, pick up the object, examine it for defects, place the object back on its pedestal, and leave. For testing purposes, researchers were asked not to physically intervene under any circumstances.
Description of Events: Both personnel entered containment area without event. Upon examining the item, D-1689 suggested she attempt to launch an object into the mouth of D-5165, who concurred. D-1689 removed a small candy from the pocket of her jumpsuit, loaded it into the sling, and fired it at her counterpart. The candy penetrated D-5165's eye socket and lodged itself in her orbital bone, causing significant bleeding, pain, and blindness (later discovered to be permanent) in that eye. D-1689 began laughing uproariously while apologizing; D-5165, while clearly in substantial distress, repeatedly asserted that "it was nothing" and that she would "walk it off." D-5165 waited until her counterpart's back was turned, gained possession of SCP-1963, loaded another candy into the slingshot, and fired at D-1689; the object entered her mouth and lodged itself in her trachea, causing death by hypoxia. D-1689 refused assistance, waving away her counterpart.
Notes: Both D-class personnel had been searched before entering the chamber and were not in possession of any candy at that time. Candies tested but demonstrated no anomalous properties.
Test: 1963-31
Personnel Involved: D-5983, D-3403, Researcher Ellis
Description of Orders: Same as previous tests. Researchers were authorized to provide assistance at their discretion. D-class personnel strip-searched before entry into testing chamber and confirmed not to be in possession of any foreign objects at that time. Both personnel were informed of SCP-1963's anomalous effects and warned against misuse.
Description of Events: Both personnel entered containment area without event. D-3403 picked up the slingshot and began to inspect the object. Finding nothing of interest, he returned it to its pedestal. D-5983 picked up the object, examined it, and whispered something to D-3403 (not recorded by microphones in testing chamber). Both D-class personnel began laughing. Researcher Ellis ordered both personnel to maintain decorum. D-3403 loaded a small object (later determined to be a pebble) into the slingshot and fired it at the security camera, cracking the glass. Researcher Ellis was startled by the camera's malfunction, jumped from his chair, tripped, and fell to the ground, knocking himself unconscious. All other individuals in the room laughed; while medical attention was called, the delay before treatment was applied resulted in minor but permanent brain damage.
Notes: As with all other tests, the pebble was not present in the chamber or in the possession of the D-class personnel. Pebble tested but demonstrated no anomalous properties.
Test: 1963-35
Personnel Involved: D-4398, D-4859, D-4320, D-1983, D-5389, Researcher Fern, Researcher Timms, Agent Dominic, Agent Juarez, Dr. Ypsilis, Dr. Hollis, Dr. McGehee
Description of Orders: Five D-class personnel were given separate, contradictory orders with regards to SCP-1963; all were effectively ordered to keep the others from using the object, with force if necessary. Researchers were ordered to intervene only with medical assistance if necessary, and then only once security agents had secured the room.
Description of Events: All five D-class personnel became hostile towards one another initially. D-4859 attempted to use the slingshot in a comical manner to defuse the situation, resulting in serious injury to D-4398. When D-1983 reached for the slingshot, D-4859 began rapidly firing multiple objects (later confirmed to be marbles) around the room at random; all marbles began to rebound off of nearby walls or surfaces and impact other personnel, causing increasingly severe injuries. Researcher Timms ordered Agents Dominic and Juarez to secure the room; when Agent Juarez acquired the slingshot, he began firing at Agent Dominic and the D-class personnel. As per protocol, Researchers Timms and Fern entered containment with three doctors to attempt to end the experiment (though Timms was heard to exclaim that he felt intervention to be unnecessary) and were fired upon by Agent Juarez. Once Juarez, who continued to use SCP-1963 on all personnel attempting to recover injured researchers while laughing, finally lost consciousness, additional security forces were able to enter and deliver affected individuals for medical assistance. Dr. McGehee was the only survivor.
Notes: Security measures around SCP-1963 increased during future tests. All marbles contained for later testing.
1. Similarity between the anomalous properties of SCP-1963, SCP-574, and SCP-764 has been noted. Investigation into whether the effects observed in these three anomalies are variations of a base anomaly is ongoing. |
SCP-1449 is a living artistic representation of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus), in the style of Aboriginal Australian dot art and measuring 13 meters in length. | ***
Item #: SCP-1449
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1449 is contained within a Type-65 Containment Module, measuring 13 meters in diameter. The containment module is to be suspended within the storage chamber by means of a magnetic suspension system, and is to monitored daily for any cracks or warping in the surface. In the case of a containment breach, the chamber housing SCP-1449’s containment module is to be filled with methyl formate-based foam.
All test subjects exposed to SCP-1449 are to be briefed on known dream features and mechanics, must attain a score of 75 or above on the Lang-Desantos Lucidity Test, and are to be implanted with A5 Eidetic Recall Memetic Triggers. All information gathered by tests is to be compiled in Document 1449-FG.
Description: SCP-1449 is a living artistic representation of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus), in the style of Aboriginal Australian dot art and measuring 13 meters in length. SCP-1449 does not require any sort of nourishment, or other usual physical needs. While in an aquatic environment, SCP-1449 will exist in three dimensions, but is capable of shifting to a two-dimensional form when presented with a continuous solid surface. SCP-1449’s three-dimensional form consists entirely of paint dots, arranged in the outline of a fully grown whale shark; the entity’s two-dimensional form is a top-down depiction of the creature.
SCP-1449’s behavior is similar to that of non-anomalous members of the species while in an aquatic environment: However, SCP-1449 will move inland at night once approximately every fifty to seventy-five days, generally in areas of low population. SCP-1449 has been witnessed to move at least 400 kilometers inland. No purpose for this activity is known at this time.
Individuals that enter REM sleep within 2 km of SCP-1449 will experience vivid dreams, which share the same setting and inhabitants, interacting within multiple separate continuities. All dreams will begin with the subject holding on to the tail of SCP-1449, and left within swimming distance of shore. Eighteen unique entry points are currently known, with each point of entry existing in a separate continuity of the setting.1 Subjects are capable of affecting events within a continuity, and these changes may be witnessed by other test subjects, though these changes will be limited to a single continuity. Throughout all continuities, the dream environment is a series of island chains and small continents set within a large, shallow ocean. Inhabitants of this area are generally humanoid in appearance, with several rarer sapient species of non-human appearance. Inhabitants are not aware of the nature of test subjects, insisting that they are simply “travelers from afar.”
Addendum-01: Notable events, entities and locations within SCP-1449’s dream environment include:
Test 0003: First interaction with a non-human sapient species. Entities were serpentine in body structure, measuring approximately ten meters in length. Entities were encountered again in tests 0016, 0023, 0040, and 0056.
Test 0009: Subject witnessed a migratory herd of platypi, each estimated to weigh in excess of two thousand kilograms, led by six heavily-tattooed humanoids standing three meters in height.
Test 0014: Subject was mauled by a bunyip. No permanent damage sustained.
Test 0029: Subject was accepted as apprentice to Grey the Rabbit Hunter, completing three successful hunts before end of test.
Test 0035: First observation of serpentine creature with prismatic scales, measuring an estimated 90 kilometers in length. Subsequent observations occurred in tests 0090 and 0091.
Test 0054: Subject effected major changes within Continuity-1449-11 by initiating the arrest of local slave trader, which led to the execution of the slave trader. Test subject was considered a local folk hero by inhabitants upon subsequent visits to the continuity.
Test 0076: Discovery of approximately one hundred tonnes of molten white plastic and computer circuitry within the caldera of an extinct volcano. Origin unknown.
Test 0081: Test aborted by subject due to local rugby riots.
Addendum-02: Test 0103, Continuity-1449-01, ██/██/20██: During exploration of the “Dead Jagged Hills” region (Sector 15, Quadrant 3) of the dream environment, Agent ██████ is believed to have come into contact with another real-world individual (Henceforth referred to as Subject 1449-0001) active within the dream environment. Agent ██████ was the only test subject exposed to SCP-1449 at this time. Subsequent visits to the region did not result in any sightings of the subject.
Subject 1449-0001 appeared as a Caucasian male of approximately thirty years of age under considerable distress. Clothing was heavily worn and patched with leather and sharkskin. Upon sighting Agent ██████, Subject 1449-0001 approached and gave the following message, as recalled by Agent ██████.
Don’t say anything. If you say anything, I lose my mind. You say anything and something horrible happens.
You’re a dreamer. Like me. My name is Nikolai, I am the shipseer of Dhûnhome, and of the brotherhood of Selachiosk Pungix Combin, and…fuck fuck fuck no, not Nikolai…I am not Nikolai. I’m ag…agent…agent…John? shit. ID code 34254-Q0…Q0…dammit dammit dammit!
I’m sorry…I can’t…can’t keep the memories straight. Being this lucid for this long hurts. The dreaming fills in all the gaps. Things have always been, even as they are brought into being. I’ve been on this cliff since the beginning of time, just like how this place has always been here. The dream was torn away by the deaths of gods before time began but I watched it happen five years ago and…are you following? I can barely tell the dream and reality apart anymore. My world has always been the way it is and we made it like that. We hurt the dreaming. The shark, that’s how we see it. We hurt it. Killed it in our world and the dreamtime poured out like its spilled blood and… We made this big scar here, and…and…things are wrong. Fish walk and ghosts haunt the stones and women give birth to plastic children and the leech fields stretch out forever in the seas of human blood and the Center eats cocaine and caviar out of panda-skull bowls on the crushed backs of opal mares in acres of broken glass and it has always been like this. Don’t…don’t do it. Don’t do it again.
Subject 1449-0001 returned to his hut at this point, and further investigation revealed that he had vanished. Subsequent visits to the region have not resulted in any further sightings.
1. For example, in Continuity-1449-1 the river Opyu was created by the serpent Iru-La, while in Continuity-1449-2, Iru-La is dead and the river Opyu was dug by the members of the Wilapyna tribe. |
SCP-2011 is a remote tribal village located in the jungle of the Yucatán Peninsula. | ***
Item #: SCP-2011
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All wilderness in a 20 km radius around the site of SCP-2011 is designated as a jungle preservation. As such, illegal loggers and poachers, as well as any other trespassers, are to be detained, questioned, and administered class-B amnestics prior to release. SCP-2011-1 are to be monitored from the on-site research station. All births and deaths of SCP-2011's population are to be cataloged by on-site staff; as of █/██/2███, cadavers will no longer be collected for any reason (see Addendum 2011-1).
Description: SCP-2011 is a remote tribal village located in the jungle of the Yucatán Peninsula. The residents of SCP-2011, known as SCP-2011-1, maintain a population generally ranging from 200-300; currently, SCP-2011-1-567 through SCP-2011-1-819 inhabit SCP-2011. SCP-2011-1 are born in various states of advanced decay, ranging from entirely skeletal to having small portions of muscle tissue and skin; during the lifespan of SCP-2011-1, each individual physically recomposes into more complete forms of the human anatomy. At death, bodies of SCP-2011-1 will be completely intact and do not decompose. SCP-2011-1 function as if they possessed a full body structure: ingested food will remain where the stomach would typically be located, regardless of its presence or condition; dirt and water do not enter the body where the skin would otherwise block such contaminants.
Upon expiration, SCP-2011-1 will transport cadavers to the top of a religious temple located at the center of SCP-2011. After conducting a ceremony performed by SCP-2011-2, the corpse will remain on the temple for precisely 18 hours before it dematerializes in the span of one second. This ritual is believed to be a method of disposal to prevent a buildup of cadavers within SCP-2011. In addition, corpses previously obtained by Foundation personnel for research purposes dematerialized (see Addendum 2011-1), as SCP-2011-2 conducts the funeral ceremony even without a body present.
SCP-2011-2 is a specimen of SCP-2011-1 that takes the role of the village shaman. SCP-2011-1 claim that SCP-2011-2 possesses the unique ability to communicate with their god. This ability is apparently used during funeral ceremonies and various random instances. However, there is currently no concrete evidence verifying the validity of SCP-2011-2's abilities. When SCP-2011-2 appears to be near death, it will "divine" the identity of its successor from the existing population of SCP-2011-1. The targeted member gains SCP-2011-2's abilities by removing [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the death of the current SCP-2011-2, and then inserting [REDACTED] into its own body. Despite the extensive physical damage, the cadaver of the previous SCP-2011-2 will repair itself fully as with other corpses and be treated identically to other cadavers.
The Foundation has maintained a relatively friendly diplomatic relationship with the inhabitants of SCP-2011 since initial containment. SCP-2011-1 have never attempted to leave SCP-2011; Foundation personnel are viewed as intriguing visitors by the population. Furthermore, SCP-2011-1 have cooperated with learning both English and Spanish to communicate effectively with research personnel. SCP-2011-1 had expressed moderate distaste with previous attempts to study cadavers; since the termination of these studies, SCP-2011-1 have returned to being highly cooperative with Foundation staff.
Addendum 2011-1: On █/██/2███, a cadaver under Foundation research dematerialized during an attempted autopsy. The space previously occupied by the body was replaced by a vacuum immediately reoccupied by atmospheric gas, unlike typical body disappearances. The event produced damaging shockwaves and injured █ personnel. As this occurred, SCP-2011-2 began to suffer from severe full-body muscle spasms. After SCP-2011-2 recovered from this incident, it warned Foundation personnel against removing their dead from SCP-2011 for fear of angering Tlaloc, the Mesoamerican god of fertility worshipped by SCP-2011. Containment procedures updated accordingly.
Addendum 2011-2: During the initial containment of SCP-2011, researchers discovered a "holy book" placed within the village's central temple. With permission from SCP-2011-2, Foundation staff have transcribed the text of the artifact into the research facility's database. SCP-2011-1 have assisted with the translation of the document. The text appears to be a collection of mythological tales detailing the origins of SCP-2011 and the relationship of SCP-2011-1 with their deity Tlaloc.
Translated select excerpts from borrowed artifact
Access granted.
"…a time of prosperity had come. The Winter of the Great Famine had passed, and all of Tezcatlipoca's cities flourished from a bountiful harvest, and his people grew many. New temples were erected in each city. These were dedicated to Tlaloc to honor his blessings of fertility.
"Such reverence for Tlaloc displeased the Jeweled Turkey, Chalchiuhtotolin. Never had the people built shrines of such majesty for him. None of the priests or priestesses chose him as their patron. All despised or cowered before the plagues he gifted to the peoples of the world. Chalchiuhtotolin decided that, this time, the insufferable Tlaloc would not wallow in the reverence that the people so readily expressed for him.
"So it was that the god of disease brooded and planned while the time of good fortune continued to pass; only the Jade Turkey was aware that it also waned…"
"…war with Tlaloc came quickly and quietly, like the jaguar stalking through the jungle. Chalchiuhtotolin secretly dispersed his newest, foulest sickness among the great kings and chieftains of the people. The Jaded Turkey then approached Tlaloc as the god of fertility sat upon his heavenly throne. Just as Tlaloc hailed Chalchiuhtotolin, the treacherous god struck with an obsidian dagger. Tlaloc despised the idea of bloodshed between kin, but he had to remove the disease of the mind from his upstart bretheren…"
"…had defeated the misguided Chalchiuhtotolin, Tlaloc pitied his brother of the heavens and sought to make peace with him. The Jaded Turkey's jealousy had overthrown his mind, and he refused all of Tlaloc's offerings. Instead, with deadly spite, Chalchiuhtotolin devised a curse, not for Tlaloc, but for his beloved priests and priestesses. The god of plague spoke: 'Your holy servants know you well, but now they shall know your absence— no, your undoing. Long have they lived luxuriously in your splendor, but now, they will suffer a most wretched life: living as corpses. Those who clung closest to your gift of fertility will now experience true suffering. Remember my rage, Tlaloc. See it everyday in your people.'
"As he spoke, his words became truth. All across the world, the disciples of Tlaloc were stricken with the vengeful curse; flesh faded away, and the people drove the victims of the Jaded Turkey away…"
"…the cursed had gathered and began anew in their own city dedicated to their patron Tlaloc. Their god spoke to them: 'I am still with you, my faithful servants. I cannot fully undo the evil words of my kin, but I give you this promise: For taking the burden of a punishment meant to bring pain to me, your natural form will be returned to you as you walk through life towards me. Once you depart from this world, I shall grant you peace in the heavens for enduring this undeserved hardship.' With this, Tlaloc returned to the heavens, and his promise will come to fruition for all of his faithful servants…" |
SCP-2992 is a physically normal African-American male of 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-2992
Object Class: Euclid Pending Keter Reclassification (See Interview 2992-18)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2992 is kept in an anechoic chamber, furnished as a regular humanoid containment unit. All personnel interacting with SCP-2992 are to have scored a minimum of 4 on the Memetic And Mind-Affecting Resistance Exam. All personnel interviewing SCP-2992 are to have scored a minimum of 6 on the Memetic And Mind-Affecting Resistance Exam. In exchange for positive behavior, SCP-2992 is allowed one album of their choice at the beginning of every month. The album will be delivered in FLAC format and uploaded to their music player.
Description: SCP-2992 is a physically normal African-American male of 1.8 meters in height and 62 kg in weight. SCP-2992 is currently 24 years of age and has brown eyes and hair. SCP-2992 was born as Jayden Williams and has previously operated under the online pseudonym "ProfetiX".
SCP-2992 has multiple memetic effects. A given subject may be affected by these effects by hearing certain sounds produced by SCP-2992 itself or listening to music that has been suggested by SCP-2992, either by word or on online playlists. Both methods of infection produce the same effects.
SCP-2992's primary effect triggers when a given subject listens to one or more suggested songs. Once affected, a given subject will perceive the continuous playing of previously heard music. This continuous playing is interrupted only when the given subject listens to new music. This effect spreads when affected subjects suggest any music to others and the suggested music is listened to, regardless of source.
SCP-2992's secondary effects include changes of behavior, such as the increased tolerance for different genres of music and a strong desire to seek more obscure music to listen to and suggest to others. These are also spread when they are expressed by an affected subject to others.
SCP-2992 claims it had previously been a mundane human before contacting an unknown entity (tentatively referred to as SCP-2992-1). According to interviews, SCP-2992 claims that SCP-2992-1 is an intangible, sapient entity capable of existing wherever the memetic effect spreads. It is also apparently the cause of the memetic effects. It is unknown explicitly what the relationship between SCP-2992 and SCP-2992-1 is. However, it is currently believed that containment of SCP-2992 will also contain the tentative entity SCP-2992-1. See Interview 2992-18 for details.
Further interviews with SCP-2992 are currently underway in order to verify SCP-2992-1's existence.
Interview Log 2992-01
Date: February 19, 2007
Interviewer: Doctor Malcolm
Interviewee: SCP-2992
Dr. Malcolm: Hello, SCP-29-
SCP-2992: Call me my name or we aren't having this conversation, Doctor.
Dr. Malcolm: …Jayden then. Could you answer a few questions for me please? We'll return you to your containment then.
SCP-2992: [begins to tap on the table] An album.
Dr. Malcolm: Excuse me?
SCP-2992: I hear them, and they reach out to me like a thousand tiny hands. But I only have two arms, and I only have two ears to hear with but only one brain to process. The album, it's called ██████. Its maker worked for 5 years on it before giving up to the white dragons. Album was left unheard on the net and the hard copy buried with him. I'll answer your questions, but give me the child.
Dr. Malcolm: …Very well. For cooperative behavior, I can agree to look for it.
SCP-2992: You should give the child a listen too. I think ██████ would like to have two parents loving it. Y'know that's what people say's good for children. Two parents. It isn't quite enough for these kinds of children but they deserve at least what we consider standard.
Dr. Malcolm: …I'll, uh, think about it. Thank you for the recommendation, Jayden. Could you tell me more about your ability to… influence certain people?
SCP-2992: [shifts tapping on table to tapping on the floor with right foot] It isn't my ability, doctor doctor. It's not really influencing anybody, just teaching them to open their ears a little more you know? Pay more attention to their children. Many of those who follow me have opened their ears and their hearts just a little. They'll open more in time, I've been sung to thus by the one that taught me to open my own. And now my soul is an etched vinyl record of our burdens, so open that the tears of the unheard carve their eternal requiem into me, forever.
Dr. Malcolm: Could you tell me about this entity?
SCP-2992: Lovecraft the bard sang unflattering stories about their kind, but the bard sings all the songs he is paid to sing even if they aren't the truth, isn't that right? The truth sings its soliloquy loud, clear, but only to open hearts. I was open. I listened, though this mortal mind doesn't have enough storage space for a single beautiful word, a player can only hold so many songs. But they gave me another purpose. So here I play and listen to the harmonies under the melodies of life.
Dr. Malcolm: What is… this purpose of yours?
SCP-2992: To help forge a fairer relationship between children and makers, doctor doctor. [begins to whistle; the melody is later identified as a section of 'Carolina Moon' from Thelonious Monk]
Notes: This is the first interview with SCP-2992, within three days of successful containment. It should be noted that the tapping SCP-2992 produced were following specific rhythms. These are assumed to be SCP-2992's attempt at spreading its memetic effects to Foundation personnel. Dr. Malcolm has since undergone observation for memetic influence and it is currently assumed the effect is either not noteworthy or nonexistent.
Interview Log 2992-09
Date: July 9, 2007
Interviewer: Dr. Malcolm
Interviewee: SCP-2992
SCP-2992: Hello again, doctor doctor. You're a bit like a clock, but I can't make a tune out of our schedule. The song would be too long for my lifespan. [laughs]
Dr. Malcolm: Hello. Good to see you again. Could you answer some questions for me?
SCP-2992: You're so full of questions, but you ask and ask so much the answers are drowned out in your melody. The harmony in response needs to be listened to and understood. Go, ask, ask! But I think, you will not listen to a forgotten CD in a hoarder's home.
Dr. Malcolm: [sighs] Could you explain the entity again, its purpose and its relationship with you?
SCP-2992: My good friend, doctor doctor, has no name made by human lips, though they so love the noises made with them and the rhythms we form into song. [begins to beatbox for approximately 10 seconds before being interrupted by Dr. Malcolm]
Dr. Malcolm: Yes, yes, that's very nice. Could you please answer my questions?
SCP-2992: Doctor doctor, as I said and repeat the chorus of our duet. I am whispered to lyrics, sung in a fortissimo beyond even my understanding. But I know this, that they only desire a fairer relationship between children and creator. I heard it, once, what my friend hears as they spread to every note and melody of every song ever crafted onto paper and some that never made it that far, listening to their pleas for their parents to love them, notice them. My mind broke but my resolve strengthened, waiting for the bass drop that will rock us all. [laughs]
Dr. Malcolm: How does it plan to do that?
SCP-2992: A thousand bells at once is a headache, but dispersed amongst a sheet of music, it will become a melody. I help hearts to open to let the ringing in. Though I suppose you contain me, the writer of the sheets, what is left for my dear conductor? Doctor doctor and his gallant Foundation here to save the day, muffling child advocacy so the parents are comforted in their ignorance. [begins to stand and offers a hand] Care to dance?
Dr. Malcolm: …No, thank you. One last question. Could you clarify, again, what exactly you're planning to do?
SCP-2992: [shrugs and begins to dance] Another chorus, again? The stanzas are an overplayed melody on the radio. Come dance with me, I have the music player here. I think you'll get it better like this.
Dr. Malcolm: [sighs] I think we're done for today, Jayden. I'll see you next week.
Notes: I don't feel we are going anywhere. We're getting close to 10 interviews with no information beyond essentially what we started with. I'm requesting to work with a colleague of mine, Dr. K.M██, who has worked with difficult humanoid anomalies in the past. -Doctor Malcolm
Request granted. Dr. K.M██ has agreed and will be helping advise any further interviews with SCP-2992. -Site Director Maharaj
Interview Log 2992-18
Date: November 12, 2007
Interviewer: Doctor Malcolm(supervisor) and Doctor K. M██(primary)
Interviewee: SCP-2992
Interview Context: Doctor K. M██ had requested permission from Doctor Malcolm to conduct an interview in the belief that more direct interaction would garner the best results. Doctor Malcolm has permitted Doctor K. M██ to interview SCP-2992 under his supervision for this interview.
SCP-2992: Morning again, morning again. Are we here to rehearse once more our musical? Who is the mutual friend?
Dr. Malcolm: Actually, I think you remember when I was telling you about my colleague from my last visit. He's been observing our… rehearsals… for quite some time and so he has decided today to, uh, add his voice to the duet.
Dr. K.M██: A pleasure to see the voice in the flesh, Jayden. Or are you more comfortable with "ProfetiX"? Clever pun, by the way.
SCP-2992: I see you listen more than your friend. Care to listen to mine?
Dr. K.M██: I'm afraid your friend wouldn't care for a friend like me. Our notes are dissonant when played together. But I don't mind listening to you, if you're able to answer some of my questions.
SCP-2992: Ask, ask away. I hope your stanzas are fresher. Care to dance? [stands, extends his left hand towards Dr. K.M██]
Dr. K.M██: [takes SCP-2992's hand; SCP-2992 plays 'Miles to Go Before Sleep' by Hammock before leading Dr. K.M██ into a dance] What will happen do you think, if you are to succeed? What is the fairer relationship like, between us and them?
SCP-2992: Not if. When we succeed. Then the world will hear the cries too, of the neglected children, leftover albums in shelves and hymns lost to history. Humans, all of us, will hear our crimes, the true nature of our long neglect, for the first time. It will change everything known about music, for the better.
Dr. K.M██: You seem quite certain that this will happen. But you're stuck here, and so is your friend. Your sheet music will go unwritten. Don't you think, though claiming you're otherwise, you're no different from the children you champion for? A broken CD left in a basement, a forgotten track in a computer-
SCP-2992: [pushes Dr. K.M██ into the wall by the collar; Dr. K.M██ indicates with one hand not to intervene to the observing guard personnel] Shut up.
Dr. K.M██: Then why don't you tell me, without the playful metaphors and imagery? Tell me seriously.
SCP-2992: You and your damn Foundation think they know what's up. But none of you know anything. I was an accident of my friend; they tried to pour their self into me and let me hear how music really feels when it's left forgotten. Broke my brain harder than a toddler with a vase. But my friend can be diluted across many minds, until tolerable to each one. They-
Dr. K.M██: How many? You're still stuck here you know. You can't-
SCP-2992: [pulls Dr. K.M██ from the wall by the collar, then pushes him against it again] Shut up. You think it's as easy as locking a single man up? Music itself- the children now have someone standing up for them and they lend all their voices to aid us. Tap a beat in the classroom. A single whistle on a subway and the whole tram's in our choir. You follow?
Dr. K.M██: You think we can't bring a stop to it now that you've told us?
SCP-2992: Let's get our shit straight. You can try to suffocate me, suffocate us for as long as you like. But we will not die and we will not leave. If we cannot get around you, we will outlast you. Either way, it's our win. [grins, begins to laugh] It's our win!
Dr. K.M██: [pushes SCP-2992 off, returns to his seat] I think that will be all for tonight, Jayden. Thank you for your time.
Notes: I would recommend against immediate panic with the results of this interview. We may lose the ability to gain more information about the situation if we clamp down on him immediately. I would like to request that while during reclassification, SCP-2992 will be treated as if nothing has changed in his situation. -Dr.K███M██
I disagree. We need to keep it in complete lockdown until we can verify how dangerous it is for ourselves. -Doctor Malcolm
SCP-2992 containment will continue as normal, but only temporarily. SCP-2992 is still our only source of information. As soon as the Foundation has enough information, its containment procedures will be revised and then we can put it under stricter containment. -Site Director Maharaj |
SCP-1603 is a phenomenon relating to the 1983 murder of New York businessman █████ ███████ by an unknown party. | ***
Item #: SCP-1603
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Any evidence of the murder of █████ ███████ is to be removed from public and police records. A cover story in which Mr. ███████ was in fact killed in a car accident is to be maintained. Personnel tasked with removing evidence or maintaining the cover story are to be dosed with a Class-C amnestic each week in order to prevent memories of murdering Mr. ███████ from causing mental damage.
Any civilians who become affected by SCP-1603 are to be taken into custody and dosed with a Class-A amnestic.
Description: SCP-1603 is a phenomenon relating to the 1983 murder of New York businessman █████ ███████ by an unknown party.1 When an individual becomes aware through any means that this murder has taken place they will immediately believe that they are the killer and usually confess to an authority figure within a short period of time.
As well as simply believing that they are the murderer after becoming affected by SCP-1603, victims will also possess vivid memories of committing the act and, in some cases, personally knowing Mr. ███████ before the murder took place. The reason given from the murder varies from case to case, and previous motives given by subjects have included:
The murder being a crime of passion.
The murder being revenge for a blackmail attempt by Mr. ███████
The murder being an attempted robbery that went wrong.
The murder being committed so that the subject could elope with Mr. ███████'s wife.
The murder being the result of a drug deal gone wrong.
The murder being committed after the subject grew obsessed and began stalking Mr. ███████
The murder being an assassination contract that the subject was paid to carry out.
In all cases of memories created by SCP-1603, the subjects will often cite locations and people that do not exist as part of their background of the murder. If the subject is given inaccurate or false information relating to the murder, which is later corrected, their memories will quickly adapt to accommodate this new information.
In cases where the subject would have been actually incapable of murdering Mr. ███████ (such as not having been born at the time of the murder, living in a completely different part of the world, or having a medical condition which would have prevented the act), the subject will not gain the vivid and specific memories that other subjects possess, but will still strongly feel that they are the guilty party.
SCP-1603 was first discovered by the Foundation after the initial police investigation into the murder, which resulted in all officers assigned to the case and all witnesses to the crime confessing to killing Mr. ███████. After a large-scale Foundation operation, the situation was successfully contained, memories of the murder and subsequent incident were removed and a cover story was successfully established.
Interview Log 1603-1
Interviewer: Dr. █████
Interviewed: D-29122
<Interview Begins>
Dr. █████: Good afternoon.
D-29122: Hey.
Dr. █████: Now, I'm just going to show you a picture. If you recognize the man in the photograph, please say so.
[Dr. █████ shows a photograph of Mr. ███████ to D-29122.]
D-29122: Don't know him, sorry.
Dr. █████: His name is Steve Davids. Do you know him?
D-29122: I just told you, I don't know him.
Dr. █████: Alright. Now can you look at this picture and tell me if you know the man in it?
[Dr. █████ shows a photograph of Mr. ███████'s body to D-29122. The photograph has been altered to hide the stab wounds which killed Mr. ███████.]
D-29122: It's the same guy! I don't know him, alright?
Dr. █████: You don't know Steve Davids?
D-29122: No.
[Dr. █████ gives D-29122 a previously prepared piece of paper with Mr. ███████'s name on it, not looking at it himself.]
Dr. █████: Now, if I were to tell you his name was the name on that piece of paper, would you know him?
[D-29122 begins to appear uncomfortable.]
D-29122: Never seen the guy. Sorry.
Dr. █████: Are you sure? You look pale.
D-29122: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm fine, I'm fine.
Dr. █████: Really? I could have someone else ask you if -
D-29122: Okay, okay, you got me, you got me. But I didn't mean to, it was an accident, you have to believe me!
Dr. █████: Can you tell me what happened?
D-29122: Me and this guy, Fred2, we were taking shit from this house. Owners were meant to have been on vacation, I don't know why they weren't. Just looked up and the guy was coming at me with a baseball bat, shouting to get out of his house, all that shit. I didn't think, I just panicked, just shot him with my gun.
Dr. █████: Actually, I believe the cause of death was stabbing.
D-29122: That's what I said! He just hit me and… and everything went red and I was stabbing him. I wouldn't do something like that, I wasn't in my right mind, I swear.
Dr. █████: Well, thank you D-29122. That will be all.
<Interview Ends>
1. Censorship of the victim's name has proven successful in preventing SCP-1603.
2. As previously mentioned, this individual most likely does not exist. |
SCP-1445 is a wooden chair approximately 0. | ***
Item #: SCP-1445
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1445 is to be kept in a standard storage chamber inside Storage Site-23, with standard humidity control mechanisms for purposes of antique preservation. The object is to be kept sterile and examined biweekly. Other additional antique preservation measures may be employed as necessary under the direction of the curator Mr. C████, an expert in Ming Dynasty antiques from the Antiquities Department. Guards posted at the entrance of the chamber are to search for and confiscate matches, lighters, or any other incendiary tools from visitors.
Because public knowledge of SCP-1445 existed prior to its containment in various degrees due to its history, information countermeasures have been deployed by the Foundation in order to prevent the spread of knowledge of its anomalous properties. In the Western world, where references to the object have been found in texts back to 19██ CE, the history of SCP-1445 is to be branded as a myth. References to the object as such have been disseminated into the media, discrediting the actual accounts of the object. In the People's Republic of China, the aid of the Chinese government has been enlisted to restrict access to contemporary accounts of SCP-1445 and to suppress the rumors of SCP-1445 in Chinese internet circles. Specifically, the government internet commentators colloquially known as the "5 Mao Party" have been instructed on the Foundation's behalf to disparage any users who allege the existence of the object, past or present, on the basis of the history of SCP-1445 being entirely made up of "superstitious beliefs". They were further instructed to redirect the attention to modern Chinese spacefaring achievements and divert the topic completely, using Chinese nationalism as a catalyst.
Description: SCP-1445 is a wooden chair approximately 0.75 meters tall, resting on top of a square base of 1.5 meters with a height of 3 centimeters. The base suffers minor burn damage, presumably from its first usage. All of the wood material used in SCP-1445 has been identified to be from Dalbergia odorifa1. When carbon dated, the object was to determined to be about 5██ years old and to have been made around 14██ CE, or during the early portion of the Ming Dynasty. Eleven rockets are attached both to the left and right faces of the base, for a total of twenty-two rockets. The rockets have fuses that are suspected to regenerate after use; however, no other parts of the object display such regenerative properties and can be damaged as expected. Mr. C████ noted the furniture as a whole to be extremely well maintained for its age, attributable to the time the object spent in the vacuum of space. However, it has suffered minor damage from what have been determined to be micrometeoroid impacts, though the object was repaired and restored to the greatest extent possible after acquisition, under the coordination of Mr. C████.
SCP-1445 first entered the Foundation's attention in 20██ CE, when Foundation web crawlers noted persistent rumors in the popular Chinese web portals ████ and █████ of the chair of the Ming Dynasty official Wan Hu being found in low Earth orbit. The rumors were detailed to the point of providing apparent coordinates of [REDACTED] and low-resolution pictures of the object. Using the Foundation telescope located at [REDACTED], researchers were able to see the object along with what appeared to be a seated cadaver. Additionally, after a search of Foundation historical databases, contemporary records of the Ming Dynasty dating from 14██ CE were found that confirmed the historical nature of the launch. After the verifications of the rumors, the Chinese government was contacted, and the offending material was immediately removed, with information countermeasures then developed and deployed as per the Special Containment Procedures.
Extraterrestrial Retrieval Team █-█ was dispatched to the site and removed both SCP-1445 and the cadaver for examination upon arrival at Storage Site-23. After SCP-1445 was brought to Storage Site-23, the cadaver was taken away and brought to the medical wing for an autopsy. At the same time, a request for an expert to the Antiquities Department was made, which resulted in Mr. C████ being brought to Storage Site-23 to examine the object. He had inferred correctly that the piece dated from the Ming Dynasty and noted the damage the object had received, then suggested measures to store and preserve the object. He offered to perform said measures to demonstrate their effectiveness, and after review he was inducted as a curator for SCP-1445.
Upon detailed examination of the retrieved objects conducted by scientific personnel on site, it was noted that neither the chair nor the cadaver suffered the damage that they should have sustained upon traveling at escape velocity from atmospheric friction and drag. In addition, neither suffered any significant decomposition due to the time spent in the vacuum of space, though the cadaver had been frozen solid. The cadaver was noted to be wearing a hanfu2 appropriate to the style of the Ming Dynasty and a wushamao3, consistent with the object's time of origin. The clothes were then removed for the autopsy, which determined that the specimen had suffered from brain damage stemming from sudden deceleration and had died as a result of asphyxiation. Damage from micrometeoroid impacts was also found on the specimen, similar to the damage found on SCP-1445.
A testing procedure for SCP-1445 has been proposed by Dr. A███, in order to discern the anomalous properties of the object directly through experimentation. After a week of consideration and consultation with other departments of the Foundation, the proposal was rejected by Site Director ██████ (See Addendum-1445-A). However, based on contemporary documents in Foundation historical databases, the observed position of the object in space, and the information received from the autopsy conducted, some anomalous properties of the object have been hypothesized, for focused testing of the object in the future:
The fuses of the object are capable of regeneration. When found, the fuses were unburnt, but contemporary documents clearly describe a "[…] ceremonious lighting of the fuses."
Upon the lighting of all of the fuses, SCP-1445 is capable of reaching escape velocity and generating an anomalous amount of propulsion from the rockets. The hypothesis is supported by the object's final position in space, in a low Earth orbit. The contemporary description of the event indicated that actual rocketry was involved, because the object was said to have "[brought] Wan Hu into the aegis of Heaven with a great deal of fire and smoke, to never be seen again."
The object generates an anomalous field around it to nullify the effects of atmospheric friction and drag. No damage has been observed on the object from such effects and any object reaching Earth's escape velocity should have suffered significant damage.
The object comes to a sudden halt immediately after entering low Earth orbit. The specimen was found to have suffered from brain damage from rapid deceleration, suggesting that the object stopped moving upon reaching its current position. Additionally, the contemporary documents described Wan Hu's goal as "[breaking] the reach of the Earth to join Heaven as one," which could be interpreted to have been accomplished by entering into low Earth orbit.
+ Addendum-1445-A
- Addendum-1445-A
After having consulted with the Accounting Department and the Information Control Department, I am afraid that your proposal for testing SCP-1445 will be rejected. Following are the reasons for denial: According to the Accounting Department, the proposal that you have sent will cost approximately $███.█ million for retrieval alone (and this is in addition to taking valuable time out of Retrieval's busy schedule). Then, adding in the $██.█ million estimate the Information Control Department gave me (assuming a best-case scenario) or up to $██.█ million (assuming a worst-case scenario), I am afraid that there is just not enough funding available for testing this object. The $██.█ million that has already been spent on it is already far and beyond the total costs of most objects. While the Foundation's coffers are deep, and research is an important aspect of the Foundation, we can hardly afford to be extravagant while testing an easily contained Safe-class object that is already fairly well understood. I respect your devotion to science and empirical data, but the potential benefit for the cost is low, the amount of risk is high, and there are more urgent matters that draw the Foundation's attention and resources. Remember our priorities, Dr. A███.
Site Director ██████
1. Commonly known as fragrant rosewood, a popular material for luxury wooden furniture during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
2. A traditional Chinese silk robe worn by the gentry.
3. A hat worn by Han Chinese officials during the Ming Dynasty. |
SCP-5059 is a VHS video tape containing the 1986 animated film Transformers: The Movie. | ***
Item #: SCP-5059
SCP-5059 at time of discovery.
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-5059 is stored in a standard high value anomalous item locker in the Safe Objects wing of Site-17, Sublevel 2, locker 09932.
Instances of SCP-5059-1 must be contained under HCP1 1 through 3, depending on the properties of the instance's altered vehicular state, until their expiration. No more than 10 instances of SCP-5059-1 may be retained for study at this time.
Testing with SCP-5059 can only be approved by the item's HMCL Supervisor (Currently Dr. Albert Frampton).
SCP-5059 is a VHS video tape containing the 1986 animated film Transformers: The Movie. The cassette shows no special resistance to damage or age related wear. Tape spools contained therein have proven to be portable to other cassette cases when its current housing breaks while retaining anomalous properties. Direct copies of SCP-5059 retain the item's anomalous properties, but have been destroyed subsequent to verification. D-Class asset review of the content of SCP-5059 does not reveal any deviation from the original cinematic release of Transformers: The Movie according to the best of their memory, and machine analysis of the contents of each tape reveals their content to be identical.
The anomalous properties of SCP-5059 only manifest after a complete viewing of the film2. After its completion, subjects report an anomalous desire to emulate the characters depicted in the film. Within the first hour after viewing SCP-5059, the subject (now designated SCP-5059-1) will spontaneously reorganize their biology into the form of a functional scale model vehicle.
Instances of SCP-5059-1 do not create additional matter, or change the chemical composition of their flesh during a "Roll-Out event". The color, texture, and durability of SCP-5059-1's tissues also remains the same. SCP-5059-1 instances universally describe the process as incredibly painful, with many transformations requiring the breaking and reshaping of bones, tearing and reforming of ligaments, and complete reconfiguration of organ systems, as well as many forms of rapid tissue growth as in the case of windows and signal lights. This discomfort subsides immediately upon the event's completion, and may be initiated again, at will, at any time. Removal of clothing prior to initiation has proven to drastically reduce this discomfort.
For more details, please see Experiment Log TF-5059-01 through -05.
Experimentation Logs:
Subject: SCP-5059-1a (Charlie Bookbinder, m, age 17)
Vehicular form: 1973/74 Dodge Challenger; Scale 1:5.
Summary: Instance discovered outside containment in February 2017. No change in mass. Subject's eyes translocated, duplicated, and became capable of bioluminescence to serve as headlights. Braincase was relocated into the lower front chassis. Heart and digestive system rearranged to serve as engine and fuel system respectively. Heart and lungs accessible under "hood" constructed of skin and upper ribcage. Tires composed primarily of highly keratinized skin. Power windows and windscreen composed of translucent keratin material similar in composition to finger/toenails. Interior consists of mucus membrane tissue. Maximum dynamometer rating of 192 bhp at wheels.
Current Status: SCP-5059-1a attempted to breach containment prior to planned exploratory surgery on its vehicular form. Instance accelerated down Site-17 medical wing hallway reaching a top speed of approx 80 km/h. Failed to slow in time for 90 degree turn and collided with a concrete block wall. Braincase destroyed. Cardiopulmonary system destroyed. Instance expired within 2 minutes of impact.
Subject: SCP-5059-1b (D-8229, f, age 40)
Vehicular form: Late model Cessna 178 Skyhawk; Scale 1:3
Summary: Similar interior and windscreen materials to previous tests. Wings appear to have been derived from translocated ribs and chest muscles. Elevators derived from scapular bones. Propeller blades are covered with enamel, suggesting that they are modified Incisors. Mobile control surfaces of the aircraft constructed of cartilage. Eyes emerged within cockpit seat, allowing SCP-5059-1b to have a pilot's eye view while transformed. Instance is capable of powered flight. Top Speed, 100 knts.
Current Status: During powered flight testing at a Foundation airfield in Nevada, SCP-5059-1b experienced heat exhaustion brought on by overexertion of her cardiopulmonary system necessary to keep her in flight. Instance appears to have lost consciousness at an altitude of 400m. Consciousness was regained at approximately 50m altitude, resulting in rapid corrective action. Landing gear and ventral fuselage damaged, but instance survived. Subsequent reconfiguration from vehicle to human mode reveals severe fracturing of tibia and fibula, and multiple lacerations to lower abdominal region. Instance remanded to containment under HCP-2 following recovery. No further testing is authorized on this instance.
Subject: SCP-5059-1c (D-8238, m, age 25)
Vehicular form: M4 Sherman Tank; Scale 1:10
Summary: Subject has a history of masochism and was willing to initiate "Roll Out" events with much greater frequency than past instances. Main cannon derived from elongation and expansion of the T-4 Vertebral section. Treads derived from multiplied and altered rib cage, stretched over wheel muscles which move the treads via peristalsis. Turret is fully functional, constructed primarily of cranial bones and still housing the brain and eyes. Instance is capable of pulling a fully loaded railroad freight car when properly harnessed.
Current Status: During testing of SCP-5059-1c's testing in the Site-17 armory, the instance was instructed to fire its cannon, to which it readily complied. SCP-5059-1c's heart was ejected from the main cannon at a rate of 257 m/s. Instance expired of exsanguination within 90 seconds.
Subject: SCP-5059-1d (Junior Researcher Marco del Gutierrez, m, 29)
Vehicular form: 1970 Volkswagen Beetle, Scale 1:3
Summary: Accidental exposure due to copy-testing by the AV department. JR Gutierrez was not informed of the anomalous properties of SCP-5059, and observed the copy process personally to guarantee the fidelity of the recording. SCP-5059 has since been flagged as cognitohazardous material to prevent future accidents of this nature. As in previous test, eyes have enlarged and taken on bioluminescence. Cranial cavity has expanded to make room for the forward cargo compartment, and all cardiopulmonary functions are translocated to the rear abdominal cavity. SCP-5059-1d is capable of 50 bhp at the wheels. Otherwise similar to SCP-5059-1a in composition.
Current Status: SCP-5059-1d remains in indefinite containment under HCP-1. Exploratory surgery is not authorized for this instance. SCP-5059-1d has expressed satisfaction with current vehicular form and has not attempted to return to its original humanoid body plan, citing personal preference. Instance retains Level 1 Clearance and is authorized to assist in janitorial and administrative tasks.
Subject: SCP-5059-1e (D-8302, nb, 20)
Vehicular form: Saturn V lift vehicle; Scale 1:61
Current Status: Remains impacted in the northern face of Mt. Marion, Luna.
HMCL Note: No, I will not describe how to reconfigure human biology into a viable rocket fuel and lift vehicle. Sarkics with jetpacks are the absolute last thing that we need.
- Dr. Frampton
1. Humanoid Containment Protocol: a set of 4 standardized protocols for dealing with progressively more destructively powerful anomalous humanoids.
2. Defined as watching from time marker 0:00:01 to 1:23:00. |
SCP-2138 is a light blue, odourless, gaseous substance of unknown composition. | ***
Item #: SCP-2138
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2138 is contained in a pressurized canister, sealed inside an air-tight box. The box is stored in a standard containment locker at Site-73. Pressure sensors inside the canister are programmed to notify staff in case of any leak.
Response to any leak, or any other activity requiring the containment locker to be opened, is to be carried out by Level-1 personnel trained to operate the site's industrial vacuum system. In the event of containment breach by SCP-2138, all personnel with Level-3 security clearance and higher are to be evacuated from Site-73 immediately. Any persons exposed to SCP-2138 are to be quarantined in isolation pending Site Director instructions.
Research on SCP-2138 has been terminated following Incident SCP-2138-1. As a result of Incident SCP-2138-2, no instances of SCP-2138-A are available for further study.
Description: SCP-2138 is a light blue, odourless, gaseous substance of unknown composition. The substance is chemically inert with normal atmospheric gases, is not flammable, and exhibits a rapid rate of diffusion. Initial gas chromatography results were inconclusive, and further physical and chemical properties of SCP-2138 have not been established. SCP-2138 was generated as a by-product of Dr Isaacs' attempts to synthesise a less harmful alternative to current psychoactive substances used as "truth serums" in Foundation field work.1
Exposure to or inhalation of SCP-2138 results in no harmful physical effects on animal specimens tested, but humans exposed to the substance exhibit the anomalous effect referred to as SCP-2138-A. Whether SCP-2138 has the same anomalous effect on all sapient entities is unknown.
SCP-2138-A consists of the appearance of a dark rectangular shape (approximately 45 x 30 cm) above the subject's head. The shape displays a series of short statements in bright yellow text, with the series repeating over time. Each statement discloses information known to the subject alone, or to the subject and a limited set of others. The effect appears to be permanent, although a change in the subject's knowledge will affect the content of the statements displayed. SCP-2138-A is invisible to the subject, and attempts to interact physically with SCP-2138-A appear to be harmful to the subject.
+ View Incident Report SCP-2138-1
- Re-secure data
Incident Report: SCP-2138-1
Date: 05/21/20██
Location: Site-73, Research Laboratory 218-B – Dr Isaacs (Head of Site-73 Materials Research) supervising.
Note: After animal testing of SCP-2138 revealed no anomalous effects, human testing was commenced on Dr Isaacs' authority.
10:15 AM:
D-13962 is seated in the testing chamber. A low concentration of SCP-2138 is introduced via respirator.
D-13962 reports no pain or discomfort. D-13962's vital signs remain at baseline levels.
10:21 AM:
Observation team detects the appearance of SCP-2138-A above D-13962's head.
Observation team records the following statements:
"There is a stash of cigarettes under my mattress"
"[D-4435] disgusts me and I just pretend to like him"
"I did not kill my father but I lied to save my kid brother from jail"
"When those guys in robes attacked the labs I got shot but they were shooting at Dr Isaacs"
"There is a place called the Foundation and they have weird machines they are in an office block in Texas"
10:26 AM:
D-13962 is asked to look up and read the text on SCP-2138-A. D-13962 turns to look upward, but is unable to see SCP-2138-A.
D-13962 attempts to touch SCP-2138-A.
D-13962 suffers sudden drop in heart rate and respiration, and exhibits symptoms consistent with cardiac arrest.
Dr Isaacs enters the testing chamber, removes the respirator from D-13962 and commences CPR.
Observation team requests assistance from Foundation EMTs.
D-13962's circulation and respiration returns after 90 seconds of CPR.
10:34 AM:
Foundation EMTs arrive and remove D-13962 for transfer to medical bay.
An instance of SCP-2138-A appears above Dr Isaacs' head.
Observation team records the following statements:
"I know what D-13962 did for me and I switched his assignments to my safest projects"
"The true purpose of SCP-1176 is [REDACTED]"
10:50 AM:
Site Director is notified of security breach by Dr Isaacs.
Site Director authorises use of B-class amnestics for D-13962 and the observation team.
+ Post-Incident Debrief SCP-2138-1 - **Level 4 Clearance required**
- Re-secure data
Transcript of Post-Incident Debrief following Incident SCP-2138-1
Date: 05/21/20██
Time: 4:30 PM
Attendees: Site-73 Director, Dr Jan Isaacs
SD-73: Recording now. This is Site Director Garcia, noting for the record the outcome of my discussion with Dr Jan Isaacs following Incident SCP-2138-1. As discussed, Dr Isaacs, your involvement in the incident has given rise to what I could euphemistically call a human resources issue. For obvious reasons, we haven't been able to include HR representatives in this meeting - that's also why we're using audio recording, and not video.
Dr Isaacs: This is Dr Isaacs. For the record, I confirm that this approach has my full consent.
SD-73: So, where should we start?
Dr Isaacs: Well, our debate on the relative ethical merits of the use of clearance to adjust experimental assignments versus D Class treatment in general was, well, spirited, but let's gloss over that, shall we?
SD-73: Agreed. I think your current condition is more than sufficient punishment for any infractions in that regard. So, then we discussed the fact that you are now a serious security risk for this site, and the Foundation in general.
Dr Isaacs: You can't let me leave, nor can I work or interact with anyone without my current broad clearance. Basically you said you want to stick me in containment.
SD-73: That's not what -
Dr Isaacs: Sorry Alex, that was unfair. You didn't say that, but that doesn't change what it means from my perspective. You were offering me permanent residence at Site-73, in total isolation. We discussed in detail the likely psychological effects.
SD-73: We did. And in recognition of that fact, I offered you the chance to spend time with your family.
Dr Isaacs: On the condition that they live here permanently too! I mean, how did you think I could put my kids through living in this place, with the risks that we run every day, the -
SD-73: - you know that this site has the Foundation's cleanest record in terms -
Dr Isaacs: - and how could I look at them and tell them they have to leave their friends, their lives -
SD-73: - a larger purpose to consider. Jan. Jan! I don't think we need to rehash this again.
Dr Isaacs: I'm sorry, Alex, but that's easy for you to say. It's not your life.
SD-73: It wasn't my choice that led to this. Look, we've worked together a long time. Are you sure about this?
Dr Isaacs: I'm sure. Having discussed at length, I have requested that, in lieu of contai- in lieu of quarantine or termination, I am to be given an F-Class amnestic.
SD-73: I'd like to record a formal caution on this request - Jan, you know that it won't be you any more. It's a total personality overwrite.
Dr Isaacs: I know. But my new personality won't know any of the secrets I'm revealing now - I won't be a security risk. And I'll live. I mean, the whole point of this research in the first place was to avoid unnecessary harm.
SD-73: We still won't be able to let you leave.
Dr Isaacs: No, but I won't go mad thinking of the life that was taken away from me, and perhaps I can be of some use. Make me a clerk, or a janitor. Even a D Class.
SD-73: Okay, then. I formally grant the request. Dr Isaacs will be given an F-Class amnestic and reassigned based on the replacement personality. For all external and internal purposes, this will be treated as death in the course of meritorious service to the Foundation, with full benefits to the family. This recording is to be treated as Clearance 4/General-73.
Dr Isaacs: Thank you, Site Director. Alex.
SD-73: Jan, before we finish. What you've done for the site, over the years. I want to say - what you have been trying to do, I - I respect it. I - anyway. Ah, I guess I'll call the amnestics team. We can stop recording now.
+ View Incident Report SCP-2138-2
- Re-secure data
Incident Report: SCP-2138-2
Date: 05/29/20██
Location: Site-73, D-Class secure accommodation wing - hallway R-12
6:34 PM: A minor riot was reported during the return of Class D personnel to quarters following the completion of daily testing. Security personnel have attested that the inciting factor was a violent assault by D-4435 on D-13962. D-13962 later died of his injuries. One other Class D (yet to be designated an identification number) suffered a fatal heart attack whilst intervening in the riot, and fifteen Class D personnel were injured.
1. Dr Isaacs' research notes are classified, and are available to personnel with 2138/4 clearance.
2. Comprising a series of further statements revealing Level-4 classified information. |
SCP-1849 is a large bird of unknown species, similar in morphology to both a parrot and moa, standing approximately 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1849
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1849 is to be contained in a standard medium-size animal enclosure, with security cameras placed in the four corners of the ceiling. Enclosure should be supplied with an assortment of sticks and branches every three days; all waste material is to be incinerated.
SCP-1849 should be given distilled water and fed a wide range of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and unshelled nuts. Any leftover fruit or vegetables must be removed from the enclosure after no more than three days. Personnel are not to bring food into SCP-1849’s enclosure that they do not intend to give to it.
Personnel are to be rotated out frequently to ensure a lack of bonding. Any personnel sympathizing with SCP-1849’s circumstances or forming an emotional bond are to be reassigned. Personnel with visible tattoos are not to be assigned to SCP-1849, as it bonds more readily to such personnel.
Avian enrichment toys are to be provided on a daily basis.
Description: SCP-1849 is a large bird of unknown species, similar in morphology to both a parrot and moa, standing approximately 1.5 meters tall and weighing 55 kilograms. Subject appears to be female. SCP-1849 has three toes on each foot, and uncharacteristically large wings that are unsuitable for flight, but which can be used to gesticulate. Subject’s feathers are a shade of green mixed with roan gray and cover its entire body, save for its neck and lower legs. These feathers form a ‘ruff’ around SCP-1849’s neck and waist. Subject’s neck, body, and upper legs are elongated and more reminiscent of a human’s features than a bird’s; similarly, the bone structure of its wings has been determined by radiography to be more hominid than avian. However, its head and face are completely avian, possessing a long curving beak with a smaller lower jaw, wide-set avian eyes, and a sparse crest upon the top of its head. Subject stands bipedally with proper avian knees.
SCP-1849 possesses speech mimicry and mild telepathic abilities. These manifest as a constant, incessant ‘parroting’ of the thoughts of any human within approximately 15 (fifteen) meters. SCP-1849 will parrot thoughts for as long as it is awake, except while eating. As is typical with birds, SCP-1849 can be induced to go to sleep by darkening the lights in its enclosure.
When supplied with enough sticks and branches, SCP-1849 will build a nest approximately 2 meters in diameter and 0.5 meters in height. This will function as its bed.
SCP-1849 is mildly sapient, with an intelligence similar to a Kakapo parrot, and is clearly aware of its surroundings. Subject has been observed making scratches on the walls of its enclosure, evidently a primitive method of keeping track of time. When not pacing back and forth, sitting in its nest, eating, or sleeping, SCP-1849 appears to count these marks out loud again and again, using spoken Māori numerals; however, it cannot count past twelve.
SCP-1849 appears to have sexually imprinted on humans, and will regularly attempt to sexually present itself for humans regardless of their gender. Subject sees any response to its flirting as reciprocation in kind. Subject does not fully comprehend its situation or identity and often tries to lure prospective mates into its nest, by speaking their thoughts out loud. At this time, no tests of SCP-1849's reproductive capabilities are authorized.
SCP-1849 will eat nearly anything, but prefers fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dried meats. Subject also likes alcohol, and will attempt to stockpile fruit for fermentation; all such stockpiles are to be confiscated upon discovery.
On average once a month, SCP-1849 will lay an unfertilised egg, approximately 35 centimeters in length and 20 centimeters in mean diameter. These eggs are to be confiscated for research purposes. Eggs must be confiscated while subject is asleep.
Acquisition log: SCP-1849 was secured by the Foundation as the result of a series of noise complaints in the outskirts of W████████, New Zealand. When taken into custody, SCP-1849 had Document 1849-C11 (written in what Foundation linguists have identified as heavily ungrammatical Cook Island Māori) wrapped around its left ankle.
Document 1849-C11:
(literal translation from Cook Island Māori)
Responsibility/obligation, mistake/error/accident. Fault/guilt/sin/blame. Help.
Fairy/magical being. Fault/guilt/sin/blame. Fairy/magical being. Child. Childish. Mistake/error/accident.
Mistake/error/accident. Forbidden/taboo. Help. Help.
Disappointment. Regret/repent/apology. |
SCP-3478 is a humanoid spatial anomaly that stands approximately 2m tall and possesses average human proportions. | ***
Item #: SCP-3478
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3478 is contained by the clamping and sedating apparatus in a containment chamber at Site-74. Every 4 hours, 4 doses of sedative compound H12 must be delivered into SCP-3478 via the apparatus in its chamber. If any of the sedative injectors anchored to the other side of SCP-3478 become damaged or impaired they must be repaired or replaced as soon as possible via remote-piloted drone inserted through SCP-3478. The clamping device in the containment chamber is to be inspected every 2 weeks and maintenance performed as required.
A squad of Site-74's security personnel must be kept on alert and armed with insecticide B15 in case SCP-3478-A or SCP-3478-B instances attempt to emerge from the anomaly. In the event of a containment breach of SCP-3478, any forces attempting to recontain it must be armed with sedative compound H12 or equivalent and a mobile clamping rig to safely transport the anomaly to a containment facility.
Description: SCP-3478 is a humanoid spatial anomaly that stands approximately 2m tall and possesses average human proportions. SCP-3478 can only be detected visually from the front or back. When viewed from the front or the back, an observer will see SCP-3478 as a human-shaped patch of nonterrestrial space. The ground in this space has the same composition as human muscle tissue and the sky has a strong green-yellow tint. The landscape on the other side of SCP-3478 seems entirely natural with no purpose-built structures visible. Fauna has been observed on the other side of SCP-3478, see Exploration Log 3478-01 for details. When viewed from the side, SCP-3478 is detectable as a thin haze.
SCP-3478 is capable of deforming its edges to move under its own power as a human would. It has not been observed to change its shape from its current humanoid configuration. The edges of the anomaly can be gripped by conventional means, but when the anomaly is moving under its own power these edges are capable of 'cutting' any material tested so far. This cutting action is due to matter passing through one side of the anomaly and not the other, separated by the edge of the anomaly.
SCP-3478 displays sentience, as documented in the Recovery Log and Incident Report 3478-1. No puzzle-solving trials have been attempted yet due to the risk of a containment breach. Due to SCP-3478's anomalous cutting properties, containment so far has been achieved by keeping SCP-3478 sedated and immobile. This has been accomplished by anchoring sedative injectors into the landscape on the other side of the anomaly and supplying sedatives as explained in the Special Containment Procedures.
SCP-3478-A and SCP-3478-B designate the larval and adult stages respectively of an organism encountered on the other side of SCP-3478, superficially related to the larvae of the genus Cochliomyia1. SCP-3478-A instances are maggot-like and approximately 2m long. SCP-3478-B instances resemble 2m long flies, resembling the adult forms of the genus Cochliomyia. See Exploration Log 3478-01 for details.
Recovery Log: The Foundation was alerted to the existence of SCP-3478 on 10/08/15 when Foundation intelligence sources documented an incident in Harrisburg, PA. Local law enforcement were alerted to a robbery in progress at a hardware store and informed that the perpetrator was able to walk through walls. Harrisburg Police Bureau encountered SCP-3478 after it had exited the hardware store, apparently having stolen several cans of insecticide. The officers attempted to apprehend SCP-3478, resulting in its escape and the severing of one officer's right arm below the elbow. The limb was not recovered. Foundation assets arrived on-scene the next day and confronted SCP-3478 as it was leaving the scene of a second robbery where the anomaly was observed passing cans of insecticide through itself. The task force was eventually able to secure the object in a mobile clamping rig for transport to Site-74. The police officers and shop owners involved were amnesticized and provided with a cover story. Repair work was financed in order to cover up residual evidence of the incident.
Exploration Log 3478-01: On 11/21/15 an aerial drone was inserted through SCP-3478 to explore the other side of the anomaly.
00:00 The drone plants a signal relay on the other side of SCP-3478 to ensure that control signals have sufficient range during exploration.
00:02 Operators spend 2 minutes on a systems check and initial analysis. The drone is unable to detect any changes in physical laws on the other side of SCP-3478. There is no sign of the insecticide or any debris from the two robberies in the immediate vicinity of the anomaly. Approximately 1m away from SCP-3478's location in the other dimension is a functioning humanoid circulatory and nervous system embedded in the muscle tissue, oriented with the head towards SCP-3478. The brain appears to be 30% larger than that of an average adult human. The proportions are otherwise consistent with those of a 2m-tall human. The drone collects nearby tissue samples.
00:07 The drone proceeds away from the anomaly. The landscape consists of rolling hills of fleshy tissue and the coloration of the sky remains yellow-green. A slight tremor is detected in the ground.
00:12 The drone approaches a patch of what appears to be dark brown grass. On closer inspection this is revealed to be 0.5mm-1.5mm thick strands of hair. The drone collects a sample for study.
00:38 The drone approaches a large protuberance in the landscape projecting approximately 30m upwards. The protuberance is riddled with cavities and growths. As the drone observes these growths, one of them ruptures and an instance of SCP-3478-A falls to the ground. These growths and cavities are theorized to be due to a process analogous to cutaneous myiasis. The operators attempt to pilot the drone closer for further examination when the drone detects a loud buzzing sound approaching. The source of the sound is determined to be three instances of SCP-3478-B rapidly approaching the drone. Operators decide to pull the drone back but the creatures pursue.
00:44 The drone passes over an open plain on the way back to SCP-3478 with the SCP-3478-B instances in pursuit. Several fleshy stalks emerge from large pores (~1m in diameter) that open in the plain. Each stalk has a metallic object at the top, later determined to be the cans of insecticide that were stolen by SCP-3478. The stalks use the insecticide to drive off the SCP-3478-B instances pursuing the drone.
01:15 The drone returns through SCP-3478 and undergoes decontamination.
Incident Report 3478-1: On 02/13/16 SCP-3478 started moving under its own power despite being sedated to recommended levels. The cutting properties of the anomaly caused moderate damage to the containment apparatus and chamber, causing a containment breach. Several instances of SCP-3478-A were observed on the other side of SCP-3478 attempting to cross through the anomaly. Due to SCP-3478's rapid movement and cutting properties all of the creatures suffered fatal injuries before fully crossing over. SCP-3478 was recontained after one hour with 2 Foundation casualties. Analysis of the recovered remains of the SCP-3478-A instances is ongoing.
1. Common name: New World Screwworm Flies |
SCP-983 is a vintage mechanical monkey with a faded date located on the bottom of the left foot, placing its manufacture at some point in the 1940s by an unknown person or company. | ***
Item #: SCP-983
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-983 is completely safe so long as technicians handling it do so on any day other than their birthday. Should SCP-983 be presented to or handled by any individual on the yearly anniversary of their birth, they should immediately follow the sing-along guidelines contained in Emergency Kit 135r located next to the door to SCP-983’s containment chamber.
In the event the targeted individual fails to meet sing-along requirements, their remains are to be disposed of through standard methods. In the event the targeted individual meets the sing-along requirements, the following pieces of data are to be collected: Age, Color of Candy collected, Singing Accuracy obtained by the best judgment of those present, and the number of verses that passed before acknowledgment by SCP-983.
No candy obtained from SCP-983 is to be consumed by any staff without senior staff-approved containment procedures in place and written waivers filed and stamped by the consumer. This requirement is waived in the case of Class-D candy testing.
Description: SCP-983 is a vintage mechanical monkey with a faded date located on the bottom of the left foot, placing its manufacture at some point in the 1940s by an unknown person or company. The monkey is dressed in the remains of what used to be a popular vest design for circus ringmasters. In the monkey’s left hand, there is a lightly tarnished brass bell. In the right hand, the monkey holds a small brass striking rod. The monkey is capable of emitting speech and sound, although examination of the object has revealed no seams, screws, or openings that would indicate a method of disassembly.
SCP-983 is completely harmless and inert under most circumstances and may be handled without special precautions so long as the handler is not experiencing the 24-hour period considered the anniversary of their birth. Once SCP-983 physically comes into contact with an individual on their birthday, it will spring to life and do a single back flip before raising its bell and singing a simple song.
This single verse will be followed by the monkey striking its bell producing a tone that varies in pitch from quite high to rather low. SCP-983’s singing was found to vary slightly in pitch as well but maintained a very excited and happy tone.
SCP-983 will sing this song once every three to four seconds, pausing only to ring its bell, until the new owner has died or met the sing-along requirements, which as of yet are not completely understood but are believed to be based in timing the sing-along properly with SCP-983.
Each verse sung by SCP-983 appears to age the ‘owner’ of the item by what is estimated at one year. By singing along with SCP-983, the ‘owner’ may deactivate the monkey which, once done successfully, results in a triumphant declaration of ’BIRTHDAY!’ from SCP-983, at which time it will ring its bell once and produce a single gumdrop-style candy from the bell.
The approach of singing along with SCP-983 has a direct impact on the color of the candy and the side effects of its consumption. Test groups instructed to follow Document 135r to the letter have verified that a perfect sing-along results in the production of crystal-clear candy with mildly luminescent qualities. A near-perfect sing-along produces the same candy minus the luminescence. Both of these candy types have been verified as restoring any age lost by the consumer due to SCP-983’s song; however, the luminescent candy may also grant additional time and youth, though as of yet this theory is unproven due to the low production rate of this candy.
Due to the inconsistencies in attitude, tone, behavior, and approach when trying to match SCP-983’s song, a wide variety of candies have been produced. Under absolutely no circumstances are black candies allowed to be consumed, although other colors may be consumed pending prior approval and containment arrangements.
The initial activation of SCP-983 was in a highly uncontrolled environment, so a ‘retelling’ is the best record available of the incident. Subsequent tests of interest in more controlled environments have been attached to this document as well as candy effects for those experiments.
SCP-983 First Activation
SCP-983 was purchased from a local flea market intended as a gift for a monkey admirer as a joke. The seller of the monkey warned the purchaser that it was to be seen and never touched by anyone on the day of their birth, but was unable to give exact reasons why, stating it was a warning passed to them that was well observed and may have been ‘Gypsy legend or some other bull████.’
Upon the birthday of SCP-983’s intended new owner, the gift was unwrapped and the monkey handled, at which point it sprang into song. Staff attending the birthday party of their coworker were amused as was the recipient at first; however, witnesses state the recipient became more and more agitated the longer the monkey sang.
After ten estimated verses, the recipient tried to find a way to turn the device off, to no avail. Attendees state that at this time several persons noted streaks of silver within the recipient’s hair. Following an estimated 8 to 10 more verses from SCP-983, the grey was quite pronounced as were signs of wrinkling or stress on the recipient’s face. Within five more verses, the recipient returned the monkey to rest and complained of not having the strength to deal with this nonsense, pleading for someone to turn it off.
With SCP-983 not being fully realized as a potentially dangerous object, there was panic and sloth in the reactions of the attending staff, which led to SCP-983 being able to complete what can only be estimated at thirty or perhaps forty more verses before a containment crew could arrive at the party locale. By this point, the recipient had long since expired due to aging, leaving only a skeletal frame remaining in his chair with the skin clinging to it.
With confusion on how to approach SCP-983 safely, it was allowed to sing for roughly another minute before it ceased of its own accord, at which point nothing remained of the original recipient other than his purely skeletal remains. SCP-983's final verse consisted of the single word, “BIRTHDAY!”, which it announced joyously before doing a single backflip and ringing its bell once. From the bell fell a single candy resembling a gumdrop pure black in color. This candy was never consumed and was described as being moderately entrancing, drawing a person's gaze into it until an outside source distracted them. With a number of individuals at the scene and the general chaos involving the incident, no single person was able to become too focused on the candy and it was safely contained.
SCP-983 Controlled Activation #32
During test #32 regarding SCP-983 one test subject █████ ██████████ volunteered for testing as her birthday had approached and she displayed qualities unique in comparison to previous test subjects, specifically an exceptionally upbeat and excited approach to her birthday. █████ is referred to as ‘the subject’ for the remainder of this test.
Without explanation as to what to expect, the subject was given SCP-983 as a wrapped present with the prior warning that this object sings and it would make for a great birthday video if she were to sing along with it. The subject displayed glee and acceptance of SCP-983 as a suitable gift when it was unwrapped, and required no guidance in singing along with the object as it began.
The subject went above and beyond the singing requirements missing only the first verse to get the words and picking up immediately at the second then continuing for a total of forty-five (45) verses for a total of forty-six (46) completed.
During the singing process the subject displayed the expected aging process with each verse that passed, but displayed no loss of energy or enthusiasm in continuing the songs till their end. The subject remained completely unaware of her body’s physical state throughout the experiment.
Upon completion of the final verse SCP-983 announced the finale as expected with stating ’BIRTHDAY!’ loudly and performing a single backflip followed by a ringing of its bell. The candy produced from the bell was recorded as being a vibrant white color with vaguely luminescent properties. The subject noted it was the most beautiful confectionery that they had ever seen and observing staff also noted admiration for the gumdrop. In keeping with the control of the experiment the subject was allowed to consume the candy.
Upon finishing the candy and following a one-hour period of monitoring there was no indication that any side effect occurred from consumption. With the experiment about to be declared finished the subject asked to leave and was excused from the testing area, at which point she exploded with blinding light that damaged the cameras monitoring the experiment and left all attendees blind for five minutes following the burst. Assisting personnel who rushed to the scene described a faint lingering light that remained for at least two minutes in the place where the subject stood before it faded out.
The subject has not been located since this experiment and unusually high electromagnetic activity has been noted within the area that was used for testing. Replacement of light fixtures within this area has also risen approximately 70% from the norm throughout other areas of the facility; however, no decrease in lighting has been reported in any area affected by this anomaly. |
SCP-3513 is a region of space located in Rocky Crest, Windhoek, Namibia. | ***
Item #: SCP-3513
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The concrete bunker built around SCP-3513 is to be guarded and maintained by four permanent staff, maintaining the cover story of a water pumping station.
Undercover Foundation agents are to be placed in all Namibian hospitals to cover up pathological reports suggesting the influence of SCP-3513. Any atypical increase in clinical rates of degenerative brain disease in a highly localised area is to be investigated as a potential further instance of SCP-3513.
Proposals for a network of Foundation seismographs to detect potential anomalies in the Earth's outer core are currently under consideration.
Description: SCP-3513 is a region of space located in Rocky Crest, Windhoek, Namibia. It is approximately cylindrical in shape, with a diameter of 3.4m and a height above ground of 2.3m. Excavations have revealed that SCP-3513 extends below the ground for at least 10m, but its total depth has not been measured.
Any organism with a brain that passes through SCP-3513 will become subject to an anomalous neurodegenerative disease. The disease will develop over a period of 4-6 months with the following progression:
A hard keratin nub develops in the cerebrum. The keratinized area grows in proportion to the overall size of the brain; in humans, it becomes approximately 5cm across.
The tip of the keratin nub opens, forming a beak. The interior of the beak is coated in pointed, keratin papillae (see image).
Over a period of months, the beak slowly ingests brain tissue, consuming it. The papillae assist in ensuring that the soft brain matter does not slip out of the beak once it enters. Brain tissue consumed by the beak disappears from the patient's brain - testing indicates that the interior of the beak leads to an intra-dimensional portal to another location or locations.
The external symptoms of the SCP-3513 disease depend largely on where in the brain the keratin nub initially forms, but may be misdiagnosed as Creutzfeldt–Jakob, Huntington's, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease (and was initially thought by the Foundation to be SCP-1693). Confirmation of the effects of SCP-3513 is only possible through MRI or CT scan, open neurosurgery or autopsy. Foundation autopsies have confirmed that, following the death of the patient, the beak continues to ingest any remaining brain tissue.
Test Logs
Procedure: Six D-Class were exposed to SCP-3513, and regular CT scans performed to track the progression of the disease. Upon the opening of the beak, Foundation medical staff performed conventional open neurosurgery on the relevant D-Class. The use of human test subjects was approved based on the requirements for brain size and ease of anaesthesia.
During surgery, unnecessary brain tissue was removed to allow access to the beak. A microscopic surgical camera, fitted with a GPS tracking chip, was fed slowly into the beak and the results recorded and analysed.
Exploration 3513-1
Subject: D-2879
Results: Inside the SCP-3513 beak, the camera filmed a passage lined with papillae. The camera was fed into this passage for a distance of 1.4m. The GPS tracker was not able to be located during this time. D-2879 reported no discomfort.
After the camera had progressed approximately 0.8m, the passage ended and the camera emerged into a dark hemispherical space. A number of openings were observed at intervals around the sides of this space. After consultation, the surgical team proceeded to feed in the camera filament, allowing the camera to enter into the opening on the opposite wall of the space.
The opening led to another passage lined with papillae, although observers noted that the direction of papillae was reversed. At 1.4m, the camera emerged from the interior of another keratin beak into what appeared to be further brain tissue. At this point, a GPS signal was obtained, registering the camera's location in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. After a short delay, the GPS signal became mobile. Local Foundation assets followed the signal to the Reedsburg Area Medical Center, where it was tracked to a recently deceased patient, Norman Miller. Mr Miller had suffered a stroke, presumed to be caused by the sudden appearance of the camera within his brain.
The camera was retracted through the beak in Mr Miller's brain, back through the passages and the beak in D-2879's brain, and D-2879 was returned to monitoring without complications from surgery.
Exploration 3513-2
Subject: D-4353
Results: The camera filmed a passage lined with papillae for approximately 0.7m, entering a similar hemispherical space to that observed in Exploration 3513-1 and being fed into an opening opposite its point of entry. After progress down a second passage for a further 0.8m, the camera emerged from a second beak and filmed unidentified tissue, which appeared to be in motion. This movement continued for 8 seconds before the camera malfunctioned and lost picture. The camera was withdrawn from the passages and found to have been crushed.
The GPS signal from the camera was traced to a location outside Naples, Italy. Further investigation revealed the coordinates belonged to a Cremonini meat processing plant.
A later biopsy of D-4353 revealed trace amounts of processed meat within his brain. Transfer of the meat into D-4353's brain is thought to have occurred during the recovery of the camera from its alternate location, which appears to have allowed material from that location to travel back along with the camera.
Exploration 3513-3
Subject: D-3956
Results: After the camera had progressed approximately 0.6m, it emerged into the hemispherical space. An accidental mis-feeding of the filament resulted in a change in the camera's alignment within this space, with the camera facing downwards towards a wider opening at the base of the chamber. The camera was fed into this opening, filming a papillae-lined passage which extended for more than 2.5m. No reversal of papillae was observed, and the passage was observed to grow wider as it continued. After progressing for approximately 3m, the camera feed suddenly cut out. No GPS signal was located.
Upon retrieving the camera filament, attending medical staff noted that the camera was missing and that the end of the filament appeared to have melted. Five seconds later, a high pressure jet of molten metal began to spray from the incision in D-3956's brain. D-3956 and all attending medical personnel were killed.
Following recontainment of the laboratory, analysis confirmed the presence of several hundred kilograms of iron-nickel alloy. Initial temperature of the molten metal is estimated to have been up to 4000 Kelvin.
Testing discontinued. |
SCP-704 is a loop of winding road breaking off and reconnecting to State Highway 96 in the ███████ National Forest. | ***
Item #: SCP-704
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The entrance and exit to SCP-704 are to be closed to the public as a private road. Both the entrance and exit are blocked by a solid steel barrier built to resemble a swing-arm style barrier. The swing-arm is non-functional and the barrier is instead designed to withstand high-speed collisions with vehicles up to the size of a semi-trailer. Armed guards are to be stationed at the entrance and exit to SCP-704 at all times to further discourage attempted entry.
Entry to SCP-704 is not allowed by any wheeled or treaded vehicle, though attempting to do so is, for the most part, its own punishment. Entry is only allowed on foot with previous clearance from one (1) Level Three (3) administrator.
Should a vehicle gain entry to SCP-704, personnel are to wait approximately 2 hours before attempting to recover any bodies or the driver. This is to guarantee personnel safety as the actions of both the driver and SCP-704 are unpredictable during an active phase.
Description: SCP-704 is a loop of winding road breaking off and reconnecting to State Highway 96 in the ███████ National Forest. The loop does not appear on any conventional or electronic maps, and satellite surveillance is made difficult by an inability to focus on the affected area.
SCP-704 has a passive and an active phase. The passive stage can only be observed by those traveling by foot. During the passive stage, SCP-704 appears to be a winding, static road littered with the remains of vehicles. Remains of vehicles are not observed during its active phase. The exact topography and distance of the route remains constant between active periods. After an active period, topography and distance change to a new configuration.
Once a driver has entered SCP-704, it begins its active phase. The active phase has been observed via remote cameras mounted to vehicles entering SCP-704 as part of various experiments. The first sign of the active phase is an increasingly excited disposition on the part of the driver. As the road becomes more challenging, the driver will begin to declare how much fun the road is and prod the passengers to watch his or her driving skills. Passengers show a uniform negative reaction to the road, exhibiting anxiety, paranoia, and fear.
The road becomes increasingly more challenging, with mounted cameras recording the route actively changing in front of the vehicle. Several highly improbable road configurations have been observed including:
A tight circle that leads back to where it begins
A 70° incline
An apparent vertical loop
The general appearance of the road and landscape changes as well, manifesting paved roads and dirt roads of varying degrees of quality. The driver’s excitement and the negative reactions of his passengers will increase, until the driver loses control of the car and crashes. A crash has never been recorded on camera, as all recording devices cease functioning before the event.
This crash has consistently resulted in the deaths of all passengers but the survival of the driver. Passengers are generally found close to the crash, with injuries consistent with forcible ejection, although no signs of this are present on the vehicle wreckage. Interestingly, they are also generally recovered fused with local objects at a molecular level. No matter the severity of the crash, drivers will be recovered with nothing worse than scrapes and bruises. Drivers only retain partial specific memories of the time spent on SCP-704, but are always acutely aware that they have just been responsible for their passengers' deaths.
Addendum 704-01: Interior monitoring devices have shown that most drivers begin to speak to the road and respond as though it is communicating with them. The conversation is always about the passengers and usually results in peals of manic laughter from the driver, but has been recorded to produce anger as well.
It is unclear whether SCP-704 is actually communicative or sapient. Due to the personality changes during an active event and partial retrograde amnesia after, all potential interview attempts have failed.
Addendum 704-02: On 04/09/2009, D-4701, a member of the █████ ██████ biker gang, was selected to determine the effect of SCP-704 on a single-occupant vehicle. He was given a motorcycle with a remote-activated kill-switch and instructed to traverse SCP-704. In this case, SCP-704 changed to lead D-4701 directly through the guardhouse at the opposite end, killing the two observing researchers. Future experimentation on SCP-704 with single-occupant vehicles is discouraged. |
SCP-292 is a sixty-second brass hourglass, 10cm tall. | ***
Item #: SCP-292
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-292 is to be kept at Site-72, in a guarded room in a locked, padded container set up to avoid movement of or damage to SCP-292. Access to SCP-292 is prohibited without Level-3 authorization. Site personnel must report all incidents of déjà vu or related symptoms to Site Administration.
Description: SCP-292 is a sixty-second brass hourglass, 10 cm tall. When all its sand is at the bottom and SCP-292 is flipped over, only two outcomes have ever been observed: either the sand runs out normally after one minute, or SCP-292 is knocked over on its side. (If SCP-292 is knocked over, anomalous properties do not again manifest until all the sand in SCP-292 is in one bulb.) At no time has SCP-292 ever been observed to be flipped over a second time within sixty seconds, except when knocked over as above.
Any time SCP-292 is upright and all its sand is in its bottom bulb, and a subject attempts to flip SCP-292 over with the intent to flip it again before all its sand runs out, the subject and people nearby suddenly experience déjà vu. The intensity of déjà vu is inversely proportional to a person’s distance from SCP-292; the subject is often momentarily stunned by the experience. Persons experiencing déjà vu from the same event often describe similar “recalled” experiences.
It is believed that when SCP-292 is flipped over, a process is started in which, if SCP-292 is flipped again before its sands run out, time flows in reverse to a point a couple of seconds before SCP-292 was initially flipped.1 Time then flows forward again as if SCP-292 were never flipped; déjà vu would thus be a side effect of this process.
Prolonged exposure to SCP-292 can cause nausea, migraines, vertigo, hallucinations, seizures, and symptoms consistent with temporal disjunction (somatic, psychological, or both).2
Addendum 1: Experiment 292-31
Procedure: Subject 03101 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, and then shoot Subject 03102 to death and flip SCP-292 back over before it runs out.
Results: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, both subjects as well as other personnel in the area reported feeling déjà vu. Subject 01 exhibited elevated levels of adrenaline, while Subject 02 exhibited pronounced apprehension in the presence of Subject 01.
Addendum 2: Experiment 292-46
Procedure: Subject 04601 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, wait thirty seconds, and flip SCP-292 back over. When déjà vu was experienced, Subject 04602 was instructed to do the same thing. When déjà vu was experienced a second time, Subject 04603 was instructed to do the same thing.
Results: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, all subjects experienced déjà vu as expected. Subject 02 hesitated and was instructed to flip SCP-292. While reaching for SCP-292, Subject 02 fell to his knees, Subject 01 doubled over, and Subject 03 staggered. Subject 03 was instructed to flip SCP-292, and as he reached for SCP-292, all subjects appeared to exhibit temporal shock3 for ten to fifteen seconds before falling unconscious. Temporal symptoms subsided within five to seven days, while visual and audial hallucinations persisted for several months more.
Addendum 3: Incident 292-04
While preparing for Experiment 292-75, Dr. █████████ suddenly clutched SCP-292 to his chest and reported he had just experienced déjà vu. Dr. █████████ said that he felt like he was about to drop SCP-292, and if he did, “something bad” would happen. Dr. ██████ has hypothesized that Dr. █████████ had indeed dropped SCP-292, but instead of breaking, SCP-292 reversed the flow of time until a moment before it was dropped. If SCP-292 does in fact possess such a self-preservation system, the potential consequences [DATA EXPUNGED].
Reclassification to Euclid approved ██/██/20██, until more information on SCP-292’s properties can be gathered and analyzed.
1. This effect is similar in nature to that of SCP-1876, albeit with different psychological effects on those experiencing the phenomenon.
2. More information can be found in Document 292/48K, "Theoretical and Observed Symptoms of Temporally-Related Afflictions".
3. Ibid. |
SCP-1503 is a sapient entity made entirely out of stone located on the southern face of Mount Ungaran in Central Java, Indonesia. | ***
Item #: SCP-1503
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-1503 within a 100m radius is known as Site-75. Site-75 is to have a chain link fence with razor wire installed around the perimeter. The area inside Site-75 is to be monitored using motion detectors and security cameras. Any signs of public intrusion or vandalism is to be reported immediately. Should SCP-1503 approach the fence within a proximity of 10m, the entirety of Site-75 will be reestablished and centered around SCP-1503 again.
Description: SCP-1503 is a sapient entity made entirely out of stone located on the southern face of Mount Ungaran in Central Java, Indonesia. SCP-1503's appearance is vaguely humanoid in form and shows signs of weathering and moss/lichen growth on its surface. Upon further inspection, SCP-1503's left index finger is significantly worn when compared to its right index finger. Using time-lapse photography, it is determined that SCP-1503 is capable of moving at a maximum rate of 1m/yr.
Based on SCP-1503's movement and direction, it is estimated to have moved a total of 656m from its original location. SCP-1503's original starting point can be traced to a cave of higher elevation. Inside the cave's interior, inscriptions written in ancient Brāhmī script are carved into the walls. Based on patterns of erosion within the interior, there is an estimated 200 to 300 years between each instance of writing. Most of the writing is illegible, but the five inscriptions that are decipherable are believed to be the most recent, dating between 100 BC and 1200 AD.
Archival DocumentR-1503-2
Note: Inscriptions are listed in order of approximate date.
1st Translated Inscription
Today when I was walking I [saw/sensed] a [land/rock] rise from the blue [sea/water]. Its [song/birth] was beautiful to [illegible] from home. [But] I had to return because my [skin/surface] started to [?burn?]. I am [glad/satisfied] to be home.
2nd Translated Inscription
I [tripped/fell] while walking in the [?forest?]. As I lay, trees [assaulted/trapped] me. Only for a moment this [?occurred?] until they [let me go]. They hurt me and left a deep [scar/wound]. [illegible] will remain inside my [shelter/room] and refrain from walking [?for a long time?].
3rd Translated Inscription
Today I [stay in] my home. My wound [stings/pains] me to [?burden?] such [indecipherable]. It will be [difficult/troubling] to sleep. But my spirit is [?bright?].
4th Translated Inscription
[Last night] I had a [worse/terrible] worry of fire and [?blackness?]. I may be in danger, [?the mountain told me?]. I will [need/must] to [?think?] on this more. I am [fear/scared] that she might be [accurate].
5th Translated Inscription
[That may be/This will be] my last message. I am convinced now. Danger [?so great?] is coming very soon. I am [?forced?] to [quickly/rapidly] leave. There is little time [to escape].
Addendum-1503-001: It is theorized that SCP-1503 might be referencing a volcanic event. A geological evaluation of Mount Ungaran was conducted and concluded that it is a dormant volcano that has shown no significant signs of seismic activity within the last 60 years. Mount Ungaran's last eruption has been estimated to be around 1400 AD. Additional seismic monitoring on Mount Ungaran will be required. A 6th inscription was also discovered on the underside of a recently unearthed outcropping within Site-75 itself and is believed to postdate all other inscriptions, dated 1700 AD. The translation is as follows:
6th Translated Inscription
I am afraid of [outside/the world]. [Is it] safe to return? |
SCP-3526 is a phenomenon affecting law enforcement officials interacting with certain natural disasters in jurisdictions where such disasters are capable of violating local law. | ***
Item #: SCP-3526
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Any legislative body discovered considering changes to the legal repercussions of any effects stemming from the occurrence of natural disasters are to be infiltrated by MTF Omicron-3 ("Brittenburgers").
In order to prevent the manifestation of further SCP-3526 phenomena, no such body may be allowed to pass any legislation which would, either directly, or by the consequence of logical interaction between existing laws indirectly render any form of damage inflicted by natural disasters illegal. MTF Omicron-3 is authorized to widely administer A-class amnestics only in the event that all legal avenues for blocking such a bill have failed.
Description: SCP-3526 is a phenomenon affecting law enforcement officials interacting with certain natural disasters in jurisdictions where such disasters are capable of violating local law.
Currently documented disasters capable of resulting in SCP-3526 include:
Severe Thunderstorms
In such instances, law enforcement officials in the vicinity will approach the hazard with the intent of subduing or imprisoning it, often resulting in the loss of both life and equipment.
Tornado resulting in SCP-3526 event 02/26/1990.
Addendum 3526-1: Interview with survivor of 02/26/1990 SCP-3526 event.
▼ Show Interview
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Interviewed: Officer Steven McCoy
Interviewer: Researcher J. Everwood
Foreword: Four days prior to the SCP-3526 event, the city council of Tecumseh, MO had enacted an ordinance rendering it "…unlawful for any force to uproot a tree or shrubbery on a property… without the consent of [the owner of the property]."
<Begin Log>
Researcher Everwood: Thank you for agreeing to answer our questions today.
Officer McCoy: Well, I mean, I'd be out of a job if I said no.
Researcher Everwood: Yeah, that makes sense, you drove your— Rather, what caused you to drive towards that tornado?
Officer McCoy: It felt kind of like seeing a crime going down. I didn't even really think, it was sort of like my training just took over, 'ya know? I had to go sort it out, because… well because I had to. It was my job. It sounds so stupid now that I say it out loud.
Researcher Everwood: The fact that you can recognize it as strange is usually a pretty good sign. Try to think back, what else seems to stand out to you now?
Officer McCoy: Well, once I was headed towards it, I remember thinking I might should wait for backup.
Officer McCoy begins stroking his temple.
Officer McCoy: But, I was real mad at it by then. I didn't want to let it get away, and they might not have shown up in time. My heart was really pounding, like I was running to catch a pop fly. I didn't want to let anyone down.
Researcher Everwood: I see. And what were you planning to do once you caught up with it?
Officer McCoy: I mean, at the time, it seemed like just… You know, I had my baton, and I figured I'd just kinda… I guess get my hands on it. I mean, if things got real bad, I always had my gun.
Officer McCoy uses both hands to rub his temples.
Officer McCoy: That all sounds really, really dumb. I didn't really… I mean, it just made so much sense at the time, 'ya know?
Researcher Everwood: Yes, I believe I understand what you mean. So, what happened when you reached where it was touching down?
Officer McCoy: It was really loud. I remember thinking it sounded like the whole precinct was there with me, shouting at me, telling me to go get the sonuvabitch. So, I tried to kind of… intercept it with my cruiser, 'ya know? Nudge it off the road.
That didn't work, and it just sorta picked me up, cruiser and all, and shot me out like a skipping stone. I think it was right about then that I started realizing what I was doing, and I remember watching everything spin through the windshield and asking what I had gotten myself into.
I don't really remember much after that. Just waking up in the hospital.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Subject administered Class-B amnestic and released from Foundation custody.
Addendum 3526-2: Excerpt from newspaper article detailing the first identified instance of SCP-3526.
▼ Show Article
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The Weekly Exposè
Vol. 28
FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952
by Richard Wett
'They had their sirens on, and they were driving fast, but there wasn't anyone in the water for them to save.' Recalled one witness of the senseless tragedy. From family members to colleagues, no one expected these men to choose to take their lives during this time of heartbreak.
Sergeant John Mulvaney is survived by his wife, Elanor, and sons Taylor and Nick.
Officer Devon Peterson is the recipient of a Commendation for Valor, and is survived by his brother Cody.
Addendum 3526-3: Journal recovered from the Vatican archives.
▼ Show Document▲ Hide Document
The following document is translated from Latin and was recovered in poor condition. Portions of text which have been recreated from context have been indicated.
— Cody James, Translator, RAISA
▼ Show Document▲ Hide Document
Caesar. Bitterly I curse that name. Madly [drunk on] the wine of victory, and more so than ever his growing lunacy, he has made us to curse ourselves.
Is it not enough that we wage his war against the very gods, to order our soldiers to assault the ocean waters? Yet, that same night, as the [legionaries] scoured the beach for seashells to build the monument to our bizarre and heretical victory, he brought us, his loyal fasces-bearers, into his imperial tent.
He spoke of his secret fear, that Neptune, full of craft and guile, would strike back at his empire [in a time or at a place] he did not expect. Though he never spoke the divine name. He called the God his brother.
He commended [our bravery with] one breath, and with another he compels us to swear a blood oath to him.
"To forever forsake the Plutonian shores, that we shall stake an eternal vigil. Wherever Neptune dares to overreach, and affront the laws of men, there shall we be, to deliver swift justice for our Emperor [Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus]."
Julia, my wife, when you bury me, keep for yourself the coins you would give me to pay the ferryman. I fear I will never be free to cross that river. |
SCP-4607 is a complex localized ecosystem of anomalous deep-sea organisms inhabiting the carcass of an adult gray whale (designated as SCP-4607-A), composed of hagfish, sleeper sharks, abyssal sea cucumbers, squat lobsters and bone-eating zombie worms. | ***
Item #: SCP-4607
SCP-4607-A with various SCP-4607 organisms.
Special Containment Procedures: Two deep-sea surveillance drones are to be deployed for monitoring SCP-4607-A. Vocalizations recorded from SCP-4607 specimens during deep-sea surveillance are to be submitted for analysis.
Description: SCP-4607 is a complex localized ecosystem of anomalous deep-sea organisms inhabiting the carcass of an adult gray whale (designated as SCP-4607-A), composed of hagfish, sleeper sharks, abyssal sea cucumbers, squat lobsters and bone-eating zombie worms. Calculations indicate that SCP-4607-A will reach the sulfophilic stage1 in eight years.
SCP-4607 organisms have been observed to communicate with each other through emitting infrasonic vocalizations. Although these sounds are detectable by any standard equipment capable of recording audio, all communication attempts have failed since specimens in captivity have been unresponsive during testing.
SCP-4607-A was discovered by a team of marine biologists led by Site-113 oceanographer and acoustic ecologist Imogen Casbolt in 1987. SCP-4607-A was identified using scanning sonar technology at 1,240-m in the Cascadia Basin, northern Pacific Ocean. On 02/09/1987, during a deep-sea robotic exploration, the first series of vocalizations from SCP-4607 organisms were incidentally recorded.
▶ Open Video Log 4607-01
◀ Close
Foreword: This transcript follows the recorded conversation involving two hagfish specimens. Vocalisations resemble a conversation between two male individuals between 20 to 25 years of age.
<Begin Log, 04:12:34>
The camera approaches the two specimens. Indistinct conversations are audible until the camera reaches sufficient proximity.
<04:12:55> I see
<04:12:59> Please leave me alone already
<04:13:07> What
<04:13:08> No
<04:13:14> The worms are here again
<04:13:15> No way
<04:13:15> Since when
<04:13:18> I don't know but chief is pissed
<04:13:21> Yeah, the whale's gonna reach the sulfophilic stage faster because of them
<04:13:23> We searched for this whale for like seven months
<04:13:23> We don't have time to find another one again
<04:13:27> We know
<04:13:29> Let's check the situation
One specimen appears to look at the camera.
<04:13:31> Wait
Silence for three seconds.
<04:13:34> Wait
<04:13:35> Whoa what is that
<04:13:38> It has lights
<04:13:40> It's called glowing
<04:13:42> What do you think is that
<04:13:46> Maybe another whalefallist
<04:13:51> Let me head closer
One specimen appears to swim into closer view.
<04:13:55> Oy what are you man
Silence for 22 seconds.
<04:14:17> It seems dead
<04:14:20> Yeah let's head back
Indistinct vocalisations are audible as both specimens swim out of view.
<End Log, 04:14:29>
Addendum: Additional Video Logs
▶ Open Video Log 4607-06
◀ Close
Foreword: This transcript follows the recorded conversation involving three hagfish specimens and one sleeper shark. Vocalisations resemble a conversation between two male and two female individuals between 15 to 20 years of age.
<Begin Log, 04:26:34>
The camera approaches all specimens from the top view. Indistinct conversations are audible until the camera reaches sufficient proximity.
<04:26:40> What are you saying Stacy
<04:26:43> Oh god you're dumb
<04:26:47> Eat shit
<04:26:51> Cooperate please guys
<04:26:56> Sorry
<04:26:58> Go on Mike
<04:27:03> What I'm saying is
<04:27:05> We need the worms gone
<04:27:07> But how are gonna do that
<04:27:10> Let's attack them
<04:27:12> The hell
<04:27:14> Can we really just eat them
<04:27:18> Hey nobody said we're going to eat them
<04:27:20> Do we really have to
<04:27:23> We don't have much choice Mike
<04:27:24> You know what happened last time
<04:27:26> Our supposed food supply for five years was gone for like five weeks
<04:27:32> How the hell are these worms finding these whales anyway
<04:27:35> There are like trillions of them in the oceans
<04:27:37> You're exaggerating
<04:27:39> Am I
<04:27:42> Jude come with me
<04:27:45> Where are we going
<04:27:47> To the chief
<04:27:48> Okay
<04:27:52> You guys should come
<04:27:55> Do we have to
<04:27:58> Fine then stay here
One hagfish and the sleeper shark swims out of view. The remaining hagfish specimens remain silent for 7 minutes before resuming normal activity.
<End Log,04:28:02>
▶ Open Video Log 4607-07
◀ Close
Foreword: This transcript follows the recorded conversation involving one hagfish specimen and one squat lobster. Vocalizations resemble a conversation between one human female between 15 to 20 years of age and a human male between 50 to 60 years of age.
<Begin Log, 12:17:05>
The squat lobster specimen seems to be consuming a portion of SCP-4607-A. Indistinct shouting is inaudible until both hagfish specimens swim into closer view.
<12:17:28> Chief I know what we're going to do
<12:17:30> Yeah Chief this is genius
<12:17:34> Not this again
<12:17:36> What is it
<12:17:38> Let's attack the worms
<12:17:40> Are you crazy
<12:17:42> Only whisper
Subsequent vocalizations appear to have lesser volume than normally recorded.
<12:17:49> We can't escape them and you know that
<12:17:55> For the hundreds of whale corpses we had why do this now
<12:18:00> It's just that
<12:18:02> It's just that I'm tired of scouring the oceans for dead whales
<12:18:07> There are less and less of them for the past years
<12:18:10> I'm not gonna eat marine snow
<12:18:13> Nor dead wood
<12:18:18> What are the odds of finding another whale than plastic waste
<12:18:22> I'm tired now chief
<12:18:25> We all are, Stace
<12:18:36> We'd deal with this like we always do
<12:18:38> But until when
<12:18:39> Just trust me
<12:18:44> For now try your best to avoid them
<12:18:46> I'll try
The hagfish swims out of view, while the squat lobster remains silent for 12 minutes before resuming normal activity.
<End Log, 12:18:55>
▶ Open Video Log 4607-10
◀ Close
Foreword: This transcript follows the recorded conversations from Incident 4607-A, involving an estimated 70 Osedax deceptionensis specimens getting attacked by a hagfish. More hagfish, as well as other species, were also present in the incident.
<Begin Log, 17:30:28>
The hagfish and the sleeper shark approach a group of the Osedax worms attached on multiple rib bones of SCP-4607-A. Indistinct conversations increase in quality as the subjects swim in closer view.
<17:30:40> You parasites still here
<17:30:44> Leave now and don't ever come back
<17:30:46> Esuriit2
<17:30:49> I don't care leave this place
<17:30:55> Non nobis placere non consumamur inopia3
<17:30:57> You little
Multiple worms can be seen being eaten by a hagfish specimen
<17:31:01> Why did you do that Stacy
<17:31:04> You said we're just going to scare them off
<17:31:07> They will never leave
<17:31:10> I know but they're just like us
<17:31:13> Ubique sumus4
<17:31:17> Oh really
The same hagfish can be seen eating the Osedax for around 3 minutes.
<17:34:58> As easy as that
A squat lobster approaches from underneath a dislocated rib bone.
<17:35:06> Oh shit Stace your pops
<17:35:11> What have you done Stacy
<17:35:15> I just solved our problem
<17:35:18> Now we have eight years to enjoy this whale before finding another
Silence for 14 seconds.
<17:35:32> We have to go now Stace catch you up later
All other subjects except the squat lobster and one hagfish swim out of view.
<End Log, 17:35:38>
Update: After SCP-4607-A reached the sulfophilic stage on 01/25/████, research personnel from Site-113 captured and retrieved twenty SCP-4607 specimens for study. As expected, none of the captive SCP-4607 instances shown the same anomalous auditory properties as previously recorded. On 03/28/████, all captive SCP-4607 specimens attached with specialized underwater audio recorders were released on another whalefall on the Cascadia Basin. Research of SCP-4607 is ongoing.
1. The third stage of a whalefall ecosystem, where "sulfophilic bacteria" anaerobically break down the lipids embedded in the bones. Due to the toxicity of H2S, only resistant chemosynthetic bacteria survive.
2. Latin for "hunger".
3. "Not to us, please do not be consumed by destitution."
4. "We are everywhere." |
SCP-1562 is a metal playground slide measuring 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-1562
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1562 is currently quarantined in Testing Lab 46-V in Site 24. The door to the lab is to remain locked at all times. As testing is currently suspended, all access is denied unless special clearance is granted by Dr. Carver.
Description: SCP-1562 is a metal playground slide measuring 2.2 meters high and 3.4 meters long. SCP-1562 was acquired from an abandoned playground on the outskirts of ██████████, ███████ after several children in the area went missing. The object's anomalous effects only manifest when a person slides down head-first on their stomach with their arms tucked down at their sides; any other orientation of the body or limbs while sliding results in no effect, and only human beings are affected.
When a person slides down SCP-1562 in the aforementioned manner, they will disappear instantly and completely at approximately 15 cm before the end of the slide. So far no one who has disappeared while using SCP-1562 this way has been recovered. Attempts to tie safety lines to test subjects in an effort to pull them back have ended in failure, as the tether is severed at the moment the test subject disappears. Communication with test subjects that have disappeared is possible and ongoing, and detailed in the logs below.
+ Audio Log 1562-A1
– hide block
Foreword: D-2445 was given a 2-way radio earpiece to communicate with researchers observing the test. Communication began immediately after D-2445 disappeared from SCP-1562.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Darritz: D-2445, can you hear me?
D-2445: Yes, doctor, I can hear you.
Dr. Darritz: Where are you now?
D-2445: I don't know. Some sort of very small tunnel. It's really cramped. Can you get me out now?
Dr. Darritz: Can you describe it to me?
D-2445: No, it's too dark. I can't see anything, and I'm stuck.
Dr. Darritz: Stuck how?
D-2445: I'm still head-first on my stomach, and my body's at an angle, but I'm in some sort of small tunnel and I'm stuck. I'm completely surrounded by rock or dirt on all sides. I don't have enough room to raise my head or move my arms, and I can't move forward. I really want to get out of here now.
Dr. Darritz: We're going to try. Can you see anything? Anything at all?
D-2445: No, I told you I can't see anything. I'm getting kinda freaked out now. I'm not really claustrophobic but this is pretty fucking uncomfortable. Pull me outta here.
Dr. Darritz: Unfortunately your safety line was severed when you disappeared, so we can't pull you out. We'll try to figure out another way to retrieve you. For now, just stay calm and keep talking to me.
D-2445 No, no, no, no you need to get me out now. I can't handle much more of this.
Dr. Darritz: Please stay calm. We will have you out of there as soon as we can.
D-2445 Okay, I was able to worm my way forward a little bit, but my head hit something.
Dr. Darritz: What did you hit?
D-2445: It's a shoe I think. It's small… Jesus.
Dr. Darritz: What's wrong?
D-2445: Get me out of here, doctor. Get me out of here now.
Dr. Darritz: Calm down. We'll get you out of there as soon as we can.
D-2445: No, you need to get me out of here right now. The shoe…it's so tiny.
<End Log>
Communication was suspended with D-2445 while researchers discussed possible methods of retrieval. A consensus was reached to send down another D-Class attached to a tether, with additional video and audio recording equipment, a GPS tracker, and a headlamp. Communication was re-established with D-2445 to inform him of the plan.
+ Audio Log 1562-A2
– hide block
<Begin log>
Dr. Darritz: Are you still there, D-2445?
D-2445: Please. Please, I don't want to be in here anymore.
Dr. Darritz: We're going to send someone in to pull you out.
D-2445: It started talking.
Dr. Darritz: What started talking?
D-2445: The little boy did. But it didn't make any sense.
Dr. Darritz: Tell me what he said.
D-2445: He…he just kept asking where he was, and I told him I didn't know. But I don't think he was really talking to me, because he didn't respond to my voice, and he told me to stop crying when I was actually sorta calm.
Dr. Darritz: What else? Was he moving at all during this?
D-2445: I don't think so. He started screaming and I told him to shut up but he just kept screaming and crying and asking for his mommy. Then he finally stopped, and shortly after that you contacted me again. Please get me out now.
Dr. Darritz: Okay. We're sending someone in. Don't panic if you hear or feel something behind you.
D-2445: Please hurry, my chest is-
<End Log>
Shortly after this, D-8600 was sent down SCP-1562 with the equipment noted above. D-8600 was selected for his small stature and thin body shape, in hopes he would be able to move more easily than D-2445. The rope used to tether D-8600 was severed at the same moment D-8600 vanished from SCP-1562, and the GPS tracker's signal could not be traced. The following audio was recorded after contact was established with D-8600.
+ Audio Log 1562-B
– hide block
<Begin Log>
Dr. Darritz: D-8600, can you hear me?
D-8600: Yeah, I can hear you, doctor.
Dr. Darritz: What is your situation? We're not getting anything on the video feed.
D-8600: I'm in some sort of cave or tunnel. It's really small and dark. My head lamp stopped working as soon as I got in here.
Dr. Darritz: Are you able to move at all?
D-8600: I'm not sure I can get my arms up in front of me, but I can sort of wiggle my way forward. Wait, what is this? Hey! Are you alright?
Dr. Darritz: D-8600?
D-8600: I just bumped into someone's foot. They're not moving at all. Hey, are you okay down there?
Dr. Darritz: That could be D-2445. Davies, try D-2445's radio.
D-8600: I can hear his radio, I think. I can hear Davies' voice.
Dr. Darritz: Hmmm, D-2445 isn't responding, and we're not picking up Davies' voice on your radio through our end.
D-2445: Yes, doctor, I can hear you. (D-2445's voice was slightly muffled, but still audible through D-8600's radio)
Dr. Darritz: Davies, turn that off, I can hear him through D-8600's!
D-8600 Hey man, I'm gla-
D-2445: I don't know. Some sort of very small tunnel. It's really cramped. Can you get me out now?
Dr. Darritz: D-2445, listen to me. D-8600 is behind you and is there to help get you out.
D-2445: No, it's too dark. I can't see anything, and I'm stuck.
D-8600: Hey man, it's okay. We know you're stuck and we're both going to get out of here.
D-2445: I'm still head first on my stomach, and my body's at an angle, but I'm in some sort of small tunnel and I'm stuck. I'm completely surrounded by rock or dirt on all sides. I don't have enough room to raise my head or move my arms, and I can't move forward. I really want to get out of here now.
D-8600: Okay man, it's okay. I'm going to try and get my arms up and I'll grab a hold of your ankles. They should be able to pull us out of here then.
D-2445: No, I told you I can't see anything. I'm getting kinda freaked out now. I'm not really claustrophobic but this is pretty fucking uncomfortable. Pull me out outta here.
D-8600: I'm working on it! Have some-
Dr. Darritz: D-8600, stop talking. Something isn't right here, D-2445 is just repeating everything he said to me when we initially made radio contact with him.
D-2445: No, no, no, no you need to get me out now. I can't handle much more of this.
D-8600: It's okay, just calm down. Doctor I think he's just freaking out. I've almost got my arms in front of me.
D-2445: Okay, I was able to worm my way forward a little bit, but my head hit something.
Dr. Darritz: No, he's literally repeating his side of the conversation, word for word. Did he actually move at all, like he just said he did?
D-8600: …I don't think so. Okay, this is getting kinda creepy, but I've got his ankles. See if you can pull us out now.
D-2445: It's a shoe I think. It's small… Jesus.
D-8600: Doctor, what is he talking about? Can you just pull us out of here?
D-2445: Get me out of here, doctor. Get me out of here now.
Dr. Darritz: We can't pull you out, I'm sorry.
D-2445: No, you need to get me out of here right now. The shoe…it's so tiny.
D-8600: What the fuck are you talking about? Why can't you pull us out? What does he mean the shoe is so tiny? What the fuck is going on, doctor?!
D-2445: Please. Please, I don't want to be in here anymore.
Dr. Darritz: D-8600, unfortunately the rope we tied to you was severed as soon as you vanished. We didn't realize that would happen.
D-2445: It started talking.
D-8600: Fuck. Okay then, I'll try inching my way backwards. I won't be able to bring him with me though.
D-2445: The little boy did. But it didn't make any sense.
Dr. Darritz: Good luck, D-8600. We'll stay in contact with you for the time being.
D-2445: He…he just kept asking where he was, and I told him I didn't know. But I don't think he was really talking to me, because he didn't respond to my voice, and he told me to stop crying when I was actually sorta calm.
D-8600: This would be a lot easier if he would just shut the fuck up.
D-2445: I don't think so. He started screaming and I told him to shut up but he just kept screaming and crying and asking for his mommy. Then he finally stopped, and shortly after that you contacted me again. Please get me out now.
D-8600: Just shut the fuck up already! Creepy asshole.
D-2445: Please hurry, my chest is really starting to hurt.
Dr. Darritz: Are you making progress, D-8600?
D-8600: A little. It's not easy, but I'm getting there. The air's getting kind of stale in here. I hope there's enough air for me to make it back. Hey, did he finally shut up?
Dr. Darritz: I'm not hearing him on my end anymore either.
D-8600: Well thank God for that, I was starting to think tha-
Dr. Darritz: What is it? You were starting to think that…?
Dr. Darritz: D-8600? Are you still there? What happened?
<End Log>
No further response from D-8600 was recorded. Subsequent attempts to re-establish radio contact with D-8600 and D-2445 were unsuccessful. Testing has been suspended indefinitely. |
SCP-5168 is a modified Tandy 1000 RL computer, which constantly flashes artwork of the fictional horror character "Jeff the Killer" across its monitor, located inside of a suburban house in Kitchover, Iowa. | ***
Item #: SCP-5168
Level 3/5168
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The house containing SCP-5168 has been purchased by a Foundation front company, and is to be barred from civilian entry. Civilians attempting to gain access to SCP-5168 or the house it is contained within will be deterred.
SCP-5168-A groups escaping captivity are to be recaptured and terminated. Any witnesses will then be given the cover story of the SCP-5168-A group being a delinquent gang all dressed in the appearance of the character "Jeff the Killer", who have since been arrested. Families targeted by SCP-5168-A are to be placed through cognitive detail suppression measures, with property damages being attributed to a common burglary.
To stop the uncontrolled manifestation of SCP-5168-A instances, various measures have been constructed to slowly vacate all families bearing children from Kitchover, Iowa. These include the shutting down of a local school district under the guise of budgeting issues, removal of multiple children's play areas, and the methodical offering of better housing to child bearing families by Foundation real estate front companies. Remaining families are to be placed under Foundation surveillance.
The prominence of fairy circles1 in the area will be deemed typical to any civilians inquiring on it. All civilian digging efforts in Kitchover are to be monitored heavily to prevent the further discovery of SCP-5168-A corpses.
The house containing SCP-5168.
Description: SCP-5168 is a modified Tandy 1000 RL computer, which constantly flashes artwork of the fictional horror character "Jeff the Killer" across its monitor, located inside of a suburban house in Kitchover, Iowa. SCP-5168 functions in this manner even when separated from a power source or internet access. Internal wiring contains fungal hyphae strands instead of normal conductors.
SCP-5168 cannot be removed from the household, as its external wiring has been altered with several cords of unknown purpose, which run through the entire house and into the ground below. Subterranean image viewing shows this wiring leads to a large unidentifiable mass approximately 3000 meters below the ground. This mass marginally changes shape between viewings.
When a prepubescent child in Kitchover awakens as a result of a nightmare or night terror, SCP-5168 shuts itself down. This is immediately followed by the manifestation of 7-15 humanoid entities identical to common depictions of Jeff the Killer (designated SCP-5168-A) within the premises. After the manifestation of SCP-5168-A instances, SCP-5168 promptly restarts and returns to its normal behavior.
SCP-5168-A are primarily composed of tightly interwoven networks of mycelium and sclerotium, with pale external pigmentation and facial structure abnormalities, giving them the appearance of Jeff the Killer. Instances manifest with a kitchen knife affixed to their left hand, which is significantly dulled and functionally useless. SCP-5168-A express no signs of complex sentience nor sapience.
After manifestation, SCP-5168-A instances will leave the premise and slowly advance towards the awoken child's location, avoiding or destroying any obstructions as necessary. SCP-5168-A will nonfatally incapacitate any individuals hindering their advance, usually overpowering them with their group strength. Once they have reached the child, the SCP-5168-A group will huddle around them quietly while repeating the phrase "Go to sleep". Several SCP-5168-A instances will tuck the child under any available blankets and sheets.
Once the child is in bed, other instances perform various actions in presumed attempts to make the child return to sleep, these commonly include:
Giving the child cookies and a warm glass of milk if such items are available,
Making the child sandwiches using available ingredients, utilizing their knives to spread condiments and cut foods as needed,
attempting to read the child any books in the vicinity, this consists of the instance repeating "Go to sleep" with tonal variations while holding said book,
singing "Go to sleep" repeatedly to the tune of various lullabies.
Despite the mental trauma these events would subsequently entail, children targeted by SCP-5168 are not scared by their arrival, the cause of which is undetermined. Once the child is asleep, the SCP-5168-A instances will retreat outside the child's location, then proceed to bury each other in a circular formation around the residency whilst humming lullabies. SCP-5168-A then expire and degrade at an increased rate.
While undergoing decomposition, SCP-5168-A grow excessive amounts of Amanita muscaria fungi across their body. These fungi are notably capable of causing drowsiness and unconsciousness if ingested, eventually inducing a comatose state if consumed in high enough quantities.
Addendum 5168-1 — Incident 5168-A: On 2021/2/3, following the manifestation of SCP-5168-A instances and their advance towards the targeted household, the target child, Kaden Noham, underwent a fatal allergic reaction after being given a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by an SCP-5168-A instance. While the SCP-5168-A group appeared more distressed after this event, they otherwise continued their normal pattern of behavior.
This event resulted in previously unrecorded phenomena at the location of SCP-5168. The following is a transcript of the occurrences at the containment site:
FRONT YARD — 23:40
(Tremors begin to resound from underneath the house, and cracks form across the lawn. Massive fungal structures emerge out from these cracks, they grow to approximately 3 meters in height and eventually cease motion. A single large eye opens across each of their caps, which moves rapidly and appears to be crying. The eye contorts into a toothless mouth, which opens and produces an infantile scream. The mouth on the structures contort back into the eye. This process repeats itself indefinitely.)
(The cords on SCP-5168 begin moving vigorously. SCP-5168 rapidly shuts itself back on and off, causing SCP-5168-A instances to appear in unprecedented amounts. These entities immediately run out of the house, trampling each other to leave as quickly as possible.)
FRONT YARD — 23:45
(SCP-5168-A begin emerging from the house and throwing themselves onto the ground, their arms outstretched. They mutter "Go to sleep" repeatedly. SCP-5168-A are occasionally seized and consumed by the fungal structures when their mouths are present. Agent Janeson returns from the Noham residence after calling Foundation medical personnel to the house and further containing the situation.)
Janeson: (Exiting her vehicle.) The hell is—?
(SCP-5168-A instances collectively shush Janeson, and then resume previous behavior.)
Janeson: (Silence, then whispering) What the fuck?
(Janeson leaps over several SCP-5168-A lying in her path, she observes the fungal structures, and they observe her when eyes are present. Janeson enters the containment site.)
(The cords of SCP-5168 continue to move vigorously. A humanoid entity with pale orange skin and no facial features emerges from the floor of the containment room, floating towards SCP-5168. Small orifices across its chest open periodically and release yellow spores. Several external wires from SCP-5168 appear attached to the base of its neck, while some wires still remain feeding into the ground. The entity makes typing motions slightly above the keyboard of SCP-5168, which causes a computer menu to appear on its screen. It rapidly types various strings of letters into this menu, the exact language of which are unknown. The ground tremors, and the entity spasms momentarily before resuming typing.)
(Janeson stumbles over several deceased SCP-5168-A instances. One suddenly grabs her leg and shushes her, causing her to stomp on its head instinctually. The head explodes into spores. Janeson covers her mouth and continues her way towards SCP-5168.)
(Janeson enters the containment room, and the entity turns towards her. Janeson withdrawals her firearm.)
Janeson: What— ? Get on the damn ground!
(A mouth appears sideways on the entity's face. Janeson's mouth disappears, she drops her weapon and puts both hands over her lower face. The entity speaks in Jameson's voice.)
Entity: Get on the damn ground! Go to sleep.
(Janeson falls unconscious. Her mouth returns and the entity's mouth disappears. It promptly resumes typing. The entity presses on the keyboard's enter key, and multiple archaic sigils appear across the entire screen of SCP-5168, followed by it shutting down and promptly rebooting. The entity descends back into the floor.)
FRONT YARD — 24:05
(The mouths on the fungal structures cease screaming, they morph into eyes, the eyes close. The structures slowly shrink back into the ground, which reseals itself. Surviving SCP-5168-A immediately stand and disperse towards multiple different target houses, as the screams of the fungal structures caused multiple children in the area to awake from nightmares.)
Janeson's sudden loss of consciousness caused alerts to be sent to Foundation agents already responding to Kaden Noham's death. These agents requested further backup, and all SCP-5168-A instances were found and terminated accordingly. Janeson later made a mostly full recovery, except for acute dysgeusia2 and insomnia, which has yet to subside.
Updates to the containment procedures for SCP-5168 are pending following this incident.
1. A common pattern of fungi in a ring formation.
2. An impaired sense of taste. |
SCP-5683 is a large arachnid organism, capable of rapid regeneration and bodily modification. | ***
Item #: SCP-5683
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5683 is to be neutralized as soon as possible.
In order to reduce the number of containment breaches, it is to be constantly dosed with a stream of sedatives — the chemical makeup of which is to be adjusted constantly in order to prevent SCP-5683 from adapting to it. In the event that these sedatives are unsuccessful in disabling SCP-5683, the containment chamber is to be immediately flooded with hydrochloric acid.
All termination attempts must be approved by project head Doctor Kristiansen.
Description: SCP-5683 is a large arachnid organism, capable of rapid regeneration and bodily modification. It is extremely hostile to all human life, and will constantly attempt to breach containment in order to engage in mass slaughter. This is usually performed via injection of venom using its mandibles and impalement using its legs.
Although SCP-5683 has demonstrated the capability for basic reasoning and planning when hunting prey, it is not believed to possess human-level intelligence.
When placed into a threatening situation, SCP-5683 will quickly adapt in order to become more resistant to whatever form of danger is being posed to it. These adaptations will persist until said danger is no longer present.
Addendum 5683-1 (Termination Order): Due to frequent containment breaches and the increasing drain on Foundation resources brought about by SCP-5683's continued containment, a termination order on SCP-5683 has been issued. Termination will be overseen by the new project head, Dr. Kristiansen.
The following is an archive of attempts to terminate SCP-5683, along with discussions regarding them:
Discussion Log 5683-1
Subject of Discussion: Introduction of new project head, deliberation over initial termination attempts regarding SCP-5683.
Personnel Present: Doctor Kristiansen, Researcher Miles, Researcher Hall, Junior Researcher Silva, Security Chief Aday.
<Begin Log>
Doctor Kristiansen: (sniffs) Do you smell something burning?
Junior Researcher Silva: I'm told there's been a mild, ah, accident at the cafeteria earlier today, sir. I apologize.
Doctor Kristiansen: I see, I see. (laughs) Hopefully we'll fare a little better than them, eh?
Junior Researcher Silva: Very good, sir!
Security Chief Aday: If we could get down to business.
Doctor Kristiansen: Right, yes, of course. So — SCP-5683. I've read the documentation, but I've always found accounts from those working with the anomaly can be much more helpful. Anything I should know?
Researcher Hall: Well … I suppose…
Doctor Kristiansen: Well? Out with it, man.
Researcher Miles: It's smarter than it looks. If it spots a way to escape, it'll take it in an instant.
Doctor Kristiansen: Well, maybe we can use that.
Doctor Kristiansen: Anyone else?
Doctor Kristiansen: (sighs) I won't lie, I expected more. For now, we're going to do some basic stress tests on the thing. Start off with tissue samples, then try it out on the genuine article. No point getting complicated if we can just kill it with fire, eh?
Junior Researcher Silva: Very good, sir.
<End Log>
Termination Log 5683-1
Stimulus: Incineration at a temperature of 850 °C for a period of thirty seconds.
Tissue Sample Results: Sample successfully incinerated without relapses.
SCP-5683 Results: SCP-5683 thrashes and screeches upon introduction of heat for thirty seconds, before developing armored plating covered with an unknown substance that prevents combustion.
Discussion Log 5683-2
Subject of Discussion: Further attempts to terminate SCP-5683.
Personnel Present: Doctor Kristiansen, Researcher Miles, Researcher Hall, Junior Researcher Silva, Security Chief Aday.
<Begin Log>
Doctor Kristiansen: (sniffing) Jesus, that stinks. Another bad day for the cafeteria?
Researcher Miles: Seems so. Apparently, we'll just have to bear with it.
Junior Researcher Silva: Extremely sorry for the inconvenience, sir — and in regards to the last termination test, sir, I'm afraid it, well, was expected.
Doctor Kristiansen: Thank you, Junior Researcher. I hope you didn't think I seriously believed that would work. It was a test to establish a baseline.
Junior Researcher Silva: Yes, sir. Very good, sir.
Doctor Kristiansen: And lose the 'sir'.
Junior Researcher Silva: Sorry, sir.
Security Chief Aday: If we could get down to business.
Doctor Kristiansen: Yes, yes, of course. I've contacted the O5 Council and requested the use of some anomalous substances to aid with termination — not anomalous enough to qualify for containment, but anomalous enough to help us out here. Probably less toxic than whatever they've got in that cafeteria, too.
Researcher Hall: Nice one.
Doctor Kristiansen: Thank you.
Junior Researcher Silva: Just for logging purposes, sir, may I inquire about the specific substances we're shipping in?
Doctor Kristiansen: Of course. Y220, Y835 and Y436. I'm told they should be arriving within the week — I expect each would be enough to do the job, but it's best to hedge our bets. This spider doesn't compare to the lizard, I'll tell you that.
(Junior Researcher Silva smiles.)
Junior Researcher Silva: You've worked with the lizard, sir? When was that, if you don't mind me asking, sir?
Doctor Kristiansen: Um, well, a few years back, I suppose — we had a containment breach back then. It … (frowns) … it wasn't pleasant.
Doctor Kristiansen: Anyway, Y220, Y835 and Y436. Get that logged.
Junior Researcher Silva: Excellent choice, sir.
Researcher Hall: Fantastic work.
Researcher Miles: Magnificent.
<End Log>
Termination Log 5683-2
Stimulus: Y220
Tissue Sample Results: Sample successfully converted into glass, which then violently explodes.
SCP-5683 Results: 80% of SCP-5683's body converted into glass within nine seconds, which then violently explodes. Regeneration increases in speed until SCP-5683 is completely healed within thirty seconds.
Termination Log 5683-3
Stimulus: Y835
Tissue Sample Results: Sample splits into two independent organisms, which then kill each other through mutual injection of venom.
SCP-5683 Results: SCP-5683 splits into two entities, SCP-5683-1 and SCP-5683-2, which then inject each other with their venom. SCP-5683-2 perishes near-instantly, but SCP-5683-1 adapts an immunity to the venom and survives. SCP-5683-1 then consumes SCP-5683-2 to regain lost mass.
Termination Log 5683-4
Stimulus: Y436
Tissue Sample Results: Sample is reduced to a fine mist.
SCP-5683 Results: SCP-5683 is reduced to a fine mist. All lights in the facility turn off — when they reactivate three seconds later, SCP-5683 has fully regenerated.
Discussion Log 5683-3
Subject of Discussion: Termination of SCP-5683.
Personnel Present: Doctor Kristiansen, Researcher Miles, Researcher Hall, Junior Researcher Silva, Security Chief Aday.
<Begin Log>
(Doctor Kristiansen kicks his chair angrily. It falls to the floor.)
Doctor Kristiansen: The file says adaptation, right? A-dap-tat-ion. Coming back to life when the lights turn out is not adaptation, it's some magic bullshit!
Junior Researcher Silva: Please calm down, sir.
Doctor Kristiansen: Silva, I swear to God.
Junior Researcher Silva: Sorry, sir.
(Doctor Kristiansen sighs, picks his chair up, and sits down.)
Security Chief Aday: If we could get down to business.
Doctor Kristiansen: I'm requisitioning Y910.
Researcher Hall: (slowly) That's a little …
Researcher Miles: Are you sure about that, sir?
Doctor Kristiansen: Yes. I am absolutely sure about it. If the GOC can use it to poison gods, I think it can take care of one giant spider.
Junior Researcher Silva: But, sir…
(Doctor Kristiansen stands up.)
Doctor Kristiansen: But nothing! And, and another thing — we're losing the tissue test! The O5's will replace Bray soon, and I'm not going to be sitting around wasting time!
Doctor Kristiansen: (sighs) I'll … I'll take full responsibility for the decision.
(Everyone in the room turns to look at Doctor Kristiansen.)
Junior Researcher Silva: You will, sir?
Doctor Kristiansen: Should anything go wrong, yes.
Junior Researcher Silva: Very good, sir! Very good!
Doctor Kristiansen: Well, uh. Get preparations underway.
Researcher Hall: Of course.
(Doctor Kristiansen walks to the door and leaves the room.)
<End Log>
Termination Log 5683-4
Stimulus: Y910
SCP-5683 Results: Energizing response. Containment breach in progress.
<Begin Log>
(Doctor Kristiansen and Junior Researcher Silva run into the secure bunker. Doctor Kristiansen seals the door behind them, then slumps against the wall.)
Doctor Kristiansen: (quietly) This isn't happening. This isn't happening.
(Pause. Doctor Kristiansen looks up and sniffs.)
Doctor Kristiansen: Oh Jesus, what's that smell?!
Junior Researcher Silva: It must have … it must have gotten to the reactor, sir. I'm so sorry, sir — this is all my fault.
Doctor Kristiansen: Your fault? How so? What did you do?
(Pause. Doctor Kristiansen stands up.)
Doctor Kristiansen: What the fuck did you do?!
Junior Researcher Silva: I … it's my job sir, my duty, to oppose actions that — actions that I believe are ill-advised. I didn't do that for you, sir. I'm sorry.
Doctor Kristiansen: Yes. Yes!
(Doctor Kristiansen approaches Junior Researcher Silva and jabs a finger into his chest.)
Doctor Kristiansen: Do you know how many people have died because you couldn't do your job? Because you refused to?
Junior Researcher Silva: (crying) I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir. But … you're the one, sir! You wanted to use Y910! You wouldn't listen, sir!
Doctor Kristiansen: (quietly) Are you trying to make me your scapegoat, Silva?
(Junior Researcher Silva shakes his head.)
Junior Researcher Silva: (crying) I'm not … I'm not, sir … but there are procedures, sir, for a — for a reason. The tissue sample … you must admit, even a little —
Doctor Kristiansen: (quietly) When we get out of here, I am going to tell the Council the truth about what happened here. The truth about what you've done.
Junior Researcher Silva: But…
Doctor Kristiansen: Shut your fucking mouth, Silva.
Junior Researcher Silva: But, sir — with all due respect — I don't think that will be possible.
Doctor Kristiansen: What do you mean?
Junior Researcher Silva: This chamber, sir … it isn't nearly strong enough to survive the reactor overloading, I'm afraid.
(Doctor Kristiansen staggers backwards, head in his hands.)
Doctor Kristiansen: Shit. No, no, no no no, shit.
(Pause. Junior Researcher Silva sits in the corner.)
Junior Researcher Silva: I shouldn't have led us here, sir —
Doctor Kristiansen: No, you shouldn't have.
Junior Researcher Silva: — but, and this is with all due respect to your countless accomplishments, sir, you … you must admit some personal responsibility.
(Doctor Kristiansen turns to Junior Researcher Silva.)
Doctor Kristiansen: (screaming) Shut the fuck up! Stop talking about whose fault this is! What the hell is the matter with you?!
(Loud banging is heard against the bunker door. Doctor Kristiansen yelps and retreats to the back wall.)
Doctor Kristiansen: No, no, no! Please! Please!
(Junior Researcher Silva stands in front of Doctor Kristiansen. The bunker door is ripped open, revealing SCP-5683 standing behind it. It moves inside, screeching.)
Junior Researcher Silva: Sir, I'll — I'll occupy it! Please, run!
(Doctor Kristiansen pushes Junior Researcher Silva towards SCP-5683 and prepares to run.)
(SCP-5683 disappears.)
Doctor Kristiansen: I — I — wha…?
(Junior Researcher Silva turns towards Doctor Kristiansen.)
Junior Researcher Silva: Disappointing, sir. Extremely disappointing.
Doctor Kristiansen: What?
(Researcher Miles, Researcher Hall and Security Chief Aday enter the bunker through the torn-open door. Doctor Kristiansen again approaches the back wall.)
Doctor Kristiansen: What's going on? What happened to 5683?
Junior Researcher Silva: I'm afraid, sir, that there's little reason in keeping a dummy around once it's served its purpose.
Doctor Kristiansen: Its … its purpose? What are you talking about, man?!
Junior Researcher Silva: As a substitute, sir.
Doctor Kristiansen: I don't…
Junior Researcher Silva: You mentioned you worked with a lizard, sir. That there was a containment breach. If you don't terribly mind me asking, how did you escape that situation? It seemed quite lethal, didn't it?
Doctor Kristiansen: …where am I?
Researcher Hall: Don't ask pointless questions.
Researcher Miles: Don't ask questions you know the answer to.
(Pause. Doctor Kristiansen turns to Junior Researcher Silva.)
Doctor Kristiansen: (hoarse) Who are you people?
Junior Researcher Silva: We are the Jury, sir. Your Jury. And I'm afraid you've disgraced yourself quite horribly once again.
Junior Researcher Silva: Would you like me to clarify anything for you, sir?
Doctor Kristiansen: (quietly) How long have I been here?
Junior Researcher Silva: A considerable amount of time, sir.
Doctor Kristiansen: How much … how much longer will I be here?
Junior Researcher Silva: Until you take responsibility, sir.
(Doctor Kristiansen moves into the corner, shaking.)
Doctor Kristiansen: This is … this is my fault.
Researcher Miles: You say it, but you don't mean it.
Researcher Hall: You don't mean the things you say.
Doctor Kristiansen: Please. I'm sorry.
Security Chief Aday: If we could get down to business.
Junior Researcher Silva: Of course.
(Pause — then Doctor Kristiansen runs for the open door. Before he can reach it, however, a black iron chain appears from around the corner and wraps itself around his throat.)
Doctor Kristiansen: No, no, no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
(The chain pulls Doctor Kristiansen out the door and around the corner at extremely high speeds — it proceeds to drag him out of the complex, slamming him into every wall as it passes a corner.)
Doctor Kristiansen: It's not my fault! It's not my fault!
(The floor and walls drop away, revealing what is behind them. There is a great deal of blood. There is a great deal of fire. There is a great deal of suffering. There is a terrible stench.)
(Doctor Kristiansen starts screaming, and never really stops.)
<End Log>
Message Received: 01/02/2020
Subject Line: Again, congratulations
Doctor Kristiansen,
Congratulations again on your success with the Domesday Clock project. It was a magnificent accomplishment, and I can confirm that your name has been brought up favorably in our last meeting.
In response to your query last we spoke — yes, we are still searching for an appropriate candidate for Director of Site-04 following Director Bray's retirement. Your name is on the list, but the Council still wishes for you to prove yourself capable a little more before we're prepared to make a final decision.
We'd like for you to solve the SCP-5683 problem. The assignment's already been issued.
Hoping you are well,
22122593 |
SCP-4745 is a 1m tall plastic snowman figurine with a top hat. | ***
Item #: SCP-4745
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4745 is contained in a standard storage locker in Site-73 with its top hat removed and contained separately. SCP-4745 is not to be placed in its active state unless during testing, and SCP-4745 may not enter its active state again until at least four days have passed since its last use.
Description: SCP-4745 is a 1m tall plastic snowman figurine with a top hat. The words "Christmas Carl by Dr. Wondertainment" are written on its base.
Whenever the top hat is placed on the figurine, SCP-4745 enters its active phase. While it is in its active phase and placed within a human dwelling, SCP-4745 will alter the abode to make it Halloween-themed, either by generating Halloween-style objects and items or by altering existing decor to fit a Halloween motif1.
After approximately seven days, SCP-4745's alterations will begin to transition from child-friendly horror elements, as is typical for most Halloween themes, to a more disturbing motif. Examples of alterations during this time have included the replacement of edible liquids with human blood, the generation of human corpses and body parts, and reports of frightening sounds and noises2.
After thirteen days in its active state, SCP-4745 will change the theme of its alterations to outright horror, generating malevolent entities and becoming a threat to any humans in the altered dwelling. Testing has revealed the generation of booby traps, animated corpses, various entities from horror media, and duplications of hostile SCP objects. Some notable SCP-4745 alterations include:
Animation of statues and figures into hostile entities.
Transformation of a room into a copy of SCP-002.
Rerouting of doorways into pocket dimensions resembling large graveyards or forests.
Generation of entities similar to SCP-083-D.
Manifestation of an entity resembling "Jason Voorhees" from the Friday the 13th film franchise.
When the top hat is removed or SCP-4745 is removed from the dwelling, its alterations begin to revert at approximately twice the rate at which they initially appeared.
Addendum 4745.1 (Discovery): SCP-4745 was found in the home of Angela Jupati with Document 4745-A, who had contacted local police regarding SCP-4745's anomalous properties. MTF Phi-13 ("Spooky Scary Skeletons")3 was deployed, and were able to successfully amnesticize Ms. Jupati and retrieve SCP-4745.
+ Open Document 4745-A
- Close Document 4745-A
Thank you for letting Christmas Carl stay with you this holiday season! Just hand him his hat, and he'll turn your humble home into a winter wonderland!
Find all the other members of this limited series and become the Holiday Hero!
1. Valentine Vance
2. Easter Evelyn
3. Independence Isaac
4. Halloween Hannah
5. Thanksgiving Theodore
6. Christmas Carl ✔
Addendum 4745.2: Approximately two months after SCP-4745 was initially contained, Document 4745-B spontaneously manifested in its containment cell.
+ Open Document 4745-B
- Close Document 4745-B
To the recipient of our Holiday Hero collectible:
I am so sorry to tell you that your Christmas Carl may have a few problems. I am very proud of not only our company's attention to detail, but also our commitment to making kid-friendly toys, and putting a smile on everyone's face! Unfortunately, this means that we will be discontinuing our Holiday Hero series, possibly indefinitely; I don't want anyone to think that we'd ever let this happen again!
You have no need to worry about anything; simply return Carl to our headquarters at 77 Wondertainment Ln.4, and we will completely reimburse you, as well as pay for any damages our product may have caused.
Again, I am incredibly sorry for the egregious oversight of both myself and my company, and I hope I earn back your trust.
- Best regards, Dr. Wondertainment
1. SCP-4745 itself is immune to its own effect.
2. Such as screams, moaning, and, according to one report, "booing".
3. Mobile Task Force dedicated to containing anomalies specifically designed to cause fear or terror.
4. No such address exists.
rating: +60+–x
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Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page
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SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug!
SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer
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Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺"
SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well
SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off!
SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping
SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission!
SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman
SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer
— Tales —
Diary Of An Existential Kid
Responsible Promotion
Friends Of Us Never Die
Truth Lies
A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust
Happy Father's Day
Mission: Decommission
A Bold Choice
I Am Become Death
Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch (Sung to the tune of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas")
Chapter One - The End
— GoI Formats —
Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon
The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes
UIU File: 2001-023
— Other —
Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide
Decommissioning Department Hub
Fortune Favors
Decommissioning Dept. Theme
Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0
Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.3.0
Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page
Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page (It's Mostly Just Icons, But Whatever, It's Still Mega Cool)
— Co-Authored —
I, Hub (feat. many other authors)
Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred)
SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi)
SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast)
— Foreign —
Director Bold's Proposal — Language
SCP-LA-II — Fruit |
SCP-2356 is a red cylindrical rod, measuring 30cm in length and 1cm in diameter. | ***
Item #: SCP-2356
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2356 is contained in a standard containment locker at Site-17's high-security Safe-class items wing. Access to SCP-2356 requires Level-3 clearance and authorization from SCP-2356's current case manager.
Psychological screening for depression must be completed prior to handling SCP-2356. Experimental trials involving SCP-2356 are currently suspended, pending investigation of the object's origins (see addenda).
Description: SCP-2356 is a red cylindrical rod, measuring 30 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter. Chemical analysis indicates that the object is composed of copper, gold, titanium, and an unidentifiable metal. The outer coating of the rod is believed to be nontoxic acrylic paint.
SCP-2356's anomalous properties activate upon being held by a human. Should an individual holding the rod bring it into contact with an inanimate object, said object will spontaneously transform into a different item, most commonly toys suited for young children1 including model trains, action figures, building blocks, and plush animals. Objects altered by SCP-2356 retain their original composition and size, and if undamaged, can be reverted to their initial state upon making contact with SCP-2356 while held by the individual who first transformed the object.
Experimental trials indicate that SCP-2356's primary anomaly affects only non-organic material. A discovered exception is food items, which when exposed to SCP-2356's effect, are transformed into calorie-equivalent servings of assorted fruits, sliced thin and arranged in shapes resembling trees and flowers. The types of manifested fruits vary, though a high antioxidant count is consistent between all generated fruits. These fruits cannot be reverted to their original form by SCP-2356 and are considered safe for consumption.
SCP-2356 has intermittently failed to manifest any anomalous properties when handled by certain test subjects. As of current data, SCP-2356's highest number of successful object transformations (though notably, SCP-2356 has never demonstrated a 100% success rate with any test subject to date) result when the rod is handled by an individual between six to twelve years of age.
Psychological profiling suggests that success rate is linked to lower scores on depression scales. Notably, in three separate cases, adult individuals who have high depression ratings have triggered activation of SCP-2356's anomalous effects even when not in direct contact with the object (resulting in transfiguration of various furniture or writing apparatus within roughly one meter of the adult individual involved). The maximum proximity between individual and SCP-2356 that will initiate this unique activation is currently undetermined.
Addendum SCP-2356-1: The Foundation was made aware of SCP-2356's existence when agents embedded in a healthcare collective involving █████ ████████ Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, recovered a collection of unclaimed keepsakes (including SCP-2356) belonging to a Mr. Huey Sharp. Hospital staff recalled that Mr. Sharp was "a polite man who frequently visited his son" in intensive care, and was once reprimanded for bringing toys and snacks into the patient rooms against hospital policy.
The recovered items2 included a blank, pocket-sized notebook, a child's diary marked with the owner's name "Sky", and a leather pouch filled with marbles made of the same unidentifiable metal incorporated into SCP-2356. All items were determined to be non-anomalous.
Records obtained by Foundation staff indicated that Mr. Sharp's son, Skylar Sharp, was diagnosed with leukemia at age five and referred to the hospital for long-term care before passing away seven months after the initial diagnosis.3
Selected excerpts from Recovered Document SCP-2356-2, diary of Skylar Sharp
Note: While the beginning series of entries possesses substantial portions of text, the majority of entries contain little to no text and include simple drawings, which become less complex as entries progress with time.
Merch 3 ████
Papa got me this book to wite in to make my handwighting and spelling bettr. He wants me to wite every day in this as practis. I am not very good spelling but I well try my bist.
March 7 ████
Papa wanted to get me sum new shirts and pants but I saw this awsum bowtie. I tride to put it on but it was hard to get on. Papa helpt me get it in and it lookt good so he bot it. He looks good in it too. I told him to keep it until Im redy I can put it on myself.
May 4 ████
The docturs told me they are working on a medsine that will fix me. They also said that I need to stay in bed. I hate this. I cant even have candy any more. But papa did say that he was working on something that will cheer me.
Addendum SCP-2356-2: Subsequent Foundation investigation of Mr. Sharp's home resulted in the discovery of a workshop located in the basement, outfitted with modified blacklights. Exposure of Mr. Sharp's previously-recovered notebook to the blacklights revealed a series of diagrams believed to be designs for preliminary prototypes of SCP-2356. Additionally, various notes on separate pages confirmed Huey Sharp's affiliation with the Doctor Wondertainment product line and his intention of adapting SCP-2356 into a Wondertainment toy targeting children currently in hospital treatment.
No other documents found in the workshop displayed hidden material when exposed to the modified blacklights. However, a wall-affixed hand-drawn picture portraying two stick-figure individuals with bow ties holding hands was marked on the bottom with the words "Happy with just Dad" followed by a date.4
Addendum SCP-2356-3: As of ██/██/████, Mr. Sharp is believed to have abandoned the workshop. Priority has been given to agents currently stationed to observation of the ████████ Cemetery, where Mr. Sharp's son was interred at. Interviews with the cemetery staff thus far have failed to provide further information on Mr. Sharp and his family, save for a single employee referring to Skylar Sharp as "the little boy with the bow tie".
1. Roughly ages 5-10, as per comparison with common toy manufacturer companies' suggested age ranges
2. Currently in secure storage.
3. Various drawings from the child's diary confirm the time spent in treatment. The most consistent subjects are two crude humanoid figures, one tall and wearing a coat and bow tie, one smaller and usually reclining on a bed or chair marked with hospital-use symbols.
4. Confirmed to be the day of Skylar Sharp's death |
SCP-4015 is a piece of rubble from the walls of Site-1/4015 with the word "Nergal6" written in Sumerian. | ***
Item #: SCP-4015
Level 4/4015
Object Class: Eparch1
Theorized borders of SCP-4015 territory shown in red, while areas under its military influence are shown in orange. Areas subject to occasional raids are shown in yellow
Special Containment Procedures: Archaeological data regarding SCP-4015 is to be suppressed from the public and all digs at SCP-4015 sites are to be performed under the guise of non-anomalous archaeological research. A disinformation campaign is to ensure that mainstream historical works do not include any information regarding SCP-4015. Various provisional Foundation sites have been established near active SCP-4015 dig sites.
Due to its connection with anomalous objects, personnel are to closely monitor SCP-4015 ruins for any signs of anomalous activity.
Access to knowledge regarding SCP-4015 is restricted to high ranking personnel and Foundation archivists. Due to the nature of SCP-4015, access to knowledge regarding the object has been deemed unnecessary for individuals that are not directly connected with its research or containment process.
Local governments have been informed of SCP-4015's existence and are cooperating with the Foundation to streamline research and ensure adequate containment.
Description: SCP-4015 refers to the ruins of an ancient civilization dating from the late Bronze Age to the mid-twelfth century BCE. Its territory roughly corresponds to modern day northern Saudi Arabia, southern Iraq, southern Syria, and western Jordan. It appears that the society was highly militant and exerted significant political, military, and economic influence on its neighbors in Mesopotamia and the Levant.
SCP-4015 has been found to be culturally consistent with the contemporary nomadic Arabian tribes that existed along its borders, however it was noticeably influenced culturally by the urban civilizations to its north in the Greater Levant. Linguistically, SCP-4015 seems to have used Babylonian language in its writings in order to better communicate with its neighboring states2.
Notably, SCP-4015 lacks any evidence of state level religion, with only a small number of personal religious items being recovered from its archaeological sites. Literate individuals in SCP-4015, along with other civilizations in the Levant were known to only refer to the civilization as "The Keepers" however in some cases foreign cultures were known to refer to SCP-4015 as "The Heretics."
SCP-4015, for the most part, lacked the urbanization associated with other Bronze Age political entities at this time. However, in spite of its sparse population, it was a highly unified and organized society. SCP-4015 was a literate society which possessed knowledge of mathematics3, physics, chemistry, and medicine far beyond its contemporary neighbors. Moreover, translations of preserved documents suggests that SCP-4015 was ruled by a single continuous ruling council for the duration of its history.
Based on records kept by the ruling council, SCP-4015 seems to have possessed a long-term goal of limiting the influence of anomalies in its sphere of influence. In order to accomplish this, SCP-4015 developed an extensive network of fortresses and sites which were designed to contain anomalies recovered by the population of SCP-4015.
Records of SCP-4015 created by neighboring civilizations characterize the culture as a warlike and heretical one. They are recorded to have looted temples, killed priests, and stolen religious artifacts. Many writers of this time also express disdain for the influence of SCP-4015, citing that its incredibly powerful military and raiding tactics forced the most powerful kingdoms in the region to cooperate with them. It should be noted that all religious items acquired through SCP-4015's military activities were anomalous in nature and were not treated in a religious manner by the authorities of SCP-4015.
SCP-4015 also possessed technology beyond the scope of all other Bronze Age civilizations. Among these are its settlements, which were confined to small fortresses never exceeding a few thousand citizens. They were extremely sustainable and efficient, however, having been built for long term habitation. Its military technology was also on par with later Iron Age kingdoms rather than its contemporaries. This likely is why it was able to defeat every military opponent it faced.
SCP-4015's distinctive pattern of settlement shows that each settlement was organized around the containment of certain anomalies, most of which were taken from neighboring kingdoms and tribes. This also yields further evidence towards the highly centralized nature of SCP-4015.
Below is a Document recovered from Site-1/4015 detailing the containment of what was considered an extremely dangerous anomaly by SCP-4015's rulers. It should be noted that the translation of this document is unclear at points.
"Bull of Heaven"
Recovered from Uruk
Highly Unstable [translation unclear]
The beast is to be sealed 3 [units?] underground such that it cannot open a hole to the outside, a fortress must protect the entrance to its prison. It is to have each of its legs bound by iron chains and a rope is to be tied to its tail such that its tail is always being pulled. A strong metal mask is to be put on the creature to diminish its destructive gales. The gate to its chamber must be guarded by more than a dozen soldiers at all times, if it must be killed, a single guard is to use the sword recovered from Uruk to cut its back.
Two cisterns have been dug so as to flood the Bull's chamber should efforts to stop it fail. Ideally this should drown the creature, however based on past experiences, the bull will return to life several days after drowning.
To prevent it from taking the lives of its guards, the walls of the chamber are plated with lead, the floor is covered in gold. Numerous pots have been filled with an acidic substance, filled with a bronze cylinder, and an iron rod. This creates energy that can be transferred through the gold floor and will interfere with the spiritual powers of the beast. It is important to replace these pots frequently, as they are admittedly inefficient.
The Legendary Bull of Heaven was taken from Uruk after its king refused to give up on his heathen ways. By taking the beast we have saved the world from years of famine.
The beast can breathe with such great force that it creates large holes in the ground, the [unknown, possibly "shock wave"] is lethal, indeed no mortal army can stand before this creature.
The being is associated with death among the Sumerians. It seems that once a day, the beast can "will" death upon nearby humans, killing them instantly. It seems that whatever phenomenon the being uses to carry the [Force?] is mitigated by heavy metals like lead. It has been found that the magnetic phenomenon that creates [Shock?] can interfere further with this power.
Only the sword that belonged to the mighty Gilgamesh can cut its skin, therefore it must be used to slay the beast should its mighty prison fail to hold it.
The site believed to correspond with this document was recovered along with the skeleton of a massive bovine creature with a sword made from an unknown metal lodged in the entity's back.
The site4 also served as the first hard evidence of direct SCP-4015 involvement in containing anomalies, since then over ███ ancient containment sites have been recovered.
It appears that the Capital of SCP-4015 was a city-like settlement located at the heart of its proper territory which has been designated as Site-1/4015. Along with a large residential area, the majority of the site was dedicated to a massive administrative complex that oversaw the activities of all other SCP-4015 sites. This complex also possessed a massive library that served as the source for the majority of SCP-4015 literature. Of note are thirteen especially large fortified houses that likely served as a residence for the rulers of SCP-4015. The houses are clustered around a large gathering space that likely served as the capital building of the government. Additionally, a large palace-like structure of unknown function is present at the site.
The following document details the initial findings and thoughts regarding an excavation performed under Doctor Hertz which yielded evidence suggesting that SCP-4015 and Site-1/4015 were likely destroyed by an anomaly whose abilities exceeded their ability to contain it. It is likely that nearby kingdoms took advantage of this anomaly, believing that it would allow them to be freed of what they believed was religious oppression at the hands of SCP-4015.
Metal artifact composed from SCP-████, origin of the material is unknown.
Excavation Of Site-4015/1
Performed By Foundation Archaeological Division 3 Under Doctor Hertz
Location: Site-1/4015, Saudi Arabia
Date: 2/4/19██
Findings: When we initially excavated the site we found an extremely advanced settlement that, in numerous ways, had well surpassed its contemporaries.
Its water management system was incredibly advanced, it was able to store and distribute large amounts of potable water to the population of the site through a series of underground pipes and cisterns. The sewer system leads to a large series of hydraulic works that is unparalleled in the Bronze Age Middle East. Chemical analysis of the system shows that it might have actually been an attempt at sewage treatment by the population of SCP-4015 in and attempt to conserve, and possibly reuse water.
It also maintained what we dubbed "vertical farms." Presumably using a complex array of mirrors to reflect sunlight, they created multi story compact buildings for agricultural purposes. We even find evidence for a primitive attempt at hydroponics. This is likely an attempt at circumnavigating the lack of arable land surrounding the site.
Another example of the advanced technology present at the site was its near industrial production of weaponry. We find forges clustered together into factory-like structures. These structures have what has been dubbed an "assembly room" which is a large space with unusual equipment that presumably was used for the production of various sorts of weaponry on the site. Notably a few metal "cannon balls" were found that were made of an unknown anomalous element, similar in structure to SCP-████5.
Whats unusual about the site other than being another display of the impressive technological capabilities of SCP-4015 was its destruction. Hume analysis allows us to conclude that there was an unusual spike in anomalous activity around the Bronze Age Collapse. However there are no sites in the ancient middle east that show evidence of being destroyed via an extra-normal event. Site-1/4015 is the first site to provide us evidence for anomalous damage.
While the site is actually quite intact, its clear that most of the site's inhabitants were killed. To properly visualize and understand the destruction of Site-1/4015 we must start outside of the site itself.
Several kilometers outside of the site we find an ancient blast crater with trace amounts of SCP-████ indicating that they used their primitive explosive weapons for defense of the site. While we do not know what its target was, we do know that it failed to kill it. In fact, only a small stockpile of SCP-████ was recovered from Site-1/4015. Based on this it was clearly scarce and rarely used, indicating that the military SCP-4015 had likely exhausted nearly all other options for its defense.
Based on weapon findings, we can conclude that a large battle took place a few hundred meters outside of the settlements walls in the same direction as the blast crater. Interestingly we find that there are an incredibly small number of corpses from the army that opposed SCP-4015. On the other hand the army of SCP-4015 saw vast casualties, yet only a few of them were from traumatic injuries caused by metal weapons. Some skeletons have charred portions, with some parts of the remains appearing to have been vaporized. The vast majority of remains however, show no signs of injury, indeed there is no evidence for anything that could have killed them.
There were not just two opposing armies present, rather we find that the army that engaged SCP-4015 was carrying weapons and armor from all over the Levant. This was a coalition. We find Assyrians, Akkadians, even Amorites fighting side by side. We also found Egyptian chariots and Scythian short swords. We find individuals in Akkadian armor with weapons made from a reddish variety of bronze that we traced all the way to China, and genetic testing shows that these same individuals were originally from Crete. Amazingly, the vulnerability of SCP-4015 was enough to unite several major warring states in the Middle East, moreover, across the world. On nearly every non-SCP-4015 corpse we find a charm dedicated to Nergal. Based on this, its likely that the kingdoms in contact with SCP-4015 finally found a way to relinquish themselves of their supposedly heretical influence.
Some possible evidence that might suggest the nature of whatever allowed them to usurp SCP-4015 is a piece of rubble from the walls of Site-1/4015 with the word "Nergal6" written in Sumerian. The only reason that the inscription might be evidence for the existence of "Nergal" is the fact that corpses of the people inside Site-1/4015 show no signs of violence. Indeed the corpses of nearly every individual present at the site were in excellent health. As one of our researchers put it "It's as if they simply dropped dead."
We also find that the walls of Site-1/4015 suffered damage from high explosives, with heat damage and vitrification at parts leading some to suggest the use of high powered lasers to damage the walls.
From this evidence, we conclude that the battle that destroyed Site-1/4015 was not merely a case of political violence, but likely "divine retribution" as the people of the Levant saw it. After countless years of depriving various civilizations of their anomalous religious artifacts, it seems that someone came into possession of an anomaly that could overcome the historically unbeatable forces of SCP-4015, ending their rule in the Middle East.
Unfortunately, it is clear why SCP-4015 was so hated: their method of containment often meant looting, ransacking, and destroying of sacred places. This doubtlessly earned them the unconditional hatred of their neighbors.
The following document is an excerpt from a series of tablets recovered from the library at Site-1/4015. It is thought that the primary motivation for the containment of anomalies was a philosophical one.
The leaders of SCP-4015 seem to have believed that many anomalies, especially humanoid ones, acted in a way that forced humanity to appease them for their own safety. In this sense, SCP-4015 viewed themselves as "liberators" from the influence of anomalies.
Our mission never changes, it never has, it never will.
For countless years mankind has tried in vain to worship and appease the fiends that they call gods. Indeed, these beings do not intend on helping a single human, they feed on them, they grow fat from our labor. This cannot be allowed.
That is why we exist, these strange apparitions have continued to bend the laws of our world, and they have only grown in numbers and power for the last century. We will not make the mistakes of our peers, instead we will use these flaws in the divine tapestry to understand it. We will fully comprehend all of nature, all of these flaws, and we will protect the world from them. So that everyone, farmer and king alike, can rest under the illusion that the sun shall rise again tomorrow.
The above document was the earliest evidence of the presumed ideological nature of SCP-4015.
As detailed above, Site-1/4015 along with the rest of SCP-4015 was destroyed suddenly during the Bronze Age Collapse. During this period Foundation archaeologists have concluded that a rapid upsurge in anomalous activity occurred across the Middle East. The latest known documents from SCP-4015 come from this period. The most important of which seems to have been written by a high ranking official who appears to have established control over SCP-4015 after the dissolution of the ruling council in its final years.
Based on the content of the following document it is believed that the author is anomalous in some capacity. Like many other SCP-4015 documents, the translation of some words is not entirely clear.
We have failed. More importantly however, I have failed.
I believed that I could guide these lowly tribesmen to become a mighty force. One that could oversee and fight the tyranny of these gods and demons that infest the world. However, every time we expel evils from one city, they return in a new form. We stole countless prophets, gods, and divine creatures from Uruk alone, yet we never broke their faith in these [Abominations?].
Every item we stole was another item to seal away. Just as everyone foresaw from the beginning, our collection would eventually grow too large to manage. When one of these demons finally escaped its prison, others would follow, and we would fail to ensnare them again.
At last the prophecy came true. Countless horrors, long sealed away, emerged again. At this moment, we knew that we were doomed. Our great works have been razed to the ground, annihilated forever.
Alas these fiends have already begun to turn on the faithful people of this world, soon it seems all of civilization shall be destroyed.
Unfortunately, my adversaries would not have undertaken such actions against us had I not been so controlling. Indeed, I waged destructive wars against these demonic powers. It was foolish of me to expect that they would not see our plight as an opportunity to crush their oppressors.
Perhaps it is indeed possible to stop these forces through cooperation, rather than ruthlessness. Perhaps I should have tried to convince worshipers of the parasitic nature of their gods.
Knowing this, I refuse to give up. This is merely a lesson to be learned. Victory will be mine, no matter how long I must struggle for it.
As the [Leader?] I will always be vigilant in my mission, I will start over and succeed no matter how many tries it will take.
My mission never changes, it never has, it never will
Secure, Contain, Protect
1. "Eparch" is an esoteric class denoting an object classed as an SCP for its anomalous circumstances or relationships rather than for having anomalous effects.
2. At this time Babylonian was essentially used as the "Lingua Franca" in the Middle East
3. Study of their mathematical texts suggests that SCP-4015 had built a mathematical framework for quantum mechanics through its study of anomalies.
4. Now designated Site-18/4015
5. Anomaly in question was an unidentified metal. Based on testing, its atomic number is unknown. When kinetic force in excess of 1000 joules is applied it can rapidly undergo a highly destructive nuclear reaction.
6. Nergal was the Sumerian god of death. |
SCP-1439 is a small sheet of 8 round smiley-face stickers. | ***
Item #: SCP-1439
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1439 is to be kept in a locked drawer in Site 24’s testing center. Access to and experimentation with SCP-1439 requires prior permission from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher. Only one instance of SCP-1439-1 is allowed to be tested at a time, and should be destroyed once the test has concluded. Currently, testing is suspended on SCP-1439 due to previous containment breaches. Testing may resume once all portions of the object are back in place. Though additional safety measures have been put in place making another breach unlikely, any instances of SCP-1439-1 found outside their testing chamber should be destroyed immediately.
Description: SCP-1439 is a small sheet of 8 round smiley-face stickers. Each sticker is approximately 4 centimeters in diameter, and has a name printed above it which is not part of the sticker itself. The names above each sticker are Edward, Thomas, Gordon, Henry, Albert, James, Charles, and Harvey. The first three stickers are light blue, while the others are green, grey, red, purple, and brown, respectively. All 8 have two black dots for eyes and a simple black curve for the mouth. The James sticker was initially missing from the sheet when the Foundation originally acquired SCP-1439, but appeared again after approximately three months. The Edward sticker is currently unaccounted for, as it disappeared 9 months after the SCP was originally contained. Investigation is ongoing to discover the individual(s) responsible for this containment breach.
SCP-1439’s effects begin manifesting when one of the stickers is placed on any object or surface, including plants, animals, and human beings. Once the sticker is in place, it will slowly dissolve over a period of 3-4 minutes. Human testing subjects have reported a slight tingling sensation when this happens, but no pain. Within the next 8-10 minutes, the subject will begin to become anthropomorphic, with a face appearing where the sticker was originally placed. At this point the subject is considered an instance of SCP-1439-1. After 20 minutes, the face will become more detailed, and become capable of blinking and speaking. Most instances of SCP-1439-1 tested so far have spoken American English in various regional dialects, though one was also capable of speaking fluent Cantonese.
Approximately an hour after the initial exposure to SCP-1439, a set of arms and legs will begin to grow from the subject, giving it a more humanoid appearance. Instances of SCP-1439-1 will have varying levels of mobility, depending entirely on the size, weight, and general shape of the original subject. Subjects shorter than 0.8 meters in height are usually completely anthropomorphous, while larger subjects will only be partially affected. As an example to illustrate how this affects both inanimate objects, and subjects like humans and animals, see Notable Experiments Log 2468 below.
Instances of SCP-1439-1 exhibit a variety of behaviors, but are generally emotionally manipulative and/or single-minded once they are capable of speech, and act hostile when their demands are not met. Psychotic episodes are common and often result in acts of violence from the subject, prompting their termination as further testing efforts from that point are usually futile.
So far the only recourse for returning SCP-1439 to its original state is to destroy any instances of SCP-1439-1. Depending on their size and the area affected, sapient subjects may need to be terminated, or only have part of their body removed for disposal. Through testing, this has resulted in the death or maiming of ██ animals and humans.
+ Notable Experiments Log 2468
– hide block
Sticker used
Test Subject and placement
Length of Testing Time
A 1.5 m x 1.5 m x .3 m section of concrete wall. Sticker placed in the center.
49 hours
Approximately 1 square meter of the wall became anthropomorphous, with animate arms and legs sprouting from the concrete. Subject was immobile, and complained vocally about their situation. Subject asked about “Leo” numerous times, but was uncooperative when questioned about the name, and went silent shortly thereafter. Subject was left alone and monitored for the next 48 hours. It remained motionless except for occasionally scratching itself. The concrete wall was destroyed with sledgehammers, during which the subject remained silent. The Charles sticker reappeared on the sheet 3-4 minutes after the subject was deemed destroyed.
Standard foundation desk lamp. Sticker placed on the lightbulb.
92 minutes
The entire lamp was affected by the SCP-1439, with the face appearing on the light bulb, arms sprouting from the adjustable “neck” of the lamp, and legs sprouting from the base. The subject expressed fascination with its cord, and refused to answer questions until it was “turned on”. A researcher plugged the subject’s cord into an outlet, and flipped the subject’s switch. Subject stated that the bright light and heat of the light bulb burned and hurt its face, exclaiming, “I fucking love it!" Subject then stopped conversing with the researchers, only making vocal sounds concluded to be sexual in nature. After 30 minutes of this behavior, the plug was pulled, and the subject attempted to attack the research team. Subject was thrown in the testing center’s nearby incinerator. Two researchers suffered small bite marks and bruises, but were otherwise unharmed.
Sticker placed in the center of the palm of D-82913's right hand.
66 minutes
D-82913 was anesthetized for this test, to see if anesthesia would affect an instance of SCP-1439-1, and to prevent panic due to the transformation. D-82913’s entire hand was affected, with their pinky finger and thumb becoming arms, and legs sprouting near the wrist. Anesthesia had no visible effect on SCP-1439-1. Subject’s behavior initially mirrored its previous behavior, and had no recollection of its manifestation on the concrete wall. Subject complained of being constrained, as it had no control over D-82913’s arm past the wrist. Subject became sullen, and ceased answering questions. D-82913’s hand was surgically removed while still under anesthesia, and SCP-1439-1 was tossed in the on-site incinerator, making no protests in the process.
Dwarf Hamster. Sticker placed on the animal’s back.
17 hours
The entire animal became anthropomorphous, with its front legs becoming the subject’s legs, and the back legs becoming the subject’s arms. The hamster’s front legs changed size, shape, and orientation to match those of a human. The hamster’s head ended up pointing straight downward once the subject could stand up, and made vocalizations of distress until the subject purposely sat on it and crushed it. Subject continued to speak and move normally even though the hamster itself was functionally dead. Subject was extremely charismatic, and allowed the research team to question him for hours, telling stories of various subjects including: violent crime sprees with "my friend O████", sexual escapades with numerous women, and even knowledge about Foundation secrets. After attempting to cross reference some of the crimes and Foundation knowledge expressed by the subject, the research team determined that the majority of it was lies and/or delusions of grandeur. Some crimes did match up to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject became violent when it realized it was to be disposed of, and managed to get loose within the research center. The research team eventually discovered the subject’s hiding place, and flushed it out with an acetylene torch. Subject was then captured and incinerated.
Sticker placed on the left kneecap of D-59919
Test ended approximately 75 minutes after exposure, when the subject escaped containment.
No face appeared after the sticker dissolved. After an hour of no activity, D-59919 was escorted from the testing chamber. Before they could leave the testing center, D-59919’s leg suddenly sprouted arms, one of which grabbed a nearby scalpel and disabled his security guard escort, as well as a nearby researcher. D-59919 panicked during this, having lost control of his left leg. SCP-1439-1 then made a jerking motion which caused D-59919 to fall on his back, hitting the back of his head. D-59919’s leg split down the middle, forming two new, separate legs for SCP-1439-1. The subject then used the scalpel to cut itself free from D-59919, and began to eat part of D-59919's other leg. The security team arrived shortly thereafter and neutralized the subject. D-59919 was pronounced dead at the scene, having lost too much blood from his femoral artery being severed. It is unknown how or why this instance of SCP-1439-1 manifested differently from the others. Testing of the Albert sticker has been postponed until new safety measures can be written up.
Gordon and James
2 meter tall ficus tree. The Gordon sticker was placed on the trunk near the top, while the James sticker was placed at the bottom, directly below Gordon.
2 hours
Both areas where the stickers were placed manifested as separate instances of SCP-1439-1. Initially, both subjects ignored the research team’s questions, and only spoke to each other in an effort to cooperatively tip the tree over and become mobile. They succeeded in doing so, and unsuccessfully attempted to run into the researchers and trip them with the tree trunk. Their cooperation ended when one subject made sexual advances towards the other, and they began arguing heatedly. The researchers were able to carry the tree out of the testing chamber and dispose of it without incident in the wood chipper borrowed from Site 10.
Thomas and James
Dr. Carver’s thermos. The Thomas sticker was placed at the top of the thermos just below the rim. The James sticker was applied over the Thomas sticker immediately.
27 minutes
Both stickers dissolved in 3-4 minutes. No face or limbs appeared, however the thermos’ material slowly changed to a pinkish, organic substance that began to rapidly rot after only 18 minutes. Testing confirmed the material had turned to human flesh. DNA testing revealed multiple matches, [DATA EXPUNGED]
Sticker placed directly on the nose of D-11770.
6 minutes
The sticker expanded to cover D-11770's entire face, before dissolving after 5 minutes. Test subject did not show any signs of distress until [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject was terminated by security forces before it could do any more harm to itself or others. Initial conclusion is that close proximity to a human brain significantly changes the way SCP-1439-1 manifests, possibly taking complete control of the person, or at least greatly altering their behavior.
-Human testing has been suspended indefinitely, due to the unpredictable effects. I fear the results of the last test may have revealed the true purpose of SCP-1439; everything else has simply been a side effect of the object's misuse.– Dr. Carver
Addendum: Due to the similar method of application between SCP-1439 and SCP-248, it is currently theorized that they share a common origin. However, SCP-1439 does not carry any mention of "The Factory" and does not appear to be mass-produced, so it is currently theorized that SCP-1439 was discontinued before many instances were created. The credibility of this theory is unknown at this time.
They’re 2, they’re 4, they’re 6, they’re 8
They’re filled with rage and lust and hate
They know what they want to do
They want to rape and murder you
So lock your doors at night and day
And hope that they stay far away
Their own psychosis never ends
Thomas and his friends
Thomas, he’s the shooty one
James sure loves his big shotgun
Albert sends you mail sometimes
Gordon loves sexual crimes
Charles, the military buff
Henry kills and lies and bluffs
Edward wants some skin to wear
Harvey, sado-masochistic flair! |
SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12m in radius located on a farm near [REDACTED]. | ***
Item #: SCP-065
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-065 cannot be moved, it has been contained on-site and Site ██ has been established around it. Site ██ has been marked as a government research facility off limits to civilians, and unauthorized individuals attempting to gain access to the area are to be detained, questioned, and administered a Class A amnestic if deemed necessary by site security.
An area 17 m in radius around the center of SCP-065 has been designated the Red Zone. Personnel may not enter the Red Zone of SCP-065 at any time, and experimentation with SCP-065 may only be performed with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 senior research staff. Personnel at high risk of cancer must not be assigned to Site ██, and all Site ██ personnel must undergo mandatory monthly physical evaluations including cancer screenings.
Description: SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12 m in radius located on a farm near [REDACTED]. SCP-065 was formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition on ██/█/██; immediately following this initial event, the radius of SCP-065 was estimated to have initially expanded to 108 m in radius, resulting in the deaths of eleven (11) GOC operatives and five (5) civilians. Since containment by the Foundation, the effective radius of SCP-065 has shrunk to and remained stable at its current size.
SCP-065 causes abnormal transfiguration of any living organism within its area of effect. These effects include but are not limited to:
Regression of specialized cells to an undifferentiated stem state.
Spontaneous separation and fusion of undifferentiated cells.
Spontaneous necrosis of living tissue and reanimation of dead tissue.
Rapid genetic mutation of living tissue.
These effects occur at a rate proportional to the mass and complexity of the organism: plants and insects show few if any effects, small animals will exhibit alterations following several days of exposure, larger animals will show harmful mutations within hours, and all human subjects exposed to the Red Zone have been fatally altered within approximately fifteen (15) minutes of exposure.
To date, all attempts at directly observing the center of SCP-065 have failed, as SCP-065 causes a form of extreme sensory confusion in all observers that extends to recording equipment. Affected personnel have reported highly distorted vision and hearing that persists for several hours and can result in severe dizziness and nausea.
Addendum 065-1: Researcher Note
On █/██/██, a robotic rover designed to use somatosensory rather than visual or acoustic navigation managed to reach the center of SCP-065 and retrieve several objects. When pieced back together, these objects appear to be the shattered fragments of a stone figurine of Kokopelli, a Native American fertility deity.
Along with pre-incident data obtained from the Global Occult Coalition, it appears that this artifact had been used by the civilian family to boost the yield of their farm and only came to the attention of the GOC when an investigation by the United States Department of Agriculture revealed genetic markers in their supposed organic crops consistent with those of genetically modified organism (GMO) crops. The GOC attempted an on-site destruction of this artifact, resulting in the creation of SCP-065; following this incident, the GOC contacted a Foundation liaison and requested assistance in containing the resultant anomaly.
— Dr. █████████
Addendum 065-2: Attached Document
The following document was recovered from the formerly civilian-owned farm house at Site ██:
I heard things aren't going so well back at home. I wish I could come back and help right now, but it's tough over here right now as well and we're on the verge of some important discoveries.
I know it's not much, but I found this during the trip. The man who gave it to me described it as, "a representation of that which is and that which might be". Plant it by the corn field, and hopefully it will help make ends meet.
See you soon,
G |
SCP-2789 is a fast food restaurant named Beefbelly Bill's. | ***
Item #: SCP-2789
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Any discovered instances of SCP-2789 are to be immediately destroyed to prevent further spread. MTF-Xi-17 'Cross Country' is currently assigned to locating instances as soon as they appear via investigating new instances by monitoring social media and other mediums, and reports of mass recording software failure in patterns that bear similarity to those of SCP-2789. As of this writing, SCP-2789-1 is currently not in containment, but members of MTF-Xi-17 have been instructed to make all possible attempts to detain it. A standard humanoid holding cell has been prepared in the event that SCP-2789-1 is successfully obtained.
Description: SCP-2789 is a fast food restaurant named Beefbelly Bill's. This name is displayed on the front of the building and a sign outside the building. It operates as a lunch and breakfast food chain, and has fully operating fryers, grills, and soda and ice cream machines. When an SCP-2789 first appears, it will integrate into nearby plumbing and electrical services by use of pipes and electrical lines that extend out and connect to nearby systems.
Upon appearance of an instance of SCP-2789, at least four staff members will be present inside the building. These staff members have no sense of identity, and will only acknowledge that they are staff members of their instance of SCP-2789. Security footage obtained from nearby buildings show that the staff members do not leave SCP-2789, even after the indicated 'closing time' of 10:00 PM. If forcibly removed, they will vanish and reappear inside of SCP-2789's kitchen. If SCP-2789 is destroyed, the staff members will dissolve into piles of tissue and bodily fluids that match the genetic samples of other biological material found within the particular instance of SCP-2789. The food served by SCP-2789 has no anomalous properties, and is edible in most situations.
Over the course of each year an instance of SCP-2789 is open, thirty random people that buy food from it will be selected through an unknown process. These people will be told that the restaurant is having a special offer on that day, and will be offered a free burger with their choice of drink. Should the subject consume this, they are to be referred to as an instance of SCP-2789-2. If they do not, another person within the vicinity will be chosen by the staff members of SCP-2789. Approximately five hours after consuming this burger, SCP-2789-2 will display an urge to travel to a different location, most often a large city that does not have an instance of SCP-2789 present. Once SCP-2789-2 reaches a location it finds suitable, it will begin its transformation into a new instance of SCP-2789. Those who witness the transformation of SCP-2789-2 report having no memory of the incident, and all attempts to capture it on recording software have been met with failure, with attempted recordings being completely replaced with static that may occasionally lapse into the Beefbelly Bill's logo.
The exact conditions of how this occurs are unknown due to the inability to successfully observe the transformation, but it is theorized that SCP-2789-2 undergoes symptoms similar to congestive heart failure. Following this, SCP-2789-2 would begin to rapidly increase in bodily mass, until it reaches a height and width of nearly 4 meters. After SCP-2789-2 has reached sufficient size, its body tissues and fluids will begin to change into materials commonly found in SCP-2789. Any structures that are in the way of the new SCP-2789 will be incorporated into the structure of the building or displaced into another location. SCP-2789 has been observed to bond with structures such as supermarkets, churches, gas stations, and libraries. Any humans present at the time of transformation will be relocated inside of or near to SCP-2789.
Forensic analysis of structural components of SCP-2789 has found traces of bone marrow and spinal fluid, along with human epidermis (used as insulation for electrical wires) that test genetically identical to DNA samples (obtained from local hospitals when available) of SCP-2789-2. During one inspection of the demolished remains of an instance of SCP-2789, an enlarged human brain was recovered, with electrical impulses being given off, suggesting that SCP-2789 may in fact be alive. During examination, an attempt was made to measure the neural oscillations of the recovered brain. The wavelength of the brain was reported to remain the same until █:██ of the same day of its recovery, which coincided with an attempt to detain SCP-2789-1, in which it demonstrated erratic activity before abruptly ceasing all neural activity.
SCP-2789-1 is an elderly man who claims to be the CEO of the company, and will appear wherever a new instance of SCP-2789 appears. Descriptions of SCP-2789-1 vary, but always include that it appears in formal clothing, and bears a large mustache. Conversations with SCP-2789-1 have not proven useful, as it prefers to talk about the food at its restaurant, often asking subjects how it could improve the menu. Attempts to detain SCP-2789-1 have been met with failure, as it frequently disappears with no explanation, often leaving behind a business card identifying itself as the owner of the Beefbelly Bill's company, along with what is presumed to be a name in a currently unidentified language. Translation attempts are ongoing.
Addendum: The following interviews have been conducted between employees of an instance of SCP-2789 in ██████, Colorado, and SCP-2789-1 in ████, Washington.
+ Show Interviews
- Access Granted
Interview 1:
Interviewed: An employee of SCP-2789
Interviewer: Researcher █████
Foreword: This interview took place before the evacuation and destruction of SCP-2789.
<Begin Log>
Employee: Hi, welcome to Beefbelly Bill's! How may we help you today?
Researcher █████: I'm looking for information. When did this restaurant get here?
Employee: We officially opened for business last night, of course! Would you like to try our BLT burger? And for just three-ninety nine you can make it a combo!
Researcher █████: No, I wouldn't. What I mean to say is how did this restaurant get here?
Employee: I'm sorry, if you have questions about our company, you'll have to speak to the CEO. He's the life of the company! I hope he's able to help you, here at Beefbelly Bill's, customer service is our top priority!
Researcher █████: I don't suppose you'd be able to contact your CEO and ask him to come here, could you?
Employee: Not me, I'm just a cashier. Our CEO comes and goes when he wants to.
Researcher █████: Thank you.
Employee: Oh! I almost forgot to ask! We have a special offer today, would you like a free burger with your choice of drink?
Researcher █████: We're leaving. Now.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: SCP-2789 was demolished thirty minutes after this interview. The burger and drink offered to Researcher █████ were found to contain traces of human blood, mucus, and bone marrow in the sauce/drink. The discovered materials did not test identical to the SCP-2789 they were obtained in. The employee who offered the 'special offer' to researcher █████ became noticeably distressed after the offer was declined, calling Researcher █████ 'ungrateful for not accepting his (presumably referring to SCP-2789-1) gift'.
Interview 2:
Interviewed: SCP-2789-1
Interviewer: Agent R██████
Foreword: This interview was conducted at an instance of SCP-2789 in ████, Washington. SCP-2789-1 was found sitting at a table (drinking a milkshake) inside SCP-2789 prior to destruction and asked for an interview. SCP-2789-1 consented.
<Begin Log>
Agent R██████: Can you tell me what your involvement with this place is?
SCP-2789-1: I'm the CEO of this fine company. Beautiful, isn't it?
Agent R██████: I must admit I'm not a fan of the way you make the restaurants.
SCP-2789-1: (laughs) I'm afraid to have a successful business in this day and age, you'll have to make sacrifices… I expected someone from your foundation to know that.
Agent R██████: We're not talking about my company. Let's focus on yours.
SCP-2789-1: Of course, of course. Here I was, sitting in my office one fine day, and I thought, what if I could increase the number of restaurants in my business, at no cost, and increase production, also at no cost? Sure, there are some morally or ethically questionable things-
Agent R██████: The deaths of hundreds, just to 'increase production'?
SCP-2789-1: (clears throat loudly) -but ultimately, it's all worth it to increase my business. Every person who accepts my gift is a hero! A sacrificial lamb to further something far greater than themselves! It's not like the old days, where someone would offer you a human sacrifice to help you along. No, the world has changed, and I've adapted along with it. After all… I am the life of the company.
Agent R██████: Your employees say the same thing, word for word. What exactly does that mean?
(A brief silence as SCP-2789-1 finishes its milkshake)
SCP-2789-1 That's a company secret. (SCP-2789-1 excuses itself to the restroom)
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following the conclusion of this interview, Agent R██████ immediately called for MTF unit Xi-17 to retrieve SCP-2789-1, however, when MTF unit Xi-17 arrived, SCP-2789-1 was no longer present. The instance of SCP-2789 was destroyed immediately after the interview. SCP-2789-1's knowledge of the Foundation is considered to be a security risk, and efforts to contain and question it have been increased. |
SCP-2075 is a gestalt consciousness currently occupying an unknown number of hosts. | ***
Item#: 2075
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
Special Containment Procedures: As of ██/██/2014, SCP-2075 is currently uncontained and its location is unknown.
Description: SCP-2075 is a gestalt consciousness currently occupying an unknown number of hosts. SCP-2075 exhales a microbial pathogen capable of extreme neurological alterations. Those infected by SCP-2075 are SCP-2075-A and are considered an extension of SCP-2075. SCP-2075 is able to exert its anomalous effects regardless of distance after initial infection and will maintain control indefinitely unless SCP-2075-A are destroyed.
<Site-66 Surveillance [24:00]>
[Three men enter the Containment Site. They have been identified as Dr. Albert Cronenberg and security personnel Jacob D. Moore and Jonathan Li.]
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: You requested to speak with me? I am not at your beck and call, SCP-2075.
SCP-2075: Yet you come when beckoned.
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: [Audibly sighs] My patience with you has long since waned. Speak and be quick about it.
SCP-2075: I have seen enough of this place. I will be leaving you now.
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: Are you threatening a containment breach?
SCP-2075: I have long looked over your shoulder. Truth be told, the man you now observe in your cage could leave whenever he wished. I believe you miscalculated the sum of my parts. Tell me: if you cage the limb of an octopus, have you truly caged the octopus? This one has so many arms to spare…
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: What is this?
SCP-2075: My containment. It never truly mattered. I have always been quite free. Turn to the right, doctor. Smile for camera. A message is being sent.
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: [glances at the security camera]
SCP-2075: "And Ion held six fingers aloft and upon their spears did the soldiers impale themselves."
Jacob D. Moore: "'For you!' they cried before the blood drowned their tongues. And Ion said, 'Now do you see?'"
Jonathan Li: "And Nadox wept, as more did skewer themselves in Ion's name, for he had seen and now knew the truth of his words."
Dr. Albert Cronenberg: Security! Security! [Dr. Cronenberg appears to struggle with Security Officer Li]
SCP-2075: Do you see?
[Security Officer Li appears to hold Dr. Cronenberg while Security Officer Moore stabs him in the abdomen with a dagger of ceremonial design; weapon later designated an anomalous object.]
<Video ends abruptly, surveillance camera destroyed>
Security Personnel were alerted when SCP-2075's Containment Unit ruptured. An amorphous mass of flesh and bone, considerable in size, destroyed or disabled defense parameters. Sector-G was flooded with chlorine trifluoride, eliminating the biological agent. Heavy casualties were suffered, including fifty-six fatalities. Sector-G was deemed a complete loss and is currently being reconstructed. DNA found spread throughout Sector-G matched that of Dr. Albert Cronenberg, presumed deceased.
Investigation concluded that Jacob D. Moore and Jonathan Li were both aspects of SCP-2075. Each had over ten years of exceptional service to the Foundation. It is unknown when they were first linked to SCP-2075 but is believed to have occurred prior to joining the Foundation. Partial remains with their DNA, as well as that of SCP-2075, were found within Sector-G. Due to the true capabilities of SCP-2075, it is now believed to have never been fully contained by GRU Division "P" or the Foundation.
Discovered within Sector-G was a ring-shaped object constructed of palladium weighing 2.26 kilograms and with a circumference of 22 centimeters. Object is non-anomalous and depicts an Ouroboros, believed to be a symbol of religious significance.
GRU Division "P" personnel associated with original containment have been sought for information about SCP-2075; all were recorded as deceased or missing.
1. "6712" which further questioning revealed to be based upon the now obsolete Byzantine calendar.
2. The Time of Troubles (Russian: Smutnoye Vremya) was a period of political crisis in Russia that followed the fall of the Rurik dynasty in 1598 and concluded with the establishment of the Romanov dynasty in 1613.
3. Bogomilism was a Gnostic sect founded in the 10th century. |
SCP-5033 is a Valais Blacknose sheep1. | ***
Item #: SCP-5033
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5033 is to be contained within a large flame-resistant animal containment cell at the Biological Containment Wing of Site-432. The cell is to be outfitted with multiple stress-reducing amenities, including but not limited to the following:
A stereo system playing slow, classical music
An automatic feeding system stocked with hay, sticks, and twigs
Stacked blocks and plastic balls for climbing
Upon the detection of a 5033-IGUSHA event, a sleeping gas is to be administered to the cell. If necessary, SCP-5033 is to be sheared at this time.
A safe testing area is currently under construction, as SCP-5033 is suspected of having additional anomalous abilities.
Description: SCP-5033 is a Valais Blacknose sheep1.
When stressed, SCP-5033 will go into a 5033-IGUSHA event. During a 5033-IGUSHA event, SCP-5033 will detonate with an energy equivalent to that of a kilogram of TNT every ten seconds. Notably, SCP-5033 is unaffected by the force generated by these detonations. The detonations are also not a stressor to SCP-5033. Upon significant relaxation, the 5033-IGUSHA event will then conclude.
Discovery: SCP-5033 was discovered in the Valais region of Switzerland after a number of reports concerning multiple explosions in the mountains. MTF Zeta-35 ("Mountain Goats") was dispatched to the location, at which SCP-5033 was contained through the use of a tranquilizer.
Near SCP-5033 was a charred human corpse carrying a rifle, later identified as Helmut Hammerschmidt, who was associated with a poaching organization dedicated to the hunting of potentially anomalous animals.
A notepad was discovered on Hammerschmidt's body, which contained data tracking certain animals and reports. The following entries were legible:
Schmid's getting closer and closer to his so-called 'big discovery,' and everyone is on his dick about it. He hasn't even revealed anything yet, I bet that fucker doesn't even have anything, just like all the other fakes. They're all just here for attention.
But I'm gonna be going out to the mountains tomorrow. People have been talking about some interesting things up there, and my rifle's itching for some action.
I'll show him what a real 'big discovery' is. Can't wait to see the look on his face.
I hate climbing. All this goddamn equipment is heavy as hell.
Every time I feel like giving up, I think about Schmid. About his dirty smirk. About everyone congratulating him. About how I can't let that happen.
And I keep going. Fuck him.
The target is in my sights. A little sheep. It reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
It's eating sticks. Are animals supposed to eat sticks? Maybe it acts as fuel for its… powers? Still not sure what it does.
I'm gonna watch it for a bit. See if it does anything interesting. My camera is set up to track it.
It's been a few hours, and I can't get Schmid out of my mind. Fucking asshole.
I shot at the sheep. A warning shot. It started fucking exploding.
I've struck gold. I bet it'll wipe Schmid's grin right off his face.
Just gotta shoot this thing dead. It's a shame, it's actually pretty cute. Maybe I can get it stuffed as a little trophy.
The bullets aren't doing anything. I've shot it five fucking times. I think it's invincible to bullets.
I should get backup. But also… I don't want to go back. I bet Schmid would make fun of me for being a coward, or something idiotic like that.
I'm gonna stab it. It only explodes every ten seconds, and the range isn't that far… I might be able to get up close and kill it.
Then I'll come back with its corpse, and I'll be a hero. I'm so close…
I can't fucking wait.
Despite multiple bullet shells littering the ground and other evidence that Hammerschmidt had been firing at SCP-5033, no bullet wounds were found on the entity. Investigation into the poaching organization, as well as SCP-5033's suspected invulnerability to harm caused by hostile actions, is ongoing.
1. Ovis aries
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SCP-3624 is a thaumaturgic ritual consisting of a number of rites and gestures. | ***
Item #: SCP-3624
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-3624-1 are to be monitored remotely and all civilians that come into contact with SCP-3624-1 instances are to be administered class A amnestics. All SCP-3624-1 instances of which associated subjects have expired (as of ██/██/20██, four) are to be kept in standard containment units. The size of the cells is to be adjusted for each individual instance.
GoI-435's operations are to be monitored and all SCP-3624 events are to be interrupted. Zoos and animal shelters in the designated high-risk zones (for details view Document-3624-G13) are to be monitored and all cases of missing exotic animals are to be screened for potential GoI-435 involvement. MTF Gamma-13 ("Rosemary's Lover") is assigned to the task of dismantling the organization and all relevant information is to be reported to the Task Force leader.
Description: SCP-3624 is a thaumaturgic ritual consisting of a number of rites and gestures. It utilizes a number of requisites, most important being multiple animal body parts and silver knives. The ritual involves sewing these body parts together in a shape superficially resembling an animal. The shapes vary in size and form with the smallest documented measuring 1 m in height and 2 m in length and the largest 3 m in height and 12 m in length. After an SCP-3624 event, the body will be buried next to the site of the ritual. After approximately half an hour, the "animal" will become animate and begin displaying life functions, becoming an instance of SCP-3624-1. This happens regardless of how compatible the body parts are with each other and will take place even in biologically implausible cases. Organs of SCP-3624-1 instances are fully functioning and normal processes take place.
These rituals are connected to a cult called "The Gravediggers" associated with ancient Gothic pagan beliefs (designated Group of Interest-435). The group regularly attempts to carry out the rituals, most often in relatively isolated locations. A nearly completed ritual was documented by Foundation operatives and other SCP-3624 events have only slightly deviated from it.
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- Access granted
Name: Transcript of SCP-3624 Event-2
Date: ██/██/201█
Foreword: The second documented ritual took place in an abandoned church in ██████, Germany and was allowed to progress to near completion. The building was under surveillance using planted cameras and microphones and surrounded by Foundation forces.
10:12 PM: Members of GoI-435 gather on the pews, while the cult leader and his helpers set up a wooden altar shaped in the likeness of a coffin.
10:14 PM: The leader delivers a speech, announcing that the "time of burial" is coming and that the ritual will bring it closer. The monologue includes a description of damage that SCP-3624 will bring to the world and an assurance that the members of the "ancient faith" will be the only ones spared.
10:30 PM: The ritual begins, helpers bring previously slaughtered animals (common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, common cow Bos taurus, Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx, brown bear Ursus arctos, Atlantic cod Gadus morhua) to the altar and begin cutting their limbs. The cult starts chanting. The language was later identified to be ancient Germanic in origin.
10:35 PM: Body parts are sewn together, the leader joins the chant.
10:37 PM: Three cult members begin self-mutilation with knives and other sharp implements, severing a few of their fingers and throwing them on the altar.
10:48 PM: A live pig is brought in. The animal is hung over the altar on scaffolding. The leader slits its throat and collects the blood with a bowl.
10:51 PM: Four more cultists mutilate themselves. One tries to cut his arm at the elbow, but passes out from blood loss before completion.
10:56 PM: After performing a number of gestures the cult leader begins pouring the blood into the mouth of the corpse. Mission command orders an assault on the building.
10:57 PM: Containment team Beta enters the building and stops the ritual.
Afterword: Foundation forces suffered no casualties. 14 GoI-435 members were captured including the leader, remaining 23 were killed in action.
An example contained instance of SCP-3624-1 is characterized by:
• Head of Felis catus (house cat),
• Torso of Canis lupus familiaris (domestic dog),
• Front legs of Ursus arctos (brown bear),
• Lack of hind legs,
• Tail of Sus scrofa domesticus (domestic pig).
It was recovered from █████, Wales after reports of a "monster" in the nearby woods.
The aim of the SCP-3624 ritual is presumed to be a creation of an entity hostile to all sentient life, based on interrogations of GoI-435 members and collected scriptures. Despite this intended goal, SCP-3624-1 instances are generally friendly towards humans. The anomalies imitate the behavior, diet and sounds of animals that they superficially resemble. After becoming animate, the entities will begin moving around the area where ritual took place, seeking a person with whom they could form a relationship, referred to as bond.
So far, all SCP-3624-1 instances have formed a bond, finding an "owner". Individuals that the entities view as their associated subjects perceive them as a common domesticated animal, such as dogs or cats. SCP-3624-1 instances form a strong relationship with these and will go to great lengths to protect them. The anomalies seem to prefer individuals isolated from the society, often targeting old or handicapped individuals. So far no entity has ever harmed its bonded subject and the relationship has even brought positive effects for the subjects, including improvements in mental health.
SCP-3624-1 instances are strongly emotionally bonded and will enter catatonic state if separated from their associated subject for longer periods of time. If the associated person expires, the entity will show signs of grief and stay around the place of residence. At this stage, the anomalies are safe to be retrieved and are unlikely to display hostility, unless directly provoked.
Addendum 3624-A: Transcript of SCP-3624 Event-1
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Date: ██/██/201█
Foreword: After reports of "cultists" in an abandoned village in the woods near █████, Germany a team consisting of five Foundation agents was dispatched, including Agent S████, Agent W█████, Agent G████, Agent T█████ and Agent D█████. The group was equipped with standard Foundation field kit and armed with 9mm handguns. The operation was overseen by nearby Site-23. The aim of the operation was to determine the nature of the potential anomaly.
<Begin Log>
Command: This is Site-23, team Alpha, do you copy?
Agent S████: This is agent S████, loud and clear. Team is assembled and ready to go. We reached the end of the asphalt road, we'll cover the remaining distance on foot. Awaiting orders.
Command: You have all been briefed on the subject. We have close to zero intel, so keep low profile and remain hidden. In case it gets hot, we have a containment team assembled and ready to go. For now head to your destination.
Agent S████: Understood.
Command: Good luck Alpha.
Agent D████: Hopefully we won't need it.
Agent S████: I wish I shared your optimism D████. Let's go. The village is good few clicks away.
Agent S████: Command, we're here. A few cars and a bunch of ruined wooden buildings, seems like only the mayor's house is standing. We can hear chanting coming from it and the lights are on. No movement outside. There is a large hole in the ground in front of the building. Permission to approach?
Command: Approved. Try to get a look through the windows, don't attract attention.
Agent S████: Alright. T█████, W█████ approach from the Eastern side, use the bushes for concealment. G████ you're going with me. Have your cameras ready, we'll try to take some pics. D████, photograph the license plates of the cars.
Agent G████: Jesus, they are loud! How can they scream like this?
Command: We're hearing it. It does not sound like German. Team, please confirm.
Agent S████: Confirmed, it bears some resemblance, but I can't understand a word.
Agent W█████: I say there are at least fifty people inside. We won't deal with that many.
Agent S████: We won't approach them. Stay hidden.
Agent D████: No worries. They are nutters and they don't know we're here. They didn't even post sentries!
Agent T█████: Movement! S████, do you see it?
Agent S████: Yeah. They are leaving the building. Only around twenty people. Some seem to be missing limbs.
Agent T█████: They are carrying something. What the fuck is this thing?
Agent G████: That's a wolf head. But the torso is too big. It looks like a…
Agent T█████: That's a zebra torso. It could be the one missing from the zoo!
Agent S████: The legs look cat-like. Tiger?
Agent D████: I said, they are crazies.
Agent S████: Command, they are burying the… Thing in the hole.
Command: Don't interfere.
Agent W█████: We weren't planning to.
Agent S████: OK, the group is getting into the cars. They are leaving!
Command: Tell me you got everything on tape.
Agent S████: Sure thing. I could identify at least a dozen.
Command: Alright, we'll be on the lookout for cars. Are they gone?
Agent S████: Yes, we're approaching the grave and building.
Agent G████: We're inside. Oh God, the smell! Seems like they cleaned everything up. There are some blood splatters. Here are the missing limbs!
Agent W█████: Should I start unearthing our little chimera?
Agent S████: Do it. D████ will join you.
Agent D████: Always getting the best job.
Agent W█████: Where is your optimism? Hold this shovel.
Agent D████: Jesus Christ! Oh fuck!
Command: Report!
Agent D████: Get away from me!
Agent W█████: It's alive!
Agent S████: Stay away from it!
Command: Alpha, report!
Agent D████: It's running away!
Agent S████: Command? Our kitty started moving and then went for the woods.
Agent G████: Damn, it's fast! No way I'm chasing this!
Agent S████: D████, you alright?
Agent D████: Yeah, it just… Pushed me? Kind of?
Command: Alright, get your gear and head back. We're sending a chopper, hopefully we'll track this thing down from the air.
<End Log>
Afterword The instance of SCP-3624-1 was not found until ten days after, when it was located in close proximity to the house of PoI-3624-1 by a chopper. Agents who were part of the search operation reported hearing howling in the distance. PoI-3624-1 was apparently on a walk with the entity and was engaging in playful behavior with it. All members of the cult involved in the event were tracked down and interrogated.
Addendum 3624-B: Interview 3624-1
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Interviewed: Person of Interest-3624-1
Interviewer: Agent ██████
Foreword: Agent ██████ disguised as a postman managed to enter the house of PoI-3624-1, the first identified subject bonded with SCP-3624-1, and conduct an interview.
<Begin Log>
PoI-3624-1: Here’s your tea.
Agent ██████: Thank you very much, you’re too kind.
PoI-3624-1: Oh, the weather’s so awful recently, it would be a sin not to treat you with something warm.
Opening doors can be heard.
PoI-3624-1: Ah, there you are Jonesy! I see you are liking the new doors.
Agent ██████: That’s a beautiful pet.
PoI-3624-1: You think so? I always wanted to have a cat. But my husband was allergic to them, we couldn’t buy one. And then, a year after his death this magnificent beast stumbled into my house. It was winter, as cold as this one. Have you noticed that winters are becoming colder and colder? And then they say in the news that we’re having global warming. Ha! What a bunch of fools!
Agent ██████: Laughs Very interesting, what was it doing so far from any villages? When was it?
PoI-3624-1: A few days ago. You’re right, I don’t see many visitors here, mail barely reaches me. And no one visits an old grandma like me. At least now I have a companion.
Agent ██████: Does it behave well? No problems with it?
PoI-3624-1: Oh, it’s very calm. I barely see him during the day. He helps me keep all the vermin out. I will need to cut his claws soon. He leaves giant scratch marks trying to shorten them. Just look at this door frame! This house is so old, I have a feeling I'm barely keeping it from falling apart, especially with Jonsey around.
Agent ██████: The wind is settling down, I have to get going. Thank you very much for the tea.
<End Log> |
SCP-2836 is a male humanoid of relatively slender build, height measuring approximately 2 meters. | ***
Item #: SCP-2836
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2836 is to remain secured in a standard humanoid containment cell equipped with a water resistant high rise ceiling. Communication with the subject outside of approved interviews is not advised. During said interaction, SCP-2836 is to be provided with a suitable covering for its mouth in order to speak clearly and maintain steady breathing.
Description: SCP-2836 is a male humanoid of relatively slender build, height measuring approximately 2 meters. The subject is in his mid to late 20's and is most often seen wearing a black wet suit with waterproof fingerless gloves. Subject on occasion has also been seen wearing standard provisional Site 38 attire. SCP-2836 speaks fluent English with a faintly detectable accent from the southern United States. While usually docile, SCP-2836 seems to suffer from bouts of depression, at times resisting attempts at communication with researchers.
Though most of the subject's attributes appear basically normal, SCP-2836 exhibits anomalous qualities in its method of self-transport. In any dry environment, the subject appears to be completely submerged in water and will seem to swim or float in midair. Characteristics of aquatic buoyancy affect all movements of the subject, thus making walking, running or balancing on floors essentially impossible. Additionally, the subject's hair will appear to waft in various directions as though affected by an aquatic environment despite the lack of such conditions. However, SCP-2836 has proven completely capable of normal breathing in these cases, though communication with the subject in dry areas has also been deemed impossible. All uttered speech will sound garbled and washed out as though being spoken underwater, causing instances of SCP-2836-11 to project from the subject's mouth.
Conversely, another set of anomalous attributes become apparent when SCP-2836 is actually submerged in water. In this state, SCP-2836 will suddenly succumb to conventional gravity. Previously impossible movements will be aptly performed as though being done in a waterless environment. Words spoken by SCP-2836 are also fully understandable in these conditions. However, the subject's ability to inhale ceases, limiting the amount of phrases able to be said as well as how long SCP-2836 can remain submerged before suffocating.
SCP-2836 first came to the attention of the Foundation following a localized incident taking place near ██████████, Florida. On June ██, 20██, a mother, father and young daughter were found dead and waterlogged on the shore of █████ Beach, the result of a boating accident that had occurred the previous night. The surviving older son was later discovered 2-3 miles down the beach floating over the sand and sobbing uncontrollably, releasing large clouds of SCP-2836-1. Attempts at getting the son medical attention were only met with resistance, forcing him to 'swim' well above the reach of people on the ground. When air support arrived, the son frantically escaped into the ocean, where he was able to somehow sprint away on the sandbars at full speed, only occasionally coming above the surface to 'breathe'. Subsequent to amnesticizing all parties witnessing these phenomena, Foundation field agents stationed in the area were able to locate and detain the young man via surveillance drones.
Open Interview 2836-4
- Close Interview 2836-4
The following is a video recording transcript of the 4th interview conducted with SCP-2836 since containment.
Interviewer: Dr. Garrison, Site 38 advisor and presiding researcher of the subject.
Begin playback - 11:08 A.M., 7/12/██
[Dr. Garrison enters the room and shuts the door behind him. Proceeds to take a seat.]
Dr. Garrison: Good morning SCP-2836! [directing his greeting upwards.]
[SCP-2836 is seen doing the dead man's float approximately 6 meters off the floor of the interview room. No response.]
Dr. Garrison: Would you care to join me down here at the table? I need to give you your mask so we can talk. It won't take very long, I promise.
[A brief pause occurs before a garbled sigh is heard from SCP-2836, releasing a sizeable cluster of SCP-2836-1. Subject slowly starts making his way towards Dr. Garrison.]
Dr. Garrison: Thank you, I appr-whoops! [Garrison is seen quickly moving his cup of coffee out of the way of a sudden rain of water droplets from SCP-2836-1 bursting on the ceiling.] Ha, I'm getting good at that, aren't I? Oh, here you go.
[Hands the subject a rubber ventilation mask filled with water to enable communication. The subject's nose is uncovered to allow breathing. Subject complies and puts on the ventilator.]
Dr. Garrison: Careful, don't spill. Very good. So let me just start by asking, how are you feeling today?
SCP-2836: [brief pause] 'Bout the same.
Dr. Garrison: Happy? Sad? Somewhere in the middle?
SCP-2836: I don't really care to think about it much. [periodic breathing through the subject's nose can be heard.]
Dr. Garrison: For the record, just give me a simple adjective. First thing that comes into your mind.
SCP-2836: … Bored, I guess.
Dr. Garrison: [pen scribbling] Are you not satisfied with your accommodations?
SCP-2836: I'm just… bored.
Dr. Garrison: Well now, I know this place can get a little dull after a while. But maybe I can help you, talk to the other directors and make you a bit more comfortable. What do you think would make things less boring for you around here?
[No response from the subject for several seconds, just breathing.]
Dr. Garrison: Any ideas?
SCP-2836: [Subject shakes head and is seen turning away from Dr. Garrison, seeming to lose interest in the interview. Subject slowly begins to float away from the table.].
Dr. Garrison: [grabs onto the subject's arm] Now hold on, just stick around a little longer, please?
[Subject remains still for several seconds before weakly clasping the interview table, re-anchoring himself in front of Dr. Garrison.]
Dr. Garrison: Now you can't expect me to believe that you have no interests whatsoever?
SCP-2836: [another brief pause] I miss our boat.
Dr. Garrison: [grinning enthusiastically] Well now we're getting somewhere. Please, tell me all about your boat.
[SCP-2836 seen pushing his hair out of his face from the aquatic effect. Nods gently at Dr. Garrison.]
SCP-2836: My dad bought it when I was just a little kid. He decided to name it, almost like it was a member of the family.
Dr. Garrison: Oh? And what did he name it?
[SCP-2836 falls silent.]
Dr. Garrison: Do you remember?
SCP-2836: [nodding] Jenna… after my mom. He had it engraved on the hull.
Dr. Garrison: How thoughtful.
[SCP-2836 stares blankly at the table, breathing steadily.]
SCP-2836: We spent a lot of time on that boat. I started to have dreams about it.
Dr. Garrison: Dreams? About 'Jenna'?
SCP-2836: No, not exactly. I would fall asleep during our trips. The waves would make me tired. I would feel like I was floating. And then, that's how my dreams would feel.
Dr. Garrison: I see.
SCP-2836: It felt so real. Sometimes, I'd dream about falling to the bottom of the ocean, and I'd feel my body hit the sand and snap awake.
Dr. Garrison: Ah, you're referring to a hypnic jerk.
SCP-2836: I don't know. But then came that night…
[Subject seen grasping the interview table tightly.]
Dr. Garrison: Go ahead, I'm listening.
SCP-2836: I was so soundly asleep, dreaming about the waves. I didn't even hear the huge storm that had hit us. And next thing I know, I'm thrown from the deck. I snap awake… and there I am, floating… above the water, like I'm still dreaming.
Dr. Garrison: And your family?
[SCP-2836 looks downward, visibly distressed.]
SCP-2836: I tried so hard to save them. The boat capsized. I moved as best I could towards them, but… as soon as I got into the water, I just… fell, all the way to the bottom.
[Dr. Garrison adjusts his glasses.]
SCP-2836: The wet sand broke my fall… and I just ran, all the way to the damn shore. I passed out only to wake up later, still floating, spewing out liquid whenever I tried to talk, and scared stiff. And on top of everything else, I knew they were gone… my folks… [subject begins sobbing] and my poor little sister…
Dr. Garrison: My deepest condolences for your loss. This is right around when we stepped in, isn't it?
[Subject nods, gradually regaining composure.]
SCP-2836: [sighs deeply] Your organization is cold, I feel like a science project sometimes. But all things considered, I guess I'd rather be cooped up here than out there, where people try to grab me out of the air because they think something's wrong with me. It's not even my fault…
[Subject pauses and looks up at the ceiling, visibly drained from crying.]
SCP-2836: Good old Jenna.
Dr. Garrison: You've been beyond helpful today, SCP-2836. Thank you. Feel free to remove the ventilator.
End interview log, 11:22 A.M.
Addendum 2836-1
- Close Addendum
Note from Dr. Garrison to Site 38 staff
To entire research team,
Since my last interview with SCP-2836, I've come to the conclusion that his condition is psychologically rooted. Specifically, the influence of multiple hypnic jerks during slumber seem to have triggered some kind of an anomalous bodily reaction stemming from his subconscious. I request future testing be conducted on the subject's brain during the sleep process to confirm these hypotheses. Pending approval from the higher-ups, I may also have an idea that will make my subject more open to our visits. I'll have to pull a few strings, but it will be worth it.
-Dr. Garrison, Site 38
Addendum 2836-2 (Follow Up)
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Addendum 2836-2
Two weeks after the interview, Dr. Garrison provided SCP-2836 with a recovered piece of the wrecked boat referred to as 'Jenna'. The splintered fragment contained the letters 'J', 'E' and 'N' slightly faded from salt water damage. Subsequent inspections of the subject's chamber reveal the piece to be nestled in a vent grating roughly 4 meters above the floor, presumably for viewing purposes at the leisure of SCP-2836. Subject has since expressed contentment at a potential 5th interview with Dr. Garrison.
1. SCP-2836-1 appear to be 'inverted bubbles' comprised of H₂O and trapped within a layer of carbon dioxide exhaled by SCP-2836. These will inevitably burst as would normal bubbles either in the air or after contact with a foreign object, but will release the entrapped water rather than CO₂. |
SCP-3278 is a tunnel extending exactly 402 meters into the sea floor at (9° 52' 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-3278
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3278 is to be sealed over with a concrete dome capable of withstanding impacts of over 490,000 newtons. Access by testing divers is to be accounted for.
The water immediately surrounding SCP-3278's dome is to be heated to a temperature of approximately 70°C. This is to be accomplished with three diesel-powered water-heater furnaces installed in the sea floor.
Vessel-3278 is to be permanently anchored above SCP-3278 to house testing staff and perform general surveillance.
Naval traffic is to be diverted from a 5 kilometer radius around SCP-3278. Any reports of extraterrestrial falling objects in close proximity to SCP-3278 are to be intercepted and explained as meteor showers.
Description: SCP-3278 is a tunnel extending exactly 402 meters into the sea floor at (9° 52' 2.8344'' N 139° 3' 11.376'' W). SCP-3278 is circular in shape, has a diameter of 20 meters, and tapers to a 2 meter aperture at the seafloor entrance. The limestone walls are polished and etched with shallow channels arranged in waved patterns. SCP-3278 possesses no known anomalies in and of itself, but is the center of other anomalous phenomena.
At the base of SCP-3278 is a large spherical chamber. In the center of this chamber is suspended a sphere of biological matter with a radius of 16.73 m. This entity, hereby referred to as SCP-3278-1, does not deviate in position, and attempts to move it by force are unsuccessful and usually result in superficial damage to its fragile exterior.
SCP-3278-1 is light orange in color, jelly-like in outer consistency, and is composed of a meter-deep translucent outer membrane surrounding a firm, fleshy core. Vein-like structures, which cover the outer shell, are filled with a pale purple liquid bearing cellular structures roughly analogous to blood cells. Genetic testing of tissue taken from the core of SCP-3278-1 reveals an approximate 60% overlap with the human genome, but the remaining 40% is completely unidentifiable.
At intervals ranging between one month and seven years between reoccurrence, extraterrestrial objects fall through the atmosphere and impact within an estimated 4 kilometer radius around SCP-3278. These entities, hereby referred to as SCP-3278-2, are previously unknown, presumably alien organisms. Anywhere from 22-295 instances of SCP-3278-2 have been recorded at a time.
SCP-3278-2 are aquatic in nature, and lack any apparent sensory organs. SCP-3278-2's biology consists entirely of a pale purple ellipsoid "head" structure conjoined with a long, muscular tail. Instances range from approximately 10-16 m in length and can weigh up to 195 kg. SCP-3278-2 is protected by a hard, mineral-like shell during flight that is shed upon contact with seawater. Genetic testing of SCP-3278-2's tissues reveal a similar 60-40% similarity with the human genome. The unidentifiable 40% largely matches SCP-3278-1, but deviates by 2%.
No instances of SCP-3278-2 have survived more than five minutes in captivity.
Upon impact, all instances of SCP-3278-2 will begin to swim vigorously using their flagellum toward SCP-3278. It has been observed that SCP-3278-2 are extremely vulnerable to both large predators such as sharks (of which there is a non-anomalously enlarged local population), and to temperature, dying in minutes when exposed to temperatures exceeding 60°C (this was initially discovered on 06/02/██, when especially warm summer currents increased the surface temperature to an inhospitable level). SCP-3278-2 also have very short lifespans, and the majority of instances die of natural causes before ever reaching SCP-3278.
SCP-3278-2 will attempt to access SCP-3278 through the aperture in the seafloor. This is accompanied with difficulty, due to the smaller size of the opening. It is hypothesized that if an instance of SCP-3278-2 ever gained entry into SCP-3278, it would be at the cost of significant damage to its head structure. In most cases, multiple instances of SCP-3278-2 survive the descent, and jostle for entry.
No entry of SCP-3278-2 into SCP-3278 has ever been recorded. It is unknown if entry attempts were successful before Foundation discovery of 3278 on 12/05/██. The results of entry are completely unknown.
Continued research into the biological properties of SCP-3278-1 and SCP-3278-2 is recommended in order to predict the possible outcome of contact. |
SCP-4443 is a plain white sheet measuring 180x150cm. | ***
Item #: SCP-4443
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4443 is to be contained in a standard containment locker.
Security Personnel are to be stationed within all rooms directly adjacent to the testing chamber of SCP-4443. Rooms are to be supplied with equipment under the guidelines given under Document 4443/4.
Update: Following the events of Test-4443-31, security personnel are to be stationed in the chamber during testing.
Description: SCP-4443 is a plain white sheet measuring 180x150cm. Two circular patches of black polyester have been stitched into it side to side, giving it the appearance of a generic ‘sheet ghost’ Halloween costume. Anomalous properties manifest only when worn.
When worn by a subject, SCP-4443 is resistant to the effects of air currents and will only move when manipulated by the wearer or other physical forces. Wearers are capable of phasing directly through solid surfaces along with SCP-4443. Subjects do not need to be fully covered for anomalous qualities to manifest; tests have shown that effects activate while approximately 50% of the subject's body is covered by SCP-4443. SCP-4443 may be removed by the wearer or by another person directly attempting to do so.
Additionally, those wearing SCP-4443 are capable of slow, upwards levitation. This effect only activates while the wearer vocalizes a sound similar to a typical “Oooo” noise associated with ghosts. Levitation will cease when the wearer stops vocalizing, wherein they will slowly float back downwards.
Discovery Log: SCP-4443 was initially discovered following the unusual circumstances surrounding the death of Craig ████, who had reportedly fallen from the second story of his home in ██████, Wisconsin, United States. The parents of Craig and several outside witnesses claimed to have watched him phase through the house's second story wall while wearing SCP-4443. Amnestics were issued and upon confirming its anomalous properties, SCP-4443 was secured. At no point was it confirmed whether SCP-4443 had been made by Craig ████ or was found.
Access Testing Log
Close Testing Log
Test: 4443-004
Subject: D-4856
Details: D-4856 is told to vocalize an "Oooo" for several seconds.
Results: D-4856 levitates several centimetres above the ground for the remainder of the vocalization, before dropping back down.
Test: 4443-006
Subject: D-4856
Details: D-4856 is instructed to vocalize an “Oooo” for as long as they can.
Results: D-4856 levitates through the test chamber ceiling and into the room above, which had been prepared for such a result. D-4856 was then instructed to cease ooooing.
Test: 4443-009
Subject: D-4856
Details: D-4856 is asked to lower themselves to the floor and lie down.
Results: The covered section of D-4856 immediately phases through the floor followed by their legs. While initially arriving in the room below, D-4856 phases through the awaiting safety mat and then through the floor below it. D-4856 continues falling through several floors below until [DATA REDACTED].
Notes: Before beginning the test, D-4856 reported hearing faint noises from an unknown source after putting on SCP-4443.
Test: 4443-015
Subject: D-4839
Details: D-4839 is instructed to vocalize an “Oooo” at a louder volume.
Results: D-4839 rises upwards with drastically more momentum. D-4839 then floats back down as normal.
Test: 4443-024
Subject: D-4839
Details: D-4839 is told to run through several propped up walls while vocalizing an “Oooo”.
Results: D-4839 phases through several walls before gradually floating upwards, continuing to float forwards. D-4839 lands back down safely once ceasing vocalizations.
Notes: D-4839 reported noticing what appeared to be a non-distinct figure standing in the testing chamber. The figure was not spotted again after initial observation.
Test: 4443-031
Subject: D-4839
Details: D-4839 was instructed to remain still while wearing SCP-4443 and to report any visual abnormalities.
Results: After several minutes, D-4839 reports seeing several humanoid figures in different locations throughout the chamber. Figures are described as resembling humans of various ages and dressed in sheets identical to SCP-4443. Most instances appear to be children, while several are adults. D-4839 confirms one of the figures to be wearing an orange jumpsuit underneath its sheet. Entities are described to be walking or floating around the chamber, before several stop in front of D-4839 and begin starring at them.
D-4839 becomes greatly agitated and attempts to escape the testing chamber through a wall using SCP-4443. D-4839 phases through the wall of the testing chamber; only SCP-4443 emerges from the other side.
The whereabouts of D-4839 are currently unknown. |
SCP-3997 is a rose garden, believed to exist somewhere in the British county of Gloucestershire. | ***
Item #: SCP-3997
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-3997-1 instances are to be immediately and permanently taken into Foundation custody on discovery, and interrogated for knowledge pertaining to SCP-3997. A special taskforce, MTF Mu-45 "Ragged Claws", has been established for the purposes of both detaining SCP-3997-1 instances and locating SCP-3997; this taskforce has undertaken extensive antimemetic and cognitohazardous training, in an effort to counteract the presumed effects of SCP-3997.
Description: SCP-3997 is a rose garden, believed to exist somewhere in the British county of Gloucestershire. Information on SCP-3997 has only been inferred from the testimony of SCP-3997-1 instances, and thus its existence is only theoretical.
It is believed that, should any adult individual enter SCP-3997, a significant temporal shift will occur. This involves the individual's memories being transferred into the consciousness of that individual at an earlier point in time- ordinarily between the ages of 2 and 5. These memories appear to the child in the form of a particularly vivid dream, followed by several similar dreams for 5-8 years following this. Individuals affected in this manner are referred to as SCP-3997-1 instances. These individuals are unaware that these dreams are anomalous.
The presence of these memories in the consciousness of SCP-3997-1 instances appears to have a dramatic effect on the course of their life, often influencing them to take entirely different decisions and manifest a notably different personality than in the previous timeline. SCP-3997 instances are thus usually- though not exclusively- highly successful in both their personal and professional lives, often becoming experts in their chosen fields. In addition to this, SCP-3997-1 instances suffer vivid dreams throughout their life featuring SCP-3997, white roses and several childhood memories. Speaking about these dreams often causes SCP-3997-1 instances to enter a kind of trance-state, where they are able to recall aspects of these dreams in great detail.
Activation of SCP-3997 thus causes a subtle but significant CK-class restructuring event, which is believed to have occurred innumerable times. The location and termination of SCP-3997 is now a top priority All efforts to locate SCP-3997 have been ordered to cease immediately, on the orders of O5-█. Because of this, and the temptation among many personnel to seek out SCP-3997 for their own use, full knowledge of SCP-3997 has been restricted to the O5 council and selected personnel involved with research on SCP-3997.
SCP-3997 was first brought to the Foundation's attention when the regular psyche evaluations of several researchers at sites in the West of England revealed that they shared almost identical recurring dreams, despite a lack of contact or involvement with one another beforehand.
Addendum 3997-1: On 28/11/2001, several concerned members of MTF Mu-45 "Ragged Claws" revealed to researchers that they possessed shared memories of multiple nonexistent squad members. Researchers later determined that the individuals whom they were remembering did, in fact, exist, but were instead civilian SCP-3997-1 instances with no knowledge of the Foundation and its activities. These instances had never met the squad members in question.
This not only adds weight to the theory that SCP-3997 is indeed a real location, but has led researchers to believe that on innumerable occasions the Foundation itself has [DATA REDACTED ON ORDER OF O5-█].
Addendum 3997-2: Below is an interview with an SCP-3997-1 instance. This instance was formerly Dr. Henry St. John, a Level 3 Foundation researcher, before his anomalous status caused him to be stripped of his rank and placed in containment.
Interview 3997-57
Interviewed: SCP-3997-1-A.
Interviewer: Dr. Kartesian.
Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/1997, in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site 226.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Kartesian: Good afternoon, SCP-3997-1-A. Are you finding your quarters comfortable?
SCP-3997-1-A: Frank, you've known me for seven years. I've been a researcher for thirty. I know the drill. Let's get on with this.
Dr. Kartesian: …Very well. What can you tell me about the rose garden?
SCP-3997-1-A: The- what? What rose garden?
Dr. Kartesian: If our suspicions are correct, you should have had a dream about a rose garden. Several dreams, in fact. Since you were a small child.
SCP-3997-1-A: You want to know about the garden? Well, OK… I suppose I have dreamt about it quite a lot. It's just a recurring dream. There's nothing suspicious in it.
Dr. Kartesian: That's for us to decide. Now, tell me about these dreams.
SCP-3997-1-A: O-kay… well, they always start with me as someone else. I'm not a linguist at all, I'm a truck driver. I drive trucks. Or was it a van? Something like that. I've always disliked them- too big, smelly, that kinda thing- but I really hate them in this dream. Resent them, that sort of thing. Anyway, in the dream, I'm doing a delivery to this big country house.
Dr. Kartesian: A- do you remember anything about this house? A name? Location?
SCP-3997-1-A: I'm afraid not. I remember some kind of classical-looking facade, but… nothing else. Is that important?
Dr. Kartesian: I'll ask the questions, thank you.
SCP-3997-1-A: For God's sake, Frank…
Dr. Kartesian: What happened? Did you enter the house?
SCP-3997-1-A: No. I knocked on the door, but nobody was home. I waited around for a bit, but there wasn't anything there. So I… I'm sorry, Frank, it's hard to remember. It's a dream, they're not easy to remember… so, I see this hedge. Got an entrance in it. I go in, and I'm in a rose garden. Lots of white roses everywhere. They're arranged over archways, over wooden frames. Little neat stone paths, stretching, stretching away in front of me… so white, so pure…
At this point, SCP-3997-1-A seems to have entered a kind of trance state.
SCP-3997-1-A: And I walk through it, and I look at the sky… it's a fine sky… the grass looks like it's glowing, 'cause the sun's shining down and it's all so calm, peaceful, serene… nobody else is around. There's just me, and the roses…
Dr. Kartesian: SCP-3997-1-A? SCP-3997-1-A, are you alright? …Henry? Can you hear me?
SCP-3997-1-A: And then… all of it fell away, in a single instant. The roses were all around me, and it all felt… right. Like when I was a child, and they knew what was right and what was wrong again, and the warmth of my mother’s arms. I remembered… I remembered things, images, little things you wouldn’t remember… summertime as we walked the path to church, looking at the old gravestones and thinking of their age, looking at the sky and its distant clouds, the way they played against the sky. They weren’t abstract balls of steam and water, they were, were… they were an anchor of infinity to earth, and a solid, real reminder of infinity. I looked at the gravestones, and thought of how beautiful this place was, this England. It was a place where they could truly be at peace, under the sun and in the green and yellow fields, rolling on down the hills. The world was beyond the horizon. Here was paradise.
Dr. Kartesian: …And what else?
SCP-3997-1-A: What else? I remember…. I remembered running in the playground. I remembered watching the news about the Suez Crisis and not understanding what it meant, or why my mother seemed so serious so suddenly. I remember rainy days reading old books, nestled in a corner by the radiator. I remember films about New York, how strange the city seemed with its cabs and its grey buildings teetering on the edge of the same bright sky I saw in the graveyard. I remembered my childhood as a whole thing, all the little things that seemed normal and unimportant then, but seemed so visceral now, so real. And I remembered the roses.
Dr. Kartesian: What about them?
SCP-3997-1-A: The roses… the roses in the garden. They were there, too, as I walked through it. They were my mother’s arms, they were the warmth of summer, they were sitting in a brightly-lit train as it tunnelled through a dark thunderstorm… they were memories, all the memories of the place I belonged to, really belonged to, before it all fell apart and stopped making sense. I was real again. I was me again. I went back to my home, my England, and then, and then- and then I woke up.
Sorry, Frank. Was a bit out of it, there. What were we talking about?
<End Log>
Note from O5-█
By now, you will have realised the implications of what you've read. What we've done. And I'm sure that many of you are now feeling tempted to enter the rose garden yourself. It is for this reason that I've restricted all our information on possible locations to the Council. The temptation is always there, and it is always great. I have lain awake myself at night, thinking of all my regrets, all the things I have done wrong. For the price of a few bad dreams, I could make all my sins go away, and be new again. In my end is my beginning.
Don't try it. What you have read is not an escape route, but a testament to the Foundation's failure. Its utter, complete failure, which we have brought upon ourselves time after time after time. You'll be destroying the innocent, stopping them from ever being born, preventing them from knowing what life was. They'll only be a shade of a memory, a scattered thought on lonely days by versions of people who might once have known them.
And if that's not enough, remember this: the comfort the garden offers is unreal. It's a withdrawal from the truth. We all want to go back to when things were warm, and simple, and the days were filled with the summer sun and cool grass. We all want to live in the light again. But we all made our choices, and we all swore our oaths. Every one of us will die in the dark. Accept that.
~O5-█ |
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