I will send an invite now
Keshi Dai Could I have your email, I’ll send you a meeting link
Thanks Ketan Umare Kevin Su! Look forward to it!
I will send an invite now
Keshi Dai here are the meeting notes - <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z6rAPlg8O-N6Bm3NxcHZgwaEDJMrr2PBBJh1uPqN5-w/edit#> cc Haytham Abuelfutuh / Daniel Rammer
Thanks Ketan Umare Kevin Su! Look forward to it!
Thank you! Really appreciate it! I’ll give a read today and add examples there Yee Ketan Umare do you mind if I also share this doc with Shopify folks? They might be also interested. cc Isaac Vidas
Keshi Dai updated the doc with the things that we discussed yesterday. left one place for you to add some examples.
oh please do. i think you should have editor (and share) perms
Thank you! Really appreciate it! I’ll give a read today and add examples there Yee Ketan Umare do you mind if I also share this doc with Shopify folks? They might be also interested. cc Isaac Vidas
Yee I think the doc needs to be reordered why is phase 2 before phase 1?
oh please do. i think you should have editor (and share) perms
BTW, are you guys interested in presenting this in next KubeRay community meeting? cc Jiaxin Shan
Yee I think the doc needs to be reordered why is phase 2 before phase 1?
when is that? i think we should… but only if we’re ready to. and if not the next one, do you think we could do the one after that? i’m curious to see how these other community syncs are run too
BTW, are you guys interested in presenting this in next KubeRay community meeting? cc Jiaxin Shan
The next sync will be July 12 - it runs every two week on Tuesday night 6PM Western time
when is that? i think we should… but only if we’re ready to. and if not the next one, do you think we could do the one after that? i’m curious to see how these other community syncs are run too
we should be ready by then yeah we’ll work together to present? not sure if it’ll be me or kevin or ketan but one of us from our side
The next sync will be July 12 - it runs every two week on Tuesday night 6PM Western time
Sure I can give a bit context on how we will use this at Spotify but I’ll leave you guys with the design doc
we should be ready by then yeah we’ll work together to present? not sure if it’ll be me or kevin or ketan but one of us from our side
The meeting is 30mins long. If you can control the demo in 10-15mins. That would be great. I will send the google meeting link later
Keshi Dai Jiaxin Shan - so we’re on for the 26th right? we’re gonna start work on the presentation tomorrow. could you tell us how long the slot is? and the details for the meeting? is it a zoom meeting? also is there a ray slack we should be on? cc Eduardo Apolinario and Kevin Su
Keshi Dai how much of the presentation do you want in on? so the whole meeting is 30 mins? so 15 mins for presentation and 15 for questions/discussion? or do we have to fit everything into 15 mins? and the other 15 is for someone else?
The meeting is 30mins long. If you can control the demo in 10-15mins. That would be great. I will send the google meeting link later
I think 15mins presentation and 5mins QA would be great
Keshi Dai how much of the presentation do you want in on? so the whole meeting is 30 mins? so 15 mins for presentation and 15 for questions/discussion? or do we have to fit everything into 15 mins? and the other 15 is for someone else?
beautiful, thank you
I think 15mins presentation and 5mins QA would be great
Yee I don’t think I have much to present here. I’ll just cheer for your guys and I can chime in and say a few words on how we will use it at Spotify
beautiful, thank you
Jiaxin Shan are any of the prior talks on youtube? just want to see an example.
Yee I don’t think I have much to present here. I’ll just cheer for your guys and I can chime in and say a few words on how we will use it at Spotify
This is really awesome work! Thank you all!
Great job Yee : Kevin Su and thank you Keshi Dai I actually think we can release ray integration in alpha as a patch release as it needs no platform changes
We finally did it - also wouldn't be possible without Jiaxin Shan
This is really awesome work! Thank you all!
Thanks! Yeah, I started looking into these PRs Hey Yee, I drop a few comments in the PRs. They are mostly around the flexibility of the Ray cluster configuration. Essentially we will need more settings such as service account and image in Ray cluster config &gt; do you think you’ll be able to help test/vet after that? yep, I’m happy to dogfood it!
Keshi Dai - these are the Ray PRs we’re working on. <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteidl/pull/308> <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1093> <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteplugins/pull/279> responding to your comment on the first one, but mind taking a quick look at the other two as well? Kevin Su’s shooting to merge these tomorrow, assuming they’re okay. After that, I think we’re actually going to do a patch Flyte release (like the whole platform, since propeller and admin will need to pick up the new IDL) do you think you’ll be able to help test/vet after that? kevin’s still working on getting the dashboard hooked up, but you had mentioned something about metrics as well that you were interested in. will think about ways to enable those as well (though can’t promise anything just yet)
Keshi Dai can we use the same serviceaccount as the workflow service account?
Thanks! Yeah, I started looking into these PRs Hey Yee, I drop a few comments in the PRs. They are mostly around the flexibility of the Ray cluster configuration. Essentially we will need more settings such as service account and image in Ray cluster config &gt; do you think you’ll be able to help test/vet after that? yep, I’m happy to dogfood it!
You mean the service account for flyte workflow? I think they are different
Keshi Dai can we use the same serviceaccount as the workflow service account?
why? they are k8s serviceaccounts
You mean the service account for flyte workflow? I think they are different
but they are run on different clusters
why? they are k8s serviceaccounts
no? we are running a K8sCRD they are all on the same cluster and even the same namespace
but they are run on different clusters
that wont work for us though - flyte workflows are executed in their own infra and in a flyte workflow, we need to create a cluster in the Ray infra so when you create the Ray cluster, do you assume you have Ray CRD installed on the flyte cluster?
no? we are running a K8sCRD they are all on the same cluster and even the same namespace
thats the current setup right - cc Kevin Su?
that wont work for us though - flyte workflows are executed in their own infra and in a flyte workflow, we need to create a cluster in the Ray infra so when you create the Ray cluster, do you assume you have Ray CRD installed on the flyte cluster?
we might need to sync on this - in our setup, Ray and Flyte are run on different clusters. KubeRay also has an API server, I wonder if that will make things easier :thinking_face:
thats the current setup right - cc Kevin Su?
so Flyte does support running on different clusters but my recommendation is to run just flyte in multi-cluster mode this is so much better than using the same cluster that way, data stuff cannot impact ML stuff we actually ran 13 clusters at Lyft
we might need to sync on this - in our setup, Ray and Flyte are run on different clusters. KubeRay also has an API server, I wonder if that will make things easier :thinking_face:
yes exactly! we have dedicated flyte cluster for orchestration, some teams using flink cluster for data, and now we have ray clusters
so Flyte does support running on different clusters but my recommendation is to run just flyte in multi-cluster mode this is so much better than using the same cluster that way, data stuff cannot impact ML stuff we actually ran 13 clusters at Lyft
ya but a better model is to run flytepropeller on different clusters keep the central control plane independent and just parachute flytepropeller to multiple clusters and it can connect back,
yes exactly! we have dedicated flyte cluster for orchestration, some teams using flink cluster for data, and now we have ray clusters
ya but a better model is to run flytepropeller on different clusters keep the central control plane independent and just parachute flytepropeller to multiple clusters and it can connect back,
otherwise the one propeller will start getting overloaded at (very high scale), but it will and one good property of having flytepropeller manage your cluster is, it will know the scheduler how the resources are getting throttled and work correctly
yeah Keshi Dai i know you brought this up in the past, but is there any chance you can add flyte to the ray cluster?
Discussion: In Spotify’s setup, Ray and Flyte are run on different clusters. KubeRay also has an API server, and they want to use Propeller to send a http request to Ray api server to create ray job. Therefore, we may need to add a ray webAPI plugin in propeller. Start a new thread to discuss this. Is there any other better way to handle this? cc Yee Ketan Umare Keshi Dai
hmm, does that mean we need to install Propeller on our ray cluster? do you mind elaborating more on this? thank you!
yeah Keshi Dai i know you brought this up in the past, but is there any chance you can add flyte to the ray cluster?
yeah… though it’s not possible to scan the workflow right now is it Katrina Rogan do you know? like if a workflow has a certain type of task, then it should go to a certain cluster, was that in the feature anand worked on?
hmm, does that mean we need to install Propeller on our ray cluster? do you mind elaborating more on this? thank you!
are you asking how do we assign specific executions to specific flytepropeller clusters?
yeah… though it’s not possible to scan the workflow right now is it Katrina Rogan do you know? like if a workflow has a certain type of task, then it should go to a certain cluster, was that in the feature anand worked on?
are you asking how do we assign specific executions to specific flytepropeller clusters?
we don't have anything that's workflow-aware, right now it's just a static mapping: <https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/multicluster.html#user-and-control-plane-deployment>
thanks katrina. so yeah never mind Keshi Dai for the current plugin to be useful, the kuberay operator will need to be installed on the flyte cluster. is this not possible?
we don't have anything that's workflow-aware, right now it's just a static mapping: <https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/multicluster.html#user-and-control-plane-deployment>
yeah it’s not working with our current setup since Ray and Flyte are owned by different teams and operated on different GKE clusters.
thanks katrina. so yeah never mind Keshi Dai for the current plugin to be useful, the kuberay operator will need to be installed on the flyte cluster. is this not possible?
and there’s no way to add the ray operator to the flyte cluster?
yeah it’s not working with our current setup since Ray and Flyte are owned by different teams and operated on different GKE clusters.
Can’t we load the creeds for the ray cluster and submit the job resource there?
and there’s no way to add the ray operator to the flyte cluster?
Babis Kiosidis we can, but this causes a lot or problems, you folks did it for FlinkOperator if you remember and should work with Ray But our recommended method is to just install flytepropeller on all k8s clusters. Think of propeller as integral to K8s
Can’t we load the creeds for the ray cluster and submit the job resource there?
yeah i am asking because we already work in this way with a flink task and the FlinkOperator which is running on a different GKE cluster (more resources available for massive jobs) would installing propeller to the ray-cluster automatically forward the ray tasks towards that propeller?
Babis Kiosidis we can, but this causes a lot or problems, you folks did it for FlinkOperator if you remember and should work with Ray But our recommended method is to just install flytepropeller on all k8s clusters. Think of propeller as integral to K8s
Closed all issues except one. Niels Bantilan <https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/getting_started_iterate.html#gettingstarted-iterate>: In this, the next page has to be "User Guide", correct? But it's "Core Concepts" now. I'm not sure if this is to be closed. It's your call.
Niels Bantilan Samhita Alla mind reviewing and either closing or pushing these to the next milestone? <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+author%3ASandraGH5+milestone%3A0.15.0>
that’s part of a larger issue of “next”/“previous” buttons that are out of order since we use multiple docs sites and stitch it together with RTD sub-projects
Closed all issues except one. Niels Bantilan <https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/getting_started_iterate.html#gettingstarted-iterate>: In this, the next page has to be "User Guide", correct? But it's "Core Concepts" now. I'm not sure if this is to be closed. It's your call.
Sorry busy today, pinging Nelson Arapé
Gleb Kanterov mind reviewing and either closing or pushing these to the next milestone? <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues?q=assignee%3Akanterov+is%3Aopen+milestone%3A0.15.0>
Taking a look
Sorry busy today, pinging Nelson Arapé
Taking a look
Haytham Abuelfutuh I pushed to 0.16 to unblock you, but i will talk to Gleb Kanterov to move it to a more appropriate milestone
:bow: is this ready/done? <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/997>
Haytham Abuelfutuh I pushed to 0.16 to unblock you, but i will talk to Gleb Kanterov to move it to a more appropriate milestone
Sure Haytham Abuelfutuh
Ketan Umare mind reviewing these? <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/654> <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/590> Prafulla Mahindrakar mind reviewing these too: <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/392> <@U024KQ3GL59> mind reviewing this? <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/1101>
Prafulla Mahindrakar we should support creating a new launchplan, I dont htink we should close this
Sure Haytham Abuelfutuh
It’s still in progress. <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteadmin/pull/219> is the most recent development.
Prafulla Mahindrakar we should support creating a new launchplan, I dont htink we should close this
Gleb Kanterov / Nelson Arapé who had a few questions on this. Also Sören Brunk / Anand Swaminathan / Anmol Khurana / varsha Parthasarathy / Miguel Toledo
PR for the new Graph UX <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteconsole/pull/176>
that's epic I'm imagining map tasks from within notebook would be incredible
so it should be possible to pickle and run tasks directly from notebook onto a flyte-server
yup exactly also distributed training and others so i think we should just rewrite this resolverrr <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/extras/cloud_pickle_resolver.py> or use this resolver to use in fast-execute and update pyflyte-fast-execute to use cloudpickle as an option and then it should just work IMO? Also Greg Gydush have you seen the new map-tasks support for multiple-lists etc and partials?
that's epic I'm imagining map tasks from within notebook would be incredible
I haven't yet
yup exactly also distributed training and others so i think we should just rewrite this resolverrr <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/extras/cloud_pickle_resolver.py> or use this resolver to use in fast-execute and update pyflyte-fast-execute to use cloudpickle as an option and then it should just work IMO? Also Greg Gydush have you seen the new map-tasks support for multiple-lists etc and partials?
Hmm that should be ok. What I want to do is train alpaca on Flyte and have that as a demo Actually if you open a PR directly on flytekit I can hack too Else I can copy paste hack and open PR Let me do it for single machine and you can make it work for distributed
Got it, first single node multi GPU :+1: I can implement this on Friday or Saturday and then ping you for review. Or do you need it before that?
Can you give me permissions to open a PR in flytekit please? Then I’ll push there Or feel free to just copy, whichever is easier for you :slightly_smiling_face:
Hmm that should be ok. What I want to do is train alpaca on Flyte and have that as a demo Actually if you open a PR directly on flytekit I can hack too Else I can copy paste hack and open PR Let me do it for single machine and you can make it work for distributed
Ohh you don’t have perms Can I give you I can send it Wait you should get it in 2 minutes
Can you give me permissions to open a PR in flytekit please? Then I’ll push there Or feel free to just copy, whichever is easier for you :slightly_smiling_face:
Ok, branch is ready to push :slightly_smiling_face: thx
Ohh you don’t have perms Can I give you I can send it Wait you should get it in 2 minutes
Ok you should have it
Ok, branch is ready to push :slightly_smiling_face: thx
<https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1583> Cool thanks :slightly_smiling_face: I closed the other PR from the fork Feel free to also hack/commit on this branch
Ok you should have it
<https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1583> Cool thanks :slightly_smiling_face: I closed the other PR from the fork Feel free to also hack/commit on this branch
This is going to be awesome We currently beat ignite into launching the local process group instead of torchrun. Looking very forward to throw that logic out Ketan Umare I pushed a few commits to the wip branch. Cleanup + docstrings. Also working on making it work in a distributed way now.
Yup, I pushed some Commits too If you had seen This is looking great
This is going to be awesome We currently beat ignite into launching the local process group instead of torchrun. Looking very forward to throw that logic out Ketan Umare I pushed a few commits to the wip branch. Cleanup + docstrings. Also working on making it work in a distributed way now.
Saw them :+1:
Yup, I pushed some Commits too If you had seen This is looking great
I will try to get alpaca working on it too Then we can test On a side note I also got tasks working from a jupyter notebook - That way you can train large models directly from an interactive environment
Saw them :+1:
You mean write task in notebook and then just run task from there?
I will try to get alpaca working on it too Then we can test On a side note I also got tasks working from a jupyter notebook - That way you can train large models directly from an interactive environment
Yup No need to have it in a phythojnscript Finally you will have to copy
You mean write task in notebook and then just run task from there?
I’m not much of a notebook user ^^ But I guess for many data scientists this is a killer feature
Yup No need to have it in a phythojnscript Finally you will have to copy
Ya that’s my hope Mee too
I’m not much of a notebook user ^^ But I guess for many data scientists this is a killer feature
I have a question about how to select the plugin for the task type. I have this: ```class MultiNodePytorchElasticFunctionTask(PythonFunctionTask[Elastic]): _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE = "torch-elastic" def __init__(self, task_config: Elastic, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): super(MultiNodePytorchElasticFunctionTask, self).__init__( task_type=self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE, **kwargs, def get_custom(...): ...``` I also added this to helm values: ``` enabled_plugins: tasks: task-plugins: enabled-plugins: - ... - pytorch default-for-task-types: - ... pytorch: pytorch torch-elastic: pytorch``` Propeller says: ```{"json":{"exec_id":"f1c678faf0fd74fad828","node":"n0","ns":"flytesnacks-development","res_ver":"23058","routine":"worker-2","tasktype":"torch-elastic","wf":"flytesnacks:development:<http://wf.wf|wf.wf>"},"level":"warning","msg":"No plugin found for Handler-type [torch-elastic], defaulting to [container]","ts":"2023-04-08T22:26:30Z"}``` Do I need to configure this somewhere else as well? The existing pytorch plugin in flyteplugins just needs an additional if else whether to configure an <https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/blob/b2ee1cb380b94004798b44ca32a14de3bddc675f/pkg/apis/kubeflow.org/v1/pytorch_types.go#L90|ElasticPolicy>.
Ya that’s my hope Mee too
AFK i think your config looks right Fabio Grätz when you get a chance check the first few log lines if you start flytepropeller i think this config looks ok Fabio Grätz quick question, we should not need `standalone` / single node pytorch operator right? we should automatically adapt? what if, we add a check in TorchElasticConstructor and change the task-type `if num replicas is 1` then the plugin type is `torch-elastic-standalone` else it is `torch-elastic` and the backend config is set of `torch-elastic` to use `pytorch-operator`?
I have a question about how to select the plugin for the task type. I have this: ```class MultiNodePytorchElasticFunctionTask(PythonFunctionTask[Elastic]): _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE = "torch-elastic" def __init__(self, task_config: Elastic, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): super(MultiNodePytorchElasticFunctionTask, self).__init__( task_type=self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE, **kwargs, def get_custom(...): ...``` I also added this to helm values: ``` enabled_plugins: tasks: task-plugins: enabled-plugins: - ... - pytorch default-for-task-types: - ... pytorch: pytorch torch-elastic: pytorch``` Propeller says: ```{"json":{"exec_id":"f1c678faf0fd74fad828","node":"n0","ns":"flytesnacks-development","res_ver":"23058","routine":"worker-2","tasktype":"torch-elastic","wf":"flytesnacks:development:<http://wf.wf|wf.wf>"},"level":"warning","msg":"No plugin found for Handler-type [torch-elastic], defaulting to [container]","ts":"2023-04-08T22:26:30Z"}``` Do I need to configure this somewhere else as well? The existing pytorch plugin in flyteplugins just needs an additional if else whether to configure an <https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/blob/b2ee1cb380b94004798b44ca32a14de3bddc675f/pkg/apis/kubeflow.org/v1/pytorch_types.go#L90|ElasticPolicy>.
I was thinking exactly the same. I feel like this should go into the existing pytorch plugin, not new ones, since also for the kubeflow training operator vanilla torch distributed training and torch elastic training only differs by the elastic config in the pytorchjob manifest. Same k8s kind though. This stays the same for backwards compatibility of course `pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch` ```from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import Pytorch @task( task_config=Pytorch(...) )``` But people could to `pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch[elastic]` (for the torch dependency) and then: ```from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import ElasticPytorch @task( task_config=ElasticPytorch(nnodes=1) # single pod, no operator ) @task( task_config=ElasticPytorch(nnodes=2) # pytorch operator )``` And in flyteplugins all the pytorch code can be reused as well, just an if whether we need to set elastic config in pytorchjob. Already works: ```class PytorchElasticFunctionTask(PythonFunctionTask[Elastic]): _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE = "pytorch" _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE_STANDALONE = "container" def __init__(self, task_config: Elastic, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): task_type = self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE_STANDALONE if task_config.nnodes == 1 else self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE super(PytorchElasticFunctionTask, self).__init__( task_config=task_config, task_type=task_type, ... def get_custom(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -&gt; Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if self.task_config.nnodes == 1: """ Torch elastic distributed training is executed in a normal k8s pod so that this works without the kubeflow train operator. """ return super().get_custom(settings) else: from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch.models import PyTorchJob job = PyTorchJob(``` ```Every 2.0s: kubectl get pods -n flytesnacks-development Fabios-MacBook-Pro.local: Sun Apr 9 23:04:03 2023 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-master-0 1/1 Running 0 23s f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-worker-0 1/1 Running 0 22s f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-worker-1 1/1 Running 0 16s f7e922a78842044aba46-n0-0 1/1 Running 0 7s``` Only diff between the two is `nnodes` being 1 or not. Can you pls give me perms to make a PR in idl and plugins next week? Or shell I do from fork there? I will work on the changes in plugins tomorrow. Free day in Germany :slightly_smiling_face:
AFK i think your config looks right Fabio Grätz when you get a chance check the first few log lines if you start flytepropeller i think this config looks ok Fabio Grätz quick question, we should not need `standalone` / single node pytorch operator right? we should automatically adapt? what if, we add a check in TorchElasticConstructor and change the task-type `if num replicas is 1` then the plugin type is `torch-elastic-standalone` else it is `torch-elastic` and the backend config is set of `torch-elastic` to use `pytorch-operator`?
I can give your perms i like the idea idl and plugins permissions added also we can simply add the same plugin for different config types Fabio Grätz also thought some more of ```pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch[elastic]``` Maybe we can simply add an import gate. if modulenot found, raise an error that torch should be installed Also Fabio Grätz I have this repo created = <https://github.com/unionai-oss/stanford_alpaca/pull/1> check it out
I was thinking exactly the same. I feel like this should go into the existing pytorch plugin, not new ones, since also for the kubeflow training operator vanilla torch distributed training and torch elastic training only differs by the elastic config in the pytorchjob manifest. Same k8s kind though. This stays the same for backwards compatibility of course `pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch` ```from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import Pytorch @task( task_config=Pytorch(...) )``` But people could to `pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch[elastic]` (for the torch dependency) and then: ```from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import ElasticPytorch @task( task_config=ElasticPytorch(nnodes=1) # single pod, no operator ) @task( task_config=ElasticPytorch(nnodes=2) # pytorch operator )``` And in flyteplugins all the pytorch code can be reused as well, just an if whether we need to set elastic config in pytorchjob. Already works: ```class PytorchElasticFunctionTask(PythonFunctionTask[Elastic]): _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE = "pytorch" _ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE_STANDALONE = "container" def __init__(self, task_config: Elastic, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): task_type = self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE_STANDALONE if task_config.nnodes == 1 else self._ELASTIC_TASK_TYPE super(PytorchElasticFunctionTask, self).__init__( task_config=task_config, task_type=task_type, ... def get_custom(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -&gt; Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if self.task_config.nnodes == 1: """ Torch elastic distributed training is executed in a normal k8s pod so that this works without the kubeflow train operator. """ return super().get_custom(settings) else: from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch.models import PyTorchJob job = PyTorchJob(``` ```Every 2.0s: kubectl get pods -n flytesnacks-development Fabios-MacBook-Pro.local: Sun Apr 9 23:04:03 2023 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-master-0 1/1 Running 0 23s f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-worker-0 1/1 Running 0 22s f91014ed8990b4c79b32-n0-0-worker-1 1/1 Running 0 16s f7e922a78842044aba46-n0-0 1/1 Running 0 7s``` Only diff between the two is `nnodes` being 1 or not. Can you pls give me perms to make a PR in idl and plugins next week? Or shell I do from fork there? I will work on the changes in plugins tomorrow. Free day in Germany :slightly_smiling_face:
I saw you simplified the models, didn’t know this was possible, nice :+1: Update from my side: I opened a draft <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteidl/pull/394|PR in idl> and in <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteplugins/pull/343|plugins>. Built a propeller image, creating a distributed pytorchjob with elastic config works. What is not working reliably yet is the rendevouz when initiating the process group. We definitely need something similar to <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1583/commits/333e6008c2b3bac2fc77a379fd2220288a2a4519|what I added here>: ``` rdzv_endpoint=os.environ.get("PET_RDZV_ENDPOINT", f"localhost:0"),``` Here, `localhost:0` means torchrun picks a free port (see <https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/537c346117967da690c9fe719e27d08ce9d43424/torch/distributed/run.py#L100|docs>). I’m currently working on making <https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/tree/master/examples/pytorch/elastic/echo|this minimal elastic example> from the kubeflow training operator repo work: ```import os import logging from flytekit import task, workflow from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import PyTorch, Elastic logging.basicConfig(level=<http://logging.INFO|logging.INFO>) # To see torchrun trying to establish the rendevouz @task( task_config=Elastic( nnodes=2, nproc_per_node=2, start_method="fork", ) #task_config=PyTorch(num_workers=2) ) def train() -&gt; str: import io import os import pprint import sys import time import torch.distributed as dist env_dict = { k: os.environ[k] for k in ( "LOCAL_RANK", "RANK", "GROUP_RANK", "WORLD_SIZE", "MASTER_ADDR", "MASTER_PORT", "TORCHELASTIC_RESTART_COUNT", "TORCHELASTIC_MAX_RESTARTS", ) } with io.StringIO() as buff: print("======================================================", file=buff) print( f"Environment variables set by the agent on PID {os.getpid()}:", file=buff ) pprint.pprint(env_dict, stream=buff) print("======================================================", file=buff) print(buff.getvalue()) sys.stdout.flush() dist.init_process_group(backend="gloo") dist.barrier() rank = dist.get_rank() print( ( f"On PID {os.getpid()}, after init process group, " f"rank={dist.get_rank()}, world_size = {dist.get_world_size()}\n" ) ) dist.destroy_process_group() return f"foo-{rank}" @workflow def wf(): train() if __name__ == "__main__": print(f"Parent {os.getpid()}") print(wf())``` Rendevouz sometimes fails, sometimes works, currently debugging why. Just as fyi where I’m at…
I can give your perms i like the idea idl and plugins permissions added also we can simply add the same plugin for different config types Fabio Grätz also thought some more of ```pip install flytekitplugins-kfpytorch[elastic]``` Maybe we can simply add an import gate. if modulenot found, raise an error that torch should be installed Also Fabio Grätz I have this repo created = <https://github.com/unionai-oss/stanford_alpaca/pull/1> check it out
ohh is that a question? i like min and max isnt it the same? but more explicit?
One other thing about which I’m interested in your opinion: `torchrun` allows the user to set `--nnodes` which could e.g. be `2` but also be `"1:2"` which means min 1 max 2. Currently this is what iour new `task_config=Elastic()` exposes as well. The kubeflow PytorchJob allows setting `minReplicas`, `maxReplicas` (which by default are both None), and `replicas` (see <https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/blob/master/examples/pytorch/elastic/echo/echo.yaml|here>). In theory you could say min 2, max 4, replicas 3 (without going into how much sense this makes). If a user specifies `2:3` we currently set min to 2 and max and replicas to 3. To summarize: Should we expose `nnodes` like torchrun or `min_replicas`, `max_replicas`, and `replicas` like the pytorchjob to the user?
Currently we make the assumption that when user specifies `3:5`, we set `maxReplicas` but also `Replicas` to 5. In theory this doesn’t have to be the case in the pytorchjob manifest. I’ll change it to the more explicit version :+1:
ohh is that a question? i like min and max isnt it the same? but more explicit?
Mh no, not using it but looks interesting. <https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.13705|This> paper compares ffcv to other libraries including squirrel which my previous company built. The authors didn’t use many features of squirrel though, otherwise would be faster. When I look at the code snippets on ffcv’s website+github, I’d say that this all should live in user code though, just needs an image with dependencies installed. Which job should Flyte take in your opinion? &gt; For example, we could not run FFCV with a dataset hosted in an S3 bucket to perform our remote experiments. (From the comparison paper) This is a downside for a data loading library tbh. Squirrel from my previous company uses fsspec and was designed for remote loading.
Also, Fabio Grätz do you folks use - <https://github.com/libffcv/ffcv>? created this - <https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/3615>
Flyteplugins too
Thanks for finishing the Pr and merging :rocket:
Yes, saw it :slightly_smiling_face: I will amend the flytesnacks docs PR with the min_replicas change and ping for review there as well.
Flyteplugins too
amazing work!
Yes, saw it :slightly_smiling_face: I will amend the flytesnacks docs PR with the min_replicas change and ping for review there as well.
<https://github.com/flyteorg/flytesnacks/pull/987> Can you pls take a look?
amazing work!
this is why you don’t add dumb exception comments and forget to clean them up later. :grimacing: um. i think we should just add the remotely fetched entities to that list. i will play around with that a bit today or tomorrow if that ends up being a lot of work then it’ll have to be pushed behind some other stuff but hopefully it’ll be quick
Hi folks! I’ve been sifting through docs and experimenting a bit. Trying to piece things together but it seems like I can’t add a remote-fetched task to an imperative workflow: `AssertionError: Should be but it's not` (found <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/core/node_creation.py#L79|source code here>) Is there some conversion I’m missing from remote FlyteTask type? Or perhaps I should fetch the task in a different way? Based on our discussion last week, I was under the impression that I could build/register a new imperative workflow using pre-registered tasks. Just want to make sure that assumption is correct
thanks I really appreciate it! Hey Yee, just wanted to mention that this happens with `flytekit.models.task.Task` as well. (I was curious if I could use a task fetched through a SynchronousFlyteClient instead of FlyteRemote)
this is why you don’t add dumb exception comments and forget to clean them up later. :grimacing: um. i think we should just add the remotely fetched entities to that list. i will play around with that a bit today or tomorrow if that ends up being a lot of work then it’ll have to be pushed behind some other stuff but hopefully it’ll be quick
omg right yes. one more bug fix then this sorry what are you hoping to do btw? this is the graph authoring project right? so you need to retrieve stuff from admin and construct workflows out of them
thanks I really appreciate it! Hey Yee, just wanted to mention that this happens with `flytekit.models.task.Task` as well. (I was curious if I could use a task fetched through a SynchronousFlyteClient instead of FlyteRemote)
Correct! Decided to go down the FlyteRemote path. So ideally constructing the workflows from our python backend service
omg right yes. one more bug fix then this sorry what are you hoping to do btw? this is the graph authoring project right? so you need to retrieve stuff from admin and construct workflows out of them
this is not a small change sadly it will take some work. the issue is that for the local stuff, the `PythonTask` and the like, we have access to the python interface, and the existing code uses that. will need to update all that to only rely on the flyte interface
Correct! Decided to go down the FlyteRemote path. So ideally constructing the workflows from our python backend service
hmm I see do you have any suggestions for an alternative?
this is not a small change sadly it will take some work. the issue is that for the local stuff, the `PythonTask` and the like, we have access to the python interface, and the existing code uses that. will need to update all that to only rely on the flyte interface
hmm maybe this will just work can you try working with a PR? i can push a branch to flytekit my suggestion would be to use FlyteRemote, honestly that makes the most sense. Unless you want to write an enormous amount of js code ts how are you doing the interface between js and python though? that’s why i had added matthew to this channel, he had a poc of a ts sdk but iirc it was still just a poc
hmm I see do you have any suggestions for an alternative?
I’ve never worked from a PR so if you could help me through whatever (local?) setup is necessary I could definitely try! currently we have our own definitions of workflows/nodes etc that we’re working with. just stored in a database. Using flyte was sort of an after thought that we’re trying to pivot towards so as long as im converting from our own minimal definitions to flyte definitions, the js to python piece I guess is out of the picture
hmm maybe this will just work can you try working with a PR? i can push a branch to flytekit my suggestion would be to use FlyteRemote, honestly that makes the most sense. Unless you want to write an enormous amount of js code ts how are you doing the interface between js and python though? that’s why i had added matthew to this channel, he had a poc of a ts sdk but iirc it was still just a poc
sorry don’t quite understand do you have five mins? might be easier on a call
I’ve never worked from a PR so if you could help me through whatever (local?) setup is necessary I could definitely try! currently we have our own definitions of workflows/nodes etc that we’re working with. just stored in a database. Using flyte was sort of an after thought that we’re trying to pivot towards so as long as im converting from our own minimal definitions to flyte definitions, the js to python piece I guess is out of the picture
I do!
sorry don’t quite understand do you have five mins? might be easier on a call
k <https://meet.google.com/acf-bgqq-hsz> can you try <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1000> can install it with `pip install git+<https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit.git@imp-fetched-entities>`
I do!
hey I can add the remote fetched task to an imperative workflow with no problem! Tried verifying wf execution as well, but I’m running into `containers with unready status`. I’m guessing that’s an issue on my side since I’m seeing the same thing executing just the fetched task… going to keep experimenting
k <https://meet.google.com/acf-bgqq-hsz> can you try <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1000> can install it with `pip install git+<https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit.git@imp-fetched-entities>`
it’s fine as is… but i wanted to get the local execution bits plumbed through. it looks pretty awkward right now.
hey all, starting a new thread since Yee is out, but last week he had started working on <https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1000|this pr>, and I was wondering if we could get a general timeline of when this could be validated/merged?
Ah gotcha. Thanks for the response! Was just thinking about the release tags but this definitely wasnt pressing :sweat_smile:
it’s fine as is… but i wanted to get the local execution bits plumbed through. it looks pretty awkward right now.