Issue with cnnovel125k-48.jsonl
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There seems to be something wrong with cnnovel125k-48.jsonl line 781. This file causes my preprocess to hang, and during debugging, it even causes the following simplest script to hang for 781 but not for 780:
head -n 781 cnnovel125k-48.jsonl|awk -F'"title"' '{print NR, $2}' > titles-48.txt
By hang I mean 100% CPU and nothing is output.
Some simple investigation will find out that this line is extremely long (>500M), which isn't normal for a 3G file with ~1k entries :
# wc -l cnnovel125k-48.jsonl
1060 cnnovel125k-48.jsonl
# tail -n 280 cnnovel125k-48.jsonl|head -n 1 > line.txt
# wc -c line.txt
515033010 line.txt
# wc -l line.txt
1 line.txt
After further inspection, this line contains one novel, but instead of converted to txt, it's raw html which contains a large amount of undesired characters .
I've tried to redownload this file a few times, but this issue is still there. Is it possible to fix this somehow?