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He'll just transfer the new tax revenues to some hotel purchased to house bums. | 0 | not toxic |
Not at all. There are still some decent people left here. | 0 | not toxic |
Apostacy happens when someone says reject the faith or die. Like ancient Rome or modern ISIL. It is not dissent and it may not even be Protestantism, since these sects are still considered part of the Western Church. Nor is it having a position on the Filioque (sp?) that is at odds with that held by the Orthodox Church and the Archbishop of New Rome (a title that claims Petrine succession). So, quit throwing the word around unless you are willing to concede that by not being Orthodox, you are apostate by your own rules. And get better insults, Yours simply concede defeat. | 0 | not toxic |
No tears for these loan sharks! | 0 | not toxic |
You're right. The cult of Liberalism needs to stop. Public schools are extremely one-sided- probably explains why they have seriously declined in recent years. | 0 | not toxic |
Living breathing example of duplicity personified. | 0 | not toxic |
And way underprepared to hold office. | 0 | not toxic |
When you break federal law on purpose just like crossing the border illegally you have to be aware of the problems that could come. Just like when the local police bust a meth lab and seize the properties. This could go the same way. Who knows maybe the states would be on the hook for the dealers losses since the state enabled them to break the law. | 0 | not toxic |
It's worth noting that the postal service retains a digital photograph of the exterior of every piece of mail it handles. It's analogous to how the NSA retains email metadata. | 0 | not toxic |
"The many narratives in this story are all telling. One is the fact that Mexican officials are actively helping left-leaning politicians in California undermine the efforts of the Trump administration. For all the flack that Trump and his team have caught for supposedly colluding with Russia, itβs baffling to see Gov. Jerry Brown and state legislative leaders in California openly working with officials from another country to undermine the efforts of our President. The hypocrisy here is thick enough to cut with a knife."
Well of course the Dem party in Cali. is colluding w/ Mexico!
Here are the top nine nationalities in the Dreamer population:
Mexico β 618,342
El Salvador β 28,371
Guatemala β 19,792
Hounduras β 18,262
Peru β 9,066
Brazil β 7,361
South Korea β 7,250
Ecuador β 6,696
Colombia β 6,591 | 0 | not toxic |
Alaskans that've lost a loved one by being gunned down ought to start sending memorial wreaths to the Senate president and House speaker in memory of their loved one that's been killed. Let the wreaths start pilling up on their chamber desks. | 0 | not toxic |
None of this reveals serious thinking. It's an attempt to "be out front". Like beatnik avant garde-ism.
Sure someone need's this priest's ordained faculties, and not his hobby writing. | 0 | not toxic |
Walmart and McDonalds? | 0 | not toxic |
If I was talking up all your holdings, you would say;
"what a genius....post more often !!"
LOL | 0 | not toxic |
Nice work missing my point. | 0 | not toxic |
Puts a whole different spin on Trump musing about killing journalists. I'd never kill them, pause let's see, hand wave, hmm, hah, no never kill them.
And this
John Peter Zenger must be spinning in his grave in New York. | 0 | not toxic |
The 9th Circuit is definitely not the most overturned circuit. That's an easily verifiable fact:
Amazing how quickly you'll sell out the truth and the Constitution in service of bigotry. | 0 | not toxic |
Northwest passage ice free 2010. What ever you think of Ezra, I thought his book on the Oil Sands was brilliant and deep with reasoning. Personally I think, fake news speaking, that the greatest cause of global warming are wars and aircraft flight for the warriors and the middle and upper class spenders. Whatever the case, Holland is sinking like New Orleans. | 0 | not toxic |
Hi, RD/OD, LofL! | 0 | not toxic |
The Koch's are actually libertarian and are against the crony capitalism favored by Obama and the leftists. On fact, they are "classic liberals" as defined years ago before the word liberal was tainted by leftists. | 0 | not toxic |
This was a photo-op not a critical event. Sometimes events cause even the mightest Masters of the Universe to adjust their schedules! | 0 | not toxic |
Multiculturalism as the word denotes, means several cultures. When we speak of immigration we expect able bodied people from different regions of the world.
What we're getting now is mostly from one region of the earth that would not want to assimilate, therefore the word 'assimilate' is transformed by the media as an insult to the new arrivals, hence the culprits tend to confuse the readers with narratives of the success using the word 'multiculturalism', as from several cultures, not a particular one. | 0 | not toxic |
The Donald is like an anti-Robin Hood.
Taking from the poor and giving to the very rich.
Tens of millons of Americans will be back to being uninsured, thousands of Americans will die, but the primary policy of Donnie's Excited States of Murka will be watching out for "terrorists" hiding under the beds.
Poor deluded Murkans. | 0 | not toxic |
I find it nobody's business but his own. That is all. Simple and sweet. No ethics or praise involved. | 0 | not toxic |
Your view is not one of leadership. Leaders don't leave decisions to the courts, but take responsibility for history and clear the table for more important considerations than what one teenager did or did not do in the fog of war while under the influence of zealots. What was clear was a citizen had their rights removed by the government and reparations had to be made, not for the individual per se, but so that it doesn't happen again to Canadians in the future. Canada looks great on the world stage because it stands up for rights, not arbitrary imprisonment and punishment of individuals by weak or Machiavellian politicians seeking to satisfy ignorant populist uproar. | 0 | not toxic |
Ivo, like most free market fundamentalists, are terrible at math. They reject things like "free university" or "universal healthcare" claiming it would cost too much but never consider that these are investments and they must subtract the likely return on investment from the price - in both cases those things end up actually being not just free but profitable investments - paying university fees from taxes actually *reduces* everybody's tax burdens.
In a recent article Ivo declared that jobs in solar is proof it's a less efficient and more expensive technology than coal - while ignoring that these are all initial construction jobs. Ivo was comparing coal maintenance jobs to solar construction jobs. If you compare like with like - then the jobs to build a solar plant is far FEWER than to build a coal plant. And the jobs for maintenance on solar ? None. Solar panels have near-zero maintenance requirements. By his own metric it's far more efficient - if you do the math right. | 0 | not toxic |
Figures that Sullivan is all excited. That mean that Ohio can keep pumping out CO2 without restraint. | 0 | not toxic |
The subtext to this arrival is that Fox News isn't getting its daily talking points from the CFR and the CIA like many of the other "news outlets"... isn't that right Dan rather and Anderson cooper? | 0 | not toxic |
I guess we see and read things differently. | 0 | not toxic |
Glib, aren't we. | 0 | not toxic |
How many have you flagged this morning Alceste? | 0 | not toxic |
I've just become a staunch Minnesota Vikings/Kyle Sloter supporter due to what will become known as the biggest mindless,egotistical blunder in NFL history. Sloter showed more hopeful and exciting promise and talent in just 1 training camp and 4 preseason games than both of the 6'-7" stiffs Johnny boy spent premium draft choices on have shown in 4 years put together. With the outstanding young roster the Vikings have assembled they just well may have aquired the crowning piece to what may resemble the New England Patriots of the next decade. Maybe Elway can use his bum twin towers to start a beach volleyball team. But they'll stink that up to hell too. | 1 | toxic |
In this International Hockey Match between Montreal of Canada & the NewYork Rangers of the USA in a Transnational Hockey League, thus far called the NHL, the whole World also watching Manchester United of England play Anderlecht of Belgium, in a European playoff, refereed by neither an Englishman or a Belgian are astonished not to see a Swede or a Russian refereeing the Hockey Match! | 0 | not toxic |
Real rich man can afford trading a 2 or 3 year old vehicle, certainly not an imaginary rich man. | 0 | not toxic |
Only a Crisis for Liberal Idiots.... | 1 | toxic |
Well I'm completely shocked!.... This was not the description I was expecting.... | 0 | not toxic |
What's your big solution for people (women - let's be frank here, you're only attacking women) who can't afford BC who have had no health insurance and no access to abortion (thanks Republicans!) and who now have kids? I mean, the kids are here now. Republicans want more and more of them and are willing to withhold health care from women to make sure that more kids hit the ground. Soooo once they're on the ground and in need of basic care, then what, Donna Tourney?
Please, oh please do not drag out the "birth control is freeeee" argument, because that is patently, blatantly, ridiculously false and utterly untrue as well. | 0 | not toxic |
He is a delusional psychopath. Neohitler. | 1 | toxic |
Buccaneer did the same, took $60 Million in credits, screwed over locals, drilled dry hole, declared bankruptcy.
All thanks to our legislature who cuts schools and public safety to solve the self created "budget crisis" but insists we must honor this debt.
I have the feeling that the Senate Majority is friends with these scammers which is why they insist on paying out these credits and don't bother auditing their expenses or expecting production. | 0 | not toxic |
Haven't you noticed, with Liberal under government we are no longer in a democracy. And its only going to get worse. | 0 | not toxic |
You have to keep the field deployments going or the info you use for modeling isn't best. The all work together. NCAR does have some of the best people in all fields and needs money to keep up to date. | 0 | not toxic |
As the NCR crowd needs to be reminded sadly from time to time...our hope is Jesus Christ, not Obama, Hillary or Trump, or fRANCIS. | 0 | not toxic |
And your name is? I find it interesting that so many people hide behind pseudonyms? Why? | 0 | not toxic |
At least one purported version is already on the web for the looking. | 0 | not toxic |
AlwaysThere, I believe God is our creator, God is King, God is superior to his creations because he created everything.. I do not understand your statement, "God he would not be much of a superior being (God)?
FYI, I am 100% against ABORTION. The women that get ABORTIONS are making the worst decision possible. They are making these decisions under the Devils influence and because of being born into sin...... | 0 | not toxic |
Yes, this atrocity wasn't done with revolvers and bolt-action rifles. It was done with weaponry only appropriate to the military and law-enforcement agencies. | 0 | not toxic |
I would recommend reading the full quotes without the additional explanation. Both of those lines were taken out of context for years. In the case of Pelosi's, it was directed to a group of people, saying that the law had to be passed and examined outside of the heated political rhetoric. It still stands. As for Clinton's line, hers was specifically around making sure it doesn't happen again, not examining motives, again, context matters. Unfortunately, you are still trying to parse those sentences to make them bad. | 0 | not toxic |
Doubt it...with Comey's testimony right around the corner, I suspect we'll be right back to it tomorrow. Particularly given the slew of just-published articles based on anonymous sources, people familiar with the way other people think and...my new favorite..."officials familiar with the account someone gave to associates". | 0 | not toxic |
Pffft...does urban criminals give the rest of Anchorage a bad name? perhaps the walrus were already dead, besides, since when do Alaska Natives follow your subsistence laws. | 0 | not toxic |
Have never had an annual deductible with any dental insurance. | 0 | not toxic |
For many of us "corn pone" Alaskans, the pursuit of a simple, good life is what drives us. For me to get stuck in the big city of Anguish for more than a few days is something to be avoided. Gimme a wood stove, reduced services -but more dependence on my own efforts, rather than more gubmut "help" along with its restrictions & interferences. Yeah, I've always worked to support my habits such as fishing, hunting & having free time.
Some people can't ever seem to get snuff $, so invest their already ample surplus in the stock markets, borrow $ to expand, etc. They they whine when their investments crash. They depend on having employees, govt. subsidies, dealing with others to meet their goals. They've missed my target of an independent, self-reliant life.
So, I'm all for "hunkering down", living within my modest means. Depopulating Alaska seems a good thing to me. Fewer people with all their problems to deal with, more time to figure what the fish might bite on today. | 0 | not toxic |
Heh. Ain't it hilarious how Obobo just steps right in it? Every.Bloody.Time. | 0 | not toxic |
Sen. Dan Sullivan as Alaska's former DNR Commissioner, increased rentals on oil and gas leases by 1,000% to over 8,000% and increased the Minimum Bid requirement by 150% to price Alaskans and smaller oil & gas competitors out business when oil prices crashed and over 90% of the leases without any bids!
The current Administration is slow to fix Sullivan's efforts to give the majors a monopoly and price Alaskans and smaller competitors out of business!
With leaders like Sullivan Alaska will suffer greatly in my opinion! Maybe Alaska will one day change the rigged system so Alaskans can drill and find oil and profit, since statehood the people of Alaska keep getting sold out maybe it will improve this year!
Why not ask your elected leaders for new oil & gas laws that will allow Alaskans to compete with the majors and stop the Big Oil Monopoly that is killing the state economy and Alaska's future!
Give Alaska back to the Alaskans so they can drill and sell oil for a profit, right? | 0 | not toxic |
There can be no reasonable doubt that the photographs of the absolute destruction of many Syrian neighborhoods are real, nor that the accounts of civilian bombing and gassing, identical among victims but for details like location and type of bomb, are real. Of course rebels kill, in a nation where every military and paramilitary force kills. You would like the rebels to go home, unlike the four million civilian Syrian refugees who can't go home, or the additional half million Syrian dead; but the rebels won't go home, and a great many of the refugees, if they return, will be murdered by el Assad, as is happening now. Arrest, imprisonment, death.
You seem to have an affinity with murderous dictators like el Assad and Putin. Both are monsters. | 1 | toxic |
Thanks Alaska | 0 | not toxic |
The OSFI rule changes to tighten mortgage lending should have occurred when the Bank of Canada lowered interest rates to goose an anemic economy. That would have prevented all that loose money from flowing straight into real estate and creating the current housing price bubble. They are closing the barn door after the horses have bolted. Sheesh! | 0 | not toxic |
"If people only knew what it means to be an assault survivor"
If people only knew what it means to be a survivor of wrongful public accusations rape.
Two sides to the coin. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes! more mainland developers! culturally and blissfully unaware - "444" phonetically is similar to 'death-death-death' in chinese... | 0 | not toxic |
Who cares.. | 0 | not toxic |
They have a hundred million rat holed. The taxpayer has money that the school district has yet to spend or rathole. The majority of assembly members are sponsored into office by the teachers union. So what ever budget increases the union sponsored school board wants will be voted right on in. The union controls over priced underperforming education in this city and state. It's for the children. | 0 | not toxic |
That's kinda my take, unless I feel threatened I'm not going to waste someone over a piece of electronic gear or whatever. The cleanup of the mess and the "notoriety" + legal hassle of dealing with a shooting just isn't worth it for me. I just want them out of my house, and will let the cops handle it. | 0 | not toxic |
Regarding public funding for the media:
The Globe & Mail is owned by Woodbridge, the holding company of the multi-billionaire Thomson family.
Postmedia is predominantly owned by Greentree Capital, a huge investment house in New York City.
Quebecor is owned by the Peladeau family, whose stock there alone is worth nearly $1B.
CTV is owned by BCE which has annual profits of over $2B, and whose four largest owners are Canadian banks.
Torstar is has an ownership structure more devious than anything even Conrad Black thought up, but it is ultimately controlled by a group of rich Toronto families.
Global TV is owned by Corus which is majority owned by Alberta billionaire JR Shaw, a major rent-taker from the original CRTC cable TV landrush.
These are rich sophisticated interests. If they are finding their investments in Canadian media are not working for them, then their recourse is to sell them for value in the capital markets, NOT to suck the blood of everyday Canadians. | 0 | not toxic |
Of course! It befuddles me how anyone in their "right" mind could see it any differently. Is the world a safer place? Is there more social ease? Is there less divisiveness? do you trust the president's pronouncements or do you see contradictions when he talks? Have you seen him lie? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions and still think that he is an effective president then you have drunk the Kool-Aid and you have become the Kool-Aid. I used to be a fan of The Apprentice. It was kind of cool to see Trump in action. And as I watched it became clear that he really does not understand human nature. His meanness became increasingly apparent. He's doing the same exact thing in the White House and the world and the nation are increasingly at risk for war. My opinion is based on observation. | 0 | not toxic |
You sound a little panicky. Suggest some deep breaths into a brown paper bag. Or perhaps you're a plastic guy, which will be fine too. | 0 | not toxic |
Would have been handy if the Globe & Mail had included the YouTube link or file number in their story. I can't find it. | 0 | not toxic |
A statewide income tax is the Democrat's holy grail. In the morning, when they rise, they bow toward the state of Oregon and repeat their mantra - "Oh help us see the way, great state of Oregon, for you are the father and the son and the holy ghost, without you we have no hope, but with your guidance we, too, might have an income tax, in your name and honor, Amen". And it's never going to happen...and the politicians only have themselves to blame... | 0 | not toxic |
You are absolutely correct, PetrusRomanus2. The bishops' conferences SHOULD have enabled the bishops of a nation to earnestly keep their fingers on the pulse of the people of their nation. Then, at their conferences, they should have discussed the needs, concerns, misunderstandings, of the people, with the intent to serve and care for their people. THIS should have been encouraged by the Vatican, but it was not.
Today, with the issues of AL---the voice of the people needs to be heard especially. THEY and THEY alone live the married life. Although the documents of Vatican II and the 1983 Code of Canon Law refers to the need to consult the people ['the sense of the faithful], there is no structure for reading the 'public opinion" of the Church---the People of God. What does it mean to speak of a 'sensus fidelium' if no one can ever find out what it is? | 0 | not toxic |
I agree they should investigate Russian meddling. | 0 | not toxic |
Well, I can see humanity was just cruising along towards oblivion and a horrible violent death until you came along with your opinion. Thank god, after hundreds of years of nobody intelligent enough to figure out how things would be, we have been blessed with your insight. | 0 | not toxic |
Does Mantashe not realise how ridiculous he sounds when the main thrust of his message is 'ANC before South Africa?' That any decision to recall Zuma is being deferred because of the supposed vulnerability of the party? Is this an organisation that Joe Public should be voting for in the next elections? | 1 | toxic |
How many times is the RG going to run the same story under a different headline?
This story might hold the record... | 0 | not toxic |
please elaborate on this simple math for the simple souls! Thanks | 0 | not toxic |
What does that mean"helping"? Are you paying their expenses? Renting them an apartment? | 0 | not toxic |
I lived six months per year in a community in DR for 10 years that was 20% haitian . The average DR citizen is very poor...they often cannot afford to send their children to school as they cannot afford to buy the required school outfits or the books. The haitians are much poorer with even less education. The haitians do however have pride...they were incensed with Canada and US relief $ when the earthquake went through as they saw it as an affront to their culture. The haitian kids I talked to were deemed as being. illegal immigrants. Their parents did not want them as there were too many mouths to feed, DR did not want them as they did not meet DR immigration rules...you need to have sufficient net worth to ensure the DR gov that you will not require social assistance. | 0 | not toxic |
it shocks me that the CPC can say this with a straight face, they go onto a TV stations which is KNOWN to be watched by Trump, bad omouth the PM and the country, anbd have the NERVE to complain about a complimentry article in a magazine Trump likely doesn't read? | 0 | not toxic |
Maybe it is too much for the chief commissioner. Perhaps though she seemed to have the proper qualifications she is in over her head.
Whatever, Carolyn Bennett had better keep her eye on it and keep it on track or maybe restart because it seems headed for the ditch.
This is too important to be permitted to drift., | 0 | not toxic |
"So why the push for it by the GOP? To tilt the playing field in their favor."
So then you're acknowledging that it's mostly D's that commit voter ID fraud, apparently. If eliminating voter ID fraud means it's helping the GOP, that's the only conclusion that can be drawn.
The fact that you find the prevention of voter ID fraud "loathsome" is quite shocking. | 0 | not toxic |
it was an AK-47 | 0 | not toxic |
"...marches are scheduled to begin later in the afternoon."
Zzzzzzzzzzz | 0 | not toxic |
Don't worry, given their track record, I'm sure the commission will pick someone equally as good as Chief Kealoha. | 0 | not toxic |
Why does he have money in an RRSP? He should have lots of TFSA room, and use that. Especially if he is looking to buy a home, and maybe saving money for further education, he should avoid anything that locks his money away (RRSP home ownership and education loans are tax traps).
He may also have to decide what is a priority - buying a home or getting an MBA. It will be difficult to do both. | 0 | not toxic |
That the "leader of the free world", number one economy, "freest nation" should even have a Prison Industrial Complex is an indictment on our pathetic leadership and overall declining societal fiber. | 1 | toxic |
So Papadumboulos was "guilty" of lying to the FBI --- about things that were in themselves not criminal. It's a bizarro world we live in. | 0 | not toxic |
domestikgoddez : Huh? Please explain.
The mantra of Globalism is for the USA to sublimate it's needs for the 'good' of the World.
The Globalists (and there's those in both parties) call this "America First" proclamation as
a dangerous rise in "Nationalism"- accompanied with visions of Nazi saluting 'goose steppers".
The Mass Media has mentioned (but mostly side-steps) the positive impact that Trump's ascendancy will have on the EU and the corresponding nationalistic movements there. | 0 | not toxic |
La, la, la - all racists - no need to pay attention. | 0 | not toxic |
58 senators have placed their confidence in dr carson's abilities to bring positive changes to h.u.d.
previous cabinet appointments (janet reno, loretta lynch, hilary clinton) have set the bar so far underground dr carson will have no problem outperforming them. | 0 | not toxic |
Goldberg? Is that you? Clearly, some liberal has stolen your password. | 0 | not toxic |
Now American Democrats will denounce Trump of violating their Constitutional rights to vacation in North Korea. Alec Baldwin will claim Trump is worse than Hitler. Madonna will weep on ET Tonight that Trump is preventing her fans in NK from seeing her in concert. | 0 | not toxic |
There is an incident command protocol. The Fire Chief is administrative, his presence would be all show. Fire 3 should have been there, assumed command and taken over Fire operations. | 0 | not toxic |
Mr. Kenney has his work cut out for him. Unity will be his biggest headache. For someone who learned everything he knows from Mr. Harper, unity could also be his downfall. | 0 | not toxic |
Not good at all. | 0 | not toxic |
Have the cities won any of those lawsuits or were their bans unconstitutional? Just wondering :) | 0 | not toxic |
I'd give you their URL but I don't doubt you already have it bookmarked. | 0 | not toxic |
The real kicker is that when you purchase a vehicle, the GST (HST) is calculated on the original price, NOT the sale price. So employees could actually pay MORE than a customer for a new vehicle when you factor in income tax on the discount. CRAZY | 0 | not toxic |
Dude! They murder people in Russia who speaks out against Putin. They attack neighboring countries for their own personal gain. For you to compare the United States to that murderous regime is astounding. | 1 | toxic |
under current law, there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR MURDER! many persons alive then may not be today - but current practices of deep forensic investigation might shed new light and may incriminate those who may still be alive! YES! given the age of many political leaders today, many just might be directly affected! DEEP STATE? - VERY DEEP, INDEED! let's see how deep we can really go! to sociopathologists , this one event alone may be the single most important HISTORICAL event which may be the reason why we are the way we are today! LET THE CULPABILITY FALL WHERE IT MAY! the important details of this tragedy were hidden from view, swept "under the rug" for too long, TOO EASILY - and TOO QUICKLY - BY THE DEEP STATE AT THE TIME! those of us who vividly remember the event (us oldsters) know how "things" began to negatively change in our American society, and to our LIBERTIES! ATTACKS ON THE 2ND AMENDMENT? the advent of ANTIFA? LET THERE BE HEAT AND LIGHT! | 0 | not toxic |
Both you and Kim imply that her health insurance is free, it is not. Her parents are paying for it. Therefore, your unintended consequences comment is without merit. | 0 | not toxic |
LIAR, liar, pants on fire. They had better have someone with a fire extinguisher following this Pinocchio around before his wooden head and greasy hair catch fire too. | 1 | toxic |
BLM doesn't want equal treatment. They want to be above the law. They want to kill white cops and they want to loot towns and get free stuff. Doesn't sound that different. They are both hate groups. They can say they aren't, but their actions speak otherwise. | 0 | not toxic |
There's no "maybe" about it. One of OSHA's rules says employers will provide a safe and healthful workplace. Every employer IS responsible for the safety of their employees. It's OSHA's job to fine them if they don't comply with the rules. | 0 | not toxic |
Subsets and Splits