1 value
When art meets art! This is incredibly creative. Both of it!
Guys, chill. The guys who did this video were just chilling, dropping acid, and messing around with Justin's footage in Photoshop. No big deal.
@NSTheWiseOne my favorite quote of all time: "Who needs drugs when music can make you feel on top of the world?"
yes this song is like a drug that brings peace to the mind!
I know I may be new to the whole Boniver/Justin Vernon crowd, but GOD DAMN this band is pure!! I could never hate a song produced by them with the passion that they bring to my ears.
Do you think Justin Vernon is a Green Bay Packer fan?? I sure hope so
@NSTheWiseOne LOL i go the other way around.
@Anthony080895 when did he say that, legend
@JhomeFB me too
I think... I think I just saw God...
song about Heath Ledger................. nice
Thank you Justin Vernon. It's about time someone said "shut up you fucking hipsters. For the hundredth time, this IS NOT INDIE MUSIC. Clearly, its for stoners"
i'm floating up .....and away
This is simply... amazing.
@HewowThere still alive for you, love.
All of the videos that he made for this album are pieces of art! Literally giving me chills at the library right now. Definitely watching them all instead of writing this paper.
This music makes me know my life is real.
Wow, a little piece of our world through a kaleidoscope. Simple yet beautiful. Best viewed on a full screen in my opinion.
The sky is perfect! Agrioce symphony ... This comes from there!
why can't I favourite this like a 1000 times?it's way too beautiful
I just felt full a full body tingling sensation from the intro to this. amazing.
Did anyone else feel that?
please check out my music <3
@mlgreen1993 haha I like that
just became a fan
I cannot watch this video. I almost barfed on myself watching this...motion sickness is a dick.
@DavidCHS17 You forgot the last one: Insert generic list of generic YouTube comments.
Song gives me chills almost every time. Great video accompaniment.
"Cinematography by Justin Vernon" Damn, he's a true artist!
2:31 onwards, oh my god. Every single time it kicks in I get goosebumps and my heart beats faster. It is actually so incredible. And to have the video and the visual effects at the same time, makes it even more amazing.
Justin Vernon finally tried psychedelics.
i am "warner bro's" to bad your such an idiot,i talent search a lot of people your not it, a screw up with me can be eternal
This is kinda trippy. xD
Does this remind anyone else of Koyaanisqatsi?
3:21 - 3:40 Heavenly!
Sounds like he's been listening to Do Make Say Think. Fuck I want a new DMST album.
@Poptartdrummer you clearly have never listened to music high
this song makes me dream alot more....i love it.
Try and like this comment while holding CTRL. See?
dude like watch this video on shroooooms, its like trippy as fuuuucck bro
Damn. Every time I hear that opening guitar riff, I die a little inside. Six strings so full of pain. I love it.
@DavidCHS17 Insert comment makeing refference to your comment.
@littlemisssweeti374 Theres no nuetral button.
@DavidCHS17 You forgot to add the occasional meme
Seeing this live was one of the best things ever!
Wtf is this
@ilive4gir , well it looks like the first sentence of my response to you may have hurt your feelings and for that, I'm sorry. However, I'm sure that Jesus would disapprove of your dislike for a fellow human being and he would agree with me that the world would be a better place if everyone listened to Bon Iver's beautiful music. Think about it.
@DavidCHS17 Thank you, whatever happened to just listening and stop arguing over the most stupidest things.
I played this song, by chance, as I wrapped up a 2-hour bubble bath... I think i just had a YouTube-induced orgasm Go on, try it for yourself
@Zamodchao so what's special in your opinion?
Dunno if anyones ever heard of the band Tame Impala, theyre actually from perth and sort of similar to this. except theyre actually good lol
@Zamodchao Go to hell.
Worth the time thanks for sharing this one Denner
@ilive4gir , do you realize how foolish you sound? As if Justin Vernon should only perform in your living room for you and and your small group of friends? Mozart broke out and his rep. is still in good shape.
This man is my God.
I thought he couldn't top Skinny Love... I was so wrong.
Mother Creator is a better artist then me.
HATERS: look at the dislike bar. now look at your penis. not much of a difference.
god what a sound, I hope he wins all the grammys he's nominated for
Just... yes.
Amazing! Gave me chills with a topping of nostalgic bliss whipped ontop.
such a fantastic fucking song. It gets so epic at the end. the double bass reminds me of heavy metal from the 1600's haha
I seriously fucking love this song... Great video too!
Mother Creator is looking for a great day with you
@pinkfloydspink shut up. no one is going to give you the attention you are so desperately seeking just because you say your something you aren't
his best track
Anybody else see Satan like 578 times during that?
Whats with the dislikes?:S :/
Artists lol
Mother Creator Loves you!
I've never heard of Bon Iver until now and now I would like to hear and see more of his music.
I think these are some genius videos and music!
@Shaytarder I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! ITS AS IF THEIR JUST NEVER CONTENT WITH AN ARTIST WHOS TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING! instead they only consider their selfish needs and forget of what the artist is mainly trying to accomplish
I wish they wouldn't shove this horseshit down our throats here at YouTube
tripping out music video..this sucks
@CitricSyntax And a skull/snake starting at 1:09
Where's 1080p? :l
Is this supposed to be Perth as in Australia in the aerial shots?
why did i feel like i watched a NASA documentary lol
I've never been too overly excited about this music but still happy it's out there. Lovely but a bit dull.
@Shaytarder I'm glad for Bon Iver. I love seeing my favorite indie bands go big. I don't see them leaving me, I see them encouraging me to follow them.
This album is insanely gorgeous. He really did a good job transferring that aural beauty into these 10 magnificent videos. Absolutely stunning.
It's like the visual art on windows media player is spazzing out uncontrollably at the fact that Bon Iver is being played...I would too.
to be honest idk y im commenting if i didnt play the video but according to the comments its supposed to be something about pot. im not watching the video btw. too lazy to open eyes zzzzz....
Listening to Bon Iver is like watching paint dry on a beautiful house. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing but I like the albums
This is the best song on the album of the year.
Reminds me a little of Sunny Day Real Estate
This sounds like Cocteau Twins rip off
someone please tell me what message he trying to tell with the deluxe videos
this video is a mindfuck.
A bit touchy sir, goodness
@taylorisabeast17 There is no hell. Your god is a fantasy made up by men afraid of death and unable to deal with the insignificance of humanity. Deal with it.
Definitely one of their best.
@jwpickett28 Nope. I'll back him up on this one. [8]
@deborahoconnor8 I feel worse about Nickleback being the first suggestion and then seeing that the video has 37 million views....I'm hoping those 37 million views were from people clicking on the video just to thumb it down.
as hot as this guy is im hotter
Where are the F-16 heroes? Or did some bird just poop u with his dropping & as u blotted thru the sky, u got a glimpse of commotion & confusion?
when did Bon Iver become frontpage on youtube? Not it isn't worthy, but dang...it's like watching your best friend start a global company.