how to implement a news ticker with jquery and ten lines of code
what 's buffet doing
warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted byalex crippe
super investors a great weekend read here from warren buffet
oldie but a goodie
i'm truly braindead
i could n't come up with warren buffet 's name to save my soul
reading michael palin book the python years great book
i also recommend warren buffet amp nelson mandela 's bio
i mean i'm down with notre dame if i have to
it 's a good school i 'd be closer to dan i 'd enjoy it
i ca n't watch tv without a tivo
and after all these years the timewarner dvr still sucks
i 'd say some sports writers are idiots for saying roger federer is one of the best ever in tennis
roger federer is the best ever in tennis
i still love my kindle2 but reading the new york times on it does not feel natural
i miss the bloomingdale ads
i love my kindle2
no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the loo
although today 's keynote rocked for every great announcement atampt shit on us just a little bit more
its not so much my obsession with cell phones but the iphone
i'm a slave to atampt forever because of it
oh i see
i thought atampt were 900mhz wcdma
where did you read about tethering support phil
just atampt or will o2 be joining in
fuzzball is more fun than atampt p
today is a good day to dislike atampt vote out of office indeed
got my wave sandbox invite
extra excited
too bad i have class now but i 'll play with it soon enough
looks like summize has gone down
too many tweets from wwdc perhaps
i hope the girl at work buys my kindle2
missed this insightfilled may column one smart guy looking closely at why he 's impressed with kindle2
thanks so much
from one of your very happy kindle2 winners i was so surprised fabulous
thank you
best kathleen
man i kinda dislike apple right now
case in point the iphone 3gs
wish there was a video recorder app
i have a kindle2
like it
physical device feels good
font is nice
pg turns are snappy enuf
ui a little klunky
the seems the best ereader but will it work in the uk and where can i get one
i have a google addiction
thank you for pointing that out
my primary debit card is visa electron
off to the bank to get my new visa platinum card
dearest you rich bastards
the visa card you sent me does n't work
why screw a little guy like me
has a date with bobby flay and gut fieri from food network
excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri tomorrow at the great american food amp music fest
gonna go see bobby flay 2moro at shoreline
eat and drink
gonna be good
ca n't wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow
mmm katz pastrami and bobby flay
yes please
my dad was in ny for a day we ate at mesa grill last night and met bobby flay
so much fun except i completely lost my voice today
fighting with latex
we love you too and do n't want you to die
latex the devil
7 hours
7 hours of inkscape crashing normally solid as a rock
7 hours of latex complaining at the slightest thing
i ca n't take any more
how to track iran with social media
shit 's hitting the fan in iran craziness indeed
monday already
iran may implode
kitchen is a disaster
seems happy
had a nice weekend and is great
twitter stock buzz aapl es_f spy spx palm
getting ready to test out some burger receipes this weekend
bobby flay has some great receipes to try
thanks bobby
is bobby flay joining you
i lam so in love with bobby flay he is my favorite
rt you need a place in phoenix
we have great peppers here
i just created my first latex file from scratch
that did n't work out very well
using linux and loving it so much nicer than windows looking forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor
after using latex a lot any other typeset mathematics just looks hideous
ask programming latex or indesign
submitted by calcio1
on that note i hate word
i hate pages