She may deny it, my lord, for
She may, Lord Rivers. Why, who knows not so? She may do more, sir, than denying that. She may help you to many fair preferments And then deny her aiding hand therein, And lay those honors on your high desert. What may she not? She may, ay, marry, may she
I promise you, Timon, you have moved me greatly.
Bad news, my lord. The Bishop of Ely has fled to Richmond. And Buckingham, backed by his army of hardy Welshmen, is on the march, his power still growing.
Ely with Richmond troubles me more near Than Buckingham and his rash-levied strength. Come, I have learned that fearful commenting Is leaden servitor to dull delay; Delay leads impotent and snail-paced beggary; Then fiery expedition be my wing, Joves Mercury, and herald for a king. Go, muster men. My counsel is my shield. We must be brief when traitors brave the field.
The good King Simonides, huh?
Ay, sir; and he deserves so to be called for hispeaceable reign and good government.
She looks something like you.
She is not worth thee, then. What years, i' faith?
Thank the Lord for my recovery!
Cesario is your servant's name, fair princess.
My servant, sir! 'Twas never merry world Since lowly feigning was calld compliment. Youre servant to the Count Orsino, youth.
Yes, its true. And the Kings lords were killed, as well as the Duke of Milan and his brave son, too.
[aside] The Duke of Milan And his more braver daughter could control thee If now twere fit to do t! At the first sight They have changed eyes. Delicate Ariel, Ill set thee free for this. [to FERDINAND] A word, good sir. I fear you have done yourself some wrong. A word.
If you show me a thousand people who have wronged you, I'll take revenge on all of them. 
Look round about the wicked streets of Rome; And when thou find'st a man that's like thyself. Good Murder, stab him; he's a murderer. Go thou with him; and when it is thy hap To find another that is like to thee, Good Rapine, stab him; he's a ravisher. Go thou with them; and in the emperor's court There is a queen, attended by a Moor; Well mayst thou know her by thy own proportion, for up and down she doth resemble thee: I pray thee, do on them some violent death; They have been violent to me and mine.
Whats all this, nephew? Why are you so furious?
Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe,A villain that is hither come in spiteTo scorn at our solemnity this night.
All our receipts.
Knock me down with 'em: cleave me to the girdle.
Me, too, son.
So you have: but I was a gentleman born before my father; for the king's son took me by the hand, and called me brother; and then the two kings called my father brother; and then the prince my brother and the princess my sister called my father father; and so we wept, and there was the first gentleman-like tears that ever we shed.
Then plainly tell her my loving tale.
Plain and not honest is too harsh a style.
Then I swear by myself
Thyself is self-misused.
What's the trumpet for?
'Tis Alcibiades, and some twenty horse,All of companionship.
Rip pieces of my heart out.
Mine, fifty talents.
If you don't tell the truth because you're partial to Cassio, then you don't deserve the title of soldier.
Touch me not so near. I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth Than it should do offence to Michael Cassio. Yet I persuade myself to speak the truth Shall nothing wrong him. This it is, general: Montano and myself being in speech, There comes a fellow crying out for help And Cassio following him with determined sword To execute upon him. Sir, this gentleman Steps in to Cassio and entreats his pause, Myself the crying fellow did pursue, Lest by his clamoras it so fell out The town might fall in fright. He, swift of foot, Outran my purpose, and I returned then rather For that I heard the clink and fall of swords And Cassio high in oath, which till tonight I ne'er might say before. When I came back For this was brief I found them close together At blow and thrust, even as again they were When you yourself did part them. More of this matter cannot I report. But men are men, the best sometimes forget. Though Cassio did some little wrong to him, As men in rage strike those that wish them best, Yet surely Cassio, I believe, received From him that fled some strange indignity Which patience could not pass.
I can't wait to hear the story of your life, which must be an extraordinary thing to hear.
Ill deliver all, And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales, And sail so expeditious that shall catch Your royal fleet far off. [aside to ARIEL] My Ariel, chick, That is thy charge. Then to the elements Be free, and fare thou well! Please you, draw near.
I fear that both your heart and your words are false.
Then never man was man true.
And hello to you, sir.
That defense thou hast, betake thee to t . Of what nature the wrongs are thou hast done him, I know not, but thy intercepter, full of despite, bloody as the hunter, attends thee at the orchard end. Dismount thy tuck, be yare in thy preparation, for thy assailant is quick, skillful and deadly.
They say I'm like you.
Why that's some comfort. What, Camillo there?
I'll wear boots to make my legs look a bit thicker.
[Aside] But love will not be spurr'd to whatit loathes.
Is it that insulting?
Ay, is t, I warrant him. Do but read.
Wait, Petruchio. I must go with you, for my own treasure is in Baptista's keeping too. He has my precious jewel hidden away in his fortress: his youngest daughter, the beautiful Bianca. He keeps her away from me and her other suitors, my rivals for her love, as he assumes it will be impossiblebecause of those character defects I already describedfor Katherina to ever find a husband. Baptista has therefore set down this rule: no one will have access to Bianca until Katherine the shrew gets a husband.
Katherine the curst!A title for a maid of all titles the worst.
No, I swear on my Christianity. If the definition of not being a whore is to preserve my virginity for my husband and not let any other foul man unlawfully touch me, then I am not one.
What, not a whore?
Cousin Buckingham and you wise, solemn men, since you intend to force the crown onto my headto bear its burden whether I want to or notthen I must have the patience to endure the load. But if any foul scandal or ugly criticism comes of this, the mere fact that you forced me to accept must clear me from any future blame. For God knows, and you can see, how reluctant I am to accept this responsibility.
God bless your Grace! We see it and will say it.
We have heard that. But that is not why we've come.
Good honest men! Thou draw'st a counterfeitBest in all Athens: thou'rt, indeed, the best;Thou counterfeit'st most lively.
Arm yourself, my lord. The enemy is on the battlefield.
Come, bustle, bustle. Caparison my horse. Call up Lord Stanley; bid him bring his power. I will lead forth my soldiers to the plain, And thus my battle shall be orderèd: My foreward shall be drawn out all in length, Consisting equally of horse and foot; Our archers shall be placèd in the midst. John Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Earl of Surrey, Shall have the leading of this foot and horse. They thus directed, we will follow In the main battle, whose puissance on either side Shall be well wingèd with our chiefest horse. This, and Saint George to bootWhat thinkst thou, Norfolk?
With the help of God. A nobleman from Naples, Gonzalo, had been put in charge of the task of abandoning us at sea. Out of charity, he gave us some food and fresh water, as well as clothes, linens, supplies, and other necessities that have over the years been so useful. Also, he was so noble and kind, that, knowing how much I loved my books, he gave me some books from my library that I value more than my dukedom.
Would I mightBut ever see that man!
Send for more money, knight. If you don't end up with her in the end, then I'm a fool.
If I do not, never trust me, take it how you will.
Something about Cyprus, I would guess. It's an urgent matter. The warships have sent a dozen successive messengers this very night, one after the other. Many of the senators have woken up and met, and are now already at the Duke's. You've been urgently called for. When you couldn't be found at your home, the Duke sent three separate search parties to look for you.
'Tis well I am found by you.I will but spend a word here in the houseAnd go with you.
I sweardamn the king's crazy delusions! We have to tell him about the baby. We will. It's a woman's job and I'll do it myself. I won't have many nice things to say to him, I can guarantee you. Emilia, please tell the queen that I'm completely at her service. If she'll trust me with her tiny newborn, I'll show it to the king and will advocate for her to the best of my ability. It's hard to say how he'll reacthe may be touched when he sees her. Sometimes the silent testimony of pure innocence can persuade when words fail.
Most worthy madam, Your honour and your goodness is so evident That your free undertaking cannot miss A thriving issue: there is no lady living So meet for this great errand. Please your ladyship To visit the next room, I'll presently Acquaint the queen of your most noble offer; Who but to-day hammer'd of this design, But durst not tempt a minister of honour, Lest she should be denied.
Madam, Im not feeling well.
Evermore weeping for your cousins death? What, wilt thou wash him from his grave with tears? An if thou couldst, thou couldst not make him live. Therefore, have done. Some grief shows much of love, But much of grief shows still some want of wit.
Why, then it's time to arm myself and direct my troops. 
What said Northumberland as touching Richmond?
You're speaking a language that I don't understand. It's as if my life were being made up by your dreams; I'll lay down what life I have now.
Your actions are my dreams; You had a bastard by Polixenes, And I but dream'd it. As you were past all shame, Those of your fact are soso past all truth: Which to deny concerns more than avails; for as Thy brat hath been cast out, like to itself, No father owning it, which is, indeed, More criminal in thee than it,so thou Shalt feel our justice, in whose easiest passage Look for no less than death.
I'm thankful to my liege, that out of kindness to me he shortens four years of my son's exile: but little good it will do me. For before six years have passed, the lamp of my life will have gone out with age; my candle will have burned down, and death's blindfold will stop me from seeing my son. 
Why uncle, thou hast many years to live.
Sir, this chest washed up on the shore from a shipwreck.
Set 't down, let's look upon't.
Why, you're right. It is a puny little cap, a tart crust, a plaything, a silken pie. I love you more for not liking it.
Love me or love me not, I like the cap, And it I will have, or I will have none.
Master, if I ever said "loose-bodied gown," you can sew me into the skirts of it and beat me to death with a ball of brown thread. I said "a gown."
Well, theres a chance he may do her some good. Shes a stubborn good-for-nothing little whore.
See where she comes from shrift with merry look.
Look, here comes my girlfriend's little man.
[To the Fool] Why, how now, captain! what do youin this wise company? How dost thou, Apemantus?
Here, my good lord.
Catesby, fly to the duke.
Here it is. 
How! Let me see:Why, this is the ring I gave to Julia.
I told him that your father was in Venice, and that you expected him in Padua today.
[as LUCENTIO] Thou'rt a tall fellow. Hold thee that to drink. Gives money
I don't have any great dedication to do this deed, but Iago has given me satisfactory reasons to do it. It's just one man to kill. Go forth, my sword: he will die.
(aside) I have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense, And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, Every way makes my gain. Live Roderigo, He calls me to a restitution large Of gold and jewels that I bobbed from him As gifts to Desdemona. It must not be. If Cassio do remain He hath a daily beauty in his life That makes me ugly. And besides, the Moor May unfold me to himthere stand I in much peril. No, he must die. But so, I hear him coming.
I wont be a part of this. Well miss our opportunity and we'll all get turned into geese or apes with wretchedly low foreheads.
Monster, lay to your fingers. Help to bear this away where my hogshead of wine is, or Ill turn you out of mykingdom. Go to, carry this.
But how long will her sweet life last?
As long as heaven and nature lengthens it.
You, old manwho, like Adam, are commanded to tend this gardenhow dare you talk about this sad news so rudely? What Eve, what serpent, has persuaded you to make man fall a second time? Why do you say King Richard is deposed? Do you daresince you're little better than dustto predict his downfall? Say, where, when, and how you heard this news? Speak, you fool. 
Pardon me, madam: little joy have I To breathe this news; yet what I say is true. King Richard, he is in the mighty hold Of Bolingbroke: their fortunes both are weigh'd: In your lord's scale is nothing but himself, And some few vanities that make him light; But in the balance of great Bolingbroke, Besides himself, are all the English peers, And with that odds he weighs King Richard down. Post you to London, and you will find it so; I speak no more than every one doth know.
Alas, sir, how did you lose your sanity?
Fool, there was never a man so notoriously abused: I am as well in my wits, Fool, as thou art.
Ah, mistress bride, have we woken you up?
Ay, but not frighted me. Therefore Ill sleep again.
Ma'am, please stop. Anything you could possibly say would be better than that.
You are one of thoseWould have him wed again.
Accost her, Sir Andrew, accost her.
Whats that?
Now, Catesby, what does his Grace say?
He wonders to what end you have assembled Such troops of citizens to come to him, His grace not being warned thereof before. He fears, my lord, you mean no good to him.
I have heard a bit about your bad luck.
Thou saw'st them, when I had prosperity.
Hed grow useless, stinging nettle plants all over it.
Or docks, or mallows.
But what if it's not true, son?
If it be ne'er so false, a true gentleman may swear it in the behalf of his friend: and I'll swear to the prince thou art a tall fellow of thy hands and that thou wilt not be drunk; but I know thou art no tall fellow of thy hands and that thou wilt be drunk: but I'll swear it, and I would thou wouldst be a tall fellow of thy hands.
Do you have any sense?
What, is he angry?
An offer, uncle, that we will accept: but we must persuade your grace to go with usto Bristol castle, which they say is held by Bushy, Bagot and their accomplicesthe caterpillars of the commonwealth, which I have sworn to weed and pluck away.
It may be I will go with you: but yet I'll pause; For I am loath to break our country's laws. Nor friends nor foes, to me welcome you are: Things past redress are now with me past care.
I'm bound for your niece, sir. I mean, she's the destination of my voyage.
Taste your legs, sir. Put them to motion.
The heads of the maids or their maidenheads. Interpret my comment in whichever sense you prefer.
They must take it in sense that feel it.
He's a madman, and his insanity is what drives him. He gave me a jewel the other day, and now he has beaten it out of my hat. Have you seen the jewel?
Did you see my cap?
Oh, sweet England![Singing]King Stephen was a good fellow,He paid just a dollar for his pants,But still thought he'd been overcharged,So he called the tailor a rogue.He was a man with a good reputation,And you're just a lowly man,It's pride that brings the country down,So wrap yourself up in your old cloak.Some more wine!
Why, this is a more exquisite song than the other.
Isn't this strange?
Most rare.
A stool.
Thou hast hit it. Come, sit on me.
And I say, "Cousin Toby, since fortune has allowed me to marry your niece, I have the right to say this"
( aside ) What, what?
[Kneeling]  I kneel to add my pleas to my mother's.
Against them both my true joints bended be.Ill mayst thou thrive, if thou grant any grace!
So may I prosper, as I swear the same thing.
Take heed you dally not before your king, Lest He that is the supreme King of kings Confound your hidden falsehood, and award Either of you to be the others end.
He means, my lord, that we should be doing more, since Bolingbroke grows stronger in power and arms through our lack of opposition. 
Discomfortable cousin! know'st thou not That when the searching eye of heaven is hid, Behind the globe, that lights the lower world, Then thieves and robbers range abroad unseen In murders and in outrage, boldly here; But when from under this terrestrial ball He fires the proud tops of the eastern pines And darts his light through every guilty hole, Then murders, treasons and detested sins, The cloak of night being pluck'd from off their backs, Stand bare and naked, trembling at themselves? So when this thief, this traitor, Bolingbroke, Who all this while hath revell'd in the night Whilst we were wandering with the antipodes, Shall see us rising in our throne, the east, His treasons will sit blushing in his face, Not able to endure the sight of day, But self-affrighted tremble at his sin. Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm off from an anointed king; The breath of worldly men cannot depose The deputy elected by the Lord: For every man that Bolingbroke hath press'd To lift shrewd steel against our golden crown, God for his Richard hath in heavenly pay A glorious angel: then, if angels fight, Weak men must fall, for heaven still guards the right.
My heart is ten times lighter than my appearance.
My Lord of Norfolk
Well, I'd like to get a chance to see you later, because I really would like to speak with you.
Prithee come, will you?
I am crippled forever. Help, hey! Murder! Murder!
The voice of Cassio. Iago keeps his word.
Yes, he's good enough when he feels like it, and I am too. He has more experience, but it comes to me naturally.
(sings) O' the twelfth day of December
He was Aumerle; but his earldom is lost for being Richards friend, and madam, you must call him Rutland now. I will vouch for his loyalty in Parliament.
Welcome, my son: who are the violets nowThat strew the green lap of the new come spring?
My leg has been cut in half.
Marry, heaven forbid! Light, gentlemen, Ill bind it with my shirt.
Why should this catastrophe be accompanied by so many words?
Windy attorneys to their clients' woes, Airy succeeders of intestate joys, Poor breathing orators of miseries, Let them have scope, though what they will impart Help nothing else, yet do they ease the heart.
I'll listen. You have no idea how much you've startled me by calling yourself "Marina."
The nameWas given me by one that had some power,My father, and a king.
If that's true, then I think the same thing of you.
Then think you right: I am not what I am.
That's good. And I have met a gentleman who has promised to help find a fine musician to teach our lady. So I won't fall even a step behind in my duty to fair Bianca, my beloved.
Beloved of me, and that my deeds shall prove.
It's really true, if we can believe the circumstances. You might have to see the evidence to believe it: Hermione's scarf, her necklace, letters in Antigonus's handwriting, the girl's resemblance to her mother, her obvious nobility which proves she's not a shepherdess . . . all this and more proves that she's the king's daughter. Did you see the meeting of the two kings?
Sir, you can thank yourself for this great loss, because rather than give your daughter to a husband in Europe you instead threw her to some African. It's a good thing you'll never see her again, since then she won't be around to remind you of this awful thing you've done to her.
Prithee, peace.
He was a good man until the disaster that destroyed him in a single night.
Sir king, all hail! the gods preserve you!Hail, royal sir!
Go, fellow, take them to the pantry and make them all welcome. See that they have whatever they need.
Sirrah, go you to Bartholmew, my page, And see him dressed in all suits like a lady. That done, conduct him to the drunkards chamber And call him madam, do him obeisance. Tell him from me, as he will win my love, He bear himself with honorable action, Such as he hath observed in noble ladies Unto their lords, by them accomplishèd. Such duty to the drunkard let him do With soft low tongue and lowly courtesy, And say, What is t your Honor will command, Wherein your lady and your humble wife May show her duty and make known her love? And then with kind embracements, tempting kisses, And with declining head into his bosom, Bid him shed tears, as being overjoyed To see her noble lord restored to health, Who for this seven years hath esteemed him No better than a poor and loathsome beggar. And if the boy have not a womans gift To rain a shower of commanded tears, An onion will do well for such a shift, Which in a napkin being close conveyed Shall in despite enforce a watery eye. See this dispatched with all the haste thou canst:Anon Ill give thee more instructions.
[Whispering] Such a clever girl, I say.
M.O.A.I. doth sway my life. Nay, but first, let me see, let me see, let me see.
I don't know.
Is t possible?
Yes, it is still perfect now. But Im afraid it will never be perfect again.
Nay, gentlemen, prepare not to be gone. We have a trifling foolish banquet towards. Is it een so? Why, then, I thank you all. I thank you, honest gentlemen. Good night. More torches here!Come on then, lets to bed. Ah, sirrah, by my fay, it waxes late. Ill to my rest.
Then who took my letter to Romeo?
I could not send ithere it is again [Gives FRIAR LAWRENCE a letter] Nor get a messenger to bring it thee,So fearful were they of infection.
Ask Desdemona to help you, and you'll surely get it back. [To CASSIO so only he can hear] Now, if it were Bianca who had the power to help you, I imagine you'd be running off to her as fast as you could!
Alas, poor caitiff!
[To RICHMOND] Wake up, and believe that Richard's guilty conscience will be his downfall! Wake up, and win the day!
[to RICHARD] Dream on thy cousins smothered in the Tower. Let us be lead within thy bosom, Richard, And weigh thee down to ruin, shame, and death. Thy nephews' souls bid thee despair and die. [to RICHMOND] Sleep, Richmond, sleep in peace and wake in joy. Good angels guard thee from the boars annoy. Live, and beget a happy race of kings. Edwards unhappy sons do bid thee flourish.
Fifteen years! By God, that's quite a nap. But did I not speak that entire time?
O, yes, my lord, but very idle words. For though you lay here in this goodly chamber, Yet would you say ye were beaten out of door; And rail upon the hostess of the house, And say you would present her at the leet, Because she brought stone jugs and no sealed quarts. Sometimes you would call out for Cicely Hacket.
Please, explain them.
Then thus: Baptista is safe, talking with the deceivingfather of a deceitful son.
Who's there? Whose voice is it that keeps saying murder?
We do not know.
May they live on forever.
Ah, Buckingham, now do I play the touch, To try if thou be current gold indeed.Young Edward lives; think now what I would speak.
If you're just going to make fun of me, I want nothing to do with it. But wait, here's a coin for you.
Now Jove, in his next commodity of hair, send thee a beard!
But you give me part of your cares with your crown.
Your cares set up do not pluck my cares down. My care is loss of care, by old care done; Your care is gain of care, by new care won: The cares I give I have, though given away; They tend the crown, yet still with me they stay.
What's going on? What's wrong with you, that you didn't help me? By God, the duke will hear about how you've neglected your duty.
I would he knew that I had saved his brother. Take thou the fee, and tell him what I say,For I repent me that the duke is slain.
[Calling offstage] Hey, do you hear that? You must come greet the master and countenance the mistress.
Why, she hath a face of her own.
Twenty crowns.
Twenty crowns?Ill venture so much of my hawk or hound, But twenty times so much upon my wife.
But if she cannot love you, sir?
I cannot be so answerd.
Yes, she saw me as plainly as I see you now.
This was a great argument of love in her toward you.
What's going on here?
O sir, I shall be hated to report it!The prince your son, with mere conceit and fearOf the queen's speed, is gone.