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invincible is a wonderful movie . | 1 |
a gentle and engrossing character study . | 1 |
stands as one of the year 's most intriguing movie experiences , letting its imagery speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be . | 1 |
like dickens with his passages , mcgrath crafts quite moving scenes throughout his resolutely dramatic variation on the novel . | 1 |
if the real-life story is genuinely inspirational , the movie stirs us as well . | 1 |
in addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , changing lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and insight . | 1 |
wiseman reveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their pity and terror . | 1 |
the additional storyline is interesting and entertaining , but it does n't have the same magical quality as the beginning of the story . i like the new footage and still love the old stuff . | 1 |
( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the heart , the mind . | 1 |
holm . . . embodies the character with an effortlessly regal charisma . | 1 |
the best animated feature to hit theaters since beauty and the beast 11 years ago . | 1 |
narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something special . | 1 |
is truth stranger than fiction ? in [ screenwriter ] charlie kaufman 's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . | 1 |
it 's usually a bad sign when directors abandon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but olympia , wash . , based filmmakers anne de marcken and marilyn freeman did just that and it 's what makes their project so interesting . | 1 |
it remains to be seen whether statham can move beyond the crime-land action genre , but then again , who says he has to ? | 1 |
a stirring , funny and finally transporting re-imagining of beauty and the beast and 1930s horror films | 1 |
the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that make the most of the large-screen format , before swooping down on a string of exotic locales , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festival of rhythm . | 1 |
effectively feeds our senses with the chilling sights and sounds from within the camp to create a completely numbing experience . | 1 |
it 's funny , as the old saying goes , because it 's true . | 1 |
another in-your-face wallow in the lower depths made by people who have never sung those blues . | 0 |
it confirms fincher 's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the service of psychological insight . | 1 |
very well written and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its audience . | 1 |
taylor appears to have blown his entire budget on soundtrack rights and had nothing left over for jokes . | 0 |
'blue crush ' swims away with the sleeper movie of the summer award . | 1 |
so beautifully acted and directed , it 's clear that washington most certainly has a new career ahead of him if he so chooses . | 1 |
rymer does n't trust laughs -- and does n't conjure proper respect for followers of the whole dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects . | 0 |
even the imaginative gore ca n't hide the musty scent of todd farmer 's screenplay , which is a simple retread of the 1979 alien , with a plucky heroine battling a monster loose in a spaceship . | 0 |
this one is strictly a lightweight escapist film . | 1 |
combines sharp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to create a film that 's not merely about kicking undead * * * , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . | 1 |
a movie like the guys is why film criticism can be considered work . | 0 |
when the fire burns out , we 've only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and that 's where the film ultimately fails . | 0 |
an affable but undernourished romantic comedy that fails to match the freshness of the actress-producer and writer 's previous collaboration , miss congeniality . | 0 |
legendary irish writer brendan behan 's memoir , borstal boy , has been given a loving screen transferral . | 1 |
full of bland hotels , highways , parking lots , with some glimpses of nature and family warmth , time out is a discreet moan of despair about entrapment in the maze of modern life . | 1 |
it winds up moving in many directions as it searches ( vainly , i think ) for something fresh to say . | 0 |
brown 's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a movie . | 0 |
has all the values of a straight-to-video movie , but because it has a bigger-name cast , it gets a full theatrical release . | 0 |
seems content to dog-paddle in the mediocre end of the pool , and it 's a sad , sick sight . | 0 |
do n't plan on the perfect ending , but sweet home alabama hits the mark with critics who escaped from a small town life . | 1 |
a refreshingly authentic coming-of-age tale . | 1 |
directed without the expected flair or imagination by hong kong master john woo , windtalkers airs just about every cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . | 0 |
flat , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams . | 0 |
places a slightly believable love triangle in a difficult-to-swallow setting , and then disappointingly moves the story into the realm of an improbable thriller . | 0 |
. . . creates a visceral sense of its characters ' lives and conflicted emotions that carries it far above . . . what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel-style anthology . | 1 |
light years/ several warp speeds/ levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitiful insurrection . which is n't to say that it 's the equal of some of its predecessors . | 1 |
my thoughts were focused on the characters . that is a compliment to kuras and miller . if i had been thinking about the visual medium , they would have been doing something wrong . | 1 |
those of you who are not an eighth grade girl will most likely doze off during this one . | 0 |
the plan to make enough into M-^Qan inspiring tale of survival wrapped in the heart-pounding suspense of a stylish psychological thriller ' has flopped as surely as a soufflM-i gone wrong . | 0 |
though the violence is far less sadistic than usual , the film is typical miike : fast , furious and full of off-the-cuff imaginative flourishes . | 1 |
it 's a beautiful film , full of elaborate and twisted characters - and it 's also pretty funny . | 1 |
ramsay , as in ratcatcher , remains a filmmaker with an acid viewpoint and a real gift for teasing chilly poetry out of lives and settings that might otherwise seem drab and sordid . | 1 |
there 's a reason the studio did n't offer an advance screening . `` the adventures of pluto nash `` is a big time stinker . | 0 |
a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hades . | 1 |
a dreary indulgence . | 0 |
the story and structure are well-honed . fresnadillo 's dark and jolting images have a way of plying into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week ago that wo n't go away . | 1 |
boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome . | 0 |
if you 're in the mood for a bollywood film , here 's one for you . | 1 |
an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid one . | 1 |
lisa rinzler 's cinematography may be lovely , but love liza 's tale itself virtually collapses into an inhalant blackout , maintaining consciousness just long enough to achieve callow pretension . | 0 |
manages to be wholesome and subversive at the same time . | 1 |
generally , clockstoppers will fulfill your wildest fantasies about being a different kind of time traveler , while happily killing 94 minutes . | 1 |
it is most remarkable not because of its epic scope , but because of the startling intimacy it achieves despite that breadth . | 1 |
the film has an infectious enthusiasm and we 're touched by the film 's conviction that all life centered on that place , that time and that sport . | 1 |
your appreciation of it will depend on what experiences you bring to it and what associations you choose to make . | 0 |
the pianist is the film roman polanski may have been born to make . | 1 |
a big , loud , bang-the-drum bore . | 0 |
not sweet enough to liven up its predictable story and will leave even fans of hip-hop sorely disappointed . | 0 |
. . . with the gifted pearce on hand to keep things on semi-stable ground dramatically , this retooled machine is ultimately effective enough at achieving the modest , crowd-pleasing goals it sets for itself . | 1 |
robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . | 0 |
when a movie asks you to feel sorry for mick jagger 's sex life , it already has one strike against it . | 0 |
the film has a few cute ideas and several modest chuckles but it is n't exactly kiddie-friendly alas , santa is more ho-hum than ho-ho-ho and the snowman ( who never gets to play that flute ) has all the charm of a meltdown . | 0 |
little more than a frothy vanity project . | 0 |
stay away . far away . | 0 |
eight crazy nights is a showcase for sandler 's many talents . | 1 |
it will grip even viewers who are n't interested in rap , as it cuts to the heart of american society in an unnerving way . | 1 |
sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authentic christmas spirit , yet it 's geared toward an audience full of masters of both . | 0 |
thirty years ago , it would have been groundbreaking . now it 's just tired . | 0 |
they should have called it gutterball . | 0 |
began life as a computer game , then morphed into a movie -- a bad one , of course . | 0 |
even die-hard fans of japanese animation . . . will find this one a challenge . | 0 |
the reason i found myself finally unmoved by this film , which is immaculately produced and has serious things to say , is that it comes across rather too plainly as allegory . | 0 |
a one-trick pony whose few t & a bits still ca n't save itself from being unoriginal , unfunny and unrecommendable . | 0 |
feel bad for king , who 's honestly trying , and schwartzman , who 's shot himself in the foot . | 0 |
even when it drags , we are forced to reflect that its visual imagination is breathtaking | 1 |
vividly conveys both the pitfalls and the pleasures of over-the-top love . | 1 |
reign of fire never comes close to recovering from its demented premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable level of ridiculousness . | 0 |
teen movies have really hit the skids . | 0 |
a meatballs for the bare-midriff generation . | 0 |
koury frighteningly and honestly exposes one teenager 's uncomfortable class resentment and , in turn , his self-inflicted retaliation . | 1 |
not counting a few gross-out comedies i 've been trying to forget , this is the first film in a long time that made me want to bolt the theater in the first 10 minutes . | 0 |
the setting turns out to be more interesting than any of the character dramas , which never reach satisfying conclusions . | 0 |
laced with liberal doses of dark humor , gorgeous exterior photography , and a stable-full of solid performances , no such thing is a fascinating little tale . | 1 |
feels like the work of an artist who is simply tired -- of fighting the same fights , of putting the weight of the world on his shoulders , of playing with narrative form . | 0 |
just too silly and sophomoric to ensnare its target audience . | 0 |
it has its moments of swaggering camaraderie , but more often just feels generic , derivative and done to death . | 0 |
it 's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . | 0 |
this is not a retread of `` dead poets ' society . `` | 1 |
the film is a travesty of the genre and even as spoof takes itself too seriously . | 0 |
somehow both wildly implausible and strangely conventional . | 0 |
writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller 's social mores and politics to tiresome jargon . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits