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Where was Tito admitted on 7 January and again on 11 January 1980 with circulatory problems? | His left leg was amputated soon afterward due to arterial blockages and he died of gangrene at the Medical Centre Ljubljana on 4 May 1980 at 15:05, three days short of his 88th birthday. | 1not_entailment
| sv | ko | Var antogs Tito den 7 januari och igen den 11 januari 1980 med cirkulationsproblem? | 그의 왼쪽 다리는 동맥 막힘으로 인해 곧 절단되었고 1980 년 5 월 4 일 15:05에 88 세 생일 3 일이 짧은 의료 센터 Ljubljana에서 Gangrene으로 사망했습니다. |
What series replaced Funday Night at the Movies? | Funday Night at the Movies was replaced in 2008 by "Essentials Jr.", a youth-oriented version of its weekly series The Essentials (originally hosted by actors Abigail Breslin and Chris O'Donnell, then by John Lithgow from 2009 to 2011, and then by Bill Hader starting with the 2011 season), which included such family-themed films as National Velvet, Captains Courageous and Yours, Mine and Ours, as well as more eclectic selections as Sherlock, Jr., The Music Box, Harvey, Mutiny on the Bounty and The Man | 0entailment
| en | en | What series replaced Funday Night at the Movies? | Funday Night at the Movies was replaced in 2008 by "Essentials Jr.", a youth-oriented version of its weekly series The Essentials (originally hosted by actors Abigail Breslin and Chris O'Donnell, then by John Lithgow from 2009 to 2011, and then by Bill Hader starting with the 2011 season), which included such family-themed films as National Velvet, Captains Courageous and Yours, Mine and Ours, as well as more eclectic selections as Sherlock, Jr., The Music Box, Harvey, Mutiny on the Bounty and The Man |
Which borough can Fort Hamilton be found? | Established in 1825 in Brooklyn on the site of a small battery utilized during the American Revolution, it is one of America's longest serving military forts. | 0entailment
| de | de | Welcher Bezirk kann Fort Hamilton finden? | Es wurde 1825 in Brooklyn auf dem Gelände einer kleinen Batterie gegründet, die während der amerikanischen Revolution eingesetzt wurde, und ist eines der am längsten dienenden militärischen Festungen Amerikas. |
What titles did Barcelona win in 1948 and 1949? | Back-to-back La Liga titles in 1948 and 1949 and the signing of László Kubala in June 1950, who would later go on to score 196 goals in 256 matches, drew larger crowds to the games. | 0entailment
| de | de | Welche Titel gewann Barcelona 1948 und 1949? | Back-to-Back La Liga-Titel in den Jahren 1948 und 1949 und die Unterzeichnung von László Kubala im Juni 1950, der später in 256 Spielen 196 Tore erzielte, zogen die Spiele größere Menschenmengen auf. |
What country did this visiting king come from? | The Tomb of the King of Boni, with a spirit way and a tortoise stele, was discovered in Yuhuatai District (south of the walled city) in 1958, and has been restored. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What country did this visiting king come from? | The Tomb of the King of Boni, with a spirit way and a tortoise stele, was discovered in Yuhuatai District (south of the walled city) in 1958, and has been restored. |
When did these communities begin? | Numerous communities of dark-skinned peoples are present in North Africa, some dating from prehistoric communities. | 0entailment
| de | de | Wann haben diese Gemeinden begonnen? | In Nordafrika sind zahlreiche Gemeinschaften von dunkelhäutigen Völkern anwesend, einige stammen aus prähistorischen Gemeinschaften. |
Who was Montini's alleged lover? | According to rumors prevalent both inside the Curia and in Italian society, this was Paolo Carlini, who had a bit part as a hairdresser in the Audrey Hepburn film Roman Holiday. | 0entailment
| de | pl | Wer war Montinis mutmaßlicher Liebhaber? | Według plotek powszechnych zarówno w Curii, jak i we włoskim społeczeństwie, to Paolo Carlini, który miał trochę jako fryzjer w filmie Audrey Hepburn Roman Holiday. |
What nearly was known as the original 'Christian faith'? | It is also interesting that in time the term "крестьяне" acquired the meaning "peasants of Christian faith" and later "peasants" (the main part of the population of the region), while the term "христиане" retained its religious meaning and the term "русские" began to mean representatives of the heterogeneous Russian nation formed on the basis of common Christian faith and language,[citation needed] which strongly influenced the history and development of the region. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What nearly was known as the original 'Christian faith'? | It is also interesting that in time the term "крестьяне" acquired the meaning "peasants of Christian faith" and later "peasants" (the main part of the population of the region), while the term "христиане" retained its religious meaning and the term "русские" began to mean representatives of the heterogeneous Russian nation formed on the basis of common Christian faith and language,[citation needed] which strongly influenced the history and development of the region. |
What did Parliament vote to shut down in August? | On August 1, Parliament voted overwhelmingly to shut down the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. | 0entailment
| ar | tr | ماذا صوت البرلمان لإغلاقه في أغسطس؟ | 1 Ağustos'ta Parlamento, Çernobil nükleer santralini kapatmak için ezici bir şekilde oy kullandı. |
What type of channel is WCVW 57? | There are also a wide variety of radio stations in the Richmond area, catering to many different interests, including news, talk radio, and sports, as well as an eclectic mix of musical interests. | 1not_entailment
| es | sv | ¿Qué tipo de canal es WCVW 57? | Det finns också ett brett utbud av radiostationer i Richmond -området, som serverar många olika intressen, inklusive nyheter, samtalsradio och sport, samt en eklektisk blandning av musikaliska intressen. |
Which European cities likely had populations greater than 100,000 in 1500? | By 1500, Venice, Milan, Naples, Paris and Constantinople each probably had more than 100,000 inhabitants. | 0entailment
| en | en | Which European cities likely had populations greater than 100,000 in 1500? | By 1500, Venice, Milan, Naples, Paris and Constantinople each probably had more than 100,000 inhabitants. |
The Slavs make their first appearance in Byzantine records when? | Byzantine historiographers under Justinian I (527–565), such as Procopius of Caesarea, Jordanes and Theophylact Simocatta describe tribes of these names emerging from the area of the Carpathian Mountains, the lower Danube and the Black Sea, invading the Danubian provinces of the Eastern Empire. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | The Slavs make their first appearance in Byzantine records when? | Byzantine historiographers under Justinian I (527–565), such as Procopius of Caesarea, Jordanes and Theophylact Simocatta describe tribes of these names emerging from the area of the Carpathian Mountains, the lower Danube and the Black Sea, invading the Danubian provinces of the Eastern Empire. |
What did the Xinhua news agency set up? | After knowing that rescue helicopters had trouble landing into the epicenter area in Wenchuan, a student proposed a landing spot online and it was chosen as the first touchdown place for the helicopters[not in citation given]. | 1not_entailment
| zh | fr | 新华社建立了什么? | Après avoir su que les hélicoptères de sauvetage ont eu du mal à atterrir dans la zone de l'épicentre de Wenchuan, un étudiant a proposé un point d'atterrissage en ligne et il a été choisi comme premier lieu de touché pour les hélicoptères [pas dans la citation donnée]. |
what is the name of the movement of liberalism? | However, the Orthodox claim to absolute fidelity to past tradition has been challenged by scholars who contend that the Judaism of the Middle Ages bore little resemblance to that practiced by today's Orthodox. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | what is the name of the movement of liberalism? | However, the Orthodox claim to absolute fidelity to past tradition has been challenged by scholars who contend that the Judaism of the Middle Ages bore little resemblance to that practiced by today's Orthodox. |
Who was the architect who built a number of theaters in the Seattle area? | Seattle was also the home base of impresario Alexander Pantages who, starting in 1902, opened a number of theaters in the city exhibiting vaudeville acts and silent movies. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Who was the architect who built a number of theaters in the Seattle area? | Seattle was also the home base of impresario Alexander Pantages who, starting in 1902, opened a number of theaters in the city exhibiting vaudeville acts and silent movies. |
Montevideo is the chief port of what area? | It is the hub of commerce and higher education in Uruguay as well as its chief port. | 0entailment
| es | es | Montevideo es el puerto principal de qué área? | Es el centro de comercio y educación superior en Uruguay, así como en su puerto principal. |
What is one of the education sectors according to the Framework Law? | According to the Framework Law (3549/2007), Public higher education "Highest Educational Institutions" (Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, Anótata Ekpaideytiká Idrýmata, "ΑΕΙ") consists of two parallel sectors:the University sector (Universities, Polytechnics, Fine Arts Schools, the Open University) and the Technological sector (Technological Education Institutions (TEI) and the School of Pedagogic and Technological Education). | 0entailment
| en | en | What is one of the education sectors according to the Framework Law? | According to the Framework Law (3549/2007), Public higher education "Highest Educational Institutions" (Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, Anótata Ekpaideytiká Idrýmata, "ΑΕΙ") consists of two parallel sectors:the University sector (Universities, Polytechnics, Fine Arts Schools, the Open University) and the Technological sector (Technological Education Institutions (TEI) and the School of Pedagogic and Technological Education). |
Above what temperature is the β form of uranium hydride created? | This property makes uranium hydrides convenient starting materials to create reactive uranium powder along with various uranium carbide, nitride, and halide compounds. | 1not_entailment
| de | de | Oben welche Temperatur ist die β -Form des Uranhydrids erzeugt? | Diese Eigenschaft macht Uranhydride bequeme Ausgangsmaterialien, um reaktives Uranpulver zusammen mit verschiedenen Urancarbid-, Nitrid- und Halogenidverbindungen zu erzeugen. |
Where did early anthropology originate? | Early anthropology originated in Classical Greece and Persia and studied and tried to understand observable cultural diversity. | 0entailment
| de | sv | Wohin stammt die frühe Anthropologie? | Tidig antropologi har sitt ursprung i klassiska Grekland och Persien och studerade och försökte förstå observerbar kulturell mångfald. |
What dielectric is matte glass and polyester? | woven glass and polyester). | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What dielectric is matte glass and polyester? | woven glass and polyester). |
During what period did Gondwana begin to break apart? | It was during this era that Gondwana began to break up. | 1not_entailment
| zh | fr | 冈瓦纳在哪个时期开始分解? | C'est à cette époque que le Gondwana a commencé à rompre. |
Who starred in Spielberg's TV debut? | The segment, "Eyes," starred Joan Crawford; she and Spielberg were reportedly close friends until her death. | 0entailment
| ar | en | من الذي لعب دور البطولة في تلفزيون سبيلبرغ لاول مرة؟ | The segment, "Eyes," starred Joan Crawford; she and Spielberg were reportedly close friends until her death. |
What did Popper say must be the beginning phase of science? | Popper claimed to have recognised already in the 1934 version of his Logic of Discovery a fact later stressed by Kuhn, "that scientists necessarily develop their ideas within a definite theoretical framework", and to that extent to have anticipated Kuhn's central point about "normal science". | 1not_entailment
| en | de | What did Popper say must be the beginning phase of science? | Popper behauptete, bereits in der Version seiner Entdeckungslogik von 1934 anerkannt zu haben. Eine Tatsache, die später von Kuhn betonte, "dass Wissenschaftler ihre Ideen in einem bestimmten theoretischen Rahmen entwickeln" und in diesem Ausmaß, um Kuhns zentralen Punkt über "normale Wissenschaft" erwartet zu haben, "normale Wissenschaft ". |
When was the AEA founded? | Bell was a supporter of aerospace engineering research through the Aerial Experiment Association (AEA), officially formed at Baddeck, Nova Scotia, in October 1907 at the suggestion of his wife Mabel and with her financial support after the sale of some of her real estate. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Cuándo se fundó el AEA? | Bell fue partidario de la investigación de ingeniería aeroespacial a través de la Asociación de Experimentos Aéreos (AEA), formado oficialmente en Baddeck, Nueva Escocia, en octubre de 1907 por sugerencia de su esposa Mabel y con su apoyo financiero después de la venta de algunos de sus bienes inmuebles. |
Are Arizona and New Mexico residents speaking Spanish or English? | The area of the former Gadsden Purchase contained a majority of Spanish-speakers until the 1940s, although the Tucson area had a higher ratio of anglophones (including Mexican Americans who were fluent in English); the continuous arrival of Mexican settlers increases the number of Spanish-speakers. | 0entailment
| ko | it | 애리조나와 뉴 멕시코 주민들은 스페인어 나 영어를 말하고 있습니까? | L'area dell'ex acquisto di Gadsden conteneva la maggioranza dei parlanti spagnoli fino agli anni '40, sebbene l'area di Tucson avesse un rapporto più elevato di anglofoni (compresi gli americani messicani che erano fluenti in inglese); L'arrivo continuo dei coloni messicani aumenta il numero di parlanti spagnoli. |
What are positions that employees really want, but there are never enough of? | There are reports of major talent shortages in the nonprofit sector today regarding newly graduated workers, and NPOs have for too long relegated hiring to a secondary priority, which could be why they find themselves in the position many do. | 1not_entailment
| it | it | Quali sono le posizioni che i dipendenti vogliono veramente, ma non ce ne sono mai abbastanza? | Ci sono segnalazioni di importanti carenze di talenti nel settore non profit oggi per quanto riguarda i lavoratori neolaureati e le NPO hanno perflicato troppo a lungo le assunzioni a una priorità secondaria, il che potrebbe essere il motivo per cui si trovano nella posizione che molti fanno. |
Which arm of NARA handles grants? | The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)—the agency's grant-making arm—awards funds to state and local governments, public and private archives, colleges and universities, and other nonprofit organizations to preserve and publish historical records. | 0entailment
| en | en | Which arm of NARA handles grants? | The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)—the agency's grant-making arm—awards funds to state and local governments, public and private archives, colleges and universities, and other nonprofit organizations to preserve and publish historical records. |
In what year was Kitab al-Miraj likely translated into Latin? | Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, derived features of and episodes about Bolgia from Arabic works on Islamic eschatology: the Hadith and the Kitab al-Miraj (translated into Latin in 1264 or shortly before as Liber Scale Machometi) concerning the ascension to Heaven of Muhammad, and the spiritual writings of Ibn Arabi. | 0entailment
| ar | ar | في أي عام ، من المحتمل أن تُرجم Kitab al-miraj إلى اللاتينية؟ | الكوميديا الإلهية في دانتي أليغيري ، والميزات المستمدة من وحلقات بولجيا من الأعمال العربية من الأعمال العربية في علم الإسلامي: الحديث و Kitab al-miraj (ترجم إلى اللاتينية في عام 1264 أو قبل فترة قصيرة من المقياس المحلي machometi) فيما يتعلق بالتصعيد إلى السماء من Muhammad ، و الكتابات الروحية لابن أربي. |
What stadium did protesters try to burn the U.S. flag? | On April 25, 1976, at Dodger Stadium, father-and-son protestors ran into the outfield and tried to set fire to a U.S. flag. | 0entailment
| ko | pt | 시위대는 어떤 경기장에서 미국 국기를 태우려고 했습니까? | Em 25 de abril de 1976, no Dodger Stadium, os manifestantes de pai e filho correram para o campo externo e tentaram incendiar uma bandeira dos EUA. |
Which element has a enthalpy of combustion at −286 kJ/mol? | Hydrogen gas (dihydrogen or molecular hydrogen) is highly flammable and will burn in air at a very wide range of concentrations between 4% and 75% by volume. | 0entailment
| ar | ar | أي عنصر لديه محتوى حراري من الاحتراق في 286 كيلو جول/مول؟ | غاز الهيدروجين (ثنائي هيدروجين أو الهيدروجين الجزيئي) قابل للاشتعال للغاية وسيحرق في الهواء في نطاق واسع جدًا من التركيزات بين 4 ٪ و 75 ٪ من حيث الحجم. |
What is the name of the prime ministerial position in Ireland? | The position of prime minister is normally chosen from the political party that commands majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. | 1not_entailment
| de | de | Wie heißt die Position der Premierminister in Irland? | Die Position des Premierministers wird normalerweise aus der politischen Partei ausgewählt, die die Mehrheit der Sitze im Unterhaus des Parlaments befindet. |
When did the residents of St. Barts file for separation from Guadeloupe? | Saint Barthélemy was for many years a French commune forming part of Guadeloupe, which is an overseas region and department of France. | 1not_entailment
| ar | ar | متى قام سكان St. Barts بالانفصال عن Guadeloupe؟ | كان القديس بارتيليموس لسنوات عديدة ، وهي بلدية فرنسية تشكل جزءًا من غوادلوب ، وهي منطقة في الخارج وقسم فرنسا. |
What is done to unstressed vowels? | Stressed vowels are somewhat lengthened, while unstressed vowels tend to be reduced to near-close vowels or an unclear schwa. | 0entailment
| ur | hi | بغیر دباؤ والے سروں کا کیا کیا جاتا ہے؟ | तनावग्रस्त स्वर कुछ हद तक लंबा हो जाते हैं, जबकि अस्थिर स्वर निकट-बंद स्वरों या एक अस्पष्ट श्वे में कम हो जाते हैं। |
What was also pushed for by result of sarmatism? | This belief system became an important part of szlachta culture and affected all aspects of their lives. | 1not_entailment
| de | de | Was wurde auch durch das Ergebnis des Sarmatismus gedrängt? | Dieses Glaubenssystem wurde zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der Szlachta -Kultur und beeinflusste alle Aspekte ihres Lebens. |
What was Prince Albert's nickname? | As a great-grandson of Queen Victoria, he was known formally as His Highness Prince Albert of York from birth. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What was Prince Albert's nickname? | As a great-grandson of Queen Victoria, he was known formally as His Highness Prince Albert of York from birth. |
DNA from Alexandre Colonna-Walewski's descendants has been used to confirm what attribute of Napoleon's? | Alexandre Colonna-Walewski (1810–1868), the son of his mistress Maria Walewska, although acknowledged by Walewska's husband, was also widely known to be his child, and the DNA of his direct male descendant has been used to help confirm Napoleon's Y-chromosome haplotype. | 0entailment
| en | en | DNA from Alexandre Colonna-Walewski's descendants has been used to confirm what attribute of Napoleon's? | Alexandre Colonna-Walewski (1810–1868), the son of his mistress Maria Walewska, although acknowledged by Walewska's husband, was also widely known to be his child, and the DNA of his direct male descendant has been used to help confirm Napoleon's Y-chromosome haplotype. |
Who was the winner of the 2014 Nobel prize in literature? | In the 20th century, the Paris literary community was dominated by Colette, André Gide, François Mauriac, André Malraux, Albert Camus, and, after World War II, by Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre; Between the wars it was the home of many important expatriate writers, including Ernest Hemingway, Samuel Beckett, and, in the 1970s, Milan Kundera. | 1not_entailment
| it | pl | Chi è stato il vincitore del premio Nobel 2014 in letteratura? | W XX wieku społeczność literacka w Paryżu była zdominowana przez Colette, André Gide, François Mauriac, André Malraux, Albert Camus, a po II wojnie światowej Simone de Beauvoir i Jean-Paul Sartre; Pomiędzy wojnami był dom wielu ważnych pisarzy emigrantów, w tym Ernesta Hemingwaya, Samuela Becketta i, w latach 70. Milan Kundera. |
What instrument did he mostly compose for? | He gained and has maintained renown worldwide as one of the leading musicians of his era, whose "poetic genius was based on a professional technique that was without equal in his generation. | 1not_entailment
| es | es | ¿Para qué instrumento componió principalmente? | Obtuvo y ha mantenido el renombre en todo el mundo como uno de los principales músicos de su época, cuyo "genio poético se basó en una técnica profesional que no era igual en su generación. |
What percentage of the street vendors in Hyderabad were male in 2007? | According to a survey published in 2007, it had 40–50,000 street vendors, and their numbers were increasing.:9 | 1not_entailment
| de | de | Wie viel Prozent der Straßenverkäufer in Hyderabad waren 2007 männlich? | Laut einer im Jahr 2007 veröffentlichten Umfrage hatte sie 40 bis 50.000 Straßenverkäufer, und ihre Anzahl stieg .:9 |
Whose speech did Kanye West ruin at the 2009 MTV Awards? | His more publicized comments include his declaration that President George W. Bush "doesn't care about black people" during a live 2005 television broadcast for Hurricane Katrina relief, and his interruption of singer Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. | 0entailment
| de | de | Wessen Rede hat Kanye West bei den MTV Awards 2009 ruiniert? | Zu seinen bekanntesten Kommentaren gehört seine Erklärung, dass Präsident George W. Bush "sich egal für Schwarze" während einer Live -Fernsehsendung 2005 für den Hurrikan Katrina Relief und seine Unterbrechung von Sänger Taylor Swift bei den MTV Video Music Awards 2009. |
Name two districts with good night life? | Areas such as South Street and Old City have a vibrant night life. | 0entailment
| en | tr | Name two districts with good night life? | South Street ve Old City gibi alanlarda canlı bir gece hayatı vardır. |
How much of Greece's energy is targeted to be from renewable sources by 2020? | In 2013 and for several months, Greece produced more than 20% of its electricity from renewable energy sources and hydroelectric power plants. | 1not_entailment
| tr | es | Yunanistan'ın enerjisinin ne kadarı 2020 yılına kadar yenilenebilir kaynaklardan olmayı hedefliyor? | En 2013 y durante varios meses, Grecia produjo más del 20% de su electricidad de fuentes de energía renovable y plantas de energía hidroeléctrica. |
Why did Chopin want his body opened when he died? | Later that morning, Solange's husband Clésinger made Chopin's death mask and a cast of his left hand. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Why did Chopin want his body opened when he died? | Later that morning, Solange's husband Clésinger made Chopin's death mask and a cast of his left hand. |
What the low estimate for the number of people who speak Afrikaans? | Historical minorities on the verge of extinction remain in parts of France and Germany, and in Indonesia,[n 1] while up to half a million native speakers may reside in the United States, Canada and Australia combined.[n 2] | 1not_entailment
| ru | pt | Какова низкая оценка для количества людей, которые говорят африкаанс? | As minorias históricas à beira da extinção permanecem em partes da França e da Alemanha e na Indonésia, [n 1] enquanto até meio milhão de falantes nativos podem residir nos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Austrália combinados. [N 2] |
How could Japanese products only enter South Korea? | This deal with Hyundai was made necessary because of the South Korean government's wide ban on all Japanese "cultural products", which remained in effect until 1998 and ensured that the only way Japanese products could legally enter the South Korean market was through licensing to a third-party (non-Japanese) distributor (see also Japan–Korea disputes). | 0entailment
| it | ru | In che modo i prodotti giapponesi possono entrare solo in Corea del Sud? | Эта сделка с Hyundai была сделана необходимой из -за широкого запрета правительства Южной Кореи на всех японских «культурных продуктах», которые оставались в силе до 1998 года, и гарантировало, что единственный способ, которым японские продукты могут законно выходить на южнокорейский рынок, - это лицензирование на третье место -Парти (не японский) дистрибьютор (см. Также споры Японии-Корея). |
What type of facility did Popper plan to open that would benefit from his furniture-making skills? | He was dreaming at that time of starting a daycare facility for children, for which he assumed the ability to make furniture might be useful. | 0entailment
| en | en | What type of facility did Popper plan to open that would benefit from his furniture-making skills? | He was dreaming at that time of starting a daycare facility for children, for which he assumed the ability to make furniture might be useful. |
Who operate league systems? | The top few teams may be promoted to a higher division, and one or more of the teams finishing at the bottom are relegated to a lower division. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Who operate league systems? | The top few teams may be promoted to a higher division, and one or more of the teams finishing at the bottom are relegated to a lower division. |
Which government awards the Order of the Bath? | The most notable awards included the French Legion of Honour and National Order of Merit, the British Order of the Bath, the Soviet Order of Lenin, the Japanese Order of the Chrysanthemum, the German Federal Cross of Merit, and the Order of Merit of Italy. | 0entailment
| it | sv | Quale governo assegna l'ordine del bagno? | De mest anmärkningsvärda utmärkelserna inkluderade den franska legionen av ära och nationell ordning, den brittiska ordningen av badet, den sovjetiska ordningen av Lenin, den japanska ordningen i Chrysanthemum, det tyska federala korset och beställningen av meriter av Italien . |
Which two countries was Victoria trying to improve relations between? | Internationally, Victoria took a keen interest in the improvement of relations between France and Britain. | 0entailment
| en | en | Which two countries was Victoria trying to improve relations between? | Internationally, Victoria took a keen interest in the improvement of relations between France and Britain. |
Who resisted the uniting of people under Hitler? | The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, attempted to unite all the people they claimed were "Germans" (Volksdeutsche) into one realm, including ethnic Germans in eastern Europe, many of whom had emigrated more than one hundred fifty years before and developed separate cultures in their new lands. | 1not_entailment
| es | tr | ¿Quién resistió la unión de personas bajo Hitler? | Adolf Hitler liderliğindeki Naziler, "Almanlar" (Volksdeutsche) olduğunu iddia ettikleri tüm insanları, birçoğu yüz elli yıldan fazla bir süre önce göç eden ve ayrı kültürler geliştiren bir alana bir alem haline getirmeye çalıştılar. yeni topraklarında. |
Who specifically leveled the allegations against The Sun? | In 2003 the paper was accused of racism by the Government over its criticisms of what it perceived as the "open door" policy on immigration. | 1not_entailment
| ja | zh | 誰が具体的に太陽に対する申し立てを平準化したのですか? | 2003年,该文件被政府指控种族主义,因为它对其认为是移民的“敞开大门”政策的批评。 |
Lack of school and this are the primary causes of child labour | Vast majority of child labour is found in rural settings and informal urban economy; children are predominantly employed by their parents, rather than factories. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Lack of school and this are the primary causes of child labour | Vast majority of child labour is found in rural settings and informal urban economy; children are predominantly employed by their parents, rather than factories. |
what was the name of the Rabbi of Altona? | In reaction to the emergence of Reform Judaism, a group of traditionalist German Jews emerged in support of some of the values of the Haskalah, but also wanted to defend the classic, traditional interpretation of Jewish law and tradition. | 1not_entailment
| tr | de | Altona Hahamının adı neydi? | Als Reaktion auf die Entstehung des Reformjudentums tauchte eine Gruppe traditionalistischer deutscher Juden auf, um einige der Werte der Haskalah zu unterstützen, wollte aber auch die klassische, traditionelle Interpretation des jüdischen Rechts und der traditionellen Tradition verteidigen. |
What institution helped cultivate Nasser's positive public image? | The national press also helped to foster his popularity and profile | 0entailment
| ko | ur | Nasser의 긍정적 인 공개 이미지를 배양하는 데 어떤 기관이 도움이 되었습니까? | نیشنل پریس نے اپنی مقبولیت اور پروفائل کو فروغ دینے میں بھی مدد کی |
What was the largest demographic for readers of The Sun? | Between July and December 2013 the paper had an average daily readership of approximately 5.5 million, with approximately 31% of those falling into the ABC1 demographic and 68% in the C2DE demographic. | 0entailment
| pl | ko | Jaka była największa grupa demograficzna dla czytelników Słońca? | 2013 년 7 월과 12 월 사이 에이 논문의 평균 일일 독자층은 약 550 만 명으로 ABC1 인구 통계에 대한 약 31%, C2DE 인구 통계에서는 68%를 차지했습니다. |
For weather updates from The Weather Channel, which of Life's channels would you have visited? | Along with Folding@home functionality, the application provided access to three other information "channels", the first being the Live Channel offering news headlines and weather which were provided by Google News, The Weather Channel, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, among other sources. | 0entailment
| en | en | For weather updates from The Weather Channel, which of Life's channels would you have visited? | Along with Folding@home functionality, the application provided access to three other information "channels", the first being the Live Channel offering news headlines and weather which were provided by Google News, The Weather Channel, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, among other sources. |
What can the Western Han dynasty also be called? | The period between the foundation of the Han dynasty and Wang Mang's reign is known as the Western Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 西汉; traditional Chinese: 西漢; pinyin: Xī Hàn) or Former Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 前汉; traditional Chinese: 前漢; pinyin: Qiánhàn) (206 BC – 9 AD). | 0entailment
| en | en | What can the Western Han dynasty also be called? | The period between the foundation of the Han dynasty and Wang Mang's reign is known as the Western Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 西汉; traditional Chinese: 西漢; pinyin: Xī Hàn) or Former Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 前汉; traditional Chinese: 前漢; pinyin: Qiánhàn) (206 BC – 9 AD). |
What was the average age of American Idols viewers in its first season? | By the time of the 2010–11 television season, Fox was in its seventh consecutive season of victory overall in the 18–49 demographic ratings in the United States. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What was the average age of American Idols viewers in its first season? | By the time of the 2010–11 television season, Fox was in its seventh consecutive season of victory overall in the 18–49 demographic ratings in the United States. |
In addition to a lack of muscle tone, what is believed to be the main cause of the beer belly? | But with most overconsumption, it is more a problem of improper exercise and overconsumption of carbohydrates than the product itself. | 1not_entailment
| en | tr | In addition to a lack of muscle tone, what is believed to be the main cause of the beer belly? | Ancak çoğu aşırı tüketim ile, ürünün kendisinden daha uygunsuz egzersiz ve karbonhidratların aşırı tüketilmesi sorunudur. |
Reefs are almost always in what type of water? | The coastal areas abound with beaches and many of these have offshore reefs, some of which are part of a marine reserve. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Reefs are almost always in what type of water? | The coastal areas abound with beaches and many of these have offshore reefs, some of which are part of a marine reserve. |
What part of a tree often stays impressively sound even when hundreds or thousands of years old? | Every broken limb or root, or deep wound from fire, insects, or falling timber, may afford an entrance for decay, which, once started, may penetrate to all parts of the trunk. | 1not_entailment
| tr | sv | Bir ağacın hangi kısmı yüzlerce veya binlerce yaşında bile etkileyici bir şekilde ses çıkarır? | Varje trasig lem eller rot, eller djupt sår från eld, insekter eller fallande virke, kan ha råd med en ingång för förfall, som en gång började, kan tränga in i alla delar av stammen. |
Some people say DST can help sufferers of depression because it encourages them to do what? | DST may help in depression by causing individuals to rise earlier, but some argue the reverse. | 0entailment
| pl | es | Niektórzy mówią, że DST może pomóc cierpiącym na depresję, ponieważ zachęca ich do tego? | El DST puede ayudar en la depresión al hacer que las personas se eleven antes, pero algunos argumentan lo contrario. |
Why is the use of solar balloons typically limited to the toy market? | A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. | 1not_entailment
| ar | ar | لماذا يقتصر استخدام البالونات الشمسية عادة على سوق الألعاب؟ | البالون الشمسي هو بالون أسود مليء بالهواء العادي. |
What does this allow riders to do at the top? | The passenger cabs are mechanically separated from the lift mechanism, thus allowing the elevator shafts to be used continuously while passengers board and embark from the cabs, as well as move through show scenes on various floors. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What does this allow riders to do at the top? | The passenger cabs are mechanically separated from the lift mechanism, thus allowing the elevator shafts to be used continuously while passengers board and embark from the cabs, as well as move through show scenes on various floors. |
Why does Friedrinch Netzsche believe human rights exist? | On this view, such rights do not facilitate emancipation of life, but rather deny it. | 1not_entailment
| es | es | ¿Por qué Friedrinch Netzsche cree que existen los derechos humanos? | Desde este punto de vista, tales derechos no facilitan la emancipación de la vida, sino que la niega. |
The mosaic found in 1966 depicts who as the central figure? | In 1966 remains of a synagogue were found in the ancient harbour area. | 1not_entailment
| pt | de | O mosaico encontrado em 1966 mostra quem como a figura central? | Im Jahr 1966 wurden Überreste einer Synagoge im alten Gebiet der Hafen gefunden. |
What is the main example of a DC power source? | Found in applications as diverse as industrial fans, blowers and pumps, machine tools, household appliances, power tools, and disk drives, electric motors can be powered by direct current (DC) sources, such as from batteries, motor vehicles or rectifiers, or by alternating current (AC) sources, such as from the power grid, inverters or generators. | 0entailment
| ru | it | Что является основным примером источника питания DC? | Trovato in applicazioni diverse come ventilatori industriali, soffiatori e pompe, macchine utensili, elettrodomestici, utensili elettrici e unità disco, i motori elettrici possono essere alimentati da fonti di corrente continua (DC), come da batterie, veicoli a motore o rettificatori, o Alternando le fonti di corrente (AC), come ad esempio dalla griglia elettrica, inverter o generatori. |
Who created LD Jukeboxes in 1985? | In 1985, Jasmine Multimedia created LaserDisc Juke Boxes featuring music videos from Michael Jackson, Duran Duran, and Cyndi Lauper. | 0entailment
| ar | ar | من الذي خلق LD Jukeboxes في عام 1985؟ | في عام 1985 ، ابتكرت Jasmine Multimedia صناديق Laserdisc Juke التي تضم مقاطع فيديو موسيقية من Michael Jackson و Duran Duran و Cyndi Lauper. |
Henry Hudson worked for which company in the 1600s? | He proceeded to sail up what he named the North River, also called the Mauritis River, and now known as the Hudson River, to the site of the present-day New York State capital of Albany in the belief that it might represent an oceanic tributary. | 1not_entailment
| es | es | ¿Henry Hudson trabajó para qué compañía en el siglo XVII? | Procedió a navegar por lo que llamó el río North, también llamado el río Mauritis, y ahora conocido como el río Hudson, al sitio de la actual capital de Albany en el estado de Nueva York en la creencia de que podría representar un afluente oceánico . |
What kind of climate occurred in the Americas? | The majority of population groups at this time were still highly mobile hunter-gatherers; but now individual groups started to focus on resources available to them locally, thus with the passage of time there is a pattern of increasing regional generalization like, the Southwest, Arctic, Poverty, Dalton and Plano traditions. | 1not_entailment
| fr | sv | Quel type de climat s'est produit dans les Amériques? | Majoriteten av befolkningsgrupperna vid denna tid var fortfarande mycket mobila jägare-samlare; Men nu började enskilda grupper fokusera på resurser tillgängliga för dem lokalt, vilket med tidens gång finns det ett mönster av ökande regional generalisering som, sydväst, arktiska, fattigdom, Dalton och Plano -traditioner. |
What resort is in Western Tucson? | Moving past the Tucson Mountains, travelers find themselves in the area commonly referred to as "west of" Tucson or "Old West Tucson". | 1not_entailment
| fr | hi | Quelle station se trouve dans l'ouest de Tucson? | टक्सन पर्वत से आगे बढ़ते हुए, यात्री खुद को उस क्षेत्र में पाते हैं जिसे आमतौर पर "टक्सन या" ओल्ड वेस्ट टक्सन "के पश्चिम में संदर्भित किया जाता है। |
When did Ulrich do his sonnet on Chopin? | French writers on Chopin (apart from Sand) have included Marcel Proust and André Gide; and he has also featured in works of Gottfried Benn and Boris Pasternak. | 1not_entailment
| sv | sv | När gjorde Ulrich sin sonett på Chopin? | Franska författare på Chopin (bortsett från sand) har inkluderat Marcel Proust och André Gide; Och han har också presenterat i verk av Gottfried Benn och Boris Pasternak. |
What is another name for the double-axe? | The double-axe, labrys, was the holy symbol of the Cretan labyrinth. | 0entailment
| en | en | What is another name for the double-axe? | The double-axe, labrys, was the holy symbol of the Cretan labyrinth. |
What type of worm have there been proposals to farm? | Ragworms are commercially important as bait and as food sources for aquaculture, and there have been proposals to farm them in order to reduce over-fishing of their natural populations. | 0entailment
| ja | de | どのタイプのワームが農業する提案がありましたか? | Lumpenwurm sind wirtschaftlich als Köder und als Nahrungsquellen für Aquakultur. |
identify a major Prussian loss to the Austrians. | The Russian army was heavily dependent upon its main magazines in Poland, and the Prussian army launched several successful raids against them. | 1not_entailment
| ru | ru | Определите крупную прусскую потерю для австрийцев. | Российская армия сильно зависела от своих основных журналов в Польше, и прусская армия начала несколько успешных рейдов против них. |
What rate per minute did ground transmitters send? | Transmitters on the ground sent pulses at a rate of 180 per minute. | 0entailment
| ur | ko | گراؤنڈ ٹرانسمیٹرز نے فی منٹ کس شرح کو بھیج دیا؟ | 지상의 송신기는 분당 180의 속도로 펄스를 보냈습니다. |
Who wrote a book about Motown? | The Andantes and The Funk Brothers, the Motown house band that was featured in Paul Justman's 2002 documentary film Standing in the Shadows of Motown, based on Allan Slutsky's book of the same name. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Quién escribió un libro sobre Motown? | Los Andantes y los Funk Brothers, la banda de Motown House que apareció en la película documental de Paul Justman en 2002 Standing in the Shadows of Motown, basada en el libro del mismo nombre de Allan Slutsky. |
How are some male and female parts separated for some species? | While the majority of flowers are perfect or hermaphrodite (having both pollen and ovule producing parts in the same flower structure), flowering plants have developed numerous morphological and physiological mechanisms to reduce or prevent self-fertilization. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | How are some male and female parts separated for some species? | While the majority of flowers are perfect or hermaphrodite (having both pollen and ovule producing parts in the same flower structure), flowering plants have developed numerous morphological and physiological mechanisms to reduce or prevent self-fertilization. |
What phrases were used to describe Mary ? | Their expressions on the subject of the sinlessness of Mary are, it is pointed out, so ample and so absolute that they must be taken to include original sin as well as actual. | 1not_entailment
| ar | ar | ما هي العبارات التي استخدمت لوصف ماري؟ | تُشار إلى تعبيراتهم حول موضوع خطيئة ماري ، كما هو واف للغاية ومطلق لدرجة أنه يجب أن يؤخذوا لتشمل الخطيئة الأصلية وكذلك الفعلية. |
How many quilts were flown to the region? | The Red Cross Society of China flew 557 tents and 2,500 quilts valued at 788,000 yuan (US$113,000) to Wenchuan County. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Cuántas colchas fueron trasladadas a la región? | La Sociedad de la Cruz Roja de China voló 557 carpas y 2,500 colchas valoradas en 788,000 yuanes (US $ 113,000) al condado de Wenchuan. |
How many runners up in the Champions League were from the Premier League between 1992 and 2013? | The FIFA Club World Cup (or the FIFA Club World Championship, as it was originally called) has been won by Premier league clubs once | 1not_entailment
| en | en | How many runners up in the Champions League were from the Premier League between 1992 and 2013? | The FIFA Club World Cup (or the FIFA Club World Championship, as it was originally called) has been won by Premier league clubs once |
Where do bar-tailed godwits migrate from | Prior to migration, 55 percent of their bodyweight is stored as fat to fuel this uninterrupted journey. | 1not_entailment
| ko | ru | 바 꼬리 godwits는 어디에서 이동합니까? | До миграции 55 процентов их веса хранится в качестве жира, чтобы подпитывать это непрерывное путешествие. |
In what century did the Winchester standard arise? | This form of the language is known as the "Winchester standard", or more commonly as Late West Saxon. | 1not_entailment
| pl | ja | W jakim stuleciu powstał standard Winchester? | この形式の言語は、「ウィンチェスター標準」として知られています。 |
Who established the Walworth School? | Other early examples of comprehensive schools included Woodlands Boys School in Coventry (opened in 1954) and Tividale Comprehensive School in Tipton. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | Who established the Walworth School? | Other early examples of comprehensive schools included Woodlands Boys School in Coventry (opened in 1954) and Tividale Comprehensive School in Tipton. |
When was the German empire created? | Integrating the Austrians nevertheless remained a strong desire for many people of Germany and Austria, especially among the liberals, the social democrats and also the Catholics who were a minority within the Protestant Germany. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | When was the German empire created? | Integrating the Austrians nevertheless remained a strong desire for many people of Germany and Austria, especially among the liberals, the social democrats and also the Catholics who were a minority within the Protestant Germany. |
What is the weather phenomena characterized by an unexpected warm wind bringing low reletive humidity to the northern Alps during rainfall in the southern Alps? | A weather phenomenon known as the föhn (with an identical effect to the chinook wind) can occur at all times of the year and is characterised by an unexpectedly warm wind, bringing air of very low relative humidity to the north of the Alps during rainfall periods on the southern face of the Alps. | 0entailment
| ar | ar | ما هي ظواهر الطقس التي تتميز برياح دافئة غير متوقعة والتي تجلب رطوبة منخفضة في جبال الألب الشمالية أثناء هطول الأمطار في جبال الألب الجنوبية؟ | يمكن أن تحدث ظاهرة الطقس المعروفة باسم Föhn (مع تأثير متطابق لرياح Chinook) في جميع أوقات العام وتتميز بهياح دافئة بشكل غير متوقع ، مما يجلب الهواء من الرطوبة النسبية المنخفضة للغاية إلى شمال جبال الألب خلال فترات الأمطار على الوجه الجنوبي من جبال الألب. |
What PC Mag. staffer picked PS3 over Xbox in June, 2012? | In September 2009, IGN named PlayStation 3 the 15th best gaming console of all time, behind both of its competitors: Wii (10th) and Xbox 360 (6th). | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What PC Mag. staffer picked PS3 over Xbox in June, 2012? | In September 2009, IGN named PlayStation 3 the 15th best gaming console of all time, behind both of its competitors: Wii (10th) and Xbox 360 (6th). |
Where did the BeiDou-2 system start offering services in 2012? | The BeiDou-2 system began offering services for the Asia-Pacific region in December 2012. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Dónde comenzó el sistema Beidou-2 en 2012? | El sistema Beidou-2 comenzó a ofrecer servicios para la región de Asia-Pacífico en diciembre de 2012. |
How many stores was Sears operating in 1940? | Sears, Roebuck & Company, a giant mail-order house, opened its first eight retail stores in 1925, and operated 338 by 1930, and 595 by 1940. | 0entailment
| ja | ja | 1940年にシアーズはいくつの店舗を営業していましたか? | Sears、Roebuck&Company、巨大な通信販売の家は、1925年に最初の8つの小売店をオープンし、1930年までに338、1940年までに595を運営しました。 |
What is the H.323 technique also known as? | The advantages of this technique are that the video and audio will generally be of higher quality because they don't have to be relayed through a central point. | 1not_entailment
| ar | ar | ما هي تقنية H.323 المعروفة أيضًا؟ | تتمثل مزايا هذه التقنية في أن الفيديو والصوت سيكونان بشكل عام ذات جودة أعلى لأنهما لا يتعين نقلهما عبر نقطة مركزية. |
What is stemmatics? | Stemmatics, stemmology or stemmatology is a rigorous approach to textual criticism. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Qué es Stemmatics? | Stemmatics, Stemmology o Stemmatology es un enfoque riguroso para la crítica textual. |
During which time frame were most grandes ecoles relocated? | Most of the grandes écoles were relocated to the suburbs of Paris in the 1960s and 1970s, in new campuses much larger than the old campuses within the crowded city of Paris, though the École Normale Supérieure has remained on rue d'Ulm in the 5th arrondissement. | 0entailment
| es | es | ¿Durante qué marco de tiempo se reubicaron la mayoría de los Grandes Ecoles? | La mayoría de los Grandes Écoles fueron reubicados en los suburbios de París en los años sesenta y setenta, en los nuevos campus mucho más grandes que los viejos campus dentro de la ciudad abarrotada de París, aunque lacole Normale Supérieure se ha mantenido en la Rue d'Ulm en el quinto Arrondisement. . |
What does the Lord Mayor's Show parade commemorate and celebrate? | There is a variety of annual events, beginning with the relatively new New Year's Day Parade, fireworks display at the London Eye, the world's second largest street party, | 1not_entailment
| es | es | ¿Qué conmemora y celebra el desfile del Show de Lord Mayor? | Hay una variedad de eventos anuales, que comienzan con el desfile del Día de Año Nuevo relativamente nuevo, se exhiben fuegos artificiales en London Eye, la segunda fiesta callejera más grande del mundo, |
What kind of system is a solar chimney? | As the chimney warms, the air inside is heated causing an updraft that pulls air through the building. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What kind of system is a solar chimney? | As the chimney warms, the air inside is heated causing an updraft that pulls air through the building. |
What order was the division of Korea included in? | Explaining the choice of the 38th parallel, Rusk observed, "even though it was further north than could be realistically reached by U.S. forces, in the event of Soviet disagreement...we felt it important to include the capital of Korea in the area of responsibility of American troops". | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What order was the division of Korea included in? | Explaining the choice of the 38th parallel, Rusk observed, "even though it was further north than could be realistically reached by U.S. forces, in the event of Soviet disagreement...we felt it important to include the capital of Korea in the area of responsibility of American troops". |
How many research labs does IBM have world wide? | Notable company inventions or developments include the automated teller machine (ATM), the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card, the relational database, the Universal Product Code (UPC), the financial swap, the Fortran programming language, SABRE airline reservation system, dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), copper wiring in semiconductors, the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) semiconductor manufacturing process, and Watson artificial intelligence. | 1not_entailment
| pl | es | Ile laboratoriów badawczych ma IBM na całym świecie? | Los inventos o desarrollos notables de la compañía incluyen la máquina de cajero automatizado (ATM), el disquete, el disco duro, la unidad de disco, la tarjeta de rayas magnéticas, la base de datos relacional, el código de producto Universal (UPC), el intercambio financiero, el lenguaje de programación Fortran, Saber, Saber Sistema de reserva de aerolíneas, memoria dinámica de acceso aleatorio (DRAM), cableado de cobre en semiconductores, el proceso de fabricación de semiconductores de silicio en aislador (SOI) e inteligencia artificial de Watson. |
How long did Akkadian and Sumerian coexist as spoken languages? | The Semitic Akkadian language is first attested in proper names of the kings of Kish c. 2800 BC, preserved in later king lists. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | How long did Akkadian and Sumerian coexist as spoken languages? | The Semitic Akkadian language is first attested in proper names of the kings of Kish c. 2800 BC, preserved in later king lists. |
What was Wyatt Earp's job title? | In 1882, Frank Stilwell was implicated in the murder of Morgan Earp by Cowboy Pete Spence's wife, Marietta, at the coroner's inquest on Morgan Earp's shooting. | 1not_entailment
| en | en | What was Wyatt Earp's job title? | In 1882, Frank Stilwell was implicated in the murder of Morgan Earp by Cowboy Pete Spence's wife, Marietta, at the coroner's inquest on Morgan Earp's shooting. |
How can showing the second equality yields the first prove the concept of isomorphic groups? | From an abstract point of view, isomorphic groups carry the same information. | 1not_entailment
| de | de | Wie kann das zeigen, dass die zweite Gleichheit das erste beweist, das Konzept isomorpher Gruppen? | Aus abstrakter Sicht enthalten isomorphe Gruppen die gleichen Informationen. |
What must an infectious agent only be identified in to satisfy the first of Koch's postulates? | Koch's postulates can not be applied ethically for many human diseases because they require experimental infection of a healthy individual with a pathogen produced as a pure culture. | 1not_entailment
| ar | ar | ما الذي يجب التعرف عليه الوكيل المعدي فقط لإرضاء أول افترضات Koch؟ | لا يمكن تطبيق افتراضات Koch أخلاقياً للعديد من الأمراض البشرية لأنها تتطلب عدوى تجريبية لفرد صحي مع مسببات الأمراض التي يتم إنتاجها كثقافة نقية. |
Subsets and Splits