2 values
The alternative of course, is what Trump and Pence are due to announce. That includes SELLING our roads to Private Corporations so that they will maintain them FAARRRR less dutifully than the Government did, because well, CORPORATIONS have a PROFIT motive!!! Then AFTER they are sold off, you can enjoy the same life as those in Indianna (Pence Land) and Illinois, where MOST of the roads are toll roads! No longer would it be called a 'Freeway', rather, they'd rename I5 as: The Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte Interstate That's currently the case in Texas as Texas sold 6 of their Highways to Foreign Companies!!!!
not toxic
Would that be the Livery Company, the Worshipful Company of Mercers?
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well we knew at least americans knew the last 8 years were a disaster! obama ran on a mentality of let's kick the can down the road and let someone else fix it! it will take a decade or more to deport all those people! congress needs to streamline these and hasten the deportation! there like a cockroach infestation the more you wait the bigger the problem to get rid of them! especially those nasty german roaches, it's almost like this was a hitler plot during ww2. lol
I wonder if Bush behaved in such a classless manner as he turned over power Obama. Doubt it.
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I say if Kim Jong nukes California, it's the last straw and we should take him out.
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Gerrymandering, Gerrymandering. Slick and nefarious means to keep corrupt elected scumbags in office to do the bidding of their corporate masters
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Trump: duly elected, yes, even if he got some illicit help. Honorable, no. Those 'positives' you mention were begun on Obama's watch, and his taunting of North Korea is not helping solve the problem. Indeed, he could cause a war.
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Prove it.
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Oh don't worry, there are unicorns and rainbows in our future, says the boarder dude.
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As China awaits the slow implosion of our society. And with a smile.
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http://www.dailywire.com/news/19054/combat-vet-gives-powerful-testimony-against-trans-amanda-prestigiacomo --Transgender veterans are found to be particularly plagued by mental health issues, with the "highest rates of mental health problems in the U.S. ... A 2016 study found 90% of military members who identify as transgender were diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder, and almost 50% were hospitalized after attempting or considering suicide." "War is no place for people who are mentally, emotionally, or physically confused or in turmoil. You have your s*** together, or you don't," he stated. "And if you don't, you'll just get people needlessly killed. Political correctness has absolutely no place in the military."
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Don't drag snipe into this morass. They are noble and dignified birds, don't run deficits in their avian economy, and don't live in bushes. And, unlike distasteful political hacks such as Dunleavy, they are quite tasty.
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Faber was born in Zurich and schooled in Geneva. He studied economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, earned a PhD in Economics, graduating magna cum laude. I've followed Marc since the late 90's, he's a pretty good forecaster of economic events (stock market predictions/cycles) supported by facts and history. His mind is sharp and he doesn't give a hoot what anyone says about him. His remark about the, "corporate world now run by compliance people and Western societies have become extremely hypocritical", isn't too far off the mark. I do not condone what he said, but I'm guessing there are a lot of people out there who do agree with what he said. Marc is filthy rich, I doubt he will need to become a waiter..
not toxic
Your comments are without merit. OSU just hired a new AD . Know before you write.
not toxic
Yes he is. Unfortunately, it points out the weakness of American democracy. If Trump can get elected, any moron can - which is perhaps a greater threat to our security. Just hope his big mouth doesn't get us into a war....
Why didn't you say in the first place that you didn't know any of the facts about Benghazi or Uranium One? This obviously will come as news to you, but Hillary was Secretary of State and has no authority over the military, so your suggestion she could have ordered the military to do anything shows that you are totally lacking in knowledge about how our government is structured. Second, the ambassador and information officer died in the first 20 minutes. Neither Hillary or anyone at her level had been informed of the attack before they already were dead. There is no sch thing as "rescuing" them. It's a lie to suggest they could have been rescued. Uranium One was a normal business deal, had zero to do with Hillary and your comparison to the Rosenberg case is a ludicrous canard.
the point of the article was to show that people from the westside don't support rail. the guy from Mililani Is not from the west side, the person who lives in Kapolei and works there obviously would not need or use rail. by using nonsensical examples are totally ludicrous, it shows that the author does not know how to write a decent article.
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How can this possibly be true ? This was a government that bragged about open they were going to be, and how things were going to be different.Exactly how many promises dot he Liberals have to break before those who voted Liberal realize they've been had ?
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One other thing that is forgotten, is that the "good guys" - that is, those that judge what is right and wrong - always win. If the US were to come out winning (I won't address how this will be known, or deemed successful), I doubt if there will be any trials for those that followed orders that led to that victory.
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Sanders isn't running for president.
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Look it up. One way to proceed is by starting with 2 formal corrections by cardinals - one private, one public - and then the invocation of a perfect council (w/ papal approval) or an imperfect council (w/out papal approval) which then decides if the pope committed a public heresy. If so, there is a choice between the Jesuit option and the Benedictine option as to how to warn the faithful to beware of the heretic and the heresy. Because of the many heresies being promoted by this pope and his minions, I think the best way may be the posthumous process by which the next Pope basically turns Francis into the papacy that never was for a variety of reasons including but not limited to any combination of the possible coercion of Benedict's resignation, the lobbying of the St. Gallen mafia in the election of Francis, top 10 heresies, pertinacity, etc. Benedict also expanded the papal ministry to include an active and contemplative member. I think he opened the door to the unknown.
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Bob, you need to understand cognitive dissonance....No way can a person be a Trump supporter while, at the same time, giving any rational consideration to his actions and comments. You head would blow-up. Therefore, the Trumpsters "suspend rationality", they refuse to objectively review Mr. Trump's actions and comments. They really accept the concept of "alternative truth" and really believe Mr. Trump is the victim of a "lamestream media" conspiracy to make him look bad. The HAVE TO.....to do otherwise would require ceasing to support the man. While I'm not a big fan of his, I do accept Rex Tillerson's assessment when he declared Mr. Trump a "F---ing moron." Perhaps his comment was a breech of etiquette, but anyone dealing with Mr. Trump on a daily basis deserves some latitude. Gary Crum
Oh he was wearing a black baseball hat. That'll help me find him.
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TDW, The advantage of an electric motorcycle is stealth. Reducing your acoustic and infrared "fingerprints" is important to surviving on a modern battlefield. So is avoiding fuel convoy duty. Modern militaries are starting to power important equipment with portable solar generators. Large bases are also starting to go off grid to enhance mission readiness. The largest US military base, Fort Hood, is depending now in renewable energy to keep the base up and running in times of crisis. http://www.saturnpower.com/content/us-army-base-goes-green
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The scholarships can go, there is a lot of money out there for these kids if they look. Alaska doesn't need to be paying for a college education for ANYONE, that's what a job is for. The other ideas, I agree are not good.
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Good article. The only thing I take issue with is that "He is a man in full command of his faculties ". He is quite obviously not. What you see is what you get and what you have been getting for the past few years. His erratic, ill conceived decisions and pronouncements are not the result of clear thinking.
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So an article that highlights muslim safety concerns blocks comments that highlight non muslim concerns. That is a very telling development. Both muslims and non muslims must live together but one side is demonized while another group who's members are waging jihad across the globe are painted as the victim. I'm not sure how much of this garbage you expect non muslims to swallow.
Thank you, that's an excellent opinion piece. Bruni has captured plenty. "And if you can’t put anybody on a moral plane, you can’t put yourself on Air Force One." (applause)
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We forgot!
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Time to pay the bills for a bridge that will never be built, time to pay the bills for studies for a dam that never will be built, time to pay 500 million dollars to Trans Canada (what did we get for that again?), time to pay the bills for a fish plant, time to pay the bills for a clean coal plant, time to pay the bills for Mat Maid, time to pay the bills for a barley project, time to pay the bills for rail extension to a worthless port, time to pay the bills for a $110 million dollar sports facility for d-2 teams, time to pay the bills for the Taj Mahawker, time to pay the bills for $400 a night hotel rooms. Who benefits from 80% of the worthless projects, construction? I have an idea I will do s study on placing solar panel on your construction vehicles, let’s say for a quarter of a million dollars. It’s never going to happen and turn out to be worthless, ‘you want to ante up your money for worthless projects and studies?
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BWAHAHAHA Spicy is next
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Some of what you say is true, but the ACA was terrible legislation. The only question is whether Democrats are utterly incompetent or deliberately wrote it to fail. With or without GOP sabotage it was going to fail.
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Looks like president Trump is trying to organize a purge of the intelligence community, lead by a crony billionaire no less. Any review of the intelligence community needs to be conducted by an independent counsel not under control of the compromised Trump administration.
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Hoarders get ready!
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You miss the point. Having participated robustly in the propaganda effort preceding this budget, the G&M has every expectation that Minister Joly and the Trudeau cabinet will look most favourably on its request for a "cultural grant". Perhaps the Thomsons have also made a donation to the Trudeau Foundation.
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Speaking of Christianity, all the apocalyptic talk about nuclear war with North Korea may be another ploy to scare folks into line, in line at their local church, asking their pastor to absolve them; in line at their corporate workplace begging their employer not to lay them off; in line at the only vacant apartment in the city beseeching the landlord to rent them a roof over their heads; in line at the food bank; in line at the employment office begging for a second job. Do you really think Marx was wrong when he said religion is the opiate of the masses? What boomer in 1970 would have guessed religions would be so powerful in Canada in 2017?!
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Trump is not the issue here, Roy. Rice is. The Obama administration is. So tell me this, Roy. Aside from the Trump allegations, would you disapprove of Rice breaking federal law by spying upon the future Presidential candidate and their representatives utilizing the NSA to unmask those not under direct surveillance? And to answer your forthcoming retort, yes, I would encourage any penalties that may come forward unto any proven collusion as unto the Trump campaign that can be proven as unto any of their cooperation with any outside entity as to influence, of change the vote within any election. You may hope for anything you like, but until proof is given, all you have is hope, and honestly, Roy, what you hope for is not going to transpire, because it does not exist. Your side, Roy, did exactly what you accuse Trump of doing, as they always shall. Whence the end comes, it shall be Rice, Obama, and company that has done exactly what you and yours have accused others of....
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I didn't vote for Donald Trump & do not support Donald Trump. Nor did I imply that Obama's administration was ethically compromised, so I'm not really sure what Mr. Trump's manifest problems have to do with analyzing Mr. Obama. Although he did quickly violate his "no lobbyist" pledge. And you can ask Elizabeth Warren what she felt about some of the Obama Administration's appointments, especially to the Treasury. Seeing as how you brook no dissent on your view of Obama as beyond criticism in any facet, & generally view him as immune from fault, I'm not surprised you're so defensive about even the mildest of critiques of him. Or did you agree with his dismissal of Russia as a geopolitical threat? Perhaps "superficial" is something in the eye of the beholder, no?
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Courts in the US of A and other nations, have ruled that religious freedom is not an absolute exemption from any other applicable laws. For example the SDA church claimed in the Merikay (McLeod) Silver case that religious freedom exempted denominational employers from equal-opportunity employment laws. The church lost and now in the US it must compensate women in comparable positions equally with men.
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So, it seems that heavy-handed, costly federal programs to address these concerns aren't really needed ,since local entities can act to address the issue.
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The State and Cities do not pay social security and Medicare taxes on employees wages as private employeers are required to do. There is your 20%. Taxpayers elected the crooks in the State House who stole from and mismanaged PERA's funds. Break this contract and see the quality of employees you'll have in ten years.
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Don t hold your breath. Just shut up and pay your taxes. 1/4 of all school kids in America now come from families of illegals
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Clearly that is against international law, but it doesn't justify stealing.
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Any one upset over the Clinton foundation and not this is a hypocrite, any one who had a problem with President Obama taking action and it costing money is a hypocrite, any one paying attention to this president who coined the term lying Hillary and is okay with his stream of lies thus far is a hypocrite.
So sorry that you white men are so persecuted here in the USA. We better have a telethon for you. And some violin music to suit the pity party mood. Maybe the Orange Clown(R) can actually do something like crack some heads and make you smile?
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So as the economy turns around, there shouldn't be the same demand, right?
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No, you actually missed the point.
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So did you fight in Normandy? I highly doubt you did. And the vast majority of America alive today didn't fight there. And besides, the French as a collective didnt come up with this, just a single French citizen who has the rights to free speech. So take it easy with being triggered, you special snowflake.
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This is a very important issue, please G&M focus more on it.
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The study counted incarcerated people. Hard to get away from that.
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Can't you just hear them at the trough. $30K for a days work.
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Putin couldn't have planned it any better. Oh wait...
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Twice in the past week, using a well known taxi company in Calgary I have given my CC to the driver, only to be told he would prefer cash. I said "that is nice but here is my card'. Sure does not take the new immigrants long to figure out how to scam the system and abuse the social system which taxes pay for..
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You have the same rights as anyone else. The rest of society doesn't have to pander to your delusions. If you are a man you use the men's room. If you are a woman, you use the women's room. Playing dress up and mutilating your body doesn't change science. Sorry. Not sorry.
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I read the first sentence and thought he was starting to make sense. Read the the last and thought yep, that's Art
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How do you know he's worth "billions and billions"? He refused to release his tax returns. Where're the proof? You're pretty easy to fool.
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I guess you didn't exactly follow what I was saying. Media deal in facts. Trump does not. He doesn't even care what is and is not factual. It's a true disgrace to this nation. It will take a long time for the republic to recover from this disaster.
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I'm afraid that is not what the FBI concluded. Now it's Mr. Trump's turn.
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Why would they need thousands of bullets stored up and in a unsafe place too? It is just a park, are they for Bears? lol
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Here is a pesky fact, how come 9% of the elderly are considered poor? And if SS payments goes down, do you seriously think that that number will stay the same.
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so, where are the watchdogs and why don't they come down on this GOLD RUSH , crew near Fairplay ??? is there a PAY OFF to someone to keep them CLEAR OF investigation???
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Because the article *clearly* identifies the exact location of this incedent. It happened on Washington Street at the rail crossing right next to Washinton-Jefferson park. Everyone knows where both Washington Street and Washington-Jefferson park are.. who cares if it's technically in the whiteaker neighborhood? Its also technically "near downtown." From the article alone I know the exact spot this happened, right there on Washington and 3rd...the only point the rails intersect the park and street. Super easy to understand. Me thinks the subject matter of this article, and the tragedy it entails, was lost on you. All while you were nitpicking the formatting and editing details of the newspaper for no apparent reason.
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I am assuming you mean Thatcher not Clinton?
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Good point ! Marvelous point ! . The Birkenstock wearing, latte sipping activists who demonize tobacco use, gluten consumption and childhood inoculations in the name of holistic health are pushing (pun intended) legalization of smoking, vaping, and eating marijuana. . In their closeted existence there is not a contradiction between being against smoking in public and in favor of smoking marijuana everywhere, including in the presence of children. . Second hand contact high anyone?
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I don't often agree with columnist Martin, but he is right about the Diefenbaker and Harper governments fearing the "a liberalized bureaucracy, media and foreign service." And with a great deal of justification one might add. One only needs to look at the number of former senior civil servants who ended up in the Pearson and Trudeau I cabinets . Add the well known animosity of the elite Ottawa press corp toward Canadian conservatives, and Mr. Martin's point is well taken!
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massaging? You clearly do not understand soft skills. Soft skills are exceptional leadership skills that drives success and great teams. It's not about the guy fixing the car it's about motivating and collaborating so the guy can repair two cars in the same amount of time as another who cannot lead or motivate the team. As for your sexist comment, well......you clearly are so uninformed and have not taken any time to understand the definition and benefits of soft skills.
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No, that would be "merely" a Christian.... A Catholic is one who believes those things AND ascribes to the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Faith.
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Imposing serious disincentives for adhering to the "one person per vehicle" mentality on this island would solve a number of problems, from over-parked residential streets to rubbish bins to traffic jams. Until we do something about this absurd sense of entitlement, none of these situations will improve.
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Oooh 20 Trillion, so scary! How about all the DEAD PEOPLE from killing the Affordable Care Act, not scary, right? Not scary. Be thy brother's keeper. Love thy neighbor.
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Face it motleycrew, the US has its own Taliban, they're just white Christian "tribalists" as some have pointed out. They voted for a strongman who encourages and condones men grabbing women's genitalia against their consent, who brands designated"others" and instigates violence against them and who is personally corrupt just like the leadership of these other extremist groups who have the backing of certain disreputable governments. The US has its own crazy extremists it's just that instead of going to the mosque and being radicalized, they attend church on Sundays and live in places such as Clay, West Virginia or in the north woods of Idaho-- America's versions of Waziristan.
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"or a total loss of air brakes due to melting of the air lines." Your words not mine. Oh, Oh, what? I guess you picked the wrong website. I have not only driven (which you haven't) I have also worked on them.
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If they are police, they generally do.
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Changed your name again huh Frederick?
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He needs to have that huge stick removed from his behind.
Do you have any info on where to find that study? It seems to me that the 15 is mostly full most of the day. Therefore, if no significant addition of riders is expected to use the BRT, than the removal of personal vehicles will lead to a net reduction in the number of persons patronizing the businesses on Colfax. Disagree with premise that People on Transit generate business at a higher rate. Busses take you from point A to B are rarely used to make multi stops and purchase bc you can only take so much stuff on bus and then have 2 wait for next bus. Agree Pedestrians do. But most come from the local area and don't need bus to get to Colfax. And with all the parked cars I see daily, there seems to be lots of people in their automobiles doing business on Colfax. Unless they plan to remove many of those traffic lights, these changes won't make the 15 more efficient than a car. How about smaller van type busses for local routes and large busses running express routes on 14th and 16th?
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do you actually have anything to offer in facts? over and over just the same old BS - and you cant seem to get over the fact that you lost- because the people - yes, the people VOTED you OUT! There is plenty to stir up on past presidents/politicians - most of it RUMOR (which you just love to promote without facts.....cheap approach by the way) stick to known facts - and on most of your responses it would be nice to see ANY oh - by the way- this Nuclear Option was last used by the DEMS (look it up) like they are so perfect after stuffing Obamacare mess thru
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Actually, I think the folks of South Carolina will decide that.....but don't hold your breath. Aside from that, nice non-answer....just a smear from someone that thinks Trump is the virtue of all that is good.
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Make sure you plan to build your house in the path of the mat and then act surprised when it washes away.
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The "small, radical, fringe parties" is just scare tactics by Liberals pushing Ranked Ballots. (Check the democracy.ca questions.) You can set minimum thresholds - e.g. with a 5% threshold, it would be interesting if the Greens would actually make the cut in Canada. Other methods like regional super-ridings of maybe 10 MPs would produce a higher threshold, though some small parties with concentrated areas of support might get a few members.
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active: "Believers of JD Power may warn you with FCA's bottom ratings" Who cares?
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Average must be at least 65+ (Trump is 70) - more like a retiree club.
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"Army Sgt. Bergdahl pleading guilty to desertion, misbehavior" Looks like more "Fake News", after all Barack Hussein Obama released and traded 5 High Level Tali-ban Terrorist Leaders for Bergdahl and praised Bergdahl in a White House ceremony. Then National Security Adviser Susan Rice, said Bergdahl served the United States with "honor and distinction". Why would Obama and Rice praise a guy who has admitted to being a Traitor, a guy who cost the lives and injury of fellow soldiers who were tasked to look for him when he walked away from his post? Could it be that Barack Hussein Obama and the sycophants he surrounded himself with were and are actually that clueless.
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Thank you for courage in writing this article. It's important for us to (i) surface these intra-race and inter-race prejudices that are still festering & even growing, and (ii) have constructive debates *across races* about how we can improve race relations in South Africa. We can't keep complaining in our racial echo chambers and expect the racial discord in this country to end.
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The closer we get to the endgame, the crazier and more desperate the Trumpettes get.
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One of the best investments I made when the LPC took power was moving the bulk of my portfolio into USD's. Next move....gold.
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It can't change natural law. It would undercut its own ability to say anything. More words of yours aren't leading to clarity.
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What 's a guy. The Bromance is still hot especially after Mr. Biden 's visit recently, he 's already started relationship with Obama 's archival rival. BTW, he should advise Trump 's people to bring French translators if they meet up in Quebec since he only speaks French in that province and maybe in Ottawa too.
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I think if we put your purported " liberal loons" in a lineup with enthusiastic Trumpeters, the Trumpeters might well be seen as the loons - no offense meant to either avian species! By the way, you clearly can't want discourse when you start out attempting to belittle your fellow Alaskans who hold legitimate political poditions other than your own.
not toxic
That is a funny cartoon RTH... How can the feds possibly agree to this plan? The city doesn't know how it's going to pay for the project, and they don't know how much it's going to cost to complete the project or to maintain and operate the project. You can't make this stuff up. If this were a book nobody would believe the script. How could anyone in their right mind throw federal dollars at that?
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Saw an old guy the other day, going into the smut shop that used to be Adams' Taxidermy. An old guy! Leaving an old guy Buick in the parking lot! Thought to myself "you poor old bastard, still obsessed with that stuff". Once, up on Kelly Butte, my border collie was sniffing in the bushes. When I went to see what he was up to, I found a boxed penis enlarger, with just a bit of the cellophane wrapping pealed back. The picture on the box looked like a cross between part of a milking device and a bicycle pump. The self-loathing that must have been attached to that miserable box, with an $80 price also attached. I was going to take it home and show my bride the proof of my strange story, but feared I might have been killed in traffic and found with the miserable thing. I chucked it back into briar, and put Harry in the truck and bought him a hot dog from Jerry's, his very favorite kind of Saturday brunch. He was the finest of stock dogs, who found other prizes, too.
The average passenger on these flights doesn't know good weather from bad. They put they're trust and lives in these pilots hands and pay the price . Most crashes read the same---at the end of the day the pilot screwed up . I'm not saying that in this case , but in over 95 percent of Alaskan crashes that ends up being the cause . How about the recent case where planes are flying all over the peninsula looking for the plane only to find out the knucklehead pilot was clear on the other side of the inlet ? These pilots don't seem to care in the least about all those being forced to risk their lives searching for them or about the families left behind to wonder because they're plane was never found.
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I say we give our $2.85 per day PFD from last year to our state gov. Then when that golden goose is cooked, Then we give the state a new source of money state income tax, Then when that goose is cooked we give the state a new sales tax so they can spend even more. It will never end the gov. will always want for more of Your income becaue they let us live here.
not toxic
Or perhaps you could get a job? Idiot. And who are the people who gave him money? They also need to be sterilized.
Please take note that Ms. Goschen testified the CRTC has received $8.2+ million bucks, not a million. The million plus the Port provided was for last year alone. If they're not already aware, I hope Clallam County citizens become aware of the massive amount of dollars that have been spent on this one endeavor. I am NOT entirely against what the CRTC was supposed to be doing with discarded carbon fiber, but becoming a manufacturer of products was not one of them. CRTC was supposed to provide materials to support local small businesses, not be a fiefdom for the few elite at the top.
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Sometimes that happens to teenage criminals that get whacked on ecstasy, pull out a knife and attack anything near by.
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Coalitions and working together is a major problem. The State and Feds could not work together to expand the Hawaii Whale Sanctuary and protect more than just whales, the State does nothing to help the Feds protect our endangered Monk Seal, the Military continues to be "untouchable'' in these management schemes. All of this infighting between the Feds and State does nothing to encourage the public to support or participate, only to feed our desires to rid Hawaii of both illegal entities as a matter of our survival.
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No, I heard someone use that just a few days ago. The Bushes are still good to blame things on as far as Democrats go..
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There are acts, there is speech (which could incite acts), and there are thoughts. Being against Islamophobia is moving towards being against someone's THOUGHTS. That is moving too close to 1984's thoughtcrime for my comfort.
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1st why build a plant that produces power 17 MW is a joke there is plenty of power on the grid the transmission lines just needed to be increased in size between Anchorage and Fairbanks.
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The federal government has other sources of revenue besides our tax dollars, so everything that the feds choose to do is not necessarily funded by us. Speaking for Ontario, we are broke so it would be nice if the feds funded the continuation of the programmes, as they started the whole thing. Refugees are not a municipal problem, but become one, due to the fact that many can't find work, and therefore housing becomes an issue, as well as food. It shouldn't be too much to ask that if you are going to start a programme, it would be nice if you thought it through to the end and properly funded it. I guess no politician is lining up this year for a photo-op with Syrian refugees at the local food bank.
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