stringlengths 11
| user_id
stringclasses 1k
values | timestamp
stringlengths 19
| amount
float64 0.51
| merchant
stringlengths 10
| description
stringlengths 14
| transaction_type
stringclasses 4
values | device
stringclasses 4
values | ip_address
stringlengths 8
⌀ | location
stringlengths 10
| is_fraud
bool 2
classes |
T0000000300 | U00000007 | 2025-03-04 12:07:04 | 1,170.23 | Fuller-Montoya Phone Services | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | New Kimberlyburgh, AU | true |
T0000000301 | U00000007 | 2025-03-13 05:42:43 | 356.55 | Kelly-Jones Gas Station | Purchase at Kelly-Jones Gas Station | purchase | pos | null | Leslieland, AU | false |
T0000000302 | U00000008 | 2025-03-12 20:29:46 | 668.96 | Bell-White Home Goods | Subscription renewal - Bell-White Home Goods | subscription | web | | Jimenezton, CA | false |
T0000000303 | U00000008 | 2025-03-08 19:08:33 | 573.57 | Webb-Russell Car Wash | Transfer to account *9189 | transfer | mobile | | Fullerberg, CA | false |
T0000000304 | U00000008 | 2025-02-13 14:19:57 | 365.86 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Money transfer | transfer | atm | null | Tonyaberg, CA | false |
T0000000305 | U00000008 | 2024-12-28 12:57:20 | 87.87 | Reed PLC Pharmacy | Recurring payment to Reed PLC Pharmacy | subscription | mobile | | Lake John, CA | false |
T0000000306 | U00000008 | 2025-03-14 20:23:18 | 520.81 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | atm | null | East Johnton, CA | false |
T0000000307 | U00000008 | 2025-03-04 17:58:00 | 490.14 | Bell-White Home Goods | Shopping at Bell-White Home Goods | purchase | atm | null | South Anne, CA | false |
T0000000308 | U00000008 | 2024-12-01 13:25:38 | 931.4 | Johnson-Lopez Banking | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | Butlershire, CA | false |
T0000000309 | U00000008 | 2025-01-11 05:20:10 | 280.38 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Bought items at Lawson-Hodge Accessories | purchase | mobile | | Coxshire, CA | false |
T0000000310 | U00000008 | 2025-02-16 15:40:42 | 792.43 | Bell-White Home Goods | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | South Stevenburgh, CA | false |
T0000000311 | U00000008 | 2025-02-09 23:26:18 | 230.65 | Bell-White Home Goods | Money transfer | transfer | mobile | | Andrewshire, CA | false |
T0000000312 | U00000008 | 2025-03-08 09:16:57 | 150.19 | Romero, Hopkins and Taylor Steakhouse | Bought items at Romero, Hopkins and Taylor Steakhouse | purchase | pos | null | South Michaelville, CA | false |
T0000000313 | U00000008 | 2025-03-07 01:09:48 | 804.28 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Shopping at Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | purchase | web | | South Kristin, CA | false |
T0000000314 | U00000008 | 2025-03-08 02:41:14 | 173.08 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Castrofurt, CA | false |
T0000000315 | U00000008 | 2025-02-05 13:47:21 | 687.13 | Bell-White Home Goods | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | pos | null | Lake Tonya, CA | false |
T0000000316 | U00000008 | 2025-02-24 08:16:05 | 1,169.39 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Subscription renewal - Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | subscription | mobile | | Kingmouth, CA | false |
T0000000317 | U00000008 | 2024-12-24 13:11:26 | 426.16 | Martin Group Investments | Bought items at Martin Group Investments | purchase | web | | Chenside, CA | false |
T0000000318 | U00000008 | 2025-02-09 18:34:46 | 175.05 | Norton, Lewis and Michael Gaming | Subscription renewal - Norton, Lewis and Michael Gaming | subscription | mobile | | Crawfordside, CA | false |
T0000000319 | U00000008 | 2024-11-29 20:24:19 | 1,066.72 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Bought items at Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | purchase | pos | null | Contrerasfurt, CA | false |
T0000000320 | U00000008 | 2025-03-05 11:16:43 | 960.93 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Recurring payment to Lawson-Hodge Accessories | subscription | pos | null | Port Michelleborough, CA | false |
T0000000321 | U00000008 | 2024-10-12 02:34:10 | 160.53 | Bell-White Home Goods | Recurring payment to Bell-White Home Goods | subscription | atm | null | Parkertown, CA | false |
T0000000322 | U00000008 | 2025-01-04 01:41:19 | 203.45 | Webb-Russell Car Wash | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Joshuachester, CA | false |
T0000000323 | U00000008 | 2025-02-21 18:37:11 | 1,072.11 | Parker-Mitchell Dental Clinic | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Kramerville, CA | false |
T0000000324 | U00000008 | 2025-02-17 06:03:06 | 244.83 | Wright, Fischer and Jones Financial Services | Money transfer | transfer | pos | null | Brockberg, CA | false |
T0000000325 | U00000008 | 2025-03-11 10:41:10 | 203.63 | Webb-Russell Car Wash | Purchase at Webb-Russell Car Wash | purchase | mobile | | North Mariastad, CA | false |
T0000000326 | U00000008 | 2025-02-21 00:28:02 | 266.39 | Webb-Russell Car Wash | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | Tanyaberg, CA | false |
T0000000327 | U00000008 | 2025-01-31 11:50:37 | 658.53 | Zamora, Herrera and Morgan Car Wash | Transfer to account *9339 | transfer | pos | null | Josephborough, CA | false |
T0000000328 | U00000008 | 2025-02-03 18:47:43 | 122.02 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | South Tammyhaven, CA | false |
T0000000329 | U00000008 | 2025-02-27 13:10:32 | 233.38 | Vargas, Baker and Herrera Tech | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Sparksshire, CA | true |
T0000000330 | U00000008 | 2025-03-07 20:42:54 | 89.81 | Bell-White Home Goods | Bought items at Bell-White Home Goods | purchase | mobile | | East Jessica, CA | false |
T0000000331 | U00000008 | 2025-02-18 07:10:42 | 272.72 | Carter, Knox and Lowe Financial Advisors | Subscription renewal - Carter, Knox and Lowe Financial Advisors | subscription | web | | South Brianburgh, RU | true |
T0000000332 | U00000008 | 2025-03-08 10:32:07 | 180.27 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | West Sandrafurt, CA | false |
T0000000333 | U00000008 | 2025-03-05 16:03:38 | 5,124.46 | Thomas-Medina Software | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | North Jennabury, NG | true |
T0000000334 | U00000008 | 2025-03-02 22:56:25 | 160.27 | Mayo LLC Department Store | Recurring payment to Mayo LLC Department Store | subscription | web | | Wardmouth, CA | false |
T0000000335 | U00000008 | 2025-01-24 05:57:21 | 360.78 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Money transfer | transfer | pos | null | Erinville, CA | false |
T0000000336 | U00000008 | 2024-12-10 11:10:02 | 555.07 | Mitchell-Campos Hardware | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | South Brooketon, CA | false |
T0000000337 | U00000008 | 2025-03-07 07:30:23 | 1,072.65 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | pos | null | Ryanmouth, CA | false |
T0000000338 | U00000008 | 2025-02-21 06:09:04 | 613.04 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Money transfer | transfer | mobile | | East Jared, CA | false |
T0000000339 | U00000008 | 2025-02-14 01:32:55 | 164.31 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Bank transfer to *2020 | transfer | mobile | | Port Joshua, CA | false |
T0000000340 | U00000008 | 2025-03-12 23:44:12 | 313.33 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Shopping at Lawson-Hodge Accessories | purchase | atm | null | Nataliemouth, CA | false |
T0000000341 | U00000008 | 2025-03-11 04:25:24 | 839.12 | Williams-Floyd Medical Center | Bank transfer to *335 | transfer | web | | Jeffreyfort, CA | false |
T0000000342 | U00000008 | 2025-02-04 14:31:51 | 150.79 | Bell-White Home Goods | Payment to Bell-White Home Goods | purchase | web | | Port Cheryltown, CA | false |
T0000000343 | U00000008 | 2025-03-07 00:27:59 | 594.43 | Thomas-Mclean Computers | Money transfer | transfer | web | | West Kelly, CA | false |
T0000000344 | U00000008 | 2025-01-06 21:08:25 | 300.31 | Bell-White Home Goods | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | New Jennifermouth, CA | false |
T0000000345 | U00000008 | 2025-02-26 04:03:58 | 249.35 | Mullins-Douglas Car Dealership | Payment to Mullins-Douglas Car Dealership | purchase | pos | null | East Courtneyberg, CA | false |
T0000000346 | U00000008 | 2025-03-11 11:25:46 | 489.27 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Bank transfer to *4102 | transfer | mobile | | Arroyoville, CA | false |
T0000000347 | U00000008 | 2025-02-02 09:24:27 | 2,680.86 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Purchase at Lawson-Hodge Accessories | purchase | mobile | | Nicoleside, CA | false |
T0000000348 | U00000008 | 2025-02-16 01:37:22 | 488.31 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Transfer to account *7841 | transfer | web | | North Valerie, CA | false |
T0000000349 | U00000008 | 2025-02-18 04:45:38 | 834.37 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Monthly subscription - Lawson-Hodge Accessories | subscription | mobile | | Maryshire, CA | false |
T0000000350 | U00000008 | 2025-01-21 09:28:44 | 550.19 | Valentine, Bradshaw and Holt Tech | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | West Keithberg, CA | false |
T0000000351 | U00000008 | 2025-03-07 03:50:28 | 1,647.25 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Recurring payment to Lawson-Hodge Accessories | subscription | pos | null | Chambersberg, CA | false |
T0000000352 | U00000008 | 2024-12-15 13:57:25 | 255.85 | Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | Bought items at Sexton, Walsh and Gonzalez Theater | purchase | mobile | | Gonzaleztown, CA | false |
T0000000353 | U00000008 | 2024-11-12 11:44:06 | 111.75 | Bell-White Home Goods | Bought items at Bell-White Home Goods | purchase | pos | null | Garzastad, CA | false |
T0000000354 | U00000008 | 2025-02-14 00:14:44 | 139.9 | Flores-Thompson Phone Services | Purchase at Flores-Thompson Phone Services | purchase | atm | null | Justinview, CA | false |
T0000000355 | U00000008 | 2025-02-25 01:25:06 | 332.1 | Webb-Russell Car Wash | Bought items at Webb-Russell Car Wash | purchase | web | | Danielmouth, CA | false |
T0000000356 | U00000008 | 2025-02-05 07:24:44 | 676.61 | Lawson-Hodge Accessories | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | North Debbiechester, CA | false |
T0000000357 | U00000008 | 2025-02-03 11:57:15 | 726.02 | Tanner, Lopez and Villarreal Grocery | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Erinland, CA | false |
T0000000358 | U00000009 | 2025-02-25 16:40:01 | 107.26 | Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | Shopping at Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | purchase | atm | null | Brownhaven, US | false |
T0000000359 | U00000009 | 2025-03-12 01:38:12 | 59.21 | Davis-Thompson Banking | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | pos | null | New Barry, US | false |
T0000000360 | U00000009 | 2024-11-24 03:53:32 | 935.69 | Sosa, Rice and Owens Cable TV | Recurring payment to Sosa, Rice and Owens Cable TV | subscription | pos | null | Smithview, US | true |
T0000000361 | U00000009 | 2025-03-01 22:32:53 | 201.91 | Cox, Weaver and Stanley Investments | Bought items at Cox, Weaver and Stanley Investments [very high amount] | purchase | web | | Port Daniel, US | true |
T0000000362 | U00000009 | 2025-02-24 14:52:32 | 591.58 | Aguirre Group Clothing | Transfer to account *7116 | transfer | atm | null | New Shannonmouth, US | false |
T0000000363 | U00000009 | 2025-01-17 23:30:51 | 160.41 | Rodriguez-Williams Foods | Bought items at Rodriguez-Williams Foods | purchase | web | | North Jamesfurt, US | false |
T0000000364 | U00000009 | 2025-02-01 12:11:02 | 68.46 | Ramsey, Ashley and Sullivan Financial Advisors | Bank transfer to *580 | transfer | mobile | | Kellytown, US | false |
T0000000365 | U00000009 | 2025-03-11 08:54:55 | 57.29 | Hart-Hayes Electric Company | Bought items at Hart-Hayes Electric Company | purchase | mobile | | Richardton, US | false |
T0000000366 | U00000009 | 2025-02-05 01:15:34 | 43.48 | Watts-Decker Software | Monthly subscription - Watts-Decker Software | subscription | mobile | | Taylorchester, US | false |
T0000000367 | U00000009 | 2025-03-13 08:34:20 | 106.41 | Davis-Thompson Banking | Transfer to account *845 | transfer | web | | South Abigail, US | false |
T0000000368 | U00000009 | 2024-12-30 20:18:37 | 166.3 | Aguirre Group Clothing | Bought items at Aguirre Group Clothing | purchase | mobile | | Christopherfurt, US | false |
T0000000369 | U00000009 | 2024-12-16 17:34:22 | 274.33 | Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | Transfer to account *2841 | transfer | pos | null | Port Matthewville, US | false |
T0000000370 | U00000009 | 2025-02-16 05:20:45 | 93.4 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | New Marthafurt, US | false |
T0000000371 | U00000009 | 2025-02-19 08:12:48 | 113.99 | Ramsey, Ashley and Sullivan Financial Advisors | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | pos | null | Troytown, US | false |
T0000000372 | U00000009 | 2025-03-06 15:53:30 | 57.7 | Hart-Hayes Electric Company | Bought items at Hart-Hayes Electric Company | purchase | mobile | | Ericaview, US | false |
T0000000373 | U00000009 | 2025-03-04 14:03:03 | 90.54 | Mccarthy, Bradley and Griffin Electronics | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | South Toddmouth, US | false |
T0000000374 | U00000009 | 2025-01-08 20:57:42 | 18.12 | Rodriguez LLC Diner | Shopping at Rodriguez LLC Diner | purchase | mobile | | Lake Kristen, US | false |
T0000000375 | U00000009 | 2025-03-03 05:52:10 | 26.55 | Long Group Foods | Bought items at Long Group Foods | purchase | web | | Jenniferton, US | false |
T0000000376 | U00000009 | 2025-02-17 23:41:51 | 148.98 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Subscription renewal - Mora-Lopez Fast Food | subscription | mobile | | Hernandezborough, US | false |
T0000000377 | U00000009 | 2025-02-04 08:49:40 | 197.77 | Davis-Thompson Banking | Purchase at Davis-Thompson Banking | purchase | mobile | | Cookehaven, US | false |
T0000000378 | U00000009 | 2025-01-21 20:34:43 | 58.31 | Ross-Johnson Cinema | Transfer to account *5412 | transfer | pos | null | New Patricia, US | false |
T0000000379 | U00000009 | 2025-02-05 17:11:03 | 18.09 | Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | Monthly subscription - Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | subscription | pos | null | Lopezshire, US | false |
T0000000380 | U00000009 | 2025-02-13 12:15:48 | 52.95 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Money transfer | transfer | web | | Pamelastad, US | false |
T0000000381 | U00000009 | 2025-02-07 12:12:40 | 79.12 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Bought items at Mora-Lopez Fast Food | purchase | atm | null | Perezfort, US | false |
T0000000382 | U00000009 | 2025-03-10 03:10:45 | 39.07 | Bruce-Cruz Electric Company | Transfer to account *7512 | transfer | mobile | | Susantown, US | false |
T0000000383 | U00000009 | 2024-12-09 21:44:24 | 163.77 | White, Scott and Green Travel Agency | Monthly subscription - White, Scott and Green Travel Agency | subscription | web | | Karaport, US | false |
T0000000384 | U00000009 | 2025-02-05 02:46:47 | 562.31 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Bought items at Mora-Lopez Fast Food | purchase | mobile | | Welchside, US | false |
T0000000385 | U00000009 | 2025-03-12 05:15:31 | 338.09 | Williams-Villanueva Cable TV | Subscription renewal - Williams-Villanueva Cable TV | subscription | atm | null | Ashleybury, US | false |
T0000000386 | U00000009 | 2025-03-06 16:03:19 | 56.21 | Davis-Thompson Banking | Payment to Davis-Thompson Banking | purchase | mobile | | Travisburgh, US | false |
T0000000387 | U00000009 | 2025-02-26 18:10:28 | 201.13 | Keller Group Car Rental | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | West Terryton, US | false |
T0000000388 | U00000009 | 2025-03-04 01:03:10 | 112.67 | Davis-Thompson Banking | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | Port James, US | false |
T0000000389 | U00000009 | 2025-01-15 13:32:33 | 272.59 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Subscription renewal - Mora-Lopez Fast Food | subscription | mobile | | Dawnton, US | false |
T0000000390 | U00000009 | 2025-03-08 22:41:39 | 28.43 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Shopping at Mora-Lopez Fast Food | purchase | mobile | | Jenniferview, US | false |
T0000000391 | U00000009 | 2025-03-12 05:47:48 | 129.12 | Aguirre Group Clothing | ATM withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Jonesborough, US | false |
T0000000392 | U00000009 | 2025-02-06 17:36:37 | 70.6 | Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | Jamesbury, US | false |
T0000000393 | U00000009 | 2025-02-20 11:43:01 | 99.87 | Aguirre Group Clothing | Bank withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | Shaffershire, US | false |
T0000000394 | U00000009 | 2025-03-03 08:54:13 | 854.43 | Byrd-Woodward Investments | Shopping at Byrd-Woodward Investments | purchase | atm | null | East Tina, US | true |
T0000000395 | U00000009 | 2025-01-06 08:50:12 | 153.86 | Mora-Lopez Fast Food | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | web | | West Daniellefort, US | false |
T0000000396 | U00000009 | 2025-01-03 22:22:22 | 63.89 | Valdez-Dickerson Mobile | Cash withdrawal | withdrawal | mobile | | Brianmouth, US | false |
T0000000397 | U00000009 | 2025-02-19 07:22:58 | 70.08 | Ford-Torres Car Rental | Money transfer | transfer | mobile | | East Andrew, US | false |
T0000000398 | U00000009 | 2025-03-04 19:37:29 | 58.94 | Smith PLC Pharmacy | Recurring payment to Smith PLC Pharmacy | subscription | mobile | | Jamesfurt, NG | true |
T0000000399 | U00000009 | 2025-03-08 07:07:34 | 84.89 | Henderson-Garcia Wellness Center | Bought items at Henderson-Garcia Wellness Center | purchase | mobile | | New Kathleenborough, US | false |
Subsets and Splits