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###Rationale: Ans. is 'd' i.e., Propionibacterium acnes * Organisms depends upon the type of endophthalmitis A) Exogenous endophthalmitis 1) Post - operative i) Acute post - operative (within 1-7 days after surgery) :- S. epidermidis, S.aureus, Streptococcus, Gram negative bacilli. ii) Delayed onset (a week to months after surgery);- Fungi (Most common), Propionibacterium acne (2nd most common). 2) PosttraumaticBacillus, S.epidermidis, fungi, streptococcus spp. B) Endogenous endophthalmitis .--Bacillus cereus (especially in i.v. drug abusers), S. aureus, streptococci, H.influenzae, meningococci, Mucor & Candida. D Propionibacterium acnes. (Ref 2 . Retina: color atlas and synopsis of clinical ophthalmology By Allen C. Ho pg. 115) Propionibacterium acnes LATE ONSET ENDOPHTHALMITIS Definition: * Intraocular infection involving the vitreous cavity after previous ocular surgery (more than 6 weeks). Epidemiology and etiolgogy: * The usual causative organism is Propionibacterium acnes, but infection may also be caused by Stahylococcus epidermidis or fungi (Candida). Presentation: * May occur up to 2 or more yrs after surgery. History: * Patients have variable decreased vision with photophobia, and gradual onset of symptoms. Infection may be painless. Important clinical signs: * Vitritis, with or without hypopyon, more than 4 - 6 weeks after surgery; anterior chamber keratic precipitates; white plaque on intraocular lens or posterior lens capsule. * Associated conjunctival injection may be present. D/D: * Postoperative inflammation. * Rebound inflammation after discontinuing steroids. Diagnostic evaluation: * Clinical exam and USG showing vitritis and variable sclero-choroidal thickening. Prognosis and management: * Intravitreal tap and injection of vancomycin (or clindamycin, 1 mg/0.1 mL) may not be curative. Patients may require vitrectomy with capsulotomy or, sometimes, explantation of the IOL and entire lens capsule. Host flora is usually responsible for early cases of endophthalmitis and Staphylococcus epidermitis is the most common organism. Gram-negative organisms such as H. influenzae are isolated most frequently from late onset endophthalmitis
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Late onset endophthalmitis after cataract surgery is caused by?
A. Staphylococcus
B. Candida
C. Bacillus cereus
D. Propionibacterium acnes
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. D. All of the aboveSore throat is due to acute inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils. Most often, it is associated with viral infections of the upper respiratory tract such adenovirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses. A possibility of acute pharyngitis due to group A beta haemolytic streptococci may be considered in a patient who has exudates in the throat, tender enlarged cervical lymph nodes along with absence of nasal and conjunctival congestion.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following should arouse suspicion of streptococcal sore throat?
A. Exudates in throat
B. Tender enlarged cervical nodes
C. Absence of nasal and conjunctival injection
D. All of the above
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: retinal is reduced to retinol by retinal reductase in the intestinal mucosa intestine is the major site of absorption vitamin is transpoed and stored in the liver as retinol palmitate ref DM Vasudevan 8th ed page 454
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Vitamin A is stored mainly as retinol esters in
A. Kidney
B. Muscle
C. Liver
D. Retina
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. Inferior oblique
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The posterior end of which muscle inseion lies near the macula ?
A. Inferior oblique
B. Superior oblique
C. Superior rectus
D. Inferior rectus
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Macula densa sense both Na+ and Cl- , but Cl- is more important.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The tubuloglomerular feedback is mediated by:
A. Sensing of Na+ concentration in the macula densa
B. Sensing of HCO3 - concentration in macula densa
C. Sensing NaCl concentration in the macula densa
D. Opening up of voltage gated Na+ channels in afferent arteriole
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Night blindness is the earliest symptom. Dryness of the conjunctiva (xerosis) and the development of small white patches on the conjunctiva (Bitot spots) are early signs. Ulceration and necrosis of the cornea (keratomalacia), perforation, endophthalmitis, and blindness are late manifestations. Xerosis and hyperkeratinization of the skin and loss of taste may also occur. Ref: Baron R.B. (2013). Chapter 29. Nutritional Disorders. In M.A. Papadakis, S.J. McPhee, M.W. Rabow (Eds), CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2013.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which among the following is the earliest sign of vitamin-A deficiency in developing countries?
A. Conjunctival xerosis
B. Nyctalopia
C. Retinopathy
D. Pain
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Deposition of anti ds DNAAb in kidney, skin, choroid plexus and joints is seen in -
B. Good pasture
C. Scleroderma
D. Raynauds disease
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Answer with the best option directly. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: B i.e. Retinal tear There is confusion b/w DR, HTNR & retinal tear only. Although normally retinal tears are usually peripheral and typically occur in equatorial and ora serrata regions of retina. In diabetic patients, retinal breaks are usually in the posterior pole near areas of fibrovascular change. The tears are oval and result from tangential traction from proliferative tissue and vitreous. In diabetics, retinal detachment (RD) may be rhegmatogenous (d/t retinal break formation) and nonrhegmatogenos (caused by traction alone). When RD is rhegmatogenous, the borders of elevated retina usually extend to the ora serrata. The retinal surface is dull & grayish and undulates b/o retinal mobility d/t shifting of subretinal fluid. Oval breaks are usually present in the posterior pole. Whereas in non rhegmatogenous (traction) RD, the detached retina is concave toward the pupil with taut and shiny surface. It is usually confined to the posterior fundus and infrequently extends more than 2/3rd of the distance to the equator. No shifting of subretinal fluid occurs. Diabetic retinopathy is usually and hypeensive retinopathy is invariably bilateral. (Kanski-567). So asymmetric involvement (normal fellow eye) almost rules out both. But diabetic vitreous haemorrhage occur during sleep, possibly b/o increase in BP secondary to early morning hypoglycemia.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 60yr old man has both HTN and DM for 10 years. There is reduced vision in one eye. On fundus examination there is a central bleed and the fellow eye is normal. The diagnosis is:
A. Diabetic retinopathy
B. Retinal tear
C. Optic neuritis
D. All
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'c' i.e., Produces less ocular side effects Advantages of topical p-blockers (timolol) over miotics (pilocarpine) No change in pupil size (no miosis) o No fluctuation in I.O.T. No induced myopia o Convenient once/twice daily applications No ciliary spasm (no spasm of accomodation) o Few systemic side effects.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Timolol is preferred in glaucoma over pilocarpine, because -
A. It is more effective than pilocarine
B. Enhances uveo-scleral outflow
C. Produces less ocular side effects
D. It has no contraindications
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Congenital rubella syndrome cause communication problem& developmental retardation REF:<\p> ANATHANARAYANAN MICROBIOLOGY NINTH EDITION PAGE.555
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The congenital rubella syndrome
A. May be prevented by vaccination in early pregnancy
B. Causes IUGR
C. Cuases cataract
D. Causes deafness only if acquired only if acquired before 16 weeks of gestation
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: This patient is suffering from Wiel's disease caused by Leptospira. Weils syndrome (icteric leptospirosis) is the most severe form of leptospirosis. It is characterized by impaired kidney and liver function, abnormal mental status and hemorrhagic pneumonia and hypotension.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Ralimar, a 30 year old male, sewage worker is brought to hospital with hempotysis and altered mental status. His relatives gives a history that he was suffering from fever, headache and severe myalgia for 5 days. On examination he was found to be severely jaundiced, had petechiae on oral and conjunctival mucosa. Lab investigations showed features of liver and renal failure. What is the most likely causative organism of this condition?
A. Leptospira
B. Plague
C. Yersinia
D. Rickettsial fever
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: MEASLES Incubation period :10-14 days Causative agent: RNA paramyxovirus Source of infection: cases Period of communicability: 4 days before & 4 days after the appearance of rash Measles has no second attacks Pathognomic clinical feature of measles: koplik spots Other clinical features: coryza, fever, red eyes, cough MC complication of measles in young children: otitis media.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A two year old unimmunized child presents to a primary health centre with fever since 5 days. Mother also gives a history of rash staing behind ear-pinna a day before coming to OPD. On examination, child is having running nose and congested eyes. Most probable diagnosis is:-
A. Rubella
B. Mumps
C. Measles
D. Chickenpox
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is'a'i.e., 1:3The innervations ratio refers to the number of muscle fibers supplied by a single motor neuron.In striated muscles the ratio varies between different muscle groups according to their function.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Ratio of motor units to number of muscle fibers in striated muscle of eyes is?
A. 1:03
B. 1:30
C. 0.25
D. 2.125
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: When a blunt object strikes the front of the eye, the eye is quickly shortened in antero-posterior direction and, in a compensating fashion, is stretched laterally. This stretching causes breakage of iris vessels, with blood spilling into the anterior and posterior chamber. The most common source of blood is circulus iridis major.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: An 18 year old boy comes to the eye casuality with history of injury with a tennis ball. On examination there is no perforation but there is hyphaema. The most likely source of the blood is -
A. Iris vessels
B. Circulus iridis major
C. Circulus iridis minor
D. Short posterior ciliary vessels
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: WHO classification for Trachoma &;FISTO&;: 1. TF: Trachomatous inflammation-follicular. It is the stage of active trachoma with predominantly follicular inflammation. To diagnose this stage at least five or more follicles (each 0.5 mm or more in diameter) must be present on the upper tarsal conjunctiva. Fuher, the deep tarsal vessels should be visible through the follicles and papillae. 2. TI : Trachomatous inflammation intense. This stage is diagnosed when pronounced inflammatory thickening of the upper tarsal conjunctiva obscures more than half of the normal deep tarsal vessels. 3. TS: Trachomatous scarring. This stage is diagnosed by the presence of scarring in the tarsal conjunctiva. These scars are easily visible as white, bands or sheets (fibrosis) in the tarsal conjunctiva. 4. TT: Trachomatous trichiasis. TT is labelled when at least one eyelash rubs the eyeball. Evidence of recent removal of inturned eyelashes should also be graded as trachomatous trichiasis. 5. CO: Corneal opacity. This stage is labelled when easily visible corneal opacity is present over the pupil. This sign refers to corneal scarring that is so dense that at least pa of pupil margin is blurred when seen through the opacity. The definition is intended to detect corneal opacities that cause significant visual impairment (less than 6/18). Reference :- A K KHURANA 7th edition ; page:-66
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: In the grading of trachoma, follicular stage is defined as the presence of
A. Three or more foliicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
B. Five or more follicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
C. Five or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva
D. Three or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Shining a light in the right eye would elicit the papillary reflex in both eyes; even though the optic nerve to the left eye was destroyed, the consensual reflex is intact because the left oculomotor nerve carries the innervation to the papillary muscles. The stimulus from the right eye crosses to the opposite side at the level of the tectum of the midbrain. However, the light in the left eye would not produce any effect because the retinal receptor would not carry the information to the brain stem. Permanent dilation would most likely occur only if the oculomotor nerve to the left eye was severed.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which one of the following would be true if only the left optic nerve was severed?
A. Shining a light in the left eye would elicit the papillary reflex in both eyes
B. Shining a light in the left eye would elicit the papillary reflex in the opposite eye only
C. Shining a light in the left eye would elicit the papillary reflex in both eyes
D. Shining a light in the left eye would elicit the papillary reflex in the opposite eye only
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Clinical features of retinitis pigmentosa
Retinal pigmentary changes (Bone spicule intraneural retinal pigmentation) : - Retina studded with small, jet-black spots resembling bone corpuscles with a spidery outline. These pigmentary changes are typically perivascular and retinal veins (never arteries) have a sheath of pigment for part of their course. These changes affect equatorial region initially sparing the posterior pole and periphery. Later in the course of disease whole retina is involved.
Attenuated and thread like retinal arterioles and veins.
Pale and waxy optic disc (consecutive optic atrophy).
Thinning and atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in mid and far peripheral retina with relative sparing of RPE at macula.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The ocular features of retinitis pigmentosa include –
A. Bony corpuscular appearance
B. Waxy pallor of the optic disc
C. Attenuation of the retinal arterioles
D. All of the above
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedel Syndrome: -Autosomal recessive disorder of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism -characterised by Mental retardation Obesity Polydactyly Retinitis pigmentosa Hypogonadism - delayed pubey
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Features of Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Hypogonadism
B. Obesity
C. Polydactyly
D. Cataract
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The goal of therapy is to increase muscle strength and function, so following muscle strength is the key clinical assessment of response to therapy. The course of muscle necrosis in dermatomyositis can also be followed by repeated CK determinations. Repeated muscle biopsies or EMGs are rarely required.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 64-year-old man presents to the clinic because he is experiencing generalized weakness. He notes difficulty getting out of a chair, and lifting objects above his head as examples of the muscle weakness. He has lost 15 lb and feels unwell. On physical examination, there is a blue purple rash on his eyelids and knuckles, and muscle strength in his proximal muscles is rated 4 out of 5. His laboratory investigations are abnormal for an elevated creatinine kinase (CK) level. He is started on prednisone therapy. Which of the following is the most important in monitoring response to therapy?
A. testing of muscle strength
B. sedimentation rates
C. urine transaminase enzymes
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Here the clinical features are suggestive of cerebral malaria. FACTS: Coma is a characteristic feature of falciparum malaria Death - 20 % despite treatment Onset - gradual/sudden following a convulsion Diffuse symmetric encephalopathy without any focal deficits Cerebral Malaria - Impoant complications: Hypoglycemia - common complication and with poor prognosis Acidosis - An impoant cause of death from cerebral malaria ARDS Renal Impairment Ref: Harrison, Edition - 18, page - 1692.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 30 year old male with history of high grade fever with rigors followed by profuse sweating is admitted in ICU care after an episode of generalised tonic clonic seizure. The patient was comatose with no focal neurological deficit or signs of meningeal irrritation. The eyes were divergent, pout reflex was present. An impoant cause of death in this setting is:
A. Acidosis
B. Aspiration
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Anemia
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Glaucoma definition is CHRONIC OPTIC NEUROPATHY with characteristic visual field changes with IOP increased as major but not the only risk factor. B is correct as raised IOP is the most impoant preventable risk factor. A is wrong as there is no optic nerve damage. This condition is called ocular hypeension. C is wrong as there can be AION , RP and various other diseases that can cause visual field defects and not only glaucoma. D is also wrong as pink disc is seen in hypermetropia and not in glaucoma.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Chronic simple glaucoma features are :
A. Raised IOP with no optic nerve damage.
B. Raised IOP with optic nerve damage.
C. Perimetric damage with no optic nerve changes.
D. Pink disc.
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Answer is A (Puscher's retinopathy) Puscher's retinopathy is a relatively unusual complication of acute pancreatitis. It is manifested by sudden and severe loss of vision. It is believed to be due to occlusion of the posterior retinal aery with aggregated granulocytes. Peculiar Fundoscopic appearance : Cotton wool spots and hemorrhages confined to an area limited by the optic disk and macula.deg
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Cause of acute loss of vision in a patient of alcoholic pancreatitis is:
A. Puscher's retinopathy
B. Sudden alcohol withdrawal
C. Acute congestive glaucoma
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: .
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Metastatic calcification is most commonly seen in (NOTRELATED)
A. Cornea
B. Extensor tendon
C. Lungs
D. Renal tubules
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Training of ophthalmologists are included in the teiary care hospitals District blindness Control Society * Planning -preparation of district Micro-plan * Implementation of programme * Monitoring of programme * Financial and material management * Social mobilization * Creating public awareness * Procurement of consumable and non-consumable items * Arrangement of screening camp * Record keeping and maintaining
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Not a function of district blindness control society
A. Training of ophthalmologists
B. Financial and material management
C. Social mobilization
D. Creating public awareness
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Aicardi syndrome: - Characterized by Agenesis of corpus callosum Retinal colobomas Infantile spasms in girls Intellectual disability Alagille Syndrome- Triangular faces, conjugated jaundice Ape syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by skeletal abnormalities. A key feature ofApe syndrome is the premature closure of the bones of the skull. Ataxia telangiectasia is a rare childhood disease. It affects the brain and other pas of the body. Ataxia refers to uncoordinated movements during walking. Telangiectasias are enlarged blood vessels (capillaries) just below the surface of the skin.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Agenesis of corpus callosum with retinal colobomas and intellectual disability is seen in:
A. Alagille syndrome
B. Aicardi syndrome
C. Ape syndrome
D. Ataxia telangiectasia
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an ophthalmic emergency that causes severe visual loss without treatment. Symptoms include ocular pain, blurred vision, lacrimation, halos around lights, frontal headache, nausea, and vomiting. Causes of Sudden Painless Loss of Vision: Retinal detachment Vitreous haemorrhage Retinal vein occlusion Retinal aery occlusion Wet age related macular degeneration Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Optic neuritis Cerebrovascular accident Papillitis Papilledema
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Painless loss of vision is seen in all, EXCEPT:
A. Papilledema
B. Papillitis
C. Angle closure glaucoma
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Most common type of senile cataract is cunieform coical (70%) followed by nuclear (25%) and cupuliform.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Most common type of senile cataract-
A. Cunieform
B. Nuclear
C. Cupuliform
D. None
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: This patient has:-
Limitations of adduction in left eye
Abduction (abducting saccade) in right eye
Convergence is preserved
This is seen in internuclear ophthalmoplegia.
During right horizontal (lateral) gaze the central pathway is:-
Left frontal eye field → contralateral (right) PPRF → Right abducens nuclei (causing abduction of right eye) → Right medial longitudinal fasciculus → contralateral oculomoter nerve → medial rectus (adduction of left eye). So, abduction of right eye is accompanied by adduction of left eye for right lateral gaze. In right internuclear ophthalmoplegia there is damage to right medial longitudinal fasciculus. Therefore, signal transmission is normal upto abducens nucleus (abduction of right eye is possible), but it cannot be further transmitted to controlateral 'oculomotor nucleus (adduction of left eye is not possible). Thus, on attempting right lateral gaze, abduction of right eye is possible but adduction of left eye does not occur. There may be saccades in right eye during abduction.
Convergence is maintained in internuclear ophthalmoplagia as the pathway for convergence is different and does not involve medial longitudinal fasciculus. The convergence pathways run directly into the midbrain without involving MLF.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A patient presents with diplopia with limitations of adduction in the left eye and abducting saccade in the right eye. Convergence is preserved. Most likely etiology is-
A. Partial 3rd nerve palsy
B. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
C. Duane's reactionary syndrome
D. Absence of medial rectus muscle
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Small opacities in the media of the eye are best detected by:
A. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy
B. Direct ophthalmoscopy
C. Indirect ophthalmoscopy
D. All of the above
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) Hereditary, toxic, and nutritional deficiency optic neuropathies commonly present with bilateral, insidious vision loss. In some cases, there can be asymmetry in visual acuity and visual fields. LHON often presents as acute or subacute unilateral vision loss that is followed within several months by vision loss in the fellow eye. The appearance of the optic nerve in LHON is characterized by a triad of circumpapillary telangiectasia, swelling of the nerve fiber layer around the disc, and absence of leakage on fluorescein angiography. LHON should be included in the diagnosis of acute unilateral vision loss from such disorders as optic neuritis and ischemic optic neuropathy.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 25-year-old man presents with acute, painless loss of vision in the right eye. The appearance of the optic nerve of the right eye is hyperemic. Of the entities listed, the most likely cause may include:
A. Vitamin BI2 deficiency
B. Ethambutol hydrochloride toxicity
C. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)
D. Dominant optic atrophy
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Amyloidosis is a generic term, originally coined by Rudolf Virchow in 1854, which denotes extracellular deposition of a proteinaceous substance, amyloid composed of one of a family of biochemically unrelated proteins.Amyloidosis can be classified as systemic and cutaneous amyloidosis. Systemic amyloidosis is classified into primary and secondary. Primary systemic amyloidosis is a rare disorder. Wilks in 1856, was the first to describe primary systemic amyloidosis. Primary systemic amyloidosis may be idiopathic or myeloma associated. Primary and myeloma-associated systemic amyloidosis typically involve the tongue, hea, gastrointestinal tract, skeletal and smooth muscle, carpal ligaments, nerves, and skin. Cutaneous involvement is seen in 40% patients with AL amyloidosis. Cutaneous manifestations depend on the site of amyloid deposited. Amyloid deposition in superficial dermis produces shiny waxy translucent papules, and common sites of predilection are eyelids, retroauricular areas, neck, and axillae. Amyloid deposits in the deep reticular dermis and subcutis produce nodules and tumefactions. Amyloid infiltration of blood vessel walls produces capillary wall fragility leading to purpura clinically. Periorbital area is the most common site of purpura and may be demonstrable by pinching the skin . Ref - Harrison's internal medicine 20e topic Amyloidosis
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Pinch purpura around eyelids is one of the most common finding in
A. Fabry's disease
B. Primary systemic amyloidosis
C. Porphyria cutanea tarda
D. none
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Compression of the optic chiasm can cause bitemporal hemianopia due to compression of nerve fibers coming from the nasal hemiretinas of both eyes. The optic chiasm is located in very close proximity above the pituitary gland. Compression of an optic nerve would cause complete blindness in the affected eye. Compression of an optic tract would cause homonymous hemianopia. Compression of the oculomotor nerve would cause the eye to deviate "out and down" (paralysis of the four extraocular muscles innervated by this nerve), ptosis (paralysis of levator palpebrae), and mydriasis (paralysis of constrictor pupillae). Compression of the abducens nerve would cause paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle, leading to medial deviation (adduction) of the eye.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 32-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department with visual problems. Radiographic examination reveals a tumor of the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland). Physical examination reveals a loss of the lateral halves of the fields of vision of both eyes (bitemporal hemianopia or "tunnel vision"). Which of the following structures was most likely compressed by the tumor?
A. Optic nerve
B. Optic chiasm
C. Optic tract
D. Oculomotor
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: TRIBUTARIES OF CAVERNOUS SINUS; From orbit- Superior ophthalmic vein Inferior ophthalmic vein Central vein of retina From brain- Superficial middle cerebral vein Inferior cerebral vein From meninges- Sphenoparietal sinus Frontal trunk of middle meningeal vein Ref BDC volume3,sixth edition pg 194
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Tributaries of cavernous sinus are all except
A. Inferior cerebral vein
B. Central vein of retina
C. Sphenoparietal sinus
D. Superior cerebral vein
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. Megalocornea
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Condition which is always bilateral:
A. Infantile glaucoma
B. Megalocornea
C. Acute congestive glaucoma
D. All of the above
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. 3, 1, 2, 4
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Consider the following four events of development of fetus: UPSC 08; COMEDK 15 Development of external genitalia Appearance of scalp hair Centers of ossification in bones Formation of eyelashes and eye brows What is the order in which they appear from lower to higher gestation?
A. 1, 3, 2, 4
B. 1, 3, 4, 2
C. 3, 1, 4, 2
D. 3, 1, 2, 4
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: A. border of pupil - 15o.
B. limbus - 45o.
Centre of in B/w A & B (45o - 15o = 30o).
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: In hirschberg corneal reflex test, corneal light reflex falls in the centre of in between the border of pupil and limbus, the angle of squint is
A. 15°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 60°
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Retinoblastoma: 1 Most common Intraocular tumor of childhood. 2. Malignant primary neoplasm of retina that arises from neuroectodermal cells of retina (pigment layer). 3. May be a congenital lesion that is present but not usually apparent at bih; average age of diagnosis is 13 months. 4. Principle symptom = unilateral blindness. 5. Primary sign = Leukocoria. 6. It is bilateral in about 30% cases. 7. It is histologically composed of round cells with 'Rosette' pattern 8. Other round cell tumors include neuroblastoma, Ewing's sarcoma, NHL, etc. When bilateral, follows AD with complete penetrance pattern. Chromosome 13 mutation (100% in B/L and 15% in U/L). Histopathology: Flexner Wintersteiner rosettes. It is a PNET. Morphologic forms 1. Endophytic 2. Exophytic 3. Diffuse form Type based on location 1. Unilateral (70%) 2. Bilateral (30%) 3. Trilateral (<1%) ? Bilateral RB plus pineal or suprasellar tumor 4. Tetra/Quadrilateral (< 0.1%) ? Bilateral RB plus pineal and suprasellar mass. CT Scan Calcification--Intraocular mass centered posteriorly in globe with moderate or intense CT with punctate or finely speckled calcification (<90%) with or without extraocular extension. MRI: best for seeing extraocular extension. Treatment: 1. Small sized tumor - (plaque or ext. beam) with/without vitreous seeding 2. Large RB - local extension: Enucleation ? External beam . 3. Unilateral tumor without invasion has excellent prognosis. Coats disease - Increased density in all or pa of vitreous in normal sized globe without calcification. Congenital cataract - Vitreous normal, lens is dense.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The mother of a one and a half year old child gives history of increasing proptosis of left eye for the past 1 month. Examination revels left eye white reflex. On computed tomography scan of the orbit there is left orbital mass with calcification mainly centred within the globe. The most likely diagnosis is?
A. Congenital cataract
B. Retinoblastoma
C. Endophthalmitis
D. Coats disease
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: The progression of which of the following diseases is retarded by chronic use of enalapril ?
A. Diabetic nephropathy
B. Diabetic retinopathy
C. Hypertensive nephropathy
D. All of the above
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Answer with the best option directly. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Answer: d) Central retinal artery occlusion (KANSKI 8th ED, P-552)RETINAL ARTERY QCCLUSioNEtiology* Atherosclerosis - related thrombosis at the level of lamina cribrosa - most common cause* Emboli from carotid artery and cardiac origin> Cholesterol emboli (Hollenhorst plaque)> Calcium emboli> Platelet fibrin emboli - cause retinal ischemic attacks* Retinal arteritis - Polyarteritis nodosa, SLE, Wegener's granulomatosis, Scleroderma* Angiospasm, Raised IOP, Thrombophilia* Rare causes - Sickle cell anemia, retinal migraine, Oral contraceptives, polycythemia, Antiphospholipid syndromeClinical features* More common in males; Mean age at onset - 60 years* Usually unilateral* Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)> Obstruction at the level of lamina cribrosa> Sudden painless loss of vision> Markedly reduced visual acuity> Absent direct pupillary reflex - Total and profound afferent pupillary defect (APD) (amaurotic pupil)> Marked narrowing of retinal arteries and mild narrowing of retinal veins> The orange reflex from the intact choroid stands out at the thin foveola, in contrast to the surrounding pale retina, giving rise to a 'cherry-red spot' appearance> Milky white retina> Cherry red spot in the center of macula> Cattle truck appearance - segmentation of blood column in retinal vein> Atrophic changes - grossly attenuated thread like arteries and consecutive optic atrophy> FFA - delay in arterial filling and masking of choroidal vasculature due to retinal edema* Branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) - Obstruction at a bifurcationTreatment* No effective treatment available currently* Immediate lowering of IOP by> Intermittent ocular massage> IV mannitol or acetazolamide> Paracentesis of anterior chamber* Inhalation of carbogen or Meduna's Mixture (95 % O2 and 5 % CO2) - to relieve angiospasm* Steroids in cases of giant cell arteritisComplication - Neovascular glaucoma
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 56 year old woman came to the emergency room 3 hours after visual loss in the right eye. Visual sensitivity limits to light perception in the right eye. Examination reveals pupillary defect whereas anterior surface of both eye are normal. Fundus examination shows a red lesion with pale retina. Probable diagnosis
A. Central vein occlusion
B. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
C. Background diabetic retinopathy
D. Central retinal artery occlusion
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 15 year old male presents with hematuria. He has previous diagnoses of deafness and corneal dystrophy. Urinalysis shows 1 + proteins, no ketones, no glucose, 1+blood, and no leukocytes. A renal biopsy reveals tubular epithelial foam cells by light microscopy. By electron microscopy, the glomerular basement membrane shows areas of attenuation, with splitting and lamination of lamina dense in other thickened areas. The most probable diagnosis is -
A. Acute tubular necrosis
B. Bergers disease
C. Membranous glomerulonephritis
D. Alport syndrome
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Answer with the best option directly. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Cornea veicillata: *This is a whorl-like opacity in the corneal epithelium seen in patients on long-term treatment with medication such as amiodarone, chloroquine, phenothiazines, and indomethacin. *It is also seen in patients with Fabry disease and its carrier state. *The condition is generally asymptomatic, harmless and reversible on stopping the drug. *The whorl-like pattern shows the direction of migration of corneal epithelial cells. *Occasionally the condition has been known to cause glare and surface discomfo which responds to topical lubricants. Cornea veicillata, also called voex keratopathy or whorl keratopathy, is a condition characterised by corneal deposits at the level of the basal epithelium forming a faint golden-brown whorl pattern. It is seen in Fabry disease or in case of prolonged amiodarone intake Ref- Parson's; 21st edition; Pg No. 214
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Cornea veicillata is caused by
A. Erythromycin
B. Amiodarone
C. Timolol
D. Tetracycline
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: In established trachoma (caused by caused by C trachomatis serovars A, B, Ba, or C), there may also be superior epithelial keratitis, subepithelial keratitis, pannus, or superior limbal follicles, and ultimately the pathognomonic cicatricial remains of these follicles, known as Herbe's pits--small depressions covered by epithelium at the limbocorneal junction. Ref: Nijm L.M., Garcia-Ferrer F.J., Schwab I.R., Augsburger J.J., Correa Z.M. (2011). Chapter 5. Conjunctiva & Tears. In P. Riordan-Eva, E.T. Cunningham, Jr. (Eds), Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology, 18e.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Ophthalmic examination of a patient shows 'Herbe pits' on cornea which is characteristic of the following infection:
A. Trachoma
B. Psoriasis
C. Spring catarrh
D. Fungal keratitis
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Given the age of the child in question, any test has to be performed under anesthesia(EUA), since the child will not cooperate for any examination. During EUA: Refractive error examination is done to rule out hypermetropia as a cause of B/L adduction. Force duction test is used for diagnosis of Restrictive strabismus (eg Duane's retraction syndrome).
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: 18 month old child presents with both eyes adducted. What is the first thing for diagnosis?
A. Examination under anaesthesia
B. Refractive error examination
C. Forced duction testing
D. Fundus examination
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: a. Baby born at 28 weeks gestation(Ref: Nelson's 20/e p 3050, Ghai 8/e p 666)Indications of Screening for Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP):Birth weight <1,500g or gestational age < 32 wk &Selected neonates with a birth weight between 1,500 and 2,000g or gestational age of >32 wk with an unstable clinical course, including those requiring cardiorespiratory support.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A pediatrician calls an ophthalmologist to examine baby if:
A. Baby born at 28 weeks gestation
B. Baby has respiratory distress
C. Birth weight of the baby is 2.3 kg
D. Jaundice
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Actions of extraocular muscles : Muscle Primary Secondary Teiary action action action LR Abduction -- -- SR Elevation Intorsion Adduction IR Depression Extorsion Adduction SO Intorsion Depression Abduction IO Extorsion Elevation Abduction Ref;A.K.Khurana ; 6th edition; Page no:339
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which muscle is intoer of eye
A. Inferior oblique
B. Inferior rectus
C. Superior rectus
D. Medial rectus
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: ANSWER: (B) FungalREF: Khurana 4th ed p. 100Fungal corneal ulceration* Dry* Delicate feathery extensions* Satellite lesions* Sterile immune ring* Big hypopyon* Perforation* Central vascularization
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Satellite lesion is seen in which corneal ulcer?
A. Trachoma
B. Fungal
C. Angular
D. Herpes
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Answer: A. PDA, cataract and deafness is seenCongenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can occur in a developing fetus of a pregnant woman who has contracted rubella, usually in the first trimester. If infection occurs 0-28 days before conception, the infant has a 43% risk of being affected.Infection in 2nd trimester - may be deafness only.>6 wks - no major abnormalitiesDiagnosis: Isolation of virus in cell cultures of throat samples, urine or other secretions.Detection of IgM in single serum sample sholy after bih.Persistance of Rubella IgG antibodies serum beyond 1 year or rising antibody titer anytime during infancy in an unvaccinated child
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: true about TRIAD congenital rubella syndrome
A. PDA, cataract and deafness is seen
B. Hepatosplenomegaly, mental retardation, deafness
C. Chorioretinitis, multiorgan failure, pneumonitis
D. None of these
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The National Programme for Control of Mildness (NPCB) was launched in the year 1976 as a 100 per cent centrally sponsored programme and incorporates the earlier trachoma control programme
Based on survey conducted during 1998-99 & 1999-2000, following measures were included under revised strategy.
Revised strategies -
a) To make NPCB more comprehensive by strengthening services for other causes of blindness like corneal blindness (requiring transplantation of donated eyes), refractive errors in school going children, improving follow-up services of cataract operated persons and treating other causes of blindness like glaucoma; To shift from the eye camp approach to afixed facility surgical approach and from conventional surgery to IOL implantation for better quality of post operative vision in operated patients;
b) To expand the World Bank project activities like construction of dedicated ere operation theatres, eye wards at district level, training of eye surgeons in modern cataract surgery and other eye surgeries and supply of ophthalmic equipments etc. to the whole country;
c) To strengthen participation of Voluntary Organizations in the programme and to earmark geographic areas to NGOs and Government Hospitals to avoid duplication of effort and improve the performance of Government Units like Medical Colleges, District Hospitals, Sub Divisional Hospitals, community Health Centers, Primary Health Centers etc.
d) To enhance the coverage of eye care services in tribal and other under-served areas through identification of bilateral blind patients, preparation of village-wise blind register and giving preference to bilateral blind patients for cataract surgery.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Revised strategy for NPCB includes all except –
A. Fixed facility surgery
B. IOL implantation for cataract
C. Mobile surgical camps
D. Uniform distribution
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Drugs causing cataract:i. Coicosteroidsii. Phenothiazines and other antipsychoticsiii. Topical mioticsiv. Amiodaronev. StatinsRef. Aravind FAQs in Ophthalmology(first edition) Pg-310
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Drug among the following causing cataract is
A. Amikacin
B. Dexamethasone
C. Chloramphenicol
D. Penicillin
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'a' i.e. optineurin The Journal - "Investigative Ophthalmology Visual Science, 2003 September; 44 (9): 388-4" in the article - "Different optineurin mutation pattern in primary open angle glaucoma" by Leung YF et al writes "The optineurin gene (OPTN) is the second gene besides MYOC in which mutation have been identified to be associated with POA G."The following journals also support the answer:Journal: Science 295, 1077- 1079 (2002)Article: Adult-onset primary open angle glaucoma caused by mutation in optineurin by Rezaic. T et al.Journal: Science 275, 668 - 670 (1997).Article identification of a gene that causes primary open angle glaucoma "by Stone et al.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: On mutation, which of the following may give rise to hereditary glaucoma?
A. Optineurin
B. Ephrins
D. Huntingtin
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. C: Curvature of cornea A keratometer, also known as a ophthalmometer, is a diagnostic instrument for measuring the curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea, paicularly for assessing the extent and axis of astigmatism. A keratometer uses the relationship between object size (0), image size (I), the distance between the reflective surface and the object (d), and the radius of the reflective surface (R). If three of these variables are known (or fixed), the fouh can be calculated using the formula R = 2dI/0
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Keratometer measures September 2010 September 2012, March 2013 (e)
A. Thickness of cornea
B. Radius of cornea
C. Curvature of cornea
D. Depth of posterior chamber
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The greater petrosal nerve carries parasympathetic fibers that are involved in the innervation of the lacrimal gland, as well as the mucosal glands of the nose, palate, and pharynx. As a result, an injury to the right greater petrosal nerve would be expected to result in decreased lacrimal secretions for the right eye. The sublingual and submandibular glands receive their parasympathetic fibers from the facial nerve via the chorda tympani and the lingual nerve. They would be unaffected by this lesion. The parotid gland receives its parasympathetic secretory innervation from the glossopharyngeal nerve via the lesser petrosal and auriculotemporal nerves and would be unaffected. Taste to the anterior tongue is provided by the facial nerve via the chorda tympani, and general sensation to the anterior tongue is provided by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve via the lingual nerve.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 43-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department with a fracture of the base of his skull. A thorough physical examination reveals that a number of structures have been injured, possibly including the right greater petrosal nerve. Which of the following conditions needs to be identified during physical examination to confirm the diagnosis of greater petrosal nerve injury?
A. Partial dryness of the mouth due to lack of salivary secretions from the submandibular and sublingual glands
B. Partial dryness of the mouth due to lack of salivary secretions from the parotid gland
C. Dryness of the right cornea due to lack of lacrimal secretion
D. Loss of taste sensation from the right anterior two thirds of the tongue
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. Mixed astigmatism
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Because of circle of least diffusion, the distant vision is comparatively good in:
A. Simple myopic astigmatism
B. Compound myopic astigmatism
C. Mixed astigmatism
D. Compound hypermetropic astigmatism
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. D. Parkinsonian signsGiven image is Sturge weber syndrome.Following characteristic present in Sturge weber syndrome:* Stain-Port wine stain* Total cerebral atrophy* UMN paralysis* Recurrent seizures* Glaucoma* Epilepsy
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following is not seen in the given clinical condition:
A. Glaucoma
B. Seizures
C. Port wine stain
D. Parkinsonian signs
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'b' i.e., Kolpik spots * Koplik's spots are pathognomonic of measles and consist of bluish white dots ~1 mm in diameter surrounded by erythema. The lesions appear first on the buccal mucosa opposite the lower molars but rapidly increase in number to involve the entire buccal mucosa. They fade with the onset of rash.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Pathognomic clinical feature of measles are -
A. Erythematous macular rash
B. Kolpik spots
C. Brushfield spots
D. Bitots spots
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: In 1997, WHO developed a strategy known as 'SAFE' to control trachoma worldwide. S -- Surgery for trachomatous trichiasis A -- Antibiotics (Azithromycin/tetracycline) F -- Facial cleanliness E -- Environmental change Ref: Pg Ophthalmology: V. I and, Volume 2 By Zia Chaudhari, Pages 15-6.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following disorders of eye is controlled using SAFE strategy?
A. Cataract
B. Trachoma
C. Glaucoma
D. Diabetic retinopathy
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: For testing relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD), a strong, steady light is used. The light is shined into one eye, and then quickly switched to the other. This is repeated back and foh, until one of four conclusions is reached (listed below). Since light in one pupil causes both pupils to constrict, quickly switching from one eye to the other will give a "relative" indication of the functioning of each eye and optic nerve. If both eyes are equally dysfunctional, no "relative" defect would be found.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Relative afferent pupillary defect is characteristically seen In damage to -
A. Optic nerve
B. Optic tract
C. Lateral geniculate body
D. Occulomotor nerve
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: D i.e. Aiculates with Calcaneum
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: True about cuboid bone :
A. It develops by membranous ossification
B. Proximally aiculate with lunate bone
C. Flexor retinaculum is attached
D. Aiculates with Calcaneum
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: A wave - Rods & cones.
B wave - muller cells & Bipolar cells.
C wave - RPE.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: C - wave in electroretinography is due to
A. Rods & cones
B. Muller cells
C. Bipolar cells
D. Retinal pigment epithelium
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The above image represents Orchidometer.
It helps to assess the volume of testicules.
Testicular size > 4cc in volume is the 1st sign of puberty in males.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: What is the instrument used for?
A. Assessment of eye size
B. Stool assessment tool
C. Assess the volume of testicles
D. Growth assessment tool
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'b' i.e. Conjunctiva o Epithelial lining of Conjunctiva is stratified non-keratinized epithelium which varies from region to region. The important cells of conjunctiva are : -i) Goblet cells: - Occur throughout the conjunctiva, especially the plica semilunaris singly or in association with epithelial crypts. Goblets cells are most dense nasally and least dens in upper temporal fornix. Goblet cells are absent in palpebral mucocutaneous junction and the limbus.ii) Melanocytes: - Are found in the conjunctiva at limbus, fornix, camucle and at the site of entery of anterior ciliary vessels.iii) Langerhans cells: - In all parts of conjunctiva.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Goblet cells are seen in -
A. Cornea
B. Conjunctiva
C. Retina
D. Vitreous
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Intravenous amphotericin but surgical debridement should also be strongly considered
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 45 year old diabetic patient has immunosuppressed with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The lesions are locally destructive and have eroded into the eye, palate, and central nervous system, often from an initial site in the sinuses. The organism can be difficult to culture. The appropriate treatment is:
A. Is intravenous amphotericin only
B. Surgical debridement only
C. Watchful observation
D. Intravenous amphotericin but surgical debridement should also be strongly considered
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'd' i.e., All of the above Advantages of contact lens Contact lens has several advantages over spectacles :- Retain binocularity in Anisometropia owing to less magnification of size of retinal image. Irregular astigmatism can be corrected. No peripheral distoration as it moves with eye and there is normal field of vision. Not subjected to moistening. Several varieties of contact lens can aid in treatment of dry eye. Hard contact lens may stimulate reflex tearing and also prevent evaporation of tear . Cosmatically superior. Tinted contact lenses relieve photophobia in albinism. Disadvantages of contact lens Complications of contact lens wearing are : ? Intolerance : - Some people find wearing contact lenses intolerable. Corneal complications : - Corneal abrasion, Corneal edema, Corneal vascularization, Microbial keratitis (Pseudomonas, acanthamoeba), Sterile corneal infiltrate. Giant papillary conjunctivitis. Hypoxia : - Cornea is deprived of oxygen from the tear film by the presence of the contact lens. The cornea becomes edematous and new vessels may develop in the timbal area. Sensitivity : - This may develop in response to the preservative (thiomersal) in the cleaning and soaking solution. This results in allergic conjunctivitis.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Corneal complications of contact lens use ?
A. Acanthamoeba keratitis
B. Corneal infiltrate
C. Corneal vascularization
D. All of the above
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Anterior Uveitis is Not a feature of Congenital rubella syndrome.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Not a feature of Congenital rubella syndrome is
A. Congenital Cataract
B. Microphthalmia
C. Salt and pepper retinitis
D. Anterior Uveitis
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans is option 4 - immediately Patients with type 2 DM should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination soon after diagnosis. Due ti risk of diabetic retinopathy at tume of diabetes diagnosis. According to American diabetic association guidelines for screening of diabetic retinopathy.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 45 year man is diagnosed with diabetes at his present visit for the first time. When should he visit an ophthalmologist-
A. On his 50th bihday
B. When dimness of vision stas
C. Before his 50th bihday
D. Immediately at time of diagnosis
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: For a variety of reasons, lipid—mainly as triacylglycerol—can accumulate in the liver. Extensive accumulation is regarded as a pathologic condition. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disorder worldwide.
NAFLD is considered by many to be the hepatic manifestation of the ‘metabolic syndrome, as it is strongly associated with obesity, dyslipidaemia, type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) usually presents with elevated transaminases in the absence of hepatomegaly.
Reference: HARPERS ILLUSTRATED BIOCHEMISTRY30th ed Page no 260,261: Davidson Medicine 23rd edition page no 882
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A male 45 years old complains of weakness. He is obese and a type 2 diabetic and hypertensive. General examination reveals hepatomegaly. Icterus is visible on sclera and pale coloration of skin present.Which of the following liver diseases can be seen in this patient?
A. Alcoholic hepatitis
B. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
C. Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD)
D. All of the above
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Duret Hemorrhage In case of increased ICP downward herniation of brainstem occur, which cause stretching of perforators of basilar aery and may result in bleed (Duret hemorrhage) Duret hemorrhage is a small area of bleeding in ventral and paramedian pa of upper brainstem (midbrain and pons). It usually indicates a fatal outcome, however survival has been repoed Diagnosis is made on CT or MRI Ref: Robbins 9th edition Pgno :1255
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Duret haemorrhage is/are seen in
A. Conjunctiva
B. Middle ear
C. Encardium of hea
D. Brain
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. B i.e. Retinal vein occlusion
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Vitreous hemorrhage is caused commonly by: March 2013 (f)
A. Retinal aery occlusion
B. Retinal vein occlusion
C. Retinitis pigmentosa
D. Retinoblastoma
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'a' i.e., Visual cortex Lesions of visual cortexo Features depend on the site of visual cortex involvement:i) Anterior part occipital cortex : - Congruous homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing. The lesion occurs due to occlusion of posterior cerebral artery.ii) Tip of occipital cortex : - Congruous homonymous macular defect, i.e., homonymous hemianopia only in the central vision (due to involvement of macula). The lesion occurs due to head injury or gun shot injuries. Pupillary light reflex is normal.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Macular sparing is seen in lesion of -
A. Visual cortex
B. Optical tract
C. Optical chiasma
D. Optic nerve
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Refer: Kanski s Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach 8th edition pg 602
Due to retina being mechanically pulled away from its bed by the contraction of fibrous tissue in the vitreous (vitreoretinal tractional bands).
Clinical features
presence of vitreoretinal bands
Retinal breaks are usually absent and configuration of the detached area is concave.
The highest elevation of the retina occurs at sites of vitreoretinal traction.
Retinal mobility is severely reduced and shifting fluid is absent.
Treatment - It is difficult and requires pars plana vitrectomy to cut the vitreoretinal tractional bands and internal tamponade.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A 62 years old poorly controlled diabetic presents with sudden painless loss of vision. No history of floaters. He also complaints of visual field defect which is progressively worsening over past few months. History of similar complaints present in the other eye and vitrectomy was done. What is next step in management?
A. Pan- retinal photocoagulation
B. Pars plana vitrectomy
C. Scleral buckling
D. Pneumatic retinopexy
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: COMPLICATED CATARACT It refers to opacification of the lens secondary to some other intraocular disease. Etiology: 1. Inflammatory conditions. These include uveal inflammations (like iridocyclitis, parsplanitis, choroiditis), hypopyon corneal ulcer and endophthalmitis. 2. Degenerative conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa and other pigmentary retinal dystrophies and myopic chorioretinal degeneration. 3. Retinal detachment. 4. Glaucoma (primary or secondary). 5. Intraocular tumours such as retinoblastoma or melanoma may give rise to complicated cataract in late stages. Clinical features: Typically the complicated cataract stas as posterior coical cataract. Lens changes appear typically in front of the posterior capsule. The opacity is irregular in outline and variable in density. In the beam of slit- lamp the opacities have an appearance like 'bread- crumb'. A very characteristic sign is the appearance of iridescent coloured paicles the so-called 'polychromatic lustre' of reds, greens and blues. A diffuse yellow-haze is seen in the adjoining coex. Slowly the opacity spreads in the rest of the coex, and finally the entire lens becomes opaque, giving chalky white appearance. Deposition of calcium is common in the later stages. Ref:- A K KHURANA; pg num:-181,182
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Polychromatic lustre is seen in
A. Post radiation cataract
B. Diabetic cataract
C. Congenital cataract
D. Complicated cataract
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. (d) HydrocephalusRef.: OP Ghai 8th ed./272The classic Triad for Congenital Rubella Syndrome is:* Sensorineural deafness (58% of patients)* Eye abnormalities--especially retinopathy, cataract and microphthalmia (43% of patients)* Congenital heart disease--especially patent ductus arteriosus (50% of patients)* "Salt-and-pepper" retinopathy is the most common ocular manifestation of congenital rubella.Other Manifestations of CRS may Include:* Spleen, liver or bone marrow problems* Mental retardation* Microcephaly* Eye defects* Low birth weight* Thrombocytopenic purpura (presents as a characteristic blueberry muffin rash)* Hepatomegaly* Micrognathia
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Congenital Rubella Syndrome has all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Sensorineural deafness
B. Cataract
C. Cardiac Defects
D. Hydrocephalus
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Romberg test: In peripheral vestibular lesions, the patient sways to the side of lesion. In central vestibular disorder, patient shows instability. Central vestibular disorders are, Veebrobasilar insufficiency Posterior inferior cerebellar aery syndrome (Wallenberg's syndrome) Basilar migraine Cerebellar disease Multiple sclerosis Tumors of brain stem and floor of IVth ventricle Temporal lobe epilepsy
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: An old man presented with complaints of frequent giddiness. Examination showed instability in Romberg test with eyes closed. Which of the following condition may give rise to this finding in this patient?
A. Veebrobasilar insufficiency
B. Vestibulotoxic drugs
C. Acoustic neuroma
D. Syphilis
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. is 'c' i.e., Fungal Corneal ulcer * Topical steroids enhance fungal replication and corneal invasion and are contraindicated during early therapy of a fungal corneal ulcer.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Topical steroid is contraindicated in which ocular condition -
A. Anterior uveitis
B. Posterior uveitis
C. Fungal Corneal ulcer
D. Moorens ulcer
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: A i.e. Optic nerve glioma
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A child age 5 years, presents with loss of vision and mild proptosis of left eye . On examination direct is absent but consensual is present in left eye. He is having:
A. Optic nerve glioma
B. Optic sheath meningioma
C. Retinoblastoma
D. Optic disc angioma
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Answer- A. Buphthalmoscauses are:Buphthalmos (congenital glaucoma),High myopia,Upper lid retraction,Paralysis of the extrinsic muscles,Stimulation of muller muscle by cocaine,Shallow orbit as in craniofacial dysostosis
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Pseudoproptosis caused by
A. Buphthalmos
B. Meningioma of optic nerve
C. Orbital cellulitis
D. Dermoid cyst
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Krukenberg's spindles refers to deposition of pigment granules on the posterior surface of the cornea. It is seen in pigmentary glaucoma. Pigmentary glaucoma: It is a type of secondary open angle glaucoma wherein clogging up of trabecular meshwork occurs by pigment paicles. Characteristic glaucomatous features are similar to primary open angle glaucoma. It is associated with deposition of pigment granules in the anterior segment structures such as iris, posterior surface of cornea, trabecular meshwork, ciliary zonules and crystalline lens. Gonioscopy shows: Accumulation of pigment along the Schwalbe's line inferiorly (Sampaolesi's line). Iris transillumination shows radial slit like transillumination defects in the mid periphery (Pathognomonic feature).
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Krukenberg's spindles are characteristically seen in which of the following condition?
A. Chalazion
B. Pigmentary glaucoma
C. Sympathetic opthalmitis
D. Retinitis pigmentosa
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Cosmetic tattoos (also known as 'permanent makeup'): They camouflage skin discolorations, such as bihmarks (hemangiomas) or scars, tattooing'hair follicles' into bald areas or corneal tattooing in perforating injury. India ink is the most commonly used dye for corneal tattooing. Two other methods exist: chemical dyeing with gold or platinum chloride and carbon impregnation.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Corneal tattooing may be done with:
A. Gold chloride
B. Calcium chloride
C. Copper sulfate
D. Potassium permanganate
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Erlenmeyer flask deformity of lower end of femur is seen in
Gaucher's disease
Lead poisoning
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Erlenmeyer flask deformity of the femur is seen in all of the following, except
A. Osteopetrosis
B. Gaucher's disease
C. Thalassemia
D. Paget's disease
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Layer 4: This consists of several tiers of rod and cone cell bodies and their nuclei, the cone nuclei lying outer most. Mingled with these are the outer and inner fibres from the same cell bodies, directed outward to the bases of inner segments, and inwards towards the outer plexiform layer.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Nuclei of rods and cones are present in which layer of retina?
A. Layer 1
B. Layer 2
C. Layer 3
D. Layer 4
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: A i.e. Galactose-l-phosphate uridyl transferase
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A newborn infant refuses breast milk since the 2nd day of bih, vomits on force-feeding but accepts glucose-water, develops diarrhea on the third day, by 5th day she is jaundiced with liver enlargement and eyes show signs of cataract. Urinary reducing sugar was positive but blood glucose estimated by glucose oxidation method was found low. The most likely cause is deficiency of :
A. Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase.
B. Beta galactosidase
C. Glucose-6-phosphatase
D. Galactokinase
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Goblets cells are least dense in upper temporal fornix. Ref: Wolfs 8th/e p.61
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Goblet cells in conjunctiva are least dens in which pa -
A. Nasal
B. Temporal
C. Inferior
D. None
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: .
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Refraction at anterior surface cornea is maximum because
A. Anterior surface of cornea has smaller curvature
B. There is greater difference between refractive indices of air & cornea
C. It is avascular transparent tissue
D. All of the above
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Cut - off Levels (In an otherwise healthy neonate) Age Photo-Therapy Exchange Transfusion 24 - 48 hrs > 15 mg/dl > 20 mg/dl 48 - 72 hrs > 18 mg/dl > 25 mg/dl > 72 hrs > 20 mg/dl >25 mg/dl So, this baby must have been staed on Phototherapy. Adverse Effects Of Phototherapy - Bronze baby syndrome (in c/o conjugated hyperbilirubinemia) - Watery diarrhea - Dehydration - Hypocalcemia - Retinal toxicity - Gonadal toxicity
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: A term, otherwise well neonate was found to have a total serum bilirubin of 17 mg/dl. So he was admitted in NICU and staed on some treatment. All of the following can be adverse effects of the treatment administered EXCEPT?
A. Bronze baby syndrome
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Dehydration
D. Retinal toxicity
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The patient has :-
Right superotemporal quadrantanopia
Left superotemporal quadrantanopia
Left centrocecal scotoma → Left optic nerve involvement e.g. toxic opic neuropathy
It has also been explained that early central chiasmatic lesion due to pituitary adenoma can cause upper temporal quadrantanopia.
So, best answer here is 'a' i.e. left optic nerve with optic chiasma.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: In a patient presenting with headache and eye complaints, Examination of right eye reveals: Right eye superotemporal quadrantanopia. Left eye reveals: Left eye superotemporal quadrantanopia, Left eye centrocecal scotoma. Likely site of lesion is -
A. Left optic nerve + chiasma
B. Left optic tract + chiasma
C. Right optic nerve + chiasma
D. Right optic tract + chiasma
| As a healthcare professional, please evaluate the patient's description and offer your expertise in answering the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans. B: Fovea centralis There are two basic types of retinal photo-receptors: Cones, responding to bright-light conditions, and Rods, responding to low-intensity light Depending on their spectral sensitivity, the former belong to either L (long-wavelengths sensitive), M (mid-wavelengths sensitive) or S (sho-wavelengths sensitive) cones. By combining their separate inputs, the brain creates colors. The cones are concentrated in the center of retina (fovea). Cones become larger up to about four times (of their size at fovea) toward outer areas of the retina. Fovea is the most sensitive pa of retina. It contains only cones and no rods. Since the fovea does not have rods, it is not sensitive to dim lights. Macula does not have a blood supply so the fovea receives oxygen from the vessels in the choroid.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Maximum cones are seen in: March 2005
A. Limbus
B. Fovea centralis
C. Macula lutea
D. Blind spot
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Anterior choroidal artery is a branch of the internal carotid artery.
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Anterior choroidal artery is a branch of which of the following?
A. Retinal artery
B. External carotid artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Middle meningeal artery
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Glaucoma is not a cause of white pupillary reflex (cat's eye reflex). The patient should be evaluated immediately as an impoant differential diagnosis is retinoblastoma. Ref: A.K KHURANA (2005), In the book, "Opthalmology", 3rd Edition, Newdelhi, Page 23, 170, 269
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following will not cause pupillary white reflex?
A. Retinoblastoma
B. Glaucoma
C. Cataract
D. Retrolental fibroplasia
| You're a doctor, kindly address the medical queries according to the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Tetracyclines can be given in all forms except :
A. Oral
B. Intravenous
C. Topical in eye
D. Topical in open wound
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Answer with the best option directly. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Adverse effects of Amiodarone: The Thyroid (both hypo and hypehyroidism) Periphery of Peripheral neuropathy My Myocardial depression Lung Lung fibrosis Liver and Liver Toxicity Cornea is Corneal microdeposits Photosensitive Photosensitivity
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following is not an adverse effect of amiodarone?
A. Hypehyroidism
B. Corneal microdeposits
C. Pulmonary fibrosis
D. Nephrotoxicity
| Considering your role as a medical practitioner, please use the patient's description to answer the medical questions.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: (A) 100 million Rods & 5 million Cones # Total number of cones in fovea:> Approximately 200,000. There are 17,500 cones/degree> Rod free area is approximately 10 thus there are 17,500 cones in the central rod-free fovea.> Total number of cones in the retina. - 6,400,000> Total number of rods in the retina. - 110,000,000 to 125,000,000> Rod distribution.> Rods peak in density 180 or 5mm out from the center of the fovea in a ring around the fovea at 160,000 rods/mm2> No rods in central 200 pm.> Average 80-100,000 rods/mm2> Rod acuity peak is at 5.20 or 1.5 mm from foveal center where there are 100,000 rods/mm2
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Human retina consists about
A. 100 million Rods & 5 million Cones
B. 5 million Rods & 100 million Cones
C. 100 million Rods & 100 million Cones
D. 5 million Rods & 5 million Cones
| Your role as a doctor requires you to answer the medical questions taking into account the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Ans is 'c' i.e. Pharmacological blockage Anisocoria (inequality of pupillary size) implies disease of the efferent (motor) nerve of the light reflex, iris or muscles of the pupil.If, on application of pilocarpine 1% in each eye, the affected pupil reacts little or not at all and the unaffected pupil constricts normally, the pupil is not dilated because of innervation problems but because of a problem in the sphincter muscle, itself. Non-neuronal causes of mydriasis are:Anticholinergic mydriasis (e.g., scopolamine (hyoscine), cyclopentolate, atropine).Traumatic iridoplegia (sphincter rupture, pigment dispersion, angle recession).Angle-closure glaucoma (ischemia of the iris sphincter).Fixed pupil after anterior segment surgery.Bound down iris (synechia) after iritis."
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: In a case of anisocoria, when 1% pilocarpine le is instilled into the eye with abnormally dilated pupil, no response occurs. Cause of anisocoria may be:
A. Adie's pupil
B. Horner's syndrome
C. Pharmacological blockage
D. Uncal herniation
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Refer katzung 11e p 241 Amiodarone-induced pulmonarytoxicity (APT) is one of the most serious side effects of use. Incidence is approximately 5% when doses of 400 mg or more are used daily. ... Amiodarone pulmonarytoxicity can present in various ways: pneumonia interstitial disease, respiratory distress or solitary pulmonary masses.
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: All are toxicity seen with amiodarone therapy except
A. Pulmonary fibrosis
B. Corneal microdeposits
C. Cirrhosis of liver
D. Productive cough
| As a medical professional, your responsibility is to address the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Answer- D. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachmentOcular manifestations of diabetic retinopathy are-1) Non- proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)-MicroaneurysmsRetinal hemorrhageRetinal edema (Retinal thickening)- macular edema.2) Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)Hallmark of PDR is the occurance of neovascularization3) Diabetic maculopathyCataract (Snowflake snow storm)Myopia (when there is sudden increase in blood sugar level)Rarely hypermetropiaCranial nerve palsy: 3rd (most common),4th, 5th,7th.Diabetic papillopathy
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Which of the following can be ophthalmic complication of DM except -
A. Papillopathy
B. Snowflake cataract
C. Retinopathy
D. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Peliosis hepatis is an uncommon vascular condition characterised by multiple, randomly distributed, blood-filled cavities throughout the liver. The size of the cavities usually ranges between a few millimetres and 3 cm in diameter. In the past, it was a mere histological curiosity occasionally found at autopsies, but has been increasingly recognised with wide-ranging conditions from AIDS to the use of anabolic steroids. It also occasionally affects spleen, lymph nodes, lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, bone marrow, and other pas of gastrointestinal tract.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Primary sinusoidal dilatation of liver is also known as
A. Hepar lobatum
B. Peliosis hepatic
C. Von-Meyerburg complex
D. Caroli's disease
| Given your background as a doctor, please provide your insight in addressing the medical questions based on the patient's account.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Causes of congenital opacities of cornea (STUMPED classification) :-
Sclerocornea; Tear in descmet's membrane (Congenital glaucoma, birth trauma); ulcer (HSV, bacteria); metabolic (Mucopolysaccharidosis, mucolipidosis, Tyrosinosis); Posterior corneal defect (Peter's anomaly, posterior keratoconus, staphyloma); Endothelial dystrophy (congenital hereditary, posterior polymorphous, stromal).
###Answer: OPTION D IS CORRECT. | ###Question: All of the following may lead to corneal opacity in newborn except –
A. Endothelial dystrophy
B. Sclerocornea
C. Mucopolysaccharidosis
D. Droplet keratopathy
| In your capacity as a doctor, it is expected that you answer the medical questions relying on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: The tubal tonsil is one of the four main tonsil groups comprising Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, which also includes the palatine tonsils, the lingual tonsils, and the pharyngeal tonsils.
###Answer: OPTION A IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Gerlach tonsil in Waldeyer’s ring is
A. Tubal tonsil
B. Palatine tonsil
C. Pharyngeal tonsil
D. Lingual tonsil
| Your identity is a doctor, kindly provide answers to the medical questions with consideration of the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Commonest cause of sudden loss of vision in a diabetic is vitreous hemorrhage Slow loss of vision in a diabetic is due to Cystoid macular edema Neovascular glaucoma
###Answer: OPTION C IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Cause of sudden loss of vision in a diabetic is due to:
A. Neovascular glaucoma
B. Central retinal aery occlusion
C. Vitreous hemorrhage
D. None of the above
| Being a doctor, your task is to answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: (Refer: AK Khurana Comprehensive Ophthalmology, 6th edition, pg no. 140) The thickest pa of the sclera - Near the optic nerve (at the posterior pole)The thinnest pa of the sclera- Near the inseion of extraocular muscles ref khurana 6th edition pg 566
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Sclera is thinnest at
A. Near the optic nerve
B. At inseion of the extra ocular muscles
C. Around the limbus
D. Nasally
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
###Rationale: Lacquer cracks in pathological myopia is due to breaks in Bruch's membrane.
###Answer: OPTION B IS CORRECT. | ###Question: Lacquer cracks in pathological myopia is due to breaks in
A. Retinal pigment epithelium
B. Bruch's membrane
C. Outer plexiform layer
D. Inner plexiform layer
| Given your profession as a doctor, please provide responses to the medical questions using the patient's description.
Analyze the question and answer with the best option. | medmcqa |
Subsets and Splits