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stringlengths 52
Installation Guide
Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite 2021
Copyright information
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written consent of Ultimus, Inc. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Ultimus, Inc.
Copyright © 1999-2021 Ultimus, Inc. All rights reserved.
Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
Ultimus®, Adaptive Discovery®, BAMport™, Flobot™, FloPort™, FloStation™, iBAM™, Inlet™, Maplet™, Profit from the Process™, U2Net™, and Unruly Event™ are trademarks of Ultimus, Inc.
Windows, MS-DOS, Word, Excel, InfoPath, and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. All other names may be trademarks of their respective owners and are used for reference only.
All Ultimus specifications contained in documentation and literature are subject to change without notice.
This document was last updated on March 18, 2021. |
After installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, you need to create an empty Ultimus database. This section contains detailed instructions on how to create an empty Ultimus database.
• Creating an Ultimus database on cloud computing platforms
• Creating an Ultimus database in Microsoft SQL Server
• Creating an Ultimus database in Oracle Database
Tip: Even if both of these server environments are installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server, an empty Ultimus database is enough to be created in one of them.
Caution: Before creating an empty database using a Microsoft SQL Server database, verify that the case-insensitive sort collation is disabled, otherwise some columns in Ultimus BPM Studio Client will not be recognized (as they are capitalized).For this, if you find the case-sensitive sort collations enabled, you must uninstall the SQL Server database, then re-install it with case-sensitive sort collation disabled.
Note: This document outlines how to create a Microsoft SQL Server database using version 2012 (64-bit). For more specific information how to create a database using other Microsoft SQL Server versions, please refer to Microsoft product documentation. |
Creating an Ultimus database on cloud computing platforms
Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite supports with Microsoft Azure, Cloud Databases with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and IBM Cloud.
For instructions on how to create cloud databases, please refer to the respective manual supplied by your cloud services provider.
Please note that connection strings and security settings are different in a cloud, than in a standalone environment.
Tip: To take advantage of our Cloud Consultancy Services offered within Ultimus Professional Services, contact your local Ultimus sales representative. |
Creating an Ultimus database in Microsoft SQL Server
To create an Ultimus database in Microsoft SQL Server, follow these steps:
1. Run Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and open the directory tree to the Databases folder.
The Databases folder of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
2. Right-click on the Databases folder and select New Database.
The New Database dialog box
3. Enter the name of the database in the Database name text box and click the OK button. This creates the new database.
If using a remote SQL Server database, you must enable distributed transactions:
1. Select the remote database (which serves as Ultimus BPM Database and/or Ultimus Business Organization Database), right-click, then select Properties.
2. From the Select a page section, click on the Permissions page.
3. Select the View Server Permissions link.
4. From the Select a page section, click on the Connections page.
5. Enable Require distributed transactions for server-to-server communications.
5. Exit the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window.
6. Open SQL Server Surface Area Configuration: right-click on the database root, select Facets.The View Facets dialog box appears.
7. From the Facets drop-down menu, select the Surface Area Configuration option.
8. Select the Surface Area Configuration for Features link to display the surface area configuration options.
The surface area configuration features in SQL Server
9. Beneath the Database Engine node, select the CLR Integration option.
10. Ensure that the ClrIntegrationEnabled option is set to True, then click the OK button.
This completes the process to create an Ultimus database in Microsoft SQL Server. |
Creating an Ultimus database in Oracle Database
This version of the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite supports Oracle 12c databases.
Creating an Ultimus database in Oracle involves five steps:
Ultimus database in Oracle involves five steps:
1. Install Oracle Client on all computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server), Ultimus System Administrator, and Ultimus FloStation.
This procedure is outlined in section Installing Oracle Client.
2. Install Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for .NET on all computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server), Ultimus System Administrator, and Ultimus FloStation.
This procedure is outlined in section Installing Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for .NET.
Note: Ensure the “Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET with Oracle 11g Release 2 ODAC” patch from is installed on every computer which is hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server), Ultimus FloStation, and an Ultimus client.
3. Create the permanent tablespace (see Creating the permanent tablespace)
4. Create the temporary tablespace (see Creating the temporary tablespace)
5. Create a user account, then add users to the database (see Creating a user account) |
Installing Oracle Client
Oracle Client must be installed on all computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server), Ultimus System Administrator, and Ultimus FloStation.
Download the appropriate Oracle version which matches the Oracle database application. For more information about supported Oracle versions, please refer to the Supported Technologies document, available on the Ultimus Customer Portal.
Ensure all Oracle Client installations match the Oracle server version installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server and computers hosting Ultimus BPM Studio Client. Additionally, ensure the Oracle Provider for OLE DB option is installed when installing the appropriate Oracle Client. |
Installing Oracle Client 11g
To install Oracle Client 11g, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the computer hosting Oracle Server 11g is listening for connections.
2. Download the proper 32-bit installation package from
3. Locate the folder in which Oracle Client’s installation files are stored.
4. Double-click on the setup.exe file.
After a console window disappears, the Oracle Client Installer wizard displays.
Oracle Client Installer wizard
5. Select the Browse button, then specify where to install Oracle Client.
Note: Ensure to install Oracle Client into an empty directory. Furthermore, ensure that the installation path does not contain spaces in directory names.
Specifying installation folder
6. Click the Next button. After a successful prerequisites check, a Summary page appears. Click Finish to start the installation.
Summary page of the Oracle Client Installation
7. Once the installation has completed, click the Exit button.
Your Oracle Client is now successfully installed. |
Installing Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for .NET
Once Oracle Client has been installed on appropriate computers, install the proper version of Oracle .NET Data Access Components (ODAC), containing Oracle Development Tools (ODT), on all computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server), Ultimus System Administrator and Ultimus FloStation.
Note: Microsoft .NET must be installed on any computer in which ODAC is to be installed. In addition, if using Windows Server 2008 or later operating system, both Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 and .NET Framework 3.5.1 must be installed on the computer hosting the above mentioned Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite components.
Note: If ODT is required to be used with ODAC, make sure that Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later is installed on the target computer. If ODT is not needed, you can leave it out from the ODAC components to be installed.
Note: With Oracle Client 12c, use ODAC 18.3 64 bit for all Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installations.
To install ODAC for .NET, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the computer hosting Oracle Server 11g is listening for connections.
2. Download the proper installer file for ODAC into a temporary directory from
3. Locate the directory in which Oracle ODAC installation files are stored
4. Unzip the ODAC zip file to the temporary directory.
5. Double-click the setup.exe file to launch the installer.
6. After a console window disappears, the Oracle Universal Installer displays.
7. Click the Next. On the Select a Product to Install page of the installation wizard, select the Oracle Client and click next.
8. Choose the Install location.
The Install Location page of the installation wizard
ODAC is installed by default using the same home name and installation path as Oracle Client. However, if the fields display a different name and path, select the Name: combo box, then choose the name which was used to install Oracle Client. Upon doing so, the installation path automatically changes to the path Oracle Client is installed.
9. Click the Next.
The Available Product Components page of the installation wizard appears. The installation wizard automatically determines which components should be upgraded or installed. However, you can make your own different choices if required.
If ODT is not needed, make sure that the following components are not selected:
• Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
• Oracle Data Access Components for Visual Studio 2008
• Oracle Data Access Components for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012
The Available Product Components page of the installation wizard
10. Click Next. The Oracle Providers for ASP.NET page appears.
11. Click Next. The Summary page of the installation wizard displays.
The Summary page of the installation wizard
12. Click Install.
ODAC starts installing. Once installation has completed, the End of Installation page of the installation wizard appears. Click Exit to leave the installation wizard. |
Logging on to Oracle Enterprise Manager
Creating an Ultimus database in Oracle requires access to Oracle Enterprise Manager as a system database administrator as follows:
1. Open a Web browser window and enter the following URL into the Address bar: http://server name:port/em/console/license (where server name is the name of the Oracle server and port is the port the Oracle server listens for connections).
2. The Oracle Enterprise Manager log on screen appears.
The Oracle Enterprise Manager
3. Log on as a SYSDBA (system database administrator) authorized to create tablespaces, then click the Login button. The Oracle Enterprise Manager window appears. |
Creating the permanent tablespace
Once logged on to the Oracle Enterprise Manager, a permanent tablespace must be created.
1. Under the Storage section, select Tablespaces. The Tablespaces page appears.
Viewing tablespaces in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
2. Click the Create button. The Create Tablespace page appears.
Creating a tablespace
3. In the Name text box, enter BPMData.
4. In the Type group, select the Permanent option.
5. In the Status section, select the Read/Write option.
6. Click Add to add a datafile. The Add Datafile page appears.
Adding Datafile
7. In the File Name text box, enter any name for the permanent tablespace. Use only characters allowed by Oracle for the name of the tablespace. For a list of specific characters that are sanctioned for tablespace names. refer to Oracle documentation.
8. Select any other parameters for the permanent tablespace that are necessary for your organization. Verify that the tablespace is at least 10 MB.
9. Click Continue, then click OK.
This completes the creation of the permanent tablespace. You can proceed and create the temporary tablespace. |
Creating the temporary tablespace
To create the temporary tablespace, repeat the process outlined above (Creating the permanent tablespace). There are two exceptions to note when creating the temporary tablespace:
• When creating the name of the tablespace, use the name BPMTEMP.
• When creating the temporary tablespace, select Temporary from the Type section.
Once the temporary tablespace has been created, user accounts may be added. |
Creating a user account
1. Go to the Server tab of the Oracle Enterprise Manager.
2. In the Security section, select Users. The Users page appears.
Users page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
3. Click Create. The Create User page appears.
The Create User page of the Oracle Enterprise Manager
4. Enter a new user name and password for the BPM schema.
5. Enter BPMDATA into the Default Tablespace text box.
6. Enter BPMTEMP into the Temporary Tablespace text box.
7. Select the Roles tab and click the Edit List button.
The Roles tab of the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Caution: The user will need CONNECT, DBA and RESOURCE roles to connect and create the Ultimus BPM tables. The DBA role allows creating the User Queue view. The RESOURCE role gives the user unlimited disk resources to create objects and should be used with caution. For more information about the roles, refer to Oracle documentation.
8. In the Available Roles list box, select CONNECT, then use the Move arrow to place CONNECT into the Selected Roles list box. Do the same with RESOURCE and DBA.
Note: The DBA role is necessary for creating or configuring an Ultimus Database in Oracle. However, if the Database is already created and configured for using it with Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, the DBA role is recommended to be removed.
Modifying roles for the user account
9. Click OK.
10. Select the System Privileges tab and click on Edit List.
11. Move the following entries one from the Available System Privileges list box to the Selected System Privileges list box:
Modifying system privileges for the user account
12. Once finished, click OK.
13. Click OK again to return to the Server page of Oracle Enterprise Manager.
This completes the process of creating the Ultimus BPM Database in Oracle. |
This section outlines how to install Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
• Required files for installation
• Installing additional modules of the Ultimus DPA Suite
• Installing the Ultimus DPA Suite
• Installing additional modules of the Ultimus DPA Suite |
Required files for installation
The links to the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation files will be made available to you after a short advisory call.
Caution: Before you proceed to install or upgrade to a new Ultimus version, ensure you have the correct Ultimus License Configuration files for each of the Ultimus modules to be installed.
Note: Unfortunately it is not possible to directly upgrade from Ultimus BPM Suite version 7 to the new Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version. We recommend you to take advantage of our Migration and Upgrade Services offered within Ultimus Professional Services. For more information, please contact your Ultimus Representative.
Before installation, verify that you are installing the appropriate Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version. To ensure a full and smooth upgrade, check with Ultimus about best practices of installation, upgrades and migrations. Should you have questions or require assistance, contact Ultimus support at |
Exiting the Ultimus DPA Suite installation wizard
Note: You can cancel and exit the Installation Wizard before you start the installation process, but once the process has started, it cannot be safely discontinued.
To cancel and exit the Installation Wizard, click on Cancel in any dialog box during the procedure. A message window appears informing you that the installation is not complete Click on Resume to continue the installation, or on Exit Setup to cancel the installation.
Canceling and exiting Installation Wizard |
Installing the Ultimus DPA Suite
This section details how to install Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Caution: Before you proceed to install or upgrade to a new Ultimus version, ensure you have the correct Ultimus License Configuration files for each of the Ultimus modules to be installed, as the old License files will not work with the current version, and the modules have their own License files. Always contact your Account Manager or Ultimus Support to verify you have got the correct license file versions before installing or upgrading to a new version.
Warning: With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain new Ultimus product license files.
Note: Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite contains Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Manager (BPM), UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, Ultimus CPS and SolutionBus.
• License Configuration files are available for each Ultimus products separately.
• When planning to install or upgrade to the latest Ultimus product version, ensure that you read and understand the product installation requirements and process described in the respective Installation documentation.
Note: Once the Ultimus BPM Server installation is complete, all remote computers hosting Ultimus BPM Studio Client, Ultimus System Administrator, and Ultimus FloStation installations must immediately be deployed to the new Ultimus release version.
Since all Ultimus modules rely on a connection to Ultimus BPM Server, the first module to install must be Ultimus BPM Server, though you may choose to install other modules at the same time. For example, it is recommended to install the Ultimus System Administrator on the same computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server.
Ultimus Adaptive Digital Process Automation (DPA) may be installed either from scratch, or upgrading an earlier version.
The default installation directory for the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is
C:\Program Files\Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite
(where C:\ is the hard drive in which the Windows operating system is installed).
Note: Unfortunately it is not possible to directly upgrade from Ultimus BPM Suite version 7 to this Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version. We recommend that you take advantage of our Migration and Upgrade Services offered within Ultimus Professional Services. For more information, please contact your Ultimus Representative.
These installation options are integrated into the installation procedure below.
To install Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you are logged onto the computer which is to host Ultimus BPM Server with the same Windows account created in the Identifying the Ultimus Windows account section.
2. Close all applications, including applications automatically invoked during Windows start-up.
3. Identify the location(s) of the appropriate Ultimus License Configuration files on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server.
Warning: With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain new Ultimus product license files.
Note: Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite contains Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Manager (BPM), UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, Ultimus CPS and SolutionBus.- License Configuration files are available for each Ultimus products separately.- When planning to install or upgrade to the latest Ultimus product version, ensure that you read and understand the product installation requirements and process described in the respective Installation documentation.
4. Extract the installation files from the downloaded executable.
Note: Ensure to extract the files to a folder on the local hard drive and not to a folder specified by a UNC path.
Note: If the following error message shows, go to the Properties of the downloaded file, and select Unblock.
Windows SmartScreen error message
Windows SmartScreen error solution
5. Once the installation files are extracted, run the Setup.exe file.
Tip: Instead of double-clicking on Setup.exe, right-click the executable, then select Run as administrator.
Once started, the installation wizard checks if the necessary third-party technologies are installed on the computer on which Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is being installed. For a detailed list of requirements, see Verifying computer hardware and software requirements.
If any of the requirements is missing, an error message is shown and the installation procedure is suspended.
If an earlier Ultimus version is already installed, the installation wizard acknowledges that an upgrade is taking place.
6. The Installation Wizard needs a few seconds to initialize.
Installation Wizard (initializing)
7. If you are installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite for the first time, the installation wizard displays the welcome page.
Welcome page of Ultimus DPA Suite Installation Wizard
8. Click Next to read the License Agreement.Verify that you understand the terms of the license agreement.If you accept the license agreement, select the I accept the license agreement option, then click Next. If you do not accept, select I do not accept the license agreement, then click Next or Cancel to abort the installation.
User Information page of the installation wizard
9. If the license agreement has been agreed to, and you clicked on Next, the User Information dialog box appears.
User Information page of the installation wizard
Key in your full name and the name of your organization, provided by your operating system.
Choose the Everyone option, then click Next.
10. The Ultimus Locations page appearsif the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is being installed for the first time. Provide the location information (Browse) and click on Next.
Ultimus Locations page of the installation wizard
• Select the destination folder for the installation.
Note: The Browse button in the Destination Folder group is disabled at software upgrade.
Caution: If you are installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite using the unified installer, or for the first time (not upgrading):Ensure you install the Ultimus BPM Server to a local drive on the hosting computer. During installation, all Ultimus installation files are copied to a temporary folder which is always on the system drive. Therefore, there must always be sufficient free space on that drive to support the installation (approximately 1.4 GB). If sufficient space is not available on the system drive, the installation cannot proceed.
• Locate the Ultimus License Configuration files for the Ultimus DPA Suite, then click Next.
Caution: Ensure you have the correct Ultimus License Configuration files for each of the Ultimus modules to be installed, as the old License files will not work with the current version, and the modules have their own License files. Always contact your Account Manager or Ultimus Support to verify you have got the correct license file versions before installing or upgrading to a new version.
11. The Select Modules page of the installation wizard appears. To deselect a module, click on the name of the module then select the Entire feature will be Unavailable option.Specify which Ultimus modules to install and click on Next.
Tip: For a description of the major modules offered in Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, see Major components of Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Select Modules page of the installation wizard
Note: At upgrades, install the new CPS version separately. The combined installer checks if Ultimus CPS is installed but does not upgrade the previously installed CPS version.
Note: At new installations, ensure that the following Ultimus BPM Server components are all selected for installation: Ultimus BPM Server/Engine Components, Ultimus Solution Bus, Ultimus DPA Portal Server Components, and Ultimus CPS.
Note: Ultimus UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal is included in the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, but it can be installed independently as well. Before installation, ensure that the appropriate License Configuration files are prepared.
Note: In preparation to installing UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal ensure that you have read and understood the respective Installation Guide, with special attention to the following:
• Introduction to Ultimus Advanced Task Service
• Preparing for installation.
• For instructions on creating the required UATS Database, see section Creating Ultimus Advanced Task Service Database.
If Ultimus UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, and/or the Ultimus Solution Bus have been selected for installation, you also need to specify the location of the license file (for the Ultimus DPA Portal), and the installation directories (for each).
Specify installation directories
12. Click OK.
13. If Ultimus BPM Server is among the modules selected for installation, continue with Step 14.
14. Website configuration
The Website configuration dialog box is shown if Ultimus BPM Server has been selected for installation on a computer in which two or more web sites are set up in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Specify the server to host the Ultimus BPM Server to be installed, and click on OK.
The Website Configuration dialog box
15. Your installation procedure continues with Ultimus BPM Server Settings Ultimus BPM Server as well. For example: Ultimus Director, Ultimus FloStation, Ultimus Organization Chart, Ultimus Process Administrator, and/or Ultimus System Administrator.
Note: This dialog box also appears during the installation of the Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration module, if it is being installed separately from the Ultimus BPM Studio Server. Use the data of the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Studio Server.
Enter or browse to select the name of the computer hosting the Ultimus BPM Server, then click OK.
Ultimus BPM Server Settings dialog box
Continue with the installation procedure from the following step: Specify Windows Account Information.
16. Configure database connections
Configure database connections for the Ultimus modules in the Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite Database Settings dialog box.
Configure Database Settings for the Ultimus modules to be installed
The following tabs are available for configuring the components selected for installation:
a. The BPM Server tab is used to configure BPM Server database connection.
Ultimus supports using TLS 1.2 encryption protocol for communication between the BPM Server and the connected Microsoft SQL Server Database.
Note: (Oracle Database connection is not supported).
To use TLS1.2, do the following:
• Download and install the necessary driver (required):
• Check the respective checkbox on the BPM Server tab at this point of the installation procedure. Alternatively, this can be set in System Administrator: Right-click the Ultimus System Administrator node and open the BPM Server Properties dialog box. Go to the Other Confgurations subnode, and check the TLS1.2 checkbox.
b. The OC tab is used to configure connection to the Ultimus Organization Chart database. To fill in the database settings with BPM Server database settings automatically, check Use same settings of BPM Server. This will store the OC data in the BPM Server database.
c. The UATS tab is used to specify connection information to the UATS Database. The server data is filled in from the BPM Server tab automatically.
d. The Solution Bus tab is used to configure Solution Bus database connection.
Note: If you are carrying out this installation in an Network-load balanced (NLB) environment:Check the Keep existing SolutionBus configuration check box to connect this installation to the database that is already in use in the NLB environment.
Note: Do not use a period (.) in place of the computer name.
e. The CPS tab is used to configure database connection for Ultimus Composed Process Solutions (CPS).
Specify the following on each tab representing the component(s) selected for installation:
• Database Type: specify the database type: SQL Server or Oracle.
• Server:
a. Microsoft SQL Server database: Enter the name of the computer hosting the database.
Note: Do not use a period (.) in place of the computer name.
b. Oracle database: Enter the name of the TNS entry associated with the configured database tablespace.
• Authentication: Enter the user name and password required to access Ultimus BPM Database.
Tip: To connect to a database using a trusted SQL connection, leave the User ID and Password text boxes blank. For information on how to configure a trusted connection, see the respective Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Configuration Guide.
Note: When you enable the SQL server on the UATS tab to use a Trusted Connection: The DataLoader Service must be updated manually with the User credentials post-installation, then restarted.
• Catalog: Select the database catalog from the drop-down (only applicable at SQL).
• Use Test Connection to ensure that the connection can be established.
• Click on OK to proceed to the next step.
3. Specify Windows Account Information.
Note: Ensure that the user specified here has access rights to run/stop services (Service user), or use the same credentials as specified when creating the Windows account (see Identifying the Ultimus Windows account in section Preparing to install Ultimus DPA Suite.)
This dialog box only appears when installing Ultimus BPM Server or Ultimus FloStation.
The Windows Account Information page of the installation wizard
• Type in, or browse for the Account Name then key in the Password.
Note: If the account information is entered incorrectly or the account entered does not have rights to create the Ultimus services, the following message is displayed: The current user does not have rights to create a service. Please specify a user with Administrative rights.
When browsing for the user name does not display any domain accounts in the user list, the domain entered is probably not a PDC. If the account name you are looking for is not listed in the Domain Name list, then click Cancel and return to the Windows Account Information dialog box to manually enter the value Domain Name\Account Name in the Account Name text box.
If the account name you are looking for is in the Domain Accounts list, then select that account name, then click OK to return to the Windows Account Information dialog box. The selected account name returns into the Account Name text box.
4. Click on Next to start installing the selected components.
Warning: It is not possible to exit safely when the installation process is running. To review if the setup data provided at the previous steps are correct, use the Back button.
5. Please wait while the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is being installed.
Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is being installed
6. Upon a successful installation, the following dialog box appears. Click Finish to exit the Installation Wizard.
Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation is complete
Please note that the computer must be restarted to properly use Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite after a successful installation.
You can continue to section Post-installation configuration to review detailed information on additional Ultimus module configurations which may be necessary in your environment. |
Installing additional modules of the Ultimus DPA Suite
Warning: New License Configuration Files are required.With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain the appropriate License Configuration files for the Ultimus product that are to be installed.
Note: Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite contains Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Manager (BPM), UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, Ultimus CPS and SolutionBus.
• License Configuration files are available for each Ultimus products separately.
• When planning to install or upgrade to the latest Ultimus product version, ensure that you read and understand the product installation requirements and process described in the respective Installation documentation.
Note: In preparation to installing UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, read the respective standalone Installation Guide, with special attention to the following:
• Introduction to Ultimus Advanced Task Service
• Preparing for installation.
• For instructions on creating the required UATS Database, see section Creating Ultimus Advanced Task Service Database.
To install additional modules of Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite on a computer where other Ultimus DPA Suite modules have already been installed, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you are logged onto the computer with the same account under which the original Ultimus DPA Suite modules were installed.
2. Close all applications, including applications automatically invoked during Windows start-up.
3. Identify the location of the Ultimus License Configuration files on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server.
4. Launch the Installation wizard by double-clicking the Setup.exe file that is located where the Ultimus DPA Suite installation files have been decompressed.
The Modify or Remove installation page of the installation wizard appears
Modify or Remove installation page of the installation wizard
5. Select Add. The Ultimus Locations page appears.
The Ultimus Locations dialog box
Within the Destination Folder section, Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite’s installation directory is displayed. Do not change this setting.
Caution: During the modification, all Ultimus installation files are copied to a temporary folder which is always on the system drive. Ensure there is a sufficient free space on that drive to support the modification (approximately 1.4 GB), otherwise the installation cannot proceed.
6. Select the path for the Ultimus License Configuration files.Click Next to proceed.
7. The Select Modules page appears. Modules with a icon next to their names have been already installed.
Selecting modules during the modified installation process
8. Select any module not already installed from previous installation procedures, then click Next.If Ultimus BPM Server is among the modules to be added, the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Database Settings dialog box appears. For more information, see section Configure database connections.
If Ultimus BPM Server or Ultimus FloStation is to be added, the Windows Account Information page of the installation wizard appears.
The account name and password entered here overwrites existing Windows account information to register Ultimus services. Therefore, the Windows account information used to register Ultimus FloStation in a previous install are overwritten by the Windows account information entered during the last modified installation.
Windows Account Information page of the installation wizard
9. Click Next. The installation wizard installs the selected module(s). Once finished, the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation wizard confirms. Click Finish to exit setup.
Ultimus DPA Suite modified installation is complete
This completes the modified installation process. Continue to Post-installation configuration to review detailed information on additional Ultimus module configurations which may be necessary in your environment. |
This document outlines how to install the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite products and modules using the combined Installation Wizard.
Use this document in conjunction with the following documents issued for the respective Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version:
• Release Notes: outlines benefits of the new Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite release, lists new features and improved functionalities, as well as known issues to be considered when deploying the latest Ultimus release.
• Ultimus Supported Technologies: provides guidelines on the third-party technologies supported by Ultimus and information on the discontinuation of key internal Ultimus technologies.
• Configuration Guide: describes configuration procedures and processes regarding particular Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite modules.
Warning: New License Configuration Files are required.With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain the appropriate License Configuration files for the Ultimus product that are to be installed.
Note: Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite contains Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Manager (BPM), UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, Ultimus CPS and SolutionBus.
• License Configuration files are available for each Ultimus products separately.
• When planning to install or upgrade to the latest Ultimus product version, ensure that you read and understand the product installation requirements and process described in the respective Installation documentation.
Note: In preparation to installing UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal, read the respective standalone Installation Guide, with special attention to the following:
• Introduction to Ultimus Advanced Task Service
• Preparing for installation.
• For instructions on creating the required UATS Database, see section Creating Ultimus Advanced Task Service Database. |
Upgrading to Ultimus DPA Suite 2021
This section contains notifications about upgrading certain Ultimus versions to the latest Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version.
Tip: See also Upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2017 or 2019.
In order to ensure a full and smooth upgrade, take advantage of our Migration and Upgrade Services offered within Ultimus Professional Services. For more information, please contact your Ultimus Representative.
Upgrading from Ultimus BPM suite version 7
Unfortunately it is not possible to directly upgrade from Ultimus BPM Suite version 7 to this Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite version. We recommend you to take advantage of our Migration and Upgrade Services offered within Ultimus Professional Services. For more information, please contact your Ultimus Representative.
Upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.0 through 8.2 CP6
Please contact your Ultimus Representative.
Upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2016, 2014 R1/R2 8.4, 8.3 SP1/SP2, 8.3 or 8.2 CP7
Please note that it is not required to remove the existing Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite installation.
Note: Backup all databases before upgrading a non-primary Ultimus BPM Server:
• Create a new Ultimus BPM Database to allow the database-handling-related software changes delivered with the new Ultimus version to take effect.
• Make sure you back up the old database before starting the installation process of the new version, including creating a new Ultimus BPM Database.
• When the upgrade procedure is complete, you can easily make the data available for the new database by exporting the data in the old DB, and importing the data into the new DB.
• To prevent registry errors, make sure you avoid copying the UltimusServer table during this process.
If you are upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4, 8.3 SP1/SP2, or 8.3, first you have to uninstall Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4/8.3 (SP1/SP2). For instructions on how to uninstall earlier Ultimus versions, see section Uninstalling Ultimus DPA Suite. |
Upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2017 or 2019
Warning: New License Configuration Files are required.With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain the appropriate License Configuration files for the Ultimus product that are to be installed.
With Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2017 we introduced a combined installer, containing the following:
• Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite
• Ultimus Advanced Task Service (UATS) with WebClient, and
• Ultimus SolutionBus
Ultimus CPS had to be installed separately, on top of these.
From Ultimus 2019 onwards, Ultimus CPS is delivered as a part of the combined installer package.
The following tables show the options of upgrading version 2017 or 2019 Ultimus software modules to Ultimus 2021.
Note: The first table contains information for upgrading those modules that have been installed using the Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2017 or 2019 combined installer.
Note: The second table contains information for upgrading those modules that have been installed their respective standalone installers.
Upgrading from Ultimus 2017 or 2019, with modules installed using the 2017 or 2019 combined setup
Ultimus 2017/2019 Module
Automatic upgrade to 2021
Important Notes and Cautions
Ultimus BPM modules
It is not required to remove the existing Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite installation.
Important prerequisites when upgrading from Ultimus 2017:
1. Back up the old SolutionBus database. If you need the old audit table records, you need to manually import them to the 2021 SolutionBus database after successful upgrade.
2. Create an empty SolutionBus database (Catalog) for the successful upgrade.
Ultimus CPS
Upgrading from Ultimus 2017 or 2019, with modules installed using the Standalone installers
Ultimus Module
Automatic upgrade to 2021
Important Notes and Cautions
Note: Before starting to install version 2021, uninstall previous version(s). Ensure that you install the 2021 modules using the 2021 combined installer.
Not supported
Not supported
Important prerequisites when upgrading from Ultimus 2017:
1. Back up the old SolutionBus database. If you need the old audit table records, you need to manually import them to the 2021 SolutionBus database after successful upgrade.
2. Create an empty SolutionBus database (Catalog) for the successful upgrade.
Ultimus CPS
Not supported |
Assumptions about the reader
While this document attempts to make the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation process as easy as possible, this document makes the following assumptions about the person installing any component of the Ultimus component (Reader):
• The Reader is a novice to the Ultimus BPM experience. This document aims to make your first experience with the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite as easy as possible. The reader may not even be an individual who intends to use Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, but rather installs software as part of their job function.
• The Reader is a network administrator or IT professional: an individual who oversees the installation (and possibly deployment and maintenance) of enterprise-class software.
• The Reader is an experienced Microsoft Windows user who is familiar with working within the Microsoft Windows environment. This applies to any Windows operating system that Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite supports. The reader has Administrator rights on all computers within the organization and can make changes to LAN security and configuration.
• The Reader is knowledgeable in configuring any hardware or software firewall tools the organization has in place. Communication among Ultimus modules in a firewall-enabled environment is the responsibility of the network administrator to properly configure. Ultimus modules communicate over HTTP and do not require any additional settings in a firewall environment. However, there may be certain firewall restrictions that may hinder the ability for Ultimus to operate. |
Contacting Ultimus
Ultimus is always striving to improve its product and support services. Furthermore, Ultimus offers a number of ways to find answers or to submit feedback. Use the following ways to find answers to your Ultimus-related questions, or to submit feedback to us.
• Ultimus Customer Portal: access technical experts to resolve your technical issues, use the KnowledgeBase to get answers to your questions, and download the latest software and documentation
• Ultimus Education: Ultimus Education provides technical training and certification to ensure you have up-to-date knowledge about the latest product releases. Ultimus Enterprise Integration Kit (EIK) training is provided on an as-needed basis. For more information, see or contact [email protected].
• Product enhancement: we strive to improve our product. If you would like to submit a product enhancement or feature concept, go to the Ultimus Customer Portal at: and follow the Ideas link in the upper area.
Documentation feedback: we strive to improve the documentation we provide. If you would like to submit your feedback, visit |
Conventions used in this document
The following conventions are used throughout this document:
Bold text denotes items that you must select or click on in an application, such as menu options, dialog box options, and dialog box output. Bold text is also used to designate labels within table columns.
Italic text denotes variables, emphasis, and document, chapter, and section titles. This also denotes text that is a place holder for a word or value that you must supply.
Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should input to an application, application output, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples. This is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths, directories, device names, file names, file extensions, code excerpts, and hyperlinks.
monospace italic
Italic text in this font denotes text that is a placeholder for text or value(s) that you must supply.
underlined blue text
Underlined blue text represents a link to a different section in this document or reference to an external Web site. Clicking on the underlined blue text displays that topic or opens your preferred Web browser to display the external Web site.
The symbol, along with underlined text, represents a link that may be selected to display an application procedure. The link opens (represented by the symbol) to display the application procedure. Selecting the link again hides the application procedure.
The » symbol leads you through nested Start menu options, application menu options, and dialog box options to a final action. For example, the sequence File»Page Setup»Printer... directs you to pull down the File menu, select the Page Setup item, then select Printer... from the dialog box.
This icon denotes a video can be viewed when the icon or the hyperlink after the icon is clicked. The video plays in a new Web browser window, so ensure that Web browser pop-ups are allowed.
This icon denotes a tip, which alerts you to advisory information.
This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.
This icon denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to avoid specific application errors, data loss, or system crash.
This icon denotes a warning, which advises you of precautions to take to avoid damaging computer hardware or losing computer data. |
Preliminary considerations
Before installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, please consider the following main topics. For the detailed list of requirements, see Preparing to install Ultimus DPA Suite.
Identify the computer which is to host Ultimus BPM Server.The computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server plays a central role in the Ultimus BPM experience, therefore all computer requirements detailed in must be met.
Confirm that the required operating system components/roles have been installed.Depending on the operating system that will be used to host Ultimus BPM Server, specific Windows Server roles and related role services, components must be installed before installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Configure particular Windows rights to the Windows account to be used for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation.A Windows user account with particular Windows rights must already exist on the computer where the Ultimus BPS Server will be installed. The “Ultimus Windows account” information will be called for during the Ultimus BPM Server installation.
Warning: New License Configuration Files are required.With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain the appropriate License Configuration files for the Ultimus product that are to be installed. |
Major components of Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite
This section provides a brief description of the major components (modules) of the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Before installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, consider which of its components you require and in what environment.
Each of these components may be installed individually on different computers, or on the same computer. However, different components have varying minimum hardware and software requirements. For more information, see section Verifying computer hardware and software requirements.
Note: Before installing the same components of the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite on multiple computers, please consult your sales contract to ensure that you are provided with the appropriate license files in accordance with the license agreements in place between your company and Ultimus. If you have any questions about the number of installations to which you are entitled for any of the major components, contact your Ultimus Representative.
• Ultimus BPM Server
• Ultimus System Administrator
• Ultimus Process Administrator
• Ultimus BPM Database
• Ultimus Organization Charts
• Ultimus Business Organization Database
• Ultimus BPM Studio
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository
• Ultimus Director
• Ultimus FloStation
• Ultimus Reports
• Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus DPA Portal
• Ultimus Composed Process Solutions (CPS)
• Solution Bus |
Ultimus BPM Server
Ultimus BPM Server is the module on which the Ultimus engine and the Ultimus BPM service run. It is the environment to which business processes are deployed when they are published through Ultimus BPM Studio. In order to ensure maximum performance, efficiency, and usability, Ultimus BPM Server should be installed on a dedicated server.
By default, selecting to install Ultimus BPM Server also installs Ultimus System Administrator, which is used to administer Ultimus BPM Server. For more information regarding Ultimus System Administrator, refer to Ultimus System Administrator section.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• General hardware requirements for the Ultimus DPA Suite
• Ultimus BPM Server hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Server software requirements |
Ultimus System Administrator
Ultimus System Administrator is one of three modules used to configure the Ultimus BPM environment. Ultimus System Administrator should be installed on any computer used to administer Ultimus BPM Server. Along with Ultimus Process Administrator, and Ultimus Organization Charts, these three modules are used to control and configure Ultimus BPM Server.
Ultimus System Administrator provides powerful, centralized capabilities and conveniences for managing and administering Ultimus BPM Server. It also provides the tools necessary to manage exceptions in the system, applications, and in business processes.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus System Administrator software requirements |
Ultimus Process Administrator
Ultimus Process Administrator provides powerful capabilities for managing and administering processes for small or large organizations. It includes an advanced user interface to manage and configure associates, views, and workload-related capabilities. While Ultimus System Administrator is more often used by IT, Ultimus Process Administrator is used by Process Owners and Process Experts.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus Process Administrator software requirements |
Ultimus BPM Database
Ultimus BPM Database is not an installed Ultimus module. It must be set up and configured using a supported database (detailed information about configuring supported databases is offered in the Preparing to install Ultimus DPA Suite section). Ultimus BPM Database is an essential part of the Ultimus BPM environment.
In a small implementation, Ultimus BPM Database can be installed on the same computer as Ultimus BPM Server. However, regardless of the implementation size, it is recommended that a dedicated database server be used.
The greatest resources that can be dedicated to Ultimus BPM Database are hard drive disk space, memory, and processor speed. Running out of hard drive disk space can adversely affect Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite’s ability to function, and such dysfunction can reveal itself in any number of ways within the Ultimus BPM environment. Additionally, processor speed, memory and the quality of the network connection can limit the efficiency of the database server to return requests, therefore reducing the efficiency and performance of Ultimus BPM Server.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus Business Organization Database hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server software requirements |
Ultimus Organization Charts
Ultimus Organization Charts lets you graphically design a business chart representing the reporting structure of your organization and its divisions, departments, and sections. Once a business chart has been created, business processes become aware of the roles, reporting relationships, and groups in the organization. In short, Ultimus Organization Charts lets you design business processes that can route tasks intelligently.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus Organization Charts software requirements |
Ultimus Business Organization Database
Similarly to Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database is not an installed Ultimus module. It must be set up and configured using a supported database. Ultimus Business Organization Database is the data repository for business charts created in Ultimus Organization Charts. Similarly to Ultimus BPM Database, a dedicated database server should host Ultimus Business Organization Database.
However, the same database server used to host Ultimus BPM Database may also host Ultimus Business Organization Database. In addition, Ultimus Business Organization Database can be created within Ultimus BPM Database, but it is recommended to use a separate dedicated database for Ultimus Business Organization Database. In a small implementation, Ultimus Organization Database can be installed on the same computer as Ultimus BPM Server. However, regardless of the implementation size, it is recommended that a dedicated database server be used.
For detailed information about configuring supported databases, see section Preparing to install Ultimus DPA Suite.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus Business Organization Database hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server software requirements |
Ultimus BPM Studio
Ultimus BPM Studio is the design environment used to create automated business processes, consisting of the following components:
• Ultimus BPM Studio Client
• Ultimus BPM Studio Server |
Ultimus BPM Studio Client
Ultimus BPM Studio Client is a client application that needs to be installed locally for each person that participates in business process design, on all computers used by process developers. Additionally, it may also be installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server so that processes may be edited while working on the hosting computer.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Studio Client software requirements |
Ultimus BPM Studio Server
Ultimus BPM Studio Server is not identical to the Ultimus BPM Server. Ultimus BPM Studio Server manages security and collaboration for all of the individuals involved in design by controlling which process repositories are created, and which users have access to those process repositories. Many Ultimus BPM Studio Client users can connect to a single repository at once and can check processes and objects in and out of the repository in a collaborative manner. Ultimus BPM Studio Server may reside on the same computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server or may be installed on separate computers.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Studio Client and Ultimus BPM Studio Server hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server software requirements. |
Ultimus BPM Studio Repository
Ultimus BPM Studio Repository is not an installed Ultimus module. It must be set up and configured using a supported database (detailed information about configuring supported databases is offered in the Preparing to install Ultimus DPA Suite section). Ultimus BPM Studio Repository functions in conjunction with Ultimus BPM Studio to maintain data related to business process design.
In a small implementation, Ultimus BPM Studio Repository can be installed on the same computer as Ultimus BPM Studio. However, Ultimus recommends to use a dedicated database regardless of the volume of the implementation.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus Business Organization Database hardware requirements
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server software requirements. |
Ultimus Director
Ultimus Director is used to create and manage the business rules associated with an automated process within a graphical user interface. Ultimus Director allows you to define rules before the process is used to handle active incidents.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus Director software requirements |
Ultimus FloStation
Ultimus FloStation needs to be installed on all computers designated to run Ultimus Flobots. Ultimus Flobots provide a powerful means of using third-party applications to perform specific tasks as steps in a workflow process.
However, if you plan to heavily utilize Flobots in your business processes and/or certain Flobots will be used repeatedly, Ultimus recommends dedicating more than one computer for the operation of Ultimus FloStation. For greater Ultimus FloStation scalability, you may want to implement a group of Ultimus FloStation servers.
For more information on Ultimus FloStation Groups, refer to Ultimus System Administrator Help and the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Configuration Guide. For generic information on Ultimus Flobots, see Training Flobots (called Automated Activities in BPMN view) in Ultimus BPM Studio Help.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus FloStation hardware requirements
• Ultimus FloStation software requirements |
Ultimus Reports
Ultimus Reports is a comprehensive, web-based report generation module that allows you to design, generate, and access reports easily from virtually anywhere over the Internet. With Ultimus Reports you can create powerful reports to analyze the effectiveness of processes, steps, users, departments, queues, and more. Results can be displayed in tabular format or in one of many different types of graphical formats including bar and pie charts.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
• Ultimus Reports software requirements |
Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus DPA Portal
Ultimus Advanced Task Service (UATS) is a service layer that retrieves, caches, and intelligently streams data between one or more Ultimus BPM Servers and Ultimus DPA Portal.
For minimum computer requirements see the following tables:
• General hardware requirements - UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal
• General software requirements for running Ultimus Advanced Task Service, Ultimus Administrator and Ultimus DPA Portal
• Web browsers supported by the UATS Administrator and the Ultimus DPA Portal |
UATS Administrator
UATS can be configured mainly through the UATS Administrator application, which is installed by default on the server hosting Ultimus Web Applications. With UATS Administrator, you can configure the following: Connections to back-end Ultimus BPM Servers, Users, Roles, Central Folders, Modules, Templates, Aliases, Third-party applications, External Data sources. |
Ultimus DPA Portal
Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Portal is a browser-based client that allows process participants to interact with their business tasks on a wide range of Internet-connected devices. |
Ultimus Composed Process Solutions (CPS)
CPS is a software environment that allows you to develop workflow project user interfaces that can be integrated into the BPM environment: CPS for defining user interfaces, application logic, and integrations, and Ultimus BPM to handle the flow of work in a business process.
For minimum computer requirements see General hardware requirements - Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus and Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus software requirements. |
Solution Bus
The Solution Bus is a layer between Ultimus components for separating specific functions (e.g. audit, processes, organization, configuration) from the core components.
For minimum computer requirements see General hardware requirements - Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus and Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus software requirements. |
Network load balancing
To better support large, high-stress implementations, Ultimus provides an optional installation process to support a network load balancing (NLB) environment.
In an NLB configuration, multiple connected servers constitute Ultimus BPM Server and provide scalability, redundancy, and dynamic load distribution. Ultimus supports network load balancing and fail-over redundancy through Ultimus BPM Server.
Before starting the installation procedure, it is beneficial to now consider your planned production environment needs. If you choose to configure Ultimus BPM Server in an NLB environment, it is necessary to multiple servers.
Network load balancing distributes the load of incoming HTTP requests to a cluster of Web servers. This benefits large Ultimus BPM environments with many users and Web-served forms. The Web server cluster also provides the first layer of fail-over redundancy by compensating for a single Web server outage through dynamic redistribution of connections to alternate Web servers if necessary.
A basic architectural structure for an NLB environment
For an NLB environment, the following prerequisites must be met:
• The supported version of the Windows Server installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server
• Identical Web servers (IIS)
• The supported Database versions installed
• Sticky Sessions enabled on Load balancer
• Name Resolution properly configured for all involved end points |
Once Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is installed, it may be necessary to further configure certain Ultimus modules or third-party applications depending on the environment in which you are running Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. This section discusses the following post-installation configurations:
Note: The same post-installation configuration steps have to be made on servers running the supported versions of the Windows Server operating system. However, these are not detailed in these sections separately as instructions, apart from differences in user interface, the configuration requirements are identical.
• If Ultimus BPM Server is installed on a computer using Windows Server
• Configuring MSDTC settings (only for distributed environments)
• Changing applicationHost.config to allow database connections using IIS
• Starting Ultimus BPM service and Ultimus FloStation service
• Starting Ultimus BPM service and Ultimus FloStation service
• Configuring Internet Explorer to display active content when using Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms |
If Ultimus BPM Server is installed on a computer using Windows Server
Under certain conditions, the following general configuration settings must be carried out:
• Configuring MSDTC settings (only for distributed environments)
• Changing applicationHost.config to allow database connections using IIS
Each of these general configuration changes is discussed below. |
Configuring MSDTC settings (only for distributed environments)
Specific post-installation Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) configurations are required in Windows Component Services if the Ultimus BPM environment is distributed across multiple computers (meaning, one computer is hosting Ultimus BPM Server and another computer is hosting Ultimus BPM Database and/or Ultimus Business Organization Database).
MSDTC is a transaction manager which permits client applications to include several different sources of data in one transaction, which then coordinates committing the distributed transaction across all the servers that are enlisted in the transaction. These configurations are required to ensure Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite properly uses MSDTC and executes smoothly.
Caution: The MSDTC configurations outlined below must be performed on the computer(s) hosting Ultimus BPM Database and/or Ultimus Business Organization Database. Failure to configure MSDTC on all related computers may result in Ultimus BPM Server performing slowly or not perform properly at all.On the server hosting the Ultimus BPM Sever, no specific configuration is necessary, keep the default settings.
To configure MSDTC, follow these steps:
1. Open Component Services: select Start»Administrative Tools»Component Services.
2. Expand the Component Services node to expose the My Computer node.
3. Expand the My computer node to expose the Distributed Transaction Coordinator node.
The Distributed Transaction Coordinator node
4. On the Name pane, right-click on the Local DTC option, then select Properties.
5. From the Local DTC Properties dialog box, select the Security tab, and make sure the following are checked:
• No Authentication Required
• Allow Remote Clients
• From the Transaction Manager Communication group:
• Allow Inbound
• Allow Outbound
• No Authentication Required
Local DTC Properties dialog box
When finished, click Apply and exit with OK.
Note: If any change is made in the Local DTC Properties dialog box, all computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Database, and/or Ultimus Business Organization Database must be rebooted. |
Changing applicationHost.config to allow database connections using IIS
When using Internet Information Services (IIS), the applicationHost.config file must be changed as follows, to allow database connections:
1. Using Windows Notepad or any text editor, open applicationHost.config from the C:\Windows\System32\inetserv\config\ directory.
2. Look for this line:
3. Change that line to the following:
<requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true">
4. Save applicationHost.config, then close it. |
Starting Ultimus BPM service and Ultimus FloStation service
If the Ultimus BPM Server module is installed, the Ultimus installation program also creates the Ultimus BPM service that controls many engine functions, for example Ultimus Housekeeping. This service starts automatically.
If the Ultimus FloStation module is installed, the Ultimus installation program also creates the Ultimus FloStation service that processes all Flobot tasks. This service must be manually started.
For details how to manually start the Ultimus FloStation service, refer to section Starting the Ultimus FloStation in Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Configuration Guide. |
Configuring Internet Explorer to display active content when using Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms
Note: Relevant only if Ultimus Forms, or Ultimus WebForms are in use.
Internet Explorer must be configured to display active content in order to Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms displaying properly. To configure, follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer, then select Tools»Internet Options.
2. Select the Advanced tab, then browse to the Security settings.
3. Check Allow active content to run in files on My Computer, then click Apply and click OK.
4. Restart Internet Explorer before attempting to display Ultimus Forms. |
This section outlines computer hardware and software prerequisites supported for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite and describes the installation and configuration prerequisites.
For a successful installation, perform the following steps before installation:
1. Identifying the computer which is to host Ultimus BPM Server
2. Verifying computer hardware and software requirements
3. Required operating system roles/components to be installed
• Required Windows Server features, roles and role services
4. Identifying the Ultimus Windows account
5. Turning off User Account Control for the Ultimus service user account
6. Enabling Net.Tcp Port Sharing service
Note: This setting is a prerequisite for installing UATS modules.
7. Removing previous Ultimus versions
8. Creating Ultimus databases
9. Ensuring you have received a current version of your Ultimus License Configuration files
10. If using Oracle Server as Ultimus Database (Process repository, BPM Database, Organization Database), the appropriate Oracle Client needs to be installed for the following components:
• Ultimus BPM Server
• Ultimus BPM Studio Server
• Ultimus BPM Studio Client
• Ultimus FloStation
If the components are hosted on different machines, each of those machines needs to have the Oracle client installed.
Note: 64-bit version of the relevant Oracle client must be installed if Oracle Server is used as Ultimus BPM Database or Ultimus Business Organization Database.
For detailed instructions on installing Oracle Client, see the section Creating an Ultimus database in Oracle Database. |
Identifying the computer which is to host Ultimus BPM Server
Ultimus BPM Server is the central component to Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. Ultimately, a computer must be identified to host Ultimus BPM Server. This computer must meet the following attributes:
• The computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server must be part of the organization’s domain.
• Ensure that the computer in which Ultimus BPM Server is to be installed is not a Windows domain controller. On a computer serving as a Windows domain controller, it is not possible to apply the necessary permissions to the Ultimus account.
• The computer must meet hardware and software requirements, as specified in Verifying computer hardware and software requirements section.
Caution: Due to Microsoft limitations, the name of the computer hosting your Ultimus BPM Server should include only alpha-numeric characters.
Note: When planning to install Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite on the computer which is to host Ultimus BPM Server, consider whether Microsoft SharePoint is also to be installed on that computer. For details on the supported Microsoft SharePoint-related products, see the Ultimus Supported Technologies document.
Microsoft SharePoint is important to the Ultimus BPM environment because it is used to store Ultimus Form attachments in a SharePoint Document Library. If Ultimus BPM Server and any version of Microsoft SharePoint are on the same computer, it is recommended to install Ultimus DPA Suite first, then install Microsoft SharePoint. Otherwise, Microsoft SharePoint will not function properly.
If Ultimus DPA Suite is installed after Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft SharePoint must be repaired. To do so, select Start»Administrative Tools»Sharepoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard. |
Verifying computer hardware and software requirements
Caution: From Ultimus version 2021 onwards, only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
Before beginning the installation procedure, it is necessary to verify the computer hardware and software requirements for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Each Ultimus module has its own set of hardware and software requirements:
• Computer hardware requirements
• Computer software requirements |
Computer hardware requirements
The following tables describe the minimum computer hardware requirements for operating Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. The hardware required for actual implementations vary, based on the volume of tasks to be processed, the size of forms and XML schemas that Ultimus BPM Server must process, among other variables.
Should you choose to implement more than one of the following Ultimus modules on a single computer, follow these guidelines:
• Follow recommendations for the fastest CPU and RAM based on the Ultimus module which requires that hardware.
• The hard disk space requirements are cumulative.
For a full evaluation of a specific environment and hardware recommendations based on the level of projected usage, please contact your account manager or local sales representative.
Caution: From Ultimus version 2021 onwards, only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
Note: Hardware specifications provided below are minimum requirements, but providing greater resources offers greater performance. Furthermore, hardware requirements may vary depending on your expected workload in your Ultimus BPM environment.
The following table outlines the general computer hardware requirements for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
General hardware requirements for the Ultimus DPA Suite
Minimum: SVGA 1024x768Maximum: SVGA 1600x1200
Note: While all Ultimus modules are tested on screen resolutions between 1024x768 and 1600x1200, higher resolutions are supported, but not tested. In contrast, Ultimus modules running on resolutions lower than 1024x768 are unsupported.
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus BPM Server.
Ultimus BPM Server hardware requirements
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 4 GBRecommended: 8 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
100 GB
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus BPM Studio Client and Ultimus BPM Studio Server.
Ultimus BPM Studio Client and Ultimus BPM Studio Server hardware requirements
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 2 GBRecommended: 4 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
50 GB
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus Business Organization Database.
Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, andUltimus Business Organization Database hardware requirements
Minimum: Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 2 GBRecommended: 4 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
200 GB
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus System Administrator, Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Director, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Organization Charts, and Ultimus BPM Client.
Ultimus BPM Client, Ultimus System Administrator,Ultimus Process Administrator, Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration, Ultimus Reports, Ultimus Director, and Ultimus Organization Charts hardware requirements
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 2 GBRecommended: 4 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
20 GB
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus FloStation.
Ultimus FloStation hardware requirements
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 2 GBRecommended: 4 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
50 GB
The following table outlines the computer hardware requirements for Ultimus Process Designer.
Ultimus Process Designer hardware requirements
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster.
Minimum: 2 GBRecommended: 4 GB or more
Hard drive space required post-installation
20 GB
The following tables outline the general hardware requirements for Ultimus Advanced Task Service, the UATS Administrator and the Ultimus DPA Portal. Hardware requirements may vary depending on your expected workload in your Ultimus BPM environment.
Tip: Greater resources increase performance.
General hardware requirements - UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz
Minimum: 1024x768 (XGA)Maximum: 1600x1200 (UXGA)
Minimum: 4 GBRecommended: 8 GB or more
Hard drive space after installation
100 GB
1 UATS Administrator and Ultimus DPA Portal running on resolutions lower than 1024x768 is unsupported. While UATS Administrator and Ultimus DPA Portal are tested on screen resolutions between 1024x768 and 1600x1200, higher resolutions are supported, but not tested. The ideal width for displaying Ultimus DPA Portal is 1200 pixels. Ultimus DPA Portal is supported to be used on mobile device displays as well.
General hardware requirements - Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus
Minimum: Single 2 GHz CPURecommended: Multi-core CPU(s), at least 3 GHz or faster (depending on system load)
Minimum: 4 GBRecommended: 8 to 16 GB or more
Hard drive space after installation
100 GB
Note: Solution Bus and Ultimus BPM Server must be installed on the same computer. |
Computer software requirements
The following tables describe the computer software requirements for operating Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. The Supported Application and Version Number column shows up to the earliest version of third-party software that Ultimus supports for use with Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Caution: From Ultimus version 2021 onwards, only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
Note: Ultimus supports using TLS 1.2 encryption protocol for communication between the BPM Server and the connected Microsoft SQL Server Database. We recommend that you set this during installation. For this please download the respective driver from
Note: If not otherwise stated, Ultimus always recommends using the latest available releases/versions of required software or technologies for ensuring best performance and compatibility with other pieces of required software.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus BPM Server. Ultimus BPM Server requires each software component outlined below (which may not be included in a new installation of the operating system).
Ultimus BPM Server software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows Server 20192
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
MDAC 2.8
Web server3
• Internet Information Services 10 (Windows Server 2016/19)
• Internet Information Services 8.5 (Windows Server 2012 R2)
• Internet Information Services 8.0 (Windows Server 2012)
.NET Framework4
.NET Framework versions 4.85
E-mail protocols supported
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 Both Standard and Enterprise editions are supported.
3 All associated role services must be installed, including IIS 6 Management Compatibility.
4 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
5 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
The following table outlines optional computer software which may be installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server.
Associated software used in conjunction with Ultimus BPM Server
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
1. Microsoft 365 Exchange
2. Exchange Server 2019
3. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
4. Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
Web browser
Internet Explorer 111
Microsoft SharePoint
• SharePoint Online (365)
• SharePoint Server 2019
• SharePoint Server 2016
• SharePoint Server 2013
• SharePoint Server 2010
• SharePoint Foundation 2013
• SharePoint Foundation 2010
Windows Active Directory domain service2
Active Directory Domain Services version matching the installed Windows Server version.
Terminal emulation3
Remote Desktop Services version matching the installed Windows Server version.
Hyper-V version matching the installed Windows Server version.
1 When using Internet Explorer 11, Ultimus DPA Suite components need Compatibility View enabled for proper display.
2 The domain controller must have at least Active Directory Domain Functional Level 2/Schema Level 30. Forest Functional Level can be 0. For information about raising functional levels, see
3 Only Ultimus BPM Client works with these applications for emulation. Other Ultimus modules are not available through emulation.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server.
Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, Ultimus Business Organization Database, and Ultimus BPM Studio Server software requirements
Database Type
Supported Application and Version Number
SQL Server database1,2
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016
• Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP3
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP4
SQL Server database drivers
Microsoft drivers for SQL Server
Oracle database3
• Oracle Database 19c
• Oracle Database 18c4
• Oracle Database 12c
• Oracle XE5
Oracle client6
• Oracle 19c
• Oracle 18c
1 Ultimus supports both the Standard and Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Editions.
2 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
3 Ultimus BPM Studio Repository, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus Business Organization Database support the Oracle database releases on Windows and Unix platforms. However, Ultimus specifically tests Oracle database and Oracle patch releases available on Windows platforms. Functionality differences between Oracle on Windows and Unix platforms may be seen within the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. Ultimus makes every effort to support those differences within the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite if and when issues are reported to Ultimus Support.
4 Ultimus 2019 has been tested using Oracle Database 18 c Enterprise edition 64 bit.
5 Oracle XE Edition can be used as Ultimus BPM Database in development and/or test BPM environments. Oracle XE Edition is not supported as Ultimus BPM Database for production environments. Please note that Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is not specifically tested against Oracle XE Edition and code changes for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite are not provided if issues are experienced while using this version of Oracle database.
6 64-bit version of the relevant Oracle client must be installed if Oracle Server is used as Ultimus BPM Database or Ultimus Business Organization Database.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus Director.
Ultimus Director software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus BPM Studio Client.
Ultimus BPM Studio Client software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
.NET Framework2
.NET Framework versions 4.83
Web browser
Internet Explorer 114
Office application
• Microsoft Office Online (365)
• Microsoft Office 2019
• Microsoft Office 2016
• Microsoft Office 2013
• Microsoft Office 2010
Recordset database5
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016
• Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP3
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP4
• Oracle Database 19c
• Oracle Database 18c
• Oracle Database 12c
• Oracle XE6
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
3 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
4 When using Internet Explorer 11, Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite components need Compatibility View enabled to display an Ultimus page properly.
5 Ultimus supports both the Standard and Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Editions.
6 Oracle XE Edition can be used as Ultimus BPM Database in development and/or test BPM environments. Oracle XE Edition is not supported as Ultimus BPM Database for production environments. Note that Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is not specifically tested against Oracle XE Edition and code changes for Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite are not provided if issues are experienced while using this version of Oracle database.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration.
Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
MMC 3.0
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus System Administrator.
Ultimus System Administrator software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
MMC 3.0
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus Process Administrator.
Ultimus Process Administrator software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus Organization Charts.
Ultimus Organization Charts software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus FloStation.
Ultimus FloStation software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
.NET Framework
.NET Framework versions 4.82
Office application3
• Microsoft Office Online (365)
• Microsoft Office 2019
• Microsoft Office 2016
• Microsoft Office 2013
• Microsoft Office 2010
Microsoft SharePoint4
• SharePoint Online (365)
• SharePoint Server 2019
• SharePoint Server 2016
• SharePoint Server 2013
• SharePoint Server 2010
• SharePoint Foundation 2013
• SharePoint Foundation 2010
• Microsoft Office365 Exchange
• Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP2
E-mail protocols supported
MMC 3.0
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
3 While Microsoft Office is specifically required on computers hosting Ultimus FloStations, Word and Excel documents generated by Word Flobots and Excel Flobots can be configured to be compatible with Microsoft Office systems. This allows all Ultimus Forms users to view those generated Flobot documents using Microsoft Office applications. Information on how to configure Word Flobots and Excel Flobots to generate documents compatible with Microsoft Office applications can be found in the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Configuration Guide.
4 The SharePoint Flobot requires Microsoft SharePoint to function.
5 Computers which host Ultimus FloStation Configuration (used to configure Ultimus FloStation installations) must have MMC 3.0 installed.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus BPM Client.
Ultimus BPM Client software requirements
Software Component
Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
.NET Framework2,3
.NET Framework versions 4.84
Web browser
Internet Explorer 115
• Microsoft Office Online (365)
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2019
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2016
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2013
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2010
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 Ultimus BPM Client and Ultimus Forms applications are based on Microsoft Windows technologies. Ultimus BPM Client and Forms are based on .NET Framework, meaning that Ultimus Forms need a set of .NET controls to be installed on the computers on which Ultimus Forms are opened. These also mean that Ultimus Forms are not pure web-based forms.
3 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
4 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
5 When using Internet Explorer 11, Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite components need Compatibility View enabled for proper display.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus CPS and the Ultimus SolutionBus.
Note: Solution Bus and Ultimus BPM Server must be installed on the same computer.
Ultimus CPS and Ultimus SolutionBus software requirements
Software Component
Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows Server 2019
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
Web server
• Internet Information Services (IIS) 10
• Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.5
• Internet Information Services (IIS) 8
• Internet Information Services (IIS) 6
.NET Framework2
.NET Framework versions 4.83
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP1
• Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP3
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP4
• Oracle Database 19c
• Oracle Database 18c
• Oracle Database 12c
PowerShell version
Powershell 3.0
ASP.NET version4
ASP.NET 4, registered in IIS
Rewrite Module for IIS
Visual C++
Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (64-bit)
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
3 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
4 Ensure your ASP.NET version is registered in Internet Information Services (IIS) using the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool. For this, you need to run with parameter –i. For further information, see
The following tables outline the general software requirements and other relevant considerations for the Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus DPA Portal and the UATS Administrator .
Note: Ultimus Advanced Task Service requires each software component outlined below (which may not be included in a new installation of the operating system).
General software requirements for running Ultimus Advanced Task Service, Ultimus Administrator and Ultimus DPA Portal
Software Component
Application andSupported Version Number
Operating system for UATS1
• Windows Server 2019
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
Ultimus (Adaptive) BPM Suite2
• Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite 2021
• Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2019
• Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2017
• Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 2016
• Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3 CP1
Web server
• Internet Information Services 10 (Windows Server 2016/19)
• Internet Information Services 8.5 (Windows Server 2012 R2)
• Internet Information Services 8.0 (Windows Server 2012)
.NET Framework3
.NET Framework versions 4.84
SQL Server database
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP2
SQL Server database drivers
Microsoft drivers for SQL Server
Oracle database5
• Oracle Database 19c
• Oracle Database 18c
• Oracle Database 12c
Oracle client
• Oracle 19c
• Oracle 18c
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 For using Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 7.3 CP1, 2016 or 2017 together with Ultimus DPA Suite 2021, you need to install a single software patch to the server(s) hosting Ultimus BPM Server(s). To request for this software patch, please contact your local administrator or Ultimus account manager.
3 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
4 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
5 Ultimus supports the Oracle database releases on Windows and Linux platforms. However, Ultimus specifically tests Oracle database and Oracle patch releases available on Windows platforms. Functionality differences between Oracle on Windows and Linux platforms may be seen within the Ultimus Advanced Task Service. Ultimus makes every effort to support those differences within the Ultimus Advanced Task Service if and when issues are reported to Ultimus Support.
Web browsers supported by the UATS Administrator and the Ultimus DPA Portal
Software Component
Application and Supported Version Number
Web browser1
• Microsoft Edge 85 or higher
• Google Chrome 85 or higher
• Mozilla Firefox (based on Chromium or ESR) 81 or higher
• Safari2 or Chrome on iOS
• Google Chrome 87 on Android
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 113 in Desktop mode
1 Ultimus DPA Portal is not supported to be used with Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 or 10.
2 Safari is only supported on Apple iPad devices running iOS 14.x or higher. Chrome on Apple iPad: 14.x or higher.
3 Aligning to Microsoft recommendations regarding product support and development, the current UATS version has not been tested with Internet Explorer. The state-of-the-art HTML5 standard used to render Ultimus CPS forms is fully supported by Microsoft Edge, therefore we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge in your UATS environment instead Internet Explorer.
The following table outlines the computer software requirements for Ultimus Reports.
Ultimus Reports software requirements
Software Component
Supported Application and Version Number
Operating system1
• Windows 10
• Windows 8.1
• Windows 7 SP1
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2012
.NET Framework2
.NET Framework versions 4.83
• Microsoft Office Online (365)
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2019
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2016
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2013
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2010
Web browser
Internet Explorer 114
1 From Ultimus version 2021 onwards only the 64-bit architecture is supported.
2 .NET Framework requires manual installation.
3 Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.
4 When using Internet Explorer 11, Ultimus DPA Suite components need Compatibility View enabled for proper display. |
Server sizing considerations - selecting hardware for Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Database and Ultimus FloStation
Ultimus provides the following information to assist you in selecting hardware for Ultimus BPM Server, Ultimus BPM Database, and Ultimus FloStation installations appropriate to your level of business process activity.
The following table provides server sizing suggestions taking into account existing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installations of varying sizes.
Server sizing examples
1. To be considered: In most scenarios 80% of all daily transactions (tr.) occur within 8 hours; as transaction load isn’t equally distributed a factor three for peak considerations should be applied. Calculation: 10,000 transactions (tr.)/day means 8,000 transactions (tr.) within 8 hours or when equally distributed 1,000 transactions (tr.)/hour. With peak considerations system should be configured to handle 3,000 transactions (tr.)/hour.
2. Assuming that 30%-50% of all users are logged on at the same time.
CPU speed is not an accurate indicator of CPS performance. For this, and for consistency with the virtual environment nomenclature, we use CPU core count in our recommendations. The Server sizing examples table assumes that one medium-specification (spec) virtual core is equivalent to one medium performance physical Core, and that one high-specification (spec) virtual core is equivalent to one high performance physical core with Hyper-Threading. This may not match cloud specifications your providers use; we recommend to consult your cloud service provider for further information on an equivalent system configuration.
The high I/O performance is essential. We recommend utilizing SSD storage in your environment, considering that minimum 120 GB disk is recommended, which means a minimum of 15% free disk space at runtime, and an additional 10 GB free disk capacity for module installation.
A good network performance is essential as well: a 1 Gbps backbone for server communications is required, and a 10 Gbps, or higher network backbone is recommended. The end-user facing Internet connection for Small and Medium environments should be at least 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps is recommended for Large and Heavy environments. |
Projecting larger implementations
Ultimus can scale to manage BPM for any size enterprise. The examples above can be multiplied through load balancing and hardware expansion.
When scaling Ultimus for large-scale use, consider the following:
• Increasing RAM on both the computers hosting Ultimus BPM Server and Ultimus BPM Database generally makes each more responsive.
• Due to parallel reading and writing, efficiency of the database server can be best improved by adding multiple hard drives rather than a single, larger drive.
• Being an I/O-intensive solution, Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is highly dependent on a good network connection: the network bandwidth directly influences the system behavior and system performance. A fast network connection between Ultimus server and Ultimus database is a must, and between Ultimus server and Ultimus clients recommended.
Ultimus Professional Services and your network administrator may have additional recommendations for improving BPM performance. |
Required operating system roles/components to be installed
Depending on the operating system planned to be used to host Ultimus BPM Server, specific Windows Server roles and related role services must be installed before installing Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. These roles are outlined based on Windows server-class operating system:
• Required Windows Server features, roles and role services
• Identifying the Ultimus Windows account
As part of the Ultimus BPM Server installation, the installer creates UltWeb, UltDocs, and PLWebServices directories in IIS in the path \inetpub\wwwroot. The Ultimus installation determines where this IIS folder is located, as configured in the Local Path field of the Default Web Site Properties on the Home Directory tab. Note that if you wish to move IIS from its default location to another file location, this change must take place before Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite is installed. |
Required Windows Server features, roles and role services
This section describes the features and roles that have to be added in Windows Server operating system for the successful installation of Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
• .NET Framework Features
• .NET Framework 4.8(Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.)
• WCF Services
• HTTP Activation
• Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation
• Named Pipe Activation
• TCP Activation
• TCP Port Sharing
• Only with Windows Server 2012 R2: Application Server
• .NET Framework 4.5
• COM+ Network Access
• Distributed Transactions
• Incoming Network Transactions
• Outgoing Network Transactions
• Web Server (IIS) Support
• Web Server (IIS)
• Common HTTP Features
• Default Document
• Directory Browsing
• HTTP Errors
• Static Content
• HTTP Redirection
• WebDAV Publishing
• Health and Diagnostics
• HTTP Logging
• Custom Logging
• Logging Tools
• ODBC Logging
• Request Monitor
• Tracing
• Performance
• Static Content Compression
• Dynamic Content Compression
• Security
• Request Filtering
• Basic Authentication
• Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• Digest Authentication
• IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• IP and Domain Restrictions
• URL Authorization
• Windows Authentication
• Application Development
• .NET Extensibility
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters
• WebSocket Protocol
• Management Tools
• Management Console
• IIS 6 Management Compatibility
• IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
• IIS 6 Management Console
• IIS 6 Scripting Tools
• IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
• IIS Management Scripts and Tools
• Management Service
See detailed instructions below, using Windows Server 2016 as example.
To add the necessary roles and features (here in Windows Server 2016 as example) open Server Manager. If it does not open automatically at startup, click the Windows icon in the lower left corner and select the Server Manager tile in the Start screen.
1. In the opening screen of Server Manager select Dashboard view.
Server Manager - Dashboard
2. Select the Add roles and features option.The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens with the Before You Begin screen. Here you can find important information about the wizard and its prerequisites.
3. Check the Skip this page by default in the lower left corner and click on Next to continue.
4. The Select installation type screen appears. Choose Role-based or feature-based installation, and click Next to continue.
Add Roles and Features Wizard: Select installation type
5. The Select destination server screen appears, with the Select a server from the server pool option highlighted by default. Select the server you wish to add roles or features to. Click Next to continue.
Add Roles and Features Wizard: Select destination server
6. The Select server roles screen appears. In the role selection window, check Web Server (IIS) checkbox.
Note: For Windows Server 2012 R2, check the Application Server checkbox as well.
Add Roles and Features Wizard on Windows Server 2012 R2: Select server roles including Application Server
Please note that when checking the Web Server (IIS) box, a window with the role’s features appears. Click the Add Features button.
Add Roles and Features Wizard: Features of Web Server (IIS) role
7. Click Next to continue. The Select features screen appears. Check the following checkboxes:
• .NET Framework Feature options:
• WCF Services
• HTTP Activation
• Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation
• Named Pipe Activation
• TCP Activation
• TCP Port Sharing
Add Roles and Features Wizard: .NET Framework features
Please note that the WCF Services require further features to be added, as follows:
Adding HTTP Activation features
Adding WCF services to .NET 4.5 Features
Adding MSMQ
8. Click Next to continue.
The following instructions from Step 1 to 6 are only valid for 2012 R2 and older Windows Server versions.
If you are using a newer Windows Server version, continue to Step 9.
1. The Application Server screen appears with the description of the Application Server role. Click Next to continue.
2. The Select role services screen appears where you need check the following:
• .NET Framework 4.5
• COM+ Network Access
• Distributed Transactions
• Incoming Network Transactions
• Outgoing Network Transactions
• Web Server (IIS) Support
Selecting Application server role services on Windows Server 2012 R2
Please note that when selecting Web Server (IIS) Support, the addition of further features is needed. When finished, click Next to continue.
Application Server Roles - adding Web Server (IIS) Support
3. The Server Authentication window appears. Select Choose an existing certificate for SSL encryption (recommended).
4. Click on Import. Locate and select the certificate, then click Open.
5. Click on Next when finished.
Importing an existing certificate for SSL encryption on Windows Server 2012 R2
7. The Web Server Role (IIS) screen appears with the description of the Web Server role (IIS). Click Next to continue
Web Server Role (IIS) screen with description
8. The Select role services screen appears where you need to check the following boxes:
• Common HTTP Features:
• Default Document
• Directory Browsing
• HTTP Errors
• Static Content
• HTTP Redirection
• WebDAV Publishing
• Health and Diagnostics
• HTTP Logging
• Custom Logging
• Logging Tools
• ODBC Logging
• Request Monitor
• Tracing
• Performance
• Static Content Compression
• Dynamic Content Compression
• Security
• Request Filtering
• Basic Authentication
• Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• Digest Authentication
• IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• IP and Domain Restrictions
• URL Authorization
• Windows Authentication
• Application Development
• .NET Extensibility
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters
• WebSocket Protocol
• Management Tools
• Management Console
• IIS 6 Management Compatibility
• IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
• IIS 6 Management Console
• IIS 6 Scripting Tools
• IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
• IIS Management Scripts and Tools
• Management Service
The following illustrations show the necessary options selected:
Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select Role Services 1
Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select Role Services 2
Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select Role Services 3
Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select Role Services 4
Please note that when checking the IIS 6 Scripting Tools option, a sub-window appears with the required features for IIS 6 Scripting Tools. Click the Add Features button. Click Next when finished.
Adding IIS 6 Scripting Support features
9. The Confirm installation selections screen appears. If you do not want to receive notification before restarting the server, uncheck the Restart the destination server automatically if required box, before clicking the Install button.
Add Roles and Features Wizard Confirmation screen
10. When the installation is finished, a summary screen appears. Click Close to exit.
Add Roles and Features Wizard summary of installation
You have now successfully configured your Windows Server to install Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite. |
Required Modules and Packages
Ensure the following prerequisites are installed:
• .NET Framework 4.8 (Install .NET version 4.8 on top of a .NET 4.X version.)Please note that .NET Framework requires manual installation.
• ASP.NETEnsure your ASP.NET version is registered in Internet Information Services (IIS) using the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool. For this, you need to run with parameter –i. (See
• Rewrite Module for IIS
• MVC 4
• Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio x64
Note: The packages required for Ultimus CPS are provided in the CPS prerequisites to be installed sub folder of the Ultimus DPA Suite package. |
Identifying the Ultimus Windows account
Before Ultimus BPM Server or Ultimus FloStation can be installed, the Ultimus Windows account with the appropriate Administrator rights must be created. This account is used during the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation to configure the five Ultimus services and to configure the Ultimus COM+ components.
The following are requirements for the Ultimus Windows account:
• The Ultimus Windows account must be a domain account, not a local server account.
• The Ultimus Windows account name must not have spaces or special characters.
Once you have created the Ultimus Windows account on your domain for the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server, ensure that the account has the following rights assigned to it:
• The account must have local Administrator rights on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server.
• The account must be assigned the advanced right of Act as a part of the operating system.
• The account must be assigned the advanced right of Log on as a service.
• The account must be assigned the advanced right of Log on as a batch job. |
Turning off User Account Control for the Ultimus service user account
The User Account Control (UAC) of the Ultimus service user account must be set to never notify the Windows account user (used to install Ultimus DPA Suite) about changes made to that computer.
Deactivating UAC in Windows 2008 R2 was possible via running msconfig (for example winkey+r and then typing in msconfig), and on the Tools tab launching Change UAC settings. There selecting Never notify would disable UAC.
The same approach is still available in Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016, but UAC remains active regardless. Therefore we recommend to do one of the following:
1. Turn off UAC via registry by changing the DWORD EnableLUA from 1 to 0 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system.
2. Create a .reg file with the following content.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Please note that a Windows notification is shown if the setting was saved successfully. Please restart after the success notification appears for the changes to take effect.
Note: Please note that a Windows notification is shown if the setting was saved successfully. Please restart after the success notification appears for the changes to take effect. |
Enabling Net.Tcp Port Sharing service
Note: This setting is a prerequisite for installing UATS modules.
On Windows Server versions 2016 and 2019, the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service must be enabled as follows:
1. Using Start menu search, locate and open Services.
2. Locate Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service in the list of services.
Enabling the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - List of services
3. Right-click over the service, and open Properties.
4. Set the Startup type to Manual or Automatic. Click Apply, then OK to close Properties. (Restart not needed, the changes take effect immediately).
Enabling the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - Properties |
Removing previous Ultimus versions
Note: If upgrading a non-primary or ‘backup’ Ultimus BPM Server:
• Create a new Ultimus BPM Database to allow the database-handling-related software changes delivered with the new Ultimus version to take effect.
• Make sure you back up the old database before starting the installation process of the new version, including creating a new Ultimus BPM Database.
• When the upgrade procedure is complete, you can easily make the data available for the new database by exporting the data in the old DB, and importing the data into the new DB.
• To prevent registry errors, make sure you avoid copying the UltimusServer table during this process.
If you are upgrading from Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4, 8.3 SP1/SP2, or 8.3, first you have to uninstall Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4/8.3 (SP1/SP2). For instructions on how to uninstall earlier Ultimus versions, see section Uninstalling Ultimus DPA Suite. |
Creating Ultimus databases
The creation of Ultimus databases is necessary to support the Ultimus BPM server environment. Ultimus Business Organization Database can be a separate database from Ultimus BPM Database. By having Ultimus Business Organization Database as a separate database, the Ultimus DPA Suite production and testing environments can utilize a single Ultimus Organization Charts resource.
Note: Operations such as logging, file upload and data synchronization need sufficient disk space. We recommend you use separate databases for BPM, UATS, CPS and for SolutionBus.
The following list shows the different databases used in the Ultimus BPM environment:
• Ultimus BPM Database: data repository for Ultimus BPM Server.
• Ultimus BPM Studio Repository: data repository for Ultimus BPM Studio.
• Ultimus Business Organization Database: data repository for business organizations. This database is accessed by Ultimus BPM Server.
• Ultimus Advanced Task Service Database: data repository for UATS storing the synchronized users, tasks and related information from all Ultimus connected BPM Servers and UATS settings including (for example) templates, applications, roles. The UATS Database does not contain log or audit data, those are handled separately.
• Ultimus Composed Process Solutions Database: data repository for Ultimus CPS, storing the definitions of CPS Solutions and Ultimus CPS forms and the data submitted by CPS forms.
• Ultimus Solution Bus Database: data repository for Ultimus SolutionBus, storing Logs, Audit records, connection data of the SolutionBus components and some configuration data.
Creating these databases may require the assistance of a specific network or database administrator.
Note: A dedicated computer may be used to host all Ultimus databases.
Note: When creating the databases, use only alphanumeric characters and avoid using a . (full stop).
Note: If both Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are installed on the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server, then create the Ultimus database in one of them - it is unnecessary to create the same DB in both. Oracle is not supported as Modeling Database or Simulation Database.
Note: Only Microsoft SQL is supported to be used as Simulation Database or Modeling Database. Each installed BPM Studio Client and each Studio user must use its own Simulation Database and Modeling Database that is not shared with other users, or machines.
Tip: If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database, Ultimus Adaptive BPM can use a single trusted connection to SQL Server. To learn more about configuring a trusted SQL Server connection, refer to section Configuring a trusted database connection to SQL Server in Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite Configuration Guide.
Caution: If using a remote SQL Server database, enable the distributed transactions. To verify this setting, follow these steps:
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio for your SQL Server application.
2. Select the remote database application instance hosting Ultimus BPM Database and/or Ultimus Business Organization Database, right-click, then select Properties.
3. From the Select a page section, select the Permissions page.
4. On the right pane, click the View Server Permissions link.
5. From the Select a page section, select the Connections page.
6. Select the Require distributed transactions for server-to-server communications option, then click OK.
Caution: If the SQL Server database is set to case-sensitive sort collation, some columns within Ultimus BPM Studio Client are not recognized, as they are capitalized. Therefore verify that your Microsoft SQL Server database installation is configured with case-insensitive sort collation. If your Microsoft SQL Server database does have case-sensitive sort collation enabled, then you must first uninstall your SQL Server database, then re-install it with case-sensitive sort collation disabled.
Note: If using an Oracle database application, verify the appropriate Oracle Client application is installed on the computers hosting the following Ultimus modules:
• Ultimus BPM Server
• Ultimus BPM Studio (Client and Server)
• Ultimus FloStation
Caution: If using Oracle database, any given user needs CONNECT, DBA and RESOURCE roles to connect and create the Ultimus BPM tables. The DBA role allows creating the User Queue view. The RESOURCE role gives the user unlimited disk resources to create objects and should be used with caution. For more information about the roles, refer to Oracle documentation.
For detailed instructions on creating Ultimus databases, see section Creating an Ultimus database in Microsoft SQL Server. |
Ensuring you have received a current version of your Ultimus License Configuration files
Caution: Before you proceed to install or upgrade to a new Ultimus version, ensure you have the correct Ultimus License Configuration files for each of the Ultimus modules to be installed, as the old License files will not work with the current version, and the modules have their own License files. Always contact your Account Manager or Ultimus Support to verify you have got the correct license file versions before installing or upgrading to a new version.
Warning: With a new Ultimus release, a new License file format is introduced that is not compatible with previous releases of Ultimus and their license files. As part of your installation planning, contact your Ultimus Representative to obtain new Ultimus product license files. |
Note: Remove UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal before removing the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite.
Note: Removing Ultimus BPM Suite does not delete the original installation directory or your Business Processes.
Since all settings within the Ultimus System Administrator module are deleted once the removal is complete, ensure that all your customized settings from the Ultimus System Administrator module you wish to save are documented, and made available for when the Ultimus DPA Suite is installed again.
To uninstall the Ultimus DPA Suite, follow these steps:
1. Open Control Panel » Programs » Uninstall a Program
2. Locate your installed Ultimus DPA Suite version, then click Uninstall. The Ultimus DPA Suite Uninstall dialog box appears
Ultimus DPA Suite Uninstall dialog box
3. Select the modules to remove. Check Select all installed software to remove all installed modules of the Ultimus DPA Suite.
4. Click Next to confirm your choice.
5. Wait for the process to finish.
Ultimus DPA Suite Uninstalling
6. When the process is complete, a message window appears to inform you that the Ultimus DPA Suite has been successfully removed. Click on Finish to close and exit.
Ultimus DPA Suite Uninstall dialog box
7. Click Finish to close the dialog box. |
This section details additional configurations for UATS and Ultimus DPA Portal that may be required before users can start using Ultimus DPA Portal. The list of required additional configurations depend on your UATS and Ultimus DPA Portal project implementation.
• Server-side configurations
• Client-side configurations |
Server-side configurations
This section contains additional configurations for Ultimus DPA Portal that may have to be carried out on the server(s) hosting UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal Web Application.
• Setting up multiple Ultimus DPA Portal instances
• Securing UATS and SSL configuration for UATS with DPA Portal
• Configuring reverse proxy for DMZ access
• Enabling Debug logging for UATS
• Configuring service locations
• Configuring SSO
• Configuring user name visibility in lists |
Setting up multiple Ultimus DPA Portal instances
By setting up multiple Ultimus DPA Portal instances as detailed in this section, DPA Portal users will be able to access the DPA Portal using domain-specific URLs instead of selecting a domain from a list when logging in to DPA Portal.
Caution: To explain the procedure, we used a single-UATS-server environment as an example. Apply the instructions according to the individual configuration in your environment.
1. Consider how to apply the instructions in this section to your own Ultimus environment.
Before starting the configuration process, plan the new architecture and the required environment downtimes (including service restart time) carefully.
The architecture of our example environment is the following:
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - example configuration
2. Prepare the installed CPS environment
A recent update regarding the iframe cookie handling restrictions in the Google Chrome browser, web pages under iframe need individual access for writing the session cookie.
Due to this security feature, the DPA Portal will not be able to open CPS forms that are loaded from other than the configured UATS server. DPA Portal will stop instead with the model.Root is Empty error. The resolution is to allow cross-site cookies manually in the web.config file. This works with the recent Firefox and Edge browsers too (has not been tested on other browsers).
Caution: Modifying the web.config file causes the UltimusCPS web application to restart automatically.
To allow cross-site cookies manually, open the web.config file of the UltimusCPS web application. Locate the <sessionState> section and find the system.web node.
Scroll to the sessionState element:
• Set cookieName to ASP.Net_CPS_SessionId
• Set cookieSameSite to None
<sessionState cookieName="ASP.Net_CPS_SessionId" mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120" cookieSameSite="None"/>
3. Add the new sites to the IIS
• Create the new websites. Create the folders as well if they do not exist yet. Do not use wwwroot. site:
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - site
Internal company site:
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - Internal company site
• Create the new Ultimus DPA Portal instances:
Go to c:\inetpub\wwwroot , and copy the Ultimus DPA Portal folder to the root of the two new sites.Then convert to application.
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - Convert to application
• Restart the stopped services.
4. Configure the DPA Portal website to use default domain.
Edit the web.config file of the copied sites as follows:
• Hide the domain dropdown
• Set default domainC:\inetpub\\UltimusWebClient\web.config
• Save your changes, then set the same for every new DPA Portal instances.
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - Set default domain
5. Verify the new instances.
• Prepare DNS
1. Get the IP address of the UATS server.
2. On the test client machine edit hosts file, add the site names with the IP address respectively to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Please note that you need to Run as Administrator to edit.
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - Prepare the DNS in Notepad++
• Test the new DPA Portal instances in the browser
1. Open a DPA Portal website using its configured URL.
2. Open a CPS form from the Initiate view.
3. Submit the form.
4. Check if the result is synchronized (needs 25 seconds).
Repeat these steps when testing the original, internal, external company sites and compare the synchronization performance.
Setting up multiple DPA Portal instances - URL successfully configured |
Securing UATS and SSL configuration for UATS with DPA Portal
To secure UATS and configure SSL, follow these steps.
1. Preparations:
• Ensure that outdated TLS/SSL protocols are disabled on the production system.
• All of the services doing database logging via CPS’s Logbus adapter (default) have the SolutionBus/GovernanceService key in their config files.
• If the Governance service is set to https, set those as well.
• If any service config file changed the service has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
• Ensure the URL Rewrite module for IIS is installed.When the rule is set in the web.config file it will be also visible in IIS Manager, where the settings can be changed (rules are always saved in web.config files).
• The certificate validation option is available in all windows services in Ultimus 2021 (only in JSON in Ultimus 2019). Set to true for testing, or for performance reasons, not to be used in production.
2. Ultimus DPA Portal Web application configuration
Set the following in the web.config configuration file:
• Under appSettings set forcing SSL, disable form cookies and other web references (if other features are disabled as well, then add the following to the list):
<add key="DisableFeatures" value="FormCookies;" />
<add key="ForceRequireSSL" value="true" />
<add key="SolutionBus/GovernanceService" value="https://localhost:8080/GovernanceService" />
• Under system.web, secure cookies:
<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true" />
• Under system.webServer set redirect rule to SSL:
<rule name="Force HTTPS" enabled="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />
<!--action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" redirectType="Permanent" /-->
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" appendQueryString="true" redirectType="Permanent" />
• Make the following, security-related settings as well:
• In appSettings:
<add key="ReturnApiExceptionDetails" value="false" />
• In system.web
<customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite" defaultRedirect="~/Error/Index"></customErrors>
httpProtocol/customHeaders -> <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
Replace the * with the list of acceptable origins separated by space. For a list of acceptable origins, please refer to
3. UATS Administrator application configuration
Change the reference to Ultimus DPA Portal (WebClient) URL-s and other web references as follows.
Important! If you have more than one DPA Portal instances installed because of NLB or Proxy, list all servers with their internal name.
<add key="WebClientBaseUrlList" value="https://localhost/UltimusWebClient/"/>
<add key="SolutionBus/GovernanceService" value="https://localhost:8080/GovernanceService" />.
4. JSON configuration - Cache Service/DataProvider
Change the file Ultimus.WebClient.FrontEnd.JSONCache.Service.exe.config as follows:
Important! If you have more than one DPA Portal instances installed because of NLB or Proxy, list all servers with their internal name, separated with a comma. Also ensure there is a slash character (/) after the application name.
<add key="WebClientBaseUrlList" value="https://localhost/UltimusWebClient/"/>
<add key="SolutionBus/GovernanceService" value="https://localhost:8080/GovernanceService" />
<add key="DisableCertificateValidation" value="false" />
5. Verification (using certificates):
• Google Chrome (v56+):
To generate a working test certificate, use OpenSSL: Create a root certificate that is installed on the local machine trusted roots store, then generate a new certificate adding other important properties. Please refer to the following resources for information on this:
• Firefox: Install the root certificate manually.
The client certificate works with Firefox (if it was working in Chrome). |
Configuring reverse proxy for DMZ access
Adding a reverse-proxy server to your configuration provides an additional, external access point for internal users, making internal web applications, such as the Ultimus DPA Portal available over the Internet.
In a typical reverse-proxy scenario, an Internet-accessible Web server is used as a reverse-proxy server that receives Web requests, then forwards them to Intranet applications for processing.
Here is an example for a typical reverse-proxy scenario configuration:
Reverse-proxy configuration example
To set up a reverse-proxy server for Ultimus DPA Portal, do the following:
1. Install the Web Platform Installer containing URL Rewrite Module and Application Request Routing.
2. Create a public website in IIS.You can use the following settings:
Reverse-proxy configuration - proxy settings
3. Create a new web.config file for the reverse-proxy server with the following content.
Note: You can edit the file using Notepad to set your own server names and all other available settings. The below image shows the available setting with green in the web.config file. Your settings will be visible if you open URL Rewrite from the redirect website.In our example, we used the following names: and internal.protected.local.
Reverse-proxy configuration - new web.config file content
The same content in plain text for copying:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="ReverseProxyRedirectTo" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<!-- Set target URL -->
<action type="Rewrite" url="http://internal.protected.local/{R:1}" />
<!-- Save encoding to a variable and disable -->
<set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" />
<rule name="ReverseProxyResponseFrom" preCondition="ResponseIsHtmlAndHasOriginalEncoding">
<match filterByTags="A, Area, Base, Form, Frame, Head, IFrame, Img, Link, Script" pattern="^http(s)?://internal.protected.local/(.*)" />
<!-- Set source URL in response for some tags -->
<action type="Rewrite" value="http{R:1}://{R:2}" />
<rule name="FixEncoding" preCondition="ResponseIsHtmlAndHasOriginalEncoding">
<match serverVariable="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" pattern="^(.*)" />
<!-- Set encoding to a value -->
<action type="Rewrite" value="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" />
<!-- Apply to response if it is html and has original encoding header -->
<preCondition name="ResponseIsHtmlAndHasOriginalEncoding">
<add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="^text/html" />
<add input="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" pattern=".*" />
<remove name="ServiceModel"/>
<add name="ServiceModel" type="System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule, System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" preCondition="managedHandler,runtimeVersionv2.0"/>
4. Save the new web.config file using the UTF-8 encoding.
5. Place the file in the server root of the website.
Reverse-proxy configuration - web.config file location
6. The content and binding for the internal website:
Reverse-proxy configuration - Internal website binding
Reverse-proxy configuration - Internal website content
7. Set Enable Proxy for the reverse-proxy server:
Reverse-proxy configuration - Enable Proxy - Open Application Request Rooting
Reverse-proxy configuration - Enable Proxy - set Enable Proxy |
Enabling Debug logging for UATS
Enable debug logging to access error logs easily whenever required, for example for a troubleshooting process.
Note: The affected services must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
You can enable debug logging using our application (supported way), or manually.
Enabling debug logging using the application
cd C:\Program Files\UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal\AdminService
UATS.Config.Update.exe appsettings -f "C:\Program Files\UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal" --key=”logLevel” --value=”-1”
UATS.Config.Update.exe appsettings -f "C:\Program Files\UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal" --key=”logToFile” --value=”true”
• appsettings: specifies the parameter group to work on
• f: folder to check recursively for the related configuration files
• --key: name of the key
• --value: new value to set
Enabling debug logging manually
Open the .exe.config files belonging to the individual Ultimus-specific services and change the value of the logLevel key to -1 and the value of the logToFile key to true. |
Configuring service locations
If the NLB helper service providing the Network Load Balancing and the DPA Portal application are not installed at the same computer, the name of the server where the NLB helper service is located has to be defined manually. In distributed-server installations, the UATS Administrator web service also needs to be located.
Note: When using Load Balancer, it is a requirement to enable Sticky Session within the Load Balancer.
Note: Should you have further questions on NLB-related configuration, please contact your Ultimus Account Manager.
Ensure that all of the references are accessible from the Web Application server, so the TCP connection to specific port can be established.
1. Browse to the web.config file of the DPA Portal application.
2. Open the file with a suitable application (e.g. Notepad).
3. Specify the following:
• JSONCacheFQDN and LBHelperHost: Set the DNS names of the computers on which the UATS NLB helper service and UATS JSON cache have been installed.
• JSONCachePORT and LBHelperport : Specify the port numbers used by the JSON cache and the NLB helper service.
• UATSAdministratorURL: Specify the location of the server where the UATSAdministrator Web Application has been installed.
<add key="JSONCacheFQDN" value="localhost" />
<add key="JSONCachePORT" value="8590" />
<add key="UATSAdministratorUrl" value="http://localhost/UATSAdministrator" />
<add key="LBHelperHost" value="localhost" />
<add key="LBHelperport" value="8523" />
4. Browse to the web.config file of the UATSAdministrator Web Application.
5. AdminserviceFQDN: Add key and specify the location of the server where UATS Administrator service is installed.
<add key="AdminServiceFQDN" value="localhost" />
Carry out a ping to double check the accessibility of the configured DNS connections. |
Configuring SSO
Configuring Single-Sign On (SSO) for logging in to Ultimus DPA Portal consists of the following main parts:
• IIS configuration |
IIS configuration
1. Open Internet Information Services (ISS) Manager.
2. In the Connections pane, navigate to and select the UltimusWebClient node.
3. In the list view, double-click on Authentication (as shown in Figure 94).
Selecting Authentication
4. In the Authentication view, verify the following settings (as shown in Figure 95):
• Anonymous Authentication is disabled.
• Windows Authentication is enabled.
Authentication view in IIS Manager
5. When finished, exit the IIS Manager. |
Configuring user name visibility in lists
Processes often contain lists of DPA Portal users to choose from (for example in the form of an Assign To list). These lists display user names depending on security settings, by default, the user names are not displayed. To display them, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to folder Program files\UATS with DPA Portal\JSONCache
2. Open file Ultimus.WebClient.FrontEnd.JSONDataProviderDaemon.exe.config
3. In section <appSettings>, add the following
JSON service -->
<add key="IncludeLoginNameInUserCaption" value="false"/>
4. Save and close the file. |
Client-side configurations
This section details additional configurations that may need to be done on computers on which Ultimus DPA Portal will be used. |
Adding Ultimus DPA Portal URL to trusted sites for Internet Explorer
Note: This setting is only applicable to Internet Explorer. We recommend that you consider using Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer.
Warning: This configuration is necessary for Ultimus (standard) Forms and Ultimus Web Forms forms to work.
Note: Instructions and screens may vary depending on the Internet Explorer version.
To enable scripting in Internet Explorer, you can either add the Ultimus DPA Portal URL to the list of trusted sites, or adjust the security settings.
To add Ultimus DPA Portal to trusted sites in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
From Internet Explorer 9, the classic menu is hidden by default. You can evoke it by pressing the ALT key on the keyboard.
3. On the Security tab, select Trusted sites, then click Sites.
The Trusted sites dialog box appears.
Trusted sites dialog box in Internet Explorer
4. Enter the URL of Ultimus DPA Portal in the text box, then click Add.
Ultimus DPA Portal is now added to trusted sites for Internet Explorer.
5. Click Close.
To modify Internet Explorer security settings for Ultimus DPA Portal so that it displays properly in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
3. On the Security tab, select Internet, then click Custom level.
The Security settings - Internet Zone dialog box appears.
4. Make sure that the following options are enabled:
• Binary and script behaviors
• Display video and animation on web page that does not use external media player
• Active scripting
The following figures show examples of these security settings.
Security Settings dialog box (1)
Security Settings dialog box (2)
5. Click Apply, then click OK. |
This section discusses how to set up and configure the connection between Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus Digital Process Automation Portal and the Ultimus BPM Server(s), and details further configurations to be done in the UATS Administrator application.
This section assumes that UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal has been successfully installed following the guidelines in the Installation Guide of the corresponding release.
For details about managing UATS Administrator, see the following sections:
• Logging in to UATS Administrator
• Managing Ultimus BPM Server settings
• Managing Ultimus DPA Portal users
• Managing User Roles
• Managing the Ultimus DPA Portal Navigation Pane content (Navigation & Applications)
• Process Step Localization
• Managing Aliases
• Managing templates
• Managing Central Folders
• Sorting the Initiate View content (Managing Tags)
• Managing external data sources
• Synchronization
• Diagnostics and Messaging
• General information about UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal |
Logging in to UATS Administrator
1. Open the list of installed applications by (Start menu) and locate UATS with Ultimus DPA Portal»UATS Administrator.
The UATS Administrator login dialog box opens in your default web browser; showing the following URL in the Address bar:
(where computername is the name of the computer hosting the Ultimus Web Applications)
Note: The URL depends on the configuration.
UATS Administrator login dialog box
2. Enter the following information:
• In the User ID text box, enter the user name to log in to UATS Administrator.
• In the Password text box, enter the password to log in to UATS Administrator.
• From the Domain combo box, select the domain the user you wish to log in belongs to.
Note: When logging on to UATS Administrator for the first time, the following login credentials must be used:
• User ID: Use utssa as the user ID.
• Password: Use the log on password set during installation.
• Domain: Use UtsSuperAdmin as the login domain.
Tip: As a best practice, dedicate Administrator rights to existing user accounts in UATS Administrator after the first user synchronization. For information on how to assign administrator rights to users, see section Editing an existing user.
Tip: The UATS Administrator can save your User ID and domain selection for the next entry. To enable that, click the Remember me check box on the log on screen. However, you always have to enter your password for proper authentication.
3. Click on Login. Upon a successful login, the main interface, the Dashboard appears
Tip: You can return here from anywhere in UATS Administrator by clicking Dashboard on the top of the page. |
Managing Ultimus BPM Server settings
This section outlines how to use the Servers page in UATS Administrator. By defining Ultimus BPM Server settings, Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus Digital Process Automation Portal can connect to the specified Ultimus BPM Servers to retrieve business process data. |
Starting or stopping the DataLoader service
The Servers page displays the list of Ultimus BPM Servers that are connected to UATS and run the DataLoader services.
Ultimus BPM Servers page of UATS Administrator
To Start or Stop the DataLoader service for a BPM Server, click on the respective button in the Actions column. Clicking on the Stop button will stop the HealthCheck service as well.
Note: In an NLB environment, clicking on any of the Stop buttons stops the DataLoader services on every Ultimus BPM Servers.
To check service status, click on Start menu ›› Administrative Tools ›› Component Services. Select Services (local) option to see the status of all Ultimus-related services. |
Authentication Ultimus BPM Server
The authentication Ultimus BPM Server performs user authentication and verifies licensing for process participants by communicating with the other BPM Servers in the domain. The authentication server carries out the user authentication directly, while the user licenses are checked by the individual BPM Servers from which the DPA Portal users retrieve their tasks upon opening a form.
Note: Specify only one Ultimus BPM Server to be the authentication BPM Server in the environment.
You can specify if an Ultimus BPM Server is the authentication server in your Ultimus BPM environment in the Add Server and the Edit Server dialog boxes, by setting the Authentication Server switch to ON or OFF. Apply depending on your licensing:
a. Single-server installation: The only Ultimus BPM Server in the environment is the authentication Ultimus BPM Server. Select ON.
b. Distributed server installation: After performing the installation, designate a single Ultimus BPM Server to be the authentication server:
• If Ultimus 201x or higher is installed, any of the servers can be designated.
• In a mixed 7.3 + 201x configuration, to designate one of the Ultimus 201x (or higher) servers to be the authentication server, select ON. For all other Ultimus BPM Servers: select OFF.
For more information on the relevance of the authentication Ultimus BPM Server and how it fits into Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus Digital Process Automation Portal architecture, see section Ultimus Advanced Task Service architecture in the UATS Installation Guide. |
Adding a new Ultimus BPM Server
This section describes how to specify a new Ultimus BPM Server from which to retrieve business process data.
Note: Before adding a new server, ensure that the respective BPM services (TaskHandler, DataProvider) are installed on the BPM-side. These are essential for the process to carry out the UATS license-check in the background during the process.
Note: Ensure that the same versions of the UATS services are installed on all BPM and UATS servers.
1. On the UATS Administrator main interface, click Servers. The Servers page appears
Ultimus BPM Servers page of UATS Administrator
2. Click on New Server to display the Add New Server dialog box.
Add New Server dialog
3. Server Name [FQDN]: Enter the name of the server hosting Ultimus BPM Server from which Ultimus Advanced Task Service with Ultimus Digital Process Automation Portal will retrieve business process data.
Use the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server, for example, <server name>.<domain name>.
4. BPM Public URL: Enter the URL of the BPM Server that is going to be used to query incident statuses (http://servername by default).
5. Authentication Server (ON/OFF): Specify if the new Ultimus BPM Server is an authentication server.
6. Define the Event Sync Cycle in hh:mm:ss format. This setting specifies the interval of synchronization cycle to pull changes from BPM Server. This is 20 seconds by default, which is the recommended setting. The minimum setting is 5 seconds in single-server BPM environments that are configured and equipped to be high-performing (database connections, networks, virtual machines).
Note: Multiple-server environments: do not set the timer lower than 10 seconds.
7. Sync at first run: Define default synchronization volume in days.
Tip: The system synchronizes past events from BPM server once a day by default.A newly added BPM Server loads data from the past 365 days to DPA Portal with the first automatic synchronization.
8. Click on Save Changes to save the record. Click on Cancel to abandon changes.
Tip: To make the processes related to the new server appear on the DPA Portal, the end-user has to navigate to Initiate view and click on Refresh.
9. In the Actions column click on Start to start the DataLoader service for the BPM Server. |
Editing settings of an existing Ultimus BPM Server
1. Click on Servers on the UATS Administrator main interface.
2. From the list of Ultimus BPM Servers, select (highlight) the server to be edited.
3. Click on Edit Server to display the Edit Server dialog box.
Edit Server dialog
4. Change the Ultimus BPM Server settings as necessary, then click on Save changes. |
Deleting existing Ultimus BPM Server settings
Tip: The name of a BPM Server can be changed by editing the server settings, see Editing settings of an existing Ultimus BPM Server.
Warning: Before deleting a BPM Server, make sure it is not an authentication server. Without an authentication server, the users are unable to log in to the Ultimus DPA Portal. To delete an authentication server, first set the Authentication Server to OFF in the Edit Server settings for the server that is to be deleted, then designate another server to be the new authentication server by setting the respective switch to ON. Then continue with deleting the old authentication server.
To delete an Ultimus BPM Server in UATS Administrator, do the following:
1. Click on Servers on the UATS Administrator main interface
2. From the list of server(s), select the server to delete.
3. Click on Delete Server.
4. Click on Yes to verify your choice and delete the selected BPM Server.
Edit Server dialog |
Managing Ultimus DPA Portal users
This section outlines how to manage Ultimus DPA Portal users on the Users page of UATS Administrator.
Users page of UATS Administrator
The Users page displays the following:
• List of Ultimus DPA Portal users synchronized from BPM, technical users (e.g., UATS Administrator), and the related user information.
• Folders: User Views the selected user has created on the Ultimus DPA Portal.
• Assigned Roles that are available for a selected user.
User information is regularly synchronized between UATS and the specified Ultimus BPM Server(s).
Tip: Once users are synchronized between UATS and Ultimus BPM Server(s), specify the users who should have Administrator rights to UATS Administrator, and assign them the required rights. For details on editing user properties in UATS Administrator, see section Editing an existing user. |
Adding or Deleting users
The list of DPA Portal users is transferred from the BPM Server upon every synchronization. |
Editing an existing user
Use the Edit User function for the following:
• Granting UATS Administrator rights
• Activating or Deactivating DPA Portal user access
• Toggle User Login Expired
Note: The list of DPA Portal users is populated from the BPM Server upon every synchronization, therefore the Username, Full Name and E-mail fields are not editable in UATS Administrator. |
Granting UATS Administrator rights
You can grant UATS Administrator rights to any DPA Portal user by using the Edit User function. This setting will not affect any other user type settings, for example system administrator roles.
1. Open the Users page of UATS Administrator.
2. In the Users pane, click Edit User to display the Edit User dialog box.
Edit User dialog
3. Use the Is Admin switch to provide or revoke UATS Administrator rights to the selected user. Set to ON to grant administrator rights. Set to OFF to revoke permission.
4. Click on Save changes to save and exit, or Close to abandon changes. |
Activating or Deactivating DPA Portal user access
Users who have been synchronized from BPM are Active by default. You can activate/deactivate the DPA Portal user access by using the Edit User function.
1. Open the Users page of UATS Administrator.
2. In the Users pane, click Edit User to display the Edit User dialog box.
Edit User dialog
3. Set the Is Active switch to grant or revoke user access to ON or OFF.
4. Click on Save changes to save and exit, or Close to abandon changes. |
Toggle User Login Expired
If a user does not log in to the Ultimus DPA Portal for longer than 30 days, their login expires. To enable/disable login for the user, click on the Toggle User Login Expired button. |
Managing User Roles
Linking Ultimus DPA Portal users to Roles provides the users with Role-specific templates and applications, as defined by the Administrator. On the Roles page of UATS Administrator, the following user role configuration options are available:
• Roles
• Add/Remove OC Groups
• User Role Handling
• Assigning Templates to a Role (Role Template Handling)
• Assigning Navigation Pane content to a role
• Changing the display order of the Navigation Pane items
• Setting General and Task operation permissions for user Roles |
In the Roles section, you can manage the roles that are available to be assigned to Ultimus DPA Portal users, as well as define the Navigation Pane item order for users in the specified role.
By default, the Roles list box displays only the DEFAULT ROLE, the DEFAULT ADMIN ROLE and a [server name] ADMIN ROLE (where the UATS Administrator is running).
Roles section of the Roles page in UATS Administrator |
Creating a new role
Note: Roles cannot be renamed later.
1. In the Roles section, click New Role.The Add New Role dialog box appears.
Add New Role dialog
2. In the Role Name text box, enter the name of the new role.
3. Click Save changes.
4. To assign users to the new role, continue to User Role Handling. |
Deleting an existing role
To delete an existing role, follow these steps:
1. In the Roles section, click on a Role to delete and click on Delete Role.
2. In the CONFIRM dialog, click Yes to confirm and delete the selected Role. Click on No to cancel the operation.
Note: The DEFAULT ROLE cannot be deleted. |
Add/Remove OC Groups
In the Add/Remove OC Groups section of the Roles page of the UATS Administrator, you can assign the members of the specified Ultimus Organization Charts (OC) group to the selected DPA Portal user role.
Add/Remove OC groups
1. In the Roles section, select a role to work with.
2. The list of available OC Groups appears in the Add/Remove OC Groups section.
Note: The OC Groups are cached after the server synchronization with the first login of the day.
3. In the Not Assigned box, select the OC group(s) to assign to the role, and move the OC group(s) to the Assigned box.
You can move list entries between the boxes using the arrows as follows:
• To select multiple consecutive entries, hold the SHIFT key down while selecting the first and last entries of the list of entries you wish to move.
• To select multiple entries, you can also hold the CTRL key down while selecting the entries to be moved.
• Clicking on the double arrow moves the entire content of the box to the other box.
• Use the search box to filter to entries. The results are shown as you type. To display the full list again, delete the text from the search box. |
User Role Handling
This section describes how to add, remove and change role assignments of DPA Portal users on the Role User Handling section of the Roles page in UATS Administrator. |
Using the Search function
Note: The Search function in Role User Handling works differently from all other Filtering functions on the Roles page.
Please apply the following usage tips for a successful search:
• The method of typing in the characters and pressing Enter will not find the record because this method only filters the currently displayed page (see 1/251 in the below image) and one page displays only 20 users, the rest of the user list will not be searched.
• Instead, type in the characters and click on the magnifying glass ().
• To reset the Search, delete the characters from the box, and click on the magnifying glass again ().
• Before starting a search, you can select a search mode: click on the arrow to display the Search Mode Panel and change a mode (not obligatory).
User Role Handling - Search Mode Panel
• Browse mode (default): Only for browsing the entries.
• by Username mode: This mode searches in the user name records that are displayed between parentheses (domain/username)
User Role Handling - Search in by Username mode
• by Full Name mode: This mode filters the users by their full name as defined in the Active Directory (in our example, Luke Calderon).
User Role Handling - Search in by Full Name mode |
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